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  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7920 on: November 17, 2021, 02:43:55 PM »
Yeah, I don't really want to touch AndroidSophias post.
I think we've discussed 'pluralgangs' a bunch here before; DID is itself disputed as an actual condition, but pretty much all psychologists agree that its not like in the fucking movies.
It's definitely not a sign of good mental health.

Also WORST YEAR EVER FOR TRANSGENDERS with 45 PEOPLE KILLED equating to less than 4 homicides per 100,000 population (again) shows transgenders being one of the least targetted demographics for murder.
Also you have to assume - as most of those murders were committed by partners - they mostly weren't as a result of transphobia, because you're probably not dating someone trans if you're transphobic.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7921 on: November 17, 2021, 02:47:31 PM »
I also can't think of anything more cultish than spending a day reading out a list of names of people who were killed literally based on one single common criteria, mostly unrelated to their death.



  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7922 on: November 17, 2021, 02:48:22 PM »
It's no surprise that people with multiple personalities don't seek any professional help since the they'd have to face reality where many professionals question it even exists. Instead they turn this fantasy or mental trauma into something that needs to be respected.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7923 on: November 17, 2021, 02:50:00 PM »
A reminder that JKR has no political power whatsoever, and if she had the soft power claimed, Brexit wouldn't have happened and Labour would be in Government.

If the Uk Government 'backed out' from the proposed self identification bill as a result of JKR being 'a big reason why', it's because she pointed out what the proposed law was intending to do, and what was wrong with it.
Pink news called her a fucking liar TERF liar bitch TERF, and then had to officially retract that, because JKR had correctly stated what the law was going to mean, and her criticism of it was indeed merited.

Also note that the Uk government has at no time 'backed out of trans protections'; they killed a proposed self-identity bill at early draft. Trans citizens have all the same rights as every other citizen, under the same human rights legislations as other citizens. They actually have slightly more if you really want to get pedantic about it, although not to the extent that Stonewalls diversity service claimed they did (leaving subscribers to that service and adherents to their advice open to wrongful dismissal lawsuits).

I don't know what planet you live on mate, but here on earth JK Rowling, the Terves and Dave Chappelle recently overthrew the British government and now rule as a military junta actively genociding trans folx across the nation :nothot


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7924 on: November 17, 2021, 02:51:17 PM »
A reminder that JKR has no political power whatsoever, and if she had the soft power claimed, Brexit wouldn't have happened and Labour would be in Government.

If the Uk Government 'backed out' from the proposed self identification bill as a result of JKR being 'a big reason why', it's because she pointed out what the proposed law was intending to do, and what was wrong with it.
Pink news called her a fucking liar TERF liar bitch TERF, and then had to officially retract that, because JKR had correctly stated what the law was going to mean, and her criticism of it was indeed merited.

Also note that the Uk government has at no time 'backed out of trans protections'; they killed a proposed self-identity bill at early draft. Trans citizens have all the same rights as every other citizen, under the same human rights legislations as other citizens. They actually have slightly more if you really want to get pedantic about it, although not to the extent that Stonewalls diversity service claimed they did (leaving subscribers to that service and adherents to their advice open to wrongful dismissal lawsuits).

I don't know what planet you live on mate, but here on earth JK Rowling, the Terves and Dave Chappelle recently overthrew the British government and now rule as a military junta actively genociding trans folx across the nation :nothot

I live in one of those no-go areas that is entirely under sharia law and the police are scared to enter, it was on american tv, its definitely true

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7925 on: November 17, 2021, 03:10:48 PM »

Quote from: Nepnep
If people want to come to protests armed, I'm not going to stop them, nor will I lament what happens to emboldened right-wingers who try to Rittenhouse their way into protests in other states that ultimately don't concern them. They wanna get capped? Whatever.

Although I will admit I randomly had the fleeting thought last night that we need to fundamentally change the nature of how protesting operates. We spent untold amounts of energy and money last year just to, what? Ultimately get one cop out of thousands of cops with flagrant records of abuse and murder convicted? Kinda put out the idea of reallocating the billions we spend on these pigs to actual social betterment only for it to die at the hands of conservatives and fuck-ass liberals redirecting the conversation away from that onto their petty issues with the "defund" slogan? Have dumbass anarchistic whites use the protests as cover to LARP the LARP they've always dreamed of LARPING? And remember, that was all under conditions exacerbated by pandemic shutdowns. Working class people could finally take to the streets because, well, they weren't really working. We will not get that opportunity again for another lifetime.

