Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 2169029 times)

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Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44700 on: March 16, 2023, 08:11:24 PM »
Quote from: DadOfWar
Last edited by a moderator: Today at 2:46 PM
Quote from: Rainy
Quote from: DadOfWar
Would edit your post as talk of the game is banned here.

Last edited by a moderator: Today at 2:47 PM
Quote from: Huey
Quote from: DadOfWar
It's (a) not on sale and (b) funding an active culture war against trans people
Last edited by a moderator: Today at 2:47 PM
:cop User Banned (Permanent): Troll account
Quote from: DadOfWar
Quote from: Huey
It's (a) not on sale and (b) funding an active culture war against trans people
You mean mentaly ill/disturbed individuals that need immidiate help in a life threating situation?
Quote from: DadOfWar
Quote from: Rainy
Would edit your post as talk of the game is banned here.
Banned? Censorship? Wtf, are we in Orwell’s 1984?
Quote from: DumpsterJuice
Quote from: DadOfWar
Can’t talk about that one here fam.

Last edited by a moderator: Today at 2:47 PM

« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 08:24:09 PM by Hap Shaughnessy »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44701 on: March 16, 2023, 08:26:42 PM »
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44702 on: March 16, 2023, 08:33:44 PM »

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44703 on: March 16, 2023, 08:43:07 PM »
It happens, we all say stupid shit sometimes.

Few weeks ago I told a girl on a first date that I liked her accent and then asked her if she was doing it on purpose. I'm still not quite sure what I was trying to say but it came off as me basically accusing her of faking the accent.

I don't know if that was the only reason why, but needless to say, there was no second date.

team filler

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44704 on: March 16, 2023, 08:46:59 PM »
she had a speech impediment  :doge


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44705 on: March 16, 2023, 09:37:53 PM »

Don't give any of my fellow whites ideas or soon you'll be seeing "ethical" slavery get thrown around.

What an utterly bizarre thing to think and type out on a public message board.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44706 on: March 16, 2023, 09:50:34 PM »

Don't give any of my fellow whites ideas or soon you'll be seeing "ethical" slavery get thrown around.

What an utterly bizarre thing to think and type out on a public message board.

"Don't give any of my fellow whites ideas or soon you'll be seeing "ethical" slavery get thrown around."


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44707 on: March 16, 2023, 09:57:10 PM »
It's funny because "ethical" slavery already was a major trope in the South to where it became the dominant defense of slavery after the Founding Era ended:

It's curious how often our intellectual betters forget all these kinds of well known things.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 10:01:20 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44708 on: March 16, 2023, 10:15:18 PM »
Meanwhile, in Orlando


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44709 on: March 16, 2023, 10:38:56 PM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44710 on: March 16, 2023, 11:16:08 PM »
Quote from: InfiniteKing
That seems like what it is. Bitter chuds who wouldn't pay a artist to make their OC art or porn for free and now they're going to generate it themselves no matter how shit it looks. Because fuck the artist and their work apparently.

Them stealing from artwork is just the icing on top, it's not homages it's theft.


filler you fucking chud don't prompt that garfield porn

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44711 on: March 17, 2023, 05:18:50 AM »
Crossing Eden better be practicing those doodles, A.I. is coming for his shitty job at Ubisoft.
Also got banned


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44712 on: March 17, 2023, 05:23:33 AM »
Guy's been super pissed and sperging out about AI for months now.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 05:34:04 AM by Averon »

