
Did this become a thing or did it just die?

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Author Topic: VR Thread  (Read 93365 times)

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #540 on: April 19, 2020, 03:20:36 AM »
Also I want to install Dirt Rally 2.0 but it's 110gb wtf. I don't even have that space right now with all this other VR stuff installed. Will have to wait until after I've finished Alyx and some other stuff and can uninstall them.


  • Easy Victor
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #541 on: April 19, 2020, 06:02:22 PM »
I finally got the urge to pull out the PSVR for a bit this weekend and tried a bit of Beat Saber, which was cool, but I wasn't in the mood. It's what I thought it would be, seems fun.

Tetris Effect finally got some time in as I keep saving playing it for VR...which was kind of a mistake, I think I like it just fine in standard mode aside from having to re-zoom the field every game. Speed 12 sucks, but overall very nice version of Tetris. I think I would play more on PC honestly.

Astro Bot is a joy and very impressive/clever. Stopped after first boss, but seems as great as people say. Looking forward to more.

I haven't played since like Wipeout weekend or so and VR legs are kind of gone...was having fun but after a few hours felt like time for a break. Will fuck around with this week maybe. I have a few other games I have bought since (Beat Saber, Batman) that I need to try out. 


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #542 on: April 19, 2020, 06:13:11 PM »
Yeah, I prefer standard mode for Tetris Effect too. VR is just a fun side thing.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #543 on: April 19, 2020, 06:13:58 PM »
Spent like an hour in Google Earth VR. That is amazing. Pretty much brought me to tears without how incredible of an achievement of humankind it is. Going to spend a lot of time exploring the earth.


  • Easy Victor
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #544 on: April 19, 2020, 06:17:58 PM »
that sounds awesome as we do that every so often just on standard streetview.

I wish it was on PSVR, but doesn't look like it. 

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #545 on: April 19, 2020, 06:45:35 PM »
Spent like an hour in Google Earth VR. That is amazing. Pretty much brought me to tears without how incredible of an achievement of humankind it is. Going to spend a lot of time exploring the earth.
Yeah Google Earth VR is one of the best thing on it, oddly enough, but i want a proper VR strategy game set in it, with realistic, Total War-Style graphics.
Enough with the cartoon shit, i want to fire the cannons on real cities!  :jeb


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #546 on: April 22, 2020, 06:18:09 PM »
Anyone had any luck improving the sound on the Rift S?

The built-in speakers are kinda shit but the headband doesn't allow all headsets to fit comfortably so I can't use my Corsair VOID headset.
I could use a Bluetooth thingy and my Galaxy Buds but those drain quite fast and I'm kinda worried they'll drop out if I spasm around in Beat Saber.  :doge


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #547 on: April 22, 2020, 06:20:27 PM »
does it have two headphone jacks like the quest does? if so my wife and i use these and they are pretty solid


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #548 on: April 22, 2020, 06:51:42 PM »
does it have two headphone jacks like the quest does? if so my wife and i use these and they are pretty solid
Nope only one jack  :thinking


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Sho Nuff

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #550 on: April 22, 2020, 11:15:51 PM »

I used a Magic Leap once. It was unbelievable trash.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #551 on: April 22, 2020, 11:25:15 PM »
The whole thing felt like Theranos but for AR from the start to me.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #552 on: April 23, 2020, 05:42:06 PM »
The Plantation, Flo.-based hardware maker had already adapted its consumer device to enterprise applications. Late last year
oh ok



  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #553 on: April 23, 2020, 05:44:35 PM »
Maaaaaan, beat Superhot VR. THAT WAS SO GOOD.

Just wish it were longer, beat it in about 70 mins. There were like 2 spots that took me a handful of tries (one in the final tier), but overall having played the original non-VR game, once I figured out how to grab things (took me a little while of pressing buttons trying to "grab" until I learned Index has a "grab" sensor, it wasn't too bad.

Had some issues with the laser hands thing only working at times and not others, which was some of my issues at the end.

This is easily one of the best "why VR is awesome" showcases to show people. Really felt like the fucking matrix at times dancing bullet dodges. I shouldn't have slept on this so long. I will add this time Astrobot VR & Beat Saber & Google Earth as the top-tier VR experiences so far in my opinion. Alyx will probably join them when I'm done.

Oh and I'm sweating like a motherfucker drenched all over. I don't even wanna imagine playing Beat Saber with the Index headset. With PSVR I have to do a lot more aerobic for longer time to get this sweaty.

