Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192863 times)

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2700 on: November 15, 2017, 12:24:39 PM »

I've noticed over the years on GAF, since that is the only social sphere where I intersected with the Social Studies Warrior types, the word transgender kind of replaced transexual. Is that an accurate assessment? I remember back in the 90's, early 00's no one said transgender and the word trans was short hand for transexual. I may be incorrect since I lack expertise in this, but that was my impression. Nowadays no one on places like GAF uses the word transexual.  I guess because biology is a hard science and sex/biology is evil, and gender/social studies is virtue.

Very astute observation! That is exactly what happened, and it's not just gaf. You see, "transsexual" was deemed problematic . When I first got into the community in 2010, we used transsexual. I don't know when, but suddenly it was replaced by transgender because it was seen as "othering" people who were non-op and weren't transsexual. Or it was interpreted that transsexual makes people who don't understand what trans is make them think it's a sexual thing when it ain't. Whatever, they killed it. They wanted to make it more inclusive. People went along with it and we have what we got now which is basically, anyone speaks for the trans community now, even if they're not in the same group as you (i.e. I'm transsexual, and I have different needs/concerns than a non-binary in California). Now your struggle has been co-opted by people who say shit like,"gender is a social construct" when to you it absolutely, 100% isn't. So now if you describe yourself as a transsexual you're being transphobic.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 12:31:54 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2701 on: November 15, 2017, 12:38:14 PM »
Gender as a social construct (or at least 80-100% a social construct) is bunk as theory, A lot of the mid century social theories are falling apart under scientific findings. Some of those findings lend credence to the transsexual argument, but the rest of that political community has to reject science to continue to exist as they are, so that is one reason you are getting this split. It's not just individual disagreements, like gun rights or other political opinions, but that the convoluted mess of theory in lgbqt+ is self-destructing.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2702 on: November 15, 2017, 12:43:59 PM »
Maybe he had some tokyo sand blasted in his vagina.

So i did google and it sounds like he insists he had a torrent of shit blasted in his vagina, but i'm not sure.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2704 on: November 15, 2017, 12:52:37 PM »
Gender as a social construct (or at least 80-100% a social construct) is bunk as theory, A lot of the mid century social theories are falling apart under scientific findings. Some of those findings lend credence to the transsexual argument, but the rest of that political community has to reject science to continue to exist as they are, so that is one reason you are getting this split. It's not just individual disagreements, like gun rights or other political opinions, but that the convoluted mess of theory in lgbqt+ is self-destructing.

What is this? Biotruths?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2705 on: November 15, 2017, 12:56:06 PM »
"biotruths" is a dumb slander for biological findings. Most people see gender as both nature and nurture, but nature tend to be stronger than nurture over the long term.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2707 on: November 15, 2017, 01:06:13 PM »
The QTs are my favourite part of that crowd. 

Eel O'Brian

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2709 on: November 15, 2017, 01:10:00 PM »
Every time anyone involved with that game opens their mouth it just makes me feel better/smugger about hard passing on it :lol


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2710 on: November 15, 2017, 01:24:52 PM »
There is no real proof he doesn't work there. Maybe he changed his social account to remove mention of EA because he doesn't want to get into trouble/lose his job or maybe he doesn't work there. We will never know.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2711 on: November 15, 2017, 01:25:52 PM »
Hmm. I was talking to this person weeks before the Battlefront II outrage. Is this for real?

stay safe


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2712 on: November 15, 2017, 01:27:48 PM »
1600 Individual personal attacks - you'd have to be someone pretty high up the ladder to be that noticeable / receive the brunt. Someone in QA or Data Analysis seems unlikely to me that they would receive 1600 personal attacks in the matter of a day.
ResetERA has proven to me that people weren't lying when they said they only visited GAF and nowhere else.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2713 on: November 15, 2017, 01:28:20 PM »
"Why would someone lie about that?"

*Looks at mountain of media attention who instantly believed him and the vast array of support for him.*

Gee I wonder.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2714 on: November 15, 2017, 01:28:53 PM »
I do find it frustrating that Jason would go out of his way to verify employment of someone claiming to have been harassed and on the receiving end of death threats.

