Author Topic: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo  (Read 623904 times)

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1260 on: May 03, 2019, 11:06:41 PM »
Also, RE: Alex Jones.

It's true the guy was always a conspiracy theorist (and still is), but he's also categorically different now than he was under either Obama or Bush. He would criticize both of them, but he is firmly up Trump's ass and only spends time on right-wing conspiracy theories.

He is unquestionably far-right.

Define far-right. That's the problem.

Well, it's not the only thing, by any means, but how about: someone who supports putting immigrant children in baby jails?

I would need context.

Well, for example - and I'm just spitballing here -  the policy Trump has recently been enacting.

..for the past 3 years.

The term is often used to describe Nazism,[4] neo-Nazism, fascism, neo-fascism and other ideologies or organizations that feature ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, racist, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[5] These can lead to oppression and violence against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[6][7] nation, state[8] or ultraconservative traditional social institutions.[9]

Which I would say the average person thinks when someone is described as far-right. I don't believe Alex Jones is a neo-Nazi, I don't believe he is a fascist and I don't believe he beieves white people are the master race. So no, I don't think Alex Jones is far-right. Another term I hear used nowadays is 'hard-right'. Maybe that is more fitting i don't know.

So like, unless someone is a literal nazi, white nationalist/supremacist, or admits in their own words that they're a capital R racist, then they can't be "far right"?

What's really weird is that usually this kind of hair splitting occurs when libs call people nazis or fascists, but I don't see this complaint as much when it comes to calling someone "far right". And your distinction between that and "hard right" is also weird because one sounds just as bad as the other.

Again, you didn't answer my question. Is Trump someone you'd consider "far right"?

It is the connotation with white supremacism that is the problem, as evidenced by the quote from the wikipedia page. Hard right doesn't have that connotation, hence why I thoought maybe that is a better description. Which is why some news outlets choose to use it now instead of far-right. And where I actually picked the term up from.

Funnily enough, again it reminds of something Douglas Murray has said:


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1261 on: May 04, 2019, 11:29:59 PM »

A Ukip candidate in the European elections was under pressure to withdraw yesterday after releasing a video suggesting he might rape a Labour MP.

Carl Benjamin, who had already been attacked for a social media message saying he “wouldn’t even rape” the Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips, posted a video online suggesting that “with enough pressure I might cave”.

I don't know the context, but if you are going to go into politics you choose your words carefully. He's stupid to think he can just continue on saying the same shit on his youtube channel and it not coming back to bite him on the arse. That's politics and he should know that.

As I said though, I don't know the context.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1262 on: May 04, 2019, 11:41:10 PM »
Carl Benjamin, who had already been attacked for a social media message saying he “wouldn’t even rape” the Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips, posted a video online suggesting that “with enough pressure I might cave”.
I don't know the context
:dead :dead


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1263 on: May 05, 2019, 12:02:30 AM »
you can't really give the ignorance frame for this one when his entire channel and platform is based on anti-sjw, specifically antifeminist reactionary commentary.

Forgot I was talking to RElite people in here. I have no problem with anti-SJW types. So just so you know, it is not feigning ignorance I just literally don't know the context. Could be joking. probably was joking.

The funny thing is though, despite not knowing the context, I am pretty sure I still commented on it by saying he is stupid for saying it anyway. And that's mainly because politics is a completely different ball game. Everything you say will be used against you.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1264 on: May 05, 2019, 12:22:37 AM »
you can't really give the ignorance frame for this one when his entire channel and platform is based on anti-sjw, specifically antifeminist reactionary commentary.

Forgot I was talking to RElite people in here. I have no problem with anti-SJW types. So just so you know, it is not feigning ignorance I just literally don't know the context. Could be joking. probably was joking.

The funny thing is though, despite not knowing the context, I am pretty sure I still commented on it by saying he is stupid for saying it anyway. And that's mainly because politics is a completely different ball game. Everything you say will be used against you.

