Author Topic: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo  (Read 621194 times)

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #480 on: July 09, 2018, 05:29:09 PM »
You wanna discuss Panopticon next?
Sure. With lush texture and a chorus that's equal parts beautiful and kick-ass, Billy Corgan proved that he could still deliver the unique, soaring rock anthems Smashing Pumpkins has always been known for. Oceania in general represents a hard u-turn from the heavier Machina and Zeitgeist, successfully putting a Corgan spin on the newer alt rock style popularized by bands like Interpol. Panopticon is the hardest hitting track, lurching forward with urgency toward a breathtaking climax. A must listen for any Smashing Pumpkins fan.



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #481 on: July 09, 2018, 05:30:58 PM »
Foucault? Where you learn in almost every single introductory writing



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #482 on: July 09, 2018, 05:31:16 PM »
Notabe mentions:



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #483 on: July 09, 2018, 05:34:59 PM »
I unno, we did Foucault in writing class too

Really? Any idea why?

And yes, Assy, the panopticon is The One Thing everybody knows about Foucault. You get a Scooby snack.

And I’m a little insulted that you’d assume I’m a product of the educational industrial complex like yr boy Daddy P


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #484 on: July 09, 2018, 05:37:07 PM »
I unno, we did Foucault in writing class too

Really? Any idea why?

The book that we used had a bunch of essays by different writers and we had to write essays about those essays. The Foucault one was an essay about writing. It was the most boring shit.

Also, this is filler


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #485 on: July 09, 2018, 05:39:34 PM »
I unno, we did Foucault in writing class too

Really? Any idea why?

The book that we used had a bunch of essays by different writers and we had to write essays about those essays. The Foucault one was an essay about writing. It was the most boring shit.

Also, this is filler

Yeah, sounds like the kinda thing I’d skip. I was primarily interested in the histories because they’re fun.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #486 on: July 09, 2018, 05:41:36 PM »
Let me put it this way, I found it as boring as Assimilate finds that shitty audiobook he falls alseep to


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #487 on: July 09, 2018, 06:05:57 PM »
I wonder what it says about me that Jeremy Bentham is what I associate The Panopticon with. And I'd probably think of Fidel Castro's stint in one before I thought of Foucault's essay.

Isn't Foucault's essay on it just metaphorically restating Bentham's straightforward reasoning on the concept and its benefits? Maybe I should read it again instead of Assimilating on The Bore.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #488 on: July 09, 2018, 06:09:26 PM »
Wait, Jeremy Bentham wasn't just a LOST character?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #489 on: July 09, 2018, 06:11:14 PM »
dude was a complete nutter and probably a Nazi:
He advocated for individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and the decriminalising of homosexual acts.[6][7] He called for the abolition of slavery, of the death penalty, and of physical punishment, including that of children.[8] He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #490 on: July 09, 2018, 06:15:48 PM »
What a loser. 


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #491 on: July 09, 2018, 06:23:03 PM »
also his head is preserved and is often on display somewhere:

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #492 on: July 09, 2018, 06:37:08 PM »
Did he get a hair cut?  I remember him looking differently 5 years ago. 


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #493 on: July 09, 2018, 06:50:08 PM »

[foucault, who] you learn in almost every single introductory...philosophy class in Univ?
this isn’t true

Even though Foucault was the Marxist.
He was as much of a Marxist as you had to be in 60s/70s France. Which is to say, engaging with Marx academically like you would Hume or whoever, without having to be an actual, you know, commie. I have a hard time considering his politics were meaningfully Marxist given:

 i) “Marxist thought exists in nineteenth-century thought like a fish in water: that is, it is unable to breathe anywhere else. Their [viz. classical, ‘bourgeois’ economics and revolutionary, ‘Marxian’ economics] controversies may have stirred up a few waves and caused a few surface ripples; but they are no more than storms in a children’s paddling pool.” The order of things pg. 262

and ii) his boner for Gary Becker and flirtations with what he took as the neoliberal turn towards the end of his career.

Really, to a man all of the poststructuralists were boring socdems (but what is a socdem but a half-hearted Marxist amirite?). Part of what this subversive conspiracy narrative that tries to pigeonhole everyone who’s French or German (and let’s be real, Jewish) into an unproblematic commie obscures are the real faultlines and incommensurabilities between, for instance, the deleuzians/derrideans/foucauldians and the legit ‘cultural marxists’ of the Frankfurt school. Not to mention everyone else who doesn’t fit neatly into either camp, like lyotard, Althusser(lol), and, probably, baudrillard. Some of them can be legit styled ‘postmodern’ understood narrowly as subscription to either epistemic or metaphysical anti-realism (and potentially both). None of their works/thought can be reducibly described in colloquial ‘isms’ taken from contemporary American political discourse because they were far too careful of thinkers to be summarized within five bullet points.

