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Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15420 on: February 08, 2022, 03:08:09 PM »
The initial protest made no sense.  The federal government has almost no say in any mandates.  The one mandate these 'truckers' specifically were against doesn't even matter since the US requires vaccinations coming in.  The idea that this is an anti-mandate protest is not true.  It is an anti-government protest done by alt-right loons who tried to use this issue to push anti-government sentiment.  If it was a real anti-mandate protest, then they would have come to Queen's park first.  The whole protest was done in bad faith and there is no reason to try to pretend these people have legitimate issues that are somehow being hidden by the mainstream narrative.  This is not just a few bad apples, it's a rotten barrel and not just one troll.  And even if it was just one troll, the idea that this has any implication for other protesters is silly.  A protest is not a protest is not a protest, and just because something happens in one does not mean that it applies to all others.  Does this mean that alt-right will try to delegitimate the next BLM protest by pointing out one bad actor and then pretending to be outraged by hypocrisy?  yes - but they were already going to do that.  It doesn't mean that because this protest was delegitimated and seen to be just that because of the numerous examples of bad actors, that this means every protest has to be viewed in the same way.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15421 on: February 08, 2022, 03:41:55 PM »
you're all over the place here, first it's "some guy made a dumb demand" to "they're dressing up like they want to occupy even though they're not" to "actually russia and the alt-right are trying to dismantle canada"

when did people lose the ability to use Occam's and Hanlon's razors? whether Trudeau has the power to end mandates or not, people are stupid, and they will also tend to choose a central/important place to stage their protest. you think it would've been half as effective if they spread out to every provincial leader?

honestly: a group wants to overthrow the government, and they're so insidious and clever that apparently they believe the best way to do this is peacefully sit in their trucks and honk, without destroying any buildings or storming government offices?  :dizzy

in contrast to the US's jan 6 where a screaming mob built a gallows and stomped around government buildings, or the US's june 2020 where rioters burned down local businesses and set up occupied zones where people died, the truckers have built a community kitchen and set up a bouncy castle, and you're sincerely claiming these are terrorists trying to overthrow canada?  :derp

they're even on the back foot because the cops are currently arresting people trying to provide them with fuel, you're literally siding with the police here

don't you think an occupying force would maintain actual control over their territory and be keeping police out? you've argued they're simultaneously darkly clever and powerful while being terribly incompetent. like eco said, "thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak"

Does this mean that alt-right will try to delegitimate the next BLM protest by pointing out one bad actor and then pretending to be outraged by hypocrisy?  yes - but they were already going to do that.

sure, but by the same token, why should anyone assume that madrun badrun isn't just delegitimizing any non-left-leaning protest by pointing out one bad actor and pretending there must be some evil master plan? and that he was already going to do that? you need to apply some introspection here

either you support the right to peaceably protest or you don't


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15422 on: February 08, 2022, 03:44:59 PM »
The so-called “freedom convoy” – which departed for Ottawa on 23 January – was the brainchild of James Bauder, an admitted conspiracy theorist who has endorsed the QAnon movement and called Covid-19 “the biggest political scam in history”. Bauder’s group, Canada Unity, contends that vaccine mandates and passports are illegal under Canada’s constitution, the Nuremberg Code and a host of other international conventions.

Bauder has long been a fringe figure, but his movement caught a gulf stream of support after the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, announced last year that truckers crossing the US-Canada border would need to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The supposed plight of the truckers proved to be a compelling public relations angle and attracted an array of fellow travelers.

Until now, a litany of organizations had protested Canada’s strict public health measures, but largely in isolation. One such group, Hold Fast Canada, had organized pickets of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s headquarters, where they claimed that concentration camps had already been introduced in the country.

Another group, Action4Canada, launched legal challenges to mask and vaccine mandates. In one 400-page court filing, they allege that the “false pronouncement of a Covid-19 ‘pandemic’” was carried out, at least in part, by Bill Gates and a “New World (Economic) Order” to facilitate the injection of 5G-enabled microchips into the population.

Both groups are listed as “participating groups” on the Canada Unity website, and sent vehicles and personnel to join the convoy.

