Author Topic: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!  (Read 568178 times)

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4440 on: December 20, 2019, 07:24:46 PM »
Bold of you to dismiss the gravest political event since Gamergate.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4441 on: December 20, 2019, 07:36:58 PM »


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4442 on: December 20, 2019, 07:44:22 PM »
In the original movies luke did a couple pushups in the swamp and that allowed him to compete on equal terms with one of the strongest force user of all time so?

These movies are fucking stupid

Except he got his shit wrecked?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4443 on: December 20, 2019, 07:48:56 PM »
My point is not about montages or training but that the idea of any logic needed for kids movies about space wizards is ridiculous


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4444 on: December 20, 2019, 07:50:12 PM »
Freddie Prinze Jr. having a banging bikini bod and a better grasp of Star Wars lore than flabby n sick nerdlings. :lawd


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4445 on: December 20, 2019, 07:58:33 PM »
My point is not about montages or training but that the idea of any logic needed for kids movies about space wizards is ridiculous

I hate arguments like this. It's a good way to end any discussion. I mean you might as well just close thread. After all, they're just kids movies.



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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4446 on: December 20, 2019, 08:03:28 PM »
The Force is racist, it didn't tell Mace Windu to grab a second lightsaber.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4447 on: December 20, 2019, 08:42:55 PM »
In the original movies luke did a couple pushups in the swamp and that allowed him to compete on equal terms with one of the strongest force user of all time so?

These movies are fucking stupid
True, but it's more about sending a clear message: "Yes, Yoda is training Luke", such a message was never conveyed in The Last Jedi.
Same with other things that just 'happened' for no reason. For example, to get on the Star Destroyer they need a code breaker to get them in that ultimately betrays them.
To get back to the planet... the Millennium Falcon with Rey just appears. How did Rey get from killing Snoke in a capital ship to escaping back to the planet in the Millennium Falcon which she departed with a small escape pod because it was the only way to bypass the security.

The same with Finn and the AT AT's. We see him crashing behind enemy lines. But just before the AT AT's arrive and Luke has the stand off he manages to slip back into the Rebel base.... how?
He has no ship because he crashed it and there's nothing but salt and he can't walk past the AT AT's blasting Luke right in front of the door.
Your logistics can be dumb and sci-fi like, such as hyper drives or even time travel and whatnot but they need to make 'sense' in the fiction of the film.
It's like if in Back to the Future, Marty would be able to travel through time without a time machine such as the Delorean and just randomly appear somewhere.

In the old movies we at least see Luke pull his ship from the swamp with the Force Powers or some line of dialogue indicates how a character has traveled from point A to B.
The prequel trilogy for all its faults at least made a point of making sure we knew how pieces moved across the chessboard of the galaxy and how characters got from point A to point B. 


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4448 on: December 20, 2019, 08:43:24 PM »
haven't seen robot chicken in forever but saw this tweeted lol


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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4450 on: December 20, 2019, 09:07:19 PM »
:lol @ freddie throwing out the gray jedi concept. i agree but i still like a few of the characters associated with it. kyle katarn :mynicca

I always bust up when he goes, "This is about information, not affirmation." Pretty boy out here stuffing nerds in lockers about nerd shit. :lol


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4451 on: December 20, 2019, 09:11:45 PM »
remember when luke skywalker went from a guy who flew around his uncle's floating box chevy to the best pilot in the rebel fleet the first time he flew an x wing
Except that if you look back the movie, he wasn't the best pilot.

The other pilots distracted the Tie's, then he was saved from Vader's Tie by the Falcon after nearly being shot down and ultimately guided the torpedo with the Force.
It was established pretty early on that Han Solo and Wedge Antilles were the best pilots.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4452 on: December 20, 2019, 09:14:05 PM »
I blame Tumblr:

LMAOOOOOOOOOO this is the best shit I've seen all week.

Mad respect to Resetera’s Redlettermedia community for posting this.  :salute


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4453 on: December 20, 2019, 09:15:51 PM »
My point is not about montages or training but that the idea of any logic needed for kids movies about space wizards is ridiculous

I hate arguments like this. It's a good way to end any discussion. I mean you might as well just close thread. After all, they're just kids movies.

