Here, I just exported one of me smoking a bitch. It’s so satisfying. GIF export is a really fun feature for this kind of game. 5 classes play really differently. Weapons have different weights, and you can use the staff one-handed or two, and you can swap it between hands really easily as you’re fighting, so you can get really fluid with it. That mace is really tough to use because you have to maintain momentum with it to do real damage, but there are only so many ways to spin it around to do so, so your attacks are really telegraphed, but it and the similarly unwieldy giant sword do enormous damage.
Missile attacks are also varied between classes, and if a class is a powerhouse in melee, like the monk, their missile attacks are usually not so hot. The big sword dude has this huge wave attack that’s tough to deal with and the mace knight puts out unpredictable swarm missiles.
The classes are:
Rapier and small shield
Staff (one or two handed)
Mace and big shield
Big sword (one or two handed)
Dual katars
There’s also a random AI opponent using an axe that shows up sometimes, so that’s probably the first post-release class. The developer says he has a few planned, and he plans on supporting the game for free if it’s successful.
The end of an online match bay-bee. It’s so satisfying finishing your opponent in melee combat. I’m getting a taste for this! I could be a real warlord! - imagine what It, going to do to filler in the back of that Uhaul