
Did this become a thing or did it just die?

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Author Topic: VR Thread  (Read 93364 times)

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  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #600 on: April 29, 2020, 06:25:25 PM »
When I stop playing I spend a good 5 minutes checking my room to see if there are no headcrabs or combine anymore :lol

This shit is intense  :lawd

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #601 on: April 29, 2020, 06:34:51 PM »
Oh yeah, one thing is these laser sight expansions (compared to the reflex ones) for the weapons, are really a game changer in firefights, but they do trivialize encounters a bit.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #602 on: May 08, 2020, 03:43:54 AM »
Already put way to much time into Beat Saber again. Just been going through custom levels. It's a bit of a mixed bag because I'll play like 4-5 shitty layout songs where I get annoyed and quit halfway after realizing the layout is dumb/bad and then I'll run into a good song layout or sometimes a really great one. I'm deleting the bad ones and starring the great ones so I'm slowly amassing a song list of lots of really top song layouts.

But because I'm testing so many songs sometimes I'll find myself playing like 90 mins straight or more like tonight.

...my shoulders are soooore. So dozens and dozens of hours of Beat Saber on PSVR fucked up my wrists to the point where I needed to wear a wrist brace, but on Index I don't need any wrist support but I'm definitely worried about getting a similar RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in my shoulders. Basically I've discovered that the move controllers are heavy and the weight of the swings is put on your wrists in PSVR, but Index controllers are light so you're swinging your arms a lot more and it puts the strain on your shoulders instead.

I do stretch before and after and haven't really felt anything weird/damage to my shoulders besides just soreness, which might not be a bad thing since it could be shoulder muscles building, so I guess I'll see where it goes. I do think Beat Saber on Index is probably not a good game for people 60 and over to play because a lot of adults have shoulder issues eventually and all that swinging is probably really bad if your shoulder is injured already.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #603 on: May 08, 2020, 03:45:23 AM »
Also I'm finding the best patterns typically are for EDM, Hip-Hop or R&B tracks. Rock and stuff...ehhh, most people aren't pulling it off. Rock and Punk can definitely work as shown by the great layouts in the official packs for Green Day, Panic at the Disco, Imagine Dragons. Just people seem to struggle on it with custom songs and do better with more beat-focused tracks.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #604 on: May 08, 2020, 09:27:12 AM »
i only just learned recently that custom tracks aren't shared between PC and Quest, i guess there's some difference in the versions that makes them incompatible? was going to ask my wife what songs she enjoys the most to pass along to you but she says it's two different repositories of songs...so strange. she's mainly doing EDM stuff too, some metal but she says those are mainly for a workout and aren't "good"  :lol


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #605 on: May 09, 2020, 02:02:54 PM »
Welp, injured myself again because of my small vr room.

About a year or two ago I was playing Beat Saber and slammed down a note only to hit my computer desk and bleed all over and sprain my finger. Now I'm fine with Beat Saber because I've moved the desk back a bit and stay pretty stationary.

With Index, because my room is too small, the outer edges of my back hit objects. This doesn't effect most games where I stay in the middle and I generally just notice it in like Half-Life Alyx where I reach out to pick something up and hit my hand on something. But I'm not reaching fast or anything so it's just like reaching out blindly and touching a wall.

But I picked up and tried Until I Fall on a sale since the reviews are overwhelmingly positive and I don't have any sword slashing VR games. It's solid, basically Infinity Blade VR with rogue elements, but very repetitive. But you're basically moving around doing "wide swings" on quick timers because the wider swings do more damage and you only have a second to hit certain slashes.

At one point did a wide slash and I guess I was at the edge of play box and my hand smashed into my computer desk again. No blood this time but index/trigger finger on left hand is fairly swollen and can't bend :| Was gonna finish Alyx this weekend but I'll see how well I can play without using the left trigger lol

Needless to say, I won't be playing Until I Fall until I move to a move new room/place at some point for VR lol


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #606 on: May 09, 2020, 08:19:22 PM »
damn, be careful breh.

I had recently punched the wall quite hard while playing Super Hot, made it more realistic  :lol


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #607 on: May 11, 2020, 08:16:41 AM »
Sorry man....  only casualty I've had in VR is knock over a freshly topped rum and coke.  :'(
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 08:49:10 AM by Svejk »

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #608 on: May 11, 2020, 08:51:53 AM »
I punched the wall and the tv a bunch of times when playing in VR, but thankfully never any damage.
It got me very paranoid of any sudden movement though, and why i won't be playing any more SuperHot.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #609 on: May 13, 2020, 08:09:23 PM »
I think I got pretty close to the end of Insomniac's Edge of Nowhere yesterday. Might finish it next time I play.

