Author Topic: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care  (Read 548183 times)

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4740 on: February 14, 2020, 01:09:24 PM »
you know what you have to do. fuck him in the ass


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4741 on: February 26, 2020, 04:41:26 AM »
I haven't really been posting as much over the last few weeks. Things have been a mess around here. Some day are good and I feel pretty peaceful about myself. Some days are the complete opposite and I feel like shit. I don't really want to share anything as I don't really want to be judged. I just felt like saying things, because I'm having another low episode tonight.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4742 on: February 26, 2020, 11:44:38 PM »
So I think my tooth just broke.

I've had a weird hollow upper back tooth with a hole in it for yeaaaars now. Reabsorbtion they call it. The dentist always said at some point it would break or fall out and when he first discovered it I saw a surgeon about the idea of pulling it and putting in an implant but he wasn't sure the implant would stick because my weakened immune system. Since there was no good solution and the tooth was working fine just left it alone all the years

Tooth feels weird and sharp all over. No pain but the side where there was the hole it just feels sharp and weird all over can't stop messing with it. Dunno how I'm gonna sleep. Guessing the tooth impacted and crushed inwards into a mess of tooth bone.

Will call dentist once they open tomorrow so they can take a look. If that's what it is, they'll have to pull it and then I'll have to make another appt with implant guy to see about that.

First tooth I'm losing! On my way to old age.
But yeah, life's been hell non-stop since about end of November and I'm finally 98% healthy of this H1N1 swine flu with cough almost completely gone and now this happens lol. It just never ends. My karma sucks.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4743 on: February 27, 2020, 12:04:27 AM »
I’m going through the implant process now! Just got my stump put in! Like 3ish months left, hopefully.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4744 on: February 27, 2020, 11:41:02 AM »
Talked to my dentist but he doesn't work in my city on Tue/Thu. He doesn't think it's an emergency, so gonna wait and see him first thing in the morning tomorrow to look at what's going on. I feel like maybe the tooth cracked and there's a fissure crack running down the inner side about halfway. Just gotta chew on the other side today and rinse more often and hope nothing crazy happens.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4745 on: February 27, 2020, 12:03:09 PM »
should be doing kanban :vr


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4746 on: February 28, 2020, 12:15:52 PM »
Well I saw the dentist and it was what I thought, a side of my tooth had collapsed into the hollow inside. He poked it for like 2 seconds and a chunk of tooth just fell out of my mouth and there was a giant gaping hole on one side of the tooth. My root must be dead because I have zero pain from any of this. He wasn't comfortable doing extractions, so he filled it with some cement stuff to close it up temporarily since it didn't seem infected or anything and referred me to an oral surgeon to extract it on Monday morning and then figure out whether to start on the implant or bridge process.

Just gotta eat soft foods on the other side and watch out and make sure there's no infection over the weekend until then.

At least there's no pain yet and this is just annoying. I'm guessing when they pull it it'll be painful, especially since I heal really slow, but I guess they'll give me some painkillers so I'll be in happy mode next week. It's my upper tooth 3 from the back if you include wisdom tooth (I don't have my wisdom tooth, so it's 2nd from back). So it's still a pretty big ass tooth and will be a big ass gap/hole in the back until I do something about it.

Maybe I should get a gold tooth and be pirate arghhh


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4747 on: March 01, 2020, 02:52:16 AM »
Well I saw the dentist and it was what I thought, a side of my tooth had collapsed into the hollow inside. He poked it for like 2 seconds and a chunk of tooth just fell out of my mouth and there was a giant gaping hole on one side of the tooth. My root must be dead because I have zero pain from any of this. He wasn't comfortable doing extractions, so he filled it with some cement stuff to close it up temporarily since it didn't seem infected or anything and referred me to an oral surgeon to extract it on Monday morning and then figure out whether to start on the implant or bridge process.

Just gotta eat soft foods on the other side and watch out and make sure there's no infection over the weekend until then.

At least there's no pain yet and this is just annoying. I'm guessing when they pull it it'll be painful, especially since I heal really slow, but I guess they'll give me some painkillers so I'll be in happy mode next week. It's my upper tooth 3 from the back if you include wisdom tooth (I don't have my wisdom tooth, so it's 2nd from back). So it's still a pretty big ass tooth and will be a big ass gap/hole in the back until I do something about it.

