Author Topic: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.  (Read 2100321 times)

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19381 on: August 10, 2022, 08:53:03 AM »
Nathan for You is probably better, though some of the episode are way better than others, the first epiosde of Nathan for You is probably the weakest. I'd probably watch Claw of Shame if you want a crash course in Nathan Fielder is all about.

Claw of Shame is conceptually the funniest (especially because the adults are all taking it super seriously as basically sexual assault of minors and the kids all think a dudes trousers maybe getting pulled down is the funniest shit) but I think the best 'gateway' to what its about is the Gas Rebate episode and the absolute mentalism of what people will do to maybe save a few bucks on their petrol (that they then don't even get  :lol )


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19382 on: August 10, 2022, 02:17:29 PM »
Better Call Saul is so good :lawd


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19383 on: August 10, 2022, 02:23:41 PM »
Yeah, I can't believe it all ends next week.

It's been great watching the aftermath of BB now its transitioned away from flashbacks and where Kim has ended up is pretty heartbreaking.
Saul is not the good guy hero of the show, even though the show is about him, and its pretty much brutally hammering that home. There's no redemption arc here.

A lot of people were shit talking Chuck when he was the 'antagonist', but its pretty clear


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19384 on: August 10, 2022, 02:55:28 PM »
Okay Sandman thoughts;

 - The visuals. I dunno what this cost, but it generally looks great. Some really imaginative little set pieces.
 - Jenna Colman as Lady Johanna Constantine was great, looking forward to her French Revolution episode if this gets renewed.
 - Foreshadowing Game Of You with Martin Tenbones (and really cool he was voiced by Lenny Henry who was critical in getting Neverwhere greenlit as a TV show way back when)
 - Merv Pumpkinhead was perfect, and another string in Mark Hamills VA bow

 - Lucienne; maybe its just I read the character differently. To me, Lucien is Dreams Alfred, and they might snark a bit but they're ultimately always there for them no matter what, because they too are entirely motivated by responsibility and the weight of obligation. Maybe its just because I wanted them to cast Anthony Stewart Head to reprise Giles :thinking
 - Making the Corinthian the season arc 'big bad' from the get go - I guess this is to make it more TV friendly? I can kind of understand it, but then the actual showdown is a damp squib, because it sticks to the comics and hes not a 'big bad', hes just another ripple of cause and effect of Dreams imprisonment.
 - Having Matthew provide the inspiration for the winning move in the Game against Lucifer; on the one hand, its kind of inspired to have him say what he says when he does, because it shows Dream doesn't fully understand humanity, but he can recognise certain aspects of it. On the other hand, it undermines Dream doing this on his own terms.
 - Not really a fan of Lucifers portrayal; just wasn't menacing enough when they were trying to be scary, and wasn't charismatic enough when they were feigning being the gracious host. It might be just because I've recently been watching Prodigal Son where Michael Sheen does exactly this juggling act as not-Hannibal Lecter, but thats the kind of performance I would have liked to see.

 - Jenna Colman as Not-John Constantine; fucking awful, its like a posh bird trying to act cool at a student party.
 - Jed Walker was really shit. Kid actors are kid actors, but he was also written to go full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. He almost deserved to get Funlanded.
 - Hector / Lyta Hall, and the implications it has for the Kindly Ones (I'll explain if anyone cares, but its full comic spoilers)

Structurally, it was weird; pacing was all front loaded (maybe deliberate as the first few eps of a streaming show are what gets reviewed and what starts the buzz) and the minor nods to TV it up weren't enough.
At the same time, some real important shit was lost trying to divorce it from being comic booky - Dr Destiny just came across as a sad old man with mummy issues, he wasn't really given much in the way of being a menace, or of doing what he does outside of 'truth'. Making him the son of Burgess didn't do anything either - tbh, if they wanted to scrap him being a super villain from arkham asylum (which in a comic book says all you fucking need to know) they might as well have just merged him with Burgess other son, which would have given him some actual on screen backstory.
It also didn't help I kept thinking of the Shame Wizard from Big Mouth when he kept going on about shame the truth.