It's one of the most competent uninteresting/unfun games I've played in a while. Even on low budget/low priority projects Insomniac is talented enough dev that you're going to have good controls, good animations, good VA work, good art style, good music, serviceable mechanics, serviceable combat, serviceable level design. They just know how to make a competent product.

But beyond being a very generic Uncharted clone that's incredibly limited in scenario design by budget forcing them to make like an entire game about walking through caves fighting bugs, the actual core mechanics are just...not things that are fun? The two gameplay mechanics you do the most in this game are ICE PICK CLIMBING and THROWING ROCKS STEALTH, which are old mechanics that have been in lots of stuff. But have you ever been ice pick platforming in Tomb Raider and thought "man, I wish I could have a whole game of slowly moving across an ice wall and making jumps from ice to ice" or "fun stealth is sitting and throw rocks and sneaking behind people with nothing more than this to the stealth mechanic to last a whole game". It's just a combination of not fun stuff done pretty competently. It's not that bad, but it's not really fun.

I think if they ditched all the dumb stealth and just released the same game as a TPS like Uncharted it'd at least be a fun Marlow Briggs kinda B game.

VR also adds absolutely nothing to this game. They could release it tomorrow unchanged on PS and Xbox and Switch. Only in VR because moneyhats. Also 3rd person camera VR platforming kinda sucks if the camera isn't behind the character since you're like what direction am I supposed to hold to make this jump.

Now that I think about it though, a VR Dead Space would be a lot of fun.

I sure hope Ready at Dawn's Lone Echo is better. It should be since it reviewed a lot better.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #610 on: May 13, 2020, 08:32:46 PM »
Well, with Edge of Nowhere it at least sounds like the name checks out.

I've also been looking at Lone Echo so I wonder if you like it  :)


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #611 on: May 13, 2020, 09:09:56 PM »
Edge of Nowhere is also 4 years old. It was probably one of the earliest VR games from a known dev studio.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #612 on: May 14, 2020, 12:44:40 AM »
Welp, finished Edge of Nowhere. I think I was being too generous when I called the stealth competent. It's pretty fucking bad and shows in the last few segments where they try to ratchet up the difficulty. In fact, this is probably one of the most unfun and worst stealth games I've played in decades.

I mean I like Insomniac and I like Lovecraft horror. And they've sorta done this before with Resistance which was fine. As a short story Edge of Nowhere was ok. I think the VA was probably the best part of the game.

But man, they should not have released this game. The gameplay is so badly unfun it kinda puts a stink on Insomniac as a developer. It really should've been a TPS.

There's not even collectibles so it's just a linear walk through caves making jumps and stealth sections and occasional combat. Just throwing some collectibles and reasons to explore around a bit would've helped.

Basically a definition of a 5/10 game. Oh well, at least it was kind of short. Probably ~5-6 hours.

Edge of Nowhere is also 4 years old. It was probably one of the earliest VR games from a known dev studio.

That excuses the VR aspect, but shitty gameplay is shitty gameplay.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #613 on: May 14, 2020, 05:54:43 AM »
I stopped at the part where you first meet the huge spider monster, to play Alyx, how far off i am from finishing it?


  • Live Más
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #614 on: May 14, 2020, 01:15:05 PM »
Tetris Effect on quest store today, we in there! $30 too, glad i didn't give in and buy it on epic heh


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #615 on: May 14, 2020, 01:41:26 PM »
I stopped at the part where you first meet the huge spider monster, to play Alyx, how far off i am from finishing it?

Maybe a little over halfway.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #616 on: May 14, 2020, 02:24:42 PM »
oh also for anyone that was having cable issues with quest+link, the public test version of the oculus app expanded the cables/ports that work with the headset and it now works over usb 2 as well (which means you can use the charging cable it comes with). you can turn on the beta version in the settings of the pc app.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #617 on: May 15, 2020, 03:10:33 AM »
I picked up Beat Saber. I thought I was in ok shape, but I made it to level 12 in the campaign and I was a disgusting sweaty mess. Shirt was soaked and sweat pouring down my face. Index pads drenched. Great game.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #618 on: May 15, 2020, 03:24:28 AM »
fwiw the campaign fucking sucks. Just play the songs in solo and work your way up the difficulties. Use the modifiers like slower song to help if you hit roadblocks, though I recommend against no fail and better to just go into practice mode and skip to the part you're failing and do it in slow motion until you get the pattern down.