I'm not even sure what the point trying to be made is

is it supposed to be an argument that every bad thing in the movie is dismissable and so it's actually good?

like why can't you just say that about phantom menace

oh it's for kids oh ha ha alright then I suppose I was wrong and it's a wonderful movie

where does the age range stop?  are the marvel movies for kids?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4454 on: December 20, 2019, 09:17:47 PM »
Yes, obviously.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4455 on: December 20, 2019, 09:20:20 PM »
Lucas: "These movies were made for kids"
Movie: "Well, of course the gentleman would oppose the taxation route tariffs on the third sequester of the quarterly earnings budget but...."

Lucas: "Star Wars was never about spaceships, it was more a soap opera"
Yoda *swoops in with clones*: "Concentrate all Fire Power on the nearest Star ship"

Something that would help Star Wars if they would take a pick between making a movie for kids or adults.  :doge

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4456 on: December 20, 2019, 09:43:54 PM »
Yes, obviously.

I am openly offended. 

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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4457 on: December 20, 2019, 10:00:33 PM »
remember when luke skywalker went from a guy who flew around his uncle's floating box chevy to the best pilot in the rebel fleet the first time he flew an x wing

He bulls-eyed womprats in his T-16 back home all the time, breh.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4458 on: December 20, 2019, 10:04:46 PM »
Freddie Prinze Jr. having a banging bikini bod and a better grasp of Star Wars lore than flabby n sick nerdlings. :lawd

Yeah, but FPJ's wife is getting railed by another guy so he's a cuck, in comics anyway. :expert

Also Andy I looked that up and what the christ. :dead Later seasons aren't as batshit (though they have Buffy giving that power away and gaining it like it's no big deal until the reboot)

Stro: That shit is working for you. Goddamn. Some #GetMotivated shit right there.  :ryker


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4459 on: December 20, 2019, 10:07:50 PM »
Just finished watching it a bit ago.

It was just sort of ok. The spectacle was cool, and there was a lot of explosions. The IMAX 3D was impressive...

Yes, a lot of the plot doesn’t make much sense if your think about it. But probably the worst thing about this, and the new Star Wars trilogy, is most of the theoretically interesting stuff actually happens off-screen.

From the credit scrawl at the beginning of the movie, I realized all the shit the little blurb is talking about... almost none of it happened in the last movie. It all happened off-screen.

Operation Cinder I.e. how Pappy survived and created the first order? Off screen? Leia becoming a Jedi? Off screen. palpating threatening the galaxy in a radio broadcast? Off screen. Han Solo becoming disillusioned, off screen. Luke going into exile, off-screen.

The way they made these new movies, it almost like the movies themselves are incidental to the plot which mostly is just shit that happened offscreen. And the explanations for them are so perfunctory and paper-thin that the reasoning behind them barely even matters.

Like if they really wanted to just throw out TLJ and start with Pappy as the big bad (which I think was a desperation play really) a smart way to build that our would have been to extend the trilogy and make two more movies. Episode 6.5 “the rise of the first order” that establishes whatever the fuck actually happened after return of the Jedi  and then extend on it in 9. Instead he becomes the big bad guy off screen.

It’s not the worst movie I have ever seen and the visual design was fun, but I never want to hear any nerds talk about the lore of Star Wars again.

*i will day that I’m pretty sure lucas was serious about the lore in his movies. It may have been dumb lore, but he took it seriously. His idea for the third trilogy sounded like it was going to be about the microscopic organisms that live on your midiclorians and give you force powers or some dumb shit like that.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4460 on: December 20, 2019, 10:21:43 PM »
FACT CHECK: The Phantom Menace is definitely not a movie for kids for like the first hour or however long it takes them to get to Tatooine.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4461 on: December 20, 2019, 10:24:54 PM »


 :phil :phil :phil


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4462 on: December 20, 2019, 10:27:55 PM »
Yes, yes, we all agree, it's the best of the films.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4463 on: December 20, 2019, 10:30:52 PM »
wait, they just landed on this thing that's floating in the middle of nowhere, where are they intending on going lolol

edit: they're just walking out of frame even though that's the edge, George still learning green screen sets :lol


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4464 on: December 20, 2019, 10:31:18 PM »
If Disney thinks these movies are FOR kids, I think they are mistaken.