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44713 on: March 17, 2023, 05:23:34 AM »
Also y'all if you thought the Resetera reactions were too horny, do NOT go to Twitter or TikTok 💀💀
Oh I already know what reactions are everywhere. It's just that is supposedly a "progressive" forum full of "allies". Seeing literal cat call posts stands out more.
I'd say it's a matter of...well, is this the right time and place for all of those reactions? Probably not. At the end of the day, it's not like people who are politically or socially progressive suddenly can't ever be horny or that it's sinful to do so...but maybe they should simply be more restrained and mindful about it in a discussion forum that is, well, ostensibly open to the public and trying to be inclusive. In other words, they shouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops and making others uncomfortable.
Pretty much. It would be totally fine if dudes just went "wow I love her" or "she looks cool" or "she looks great". But openly drooling and expressing how horny you are, multiplied by a volume of other dudes doing the same... like brehs you wouldn't do that in the presence of women (unless they were all close friends and all cool with it of course) right? It's not hard to not be a creep and be tasteful about this.
Bullshit, you would be screeching and reporting cis white guys if they did.
A mod
Okay y'all, I think we're getting a little too derailed by that thread. Yeah, there's a major boys club problem on this forum. It's moderated as best as the team can handle, but only so much can be done via moderation when the site's demographics heavily lean men. I don't have any hard data, not sure I would want to have said data, but it's pretty safe to say that the most active and vocal users of the site are men.

Anyway, criticism of Ada's design in RE4R is welcome and what we should be focused on. I'd like to see an official render and better screenshots before I fully make up my mind. Besides the stiletto knee-high boots being absurd, of course.
So question I have never understood, why are heels considered sexy?

This might be because I hate wearing heels and flat out refuse to wear, but I never got why heels in particular were the go to sexy shoes that a lot of people insist women must wear regardless of context.

As for Ada, Ada is a tough one because she's a lot like why I like Anna Williams a lot in that she is deliberately over the top four onwards (it's kind of hard to say if that was the intent in 2), owns her sexuality and is generally enjoyable character who works with the tone of 4. Now if it was like fighters and all the women in RE were treated like this I would have more of an issue.

But on the other hand, like I've said with Anna in more recent years their is a point where it can feel like it's just leery fan-service, juvenile, objectifying and where the sexualization doesn't make logical sense for the character; like camera posing or Anna's boob jiggle pose. This is part of why I could never could get into Bayonetta because it felt too much like that to be fun for me. We can't say how her personality is yet so we don't know if she also have the issue of flanderization where her sexualisation becomes more and more her character, losing her other elements that made her fun like Morrigan from DarkStalkers.

I don't think I'm making much sense.

Out of curiosity, how much do we know about the people working on the game, are the same artists who designed RE2&3R Claire and Jill still working on this game?
Make legs longer + butt stick out basically.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44714 on: March 17, 2023, 05:55:00 AM »
Found the post that got Crossing Eden a month off:

User Banned (1 Month): Hostility towards other members over multiple posts (and edits), multiple severe infractions in the past
Quote from: Crossing Eden
Your argument is currently “these things are tangentially related so everything concerning AI is ok despite how meany issues a worldwide audience have with B”

And that brings me to the very next question. Can you actually shut up? Followed by, do you not have th self awareness to stop “well actually”ing the collective worldview concerning a topic involving a specific subset of jobs you don’t fucking work in? SHUT. UP. Fucking hell. No seriously, how many times do I have to tell the calvacade circlejerk of AI chuds which you're apart of mind you that I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Stop fucking talking to me about my own goddamn profession and the theoretical benefits of your "well I, uncreatively, just steal this art and press this button. because I have no fucking artistic voice.." Stay in your fucking lane. It's so fucking easy to not fucking gaslight people. Like deadass so fucking easy to shut up instead of going "Well actually i'm doing you guys a favor aren't I making your job easier" Stop talking dude. I am telling you. I do NOT consent to this fucking discussion because this is not a debate. I do not consent to me, who corrently works in my work field on the fucking daily and the many people who spent just as many years training as I did to work having their job replaced by a button click. I do not consider the fucking shit you're stanning to be a favor to us nor even to TO YOU. Because I don't give a flying fuck about the voice of fake artists. Shut up. And fucking listen. Stop talking to me.

And frankly as a POC, doubly shut up and stop quoting outdated laws to me. You keep including "Well actually the laws say" as if that's a gotha.

