Author Topic: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening  (Read 3440987 times)

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36300 on: March 23, 2023, 03:28:37 AM »
Congratulations Bebpo!

I moved into a larger house a month ago. Getting the house in shape is a lot of fun. Don't leave all of the work to contractors!

I can't even build Ikea furniture right  :kobeyuck

Gonna have to leave this mostly up to professionals  :lol

And congrats on your place too!

Polident Hive

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36301 on: March 23, 2023, 03:55:26 AM »
A friend recently put together a home theater. With everything wireless and a short throw projector, it’s trivial compared to the old days of routing wires everywhere. Should you go TV over projector, big sets are relatively inexpensive. Not 100” plus, but 80” OLEDs pop up under $3K. Everybody is hyping mini led these days, and it’s an even cheaper option.

After you watch Conan the Barbarian on the big screen, and develop body dysmorphia, you can look into constructing a home gym. It’s the inevitable path of all home owners.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36302 on: March 23, 2023, 04:10:41 AM »
Yeah, I can wire a home theater. I'm a tech nerd so I can build a computer and wire electronics, but like do things with, good luck.

And yeah, I have a 1080p projector I used for parties and it was ok, definitely prefer my 4k OLED I got a year or two ago and would just put a big ass OLED in a home theater room. My current one is 65", so something like an 80" would be a cool upgrade. Had a 50" until I got this set so even 65" has been a nice jump.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36303 on: March 23, 2023, 04:11:15 AM »
Congratulations with your big beautiful house :rejoice


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36304 on: March 23, 2023, 05:20:27 AM »
Oh yeah, you're probably all over this, but when you move, make sure you find a place for everything. DON'T just stick boxes of stuff or furniture in the garage and think that you'll get back to it. I've still got shit in there from 9 years ago. If you don't have a place for it, sell it or give it away.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36305 on: March 23, 2023, 10:23:22 AM »
The house is the one on the right and the 2 houses to the left are closer to the street so I think I should be able to build out at least as far as the neighbor and combine the two bedrooms  on the inner side to make a one big room for a home theater.

There might be a limit on total lot coverage


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36306 on: March 23, 2023, 11:13:16 AM »
Oh yeah, you're probably all over this, but when you move, make sure you find a place for everything. DON'T just stick boxes of stuff or furniture in the garage and think that you'll get back to it. I've still got shit in there from 9 years ago. If you don't have a place for it, sell it or give it away.

Haha, I still have stuff in boxes from my last move  :cry
Learned my lesson there. Didn't have any shelving pieces when I moved in for books/games/comics. This time will definitely have some bookshelves.

But also going to need to do a HUGE spring cleaning when I move and give away/sell a ton of stuff. I need to find one of those "we ebay shit for you at market price" places to dump all my old marvel comics, baseball cards, etc... stuff from the 90s.

The house is the one on the right and the 2 houses to the left are closer to the street so I think I should be able to build out at least as far as the neighbor and combine the two bedrooms  on the inner side to make a one big room for a home theater.

There might be a limit on total lot coverage

Thanks, googled this a bit and it looks like my city doesn't have their own building codes and just defers to general CA codes. Will work with an architect asap after escrow closes to determine if and what allowance I have for further additions.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36307 on: March 23, 2023, 12:44:44 PM »
Thanks, googled this a bit and it looks like my city doesn't have their own building codes and just defers to general CA codes. Will work with an architect asap after escrow closes to determine if and what allowance I have for further additions.

Its not about building codes as much as it is regarding zoning. Thats what defines setbacks and lot coverage standards. Most towns have an online map you can view the zoning for your area and then click through for the details, ie, what are the limits associated with R1 zoning.

You also need to cross reference with potential environmental laws concerning flooding id thats an issue in your area (affects impermeable lot coverage)

Note that California has recently passed a few laws that override local zoning in an effort to increase housing, which would allow you to build a house inside your house (accessory dwelling unit, ADU), split your lot etc.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36308 on: March 25, 2023, 08:19:22 AM »
Unbelievably Mickey Two Suits is still barred


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36309 on: March 31, 2023, 01:59:26 AM »
So I ended up cancelling the house purchase.

