Author Topic: DOJ |OT| SUMMIT NOW SUMMIT NOW  (Read 915282 times)

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  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
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« Reply #4800 on: December 06, 2019, 12:10:39 PM »
Your life is a waste when you spend your day arguing about what a politician said during a presser. Sad bunch of people.

Shots fired at Stro.

My life is a waste for other reasons unrelated to politicians you noodle armed fuck :rage

Pasta armed fuck :bolo


  • Dumbass Monkey
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« Reply #4801 on: December 06, 2019, 12:22:53 PM »
Quote from: FeistyBoots
I'm now calling for AutisticEra to also be heard. People on this site are advocating curing autism, which is not a disease.

you already have a layer of ban protection specialism you greedy fuck

Straight Edge

  • Boots & Braces
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« Reply #4802 on: December 06, 2019, 12:28:43 PM »
I wonder what other disorders Feisty Boots may be wrong about.
Oi Oi


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4803 on: December 06, 2019, 12:32:45 PM »
I wonder what other disorders Feisty Boots may be wrong about.
Quote from: FeistyBoots
I have a number of clinically-diagnosed co-morbid mental health/neurological conditions:

ASD 1 (what used to be known as Asperger's until the DSM 5, diagnosed last month at 43 years old)
ADHD (primarily impulsive, re-diagnosed a few months ago after ignoring my first diagnosis for 20 years and now on medication that has changed my life for the better)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
PTSD (see spoilers)
Gender Dysphoria


  • Dumbass Monkey
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« Reply #4804 on: December 06, 2019, 12:36:48 PM »
The fact that autism is a 'spectrum' of widely different afflictions, with widely different behaviours and effects, and widely different degrees of extent of suffering, suggests that it is in fact a variety of as yet unspecified and unidentified maladies that share a common symptom or similar behaviours, rather than a single affliction, and as such it is more likely than not that further research will correctly identify, be able to disagnose, and yes, possibly cure certain ailments that currently fall under the 'autistic' umbrella term.

you fucking dipshit.


  • TheBore rulez
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« Reply #4805 on: December 06, 2019, 12:38:05 PM »
I wonder what other disorders Feisty Boots may be wrong about.
Quote from: FeistyBoots
I have a number of clinically-diagnosed co-morbid mental health/neurological conditions:

ASD 1 (what used to be known as Asperger's until the DSM 5, diagnosed last month at 43 years old)
ADHD (primarily impulsive, re-diagnosed a few months ago after ignoring my first diagnosis for 20 years and now on medication that has changed my life for the better)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
PTSD (see spoilers)
Gender Dysphoria

Oh, so not autistic then. ASD 1 barely counts compared to those way further up the spectrum. For her to sit there castigating others wanting to give those suffering with serious symptoms a chance at a normal life is beyond dirtbag levels.

Tuckers Law

  • Senior Member
« Reply #4806 on: December 06, 2019, 12:45:18 PM »
Quote from: FeistyBoots
I'm now calling for AutisticEra to also be heard. People on this site are advocating curing autism, which is not a disease.

you already have a layer of ban protection specialism you greedy fuck
I love how FeistyBoots posting that at the time and manner in which she did makes it even more obvious that she’s not actually interested in a discussion on the matter, but instead for her viewpoint to be the singularly allowed viewpoint on the topic, enforced by bans.  The implication is that she’s not a member of autistic era, she IS autistic era (:lol).

At some point, protecting shitty people like her is going to negatively impact Cereals big conservative ad-monies, and when that occurs things are probably going to be pretty interesting.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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« Reply #4807 on: December 06, 2019, 12:52:38 PM »
I wonder what other disorders Feisty Boots may be wrong about.
Quote from: FeistyBoots
I have a number of clinically-diagnosed co-morbid mental health/neurological conditions:

ASD 1 (what used to be known as Asperger's until the DSM 5, diagnosed last month at 43 years old)
ADHD (primarily impulsive, re-diagnosed a few months ago after ignoring my first diagnosis for 20 years and now on medication that has changed my life for the better)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
PTSD (see spoilers)
Gender Dysphoria

So it's okay to treat adhd but if something similar existed for autism it would be wrong?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4808 on: December 06, 2019, 12:55:27 PM »
I love how FeistyBoots posting that at the time and manner in which she did makes it even more obvious that she’s not actually interested in a discussion on the matter, but instead for her viewpoint to be the singularly allowed viewpoint on the topic, enforced by bans.  The implication is that she’s not a member of autistic era, she IS autistic era

Only post from November:
Do we have a Discord? Or is there at the very least a general autistic community on Discord? With the way things are going on this site, I want to cover all of my bases. I don't want to lose this community entirely.


  • Member
« Reply #4809 on: December 06, 2019, 12:56:25 PM »
Let's advocate sex positivity but ban people for being positive about a porn star they obviously like. No chill.


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« Reply #4810 on: December 06, 2019, 12:56:36 PM »
You're not allowed to talk down to morons if those morons are also "marginalized". LOLOL


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4811 on: December 06, 2019, 12:57:54 PM »
Quote from: FeistyBoots
So an update from me - yesterday I severed ties with the therapist who refused to accept my ASD1 diagnosis and was looking for any excuse to dismiss the work of the licensed psychologist with a PhD in the field and 20 years' experience working with autistic people. Not about to pay for the privilege of being gaslit.