I actually think Crossing Eden is quickly working his way up to a perma ban if he don't calm the fuck down about AI. In which case, keep it up  :clap :rejoice


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44715 on: March 17, 2023, 06:00:04 AM »
Crossing Eden stay mad you fucking bitch have fun F5ing ree for the next month

 :umad :umad


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44716 on: March 17, 2023, 06:45:05 AM »
They'll never perm the freak. The worst the prominents like him get is a month ban, probably cut down to a week after he's finished crying to the mods


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44717 on: March 17, 2023, 06:59:11 AM »
So question I have never understood, why are heels considered sexy?

This might be because I hate wearing heels and flat out refuse to wear, but I never got why heels in particular were the go to sexy shoes that a lot of people insist women must wear regardless of context.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's a crazy TransEra member who attacks people for "denying" the genocide too, what a surprise, what are the odds.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44718 on: March 17, 2023, 07:15:25 AM »
if they did perm eden someone would make a eulogy/apology thread to the community about losing a long and dear friend due to one-too-many flare ups  :cry


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44719 on: March 17, 2023, 07:25:25 AM »
So question I have never understood, why are heels considered sexy?

This might be because I hate wearing heels and flat out refuse to wear, but I never got why heels in particular were the go to sexy shoes that a lot of people insist women must wear regardless of context.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's a crazy TransEra member who attacks people for "denying" the genocide too, what a surprise, what are the odds.

The bisexual woman that posted in the thread would probably have been happy to answer that question. Too bad she got Perma banned for disagreeing with a bunch of men


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44720 on: March 17, 2023, 08:19:01 AM »
Your identity only matters to ERA so as long as you follow the "correct" opinion as deemed by the mods and protected members. If not, you have "internalized misogyny" if you're a woman or an "Uncle Tom/coon" if you're black, among some examples.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44721 on: March 17, 2023, 08:30:28 AM »
This might be because I hate wearing heels

I picture them trying to cram their size 12s into their mum's heels then faceplanting into an ironing board


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44722 on: March 17, 2023, 09:22:36 AM »
Also all of the "genie out of the bottle" comments that paint AI as some sort of inevitability that no human or law can change the trajectory of. It's such bullshit.


The tone of AI 'art' enthusiasts always comes pretty spiteful. A certain incredulity that there are actually people who are paid to do something they love and they they should consider themselves lucky to have ever lived through a period of time were they were able to get away with charging for it.

The art of the future will be brought to you by the least creative, most uninteresting people you can imagine (or can't imagine in a lot of cases I guess, which is half the problem). People with absolutely nothing to say and no vision to share. It's pretty sad to see people so pumped and excited for this future. You'll get what your asking for in the end I suppose.

Thanks, guy on a forum dedicated to obsessing over Marvel schlock.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44723 on: March 17, 2023, 09:29:33 AM »
The art of the future will be brought to you by the least creative, most uninteresting people you can imagine

But I thought Ree was against AI.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44724 on: March 17, 2023, 09:31:08 AM »
Quote from: Propagandhim
The art of the future will be brought to you by the least creative, most uninteresting people you can imagine (or can't imagine in a lot of cases I guess, which is half the problem). People with absolutely nothing to say and no vision to share.
Oh, wow, can't imagine such horrors. How will we survive?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44725 on: March 17, 2023, 09:31:56 AM »
 :success :kermit :cruise


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44726 on: March 17, 2023, 09:44:10 AM »
I'd say it's a matter of...well, is this the right time and place for all of those reactions? Probably not. At the end of the day, it's not like people who are politically or socially progressive suddenly can't ever be horny or that it's sinful to do so...but maybe they should simply be more restrained and mindful about it in a discussion forum that is, well, ostensibly open to the public and trying to be inclusive. In other words, they shouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops and making others uncomfortable.
Some gentlemen of color are doing this right now behind me in a room full of a hundred other prospective jurors. :lol


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44727 on: March 17, 2023, 09:46:01 AM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44728 on: March 17, 2023, 09:59:44 AM »
Also all of the "genie out of the bottle" comments that paint AI as some sort of inevitability that no human or law can change the trajectory of. It's such bullshit.



