Author Topic: FFXIV  (Read 242102 times)

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  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1680 on: June 29, 2019, 07:28:57 AM »
Beb I get where you are coming from as I really liked them too, but a lot of them were filler if being honest. I am ok with a great quest/final exam at the end, they have earned benefit of the doubt with what I've seen so far. A good multi-part quest at the end could have close to the same amount of content yet be more focused, if that's the case I am ok with it, although I won't see many for a while.  :lol


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« Reply #1681 on: June 29, 2019, 05:58:07 PM »
One thing I'm noticing is the world seems a little underpopulated for opening weekend for a new expansion. Not sure 3 instances are really needed, not having much issue with queues. Maybe the added servers are helping spread players out.

I decided to turn off all my chats (FC & Linkshells, Say/Tell/Shouts) and am just going slowly at my own pace. Everyone's already so far ahead and clearing the MSQ and Ex bosses that I'm finding it better to just ignore everyone else's progression and just play at my own pace. Also I get super burnt out on MSQ quest after MSQ quest in FF14, so I try to gather some collectibles and do some sidequests in each spot as I move along to space it out.

On the neutering of job quests, my thoughts before seeing these lvl.80 quests are:

1) Their excuse is kinda bullshit, if they some were filler, it's because they couldn't come up with anything good and that's on them. Also the production values were already fairly good in HW/Stormblood, so I dunno what they're talking about needing better production values.

2) Not having it piecemealed as you progress in the new world is disappointing because like for Dark Knight this would have been a really interesting location for Fray to comment on as you progress in it.

3) Even if the lvl.80 job quests end up being pretty good stories almost as much as the previous job stories, crafters/gatherers don't have lvl.80 job quests so they've still cut them out. From what I gather there are still job questlines for those starting at lvl.70, but they're merging miner/bot, blacksmith/armorer/gsm, etc... so it's still ditching the individual stuff which is lame. And Miners and Botanists are nothing alike story-wise :X Fisher still looks to get its own storyline because no other job can combine with fishing, thankfully.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1682 on: June 29, 2019, 06:01:20 PM »
I feel like I'm flailing a bit with Dancer but progressing through Stormblood slowly. Either way, new job means an excuse for a new look!


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« Reply #1683 on: June 29, 2019, 06:47:21 PM »
Dancer looks way better on women than guys. My dude does not look like a sexy male dancer :(


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« Reply #1684 on: June 29, 2019, 09:20:58 PM »
i'd imagine the instances are just as much about framerate as they are about server load. a crowded crystarium - like kugane two years ago - fucking chugs on a base ps4. least they don't have weather effects this time around.

i have to say again that i'm continually impressed by how the game keeps plotlines and characters going for years at a time. i haven't left the first town yet but there's already references to characters that haven't been around for years. i really hope the writers stick around til the end (which shouldn't be too many more years...) because the care and attention they give to the world is something i haven't seen since the mass effect trilogy. i love it.

haven't done combat in the new zones yet but i finished up the ivalice quest today. a lot of people seemed to be stumbling with their character classes, but i play yoshi-p's chosen class, the BLM, i didn't see hardly any differences in how it plays before. i'm not mad, bc i liked it in SB, but i hope the lvl 80 additions are cool at least.


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1685 on: June 29, 2019, 09:54:48 PM »
Took a break almost at 75, will probably go back for more later. Had entire day to play but got sidetracked running MNR/BOT up a level each. And instance servers were down for an hour or two, which gave me a bit too long in a certain area (moogle flashbacks). The dungeons & trial so far are great.

I was going to play around more with other classes (did alliance roulette with BRD), but that just eats rested XP, need to run up to 80 to get armoury bonus again!


