General => Video Game Bored => Topic started by: Borys on June 08, 2011, 02:43:00 AM

Title: Game
Post by: Borys on June 08, 2011, 02:43:00 AM
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on June 08, 2011, 02:45:27 AM
Absolutely every one is saying Nintendo is going to fail.  Makes me think they will succeed.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on June 08, 2011, 02:50:56 AM
no u
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Bildi on June 08, 2011, 02:52:35 AM
Here, I made this for the OP.  Please insert.  Thanks Borys.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

(alr1ghtstart's post with more pictures from the press assets)

Nintendo's official E3 site

Official Nintendo E3 2011 Press Conference thread by BY2K

Full E3 Press Conference Dates & Times
E3 2011 Spoiler-Free thread

Welcome to the NeoGAF Project Cafe Wii U E3 2011 Information thread, your one-stop GAF source for all Project Cafe Wii U news coming out of E3! Expect to see a listing of the Wii U-related things that were announced at the conference, news brought out afterwards, and links to threads that focus on specific news items. I've also thrown in a list of E3 press sites, just in case you're stuck in this thread looking for a stream. Hey, we might even have some time to evaluate the collection of rumors in Cheesemeister's Project Cafe Rumor Thread, which is recommended reading if you want to catch up on all of the rumors.

All of that will come in due time. For now, feel free to do something else to fill time before the conference; watch a movie, eat a sandwich, and/or play an adventure game.

Conference announcements
- Iwata believes that the new platform "deeper gameplay" and "wider appeal."
- Mentions off-hand that it will not come until next year.
- Official name: Wii U
- Controller revealed: Touchscreen, dual-analog slide pads + buttons, motion.
Rumble, Microphone, speakers, gyroscope, inward-facing camera, headphone jack.
- Backwards compatible with Wiimote, Balance Board, and Wii games.
- Zelda tech demo, Wii Play?, and Wii Sports shown in sizzle reel
- Games playing on TV can be streamed to the controller, games can use both screens (TV and controller), and there will be games made for the controller.
- Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. Both versions cross-compatible.
- Tech demos are playable on the show floor. (New Super Mario Bros. Mii, Shield Pose Demo, Chase Mii, Galactic Fighters, and four more)
- Graphics demo shown at conference.
- LEGO City Stories announced for Wii U.
- Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon Online, Darksiders 2, Tekken announced in develeoper reel. Dirt, Aliens Colonial Marines, Metro Last Light, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge also shown
- John Riccitello appeared on stage, mentioned Battlefield 3, FIFA, and Madden in particular. Screen also showed shots from EA titles like Army of Two, The Sims, etc.

- ROUNDTABLE 1: At the end, Miyamoto thanked attendees for not asking about Pikmin, and pretty much confirmed that Pikmin 3 is moving to Wii U.

Kotaku: First Official Tech Details on Wii U and its Bold New Controller
- Proprietary High-Density Discs. (Kotaku apparently misheard it as "iDensity")
-- UPDATE: Kotaku has confirmed that the Discs will be 25GB.
- Flash memory, expandable via USB drives and SD cards.
- Release date somewhere between April 1st and December 31st, 2012.
- Supports HDMI output, 1080p

Engadget: IBM puts Watson's brains in Nintendo Wii U
- 45nm custom CPU with "a lot of embedded DRAM"
- Silicon on insulator design; similar to the CPU tech used in IBM's Watson computer; clock speed for Wii U CPU is currently unknown.

Eurogamer: Wii U specs emerge
- Much of the info in the article has already been mentioned here, except for one interesting tidbit: The footage from the third-party sizzle reel came from the 360/PS3 versions of those titles. It's not discussed in any more detail, but I'm guessing that was not the case for Tekken, since it showed Wii U features in action. Then again, they might be porting that Tekken game from Vita or something.

Andriasang posted some of the assets from the press site

It was mentioned in this thread that there is the possibility that only one New Controller can be used at a time, and for local play, everyone else will need to use Wiimote+Nunchuk or Wiimote+Classic Controller (Pro).

Previews/Hands-on impressions
Wired's hands-on
Guardian UK
Kotaku Videos: Tour of the new controller, Shield Pose demo, Zelda tech demo, New Super Mario Bros. Mii, 8-minute hands-on
Kotaku: We've Played Nintendo's New Wii U
Gizmodo: Controller hands-on
IGN's Wii U Previews
1UP's video hands-on
Giant Bomb: New Super Mario Bros. Mii, Chase Mii, Zelda tech demo
GamePro Wii U preview
Shacknews: Nintendo booth tour

Roundtables thread
Official Nintendo E3 2011 Press Conference thread by BY2K
Cheesemeister's Project Cafe Rumor Thread

WiiU hands-on impressions
First Tech Info On Wii U/Controller, Wont Scale Wii Games, Singletouch, Same Room Use
Ubisoft's WiiU support: Assassin's Creed, Rabbids, Ghost Recon, new exclusive FPS
Vigil Games: WiiU is "more powerful" than PS3/360; Darksiders II WiiU hints
New Super Mario Mii (Wii U)
Wii 2 is Wii U
Aliens: Colonial Marines announced, made by Gearbox! Confirms UE3 on Wiiu. [N-Conf]
IBM: WiiU running on Watson's brain. 45nm MultiCore CPU with "lots" of embedded DRAM.
First Screen of Wii U Zelda HD
Iwata Asks: Wii U (Camera Recognition e.t.c.)
*That* Geoff Keighley interview with Reggie 'My Body Is Not Ready' Fils-Aime
Wii U Nature Graphics Demo
Tom Clancy Online First Look (Wii U)
Nintendo looking into games that support two Wii U controllers

Streams, Liveblogs, and E3 pages
Direct Stream Page links
Nintendo's Official Stream
GameTrailers (General stream page)
IGN (General stream page)
Youtube (IGN) (Youtube channel page)

E3 2011 hubs
E3 Insider

Press Release
LOS ANGELES, June 7, 2011 – At the E3
Expo, Nintendo introduced a new paradigm for video games and home entertainment: Wii U™, a new console that includes a controller with a 6.2-inch screen. Adding a second screen to the living room creates a multitude of new video game experiences while offering families a variety of options to customize their entertainment.

Previously, video games played on a home console have been confined to the TV and offered identical viewpoints to each player in a multiplayer environment. Furthermore, watching TV and playing console games have been completely separate experiences. The new controller removes these boundaries, creating a more dynamic and fluid gaming and entertainment experience. Visitors to the E3 Expo will see firsthand the type of gaming experiences made possible by Wii U and the new controller such as:
• In single-player games:
o The new controller can display information on its screen that does not appear on the TV.
o The information and viewpoint can also change in the new controller based on the orientation of its gyroscope.

• In multiplayer games:
o The player using the new controller can have a different experience than those looking at the TV. This will offer a wide variety of competitive and cooperative opportunities.

In addition to the 6.2-inch screen, the new controller also features an accelerometer and a gyroscope, a rumble feature, an inward-facing camera, a microphone and speakers. Adding these features to the Classic Controller™ button scheme – two analog Circle Pads, +Control Pad, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons and ZL/ZR buttons – will enable a breadth of game-play experiences while appealing to both casual and dedicated video game players.

Wii U combines motion-sensing game play with the ability to support full HD graphics. Each Wii U console will be partnered with a new controller and can also use up to four additional Wii Remote™ or Wii Remote Plus controllers. The system is also backward compatible and can play all Wii games and use all Wii accessories. The Wii console has sold more than 86 million units globally and greatly expanded the overall audience for video games. Wii U aims to expand that audience even further. Developers worldwide are already working on new games and experiences for the console.

“Wii U redefines the structure of home entertainment by fundamentally changing how the TV, the game console and the Internet function and interact together,” said Nintendo President Satoru Iwata. “The experience enabled by Wii U and the new controller takes players deeper into their games, while reaching out wider than ever before to be inviting to all kinds of gamers.”
(Rest of PR covers 3DS and Zelda stuff at the conference)

Fact Sheet image (Thanks JohnTinker!):

Other image of the controller (Thanks JohnTinker!):
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on June 08, 2011, 03:18:54 AM
 :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: magus on June 08, 2011, 06:16:37 AM

nintendo had a good run
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 08, 2011, 06:18:07 AM
Bow down to your new overlords or turn in your cards, Hollywood gamers :bow
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: T-Short on June 08, 2011, 06:18:47 AM
wow, the writer used "ballyhooed"
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 07:36:42 AM
more fun

Reggie "Absolutely" Fils-Aime has promised the Wii U device will offer "fantastic" value for money.

The Nintendo of America boss was speaking in an interview with GameTrailers. When asked whether Wii U will be priced competitively with PS3 and Xbox 360 he replied, predictably, "Absolutely."

He added, "What I want to focus on is, is it going to offer the consumer a competitive value when it comes out? And the answer is," wait for it, "absolutely."

Pressed for further info on a price, Fils-Aime was having none of it. "You're talking price and I'm talking value," he said.

"What I'm saying is that it's going to have a fantastic value - value defined as what you get, all of these great new experiences for what you pay, is going to be absolutely competitive."

Shigeru Miyamoto has blamed the perception of Nintendo as a casual game maker on the decision not to support HD gaming with the original Wii.

At the same time his boss, Satoru Iwata, acknowledged that the 86 million-selling console was not "able to cater to every gamer's needs" – with Wii U the company's attempt to "resolve" this.

The comments came in the latest massive Iwata Asks chinwag between the pair.

Miyamoto said: "One of the key reasons that such things as the core and the casual exist today is that we decided not to adopt HD on the Wii console."

"I'm sure everyone would agree that we tried really hard to go wider," Iwata added. "But even though we worked aggressively to go deeper in certain areas, the general public's impression that Nintendo was casual grew as time went by."

poor Wii
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: magus on June 08, 2011, 07:47:23 AM
i like how their conclusion is "casual exist because we didn't have HD" and not "casual exist because we released the dumbest down music "game" ever,a scaling weight fitness game and a barely done board game"
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: magus on June 08, 2011, 07:48:42 AM
Nintendo has a problem.

They got shat upon for not being HD with the Wii so they added HD to Wii U. They noticed iPad is their biggest competitor now so they created tablet-like controler. Wii U seems like a patchwork... no clear vision. Wiimote defined the Wii and it was a GREAT SUCCESS, we have to admit it.

Wii U is... not even like Wii. It's Wii minus the originality, minus the creativity.

Wii created history and was copied by MS and Sony. Wii U copies from MS, Sony and Apple.

think of all the fanboy tears if they lose the handheld market to vita too :teehee
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Trurl on June 08, 2011, 07:54:52 AM
Why does every Nintendo console reveal feel like an apology for the last one?
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 08, 2011, 08:37:35 AM
Why does every Nintendo console reveal feel like an apology for the last one?

GS: Look we have CD's* now so we get 3rd party support.
Wii: Look we are cheap to develop for so expect 3rd party support.
WiiU: Look we have same graphics as the competition did 5 years and online too maybe we will have 3rd party support.

:piss Nintendo :piss2
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 08, 2011, 08:47:57 AM
This was confirmed as the official theme in all WiiU ads:

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on June 08, 2011, 08:48:17 AM
Nintendo reminds me of that tree salesman from A Christmas Story

I enjoy how Nintendo fans are constantly annihilated.  HD, less/no waggle or 3D.  Suddenly the five years of shilling is washed away.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: The Sceneman on June 08, 2011, 09:00:15 AM

flawless victory
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Diunx on June 08, 2011, 09:11:03 AM
I still laugh everytime I think about the conference
"arkham city coming one year late to the wiiu!" *huge cheers from the "journalists" on the crowd.*
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 08, 2011, 09:14:45 AM
Nintendo has a problem.

They got shat upon for not being HD with the Wii so they added HD to Wii U. They noticed iPad is their biggest competitor now so they created tablet-like controler. Wii U seems like a patchwork... no clear vision. Wiimote defined the Wii and it was a GREAT SUCCESS, we have to admit it.

Wii U is... not even like Wii. It's Wii minus the originality, minus the creativity.

Wii created history and was copied by MS and Sony. Wii U copies from MS, Sony and Apple.

WiiU mad?
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on June 08, 2011, 09:36:21 AM
It's interesting that while MS is 'taking away the controller', Nintenho is putting the player back on the couch with a bigger controller.
It won't surprise me if Vita will have some of the same integration with the PS3.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 08, 2011, 09:40:50 AM
Interesting reveal. I don't think I'm nearly as negative as most on here are about it, but I think the price will be really important for the mainstream.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 09:45:10 AM
He added, "What I want to focus on is, is it going to offer the consumer a competitive value when it comes out? And the answer is," wait for it, "absolutely."

Pressed for further info on a price, Fils-Aime was having none of it. "You're talking price and I'm talking value," he said.

Oh god.  So how much is this going to cost?  I understand they're not going to reveal a price for something that's more than a year out but that kind of talk makes me think of the same shit Sony was spouting when their system was $599.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on June 08, 2011, 09:54:04 AM
Components will be cheaper next year come release time. They are just waiting so see what kind of margin they can squeeze by then.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 10:18:41 AM
It's interesting that while MS is 'taking away the controller', Nintenho is putting the player back on the couch with a bigger controller.
It won't surprise me if Vita will have some of the same integration with the PS3.

Speaking to Develop, president of Sony Computer Entertainment’s Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has revealed he is interested by Nintendo's recently announced Wii U, and said it will likely inspire Vita developers to carry out experiments with the newly named Sony handheld.

"It is very interesting the ways that Nintendo went with Wii U, and I was surprised it wasn't exactly as it had been rumoured," Yoshida told Develop at E3.

"Already people are starting to ask about linking Vita and PS3 to do something similar, in terms of using two screens, and having controls on the screen.

"That's very interesting, and we will have to experiment," he added, before suggesting that such work was already, to a certain extent, underway.

"Lots of the things that developers of Vita games are doing, as you may have seen, is experimenting with connectivities between Vita and PS3.

"The Wipeout [2048] team came up with their cross play ideas, and the other Vita teams have come up with ways of playing with two systems. It's just a matter of time, as we provide the SDKs to developers so they can make use of both PS3 and Vita, and they might come up with something interesting."

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: huckleberry on June 08, 2011, 10:21:04 AM
Price will be "competitive". Probably higher than Wii because it offers more "value".

Nintendo doesn't want to lose a single dime on it, like Sony on Vita.

The question is - competitive with what?  The current PS3 and 360 prices or the next gen systems that will surely be along (if not at least announced) within a year of the WiiU release? 
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 10:34:02 AM
more fun

Don't expect any new information on Smash Bros. 3DS or Wii U soon - series director Masahiro Sakurai has admitted that development hasn't started yet.

Satoru Iwata announced the project last night during Nintendo's E3 press conference. But Sakurai has suggested Iwata jumped the gun.

"We really shouldn't have announced it for the general public at this timing," Sakurai tweeted (translated by Andriasang). "But since we have to assemble staff, we made the notice. The future will change depending on the strength of the gathered developers."

Development won't start until the completion of Kid Icarus Uprising at the end of this year, Sakurai said.

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 10:41:36 AM

Not until the end of this year?

I don't really give a shit about Smash Bros but you've got to be kidding me.  So we shouldn't expect to see it for another 4 years.

Gud job Nintendo.   :teehee
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: tiesto on June 08, 2011, 10:58:05 AM
Nintendo has a problem.

They got shat upon for not being HD with the Wii so they added HD to Wii U. They noticed iPad is their biggest competitor now so they created tablet-like controler. Wii U seems like a patchwork... no clear vision. Wiimote defined the Wii and it was a GREAT SUCCESS, we have to admit it.

Wii U is... not even like Wii. It's Wii minus the originality, minus the creativity.

Wii created history and was copied by MS and Sony. Wii U copies from MS, Sony and Apple.

Yeah, I agree with you, Borys... WiiU seems like a halfhearted, non-cohesive attempt to fix their problems in Japan (small living rooms with maybe only 1 TV, a focus on handheld gaming/handheld multiplayer aka Monhan) and America (casuals playing shitty iPad games, core gamers wanting gritty HD 3rd party games). The tech demos demoed seem like they were throwing all sorts of shit to the wall hoping something would stick, it also hurts them that they showed no "killer app". If they showed off an HD Mario (or even better... a new core-focused IP) using some of this tech in a creative way, I think a ton of doubts about the system would be erased.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on June 08, 2011, 10:59:34 AM
 :drudge WIIU :drudge WIIU :drudge WIIU :drudge WIIU :drudge

i'll prob buy it
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 11:01:26 AM
Wii is dwindling down,3DS is not doing too hot,solution--Wii U

Rushed announcement,at least pay for some CG trailers like Sony to get people hyped,ffs

fix their problems in Japan (small living rooms with maybe only 1 TV

You need to be in the same room

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 08, 2011, 11:11:14 AM
Like most things at E3 I think people over-react in both directions on this stuff. It's not surprising to me that they don't really have anything ready to show at this point. I think all that stuff will come and be fine and the usual crowd that buys a Nintendo console because of Mario and Zelda will do so including the youth market which is who those franchises really belong to anyway.

The two things that probably seem most problematic for this device are the potential price and what exactly is the unique thing that is going to set this thing apart and drive casuals to buy it. I guess its the tablet of course but I'm not really sure that is going to resonate with the generate public especially the North American market the way they may be hoping.

Wii was a really simple idea that immediately sold itself with Wii Sports. Once you tried it, it all immediately made sense and you could explain it to your casual friends. I'm not sure that controller is going to be able to do that in the same way. 

Also the price thing is important because its a different world now. Once you go beyond early adopters who buy anything at any price, this device will have a lot competition including the original Wii, the current hd systems, and the looming introduction of new systems. If it costs more than that stuff, you have to ask who exactly is their market.

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Barry Egan on June 08, 2011, 11:20:06 AM
Y'all are sounding exactly as you did about the wii's market prospects when it was revealed. Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 08, 2011, 11:23:01 AM
Y'all are sounding exactly as you did when that huge bomba the "wii" was revealed.  Just sayin'.

While I do agree that hardcore forum types (myself included) always tend to miss the mark on things aimed at mainstream audiences, I do think this one isn't quite as easy of a slamdunk as the original Wii was. There was a real buzz on the Wii. Kind of a right place at the right time with the right message. I bought one first day.

Of course this could all be a bit of this.

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 08, 2011, 11:29:45 AM
Y'all are sounding exactly as you did when that huge bomba the "wii" was revealed.  Just sayin'.

While I do agree that hardcore forum types (myself included) always tend to miss the mark on things aimed at mainstream audiences, I do think this one isn't quite as easy of a slamdunk as the original Wii was. There was a real buzz on the Wii. Kind of a right place at the right time with the right message. I bought one first day.

Of course this could all be a bit of this.


I don't understand why anyone would want an ipad over a laptop.  I certainly don't understand why anyone would want an ipad 2.  But I'm not surprised when they sell well.  WiiU really just needs a wii sports kinda game/phenomenon

Agree with you a little though, just playing devil's advocate.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 11:33:27 AM
Y'all are sounding exactly as you did about the wii's market prospects when it was revealed. Just sayin'.

Not me.
As soon it was announced I knew that it would sell truckloads,same goes for Kinect.

Wii U is confusing me,target audience is not clearly defined...need more data
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on June 08, 2011, 11:34:22 AM
I still don't understand the choice to use analog sliders instead of analog sticks
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 08, 2011, 11:34:29 AM
WiiU really just needs a wii sports kinda game/phenomenon

The thing is though I think those experiences or moments are really hard to re-create which is why they happen so rarely. And why before the Wii, Nintendo had a gamecube and an N64 experience which while profitable weren't breakthroughs the way the Wii was.

Y'all are sounding exactly as you did about the wii's market prospects when it was revealed. Just sayin'.

Not me.
As soon it was announced I knew that it would sell truckloads,same goes for Kinect.

Wii U is confusing me,target audience is not clearly defined...need more data

I sort of intuitively immediately understand who the Wii was going for. The marketing message was gaming had gotten too expensive, too complex, too much about graphics, and not enough about fun. Now we can argue whether the Wii lived up to that promise (no it didn't) but that was the market and mindset they targeted very successfully. The Wii U doesn't have as clearly defined a message at least yet imo. I mean its laughable to see a great thinker like Miayomoto talking about how awesome the New Mario will be with HD graphics. C'mon.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on June 08, 2011, 11:36:34 AM
plus microsoft is doing a commendable job herding the wagglers to their camp
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 11:37:19 AM
I still don't understand the choice to use analog sliders instead of analog sticks

Is that for real?

If true,total fail for dudebro audience(me).
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: naff on June 08, 2011, 11:38:51 AM
I still don't understand the choice to use analog sliders instead of analog sticks

All they had lying around the factory for a quick mock up
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: magus on June 08, 2011, 12:10:38 PM

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: maxy on June 08, 2011, 12:17:13 PM
Can't wait to see Zelda HD when they put some gameplay,open world,AI,player control in.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 08, 2011, 12:27:49 PM


Yeah, I thought of the same thing.  :lol
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: magus on June 08, 2011, 12:40:17 PM

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: naff on June 08, 2011, 12:48:10 PM
( (

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: duckman2000 on June 08, 2011, 01:06:42 PM
I'll buy one, assuming the price is reasonable. And assuming that it launches with a proper Mario game. Fuck Zelda, seriously.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 08, 2011, 01:21:56 PM
Why would casual Wii owners buy another system so soon. They don't even play their Wiis outside of holidays, so what will compel them to buy an even more expensive console with a controller that looks more confusing.

Then there's the hardcore, who are so well entrenched in the next gen they have little reason to buy another console. But lets say they do: why would they buy any ports on the WiiU? We haven't seen Nintendo's online system yet, but it's safe to assume it won't be as good as Xbox Live for instance. They'd be getting it for Nintendo games mainly, and the few third party exclusives the WiiU gets (lol).

Finally there's the Nintendo fan, who will buy the console and most major first party games, plus some Capcom stuff for instance. They won't be buying CoD for instance. Maybe something like a Skyrim port appeals to them, or an exclusive FPS. But overall a Nintendo fanboy isn't interested in that shit.

In short what we have is a Gamecube market
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 08, 2011, 01:25:11 PM
Am I the only one who didn't think the Zelda HD stuff looked all that impressive? I mean, it was nice and all, but nothing all that different from anything else this current generation.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Himu on June 08, 2011, 01:25:36 PM
Nintendo shares have fallen after the reveal.

Now is the time to BUY BUY BUY because Wiiu is going to sell GANGBUSTERS.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on June 08, 2011, 01:25:56 PM
Nope @ Mr. Gundam. You are not alone.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 08, 2011, 01:27:35 PM
I guess it would be breathtaking if you only own a Wii and have shunned the 360 and PS3, but I'm not stupid.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Himu on June 08, 2011, 01:29:14 PM
Gundam we are talking about a fanbase that has said repeatedly for the past 5  years,"fuck hd" and now that they have hd they're spooging out of their noses.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: duckman2000 on June 08, 2011, 01:31:27 PM
Yeah... what happened with the "power makes development too difficult and costly" line? I mean, I saw it as recently as when the Vita specs were leaked, but now it seems to have vanished.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 08, 2011, 01:31:28 PM
Gundam we are talking about a fanbase that has said repeatedly for the past 5  years,"fuck hd" and now that they have hd they're spooging out of their noses.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I know.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 08, 2011, 01:33:50 PM
It looks like TP touched up for HD. Very little environmental or character detail. It's only a demo though, just like the Spaceworld Zelda for the Gamecube.

Prole's breakdown of the specs make me feel better; sounds like it's going to be powerful. Reggie says it can do 1080p. Given the system comes out next year you'd think they would have a game to show though
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 08, 2011, 01:35:24 PM
I really don't get anything that went on at Nintendo coming up with this.

This seems desperate.

If the WiiU was a handheld that can stream wirelesly to your tv then it could have been something the ipad crowd would like...but now....I don't get it at all.

Nintendo shares have fallen after the reveal.

Now is the time to BUY BUY BUY because Wiiu is going to sell GANGBUSTERS.

Think its time to sell sell sell before they plummet after 3DS bombs further and WiiU does the same.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 08, 2011, 01:51:07 PM
I know nothing about tech, so feel free to educate me, but this still screams STOPGAP that will be outclassed whenever Microsoft and Sony get around to announcing new systems.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Himu on June 08, 2011, 01:59:43 PM
I really don't get anything that went on at Nintendo coming up with this.

This seems desperate.

If the WiiU was a handheld that can stream wirelesly to your tv then it could have been something the ipad crowd would like...but now....I don't get it at all.

Nintendo shares have fallen after the reveal.

Now is the time to BUY BUY BUY because Wiiu is going to sell GANGBUSTERS.

Think its time to sell sell sell before they plummet after 3DS bombs further and WiiU does the same.

But wouldn't it be a good time to buy? I mean, if their stock is low, who knows? Also, I really doubt WiiU will bomb.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 08, 2011, 02:02:03 PM
Once again I think a lot of it will come down to price. I do think it is nice to have a Nintendo system that is HD. I do think beaming games to the portable unit is nice. I don't think the measure stick of success should necessarily be the level the Wii reached both because that's probably unrealistic and also because very few people on this board actually like or play the Wii.

Even if its a gamecube type of thing that's probably better from the view of the hardcore gamers market.

I mean I doubt I will buy one but in retrospect this system seems far more suited to me than the Wii ever was.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Himu on June 08, 2011, 02:05:19 PM
hopefully their experience with 3ds will teach them a thing or two about price
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on June 08, 2011, 02:11:48 PM
hopefully their experience with 3ds will teach them a thing or two about price
You know it won't, N are greedy fucking pricks.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 08, 2011, 02:38:52 PM
WiiU, I look just like Buddy Holly. Oh oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 08, 2011, 02:41:12 PM
Does anyone else smell that?  The musky scent of DWEEB?

I'm sure it will have fun games that play to its strengths, like the wii.  I'm sure Nintendo will make their fair share of mistakes, like the wii.  I also know I never commit this much ire and doomandgloom scenarios to something I claim not to be interested in.  Some of you certainly are of a special breed. 

Look, I understand.  Games are expensive, especially hardware.  I have to convince myself not to buy things that I really don't need, too.  But let's not come to such grand indictments ffs. Be cool, bras.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on June 08, 2011, 02:48:12 PM
So, Nintendo puts out a system of equal power to the 360 and PS3 like 6 years later, and expects it to sell? Anyone who would want something like that already has a 360 or PS3... I'm not sure I understand their strategy...
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 08, 2011, 02:49:51 PM
But the Wii hardly had any fun games  ???
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 08, 2011, 02:54:17 PM
And morrocans all want to grow up and be criminals!  Blanket statements and disregard for logic are your playthings.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 08, 2011, 03:13:51 PM
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 08, 2011, 03:20:08 PM
I was OBVIOUSLY talking to the other pole posting above me.

Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: demi on June 08, 2011, 03:29:23 PM
Am I the only one who didn't think the Zelda HD stuff looked all that impressive? I mean, it was nice and all, but nothing all that different from anything else this current generation.

I certainly wouldnt mind playing Zeldda at that quality...
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 08, 2011, 07:33:05 PM
Zerruda HD is gonna be amazing omg :omg
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 08:45:07 PM
I keep reading people bagging on the Weeoo by saying that they'll wait until the real next gen starts (i.e. when the PS4 & 720 launch) implying that this is just a half step, incremental upgrade over the current machines.  That may or may not be true but the fact that it is more powerful than the current gen makes it more than likely this will be the common denominator for the next gen 3rd party games.  And since we're reaching a point of diminishing returns the differences between versions of some of these games are probably going to be nominal at best.  No 3rd party out there can afford to create these huge budgeted games without making everything cross platform.  1st party games aside, all these next gen console games are going to look pretty much like whatever the Weeoo is capable of.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: The Sceneman on June 08, 2011, 09:36:38 PM

flawless victory

quoting for page 3
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 09:43:17 PM
ytmnd....good god.  That's still around?  I haven't seen a ytmnd in years. (

I remember doing this one back in '05.  My only one.

Oh, wait. I did a stupid smile one too.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Bildi on June 08, 2011, 09:56:12 PM
It's interesting that while MS is 'taking away the controller', Nintenho is putting the player back on the couch with a bigger controller.

:lol True.  Although the WiiU controller still has some damn waggle left in it.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on June 08, 2011, 10:30:56 PM

flawless victory

quoting for page 3
Their last system was basically called Piss and sold like mad, who's to say Siren Noise won't be a global phenomenon? :teehee
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 10:59:40 PM

Uh oh.  First screen of an actual Wii U game in action.  Early or not, this aint looking good at all.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 08, 2011, 11:18:20 PM

Uh oh.  First screen of an actual Wii U game in action.  Early or not, this aint looking good at all.

Some of the other shots look better:




Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 08, 2011, 11:19:24 PM
the gaf threads are hilarious

WiiU's Haze
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Van Cruncheon on June 08, 2011, 11:21:33 PM
1st party games aside, all these next gen console games are going to look pretty much like whatever the Weeoo is capable of.

er, no. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 11:26:47 PM
Some of the other shots look better:

Not by much.

And lol at GAF going into defense mode.  I'm sure this isn't anywhere near what the Wii U is capable of but lets call a fucking spade a spade.  This looks like shit right now, end of story.  All these ntards going on about "sounds interesting!" would be singing a different tune if this was some XBLA game...which it resembles right now.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 08, 2011, 11:27:32 PM
1st party games aside, all these next gen console games are going to look pretty much like whatever the Weeoo is capable of.

er, no. :teehee

Well I sure as hell hope they don't look like that pile of crap. :lol
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 08, 2011, 11:29:16 PM
Some of the other shots look better:

Not by much.

And lol at GAF going into defense mode.  I'm sure this isn't anywhere near what the Wii U is capable of but lets call a fucking spade a spade.  This looks like shit right now, end of story.  All these ntards going on about "sounds interesting!" would be singing a different tune if this was some XBLA game...which it resembles right now.

It looks okay, hardly mindblowing or anything like that. But it's not a smudgy mess of textures with no AA, so that's something.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 08, 2011, 11:29:59 PM
If this was announced as a 360/PS3 game no one would care (and rightly so).

WiiU's Haze

It's now the new Red Steel.

Kudos for Ubisoft for realising launch consumers are the least quality conscious people around.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: iconoclast on June 08, 2011, 11:32:04 PM
I'd rent that game. Where's my 360 version
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 08, 2011, 11:33:41 PM
If this was announced as a 360/PS3 game no one would care (and rightly so).

Hey, I'm just saying the graphics aren't some horrible travesty, not that I wanna go out and buy it.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 08, 2011, 11:37:21 PM
I wouldn't take much away from these four pictures, though, other than that, yes, the WiiU is more powerful than the Wii.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 08, 2011, 11:41:56 PM
They don't even have the fucking specs finalized yet so nobody knows.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 08, 2011, 11:55:58 PM
the first hints of online point to a per game, or at least per publisher, system ala PS2.  at least for ubisoft.  hopefully that isn't actually the case.

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: archie4208 on June 09, 2011, 12:00:58 AM
PS2 caliber online would be an improvement. 
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 09, 2011, 12:06:08 AM
oh, and no Gamecube backwards compatibility.   Odd omission, but maybe they have an online store or something.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 09, 2011, 12:16:51 AM
Nothing says HD system like a console that has a hybrid controller peripheral that takes your eyes away from your 65" HDTV

Also the next person that suggests this would be awesome for racing games as a rear view mirror is going to get curb stomped via the internet

The only positive thing I can see coming from this thing is implementing touch mini games via the controller in certain games (maybe like a lockpicking mini game in Elder Scrolls for instance). Though this is a bit of a double edged sword if it means the proliferation of mini games in genres we've never seen them used in.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: archie4208 on June 09, 2011, 12:18:20 AM
oh, and no Gamecube backwards compatibility.   Odd omission, but maybe they have an online store or something.

They probably just don't want to keep the ports in and are too lazy to code the way GC playback works any differently.  That said, Nintendo usually ditches the BC for the system before with a new system, and I can't rule out that part of why they do that might be to start building demand for eventual re-releases.

Upscaled Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine.  Only $39.99 each!  :bow

F-Zero GX will be ignored.  :'(
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on June 09, 2011, 12:40:44 AM
Good lord.  Reading GAF over the last 24 hours reminded me just what an awful subspecies nintards really are.  I've been ignoring them for the past 5 years, just like I have with the Wii, but now they're unavoidable.

Burn them all.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 09, 2011, 01:15:04 AM
i would love a killer klowns from outer space game :(

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 09, 2011, 01:31:01 AM
Oh man I love that film.


best scene starts at 2:15
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 09, 2011, 01:35:05 AM
c'mon, telltale, get with the program

email them that video, sceneman
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 09, 2011, 01:41:39 AM
Updated 2011 version featuring ICP
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 09, 2011, 01:44:39 AM
Updated 2011 version featuring ICP

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 09, 2011, 01:57:10 AM
I listened to Violent J on a podcast a few weeks ago, he's awesome.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 09, 2011, 02:35:33 AM
Second shot may have some smoothing applied but other than that I think it looks pretty good. Still not modern ultra PC build high though but good is relative and when that relativeness is against the Wii, well, this is light years ahead.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Bildi on June 09, 2011, 03:02:27 AM
That third screen with the pod looks cool.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 09, 2011, 04:16:51 AM

It's fun to say Weeooooooooo

Nintendo employees get mad when you call it Weeooooooooo

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 04:20:34 AM (

HW looks about the same size as Wii but certainly "longer". Also I guess they saved a bunch of room not having to leave space for the GC controller/memcard sub board.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 09, 2011, 04:22:55 AM
Nintendo employees get mad when you call it Weeooooooooo

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 04:30:42 AM
How will FPSes be played on this? Where's the "better than KB&M" remote tracking?

This reveal is full of questions.

Like on the other consoles if you use the tabletcon (with weapon/item selection on the subscreen maybe?), or optionally with Wiimote/ninchuck. Oh wow that was easy.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 04:34:27 AM
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 09, 2011, 05:17:26 AM

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: magus on June 09, 2011, 06:18:12 AM

joke is :nsfw
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 09, 2011, 08:41:48 AM
IBM's embedded dynamic random access memory (test chip shown here) will help deliver a thrilling new game experience to Nintendo fans. The new memory technology, a key element of the new Power microprocessor that IBM is building for the Nintendo Wii U console, can triple the amount of memory contained on a single chip, making for extreme game play. (


cant wait to see ninthings reactions

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Diunx on June 09, 2011, 09:00:31 AM
Amazing :lol
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 09, 2011, 09:03:40 AM
How will FPSes be played on this? Where's the "better than KB&M" remote tracking?

This reveal is full of questions.

the Killer something game uses both classic controller and a gyro based system similar to the iPad2/iPhone4, Vita and 3DS.  basically the tablet acts as a 'window' to the game world.  as you move it around in real life, the camera in the game will move relative to the character, if that makes sense. 
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 09:09:44 AM
Uh borys. The Wii U still supports the Wiimote. If that's your kind of thing.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: naff on June 09, 2011, 09:12:02 AM
pretty sure wiimote will still be one of the key game controllers for this system. Most nintendo games aren't single player
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 09, 2011, 09:16:38 AM
yeah, that one alien shooter concept demo they showed off had other players using wii remotes to play against the upad player.

when people say wiiu can only use one controller, they mean one of these tablet pads.  you can have 4 wii remotes plus 1 tablet pad, etc.  nintendo will probably release a standalone classic controller too (that doesn't need a wii remote connection).
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 09, 2011, 09:17:01 AM
If it's not in the box,then they can forget about dev support.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 09:19:27 AM
If it's not in the box,then they can forget about dev support.

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 09, 2011, 09:31:38 AM
Devs make games for for the things that are in the box,the rest is just marketing babble.Barely any addon manages to sell well enough to get dev support.
If somebody wants to point at things he can do that right now with PS3.And by the time Wii U gets out PS3 will be dirt cheap.

PS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wi U

Kinect is a different case,very different,backed by MS and their media expansion dreams.

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: T-Short on June 09, 2011, 09:33:26 AM
Uh borys. The Wii U still supports the Wiimote. If that's your kind of thing.

It's Borys. And the Wiimote is not included in the system. That's the mistake part.

Not included? Hehe. OK.

1.) How the fuck do you know


2.) If it isn't, are you aware that Nintendo has sold 85+ million Wiis? I'd suspect some of those nintards bought Wiimotes with it. These are the people who are going to buy the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 09, 2011, 03:20:16 PM
the estimated resolution of the controller screen is 854 x 480
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: etiolate on June 09, 2011, 05:59:11 PM
I enjoyed all the graphic whore experts saying the videos looked worse than ps360 and then it being revealed they were the ps360 versions
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 09, 2011, 06:29:31 PM
Lol the screen is 480p

The p stands for poor
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: chronovore on June 09, 2011, 06:38:13 PM
It looks like Fisher Price's My First iPad.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 09, 2011, 06:47:05 PM
Larger than the Vita's screen but lower in resolution.

That's Nintendo's HD system for you.

Poor indeed.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 09, 2011, 06:53:46 PM
It looks like Fisher Price's My First iPad.

The joke is a Leapfrog Leapster.


Though recently, I've been coming around to karaoke remocon:

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: magus on June 09, 2011, 06:56:17 PM
"That's really driven by the hardware, and the original Wii games were built for a specific type of hardware. There's no mechanism to quote-unquote 'up-res' that unless we launch a brand-new game." - Reggie Fils-Aime

guess you guys will have to keep sticking to the dolphin :teehee
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 09, 2011, 07:05:50 PM
It's the perfect resolution for a map screen
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 09, 2011, 07:09:30 PM
It looks like Fisher Price's My First iPad.

:lol that's what I said to someone at work yesterday.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 09, 2011, 07:59:53 PM
"That's really driven by the hardware, and the original Wii games were built for a specific type of hardware. There's no mechanism to quote-unquote 'up-res' that unless we launch a brand-new game." - Reggie Fils-Aime

guess you guys will have to keep sticking to the dolphin :teehee

Yeah, considering that other folks have shown that it's possible via pc Nintendo is full of fucking bullshit on this. :maf
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 09, 2011, 08:09:02 PM
Lol silly Reggie

We have been running Nintendo games at obscenely high resolutions since UltraHLE
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: chronovore on June 10, 2011, 01:47:04 AM
Lol silly Reggie

We have been running Nintendo games at obscenely high resolutions since UltraHLE


Yeah, but isn't there something troublesome in there? Is it smooth to run, or do you have to tweak settings for each game?
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: etiolate on June 10, 2011, 02:55:56 AM
So I watched the UBI conference. It seems there's a tight lid being kept on discussing specs or pretty much anything outside of controller based concepts.

What can be gathered:

Ghost Recon Online will have user profiles and a friend list via Ubi Soft.
They showed a 1v1 match of GRO.
The game, so far, uses the controller for a map screen, a drone which you can hover over the field and find enemy players with, weapon augmentation and dropping camera guided missiles.
The map screen can be used to set markers in the game such as Attack Here or Defend Here and it will show up on the TV screen for your team. Also, enemies found and marked by your drone will show up for your team

Freaks from Outer Space used the controller screen and gyro for aiming. It seemed like the single player was done entirely on the controller's screen.
They then demoed a two player home multiplayer where one player was viewing the map from above and able to drop and allocate freaks onto the map.

I am not really sure the advantage of any of these. The Freaks multi concept could be done online. The only real interesting one was the drone camera in Ghost Recon Online and the ability to instant tap a gathering spot for tactics.

And they talked about an Ass Creed being run on the system with all the effects and shaders going.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Bildi on June 10, 2011, 08:46:35 AM
That's why it's 6.2". :smug
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 10, 2011, 09:37:50 AM
Seriously, for half of the reveal I thought it was just a Wii add-on and that Nintendo had trolled everybody.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 10, 2011, 11:37:17 AM
If your argument is "The only way you can understand our product is to play it yourself first" then that probably means that either a. Your product sucks or b. You're an awful communicator

Seriously, I have heard this excuse used so often in regards to Japanese companies explaining why everyone hates their crappy product.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 10, 2011, 11:45:11 AM
Wii U please understand?
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 10, 2011, 12:44:39 PM
Borys :yuck

found something interesting

“The multi-core architecture of the console is a natural fit for our in-house HD engines, such as the Anvil engine used for Assassin’s Creed,” explained Marc Parenteau, Technical Architect at Ubisoft’s Quebec studio.

He continued, “In addition, the large memory capacity of the console will be used to bring performance enhancements, such as pre-calculating data or increasing our cache sizes.”

So it has more than 512MB RAM,1GB is my bet.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 10, 2011, 01:46:30 PM
Iwata has moved from blaming the consumer to blaming the press

if he needs help working through the 7 Stages of Underwhelming Hardware he should free-dial Ken
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 10, 2011, 01:51:31 PM
really if information hadn't leaked before the press conference, the Wii U would just seem like a controller accessory to the Wii.  They were showing off Wii Sports, called it a new controller, and didn't mention the console at all.  It wasn't until the tech demos and 360 games that it seemed to be a different console.

fwiw, the Wii U as a console looks alright.  The original Wii is just a really dense and angular rectangle.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2011, 01:55:10 PM
really if information hadn't leaked before the press conference, the Wii U would just seem like a controller accessory to the Wii.  They were showing off Wii Sports, called it a new controller, and didn't mention the console at all.  It wasn't until the tech demos and 360 games that it seemed to be a different console.

fwiw, the Wii U as a console looks alright.  The original Wii is just a really dense and angular rectangle.

Hmm....I've heard this complaint but I don't know. Outside of better graphics I'm not sure what people were expecting. It sounds like people were expecting a new gimmick on the same level of the Wii. Which probably is unrealistic.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 10, 2011, 02:01:14 PM
It's not really a complaint, tbh.  Nintendo just really poorly communicated what Wii U actually was and I can understand if people who didn't know beforehand were confused.  Nintendo didn't even show the console.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 10, 2011, 02:03:32 PM
It should have been:

"Check out our new console! It has a totally awesome controller that's way different from anything you've ever seen!"

Instead it was:

"Check out this totally awesome controller that's way different from anything you've ever seen!"
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2011, 02:03:56 PM
I think if they had just called it Wii 2, a lot of that would have gone away. This whole thing seems like a semantics argument in that sense.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2011, 02:32:31 PM
Not really.

- reported that Nintendo showed a new handheld system that can be connected to your TV
- one of my colleagues (who is a 360/ Kinect) gamer thought this was a new peripherial (like the Ballance Board)

Nintendo really dropped the ball in communicating what Wii U clearly is.

He thought it was a new peripheral because its not called Wii 2. And because its called Wii U. Not to mention its not like there are commercials running 24/7 to try to market it at this stage. If it was called Wii 2 he would know inherently in the name itself that it was new thing.

The issue isn't communication imo. The issue is whether somebody in and of itself thinks that new controller is the new hotness. I think the controller in and of itself doesn't lend itself to being "revolutionary" in the same way the Wii was. Especially since ipads and itouch devices are in the market. That's the issue. Not communication.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 10, 2011, 02:40:28 PM
It's not hard to understand why there is so much confusion because hardcore and casual Nintendo fans are already mentally challenged.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
kidding  :P
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 10, 2011, 02:46:48 PM
Conference was confusing,at one point I was convinced that new console is either

a)tablet with buttons
b)Wii + tablet with buttons

Wii U will probably end like 3DS,nobody will care when competition releases some fud.

Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2011, 02:50:31 PM
I didn't watch the conference. I didn't watch any of the conferences. So maybe that's why I think this Wii U confusion issue is overblown. Since 99.999999999% percent of the public doesn't watch them either, that's why I don't buy the confusion issue.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 10, 2011, 03:01:28 PM
Mass media and investors watched.One interesting tidbit from MS conf,by Michael Pachter--immediately after MS announced youtube for 360,Netflix shares dropped by $10.

But yeah if you didn't watch the conference and went to gaming sites,no problem.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Diunx on June 10, 2011, 03:50:13 PM
Everyone on the EB chat thought it was a new controller too, it wasn't until they started showing the 360/ps3  games that we realize it was a new console.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 10, 2011, 05:33:05 PM
Shamelessly copied:

Quote from: wsippel
Yeah, official word, just as promised. And I'm none the wiser: (

There won't be a "centralized, one size fits all online gaming approach". Instead, they'll leave it to 3rd parties and will try to support their visions. Whatever that's supposed to mean. I know publishers love their weird little systems like Cerberus, Social Club, UPlay, CoD Elite and what not, but what about the stuff that has to be system level, like cross game chat and invites and stuff like that? And what about small developers and publishers who don't have their own system in place?

Well that concludes my short lived excitement for this thing. Prove them wrong, or GTFO Nintendo :lol
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2011, 05:47:59 PM
I was expecting them to have a fucked up online system. They always will. It's not in their DNA.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 10, 2011, 08:32:12 PM
That statement seems ambigous.  If I had to guess what nintendo is suggesting-  Publishers with clout are allowed to use their own online network (ea already does this on wii).  They want these publishers to provide input on what they want the wiiu to be capable of to cultivate their aspirations (messaging, chat... dlc).  They can still opt for the nintendo wifi connection, smaller devs will obviously go with this option.  I mean,  I sincerely doubt nintendo wouldn't keep their own infrastructure around for wii and 3ds.  Managing accounts does sound messy though.  I imagine there will be a system wide account(s) attached to a friendcode.  Subaccounts for ea/ubi/etc will be assigned to these system wide parent accounts.

At least that would make some sense to me.  I feel the only major thing the 3ds online was missing right now was communication options.  It be weird to regress to ps2 online standards in 2012.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 11, 2011, 07:47:37 AM
some interesting tidbits from DF

The Zelda demo, or "HD Experience" as Nintendo calls it, is almost certainly running at a native resolution of 720p, with no anti-aliasing and seems to be locked at 30 frames per second with v-sync engaged (subsequently verified with a good look at a 60Hz feed taken from G4's broadcast coverage of the event). It's a good demo, but as Oli says, it's very difficult to see this as anything other than affirmation that Nintendo's technical vision of the next generation is to effectively match the rendering performance of what's in the marketplace already. Once again, the platform holder is relying on ingenious controller-based concepts rather than cutting-edge tech.

Video and screenshot assets that have been released to date all show the same 720p resolution with no anti-aliasing. Bearing in mind the limited nature of the demos, the lack of any kind of edge-smoothing is a bit of a puzzle, especially bearing in mind the simplicity of the software. Multi-sampling anti-aliasing is hardware based, Nintendo should be able to just turn it on. Quite why they haven't is a bit of a mystery, especially bearing in mind how many of their titles emphasise good, clean 3D visuals that would benefit significantly by being jaggie-free.

In terms of other stuff we gleaned from checking out the E3 showing, there were displays showing both the main feed running on an HDTV, and then a secondary monitor depicting the content being beamed to the controller. What is interesting here is that the demo included a simulation of gameplay switching over from one display to the other. In this case, the game appeared to be switching resolution, rather than downscaling from HD as PS3 and 360 titles tend to when the consoles are set to 576p or 480p. This opens up the very real possibility that games with performance issues when running on an HDTV could actually run more smoothly when played on the tablet.

In terms of how powerful Wii U actually is, aside from the occasional 1080p claim, Nintendo has made no effort to put any kind of distance between it and the current generation HD consoles, and it's fair to say that the demos back this up. There is still discussion amongst fans of an enthusiast-level gaming GPU in the machine, but the fact that the Wii U itself is quite small would present some serious heat dissipation issues - the pre-production units photographed at E3 certainly possess a lot more vents than the original Wii. Curiously, the diminutive form factor of the console itself tells us far more about the potential power of the machine than Nintendo's own spec sheet.

As it is, we now have direct confirmation that Wii U features a 45nm, power efficient, IBM multi-core processor based on POWER architecture, but almost nothing about the make-up of the Radeon GPU. Factoring in the lack of differentiation between Wii U and the current generation consoles, it's likely that Nintendo has put a great deal of investment into the controller and will be looking to make the base unit as cheap to produce as possible.

At this point we're speculating, but our guess is that Wii U's RAM is based on GDDR3 or DDR3 - far more cost efficient than the top-end GDDR5 and the hitherto non-existent DDR4. In terms of the make-up of AMD's custom Radeon GPU, we reckon it probably has more in common with the Radeon HD 4650/4670 as opposed to anything more exotic. The 320 stream processors on those chips would have more than enough power to support 360 and PS3 level visuals, especially in a closed-box system. Fabricated on AMD's current 40nm process, it would be cool enough and cheap enough, but the 2012 launch may well mean that Nintendo could move directly to 28nm, making for a more cost-efficient, cooler box.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 12, 2011, 06:50:24 AM
There won't be a "centralized, one size fits all online gaming approach". Instead, they'll leave it to 3rd parties and will try to support their visions. Whatever that's supposed to mean. I know publishers love their weird little systems like Cerberus, Social Club, UPlay, CoD Elite and what not, but what about the stuff that has to be system level, like cross game chat and invites and stuff like that? And what about small developers and publishers who don't have their own system in place?

So Wu* will follow Nintendo reptilian age philosophy?

Not surprised,but that will hit them hard especially if rumors about 8 GB storage are true.Dedicated gaming machines are not enough today,quality online + big in the box storage is a must for big consoles.


Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 12, 2011, 07:02:57 AM

much easier for my simple brain
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 12, 2011, 07:17:53 AM
So Nintendo continues not to give a shit about online? That will really attract the core gamers.

Putting all your chips into a novel new controller just sounds too risky. There are certain things that you MUST establish when developing a new console nowadays and having a robust online infrastructure is one of them.

Bridging the gap between home console and handheld is a neat concept, and is one of those ideas that you'd think would just take a matter of time catch on. But I don't think that the same audience that bought the wii is gonna buy this. It's a different proposition from the wii -- much more traditional. That's why it's crucial that they get stuff like online up to a certain standard.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 12, 2011, 09:19:15 AM
How is it even novel? Ds already has two screens and that is the least interesting part of its functioning. And i didnt have to prop the ds' lower screen on my knees in order to use it. Or wave a controller in one hand while using a stylus wit the other.

Its nit even capacitive, right? Why not?
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 12, 2011, 12:26:07 PM
There won't be a "centralized, one size fits all online gaming approach". Instead, they'll leave it to 3rd parties and will try to support their visions.

Nintendo living in 2002 ? that's refreshing!

This is uberfail. Third parties rely on XBL and PSN now to deliver the MP experience. Players rely on this as well.

 Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot again with this type of online.
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: cool breeze on June 12, 2011, 12:38:51 PM
The nintendo fanboys on gaf are out of control.  It's better to just ignore.  As someone who has been posting on forums for many, many years, this is probably the worst show of blind company shilling I have ever seen.  I'm honestly confused about what these people are.

Are they posting to convince others to support the company?
Are they posting to convince themselves to keep supporting the company?
Or worse, do they actually believe what they're posting, like, down to their core?

The fascinating thing is that, you talk about sports with others, and they're not coy about their favorite sports team.  Even republicans and creationists take a stance.  But with video game companies, there is a false air of objectivity backed by illogical data that are supposed to validate an opinion.

It's not just Nintendo fans.  This morning I opened gaf, saw a post about how the Vita should win because it has the most inputs, and my brain kinda went "oh fuck you for trying to make me process this"
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: maxy on June 12, 2011, 12:50:06 PM
Ninthings are really amazing creatures.After years of moaning and crying how third party hates Nintendo they are now full of faith.Third party will now apparently jump ship and make games with "better on Nintendo console" label.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 12, 2011, 02:02:54 PM
Nintards never learn that Nintendo won't have good 3rd party support and sales. They buy into the story every 5 fucking years.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: drew on June 12, 2011, 02:30:32 PM
you guys are way too invested in this bullshit, jesus christ
Title: Re: Weeoo
Post by: Purple Filth on June 12, 2011, 02:48:53 PM
The nintendo fanboys on gaf are out of control.  It's better to just ignore.  As someone who has been posting on forums for many, many years, this is probably the worst show of blind company shilling I have ever seen.  I'm honestly confused about what these people are.

Are they posting to convince others to support the company?
Are they posting to convince themselves to keep supporting the company?
Or worse, do they actually believe what they're posting, like, down to their core?

The fascinating thing is that, you talk about sports with others, and they're not coy about their favorite sports team.  Even republicans and creationists take a stance.  But with video game companies, there is a false air of objectivity backed by illogical data that are supposed to validate an opinion.

It's not just Nintendo fans.  This morning I opened gaf, saw a post about how the Vita should win because it has the most inputs, and my brain kinda went "oh fuck you for trying to make me process this"

And i assume Acebandage is leading this garbage :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 12, 2011, 03:11:15 PM

Finest console ever
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 12, 2011, 03:11:33 PM
I don't remember names.  As far as I can tell, one person is posting on multiple accounts.  Two things that really blew my mind earlier:

-regarding multitouch, apparently there is not one single application that is useful for gaming.  Blowing in to the mic is a better tool for gameplay than multitouch.  But if you question any decision made for the console, you have no imagination.  Developers will make use of so-and-so potential.  You're just not smart enough to get it.

Wii U replaces rumble with an AIDs needle that pricks you when you lose.  "omg it increase the depth and width of gameplay! so intense! definitive version of dark race!"
-defending the overpricing of hardware and use of cheap components to avoid selling at a loss.  personally, I liked to side with a company instead of the consumers, even though I fall in the latter camp.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Purple Filth on June 12, 2011, 03:54:07 PM
^ the GAF thread on this is hilarious  :lol

great seeing the Nfans squaring off against the technophiles
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 12, 2011, 03:57:46 PM
So why were none of the demos or assets released thus far 1080p?

Calling it now, WiiU Zelda will be sub-720p.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 12, 2011, 04:01:23 PM
Guys do you think this will sell?

I feel really bad for the thousands of good people working at Nintendo who used to make the most acclaimed games and are now stuck with WiiU and 3DS and making the simplest of rehashes and not being allowed to stray from the new corporate mantra.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 12, 2011, 04:35:09 PM
So..what do y'all homo erecti think of the Japanese garden demo? Anything in there that shows any significant jump from a high level 360/PS3 game?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 12, 2011, 04:46:23 PM
So..what do y'all homo erecti think of the Japanese garden demo? Anything in there that shows any significant jump from a high level 360/PS3 game?

The Zelda demo was more impressive even though it looked on par with 360/ps3 levels. I'd like to see the garden demo direct-feed though. Check that DF article I linked earlier, they go into more detail.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Van Cruncheon on June 12, 2011, 05:11:03 PM
it's a demo. it looks like a demo from the 360/ps3 era of hardware.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 12, 2011, 05:29:20 PM
25% more sparks
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: drew on June 12, 2011, 05:44:10 PM
i thought this was a wii add on WTF
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: originalz on June 12, 2011, 08:05:27 PM
I want to see the complete checklist!

I like videogames and will buy this system if it has enough good games to justify a purchase.  That's really all I care about, none of this company loyalty crap.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 12, 2011, 08:09:17 PM
Why are people still acting like that Zelda demo is an actual game. Do you not remember Spaceworld, smh. Nintendo will release a Zelda weeeeooo title to combat the 720/PS4 launch, just watch. So wait until November 2014 suckers.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: originalz on June 12, 2011, 09:05:52 PM
You can consider those boxes checked!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 12, 2011, 09:35:44 PM

Reggie: 1
EB: 0

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 12, 2011, 10:12:16 PM

Reggie: 1
EB: 0


Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 12, 2011, 10:17:23 PM
don't hate--that smash bros announcement was crafty

You know people at Sony and Microsoft were feeling dumb.  Who knew you could away with announcing games that don't exist? well, technically there was Pikman 3, but that wasn't on stage.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 12, 2011, 10:24:30 PM
"Hey guys, we're making a new Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Star Fox, and even a new Pikmin game [maybe]!"

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Of course, we haven't started working on the console they're on just yet, but when we do, hoo boy!, you can bet those games will be on it!!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 13, 2011, 03:09:03 AM
This was the worst announcement for a console that I can remember.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 13, 2011, 04:16:57 AM
Borys you got to understand this impresses people that have been playing this for the last few years


[X] Please understand
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 13, 2011, 05:39:05 AM
6" screen is pretty small tbh.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thats what she said
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 13, 2011, 06:50:17 AM
It looks like power supply will be external.

Wuu will be annihilated next year

Sony--PS3(4) PS Vita combo,Vita can be easily used as game menu,map,etc and it won't stop working if you leave the room

MS-Xbox Live integrated into Windows 8(tablets,phones) and if they release some cradle with proper analogs,buttons,etc=boom

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 13, 2011, 06:59:43 AM
Depends on the battery life to be honest for the Vita.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 13, 2011, 08:55:28 AM
:bow Pachter :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 13, 2011, 09:02:41 AM
hunh, the main character of dark souls looks like a gay elf

I'll honest, it's hard to tell who's being insulted here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 13, 2011, 09:54:07 AM

Reggie: 1
EB: 0


Reminds me of this:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 13, 2011, 11:02:36 AM
Pachter dropping dem troof bombs
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 13, 2011, 12:50:43 PM
It looks like power supply will be external.

Wuu will be annihilated next year

Sony--PS3(4) PS Vita combo,Vita can be easily used as game menu,map,etc and it won't stop working if you leave the room

MS-Xbox Live integrated into Windows 8(tablets,phones) and if they release some cradle with proper analogs,buttons,etc=boom

call it weeeoooo or i'll rip your lungs out!

'wu' sounds too cool

also that last bit sounds like a gaming feature, MS doesn't do games anymore. 

 I will call it whatever I want :maf

You are right MS doesn't do games anymore,other people do that.

I think that Win 8 tablets will behave exactly like PCs,nobody will buy new Win 8 tablet so it can run MS Word,games,games

MS is driven by $$$ lust and that would benefit them,big devs would jump in.I mean,full blown Windows without "proper" games,better to buy a laptop then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 13, 2011, 12:53:15 PM
I really really hate to say this but

I think Nintendo needs to lose Miyamoto

at least as anything other than a game director/producer

i guarantee a huge chunk of the "wtf" decisions they make (which is to say the ones not necessarily motivated by cost) are a result of his royal weirdness's quirks

All of his decisions are usually integral to their hardware/software/product's success.  So I don't see how this would be a good idea.  For reference sake, one of his earlier ideas was to split pokemon up into differing versions, which certainly contributed to the game's social aspect.  I can't remember all the little things he has inputted over the years, but many of you seem to forget how stupidly popular the wii/ds were this past gen.  Apparently SOMEONE out there liked the hardware decisions.


Although the 'blow air' mechanic in DKCR was fucking stupid.  I'm over it though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 13, 2011, 01:17:55 PM
Wii U will be HD, supporting up to 1080p resolution just like Xbox 360 and PS3, but beyond that it's unclear how powerful the hardware will ultimately be when it ships sometime next year. Nintendo never provides a full breakdown, although the company did say that the form factor is "near final." While many assumed Wii U would be on par with the current HD consoles, word is coming in from developers that it's quite a bit more powerful.

Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia commented today, "Some of the developers we spoke to indicated to us that the console will have 50% more processing power compared to the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.
This is yet to be confirmed by Nintendo."

At E3 last week, Nintendo did little to prove this point. During the press conference, footage of Xbox 360 and PS3 titles was used, although the company did show off an impressive tech demo of a bird flying around some trees, and Nintendo also created a very pretty tech demo to represent what a new Zelda might look like.
Ok,no more Wuu


50% more than 2005 consoles?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 13, 2011, 01:21:21 PM
Wow that settles it, I'm not buying any more Xbox 360 or PS3 games in anticipation of the superior Weeoo version that comes out a year later

And playing dual analog games with those fiddly sliders....SWEET
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 13, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
Weeeeeeooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooo

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 13, 2011, 01:44:56 PM
Eddie Murphy :bow2

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 13, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
Wuguu should at least have enough power to match PS3/360 plus what's happening on the controller.  Because technically, it needs to render two different images, right? at least when doing the interesting things shown in that promo video.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 13, 2011, 07:39:25 PM
The following response comes from Michel Ancel when he was asked whether or not he views Wii U as a next-gen machine...

"Not really. I think Wii U is next-gen in terms of interface. I think people are going to copy it, because you've got this mix between tablet, touch screen and big screen – big screen and little screen - there are a lot of possibilities. I don't know if Sony will do it, or Microsoft – but yes, I think it's a possibility. But I think the main thing is to have this – offering new ways to play is very interesting."

interface that is going to be left to rot after 6 month of gimmicky drawing stuff

:bow weeeoooooo :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 13, 2011, 08:29:31 PM
Yeah only thing that table is good fo ris drawing things like maps.  Make a Dungeon crawler for us Altus without being an Etrian Odyessy game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 13, 2011, 09:22:09 PM
I'm just confused about what Wii U actually is.  It's presentation was sloppy and full of mutually exclusive concepts.  They showed:

-cloning display.  simple enough.  same image on both the tv and tablet.
-game only on the tablet, making use of touch screen (that board game)
-tablet acts as a motion controller along with TV (augmented reality stuff, putting it on the floor)
-main game on tv, tablet adds additional interface/inputs, still controls like video game (fantasy action action tech demo)

if you make a game that uses the tablet and television simultaneously, that eliminates the ability to play the game exclusively on the tablet.  two interfaces? how does touch work then? if a game is designed around the touch screen, can you still play those games on the tv?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 13, 2011, 11:57:45 PM
All of his decisions are usually integral to their hardware/software/product's success.  So I don't see how this would be a good idea.  For reference sake, one of his earlier ideas was to split pokemon up into differing versions, which certainly contributed to the game's social aspect.  I can't remember all the little things he has inputted over the years, but many of you seem to forget how stupidly popular the wii/ds were this past gen.  Apparently SOMEONE out there liked the hardware decisions.


Although the 'blow air' mechanic in DKCR was fucking stupid.  I'm over it though.

I remember Nintendo's success quite well, thanks.  But as much as Miyamoto is responsible for some of this stuff, he's also responsible for things like Nintendo's online system being pathetically out of date, Nintendo's production values being ten years behind, Nintendo's digital shop being a fucking disaster, Nintendo not getting on the ball with proven systems like achievements/trophies, etc.

The people at Nintendo aren't stupid.  Every time Nintendo fails to meet the bar on something, it's not because they lack the ability.  It's either because of cost (which is a separate problem for Nintendo; while I generally think fiscal conservatism is a wiser course of action than what Sony or MS do, Nintendo pushes it too far and it kind of bit them in the ass with the way the Wii fell out so fast), or because that quirky fellow Miyamoto veto'd the idea.  I'm not against him being in charge of software where he can continue to make decisions like splitting up Pokeymans, but the guy really should have almost no input on Nintendo's hardware and associated features.  The road he is sending Nintendo down is going to really fuck the company in the long run.

I think you're making some erroneous atributions here.  The online I would personally blame on Iwata, as he has indicated in interviews it was his desire to keep his daughters -for instance- from being exposed to internet mongloids.  I think a mouthgag policy in public games is fine, although they royally screwed up the necessary persistence required for the "friends" system to work.  Haven't seen any indication the miyamoto is in charge of designing the shops.  The production values on their core titles are great, just not hd.  I sincerely doubt the majority (non-nerds) of mario galaxy/dkcr/corruption/brawl players noticed.  The wii noun stuff looks the way it does to try and appeal to a mass market (squeaky clean, blue skies, etc).  I still contend they made the right call on HD as the penetration wasn't very high at the time.

If I had to pretend to be ~balanced and fair~, the biggest screw up was they probably shouldve made a more powerful machine capable of producing 360 games in sd.  They lost the development community and were left to fend for themselves for years.  Hindsight indicates a beefier 350 dollar wii still wouldve done well.  I also think the original wiimote was too half baked and finicky to properly service the promise of reliable motion control.  I already mentioned the sad state of online.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Mrbob on June 14, 2011, 12:11:26 AM
here's the thing...

if you can use multiple screen controllers on the Weeeoooo then i can see there's a good few good local multiplayer games you can bring in. D+D, Warhammer, etc - those sort of games would rule. Hell, pokemon as well.

if it ends up you can only use 1 controller? You can use it to show a map, or inventory.... it's a nicety, it's not a game changer. Oh and novelty games... for one player #sadface. Also if they are going to have you need a waggle stick and the WeeeoooPad then that's moving away from what sold the Wii to millions of non gamers. "It's Tennis!" "How do i play?!" <swishes controller like bat> "Ooooooo! neato!"

At the moment this machine just looks like one massive f*ck up. 3DS scrapped next year. GameBoy Nexus for winter 2012.

Sony is totally going to rip this design off too, but make it more functional in the process.  Playstation ME will have 4 controller support and a HD multi touch screen alongside graphics capability that will crush what Nintendo has to offer.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooo will be shamed in no time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 14, 2011, 12:19:58 AM
here's the thing...

if you can use multiple screen controllers on the Weeeoooo then i can see there's a good few good local multiplayer games you can bring in. D+D, Warhammer, etc - those sort of games would rule. Hell, pokemon as well.

if it ends up you can only use 1 controller? You can use it to show a map, or inventory.... it's a nicety, it's not a game changer. Oh and novelty games... for one player #sadface. Also if they are going to have you need a waggle stick and the WeeeoooPad then that's moving away from what sold the Wii to millions of non gamers. "It's Tennis!" "How do i play?!" <swishes controller like bat> "Ooooooo! neato!"

At the moment this machine just looks like one massive f*ck up. 3DS scrapped next year. GameBoy Nexus for winter 2012.

Sony is totally going to rip this design off too, but make it more functional in the process.  Playstation ME will have 4 controller support and a HD multi touch screen alongside graphics capability that will crush what Nintendo has to offer.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooo will be shamed in no time.

If the move is any indication, sony's tech won't be supported by a strong software proposition to make it successful.  The wiimote needed wii sports to establish its value to the consumer.  Brain training and Nintendogs sold people on the ds's interface possibilities.  Arguably the 3ds is suffering because outside of its built in software, there hasn't been a dearth of software to villify the featureset and price of entry for the portable.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 14, 2011, 12:53:38 AM

As for the production values thing, no, it's a lot more than just not being HD.  They are way behind even middle-ground developers on things like voice acting, motion capture, CG, and sound production.  For some of their franchises, it doesn't matter, but then you get something like Metroid: Other M, where those kinds of skills would have been a boon to the type of product they were shooting for, and it's just fucking embarrassing.

Which of their franchises would really benefit from any of this? Zelda? Metroid is at its best when everyone shuts the fuck up anyway.  I dunno, it seems like unecessary expenditure when the vast majority of their properties would gain nothing from such things.  I guess we could make the argument that Nintendo proper should start counterprogramming popular genres and would need this techniques to compete.

Omitted any of your online musings because I 75% agree.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 14, 2011, 01:08:45 AM
The impression that I get is that the top brass REALLY  doesn't.*
I'm being a little selfish here.  I always skip cg stuff and dialogue so I have a hard time faulting anyone for deemphasizing it.

There's some direct audio footage of Skyward Sword out there.  Its the same setup as Mario Galaxy with a blend of orchestrated and synthesized music.

*bar Retro studios and Sakomoto :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 14, 2011, 02:03:55 AM
Miyamoto has plenty of faults, but I don't think hubris is one of them. Dude goes out of his way to give credit to many of his games to his subordinates (I can't even remember the last time he did an interview specifically focused on Zelda, where he didn't have Aonuma sitting right by him).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 14, 2011, 02:40:26 AM
Oh, I wouldn't call it hubris in the traditional sense.  But he has lived a very lucky and very sheltered life.  Almost immediately from graduating University, he became a "superstar" and that status has never been lifted.  He's never had to look outside of himself to find success.  I think the end result is that there's a sort of naivety or ignorance about him with regards to things outside his immediate circle.

exhibit a: Wii Music
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 14, 2011, 03:00:19 AM
Guys, stop trying to talk to the autistic kid like a real person.  He not only thinks Wii Music is a real game, he publicly admits to enjoying it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: T-Short on June 14, 2011, 03:03:32 AM
For every HW reveal, Nintendo keeps claiming that it will have strong support from third parties. But the machine and subsystem is almost always the product of what a small group of Nintendo guys, with Miyamoto's opinion packing a lot of punch, think is best for their vision. The worst example of this is still the N64, which Miyamoto admitted to have been designed around the specs he wanted for Mario 64. Creating HW around the vision for ONE GAME! One could say that the Wii is quite similar in this fashion, but not as terrible. That is what Oscar is talking about, the naive arrogance of Miyamoto.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: T-Short on June 14, 2011, 04:12:00 AM
I was thinking about that too, the locationfree-on-Vita thing, but apparently the latency was pretty atrocious when playing locationfree with PSP? I mean, the general connectivity crap like menu items and minimaps and whatnot could work, but playing the actual PS3 game n the Vita would be harder, right?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: T-Short on June 14, 2011, 04:29:49 AM
there must be SOMETHING Nintendo is going to do to make their latency lower though, right? some sort of HW encoding/decoding of the video stream sent to the tabletcontroller? otherwise it seems positively suicidal to produce something that Sony can just do better with the Vita, minus two triggerbuttons. But with multitouch.  :dizzy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 14, 2011, 04:41:04 AM
XFE hits the nail on the head. Nintendo won't have the benefit of a vastly more innovative/new/niche system this time, nor one that is less expensive than its competition. This could really be a disaster for Nintendo.

casuals aren't spending $100 a pop on a controller. They'd rather get a real iPad
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 14, 2011, 05:01:57 AM
Yeah real casuals will prefer iPad for sure.

1. It has games.
2. It's Apple.
3. You can take it anywhere.
4. Everybody is talking about it.
5. They already have a Wii.
6. Ipad doesn't look like a toy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 14, 2011, 05:04:56 AM
"So it's like iPad then? But I can't go to bed/ toilet with it? What bullshit... pass."

Sucks to be Nintendo in the following years.

It's like iPad but with a smaller screen, no App store etc? I can't take it on Holidays? pass.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 14, 2011, 05:07:53 AM
Wait, what the fuck? So developers have to still work wit the wiimote? This can't be true, it's crazy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 14, 2011, 07:02:06 AM
Nintendo's angle is that they're family friendly; the one box that doesn't promote Gears or Killzone; little Timmy's first ipad. You don't have to worry when you leave your kids alone in a room with Nintendo, no sir. You ain't gonna play Halo with grandad, but checkers and motion golf? No worries. Hey and don't throw out your wiimotes just yet, you'll need those for multiplayer.

Just have a gander at the weeoo website, there's no mention of all the awesome third party games at all. That's background noise to appease and confound disillusioned Nintendo loyalists.

Don't think Nintendo's abandoning the blue ocean strategy just yet. Good of them to match 2007 level hardware this time though, should be able to garner that elusive third party support and might be able to complete, but I have a feeling it's too little too late. Hope the casual demographic is kind to them again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 14, 2011, 07:10:28 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 14, 2011, 08:41:42 AM

PS3 games locationfree within your house should work , maps etc and multi control? Definitely. Hell, i expect games to support the PSV as a controller, there's no reason for it not to.

i was thinking about that - is there any reason they couldn't use the bluetooth on the vita for controller input while using wifi for the video streaming at the same time?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 14, 2011, 11:26:00 AM
I don't know why the PS3 needs to be involved

Vita plus (wireless) HDMI out can do a decent approximation of wii u
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 14, 2011, 12:29:56 PM
Mario HD
Zelda HD
Metroid HD (fps, none of that Other Shit crap)

Yup, I'm interested.

filthy nthing  :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 14, 2011, 01:54:30 PM
Competition FUD starting already :D

Microsoft is gearing up to announce the successor to the Xbox 360 at E3 2012, and Crytek is already developing a new TimeSplitters game for the next generation of consoles, can reveal.

Specifications for the new machine have not been finalised, but Crytek is using Microsoft's DirectX 11 as the current basis for next-generation development. Tessellation, multithreaded rendering, and compute shaders are the three headlining features for DirectX 11.

The Crysis 2 developer says that Microsoft will announce the existence of a new Xbox within the next 12 months, hinting that an E3 2012 reveal is likely. Crytek believes that Microsoft will announce and launch its new machine ahead of rival Sony, though the developer is also investing resources into next-generation PlayStation development.

The information was detailed to by a high-ranking industry source at Crytek, who stated that TimeSplitters 4 is currently being demonstrated internally, is being built with CryEngine 3, and was being shown privately in video form at E3 2011.

Crytek UK, who produced the other three games in the series as Free Radical, is still handling the development.

Both Microsoft and Crytek declined to comment.

The source reports that the graphics on TimeSplitters 4 are noticeably improved over current generation technology, with the DX11 tessellation effects allegedly having a huge impact on the visuals. Crytek believes that the game - and CryEngine 3 itself - will be seen as the cornerstone of next-generation development.

Crytek has invested heavily in DirectX 11 development primarily to focus on the new consoles, with the upcoming DX11 patch for the PC version of Crysis 2 being used internally as a benchmark of anticipated hardware trends.

As for the game itself, the new TimeSplitters is reported to focus on the series' branching paths and exploratory nature, with sandbox-style gameplay elements a big priority. The current goal is for levels to feature multiple routes that lead to the same overall conclusion. (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 14, 2011, 03:01:11 PM
I'd expect something from Epic on launch too with their new unreal engine.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 14, 2011, 07:46:47 PM
PS3 games locationfree within your house should work , maps etc and multi control? Definitely. Hell, i expect games to support the PSV as a controller, there's no reason for it not to.

Talking about Vita/PS3 interoperability, I really, really dont care about a PS3 remote play feature. I think relying on a consumers wifi infrastructure for a core feature will always relegate it to the background, much like remoteplay is now. I'd much rather they focus on having it work as a secondary controller for games.

Technically, I would have it done with a small app install directly to the Vita for any specific game that wants to use the Vita as a controller then PS3 and V just send basic inputs over bluetooth like a DS3, no lag, simple and effective and it would make multiplayer Vita implementations possible. If they could manage decent streaming of a dynamic interface for a game with the effective 2.1 Mbit/s data rate of PS3's bluetooth that would be cool though it would make any multi stuff ala GBA/GC connectivity pretty hard with the same problem Nintendo is facing, difference being this functionality with PS3 and V is a novelty, with WiiU it's integral to the console :lol
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 14, 2011, 09:18:11 PM
Nintendo has a problem.

They got shat upon for not being HD with the Wii so they added HD to Wii U. They noticed iPad is their biggest competitor now so they created tablet-like controler. Wii U seems like a patchwork... no clear vision. Wiimote defined the Wii and it was a GREAT SUCCESS, we have to admit it.

Wii U is... not even like Wii. It's Wii minus the originality, minus the creativity.

Wii created history and was copied by MS and Sony. Wii U copies from MS, Sony and Apple.

The Wii looks like an Apple product.  Nintendo has been aping the designs of successful competitors since people laughed at the Gamecube Fisher Price handle.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 14, 2011, 11:44:50 PM
Has anyone mentioned the battery life of this new controller?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 03:58:56 AM
I think that people are greatly underestimating Weeoo low latency tablet-console connection.Standard solutions,like b/g(PS3) or n(Vita) have big latency,good for continuous streaming,extremely bad for frame by frame game streaming.Not to mention that Vita is not a controller and at best it will be an afterthought for the devs(not in the box).Good for video,map streaming,bad for everything else.

Games already have like 100 ms+TV latency,adding something on top of that=bad

There is one thing that makes me curious,at Ubisoft vid it was "please turn off Wifi,etc"--maybe Nintendo Weeoo tech is based on common solutions and not something like Wireless HD. 

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: T-Short on June 15, 2011, 04:48:54 AM
There is one thing that makes me curious,at Ubisoft vid it was "please turn off Wifi,etc"--maybe Nintendo Weeoo tech is based on common solutions and not something like Wireless HD.

You mean they are trying to cheap out on hardware? Well I for one am shocked
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 15, 2011, 04:52:20 AM
PS3's bluetooth 2.0 + EDR should, in theory be able to stream a 960x544 image at low latency. And there's no need for wii eww to stream HD to the controller right since its screen isn't HD?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 15, 2011, 05:47:23 AM
I thought the Wii U tablet was wired?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 06:23:29 AM
There is one thing that makes me curious,at Ubisoft vid it was "please turn off Wifi,etc"--maybe Nintendo Weeoo tech is based on common solutions and not something like Wireless HD.

You mean they are trying to cheap out on hardware? Well I for one am shocked

Something like that,as cheap as possible :)

PS3's bluetooth 2.0 + EDR should, in theory be able to stream a 960x544 image at low latency. And there's no need for wii eww to stream HD to the controller right since its screen isn't HD?

If it was that easy,everybody would be doing it.

I thought the Wii U tablet was wired?


Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2011, 06:41:55 AM
Why does everybody assume Wii uses 4890 just because its the 770 chipset? It could be something older too.

Not like Nintendo to install a power guzzler like that!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 06:49:04 AM

If by everyone you mean ninthings,yeah...otherwise no
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 15, 2011, 07:07:29 AM
you guys are acting like a bunch of tech whores

even if the thing is as powerfull as thousand of suns,it means nothing when all the game it's going to run are the one that already runs on your 360 and yet another zelda

that said,i already pointed and laughed at the incredibly probable underwhelming graphics so maybe i shouldn't talk >:(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 15, 2011, 07:09:01 AM
4890 would be too expensive and powerful for Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 07:31:46 AM
The Wii U cannot play DVDs or Blu-rays, Nintendo has confirmed.

Why? Because you've already got machines that play them.

"Wii U does not have DVD or Blu-ray playback capabilities," president Satoru Iwata told investors.

"The reason for that is that we feel that enough people already have devices that are capable of playing DVDs and Blu-ray, such that it didn't warrant the cost involved to build that functionality into the Wii U console because of the patents related to those technologies."

Instead, the Wii U, out next year, features a single self-loading media bay that plays 12-centimetre proprietary high-density optical discs, as well as 12-centimetre Wii optical discs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2011, 07:59:31 AM
Actually I only have a 360 to play dvd's (or my laptop). I don't see the need for a dedicated player, or 10 machines under my tv.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 08:06:57 AM
Yeah,you can spin this in every direction.Disc capacity is 25 GB,more than enough for games and if you care about dvd/blu-ray playback get some cheap player.

It will be interesting to see MS stance about this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: fistfulofmetal on June 15, 2011, 08:32:58 AM
it's fucking dvd playback for pete's sake. every device that you put a disc in should be able to play dvds nowadays
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 15, 2011, 08:37:45 AM
hey,few beans per console x millions= lots of beans

no more beans for u
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2011, 09:02:09 AM
No MP3 playback on 3DS cause everybody has a MP3 player or phone now

spoiler (click to show/hide)
which you can play games on too  :shh
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 15, 2011, 09:18:40 AM
No games either because other machines can do that for you.

--wait, that actually happened

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 15, 2011, 09:32:34 AM
I already have devices that play HD games too, so I don't need another device to play more.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2011, 09:41:12 AM
Wasn't that also the reason Gamecube and Wii didn't get multiplat games, cause you could play them on other consoles already?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 15, 2011, 09:43:10 AM
guys guys if nintendo doesn't pose arbitrary limitation,then there is no reason for homebrew and if there is no reason for homebrew,there is also no reason for hacking,so this can only be good

:bow nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 15, 2011, 09:45:20 AM
:lol Nice logic

Never needing to pay for a Nintendo game ever again :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on June 15, 2011, 09:48:35 AM
Nintendo: "want to watch a movie? go use one of the competition consoles!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 15, 2011, 02:31:52 PM
At an extensive analyst Q&A during last week's E3 event, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata addressed concerns ranging from attracting core gamers to the Wii U to the system's online capabilities.

Iwata used the question and answer session to reiterate and strengthen many points from the Wii U's unveiling last Tuesday, including the company's desire for more support from third-party developers on the Wii U.

While the wide-ranging briefing focused on Nintendo's newly announced system, it also touched on the slow sales of the recently launched 3DS and slowing sales for current Wii hardware.

Here are some key takeaways from a transcript of Iwata's remarks provided by Nintendo.

On Wii U's Online Capabilities

"What I have come to feel lately is that the idea of saying, 'we are going to create this style of online structure and that we would like you, the developers, to fit into the online structure that we are creating' is perhaps already out-of-date. I think that Nintendo's past console business has often included this idea of a set and fixed online structure. So, I think that, going forward, the question is really to what degree Nintendo can create a more flexible system for its consoles."

"And, what we found at this point is that, as we discuss the online structure with different publishers, the things that the different publishers want to do are in fact seemingly rather different. Our current direction is how we can take the desires of the third parties and create a system that's flexible enough to enable them to do the types of things that they might want to do."

On Attracting Both Casual And Core Players To The Wii U

"We believe novice players, who started playing games as casual players (since there is no one who is inherently a core gamer), come to have a budding interest in games and spend a greater amount of time with gameplay so that they mature into core gamers. What we have tried to do with the Wii U console is to create an environment where we can break down the barrier that exists between those two groups and provide, on a single console, an experience that will satisfy both types of users. Through that process we continue to expand the gaming population."

On Transitioning The Market From Wii To Wii U

"Because the majority of the people who will purchase the Wii U system initially already own the Wii system, I don't think that the information about the Wii U system launch taking place next year will affect the sales of the Wii system. Of course, the ideal scenario for Nintendo would be that if people are considering purchasing another HD video game console, then knowing that they will have opportunity to purchase Wii U when it is released next year, they perhaps might delay their purchase of a console."

On Attracting Third Party Titles To The System

"Within the current environment, there are a number of the companies that are spending a significant amount to create these first-person shooters but, with the graphics capabilities of the Wii hardware, we have not been able to get them to create Wii versions of key franchises, and they have developed few games of that genre with Wii as the primary gaming console."

"So, some of the hardware limitations that have been a hurdle for those developers to create their games on our console, are going to melt away when we move to Wii U because it is an HD system."

On How Nintendo Will Cooperate With Third Party Developers

"There are some [situations] where we can offer [third-party developers] support or where we can divide up some responsibilities and cooperate in that sense. There is also the ability to cooperate from the marketing standpoint."

On Relative Sales Expectations For Wii U

"Of course, I understand that it will not be easy for the new console to surpass Wii in sales. But we do believe that this is a challenge that we can take head-on, and if we didn't believe that, then we wouldn't be proposing this style of new system."

On Deciding Not To Include DVD Playback Capabilities In The Wii U

"Wii U does not have DVD or Blu-ray playback capabilities. The reason for that is that we feel that enough people already have devices that are capable of playing DVDs and Blu-ray, such that it didn't warrant the cost involved to build that functionality into the Wii U console because of the patents related to those technologies."

On Connecting To Outside Social Networks

"After examining the penetration and adoption rate of social networking services like Facebook, etc., we've come to the conclusion that we are no longer in a period where we cannot have any connection at all with social networking services."

"Rather, I think we've come to an era where it's important to consider how the social graph of the social networking services can work in conjunction with something like a video game platform."