Thus, we need to find ways to more efficiently direct civil ire onto those directly responsible for their woes. One idea I suggest is really, indeed, to roll up on the private homes of Republicans (preferably unarmed). They weren't really scared of what happened last year because some kid burning down a police station in a town they were never going to be in because of how Black it is doesn't really affect them. If nothing else, it's just red meat to the base- look at how they still stupidly think places like Portland were "burnt down" and literally don't exist as they once did anymore. But remember how caught off guard Darren Wilson was when they found his ass, and how they scrambled the troops? That was scary to them.

We need to start actually finding Republicans at this point. And yeah, I know the liberals won't like it because it's unbecoming. But I don't really care what liberals think because they're not after results.

Yikes. Brb, firing off a quick e-mail to MOBA networks.

Although I will admit I randomly had the fleeting thought last night that we need to fundamentally change the nature of how protesting operates. We spent untold amounts of energy and money last year just to, what? Ultimately get one cop out of thousands of cops with flagrant records of abuse and murder convicted?

who could've predicted this :idont

"we've tried being peaceful for so long with no change, we've done sit-ins and marches and get no results, it's time to get violent and destroy our local target that the disadvantaged in our community rely on for daily necessities, but fuck them because PEOPLE matter more than BUILDINGS"

"oh wait burning it down solved nothing except causing my cousin to lose his job and subsequently his apartment"



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7926 on: November 17, 2021, 03:15:57 PM »
Nepnep probably thinks the Black Panthers are a furry group  :lol


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7927 on: November 17, 2021, 03:18:09 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

The "blueprints" of the Black Panther Party was forming a paramilitary and getting into a street war with the police. "We dropped all that for their free breakfast program" is certainly one "2021 consideration" but I don't think it'll satisfy Nepenthe's desires.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7928 on: November 17, 2021, 03:22:56 PM »
This is going to end up with Nepenthe joining the New Black Panther Party which is a Nation of Islam front group. (Especially when she finds out they put a bounty out on George Zimmerman.)

Joe Molotov

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7929 on: November 17, 2021, 03:23:07 PM »
Time to roll up to Republicans' private houses (preferably unarmed) and serve them breakfast.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7930 on: November 17, 2021, 03:28:29 PM »
This is going to end up with Nepenthe joining the New Black Panther Party which is a Nation of Islam front group. (Especially when she finds out they put a bounty out on George Zimmerman.)

i'm sure her furry ass will find much acceptance among the islamists  :lol :lol :lol

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7931 on: November 17, 2021, 03:36:26 PM »
Time to roll up to Republicans' private houses (preferably unarmed) and serve them breakfast.

but the breakfast isn't very nice :rollsafe


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7932 on: November 17, 2021, 03:39:45 PM »
"Free Breakfast (we spit in Republicans though)"

Tuckers Law

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7933 on: November 17, 2021, 04:14:45 PM »
android Sophia:
(Content Warning: Disability, discrimination, politics, death, COVID, and a bunch of related topics. This was really hard for me to write with my current neurocognitive issues, and I had to stop more than once to gather my thoughts and prevent myself from crying. Even now, there are warning alarms going off in my head as I type this out. I feel this needs to be said, but I completely understand if you need to skip it. I tried to make the last paragraph as safe as I could, if you just want to read the end.)
Quote from: Android Sophia
I am plural. This is tough to discuss, and even harder to explain. It's what some folks might call "multiple personalities", although I dislike that term and it's kind of offensive. I share my body with four others, and we work together as one to live. This isn't some sort of disorder, or something that needs fixing. It is simply who we are, and another aspect of our collective identity.


Trans people fucking die, that's what happens. This year has been one of the deadliest years on record, and every year we have to dedicate a day just to remember those who have been killed. Because if we didn't remember them, then society sure as hell would forget them.

As I said in my previous post, the last two years have been eye-opening. And these thoughts, especially the fact that this has been such a deadly year, weigh on me.