Jake, does your company offer policies that can be cashed out even in the event of a suicide
Only if you consider purgatory to be a benefit.

Incidentally, great example of Christianity not being committed to individual autonomy:
Quote from: Catholic Catechism 2280
Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.
Quote from: 2281
Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God.

I’m not sure the individualism/collectivism binary isn’t just a feature of literally every group dynamic ever rather than an ideological struggle between light and dark.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #494 on: July 09, 2018, 07:23:29 PM »
He was as much of a Marxist as you had to be in 60s/70s France. Which is to say, engaging with Marx academically like you would Hume or whoever, without having to be an actual, you know, commie. I have a hard time considering his politics were meaningfully Marxist given
I mean compared to Derrida, which is who Peterson singles out as the leading force of postmodernist cultural Marxism, only occasionally mentioning Foucault too offhanded (as if he's the only other postmodernist he knows) while focusing most of his ire and center of the cultural Marxist postmodernist conspiracy on Derrida and his work. When he's explaining what cultural Marxism is to Joe Rogan he never once mentions anyone but Derrida, who he says founded it via postmodernism.

Foucault at least spent more than a weekend entertaining and exploring Marxist ideas. Even if it was just cursory because of the moment he lived in. The fact that of the two most famous postmodernists, Peterson can't identify the one who actually did toy with Marxist thought against the one so deep into his own deconstructionism that he tuned out the rest of the world and dismissed Marxism rather early on, supports the common refrain that he's doing just a skim pass on these subjects that's not even Wikipedia level deep, then constructing elaborate conspiracies to fill in the gaps created by his lack of interest in understanding the subject.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #495 on: July 09, 2018, 07:30:15 PM »
Reading Derrida's deconstruction theory was the most disappointing experience for me since The Phantom Menace.
I've never thought Derrida was all that relevant to what deconstruction became. Plus I mean the guy openly admitted to writing in such a way as to obscure his ideas from being understood. It's like he's writing a bunch of tracts saying "there's this fantastic way of looking at the world, and truth, but I'm not telling, you gotta figure it out on your own, only then can you truly know" and then he gets credit when people went and did it basically separately since he was of no help and impossible to work with.

Foucault basically knew it was all a game in the end. And at times seemed disappointed others were taking it so seriously.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #496 on: July 09, 2018, 07:32:03 PM »
Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but I took quite a few philosphy classes in college, and they literally never once mentioned Foucalt or Derrida. I didn't hear about Foucalt until I took a gender studies course in university and even then, he was only mentioned in one class session, and wasn't even the primary focus of that class session.

And I was educated in the dark blue, liberal cesspool known as Los Angeles. Leads me to believe the Postmodernist Neomarxists who run our college/university system are doing a pretty shitty job indoctrinating the student population.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #497 on: July 09, 2018, 07:38:26 PM »
I took just shy of a Philosophy minor courses and in one of them we did do postmodernism, but that was from the same professor who taught formal and symbolic logic to his endless delight as students failed at it, so he wasn't really a good indicator of the department. Most of the professors had their "area" of philosophy and tried to fit into everything, like the chair who was obsessed with Aristotle and tried to fit everything into his philosophy. She taught a "core course" for all students regardless of major which was really to be about how you approach social issues from an academic standpoint, aka seeing all the arguments on multiple sides, etc. and turned it basically into HOW WOULD ARISTOTLE ADDRESS ABORTION/THE IRAQ WAR/GAY MARRIAGE/GUN CONTROL which always also weirdly and I'm sure entirely coincidentally lined up completely with her own personal beliefs.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #498 on: July 09, 2018, 07:41:34 PM »
Man, I wish I lived here in the early 80s when Foucault was teachning at Berkeley. Imagine how elite you'd be to get AIDS from that weirdo French leather queen. I mean, let's cut the BS--the weirdo French leather queen thing is why I really dig him.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #499 on: July 09, 2018, 07:42:37 PM »
We know.  No need to cut anything. 