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1686 on: June 29, 2019, 10:20:04 PM »
i'd imagine the instances are just as much about framerate as they are about server load. a crowded crystarium - like kugane two years ago - fucking chugs on a base ps4. least they don't have weather effects this time around.

i have to say again that i'm continually impressed by how the game keeps plotlines and characters going for years at a time. i haven't left the first town yet but there's already references to characters that haven't been around for years. i really hope the writers stick around til the end (which shouldn't be too many more years...) because the care and attention they give to the world is something i haven't seen since the mass effect trilogy. i love it.

haven't done combat in the new zones yet but i finished up the ivalice quest today. a lot of people seemed to be stumbling with their character classes, but i play yoshi-p's chosen class, the BLM, i didn't see hardly any differences in how it plays before. i'm not mad, bc i liked it in SB, but i hope the lvl 80 additions are cool at least.

Yeah, I took a break from Shadowbringers today and did lvl.60 White Mage stuff and WHM seems pretty much the same outside lack of protect, no aero 3 and medica II duration being shorter.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1687 on: June 30, 2019, 12:30:36 AM »
Cleared the first dungeon. Was pretty good. Enjoying the story and maps more now. First time tanking a current content dungeon. I think I did ok considering I'm just making up my own rotation with this new style DRK job. I feel like 1 on 1 DRK is almost invincible since The Blackest Night shield pretty much zeros out tankbuster and between soul eater heals and abyssal heals and cooldowns DRK seems pretty strong defensively. My whole party wiped on the final boss of the dungeon and I kept at him 1 on 1 for a while and then suicided because he had way too much health for me to DPS down alone and felt bad for my dead team just sitting there. About halfway through 71 bar now.

I've been trying to gather along the way in the first 3 maps but there hasn't been many lvl.70 gathering spots. Like in Lakewood I'm not sensing either mining or botany, same with the area outside Eulmore. Been stopping to fish a lot though. Bot/Min are almost at 71 and Fsh is about halfway.

Not touching the crafters until I actually can gather the mats myself.


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1688 on: June 30, 2019, 02:17:29 AM »
Gatherers are useless till 71, you get a charity level with turn-ins. Do botany lol.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1689 on: June 30, 2019, 07:14:27 AM »
Oh and I really like the concept that sidequests are level synced in terms of xp give making it worth doing all of them at some point with first or second job.

I wish they turned all the ARR/HW/SB sidequests to this level sync as it’s hard to justify doing old ones that pay like no xp when characters power level through those areas so quickly. You’d think they could turn all sidequests to sync xp.

Same with bumping up ARR beast tribes xp given, but that’s a separate thing.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1690 on: June 30, 2019, 12:18:03 PM »
yup the ARR beast tribes are huge pain in the asses now outside the crafting one which is fine with turn ins. Only point in doing the others is for the mounts and stories.

Also, I'm gonna keep bringing up how the world feels surprisingly empty for a new expansion on Ultros at least. No queues and I hardly see more than 3-4 people while running around on the maps. Either they've got too many servers or the game isn't selling like Stormblood did? I miss the really packed alive feeling of that at launch. I think also spreading out between 2 cities and 3 maps early on has kinda spread people thin. I'm ready to get rid of instances and feel the crowd.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 12:28:53 PM by Bebpo »


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« Reply #1691 on: June 30, 2019, 01:42:07 PM »
i dunno, hyperion was fucking deader than dead for most of stormblood. like even rhalgar's reach would only have a couple people poking around most of the time. but the server has been packed the last two days, with people all over the place in the crystarium, gathered around every quest-giver, running around the one field map i've unlocked. did a lot of people leave ultros when they put up the new servers?


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1692 on: June 30, 2019, 03:17:57 PM »
The thing is Ultros has always been alive and after they added cross-world Ultros got crazy. I hang in Limsa because I do GC turn-ins and Limsa has been packed like crazy for last two months. Now it's kinda dead. There's people in the new city but I think the city itself having instances is making it seem a lot lighter. I don't remember Kugane having instances? I thought only fields did, but the city in this has instances splitting the players up.

Also, I wonder how the NPC party members is affecting things. When I queued for the first dungeon I had the longest wait as a tank since I started playing DRK in May. Took like 10-15 mins to pop. Not sure if that's because a lot of people are playing the dungeons with NPCs so less people queuing or that everyone is NPC/Tank because Dancer/Guntank and there's a drought of Healers. I need to get my WHM up to Shadowbringers to see if the queues are instant then.

