Author Topic: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread  (Read 3184285 times)

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Chim Richalds

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31920 on: December 05, 2020, 11:10:14 PM »
I like how people have hopped onto Black Chamber’s response to Kyuuji’s PM as being passive aggressive, when Kyuuji’s initial PM is one of the most passive aggressive things I’ve ever seen.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31921 on: December 05, 2020, 11:15:01 PM »
This is some of the worst things that happen for me, People complaining they can't have x amount of other threads, people bragging that Kyuuji or the stickied thread is ignored, people not even bothering to read the OP of that thread, coming back from a locking to cheers and backslapping as if its all OK.
It wears you down, that people care so little that they don't even bother with the pretence of caring, or rather don't bother to hide the fact they care more for a games company that you.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31922 on: December 05, 2020, 11:15:57 PM »
That's not a real option. Constant politeness in the face of apathy, microaggressions, trolling, doesn't accomplish anything. It just burns people out and drives them away. The effort has to be made by everyone, even outside of the community. If we see stuff like what went down here tonight we can't play the both sides were equally at fault card.

The OP and people who congratulated them actively hurt a group of marginalized posters today, and has likely driven many of them away from this site. They had their concerns dismissed and ignored. This thread should not have been reopened the way it was. Meanwhile trans members were being trolled in a thread that was specifically made to educate people about CDPR's transphobia. You can't expect people to take that and not be frustrated, to not be hurt, to not be human.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31923 on: December 05, 2020, 11:21:01 PM »
That's not a real option. Constant politeness in the face of apathy, microaggressions, trolling, doesn't accomplish anything. It just burns people out and drives them away. The effort has to be made by everyone, even outside of the community. If we see stuff like what went down here tonight we can't play the both sides were equally at fault card.

The OP and people who congratulated them actively hurt a group of marginalized posters today, and has likely driven many of them away from this site. They had their concerns dismissed and ignored. This thread should not have been reopened the way it was. Meanwhile trans members were being trolled in a thread that was specifically made to educate people about CDPR's transphobia. You can't expect people to take that and not be frustrated, to not be hurt, to not be human.

I'm starting to believe that they don't understand the actual meaning of a lot of words.

Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31924 on: December 05, 2020, 11:21:19 PM »
let's be real nobody sincerely cares about cyberpunk 2077's transphobia. like, this can't even be a blip on the radar in the lives of anyone. what we are here for is getting that sweet syrupy drama rush.
i've just been posting in there to stir them up and watch it go down in flames


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31925 on: December 05, 2020, 11:22:10 PM »
Quote from: banshee mcspook
I think one thing moving forward is transferring ownership of the OT to someone who is better equipped to handle these sort of issues I feel strongly about this just from the genuine revulsion from trans era and it would be in the sites best interests to move forward with someone who is more willing to listen to trans issues going forward. I'm sure the current OT may have positive trans inclusion, however:

 1. I do not feel that the OT itself should not be OP'ed by these people if these are the responses from them.
 2. I also feel like punishing the correct people in this situation will be an excellent step towards mending the situation such as the opening posts of the thread thanking the op.
 3. perhaps appointing a community ambassador who is actively engaging in these discussions be able to quickly pick up on negative situations like this. I know staff can't be everywhere but I do feel that staff can do better at reacting to these kinds of situations and be able to peacefully resolve them. I get that stuff are human beings and we should respect them especially when it comes to making mistakes.
 4. I also feel like in order to clamp down on this further we need to establish some better forum rules to protect minorities further than what we are seeing now. We should not be at the point where everyone is so angry. I guess right now the best course would be to wait out everyone so better heads can prevail and discussions can commence.

I really do feel like a lot of this can be worked out and I am not really demanding anything with these statements more like suggestions more than anything.
edit: i changed this up a bit to fit a bit better with what I'm feeling. I desperately need something to grasp on to move forward after feeling so low.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31926 on: December 05, 2020, 11:23:28 PM »
Standing behind Black Chamber after he was bullied literally got trans members murdered today. Or something.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31927 on: December 05, 2020, 11:24:07 PM »
3. perhaps appointing a community ambassador who is actively engaging in these discussions be able to quickly pick up on negative situations like this.

an official snitch?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31928 on: December 05, 2020, 11:26:56 PM »
"Protect minorities further than what we are seeing now"

Yes, I suggest a simple solution: ban all straight white crackas. Have a message for anyone wanting to sign up that if you are straight and white, your IP has been logged as a Russian Nazi bot and you have already been permabanned.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31929 on: December 05, 2020, 11:26:57 PM »
I'm pretty sure they already had a "community ambassador" or some position exactly like it after the first TransSummit. I think Sophia or somebody was it, whoever it was they're now just a "regular" administrator.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31930 on: December 05, 2020, 11:27:50 PM »
I hate to say it. I hate to pull the card of similarities between the fights. But it is true. Minority fights have a lot of intersections, and the parallels do exist. I try not to call on them because I don't want to take away from one fight for another's sake, because things are just as bad for other groups as they are for us. But I do think what you are saying is true.