I realllllly reallly hope they are making a Superhot sequel/expansion for VR. I want a good 4-6 hours of this.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #554 on: April 23, 2020, 05:48:29 PM »
Maaaaaan, beat Superhot VR. THAT WAS SO GOOD.

Just wish it were longer, beat it in about 70 mins. There were like 2 spots that took me a handful of tries (one in the final tier), but overall having played the original non-VR game, once I figured out how to grab things (took me a little while of pressing buttons trying to "grab" until I learned Index has a "grab" sensor, it wasn't too bad.

Had some issues with the laser hands thing only working at times and not others, which was some of my issues at the end.

This is easily one of the best "why VR is awesome" showcases to show people. Really felt like the fucking matrix at times dancing bullet dodges. I shouldn't have slept on this so long. I will add this time Astrobot VR & Beat Saber & Google Earth as the top-tier VR experiences so far in my opinion. Alyx will probably join them when I'm done.

Oh and I'm sweating like a motherfucker drenched all over. I don't even wanna imagine playing Beat Saber with the Index headset. With PSVR I have to do a lot more aerobic for longer time to get this sweaty.

I realllllly reallly hope they are making a Superhot sequel/expansion for VR. I want a good 4-6 hours of this.
You should try out Pistol Whip.

That's more or less John Wick The Game.

Just look at these updates

Inspired by the Neo-Tokyo of anime action classics like Akira and Ghost in the Shell, Akuma is a rhythm-heavy scene set in a cyberpunk Japan. Clean up the futuristic streets and alleys in a colourful splash of action and glitchy techno.

Today we’re putting the pedal to the metal with Full Throttle, our biggest update yet, packed with a hardcore Mad Max-inspired new scene,

Inspired by the hallway fight scene in the movie Oldboy, "The High Priestess" is a melee-heavy scene that puts the name into Pistol Whip

Set in a dieselpunk dirigible, Dark Skies draws action inspiration from the classic airship scene in Ninja Gaiden
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 06:15:13 PM by Nintex »


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #555 on: April 23, 2020, 05:49:09 PM »
The whole thing felt like Theranos but for AR from the start to me.

You had no idea the amount of Hacker News comments that were so blindingly optimistic about this. :doge


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #556 on: April 23, 2020, 07:13:51 PM »
Yeah, I wanna play Pistol Whip. Just not feeling the need to buy any $20+ VR games atm since I have a handful to play between Alyx, Edge of Nowhere and the stuff on Viveport.

Pistol Whip & RAD's Lone Echo are probably the next $$$ games I'll pick up in a few weeks/months after I've cleared a lot of the stuff I have/free stuff.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #557 on: April 23, 2020, 09:24:09 PM »
The whole thing felt like Theranos but for AR from the start to me.

You had no idea the amount of Hacker News comments that were so blindingly optimistic about this. :doge

Oh I do, because I've been reading them for years. It's hilarious now seeing all these people who got laid off from Magic Leap with the most bulshit titles I've ever heard of "Director of Magicverse" or some nonsense.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #558 on: April 23, 2020, 11:37:48 PM »

How did I never see this before? :neogaf


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #559 on: April 24, 2020, 11:48:47 PM »
Tried Scanner Sombre and didn't care for it. The controls seemed busted on Index (said press touchpad to switch between Burst mode but couldn't get burst mode to work) and slowly filling out the area and walking forward got pretty boring. Got to some bridge puzzle and bailed.

Tried To the Top, a vertical jumping with hands platformer. It's pretty fun. Can tell it's definitely made for PSVR and simple VR inputs since the jumping is controlled by looking vs using your hands as momentum.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #560 on: April 25, 2020, 12:06:29 PM »
Holy shit, Pistol Whip is the shit  8)


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #561 on: April 25, 2020, 02:05:10 PM »
Ok, so I tried Scanner Sombre in non-VR mode and...it was way better! The part I was stuck at in VR mode was a jumping platforming bit and the teleport wouldn't let me jump the gap, but in non-VR mode you just have a jump button and walk up and hit jump! Also I feel like you move way faster in non-VR mode vs teleport steps, so the pacing is a lot better even if it's less immersive.

I sorta enjoy the game but I also think the scanning is a bit of a pain in the ass that just makes you run through this half-blind. I'd enjoy this gameplay concept better in a real game like a that D3 game which was sound only and you had to avoid the enemy monster, an alien isolation type game with this scanner system would work much better. Here because it's a walking sim it basically just slows you down.