Gonna try the NPC party members thing today. One huge advantage of doing it that way is you get all the loot which is super helpful for gearing up until endgame. I'm going to try to get the lvl.71 set for my Tank/NIN/WHM.

Got Bot and FSH to 71, just finishing up MIN to 71 now.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1693 on: June 30, 2019, 04:38:33 PM »
Boy am I never doing that again with NPC party members as a tank

+You get more treasure, although it only gives you 1 treasure per boss chest whereas in command missions with adventurer squadron AI party you get 3
+the characters have dialogue which is kinda cool seeing them comment like an instance as you go through the dungeon

-the AI DPS do not AoE at all. Which means every enemy mob is taking down 1 enemy at a time which takes foreeeeeeeeeeever, spend most of the dungeon whacking at mobs zzzz
-Adventurer Squadron AI might be doing that too, but in Adventurer Squadron they buff their stats to like 2-3x normal levels so they still beat the crap out of enemies pretty quick unlike this where the AI seems at normal stats

Hit 71 with MIN so ready to start gathering all that sweet lvl.75 spots with BOT/MIN/FSH, about to lvl.72 with DRK and ready to move on in the story after the first dungeon now.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1694 on: June 30, 2019, 05:14:55 PM »
Also, everything that was instant queue a week ago for tank now has a queue almost as long as DPS. Yep every roulette says "healer in need", I don't know what they were thinking adding a new tank and dps but not a new healer. They should alternate where even expansions are 2 DPS, odd expansions are tank/healer.

Oh well, more reason to get my WHM to 71 for that instant queue goodness.


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1695 on: June 30, 2019, 06:16:41 PM »
Instant queue is dope, but it was pretty obvious adding Tank + DPS heals would be in need for a while. I am not complaining.

Finally hit first gate of xpac today, need like half a bar to get to 76.

Still overall fun weekend but am on the tail end of being able to crack out.  :'(


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1696 on: June 30, 2019, 11:52:50 PM »
When & where do the crafting/gathering role stories open up? I just unlocked the tank/healer/physical dps/range dps ones.


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1697 on: July 01, 2019, 07:14:59 AM »
Should be open, As crafter talk to the girl in the crystalline mean. Pretty sure was a blue + icon.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1698 on: July 01, 2019, 09:18:45 AM »
So DNC is a lot simpler for single target than I thought originally...and also a decent chunk less DPS than BRD. But that's fine for now. I'll roll through Stormblood with it and if I really dislike it like I did MCH originally I'll switch back. It's extremely simple at early levels too so it's def too early to judge. Main thing seems to make sure to use Standard Step every cooldown, not when it expires, as it's 1000 damage for free just for passing a quick DDR test.

Looks like Technical Step drops another 1500 for free on top of that at L70 too so there's definitely potential there.

Also I can tell there's a lot of new tanks out there (maybe former healers all fed up?) because I've had to ask like four of them in roulette to put on a defensive stance cause I'm pulling aggro with my piddly DPS. :lol


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1699 on: July 01, 2019, 02:55:30 PM »
Should be open, As crafter talk to the girl in the crystalline mean. Pretty sure was a blue + icon.

Not yet for me. Probably need to advance a bit more in the MSQ, I'm really going slowly there. Been spending just as much time doing daily beast tribes and duty roulette with my WHM & Fishing haha.

Finally read the changes with WHM and NIN, I guess WHM's lily gauge is better now since it's not RNG and just time-related? That way in Ex/Savage stuff you know exactly when in the fight certain extra heals become available.

NIN changes seem pretty damn minor but by doubling your ninja magic attempts and buffing 2 of the magics the DPS should definitely be higher which I guess is why they got rid of one NIN's strongest abilities that would double the damage of the next attack.