On Turning Around The Slow Initial Sales For The 3DS

"What we have analyzed up to this point is that the initial move by the early adopters has not translated into broader movement by the broader market in the ways that we had expected."

"The current situation resulted from the fact that the delay of developing Nintendo 3DS software and launching online services, like Nintendo eShop, 3D video services and so forth, occurred simultaneously, so we could not meet people's high expectations that they had before its launch, and we did not see momentum after the launch."

"I think that we'll be able to show you that as Nintendo eShop and 3D video services come online, and a number of key software titles become available, we'll be able to regain momentum for this hardware."

On Competition From Mobile And Social Games

"Personally, I don't feel that there is competition or threat from mobile games for our video game business from the sense that, even before mobile games appeared, it's always been the nature of our job to continue to offer new experiences that players can't have on other devices, and that, as long as we can continue to do that, the consumer will want to play our games, but what we are sensitive to is the notion of the sense of value and what consumers are willing to pay for games."

On The Possibility Of Using Two Touchscreen Wii U Controllers At Once

"Regardless of the technical question as to whether or not we could do that (use two of the new controllers), for the time being, we will focus on what we can do with a single new controller with the system."

"In the future, we may look at what other opportunities there are for gameplay and, how having two of those controllers might create fun or interesting new styles of play, but of course in doing that, it would require a consumer to purchase an additional controller. Therefore, we would need to carefully consider how we could create such an experience and, potentially, how we could ensure that there would be enough value within that experience for the consumer to accept that cost and make that purchase."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 15, 2011, 02:42:19 PM
"Regardless of the technical question as to whether or not we could do that (use two of the new controllers), for the time being, we will focus on what we can do with a single new controller with the system."

So, no.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 15, 2011, 02:45:16 PM
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 15, 2011, 02:48:36 PM
"What I have come to feel lately is that the idea of saying, 'we are going to create this style of online structure and that we would like you, the developers, to fit into the online structure that we are creating' is perhaps already out-of-date. I think that Nintendo's past console business has often included this idea of a set and fixed online structure. So, I think that, going forward, the question is really to what degree Nintendo can create a more flexible system for its consoles."

"And, what we found at this point is that, as we discuss the online structure with different publishers, the things that the different publishers want to do are in fact seemingly rather different. Our current direction is how we can take the desires of the third parties and create a system that's flexible enough to enable them to do the types of things that they might want to do."

I hate stupid ass comments like these.  Xbox Live, Steam, and to a much lesser extent, PSN, have already established large scale successful online networks.  The fact that Iwata can't be direct about this means that Nintendo will have some stupid ass alternative that punishes consumers and non-Nintendo publishers alike.  Sounds like fun!

"So, some of the hardware limitations that have been a hurdle for those developers to create their games on our console, are going to melt away when we move to Wii U because it is an HD system."


Wii U will be made archaic when the Xbox 3 and PlayStation 4 come out.  Wii U will be left with low grade FPS titles like Red Steel and The Conduit.  There will be a brief time frame (1-2 years) where the Wii U will overlap.  Even then, I don't expect people to play the latest dudebro game on the Wii U when they already own a 360 and will get the next Xbox (which information will be out and plentiful before the Wii U launches).

"There are some [situations] where we can offer [third-party developers] support or where we can divide up some responsibilities and cooperate in that sense. There is also the ability to cooperate from the marketing standpoint."

Translation: We're going to be the same exclusionary pricks like we have been for over 25 years.  Have fun with Carnival Games 5, fuckers!

"Wii U does not have DVD or Blu-ray playback capabilities. The reason for that is that we feel that enough people already have devices that are capable of playing DVDs and Blu-ray, such that it didn't warrant the cost involved to build that functionality into the Wii U console because of the patents related to those technologies."

I was going to buy the Wii U but I realized I already own other HD systems and I can play HD games on that instead.  Thanks Nintendo for establishing this kind of logic!  You've saved me money and the inevitable pain of owning a system that is a virtual desert like the 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 15, 2011, 05:37:12 PM
Be honest experiment, how many things in your abode play dvds?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2011, 06:07:29 PM
Be honest Emcee how many devices do you own that already play Darksiders 2?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 15, 2011, 06:16:25 PM
Who gives a shit about mcfarlane caliber crap like Darksiders, kozzy?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 15, 2011, 06:55:21 PM
Be honest experiment, how many things in your abode play dvds?


Be honest Emcee how many devices do you own that already play Darksiders 2?


no reason to buy a wiiu! :)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 15, 2011, 06:57:43 PM
The only reason to buy a Wii U is if you like Nintendo's franchises. There'll be the odd cool third party thing like every N home machine from the 64 on but don't expect it to be viable as your primary/sole gaming platform.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 15, 2011, 07:02:50 PM
Don't lie Magus. You know you want another generation of Nintendo's whimsy

Be honest experiment, how many things in your abode play dvds?


Got a hacked Wii? Make that 2.

Weeooo could be a pretty cheap blu-ray player
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 15, 2011, 07:08:04 PM
wait darksiders 2 is coming to the wii?

Don't lie Magus. You know you want another generation of Nintendo's whimsy

oh sure,but after owning a wii if the choice is between "nintendo whimsy" and "everything else" damn straight i'm going to pick everything else
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 15, 2011, 07:14:13 PM
:lol fucked that up. Replaced with DVD quote
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 15, 2011, 08:14:37 PM
It would add $50 to the price.  I dont need bluray for movies.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 15, 2011, 08:26:48 PM
It would add $50 to the price.  I dont need bluray for movies.

Bullshit.  If Nintendo announced that they'd be putting in Bluray movie capability in Wii U, you'd be shitting your Pampers in excitement.  Don't lie to us.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on June 15, 2011, 08:37:57 PM
I already have a blu-ray player so meh
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 15, 2011, 08:48:55 PM
It would add $50 to the price.  I dont need bluray for movies.

Bullshit.  If Nintendo announced that they'd be putting in Bluray movie capability in Wii U, you'd be shitting your Pampers in excitement.  Don't lie to us.

I watch movies on my pc for free.  :/
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 15, 2011, 08:56:36 PM
It would add $50 to the price.  I dont need bluray for movies.

Bullshit.  If Nintendo announced that they'd be putting in Bluray movie capability in Wii U, you'd be shitting your Pampers in excitement.  Don't lie to us.

I bought a PS3 at launch and I still don't care about blu-ray, I've bought a couple movies on blu-ray and it's nice and all, but in general I don't buy disc based media unless I have to  ;) If it's saving Nintendo $5 usd+ per console (it is) it's probably a good move. I doubt things like this will change whether or not their console gets hacked anyway
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 15, 2011, 10:27:18 PM
I am getting a really weird apologetic vibe from Nintendo on all of their comments. This may not turn out well
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on June 15, 2011, 10:40:47 PM
I am getting a really weird apologetic vibe from Nintendo on all of their comments. This may not turn out well

please understand
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 16, 2011, 06:05:19 AM

According to a Wii U white paper published by Hit Detection, the consulting company founded by former Newsweek journalist N'Gai Croal, the kits in developers' hands are just not up to current-gen snuff, but they are working.

Developers have underclocked development kits, and worked hard to deliver titles running on that hardware to demonstrate live at E3. However, due to titles not looking much better than what is currently available on Xbox 360 and the PS3, Nintendo decided late in the game to not show those titles and focus instead on tech demos. In particular, THQ stated that Darksiders II was running on development hardware and could have been shown. Also, Epic vice president Mark Rein tweeted during E3 that Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines was being made for Wii U with Unreal Engine 3, showing that Epic is bringing its tech to Wii U.

please understand
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 16, 2011, 08:48:07 AM
:lol If you're going to get all macho about the 3 big console companies, Sony #1 crazy big cojones talking shit saying stupid shit and making whacked out over the top hardware is their game, if they end up being profitable it almost seems like a happy accident, #2 MS - they throw money around like water, if they can't buy it they'll copy it, they just throw exorbitant sums at problems until they're fixed and #3 Nintendo, rehashing tried and true franchises since the 80s with the occasional miyamoto brainfart to add to the canon, and they never sell hardware at a loss, personified they'd be the introverted  permavirgin dweeb who's good at saving money. Big cojones Nintendo does not have
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 16, 2011, 09:37:59 AM
The one thing for me that will be interesting is whether or not they'll get much 3rd party support this time. Yeah, I saw that list of devs, I'm sure everyone will get their feet wet. What I want to know is will there be another rush to make Wii U software if the launch goes well, regardless of the games applicableness to the hardware.

Nintendo has had a lot of luck post-gamecube deciding that the easiest way to win the race is to be the only one running in it. They're not playing catch-up with MS and Sony. Nintendo is not even making consoles which can easily deal with the INPUT from those other games' controllers, let alone the graphics/processing needs. They're making consoles which can really only run games designed completely for them... or, I suppose, games from 3 or 4 generations ago, if we want to look at the ability to run NES/SNES stuff with the default controller.

However, anyone else trying to make games usually starts from a cross-platform mistake and fails, or they make a crap game based on a very conservative ROI. Meanwhile, Nintendo first party stuff continues to sail on, on waves of scrilla.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2011, 10:49:53 AM
You guys forget that porting games while not super expensive still costs moolah, and if you sell shit you ain't gonna bother with the time if the return is tiny or negative.

And Nintendo owners have shown time and time again, they do not care about third parties core titles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2011, 10:54:02 AM
Let's not even get into how many of those are multiplat  ;)

The 41 Nintendo 64 games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies.

Super Mario 64 (11.62 million)[1][2]
Mario Kart 64 (9 million)[3]
GoldenEye 007 (8 million)[4][5]
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (7.6 million)[6]
Super Smash Bros. (5 million)[7]
Diddy Kong Racing (4.434 million approximately: 3.78 million in US and PAL,[8] 653,928 in Japan)[9]
Pokémon Stadium (3.971 million approximately: 3.16 million in US,[10] 710,765 in Japan,[9] 100,000 in UK)[11]
Donkey Kong 64 (3.77 million approximately: 2.67 million in US,[10] 1.1 million in Japan)[12]
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3.36 million)[6]
Star Fox 64 (3.325 million approximately: 2.76 million in US,[10] 565,222 in Japan)[9]
Banjo-Tooie (3 million)[13]
Pokémon Snap (2.718 million approximately: 2.22 million in US,[10] 498,155 in Japan)[9]
Perfect Dark (2.5 million)[5]
Mario Party 2 (2.33 million approximately: 1.26 million in US,[10] 1.07 million in Japan)[12]
Banjo-Kazooie (2.256 million approximately: 1.85 million in US,[10] 405,944 in Japan)[9]
Pokémon Stadium 2 (2.15 million approximately: 1.14 million in Japan,[12] 1.01 million in US)[10]
Wave Race 64 (2.105 million approximately: 1.95 million in US,[10] 154,682 in Japan)[9]
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (2.008 million approximately: 1.98 million in US,[10] 28,038 in Japan)[9]
Yoshi's Story (1.953 million approximately: 1.1 million in US,[10] 852,846 in Japan)[9]
Mario Party (1.944 million approximately: 1.23 million in US,[10] 714,358 in Japan)[9]
WCW/nWo Revenge (1.88 million in US)[10]
Star Wars: Episode I Racer (1.798 million approximately: 1.71 million in US,[10] 87,826 in Japan)[9]
Mario Tennis (1.76 million approximately, 1.1 million in Japan, [12] 669,958 in US)[14]
Cruis'n USA (1.68 million in US)[10]
Mario Party 3 (1.64 million approximately, 1.02 million in Japan, [12] 624,468 in US)[14]
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (1.634 million approximately: 1.59 million in US,[10] 44,337 in Japan)[9]
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (1.611 million approximately: 1.07 million in Japan,[12]541,600 in US)[14]
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (1.61 million in US)[10]
Hey You, Pikachu! (1.46 million approximately, 744,870 in Japan, 721,720 in US)[14]
Pokémon Stadium (Japan) (1.37 million in Japan)[8][12]
WCW vs. nWo: World Tour (1.3 million in US)[10]
1080° Snowboarding (1.254 million approximately: 1.23 million in US,[10] 23,908 in Japan)[9]
WWF No Mercy (1.19 million in US)[10]
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (1.154 million approximately: 1.14 million in US,[10] 13,683 in Japan;[9] 1.4 million shipped)[15]
WWF WrestleMania 2000 (1.14 million in US)[10]
The World Is Not Enough (1.08 million in US)[10]
Namco Museum 64 (1.04 million in US)[10]
Mario Golf (1.005 million approximately: 534,283 in US, 470,779 in Japan)[14]
Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside (1 million)[16][17]
Pilotwings 64 (1 million)[18]
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (1 million)[17

Nintendo GameCube games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies.

Super Smash Bros. Melee (7.21 million)[1]
Mario Kart: Double Dash (7 million approximately)[2]
Super Mario Sunshine (5.9 million)[2]
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (4.6 million)[2]
Luigi's Mansion (2.639 million approximately: 2.19 million in US,[3] 348,918 in Japan,[4] 100,000 in UK)[5]
Animal Crossing (2.321 million approximately: 1.68 million in US,[3] 641,300 in Japan)[4]
Mario Party 4 (2.003 million approximately: 1.1 million in US,[3] 902,827 in Japan)[4]
Metroid Prime (2 million)[6]
Pokémon Colosseum (1.806 million approximately: 1.15 million in US,[3] 656,270 in Japan)[4]
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (1.732 million approximately: 1.44 million in US,[3] 192,186 in Japan,[4]100,000 in UK)[5]
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (1.64 million approximately: 1.23 million in US,[3] 409,600 in Japan)[4]
Resident Evil 4 (1.6 million)[7]
Mario Party 5 (1.505 million approximately: 807,331 in US,[8] 697,462 in Japan)[4]
Sonic Mega Collection (1.453 million approximately: 1.38 million in US,[3] 72,967 in Japan)[4]
Resident Evil (1.35 million)[7]
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (1.25 million)[9]
Resident Evil Zero (1.25 million)[7]
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (1.223 million approximately: 1.03 million in US,[3] 192,802 in Japan)[4]
Super Mario Strikers (1.2 million)[9]
Pikmin (1.18 million approximately: 680,000 in US,[10] 507,011 in Japan)[4]
Kirby Air Ride (1.172 million approximately: 750,000 in US,[11] 422,311 in Japan)[4]
Soulcalibur II (1.099 approximately: 1 million in US,[3] 99,256 in Japan)[4]
Star Fox Adventures (1.08 million approximately: 800,000 in US,[12] 259,069 in Japan)[4]
Mario Party 6 (1 million)[13][14
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2011, 11:01:36 AM
This is a list of Wii video games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies, sorted in order of copies sold. As of March 2011, there are 103 Wii video games that have sold over 1 million units

Wii Sports (76.76 million)[2]*
Wii Sports Resort (27.68 million)[2]*
Wii Play (27.38 million)[3]*
Mario Kart Wii (27.00 million)[2]*
Wii Fit (22.61 million)[3]*
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (21.94 million)[2]
Wii Fit Plus (18.49 million)[2]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (9.48 million)[3]
Super Mario Galaxy (8.84 million)[4]
Mario Party 8 (7.6 million)[5]
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (7.09 million)[6]
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (6.36 million)[2]
Wii Party (5.77 million)[2]
Just Dance 2 (5 million)[7]
Donkey Kong Country Returns (4.98 million)[2]
Link's Crossbow Training (4.80 million)[3]*
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (4.52 million)[8]
Just Dance (4.3 million)[9]
Animal Crossing: City Folk (3.38 million)[4]*
Wii Music (2.65 million)[4]
Super Paper Mario (2.28 million)[8]
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (2.26 million)[8]
Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition (2.24 million)[2]
Michael Jackson: The Experience (2 million)[7]
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (2 million)[10]*
Deca Sports (2 million shipped)[11]
Game Party (2 million shipped)[12]
Monster Hunter Tri (1.9 million)[13]

Punch-Out!! (1.86 million)[14]
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (1.82 million)[15]
EA Sports Active (1.8 million)[16]
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (1.8 million)[13]
Mario Strikers Charged (1.77 million)[8]
Kirby's Epic Yarn (1.59 million)[2]
Mario Sports Mix (1.54 million)[2]
Carnival Games (1.5 million)[17]
Guitar Hero World Tour (1.334 million)[18]*
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (1.31 million)[8]
Epic Mickey (1.3 million)[19]
Mario Super Sluggers (1.26 million)[4]
Pokémon Battle Revolution (1.202 million approximately; 850,000 in North America and Western Europe,[20] 352,123 in Japan)[21]
Rayman Raving Rabbids (1.2 million)[22]
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (1.2 million)[13]
Sonic and the Secret Rings (1.2 million)[22]
We Ski (1.2 million)[23]

Big Beach Sports (1.2 million shipped)[24]
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge (1.03 million)[25]
Call of Duty: World at War (over 1 million)[26]
Red Steel (1 million)[22]
Rock Band (1 million)[27]
Game Party 2 (1 million shipped)[12
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2011, 11:05:40 AM
Yeah they seem bit odd. But the picture is clear ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 16, 2011, 03:38:19 PM
Wii music sold 2.5M units?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 16, 2011, 03:48:07 PM
Yeah,not sure about 2.5M but it sold a lot.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 16, 2011, 04:30:39 PM

According to a Wii U white paper published by Hit Detection, the consulting company founded by former Newsweek journalist N'Gai Croal, the kits in developers' hands are just not up to current-gen snuff, but they are working.

Developers have underclocked development kits, and worked hard to deliver titles running on that hardware to demonstrate live at E3. However, due to titles not looking much better than what is currently available on Xbox 360 and the PS3, Nintendo decided late in the game to not show those titles and focus instead on tech demos. In particular, THQ stated that Darksiders II was running on development hardware and could have been shown. Also, Epic vice president Mark Rein tweeted during E3 that Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines was being made for Wii U with Unreal Engine 3, showing that Epic is bringing its tech to Wii U.

please understand

Xbox 330
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 16, 2011, 06:13:26 PM
Xbox 330

:bow Power of Xenos :bow2

Destroying the competition FIVE YEARS IN THE FUTURE
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 16, 2011, 07:56:21 PM
microsoft's balls are tiny and shriveled, i have literally never heard of someone being described as "having balls" just because they throw money around out of their fat wallet to solve problems... in fact, that's kind of the opposite of balls

:lol point taken. I'm still in awe of their purchasing power. 8.5 billion for Skype? pffft pocket change niqqas. And imo throwing Xbox at PS2 and 360 at the inevitable PS3 were more ballsy than Nintendo, a long time handheld maker, throwing the DS at Sonys new entrant.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 16, 2011, 09:49:58 PM
The thing is Microsoft never have much to lose.  Whether its msn, the zune, the xbox, etc. 

Discussing which corporation has the biggest metaphorical balls is kinda dumb though.  I'm sure to sony, outselling the competiton by magnitudes made them think they were the only brand in town.  Ps3 and psp made perfect sense to them.  Nintendo pretty much had no choice but to take a "risk".  With no mega parent company to fall back on, they don't have the benefit of losing money on cutting edge tech.  It made perfect sense to compete with novelty and ease of use and non intimidating control styles.  The original gcn controller had less buttons and no dpad for instance.  It was supposed to be their first foray into a simplified controller. 

I'm not sure where I'm going with this anymore.  Perhaps that "risks" in corporate culture are actually predicated on whether you can afford to have a product fail miserably.  They are also predicated on the perception of the market through buying patterns and other research.  Microsoft could afford to throw money at it, ps2 success decided the ps3 strategy, Nintendo figured regular folks liked games as long as they weren't too demanding.  Hindsight something something
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 16, 2011, 09:53:24 PM
But then the Vita farts in my general direction.  So yeah, redoing the psp tactic again in an ios world expecting no profit in 3 years is kinda 'ballsy'

spoiler (click to show/hide)
or stupid
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: fistfulofmetal on June 16, 2011, 09:59:52 PM
The original gcn controller had less buttons and no dpad for instance. 

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 16, 2011, 10:08:02 PM
The original gcn controller had less buttons and no dpad for instance. 


No, thats the revised model that went into production.  The original gcn controller had a big red start button where the dpad was and no z trigger.  Possibly no b button either.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: fistfulofmetal on June 16, 2011, 10:09:59 PM
i think you're making that up

'original' means the one that it launched with. that's the controller they launched with. prototypes dont count.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 16, 2011, 10:17:14 PM
i think you're making that up

'original' means the one that it launched with. that's the controller they launched with. prototypes dont count.

Semantics ain't worth crying over.  I can't copy and paste right now, but I did a google image search and it was literally the first result.  It changed to the controller as we knew it due to developer input.  Same deal with the nunchuck if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 16, 2011, 10:23:14 PM
Gamecube controller was the best of its gen. Looked kinda dumb but fit in your hands perfectly. :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 17, 2011, 11:57:07 PM
i think you're making that up

'original' means the one that it launched with. that's the controller they launched with. prototypes dont count.

Semantics ain't worth crying over.  I can't copy and paste right now, but I did a google image search and it was literally the first result.  It changed to the controller as we knew it due to developer input.  Same deal with the nunchuck if I remember correctly.

Semantics my ass. Hardware that's never shipped to consumers isn't "the original." Next you're going to show us sketches of even older, pre-fabrication GameCube controllers to back up your argument?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 18, 2011, 12:02:04 AM

According to a Wii U white paper published by Hit Detection, the consulting company founded by former Newsweek journalist N'Gai Croal, the kits in developers' hands are just not up to current-gen snuff, but they are working.

Developers have underclocked development kits, and worked hard to deliver titles running on that hardware to demonstrate live at E3. However, due to titles not looking much better than what is currently available on Xbox 360 and the PS3, Nintendo decided late in the game to not show those titles and focus instead on tech demos. In particular, THQ stated that Darksiders II was running on development hardware and could have been shown. Also, Epic vice president Mark Rein tweeted during E3 that Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines was being made for Wii U with Unreal Engine 3, showing that Epic is bringing its tech to Wii U.

please understand

Xbox 330

The PS4/720 jump is going to obliterate the WiiU. The benefits of a company actually allowing a hit to be taken at launch vs. the sound and safe business decision of overvaluing 5 year old budget hardware. As a consumer I know which console I would want from a technical persepective. Sorry I don't feel any strong emotions towards Nintendos bottom line.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 18, 2011, 12:37:03 AM
BlueTsunami: Nintendo, please understand.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 11:40:40 AM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 18, 2011, 11:56:38 AM
that's because the gamecube is compared to modern nintendo systems, not the xbox and ps2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 11:57:06 AM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.

When the world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, we'll think fondly about the time when all we had to complain about was bad movies, childish politics, and an anemic economy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 18, 2011, 12:06:58 PM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 18, 2011, 12:10:27 PM
Its interesting that the only time the Wii will be seen in a good light is when nostalgia is factored. Nintendo lost.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 18, 2011, 12:16:56 PM
Sony wishes they could've lost the way Nintendo did with the Wii. :teehee
spoiler (click to show/hide)
They made a shitton of money but the machine's still ultimately a dissapointment.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 18, 2011, 01:14:26 PM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 18, 2011, 01:39:34 PM
"what was the name of that great game on the Wii?"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 02:09:51 PM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.

You mean like how I loved the N64 and the Gamecube during their respective eras? Cause I know I did, yet I don't think you know me so learn how to not be a little fuckshit, k?

Sure you did, big fella. I've had a Nintendo-based username since the N64 days, back when I was first cracking my knuckles on the IGN message boards. That, ole chum, is LOVE. Anyone who loved Nintendo games then, should love Nintendo games now. What, are you mad that Nintendo didn't continuously administer you the same handjob further into the deficient course of your awkward manhood?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 18, 2011, 04:55:19 PM
The last time Nintendo tried to do anything remotely interesting with their hardware was the N64, and they would have nailed it had they not cheaped out on the silicon. 4K texture buffer :derp
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 18, 2011, 06:03:38 PM
LOL - the NES/FC and the SNES/SFC - THIS is when Nintendo rocked, see also Gameboy Advance.

The N64? jesus tittyfucking christ.

Think he meant from a technological standpoint.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 18, 2011, 06:05:14 PM
My email is based off nintendo. Beat that... looooser
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 06:49:49 PM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.

You mean like how I loved the N64 and the Gamecube during their respective eras? Cause I know I did, yet I don't think you know me so learn how to not be a little fuckshit, k?

Sure you did, big fella. I've had a Nintendo-based username since the N64 days, back when I was first cracking my knuckles on the IGN message boards. That, ole chum, is LOVE. Anyone who loved Nintendo games then, should love Nintendo games now. What, are you mad that Nintendo didn't continuously administer you the same handjob further into the deficient course of your awkward manhood?

I've been a Nintendo fan since late 80's, bro. I played the NES to death. I had to have a N64 just for Super Mario 64 and I played that to death. I bought nearly every Nintendo game on the Gamecube and couldn't get enough of SSBM and Metroid Prime. I picked up a DS on Day 1 and played Super Mario 64 again and nabbed quite a few other games since. I bought a Wii on Day 1 and thought that the good times would never stop with the system launching with a Zelda games a lot of other really good Nintendo games coming within the next year and half. I was riding high in 2006-2007.

Yet, the Wii killed my interest in Nintendo. Right now I play Xbox360 games occasionally and just about everything else on the PC. I haven't cared about Nintendo in nearly two years and my interest in the Wii-U is practically zero. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: iconoclast on June 18, 2011, 06:55:28 PM
You are not a TRUE Nintendo fan Great Rumbler. Even when they stop catering to you, you must continue to show your loyalty by buying everything they release.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 06:56:55 PM
You are not a TRUE Nintendo fan Great Rumbler. Even when they stop catering to you, you must continue to show your loyalty by buying everything they release.

I was just lying to myself all those years. :fbm
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 18, 2011, 08:35:21 PM
Pretty amusing to see people sucking the dick of previous Nintendo consoles when, in their heydays, those consoles were getting regularly shiited on by the same sort of circle-jerking whoresons that post here. I have no doubt that in 8 years, these same mongrels will come together and exchange memories of the Wii in wistful, reverent tones.

You mean like how I loved the N64 and the Gamecube during their respective eras? Cause I know I did, yet I don't think you know me so learn how to not be a little fuckshit, k?

Sure you did, big fella. I've had a Nintendo-based username since the N64 days, back when I was first cracking my knuckles on the IGN message boards. That, ole chum, is LOVE. Anyone who loved Nintendo games then, should love Nintendo games now. What, are you mad that Nintendo didn't continuously administer you the same handjob further into the deficient course of your awkward manhood?

you are such a fucking dick
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 18, 2011, 10:19:51 PM
The last time Nintendo tried to do anything remotely interesting with their hardware was the N64, and they would have nailed it had they not cheaped out on the silicon. 4K texture buffer :derp

The 4mb cartridges... N64 :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on June 18, 2011, 10:36:10 PM
Good to see I'm not the only one that thinks the n64 was a piece of shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 10:47:23 PM
Nintendosbooger thinks he has achieved high intelligence when he still falls into the pitfalls of fanboyism, no one should take him seriously.

Nothing fanboyish. Just an observation made on my part.

I plan on acquiring a Playstation 3 pretty soon, and in those few chances I have available for quality gaming time, I intend to dedicate them to some quality "next-gen" gaming. I figure I gave Nintendo ample opportunities this generation, so it's time to give the other boys a shot.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on June 18, 2011, 10:47:32 PM
Good to see I'm not the only one that thinks the n64 was a piece of shit.
Always was and always will be. :gun
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 10:51:45 PM
Good to see I'm not the only one that thinks the n64 was a piece of shit.
Always was and always will be. :gun

You're about to enter a world of pain. :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 11:13:07 PM
The N64 was a good machine.

In my opinion, a gaming console has to possess at least 10 classics in its library to justify its worth. The N64 had them:

1.) Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time
2.) Super Mario 64
3.) Super Smash Brothers (best one)
4.) Wave Race 64
5.) Perfect Dark
6.) Golden Eye
7.) Wrestlemania 2000 (or No Mercy)
8.) Rayman 2
9.) Banjo-Kazooie
10.) Jet Force Gemeni
11.) Starfox 64
12.) Sin & Punishment
13.) Blast Corps
14.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
15.) Mario Party
16.) Mario Kart 64

Was the N64 a piece of shit? Not at all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 18, 2011, 11:16:25 PM
You can still have good software on shit hardware. Still, I would cull like half those games you listed though and Diddy Kong racing >>>> Mario Kart 64
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 11:20:57 PM
Any N64 list without Mischief Makers is just flat wrong.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 18, 2011, 11:21:18 PM
:bow N64

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I dont own Mario 64 :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 11:30:46 PM
:bow N64

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I dont own Mario 64 :lol

Damn, is that your collection now?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 18, 2011, 11:32:50 PM
Yep... took it just now. STill missing a ton of games, so there's only room to grow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 18, 2011, 11:33:10 PM
only one gold cartridge?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 18, 2011, 11:33:50 PM
Want to guess which one it is? :shh

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The good one
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 18, 2011, 11:34:35 PM
Any N64 list without Mischief Makers is just flat wrong.

Well Nfags generally step over good third party games on Nintendo systems. They just don't have the magic and joyous whimsy of a Nintendo game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 18, 2011, 11:35:45 PM
you could have both, just one is a later release

at least I think that's how it worked.  later zelda games were plain grey, had green blood and all that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on June 18, 2011, 11:36:15 PM
bullshit N64 games have aged better than PS1 games.

the N64 fog man
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 18, 2011, 11:39:27 PM
Neither have aged particularly well, but you can get rid of the fog in emulation.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 18, 2011, 11:39:41 PM
wait, what year is this?

is Quest 64 out yet?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 18, 2011, 11:41:50 PM
wait, what year is this?

is Quest 64 out yet?

Get Quest: Brian's Journey (GBC) instead :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 18, 2011, 11:45:39 PM
Final Fantasy 7 looks like dog shit now, homey.

Games like Mario 64 and Zelda OoT simply need a re-touch to look passable. FF7, for example, needs a full blown remake.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 18, 2011, 11:49:46 PM
final fantasy 7 never looked good
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Van Cruncheon on June 18, 2011, 11:54:27 PM
ever see dragon waarior 7's fmv? :boner
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Himu on June 18, 2011, 11:58:28 PM
FF7's art saves its more technical failures. For instance, the forgotten city is a mind fuck of a place, design wise. That and the music really push FF7 above a lot of games.

The subject matter is pretty crazy too. When the game first came out and I played it, I didn't bat my eye at the fact you're essentially playing as a group of environment terrorists. but I was 12 then and thought the muslims were going to kill us because clinton was bombing the middle east.

These days as an adult, the subject matter impresses me, from the terrorism to the brothels to the little in jokes.

I still think to this day that FF7 would be 1000 x the game it is if Sephiroth just died in the Kalm flashback, never came back, and Shinra was the main villain the entire story. Shinra was a great, diverse and interesting villain. Sephiroth, not so much.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Himu on June 18, 2011, 11:59:07 PM
and every time I read this thread title I think of a donkey screaming "WIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 19, 2011, 12:00:33 AM
N64 fighting game intro

PS1 fighting game intro

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Himu on June 19, 2011, 12:06:54 AM
I'd have to say psx was over n64 in terms of graphic power. Maybe not so much graphic power, but the end result was something more impressive. Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy IX, Wipeout XL, Crash Team Racing, Fear Effect, Ridge Racer 4, Mega Man Legends, Tron Bonne...N64 didn't have games that looked nearly as good as those to me.

There was Zelda but for me that was the lone exception.

I guess the answer is that psx had a more diverse palette of games with more diverse art styles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 19, 2011, 12:36:22 AM
Damnit booger, I want to like you cus all we got is each other and I'll be fucked sideways before I ever buddy up with someone like Brandnew.  Cool it.

N64/psx is almost entirely totally unplayable garbage.  Lets see- shitty framerates, camera/3d controls in their painful infancy, load times, serrated edges on everything, dog shit textures, etc

The only games that I can still play to this day are mario 64 and the psx tony hawk games, and I'm not compelled too often to do that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on June 19, 2011, 01:08:22 AM
Damnit booger, I want to like you cus all we got is each other and I'll be fucked sideways before I ever buddy up with someone like Brandnew.  Cool it.


Just because I can tell when a shitty Zelda is shitty (PH) doesn't mean I aint still a Nintendo butt buddy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 01:26:27 AM
Back to the original topic (i.e., Wii U), I think the console will be outstanding from what I've read. If Nintendo can somehow tailor the console to equally cater to developers and audiences from both sides of the gaming spectrum, I see no reason why they shouldn't remain at the top next-generation. The key is to not fall into the same trap that has victimized Nintendo and Sony in the past - that is, making the new console a mere extension in design and philosophy as the previous one but with a higher price tag. Make it different; make the hardware and the accompanying software different...unique.

Lastly and more importantly, develop new IPs and legacy characters. Much in the same way Disney expanded their character lineup from the Mickey Mouses and the Donald Ducks to the Alladins and Ariels and so on, generate a new cast of icons that are not simply spinoffs of the existing ones.

I've actually come up with some potential ideas for new Nintendo characters I've been storing on my computer for years now but I think I'll finally polish it up and share my ideas here. Will post my thread hopefully tomorrow.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 19, 2011, 02:40:51 AM
The Wii is going to completely revolutionize FPS and adventure games. The graphics may not be great but developers will flock to the Wii to avoid going out of business making multi billion dollar games on the 360/PS3.

Can't wait for Pikmin 3! And a new Zelda has to be around the corner. The hardcore base will need some convincing, and Retro is probably making a Halo killer as I type this. I'm also interesting to see the new IPs Nintendo pursues with this new console. Miyamoto is probably salivating at the possibilities, and I can only imagine the joys his gardening will spawn for us gamers. The final half of this decade is going to be quite the ride
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 19, 2011, 03:13:50 AM
Wii U's graphics look pretty tight:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: etiolate on June 19, 2011, 04:15:24 AM
the playstation's tiny 3d environs never made anything feel like 3d, and for that matter the playstation was always a glorified 2d machine to me. The games on ps most playable in this day n age are 2d. The N64 actually had 3d worlds and gameplay. Mario 64 and now Zelda oot have been brought back on different machines and still retain their visual look, managing to be appealing. I don't think you could do that with a playstation game that tried to be 3d then. I think you'd see a totally new engine for the game with areas based on the old ones, but looking/feeling totally different. The visual look would be gone.

Games like Gran Turismo worked well and were visually impressive. That game pushed the balls out of that system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on June 19, 2011, 04:20:20 AM
I really do wonder what a remake of FF7 would be like
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 19, 2011, 04:48:51 AM
The worst thing age has done to FF7 is making the pre-rendered backgrounds look bad as resolutions have bumped up and you can't do anything with them even through emulation.

I just played through 7 and I would actually like a return of pre-rendered backgrounds. Maybe be a little more forward thinking by rendering said items at larger than needed size this time around and keep as an asset. I mean whats the point of rendering a lot of the gameworld when its mostly static and off in the distance? It would be cool to get that nice visual jump with character models and have scenery that isn't capable of being rendered in real time on current consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 19, 2011, 04:58:39 AM
Let me lay some manners on that list of yours, Booger :

1.) Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time
2.) Super Mario 64
3.) Super Smash Brothers (best one)
4.) Wave Race 64
5.) Perfect Dark

6.) Golden Eye
7.) Wrestlemania 2000 (or No Mercy)
8.) Rayman 2
9.) Banjo-Kazooie
10.) Jet Force Gemeni

11.) Starfox 64
12.) Sin & Punishment
13.) Blast Corps
14.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
15.) Mario Party
16.) Mario Kart 64

Was the N64 a piece of shit? Not if you throw in a load of old shit into your "above 10 'classics'"

Before anyone starts, i like some of the games i've slashed out - some i think are garbage (Mario Kart 64 is an abomination for one and Jet Force Gemeni has NO BIZNIZ being anywhere within a number of lightyears of this list. Even Star Fox is probably a bit debatable as i think the first one carries more weight. Mario Party was and always will be shit, S+P is good but massively over rated.

Hmmm - i wonder how putrid my N64 collection actually is?

You kept Mario 64 and Zelda 64 and cross out Wave Race 64 and Majoras Mask and SSB?

Mario 64 was the beginning of collectathons that alone should chuck it out the window as a good game.

Zelda 64 was the most boring Zelda to date aside from maybe TP.

Wave Race 64 was a graphical masterpeice and was a blast in multi and challenging too.  But people have differences so thats ok.

But the last two is unforgivable.  Why hate on Majoras Mask and SSB?  Atleast they tried something very new.  Its people like you that stagnate the industry with clone after clone of shitty games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: iconoclast on June 19, 2011, 05:14:36 AM
You can't cross out the AKI wrestling games man. They're still the gold standard for most wrestling fans*, and at this rate they'll never be beaten.

*fans who haven't been exposed to Fire Pro or King of Colosseum.

And PD > Goldeneye.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: SantaC on June 19, 2011, 05:33:59 AM

I don't know which I'd say aged better.  The N64 has better filtering and stuff, but the textures are soooooooo low-res and everything is so fucking blurry.  The PSX is sharp and has nice textures, but everything is really, really jaggy.  What I will say is games that looked great on each system still look great today with minor touch-ups (Mario 64, Zelda, Wipeout XL, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy 9), but there's no saving games that didn't look very good.

that's because N64 were limited by small carts while PSX had CDs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 19, 2011, 06:19:26 AM
:piss dcharlie :piss2:

Probably didn't have enough arbitrarily complex controls fo ya *coughstreetfightercough*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 19, 2011, 06:48:54 AM
Majoras Mask might be a bit harsh, but SSB is seriously one of the worst series of games i've ever had the misfortune to play. Great, it tries something new - it's still shit.

I am stagnating the industry with clones of shitty games? come now. I bought a 64DD, was it my fault that sucked donkey dicks as well??

Buying shitty hardware and buying shitty software are 2 different things.  And Mario 64... I hated it.  Worst thing to happen to gaming in like forever for me.  It lead to garbage like SMS and SMG.

Convince me why SSB was a shitty game?  I am trying to figure out what was its problem.  At this point i am thinking you wanted th egame ot be like every other fighter and wanted virtua fighter mario style.

EDIT:  I still dont see what was wrong with it.  I can pinpoint why I hated mario 64, it was a shitty collectathon and had shit task based gameplay and the progress system sucked, advance the game through coin collection?  WTF?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: SantaC on June 19, 2011, 07:55:46 AM
XFE, crossing the AKI wrestling games off the list is a crime punishable by death.  They might be the only thing on that list yet to be made redundant by superior sequels.  They are to this day the most fun non-sexual time four people can spend together. 

that's because N64 were limited by small carts while PSX had CDs.

Hunh, never noticed.  Always just thought the Nintendo was using some kind of Polish CDs or something.

didn't Resident Evil 64 look decent because it used 512megabit or something?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 19, 2011, 08:04:12 AM
What's wrong with collecting coins/stars? It's just as arbitrary an end-point as jumping on a flag pole or running past a sonic board. I honestly don't get your complaint. If the task is getting from point A to point B to get the coin (flag pole, star,  whatever), then every Mario game ever is built on 'task-based' gameplay.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 19, 2011, 08:13:00 AM
STAR collection, coin collection was secondary (red coins) - unless my memory is going. One of hte stars was based on coins wasn't it?

each stage has 7 stars and 1 extra bonus star if you collect 100 coins,one of those 7 stars is collected by finding 8 red coins
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 19, 2011, 09:09:07 AM
XFE, crossing the AKI wrestling games off the list is a crime punishable by death.  They might be the only thing on that list yet to be made redundant by superior sequels.  They are to this day the most fun non-sexual time four people can spend together. 

that's because N64 were limited by small carts while PSX had CDs.

Hunh, never noticed.  Always just thought the Nintendo was using some kind of Polish CDs or something.

didn't Resident Evil 64 look decent because it used 512megabit or something?

N64 had common carts at 4 megabytes but had special, more expensive carts at 64 megabytes if needed, RE 64 used that among a few others. Still that's only 10% of the 640 mb PSX CDs and cartridges cost a lot more too
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 19, 2011, 09:13:48 AM
What's wrong with collecting coins/stars? It's just as arbitrary an end-point as jumping on a flag pole or running past a sonic board. I honestly don't get your complaint. If the task is getting from point A to point B to get the coin (flag pole, star,  whatever), then every Mario game ever is built on 'task-based' gameplay.

Because with one you go to a different area by travelling the other you get to different areas by doing shitty quests or collecting coins etc.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 19, 2011, 11:28:59 AM
I dunno, feels like the same idea to me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: SantaC on June 19, 2011, 12:19:28 PM
XFE, crossing the AKI wrestling games off the list is a crime punishable by death.  They might be the only thing on that list yet to be made redundant by superior sequels.  They are to this day the most fun non-sexual time four people can spend together. 

that's because N64 were limited by small carts while PSX had CDs.

Hunh, never noticed.  Always just thought the Nintendo was using some kind of Polish CDs or something.

didn't Resident Evil 64 look decent because it used 512megabit or something?

N64 had common carts at 4 megabytes but had special, more expensive carts at 64 megabytes if needed, RE 64 used that among a few others. Still that's only 10% of the 640 mb PSX CDs and cartridges cost a lot more too

thats the point 512mbit is 64MB
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 19, 2011, 02:10:37 PM
I'm not a particular fan of fighting games, i like the art and that's about it. SSB just bored me to tears. It's nothing to do with fighting game elitism and everything to do with a lack of entertainment.

Of all the games in the list, i at least LIKE all the others - but SSB just isn't for me.

Did you play it with others?  Also its one of the most customizable multiplayer experiences out there.  Between its modifiers and item set the games can be tailor suited to ~about anyone's~ tastes.  I really hope its not just cus nintendo characters you don't care about.  I don't give a flying fuck about Mother but Ness has been my main for just being fun to play as.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Van Cruncheon on June 19, 2011, 02:15:43 PM
smash brothers is mascot spazzery for the adhd set, it SHOULD revolt anyone with a mental age above 11
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 19, 2011, 02:21:53 PM
smash brothers is mascot spazzery for the adhd set, it SHOULD revolt anyone with a mental age above 11

Sure, we all bought smash64 originally for the mascot pageantry.  We bought the sequels because it is incredible fun that has persisted.  The focus on the breadth of the nintendo portfolio lends itself well to creative stage types anyway.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 19, 2011, 02:27:42 PM
He also dumped on Blast Corps, which is grounds for death by snicker-snag.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 19, 2011, 02:31:35 PM
yeah, I think Aki wrestling, Blast Corps and Majora (wtf XFE) are all due for reinstatement into the canon

I mean, it's not like letting them back in will give the N64 10 good games
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on June 19, 2011, 02:46:55 PM

SSB - i didn't find the combat fun, it's just not for me - half the characters i couldn't give a flying toss about doesn't help. It just felt pointless and boring to me. I could go on about AI but that would be a lie, i never got to the point where i saw anything glitchy or annoying, i was simply bored by the action and the combat.

Convince me why SSB was a shitty game?

I don't need to convince anyone of anything and you don't need to convince me of anything - with the exception of why i'm the root of all the bad game evil! ;)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 19, 2011, 03:20:51 PM
The Nintendo 64 aged 10x better than the PlayStation.  The biggest reason is that stuff actually looked like what they were supposed to be, even with the vaseline vision applied to it.  The PlayStation just looks like a pile of jagged shit in comparison made somewhat tolerable by the occasional pre-rendered background.  It isn't even close.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 19, 2011, 04:04:46 PM
The Aki wrestling games were excellent but have since been surpassed by the superb KING OF COLOSSEUM and the boner inducing FIRE PRO RETURNS

Also: Resident Evil 2 was a 64 megabyte cartridge, but the cost of those things was so utterly obscene I can't imagine they made any real money on it. It's a helluva triumph of compression though.

I can't name any other 64MB games, can anyone else prove me wrong?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 19, 2011, 04:06:41 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: SantaC on June 19, 2011, 04:14:28 PM
conker was 64MB?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 19, 2011, 04:36:34 PM
That is what I am implying, yes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 08:20:00 PM
DCharlie, I hope you compensate for your shit taste in games by having great taste in pussy. Otherwise, you're just fucked in the head, my man.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 19, 2011, 08:34:35 PM
what constitutes as great pussy?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 08:41:11 PM
what constitutes as great pussy?

The kind you hit so hard and fast it can whistle the Super Mario theme song after you pull out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 19, 2011, 08:44:31 PM

Hey booger you should post another riveting pic of your vast game collection :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 19, 2011, 08:51:28 PM
nintendo fans will crawl between the spam-textured legs of any old and worn out street corner ragamuffin, pump twice and "nnnnnnngggggggghhh," then declare it the best pussy they ever had
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 19, 2011, 08:53:14 PM
then pay for it again a decade later because it put on new lipstick
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 08:54:39 PM

Hey booger you should post another riveting pic of your vast game collection :teehee

Wish I could, but I loaned my system and games out. Amassed quite a collection since last year (or 2 years ago?).

But that's all in the past. When I acquire a discounted PS3, I'll be starting fresh. I'll be looking for recommendations (well, not from DCharlie since we've come to the agreement that his gaming taste is akin to guano), so keep an eye out for my upcoming PS3 thread.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 19, 2011, 08:57:35 PM
you can get an official MS-refurbished 20GB 360 for $99 if you want to get into the current gen on the cheap:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 19, 2011, 09:01:27 PM

Hey booger you should post another riveting pic of your vast game collection :teehee

Wish I could, but I loaned my system and games out.


Quote from: Nintendosbooger
so keep an eye out for my upcoming PS3 thread.

Sounds like you should get a blog* (

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's where people go to talk about shit nobody else cares about
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 09:03:59 PM
you can get an official MS-refurbished 20GB 360 for $99 if you want to get into the current gen on the cheap:

I don't buy used systems. Besides, I want to get into real HD gaming, and unfortunately, the XBox 360 is a second tier gaming system in that regard. I can acquire the PS3 now, but I don't think the system and its games can reasonably answer for its current MSRP, which is why I'm getting it for a discounted price.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 09:18:28 PM
I have no interest in electronic relics. I've probably played most, if not all, of the good games in your collection at one point or another, and I'm neither a collector nor the sort to relive such experiences. This is about the future, and about finally discarding rabid fanboyism by establishing an equilibrium through exposure to diverse gaming elements.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Herr Mafflard on June 19, 2011, 09:23:39 PM
I will give you some good FPS recommendations, booger,  when you make that ps3 thread.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 19, 2011, 09:41:16 PM
I have no interest in electronic relics.

How do you balance this with being a nintendo fan? They go hand in hand.

 :lol touche
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 19, 2011, 09:41:44 PM
I'd take that shit off your hands dcharlie if I can check the list of games and details first.

He already posted them in the random talk thread, its mostly japanese games...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Van Cruncheon on June 19, 2011, 09:53:03 PM
nintendo fans will crawl between the spam-textured legs of any old and worn out street corner ragamuffin, pump twice and "nnnnnnngggggggghhh," then declare it the best pussy they ever had

nintards annihilated
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on June 20, 2011, 11:57:42 AM
nintendo fans will crawl between the spam-textured legs of any old and worn out street corner ragamuffin, pump twice and "nnnnnnngggggggghhh," then declare it the best pussy they ever had

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: tiesto on June 20, 2011, 01:44:40 PM
what constitutes as great pussy?

Tight and with muff :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 20, 2011, 02:45:18 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 20, 2011, 06:25:23 PM
nintendo fans will crawl between the spam-textured legs of any old and worn out street corner ragamuffin, pump twice and "nnnnnnngggggggghhh," then declare it the best pussy they ever had


This just makes me think of the two ninbrethern on gaf spirting el dorado avatars.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 21, 2011, 02:48:12 AM
Quote from: Some Sony Exec
"It's hard to say right now. I do not think we'll have a console with a lot better graphics than the PS3 currently offered. I believe the future will be to offer consumers better and more accessible experience. The aim will be to make more people enter the world of video games and try to design titles for women."

holeeee shit. If this is true, it'll be...

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Oblivion on June 21, 2011, 03:12:50 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 21, 2011, 03:14:22 AM
Guys have you seen how the Vita looks? Why would you think Sony would go in a completely different direction then that (i.e great graphics)? Unless Vita bombs expect PS3 to be in the same vein of raping Nintendo by at least 2 generations.

But the same as with Vita, expect the PS4 to be 399 max and be made with that price point in mind, just like the Vita was made to cram as much tech possible in a 250 box.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 21, 2011, 03:41:22 AM
"It's hard to say right now. I do not think we'll have a console with a lot better graphics than the PS3 currently offered. I believe the future will be to offer consumers better and more accessible experience. The aim will be to make more people enter the world of video games and try to design titles for women."

imagine the meltdowns

Sony dildo plans kinda failed--they will have to invent some new gimmick to appeal to female population.Green-ray,more transistors,etc won't be enough.

Why would you think Sony would go in a completely different direction then that (i.e great graphics)?
Sfags are pretty happy with PS3 graphics,they still dream about potential,Cell,blu-ray...
Sony could be reading that,just like Nintendo did for 3DS.

Sony has lost mass market this gen and you can bet that they will try to get it back.

PS4 controller

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: etiolate on June 21, 2011, 06:16:16 AM
lets be honest, it'll be the same thing
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 21, 2011, 06:56:35 AM
Who's gonna cater to the hardcore next gen? :sniffles If Fallout 4 looks marginally better than New Vegas 'cause Nintendo forced the other two to make sound business decisions I'ma fuckstart AceBandages head.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 21, 2011, 08:16:54 AM
Why u wii u hate sony so much? Is it cause of sega?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on June 21, 2011, 08:24:40 AM
Wouldn't following Nintendo be stupid? 'hardcore' games seem to sell with greater consistency on the systems.  A company like Microsoft isn't going to ignore that eighty billion people that play Call of Duty annually, pay for Xbox Live, buy DLC, etc. right?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 21, 2011, 08:35:21 AM
Vita is a shitty name too I have to say. But Wii U is horrible.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on June 21, 2011, 08:49:04 AM
Lol even a slightly more powerful than the ps3 next gen sony console would still rape weeooooo on the ass.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 21, 2011, 11:12:24 AM
Why would you think Sony would go in a completely different direction then that (i.e great graphics)?

Because they lost around $100 billion doing that with the PS3?

The PSP was actually a success and made them some good money, pushing the issue against Nintendo with the Vita is the best move for them right now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 21, 2011, 12:30:10 PM
Thats a good point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 21, 2011, 01:24:32 PM
If current generation system game budgets are already crippling large developers and publishers alike, then I can't see how next generation budgets would be sustainable for anyone except a couple if it were to chart like PS1 -> PS2 -> PS3.  It would almost seem like any somewhat major game would mean the difference between bankruptcy and not, depending on the sales of the game.  Not to mention that Sony took a five billion dollar bath on the PS3, a figure that they will never ever recover from.  Nobody is ever going to take that big of a risk on hardware again.

Next generation will probably capitalize on network connectivity: huge ass hard drives, online networks receptive to shitty little apps, and monetization of almost everything.  We'll wistfully reminisce horse armor before long.  There will be some power upgrades and I'm sure whatever PS4 and 720 will have will beat the piss out of the Wii U.  I just don't think that it will be as embarrassingly so as it was with the Wii vs. PS3 and 360.

The Vita price point is ballsy.  Sony obviously thinks Nintendo is vulnerable with the 3DS.  I wouldn't doubt that Iwata made several frantic calls to Game Freak to pump out more Pokemon games for the 3DS as soon as he heard how much the Vita is going to be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 21, 2011, 01:51:37 PM
Wouldn't following Nintendo be stupid? 'hardcore' games seem to sell with greater consistency on the systems.  A company like Microsoft isn't going to ignore that eighty billion people that play Call of Duty annually, pay for Xbox Live, buy DLC, etc. right?

Did you see their e3 conference?  Besides, 'hardcore' gaming is kinda a 'winner take all' business at the moment.   The majority of publishers aren't making a profit in spite of their 60 dollar games with nickel and diming pricing schemes.  It would certainly make more sense to think about serving every demographic in the future with varying pricepoints instead of focusing on obsessive pixel counters. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 22, 2011, 03:49:03 AM (

Do you see 2K and Take-Two producing more titles for Nintendo’s Wii U console? Are Rockstar games going to come out for that?

We’ll see. We are looking at it seriously and at the relationship with Nintendo. We have supported the Wii and it has worked for us. We have done Carnival Games for the Wii. They support the platform and they were pretty excited about what they have seen. It will not be driven by me pounding the table saying do it, it will be driven by economic opportunity and creative opportunity.

Is there any particular hardware you’ve seen where you said, “This is exciting, we have got to start building for this?”

We’ve certainly said we’ve got to do something for iPad and iPhone. We’ve got to try to do something for Android. We’ve got to support Wii. We’ve definitely made declarative statements and encouraged our teams. What we have stopped well short of is having a discussion with the creative team, saying “Even though you think this is a stupid idea, do it anyway.” We try not to have conversations like that.

We’ve tried a bunch a things. We tried China Town Wars for the iPhone, and we’re thrilled that we did it, and it was creatively successful. At the price point for which we can sell on the iPhone, it is not going to be economically meaningful. At the end of the day, we are interested in creating economic value, and what we intend to do is make something and sell it to millions and millions of people, and sell it at a high price. You don’t want to spend lots and lots of money to make something you are going to sell to a small amount of people at a low price.

Can you charge $20, $30 or $40 for a tablet game?

I don’t see why not. Tablets are ubiquitous. And tablets are a great game platform. And it’s the right sized screen. And you use the tablet to have an engaging experience. So if all of that’s true, I don’t see why we wouldn’t be able to sell a robust product for the same price point. The reason the price point is currently lower for an iPhone app is it is used for five minutes, and not for a hundred hours.

My take is that small screens will be used for a quick but interactive entertainment experience. Mid and large screes can be a robust and engaging entertainment experience. That’s how my kids play games. When they’re at home, they don’t really play games on their desktops or tablets. They play games on the projection TV.

Gaming tablets :bow2

We tried China Town Wars for the iPhone, and we’re thrilled that we did it, and it was creatively successful. At the price point for which we can sell on the iPhone, it is not going to be economically meaningful. At the end of the day, we are interested in creating economic value, and what we intend to do is make something and sell it to millions and millions of people, and sell it at a high price. You don’t want to spend lots and lots of money to make something you are going to sell to a small amount of people at a low price.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 22, 2011, 04:22:01 AM
Ubisoft is probably jumping like crazy--Imagine Babies Weeoooooooooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: originalz on June 22, 2011, 04:57:37 AM
Yeah, they're delusional if they think people will spend big money on a tablet game.  I can't imagine many people care about having 100 hour epics available.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 22, 2011, 05:11:02 AM
Things change.

Windows 8 is coming to tablets,they will grow in power on a yearly basis--controls are the only problem

Don't be surprised if somebody copies Weeooo or makes some gaming cradle...onlive has streaming to tablets,play with controller
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 22, 2011, 05:32:20 AM (

Given the staggering out-of-the-gate success Nintendo saw with the Wii, you might have expected the company to push back its next generation planning for a year or two to focus on ensuring third-party partners understood how best to succeed on the Wii, ultimately extending its appeal in the market.

But while consumers camped out for the then-white-hot gaming system and partners struggled to find a way to capitalize on it, Nintendo was already at work on the Wii U.

In fact, it was as early as 2007 that the company knew it wanted to add a second screen to its next system, says global president and CEO Satoru Iwata. The biggest debate, actually, was where that screen should go.

Initially, the Wii U's second screen was a separate device that was to be placed on a table, not attached to the controller. Also, the screen was much smaller, due to the higher costs of LCDs at the time.

"Considering how expensive screens were then, it did not make sense to have this big-sized LCD," he says. "We would not have been able to come up with a reasonable price point. … We had not decided when we were going to launch the new console [at that point], but we knew we needed to be flexible."

Just as contentious internally was whether the new system would, in fact, be a portable gaming system or a home console device – or both.

"During the roundtable discussions there were such arguments about should we make it capable of being a standalone system or should we make it work only with the [base console] system," says Iwata. "We came to the conclusion that this controller is only going to show the images generated and processed by this hardware unit – and sent from the hardware unit wirelessly. That means sharper graphics. A battery couldn't do that."

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 22, 2011, 05:38:16 AM
Controls are mostly a problem for people like us, but people and kids that grow up on ipod touch and smarthphones and tablets will be fine with it. Even I'm getting used to touch controls. (its not by any means ideal for heavy action for me, but still.)

Isn't SE already charging 15 for Chaos Rings btw?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 22, 2011, 07:44:12 PM
you can get an official MS-refurbished 20GB 360 for $99 if you want to get into the current gen on the cheap:

That seems like a good deal. Anything a non-console gamer should know/worry about?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Nintendosbooger on June 22, 2011, 07:44:28 PM
Where are those new Nintendo characters Booger promised?

I'm polishing my essay, soldier.

I had some pretty off-the-wall ideas back in the day. I'm adding more and taking out some that a sound human brain should have never birthed in the first place. The hardest part is the design of these characters - I wish I could draw, but as it stands now, I can only going through the painstaking task of describing their physical characteristics.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 22, 2011, 10:02:46 PM
Where are those new Nintendo characters Booger promised?

I'm polishing my essay, soldier.

I had some pretty off-the-wall ideas back in the day. I'm adding more and taking out some that a sound human brain should have never birthed in the first place. The hardest part is the design of these characters - I wish I could draw, but as it stands now, I can only going through the painstaking task of describing their physical characteristics.

Brandnew, I'll be your buttbuddy now.  You're bottom though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 23, 2011, 07:25:45 AM (

Weeoooo launch probably gonna be as dysmal as the 3DS' at this rate

Quote from: Masahiro Sakurai
"We've got no plans whatsoever," he said. "We've got two new games out in the open when there's no extra time to work with them at all. It makes me cringe, and I'm not sure it's the smartest thing to make gamers wait for several years, but the early announcement was made chiefly in order to attract new team members."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BlueTsunami on June 23, 2011, 09:10:29 AM (

Weeoooo launch probably gonna be as dysmal as the 3DS' at this rate

Quote from: Masahiro Sakurai
"We've got no plans whatsoever," he said. "We've got two new games out in the open when there's no extra time to work with them at all. It makes me cringe, and I'm not sure it's the smartest thing to make gamers wait for several years, but the early announcement was made chiefly in order to attract new team members."

It's almost like he learned of the WiiU via the E3 announcement :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 23, 2011, 09:25:09 AM
Poor guy, jdevs are crazy. I remember reading an interview with one of the head devs at Cave I think Iconoclast posted it here, who worked 7 day weeks on shmups and hadn't had a holiday for years. Ahhhhhhhh.... 8) my cushy western lifestyle

Sakurais reaction to the E3 announcement
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 23, 2011, 09:28:22 AM
You guys just dont get the office politics, this was Nintendo's second fuck you to Sakurai.

Hudsonsoft is working on Smash now

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on June 23, 2011, 11:49:46 AM
so is this the last hudson game?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 23, 2011, 11:51:16 AM
Didn't I see a Bomberman in the 3DS shop?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 23, 2011, 10:10:28 PM
I was all set to set fire to my Japanese Saturn and then i remembered i have 10 pads , the two expanders, and Saturn Bomberman

IF only the wife and I had a combined total of 8 friends....

Make more kids, then just wait a bit. 

That sucks ass!

I'm reading about and this really pisses me off. Hudson soft made some awesome games, I even loved the Bloody Roar series(and according to wikipedia a new Bloody Roar was in the works but got cancelled due to this :maf). Does this mean no more Bomberman ever again?  :(
No, d00d! Backbone's got your back, bone! You can count on them to deliver a faithful experience. 
:'( :'(

Poor guy, jdevs are crazy. I remember reading an interview with one of the head devs at Cave I think Iconoclast posted it here, who worked 7 day weeks on shmups and hadn't had a holiday for years. Ahhhhhhhh.... 8) my cushy western lifestyle

Sakurais reaction to the E3 announcement

They are. I am on the tail end of my final project here, and I could not be happier to think about getting back to western development. Good christ. This last 10 years. 
:'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 24, 2011, 03:57:58 AM
You going back Chrono?

you have my axe

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 24, 2011, 11:28:55 AM
Yeah, working on a plan. Unfortunately my business contract status precludes me from receiving unemployment benefits, so I will have to keep any sabbatical to a minimum.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 24, 2011, 11:36:24 AM
Yeah, working on a plan. Unfortunately my business contract status precludes me from receiving unemployment benefits, so I will have to keep any sabbatical to a minimum.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Mrbob on June 25, 2011, 10:29:47 AM (

Weeoooo launch probably gonna be as dysmal as the 3DS' at this rate

Quote from: Masahiro Sakurai
"We've got no plans whatsoever," he said. "We've got two new games out in the open when there's no extra time to work with them at all. It makes me cringe, and I'm not sure it's the smartest thing to make gamers wait for several years, but the early announcement was made chiefly in order to attract new team members."

Looks like Iwata made a reactionary announcement at E3, scared of seeing what Sony is doing linking up Vita to the PS3.  :pimp  Nintendo scurrd of Sony again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 25, 2011, 10:57:29 AM
Maybe Sakurai isnt making the new Smash Bros?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 27, 2011, 02:50:40 AM
Sakurai has enough pull to get away with such a public smack down of Iwata, thanks to Smash Bros. Pretty hilarious regardless, and rather telling of Nintendo's factory process of introducing new hardware for old franchises or ports.

Given how poor Nintendo's first and second party Wii development was, I don't expect much from the WiiU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 27, 2011, 06:07:25 AM
Dice gameplay designer speaks (

It’s not a big step up from consoles as x360 or PS3, it is better hardware wise but when the new xbox and ps4 comes it will be runned down again, wanted to see something much stronger.

- All the Zelda stuff was RENDERED, we havent seen anything play on the console in their show, all “good looking” stuff was rendered. BF3 was from our movies. I dont think the end game results will be significantly better than x360 and PS3. But the extra RAM will help with player limits that are stopping x360/ps3 today in for example BF3.

Didn't I say that I don't think games would look much better then on x360
and ps3? But that it was more powerful.

I think the next gen consoles will be much stronger so we will be
downgrading towards the WiiU like with the Wii today.

That is what I meant anyway :)
Nintendo third party plans :fbm

I won't be exited about the console until I see a good game running on it.
Using SD card and "usb" devices, disabling internal permanent storage is
also weak in my mind, wouldn't be suprised if it is for ppl to buy Nintendo
licensed H.D.Ds later to have the illusion of a cheaper console.

We devs need storage to run and patch our games properly, something
Microsoft is being a showstopper on current gen with their x360 without
harddrive and 4mb title update limits.
Meaning we can't patch what we want if needed.

The future will tell what WiiU will give us :)

 :piss MS :bow2

Didn't say it wouldn't compete with current gen.

But I know how much RAM the WiiU has and I have an idea of how much "we" developers would like to see in the next Xbox and PS4, and they differ a lot.

Still, the WiiU will be the most powerful console out there when it's released, BY FAR!
But I wonder for how long...

Nintendo cant go and compete with MS and Sony i think because they want to keep their console cheaper as with the Wii.
BUT, I might also be wrong and this is Nintendos real hunt after the hardcore MS and Sony players.

The thing id that they(sony) should focus on general known tech as Xbox did,
just a good CPU and lots of RAM so we can keep more players and vehicles in
memory. The forced PS3 RAM usage is a big showstopper on multi platform
games today.
PS3 :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 27, 2011, 12:00:35 PM
Port the same graphics, throw a map on the controller. Then lose money because Ntards aren't interested in CoD5 and beyond
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on June 27, 2011, 07:48:58 PM
Pretty much.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 27, 2011, 08:18:59 PM
Then lose money because Ntards aren't interested in CoD5 and beyond

I think that's one of the saving graces of the system. I got my dudebro consoles/PC and then there's weeoooo which is obviously not geared towards FPS with those 3DS thumb pads instead of sticks. It'll prob be a decent casual/RPG box, at least I hope it is. Monolithsoft has already been rumoured(confirmed?) to be making a new game for Weeoooo :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 27, 2011, 09:12:01 PM
The Wii U is only going to have some decent third party strength until the PS4 and 720 gets their bearings.  Then it's off to Carnival Games and Petz hell.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on June 27, 2011, 10:21:26 PM
I will seriously LOL if multiplat PS360 games have NO advantages on the WiiU because devs are lazy.
Oh, that old chestnut: "The devs are lazy."

Borys, when you go to work each day, do you just do whatever you want? Or does someone have some say over what you do with your time? Even if you are self-employed, you probably have customers, right? They have some say over what they expect from you, right?

Developers are the same way. Bosses outside of the development department tell us what to do, and frequently licensors tell them what they want the devs to do. It's rarely negotiable in the former case, and almost never negotiable in the second, particularly if the license is a well known brand or property. And the bottom line is, it all comes down to an ROI report, which frames the entire scope of any development effort.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: originalz on June 27, 2011, 10:43:55 PM
Dreamcast syndrome?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on June 27, 2011, 10:55:54 PM
I will seriously LOL if multiplat PS360 games have NO advantages on the WiiU because devs are lazy.
Oh, that old chestnut: "The devs are lazy."

Borys, when you go to work each day, do you just do whatever you want? Or does someone have some say over what you do with your time? Even if you are self-employed, you probably have customers, right? They have some say over what they expect from you, right?

Developers are the same way. Bosses outside of the development department tell us what to do, and frequently licensors tell them what they want the devs to do. It's rarely negotiable in the former case, and almost never negotiable in the second, particularly if the license is a well known brand or property. And the bottom line is, it all comes down to an ROI report, which frames the entire scope of any development effort.

You know what the "R" in "ROI" stands for??

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 27, 2011, 11:45:23 PM
Aren't all Smash Bros. games exactly the same ??? Like Animu Crossing?

Substantial content yields with each new game.  Character count went from 10ish to 20ish to 40ish.  Items and stages similarly expand.  Stage editors, multiple new single player modes, the unlockable trinkets number close to a thousand, etc.  It goes on and on.  Thats not even getting into the mecanics alterations between each new game.  No, smash is a game that most certainly reinvents itself around the tried and true all star mashup concept.

However, Smash 4 really needs to polish the giant featureset at this point.  It has alot of awesome concepts that could stand to be better refined. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Bildi on June 28, 2011, 12:22:44 AM
Aren't all Smash Bros. games exactly the same ??? Like Animu Crossing?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on June 28, 2011, 12:42:55 AM
Aren't all Street Fighter games exactly the same ??? Like Finaru Fantasy?

^ A similarly distinguished mentally-challenged question
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: demi on June 28, 2011, 12:43:49 AM
hardly. final fantasy is different. street fighter is same ol boring, with "remixes" every year. what a scam...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 28, 2011, 03:09:59 AM
Yeah, working on a plan. Unfortunately my business contract status precludes me from receiving unemployment benefits, so I will have to keep any sabbatical to a minimum.

Come work in Europe man.


We'll give ya benefits!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on June 28, 2011, 04:01:08 AM (



Nintendo and online = ???

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: archie4208 on June 28, 2011, 11:40:15 AM
Online is just a fad.  :dur
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 28, 2011, 12:02:12 PM
The sad thing is that that chart is actually cumulative sales.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: tiesto on June 28, 2011, 12:08:30 PM
Aren't all Street Fighter games exactly the same ??? Like Finaru Fantasy?

^ A similarly distinguished mentally-challenged question

It's Fainaru Fantajii... get it right :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 01, 2011, 01:49:25 PM
Nintendo kept even the most senior internal developers in the dark about the capabilities of Wii U leading up to the console's E3 2011 announcement.

Yoshiaki Koizumi - veteran developer, director and producer of games spanning The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (the original) to Super Mario Galaxy - admitted that even he didn't have the full Wii U picture beforehand. (um....WAT?)

"As a developer at Nintendo, I had some information about the new system, but I didn't really have all of the information prior to the announcement at our presentation," Koizumi told Wired's GameLife blog.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Himu on July 01, 2011, 01:55:49 PM
The sad thing is that that chart is actually cumulative sales.

bullshit  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 01, 2011, 08:38:14 PM
Nintendo kept even the most senior internal developers in the dark about the capabilities of Wii U leading up to the console's E3 2011 announcement.

Yoshiaki Koizumi - veteran developer, director and producer of games spanning The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (the original) to Super Mario Galaxy - admitted that even he didn't have the full Wii U picture beforehand. (um....WAT?)

"As a developer at Nintendo, I had some information about the new system, but I didn't really have all of the information prior to the announcement at our presentation," Koizumi told Wired's GameLife blog.

Insult your best developers by keeping them in the dark and treating them like children. It is the Japanese way.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 02, 2011, 06:02:28 PM
Miyamoto is punishing Koizumi for trying to put stories into the Galaxy games.  Dude had it coming.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 02, 2011, 07:30:29 PM
The Galaxy games had a story?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on July 02, 2011, 07:34:35 PM
The Galaxy games had a story?

apparently when you are a ninthing that 5 minute little story about the stars and princesswhatshername (rosalinda?) count as AN HORRIBLE GAMEPLAY INTERRUPTION
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 02, 2011, 07:44:04 PM
The Galaxy games had a story?

apparently when you are a ninthing that [optional] 5 minute little story about the stars and princesswhatshername (rosalinda?) count as AN HORRIBLE GAMEPLAY INTERRUPTION

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 02, 2011, 07:46:26 PM
Mr K argued for it, Miyamoto shot him down.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: chronovore on July 08, 2011, 01:11:31 PM
Yeah, working on a plan. Unfortunately my business contract status precludes me from receiving unemployment benefits, so I will have to keep any sabbatical to a minimum.

Come work in Europe man.


We'll give ya benefits!

My sister, who has been waiting for my family to come back ever since we left 10 years ago, would kill me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 17, 2011, 08:51:33 AM
This kinda fits here

AMD: Xbox 720 graphics will look like Avatar

Technology company AMD, who supplied the graphics hardware for the Xbox 360, claims that the next Xbox will be capable of the level of graphical detail seen in James Cameron's movie Avatar. Even on PC, that kind of technology just isn't here yet, but AMD claims the Xbox 720 will launch with it.

While AMD would not confirm they were actually working on the 360's successor, director of ISV relationships at AMD, Neal Robison, stated that gamers have a lot to excited about.

Robison also mentioned that the A.I. and physics capabilities of the next-gen hardware will allow for every pedestrian in a game such as Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row to have a totally individual mentality, meaning when you shoot a gun or run someone over they don't all just do the same thing. There will be no more mob mentality, where everyone just screams and runs away; every NPC will actually be an individual character.


Source: August issue of OXM (U.S.)

first screenshot

AMD hyperbole aside this "confirms" that nextxbox won't be a stop gap like Weeoooooo.

Nintendo fans :fbm
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 17, 2011, 09:13:54 AM
AMD: Xbox 720 graphics will look like Avatar

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on July 17, 2011, 09:28:47 AM
I dont actually doubt it.  Still Xbox 720 is a ways off.  When that gets released so will Wiiuhu a few years later.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 17, 2011, 09:32:58 AM
last gens graphics are good enough for me

the same people are now probably screaming lol AMD...
but if Avatar is a graphical holy grail then you can't say "last gens graphics are good enough for me"...plenty of space for improvements

I dont actually doubt it.  Still Xbox 720 is a ways off.  When that gets released so will Wiiuhu a few years later.

No,but they can certainly try to get much as possible

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on July 17, 2011, 09:45:16 AM
You guys are assuming that they will release a new consolre by 2014?  I doubt it.  They are only just recouping costs of the 360.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on July 17, 2011, 11:20:31 AM
.... only just? They have been turning a profit on the 360 for years now, and it's currently the hottest console on the market. And yeah, we'll see a 720 by 2014
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 17, 2011, 01:17:05 PM
And the n64 could render Jurrasic Park!

WiiU will be substantially weaker than the next xbox.  I kinda don't give a shit.  Until third parties abandon the WiiU three years after launch, then I'll give half a shit. :fbm

I'm far more interested in Nintendo's dd and online implementation, because graphics were never a concern for me on the wii.  Plenty of games looked great in spite of the hardware.  It was the friendcodes and other ancillary shit that bothered me the most.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 17, 2011, 01:26:34 PM
3rd parties will abandon wiiu after the launch when they see their core games still dont aell.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: archie4208 on July 17, 2011, 01:27:12 PM
And the n64 could render Jurrasic Park!

WiiU will be substantially weaker than the next xbox.  I kinda don't give a shit.  Until third parties abandon the WiiU three years after launch, then I'll give half a shit. :fbm

I'm far more interested in Nintendo's dd and online implementation, because graphics were never a concern for me on the wii.  Plenty of games looked great in spite of the hardware.  It was the friendcodes and other ancillary shit that bothered me the most.

Super Nintendo ROMs and separate online accounts for each major publisher.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 17, 2011, 01:28:57 PM

I can't wait for great Weeoo games from publishers like Culture Brain and Vic Tokai

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 17, 2011, 01:44:43 PM
MS will be shouting "not possible on 360" from rooftops--for high level stuff at least
Sony will do the same

Assuming that the jump is big,

Group 1: PS4,nextxbox,PC

Group 2: PS3,360,Weeooooo...PS360 abandoned for big stuff,moneyhats directed towards group 1


Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on July 17, 2011, 01:45:51 PM
all the cool weeaboo japanese games will be on vita and 3ds if it ever stops bombing

:bow portables :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 17, 2011, 01:53:27 PM
3ds seems to be normalising ahead of the psp atm (in japan).  I'm guessing after mariokart and animal crossing it might be the "leader" until the vita drops.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 17, 2011, 01:57:18 PM
And the n64 could render Jurrasic Park!

WiiU will be substantially weaker than the next xbox.  I kinda don't give a shit.  Until third parties abandon the WiiU three years after launch, then I'll give half a shit. :fbm

I'm far more interested in Nintendo's dd and online implementation, because graphics were never a concern for me on the wii.  Plenty of games looked great in spite of the hardware.  It was the friendcodes and other ancillary shit that bothered me the most.

Super Nintendo ROMs and separate online accounts for each major publisher.

I'm waiting to see if they'll implement measures to consolidate accounts under a single login.  I imagine they'll still maintain their own service for themselves and smaller publishers, which I'm most interested in.  In addition the os featureset will be integral to providing a functional online setup.  The 3ds I feel is close.  Just needs a messaging and invite system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 17, 2011, 02:16:37 PM
Avatar doesn't look that impressive when compared to District 9. If the WiiU is more like District 9 it'll be the better system
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Don Flamenco on July 17, 2011, 03:14:07 PM
this system looks kinda crud and they'll have to really really convince me that the controller will add something substantial. 

but on the plus side, it will probably get a lot of super downgraded PS4/720 ports or slightly upgraded 360/PS3 ports.  that has to count for something, right?  Like, at least with Wiiu, there's a better chance for a 3rd party library compared to the Wii?  Even if it's all ports.  So, even if you buy it for a Mario game or Zelda, you might have some cheap ports of games you want to revisit to make the thing worth owning (as opposed to the Wii, where when you're done with that Nintendo 1st party game, the thing just collected dust.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on July 17, 2011, 06:42:46 PM
.... only just? They have been turning a profit on the 360 for years now, and it's currently the hottest console on the market. And yeah, we'll see a 720 by 2014


They are only just getting to overall profits.  They are just recouping their initial investment.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: tiesto on July 17, 2011, 11:39:58 PM

I can't wait for great Weeoo games from publishers like Culture Brain and Vic Tokai


I wouldn't mind seeing a new Super Chinese game or a new Clash at Demonhead... would certainly be more interesting than the majority of games that come out nowadays.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on July 18, 2011, 01:32:54 AM
.... only just? They have been turning a profit on the 360 for years now, and it's currently the hottest console on the market. And yeah, we'll see a 720 by 2014


They are only just getting to overall profits.  They are just recouping their initial investment.

whats all this original Xbox bullshit? Was that a part of the discussion?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on July 18, 2011, 03:18:29 AM
It was the only table i could find.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 18, 2011, 08:42:01 AM
3ds seems to be normalising ahead of the psp atm (in japan).  I'm guessing after mariokart and animal crossing it might be the "leader" until the vita drops.

annnnd... on what are you basing this conclusion?  the 3ds had a couple of high weeks during and immediately post ocarina, but it fell sharply in last week's sales data, well below the psp again.

i expect mario kart will do quite well but i think animal crossing is "over", like Nintendo Dogs.  seeing tables full of 1000 yen wii animal crossing for months gives a person that impression.

I thought I was current on the numbers.  Psp and 3ds were 30kish for awhile.  I'll go skim a media create thread.  I think Animal Crossing Wii was just heavily overshipped.  It was one of the highest selling games the year it came out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 18, 2011, 08:54:45 AM
I see it dipped 4k below.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 18, 2011, 09:08:58 AM
I thought I was current on the numbers.  Psp and 3ds were 30kish for awhile.  I'll go skim a media create thread.  I think Animal Crossing Wii was just heavily overshipped.  It was one of the highest selling games the year it came out.

As Media Create and Famitsu track only what is sold to retailers (unlike North America, retailers *cannot* return stock to publishers), a game could simultaneously be one of the highest selling games the year it came out, and a disastrously poor sell-through product.  The only way to know for sure is to see how retailers order on the next installment.  Animal Crossing is going to be taking a big hit on retail orders next time, especially since Nintendo is bafflingly making it the same old shit once again.

I never knew it was basically shipment numbers this whole time.  My whole life is a lie.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on July 18, 2011, 09:31:04 AM
As Media Create and Famitsu track only what is sold to retailers

:lol REALLY? I never knew, which makes me feel like a bad person
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 18, 2011, 09:36:42 AM
oscar  :yuck

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on July 18, 2011, 09:41:16 AM
actually that's totally wrong

forgive me, i gave blood about an hour ago.

Was going to say, that's some exact reporting on shipments without some data modelling.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 18, 2011, 10:01:06 AM
Damn you Segata  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 18, 2011, 10:04:30 AM
actually that's totally wrong

forgive me, i gave blood about an hour ago.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on July 18, 2011, 10:07:05 AM
oscar needs to sit in time out
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 18, 2011, 12:56:36 PM
did you at least get cookies and orange juice?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on July 18, 2011, 08:22:48 PM
hey man, they bled me like they were a leech and i was a juicy fat kid :(

stupid rare blood type

I wonder if that's all they did to you :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 21, 2011, 01:26:52 PM (

Nintendo has registered trademarks for a range of Wii U video games and peripherals, continuing some of the original Wii's biggest brands.

While none of the trademarks may come as a surprise, it does suggest that Nintendo will offer a similar line-up to that of its current console. It is also important to note that none of these trademarks confirm that these products are in development, but we'd be very surprised if Wii Sports U wasn't on shelves at launch.

The trademarks were found by Siliconera, and surprisingly include variations of Wii U Music, suggesting a successor to the disappointing Wii Music. The addition of WiiWare U lends itself to more downloadable games on the console.

It also mentions new versions of the Wii Zapper, Wii Balance Board and Wii Wheel. As Nintendo has announced before, all Wii peripherals will be compatible with Wii U.

The full list of trademarks is as follows:
Wii U + logo
Mii U
Wii Fit U
Wii Sports U
Wii Music U
Wii Party U
Wii Play U
WiiWare U
Wii Balance Board U
Balance Wii Board U
Wii Wheel U
Wii Zapper U
Wii U Fit
Wii U Music
Wii U Party
Wii U Sports
Wii U Play
Wii U Ware
Wii U Balance Board
Balance Wii U Board
Wii U Wheel
Wii U Zapper
Wii Speak U
Wii U Speak
Shield Pose
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on July 21, 2011, 01:28:12 PM
wii pu u
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on July 21, 2011, 01:45:16 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 21, 2011, 02:48:37 PM
All your favorites, back again!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 21, 2011, 03:04:45 PM
Ooooh imagine Wii Music U with a mariopantesque musical compiler mode using the wii pad.
oooooooh ahhhh
ooh ooh ooh oooohhhhh ahhhhh

I kinda don't get why Play needs to be its own thing with Party around.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on July 21, 2011, 03:08:10 PM
that list is sad, though - Nintendo seems to think that all the fatties they fooled with Wii will be fooled twice by Wii U
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on July 21, 2011, 03:11:16 PM
To be serious, this seems like mere trademark securement.  They're stressing full backwards compatibility with all wii peripherals.  I see no reason to redesign the board and wheel for instance.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on July 21, 2011, 03:40:33 PM
To be serious, this seems like mere trademark securement.  They're stressing full backwards compatibility with all wii peripherals.  I see no reason to redesign the board and wheel for instance.

No reason to redesign - but reason to resell!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 21, 2011, 08:37:00 PM
no, they gave me an octopus and a school girl

i think that's the japanese version of cookies and orange juice though

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on July 21, 2011, 09:14:14 PM
Nintendo should do some sort of marketing with the University of Miami.

Shield Pose

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 22, 2011, 02:40:08 AM
ahhahahahahhaha look at that list of trash. tsc tsc
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 22, 2011, 05:26:35 AM
I kind of like Nintendo nowadays.

1. They gave us OOT.
2. Their fans are asking to be raped over and over again.
3. This means they are innocent in my book.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 25, 2011, 12:48:34 PM
more Avatar comments,this time from Square Enix's Julien Merceron (

"I think that we're still going to see a big leap in graphics," Merceron told at Develop this week. "In terms of technology I think we'll see developers taking advantage of physically-based rendering, physically-based lighting. I think people will take advantage of global illumination, or at least some form approximation of global illumination, so that could have a significant impact on graphics quality.

Physically-based rendering and global illumination are techniques that allow coders to create photo-realistic effects. Both processes are already used in CGI film-making - and this in turn could benefit game developers. [Note: Due to punctuation, it's unclear if this paragraph is part of the quote, but I don't think it is.]

"It's going to enable new forms of art direction, but it's also going to enable deeper convergence between multiple media - being able to share more assets horizontally between movies, TV series and games," said Merceron.

"This means that when you're doing a cartoon, or when you're doing an animated movie, you could think about an art direction for the game that could be far closer [than current tie-ins]. Obviously it won't be the same, because the processing power won't be there, but you can think about art directions being way closer. And you can think about assets being re-used."

"There's a lot of room for improvement, and consumers will be able to see that in future graphics innovation techniques," he said. "Now, if you take most of the Pixar movies from the last five to six years… do you see a big difference between one that was released five years ago, and one that was released last year? I'm actually not sure we see a huge difference.

"But if you take a film like Avatar, there's a huge leap in the graphics techniques that are being used and the level of realism. The conclusion I would draw from that is we might end up seeing the difference way more in realistic-looking games, rather than those trying to achieve a cartoony look. At some point, with all these games [that are] going for a cartoony look, consumers might get the feeling that it's plateauing. But for games striving for a very realistic look, it's going to be easy to see all the improvements, all the time."

"Right now you see a wide range of games out there," said Merceron, speaking to at Develop. "There's Call of Duty, that is selling millions, and all these millions of consumers can't be wrong - this is part of the games that we're going to see tomorrow [in the future]. But at the same time, you have millions of people playing Farmville on Facebook, and again, this type of game is not wrong. These consumers can't be wrong.