The point I was making is that the whole "he should know not to say that" is ??? since his entire persona centers around "saying that"

Okay. I agree his persona centres on being provocative. And maybe he is so used to being that he forgot to switch it off.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1265 on: May 05, 2019, 12:33:08 AM »
You don't have to be a social studies warrior or RE-lite to think Sargon is a massive and unfunny cunt who basically only says stupid things when he isn't disastering history or saying something blatantly racist because he thinks it's clever "secret knowledge" that only insiders have access to. His Joe Rogan (not SJW land at all) appearance is really the best evidence of Sargon as a thing. He refuses to actually elaborate on anything stupid Joe asks about "because he has to catch a plane" even after Joe continues to say he'll get him a later plane ticket and completely pay for it, a car and any potential lodging so he can stick around to talk more. And all Sargon does is keep whining about how he's going to be late for his plane until Joe changes the topic. This happens more than once!
but muslims should be shaded for muslims too though :doge

benji's boy bill buckley
i need receipts on this one

I find his hosting of Firing Line to be perfectly cromulent and generally (and perhaps most importantly considering that Buckley himself is quite blatantly opinionated) a good way for a host to conduct themselves for such a show along with the format of the program being near ideal. I also think he was pretty obviously great at word usage, his best book by far is the late in life one that's barely about politics and has a whole chapter of him complaining about People Magazine after going to the doctor or something to the point that he went out and bought a copy so his complaints about the celebrities who he knew nothing of could be accurate. (If it's me finding his overly deliberate "upper class" persona to be amusing, sue me. I liked the ignorant ramblings of his successor Jay Nordlinger* too.)

I'm not sure if I've ever stated an affinity for his politics except where there are probably obvious manners in which we cross over much like I do with any post-Goldwater conservative influenced by his (and Reagan's) usage of libertarian rhetoric in service of the Republican cause. I don't even use the line about being governed by the first thousand names in the Boston phone book because that's one thousand rulers too many. I probably said something about how I don't find him to be a total cryptofascist out of fear he'd sock me in my goddamn face.

I did spreg this out regarding black extremists on Firing Line over a year ago (look, it's etiolate!) in response to the revival of Firing Line which I did not expect to go well along with how the original had recently been brought over onto YouTube for free...before that I can only find an earlier mention of when they started adding the classic episodes to Amazon Prime in 2014, plus a time earlier last year when we were discussing a whole host of various writers and after Christopher Hitchens was mentioned I compared him to Buckley as someone problematic I enjoyed as a guest/writer during which I also jokingly referenced his comment to Gore Vidal proving it's a good joke that stands the test of time. Of course I could always be remembering something wrong or just be plain wrong overall, I once said Rodney White was turning into a quality sixth man like a month before he got dumped out of the league.

And this within the last year
Buckley didn't exactly realize when he stood athwart history to yell "stop!" he had essentially already accepted the premise.

*John Derbyshire never worked for me, his like three month turn from regular ol xenophobe towards "you know what, I'm proud to be a full blown racist" was the most amusing thing he's ever written. He didn't even have to go to Poland for it!


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1266 on: May 05, 2019, 12:48:35 AM »
I'm not sure if I've ever stated an affinity for his politics except where there are probably obvious manners in which we cross over much like I do with any post-Goldwater conservative influenced by his (and Reagan's) usage of libertarian rhetoric in service of the Republican cause.

"his opposition to the cra" is more concise


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1267 on: May 05, 2019, 01:14:15 AM »
I'm sure there's plenty of legislation that the four of us would have agreed on opposing to this very day. But unlike those losers, I'm still alive.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1268 on: May 05, 2019, 01:26:42 AM »
You don't have to be a social studies warrior or RE-lite to think Sargon is a massive and unfunny cunt who basically only says stupid things when he isn't disastering history or saying something blatantly racist because he thinks it's clever "secret knowledge" that only insiders have access to. His Joe Rogan (not SJW land at all) appearance is really the best evidence of Sargon as a thing. He refuses to actually elaborate on anything stupid Joe asks about "because he has to catch a plane" even after Joe continues to say he'll get him a later plane ticket and completely pay for it, a car and any potential lodging so he can stick around to talk more. And all Sargon does is keep whining about how he's going to be late for his plane until Joe changes the topic. This happens more than once!