Yes the content is family friendly, but ain’t no ten year old begging their parents to take them Rogue One.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4465 on: December 20, 2019, 10:35:34 PM »
to a ten year old that's seen the original trilogy (thanks to a parent) I'd say Rogue One is a pretty easy sell, ya got yer Vader and your Death Star and a good amount of action and some hot bureaucratic wrangling over who's in control of the project as well as whose to blame for it falling behind schedule, a ten year old would love all of that


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4466 on: December 20, 2019, 10:38:57 PM »
although I may not entirely know what a ten year old loves since I wanted to go see Star Trek VI in the theatre (AND WE DID) and I wasn't ten yet (AND IT WAS AWESOME)


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4467 on: December 20, 2019, 10:41:31 PM »
I saw Terminator II in theaters when I was 10.

And I had seen Terminator prior. My cheap add parents didn’t want to get babysitters so they just took me to everything.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4468 on: December 20, 2019, 11:10:59 PM »
yeah, that's how I saw the best political thriller ever

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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4469 on: December 20, 2019, 11:16:05 PM »
If Disney thinks these movies are FOR kids, I think they are mistaken.

Yes the content is family friendly, but ain’t no ten year old begging their parents to take them Rogue One.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4470 on: December 20, 2019, 11:26:21 PM »
Yes, obviously.

Iron Man: Study on the military industrial complex, war mongers, and terrorism at the end of the Bush era
Hulk: Study on genetic experimenting and the human condition
Thor: A theological and philosophical piece that asks what if gods were real?
Iron Man 2: A character study on addiction and the sins of the father(s)
Captain America: A WW2 movie with a poignant what if the Nazis had a worse splinter group and also eugenics

Uh....I don't even need to do phases 2, 3, 4, or the TV shows, or the Netflix shows, or Disney+ shows, or comic tie ins.



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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4471 on: December 20, 2019, 11:29:02 PM »
lol when looking for those i found this


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4472 on: December 20, 2019, 11:44:43 PM »
FACT CHECK: The Phantom Menace is definitely not a movie for kids for like the first hour or however long it takes them to get to Tatooine.
i was gonna save this for my Very Special care post after id seen RoS, but whatever.

Star Wars, at bottom, was always a fairy tale morality play for children. and this is not a bad thing. after ~25 years of waxing progressive over antiheroes and moral ambiguity, The DiscourseTM has been poisoned enough that the absolute blacks and absolute whites of star wars fit squarely in A-Good-Thing-Actually territory because they force the writers to take a stance on something. the OT doesnt move past the twin claims that contentless fascism is bad and equanimity/repression of the passions turns you into a magician. i also dont think it really needs to because, moral thematic whatevers aside, the first two movies are just near perfect movies.

what i legit unironically admire about the prequels is that theyre accidental commentaries about parliamentary procedure, or the interested capture of state executive power, or the decay of liberal institutions, or however you wanna phrase it. but the guy seizing the executive power is actually orchestrating the war on both sides, because its still a childrens movie. now, i have no illusions that lucas was just really that dumb and actually thought he was sculpting a believable world, and even if he did have some kind of vision it still wouldve failed because he clearly didnt know how legislatures work. but theres a kernel of a movie in especially Phantom Menace that aspires to be bigger than the OT in its political scope and bolder in its moral commitment.

my biggest charge against the sequels is that, in their doubling down of the tropes and plot beats and whatnot from the OT (a huge problem by itself), they lose interest in expanding the moral landscape of their universe*. the movies devolve real quickly into a game of “Join me!” phone tag with virtually no fleshed out stakes and the set pieces and performances arent strong enough to carry it. the one big exception is Canto Bight, which is noncoincidentally the best part of the sequels.

