Author Topic: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ] jordan peterson Jordan Peterson JORDAN PETERSON  (Read 214792 times)

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1560 on: May 22, 2018, 06:09:17 PM »
That Cathy Newman interview is pretty much going to be Peterson's "four touchdowns in a single high school football game", isn't it?
Considering how difficult it is to destroy a news anchor when they clearly have the upper hand in those settings.... yeah, it definitely will be.

And you don't like anyone who disagrees with his nonsense.  Do you see the fucking recursion here
Not true. His fedora wearing piece is cringe-worthy, same with when he gets overly emotional and starts to shed tears. lol i mean he has a lot to laugh at, for sure


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1561 on: May 22, 2018, 06:11:46 PM »
Hey, remember how Peterson said he thinks that ancient pictures of coiled snakes are evidence that those cultures somehow knew about the DNA double helix?

Someone pointed out that those cultures probably all used that imagery cause snakes coil when they fuck, and I'm mad I didn't figure that out immediately.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1562 on: May 22, 2018, 06:22:15 PM »
Peterson's best defense is this:

"So you say women should be forced to marry?"

"No, you should actually listen to what I have to say. I didn't say that. What I said is that women... look. We have society, we've had a society for centuries. And remember we fought each other. Most of the 21st century humans have been at war with each other and excuse me I don't want to see that repeated. So in my view and this could be backed up by literature but it's mostly an idea I have. In my view we must look at society as an ever moving and changing construct. Like the ancient Greeks already discovered. Time is not a flat circle if you put in in perspective and Fibonacci knew that when you looked at the stars you could see this in the constellation. So...

"So are women force...."

"LET ME FINISH my point. You have to let me finish my point. So you have these two polar opposites of right and wrong. Of Yin and Yang of Adam and Eve and honestly if we look at it from this profound construct and look deep into our society on a cultural but more like a molecular level so to speak we can see these ever changing movements. The Greeks saw them, Fibonacci saw them and hell the Germans saw them. How do you think Hitler managed to control society? Right, you're absolutely right he deprived the men of women but the weak men, so the able bodied men would reproduce would create soldiers. But in this, in this society of competition that means that at some point the Marxists will return. After all the Marxists are the exact opposite. You have chaos on one hand and rationality on the other. If one is rational the other must be chaos. And so I never said that. But what I am saying is this. Hey man, the world is in chaos. We're in a really really bad place.... so what are you going to do aboot eet?"


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1563 on: May 22, 2018, 06:25:57 PM »
You know how to tell someone's been thoroughly annihilated? When the annihilator and his followers spend countless hours after said annihilation attempting to explain and clarify what said annihilator REALLY meant to say and why said annihilator did such a great job annihilating the annihilated.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1564 on: May 22, 2018, 06:33:34 PM »
Funny thing is it's not even a new grift.


The main proponents were, you guessed it, Jungian analysts!

Kind of interesting: those books were published in 1990 and 1991. 1991 was also when "political correctness" entered common usage; GHWB mentioned it in a speech and the New Republic had an entire issue devoted to it, etc. David Mamet's Oleanna came out in 1992 and Michael Crichton's Disclosure came out in 1994, both about men (a professor and a businessman respectively) being targeted by false accusations of sexual harassment.

A lot of the current panic about men and masculinity being under siege, speech being restricted by new unwritten rules, and feminism run amok is very, very reminiscent of those freakouts in the early-mid 90's. Someone get recursive in here, he's the expert on nostalgia cycles.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1565 on: May 22, 2018, 07:18:40 PM »
annihilation annihilated


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1566 on: May 22, 2018, 09:18:59 PM »
Funny thing is it's not even a new grift.

(Image removed from quote.)  (Image removed from quote.)

The main proponents were, you guessed it, Jungian analysts!

Kind of interesting: those books were published in 1990 and 1991. 1991 was also when "political correctness" entered common usage; GHWB mentioned it in a speech and the New Republic had an entire issue devoted to it, etc. David Mamet's Oleanna came out in 1992 and Michael Crichton's Disclosure came out in 1994, both about men (a professor and a businessman respectively) being targeted by false accusations of sexual harassment.

