Author Topic: International Politics Thread - Disease and Disaster  (Read 1324631 times)

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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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I didn't realize that Assimilate is a fascist who hates gays and black people.  Legit shocked to find someone like that on this forum. 


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hue hue hue fuck the gays hue hue hue


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
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what are you going on about you whack job

you libtards are constantly crying over culture wars. enough already.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
reactionaries always go fash when the alternative is a leftist

hell, they're already killing socialist politicians, wait until Assi's boy gets into power and starts "cleaning up"
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 06:06:55 PM by curly »


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
reactionaries always go fash when the alternative is a leftist

hell, they're already killing socialist politicians, wait until Assi's boy gets into power and starts "cleaning up"
Hopefully he does clean up.

 This woman constantly defended drug criminals under the guise of defending citizens of the favelas. You can hear gun shots ring out in the favelas between gangs which kills more innocent people than any fucking cop ever could. She should have not have been targeted but it is all part of the fucked up situation this place is in. It's a terrible cycle of violence that needs to stop.

Innocent 18 year old girls die for their sell phones here.

You fuckers don't have a goddamn clue


  • Finish the Fight
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The choice before Brazil is actually worse than the one the US had with Trump/Clinton.
You're looking at Maduro vs. Pinochet-lite.

On google you find some statistics alright:
Brazil breaks own record for number of murders in single year as deaths hit 63,880

Rapes also up 8 per cent to 60,018, while 4,539 women were murdered, a rise of 6.1 per cent

The left had to replace their candidate a popular former president. Because he's in jail.
Plus they're pretty much going through the worst recession in their economic history.

I can see why they're voting for 'any' alternative.

Oil economy fueled Socialism. Not even once.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The choice before Brazil is actually worse than the one the US had with Trump/Clinton.
You're looking at Maduro vs. Pinochet-lite.

On google you find some statistics alright:
Brazil breaks own record for number of murders in single year as deaths hit 63,880

Rapes also up 8 per cent to 60,018, while 4,539 women were murdered, a rise of 6.1 per cent

The left had to replace their candidate a popular former president. Because he's in jail.
Plus they're pretty much going through the worst recession in their economic history.

I can see why they're voting for 'any' alternative.

Oil economy fueled Socialism. Not even once.
It's staggering isn't it?

The best part is the outcry from libs saying that somehow this guy is going to make it all worse, that it's "over" for Brazil, for women, for gays..... like, isn't it already bad? lol where's their heads at? It shows you how fucking delusional they can get simply from being offended by words.

The right mentality is simple. Crack down on crime, grow the economy, let people buy shit so they'll be enjoying themselves too much to do something dumb. People need something to lose, right now people don't have anything, young men have nothing so they take to the streets, they force themselves on everything.

They're also fearless. They know the system is broken and they take advantage of it.


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fAsCism iS enJOyAble

vARgas wAs the BeSt pReSIdEnt


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
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I just checked, apparently everyone is either hitler or a fascist these days


  • Finish the Fight
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Considering their precarious history, I'd argue this was a pretty logical decision on their part. Ditto for Estonia. All within a fairly solid legal framework too.

Populism, logic, and a legal basis for implementing policies aren't mutually exclusive.

Around these parts, a word like populism is not thrown around dispassionately but as demeaning. My point is the Baltics (mostly Estonia and Latvia here) have limited choices to insure their long-term survival. At least they're not throwing kids in cages. :)


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Saudi dissident possibly killed by government after last being seen in a Saudi consulate in Turkey.

BBC reports: "The country has demanded Saudi Arabia prove he left - despite not giving evidence of the claim he was killed inside."

Uh...  :doge


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The dollar keeps dropping....

maybe I should indeed vote for the leftist  :doge


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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My point is the Baltics (mostly Estonia and Latvia here) have limited choices to insure their long-term survival.

My point was that post-Soviet Latvian politics has been about "populism" for much longer than that New York Times article is trying to argue. Curtailing the power of a dominant minority, however justified, is "populism."


  • Finish the Fight
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NATO did some war games that concluded that the Baltics could and would not be defended so they've watched their neighbors closely ever since the Russians occupied parts of Ukraine.
Limiting the rights of Russians might've the opposite effect but they wanted to prevent a Russian friendly government inviting over the 'green men' to keep order.