You're not having fights for social justice, you dumb fucks, you are fulltime whiners on a shitty niche internet forum that no one in the real world cares about :lol


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31931 on: December 05, 2020, 11:28:47 PM »
I also like how that post is right back to kissing the mods asses after shitting on them all day  :lol

Petulant children who are now trying to be on their best behavior again so mommy and daddy will get them that toy.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31932 on: December 05, 2020, 11:29:28 PM »
Last week, in response to the LGBT+ moderation threads, Pirate Bae and Sophia were promoted to admins. If you didn't follow those threads, you would have missed this information because there has been no official communication on it. There is a whole subforum called "Announcements" which bears the subtitle "Resources and staff communication", yet it is all but empty because nothing actually gets communicated by the staff. You'd think changes to the staff, the people who run the place, would be important enough to warrant an official communication. But apparently it's not.
See, I remember things sometimes.

In addition to the staff message posted by Hecht yesterday, I wanted to apologize again for the hurt that recent events have caused our trans community. I know that explanations and excuses always matter less than actions, so I'd like to start by making it clear that we have renewed determination to promote diversity on the staff and restore confidence in the team.

As of today we have appointed two new women Administrators and Mod Captains, Pirate Bae and Sophia -- both are LGBT and the latter is trans. These are amazing individuals who have been on track for promotion for a while, and their voices will now be stronger than ever. We have already committed to direct dialogue with the trans community and are looking forward to those conversations. We will also conduct a review of our policies and procedures to see in which areas they might be falling short and how they can better serve the community.

It's not an end but a beginning, and as always we are working every day to try to build a better site.

Thank you.
On the contrary, my opinion has been asked for more than ever when it comes to trans related issues. I frequently get out of class or go on breaks from my schooling only to find notifications from other staff asking for my opinion on a particular report or issue. The same is true of my fellow LGBTQ and trans staff members. We were pretty much all extensively involved with the creation of the new guidelines. Obviously, we're not perfect. We've made mistakes in the past. But we're open to hearing feedback, and we want to know how we can improve going forward. This topic is very personal to me, given my own life experiences as a trans woman, and I want to make sure we get it right.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 11:34:02 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31933 on: December 05, 2020, 11:31:54 PM »
But...but....Era doesn't give a shit about them and transphobia is running rampant all over the site!


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31934 on: December 05, 2020, 11:37:39 PM »
It's a terrible website and I would leave my Mod Admiral position in solidarity with the communities leaving in caravans except they pay me $8,000 a month to do it. After taxes!


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31935 on: December 05, 2020, 11:54:58 PM »
Remember, all this drama is happening because users on a gaming forum had the audacity to want to talk about a video game in relative peace.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31936 on: December 06, 2020, 12:11:49 AM »
Remember, all this drama is happening because users on a gaming forum had the audacity to want to talk about a video game in relative peace.
More than that it's because they wanted to talk about the game at all.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31937 on: December 06, 2020, 12:15:48 AM »
Feeling kinda bummed out again by how BC has been through all this. He says he's been educated by Kyuuji's efforts, but his conclusion is that CDPR is divisive. He doesn't actually say transphobic. Like, CDPR is just asking questions that maybe people don't like hearing, and that's on them if they're unhappy. I tried asking him, when he said he was educated, if he meant CDPR was transphobic and I think people believed I was an asshole for it.

Do we know what is going to be on that OT? Is BC coordinating with trans people to put a good message on there?

Post #2,913

Good, good.

Demand BC answer more of our questions.  Let him prove to us he isn't a transphobe.  And then we will control the forum.

Top page sexy Vader.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not a great effort but a cute girl.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31938 on: December 06, 2020, 12:18:32 AM »
I should mention I don't think we'll be seeing a staff post till tomorrow morning or later in the day since everyone is asleep right now. So right now I think it's best we just get together and collaborate ideas till then and then submit them to staff when it happens and if they're willing to receive them. I think It will help narrow down and end this nightmare sooner rather than later if we have more facts and ideas to provide.
Have people thrown the idea of making another 1 or 2 prominent members of this thread, mods? I think it could do wonders to have one of you advocating from the inside
I don't think so although I think having more trans mods while nice and fills the gap after some seats got vacated I do feel like we may need to address the more problematic issues. I.e. better moderation methods and public relations as a whole maybe would be a better avenue to go down. That said I like your idea.
Yes, yes, this solved the problems before didn't it. Just do it again!

Been basically lurking the Cyberpunk threads for a long while now due to how hopeless I’ve felt about the situation on gaming side when it comes to trans issues. But the recent events have been exceptional enough that I do feel obligated to join those of you who’ve been strong enough to keep speaking up all this time. To say that this situation is wholly unsurprising would be an understatement. Time and time again, the concerns of trans era have been secondary to the concerns of the gaming populace at large. When only a small percentage of that populace is trans, it’s all too easy for their concerns to be paid nothing more than lip service, which, invariably, is exactly what continues to happen.