Things were good and exciting until I did the home inspection on Tuesday. It wasn't terrible, but the things that were wrong just gave me the impression of sloppy workmanship in the remodel flip and the more I looked into everything, I got really uncomfortable with the idea of buying it. But I felt like I had all this pressure from my agent and my family who liked the house and the fact I need to gtfo out my current place due to mold health issues, that I felt like I had to go forward with it. And that just made me feel even worse because I felt stuck and went into a really deep depression and was mildly suicidal even on Wednesday because I felt like there was no way out and I was making a huge mistake but I had to go through with it.

I got 0 hours, 0 mins of work done since Tuesday. In fact, haven't gotten like anything done as I just froze up in heavy depression dreading moving into this place. Was going to work all weekend to catch up.

After like 30 phone calls with friends and family and trying to talk this through all week, basically everyone sorta got on board and thought I was logical and coherent and this place just was not a good fit for me even if it's a perfectly good house in a good area.

So finally texted my agent that I'm cancelling. I have like 2 days left on contingencies until I'd lose my deposit or be stuck buying the house. So hopefully they get the cancellation forms to me tomorrow so I can sign them and be ok on time.

I definitely feel a great relief now, having made the decision after being on the fence for the last three days. I also feel like I need to get out of my place so I don't have this pressure that I have to buy now, now, now and can take my time over a few months going to open houses until I find something that is more me.

So instead of going to open houses this weekend, if I have time between catching up on working, I'm going to check out some apartments/condos/homes for rent on 4/6 month leases. Hoping that maybe I can find something so I can move out and fix my place and sell it, which will both get me extra funds, and also just take the pressure off finding a house.

Anyhow, this has been pretty difficult, this whole house hunting thing. Shit's hard.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36310 on: March 31, 2023, 03:37:21 AM »
If you're not 100%, then you've done the right thing.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36311 on: March 31, 2023, 01:10:57 PM »
yeah sounds like you made the right decision for you

team filler

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36312 on: April 01, 2023, 03:38:12 AM »
On a more personal level, while we can never truly know how we'll act in the moment until the moment I'm going to warn you all that when the Next Cultural Revolution comes to The Bire I'm going to be really fucking annoying about it rather than comply to show my loyalty to The Party like the first teachers did in China. Very much do not plan on beating the dead bodies of my colleagues you just tortured to death or whatever to show you I'm not a counter-revolutionary too.
Is this a subtle reference to the fact that we just passed the 12 month anniversary of "The (failed) Great (Rumbler) Purge"?
I forgot all about this until seeing potato's post just now  :lol


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36313 on: April 02, 2023, 08:05:20 PM »
I thought I might buy a pair of Ray-bans. So I went on Amazon. Fuck me what a minefield that is. There's so many customer reviews saying they received fakes. The prices of them are almost half of what they are on RB's site so it's believable


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36314 on: April 03, 2023, 04:23:15 AM »
I thought I might buy a pair of Ray-bans. So I went on Amazon. Fuck me what a minefield that is. There's so many customer reviews saying they received fakes. The prices of them are almost half of what they are on RB's site so it's believable
Yeah, anything like that is just easier to go to an official store. Amazon is a fucking mess sometimes.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36315 on: April 03, 2023, 08:40:28 PM »
Aye. I'm just going to order a pair off their site. It's 40 quid more but I'd rather pay that knowing they're real and not some dodgy Chinese knock offs


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36316 on: April 04, 2023, 01:54:56 AM »
Aye. I'm just going to order a pair off their site. It's 40 quid more but I'd rather pay that knowing they're real and not some dodgy Chinese knock offs

knock-offs probably made in the same factory as those ray-bans though  :doge


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36317 on: April 04, 2023, 02:43:21 AM »
Aye. I'm just going to order a pair off their site. It's 40 quid more but I'd rather pay that knowing they're real and not some dodgy Chinese knock offs

knock-offs probably made in the same factory as those ray-bans though  :doge


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36318 on: April 04, 2023, 11:58:23 PM »
So that house a month ago where it was an awesome place and the seller's agent was super enthusiastic about my offer and then right before it got signed they came back and said another similar offer came in and blind auction bidding war and I generally held to my guns because it was very sus and I might even be bidding against myself with no actual other buyer and then I lost?