 You cannot have women's rights without also ensuring the rights of trans women too. And if ALL black lives matter to you, then black trans lives also need to matter. There are so many different ways in which class, race, gender, sex, as well as disability intersect with each other. We can't live our lives without your help, and we can't fight this sociopolitical battle that's trying to take everything from us on our own. So in order to one day have a world where trans people don't have to fear discrimination, face stigma, or deal with the reality of a society that wants us excluded and dead, we need you to stand with us.
She needs to escape the catastrophic cult she has attached herself to and pursue proper mental health assistance.

At this point I just assume anyone that self-identifies as plural is in actuality trying to paper over the fact that they’re prone to frequent and wildly pronounced mood swings somewhere within the spectrum of insufferable bitch to overly dramatic sensie.

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7934 on: November 17, 2021, 04:29:32 PM »
Assuming plurals is the next civil rights battle, that's going to be a mess.  If people have trouble wrapping their heads around gender dysphoria, just wait until they find out about plural systems which a chunk of the medical world doesn't even believe is a thing.

That's of course assuming the whole thing doesn't just flame out like otherkin did.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7935 on: November 17, 2021, 04:31:05 PM »
At this point I just assume anyone that self-identifies as plural is in actuality trying to paper over the fact that they’re prone to frequent and wildly pronounced mood swings somewhere within the spectrum of insufferable bitch to overly dramatic sensie.
We need to make it a fad to get diagnosed with (and treated for) borderline personality disorder.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7936 on: November 17, 2021, 04:35:07 PM »
This is going to end up with Nepenthe joining the New Black Panther Party which is a Nation of Islam front group. (Especially when she finds out they put a bounty out on George Zimmerman.)

That would require an effort on her part.  And last time I checked those groups are not looking to recruit midget furries who have solid middle class jobs but a shitty car loan.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7937 on: November 17, 2021, 04:46:07 PM »

oof yikes how do I report this ad in Tel Aviv for xenophobia?

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7938 on: November 17, 2021, 04:47:48 PM »
Assuming plurals is the next civil rights battle, that's going to be a mess.  If people have trouble wrapping their heads around gender dysphoria, just wait until they find out about plural systems which a chunk of the medical world doesn't even believe is a thing.

That's of course assuming the whole thing doesn't just flame out like otherkin did.

Otherkin kind of morphed and merged into plural stuff to some extent, though--plural Twitter is chock full of systems that are like 20 different people, 4 of which are fictional characters, 3   are non-human, 1 randomly ageslides around, and all of which are some form of LGBTQIA+++.

If plural systems want to be the next civil rights fight, there'll have to be some kind of epic gatekeeping war first because there's a whole mess of stuff plural Twitter embraces that the broader trans community isn't going to want to be associated with.

Like plural stuff in a lot of ways has the same energy as this old era thread which was locked for potentially detracting from real trans issues:
Quote from: Windrunner
This isn't a thing so we shouldn't entertain any discussions regarding it lest it take attention away from or belittle the experiences of trans and non-binary people.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7939 on: November 17, 2021, 04:55:11 PM »

oof yikes how do I report this ad in Tel Aviv for xenophobia?

She says that but aren't we forgetting she's Israeli?  Like a certain person named Gal Gadot!


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7940 on: November 17, 2021, 05:27:17 PM »
Assuming plurals is the next civil rights battle, that's going to be a mess.  If people have trouble wrapping their heads around gender dysphoria, just wait until they find out about plural systems which a chunk of the medical world doesn't even believe is a thing.

That's of course assuming the whole thing doesn't just flame out like otherkin did.

Otherkin kind of morphed and merged into plural stuff to some extent, though--plural Twitter is chock full of systems that are like 20 different people, 4 of which are fictional characters, 3   are non-human, 1 randomly ageslides around, and all of which are some form of LGBTQIA+++.

If plural systems want to be the next civil rights fight, there'll have to be some kind of epic gatekeeping war first because there's a whole mess of stuff plural Twitter embraces that the broader trans community isn't going to want to be associated with.