They really pussed out on the Diner episode. It should have been an exploration of the depths humanity can sink to when pushed, but mostly ended up as self inflicted soapy melodrama. There was no real sense that the world was seriously out of whack and going to shit because of Dr Destinys hijacking of Dreams power.

I loved seeing Hob Gadling and their burgeoning friendship, but again, as good as it was, it fucked with the pacing. If they wanted to sell Desire as the 'real' big bad (as the epilogue tries to set up hoping for that Season 2) they could have compare + contrasted Dreams relationship with Death and their bet on Hob, with Dreams relationship with Desire and their bet on Emperor Norton, even though thats later in the books.

I also think they're kind of screwing themselves over for people who aren't already fans; they could have pitched it as an anthology series and slowly revealed its all connected as you watch and had multiple character viewpoints with the eponymous Sandman acting as Narrator until he pops up within the actual story. You can see how they could have done this with the existing episodes, but as the book continues and there are more and more stories where Dream is barely fucking there (if he even shows up) is gonna be weird for a TV show.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19385 on: August 10, 2022, 03:06:44 PM »
Good breakdown.

Yeah if it gets a S2, I expect some massive narrative structure rehauls to make it work for this new TV audience that will expect Morpheus in every ep. Hell, I feel like he was already in The Doll House arc way more than the comic and people still complained he wasn't in it enough.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19386 on: August 10, 2022, 04:17:06 PM »
Yeah, I can't believe it all ends next week.

It's been great watching the aftermath of BB now its transitioned away from flashbacks and where Kim has ended up is pretty heartbreaking.
Saul is not the good guy hero of the show, even though the show is about him, and its pretty much brutally hammering that home. There's no redemption arc here.

A lot of people were shit talking Chuck when he was the 'antagonist', but its pretty clear
(Image removed from quote.)
Yep. Season 1 Jimmy made it hard to remember how much of a piece of shit Saul became. Unbelievable show.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19388 on: August 11, 2022, 12:04:59 AM »
Everyone says Westworld Season 4 is great...

So I started watching Season 3 that everyone hates, and the first 2 episodes were pretty damn good.

And holy shit at the budget, Singapore, Los Angeles, Valencia... thse fuckers filmed everywhere they could find a cool looking building.

spoiler (click to show/hide) could you pay to be a nazi for a week? Because the implications of that sure are something


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19389 on: August 11, 2022, 07:32:02 AM »
I really liked Breaking Bad, but I watched the first season of Saul Goodman and I honestly dont care for it at all. Just boring.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19390 on: August 11, 2022, 01:12:53 PM »
I really liked Breaking Bad, but I watched the first season of Saul Goodman and I honestly dont care for it at all. Just boring.

This is where I'm at.

I tried to keep up when it first came out, and I was like, no sir, no thank you.

Ironically, it was mainly because I know the main BB threads weren't gonna bleed into better caul saul (according to the writers).

Apparently they started going just that, and because of that I want to watch it even less.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19391 on: August 11, 2022, 02:58:51 PM »
I really liked Breaking Bad, but I watched the first season of Saul Goodman and I honestly dont care for it at all. Just boring.

BCS gets so damn good though


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19392 on: August 11, 2022, 03:03:30 PM »
BCS is the better show.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19393 on: August 15, 2022, 09:58:07 PM »
As someone who has never been exposed to The Sandman outside of seeing a couple of graphic novel covers online, the show is excellent.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19394 on: August 15, 2022, 10:03:31 PM »
WestWorld totally lost the plot and squandered what had been an incredibly tight, interesting season.

Every previous season finale left me at least a little excited and intrigued for what's next. Not this time.

I have a fear shmaltzy faux-Delores x Teddy stuff is gonna be what closes out the season


And it wasn't even Teddy, it was faux-Teddy too. Wtf are these writers doing anymore

Bernard being The Oracle is cute enough for now but if it goes on much longer without being "broken" ("I didn't see that coming!", etc.) I think it'll get annoying. The writers are basically writing in a huge deus ex machina and the storyteller in me doesn't care for it much. Plus it kinda feels like they're showing off how smart they are a little when it's not smart at all (just write backwards... Death Note takes the concept and actually makes it well-written, as a counter-example).