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I'm a little late on the Bolsonaro stuff but I suspect if he's elected the country will go down the same path the Philippines has, where Duterte commands strong support and approval but thousands have been killed extrajudicially. I expect crime will go down substantially, and there will be some political kerfluffles that will lead to executions. Increasing security will lead to reinvestment in the country and the economy will probably recover. But with increasing political power will come the recession of hard earned "derechos humanos" that Assimilate derides so frequently. I suppose the risk of that is a tradeoff for Brazilians to make themselves, because what they're witnessing right now is the slow collapse of a state.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 03:10:44 PM by Shostakovich »


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
with increasing political power will come the recession of hard earned "derechos humanos" that Assimilate derides so frequently.

You gotta understand something here - This country, it's people, criminals, thugs, ignorant assholes, no one fears anything. Depending on which part of the country I'm in I usually stay in the nicest areas, and even there there's so few cops around. It can get scary.

As if I t matters because even cops turn to criminals because why not? They go in with good intentions and then realize they can killed easily or be prosecuted for shooting at a fucking thug with a machine gun for so little pay. It gets out of control. The whole system is fucked.

It's weird for me to adopt a Ayn Rand mentality considering I lived most of my life in the States, and would laugh at idiots that thought she was some type of great voice...... but you know what over here it makes fucking sense. There's such a talent drain. Smart decent people in the middle class try to do what they can to bounce the fuck out.

This also probably explains why the country is filled with unbelievably gorgeous women with absolutely stellar bodies and then a bunch of bunk dudes. The decent guys get the fuck out when they can.

Bolsonaro says a lot of dumb shit. He has some really stupid ideas that align with Trump but this is all we have over here folks. Either this guy or someone that can potentially plummet this country into a failed socialist state (which it's getting there already).


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

Batman is too busy working for the Russian state rn


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After running out of funds to pay his own lawyers, Mr. Glushkov, 68 years old, planned to represent himself, and had amassed tomes on British law and forensic accounting. “This case was his purpose in life,” said Georgy Shuppe, a friend and former business partner. “He was not going to give up.”

On the eve of a preliminary court hearing, Mr. Glushkov stopped answering his phone. When his daughter drove to his house to investigate, she found him inside, strangled to death with a dog leash. Later that night, dozens of antiterror police cordoned off the house and began digging holes in his yard.

In Russia, his death was portrayed by state-controlled media as a homosexual tryst gone wrong.
this belongs in the bad vibes thread.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The most cynical thing about those Russians dissidents who get killed by Moscow are the 'cover stories' that are cooked up that make it look so obvious that the Kremlin was behind it.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member

It's astonishing to me that I can literally ask someone "so, you want to vote for the same party responsible for the biggest corruption and recession in this countries history..."

and then they look at me with a stupid stink face and say something dumb like "uh yeah well it's better than fascism" or "I'm for women rights/gay rights" or some other media manipulated bullshit.

It's so fucking dumb. People are FUCKING DUMB.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

It's astonishing to me that I can literally ask someone "so, you want to vote for the same party responsible for the biggest corruption and recession in this countries history..."

and then they look at me with a stupid stink face and say something dumb like "uh yeah well it's better than fascism" or "I'm for women rights/gay rights" or some other media manipulated bullshit.

It's so fucking dumb. People are FUCKING DUMB.
All I'm reading is this guy is helped by Steve Bannon!

If you believe the press, Steve Bannon and Vladimir Putin pretty much run the entire planet with their stooges by now.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
To be fair there are a lot of similarities in their campaign for president. . They couldn't be more different personality wise though.

I understand people and their concern in voting him in, I totally get the risk, but what is the alternative at this point? It's either him or the party responsible for the catastrophe that is this country.


  • cultural maoist
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  • Now bringing you *Zen*
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hOw CaN aNyOnE nOt SuPpoRt BolSoNarO
Ah yes the media doing its liberal media thang.

First, cops never said that. Second, both sides have been violent or are we going to forget the presidential candidate was actually fucking stabbed by a nut bag that opposed him and his party? Third, Bolsonaro already condemned the men and asked for justice.

But ya let's attribute all the extreme crazies out there with whatever party they associate with.