Like plural stuff in a lot of ways has the same energy as this old era thread which was locked for potentially detracting from real trans issues:
Quote from: Windrunner
This isn't a thing so we shouldn't entertain any discussions regarding it lest it take attention away from or belittle the experiences of trans and non-binary people.

last time I looked into plurals I wandered into some forum or subreddit that was obsessed with bashing plurals...from the viewpoint of other plurals who were convinced the other people were larping and not real plurals

I think the battle was plurals vs. tulpas?  or real tulpas vs. fake ones?

this wasn't it but this is a representative sample

No offense to those at r/Tulpas but I get this weird feeling over there that a lot of them are faking it. Personally I feel that if you have to force it, it isn't real and is just you fooling yourself into thinking it is someone else. This sub wasn't around then, but I wish it were. Looking through the posts here, you all seem more in tune with reality. Not quite how I want to put that but I have a migraine right now and can't words at the moment.

Oh boy. Pinging /u/hail_fall, /u/BloodyKitten. They have tulpas and they can tell you exactly how real they are.

I'll reply more in depth later about why this is a highly illogical stance when my irritable side recedes and I'm prone to be nicer, but I will say this--this attitude is not endorsed here, or by the vast majority of plurals outside the tumblr SJW mess, any more than if you replace "tulpas" with "fictives" or "splits" or what have you.

-- Falah

EDIT: I apologize for the acidity. Some things of mine I will disclose:

I know a tulpamancer who's been suicidal for a long time now, and if it weren't for her tulpa, she'd be six feet under by now. I also know a lot of tulpamancers who aren't in that condition, but whose tulpas have helped them out immensely and helped them become better people.

We've been in the tulpamancy community for well over a year and in multiplicity since January. Before we found out we were multiple, we thought we were a tulpamancy system. We made a lot of friends there, we helped a lot of people, we wrote a lot of theories, we managed all sorts of logistics. (We still are very active there.) Our only experience with multiplicity before December were idiot tumblr multiples harassing us and our friends and telling us we were "less real", that we were "faking", that we were "appropriating" them (the hell?). If it wasn't for /u/hail_fall and /u/BloodyKitten I would have developed a deep-set and powerful loathing of multiples as a group, or at least a very strong aversion. Fortunately, I met them and they, Hail especially, showed me the actual face of plurality-at-large. Unfortunately, there's a lot of tulpamancers who haven't had that experience, and it's been an uphill fight against those biases, on educating the community on what plurality and multiplicity really is along with spreading information on tumblr for the multiples there who are reasonable, just misinformed. Pardon the knee-jerk reflex, that was too harsh of me.

(Bless you, /u/CambrianCrew, you are such a better person than I am. <3)

Now, to edit in the sources on why I find it illogical to consider tulpas less real... Here we go. I have trouble thinking in a linear manner (imagine many webs overlapping each other), so I apologize in advance for the rambling.

The main idea is this--not only is there nothing at all saying that plurality cannot be consciously induced, there's also plenty of precedents that exist that support plurality being consciously inducible. On top of that, there is no actual metric of "realness" in plurality.

The precedents first. The most striking cases would be those of fiction writers. There's many accounts of authors writing a character so much and knowing their personality so well that one day, their character just up and talks back without their prompting. While this might not appear related to tulpamancy at first, if you consider that creating a character is essentially a form of unaware forcing (building a personality, and fleshing them out by running them through all sorts of scenarios and conversations), then you can see how it is possible to create a systemmate without knowing you're doing so--it stands to reason that they can be created deliberately through similar methods, too. (Some soulbonds actually fall under this category. They're characters that their writer gets deeply attached to, or someone else's characters who a person develops an intense attachment to, wishes they were present, internalizes their personality and mannerisms until they essentially coalesce into a systemmate.) We also have cases of spirit possession rituals around the world, in which "spirits" are called into people via trance and music. One of the interesting things about one such practice, zar possession, is that these "spirits" never leave their hosts. Once possessed, always possessed--and a key part of the practice is the host and spirit(s) developing a healthy dynamic. Humans are very hypnotizable, detachable beings.