*i can never forgive myself for this monstrous noun phrase

Thor: A theological and philosophical piece that asks what if gods were real?
jesus christ :dead
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 11:51:24 PM by jakefromstatefarm »


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4473 on: December 21, 2019, 12:13:40 AM »
Lucas at one point said that parts of Star Wars were Vietnam/Nixon inspired and that he got interested in how could the Empire come about from a more democratic society, but I don't think he particularly did any kind of deep investigation into it. When Revenge of the Sith came out there was all that stuff about how lines ("if you're not with me you're my enemy" "only the sith deal in absolutes") were shots at Bush/Iraq and he was like "they're Vietnam references" but they're really just kinda generic stuff, especially when you look at the lines before those two:
Anakin Skywalker: Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan! I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Your new Empire?

Anakin Skywalker: Don't make me kill you.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy.
Supreme Chancellor: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the Jedi.

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi use their power for good.

Supreme Chancellor: Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Jedi point of view is not the only valid one. The Dark Lords of the Sith believe in security and justice, also. Yet that are considered by the Jedi to be...

Anakin Skywalker: Evil?

Supreme Chancellor: The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power. The only difference between the two is that the Sith are not afraid of the Dark Side of the Force. That is why they are more powerful.

Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwards, only about themselves.

Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi are selfless. They only care about others.

Supreme Chancellor: The fear of losing power is a weakness of both the Jedi and the Sith.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4474 on: December 21, 2019, 12:46:02 AM »
both the sequels and the prequels are bad at spelling out why exactly we give a shit about the republic. the only normal people we ever see who have something of a stake in democracy are the slaves in phantom menace and the last jedi. and i totally forgot before kara posted it here somewhere that when the new republic gets murked in the force awakens merely because its capital blows up, the entity that assumes the fight against the first order isnt even politically defined in the films. its straight up just a contentless force for good :neogaf

theres a missed opportunity in TLJ to make Luke just straight up right about the necessity of ending the jedi -a paramilitary religious order- for the sake of democracy


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4475 on: December 21, 2019, 01:05:18 AM »
It's even better because Leia's group in The Force Awakens is already NOT PART of the New Republic, which made no sense to me as it's not explained in the movie, apparently it is in this book:
The 2016 novel Star Wars: Bloodline explained how this faction officially reorganized into the "First Order", and that this final transition only occurred about six years before The Force Awakens. By that time, the New Republic Senate had become divided into two parties: the Populists led by Leia Organa, who wanted to decentralize authority, and the Centrists, who wanted power to remain concentrated in a strong central government. Many of the Centrists were former Imperials who admired the old Empire for bringing order to the galaxy, and who feared that without strong central control the New Republic would become as weak and ineffectual as the Old Republic. Ultimately, many Centrist worlds seceded from the New Republic to reunite with the holdout Imperial remnants on the fringe of the galaxy, and formally combined into a new government called "the First Order". First Order conspirators publicly revealed that Leia was in fact the daughter of Darth Vader, severely harming her political standing among the remaining Populists.[4]

The vast majority of the New Republic's worlds remained intact, but with the exodus of the Centrists its Senate became dominated by the remaining Populists, who favored decentralization and demilitarization, not confrontation. Even after these events, most in the remaining Senate were happy to see the Centrists go, feeling that the new First Order still controlled far too few sectors of the galaxy to ever pose a serious threat to galactic peace. In their view, it was easier to just let the Centrist worlds peacefully leave of their own volition and rejoin the Imperial worlds rather than fight a war to keep them by force.
Leia realizes that the Senate is too corrupt to be saved. She calls together some old friends—including Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb—as well as Greer, Joph and new "recruits" such as Snap Wexley and Dr. Kalonia to form the Resistance, an underground movement to investigate and fight against the forces amassing to threaten peace in the galaxy.
The Resistance is a fictional resistance movement and private paramilitary force led by General Leia Organa that opposes the First Order in the fictional universe of Star Wars. It is a splinter of the military of the New Republic and takes inspiration from the Rebel Alliance, which had established the democratic New Republic after its war with the Galactic Empire. Many of the senior officers of the Resistance also served in the Rebel Alliance thirty years prior, including General Organa and Admiral Ackbar, while some junior officers had parents who served in the Rebel Alliance, as is the case with Poe Dameron.