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #500 on: July 09, 2018, 07:46:46 PM »
It's odd that Marxism has completely overrun higher ed and poisoned the minds of our youth but basically no economics department teaches Marx outside of like one or two readings in a History of Econ class or whatever.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #501 on: July 09, 2018, 07:49:06 PM »
the class turned out to almost be worth it when she invited some weirdo 70 year old philosophy professor from some private school she was obsessed with, and he just wanted to "discuss ideas" with the classes most of which were full of freshman who wouldn't ever talk let alone with no subject and with someone like him, so she was embarrassed about it all, and then i made it twice as bad when to break the silence i basically just dunked on his extreme Whig view of history, which he proceeded to call "a really really fascinating idea" and it started a discussion among people in the class all of whom seemed to be also completely baffled or fascinated by the concept that history isn't inherently made to always march in a single direction of social progress that cannot be diverted ever

after the dude thanked me for "something to think about" and i was like what in the fuck just happened and the prof/chair looked like she wanted to die

it's probably an issue that all my favorite memories about school/college are when everything has gone wrong from a certain point of view

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #502 on: July 09, 2018, 07:53:13 PM »
It's odd that Marxism has completely overrun higher ed and poisoned the minds of our youth but basically no economics department teaches Marx outside of like one or two readings in a History of Econ class or whatever.

TBF economic departments are closer to business school than higher education. 


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #503 on: July 09, 2018, 07:53:54 PM »
It's odd that Marxism has completely overrun higher ed and poisoned the minds of our youth but basically no economics department teaches Marx outside of like one or two readings in a History of Econ class or whatever.
No, that makes complete sense. Nobody deliberately takes econ courses except econ majors.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #504 on: July 09, 2018, 07:55:59 PM »
i basically just dunked on his extreme Whig view of history

I always read these stories as you being an unreliable narrator.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #505 on: July 09, 2018, 08:00:15 PM »
The only professor I ever had who openly stated they were a Marxist was also the best or at minimum top three professors I had. Easily the best poli sci professor.

I never had the heart to tell him how weak his soft-Marxism was. He seemed so proud to tell people at the start of every course about his "bias" that never really came into play.

"I'm not a partisan, just a truth teller" partisans were always worse than any ideologues. They were far more likely to get distracted and go off on tangents about whatever was on the Daily Show recently. Obviously all Democrats, but I imagine they would have been just as bad if they were Republicans unless some kind of social stigma shamed them out of it.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #506 on: July 09, 2018, 08:05:11 PM »
Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but I took quite a few philosphy classes in college, and they literally never once mentioned Foucalt or Derrida. I didn't hear about Foucalt until I took a gender studies course in university
You are right Oblivion. I gave him too much created. Gender studies is the right level.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #507 on: July 09, 2018, 08:07:22 PM »
i basically just dunked on his extreme Whig view of history

I always read these stories as you being an unreliable narrator.
I don't see anything wrong with doing that. Though I think most all my stories are more often lame with punched up joke language than seemingly unbelievable. I fully support endless skepticism. (Except about my internet argument win-loss record.)

The guy literally asked if anyone in the class thought life in society had a chance at getting worse in the future. I wish I remembered his name because when I looked him up his whole thing was like weirdo hippie philosophy and "peace studies" which didn't seem to consist of any actual research.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #508 on: July 09, 2018, 08:22:37 PM »
The only professor I ever had who openly stated they were a Marxist was also the best or at minimum top three professors I had. Easily the best poli sci professor.

I never had the heart to tell him how weak his soft-Marxism was. He seemed so proud to tell people at the start of every course about his "bias" that never really came into play.

"I'm not a partisan, just a truth teller" partisans were always worse than any ideologues. They were far more likely to get distracted and go off on tangents about whatever was on the Daily Show recently. Obviously all Democrats, but I imagine they would have been just as bad if they were Republicans unless some kind of social stigma shamed them out of it.

My favorite philosophy prof. was the son of the Dayton referred to in this case
He was a commie and both his parents were too.  His dad was an MIT physics prof. who had to leave MIT and then a string of other universities due to his political beliefs.  His mom had an affair with some dude who stole a bunch of stuff from IBM then fled to the USSR with his mom.  My prof. then found out he had a Soviet family like 30 years later.  My prof. moved to Canada to avoid Vietnam.  Pretty interesting life.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #509 on: July 09, 2018, 08:38:23 PM »
My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher, because she let us have cookies and naps
and how excited are you for first grade this fall?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #510 on: July 09, 2018, 08:40:47 PM »
Years from now when you are relating the story of that deep burn to Future Bore, Stro will be an old Whig describing the benefits of a traditional education. 