I have like several hundred hours on the game, everything S ranked on expert outside those wacky bemani Carmenella tracks and now I'm doing some expert+, on the achievements/leaderboards I'm like top 5% or higher for sure. Maybe close to top 1% of players.

...and I've still never "beat" the campaign. The stupid requirements like move your arms a lot or don't move much or don't miss a single hit all just suck.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #619 on: May 15, 2020, 07:11:52 PM »
Ha, I cheesed the move your arms a lot levels by flailing my arms in between the notes.ended up with 1,400m and only needed 800m. Probably why I was so sweaty. I feel like the game introduces mechanics at a good rate to help you ease into the game. The disappearing direction arrows helped me stay focused on the notes coming up.

I'll check out the solo mode. I have terrible knees so a mod that prevents me from having to crouch would be great. I know I can turn obstacles off, but I like the ones I have to lean away from. Just playing on normal mode for now, but will move up after s few more hours.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #620 on: May 15, 2020, 07:34:58 PM »
You can adjust the floor which will move the ducks higher. It'll also throw off all your instincts for the left/right sweep double blocks because the heights will be different, but if you can adjust that might help.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #622 on: May 21, 2020, 11:46:09 PM »
Finally got my Quest yesterday and then Oculus store started their one year sale today:


Anything here I should jump on? Are any of these bundles actually good?  Thinking of getting Robo Recall: Unplugged because it's a daily deal which ends soon.


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #623 on: May 21, 2020, 11:56:34 PM »
Robo recall is meant to be pretty great.

My favourite VR experience was dicking around in rec room https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2173678582678296/?ranking_trace=0_2173678582678296_SKYLINEWEBQUESTSEARCH_1Rlz4P5duAr91EzSY


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #624 on: May 22, 2020, 12:46:21 AM »
Finally got my Quest yesterday and then Oculus store started their one year sale today:


Anything here I should jump on? Are any of these bundles actually good?  Thinking of getting Robo Recall: Unplugged because it's a daily deal which ends soon.

I mean the sale discounts aren't great. I'm only seeing like 12-16 games on sale when I click that link. Out of those I Expect You to Die seemed pretty neat from what I played. Basically a bunch of short puzzle escape rooms in a parody of the James Bond style. Pretty stylish and a lot of fun.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #625 on: May 22, 2020, 01:40:44 AM »
Cool, I think I'll go with the Starter Pack then. It has Pistol Whip, I Expect You to Die, and a table tennis game.

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #626 on: May 22, 2020, 05:27:28 AM »
I didn't care fore Beat Saber, but Pistol Whip is fantastic, super fun.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #627 on: May 22, 2020, 11:59:31 AM »
I've just been messing around with some of the video experiences so far and really enjoying it lol. There's one that follows professional climbers while they're on mountain peaks and the views are insane. I can't imagine experiencing something like that in real life. The ocean and underwater vids triggered my fear of the deep sea (I can't swim) so I ended them pretty early. I'll actually play some games today. :lol
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 04:28:44 PM by Beezy »


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #628 on: May 22, 2020, 03:35:49 PM »
Tetris Effect is on sale on the Epic Game Store (and exclusive to it on PC), plus if you haven't you can redeem your sale coupon.

I got for 13 Euro  8)


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #629 on: May 22, 2020, 06:58:59 PM »
Demo of Iron Man VR just randomly dropped today....


Tried this.

Ugh, motion sickness the game. Also it's essentially just another VR flying around at markers with your head positioning sim. Zzzzz. Mediocre licensed game + VR = mediocre VR game.

Also going back to PSVR from Index for the first time. Yeahhh, definitely notice the drop in resolutions and the move controllers sucking. The lightweight of the headset unit is nice though.

I tried Firewall VR because it was free on PS+ last month or the month before. No move controls  :yuck no teleport movement  :yuck
And this is the MP game people like?

