Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5541824 times)

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9780 on: October 24, 2017, 06:33:30 PM »
It's probably going to be Kelli Ward vs Kyrsten Sinema for the seat.

The race for McCain's seat, if his health doesn't hold up, will also be interesting.

His health isn't holding up, he's already done an interview about his brain cancer and how he's facing it.
McCain is simply fighting a losing battle at this point. I'd wager he retires next year and the seat goes up which would be wild.

Also Flake going out is no surprise, his favorable were something embarrassing like in the 20s.
AZ is going to be a tossup at this point, iirc Flake only won his seat by some paltry 3 points iirc.
Barring any fuckery Ward is the R candidate.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9781 on: October 24, 2017, 06:38:46 PM »
It's probably going to be Kelli Ward vs Kyrsten Sinema for the seat.

The race for McCain's seat, if his health doesn't hold up, will also be interesting.

His health isn't holding up, he's already done an interview about his brain cancer and how he's facing it.
McCain is simply fighting a losing battle at this point. I'd wager he retires next year and the seat goes up which would be wild.

Also Flake going out is no surprise, his favorable were something embarrassing like in the 20s.
AZ is going to be a tossup at this point, iirc Flake only won his seat by some paltry 3 points iirc.
Barring any fuckery Ward is the R candidate.
The Democrats have no cash though. They blew that all on Clinton.

Trump is still raising more money for the RNC with the small donations and hat sales. He took over Bernie's game.
The hats are probably shitty quality too, ready to be replaced in a year or so $$$


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9782 on: October 24, 2017, 06:49:09 PM »
The best strategy for the Dems is to actually lose this Election and take Trump off guard in the next presidential election.

If they go all in now he'll nuke North Korea as a diversion or Jeff Sessions sends the CNN staff to Gitmo.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9783 on: October 24, 2017, 06:54:19 PM »
I mean reports of Dems outraising incumbents have been going on, but either way the gaps won't be measured in funds as much as enthusiasm.
I recall seeing reports where North. was outraising Gil  by something wild like 3x as many small dollar donations alone. Either way getting out the vote campaigns based solely on the net effect of ad campaign blitz for midterms always seems wonky.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9784 on: October 24, 2017, 06:56:55 PM »
Best possible outcome:

Take back the House or get close. Win NV + AZ + AZ Senate seats, hold all Dem seats.

Block all Trump nominations to the courts. District, Circuit, Supreme. All of them.

Easily beat Trump who is at 38% approval in 2020.

Flip a bunch of the Senate seats that went R in the fucktarded 2014 wave, win the House if it hasn't been won already.

If they're at 55 Senate seats or higher at this time, drop the filibuster threshold to 55.

Admit Puerto Rico and DC as states. Repeal the Apportionment Act to increase the size of the House.

Bask in the tears.

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We don't get this kind of future my dude, we get a future where Roy Moore likely takes a seat instead and everyone is sad af.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9785 on: October 24, 2017, 07:04:51 PM »
Don't forget after winning the House in 2018 you redistrict so that the GOP can't ever win any seats or elections ever again. At least three or four decades of guaranteed D dominance at every level of government in the country.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9786 on: October 24, 2017, 07:48:15 PM »
I am guessing that we suddenly now don't care about presidential campaigns paying for Russian dirt?

Joe Molotov

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9788 on: October 24, 2017, 08:08:04 PM »
But her emails though.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9789 on: October 24, 2017, 08:35:20 PM »

What a damned weasel. Carson should never be allowed out of his self-worshipping mansion again.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9790 on: October 24, 2017, 08:38:54 PM »
Wasn't that always known that Michael Steele was hired as a consultant to dig up dirt but then found far more damning info than anyone imagined? I mean his first client was actually Jeb during the primaries.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9791 on: October 24, 2017, 08:40:52 PM »
Steele offered scandal and filled it in with impotent verifiable stuff.

The Clintons trying to kill the story is pretty par for course


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9792 on: October 24, 2017, 08:43:30 PM »

It feels like wishful thinking at this point, as Donny seems immune to logical recourse, but it's still a good thread.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9793 on: October 24, 2017, 08:47:08 PM »
Perez offered a statement on Flake... and he's getting ratio'd pretty hard for shitting on him?