I don't know if it's laziness or lack of creativity, but Bernard's Oracle abilities boiling down to a vlog on an iPad and a single hidden handgun in the Hoover Dam is... goddamn, what's the word for exasperating but totally expected?


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19395 on: August 15, 2022, 10:08:54 PM »
WestWorld totally lost the plot and squandered what had been an incredibly tight, interesting season.

Every previous season finale left me at least a little excited and intrigued for what's next. Not this time.

I have a fear shmaltzy faux-Delores x Teddy stuff is gonna be what closes out the season


And it wasn't even Teddy, it was faux-Teddy too. Wtf are these writers doing anymore

Bernard being The Oracle is cute enough for now but if it goes on much longer without being "broken" ("I didn't see that coming!", etc.) I think it'll get annoying. The writers are basically writing in a huge deus ex machina and the storyteller in me doesn't care for it much. Plus it kinda feels like they're showing off how smart they are a little when it's not smart at all (just write backwards... Death Note takes the concept and actually makes it well-written, as a counter-example).

I don't know if it's laziness or lack of creativity, but Bernard's Oracle abilities boiling down to a vlog on an iPad and a single hidden handgun in the Hoover Dam is... goddamn, what's the word for exasperating but totally expected?


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19396 on: August 15, 2022, 10:15:53 PM »
Close but a slightly more annoyed aftertaste.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19397 on: August 16, 2022, 05:47:35 AM »
Better Call Saul went out nicely. Satisfied with the ending and it was an appropriate end for the character.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19398 on: August 16, 2022, 02:53:47 PM »
Really satisfying conclusion to BCS.

Really clever how it shows flashbacks to the three people most responsible for him ultimately becoming Saul, and with two of them he has a conversation about Time Machines as an allegory for regret, with his own answers changing each time, based on his relatioonship with them.

The third person, probably the one who affected him most deeply and cemented his path, suggests they talk, but Saul blows him off suggesting they have nothing to talk about, then leaves.

And that person then picks up a copy of H.G. Wells The Time Machine.



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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19399 on: August 16, 2022, 03:08:04 PM »
Almost done with Bloodline, it's really suspenseful and I can't stop watching.
It could've been better, but it's definitely not bad.

Polident Hive

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19400 on: August 16, 2022, 05:03:18 PM »
WestWorld totally lost the plot and squandered what had been an incredibly tight, interesting season.

Every previous season finale left me at least a little excited and intrigued for what's next. Not this time.

I have a fear shmaltzy faux-Delores x Teddy stuff is gonna be what closes out the season


And it wasn't even Teddy, it was faux-Teddy too. Wtf are these writers doing anymore

Bernard being The Oracle is cute enough for now but if it goes on much longer without being "broken" ("I didn't see that coming!", etc.) I think it'll get annoying. The writers are basically writing in a huge deus ex machina and the storyteller in me doesn't care for it much. Plus it kinda feels like they're showing off how smart they are a little when it's not smart at all (just write backwards... Death Note takes the concept and actually makes it well-written, as a counter-example).

I don't know if it's laziness or lack of creativity, but Bernard's Oracle abilities boiling down to a vlog on an iPad and a single hidden handgun in the Hoover Dam is... goddamn, what's the word for exasperating but totally expected?

Little bit dipping into conspiracy theories. Between how rushed it was and the uncharacteristically bad vfx, left wondering if the diminishing ratings had HBO say to wrap it up. Some ADR lines and stuff to work it into a series finale. No stinger or much left open.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Season 2’s stinger was retconned. Or it’s some different version of an endless loop. Whatever.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19401 on: August 16, 2022, 06:32:58 PM »
Really satisfying conclusion to BCS.

Really clever how it shows flashbacks to the three people most responsible for him ultimately becoming Saul, and with two of them he has a conversation about Time Machines as an allegory for regret, with his own answers changing each time, based on his relatioonship with them.