Maybe I should get a gold tooth and be pirate arghhh

Yo ho, buddy.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4748 on: March 02, 2020, 02:50:14 PM »
Welp, oral surgeon was ready to do the extraction surgery, and was really pushing doing a bone craft (idk how to spell it) at the same time to prep for an implant in a few months. But given my immune comp stuff and that the tooth is a little into my sinus cavity which will probably create a hole there that needs to heal too, they want to put me on some strong antibiotics and I have to get the ok from my main GI doc on that. I emailed them on Friday but they haven't responded so I left a voicemail and another email just now. Sitting and waiting for them to get back to me so I can schedule this stuff and do it.

Sounds like it'll be a sore/swollen pain for a few days cause it's a big tooth. They want to give me tramadol for the pain. Never used that but my old ex did. Didn't seem too good, wish they'd just give me some vicodin or something I'm familiar with and know works good.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4749 on: March 02, 2020, 06:51:52 PM »
Starting on antibiotics and doing the extraction & bone graft tomorrow morning. Hope it goes ok and heals fast so I can get back to eating normal.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4750 on: March 02, 2020, 07:01:10 PM »
Pain levels from mouth surgery stuff can vary a lot and seemingly randomly. It seems they usually give you way more pain meds than the average patient would need so good luck and hope you don't get an upset tummy.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4751 on: March 02, 2020, 10:53:59 PM »
Do any of you Borians have tips for dealing with panic attacks? I've experienced more panic attacks the past two months then the rest of my life combined and it sucks. At first they were just waking me up prematurely from sleep, but now I've had them full on in the middle of days. I was just starting to climb out of my massively emotionally fragile depressive funk and it seems like I replaced it with panic attacks.

I bought some lavender spray and a fancy lavender candle. I've called people to talk a few times when it got super bad. I've been doing breathing stuff, writing stuff and also going to the gym more.

I also doubled up my generally low dosage anti anxiety meds (which I'm supposed to take twice a day and had been only doing once a day). It seems like the panic is getting less, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has other advice.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4752 on: March 03, 2020, 11:07:46 AM »
Do any of you Borians have tips for dealing with panic attacks? I've experienced more panic attacks the past two months then the rest of my life combined and it sucks. At first they were just waking me up prematurely from sleep, but now I've had them full on in the middle of days. I was just starting to climb out of my massively emotionally fragile depressive funk and it seems like I replaced it with panic attacks.

I bought some lavender spray and a fancy lavender candle. I've called people to talk a few times when it got super bad. I've been doing breathing stuff, writing stuff and also going to the gym more.

I also doubled up my generally low dosage anti anxiety meds (which I'm supposed to take twice a day and had been only doing once a day). It seems like the panic is getting less, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has other advice.

There's a bunch of decent breathing apps that I really like.

This site is usually pretty good, and these apps do really help!

As for me still going through the which med is for me game and also the so what is fucking wrong game. Generally been okay, I have had a couple nights when I got VERY drunk but generally just trying to stick to social drinking and staying clear of fun drugs which aren't fun atm. Just wish I'd be put onto something or nothing, these come down periods on meds before starting the next actually make me feel worse than anything because of the weird ass side effects. Well it's more oh look you're becoming a feeling person again instead of muted to fuck. Other than that have started going to the gym and running with the dog so that is helping me a lot. I'm not as low or high as I have been but just keeping a fairly rounded pace on things.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4753 on: March 03, 2020, 02:42:53 PM »
ugh, swelling & pain = no fun.

when it says ice pack 15 min intervals, does that mean 15 mins on -> 15 mins off -> repeat?