I was wondering if I was maybe overthinking things earlier this year when I wondered if there should be a fundamental right to a diagnosis - or more fancifully, certainty of the mental self - but this just affirms that no, it would probably be a good idea
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Honestly, this is the reason I personally dislike the whole "you gotta be professionally diagnosed to be autistic!" Diagnosis is expensive and humans who do the diagnosis are notoriously fallable with all sorts of biases, especially against women, people of color, and adults. If you relate to the autistic experience and resources for autistic people genuinely help you, you're autistic, and nobody should judge or take that away. Self-dx is super valid
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Strong disagree. Autism is only hard because neurotypicals make it hard. It needs to be demedicalized and normalized, and people need to embrace the idea of neurodivergence.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4812 on: December 06, 2019, 12:59:29 PM »
I hope you're all having a nice day

I had a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad day

I felt bad and vented the whole morning and afternoon both offline and online about people calling me a "lolcow"

then when I finally relaxed by playing the 4Chan team fortress 2 server I vented to them about the Autism discord calling me a lolcow and they KEPT MAKING FUN OF ME saying I'm a lolcow


they say that I'm a "drunk" because I get a 12 pack on fridays and drink 2 or 3 beers on weekend nights when playing the 4chan team fortress 2 server with my best online friends and they kept making fun of me the entire night

then they said "don't do that thing you do where you vent and rant" on the 4chan server's Steam group chat where I was venting that I felt very bad that people on the team fortress 2 server made fun of me and said I'm a drunk for drinking two beers when all I did was vent to my best friends on tf2 that people on an autism server called me a lolcow and

lots of people there said they're drinking vodka and whiskey but they still said I "drink too much" and I said I drink only two beers and the person there that always provokes me every time said to quit drinking altogether but

My mom yelled at me on the phone and I was yelling and hitting my head offline and screaming very loudly offline while talking a walk because my mom was harassing me and my brother agree'd and I told the 4chan that in response to them saying that to explain my situation and they that proves I'm an alcoholic that uses beer on weekend nights as my medication and yet they said they're drinking whiskey and they said how much is too much and they said "As long as you don't become Abu-tier" which means me cuz I'm called Abu on steam and

then I micspammed cool Japanese music from the Osu! game from Nintendo DS and after not saying anything for an hour, suddenly the guy that provoked me said "Just so you know, that one guy that said its ok if you drink two beers when you play with us was only saying that for entertainment and its not ok if you drink beer when you play with us" even though the person saying that often drinks whiskey or vodka when he plays that server and

I explained further to him that I babysat my nephew for 4 hours and my brother didn't even say thank you to me he just talked to my nephew instead and I already told my mom before that's on her "deathbed" she told me, that it seems like my brother is replacing me with my Nephew cuz he always calls him "brother" all the time

and I told the 4chan team fortress 2 server that I have no friends offline and that they're my only friends but they kept making fun of me and they asked if I have aspergers or autism and I said I do and someone said "that explains everything" finally but that was after the guy that provokes me left and I'm afraid he'll provoke me again when I play Casual Saturday with them tomorrow night

aaaah and my head still hurts from hitting it and screaming at my mom loudly on the phone outside

What happened with my mom although I'm very exhausted from venting about this on a Discord server is..

she called and said she ordered pizza to get delivered to me and chicken wings too with spicey sauce and I was happy. She said "it won't be there for like two hours though so you should take a walk now if you're gonna" so I took a walk playing Pokemon Go

she called when I was at the comic book store that's also a Pokemon Gym and I told her 3 times I just beat the pokemon gym and am heading back but she kept yelling at me still saying I need to head back because the food's gonna arrive and I said "I JUST TOLD YOU THREE TIMES I BEAT THE POKEMON GYM I REALLY DID BEAT THE POKEMON GYM" but she said "you never said you left" and I said "BUT I DID JUST SAY I BEAT THE POKEMON GYM OF COURSE I'M HEADING BACK" and I left the comic book store and was heading back

then she called me again and yelled "OK BYE" really loudly at me

I called back and said "I'm sorry" and she did the same thing as every time she calls me of saying "YOU SHOULD BE SORRY, I'm trying to be nice and you keep BITCHING at me"

I asked her how did I bitch at her? I have no idea and she told me "I forgot" then I kept calling her over and over asking what I did to bitch at her and she told me to just "drop it" and I kept screaming "WHY DID YOU SAY I BITCHED AT YOU THEN, I KEPT VENTING ONLINE THE WHOLE DAY THAT I FEEL BAD THAT PEOPLE ONLINE CALL ME A BAD PERSON AND A LOLCOW, HOW DID I BITCH AT YOU JUST NOW!!??!?!?!?!" and she said "I forgot. Just drop it." and I kept screaming very loudly and hitting my head while walking back home and the people walking by me kept saying sorry if they're bothering me

and I kept not talking on the 4chan team fortress 2 server I didn't even vote for maps when they asked.

When they finally got to the VERY VERY boring Toehoe mansion map that's boring to me, I said "I hope you're all having a nice day, I feel bad cuz I joined a Discord server for people with autism and they called me a Lolcow" and that's when the guy kept provoking me saying I shouldn't drink two or three beers when I play the 4chan team fortress 2 server because I vent too much about personal issues and that no one wants to hear it and they kept provoking me about it

I hate being a bother to people, aaaah!!

AAACK and on a support discord where people vent and give hug reactions, these two people do not give me a hug reaction to my vents but they do it to other peoples vents, I don't get why I don't get as much hug reactions when I vent there as everyone else does, aaaah


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4813 on: December 06, 2019, 01:03:07 PM »
Quote from: FeistyBoots
Hey all, just wanted to give an update - after having my suspicions dismissed by my therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist I went outside my insurance provider to get assessed for ASD using the ADOS and a series of interviews.

I got the results yesterday - I am indeed autistic.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4814 on: December 06, 2019, 01:05:25 PM »
this thread :dead :dead :dead

Checking in and subbing to the thread.

My son has ASD, diagnosed at 2.5 years old back in November 2018.

Since then it's been a absolute sprint to get him into everything available (ABA, Early Access Pre-K, and Private Speech Therapy).

It's been going well, but progress is agonizingly slow, as expected.

My wife and I are mostly keeping it together but the emotional toll is very high.

Not sure if I can help anyone else, but I'm willing to share or advise with anyone looking for it.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
First thing's first: ABA is child abuse. Get your kid out ASAP. It's commonly described as "dog training for people", but even dog trainers find it repulsive. Far more valuable is letting them be themself.