Well it closed today and I saw the closing price and my counter that I filled out and was going to submit before I changed my mind and put a much lower counter was $1,000 higher than the other bid that won.

Meanwhile I lost out on one of the best unique custom houses I've probably ever see, I've spent like 300 hours of deep depression, stress and anxiety, and lost $1,500 on inspections on another house I backed out of in the month since.

Just shitty luck. I figured if there was another buyer for real, either they were way richer than me and were going to counter big in which case I couldn't keep up since the house was at the top of my budget, or that they were at the top of their budget and couldn't move up either.

Because it was a blind auction and we didn't know what the other person was bidding, I was only going to go up $6k over asking price (my initial offer was $10k under, so that'd be $16k more, I ended up offering another $5k so I was still $5k under asking), well the other person went $5k over asking. I guess they got spooked too by the blind auction and were afraid to bet big as well.

Just really shitty luck.

To be fair, even though it was kind of my dream home, it wasn't 100% perfect. The master bedroom was really small and could only fit a bed and nothing else (but giant walk in closet and giant master bathroom) and there wasn't really a great place to walk to from it for daily walks.

Plus it had amazing bathrooms, a really cool unique kitchen, a great looking front, and a really nice palm springs-esque open area yard that everything looked at and led out to.

I'm just ranting about shitty luck and it's fine and I'm like 95% over it a month later. But given the market prices in my county have jumped up significantly as inventory has completely vanished over the last 5 weeks, I'm probably going to end up buying something that's like $100-200k more that's not as nice by the time I find something so it sucksss.

*edit* if I don't find something by the end of the month, I'm just going to rent for the next year so I can fix my current condo and either move back or sell it but at least will be off the time pressure to get out of here and will be able to wait out the market until things get better.

For anyone who hasn't been keeping up with the latest and greatest in the housing market in the USA, it is currently the worst housing market since the great recession this last month or two. The reason is that housing went like this:

2021 - low interest rate, prices insane! Tons of houses on the market because fuck yeah, money for sellers. Also pent up demand from buyers because there was a lack of inventory in 2020 while people didn't want to sell during a pandemic.
2022 first half - same
2022 second half - Oh shit, interest rates going up, sellers trying to dump stuff for a bit cheaper before things get really bad, buyer's get scared because now interest rates are higher and things cost more. Less buyers, less sellers as time goes by.
2023 why we are now fucked - the sellers from summer 2022 have finished dumping their properties, meanwhile sellers who are sitting with a house at low 1-3% mortgage rate have zero motivation to sell their house now and be forced to try to buy something in this market of the highest prices ever + being stuck with a 6-7% mortgage rate on their replacement house, that's if they can ever find a replacement house lol. The number of buyers have gone down since summer 2022 because the higher interest rates + highest prices ever, but because the inventory of people selling houses has dwindled so small, the small mountain of buyers keeps increasing steadily and still outnumber the sellers.

So right now you have a market for the first time since the pandemic hit with almost no houses being sold, despite the start of prime selling season, and a bunch of built up number of buyers so when the one or two decent houses go on sale each week in an entire 50-100 mile radius, you have every single buyer in that range swarming on them and so every single thing is a huge bidding war and sellers are getting ridiculous prices because fuck it, they can sell for any price they want when they're the only good house in 50 miles in that price range.

It's high interest rates + high prices + no inventory at all = if you're trying to buy you are fucked beyond belief right now. Which again is why people who own a house and would otherwise think about selling and moving up or down or a different location are like "fuck this, I'm sitting tight" which just exacerbates the lack of inventory and keeps the cycle rolling.

Experts seem to say that once mortgage rates start going down again after the feds stop raising rates to curb inflation, people will start selling again, but there's going to be so much pent up demand as there is now, stuff will still fly off in bidding wars and crazy prices for a while until enough houses get back on the market to outnumber the buyers.

It's like this is pandemic era 2020 again (except way more expensive) and when the fed rates come down it'll be 2021 era again.

And when mortgage rates go down again there'll be more buyers jumping back, so...basically it's going to be a long while until shit stabilizes unfortunately.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 02:53:26 AM by Bebpo »

Polident Hive

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36319 on: April 08, 2023, 09:33:58 PM »
Had a dumb realization earlier. I never sit down and listen to music anymore. Not since being a teenager. Feels like I’m a little broken and see music as complementary to a primary stimulus.