That the discourse that occurred in the NCW thread was ever allowed to happen is precisely why a stickied thread and a bottom-of-the-page warning are not enough. Those can be (and too often seem to be) ignored. Era has a pervading problem with its culture, one that from my perspective favors AAA marketing over the needs of its marginalized communities. I recognize the difficulty staff must have in dealing with these issues, and empathize with those staff members that are a part of these communities. But that empathy and understanding are wholly separate from my feelings on the reality of the situation here, a situation that has been allowed to fester for months, maybe years. And the reality is that I feel unsafe and unwelcome here. This is a feeling that has somehow only grown stronger since what happened with Ketkat, and became especially apparent to me when Hogwarts Legacy was properly unveiled. I don’t think this situation is sustainable. It will just happen again and again.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31939 on: December 06, 2020, 12:22:16 AM »
Feeling kinda bummed out again by how BC has been through all this. He says he's been educated by Kyuuji's efforts, but his conclusion is that CDPR is divisive. He doesn't actually say transphobic. Like, CDPR is just asking questions that maybe people don't like hearing, and that's on them if they're unhappy. I tried asking him, when he said he was educated, if he meant CDPR was transphobic and I think people believed I was an asshole for it.

Do we know what is going to be on that OT? Is BC coordinating with trans people to put a good message on there?

Post #2,913

Good, good.
(Image removed from quote.)

Demand BC answer more of our questions.  Let him prove to us he isn't a transphobe.  And then we will control the forum.

Top page sexy Vader.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not a great effort but a cute girl.

get with the times, we need sexy Mandalorian  ::)


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31940 on: December 06, 2020, 12:25:30 AM »
Frankly, after multiple botched patch jobs, the mod team would just be spitting in the community's face by denying upgrading 1 or 2 of you up to mods.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31941 on: December 06, 2020, 12:37:13 AM »
Is the staff dumb enough to get another mod from TransEra after SweetNicole and Robin/KetKat shitshows? The fact that they still entertain TransEra at all is already playing Russian Roulette.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31942 on: December 06, 2020, 01:05:29 AM »
Frankly, after multiple botched patch jobs, the mod team would just be spitting in the community's face by denying upgrading 1 or 2 of you up to mods.

Sophia’s tag says ‘On Break’ now btw.

Wait, she came back already  :lol


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31943 on: December 06, 2020, 01:56:09 AM »
The nightmare never ends.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31944 on: December 06, 2020, 02:12:45 AM »
Hey ResetERA,

I usually lurk and chime in from to time. I would love to be a more active poster, but I generally do not believe I have anything of substance to add.

But, this is not why I sit here typing this right now.

This year has been rough on many of us for a variety of reasons. Some of our loved ones did not make it. Some of the members of this very community did not make it. And some others are struggling with physical health, mental health, or both.

I believe that this site's original premise was an inclusive place to discuss games and other topics of interest. It started from a very public meltdown in NeoGAF, and many of us distanced ourselves from that to build something new. Something better.

But, it seems we have learned nothing. Or very little at least. We’ve become a parody of ourselves. How many times have we thought ourselves superior to that place, or even to people outside this bubble?

This year alone, we have had countless threads highlighting how certain members of ERA are treated, and how some topics are brushed under the rug.

Off the top of my head:
And I am sure there are others that I have missed.

We are rightly mocked because we fail at self-moderation, we routinely fail at discussing sensitive topics constructively, and we fail at growth. This isn’t a case of some bad apples spoiling the bunch. It has become somewhat normalized (to varying degrees).

I do not expect us to be completely infallible, and paragons of fairness, justice, and so on at every single turn. I, myself, was banned for the first time on how to address people in a group: “hey guys”, vs. “hey all”. On the surface, it does seem insignificant, but it does affect how someone feels.

At the time, I struggled to understand my ban. Partly, because I juggle many languages. Partly because I deal with many that do not have English as a first, second, or even their language. I don’t necessarily expect them to understand the nuances from the get-go, especially in light of the culture they come from.

My ban finished, and I sat and read through more replies and understood where I went wrong. And when dealing with someone learning English, I have adjusted how to get them to address groups appropriately. It wasn’t hard.

Is it difficult to just shut up and listen? Is it difficult to try and understand what people who are different from you go through? If the answer to any of these is yes (to you), what is difficult about it?

There have been countless work done by members here to shed light on issues that concern them (and others). I often see these important threads slowly fall from the first page, and into the deep dark corners of the forum. Hell, I’ll tell you that as a Black African man, there is far more to be done about talking about African issues. But, I have learned to pick my battles because I am exhausted. I highly commend those here who keep fighting the good fight in an effort to bring positive and sustainable change. And this is important because this is one of the most popular gaming forums on the internet.

On a good day here:
I pick up life protip;
Learn about an issue I never realized before;
Discover a hidden gem
Laugh at some of the hilarious memes that have become a fabric of this community, or the ridiculous threads that show up on the weekend.

What was usually joyous, has been replaced with a sense of sadness and disappointment.