If you could describe what your kid is like, we could provide more specific advice. Every autistic kid is different. The main thing that makes raising an autistic kid hard is neurotypical parents trying to raise them like a neurotypical kid. Raise them to be themselves, allowing them to have their limitations and strengths unique to them, will make it so much easier and them so much happier.
I don't even know how to respond to this... I'm acting on the advice and council of doctors and professionals, and here you are telling me that I'm abusing my son.

Why the hell did I even come here?

Fuck this and fuck you.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
I'm not saying you're a bad or abusive parent, I'm saying you were lied to and tricked into an abusive therapy designed to break autistic kids. A lot of [tbh almost all] neurotypicals don't even realize it, but it's highly similar to gay conversion therapy that tries to force gay people to be straight and trans people to be cis. I'm not saying you're a bad parent, I'm saying you came here for advice, and I'd like to help in the interest of making sure your kid is happy and healthy.
While I appreciate the defensive responsive against what you believed to be an accusation against your character as concerning your child, it's not a good look to be immediately dismissive of an actual autistic person raising their concerns about the matter.


So such concern, particularly from autistic people who such systems failed to recognise or otherwise failed to properly support in their development, isn't just to be dismissed out of hand.
They didn't "raise concerns" (whoever they are they are on my block list now), they said I was abusing my child.

Saying that someone is abusing their child for following the advice and council of doctors and trained professionals is fucked up, period. If you want to express concerns about ABA therapies you should speak from your experience. The ABA my son has involves him playing with toys and puzzles at a table for a few hours in the afternoon, learning to clean up after himself, and using PECs symbols to communicate needs and wants. Basic cooperative play, interpersonal communication, and life skills.

I'm under no illusions here. There hasn't been a single professional person involved that has told me that my son would be "cured" or that he would be "normal", ever.

The purpose of these therapies is all about giving my son the best possible chance at a full, independent life.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Never. While there are struggles, overall being autistic has been a very positive experience in my life. I genuinely believe that if I were not autistic, I would most probably be a terrible person.

Tuckers Law

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« Reply #4815 on: December 06, 2019, 01:13:19 PM »
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Never. While there are struggles, overall being autistic has been a very positive experience in my life. I genuinely believe that if I were not autistic, I would most probably be a terrible person.
:dead :dead :dead


  • Live Más
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« Reply #4816 on: December 06, 2019, 01:13:45 PM »
Lmao at ABA being child abuse


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4817 on: December 06, 2019, 01:16:56 PM »
What do you guys want out of the autism community.
Revolution against the neurotypicals, to establish a society free of illogical social conventions.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Basically this.

Straight Edge

  • Boots & Braces
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« Reply #4818 on: December 06, 2019, 01:18:16 PM »
Aborting fetuses based on an autism diagnosis would be actual eugenics but Feisty Boots undoubtedly supports that. Treatment? That’s a bridge too far.
Oi Oi

Tuckers Law

  • Senior Member
« Reply #4819 on: December 06, 2019, 01:19:58 PM »
What do you guys want out of the autism community.
Revolution against the neurotypicals, to establish a society free of illogical social conventions.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Basically this.
How does one replace the face of Che Guevara with an entire forum onto a t-shirt?


  • Do the moron
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« Reply #4820 on: December 06, 2019, 01:22:14 PM »
Quote from: FeistyBoots
Hey all, just wanted to give an update - after having my suspicions dismissed by my therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist I went outside my insurance provider to get assessed for ASD using the ADOS and a series of interviews.

I got the results yesterday - I am indeed autistic.



  • Senior Member
« Reply #4821 on: December 06, 2019, 01:23:59 PM »
I brought my car to different repair shops until I found one (after I paid them out of pocket) that didn‘t say that my car isn‘t broken. :jeb

Tuckers Law

  • Senior Member
« Reply #4822 on: December 06, 2019, 01:25:54 PM »
I can’t believe I missed this one above :lol :lol :lol :lol

Self-dx is super valid


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4823 on: December 06, 2019, 01:26:18 PM »
Lmao at ABA being child abuse
it's not a good look to be immediately dismissive of an actual self-diagnosed autistic person :wag


  • Senior Member
« Reply #4824 on: December 06, 2019, 01:29:05 PM »
I can’t believe I missed this one above :lol :lol :lol :lol

Self-dx is super valid

You would trust a neurotypical to diagnose you?  How would they even understand your lived experience?  Afterall, this is an identity, not a condition to be treated/cured.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4825 on: December 06, 2019, 01:29:40 PM »
If you relate to the autistic experience and resources for autistic people genuinely help you, you're autistic, and nobody should judge or take that away.


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« Reply #4826 on: December 06, 2019, 01:30:21 PM »


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« Reply #4827 on: December 06, 2019, 01:32:44 PM »
Everyone who posts here is an autisty. :ufup


  • Live Más
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« Reply #4828 on: December 06, 2019, 01:33:28 PM »
it's not a good look to be immediately dismissive of an actual self-diagnosed autistic person :wag
good call. i'm gonna find all the therapists here at work and tell them they ain't shit


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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« Reply #4829 on: December 06, 2019, 01:33:46 PM »
This reminds me of the fat people who shop around to find a doctor that says 300lbs is fine


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4830 on: December 06, 2019, 01:36:45 PM »
Meanwhile, because they locked that other thread, the one they missed from the same day gets bumped:
Is someone higher up going to ever respond to this or are they ok with everyone just using ad blockers?
I'm surprised they haven't locked this thread and told you to keep it in the ad reporting thread that rarely gets an admin response.
Just having an admin or someone acknowledge the issue and that they are looking into it would go a long way.
Oh wow a thread complain about ads that didn't get locked within 10 minutes telling everyone to go to the pinned thread to complain?


  • Senior Member
« Reply #4831 on: December 06, 2019, 01:37:16 PM »
This reminds me of the fat people who shop around to find a doctor that says 300lbs is fine
Is that comparable to looking for certain jurisdictions where fucking 14 year old girls is legal? :hmm


  • Senior Member
« Reply #4832 on: December 06, 2019, 01:39:06 PM »
This reminds me of the fat people who shop around to find a doctor that says 300lbs is fine
Is that comparable to looking for certain jurisdictions where fucking 14 year old girls is legal? :hmm

App idea:  an app that uses GPS to display the local age of consent as you travel.