An older cousin has a dedicated listening room in his house. Tens of thousands of euros on equipment to sit in a chair and listen to records. The mental image I have is him staring at a wall, massive headphones, hearing ”boom boom acka lacka lacka boom.” Jealous.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36320 on: April 09, 2023, 04:10:50 AM »
Had a dumb realization earlier. I never sit down and listen to music anymore. Not since being a teenager. Feels like I’m a little broken and see music as complementary to a primary stimulus.

An older cousin has a dedicated listening room in his house. Tens of thousands of euros on equipment to sit in a chair and listen to records. The mental image I have is him staring at a wall, massive headphones, hearing ”boom boom acka lacka lacka boom.” Jealous.
I want to convert my formal dining room into a sitting/listening/reading room. No luck convincing she-who-must-be-obeyed yet...


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36321 on: April 09, 2023, 04:36:30 PM »
Welp, the day has finally arrived. I’ve decided to start dressing like Nick Cave. Dark suit, white shirt, snakeskin belt, vulgar ring. It will probably feel a bit much when shopping in Aldi or mowing the lawn, but I’ve read that when you start dressing like Nick Cave you have to commit


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36322 on: April 10, 2023, 03:49:17 PM »
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 12:15:32 AM by Himu »


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36323 on: April 10, 2023, 04:40:44 PM »
Great news.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36324 on: April 10, 2023, 05:06:48 PM »
Can't wait for your photos of gay islamic orgies Himu, make sure we're the first to see them!


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36325 on: April 10, 2023, 11:38:45 PM »
Can't wait for your photos of gay islamic orgies Himu, make sure we're the first to see them!

I want to say how wrong I've been for things I've said. I have been lashing out against the lgtbq community and also to myself. I've been directing my anger at the wrong people, something I have discussed with my therapist.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36326 on: April 11, 2023, 12:17:54 AM »
Can't wait for your photos of gay islamic orgies Himu, make sure we're the first to see them!

I want to say how wrong I've been for things I've said. I have been lashing out against the lgtbq community and also to myself. I've been directing my anger at the wrong people, something I have discussed with my therapist.

Thats good to hear Himu. I will stop making mean spirited comments

spoiler (click to show/hide)
for now


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36327 on: April 11, 2023, 05:37:01 AM »
Had a dumb realization earlier. I never sit down and listen to music anymore. Not since being a teenager. Feels like I’m a little broken and see music as complementary to a primary stimulus.

An older cousin has a dedicated listening room in his house. Tens of thousands of euros on equipment to sit in a chair and listen to records. The mental image I have is him staring at a wall, massive headphones, hearing ”boom boom acka lacka lacka boom.” Jealous.
I want to convert my formal dining room into a sitting/listening/reading room. No luck convincing she-who-must-be-obeyed yet...

A good pair of cans and a decent DAC already makes a huge difference. Switched from a 100 dollar pair to a 300 dollar pair of headphones and I'm basically rediscovering my entire music library.

Celtic Frost's Monotheist sounded really bad on my ATH M50X cans. Got the Meze 99 Classics and it's one of my favourite albums now.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36328 on: April 11, 2023, 05:53:03 AM »
I have a half decent amp and turntable and 100+ albums on vinyl and want somewhere I can spin a record without being interrupted.

I have a set of ATH-AD900 which have a lovely sound and really wide soundstage that i'd like to use more as well. They leak too much sound to use in the living room. I'll probably invest in an actual "good" set of cans at some point in the future though.

Anyway, there is way more discussion to have before I can swing this room change.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36329 on: April 17, 2023, 11:54:31 PM »
So I kinda fucked up in house buying because I didn't have all the info and I'm going to be stuck paying for it for the next few years...

I ended up buying a house way below my house looking budget, just below enough if I went almost entirely in with all my life savings of 25+ years, I could go all cash. There was a heated war between twelve people for the house and I was advised to go all cash to appeal to the seller. It worked, I beat out higher offers and got the place going all cash.

The house was underpriced, maybe by about $100k if repaired and most of the competition were flippers who were looking at it as a way to put $150k into updates/repairs and flip it at +$300-400k purchase price. And I thought, hey, no mortgage closing fees, and I could just refi it later when I needed some cash or maybe hold out until interest rates came down a bit and then refi.