A lot of the current panic about men and masculinity being under siege, speech being restricted by new unwritten rules, and feminism run amok is very, very reminiscent of those freakouts in the early-mid 90's. Someone get recursive in here, he's the expert on nostalgia cycles.
Doesn't Peterson continuously reference Jung? I don't think he's ever hidden that fact.

Peterson's best defense is this:

"So you say women should be forced to marry?"

"No, you should actually listen to what I have to say. I didn't say that. What I said is that women... look. We have society, we've had a society for centuries. And remember we fought each other. Most of the 21st century humans have been at war with each other and excuse me I don't want to see that repeated. So in my view and this could be backed up by literature but it's mostly an idea I have. In my view we must look at society as an ever moving and changing construct. Like the ancient Greeks already discovered. Time is not a flat circle if you put in in perspective and Fibonacci knew that when you looked at the stars you could see this in the constellation. So...

"So are women force...."

"LET ME FINISH my point. You have to let me finish my point. So you have these two polar opposites of right and wrong. Of Yin and Yang of Adam and Eve and honestly if we look at it from this profound construct and look deep into our society on a cultural but more like a molecular level so to speak we can see these ever changing movements. The Greeks saw them, Fibonacci saw them and hell the Germans saw them. How do you think Hitler managed to control society? Right, you're absolutely right he deprived the men of women but the weak men, so the able bodied men would reproduce would create soldiers. But in this, in this society of competition that means that at some point the Marxists will return. After all the Marxists are the exact opposite. You have chaos on one hand and rationality on the other. If one is rational the other must be chaos. And so I never said that. But what I am saying is this. Hey man, the world is in chaos. We're in a really really bad place.... so what are you going to do aboot eet?"
Yeah, he definitely goes off on these tangents. One of the things people love about him is how he dives deep into literature filled with a ton of allegories and all that, i personally don't like it, nor do i like his religious side but he does tend to get to his point... eventually.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1567 on: May 22, 2018, 09:20:08 PM »
yeah that's the point


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1568 on: May 22, 2018, 09:28:37 PM »
When he gets challenged:

1. He pouts

2. He takes it as a personal attack. This happens even in debates with other academics and philosophers. Asking him to clarify or repeating his words to him is a personal attack to Jordan Peterson

3. He says people misunderstood him or took him out of context, then explains what he really meant which is always somewhat to very different than what he said originally that people "misunderstood" or "took out of context"

He's now started to use posts from his own fan boards and tweets as "evidence" and "explanation" of what he said when people :doge him over wacky shit he says. Now, to me, these, along with admitting he puts on a vocal and physical presentation tailored to his specific audience of malcontents and his fury when he gets challenged on anything, are clear and present signs that he's a charlatan just bilking money out of idiots who think they're intelligent free thinkers.
  People are allowed to get tired, and impatient. Especially if they aren't listening and already judging what he's saying based on what they perceive about him.  I haven't seen him take things as a personal attack, unless he's personally attacked.

His first debate with Sam Harris was a fucking disaster. On both their parts. His podcasts with Joe Rogan tended to be really good, but even there he gets too deep into the religious allegory stuff but that's who he is and what he's about.

You guys just have this deep desire to shit on the dude and i'm not sure why. What's so offensive? He believes society is going off the rails with political correctness, identity politics, this lie of equality of outcome (which is being pushed right now hard), and so on. There's a lot of people that also believe some of that, many liberals. Again, what gets you Rees all up in arms?


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1569 on: May 22, 2018, 09:34:20 PM »
He's a snek and a goof and people following him like a cult leader are to be mocked for falling for such a blatant scammer. That's as deep as it goes.
How exactly is he a scammer? What is he scamming?

The guy taught at Harvard, he's a tenured professor at a well known Canadian University, he had his own practice, like wtf? See, this is when i just fucking shake my head. Just because he stepped on the toes of the trans community during the compelled speech debate he is now and forever on the shit list.