We’re years into the experiment, and if anything…this place feels like a long-lost sequel to the old place. It sucks, and as much as we say we want to do better, we keep messing it up when it counts.

“The performatively woke person takes up a lot of space. The ally makes space. It’s a crucial difference.” - Eric Peterson.

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31945 on: December 06, 2020, 02:28:26 AM »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31946 on: December 06, 2020, 02:37:42 AM »
On a good day here:
Laugh at some of the hilarious memes that have become a fabric of this community, or the ridiculous threads that show up on the weekend.

This is the worst thing I’ve ever read.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31947 on: December 06, 2020, 03:43:26 AM »
Meanwhile, the daily suicide thread...

what the hell is the talk in the OP about never being good enough and no one being desperate enough to like you?

OP, have you. . .have you been on some kind of incel forum? Because that absolutely smacks of the kind of rhetoric batted around in those environments.

team filler

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31948 on: December 06, 2020, 03:45:45 AM »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31949 on: December 06, 2020, 03:56:22 AM »
Speaking of incels, the Cyberpunk thread from incelsiorlef's post on is almost entirely about nothing but the game for almost an entire page now:

Credit to the mods for their great work quelling this rebellion by doing nothing and letting the instigators all go to sleep. :rollsafe


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31950 on: December 06, 2020, 04:02:56 AM »
I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve been part of an incel community for over 3 years now. It’s called and it’s terrible.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31951 on: December 06, 2020, 04:17:03 AM »
stay safe


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31952 on: December 06, 2020, 04:28:03 AM »
I propose the official theme song for all resettis standing between the lines and just talking about the game


transera theme


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31953 on: December 06, 2020, 04:31:46 AM »
That's not a real option. Constant politeness in the face of apathy, microaggressions, trolling, doesn't accomplish anything. It just burns people out and drives them away. The effort has to be made by everyone, even outside of the community. If we see stuff like what went down here tonight we can't play the both sides were equally at fault card.

The OP and people who congratulated them actively hurt a group of marginalized posters today, and has likely driven many of them away from this site. They had their concerns dismissed and ignored. This thread should not have been reopened the way it was. Meanwhile trans members were being trolled in a thread that was specifically made to educate people about CDPR's transphobia. You can't expect people to take that and not be frustrated, to not be hurt, to not be human.

Literally amazing to play the "im. so. tired. of being polite" card when Black Chambers response to an orchestrated dogpile aimed directly and personally at him has been 🙏 I love you all 💯 with the end result its made them look like a bunch of unreasonable bullying assholes, and thats what they're now mad about  :lol


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31954 on: December 06, 2020, 04:43:03 AM »
stay safe

Fuck offf with your toxic positivity.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31955 on: December 06, 2020, 04:48:20 AM »
Have the mods considered doing their job for once? It'd be nice if they didn't hide behind their token trans mods, either. this is cowardly and I'd be fucking ashamed if I was this incompetent. Black Chamber is such an obvious shill AND he's breaking the rules of the forum under your noses. What gives, are you scared of retaliation? Don't want to lose that fat stack from the traffic? C'mon, just tell the truth.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31956 on: December 06, 2020, 04:48:43 AM »
Have the mods considered doing their job for once? It'd be nice if they didn't hide behind their token trans mods, either. this is cowardly and I'd be fucking ashamed if I was this incompetent. Black Chamber is such an obvious shill AND he's breaking the rules of the forum under your noses. What gives, are you scared of retaliation? Don't want to lose that fat stack from the traffic? C'mon, just tell the truth.




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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31957 on: December 06, 2020, 05:07:56 AM »
and now the thread is business as usual, the cycle continues until the next thing some member/ CDPR does against the Trans community that will get people angry for a little bit until the massive sea of “ HYYYYYPE” posts drown them out.So disappointing


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31959 on: December 06, 2020, 05:28:10 AM »
Quote from: Mekanos
I have mostly stayed out of this debacle, but I will say this: a forum can't survive having its marginalized communities blow up every few months because they are ignored, condescended to, sidelined, and banned for speaking truth to power. The changes that need to be made have to be drastic and systemic for it to work. Once is bad enough, but this has happened again, and again, and again.

More needs to be done than pleasantries and a rearrangement of the guard. Much, much more.
Seize the means of forum production comrade!


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31960 on: December 06, 2020, 05:44:02 AM »
At this point I would honestly suggest that Black Chamber be banned, CDPR and Cyberpunk chat should be banned outside of criticism, and then let the chips fall where they may. Just for once, actually stand for something. Even if it’s something spiteful and pointless.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31961 on: December 06, 2020, 05:55:47 AM »
Just for once, actually stand for something.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31962 on: December 06, 2020, 06:02:45 AM »
Okay, so I know I said I was done posting here and I know this post isn't even directed at me, but.....



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31963 on: December 06, 2020, 06:08:11 AM »
Like a lot of folks, been lurking these threads for a bit now, but given how things have gone tonight, just wanted to speak up to voice solidarity with TransEra. Hope that mods can see through the empty calls for civlity and take solid action to re-affirm the value of marginalized members of this community.