But no one told me that...not only are refi/cash out/delayed financing mortgages at almost a 1% higher interest rate than if you got a mortgage at purchase, but the big kicker is that if you don't use your cash from the refi mortgage entirely on home improvements...the interest isn't tax deductible/lowers your taxable income like a mortgage at purchase is. So you're paying high ass 7% interest that you don't tax deduct at all if you aren't using it on home repairs/improvements.

So...basically I got a house that's way below the quality of houses I could've gotten with a loan and definitely not as nice of place because of that (it's really small, has like no closet space, is really old and has that old house smell, is kind of ugly, and needs several handfuls of repairs including minor foundational stuff), sp now I'm broke af and unless I want to be paying a ton of interest, and if I want to sell the place anytime soon to get my cash out, after commissions/costs I'll probably take a loss, and if I do get a gain, until I've been here two years I pay 25% capital gains tax.

So while I save the few thousand a month I would've paid on a mortgage payment, and get to bank some extra savings per year (while also having higher taxes due), I'm basically in an ok house and will be broke for a while until I can build some savings again, have no money to invest in anything, and in two years have to hope the market is up so I can sell it and get my cash out without paying capital gains if I need to access my cash.

Whereas on the other hand, if I had gone up to my budget with a loan, I'd be living in a nice place, still have some emergency cash at least getting some interest, be able to potential move whenever if needed using the remaining cash as a down payment or rent until I sell my place, and in exchange for all that would be paying a few extra thousand per month and not be able to save as much per year.

Like I think running the numbers that over the long term of 10-30 years it works out. I'm probably going to save about $30-40k/year by living in a less nice place and having no savings, but in the short term this seems like it was a terrible decision made on not having all the relevant information. I feel like it should be more common knowledge that if you get a mortgage after buying a place that you don't necessarily get to deduct all the interest your paying on your taxes and that the interest rates are way higher. This caught me by surprise and was already locked into the deal by then.

I mean it's not the end of the world, if I need cash I'll either eat the interest rates to refi for a few years, or sell the place at a bit of a loss after commissions if I can't get much more for it (or even the same, but luckily I'm getting this place about $100k under market and it needs maybe $25-50k in repairs).

I think if I needed the cash, I'd probably go the latter method because I'd be more likely to break even and could rent a place for the interim. And just paying 7% interest and not getting anything back in deductions is too painful. I guess it depends on how much I end up liking this new place after making some fixes and if I want to stay for a while or bail on it and try again.

I feel like maybe I'll like this place more if I spend more on updating it to be nicer, but also kind of hesitant to sink a bunch of money in if I might be selling it in the next few years. Also since I'm broke instead of saving anything from the savings of no-mortgage, it'll all go into house stuff for the first few years. It's possible if the market stays stable in my area that if the updates make it more appealable to sell the value of the house should go up for selling it, but you just never know how upgrades will turn out plus how the market will be.

I'd have been pretty happy with the place I got if I'd gotten it with a conventional loan which gives me more freedom. It's just ending up in all cash is making this purchase feel a lot more risky.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36330 on: April 18, 2023, 12:05:02 AM »
There is a bright side to this. You own your own home without a mortgage and you can make it into whatever you want.

Congrats and try to look on the positive side.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36331 on: April 18, 2023, 12:05:44 AM »
I kind of had set my expectations down to get a cheaper interim house for a few years until the market was better since it seemed better than paying rent. So I'm ok with the quality of the house I'm buying, but having all my cash locked up does make me kind of nervous in case I really don't like it.

This year my house buying offer attempts went from:

2,900 sq ft duplex in a community with a lake for fishing, horse trails, and nearby major park that you could walk to
2,500 sq ft super nice luxury house
2,150 sq ft great condition, very clean but sterile aesthetic looking flip house with a bad layout
1,700 sq ft 70 year old house that has an old house smell, blood red walls, the rain gutter drainage is terrible design and crawl space mildly flooded last three months and dirt under still wet but wood/concrete seem fine, roof is dead and needs full re-roofing, and can't even see the condition of the sewer pipes beyond the house front yet, so could be full of roots and needing to tear up the yard. The kitchen is also super ugly and not sure anything short of a full remodel can fix how it looks. But if it's functional, it's fine.