The Resistance was a precautionary movement founded by Senator Leia Organa in response to the rise of the First Order, a military dictatorship that rose from the fallen Old Empire in the galaxy's unexplored space, the Unknown Regions, by staunch, loyal former Imperial hardliners. The New Republic did not deem the First Order to be a credible threat, so Senator Organa and several other Rebel veterans, who believed the First Order to be a threat to peace, broke away from the New Republic's military and founded the Resistance to check the First Order.

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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4476 on: December 21, 2019, 01:08:53 AM »
I had hoped disney would redo the prequels, not I'm not so sure   :bobby


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4477 on: December 21, 2019, 01:14:55 AM »
although I may not entirely know what a ten year old loves since I wanted to go see Star Trek VI in the theatre (AND WE DID) and I wasn't ten yet (AND IT WAS AWESOME)

So Benji is probably ~35-37 :hmm
Someday the doxxer will be the doxxed.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4478 on: December 21, 2019, 01:21:46 AM »



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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4479 on: December 21, 2019, 02:53:17 AM »
In the original movies luke did a couple pushups in the swamp and that allowed him to compete on equal terms with one of the strongest force user of all time so?

These movies are fucking stupid

Luke got jobbed in EPV.

Like Vader literally just wanted him to join, and when Luke got a tiny nick in his armor he was like, you know what? off with your hand so you stop that shit.

The only thing he managed to do was learn some uses of the force for acrobatics and a basic use of the force, with some tiny side of lightsaber combat. And like someone's answering you, Luke did not, for a single second, train Rey.

What you're complaining about is like asking: how did the new Deathstar in Ep6 happen? They never showed us the builders do it from the ground up!


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4480 on: December 21, 2019, 04:06:24 AM »
It's even better because Leia's group in The Force Awakens is already NOT PART of the New Republic, which made no sense to me as it's not explained in the movie, apparently it is in this book:
The 2016 novel Star Wars: Bloodline explained how this faction officially reorganized into the "First Order", and that this final transition only occurred about six years before The Force Awakens. By that time, the New Republic Senate had become divided into two parties: the Populists led by Leia Organa, who wanted to decentralize authority, and the Centrists, who wanted power to remain concentrated in a strong central government. Many of the Centrists were former Imperials who admired the old Empire for bringing order to the galaxy, and who feared that without strong central control the New Republic would become as weak and ineffectual as the Old Republic. Ultimately, many Centrist worlds seceded from the New Republic to reunite with the holdout Imperial remnants on the fringe of the galaxy, and formally combined into a new government called "the First Order". First Order conspirators publicly revealed that Leia was in fact the daughter of Darth Vader, severely harming her political standing among the remaining Populists.[4]

The vast majority of the New Republic's worlds remained intact, but with the exodus of the Centrists its Senate became dominated by the remaining Populists, who favored decentralization and demilitarization, not confrontation. Even after these events, most in the remaining Senate were happy to see the Centrists go, feeling that the new First Order still controlled far too few sectors of the galaxy to ever pose a serious threat to galactic peace. In their view, it was easier to just let the Centrist worlds peacefully leave of their own volition and rejoin the Imperial worlds rather than fight a war to keep them by force.
Leia realizes that the Senate is too corrupt to be saved. She calls together some old friends—including Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb—as well as Greer, Joph and new "recruits" such as Snap Wexley and Dr. Kalonia to form the Resistance, an underground movement to investigate and fight against the forces amassing to threaten peace in the galaxy.
The Resistance is a fictional resistance movement and private paramilitary force led by General Leia Organa that opposes the First Order in the fictional universe of Star Wars. It is a splinter of the military of the New Republic and takes inspiration from the Rebel Alliance, which had established the democratic New Republic after its war with the Galactic Empire. Many of the senior officers of the Resistance also served in the Rebel Alliance thirty years prior, including General Organa and Admiral Ackbar, while some junior officers had parents who served in the Rebel Alliance, as is the case with Poe Dameron.

The Resistance was a precautionary movement founded by Senator Leia Organa in response to the rise of the First Order, a military dictatorship that rose from the fallen Old Empire in the galaxy's unexplored space, the Unknown Regions, by staunch, loyal former Imperial hardliners. The New Republic did not deem the First Order to be a credible threat, so Senator Organa and several other Rebel veterans, who believed the First Order to be a threat to peace, broke away from the New Republic's military and founded the Resistance to check the First Order.