Nah guys, 1 speech undoes years of a Republican lockstep voting and COMRADE FLAKE should be welcome with open arms to the #RESISTANCE.
After all Dems owe an outgoing Republican all the respect in the world for helping to shove them down the hole with this.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9794 on: October 24, 2017, 08:50:27 PM »
That Abramson thing is a sad, sad reach. It would help him if he didn't start off with the 17 intel agencies myth.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9795 on: October 24, 2017, 08:53:38 PM »
So they hired an American company who in turn hired a former British MI6 agent?

This isn't a scandal. It's not even really news.

This story is HUGE!

spoiler (click to show/hide)

All the trustworthy outlets are running with it. It has to be! Hillary is the real Russia story, Mueller is soft-pedaling his look into this, him and his Democratic cronies are out to get Trump and steal our taxpayer money. They are behind this character assassination to prevent the country from MAGA'ing. Russia and collusion is fake news, except about Hillary!!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 08:58:54 PM by Nola »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9796 on: October 24, 2017, 08:54:26 PM »
So they hired an American company who in turn hired a former British MI6 agent?

This isn't a scandal. It's not even really news.

This story is HUGE!

spoiler (click to show/hide)

All the trustworthy outlets are running with it. It has to be! Hillary is the real Russia story, Mueller is soft-pedaling his look into this, him and his Democratic cronies are out to get Trump and steal our taxpayer money. They are behind this character assassination to prevent the country from MAGA'ing. Russia and collusion is fake news, expect about Hillary!!

Fox expected to be extra unbearable this week.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9797 on: October 24, 2017, 08:57:54 PM »

It feels like wishful thinking at this point, as Donny seems immune to logical recourse, but it's still a good thread.

To be fair "impeachable offense" is pretty broad by design. 

It is and will always be the capacity and willpower to bring charges. And IMO I feel like until Republicans think they are better off abandoning ship and all hope for their donor class to get their tax breaks, corporate cronyism, and regulation cuts is lost, I don't see them pulling the trigger. That or Mueller has some damning stuff that is impossible to ignore.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 09:08:39 PM by Nola »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9798 on: October 24, 2017, 09:10:17 PM »
So they hired an American company who in turn hired a former British MI6 agent?

This isn't a scandal. It's not even really news.

This story is HUGE!

spoiler (click to show/hide)

All the trustworthy outlets are running with it. It has to be! Hillary is the real Russia story, Mueller is soft-pedaling his look into this, him and his Democratic cronies are out to get Trump and steal our taxpayer money. They are behind this character assassination to prevent the country from MAGA'ing. Russia and collusion is fake news, except about Hillary!!
Flipped on Hannity since I saw it was 9, he literally started with a Maddow type intro on this and was still going when I turned it off a minute ago.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9799 on: October 24, 2017, 09:11:11 PM »
:lol It was just a stunt to sell some extra merch to the rubes. Play on, playa.
I wanted to vote for him (in the primary) now what will I do :fbm


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9800 on: October 24, 2017, 09:12:47 PM »
Nah guys, 1 speech undoes years of a Republican lockstep voting and COMRADE FLAKE should be welcome with open arms to the #RESISTANCE.
That tweet made me actually lol, these guys are still going to be in the Senate for over a year voting, they aren't going to stop voting like they always have :lol


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9801 on: October 24, 2017, 09:14:37 PM »

Federal authorities are investigating an Illinois man who posted a meme that suggested lynching Rep. Frederica Wilson.
Wilson, D-Fla., has earned the ire of President Donald Trump and some of his supporters in recent weeks for criticizing his handling of a call to the widow of a soldier.
The Chicago Tribune first reported that Tom Keevers was connected to the social media post, which called for "ten good men to help carry out a lynching." Des Plaines Police Department Commander Chris Mierzwa confirmed for ABC News that Keevers is the subject of an investigation.

The Tribune quoted Keevers as saying the post was "a joke, as I read it," and "I don't have 10 horses either."
Threaten public servants on social media then claim it was a prank when the black vans show up  :lol


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9802 on: October 24, 2017, 09:38:07 PM »
Maybe they're just trying to find ten good men to help?