Editor-in-Chief at Waypoint?
What's waypoint? Some venture capitalist firm according to google


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31964 on: December 06, 2020, 06:29:40 AM »
The Ree trans meltdowns and rage fits are probably more entertaining than the game


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31965 on: December 06, 2020, 07:25:31 AM »
Hey ResetERA,

I usually lurk and chime in from to time. I would love to be a more active poster, but I generally do not believe I have anything of substance to add.

But, this is not why I sit here typing this right now.

This year has been rough on many of us for a variety of reasons. Some of our loved ones did not make it. Some of the members of this very community did not make it. And some others are struggling with physical health, mental health, or both.

I believe that this site's original premise was an inclusive place to discuss games and other topics of interest. It started from a very public meltdown in NeoGAF, and many of us distanced ourselves from that to build something new. Something better.

But, it seems we have learned nothing. Or very little at least. We’ve become a parody of ourselves. How many times have we thought ourselves superior to that place, or even to people outside this bubble?

This year alone, we have had countless threads highlighting how certain members of ERA are treated, and how some topics are brushed under the rug.

Off the top of my head:
And I am sure there are others that I have missed.

We are rightly mocked because we fail at self-moderation, we routinely fail at discussing sensitive topics constructively, and we fail at growth. This isn’t a case of some bad apples spoiling the bunch. It has become somewhat normalized (to varying degrees).

I do not expect us to be completely infallible, and paragons of fairness, justice, and so on at every single turn. I, myself, was banned for the first time on how to address people in a group: “hey guys”, vs. “hey all”. On the surface, it does seem insignificant, but it does affect how someone feels.

At the time, I struggled to understand my ban. Partly, because I juggle many languages. Partly because I deal with many that do not have English as a first, second, or even their language. I don’t necessarily expect them to understand the nuances from the get-go, especially in light of the culture they come from.

My ban finished, and I sat and read through more replies and understood where I went wrong. And when dealing with someone learning English, I have adjusted how to get them to address groups appropriately. It wasn’t hard.

Is it difficult to just shut up and listen? Is it difficult to try and understand what people who are different from you go through? If the answer to any of these is yes (to you), what is difficult about it?

There have been countless work done by members here to shed light on issues that concern them (and others). I often see these important threads slowly fall from the first page, and into the deep dark corners of the forum. Hell, I’ll tell you that as a Black African man, there is far more to be done about talking about African issues. But, I have learned to pick my battles because I am exhausted. I highly commend those here who keep fighting the good fight in an effort to bring positive and sustainable change. And this is important because this is one of the most popular gaming forums on the internet.

On a good day here:
I pick up life protip;
Learn about an issue I never realized before;
Discover a hidden gem
Laugh at some of the hilarious memes that have become a fabric of this community, or the ridiculous threads that show up on the weekend.

What was usually joyous, has been replaced with a sense of sadness and disappointment.

We’re years into the experiment, and if anything…this place feels like a long-lost sequel to the old place. It sucks, and as much as we say we want to do better, we keep messing it up when it counts.

“The performatively woke person takes up a lot of space. The ally makes space. It’s a crucial difference.” - Eric Peterson.

this forum that is the laughing stock of the internet due to its hysterical social justice warriors is not woke enough. gentlemen, we gotta get more woke.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31966 on: December 06, 2020, 07:47:14 AM »
I come to resetera mostly about gaming news and also to read people different opinions about my hobby but honestly don't feel like participating/ posting much anymore cause whenever an post is not aligned to people's liking you get attacked or outed as a monster for not contributing to a cause. (And it starting to feel more general, not Cyberpunk/CDPR specific)

I'm surprised people that are doing OT out of their own free time are getting attacked especially after welcoming everyone. And the Vestan ban?! I'm sorry but they owe you, me or anyone else for that matter anything.

A previous poster said that they don't feel safe here anymore well I'll equally say that it doesn't feel "safe" here for wanting to discuss about Cyberpunk without engaging into taking a stance against CDPR. I put the quotes around the word safe cause we are on a forum after all, and far bigger issues out there in the world than getting banned and shut out from discussion.

My post here will be considered "a bad/awful take" Iike most of the replies nowadays and I'll probably be banned too for saying as much but hopefully all parties can keep it civil in the future. How about you all respect one another?

He wants to talk about video games in the video games forum. Ban this fucking bigot

You drawing any kind of equivalence between you being free to discuss CP2077 without fear of criticism and the concerns of a constantly maligned group that's being exploited and dehumanized by said game is just mind boggling. You don't seem to truly understand the first thing about the issue or even really what making a place a safe space is.

Games are not more important than people.

Should mention that to all of the Kyuuji types who have been railing against the game and CDPR for so long but still fully intend to buy and play the game  :lol


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31967 on: December 06, 2020, 07:54:41 AM »
how would you describe the style of writing that every RE OP conforms to? nerd histrionics? asperger monologuing?


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31968 on: December 06, 2020, 08:57:22 AM »
What are they even complaining about. They can't even see the damn tag.