Got about halfway through in non-VR mode. Gonna give VR mode one more shot and see if I can figure out how to jump but otherwise I'll finish it up in non-VR.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #562 on: April 25, 2020, 03:25:02 PM »
Ok, finished it in VR.

As a walking sim I enjoyed Scanner Sombre. VR adds more immersion for sure.

But the platforming is definitely way worse in VR (have to get to the very edge and teleport to the very edge o the next part) and this would've worked much better with continuous movement vs teleport (vr legs be damned). The boat section and mine elevator that move continuously feel so much better than walking through the rest of the game immersion-wise. Also no snap turn means lots of head turning 360 all the time.

Finally, one thing I'm noticing with Index is the fact all these VR devices have their own controllers is so fucking stupid and terrible for legacy compatibility.

Like in this game you're supposed to be able to adjust the radius of the beam with the touchpad from pinpoint to spread and in-between. You can see this in non-VR on a mouse wheel with lots of gradients between the two extremes. This was made for a VIVE controller with a circular touchpad and the idea was you move from side to up to move across that gradient.

I finally got how Index emulates VIVE controllers by having the analog stick emulate the circle of the VIVE touchpad with the touch button emulating the up/down of the touchpad with a little left/right (but since it's a vertical slit there's not much left/right deadzone). In games like this, moving from left to up just doesn't work on the slit and on the analog it basically just moves from extremes of pinpoint (left) or wide spread (up) with no middleground. Was doable, but yeah some games are made for Oculus controllers, some games are made for VIVE controllers, almost nothing is made for Index controllers, so Index has to emulate these different controllers and they're not always spot on.

Plus the tutorials in these games refer to buttons/touchpads on the Oculus/Vive controllers and you have to just fuck around and try to figure out what button/touch that equivalent is on the Index controller.

I feel like for VR to take off, they really needed to at least mainstream VR controls across the PC board. Or get to a point where they say "ok, we are done, these are the 3 VR controls that will exist for the next 5 years" so games can have an option to change control scheme and button prompts to "Oculus, Vive or Index".

Anyhow, Scanner Sombre was a solid little story/exploration thing. Didn't blow me away but was worth the fiver since it was on sale. I don't think you lose anything playing in non-VR.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #563 on: April 25, 2020, 04:25:44 PM »
I feel like the controller thing is mostly growing pains of a new technology.
Look at console controllers, and how they started all with their own quirks, and slowly standardized into a single idea of "controller".
I think for VR the same will happen (and really, they are already pretty similar).


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #564 on: April 25, 2020, 06:48:01 PM »
Everyone seems to agree that HTC Vive controllers suck so it's mostly between Valve and Oculus now, which are quite similar. Plus, most VR games don't use all the buttons anyway.

The biggest difference going forward will emerge from the fact that Oculus wants to stay in their $400 - $500 lane for mass market appeal and Valve is willing to go beyond that with their prices.
So my expectation is that Valve will keep upping the game on the high-end side of things until Gabe directly injects Half Life into your brain with the neural receptor technology he's looking into.

Some more 'standardization' should hit the market soon. Oculus is working on a new 'Jedi' controller that has the same sort of touch sensors that the Index controllers have.
The touchpad of the VIVE won't be standard and I expect software devs not directly funded by HTC to jump ship to either SteamVR or Oculus.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #565 on: April 25, 2020, 06:49:49 PM »
Oculus is also working on no controllers too. The Quest supports hand tracking in the menus and some apps, no official games yet though.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #566 on: April 25, 2020, 07:04:03 PM »
VR is really exciting these days, there's a ton of stuff releasing at a fast pace now. Back when my bro had the CV1 it was a novelty most games were Wii-like shovelware and Superhot VR was pretty much the only thing that worked well.