"I think both are important. Both of these games are right, both of these games are doing things right. It's about [asking], what can you learn from this? And when you learn from that, what type of products are you then trying to design?"

But Merceron added that the growing popularity of Farmville and similar games won't come at the expense of more traditional, triple-A projects.

"There's room for both," he continued. "There's probably room for a combination of some of these experiences. The high-end experience - the kind of Hollywood, high adrenaline, extremely intense experience - that's still going to be there. And it's going to get more intense, it's going to get way more intense than it is today. And for a wide range of consumers, that's going to be the type of experience they want. But we see at the same time, the social components are super important."

"The thing that is interesting is, sometimes it can take four or five years to make a product, four or five years between conception to actually shipping your game. If you're targeting an audience of 18-year-old people, when you're starting, these guys are 14. That's one mistake a lot of developers are making: they're thinking about 18 years olds today - but those guys will be 22! [The question is] what are the 14-year-old guys doing today? What's important to them?

"The products we're moving towards are going to be evolving experiences, with social aspects, user-generated contact, downloadable content."

"We're already making a lot of effort on this generation of platforms," said Merceron. "You see how things develop: it went from multiplayer, to multiplayer and co-op, to multiplayer and co-op with social community features. And now these experiences are trying to enable a deeper style of community management.

"[It's about] not only creating a game, but creating a whole experience that is social, that is entertaining, that is immersive and involving. That's the goal."

Best comment

Why are you pretending Wii U doesn't exist!? It's next-gen!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 26, 2011, 08:31:07 AM (

“We haven't made an official announcement about that platform. And while we loved the Wii, it just wasn't a fit to make a game that would go across Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii. It just wasn't possible. So going forward, we're working with those folks and we're very interested in the Wii U," Capps told us.

"At the launch event at E3, some of the products that you saw running on Wii U were based on Unreal Engine technology. So that kind of gives you an idea of where we are in that space. You can certainly use our engine on that platform – it's a natural fit from a technology perspective," Capps added. "It opens up some doors that weren't open before on current generation consoles because it is going to be a powerful box. I'm sure [Epic VP] Mark Rein would love anyone who's interested to know how official our support is to get in touch with him!”

Nintendo fans,are you excite?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on July 26, 2011, 11:06:49 AM
Mario of War
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 26, 2011, 01:39:54 PM
Mario Paintball
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 26, 2011, 01:50:07 PM
Luigi's Mansion third person shooter, RE4 style
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on July 26, 2011, 03:16:37 PM
nothing at all

Yeah, let's be fo real now, people
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 26, 2011, 04:07:06 PM
nothing at all

bald space marine shooter?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 26, 2011, 04:17:04 PM
real talk: Gears Trilogy on Wii U's launch with exclusive Bowser skin for Cole

use the touch screen to apply war paint/camo to your character!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 26, 2011, 04:34:11 PM
More like Weeoo UE3 support so WB can make Area 51 Blacksite: Ultimate Weeooo Edition
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on July 27, 2011, 01:24:22 PM
"It's still moving, but I think we'll be able to do anything that we can do on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on the Wii U."

Andrew Wilson, vice president, EA Sports

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on July 27, 2011, 10:32:39 PM

Meanwhile nindreamers dream sweet dreams about PS4/ 720 ports...
It's pretty well established at this point that that is not fucking happening. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on July 28, 2011, 02:02:15 AM
That list made my night :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 28, 2011, 03:08:23 AM
It's still fun to say Weeooooo

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on July 28, 2011, 09:54:30 AM
Maybe with the 3DS epic tanking and panic price cut they won't overprice the shit out of this at launch...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on August 04, 2011, 01:36:02 AM
real talk: Gears Trilogy on Wii U's launch with exclusive Bowser skin for Cole

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 04, 2011, 01:52:32 AM
real talk: Gears Trilogy on Wii U's launch with exclusive Bowser skin for Cole


Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 04, 2011, 04:06:13 AM
Oversensitive much.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 04, 2011, 08:23:20 AM

Is Nintendo Reconsidering The Wii U?

Kurt Bakke in Business on August 03

We are wondering: Is Nintendo is still certain about the appeal of its Wii U console? The company has just pulled the device from the display of Europe’s most significant video game trade show later this month.Nintendo confirmed that it has decided not to show the Wii U at GamesCom 2011 in Cologne, Germany (August 17 – 21). The company also canceled all press events surrounding the Wii U and simply said that “security concerns” are the reason why it can’t show and discuss the Wii U.

Security concerns? Seriously?

Pitching a Wii U that changes the Wii’s model of success may be an overly risky move for Nintendo at this time. We have heard before that Nintendo may be reconsidering the tablet-style controller and possibly make it optional. Nintendo’s unexpected decision to pull the Wii U from GamesCom 2011 will fuel more speculation that the console could be changing.

Security concerns? We don’t buy it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 04, 2011, 08:36:45 AM
Man imagine the atmosphere at Nintendo HQ :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 04, 2011, 09:12:51 AM
To be fair Nintendo never cared about GamesCom.MS is pretty lukewarm about it,only Sony cares.

But cancelling all press events due to some security issues is a bit suspicious.I guess that after 3DS Nintendo has some thinking to do.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on August 04, 2011, 10:27:55 AM
:rofl nintendo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 04, 2011, 12:03:31 PM
they better leave the pad controller in there, it is quite literally the only thing distinguishing it from their console competition
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 04, 2011, 02:32:22 PM

Reality sets in! Everyone panic!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on August 04, 2011, 02:49:16 PM
This is amazing :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 04, 2011, 06:25:06 PM
:drudge Nintendo :drudge
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 04, 2011, 06:29:33 PM
There's no way they get rid of the Wii U controller.  That's one of the only cool things they've announced for it  :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 04, 2011, 09:20:02 PM
If they get rid of the controller they might as well cancel the system. It's the only thing that will distinguish the console from just being weaker than the next gen systems.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 04, 2011, 09:20:52 PM
they better leave the pad controller in there, it is quite literally the only thing distinguishing it from their console competition

My anectdotal experience (coworkers) suggests the CoD crowd think the system "looks stupid".  I wouldn't be surprised if they are shrinking the controller down.  Maybe shuffle a few of the technical innards (more ram, flash storage, etc.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on August 04, 2011, 10:54:00 PM
:gloomy weeeeoooooooo :gloomy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on August 05, 2011, 12:00:42 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 05, 2011, 07:39:41 AM
they better leave the pad controller in there, it is quite literally the only thing distinguishing it from their console competition

My anectdotal experience (coworkers) suggests the CoD crowd think the system "looks stupid".  I wouldn't be surprised if they are shrinking the controller down.  Maybe shuffle a few of the technical innards (more ram, flash storage, etc.)

As a member of this crowd I agree, it's not looking stupid, but not having multi touch makes it outdated and stupid too.

It's almost impossible to have good touch games without multi touch screen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on August 05, 2011, 07:48:54 AM
They should remove the screen as a tv functionality, make it smaller and lower rez and multi touch and have up to 4 controllers. Fuck this single controller noise. I would take Wii 2 over Wii U also, or uh, some other less confusing name.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 05, 2011, 11:24:42 AM

"Fuck it"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on August 05, 2011, 12:41:30 PM

"Fuck it"
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 06, 2011, 12:03:57 AM
Nintendo should rethink the Wii U.  Having a maximum of one tablet per console is fucking ridiculous.  Reminds me of the numerous critically flawed consoles that were released throughout the 1990s.  If the Wii U target price can't handle several tablet controllers properly, wait until it is possible, not offer some half assed implementation of it that still requires Wiimotes if someone else wants to play.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on August 06, 2011, 01:12:47 AM
Yep, that and make the system much more powerful than the 360/PS3 with much better online services. Too bad that won't happen.

Nintendo don't want to know how to run a good online service or provide a good marketplace, hoping for those things from them will only lead to disappointment. Hoping for a console with good local multi and fun games is realistic, hoping for something with broader functionality akin to other devices post 2005 :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 06, 2011, 02:18:34 AM
I still think Nintendo just wanted in on the all the dirty HD twin money, so they threw something together in the hopes that could attract some new people to buy it. Then they realized that tablets are so hot right now, so they made it the focal point.

Stopgap system and gimmick? Check and double check.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 06, 2011, 04:35:42 AM
I still think Nintendo just wanted in on the all the dirty HD twin money, so they threw something together in the hopes that could attract some new people to buy it. Then they realized that tablets are so hot right now, so they made it the focal point.

Stopgap system and gimmick? Check and double check.

Exactly. It's rather alarming just how poorly thought out the console seems to be; obviously things can change, but right now it seems like a filler console. Making an HD Wii was the next logical step, I have no problem with that. But the controller is a complete joke. Nintendo has spent the last decade ignoring online play and stressing family and friends playing in the same room. Allowing one tablet per system makes NO sense. From a gameplay perspective it could produce some interesting things (for instance, a loot/DnD type game where the tablet player serves as the dungeon master, choosing which items and monsters spawn for everyone else), but from a practical perspective it makes little sense.

Nintendo should either find a better gimmick for this thing or scrap it and go back to the drawing board. Like the Wii, it's simply going to be ignored once the other systems appear. And while its low price will boost sales, eventually those other systems will be cheap and we'll have the exact same scenario we have now. Then what? Does Nintendo release another gimmick system with moderately improved hardware, before the competition?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 06, 2011, 08:39:21 AM
Best part is how they spent last 5 years pimping waggle and pushing it down our throats now comes Wii U and waggle goes out of the window :lol

A lot of things changed in those five years.  Now that the blue ocean is drying up for waggle, Nintendo is desperate enough to latch onto another gimmick that they think will give them at least a couple of years of record breaking profits.  Tablets are in.  Whether they will stay in throughout the life of the system is in question (I doubt it), Nintendo is hoping that by the time tablet popularity will fade or normalize, Nintendo will have made billions of dollars of profit from the thing.  The downside is that Nintendo probably made the same bet with the 3DS and lookee what happened here.

The Wii U is critically flawed and I think Nintendo is desperate to have some kind of tablet controller device because that is what is popular.  Waggle is dead and gesticulating gameplay is cornered by Kinect.  I think Nintendo's assumption is that they want to have a low cost tablet solution that can yank the market from high priced iPads (the cheapest iPad is $499 and Wii U would probably launch at $299-349 by comparison) to make the blue ocean return to Nintendo products.  If it seems like a filler console, that is because it is.  Nintendo wants a cheap iPad alternative on the market ASAP and that means creating a system with critical design flaws.  Nintendo doesn't care about the PS4 and 720, just as long as they can recapture a large swath of former macfags who were once wiitards three or four years ago in the Wii's heyday.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on August 06, 2011, 09:53:52 AM
no one can predict the future.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on August 06, 2011, 12:45:32 PM
Hey I'm fine with Nintendo copying iPad and selling 100M of it on one condition: they copy iPad games pricing as well.
hah, not happening. They are notoriously greedy fucking pricks.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 09, 2011, 08:43:59 AM
Take-Two Q1



Weeooooo is a successor to a very profitable platform....GTA 5 Weeooooo exclusive

Can't be worse than Wii...good platform then

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 09, 2011, 11:05:14 AM
Take Two released nothing of note outside of a new wii top spin game.  Of course the money they make from it is NOTHING.

edit:  Wait didn't NBA 2k have a Wii sku.  THAT tidbit is kinda damning yeah.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 09, 2011, 11:14:30 AM
You know they really tried with GTA on DS and look what happened...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 09, 2011, 11:25:04 AM
.....PSP port :bow2

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 09, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
and iphone port!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: bork on August 11, 2011, 01:37:33 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 12, 2011, 07:02:30 AM (

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on August 12, 2011, 07:06:37 AM
ooooohhhh i can see the ball on the ground now! :o

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on August 12, 2011, 09:42:09 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on August 12, 2011, 10:18:17 AM

In all seriousness, I think this is what they should do.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 12, 2011, 11:31:03 AM
Omigod Nintendo please, just stop
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Beezy on August 12, 2011, 11:44:21 AM
They just convinced me not to buy this shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: etiolate on August 14, 2011, 03:12:50 AM
I still see a lot to be done with motion controls. The problem is the game making community, maybe the publishers but likely some developers, are attached to the former methods of control and creative ideas aren't really the prerogative of big publishers. You need indie daring merged with the extra space of motion controls. I thought the next Wii would have advanced motion controls and would reveal a truly bridging game between mini-game collections and a fuller, more cohesive game. Nintendo also needed to push digital download and approach the indie community.

Instead, they let the big publishers copy Nintendo's Wii launch concepts and run them into the ground. This created a product image for Wii that didn't necessarily need to be so. The Wii U still looks like a compromise for dudebro gaming, some sort of reactionary response.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 15, 2011, 02:36:51 PM (

It is mating season for the singing moles of Redmond, fresh off their migration back from Mountain View, and they are singing about the XBox Next chip. What’s more, they have a name and a date.

The moles are cooing the name softly while they think up new ways to transition Microsoft’s business model from monopoly abuse to patent trolling. The name they are singing in their tunnels sounds like “Obed”, but the spelling might be a bit off due to echoing in the tunnels.

Obed it seems is SoC, CPU + GPU, and of course eDRAM, it sounds an awful lot like an evolutionary version of the current XBox 360 chip. Some say it is an x86/Bulldozer part, but everything we have been hearing for a long time says that the chip is going to be a PPC variant. In any case, the GPU is definitely made by AMD/ATI, and IBM has a big hand in the SoC design.

The moles all say that production is set for late 2012, possibly the early days of 2013. basically once the moles get settled in to Mountain View for the winter. They will give the thumps up or down on silicon based on parts they get back in Q1 of 2012. If all goes well that is. That puts production of the XBox Next in the late spring or early summer of 2013, just in time for singing mole mating season. Nothing gets a sow’s attention like a new SoC.S|A
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 15, 2011, 03:47:12 PM
What does this mean, 2013 launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 15, 2011, 04:01:00 PM
Yeah something like that,possibly fall 2013.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 15, 2011, 04:16:28 PM
I'm starting to save money :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Damian79 on August 15, 2011, 07:23:37 PM
If Nintendo releases WiiU in 2012 and MS releases Xbox 720 in 2013 it will be a bad choice for Nintnedo to release the system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: bork on August 16, 2011, 11:32:47 AM
Sure, things can certainly change next year, but right now I think the Wii U will be the first console I don't buy since the N64 in 1996.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 17, 2011, 02:57:27 PM
Yeah, it honestly just looks like another Wii accessory. Even people on EB watching the unveil thought that's what it was until halfway through.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 17, 2011, 06:15:05 PM
720 in 2013? Dunno bros, hard to believe. This generation has plenty of juice left in it. But if that's true, the WiiU goes boo boo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 18, 2011, 12:16:40 AM
Maybe I'm not factoring something in, but Apple consumers seem to upgrade on a consistent basis for products sporting much more miniscule changes.  The challenge will come from making the 80+ million people WANT to upgrade to the Wii U.

Japan is the biggest area for concern, as the Wii petered out comparitively fast compared to other regions.  Nintendo needs to do everything in their power to provide a steady stream of desirable software.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on August 19, 2011, 07:09:25 PM
As long as the 360 keep outselling everyone, it kills the incentive for MS to release its successor. MS may as well wait for one of the other 2 to launch new hardware and release the same day.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on August 23, 2011, 12:14:18 PM
French people strike again

Confessions from a Nintendo insider

Wii U : when hardware goes into development hell

As we know, the Wii U is the result of a long engineering and refining process by its secretive R&D labs. But, according to our source, it seems that the final architecture has been rushed through the door, with undesirable consequences. Nintendo’s low cost policy, which has so far allowed the company to surf the tech wave in a distinctively offbeat way, all the while maintaining incredibly high margins, could be about to backfire.

Tethered so far
So far, the Wii U controller’s main chipset - that manages the device’s essential functions, including streaming and wireless – seems inadequate. This chip, described by our source as maybe a tad too cheap, has been the sources of many headaches in recent weeks. So far, the wireless functions simply do not work – at all. There have been so far three different prototypes, and a fourth iteration is expected by select developers at the end of the month.

Developers on the brink
So far, developers are working with a tethered controller: each one is fitted with a small black box with a tethered connection to the main unit. And even then, it still doesn’t work properly. Many developers are feeling lost, their progress impeded by a distinct lack of visibility, their working days paced by the quasi-daily software updates. In those conditions, many feel unable to properly exploit the system’s most innovative and promising features, those very features they haven’t been able to test properly so far.

What about the schedule ?
Ten months before the tentative release date – developers are still expecting a June 2012 release – the fact that Nintendo engineers are still struggling to make this supposedly final architecture function properly is worrisome at best. Could Nintendo have to make radical last-minute changes, and if so, what would be the cost? This unexpected development runs contrary to Nintendo’s reputation for carefully weighing all tech options long before any announcement. Inside the company, there have been talks of a delayed release, with September as a new tentative date. Being three months off-schedule doesn’t seem such a big issue, when compared to a home console’s life cycle. But this is not 2006 anymore. The industry is undergoing a radical mutation, and there is a growing amount of rumors positioning Microsoft’s next system to be unveiled during the 2012 E3 conference, and a relase in short order. If that was to happen, the Wii U would only enjoy a few months of “optimal run” alongside the Xbox 360, which would essentially moot the much-touted ease with which developers can port 360 code for the Wii U. To succeed in its incredibly audacious endeavour, Nintendo will have to walk a very tight rope. (

They will publish three more articles on a daily basis,so stay tuned

France :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on August 23, 2011, 12:27:43 PM
Hahaha it doesn't fucking work, awesome.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 23, 2011, 01:02:12 PM
At least Nintendo went out on high-note: Xenoblade.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: naff on August 23, 2011, 06:20:43 PM
At least NoE went out on high-note: Xenoblade.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 24, 2011, 01:01:48 AM
I'd spit some snark about Rrod, but I know dear lover Ninty wouldn't ship buggy shit... except for the og wiimote, and the 3ds screen scratches... oh god, no.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 24, 2011, 02:18:37 AM
Jesus Christ Nintendo pack it into an ambulance and send it to the ER. Stillborn.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeee oooooooooooooooo.

(High-fives Borys)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on August 24, 2011, 02:47:58 AM
Nintendo using cheap technology? Well I never
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on September 20, 2011, 04:15:39 AM
time to bump this

Crytek loves Weeooooo

Even though the Crysis developer hasn’t yet announced any plans for projects involving the new machine, company founder Avni Yerli gushed about what it was capable of, in a recent interview with GamesIndustry.

"Our guys in Nottingham they are very happy with their tests on the dev kits and they’re excited about it," he says, also explaining that the new hardware provides a "challenge" for designers. "Once thought through it can add value, and that’s what ultimately important."


Nintendo fans basement party in progress

Maybe Nintendo will spend some of its war chest on securing Western core support.I wouldn't be surprised after MH betrayalton.

GTA 5 on Weeooooo?

very likely

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: pilonv1 on September 20, 2011, 05:08:03 AM
"add value"

ie port shit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Diunx on September 20, 2011, 10:02:53 AM
time to bump this

GTA 5 on Weeooooo?

very likely

Every fucking time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on September 22, 2011, 05:15:00 AM
Wait. This shit lacks multitouch? Why would you cheap on multitouch on a fucking tablet-centered console? Fucking Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 22, 2011, 08:11:16 AM
I'm gonna guess this thing is going to end up being dramatically different than what was shown/promised at E3, and the first thing to either go or get scaled waaaaaay back is the game streaming.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on September 30, 2011, 04:21:05 AM
Not worthy of another topic,Nintendo Power NPD numbers

Wii Play 13.04
Mario Kart Wii 10.64
Super Mario Bros. Wii 8.36
Wii Fit w/ Balance Board 8.15
Wii Sports Resort 6.05
Wii Fit Plus w/ Balance Board 5.35
Super Smash Bros.: Brawl 5.28
Just Dance 2 5.09
Super Mario Galaxy 4.38
Link's Crossbow Training 3.47
Mario Party 8 3.47
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2.82
Guitar Hero III 2.76
Just Dance 2.71
LEGO Star Wars: Complete Saga 2.48
Super Mario Galaxy 2 2.4
Donkey Kong Country Returns 2.35
Mario & Sonic at Olympic Games 2.12
Carnival Games 1.88
Michael Jackson: Experience 1.88
Game Party 1.78
Wii Fit Plus (Standalone) 1.71
EA Sports Active 1.56
Disney Epic Mickey 1.52
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party 1.42
Deca Sports 1.35
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games 1.34
Rayman Raving Rabbids 1.28
Super Paper Mario 1.27
LEGO Batman 1.17
Wii Music 1.16
Mario Super Sluggers 1.13
Cooking Mama: Cook Off 1.08
LEGO Indiana Jones: Original Adventures 1.08
Animal Crossing: City Folk 1.06
Wipeout: The Game 1.06
Star Wars: Force Unleashed 1.06
Resident Evil 4 1.05
Guitar Hero World Tour 1.02
uDraw 1.02
Rock Band Special Edition 1.01
Call of Duty: World at War 1.01
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 30, 2011, 06:23:45 AM
Is this all time?

If so thats really shit for 3rd pary core games (where are they?)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on September 30, 2011, 06:50:41 AM
Yes,as of August 2011 NPD--US only obviously

where are they?

Just Dance 2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on September 30, 2011, 07:24:47 AM
i thought new super mario bros wii was the best selling wii game? ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on September 30, 2011, 08:00:12 AM
Link's Crossbow Training :dizzy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on September 30, 2011, 08:06:38 AM
"paradigm shift"

sorry it's late here. I've got nothing.

hell, I typically have nothing.

thanks for the stats!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: archie4208 on September 30, 2011, 08:24:57 AM
Dragon Age II PS3


Bayonetta 360, PS3 (not combined though)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on October 28, 2011, 02:22:43 AM (

We are also planning to launch the Wii U, which is the successor to the Wii, during the next fiscal year. We would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year. As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.

With all of these efforts and plans I have mentioned so far, we are trying to get back to our previous profit level.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: The Sceneman on October 28, 2011, 02:27:24 AM
no one is going to buy this thing
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on October 28, 2011, 04:19:02 AM
i just want my next smash brahs! >:(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Phoenix Dark on October 28, 2011, 04:49:35 AM
Can't wait to hear GAFers explain why the 360 outselling the Weeeooo monthly is good news for Nintendo!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: cool breeze on October 28, 2011, 06:07:24 AM
Mainly it just needs an identity, purpose, or focus.  I'm still confused by what they showed at E3 because the two main features contradict.

I want them to scrap playing games on the Wii U controller.  Don't discourage games designed for two screens by requiring them all to be played on the controller alone.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 07:01:54 AM
Scrap the WIIU, and make something cool.

Could they do that at this point?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 28, 2011, 07:47:24 AM
a few things to add there for fun

- 360 has 48 million sellers, Wii has 42, PS3 has 19, PSP has 6, DS has 40.
- 360 has 39 third party million sellers, Wii has 23, PS3 has 16, PSP has 5, DS has 12.  
- Wii's top four sellers are all higher than the 360's highest.  360's top 3 are higher than PS3's highest.  DS's top eleven are all higher than the PSP's highest.
- Generally speaking, the Wii's software has sold better than the 360's, but not significantly so.  They both embarrass the PS3.  The DS vs the PSP is hilarity, of course.  
- Comparing all together it looks like Wii>DS=360>>>PS3>>PSP.  Sorting out for just third parties, it would be 360>>Wii>PS3>DS>>PSP.
- Nintendo's toilets are made of solid gold.  Nintendo have 44 million-sellers, Activision have 20, EA have 18, Ubisoft have 12, Take 2 have 14.
- Weep for Japan: Outside Nintendo, there are only 14 million sellers from the rest of the Japanese publishers, and that is graciously counting everything Sony as a publisher releases as being from a Japanese publisher.  Taking origins into account, there are only 11 million sellers of non-Nintendo Japanese origin, and 5 of them are SEGA, and all five of those are Sonic the Hedgehog games.


To put salt into some wounds, here are some notable titles that have sold worse than NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii:

Dragon Age II PS3
Rock Band 3 PS3
Tomb Raider Underworld PS3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Brutal Legend PS3
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 360
Enslaved PS3+360 combined
Vanquish PS3+360 combined
Bayonetta 360, PS3 (not combined though)
Prince of Persia 360
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions 360, PS3, Wii
Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena, PS3+360 combined
Wolfenstein PS3 + 360 combined
Two Worlds 2 360+PS3 combined
Alice: Madness Returns PS3+360 combined
All four Yakuza games put together
Silent Hill Origins
Rock Band Unplugged
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
God of War: Ghost of Sparta

I missed these amazing posts.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 08:02:12 AM
From gaf


          TOTAL     US       EU     JP
PS3          6.3    2.42    2.79    1.11
NDS          5.5    2.67    2.26    0.60
360          5.5    3.45    1.98    0.09
3DS          5.0    1.42    1.48    2.15
WII          4.9    2.36    2.01    0.55
PSP          3.9    0.85    1.40    1.60

- US: NPD, Jan to Sep.
- JP: Media Create, Week 1 to Week 42.
- EU: Nintendo, Week 1 to Week 41.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on October 28, 2011, 08:10:49 AM
Does nintendo even know enough about geometry and shaders to make HD games?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 08:26:14 AM
I can't imagine how cool a nintendo game would be if they went all out.

Man I'd buy a Nintendo console again.

You know if they gave the next Zelda like a 50 million budget and next gen graphics (I mean next gen, like in next xbox).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on October 28, 2011, 08:41:43 AM
Does nintendo even know enough about geometry and shaders to make HD games?

They have a little catching up to do, but I'm confident they'd do so speedily.  Nintendo actually has exceptionally talented people working for them.  Not their fault the captain of the ship has kind of lost his marbles.

Joking aside, I'd like to play a HD Mario Galaxy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 08:50:08 AM
It's not just about graphics though, it's about if Nintendo dudes would be let loose to come up with new shit in gameplay, for hardcore gamers.

If someone would just say, make a new Zelda, no boundries, no budget limit.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: benjipwns on October 28, 2011, 09:07:12 AM
This thread sounds a lot like before we got the Wii. So many haters on old school companies (Atari, Sega, Nintendo) like Oscar are going to have to eat their words.

Microsoft isn't everything you know, Nintendo is still the center of innovation for gaming.

It's good to get names for my list for all the people who will be sitting on the toilet playing Darksiders II with their Wii U having the best gaming experience of their lives.

You're all going to feel silly when Miyamoto comes out on stage next year and everyone is in tears as he shows off his latest single-handedly crafted masterpiece.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 09:46:49 AM
I thought the Wii was going to be great and Nintendo was going to push it for hardcore gamers too.

I mean that launch line up sounded amazing. Of course none of it launched at launch.

And they didnt make any new games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: benjipwns on October 28, 2011, 09:56:22 AM
Order Up! alone justifies the existence of the Wii.

I will fight you all to the death over this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on October 28, 2011, 10:23:42 AM
Order Up! alone justifies the existence of the Wii.

I will fight you all to the death over this.

i owned only a wii up to somewhat a year ago and they dropped the ball so far i was forced to buy a 360 just to play something

that's how bad they screwed up

i agree - i think it's going to be EVEN SHITTER than what people are thinking. Fork for your words, Oscar?

bet they get to re-release some of the first year ds games like yoshi touch & go all over again! it will be like waggle minigame collection but worse! i see a bright future!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Brehvolution on October 28, 2011, 10:47:03 AM
i owned only a wii up to somewhat a year ago

What was that like? I can't even imagine.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 10:47:48 AM
Yeah I really can't imagine.

Did you steal the 360 from a shop btw?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on October 28, 2011, 11:16:53 AM
i owned only a wii up to somewhat a year ago

What was that like? I can't even imagine.

eh it wasn't as bad as most people would think,things started to go really south only near the second half 2010,actualy thinking it in retrospect i still like the wii more than the HD console's

Did you steal the 360 from a shop btw?

i stole it from the christmas tree of a poor little boy a-la grinch

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 11:19:43 AM
I know you like jrpg's and the 360 has some really big ones like Blue Dragon and Lost Oddysey and FF13.

Wouldnt you feel like you missed out on the big games?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Raban on October 28, 2011, 11:23:11 AM

To put salt into some wounds, here are some notable titles that have sold worse than NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii:

Dragon Age II PS3
Rock Band 3 PS3
Tomb Raider Underworld PS3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Brutal Legend PS3
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 360
Enslaved PS3+360 combined
Vanquish PS3+360 combined
Bayonetta 360, PS3 (not combined though)
Prince of Persia 360
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions 360, PS3, Wii
Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena, PS3+360 combined
Wolfenstein PS3 + 360 combined
Two Worlds 2 360+PS3 combined
Alice: Madness Returns PS3+360 combined
All four Yakuza games put together
Silent Hill Origins
Rock Band Unplugged
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on October 28, 2011, 11:26:56 AM
I know you like jrpg's and the 360 has some really big ones like Blue Dragon and Lost Oddysey and FF13.

Wouldnt you feel like you missed out on the big games?

oh sure you have no idea how i longed for that sakaguchi cock back when they announced lost odyssey
after playing the game i would gladly go back in time and kick myself in the ball >:(

this too,too bad (or maybe i should say "thanks god") it got cancelled
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 28, 2011, 04:12:19 PM

To put salt into some wounds, here are some notable titles that have sold worse than NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii:

Dragon Age II PS3
Rock Band 3 PS3
Tomb Raider Underworld PS3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Brutal Legend PS3
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 360
Enslaved PS3+360 combined
Vanquish PS3+360 combined
Bayonetta 360, PS3 (not combined though)
Prince of Persia 360
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions 360, PS3, Wii
Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena, PS3+360 combined
Wolfenstein PS3 + 360 combined
Two Worlds 2 360+PS3 combined
Alice: Madness Returns PS3+360 combined
All four Yakuza games put together
Silent Hill Origins
Rock Band Unplugged
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Are you factoring in a boma pricetag for Nights.  Its like, FZero GX seems like it did good at 300k but then its realised it sold most of those copies at $30.  Then again all those other games have that same 'luxury'.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 28, 2011, 04:31:27 PM
The WiiU gimmicks are...ok for trying to be a catchall waggle/dualanalog/ipad derivative.  The challenge will be releasing compelling new software on a consistent basis, same as always.  That said, the tech needs to be there for third party support.  The online integration needs to be painstakingly polished this time around so consumers want this as their primary online gaming platform.  There's simple measures they can take while still retaining the safety they are looking for.  Hopefully the third party input just isn't going to be about cowtowing to dlc shenanigans- oh how I dread that.

As for what I guess they're prepping for round two.  I believe the basic controller won't change much.  Probably smaller, trigger positions altered.  I believe up to 4 pads will have to be supported in some way (how else is Smash 4 gonna work?) or at the very least 2 (Tekken WiiU doesn't make sense otherwise).   Capacitive touchscreen ain't happening and isn't as essential as forumtypes think it is.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on October 28, 2011, 05:03:20 PM
Does nintendo even know enough about geometry and shaders to make HD games?

plenty of tech drooling nerds roam around the world

they might have objections to hd content creation costs
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 28, 2011, 06:03:15 PM
Consumers will never want this as their primary online platform Emcee wake up. It wont have the same games as the next gen PS and Xbox.

Jesus your dumb sometimes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: magus on October 28, 2011, 06:31:27 PM
(how else is Smash 4 gonna work?)

if in their lifestyle video or whatever they still show them using that ol'ass piece of controller that's the wiimote,you can bet your ass smash 4 is gonna work trough classic controllers
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 28, 2011, 07:43:59 PM
Consumers will never want this as their primary online platform Emcee wake up. It wont have the same games as the next gen PS and Xbox.

Jesus your dumb sometimes.

Kosma, shut the fuck up.  I don't say this out of anger so much as having to put up with your sorry excuse for comprehension and logic on too many occassions.  I quite plainly stated hypotheticals, scenarios, WHATEVER.  I didn't say the WiiU IS going to be successful, or IS going to have competent online, merely what they need to focus on imo. 

You do a terrible job pretending to be impartial and have displayed over and over ignorance of a stupifying magnitude.  You have yet to convince me that you EVER know what you're talking about- but oh be sure to rush into discussions where you prescribe your preferences to the entire population and back it up with asinine anectdotal evidence based on an obvious confirmation bias.  Learn to use your frontal lobes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: Trent Dole on October 28, 2011, 08:47:27 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo
Post by: maxy on November 08, 2011, 12:04:02 PM (

Console specs still in flux, but sources say Nintendo now has ambitions for touch-screen multiplayer
Nintendo engineers are working hard to upgrade Wii U so that it can simultaneously support two tablet controllers, Develop understands.

A trusted game development executive has said there are numerous indications within the Wii U codebase that the console is, at the very least, being prepared to operate with two touch-screen pads.
Nintendo and development partners had previously indicated that only one tablet controller could work with the system, due to technical limitations.

But Develop’s source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, explained that multi-tablet support is one of three remaining variables for the next-gen console. The other two are RAM capacity and processor speed.The person said Nintendo appears to be on the cusp of solving the technical conundrum of a single Wii U device supporting two tablet controllers. The source added that there was no indication, and very little chance, that four tablet controllers would ever be supported.

The Wii U, which was demonstrated for the first time this year at E3, features a tablet device at the centre of the experience. The iPad-like controller boasts a 6.2-inch single-touch screen, a camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, a motion control sensor strip, stereo speakers, stylus, microphone and a classic dual-analogue button layout.The console will stream a game’s video and audio onto the pad itself and, in theory, allow people to play without the need for a TV. The pad’s screen and TV can also work in conjunction to deliver unique dual-screen experiences.

Yet the sophistication of the Wii U tablet has led to technical hurdles in supporting more than one on each console. The platform allows for up to four classic Wii controllers to be used alongside a tablet controller.
Earlier in the year, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata suggested that two tablets playing on each system would also introduce cost barriers to the casual audience.

Develop’s source, however, believes that feedback from E3 has been welcomed by the company.“Nintendo now know they absolutely need to support two tablets,” the source said.“At E3 they didn’t commit to this, but they know how important it is to make it technically feasible to support two screens. Even if that affects framerate, as a developer and player, I don’t care. It needs to work. Developers will design appropriate games for this. If you’re building a quiz game you’re not going to give a shit about the framerate.”

Nintendo has told investors that the final edition of the Wii U will be demonstrated in June 2012 at E3. Launch is expected several months later. The company is expecting to post its first loss in 30 years.
It is customary for new console hardware to undergo several revisions before final release; something which has made it challenging to determine final specifications for the device.

Extra tablet to sell

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 12, 2011, 02:15:07 PM
I'm gonna go against what I usually do and sit out buying any new console at launch next gen.   
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on December 12, 2011, 07:02:19 PM
So Carrefour put the "placeholder" price up: 450 fucking EUROS.

EB Games Australia did as well: 600 fucking Austria USD (606 real American DOLLARS).

This console is DEADER THAN DEAD on arrival. Deader than 3DS was.
So mario galaxy 3 and mario kart 8 incoming really fucking fast then is what you're saying.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on December 12, 2011, 07:48:13 PM
I wonder if they'll use the tablet as an Eyetoy/Kinect variant for some stuff.  Should be able to mimic some of the 'functionality' of that shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2011, 12:47:56 AM
Instead of buying a Wiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I upgraded my computer.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 13, 2011, 01:02:35 AM
there's no way they sell a 360pad for $600 US dollars
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on December 13, 2011, 01:44:52 AM
So Carrefour put the "placeholder" price up: 450 fucking EUROS.

EB Games Australia did as well: 600 fucking Austria USD (606 real American DOLLARS).

This console is DEADER THAN DEAD on arrival. Deader than 3DS was.
So mario galaxy 3 and mario kart 8 incoming really fucking fast then is what you're saying.

Mario Galaxy 3?  What you really want to bury Nintendo or soemthing?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on January 12, 2012, 12:04:39 AM
Still no upscaling of Wii games :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on January 12, 2012, 12:38:37 AM
It'll probably upscale Wii games, add filtering and do what the PS3 does.  Realistically the Wii U won't be powerful enough to render the games at a higher resolution like the Dolphin emulator, but who knows. 

I'm hoping the Wii U rereveal at E3 has a lot of changes.  Capacitive screen, real analog sticks, better controller design and input placement, etc.  There are some weird omissions on the existing controller like analog shoulder buttons, which are kinda needed since it's the standard for driving vehicles in games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 12, 2012, 02:01:11 AM

Well Pachter says Wii U is doomed.  Wii U success confirmed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 12, 2012, 02:19:11 AM
The Wii U will always do fine with a young demographic. I think the Wii and the DS have only helped pump up those core brands even more with kids. Whether it will be a Wii like level of success. That seems unlikely... But who knows. There is a lot of room in between where the Gamecube was and the Wii was. Since all anybody is doing is playing psychic, I'll do it to and say it will of course fall somewhere in the middle of that which isn't really saying much but probably closer to how the HD systems sell rather than the high water mark of the Wii early days. In other words it can still be a "success" and not ever become a hot Wii fad kinda thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 12, 2012, 02:28:46 AM
I was just saying how Pachters predictions when it comes to gaming have all been wrong.  And that the Wii U will be a success because he thinks it will be a failure.

But seriously, What makes or breaks the Wii u is the software.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2012, 02:34:09 AM
Wii had even less quality software then N64 and Gamecube had, which is a feat itself.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 12, 2012, 02:36:16 AM
I think what will Make or Break the Wii U will be whether there is enough gimmick appeal or revolution appeal in that tablet or whatever tricks they still have up their sleeve and haven't show to appeal to the casual market.

In a weird case I don't think the software in the sense of the software by itself will be the difference maker. I think we all know what the software will be. It will be an assortment of Mario and Zelda games along with Metroid games and Mario Kart games, etc. And that's fine to sell to the market who always buy Nintendo software and systems. But for it to cross over it needs something like Wii Sports which is a piece of software to stealth sell a piece of technology. Which it did terrifically for the Wii. So yeah its software but software to showcase the tablet or whatever new thing they are doing with motion control. At least if we are talking about it crossing over like the Wii did.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 12, 2012, 03:41:35 AM
Thansk Stoney i couldnt have said it better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on January 12, 2012, 04:50:02 AM
What new stuff will they show with a tablet that hasn't been done already? Everyone has beaten them to it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 12, 2012, 05:40:06 AM
silly pilon

they don't have to do anything new, they just have to make it look like they have to the masses

Pretty much.  Nintendo has never really made anything new, they only copy and bring it ot the masses.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on January 12, 2012, 06:01:10 AM
silly pilon

they don't have to do anything new, they just have to make it look like they have to the masses

Of course, but there plenty of tablets already out there that people use every day. It's going to be harder to find something that looks new than it was with the Wii.

They're not competing with Xboxes or PlayStations this time, it's Apple. You don't get more mass market than that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 12, 2012, 07:25:39 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 12, 2012, 07:35:40 AM
There's nothing new under the sun.

Nintendo's angle has lately been bringing in fringe technologies from the tech industry to console/casual gamers. Touchscreens? Motion controls? None of those had a dime to their name in gaming until Nintendo.

Unfortunately the whole tablet situation is a little different but the fact still remains Nintendo is bringing this tech to consoles, and it will probably be very well supported (well, compared to the App Store) by major third parties.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on January 12, 2012, 07:53:34 AM
major third parties.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 12, 2012, 08:12:08 AM
One thing which might help them is the rereleasing of recent third-party games at lower prices. Say, Saint's Row The Third, with some Wii U specific missions added, or Arkham City with all the DLC and a couple of new gadgets, or Skyrim with whatever DLC is out by then and a rejiggered tablet UI.  If those and other games from the past 1-2 years come out at say $29.99, that makes the system look like a much better buy to a new purchaser. Or something like Shogun 2, which hasn't (and couldn't, really) come to any of the other consoles, but could work on the WeEEEEuuuUUU using the tablet. There is certainly the possibility that some PC games which wouldn't work well on PS3/360 even with their waggle accessories could work well enough on the WeEEEEuuuUUU. They really, really need to rethink that single-point touch, though. That's gonna be a hindrance to a lot of potential usage, it pretty much just turns that screen into a single giant button.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 12, 2012, 08:30:34 AM
Late ports never work.They are good for building library in the long run(keeping pace with others) but other than that...

Bethesda charging $30 for WiiU Skyrim is a bit unrealistic.They will probably add something and charge full price.

"It will sell like shit anyway,so fuck it--$60"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 12, 2012, 08:37:42 AM
Yeah, you're probably right about Skyrim (now that I think about it it probably won't even be released on the WU), but I could definitely see SR3 with a Genki Touch! exclusive. Late ports don't work on people like us, to be sure, but lower-priced ports with extra exclusive shit and previously unavailable PC games would definitely make it a more appealing purchase for those who haven't already made any kind of jump to PS3/360/PC (and they are out there, up until this Xmas my fiance's kids only had a Wii).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2012, 07:24:02 AM
Some news via Eurogamer

The Wii U will launch in the US, Europe, Australia and Japan by the end of 2012, Nintendo has promised.

Following the release of its third quarter 2012 financial results, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata told reporters in Japan today the Wii successor will hit key markets for the year end.

New Tomb Rider will apparently hit even Mac but not Wii U,explanation

Global brand director Karl Stewart said development on the hotly-anticipated reboot began long before the announcement of the Wii U - and it wouldn't be right to simply port the game to Nintendo's tablet-fuelled Wii successor.

"When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform," Stewart told the Crystal Habit Podcast (via the Eidos forum.

"Given that we've been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across. If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality."

it would not be right to try


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2012, 08:22:58 AM
yeah,i seem to remember that too
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2012, 03:32:17 PM (

CVG understands that following a disappointing E3 reveal - and public confusion over 3DS - serious discussions are ongoing at the highest level in the US and Japan as to whether the firm should cut its losses and give the console a different name.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on January 26, 2012, 03:34:15 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2012, 03:46:06 PM

not bad,it would be marked as copy paste but who cares

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 26, 2012, 03:59:52 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 26, 2012, 04:02:55 PM
How about KOOWII?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 26, 2012, 04:04:44 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on January 26, 2012, 04:09:01 PM
Wii Nur
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: BlueTsunami on January 26, 2012, 04:30:05 PM
I wonder if they'll ever release a Golden Wii edition
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2012, 06:17:06 PM
Wii Nur

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 26, 2012, 06:34:54 PM
Just call it Wii-2, how hard is that?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 26, 2012, 07:40:56 PM
Wii Dun Goofd (after people get pissed that you can only have one or two tablets per console)

Just call it Wii-2, how hard is that?

Yeah but that isn't quirky or Apple-like.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: BlueTsunami on January 26, 2012, 10:19:58 PM
Trying desperately to call it Wii "something" comes off as Nintendo trying to capture lightning in a bottle again
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2012, 10:20:39 PM
Apparently some stuff got announced today.

NFC is baked into the controller and the system will have an account-based structure for downloads. Also, they "have the infrastructure in place" for downloads of retail software (also for 3DS) but are trying to decide the best timing for it.

All this news makes me pretty happy. :) But they specifically mention "multiple accounts per system," which is cool, but I want to know if it'll allow "multiple systems per account." Then I'd never have to worry about the system being fried and buying a new one and having none of my stuff transfer over, you know, like my first Wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 26, 2012, 10:44:34 PM
The Pii Wii

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on January 26, 2012, 10:58:59 PM
Apparently some stuff got announced today.

NFC is baked into the controller and the system will have an account-based structure for downloads. Also, they "have the infrastructure in place" for downloads of retail software (also for 3DS) but are trying to decide the best timing for it.

All this news makes me pretty happy. :) But they specifically mention "multiple accounts per system," which is cool, but I want to know if it'll allow "multiple systems per account." Then I'd never have to worry about the system being fried and buying a new one and having none of my stuff transfer over, you know, like my first Wii.

yeah, I'm actually pretty excited about this.  I'm not saying I don't care about other online stuff, but the bare minimum for me is an account to tie purchases too.  I can finally buy games on the wares without feeling like I'm leasing a game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 26, 2012, 11:11:36 PM
<insert joke about renaming it The Mario Box>
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on January 26, 2012, 11:33:36 PM
Unfortunately the whole tablet situation is a little different but the fact still remains Nintendo is bringing this tech to consoles, and it will probably be very well supported (well, compared to the App Store) by major third parties.

Just like motion controls were well supported by the major third parties? Oh yeah...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2012, 11:43:46 PM
Unfortunately the whole tablet situation is a little different but the fact still remains Nintendo is bringing this tech to consoles, and it will probably be very well supported (well, compared to the App Store) by major third parties.

Just like motion controls were well supported by the major third parties? Oh yeah...

They were. 100% of Wii games use the Wiimote or have it as an option. How many 360 games are Kinect-compatible?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on January 26, 2012, 11:45:24 PM
Unfortunately the whole tablet situation is a little different but the fact still remains Nintendo is bringing this tech to consoles, and it will probably be very well supported (well, compared to the App Store) by major third parties.

Just like motion controls were well supported by the major third parties? Oh yeah...

They were. 100% of Wii games use the Wiimote or have it as an option. How many 360 games are Kinect-compatible?

I'm not talking about games that use the Wiimote. I meant that the system was not well supported by third parties in comparison to the standard HD consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2012, 11:53:25 PM
I was talking about the tech of the tablet controller in that post, and comparing it to the iPad, not the HD consoles (who probably won't have similar tech.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 27, 2012, 01:35:54 AM
User accounts: Wii U will have individual user accounts, rather than one system-wide account.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on January 27, 2012, 02:05:25 AM
The other thing I'm hoping is changed for the re-reveal is establishing whether the second screen is an additional display and control method or primary screen replacement.  Well, the actual change I want is to place 99% of the focus on using the controller screen to complement the big screen. 

It's fine for more traditional games to keep it all on the device, but the possibilities of a second screen for gameplay purposes are great.  I want games designed to make full use of the main and second screen working together.

Wii U had no identity at E3.  It was confusing and had conflicting ideas.  A lot of the demos shown were stupid like putting the controller on the floor and using a wii remote and what the fuck now I'm using two screens and two controllers to play a stupid golf game? stop making this stuff complicated.  And while it's nice to play games on the potty or in bed, I'd rather have all my inventory management and stuff on the touch screen or whatever.

in short: a screen on a controller is a great idea.  It's can really help.  Stop doing gimmicky shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2012, 02:10:40 AM
I think it'll be a system wide API (similar to pressing the Home button) to switch the main display to the tablet. Of course, then the problem becomes, if you do that, what happens to what you were already displaying there? For the Zelda demo, they put an overlay on the action. I don't think that's a good solution.

I imagine most devs will use it like a DS, or rather 3DS which even more strictly uses the bottom screen for secondary functions.

I'm also concerned at just what kind of weirdness local multiplayer games will introduce. How will they get across to consumers that Game A needs one tablet and four Wiimotes, and Game B needs two tablets and two Wiimotes, etc.? It's a slippery slope having a controller that's limited to one or, at best, two players, and then relying on the previous console's controllers to supplement the rest. (On the other hand, Find Mii et al were to my knowledge, the first local multiplayer console 5-player games.) I'm looking forward to having many of these questions answered at E3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 27, 2012, 02:33:28 AM
Rest assured that whatever name the American Nintendo branch pushes for will be shot down by their Japanese overlords

How about Wii Aboo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 27, 2012, 07:46:39 AM
no,this is NiN

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on January 27, 2012, 08:40:26 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on January 27, 2012, 09:37:25 AM
no,this is NiN

Trent Reznor is sponsoring the next Nintendo system?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on January 27, 2012, 10:16:31 AM
Rest assured that whatever name the American Nintendo branch pushes for will be shot down by their Japanese overlords

How about Wii Aboo

Only if they get some Gust, NIS, Cave games on the platform...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2012, 12:25:37 PM
:lol Nintendo can't win with you people.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on January 27, 2012, 12:50:55 PM
Most people here like the Galaxy games!

I dunno.  There's a weird perception of what a fan is.  On gaf it seems to be supporting a company every time and always.  I think of it like, if a company does good stuff, I'm a fan; if they don't, I'm not.  If I had emotional or financial investment in a company, maybe it would be different.  If Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft release rubbish products, there's no reason to be a fan.  I mean, these are companies, not people.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on January 27, 2012, 12:54:30 PM
I dunno.  There's a weird perception of what a fan is.

How do I know that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a great game? It has so many polarizing opinions around it. Some thing it changed way too much. Others say it didn't change nearly enough. Not since Majora's Mask have we had a game with so many dissenting opinions. Hell, it should be no surprise that Majora's Mask was my other big-time favorite!

don't be like that andrex :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 27, 2012, 12:54:55 PM
Being a "fan" on internet message boards means you have to advocate annoyingly for your platform of choice 24/7.

My take on the Wii U is I'm glad they seem to be embracing better tech but I'm still skeptical about all the things Nintendo has traditionally had problems with. Shitty online. Third Party Support, etc. Which is why I have no interest in the system currently. They can say all the right things now. They always do before a platform launch. It's a year or two down the road when people can actually judge the truth of the situation. If things change then my opinion on getting one may change.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2012, 01:23:35 PM
I dunno.  There's a weird perception of what a fan is.

How do I know that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a great game? It has so many polarizing opinions around it. Some thing it changed way too much. Others say it didn't change nearly enough. Not since Majora's Mask have we had a game with so many dissenting opinions. Hell, it should be no surprise that Majora's Mask was my other big-time favorite!

don't be like that andrex :(

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I've barely played Majora's Mask.  :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on January 27, 2012, 02:19:24 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I've barely played Majora's Mask.  :teehee
spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's barely worth playing. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on January 27, 2012, 02:28:37 PM
i do dig the whole moon crashing and sidequest from the villagers,but the rest of the game is the usual "square block goes into square hole" pap that zelda consist of :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 27, 2012, 02:31:11 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on January 27, 2012, 02:57:53 PM
how appropriate, given nintendo's proclivity for fucking their customers like animals

Nah, they're more like neglectful parents at this point.  Molestation implies giving attention.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on January 27, 2012, 08:33:44 PM
NMA nails it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on January 27, 2012, 09:36:26 PM
yes but there's no well-known Nine Inch Nails song that fits that scenario

you people are killing me here

I genuinely didn't know what you were referencing.

Sorry, angry canadian guy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 27, 2012, 09:59:42 PM
how appropriate, given nintendo's proclivity for fucking their customers like animals

Well, they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on January 28, 2012, 12:09:15 AM
yes but there's no well-known Nine Inch Nails song that fits that scenario

you people are killing me here

not true

"bow down before the one you serve /

you're going to get what you deserve"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on January 28, 2012, 12:38:41 AM
:lol Nintendo can't win with you people.

I won't be satisfied until they just release a controlled with a big "win" button on it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 28, 2012, 04:28:23 AM (

Interesting article about porting process,MS refusal and some small bit about Nintendo

Digital Foundry: PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Wii U are the big console launches of this year - what are your thoughts on these systems? Bearing in mind the recent release of GTA3, could you ever conceive of bringing Oddworld titles onto suitably powerful iOS devices?

Stewart Gilray: Well, we've already announced versions of Stranger and Munch for the Vita, but with regards to Nintendo, currently I'm not interested in working with them, or on their platform. Having developed a number of titles over the years for their various platforms, it's become increasingly apparent that unless you are published by Nintendo you don't tend to do very well.

They also have this crazy regard to IP and refuse to sign NDAs with indie-developer/publishers, leaving us small guys open to having our ideas stolen with no recourse. We have already looked at doing some stuff on iOS and all I can say is watch this space.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on January 28, 2012, 05:12:36 AM (

Interesting article about porting process,MS refusal and some small bit about Nintendo

Digital Foundry: PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Wii U are the big console launches of this year - what are your thoughts on these systems? Bearing in mind the recent release of GTA3, could you ever conceive of bringing Oddworld titles onto suitably powerful iOS devices?

Stewart Gilray: Well, we've already announced versions of Stranger and Munch for the Vita, but with regards to Nintendo, currently I'm not interested in working with them, or on their platform. Having developed a number of titles over the years for their various platforms, it's become increasingly apparent that unless you are published by Nintendo you don't tend to do very well.

They also have this crazy regard to IP and refuse to sign NDAs with indie-developer/publishers, leaving us small guys open to having our ideas stolen with no recourse. We have already looked at doing some stuff on iOS and all I can say is watch this space.

Irrelevant company big wig says shit.  I mean really what have Nintendo stolen from them?  Their games are too shit to steal from.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on January 28, 2012, 06:22:32 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on January 28, 2012, 02:46:02 PM
I genuinely didn't know what you were referencing.

Sorry, angry canadian guy.

well, it was a pretty obscure reference

if you're 12 years old or a loser shut-in

Or I don't listen to NiN.  Leave me aloneeee!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
EmCee listens to Evanescense like a true bro. :rock

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on January 28, 2012, 11:05:55 PM
EmCee listens to Evanescense like a true cigarillo. :wag
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on January 29, 2012, 12:57:33 PM
EmCee listens to Evanescense like a true bro. :rock

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come

This is so fucking awful that I may actually hate you for reals now Andrex.

Can't keep believing, we're only deceiving ourselves
And I'm sick of the lie
And you're too late
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 25, 2012, 05:26:47 AM
Quote from: MULTI TROLL
the rumour is $200 base unit, $120 controller and a $299 "pack"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on March 25, 2012, 05:38:04 AM
considering what we've been hearing about its allegedly not so impressive horsepower lately, this makes sense.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 25, 2012, 05:57:25 AM
It would also mean that Nintendo has officially changed its mind about multiple Weeoooo controllers gaming.
Weeoooo power bump makes a lot more sense,they have to feed multiple controllers.

Tons of cash can be made by selling separate controllers too.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Big Barry Jazz on March 25, 2012, 06:42:34 AM
Wait, is that rumour saying you'll be able to buy the console by itself? What's the point of that if you need the controller? Can you play it using the Force?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 25, 2012, 07:12:34 AM
I doubt Nintendo would sell console without controller.

It could be

base pack=console+controller+min storage(8GB rumored)
premium pack=console+controller+game+bigger storage
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on March 25, 2012, 07:25:55 AM

- nobody buys it at 300$
- price drop to 250$
- half-assed mario effort gets released
- thing start selling millions
- nthing celebrates that nintendo has done it again
- things stop to a dead end for 5 months as nthings plays hordes and hordes of 360/PS3 ports
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 25, 2012, 08:41:16 AM
fuck, i'd buy one for $200

spoiler (click to show/hide)
if it's anything like my wii experience i'll buy three  :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Big Barry Jazz on March 25, 2012, 10:29:45 AM
God, I'm dumb  :-\. Of course they won't sell it without the controller, but I'm expecting a far deeper gouging than that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 25, 2012, 12:25:22 PM
100 bucks for a controller? This thing will struggle to outsell the 360 on a monthly basis
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on March 25, 2012, 02:43:49 PM
Doesn't seem likely to me that Nintendo would ever go for a split SKU in a home console. I also don't believe they would price it below the Wii's original price. For me, $250 for a single SKU (console, controller, game) and $80 controllers make the most sense, but I'm not Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on March 25, 2012, 03:30:30 PM
I wish them well

At this point in my life my gaming is primarily on one console, one ipad/itouch/ and one PC. That's more than enough (actually too much) for what I need and the amount of free time I have to game. For me to get another it would really have to blow me away.

As far as sales I still see nothing to believe this will be a Wii like hit so far.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 25, 2012, 03:40:11 PM
Has it been confirmed that the console can only recognize 1-2 of the official controllers at the same time?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 25, 2012, 03:51:52 PM
I don't see how they can not let it support 4, considering some of their franchises main liveblood is off of multiplayer.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 25, 2012, 03:57:47 PM
Sounds like a trainwreck.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on March 25, 2012, 04:06:58 PM
I don't see how they can not let it support 4, considering some of their franchises main liveblood is off of multiplayer.

It could support 4 controllers, just not 4 tablet-controllers.  It probably wouldn't be powerful enough to support four 854x480 displays, plus the main 720p or 1080p TV.

A lot has probably changed since E3 but back then it was clear that wii remote plus and nunchuck will still be control options.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 25, 2012, 04:52:48 PM
Lemme share a little story about graphics and immersion.

This one time I lost myself in Advance Wars: DS, with the animations off. At that point, the whole game is just these blocky little sprites shuffling around on a big ugly grid. I was so into it that I literally had no idea what was going on around me. I'm lucky I didn't miss my train stop. Obviously, the graphics were terrible; it was the game itself that was so engrossing.

I know this is just me, though. Many other people seem to care a lot more about visuals.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on March 25, 2012, 05:06:37 PM
I know this is just me, though. Many other people seem to care a lot more about visuals.

Most people really don't...look at all those cell phone and smart phone games.

Hell, look at the Wii and its mega-success launch game, Wii Sports, when it came out.  Or Pokemon games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 25, 2012, 05:10:43 PM
I don't see how they can not let it support 4, considering some of their franchises main liveblood is off of multiplayer.

Family multiplayer especially. How does that play out with a controller that costs $100? I don't see developers being happy about having to work with the original Wii controller as well, which is apparently encouraged for use with the WiiU.

Sounds like a trainwreck. I'm sure it'll sell well initially in comparison to the more expensive other consoles, but this sounds quite contrived and confusing for a Nintendo console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 25, 2012, 05:15:10 PM
Thats a non arguement. And everyone disabeled animations in Advance Wars to speed it up.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Big Barry Jazz on March 25, 2012, 05:17:43 PM
As far as sales I still see nothing to believe this will be a Wii like hit so far.

That's what I've been thinking, but then again I thought the wii would crash and burn and I've certainly been made to look a tit on that front.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on March 25, 2012, 06:09:07 PM
Or Pokemon games.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on March 25, 2012, 06:16:11 PM
Lemme share a little story about graphics and immersion.

This one time I lost myself in Advance Wars: DS, with the animations off. At that point, the whole game is just these blocky little sprites shuffling around on a big ugly grid. I was so into it that I literally had no idea what was going on around me. I'm lucky I didn't miss my train stop. Obviously, the graphics were terrible; it was the game itself that was so engrossing.

I know this is just me, though. Many other people seem to care a lot more about visuals.

The tech and graphics never determine a winner. That's for message board debates and forum warriors. Which is not to say if given the choice with better graphics in a certain instance I wouldn't take the better graphics in some cases. (Although I'll take frame rate over textures and pure polygon pushing any day of the week).

I personally never knock the Wii U for its tech although I understand some people being frustrated at times at Nintendo's unwillingness to push the tech side at all. Especially when the Wii looked like shit on most hdtv's. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 25, 2012, 08:49:52 PM
The Wii U will be a fucking trainwreck if they can't get four Wii U tablet-controllers to work with the thing.

I can imagine as a little kid getting pissed that Billy and Susie get to use a Wii U controller but Charlie and I have to use the Wiimote.

Sounds like a winning concept to me!  :hurr
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on March 25, 2012, 09:45:22 PM
The Wii U will be a fucking trainwreck if they can't get four Wii U tablet-controllers to work with the thing.

I can imagine as a little kid getting pissed that Billy and Susie get to use a Wii U controller but Charlie and I have to use the Wiimote.

Sounds like a winning concept to me!  :hurr

Seems like a problem with society as a whole than the Wii U.  Children should really learn to share.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on March 25, 2012, 10:02:38 PM
Lemme share a little story about graphics and immersion.

This one time I lost myself in Advance Wars: DS, with the animations off. At that point, the whole game is just these blocky little sprites shuffling around on a big ugly grid. I was so into it that I literally had no idea what was going on around me. I'm lucky I didn't miss my train stop. Obviously, the graphics were terrible; it was the game itself that was so engrossing.

I know this is just me, though. Many other people seem to care a lot more about visuals.

The tech and graphics never determine a winner. That's for message board debates and forum warriors. Which is not to say if given the choice with better graphics in a certain instance I wouldn't take the better graphics in some cases. (Although I'll take frame rate over textures and pure polygon pushing any day of the week).

I personally never knock the Wii U for its tech although I understand some people being frustrated at times at Nintendo's unwillingness to push the tech side at all. Especially when the Wii looked like shit on most hdtv's.

I don't know if I have a stance, but if I did it'd be "I won't hate a game for graphics if it doesn't hinder the gameplay."  Performance and image quality matter most to me and with PC games I'll turn down various graphics options for games to run smoother.  I'll acknowledge that the games look bad, but it's not a huge deal to me.  My favorite games of the past few years all have dated visuals (Deus Ex HR, Fallout 3/NV, Infamous, Mario Galaxy).  And as much as I like Crysis, the first time I played it was on low settings because I had a shit computer.  That said, I'd like games to look nice.  It's just not the most important thing to me.

(I'm not even sure where this tangent about graphics came from)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 25, 2012, 10:50:10 PM
I just want to make it clear that I don't own a DS nor have I played AD on the DS nor have I taken public transit in a long time!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 25, 2012, 10:54:32 PM
where did this come from doododododo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 25, 2012, 10:55:13 PM

edit: god damn your stealth edit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 25, 2012, 10:56:58 PM
Hey, this page came out of nowhere I promise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 25, 2012, 10:57:16 PM
The Wii U will be a fucking trainwreck  :hurr

Fixed :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 25, 2012, 10:59:37 PM
I think I will have fun with the newest Nintendo Entertainment System.  Isn't that all that really matters?  Isn't it?  :_)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on March 25, 2012, 11:18:44 PM
You can't determine whimsy from a spec sheet or controller prototype, after all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 25, 2012, 11:45:26 PM
Oh, I just realised the alt now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 26, 2012, 03:39:41 AM
I just want to make it clear that I don't own a DS nor have I played AD on the DS nor have I taken public transit in a long time!

I found that quote on GAF now  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 26, 2012, 03:41:53 AM
Nintendo is regressing even further if that's the truth.

Of course it will remain the choice for families and kids so it won't completely fail saleswise, but you can forget about all multiplat games coming to it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2012, 03:52:55 AM
from other forum,source ShockingA

I trust your info. Hearing anything on Microsoft's end? I think that is the real key here- if they don't go batshit crazy I think the Wii U will be in that sweet spot of being very easy to port to.

I have heard they are going batshit crazy.

They asked publishers and developers what they need in a next-gen system

EA, Activision, DICE, and Epic all insisted on raising the ceiling by what we would traditionally consider a generational leap.

Microsoft listened because they were told this would increase game sales and hardware adoption.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: The Sceneman on March 26, 2012, 05:40:30 AM
The Wii U will be a fucking trainwreck if they can't get four Wii U tablet-controllers to work with the thing.

I can imagine as a little kid getting pissed that Billy and Susie get to use a Wii U controller but Charlie and I have to use the Wiimote.

Sounds like a winning concept to me!  :hurr

Seems like a problem with society as a whole than the Wii U.  Children should really learn to share.

 :lol excellent spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2012, 05:50:11 AM
:lol excellent spin

Thank you.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2012, 05:53:22 AM
Seriously though i wonder how much streaming is actually happening with the Wii U controller, why can it only handle 2 controllers?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2012, 06:20:51 AM
Nintendo said nothing about supporting two tablet controllers.

Official Nintendo standpoint = One controller per console,controller not sold separately

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2012, 06:22:04 AM
They have said they are working on it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2012, 06:36:29 AM
I think that was just some rumor not official update.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on March 26, 2012, 07:04:20 AM
the only 2 reasons i got a wii in the first place were

1) it was super cheap compared to the FIFTY HUNDRED AND NINTY NINE DOLLAR ps3
2) i really liked the idea of motion control

nintendo completly shat the bed when it came to 2,but i fear that if these morons keep releasing 500$ machine's i might be forced to buy one again for reason 1

maybe i should just give an upgrade to my pc....
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on March 26, 2012, 07:52:42 AM
This years E3 will be grand.

a grand train wreck! last year e3 was fucking terrible,OH LOOK MORE SHOOTERS,MORE WAGGLES,MORE MARIO

my only hope? fucking smash bros 4 that's what,tough i really can't imagine what they can do to give it a shiny new polish considering they ran out of decent nintendo characters to put in it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on March 26, 2012, 08:34:00 AM
This years E3 will be grand.

a grand train wreck! last year e3 was fucking terrible,OH LOOK MORE SHOOTERS,MORE WAGGLES,MORE MARIO

my only hope? fucking smash bros 4 that's what,tough i really can't imagine what they can do to give it a shiny new polish considering they ran out of decent nintendo characters to put in it

No way, they can always put in MIKE JONESSSSSSS in it!

Yeah I hope E3 will be good this year but last year's SUCKED.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2012, 02:07:50 PM
i wish nintendo would stop making good games so i could just write off their home consoles for good.

I have come to the conclusion that this is what every N-hater believes in their hearts. Pour souls.  :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 26, 2012, 06:02:51 PM
Does anyone really expect any next gen shit this E3? I dont.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2012, 10:18:16 PM
If we want to get picky it was Sony that pushed the ceiling on portable console pricing to that level with the PSP. :teehee Can't blame Nintendo there.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on March 26, 2012, 10:49:40 PM
If we want to get picky it was Sony that pushed the ceiling on portable console pricing to that level with the PSP. :teehee Can't blame Nintendo there.

sure can -- the  psp sold us 2006 handheld tech at 250, in 2006. the 3ds sells us 2006 handheld tech at 250... in 2011. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on March 26, 2012, 10:51:27 PM
 then again, this is the first time nintendo has sold handheld hardware in the same performance generation as their console :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on March 26, 2012, 10:52:27 PM
Can't fault Sony for wanting to get out of the portable gaming ghetto.

Unfortunately Apple came along and pissed all over their cardboard box shelter.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on March 26, 2012, 11:08:25 PM
to be fair, the DS and 3DS are more or less in line with how Nintendo handles handhelds.  DS is like the sub-PS1 to the GBA's sub-SNES to the 3DS' sub-Wii.  PSP just redefined expectations, or something like that.

Wii is the odd one.  Sadly it's also why the Wii U is still kinda nice.  It has taken more than 10 years, but finally Nintendo games are going to look better!  poor one out for standard def.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 26, 2012, 11:10:00 PM
If Microsoft is going insane with the specs and the rumors of the tablet/kinect inclusion hardware is true, I have to question how much they can expect to get away with regarding price.  Will it be a repeat of 2005's premium and tard packs?

I think the factors that will affect Nintendo the most are how Microsoft does things and whether its successful and of course Apple.  Sony is very much a nonfactor these days.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 26, 2012, 11:37:30 PM
If Nintendo makes a Mario game as good as Galaxy 1 and 2 for the Wii U, I'll probably eventually break down and buy one.

I hope they biff it, Mario Sunshine style, so I could just avoid the Wii U altogether.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 27, 2012, 03:03:43 AM
Sunshine was a good game, god dammit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on March 27, 2012, 03:07:52 AM
If Microsoft is going insane with the specs and the rumors of the tablet/kinect inclusion hardware is true, I have to question how much they can expect to get away with regarding price.  Will it be a repeat of 2005's premium and tard packs?

They could probably get away with $400-$500 premium,$300-$400 Arcade.
But I think the console will be subsided with subscriptions---gold+"insert apps" subscription = $200 console

Good for US,UK of course

USA Today
Microsoft says the use of entertainment apps has doubled year over year and, for the first time ever, more Xbox 360 users were firing up their consoles for entertainment purposes than multiplayer gaming.

"We've really seen this amazing explosion at Xbox the last four months that's honestly even surprised our own hopes and aspirations," Mehdi says.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on March 27, 2012, 10:19:21 AM
NMA nails it.

i know this post is old but holy shit :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on April 21, 2012, 01:32:01 PM
Shane Shatterfield, Editor in Chief of

One thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch line-up for the Wii U is going to surprise people. It's going to be pretty damn good.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 21, 2012, 04:23:54 PM
Shane Shatterfield, Editor in Chief of

One thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch line-up for the Wii U is going to surprise people. It's going to be pretty damn good.



Eh I'll believe it when I see it. All I'm expecting is Pikmin 3 and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyybe NSMB Mii. Maybe.

NMA nails it.

i know this post is old but holy shit :rofl

:lol Holy fuck what is it and is there more of it?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Dickie Dee on April 21, 2012, 06:16:59 PM
Sunshine was a good game, god dammit

I sorta get that it was a bit underbaked, but fuck did I love every second of it,
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on April 21, 2012, 06:21:56 PM
Shane Shatterfield, Editor in Chief of

One thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch line-up for the Wii U is going to surprise people. It's going to be pretty damn good.


more games for andrex to not play
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 21, 2012, 08:55:21 PM
My policy for a while has been to get Nintendo home consoles at launch (GameCube, Wii, Wii U) and Nintendo handheld about a year post-launch (GBA, DS, 3DS.) Hasn't failed me so far.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 21, 2012, 09:18:57 PM
I keep forgetting this is an actual system that is coming out.

Me too honestly. Hopefully E3 has hype stuff, which it should.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on April 21, 2012, 09:53:19 PM
I'll buy a Wii U if there's a new Custom Robo, which is to say I'm never buying a Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 21, 2012, 10:12:49 PM
Shane Shatterfield, Editor in Chief of

One thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch line-up for the Wii U is going to surprise people. It's going to be pretty damn good.


Every launch line up is declared great. Non-news.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 21, 2012, 10:53:37 PM
So many memories of Johnny Nightfraud and people like Nightfraud hyping the Wii up in 2006 are being conjured up here.  But who will be the person this time to photograph themselves in baby's clothing when their predictions are dead wrong?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on April 21, 2012, 11:04:26 PM
It's silly to hype launch lineups anyways. So often they aren't even solidified until weeks before the launch as games get delayed, and pushed ahead all the time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on April 22, 2012, 12:49:12 AM
Every launch line up is declared great. Non-news.

I thought a lot of people were thinking that the launch line up was going ot eb bad like the 3ds.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 22, 2012, 04:05:30 AM
6 months before launch: Launch lineup is gonna be maaaaaaad good.

Launch: End up buying some game you wouldnt spend 30 bucks on normally for 60.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on April 22, 2012, 04:50:00 AM
I expect bunch of third party 360 ports.At full price,I bet.

Did Nintendo say anything about pricing structure?

btw,Pachter is not so optimistic
Still, Pachter thinks the rumored consoles from Microsoft and Sony will be significantly more powerful, and that may spell long-term trouble. "If that is right, the Wii U will have limited appeal, and 'Xbots' and Sony fanboys will just wait for the upgrades to their favorite systems," Pachter said. "I really think the key is third party support, and from what I'm hearing, it is very light so far. Nintendo will be all right, they have a ton of cash, but I don't think they will get to the sales levels they are accustomed to with this device. I'm most interested in third-party support, and we should get an idea of that at E3." (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on April 22, 2012, 06:25:59 AM
Xbots and Sony fanboys

Pachter trolling ain't limited to videogame boards.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on April 22, 2012, 09:03:23 AM
Shane Shatterfield, Editor in Chief of

One thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch line-up for the Wii U is going to surprise people. It's going to be pretty damn good.



2D metroid with hd sprites
a super smash game that feature like every game character ever


super lame touch screen minigame collection called WII TOUCH U
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 22, 2012, 12:35:27 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 22, 2012, 03:03:35 PM

2D metroid with hd sprites
a super smash game that feature like every game character ever
super lame touch screen minigame collection called WII TOUCH U
Oh God don't even joke about a HD 2D Metroid. Smash is a few years away since it's development didn't even start until Kid Icky was finished and even if they fast track the shit out of it no way it's a launch title. All aboard the F-Zero hype train?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 22, 2012, 03:10:57 PM
F-Zero gx was so good
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on April 22, 2012, 03:13:59 PM
N-Gen Racing
Extreme G

there was a time I had a huge hard on for futuristic racers, would love a console F Zero again
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on April 22, 2012, 03:16:49 PM
You'll get Nintendo Dogs HD and you'll like it!

Edit: Why can't I write "Nintendo Dogs"?

Edit 2: Gahhh!!!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 22, 2012, 03:52:30 PM
So many memories of Johnny Nightfraud and people like Nightfraud hyping the Wii up in 2006 are being conjured up here.  But who will be the person this time to photograph themselves in baby's clothing when their predictions are dead wrong?

Haha Nighttrain. WTH happened to him anyway? What's his neogaf/Bore alt nowadays?

He presented himself as this huge insider to the Revolution (Wii).  He said that his mind was blown at all of the awesome games soon to come out for it (which apparently would have had to have been Wii Sports or Wii Play; another example of his shameful lies) and that all haters would soon be silenced.  The graphics were as good, if not better than the 360 and PS3.

I remember Nintards hanging off of this loser's every word and not one person questioned his bullshit.  Once the specs and games came out, it was all over for this loser.  He banked on the hopes that the Wii wasn't the piece of shit it really was, that it was going to be a shade or two worse than the 360/PS3, not Xbox 0.8.  Nintards were crying foul, I created the name "Johnny Nightfraud", which was my only lasting accomplishment on NeoGAF, and people were wondering where this loser was.  A few days later, he took these creepy ass pictures of him in baby clothing.  Since he was a hairy motherfucker, it looked even more grotesque.  Nintards, desperate to move on and already playing up the "Nintendo = innovation" card to compensate for weak software and hardware specs, laughed at this, called this an acceptable apology, and moved on.

After he lost his industry insidah status at GAF, he pretty much turned into an obnoxious cunt who made an ass out of himself to Jane Pinckard and other 1up employees.  This dumbfuckery continued until he was banned sometime in the fall of 2007 for shitting on American troops.  I think bishoptl was the one to pull the trigger.

I'm not sure what happened to him but he seems to have abandoned his Johnny Nighttrain name.  Not sure what he goes by now if he goes by anything these days.  Given that he was fucking desperate to make a name for himself in the video game journalism business, I'm assuming he is still hanging around somewhere.  Maybe he has a NeoGAF alt and is keeping his head down.

Edit: I'm sure you know how that went down Borys but that story was mostly for the kiddies like Andrex who can't fathom why people are scoffing at the "just you wait!" bullshit that we all heard six years ago.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 22, 2012, 03:59:42 PM
You'll get Nintendo Dogs HD and you'll like it!

Edit: Why can't I write "Nintendo Dogs"?

Edit 2: Gahhh!!!
Bahahaha, great filter or greatest filter? I can write Nintendogs cause I'm special. :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 22, 2012, 04:07:35 PM
I can write "Nintendogs" as well but I had to pony up $10 to demi's PayPal account.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 22, 2012, 04:14:10 PM
I can write "Nintendogs" as well but I had to pony up $10 to demi's PayPal account.
Pfft, pleb.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 22, 2012, 04:35:08 PM
Edit: I'm sure you know how that went down Borys but that story was mostly for the kiddies like Andrex who can't fathom why people are scoffing at the "just you wait!" bullshit that we all heard six years ago.

Oh I know, I was there, I was one of the choir. That's why I'm not doing it this time around and, if you've read my posts on GAF, I'm pretty apathetic/unoptimistic about Wii U's specs and prospects.

Doesn't change the fact I want it to be good, I will be buying it, and I will in all likelihood enjoy at least a couple games for it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on April 22, 2012, 05:25:47 PM
I don't know, I could see the WiiU lineup being pretty good in the spectrum of launch software.  I'm expecting Arkham City, some sort of Call of Duty, Madden, etc.  Arkham City with DLC content already packed-in might entice me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 22, 2012, 07:02:11 PM
Indeed. Or an Asylum/City two pack. I'd definitely get that at full price.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 22, 2012, 08:27:09 PM
So a bunch of games you could play already makes it a great launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 22, 2012, 08:42:26 PM
So a bunch of games you could play already makes it a great launch?

You can probably buy both for $2-3 each in some Steam sale around the time it would come out for the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on April 22, 2012, 08:42:44 PM
So a bunch of games you could play already makes it a great launch?

Shit, you can get Asylum and City for less than $50 combined right now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 22, 2012, 08:47:33 PM
But it's not the Batman Arkham City Whimsy Edition!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 22, 2012, 08:51:46 PM
But it's not the Batman Arkham City Whimsy Edition!

So they will change batman to this?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 22, 2012, 08:56:16 PM
So a bunch of games you could play already makes it a great launch?

Who said I thought it'd be a great launch? I think I've already said in this thread I don't expect it to be that good.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on April 22, 2012, 09:03:44 PM
But it's not the Batman Arkham City Whimsy Edition!

So they will change batman to this?

Not enough whimsy. Needs more color, too.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on April 22, 2012, 10:04:20 PM
The WiiU's power level could be over 9.... no no no.  Erm, the WiiU could be the premier tech future-proofed out the wazoo powerhouse console of all time and it wouldn't sway the dudebro crowd in any significant way.  You're only going to accomplish that with locking down key exclusives of certain obvious mega franchises and THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN.  Its always been about content and features, the buying power is not in the hands of the pixel counters.  I don't know why Pachter seems to think the average consumer goes into a hardware decision over specs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on April 23, 2012, 01:41:00 AM
So many memories of Johnny Nightfraud and people like Nightfraud hyping the Wii up in 2006 are being conjured up here.  But who will be the person this time to photograph themselves in baby's clothing when their predictions are dead wrong?

Haha Nighttrain. WTH happened to him anyway? What's his neogaf/Bore alt nowadays?

He presented himself as this huge insider to the Revolution (Wii).  He said that his mind was blown at all of the awesome games soon to come out for it (which apparently would have had to have been Wii Sports or Wii Play; another example of his shameful lies) and that all haters would soon be silenced.  The graphics were as good, if not better than the 360 and PS3.

I remember Nintards hanging off of this loser's every word and not one person questioned his bullshit.  Once the specs and games came out, it was all over for this loser.  He banked on the hopes that the Wii wasn't the piece of shit it really was, that it was going to be a shade or two worse than the 360/PS3, not Xbox 0.8.  Nintards were crying foul, I created the name "Johnny Nightfraud", which was my only lasting accomplishment on NeoGAF, and people were wondering where this loser was.  A few days later, he took these creepy ass pictures of him in baby clothing.  Since he was a hairy motherfucker, it looked even more grotesque.  Nintards, desperate to move on and already playing up the "Nintendo = innovation" card to compensate for weak software and hardware specs, laughed at this, called this an acceptable apology, and moved on.

After he lost his industry insidah status at GAF, he pretty much turned into an obnoxious cunt who made an ass out of himself to Jane Pinckard and other 1up employees.  This dumbfuckery continued until he was banned sometime in the fall of 2007 for shitting on American troops.  I think bishoptl was the one to pull the trigger.

I'm not sure what happened to him but he seems to have abandoned his Johnny Nighttrain name.  Not sure what he goes by now if he goes by anything these days.  Given that he was fucking desperate to make a name for himself in the video game journalism business, I'm assuming he is still hanging around somewhere.  Maybe he has a NeoGAF alt and is keeping his head down.

Edit: I'm sure you know how that went down Borys but that story was mostly for the kiddies like Andrex who can't fathom why people are scoffing at the "just you wait!" bullshit that we all heard six years ago.

You'll be pleased to know that his mantle has been taken up by IdeaMan in the Weewoo speculation thread. Dude doesn't know shit and has been stringing along the fanboy dumbshits.  Pretty astonished he hasn't been called out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 23, 2012, 01:45:00 AM
Didn't Johnny Nightfraud also stalk a bunch of people at some events during this time?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on April 23, 2012, 03:26:38 AM
After he lost his industry insidah status at GAF, he pretty much turned into an obnoxious cunt who made an ass out of himself to Jane Pinckard and other 1up employees.  This dumbfuckery continued until he was banned sometime in the fall of 2007 for shitting on American troops.  I think bishoptl was the one to pull the trigger.

This is incorrect
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on April 23, 2012, 03:30:31 AM
Hyoushi swooping in to claim his kills  :usacry
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on April 23, 2012, 03:32:02 AM
Not mine either. not the perm anyway
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on April 23, 2012, 03:33:27 AM
I tended to stay far away from Nintendo topics always, but hearing the color commentary in this thread I cant imagine why he isnt permed for just the fraud itself.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on April 23, 2012, 03:34:30 AM
wait  - people are buying into Ideaman? i assumed he was one of us taking the piss?

I nearly lost it at the "camera tracks your eyes and alters the rendering priority of the Wii U depending on where you are looking" so i assumed he was a joke character.... ?

He is supposedly some french journalist or something like that.Started posting because he wants to defend Nintendo from misinformation and other vile attacks made by anti-Nintendo forces.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on April 23, 2012, 05:17:45 AM
I'm okay with being a psychotic Basterd
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 23, 2012, 06:22:38 AM
He is supposedly some french journalist or something like that.Started posting because he wants to defend Nintendo from misinformation and other vile attacks made by anti-Nintendo forces.

If Nintendo fans were a member of the Young Ones, they'd totally be Rick.


"This forum will become a shrine, and nerds and neckbeards and weeaboos will all gather round and hold their hands in sorrow for their fallen console. And all the grown-ups will say, "But why are the kids crying?" And the kids will say, "Haven't you heard? The Wii U is dead! Nintendo is dead! And then one particularly sensitive and articulate teenager will say, "Other kids, do you understand nothing? How can Nintendo be dead when we still have their games?"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on April 23, 2012, 06:27:53 AM
That would make PC gamers

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 23, 2012, 07:45:25 AM
After he lost his industry insidah status at GAF, he pretty much turned into an obnoxious cunt who made an ass out of himself to Jane Pinckard and other 1up employees.  This dumbfuckery continued until he was banned sometime in the fall of 2007 for shitting on American troops.  I think bishoptl was the one to pull the trigger.

This is incorrect

How did he get banned?  It happened pretty much at the same time as his comments and the comments from bishoptl made it seem like that was the reason.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on April 23, 2012, 09:20:16 AM
I don't know, I could see the WiiU lineup being pretty good in the spectrum of launch software.  I'm expecting Arkham City, some sort of Call of Duty, Madden, etc.  Arkham City with DLC content already packed-in might entice me.

Sounds like the same shit you can get on every other console. I'm hoping they don't waste time at their E3 show showing this, and actually show some original content from 1st and 3rd parties.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 23, 2012, 09:43:44 AM
Is Hyoushi even a mod at GAF anymore? ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on April 23, 2012, 10:03:29 AM
He is (, although he must post in threads I have no interest in.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 23, 2012, 11:07:15 AM
He must lurk in the shadows...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 23, 2012, 12:58:41 PM
So who/what's Special Patrol Group then going along with the Young Ones analogies? Is he a VMU?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 23, 2012, 01:09:06 PM
Is Hyoushi even a mod at GAF anymore? ???