Other organizers joined Bauder, including Chris Barber, a Saskatchewan trucker who was fined $14,000 in October for violating provincial public health measures; Tamara Lich, an activist for a fringe political party advocating that western Canada should become an independent state; Benjamin Dichter, who has warned of the “growing Islamization of Canada”; and Pat King, an anti-government agitator who has repeatedly called for Trudeau to be arrested.
Bauder vowed the convoy would camp out in Ottawa until their demands are met, insisting to his followers that a “memorandum of understanding” would force the government’s hand, possibly even triggering fresh elections, if enough people sign.

A Canada Unity organizer went further, saying it would require the Senate to “go after the prime minister” for “corruption” and “fascism”. There is no legal basis for those claims.

King has laid out a more direct plan of action to the occupiers: “What we want to focus on is our politicians, their houses, their locations,” he said in a January Facebook stream. If political pressure doesn’t work, King said, blocking major supply chains “will be later on”.

“It is a fraud for GoFundMe to commandeer $9M in donations sent to support truckers and give it to causes of their own choosing,” tweeted Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted out that he “assembled a team to investigate their potential fraud & deception.” The West Virginia attorney general urged his followers to contact him if they were “victimized.” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said that his office will be looking into whether “GoFundMe violated our state law.” Georgia Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene repeatedly called the company a “communist corporation.” Fox host Tucker Carlson is hawking “I Heart Truckers” merchandise, and Ted Cruz sent a strongly worded letter.
The fundraising certainly didn’t cease after GoFundMe pulled the plug, however, and the convoy has now raised over $5,000,000 at the time of writing on GiveSendGo, a site that advertises itself as the best “Christian fundraising site.” The group is also fundraising through personal donations to organizers. At one point, one anonymous individual even gave $215,000 to the fundraiser.
Research by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue shared with VICE News, and first reported on by Politico, shows that when the GoFundMe link was active, it was shared across a variety of international pages on social media. These include “I AM THE TEA PARTY” group, which has over 180,000 followers online; the “James Woods for Gov of California” page, which has over 20,000 followers; the Swedish page "Folkets rättigheter i samhället", which has over 35,000 members; and many more. The GiveSendGo campaign has been similarly shared around, especially by right-wing content creators like Candace Owens and Jack Prosobiec.

The impact of foreign actors’ role in amplifying and energizing the movement isn’t just financial. The footprint of the convoy is large. The ISD research shows that between Jan. 22 and Feb. 5 there were 97,012 posts from Facebook Pages and Public Groups worldwide that mentioned the convoy and which generated 24,094,123 interactions. On TikTok, the hashtag, #FreedomConvoy2020, has over 200 million views and counting.

On Telegram and other social media platforms, groups with thousands of followers are urging organizers to do a similar stunt in the United States that would target President Biden. Already several countries are seeing protests with tactics similar to Canada’s convoy, like drivers clogging urban centers and blaring their horns to annoy the locals “for freedom's sake.”
Carvin added that while the convoy and those organizing it may have galvanized the far-right globally, and possibly even inspired similar campaigns in countries far removed from the Great White North, it’s important to remember that this is something that must be viewed as Canadian. It was organized by long-time right-wing activists, who have tried similar stunts in the past, those who are vocally cheering it on are Canadians, and those smashing the horns behind the cabs of the trucks and getting drunk on the Ottawa streets are definitely Canadians.

“A lot of Canadians I think are pretty horrified by what they're seeing, and they don't necessarily want to believe that Canadians are behind this or doing this,” she said. “This is a Canadian-led movement. The participants are overwhelmingly Canadian. We have Canadian hate groups.

“So stop being surprised.”


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15423 on: February 08, 2022, 03:51:44 PM »
fringe conspiracy theorists also should have the right to peaceably assemble

this is why the bulk of the jan 6 morons which kept out of federal buildings and kept their protest outside are not being brought up on charges


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Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15425 on: February 08, 2022, 04:04:19 PM »
you're all over the place here, * lists a bunch of stuff I didn't say.   