Keep it




  • cultural maoist
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bOtH SiDeS ArE vIoLeNt


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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To be fair to the brazilian police, those cunts did fuck it up and carved a sauvastika, not a swastika. It's linked with Kali, so there's that.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The guy is going to get elected. Throwing a tantrum isn't going to change things.  :idont


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It's astonishing to me that I can literally ask someone "so, you want to vote for the same party responsible for the biggest corruption and recession in this countries history..."

and then they look at me with a stupid stink face and say something dumb like "uh yeah well it's better than fascism" or "I'm for women rights/gay rights" or some other media manipulated bullshit.

It's so fucking dumb. People are FUCKING DUMB.

Youre either a fucking idiot or 16 or both.

Remind me, was the hyper inflation and stagnating economy in Brazils past caused by the big scary communists....

Or the far right military dictatorship?


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member

It's astonishing to me that I can literally ask someone "so, you want to vote for the same party responsible for the biggest corruption and recession in this countries history..."

and then they look at me with a stupid stink face and say something dumb like "uh yeah well it's better than fascism" or "I'm for women rights/gay rights" or some other media manipulated bullshit.

It's so fucking dumb. People are FUCKING DUMB.

Youre either a fucking idiot or 16 or both.

Remind me, was the hyper inflation and stagnating economy in Brazils past caused by the big scary communists....

Or the far right military dictatorship?
What does that have to do with anything you fucking shit brain? Stagnation and inflation has also happened under democracy in the United States and across Europe and no one is electing the Brazilian dictatorship from the past into office right now lolll wtff lol

I love how libtarsds throw out these irrelevant statements "but but what about hitler!" uhhh?? what? what does hitler have to do with a guy in Latin America 50+ years later? lol


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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It's astonishing to me that I can literally ask someone "so, you want to vote for the same party responsible for the biggest corruption and recession in this countries history..."

and then they look at me with a stupid stink face and say something dumb like "uh yeah well it's better than fascism" or "I'm for women rights/gay rights" or some other media manipulated bullshit.

It's so fucking dumb. People are FUCKING DUMB.

Youre either a fucking idiot or 16 or both.

Remind me, was the hyper inflation and stagnating economy in Brazils past caused by the big scary communists....

Or the far right military dictatorship?
What does that have to do with anything you fucking shit brain? Stagnation and inflation has also happened under democracy in the United States and across Europe and no one is electing the Brazilian dictatorship from the past into office right now lolll wtff lol

I love how libtarsds throw out these irrelevant statements "but but what about hitler!" uhhh?? what? what does hitler have to do with a guy in Latin America 50+ years later? lol

Read over what you wrote, sit down, write it out on paper, and then think a bit.

Maybe youll see it


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Yeah, libs are dumb all over the world. They think any opponent they do not like is automatically Hitler or a fascist. It's a cliche at this point.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Assimilate is a fascist who hates gays and black people.

I am shocked

woahhhhh what? nice slanderous hot take.

I hate how nobody pointed out that slander is a spoken thing. It's libel when it's written.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Who the hell runs this account for him? :wtf

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Who the hell runs this account for him? :wtf


Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Persian Wrath AKA The Pomegranate Exodust


  • cultural maoist
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American mercs carrying out assassinations for the UAE in Yemen

Come for the terrifying vision of the future of warfare, stay for the affirmation that elite military operatives are doofuses:

When it was time to go, they convinced the hotel staff to give them the US flag flying outside, Gilmore said. In a makeshift ceremony, they folded it up into a small triangle and took it with them.
It’s unclear exactly what went wrong.

Right before the mercenary reached the front door, carrying the explosive charge meant to kill Mayo, one of his fellow fighters at the back of the SUV opened fire, shooting along the backstreet.

There was a drone high overhead, and the video, obtained by BuzzFeed News, shows gunfire but not what the American is shooting at. The drone video doesn’t show anyone shooting back at the mercenaries.
Mayo seems to have reemerged in Yemeni politics. In May he was nominated to a post by the president of Yemen, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, according to Charles Schmitz, a specialist on the Middle East and Yemen at Towson University in Maryland. Schmitz said he found a recent photo of Mayo standing in a group with the UN envoy to Yemen.

Golan maintains that, at the very least, Mayo was neutralized for a time. “For me it’s a success,” he said, “as long as the guy disappeared.”