Not sure who decides to do Mirror's Edge in VR but I approve  :o


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #567 on: April 26, 2020, 02:58:05 AM »
Tried a bunch of games. Basically about 1 out of every 5 games from 2018 or older actually work 100% correct on the Index controller. 4/5 games do not. So it's basically keep trying games to find out what is even playable on the Index. The main culprit seems to be most games are going by the HTC Vive controller and assign a lot to the big circle touchpad on that controller which just does not translate 1:1 with the automatic emulation that Index controllers attempt to do with the slidepad and the analog both trying to replicate that. Here are some of the issues I ran into:

Sairento - any sort of light brush on the pad would 90 degree left/right snap turn. So I'd be in mid-air in a jump and suddenly the viewpoint would jump to the left and I'd die.
Similar thing was happening on To the Top where my viewpoint would suddenly change in mid-jump, and I couldn't figure out what was happening until I played Sairento

On I Expect You to Die, the motion to pull/push objects you are telepathically holding by sliding the touchpad toward/away from you is super buggy and doesn't really work. Looks like the Devs are aware of this though and posted on March 26th, 2020 they were working on updating it with full Index control support. The bit I played of this one was really good, so would be nice if it controlled perfect and not glitchy.

On Torn, the hands were reversed which was weird and no way to change it.

On The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets (which was good), lightly touching the touchpad on Index rotates the world left/right when you are probably try to grab or interact with an object. (Is there a simple way to just disable the Index touchpad and stick to the analog only?)

On Prison Boss, rolling a cigarette or anything involving the thumb which is the Vive touchpad seems a lot harder to do than it should be on Index.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #568 on: April 26, 2020, 04:06:41 AM »
Everyone seems to agree that HTC Vive controllers suck so it's mostly between Valve and Oculus now, which are quite similar. Plus, most VR games don't use all the buttons anyway.

The biggest difference going forward will emerge from the fact that Oculus wants to stay in their $400 - $500 lane for mass market appeal and Valve is willing to go beyond that with their prices.
So my expectation is that Valve will keep upping the game on the high-end side of things until Gabe directly injects Half Life into your brain with the neural receptor technology he's looking into.

Some more 'standardization' should hit the market soon. Oculus is working on a new 'Jedi' controller that has the same sort of touch sensors that the Index controllers have.
The touchpad of the VIVE won't be standard and I expect software devs not directly funded by HTC to jump ship to either SteamVR or Oculus.
Not to sound like a Oculus fanboy, but is there even that massive of a difference between a Rift S and an Index?
What can they even push, in terms of technology, with that kind of price surplus? Resolution and frame rate are comparable, tracking too.
Build quality for the Index doesn't seem better than the Rift, etc.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #569 on: April 26, 2020, 07:03:34 AM »
Everyone seems to agree that HTC Vive controllers suck so it's mostly between Valve and Oculus now, which are quite similar. Plus, most VR games don't use all the buttons anyway.

The biggest difference going forward will emerge from the fact that Oculus wants to stay in their $400 - $500 lane for mass market appeal and Valve is willing to go beyond that with their prices.
So my expectation is that Valve will keep upping the game on the high-end side of things until Gabe directly injects Half Life into your brain with the neural receptor technology he's looking into.

Some more 'standardization' should hit the market soon. Oculus is working on a new 'Jedi' controller that has the same sort of touch sensors that the Index controllers have.
The touchpad of the VIVE won't be standard and I expect software devs not directly funded by HTC to jump ship to either SteamVR or Oculus.
Not to sound like a Oculus fanboy, but is there even that massive of a difference between a Rift S and an Index?
What can they even push, in terms of technology, with that kind of price surplus? Resolution and frame rate are comparable, tracking too.
Build quality for the Index doesn't seem better than the Rift, etc.
The biggest differences are:
- Index uses Lighthouse tracking, Rift S uses inside out tracking with cameras (it's close but in general lighthouse tracking is considered more accurate, yet more limiting)
- Index has a higher resolution, IPS screens, larger FOV and a higher refresh rate
- Index also has superior sound and is considered to be more comfortable
- Index has better controllers with finger tracking as opposed to capacitive touch buttons on the Rift although most people prefer the ergonomics of the Rift S controller
- Index has a manual IPD switch, Rift Quest does too but Rift S has a software solution which is inferior

Still, Index is part of the same generation of VR as the Rift S. If you can afford it, it definitely is the better option but when it comes to bang for buck the Oculus is the better choice.
VIVE sits in a weird spot, often just about as expensive as the Index but in some cases not as good as the Rift S. They're revamping their product line to fix that but Corona-chan is making it difficult.
This is sorta like what happens with GPU's, you can get an RTX 2070 Super, which runs everything comfortably but the RTX 2080ti is better. Is it $400 - 600 better? That depends on your preferences.