It seems I misinterpreted the post anyway, so I don't really see the point in elaborating on it too much. I will just say it wasn't specifically about Sargon anyway, more the idea that someone's platform being anti-SJW or anti-feminist is all that needs to be known. So for example that would be enough on RE to condemn a person. The actual specifics of what they say is irrelevant. That's what I latched on to.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 01:32:44 AM by Leadbelly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1269 on: May 05, 2019, 01:37:30 AM »
But anti-feminist isn't just a label it's an ideology which carries with it a certain content so it's perfectly reasonable to have a problem with someone based on that alone if you disagree with that ideology.

Like it's personally reasonable if, say, you believe in liberal democracy, to have a problem with someone who calls themselves a monarchists imply based on their associating themselves with that idea. You don't have to go to their youtube channel and hear them talk about how great the Hapsburgs were or whatever.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 01:41:31 AM by curly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1270 on: May 05, 2019, 01:59:30 AM »
But anti-feminist isn't just a label it's an ideology which carries with it a certain content so it's perfectly reasonable to have a problem with someone based on that alone if you disagree with that ideology.

Like it's personally reasonable if, say, you believe in liberal democracy, to have a problem with someone who calls themselves a monarchist or whatever simply based on their associating themselves with that idea.

There are many people though who are against feminism but for equal rights. And that may seem contradictory. However, it is precisely because they see feminism as an ideology with all sorts of baggage attached to it that they are against it.

For instance to believe in equal rights for men and women, but not to believe that patriarchy theory is an adequate way of viewing modern society. Or to believe that rape culture isn't really a thing. It is all that other stuff that you kind of need to subscribe to in order to be accepted as a feminist. And it is all that other stuff that some people are critical of.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1271 on: May 05, 2019, 02:12:00 AM »
there's different types of feminism

and plenty of crossover among ideological foes at times, TERFs and Jordan Peterson would kill each other outside of the days of the week they aren't joining arms to fight against the transgenders


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1272 on: May 05, 2019, 02:21:09 AM »
But anti-feminist isn't just a label it's an ideology which carries with it a certain content so it's perfectly reasonable to have a problem with someone based on that alone if you disagree with that ideology.

Like it's personally reasonable if, say, you believe in liberal democracy, to have a problem with someone who calls themselves a monarchists imply based on their associating themselves with that idea. You don't have to go to their youtube channel and hear them talk about how great the Hapsburgs were or whatever.

also is there anyone who's "anti-feminist" and not a huge fuckin' goomba?

like obv feminist activists/institutions/theories aren't above criticism and as it's so widely applied it's gonna cover a whole bunch of different tendencies some of which might be particularly problematic (just read an intersectional feminist having a go at a terf, or a womanist taking shots at white feminism)


anyone who observes and lives in the world as it is and decides that they want to make opposition to feminism their focus as an activist (or commentator or influencer etc.) belies whatever self identification they have as being primarily concerned with equal rights or whatever


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1273 on: May 05, 2019, 02:37:45 AM »
to build on that, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a feminist but that's almost entirely because I'm aware of those factional differences and also I'm a tard so I'd be like "what exactly do you mean?" so I'm also not exactly an anti-feminist and I'd probably be way more reluctant to ever choose that tag no matter what the description of "feminist"

but if you used the basic equal rights description then I'd have to say yes, I'm a feminist, even if, for other reasons I'd probably be opposed to and critical of, most of what the majority of self-labeled feminists (because, the same for people in general obv being an extremist and all) argue for

except voting rights of course, fee-males clearly cannot handle that responsibility


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1274 on: May 05, 2019, 02:50:41 AM »

disagreeing with or criticizing an ideology or movement and its adherents, on certain points != making opposition to that movement a central part of your identity

this strikes me as a fairly obvious point to make and I suspect that basically everyone groks it, except in certain cases where someone decides it is in their interest to not understand it


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1275 on: May 05, 2019, 02:52:56 AM »
also empirically speaking those dudes are all dipshits


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1276 on: May 05, 2019, 04:39:53 AM »
if you notice, despite it being a cartoon, it's a REAL HAND WITH A REAL GUN


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1277 on: May 05, 2019, 04:49:38 AM »

He did manage to snag one person in the replies, the rest are mostly all people telling him to invite Libertarian Presidential candidate Sam Seder:


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1278 on: May 05, 2019, 11:14:13 AM »
there's different types of feminism

and plenty of crossover among ideological foes at timeThes, TERFs and Jordan Peterson would kill each other outside of the days of the week they aren't joining arms to fight against the transgenders