Romeo & JuliApp. Print them checks already. :money


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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« Reply #4833 on: December 06, 2019, 01:40:44 PM »
This reminds me of the fat people who shop around to find a doctor that says 300lbs is fine
Is that comparable to looking for certain jurisdictions where fucking 14 year old girls is legal? :hmm

App idea:  an app that uses GPS to display the local age of consent as you travel.

check your pms


  • Senior Member
« Reply #4834 on: December 06, 2019, 01:43:56 PM »
An app that list all of Sasha Grey's non-pornographic acting credits and in-app purchases to view that content.   


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4835 on: December 06, 2019, 01:53:29 PM »
Kirblar Centrist Crew rushing into action to defend Biden:
Boy, some of you are really good at running with right-wing talking points.
I've seen a significant spike in this behavior on Era lately, and it's got me about ready to bow out of any political discussion between now and November.
Quote from: Kirblar
Holy shit.

There is no fucking god-damn evidence that Joe Biden had a single thing to do with his kid getting that position (other than yes, his shitty kid Hunter can play up that connection to his personal benefit, which Joe can't control.) None. Joe Biden had no connection to the company involved here. Nepotism is when you actively and deliberately help get your friends/family into positions.

Claiming "nepotism" here is baseless conspiracy theory based on absolutely zero evidence or context other than "Joe Biden is a famous influential person who I don't like."
being concerned about biden's son when trump's family is completely corrupt is some bad faith shit
I just want to reiterate that a lot of people in here are straight up lapping up these right-wing talking points re: Biden, Hunter, Burisma, and the prosecutor.

If a left-wing echo chamber like ERA is doing so, imagine the effect it's having on the general populace...
I’m not huge on Biden, but there’s definitely a contingent here ready to gobble up and spread whatever misinfo they can about joe. Even on this thread, we keep getting constant references to a push up competition presented out of context despite the video being there to watch
Burisma is a bullshit conspiracy theory Trump and his advisors worked up to try to replicate the email scandal Clinton endured in 2016. You’d be foolish to assume that they wouldn’t come up with similar bullshit for those 3-4 decent candidates.

I’d prefer to shut down right-wing garbage all the time, every time, instead of just when it’s against a candidate I like.
Yep, between the Biden threads and the Clinton threads on here, damn so much right wing crap being thrown around.
Quote from: Kirblar
oh so its just classic nepotism, that makes sense. Im sure that will resonate very well with the voters
That is not nepotism. Which isn't that difficult to understand unless you deliberately don't want to.
Quote from: Kirblar
That is not nepotism. That has nothing to do with the actions of Joe Biden. The "conspiracy theory" won't go away, just like birtherism didn't go away, because people will want to belive it. And this same type of crap will be flung against any candidate, propped up by the same right wing media machine. Not amplifying this bullshit isn't hard!
Your daily reality check that Hunter Biden did not do anything wrong by being on the board of an energy company. It's not scandalous. It's not remarkable. It's not noteworthy. It's not nepotism. It's not eyebrow raising. You don't even have to make a false equivalency to the Trump children, for instance, talentless sack of skin Jared Kushner being a chief advisor to the President of the United States, it's not even analogous because there's nothing remotely of interest about it.

If you think that it is any of those things, then you're buying what Republicans are selling.
Quote from: Kirblar
It's not semantics, you're just twisting yourself into knots trying to justify attacking Biden using right wing talking points invented in order to try and draw a false comparison to Trump to try and minimize Trump's actions.
I see the pipeline of Breitbart/Fox News talking points to Left wing Twitter is as strong as ever.
It is the far left just parroting right-wing talking points to repeat what we saw in 2016.

And Bernie hiring a bunch of ppl who were for voting for Jill Stein or using the same attacks as Trump against HRC is troubling to me. I love the man's politics but his team is shit.
BernieEra should first crucify Bernie before talking about anyone else. Just like Hunter, Bernie’s family is exploiting the Sanders name for personal gain. Let’s hold him personally responsible for having relatives.
This is the kind of heartless purity laden bullshit that gives rise to populism. Plenty of kids of successful people get incentives that they don't earn or things that they aren't hurting for. I don't know why the Bidens have to be some kind lightning rod for it. Its not team sports, its instead not letting people get away with arguing in bad faith just because they don't want to see Biden in the general.
It's the classic gaslighting some here seem to love to do because they hate Biden. Had it been Sanders they'd be jumping up and down cheering. They did it last time and they're doing it again. The bullshit push Dems and Reps are the same lie is showing itself here again. They're trying to do it with Biden and Trump now. People doing it think they're being clever or being above it all but they're really not. Their bullshit is very easy to see and they need to stop it and be called out on it.
Right. I don't know why some are acting like it doesn't matter if it's nepotism or not. There's a REASON why the right-wing media and posters in this thread invoked the term. Because it's not enough to say, "Yeah it sucks that someone used their famous name to get something they probably didn't deserve." No. Because Hunter Biden isn't the target. Joe Biden is. So you have to tie him directly to the wrongdoing. So you cry nepotism. This shit is purposeful.
Quote from: Kirblar
"I'm just asking questions!"
Resetera is far more centrist than people give credit for. Look at the number of people defending Biden on this thread. It´s like this is MSNBC. People defending centrists are often arrogant and dismissive when they are presented with an opinion that they don´t agree or think it´s unacceptable. It´s nothing like a left-wing echo chamber. The sole fact that some opinions are views as unacceptable should raise some flags on labeling this place as left-wing echo chamber.
The "centrist" users aren't spreading and defending fucking right wing conspiracy theories.


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« Reply #4836 on: December 06, 2019, 01:57:47 PM »

Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Strong disagree. Autism is only hard because neurotypicals make it hard. It needs to be demedicalized and normalized, and people need to embrace the idea of neurodivergence.