The Rift S is already a tech enthusiast product that is just now moving into the mainstream space along with the Quest. The Index sits on top of VR mountain for the 1% privileged VR enthusiasts that can afford one.
If you've not put your toes into the VR waters before the Rift S, Quest or even PlayStation VR make more sense.   


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #570 on: April 26, 2020, 03:37:10 PM »
Ok, starting to mess with custom bindings editing. This honestly should fix most of the legacy issues, but still kinda a pain to figure out.

Generally, if I don't need the touchpad on the Index controller, it's better to turn it off so it's not double registering since your thumb rests against it when not on the analog.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #571 on: April 26, 2020, 03:55:45 PM »
Btw, I'm really liking this Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets. It's a cute little pixar-like puzzle/hidden-object game that's only about 2 hours long, but it uses an animation style to imitate stop-motion animation which works great and visually it's very clear and easy to see and nice looking and controls pretty simple & well. Music is nice too. I think it's worth a play for everyone w/VR if you're ok with something a little more kid-like.



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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #572 on: April 26, 2020, 10:58:36 PM »
You know, I took a look at the custom songs in Beat Saber to see if I wanted to double dip and spend $30 on it just for that. Ehhhh, most people making song charts do not share the same taste as me. Only saw a handful of classic stuff like Queen tracks/Michael Jackson that I'd be interested in. I mean if the other songs play well with good layouts I'd probably enjoy them too, but yeah no rush just for the custom tracks. Maybe if it goes on sale sometime.


  • Live Más
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #573 on: April 26, 2020, 11:01:50 PM »
downside of beat saber being so popular is that it's never been on sale even once :lol

on oculus store i should add, dunno about steam


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #574 on: April 28, 2020, 01:05:30 AM »
Ended up spending $30 and got Beat Saber again because...of laziness.  It's way easier to just pop on the headset than turn on the PS4, turn on the move controllers, put on the headset, start Beat Saber.
(Plus my PS4 is in rest mode in FFVIIr)

Things I noticed:

+It's like going from 480p to 720p. So much sharper, better colors and smoother. Whatever fake 90fps the PSVR is doing just doesn't compare to real 90fps.
+The tracking is more accurate. PSVR is generally good, but sometimes I can just tell everything is slightly off and I'm getting misses when I shouldn't or A ranks instead of S ranks.

[Neutral] I had to adjust the X rotation off-set, it wanted to point the lasers at 45 degrees upwards when I'm pointing it straight which was a bit weird.
[Neutral] Had to adjust the floor height a lot, was too high at first

-I don't like how weak the haptic rumble is on hits. On PSVR there is a very satisfying rumble feel to let you know you connected vs grazed vs missed. Here everything feels like a graze on PSVR. I wonder in the SteamVR settings if I can boost haptic rumble for the game.
-Kind of a big negative, but I feel like the Index controllers don't grip as well when your hands get sweaty and slippery. Even with the strap pulled super tight I was noticing slipping after a handful of songs on my left hand. Might need to use the optional wrist straps so the controller doesn't go flying.
-Kind of a bigger negative, my right hand with a wrist brace on doesn't fit into the Index strap even on the largest loosest hand settings. This means I'm basically holding it by the edge of my finger which is super dangerous for slipping. I have a smaller wrist support strap that I use on my left hand (since my right hand is the worst), so for now I'm going to just use the lighter support strap on both wrists and not use the wrist brace. I feel like the Index controllers are lighter than the PSVR controllers so it's putting less pressure on my wrists with the back and forth snaps, so it might be ok with the lighter strap. If not ehhh, probably not gonna use it for long term playing.

Didn't try custom songs yet. Will next time, was just messing around with the settings and running songs on expert.

Oh and I tried the 360 degree songs on expert (PSVR only does 180) and it felt just as dumb and gimmicky as 180. Really don't think it adds anything. Will stick to the normal songs.

But yeah, I'll probably play Beat Saber on Index just because it's easier to turn on lol, I feel like after getting Index I'm never going to turn on PSVR again unless Astrobot 2 comes out or something. Makes me kinda regret spending $400 on a PSVR replacement last fall when mine broke. I might give mine to my brother.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #575 on: April 28, 2020, 09:39:18 AM »
After we bought a third "Highly recommended" USB-C cable and it still didn't work because of and "unstable connection", I felt really bad for my son. So I found some instructions of how to use it over WIFI. It took a little over an hour and some frustrating C++ errors, but it works! Now he can play Alyx and he did until his headset battery died. There is a fishing game that looks interesting I'm going to get this weekend.