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4754 on: March 03, 2020, 03:33:54 PM »
Ok, drugs are kicking in and bleeding is starting to die down a bit. This is better.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4755 on: March 03, 2020, 03:56:32 PM »
Yeah seems excessive but they said how much I ice it today will determine how swollen it gets this week so might as well do what they say to try to minimize having a swollen face.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4756 on: March 03, 2020, 04:20:41 PM »
Icing for the first day does help a lot with swelling the following few days. I remember just relaying between ice packs for the 15 on/off cycle when I had a jaw surgery.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4757 on: March 03, 2020, 08:29:00 PM »
This tramadol stuff isn't too bad. Sometimes I wish I was a drug addict, seems like it'd be fun to be high on shit all the time. Alchohol is too much of a depressant to be fun like drugs.

But I also feel really fortunate that I don't get addicted to almost anything. Even caffeine I can just drop in a moment's notice and none of the opiate drugs I've taken have ever given me a feeling of needing them when I'm done.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4758 on: March 03, 2020, 08:50:53 PM »
So my soon to be ex quit her fucking job without a backup while we’re still sharing finances without telling me :rage

Just can’t


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4759 on: March 03, 2020, 08:55:46 PM »
So my soon to be ex quit her fucking job without a backup while we’re still sharing finances without telling me :rage

Just can’t


Does she have some savings as a backup?


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4760 on: March 03, 2020, 09:00:36 PM »
No. She hasn’t even gotten approved for a place to move out yet. This is most out of control my life has ever felt. Fighting the dark thoughts again.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4761 on: March 03, 2020, 09:19:23 PM »
No. She hasn’t even gotten approved for a place to move out yet. This is most out of control my life has ever felt. Fighting the dark thoughts again.

It'll be ok. Were still in a jobs market, so she should find something if she looks.

and we all love u man.


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4762 on: March 03, 2020, 10:27:48 PM »
Sounds like it’s a good thing she’s your ex. Hang in there, she’ll move on eventually and your days will get brighter again


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4763 on: March 04, 2020, 12:18:14 AM »
Do any of you Borians have tips for dealing with panic attacks? I've experienced more panic attacks the past two months then the rest of my life combined and it sucks. At first they were just waking me up prematurely from sleep, but now I've had them full on in the middle of days. I was just starting to climb out of my massively emotionally fragile depressive funk and it seems like I replaced it with panic attacks.

I bought some lavender spray and a fancy lavender candle. I've called people to talk a few times when it got super bad. I've been doing breathing stuff, writing stuff and also going to the gym more.

I also doubled up my generally low dosage anti anxiety meds (which I'm supposed to take twice a day and had been only doing once a day). It seems like the panic is getting less, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has other advice.

There's a bunch of decent breathing apps that I really like.

This site is usually pretty good, and these apps do really help!

As for me still going through the which med is for me game and also the so what is fucking wrong game. Generally been okay, I have had a couple nights when I got VERY drunk but generally just trying to stick to social drinking and staying clear of fun drugs which aren't fun atm. Just wish I'd be put onto something or nothing, these come down periods on meds before starting the next actually make me feel worse than anything because of the weird ass side effects. Well it's more oh look you're becoming a feeling person again instead of muted to fuck. Other than that have started going to the gym and running with the dog so that is helping me a lot. I'm not as low or high as I have been but just keeping a fairly rounded pace on things.

Thanks, I'll check these out.


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4764 on: March 04, 2020, 05:21:28 AM »
No. She hasn’t even gotten approved for a place to move out yet. This is most out of control my life has ever felt. Fighting the dark thoughts again.

This woman is nuts dude, it's like she's doing everything she can to trap you forever, I would just call the cops and be like this woman will not leave my house, I am a prisoner.

HELP ME and my cats!


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4765 on: March 04, 2020, 12:59:28 PM »
So last night ended up going really bad and Tramadol sucks.

Got horrible nausea around 11pm and having the extraction site all stitched up and stuff the last thing I wanted to do was to vomit and break open the stitches in the middle of the night and have to deal with it on my own. So spent the entire night trying not to vomit and the nausea just kept getting worse and worse. Didn't sleep at all and just nibbled on salt crackers and sparkling water. Finally the tramadol wore off and the nausea died down a lot. Talked to my doctor when they finally opened and they think it was the tramadol and not the antibiotics (could be either), but they're giving me anti-nausea meds to take if I need them at least from here on out.