But how do we tell that the entities created from writing (ignoring for a moment that soulbonds are part of multiplicity), from these rituals, and from tulpamancy are "real"? The fact is, you can't--and you also can't prove that any other kind of plural is "really" plural and not just a singlet "fooling themselves into thinking they're multiple people." Hell, by some people's reckoning, all plurals are delusional no matter where the plurality comes from. I've had long, still-ongoing arguments with people about this, with people who are dead set on seeing plurality as a delusion and nothing else, and they'll spin even that study about only a few members in a system being able to see as "just an extreme delusion." The heart of the matter is that personhood--the capacity to be conscious of the world and oneself and experience subjectivity--is an abstract, philosophical concept, not something that can be measured physically. Even if you try and use the psychosomatic studies I mentioned as a benchmark for plurality, that wouldn't work--psychosomatic shifts are not a requirement for plurality, and by doing that you'd not only exclude some tulpamancers, but a ton of multiples.

Note that I said some tulpamancers. Plenty I know experience shifts to some extent. One I know personally has a sensory disorder that causes her to vomit if she eats certain kinds of food, but I've seen her tulpa eat those foods without those issues. Another system has uncontrolled switching when they take certain kinds of medications. Another system who's been a system for decades has strange reactions to anesthesia--the original and most of the others in the system will get knocked out, but another tulpa will get dragged to the front and be semi-conscious (though unable to feel anything or remember it later) for the duration of the anesthesia. Dentists have observed him moving and trying to talk. From what I've observed, it correlates with the amount of time the system has been plural, with older systems having more pronounced shifts. If we couple that with the fact that it's possible to create a system member without realizing it, then from this we can conclude that even if there are people on the subreddit who aren't "actually" plural, they will become plural in time. Couple that with the fact that there's no way to tell whether someone's "actually" plural or not aside from personal bias (which is again not a reliable measure, since personal bias can paint all plurals as "fake"), and the most practical recourse is to be respectful of systems regardless their origin, and to judge them based upon unbiased looks at their behavior and not how they originate. Shea (CambrianCrew) said it very well.

I'd put in a thing about how some kinds of multiplicity can be argued to be accidental tulpas, and accidental tulpas and even some deliberate tulpas could be argued to be multiplicity, but that'll probably cause this post to overflow. Point is, the lines are blurry too, which makes distinguishing one side as less or more real even more arbitrary.

Overall, I agree with Loony-Brain. We're all insane to the outside world, and heavily stigmatized regardless of our origin--none of us are in a position to be picking at each other over who's more "sane", "real", or what have you.

...And there you have it! /drops mic


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7941 on: November 17, 2021, 05:28:44 PM »
benji you're doing good work on the ground


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7942 on: November 17, 2021, 05:38:34 PM »
I dare you to read 5 random threads on the front page here

 :dizzy :ohhh :anhuld :phil


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7943 on: November 17, 2021, 05:50:16 PM »
benji you're doing good work on the ground

The only part of that sentence I agree with is the use of the word 'ground'.

team filler

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7944 on: November 17, 2021, 05:53:10 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7945 on: November 17, 2021, 06:02:35 PM »
How the fuck is there this much evidence of the guy being a fucking racist murdering scumbag in existence yet somehow hasn't been found guilty yet. What the fuck is the justice system
Are you just now realizing how America works?
This post works. But not in the way she wanted it to.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7946 on: November 17, 2021, 08:04:56 PM »
It's amazing how someone as radical as NepNep somehow managed to avoid going to any protests last year. Even when the mob was right down her street while she was worrying about property damage, and getting to work on time


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7947 on: November 17, 2021, 08:06:09 PM »
Are the video ads that take up a third of the mobile screen a new thing since the purchase?

If so, has there been suitable bitching about them? Because they suck!


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7948 on: November 17, 2021, 08:07:30 PM »
Saw a photo of the tiny Rittenhouse protests outside the courthouse on Twitter, the Bob Avakian dudes are there with all their material.



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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7949 on: November 17, 2021, 08:26:49 PM »
Are the video ads that take up a third of the mobile screen a new thing since the purchase?

If so, has there been suitable bitching about them? Because they suck!
As far as I know, yes, they are new.

No, they have meekly accepted their new Scandinavian overlords with barely a peep.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7950 on: November 17, 2021, 08:37:49 PM »
The Resetera and Alex Jones crossover is looking hype.



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7951 on: November 17, 2021, 08:45:58 PM »
The music in that video is actually pretty sick  :leon


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7952 on: November 17, 2021, 09:04:06 PM »

Quote from: Nepnep
Have dumbass anarchistic whites use the protests as cover to LARP the LARP they've always dreamed of LARPING?