I'm just happy that he's happy.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #576 on: April 28, 2020, 10:07:36 AM »
Sorry it was such a hassle but at least you got it going. I haven't yet tried the wireless thing but I keep meaning to...one of these days. Weird you had so much trouble with cables, my $20 setup works even though it wasn't "approved" lol

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #577 on: April 28, 2020, 11:17:15 AM »
Sorry it was such a hassle but at least you got it going. I haven't yet tried the wireless thing but I keep meaning to...one of these days. Weird you had so much trouble with cables, my $20 setup works even though it wasn't "approved" lol
I remember the Oculus CV1 (the one i have) being really fucking picky when it came to USB 3.0 ports (of which it needs 2 or 3), and when i changed my PC, i specifically had to buy their PCi usb 3.0 card expansion, with like, 5 extra slots, just to be safe.
They've always been annoying with that shit.
Also USB C seems to be annoying itself, if the story i read about the Cintiq Pro models are anything to go by, but maybe that's just Wacom being Wacom.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #578 on: April 28, 2020, 11:18:00 AM »
If I have enough disposable income and I'd like to jump into VR at home for the first time, is Index the right choice? I've seen some of you talking about VR legs but I think that's related to specific game types and play time, not which headset you choose, right?

Neither the Index or Oculus are available right now anyway, so there's no rush. All of my vacation plans for the year are dead, so I'm using that to justify finally getting into expensive ass VR.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #579 on: April 28, 2020, 11:24:26 AM »
Index is the top of the line, futureproofed choice. It handles games at specs that most aren't even running at yet. Basically for those that are already sold on VR and want the best possible experience. Oculus Quest (I hate to say it but Rift S is really barely a contender imo) is maybe the better choice for first time, but that depends on your budget and what you want from VR.

Index: best experience and headset, top of the line controllers, but expensive and requires cables and a larger playspace with a place to hang lighthouses (little sensors that track your body)

Quest: wireless and cheaper, uses inside out tracking (cameras on the headset that see your hands/controllers) so can be used almost anywhere indoors, has the option to plug in for PC VR, but has a lower max fps and can show some artifacting when playing on PC VR in very dark scenes.

Rift S kinda has the drawbacks of both platforms imo. It's wired only but also doesn't use lighthouses so it has the same sensor limitations of the Quest. Anything Vive isn't even worth looking at either, they are priced at the level of the Index but without the features or software compatibility. There's also the Samsung Odyssey+ but its kinda meh and the only real selling point is that it's the cheapest possible way to get into PC VR because it can sometimes be found for $200 or under.

VR legs isn't as much impacted by the headset but more the games you play. Basically just means start of with games that have you standing still (beat saber, arena shooters) before moving on to faster paced racing/action games.

I remember the Oculus CV1 (the one i have) being really fucking picky when it came to USB 3.0 ports (of which it needs 2 or 3), and when i changed my PC, i specifically had to buy their PCi usb 3.0 card expansion, with like, 5 extra slots, just to be safe.
They've always been annoying with that shit.
Also USB C seems to be annoying itself, if the story i read about the Cintiq Pro models are anything to go by, but maybe that's just Wacom being Wacom.
The Quest supposedly has some of the same issues with USB 3 ports but my motherboard is pretty recent (2018) so I was good to go. It even has a specific USB port on the back labeled VR Ready for whatever that is worth. I think the other helpful thing was me using a short USB C cable with a longer, powered USB 3.0 extension cable.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 11:33:04 AM by nachobro »

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #580 on: April 28, 2020, 11:30:08 AM »
Even a connected Quest still isn't quite as clean/good as a Rift S though, so there's that.

Also this video on the construction quality of the Index, scared me off of it.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #581 on: April 28, 2020, 11:32:01 AM »
Having used both, a connected Index is 90% as clean as a Rift S. If you are obsessive about picture quality it might be a big deal but I don't have a problem with it. But also wired-only isn't really an option for me, cause my wife doesn't want to be stuck in the office when she wants to play Beat Saber :lol
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 11:38:30 AM by nachobro »


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #582 on: April 28, 2020, 12:07:07 PM »
If I have enough disposable income and I'd like to jump into VR at home for the first time, is Index the right choice? I've seen some of you talking about VR legs but I think that's related to specific game types and play time, not which headset you choose, right?