NATO: outlaws AI

China: ok  :smug *cures cancer, takes over the world*



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44729 on: March 17, 2023, 10:10:44 AM »
I was expecting more unhinged ranting from Nep, but apparently medicare prices are rising so she's been placated for now.


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« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 10:22:31 AM by Propagandhim »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44731 on: March 17, 2023, 10:22:01 AM »
I imagine for the younger generation AI images will have the opposite effect. People won't believe anything they see. Like here's a picture of young Trump attending a KKK rally but who knows if it's real


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44732 on: March 17, 2023, 10:25:42 AM »
Looks like we're going to need actual journalists that verify things and assume legal liability instead of the Alejandra Caraballos retweeting pictures, memes, opinions, and snippets of text as fact.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44733 on: March 17, 2023, 10:41:18 AM »

 :notlikethis I spent most of the early morning trying to get homework done. I'm too old for that shit.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44734 on: March 17, 2023, 10:47:07 AM »
I imagine for the younger generation AI images will have the opposite effect. People won't believe anything they see. Like here's a picture of young Trump attending a KKK rally but who knows if it's real

The thing is, we cannot fathom growing up and consuming media in a world where content generation is supported by AI. Younger generations may not even consider AI generation as a divisible construct from creativity. If they see a picture of Trump attending a KKK rally they will just see a picture and they will use other falsification tools to determine it's veracity.

People have said that truth doesn't mean anything anymore in this era but objective truth has long been meaningless in media because marketing does not produce truth any more than AI produces truth.

If you see something online, a picture or a video, that seems unbelieve or at least is unverified; do you go through any kind of internal falsification checks before coming to a conclusion of it's veracity?

The coming societal changes brought about by AI media generation are not unprecedented and visions of a chaotic future in which all creativity is somehow destroyed and objective truth is no longer achievable are really just us trying to imagine a world that is currently unimaginable. In reality, it won't be THAT much different then our currently reality. If you want a glimpse into our actual, banal cyberpunk future the best place to start is William Gibson's later novels. Things will be different but future generations will adapt just as we have adapted to the internet.


Like... if their qualms regarding AI are based on the idea that the processes of capitalism grind away creativity and are only interested in the money made from an end product... any imaginable future is going to be a bleak dystopia. AI existing or not does not change the fundamental realities of our currently political order. You aren't going to build "socialist AI" either. It is just another tool to be used for whatever means the craftsman wants, be that professional or personal. I genuinely don't understand where all of the left is getting all this doomsday prognostication from.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 11:15:34 AM by marrec »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44735 on: March 17, 2023, 11:15:39 AM »

Like, look at this post -

Quote from: Brawly Likes to Brawl
It's stealing people's work without their consent to do so. Artists and creatives have been put in a really terrible place because of these models and they every right to express their anger about it.

What is the qualitive difference between the student viewing other's artwork as reference; using that reference as inspiration for their own media, and an AI consuming existing media in it's learning model? Is this just an argument for better controls over output to ensure models aren't perfectly reproducing existing media or are people against the learning based model?

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44736 on: March 17, 2023, 11:20:08 AM »
Eagerly awaiting whatever point in the AI saga we have to get to for people to start declaring being anti-art-AI as ableist; if you physically can't draw or paint well for whatever reason--either motor control issues or an mental inability to translate what you see in your head to a finished work--AI-as-intermediary can allow people a new route to express their own creative visions. This has to be at least as accessibility as the stuff people want to be able to turn off in From games.

Also JK thread continues to demonstrate why nothing anyone does will ever be enough:
Quote from: The_Iceman2288
Quote from: Uzzy
Matt Berry is a national treasure.
Quote from: Guppeth
We can’t keep calling people national treasures. At this point it can mean “they’re nice in a harmless way”, “they’re Matt Berry”, and “they’re a raging bigot all day every day”. We need a different term for people who are actually good, then you can use that for Matt Berry.