One should strive for believing victims regardless, and not attempting to dig up dirt to shame them for being harassed. There was no real reason to investigate this.

This is only going to add even more fuel to the fire that games journalists are “#FAKENEWS” and the false claims that this kind of toxic behavior doesn’t exist within the gaming community.

Ultimately seems to do more harm than good


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2715 on: November 15, 2017, 01:31:00 PM »
Good job Jason, now Gamergate will be emboldened by this!


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2716 on: November 15, 2017, 01:31:53 PM »
Isn't Sharkjohnson someone on thebore? Or am I mistaken?

edit: Yes, that's KissVibes :lol


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2717 on: November 15, 2017, 01:32:17 PM »
What is this? Biotruths?

I find this term quite incredible. It is basically used to hand-wave off any suggestion that there is a biological component to gender or behavioural differences. I mean it's hardly a controversial statement to make in fields like biology, neuroscience, and genetics, but yet they act like it is completely beyond the pale.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2718 on: November 15, 2017, 01:42:45 PM »
Stopped doxxing your fellow borians, etoilet!


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2719 on: November 15, 2017, 01:46:13 PM »
Cindi, something I'm curious about, does your condition manifest primarily on the physical side, as in a sense of wrongness about how the body is constructed, or is there a large element of wanting to be traditionally girly/feminine too?

I would think if the main problem is that your body feels wrong, then priority #1 is getting the body to a point where you're comfortable.  Is the compulsion to be feminine mostly an attempt to then fit into society afterward?  Like, all you wanted was a change to the body, really who gives a shit about dresses or lipstick or girly hobbies, other than having others consider you a woman?  Unless you just happen to like dresses.  Is it critical that others consider you a woman too, if the main problem was not feeling at home in your own body and now that's fixed?  This isn't asking for permission for others to be like "lol ur still a dude," of course it's shitty for people to abuse someone over their choices and just saying "ur really a dude" could be considered that.  But I'm asking does it cause as much distress as the physical sense of wrongness?  Basically, once you've transitioned is there anything anyone can really do to hurt you.  What's their opinion worth anyway.

Do you think more than just the physical body and chromosomes, there's a literal male brain and female brain, and female brains are somehow more likely to enjoy feminine activities?

There's always a lot of talk about breaking down gender norms, giving toy trucks to girls and dolls to not even letting kids have a say in what clothes or toys they gravitate towards, because media pumps them full of subconscious signals to behave a certain way, so you have to force them to try opposite gender stuff even if they hate it.  But if gender norms are so harmful then you would think it would be equally harmful for a trans person to try so hard to pass, to adopt as many feminine mannerisms, habits, clothing, likes and dislikes as possible.  They're not breaking down the norms, they're reinforcing them by saying "I need to do this to be considered a woman."  Is it a shitty thing you just have to do and ideally you wouldn't need to?  Or is it something you really want to do and there's nothing wrong with the norms?

I suspect you would think there's nothing wrong with gender norms, other than in the broad sense that letting people like what they like promotes tolerance toward transsexuals.  But I wanted to hear your take anyway.

I don't think there's anything wrong with norms unless society is preventing people from breaking them when they feel like it.  Like if you wanna talk jobs, if women just seem to not be drawn to certain types of jobs I don't think there's any particular reason why we should try to force it.  Let women choose the jobs they want.  As long as they're not avoiding those jobs specifically because they expect abuse in them, stuff like that.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2720 on: November 15, 2017, 01:48:04 PM »
Hansel's sister works for EA


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2721 on: November 15, 2017, 01:55:26 PM »
That thread is already trying to find the happy place between "okay he faked it" and "harassment is very real and priority number one!"


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2722 on: November 15, 2017, 01:58:48 PM »
There is no real proof he doesn't work there. Maybe he changed his social account to remove mention of EA because he doesn't want to get into trouble/lose his job or maybe he doesn't work there. We will never know.


Is journalism "doxxing" now ?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2723 on: November 15, 2017, 01:59:51 PM »
Uh-oh, looks like Waypoint is problematic now :whoo:

Who could've predicted that a company built on hipster assholes would have sexual harassment.  There's no way the super-woke folks at Waypoint could've done 5 minutes of research on Vice before deciding to join up. 