Oh well, no more pain meds for me. Just tylenol. Another reason why vicodin is better.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4766 on: March 04, 2020, 01:17:09 PM »
Damn Bebps, pain meds fuck me up too, sorry you’re having such a hard time getting some relief

I took the day off work to try to arrange my finances to make it on my own, I’ll figure it out, but yeah the sooner we cut financial ties and she’s out of the house the better

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4767 on: March 04, 2020, 03:05:19 PM »
Came down with something and I don't have time for this shit. 


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4768 on: March 04, 2020, 09:46:46 PM »
Got back into the gym and I feel like I've never worked out in my life. Simultaneously feeling heavy and bloated but also small and weak. All the aches and pains that should have healed up or improved after basically 2 weeks of rest are worse than ever.

This is horrible. I feel bad. Is this what actual athletes go through when they come back from injuries or breaks? :stahp

I think so. Exercise kicks your ass when you haven't been doing it for a while, but once you get past the initial hump it gets back to normal pretty quick.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4769 on: March 05, 2020, 06:46:41 AM »
so good news and bad news

some of you might remember that i mentioned that my left hand has been in pain for about a year and a half. i've seen multiple doctors and they had no idea what may have been wrong with me. but today, after seeing a highly reviewed orthopedis, i finally got my answer.

the bad news? it's much worse than i feared. i was hoping it was just a tricky case of tendonitis, but it turns out i actually have severe arthritis, and the cartilage in my joints have all been destroyed. and cartilage does not grow back, which leaves a very, very tiny, very expensive and very uncertain list of options for me (surgery, basically).

but as shitty as all this is, arguably the most twistedly fucked up thing is that i got my x-rays around the time this started, and so the problem was right there, it's just that EVERYONE who read the x-ray up until now, missed everything. meaning that, in these past 18 months, any remaining cartilage i would have had probably got destroyed due to a combination of continual deterioration, and multiple cortisone shots that i got cause the idiot doctors gave me the wrong diagosis.

i'm only 35 years old. this shouldn't be happening to me :fbm


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4770 on: March 05, 2020, 08:59:38 AM »
I’m sorry that must suck so bad. I use my left hand all the time and it isn’t even my dominant hand. Could it be worth consulting with a lawyer? That sounds like malpractice to me since they were making it worse. But I’m not a lawyer or anything

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4771 on: March 05, 2020, 03:59:59 PM »
Sorry dude.

I had 2 uncles diagnosed with cancer around Xmas.  One - who is just a few years older than my mom, and has kids in their early 20s - probably won't be getting out of the hospital. 


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4772 on: March 05, 2020, 09:51:56 PM »
That's awful Madrun  :(
Spend time with them while you can if you're close.

so good news and bad news

some of you might remember that i mentioned that my left hand has been in pain for about a year and a half. i've seen multiple doctors and they had no idea what may have been wrong with me. but today, after seeing a highly reviewed orthopedis, i finally got my answer.

the bad news? it's much worse than i feared. i was hoping it was just a tricky case of tendonitis, but it turns out i actually have severe arthritis, and the cartilage in my joints have all been destroyed. and cartilage does not grow back, which leaves a very, very tiny, very expensive and very uncertain list of options for me (surgery, basically).

but as shitty as all this is, arguably the most twistedly fucked up thing is that i got my x-rays around the time this started, and so the problem was right there, it's just that EVERYONE who read the x-ray up until now, missed everything. meaning that, in these past 18 months, any remaining cartilage i would have had probably got destroyed due to a combination of continual deterioration, and multiple cortisone shots that i got cause the idiot doctors gave me the wrong diagosis.

i'm only 35 years old. this shouldn't be happening to me :fbm

You know, the bright side is that they know what it is and from my experience, hand surgeries are pretty successful even some of the complex ones can take a couple surgeries, so there might be light at the end of the tunnel.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4773 on: March 06, 2020, 12:50:22 AM »
thanks guys.

and sorry to hear about your uncles Madrun. :( it's cause of more severe situations like that, i try not to wallow in too much self-pity, even though i do feel my problem is pretty bad on its own.