It's amazing how they simultaneously argue that Rittenhouse is automatically racist, while also arguing that dumbass anarchistic whites are using the protests as cover. Couldn't the people using the protests as cover be the group he opposed? Especially considering who was, in fact, shot.

It's also ironic that they hate the rule of law, when the rule of law probably increases the chances of conviction. Yes, Rittenhouse said things that could make him look worse, but carrying that gun to the protest already leads to the same perception that learning more about him would lead to. You don't need to know anything else to believe that it was inherently provocative enough to disallow self defense. Rosenbaum literally raped children who were as young as 9. He attempted suicide and exclaimed "shoot me (n-word)". He threatened to kill Rittenhouse. Allowing in all their history is probably a net benefit to Rittenhouse because there is less change for his perception. It changes the perception of the event when you know the guy chasing him was a suicidal child rapist.

Don Rumata

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7953 on: November 17, 2021, 09:25:41 PM »
The music in that video is actually pretty sick  :leon
Some Deus Ex shit, you know Alex Jones would make for a great voice actor in a game like that.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7954 on: November 18, 2021, 01:50:54 AM »

Quote from: Nepnep
Have dumbass anarchistic whites use the protests as cover to LARP the LARP they've always dreamed of LARPING?

It's amazing how they simultaneously argue that Rittenhouse is automatically racist, while also arguing that dumbass anarchistic whites are using the protests as cover. Couldn't the people using the protests as cover be the group he opposed? Especially considering who was, in fact, shot.

It's also ironic that they hate the rule of law, when the rule of law probably increases the chances of conviction. Yes, Rittenhouse said things that could make him look worse, but carrying that gun to the protest already leads to the same perception that learning more about him would lead to. You don't need to know anything else to believe that it was inherently provocative enough to disallow self defense. Rosenbaum literally raped children who were as young as 9. He attempted suicide and exclaimed "shoot me (n-word)". He threatened to kill Rittenhouse. Allowing in all their history is probably a net benefit to Rittenhouse because there is less change for his perception. It changes the perception of the event when you know the guy chasing him was a suicidal child rapist.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7955 on: November 18, 2021, 05:43:40 AM »
If one saving grace came out of the Pandemic is was day 1 blockbuster viewing in the comfort of your own home.

+ Big Screen/IMAX
+ "Experience"
+ Immersive
- Other people
- Noise from other people
- Phone screens
- Pricy
- Dirty at times
- Other people (again)
- Set times
- Have to wear clothes

+ Only people I want there
+ Clean
+ Subtitles and Pausing optional extras
+ All the food I can store
+ No one to be concerned about
+ Ad Hoc viewing
+ Increased comfot
- Smaller Screen (But I'm closer if I want)
- Audio might be worse

My favourite film experience of the year was going to a friends, getting Black Widow on D+, ordering some food and spending quality time together. In comparison we have been to the cinema 5 times since then and it's been entirely mundane and sometimes annoying with phone screens out the corner of my eye or people talking and coughing and more rigid seating and limited snacks etc. The experience in a cinema isn't as appealing as the idea of staying in and the ONLY draw is that I get to see the movies sooner.

I know I'm a hermit but is this an unpopular opinion. It feels like one drastically outweighs the other for me.


Half this forum thinks the movie theatre is a soul sucking succubus defended only by uptight asshole selfish artists and their anti-consumer sycophants

I am with you OP - if they started to provide movies day 1 for home viewing for a decent price I am all for it. You would have to sacrifice the huge IMAX screens and the booming sound system of the cinema, but the ~5 or so times I have been to the movies this year (the first time since the pandemic started) have showed me once again that I basically hate all people I don't know LOL.

My impression is that most of the people go to the cinema not to watch movies but to socialise, talk with others, flip out their phones, make crunchy noises with their food and other annoying stuff. That is a completely different demographic than people who want to "experience" the movie itself like you and me.