All the jobs seem a little bit simpler now though I imagine at 80 they'll get back to a normal-ish rotation. I also browsed through crafting actions and saw they pretty much gave all crafters all the necessary skills so you don't have to level every crafting job just to have the actions you need from cross-skills. That's a good decision, though a little late for me with my full set of lvl.70 crafters...

I read on era that besides cutting job quests, they also cut the Odin/Behemoth/Coerl/Ixion type fate. I imagine they did this because Ixion really fucked with the servers for the first few weeks when everyone tried to get into the instance with Ixion and now with Cross-world it'd be even more of a mess as people would be jumping worlds and all trying to get into the instance for the next spawn. If I were the team I'd add the fate in a later patch when things have died down.

I do wonder if cutting the job quests was partly because they didn't know how to fit all these NPCs in the new location. Like I'll feel sad if in 6.0 Blastyr is still sitting in the Pier 1 blacksmith/armory place in Kugane. They have all these good NPCs from the crafting/gathering stories (well mainly crafting ones) who are just sorta left somewhere where their lvl.70 quest ended. I hope in the next expansion 6.0 they come back to them and they aren't just ditched for the rest of FF14 :|


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« Reply #1700 on: July 01, 2019, 05:55:26 PM »
i remember i had to wait like an extra day before i could finish SB because the last area was so congested from people waiting for ixion. there was a ton of players waiting outside the map, running towards the load zone over and over again lol. shit was awful.

given how much the team likes to keep stories going, i can't imagine they'll just leave stuff where it is forever. either they'll wrap them up next expansion or they'll do something with them in a content update sometime in the next two years.

also i keep wondering if or how they'll keep this game going indefinitely. they've said for a long time that the story is supposed to wrap up in 6, but seeing as the game keeps getting more popular i can't imagine they'll let it go. at the same time i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of long-time staff move on afterwards considering they'd have been on this same project for like 15+ years.


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1701 on: July 01, 2019, 06:29:28 PM »
will be interesting to see, this is more popular than XI was at this point in its life I think (ToAUish?), but expansions just got more and more low rent. wonder if they would actually cut ties and put it in zombie mode like what happened to late-game FFXI. there are still crazies playing that though.  :lol

a few more expansions and it'll be huge/sprawling...not really ideal for new players. with how much they seem to prize accessibility will be neat to see how they manage.


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« Reply #1702 on: July 01, 2019, 08:21:45 PM »
ffxi still has the same damn monthly fee it always had and it has a worse demo than xiv - one free month as opposed to free up til lvl 30. gets on my nerves bc i want to play it through just once but i don't wanna pay that much for something so archaic. who tf is keeping it alive?


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1703 on: July 01, 2019, 09:48:49 PM »
i go back to it once a year cause i'm a crazy person but as far as who is subbing all the time i'm kinda not sure, just seems to be people who have always subbed lol. it's definitely unlike any other mmo so it's worth experiencing just for that.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1704 on: July 01, 2019, 10:46:21 PM »
I think they'll finish off the main story in another expansion or two. But if it's successful there's definitely room to tell new tales about smaller scale conflicts in the world. Or they just go into space and each expansion is on a new planet like Mass Effect! I mean you have Omega and Dragons coming from interstellar.

I'm more concerned at how they can keep adding to jobs while constantly removing what they add every expansion now. Like they got rid of all the excess skills and beyond at this point. What's left to even cut?

will be interesting to see, this is more popular than XI was at this point in its life I think (ToAUish?), but expansions just got more and more low rent. wonder if they would actually cut ties and put it in zombie mode like what happened to late-game FFXI. there are still crazies playing that though.  :lol

a few more expansions and it'll be huge/sprawling...not really ideal for new players. with how much they seem to prize accessibility will be neat to see how they manage.

What's zombie mode?


  • Member
« Reply #1705 on: July 01, 2019, 11:11:00 PM »
What's left to even cut?

it's 5.0 and BLM still has a fucking sleep spell. WHY


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1706 on: July 01, 2019, 11:38:03 PM »

What's zombie mode?