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2724 on: November 15, 2017, 02:11:22 PM »
What's funny is that there's a ton of dudes that would love to step into a hot chics body one day just to experience that power and then go hit on other hot girls.    :rofl


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2725 on: November 15, 2017, 02:16:50 PM »
I mean Vice was cofounded by Gavin McInness.  The current management can't just erase and wish it away.


That said, I hope the Cuphead devs latch onto this and give them a taste of their own bullshit.  That stupid thinkpiece wasn't a Waypoint creation but Austin Walker was out there promoting it.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2726 on: November 15, 2017, 02:25:35 PM »
Klepeck and Walker always seemed like very opportunistic people that were merely climbing the ladder from job to job.  While I hated Klepeck on Giant Bomb (I have an admittedly totally irrational hatred for the dude) I actually enjoyed Austin's stint there.  I could tell it was nothing more than a stepping stone for him and Patrick as well, though.

I'm SUPER interested to see how they handle this news.  They are usually the first with hot takes on anything related to the social side of gaming - silence, or even a "we can't talk about this for legal reasons", is going to make them look hypocritical to the max. 

It's "interesting times" to be working at Waypoint right now.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2727 on: November 15, 2017, 02:28:38 PM »
I mean Vice was cofounded by Gavin McInness.  The current management can't just erase and wish it away.
The piece is apparently about 2015+ harassment. I remember the McInnes and Smith original version of VICE enough that I'd be surprised if there wasn't sexual harassment going on there hourly.

Thankfully, the Daily Beast piece does bring that up for people who only know VICE through it's rebranding effort a few years back:
Vice founders Gavin McInnes and Shane Smith have been open about the fact that the Vice brand was built, at least in part, on the objectification of women. In the ’90s-era magazine (mostly written by McInnes), naked women graced the covers and sexual exploitation filled its pages via fact-free articles and features like its “Dos & Don’ts,” in which writers critiqued the style of somewhat anonymous subjects (a black bar covered their eyes) with captions like: “OK she may be hot but do you really want to fuck someone that dresses like this?” (According to McInnes, Vice was sued for calling one of the feature’s subjects “a slut.”)
“We’re not going to revise history—that’s where we came from, but over the past two decades Vice has evolved into a very different company today,” a Vice spokesperson told the New York Post in a report on a 2003 book in which Smith and McGinnes bragged about having group sex with advertisers in the office.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2728 on: November 15, 2017, 02:28:48 PM »
Cindi, something I'm curious about, does your condition manifest primarily on the physical side, as in a sense of wrongness about how the body is constructed, or is there a large element of wanting to be traditionally girly/feminine too?

I would think if the main problem is that your body feels wrong, then priority #1 is getting the body to a point where you're comfortable.  Is the compulsion to be feminine mostly an attempt to then fit into society afterward?  Like, all you wanted was a change to the body, really who gives a shit about dresses or lipstick or girly hobbies, other than having others consider you a woman?  Unless you just happen to like dresses.  Is it critical that others consider you a woman too, if the main problem was not feeling at home in your own body and now that's fixed?  This isn't asking for permission for others to be like "lol ur still a dude," of course it's shitty for people to abuse someone over their choices and just saying "ur really a dude" could be considered that.  But I'm asking does it cause as much distress as the physical sense of wrongness?  Basically, once you've transitioned is there anything anyone can really do to hurt you.  What's their opinion worth anyway.

Do you think more than just the physical body and chromosomes, there's a literal male brain and female brain, and female brains are somehow more likely to enjoy feminine activities?

There's always a lot of talk about breaking down gender norms, giving toy trucks to girls and dolls to not even letting kids have a say in what clothes or toys they gravitate towards, because media pumps them full of subconscious signals to behave a certain way, so you have to force them to try opposite gender stuff even if they hate it.  But if gender norms are so harmful then you would think it would be equally harmful for a trans person to try so hard to pass, to adopt as many feminine mannerisms, habits, clothing, likes and dislikes as possible.  They're not breaking down the norms, they're reinforcing them by saying "I need to do this to be considered a woman."  Is it a shitty thing you just have to do and ideally you wouldn't need to?  Or is it something you really want to do and there's nothing wrong with the norms?