I’m sorry that must suck so bad. I use my left hand all the time and it isn’t even my dominant hand. Could it be worth consulting with a lawyer? That sounds like malpractice to me since they were making it worse. But I’m not a lawyer or anything

i'm not sure, exactly. one of the guys who gave me a cortisone shot did so without checking x-rays because he thought it was a tendonitis issue. the second guy who did it gave me a shot because the radiologists who did the x-rays and mri said that it was normal and i guess he took their word for it. i'm not sure how this would work in terms of culpability if i did decide to sue them. it is also quite possible that my cartilage was already destroyed when the first x-ray was done so there wouldn't be any additional cartilage for the cortisone to further damage.

That's awful Madrun  :(
Spend time with them while you can if you're close.

so good news and bad news

some of you might remember that i mentioned that my left hand has been in pain for about a year and a half. i've seen multiple doctors and they had no idea what may have been wrong with me. but today, after seeing a highly reviewed orthopedis, i finally got my answer.

the bad news? it's much worse than i feared. i was hoping it was just a tricky case of tendonitis, but it turns out i actually have severe arthritis, and the cartilage in my joints have all been destroyed. and cartilage does not grow back, which leaves a very, very tiny, very expensive and very uncertain list of options for me (surgery, basically).

but as shitty as all this is, arguably the most twistedly fucked up thing is that i got my x-rays around the time this started, and so the problem was right there, it's just that EVERYONE who read the x-ray up until now, missed everything. meaning that, in these past 18 months, any remaining cartilage i would have had probably got destroyed due to a combination of continual deterioration, and multiple cortisone shots that i got cause the idiot doctors gave me the wrong diagosis.

i'm only 35 years old. this shouldn't be happening to me :fbm

You know, the bright side is that they know what it is and from my experience, hand surgeries are pretty successful even some of the complex ones can take a couple surgeries, so there might be light at the end of the tunnel.

yeah, i did a bit of research and it seems like worst case scenario, if i do have to resort to surgery, they seem to have really good prognosis nowadays.

but i have additional worries in that what i currently have may not be the worst of it. i've been feeling similar problems in my right hand as well, but not to the same degree (if the injured hand is a 10 on the pain scale, the other hand would be around a 3-4). i'm scared that some day that other hand is going to give the same problem my currently damaged one does.

not to mention that while the doc was examining me, he thinks that my wrists may also contain bone spurs as well  :'(

yet all that being said, i think i'm in much better spirits than i was yesterday.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4774 on: March 06, 2020, 01:07:47 AM »
Sorry Oblivion, you'll get over the financial hit and the anxiety wears off immediately after the surgery at least.

To be honest though, you should have expected this after all those years of grabbing huge titties.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4775 on: March 06, 2020, 01:57:19 AM »

To be honest though, you should have expected this after all those years of grabbing huge titties.

they were supposed to make the joints stronger!




  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4776 on: March 06, 2020, 02:13:32 AM »
Good luck fighting it, Oblivion. Chronic pain really sucks. It makes me meaner and more short tempered and then I feel like a jerk because I know I’m not that kind of person when the pain isn’t there, but it’s pretty much always there now. I guess that’s me now, but I don’t want it to be.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4777 on: March 06, 2020, 10:23:10 PM »
I haven’t slept in four days. It would be easy to blame it on the new baby, but that’s not it. It‘s well past 4 AM and I am wide awake. I don’t have any work related stress either, everything is fine, but I just can’t sleep more than an hour or so.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4778 on: March 06, 2020, 11:12:08 PM »
So my soon to be ex quit her fucking job without a backup while we’re still sharing finances without telling me :rage

Just can’t

10 or so years ago the girl I was living with, who had been my girlfriend until she broke up with me because I was in the middle of crunch for the first time and was kind of sucking as a boyfriend, decided to go from working part time to prep for med school to being fully unemployed while prepping for med school. This was a problem because we had been splitting rent 50/50 on a house that neither of us could afford solo. So then I had to find a place for both of us to live that I could afford on my own (which is not easy when you're an entry level game programmer in Los Angeles during the economic collapse of 2008). Also she rescued a cat. And that cat got hit by a car. And I had to pay its emergency medical expenses, even though I said we shouldn't have the cat and she shouldn't let it roam free.