And then you guys think i'm transphobic because i call the activists in that community toxic as fuck.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1570 on: May 22, 2018, 09:34:30 PM »
Look at how much Peterson cares about helping his lobsters in need:

Until recently, those who contributed $200 or more monthly to his Patreon account could also receive a 45-minute Skype session with him.

There’s also the issue of the payment. As noted, this was not an official therapy session. But it’s important to note that therapists have an ethical responsibility to charge a reasonable rate for services and to refer a patient elsewhere if they cannot be seen in a timely manner. It’s unclear how much Nestor paid in total—it could have been scheduled after he subscribed to Peterson’s Patreon for one month, making it a fairly typical rate. But posts on the Jordan Peterson subreddit indicate that it could take several months to schedule a Skype session with Peterson. I don’t know the state of Nestor’s finances, but based upon his unemployment and lack of stable housing, he most likely spent money he didn’t have to support Peterson (who reportedly makes $80,000 a month from his Patreon account). I don’t blame Nestor for being desperate for help. I do blame Peterson for bilking him out of his hard-earned money.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1571 on: May 22, 2018, 09:37:23 PM »
Look at how much Peterson cares about helping his lobsters in need:

Until recently, those who contributed $200 or more monthly to his Patreon account could also receive a 45-minute Skype session with him.

There’s also the issue of the payment. As noted, this was not an official therapy session. But it’s important to note that therapists have an ethical responsibility to charge a reasonable rate for services and to refer a patient elsewhere if they cannot be seen in a timely manner. It’s unclear how much Nestor paid in total—it could have been scheduled after he subscribed to Peterson’s Patreon for one month, making it a fairly typical rate. But posts on the Jordan Peterson subreddit indicate that it could take several months to schedule a Skype session with Peterson. I don’t know the state of Nestor’s finances, but based upon his unemployment and lack of stable housing, he most likely spent money he didn’t have to support Peterson (who reportedly makes $80,000 a month from his Patreon account). I don’t blame Nestor for being desperate for help. I do blame Peterson for bilking him out of his hard-earned money.
And Peterson canceled it. It wasn't logistically possible for him to answer the sheer number of people that tried to get the 45min skype session with him. The guy is a Psychologist, not a business man. He'll probably have to consult with someone and bring on help.

Now i get it. It's about money. He's making great money while most of you still scrapping the bottom.

Maybe you all should consider buying his book  :doge


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1572 on: May 22, 2018, 09:39:49 PM »
Seems like a pretty good businessman to me.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1573 on: May 22, 2018, 09:42:03 PM »
Seems like a pretty good businessman to me.
Maybe you don't know what a businessman is.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1574 on: May 22, 2018, 09:46:46 PM »
Jordan Peterson Net Worth

1.5m USD (and growing)

Terrible businessman.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1575 on: May 22, 2018, 09:49:19 PM »
I didn't say he wasn't good at making money, the way he's doing it is hilarious though

I was responding to Ass's "he's a psychologist not a businessman " whine


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1576 on: May 22, 2018, 09:51:03 PM »

Now i get it. It's about money. He's making great money while most of you still scrapping the bottom.

etoilet already handed us this particular L, hombre. Try to come up with something original.

Seems like a pretty good businessman to me.

Bilking right-wingers for all they've got is one of the most lucrative and moral things a person can do.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1577 on: May 22, 2018, 09:52:49 PM »
I remember reading a review for some faddish self-help book (I think it was The Rules), and the reviewer pointed out that a lot of books in that genre mix in obvious, innocuous advice with goofball stuff that isn't supported by anything and reflects the author's own idiosyncrasies.

I think that's a good description of Peterson's schtick. The difference is that for some reason (and I have my suspicions), his followers demand that everyone else take him seriously in a way we were never expected to with Tony Robbins or the woman who wrote The Secret, for example.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1578 on: May 22, 2018, 09:54:51 PM »

It literally has absolutely nothing to do with his anything about trans people or pronouns. He's selling an admittedly false image, boogeymen, and the most general platitudes like CLEAN YOUR ROOM, STAND WITH YOU SHOULDERS STRAIGHT and weirdo nerds are in awe because he affirms their shitty beliefs they have as general losers. He makes them feel good about themselves by blaming all their problems on whatever other is in fashion for his audience at the time. He's already changed it a few times. People paying him to talk about propaganda in Frozen :lol :lol :lol :lol

The dude is a huckster, and I guarantee his view points will do a 180 in the next few years when his audience runs dry and he's not making enough on Patreon to buy his prospector suits anymore. It's hilarious to watch people get so sucked into everything he says like it's revolutionary and magical brain expanding shit.
He tells people to clean their rooms, stand up straight, get their act together but that's not considered taking personal responsibility? Oh, ok.