The third person, probably the one who affected him most deeply and cemented his path, suggests they talk, but Saul blows him off suggesting they have nothing to talk about, then leaves.

And that person then picks up a copy of H.G. Wells The Time Machine.

The final set of episodes was really interesting.
Instead of going for a shock ending, they just slowly played it out over 3 episodes.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
In the end and perhaps even from the very start there was always Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman.

In the court room he acts in reverse for the first time.
Instead of Saul Goodman taking over the opportunities that Jimmy McGill created to get ahead, he finally decides to use Jimmy McGill to stop Saul Goodman from cheating.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19402 on: August 16, 2022, 07:51:11 PM »
WestWorld totally lost the plot and squandered what had been an incredibly tight, interesting season.

Every previous season finale left me at least a little excited and intrigued for what's next. Not this time.

I have a fear shmaltzy faux-Delores x Teddy stuff is gonna be what closes out the season


And it wasn't even Teddy, it was faux-Teddy too. Wtf are these writers doing anymore

Bernard being The Oracle is cute enough for now but if it goes on much longer without being "broken" ("I didn't see that coming!", etc.) I think it'll get annoying. The writers are basically writing in a huge deus ex machina and the storyteller in me doesn't care for it much. Plus it kinda feels like they're showing off how smart they are a little when it's not smart at all (just write backwards... Death Note takes the concept and actually makes it well-written, as a counter-example).

I don't know if it's laziness or lack of creativity, but Bernard's Oracle abilities boiling down to a vlog on an iPad and a single hidden handgun in the Hoover Dam is... goddamn, what's the word for exasperating but totally expected?

Little bit dipping into conspiracy theories. Between how rushed it was and the uncharacteristically bad vfx, left wondering if the diminishing ratings had HBO say to wrap it up. Some ADR lines and stuff to work it into a series finale. No stinger or much left open.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Season 2’s stinger was retconned. Or it’s some different version of an endless loop. Whatever.

Any setpiece at the Hoover Dam looked cheap as fuck. I have a likewise conspiracy theory that the Dam only let them film for like an hour and there could only be like 5 people on set at any time, and there could be no explosions/big fights/etc.

Seriously they don't have a single Drone Host protecting the sublime? A couple humans? Anybody?

There was that mech a few eps back but that seemed like the only one, or if there are more they're spaced so far apart as to be useless as a security measure. Didn't Maeve take it out with just a few bullets too?

None of Halores' moves this season after episode ~4 made any sense at all. Queen of the World but zero contingencies. What a smart character.

Sure, make your archenemy into your pet but don't put any safeguards in his code so that he can't shoot you. Goddamn, even Demolition Man had better henchman logic than this show. "I can't shoot you, but he can." That one line turns Hale from a fucking goddamn moron into someone with some actual sense.

But we gotta cut lines like those to make room for Delores saying how much she loves the figment of Teddy she invented inside her head, and rehash Season 3's ending message just to try to tie shit together (I don't know wtf they were going for with that park bench scene).

New York City looked like it only ever had about 20 people living in it. I know they have a big budget but I don't know where it's going, maybe that hour at the Hoover Dam took 90% of the budget?


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19403 on: August 16, 2022, 07:59:00 PM »
Something else that annoyed me as an aspiring storyteller was the absurd cheapening of death.

And the writers knew it because after as season of "This is Maeve, oh wait no she's a copy," "This is William, oh wait he's a copy," "Oh this is Jesse Pinkman, oh wait he's a copy" and killing and bringing them back over and over... (never really making it clear which version of each person remembers which things, or even what they're about at the core) they just take the easy route and just kill everybody to clear the board.

Also a bullet to the head used to be the end of a Host in every circumstance. Hale's one last "fuck you" was to that in-universe rule, I suppose. Gotta have a pointless, yawn-worthy fight with fake-William before a poignant suicide scene. Just bad plotting. Why did Hale even need to "die" last ep? To give her a new body? There's so many other ways to get to that story beat, ugh...