There are different types of feminism, but not all types of 'feminism' are accepted by mainstream feminists it seems. So an obvious example would be Christina Hoff Sommers and her brand of 'equity feminism'. She isn't accepted by mainstream feminism. In fact she has been labelled by some prominent feminists as, 'the anti-feminist feminist' in a disparaging way. Another feminist of note is Camille Paglia. She is treated in a similar way. There are many feminisms, but there is also the wrong kind of feminism that will pretty much see you as a pariah by most other feminisms. The whole TERF thing is an interesting development though. I am starting to think that this is going to become a real sticking point within the movement.

And I do agree that basing your whole identity around being an anti-feminist does come across as having some kind of deep-seated grudge against women. However, also, with some people it isn't necessarily something they have labelled themselves, per se, but rather something foisted upon them by others. They are 'anti-feminist' simply by being critical of feminism and therefore  have been labelled as such.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 11:18:48 AM by Leadbelly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1279 on: May 05, 2019, 11:24:03 AM »
All this terf talk reminded me of this :lol

spoiler (click to show/hide)


"It's a real hand holding a real gun"

Talk about over analysing a meme for goodness sake.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1280 on: May 05, 2019, 01:05:11 PM »
What's the difference between a feminist and a womanist

Womanism focuses on nonwhite (especially but not exclusively black) women.

Term was coined in the 70's or 80's in response to second-wave feminism being dominated by middle class white women. Its critique of feminism has more or less become part of the dreaded intersectionality which is destroying western civilization.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1281 on: May 05, 2019, 01:10:54 PM »
Christina Hoff Sommers

Camille Paglia

And I do agree that basing your whole identity around being an anti-feminist does come across as having some kind of deep-seated grudge against women. However, also, with some people it isn't necessarily something they have labelled themselves, per se, but rather something foisted upon them by others. They are 'anti-feminist' simply by being critical of feminism and therefore  have been labelled as such.



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1282 on: May 05, 2019, 03:46:15 PM »
My favorite feminists are Christina Hoff Summers and Camille Paglia.

And my favorite civil rights activists are Tommy Sotomayor and Sheriff David Clarke.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1283 on: May 05, 2019, 03:48:50 PM »

And I do agree that basing your whole identity around being an anti-feminist does come across as having some kind of deep-seated grudge against women. However, also, with some people it isn't necessarily something they have labelled themselves, per se, but rather something foisted upon them by others. They are 'anti-feminist' simply by being critical of feminism and therefore  have been labelled as such.

So...these people themselves say that they're against feminism, but don't consider themselves "anti-feminist"? So when someone like Sargon says "feminism is cancer", the "anti-feminist" label is just something that their enemies "foisted" upon them?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1284 on: May 05, 2019, 04:27:50 PM »
oh and let's not forget my favorite gay rights advocate:

team filler

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1285 on: May 05, 2019, 04:38:09 PM »
milo has a BBC daddy husband  :leon


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1286 on: May 05, 2019, 04:47:09 PM »
why isn't filler liking all of leadbelly's posts  ???


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1287 on: May 05, 2019, 04:49:41 PM »
Even filler has standards, sir.  :ufup


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1288 on: May 05, 2019, 04:51:20 PM »
he's the closest we've got to Et right now



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1289 on: May 05, 2019, 04:55:08 PM »
Actually, I might have to take that back. Leadbelly's not nearly as bad as et (so far), yet filler liked pretty much all of the latter's posts.

The complexities of life.  :fbm


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1290 on: May 05, 2019, 04:56:35 PM »
Maybe if Leadbelly threw a few insults our way

calling people RElite is a good start


team filler

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1291 on: May 05, 2019, 05:02:33 PM »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1292 on: May 05, 2019, 07:56:38 PM »
I love camille Paglia.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1293 on: May 05, 2019, 07:59:55 PM »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1294 on: May 05, 2019, 08:03:00 PM »
What feminist am I supposed to like? Just curious.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1295 on: May 05, 2019, 08:07:06 PM »
she called TayTay an Obnoxious Nazi Barbie



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1296 on: May 05, 2019, 08:24:07 PM »

And I do agree that basing your whole identity around being an anti-feminist does come across as having some kind of deep-seated grudge against women. However, also, with some people it isn't necessarily something they have labelled themselves, per se, but rather something foisted upon them by others. They are 'anti-feminist' simply by being critical of feminism and therefore  have been labelled as such.