And Stro, there's a dedicated thread in this very forum, the most popular thread, where Boreans sit in awe at how utterly pathetic members of the GAF/Ree community are as humans. Or are you forgetting there used to be threads about how to WIPE YOUR OWN ASS!

There may just be a societal problem. Just maybe

Jordan Peterson Net Worth

1.5m USD (and growing)

Terrible businessman.
That doesn't make him a good businessman. He blew up because of his own profession, his personal views, and his timely appearances on prominent youtube and media channels. That's nothing to do with "business". He'll need help from a real business person if he is going to sustain this, or build some type of 'brand'.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1579 on: May 22, 2018, 10:03:21 PM »
God you are dumb. He blew up when he realized he could exploit angry losers, it's a sound business strategy.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1580 on: May 22, 2018, 10:14:45 PM »
God you are dumb. He blew up when he realized he could exploit angry losers, it's a sound business strategy.
  Ok agrajag. You're too smart for me.   ::)

I think that's a good description of Peterson's schtick. The difference is that for some reason (and I have my suspicions), his followers demand that everyone else take him seriously in a way we were never expected to with Tony Robbins or the woman who wrote The Secret, for example.
  The Secret was written by a television producer, once again Peterson is a tenured professor. He taught at one of the best Universities in the world. There's a difference there.

Oh, and no one took Tony Robbins serious? What? He's a motivational speaker, and a damn good one. Prominent organizations still hire him all the time. The Washington Capitals had him on retainer for a whole season.... still didn't do them any good that year though  :doge


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1581 on: May 22, 2018, 10:15:26 PM »
The Secret was written by a television producer, once again Peterson is a tenured professor. He taught at one of the best Universities in the world.

man you don't give a shit about that


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1582 on: May 22, 2018, 10:15:56 PM »
The Secret was written by a television producer, once again Peterson is a tenured professor. He taught at one of the best Universities in the world.

man you don't give a shit about that


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1583 on: May 22, 2018, 10:16:26 PM »
Turning some viral appearances on TV and the internet into a steady flow of $80,000 a month through Patreon to produce additional low cost content through Skype and with the promise to pander with additional content his audience craves, often in free venues that simultaneously help offer free advertisement for further growing his personal brand, is evidence of a fairly successful business strategy to me.

Not sure why Assimilate is even belaboring this point?

As to whether Peterson has a total genuineness with his hybrid self-help/political agenda persona trying to help people live better lives and become strong, open-mined thinkers, I have my doubts.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1584 on: May 22, 2018, 10:19:51 PM »
God you are dumb. He blew up when he realized he could exploit angry losers, it's a sound business strategy.

I don't think you understand that business and psychology have completely disjoint skill sets.  How can he be a businessman if he's a psychologist?  You are not making any sense.

On an unrelated note.  JP being a prof. at my school is a major source of embarrassment.  I saw him once getting off an elevator.  If you want to buy my used underwear, Assimilate, I understand.  Just send a PM.   


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1585 on: May 22, 2018, 10:20:54 PM »
The Secret was written by a television producer, once again Peterson is a tenured professor. He taught at one of the best Universities in the world.

man you don't give a shit about that
you don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck about that


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1586 on: May 22, 2018, 10:20:56 PM »
Turning some viral appearances on TV and the internet into a steady flow of $80,000 a month through Patreon to produce additional low cost content through Skype and with the promise to pander with additional content his audience craves, often in free venues that simultaneously help offer free advertisement for further growing his personal brand, is evidence of a fairly successful business strategy to me.

Not sure why Assimilate is even belaboring this point?