Basically feels like the only PSVR exclusive that holds up is Astrobot and maybe Rez Infinite VR if that's exclusive. Blood & Truth is alright I guess. Beat Saber is still great on PSVR, but otherwise it's definitely an entry level VR machine.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #630 on: May 23, 2020, 06:08:00 PM »


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #631 on: May 24, 2020, 01:32:05 AM »
Demo of Iron Man VR just randomly dropped today....


Tried this.

Ugh, motion sickness the game. Also it's essentially just another VR flying around at markers with your head positioning sim. Zzzzz. Mediocre licensed game + VR = mediocre VR game.

Also going back to PSVR from Index for the first time. Yeahhh, definitely notice the drop in resolutions and the move controllers sucking. The lightweight of the headset unit is nice though.

I tried Firewall VR because it was free on PS+ last month or the month before. No move controls  :yuck no teleport movement  :yuck
And this is the MP game people like?

Basically feels like the only PSVR exclusive that holds up is Astrobot and maybe Rez Infinite VR if that's exclusive. Blood & Truth is alright I guess. Beat Saber is still great on PSVR, but otherwise it's definitely an entry level VR machine.

Firewall was designed around the aim controller, although plenty of good players play it with DS4. Move controllers don't have analogue sticks so they're kind of a no go if you want a traditional movement scheme. And yes, Firewall is for better or worse the single most popular multiplayer game on any VR platform. It does have the option to go between smooth and blink turn as well as the ability to adjust the vignette. The developers felt that teleporting is a relic of early VR and that their IK solution was polished to be palatable for most people. It's also still supported to some degree after almost 2 years, which is pretty monumental for a VR game.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #632 on: May 24, 2020, 01:34:01 AM »
I'm at the point where if a first person game doesn't have teleport movement I just uninstall it. Every other movement just feels bad to me.

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #633 on: May 24, 2020, 09:18:21 AM »
I'm at the point where if a first person game doesn't have teleport movement I just uninstall it. Every other movement just feels bad to me.
This is a bit drastic, but i'm in a similar spot.
I'll grant you that in a multiplayer R6 clone, you can't have people teleport out of the line of fire, but for PvE, there's little excuse, for a game that is essentially room-based (like a R6 is) to not design around that feature, like Alyx has.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #634 on: May 24, 2020, 11:56:29 PM »
I honestly won't play a VR game that still has teleport in the year of our lord 2020. If you can't come up with a working IK solution don't make a VR game.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #635 on: May 25, 2020, 01:11:11 AM »
Just tried Iron Man. I thought it was decent fun, but not really my thing... I use to love comicbook shit, but now I don't.. kinda hate it now tbph. 


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #636 on: May 25, 2020, 01:21:31 AM »
I honestly won't play a VR game that still has teleport in the year of our lord 2020. If you can't come up with a working IK solution don't make a VR game.

Because you like...bad controls?

I mean Alyx probably has the best controls in VR and it's teleport by default. Why do you dislike teleport movement?

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #637 on: May 25, 2020, 05:18:22 AM »
I honestly won't play a VR game that still has teleport in the year of our lord 2020. If you can't come up with a working IK solution don't make a VR game.
What has inverse kinematics got to do with teleportation as a movement system? You can have arms (though i think those are also shit) and teleportation, and you can have free movement and floating hands.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #638 on: May 25, 2020, 09:17:51 PM »
I honestly won't play a VR game that still has teleport in the year of our lord 2020. If you can't come up with a working IK solution don't make a VR game.

Because you like...bad controls?

I mean Alyx probably has the best controls in VR and it's teleport by default. Why do you dislike teleport movement?

It just feels like a giant step backwards. Teleport was a thing we accepted in early VR because hardware sucked. Now it just takes me out of the experience if I can't control my movement. It just feels disjointed and non immersive.

Sho Nuff

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #639 on: May 25, 2020, 09:58:08 PM »
Teleport needs to be supported for folks who throw up all the time, but if you don't have a smooth free-move mode, I'm not playing your game.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #640 on: May 25, 2020, 10:57:55 PM »
Uh, this is so confusing to me after playing so much VR. At first teleport movement in early games felt limiting, but now teleport blink movement anywhere in the playable area along with free walking movement within the play area feel the most realistic and immersive movement scheme possible.

What other movements are there?

-Walking with your hands going up and down? This feels disgusting to me, like you don't walk with your hands irl, it's just stupid. Haven't seen this done well once.
-Hold a button to move forward in the direction you are looking? Weird floating movement forward when you're standing still is immersion breaking.
-Using a controller to move around like a normal game? Feels immersion breaking, why am I walking when I'm standing still, doesn't feel like I'm doing it.