Holy fucking shit. My friend's child was recently diagnosed with autism and it makes me mad reading this. It has been so much better for the kid and the family after the diagnosis and further therapy for the condition.


  • Finish the Fight
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« Reply #4837 on: December 06, 2019, 01:58:47 PM »
The one thing no one addresses in #BidenGate and Joe abusing his power and connections....

Joe: "I love you son, even if you smoke crack and date strippers"
Hunter: "Thanks dad! Say, could you get me a cushy job somewhere with your connections?"
Joe: "Son, I got you a job to get yourself sorted. You can be an executive at *checks notes* Burisma Gas company in Ukraine"
Hunter: "Gee dad, thanks for a job in the middle of a war zone, I suppose Ambassador to Somalia was already taken?"
Joe: "Well it's either this or chemical weapon inspector in Syria"


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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« Reply #4838 on: December 06, 2019, 02:00:41 PM »

Quote from: Edward, post: 27122317, member: 27669
I've put about 1000 hours into ESL since it came out and it sucks. I'm glad i never put a cent into the game though because i would pissed. I put my money into Eternal and then MTGA. It's hard to stay alive long in a world of 1000 digital card games.



  • TheBore rulez
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« Reply #4839 on: December 06, 2019, 02:06:00 PM »
this thread :dead :dead :dead

Checking in and subbing to the thread.

My son has ASD, diagnosed at 2.5 years old back in November 2018.

Since then it's been a absolute sprint to get him into everything available (ABA, Early Access Pre-K, and Private Speech Therapy).

It's been going well, but progress is agonizingly slow, as expected.

My wife and I are mostly keeping it together but the emotional toll is very high.

Not sure if I can help anyone else, but I'm willing to share or advise with anyone looking for it.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
First thing's first: ABA is child abuse. Get your kid out ASAP. It's commonly described as "dog training for people", but even dog trainers find it repulsive. Far more valuable is letting them be themself.

If you could describe what your kid is like, we could provide more specific advice. Every autistic kid is different. The main thing that makes raising an autistic kid hard is neurotypical parents trying to raise them like a neurotypical kid. Raise them to be themselves, allowing them to have their limitations and strengths unique to them, will make it so much easier and them so much happier.
I don't even know how to respond to this... I'm acting on the advice and council of doctors and professionals, and here you are telling me that I'm abusing my son.

Why the hell did I even come here?

Fuck this and fuck you.
Quote from: OniLinkPlus
I'm not saying you're a bad or abusive parent, I'm saying you were lied to and tricked into an abusive therapy designed to break autistic kids. A lot of [tbh almost all] neurotypicals don't even realize it, but it's highly similar to gay conversion therapy that tries to force gay people to be straight and trans people to be cis. I'm not saying you're a bad parent, I'm saying you came here for advice, and I'd like to help in the interest of making sure your kid is happy and healthy.
While I appreciate the defensive responsive against what you believed to be an accusation against your character as concerning your child, it's not a good look to be immediately dismissive of an actual autistic person raising their concerns about the matter.


So such concern, particularly from autistic people who such systems failed to recognise or otherwise failed to properly support in their development, isn't just to be dismissed out of hand.
They didn't "raise concerns" (whoever they are they are on my block list now), they said I was abusing my child.

Saying that someone is abusing their child for following the advice and council of doctors and trained professionals is fucked up, period. If you want to express concerns about ABA therapies you should speak from your experience. The ABA my son has involves him playing with toys and puzzles at a table for a few hours in the afternoon, learning to clean up after himself, and using PECs symbols to communicate needs and wants. Basic cooperative play, interpersonal communication, and life skills.

I'm under no illusions here. There hasn't been a single professional person involved that has told me that my son would be "cured" or that he would be "normal", ever.

The purpose of these therapies is all about giving my son the best possible chance at a full, independent life.

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Quote from: OniLinkPlus
Never. While there are struggles, overall being autistic has been a very positive experience in my life. I genuinely believe that if I were not autistic, I would most probably be a terrible person.

Glad this one got banned, and Feisty should be too, just for being real pieces of shit. There’s not demeaning those with autism, and then there’s ranting about therapy to give them normal lives. Odds on them both being anti-vaccers, because they’re at the same level at this point.

I mean self diagnosis is valid??



  • Nebuchadnezzar
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« Reply #4840 on: December 06, 2019, 02:09:45 PM »
This reminds me of the fat people who shop around to find a doctor that says 300lbs is fine
Is that comparable to looking for certain jurisdictions where fucking 14 year old girls is legal? :hmm

App idea:  an app that uses GPS to display the local age of consent as you travel.

check your pms


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« Reply #4841 on: December 06, 2019, 02:13:48 PM »
Glad this one got banned, and Feisty should be too, just for being real pieces of shit.
OniLinkPlus self-requested a ban during the TransEra uprising to try and be a martyr against the acephobic bigotry, but nobody cared. :lol


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« Reply #4842 on: December 06, 2019, 02:19:11 PM »
I actually know a guy who built a dating app/company. 

I just floated the idea to him; TBH while a total gross joke, it would probably make a dating app go viral/make the news if it put that feature in.
7 ON YOUR SIDE signed up for a Yellow account, using a fictitious name and age: a 17-year-old named Samantha. Yellow’s rules say minors over 13 have to get a guardian’s permission, but it let us in anyway. Boys who claim to be anywhere from 17 to 13 reached out, writing mostly playful comments like, “Let’s have some fun.”

But Melissa Schaefer, a mom of three girls ages 19, 17, and 14 agreed to sign up her middle child. The comments were much more sexually suggestive: “Need a freak” and, “Ugly or not, will still take you.”

 :phil :phil :phil


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« Reply #4843 on: December 06, 2019, 02:20:53 PM »
The comments were much more sexually suggestive: “Ugly or not, will still take you.”


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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« Reply #4844 on: December 06, 2019, 02:20:58 PM »
 :rogan :nothing :hmm :mike :stan :batman


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« Reply #4845 on: December 06, 2019, 02:23:56 PM »
You can't diagnose yourself. Wtf.


