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  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
In the castle ammo consumption goes way up too. :gun


  • Senior Member
I did Mendez last night and was fine but so far I've found the boss fights all pretty unintuitive in design, where I'm like wtf does the game want me to do here? Once you figure it out, at least like Mendez, there's no skill involved and it's not really a boss fight more like simon says (press O when it pops to evade, press L1 when it pops to counter, shoot barrels when he lifts them, go down when he builds up to hit up, go up when he builds up to hit down, etc...). It's ok design, but just doesn't feel natural like a DMC boss or something.

RE has never been famous for its boss fights. That said this remake has a lot of keepers. Comparing it to DMC seems silly.


  • Senior Member
The new patch is pretty great for PS5. IQ looks hella good on performance mode and locked 60fps. Resolution mode is a bit sharper and mostly smooth with VRR but still stutters here and there. Not sure if turning off RT in resolution mode helps. Performance mode definitely good enough. Game was fine before but lots of shimmering, now it's all clean IQ.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I'm gonna try the improved controls on the Xbox :rejoice


  • Senior Member
I read they're "improved" but still have a massive dead zone and the graphics also took a hit.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Controls are much better now :rejoice


  • Senior Member
Nice I'll try it out


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  • Finish the Fight
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Bugs, Giants, Minecarts and :o

Resident Evil 4 is back baby :lawd


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Yeah but personally im still missing some shit like being able to shoot through doors, the kick animation Leon does when he's grabbed and kicks their heads off, chainsaw decapitation, acid attack death animation. Mostly small stuff but I kinda miss them. I remember the minecart being more dangerous in og as people were chucking tnt's from above as well.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Mine cart ride was definitely much better in the original. You still had full player control instead of just a crappy turret section.


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Mine cart ride was definitely much better in the original. You still had full player control instead of just a crappy turret section.

Oh yeah you could actually get in other carts as well


  • Senior Member
So going to have a shitty opinion, but at ch.8 now I think this is a good fun game, but it hasn't once felt "great' so far and it makes me wonder if my memories of GC RE4 20 years ago are rose tinted a bit. I remember it as this perfect RE action game I played a bunch of times.

But like RE4R so far, the combat feels a bit janky and not really smooth, the variety of like every section being unique is impressive and I remember that from the original, but at the same time unlike RE2/3 remakes, this doesn't feel like a flowing pacing where I want to keep playing. It's like an amusement park and every checkpoint is a different ride. So I hop on, do a section, then I'm like "ok that was sorta fun, but I'm good now" and put the game down and come back and do a section or two at a time which is why I'm taking forever going through this run.

Most sections also seem designed around Mikami trolling stuff with like at least one annoying thing per section. This game reminds me a lot more of my memories of playing The Evil Within 1 (which I liked, despite public opinion on that one), than my memories of playing RE4 GC.

I think it just comes down to that I don't find the combat that fun. Shoot them in the face/legs and run up and melee, repeat x 15, rifle head shot plagas, shotgun occasionally, repeat repeat just doesn't feel like anything special in 2023. My hazy memories of RE5 as much as RE5 was kind of bad for many reason, were that it had better combat than this.

Also playing RE2r/RE3r/RE4r closer together now with only a few years between each, I think I just prefer RE2r/RE3r's combat to this on a personal taste thing.

Oh and the other elephant in the room is RE8 being the most recent RE before this and though it's pretty different being an FPS, I thought the combat was a lot better and more fun. I definitely prefer RE8, even with its flaws to RE4r at this point in the castle.

tldr; I remember RE4 being 10/10 one of the greatest games of all time like MGS3, but so far mid-castle in RE4r it's like a solid 8 and good but not living up to my memories/expectations. Kind of like my experience playing the Dead Space remake, but RE4 is still a lot better than DS1.


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #373 on: April 09, 2023, 04:51:43 PM »
Most sections also seem designed around Mikami trolling stuff with like at least one annoying thing per section. This game reminds me a lot more of my memories of playing The Evil Within 1 (which I liked, despite public opinion on that one), than my memories of playing RE4 GC.