No, he trolled the MLP thread and was de-modded
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 23, 2012, 03:28:53 PM
We should have a Hyoushi one. Just so we can find out more about him.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 23, 2012, 03:33:57 PM
We should have a Hyoushi one. Just so we can find out more about him.
We already do, it's the ***** about another forum thread.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 23, 2012, 03:36:27 PM
This is a Wii U thread not Hyoushi one :maf

There would be no game discussion in either thread
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on April 23, 2012, 04:24:05 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on April 24, 2012, 06:36:01 PM
How long until HXC Nintendo Fans start cussing out Crytek and call them a shitty second tier studio? (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on April 24, 2012, 07:55:09 PM

i'd say that's clearly andrex but clearly he's too lame for being it...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on April 24, 2012, 07:57:34 PM
No Fun Brigade: Do people still find those Old Spice commercials funny?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 24, 2012, 08:38:57 PM
Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on April 24, 2012, 08:44:26 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on April 26, 2012, 10:28:21 PM
Nintendo plans on pushing Wii U into bold new digital territory for a console. In an investor's conference today, global president Satoru Iwata revealed his company plans to allow consumers the ability to purchase Wii U software either in a traditional, packaged form or as a digital download. The publisher plans on having this service in place with the system's launch.

The Nintendo 3DS will feature the digital/package option first, starting this August with New Super Mario Bros. 2. 3DS owners will be able to download the game to their SD card, either by signing on to the eShop or by purchasing a download code in a retail location.

No further details were given. Iwata did not indicate if Wii U would see any hardware modifications to accomodate this new strategy. Previous iterations of the system did not feature a hard drive.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 26, 2012, 10:48:00 PM
does it even have a harddrive?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 26, 2012, 11:00:07 PM
Oh man, after ripping all my Wii games last week (finally) and planning to sell the physical copies off chucking those suckers in the trash I started to worry I'd build up another big collection with Wii U, now that everything will be digital from day one I don't have to. :hyper :hyper

:bow Panic mode Nintendo :bow2

does it even have a harddrive?

Last we heard it was flash memory, likely 16-32 GB. Who knows if that's true anymore, guess we'll find out at E3.

In any case, USB drives are compatible from day one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Baiano19 on April 26, 2012, 11:43:40 PM
What the hell man, why did you comit suicide from Gaf?
I like your posts, and your "dicussion" (because only you argued while he replyed with umad and jps) with the guy that wrote that godawful Xenoblade article showed me how much that site is diferent of what it used to be...

Well, at least you are here :D
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 26, 2012, 11:53:23 PM
I soared on wings of digitalness, only for the harsh sun of GAF to burn my wings. :'( Well whatever, I won't be selling those games now. Chucking those suckers in the trash. I just really don't want a physical collection anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 26, 2012, 11:54:20 PM
Oh man, after ripping all my Wii games last week (finally) and planning to sell the physical copies off chucking those suckers in the trash I started to worry I'd build up another big collection with Wii U, now that everything will be digital from day one I don't have to. :hyper :hyper

:bow Panic mode Nintendo :bow2

does it even have a harddrive?

Last we heard it was flash memory, likely 16-32 GB. Who knows if that's true anymore, guess we'll find out at E3.

In any case, USB drives are compatible from day one.

so download full retail games, so long as they are only 500mb or what ever small limit nintendo decides to set.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 12:00:30 AM
Oh man, after ripping all my Wii games last week (finally) and planning to sell the physical copies off chucking those suckers in the trash I started to worry I'd build up another big collection with Wii U, now that everything will be digital from day one I don't have to. :hyper :hyper

:bow Panic mode Nintendo :bow2

does it even have a harddrive?

Last we heard it was flash memory, likely 16-32 GB. Who knows if that's true anymore, guess we'll find out at E3.

In any case, USB drives are compatible from day one.

so download full retail games, so long as they are only 500mb or what ever small limit nintendo decides to set.

Nope, wrong. Full retail means what it implies. Of course, if you don't have a hard drive, be prepared to deal with the fridge again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Baiano19 on April 27, 2012, 12:02:20 AM
so download full retail games, so long as they are only 500mb or what ever small limit nintendo decides to set.

well, apparently they are taking it seriously this time. NSMB2 is the first and WiiU will have a lot.

andrex, are you perma'd?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 01:03:01 AM
Two weeks, but of course that could change at the eleventh hour as I've heard happens sometimes (most noticeably with Momo, which is only noticeable because he keeps bringing it up every other week.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on April 27, 2012, 10:47:41 AM
How long until HXC Nintendo Fans start cussing out Crytek and call them a shitty second tier studio? (

I was doing that when I first wasted my money on Crysis. Talk about an all flash, zero substance game. I had more fun with the COD games  :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 11:10:28 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on April 27, 2012, 11:11:34 AM
Two weeks, but of course that could change at the eleventh hour as I've heard happens sometimes (most noticeably with Momo, which is only noticeable because he keeps bringing it up every other week.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 11:39:24 AM
Or maybe I'm going senile.

Someone here complained their ban was changed at the last moment to a perma...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on April 27, 2012, 11:58:21 AM
I soared on wings of digitalness, only for the harsh sun of GAF to burn my wings. :'( Well whatever, I won't be selling those games now. Chucking those suckers in the trash. I just really don't want a physical collection anymore.

Why don't you just give the games away or something? Really, legally speaking -- if you care to get anal about it (and I honestly don't) -- throwing them in the trash isn't really the correct move. The reason selling them isn't kosher is that you're reaping the benefits of giving up your claim to ownership of a title (i.e. making money), while still retaining the right to play the game as though you own it.

However, in the 0% likelihood that the police catch wind of your massive digital Wii collection and decide to inquire as to the legitimacy of your right to play these titles, assuring them that you legally purchased the games but threw them away doesn't prove your claim to ownership. As such, just give them to somebody.

And no, I'm not fishing for them myself. I don't want your Wii games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Timber on April 27, 2012, 12:01:03 PM
I'll take 'em. Thanks Andrex!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 12:01:58 PM
Why don't you just give the games away or something? Really, legally speaking -- if you care to get anal about it (and I honestly don't) -- throwing them in the trash isn't really the correct move. The reason selling them isn't kosher is that you're reaping the benefits of giving up your claim to ownership of a title (i.e. making money), while still retaining the right to play the game as though you own it.

Considering I paid $50 for most of them and would get a fraction of that now, it would basically be like giving them away anyways.

However, in the 0% likelihood that the police catch wind of your massive digital Wii collection and decide to inquire as to the legitimacy of your right to play these titles, assuring them that you legally purchased the games but threw them away doesn't prove your claim to ownership. As such, just give them to somebody.

And no, I'm not fishing for them myself. I don't want your Wii games.

Lol. I was thinking of giving them to one of my sisters, need to get a Wii for the older first.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on April 27, 2012, 09:55:07 PM
Project Cars
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on April 27, 2012, 10:11:52 PM
Not F-Zero = not interested. :zzz
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2012, 11:23:59 PM
Racing sim. :zzz

No hud could be cool for the few people interested in racing sims, though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on April 28, 2012, 06:47:31 AM
Racing Sims sure have been successful on Nintendo consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 28, 2012, 06:48:16 AM
I really want an f zero, they should just port GX and X to the 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on April 28, 2012, 01:11:45 PM
Racing Sims sure have been successful on Nintendo consoles.

Racing sims suck.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 01, 2012, 10:37:35 AM

Apparently Wallmart had Wii at $250 before anyone else

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 01, 2012, 11:48:52 AM
I would not spend that amount of money on a Nintendo console barely clawing it's way above the current gen
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 01, 2012, 12:49:39 PM

Apparently Wallmart had Wii at $250 before anyone else

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 01, 2012, 01:56:10 PM
I'm ignoring a ton of factors but that would be a decently competitive price.  Wii was almost double the price of comparable hardware.

360/PS3 price drops, what it comes with (hardware size), and other stuff can make $350 seem really high.  I mean, it is really high.  But all the other systems are still high too.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 01, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
I doubt even Nintendo knows what they are going to price this thing yet.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 04:39:50 PM
They're not saying the price or date at E3. They didn't for the Wii and they said they won't for Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 04:50:52 PM
that's because they are chicken *cluck cluck cluuuuuuuuuuuck* ;)

I'm sure they'll let $349 rumours run - similar to the Wii/3DS situation - let people comment on the price and adjust accordingly.

Seems like the smartest choice. For the record, I used to hold that Wii U was likely to be $350-400 since last E3, but after 3DS's drop I have revised my expectation to $300-350. The tablet will end up costing them, and us.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 01, 2012, 04:58:28 PM
The exact price where a Wii U becomes interesting to me is 258.87 U.S. dollars.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 01, 2012, 05:41:17 PM
The exact price where a Wii U becomes interesting to me is 258.87 U.S. dollars.
You're probably not going to be getting a WiiU anytime soon then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 01, 2012, 05:43:09 PM
i don't think there's a price low enough to make me care for 360 ports and more nintendo rehashes :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 01, 2012, 05:47:02 PM
Fuck man, I still haven't played Galaxy 2! Got to the last stupid dungeon of Skyward Sword and went 'I kind of don't want to do this anymore' months ago and never went back so ...kinda done with/over ninty stuff? At least the shit with no budget to speak of.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 01, 2012, 06:36:22 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Wii U was $349.  After all, the 3DS launched at $249.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 01, 2012, 06:38:25 PM
The exact price where a Wii U becomes interesting to me is 258.87 U.S. dollars.
You're probably not going to be getting a WiiU anytime soon then.
There will always be specials
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 01, 2012, 06:48:25 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Wii U was $349.  After all, the 3DS launched at $249.
Yeah and that was such an unmitigated disaster they they dropped it almost immediately. I'd like to think they'll be less stupid this time. The fact that they continue to announce 3DS stuff like NSMB2 (nevermind that it's really the third one) makes me think they may have wised up a little bit and that there'll be at least a few classic IPs present on WiiU at E3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 01, 2012, 08:33:44 PM
well this feels like the most relevant thread to post this

nintendo e3 conference has been confirmed for being after microsoft and sony one,date

june 5 9:00 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 08:35:09 PM
Damnit dcharlie don't make me get my whiffle bat out again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 01, 2012, 08:38:08 PM
poor andrex,he can't afford a 3DS,how's he going to buy a 350$ machine?

i weep for the little guy :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 08:40:12 PM

dcharlie's SECRET WII U GAME is DQX. Hard to imagine that won't be at launch.

poor andrex,he can't afford a 3DS,how's he going to buy a 350$ machine?

i weep for the little guy :'(

I feel like buying a Vita then recording myself tossing it out the window.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 08:45:30 PM
I don't know if that means I'm right or wrong.

If I'm wrong then it's probably some MH game. 8-4 did the (great) translation localization for Tri.

And besides... you don't own a 3DS. IF you can't afford Fish and Chips, don't dare dream about eating caviar. Just saying.

I fear this Vita/3DS comparison is more apt then you realize. Fish and Chips is so much more enjoyable than caviar.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 08:54:22 PM
8-4 did the (great) translation localization for Tri.

just to avoid any unwelcome suggestions that any "INDURTY SERSEES" i may suggest are 8-4 related i don't get anything from John TV, Sprks, MArk etc. Not a single thing. Infact, i might have mentioned this before, i've actively told John/Mark that i -don't want to know- any insider details.

Just saying - as "yeah... right" as it sounds, the 8-4 guys are -EXTREMELY- professional and keep things water tight.

Thanks for confirming that BTW. brb emailing GoNintendo

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 09:01:08 PM

please go ahead, it's incorrect lol then i'll just get accussed of trolling MH, Capcom, Nintendo again! ;)

(it'd only sell 800k copies anyways....)

the titles are so blatantly obvious that when they are announced people will kick themselves that they didn't see them coming.

As said before - this is the reason why the specs largely don't matter and why Nintendo are NDA'ing the b-jesus out of people regarding the hardware. I've heard the NDA described as "utterly terrifying" and even the loosest lip sources are saying nothing at all, even ex-employee types. So ... yeah... Nintendo know what they are doing.

This isn't really insider info, we've kinda figured for months Nintendo have clamped down on things harder than some random fat guy on demi's chubster. The whole slew of Ubi leaks also probably freaked them out.

Anyways I'm quite sure it's MH now but sure, "whatever you say." ::)

I mean there are a handful of AAA third-party Japanese franchises left that would stir anything up, MH and DQ are the biggest two. I guess maybe a Versus port isn't out of the question but I doubt people really care about that, especially a port. KH is halfway dead already.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 09:32:22 PM
Backpedal total. We both know there's no first-party game that would make you buy a Nintendo console at that price. Nor would there even be any leaks of first-party Wii U games in the first place.


I never said you weren't credible, I said you were selfish and self-aggrandizing. Difference~
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 09:36:28 PM
Isn't that like $120? Edit- Nope. :lol WTF at that price.

The point was you're not likely to get so hyped over a Nintendo game. Admit it.

And you dodged my MH 3DS accusation. Hmm hmm hmm. ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 01, 2012, 09:43:19 PM
look at who you're arguing with, charlie
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 09:43:30 PM
Lol- go on - i want to hear the definitive theory on why i wouldn't be hyped over a Nintendo game. Go on... i'm all ears.

As hyped. Your tease clearly indicated something more enticing than another Nintendo game.

Am I wrong? :spin

I already told you there is no MH 3DS for US at this point in time. I can't be any clearer than that.
That might change - but it... depends... and i don't see it changing.

That was exactly my point. ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 01, 2012, 09:47:17 PM
As hyped. Your tease clearly indicated something more enticing than another Nintendo game.

Am I wrong?


About it not being a first-party game?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 01, 2012, 09:52:47 PM
look at who you're arguing with, charlie

Embarrassing, why have you stooped to this, XFE? :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 01, 2012, 09:55:19 PM
By PSX he meant this:


Not like PS1 or something. PSX is a PS2 with DVR capabilities and a hard drive. It was the first device to ever use XMB. That's the reason for the truly outrageous price point. It, like the PocketStation was Japan-only.

As a Sony fanboy, and someone who wants to own as many obscure hardware platforms as he can (I so want a Visteon GBA) I don't even want that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 01, 2012, 10:20:42 PM
someone who wants to own as many obscure hardware platforms as he can (I so want a Visteon GBA) I don't even want that.

I've got a Panasonic Q. Really neat.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: originalz on May 02, 2012, 01:17:34 AM
I heard from my sources that the WiiU launch is going to have remakes of all of the original games in the NES launch lineup.  Get ready for some HD Baseball and Hogan's Alley!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 02, 2012, 05:34:40 AM
Speaking in an investor Q&A following its financial report last week, Iwata explained that the platform holder has learned from mistakes made with the Wii.

While that console succeeded in attracting new customers with more casual titles such as Wii Sports, he admitted Nintendo had then struggled to convince core gamers to take the platform seriously, which negatively impacted the system's long term success.

"The Wii was able to reach a large number of new consumers who had never played games before by bringing hands-on experiences with its Wii Sports and Wii Fit," he explained.

"However, we could not adequately create the situation that such new consumers played games frequently or for long, consistent periods. As a result, we could not sustain a good level of profit.
"Moreover, regrettably, what we prioritised in order to reach out to the new audience was a bit too far from what we prioritised for those who play games as their hobby. Consequently, we presume some people felt that the Wii was not a game system for them or they were not willing to play with the Wii even though some compelling games had been released."

Accordingly, Iwata explained, it decided not to flood the 3DS's early release slate with casual games, instead prioritising core titles such as Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Ocarina of Time 3D and Mario Kart 7. It intends to take a similar approach with the Wii U when it launches later this year.

"Once consumers have a notion that 'this system is not for us', we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later," said Iwata.

"Therefore, in promoting the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U, we have announced that we would like 'width' and 'depth' to coexist.

"With the Nintendo DS and the Wii, the approach of 'width' was well accepted by many people; however, what we did in terms of 'depth' was not satisfactory for some consumers. This time, we would like consumers to be satisfied in both aspects.

"In order to do so, we started to work on the 'depth' aspect first, and the current and existing software you can see for the Nintendo 3DS is based on that idea. In the future, the approach will evolve," he continued.

"Our approach for the Wii U is basically the same. By doing so continuously, we are expecting that the number of game users per household will increase and as the gaming population increases, we believe we can create a sustainable video game market."

Consequently, we presume some people felt that the Wii was not a game system for them or they were not willing to play with the Wii even though some compelling games had been released.

Yeah,why didn't you people play more with your Wii?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 02, 2012, 08:25:21 AM
I think he is just telling what people want to hear.If WiiU becomes soccer moms magnet,Iwata will just shrug shoulders and continue spinning in his comfy office chair.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 02, 2012, 08:56:14 AM
I would argue that many releases NoA is skipping over aren't exactly lucrative products in the first place.  I really don't think stuff like Captain Rainbow or Soma Bringer would have made a blip in this hemishphere.  My issue with NoA is that they have been repeatedly not marketing stuff like Excitebots and Sin and Punishment 2, which goes on to bomba as expected. That said, I don't much care for Reggie, but his job is to be a disingenuine asshat anyway, so I guess I can't hate him.  Honestly I'm hard pressed to think of games that had no reason not to come over in the past.  Right now that would be the new Fire Emblem, but we still got E3 to see if they'll deliver.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 02, 2012, 09:09:40 AM
So obvious we'll kick ourselves?  With the way Nintendo home consoles have been supported what's obvious these days?  Yeah, Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are locked up tight, but other than that I'm drawing a blank.  Nintendo themselves are notoriously secretive and I doubt anything has leaked from their iron grip.  Unless thats not always true and DCharlie is getting his dream of a new FZero realised.  That would probably get him to buy a system methinks.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 02, 2012, 09:27:07 AM
Reggie though.... whilst okay on stage and a nice guy, he's little more than a character in a suit. Having a Reggie Avatar is up there with having a Sonic avatar.

sometimes the characterization of nintendo staff gets really creepy.  speculation on reggie's shiny chin an all. 

passing on band brothers was weird given it was just before/around the guitar hero craze.  it was ostensibly rock band with midis.  it's what I thought Wii Music would be, before its reveal as an advanced baby rattle.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: originalz on May 02, 2012, 09:34:52 AM
Isn't Archaic Sealed Heat supposed to be real shit?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 02, 2012, 09:36:20 AM
I would argue that many releases NoA is skipping over aren't exactly lucrative products in the first place.  I really don't think stuff like Captain Rainbow or Soma Bringer would have made a blip in this hemishphere.  My issue with NoA is that they have been repeatedly not marketing stuff like Excitebots and Sin and Punishment 2, which goes on to bomba as expected. That said, I don't much care for Reggie, but his job is to be a disingenuine asshat anyway, so I guess I can't hate him.  Honestly I'm hard pressed to think of games that had no reason not to come over in the past.  Right now that would be the new Fire Emblem, but we still got E3 to see if they'll deliver.

Captain Rainbow was not a viable product for North America.  Soma Bringer may have been.  The other DS Fire Emblem would have sold 300k, guaranteed.  Here's some stuff they skipped over that I feel would have been reasonably good sellers (if released in a timely manner) and would have filled holes in the schedule well: (on DS) Card Hero, Fire Emblem, Band Brothers/Jam with the Band, Soma Bringer, Chibi Robo, Project Hacker, Jet Impulse, Last Window, Archaic Sealed Heat, (on Wii) Fatal Frame, Disaster Report, and Another Code R.

No, they're not all huge sellers, but they'd all earn their keep, particularly given half of them got localized into English by the UK branch anyway.  I could see if Nintendo passing on most of them if they were overloaded with games, but they weren't.  They chose to starve rather than eat anything but caviar.  I'm not even going to touch on the ridiculous *farce* that is the American Virtual Console.

Reggie sucks.  He's got to go.

Unless your sales info dictate trends otherwise, I find it hard to believe stuff like Project Hacker, Jet Implulse, ASH, and Disaster Report would've succeeded.  Reggie even cited low euro ratings/sales for Disaster not making the jump.  I could see Last Window and Another Code R as potential candidates based on how their previous incarnations performed.  Fire Emblem had no good reason to be ignored I agree.  The story with Fatal Frame is that Tecmo wasn't willing to fix several bugs and control issues for the translated versions until they got more money from Nintendo.  So whatever , Nintendo is stingy or Tecmo is lazy, I can at least understand some of the rationale there.  I could see stuff like Card Hero going either way.  Chibi Robo DS did get released in NA, unless you're referring to the gamecube port.

I should clarify that I wouldn't miss Reggie if he got the proverbial boot.  I'm more apathetic to his shenanigans at this point and just accept that he's a giant phony as per his job description.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 02, 2012, 10:15:56 AM
I'm really curious to see what launch titles Wii U will have.  3DS was a wasteland for a long time.  By the time it was worth considering it dropped nearly $100 with deals.  The same old safe 2D Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, etc. blend will be a shame.  I mean, I'll be down for some same old Zelda.  But that NSMB2 announcement was as unexciting as GoWA and Halo 4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 02, 2012, 11:31:02 AM
I wish he were just a character in a suit.  When you look at how NoA is run compared to NoE and NoJ, it's pathetic.  Guy's got a real "if it doesn't sell a million, we're not interested" attitude and NoA (in terms of software releases) has greatly suffered under his tenure.

Reggie spoke at one of my wife's MBA classes at Seattle University a few years ago. She doesn't know much about gaming culture, but she said he was a gigantic douchebag.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 02, 2012, 11:45:14 AM
Reggie's favorite game is ALttP, he can't be all bad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 02, 2012, 11:47:01 AM
She said he was really smug and reminded her of a used car salesman.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 02, 2012, 01:38:29 PM
I'm really curious to see what launch titles Wii U will have.  3DS was a wasteland for a long time.  By the time it was worth considering it dropped nearly $100 with deals.  The same old safe 2D Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, etc. blend will be a shame.  I mean, I'll be down for some same old Zelda.  But that NSMB2 announcement was as unexciting as GoWA and Halo 4.

i really really really hope they shows super smash bros cause that's the only nintendo game i still give a fuck about
having some new IP would be nice too but meh,might as well wishing for world peace or something at that point
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 02, 2012, 01:42:19 PM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 02, 2012, 01:46:00 PM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.

Luigi Mansion 2,Pikmin 3 and Wave Racer:Azure Hurricane

oh wait that joke doesn't work because luigi mansion 2 is a real game :fbm

honestly i'd be surprised if they go the first 30 minutes without showing some sort of "wii XXXXX" game featuring mii doing XXXXX
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on May 02, 2012, 01:46:14 PM
... and they are all on the wii sports 2 disc.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 02, 2012, 01:47:28 PM
Yep yep, Mr. Pizza Hut is why we didn't get Xenoblade in a timely fashion in NA. There's lots of other reasons which've been clearly laid out by Oscar here to slag the dude as well. Even if other N branches are being smart now who knows what'll happen for the US market.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on May 02, 2012, 02:19:42 PM
Some new wii u Skate footage:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 03, 2012, 02:06:08 AM
All the Wii owners I know don't even bring it out during Thankgiving/Christmas events anymore. "Non-gamers" bought it impulsively and enjoyed it as a hobby, but they did not become consistent fans. Nobody's mom is wondering when the next Brain Training is coming out.

Nintendo basically ran up the score with those buyers, and when they disappeared Nintendo was left with a system that barely offered anything for actual gamers.

The WiiiU better come up with a decent mixture of "non-gamer" games, and consistent shit everyone else wants to play. Mixed with some ports
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 03, 2012, 03:42:18 AM
Non gamers are not gonna buy the WiiU. The iPad owns that casual market. Maybe if Nintendo would have bothered making a full blown tablet.

Really wonder what there will be at launch. They should wait till they have a good game ready.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 03, 2012, 04:49:20 AM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.

Four games and 20 6-12 month old ports.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 09:52:56 AM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.

Four games and 20 6-12 month old ports.

Sounds like the Vita's "best launch evar."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 03, 2012, 09:58:09 AM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.

Four games and 20 6-12 month old ports.

Sounds like the Vita's "best launch evar."

Vita's launch actually didn't have that many ports.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 03, 2012, 10:00:05 AM
I bet WiiU ends up launching with only four games.

Four games and 20 6-12 month old ports.

Sounds like the Vita's "best launch evar."

PS3 ports >>>>>>>>>> N64 ports
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 03, 2012, 10:24:12 AM
I'm excited for Armchair Analyst: Blue Ocean Version (also available in Red Ocean) and Read About Shaders on Wikipedia: Origins
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 11:12:01 AM
"the <wii U level of performance> is perfect anything else is over kill"

Still, it's all good - Nthings must secretly be thrilled about X720 and PS4 - it's like a window into the future.

It's like other console fanboys looking at current PC games, I imagine.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 11:28:39 AM
Point is there's always going to be a more powerful machine out there than whatever console you get, kind of pointless to throw stones.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 03, 2012, 11:37:14 AM
Then why even upgrade from GameCube tech? 480p: good enough for me!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 03, 2012, 11:41:00 AM
Too much power is bad.

Power corrupts.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 11:42:14 AM
Then why even upgrade from GameCube tech? 480p: good enough for me!

You misunderstand; I'm not saying technology shouldn't march forward, I'm saying those rattling their sabers should have a bit more introspection. If you only care about the best graphics, you wouldn't buy any console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 03, 2012, 12:14:09 PM
fwiw I think you're (Andrex) right even though you're wrong.  PC hardware is limited by the market.  you either have highly scalable PC games with a low ceiling (Blizzard) or the current console standard assets (PS3/360 now; Durango later) at higher resolutions with better performance.  It would be great to see an unreasonably advanced games made to take advantage of current PC hardware.  Shattered Horizons was kinda like that. 

realistically current PC hardware could handle next gen games no problem, just not as well as PC hardware can run current gen games. to me next gen is less exciting for the consoles and more for raising that standard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 12:28:19 PM
andrex and dcharlie need to just fuck already

That would just complicate our relationship even more.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 03, 2012, 12:37:06 PM
Point is there's always going to be a more powerful machine out there than whatever console you get, kind of pointless to throw stones.

This is like saying an average man can't snicker at a micro-penis because there's always a BBC out there.

edit: beaten to a penis analogy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 03, 2012, 12:59:25 PM
 :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on May 03, 2012, 01:12:15 PM
:rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Baiano19 on May 03, 2012, 01:12:58 PM
Whoa talk about hivemind...

Anyway, I really fear for the future of the WiiU... It might be the last home console from Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 01:23:33 PM
dcharlie we both know you'd be bottom. You already bend over for the game company ninjas keeping you from saying too much. :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 03, 2012, 01:28:03 PM
Dcharlie does look like a cool young dude
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 01:43:13 PM
i have heard dcharlie described as "power bottom", but people can change.

Not if we're gonna do it he isn't.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 03, 2012, 01:43:30 PM
Whoa talk about hivemind...

Anyway, I really fear for the future of the WiiU... It might be the last home console from Nintendo.

This gen will probably be the last conventional console gen.Nintendo will lag as usual,so one more gen is guaranteed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 03, 2012, 01:43:52 PM
i have heard dcharlie described as "power bottom", but people can change.

Not if we're gonna do it he isn't.
Turned off by the power?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on May 03, 2012, 02:28:30 PM
It's good to have a difference in power, or at least some sort of expectation gap.  You only need to look at the differences in the types of games available for different platforms (and the differences between retail and downloadable games on the HD systems) to see how it's a positive thing.  Further, it was the 'powerful' closed platforms that actually slowed the progression of tech - 360 and PS3-targeted games becoming the ceiling for PC releases.  Monster Hunter 3 would have been an HD game if not for it taking off on the PSP - but people blamed the Wii of course, because people are dumb.  I think in the future when we've reached a kind of tech singularity this sort of segregation will have disappeared, but for now it's everywhere and I'm fine with it.  I want turn-based grid games and 2D games (etc.) and the mainstream console retail space has been very toxic for this stuff, whereas they've flourished elsewhere.  I think I'm rambling now, whatever.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 03, 2012, 03:19:33 PM
Monster Hunter 3 would have been an HD game if not for it taking off on the PSP - but people blamed the Wii of course, because people are dumb. 
Kindly explain the reasoning behind this circus talk
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on May 03, 2012, 03:24:18 PM
It went to Wii so they could port the game to PSP or Nintendo's upcoming handheld (turns out they ended up doing both - a bunch of assets went to the next PSP version, whole enchilada went to 3DS).  It was so obvious what the plan was before this stuff played out, how can you be confused about it afterwards?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 03, 2012, 03:58:12 PM
It went to Wii so they could port the game to PSP or Nintendo's upcoming handheld (turns out they ended up doing both - a bunch of assets went to the next PSP version, whole enchilada went to 3DS).  It was so obvious what the plan was before this stuff played out, how can you be confused about it afterwards?
Let's look at this

It was planned for Playstation 3.
Playstation 3 was floundering
Game gets moved to Wii
Nintendo sells very attractive bundles of the game + console
All while Capcom puts out a fuck load of software for the HD twins with far less sales potential than a MH game. (Which should tell you cost was not the biggest issue here)

It's pretty clear to me it's a combination of the PS3 bombing and Nintendo offering aggressive bundling and visibility that made them jump over. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 03, 2012, 04:04:06 PM
Honestly, I don't think Tri would've sold all that differently in Japan if it was on PS3. Hell, that crappy Portable 3rd port sold 300k, and that was a game 5 million people already played. Putting it on Wii just netted a better ROI given the lower dev costs and the ability to immediately flip those assets into handheld games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 03, 2012, 04:06:44 PM
Tri would have tanked on PS3, well not tanked but wouldnt have sold as well as it did on Wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on May 03, 2012, 04:17:56 PM
It went to Wii so they could port the game to PSP or Nintendo's upcoming handheld (turns out they ended up doing both - a bunch of assets went to the next PSP version, whole enchilada went to 3DS).  It was so obvious what the plan was before this stuff played out, how can you be confused about it afterwards?
Let's look at this

It was planned for Playstation 3.
Playstation 3 was floundering
Game gets moved to Wii
Nintendo sells very attractive bundles of the game + console
All while Capcom puts out a fuck load of software for the HD twins with far less sales potential than a MH game. (Which should tell you cost was not the biggest issue here)

It's pretty clear to me it's a combination of the PS3 bombing and Nintendo offering aggressive bundling and visibility that made them jump over.

There was zero point in putting it on PS3, but they also didn't expect the monster sales of the PSP versions on the Wii.  They put it on Wii so they could comfortably port it like they did the PS2 versions.  Your line of reasoning simply piles on additional factors that almost go without saying - the success of the portable versions is very obviously the dominant and overriding one.  Come on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 04:23:36 PM
All I know is that I liked Tri and hope Tri G comes soon. :spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 03, 2012, 04:39:18 PM
There was zero point in putting it on PS3, but they also didn't expect the monster sales of the PSP versions on the Wii.  They put it on Wii so they could comfortably port it like they did the PS2 versions.  Your line of reasoning simply piles on additional factors that almost go without saying - the success of the portable versions is very obviously the dominant and overriding one.  Come on.
I'm saying the overriding factor here was Nintendo offering a better deal than Sony(In effect, they offered fuck all). Comfortable porting was just a very convenient and helpful bonus. Look at the case of Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes does this have more sales potential than Monster Hunter? I would say no. Why would they decide to port that to PS3 and not Monster Hunter Tri then? Nintendo must have offered a sweet ass deal to keep Tri on the Wii only, and we saw that by way of bundling and ads.

The first monster hunter on PSP was released in 2005 the second was released in 2007. Monster Hunter Tri came out in 2009. When they initially decided to make it an HD game they were already well aware of Monster Hunters portable sales potential. The PS3 tanking gave them cold feet and Nintendo gave them a get out of jail free card. If the PS3 took off, I have no doubt Tri would have lead on PS3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 03, 2012, 06:34:57 PM
I'm bigger than you'd think by looking at me.  :-* Unlike the Wii U's controller.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 03, 2012, 09:32:34 PM
Then why even upgrade from GameCube tech? 480p: good enough for me!

Yep it will force developers to create interesting content instead of relying on boring, stale HD assets for their next dudebro shooter.

Nintendo has done it again!

:bow Nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on May 03, 2012, 09:45:24 PM
haha, let me take it one further

<zipping sound>
Andrex : hold on .... this is never going to fit in my mouth.... can you come back in , say, 6 years?
<6 years pass>
Andrex : my mouth is wide and flappy from years of spouting rubbish - now i can take your cock on with no wo... wait what? It's gotten bigger? :( Do you have a dildo toy roughly the same as it was ? you do!!! oh that's excellent! This rubber toy substitute is more than enough "cock" for me.

:rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 04, 2012, 12:26:08 AM
as per Iwata: Capcom approached Nintendo about Monster Hunter + 3DS, not the other way round.
That actually makes the whole situation a bit more interesting - especially given they apparently went to Nintendo right after MH3rdP shipped.
This changes nothing I said :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 06, 2012, 02:29:25 PM
UK Blockbuster WiiU games list,probably fake

spoiler (click to show/hide)



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 06, 2012, 05:33:27 PM
Obviously fake, there's no Blockbusters anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Vertigo on May 06, 2012, 05:59:57 PM
Plenty of Blockbuster stores in the UK
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 06, 2012, 06:21:37 PM
:hyper shield pose

:hyper game party
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 06, 2012, 06:56:34 PM
I think like at least half of the games on that list are from Ubisoft.

Nintendo Quality (tm)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 06, 2012, 06:59:25 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 06, 2012, 07:09:55 PM
So it's basically the early Wii treatment: lazy ports, a handful of exclusive party games, and a sup par first party launch title
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 06, 2012, 07:15:10 PM
I wonder how many people will buy Ninja Gaiden 3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 06, 2012, 07:35:47 PM
DAMAGED CONSOLES :hyper :hyper :hyper
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 06, 2012, 08:23:13 PM
DAMAGED CONSOLES :hyper :hyper :hyper

i imagine a grandier games where giant robot made out of sega genesis and super nintendo and the like duke it out in grand style a-la virtua on

doesn't that sounds awesome? :smug

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 06, 2012, 09:17:06 PM
would lol if assassin's creed was a $60 port of the first game
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 06, 2012, 09:31:35 PM
ACIII: "So much whimsy in this one you don't need to have played the other games to understand what's going on" Edition
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 06, 2012, 09:37:49 PM
Formula One All Stars :lol

Wii U not even getting proper ports.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 06, 2012, 11:10:59 PM

It's probably Plants vs. Zombies.  I don't think they've milked the fuck out of the game to their satisfaction yet.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Enl on May 06, 2012, 11:51:23 PM
Monsters Party?

Could this be the long awaited Monster Party sequel I have always dreamed of?!?  :omg
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on May 07, 2012, 12:06:25 AM
So...uh, did we get any new spec details yet?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2012, 12:15:52 AM
So...uh, did we get any new spec details yet?

Why would we? Nintendo's upped their ninja army if common sense and dcharlie are to be believed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 07, 2012, 12:24:28 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 07, 2012, 12:49:59 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 07, 2012, 12:53:53 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 07, 2012, 12:55:04 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 07, 2012, 01:14:03 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 07, 2012, 04:00:49 AM
omg, the GAF WiiU thread. They're currently discussing - with much excitement - the possibility of playing Skyrim. In 2013
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 07, 2012, 04:37:40 AM
So a developer in Santa Monica has been showing off the Wii U version of their game to certain journalists in the area this week.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 07, 2012, 04:42:07 AM
omg, the GAF WiiU thread. They're currently discussing - with much excitement - the possibility of playing Skyrim. In 2013

omg, the GAF WiiU thread. They're currently discussing - with much excitement - the possibility of playing Skyrim. In 2013


There are no tards like nintards.

Is Bethesda even on board at all? I remember an Interview Todd Howard said our games "don't fit" on Nintendo systems. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 07, 2012, 06:45:50 AM
Would be funny if the port the Wii U wasn't of Skyrim but of Oblivion.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 07, 2012, 04:35:33 PM
This reeks of every Nintendo home console launch since the n64.

Dream Team!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 07, 2012, 04:39:30 PM
... i really should do something with
Have you shopped Reggie's head onto Ray Romano yet? Because that is the first thing I would do if I owned such a domain. 8)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 07, 2012, 04:42:09 PM
I want this
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2012, 08:34:15 PM
Latest GAF-originated rumor is that Nintendo's replaced the sliders with clicky sticks, however that sounds like fanboy wishing to me so I don't really buy it. I guess it's possible, though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 07, 2012, 10:22:52 PM
reading that Wii U thread i have one concern : is it possible to die of deja vu?

I'm expecting a RED STEEL announcement any day now
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 07, 2012, 10:59:13 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 07, 2012, 11:14:17 PM
Why n earth would you buy a pc game on a console?  :/
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 01:05:59 AM

Games from third parties

2005 called. They wanted their buzz words back.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 01:45:28 AM
Gamasutra: I know it's under wraps, but you guys are probably feeling pretty okay about Unreal Engine 4.

Tim Sweeney: Yeah, we're starting a behind-closed-doors showing of the engine to developers; this is part of our very early ramp-up cycle. We went through this cycle with Unreal Engine 3 starting in 2003 and 2004. At some point we'll make public announcements and ramp up to the point where developers are shipping games, but it's very early right now. We're aiming very high, and the intended platforms this is aimed at haven't even been announced.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 08, 2012, 03:08:53 AM

That would be a system seller for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 07:34:47 AM
Gamasutra: I know it's under wraps, but you guys are probably feeling pretty okay about Unreal Engine 4.

Tim Sweeney: Yeah, we're starting a behind-closed-doors showing of the engine to developers; this is part of our very early ramp-up cycle. We went through this cycle with Unreal Engine 3 starting in 2003 and 2004. At some point we'll make public announcements and ramp up to the point where developers are shipping games, but it's very early right now. We're aiming very high, and the intended platforms this is aimed at haven't even been announced.

You mean Nintendo making an underpowered piece of crap will once again bite those in the ass who think they're going to get third party support? Why I never ...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 08:44:14 AM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 08, 2012, 08:48:34 AM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.
Why are you doing this?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 08:50:42 AM
Doing what?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: The Sceneman on May 08, 2012, 08:52:19 AM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 08, 2012, 08:55:02 AM
Doing what?
Pinning your hopes/expectations on the word of ShockingAlberto.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 08, 2012, 09:08:19 AM
Doing what?
Pinning your hopes/expectations on the word of ShockingAlberto.

I was going to say offering his bunghole up to Van Cruncheon for the world's easiest buggering, but that works too.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 09:10:12 AM
Doing what?
Pinning your hopes/expectations on the word of ShockingAlberto.

??? ShockingAlberto is crushing dreams, more than anything.

Besides that people were complaining there wasn't any hardware news lately, I clearly outlined who it came from, it's up to you to take it or leave it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 08, 2012, 09:39:32 AM
Latest GAF-originated rumor is that Nintendo's replaced the sliders with clicky sticks, however that sounds like fanboy wishing to me so I don't really buy it. I guess it's possible, though.

Would be great if true.  I understand sliders on the 3DS and PSP, for compactness and w/e.  Don't know why they'd be on a console controller when they're so much worse than analog sticks.  And for the sake of parity, Nintendo really should just include clickable sticks and analog triggers.  If Vita ever gets video games, it might run into input mapping problems.

but yeah, rumors.  problem is you tend to believe the rumors you want to believe.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 10:07:21 AM
people were mostly impressed by some lighting UE4 shit at GDC...toothfairy info

some kind of realtime GI

I recon that requires a shitload of gpu power

if WiiU doesn't match min specs---unreal engine 3 for u
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 10:26:45 AM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.

So basically Nintendo is going to have to hope Sony doesn't debut some stupid tablet controller at E3 for release this year.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 10:27:54 AM
"realtime GI" is a PR/ marketing term being thrown around even this gen. I will belive realtime global illumination when I see it on PS4/ Xbox 720 with Kinect 2.0.

Currently even super high-end PCs running tech demos with REAL realtime GI show only some balls bouncing around in empty room @ 20 fps.

Nowhere near real outdoor game (think Quake 1 vs Just Cause 2).


The only question is how good is their approximation and how much "power" it needs to run in real time.

If Epic sets the bar on PS4/720,though luck Nfans.But on the other hand TV tech is at 720p/1080p so that gives some room to maneuver.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 10:42:05 AM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.

So basically Nintendo is going to have to hope Sony doesn't debut some stupid tablet controller at E3 for release this year.

Sony's sunk pretty low before but I don't think they'd go that far, nor do I even think they have the ability to do it at this point. If they did, games support would be abysmal, although that's nothing new for them (hardy har har.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 10:52:44 AM
Well,there is some rumor about some controller surprise(but for PS4).

Can you imagine the shitstorm when Darksiders 2 and all the other 3rd party games come out on the Wii U and have aliasing problems, framerate problems and sub-HD issues?

nfans, so far, think every PS360 port on the Wii U will be void of those issues :lol

crazy people

Not even PC gets console ports without problems.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 08, 2012, 11:04:33 AM
if sony was going with a tablet controller, it would benefit both the wii u and ps4.  people get too pissy and selective about companies copying ideas.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 08, 2012, 11:25:06 AM
Dont they already have that theoretical setup with Vita as a makeshift Tablet though?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 11:32:06 AM
Dont they already have that theoretical setup with Vita as a makeshift Tablet though?

Just like Nintendo and the GBA. Doesn't really make a difference if it isn't standard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 08, 2012, 11:35:22 AM
^While that is true, they could still port the tablet features over as an option and leave the rest of the game vanilla for those without a Vita.

Where is the value of that I hear you say? Sony would probably market the hell out of it to get more Vitas sold(and hence, more exposure for the publisher).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 12:00:56 PM
Vita is $250 controller though the moment
And what about lag,freezing,not working with every game,etc?

WiiU must be free of those issues because tablet will be packed with every console.

Maybe for PS4,there is some rumor about Sony changing some Vita thing at the last minute/PS4 related.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 08, 2012, 12:16:54 PM
I wouldn't put it Sony to require both versions of the same game.  Don't worry, there will be bundle for $79. value!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 12:21:17 PM
Sony would probably have to take a big loss on doing a PS3+Vita bundle to make it worthwhile to anyone. They could see it working because it means you're selling 2 platforms into every household, but I don't think they're in a position financially to take that risk. That said, it is a move I'd expect from a desperate company, and that kind of describes Sony right now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 08, 2012, 12:24:01 PM
It would be absolutely hilarious if Sony did that at E3/TGS just to counter WiiU."Oh look,we have the same thing as competition,we will not be left behind"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 12:29:35 PM
It would be absolutely hilarious if Sony did that at E3/TGS just to counter WiiU."Oh look,we have the same thing as competition,we will not be left behind"

If that bundle somehow existed, and was within the Wii U's price range I honestly don't know why anyone would buy a Wii U outside of Nintendo fans.

I'm also the same person who thought Sony should've launched PlayStation Move for PS2 years ago to sweep the Wii's leg since they shared so much software anyways, but of course that didn't happen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 12:32:51 PM
I'm pretty sure the next Xbox is going to have a tablet.  Pretty, pretty sure.

That's fine, as long as Sony doesn't do it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 12:38:03 PM
If Microsoft does it, and Nintendo does it. Why would you think Sony wouldn't? Sony's not the most innovative company, they're more so iterative, which is good since their execution of things is generally a lot better than the competition (talking tech wise here) but that leaves them LTTP on a lot of things. I doubt they'll want to stay LTTP here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 12:44:06 PM
NO. SONY. :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 08, 2012, 01:07:53 PM
is this a nintendo grudge or a sega one?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on May 08, 2012, 01:10:21 PM
It's a Google grudge.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 08, 2012, 01:27:25 PM
It's a Google grudge.

On the Google side Sony's actually pretty cool. Make pretty looking phones with good cameras, and their Google TV... TVs were a pretty great deal when they came out. Shame Sony may axe that division altogether... Would rather they get out of gaming.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 08, 2012, 01:52:15 PM
Can you imagine the shitstorm when Darksiders 2 and all the other 3rd party games come out on the Wii U and have aliasing problems, framerate problems and sub-HD issues?

nfans, so far, think every PS360 port on the Wii U will be void of those issues :lol

not to sounds like an ntard but i don't know why people worry so much about the graphix,i'm much more worried about what the heck all those japanese developer are going to do,they had budget problem with hd titles and sucky result on the wii,so what happens when now there is a console that combine the two and the alternative gives them even bigger budget problem?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 08, 2012, 02:52:18 PM
not to sounds like an ntard but i don't know why people worry so much about the graphix,i'm much more worried about what the heck all those japanese developer are going to do,they had budget problem with hd titles and sucky result on the wii,so what happens when now there is a console that combine the two and the alternative gives them even bigger budget problem?
Learn better workflow techniques and standards so they don't end up spending 6 years on a game that takes the west 2 years?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 08, 2012, 03:25:38 PM
Hey now, adding that much WHIMSY takes 4 years
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 08, 2012, 04:34:39 PM
Learn better workflow techniques and standards so they don't end up spending 6 years on a game that takes the west 2 years?

what? japan is already doing lame shooting game,haven't you seen binary domain? :spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 08, 2012, 07:14:42 PM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.

We really need a :smh emoticon badly.  This post is disgraceful.

Johnny Nightfraud never forget.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 08, 2012, 07:36:45 PM
It's a Google grudge.

On the Google side Sony's actually pretty cool. Make pretty looking phones with good cameras, and their Google TV... TVs were a pretty great deal when they came out. Shame Sony may axe that division altogether... Would rather they get out of gaming.

Gaming actually resembles something akin to profit for Sony. They also have the most versatile display of first party might. Why would you want that axed for a decade long money sink that has seen Sony being upstaged by the South Koreans?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 08, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
ShockingAlberto's basically said although Wii U is "easily" better than the two current HD twins ("by a country mile" were his exact words), the "generational leap doesn't apply to it." Likened the gap between Wii U and PS4/720 to "Witcher 2 on low settings" versus on high settings, and likened the gap between Wii U and PS3/360 to Xbox versus PS2.

We really need a :smh emoticon badly.  This post is disgraceful.

Johnny Nightfraud never forget.

I found this one (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 08, 2012, 08:58:07 PM
Whenever I see "smh" I imagine a guy facepalming while doing so
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 09, 2012, 05:56:55 AM
I sometimes imagine "smh" as "so much hate" and picture a very angry man
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on May 09, 2012, 07:11:59 AM
Gaming actually resembles something akin to profit for Sony. They also have the most versatile display of first party might.

As in "might release a game every 6 years or so"  ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 09, 2012, 09:40:37 AM
I am really glad Sony got rid of the resistance team.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 09, 2012, 09:47:36 AM
Gaming actually resembles something akin to profit for Sony. They also have the most versatile display of first party might.

As in "might release a game every 6 years or so"  ;)

  :lol No, just SCEJ.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 09, 2012, 09:51:04 AM
I am really glad Sony got rid of the resistance team.

Sony never owned Insomniac, and I get the feeling the latter will wish they were in the future.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on May 09, 2012, 11:31:50 AM
Well, their EA partners console game will fail. But their facebook games will save them!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 10, 2012, 12:17:04 PM
Well shit. Weeeoooo is getting an Avengers motion-control game.

It's all over, folks. Nintendo wins this round.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 11, 2012, 01:27:24 AM
Weeooooooo might be $300?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 11, 2012, 01:29:59 AM
Depends on the responses they get. Nintendo flat out said that the reason 3DS was $250 is because of surveys like that one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 11, 2012, 01:57:01 AM
I thought it was going to be $350. They could get away with it for the holiday season easily at least.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 11, 2012, 03:42:16 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 11, 2012, 03:47:26 AM
0 - Fuck off
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 11, 2012, 04:11:12 AM
I literally cannot wait for next month when it's confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that the WiiU is barely stronger than a PS3. Just to see the collective Ntard hivemind move the goal posts from "it's going to be twice as powerful as current systems, and competitive with next gen ones!" to "well regardless of whether it's as strong as a PS3 or a PS4, at least I get to play Mario in HD"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 11, 2012, 04:50:30 AM

So it's a lower res iPad with 1/100th the functionality?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 11, 2012, 05:22:12 AM

So it's a lower res iPad with 1/100th the functionality?

Pretty much.  A 50 dollar version of the ipad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 11, 2012, 05:37:09 AM
Not sold separately.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 11, 2012, 06:05:30 AM
That you cannot buy without a white PS3.

What do you mean?  I am confused.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on May 11, 2012, 06:47:38 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 11, 2012, 07:07:29 AM
Wii U is white and has PS3-level tech inside :|

So why just not say 360 thats white and has ps3 level tech?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 11, 2012, 07:55:09 AM
what the hell kind of jacket is that, it looks like it has three or four hoods and a partial cape
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 11, 2012, 08:13:42 AM
I literally cannot wait for next month when it's confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that the WiiU is barely stronger than a PS3. Just to see the collective Ntard hivemind move the goal posts from "it's going to be twice as powerful as current systems, and competitive with next gen ones!" to "well regardless of whether it's as strong as a PS3 or a PS4, at least I get to play Mario in HD"

you joke but that latter statement is the only reason anyone is interested in the Wii U, myself included.  Although it would be nicer to see those Zelda and Mario games looking better than current consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 11, 2012, 08:32:02 AM
Well, their EA partners console game will fail. But their facebook games will save them!

Insomniac's games strike me as ones that were heavily aided by being published by a hardware manufacturer. Spyro probably would've just been another Gex, Ratchet would be dead, and Resistance would've been 1 game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 11, 2012, 08:52:05 AM
how would you, Link Zelda Gannon, design NEXT-GEN Mario? does Mario really need next-gen, bumpmapped, HDRed, motion blurred, DOF'd, stencil shadowed, bokeh filtered graphics?

Yes yes yes and more yes. The environments would look amazing.

As for Mario himself, I dunno, just use his Galaxy or Brawl model. It's pretty much how Mario should look. Maybe add more polys so his nose is a perfect sphere or something.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 11, 2012, 09:07:51 AM
if you are making a 2D mario game,make it 2D like rayman origins,if you are doing it 3D galaxy was just fine,no reason to use cellshading

i mean a good way to think about it would be to confront it with other cartoony like game on PS3/360 but this generation is full of lame super-realistic game because those are the one where you can show the polygons and the only one i can think off is ratchet & clank

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 11, 2012, 09:37:20 AM
Real talk:

how would you, Link Zelda Gannon, design NEXT-GEN Mario? does Mario really need next-gen, bumpmapped, HDRed, motion blurred, DOF'd, stencil shadowed, bokeh filtered graphics?

I do not want this kind of Mario (nor Zelda):


Cell shading seems like the only good idea, no?

Easy answer is "make it look like pixar film quality"

Sad how few examples of cartoon-y platformers we have.  As much as I like Banjo Nuts and Bolts I don't like the style they went for.  The second Ratchet game for PS3 (I'm completely blanking on the name) looks really nice.

As for Mario himself, I dunno, just use his Galaxy or Brawl model. It's pretty much how Mario should look. Maybe add more polys so his nose is a perfect sphere or something.

I haven't played Brawl in a while but I remember it looking slightly off with detailed overalls and stuff.  Galaxy looked great because of its simplicity, closer to the old art styles.  Sunshine looked nice too.

It's really the spin-offs (kart, party, sports), NSMB games, and Mario 3D Land that stick to the boring homogeneous look.  That's why I'm hoping whatever Mario for Wii U exists, there's some creative spark besides "we need a Mario on the Wii U."  Galaxy totally had that.

I have no idea what that would be. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 11, 2012, 11:30:31 AM
It'll never happen and it's a dumb idea to boot, but it could be cool if the entire game is one long continuous level with a logical flow between each themed area.  Like Jak and Daxter 1 mixed with Mario Galaxy (so it doesn't turn into a collectathon).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 11, 2012, 01:22:41 PM
So, someone bring me up to speed a little here. Do we have a pretty good idea of the tech inside the Wii U at this point, or are we still just at the "pick which dev offering vague tidbits you want to believe" stage. Because, reading this last page, it seems like people here are increasingly convinced that the leap over 2006's tech isn't going to be very substantial. I'm just curious as to how confident we are at that assessment at this point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 11, 2012, 01:37:32 PM
3 ducktaped 360s is my guess

3-5x stronger GPU
CPU--little faster or about the same,but backed with some Nintendo shit

Should be fine 720p machine
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 11, 2012, 01:46:12 PM

CPU--little faster or about the same,but backed with some Nintendo shit

Whimsy cores?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 11, 2012, 01:49:20 PM
yeah whimsy cores
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 11, 2012, 04:40:11 PM
Why is that man standing in traffic
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 11, 2012, 07:17:15 PM
oh god, the wii u hardware :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 11, 2012, 07:27:41 PM
the neogaf thread is gold, pure gold

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 11, 2012, 09:03:55 PM
Glad I've avoided that wall of shame.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 11, 2012, 09:07:23 PM
I wonder what I'd find on a top posters list for the Pokemon thread...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 11, 2012, 09:08:51 PM
Who the hell is HylianTom and why does he spam so much in all the speculation threads? Does he actually have something of worth to share?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 11, 2012, 09:15:10 PM
I wonder what I'd find on a top posters list for the Pokemon thread...

My badge of honor. :spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 11, 2012, 09:16:16 PM
I remember when I used  to spend a lot of time on HylianTom's zelda website, Nintendo Dojo, GC Cafe, etc. Oh man
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 12, 2012, 12:25:00 AM
I remember when I used  to spend a lot of time on HylianTom's zelda website, Nintendo Dojo, GC Cafe, etc. Oh man

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 12, 2012, 01:51:56 AM
E3 is going to be utterly amazing  ;)  :lol :lol

:maf :maf :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 12, 2012, 02:19:17 AM
Oh E3

Dear god please don't let me have to go

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 12, 2012, 03:21:29 AM
Oh E3

Dear god please don't let me have to go


What is it, five years running? You're the new guy, you have to go. ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Vertigo on May 12, 2012, 05:58:47 AM
I'm surprised the utterly obnoxious Acebandage is not higher on that list of shame.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on May 12, 2012, 07:02:52 AM
E3 is going to be utterly amazing  ;)  :lol :lol

oh god, the wii u hardware :lol

uh-oh.  a storm cloud forms over the land of the nintendo nerd. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 12, 2012, 08:23:41 AM
oh god, the wii u hardware :lol
It's sub-current HD gen twins, isn't it?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 12, 2012, 08:49:41 AM
Oh E3

Dear god please don't let me have to go

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on May 12, 2012, 08:58:55 AM
I would still go to E3 Sho Nuff, the other two might also reveal their hardware.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 12, 2012, 09:55:07 AM
It would be absolutely hilarious if one of the other two announced tablet like controller at E3...they had plenty of time to develop one

Sony:PS3 with a tablet controller!!!Coming this holiday!!!


gaf would crash in a second
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 12, 2012, 11:34:17 AM
It would be funny at E3.

Nfans are not a very forgiving bunch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 12, 2012, 12:29:22 PM
I still don't get why that's a bad thing  :-\

A second screen for consoles/PC could be great, and unless Nintendo changed a lot from E3, there's a lot of room for improvement.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 12, 2012, 02:03:25 PM
And I'll have a far better time sitting at home watching it unfold on my screen as I swig beer
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 12, 2012, 02:46:52 PM
It would only be cool if that MS/Sony tablet was super powerful and actually WAS the console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 12, 2012, 02:57:55 PM
I hope MS's conference is as bad as it sounds. It'll help with the depression that'll be inflicted on me after Sony's...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 13, 2012, 03:50:43 AM
Internet Explorer,now on Xbox


It would only be cool if that MS/Sony tablet was super powerful and actually WAS the console.

or console(powerful base station) + portable tablet(for XBLA like games at least)

Sony should've done that with Vita/PS4.Everything seems to be going into "needs touchscreen(tablet)" direction,so why not go a step further?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on May 13, 2012, 07:38:40 AM
He downloaded Steamgaf.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 13, 2012, 10:28:37 AM
I hotlinked it from some Ntard
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 14, 2012, 04:05:41 AM
I hope MS's conference is as bad as it sounds. It'll help with the depression that'll be inflicted on me after Sony's...

There is some hope for you

Pachter says that Sony conf is gaming oriented.Vita has one unannounced title he is interested in...

He saw everything(under NDA).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 14, 2012, 07:56:26 AM
It's Pachter so it's probably Madden, Call of Duty, Ass Creed: Made by Ubisoft Sofia or some other junk.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 14, 2012, 11:16:25 AM
And I'll have a far better time sitting at home watching it unfold on my screen as I swig beer

Come on over to my place, we'll drink in the beer cellar. Bring Prole and MAF with.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 15, 2012, 11:46:15 AM
This sounds like the best idea ever
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 15, 2012, 05:35:47 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on May 19, 2012, 04:45:49 PM
Expectations for this thing are so low that people are freaking out that Nintendo added sticks to the wii u controller instead of circle pads.   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2012, 05:40:01 PM
Umm that's actually fairly big news and one of the biggest things people were pissing on the controller for.

It's nice to get what you wanted sometimes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on May 19, 2012, 06:00:25 PM

So it's a lower res iPad with 1/100th the functionality?


while little kids ask for ipads now, by next christmas they'll be getting wiius to play their licensed games on and carrying around their tablets just like mommy and daddy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 19, 2012, 06:00:49 PM
It's also nice to see so many nintards who defended the sliders pull a 180.

fanthings :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 19, 2012, 06:09:50 PM
Woah woah woah, time the fuck out.  Fuck the sticks, the + and - buttons got moved.   This is actually a huge relief for me because when I first saw the wii u pad I was kinda dismayed it would suck for virtual console because the start and select buttons were out of reach.  This makes games like super metroid and link to the past annoying to play.  But they changed it.  Motherfucking Megaton.

edit: It does kinda look less... kewl now.  A little cludgy.  But I've been holding back on some of my VC catalogue because the ccpro sucks diseased asshole and I'll take this happily.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 19, 2012, 06:29:00 PM
Apparently they renigged or something
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on May 19, 2012, 06:37:51 PM
Analog circle pads are better for a thing with a flat back, sticks are better for something with grips, latter is superior.

That Starfox/Metroid thing has to be a joke, but I do wonder if it was cooked up to find out the source of a leak as opposed to just being completely made up shit by some nobody.

EDIT: Oh god I have a psychic link with Andrex:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 19, 2012, 06:42:53 PM
I would prefer circle pads if they didn't have a noticeable deadzone like the 3ds does.  Like, I prefer the look of the old wii u pad because nothing seems to stick out too far.  Its looks less elegant now.  I think this was about Nintendo achieving control parity by having clickable sticks.  Hopefully this means they're really going to try and not be super obstinate this time about feedback and this will extend to most facets of the system, including the online infrastructure and whatnot.  Man, over 2 weeks. :/
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 19, 2012, 07:09:58 PM
Man, if I worked for a studio I'd tell Paul Gale absolutely nothing. Dude's a freaking leaky boat.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 19, 2012, 07:27:24 PM
Some nda lifting soon? (2 days)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2012, 08:04:26 PM
As EmCee said, this is significant mostly because it's a fairly major change almost entirely based on input from third party (FPS/western) devs who probably told Nintendo:

"WTF are you thinking with circle pads??"

"Well like EmCee said on The Bore, they look better and they're better for for parity with 3DS..."

"If you don't change it then we're passing on your console AGAIN bitches."

"Fine fine, we changed it."

"WTF is this shit?"

"Oh for... what now?"

"The fricking sticks aren't clicky!"

"We've never had clicky sticks."

"Fuck that shit and your shitty ass console."


Apparently they renigged or something

So the new controller is smaller, thinner, and sleeker, the controls (sticks and start/select) are better positioned. Seems win/win to me. I don't think it looks worse, either. Less symmetrical, sure. But none of Nintendo's controllers since the SNES have been that symmetrical. Least of all the Wii's.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2012, 08:06:27 PM
while little kids ask for ipads now, by next christmas...


What does this mean?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 19, 2012, 08:07:51 PM
It means you shouldn't have quoted that post.

omae wa mo shindeiru
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 19, 2012, 08:12:29 PM
It means he knows for sure another console manufacturer is releasing something by next christmas, probably with a tablet controller.  He's been really itchy about the hinty lately.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 19, 2012, 08:18:23 PM
And now he edited it out. I think the icons are conspiring again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2012, 08:32:48 PM
It means he knows for sure another console manufacturer is releasing something by next christmas, probably with a tablet controller.  He's been really itchy about the hinty lately.

But will it have Monster Hunter at launch? That's the question we must ask ourselves.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2012, 08:35:50 PM
Analog circle pads are better for a thing with a flat back, sticks are better for something with grips, latter is superior.

Seems they did add grips too:


EDIT: Oh god I have a psychic link with Andrex:

Stop thinking about that girl so much, it's distracting.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 20, 2012, 04:54:56 AM
believe in Oscar

Question: why would MS go the tablet route if they have Kinect tech? Wandless motion controls seem nextgen compared to touchscreens.

Better question is why not?

And what makes you think that Kinect 2.0 won't be there too?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 20, 2012, 06:54:04 AM
I thought the staggered release would be the case with the Wii, but it turned out to be around a month difference. Moving back to that would be an interesting decision.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 20, 2012, 10:40:10 AM
When was the last time a Nintendo console had a staggered (>1 month) launch? Honest question.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on May 20, 2012, 10:49:56 AM
(IMO tablets are a step back from motion tech).

lawlz no
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 20, 2012, 11:46:15 AM
No one can be murdered for my saying so, and I already did say so, so I'm going to say it again:

Microsoft is testing/planning a tablet for the next Xbox.  Right now.

The sad part will be watching the Microsoft employees shill for it here like they did the Windows Phone and Zune HD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on May 20, 2012, 12:01:56 PM
So which one of you is this guy?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 20, 2012, 12:06:50 PM
You can always blame Apple for making tablets popular.Good thing for Nintendo,two tablet platforms=more support.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 20, 2012, 12:12:33 PM
I understand this perfectly. Question was why take a step back (IMO tablets are a step back from motion tech).
For me motion tech was and is the antithesis of what I want out of gaming, so any move away from that is positive. After a day working the last thing I want is to be saddled with shit like motion calibration, wrist flicks, dodgy movement detection and anything that possibly needs further interaction than sitting down and playing.

The tablet at least doesn't have you toying with sensor bars and wondering if your next unregistered flick will launch you into a frustrated rage. There is no reason it should not just work out the box. Ideally though I would want them to have a traditional controller as the basis of input to the console.

Going the Dreamcast/Rock Band route is the best way forward for me. Have lowish cost peripherals on a per game/series basis. It would guarantee that the peripheral is suited to the game and not tacked on like motion, plus the rest of the console's library wont be plagued by gimmicky shit it doesn't need.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 20, 2012, 12:52:20 PM
I thought the staggered release would be the case with the Wii, but it turned out to be around a month difference. Moving back to that would be an interesting decision.

I might be going crazy but i seem to think i got my US machine before my japanese machine ... ?

North America was November 19th, Japan was December 2nd.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 20, 2012, 01:42:08 PM
Kinect has some bullshit Kinect tuner where you have to calibrate by moving forward, backwards, sideways and standing still then till some magical rage bar fills up.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 20, 2012, 03:09:16 PM
I'm confident the WiiU will release worldwide before the year is over.  They need the holiday shopping season and as much of a headstart as possible before Microsoft can release their successor.  Its not like they WONT have super mario bros mii at launch either.  The new super mario bros series is all about level design and not pushing tech to new horizons or anything like that.  I'd wager its mostly done by this point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 21, 2012, 10:09:35 AM
Mr. Pachter has changed its tune

WiiU=will do fine

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 21, 2012, 10:34:17 AM
Mr. Pachter has changed its tune

WiiU=will do fine


:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on May 21, 2012, 11:06:12 AM
Aliens: CM delayed to Feb 2013.

Clue of the launch date of WiiU or just the death of interest in this game by Nfans?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 21, 2012, 12:18:38 PM
"will wait for superior console version"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 21, 2012, 03:40:01 PM
Actually, it seems only the PS3, 360, and PC versions are delayed.  People are speculating that it'll be a timed exclusive for Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on May 21, 2012, 04:56:17 PM
Aliens: CM delayed to Feb 2013.

Clue of the launch date of WiiU or just the death of interest in this game by Nfans?


you'll be seeing a lot of "how can the machine be delayed when they never announced a launch date!?"


speculating that it'll be a timed exclusive for Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 22, 2012, 05:45:08 PM
I'd love for it to be $449, for the spin.

Too bad it won't be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 22, 2012, 05:48:12 PM
I'd be okay with those rumors.  But they won't be true.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 22, 2012, 06:48:50 PM
Time for the ol' ninfag dream Wii U rumour mill:

Nintendo is set to detail its plans for the next-gen Wii U console at E3 in a couple of weeks, but a developer may have beaten the platform-holder to it, with an Italian forum poster claiming to be a developer at Ubisoft Milan alleging a huge number of details about the upcoming console.

Chief among the list - which should be considered rumour at this point - are Ubisoft's plans for Wii U games, Unreal Engine 4/DX11 compatability, release date and hardware specs - check out the translated bullet points below:

- Wii U supports DirectX 11 and is already running Unreal Engine 4
- Wii U will support to touch-screen controllers
- The console has 2GB of RAM, 560MB dedicated to the OS
- The launch date will be 23 November
- Launch price hasn't been decided but will be between $350 - $450 (£220 - £285)
- Rayman Legends, The Avengers, Assassin's Creed 3, Just Dance 4 are all on Ubisoft's Wii U schedule, with Killer Freaks from Outer Space set to arrive weeks after launch.
- There are currently multiple versions of the console with developers
- Graphics are powered by the Radeon HD 6770 chipset
- Assassin's Creed 3 will run at 60fps at 1080p, compared to 720p on PS3 and Xbox 360
- Wii U will come with pre-installed software
- Crytek, EA and Valve are all working on Wii U
- Valve are working on a digital distribution platform and Portal ports
- Wii U will support achievements
- Wii U's UI will be customisable
- The new button has some link to the Wii Vitality Sensor
- The trigger buttons won't be analogue
Bear in mind, all of the above is pure speculation - some of which we've heard before - and details could have been lost in translation.

Italian forum poster :lol

MAGUS? :rofl

alas i don't work at ubi but if i saw the original thread i could check if the translation is right
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 22, 2012, 06:51:50 PM
I strongly believe the above is bullshit

Nintendo has no reason to put anything above 1GB of RAM in there

But don't stop believin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 22, 2012, 06:54:49 PM
It's likely to be 1.5 GB IMO. But I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed at 1 GB.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Bildi on May 22, 2012, 07:23:18 PM
It's sad that a lot of things on that list would be ho-hum news or taken for granted if it related to the next Xbox or the PS4.  :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on May 22, 2012, 09:28:15 PM
How the fuck does a videogame console OS take up 1/4 of the available RAM?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 22, 2012, 09:32:03 PM
- Wii U supports DirectX 11 and is already running Unreal Engine 4

DX11 on 2006 tech ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 22, 2012, 09:35:10 PM
How the fuck does a videogame console OS take up 1/4 of the available RAM?

Japan  :P

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Vita uses half it's ram for it's OS smh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 22, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
- Wii U supports DirectX 11 and is already running Unreal Engine 4

DX11 on 2006 tech ???

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 22, 2012, 10:00:01 PM

- Assassin's Creed 3 will run at 60fps at 1080p, compared to 720p on PS3 and Xbox 360

None of the AC series has run above 30fps yet.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 22, 2012, 10:07:49 PM
it's not a 6770, i can tell you that :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 22, 2012, 11:03:53 PM
it's not a 6770, i can tell you that :lol
oh boy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 22, 2012, 11:58:53 PM
Yeah, that stuff doesn't match up with what I've heard.  At all.

Can I take a wild guess and you tell me how far off I am? Hot-warm-cold would be enough.

- 1.5 GB RAM
- 16 GB flash memory
- 3-4 GHz clocked CPU
- USB 3.0 support :hyper
- Shaders? ??? Instead of the <insert any previous Nintendo system since 2000 here> way of having it all fixed function.
- No firm price yet, but likely around $300
- No firm date yet
- Clicky sticks
- Two UPads max during gameplay

I'm kinda clueless when it comes to vid cards but I think it's likely the Radeon HD 6770 comparisons are apt, if not somewhat misleading since comparing raw consoles to PC's is FUBAR.

This is the picture I have based on wild GAF rumors tempered with my own awesome wisdom and insight.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 23, 2012, 04:47:40 AM
Same dude posted Ass Creed 3 for Vita and apparently there is something burning under that rock.

probably a lucky guess
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 23, 2012, 04:53:35 AM
Watch it be closer to my 5770
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 23, 2012, 05:04:04 AM
Watch it be closer to my 5770

I think you mean 5650
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 23, 2012, 05:05:21 AM
Same dude posted Ass Creed 3 for Vita and apparently there is something burning under that rock.

what does it mean ???

Something Ass Creed 3 related(or Ass Creed 3) is coming to Vita.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 23, 2012, 05:20:31 AM
probably some crappy spinoff then,at best
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 08:04:45 AM
I'm fairly certain we heard AC for Vita was being done by Ubisoft Sofia. If it was getting a port of AC3 I imagine Montreal would do that, no?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 23, 2012, 11:56:54 AM

One developer working on Wii U, who wished to remain anonymous, told Eurogamer Wii U ports will at best look as good as PS3 and Xbox 360 games. However, he indicated gamers will only see its true graphics capabilities with games built from the ground up for Wii U later in its life cycle.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 12:20:22 PM
Probably not far from the truth, the system has to contend with the extra display.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 23, 2012, 03:04:28 PM
I can't wait to pay top dollar for something slightly better than 5-year-old technology

Oh wait
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 03:10:08 PM
I can't wait to pay top dollar for something slightly better than 5-year-old technology

Oh wait

:lol "Top dollar."

It's going to cost around the same as the PS3 and 360... Which still range from $250 ( to $420 ( (4GB 360 tard SKU not included), remember. Although that's more of Sony/MS being idiots when it comes to prices this late in the gen.

Then again, they may drop the prices last minute just to try and hurt the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 23, 2012, 03:17:04 PM
barebones 360 is $200, I think.

if anything the Wii U will take a page from the 360, Vita, and Wii to keep costs down.  no hard drive or any amenities included.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 03:23:51 PM
Nah, it'll have at least 16 GB of flash memory, if not 32. They're going to put full retail games on the eShop, and relative to the Vita the 3DS had a good amount of storage (2GB built in, 2 GB SD card bundled with every system.) This is the one area I doubt they'll be extremely skimpy with; the Wii's storage bit them in the ass, hard, and the 3DS shows they learned from that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 23, 2012, 04:15:36 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 23, 2012, 04:32:37 PM
I'll buy that at a low price

For me, $349 is all I'm willing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 04:38:00 PM
Nah, it'll have at least 16 GB of flash memory, if not 32. They're going to put full retail games on the eShop, and relative to the Vita the 3DS had a good amount of storage (2GB built in, 2 GB SD card bundled with every system.) This is the one area I doubt they'll be extremely skimpy with; the Wii's storage bit them in the ass, hard, and the 3DS shows they learned from that.

Yes, Nintendo really learned the importance of an online marketplace, which is why they launched a platform in 2011 without one until 3 months later.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 04:42:12 PM
Nintendo really learned the importance of an online marketplace

Did I say this, douchenozzle?

Go back to paying $70 for a 4 GB SD card.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 04:48:24 PM
Nintendo really learned the importance of an online marketplace

Did I say this, douchenozzle?

You kind of did door knob:

Quote from: Andrex
Nah, it'll have at least 16 GB of flash memory, if not 32. They're going to put full retail games on the eShop, and relative to the Vita the 3DS had a good amount of storage (2GB built in, 2 GB SD card bundled with every system.) This is the one area I doubt they'll be extremely skimpy with; the Wii's storage bit them in the ass, hard, and the 3DS shows they learned from that.

Your argument for Wii U having a decently sized hard drive is due to the importance of Nintendo wanting to cultivate a decent online store. I'm arguing that this is the same company who took 3 months to even launch an online store on their last platform. Nintendo may say something is important to them, but their bumbling actions say otherwise.

Go back to paying $70 for a 4 GB SD card.

I actually only paid $180 or so for my Vita and a 32GB card on launch (I traded in a bunch of games). Thanks for wondering?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 05:24:00 PM
I didn't say they were cultivating a "decent online store" at all. Just stating a fact. Iwata has said retail games will be available digitally for Wii U on day one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 05:59:17 PM
I didn't say they were cultivating a "decent online store" at all. Just stating a fact. Iwata has said retail games will be available digitally for Wii U on day one.

You're arguing semantics at this point. Nintendo putting up retail games on eShop is a sign of them trying to improve their online presence, and build a decent web store. However, thinking Wii U will have a decent hard drive because Nintendo's doing something online is silly. They'll do whatever is cheapest for them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 06:20:58 PM
I would have been cheapest for them to not stuff 4 GB into 3DS boxes but they did it anyways. If anything, Sony's been cutting corners lately in their blind pursuit of POWAH.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 06:26:34 PM
Iwata has said retail games will be available digitally for Wii U on day one.

Nintendo's Gambit : break a promise or delay the console to 2041 when they finally get it working in an acceptable manner?

Supposedly it's gonna be ready for NSMB2 in August.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 06:29:36 PM
I would have been cheapest for them to not stuff 4 GB into 3DS boxes but they did it anyways. If anything, Sony's been cutting corners lately in their blind pursuit of POWAH.

I don't see how coming up with your own memory card format is cheap, but okay.

Also, my 3DS came with a 2GB SD Card.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 06:34:07 PM
That's what I meant. 2+2=4 in the box.

Also I didn't say it was cheap, that's the point. ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 23, 2012, 06:46:23 PM
That's what I meant. 2+2=4 in the box.

Also I didn't say it was cheap, that's the point. ???

I completely forgot the 3DS had non-SD storage. Whoops.

You said Sony's "been cutting corners" more so than Nintendo because of their lust to develop products not equivalent to others released 5 years prior. While over priced memory cards are a scammy way to make money, I wouldn't call it "cutting corners" given Sony actually had their own, older proprietary formats but chose to make something new. Why are we even talking Sony in this thread.

So like Pikmin guys.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 23, 2012, 08:01:05 PM
Andrex vs Takao::diarrhea vs vomit

Goku can kick Pikachu's ass, duder.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 08:06:08 PM
Andrex vs Takao::diarrhea vs vomit

Goku can kick Pikachu's ass, duder.

Barry can kick Ikki's whuss ass though.

Especially XERDNA!Barry.

That reminds me, I wanted to change my name here to Xerdna.

Supposedly it's gonna be ready for NSMB2 in August.

Wanna take a bet?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 23, 2012, 08:42:42 PM
Andrex vs Takao::diarrhea vs vomit

Goku can kick Pikachu's ass, duder.

Barry can kick Ikki's whuss ass though.

Especially XERDNA!Barry.

I have no idea what you're talking about/

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 09:29:58 PM
Andrex vs Takao::diarrhea vs vomit

Goku can kick Pikachu's ass, duder.

Barry can kick Ikki's whuss ass though.

Especially XERDNA!Barry.

I have no idea what you're talking about/


Of course you don't. That's the idea.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:06:04 PM
Yeah, that stuff doesn't match up with what I've heard.  At all.

Can I take a wild guess and you tell me how far off I am? Hot-warm-cold would be enough.

- 1.5 GB RAM
- 16 GB flash memory
- 3-4 GHz clocked CPU
- USB 3.0 support :hyper
- Shaders? ??? Instead of the <insert any previous Nintendo system since 2000 here> way of having it all fixed function.
- No firm price yet, but likely around $300
- No firm date yet
- Clicky sticks
- Two UPads max during gameplay

I'm kinda clueless when it comes to vid cards but I think it's likely the Radeon HD 6770 comparisons are apt, if not somewhat misleading since comparing raw consoles to PC's is FUBAR.

This is the picture I have based on wild GAF rumors tempered with my own awesome wisdom and insight.

fuck, dude, the 3DS PICA200 has shaders. and HAHA at "1.5 GB RAM"

they are using a slightly modified off-the-shelf radeon part. also, nintendo is cheap and likes low power draw. do the math.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:15:17 PM
i COULD name the exact part, but i'm pretty sure nintendo requested modifications to it since it has a different designation. probably some typical nintendo shit to feed fixed HLSL routines that mysteriously go undocumented for years
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:16:22 PM
and when the firmware is dumped, the symbols are prefixed with _WHIMSY
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:17:41 PM
basically, what i'm saying is NINTENDO IS A GIANT CORPORATE PIECE OF SHIT and when you actually TRUST them to do right by their partners and you, you become a colossal fanboy fuck

same for any company
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:18:47 PM
Gaming PC it is!

:bow master race :bow2

i hear amazing things about windows 8
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on May 23, 2012, 10:20:55 PM
Supposedly it's gonna be ready for NSMB2 in August.

What a fucking tune... I'm quite partial to the Libra mix ever since hearing it on Tiesto's legendary "Summerbreeze" comp.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 10:26:08 PM
Based on reports/rumors about the controller:

- Sticks instead of circle pads
- Sticks are clicky
- No octo-gate
- Analog triggers

99% this was due to feedback from a prominent western third party, maybe even just EA.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 23, 2012, 10:34:14 PM
Well at least the WiiU can play HL2 on max settings
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 23, 2012, 10:50:56 PM
that it can.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 11:00:17 PM
that it can.

Well what more could you want?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 23, 2012, 11:18:27 PM
half life 3, for one
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on May 23, 2012, 11:39:50 PM
Yeah, that stuff doesn't match up with what I've heard.  At all.

is it over or under?

Only one word is needed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2012, 11:56:07 PM
that it can.

Well what more could you want?

something a little more 2012 maybe? We're not all stuck in the past Andy.

I should have put a sarcasm tag.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on May 23, 2012, 11:58:09 PM
Omg, there are ntards on gaf who think the star fox x metroid crossover is a good idea
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 24, 2012, 12:12:54 AM
It's an idea, nothing more or less.

I'm personally vehemently against it, unless they somehow do the impossible and pull it off. A good game is a good game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 24, 2012, 12:27:52 AM
I could see, like, Star Fox and...I don't know, Mother or F-Zero.  Maybe even Donkey Kong.  Metroid needs to stay the fuck alone in its own universe, for chrissakes
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 24, 2012, 01:42:13 AM
Isn't F-Zero and Star Fox already connected? not sure about specifics.

Errr, I think Metroid and F-Zero were very extremely, loosely connected via one of the smash bros. games.  fuck that though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on May 24, 2012, 02:08:57 AM
Something is seriously wrong when I'm the lone voice of reason in keeping expectations of E3 in check in the Wii U Speculation thread on GAF.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 24, 2012, 02:46:28 AM
Something is seriously wrong when I'm the lone voice of reason in keeping expectations of E3 in check in the Wii U Speculation thread on GAF.

Distance yourself from them - they've got "madhypeitis"

No matter what Nintendo show at E3 that crowd is going to go "wooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooowwww!!!!!"

After E3, the entirety of the GAF Nintenthing army will be in defense and damage control mode till about January next year. Might as well route to null on your router for a few months
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 24, 2012, 02:57:56 AM
nah,that will be the fun part
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 24, 2012, 03:02:05 AM
Can't wait for the port beggers.

why you no make transformers super optimus prime time for wii u activision do you really want to hurt me do you really want to make me cry
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on May 24, 2012, 03:12:16 AM
nah,that will be the fun part
For me and you? Yes
For Andrex? Probably not
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 24, 2012, 04:41:35 AM
Isn't F-Zero and Star Fox already connected? not sure about specifics.

sorta,there is an ending on star fox command where fox and falco ends up being G-zero pilots (which is not exactly f-zero but the reference is pretty damn obvious)


one of f-zero character is also clearly inspired by fox father,they even share the same name


but yeah they should totaly make a game where you can play as c.falcon and falcon punch everything outside of the smash realm,personaly i love crossover and i wouldn't mind seeing this one,we had stupider one (*COFF COFF* SUPERMAN VS SUB-ZERO *COFF COFF*)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 26, 2012, 07:58:07 PM
The name is official!

Say it with me.....WeeeeeoOOOoOOoooOOooOoOoooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on May 26, 2012, 10:12:47 PM
Was there really any doubt that the name wasn't final?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on May 27, 2012, 02:08:26 AM
No real doubts. But when has a video game system ever been named and people loved it? They always suck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 27, 2012, 09:24:05 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on May 27, 2012, 10:12:34 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 27, 2012, 10:19:09 AM
No real doubts. But when has a video game system ever been named and people loved it? They always suck

the forthcoming "Xbox BBC"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on May 27, 2012, 10:20:04 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 27, 2012, 10:42:16 AM

dang i suddenly feel guilty for having watched this with the italian dub
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 28, 2012, 08:33:46 AM
Wouldnt the siren from Kill Bill be a good WiiU meme?

hmm, not how i remember it, exactly.  Almost fits though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 28, 2012, 10:23:10 AM
No real doubts. But when has a video game system ever been named and people loved it? They always suck

the forthcoming "Xbox BBC"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on May 29, 2012, 12:26:29 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 29, 2012, 12:29:34 AM
Here comes another Nintendo platform with no third party support.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 29, 2012, 12:33:52 AM
Looks like Nintendo will have to use non-traditional techniques again to achieve beautiful and whimsical art styles. Non issue. NEXT!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 29, 2012, 12:35:58 AM
I always thought whimsy as a term to describe Nintendo games is a thing from this forum, but I saw some guy on GAF refer to Wind Waker's water as "full of whimsy" when to me it looked like trash.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 29, 2012, 12:40:40 AM
Still think it'll have an okay library for the first couple of years. There won't be many games getting really nutty with next-gen tech for a while on PS4/720, just like no one really took advantage of the tech during the first years of 360/PS3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 29, 2012, 12:53:25 AM
Can't wait for Nintendo fans to smugly champion UE4 in 2018 when it's on the WiiUnext
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 29, 2012, 01:14:42 AM
It's not surprising (re: UE4).  Honestly, even if it did it wouldn't matter to me.

I figure if people here buy the Wii U it's going to be for Nintendo games.  Whether it's 360/PS3 level or higher, it's still huge leap from the PS2-era Nintendo had trapped themselves in.  I was playing Smash Bros Brawl recently and it's an incredible looking game; same with the other big Nintendo games like Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and DKCR.  I mean, the Zelda tech demo last year did nothing for me because it wasn't a video game or anything, but I'm eager to see what Nintendo will show.  tl;dr: low standard getting less low.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 29, 2012, 01:21:24 AM
expected news

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 29, 2012, 01:54:24 AM
It's not surprising (re: UE4).  Honestly, even if it did it wouldn't matter to me.

I figure if people here buy the Wii U it's going to be for Nintendo games.  Whether it's 360/PS3 level or higher, it's still huge leap from the PS2-era Nintendo had trapped themselves in.  I was playing Smash Bros Brawl recently and it's an incredible looking game; same with the other big Nintendo games like Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and DKCR.  I mean, the Zelda tech demo last year did nothing for me because it wasn't a video game or anything, but I'm eager to see what Nintendo will show.  tl;dr: low standard getting less low.

But isn't it sad this is something Nintendo fans are looking forward to? Talk about battered wife syndrome/low expectations
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on May 29, 2012, 02:23:15 AM
Funny thing is that UE4 is actually moving towards cheaper development costs.