So centrists were to blame. Which Era member wrote the book?


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4481 on: December 21, 2019, 04:17:06 AM »
So Leia formed Outer Heaven in space  :lol


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4482 on: December 21, 2019, 04:43:21 AM »
I do think a lot of criticism of Rey comes from a slightly misogynistic angle. My friend yesterday was complaining about how she's awful and how she has no flaws, everyone loves her, and is super good at everything. How it's because Kathleen Kennedy forced this. Which is really dumb as if Kathleen Kennedy was pushing such an extreme woke you'd think we'd have a female director by now. Clearly my friend watches shit like Midnight Eye on Youtube. I don't think Rey is an amazing character. She's not well written or anything. Then again Luke does go from farm boy to ace X-Wing pilot.

But to me the real thing is, these new movies are modern movies written knowing Star Wars exists.  Modern blockbusters are already so fast paced, but I also don't expect a modern star wars movie to really slow down and explain the force again.

I think the new trilogy has a lot of problems. But I really do hate the arguments that come from bad faith angles. I know this is a Reee post, but it really kind of annoyed me when I was talking to my friend yesterday.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4483 on: December 21, 2019, 05:08:17 AM »
I do think a lot of criticism of Rey comes from a slightly misogynistic angle. My friend yesterday was complaining about how she's awful and how she has no flaws, everyone loves her, and is super good at everything. How it's because Kathleen Kennedy forced this. Which is really dumb as if Kathleen Kennedy was pushing such an extreme woke you'd think we'd have a female director by now. Clearly my friend watches shit like Midnight Eye on Youtube. I don't think Rey is an amazing character. She's not well written or anything. Then again Luke does go from farm boy to ace X-Wing pilot.

You're making the point everyone who gets uppity about Rey's character non-development being brought up.

Luke first movie:

Gets jobbed by tusken raiders

Gets pushed aside by two randos on the cantina

Literally the only thing going for Luke is the realization that he's strong in the force and he has to trust his insticts, not a computer.

About the pilot thing:



He establishes that he's a good pilot several times in a row

Obi-Wan states it too.


This is a T-16, a one-manner aircraft that Luke learned to use with gravity.

Going from bulls-eyeing womp rats to piloting an x-wing on outer space (and almost getting taken the fuck out by Vader without the help of a third party with a much bigger ship) is not quite the leap

Now let's go with Rey for a second:

Beats everyone up with her staff

Never used a ship.

Takes the falcon on a planet with gravity. Drives it through a Star Destroyer, and pulls a 180º by stopping the engine. Nevermind the fact that the Falcon is a two manned ship, she did it on her first try without ever having used a single airship (she's barely getting rations by working fulltime as a scavenger)

Then fucking pulls out a chip and "bypasses the compressor", to the surprise of the person that owned the fucking ship. Like how the fuck do you even know where that chip was or what it does.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4484 on: December 21, 2019, 05:21:33 AM »
Such a problem is easily fixable too.

Take Cal Kestis in EA's game for example. He's also on a scrapyard like Rey but he has a mentor guiding and teaching him.
Not in the force, but useful skills, plus he was being trained as a Jedi in the past.

If Rey had some sort of teacher and wasn't a loner on a sand planet.... perhaps Saw could've teached her,
that would've made her connection to Saw stronger and established her place in the grand scheme of things.

Now she just happens to climb around a scrapyard, having no friends, parents, teachers or literally anyone to teach her anything.
It's like the character came into existence suddenly as an adult scrapper on Jakku having no connection to her environment.
Even something as simple as her saying: "I used to have a teacher, he passed away" would've been enough to create some sort of mysterious figure who teached her all those things.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4485 on: December 21, 2019, 05:27:04 AM »
Such a problem is easily fixable too.

Take Cal Kestis in EA's game for example. He's also on a scrapyard like Rey but he has a mentor guiding and teaching him.
Not in the force, but useful skills, plus he was being trained as a Jedi in the past.

If Rey had some sort of teacher and wasn't a loner on a sand planet.... perhaps Saw could've teached her,
that would've made her connection to Saw stronger and established her place in the grand scheme of things.