This really isn't the Mikami game anymore. Not a completely different game like RE2/3 obv., but still different enough, particularly outside the core setpieces, that a straight comparison in that context makes no sense.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Beat Salazar, onwards to the island now  :rejoice

But like RE4R so far, the combat feels a bit janky and not really smooth, the variety of like every section being unique is impressive and I remember that from the original, but at the same time unlike RE2/3 remakes, this doesn't feel like a flowing pacing where I want to keep playing. It's like an amusement park and every checkpoint is a different ride. So I hop on, do a section, then I'm like "ok that was sorta fun, but I'm good now" and put the game down and come back and do a section or two at a time which is why I'm taking forever going through this run.
I would say this game flows better than the original. The original game had a lot of just QTE sections like Leon running away from the Salazar robot. The design of many of the rooms was also less distinct, especially in the castle.
It really helps that they've now given each room a clear role like the Dungeon and Ballroom and decorated them accordingly with unique assets. With regards to combat the knife parry adds a lot but it can be tricky to do at times.

I dunno I consider this pretty much a perfect remake much like Metroid Prime Remastered. It's not just a graphics update like Metroid Prime Remastered or an entirely 'new game' like Resident Evil 2 Remake. It still feels like Resident Evil 4 but enriched with a more coherent plot that ties it better into the series. Resident Evil 4 was always more of a thrill ride than a horror game. Of course those thrills are less impressive in 2023 than they were in 2005. And many of the set pieces in this game were carried over to other games considering this game pretty much inspired an entire genre of 'over the shoulder' third person shooters like Gears of War and Uncharted.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, I feel like a lot of the flow of RE4r’s combat is designed around constant use of the knife.

I’m not skilled enough to use the knife   :-\
You take so much damage in this game I don’t want to risk knife parries and miss and lose 50% of my HP.
So I never use the knife. Mostly just use the pistol and melee.


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Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #376 on: April 09, 2023, 07:18:25 PM »
Most sections also seem designed around Mikami trolling stuff with like at least one annoying thing per section. This game reminds me a lot more of my memories of playing The Evil Within 1 (which I liked, despite public opinion on that one), than my memories of playing RE4 GC.

This really isn't the Mikami game anymore. Not a completely different game like RE2/3 obv., but still different enough, particularly outside the core setpieces, that a straight comparison in that context makes no sense.

Well since I don’t remember any of the details of the original, I have no idea what is the same or different in this one.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
you absolutely do not need to use the knife, lol. it is a last resort escape from grabs or used for parries, its not meant to be damage (besides Krauser, but only the first encounter). you dont even have to rely on parries in this game.

i told you, just play on assisted


  • Senior Member
i told you, just play on assisted

I don’t see how that makes the combat more fun.
I’m not finding the game too hard or anything. Difficulty is fine on normal. I just don’t find the combat as fun or engaging as RE2r/RE3r or RE8.

Pistol shot to melee just gets boring after a while for all these grunts.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
That's literally how RE4 was, curious what your expectation is for a remake


  • Senior Member
That's literally how RE4 was, curious what your expectation is for a remake

I just thought it was more fun and flowed better? Like Vanquish style smooth move and kill Mikami combat.

Like this is fun enough, but I thought it would be more fun.


  • Senior Member
Bebpo, Resident Evil 4 is a game of escalation.

It takes the standard villagers you meet at the beginning but keeps throwing layers at you. At first they're just standard villagers with pitchforks, maybe a chainsaw. Then they have things like dynamite, crossbows, then Plagas. The game continuously ramps things up and each enemy has to be taken out in a particular way. Shooting dynamite guys can result in AOE against crowds. Plagas turns close combat to mid or long range combat. Add in dogs, chainsaw enemies, blind dudes, shield dudes, mace dudes, scythe dudes, fire dudes, gunners, novistadores (lizards), armor knights, regenerators, and more. The variety is insane. Also, the game is fantastic at introducing enemies and then putting them in different contexts. Yeah, you've mastered beating them now but how about in a locked house with insane numbers? How do you handle fighting them  while handling a young woman as a companion? How Oh yeah? Master that? Well, how about in a mine cart? How about in a warzone with turrets? The game continuously ramps up stakes and geniusly puts old enemies into new contexts.

Also the original was like this as well. RE4 is predicated on shooting a weak spot, going for a melee, and knifing them to death because it saves ammo.

I think a lot of this shows your unfamiliarity with the original but you strike me as someone that doesn't replay games often so it's really not your fault.

I'm just surprised because the combat is incredible and the game offers options upon options and variety upon variety. It's why I consider the original (and by extension the remake) the best 3d game I've played. I think saying it's just shoot and melee is pretty myopic but that's just me.