Things just kept getting smaller and worse lol, but at least the prices kept getting lower. Mostly because the stuff in the higher budget range just kept getting worse and worse and wasn't worth the kind of money people were asking at those ranges. For $1.5M you better get a nice fucking house, not some boring generic 2,100 sq ft track home with no yard and all your windows just look into your neighbor's windows.

My idea with an interim place was to aim for like 4-6 years and then move to actual legit nice house, but won't have enough saved in 4-6 years for a downpayment, so still will have to get money out of this house and that is going to be tricky but I'll deal with that later on.

But yeah, next time I get a house I will definitely get a mortgage.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36332 on: April 18, 2023, 12:11:17 AM »
On the plus side I got a gargoyle fountain out of it


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36333 on: April 18, 2023, 12:36:34 AM »
On the plus side I got a gargoyle fountain out of it

(Image removed from quote.)
Totally worth it


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36334 on: April 18, 2023, 03:12:26 AM »
Congrats  :)

That's an Umbrella lab put 3 gems in their mouths


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36335 on: April 19, 2023, 07:32:55 AM »
Congrats on the new house Bepbo!!


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36336 on: April 19, 2023, 07:35:24 AM »
the feeling of total ownership over even a shitty house is awesome

"I can just remove this wall if I want and no one will stop me"


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36337 on: April 19, 2023, 03:37:30 PM »
the feeling of total ownership over even a shitty house is awesome

"I can just remove this wall if I want and no one will stop me"

No one except gravity.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36338 on: April 19, 2023, 03:50:38 PM »
If Bebpo's understanding of game mechanics translates to his real world understanding of mechanics I can imagine him getting crushed by his own house as he takes out a load bearing wall.

(Still laughing about him dropping the combat knife in the supply chest in RE4 Remake)

Polident Hive

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36339 on: April 21, 2023, 08:51:22 AM »
Coming in with a hardline opinion. Heated toilet seats fucking suck. There’s a threshold with faux luxury products where heated surfaces come into play. Most aren’t for me but I see the appeal. A toilet seat? Really? feeling like some hefty bloke just stood up after a 40 minute struggle passing a gordita supreme.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36340 on: April 23, 2023, 04:56:51 PM »
Yeah, so I'm starting contractor work this week, which will last at least 2-4 weeks before moving walls.

My main issue at this point is balancing the money I sink in, vs money I'll get out, vs quality of place I want to live in since I didn't buy a nice fancy flipped/custom house and a bit of a fixer up er.

I'm getting in a $1M, and it needs about $50k repairs just to stabilize and not fall apart, so that puts me at $1.05M. It's probably worth about $1.1M today in repaired state, so I'm about $50k under. Because of the size (1,700 sq ft) + street noise in the yard/plane noise in the house, even if it was the fanciest custom house ever, it'd probably top out at about $1.25M or $1.3M max. It's in a good location.

My goal budget I think, is to stay under $150k in upgrades to be about $1.2M in, which I feel pretty comfortable will be safe for when I sell it to not eat big losses. At worst just break even with what I put in with repairs + upgrades.

My plan's to live at this house until the market stabilizes itself and stops being insane trying to find a nice 15-20 year settle down house. Whether that happens in 2 years and I sell this then and move, or whether it takes 5-10 years. And while I can live in an ugly house that whole time and just put up with it and have less risk of eating losses when selling, I think I'd rather make it a comfortable nice, albiet small, place to live for the time I'm here.

Now $150k in upgrades should get you a decent way with a 1,700 sq ft house. But one of the main issues is the kitchen, and just doing a complete remodel would probably be $50k+ of that. But man is the kitchen ugly. I think you can fix it by flipping the sink to the other side of the kitchen with a window that looks out in the yard and de-uglifying the cabinets and removing the wall next to it that separates it from the living room, but just depends on the costs. Also the tin steel looking XXXX backdrop needs to go. Maybe counters could stay at most.

And yeah I have a structural engineer lined up to brace a wall cause some of it is load-bearing.