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #511 on: July 09, 2018, 08:42:35 PM »
i'm mostly just afraid he grows up as a nihilist instead of having any kind of ethos

or worse, a moderate


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #512 on: July 09, 2018, 08:54:43 PM »
Econ classes are some of the best courses you can take.

I took macro from this guy named Robert Crouch, a pretty conservative but straightforward guy. He would talk about labor and capital and what would happen if there was a shortage or a glut of either one. He loved using the example of a neutron bomb as how we could hypothetically get a shortage of labor while the capital stock remained intact.

He used an outlandish hypothetical instead of the bubonic plague as the genesis of capitalism theory? :heh


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #513 on: July 09, 2018, 09:02:11 PM »
The best way to teach undergrad econ is to constantly remind the students what a house of cards the theory is all built on.

Otherwise you get a bunch of kids thinking they understand way more than they do and calling things "distortionary" and whatnot.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #514 on: July 09, 2018, 09:07:12 PM »
My favorite teacher was my high school calc/pre-calc teacher that you could easily sidetrack by mentioning the dowsing rods he kept on his desk. He really believed that shit, and he seemed to forget that we’d mention them like 3 times a week to get out of work, probably because he was an alcoholic. This is probably why I sucked so much ass when I had to take calculus in college.

Second favorite would be my 11th grade (iirc) history teacher because he would just go into th back room of the classroom to drink during class. He’d say he had to step out for a minute and then he’d come back like 15 minutes later with a red face and even drunker.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #515 on: July 09, 2018, 09:07:57 PM »
The best way to teach undergrad econ is to constantly remind the students what a house of cards the theory is all built on.
wow, way too soon, kevin spacey is facing new charges just recently

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #516 on: July 09, 2018, 09:11:57 PM »
Also, don't econ people still model shit with straight lines?  Losers.  All my models live in a hundred-million-dimensional hyper-plane of inexplainability.  Suck it losers.   


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #517 on: July 09, 2018, 09:25:37 PM »
Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but I took quite a few philosphy classes in college, and they literally never once mentioned Foucalt or Derrida. I didn't hear about Foucalt until I took a gender studies course in university and even then, he was only mentioned in one class session, and wasn't even the primary focus of that class session.

And I was educated in the dark blue, liberal cesspool known as Los Angeles. Leads me to believe the Postmodernist Neomarxists who run our college/university system are doing a pretty shitty job indoctrinating the student population.

I'm going based off secondhand knowledge taken from family members that are academics so I may be off but as I understand it basically all American philosophy departments are oriented towards the analytic school so they're not going to talk about Foucault, much less Derrida who is pretty much anathema. In general they're much more influential in other humanities departments. I know the structuralists/poststructuralists are really big in literary theory for example.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #518 on: July 09, 2018, 09:47:14 PM »
As always, this is outside of any top tier major schools, especially ones that specialize in certain areas. A lot of philosophy departments are incredibly small compared to the average department at the school and very much so compared to say five decades ago. Especially as the rest of the humanities has "specialized" and ate up what would have once been stuffed in philosophy. Sociology and related has really gobbled up the slots. Even the English offshoots as you noted with literary theory. Religion has been stuffed into philosophy at a lot of schools not out of any "it's all philosophy" ideal but because they can cut down the slots for both then.

Political science has focused so much on quantifiable or comparative studies in part to fight off that fate. A lot of political theory has been just plain wiped out. Especially to feed IR (no PD) and MPA slots. If it wasn't for the importance of institutions and processes it'd probably be rougher. A major problem is that nobody apparently can actually teach research methods properly. Or wants to. So departments get totally unbalanced easily.

One reason benji still acquires filthy lucre to forward to Gaben. 8)


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #519 on: July 09, 2018, 09:52:19 PM »
BTW, this digression makes me glad I studied actually useful things in university like Mu'tazila theology, memes in the People's Republic of China, and a form of Arabic no one speaks outside of a news broadcast.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #520 on: July 09, 2018, 10:25:19 PM »
BTW, this digression makes me glad I studied actually useful things in university like Mu'tazila theology, memes in the People's Republic of China, and a form of Arabic no one speaks outside of a news broadcast.