Your critique that it's a thrill ride is what was the original (and remakes) greatest strengths: the beautiful rsmp up and escalation, the beautiful flow of non stop action mixed with quiet exploration and then action again. It's what made the pacing of the game perfect. What's wrong with rollercoaster style of ups (action) and downs (exploration)? It's the literal perfection of a formula.

Why can't you use the knife? Parrying is half the fun in the remake.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 02:05:49 AM by Himu »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The trick in Re4 is to always try and keep enemies at a distance or upgrade the riot gun and blow them away. Most bosses and special enemies have a gimmick or weakpoint like flashbangs against Plagas.

Sniping also works and Ashley will even compliment you for headshots.


  • Senior Member
Got to Chapter 9.. man.. I almost had a tear come out of my face when finding Ashley again in that living room and the talk.  We need more Leon's in this world.  Sick or no, we keep fighting.  :salute


  • Senior Member
Why can't you use the knife? Parrying is half the fun in the remake.

Because the risk doesn't seem worth it when the pistol is doing me fine and you take such huge amount of damage if you fuck up a parry. I haven't really messed with the parry feature since the starting village battle because just felt too risky the few times I tried using it there.

Like Nintex says, safer to just run and kill everything from a distance (or at least stagger for melee -> run in and melee -> run back out again), which is what I'm going with. The only time I sorta use parry is if someone throws something at me, but you can also just step to the side with no risk of damage, so why bother?


  • Senior Member
What risk? Parrying has a very liberal frame window. I swear it's at least 60 frames, a full second. It's not Third Strike.

I think you need to fight Krauser. Hopefully the game clicks then.


  • Senior Member
What risk? Parrying has a very liberal frame window. I swear it's at least 60 frames, a full second. It's not Third Strike.

I think you need to fight Krauser. Hopefully the game clicks then.

Can you parry grabs or only stabs? Hard to tell if a zombie is going from a stab or grab when they're right up in your face.

Like if a zombie is running at your face and you run out of bullets, can you parry them off before they grab you? Or best strategy is still 180 flip and run while reloading and then 180 flip and shoot them.


  • Member
A lot of the depth in the combat system is in the defense. Shooting enemies before they can hit you is viable obviously but parries reward you with better crowd control.

You can only parry strikes, and you can duck grabs but the timing is pretty tight so you have to be anticipating it. You have to pay attention to what the closest enemy type is. I'm pretty sure if they have a melee weapon they will try to strike 100% of the time, if they are unarmed they will try to grab 80% of the time but will sometimes punch (which you can parry to slice their arm off :gladbron)

The parry can be buffered so you can mash it all you want. For enemies that have attacks that have a dodge prompt you can actually just mash dodge and parry at the same time and you won't get hit, you just can't do this against the usual unarmed dudes because they will still get the grab if you stand up from a duck while you're mashing.


  • Senior Member
Oh, I think I changed parry to R2 so I can't mash it because then he swings the knife. Guess I should take that off and use parry on L1 so you can mash it when you think an attack is incoming without locking yourself into knifing frames.

Didn't realize you could duck grabs. That's interesting.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
but you can mash parry if it's mapped to your shoot button, the window timing for parries is extremely generous. only professional mode allows for "perfect" parries


  • Senior Member
What risk? Parrying has a very liberal frame window. I swear it's at least 60 frames, a full second. It's not Third Strike.

I think you need to fight Krauser. Hopefully the game clicks then.

Can you parry grabs or only stabs? Hard to tell if a zombie is going from a stab or grab when they're right up in your face.

Like if a zombie is running at your face and you run out of bullets, can you parry them off before they grab you? Or best strategy is still 180 flip and run while reloading and then 180 flip and shoot them.

Grabs you crouch. It's really good to shoot at a distance so they don't get in range to grab.


  • Senior Member
Oh, I think I changed parry to R2 so I can't mash it because then he swings the knife. Guess I should take that off and use parry on L1 so you can mash it when you think an attack is incoming without locking yourself into knifing frames.

Didn't realize you could duck grabs. That's interesting.

Try RE4 controls


  • Senior Member
Ok, back half of the castle has some pretty fun sections.