Flip the sink to the other side so it looks out that way instead

Wall I want to remove to give more space

Other side of the wall in the living room.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36341 on: April 23, 2023, 05:08:45 PM »
It looks like there's a lot of space to work with and everything looks clean and finished.

Maybe some paint will do the trick in the kitchen.
That's what a friend of mine did to save some money and the result was great.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36342 on: April 23, 2023, 05:19:34 PM »
It looks like there's a lot of space to work with and everything looks clean and finished.

Maybe some paint will do the trick in the kitchen.
That's what a friend of mine did to save some money and the result was great.

Yeah, I’m hoping that opening the wall and some paint may save it to keep costs down.

Most of the damage that needs repairs is the exterior/crawl space/yard/roof. The interior is in pretty clean finished condition. Other than the kitchen, the rest of the interior should be cheaper and easier to make looking nice.

Though the garage is kind of bleh and washer & dryer are there so going to have to think up some ways to clean up the main garage into a clean space.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36343 on: April 24, 2023, 03:08:11 AM »
That kitchen looks ok. As long as the cabinets are ok, just paint them and move on. Moving sinks around is going to cost more than it's worth and anyone you sell it to is likely to want to remodel it anyway.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36344 on: April 24, 2023, 07:53:01 AM »
i wish my kitchen looked that good  :(

Polident Hive

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36345 on: April 24, 2023, 08:49:55 AM »
From my pov that kitchen has too much storage space. If the idea is a space for a family with over three kids and a dog? Sure. Maybe. But I bet if you check those cabinets right now, you’ll find a left behind Slap Chop and George Forman grill.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36346 on: April 24, 2023, 10:48:24 AM »
Yeah, so I'm starting contractor work this week, which will last at least 2-4 weeks before moving walls.

My main issue at this point is balancing the money I sink in, vs money I'll get out, vs quality of place I want to live in since I didn't buy a nice fancy flipped/custom house and a bit of a fixer up er.

I'm getting in a $1M, and it needs about $50k repairs just to stabilize and not fall apart, so that puts me at $1.05M. It's probably worth about $1.1M today in repaired state, so I'm about $50k under. Because of the size (1,700 sq ft) + street noise in the yard/plane noise in the house, even if it was the fanciest custom house ever, it'd probably top out at about $1.25M or $1.3M max. It's in a good location.

My goal budget I think, is to stay under $150k in upgrades to be about $1.2M in, which I feel pretty comfortable will be safe for when I sell it to not eat big losses. At worst just break even with what I put in with repairs + upgrades.

My plan's to live at this house until the market stabilizes itself and stops being insane trying to find a nice 15-20 year settle down house. Whether that happens in 2 years and I sell this then and move, or whether it takes 5-10 years. And while I can live in an ugly house that whole time and just put up with it and have less risk of eating losses when selling, I think I'd rather make it a comfortable nice, albiet small, place to live for the time I'm here.

Now $150k in upgrades should get you a decent way with a 1,700 sq ft house. But one of the main issues is the kitchen, and just doing a complete remodel would probably be $50k+ of that. But man is the kitchen ugly. I think you can fix it by flipping the sink to the other side of the kitchen with a window that looks out in the yard and de-uglifying the cabinets and removing the wall next to it that separates it from the living room, but just depends on the costs. Also the tin steel looking XXXX backdrop needs to go. Maybe counters could stay at most.

And yeah I have a structural engineer lined up to brace a wall cause some of it is load-bearing.

(Image removed from quote.)


(Image removed from quote.)

Flip the sink to the other side so it looks out that way instead

(Image removed from quote.)

Wall I want to remove to give more space

(Image removed from quote.)

Other side of the wall in the living room.

The fuck is wrong with you that kitchen looks great.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36347 on: April 24, 2023, 12:09:17 PM »
Yeah, it's way too many cabinets. I wouldn't use half of that. Maybe just removing a few in select spots would free it up.

That kitchen looks ok. As long as the cabinets are ok, just paint them and move on. Moving sinks around is going to cost more than it's worth and anyone you sell it to is likely to want to remodel it anyway.

Can you paint textured wood though? It's not like plain color where you can paint them white or blue or any color. Pretty sure the texture would show through. Maybe black would work, idk.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36348 on: April 24, 2023, 01:01:37 PM »


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36349 on: April 24, 2023, 01:19:37 PM »
Yeah, it's way too many cabinets. I wouldn't use half of that. Maybe just removing a few in select spots would free it up.