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19404 on: August 16, 2022, 08:04:30 PM »
Also, why does this keep happening?

"Oh shit, William's inside the Hoover Dam and he's gonna destroy The Sublime! I better hurry!"

*Hale starts "fast"-walking at 5 MPH*

This show has no idea how to do action scenes or urgency. Slow, methodical mystery boxes? Sure. The other trappings that supposedly elevate this show to "HBO Level"? Nah, no way. Take the names Nolan and Joy off this show and it would have been cancelled halfway through season 2.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19405 on: August 16, 2022, 08:27:43 PM »

Offbook podcast is pretty amazing, so I hope this is good.   Zach Reino and Jessica McKenna are incredibly talented. 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19406 on: August 16, 2022, 08:45:18 PM »
The Bear

Few episodes in and yea, the hype is real. Very good show. Camera work really stands out.

Polident Hive

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19407 on: August 16, 2022, 09:23:35 PM »
Also, why does this keep happening?

"Oh shit, William's inside the Hoover Dam and he's gonna destroy The Sublime! I better hurry!"

*Hale starts "fast"-walking at 5 MPH*

This show has no idea how to do action scenes or urgency. Slow, methodical mystery boxes? Sure. The other trappings that supposedly elevate this show to "HBO Level"? Nah, no way. Take the names Nolan and Joy off this show and it would have been cancelled halfway through season 2.

Fundamentally they never figure out how to make host vs host unique, interesting, or consistent. First season or two had fun action beats, because there’s a humor to seeing half the characters know they’re LARPing. That discrepancy between human and host, illusion and real, got lost with the direction it went. It’s why Kiksuya was such a great episode.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19408 on: August 17, 2022, 12:37:46 PM »
I just watched Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist on Netflix, which is one of the most  :rage things I've ever seen.

I never heard the original story because its a) American and b) Sports, but basically this dude got catfished, the day his grandmother died his catfisher said his fake girlfriend had died from leukemia, then a couple of months later starts trying to catfish him again with a "Surprise, Im alive!" phonecall.
The story got out, it fucked up his career, it fucked up his reputation (seems a lot of people were sure he was either in on it and a liar, secretly gay and using it as cover, or just a fucking idiot to get catfished in the first place) and dude became a national laughing stock through literally zero fault of his own.

So as part of telling this story, they interview the catfisher, who is completely fucking unrepentant about exactly how shitty what they did was, and keeps trying to make it about how bad they felt about stuff while it was going on, and how they're a victim too, and wow, fuck them.

I dunno if it was the documentary makers intention to make me rage at a narcissistic piece of shit for doing something which - in fairness - they would have had no way of knowing would go as far as it did, but holy fuck rage I did.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19409 on: August 17, 2022, 04:01:02 PM »
They actually said they're a victim too?


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19410 on: August 17, 2022, 04:13:54 PM »
Well, not in those words, but they keep couching every opportunity for a "Yeah, I feel bad about what a shitty thing I did" with things like "And I could see how upset he was that I'd made him thought I was dead, but I was mourning the loss of that persona too and in a way we shared that pain" type rationalisations.

YMMV on how genuinely sorry they come across as (my POV: not-at-fucking-all) but its pretty rare I watch a documentary and just can't find any empathy at all for one of the sides at all



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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19411 on: August 17, 2022, 09:18:56 PM »
All this sandman talk got me interested. Though I'll read some of the comic volumes first. Always wanted to read those anyway and it sounds like that's still the essential version

Actually probably the opposite where you want to watch the show before the source material. That way you can enjoy the show and then enjoy the comic more. The show is still a good adaptation but coming straight from comic there will be some changes that are a bit disappointing and certain scenes don't hit the same way in the show.

Plus, gotta feed that Netflix algorithm if there's any chance for a S2 and Netflix only gives a shit about views in the first week or two before deciding whether to cancel or renew.

Just finished it and had a pretty good time with it.