They have a right to peaceful protests, that doesn't mean they get to do whatever they want.  They want to camp out in the front lawn for a month, fine.  They want to bring their trucks, that's also fine, but so are fines and being towed, which doesn't impede on a right to protest*.  You can support a right to protest without supporting the protest.  I don't support the protest.  You can support the right to protest without supporting the methods of protest.  I don't support the methods.  You can also support the methods one time and not the other time, because fundamentally the issue is about the thing being protested.  There is no inconsistency or advocacy for potential future events.  If the thing being protested is important enough, then stronger methods are valid.  It is a logical flaw to think that just because we label two things 'protests' that they ought to be treated the same.

* a protest is fundamentally an act of civil disobedience so you can't really think of a right to protest as coming from the government.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 04:09:44 PM by Madrun Badrun »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15426 on: February 08, 2022, 04:05:23 PM »
I don't think that Madrun (or Boogie earlier) are saying that they can't protest even stupidly or ultimately negatively, nor that even that most people now involved aren't doing so for what they see as good reasons, just that the leaders aren't such high minded people with good intentions. I think Madrun's also arguing about what he sees as some more relevant Canadian specifics towards what he presumes are less aware non-Canadians. Though they may have a lower line for negative, or even illegal, conduct than you and I do.

I strongly agree that sedition is a bit far of a charge but then I also don't think that the people using it on Twitter or elsewhere really mean it and are instead doing cultural appropriation of a proud American tradition.

I also think it's a bit far to compare to January 6th as of yet, but I do think there is a valuable comparison there regarding motives. The actions on January 6th made sense in that the people involved seemed to truly believe the election was stolen and that they were fighting to preserve the Republic, Trump's refusal to dissuade them of this notion was his impeachable conduct. Similarly, I imagine many of those involved in Canada likely believe such mandates to be illegal, but as to Madrun's point, the genesis of this was nothing Trudeau had anything to do with and even those areas he might have a say in these views are not popular. It's the people trying to take advantage of it for their own ends, not Trudeau, who should receive the bulk of the condemnation.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15427 on: February 08, 2022, 04:22:04 PM »
The terms don't matter to me. 'Sedation' and 'occupation' mean what they do in the context of what is happening and you don't have to take the leap to say that just because we call the thing a thing that it means we think the thing is a thing here.  I think both words are not descriptive of the actual thing, but, like I said, I'm also not going to shed tears when people take the protestors for their word (even if you assume it's just a few bad actors, which it is not).  I also think there is a fair amount of Canadian's trying to compare themselves as you said, which does not vary valid.  But at the same time, I don't think it is an inherently bad thing to overreact when you have a group of people who look at Jan 6th as something that ought to be repeated.  Indeed, I think it would be far worse to downplay it because of any seeming ineptitude.  I'm fine with the term 'occupation' for Occupy Wall st.  I'm also fine with using 'riot' for the BLM protests, because fundamentally, it comes back to the thing being protested.  A riot is a valid response to police abuse.  Nor is it intellectually dishonest to use propagandish words to disparage a movement.   

Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15428 on: February 08, 2022, 04:54:54 PM »
Nor is it intellectually dishonest to use propagandish words to disparage a movement I don't like.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15429 on: February 08, 2022, 04:55:27 PM »
Some conservatives are trying to spread the idea that American truckers shut down the Super Bowl in solidarity. :lol


Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15430 on: February 08, 2022, 04:59:20 PM »
Some conservatives are trying to spread the idea that American truckers shut down the Super Bowl in solidarity. :lol


Wait. So they want to use their right to protest against his right to protest?

This is fucking stupid.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15431 on: February 08, 2022, 04:59:22 PM »
Nor is it intellectually dishonest to use propagandish words to disparage a movement I don't like.


I don't think that is the own you think it is, Kurt. 

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15432 on: February 08, 2022, 07:50:25 PM »

A bomb threat directed at the Ottawa Police Service in the capital of Canada ended up first in the hands of police in Ottawa, Ohio.

Ottawa, Ohio is a village of about 4,300 people located in Putnam County. It's also where the local sheriff's office can be found.

And it appears the suspect in this case, an individual from Akron, Ohio, got the two police services confused.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15433 on: February 08, 2022, 08:40:17 PM »

A bomb threat directed at the Ottawa Police Service in the capital of Canada ended up first in the hands of police in Ottawa, Ohio.