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« Reply #4846 on: December 06, 2019, 02:28:03 PM »
You can't diagnose yourself. Wtf.

No, but Benji can diagnose you for a small fee


  • TheBore rulez
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« Reply #4847 on: December 06, 2019, 02:31:19 PM »
You can't diagnose yourself. Wtf.

No, but Benji can diagnose you for a small fee

What’s the fee? Sales tips?


  • captain of my capsized ship
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« Reply #4848 on: December 06, 2019, 02:35:24 PM »
You can't diagnose yourself. Wtf.

If you disassociate hard enough, anything is possible.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4849 on: December 06, 2019, 02:48:17 PM »
You can't diagnose yourself. Wtf.
This is the statement of someone who has incredibly massive privilege and despises the marginalized disabled community.

Hi! I have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

I’ve never been formally diagnosed with it, but I know I have it.

How? Because my experiences meet and exceed the criteria for a PTSD diagnosis.

I never managed to get a professional, clinical diagnosis for PTSD.

This is partly because I struggled to find a consistent and qualified counselor who was willing to diagnose me.

A few of my therapists didn’t want to diagnose me because they didn’t want me to get “held up” on a diagnosis, despite the fact that I wanted some kind of label and language so that I could articulate my pain.

I decided that I needed to start calling it PTSD.

I self-diagnosed. But this doesn’t mean my PTSD is any less real. It definitely doesn’t mean that it’s any less severe.

So here are a few reasons why self-diagnosis might be useful for people, especially those who are marginalized.

1. Self-Diagnosing Can Help Marginalized People Discuss Their Experiences
In many ways, professional diagnoses are usually only available for the privileged.

That’s because most marginalized people seldom have access to compassionate, comprehensive, professional mental healthcare.

It’s difficult to access if you don’t have money to pay for healthcare, or if you can’t travel far because you don’t have reliable access to transportation, or if you’re queer or trans or intersex and can’t find a therapist that is accepting of your identities.

Finding a therapist who isn’t bigoted against us is a challenge.

For this reason, being judgmental towards people who have self-diagnosed – or implying that we’re not really mentally ill – often ends up hurting the most marginalized people.

2. It Can Help Us Accept Our Illnesses
Something really fantastic happened when I accepted that I had PTSD: My mentality switched from There’s something severely wrong with me and I’m a bad person to I have an illness and I need help.

When I had flashbacks, I started recognizing that they were a result of my trauma and not a result of me being silly. I wasn’t simply hung up on something that happened years before; I had a mental illness as a result of my trauma.

Similarly, knowing I was depressed made me realize I didn’t simply need to “be positive” in order to overcome my chronic feelings of sadness and emptiness. Knowing I had anxiety made me realize I didn’t need to “just stop worrying and relax,” but that I needed a holistic, multi-pronged approach to treating my condition.

In other words, I stopped viewing myself as a failure and started trying to heal.

Would I have been able to reach that level of acceptance if I waited around for a diagnosis? I’m not sure. But I do know that accepting my mental illness was something I had to do before I could truly love myself.

For many people, realizing you have a mental illness is a relief. It’s a step towards self-acceptance, and thus a step towards healing. It helps us realize that we need to find treatment, support, and resources instead of simply engaging in self-hatred.

And if self-diagnosis is what we need to do in order to find that acceptance, we should be welcoming and kind towards those who self-diagnose.

3. It Helps Us Find Resources and Community
Self-diagnosing enables us to reach out to other folks who have mental illnesses; we can form a community where we support one another and exchange management tips and resources.

Once you self-diagnose with an anxiety disorder, for example, you might Google “tips for dealing with work pressure when you have an anxiety disorder” or “how to explain my anxiety disorder to a loved one.”

You might also find and join anxiety support groups – online or offline – which can help you feel less alone.

Battling mental illnesses can be draining and isolating. Having a community of some sort can be super valuable and healing.

It will help us feel less like outsiders, and more like we belong.


Is self-diagnosing good? Naturally, there isn’t a straightforward answer to this question.

But in a world where mental health care is inaccessible for many, it’s pretty understandable why folks try to diagnose themselves.

The best we can do is be welcoming and understanding towards self-diagnosed mentally ill people
I get into arguments with people on the Internet a lot these days. It’s kind of one of the only ways to be a disability activist when there are a lot of days where you can’t leave your bed.

The most recent argument I had was with a particular kind of ableist disabled person, which, oxymoronic as it sounds, is a thing that actually exists. In fact, I’ve encountered way too many of them. It’s common for us to internalize the ableism we encounter on a regular basis, creating divisions and hierarchies within our own communities in an endless uphill battle to be the “good” disabled people. The ones our ableist society accepts and supports, if only as tokens.

The person I argued with was the type who devalues disorders that rely mostly on patient reporting of symptoms for diagnosis. This person believes there’s some kind of rampant trend of “faking” disability.

This happened on a post I made challenging the gatekeeping model used by too many agencies offering support and resources for disabled people. I had only asked people to consider what it might be like if, instead of focusing on trying to keep people out if they feel they don’t really need the services, such agencies focused on making sure that no one who needs them falls through the cracks.

But this, somehow, is a controversial position, even within the disability community. I see too many people who hold their formal diagnoses over the heads of people who don’t have them in the same way that some people who have college degrees hold them over those who don’t.

There can be many barriers to obtaining a diagnosis, and they often connect to other forms of systemic marginalization. Yet there are still people in our own communities who treat undiagnosed or self-diagnosed people like outsiders, as if no matter how hard your disability makes your life, it isn’t real until you can prove it.

The thing is, “self-diagnosis,” for all the stigma that term carries, is rarely a case of a person hearing about a complex medical condition or reading about it on the internet and deciding they definitely have it and don’t need a doctor to confirm it. More often, it’s a case of a person doing diligent research into their symptoms, learning the clinical criteria of syndromes that match them, and figuring out that they meet them. It doesn’t usually mean claiming to actually have a condition so much as recognizing how much you have in common with those who do and seeking out support among them.