Either you design a game around standing/sitting within your play area (Superhot, Beat Saber, I Expect You to Die, Five Nights at Freddy's VR, Cockpit games) or you use blink teleport movement + free play area walking around. This way you can jump to a section that you want to walk around and interact by actually using your feet and walking a few steps in any direction and interacting. The latter is the most immersive way to interact and move in VR but with room-size you can't walk through an entire level on your own feet and need a way to get between points where you do walk with your own feet and that's teleport movement.

Imo using a controller and moving around like a normal videogame doesn't feel like a VR experience to me. It feels like a halfway step where you're just playing a normal game with VR vision. True next-level VR experiences should feel completely diverged from a non-VR videogame and should just rely on actual physical movement of your feet and hands along with your senses.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #641 on: May 26, 2020, 12:05:10 AM »
I'm saying stick based movement still feels better than teleporting to me. I do agree that if you are letting people move around those are you only two options, but I feel like if you design around teleporting it limits your design severely. I find teleporting too slow and imprecise to be enjoyable.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #642 on: May 26, 2020, 12:44:46 AM »
I'm saying stick based movement still feels better than teleporting to me. I do agree that if you are letting people move around those are you only two options, but I feel like if you design around teleporting it limits your design severely. I find teleporting too slow and imprecise to be enjoyable.

Did you play Alyx? It was definitely designed around teleporting since that's the default, and I don't think it's limited at all.

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #643 on: May 26, 2020, 01:43:42 AM »
I honestly won't play a VR game that still has teleport in the year of our lord 2020. If you can't come up with a working IK solution don't make a VR game.

Because you like...bad controls?

I mean Alyx probably has the best controls in VR and it's teleport by default. Why do you dislike teleport movement?

It just feels like a giant step backwards. Teleport was a thing we accepted in early VR because hardware sucked. Now it just takes me out of the experience if I can't control my movement. It just feels disjointed and non immersive.
The hardware is largely the same, minor increases in image clarity and refresh rate (though in the case of Oculus, actually a step back) aside.

I'm saying stick based movement still feels better than teleporting to me. I do agree that if you are letting people move around those are you only two options, but I feel like if you design around teleporting it limits your design severely. I find teleporting too slow and imprecise to be enjoyable.

Did you play Alyx? It was definitely designed around teleporting since that's the default, and I don't think it's limited at all.
Its design is room based, which is very much informed by its movement system.
Whether you want to see that as a limit or not, it's up to you, but i see it as a design choice, like making a game not open world.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #644 on: May 26, 2020, 01:20:59 PM »
Now that I have a PC VR headset and No Man Sky is back on sale at $30, I think I'm going to pick it up finally and try it out in VR for the flying and stuff. Though knowing my luck the game will show up in a bundle next week.

*edit* lol, just saw in the Xbox Game Pass thread they just announced it will be free in a few weeks on PC. A lot of times Window Store versions are a mess and broken, but will hold off and try that free version first. I wonder how VR games work launched from Windows Store instead of SteamVR?

*edit*edit* it sounds like VR games on windows store won't work on headsets. Well, at least I'll try out the base non-VR game for free before spending $30.

I'm saying stick based movement still feels better than teleporting to me. I do agree that if you are letting people move around those are you only two options, but I feel like if you design around teleporting it limits your design severely. I find teleporting too slow and imprecise to be enjoyable.

Did you play Alyx? It was definitely designed around teleporting since that's the default, and I don't think it's limited at all.
Its design is room based, which is very much informed by its movement system.
Whether you want to see that as a limit or not, it's up to you, but i see it as a design choice, like making a game not open world.

But I don't see why you couldn't have Alyx controls/gameplay in a Bethesda open world game? Just larger areas but same movement? I get that melee is more of an issue with teleport movement (multiplayer too, but only thinking of single player), but playing Until You Fall it has a good teleport movement solution in that there is a few second cooldown after every couple teleport dashes.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 01:25:30 PM by Bebpo »

Sho Nuff

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #645 on: May 29, 2020, 10:10:09 PM »
The ScriptHook DLL required for this finally got updated to use the new version that shipped with the Epic Store version.