Ottawa, Ohio is a village of about 4,300 people located in Putnam County. It's also where the local sheriff's office can be found.

And it appears the suspect in this case, an individual from Akron, Ohio, got the two police services confused.

That's about as American as an American can American.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15434 on: February 08, 2022, 08:52:18 PM »
So, my fellow Canadians,

You know how we watch all the shit going on with our southern neighbours next door? We see how the entire country, from top to bottom, is systematically made to prop up and support White Supremacy. We see over and over and over and over again how their police and justice system handle White People with kid gloves - even when the commit motherfucking insurrection and treason!!! - while black people and other POC are often shot on sight.

If you haven't realized already, I hope the events of the past 2 weeks all across the country have made you realize that our shit stinks just as bad.

We have the exact same problems right here at home.

This isn't an insurrection. This isn't treason. Black people and POC are not often shot on sight in Canada.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15435 on: February 08, 2022, 11:27:32 PM »
Nor is it intellectually dishonest to use propagandish words to disparage a movement.

complain about someone misrepresenting your argument while spouting this

by your own argument here, it's not intellectually dishonest or disingenuous to frame anything you say in any light anyone wants, as long as they choose to categorize you as part of a movement they want to disparage

if you don't like that I say that you say that the truckers are part of a russian plot to overthrow canada, well that's just a valid form of propaganda to discredit your movement, isn't it?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15436 on: February 09, 2022, 08:47:58 AM »
It is clear to anyone with eyes that between Rogan, the convoy, mandates, constant smears of anyone that disagrees, the incompetence of the Biden administration ;etc. that the mainstream media has an agenda and wants everyone to stick to it. Propaganda being served to the masses and more then ever, people are waking up.  Covid has weakened the mainstream narrative.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 09:06:03 AM by Himu »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15437 on: February 09, 2022, 12:26:27 PM »
We've settled on an average of 120 - 150k cases a day since late last week.
About 1 million total for the past 7 days.

In US numbers that would be ~1.6 million cases a day for 7 days in a row.
Our government is making plans to ease and drop more regulations.

About 6 million registered cases in total so far, on a population of 17 million.
Since not everyone tests (or was tested early in the Pandemic) I would say about 50% - 75% of the country has been infected with COVID over the past 2 years.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15438 on: February 09, 2022, 12:27:40 PM »
Its interesting that multiple D states decided to drop mandates the same day. Really does feel that Daddy Biden sent out a memo. Everyone screaming "cases are dropping cases are dropping" but the 7 day average is still higher than any other point in the pandemic, aside from Jan 13, 2021. 7 day death average is well above 2k daily.

Was out in NYC last night for a birthday dinner, and just one staff person had a mask. Was going to report them to the popo but the food was good.

I think its clear that mask use will drop much faster this time around. When Biden declared victory last May, I dont think mask use dropped below 50% around here. This time I think it will.

What will be interesting to see is what BA2 does. Lots of talk about why it hasnt gotten a hold in the US - just 3% per the CDC this week. Meanwhile, Germany, France etc still a clusterfuck. South Africa is also showing an increase recently.

One issue we're coming up on is that we're getting near the 3 month point of Omicron, which means immunity might start dropping to the point where BA2 starts infecting people who had Omicron in November.

So three scenarios from the Official James Covid Prediction Lab:

1) Cases continue to drop to under 50k daily in March, which is where we were last February/March, and then finally go all the way down to 10k like last summer. No new variants and corona ends! We did it everyone!

2) Cases stall out at around 40-80k daily, BA2 starts to get a hold, and then cases start to sharply rise in late March/April, because zero restrictions exist and all caution is thrown out the window. Once we hit 200k daily again, some folks start to worry, but its full speed ahead by politicians who would resists any new measure short of 500k daily. Deaths rise to 3k daily again in May/June but no one cares.

3) Either scenario, but a new variant emerges, the much awaited "bleeding eyes" virus with ebola-like symptoms. This one gets people interested in Covid again.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15439 on: February 09, 2022, 12:36:45 PM »
From what I can tell the strategy here seems to have adjusted once they figured out the vaccines didn't work against transmission and people wouldn't put up with all the regulations.
It seems that this is the 'controlled spread' in combination with the vaccines keeping people out of hospitals. Taking advantage of this 'mild' variant as long as possible to build herd immunity.