As to whether Peterson has a total genuineness with his hybrid self-help/political agenda persona trying to help people live better lives and become strong, open-mined thinkers, I have my doubts.

Because he is trying hard to take up etoilet's mantle by being a contrarian at any opportunity.

If we were all saying that Peterson has a terrible business acumen he'd be in here telling us how successful Peterson is.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1587 on: May 22, 2018, 10:23:54 PM »
Turning some viral appearances on TV and the internet into a steady flow of $80,000 a month through Patreon to produce additional low cost content through Skype and with the promise to pander with additional content his audience craves, often in free venues that simultaneously help offer free advertisement for further growing his personal brand, is evidence of a fairly successful business strategy to me.

You mean like everyone else that has visibility and an audience? Damn, guy is a genius. Hand him an MBA from The Wharton School of Business.

Hey at least you guys are giving him credit , look at that. The tables have turned.

On an unrelated note.  JP being a prof. at my school is a major source of embarrassment.  I saw him once getting off an elevator.  If you want to buy my used underwear, Assimilate, I understand.  Just send a PM.
Woah, how much?  :hyper

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1588 on: May 22, 2018, 10:27:04 PM »
200$ per 45 mins of wear.  There is no better use for money like that. 


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1589 on: May 22, 2018, 10:28:23 PM »
200$ per 45 mins of wear.  There is no better use for money like that.
It's tempting.

Because he is trying hard to take up etoilet's mantle by being a contrarian at any opportunity.

If we were all saying that Peterson has a terrible business acumen he'd be in here telling us how successful Peterson is.
There's no question you still labor under minimum wage because you may be the dumbest motherfucker in this place.

This particular point started because Oblivion singled out his poor decision to offer 45min skype sessions that he clearly did not have the time or capabilities to handle. Great research and business planning he had on that one...... take that MBA away boys!


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1590 on: May 22, 2018, 10:30:56 PM »
He has so much money coming in he has a hard time keeping uo, poor guy. I'm sure there is an easy fix for this particular problem, I dunno, maybe hiking up the price of his skype sessions? We'll see what happens.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1591 on: May 22, 2018, 10:32:33 PM »

This particular point started because Oblivion singled out his poor decision to offer 45min skype sessions that he clearly did not have the time or capabilities to handle. Great research and business planning he had on that one...... take that MBA away boys!

The point is that's how much he was charging and that there were plenty of losers who are willing to pay that. The fact that he didn't have time to do all that has nothing to do with what I was getting at.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1592 on: May 22, 2018, 10:33:57 PM »
He has so much money coming in he has a hard time keeping uo, poor guy. I'm sure there is an easy fix for this particular problem, I dunno, maybe hiking up the price of his skype sessions? We'll see what happens.
Hey agrajag i just put a bandaid and some cohesive elastic wraps around my girlfriends cut. Am i certified nurse now? Could i get a job at the local hospital? What do you think?



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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1593 on: May 22, 2018, 10:35:55 PM »
Turning some viral appearances on TV and the internet into a steady flow of $80,000 a month through Patreon to produce additional low cost content through Skype and with the promise to pander with additional content his audience craves, often in free venues that simultaneously help offer free advertisement for further growing his personal brand, is evidence of a fairly successful business strategy to me.

You mean like everyone else that has visibility and an audience? Damn, guy is a genius. Hand him an MBA from The Wharton School of Business.

Hey at least you guys are giving him credit , look at that. The tables have turned.

You are being unusually silly tonight Assimilate.

To be someone with a successful business and a successful business model doesn't require an Ivy league education or naturally infer you think they just invented some evolutionary business construct like the assembly line. At least put some effort into your shtick.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1594 on: May 22, 2018, 10:36:13 PM »
You could probably get a job as a gas station attendant, but even that's giving you a lot of credit.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1595 on: May 22, 2018, 10:37:53 PM »
Didn't you get the memo Nola, you cannot be a successful businessman unless you have an MBA from Wharton  :doge


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1596 on: May 22, 2018, 10:40:17 PM »
Turning some viral appearances on TV and the internet into a steady flow of $80,000 a month through Patreon to produce additional low cost content through Skype and with the promise to pander with additional content his audience craves, often in free venues that simultaneously help offer free advertisement for further growing his personal brand, is evidence of a fairly successful business strategy to me.