Neither the Index or Oculus are available right now anyway, so there's no rush. All of my vacation plans for the year are dead, so I'm using that to justify finally getting into expensive ass VR.

PSVR is a good entry level VR imo. Astrobot is amazing, Beat Saber is great on it, and it has some of the other stuff (I'd imagine Superhot VR would be just as good there). You definitely get motion sickness/VR legs on the lower quality games. My PSVR broke after hundreds of hours over 3 years because the thin cables got damaged. They made a version 2 PSVR in 2018 which fixed the cable issue and is the version you'd get in any bundles from the last 2 years. Bundles with games are around $400.

Quest sounds awesome too. Might be better for the price. (I think it's $400 as well). Library is comparable. But man Astrobot is so good. Wireless is definitely a game changer.

Index is wayyyyyy better than PSVR and from my experience VR legs aren't a thing on it because it's so sharp and smooth and that really reduces motion sickness a lot. That said it's fucking expensive at a grand. It also doesn't have Astrobot, but it does have Alyx. And yeah, who knows about the build quality. The trigger button on one of my Index controllers is making a springy noise after a week. If we weren't in the middle of a pandemic I'd probably send the controller back just in case (a little spring noise on clicks isn't the end of the world and you can't hear it with audio).

And then there's the big elephant in the room across all the platforms. VR is fucking niche. We're like 4 years into VR now and it still feels like year 1 of a new console with pretty sporadic releases of quality content. The audience numbers just aren't large enough for devs to prioritize making VR games unfortunately. Even indie games, which should be picking up the slack and you'd think with all the creative indie stuff and graphics being less of a concern in VR that there'd be great VR games, but there's just not a lot of quality indie content for VR. Indie devs would still rather make a non-VR game to a 1000x bigger audience.

Also most VR games are about 1-2 hours long with the meaty ones being like 4-6 hours. They're also more expensive than non-VR games (usually like $20-40 for a 5 hour or less game).

Imo, if you buy a VR machine, you'll play and beat every quality VR game that exists from the first 4 years of VR within 6 months and probably spend $200-500 on software in addition to the hardware. After that point the VR machine will sit in a closet and you'll pick it up once every 2-4 months to play something interesting/cool/good that you'll beat and be over it in a day or two and then it goes back in the closet. The exception is if you're one of the Beat Saber players like some of us where you play Beat Saber a few times or more a week. That's the only reason I've turned on my PSVR in like 6 months is almost daily Beat Saber playing.

Also Japan hasn't really gotten on VR. There's a few throwaway titles which generally aren't good, but otherwise VR is primarily a western thing which is a shame since Japanese developers bring a lot of unique titles in gaming.

I see the market eventually changing and becoming more like the console/pc market of constant releases, but because of the costs I still see this as at least 5 years away if not 10. And there will be new and better revisions of VR every two years (PSVR2 should be out in a couple years for instance).

Basically, I think VR is pretty cool and if you're ok with the disposable income and throwing some money to have some fun for a few months and here and there, then it's worth it. But for most people I still wouldn't recommend it for a few more years.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #583 on: April 28, 2020, 02:37:52 PM »
Thanks, I'm leaning towards the Quest over the Index now. I'm not okay with things falling apart on me, especially at the price. And I've never been sold on PS VR so I'll pass on that. Everything is sold out or overpriced right now anyway, so I'll have to wait.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #584 on: April 28, 2020, 02:43:32 PM »
I'm a big fan of VR now after I was unimpressed by the Oculus CV1. There's enough content(TM) to make it interesting and most of the early adapter bugs such as tracking have been ironed out by Oculus and Valve.
Half Life Alyx is the true VR killer app, along with Beat Saber. Sorta like the Super Mario Galaxy of VR shooters that blows everything away.

If in general you like to tinker around with things before they go full mainstream VR is the space to be.
Phone / Console / PC tech is kinda perfect now which makes it a bit boring tech wise, VR is this new exciting toy to play around with and the boundaries and limits aren't as clearly defined.
So you get stuff like rail shooters and puzzle adventure games, which don't really exist outside VR anymore. Plus tons of mods and tweaks for basically everything.

As for headsets, I love my Rift S and have only 2 problems with it:
- LCD panel
- Poor audio (not Nintendo handheld levels poor but pretty bad)

The camera tracking really makes it easy to set-up. Even more so with the Quest I imagine but I prefer the extra juice my PC offers me and wasn't planning on using it without my PC.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #585 on: April 28, 2020, 03:00:43 PM »
Just to be sure, the Quest can do and play anything the Rift S can once it's hooked up to a PC, right?

