There’s a part where they land on one of the three desert planets in this movie, walk around a rock, and are surprised to see a huge festival going on (the shot is in one of the trailers). It’s like, how did you miss that when you flew in and landed the Falcon about 100 feet away?
Also hyperdrive has gone from something that ain’t like dusting crops, boy, to Poe randomly flipping a switch in the Falcon repeatedly while inside buildings and coming out in a forest or bearing down on a giant space monster.
Bearing in mind that we established lightspeed ramming in the last one (something else that’s referred to in dialogue and shot down as a stupid idea for the TLJ fans), they literally lightspeed the Falcon through a wall to escape in this one.
The more I think about it the more I stand by the bad video game comparison. It’s extremely stupid.