I think I got pretty close to the end of Insomniac's Edge of Nowhere yesterday. Might finish it next time I play.
It's one of the most competent uninteresting/unfun games I've played in a while. Even on low budget/low priority projects Insomniac is talented enough dev that you're going to have good controls, good animations, good VA work, good art style, good music, serviceable mechanics, serviceable combat, serviceable level design. They just know how to make a competent product.
But beyond being a very generic Uncharted clone that's incredibly limited in scenario design by budget forcing them to make like an entire game about walking through caves fighting bugs, the actual core mechanics are just...not things that are fun? The two gameplay mechanics you do the most in this game are ICE PICK CLIMBING and THROWING ROCKS STEALTH, which are old mechanics that have been in lots of stuff. But have you ever been ice pick platforming in Tomb Raider and thought "man, I wish I could have a whole game of slowly moving across an ice wall and making jumps from ice to ice" or "fun stealth is sitting and throw rocks and sneaking behind people with nothing more than this to the stealth mechanic to last a whole game". It's just a combination of not fun stuff done pretty competently. It's not that bad, but it's not really fun.
I think if they ditched all the dumb stealth and just released the same game as a TPS like Uncharted it'd at least be a fun Marlow Briggs kinda B game.
VR also adds absolutely nothing to this game. They could release it tomorrow unchanged on PS and Xbox and Switch. Only in VR because moneyhats. Also 3rd person camera VR platforming kinda sucks if the camera isn't behind the character since you're like what direction am I supposed to hold to make this jump.
Now that I think about it though, a VR Dead Space would be a lot of fun.
I sure hope Ready at Dawn's Lone Echo is better. It should be since it reviewed a lot better.