Girl-age question:
I have this girl coming over tonight to my place for dinner and then I'm pretty sure she's thinking sex and spending the night over as well.
I need to tell this girl I'm not interested in her; thanks but no thanks. We don't have anything in common, and our dates (we've had two so far, this will be the 3rd) have been pretty boring. But we hooked up each time so it was like heyyyy, this is fun even if the pre-hook up date part was boring. But I need to set the line down. Unfortunately she sort of invited herself over for me to cook her dinner and I didn't take a stand was just like "sure, sure, sounds good" and put it off in my mind but now it's happening in a few hours.
So I can either:
1. Call her now and tell her it's off, not to show and that I'm not interested in her. She's at work now so it would be a voice mail she wouldn't get until she was about to leave after work to my place and would ruin her day.
2. Wait until she arrives and tell her I'm not interested in being more than friends, might cause a fit, worried she might damage new condo
3. Cook a nice meal for her, then tell her I'm not interested; may be worse and seem like leading on.
4. Cook a nice meal for her, sleep with her, then tell her in the morning I'm not interested (probably most likely to get murdered route)
5. Cook a nice meal for her, sleep with her, then in a day or two call her and tell her I'm not interested.
Definitely a hard fight between mind and libido, but I think I should go with #1 even if my libido would rather go with #5. Also if she was down to just sort of be FwB I'd be ok with that temporarily since hooking up is fun, and takes some of the "I haven't gotten any for x days" tension/desperation away while looking around and meeting people. Plus it feels good confidence-wise to have someone appreciate you. But I'm not sure when I would tell her this. She's waaaay into me and I'm not interested at all; so I'm also kind of afraid the longer I stick around the higher possibility she does something crazy to try to latch into me like poking holes in condoms or something like that (not that she comes off as crazy, but I'm paranoid about getting into a relationship I really don't want to be in).
Also I haven't talked about this particular girl before, so she's not any of the girls that I mentioned anywhere else.