Very low effort/ life support, not actual zombies sorry.  :lol

Think Diablo 3 past few years.

They announced a mobile port a few years ago and I was kinda hype but it disappeared. SE would prob want $9.99 a month for it anyway.  :doge


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1707 on: July 01, 2019, 11:40:57 PM »
the last big announcement i remember for ffxi was about them planning something big for the 20th anniversary, which is in 2022 :lol


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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« Reply #1708 on: July 02, 2019, 12:05:13 AM »
Got GNB to 70 and got up to shinryu in the stormblood quest before maint so I guess I'll be doing the weird inbetween expansion stuff stuff, then shadowbringers!!

I like my viera but I feel like her face came out a little funny.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1709 on: July 02, 2019, 12:24:08 AM »
Did a dungeon run with NIN before maintenance. First time actually doing combat with NIN since 5.0 and hahahahaaha

NIN isn't really changed at 70 but everything is on fucking turbo mode because they like doubled all your uses and cut 3 GCD combos to 2 GCD combos and all your doing is spamming high DPS non-stop. Like I'd be real interested to see ilvl capped 4.55 lvl.70 NIN vs ilvl capped 5.0 lvl.70 NIN because I have a strong suspicious NIN is doing like 1.3x-1.5x damage over what it used to. I get that the way they "balance" is by buffing all jobs and then adjusting new content to that newly buffed level of stats, but even for that NIN seems like major DPS upgrade.

I'd say NIN's more fun to play now, very fast arcade like experience of spamming.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1710 on: July 02, 2019, 08:53:09 AM »
I like the look of viera but no hats is a bummer, though it makes sense. Also at this point I've had this character as a miqo for 6 years so I'm used to her that way, but I do have two fantasias so I could swap back I suppose. Tough choice.


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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« Reply #1711 on: July 02, 2019, 10:09:26 PM »
I like the look of viera but no hats is a bummer, though it makes sense. Also at this point I've had this character as a miqo for 6 years so I'm used to her that way, but I do have two fantasias so I could swap back I suppose. Tough choice.
I think they said that they’re adding them in later, I’d recommend it.

Just check out the battle voices on YouTube before committing because there are some absolutely terrible ones
the one that sounds like she's just had a sip of ice cold coke after every swing is fucking lit


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1712 on: July 02, 2019, 10:15:43 PM »
what the fuck :lol


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« Reply #1713 on: July 03, 2019, 05:03:04 AM »
Forgot my favorite part about expansion launches, non-stop emergency maintenance which half the time fall during nights I'd otherwise have time to play.

Midway through lvl.72 now in the start of Il Mheg. I got my NIN to 71 and did the 1st dungeon again as a DPS and that is a really really slow dungeon. Not a lot of enemies but feels like they have a lot of HP. Even with a decent team, it feels like the mobs take a while to AoE spam down and the bosses have a lot of HP.

Started on the crafting/gathering quests. Uh oh at all the crafting ones requiring real costly mats to craft, feels like this could be very expensive to finish with everyone. Not sure how the gathering ones work since the item requested isn't on the gathering lists. Will just need to look up where they are.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1714 on: July 03, 2019, 09:32:56 AM »
bad shot but i like that for some reason the brd/mch/dnc gear in early SB stuff is some weird cowboy thing :lol haven't really had much time to play since early access but i already warned my wife that other than a morning hike tomorrow it's gonna be poopsock central the next couple day :D


  • Easy Victor
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« Reply #1715 on: July 03, 2019, 10:08:37 AM »
 :lol @ voice 7.

I guess I am getting to home stretch, almost 79 and have only been XP gated once. Decided to do daily roulettes as there is zero heal queue and leave most of the quests for other jobs. Story seems to have hit a lull pacing-wise/seems like filler, but tbh maybe I am just getting burned out as have been pretty nontstop. It was OMG great all the way through the woods though, hopefully it finishes strong.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1716 on: July 03, 2019, 08:04:29 PM »

guess i'm not the only one who planned to play a bunch tonight


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« Reply #1717 on: July 03, 2019, 08:11:17 PM »
i've seriously never had to wait more than like a minute or two to get in before, even at stormblood's launch. this is madness.