Oh, I think I changed parry to R2 so I can't mash it because then he swings the knife. Guess I should take that off and use parry on L1 so you can mash it when you think an attack is incoming without locking yourself into knifing frames.

Didn't realize you could duck grabs. That's interesting.

Try RE4 controls

What are RE4 controls?


  • Senior Member
Ok, back half of the castle has some pretty fun sections.

Oh, I think I changed parry to R2 so I can't mash it because then he swings the knife. Guess I should take that off and use parry on L1 so you can mash it when you think an attack is incoming without locking yourself into knifing frames.

Didn't realize you could duck grabs. That's interesting.

Try RE4 controls

What are RE4 controls?

There are three (actually six) control types: A, B, and C. RE4 controls are C.


  • Senior Member
Is there a trick to that Ramon's Assassin elevator bit? Spent like 30 mins on that bit. Thought with the freeze I could kill it but I guess I just wasted all my ammo. Then when I tried to just kill time until the elevator I still took a bunch of hits because it wouldn't go in the freeze. Just felt like I was doing that section wrong given how much damage I took. If you attack it does it speed up the elevator?


  • Senior Member
Ok, back half of the castle has some pretty fun sections.

Oh, I think I changed parry to R2 so I can't mash it because then he swings the knife. Guess I should take that off and use parry on L1 so you can mash it when you think an attack is incoming without locking yourself into knifing frames.

Didn't realize you could duck grabs. That's interesting.

Try RE4 controls

What are RE4 controls?

There are three (actually six) control types: A, B, and C. RE4 controls are C.

Hmm, yeah I should try the old RE4 controls. I take way too many hits because I use R1 to run and I start to run and then do a 180 turn on accident and run back into the enemy I'm running from and get hit. I feel like L3 run is kind of unreliable so prefer R1 run.


  • Senior Member
L3 to run is inferior to just A imo and and toggle is inferior to hold. My 2C.

For the Verdugo, they provide plenty of ammo in that area. Once the power is on you can go to a secret area not accessible before with the power off. Iirc it has things like nades. Just throw things like heavy nades and stuff and stuff at it, headshot it with the rifle, shotgun it, and if you have the magnum use that too. Takes a bit to take him down but it can be done.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 02:42:08 AM by Himu »


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member
Is there a trick to that Ramon's Assassin elevator bit? Spent like 30 mins on that bit. Thought with the freeze I could kill it but I guess I just wasted all my ammo. Then when I tried to just kill time until the elevator I still took a bunch of hits because it wouldn't go in the freeze. Just felt like I was doing that section wrong given how much damage I took. If you attack it does it speed up the elevator?
There are about 4 different freezy things in the area. What you want to do is freeze him which will put him in a melee-able state, kick him, then blast him in the head while he's down then he should peace out and you repeat at another freezy.

If you stand on the button he 99% of the time will charge you. As you see him go to lunge hit the button and run to the opposite side he is in

you can optimism by taking a couple shots as he freezes, then kicking him and shooting him some more, then grenading him as he gets up to get another knock down to shoot him even more.

shooting him in the head definitely does more damage that body shots. and the kicks do more damage than you might think. if he's really griefing you can run down the clock on the lift but killing gets a nice treasure.


  • Senior Member
Damn, so you can kill him.

I froze him like 3-4 times and hit him with about 4 heavy grenades and 20 shots point blank of maxed out shotgun and some melee kicks and still wasn't dead so just figured it was invincible which made all the freeze -> melee stuff seem kind of weird. I didn't have the magnum on me though. Don't typically carry it or the TMP. Just pistol/rifle/shotgun and rest is space for pick ups.

So I just let him kill me so I could gather up all the ammo and wait out the elevator and go into the next area with a ton more ammo on me.


  • Senior Member
He's way harder to kill than in the original. I thought he was unkillable myself. i ran out of canisters and just kept it up and he died.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 02:41:30 AM by Himu »


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member
Yeah he's definitely way fucking harder than the original. I think hitting headshots on him and at least a couple magnum blasts are key - I've not killed him without using the magnum.

Running into him when I was doing pro with the infinite ammo handcannon was some pretty satisfying payback. dickhead didn't even live to see the third freezy


  • Senior Member
An upgrade semi auto rifle does wonders. Blast him in the head.