I am begging you to discuss these theories with a woman before spending money to make your house worse.

There is literally no such thing as too much cabinet space


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36350 on: April 24, 2023, 01:41:06 PM »
I second that. Cabinet space and storage in general is really important. Don't remove anything without a really good reason. You want items out of sight so that you can have them out of your mind and be more relaxed.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36351 on: April 24, 2023, 02:08:29 PM »
I would also suggest researching was improvements actually have a positive ROI.

Pools are famous for being popular but not raising the value of your home anywhere near what they cost to build.

I believe on the other hand, a bathroom reno can raise value by significantly more than it costs just because people associate new with clean and thats important in a bathroom.

Maintenance stuff like a roof is obviously important/required but buyers dont really value it up front.

People are weird about paint/walls. On one hand, its like the easiest thing to change (You can DIY on a weekend!), and yet when people view homes they can consider it a dealbreaker if they find the colors ugly. Folks aren't logical.

So dont let your personal feelings dictate what you do IF your plan is to resell. If you really want to move the sink because you cook a bunch and you personally plan on using it heavily for 5 years and the sink position will affect your personal happiness- great, do it! But dont do it for profit.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36352 on: April 24, 2023, 03:12:16 PM »
Yeah, it's way too many cabinets. I wouldn't use half of that. Maybe just removing a few in select spots would free it up.

I am begging you to discuss these theories with a woman before spending money to make your house worse.

There is literally no such thing as too much cabinet space
I hate to admit it, but James is right

team filler

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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36353 on: April 24, 2023, 03:15:05 PM »
sex dungeon


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36354 on: April 24, 2023, 03:15:26 PM »

The fuck is wrong with you that kitchen looks great.
It's that weird American thing with mixing contrasting textures. The wood grain on the cabinets and the texture of the bench tops just turns into a massive sensory overload.

Only thing I would suggest is installing a dishwasher. Who has time to wash dishes by hand?


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36355 on: April 24, 2023, 03:16:00 PM »
sex dungeon
Is it really a dungeon if it's actually in your living room?


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36356 on: April 24, 2023, 03:26:49 PM »
It's that weird American thing with mixing contrasting textures. The wood grain on the cabinets and the texture of the bench tops just turns into a massive sensory overload.

I dont love it either, but rich people seem to enjoy it

Look at this 4.5 million dollar house, that has a fucking kitchen inside the kitchen.

Pretty similar visual overload...but why the fuck is the island countertop different lol

Only thing I would suggest is installing a dishwasher. Who has time to wash dishes by hand?

There has to be on behind one of the cabinets. No way a kitchen like that doesnt already have one

Bonus pic:



  • Senior Member
Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36357 on: April 24, 2023, 03:31:11 PM »
Yeah, it's way too many cabinets. I wouldn't use half of that. Maybe just removing a few in select spots would free it up.

I am begging you to discuss these theories with a woman before spending money to make your house worse.

There is literally no such thing as too much cabinet space
I hate to admit it, but James is right

Yeah, I’m working with an interior designer who yes is a woman.


  • Senior's Member
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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36358 on: April 24, 2023, 03:32:51 PM »
It's that weird American thing with mixing contrasting textures. The wood grain on the cabinets and the texture of the bench tops just turns into a massive sensory overload.

I dont love it either, but rich people seem to enjoy it

Look at this 4.5 million dollar house, that has a fucking kitchen inside the kitchen.

Pretty similar visual overload...but why the fuck is the island countertop different lol

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Only thing I would suggest is installing a dishwasher. Who has time to wash dishes by hand?

There has to be on behind one of the cabinets. No way a kitchen like that doesnt already have one

Bonus pic:

(Image removed from quote.)
Kitchen inside a kitchen is called a Butler's pantry. It's where the rich American folk hide their slaves domestic housekeepers from the Philippines who don't have access to their own passports when their cuntry club friends are over for drinks.


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Re: Random talk thread: It just keeps happening
« Reply #36359 on: April 24, 2023, 03:45:02 PM »
Yeah, I’m working with an interior designer who yes is a woman.

Not good enough, make sure shes straight and conservative and older than 38