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31969 on: December 06, 2020, 09:06:30 AM »
how would you describe the style of writing that every RE OP conforms to? nerd histrionics? asperger monologuing?

malignant narcissism


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31970 on: December 06, 2020, 09:42:14 AM »
Yeah I got time today....

What a pathetic situation overall. I’ve been monitoring and watching it slowly devolve into the shitshow that’s currently taking place over this game on this forum and it’s nothing short of embarrassing.

I’ve been listening and reading and now I’m ready to speak.

There was nothing difficult about finding a solution to the origin of this fallout. The problem is that some of you just don’t fucking care. Everyone involved would have a much easier time if the actors involved would just admit that instead of putting on this fake as fuck “ally” mask charade and then turning it to a victim complex.

It’s annoying as hell because the solutions were so easy, the fact people listed them in this thread proves it didn’t take a speck of brain power to come up with them, just an ounce of actually giving a damn.

1. Start the OT thread with a “A Word from Kyujii/TransERA. You already reserve posts in the an OT thread to set up your graphic formatting, right?

Oh so you have space.. put a goddamn forward to frame the situation. If you can’t write it, someone from TransERA would have no problems doing that for you. Add a link that goes back to Kyujiis thread for reference. This is completed in one fucking PM

2. Ask a mod to add a Staff Comm with a brief detail that can link back to the OT Forward and Kyujiis Thread. This is completed in one fucking PM

What is so damn difficult about that? Why could it not be agreed to on the first ask? That’s why this all blew up, because it was the most basic bottom line olive branch one could do and it was met with political non answer bullshit. That shows character and intent. It’s clear as day that something so small bothered Chamber so much, but yet some wanna come after the fact and say this was always the plan.

Theres 0 reason why it couldnt be agreed to in public outside of just lack of interest. It’s a goddamn Video Game OT, not some NDA contract with barred info till release day like BC wants to pretend it is.

And then people want to parade his “effort” like it’s some hard job requiring sacrifice. Get real. You’re a fan on a forum like the rest of us.

CDPR isn’t over Chamber’s shoulder beating him with a stick to make a hype train. Let alone the fact that if he didn’t do it, it’s not like it would never exist seeing this is one of the biggest releases in a long time for the industry. He chose to do this on his own. And the reality is, he chose to do it for a game in which both the game and the developers have a shit track record towards TransFolk. You can’t just ignore that. It’s baked into the product. So I’m not understanding why the thought process is “La La La, I wanna enjoy the game”

The game marginalizes and exploits Transpeople for its setting. This shit doesn’t exist in a bubble. Far too many people base their shitty worldviews off media they consume, and damaging portrayals of TransPeople only helps to further that marginalization and discrimination they already face.

It doesn’t even make sense from a self preservation angle. This game will be parsed through with a fine tooth comb. If there are more examples of Transphobia or even Racism.. this little nerd party definitely won’t have a pot to piss in nor a leg to stand on in regards to criticism. (One could argue they already don’t)

Why in the hell would you not try to jump in front it? Why not acknowledge the problems that are there and pledge to create a dialogue to counter those issues? That’s why this shit blew up, because some just dont fucking care

The victim complex being developed over this is fucking laughable.

“I wanna enjoy the game!”

You already are and it’s not even out yet. You comb every fucking site for every speck and crumb of information for this game. You watch every video. You joined your CP Discord server (which that’s where y’all will be during the Launch Day OT Ban, you’re most likely complaining about this situation now in there) You preordered the Collectors Edition, You preloaded the game. You will obsess over the Review Scores, and whine endlessly about outlets that score low...

Where the fuck are you not enjoying the game?

Oh, it’s when People remind you about CDPRs shitty behavior and conduct, that’s when you feel not allowed to enjoy the game.

What a fucking joke, that’s transphobic as fuck to even dare make that statement. To even try to simulate oppression over being reminded that a video game you enjoy has shitty hurtful elements.

So many posters in this thread come across as baby shit soft. TransFolk live their lives on a daily basis with constant threats of outright Violence and Murder, Fetishization, Lack of Access to Medical Care, Discrimination, Ostracization not just from greater society but their own racial groups even. Quite simply damn near hated by everyone..

but y’all have the gall to whine about your entertainment being ruined over a real discussion?

A lot of you clearly wouldn’t last a fucking day in the life of a transgender person.

Im not Trans. I don’t have to be to fucking give a shit about their plight. I don’t subscribe to this “ally” bullshit y’all love so much. I’m a part of the fight. I’m a part of the struggle for TransPeople to be seen and heard. I listen when I need to listen, I will speak when I need to speak. I don’t talk over or talk for TransPeople, I echo them. And if one day I ever get it wrong, I will damn well make sure I don’t ever make that fucking mistake again.

My only suggestion to TransERA, if anything, is that they are being TOO NICE. They spoke too obvious off site trolls at face value and good faith. They have constantly controlled their language to make the discussion more tolerable. They reached their hand out and some of you spat in it. You actually tried to take them for fools. And some of you had the fucking nerve to even go ahead and try to tone police them further. Absolutely utter bullshit.