If anything this makes kinda sad that I weaseled my way out of stuff like philosophy of law. The only thing I read during my free time was Zygmunt Bauman's Modernity and Ambivalence.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #521 on: July 09, 2018, 10:27:39 PM »
And yet between us all, how many citations in social psychology journals?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #522 on: July 09, 2018, 10:30:26 PM »
And yet between us all, how many citations in social psychology journals?

My ex gf was a psychologist if that counts :trumps


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #523 on: July 09, 2018, 10:33:01 PM »
Did she dump you for P-Daddy?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #524 on: July 09, 2018, 10:34:54 PM »
Did she dump you for P-Daddy?

I don't think so, but maybe she cited him after we broke up, that swamp witch!


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #525 on: July 09, 2018, 10:39:12 PM »
Did she dump you for P-Daddy?

I don't think so, but maybe she cited him after we broke up, that swamp witch!

That’s rough. Mo context, mo problems, as they say.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #526 on: July 10, 2018, 12:10:27 AM »
I wrote a paper about a weird word in a medieval Arabic text from al-Andalus. I bet it got published in Dabiq.

Crash Dummy

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #527 on: July 10, 2018, 01:43:23 AM »
I'm going based off secondhand knowledge taken from family members that are academics so I may be off but as I understand it basically all American philosophy departments are oriented towards the analytic school so they're not going to talk about Foucault, much less Derrida who is pretty much anathema. In general they're much more influential in other humanities departments. I know the structuralists/poststructuralists are really big in literary theory for example.
what analytical stuff is hot these days? i read some frege a while ago then found out he was an anti-semite, so skipped to some wittgenstein where i think he said this is all word games so have your fun with it but don't lose any sleep


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #528 on: July 10, 2018, 01:49:07 AM »
What was the word?

It was a place but no one knew what it meant. (As in, what would we call it today.)


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #529 on: July 10, 2018, 02:00:29 AM »
I'm going based off secondhand knowledge taken from family members that are academics so I may be off but as I understand it basically all American philosophy departments are oriented towards the analytic school so they're not going to talk about Foucault, much less Derrida who is pretty much anathema. In general they're much more influential in other humanities departments. I know the structuralists/poststructuralists are really big in literary theory for example.
what analytical stuff is hot these days? i read some frege a while ago then found out he was an anti-semite, so skipped to some wittgenstein where i think he said this is all word games so have your fun with it but don't lose any sleep

I don't really know anything about analytical philosophy, it's generally too dry for me. Give me a literary bullshitter like Derrida any day.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #530 on: July 10, 2018, 12:05:09 PM »
I wrote a paper in econ about console hardware sales. True story.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #531 on: July 10, 2018, 12:07:08 PM »
I wrote a paper in econ about console hardware sales. True story.

What the teacher thought of dogmod's paper

 :piss :doge :piss2

Great Rumbler

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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #532 on: July 10, 2018, 12:09:29 PM »
I aced the paper [and the class] actually.  :success


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #533 on: July 10, 2018, 02:50:11 PM »
My favorite teacher was a philosophy prof.. He knew his shit. One day this douche name Todd said something to him that he just couldn't come back from. He never returned back to class.  :'(


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #534 on: July 10, 2018, 02:54:32 PM »
that man's name was Albert Einstein


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #535 on: July 10, 2018, 04:59:18 PM »
My favorite teacher was a philosophy prof.. He knew his shit. One day this douche name Todd said something to him that he just couldn't come back from. He never returned back to class.  :'(

Marine Todd??!?  :whoo


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #536 on: July 10, 2018, 08:58:55 PM »
While dozing off on my Company Bus home, I briefly imagined myself in the Wild Things three-way scene except with Susan Sontag and Camille Paglia. I’ve never had a bigger erection.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #537 on: July 10, 2018, 09:16:03 PM »
While dozing off on my Company Bus home, I briefly imagined myself in the Wild Things three-way scene except with Susan Sontag and Camille Paglia. I’ve never had a bigger erection.
If it doesn't include a dragon in there then it's not relevant to the thread

spoiler (click to show/hide)
edit: i totally laid that one up for you


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #538 on: July 10, 2018, 10:55:09 PM »
While dozing off on my Company Bus home, I briefly imagined myself in the Wild Things three-way scene except with Susan Sontag and Camille Paglia. I’ve never had a bigger erection.
That grey streak :lawd.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #539 on: July 10, 2018, 10:58:05 PM »
Susan was the one pouring the champagne on Camille’s tits as I buried my face in them.