Our government announced that they no longer aim to reduce infections (or prevent deaths) but instead focus on keeping society open as much as possible (but with regulations if necessary).
They do expect 2 more vaccine rounds this year though, probably late summer and during the winter. Much like how we handle the flu.

Our numbers are insane though, when I hear my brother talk about Canada and how they are worried about 10k cases and we're hitting 10 times number that on a 'good day'.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15440 on: February 09, 2022, 01:49:33 PM »
The strategy in the US seems to have shifted to what DeSantis and Abbot were saying in 2020

Its just a flu. If grandma dies, its a sacrifice we're willing to make. Keep everything open.

Im surprised the media hasnt drawn a clearer line between their rhetoric and what the Ds are doing now.

The natural counterpoint is "we have vaccines now" which is obviously true, but the counterpoint to THAT is 98% of people werent dying before vaccines. There were no deaths on The Bore dot com, and the fattest people we know are on here.

Thing is, 2% of the country dying is a lot of people, when you multiply by 350 million, which is what terrified people.

But if the fatality rate these days is 10x less, 0.2%....thats still a lot of people!


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15441 on: February 09, 2022, 01:54:54 PM »
My dudes, it's Wednesday, have some humor (feel free to get angry at others for not taking things seriously enough too):
Covid-19 is unlike anything in our lifetimes. A virus one one-thousandth the width of a human hair has altered lives across the globe. It's a challenge that demands a level of social cohesion and technological innovation unseen since the space race. But when I walked into my local Chase branch the other day and saw a single, lonely hand sanitizing station tucked unassumingly in a corner, something inside me said: “We will beat this thing. We are going to be okay.”

Your days are numbered, Coronavirus! Tremble before the mastery of the physical world that has been achieved by your soon-to-be vanquisher, Homo sapiens! You may have a spike glycoprotein and rapid multiplication rate, but we have knowledge, reason, the printing press, and the internet; we have the combined wisdom of thousands of generations before us and a capacity for foresight unparalleled on this planet. And that singular intellectual dominance has caused us to say: “We should probably put a little Purell thing in the bank in case anyone wants to…I don’t know…wash?”
Special recognition in this fight should go to the Popeye’s Chicken on my block. Obviously, when someone walks into a Popeye’s, they’re saying: “I am a person who cares deeply about my health.” Probably because Popeye’s is synonymous with clean living and wellness, they’ve transformed their humble chicken shop into a bulwark against Covid.

A personal favorite had to wait for the comments though:
BDN4 hr ago
How bout the “clean” and “used” ball point pens in doctor’s offices? I think (and hope) they just swap the cups during the lunch break…

team filler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15442 on: February 09, 2022, 04:39:24 PM »
my gym won't be requiring masks starting next week  :thinking

Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15443 on: February 09, 2022, 06:16:13 PM »
Early ‘lab-grown’ Covid virus found in sample lends weight to Wuhan theory

Hungarian scientists claim that samples of Antarctic soil sent to a Shanghai firm in 2019 became contaminated with an unknown variant

Buckle in, lads


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15444 on: February 09, 2022, 06:21:32 PM »
Early ‘lab-grown’ Covid virus found in sample lends weight to Wuhan theory

Hungarian scientists claim that samples of Antarctic soil sent to a Shanghai firm in 2019 became contaminated with an unknown variant

Buckle in, lads
I get 3 pay walls so I just assume this completely confirms what we already suspected

Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15445 on: February 09, 2022, 06:25:33 PM »
I get 3 pay walls so I just assume this completely confirms what we already suspected

An early version of Covid-19 that appears to have been grown in a laboratory has been discovered in samples from a Chinese biotechnology firm.

The finding lends weight to claims that the virus may have started life as a lab experiment that accidentally leaked out.

Bioinformatics experts from the University of Veterinary Medicine and Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary, made the discovery by accident while examining genetic data from soil samples collected from Antarctica in late 2018 and early 2019.