I suspect you would think there's nothing wrong with gender norms, other than in the broad sense that letting people like what they like promotes tolerance toward transsexuals.  But I wanted to hear your take anyway.

I don't think there's anything wrong with norms unless society is preventing people from breaking them when they feel like it.  Like if you wanna talk jobs, if women just seem to not be drawn to certain types of jobs I don't think there's any particular reason why we should try to force it.  Let women choose the jobs they want.  As long as they're not avoiding those jobs specifically because they expect abuse in them, stuff like that.

Both. The physical side is represented in an inherent acknowledgement of male sexual characteristics (body hair, have a penis, lack of boobs;etc.) as wrong. If I could be a cis chick I'd give it all up in a heartbeat. It's not just physical but also mental. I hated the sex drive I had as a boy. The thought of it disgusts me. I'm also attracted to presenting femininity as well but I don't attribute that to my being trans, it's just a me thing.

Dysphoria isn't just a physical thing but also a social thing. Someone calling you a man can hurt. Like, growing up, the act of being separated into groups by sex pissed me off for reasons I couldn't explain.

I do believe in male brain/female brain but I also admit that I believe a lot of this stuff is attributed to hormone levels. My transition has helped me realize just how much hormones shape behavior. I do not think women are more predisposed to enjoy feminine activities. That, in my experience, is entirely personal and even cultural. That is  a social construct but is wholly separate from the idea on whether or not gender itself is a social construct ( a claim I deny). But me training martial arts, enjoying chatting with the girls on a spa day, going to fighting game tournaments, or dressing in pretty dresses do not make up what I define myself as a woman. It would be stupid as fuck to say women naturally enjoy feminine things, because I know plenty dudes who like feminine things from My Little Pony to drag queens, and no one is questioning them being a man. I know plenty of women who are into masculine things. Sports, being a "stud", shit like that. Their womanhood is never questioned. Basically, basing gender on what someone likes or enjoys doing is infantile.

I don't give a fuck about breaking gender norms and that isn't what being trans is about. Let kids play with whatever they want, but leave ideology bullshit out of it. I'm the type of chick who will go to a martial arts tournament in a dress wearing heels just to watch because it's me. Not because of some dumb idea of gender. I don't subscribe to the "women do this" "men do this" thing. I say do whatever the fuck you want. I never really had to try to take to female mannerisms for example, so it's not performative for me and I don't think I'm reinforcing gender stereotypes. I think this is a legitimate concern, but I also think people underplay the differences between men and women and the role hormones play between them. That being said, I fully admit that I am gender conformist and I idolize femininity and find it empowering. But I don't believe in putting a performance on it. On the flip side I do not find a man simply putting on lipstick as being a woman.

I think the jobs thing is legit though depending on the circumstance. Like, it's fascinating that there's lacking women in certain fields and I see nothing wrong with acknowledging that, hey, Lego is kind of advertised as being a boys thing, for example.

I hope what I'm saying makes sense.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 02:42:16 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2729 on: November 15, 2017, 02:29:40 PM »
The touching sounds bad, but everything else in that Daily Beast article sounds like the tamest Hunter S Thompson story being played out by people who love Hunter S Thompson. I would kind of expect that vibe if I was at Vice.

Though apparently Vice is now refined and reformed, which means boring yet still fact free.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2730 on: November 15, 2017, 02:30:21 PM »
Remembering THAT VICE does make it hard to wrap my head around this valuation though :lol
Today, Vice is valued at $5.7 billion, thanks to major investments from Disney and 21st Century Fox.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2731 on: November 15, 2017, 02:31:32 PM »
That feeling when you've run the confessional and know everyone's just pretending to be righteous and warn them against it then it all falls apart



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2732 on: November 15, 2017, 02:32:20 PM »
That feeling when you've run the confessional and know everyone's just pretending to be righteous and warn them against it then it all falls apart

(Image removed from quote.)

the current Social Studies Warrior neo-puritan movement is not sustainable. I wonder when it's gonna pop?


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2733 on: November 15, 2017, 02:32:26 PM »
Can someone tell me if the Vice documentaries are worth watching or if they're just sensationalist garbage?