I didn't quite listen to your advice since I was already about halfway through volume 1 when I saw the post so I thought I might as well finish it. I didn't read anything past that though which made watching the show fairly interesting as it became clear to me that it is pretty much split into two halves, with the second half covering volume 2 I guess (or maybe even a little beyond?).
In general, I think I liked that first half a little more, as it felt a bit more focused with Dream collecting all his stuff and introducing the various worlds, while also keeping the episodes relatively self contained. My favorite sequence was probably Dream visiting the immortal guy every 100 years. I wouldn't even mind if that had been the whole show, just self contained bits about Dream's strange adventures. In comparison the second half suddenly introduced such a large collection of new characters + a more overarching plot that it almost felt a bit rushed.

Casting was generally pretty good, though I can see why there were some complaints about the guy who plays Dream. I don't even mind his acting but it's his face that just feels a little off. It's as if he knows that his cheekbones aren't quite sharp enough so he tries to make them more prominent with his expression. Also they could have totally used that glowy eye effect on him more. That seems pretty iconic to the comic character and the time they did it in the show it looked pretty good.

As for the visuals, I was at first a little disappointed that it didn't quite have the same grime and dirty artstyle of the comic but thinking about it I can't quite imagine how you could truly recreate that kind of art in real life and, after all, it still managed to bring in enough surreal elements. The dream surfing sequence was quite nice, for example, though unfortunately a tad short.
As for the narrative changes, I have a suspicion that there were more changes in the second half than the first half. Of the ones that I'm aware of none bothered me too greatly though here and there I wondered why you'd change that (like for example in the comic Dream punishes the son of his captor with the pretty horrific eternal waking whereas here it was just... eternal sleep? That sounds quite comfy actually)

Overall I'd say this one of the better Netflix shows and I'm curious to get deeper into Sandman. I'm guessing a second season is also pretty certain by now.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19412 on: August 17, 2022, 09:31:07 PM »
I just watched Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist on Netflix, which is one of the most  :rage things I've ever seen.

I never heard the original story because its a) American and b) Sports, but basically this dude got catfished, the day his grandmother died his catfisher said his fake girlfriend had died from leukemia, then a couple of months later starts trying to catfish him again with a "Surprise, Im alive!" phonecall.
The story got out, it fucked up his career, it fucked up his reputation (seems a lot of people were sure he was either in on it and a liar, secretly gay and using it as cover, or just a fucking idiot to get catfished in the first place) and dude became a national laughing stock through literally zero fault of his own.

So as part of telling this story, they interview the catfisher, who is completely fucking unrepentant about exactly how shitty what they did was, and keeps trying to make it about how bad they felt about stuff while it was going on, and how they're a victim too, and wow, fuck them.

I dunno if it was the documentary makers intention to make me rage at a narcissistic piece of shit for doing something which - in fairness - they would have had no way of knowing would go as far as it did, but holy fuck rage I did.
I mean, if your online girlfriend is someone you've never met or seen in real life then the hat fits...


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19413 on: August 18, 2022, 07:10:44 AM »
I can see why there were some complaints about the guy who plays Dream. I don't even mind his acting but it's his face that just feels a little off. It's as if he knows that his cheekbones aren't quite sharp enough so he tries to make them more prominent with his expression.


I mean, if your online girlfriend is someone you've never met or seen in real life then the hat fits...

It's genuinely a "Stranger than fiction" story, and worth a watch.

The guy who got catfished was naive as fuck, to the point when he spoke to a family member about what was happening got told he was being catfished, didn't understand it, and even after it was explained to him still didn't understand it, and the catfisher was manipulative enough to fake being in a car accident and phone him for weeks on end just breathing at him as though they were on a ventilator  :doge


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19414 on: August 18, 2022, 07:16:55 AM »
Is there ever going to be a show with an ending as good as this?  :cry

BCS ending


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19415 on: August 18, 2022, 07:43:05 AM »
Is there ever going to be a show with an ending as good as this?  :cry

BCS ending
Great ending, but Six Feet Under and The Shield both had better endings.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19416 on: August 18, 2022, 07:46:36 AM »
Is there ever going to be a show with an ending as good as this?  :cry