Let’s face it, when the nation is Britain, a national treasure is probably an arsehole.
Quote from: crienne
I dunno. It's a bit soft of a response for that sort of title to be bestowed on him. Like, at least he's not defending the content or Linehan in anyway, but a true hero would've unequivocally condemned that episode unprompted (as I'm sure he's seen the modern discourse around it) or would've presented a much firmer stance after being asked.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Matt Berry, but one "meh" response does not a full-on ally make.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44737 on: March 17, 2023, 11:20:44 AM »

:cop User Banned (5 Days) : Inappropriate Language
Quote from: Lord Fanny
Good to see the rape of art and the death of reality is improving I guess


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44738 on: March 17, 2023, 11:22:34 AM »

:cop User Banned (5 Days) : Inappropriate Language
Quote from: Lord Fanny
Good to see the rape of art and the death of reality is improving I guess[/b]

Reality is dead, long live reality.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44739 on: March 17, 2023, 11:22:54 AM »

:cop User Banned (1 month): Ableist language. Prior ban for derogatory language around ADHD
Quote from: KrillinLikeAVillan
The new abyss is kinda hard, i don't like that they used nut, it's still better than the golden sperglord but having enemies that spend most of the time in a state where they cannot get hit/fly out of range is kinda dumb in a mode that is essentially a time trial.

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44740 on: March 17, 2023, 11:26:46 AM »

:cop User Banned (5 Days) : Inappropriate Language
Quote from: Lord Fanny
Good to see the rape of art and the death of reality is improving I guess[/b]

That prompted the discussion being brought up over in Constructive:
Quote from: Dirtyshubb
There seriously needs to be something done about the backlash against AI art because the discussion around it has become extremely toxic.

Let me state this first, Art theft is terrible and is threatening peoples careers so I understand the anger and fear around it but some posters are getting out of control.

I saw one poster compared it to rape (I reported it) and some people are so defensive they are actively attacking other posters because they mistake talking about the technology in of itself as endorsement.

Again I understand the concerns about it but it's getting pretty fucking bad from what I have seen.

Initial responses go about how you'd expect:
Quote from: Cien
No worse than the posters who are just as hostile to creators and effectively are telling them "lol get fucked"

And that comparison may be hyperbole, but I see the sentiment. it is taking something without permission.

The reason people are angry is it basically boils down to "I don't agree with art theft, but the thing that steals art is really cool!" How else is someone supposed to parse that?
Quote from: Tendo
Yeah I don't know how you expect people to be ok with peoples work being stolen just because you like the end product.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44741 on: March 17, 2023, 11:28:42 AM »

Quote from: Uzzy
I'm not a recreational sadist' is the funniest thing I've heard from him in a while.

"Recreational sadist". I like the sound of that.

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44742 on: March 17, 2023, 12:06:57 PM »
Pretty much. It would be totally fine if dudes just went "wow I love her" or "she looks cool" or "she looks great". But openly drooling and expressing how horny you are, multiplied by a volume of other dudes doing the same... like brehs you wouldn't do that in the presence of women (unless they were all close friends and all cool with it of course) right? It's not hard to not be a creep and be tasteful about this.
Doesn't Morrigan have a long term boyfriend? What the hell does she do when he gets horny if she gets this mad about fictional characters being ogled?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44743 on: March 17, 2023, 12:18:24 PM »
I'm not sure if Morrigan understands how internet discourse works. A thread full of people "She is good looking" "I concur, she is attractive" is the most boring shit imaginable. People play it up because it's entertaining. Believe it or not, when people say LMAO they're not literally laughing their ass off.