I have multiple disabilities, some of them diagnosed and some not. I belong to an online support group for a genetic condition I strongly suspect I have due to meeting the clinical criteria and having the same kinds of problems show up, to varying degrees, scattered throughout my family. I was added to this group by someone else and yet still have constant feelings of being an imposter.

Even as I tell stories about my body that are nearly identical to those told by people who have been officially diagnosed, I feel often like those stories are somehow not mine to tell –- even though they are things that happened to me –- because I don’t have the piece of paper the others have declaring that my disability is real.

In the autism community, a disability I actually have been officially diagnosed with since childhood, I see a lot of this, because in recent years understanding of autism has grown and spread and people who spent their whole lives just thinking they were “weird” began to wonder whether they might actually be on the autism spectrum. The community has quickly gotten a lot bigger. But because many of these people had made it to adulthood –- in some cases, well into it –- without anyone ever suspecting it, they often found it hard to be taken seriously.

Even when people who think they might have a disability or chronic illness don’t encounter barriers to accessing medical care, the doctors themselves sometimes make getting a confirmed diagnosis difficult. Some doctors don’t seem to like it when people self-advocate and tell them that they have suspicions about the cause of their problems. People who do can get labeled drug-seeking or as hypochondriacs just for asking for a diagnostic screening.

Other doctors seem hesitant to give patients a diagnosis of a condition that has no known treatment, even if they fit diagnostic criteria.

The problem with this is that a formal diagnosis is usually needed in order to access any kind of support, especially when self-diagnosis has become a punch line. When a character on Glee announced she could say whatever she wanted because she had “self-diagnosed Asperger’s,” and when a reporter derisively stated that Rachel Dolezal’s mother had diagnosed herself with chronic fatigue syndrome to imply that a penchant for fabricated personal narratives ran in the family, the message sent to all of us was that if a person says they’re sick or disabled, but a doctor hasn’t, that person is making it up.

What if you have the exact same symptoms as a person with a confirmed diagnosis, but you can’t afford a doctor? Or there isn’t one in your area with the right specialty and you can’t travel? Or you do see one, but the doctor’s own personal beliefs or prejudices stand in the way of them giving your condition the attention it needs? Does any of that make your disability less real?

The fact is, as strange as it may sound to use this word, some chronically ill and disabled people are lucky. They’re the ones whose condition gets caught unexpectedly when they go to the doctor for an unrelated issue, or the ones who go in right away when they notice a weird symptom and a simple test gives them a diagnosis of something everyone’s heard of and knows how to accommodate. They’re the ones who have good insurance and competent, compassionate doctors in their area who know exactly how to help them. And too often, they’re the ones who turn on their own community and use their experience as the standard: if you didn’t get a diagnosis right away like I did, then your disability isn’t real like mine.

I’ve seen the accusations of “doctor-hopping” via the stereotype of a person who keeps going to different doctors until someone gives them a diagnosis. This steretoypes implies that if a person goes to one doctor who is dismissive, or won’t listen, or isn’t looking in the right place and doesn’t come up with an answer, they should just give up and go home.

If one doctor can’t help you, but something is still clearly very wrong with your body, what are you supposed to do besides keep trying to find a doctor who can help? If months or years stretch on and you still haven’t found a doctor who can help (or barriers are preventing you from even looking for one), but you have found community among people who share your symptoms and can commiserate and offer advice, even if their symptoms have a name and yours don’t, are you trespassing there if you don’t have the stamp of medical approval?

And all this would be slightly less awful if not for the fact that the “lucky” ones, in many cases, aren’t lucky at all — they’re just privileged. Class privilege usually comes with the good insurance and the good doctors and the presumption that you’re telling the truth when you go to see them. Doctors for poor people, assuming they can even access them, are too often overworked and jaded, trained to ferret out those seeking drugs or disability letters for nefarious purposes, more focused on guarding the gates than finding answers and giving help. That help is a lot harder to get when your doctor is trying to figure out what your “angle” is instead of trying to solve what they immediately recognize as a crucial medical puzzle.

Refusing access to self-diagnosed people in disability spaces is saying that, whatever the reasons those people may have for lacking formal diagnosis, their own word on their experiences in their bodies doesn’t count. Refusing to help people find the resources to confirm a diagnosis because they’re “fishing” for it, if they come to suspect it on their own first, doesn’t help anyone; it only turns your diagnosis into an exclusive club for the people who never had to try to figure it out on their own.

True disability justice has to happen inside disability movements, too. We can’t gain ground for disabled people as a group if we’re pushing others in our own communities into the margins. Ultimately, we need to break down all the barriers that are preventing some of us from accessing the same care that others take for granted. But until then, the first step is to recognize that those barriers exist and that the people on both sides of them are equally valid.
Content note: autism, medical gaslighting, sexism in medicine.
If you trundle around speaking to people in various corners of the internet and you mention self-diagnosis, chances are you will find controversy or anger. Either two sides arguing over whether self-diagnosis is valid, or someone saying that those silly Tumblr people self-diagnosing for coolness points are hurting people who actually have the condition. A very popular condition to argue over is autism.

The sentiment usually goes, “you’ve googled your symptoms and you’ve decided that you have autism, but a doctor would never diagnose you because you’re just a 13-year old making it up to fit in.”
This has always made me feel really angry.

After years of noticing in my 20s that I was disproportionately making friends with and identifying with autistic people, I started to think that maybe a job working with autistic people specifically might be something that could work for me… and then my physical and mental health declined so far that I became unable to work. When I made yet another friend who later told me they were autistic, and I said to them that I thought maybe I might be autistic, they said, “yeah of course you are.“

I was self-diagnosed for 1–2 years, until my physical and mental state got so bad that I was living well below the poverty line on standard short-term sickness benefits. I went to my GP to talk about my problems but was dismissed. I had to fight the NHS for over a year. I was referred to the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), who told me that there was no specialist able to diagnose me and then expected me to just discharge myself. One doctor wrote in my medical notes that she didn’t think I was autistic, and that was added to my Disability Living Allowance (DLA) application, and I was denied the correct amount of money for my level of ability; she was a trainee CBT therapist. I had to push for months to get a referral to a locum specialist. No one was able to diagnose autism, in the second-largest city in Wales.