You mean like everyone else that has visibility and an audience? Damn, guy is a genius. Hand him an MBA from The Wharton School of Business.

Hey at least you guys are giving him credit , look at that. The tables have turned.

You are being unusually silly tonight Assimilate.

To be someone with a successful business and a successful business model doesn't require an Ivy league education or naturally infer you think they just invented some evolutionary business construct like the assembly line. At least put some effort into your shtick.
I'm sure when you're unemployed like yourself anyone that makes money looks like they have a successful business model even if  it's just a content creator asking supporters to give him cash for more content. Next level shit.

I'm sure if he hasn't already, he will soon enough be hiring some consultants to grow whatever brand he thinks he can grow.

Didn't you get the memo Nola, you cannot be a successful businessman unless you have an MBA from Wharton  :doge
yeahhh because that's what i said you stupid fucking jackass.  :lol


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1597 on: May 22, 2018, 10:43:40 PM »
To be honest I kind of wish this thread would steer away from Peterson. I'm kind of bored of hearing about him. The hyperbolic interpretations of everything he says even more so. lol

If only Momo would stop posting his videos.
Obviously I cant stop you assholes from talking about this loser, thought at least I could get you to stop repeating the same points page after page. 


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1598 on: May 22, 2018, 10:58:46 PM »

 I'm sure when you're unemployed like yourself anyone that makes money looks like they have a successful business model even if  it's just a content creator asking supporters to give him cash for more content. Next level shit.

I'm sure if he hasn't already, he will soon enough be hiring some consultants to grow whatever brand he thinks he can grow.

You're shit at it, but you do get points for a willingness to sacrifice any appearance of intelligence to keep even the weakest of trolls going.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1599 on: May 23, 2018, 06:03:08 AM »
how is assimilate singlehandedly keeping this thread going despite being an ersatz etiolate


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1600 on: May 23, 2018, 07:01:38 AM »
*reads a bit of Maps of Meaning*

"I went to prison wearing a wool cape and portugese leather boots." He found it weird the prisoners'd come on to him.

"After the prison experience I had fantasies about stabbing the person in front of me in the neck with my pen."

Book seems great so far. My favourite part so far was him whining about "who decides economical value?" and then goes on some spiel about good and evil. Them clear cut terms "good" and "evil".


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1601 on: May 23, 2018, 09:25:53 AM »
Funny thing is it's not even a new grift.

(Image removed from quote.)  (Image removed from quote.)

The main proponents were, you guessed it, Jungian analysts!

Kind of interesting: those books were published in 1990 and 1991. 1991 was also when "political correctness" entered common usage; GHWB mentioned it in a speech and the New Republic had an entire issue devoted to it, etc. David Mamet's Oleanna came out in 1992 and Michael Crichton's Disclosure came out in 1994, both about men (a professor and a businessman respectively) being targeted by false accusations of sexual harassment.

A lot of the current panic about men and masculinity being under siege, speech being restricted by new unwritten rules, and feminism run amok is very, very reminiscent of those freakouts in the early-mid 90's. Someone get recursive in here, he's the expert on nostalgia cycles.

For being such "alpha bros", they sure sound like whiny dumb biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaatches.

Human Snorenado

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1602 on: May 23, 2018, 09:33:30 AM »
Funny thing is it's not even a new grift.

(Image removed from quote.)  (Image removed from quote.)

The main proponents were, you guessed it, Jungian analysts!

Kind of interesting: those books were published in 1990 and 1991. 1991 was also when "political correctness" entered common usage; GHWB mentioned it in a speech and the New Republic had an entire issue devoted to it, etc. David Mamet's Oleanna came out in 1992 and Michael Crichton's Disclosure came out in 1994, both about men (a professor and a businessman respectively) being targeted by false accusations of sexual harassment.

A lot of the current panic about men and masculinity being under siege, speech being restricted by new unwritten rules, and feminism run amok is very, very reminiscent of those freakouts in the early-mid 90's. Someone get recursive in here, he's the expert on nostalgia cycles.