Fake edit: just noticed that Morrigan's examples are even more vanilla than the jokey ones I picked. I'm afraid from now on every character just "looks cool" or "looks great"


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44744 on: March 17, 2023, 12:26:55 PM »
I mean, I'm pretty sure they banned people for making such benign acknowledgment of a woman's beauty like "she looks pretty" before. So this "if they only express it the 'right' way we'd be fine with it" rings hollow and borders on gaslighting.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44745 on: March 17, 2023, 12:28:46 PM »

spoiler (click to show/hide)

and everything here has been able to be photoshopped almost as effectively for 20+ years

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44746 on: March 17, 2023, 12:33:53 PM »
More in constructive. AI art is basically crypto and should maybe be confined to a single thread:
Quote from: Jebusman
But there's a bit more to it than this. There aren't 3 positions to take here (pro-AI, neutral "just talking about it", anti-AI), even if it appears like that on it's face.

Pro-AI art advocacy, and neutral "neat tech" posts ultimately serve the same purpose, to normalize the status quo of AI-art being a legitimized means of being an "artist" while current artists are continuing to have their work stolen to feed into this system without any form of compensation.

It's the same that happened with NFTs. People wanting to just talk about the "tech" were ultimately serving the purpose of legitimizing it, because anything beyond a staunch rejection of it was opening the doorway to it being accepted as normal, a normal which included rampant theft of artistic work without compensation, while pointing to "legitimate" uses of NFTs as a deflection.

And when the pro-NFT folks realized being outwardly pro NFT was not going to be received well, they switched to joining those who just wanted to "talk" about it without "endorsing" it, baiting those against NFTs into being "unreasonably hostile" against them. It poisoned the well of assuming anyone was talking in good faith, and it's the same playbook being used here.

It becomes increasingly tiring to have to shout from the rooftops of how fucked artists' lives will become with these tools, only to be met with "neat tech" over and over again, and then blaming the artists for being too hostile after being gaslit time and time again.

It's really not going to stop unless the forum takes a move like the catchall crypto containment thread and banning all other threads on AI art except for "notable" news.

No, wait, artists are a marginalized community and pro-AI chuds or neutrals should sit down, shut the fuck up, and listen:
Quote from: RetroRunner
I think there are some topics where the subject is so harmful or dangerous to the lives or livelihoods of community members that the best thing those of us who are unaffected for now can do is not chime in if our posts aren’t anything other than a show of support
Quote from: Tendo
Bingo.  Sitting back and listening is important.  I’ve learned so much from users here about other fields or life experiences or whatever by just not posting and listening.  I’ve met some cool people here From that!

I am honestly impressed that their outrage and victimization is potentially running a little ahead of the speed of AI development.

Era's big problem is there's too much civility:
Quote from: Cenauru
I think people really need to understand this board (and the internet as a whole) has a tone-policing problem. People who believe in civility above all else, even when people's lives and livelihoods are at stake, and telling them that they just have to be nicer to get support. People care more about the status quo and telling off people who are rocking the boat. Frankly, I've personally hit a point that on certain subjects, I'm already on edge with a short fuse because the subject has been rife with people who don't care about the real-world circumstances of those around them, and in some cases, are outright inflammatory towards victims for reacting to it.

It's "right" to be civil, to assume respect, to not lash out at everything. I agree there. But at some point, that civility is just being used to ignore people's lives, and blaming victims for not being quiet and letting themselves be stomped on by the status quo. And when those victims lash out, it's painted as them being overly hostile towards "other viewpoints".
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 12:48:39 PM by nobody of note »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44747 on: March 17, 2023, 12:34:52 PM »
I like the implication that critical thought is only just now important.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44748 on: March 17, 2023, 12:50:59 PM »

Like, look at this post -

Quote from: Brawly Likes to Brawl
It's stealing people's work without their consent to do so. Artists and creatives have been put in a really terrible place because of these models and they every right to express their anger about it.