/ninthing damage control is pretty hilarious

who cares
UE3 runs on mobile,UE4 WiiU incoming
lazy devs
Epic just needs to sacrifice few stuff

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on May 29, 2012, 11:59:38 AM
apparently metro last light was just cancelled for WiiU. ALREAYD LOSING GAMES  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 29, 2012, 12:04:20 PM
THQ's market value is like 40 million right now.  I don't think they can afford to release anything these days.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 29, 2012, 12:11:48 PM
Metro? Villages or towns are better. You can fish and play retro Nintendo games with animals.

THQ's market value is like 40 million right now.  I don't think they can afford to release anything these days.

Market cap? Total non-sequitur here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PM
Sup, forgot I had this account! :S

The only way Starfox and Metroid are in a Retro fusion saga together is if they've made Team Star Fox human imo. Making them human would potentially be a good idea as well, since it wouldn't completely suck seeing them out of the cockpit. The other possibility is making Metroid more cartoony, so it fits in with the furry stuff.. but that would be guaranteed terribleness.

Paul Gale is probably just full of shit though. It's way more out there than the TMNT rumour, but because, well, Nintendo - we seem to believe it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on May 29, 2012, 02:07:54 PM
That TMNT rumor was bull. Activision has the license to the franchise, Warner ain't going to let their Batman studio work for the competition on a property they have no stake in.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 29, 2012, 02:33:14 PM
Yeah... and Paul Gale himself admitted telling Rocksteady the TMNT idea himself. When the rumour came in to his site's mailbox later on, I guess he just thought they'd taken his awesome, unsolicited idea and made it into a game... I think that speaks to his credibility really. I'd love to see Metroid x Starfox for shits and giggles (mostly giggles), but I don't think it's happening.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 29, 2012, 03:29:39 PM
radioheadrule83 is good people. He's a 3DS bud whom I've exchanged doodle cocks with.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 29, 2012, 04:00:55 PM
Fellow sane Zelda fan!!!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 29, 2012, 05:53:24 PM
Borys, that's a very disconcerting welcome! Thanks :p

radioheadrule83 is good people. He's a 3DS bud whom I've exchanged doodle cocks with.

Shaka, added you from gaf I take it? Whats your nick over there? I had to sell the 3DS because I'm an idiot with money. I'll be getting another one soon (end of June) to resume said doodle cocking, cock doodling and what have you.  :tophat

Oh and hopefully for some New Legend of Zelda! :link
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 30, 2012, 01:35:43 AM
Shaka's jinfash RHR
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on May 30, 2012, 01:54:32 PM
I was just thinking that Warioware on Wii U could be pretty cool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 30, 2012, 02:26:13 PM
I was just thinking that Warioware on Wii U could be pretty cool

if they used the touch screens it would be like wario ware touched and if they used motion controls it would be like wario ware smooth moves,i can't imagine a game that combine the two that sounds like a good idea so that's option is no good either
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: magus on May 31, 2012, 05:34:06 AM
well if magoose can't think of anything, i'm sure the guys who make wario ware couldn't think of anything

after all, he's so very clever

their last game was "we ran out of idea so do it yourself" :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on June 02, 2012, 05:07:50 AM
IGN made some hugely scientific dev survey (
The next generation of consoles starts in 2013, if all goes according to developers’ plans. In an anonymous questionnaire, multiple industry professionals told IGN that they plan to release games for the next Microsoft and Sony consoles before January 1, 2014.

Multiple developers also intend to launch software for an unannounced platform next year.

The end is nigh.

To further signal the winding down of the current console generation, approximately 60% of respondents have no plans to release games for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or Nintendo Wii after 2013. Of course, this means some 40% intend to keep at current-gen releases after next year. To that point, an anonymous developer told IGN, “I would not be surprised if something atypical cannibalizes the market, maybe even the Xbox 360 itself.”

From a hardware perspective, nearly 80% of respondents said Microsoft’s next console is the easiest to work with, and the overwhelming majority suspect it will be the sales leader over the next five years.

The ease of use compared to other consoles is assuredly attractive, too. By comparison, 63% of developers who spoke to IGN said the Wii U would be the most challenging platform to develop for. One creator went as far as saying, “we won’t be working on Wii U due to these complexities,” while another lamented the difficulty of moving innovative games unique to Wii U to other platforms. This poses the question: Will Nintendo once again need to rely primarily on first-party games to propel platform success? At any rate, the Wii U’s 2012 release window gives it a distinct advantage: time.

This information is based on survey responses from 35 video game developers IGN trusts. Look for more information on next generation consoles at IGN soon.

History repeats?
Wait until Mario releases/userbase builds mode

This also kinda implies no tablet/weird stuff for nextxbox/PS4...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on June 02, 2012, 04:14:48 PM
I guess we might see some shit tomorrow. Kind of makes sense since the Wii U is supposed to be at the Ubisoft conference on Monday

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: ManaByte on June 02, 2012, 04:36:14 PM
So is it true that Nintendo isn't letting anyone air their press conference?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on June 02, 2012, 04:42:02 PM
So is it true that Nintendo isn't letting anyone air their press conference?

I don't think so. It's going to be on Spike TV and MTV2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on June 02, 2012, 04:47:12 PM

midnight in europe

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on June 02, 2012, 09:57:10 PM
People are (probably correctly) assuming it's just to highlight the controller update, NFC, and basic hardware features before the Ubisoft and EA conferences on Monday.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on June 03, 2012, 01:34:33 AM
I can't imagine this will have any ground breaking news.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on June 03, 2012, 01:41:09 AM
Ubisoft will have live demonstrations of WiiU games,i think.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on June 03, 2012, 08:28:26 AM
I can't imagine this will have any ground breaking news.

I don't think folks expect groundbreaking news, but definitely some more exploration of the hardware and probably the OS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 16, 2012, 09:59:33 PM
"Rayman Legends is a Wii U Exclusive" (








Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 16, 2012, 10:05:28 PM
Is Rayman this year?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 16, 2012, 10:06:21 PM
Is Rayman this year?


This and NSMBU will give some great multiplayer platform goodness right at the start of Wii U's life. Should be good.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 16, 2012, 10:09:05 PM
So they got rid of the crappy looking 3d on this huh?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 16, 2012, 10:15:52 PM
So they got rid of the crappy looking 3d on this huh?

Hard to tell. The leaked trailer for this had a dragon swoop in that was definitely 3D. I get the feeling the characters are 3D, they're just using a very intense shading style.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 17, 2012, 04:30:28 AM
Is Rayman this year?


This and NSMBU will give some great multiplayer platform goodness right at the start of Wii U's life. Should be good.

Andrex, let's be real here. You don't even own a 3DS yet, you ain't gonna own one of these until 2015.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 17, 2012, 07:21:53 AM
Ubisoft bullshots

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 17, 2012, 08:09:59 AM
Is Rayman this year?


This and NSMBU will give some great multiplayer platform goodness right at the start of Wii U's life. Should be good.

Andrex, let's be real here. You don't even own a 3DS yet, you ain't gonna own one of these until 2015.

Home consoles are a different game. I try to get them at launch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 17, 2012, 08:48:07 AM
Where are you PC gamers?

Playing Rayman Origins?

Where are you indie Steam games?

Working on a budget that's infinitely smaller?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 17, 2012, 09:13:41 AM
lol at people hyping Ubisoft bullshots

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 17, 2012, 09:30:43 AM
lol at people hyping Ubisoft bullshots


The trailer looks equally sweet, yo. No bullshots.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 17, 2012, 10:00:00 AM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 17, 2012, 10:25:11 AM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D

Watch da trailer.  :wag
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 02:20:44 PM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D

Watch da trailer.  :wag

It looks worse in the trailer, is this just ninthing overreaction over finally being "HD"?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on August 17, 2012, 02:32:39 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 17, 2012, 02:33:31 PM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D

Watch da trailer.  :wag

It looks worse in the trailer, is this just ninthing overreaction over finally being "HD"?

Nintards still think that Wii U is gonna be "next gen". :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on August 17, 2012, 02:37:22 PM
Oh look a game that would go for $5-$15 on a real console. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 17, 2012, 02:37:51 PM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D

Watch da trailer.  :wag

It looks worse in the trailer, is this just ninthing overreaction over finally being "HD"?

Is this the anti-Nintendo brigade downplaying how good this game looks? ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 02:44:57 PM
I don't doubt that this game will look great but,

Ubisoft always posts ubersampled bullshots,always.Not so successful here,I see jaggies  :D

Watch da trailer.  :wag

It looks worse in the trailer, is this just ninthing overreaction over finally being "HD"?

Is this the anti-Nintendo brigade downplaying how good this game looks? ::)

Why didn't you buy a  HD device 6 years ago  ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 17, 2012, 03:00:26 PM
I can't believe there is still debates about the power of this thing, it's a fucking 360 ntards :patel
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on August 17, 2012, 03:43:59 PM
Is this a real or timed exclusive?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 17, 2012, 03:49:27 PM
looks like I'm getting a wiiu at xmas.  The shame is great.  :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 17, 2012, 03:56:10 PM
Is this a real or timed exclusive?

Most likely timed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 17, 2012, 04:04:48 PM
I can't believe there is still debates about the power of this thing, it's a fucking 360 ntards :patel

Yeah...? And Legends looks good. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 04:31:13 PM
Hey Andrex does that controller abortion scream innovation to you, like your fellow Ninthings?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 17, 2012, 04:32:20 PM
Not talking about legends( I didn't even knew it was a different Rayman game until yesterday) just the Weeoooooo in general, one of it's launch killer apps looks worse than any other shooter coming out this winter and all the nintendo published titles look like fucking wii games smh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 17, 2012, 04:32:32 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 04:34:41 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

Take Prole with you :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on August 17, 2012, 04:40:27 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

omg so excited booking my flight from fl right now

spoiler (click to show/hide)
id rather go and steal your beer collection
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 17, 2012, 04:56:15 PM
Not talking about legends( I didn't even knew it was a different Rayman game until yesterday) just the Weeoooooo in general, one of it's launch killer apps looks worse than any other shooter coming out this winter and all the nintendo published titles look like fucking wii games smh.

You mean Zombie U?  I thought it looks great.  Not BF3 great but great nonetheless.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on August 17, 2012, 07:31:22 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

Take Prole with you :lol


and record it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 17, 2012, 07:36:09 PM
Not talking about legends( I didn't even knew it was a different Rayman game until yesterday) just the Weeoooooo in general, one of it's launch killer apps looks worse than any other shooter coming out this winter and all the nintendo published titles look like fucking wii games smh.

You mean Zombie U?  I thought it looks great.  Not BF3 great but great nonetheless.

It looks great for a 2007 game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 17, 2012, 07:39:26 PM
Not talking about legends( I didn't even knew it was a different Rayman game until yesterday) just the Weeoooooo in general, one of it's launch killer apps looks worse than any other shooter coming out this winter and all the nintendo published titles look like fucking wii games smh.

You mean Zombie U?  I thought it looks great.  Not BF3 great but great nonetheless.

It looks great for a 2007 game.

Looks much better than COD games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 17, 2012, 07:52:46 PM
Not really
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 17, 2012, 08:04:13 PM

You are telling me that CoD 5 looks better than Zombi U?  The textures alones kill it graphically.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 17, 2012, 08:14:24 PM
What the fuck is call of duty 5? I'm talking about Black Ops 2! and use the regular single player no the goddamn zombie mode.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on August 17, 2012, 08:43:32 PM
That's a CG trailer, fyi.  Real game looks fine but by no means great.  If this footage traveled through time and leaked in 2007, people would've assumed it's Condemned 2.

Zombiu sounds cool but forum people will oversell because it's a system exclusive.  Or knock, for similar reasons.  It and P100 are the only interesting Wii U games thus far.  Sounds like a dumbified single player DayZ with less abstract gamey parts.  It it was on a system I own, I'd check it out after it dropped to $15.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on August 17, 2012, 09:42:36 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

Take Prole with you :lol

Cruncheons on the road pls
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 17, 2012, 09:51:20 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wii u in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 17, 2012, 09:52:30 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

Take Prole with you :lol

Cruncheons on the road pls

Not since Howard Stern sent Wolfie to Bronycon has the potential been this great.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 09:52:46 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wii u in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

But will you have a scathing review on The Cruncheons?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 17, 2012, 09:59:35 PM
if the lovely mister gundam agrees to take me to the ninprom, yes!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 17, 2012, 10:02:28 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wii u in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 17, 2012, 10:04:32 PM
ninprom :lol

Now you guys have to do it, you can't tease us this much and then leave us hanging.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 17, 2012, 10:06:11 PM
ninprom :lol

Now you guys have to do it, you can't tease us this much and then leave us hanging.

This! :hyper
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on August 17, 2012, 11:30:39 PM
If I don't see a pic of Gundam and Prole infront of a Weeeeeeoooooooooooo logo with one of them holding a corsage I will be disappointed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 17, 2012, 11:36:29 PM
That's a CG trailer, fyi.  Real game looks fine but by no means great.  If this footage traveled through time and leaked in 2007, people would've assumed it's Condemned 2.

Zombiu sounds cool but forum people will oversell because it's a system exclusive.  Or knock, for similar reasons.  It and P100 are the only interesting Wii U games thus far.  Sounds like a dumbified single player DayZ with less abstract gamey parts.  It it was on a system I own, I'd check it out after it dropped to $15.

That isnt the cg trailer.  They changed to look to a bit grittier i believe.  But it does look like that.

As for black ops 2:

You are right, the textures while not as great as the WiiU game black ops makes up for it in terms of geometry on screen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 18, 2012, 12:24:52 AM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wiiu in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

I have three extra invite reservation codes, if you really want to go and hate on some whimsy with me. It's some event space on Capitol Hill. We can roll on in, fuck some shit up and then drink manly beers at Quinn's down the street.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on August 18, 2012, 12:37:13 AM
Gundam, just curious, but how did you get the invite/tickets?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 18, 2012, 12:42:08 AM
Gundam, just curious, but how did you get the invite/tickets?

Club Nintendo email.

I do own a DS and Gamecube.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on August 18, 2012, 01:35:25 AM
That isnt the cg trailer.  They changed to look to a bit grittier i believe.  But it does look like that

I'm not really sure what else there is to say.  Fact is that the ZombiU trailer is CG.  It's not that's my opinion on it.  It just is what it is.

Ubisoft did the same thing with Red Steel way back when

Since ZombiU only had about a year of dev time by E3, more or less, I guess Ubisoft had the target CG video created to show around. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 18, 2012, 01:59:02 AM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wiiu in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

I have three extra invite reservation codes, if you really want to go and hate on some whimsy with me. It's some event space on Capitol Hill. We can roll on in, fuck some shit up and then drink manly beers at Quinn's down the street.

Signed up for 8 to 9:30 PM. Let's get NINFAGGED.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 18, 2012, 02:35:46 AM
Someone take a digital voice recorder, we can have our first ever CRUNCHEONS FIELD REPORT.  See if you can get anyone official to say anything on the record, then let them know it will be featured in a podcast that makes frequent and shameless anal sex jokes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on August 18, 2012, 03:51:19 AM
Just get someone official to say weeeoooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 18, 2012, 04:32:27 AM

X360 launch title from 2006 - hopefully Ubi can eek enough out of actual hardware to at least look approaching this level.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 18, 2012, 05:35:19 AM

X360 launch title from 2006 - hopefully Ubi can eek enough out of actual hardware to at least look approaching this level.

That is a gamescome pic of it in a london mansion.  But it looks about on par with that.  Hmm, Zombi U actally projects shadiows unlike Condemned?  I see no proected shaows in Condemned.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on August 18, 2012, 08:46:10 AM
No one really cares if it looks slightly better or not, it's just embarrasing for Nintendo to have that discussion in the first place.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 18, 2012, 09:22:26 AM
No one really cares if it looks slightly better or not, it's just embarrasing for Nintendo to have that discussion in the first place.

I agree. It's even worse when a game looking better on Wii U than PS3, or 360 gets news headlines. I'd certainly hope hardware released 6 years later would be better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 18, 2012, 06:56:03 PM
I see no proected shaows in Condemned.

Condemned has projected shadows.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 18, 2012, 07:24:55 PM
At this rate Ntards will be bragging about a Wii3.0 game looking better than Uncharted 3 in 15 years
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 18, 2012, 08:12:16 PM
At this rate Ntards will be bragging about a Wii3.0 game looking better than Uncharted 3 in 15 years

This comment is soooo original. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 18, 2012, 08:22:06 PM
At this rate Ntards will be bragging about a Wii3.0 game looking better than Uncharted 3 in 15 years

This comment is soooo original. ::)

I like taking things from other people and adding my own personal spice. Sort of like Nintendo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 18, 2012, 09:02:41 PM
At this rate Ntards will be bragging about a Wii3.0 game looking better than Uncharted 3 in 15 years

This comment is soooo original. ::)

I like taking things from other people and adding my own personal spice. Sort of like Nintendo

Don't you mean Sony.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 18, 2012, 10:33:59 PM
I see no proected shaows in Condemned.

Condemned has projected shadows.

Well it wasnt in the vid you showed me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 19, 2012, 02:44:02 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wiiu in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

I have three extra invite reservation codes, if you really want to go and hate on some whimsy with me. It's some event space on Capitol Hill. We can roll on in, fuck some shit up and then drink manly beers at Quinn's down the street.

Signed up for 8 to 9:30 PM. Let's get NINFAGGED.

Same here. Em and Addie are flying to Omaha that morning, so it's Man Night on Capitol Hill.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 19, 2012, 07:21:14 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wiiu in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

I have three extra invite reservation codes, if you really want to go and hate on some whimsy with me. It's some event space on Capitol Hill. We can roll on in, fuck some shit up and then drink manly beers at Quinn's down the street.

Signed up for 8 to 9:30 PM. Let's get NINFAGGED.

Same here. Em and Addie are flying to Omaha that morning, so it's Man Night on Capitol Hill.

THUMBS UP. meet at your digs, if that's cool?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 19, 2012, 07:55:20 PM
You guys gonna exchange friend codes before or after?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 19, 2012, 08:17:08 PM
WHen was DC's account deleted?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 19, 2012, 08:45:42 PM
Got invited to the WiiU Experience in Seattle on September 6th. Who wants to come with me and kill some whimsy?

i'll roll with you, nukka. though i may have already seen the wiiu in action :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
back in 2007 when we overclocked a 360 :teehee

I have three extra invite reservation codes, if you really want to go and hate on some whimsy with me. It's some event space on Capitol Hill. We can roll on in, fuck some shit up and then drink manly beers at Quinn's down the street.

Signed up for 8 to 9:30 PM. Let's get NINFAGGED.

Same here. Em and Addie are flying to Omaha that morning, so it's Man Night on Capitol Hill.

THUMBS UP. meet at your digs, if that's cool?

Sounds great. I've got two more invite codes if MAF or WhiteMan want to come with. Or if there are any other Seattle Bore dudes lurking.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 19, 2012, 11:13:24 PM
yes, i needed some time away - i came back tired and full of hate. Best time off ever. Really recharged my batteries.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 27, 2012, 06:28:33 AM
gaf user that caused quite a stir few months ago,
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. It looks like that is exactly what they did. They made a tri core "Enhanced" Broadway.I understand it for the "wii compatibility mode" but good lord is it a terrible idea for anything else.
Now I'm shady? Its not my fault I am not an engineer and call them like the docs say. About the cpu I am sure of this. The term "enhanced broadway" is straight from nintendo.

good luck with that,Nintendo

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 09:02:50 AM
We've known for a bit the CPU would probably be the main bottleneck, but I don't see the real issue here. If they can get the Broadway architecture to sufficient performance levels, then why should they throw it out and start from scratch? It's not like they're just tweaking and overclocking it, like what they did with Gekko.

PowerPC is probably getting long in the tooth but that's more because no one's using it anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 09:05:31 AM
We've known for a bit the CPU would probably be the main bottleneck, but I don't see the real issue here. If they can get the Broadway architecture to sufficient performance levels, then why should they throw it out and start from scratch? It's not like they're just tweaking and overclocking it, like what they did with Gekko.

PowerPC is probably getting long in the tooth but that's more because no one's using it anymore.

What is sufficient here?  Cutting edge 2007?  Keep fucking that chicken, Andy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 09:09:14 AM
hahahaha, 3 core upclocked broadway + 4670m -- no wonder devs have to resort to "well, at least it has a gig of ram!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 27, 2012, 09:13:43 AM
Well they want this to be a port machine for 360/PS3 games so no need to go above those in tech specs much.

It won't be able to run anything from PS4/720 anyway.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 10:33:48 AM
What is sufficient here?  Cutting edge 2007?  Keep fucking that chicken, Andy.

Cutting edge 2007 is sufficient for PS360 ports, yeah. I don't think I've argued otherwise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 10:41:12 AM
Cutting edge 2007 is sufficient for PS360 ports, yeah. I don't think I've argued otherwise.

I for one am thrilled for Nintendo fans to be entering 2007. Whitney Houston is still alive in their shitty alternate reality and no one has even heard of One Direction. Bliss.

I'm sorry - i'm just losing it today - i'm seeing people who i actually like rolling out the excuses and being happy with the base requirement of "Nintendo in HD" - okay, i've peddled this out myself but that's a "best of worst case scenario" - Nthings are peddling it out like it's something to be proud of.

Where did all the "THOSE PROFITS!" "SCROOGE IN A PIT OF MONEY" "IT PRINTS MONEY" atttitudes go? the top and bottom of it is Nintendo made mad bank and they decided , even though they are going seemingly for the Nintendo hardcore fan, that they'll cheap everyone out and charge a premium. Grow a fucking pair, Nintendo fans - it's fucking disgusting how your company of choice is treating you. 2007 tech as we race into 2013? And to the sound of clapping? you fucking muppets.

hahahaha, 3 core upclocked broadway + 4670m -- no wonder devs have to resort to "well, at least it has a gig of ram!"

every person i know who has worked on Wii U : "... it made sense for Wii. But now? i just don't get it. Plus - that CPU is garbage"

Nintendo fans need not worry though - Japan's mongbert wanker army of workshy fops will be right behind the Wii U because doing new stuff on new hard way is sooooo hard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 10:49:03 AM
But look at all that RAM DCharlie, holy crap. WiiU is a RAM powerhouse!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 10:54:39 AM
But look at all that RAM DCharlie, holy crap. WiiU is a RAM powerhouse!

That RAM will be useful for cramming in all that uncompressed ignorance whimsy

as said previously - Nintendo fans have set themselves up the bomb: after claiming for X years that HD isn't important, they're all about to jizz over the EXACT same standard they apparently didn't see the need for X years ago and they're suddenly going to go on about "superior" versions because the Video RAM allows for higher res textures.

You couldn't make it up - it's absolutely amazing. And meanwhile i see people i -respect- on facebook going on about Wii U being more than good enough and how PS4/X720 (EVEN THOUGH WE'VE SEEN FUCK ALL OF THEM) won't change their minds that the Wii U is good enough and FINE WITH ME THANKS.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 11:36:54 AM
Cutting edge 2007 is sufficient for PS360 ports, yeah. I don't think I've argued otherwise.

I for one am thrilled for Nintendo fans to be entering 2007. Whitney Houston is still alive in their shitty alternate reality and no one has even heard of One Direction. Bliss.

I'm sorry - i'm just losing it today - i'm seeing people who i actually like rolling out the excuses and being happy with the base requirement of "Nintendo in HD" - okay, i've peddled this out myself but that's a "best of worst case scenario" - Nthings are peddling it out like it's something to be proud of.

Where did all the "THOSE PROFITS!" "SCROOGE IN A PIT OF MONEY" "IT PRINTS MONEY" atttitudes go? the top and bottom of it is Nintendo made mad bank and they decided , even though they are going seemingly for the Nintendo hardcore fan, that they'll cheap everyone out and charge a premium. Grow a fucking pair, Nintendo fans - it's fucking disgusting how your company of choice is treating you. 2007 tech as we race into 2013? And to the sound of clapping? you fucking muppets.

are you talking to me
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 11:44:10 AM
are you talking to me

not particularly  it's more aimed at actual industry vets who -should- know better but who , whilst happy to call others out, predictably rally to the Nintendo cause - debasing themselves in the process.

I give you a mild pass because you are still a bit wet behind the ears and it's borderline cute that you don't know what you are talking about half the time ;)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 11:45:18 AM
So if I understand the specs correctly Wii U = still sub-HD PS3/360 ports @ 20fps but with HD textures?

Ports will be fine if devs do an OK job with the port, which has always been the case for every platform ever. Those that actually put effort in will be rewarded, but that won't be the case usually unfortunately.

are you talking to me

not particularly  it's more aimed at actual industry vets who -should- know better but who , whilst happy to call others out, predictably rally to the Nintendo cause - debasing themselves in the process.

I give you a mild pass because you are still a bit wet behind the ears and it's borderline cute that you don't know what you are talking about half the time ;)

then don't quote me you tosser :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 27, 2012, 11:45:29 AM
"HD textures"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on August 27, 2012, 11:51:56 AM
Japan's mongbert wanker army of workshy fops will be right behind the Wii U

Newsfeed pls
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 12:00:48 PM
then don't quote me you tosser

your statement about 2007 performance seemed as good as a place as any to start.

I just don't understand why Nthings - who are keen to point out the amazing profitability and IT PRINTS MONEY-ness of their favourite company are happy that a machine that's coming out in ... 2012? 2013?... is -maybe- going to be around the 2007 sort of level.

But hey - dividends for investbros before performance for gamehoes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 27, 2012, 12:02:17 PM
Giving you a machine that has 2007 tech in 2012 means you can maintain amazing profitability, and IT PRINTS MONEY-ness because as we all know the average Nintendo fan owns large quantities of stock in the company.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 27, 2012, 12:16:04 PM
Ports will be fine if devs do an OK job with the port, which has always been the case for every platform ever. Those that actually put effort in will be rewarded, but that won't be the case usually unfortunately.

/lazy devs
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:21:25 PM
then don't quote me you tosser

your statement about 2007 performance seemed as good as a place as any to start.

I just don't understand why Nthings - who are keen to point out the amazing profitability and IT PRINTS MONEY-ness of their favourite company

I think you're the one stuck in 2007. It's been a while since I've seen that meme even used non-ironically.

Then again I don't travel in many Nintard circles on GAF, which brings up the question, why do you?

are happy that a machine that's coming out in ... 2012? 2013?... is -maybe- going to be around the 2007 sort of level.

But hey - dividends for investbros before performance for gamehoes.

If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 12:25:01 PM
then don't quote me you tosser

your statement about 2007 performance seemed as good as a place as any to start.

I just don't understand why Nthings - who are keen to point out the amazing profitability and IT PRINTS MONEY-ness of their favourite company

I think you're the one stuck in 2007. It's been a while since I've seen that meme even used non-ironically.

Then again I don't travel in many Nintard circles on GAF, which brings up the question, why do you?

are happy that a machine that's coming out in ... 2012? 2013?... is -maybe- going to be around the 2007 sort of level.

But hey - dividends for investbros before performance for gamehoes.

If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.

looll - so the big defense is .... PCs are more powerful than PS4/720 so it's okay for Nintendo to shit all over us?

jesus fucking christ.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:29:15 PM
looll - so the big defense is .... PCs are more powerful than PS4/720 so it's okay for Nintendo to shit all over us?

jesus fucking christ.

I'm not the emissary for Nintendo fans so no, that isn't the big defense.

That's not a justification, either. That's just how I feel about things. If I want the best performance I'll build an awesome gaming PC (which I'm currently one year late on doing, c'est la vie.) Being a graphics whore for consoles has always been quaint at best.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 27, 2012, 12:30:08 PM
the problem with ps360 ports is that there won't be any new ps360 games being made for them to port after a couple of years, and it isn't going to be worth it to publishers to port games much older than 1-2 years
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 27, 2012, 12:30:49 PM
You see Andrex, the PS4/720 will actually benefit PC gamers because it raises the bar for multi-platform releases. Wii U? Nope.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:34:40 PM
the problem with ps360 ports is that there won't be any new ps360 games being made for them to port after a couple of years, and it isn't going to be worth it to publishers to port games much older than 1-2 years

That's my largest concern at this point. I don't know what Nintendo's planning, but I believe they're hoping the Wii U builds enough of a base before the other consoles come out that it'll have to be supported with ports. Which is naive, since sales didn't guarantee the Wii ports. They probably hope that the Wii U/other console gap isn't as big as the Wii/PS360 one -- which honestly, it probably won't be. It'll be a noticeable gap, but not as big I think. We'll see.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 27, 2012, 12:39:27 PM
I think it'll be fine for the first couple of years, with the software overlap of new/old consoles, but there's a real possibility that things will dry up faster than Wii did after that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 27, 2012, 12:40:06 PM
If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.

Wii was only few years behind PS360 too.

I will just quote DC
jesus fucking christ.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:40:26 PM
I think it'll be fine for the first couple of years, with the software overlap of new/old consoles, but there's a real possibility that things will dry up faster than Wii did after that.

Maybe at that point Nintendo will focus on iPad ports since they'd be roughly equivalent in power. At that point they should be roughly equivalent.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:41:38 PM
If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.

Wii was only few years behind PS360 too.

I will just quote DC
jesus fucking christ.

Wii was an order of magnitude behind. The resolution gap, and the power not there to support it, were the true killers of the Wii's performance. Resolution wise, all three should be roughly on equal footing, which shifts the bottleneck to other, less noticeable areas.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 27, 2012, 12:42:51 PM
I can't believe Warner is seriously going to try getting $60 for that Arkham city port.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on August 27, 2012, 12:44:37 PM
Ports will be fine if devs do an OK job with the port, which has always been the case for every platform ever. Those that actually put effort in will be rewarded, but that won't be the case usually unfortunately.

/lazy devs

I've heard this exact thing during the early PS3 days.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 12:46:04 PM
Wii was an order of magnitude behind. The resolution gap, and the power not there to support it, were the true killers of the Wii's performance. Resolution wise, all three should be roughly on equal footing, which shifts the bottleneck to other, less noticeable areas.

.... you're a coder by trade right? You can NOT be fucking serious here. Tell me this is a joke post ... please?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:48:08 PM
Wii was an order of magnitude behind. The resolution gap, and the power not there to support it, were the true killers of the Wii's performance. Resolution wise, all three should be roughly on equal footing, which shifts the bottleneck to other, less noticeable areas.

.... you're a coder by trade right? You can NOT be fucking serious here. Tell me this is a joke post ... please?

So the resolution difference wasn't the most noticeable drawback of the Wii's graphics? Take that away and some Wii games look really damn good, as Dolphin has shown.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 27, 2012, 12:49:03 PM
So the resolution difference wasn't the most noticeable drawback of the Wii's graphical performance? Take that away and some Wii games look really damn good, as Dolphin has shown.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 27, 2012, 12:49:54 PM
If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.

Wii was only few years behind PS360 too.

I will just quote DC
jesus fucking christ.

Wii was an order of magnitude behind. The resolution gap, and the power not there to support it, were the true killers of the Wii's performance. Resolution wise, all three should be roughly on equal footing, which shifts the bottleneck to other, less noticeable areas.

WiiU will also be a whole generation behind, maybe even more this time. It won't get any ports from PS4/720/PC.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 27, 2012, 12:50:48 PM
Also: SHADERS + Post processing = super noticeable.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 12:52:58 PM
I knew Dcharlie couldn't handle logic! Ha ha! Score one for the Ninhivemind.

WiiU will also be a whole generation behind, maybe even more this time. It won't get any ports from PS4/720/PC.

I think that's pretty obvious, although "any" might be going a little far.

Also: SHADERS + Post processing = super noticeable.

Not as noticeable as resolution.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 27, 2012, 12:56:10 PM
It's going to be just as noticeable as resolution, if hypothetically there would be games to compare.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 01:06:45 PM
Let's be real and stop pretending.  Any ports to the Wii U are going to flop.  This is gonna be Gamecube 2: Electric Bugaloo all over again.  A nintendo console with nintendo games for ninthings.  Period.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 01:11:52 PM
I see nothing on that list that makes me want to back off from my overly bold prediction.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 01:13:54 PM
Getting Rayman and Batman.

Yeah Andrex is prettty fucking smart outside of the Nintendo bubble he is living inside.

Come on dude, shake it off. Nintendo is not worth that kind of dedication.

When I get an explanation for what I've said being incorrect, then I'll revise my opinion. Until then I call it like I see it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 01:18:47 PM
I see nothing on that list that makes me want to back off from my overly bold prediction.

Obviously you haven't played Jett Tailfin yet, proud product of Maximum Family Games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 27, 2012, 01:22:19 PM
I can't believe Warner is seriously going to try getting $60 for that Arkham city port.

Well, they are charging $40 for this on 3DS and Vita:

So they clearly have a few issues with product vs. value comprehension.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 27, 2012, 01:47:15 PM
are you talking to me

not particularly  it's more aimed at actual industry vets who -should- know better but who , whilst happy to call others out, predictably rally to the Nintendo cause - debasing themselves in the process.

I give you a mild pass because you are still a bit wet behind the ears and it's borderline cute that you don't know what you are talking about half the time ;)

Who should industry vets be rallying behind?  Nintendo is your bad guy, so who is your good guy?  As an industry veteran.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on August 27, 2012, 01:58:36 PM
So the resolution difference wasn't the most noticeable drawback of the Wii's graphics? Take that away and some Wii games look really damn good, as Dolphin has shown.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 02:01:30 PM
are you talking to me

not particularly  it's more aimed at actual industry vets who -should- know better but who , whilst happy to call others out, predictably rally to the Nintendo cause - debasing themselves in the process.

I give you a mild pass because you are still a bit wet behind the ears and it's borderline cute that you don't know what you are talking about half the time ;)

Who should industry vets be rallying behind?  Nintendo is your bad guy, so who is your good guy?  As an industry veteran.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 02:02:29 PM
I didn't say nothing else about the Wii's limitations mattered, fwiw. Just resolution was the biggest issue that I could see.

Maybe I'm wrong and those Dolphin shots were faked. *shrug*

are you talking to me

not particularly  it's more aimed at actual industry vets who -should- know better but who , whilst happy to call others out, predictably rally to the Nintendo cause - debasing themselves in the process.

I give you a mild pass because you are still a bit wet behind the ears and it's borderline cute that you don't know what you are talking about half the time ;)

Who should industry vets be rallying behind?  Nintendo is your bad guy, so who is your good guy?  As an industry veteran.


It always comes back to PC.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 27, 2012, 02:08:40 PM
I knew Dcharlie couldn't handle logic! Ha ha! Score one for the Ninhivemind.

WiiU will also be a whole generation behind, maybe even more this time. It won't get any ports from PS4/720/PC.

I think that's pretty obvious, although "any" might be going a little far.

Also: SHADERS + Post processing = super noticeable.

Not as noticeable as resolution.

I think you should talk with Prole about shaders.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 02:09:16 PM
someone remind me to post a response to this thread when i get a chance
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 02:09:42 PM
suffice to say this will be hilarious to revisit this thread in a year
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 27, 2012, 02:21:01 PM
I didn't say nothing else about the Wii's limitations mattered, fwiw. Just resolution was the biggest issue that I could see.

Maybe I'm wrong and those Dolphin shots were faked. *shrug*

Dolphin is a terrible defense and you know it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 02:28:48 PM
I didn't say nothing else about the Wii's limitations mattered, fwiw. Just resolution was the biggest issue that I could see.

Maybe I'm wrong and those Dolphin shots were faked. *shrug*

Dolphin is a terrible defense and you know it.

How is it terrible? It's not doing anything to the graphics except increasing the resolutions. And the games look great. That's my point.

If you have a counterpoint to make, then make it. Otherwise this "LOL at Andrex" stuff got old two pages ago.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 27, 2012, 03:05:11 PM
Giving you a machine that has 2007 tech in 2012 means you can maintain amazing profitability, and IT PRINTS MONEY-ness because as we all know the average Nintendo fan owns large quantities of stock in the company.

oh, is that what Club Nintendo points are for
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 27, 2012, 03:27:17 PM
If you want cutting edge, you get a PC. That's always been the case and will always be the case. Seems a bit disingenuous to me to rail against Nintards being OK with 2007 performance when PS4/720 will likely only be a few years newer performance wise, and which the PC will rightly trounce out of the gate same as Wii U.

That's always true once we're a few years into the next generation of consoles, but that's a rather disingenuous take on what -- Nintendo aside -- new consoles traditionally represent for a bit into the launch window. Yes, there's probably always going to be people on the cutting edge with PC hardware that's so good that few games really take advantage of it, but PCs back in '05 and '06 were not blowing the 360 and PS3 away.

I'm sure people who were a bit more into PC gaming back then than I was can probably offer a couple of more examples, but wasn't it really Crysis in Aught Eight that really demonstrated the gulf between a good gaming PC and consoles?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:27:23 PM
the games do NOT look "great" in dolphin. they look IMPROVED when compared side-by-side with the native wii output, but when placed against a similar 360/ps3 title, they look like last-gen shit with a res bump. (we're not going to go into "art style" garbage here, because we might as well open the discussion to the original NES at that point.)

here's what you're missing, andrex: you have NO idea what the next gen is going to look like. you can GUESS based on the samaritan demo and star wars 1313, and you might have an inkling of an idea -- and no doubt, a few durango/orbis games may be comparable to wii u offering when the next gen ACTUALLY starts because lol launch title up-porting and/or double-lol we're-a-c-tier-team-and-the-docs-suck-and-we-need-a-launch-title-in-8-months-oh-god-get-something-out-there.

but when the real shit hits -- and it will hit early -- it will be VERY apparent that the wii u is not adequate for the next generation of game IDEAS and CONCEPTS, any more than the ps2/gc/xbox-era was ready for a skyrim or an assassin's creed or even a modern call of duty. these are games enabled by GEOMETRIC INCREASES IN SYSTEM RESOURCES, ADVANCED APIS, and EVOLVED COMPUTING ECOSYSTEMS -- none of which are available on the wii u. these resources enable advanced platform operating systems that in turn enable far more features and open up possibilities for new models, mechanics, and scenarios that the wii u can't do. middleware and tools  developers -- the folks who make quality porting possible and create streamlined pipelines for asset management -- will not support the wii u unless it is miraculously a runaway success, because the wii u's hardware simply will not be able to effectively meet their minimum bar for the features they are planning.

nintendo lives in a fucking bubble. sometimes, it pays out. i'm pretty skeptical this time around, though. well, maybe there will be a ouya/vita/wii u tier for tools...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:28:32 PM
next gen consoles will have better looking and performing games versus even high-end gaming pcs for a couple years (on average) simply because they are closed platforms with tuned apis and a platform-specific operating system that minimizes the abstraction layer.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:30:11 PM
tl;dr: LOL WII U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 27, 2012, 03:31:22 PM
I didn't say nothing else about the Wii's limitations mattered, fwiw. Just resolution was the biggest issue that I could see.

Maybe I'm wrong and those Dolphin shots were faked. *shrug*

Dolphin is a terrible defense and you know it.

How is it terrible? It's not doing anything to the graphics except increasing the resolutions. And the games look great. That's my point.

If you have a counterpoint to make, then make it. Otherwise this "LOL at Andrex" stuff got old two pages ago.

Playing Wii games on a PC via an emulator is not something the average person who owns a Wii will ever do. Games should be judged on how they look on the hardware they were designed for.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:32:25 PM
there are two reasons to buy nintendo product right now:

1) you love nintendo's games. (gaftards, when they aren't trying to draw some weird moral imperative around videogame purchases)

2) you are stupid and have money to burn and new hardware gives you a weird endorphin rush. (me and dcharlie)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 27, 2012, 03:39:55 PM
d-d-d-don't even hint that crunchy-san loves nintendo games borys
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:40:14 PM
fixed for poor poles, you mean
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on August 27, 2012, 03:42:29 PM
3) I am rich and love to troll
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 27, 2012, 03:42:40 PM
Crunchy-san, I am sorry but i have to abandon the gaming laptop fold. I will be making my gaming rig before next year. Forgive me~
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 27, 2012, 03:43:38 PM
you are forgiven, you are still part of the ONE PLATFORM FUTURE UNDER BASED GABEN
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 27, 2012, 03:44:56 PM
what about origin?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on August 27, 2012, 03:45:54 PM
Just buy the MS Surface Pro. You don't need a high end PC rig for hentai games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 27, 2012, 03:45:55 PM
still sticking to my preemptive confession of buying one when a fallout game comes out for it

spoiler (click to show/hide)
there is no danger of a fallout game coming out for it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 03:51:34 PM
Playing Wii games on a PC via an emulator is not something the average person who owns a Wii will ever do. Games should be judged on how they look on the hardware they were designed for.

That wasn't the argument I was making. I was saying resolution was the most noticeable downside of the Wii's graphics. That's all. Not that the Wii wasn't weak except for the resolution, not that the Wii U won't be weaker than PS4/720, not that current gen ports will automatically look better on Wii U, not that it's possible for Wii U to get ports from other next gen systems.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on August 27, 2012, 03:54:11 PM
All that emu does is make it less jaggy so my eyes won't get burned.

It can never fix the horrible, horrible Xenoblade character models.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 04:02:31 PM
nintendo lives in a fucking bubble. sometimes, it pays out. i'm pretty skeptical this time around, though. well, maybe there will be a ouya/vita/wii u tier for tools...

Nintendo needs to port all their WiiU games to the Vita.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 04:07:06 PM
All that emu does is make it less jaggy so my eyes won't get burned.

It can never fix the horrible, horrible Xenoblade character models.

Xenoblade is a poor example for its character models, but the fields are pretty.



Honestly, looks as good as, say, Lost Odyssey does to me. *shrugs*

Most example Dolphin games look better than early 360 titles IMO.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 27, 2012, 04:30:05 PM
sega cone compass patent lawsuit incoming

also, that reminds me of final fantasy xii
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 04:34:58 PM
also, that reminds me of final fantasy xii

FFXII has better character models.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 27, 2012, 04:35:45 PM
iirc better grass too
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on August 27, 2012, 04:45:44 PM
I don't know, plants in FF12 are pretty basic. High-res characters models are nice though.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 27, 2012, 05:11:58 PM
plus, xenoblade is a much better game than XII
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 27, 2012, 06:11:54 PM
I cant believe people on gaf are getting excited about Rayman and Trine 2 being launchgames   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 06:16:50 PM
I cant believe people on gaf are getting excited about Rayman and Trine 2 being launchgames   :lol

What's wrong with Rayman? Game looks awesome.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on August 27, 2012, 06:17:53 PM
I cant believe people on gaf are getting excited about Rayman and Trine 2 being launchgames   :lol

Shovelware and 2D platformers + forum posters in denial = Wii U launch!

I can see Rayman being a point of interest, but Trine?  The game already available on PC, PS3, and 360?   ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 06:20:26 PM
I cant believe people on gaf are getting excited about Rayman and Trine 2 being launchgames   :lol

Also, can't wait for this. The graphics are truly something else.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on August 27, 2012, 06:20:28 PM
there are two reasons to buy nintendo product right now:

1) you love nintendo's games. (gaftards, when they aren't trying to draw some weird moral imperative around videogame purchases)

2) you are stupid and have money to burn and new hardware gives you a weird endorphin rush. (me and dcharlie)

I used to be 2, but not even I give enough of a shit to buy a Wiiuuuuuuuuuuuu- and I blew money importing a Vita last year!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 06:27:23 PM
P-100 looks bottom of the barrel graphics wise but it looks fun, but weird. Dunno if I'm gonna get it, I can barely wrap my head around it but that might be because I haven't played it. Hopefully it's another Kamiya great.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 27, 2012, 06:31:08 PM
Ahh P100. Not the best screenshot of that game, I'd wager.

I'm just quoting GAF. This is the screenshot offered up as proof that the graphics were "truly something else."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 27, 2012, 06:35:54 PM
Ahh P100. Not the best screenshot of that game, I'd wager.

I'm just quoting GAF. This is the screenshot offered up as proof that the graphics were "truly something else."

I agree, when compared to actual next-generation hardware, those graphics are...truly something else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 06:41:01 PM
Whimy shaders chugging out 120 WPS
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 27, 2012, 06:45:09 PM
I heard that game is the most fun out of any Wii U first-showers, if that's worth anything :p
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 27, 2012, 06:58:16 PM
Underpowered tech charged at a premium price for the next Nintendo device?  No way!

This is something Nintendo has been pulling since they released the DS and it shouldn't actually surprise anybody eight years later with the Wii U.  Nintendo doesn't give a shit; they're just hoping they can pull another Wii Play out of their asses.  Nintendo only gives a shit about one thing: Nintendo.  They don't care if third party support dries up once the 720 and PS4 hit because they've always seen third party as competition.

That shitty launch lineup is probably the best Wii U is going to get - you better enjoy it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 27, 2012, 07:05:03 PM
Having said that, if NSMBU turns out to be great, I'll be there at launch for sure! :derp
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on August 27, 2012, 07:14:14 PM
Ahh P100. Not the best screenshot of that game, I'd wager.

I'm just quoting GAF. This is the screenshot offered up as proof that the graphics were "truly something else."

I agree, when compared to actual next-generation hardware, those graphics are...truly something else.

Those graphics are amazing if you ignore the last six+ years of PC, PS3, and 360 games like your average ninthing has!

Now you're playing with power.  HD power!  8)
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: ManaByte on August 27, 2012, 07:33:18 PM
November 18th
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 08:12:50 PM
November 18th


I could have called that a year ago.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 27, 2012, 09:00:58 PM
The only interesting part of the 'power' speculations is whether or not it will impact wii u games being developed by third party developers, but the fixation on polygons and particle effects and shaders and whatever by joe messageboard seems a little misplaced in the grand scheme of things.  Often see the same folks being ios feggits and before that were slobbering all over their psp's with its kinda sorta dreamcasty output.  Nintendo's mantra is low barrier of entry when it comes to game design and hardware engineering ( the 3ds a slight deviation from this that *SURPRISE* sorta bit them in the ass), and I don't think its entirely fair to lambast them for being conservative in this regard.  They don't dig themselves into a hole=consumers get reliable, affordable if not bleeding edge hardware- they get to stay in the business. 

As of right now, the neXtbox does sound like its going to crazy, but let's see what they expect upfront.  Maybe they'll do a contract thing with low price box and x number of years of xbox live, or they'll take a loss upfront until they can sell them at a profit. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 09:09:58 PM
lol @ the idea of 3rd party devs developing stuff with a mind for wii u

portbox is what it's going to be for the first year or two, then it's gonna be quarterly 1st party releases and nothing else

which honestly is ok with most ninthings; the whole 3rd party support thing is a major canard.  they only claim to want it, don't really support it when it happens
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 27, 2012, 09:12:19 PM
I bought my gamecube in 2003 cus Viewtiful Joe.  So eat me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 27, 2012, 09:15:37 PM
For what its worth, I doubt the Wii or the Gamecube would have got a game as high of caliber as Darksiders 2 or Arkham City.  Even though I got Arkham City + All DLC + Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition for $15 total on Steam.

That will make the tears all the more bitter when those kinds of games will dry up once the real next gen consoles come out.  Then it's back to pretending shitware like Carnival Games are better than the shovelware that they really are.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 09:16:38 PM
I bought my gamecube in 2003 cus Viewtiful Joe.  So eat me.

And to think, you could have just waited for the PS2 version  :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 27, 2012, 09:20:47 PM
I got metroid prime and melee out of it, it was alright.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 09:21:00 PM
they only claim to want it, don't really support it when it happens

::) Must be why Okami Wii sold as much as the PS2 version on a smaller install base, or why the CoD and GH/RB ports did so well.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 27, 2012, 09:28:34 PM
My Gamecube sticks around for one of the best Gundam games ever made.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 27, 2012, 09:52:36 PM
If Vita owners are allowed to get excited for a port of a four year old PS2 JRPG, I'll let the Nintards get excited over Trine.  Not that it'll stop there, but what can ya do?

At least Vitards are getting excited over a portable version of that game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 10:14:39 PM
The truth about third parties and Nintendo platforms is this: the average console owner (ie not us) probably isn't going to buy more than ten or so games over the course of a console's life.  Any console.  Nintendo's first party games tend to suck the air out of the room on that.  They get their Wii Sports with the system, and they're good for a while.  Then they need another controller, so they buy Wii Play, and they're good for a while.  What next?  Hmm, a whole bunch of games I don't know, or Super Mario Galaxy/Mario Kart/Zelda/Mario Party/New Super Mario Bros/Smash Bros/Donkey Kong/Wii Sports Resort and oh my we're getting close to ten here, aren't we?  This is why the third party (major) successes on Nintendo consoles by and large tend to be extremely well-known brands (Call of Duty, Sonic, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, Guitar Hero).

Nintendo by themselves largely satisfy the needs of the mass audience on their console.  No other hardware manufacturer has that kind of power.  Maybe no other publisher, even.  And this scenario makes Nintendo the most money, to boot.  This is why, even though for appearances' sake Nintendo and their friendly third parties will pretend to be working on "the problem", it will never actually be solved.

Yeah. Sure would be nice if it was, though.

The only way it might is if one of the others bow out. Suddenly in a two-party system, everything's fair game. If it was just the 360 and Wii this gen, would Wii have gotten more support? I think so. Being able to justify HD development as hitting "three" platforms (although usually just two, PS3 and 360) allowed pubs to sidestep the Wii  and justify it.

The other factors at play of course were the Wii being weak and Nintendo's history with third parties.

But would any of that matter if there was only one other kid on the block? It didn't seem to during the SNES/Genesis days, where Nintendo arguably treated third parties the worst in their history (maybe N64 takes that crown.)

Or for a more recent example, look at the recent handheld wars. Two systems. Both the PSP and DS got some pretty great third party games despite the large power gap.

I don't know, I'm thinking out loud. There probably would have been other problems.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 27, 2012, 10:28:22 PM
You have to go back (in my opinion anyway) all the way to the 16 bit era for a time when "all things were roughly equal" tech wise for Nintendo in a console era.  N64 they stuck with carts, GC they had a fucking distinguished mentally-challenged controller and stupid discs, Wii is obviously an underpowered gimmick machine compared to 360/PS3.  So, that was the last time the tech was roughly equal, and it was a MASSIVELY different environment for publishers and developers.  We aren't going back to an era where games that matter are going to be console exclusive unless they're first party.  Deal with it.  Devs have to sink too much money into titles to justify that; you have to have a multi-platform release unless it's a niche product, and niche products don't establish console dominance. 

Let's just state some truisms:
-Nintendo fans like nintendo games
-3rd parties want to make money, so they're going to release their games on as many consoles as they feasibly can to make said monies
-If Nintendo wants to make a console that is going to be technologically inferior to the market drivers so as to maximize their profits(hint: they do), 3rd parties aren't going to develop even ports for it
-You're still going to get your first party whimsy shit, so what the fuck do you care

I mean, what's so hard to understand?  If you want to play Nintendo games, you get the nintendo console.  If you want to play everything else, you get either a 720 or PS4.  If you want to play both, nut up and pay the money to have both.  Or just be a member of the PC elite; you get to hang with based gaben and we have orgies.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
No orgies
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on August 27, 2012, 10:29:15 PM
The truth about third parties and Nintendo platforms is this: the average console owner (ie not us) probably isn't going to buy more than ten or so games over the course of a console's life.  Any console.  Nintendo's first party games tend to suck the air out of the room on that.  They get their Wii Sports with the system, and they're good for a while.  Then they need another controller, so they buy Wii Play, and they're good for a while.  What next?  Hmm, a whole bunch of games I don't know, or Super Mario Galaxy/Mario Kart/Zelda/Mario Party/New Super Mario Bros/Smash Bros/Donkey Kong/Wii Sports Resort and oh my we're getting close to ten here, aren't we?  This is why the third party (major) successes on Nintendo consoles by and large tend to be extremely well-known brands (Call of Duty, Sonic, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, Guitar Hero).

Nintendo by themselves largely satisfy the needs of the mass audience on their console.  No other hardware manufacturer has that kind of power.  Maybe no other publisher, even.  And this scenario makes Nintendo the most money, to boot.  This is why, even though for appearances' sake Nintendo and their friendly third parties will pretend to be working on "the problem", it will never actually be solved.

Yeah. Sure would be nice if it was, though.

The only way it might is if one of the others bow out. Suddenly in a two-party system, everything's fair game. If it was just the 360 and Wii this gen, would Wii have gotten more support? I think so. Being able to justify HD development as hitting "three" platforms (although usually just two, PS3 and 360) allowed pubs to sidestep the Wii  and justify it.

The other factors at play of course were the Wii being weak and Nintendo's history with third parties.

But would any of that matter if there was only one other kid on the block? It didn't seem to during the SNES/Genesis days, where Nintendo arguably treated third parties the worst in their history (maybe N64 takes that crown.)

Or for a more recent example, look at the recent handheld wars. Two systems. Both the PSP and DS got some pretty great third party games despite the large power gap.

I don't know, I'm thinking out loud. There probably would have been other problems.

I highly doubt it would have gotten more support even if one bowed out.

They would just do it for 360 and that would truly become the PS2 software wise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 27, 2012, 10:39:52 PM
I highly doubt it would have gotten more support even if one bowed out.

They would just do it for 360 and that would truly become the PS2 software wise.

I doubt a home console will sell PS2 levels ever again. I mean, it isn't a home console but DS still hasn't done it. Wii probably got as close as anyone ever will again.

I think we would have ended up with a PSP/DS situation if one of them weren't in the race anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on August 28, 2012, 01:43:28 AM
I doubt a home console will sell PS2 levels ever again. I mean, it isn't a home console but DS still hasn't done it. Wii probably got as close as anyone ever will again.
I don't know about that. The total number of sold home consoles went up this generation and people aren't going to be able to play Madden or Call of Duty on their smartphones anytime soon. If one of the next-gen consoles bombs, I think it's possible that one of the other two might make it to 150 million LTD. The total market should still be growing.

PlayStation 2 - 153.86 million
Xbox - 24 million
Nintendo GameCube - 21.74 million
Total sixth generation home consoles - 199.6 million

Wii - 96.56 million
Xbox 360 - 68.3 million
PlayStation 3 - 63.9 million
Total seventh generation home consoles - 228.79 million

(numbers from Wikipedia)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 01:56:28 AM
This generation is also going on 2-3 years longer than the last one, and add another year to that by the time PS4/720 hit. I have no doubt the generations will keep getting longer, though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 28, 2012, 02:03:35 AM
Yeah, I think you can discount a lot of those wii sales too, as they were made to people who aren't really video game enthusiasts even to the degree of being a casual gamer.  I'd subtract 35 million; Nintendo finishes in last place again. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on August 28, 2012, 02:17:21 AM
Yeah, I think you can discount a lot of those wii sales too, as they were made to people who aren't really video game enthusiasts even to the degree of being a casual gamer.  I'd subtract 35 million; Nintendo finishes in last place again. :(


Like that infamous chart that predicted the PS3 winning
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 28, 2012, 04:10:15 AM
Most example Dolphin games look better than early 360 titles IMO.

and how do early 360 games look running on super high end PC GPUs with 16xFSAA , post processing, and overscanning to 4K resolutions?

This is just such a cul de sac of an argument - i just don't see what Nthings get out of it. "If the Wii was actually a super powerful PC with a massive GPU just LOOK at how good the games would look! They'd be like first gen X360 games!!" - err.... okay!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on August 28, 2012, 04:12:39 AM
Powerful system specs are important for more than just visual fidelity, nfaggots. Jesus fucking christ.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on August 28, 2012, 05:01:00 AM
I guess you could compare the emulated Wii screenshots with something like the PC version of The Last Remnant. It looks really good in motion and it's 60 frames per second. It's also a way superior game to Final Fantasy XII.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 28, 2012, 05:08:13 AM
Powerful system specs are important for more than just visual fidelity, nfaggots. Jesus fucking christ.

I dunno.  Good physics, yeah.  But there hasnt been a game that has the scope Xenoblade Chronicles AFAIK.  Ironic that most of the 3d physics games have been on the wii this gen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 28, 2012, 05:34:09 AM
I really don't understand why ninthings are so fixated on resolution,resolution just gives you the ability to notice more detail but that detail has to be there in the first place.
Low res=dirty glasses
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 28, 2012, 06:27:14 AM
maxy, i'd bet it's because they're just recycling the talking points feggits like you made at the beginning of this generation

borys, that's a pretty wild prediction, are you sure you want to go out on such a limb?

Wrong again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 28, 2012, 06:47:59 AM
I've seen plenty of interesting pictures too :D
Reality can be deceiving though,but then again what is reality?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 28, 2012, 06:58:00 AM
some chemical disorder
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 28, 2012, 07:06:01 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 28, 2012, 09:27:39 AM
This is like that Louis C.K Joke where his kid talks so much crap that the convo ends up being some existentialist examination of reality.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:03:38 AM
Most example Dolphin games look better than early 360 titles IMO.

and how do early 360 games look running on super high end PC GPUs with 16xFSAA , post processing, and overscanning to 4K resolutions?

This is just such a cul de sac of an argument - i just don't see what Nthings get out of it. "If the Wii was actually a super powerful PC with a massive GPU just LOOK at how good the games would look! They'd be like first gen X360 games!!" - err.... okay!

That wasn't the point you dope, and you sort of just proved it. Resolution is the most noticeable aspect of a system's graphics. Open book, close book.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 28, 2012, 10:08:35 AM
Can we just get back to talking about how crappy the Wii U is going to be, please? You guys are really bringing this thread down.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:25:06 AM
Smash should be pretty cool too.

Launch should be good. Rayman and Mario 2D platforming goodness will be great, especially four/five player mode when Christmas rolls around.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 28, 2012, 10:26:55 AM
Shocking news, nintendo games will appeal to nintendo fans; it's almost like they planned it that way
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:28:46 AM
I hope the next Zelda is good. :(

Give it to Koizumi, Aounuma!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:33:30 AM
I wonder what they're going to do with 3D Mario. Going to be really hard to top SMG1/2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 28, 2012, 10:42:07 AM
Only thing Nintendo (SEGA :bow) makes I care about is FZero really.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 28, 2012, 10:44:51 AM
Only thing Nintendo (SEGA :bow) makes I care about is FZero really.

Makes? You mean made, right? The most recent F-Zero game came out for the bleeping Gameboy Advance for crissakes.  :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 28, 2012, 11:30:19 AM
Jesus, what do we have left, Extreme G? :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 28, 2012, 11:38:02 AM
Shut up Borys :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on August 28, 2012, 12:29:29 PM
F-Zero is dead baby. F-Zero is dead.

Along WipeOut, Fatal Inertia, RollCage etc.

The futuristic racer is finally  dead  :'(

Jesus, what do we have left, Extreme G? :'(

They haven't made that shit in years so that's dead too
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on August 28, 2012, 01:11:29 PM
If Nintendo actually gave a shit (they don't), they should have bought out Studio Liverpool and have them make an F-Zero for WiiU. Sad to see the futuristic racer go the way of the dodo :( The racing genre in genre seems to be in a slump this gen, even though I did get Outrun XBLA, Daytona XBLA and Wipeout HD out of it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 28, 2012, 01:26:54 PM

:bow  :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tucah on August 28, 2012, 01:38:44 PM
I'd buy a Wii U so fast if an F-Zero game came out on it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 28, 2012, 02:23:30 PM
Everyone, shut up :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 28, 2012, 05:18:54 PM
Prime 3 was a perfectly fine game, outside of having a few cutscenes that didn't add anything. Other M wasn't even good outside of the cutscenes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 05:34:12 PM
Eh I wouldn't say a Nintendo franchise is dead just because a game hasn't come out in a while. Sleeping, maybe. All those games could come back at any time, as opposed to say WipeOut, where Sony would have a hard time reformatting an existing studio to make it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 28, 2012, 05:37:55 PM
Eh I wouldn't say a Nintendo franchise is dead just because a game hasn't come out in a while. Sleeping, maybe. All those games could come back at any time, as opposed to say WipeOut, where Sony would have a hard time reformatting an existing studio to make it.
Long sleeping IP needs new dev teams, it's the same as the case for WipeOut.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 28, 2012, 05:50:52 PM
Wipeout HD is better then anything Nintendo made this gen though. Even if its dead.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on August 28, 2012, 06:14:43 PM
WipEout will probably see a new entry before F-Zero does.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 28, 2012, 07:35:27 PM
i heard recently that full complete -dead- franchise entries were presented to Iwata and co and were rejected on their overall quality.

I also heard one tale recently that made me completely reevaluate my opinion of Miyamoto from "That bumbling tit who made some good games once but now is a senile old goon" to "jesus - that's bad ass. My hat is doffed in his general direction. Wow"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 28, 2012, 07:44:50 PM
You better spill  :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on August 28, 2012, 07:45:26 PM
 :lol :bow andrex will be crying over this post for years to come
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 28, 2012, 07:49:50 PM
You better spill

the only tip-of-it i'll spill is he had a meet up with -someone- who made -a game- for Nintendo.
He then went on to rip all the bad points of the game appart and went incredibly specific about aspects of control, difficulty balancing etc.

What i've basically learned over the last few months: Iwata and Miyamoto are pretty hardcore about gameplay mechanics. Not in that "oh cute" twee way - as in angry/shouty/sort this shit out/this is garbage quality "nazi" levels.

Which , as loathed as i am to give Nintendo any credit (OBVIOUSLY!!!), i find increadibly uplifting. If they are prepared to can long term investments into -franchises of note- because they don't feel perfect? That makes me pop a boner.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 28, 2012, 07:52:48 PM
I think they must be pretty one-eyed about that stuff though - Kid Icarus and Skyward Sword can be bad-bad, not just nintendo-bad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 28, 2012, 08:03:46 PM
I think they must be pretty one-eyed about that stuff though - Kid Icarus and Skyward Sword can be bad-bad, not just nintendo-bad.

i had no issues with KI, Skyward Sword though should have resulted in whoever was handling Dialogue Editing from being swung from a bridge.

They greenlit WII MUSIC.

Magic Miyamoto-sama has a veto though - doesn't count. HIGH STANDARDS apply to -other people- not the Kingmakers.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 28, 2012, 08:05:52 PM
I think the current agitprop is that Nintendo is going back to the basics with the Wii U.  Of course, this isn't the first time they've said this and the last time Nintendo "learned their lesson," they said online was a fad and presented Zelda Four Swords as a legitimate alternative with a straight face.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on August 28, 2012, 08:23:34 PM
That Shiggy story is pretty badass but it makes me wonder how Twilight Princess got released.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 09:01:47 PM
What i've basically learned over the last few months: Iwata and Miyamoto are pretty hardcore about gameplay mechanics. Not in that "oh cute" twee way - as in angry/shouty/sort this shit out/this is garbage quality "nazi" levels.

If I may, you have to be a fucking moron not to know that. I know that people who dislike Nintendo's current direction like to say that history's view of Miyamoto is inflated, but this was a dude who programmed the fucking NES. I don't care what anyone says, that makes anyone hardcore as shit.

Same for Iwata. He flashed some of his programming chops in one of the Iwata asks and my jaw gaped a bit.

Their public characters may be flanderized since being in the public spotlight so much and for so long, but they'll always be fricking smart game designers and programmers.

"Upending the tea table" was always a candy coated euphemism for what I assumed truly happened. You don't throw out months of someone's work without anger and shouting involved, no matter what the case.

That Shiggy story is pretty badass but it makes me wonder how Twilight Princess got released.

That's an example of Miyamoto uprooting big chunks of a game himself after he didn't like the direction Aonuma was taking it. Purportedly.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 09:09:32 PM
Also, Twilight Princess was awesome.

Dem dungeons. :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 28, 2012, 09:31:21 PM
TP was awesome once you got past the annoying initial shit.

Still tho, as to that earlier shit about quality and crap, all that really needs to be said is WII MUSIC.  There's yet to be a good rebuttal to it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 28, 2012, 09:48:54 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 09:51:12 PM

Don't forget Pocketo Monstahs, Oscar. BW made it AAA tier. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 28, 2012, 10:06:01 PM
If I may, you have to be a fucking moron not to know that. I know that people who dislike Nintendo's current direction like to say that history's view of Miyamoto is inflated, but this was a dude who programmed the fucking NES. I don't care what anyone says, that makes anyone hardcore as shit.

Same for Iwata. He flashed some of his programming chops in one of the Iwata asks and my jaw gaped a bit.

Their public characters may be flanderized since being in the public spotlight so much and for so long, but they'll always be fricking smart game designers and programmers.

"Upending the tea table" was always a candy coated euphemism for what I assumed truly happened. You don't throw out months of someone's work without anger and shouting involved, no matter what the case.

I'll be perfectly honest - i'm surprised that Iwata and Miyamoto are as hands on as to -play through- each title submitted. My assumption from my involvement in -other industries- is that would be delegated with seniority.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:09:00 PM
Don't worry Triumph, NoA will find a way to screw it up somehow.

And Andy, sorry, I don't hand out that AAA status very easily.  I give Black/White points for putting some actual effort in for once, but it's still far too derivative to be considered God-tier.  Same reason I denied NSMB Wii that status, even though I think it's an incredibly well-made game.

shut up oscar u dont no what your talking about :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on August 28, 2012, 10:16:40 PM
Also, Twilight Princess was awesome.

Dem dungeons. :drool
Agh wait, I meant Skyward Sword. TP was good. :-[ Aside from the god awful 10 hour intro tutorial that makes replaying the game impossible since no one can suffer it multiple times.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 28, 2012, 10:17:20 PM
Miyamoto dropped the hammer pretty hard on Retro in the early days of Prime, from what I remember. Too bad the details of that particular set of meetings isn't public information.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 28, 2012, 10:38:44 PM
I would pay good money to see a video of Miyamoto being like "Stupid gaijins!" and flipping over a table after playing like Project HAMMER or something.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2012, 10:47:22 PM
Miyamoto dropped the hammer pretty hard on Retro in the early days of Prime, from what I remember. Too bad the details of that particular set of meetings isn't public information.

It pretty much wiped them out. All their other games were cancelled and Prime was turned from this really poor looking third person game to a gorgeous FPA.

The Miyamoto Touch™
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trurl on August 28, 2012, 11:46:08 PM
What i've basically learned over the last few months: Iwata and Miyamoto are pretty hardcore about gameplay mechanics. Not in that "oh cute" twee way - as in angry/shouty/sort this shit out/this is garbage quality "nazi" levels.

Which , as loathed as i am to give Nintendo any credit (OBVIOUSLY!!!), i find increadibly uplifting. If they are prepared to can long term investments into -franchises of note- because they don't feel perfect? That makes me pop a boner.
Why do they have such low standards when it comes to how games teach players game play mechanincs?  Endless, unskippable, and boring tutorials should be unacceptable and Iwata and Miyamoto should know better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 28, 2012, 11:57:15 PM
What i've basically learned over the last few months: Iwata and Miyamoto are pretty hardcore about gameplay mechanics. Not in that "oh cute" twee way - as in angry/shouty/sort this shit out/this is garbage quality "nazi" levels.

Which , as loathed as i am to give Nintendo any credit (OBVIOUSLY!!!), i find increadibly uplifting. If they are prepared to can long term investments into -franchises of note- because they don't feel perfect? That makes me pop a boner.
Why do they have such low standards when it comes to how games teach players game play mechanincs?  Endless, unskippable, and boring tutorials should be unacceptable and Iwata and Miyamoto should know better.

It's weird cos I know he hates all the talking and stuff, and publically gave the director some shit in an interview about collecting key pieces.  He must just be really hands-off with Zelda nowadays is all I can think of.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trurl on August 29, 2012, 12:08:44 AM
Maybe they take so much pride in control schemes that they get joy from explaining them in tutorials.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2012, 12:14:27 AM
Super Guide has been a pretty good salve in their gameplay-focused games (redundant?) SMG2, NSMBW, DKCR. No tutorials, heck NSMBW had an initial easy couple worlds but otherwise no babby handholding in those games either. All three were the most difficult games in their series in years.

Definitely an innovation I hope they exploit in more games, especially Zelda.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trurl on August 29, 2012, 12:28:56 AM
Yeah, Super Guide has been a big improvement.

I just get some joy out of figuring out a game's control scheme through trial and error and wish I had that option.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 29, 2012, 03:51:21 AM
DC thats a nice story that once upon a time would have ment something, but as Borys pointed out Wii Music, Zelda, Mario Kart etc.

When everything thats put out has to equal that soulless nintendo gameplay model then all is not good.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 29, 2012, 04:43:43 AM
Dunno about the Wii version, but Mario Kart 7 is excellent.  Wii Music obviously fell into a blindspot because it was Shigeru's own baby, something he had wanted to make for a while, and no one is going to tell him otherwise.  Skyward Sword, though, I don't know what to say.

Waggle, that's what :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 29, 2012, 08:08:27 AM
The last 3 posters in this thread haven't played skyward sword. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 29, 2012, 08:54:41 AM
Most example Dolphin games look better than early 360 titles IMO.

and how do early 360 games look running on super high end PC GPUs with 16xFSAA , post processing, and overscanning to 4K resolutions?

This is just such a cul de sac of an argument - i just don't see what Nthings get out of it. "If the Wii was actually a super powerful PC with a massive GPU just LOOK at how good the games would look! They'd be like first gen X360 games!!" - err.... okay!

That wasn't the point you dope, and you sort of just proved it. Resolution is the most noticeable aspect of a system's graphics. Open book, close book.

No it isn't. It might be the least noticeable, given how many people hook up their 360 and ps3 with composite
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 29, 2012, 08:59:58 AM

Mr. Resolution Man won't be happy now.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on August 29, 2012, 09:01:31 AM
The last 3 posters in this thread haven't played skyward sword.

And I wish I could add my name to that list
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2012, 10:48:43 AM
SS is one of the lesser Zeldas but it's still pretty good. Honestly I think the Wii/waggle hate brigade likes to exaggerate its "poor" reception (93 on MetaCritic, lol.)

I was personally disappointed with the low dungeon count, especially since even fewer approach TP levels, but there are some gems and the more intellectual combat works great 85% of the time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 29, 2012, 11:53:33 AM
The last 3 posters in this thread haven't played skyward sword.

S'true, I have it but have had very little time for single player home games this year.  Still, you have to admit, the reception to it has been considerably chillier than usual for the main series.  Even Aeana and Dragona, who are both nuts for Zelda, said the game nosedives after a promising start.  And no offence, but I trust their word infinitely further than yours. 

However, I haven't played it.  Which is why I said I didn't know what to tell him.  Don't worry, someday I will play it, and then I'll be sure to tell you exactly what I think of it.

I really don't know what the reception to it is, as I've pretty much learned not to listen to internet dwellers about nearly everything.  Ie, one would think Phantom Hourglass was terribad when I find it very charming and fun.  IRL zelda people i know haven't existed since.... junior high?  Didn't help that skyrim had total mindshare that holiday season and i couldn't get the few people who had wiis to tell me what they think.  Has the game not had the typical legs zelda games do?

I'm not sure what buggers people about the game to be perfectly honest.  As opposed to wind waker and twilight princess and even ocarina that are flawed games with far more egregious 'padding' and larger bouts of tedium that offend far more than SS.  In the end it wasn't what I wanted (that would be New! Legend of Zelda) but its the best 3d zelda along with majora's mask.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 29, 2012, 11:59:57 AM
What buggers most Zelda dissidents its that the game hasn't changed since OOT, there is no innovation, just refinement (and even thats questionable) and being trapped in dogmas and tropes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on August 29, 2012, 12:53:38 PM
I havent liked a Zelda game since LTTP
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 29, 2012, 01:02:05 PM
I loved SS  :miyamoto
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 29, 2012, 01:20:02 PM
What buggers most Zelda dissidents its that the game hasn't changed since OOT, there is no innovation, just refinement (and even thats questionable) and being trapped in dogmas and tropes.

You have it backwards - there is some 'innovation', but little refinement.  They add shit like touch screen controls or motion controls but don't tweak much of anything else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 29, 2012, 03:46:00 PM
The last 3 posters in this thread haven't played skyward sword.

S'true, I have it but have had very little time for single player home games this year.  Still, you have to admit, the reception to it has been considerably chillier than usual for the main series.  Even Aeana and Dragona, who are both nuts for Zelda, said the game nosedives after a promising start.  And no offence, but I trust their word infinitely further than yours. 

However, I haven't played it.  Which is why I said I didn't know what to tell him.  Don't worry, someday I will play it, and then I'll be sure to tell you exactly what I think of it.

I really don't know what the reception to it is, as I've pretty much learned not to listen to internet dwellers about nearly everything.  Ie, one would think Phantom Hourglass was terribad when I find it very charming and fun.  IRL zelda people i know haven't existed since.... junior high?  Didn't help that skyrim had total mindshare that holiday season and i couldn't get the few people who had wiis to tell me what they think.  Has the game not had the typical legs zelda games do?

I'm not sure what buggers people about the game to be perfectly honest.  As opposed to wind waker and twilight princess and even ocarina that are flawed games with far more egregious 'padding' and larger bouts of tedium that offend far more than SS.  In the end it wasn't what I wanted (that would be New! Legend of Zelda) but its the best 3d zelda along with majora's mask.

Zelda hasn't been good since MM :smug

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Darksiders is the best Zelda this gen :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 29, 2012, 06:25:27 PM
I own every non CDi Zelda game, even those Cube discs.

SS is the only one I have not beaten. What a yawnfest.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on August 29, 2012, 07:22:06 PM
The next Zelda should be designed after Dark Souls.  Drop you in a world and let you figure it out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 29, 2012, 07:29:44 PM
The next Zelda should be designed after Dark Souls.  Drop you in a world and let you figure it out.
No objections, which is what i think something like a New! Legend of Zelda would play out. 2d overhead, old school but without the nes jank.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 29, 2012, 08:29:50 PM
Yeah that'll never fucking happen
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 29, 2012, 10:21:46 PM
I'd buy any console I had to to play that
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 29, 2012, 10:23:32 PM
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt, you would never see a game like Dark Souls with a Nintendo logo slapped on the box.

The next Zelda will probably be some ubertwee and hand-holdy experience.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2012, 10:25:55 PM
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt, you would never see a game like Dark Souls with a Nintendo logo slapped on the box.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 29, 2012, 10:54:47 PM
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt, you would never see a game like Dark Souls with a Nintendo logo slapped on the box.

The next Zelda will probably be some ubertwee and hand-holdy experience.

It is because Nintendo mainly makes games for kids now.  Also i dont think you know what creatively bankrupt means.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2012, 10:58:55 PM
I noticed you limited it to consoles, Oscar. What handheld games have sold worse? Probably not either of the DS ones, or OoT 3D. LttP GBA did fairly well I thought. So, the Oracle games?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on August 29, 2012, 11:05:05 PM
Skyward Sword wasn't that great, and believe it or not, the waggle was the least of its problems. The level of padding was laughably blatant, the handholding sucked, as did the truncated dungeons (though a few of them had some nice design, namely levels 3, 4, and 6) and lame fetch quest sidequests the game was filled with. Definitely the weakest 3D Zelda, I think I preferred WW to it in hindsight. TP is still best 3D Zelda.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2012, 11:23:06 PM
Ah I forgot Minish Cap. And I had always wondered how ST did, apparently not too good... probably why they abandoned the WW style for the 3DS's Zelda game.

Also, yeah, the middle couple of dungeons had signs of brilliance. None of them touched TP's greats, but they were good in their own right. Ancient Cistern in particular really, really stands out.

But yeah. The padding was pretty blatant. It didn't kill the game, but it definitely softened its impact too much.

That all said, I liked the direction in general they were refining the gameplay with. Or as I call it, the "MonHun-ization of Zelda." More of that and a more open, active overworld would be a damn fine game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 29, 2012, 11:49:44 PM
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt, you would never see a game like Dark Souls with a Nintendo logo slapped on the box.

The next Zelda will probably be some ubertwee and hand-holdy experience.

It is because Nintendo mainly makes games for kids now.  Also i dont think you know what creatively bankrupt means.

I know what that term means, hence why I used it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 29, 2012, 11:56:12 PM
So why do you use the term when Nintendo still makes games that are the frame work for 3rd parties copying thier ideas?  Sure the ideas that Nintendo have dont cater to you dont benefit you but that is a far cry from being creatively bankrupt.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 30, 2012, 12:21:17 AM
I agree completely Oscar.  I think the problem comes from 3d really adding nothing new to gameplay.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2012, 12:31:41 AM
I agree completely Oscar.  I think the problem comes from 3d really adding nothing new to gameplay.

It doesn't add any new control inputs but that doesn't mean creative things can't be done with it (although it may mean the barrier to creative entry is a little higher.)

I do think Nintendo is realizing they can actually make quirky, small games now that the eShop is semi-viable (and they're trying to legitimize it with retail games as well.) Wonder what they'll do for the Wii U's shop.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 30, 2012, 09:55:43 AM

We asked Blitz Games Studios' design director John Nash the impossible to answer question: is the Wii U more powerful than the current generation? "It's comparable to the current generation and a bit more powerful than that," he replied. Pretty unscientific, eh?

First, the positives. Where the Wii U outdoes the current generation is in RAM and GPU. The Wii U has, effectively, twice the RAM available to games that the Xbox 360 and the PS3 each have. And we hear much praise of the GPU.

"The Wii U is a nice console to work with because it's got so much RAM in comparison [to the PS3 and Xbox 360]," another Wii U developer, who wished to remain anonymous, told us. "For E3 we simply dumped the whole game into memory and never once used the disc after the content was loaded from it."

It is the RAM in combination with the GPU that means Wii U games have the potential to outshine Xbox 360 and PS3 games. Indeed, according to one source, the Wii U version of his company's game will be "the smoothest console version".

"We're a GPU-heavy game," the source continued. "Wii U has a powerful GPU with more oomph than the rivals - and is more modern in architecture and shader support, which may come in handy later on.

"The CPU on the other hand is a different question. We are not limited by it but some other games might suffer from it. Still, because of the GPU, I expect most multi-platform games to look the best on Wii U, even if the difference might not be huge sometimes."

The mention of the Wii U's CPU raised our eyebrow - as it has done for many developers we've spoken to. While its clock speed remains private, most developers agree it is lower than the clock speed offered by the PS3 and Xbox 360's CPUs - disappointing for many.

oh look,we have more RAM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 30, 2012, 10:06:49 AM
So they couldn't even get their new triple-core Broadway up to 3.2ghz? Sad. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2012, 10:09:52 AM
Clock speeds. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 30, 2012, 10:10:29 AM
Budget Dirtperson CPUs  :gloomy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 30, 2012, 10:14:45 AM
I really hope the nintards thump their chests as hard as they can for having the best looking versions of games for the year or so that statement can remain true. 

Still no EA support for this thing though?  Lack of Madden, etc is not going to make a successful console.  Ask the Dreamcast how that worked out. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on August 30, 2012, 10:15:27 AM
So they couldn't even get their new triple-core Broadway up to 3.2ghz? Sad. :(

Broadway was never able to achieve high clock speeds(1 Ghz tops,I think).Nintendo had to enhance the chip to achieve higher clocks.
Rumors say that clock is much closer to Wii than 360 though.

Clock speeds. ::)
No need to roll eyes.

The problem here is that people know Broadway performance.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 30, 2012, 10:45:38 AM
WII -- 2002's FINEST
WII U -- 2006's FINEST

:bow nintendo hobogineering :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 30, 2012, 10:48:16 AM
i think it's not actually broadway, but has support for broadway instructions -- or at least a mapping for broadway instructions routed to one of the three cores (on-die emulation)? that would put the clock at (a step max of) 1.8 ghz, not the 2.0 i heard

anyway, loltendo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on August 30, 2012, 11:01:26 AM
I'm surprised they didn't just go with a Celeron.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 30, 2012, 11:04:37 AM
I really hope the nintards thump their chests as hard as they can for having the best looking versions of games for the year or so that statement can remain true. 

Still no EA support for this thing though?  Lack of Madden, etc is not going to make a successful console.  Ask the Dreamcast how that worked out. :teehee

Madden and Fifa WiiU were shown.  Last piece of the puzzle is when black ops 2 wii u gets shown, because treyarch has been heavily hinting at it short of a confirmation.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on August 30, 2012, 11:06:11 AM
So they couldn't even get their new triple-core Broadway up to 3.2ghz? Sad. :(

Isn't this like arguing over how many bits a console is back in the day?  I've been told cpu whatevers don't mean much out of context.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 30, 2012, 11:08:29 AM
That Shiggy story is pretty badass but it makes me wonder how Twilight Princess got released.

How dare you shit on Zelda's swan song?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2012, 11:09:16 AM
So basicly this thing still won't be able to run CPU intensive last gen games like, SC2?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2012, 11:18:42 AM
So they couldn't even get their new triple-core Broadway up to 3.2ghz? Sad. :(

Isn't this like arguing over how many bits a console is back in the day?  I've been told cpu whatevers don't mean much out of context.

Clock speeds are about as irrelevant a spec as you can get. What matters is the actual CPU, not what it's clocked at.

Which in the Wii U's case, is probably a fairly weak processor, but the amount of GHz has little to do with it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 30, 2012, 11:20:30 AM
My take on Nintendo:

more rhythm tengoku for portables, please. Also, put the original gba RT on 3ds virtual console, translate it in English, have it up for when I pick up a 3ds for STM4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on August 30, 2012, 11:21:52 AM
i think it's not actually broadway, but has support for broadway instructions -- or at least a mapping for broadway instructions routed to one of the three cores (on-die emulation)? that would put the clock at (a step max of) 1.8 ghz, not the 2.0 i heard

anyway, loltendo

But how many Whimsies Per Second can it process?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 30, 2012, 11:48:15 AM
that all depends on the number of funsistors on the die, as well as the gigglebits per second throughput
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 30, 2012, 11:59:58 AM
cognitive dissonance like a motherfucker all up in this thread
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2012, 12:06:20 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2012, 12:10:08 PM
My take on Nintendo:

more rhythm tengoku for portables, please. Also, put the original gba RT on 3ds virtual console, translate it in English, have it up for when I pick up a 3ds for STM4.

Edit- :derp
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on August 30, 2012, 12:41:51 PM
My take on Nintendo:

more rhythm tengoku for portables, please. Also, put the original gba RT on 3ds virtual console, translate it in English, have it up for when I pick up a 3ds for STM4.

Edit- :derp

??? :wtf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2012, 12:45:20 PM
I asked what RT was. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 30, 2012, 01:01:40 PM
All I really want out of Nintendo is quality Fire Emblem releases, good Marios of the Galaxy variety, and to not fuck up Zelda.  Please leave all the feggitry like the Ninendoland virtual tour or whatever it is in a bin marked "stillborn bullshit" at headquarters, plz.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on August 30, 2012, 08:25:50 PM
Budget Dirtperson CPUs  :gloomy

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on August 31, 2012, 12:46:53 AM
I asked what RT was. :lol

You don't know what Rhythm Tengoku is? It's Rhythm Heaven.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 31, 2012, 12:52:04 AM
All I really want out of Nintendo is quality Fire Emblem releases, good Marios of the Galaxy variety, and to not fuck up Zelda.