The samples were sent to Sangon Biotech in Shanghai for sequencing in Dec 2019, where they became contaminated with a previously unknown variant of Covid-19.

The variant has mutations that bridge the gap between bat coronavirus and the earliest Wuhan strain, so it may be an ancestral version of the virus.

The samples also contain DNA from hamsters and monkeys, suggesting that the early virus may have been grown in animal cell lines.

Viscount Ridley, author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, said: “The unique mutations hint at it being an ancestral variant. So if it was sequenced in say mid-December, before anybody had identified the virus in people and started trying to grow it in labs, then it points to secret samples in labs in 2019.”

Describing the significance of the discovery, Dr Bloom said: “Those three mutations are intriguing because they are all ancestral mutations that move the sequence ‘closer’ to the bat coronavirus relatives RaTG13 and Banal 20-52 relative to first reported Wuhan-Hu-1 sequence from the Huanan Seafood Market.”

In May 2021, a team of US evolutionary biologists published research on what an ancestor to Covid-19 should look like, and came up with two options. One had the same three mutations found in the samples.

“A virus with those three mutations relative to Wuhan-Hu-1 is one of the two plausible progenitors for all currently known human SarsCov2s,” added Dr Bloom.

“The timeline matters a lot here. If they were sequenced in Dec 2019 then it’s exceptionally important, because [China] holds SarsCov2s not discovered until December 30 to 31.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15446 on: February 09, 2022, 07:01:34 PM »
Nah, this is a completely preposterous theory that deserves no scrutiny whatsoever.

The Chinese were very open about the origins of the virus, so there is no reason to investigate further. The WHO even sent a research team to investigate the origins, and they were treated very politely and were definitely not impeded by CCP security agents, and they found the likely origin was the exact one the CCP wanted them to find.

I mean, do we even trust Eastern Europeans?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15447 on: February 09, 2022, 09:44:55 PM »
Anyone who even thinks for a second China is to blame should not only be banned for sinophobia but also reeducated in a secret concentration camp that also doesn't exist and if you claim it does you should be banned for sinophobia


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15448 on: February 09, 2022, 10:01:04 PM »
Anyone who even thinks for a second China is to blame should not only be banned for sinophobia but also reeducated in a secret concentration camp that also doesn't exist and if you claim it does you should be banned for sinophobia
Is that what happened to you, filler, Pissy and Nintex a while back?

team filler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15449 on: February 09, 2022, 10:20:10 PM »
 :piss :doge :piss2



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15450 on: February 09, 2022, 11:05:46 PM »
From the UK:

People should listen to Donald Trump and get vaccinated. Even one dose!

Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15451 on: February 10, 2022, 02:18:24 PM »
Yikes, just look at all these despicable literal nazis. Madrun Karun was totally right about all of this.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15452 on: February 10, 2022, 03:42:07 PM »
From the UK:
(Image removed from quote.)

People should listen to Donald Trump and get vaccinated. Even one dose!
This graph is misleading because it doesn't show all the people who died because of the vaccine.

who is ted danson?

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15454 on: February 10, 2022, 03:58:21 PM »
Yikes, just look at all these despicable literal nazis. Madrun Karun was totally right about all of this.

What a bunch of Nazis! Go Canada! Stick it to the Feds!

We have to make sure the post-covid world is conservative and this is a massive first step on the United front against liberalism.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15455 on: February 10, 2022, 03:59:35 PM »
the biden of the north



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15456 on: February 10, 2022, 04:01:43 PM »
I've ditched the mask except for the subway and haven't felt this free in two years.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15457 on: February 10, 2022, 04:04:44 PM »
you're still wearing a physical mask?

I know you have a mental one


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15458 on: February 10, 2022, 04:11:23 PM »
you're still wearing a physical mask?

I know you have a mental one

Yeah I wore masks everywhere. With the state rescinding mask mandate, because I'm a good citizen, I've decided it's time to retire the fuck outside of trains, because that's the law. Farewell! When MTA gets rid of its mask mandate I'll be fully free again.