BCS ending
Great ending, but Six Feet Under and The Shield both had better endings.
Yeah but this was the final final ending of 2 of the greatest of all time shows while those endings were just the endings of 1 show :doge


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19417 on: August 18, 2022, 07:59:20 AM »
We'll never know until The Shield gets a Dutch prequel spin off

Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19418 on: August 18, 2022, 01:45:01 PM »
She-Hulk is kind of fun. Lead actress is likeable, and the first episode features Mark Ruffalo as Hulk.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
They go overboard with Jenn Walters speculating Captain America is a virgin. But, otherwise, the first episode was breezy and enjoyable.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19419 on: August 18, 2022, 02:10:13 PM »
Is there ever going to be a show with an ending as good as this?  :cry

BCS ending

Only someone who hasn't watched the Extraordinary Attorney Woo finale would say that


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19420 on: August 18, 2022, 04:21:10 PM »
She-Hulk is kind of fun. Lead actress is likeable, and the first episode features Mark Ruffalo as Hulk.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
They go overboard with Jenn Walters speculating Captain America is a virgin. But, otherwise, the first episode was breezy and enjoyable.
Tatiana Maslany is great. I really liked her in Orphan Black and she managed to keep multiple characters both unique and interesting


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19421 on: August 18, 2022, 04:54:53 PM »
Fairly meh on She-hulk so far. Except for the final credits gag I'm not sure I even laughed once which isn't great for a show that wants to be a comedy. I'll guess I'll see how it goes now that the whole origin is out of the way

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19422 on: August 18, 2022, 05:48:03 PM »
She-hulk was good, though much safer than it could be as a comedy. 


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19423 on: August 19, 2022, 06:04:43 AM »
She-Hulk e1 was pretty bad. Hopefully now they have the origin story out of the way things will get street level and we can get this story going. She-Hulk herself is pretty fun, Tatiana Maslany is a great actress for this type of role.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19424 on: August 19, 2022, 08:18:30 AM »
What the, Sandman S1 did make an 11th ep featuring two one shot stories and the way they make that work in the pacing is dropping it after as a bonus ep.

Out now.

Also I said only way they do Dream of a Thousand Cats is an animated ep, and one of the two stories is that and it's an animated ep haha. Other is Caliope.

Also this suggests if it gets renewed they'll probably do the one shots this way for future seasons (as bonus eps)


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19425 on: August 19, 2022, 10:37:50 AM »
Dream of a Thousand Cats was great.

If Sandman gets renewed, can see this rotoscope animation format used for certain one-shot stories where otherwise the budget would make them impossible in live action. It also makes it stylish. Like the Baghdad Jewel of the Desert issue would absolutely work in this style and be better for it over live-action if they do it.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19426 on: August 19, 2022, 04:07:05 PM »
She-hulk was good

She-Hulk e1 was pretty bad.

I think i'm going to go with my gut on this one


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19427 on: August 19, 2022, 05:45:31 PM »
Pretty sure it will get better, I just didn't appreciate the massive info dump in the first episode which doubled up as a "girl power" pep talk.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19428 on: August 20, 2022, 04:52:48 AM »
Sorry bub but you don't change your mind when you've decided to go with your gut, that's not going with your gut


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19429 on: August 20, 2022, 06:18:46 AM »
What the, Sandman S1 did make an 11th ep featuring two one shot stories and the way they make that work in the pacing is dropping it after as a bonus ep.

Out now.

Also I said only way they do Dream of a Thousand Cats is an animated ep, and one of the two stories is that and it's an animated ep haha. Other is Caliope.

Also this suggests if it gets renewed they'll probably do the one shots this way for future seasons (as bonus eps)

I hope them just shadow dropping this apropos of nothing isn't indicative of it not getting a renewal, because this feels a lot more like cutting ties - dropping this as an 'interest renewer' (eg along with an announcement of locking in for 2 more seasons or whatever) would seem to make more sense, but I honestly don't even know with Netflix.

Calliope in particular is really important to the 'mythos'; it also seems like they sort of missed a trick in showing the erinyes really fucking hate morpheus in their interactions with someone who at that time is also not a fan, because that gets kind of important later.