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2734 on: November 15, 2017, 02:33:39 PM »
That feeling when you've run the confessional and know everyone's just pretending to be righteous and warn them against it then it all falls apart

(Image removed from quote.)

the current Social Studies Warrior neo-puritan movement is not sustainable. I wonder when it's gonna pop?
You haven't noticed? It already has.

Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2735 on: November 15, 2017, 02:37:46 PM »
That feeling when you've run the confessional and know everyone's just pretending to be righteous and warn them against it then it all falls apart

(Image removed from quote.)

the current Social Studies Warrior neo-puritan movement is not sustainable. I wonder when it's gonna pop?

Right about the time when people start pointing out how many people are using it to get away with being actual predatory scumbags by pointing the finger at everyone else.



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2736 on: November 15, 2017, 02:39:46 PM »
No Ronito, I mean, when are we going to go back to being able to discuss shit with people we disagree with without being labeled as agreeing 100% with their ideology? When will words stop being forced on to others culturally? When will people able to criticize the movements ideas without being labeled problematic? I'm guessing the 2020's?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2737 on: November 15, 2017, 02:41:59 PM »
If it was just an internet thing then I'd say some social media platform shift would change that, but its also in education and media.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2738 on: November 15, 2017, 02:42:26 PM »
Remembering THAT VICE does make it hard to wrap my head around this valuation though :lol
Today, Vice is valued at $5.7 billion, thanks to major investments from Disney and 21st Century Fox.

5.7 billion? that's ridiculous.

Crazy how fast media outlets can blow up but even crazier how fast they can collapse.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2739 on: November 15, 2017, 02:53:30 PM »
It would be stupid as fuck to say women naturally enjoy feminine things, because I know plenty dudes who like feminine things from My Little Pony to drag queens, and no one is questioning them being a man. I know plenty of women who are into masculine things. Sports, being a "stud", shit like that. Their womanhood is never questioned. Basically, basing gender on what someone likes or enjoys doing is infantile.

Oh I don't mean it like that, of course for any given thing or activity there's a chance that any given person might like it, and it doesn't make them more or less of a man or a woman.  What I was wondering is whether there is some nebulous non-societal influencer that might mean a person has a higher chance of being drawn to one or the other.  A dude can like My Little Pony, but is there something outside of societal pressure that keeps most dudes from liking it?  I guess that would most likely link to hormones, if anything.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2740 on: November 15, 2017, 02:55:35 PM »
Waypoint has Zacny who is a good game reviewer and Riandeau who is a normal, relatable person even if clearly one that would be labeled a SWJ and the classic Nintenhead reviewer to a fault. Barely know Klepek or Walker work so :yeshrug


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2741 on: November 15, 2017, 02:57:22 PM »
Boys play a certain way. This behavior replicates across different cultures. It also appears in other species. The difficulty of MLP for boys is it wasn't designed for that mode pf play. Friendship and Magic is a verbal/social play. Boys tend to play more physically and like to test limits.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 03:05:07 PM by etiolate »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2742 on: November 15, 2017, 03:00:20 PM »
Waypoint has Zacny who is a good game reviewer and Riandeau who is a normal, relatable person even if clearly one that would be labeled a SWJ and the classic Nintenhead reviewer to a fault. Barely know Klepek or Walker work so :yeshrug
I seriously want to splooge all over your avatars face. It's the perfect candidate for a good splooging.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2743 on: November 15, 2017, 03:02:08 PM »
It would be stupid as fuck to say women naturally enjoy feminine things, because I know plenty dudes who like feminine things from My Little Pony to drag queens, and no one is questioning them being a man. I know plenty of women who are into masculine things. Sports, being a "stud", shit like that. Their womanhood is never questioned. Basically, basing gender on what someone likes or enjoys doing is infantile.

Oh I don't mean it like that, of course for any given thing or activity there's a chance that any given person might like it, and it doesn't make them more or less of a man or a woman.  What I was wondering is whether there is some nebulous non-societal influencer that might mean a person has a higher chance of being drawn to one or the other.  A dude can like My Little Pony, but is there something outside of societal pressure that keeps most dudes from liking it?  I guess that would most likely link to hormones, if anything.