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member
An upgrade semi auto rifle does wonders. Blast him in the head.
dat rifle 3x crit multiplier  :heart


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The Regeneradors are certainly much more agressive in this game. The first two fucked me up good.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
But also easier to snipe once you get the bio scope


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Goddamn, the Leon Krauser fight was good.
Perhaps the best videogame duel since Liquid vs. Snake in MGS4.

Challenge from this game comes more from big crowds than bosses though. On Standard they go down pretty quickly if you have sufficient gun upgrades.


  • Senior Member
Goddamn, the Leon Krauser fight was good.
Perhaps the best videogame duel since Liquid vs. Snake in MGS4.

Challenge from this game comes more from big crowds than bosses though. On Standard they go down pretty quickly if you have sufficient gun upgrades.

It's incredible. Probably the best boss fight I've seen since Snake vs The End.


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  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
And that's wraps up Resident Evil 4 Remake. Resident Evil 4 was already a 10/10 banger and this game is too :rejoice



  • Senior Member
Finished the castle segment tonight. Overall game clicked about midway through the castle and had a lot of fun with it. I think the castle here is pretty much perfect except Ramon. Not sure if I was missing something but fast moving boss with small hitspot basically made me not want to use anything with limited ammo since he was hard to hit so pretty much just ran it with pistol and shotgun if close. Here I've got a maxed magnum and a ton of ammo but never got an easy clear shot to use it. Plus always looking up at him to avoid getting eaten/slammed/spray meant constantly running into floor mines and taking damage. Just seemed like an annoying fight unless I was missing something.

Looks like I missed one sidequest so far in the village section after the egg hunt one. Will have to look it up for NG+

So I ended up changing my controls around because I had like 5 deaths tonight from trying to run from enemies in the middle of combat and then I accidently 180 turn and run back into them. Very done with 180 on R1, sometimes I just want to run away from an enemy holding R1 run, not flip around. Tried assigning 180 to O but it seems to lag because if you hit back + O you duck first then turn, which is crap, so ended up assigning 180 turn to L3 and it hasn't gone off once by accident.

I haven't tried traditional RE4 controls yet. Don't really want to re-learn all the controls this far in when muscle reactions are set to the default controls.

Also normal difficulty seemed pretty easy once I maxed out the Red9 and have tons of handgun ammo. Everything dies in like 2 hits, kinda makes it a joke. Still fun though. Although getting stuck with Red9 for the mine cart ride when red9 takes a few seconds to precise aim made shooting enemies firing at you from other carts kind of a pain.

I think my favorite part of the game so far was the plaga knight boss sidequest. Felt like a Dark Souls fight.

I think the village portion is pretty good outside the lake sandbox which felt super uninteresting and a weakass sandbox. Castle was basically flawless outside the boss fight being annoying and maybe the mine cart ride being kinda whatever. Looking forward to the Island.

After RE6, is RE4 the longest RE? I feel like Code Veronica was pretty long too, but been a long time.


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Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #410 on: April 14, 2023, 03:43:53 PM »
amazing gameplay, but atmospherically it's "another RE Engine game" - the new shooting gallery is the closest the game feels like the original. thankfully the old game is easily available.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2023, 04:41:40 PM by paprikastaude »


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  • Finish the Fight
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I don't think it's fair to say soul and soulless. This game tried to accomplish different things in a different time.
Some stuff in RE4 just wouldn't fly in 2023, not narrative wise and not gameplay wise.

The transitions and cutscenes are shorter because the trend of bullet time is over. Everything is more snappy now.
Stuff that happened in cutscenes and QTE's before is now actual gameplay. Where the original was as much a technical showcase as it was a game (the Lava room was basically just designed to showcase Lava) this is less of a factor in the remake.
Resident Evil 4 also tried to distance itself as much from other RE games as possible, nearly a soft reboot. Resident Evil 4 Remake however makes more of an effort to tie Resident Evil 4 into the overall story.

I like the original more too for plenty of reasons. There's just so much that connects me to that game both in terms of the game itself and the things that happened in my life around that time. I was 16 and it was basically the first 'mature' game I bought and the first full price console game I bought at launch with the money I earned from my first job. Until I moved out I had a promo cardboard standee in my bedroom for a decade or so. Hell, it's still there in my parents house and I just can't bring myself to throw it away.
No matter how you remake or remaster it, the original will always have a special magic that the remake won't have which is why I own it on like 5 different platforms.