Well, not fully free. Today I had to show ID (on top of vax card) to eat a burger in a restaurant! The fight against liberalism continues. Thank God I'm black and was raised to never leave the house without ID. I can only imagine bringing only cash and a vax card. I'd be turned away by the Vax Gestapo for not having ID to eat a goddamn burger with chips.

Can't wait to need to show my fucking birth certificate to eat an ice cream float. Liberals and their absolute horseshit.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 04:21:29 PM by Himu »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15459 on: February 10, 2022, 04:18:24 PM »
because I'm a good citizen, I've decided it's time to retire the fuck outside of trains, because that's the law.

I will provide one kudo for this. 


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15460 on: February 10, 2022, 04:24:18 PM »
because I'm a good citizen, I've decided it's time to retire the fuck outside of trains, because that's the law.

I will provide one kudo for this.

Thanks. I'm still trying to make sure your ideology dies and bleeds out but I appreciate the sentiment. Liberal people can be nice but it's your goddamn culture and ideology. It needs to end. :rejoice

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15461 on: February 10, 2022, 04:28:16 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15462 on: February 10, 2022, 04:32:23 PM »
Putting yourself in unnecessary danger to own the libs...


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15463 on: February 10, 2022, 04:33:17 PM »

I guarantee there is nothing cuck about my thick, veiny black cock. You wish you had this, you filthy non sequitur spewing liberal. Don't you have a non profit to donate to? Fucking bleeding heart fucko.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15464 on: February 10, 2022, 04:38:28 PM »
Putting yourself in unnecessary danger to own the libs...

Omicron surged despite high mask usage in NYC. At that point why give a shit? We've had vaccines. We've worn masks. Shit isn't going away. Done all I can. I'm moving on.

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15465 on: February 10, 2022, 05:01:55 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15466 on: February 10, 2022, 05:05:46 PM »
like this post if you want to keep mask mandates just to own the cons


  • Senior Member
Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15467 on: February 10, 2022, 05:07:03 PM »
the obsession with masks is fucking weird considering it's a literal nothingburger compared to safe distancing. if you just keep your distance the mask doesnt hurt, but it's not really doing much either.

and if you don't keep your distance to people you're gonna get corona sooner or later wether you're wearing a mask or not. and it's not gonna help you fight the virus either, like the vaccine will.


  • Senior Member
Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15468 on: February 10, 2022, 05:22:07 PM »
the obsession with masks is fucking weird considering it's a literal nothingburger compared to safe distancing. if you just keep your distance the mask doesnt hurt, but it's not really doing much either.

and if you don't keep your distance to people you're gonna get corona sooner or later wether you're wearing a mask or not. and it's not gonna help you fight the virus either, like the vaccine will.

Ssshhh let the liberals touch themselves in their virtue and endless, endless judgement. Blue state with blue gov rescinds mask mandate. I say,"cool, I'll finally stop wearing them then :3" to which liberals go shock and awe and ridicule mode when, again, it's a liberal state entity lifting the mandate to begin with.

Are liberals capable of anything other than judgement and ridicule? I. Can't. Wait. For the political bloodbath as wide swaths of the country conclusively agree,"goddamn I can't stand liberals, can you?" all United in one front of rebellion regardless of race, identity, sex, or religion. A United front to Own The Libs. :rejoice

How I loathe them. Especially liberal crackers.

Kurt Russell

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15469 on: February 10, 2022, 05:31:39 PM »

How I loathe them. Especially liberal crackers.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15470 on: February 10, 2022, 05:38:54 PM »
It's just a mask you big fucking baby. Stop crying about it like it's a pair of manacles.


  • Senior Member
Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15471 on: February 10, 2022, 05:56:42 PM »

How I loathe them. Especially liberal crackers.

(Image removed from quote.)

No one needs to die or be harmed, that's the liberal way - not mine. They just need to be shown and proven their policies don't work. :)


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15472 on: February 10, 2022, 06:08:00 PM »
like this post if you want to keep mask mandates just to own the cons

Thinking back to January when I went to the delicious Old Spaghetti Factory with my mom.

A family of four arrived before us and goes up the the hostess stand. Before they can ask for a table, the hostess asks them to put on their masks, as per the state mandate.