This is some mindblowing shit. Grabbed it last night, struggled through the intro (hold B to skip cutscenes), and got into the open world part and just fucked around for 3 hours. Ran up the beach yelling at people, stole a dirtbike and headed up the coast. Staggeringly awesome.

No tracked controller input, pad only, but still.

Don Rumata

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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #646 on: May 30, 2020, 11:45:47 AM »

But I don't see why you couldn't have Alyx controls/gameplay in a Bethesda open world game? Just larger areas but same movement? I get that melee is more of an issue with teleport movement (multiplayer too, but only thinking of single player), but playing Until You Fall it has a good teleport movement solution in that there is a few second cooldown after every couple teleport dashes.
You can.
Skyrim VR (and presumably Fallout4 VR too) has teleportation as an option.
The problem is more when you factor in jumping as a requirement (though Sairento let's you do that too) and balancing difficulty.
Like if in a Tac. shooter i can just teleport across a hallway, the "one shot and you're dead" approach flies off the window a bit.


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #647 on: May 31, 2020, 05:56:07 AM »
i simply think platforming in VR should be illegal


  • relapsed dev
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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #648 on: June 02, 2020, 07:33:00 PM »
The ScriptHook DLL required for this finally got updated to use the new version that shipped with the Epic Store version.


This is some mindblowing shit. Grabbed it last night, struggled through the intro (hold B to skip cutscenes), and got into the open world part and just fucked around for 3 hours. Ran up the beach yelling at people, stole a dirtbike and headed up the coast. Staggeringly awesome.

No tracked controller input, pad only, but still.

I really want to try this!


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #649 on: June 13, 2020, 08:00:59 PM »
So the Xbox Game Pass PC version of No Man's Sky does work with VR. Played about an hour and it's ok but lots of stuff drives me crazy.

-Image stability seems pretty off, like whatever vsync it's using for VR framerate and resolution aren't correct. Looks pretty assy.
-HUD on your arms is HUGE to the point where I have to hold my arm way out just to read stuff. There's a hud size adjustment option but you have to restart each time and the initial load time in this game is insane and the worst I've ever seen on an SSD
-Controls are weird. So many buttons to remember. Felt very untuitive. When you'd try to search a box it would teleport you to some weird camera angle like in the ground while you go through the inventory.
-Had serious troubles with the flying controls. My right hand get dropping grip of the flight stick and I couldn't get the plane to rotate, only turn so I was flying upside down :\

Basically feels like a game where VR was shoe-horned in like it was, vs being made for VR. I tried it in non-VR with kb controls and it played like a million times better. Was surprised that it still ran kind of shitty on my 1080x. Doesn't feel well optimized and there's no fullscreen exclusive mode? So gsync doesn't work  :maf

Also I'm not into crafting games and this game just seems like a game where everything is always broken or breaking and you have to gather to fix everything constantly. Not my thing. Glad I saved $25 on the steam version!


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #650 on: June 13, 2020, 09:49:28 PM »
Actually ended up getting the resolution and HUD fixed in VR. Built a base and got to the space station. The flying controls are basically unplayable with the Index controllers, but otherwise it controls alright. Kinda a boring game though.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #651 on: June 16, 2020, 12:40:16 AM »
Started playing Trover Saves the Universe

It's great! Reminds me a lot of Astrobot with not quite as good gameplay but pretty damn funny. Really well designed for VR, clearly a VR game first. One of the most/more polished VR games out there.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #652 on: June 16, 2020, 11:52:20 PM »

Probably the closest thing to an E3 for VR gaming. A surprising number of titles still promising PSVR ports.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #653 on: June 23, 2020, 11:09:16 PM »
I think I've found my current life calling and that is to map Beat Saber custom songs. I'm tired of none of the music I like being in Beat Saber and in the hundreds of hours of Beat Saber I play I've gotten to the point where I feel I know good map design and can point out amateur mistakes and no how to avoid them.

Like the biggest amateur mapping mistake I see is people who do constant down arrow hits instead of alternating up/down/up/down/up/down. The latter is how the rhythm should go for basically the whole track no matter what you're doing so your arms always follow that basic rhythm.

Also I used to do timing for fansubs so I feel I could probably pick this up. Just need to start looking at the mapping tools. Going to start with Metric and pick a song from Pagans in Vegas.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #654 on: July 19, 2020, 09:07:03 PM »
I've been meaning to put up a list of the best custom tracks in Beat Saber for everyone playing on PC. Been spending so many hours basically curating a list. Probably gone through 300-500 songs and I've got about 50 really good ones. Usually if I like a beat map and it seems like they get rhythm mapping I'll check out all the other tracks by the mapper and sometimes discover some new musicians I wouldn't have otherwise listened to.