As long as Aunoma tries to imitate Shiggy it is always gona stay fucked.  All his work after MM has been garbage.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 31, 2012, 01:12:27 AM
All I really want out of Nintendo is quality Fire Emblem releases, good Marios of the Galaxy variety, and to not fuck up Zelda.

As long as Aunoma tries to imitate Shiggy it is always gona stay fucked.  All his work after MM has been garbage.

Jesus, it's like you're a concentrated tornado of anti-wisdom.  Wind Waker, while full of annoying sailing bullshit, had awesome dungeons and boss fights, and TP was equally bad ass after you suffered through the opening bullshit.  I swear, it's like Nintendo fans don't even realize when they're being given something awesome.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 31, 2012, 01:57:13 AM
No those games after MM were boring.  I never found WW interesting and i couldnt get past the first 10 hours of TP.  All these games felt like they were trying to imitate a Shiggy game and failed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 31, 2012, 02:02:45 AM
Tarded.  Seriously tarded.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 31, 2012, 02:08:24 AM
Who is the Nintendo fan now.   ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 02:23:41 AM
Aonuma's cool. When he gets to let loose we get some really awesome games. TBH I don't know who to blame for SS's shortcomings (which I will say, are mostly exaggerated but still apparent.) Didn't the Spirit Tracks director direct SS? I'd probably blame him.

The TP we got was awesome but I always wonder what Aonuma's vision would have turned out like with no tea table flipping.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 02:42:44 AM
Yeah. Usually I can tell (or, I think I can) the elements that Aonuma has brought to a Zelda game but it was near impossible to in SS.

Hopefully he is working on Zelda U. If he can bring it back to TP levels, but with SS's gameplay enhancements, and HD, it'd be pretty good to see.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on August 31, 2012, 06:16:12 AM
I don't know who's to blame for the current state of Zelda, but the problems all just seem so obvious to me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 10:21:18 AM
I'll be surprised if much from Skyward Sword survives into the next installments.  After its weak performance, it'll probably be swept under the rug.

I don't think they'll stop including elements from MonHun, but for the rest (like motion controls, RIP thanks to U Pad) that's probably true.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 31, 2012, 11:44:10 AM
Styling it after MonHun is stupid. As people said they should style it after Dark Souls.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 11:46:50 AM
Styling it after MonHun is stupid. As people said they should style it after Dark Souls.

It's not mutually exclusive. Elements from either could be taken.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 31, 2012, 11:49:01 AM
As probably the only person in the universe that just plainly dislikes Monster Hunter games, this news saddens me.  Zelda games should be more like... Zelda games.  The wheel is not broken.  You don't need to reinvent it, no matter what tards like damian say.  Just put out the best damn wheel you possibly can every 2-3 years or so.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on August 31, 2012, 11:51:58 AM
As probably the only person in the universe that just plainly dislikes Monster Hunter games, this news saddens me.  Zelda games should be more like... Zelda games.  The wheel is not broken.  You don't need to reinvent it, no matter what tards like damian say.  Just put out the best damn wheel you possibly can every 2-3 years or so.

See nintnedo can never win.  If they make the sam egame over and over again people say they are creatively bankrupt.  If they dont then... then... then... i dunno.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 11:55:44 AM
As probably the only person in the universe that just plainly dislikes Monster Hunter games, this news saddens me.  Zelda games should be more like... Zelda games.  The wheel is not broken.  You don't need to reinvent it, no matter what tards like damian say.  Just put out the best damn wheel you possibly can every 2-3 years or so.

What don't you like about MH games?

I'm not saying Zelda should be MH, I'm just saying I enjoyed some of the things they included in SS. Like the light loot system and item upgrades.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on August 31, 2012, 11:59:44 AM
I haven't play SS yet because it looks like shit and I have better things to do, but I would love if the platforming in Zelda was more like Shadow of the colossus, I loved climbing shit and jumping around in that game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 31, 2012, 12:00:41 PM
I have been pretty damn consistent about what I want from Zelda games- awesome bosses and dungeons.  What I don't want- feggitry along the lines of sailing, too much hand-holding, waggle, or any alternate controls honestly.  I even thoroughly enjoyed Wind Waker aside from the tedious sailing bullshit because, guess what- really good boss fights and pretty good dungeons.  Twilight Princess, after the 'tarded first 8-10 hours or so, is possibly the best in series.  Why?  DEM DUNGEONS. 

I don't want Nintendo trying to innovate, because they suck at it.  I want them to do what the things I enjoy that they're actually good at, and it would be nice if they could do it on modern technology for a fucking change.  Those, and the unctuously awful fanthings that worship their wet farts, are my only real complaints with Nintendo.  Just stfu, put out ACTUAL DECENT, NON-GIMMICK DRIVEN HARDWARE and excellent games to play on it and then I will only have to kill every ninthing ever to be happy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on August 31, 2012, 12:06:15 PM
Twilight Princess, after the 'tarded first 8-10 hours or so, is possibly the best in series.  Why?  DEM DUNGEONS. 


I don't want Nintendo trying to innovate, because they suck at it.


In general, I wouldn't mind seeing more focus on exploration, but that goes with "less handholding." But yeah. The only thing a Zelda game needs is awesome dungeons. The rest is icing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 04, 2012, 08:45:32 AM
Got your pinch of salt ready? Video Product Distributors have posted up some information relating to the possible SKUs for Nintendo's Wii U console.
In case you didn't know already, VPD is a distribution company which counts Amazon, Blockbuster and Overstock as some of its customers.
The launch date given is the 11th November in North America. The SKUs are as follows:
WIIU SYSTEM - GM - 11/11/12 $249.99
WIIU SYSTEM W/ - GM - 11/11/12 $299.99
WIIU SYSTEM 349 W/ - GM - 11/11/12 $349.99

We can only assume that the $299.99 and $349.99 bundles include additional games or peripherals - an extra GamePad, perhaps?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 09:00:34 AM
Seems unlikely Nintendo would launch with three models out of the gate when they were so keen to avoid multiple SKUs last gen.

Also the date is suspect. The 18th seems more likely.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 04, 2012, 09:16:37 AM
Last gen is last gen,things change.

Listing is legit.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 04, 2012, 09:50:19 AM
$250 isn't that the old Vita pricing?

If so then WOW.

You will say "WOW"!

It's the current Vita pricing.  And the question is what is missing from that SKU that the others offer?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 04, 2012, 09:54:01 AM
maybe(controller included),

$349--console+game+extra storage
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 04, 2012, 09:57:46 AM
$249 - Console
$299 - Console + Controller
$349 - Console + Controller + Power Cable
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 04, 2012, 09:58:49 AM
how much for the whimsy edition?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 04, 2012, 09:59:48 AM
how much for the whimsy edition?


With all that whimsy, you don't even need a controller or power cable.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 04, 2012, 10:01:47 AM
If they could only bottle the whimsy and sell it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 04, 2012, 10:04:44 AM
probably just bundles, console will be the same in all

249 = console, 1 controller, no game

299 = console + nintendoland or whatever

349 = console + 2 controllers + game
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 11:19:47 AM
Last gen is last gen,things change.

Listing is legit.

It could be "legit" but listings pop up in GameStop's system occasionally for fake games. Killer 7 Wii anyone?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 04, 2012, 11:21:29 AM
the higher priced ones are most likely shitty retailer bundles like we see at every launch, where they saddle you with lee carvallo's putting challenge and a madqortz e-z-break controller if you want a launch system.

Now with scoring pencil!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 04, 2012, 11:24:39 AM
madqortz :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 04, 2012, 11:27:38 AM
Let's predict what other kinds of shitty new attachments third-party junk peddlers come up with for that tablet controller!

I predict:

1. Stylus Gloves - These comfortable, silken-style gloves have built-in plastic fingertip styli for the ultimate in tablet precision!

2. Polarized Screen Protector - Protects your precious tablet controller screen from scratches AND helps prevent eye fatigue!

3. Wii U Tablet Controller Vault - This anodized aluminum case is lined with egg crate foam, providing a military-grade level of protection from drops that could damage the high-tech electronics inside your tablet controller!

4. Skillshotz™ Targetting Reticule Overlay - When using your tablet controller's gyroscope and screen for FPS games, this pre-printed screen protector's realistic scope crosshair gives you the edge you need for pinpoint headshots!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 04, 2012, 11:34:17 AM
They probably do, and they're probably gonna get it, and the amount of stuttering messageboard defenses those Nintendoland purchases will generate make it totally worth every dime.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 04, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Why not?

It says Nintendoland
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 04, 2012, 11:38:46 AM
5. Wii U FabTab - An android 2.2 powered alternative to the Wii U tablet, it allows you to play Super Mario Bros. on a bootleg flash site or watch all the hottest Wii U game trailers while your friends, kids, or significant other uses the main Wii U console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 04, 2012, 11:39:46 AM
:lol 2.2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on September 04, 2012, 01:04:52 PM
The stylus gloves will need a quick release of the index finger so the ninthing is able to clean his nose without getting the glove dirty.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 02:08:04 PM
:lol 2.2

More advanced than anything Nintendo will put out this decade!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 04, 2012, 02:09:08 PM
The truth.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 04, 2012, 02:10:31 PM
You're saying the truth, Andy. :-* I was just thinking about this last night and figured they'd sell this thing for $250-350 at launch and then I wake up to see all three prices are correct somehow.  :spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 02:12:36 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 04, 2012, 02:15:57 PM
Shiggy will love you as long as you keep giving him money, fear not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 02:24:53 PM
Shiggy will love you as long as you keep giving him money, fear not.

But he told me not to buy other consoles too. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 04, 2012, 02:35:26 PM
"The time to launch an IP is at the front-end of the hardware cycle, and if you look historically the majority of new IPs are introduced within the first 24 months of each cycle of hardware platforms," Gibeau began. "Right now, we're working on three to five new IPs for the next gen, and in this cycle we've been directing our innovation into existing franchises.

"As much as there's a desire for new IP, the market doesn't reward new IP this late in the cycle," he added. "They end up doing okay, but not really breaking through."
Like all the big dogs, EA is frequently accused of knocking out incremental updates to established properties, but Gibeau feels forthcoming titles show the publisher at its most experimental. "If you look at what we're putting into Need For Speed: Most Wanted we're taking a lot of risks there, the same thing with Battlefield - you have to admit that, from Bad Company 2 to Battlefield 3, there's a huge amount of change there.

"But, if you look at the market dynamics, as much as there's a desire for new IP, the market doesn't reward new IP this late in the cycle; they end up doing okay, but not really breaking through. We have to shepherd the time that our developers spend, as well as the money that we spend on development in a positive way, so we're focused on bringing out a bunch of new IPs around the next generation of hardware."

"When you launch a new IP it needs to do something really, really remarkable, and that's easier to do when you have a new set of technology that gives you novel capabilities," Gibeau explained.

"This is the longest cycle that any of us have ever seen, and we're at the point where a little bit of fatigue has set in, and people are wondering what they can possibly do next. I've seen the machines that we're building games for, and they're spectacular.

Is WiiU spectacular?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 04, 2012, 02:37:06 PM
Let's predict what other kinds of shitty new attachments third-party junk peddlers come up with for that tablet controller!

I predict:

1. Stylus Gloves - These comfortable, silken-style gloves have built-in plastic fingertip styli for the ultimate in tablet precision!

2. Polarized Screen Protector - Protects your precious tablet controller screen from scratches AND helps prevent eye fatigue!

3. Wii U Tablet Controller Vault - This anodized aluminum case is lined with egg crate foam, providing a military-grade level of protection from drops that could damage the high-tech electronics inside your tablet controller!

4. Skillshotz™ Targetting Reticule Overlay - When using your tablet controller's gyroscope and screen for FPS games, this pre-printed screen protector's realistic scope crosshair gives you the edge you need for pinpoint headshots!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 04, 2012, 03:52:27 PM
that all depends on the number of funsistors on the die, as well as the gigglebits per second throughput

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 04, 2012, 03:58:31 PM
:lol 2.2

More advanced than anything Nintendo will put out this decade!


That's it, now you're learning how to play the game.  :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 04, 2012, 04:18:57 PM
Hey Prole, we still on for Weeeoooo night this Thursday?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 04, 2012, 04:49:32 PM
$249 - Console
$299 - Console + Controller
$349 - Console + Controller + Power Cable

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 04, 2012, 05:32:52 PM
Let's predict what other kinds of shitty new attachments third-party junk peddlers come up with for that tablet controller!

I predict:

1. Stylus Gloves - These comfortable, silken-style gloves have built-in plastic fingertip styli for the ultimate in tablet precision!

2. Polarized Screen Protector - Protects your precious tablet controller screen from scratches AND helps prevent eye fatigue!

3. Wii U Tablet Controller Vault - This anodized aluminum case is lined with egg crate foam, providing a military-grade level of protection from drops that could damage the high-tech electronics inside your tablet controller!

4. Skillshotz™ Targetting Reticule Overlay - When using your tablet controller's gyroscope and screen for FPS games, this pre-printed screen protector's realistic scope crosshair gives you the edge you need for pinpoint headshots!



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 04, 2012, 05:33:42 PM
:lol 2.2

More advanced than anything Nintendo will put out this decade!


:bow andrex comes of age :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 04, 2012, 05:34:17 PM
Hey Prole, we still on for Weeeoooo night this Thursday?

lookin' like it! what time should i roll by yer digs?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 04, 2012, 06:01:26 PM
:lol 2.2

More advanced than anything Nintendo will put out this decade!


More advanced than Apple too, it supports flash!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 04, 2012, 06:53:50 PM
:lol 2.2

More advanced than anything Nintendo will put out this decade!


More advanced than Apple too, it supports flash!

So did the Wii. :o
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cascade on September 06, 2012, 05:59:54 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 06, 2012, 09:13:09 AM
 Everyone falls for the nostalgia trap at some point, key is to realize it and leave it behind.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on September 06, 2012, 09:39:56 AM
What the hell with that comic.

1 less Weeeoooooo on November's NPD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 06, 2012, 09:45:06 AM
Nothing wrong with indulging in a little nostalgia from time to time, but trying to live inside that little bubble and attacking anything that "threatens" it is dumb.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 06, 2012, 09:52:42 AM
Nothing wrong with indulging in a little nostalgia from time to time, but trying to live inside that little bubble and attacking anything that "threatens" it is dumb.

Are you talking about Nintendo fans or republicans?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 06, 2012, 10:04:57 AM
how is uncharted not nostalgia? I loved tomb raider as well, in the 20th century.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 06, 2012, 10:22:50 AM
Nothing wrong with indulging in a little nostalgia from time to time, but trying to live inside that little bubble and attacking anything that "threatens" it is dumb.

Are you talking about Nintendo fans or republicans?


how is uncharted not nostalgia? I loved tomb raider as well, in the 20th century.

It's a fair cop.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 06, 2012, 06:58:19 PM

holy shit  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 06, 2012, 07:03:32 PM
I didn't know it was possible to have more words and panels than a VGCatz comic.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on September 06, 2012, 07:17:32 PM
that comic owns.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 06, 2012, 08:22:03 PM
Someone found latest Audiokinetic's documentation where it mentions Wii U CPU performance. Then they ran the same benchmark on normal PCs.

Lower is better:

Test setup:
AMD A6-3500 @ 2.4GHz
4GB DDR3, 1.6GHz CL6
Wwise 2012.2 64bit
Windows 7 x64

The baseline on this system is 0.2785% as reported by the Wwise profiler, all figures are an average over 60 samples. And these are the results:

Code: [Select]
Wwise 2012.2 CPU Load (lower is better)

               |   Wii U | A6-3500 |  i7-920
Peak Limiter   |   0.20% |   0.08% |   0.05%
Delay          |   0.07% |   0.04% |   0.01%

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 06, 2012, 11:30:42 PM

holy shit  :lol

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 06, 2012, 11:58:08 PM
That is some serious ether.

"Manchild rosary" :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 07, 2012, 12:32:57 AM
Has this been posted at GAF?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 07, 2012, 12:59:36 AM
Just think, that Nthing would still be alive today if only he was familiar with QTE. Proper game design saves lives
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 07, 2012, 01:15:08 AM
Just think, that Nthing would still be alive today if only he was familiar with QTE. Proper game design saves lives mean CQC?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 07, 2012, 02:09:20 AM
That comic is awesome. Not Fatlus awesome but close
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 07, 2012, 04:04:53 AM
Just think, that Nthing would still be alive today if only he was familiar with QTE. Proper game design saves lives mean CQC?

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 07, 2012, 09:34:19 AM
Speaking in the latest issue of MCV, Hines said that Bethesda's "approach has been to put our games out on all of the platforms that will support them.

"So far the Wii hasn't fitted into that. Whether Wii U does down the road is TBD."

Nintendo has seemingly struggled to find third-party support for Wii U. Yesterday, revealed that Ubisoft had put its Wii U version of Ghost Recon Online on hold.

Bethesda games were never good anyway...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 07, 2012, 09:50:09 AM
But that doesn't make sense, they put games out on the PS3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 07, 2012, 09:58:05 AM
But that doesn't make sense, they put games out on the PS3.

Do they?

Tell me something about PS3 Skyrim,Dawnguard then
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:11:40 PM

the elephant in the room is the idea that shooting guys in the face repeatedly serves as a meaningful and culturally enlightened experience. It's not. He talks about great stories and immersion and deep experiences and shit, and he's picking up fucking Uncharted 3. Now, I love Uncharted games, namely 2, but come the fuck on. I agree with the nostalgia crack, but other than that, I don't see how his argument serves as a necessarily good one either. He comes across as vapid and one-dimensional as the nostalgia-tard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:19:40 PM
The real question is: what is the author's opinion on Shenmue?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 07, 2012, 11:22:06 PM
The sad truth is that the Uncharted 3 guy wouldn't even be allowed in the store since he's not wearing a shirt.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:23:15 PM
If you're playing Bethesda games on anything other than a PC, you're a fool, anyway.  They're ridiculously technically incompetent, the community always has to clean up after them, and consoles that don't support that kind of process are just going to leave you with an inferior product.

Skyrim was fine on 360. It has frozen for me all but once.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:27:40 PM
Really? Bethesda does a better job than those hacks at Obsidian. And they're definitely superior to Bioware.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 07, 2012, 11:33:28 PM
bethesda rules, oscar drools
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:37:39 PM
Bethesda makes the best modern wrpgs. :bow Adventure and exploration :bow2  :piss Shitty soap opera Effect :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:43:01 PM
Compared to Obisidan's "we can't put a game out on time" and Bioware's "let's make this game suck", Bethesda's sales are deserved.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:45:49 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 07, 2012, 11:48:06 PM
Bethesda's RPGs are some of the greatest time-sinks ever. Good thing they don't listen to Oscar's horrible opinions.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 07, 2012, 11:49:33 PM
Rumbler, it's okay. We all can't be right on everything, sweetheart.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 07, 2012, 11:50:57 PM
Between this and DKC2, I just don't know if I can trust Oscar anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 08, 2012, 12:04:18 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 12:04:50 AM
Between this and DKC2, I just don't know if I can trust Oscar anymore.

Don't forget SML2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 08, 2012, 12:05:12 AM
Rumbler, but he hates Shenmue so you can trust him.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 08, 2012, 12:06:21 AM
hahaha, i loves ya
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 12:06:38 AM
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 08, 2012, 12:09:31 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 08, 2012, 12:12:33 AM
Admit it Feelbad, you made the title Fallout 3 so you wouldn't have to edit out the 3!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 08, 2012, 12:20:25 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 08, 2012, 12:59:40 AM
Fallout 3 looks pretty with mods.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on September 08, 2012, 11:33:41 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 08, 2012, 12:59:24 PM
"Ten years and twenty pounds ago"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 08, 2012, 04:17:41 PM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 06:16:02 PM
Re: Forthcoming (
spoiler (click to show/hide)
or not  :-*
) MH game for US

Andrex : "Wii U game, called it a few months ago off-GAF. "

...... oh rry ??
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 08, 2012, 06:24:11 PM
Ruh roh...

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Vita exclusive confirmed :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 06:48:15 PM
ruuuuuuu roooooooooh

(i just don't recall Andrex calling that there would be a Wii U version off his own bat)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
and they can't start the Vita games until the finish up the assets for the Wii U version ;) *Joke... maybe*

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 08, 2012, 07:42:37 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

With my immense X360 backlog, I can skip buying anything for years. But being rich can be a curse sometimes.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 08, 2012, 07:44:37 PM
I'm bench-ridden for next gen. PC and mobile 100%.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 08, 2012, 08:12:36 PM
I had a Wii at launch  :-[ Not getting this right away though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 08, 2012, 08:53:38 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

With my immense X360 backlog, I can skip buying anything for years. But being rich can be a curse sometimes.

Nope.  I already have a PS3 and 360- Don't need another current-gen console. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 08:56:16 PM
Andrex : "Wii U game, called it a few months ago off-GAF. "

...... oh rry ??

Called it May 1st on my forum.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 08:57:12 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

Getting three. One for me and each of my sisters. :o As Xmas presents.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 09:17:42 PM
Called it May 1st on my forum.

maybe i'm going crazy - didn't we have a whole discussion on this -here- and you were "it's coming to 3DS" ?

Getting three. One for me and each of my sisters. As Xmas presents.

if you hate them that much why not piss in their gas tanks? It would be cheaper.

Oh wow....

Quote from: Andrex circa May 1st
Probably some derivation of 4. Definitely a mainline-game of some kind.

I don't really trust my source but figured I should post this somewhere. Remind me to bump this and gloat if it comes to be.

the bore May 1st --->

Man, You totally called it !
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 09:54:51 PM
Same boat here - Wife and I -might- go halfs on one but unless there's something spectacularly good or i sell off something else then there's not much point.

Juggling two kids is going to destroy any remaining time either of us have so probably just better to wait until later on down the line.

I hardly get any time to play on consoles as it is - so might as well pocket the cash for now.
Hospital bills, kid into international school, and a few other unseen costs have meant i've took a good bite out of savings, so need to get back up to a "safety" level.

Oscar : P-100 is 2013 i think.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 08, 2012, 09:56:30 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

no, i owned a 360
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 09:58:30 PM
no, i owned a 360

perhaps you could get a Wii U to compare to the X720 , you know, like people who keep 386's around just to see how it stacks up to their i7-975s ?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 08, 2012, 09:58:47 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

no, i owned a 360

Translation: I will buy at least two (see: PSP Go)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 10:06:37 PM
Man, You totally called it !

:lol I don't understand what you're making fun of me for.

if you hate them that much why not piss in their gas tanks? It would be cheaper.

I wanted to get them a Wii all this year cause we all had a ton of fun playing mine while I was still at home, but I've held off since Wii U is backwards compatible.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 08, 2012, 10:06:40 PM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

no, i owned a 360

Translation: I will buy at least two (see: PSP Go)

Please - do not sully the name of the PSP Go. It's a magical device. Owning two should be mandatory

I wanted to get them a Wii all this year cause we all had a ton of fun playing mine while I was still at home, but I've held off since Wii U is backwards compatible

If they all still live at home isn't it better to buy one machine with two pads (if it supports?) and the controllers? The whole point of the machine is to be a one-house focal/social point which, i assume, means multiple logins and a focus on local multiplayer games. So having three in one house? I guess if they all want to play Mario on their own pads in bed then that's a factor.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 08, 2012, 10:12:59 PM
Nah, in the past year both me and my older sis moved out, so only my younger sister is still there. Three Wii U's for three residences.

Lol I wouldn't buy one for each them if we all still lived there.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 09, 2012, 12:46:05 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 09, 2012, 09:06:01 AM

Anyone here buying this at launch?


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Not really, but I wanted an excuse to post that gif and figured the wii u thread would give me the most immediate opportunity
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 09, 2012, 09:17:43 AM

Anyone here buying this at launch?

With my immense X360 backlog, I can skip buying anything for years. But being rich can be a curse sometimes.

Nope, not waiting in line and since most of the remotely interesting titles are "launch window" games, it doesn't seem worth it.  I'll take a wait and see approach, especially to see how the software front will look once the real next gen consoles come out.  Steam is kicking a lot of ass and between that, PCSX2, Dolphin, PS3 (there's about two dozen titles I want to play for it but haven't got around to them yet), 3DS, iOS, MAME, etc.  there may not be enough free time to really bother with any of the next gen consoles, let alone the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on September 09, 2012, 05:35:57 PM
a line for wii u  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 09, 2012, 06:40:13 PM
Wii U will probably sell more than ps4 and xshit 3 at launch but it will still be crap like the wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 09, 2012, 07:04:48 PM
360 will outsell the WiiU in December
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 09, 2012, 09:53:57 PM
People lined up for the 360 coming off something that barely outsold the fucking gamecube.  WiiU's initial sales aren't a concern compared to the spectre of its dubious future software situation.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 09, 2012, 09:58:53 PM
And what a dubious future it is  :heart
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 09, 2012, 10:15:00 PM
Anyone else think it's ridiculous how we're supposedly two months-ish from launch and there's no official word regarding the actual date or price? Make me suspicious that all in not well in N land but I don't recall how far ahead they've announced previous launches...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 09, 2012, 10:20:18 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 09, 2012, 11:18:15 PM
Anyone else think it's ridiculous how we're supposedly two months-ish from launch and there's no official word regarding the actual date or price? Make me suspicious that all in not well in N land but I don't recall how far ahead they've announced previous launches...

They announced the Wii's release date and price on September 14, 2006, about two months ahead of the November 19 launch. Nintendo has an event scheduled on like the 15 or something this month, so we'll get the date and price then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 10, 2012, 12:06:03 AM
Kind of thought as much but wasn't entirely sure. :-[
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 12:34:58 AM
Kind of thought as much but wasn't entirely sure. :-[

You're looking for excuses to be negative. :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 10, 2012, 12:48:40 AM
Kind of thought as much but wasn't entirely sure. :-[

You're looking for excuses to be negative. :P

I'm not so sure we need to look too hard in this case
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 12:53:18 AM

Hey at least the rumored prices are some good news, eh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 10, 2012, 01:06:18 AM
Even Nintendo knows it can't get away with charging too much for 5 year old tech :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 01:13:58 AM
Even Nintendo knows it can't get away with charging too much for 5 year old tech :teehee

You can't charge too much for any kind of tech, no matter how bleeding edge. As the Vita aptly demonstrates. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 10, 2012, 01:20:45 AM
There's a sweet spot.  The problem with the hand held market is that there's no demand for that sort of product.  Parents want something to get their kids to stfu when they're trapped in a car with them or whatever, and you have an entire generation of stunted manchildren who are conditioned to purchasing Nintendo handhelds no matter what.  Sony could have priced it at $100 less and it probably wouldn't have done exceptionally better because you fucktards couldn't catch your pokemans on a Vita.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 01:33:20 AM
We can't catch them on 3DS either, yet. :( But backwards compatibility kind of makes that a non-issue.

I agree with Oscar Sony made the right move in not going forward with UMD, but I also think it would have been a big boon if Sony didn't have to send mixed messages in the PSP's twilight years. "Based on their libraries, why would I get a Vita when I can get a PSP?" wouldn't even need to be asked if Vita was backwards compatible.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 10, 2012, 02:36:53 AM
The former Wii masses have moved on to tablets and smartphones and social gaming. Can't capture that lightning in a bottle again. The market is largely back to where it was in 2004.

Which is convenient since they're targeting 2006 tech.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 03:04:07 AM
I think at $100 less the Vita would be doing 2-3x better than it is now, but Creepy Old Guy is right (if we cut around some of the language he uses due to be diddled by Shigsy when he was a child): there's no audience for the Vita in North America.  We don't even need to include the "manchildren" here, because they're such a small slice of the pie in NA they're almost insignificant.  Handheld gaming hardware in NA has almost exclusively been the province of children.  The PSP and the DS were both good at hitting demographics outside that, but neither the adolescent to adult male gamer of the PSP nor the soccer mom/elderly demo of the DS proved to yield much in the way of consistent long-term fruit.

That made it extremely baffling to me when Sony opted to target the same group again with the Vita.  I really don't know what they were expecting to happen there.

The WiiU baffles me to a similar extent.  We've seen with the Wii that the expanded audience Nintendo successfully courted with the Wii didn't really stick it out for the long haul, though they certainly proved lucrative while they were there.  You could say Nintendo would be happy if the exact same situation as the Wii happened again, and I'd agree, but the problem is that Nintendo isn't targeting a fresh new audience with the WiiU - rather, they seem to be doubling down on the latter years of the Wii, which is to say, the Nintendo faithful and the largely disinterested people they pulled in with Wii Sports and Wii Fit.  I don't see how that's a viable plan at all, outside Japan, where the Nintendo faithful can hold up the entire island in the event it's necessary.

I really think Nintendo is targeting the 360 audience. I mean, you can laugh at it, but it is what it is. I mean, look at the Pro Controller. They're throwing out Nintendo Land but they're not really pushing it like they expect it to be Wii Sports take two. A lot of their focus is on PS360 ports.

I'd say in general, Nintendo knows they've lost the casuals, and casual gaming hasn't been a big focus of their presentation terminology for several years. Appealing to nostalgia and catering to other system owners has been, though. Part wishful thinking, but Nintendo has probably come around to the fact that their fans and hardcore players are the more stable profit pool. They're biting the bullet halfway with the Wii U now in order to take advantage of that in the future. The Wii U might be less supported  than the others, but if it gets third parties to at least pay attention enough to port their games, Nintendo will probably be happy with that. From there, they're in a good position going into next-next gen.

With the Wii, they didn't have anything to lose. Third parties were barely giving them the time of day anyways, and they had a big opportunity to snap up this completely untapped market, so they took it. With Wii U, now they need to get back in the graces of third parties.

It's likely to prove to be somewhat of a mistake, but then again, who knows? Microsoft could blow it next gen and it doesn't seem like Sony would be able to capitalize on that if given the chance, which leaves Nintendo. Microsoft's now chasing the same casual gamers that made the Wii a success, and they've grabbed some of them with the Kinect. They might continue down that road. Unlikely, but possible.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 03:11:52 AM
But if they were really targeting the 360 audience, they wouldn't have specced their machine at current generation levels.  360 owners have absolutely no need whatsoever for a 360+.

When I said targeting the 360 audience, I meant literally. Maybe prospective audience would have been a better term.

I don't claim to understand Nintendo's moves, but they really do seem keen on PS360 ports now and most talk of "casual/core" has been done away with.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 10, 2012, 06:16:30 AM
When I said targeting the 360 audience, I meant literally. Maybe prospective audience would have been a better term.

There's very little prospective 360 audience at over $200 left. It's like releasing a tablet now and targeting iPad users.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 10, 2012, 06:37:47 AM
Dreamcast targeting PS1 future audience(ports) in hope for PS2 ports.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 10, 2012, 07:22:25 AM
Nintendo is just trying to strike oil but this time with a touchscreen instead of motion controls.  They don't care if the Wii U ended up like the Wii in the end, they just want those three fiscal years of multibillion dollar profit margins.  I don't know what game Nintendo has in mind to do that and if they can't, then they're fucked.  The Gamecube was what happened when all there was to play was Nintendo games and they got about 20 million Gamecube sales?  Unless they can create some pop culture phenomenon, 20 million is right where I see the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 10, 2012, 10:09:50 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 10, 2012, 10:15:28 AM
"Oh solly, youl westeln games so stupid.  Have viltuar toul thlough beroved Nintendo flanchises instead." :miyamoto
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 10:21:22 AM
Wii U Unveiling confirmed for Thursday, September 13 at 9:30am EST.

When I said targeting the 360 audience, I meant literally. Maybe prospective audience would have been a better term.

There's very little prospective 360 audience at over $200 left. It's like releasing a tablet now and targeting iPad users.

Microsoft. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 10:23:36 AM
Nintendo is just trying to strike oil but this time with a touchscreen instead of motion controls.  They don't care if the Wii U ended up like the Wii in the end, they just want those three fiscal years of multibillion dollar profit margins.  I don't know what game Nintendo has in mind to do that and if they can't, then they're fucked.  The Gamecube was what happened when all there was to play was Nintendo games and they got about 20 million Gamecube sales?  Unless they can create some pop culture phenomenon, 20 million is right where I see the Wii U.

I'd be far more generous. If Nintendo started seeing GameCube-like sales they'd hit the panic button faster than they did for the 3DS. The Wii U is also coming off the success of the Wii, which has similarly been something of a crutch for 3DS (coming off the DS.) Nintendo won't let this thing sell less than 35 million, I'd wager.

I mean, the PS3 floundered for several years after launch, which is typically the most important part of a console's life, and they've managed to net more than 60 million in sales when all is said and done.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 10, 2012, 11:00:16 AM


Nailed it.

Wii was the same exact way: lots of potential, but the genres wii would have been great for got snubbed, namely rail shooters (oh, we got SP2, but that's IT, not even a new Panzer Dragoon), or goddamn revivals of arcade classics like Point Blank. Instead, we get shitty games like SSX Blur where you have to draw hearts in order to pull off ubers, and other inane bullshit, rather than sticking to the systems strengths.

Wii fucking sucked.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 10, 2012, 11:26:18 AM
One of the few games that really played to the Wii's strengths was Boom Blox.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 10, 2012, 11:47:03 AM
I mean, the PS3 floundered for several years after launch, which is typically the most important part of a console's life, and they've managed to net more than 60 million in sales when all is said and done.

yes, but the PS3 had the advantage of being half of the HD twins - once people go their heads around the technical difficulties then ports across from X360 (and vice versa) became easier. Throw in some interesting first party titles and Bluray playback they still had a machine that was technically proficient.

The Wii U is walking into a brick fucking wall. It's -sort of- an X360, it's sort of a Wii, it's -sort of- an Ipad (with not multitouch) - it's everything that's on the way OUT of this gen (ipad itself obviously not, but a single touch pad ... ?) where as the PS3 was still, in relation to what was out at the time, was still technically up there. The Wii was a phenomenon - and i don't see lightning striking twice on this one.

This , basically, sums up why Nintendo are fucked :

"The delay will depend on how many posts are created and how many people Nintendo has working to moderate the message. “But personally, I think 30 minutes should be acceptable,” Iwata said."

I don't know who this machine is for outside Nintendo fans. I don't see who else this is going to appeal to.
Perhaps theres some killer app game just sitting in the wings or something.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 12:03:20 PM
That's certainly what it seems like at this point. I stand by my statement though, Nintendo won't let this thing sell less than 35 million. Hardly a success but it could still be very profitable for them, and most importantly, it puts them back on third parties' radars and modernizes their online network.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 10, 2012, 12:12:26 PM
That's certainly what it seems like at this point. I stand by my statement though, Nintendo won't let this thing sell less than 35 million. Hardly a success but it could still be very profitable for them, and most importantly, it puts them back on third parties' radars and modernizes their online network.

if they are starting from a point of 30 minute delays for messages/posts then i think the modernization is going to be a painful period for them to realise what does and doesn't work.

The big risk for Nintendo if they get the pricing wrong and if MS/PS3 slash their machines to line up with the launch. Then i'm not sure what Nintendo can do - they cut the price on the Wii U as quickly as they did with the 3DS? Won't everyone who got burnt on the original 3DS wait and see what happens if it's $249?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2012, 12:34:02 PM
That's certainly what it seems like at this point. I stand by my statement though, Nintendo won't let this thing sell less than 35 million. Hardly a success but it could still be very profitable for them, and most importantly, it puts them back on third parties' radars and modernizes their online network.

if they are starting from a point of 30 minute delays for messages/posts then i think the modernization is going to be a painful period for them to realise what does and doesn't work.

The big risk for Nintendo if they get the pricing wrong and if MS/PS3 slash their machines to line up with the launch. Then i'm not sure what Nintendo can do - they cut the price on the Wii U as quickly as they did with the 3DS? Won't everyone who got burnt on the original 3DS wait and see what happens if it's $249?

I think the expectations are different for consoles, which I feel have been more stable price-wise (feel free to correct if wrong.) But aside from price, handhelds get new colors, new revisions, etc., all the time. People expect a bit of uncertainty when it comes to handhelds that isn't the case with home consoles (and whether that's grounded in reality, is up for debate.)

I don't think Nintendo is going to have to worry about MS/Sony cutting their prices, especially since the rumor is they're releasing at $250 (tard pack?) $250 is a fantastic price for a new home console, no matter the tech or what the competition offers (obviously, it isn't the only factor. Not nearly.) But price wise I think they're going to be in a very comfortable position; whatever sinks the Wii U, it won't be the price.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 10, 2012, 12:43:38 PM
well, i think it's a combination of what it is -plus- the price and plus timing. $249 is the price i expect, $199 would be pretty killer, but not sure they can afford to run with it that low.

People are ready for a new machine - i'm just not convinced that the Wii U is going to represent anything too new to anyone who already bought into HD. Again, outside Nintendo fans, those who aren't in on "next gen" probably won't look at a $249 investment if there's a (good forbid for Nintendo) $99 X360/PS3 alternative (i doubt they'd go that low yet)

In Japan it's not going to matter - Nintendo will do fine, but in the US/UK i think they're going to struggle.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 10, 2012, 12:51:01 PM
Sony's already gearing up for a lower-cost counter machine, with their focus on remote play and DLC for PS3 for games which use the Vita as a controller. I firmly believe that once the budget PS3 redesign hits they're gonna pack it up with a Vita and sell it as a bundle.

But I still think Wii U is gonna have a decent first couple of years, it'll take that long for things to really get cranking on the next-gen machines.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 10, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
No self respecting (future)xbot will buy WiiU even for $50.What is the point?

If WiiU had GTA5 as exclusive,that would shift the balance.But for some crummy ports?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 10, 2012, 01:43:07 PM
Kind of thought as much but wasn't entirely sure. :-[

You're looking for excuses to be negative. :P
I can't remember every detail about a company that continues to be less and less worth caring about. :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 10, 2012, 09:04:16 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 10, 2012, 10:59:07 PM
GI with the big scoops.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 12:13:01 AM
DS games on a bigger screen with Flash graphics?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 12:29:43 AM
I mean, obviously Nintendo Land looks cheap as hell, but so did Wii Sports. *shrug*

I'm not buying it, but I'd check it out if it's a pack in. It's barely interesting though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 12:52:41 AM
I mean, obviously Nintendo Land looks cheap as hell, but so did Wii Sports. *shrug*

I'm not buying it, but I'd check it out if it's a pack in. It's barely interesting though.

Wii Sports was a work of genius - you could show it to anyone and , not only would they be instantly able to control the game, they'd be having fun and would immediately understand the whole purpose of the Wii and what it was for. It was also like showing people not that interested in tech something that was borderline magic. It was the uniqie selling point that won over millions. *broken record here but* The Wii U's unique feature is seemingly a combination of what everyone else has done, but done (arguably) worse.

Again, the Wii U needs to have a similar killer app that distinguishes it from the ipad/X360 etc and i can't for the life of me think what it would be. Nintendoland sure as feck isn't it.

Actually - no joke - online Bingo - with real cash prizes. That might work and pull in the Blue Rinse gamers.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 08:29:23 AM
okay - i think Nthings are huffing Nintendo cock glue

people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER are throwing their dirty man-milt over... this....


.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's completely within Gamecube capabilities.

The emperors new fucking clothes. Total.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 08:36:25 AM
The whole about-face on HD from Nthings : This is like getting into the Beatles just as Mark Chapman puts a bullet into John.

Again, people who should know better are just coming across as ill informed. I love Ferricide to bits but he's already on Facebook going on about Wii U HD being good enough and, despite having seen NOTHING (possibly something) of Next gen Xbox/Ps4 has already declared he's not interested in what they have to offer.

It's just fucking stupid. "I want progress - but only to the level Nintendo have green lit." - that's how i'm going to judge these sort of statements. Anyone invoking "but think of the profits" gets a cock in the mouf.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 08:50:16 AM
Apparently WiiU is confirmed(by Nintendo) for EU this year.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 11, 2012, 08:55:48 AM
DS games on a bigger screen with Flash graphics?


real talk time

My boss went to e3. He is a complete non-gamer, but has some young daughters. His response on the Wii U was "looks like a giant DS, it's not very interesting".
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 11, 2012, 09:03:31 AM
Is the "streaming the entire game to the controller" feature an optional thing for developers? I may have misread this, but I'd swear I read somewhere recently where it won't work for every game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 09:28:02 AM
Is the "streaming the entire game to the controller" feature an optional thing for developers? I may have misread this, but I'd swear I read somewhere recently where it won't work for every game.

this is going to be nintendo's "Trannysfarring surprise"

bu bu bu they never SAID it would work with EVERY game! No one expected it to.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 11, 2012, 09:34:17 AM
Is the "streaming the entire game to the controller" feature an optional thing for developers? I may have misread this, but I'd swear I read somewhere recently where it won't work for every game.

You mean as in, you can play the full game without the TV on? That's definitely optional, since some games are obviously going to be using both screens in conjunction
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 11, 2012, 09:38:05 AM
Yeah, that's what I meant. I realize that certain games just aren't going to be mechanically possible, but if it's optional for every game it isn't gonna be used much, even for just straight portovers with the barest of tablet functionality. No one's gonna really bother. That's kind of a bummer, as it's one of the few things which interest me about the console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 11, 2012, 09:46:31 AM
Well. If it's made easy enough to implement, I guess it would be kinda dumb to overlook since it is a pretty big USP of the system... But I agree, we're probably going to see lazy-ass ports skip it. hehe
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 10:00:43 AM
This will end up worse than DS in terms of two screens usage.

I bet people will be confused at what screen to look at.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 11, 2012, 10:02:46 AM
Again, people who should know better are just coming across as ill informed. I love Ferricide to bits but he's already on Facebook going on about Wii U HD being good enough and, despite having seen NOTHING (possibly something) of Next gen Xbox/Ps4 has already declared he's not interested in what they have to offer.

Whether or not I think they're full of it depends entirely on the amount of enthusiasm I see. I don't necessarily think they're anything particularly wrong with declaring the Wii U good enough if the mindset is just one of conceding that -- despite the reluctance to stick with the old shit that worked -- eventually even the most curmudgeonly have to upgrade. Given that it's 2012, HD (or at least pseudo HD) resolutions are becoming more necessary for people who don't have awful vision as SD TVs disappear completely and HD TVs get bigger and bigger. So, in the sense that you concede that it's just a completely necessary evolution undeserving of praise, accepting the Wii U I think is fine.

However, I agree that a lot of people are just doing the usual cheerleading and spinning pure nonsense as yet more brilliant pragmatism from the geniuses at Nintendo. Preemptively deciding that the next Xbox and Playstation systems are going to be too powerful is a pretty good indication that you're not to be taken seriously in terms of objectively assessing the technical merits of hardware.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 10:18:44 AM
okay - i think Nthings are huffing Nintendo cock glue

people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER are throwing their dirty man-milt over... this....


.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's completely within Gamecube capabilities.

The emperors new fucking clothes. Total.

It looks nice. At least as nice as Super Mario World, a conclusion I myself am surprised with since I love how that game looks and never cared for the New series aesthetics (outside a "it's nice because it's colorful and consistent" way.)




But apparently some people hated how SMW looked, so for them NSMB U isn't any better off. *shrugs*

A game doesn't have to be Uncharted levels of detail for it to look good. (Good is different from, say, "great," which Rayman falls under.)

Edit- Also those screens have absolutely heinous JPG compression, I don't know how an official Nintendo magazine saw fit to release them in that state.

The whole about-face on HD from Nthings : This is like getting into the Beatles just as Mark Chapman puts a bullet into John.

Again, people who should know better are just coming across as ill informed. I love Ferricide to bits but he's already on Facebook going on about Wii U HD being good enough and, despite having seen NOTHING (possibly something) of Next gen Xbox/Ps4 has already declared he's not interested in what they have to offer.

It's just fucking stupid. "I want progress - but only to the level Nintendo have green lit." - that's how i'm going to judge these sort of statements. Anyone invoking "but think of the profits" gets a cock in the mouf.

I think we've been over this before, but would you expect them to say they don't want HD, even if Nintendo were offering it? Which is the more sane thing for an insane person to say, in your eyes?

Well. If it's made easy enough to implement, I guess it would be kinda dumb to overlook since it is a pretty big USP of the system... But I agree, we're probably going to see lazy-ass ports skip it. hehe

I think the ports will be more likely to include it, since they won't be using both screens in tandem for anything critical usually.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 10:44:00 AM
Final WiiU specs(site was pretty damn reliable so far)
CPU: “Espresso” CPU on the Wii U has three enhanced Broadway cores

GPU: “GPU7” AMD Radeon™-based High Definition GPU. Unique API = GX2, which supports Shader Model 4.0 (DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.3 equivalent functionality)

Memory: Mem1 = 32MB Mem2 = 1GB (that applications can use)

Storage: Internal 8 GB with support for SD Cards (SD Cards up to 2GB/ SDHC Cards up to 32GB) and External USB Connected Hard Drives

Networking: 802.11 b/g/n Wifi

Video Output: Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i

Video Cables Supported:

Compatible cables include HDMI, Wii D-Terminal, Wii Component Video, Wii RGB, Wii S-Video Stereo AV and Wii AV.

USB: Four USB 2.0 Ports

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 11, 2012, 10:44:46 AM
Why are the screenshots tiny? Isn't the game in 1080p (or at least 720p)?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cascade on September 11, 2012, 10:45:49 AM
A 3 Core Broadway CPU!?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
For those of you who don't know, the Broadway CPU is the Wii CPU which is an overclocked version of the gamecube CPU which was designed in 1999. Nintendo have managed to do the impossible and launch a console in 2012 using a 13 year old CPU. Who knew whimsy had such a steep price?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 11:01:16 AM
dirt cheap/easy Wii "emulation"---done
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 11:01:40 AM
Why are the screenshots tiny? Isn't the game in 1080p (or at least 720p)?

They're just bad screens, quality wise.

A 3 Core Broadway CPU!?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
For those of you who don't know, the Broadway CPU is the Wii CPU which is an overclocked version of the gamecube CPU which was designed in 1999. Nintendo have managed to do the impossible and launch a console in 2012 using a 13 year old CPU. Who knew whimsy had such a steep price?

Isn't this pretty old news? We were just discussing why the CPU was weak, like, last week, and that was basically what we agreed on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 11:04:21 AM
1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 11, 2012, 11:05:08 AM
A 3 Core Broadway CPU!?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
For those of you who don't know, the Broadway CPU is the Wii CPU which is an overclocked version of the gamecube CPU which was designed in 1999. Nintendo have managed to do the impossible and launch a console in 2012 using a 13 year old CPU. Who knew whimsy had such a steep price?

had to make that rumored 250 price point somehow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 11, 2012, 11:07:46 AM
8 gig storage, lulz
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 11, 2012, 11:57:49 AM
4 USB ports means you can plug in four 3TB HDDs for 12TB of storage. :bow Nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 12:03:04 PM
1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.

360 has shader 3.0+

Huge step over Wii though
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 11, 2012, 12:03:22 PM
A 3 Core Broadway CPU!?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
For those of you who don't know, the Broadway CPU is the Wii CPU which is an overclocked version of the gamecube CPU which was designed in 1999. Nintendo have managed to do the impossible and launch a console in 2012 using a 13 year old CPU. Who knew whimsy had such a steep price?

I think the idea is to use a GPGPU so the processor doesn't have to be that strong. I think the PS4 and x720 are doing something similar. But still, that's a pretty Pathetic CPU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 11, 2012, 12:11:39 PM
Use the GPGPU(Cell) Luke...

Can't wait to see versus articles
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 11, 2012, 12:17:16 PM
1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.

360 has shader 3.0+

Huge step over Wii though

My phone is a huge step over the Wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 11, 2012, 01:34:44 PM
So my pc is as powerfull as a weeeeeeoooo? :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 01:55:30 PM
So my pc is as powerfull as a weeeeeeoooo? :rofl

Can your PC run Crysis (a DX10 game)? If so, then probably.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 11, 2012, 02:14:09 PM
A 3 Core Broadway CPU!?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
For those of you who don't know, the Broadway CPU is the Wii CPU which is an overclocked version of the gamecube CPU which was designed in 1999. Nintendo have managed to do the impossible and launch a console in 2012 using a 13 year old CPU. Who knew whimsy had such a steep price?
GameCube is so awesome Nintendo's releasing it THREE TIMES.
:bow GameCube :bow2
spoiler (click to show/hide)
No seriously the Cube's an underrated little machine
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 11, 2012, 02:59:48 PM
1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.

360 has shader 3.0+

Huge step over Wii though

My phone is a huge step over the Wii.

I have a friend that mentions this everytime then gets sad  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 03:10:06 PM
Andrex, as much as you don't want to admit it you are spinning this shit like hell. The Wii U's power is disappointing to say the least and the main draw is inferior to other options that have already taken over said markets. This system might sell well on the Wii name but that's still a longshot in more ways than one.

Disappointing to what Ninthings hoped maybe, but I really doubt anyone here expected the Wii U to be wildly above what's being reported. How is that spin? Nobody here believed in its power anyways. If you're saying you're disappointed, you're either a troll trying to be more negative about this situation than is necessary, or you were a starry eyed ninthing. Pick your choice.

It won't be a total failure, sales wise it will barely beat the Gamecube or maybe not even that.

Dude your more of a sales noob than I am, and I'm pretty nooby.

As a game console it is the worst Nintendo had to offer yet.

A console is defined by its games, foremost. Hardware-wise, N64 was probably the worst. Tiny, expensive carts, weird as hell controller, weird/fake 64 bit architecture (made nicer by comparisons to the Saturn, but even still), on par with the PS1 overall despite all the tradeoffs, with Nintendo trying to fill in all the gaps with add-ons like the 64DD (which failed/wasn't released.)

The Wii U is using a derivative of Blu-ray, which all three are going to use next gen. Most Wii U games will probably run at 1080p, which despite some rumors I'll go on the record as saying will be the highest offered for 99% of games next gen. The Wii U is offering retail games on the eShop from day one, which is actually more progressive than some of the competition. The controller literally accepts all the inputs that competing systems have, and the Pro controller is basically a 360 one with Nintendo's great d-pad and ergonomics. The shader model is "good" at best, pleasantly surprising at worst. 99%+ backwards compatibility with the previous gen, unlike any Nintendo console before the Wii.

Worst Nintendo hardware? I'm not seeing it.

Are there problems with the hardware? Definitely. The CPU is probably really weak, but we've known about that -- a tradeoff for both backwards compatibility purposes and Nintendo trying to keep batch rates reasonable. The RAM is extremely competitive to this gen (double the 360's), but who knows about next gen. The internal memory is on the short side.

But it isn't the worst Nintendo console hardware. Not when the N64, GameCube, and Wii have been released.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 11, 2012, 07:44:55 PM
Prole in May knew what was up

oh god, the wii u hardware :lol

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 09:26:19 PM
But it isn't the worst Nintendo console hardware. Not when the N64, GameCube, and Wii have been released.

When the N64 and Gamecube launched they were both in the top end of the hardware spectrum.

The Wii U is in the top end of 2006.

As per prole, we've known the rough specs for quite some time and , yeah, it's not a surpirse to ANYONE -until- you go into the many deluded Nthing fan threads where the idea is that Nintendo are secretly hidding some amazing 3D Stack designed CPU that blows away even NEXT GEN or that the GPU is some massive wizard on a chip... or the other lolworthy angle that, hey guys, the PS4/X720 won't be much better! It's all wishful thinking... the final back out, which really should be the first line of attack, is : BU BU BU BU GAMES! Yup, that's the key. Tomorrow will see some interesting titles but the top and bottom of it is that the nthing banners are coming out (a la the improved Wollan picture) that WE MADE IT! WE ARE FINALLY NEXT LAST GEN!

meanwhile : "Of course, i'm not interested in anything the X720 / PS4 has to offer - 4K LOL FUCKOFF! Like we need it"

crystal ball to 2028 : 4K support?! OMFG BOW DOWN TO NINTENDO!!!!

this is the fundamental problem - in a hobby where technology DEFINES the crest of the wave, actively chosing to poo poo the crest of the wave that you will inevitably follow is absolutely stupid. You are bad mouthing your future in 5-6 years time. Nthings are setting themselves up to constantly have to lord up what they hated.

We heard this about the DS before it released, too, but people who had little experience with games seemed to find it easier to pay attention to two screens than trying to figure out a controller with two sticks, a dpad, and ten buttons. 

you have two screens in the same focal space with the DS. With the Wii U you are going to have a completely different set up - near focus for <action/input?> and then far focus for <um... action?> - you give it a try with an ipad and a TV and see how your focus shifts and come back and tell me how many games it'd work for. I drooled at the thought of an Ouendan but then once i thought about it on the Wii U it just wouldn't work as a two screen game - so i'll take it as a 3DS game
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 09:35:20 PM
But it isn't the worst Nintendo console hardware. Not when the N64, GameCube, and Wii have been released.

When the N64 and Gamecube launched they were both in the top end of the hardware spectrum.

The Wii U is in the top end of 2006.

As per prole, we've known the rough specs for quite some time and , yeah, it's not a surpirse to ANYONE -until- you go into the many deluded Nthing fan threads where the idea is that Nintendo are secretly hidding some amazing 3D Stack designed CPU that blows away even NEXT GEN or that the GPU is some massive wizard on a chip... or the other lolworthy angle that, hey guys, the PS4/X720 won't be much better! It's all wishful thinking... the final back out, which really should be the first line of attack, is : BU BU BU BU GAMES! Yup, that's the key. Tomorrow will see some interesting titles but the top and bottom of it is that the nthing banners are coming out (a la the improved Wollan picture) that WE MADE IT! WE ARE FINALLY NEXT LAST GEN!

meanwhile : "Of course, i'm not interested in anything the X720 / PS4 has to offer - 4K LOL FUCKOFF! Like we need it"

crystal ball to 2028 : 4K support?! OMFG BOW DOWN TO NINTENDO!!!!

this is the fundamental problem - in a hobby where technology DEFINES the crest of the wave, actively chosing to poo poo the crest of the wave that you will inevitably follow is absolutely stupid. You are bad mouthing your future in 5-6 years time. Nthings are setting themselves up to constantly have to lord up what they hated.

I've said it before, but if you're into graphics performance, it seems silly to poo poo one console and not another based on graphics performance. Consoles aren't on the crest of anything.

In addition, I'd say you're overly complicating the picture. The byline today isn't, "4K sucks why would I ever need it!", it's, "wow, these games look great in HD!" Which is pathetic, but not actively damning.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 09:53:36 PM
I've said it before, but if you're into graphics performance, it seems silly to poo poo one console and not another based on graphics performance. Consoles aren't on the crest of anything.

In addition, I'd say you're overly complicating the picture. The byline today isn't, "4K sucks why would I ever need it!", it's, "wow, these games look great in HD!" Which is pathetic, but not actively damning.

if the preceding statements regarding HD weren't "Lol, who needs HD!?" and various other fingerwagging poopooing then i'd agree.

And as i say - the poopooing of "next gen offers nothing above Wii U" has already started and, again, from people who SHOULD know better.

fundamentally - it sets fans up to agree with a company policy of being frugal and setting hardware costs. That in itself is FINE, there's no problem with that in itself but the second you look at what the other companies are doing and start dismissing , essentially, technological progress then you set yourself on a cycle of self owning yourself over and over.

performance, it seems silly to poo poo one console and not another based on graphics performance.

the problem here is i assume you are , assumedly, nodding towards PCs. There's a few factors here that will give the next gen consoles a small edge for at least a narrow  while : Consoles aren't saddled with the PC overheads, you get more "honed" developers getting closer to the metal access to hardware, game for game basis Console games will likely look better in the short term, on a $-for-$ basis next gen machines will offer the best performance for some time, and -in the end- in the grand scheme of affordable closed systems hardware they ARE the top end of performance and they ARE going to be in the same economic landscape as the Wii U. Nintendo are chosing to not compete on that front - that's fine - but you have to accept the consequence of comparison. Pointing at PCs as some sort of out is bollox, though i'm sure deep down you know this.

what we'll end up with is : LOL, if you care about graphics you should have got a $1200 PC, who cares that the $350 X720 is only $50 more expensive than the last gen bracket Wii U - you should be looking at PCs!!!!!!! #fuckingbullshit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 09:55:15 PM
1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.

with shader model 5 out, lulz. but sure, for nintendo. enjoy that 4670M, state of the art for mid-range dell laptops in 2009!

2002's cpu architecture + 2004's bus technologies + 2008's cpu technology + 2x 2006's RAM = <works the math> console hardware for AUGUST 2007!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 09:57:47 PM
with shader model 5 out, lulz. but sure, for nintendo. enjoy that 4670M, state of the art for mid-range dell laptops in 2009!

i need to find that post where i got dogpiled by Nthings for suggesting that the Wii U gpu would be DX10.x and not DX11 equivalence.

from GAF, oh the sweet tears :

PS3 and Xbox360 are hitting their limits. Slow CPUs, lack of RAM, and DX9 equivalent GPUs cannot reproduce the Zelda demo.

looooooool - looks like any number of -actual- real games on the PS3/X360.
EASILY within range. I think the problem is that we have NTHINGS trying to position themselves that they know shit about what they've actively ignored for X years.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 09:58:18 PM
if the preceding statements regarding HD weren't "Lol, who needs HD!?" and various other fingerwagging poopooing then i'd agree.

I've also said before, but you're likely impugning one set of fanboys for something an entirely different set said.

with shader model 5 out, lulz. but sure, for nintendo. enjoy that 4670M, state of the art for mid-range dell laptops in 2009!

Hey, 2009 is better than anything we were expecting before. (2008 at best.) So that's the opposite of disappointing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 09:59:50 PM
if the preceding statements regarding HD weren't "Lol, who needs HD!?" and various other fingerwagging poopooing then i'd agree.

I've also said before, but you're likely impugning one set of fanboys for something an entirely different set said.

with shader model 5 out, lulz. but sure, for nintendo. enjoy that 4670M, state of the art for mid-range dell laptops in 2009!

Hey, 2009 is better than anything we were expecting before. (2008 at best.) So that's the opposite of disappointing.

hardware taped out in 2007, mind you. 2009 was when they got the die size and power reqs down and shipped it in laptops -- y'know, when it was low-power and affordable enough for shit that wasn't even really designed for gaming. PC gaming had moved on. sm4.0 is FUCKIN VISTA-ERA
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 10:00:58 PM
dx11 shipped in windows 7. 8 is dx11.1. durango is :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 10:02:36 PM
i want to be there

when the reality dawns on nthings


Durango to Wii gap is much larger than X360 to Wii U.

"Who cares about better graphics and performance and <Redacted extras> ?! Same old games AGAIN but with better graphics! *yawn* Now... who wants to play Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Mario Party, Smash Brothers ...?"

but you're likely impugning one set of fanboys for something an entirely different set said.

what makes it easier is there's a number of high profile "games reviewer" types following this pattern and they're easy to spot. Nintendo GAF are the single most deluded set of fans in the world - you go look at the discussion -YESTERDAY- about the 3D stacked secret shock CPU master design that's probably in the Wii U.

Nintendo made huge bank on NOT chasing the cusp of tech - quite why people are surprised by the Wii U spec is beyond me - BUT ... you go count how many times nthings rolled out "yes, because they went low on spec once makes it a trend #rolleyes"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 10:03:56 PM
well, enjoy your 360+ games with improved stencil effects, slightly better anti-aliasing, cleaner mip levels, and bc6 texture compression! oh, and if nintendo ever gets decent developer apis, maybe you'll be able to pick up semi-modern hlsl semantics!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 10:07:08 PM
well, enjoy your 360+ games with improved stencil effects, slightly better anti-aliasing, cleaner mip levels, and bc6 texture compression! oh, and if nintendo ever gets decent developer apis, maybe you'll be able to pick up semi-modern hlsl semantics!

from a friend who was technical lead on two (completed) Wii U games and quit whilst working on a 3rd

"best case scenario for first year : higher res textures. At best."

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 11, 2012, 10:07:50 PM
what we'll end up with is : LOL, if you care about graphics you should have got a $1200 PC, who cares that the $350 X720 is only $50 more expensive than the last gen bracket Wii U - you should be looking at PCs!!!!!!! #fuckingbullshit
Don't be stupid.  There are PCs you can buy now that will do what the next Xbox/PS can do for less than that.  We just haven't seen the games for PCs that take advantage of it because all the games are made with consoles in mind (prohibitive budgets aside).  Laugh at Wii U all you want, it won't be that system that holds things back - for better or worse - it will be the 'high end' closed-systems: the PS3s, 360s and PSPs of the coming generation.  This is just rhetorical sleight of hand, or outright delusion.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 10:10:50 PM
pcs are too diverse, hardware-wise. only NOW has the baseline spec for a pc game exceeded the platform specifications for the 360/ps3.

the only thing that held graphics and game implementations back was the fact that this generation went on WAY too fucking long. shit's gunna get real in 2013, though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 10:12:07 PM
well, enjoy your 360+ games with improved stencil effects, slightly better anti-aliasing, cleaner mip levels, and bc6 texture compression! oh, and if nintendo ever gets decent developer apis, maybe you'll be able to pick up semi-modern hlsl semantics!

from a friend who was technical lead on two (completed) Wii U games and quit whilst working on a 3rd

"best case scenario for first year : higher res textures. AND SUPER MARIO!!!!!!! At best."

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 11, 2012, 10:18:06 PM
pcs are too diverse, hardware-wise. only NOW has the baseline spec for a pc game exceeded the platform specifications for the 360/ps3.
Because the baseline specifications for PC games is the 360/PS3.  That's what the games are designed for.  Also, PC developers went over to console this gen.  This is embarrassing.

the only thing that held graphics and game implementations back was the fact that this generation went on WAY too fucking long. shit's gunna get real in 2013, though.
Shit's gunna get real shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 10:19:26 PM
Don't be stupid.  There are PCs you can buy now that will do what the next Xbox/PS can do for less than that.  We just haven't seen the games for PCs that take advantage of it because all the games are made with consoles in mind (prohibitive budgets aside).  Laugh at Wii U all you want, it won't be that system that holds things back - for better or worse - it will be the 'high end' closed-systems: the PS3s, 360s and PSPs of the coming generation.  This is just rhetorical sleight of hand, or outright delusion.

so - let me posit another scenario - PS4/X720 come out - they match Wii U. They hold back the generation to that level. At least in an "all things the same" situation Sony and MS are -at least- going towards a higher standard rather than sticking with X360/PS3.

Where are Nintendo taking the industry? Absolutely fucking nowhere.

PC - great - the "it's amazing tech, but consoles fault!" - brilliant. That's the reality we are in - but then the nuts and bolts of the argument remain the same : you CAN get a more powerful PC than X720/PS4 , arguments about overheads that the PC incurs (fuck off, they're there - deal with it) and add in consolization of PC games and the X720/PS4 are still going to represent a forward movement.

The argument they hold everyone back - like if they failed or didn't exist that games that run on super high end PCs would suddenly sprout up ? I dunno - smells like somethine we all hope for whilst we sit wanking into caviar in our top hats whilst sipping champagne out of high class call girls munchattas.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 10:51:20 PM
Durango to Wii gap is much larger than X360 to Wii U.

Certainly, I'm expecting that. But the more important thing in my eyes is whether the Wii U to Durango gap is smaller than the Wii to 360 gap. It seems unlikely it isn't, so I'm not at upset at Wii U's performance.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 11, 2012, 11:04:08 PM
The argument they hold everyone back - like if they failed or didn't exist that games that run on super high end PCs would suddenly sprout up ? I dunno - smells like somethine we all hope for whilst we sit wanking into caviar in our top hats whilst sipping champagne out of high class call girls munchattas.
I hope while wanking into my caviar, you fear while sipping from your munchatta.  I talked facts, you conceded.  Your attempts at outlandish and distracting hypotheticals are noted.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 11, 2012, 11:04:31 PM
Certainly, I'm expecting that. But the more important thing in my eyes is whether the Wii U to Durango gap is smaller than the Wii to 360 gap. It seems unlikely it isn't, so I'm not at upset at Wii U's performance.

doh got that statement wrong

the gap between Durango to Wii U is going to be wider than X360 to Wii.

MUCH wider.


hope while wanking into my caviar, you fear while sipping from your munchatta.  I talked facts, you conceded.  Your attempts at outlandish and distracting hypotheticals are noted.

what facts did you bring? All i see is the usual nonsense that consoles killed some amazing super viable high end PC market that would just sprout up IF ONLY they weren't held back. I would LOVE a 1%'er PC market where companies fought to rag the utter shit out of top end PC hardware but those companies are few and far between unfortunately. The X720/PS4 are affecting design choices negatively, but that's about it.

the argument that the X720/PS4 is holding back PC glory would hold more water if PC game sales weren't found beached and in dire need of air some X years ago. That's way before X360 came along.

If anything - console gaming SAVED PC gaming. FACT!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 11:20:12 PM
Durango to Wii gap is much larger than X360 to Wii U.

Certainly, I'm expecting that. But the more important thing in my eyes is whether the Wii U to Durango gap is smaller than the Wii to 360 gap. It seems unlikely it isn't, so I'm not at upset at Wii U's performance.

in terms of paper performance, the gap is wider. in terms of on-screen results, fanboys calibrate their eyes and expectations to suit their preferences. in terms of gaming scenarios the geometric increase in horsepower enables, the wii u won't be getting many port-me-downs regardless.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 11:20:38 PM
doh got that statement wrong

the gap between Durango to Wii U is going to be wider than X360 to Wii.

MUCH wider.


I guess we'll see, but I'm skeptical. Wii U is 2007-2009 era tech, while the competition will ostensibly be 2012, right? 3-5 year gap. Wii to 360 was at least a 5 year gap.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 11:23:27 PM
pcs are too diverse, hardware-wise. only NOW has the baseline spec for a pc game exceeded the platform specifications for the 360/ps3.
Because the baseline specifications for PC games is the 360/PS3.  That's what the games are designed for.  Also, PC developers went over to console this gen.  This is embarrassing.

the only thing that held graphics and game implementations back was the fact that this generation went on WAY too fucking long. shit's gunna get real in 2013, though.
Shit's gunna get real shit.

no, *baseline* specifications are now one shader model advanced. rsx (an oldworld nvidia 7600/7800) and xenos (something like a radeon hd2000 with lower clocks and a weaker feature set) don't make min spec for most aaa pc games -- they require a geforce gtx 2xx or an ati radeon 4xxx.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 11, 2012, 11:24:09 PM
If anything - console gaming SAVED PC gaming. FACT!
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 11:24:47 PM
doh got that statement wrong

the gap between Durango to Wii U is going to be wider than X360 to Wii.

MUCH wider.


I guess we'll see, but I'm skeptical. Wii U is 2007-2009 era tech, while the competition will ostensibly be 2012, right? 3-5 year gap. Wii to 360 was at least a 5 year gap.

feel free to disagree with me or posit your own scenarios. it's not like i have any knowledge or experience in this space, right :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 11:30:51 PM
As far as I'm concerned you don't, unless you care to make yourself more transparent.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 11, 2012, 11:35:24 PM
no, i don't care to. enjoy the delta between now and when you're hilariously wrong!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 11, 2012, 11:38:15 PM
Ah, "Prove it!" The shittiest debate tactic .
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 11, 2012, 11:43:36 PM
Even Nintendo doesn't defend their shitty hardware as much as Andrex
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 11, 2012, 11:44:24 PM
Van can prove it with his cock pics

Please post cock pics I need a MS flavored cock so bad MMMMMM SURFACE COCK RT
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 11, 2012, 11:45:32 PM
Oh andy, keep fucking that chicken.  Someone has been consistently right re: weeeeeoooooo tech specs in this thread, and it ain't you
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 11, 2012, 11:46:05 PM
Ah, "Prove it!" The shittiest debate tactic .

I prefered the previous pages "well Nintendo could have given us something from 2006 so something form 2007 is great!" argument.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 11, 2012, 11:48:47 PM
Van can prove it with his cock pics

Please post cock pics I need a MS flavored cock so bad MMMMMM SURFACE COCK RT

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 11, 2012, 11:54:19 PM
Even Nintendo doesn't defend their shitty hardware as much as Andrex

I think you need to reread my posts on the last page. This is basically all I've said on the matter:

1 GB RAM is about what we were expecting (but not hoping) for.

8 GB storage is kind of lame, but probably a non-issue for the people that care about it.

Shader Model 4.0 is a nice surprise, I think.

Debating the finer points of speculation regarding other consoles and where Wii U sits in the Nintendo pantheon has nothing to do with the actual hardware or my comments to do with it.

Oh andy, keep fucking that chicken.  Someone has been consistently right re: weeeeeoooooo tech specs in this thread, and it ain't you

If I've been wrong about Wii U's specs itself, feel free to say so. But saying I'm wrong about consoles that haven't even been announced yet, nor have I really definitively taken a stand on, isn't the same thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 12, 2012, 12:14:46 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 12:18:46 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access

Well I mean, there's no reason to be smug about it. :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 12, 2012, 01:21:15 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access

Well I mean, there's no reason to be smug about it. :'(

There's even less reason to get confrontational about it and ask people to break NDA:s
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 01:23:43 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access

Well I mean, there's no reason to be smug about it. :'(

There's even less reason to get confrontational about it and ask people to break NDA:s

From your point of view. :3
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 12, 2012, 01:33:55 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access

Well I mean, there's no reason to be smug about it. :'(

There's even less reason to get confrontational about it and ask people to break NDA:s

From your point of view. :3

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 12, 2012, 01:50:17 AM
Andy goin' full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow up in here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 12, 2012, 01:59:56 AM
He's going to be batshit insane on Thursday :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 12, 2012, 02:09:19 AM
Andrex i think you are wrong regarding the tech of the WiiU, they made it so that the console is in line with the 360 and not much more.  So imo it is 2006 tech at best.

As for the whole porting thing, yeah Van Cruncheon is probably right.  It is a huge mistake on nintendo's part to try and get ports.  Thsi port business is going to hurt them.  Peopel are going to see some ports for the first year of the Wii and nothing after that.

That said, i dont beileve the majority of us will see much difference in sales.  For me personally going from virtually no aa to smaa is hardly noticeable, 1080p hides those jaggies real well for me.  So i doubt i can see the visual detail as pronounced as the Wii -> 360 on WiiU ->720 or what it is.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 02:23:58 AM
Andrex i think you are wrong regarding the tech of the WiiU, they made it so that the console is in line with the 360 and not much more.  So imo it is 2006 tech at best.

I was going off what Drinky said, with regards to the shader model being 2009-ish. The RAM is also a bit more than 2006, although it's hard to say "when" it is. Maybe if we extrapolate if the 360 had waited X number of years, when it would have launched with 1 GB. Probably 2007 or 2008.

The CPU is the weak link and honestly, 2006 may be generous for it, I don't know.

It depends on your definition of "not much more." It isn't a ton, but the GPU and RAM are notably further than the 360. Who knows with next gen.

He's going to be batshit insane on Thursday :smug

Why? They're announcing the price, date, and reportedly, some 2013 games. Why would I go insane? Unless a cool new game were announced then...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 12, 2012, 03:48:29 AM

:lol like wii u could run this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 04:22:43 AM

:lol like wii u could run this.

The AA is a bit unbelievable but otherwise it looks worse than the Zelda demo from last E3. Maybe some nicer geometry, but that isn't what the Wii U will have a problem with.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 04:44:28 AM
Agree with Andrex - doesn't look like something the X360/PS3 would have an issue with so Wii U could surely do it

depends on your definition of "not much more." It isn't a ton, but the GPU and RAM are notably further than the 360. Who knows with next gen.

Everyone except Nintendo fans, apparently?

I've seen so much horrific shit today i don't know where to start. My favourite is (paraphrase) "Guys, Dx10.1 cards can do Dx11.1 effects and , in somecases, do them better"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 12, 2012, 04:57:02 AM
So a Wii U thread is my most successful thread on The Bore.


I blame general boredom and Andrex sticking to his position no matter what.

Tomorrow will be fun
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 04:59:14 AM

Tomorrow will be fun




Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 12, 2012, 05:13:21 AM
WiiU: The bore tells all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 05:57:41 AM
Tomorrow will be fun




Ohohohoh, like you'd know~
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 06:56:46 AM
This is why trolling people is no fun : i already know.

Whether you believe that or not : i don't care. But feel free to "call it" on your board based on what i don't know ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 12, 2012, 07:13:30 AM
my favorite andrex posts are the ones where you can feel his seething jealousy towards industry insiders that crush him with info that he cant access

No wonder why most of the "industry insiders" on GAF that turn out to be full of shit (ShockingAlberto, Johnny Nightfraud, IdeaMan, etc.) are in the Nintendo camp.  Is it that fanboys of other stripes have better things to do?  Or is that people are so desperate to believe that the next Nintendo console isn't severely outdated junk (yet deep in their minds they know it is) that they will buy obvious lines of bullshit to continue living in that fantasy land?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 07:42:07 AM

i was reading a post where he was going on about Monster Hunter and the US strategy from a -board room- level that he'd heard, something about "didn't meet the targets, had higher expectations"

once you start talking about what you are apparently hearing - at least third hand- from boardrooms, it's time to spam the "BULLSHIT" button.

Andrex is like thebore pet project, there's a full on Borean in there trying to get out. He's lovable too.
In a year or so's time he'll be properly full of venom and spitting like a cobra at people - it's natures way.

Criminal Ntent : if i was an Nthing i'd be winding up the other side about how lazy developers will be using our machine as the baseline for next gen because they are so lazy. ;) (it's not true, but you know... lighting fires and all that)

p.s. IS tomorrow finally the day everyone*/** becomes a Monster Hunter fan?

* - nthings.
** - Sthings pretend the series has run it's course anyways/wait for Vita version

btw : A free punch in the knickers for every person who says anything about Monster Hunter being like Pokemon.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 12, 2012, 07:50:38 AM
yo congrats on catching up to 2006 here's a 3ds port

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 12, 2012, 09:44:12 AM
Monster Hunter is nothing like Pokemans.  Pokemans is at least fun.  :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 12, 2012, 09:50:40 AM
Monster Hunter is nothing like Pokemans.  Pokemans is at least fun.  :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 12, 2012, 10:19:39 AM

I ain't gonna lie, this looks pretty awesome.

I can't wait for the inevitable PC port. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 10:36:04 AM
Monster Hunter is nothing like Pokemans.  Pokemans is at least fun.  :smug

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 12, 2012, 10:27:51 PM
Damn at all these conferences  :lol

Lets see how this goes (if its actually 250 i would be interest would be piqued tbh)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 10:30:08 PM
Monster Hunter is nothing like Pokemans.  Pokemans is at least fun.

there's a horrible truth in here somewhere - the truth is that Monster hunter is NOT for everyone and i suspect (as previously stated) that a lot of people waiting for it are going to get half way through harvesting mushrooms at the start of the first 10 hours tutorial before throwing their arms up screaming "what IS this SHITE?!"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 12, 2012, 10:56:45 PM
perhaps the same could be said of all games

it can , but there's a huge "bullshit" barrier that still exists with Monster Hunter that you need to burst through. The game basically falls into 5 segments :

1) Basics , farming, harvesting
2) scrub monsters, first boss character, item creation, weapon/armour, gems, drinks, food, etc
3) basic monster hunting , bosses, first ending, mild grinding
4) advance monster hunting, advanced tactics, top grinding
5) clean  up, end game, ultra grinding, rare drops

The problem is parts 1 and 2 will bore the shit out of people - it's painful the best of time, 3G is even more painful because it's too wordy. But as someone who has played through these games before there's nothing worse than being dumped back into 1+2 :/ for new players i can see getting bundled over by hogs whilst you try to pick up mushrooms might kill some peoples interest.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 12, 2012, 11:23:50 PM
perhaps the same could be said of all games

but enough of that, have at andrex
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 12, 2012, 11:45:07 PM
What is a Ninthing? A miserable little pile of whimzy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:09:12 AM
Ninty's got four presentations lined up for today. A Japanese Nintendo Direct at 3am EST for launch info, then another at 10am with first and third party games. Also at 10am are the livestreamed Wii U presentation for America, and a Nintendo Direct in Europe, both presumably covering what the two Japanese ND's will.

:bow Shigster :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:08:10 AM
75w when running, 40w in sleep mode
25 GB discs, 22.5 MB/second
2 GB RAM: 1GB for OS, 1GB for games
Transfer supported for Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare games
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:09:57 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 13, 2012, 03:11:18 AM
75w when running, 40w in sleep mode
25 GB discs, 22.5 MB/second
2 GB RAM: 1GB for OS, 1GB for games
Transfer supported for Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare games

lrn 2 program japan
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Vertigo on September 13, 2012, 03:13:07 AM
Quote from: lastflowers;42057985
I like Nintendo Directs simply because I get to hear Iwata talk.  He has the most pleasant voice.  Don't really care at all about the WiiU, but his voice is really.....entrancing.

 :lol pathetic
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Vertigo on September 13, 2012, 03:14:12 AM
God these games look so cheap.

Mario U and Nintendoland.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:14:54 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:15:23 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:17:25 AM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 03:20:25 AM
Those prices :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:20:32 AM
$150~ for replacement Wii U pad
$350~ for non tard Wii U

How 'bout no?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:20:56 AM
To think that 360 OS uses like 32mb of ram.

And Premium SKU = 31500 Japanese Yen while Basic = 26250 Japanese Yen.

December 8.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:22:12 AM
I guess NoA could eat some coin and go for $299 for the non tard version.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 13, 2012, 03:22:58 AM
itll be 299 and 399

both ridiculous prices
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:24:35 AM
$150~ for replacement Wii U pad
$350~ for non tard Wii U

How 'bout no?

It's gonna be like 250/300 for America dood, unless they pack Nintendoland in which I hope they don't.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 13, 2012, 03:25:15 AM
lol andrex you don't actually believe that do you
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:25:42 AM

All the stand talk was fricking confusing. Apparently Nintendo Network Premium has nothing to do with online and just gives you the stands? ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 03:25:58 AM
I guess NoA could eat some coin and go for $299 for the non tard version.

It will be $299/$349 and you'll like it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:26:53 AM
lol andrex you don't actually believe that do you

Wii was 25,000 yen, we got it for $250 plus a pack-in game.

Guess we'll see in about 7 hours!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:27:27 AM
they'd be eating a nasty bite on the exchange rate at those prices, andy.  it'll be 299/349 fer sure.

one good point is that it supports external hard drives.  i mean, i guess that's good, yeah?

Best part of the conference was VC titles being able to transfer over. Suck it doubters. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 03:28:31 AM
Wii was 25,000 yen, we got it for $250 plus a pack-in game.

Changing economic conditions, how do they work?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:30:19 AM
Nintendo Network Premium seems to be included when you buy the Premium Set. 10% back on digital purchases until December 2014. Nothing to do otherwise with their online.

Wii was 25,000 yen, we got it for $250 plus a pack-in game.

Changing economic conditions, how do they work?

Considering Nintendo's been eating it on exchange rates for a while, even they don't know!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Bebpo on September 13, 2012, 03:40:05 AM
The OS thing has been a problem on all Japanese systems for a while now.  PS3 has struggled to do a lot of post-release things because they can't contain the OS in the ram allocated.  Vita has a large chunk of ram for the OS.  I wouldn't be surprised if PS4 dedicated near 1gig ram just for the OS. 

It's definitely a Japan thing unfortunately.  They could learn a lot from MS on OS overheads.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:40:53 AM
There is already a defense force for the Premium version supposedly aimed at "hardcore downloaders" having 32GB of storage ...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:42:13 AM
Wii U Basic - ¥26,250
-Wii U Console
-Wii U Gamepad
-Wii U AC Adapter
-Wii U Gamepad AC Adapter
-HDMI Cable

Wii U Premium - ¥31,500
-32 GB SSD
-includes Nintendo Premium
-Wii U Console
-Wii U Gamepad
-Wii U AC Adapter
-Wii U Gamepad AC Adapter
-HDMI Cable
-System Stand
-Gamepad Stand

SSD must be jacking up the price by at least 30~50 dollars.

Though some are saying it's a micro SD and not SSD.

It's a fucking flash memory confirmed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:43:08 AM
The write speed is a nice surprise, PS3 can do like 9 MB/sec so it's a nice jump.

1 GB RAM for OS will resolve itself over time, I have a feeling they're giving themselves a lot of head room so they don't wind up with a PS3 and cross-game voicechat scenario. They might even reduce the overhead over time and free some up for developers, like Sony did for the PSP.

Because the high price I bet only like 5 games will ever use both GamePads. Maybe it'll be supported optionally by a couple, I guess. Maybe Nintendo did know best in that instance... hard to imagine a game in which it would be really beneficial, and streaming to three screens will really cut into what a game can do graphically.

:bow On the other hand, all hail the new Pro Controller overlords. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 03:45:55 AM
It's nice to see they're including HDMI cables.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 03:46:04 AM
Wii was 25,000 yen, we got it for $250 plus a pack-in game.

Guess we'll see in about 7 hours!

when the Wii launched it was around 111 yen to the $

right now, it's 79 yen to $ with many analysts talking about a 68 yen to $ horror scenario possible in the next 2 years.

I wouldn't hold onto the Wii pricing as a guideline - and if the Wii U -is- that price in the US vs the JPN price then, fuck it, importing it is!
Considering Nintendo's been eating it on exchange rates for a while, even they don't know!

The big get out clause is to subsidise all this by setting a European price around the 350 Euro mark so everyone can laugh at them paying for everyone elses cheap goods.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 03:47:46 AM
It's nice to see they're including HDMI cables.

They will remove them just like MS did.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 03:48:47 AM
Er why you guys complaining about memory.  You can use your external hardrives for it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:55:54 AM
Kinda high pricing, no?

Both Apple and Nintendo disappointed with their unveilings.

Eh, the American event is still coming and that should feature some games to boot.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 03:57:32 AM
Transfer supported for Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare games

no one clapped this right? I mean - this is a STANDARD function, the fact Nintendo have been fucking people royally on this for an age is the real disgrace.

Eh, the American event is still coming and that should feature some games to boot.

rather than dance around it later, lets call it :

sub $249 (inclusive) - good price
above $249 to $299 - poor price
$299~ - suicide

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:58:58 AM
Transfer supported for Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare games

no one clapped this right? I mean - this is a STANDARD function, the fact Nintendo have been fucking people royally on this for an age is the real disgrace.

How so? Do you mean no Wii -> Wii transfer?