A few months after moving into the new place she decided living with me wasn't working (I was being kind of shitty tbh), so without warning she moved out while I was out of town for work. Probably a month or two later my employer went fully out of business, and this was after they had failed to pay me properly for several months. Also I found out the aforementioned girl got married to someone she knew for less time than we dated (he looked like a douchier me). I suffered a pretty major depressive episode that I honestly don't even to this day understand how I ever got out of it.

Somehow, I am friends with this person now. Albeit we did not talk for several years.

I don't really know if I have a point to this story, sorry.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4779 on: March 09, 2020, 12:00:55 PM »
So last night ended up going really bad and Tramadol sucks.

Tramadol is a bad drug, labeled a safe alternative while not being sage, still being an opiate with a host of other side effects

any doctor that uses it is an idiot or uninformed

Joe Molotov

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4780 on: March 09, 2020, 12:30:14 PM »
I know I've pointed it out before but this place still runs on windows 98

Is it SE at least tho?


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4781 on: March 09, 2020, 01:28:47 PM »
Had meeting with local paper photographer scheduled today.

Started washing my clothes, I forget a sock. It's a front loader. Wait for stupid machine to stop so I can put it in. Put crap in, I swear I press resume. Go back to washing machine 40 minutes later and the clothes aren't wet. Have to "rewash" clothes in washing machine that takes forever. Front loaders are nothing but trash.

Cut my nose on the nostril. It won't stop bleeding. I haven't even showered yet.

Combined, I have to cancel a meeting I've been waiting a month for because someone decided to curse me with bad luck this morning.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4782 on: March 09, 2020, 04:31:07 PM »
I don't know what the FUCK to do with Shosta Sr., it just seems like his mental illness is getting worse and he's 99% irritable now. He's just impossible to talk to about things and all of his behavior is irrational or delusional.

He was sleeping in his chair today and I noticed that he's got this gnarly red rash on his hands, at first I think the dumbass spilled bleach on his hands or something while cleaning at the airport... I ask him if he got chemical burns on his hands and he said yes. But I pry a little more information out of him and I find out it started out small and has been spreading over a week. "They" have been doing it to him little by little in his sleep, which is why he thinks it's a chemical burn. Motherfucker, that is fungal infection or some shit. And it's not like a little rash, it's gnarly and bumpy and gross and spreading all over the top of his hands. It looks like his fucking hands caught syphilis. This moron was really going to wait until his hands got fucking necrosis.

I try to explain this to him and he's not having it, he knows what They're doing to him and I can either believe him or not. He won't go to urgent care for the same reason. I have to leave for class soon so my mom is going to try to convince him after he takes a nap. This is an extreme example but he really is incapable of making rational decisions anymore.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4783 on: March 10, 2020, 06:04:42 AM »
My elderly mother lives in Idaho, still enjoys traveling the world.

My stepdad had a stroke on one of those trips, so I flew to Turkey and looked after my mother while he quietly struggled for three weeks and then passed-on in the ICU. Took another week of insurance wrangling and dealing with the US Embassy while we figured out how to get his remains repatriated.

Mid-last year, my mother wanted to visit Peru. There was a medical emergency during that trip. I nearly flew to Peru, but it was more practical to meet her in Idaho and help her recover. She said she was done with international trips.

This year, January or thereabouts, my mother says she's booked a trip to France and will be traveling by cruise ship for several weeks. My sister and I can't believe she's doing this again.

This month, COVID-19 is continuing its exponential growth and is tracking to be seriously dangerous. The cruise ship thing becomes a major concern; they've been examples of exactly how to not handle an outbreak.

My sister and I approach our mother about it, and though she's at first willing to look into travel plan changes, she reneges the next day and is angry at us for trying to force her to change her plans. I point out that I've been able to fly anywhere at any time to help her out of bad situations, but THIS SITUATION with COVID-19 might make it so I can't travel to help. Travel itself might not just be unsafe, it might be impossible.