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« Reply #1718 on: July 03, 2019, 08:12:36 PM »
although this could very well be the return of ddos dickheads


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1719 on: July 03, 2019, 08:25:35 PM »
and there's a maintenance at midnight tonight :-\
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 08:31:34 PM by nachobro »


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1720 on: July 03, 2019, 09:16:29 PM »
and there's a maintenance at midnight tonight :-\

Yeah, I usually don't get started playing until like 8-9pm PST on weeknights, so maintenance tonight killed any chance of late night gaming since tomorrow's a holiday. Not the best timing.

*edit* tried playing but too tired so just did this week's custom deliveries lol, pretty soon my gatherers/crafters will be higher level than my main battle job. Will play a little outside 4th parties tomorrow I guess.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 10:59:05 PM by Bebpo »


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1721 on: July 04, 2019, 12:38:43 PM »
Small patch:

Didn't seem to change a ton but it did fix the game crashing when I tried to do in-home streaming


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« Reply #1722 on: July 04, 2019, 02:32:03 PM »
Wow, got story gated at 72 already in MSQ. I've been doing all the aethershard quests, ran the first dungeon twice and did the lvl.70/72 role quest for tank but still need about 25% xp to lvl.73. Maybe I should start running DRs with my DRK to make it through this MSQ.

I'd been wondering how the hell the story was going to get me to lvl.73 for the next dungeon/trial since you need massive XP between levels now and MSQ quests only give 500k at a time. Like to go from lvl.73 dungeon/trial to lvl.75 that's 2 levels of a ton of XP needed and shadowbringers dungeon runs barely seem to give more than like 20% XP with rested bonus + 20% bonus + 3% bonus.

Anyhow, I'm having fun with this expansion but tbh I'm pretty bored of the MSQ. For whatever reason this expansion compared to past ones I really feel how like 80% of the quests between each dungeon in the MSQ are straight up filler to sloooowly crawl you to the next level or two for the next dungeon. It's always been like that but for some reason I'm noticing it more here. I guess because I'm finding the plot pretty uninteresting and just feels like a filler story until back in Eorza. Don't really care about most of the Scions and the plot honestly feels like Shin Megami Tensei-lite.

I know it'll get better as more stuff opens up like trials/dungeons/endgame/raids, but so far I like this a lot less than Stormblood which I liked less than Heavensward, but it's still better than ARR which was baaaad. This is just ok so far to me. I like the music and that FATES now give drops to make them more worthwhile.

According to my playtime I've put around 25-30 hours into Shadowbringers so far.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1723 on: July 04, 2019, 03:37:18 PM »
Also I noticed pretty heavily when leveling my DRK and WHM these last few months that after about early, mid-50s the xp increase gets so large that anything that’s not percentage based xp is pretty pointless since with the addition of Alliance roulette, you can pretty much gain a level at anytime within about an hour from one alliance roulette + one leveling roulette. Add in 50/60/70 dungeon roulette if you need it and you’re definitely good. Makes quest xp feel a bit pointless.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1724 on: July 04, 2019, 06:10:40 PM »
Il Mheg is a pretty nice looking map. Stuff like this Ruby Sea/Yanxia/Azim, HW's floating island map and final Azys map are the kind of fantasy/sci-fi stuff I'm down with. The normal maps are kinda hmmm in comparison to these nice ones.

Do kinda wish the Don Mheg dungeon map was actually part of the Il Mheg map though, would've made it even better.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1725 on: July 04, 2019, 07:21:11 PM »
Wow that is really nice! Zone doesn't seem very "Warrior of Darkness" though. :lol I finally got to Kusane and it is a neat capital city. Hoping the rest of this expansion area is this cool. Also I really had a good time in Sirensong Sea and I got a new weapon, didn't realize Dancer gear was already being put into older content but I'm happy about it.