There's also the fact that there's social pressure. Who wants to be called a homo for watching MLP? Much easier to dismiss it in public and watch in private. Don't want to risk your manhood. A lot of manhood can be purely performative, like trying to be hard and not liking things because you just don't want to be called a taco.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2744 on: November 15, 2017, 03:03:00 PM »
Waypoint's podcast on Monday was about the importance of calling out harassment when it's in your own backyard. Awkward timing for them.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2745 on: November 15, 2017, 03:03:19 PM »
Can someone tell me if the Vice documentaries are worth watching or if they're just sensationalist garbage?

I've enjoyed some of them.  :yeshrug


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2746 on: November 15, 2017, 03:09:30 PM »
I told yall about Austin covering up at least one instance of sexual harassment (and continuing to give the harasser an audience through his $13k patreon funded podcast). I'm sure he's done more than just that. It'll all come out eventually.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2747 on: November 15, 2017, 03:11:39 PM »
Hell I brought it up on Twitter just a few days ago and was threatened to delete the tweets so those folks are real interested in keeping it under wraps.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2748 on: November 15, 2017, 03:14:29 PM »
Klepek was a long while just a good ol fashion muckraker, but for video games, he started to change at Giant Bomb as he hit his late-twenties. But counter how they all did in their careers, he started to take things more seriously. Dan was arguably an ideal replacement as he seemingly is mentally incapable of doing so. :lol

I don't think Giant Bomb needed a news reporter anyway. That was always a weird official position for Patrick in terms of how Giant Bomb operates and something more like Polygon would want. (And probably played a role in why he eventually went back to Kotaku.)

I always thought it was kinda funny that Patrick's journalism didn't get any better after he got his degree in Print Journalism, it was always his working the connections and being persistent that he always did. Like his story on Evilore you can see all his "secrets" just from the fact that he hopped on the story and deluged him and the girl with e-mails/talking. That's basically his whole methodological advantage. When most everyone else in games journalism considers rewriting a PR release or asking something on twitter and hitting publish to be journalism. It's funny when you'd see some long form piece about the death of some studio praised and find out that someone anonymously e-mail dumped them the whole story and they just pieced into sentences and paragraphs.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2749 on: November 15, 2017, 03:15:34 PM »
I've enjoyed some of them.  :yeshrug

I'm having a hard time finding proper reviews for them online. Most of the shit coming up is like: "The 15 best vice documentaries" and since I can barely find anything on them I clicked on the link.

"The documentaries are graded by their ammount of youtube views."

The only actual critique I found was some random Pakistani blogger that says their one documentary on Pakistan gives a complete misrepresentation of the country.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2750 on: November 15, 2017, 03:16:37 PM »
They're good for entertainment value, not for educatational purposes.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2751 on: November 15, 2017, 03:18:56 PM »
Who threatened you?
Former members of the Streamfriends streaming group and current members of the aforementioned podcast/writers for Waypoint. It also lead to me getting some other interesting and supportive DMs though.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2752 on: November 15, 2017, 03:21:04 PM »
I always thought it was kinda funny that Patrick's journalism didn't get any better after he got his degree in Print Journalism, it was always his working the connections and being persistent that he always did. Like his story on Evilore you can see all his "secrets" just from the fact that he hopped on the story and deluged him and the girl with e-mails/talking. That's basically his whole methodological advantage. When most everyone else in games journalism considers rewriting a PR release or asking something on twitter and hitting publish to be journalism. It's funny when you'd see some long form piece about the death of some studio praised and find out that someone anonymously e-mail dumped them the whole story and they just pieced into sentences and paragraphs.
At least it's edited down (?). Unlike this, which this reminded me of:

I listened to the entire thing and partway through just wished he'd posted the emails he's rewording. (His inconsistent use of tenses also bothered me a lot.)


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2753 on: November 15, 2017, 03:24:09 PM »
One reason VICE got into documentaries is because the original ones they did that got so popular were quite slapdash and attached to fly by night handler operations and such, so they got footage and access they arguably were not supposed to.

Now that it's a clear business and journalistic endeavor, they'd never risk that and their contacts are often more above ground.