You left out the best part:
At first, Keevers told the paper that an anonymous "meme maker" was responsible. He went on to say that threatening to lynch someone is "not something that should be said" and then said he "cannot remember" if he threatened to lynch Wilson. Someone could have used his words "and made them into a meme," he claimed.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9803 on: October 24, 2017, 09:54:22 PM »

It feels like wishful thinking at this point, as Donny seems immune to logical recourse, but it's still a good thread.

To be fair "impeachable offense" is pretty broad by design. 

It is and will always be the capacity and willpower to bring charges. And IMO I feel like until Republicans think they are better off abandoning ship and all hope for their donor class to get their tax breaks, corporate cronyism, and regulation cuts is lost, I don't see them pulling the trigger. That or Mueller has some damning stuff that is impossible to ignore.

It won’t happen until they either get trashed in the mid terms or it becomes clear that they will. They are so craven.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9804 on: October 24, 2017, 09:58:51 PM »
Steele offered scandal and filled it in with impotent verifiable stuff.

The Clintons trying to kill the story is pretty par for course

Sometimes I wonder why can you see mass media manupulation when is probably not, to when there is something fishy you are the first to take the bait.


In any case, this actually kind of piss me off

One moment of challenge, however, came when Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, raised his concerns about Trump’s handling of the North America Free Trade Agreement and the impact on farmers in his state if the administration pulls out of it.

Trump asked the senators to give him room to negotiate and promised they would be happy with the result.

“He basically asked us to give him room for negotiations,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), who added that Trump assured lawmakers, “I can negotiate a good deal.”

“He did say something about, ‘I might have to nullify to re-up,’ but I didn’t get specifically, exactly what he meant by that,” she added. “It was vague.”

While some GOP senators said they were not happy about talk of nullifying a major trade deal, others expressed hope it might lead to a better agreement.

Piece of shit is trying to pull a Dreamers/CutPaymentsObamacare with the NAFTA.

El Babua

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9805 on: October 24, 2017, 10:38:38 PM »
Gov ensuring our liberty one vote at a time  :usacry


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9806 on: October 24, 2017, 10:39:53 PM »
Ya beat me to it.

50-50 vote, Graham and Kennedy the only Republican defectors.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9807 on: October 24, 2017, 11:10:50 PM »
Also interesting that there were no Dem defections.

10 years ago seems so far away sometimes.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9808 on: October 24, 2017, 11:12:02 PM »
I have to admit I'm shocked that rule is only a few years old and will need to look into this probably. Mike Crapo seems to suggest that class-actions against banks were outlawed for 100 years prior?

Even worse is that part of Crapo's explanation for the repeal (the part about disproportional amount lawyers get from the awards) makes a bit of sense in terms of taking some kind of legislative action regarding the CFPB's rule and that would make this a good example of Congress having that legislative check, but the solution they came up with is like totally the wrong conclusion and 180 degrees in the wrong direction.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9809 on: October 24, 2017, 11:13:39 PM »
oh god it's worse than i thought:
The advocacy group Consumers Union and several veterans groups, including the American Legion, lobbied to keep the rule. They said consumers would still have the option to use arbitration to resolve a dispute, if both parties want to go that route.

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9810 on: October 24, 2017, 11:14:53 PM »


team filler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9811 on: October 24, 2017, 11:23:07 PM »
oh god it's worse than i thought:
The advocacy group Consumers Union and several veterans groups, including the American Legion, lobbied to keep the rule. They said consumers would still have the option to use arbitration to resolve a dispute, if both parties want to go that route.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 01:21:52 AM by filler »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9812 on: October 24, 2017, 11:26:17 PM »
I think one of the underrated developments in American politics was when some banks crashed the global economy and the national GOP felt absolutely no pressure to take a harder stance towards them.

That should've been an early clue that shit was going to get wild.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9813 on: October 24, 2017, 11:48:38 PM »
I think one of the underrated developments in American politics was when some banks crashed the global economy and the national GOP felt absolutely no pressure to take a harder stance towards them.