Also a bit weird how they shy away from Calliope being raped. "I consider myself a male feminist writer" -> rapist holds even more relevance today than it does when it was originally written (or maybe the same relevance, but is better known to a wider audience).


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19430 on: August 20, 2022, 07:16:30 AM »
The rape stuff was pretty gross in the comic though, I'm ok with how they adapted it. I think the Caliope adaptation was pretty good.

My only issue with it is the same as some of the other parts of the show where Morpheus is way too emotional. I'm starting to sorta dislike the Morpheus casting. Feels like the weakest link. It's just such a different take on the character with how emo emotional he is.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19431 on: August 21, 2022, 03:59:07 AM »

So yeah, confirmation there that this is a super fucking expensive show and with Netflix penny pinching currently after the stock drop, it's gonna be an uphill battle to keep this show going. Hope they get S2 in so we can get Seasons of Mist, but getting continually renewed to do the entire comic run seems like a pipe dream.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19432 on: August 21, 2022, 10:23:55 AM »
This show made me have a dream i was having a threesome with she hulk and the lawyer persona at the same time

Polident Hive

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19433 on: August 21, 2022, 12:57:18 PM »
Saw a post from Gaiman about originally going for HBO. He posts a lot and Twitter sucks and I can’t find it. But were it HBO (not Max) a second season wouldn’t be so up in the air. Who knows if it would’ve been as well received week to week. Netflix is a strange platform.

Can’t watch it at the moment. Surprised how highly it’s been spoken about. On the lead up people were saying Netflix would ruin Sandman, citing Cowboy Bebop and the like. Worst I’ve seen after the premiere is indifference.

There’s also preemptive dumping in the lord of the rings show. The game of thrones prequel, honestly, I just learned it’s premiering tonight. Been out of the loop there. But “nerd” shows tend to fall into a cycle.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19434 on: August 21, 2022, 01:18:56 PM »
Netflix always cancels their good shows. We know this for a fact. The die was cast for Sandman before the first episode even aired.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19435 on: August 21, 2022, 01:24:56 PM »
Netflix always cancels their good shows. We know this for a fact. The die was cast for Sandman before the first episode even aired.

Well, more that Netflix cancels expensive shows. At the end of the day the problem just comes down to money. Sandman S1 was greenlight and paid for before Netflix had all their losses this year. Modern Netflix would have never financed something like that in the first place. So it's tricky. It has to be a huge success for Netflix to the point where they think it can be like The Witcher or Stranger Things and bring people to the channel in mass, or else it's not gonna be worth the cost of S2.

So far it's a pretty big worldwide success. But maybe not at Stranger Things/Squid Game level of views, so it's iffy atm.

Also re: HBO, if it was HBO Max show it might not have a better chance either rn given all the fuckery there  :lol


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19436 on: August 21, 2022, 04:45:49 PM »
Netflix always cancels their good shows.

Well, more that Netflix cancels expensive shows.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19437 on: August 21, 2022, 06:46:35 PM »
Ya, that's called a BIG hit. Sandman ain't that big of hit despite being the top-streamed show worldwide on every streaming channel for the last two weeks straight, which is the problem


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19438 on: August 21, 2022, 08:23:02 PM »
Sandman is the kind of show that people watch "because it's there" the same way people watched Birdbox despite the fact it had bad reviews and bad word of mouth.

Can’t watch it at the moment. Surprised how highly it’s been spoken about. On the lead up people were saying Netflix would ruin Sandman, citing Cowboy Bebop and the like. Worst I’ve seen after the premiere is indifference.

I watched 4-5 episodes and stopped. It's bad. Maybe the people who didn't like it are just too polite to say because they don't want to be thought of as "person who hates popular thing".


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #19439 on: August 21, 2022, 08:54:12 PM »

Great ending, but Six Feet Under and The Shield both had better endings.

The Shield should have ended with season 5. Instead it dragged on and became absolutely unbelievable dog shit. It was literally a bunch of Scooby Doo episodes