For an amusing comparison, Anthony Bourdain's shows went through the same thing. Especially his first iteration which Food Network funded but got after he produced it. Some of the more amusing earlier episodes are where they follow some guy who claims to be their guide and they wind up having this great authentic meal and then suddenly a bunch of men with guns show up. Next thing you know Bourdain's trying to drink the local head of the Communist Party under the table so they can escape into the night and back to safe territory. :lol

No Reservations first couple seasons preserved some of this complete nonsense for a travel show that let reality seep in, but by the time he moved over to CNN it was basically all gone as they were using more of the corporations vast resources versus the ad hoc ones that made his show so enjoyable to begin with. (Bourdain, has, for his part acknowledged this and that part of it was they all got older and started families, they couldn't exactly rely on guys like Samir anymore without proper supervision. Especially going into areas without anyone who could speak to the tribes or whatever.)


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2754 on: November 15, 2017, 03:24:15 PM »
nachobro, is this separate from the stuff related to Phil Kollar that was on Twitter the other day?

Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2755 on: November 15, 2017, 03:27:11 PM »
Because "mental disease" is one step away from mental illness, which dysphoria doesn't constitute but is often argued as being. The DSM is deliberate in its wording because of this and precisely why they changed it from gender identity disorder in the DSM4 to simply gender dysphoria in 5. So no, it's not semantics.

My God, who gives a shit about this politically correct crap? Yes, it's semantics.

I imagine the semantics matter a lot more when it comes to law and other areas (insurance coverage) where the specific classification means more than just feelings.  So there is a reason to give a shit.

Except they're not talking to the state they're talking to regular people and whining endlessly about this shit.

Do you know why S JWs and the word police do a disservice to minorities? Because not only they come off as bullies but they also shift the discussion to semantics and bullshit. They bring the discussion to a level idiots can argue endlessly without ever coming to a sane conclusion... because they're idiots themselves.  What an intelligent person would do is say this:

Sure dude, whatever, it's classified as a disorder but you can call it a disease too. What's important is how to deal with it, since there isn't a pill for this because the brain is extremely complicated and since trans people are miserable in their current condition the only feasible solution right now is surgery. Do you disagree with this?

Do you know how many more people these so called activists would bring on their side if their did something like that and didn't bicker endlessly about words and stupid fucking semantics?

Your social studies tangent aside, words and classifications need to be used correctly to actually mean things, and my point was I (think I) understand why Cindi is being pedantic about your word choice in this scenario, and was trying to elaborate on why that word choice could matter beyond just a label.  I'm by no means an expert though, so maybe they are interchangeable without repercussion.  I'm not going to touch the gender spectrum with a 10 foot pole, no one can sort that shit out.  I don't consider "disease vs disorder" to be in the same sphere, so I wasn't going there.  I'm responding too slow and this convo has moved beyond this atm so I'm out.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2756 on: November 15, 2017, 03:28:32 PM »
I watched a Vice 'documentary' on some Southern American (forget which country exactly) men's obsession with fucking donkeys as their 'first'. Their taxi driver eventually says he's done it too and actually does it on camera for them.

Never watched another Vice video.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2757 on: November 15, 2017, 03:29:26 PM »
yeah this is different than the stuff with Phil. not to sound crass but this is actual harassment, not flirting.

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2758 on: November 15, 2017, 03:31:03 PM »
I watched a Vice 'documentary' on some Southern American (forget which country) men's obsession with fucking donkeys as their 'first'. Their taxi driver eventually says he's done it too and actually does it on camera for them.

Never watched another Vice video.

Colombia. That guy fucking the donkey in the last part of the documentary is something else, the way he slowly gives it a back rub while smoking a cigarette afterwards... Also the kids he interviews that say they all fuck donkeys, then the mothers that say it's fine as they practice for real women... and the doctor who claims it "stretches out the penis".  :doge


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #2759 on: November 15, 2017, 03:31:56 PM »
I watched a Vice 'documentary' on some Southern American (forget which country exactly) men's obsession with fucking donkeys as their 'first'. Their taxi driver eventually says he's done it too and actually does it on camera for them.

Never watched another Vice video.

of course not

if you wanted more of that stuff then clearly there are other sites to watch such 'documentaries'