What also sours me on the cinemas currently is that where I live, you have to wear an FFP2 mask during the showing, which is not comfortable at all, especially if you also have to wear the 3D glasses.
I prefer watching movies at home, but never really had a bad experience at the cinema either. Noone's on their phone, noone is making any unnecessary noise and noone claps like an idiot because I'm not American.
I'm with you on that OP. I stopped going to cinema way before pandemic hit - mostly because of people who don't understand that it's not a private show for one person and there are also other viewers around who paid for watching a movie. Fuckin' cellphone addicts, those who just can't shut the fuck up, people who come to cinema to eat... yeah, thank you very much.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7956 on: November 18, 2021, 06:32:57 AM »
i'm gonna reach and read the worst thing possible out of those posts (the resetera way) and conclude that the real reason those posters hate the cinemas is because they are racists who hate and fear the stereotypical 'noisy african american gentleman enjoying a film' and that none of them are, infact, slick :rollsafe


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7957 on: November 18, 2021, 06:54:05 AM »
Messy goes into the trans thread and somehow makes it all about himself as usual.

Beautiful OP, Kyuuji!

In solidarity with LGBTQIA+ folks ✊🏾

As a cis hetero man, I'm constantly learning and improving others' knowledge and systems from work colleagues in the NHS to family and friends. Despite UK being TERF island, have to give respect for all the people working hard to change that. If it weren't for the people here and the previous place, YouTubers, people on social media, working with and helping LGBTQIA+ folks, I wouldn't have learned so much, so thank you for all the amazing work!

This guy has such a great talent for making it about him, whilst at the same time not being entirely truthful as he's no Ally, he's actively keeping a poor woman hostage in an arranged marriage


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7958 on: November 18, 2021, 07:27:59 AM »

Wtf. They straight up be Pepe Silaving themselves.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7959 on: November 18, 2021, 07:35:19 AM »
I have been reading the plural subreddit and my mind is melting. What happened to the one on resetera haven't seen anything from them in ages.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7960 on: November 18, 2021, 07:46:29 AM »

Quote from: PersonAndStuff
Is UK like the US? Where white nationalism and Christian wacko are the majority of terrorists. But it only gets called terrorism when it is Islamic.

This cat would never believe the image that 'terrorist' brought up to UK kids in the eighties.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7961 on: November 18, 2021, 07:49:22 AM »

Quote from: PersonAndStuff
Is UK like the US? Where white nationalism and Christian wacko are the majority of terrorists. But it only gets called terrorism when it is Islamic.

This cat would never believe the image that 'terrorist' brought up to UK kids in the eighties.

Potato eating nonces :D

Exhibit A:

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7962 on: November 18, 2021, 07:50:49 AM »
I dare you to read 5 random threads on the front page here

 :dizzy :ohhh :anhuld :phil

I hate you

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7963 on: November 18, 2021, 08:04:09 AM »
Messy goes into the trans thread and somehow makes it all about himself as usual.

Beautiful OP, Kyuuji!

In solidarity with LGBTQIA+ folks ✊🏾

As a cis hetero man, I'm constantly learning and improving others' knowledge and systems from work colleagues in the NHS to family and friends. Despite UK being TERF island, have to give respect for all the people working hard to change that. If it weren't for the people here and the previous place, YouTubers, people on social media, working with and helping LGBTQIA+ folks, I wouldn't have learned so much, so thank you for all the amazing work!

This guy has such a great talent for making it about him, whilst at the same time not being entirely truthful as he's no Ally, he's actively keeping a poor woman hostage in an arranged marriage

On TERF island too :society

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I've hunted down 6 non binaries, 12 trans and 14 asexuals this week, I'm in line for a commendation from Colonel Rowling :ego


  • Senior Member
Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7964 on: November 18, 2021, 08:11:47 AM »
Like the title says, what are some funny things that have happened to your headmates? (while fronting or while in the innerworld)

What made me want to ask this is yesterday Aether (unnamed headmate. his new name) was in the front and got called "pretty" by a guy in his 50s-60s. Aether is a straight bi-questioning cis male in his young 20s. You can most likely guess, but this was very awkward, he just laughed at it later but it was quite awkward to be in, even just watching it happen felt awkward (i was watching from co-con at the time) We've both been just laughing about it today since i brought it up again.