Anyway, yeah. I'm freaking out.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4784 on: March 10, 2020, 01:24:44 PM »
It's not gonna be your fault if anything happens.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4785 on: March 10, 2020, 06:26:56 PM »
It was fucking shingles  >:(

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4786 on: March 11, 2020, 03:21:06 PM »
Was told my liver is degrading at a rate, where we have to seriously consider transplant post corona virus shit.  :-\


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4787 on: March 11, 2020, 03:30:59 PM »
Stay strong dude, we're all rooting for you.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4788 on: March 11, 2020, 03:42:28 PM »
Sending love, Gilhaney

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4789 on: March 11, 2020, 03:48:07 PM »
Thank you nephews. But no, feet pics are for mahmoud only.

If I do, you can share my steam account and the pride of having 1200 hours in garfield kart.

team filler

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4790 on: March 11, 2020, 04:04:15 PM »
eat more chikn ;)


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4791 on: March 12, 2020, 05:40:34 PM »
So kind of holy shit, still processing for me.

So I've got Crohn's Disease. Diagnosed in the 2000s, tried every treatment pill available and nothing worked, got really bad and almost died until I have a small bowel resection surgery in 2009 where they cut the section of my small intenstines out where the bulk of the crohn's germs were located. Immediately after I went on remicade infusions every 6-8 weeks which make me pretty immune suppressed, especially to colds/respiratory diseases. In order to try to prevent the Crohn's from coming back and getting bad again. It's also made surgeries risky and I've had to take a lot of antibiotics for lots of things and I don't do great with those.

I've been generally ok with GI for last 10 years other than still haven't issues from the surgery and having to take like imodium and probiotics daily and avoid spicy foods, dairy, gassy foods, really acid foods as much as possible. So like 75% ok GI. But I've been sick every 2-3 months and generally knocked out bad for 2 weeks at a time each time from every cold/flu in the world that comes through my state. I've also been taking too high dosage of the remicade since I've lost like 15 lbs due to food poisoning last November and H1N1 last month and I was already a bit too high dosage.

I'm 7 weeks in right now and would be doing my next infusion around next week. I wrote a long letter to my GI doctor (whose like the biggest expert in the field at Cedars in LA) explaining how my Crohn's has been in remission for 10 years, my remicade antibodies test have shown I've developed 0 antibodies to remicade medication despite being on it for 10 years (normally people develop those years in and have to go off remicade because it's not effective anymore) which seems that maybe my body doesn't really develop antibodies to the remicade (which is the main concern of going off it and not being able to go back on it).

I said considering the COVID19 situation and it being respitory and my bad history with colds/flus like H1N1 almost killing me last month being pretty bad and that I'm generally doing good now and would rather be in the 38 going on 39 year old with no complications category of survival rates if I do get COVID19 (and I get everything so I'm sure I will get this in the coming months), maybe it makes sense to go off my remicade and see how I do and go from there. I told him I was aware that it might not work when I come back to it but also that there are other newer medications which could work.

Anyhow he got back to me today and said given the fluid and unknown situation of COVID19 and where I am and that I'm aware of the risks of the crohn's coming back and remicade not being able to work, he's ok with temporarily stopping my remicade medication for now and seeing how I do. He says there have been a lot of new medications in the last 10 years if remicade doesn't work again, though they also have a risk of not working.

So that's that. I'm not doing my next infusion next week. And in a few weeks the remicade should be out of my system for the first time in 10 years
...and I will have an normal, not suppressed, immune system of a generally good shape 38 going on 39 year old for the first time in 10 years.
...I also have no idea how my Crohn's will act since I've been on this since it's been gone.

So a bit of an unknown, but I'm pretty excited about not being immune suppressed for the first time since I've really had a social life. It's also made me slightly less anxious about the COVID19 situation because I feel less like "Welp, probably gonna get it and 50/50 on whether I die from pneumonia" to "Welp, probably gonna get it, but hopefully it'll be mild and I'll be ok after a few weeks of feeling shitty"

Gonna hope for the best and that my Crohn's doesn't come back and I can enjoy being a healthy immune system person this year and then next year when COVID19 is under control I can get back on some form of prevention to keep my Crohn's from coming back.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4792 on: March 12, 2020, 06:45:19 PM »
Exxxotica Chicago got delayed and now I may not be able to go with my girlfriend :( :(

Take Jill instead.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4793 on: March 12, 2020, 10:42:53 PM »

Bring her out


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4794 on: March 13, 2020, 12:12:19 AM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4795 on: March 16, 2020, 10:25:39 AM »
Hang in there.  A key thing for me for stopping my depression is going to work every day - which I can't do now.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4796 on: March 17, 2020, 03:00:18 PM »
Got furloughed today.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4797 on: March 18, 2020, 11:16:09 AM »
Hang in there Mupepe.