Now she just happens to climb around a scrapyard, having no friends, parents, teachers or literally anyone to teach her anything.
It's like the character came into existence suddenly as an adult scrapper on Jakku having no connection to her environment.
Even something as simple as her saying: "I used to have a teacher, he passed away" would've been enough to create some sort of mysterious figure who teached her all those things.

Absolutely. It literally feels like they couldn't figure out exactly where the character was going or came from and they said: we'll do it live!


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4486 on: December 21, 2019, 05:27:36 AM »
I don't think any other Gundam main character struggles with piloting the Gundam or has as built in excuse for knowing how to pilot it as Amuro. And each main show pilot does "cooler" things with thier Gundams then Amuro ever did. Because after 20+ years the desire to get to cool shit is shorter and the cooler shit needs to be more extreme. It's also not bound by the same limitations of 20 years ago.

I'm not going to defend Rey as an amazing character, because I do not care and find all the characters shitty and underwritten. My point though was that it really is more in line with modern movie making and the fact that these movies exists as sequels in the first place that you get Rey as she is presented today.  These movies are not going to cheapen out on spectacle. They are not going to slow down an show a slow progression of the force. They are going to outdo whats already been done in a multi million dollar spectacle that they think people want from Star Wars.

She drives the Falcon on a planet with Gravity? Who fucking cares, I never think of how science works in Star Wars. Besides, it's already made clear she knows about space ship technology. She works to salvage ship parts. Also did you expect the 2015 Star Wars movie to have a quaint action movie were they struggle to pilot the Falcon and only slightly are able to hover it above the desert? No, thats stupid.

Who does she beat with her staff? Well seeing as how the planet she's on seems pretty crap, I'd hope she'd be pretty good with it. She beat Kylo Ren? Oh you mean the guy hurt from being shot with Chewy's weapon that in a action previously seemed to pack a punch like a shotgun? Even in that fight, it's not like she showed any real understanding of how to fight with her lightsaber. It looked like a street brawl.

How did she know to pull the compressor? I mean the dialogue itself says she was aware of the person who installed it. Also how does a mechanic know where things are on tons of different makes of cars. Probably because they have some familiarity with the general makes of vehicles and can spot elements of them. I'm not sure how it's a surprise of someone to spot things about space ships when they probably scavenge plenty of parts off of them so the higher ups  can repuruorpse them.

But in the end who cares? She's not a great character. None of the new cast is. They are all poorly developed, nothing characters. And my point is really that is because these movies are made from such a different angle that it really hurts them.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4487 on: December 21, 2019, 05:33:39 AM »
I don't think any other Gundam main character struggles with piloting the Gundam or has as built in excuse for knowing how to pilot it as Amuro. And each main show pilot does "cooler" things with thier Gundams then Amuro ever did. Because after 20+ years the desire to get to cool shit is shorter and the cooler shit needs to be more extreme. It's also not bound by the same limitations of 20 years ago.

I'm not going to defend Rey as an amazing character, because I do not care and find all the characters shitty and underwritten. My point though was that it really is more in line with modern movie making and the fact that these movies exists as sequels in the first place that you get Rey as she is presented today.  These movies are not going to cheapen out on spectacle. They are not going to slow down an show a slow progression of the force. They are going to outdo whats already been done in a multi million dollar spectacle that they think people want from Star Wars.

She drives the Falcon on a planet with Gravity? Who fucking cares, I never think of how science works in Star Wars. Besides, it's already made clear she knows about space ship technology. She works to salvage ship parts. Also did you expect the 2015 Star Wars movie to have a quaint action movie were they struggle to pilot the Falcon and only slightly are able to hover it above the desert? No, thats stupid.

Who does she beat with her staff? Well seeing as how the planet she's on seems pretty crap, I'd hope she'd be pretty good with it. She beat Kylo Ren? Oh you mean the guy hurt from being shot with Chewy's weapon that in a action previously seemed to pack a punch like a shotgun? Even in that fight, it's not like she showed any real understanding of how to fight with her lightsaber. It looked like a street brawl.