And to make more sense of what happened. We know this guy, (the person has know us since we were a child) and the body is FtM but we're still closted. (most headmates are ether masc or non-binary leaning. so we decided to transition the body to masc/non-binary since me and Emily would be the only ones somewhat uncomfortable and both of us rarely front)

I don't know if this is what schizos deal with every day or if it's just weird bullshit


  • Senior Member
Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7965 on: November 18, 2021, 08:13:20 AM »
My headmate banged my wife, ngl things are pretty awkward at home right now.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7966 on: November 18, 2021, 08:14:44 AM »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7967 on: November 18, 2021, 08:21:22 AM »

Quote from: PersonAndStuff
Is UK like the US? Where white nationalism and Christian wacko are the majority of terrorists. But it only gets called terrorism when it is Islamic.

This cat would never believe the image that 'terrorist' brought up to UK kids in the eighties.

Terrorism was invented in september 2001, silly :wag

also related to US citizens tut-tutting why immigration in Europe is a Hot Topic;
Number of refugees let into the US in 2021 under left wing government: ~11k
Number of refugees let into the UK in 2021 under right wing government: ~10k



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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7968 on: November 18, 2021, 08:32:53 AM »

What's interesting about this is I'm going through The Dark Tower again. I just finished the 2nd one where Roland meets Odetta, and everything that girl is describing is pretty much how King describes it. He must've done a shit load of research on it


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7969 on: November 18, 2021, 08:47:26 AM »

Quote from: PersonAndStuff
Is UK like the US? Where white nationalism and Christian wacko are the majority of terrorists. But it only gets called terrorism when it is Islamic.

This cat would never believe the image that 'terrorist' brought up to UK kids in the eighties.

These yanks don't half talk some fucking shite sometimes.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7970 on: November 18, 2021, 09:10:30 AM »
Messy goes into the trans thread and somehow makes it all about himself as usual.

Beautiful OP, Kyuuji!

In solidarity with LGBTQIA+ folks ✊🏾

As a cis hetero man, I'm constantly learning and improving others' knowledge and systems from work colleagues in the NHS to family and friends. Despite UK being TERF island, have to give respect for all the people working hard to change that. If it weren't for the people here and the previous place, YouTubers, people on social media, working with and helping LGBTQIA+ folks, I wouldn't have learned so much, so thank you for all the amazing work!

This guy has such a great talent for making it about him, whilst at the same time not being entirely truthful as he's no Ally, he's actively keeping a poor woman hostage in an arranged marriage

On TERF island too :society

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I've hunted down 6 non binaries, 12 trans and 14 asexuals this week, I'm in line for a commendation from Colonel Rowling :ego

we can meet up and double the beatings.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7971 on: November 18, 2021, 09:11:24 AM »

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7972 on: November 18, 2021, 09:17:35 AM »
I dare you to read 5 random threads on the front page here

 :dizzy :ohhh :anhuld :phil

A willogenic system is a system that was purposely created, or willed into existence, through psychological or spiritual means. It is a term for purposefully created systems that is not connected to parogenic systems or tulpa systems, due to the controversy of tulpamancy. Due to the nature of the term, it does not encompass systems that consider themselves to have used tulpamancy to create their system.

We need to "teach the controversy" on Tulpamancy. Maybe it'll bring TVC back.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7973 on: November 18, 2021, 09:18:53 AM »

team filler

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7974 on: November 18, 2021, 09:22:42 AM »

girl with red shoes is hot, which one of her personalities takes it in the ass  :rash


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7975 on: November 18, 2021, 09:24:04 AM »

girl with red shoes is hot, which one of her personalities takes it in the ass  :rash


team filler

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7976 on: November 18, 2021, 09:31:13 AM »

had such a crush on her back in the day tbh  :heart

team filler

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7977 on: November 18, 2021, 09:32:24 AM »
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 09:37:20 AM by team filler »

team filler

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7978 on: November 18, 2021, 09:49:41 AM »


  • Junior Member
Re: Off-Site Discussion: Salty Crackers
« Reply #7979 on: November 18, 2021, 09:57:04 AM »

Was at the Chiefs/Raiders game and jawing back and forth with those filthy fans. After Tyreek Hill's scores I asked them how do you cheer for a guy that broke his kid's arm and beat the child's mother? They just pointed at the scoreboard.
  :heh He really brought his REE to an NFL game.

The NFL might not be the place to be if you're on a high horse supporting only high moral, law-abiding individuals. His Raiders just had to disown a guy after tearing down the street at 156mph, killing someone.