Too late
One day ban for James is pretty weak shit, IMO.
Whoa, hold up there, dude, it's not like he's Assy McGee or Floptimus.
My Dogmod: James is a sexual predator. I called this shit out
months ago (yet another TIMU win[TM]) with his Splatoon
-questionable avatars and with this latest fiasco just proves I'm right: He's a fucking pedo and he's going to pester Atra (who has bad judgement) for more jailbait shit because Atra doesn't delete photos he saves of the jailbait from Tindr (for whatever god forsaken reason) when he's back.
Ya'll banned Assy for shitting up threads and C.ash R.ules E.verything A.round M.e for the same thing (Bork having a stick up his ass about this sort of thing) but you won't ban an actual pedophile?
When the FBI comes raiding this server, don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Like, I get ya'll want to be the "cool mom" and not a fascist dictator, but holy shit sometimes you need to ban-hammer pretty hard.
Going out with a 26 y/o tonight for drinks.
Good, you're going for someone nearly your age and not a fucking kindergartner. Please up your filters.