Also, way to be negative on something positive!

rather than dance around it later, lets call it :

sub $249 (inclusive) - good price
above $249 to $299 - poor price
$299~ - suicide


Nah, let's not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 04:01:17 AM
If any of you say that 32GB is enough because Microsoft or Sony had less space in their systems when they started, I'll punch you in your stupid faces

it's basically an off hand acknowledgement as to which gen the Wii U belongs in - the fact the excuse is that two machines released in 2005/2006 had less space* (PS3 had more for the premium model, and the standard model vs the standard model wii U) is a glowing reference as to what machines the wii U is going up against.

but hey - i hear there's a new Nintendo maching coming in 4-5 years that will trounce the next gen. Seen a few posts already claiming that. You have to laugh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 04:02:04 AM
Nah, let's not.

Also, way to be negative on something positive!

this is like thanking someone for not sticking razor wire up your anus for a change.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 04:02:24 AM
If any of you say that 32GB is enough because Microsoft or Sony had less space in their systems when they started, I'll punch you in your stupid faces. 32GB is the most pathetic and "we don't get it" part of this announcement. I can't believe this is the premium model, good God.

Premium PS3 in 2006 had 60GB of memory.

Granted, Premium PS3 in 2006 was $599.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 04:04:19 AM
If any of you say that 32GB is enough because Microsoft or Sony had less space in their systems when they started, I'll punch you in your stupid faces. 32GB is the most pathetic and "we don't get it" part of this announcement. I can't believe this is the premium model, good God.

As i said you can use your external hardrive for it.  How are people quickly forgettign that?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 04:05:54 AM
If any of you say that 32GB is enough because Microsoft or Sony had less space in their systems when they started, I'll punch you in your stupid faces. 32GB is the most pathetic and "we don't get it" part of this announcement. I can't believe this is the premium model, good God.

As i said you can use your external hardrive for it.  How are people quickly forgettign that?

From my end, it's the fact that people on GAF are legitimately saying 32GB is enough for "heavy downloaders". Yeah, maybe if you're downloading NES roms.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 04:19:31 AM
Wii U GamePad: 13,440 yen.
Wii U Pro Controller (white, black): 5040 yen.

Wii U GamePad Charging Stand: 1,870 yen

Wii U GamePad: 13,440 yen.
Wii U GamePad: 13,440 yen.

Wii U GamePad: 13,440 yen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 04:36:19 AM
As i said you can use your external hardrive for it.  How are people quickly forgettign that?

I didn't forget that. Still doesn't change the fact that two of the current home consoles on the market RIGHT NOW offer OVER SEVEN TIMES more space the the most expensive Wii U SKU. That's pathetic.

But then again you can use your 1 TB external hardrive for the WiiU instead of Nintendos own haard drives like MS and Sony did.  And those only hold up to 160 GB?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 04:37:28 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 04:37:44 AM
As i said you can use your external hardrive for it.  How are people quickly forgettign that?

I didn't forget that. Still doesn't change the fact that two of the current home consoles on the market RIGHT NOW offer OVER SEVEN TIMES more space the the most expensive Wii U SKU. That's pathetic.

But then again you can use your 1 TB external hardrive for the WiiU instead of Nintendos own haard drives like MS and Sony did.  And those only hold up to 160 GB?

PS3 uses standard laptop hard drive. I think you can put as big a hard drive in that thing as you can get.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:37:46 AM
who in the fuck fills up 1tb of hd space on console shit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:39:47 AM

2 GB RAM whoooo

VC titles transfer whoooo

Awesome read speeds whooo

Protrollers look awesome whoooo

32 > 8 whooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:40:21 AM
2gb ram is exciting to you? :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:41:12 AM
2gb ram is exciting to you? :lol

Why wouldn't it? It's double what we were expecting. Ditto for internal storage, but 4x for that.

:piss VGLeaks :piss2

:bow Nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 04:41:56 AM
It's not even 2gigs.

1 gig for game and 1 for the OS.

Yes motherfucker, you heard right. This fucking turd of an OS requires 1 gigs of fucking RAM.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:42:34 AM
That's like saying, you pull down a guys trousers, expecting a 3 inch dick, but it's really 4 inches, and you jump up in the air with a fist pump screaming,"AT LEAST IT WASN'T 3 INCHES"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 04:43:40 AM
who in the fuck fills up 1tb of hd space on console shit

I would put as many of my retail games on it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:43:48 AM
That's like saying, you pull down a guys trousers, expecting a 3 inch dick, but it's really 4 inches, and you jump up in the air with a fist pump screaming,"AT LEAST IT WASN'T 3 INCHES"


Uhh exactly. How are you not getting this concept? ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:43:58 AM
goddamn i want some cock.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:44:27 AM
It's not even 2gigs.

1 gig for game and 1 for the OS.

Yes motherfucker, you heard right. This fucking turd of an OS requires 1 gigs of fucking RAM.


Nintendo future proofing this sucka. TEN YEAR PLAN BITCHES
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:44:36 AM
That's like saying, you pull down a guys trousers, expecting a 3 inch dick, but it's really 4 inches, and you jump up in the air with a fist pump screaming,"AT LEAST IT WASN'T 3 INCHES"


Uhh exactly. How are you not getting this concept? ::)

You're voting for Obama aren't you?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:44:59 AM
goddamn i want some cock.



4 inch flaccid is kinda good though right?  :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:45:22 AM
That's like saying, you pull down a guys trousers, expecting a 3 inch dick, but it's really 4 inches, and you jump up in the air with a fist pump screaming,"AT LEAST IT WASN'T 3 INCHES"


Uhh exactly. How are you not getting this concept? ::)

You're voting for Obama aren't you?

Voting. ::)

Videogames. :hyper

Playing Wii U through the whole presidential BS torrent. :rock
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:48:24 AM
I am going to be working on my gaming rig in the mean time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:50:41 AM
Mario has more realistic water physics. He drove over that puddle and that shit stood there like glass.


a bloo a bloo a blooooooooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:51:43 AM

Japan, Nintendo's about to make you its bitch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:52:22 AM

Shitty MCD's trolling aside guess which game looks more fun?

Yup, Mario.

The second one's a game? Looked like a scene from TDKR and I was all ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:52:58 AM
DQX is already out for Wii and thankfully, for all the DQ fans out there, we may not have to suffer by buying a Nintendo console again because DQ11 is likely to be on 3ds AND offline.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:54:41 AM
As i said you can use your external hardrive for it.  How are people quickly forgettign that?

I didn't forget that. Still doesn't change the fact that two of the current home consoles on the market RIGHT NOW offer OVER SEVEN TIMES more space the the most expensive Wii U SKU. That's pathetic.

But then again you can use your 1 TB external hardrive for the WiiU instead of Nintendos own haard drives like MS and Sony did.  And those only hold up to 160 GB?

Both consoles ship with drives up to 320GB (Sony supports bigger laptop drives for the PS3 too) but please explain to me why I should be expected to buy an external hard-drive when both other systems offer more space at a lower price and I guarantee you the PS3/Xbox The Third will offer more in a little over a years time?

Because stockholm syndrome.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:56:28 AM
Both consoles ship with drives up to 320GB (Sony supports bigger laptop drives for the PS3 too) but please explain to me why I should be expected to buy an external hard-drive when both other systems offer more space at a lower price and I guarantee you the PS3/Xbox The Third will offer more in a little over a years time?

Let's see what the console failure rate is like for the next 360 because of that HDD.

:bow SSD's. :bow2

:piss HDD's :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:58:38 AM
Guys. someone pull that quote that says andrex is NOT a Nintendo fan, written by him.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 04:59:37 AM

Shitty MCD's trolling aside guess which game looks more fun?

Yup, Mario.

The second one's a game? Looked like a scene from TDKR and I was all ???


That's Halo 4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:01:39 AM
To be fair to Andy poo, who gives the slightest fuck about Halo 4? The other day I was in Gamestop buying a steam wallet card as a gift for a friend, and saw they had a Halo 4 ad on the tv.

"Huh." I said, as I scratched my nut sack. "Another one of those, eh?"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 05:04:00 AM
:lol Andy

If you think that is from a movie scene then oh boy, Wii U graphics gonna be hardcore porn for you.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 05:05:27 AM
Both consoles ship with drives up to 320GB (Sony supports bigger laptop drives for the PS3 too) but please explain to me why I should be expected to buy an external hard-drive when both other systems offer more space at a lower price and I guarantee you the PS3/Xbox The Third will offer more in a little over a years time?

Lower price?

Generic USB hardrive 320Gb is $45.

Xbox 320GB hard drive is $62.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 05:31:12 AM

Nintendo copying M$  :maf

Also 1GB for Nintendo OS  :lol

maybe they are planning to install Windows
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 13, 2012, 05:34:04 AM
I modified my expectations for the Wii-U's specs so many times that I don't even know if the confirmed RAM amount was above or below my expectations.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 05:35:56 AM
A $200 Xbox 360 plus that $62 drive is still less than the 32GB Wii U and has more space, which is my point.

Why not just get the $250 WiiU and the $45 hard drive?   It only costs 30 bucks more?

EDIT: the 32 GB WiiU is for idiots.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 05:41:11 AM
The WiiU isn't even competitively priced compared to PS360, what a clusterfuck  :lol

At least the Wii was cheaper then the 360! How can they, 6 years down the road release something that costs more then the 360?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 05:41:25 AM
we don't know if it's 250 yet, mind.  26,500 yen is over $300.

and in japan, that 32 gb model gives you access to the premium points, which if you plan on going digital with your purchases (and I'd think if you're talking about bigger hard drives, you are), you'd be an idiot to pass up.

Oh shit i've been GG'ed.  I thought premium points are for all sku's.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 05:43:41 AM
A $200 Xbox 360 plus that $62 drive is still less than the 32GB Wii U and has more space, which is my point.

Why not just get the $250 WiiU and the $45 hard drive?   It only costs 30 bucks more?

Because why should I make an additional purchase beyond the system? In TWOTHOUSANDTWELVE console storage for PREMIUM CONSOLES shouldn't be 32GB. Imagine the ridicule Sony or Microsoft would get with such a decision in next gen consoles. But oh man, we can ignore Nintendo's clear failure here because of all the wimsy they're packing into those 32GB.

That is for form factor fools or i thought it was.  WiiU is still smaller than the 360 slim because of the sd card storage.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 13, 2012, 05:45:53 AM
And 1G for the OS is  :wtf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 05:46:05 AM
From my end, it's the fact that people on GAF are legitimately saying 32GB is enough for "heavy downloaders". Yeah, maybe if you're downloading NES roms.

I'll grant, judging by the last few home consoles Nintendo released, 32 GB might cover every game I want for it for the entire life of the system.

This time console has 25GB medium,22.5 MB/s(max transfer rate?)--1GB under a minute.

But then again Nintendo is not Sony,25GB for a Mario game--that would be a big shocker

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 05:47:40 AM
And 1G for the OS is  :wtf

Yeah wtf total  :lol

Nintendo coders must be monkeys!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 05:51:26 AM
And 1G for the OS is  :wtf

To cover all the work in censoring messages
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 05:51:47 AM
wara wara
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 05:52:44 AM
when the Wii launched it was around 111 yen to the $

right now, it's 79 yen to $ with many analysts talking about a 68 yen to $ horror scenario possible in the next 2 years.

When Wii launched here, AUS$ was 76c to US$. Wii was US$249/AUS$399

Now, AUS$ is $1.04 to US$1. Lets see what they come up with.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 13, 2012, 06:04:22 AM
The Wii had slightly over double the amount of RAM that the GC did, yet I can't really think of any games games that provided significantly better quality textures and such.

Will most likely be the case for the Wii-U. :/
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 06:09:46 AM
1+1 GB of RAM seems fine to me. That's not going to be the bottle neck in most cases. I'm also curious to see what kind of OS their going for. Hopefully it will be a lot more competent than what we got for the 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 06:22:22 AM
Rated 75W

Just for the record,launch 360 was about 200W,Slim 360 is about 90W
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 06:31:29 AM
Considering the tech it shouldn't be any more than that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 06:55:44 AM
When Wii launched here, AUS$ was 76c to US$. Wii was US$249/AUS$399

Now, AUS$ is $1.04 to US$1. Lets see what they come up with.

You get to be special "Euro" members for some reason - which means PAL region Price tax!!!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 06:59:55 AM
At least we're getting an AC adapter included this time.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 13, 2012, 07:03:49 AM
The way they are announcing this system is fucking stupid. Here's the price! Now wait a couple more hours for another online event for games. And another online show for America.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 07:24:47 AM
They are letting people debate whether the machine is "worth it" in a vaccuum - then drop the games in later.

I'm expecting to see a few things of note.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 07:39:25 AM
75W is really the only thing you need to know about it's power. This one number.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 13, 2012, 07:39:28 AM
I'm assuming they're following the 3DS model of charging price-gougingly high prices at first to rake in as many suckers as possible and then hit the panic button for a price drop in a few months.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 07:45:08 AM
Get a PS360 for the price of a Wii U and one extra Wii U GamePad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 07:51:22 AM
This is like Troll Christmas
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 13, 2012, 07:53:14 AM
 :lol  Just wanted to laugh at Nintendo one more time before going to work.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 08:05:41 AM
lol - i love that there's a "all the stuff we didn't give you that you probably need" pack for 5280 yen
(nunchuck, wagglestick, sensor bar, etc)

though everyone has a wii so i guess that makes sense (it's in the cupboard behind the space hopper and pet rock)

Can someone post the Wollan picture update please?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 08:17:03 AM
So I guess I can pick up a FourthWii™ for like $50 in a couple of months (it's like a Taco Bell FourthMeal™ only it gives you worse shits).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 08:17:19 AM
You get to be special "Euro" members for some reason - which means PAL region Price tax!!!

We'd be the only "Euro" members whose currency has increased in the last 5 years, so we are special. Still had a +$100 tax on the 3DS at launch, down to $80 when it dropped price. I am expecting at least $100 on the US prices. $399/$499 and $190+ for the pad is looking likely.

This is like Troll Christmas

Presents are opened and dinner is coming up in a few hours...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 08:18:39 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 08:38:54 AM
:lol still A#1
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 08:56:59 AM

Shitty MCD's trolling aside guess which game looks more fun?

Yup, Mario.

:rofl Angry Birds
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 09:01:40 AM
So what are projected US prices?

$250 & $350
$299 & $399---360 launch prices


One hour left
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 09:49:46 AM
Seem to recall the last time some hardware came out in this price bracket that people were talking about waiting for an Ambassador deal. Of course, i'm sure given that was applying Nintendo logic to a Sony product then applying Nintendo logic to a Nintendo product would follow?

12 minutes #wibble

setting my chair for 2006 and aiming to get to 88wph - 75Whatwhat? fuxx capacitor am go.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 09:50:59 AM
I know it's not going to be supported at launch but the price of the Gamepad in the US is what I'm looking forward to the most.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 09:53:20 AM
setting my chair for 2006 and aiming to get to 88wph - 75Whatwhat? fuxx capacitor am go.

:lol you're on fire today
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 09:54:35 AM
Wii U has Black Ops 2, when will the anti-bro contingent backpedal?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 09:55:16 AM
main ingredient is FUN
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 09:58:33 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 09:58:36 AM
Wii U has Black Ops 2, when will the anti-bro contingent backpedal?

Can you look at the controller to see how much ammo you have left?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:02:20 AM
Guys. someone pull that quote that says andrex is NOT a Nintendo fan, written by him.

That doesn't exist, cause I never said it. I revel in being a Nintendo fan. ^_^

I did say I was more reasonable than most of those on GAF, but that isn't exactly hard.

The Wii had slightly over double the amount of RAM that the GC did, yet I can't really think of any games games that provided significantly better quality textures and such.

Will most likely be the case for the Wii-U. :/

You're comparing 96 MB to 2 GB? ??? The 3DS has more RAM than Wii did. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:05:11 AM
jesus that controller looks ginormous when you actually see it in someone's hands
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:07:24 AM
November 18th.

Basic: White Wii U + GamePad + HDMI + Sensor Bar + AC Cables
Deluxe: Black Wii U + GamePad + HDMI + Sensor Bar + AC Cables + Two Stands + Nintendoland + Nintendo Network Premium
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:08:51 AM
Wii U branded Nunchuk and Wii controllers.

$299 and $349. Fricking Nintendoland pack in. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:08:55 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:09:35 AM
nintendo is the new sony
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:10:46 AM
$300 lawl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 10:10:52 AM
Let's focus on what's important: at least Nintendo isn't taking a per console loss!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:11:03 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:11:08 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 10:11:43 AM
The European stream sucked, so I guess I'm stuck watching Reggie.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:12:16 AM
Core gamers gonna love that Nintendoland.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:12:27 AM
this is embarrasing. its over for Nintendo. Its back to Sony for pushing games forward
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:13:14 AM
Metriod Blast looks like Monday Night Combat
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:13:42 AM

Wii is $200. The question is, is Wii U worth $100/150 more than that? The answer is yes, yes, yes, of course.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:14:00 AM
wii is $149
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 10:14:18 AM

Wii is $200. The question is, is Wii U worth $100/150 more than that? The answer is yes, yes, yes, of course.

God dammit...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:14:25 AM
"You just shot me"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:14:27 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 10:14:33 AM
Metriod Blast looks like Monday Night Combat

Looks like a whimsy horde mode.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:14:50 AM
with a game
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:15:03 AM
I just woke up. Did they announce any specs stuff? I saw people saying something about 2GB of RAM.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:16:07 AM
the only thing theyve done is down their sleeping pills bottle and their fever dream is our reality
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:16:20 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?

are you throwing the wii under the bus now
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 10:16:34 AM
Yeah, it has 1 GB for games and 1 GB for the operating system.

NintendoLand might be the shittiest game I've seen in a long while.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on September 13, 2012, 10:18:07 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?

So the PS4 should be priced at $1000 at launched?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:18:25 AM
NSMBU re-re-re-reconfirmed for launch day. :hyper
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:18:46 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?

are you throwing the wii under the bus now

I'm just using logic.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:19:10 AM
looks fun
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:19:32 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?

So the PS4 should be priced at $1000 at launched?

Were you happy with the PS3's price when it came out? Will the PS4 offer $400 more value? Only you can answer those questions.

But the answer is no.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:20:01 AM
wii is $149

Oh, huh.

Consider both systems at launch. Is the Wii U worth more than the Wii was at launch?

are you throwing the wii under the bus now

I'm just using logic.

"The Wii wasn't worth what I paid for it, but THIS one, THIS one totally is"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 10:20:15 AM
Mario Wii U legitimately looks good. 

Lego City legitimately looks bad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:20:34 AM
"The Wii wasn't worth what I paid for it, but THIS one, THIS one totally is"

More like, people were happy with the Wii's initial price, and this is only 50/100 more for much more value. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:21:10 AM
$300 is truly a (nin)tard pack,for $50(one game) you get much more.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:21:42 AM
*outdated dirty harry parody*


*awkward, forced laugh*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:21:57 AM
Mario Wii U legitimately looks good. 

Lego City legitimately looks bad.

Come on, it's got a Dirty Harry parody in it! OMGLOL!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:22:28 AM
how can you say a mario game looks good when you just got the same recycled shit literally once a year
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:22:41 AM
"The Wii wasn't worth what I paid for it, but THIS one, THIS one totally is"

More like, people were happy with the Wii's initial price, and this is only 50/100 more for much more value. :smug

Like who? I remember DCharlie guessing on the GAFcast it could be $150
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:22:57 AM
TVii :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:23:05 AM
Nintendo TVii ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:23:14 AM
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:23:19 AM
TVii :lol

holy shit, hahahahahahaa
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:23:27 AM
"The Wii wasn't worth what I paid for it, but THIS one, THIS one totally is"

More like, people were happy with the Wii's initial price, and this is only 50/100 more for much more value. :smug

Like who? I remember DCharlie guessing on the GAFcast it could be $150

Well he's a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow, so that's not a surprise. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:23:42 AM
We got Netflix, gais!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:24:18 AM
Apple TV

Nintendo TVii
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:24:35 AM
We got Netflix, gais!

HD Netflix, just what I've been waiting for!! :hyper (for srs)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:25:33 AM
that one-fingered typing won't get old at all
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:26:31 AM
i wonder what other innovative ways nintendo can steal form sony and microsoft
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:26:36 AM
Where are the games. :maf WHERE IS MONHUN
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:27:12 AM
"I would describe Nintendo TVii as something you can already get from a thousand other services, Reggie."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:27:34 AM
Use your Gamepad as an iPad!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:28:13 AM
mi mi miiiii
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:28:22 AM
Use your Gamepad as an iPad!

unless you want to pinch to zoom, etc
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 10:28:24 AM
1GB dedicated to OS, btw
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 10:29:04 AM
Eventually, Andy's stomach is gonna rupture from the sheer volume of bullshit he's eating up.  Poor boy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:29:11 AM
Reggie's a "Baking Bad" fan. Cooking Mama BrBa spinoff incoming?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:29:13 AM
Even Reggie looks bored with this crap.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:29:41 AM
Use your Gamepad as an iPad!

unless you want to pinch to zoom, etc

Pinch to zoom is only useful when Nintendo tells me it is
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:29:59 AM
fuck's sake, stop talking about television in this showcase for your gaming system
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:31:00 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:31:05 AM
"Here's a bunch of shit you'll never get outside North America"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:31:12 AM
Use your Gamepad as an iPad!

unless you want to pinch to zoom, etc

Pinch to zoom is only useful when Nintendo tells me it is

already growing out my fingernails so i can scratch around that screen like a pro
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:31:20 AM
Can you handle all the Wii U XXXCITMENT!??

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:31:28 AM
whyw ould any third party developer put any game on this system, keep dreaming nintenbot
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 13, 2012, 10:32:11 AM
goddam this is embarrassing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:32:59 AM
reggie looks like he wants to grab a flaming barrel and throw it into the audience
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:33:29 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:33:33 AM
Eventually, Andy's stomach is gonna rupture from the sheer volume of bullshit he's eating up.  Poor boy.


la la la la The Drex can't hear you

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:33:50 AM
modern family = system seller

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:35:09 AM
modern family = system seller

You can livetweet how it made you feel. :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:35:18 AM
now andrex finally gets to experience the soul-killing boredom we do whenever MS or Sony start talking about this kind of horseshit in conferences
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:35:26 AM
holy fuck. Bayonetta 2

The japanese feed is a lot better. Actually showing games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:35:53 AM
holy fuck. Bayonetta 2

The japanese feed is a lot better. Actually showing games.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:36:14 AM
*flat monotone* "That's great."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:36:24 AM
Bayo 2 Published by Nintendo in JP
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 10:36:29 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:36:41 AM
They showed a CGI trailer
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 10:36:50 AM



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:36:58 AM
Oh my.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:37:03 AM
Bayo 2 Published by Nintendo in JP

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:38:24 AM
Why is the US stream having some douche canoe talking about Netflix instead, wtf?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:38:36 AM
Monster Hunter 3G HD
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:38:58 AM
Monster Hunter 3G HD

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:39:03 AM
hahaha, did he just pull that "you can't put a price on ___" shit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:39:14 AM
monster hunter 3g wii u hd tri something something. did people already know about this?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:39:53 AM
No one else wanted Bayonetta
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:40:13 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:40:39 AM
monster hunter 3g wii u hd tri something something. did people already know about this?

DCharlie's been dickteasing it for months.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:41:36 AM
a exclusive sequel to a game that didn't come out on that system. what.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:41:45 AM
MonHun and Bayo 2

Nintendoes what MS don't:

- games.



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:42:07 AM


Is this for real?

WiiU exclusive,WTF WTF WTF

total betrayal

Great,now I have to buy WiiU..... :maf :maf :maf :maf :maf

Will burn it afterwards of course 

Hate towards Nintendo rising rapidly
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 10:42:18 AM
DCharlie's been dickteasing it for months.

YOU don't trust your sources, but i hear you called it and can now go brag ;)

(shame you changed it to be MH4!)

OH WOW - but 3DS version coming to US? that's a change in plan
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:42:26 AM

I have no interest in Monster Hunter or Bayonetta. Why would I care?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:42:48 AM
how many nintendo faithful ever played the first bayonetta, do you figure
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:43:44 AM
yes lets recall how many millions Bayonetta sold....

oh, right.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 10:43:49 AM
how many nintendo faithful ever played the first bayonetta, do you figure

I bet they port begged for it!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 10:43:52 AM
Hehe, Andy excited about a sequel to a game he never played.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
But seriously, that's good for Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:44:04 AM
Worst gaming news ever

 :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 10:44:08 AM
I am very salty over Bayo 2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:44:18 AM
DCharlie's been dickteasing it for months.

YOU don't trust your sources, but i hear you called it and can now go brag ;)

(shame you changed it to be MH4!)

OH WOW - but 3DS version coming to US? that's a change in plan

I also said it was launch title, is it?!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 13, 2012, 10:44:22 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 10:44:55 AM
how many nintendo faithful ever played the first bayonetta, do you figure

about the inverse of the number of nthings that hated COD until... round about.... now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:45:21 AM
yes lets recall how many millions Bayonetta sold....

oh, right.


Bayonetta 2 never leaves Japan. Calling it now.

It was on the US stream
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:45:44 AM
there's your moneymaker, right there
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:45:54 AM
skylanders U? will sell billions
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Jansen on September 13, 2012, 10:46:15 AM
don't worry everyone else will get to play bayo 2 sigma eventually :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:46:34 AM
not that much of a bond fand, but that legends game looks pretty coo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:46:37 AM
Hehe, Andy excited about a sequel to a game he never played.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
But seriously, that's good for Nintendo.

I've been hyping Platinum ever since E3 don't give me that salt. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 10:46:49 AM
I take back what I said about NintendoLand. All of those Activision games look worse.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:46:56 AM
Bayonetta 2 never leaves Japan. Calling it now.

Reggie confirmed it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:47:13 AM
lol @ those awful looking Acti games. GameCube HD confirmed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:47:15 AM
skylanders U? will sell billions

yeah, plastic figures on that tablet, i can hear kids screaming for it already
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:47:30 AM
Is RE6 not going to come out on U? You'd think this would be a great time to announce it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:47:39 AM
So Japan looks good software wise.

NA/EU looks like they've finally caught up to 360/PS3. At twice the price
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 10:48:12 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:48:43 AM
Transformers game is exclusive :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 10:48:54 AM
Not sure weather to hate or love Nintendo for Bayo sequel

fucking M$$$$$ losers

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:49:22 AM
No applause at Black Ops 2 :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:49:52 AM
No applause at Black Ops 2 :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Jansen on September 13, 2012, 10:50:27 AM
wtf there are still ninthings on thebore?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
LOL. We couldn't achieve this type of graphics... on a Nintendo platform. x360 level graphics confirmed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:51:43 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.

Sega cancelled it like last year. :lol Only resurrected BECAUSE of Nintendo (and probably the Kamiya-Sakurai connection.) Doubt it's going anywhere else (unlike Rayman which I always figured was timed.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:51:44 AM
looks like it makes decent use of the tablet
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:52:54 AM
Play it on the gamepad in glorious 480p
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 13, 2012, 10:53:10 AM
playing on the controller is kinda cool....
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 13, 2012, 10:53:34 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.

Published by Nintendo, it'll last.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:53:57 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.

Published by Nintendo, it'll last.

didn't stop mass effect
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 10:54:21 AM
Only reason Bayo 2 is exlclusive for now is that its a shit IP that didnt sell fuck and Nintendo could get it on the cheap.

I didnt play the first one btw, just like everybody else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Jansen on September 13, 2012, 10:54:26 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.

Sega cancelled it like last year. :lol Only resurrected BECAUSE of Nintendo (and probably the Kamiya-Sakurai connection.) Doubt it's going anywhere else (unlike Rayman which I always figured was timed.)

Ninja Gaiden 2 was published by ms and just look how that turned out :)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 13, 2012, 10:54:33 AM
Haha, like that Bayo 2 "exclusivity" will last.

Published by Nintendo, it'll last.

didn't stop mass effect

Yes ok, if EA buys Sega then maybe it won't.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:54:45 AM
"launch liberry"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:54:52 AM
I'm sure Nintendo will be thrilled with the 40k Bayo 2 sells in NA.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on September 13, 2012, 10:55:02 AM
and yeah ninja gaiden 2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:55:17 AM
Play it on the gamepad in glorious 480p

Isn't the GamePad FWVGA? (854x480)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 10:55:21 AM
Play it on the gamepad in glorious 480p
To be fair, most people will be playing it in 608p. That's only marginally better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:55:37 AM
I'm sure Nintendo will be thrilled with the 40k Bayo 2 sells in NA.

Probably a show of good faith before they buy Platinum.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 10:55:55 AM
Still too early to announce all the launch details? This is definitely a rushed launch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 13, 2012, 10:56:17 AM
Cant be arsed to watch this
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:56:30 AM
no borderlands 2? that seems like it would be a decent fit for the controller
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:57:37 AM
"How U Will Play Next"

on a PC?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 10:57:48 AM
Wow, lots of bitter tears in here.  I hope Andrex brought a bucket.  8)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 13, 2012, 10:57:50 AM
Cant be arsed to watch this
It's over and you didn't miss much.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 10:58:15 AM
Mario power-ups in TTT2? :wtf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:58:37 AM
Mario power-ups in TTT2? :wtf

They showed people fighting in Link + Mario costumers on the JP feed
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:59:02 AM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 10:59:08 AM
tbh, the only real problem i have with the wii u is that single point touch tablet

that was a dumb, dumb, dumb decision, and it's going to really limit what you can do with it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 10:59:24 AM
Wow, lots of bitter tears in here.  I hope Andrex brought a bucket.  8)

I'm too busy filling it with my cum.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 10:59:36 AM
Nintendo publishing Lego Undercover? :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 11:00:07 AM
Only reason Bayo 2 is exlclusive for now is that its a shit IP that didnt sell fuck and Nintendo could get it on the cheap.

I didnt play the first one btw, just like everybody else.

you should

best action game this gen by far
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 11:00:59 AM
Maxy's taste :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 13, 2012, 11:01:17 AM
I will get one if only to tide me over until real next gen starts.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Timber on September 13, 2012, 11:01:21 AM
Andrex please don't use that word ever again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:02:01 AM
i never played bayonetta either (just not my bag, really), so i don't care one way or another

nsmb looks like a lot of fun, but i haven't really played any mario games in a long while so i'm not burnt out on the formula

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 11:03:50 AM
280 pounds for Premium pack
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Jansen on September 13, 2012, 11:03:55 AM
is this the best nintendo can come up with?

and why is it so expensive for such shitty tech?

$150 for an extra tablet is lololololol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:04:47 AM
Still too early to announce all the launch details? This is definitely a rushed launch.


We got bundle details, the day, the prices, the games, the colors.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:04:53 AM
Treyarch gets it with the controller, that all looked like functional stuff people would actually use
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:05:46 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 11:06:00 AM
Treyarch gets it with the controller, that all looked like functional stuff people would actually use

Except the online portion that everyone buys the game for.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:06:11 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?

Depends on when it hits. NG2 could be the first.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Jansen on September 13, 2012, 11:06:15 AM
what about online? is nintenbo going to make it not suck shit this time around?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:06:23 AM
wait, there's no online?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 11:06:55 AM
fuck, will buy 360+ for bayonetta 2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 13, 2012, 11:07:12 AM
Cant be arsed to watch this
It's over and you didn't miss much.
Eh, i'll catch the highlights in thread form later then!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 11:07:23 AM
wait, there's no online?

There is, just that the people who want online will get it on a system with a good online service
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on September 13, 2012, 11:07:28 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?

Metroid Other M
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 11:07:50 AM
Still too early to announce all the launch details? This is definitely a rushed launch.


We got bundle details, the day, the prices, the games, the colors.

They said they still don't know all the games that will come out on launch day vs launch "window" ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:07:55 AM
i have to say that when i owned a wii(s), the online for mario kart ran incredibly smooth, never had any lag or missed connections - yeah it was basic, but it worked fine
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:08:52 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?

Depends on when it hits. NG2 could be the first.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2? You poor people.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:09:01 AM
Still too early to announce all the launch details? This is definitely a rushed launch.


We got bundle details, the day, the prices, the games, the colors.

They said they still don't know all the games that will come out on launch day vs launch "window" ::)

Probably still up to third parties dude. ::)

:bow Rayman and NSMBU are day one. :bow2 CoD is probably same day as the others. MH3U is next March. Bayo 2 is... uh, ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:09:14 AM
fuck, will buy 360+ for bayonetta 2

Yeah, shit...they just had to announce a sequel to one of my favorite games this gen.   :(

But this ain't gonna be a launch title and one game is not enough.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 11:09:33 AM
i have to say that when i owned a wii(s), the online for mario kart ran incredibly smooth, never had any lag or missed connections - yeah it was basic, but it worked fine

They have their friends and console for COD multiplayer already though. It's nice to have and the second screen stuff is cool but no one is moving from PS3/360 for it
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 11:10:15 AM
Fingers crossed this is just a temporary exclusivity buyout. Hold out hope for Bayo 2 Sigma!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 11:12:39 AM
if, like most Nthings, you skipped all of this current HD gen then the games line up is pretty incredible.

if, however, you played on an X360/PS3 (~a 3DS in Japan) then the machine has a lot less to ever and looks like a total port station.

Again - the machine looks to be catering to Nthings that sat this gen out. I assume that Nintendo's assumption is that the huge Wii fanbase didn't buy another machine and they're all sitting waiting to migrate across to Wii U rather than one of the HD twins.

Interestingly - everything negative said about the Vita applies to the Wii U even more : "it's expensive compared to the competition" - "it's nothing but ports!"

MH3U is next March.

will be dead in Japan at that point in time. Everyone and their goat will be playing MH4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:13:34 AM
Wait-- is Bayonetta 2 not being directed by Kamiya? 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 11:14:00 AM
Wait-- is Bayonetta 2 not being directed by Kamiya? 

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:14:17 AM
Fingers crossed this is just a temporary exclusivity buyout. Hold out hope for Bayo 2 Sigma!

Could be possible...Samurai Warriors 3 was "Wii exclusive" too.   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 11:14:22 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?
Viewtiful Joe if that counts.  There was that crappy-looking DS Ninja Gaiden.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:15:00 AM
Wait-- is Bayonetta 2 not being directed by Kamiya? 


"Supervision" by Kamiya.   :-\

Are those guys even Platinum staff or is this a Nintendo joint?   :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:16:15 AM
Interestingly - everything negative said about the Vita applies to the Wii U even more : "it's expensive compared to the competition" - "it's nothing but ports!"

Yeah wow Bayo 2, NSMBU, and Rayman Legends what a bunch of ports. ::) Also the BIGGEST complaint of the Vita: "Where is MonHun? ???" Doesn't apply to Wii U!

And Wii U is priced exactly in the range of where new consoles are traditionally prices whereas Vita was JACKED UP compared to every single good handheld to that point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:16:39 AM
Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?
Viewtiful Joe if that counts.  There was that crappy-looking DS Ninja Gaiden.

No it doesn't count, PN03 is closer to it than Viewtiful.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 11:16:49 AM
Bayo 2 could still happen on other platforms, but surely someone would have to come and step in for Sega?  Though I can't see Nintendo just giving it up after paying to finish development.  This was a dead parrot before that, remember.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:17:54 AM
Bayo 2 could still happen on other platforms, but surely someone would have to come and step in for Sega?  Though I can't see Nintendo just giving it up after paying to finish development.  This was a dead parrot before that, remember.

Exactly. Nintendo paid to REVIVE this game. No way anyone steps up to buy them out for what was almost a dead franchise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:21:31 AM
Bayo 2 could still happen on other platforms, but surely someone would have to come and step in for Sega?  Though I can't see Nintendo just giving it up after paying to finish development.  This was a dead parrot before that, remember.

Exactly. Nintendo paid to REVIVE this game. No way anyone steps up to buy them out for what was almost a dead franchise.

Yes, they helped them revive the game.

So Sega has Platinum make a Bayonetta Sigma version for the other systems. What aren't you understanding? That is what is going to happen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:21:44 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 11:22:45 AM
Yeah, Bayonetta: Naughty Climax Edition is still a possibility. Exclusivity contracts nowadays are an interesting thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 11:25:07 AM
Fingers crossed this is just a temporary exclusivity buyout. Hold out hope for Bayo 2 Sigma!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 11:25:10 AM
But who would publish?  Can't see anyone but Sony being silly enough.  I *guess* Sega could if they catch their breath a bit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
Bayo 2 ain't going anywhere.  SEGA isn't putting even one more cent into its development.  So unless Nintendo feels like footing the bill for the other systems...

Now I fucking need one at some point.

Fuck. I'm salty.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 11:29:33 AM
Any word about the WiiU being region-free?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:29:59 AM
Platinum just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U, nor will they purchase any of Platinum's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Platinum has alienated an entire market with this move.

Platinum, publicly apologize and make Bayonetta 2 multiplatform or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 11:31:12 AM
$300 and $350?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:34:13 AM
Bayo 2 ain't going anywhere.  SEGA isn't putting even one more cent into its development.  So unless Nintendo feels like footing the bill for the other systems...

Now I fucking need one at some point.

Fuck yeah Oscar. :uguu

Let's Wii U it up together.

Fuck. I'm salty.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 13, 2012, 11:34:41 AM
I never played the original Bayonetta so I give no shits about this

however I'll probably end up buying this system because I have no control over myself

mods help
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 13, 2012, 11:35:38 AM
Real talk:

I am interested in Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Bayo 2 and NSMBU
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 11:36:02 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: fistfulofmetal on September 13, 2012, 11:37:13 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:41:15 AM
let's not kid ourselves, over half of us will own one (or more) before it's over, for one reason or another

but i ain't buying it for $300
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:44:22 AM
Bayonetta also lives on in Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns on 360/PS3, guys.   :)

Real talk:

I am interested in Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Bayo 2 and NSMBU

I'm interested in Bayonetta 2 and NSMBU.  As much as I enjoyed Bayonetta, it's not enough to make me buy a Wii U.  It's a start, but ultimately I see this going the Wii route and the system just sitting there, collecting dust, as I play the next-gen Playstation and Microsoft systems.

But get a few more third party games like Bayo and my dumb ass will be suckered in enough to get a Wiiuuuuuu at some point.

Also the Wii U has Tivo support?  How is that gonna work with such a small amount of HD space available on the stock models?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 11:45:44 AM
let's not kid ourselves, over half of us will own one (or more) before it's over, for one reason or another

but i ain't buying it for $300

I am trying to hold off on buying one.  This madness has to stop!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:47:45 AM
bethesda has said they're gonna "wait and see" ( = "we're not making games for wii u" ), so that's eliminated any impulse purchase on my part

when i see news of it dropping down to $200 i'll take another look and see what the game library looks like then
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 11:49:46 AM
I don't care what's shipping on it, I'm not dropping $300 or more on something with those specs on principle
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 11:49:54 AM
"The Wii-U screen will be primarily used as a livefeed of Kamiya's twitter."
Courtesy of Riposte on gaf.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 11:51:16 AM
Just got back from the road and some highlights

Price  :lol :lol :lol i'll wait until a price drop

Games  :lol  except 2

-Monster Hunter 3G U - not bad at all but the release date is garbage

-Bayonetta 2 - the true mega/betraylaton of the event so much that the salt is overflowing plus its the sequel a lot of people wanted but SEGA didn't give a fuck.

Other from that nope on WiiU for me just yet (though 2 games are already in the wings until its more worth it for me)

This thread:

Andrex :  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oscar :bow  :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:52:47 AM
So glad Nintendo isn't charging $500, cause I'd pay it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 11:54:03 AM
And Wii U is priced exactly in the range of where new consoles are traditionally prices whereas Vita was JACKED UP compared to every single good handheld to that point.

the Vita launched at the same price as the 3DS - or did you forget that that was the jacked up in price one?

So glad Nintendo isn't charging $500, cause I'd pay it.

oh dear.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 13, 2012, 11:54:38 AM
Oh hey wait Bayo 2 and MonHun with online? Will buy this when 720/Ps4 drops then (assuming Nintendo will drop the price then)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 11:56:32 AM
So glad Nintendo isn't charging $500, cause I'd pay it.

No you wouldn't - it took you how long to get a 3DS?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 11:57:48 AM
A fool and his money
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 13, 2012, 11:59:01 AM
Bayonetta 2? New Monolith title? Shit, guess that settles what I'm doing with all these GS gift certificates I have.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 11:59:07 AM
remember that Andrex has -already- committed to getting his three sisters a Wii U - plus one for himself?

$1200 - cheapest buy in - then he'll need to buy 4 games at least right? If the games use waggle, as they all don't have a Wii, then he'll need to buy x3 "Wii pack" bundles as well.

you better start sucking more dicks, Andrex!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 12:00:19 PM
so many dicks
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 12:01:12 PM
So glad Nintendo isn't charging $500, cause I'd pay it.

No you wouldn't - it took you how long to get a 3DS?

Consoles and handhelds are different, I usually wait on handhelds cause the colors come quicker, and they have revisions and price drops more often.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 12:02:33 PM
i'm gonna buy another wii this holiday season and give some stuff another try, probably be able to snag one for dirt cheap around then
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 12:03:22 PM
remember that Andrex has -already- committed to getting his three sisters a Wii U - plus one for himself?

$1200 - cheapest buy in - then he'll need to buy 4 games at least right? If the games use waggle, as they all don't have a Wii, then he'll need to buy x3 "Wii pack" bundles as well.

you better start sucking more dicks, Andrex!

Planning on blowing around $1000-1100 (1 Deluxe for me + 2 Basic for sisters.) But their U's will be for Christmas, so I can buy the games afterwards.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 12:06:13 PM
hmm - the thiiiing is i just got the prospective hospital bill i'll be coughing up half for in December and we just paid son's school fees ($FUCKINGSTUPID) - perhaps i need to sell some shit first? I guess i can sell DDP DOJ pcb and that'd cover the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 13, 2012, 12:06:57 PM
Sucking so many dicks will drive the dollar-per-dick price right down. :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 13, 2012, 12:08:43 PM
I'll probably just trade in a bunch of shit including my wii to cover this.  But not for a while.  Summer 2013 most likely.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 12:10:29 PM
I'd only trade my Wii in after transferring my VC games. Then again, the Wii I'd be transferring from (I have two) has a busted disc drive so I probably won't get much for it... I guess I could sell both of them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 12:10:48 PM
Sucking so many dicks will drive the dollar-per-dick price right down. :'(

I'm gonna put Himu out of business. :himu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 13, 2012, 12:14:32 PM
ugh andrex just mod your goddamned wii.  you can play ALL of those VC games through emulators
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 12:16:01 PM
Hey is this thing backwards compatible
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 12:17:02 PM
for almost all wii games, says donkey kong reggie
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 12:17:18 PM


ugh andrex just mod your goddamned wii.  you can play ALL of those VC games through emulators

I did. But I ain't no pirate.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 12:18:45 PM
$50 wii + external HDD = ...


...90% empty HDD
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 12:24:11 PM
Hey is this thing backwards compatible
Cereal?  Yes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 12:24:33 PM
So the amount of time spent dropping the controller and picking up the tablet to fiddle with shit makes up for the amount of time opening a menu?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on September 13, 2012, 12:25:24 PM
Sucking so many dicks will drive the dollar-per-dick price right down. :'(

The number of enrollments at Thomas M. Cooley does not lower the cost of tuition at Harvard Law.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 13, 2012, 12:26:20 PM
Too many lips chasing too little dicks.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 12:27:04 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 12:28:48 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 12:29:10 PM
Just like this gen, I'm sticking to my "one console every generation" plan. Bayo 2 isn't enough for me, and I've no real adoration for Nintendo IP anymore. Big selling points for me are still region free gaming for all my Japanese imports, crap Gundam/mecha licensed games, and Final Fantasy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 12:40:41 PM


I don't understand Japanese. Is this the new Smash Bros.?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 12:41:54 PM
It's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 with some added Nintendo outfits and mushrooms. 

It can be looked at the first version of Smash Bros. with some depth, I guess.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 12:42:48 PM
It's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 with some added Nintendo outfits and mushrooms.

I know. It was an admittedly lame attempt at a humor joke.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 12:53:47 PM
Would be cool if you could play all games on the joypad. The I'd like one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 12:55:52 PM
Will buy around the 2nd or 3rd price drop and/or Zelda release if it looks good
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 13, 2012, 01:01:38 PM
Zelda sucks now and it's never coming back.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:01:51 PM
Launch Window Games (November to March):

Funky Barn
NBA 2K13
007™ Legends
Call of Duty®: Black Ops II
Wipeout 3
Skylanders Giants™
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing
Capcom Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate
D3Publisher Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game
Ben 10: Omniverse™
Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade
Disney Interactive Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Electronic Arts Mass Effect™ 3
Madden NFL 13
Frozenbyte Trine 2™: Director’s Cut
Gaijin Games Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Majesco Entertainment Zumba® Fitness Core
Maximum Games Jett Tailfin™
Nintendo Nintendo Land™
New Super Mario Bros.™ U
NINJA GAIDEN™ 3: Razor’s Edge
LEGO® City: Undercover
Wii Fit™ U
Game & Wario™
Pikmin™ 3
The Wonderful 101™
SEGA Aliens: Colonial Marines™
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Shin’en Nano Assault Neo
Tecmo Koei America Corporation WARRIORS OROCHI® 3 Hyper
THQ Darksiders® II
Wheel of Fortune®
Two Tribes Toki Tori 2
Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed® III
Just Dance® 4
Marvel Avengers™: Battle for Earth
Rabbids® Land
Sports Connection™
Your Shape®: Fitness Evolved 2013
Rayman Legends®
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Scribblenauts™ Unlimited
Game Party Champions
Batman: Arkham City™ Armored Edition

Definitely getting:

Capcom Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate
New Super Mario Bros.™ U
Rayman Legends®
Batman: Arkham City™ Armored Edition

Maybe getting:

Disney Interactive Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Frozenbyte Trine 2™: Director’s Cut
LEGO® City: Undercover
Game & Wario™
Pikmin™ 3
The Wonderful 101™
SEGA Aliens: Colonial Marines™
THQ Darksiders® II
Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed® III
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 13, 2012, 01:02:37 PM
Will Wii games be playable on the pad? I've never owned (or even played) a Wii, so Wii U + the couple of good Wii games would not be that bad. Although 300 Eurodollars is still too much for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rahxephon91 on September 13, 2012, 01:09:08 PM
Well I guess I have to buy this shitty looking system now. Thanks Bayo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 01:09:20 PM
Darksiders is out already Andrex wtf. Why not buy it now.

Will Wii games be playable on the pad? I've never owned (or even played) a Wii, so Wii U + the couple of good Wii games would not be that bad. Although 300 Eurodollars is still too much for me.

If I could play EVERYTHING on the pad that would be a sell for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on September 13, 2012, 01:11:08 PM
all you need to know about Wii U fans is that Lego City is seen as a positive in their lists
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:11:37 PM


I'm buying BOTH VERSIONS, I need control parity between them!!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 01:11:46 PM
No waggle-mote would be a serious upgrade.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 01:12:40 PM
Darksiders is out already Andrex wtf. Why not buy it now.

Not on Nintendo platform = not worthy of playing
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rahxephon91 on September 13, 2012, 01:13:15 PM
all you need to know about Wii U fans is that Lego City is seen as a positive in their lists
That looked pretty cool though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 01:14:23 PM
Darksiders is out already Andrex wtf. Why not buy it now.

Not on Nintendo platform = not worthy of playing

Thats some serious mental illness bullshit "I'll wait to play it on WiiU cause it will feel more right"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 01:17:25 PM
So glad I never cared for Bayoshit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:18:33 PM
Darksiders is out already Andrex wtf. Why not buy it now.

Not on Nintendo platform = does not exist

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 13, 2012, 01:20:49 PM
not even Bayo can make me buy this shitty console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 01:20:53 PM
Surprised they didn't show off Dragon Quest X during the Japanese announcement.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 01:21:45 PM
oh p.s. didn't see a single thing today that made me think "Wow - the X360/PS3 could never do anything like this"



and any delusions that the Wii U is going to be running next gen baseline stuff is exactly that.... a delusion.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 13, 2012, 01:22:33 PM
Launch Window Games (November to March):

Wipeout 3

Wait, what  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 13, 2012, 01:23:00 PM
Will get this when it's one it's last legs like I did with the wii. NSMBU is pretty much all I'm interested in as I expect rayman to go elsewhere in the next year
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 13, 2012, 01:24:14 PM
remember that Andrex has -already- committed to getting his three sisters a Wii U - plus one for himself?

$1200 - cheapest buy in - then he'll need to buy 4 games at least right? If the games use waggle, as they all don't have a Wii, then he'll need to buy x3 "Wii pack" bundles as well.

you better start sucking more dicks, Andrex!

Andrex, how old are your sisters?  :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:26:40 PM
oh p.s. didn't see a single thing today that made me think "Wow - the X360/PS3 could never do anything like this"



and any delusions that the Wii U is going to be running next gen baseline stuff is exactly that.... a delusion.

Salt salt salt.

remember that Andrex has -already- committed to getting his three sisters a Wii U - plus one for himself?

$1200 - cheapest buy in - then he'll need to buy 4 games at least right? If the games use waggle, as they all don't have a Wii, then he'll need to buy x3 "Wii pack" bundles as well.

you better start sucking more dicks, Andrex!

Andrex, how old are your sisters?  :-*

I dunno, I think one's 26 and the other is I wanna say.... 17?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 01:29:33 PM
Andrex are you straight up trolling or do you have some issues? You can PM me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 01:31:04 PM
Launch Window Games (November to March):

Wipeout 3

Wait, what  ??? ??? ???

It's the ABC gameshow Wipeout. They've released them for Wii, 360 Kinect and PS3 Move.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:31:45 PM
Andrex are you straight up trolling or do you have some issues? You can PM me.

50% trolling.

40% hype that will dissipate over the next 24 hours.

10% really excited whereas I was pretty down before.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 01:32:15 PM

If you ever need incest hentai just PM me
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 13, 2012, 01:36:43 PM
FUNKY BARN :hyper :hyper :hyper
NINTENDO NINTENDO LAND :hyper :hyper :hyper
...wait, WARRIORS OROCHI® 3 Hyper?
Fuck you Nintendo, you fuckers got me there. :o
Not a launch buyer since I'm paying off nu-lappy, but a price drop or two and this thing MAY be worthy of consideration, goddamnit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 13, 2012, 01:38:03 PM
oh p.s. didn't see a single thing today that made me think "Wow - the X360/PS3 could never do anything like this"



and any delusions that the Wii U is going to be running next gen baseline stuff is exactly that.... a delusion.

Salt salt salt.

From DCharlie!?   ??? :lol :lol 

Dude, he's totally gonna buy a Wii U and every game that comes out for it.  He's just speaking the truth.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 01:40:00 PM
for next 10-12 months


post X720/PS4 reveal

Who cares about RES, 1080P, SUPERIOR VERSIONS, TEXTURING! ?!?

Wii three



Dude, he's totally gonna buy a Wii U and every game that comes out for it

I'll be winding it in - MH3GHD for sure, Rayman, Mario, 101, Bayonetta....
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 01:42:12 PM
Is it region free BTW?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 01:43:17 PM
Is it region free BTW?

bwahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 01:43:27 PM
Definitely getting:
To save $300

Maybe getting:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 01:44:41 PM
Definitely getting:
To save $300

Maybe getting:


Fine see if I buy Shogun Wii U if you jerks ever slip out of MS's greasy grip! :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 01:47:33 PM
Is it region free BTW?

bwahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no

I hope they hack it on day 1

And oh, I am getting this on launch or a bit after launch for sure. Not like I can get laid anyway.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 13, 2012, 01:49:04 PM
Is it region free BTW?

bwahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no

I hope they hack it on day 1

And oh, I am getting this on launch or a bit after launch for sure. Not like I can get laid anyway.

lol - getting laid....

like the corners of my miiiiiiiind
Misty water coloured meeeeeeeeemorriiessssss....
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 01:54:01 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 13, 2012, 02:11:27 PM
As said about the new Rayman, that'd be a game which'd cost $5-$15 on a real console. :P
spoiler (click to show/hide)
will buy eventually :gloomy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 02:13:20 PM
As said about the new Rayman, that'd be a game which'd cost $5-$15 on a real console. :P
spoiler (click to show/hide)
will buy eventually :gloomy

You know Origins was $60 on PS3/360... right...?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 02:14:42 PM
Mario looks good, but the best platformer of the last 10 years is Mirrors Edge  :-*

Andrex, cool I'm happy you're trolling mayne.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 13, 2012, 02:15:44 PM
As said about the new Rayman, that'd be a game which'd cost $5-$15 on a real console. :P
spoiler (click to show/hide)
will buy eventually :gloomy

You know Origins was $60 on PS3/360... right...?
It went down to $20 in like a week 8)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on September 13, 2012, 02:19:12 PM
Not Getting:
Star Wars 1313
Watch Dogs
Real Next-Gen Games
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 02:22:26 PM
Mario looks good, but the best platformer of the last 10 years is Mirrors Edge  :-*

Andrex, cool I'm happy you're trolling mayne.

That's not SMG. :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 13, 2012, 02:25:30 PM
If it was, his statement would be incorrect.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 02:27:09 PM
First person "PLATFORMING"  :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 02:31:08 PM
Just need Nintendo getting Devil's Third the same way for even more salt  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 02:33:42 PM
Just need Nintendo getting Devil's Third the same way for even more salt  :lol :lol

Is that Tecmo? Would be pretty likely then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 13, 2012, 02:34:26 PM
Just need Nintendo getting Devil's Third the same way for even more salt  :lol :lol

Is that Tecmo? Would be pretty likely then.

THQ, but they released the property.

However, no one gives a shit about Devil's Third. It looks terrible.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Robo on September 13, 2012, 02:35:50 PM
Definitely getting:
To save $300

Maybe getting:

damn son
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 13, 2012, 02:40:28 PM
Definitely getting:
To save $300

Maybe getting:

$300 sounds about right for that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 02:44:41 PM

Dat parallax.



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 02:54:38 PM
Look at the budget animation though, luigis feet dont even connect with the stairs
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 02:59:22 PM
Look at the budget animation though, luigis feet dont even connect with the stairs

He's just walking in front of the stairs. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:02:13 PM
Look at the budget animation though, luigis feet dont even connect with the stairs

He's just walking in front of the stairs.

Actually the perspective is such that he's behind them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 03:02:42 PM
uh, andrex, "dat parallax" is the result of using 4D matrices for a change. you DO know how 3D graphics work, right?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:03:09 PM
Bayonetta is a cool surprise. Monster Hunter isn't shocking news.

Has Nintendo system got ANY games of the stylish action genre? No DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no Bayo, so Bayo 2 is the first?

Depends on when it hits. NG2 could be the first.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2? You poor people.

Worse, it's Ninja Gaiden 3, lol.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 03:03:54 PM
looks like some flash games
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 03:05:22 PM
Look at the budget animation though, luigis feet dont even connect with the stairs

He's just walking in front of the stairs.

Actually the perspective is such that he's behind them.

Except his feel are in front of the stairs.  Though I'm not surprised that you have a invalid perspective when it comes to Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: SantaC on September 13, 2012, 03:05:29 PM
so 1 GB memory for games. Thoughts? Better than this generation but it will be crap in 2 years or so :/

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:05:46 PM
uh, andrex, "dat parallax" is the result of using 4D matrices for a change. you DO know how 3D graphics work, right?



You guys should try being less negative. Does wonders for the aging process.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 03:10:10 PM
You guys should try being less negative. Does wonders for the aging process.

You're right. Oh my God! Wii U will have HDMI-out!

 :bow Nintendo! :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 03:15:15 PM
You guys should try being less negative. Does wonders for the aging process.

You're right. Oh my God! Wii U will have HDMI-out!

 :bow Nintendo! :bow2

I've been waiting for a GameCube HD for years! :bow2 #stuffandrexsays
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 13, 2012, 03:17:58 PM
Yeah, guys, seriously. You should stop demanding high quality products and instead gladly accept whatever overpriced refuse your corporate overlords deign to cram down your gob!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 03:18:09 PM
By the time Xbox 720 and the PS4 come out, Dolphin will support the Wii U anyway and then the games will look just as good as real next gen stuff.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 03:18:47 PM
You guys should try being less negative. Does wonders for the aging process.

You're right. Oh my God! Wii U will have HDMI-out!

 :bow Nintendo! :bow2

I've been waiting for a GameCube HD for years! :bow2 #stuffandrexsays

It comes in two colours! so that if you don't like white you can get it in black, and, guys, if you don't like black you could get it in white.  :bow2 #stuffandrexsays
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 03:21:15 PM
so 1 GB memory for games. Thoughts? Better than this generation but it will be crap in 2 years or so :/

the wii had 3x-ish the memory of the ps2. the wii u has 2-4x the available working set versus the 360. 360+ total. more ram also means more room for sloppy transgenerational porting!

i think ms needs to reality check some fools post-haste :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 03:21:27 PM
dont forget the slurping sounds on those posts  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 03:23:07 PM
"hey guys, i can see detail in the background now, and distant surfaces actually have more than one MIP level!" #shitandrexsays
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:26:18 PM
How much is this thing in US dollars, and when is it launching?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 03:28:24 PM
$300 or $350. alternatively, wait for the bore's one-percenters to flip theirs with three weeks.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:31:39 PM
It'll be very interesting to see what the next Xbox and PS end up costing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 03:32:29 PM
You guys should try being less negative. Does wonders for the aging process.

You're right. Oh my God! Wii U will have HDMI-out!

 :bow Nintendo! :bow2

Not only an HDMI out, an HDMI cable in every box! #NintendoInnovation

Nintendo does what Microsoftdickdon't. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 03:34:01 PM
It'll be very interesting to see what the next Xbox and PS end up costing.

They'll probably be $399 for the tard pack to the gasp and awe of Iwata's penny pincher pockets. Sony ain't stupid (and can't really afford) enough to do $599 again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 03:34:41 PM
I'd honestly be very surprised to see an HDMI cable in the box. Not because it represents any real value, but because I imagine retailers would have a fit. Then again, maybe they've given up on the notion that a significant number of consumers are gullible enough to pay $50 - $100 for a cable they can get online for a few dollars?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 03:35:09 PM
It'll be very interesting to see what the next Xbox and PS end up costing.

They'll probably be $399 to the gasp and awe of Iwata's penny pincher pockets.

it would be pretty stupid if its anything more than that tbh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 13, 2012, 03:37:05 PM
It'll be very interesting to see what the next Xbox  end up costing.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 03:38:27 PM
It'll be very interesting to see what the next Xbox  end up costing.


so $350 then?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 03:50:17 PM
After Wii I promised myself to never buy a Nintendo console EVER AGAIN.

And I am keeping that promise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 13, 2012, 03:56:32 PM
Mirror's Edge is the best Mirror's Edge since Mirror's Edge.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:00:59 PM
I'd honestly be very surprised to see an HDMI cable in the box. Not because it represents any real value, but because I imagine retailers would have a fit. Then again, maybe they've given up on the notion that a significant number of consumers are gullible enough to pay $50 - $100 for a cable they can get online for a few dollars?



:bow Nintendo :bow2

:piss Microsoft and Sony :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 13, 2012, 04:02:59 PM

plastics,plastics and more plastics

high speed hdmi cable  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:04:01 PM
Tell em, Andrex!

:bow Nintendo! :bow2

:bow less hd space than the Zune I got for Christmas in 2007 :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 04:05:36 PM
Do we know if there is a limit to the external HD size?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 04:09:50 PM
After Wii I promised myself to never buy a Nintendo console EVER AGAIN.

And I am keeping that promise.

I distinctly remember telling you over and over again, "The Wii version of Twilight Princess will be inferior, wait 4 weeks to play it on GC"

At least you're learning.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:12:17 PM
Do we know if there is a limit to the external HD size?

There isn't one, however SD(HC) cards are limited to 32 GB (limitation of the format, there are higher capacity ones but those don't conform to the spec IIRC.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:12:45 PM
After Wii I promised myself to never buy a Nintendo console EVER AGAIN.

And I am keeping that promise.

I distinctly remember telling you over and over again, "The Wii version of Twilight Princess will be inferior, wait 4 weeks to play it on GC"

At least you're learning.

It WAS inferior. Wii had  16:9 and Kakariko right where it should be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 13, 2012, 04:13:10 PM
Is the 32 GB a solid state drive?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 04:16:38 PM
Do we know if there is a limit to the external HD size?

There isn't one, however SD(HC) cards are limited to 32 GB (limitation of the format, there are higher capacity ones but those don't conform to the spec IIRC.)

wait we can only use SD cards or any external drive?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:17:09 PM
Do we know if there is a limit to the external HD size?

There isn't one, however SD(HC) cards are limited to 32 GB (limitation of the format, there are higher capacity ones but those don't conform to the spec IIRC.)

wait we can only use SD cards or any external drive?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 04:19:47 PM
meh then who cares about internal memory size then. 

It's a shame Nintendo Land doesn't ship with both version though.  That Luigi came is probably fun. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:23:54 PM
After Wii I promised myself to never buy a Nintendo console EVER AGAIN.

And I am keeping that promise.

I distinctly remember telling you over and over again, "The Wii version of Twilight Princess will be inferior, wait 4 weeks to play it on GC"

At least you're learning.

Wii version is actually better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 04:25:51 PM
There isn't one
Unless it requires FAT32.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 04:27:18 PM
After Wii I promised myself to never buy a Nintendo console EVER AGAIN.

And I am keeping that promise.

I distinctly remember telling you over and over again, "The Wii version of Twilight Princess will be inferior, wait 4 weeks to play it on GC"

At least you're learning.

Wii version is actually better.

I'm going to defer to my own lying eyes (having played both) and Van Cruncheon on this one, if the alternative is you and Nintendo's official butt hampster Andrex over there.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:32:21 PM
Haha. Both versions are fine, but I prefer wii version for the fishing controls. :heart
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 04:33:18 PM
Haha. Both versions are fine, but I prefer wii version for the fishing controls. :heart

Jesus fucking christ, END YOURSELF
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:33:59 PM
I might as well since I avoided your wisdom and subjected myself to the worst system I ever owned: the wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 04:34:02 PM

Sorry I'm out of the loop, what is this shit?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 04:35:29 PM
You see Lager, instead of developing new games for all of their cherished IPs, Nintendo made a virtual tour for them instead!  Why play an ACTUAL FZERO GAME when you can just look at it instead? 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 04:35:41 PM

Sorry I'm out of the loop, what is this shit?

The only way you'll get to play F-Zero on Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 04:36:32 PM

sexy and I hate steel books
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 13, 2012, 04:39:48 PM
You see Lager, instead of developing new games for all of their cherished IPs, Nintendo made a virtual tour for them instead!  Why play an ACTUAL FZERO GAME when you can just look at it instead?

tell me youre joking

is it like a digital amusement park?
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 13, 2012, 04:40:39 PM
The different reactions on twitter in America and Japan (well 8-4 n friends) is interesting

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:41:14 PM
The different reactions on twitter in America and Japan (well 8-4 n friends) is interesting

What are the reactions in Japan like?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 04:41:30 PM
You see Lager, instead of developing new games for all of their cherished IPs, Nintendo made a virtual tour for them instead!  Why play an ACTUAL FZERO GAME when you can just look at it instead?

tell me youre joking

is it like a digital amusement park?

Pretty much. There are minigames and crap too. It's like the Wii U version of Wii Sports, only this time with all your favorite franchises!*

*in mii form
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 04:43:22 PM
oh em gee

this is fan service for the distinguished mentally-challenged generation
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 13, 2012, 04:45:42 PM
The different reactions on twitter in America and Japan (well 8-4 n friends) is interesting

What are the reactions in Japan like?

Andrex like
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 04:46:22 PM
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 13, 2012, 04:46:40 PM
While sessler and other media dudes are like "meh"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:48:27 PM
There isn't one
Unless it requires FAT32.

It doesn't "require" anything. It uses USB Mass Storage Mode, the system doesn't have know or care what's on the other end of the wire, just that something's there and how much is left.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 04:50:24 PM
I'd bet MS is gonna have a subsidized XBL Gold contract version of the 720 (or whatever) like that test run they did with the 360 a while back.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 04:52:32 PM
I'd bet MS is gonna have a subsidized XBL Gold contract version of the 720 (or whatever) like that test run they did with the 360 a while back.

Would make perfect sense, millions of XBL users would feel like they are getting a break with that kind of deal.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 04:56:18 PM
I'd bet MS is gonna have a subsidized XBL Gold contract version of the 720 (or whatever) like that test run they did with the 360 a while back.

I really wish that they would just implement some sort of online multiplayer functionality into Silver. I've never had any problems with Microsoft crashing the party so to speak in the console realm aside from the fact that, just in principle, I fucking loathe the idea of having to pay any non-zero amount to subscribe for online multi-player.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 13, 2012, 04:56:35 PM
here's a stupid article
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 04:57:14 PM
The Nintendo Wii U may only have 8 to 32GB of internal memory, but the company's taking a decidedly open approach to expanding that memory: add your own. "You can plug in a full-on three terabyte hard drive if you want. I'll love you as a digital consumer," Nintendo America CEO and president Reggie Fils-Aime told us during a post-press conference investor Q&A. Much like Sony's PlayStation 3, the Wii U allows for expansion of memory via USB, whether that memory be Flash or otherwise. Fils-Aime explained that, with the continuously dropping price of memory, there was little reason to offer pricing for the Wii U -- available in $300 and $350 -- tied to an evolving hardware model.

"The reason we did it that way is that the cost of that type of storage memory is plummeting. What we didn't want to do is tie a profit model to something that's gonna rapidly decline over time. We'll let the consumer buy as much as they want, as cheaply as they want," Fils-Aime said.

Fils-Aime also confirmed that the Wii U doesn't have TiVO hardware built into it -- functionality will require an existing TiVO box. The same goes for DVR functionality, which Fils-Aime said Nintendo doesn't want consumers to bear the expense of.

The bolded makes no sense. If the price rapidly drops then why wouldn't you be able to offer more at a fair price, ya turds?

Because plummeting doesn't mean it's cheap now.  Just that it will be cheap in 4 years.  Nintendo doesn't like to take hits in their hardware costs so they won't amortize the cost over the life time. 

To be honest, open off board memory is a positive step for nintendo.  Correctly if I'm wrong but MS still imposes a size limit on externals.  I still expect Nintendo to fuck this up though, like enforcing a funky formatting on the drives.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 04:57:40 PM
The Nintendo Wii U may only have 8 to 32GB of internal memory, but the company's taking a decidedly open approach to expanding that memory: add your own. "You can plug in a full-on three terabyte hard drive if you want. I'll love you as a digital consumer," Nintendo America CEO and president Reggie Fils-Aime told us during a post-press conference investor Q&A. Much like Sony's PlayStation 3, the Wii U allows for expansion of memory via USB, whether that memory be Flash or otherwise. Fils-Aime explained that, with the continuously dropping price of memory, there was little reason to offer pricing for the Wii U -- available in $300 and $350 -- tied to an evolving hardware model.

"The reason we did it that way is that the cost of that type of storage memory is plummeting. What we didn't want to do is tie a profit model to something that's gonna rapidly decline over time. We'll let the consumer buy as much as they want, as cheaply as they want," Fils-Aime said.

Fils-Aime also confirmed that the Wii U doesn't have TiVO hardware built into it -- functionality will require an existing TiVO box. The same goes for DVR functionality, which Fils-Aime said Nintendo doesn't want consumers to bear the expense of.

The bolded makes no sense. If the price rapidly drops then why wouldn't you be able to offer more at a fair price, ya turds?

They should be able to give you more than 8GB for THREE HUNDRED US DOLLARS and still include options to expanded storage space later.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 04:57:49 PM
Comparing for inflation = grasping at straws in this industry.

Nobody is fooled*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 04:59:18 PM
The Nintendo Wii U may only have 8 to 32GB of internal memory, but the company's taking a decidedly open approach to expanding that memory: add your own. "You can plug in a full-on three terabyte hard drive if you want. I'll love you as a digital consumer," Nintendo America CEO and president Reggie Fils-Aime told us during a post-press conference investor Q&A. Much like Sony's PlayStation 3, the Wii U allows for expansion of memory via USB, whether that memory be Flash or otherwise. Fils-Aime explained that, with the continuously dropping price of memory, there was little reason to offer pricing for the Wii U -- available in $300 and $350 -- tied to an evolving hardware model.

"The reason we did it that way is that the cost of that type of storage memory is plummeting. What we didn't want to do is tie a profit model to something that's gonna rapidly decline over time. We'll let the consumer buy as much as they want, as cheaply as they want," Fils-Aime said.

Fils-Aime also confirmed that the Wii U doesn't have TiVO hardware built into it -- functionality will require an existing TiVO box. The same goes for DVR functionality, which Fils-Aime said Nintendo doesn't want consumers to bear the expense of.

The bolded makes no sense. If the price rapidly drops then why wouldn't you be able to offer more at a fair price, ya turds?

The quote is ??? at first but I think they mean it makes more sense for the consumer to purchase HDDs than Nintendo, since Nintendo can only drop the Wii U's price so often while HDDs drop in price all the time. Thus, the consumer has better value. :)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 05:00:28 PM
here's a stupid article

Yeah, that be a stupid article.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:00:47 PM
Is this was battered wife syndrome looks like?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 05:00:59 PM
Always any corporations main concern.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 05:01:01 PM
Reggie: "With CPU prices dropping, we saw no reason to tie the Wii U down to a profit model that's gonna rapidly decline over time. We'll let the consumer buy as fast a CPU as they want, as cheaply as they want."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:02:11 PM
Reggie: "With CPU prices dropping, we saw no reason to tie the Wii U down to a profit model that's gonna rapidly decline over time. We'll let the consumer buy as fast a CPU as they want, as cheaply as they want."

What about RAM, Reggie?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 05:03:12 PM
Is this was battered wife syndrome looks like?

i guess so
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
It doesn't "require" anything. It uses USB Mass Storage Mode, the system doesn't have know or care what's on the other end of the wire, just that something's there and how much is left.
Well that's good, I hate having to keep a FAT32 partition on my external for the stupid things that can't read anything but it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 13, 2012, 05:05:35 PM
ive just never been able to understand the dipshit mindset that causes a person to stan for a company instead of stepping back and evaluating all choices objectively to choose the best value for themselves

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 05:08:22 PM
ive just never been able to understand the dipshit mindset that causes a person to stan for a company instead of stepping back and evaluating all choices objectively to choose the best value for themselves

If Nintendo had to go third party due to losing money in the hardware business, they'd have to develop their software on less whimsical hardware. Can you imagine Zelda on Microsoft hardware? Yeah, me neither.

Unless of course we're talking about a PC emulating Nintendo hardware. Then it's awesome!

 :bow  Dolphin! :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 05:10:59 PM
ive just never been able to understand the dipshit mindset that causes a person to stan for a company instead of stepping back and evaluating all choices objectively to choose the best value for themselves

If Nintendo had to go third party due to losing money in the hardware business, they'd have to develop their software on less whimsical hardware. Can you imagine Zelda on Microsoft hardware? Yeah, me neither.

Unless of course we're talking about a PC emulating Nintendo hardware. Then it's awesome!

 :bow  Dolphin! :bow2

What about Zelda and Metroid on STEAMBOX.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 05:13:20 PM
What about Zelda and Metroid on STEAMBOX.

Is STEAMBOX designed by Nintendo? Is it emulating hardware designed by Nintendo? If not, then it's not whimsical enough and can fuck off.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2012, 05:14:43 PM
I guess my feeling is why do people want this?  My 360 harddrive is full and I don't want to get a new one because their proprietary drives are expense as fuck.  Reducing the cost on hardware and buying an external (or for most people I image just using one they already have) that I can use across all next gen systems sounds awesome.  A philosophy that supports us getting our own memory to fit our own needs is a good thing. 

Still both versions are over priced but throwing in a 100gb HD isn't going to make me feel better.  That's like a 10$ upgrade for a 50$ price gouge. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:14:52 PM
Add me to Steam, Youngblood.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 05:16:01 PM
Is STEAMBOX designed by Nintendo? Is it emulating hardware designed by Nintendo? If not, then it's not whimsical enough and can fuck off.

Zelda and Metroid on Dolphin on STEAMBOX.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 05:18:59 PM
Add me to Steam, Youngblood.

Will do when I get home. If you want to add me first, it's SteveYoungblood84.

Zelda and Metroid on Dolphin on STEAMBOX.

Now you're speaking my language!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 05:22:50 PM
I guess my feeling is why do people want this?  My 360 harddrive is full and I don't want to get a new one because their proprietary drives are expense as fuck.  Reducing the cost on hardware and buying an external (or for most people I image just using one they already have) that I can use across all next gen systems sounds awesome.  A philosophy that supports use getting our own memory to fit our own needs is a good thing. 

Still both versions are over priced but throwing in a 100gb HD isn't going to make me feel better.  That's like a 10$ upgrade for a 50$ price gouge.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 05:29:56 PM

A Nintendo representative confirmed to Polygon that $59.99 will be the most common MSRP for Wii U titles, but that's a "baseline price," adding that, "specific games could be more or less."

Nintendo officially just reached this gen  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:32:46 PM
What is the Nintendo fan response going to be to 60 dollar games? Are they going to suddenly support it?! "It's only 60 dollars" FIND OUT SOON.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 13, 2012, 05:36:10 PM
What is the Nintendo fan response going to be to 60 dollar games? Are they going to suddenly support it?! "It's only 60 dollars" FIND OUT SOON.

Well, it makes sense. It's the HD tax. Since the games technically meet that barrier to entry now, I'm sure they're happy to pay the tax.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 05:40:05 PM
Any non $0 amount is too much for Nintendoland
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 05:42:05 PM
HD tax is  :yuck but expected based on 3DS game prices rising with the gen.

RIP $50 console games. :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on September 13, 2012, 05:42:14 PM
Wired: The GamePad controller has its own AC Adapter. Can it also be charged via USB, plugged into the Wii U console?

Trinen: The GamePad has its own AC adapter; it is not one that you can plug into the [Wii U]. We believe that people will generally have Wii U connected in their living room, and if it’s connected to the television then there will most likely be other power outlets nearby.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 13, 2012, 05:48:49 PM
truly this is the day of a thousand lols
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 05:50:44 PM
No second pad at launch:
"None of the launch-window titles support dual GamePad play," Trinen said. "As a result we won't be selling the GamePad as a separate accessory. It will be released once the content is there to support it. Our anticipation is that there will be (games that support it) some time next year."

Once the support is added, Nintendo will release the price for the standalone controller, he said.

What is the Nintendo fan response going to be to 60 dollar games? Are they going to suddenly support it?! "It's only 60 dollars" FIND OUT SOON.
Keep in mind that Nintendo almost has to either adhere to the 59.99 baseline or elevate it to prevent the average joe consumer from making erroneous value attributions. If multi-plat game on PS3/360 retails for 59.99 and the same exact game is 49.99 on the Wii-U, the immediate presumption is that the latter version is somehow inferior. The same principle applies in comparing Nintendo's own first-party efforts to say, a first-party 59.99 title on PS3 or 360. The theoretically cheaper Nintendo game is going to be stigmatized in one way or another by irrational consumers and ironically may suffer in sales performance.

The pricing discrepancy worked with the Wii because it was ostensibly inferior hardware relative to its competitors and wasn't actively trying to grab any significant mindshare of the core gamer.
Well, you guys can always consider getting the black Wii premium deal if you don't want to pay full price for 1st party games. Saving around $6 may not seem like much, but if you buy around 10 games that way, then you will have saved enough money to use toward the purchase of another game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 05:52:13 PM
I can't wait for the lol's to come for ps4 and 720 reveals. :rofl This is hilarious.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rahxephon91 on September 13, 2012, 05:55:09 PM
Don't really get the price thing. If your game is $10 cheaper then fuck I'm buying your console's version. I honestly don't think that price logic works in the video game industry. If it did, why are used sales at Gamestop so high?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 05:57:58 PM
To include the avatar:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 13, 2012, 06:01:31 PM
Don't really get the price thing. If your game is $10 cheaper then fuck I'm buying your console's version. I honestly don't think that price logic works in the video game industry. If it did, why are used sales at Gamestop so high?

Used games at Gamestop still cost $57.99, though...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 06:02:49 PM
To include the avatar:

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

What if PS4/Xbox8 games are also 60?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rahxephon91 on September 13, 2012, 06:05:08 PM
Don't really get the price thing. If your game is $10 cheaper then fuck I'm buying your console's version. I honestly don't think that price logic works in the video game industry. If it did, why are used sales at Gamestop so high?

Used games at Gamestop still cost $57.99, though...
You're right and thats my point. Even at a shitty price difference people still buy them because they don't care. It's cheaper and thats better. That logic that "oh if it's more expensive people will think it's better" has been proven to be wrong so much it's not even funny. The PS3 failed. The Wii did well. Non subscripition MMO's thrive. People love thier cheap iphone games. In the realm of video games, I very much doubt that logic has any place.

Edit-And I see it was a poster that said it. What an idiot. And wow the avatar is perfect.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 06:06:21 PM

Edit: Is it true this doesn't have an ethernet port?

Wii didn't have an ethernet port, so I don't see why Wii U would.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 13, 2012, 06:06:44 PM
Just like when PC games cost $50 and everyone assumes that version is inferior.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 06:10:26 PM
MOAR please
Thread is pretty subdued right now.

Just like when PC games cost $50 and everyone assumes that version is inferior.
You're forgetting you have to pay $3000 every month to upgrade your Graphics Card and McAfee Virus Scan.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 06:14:20 PM
To include the avatar:

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

What if PS4/Xbox8 games are also 60?

Even better for Wii U, they'll be seen as the same value! :spin
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 06:15:43 PM

Even better for Wii U, they'll be seen as the same value! :spin
The obvious thing to do is raise WiiU prices to $70 or $80 so people know about the superior value.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rahxephon91 on September 13, 2012, 06:16:13 PM
Well I mean it's got the same graphical abilities so they should be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 13, 2012, 06:24:03 PM
To include the avatar:

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

What if PS4/Xbox8 games are also 60?

Even better for Wii U, they'll be seen as the same value! :spin

Well played andrex.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 13, 2012, 06:57:28 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 06:58:16 PM
Don't immediately sell your Wii like that dope on GAF did with his 3DS:
Wii U owners can wirelessly transfer content such as Miis, and WiiWare and Virtual Console games to their Wii U systems. Both systems will need to be connected to the Internet and the Wii U will need an SD card to facilitate the transfer. The process is very similar to transferring content from Nintendo DS to Nintendo 3DS or from Nintendo 3DS to Nintendo 3DS XL
Wii, WiiWare, and Virtual Console games will be supported on Wii U much the same way that GameCube titles were supported on Wii, without any special features or GamePad support.

In an interview with Nintendo of America, they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch, and would require both systems to be present and an SD card.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 06:58:56 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 07:01:43 PM

Wii, WiiWare, and Virtual Console games will be supported on Wii U much the same way that GameCube titles were supported on Wii, without any special features or GamePad support.

In an interview with Nintendo of America, they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch, and would require both systems to be present and an SD card. The transfer process works much in the same way the DSi to 3DS process works today.

Opportunity wasted  :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 07:10:01 PM
You'd think letting you play the virtual console games or most of them at least on the pad would be something that comes to mind right away at least.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 13, 2012, 07:11:32 PM
You'd think letting you play the virtual console games or most of them at least on the pad would be something that comes to mind right away at least.

But how would they be able to sell them again to you on 3DS if you could just use the Game Pad?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 13, 2012, 07:15:59 PM
I'd still need them on there for when I leave mom's basement to pretend I'm playing them while staring at the girls on the train.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 07:42:13 PM
all you need to know about Wii U fans is that Lego City is seen as a positive in their lists

It's the only thing I really want to play outside of Mario :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 13, 2012, 07:59:12 PM
I will probably buy one at launch with Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (the REAL killer app to me), Rayman Legends, and NSMBU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 08:30:20 PM
I will probably buy one at launch with Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (the REAL killer app to me), Rayman Legends, and NSMBU.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 08:52:31 PM
Australian pricing is really good.

AUS$349/$429 official prices. One retailer has already discounted the price of the premium to $399. For reference, 160gb PS3 is $349 and 320gb is , and 360 goes between $250 for 4gb without Kinect up to $429 for 250gb with Kinect. So they're coming in at level pegging to the current consoles. Vita is also $349 here :teehee

Software though is going to be the kicker, expecting AUS$90-$110, probably $10-30 more than the other platform titles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 13, 2012, 08:56:04 PM
I will probably buy one at launch with Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (the REAL killer app to me), Rayman Legends, and NSMBU.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 08:58:57 PM
Any new features?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 13, 2012, 09:05:16 PM
No optical port on the back of the WiiU. It's your fault for not having a more modern amplifier
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 09:13:05 PM
Australian pricing is really good.

AUS$349/$429 official prices. One retailer has already discounted the price of the premium to $399. For reference, 160gb PS3 is $349 and 320gb is , and 360 goes between $250 for 4gb without Kinect up to $429 for 250gb with Kinect. So they're coming in at level pegging to the current consoles. Vita is also $349 here :teehee

Software though is going to be the kicker, expecting AUS$90-$110, probably $10-30 more than the other platform titles.

Eh?  I really doubt it will be $110.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 09:15:25 PM
My 10+ year old Logitech Z-680's are going well. Damn you Nintendo for discriminating against optical users.

Eh?  I really doubt it will be $110.

These may be (and probably are) placeholders but...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 13, 2012, 09:24:13 PM

Its confirmed in the US that it is $60 games i think those are place holders...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 13, 2012, 09:35:34 PM
Any new features?

Not sure but there will probably be something (maybe it will have the additions the PSP version had) but this game blew me away so I'm going to fritter money away by double dipping
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 09:35:55 PM
No optical port on the back of the WiiU. It's your fault for not having a more modern amplifier
I have a Pioneer HDMI compatible amp but I still use Optical that is connected from the amp to the TV.

Much more convenient than switching HDMI channels every goddamn time. HD audio be damned.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 09:36:23 PM
WO3 is the best musou I've played so nintendo fans are in for a treat. If they buy it of course.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 13, 2012, 09:39:24 PM
No optical port on the back of the WiiU. It's your fault for not having a more modern amplifier
I have a Pioneer HDMI compatible amp but I still use Optical that is connected from the amp to the TV.

Much more convenient than switching HDMI channels every goddamn time. HD audio be damned.