That should've been an early clue that shit was going to get wild.

Pressure to do what now?
We had couple hundred people hurt and 50 killed and shit rolled off the nation/congress' back like water.

They threw McCain in a UPS box and shipped him to Capitol Hill in hopes of getting him to vote their health bill while the dude was probably still in his assless hospital gown.
That one fuck Scalise literally got shot by some nutter, was out during that Vegas shooting then came back to whip on the silencer bill.

Some of this shit would be The Onion tier stories if they weren't true.
Moreover finance reform isn't something immediately grasp unless they get underscored with a tax hike or something.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 11:57:07 PM by studyguy »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9814 on: October 24, 2017, 11:51:37 PM »
I don't mean to seem like I'm BOTH SIDES-ing your point because I agree with it but I was shocked they didn't take more of a populist protect flyover country and such to attack what the Democrats did, which I mean is short-named Dodd-Frank which is enough of a warning sign, or the Obama Administration for going easy prosecution wise.

This was after Wall Street had already started doing the thing every major corporation does and back winners more than a specific party so it shouldn't have been a concern in that regard, and yet you never had any kind of GOP impetus to shit on what the Dems were doing other than to hand wave the whole thing away and say there was no problem, no crimes. They could have used the "few bad apples" excuse they're fond of with cops and then attack Obama for not stopping the "few bad apple banks", and hook up with the harder-line Dems to enact smaller but more targeted reforms/etc.

Actually...what am I saying, that worked out electorally very well for them on everything else too I guess.

And I guess the other strategy never works anyway does it, look at Rand and Ron Wyden's hook ups on civil liberties or whatever, both leaderships often join hands to shit on it and they can usually form a negative majority collectively.

Even this last primary it seemed like Trump and Rand were the only ones who would actually shit on Wall Street/etc. even if it was just part of Trump's whole everybody sucks thing more than ideological, Cruz would waffle and sometimes start to do a kind of Obama screwed this up angle. But that was about it. Same thing with the wars and stuff too. And yet Trump and Bernie were both shooting up in the polls using those attack lines, nobody else ever tried to steal it except Hillary trying some of Bernie's stuff. I'm still shocked that the other GOPers didn't fall all over each other to try and outflank Trump on immigration as quickly and more so. (Even if that was one I'd have preferred they hadn't, it was the one to win the primary they needed.)

It's amazing the GOP does so well when they're so stupid. All those candidates trying to fight over the same ground, even after Trump came in and grabbed 30% in the polls just by talking about a wall.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9816 on: October 25, 2017, 01:44:00 AM »
And when the banks fuck it up again...SAVE US DEMS.

The cycle is so tiring; yet accurate.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9817 on: October 25, 2017, 02:51:06 AM »
Wait, I just realized this putting two of the stories together.

Jeff Flake, new leader of #TheResistance and Bob Corker, both voted in favor of the rule repeal.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9818 on: October 25, 2017, 02:52:14 AM »
oh shit, why Graham voted against it :lol
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who sponsored legislation to protect military members from being forced into arbitration, said he would not support a repeal of the rule [without it].

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9819 on: October 25, 2017, 03:04:03 AM »
oh shit, why Graham voted against it :lol
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who sponsored legislation to protect military members from being forced into arbitration, said he would not support a repeal of the rule [without it].

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.  :doge


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9820 on: October 25, 2017, 03:10:23 AM »
And when the banks fuck it up again...SAVE US DEMS.

The cycle is so tiring; yet accurate.

When the banks crash again they'll push for austerity measures like in 2013 and tax cuts for the rich to """stimulate""" the economy


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9821 on: October 25, 2017, 03:11:11 AM »
Mark Zuckerberg’s listening tour of the United States, he insists, is not a political campaign. But while “Zuck 2020” may not be happening, the 33-year-old Facebook co-founder is planning to influence American politics for generations to come. And that campaign has already begun.

The world’s fifth-richest man has publicly committed $45 million — most of it in the first 10 months of 2017 — into groups aligned with two political causes: ending the era of mass incarceration and fixing the affordable housing crisis in American cities.