For being such "alpha bros", they sure sound like whiny dumb biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaatches.

You could even say they're being a little, and I'm gonna have Big Cass spell it out for you...



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1603 on: May 23, 2018, 09:33:55 AM »
The thing that burns me the most about JP and his ilk are his views on "collectivism". All while he has UHC and got his education for much less than if he went to college in America.

Ungrateful fuck.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1604 on: May 23, 2018, 12:13:53 PM »
Funny thing is it's not even a new grift.

(Image removed from quote.)  (Image removed from quote.)

The main proponents were, you guessed it, Jungian analysts!

Kind of interesting: those books were published in 1990 and 1991. 1991 was also when "political correctness" entered common usage; GHWB mentioned it in a speech and the New Republic had an entire issue devoted to it, etc. David Mamet's Oleanna came out in 1992 and Michael Crichton's Disclosure came out in 1994, both about men (a professor and a businessman respectively) being targeted by false accusations of sexual harassment.

A lot of the current panic about men and masculinity being under siege, speech being restricted by new unwritten rules, and feminism run amok is very, very reminiscent of those freakouts in the early-mid 90's. Someone get recursive in here, he's the expert on nostalgia cycles.

For being such "alpha bros", they sure sound like whiny dumb biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaatches.
Is it possible because these movements pop their heads up every so often? Thankfully it hasn't worked out for the other side very well.

I finally got around to watching that debate and my god did the left of that argument get utterly annihilated. You had the left screaming on about exactly what Fry and Peterson were trying to say. It was an awful debate but at least we got to see the idiocy of people defending or not even defending, more like simply showing what happens when you start thinking in terms of groups.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1605 on: May 23, 2018, 12:34:55 PM »


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1606 on: May 23, 2018, 12:49:37 PM »
Assimilate, what did you think of Peterson getting triggered as fuck when Dyson hurt his fee-fees by calling him an "mean, angry white man"?


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1607 on: May 23, 2018, 12:54:33 PM »
Assimilate, what did you think of Peterson getting triggered as fuck when Dyson hurt his fee-fees by calling him an "mean, angry white man"?
I think Peterson shouldn't of risen his voice, he was clearly annoyed and rightfully so but at the same time this is supposed to be a debate with intellectuals and Dyson is clearly baiting him throughout. It actually came off worse for Dyson considering the topic at hand, he demonstrated exactly the problem with this type of thinking.

How can you have an honest conversation with someone if they're just going to label you? I get what Dyson was saying though, i understand where he is coming from but it shows that he doesn't listen, just like the left doesn't listen. Fry kept trying to point it out that this type of discourse does not work for the left, it never did and it doesn't look like it's working now. Yet over and over it kept going in one ear and out the other.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1608 on: May 23, 2018, 01:00:45 PM »
I thought Peterson's reaction totally proved Dyson's point that for all the BS the Right spews about PC being a bad thing, the truth is they desire nothing more than PC, just...for themselves (as with everything in life).

Fry's arguments were nonsensical too. On the one hand, he was arguing that people should be allowed to say whatever they want without worrying about people's feelings, while also somehow simultaneously making the case that the reason gay rights were able to succeed in England was because....people were polite about it and not yelling or being mean.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1609 on: May 23, 2018, 01:09:44 PM »
I thought Peterson's reaction totally proved Dyson's point that for all the BS the Right spews about PC being a bad thing, the truth is they desire nothing more than PC, just...for themselves (as with everything in life).

Fry's arguments were nonsensical too. On the one hand, he was arguing that people should be allowed to say whatever they want without worrying about people's feelings, while also somehow simultaneously making the case that the reason gay rights were able to succeed in England was because....people were polite about it and not yelling or being mean.
You're having a debate with someone and you call them an "angry white man" Imagine if he called him an 'angry black man' what good is that going to do? You're trying to put a person in a corner based on whatever group they are in. That's problematic. No one is debating he can't say those things if he wants to say them. I'm not sure what the confusion is here.

