Was a pretty stressful last week or so at work, TBH- A combination of updates fucking up stuff and some software being replaced with new application was just a nightmare for us. Nonstop calls and emails all day long, from legit concerns to "I DON'T LIKE THIS BECAUSE THE ICON COLOR CHANGED!" and "IT SAYS 'SEARCH' INSTEAD OF 'FIND'? THAT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!!"
The last call I got today was the icing on the shit sundae- a lady near-screaming about one of the new applications (replacing one that has been around for years) along with a lawyer on the line- the latter was calm and had questions that needed to be addressed, but the former was just like "I AM PISSED ABOUT THIS BECAUSE NOBODY TOLD US SHIT IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN NOW" etc etc. I kept my calm and while she was ranting, then checked and confirmed that her entire office received an email about this change, with extensive notes, documentation, etc. that both of them did not read. This threw her off for a minute or so, but then the ranting started up again.
She then drops the bomb and asks me
what this program is and what it would be used for. So I sent her complaint on to management and made sure to note everything she said, including that last statement.
Last reaction I saw from my boss about it was "OH JESUS"