Like I'd heard of but never checked out Kero Kero Bonito before, but the beatmaps for Flamingo & Picture This are really good (former is better mapped than the latter).

I wish there was an easy way to browse my custom track list without the VR headset. That's the hard part for putting up a list of what's in my starred top track queues. Have to just take off the helmet and write each down if I wanna do that which will take a while.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #655 on: July 22, 2020, 01:39:28 PM »
Big PSVR sale going on with the summer sale. Picked up the From Software game Deracine for <$7. I know it's supposed to be pretty bad, but too curious to see some Japan developed VR that I'll float $7 for it.


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Re: VR Thread
« Reply #656 on: July 23, 2020, 02:10:31 AM »
So I was talking about Beat Saber with friends and may have had a drink or two and decided to sit down and make a list of all my starred custom tracks. These are the tracks I feel are well mapped, sometimes better than the main game tracks and are all a good play for players around expert difficulty. Some songs are too fast mapped and need to be played in slowed down mode (cough*cough*Green Day Basket Case*cough*cough) and some need to be sped up to really be satisfying (most of the slower song tracks).

Also this list is biased because it's by me, so it leans a bit into Miku/Vocaloid and some J-tracks. I'm highlighting the ones I think are the best of the best and pretty much the top songs in beat saber custom.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Alone ft. Kyle Reynolds
Asketa & Natan Chaim [bennydabeast]

Baka baka baka
Lamaze-P [Kalezan]

Basket Case
Green Day [Okdisplay]

Sara Barellis [bennydabeast]

Blinding Lights
The Weekend [Novashift]

Bring it On

Bubble Tea
Dark Cat [Roeek]

Ellie Goulding [bennydabeast]

Came Here For Love
Sigala & Ella Eyre [bennydabeast]

Can't Get You Out of My Head
Kylie Minogue [Kalezan]

Caramelldansen (Speedcake Remix)
Caramell [dack]

Batta [joetastic]

Chiru Chiru
Reol [Kalezan]

Blind 182 [anonymesgo]

Don't Let Me Down
The Chainsmokers featuring Dayo [bennydabeast]

Du Hast
Rammstein [Kalezan]

Empty Threat
Chvrches [benny]

Faded (Nightcore Mix)
Alan Walker [rigid]

Field of Hopes and Dreams
Toby Fox [Todokete]

Kero Kero Bonito [Etan]

Fuwa Fuwa Time
Ho-Kago Tea Time [Todokete]

Gimme Love
Joji [Skyler Wallace]

Harajuku Iyahoi
Kyary Pyamu Pyamu [aggrogaha]

Heart Afire (featuring Strix)
Defqwop [Bennydabeast]

Hironobu Kageyama [dack]

Here with Me (Featuring Chvrches)
Marshmella [novashaft]

High Enough Ft. Rosie Darling
Justin Caruso [bennydabeast]

Hold Me Down
Halsey [Styngme]

I wanna be like you (Sim Gretina Remix)
Jungle Book [connorJC]

Ievan Polkka
Hatsune Miku [Fraktar]

Aoi Eir [Joetastic]

Ike Ike
Hinoi Team [kalezan]

Just be Friends Ft. Luka
Dixie Flatline [todokete]

Walk the Moon [bennydabeast]

Last Dance (Custic remix)
Dua Lipa (bennydabeast)

Love the Way Lie (ft. Rihanna)
Eminem; Rihanna [Styngme]

Mad Hatter
Melanie Martinez [joetastic]

March of the Profane - Crypt of the Necrodancer
Danny Baranowski [fraktar]

Matryoshka feat Gumi and Miku
Hachi [todokete]

Undertale Toby Fox [Ryger]

Meglovania (Cement City Remix)
Undertale [Kryptikos]

Miracle Paint ft. Hatsune Miku
Oster Project [Etan]

Mirai (Short edit)
Kizuna Ai [kalezan]

More One Night
Inori Minase, Yurika Kubo [Etan]

Nevada (feat. Cozi Zuehlsdorff)
Vicetone [bennydabeast]

New Rules
Dua Lipa [bennydabeast]