I can’t even count the number of times a less desperate or determined person than me would have given up. I was told so many times that I didn’t seem to be autistic, from my GP onward. When I told non-autistic people I thought I was autistic they seemed worried about me and they doubted me, including my own mother, a teacher in a specialist school for autistic children (all boys). But when I told autistic people they congratulated me and helped me. Even after being self-diagnosed for such a long time, when I finally got that letter saying I was autistic it took me weeks to come to terms with it. I used it to be awarded the correct amount of DLA, and I wrote to that trainee CBT therapist to tell her the harm that her misdiagnosis had done. She wrote back justifying her position.

So many autistic people are slipping through the net, because of doctors just not being very good at this. It’s not their fault that research progresses more slowly than autistic people’s understanding of themselves and their autistic peers, but they are failing us. And they are especially failing women and girls.

Being an undiagnosed autistic adult has been enormously difficult for a very long time, and to those of us on Tumblr who’re used to the idea that women and girls and nonbinary people are equally likely to be autistic it can be a huge shock to be faced with the sexism in medicine that is still very much prevalent. Men and boys are still much more likely to be diagnosed, and people who aren’t men have been trained since birth to mask their difficulties until they fall apart.

So yeah, when you’re autistic and not a mute white boy who rocks occasionally, it’s self-diagnosis or nothing. No one is going to notice that you’re autistic and refer you to the right specialist. You will have to notice on your own, and diagnose yourself, and then fight.

I am also completely unsurprised that online communities of autistic people diagnosing themselves and connecting with each other knew better than the medical community. I trust people to know themselves. I know one person who has been told he’s wrong about his autism because his social skills are too good — the result of being assigned female and various complicated life situations that don’t actually negate his autism but have given him skills he wouldn’t otherwise have. To me he fits into the autistic community perfectly. I am expecting him to be diagnosed maybe in a few years’ time, when doctors are as wise as their autistic patients.

I’m not just speaking in defence of those who self-diagnose. I am actively celebrating self-diagnosis. Until there are people willing to professionally diagnose us, self-diagnosis is for some people the only thing available.
Refusing access to self-diagnosed people in disability spaces is saying that, whatever the reasons those people may have for lacking formal diagnosis, their own word on their experiences in their bodies doesn’t count. Refusing to help people find the resources to confirm a diagnosis because they’re “fishing” for it, if they come to suspect it on their own first, doesn’t help anyone; it only turns your diagnosis into an exclusive club for the people who never had to try to figure it out on their own.

True disability justice has to happen inside disability movements, too. We can’t gain ground for disabled people as a group if we’re pushing others in our own communities into the margins.
I’m not just speaking in defence of those who self-diagnose. I am actively celebrating self-diagnosis. Until there are people willing to professionally diagnose us, self-diagnosis is for some people the only thing available.
My self-diagnosis explains me to me and that’s all I need.  If it explains me to other people that’s a bonus.  After 75 years of not understanding who I was, it was a revelation.  As with most people, an offiicial diagnosis was too expensive anyway.  Thanks for 2 very good articles.


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« Reply #4850 on: December 06, 2019, 03:01:37 PM »
I have self-diagnosed at someone with an IQ for 210.



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« Reply #4851 on: December 06, 2019, 03:03:36 PM »
Sasha Grey, who still uses her porn name professionally including on that stream and on her novels, seems like the last person to actually care about those kind of jokes.

She would probably get a kick out of the jokes.

But the white males on ERA know what’s best for her, so she should just sit down and listen.


  • TheBore rulez
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« Reply #4852 on: December 06, 2019, 03:03:45 PM »
I have self-diagnosed as someone with an IQ for 210.

Seems legit.



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« Reply #4853 on: December 06, 2019, 03:04:30 PM »
I have self-diagnosed as someone with an IQ for 210.

Seems legit.


dont you dare fucking marginalize me


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Reply #4854 on: December 06, 2019, 03:05:14 PM »
So, uh, if what I just heard is accurate, not only is FeistyBoots a troll, but he (yes he identifies as male) is not the only one with some degree of visibility.

I have a friend in the TransEra discord that is aware of 4 other posters excluding Feisty in there that are total trolls, 2 of which are high profile posters. Out of all 5 of these alleged trolls, only 1 is actually trans/nb, and she's apparently the biggest edgelord of them all.

FeistyBoots is the only name I've been given since my friend wants to see how far the others can take it and she thinks he's laying it on way too thick and is probably going to get exposed soon anyway. And no, I'm not going to name my friend either since she actually does like it in there even if she acknowledges it gets heavy handed at times.

Of course she could also be totally fucking with me here. Wouldn't be the first time. I asked her if I could post it here and she said yeah since it would be funny (I know you're reading this, lol). I guess we'll see what happens and if they ever get exposed.
Wow at this alt-right smear against a key leader of TransEra who was at The Summit which SweetNicole opened with a foreward. This is yet another attempt by the gators to spread myths like that Enzom21 was a poster or that the ads on are a problem or that an LLC can have a single owner.

This definitely makes the calls for summits more important than ever.


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« Reply #4855 on: December 06, 2019, 03:07:19 PM »
Word just came in from the big boss that theyre moving me from Windows 7 to Windows 10


Cauliflower Of Love

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« Reply #4857 on: December 06, 2019, 03:09:25 PM »
I’ve never been formally diagnosed with it, but I know I have it.

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literally distinguished mentally-challenged fellows

Cauliflower Of Love

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« Reply #4858 on: December 06, 2019, 03:11:21 PM »
I'm gonna stop making fun of slayven, he/she is probably dyslexic.


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« Reply #4859 on: December 06, 2019, 03:12:52 PM »
Lmao at ABA being child abuse

A parent trying to do what they can to help their autistic child have the best chance possible in life? Nah fuck that noise, listen to ERA instead!  :dead