Also took a couple shots of (yet another) glamour


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1726 on: July 04, 2019, 10:43:52 PM »
Kugane is great. Really colorful fun city with nice booming music. I think it will always be my favorite city because I like all the Japaaaan pandering stuff, though surprisingly I still haven't really messed with Samurai job. Ninja is close enough.

Sirensea is cool, especially having done it again a few times lately with DRK and WHM. I think it does a good job showing the budget upgrade that Stormblood got. The whole thing where you start on a boat at sea and then it crashes into land and you continue the fight there is pretty awesome and a cool intro to Stormblood dungeons. The boss with all the black ooze splashes and stuff was neat too. Replaying Stormblood content with DRK/WHM, I really like all the Stormblood dungeons, especially now that you can blow through them quicker gear-wise. I tanked Hell's Lid in my roulette from 72->73 this morning and that was still pretty fun.

Fwiw, I do think it's a bit lame that so many jobs share gear like Dancer, Red Mage, Samurai, Blue Mage, etc... hard to make them look unique for their job outside the very few job specific gear you get each expansion. Like you get that on the tanks too since all 4 tanks wear the same gear. So my Dark Knight looks the same as any Paladin which is a bit odd considering the concept of dark/light tanks. I mean I am enjoying my deepgold blue outfit but I will swap for the next DRK artifact gear glamor once I get it so I can actually look like a dark knight.


  • Live Más
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« Reply #1727 on: July 04, 2019, 11:08:01 PM »
yeah it's pretty funny to have brd/mch/dnc all share the same gear since they have such wildly different aesthetics. i get why it happens but it still can lead to some goofy looks for a character


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« Reply #1728 on: July 05, 2019, 12:55:06 AM »
Il Mheg is pretty sweet. Got to the beast tribe and it's very magical as well. The lvl.73 dungeon was good stuff.

Was probably too hard on the MSQ. When it's going it's good and entertaining, but when you're running errands for people and the story completely stops its boring. I feel like the HW-onwards post-game MSQ is better about this since they don't have to pad with a bunch of MSQs to give you xp and help you reach the next real story point at a higher level.


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« Reply #1729 on: July 05, 2019, 04:28:37 PM »
Only had to work half-day, yay. I think today's the first day since launch that I can actually play all day :D Probably make some good progress, just about at the first trial and excited for that.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1730 on: July 05, 2019, 06:46:45 PM »
Finished the Il Mheg map arc. That was really good. I like how they made an entire story arc in 1 map like with Azim Steps. Wish every map was structured like that. But I guess every map can't have a trial at the end unless they step up their trial game.

Made it more of a satisfying finish that Titania was about as hard as an Ex battle with the group I had. Wiped so much and took an hour, failed the DPS check like 4 times before barely clearing it. Finished it with only like 20 mins remaining on the duty timer (and we had a few people drop in the middle and had to replenish). I don't even want to think about what Ex is with party finder groups right now. I mean for tanking there were 2 DRKs in a our team and the other DRK was further in the story and level sync'd to 74 while I was 73 and when I turned on tank stance I would also ways get top aggro while he was in tank stance meaning wtf is he doing for damage? DRK is very very simple at lvl.70s. Unless your in burst mode which happens each time Delerium pops (at which point you just spam Bloodletter and any non-OGCD cooldowns between Bloodletters), the rest of the time all DRK is doing is the same 1->2->3 combo over and over again while dropping a Bloodletter each time you hit 50 Blood and doing a Dark Arts move anytime your DA counter is near zero or you have near max MP and its a waste of DPS not to throw one in. I have no idea what the hell the other tank was hitting with.

Also people doing wacky stuff, like that part with the star pentagram roots AoE, is there any reason for everyone not to just follow the tank so they can keep dps-ing while in the smaller area? Because my team would like spread apart and each be trapped in separate bits and unable to attack until its over and I'm like wtf. I just stuck with the tank on it.