I’m incensed over this shit, I hate seeing bigotry and the apathy over it with every fiber of my being. It’s this lack of giving a fuck that leads to these situations in the first place. And the Gaming “Community” is full of this shit.

Gaming is not a little white boys club anymore (it never was). The industry and its patrons will continue to become more and more diverse. If studios and game products don’t want to account for that, expect more “criticism” and “outrage”. That “duck your head and stay in your lan bullshit is over. People will speak out. This entire forum is based off that concept but clearly for some it’s a pick and choose thing. Y’all wanna scream about game pricing and dlc controversies, but bury your head in the sand over shit that affects real people

Fuck all of that.

It’s situations like this that make people not want to associate with being a “Gamer”. There’s just too many people who portray themselves with infantile understanding, obsessive consumerism and absolute lack of empathy to make any association with that word appealing.

When will y’all actually mature into adults? Call me when that happens

Everyone is welcome to do so 💯



  • Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31971 on: December 06, 2020, 09:54:33 AM »
These nibbas really spending their weekend writing word salads about this and feeling unsafe on the most overmoderated forum online  :doge


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31972 on: December 06, 2020, 10:03:17 AM »
How can they keep bitching about feeling unsafe or not welcome when they try their fucking hardest to drive people like black chamber away .

They even banned the other guy who tried to explain why Black Chamber felt hesitant to engage with those loonies


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31973 on: December 06, 2020, 10:24:12 AM »
Being an adult is about having meltdowns on internet video game forums  :rash


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31974 on: December 06, 2020, 10:27:52 AM »
Looks like they've switched goals from getting Black Chamber banned to having his CP 2077 OT making privileges taken away. These are the same people, by the way, who were (and still are) bad mouthing the mods just yesterday. Anything to hurt Black Chamber seems to be their goal now.

All this just because Black Chamber refused to be baited by legit harassers. Who knew just merely ignoring them was so hurtful to them in their eyes  :lol
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 11:07:44 AM by Averon »


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31975 on: December 06, 2020, 10:29:05 AM »
Yeah I got time today....

What a pathetic situation overall. I’ve been monitoring and watching it slowly devolve into the shitshow that’s currently taking place over this game on this forum and it’s nothing short of embarrassing.

I’ve been listening and reading and now I’m ready to speak.

There was nothing difficult about finding a solution to the origin of this fallout. The problem is that some of you just don’t fucking care. Everyone involved would have a much easier time if the actors involved would just admit that instead of putting on this fake as fuck “ally” mask charade and then turning it to a victim complex.

It’s annoying as hell because the solutions were so easy, the fact people listed them in this thread proves it didn’t take a speck of brain power to come up with them, just an ounce of actually giving a damn.

1. Start the OT thread with a “A Word from Kyujii/TransERA. You already reserve posts in the an OT thread to set up your graphic formatting, right?

Oh so you have space.. put a goddamn forward to frame the situation. If you can’t write it, someone from TransERA would have no problems doing that for you. Add a link that goes back to Kyujiis thread for reference. This is completed in one fucking PM

2. Ask a mod to add a Staff Comm with a brief detail that can link back to the OT Forward and Kyujiis Thread. This is completed in one fucking PM

What is so damn difficult about that? Why could it not be agreed to on the first ask? That’s why this all blew up, because it was the most basic bottom line olive branch one could do and it was met with political non answer bullshit. That shows character and intent. It’s clear as day that something so small bothered Chamber so much, but yet some wanna come after the fact and say this was always the plan.

Theres 0 reason why it couldnt be agreed to in public outside of just lack of interest. It’s a goddamn Video Game OT, not some NDA contract with barred info till release day like BC wants to pretend it is.

And then people want to parade his “effort” like it’s some hard job requiring sacrifice. Get real. You’re a fan on a forum like the rest of us.

CDPR isn’t over Chamber’s shoulder beating him with a stick to make a hype train. Let alone the fact that if he didn’t do it, it’s not like it would never exist seeing this is one of the biggest releases in a long time for the industry. He chose to do this on his own. And the reality is, he chose to do it for a game in which both the game and the developers have a shit track record towards TransFolk. You can’t just ignore that. It’s baked into the product. So I’m not understanding why the thought process is “La La La, I wanna enjoy the game”

The game marginalizes and exploits Transpeople for its setting. This shit doesn’t exist in a bubble. Far too many people base their shitty worldviews off media they consume, and damaging portrayals of TransPeople only helps to further that marginalization and discrimination they already face.

It doesn’t even make sense from a self preservation angle. This game will be parsed through with a fine tooth comb. If there are more examples of Transphobia or even Racism.. this little nerd party definitely won’t have a pot to piss in nor a leg to stand on in regards to criticism. (One could argue they already don’t)

Why in the hell would you not try to jump in front it? Why not acknowledge the problems that are there and pledge to create a dialogue to counter those issues? That’s why this shit blew up, because some just dont fucking care

The victim complex being developed over this is fucking laughable.