I think they treated the source material with respect and they made a damn good game using the framework of Resident Evil 4 and integrating it into the existing line of Resident Evil 2+3 etc. remakes.
Now there's of course an argument that they could've remastered it instead like Metroid Prime and kept everything the same except for the graphics but I think they made the right choice making a 'new' game instead.
Also considering this is the 'B-team' they've come a long way since Resident Evil 3 Remake.


  • Senior Member

I agree in some ways and it's stuff I touched on during the village. I think the remake turns it around during the castle. It's the village that's inferior.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
You can unlock the handcannon now by getting S ranks on each of the 3 stages in mercenaries. It is very very easy to do this, I got S ranks on first or second attempts on all stages. I had been drinking as well, total cakewalk


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

I agree in some ways and it's stuff I touched on during the village. I think the remake turns it around during the castle. It's the village that's inferior.
I didn't understand the part where the ambient sound was missing, was it just in my head? But it turns out the guy who made the video had audio issues

I also think that he went back to some of these areas after passing through them for the first time.

The game also has a different sound mix, the music and effects get louder as the action gets more intense and is overall more dynamic. The original had the same volume throughout and the music would mostly just play in a loop. A Ganado or zealot laughing 4 feet away would sound as loud as one 20 feet away. It was cool that you could loudly hear the guys near the catapults in the original game but it doesn't make much sense with regards to the acoustics considering they are on top of a castle tower. The sound design of the remake is more accurate.

Someone also pointed out that Mendez eye gets more screentime in the original because it is a key item you need to unlock the village gate. In the new game the eye is no longer a key item, just a piece of junk you can sell.
In the logic of the game and story the eye being a key didn't make much sense. Considering there's only one gate connecting to the Castle bridge it would mean that anyone that wants to move from the Castle to the Village would need Mendez eye to pass through and even if you could argue they might have put in the retina lock to keep Leon out, it seems very convoluted as an improvised security system.


  • Senior Member
I miss stuff like the chance but yeah. Gmanlives tweet is gewd

There's no way you can tell REmake 4 doesn't have atmosphere too. Like the first time you get to the castle and fight that zealot. The shadow use is amazing. Or the fog room where you fight five scythe dudes. The atmosphere is amazing.


  • Senior Member
Krauser final fight was dumb, dunno what y'all are on. My knives broke from parries so had to just run up and down and shoot him in between. If you had an unlimited knife the fight would be better since it's designed for parrying.

The regenerators are kind of lame too. Especially the 2nd form ones, their reach is annoying and hit spots are tiny and easy to miss when scoping with the rifle and they're constantly moving, and if you run out of rifle ammo lolz. The defend Ashley bit with one while she's holding the bridge up was probably the most annoying section in the game so far. Ended up just killing all the enemies first as they run down the tunnel, but another enemy still comes up while you're fighting the regenerator and takes her away and then half the time I shoot Ashley and instant game over when they're carrying here and I'm shooting through the gate bars at a moving enemy.

At ch.15 now. Island section so far has just been ok. Still the weakest part of the three areas. I should probably replay the original RE4 after doing a few runs of the remake to see how they changed the island section.

So far I'm feeling like all the bosses have been pretty trash. Mendez was simon says, Ramon was annoying to hit and visually track, Krauser part 1 was fine and the best fight so far, Krauser part 2 was dumb. Game is at its best when it's just mercenaries mode vs a lot of varied enemies.


  • Senior Member
I do think that the knife system is bad in RE4r at least for first run. I started parrying a lot and being more a knife guy and I'd constantly find myself trying to parry something and find out I'm out of knives. Or one or two times I ran up behind an enemy to stealth kill them and didn't get a prompt and the guy turns around because I'm out of knives. Why can't you even craft knives? You can craft knives into bolts but why can't you craft bolts or something into knives?

I just think if they were going to make all these core mechanics of the remake revolve around the knife, your knife shouldn't be breakable because removing core mechanics if you don't have a consumable is dumb.

I get the parries are overpowered, but still just seems bad design.

Now I assume for NG+ with the Krauser knife that's more durable and you can repair it's a non-issue. So it's just something I think was a bad design decision for the first playthrough.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
This game has really been inspired by John Wick so no wonder all the scenes are snappy and quick instead of bullet time and slow motion Matrix inspired like the original.

I never was short on knives after I could repair it and upgrade the durability. Only early game the base knife is a little weak.