But yeah the main killer was on the adds section people not stacking for the stack marker after an AoE drop and people stacked would die and DPS wouldn't make it.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1731 on: July 06, 2019, 02:46:11 AM »

Soundtrack's been great so far, but the start of that area's arc when you first walk


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
« Reply #1732 on: July 06, 2019, 03:34:27 AM »

Soundtrack's been great so far, but the start of that area's arc when you first walk

Best tune in the game!



  • Senior Member
« Reply #1733 on: July 06, 2019, 03:56:15 AM »
I’ve been watching some FF14 music vids and I realize I really enjoy watching people wipe/die in raid videos. When it’s not me it’s just funny seeing all the ways people fuck up and die and it makes me feel better about myself and my deaths lol

Also Greatwood theme totally feels like a Xenoblade field track.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 04:02:07 AM by Bebpo »


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1734 on: July 06, 2019, 02:25:24 PM »
Having a weird glitch where every letter I type in chat changes who it's directed towards. So like it'll jump from shout to alliance to party to say to tell every letter I type wtf. Almost crashed during an S-rank with a million people and been wonky since. Better reset it..

*edit* and when I alt+tab'd back from this message it crashed, so yeah, was acting funky.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1735 on: July 06, 2019, 02:47:23 PM »
Some random thoughts:

White Mage: I dunno what 5.0 did, but did my first current-level dungeon since at lvl.63 and I'm back to MP management which hadn't been any issue in 4.55 once I was past like lvl.40. Didn't run out of MP but had to be good about using Lucid Dreaming to get MP back.

Blue Mage: With 5.0 did they raise the level cap from 50->60? Also even at 50 I don't think I've ever seen a Blue Mage in any of my lvl.50 alliance raids or lvl.50 roulettes. I'm assuming there's no way to balance a job with like 50 different attacks, so curious about how that went.

Triple Triad: Are they ever going to fix this and let you make decks with 4-star cards and one 5-star? Because it's totally bullshit you can only use 3-star cards and one 5-star but the cpu doesn't have to stick to those rules and you fight cpu all the time that have like nothing but 4-star card decks. Card games are no fun if the rules aren't the same for everyone.


  • Member
« Reply #1736 on: July 06, 2019, 03:06:25 PM »
welp my early access ran out and i still don't have the full game since they cancelled my ps4 CE. i went to log in and it says i need to register a copy of shadowbringers so i'm completely locked out of the game :(

i know i'll cave and get the pc version, then buy the ps4 ce as soon as it's available again, because i'm fucking weak. damn you SE  :-\


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1737 on: July 06, 2019, 04:30:54 PM »
Took a break from the MSQ and ran all my roulettes as healer. Got Dun Scaith in Alliance and I've probably only done that twice when it came out. That final fight still holds up which is rare for old content, especially that's in the DF. Lots of wipes and barely surviving in the final phase. Some people blamed it on healers getting nerfed, but idk.

At lvl.65 with my WHM, went ahead and re-geared since some of my inv was still running tome gear from lvl.60. Should be set until lvl.70 which I've already bought the full i290 set for WHM since I had a ton of poetics.


  • Senior Member
« Reply #1738 on: July 06, 2019, 06:39:00 PM »
I'm sure as I dig into ShadowBringers there will be more things that fit the Gunbreaker asthetic, but yeah Pally and DRK stuff sure doesn't.

Here's my 71 one as of now.


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« Reply #1739 on: July 07, 2019, 11:45:08 PM »
I have the base game on both PC and PS4 but prefer playing on PS4. I last tried it out for a month on the PS4 and had a blast but has Shadowbringers made the game run any worse on the PS4 Pro or is it still the same? It ran well for me when I played it, the only downside is not having a keyboard to communicate well but I can remedy that fairly easy. I have a bluetooth keyboard somewhere and I could always use the second screen phone app probably.

I guess I'm just worried about buttons over keyboard with skills but I don't remember there being too many combinations and being able to just use a trigger to switch to another bar helped. I primarily played healer as well so I was able to chill and just watch health bars.