And it's not the right spewing anything, many liberals, centrists  are saying Pc is a bad thing. It's always been a bad thing. Peterson pointed out multiple times that when the right does PC it's also bad. I mean again you guys are trying to make this about the 'right' vs the 'left'.

It's totally a blockage that some of you cannot get over and i get it. I get it because we have Trump in the white house and a republican side that is completely bat shit. I understand that. But it does no good when you start playing these word games, and these group identity politics bullshit that is severely hindering any type of honest conversation.

edit: And let me point something out to you Oblivion. When Dyson kept saying "well, it's you, it's the right that put people into groups, making it racial"

The "you" part is problematic. Who the fuck was he talking to? Peterson even said it at one point pissed off like "Who is you??" Dyson's stance was that Peterson and Fry being white guys somehow should hold the brunt of the responsibility during the debate just because they were white guys. That's ridiculous.

Peterson spent most of his career (has he pointed out) talking about the tyrannical right. He's in total agreement with Dyson on that point and yet Dyson did not understand it, he couldn't grasp that Peterson fights against group identity politics on both sides and just kept goign at him as if he was some republican candidate. Being a professor Peterson has seen that the humanities and social sciences in the west is completely dominated by the left. Hence, why he believes we have this current problem and why Dyson no coincidence being a teacher himself in those very topics is emblematic of the problem.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 01:23:06 PM by Assimilate »


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1610 on: May 23, 2018, 01:39:25 PM »
he was clearly annoyed and rightfully so

Glad to know that Assimilate is the ultimate arbiter of whether annoyance is justified or not.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1611 on: May 23, 2018, 01:56:00 PM »
he was clearly annoyed and rightfully so

Glad to know that Assimilate is the ultimate arbiter of whether annoyance is justified or not.

For he is the Unbelievable Annoying-man. 


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1612 on: May 23, 2018, 02:50:53 PM »
What would the Stan Lee cameo look like in his movie?

He accidentally runs over a porta-potty Annoying-man and Etoilet were having sex in.

"Not my problem!"

[The End]


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1613 on: May 23, 2018, 07:01:40 PM »
he was clearly annoyed and rightfully so

Glad to know that Assimilate is the ultimate arbiter of whether annoyance is justified or not.

you shouldn't get annoyed if someone calls you an "angry white man" in front of an audience during what is supposed to be an intellectual debate?


yooo sometimes you guys on REE levels of ridiculous


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1614 on: May 23, 2018, 07:04:06 PM »
Sticks and stone will break my bones, something something, if only you didn't get offended, it would lose all its power.


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1615 on: May 23, 2018, 07:04:59 PM »
maybe just don't be so soft?


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1616 on: May 23, 2018, 07:08:47 PM »
Sticks and stone will break my bones, something something, if only you didn't get offended, it would lose all its power.
No dickwad. Losing the debate is when you start to get personal, which Dyson did. And like i said Peterson should have not shown annoyance.

It's cute that since this is a "how hard can we piss on Peterson" thread everything else will be ignored. The utter embarrassment from Dyson and that woman was more than enough for this entire thing to swing in Peterson and Fry's way which is why they saw a 6% uptick in the votes afterwards.

We'll ignore all that though because..... "AHHHH look at Peterson get flushed being called an angry white man! ahahahhaha etoliet you stupid bro! get wrecked."  ::)


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1617 on: May 23, 2018, 07:11:37 PM »


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1618 on: May 23, 2018, 07:17:40 PM »
Get your panties in a bunch when your opponent acts politically incorrect while you debate against political correctness brehs


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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ]
« Reply #1619 on: May 23, 2018, 07:28:06 PM »
Get your panties in a bunch when your opponent acts politically incorrect while you debate against political correctness brehs
I guess being black is an excuse to be a moron now to.

Kinda like Kendrick being appalled a white girl said the n-word at his show when he called her up to sing a song he wrote filled with the word  while at the same time promoting a genre of music that has done nothing but project women as sexual objects . The irony of it all.

Like Fry says- the left thinks they're too smart while believing their opponents on the right are imbeciles. The right just keeps having their way with the government and liberals don't understand how. You fuckers are stupid.