How did she know to pull the compressor? I mean the dialogue itself says she was aware of the person who installed it. Also how does a mechanic know where things are on tons of different makes of cars. Probably because they have some familiarity with the general makes of vehicles and can spot elements of them. I'm not sure how it's a surprise of someone to spot things about space ships when they probably scavenge plenty of parts off of them so the higher ups  can repuruorpse them.

But in the end who cares? She's not a great character. None of the new cast is. They are all poorly developed, nothing characters. And my point is really that is because these movies are made from such a different angle that it really hurts them.

Notice that I didn't mention the Rey and Kylo fight, because Kylo didn't want to kill her. The only thing that bothers me:

"I can teach you the ways of the force!"

"the force...!"

*closes eyes*

The other thing that bothers me is Finn being opened up like a sardine and surviving it, or how Rey gets a precise slash that doesn't do anything but external damage on Kylo.

And let's not forget how she UNO reversed Kylo's mind exploration. It's like, okay let's just now mindtrick because I keep downloading the force from the matrix, lol.

They should've obviously including a mechanic-type mentor that allowed her to repair ships with him, and also test drive them around the planet, etc. But yeah, I was merely answering about how Luke and Rey are nothing alike when it comes to shortcomings.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 05:41:44 AM by daemon »


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4488 on: December 21, 2019, 05:44:29 AM »
It's not about Rey being exceptional. Characters can be exceptional. The problem is that at no point was she connected to anything in the movie as a character until the heroes showed up on Jakku.
This is story telling / hero's journey 101. It happens in media all the time. It takes literally one line to connect a character to the universe the movie is portraying in an 'EA' way and they simply left that out.
Mass Effect Andromeda for all its faults, still managed to connect the characters to the narrative. Even Hobbs and Shaw managed to do this with new characters.

I read that in an early draft with some of Lucas ideas Rey was Luke's grandchild named Keera or Kira. Would've made a ton more sense to connect the characters in such a way.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4489 on: December 21, 2019, 07:07:04 AM »


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4490 on: December 21, 2019, 08:25:40 AM »

"You dropped something.... the plot"  :lol

This is a very accurate portrayal of George Lucas.  :lol


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4491 on: December 21, 2019, 10:18:31 AM »

still good


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4492 on: December 21, 2019, 10:23:56 AM »


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4493 on: December 21, 2019, 10:25:03 AM »
I agree with Nintex :stahp

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4494 on: December 21, 2019, 11:20:15 AM »

still good


"...i love you too"


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4495 on: December 21, 2019, 12:29:58 PM »
Saw it.

Complete and utter fan fiction drivel, but I’m not gonna lie, I actually enjoyed it.

Unlike the last two movies, this wasn’t a fucking slog to get through. Kept the pace up. I liked how a couple of lines just completely shit all over some of the ideas in TLJ. Also, a black guy getting cucked by a literal space Nazi is some actual subversion of expectations for once  :doge

As a movie and piece of art it has literally nothing of worth to say; just like all the other movies in this franchise. Star Wars is literally for babies. Nerds need to get a fucking a grip, and stop getting heated about this dumb shit.

My greatest disappointment was that Dr. Pavel, I’m CIA guy didn’t show up as a force ghost. You lied to me, Benji :bolo
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Neither did Jar Jar :goldberg


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4496 on: December 21, 2019, 01:53:40 PM »
And then the start of TFA makes even less sense.

Because why would The First Order blow up a Republic that doesn't consider them a threat and doesn't have an army.  :lol


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4497 on: December 21, 2019, 02:21:26 PM »
I mean I could buy this if I saw what this Republic looked like and maybe how the world has changed since Return. That's the number one thing I hate about the sequel trilogy is nothing has changed seemingly. And the only real reason is because Disney did'nt want something more complex and different then the original trilogy.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4498 on: December 21, 2019, 02:22:52 PM »
I’m rewatching The Last Jedi and I forgot it opened with a mom joke. This really is the worst movie in the saga.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4499 on: December 21, 2019, 02:30:07 PM »
I saw Terminator II in theaters when I was 10.

And I had seen Terminator prior. My cheap add parents didn’t want to get babysitters so they just took me to everything.

Saw Robocop II in theaters. Movie is brutal and awesome.