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
American mercs carrying out assassinations for the UAE in Yemen

Come for the terrifying vision of the future of warfare, stay for the affirmation that elite military operatives are doofuses:

When it was time to go, they convinced the hotel staff to give them the US flag flying outside, Gilmore said. In a makeshift ceremony, they folded it up into a small triangle and took it with them.
It’s unclear exactly what went wrong.

Right before the mercenary reached the front door, carrying the explosive charge meant to kill Mayo, one of his fellow fighters at the back of the SUV opened fire, shooting along the backstreet.

There was a drone high overhead, and the video, obtained by BuzzFeed News, shows gunfire but not what the American is shooting at. The drone video doesn’t show anyone shooting back at the mercenaries.
Mayo seems to have reemerged in Yemeni politics. In May he was nominated to a post by the president of Yemen, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, according to Charles Schmitz, a specialist on the Middle East and Yemen at Towson University in Maryland. Schmitz said he found a recent photo of Mayo standing in a group with the UN envoy to Yemen.

Golan maintains that, at the very least, Mayo was neutralized for a time. “For me it’s a success,” he said, “as long as the guy disappeared.”
The best part is the shitty business cards that make it look like a COD clan and the target card that is lifted straight from a 90's action movie.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Omfg, how did I miss the WSJ endorsing Bolsonaro


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Omfg, how did I miss the WSJ endorsing Bolsonaro

I didn't post it here when I saw it, sorry.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
He's pretty much going to win. The dollar keeps dropping, I'm not even sure I'm happy about this


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Omfg, how did I miss the WSJ endorsing Bolsonaro

American industry has wanted to loot the rain forests for decades. This clown will probably let them do it. Much to the detriment of the earth.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Omfg, how did I miss the WSJ endorsing Bolsonaro

American industry has wanted to loot the rain forests for decades. This clown will probably let them do it. Much to the detriment of the earth.
Loot the rain forests? Brazil can't produce much fucking food if it doesn't manage to plow pieces of land for crops. This isn't about big bad American industry bro.

Or do you believe the rest of the world is goin to feed one of the biggest populations for free??


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Maybe, maybe not. It's not just Americans that want a piece either.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Cant we just annex saudi arabia?


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That's what they tried to do on Dune, and look what happened.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Brazil is the biggest coffee exporter in the world. If hunger is a growing concern maybe they should consider cutting back on the cash cropping first.


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Cut off the nose to spite the face? Brazil is facing a lack of investment and industry, no need to get rid of an important revenue source, especially when coffee is one of the few luxury goods where local farmers have a lot more control over profit margins than we've seen historically in these exploited areas.


  • oops
  • Member
Cant we just annex saudi arabia?

Could just stop buying their oil.


  • Senior Member
Cut off the nose to spite the face? Brazil is facing a lack of investment and industry, no need to get rid of an important revenue source, especially when coffee is one of the few luxury goods where local farmers have a lot more control over profit margins than we've seen historically in these exploited areas.

Narrator: Kara is a communist.


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That doesn't mean he's immune to arguments of fact


  • cultural maoist
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I think Kara's point is that the rainforests aren't being chopped down to increase the food supply but for commodity production.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Assimilate presented a false dilemma to impeach a (specious) argument that the Wall Street Journal endorsed a candidate in Brazil's election because he will open up the country to being peripheralized. That false dilemma was either Brazil engages in (more) deforestation or it faces food insecurity. Brazil has plenty of existing arable land; it's generally classified as a breadbasket. That was the point in bringing up coffee.

The country exports food (it might be the largest after the U.S. and E.U., even) while having hunger issues, btw.

A top ten national economy facing a lack of investment and industry is sort of a prima facie absurd claim too, but that's going on a tangent from a tangent.


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I understand what Kara's argument is, but
1) the issue isn't the price of commodities but widespread impoverishment, like many people resorting to selling used garbage and
2) plummetting commodities prices is one of the things that actually ended the long boom and caused a deep recession in the first place, eliminating economic gains that the poor had exerienced over a fairly short period. Creating a food glut would not only not actually solve the hunger crisis but actually make the situation much worse. Compounded with an irrational shift away from coffee, it's like... no, don't do that


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Ok well I don't read assimilates posts so I didn't have any of this context


  • cultural maoist
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I'm sure people realize this but it should be said that cutting down the rain forest is a suicidal act that will make it much more difficult to keep the planet habitable