What is the qualitive difference between the student viewing other's artwork as reference; using that reference as inspiration for their own media, and an AI consuming existing media in it's learning model? Is this just an argument for better controls over output to ensure models aren't perfectly reproducing existing media or are people against the learning based model?

there is none, unless you want to go with the typical retort of "don't sell yourself short, the learning you do in your brain is so much more meaningful than the way AI does it," which sidesteps the claim they're making

AI models as they currently exist do not contain stolen images, which is obvious on its face because they examine terabytes of data and the models are only gigabytes large

if you could perfectly reproduce/extract examined images from the model, they would have to be like hyper-compressed jpegs at best, but you can't do that because it doesn't work that way

if you want to ban tools that can be used to actually "steal art," ban right-click-save-as and all screen capture software, which take a perfect copy of an image pixel-by-pixel and lets you save it and edit it and do whatever you want with it illegally


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44749 on: March 17, 2023, 01:44:55 PM »
Meanwhile, in Orlando

Listen, I am no fan of Brüning, but he was dealt a shitty hand. Can't blame the man for not putting trans issues at the forefront of his political agenda with the whole recession going on.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44750 on: March 17, 2023, 01:52:17 PM »
Meanwhile, in Orlando

Wow I'm scared. Any second now they will be arming themselves when they take to the streets!!


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44751 on: March 17, 2023, 02:00:10 PM »
When I was a kid, my mum was a typist and my dad was a signwriter. Both of those occupations had been rendered largely obsolete by the time I was 10.

Crossing Eden is a whiny little bitch. Can’t be arsed to link any particular post, just their whole whinging woe-is-me bollocks toward AI in general.

That’s not to say that AI isn’t something to fear, it probably is. Not because you can’t sell your zootopia porn though.


Joe Molotov

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44752 on: March 17, 2023, 02:14:27 PM »
What if the AI learns how to post threads based on a ragebait tweet with no context, not so funny now is it?


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44753 on: March 17, 2023, 02:15:41 PM »
Going to train an AI on all my bore posts and lean back while the likes keep streaming in  :success


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44754 on: March 17, 2023, 02:22:35 PM »

Era's big problem is there's too much civility:

brb, getting midjourney to resize the rofl smiley so its visible from space

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44755 on: March 17, 2023, 02:25:18 PM »
47 page diablo 4 thread?! Isn't that game literally tainted by sex pests who worked on it? what happened to the Acti-Blizz boycott?  :social

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44756 on: March 17, 2023, 02:30:29 PM »
they already mental gymnasticed their way out of that one for overwatch 2 :success


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44757 on: March 17, 2023, 02:32:14 PM »
47 page diablo 4 thread?! Isn't that game literally tainted by sex pests who worked on it? what happened to the Acti-Blizz boycott?  :social

it's even worse than that:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
it's always online, you can't just fucking play it like the single player game it used to be  :maf

how hard is it to just segregate and make it clear to everyone that if you choose to play offline, you can never take that character online?


Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44758 on: March 17, 2023, 02:49:06 PM »
47 page diablo 4 thread?! Isn't that game literally tainted by sex pests who worked on it? what happened to the Acti-Blizz boycott?  :social
Quote from: B-Dubs
Literally every publisher and studio in the industry is guilty of misogyny and sexism. There isn't a single one that hasn't had someone come forward against them. Ubisoft, Riot, Insomniac, Microsoft, Naughty Dog, the list goes on and on and on. Big publishers and independent developers both. This is systemic across the entire industry. Banning just one publisher/studio and not all of the others sends a message that we only care about this when it gets particularly bad. It's wholly unacceptable regardless of who does it.

Banning just Acti/Blizz sends the message that it's just them that's the problem. They aren't the only ones. It's everyone. Every game we enjoy is tainted by this, there is no getting around that or minimizing it. This is why we pointed people towards charities to help women because this is a systemic problem. You cannot pretend it's just Acti/Blizz because it isn't. You don't get to write this off as just a single studio or publisher.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #44759 on: March 17, 2023, 02:52:51 PM »

:cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations towards other users
Quote from: Bowl0l
You all voted in representatives that actively destroys social safety nets, incite hate towards minority, lie and protect the rich. Poverty is the expected outcome.