While Zuckerberg’s philanthropic arm has so far disclosed the amount they have given to  each organization they’ve publicly embraced, they have the ability to conduct business — and affect the country’s politics — largely in secret if they choose. It’s possible the LLC is already funding political advocacy groups and the public would have no way of knowing, akin to the “dark money” activities of the Koch brothers.


CZI officials have been explicit that their dollars are going to groups with proven records (one fundee described the vetting process as “proctological”) of lobbying for legislation, passing ballot measures, and pressuring city officials to shift priorities on housing and criminal justice reform.

And their pace is quickening. Over the past five weeks, Chan Zuckerberg announced grants to nine groups, including Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Alliance for Safety and Justice, TechEquity Collaborative, and The American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform.

This last part was a bit amusing because it's so like an The Onion article entering reality thing:
A look at Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook feed over the past two years shows the origins of his and Chan’s desire to remake the country’s criminal justice system. CZI officials say it came from the couple’s visit to San Quentin State Prison; meeting with Anthony Ray Hinton, a black man who was on death row for 30 years before being exonerated; and reading Michelle Alexander’s influential book arguing that “tough on crime” policies were racist, “The New Jim Crow.”
But still, if being cliche is what it takes. No problems.

Others say it’s just a matter of time before CZI starts flexing its muscle on national issues. “They’ll find that to really force systemic change, they’ll quickly be focusing on the federal level, because that’s where you get scale,” said Juleanna Glover, a Republican consultant who has represented Silicon Valley companies such as Tesla and Uber.

Earlier high-profile efforts funded by Zuckerberg to pursue both political action and philanthropy have met controversy and mixed results.

Before immigration reform group became a major player in the fight to preserve DACA and its recent expansion into criminal justice reform, it had fought hard and failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform in 2013-14, and was considered a political flop. And Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to Newark, New Jersey, schools in 2010 famously brought significant local backlash — although a new study (funded in part by CZI) suggests that student outcomes have begun improving in the last few years.

But CZI officials say their efforts aren’t about one piece of legislation, or one city, or one election cycle. In fact, they see their role as being engaged on several issues and pieces of legislation continuously over the coming decades.

“What you’ll generally see is you’ll see activities flair up around a moment,” said Plouffe. “But if you’re out there in a sustained way, organizing and making arguments and telling compelling stories, you will often strengthen yourself for that next moment.”
Also don't have a problem with this even I'm sure I disagree with Zuck and co. on things. ALEC having this field to themselves is not ideal even if they probably helped with a lot of legislation I agree more with. Even just having Zuck's organization in the field with them (along with the pre-existing large number of public organizations who are strong collectively but less so at micro-targeting) should open things up and hopefully draw some others in.

That said, I totally didn't believe The American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform was an actual thing when I saw it listed in this article but it's been around since 2014 and it's not as bad as I feared. They actually to seem to be on the right side of many of the issues here, though they have a few odd ones like fair treatment of religion in prison but no explanation beyond that which would make me skeptical of what it means. They also have some good "conservative gut" focus articles like one by Grover Norquist in which he points to some decent criminal justice reform ideas but spends 90% of the article on explaining how it will help cut government spending and thus taxes. Which is how you probably gotta sell it. It does seem like their main focus currently is assisting in combating criminal asset forfeiture cases but that may just be their lack of size/funding and racking up easy wins. This is their directors latest tweet:


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9822 on: October 25, 2017, 04:27:46 AM »
Right-wing media is absolutely convinced that the DNC-Dossier connection is a Watergate-level scandal, and they're perplexed as to why the media isn't covering it more.

These fuckers and their alternate reality.  :lol

Yeah, I don't really get the ongoing hysteria in right-wing circles. Politician hires firm to do opposition research on her political opponent? Treason!

I guess the ONLY legitimate reason they might have to be hysterical is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign lied about financing the dossier. But, based on the current knee-jerk reaction, maybe they were justified to.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9823 on: October 25, 2017, 04:30:32 AM »
Right-wing media is absolutely convinced that the DNC-Dossier connection is a Watergate-level scandal, and they're perplexed as to why the media isn't covering it more.