So...these people themselves say that they're against feminism, but don't consider themselves "anti-feminist"? So when someone like Sargon says "feminism is cancer", the "anti-feminist" label is just something that their enemies "foisted" upon them?

Your questions come across as weird to me. It's like you're digging for something. I say that because you take what was a general argument and make it specific...:p

I dislike Emmeline Pankhurst. I don't like her politics particularly and I don't like what she stood for. Emmeline Pankhurst is a like a big deal in the UK as far as women's rights go. She started the Suffragettes which campaigned for women to have the vote. What does that say about me?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sylvia Pankhurst (Emmeline Pankhurst's daughter) is one of my hereos.
Both were women's rights activists and both campaigned for the vote.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 01:27:54 PM by Leadbelly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1297 on: May 05, 2019, 08:37:22 PM »
she called TayTay an Obnoxious Nazi Barbie


First of all, how dare you.
Second of all, how dare you!


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1298 on: May 05, 2019, 08:52:28 PM »
(Image removed from quote.) :-[

The package should be labeled “L”, not the signature sheet  :rage


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1299 on: May 05, 2019, 10:45:14 PM »
What feminist am I supposed to like? Just curious.

Probably a feminist whose audience isn't actually mostly made up of, um... men?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1300 on: May 05, 2019, 10:46:47 PM »
paglia's a climate truther iirc, which is as good a heuristic as any to spot someone with poor judgment


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1301 on: May 06, 2019, 11:51:24 AM »
Also, RE: Alex Jones.

It's true the guy was always a conspiracy theorist (and still is), but he's also categorically different now than he was under either Obama or Bush. He would criticize both of them, but he is firmly up Trump's ass and only spends time on right-wing conspiracy theories.

He is unquestionably far-right.

Define far-right. That's the problem.

Anyone who starts a sentence with "The left"


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1302 on: May 06, 2019, 12:12:48 PM »
What feminist am I supposed to like? Just curious.

Probably a feminist whose audience isn't actually mostly made up of, um... men?

I don't know. I believe more in the idea of universalism personally. I think organising under common cause is a better approach. It is a better way to form solidarity. And lets face it, feminism is divisive. And the funny thing is, it is not only divisive to men, but to women also.

In a previous post I mentioned I wasn't much of a fan of Emmeline Pankhurst, yet for some reason Sylvia Pankhurst is a hero/heroine of mine. Both were women's rights activists and both campaigned for the vote. It's funny actually because Emmeline Pankhurst seems to be championed to this day, yet Sylvia Pankhurst is often forgotten. I think politics plays a role in this.

The reason I prefer Sylvia over Emmeline is to do with the approach. Emmeline Pankhurst and the WSPU were bourgeoisie through and through. They campaigned solely for rich women to get the vote. Working-class women, and one of the key differences, working class men were not really a concern for the WSPU. Only rich property owning men had the vote in those days, and they campaigned for rich property owning women. In fact Emmeline Pankhurst became more and more aligned with the establishment as time went on. During WWI, for instance, she joined the White Feather movement. The white feather was a symbol of cowardice. It was given to young men to shame them for not conscripting into the war. So she basically walked around shaming young men into going to war. She was an advocate of British imperialism also.

Sylvia Pankhurst started off in the WSPU with her sisters but was eventually expelled from the WSPU for her links with the labour movement and socialism. It was that relationship between class and gender along with other things that caused the rift. She unlike her mother and the WSPU was actually for universal suffrage for both men and women. Her concerns started off with working class women, but over time there was a shift away from a focus on women specifically to a focus on workers. It was not just a single issue campaign. It wasn't just about the issues of female workers, but of all workers.