"Mask? We didnt bring masks"
"Im sorry sir, can you please get your mask from your ca and come back and we will seat you"
"But those people dont have masks"
"Theyre eating sir"
"You are really telling us we need a mask or have to leave?"

And their tone was like the concept of a mask had never occurred to them. Absolutely baffled that a mask may be required during a statewide mask mandate.

So they left and we took their table.

Going hungry to own the libs.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15473 on: February 10, 2022, 08:52:28 PM »
Worst thing anyone did was tell people that wearing a mask protects other more vulnerable people in the community.

It really brought out the dickheads who can't put the safety and health of other people before their own slight personal discomfort.

You can tell a lot about people by what they think of masks during an airborne pandemic...


  • <<SALVATION!>>
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15474 on: February 10, 2022, 09:03:13 PM »
the obsession with masks is fucking weird considering it's a literal nothingburger compared to safe distancing. if you just keep your distance the mask doesnt hurt, but it's not really doing much either.

and if you don't keep your distance to people you're gonna get corona sooner or later wether you're wearing a mask or not. and it's not gonna help you fight the virus either, like the vaccine will.

ngl, the people masked up to wander outdoors (outdoors outdoors not train stations) or drive by themselves are dorks


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15475 on: February 10, 2022, 09:10:40 PM »
Agreed. Asking people to use common sense was another big problem. Common sense not being that common and all that.

However, the message has always been clear. If you can't keep appropriate social distance from others, wear a mask. If you're indoors without good ventilation, wear a mask.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15476 on: February 10, 2022, 09:33:21 PM »
Outdoor masks have been fantastic this winter, so warm


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15477 on: February 10, 2022, 10:10:04 PM »
"Mask? We didnt bring masks"
"Im sorry sir, can you please get your mask from your ca and come back and we will seat you"
"But those people dont have masks"
"Theyre eating sir"

I will say this is pretty dumb

go to a restaurant, wear a mask for the walk to the table, then take it off for 2 hours in an enclosed room full of other people also not wearing masks, then put it back on for the walk back outside

I just didn't go to sit down restaurants at all until I was vaccinated


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15478 on: February 10, 2022, 10:15:17 PM »
"Mask? We didnt bring masks"
"Im sorry sir, can you please get your mask from your ca and come back and we will seat you"
"But those people dont have masks"
"Theyre eating sir"

I will say this is pretty dumb

go to a restaurant, wear a mask for the walk to the table, then take it off for 2 hours in an enclosed room full of other people also not wearing masks, then put it back on for the walk back outside

I just didn't go to sit down restaurants at all until I was vaccinated

You're supposed to keep your mask on until the food comes to ensure when you talk to the waiter your mask is on and you're not spewing your particles onto them you piece of shit


  • Senior Member
Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15479 on: February 10, 2022, 10:26:11 PM »
"Mask? We didnt bring masks"
"Im sorry sir, can you please get your mask from your ca and come back and we will seat you"
"But those people dont have masks"
"Theyre eating sir"

I will say this is pretty dumb

go to a restaurant, wear a mask for the walk to the table, then take it off for 2 hours in an enclosed room full of other people also not wearing masks, then put it back on for the walk back outside

I just didn't go to sit down restaurants at all until I was vaccinated

You're supposed to keep your mask on until the food comes to ensure when you talk to the waiter your mask is on and you're not spewing your particles onto them you piece of shit

Still re re.

I didn't drink coffee in a coffee shop for a year until I was vaxxed. Over relying on masks is re re shit. lol. I'm going to go into this restaurant and eat, and wear a mask. but i'm going to eat too, which is also unmasked. Which is it? Yet you get on a pedestal and judge others? Fuck off. Talking about "owning the libs" lol. Strikes to the heart of liberal nonsense: where your judgement is above others' values and decisions but you're the one doing daft re re shit while thinking your shit doesn't stink. If you were that concerned about covid you would order takeout. Your mask is one giant virtue signal, especially in the post-vax world. It'd be tolerable if the liberals had the humility to be able to say,"you know what? I don't know. I'm just trying my best." But no. Read the replies earlier on the page. Liberal judgement. Liberal virtue. Liberal smug. Hopefully the next time you're in a restaurant you choke to death.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 10:30:18 PM by Himu »