These fuckers and their alternate reality.  :lol

Yeah, I don't really get the ongoing hysteria in right-wing circles. Politician hires firm to do opposition research on her political opponent? Treason!

I guess the ONLY legitimate reason they might have to be hysterical is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign lied about financing the dossier. But, based on the current knee-jerk reaction, maybe they were justified to.


You know why they're desperate for something to distract from the raging inferno that is this administration.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9824 on: October 25, 2017, 04:35:09 AM »
maybe i'm misremembering and i totally haven't read a single piece of this new "story"

but didn't this whole dossier start with like people tied to Jeb! or somebody else in the GOP primary side funding it, and then when that dropped out, the guy went shopping with it and some Democrats latched onto help him continue it, and even after all that the media still wouldn't pick it up except Buzzfeed

plus i thought we knew some Democrats had helped fund it a year ago


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9825 on: October 25, 2017, 04:43:36 AM »
meanwhile the Free Beacon has a bombshell report (which is starting to also circulate on conservative sites like The Daily Caller, etc. according to Memorandums links)
Hillary Clinton’s Top Aides Still Being Paid by Campaign Nearly One Year After Defeat

A number of longtime aides to failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are still being paid from her campaign committee nearly one year after her defeat, Federal Election Commission filings show.

The aides—who have remained close to Clinton, some working with her as a private citizen—have through the end of the third quarter collected thousands of dollars in payments from Hillary for America, Clinton's presidential campaign committee, the most recent filings show.

Huma Abedin, Clinton's longtime friend and aide who acted as vice chair of the campaign, has been paid nearly $65,000 between mid-November to the end of June. From the beginning of July until the end of September, during the third quarter, Abedin was paid a little more than $2,000, bringing her total payments to around $67,000 since the election.


Robert Russo, one of Clinton's closest aides who has been with her for a decade and was in charge of correspondence for the campaign, has been paid nearly $36,000 in 2017 from Hillary for America. Russo now works in the Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Clinton's personal office.

Opal Vadhan, advance associate for Hillary for America, has collected $12,200 from the campaign this year.

Grady Keefe, also a member of the campaign who has accompanied Clinton on recent book signings, has pulled in $17,300.

Elizabeth Jones, the chief operating officer of Hillary for America, has taken in $95,000 from the campaign this year.


Clinton's campaign treasurer did not return a request for comment on the continued payments by press time.
Wow, you still have to pay people's full contracts?!? SINCE WHEN?!?

Don't they remember when Hillary's 2008 campaign had to basically stiff vendors and some others for months on end until Obama's campaign could bail her out since hers was in debt and had no money they could use legally for this? At least this time they've got the money to pay everybody in full. Otherwise she'd have to tap into some of that Russia and Saudi and Iranian and North Korean money being sent to the Clinton Foundation and they need that to fund nuclear weapons for those countries! Or give speeches to Wall Street!


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9826 on: October 25, 2017, 04:45:03 AM »
Right-wing media is absolutely convinced that the DNC-Dossier connection is a Watergate-level scandal, and they're perplexed as to why the media isn't covering it more.

These fuckers and their alternate reality.  :lol

Yeah, I don't really get the ongoing hysteria in right-wing circles. Politician hires firm to do opposition research on her political opponent? Treason!

I guess the ONLY legitimate reason they might have to be hysterical is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign lied about financing the dossier. But, based on the current knee-jerk reaction, maybe they were justified to.


You know why they're desperate for something to distract from the raging inferno that is this administration.

Yeah, sure, I obviously get THAT. But I meant that I didn't get it in terms of why it evoked such a resonance within the right-wing communities. It's a bit of a non-story, yet everywhere you go that is right-wing, you see people frothing at their mouths saying: "AHH KNEW SHE WAS THE DEEEVIIILL!!!" Because everyone knows that the devil paid for others to do opposition research on God.

To clarify further, there's a difference between writing a story, for the reason you mentioned (desperate for something to distract from the raging inferno that is this administration) and that story resonating with the target audience. I understand the first, but not quite the second, other than the fact that it's a story about Clinton.