It is that universalising approach that I believe is far more effective in not only achieving common goals, but also individual goals. And so I don't see having a strong male audience as necessarily a bad thing. My whole philosophy on this is the exact opposite of what you seem to be suggesting. To judge a feminist by how many women listen to her, and how few men listen to her, doesn't give me a particularly good impression. The thing is, feminism isn't a popular movement among women let alone men. The amount of women who identify as feminist has been small for years. Feminism doesn't speak for most women. That said though, I don't judge people by their audience, I judge them by their ideas.

paglia's a climate truther iirc, which is as good a heuristic as any to spot someone with poor judgment

I can disagree with someone on a number of things. However, there can be one thing I believe they are right on. You are talking about Paglia specifically, but this obviously holds true with everyone. An argument stands by its own merits, right?

And if you really were to judge feminists by this standard then you would dismiss many of them off hand. Because lets be honest here, Paglia isn't the only feminist to believe some pseudo-scientific trash.

Anyone who starts a sentence with "The left"

How do you define the far-left?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 12:32:50 PM by Leadbelly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1303 on: May 06, 2019, 02:59:17 PM »
An argument stands by its own merits, right?



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1304 on: May 06, 2019, 03:17:32 PM »
An argument stands by its own merits, right?


I'm going to spare you the need to explain yourself... I will just explain what that means to you. lol

-Serial killer says X.
-Someone decides X is wrong because a serial killer said it.

The fact that a serial killer said it has no bearing on whether X is right or wrong. X stands on its own merits.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1305 on: May 06, 2019, 03:54:22 PM »
actually that's a good example

serial killers are notoriously disingenuous in rationalizing their own motivations and their statements should almost never be taken at face value


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1306 on: May 06, 2019, 10:44:54 PM »
haven't actually read Deleuze
dont know how much that’s actually gonna help you


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1307 on: May 07, 2019, 03:19:47 AM »
An argument stands by its own merits, right?


I'm going to spare you the need to explain yourself... I will just explain what that means to you. lol

-Serial killer says X.
-Someone decides X is wrong because a serial killer said it.

The fact that a serial killer said it has no bearing on whether X is right or wrong. X stands on its own merits.

Is the serial killer leaning on his experience as a serial killer to back up the claim? :thinking


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1308 on: May 07, 2019, 03:20:35 AM »
Hasn't even read Deleuze  :kobeyuck


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1309 on: May 07, 2019, 03:54:54 AM »
Not reading Deleuze?

How are fucking lightweights like this even allowed on this site?  :yuck

Joe Molotov

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1310 on: May 07, 2019, 10:07:52 AM »
Dom Deleuze?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1311 on: May 07, 2019, 11:37:20 AM »
*jerking off motion*

From the people that say you can't be born gay, but you can be born a conservative.

team filler

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1314 on: May 08, 2019, 11:42:51 PM »



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1315 on: May 08, 2019, 11:43:50 PM »
Virtual Challenges
Over a four-month period, you will tackle a series of virtual and real-world challenges from home, guided by a successful entrepreneur and paired with a committed peer, preparing you for the on-campus portion of the Acton program in Austin, Texas.

Acton School of Business Residence in Austin, Texas
During the five-month on-campus portion of the Acton MBA in Entrepreneurship, you will be led by experienced business leaders through grueling 100-hour weeks of simulations, hands-on exercises, and Socratic discussions. In every challenge, you will stand in the shoes of an entrepreneur, making difficult real-world decisions.

so you just watch a bunch of his stupid videos for four months instead of reading textbooks then go do the MBA? :dead :dead :dead :dead


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1316 on: May 08, 2019, 11:45:31 PM »
✔️ Learn how to make money.

:dead :dead :dead :dead :dead


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1317 on: May 08, 2019, 11:47:50 PM »
I'm going to apply for the Ponzi Fellowship at the Wharton School of Business.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1318 on: May 08, 2019, 11:48:37 PM »
actually this is a way better idea than Trump University, he should have just done this


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #1319 on: May 08, 2019, 11:57:07 PM »
it's always a good sign when you google the name of a school to find out what it looks like and in the first page of Google responses are:

also a doubly good sign when you've changed your entire ten-month program since 2012 twice and rebranded it completely with a random famous person's endorsement when that person is not even close to being in the field or having any kind of background (like really, Trump pre-2015 is a infinitely better person to brand your MBA with than a fucking Canadian psychologist who did nothing else ever until a year prior when he discovered his Godly duty to fight for capitalism)

how do i use a fake e-mail to send this to every list serv i've ever been on facetiously suggesting we should partner