Just checked the Oculus site and the 64GB version is actually available there! Doesn't ship until May 21st though. 128GB and the Rift S aren't. :leon


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #586 on: April 28, 2020, 03:28:57 PM »
Correct, once you hook it up to the PC it is seen as a Rift S

For cables I got both of these

and I also got this adapter but its not needed, just made me feel better about potenially not knocking the cable out of the headset


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #587 on: April 28, 2020, 05:06:32 PM »
Yeah you only get a teeny bit more input lag, lower resolution and a lower refresh rate with the Quest (1,080 x 1,200 @ 72hz vs 1280×1440 @ 80hz)  but it's marginal and you gain portability.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #588 on: April 28, 2020, 05:18:30 PM »
Quest is 1440×1600 per eye, same as the Index. But at 72hz vs 144hz for Index

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #589 on: April 28, 2020, 05:29:45 PM »
Any comparison of Quest + Link vs Rift S, in terms of quality? how is the difference? Mainly video compassion artifacts?


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #590 on: April 28, 2020, 05:36:57 PM »
Quest has a max of 72 fps in the headset vs 80 for Rift S, but has a higher resolution and OLED screen. Other than that its mainly some video compression artifact in dark scenes and a tiny amount of input lag.

They are extremely similar in the end so its mainly a question of if you want to play wireless or not being the deciding factor.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 05:42:40 PM by nachobro »

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #591 on: April 28, 2020, 06:34:52 PM »
Unless the inputlag is annoying, and in VR even a little bit could be, the Quest + Link seems like a no brainer.
Plenty of times i would've used VR, but from a seating position in another room etc, if i could've.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #592 on: April 28, 2020, 06:45:38 PM »
after many hours of alyx i haven't noticed the input lag but according to youtube and reddit it's there


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #593 on: April 28, 2020, 07:05:54 PM »
Already ordered teh Quest. I'll get the cables that nacho recommended closer to the shipping date.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #594 on: April 29, 2020, 01:41:28 AM »
Tried custom songs in Beat Saber and they were pretty neat. Some cool patterns that the main game tracks aren't using.

But some custom songs just give a black screen and I have to quit the game and go back in. I googled and all it says are "after updates, custom songs are broken and give a black screen". But...if most of the songs work now since the last update, why do some songs not work?


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #595 on: April 29, 2020, 08:54:55 AM »
Do those songs require another mod to be installed? I remember at one point there was a special mod needed for custom lanes called Mapper or something like that but I thought that was no longer needed...not 100% sure though.

e: year old reddit post but this dude fixed it with a re-install


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #596 on: April 29, 2020, 03:42:37 PM »
Ok, installed some more mod components (custom walls/notes support) and all the songs work now!

Ya, I am now a believer in custom tracks Beat Saber  :)
Some of the patterns are really good.

Like I expected, Ievan Polka is a great song to play:

Also feels good bringing my hundreds of hours of PSVR Beat Saber skills into this. Pretty much S-ranking every custom track on expert/expert+
Generally I'm finding the expert+ tracks on custom songs are closer to expert in the base game than expert+ in the base game where I still can't beat a single fucking track without modifiers on expert+ because the patterns are stupid nonsense.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #597 on: April 29, 2020, 03:58:13 PM »
Also, when custom mappings nail section mappings it's really satisfying.

Under the Sea was another song that wasn't working and when it gets to the Xylophone part on expert+ it really feels like it matches every note and it's super satisfying.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #598 on: April 29, 2020, 04:22:56 PM »
These fights in Half Life Alyx are getting intense, I actually have to use the environment to take cover, duck and lean  :whew

Playing Pistol Whip and Super Hot has significantly improved my aim though, that and the laser sight  :obama

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #599 on: April 29, 2020, 06:18:19 PM »
These fights in Half Life Alyx are getting intense, I actually have to use the environment to take cover, duck and lean  :whew
Finished Chapter 6 yesterday, and thought the same.
These damn Combines are starting to climb up my ass.
Had to literally squat down to reload, in that construction-site shoot out, which i never had to do yet, in VR.

I actually wish you could use resin to expand either health (say, to 5 or 6 hearts) and/or even inventory slots to 4, so i could carry some syringes.