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BTW, off-topic, but I can't seem to set a profile picture. Is it because my account is still too new?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9827 on: October 25, 2017, 04:53:38 AM »
use http instead of https

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9828 on: October 25, 2017, 04:58:01 AM »
Right-wing media is absolutely convinced that the DNC-Dossier connection is a Watergate-level scandal, and they're perplexed as to why the media isn't covering it more.

These fuckers and their alternate reality.  :lol

Yeah, I don't really get the ongoing hysteria in right-wing circles. Politician hires firm to do opposition research on her political opponent? Treason!

I guess the ONLY legitimate reason they might have to be hysterical is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign lied about financing the dossier. But, based on the current knee-jerk reaction, maybe they were justified to.


You know why they're desperate for something to distract from the raging inferno that is this administration.

Yeah, sure, I obviously get THAT. But I meant that I didn't get it in terms of why it evoked such a resonance within the right-wing communities. It's a bit of a non-story, yet everywhere you go that is right-wing, you see people frothing at their mouths saying: "AHH KNEW SHE WAS THE DEEEVIIILL!!!" Because everyone knows that the devil paid for others to do opposition research on God.

To clarify further, there's a difference between writing a story, for the reason you mentioned (desperate for something to distract from the raging inferno that is this administration) and that story resonating with the target audience. I understand the first, but not quite the second, other than the fact that it's a story about Clinton.

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BTW, off-topic, but I can't seem to set a profile picture. Is it because my account is still too new?

Found your reason.


  • Junior Member
Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9829 on: October 25, 2017, 05:11:53 AM »
use http instead of https

Thank you! I finally got it to work!


  • Junior Member
Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9830 on: October 25, 2017, 06:05:46 AM »
So they hired an American company who in turn hired a former British MI6 agent?

This isn't a scandal. It's not even really news.

This story is HUGE!

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All the trustworthy outlets are running with it. It has to be! Hillary is the real Russia story, Mueller is soft-pedaling his look into this, him and his Democratic cronies are out to get Trump and steal our taxpayer money. They are behind this character assassination to prevent the country from MAGA'ing. Russia and collusion is fake news, except about Hillary!!

Yup, it's amazing how most of the MSM has ignored the disgusting crimes of the Clintons.  Projection, trying to say Donald was in bed with the Russians when look at the hard evidence coming out showing the disgusting betrayal of the country by Democrats.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9832 on: October 25, 2017, 07:42:45 AM »
That article actually never tells me "what it means" it also says:
Below are three key points.
Which are:
1) Clinton supporters — though not the campaign itself — were previously reported to fund the dossier
2) Trump's allegation of FBI payments is still dubious
3) The appearance problems for Democrats
4) Yes, the dossier was funded by Democrats
He never tells me which three are key.

I need Verrit.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9833 on: October 25, 2017, 07:44:42 AM »
In "Has Trump Been Normalized?", Peter Daou is joined by political activist Leela Daou (his wife and Verrit co-founder) to discuss how to manage the challenges of the Trump era as the mainstream media normalize his presidency.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9835 on: October 25, 2017, 07:52:42 AM »


  • Junior Member
Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9837 on: October 25, 2017, 07:56:54 AM »
How is this a scandal,  Bamelin?

The dossier formed the basis for the FISA warrants to wiretap Trump's campaign and ultimately to empower Mueller's investigation. Everything in the 'Russian collusion' investigation is built on this dossier.

This is FAR worse than Watergate.

It's disgusting and appalling.


  • Senior Member
Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #9839 on: October 25, 2017, 08:10:16 AM »
How is this a scandal,  Bamelin?

The dossier formed the basis for the FISA warrants to wiretap Trump's campaign and ultimately to empower Mueller's investigation. Everything in the 'Russian collusion' investigation is built on this dossier.

This is FAR worse than Watergate.

It's disgusting and appalling.

1) none of that has been confirmed about the FISA warrant. Which, afaik, actually existed like a year or two before trump even started running for President. Manafort has had a fisa warrant out on him since like 2014 or something like that. And trump never did, at least from what has been publically put out.

2) I agree Russia gate is far worse than watergate. It actually makes watergate look sort of small and inconsequential. (But not for the same imaginary reasons you do).