Orion (beat saber edit)
Getsix [Kalezan]

Otter Pop (Ft.Hollis)
Shawn Wasabi [bennydabeast]

Over the Sky
Akane Hino [joetastic]

Physical the Megamix ft. various artists
Adamusic [joetastic]

Picture This
Kero Kero Bonito [Etan]

Plus Danshi ft. Reol
Giga-P [kalezan]

Portal Still Alive (Uppmost remix)
Uppermost [kyptikos

Pretty Girl (Cheat code x Cade remix)
Maggielindamann [bennydabeast]

Pursuing my True Self (persona 4)

Real Emotion (English Version) FFX-2
Jade Villalon [joetastic]

ASCA [joetastic]

Ride on Shooting Star
The Pillows [Todokete]

Robot Heart ft. Kizuna Ai
Yunome [kalezan]

Rushing Back
Flume [joetastic]

Sad Machine
Porter Robinson [ejiejidayo]

Say So (Japanese version)
Rainych [Peoplecanfly]

Senbonzakura (Short ver)
Kradness + Giga-P [kalezan]

Shake it Off
Taylor Swift [Jovian]

Sk8er Boi
Avril Lavigne [joetastic]

Stray Kids [joetastic]

Smell of the Game
Daisuke Ishiwateri

Smells like Teen Spirit
Nirvana [Rygar]

Some Nights
Fun. [bennydabeast]

Star Sky Two Steps from Hell

Start Right Now ft. Laney Jones
Young Pines [bennydabeast]

Still Into You
Paramore [Novashaft]

Stressed Out
Twenty One Pilots [joetastic]

Study x Study
Stylips [joetastic]

Laszlo [Downycat]

Sweet Magic (ft. Kagamine Rin]
Junky [dack]

Tank! (Ben Briggs Remix)
Cowboy Bebop [rygar]

The Final Countdown
Europe [reborn]

The Greatest (Ft. Kendrick Lamar)
Sia [bennydabeast]

The Light
W&W ft. Kizuna Ai [kalezan]

The Nights

Under the Sea
Samuel E. Wright [bennydabeast]

Vocaloid Bossa Nova medley (ft. Hatsune Miku)
Kahimi (dack)

Weight of the World Nier.Automata
JVNA [skyler wallace & excession]

Without Me - Illenium Remix
Halsey; Illenium [Styngme]

Without Me - (Nurko & Miles Away Remix)
Halsey [bennydabeast]

Yoiyoi Kokan
Roel [Kalezan]


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #657 on: July 23, 2020, 09:20:48 AM »
I haven't played Beat Saber enough yet. How do I find these custom tracks?


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #658 on: July 23, 2020, 03:24:51 PM »
I haven't played Beat Saber enough yet. How do I find these custom tracks?

I think Beat Saber initial modding may be slightly different depending on which device you use. So probably want to google a guide. It should be quick and easy.

You're on Quest, right?


Now once you have mods installed it should be the same for every device. On mine I load up the game and on the main menu there's a mods tab and one of the buttons is "get more songs" and then you can search by ranking, most played, popularity or search by name / mapper.

Also make sure you install the custom walls/notes mod since a lot of custom songs use unique visuals or even notes and they won't load in-game if you don't have those installed.


  • Senior Member
Re: VR Thread
« Reply #659 on: August 18, 2020, 02:24:11 PM »
I bought a PSVR and my first impressions are that it is super neat.

But like I'm not sure I'm liking it for the correct reasons actually.

Like I kind of would like more normal games in "VR" I played Zone of the Enders 2 and Gungrave VR and one of my take away was that playing ZOE was like playing it on a really big screen. At least when the cinemas played. It was like watching a movie on IMAX. It was kind of incredible. Now obviously it then goes into First Person for actual gameplay and that's cool, but I was thinking of Ghost of Tsushima. Mostly because for a lot of the action scenes I stood in place to counter. How cool would it see that game in such a "wide" and "big" display, to move your head and have the camera pan with it. It could be like watching a live play. I would like a see a developer make a cinematic 3rd person game in VR. I even found novelty in Gungrave because of just the wide view of the game you can see.

Like yeah I find the first person games to be "immersive" and fun, but I'm not sure that's the only thing that should be used for VR.

I don't know man I found my first day with VR to be cool. Yeah the tech is not quite there, but it's super cool to imagine where these early beginnings will go.