I don't know if this qualifies as MY struggle per se, but jesus. Every morning I get up and am like "OK, damage report" check the family, the news, the stocks, work. This morning I actually got to sleep in, and  was hopeful. Work up, started the damage report, Earthquake in Utah, Parents are OK thankfully but Utah has non-existent building codes I'm worried if there's something bigger, wife is having severe anxiety, GF is sick (no fever or major symptoms thankfully), and one of my best employees was just found from being missing for the last 2 days (initial yay), he's in a hospital with kidney failure and needs a kidney transplant ASAP. God, it just keeps piling up.


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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4798 on: March 18, 2020, 03:16:20 PM »
Sooo, yeah this is bad for small businesses.

Today we already had 3 cases where clients who had settled a lawsuit and were signing the paperwork all backed out of the settlements. And these were property owners with millions of dollars. But they're like our tenants are all closing and not paying rent and we have no money to settle lawsuits.

Our office typically gets ~13 new cases in a week which is how we pay our bills. We also just hired 2 new employees and 1 new paralegal which brought the monthly cost of running our office from about 30k/month in bills to pay to ~55k/month. So far this week we've gotten 1 case. We may get 1 or less for the next several months or longer. There's also a very good chance that a lot of the bills we send out at the end of this month for March's work (as we'll still have enough work on present cases to bill for March/April at least) won't get paid because of people not having the money or prioritizing and not paying their attorney bills.

If we go from a good amount of cash coming in each month to close to $0, we've got a few hundred thousand in the bank as the cash reserves for the business, but we'll need to fire all our new employees in a month or two and then it'll still cost 30k/month to keep the lights on and by the end of the year we might be down to $0. From a 1-2 million/year business to $0.

Worst case scenario is we shut the office down and have to lay off all our employees in the fall, and re-open the law firm in a year or so when things are back to normal and people have money to spend on lawyers again.

Luckily I did not buy a house this year and spend most of my bank savings on the down payment and have a high $4k/month mortgage or something. With just the money in the bank and being conservative with spending I can probably live for 5-6 years with no income until I'm broke. So even if we shut down I can float this luckily for a while.

But yeah, this is gonna be bad. I'm more worried my elderly mom/dad are gonna get really sick from the stress of going broke and their business of 40 years falling apart than Covid-19 at this point. My mom's the accountant and has anxiety and she's been freaking out everyday.

it'd be easier to 'hang in there' if the state of MMORPGs wasn't such trash :doge

FFXIV is great, come join me! I'm on Ultros.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Struggle Thread mk II - No one likes us, we don't care
« Reply #4799 on: March 18, 2020, 03:49:49 PM »
I go to a coffee shop almost every day and talk to the owner. I didn't need to go yesterday, but I went out of my way to give them some of my money and support them. I talked to the owner and he's a good guy. I asked him how long he would be open and he said as long as he could because he had to support his employees. Last night he closed shop. I don't know what that's going to do to him and his employees.

My company was in a bad spot going into this. Q1 is always terrible for consulting firms, us especially so. But now we have 4 senior resources on the bench and no one is doing/saying anything about what's next. As you guys know I've found something else but was going to start there late next month so I can get my quarterly bonus and give the company time to deal with losing me and to shift their resources accordingly and give me time to complete any small projects that might come up. But now, who the fuck knows. Everything was slated to start Q2, now it's all pushed to Q3. Do you keep bench for that long? The issue is, these kind of people with this kind of experience are exceptionally rare (one company in Sacramento has been looking to fill a position like this for over a year) so if you lay those people off and then land a deal you're not going to get them back. And there's been complete radio silence from the mgmt team.