“I wanna enjoy the game!”

You already are and it’s not even out yet. You comb every fucking site for every speck and crumb of information for this game. You watch every video. You joined your CP Discord server (which that’s where y’all will be during the Launch Day OT Ban, you’re most likely complaining about this situation now in there) You preordered the Collectors Edition, You preloaded the game. You will obsess over the Review Scores, and whine endlessly about outlets that score low...

Where the fuck are you not enjoying the game?

Oh, it’s when People remind you about CDPRs shitty behavior and conduct, that’s when you feel not allowed to enjoy the game.

What a fucking joke, that’s transphobic as fuck to even dare make that statement. To even try to simulate oppression over being reminded that a video game you enjoy has shitty hurtful elements.

So many posters in this thread come across as baby shit soft. TransFolk live their lives on a daily basis with constant threats of outright Violence and Murder, Fetishization, Lack of Access to Medical Care, Discrimination, Ostracization not just from greater society but their own racial groups even. Quite simply damn near hated by everyone..

but y’all have the gall to whine about your entertainment being ruined over a real discussion?

A lot of you clearly wouldn’t last a fucking day in the life of a transgender person.

Im not Trans. I don’t have to be to fucking give a shit about their plight. I don’t subscribe to this “ally” bullshit y’all love so much. I’m a part of the fight. I’m a part of the struggle for TransPeople to be seen and heard. I listen when I need to listen, I will speak when I need to speak. I don’t talk over or talk for TransPeople, I echo them. And if one day I ever get it wrong, I will damn well make sure I don’t ever make that fucking mistake again.

My only suggestion to TransERA, if anything, is that they are being TOO NICE. They spoke too obvious off site trolls at face value and good faith. They have constantly controlled their language to make the discussion more tolerable. They reached their hand out and some of you spat in it. You actually tried to take them for fools. And some of you had the fucking nerve to even go ahead and try to tone police them further. Absolutely utter bullshit.

I’m incensed over this shit, I hate seeing bigotry and the apathy over it with every fiber of my being. It’s this lack of giving a fuck that leads to these situations in the first place. And the Gaming “Community” is full of this shit.

Gaming is not a little white boys club anymore (it never was). The industry and its patrons will continue to become more and more diverse. If studios and game products don’t want to account for that, expect more “criticism” and “outrage”. That “duck your head and stay in your lan bullshit is over. People will speak out. This entire forum is based off that concept but clearly for some it’s a pick and choose thing. Y’all wanna scream about game pricing and dlc controversies, but bury your head in the sand over shit that affects real people

Fuck all of that.

It’s situations like this that make people not want to associate with being a “Gamer”. There’s just too many people who portray themselves with infantile understanding, obsessive consumerism and absolute lack of empathy to make any association with that word appealing.

When will y’all actually mature into adults? Call me when that happens

Everyone is welcome to do so 💯


Great post, co signed, excellent read.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31976 on: December 06, 2020, 10:33:05 AM »
Looks like they've switched goals from getting Black Chamber banned to having his CP 2077 OT making privileges taken away. These are the same people, by the way, who were (and still are) bad mouthing the mods just yesterday. Anything to hurt Black Chamber seems to be their goal now.

All this just because Black Chamber refused to be baited by legit harassers. Who knew ust merely ignoring them was so hurtful to them in their eyes  :lol

Remember how that one actress from that one TV show (very specific, I know) was called out by a twitter mob for being an evil TERF and then it turned out that a bunch of twitter users had been harassing her via DMs for a while and demanding that she put pronouns in her bio? That was brushed aside very quietly and quickly :doge

But I guess it's not harassing if you're doing it for a right and just™ cause


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31977 on: December 06, 2020, 10:36:52 AM »
🙏 Everyone is welcome! 💯

 :ltg :rage :trigger :six:


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31978 on: December 06, 2020, 10:41:55 AM »
This thread's kinda uncanny seeing all the hype posts ignoring the whole issue. Creepy, even. 

“Is like they don’t want to be ban baited.”


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #31979 on: December 06, 2020, 11:00:00 AM »
Thiiiiis so much, like I know folks put their heart into it and all — but if they could take that same energy and apply to actual avenues of genuine discourse and facilitate conversations that mean something... but nah, let me act as a officially hired community manager/brand ambassador for said company.

Edit: I also agree the OT should be handed off given the natural of how things have been handled this far...

Suddenly being hyped for a game means you are a brand ambassador for a company. Hope they keep this exact same energy when the next Sony exclusive comes out, complete with hype and a massive OT hyping the game.

Gonna have to agree with this. I'm sure both Black Chamber and vestan have put a lot of work into the OT, but their responses have been just dreadful and since apparently the whole point of having an OT for the game is to have a "safe" environment for everyone to discuss/criticize/etc. it, I'm sure it'd be fine if the OT was a more barebones one.

"dreadful" a stunning takeaway from some good posts that included an apology. I guess defending yourself and calling out bullying is dreadful in the eyes of those STILL bullying BC, despite being told when the thread reopened to knock it off.