And my 2011 Panasonic plasma only does stereo passthrough from the optical port on the back of it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 13, 2012, 09:41:47 PM
Did you try this:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 13, 2012, 09:41:49 PM
WO3 is the best musou I've played so nintendo fans are in for a treat. If they buy it of course.

needs moar whimsy, maybe a "play mode" where you tour around and look at stuff instead of actual gameplay
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 13, 2012, 11:08:46 PM
That's why I put the "if they buy it" caveat, because I know they WON'T buy it, because no one is buying Musou. :lol

And to be fair, I have Warriors Orochi 3 on 360 with a retail box. :punch
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2012, 11:10:41 PM
In an interview with Nintendo of America, they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch, and would require both systems to be present and an SD card.

they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch

transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch

not confirmed to be available at launch

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 13, 2012, 11:53:10 PM
In an interview with Nintendo of America, they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch, and would require both systems to be present and an SD card.

they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch

transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch

not confirmed to be available at launch


 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 14, 2012, 03:23:24 AM

Wii, WiiWare, and Virtual Console games will be supported on Wii U much the same way that GameCube titles were supported on Wii, without any special features or GamePad support.

In an interview with Nintendo of America, they stated that the Virtual Console transfer process was not confirmed to be available at launch, and would require both systems to be present and an SD card. The transfer process works much in the same way the DSi to 3DS process works today.

Opportunity wasted  :maf

Derp derp derp. Not surprising considering how Nintendo handled situations like that in the past, but still disappointing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 14, 2012, 03:26:28 AM
Wait, what? What does no gamepad support mean? Do I have to use a Wiimote to play VC games?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 14, 2012, 03:29:29 AM
I think it means you can't play them only on the tabletpad (with the tablet as the screen), not that you can't use the pad as a controller.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 14, 2012, 03:41:06 AM
Oh, that's fine. I would rather use my TV than a small low-quality screen to play games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 14, 2012, 03:50:03 AM
and would require both systems to be present and an SD card.

Criminal Nintent.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 14, 2012, 03:52:22 AM
Well, it has a higher resolution than any Nintendo console before, so you could play the games at native or 2x res, should look good in theory. Would be cool while the GF hogs the TV.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 14, 2012, 04:04:44 AM
If someone else hogs the TV, I can play a game on another system instead. I usually juggle between games anyway.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 14, 2012, 04:41:41 AM
Oh, that's fine. I would rather use my TV than a small low-quality screen to play games.

I can hear the vita crying, I think it heard you
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 14, 2012, 04:53:47 AM
That's a small high-quality screen though. But you're right otherwise. If a game is available for both the Vita and the PS3, I'll generally play it on the PS3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 14, 2012, 05:00:24 AM
854 x 480 vs 960 x 544

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 14, 2012, 05:09:09 AM
I'm not talking about resolution or pixel density.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 14, 2012, 06:46:29 AM
it's not like people are buying musou games on any system at this point.  orochi 3 couldn't even justify a retail release in NA.

Well, I'm going to keep buying them even though its probably 2-3 releases away from becoming Japan-only (which then has 2-3 more releases before going away in general)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 14, 2012, 07:48:50 AM
does anyone know if the wiiu pad charges?

 the 350 versions comes with a charging cable but the 300 does not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MrSingh on September 14, 2012, 08:22:55 AM
Maybe getting:

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 14, 2012, 08:50:50 AM
does anyone know if the wiiu pad charges?

 the 350 versions comes with a charging cable but the 300 does not.

Then how the hell do you charge it? Trinen said in an interview that it requires its own AC adapter to charge.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 14, 2012, 09:19:19 AM
I'm not talking about resolution or pixel density.

dat oled
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 09:20:09 AM
Image Andrex posted a few pages back indicates you get a AC adapter for the pad in both:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 14, 2012, 09:34:45 AM
Oh man, having the A/B/X/Y buttons underneath the right stick is going to be a huge pain in the ass.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 14, 2012, 09:40:33 AM
I'm not talking about resolution or pixel density.

dat oled

 :lol ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 14, 2012, 10:06:13 AM
Image Andrex posted a few pages back indicates you get a AC adapter for the pad in both:

Yep, only the charging cradle is "exclusive" to the premium pack
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 11:02:36 AM
Charging cradles are awesome. I wish I had one for my GN, 3DS XL, and N7. Having the wires just hanging around is so lame. :gloomy

:bow Premium set. :bow2

Oh man, having the A/B/X/Y buttons underneath the right stick is going to be a huge pain in the ass.

Nah, probably not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 14, 2012, 11:05:06 AM
"At least, I won't acknowledge it if it is!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 14, 2012, 11:13:06 AM
"At least, I won't acknowledge it if it is!"

I dunno, we've all had that Nintendo console that finally broke our spirits and made us hate Nintendo. The N64 did it for some, the Gamecube for others. The Wii broke a lot of people. Maybe for Andrex, the Wii U will be that console that makes him hurt too much to hold it in anymore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 14, 2012, 11:17:36 AM
does anyone know if the wiiu pad charges?

 the 350 versions comes with a charging cable but the 300 does not.

Then how the hell do you charge it? Trinen said in an interview that it requires its own AC adapter to charge.

That is what I would like to know....if they think they are going to pull that 3ds xl shit here in the US they are craaazzzy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 11:21:22 AM
Hey dopes


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 11:24:05 AM
If the cable isn't enough and you buy the Inferior Set, then you can get a charging cradle separately.


Looks like it's only in black though. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on September 14, 2012, 11:27:42 AM
I'll get the kids one for xmas if they ask for it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 14, 2012, 11:48:52 AM
Hey dopes


looked right at the picture yesterday and missed the pad charging cable. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 14, 2012, 02:59:25 PM
I wonder if Andrex is acting excited? That he might be trying to hide his true disappointment. Cause what Joe said is right, The Wii is what broke my nintardism, due to lack of whimsy of course.

Eh. If the Wii didn't break his spirits, I don't know why the Wii U necessarily would. Maybe after a couple of years of poor first party software and bad sales, you'd have to question them. But if you're still loyal to the big N after all this time, I don't think the doom and gloom would be setting in right now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 14, 2012, 03:15:50 PM
Andrex is too young to remember Nintendo when they were cool.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 03:29:52 PM
I don't have internet for 4 days and Andrex has pushed back nintard tolerance back to some imaginary jim crow era of gaming.  Thanks dweeb.

On the one hand, I think Nintendo has successfully put all the right pieces in place as far as making sure the heavy hitters have a presence early on in the lifecycle. Blops 2, madden, fifa, and assassin's creed 3 provide a much more sensible litmus test for things going forward then what the wii got.  2d launch mario should buoy this thing in any case until sometime next year.  On the dissenting side, I'm not sure there's enough incentive presented for typical joe to jump ship, and the situation with how full priced retail games have been performing lately makes me wary that console type ecosystems are going to persist into next gen.  We'll see.

And for the record, I don't care about bayonetta, but the butthurt has been delicous as usual.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 03:35:07 PM
A little miffed at the no gamepad screen support for virtual console atm.  Hopefully they will be updating the emulators.  However, if the pad itself acts as a classicon while in wii mode, this bodes well for legacy wii games that I skipped on because I despised the classic controller.  I'll probably rebuy shiren wii and geometry wars galaxies.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 14, 2012, 03:37:58 PM
I'm fucking tired of Nintendo having like 20 different controllers, devicies, cables and shit that are needed for the "full wiiuuuuu~ experience."  What the dick happened to jut shipping with one controller.

That is Nintendo's biggest failure, I think: the more dependency on a handful of separate hardware, the worse the experience.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 03:46:03 PM
I'm fucking tired of Nintendo having like 20 different controllers, devicies, cables and shit that are needed for the "full wiiuuuuu~ experience."  What the dick happened to jut shipping with one controller.

That is Nintendo's biggest failure, I think: the more dependency on a handful of separate hardware, the worse the experience.

Assuming you still have your wii, I don't see what the problem is here.  At worst you'll need to buy a new sensor bar and maybe a new wagglewand depending on what a store's trade in policy is.  I'm assuming gamestop would need a wii with a sensor bar and one controller to be traded in but it might even be more lax than that.  Unless you're one of those people who think the new classic controller will be a good investment.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 03:53:56 PM
I wonder if Andrex is acting excited? That he might be trying to hide his true disappointment. Cause what Joe said is right, The Wii is what broke my nintardism, due to lack of whimsy of course.

I've been quite down on the Wii U (for me) since E3 2011 and that continued through E3 of this year. However I am, finally, starting to get excited. The whole branding is still a massive ??? that I don't know how well will go over with da casualz (as Gman mentioned), and it could be more powerful, and resistive single touch is dumb.

But NSMBU looks really good, Rayman looks good, MonHun looks ABSOLUTASTIC, excited for Bayonetta and up-ports (because I'm, well, me; I don't expect others to be.) I'm happy with some of the smaller decisions they've made like full retail games on eShop and USB HDD support. The Pro Controller looks great and while I'm not necessarily foaming at the mouth over all the NEW INNOVATIVE EXPERIENCES the GamePad can do, I'm not against it either (and think all it would take to totally redeem it is a full Crystal Chronicles game.)

The weirder (best) part is, Nintendo hasn't even shown any of their first party hand except for NSMB. Think about that. All their series are still waiting into the wings, and yet the console is still looking pretty good on the back of third party games. I think that's a pretty good sign, and I really like what the launch lineup has shaped up to be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 14, 2012, 03:55:13 PM
Eh, I don't know. Mind you, I agree that it's a bit annoying, but I can't imagine that -- given how popular the Wii was -- that they're really that worried about people jumping into the Wii U without already owning a Wii. Even if I'm trading in my Wii for this thing, it comes with another sensor bar, and I have two Wii controllers. So, I'd still have an extra one. I don't think it's the best strategy, but I also don't think it represents some kind of deal breaker, particularly if you're the kind of person who has $350 to piss away on a Wii U at launch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 03:58:43 PM
My mother just asked me if the U tablet was a good thing to get for the Wii. After I explained the Wii U, she called it stupid, and simply walked away. I'm not saying this is indicative of the type of reception Nintendo is in for this holiday but I'm not surprised.
Why do you think they aren't selling those separately yet?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 03:59:13 PM
I don't thinks its as convenient as you think, EmCee. That's too much money to play fucking games, overall it could cost more than the next gen alternatives for the hardcore crowd they are trying to go for. And who knows what "non-gamers" reactions would be.


What a made up complaint. Only one GamePad per system (until like next year at earliest), for local multiplayer buy between one and four Pro Controllers. Easy peasy.

:bow ( :bow2

Sexy times.

Wiimotes and Nunchuks are for BC and optional game modes like CoD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 14, 2012, 04:00:09 PM
Can I use my Wavebirds?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 04:01:23 PM
No GCN BC or ports. Like the newer Wii's.

Maybe someone could figure out an adapter?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:02:54 PM
Can I use my Wavebirds?

Why would you? Pro Controllers have rumble and rechargeable batteries.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 14, 2012, 04:03:57 PM
If Nintendo didn't have to try to be a special and unique snowflake, they could have *gasp* sunk all of the money for their shitty controller into the system they could have something decent that would be relevant for more than a year or two.  Shocking concept, I know!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 14, 2012, 04:05:30 PM
Can I use my Wavebirds?

Why would you? Pro Controllers have rumble and rechargeable batteries.

Because I already own two Wavebirds that don't require an additional purchase.

No GCN BC or ports. Like the newer Wii's.

Maybe someone could figure out an adapter?

Without really looking into it, I figured it was a silly question. However, the fact that even newer Wiis don't have Cube support is news to me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:08:59 PM
If Nintendo didn't have to try to be a special and unique snowflake, they could have *gasp* sunk all of the money for their shitty controller into the system they could have something decent that would be relevant for more than a year or two.  Shocking concept, I know!

If we're being honest, Nintendo doesn't have what it takes to compete with MS and Sony without an angle of their own. GameCube showed that and if the DS had just been a beefier GBA, it would have gotten curbstomped by the PSP.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 14, 2012, 04:09:52 PM
How is the console looking good on the back of 3rd party games?

Am I missing some big names?

Cod - PS360
Darksiders - Already out
Batman - Already out
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:11:01 PM
How is the console looking good on the back of 3rd party games?

Am I missing some big names?

Cod - PS360
Darksiders - Already out
Batman - Already out


The fact that it at least has on-par (at least; in the case of Batman it's more of a GOTY+) ports of those games is 1000x better than the Wii ever got, and that's right out of the gate.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 04:11:19 PM
Without really looking into it, I figured it was a silly question. However, the fact that even newer Wiis don't have Cube support is news to me.

Guess it's Europe only:

I had only heard about a "new model" last year and assumed it was all of them now.

EDIT: Maybe it is...
The redesigned Wii, also known the "Wii Family Edition" has the same dimensions as the original model, is designed to sit horizontally (the vertical feet are still present; however, the front labels are rotated and a stand is no longer included) and is not compatible with Nintendo GameCube games or accessories. It was announced on August 17, 2011 and released in Europe and North America in October 2011

No idea.

Nevermind, see Andrex below.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 04:12:45 PM
No one is mentioning Darksiders, its already up and bombed and won't help or be helped by wii u.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:13:30 PM
Without really looking into it, I figured it was a silly question. However, the fact that even newer Wiis don't have Cube support is news to me.

Guess it's Europe only:

I had only heard about a "new model" last year and assumed it was all of them now.

No, it's also in America, I bought one in January.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 04:14:29 PM
oh it comes with a sensor bar anyways, yeah i don't get the complaint now either.  At worst you'll be buying extra pro controllers unless you never bought a wii before and absolutely need those extra wiimotes for nintendoland (lol).

Stick to arguing about clockcycles, folks.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:15:21 PM
oh it comes with a sensor bar anyways, yeah i don't get the complaint now either.  At worst you'll be buying extra pro controllers unless you never bought a wii before and absolutely need those extra wiimotes for nintendoland (lol).

Stick to arguing about clockcycles, folks.

Yeah, Wrath is starting to reach with some of his mudslinging. By this time next year he'll own one at this rate. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 14, 2012, 04:16:34 PM
All I know is that fucking waggle is almost dead...who gives a shit about anything other than that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 04:20:31 PM
All I know is that fucking waggle is almost dead...who gives a shit about anything other than that.

Unless Nintendoland is super successful.  Also I remember they were showing off wii u sports demos at one point, so that might still be a thing~
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 14, 2012, 04:21:37 PM
WO3 is the best musou I've played so nintendo fans are in for a treat. If they buy it of course.

Yeah, it's a great game.  I keep hoping for a Vita port but I guess with the PSP port that just isn't happening.

As far as I can tell, WO3 Hyper is the same game with an added throw-away "Versus" mode like the other WO game had.  Wonder if they will add Rachel in, too?

it's not like people are buying musou games on any system at this point.  orochi 3 couldn't even justify a retail release in NA.

It came out retail for 360.  The reason why it didn't get a retail release on PS3, along with Kaizoku Musou, is because of the Japanese-only language track, according to various sources on the Internets.

Speaking of sales, did Samurai Warriors Chronicles bomb on the 3DS?  Koei hasn't announced Dynasty Warriors Vs. or Samurai Warriors Chronicles 2 for the U.S.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 14, 2012, 04:22:19 PM
It was a dumb move to call it Wii U, that name invited confusion. You have people like Fallon mistaking it for a Wii peripheral on national TV (and he actually plays games). My fiance asked about it (her kids have a Wii), and she was confused that it was a tablet peripheral. I've heard this same thing a few other times. Outside our little insular sphere, no one knows what the fuck it is, and that's not because they're "stupid" or "ignorant casuals," it's because Wii U is a dumb name, and combined with making it look almost exactly like a fucking Wii peripheral their confusion is entirely understandable. If they were gonna insist on retaining that Wii brand and look, they should have named it the SuperWii or something similar. I know that's a goofy name, but it's better than Wii U, and denotes a more powerful new console, just like the Super Nintendo did back when. People see that tablet and the name Wii U, and they assume that Wii U is what the tablet is called, and it's something you buy for the Wii like the Wii Fit. They could have saved themselves a lot of hassle and consumer confusion just by naming it something else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:22:47 PM
All I know is that fucking waggle is almost dead...who gives a shit about anything other than that.

Kinect 2 included with every 720!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 04:24:12 PM
It was a dumb move to call it Wii U, that name invited confusion. You have people like Fallon mistaking it for a Wii peripheral on national TV (and he actually plays games). My fiance asked about it (her kids have a Wii), and she was confused that it was a tablet peripheral. I've heard this same thing a few other times. Outside our little insular sphere, no one knows what the fuck it is, and that's not because they're "stupid" or "ignorant casuals," it's because Wii U is a dumb name, and combined with making it look almost exactly like a fucking Wii peripheral their confusion is entirely understandable. If they were gonna insist on retaining that Wii brand and look, they should have named it the SuperWii or something similar. I know that's a goofy name, but it's better than Wii U, and denotes a more powerful new console, just like the Super Nintendo did back when. People see that tablet and the name Wii U, and they assume that Wii U is what the tablet is called, and it's something you buy for the Wii like the Wii Fit. They could have saved themselves a lot of hassle and consumer confusion just by naming it something else.

It's going to be a problem, but only at first. After a year it won't matter, like the Wii's name.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 04:25:19 PM
It was a dumb move to call it Wii U, that name invited confusion. You have people like Fallon mistaking it for a Wii peripheral on national TV (and he actually plays games). My fiance asked about it (her kids have a Wii), and she was confused that it was a tablet peripheral. I've heard this same thing a few other times. Outside our little insular sphere, no one knows what the fuck it is, and that's not because they're "stupid" or "ignorant casuals," it's because Wii U is a dumb name, and combined with making it look almost exactly like a fucking Wii peripheral their confusion is entirely understandable. If they were gonna insist on retaining that Wii brand and look, they should have named it the SuperWii or something similar. I know that's a goofy name, but it's better than Wii U, and denotes a more powerful new console, just like the Super Nintendo did back when. People see that tablet and the name Wii U, and they assume that Wii U is what the tablet is called, and it's something you buy for the Wii like the Wii Fit. They could have saved themselves a lot of hassle and consumer confusion just by naming it something else.
The fact that the actual console looks similar probably doesn't help things either.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 14, 2012, 04:27:23 PM
I think it's part of the reason they're not offering the tablet for sale separately at launch, as well.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 14, 2012, 04:28:12 PM
All I know is that fucking waggle is almost dead...who gives a shit about anything other than that.

Kinect 2 included with every 720!


if microsoft had made kinect the de fact way of playing the 360 i would have treated it with as much contempt.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 14, 2012, 04:36:27 PM
Q: This should be fun. We have EEDAR's Jesse Divnich saying Wii U is unlikely to persuade core gamers with that $299 price point...

Reggie Fils-Aime: He needs to see Call of Duty that we have here, or Assassin's Creed.

reggie  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 14, 2012, 04:43:48 PM
Well then, I see no reason to keep this PS3 and 360 around!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 14, 2012, 04:56:10 PM
I think it's part of the reason they're not offering the tablet for sale separately at launch, as well.

That would almost have to be the reason.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 14, 2012, 04:57:32 PM
It was a dumb move to call it Wii U, that name invited confusion. You have people like Fallon mistaking it for a Wii peripheral on national TV (and he actually plays games). My fiance asked about it (her kids have a Wii), and she was confused that it was a tablet peripheral. I've heard this same thing a few other times. Outside our little insular sphere, no one knows what the fuck it is, and that's not because they're "stupid" or "ignorant casuals," it's because Wii U is a dumb name, and combined with making it look almost exactly like a fucking Wii peripheral their confusion is entirely understandable. If they were gonna insist on retaining that Wii brand and look, they should have named it the SuperWii or something similar. I know that's a goofy name, but it's better than Wii U, and denotes a more powerful new console, just like the Super Nintendo did back when. People see that tablet and the name Wii U, and they assume that Wii U is what the tablet is called, and it's something you buy for the Wii like the Wii Fit. They could have saved themselves a lot of hassle and consumer confusion just by naming it something else.

It's going to be a problem, but only at first. After a year it won't matter, like the Wii's name.

If you legitimately think this thing is going to ANYTHING NEAR Wii's sales, you're as stupid as we all worry you are.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 14, 2012, 05:07:59 PM
oooh I forgot about AssCreed 3.  I'll be honest if I pick this up in November, I'll be buying that :3
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 14, 2012, 05:10:19 PM
WiiU has COD and Assasins Creed?

Oh wait Ill spend another 300 on a new console to play the games I can play on my PC/360/PS3  :lol

Great arguement Reggie!

oooh I forgot about AssCreed 3.  I'll be honest if I pick this up in November, I'll be buying that :3

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 14, 2012, 05:11:27 PM
While it's too early to tell, unless Wii U is some pop culture phenomenon like the Wii's first two years, the sales of the Wii U are going to resemble the Game Cube more than the Wii.  Getting great third party ports isn't going to bring the PS3 and 360 owners over and once the PS4 and 720 come out, ports will dry up for the Wii U.  That is unless the ports are shit or the games themselves don't tax next gen hardware and then could be ported over.  The only saving grace is if Nintendo is receptive to indie touchscreen games and tries to make it a viable alternative to iPad gaming.

Also, TVii is worthless because most new TVs already have Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, etc. already loaded onto the TVs or Bluray or DVD players made after 2010.  There's nothing special about that that would entice consumers to come on over.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 14, 2012, 05:15:49 PM
I can see ports of 3rd party games doing relatively well on Wii cause they might get bought by ravid Nintards that have been without COD games for 6 years.

Then again they will just buy Mario again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 14, 2012, 05:16:54 PM
I can see ports of 3rd party games doing relatively well on Wii cause they might get bought by ravid Nintards that have been without COD games for 6 years.

Then again they will just buy Mario again.

They've had several Wii Call of Duty games.  Although it was pretty sweet how it took them two years to port COD4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 14, 2012, 05:19:31 PM
Come on who plays cod on Wii  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 14, 2012, 05:19:36 PM
WiiU has COD and Assasins Creed?

Oh wait Ill spend another 300 on a new console to play the games I can play on my PC/360/PS3  :lol

Great arguement Reggie!

oooh I forgot about AssCreed 3.  I'll be honest if I pick this up in November, I'll be buying that :3


I'm saying if I buy the console in November (not likely) I'd probably pick up Mario and AssCreed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 05:21:39 PM
It was a dumb move to call it Wii U, that name invited confusion. You have people like Fallon mistaking it for a Wii peripheral on national TV (and he actually plays games). My fiance asked about it (her kids have a Wii), and she was confused that it was a tablet peripheral. I've heard this same thing a few other times. Outside our little insular sphere, no one knows what the fuck it is, and that's not because they're "stupid" or "ignorant casuals," it's because Wii U is a dumb name, and combined with making it look almost exactly like a fucking Wii peripheral their confusion is entirely understandable. If they were gonna insist on retaining that Wii brand and look, they should have named it the SuperWii or something similar. I know that's a goofy name, but it's better than Wii U, and denotes a more powerful new console, just like the Super Nintendo did back when. People see that tablet and the name Wii U, and they assume that Wii U is what the tablet is called, and it's something you buy for the Wii like the Wii Fit. They could have saved themselves a lot of hassle and consumer confusion just by naming it something else.

Did I even remotely suggest something like that?
It's going to be a problem, but only at first. After a year it won't matter, like the Wii's name.

If you legitimately think this thing is going to ANYTHING NEAR Wii's sales, you're as stupid as we all worry you are.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 14, 2012, 05:21:52 PM
Come on who plays cod on Wii  :lol

i played world at war (i believe i rented it from gamefly), i was actually impressed by how they managed to scale it back and still retain the feel of the HD game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 05:38:01 PM
There's enough people that Treyarch bothered to figure out how to patch the multiplayer.

Just fired it up. It says there's 57800 players on Blops right now. Connected to a domination game in about fifteen seconds.

EDIT: Wow, if that's accurate that's more people than are playing MW2+Blops+MW3 on PC right now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 07:10:29 PM
There's enough people that Treyarch bothered to figure out how to patch the multiplayer.

Just fired it up. It says there's 57800 players on Blops right now. Connected to a domination game in about fifteen seconds.

EDIT: Wow, if that's accurate that's more people than are playing MW2+Blops+MW3 on PC right now.

Its not accurate.  If you actually add up all the people it states are playing the playlists the number is actually closer to 10000.  I highly doubt 40k players are playing private matches.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 14, 2012, 07:54:13 PM
Come on who plays cod on Wii  :lol

The numbers would surprise you.

He's been told this by you before, he's just being a boob again.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 14, 2012, 07:59:40 PM
Its not accurate.  If you actually add up all the people it states are playing the playlists the number is actually closer to 10000.  I highly doubt 40k players are playing private matches.
Ahhh yeah. Just checked again and you're right. 58500 online but only around 12000 in any of the lists. Wonder what the deal is with that.

Checked MW3 just because and it has about 7800 online with 5800 in playlists. (And specifically lists this.)

Still not too shabby considering.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on September 14, 2012, 09:00:05 PM
Bayonetta 2's exclusive to this thing :rofl

Just noticed the thread.... This 'betrayalton' is going to make for some good reading
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 14, 2012, 09:14:13 PM
All their series are still waiting into the wings

Where have I heard this before?

Look, Nintendo's output plus the duration of time between each one for the Wii was a problem. The games were good, but not good enough to justify the time period plus there was plenty of disappointments within like Other M. Not to mention how piss easy they were. SMG2 is really the only game that fit for what we would expect from Nintendo. I've discussed what I thought of the first Galaxy too many times to count so I won't bore you with a repost. Zelda Skyward Sword was plenty of steps ahead and yet so many steps backwards that while I loved it and I'm not exactly super excited about another Zelda cause of the steps back.

"Plenty of disappointments like Other M" ???

I can understand disappointment with a LACK of games like F-Zero but actually disappointing games? Maybe Super Paper Mario...? Kirby's Epic Yarn...? (redeemed by Return to Dreamland.)

Difficulty =/= Enjoyability, I hope you understand that.

Also, NSMBW and DKCR had great amount of difficulty. SMG's end game wasn't anything to sneeze at, either. And all of them were AAA games quality wise.

As for Zelda, they change things so much each time it seems shortsighted to predict whether you'll get the next one based on the last one. But if there were a word to describe your stand on the Wii U, it would be "shortsighted."
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 14, 2012, 09:33:53 PM
Nah nsmbwii was awesome but pretty easy, at least when playing with others
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 14, 2012, 10:07:31 PM
Never had a chance to play it single player since it was a buddy's wii but I'll take your word for it.

What about compared to rayman since I'm soloing that
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 15, 2012, 12:00:03 AM
Tecmo-Koei is like the easiest third party publisher in Japan Andrex. They'll align themselves with whatever hardware manufacturer gives them attention, lol.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 15, 2012, 12:19:57 AM
The funny thing is that games in general have been getting easier and easier, it's just that Nintendo, rather than try to hide it, seems to tie a pink ribbon around it and delicately wrap it in Christmas lights.

But I guess data shows that easier games sell better
, so people like us who cut their teeth on bitch hard games are mostly out of luck outside of indies.

RIP real Mega Man
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 12:32:32 AM
Other M was atrocious. Dear god what a horrible game.

I'm definitely staying away from it, considering I didn't even finish Prime 3 or Super Metroid. Me and the Metroid series... seems like we don't mix.

I was mostly talking about how Nintendo barely released any games I really liked on the Wii.

That isn't what you said. You were implying Nintendo made a bunch of abhorrent games for Wii, which is quite different from just not making a game.

OK I forgot about DKCR, which I loved. But NSMBW difficult? Oh fuck no. It was fun but it was a diversion for the most part.

Did you beat World 9?

Yeah no, Zelda games have been getting easier. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword while good, definitely were easier than each predecessor. So seeing that direction of handholding and simpler puzzles isn't hard to imagine it will keep going like that.

I wasn't talking about difficulty; again, you're equating difficulty with quality. I'm not saying they have nothing to do with eachother, but a hard game just for the sake of being hard is just as stupid as an easy game (see, IWBTG, ROMhacks, etc.)

I would also say Skyward Sword was probably slightly more difficult than TP, but not when it came to the puzzles, just overall (mostly due to the combat.)

The funny thing is that games in general have been getting easier and easier, it's just that Nintendo, rather than try to hide it, seems to tie a pink ribbon around it and delicately wrap it in Christmas lights.

But I guess data shows that easier games sell better
, so people like us who cut their teeth on bitch hard games are mostly out of luck outside of indies.

RIP real Mega Man

MM9 and 10 came out this gen. ???

Companies don't seem to have trouble releasing hard games if the game is cheap enough to make.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 12:40:54 AM
We're not likely to get a Megaman anything for a while, I didn't say otherwise. :lol

But yeah, probably was an empty statement.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 15, 2012, 12:51:01 AM
Nah man, I'm sure we'll get MegaMan Poker, and Soccer on iOS soon.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 15, 2012, 01:17:41 AM
who is megaman  ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 15, 2012, 02:01:36 AM
Yeah no, Zelda games have been getting easier. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword while good, definitely were easier than each predecessor. So seeing that direction of handholding and simpler puzzles isn't hard to imagine it will keep going like that.
Twilight Princess was slightly harder than Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword seemed harder again (as far as I could be bothered playing).  This is in terms of getting game over screens.  In terms of puzzle-confusion-bottlenecks the games also seem to be getting harder and harder, which they tried to 'solve' by outright telling you what to do in Skyward Sword - which suggests to me that the people making Zelda games are just amateur incompetents who have no business making games at all.

The problem with difficulty in games seems to be some companies just can't accept their game fits into a niche.  This is probably due to the evils of being a publicly traded company, where that is never an acceptable reason to people who are always looking to 'maximise' their money and have little appreciation for how markets outside the stock market work. 
Nintendo has historically been really good at making games that are one-difficulty-suits-all, but the Zelda team is just worthless despite Zelda being the perfect game design for the philosophy.  It's simple: Make combat a bit more challenging than baby-stupid (combat hasn't  been the part that people get stuck on since Zelda 2!) - monsters in Zelda are basically mini-puzzles anyway.  Skyward Sword is an actual improvement here, mostly, though the motion control is obnoxiously flaky.  Make tricky puzzles block access to optional stuff like heart pieces and keep basic progression blocked by only moderately challenging puzzles.  Pretty simple, but quite beyond the nitwits put in charge of these games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 15, 2012, 02:28:10 AM
Skyward Sword was the hardest Zelda game since the Oracle titles.  Not throw your controller hard, but I lost tons of hearts and died a few times during boss battles and dungeons.

Wind Waker was easy as fucking hell.


MM > OoT > Oracle titles > TP > SS > WW > LA > MC > LttP > ST > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 > PH
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 02:34:16 AM
Why do internet warriors wank over WW? I like WW but come on. It's not the best of anything, and I traveled every tile on that map - willingly - before the triforce hunt even began.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 15, 2012, 02:46:40 AM
I traveled every tile on that map - willingly - before the triforce hunt even began.
Me too, but we're the type that wants proper gas-tank-play in Saints Row.

As for WW, I love it for its build up to Hyrule and partly the finish. But it's not like it's Link's Awakening or anything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 02:53:38 AM
I traveled every tile on that map - willingly - before the triforce hunt even began.
Me too, but we're the type that wants proper gas-tank-play in Saints Row.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 02:55:28 AM
Skyward Sword was the hardest Zelda game since the Oracle titles.  Not throw your controller hard, but I lost tons of hearts and died a few times during boss battles and dungeons.

Wind Waker was easy as fucking hell.


MM > OoT > Oracle titles > TP > SS > WW > LA > MC > LttP > ST > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 > PH

LttP so low and one sneeze away from ST? Leper this filth.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 15, 2012, 03:07:06 AM
I traveled every tile on that map - willingly - before the triforce hunt even began.
Me too, but we're the type that wants proper gas-tank-play in Saints Row.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 03:08:18 AM
I traveled every tile on that map - willingly - before the triforce hunt even began.
Me too, but we're the type that wants proper gas-tank-play in Saints Row.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 15, 2012, 03:10:18 AM
:lol :lol :lol

Game is so good.  WTF ever happened to pocketfudge anyway?  Is he still posting under a new name?  I can't keep up with all y'all fuckers.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 03:11:30 AM
Pocket Fudge is Hitler, bro.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 15, 2012, 03:13:14 AM
Skyward Sword was the hardest Zelda game since the Oracle titles.  Not throw your controller hard, but I lost tons of hearts and died a few times during boss battles and dungeons.

Wind Waker was easy as fucking hell.


LA> Oracle> MM> OOT> MC> LTTP> LOZ> LOZ2> WW> TP>>>>>> Poop>SS>PH> ST

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on September 15, 2012, 03:14:48 AM
Skyward Sword was the hardest Zelda game since the Oracle titles.  Not throw your controller hard, but I lost tons of hearts and died a few times during boss battles and dungeons.

Wind Waker was easy as fucking hell.


MM > OoT > Oracle titles > TP > SS > WW > LA > MC > LttP > ST > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 > PH

LttP so low and one sneeze away from ST? Leper this filth.


Says the kid who has never finished Super Metroid
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:27:48 AM
I'm in the progress of finishing it OK! :maf It'll be the first game I beat whenever Ninty flips the switch on VC->Wii U transfers. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 15, 2012, 03:29:57 AM
How many of the Metroids have you played?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:42:06 AM
How many of the Metroids have you played?

Err, um, this is a trap right.

I think... uh... four. And the one I liked best, will probably get tomatoes thrown at me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 15, 2012, 03:42:58 AM
How many of the Metroids have you played?

Err, um, this is a trap right.

I think... uh... four. And the one I liked best, will probably get tomatoes thrown at me.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:45:50 AM

Not gonna enjoy this.

4. Metroid Prime 3
3. Super Metroid
2. Metroid Fusion
spoiler (click to show/hide)
1. Metroid Prime Hunters
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 15, 2012, 03:47:04 AM

Not gonna enjoy this.

4. Metroid Prime 3
3. Super Metroid
2. Metroid Fusion
spoiler (click to show/hide)
1. Metroid Prime Hunters

You are no Nintendo fan :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:49:13 AM

It's hard catching up on stuff you missed OK?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 15, 2012, 03:50:17 AM

It's hard catching up on stuff you missed OK?

It's called an emulator, google it ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 15, 2012, 03:50:26 AM
So do you think Metroid is a bad series? If Hunters is your favourite of that bunch ... yeash.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 15, 2012, 03:53:38 AM
Err, um, this is a trap right.

I think... uh... four. And the one I liked best, will probably get tomatoes thrown at me.
:lol No, I was actually just wondering since you were going to play Super Metroid through.

Shame you have to wait eight years between doing that and seeing Metroid Prime for the first time though.

Check out Zero Mission btw.

The Hunters thing is really unforgivable however.


It's hard catching up on stuff you missed OK?
Did you snag the Trilogy?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:55:41 AM
So do you think Metroid is a bad series? If Hunters is your favourite of that bunch ... yeash.

Prime 3 I really enjoyed until it told me to backtrack the entire game and collect 12 or whatever McGuffins. Until that point I was blasting through it and probably would have beaten it within a week of playing. I dropped it like it was hot at that point. :wag

Super Metroid I think I'm lost in. I guess that's the appeal of the series. ???

Metroid Fusion I LOVED THE HELL out of but never finished since it wasn't my copy of the game. :fbm

Hunters came out at just the right time for me. Even playing it I realized the game was mostly soulless, with way too much repeated content, but the single player was still OK, some nice puzzles. Loved the controls. Became addicted to the online for like a month.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 03:57:55 AM
Check out Zero Mission btw.

Soon as it hits the 3DS VC.

The Hunters thing is really unforgivable however.

Hunters doesn't play to the Metroid series strengths too well, but its a solid game with a mostly undeserved bad rap.

Did you snag the Trilogy?

Had Prime 3 and had yet to beat it, figured what's the point? And I heard the backtracking was even more tedious in the first two games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 15, 2012, 04:01:45 AM
Prime 3 I really enjoyed until it told me to backtrack the entire game and collect 12 or whatever McGuffins. Until that point I was blasting through it and probably would have beaten it within a week of playing. I dropped it like it was hot at that point. :wag

Super Metroid I think I'm lost in. I guess that's the appeal of the series. ???
Had Prime 3 and had yet to beat it, figured what's the point? And I heard the backtracking was even more tedious in the first two games.
Yeah, Metroid might not be your series.  :lol

Didn't mean to call you out, I was just curious since I hadn't seen you really mention it before.

Zero Mission might help you into the series, I think it's a pretty good introduction game.

EDIT: Metroid's my top Nintendo series, I bought a Wii basically for Corruption.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 04:03:59 AM
I should just go back and play the first NES Metroid. Draw maps and all that stuff, the whole works. I mean, I beat Kid Icarus without much trouble...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 15, 2012, 04:25:59 AM
Play Zero Mission. NES Metroid brought up to modern standards.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 04:28:14 AM
zero mission is the best metroid.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 15, 2012, 05:02:35 AM
Zero isn't the best, but it is the best way to show someone how Metroid works.

And it's fun to romp through if you just need a little Metroid fix.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 15, 2012, 06:04:21 AM
To lazy to bump some PS3 thread but there is some rumor about 12GB(yes,12GB) PS3 revealed at TGS.

Next move,selling PS3 in parts.

Must be some kind of competition,the less storage space the better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 15, 2012, 06:15:15 AM
If they can get a low price tag on it, then it's a really smart move by Sony.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 15, 2012, 06:37:30 AM
apparently $200 or little lower

As for smart,dunno.Lower price is good,but it can also heavily backfire if system is gimped too much.

To me this just show how console makers really live in the past,no wonder that console business is slowly crumbling down.Storage space should not be a luxury item in this growing DD age.
I'm starting to believe certain PS4 rumor---no storage space by default,just like Vita*

Vita has some storage on board,locked for system purposes

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 15, 2012, 06:43:13 AM
It's supposedly $179 for the 12GB model. The memory will probably be a part of the board, and not something like the HDDs in current PS3s. It's kind of silly given some of the other SKUs that are only $50-$100 more have a tonne more storage.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 15, 2012, 07:29:43 AM
Sony still copying Nin I see. Smh
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 15, 2012, 07:52:17 AM
12GB? Are you fucking serious? That's like 2 game installs. You can't even install games on external HDDs for the PS3!

i'd bet anything there will be an hdd slot to add your own
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 15, 2012, 07:53:15 AM
12GB? Are you fucking serious? That's like 2 game installs. You can't even install games on external HDDs for the PS3!

1 game install for stuff like Gran Turismo 5.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 15, 2012, 08:06:31 AM
12GB? Are you fucking serious? That's like 2 game installs. You can't even install games on external HDDs for the PS3!

i'd bet anything there will be an hdd slot to add your own
Yep, that's my bet too. The other alternative is a firmware patch that allows game installs to external HDDs. It will be interesting to see if Sony can get it out in time to undercut the Wii U launch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 15, 2012, 08:06:52 AM
i would imagine they will throw in a game and a 1-3 month PS+ card, as well

if it's $179, and releases this fall, you'll likely see a bunch of stores/sites offering a $25 gift card or extra game/controller with purchase
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 15, 2012, 09:12:52 AM
fridge cleaning

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 15, 2012, 09:33:35 AM
Smart move, lots of kids would prefer a grown up console for Xmas with a library of cool games then the WiiU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 15, 2012, 10:25:32 AM
Thread advanced into top 3 non-stickied Gaming threads in history:

Still behind the Vita.

Vita >>>> Wii U
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 15, 2012, 12:05:41 PM
I'm talking about Europe, East and South Europe will eat this up.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 15, 2012, 12:17:44 PM
Zero Mission is fucking awesome.  Wonderful game to run through in a day.  So fast-paced.

For me:

MP > SM = ZM > MP3 > MF > MP2 > Other M > M2 > Metroid > Hunters
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 12:32:25 PM
Other M over Hunters? You definitely be tripping.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 15, 2012, 02:06:41 PM
You haven't even played it!

I honestly can't understand how you praise Metroid Prime Hunters. I'm a giant fan of Metroid and while I don't hate that game, it comes off as the most boring and stale entry in the series.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Freyj on September 15, 2012, 03:11:08 PM
On Metroid:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 15, 2012, 03:17:51 PM
maybe hunters seems exciting when youve only played only played like two fps games ever

also didnt andrex leave after oscar ripped on him for not playing lttp? or did he just not like it? regardless, YOU SUCK AS A NINTENDO FAN FOR NOT PLAYING SO MANY OF THEIR GOLDEN ERA GAMES
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 15, 2012, 03:25:53 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 03:36:25 PM
Link's Awakening is overrated, play LttP instead.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 15, 2012, 03:53:10 PM
Link's Awakening is overrated, play LttP instead.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 15, 2012, 03:56:33 PM
Could be, I never had a SNES. Mega Drive fo life!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 15, 2012, 04:03:22 PM
LttP has aged so poorly, blugh.  LA is better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: CajoleJuice on September 15, 2012, 04:34:34 PM
Super Metroid owns

And I first played it right before Metroid Prime came out.

I can't remember if I prefer Zero Mission or Fusion. I'll just go with ZM since that's what everyone is doing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 15, 2012, 04:37:17 PM
LttP has aged so poorly, blugh.  LA is better.

LttP has aged like wine.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 15, 2012, 05:17:42 PM
I beat lttp for the 1st time a couple years go. Great experience.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 05:21:19 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.

They have so many best games, make it hard. :(

LttP has aged so poorly, blugh.  LA is better.

I have never read such a false gaming opinion.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 15, 2012, 05:26:34 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.

They have so many best games, make it hard. :(

Well it's not like you had to worry about playing the greats from any other system
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: CajoleJuice on September 15, 2012, 05:40:50 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.

They have so many best games, make it hard. :(

Well it's not like you had to worry about playing the greats from any other system

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 08:49:31 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.

They have so many best games, make it hard. :(

Well it's not like you had to worry about playing the greats from any other system

True. But it's still hard.

I feel bad for future gamers born today. There is absolutely no way they'll be able to play all of gaming's "staples" unless they set out to do it and have no life for ~5 years straight.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 15, 2012, 08:57:40 PM
Did you play Links Awakening Andrex?

It just seems so strange to me you can be a Nintendo fanboy without playing their best games.

They have so many best games, make it hard. :(

Well it's not like you had to worry about playing the greats from any other system

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 15, 2012, 09:53:42 PM
I remember Oscar being skeptical about Rayman Legends due to the touch screen stuff and I said something to the effect of 'stop whining, it's a free fifth player'.  Mea culpa:
- In the single player mode a good portion of the game will be played as Murfy. Rayman will be AI controlled and Murfy (the player) is his protector
- There will still be some "classic" levels where you can play as Rayman in single player
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on September 15, 2012, 10:13:23 PM
I feel bad for future gamers born today. There is absolutely no way they'll be able to play all of gaming's "staples" unless they set out to do it and have no life for ~5 years straight.

Yes, I too feel bad for children who can choose, through both legal and illegal emulation, to play the best games of the last seven or eight generations. Why couldn't they have been children of the eighties, restricted to playing a few games (often a crap-shoot) on expensive cartridges for technologically inferior systems.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 15, 2012, 10:14:31 PM
I feel bad for future gamers born today. There is absolutely no way they'll be able to play all of gaming's "staples" unless they set out to do it and have no life for ~5 years straight.

Yes, I too feel bad for children who can choose, through both legal and illegal emulation, to play the best games of the last seven or eight generations. Why couldn't they have been children of the eighties, restricted to playing a few games (often a crap-shoot) on expensive cartridges for technologically inferior systems.
You missed his point completely, you stupid cunt.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 15, 2012, 10:21:08 PM
But he's still stupid anyway. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on September 15, 2012, 10:22:24 PM
Calm down, jeeze  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 15, 2012, 10:31:54 PM
I feel bad for future gamers born today. There is absolutely no way they'll be able to play all of gaming's "staples" unless they set out to do it and have no life for ~5 years straight.

Yes, I too feel bad for children who can choose, through both legal and illegal emulation, to play the best games of the last seven or eight generations. Why couldn't they have been children of the eighties, restricted to playing a few games (often a crap-shoot) on expensive cartridges for technologically inferior systems.
You missed his point completely, you stupid cunt.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 15, 2012, 10:38:46 PM
Yeah, I don't feel sorry they have a ton of content to discover anytime they choose (as I do, as I still have yet to play some Nintendo classics myself), but more that amount of time they need to invest in order to "cover their bases" and not be ridiculed for "missing" something someone considers a staple for you to consider yourself a gamer. "OMG you never played the original Halo or Mario?? You're not a gamer!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 15, 2012, 10:52:25 PM
Halo invented gaming so just play that and you will know it all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on September 15, 2012, 10:53:15 PM
nuke this thread from orbit
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 15, 2012, 11:34:06 PM
Calm down, jeeze  :lol

The worst part is, I'm not even mad - I just realised I am starting fights on the internet in order to procrastinate.  That's just pitiful.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 16, 2012, 12:17:16 AM
Stolen from GAF


- World map shown
- New level shown
- In the single player mode a good portion of the game will be played as Murfy. Rayman will be AI controlled and Murfy (the player) is his protector
- There will still be some "classic" levels where you can play as Rayman in single player

Huh what  ???

So a "good portion" (50% or more apparently from the vid) of the game doesn't let you have manual control of rayman while playing alone?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on September 16, 2012, 12:23:54 AM
You're not a real gamer! :lol

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 12:36:10 AM
Stolen from GAF


- World map shown
- New level shown
- In the single player mode a good portion of the game will be played as Murfy. Rayman will be AI controlled and Murfy (the player) is his protector
- There will still be some "classic" levels where you can play as Rayman in single player

Huh what  ???

So a "good portion" (50% or more apparently from the vid) of the game doesn't let you have manual control of rayman while playing alone?

:piss Ancel :piss2

Hoping it supports just playing with the Protroller for everything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 16, 2012, 12:39:38 AM
haha wow so the new Rayman is fucking garbage then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 16, 2012, 12:42:59 AM
Sounds bad.  Though I like the concept in theory.  Yoshi touch and go was cool.  Still why take the chance at fucking up something that was already really good and not stale.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 16, 2012, 12:47:25 AM
nuke this thread from orbit


demi can you just make a script where a thread automatically locks itself after the first page when Andrex has the most posts in it?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 01:00:06 AM
I'd just move to other threads, spreading like a cancer and getting all the threads killed until there is nothing left.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 16, 2012, 02:21:05 AM
Stolen from GAF


- World map shown
- New level shown
- In the single player mode a good portion of the game will be played as Murfy. Rayman will be AI controlled and Murfy (the player) is his protector
- There will still be some "classic" levels where you can play as Rayman in single player

Huh what  ???

So a "good portion" (50% or more apparently from the vid) of the game doesn't let you have manual control of rayman while playing alone?

Haha, no wonder this is Wii U exclusive. Babby game, confirmed. Ubisoft trolls Ninterdos again with their launch titles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 02:35:58 AM
Zero Mission is fucking awesome.  Wonderful game to run through in a day.  So fast-paced.

For me:

M2 > SM > ZM >  MF > MP > M1 >  MP2 > MP3 > MPinball > Hunters > Polish Aids > OtherM


LttP has aged so poorly, blugh.  LA is better.

LA has aged like wine.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
LTTP has aged about as good as Lindsay Lohan has...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 02:55:13 AM
Can I just say it? Ancel blows.

Denies ripping off NSMBW with the bubble mechanic in Origins.

Rips off HarmoKnight with gimmicky out of place music levels.

Forces singe player to be played with a touch screen in a goddamn precision platformer.

I have no idea why people have put him on a pedestal as one of gaming's "great" game designers. His games get off on the Euro version of whimsy ("charm") more than anything these days. "OH WOW RAYMAN ORIGINS SUCH PRETTY GRAPHICS. Look how babby and stupid NSMBW looks!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 02:56:35 AM
How has LttP aged badly in any way?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 16, 2012, 03:00:09 AM
Can I just say it? Ancel blows.

Denies ripping off NSMBW with the bubble mechanic in Origins.

Rips off HarmoKnight with gimmicky out of place music levels.

Forces singe player to be played with a touch screen in a goddamn precision platformer.

I have no idea why people have put him on a pedestal as one of gaming's "great" game designers. His games get off on the Euro version of whimsy ("charm") more than anything these days. "OH WOW RAYMAN ORIGINS SUCH PRETTY GRAPHICS. Look how babby and stupid NSMBW looks!"

He also hasn't made a sequel to Beyond Good & Evil. What a loser.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 16, 2012, 03:02:05 AM
French uguu is no real uguu.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: CajoleJuice on September 16, 2012, 03:02:20 AM
I ask nerdy-looking teenage kids on the street if they've played Super Mario Bros 3 and when they don't I yell "YOU'RE NOT A REAL GAMER" in their faces.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 03:02:49 AM
but have they seen the wizard
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 16, 2012, 03:11:24 AM
but have they seen the wizard

If they had, they've would have all rushed out to purchase SMB3 immediately.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 16, 2012, 03:52:56 AM
Andrex do you really think he stole anything from HarmoKinghts? Wasn't that game revealed like 3 weeks ago? Ubisoft ain't got 4000 people working on Rayman, no way they get that done in time to be a copy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 04:10:53 AM
Andrex do you really think he stole anything from HarmoKinghts? Wasn't that game revealed like 3 weeks ago? Ubisoft ain't got 4000 people working on Rayman, no way they get that done in time to be a copy.

Lol I figured I'd just throw that in there for good measure. Obviously there are other, previous running platformer with musical elements Ancel ripped off.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 16, 2012, 04:40:06 AM
That is not good measure, that is bad measure.  Any games Ancel is ripping off must also be ripped off by Harmoknights.  You worthless sack of shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 16, 2012, 05:38:30 AM
Seriously, how the hell has LttP not aged well?

Neither LttP or LA have aged poorly, though the latter has always mystified me as to why it's so popular. It's basically LttP on a smaller scale, with uglier grafix, and a different plot, if being a storyfeggit is your thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 16, 2012, 06:24:34 AM
The nice thing about LA is that it's outside of the fecking Zelda universe.

Wish more Zelda games would do that.

Sweat if I see Gorons or those fecking Zoras one more time...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 16, 2012, 07:47:14 AM
I'd just move to other threads, spreading like a cancer and getting all the threads killed until there is nothing left.

So what you're saying is that you're like The Nothing from Neverending Story?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on September 16, 2012, 08:19:08 AM
Andrex do you really think he stole anything from HarmoKinghts? Wasn't that game revealed like 3 weeks ago? Ubisoft ain't got 4000 people working on Rayman, no way they get that done in time to be a copy.

Lol I figured I'd just throw that in there for good measure. Obviously there are other, previous running platformer with musical elements Ancel ripped off.

Rayman had music levels in last years game. But I don't know what this hard knights shit is
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 16, 2012, 08:52:20 AM
Yeah, I don't feel sorry they have a ton of content to discover anytime they choose (as I do, as I still have yet to play some Nintendo classics myself), but more that amount of time they need to invest in order to "cover their bases" and not be ridiculed for "missing" something someone considers a staple for you to consider yourself a gamer. "OMG you never played the original Halo or Mario?? You're not a gamer!"

I don't think anyone actually cares about this aside from people who feel compelled to authoritatively participate in "list wars" type things and list something as "greatest ever" when it's clear that certain stuff was probably overlooked because it was before their time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 11:07:46 AM
I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 12:44:09 PM
I'd just move to other threads, spreading like a cancer and getting all the threads killed until there is nothing left.

So what you're saying is that you're like The Nothing from Neverending Story?

Never watched Neverending Story, seemed cheesy and boring.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 16, 2012, 12:44:50 PM
I'd just move to other threads, spreading like a cancer and getting all the threads killed until there is nothing left.

So what you're saying is that you're like The Nothing from Neverending Story?

Never watched TNS, seemed cheesy and boring.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 12:45:48 PM
It was before my time. :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 02:29:26 PM
Let's be real here.

MM > LttP > OoT > TP > LA > Oracles > WW > 1 > 2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 02:44:33 PM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 03:34:36 PM
omg TEXP.

GOTY 2012's wii u version has a new mode?!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 04:20:20 PM
I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Because Links awakening can actually be challenging, and LTTP is casual tier.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 16, 2012, 04:30:19 PM
:lol acting like any zelda after the nes was a challenge
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 04:39:12 PM
I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Because Links awakening can actually be challenging, and LTTP is casual tier.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 07:20:44 PM
:lol acting like any zelda after the nes was a challenge

The first boss can kill you with two hits, in any other zeldas (not counting the NES ones of course) they are all easy as fuck only taking like a quarter heart thus casual tier.  If I can single out why I consider LA better than any Zelda is because it doesn't take place in fucking Hyrule, no Zelda, no Ganon, and is not the fifthieth retread of the LTTP formula another reason MM is my #2. I liked LTTP at the time but the retreads burned me out on it, I base my opinion on what is playable to me now not nostalgia LTTP is not IMO I need a sleeping bag on standy any time I attempt to do a playthrough. 

I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Do ho ho how did I miss this...

You like Shenmue and actually think it's a game, opinion/taste invalidated.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 16, 2012, 07:45:26 PM
I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Himu-chan. :heartbeat:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 08:44:11 PM
:lol acting like any zelda after the nes was a challenge

The first boss can kill you with two hits, in any other zeldas (not counting the NES ones of course) they are all easy as fuck only taking like a quarter heart thus casual tier.  If I can single out why I consider LA better than any Zelda is because it doesn't take place in fucking Hyrule, no Zelda, no Ganon, and is not the fifthieth retread of the LTTP formula another reason MM is my #2. I liked LTTP at the time but the retreads burned me out on it, I base my opinion on what is playable to me now not nostalgia LTTP is not IMO I need a sleeping bag on standy any time I attempt to do a playthrough. 

I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Do ho ho how did I miss this...

You like Shenmue and actually think it's a game, opinion/taste invalidated.

But that's the thing! Shenmue IS a game that only a game can replicate. It wouldn't be a great movie nor a book, everything great about Shenmue is through the interactive medium of which it partakes. Of course, I wouldn't expect someone who prefers Link's Awakening to LttP to get this. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 08:53:15 PM
:lol acting like any zelda after the nes was a challenge

The first boss can kill you with two hits, in any other zeldas (not counting the NES ones of course) they are all easy as fuck only taking like a quarter heart thus casual tier.  If I can single out why I consider LA better than any Zelda is because it doesn't take place in fucking Hyrule, no Zelda, no Ganon, and is not the fifthieth retread of the LTTP formula another reason MM is my #2. I liked LTTP at the time but the retreads burned me out on it, I base my opinion on what is playable to me now not nostalgia LTTP is not IMO I need a sleeping bag on standy any time I attempt to do a playthrough. 

I don't think LA has aged poorly, but if you think smaller-scale dungeons you can beat in five mnutes without MUCH effort, and really bad backtrack pre-dungeon quests are better than what LttP has to offer in the way of exploration, puzzle solving, questing, sequence breaking, general open-endedness, and boss fights then...fine! It's cute that you think superficial things like location and story and crappy quests to give a banana to a monkey are more important in a ZELDA GAME but don't try to convince people with taste that LttP has aged poorly in any way. Oh hey, I can equip a jump ability on Link in this game! Must mean it's better than LttP!

Do ho ho how did I miss this...

You like Shenmue and actually think it's a game, opinion/taste invalidated.

Shenmue is a non gaming excecise in distinguished mentally-challenged futility. It would be your typical Adam Sandler joint as it were, in which he plays an emotionaly stunted individual aka distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. Everything great about Shenmue is about as fun as watching any formualic entry in the manchild subgenre. I wouldn't expect you who partakes in actual games to understand.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 16, 2012, 08:53:59 PM
Shamu is great!  Follow closely. 

First, Shenmue is boring.  Everyone knows that.  So, Shenmue is boring.  Boring is not fun... IN REAL LIFE.  Only by engaging in boring activities IN A VIDEO GAME can you make them not boring!  Thus, by the transitive power of bullshit, Shenmue is the greatest game ever made!

Seriously Himu, stfu.  Keep on track here, this is the threat to make fun of the weeeeeoooo.  And don't pull the "well he started it" bullshit, because if someone wants to mock you for liking Shenmue by this point you just need to stfu and take the molestation.  Slut.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:06:20 PM
lttp's a bit of a turd. oracles uber alles
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2012, 09:24:20 PM
Hmmm 3DS supports 128 GB SD cards... if formatted as FAT32... might just get one of those for the Wii U.

160 GB total, should be enough for at least 10-20+ full games assuming they all don't fill up the 25 GB disc cap.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on September 16, 2012, 09:25:26 PM
my man cruncheon
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:28:14 PM
Mind you guys the last person who agreed that LttP sucks was Magus. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:32:30 PM
I like the Oracles but don't see why they're god-tier Zelda. To be honest handheld Zelda sucks except for Link's Awakening which is like, mid-tier Zelda.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:44:27 PM
High tier: Majora's Mask, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess
Mid tier: Link's Awakening, Oracles, Wind Waker, Zelda 1
Low tier: Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Zelda 2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:45:16 PM
how is la better than the oracles. oracles have better dungeons, overworlds, and boss fights and WAY MORE SHIT TO DO. la is BABBY'S FIRST ZELDA
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:46:46 PM
You know what? I agree, Van. But they're not better than LttP! They probably would have been if it was just one awesome game instead of two separate ones.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 09:48:28 PM
High Tier: LA, MM, Zelda 1
Mid: Oracles, Zelda 2, OOT, Minish, LTTP
Low: Wind Waker, TP, SS, PH, ST
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:48:39 PM
lttp has far less challenge, far easier puzzles, and less interesting bosses than the oracles. all it has over the oracles are the ability to sequence break in the dark world and way better music.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:50:42 PM
fuckin' oracles had some ROUGH dungeons, like dungeon 5 in ages. they aren't even in the same proximate difficulty category as the brain-dead link's awakening or the OH HAI HOW DO I DIE lttp.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:52:00 PM
the only reason you fegalors like la is because YOUR WAIFU MARIN and because it *is* incomprehensibly easy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:52:26 PM
ANYWAY! i had my wii u experience :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:53:16 PM
the only reason you fegalors like la is because YOUR WAIFU MARIN and because it *is* incomprehensibly easy

Your boy brand new thinks LA > LttP
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 09:57:50 PM
ANYWAY! i had my wii u experience :teehee

Are you readying up your report, for the new cast? :hyper
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 09:58:44 PM
i am indeed :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 09:59:31 PM
i am indeed :teehee

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 09:59:32 PM
Crunchy-san, did you use the Pro controller? WE MUST SETTLE THIS. What's the control lay for 3d games with the Pro Controller?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:02:25 PM
i used the pro controller. games control just like 360/ps3 games, except i have move my fuckin' right thumb DOWN and that's unnatural -- and not unnatural in a sexy way like brandnew and his sis <3
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:03:59 PM
feels good in my paws, though, and the buttons have a good middle-soft level of tension. d-pad's a little painful. triggers are just okay: better than the dual shock 3 (duh), but not as good as the 360 controller. 360 controller remains the king despite its wretched d-pad. i'd say i prefer it to the dual shock 3 for 3D games, at any rate. getting used to moving my thumb UP for camera controls will be weird. fuck nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 10:04:14 PM
i used the pro controller. games control just like 360/ps3 games, except i have move my fuckin' right thumb DOWN and that's unnatural -- and not unnatural in a sexy way like brandnew and his sis <3


How much did it take to get used to it? Do they change the button layout to appease the fact you're moving your thumb down?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:06:04 PM
never really got used to it. as for layout changes: nope, not as i recall. i didn't spend much time with the ports from other consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 10:07:44 PM
Did you get any of the reps to spout weeeeeooooooo?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:08:33 PM
yes! they were very enthusiastic and nice :-D
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:09:36 PM
i'll save the detailed impressions, but the graphics are VERY 2006-2007 across the board. assassin's creed 3 was probably the best looking by an order of magnitude, and it had frame rate issues relative to what i recall of the 360 version :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 10:13:26 PM
i'll save the detailed impressions, but the graphics are VERY 2006-2007 across the board. assassin's creed 3 was probably the best looking by an order of magnitude, and it had frame rate issues relative to what i recall of the 360 version :teehee

OMG 2006-2007 grapics exciting times ahead for Andrex :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 10:14:19 PM
To be fair, Blue Dragon is STILL a beautiful game!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 16, 2012, 10:15:28 PM
blue dragon still looks better than anything i saw at the the WII U EXPERIENCE
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 16, 2012, 10:15:51 PM
blue dragon still looks better than anything i saw at the the WII U EXPERIENCE

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 16, 2012, 10:38:22 PM
blue dragon still looks better than anything i saw at the the WII U EXPERIENCE

conversations i had :

"i wish there was an old school RPG on next gen"
> what about Blue dragon
"the graphics are so poor"
> *shows screen shots*
"the PS3 is going to be able to do movie CGI in real time - these look shit
> Seriously, its' fine just enjoy it
"I can't - it's just the same DQ style art in boring 3d - i'm not into that at all"
> "but... isn't that what you dream of? HD 3d DQ style game play?!"
"well... not when it's like this...."

<X years pass>
> erm but you sa...
> errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... didn't you say th....
> but you sai

Nthings : because we're cocks. (so are everyone else - it's just ncocks moment in the sun)

it's the fanboy self flag : no matter what you do - once you slag off "something on the other side" - you are FUCKED. No two ways about it - you are fucked. In the history of gaming, games switch platforms, enjoyment is not pixel based, and allegances change. As some point: once you talk shit you are done. There IS no winning side, the only winning side is buying everything and just not giving a fuck what shitheads think.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 10:40:20 PM
If Gooch got Brue Dragon rights for MS, ported it, and made a full fledged hd sequel and put it on the Wii Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'd probably buy a wii u.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 16, 2012, 11:17:25 PM
What happened with Blue Dragon after the 360 release is downright criminal.  BD is my favorite JRPG of this generation.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 16, 2012, 11:46:07 PM
Also that Warriors Orochi 3 trailer looks sweet.  I hope they put in the changes from the PSP version in there.  It's a shameless port but I think they nearly perfected the Musou formula with WO3 so I don't mind the double dip.

A shame about Rayman Legends.  I guess I'll have to sit that one out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 16, 2012, 11:59:29 PM
What happened with Blue Dragon after the 360 release is downright criminal.  BD is my favorite JRPG of this generation.

Tell it, sister. Though my favorite is Tales of Vesperia, BD ain't no slouch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on September 17, 2012, 12:48:11 AM
Link's Awakening>Oracles/Seasons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LTTP

lttp is meh
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 17, 2012, 12:51:22 AM
Zelda started with OOT.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on September 17, 2012, 01:11:33 AM
we should create a hall of shame solely to house this thread
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 17, 2012, 01:15:13 AM
This thread often remind me of a neptunia game
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 17, 2012, 01:42:09 AM
Quote from: Oscar the Grouch link=topic=36618.msg1558307#msg1558307

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on September 17, 2012, 01:56:58 AM
you forgot to rate the CD-I games
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 02:07:36 AM
I think TP is the only underrated one, even though I like LttP best. Positive feels have been building the last couple years though.

Edit- Actually, maybe SS is. It's one of the lesser Zeldas but absolutely everyone except Nincores crap on it from a tall tower.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 02:21:10 AM
:lol Oscar
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 17, 2012, 02:45:37 AM
Has anyone here actually played the CD-I games?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 17, 2012, 03:11:44 AM
The series on the whole is no stranger to being overrated. 

Zelda 1 - not generally well spoken of these days, but aimless and expects you to do idiotic things like burn every bush and tree on every screen, most of the time with a candle that can only be used once on a screen before you have to leave and come back again

Zelda 2 - pretty much an awful NES game, with all the negative connotations that being a NES game carries.  shitty collision, grindy, aimless, with AI that all too often forces you to find cheap sploits or die.

Zelda 3 - about as hard as a fresh marshmallow, introduced the item the series would coast on for the rest of its existence (hookshot), puzzles that wouldn't stump your grandmother, and a laughable gasp at narrative from people who would have trouble scripting a teletubbies episode

Link's Awakening - introduces the stupid fetch quest to the series, design severely hampered by the technical and input limitations of the hardware, some of the idiotic repetition from Zelda 1 rears its ugly head here with some dungeons requiring you to bang on nearly every wall with your sword, and bosses that leaned harder on the concept of Gimmick Bosses than any prior Zelda, a plague which would infect the rest of the series, and another very embarrassing attempt at a narrative, this time with some of that oh-ho-ho so funny nintendo wacky "humour" heaped on top.  ha ha, this character is so odd!  isn't that funny? 

Ocarina of Time - well this is the mother of all overrated games, isn't it?  ponderous, boring, ugly, and introduces the whole COLLECT ALL THESE DOODADS to the series in the form of the skulltulas.  introduces the moronic music playing that has plagued the series in every subsequent installment.  some of the stupidest side "characters" the series had seen to date in form of the mentally handicapped gorons, the cockgobbling zoras, and the literal manchild kokori, who clearly resonated with fans for all the obvious reasons.  another even more embarrassing attempt at a narrative.  but wow link has a pony, girls probably love that shit.

Oracle series - interesting romhacks of link's awakening, made by people that even capcom didn't want around.  many great ideas for a game were had, more than any single zelda game before, which naturally could not be allowed, so the single game's worth of good ideas were divided across two games, with styrofoam and the mulched remains of unsold virtual boys used to pad out the rest.

Majora's Mask - christ this one is overrated as all hell.  it has all the problems of ocarina, but as an added bonus you can't really save whenever you want, which is so useful for an adult, and piles on the ocd shit like a bunch of masks that don't do shit, and a little scrapbook to mark all of your bffs in as you help them out.  probably the most repetition of any zelda game.  manages to make time travel more boring and annoying than the film the time traveler's wife.

Minish Cap - generally not overrated, and with good reason.  there's a good game in here somewhere, but like capcom's prior efforts, you have to find it by digging around shit nobody with any sense would include in a game. 

Wind Waker - what a piece of crap this is.  they finally overhaul the battle system to be a little less braindead, and that's GOOD.  they use a unique visual style that generally doesn't look ugly, and that's GOOD.  END LIST OF GOOD THINGS.  they also added shitty stealth, more ocd crap than ever (take pictures of EVERYONE, let's chart the WHOLE OCEAN, no sorry that's not optional, even though it seems like it for most of the game!), created a fucking boring world map that is mostly just water, wowwww maybe there are some chests under here, better check EVERYWHERE like a good little aspie, made it all piss-easy, and on top of that, didn't even have the audacity to finish making the fucking game, which means that unless you suffer from an axis 2 mental disorder means this is as light on content as zelda's been in a while.

Twilight Princess - a cruel creatively bereft remake of Ocarina, where the good stuff and the bad stuff are separated like milk curdling on top of cola, with all the good stuff parked firmly behind several hours of bad stuff.  idiotically useless dungeon items that require senselessly specific boss weaknesses.  crappy wolf shit added for whatever reason, no one knows.  nurtures the inner pedo in every zelda fan via little naked imp WHO ACTUALLY IS A SEXY ADULT LADY OK SO IT'S ALRIGHT IF I DRAW HER AND LINK FUCKING.

Phantom Hourglass - thankfully no one overrates this.  ugly, stupid, uses bizarre controls just for the sake of being bizarre.  silly gimmick puzzles.  how clever, i have to yell into my ds, that's definitely something i can do in public.  oh now to copy the map i have to close the ds?  you cheeky fellows!  don't even get me started on that stupid temple.  surprises me more majora fans don't love that temple, it's basically majora's mask in one dungeon.  the only thing i'll give this game is that sea travel is less boring here than it was in windwaker, which is like saying watching the tv channel listings is a bit less boring than watching cspan.

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

its almost like dcharlie took over your account  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 03:28:28 AM
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 17, 2012, 04:06:22 AM
Finally, some real talk.

Oscar :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 17, 2012, 04:07:30 AM
The series on the whole is no stranger to being overrated. 

Zelda 2 - pretty much an awful NES game, with all the negative connotations that being a NES game carries.  shitty collision, grindy, aimless, with AI that all too often forces you to find cheap sploits or die.

Majora's Mask - christ this one is overrated as all hell.  it has all the problems of ocarina, but as an added bonus you can't really save whenever you want, which is so useful for an adult, and piles on the ocd shit like a bunch of masks that don't do shit, and a little scrapbook to mark all of your bffs in as you help them out.  probably the most repetition of any zelda game.  manages to make time travel more boring and annoying than the film the time traveler's wife.

Zelda 2 is my favourite zelda game, the one i grew up on.  I can beat in 2 hours and a half it isnt that hard.  Definitely not grindy either since you get to max out your levels quite early before finishing it if you go thorugh the game the way i do.

MM doees not have all the problems of Ocarina, the main on being not having to run aorund fo ages to get to where you want to go.  MM>Ocarina.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 17, 2012, 06:17:14 AM
Yeah, I meant the problems I had listed with Ocarina, not the problems you imagined I listed like how you seem to imagine I was calling Zelda 2 crappy for being difficult.  Majora is ponderous, ugly, and boring, with a shitty story, stupid music playing bullshit, and idiotic collectathon stuff.  It's an interesting experiment, I guess.

Zelda 2 blows, though.  Your nostalgia is blinding you HARD on that one.  Real talk, if Zelda 2 weren't a Zelda game, it would be held in the same regard as 8-eye's.

I didnt buy it because it was a zelda a game, i bought it becasue ti was an RPG.  Also you said grinding which means it was hard withotu it.  Whichis not true.  Zelda 2 was a very easy game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 17, 2012, 07:08:56 AM

Haters annihilated.

Dunno what the heck a Power7 is, but if the talking computer says it's cool, then it has to be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 17, 2012, 08:10:40 AM
People that worked on WiiU titles say that CPU is shit.

Power7 is a huge ass 200W server chip,hot as fuck.Not even 7 has survived if Nintendo managed to squeeze it in WiiU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 17, 2012, 08:10:49 AM
I played a shitload of Zelda 2 growing up.  My parents gave me the wrong Zelda and I only received one NES game per year.  It was Zelda 2 or nothing.  I can't even imagine playing it now even for a minor nostalgic trip.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: CajoleJuice on September 17, 2012, 08:14:18 AM
I played a shitload of Zelda 2 growing up.  My parents gave me the wrong Zelda and I only received one NES game per year.  It was Zelda 2 or nothing.  I can't even imagine playing it now even for a minor nostalgic trip.

I love the bluntness of this :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 17, 2012, 08:41:38 AM
French uguu is no real uguu.

For some reason, out of all the western countries, I think my favorite games come out of France. But then again, (as it is one of the few foreign countries I have visited) I have a love-hate relationship with the country.

Love: Daft Punk, girls there were fucking gorgeous, tons of awesome culture
Hate: this sleazebag:

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 17, 2012, 08:48:35 AM

I give this post 9.9/10 vociferous laudations. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on September 17, 2012, 08:56:04 AM

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

EmCeeGrammer :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 17, 2012, 09:03:38 AM
you forgot to rate the CD-I games

like skyward sword, they are not included because i haven't played them.

What about Four Swords and the Tingle game?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 11:22:53 AM
I'll grant this much: Zelda 2 is not presently overrated.  Everyone fucking hates the game.  They hate the game because it's fucking terrible.  So I guess you can put it in the same group as Spirit Tracks, in that the general consensus is pretty much spot on.

There are some people who hold it in high regard and compare it to Dark Souls all the fricking time on GAF. ::)

"Ooooh why aren't new Zeldas like Zelda 2, they could be just like Dark Souls. :'("
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 11:55:45 AM
Oscar, Majora's is only overrated on the internet and even then, the fanbase is split on the game. So I'd say it's accurately rated.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 11:58:20 AM
Yeah, I meant the problems I had listed with Ocarina, not the problems you imagined I listed like how you seem to imagine I was calling Zelda 2 crappy for being difficult.  Majora is ponderous, ugly, and boring, with a shitty story, stupid music playing bullshit, and idiotic collectathon stuff.  It's an interesting experiment, I guess.

Zelda 2 blows, though.  Your nostalgia is blinding you HARD on that one.  Real talk, if Zelda 2 weren't a Zelda game, it would be held in the same regard as 8-eye's.

I didnt buy it because it was a zelda a game, i bought it becasue ti was an RPG.  Also you said grinding which means it was hard withotu it.  Whichis not true.  Zelda 2 was a very easy game.

zelda 2 sucks. played the game when I was 5-6 years old after beating zelda 1, and it pissed me off because I thought it was Castlevania and not Zelda. I was mad because they made it "that Castle game". Piece of shit game. Let's keep blocking blows and doing jump stabs over and over and over. Let's travel across the world if you die in a dungeon instead of just respawning you in the dungeon you died in!

Crap, crap game. Worst Zelda by a wide margin.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 12:04:02 PM
I played Castlevania on VC and was surprised how good it is.

:bow Castlevania :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 12:08:21 PM
Castlevania 2 was my first Castlevania, hence why I made the connection.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 12:39:44 PM
Castlevania 2 was my first Castlevania, hence why I made the connection.

Isn't that, uh, the bad one?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 12:55:27 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 01:12:54 PM
Man your NES days must have sucked. Zelda 2 and Castlevania 2. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 01:15:33 PM
If you read the post where I mentioned Zelda 2, you would have realized that I said I played Zelda 1 before 2. Also, my uncle later got CV1. My nes days were great and CV2 is 100000x better than the shit stain that is Zelda 2.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 17, 2012, 03:26:03 PM

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

EmCeeGrammer :teehee

I've never played it asshat.  In general I can tell if I'll like something by looking at it and usually avoid.  I avoided twilight princess for like 4 years and when I finally played it, yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, poop.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 04:11:57 PM
He's talking about emcee at gaf.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 04:32:45 PM
He's talking about emcee at gaf.

They're not the same one? :omg

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

EmCeeGrammer :teehee

I've never played it asshat.  In general I can tell if I'll like something by looking at it and usually avoid.  I avoided twilight princess for like 4 years and when I finally played it, yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, poop.

You have worse taste than EmCee on GAF.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cascade on September 17, 2012, 04:57:04 PM
He's talking about emcee at gaf.

They're not the same one? :omg

Spirit Tracks - literally no one in the universe has said this was good, so i actually feel that it's the only installment in the series that is actually rated appropriately by everyone.

EmCeeGrammer :teehee

I've never played it asshat.  In general I can tell if I'll like something by looking at it and usually avoid.  I avoided twilight princess for like 4 years and when I finally played it, yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, poop.

You have worse taste than EmCee on GAF.
Emcee on GAF is crushed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 04:59:13 PM
Well, as far as Zelda games go.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 17, 2012, 05:40:17 PM
Emcee on GAF is going to be disappointed that I posted this.

You should probably edit that soon.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 17, 2012, 05:45:07 PM
Mystery solved
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 05:45:30 PM
Lol I thought it meant emotionally crushed. :lol

EmCee forgive my wayward ways~ :'(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 17, 2012, 09:11:53 PM
zelda 2 sucks. played the game when I was 5-6 years old after beating zelda 1, and it pissed me off because I thought it was Castlevania and not Zelda. I was mad because they made it "that Castle game". Piece of shit game. Let's keep blocking blows and doing jump stabs over and over and over. Let's travel across the world if you die in a dungeon instead of just respawning you in the dungeon you died in!

Crap, crap game. Worst Zelda by a wide margin.

See, i never had that problem.  I generally finished the dungeon i was in, i alwasy just saved after i completed a dungeon on my first go of the game.  It was also my first Zelda game so i wasnt comparing it to the others.  Yeah you were supposed to do the jump stabs versus the ironkuckles.  You people must have been bad at games back then though.  I was running through the game after a while in 2 and a half hours to beat the game game.  it wasnt hard at all for me in the end.  I wihs i had the same skills now as i had back then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 17, 2012, 10:43:42 PM
Objectively speaking, what's the best Zelda then?  Yes, I am waiting for you to say the first one so I can point out all of the annoying dumb shit it has you do, which were all design choices.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 17, 2012, 10:48:50 PM
Objectively speaking, what's the best Zelda then?  Yes, I am waiting for you to say the first one so I can point out all of the annoying dumb shit it has you do, which were all design choices.

LttP for the perfection of the 2D formula or TP for the perfection of the 3D one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 17, 2012, 10:49:38 PM
by process of elimination: the oracles. i mean, they DO feel like romhacks of la, but in a GOOD way.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on September 17, 2012, 10:50:43 PM
Objectively speaking, what's the best Zelda then?  Yes, I am waiting for you to say the first one so I can point out all of the annoying dumb shit it has you do, which were all design choices.

I never said I didn't like Zelda.  I said I wasn't a diehard fan, and I'm not.  I've never been able to replay Ocarina, I dislike Majora's Mask and Windwaker quite a bit.  In fact, I think Phantom Hourglass is "10x better" than both of those.

What is giving me pause here is that it seems to be short on dungeons (one of my bigger problems with Windwaker), it makes you repeat those dungeons (one of my bigger problems with Majora's), it has stealth (I hate stealth), and of course, the motion controls (I hate motion controls, except for IR pointing, which hey, this lacks). 

I've just got a bad feeling here, is all, Chewie.

^ Not the best person to ask about Zelda imo, Phantom Hourglass was really dull. I guess everyone likes it for different things. My favourites are Minish Cap and Wind Waker, sure the TriForce hunt was bad but outside of that the game ruled and Minish Cap is great.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 17, 2012, 10:53:08 PM
I haven't played the Oracle games since my initial playthrough, which was, uh, whenever they came out.  I remember enjoying them but not being blown away the same way most console Zelda games have ended up for me... I suppose this could be because I generally dislike handheld gaming. 

I don't know if I could name a "best" Zelda.  The one that probably impressed me the most at the time was OoT.  TP feels like a fully realized OoT after you get through the dumb shit at the beginning, but that dumb shit is definitely there and it's definitely dumb.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 10:56:24 PM
Oscar, Majora's is only overrated on the internet and even then, the fanbase is split on the game. So I'd say it's accurately rated.

Bullshit.  Here's how the tree of "Best Zelda?" tends to go: if usual Zeldatard "Ocarina of Time!", if retro Zeldatard "Link to the Past!", if subversive Zeldatard "Majora's Mask!", if subversive retro Zeldatard "Link's Awakening!"

 :-[  :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 17, 2012, 10:57:33 PM
I like how even the Wii U thread has nothing to do with the Wii U in its discussion anymore. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 17, 2012, 10:58:59 PM
Full admission:  I find MM to be trite and boring, and rife with shitty game design.  The fact that Himu and I are on completely opposite sides of this and many other game issues doesn't surprise me one bit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 11:17:27 PM
Majora's Mask I think has the best design in the series. But then I've got a thing for games of its types. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and Dead Rising for example.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 17, 2012, 11:18:59 PM
I enjoyed both of those games.  Just not in my Zeruda, please.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 17, 2012, 11:30:04 PM
'trite'?  Are you just slopping random adjectives all over your posts?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 17, 2012, 11:32:43 PM
'trite'?  Are you just slopping random adjectives all over your posts?

You caught me.  Fuck.  Now I have to put my dick in a blender, right?

Seriously, you're like the least positive contributor in a forum full of Sloth from the Goonies.  Do us all a favor and fuck off, or at least grow a sense of humor to go along with your propensity to flame.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 11:33:57 PM
I think Majora's Mask has the only legitimately good story in the series, the characters actually have a semblance of depth and are interesting, I don't find it tedious at all especially after learning how to slow down time but then again I have mild aspergers so YMMV, but more than fixes the problem the series had struggled with years: the get item, learn how to use item in dungeon, barely use item outside of dungeon formula. The great thing about Majora's is that you get the required ability for dungeons outside of it through the power of masks, and have to slowly master it to enter enter the dungeon itself. So by the time you get the dungeon, instead of it teaching you how to use this item, or saving that item for the boss, the game says fuck all of that and cuts right to the case because the pre-dungeon quests had you master that ability ALREADY.


Then you play a game like Twilight Princess, get a spinning top you use for all of five minutes before it's no longer useful.

That said, I can understand not enjoying it. It is a game steeped in repetition, especially if you suck or fuck up, and even then I've had to save that goddamn witch in the forest a billion times. The fact you can only hard save in one location sucks, but honestly I think it works for a game like MM, though the lack of quick save is pretty jarring. It also has a side quest oriented sense of design. If you only do the dungeons, you aren't going to get much out of Majora's Mask, and certainly not as much as someone who fills out their bomber book. But I'm a quirky Zelda fan in that I've always enjoyed the adventuring more than the puzzle aspect, which Majora's Mask embraces, so I'm fine with the four dungeons.

Majora's Mask ain't perfect, but I think the plusses outweigh the minuses. It's a ballsy, experimental, passionately made game and that usually goes a long way for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 17, 2012, 11:37:51 PM
If you've NEVER played a Zelda before I'd probably have you play Ocarina and the Twilight Princess. I'm not sure why TP would get a go ahead over OoT.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on September 18, 2012, 12:25:17 AM
'trite'?  Are you just slopping random adjectives all over your posts?

You caught me.  Fuck.  Now I have to put my dick in a blender, right?
What difference would it make?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 01:02:22 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 01:04:29 AM
You're cheating by picking two.  I'd pick Twilight because the graphics don't look like shit and the interface has fewer issues.  That, and if you haven't ever touched a Zelda before, maybe the stupid tutorial won't suck so much.

I suppose Ocarina remake would be an option, too, but it's still kinda ugly overall.

Oscar agreeing with me. :bow2

:bow Twilight Princess :bow2

:bow :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 01:05:49 AM
Although, the Wii version really is better.

:bow Pointer hookshot controls. :bow2

:bow Kakariko where it's supposed to be :bow2

:bow Widescreen :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: The Sceneman on September 18, 2012, 01:13:35 AM
best Zelda is Wind Waker, end of story
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 01:18:37 AM
If they excised the waggle to swing your sword, I'd be with you, but waggling for a sword strike does nothing but make swordplay less precise.  It was a complete pain in the ass in the "oh hay remember this kind of boss fight from lttp that we do in every game?  it's back!" energy ball tennis match at the end of the game.  That one negative erases the positives in my books.

Eh the Wiimote is sensitive enough, and TP's combat imprecise enough, that it ends up not mattering for 99% of the game (other than that part you mentioned.)

Horseback combat (with bow and arrows) is so much better on the Wii version it makes up for the waggle. Actually sorta maybe feels like horseback combat.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 18, 2012, 01:23:51 AM
best Zelda is Wind Waker, end of story
If they'd actually finished it and the triforce fetch quest wasn't there I'd have your back on this one but as it stands, eeeeh. In the upper tier all the same. :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 18, 2012, 01:47:54 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 18, 2012, 01:51:13 AM
Had no issues with TP wii controls except for the shield bash move. I found them really comfortable and forgot I was even waggling 30 minutes into the game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 02:07:09 AM
I completely forgot about the shield bash because of how badly it controlled.

Thankfully, I don't think you ever need to use it in-game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 18, 2012, 02:14:59 AM
Shield bash with wiimote didn't fucking work yeah.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 18, 2012, 02:18:17 AM
Shield bash with wiimote didn't fucking work yeah.

Worked fine for me. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 18, 2012, 02:52:04 AM
Shield bash with wiimote didn't fucking work yeah.

Worked fine for me. :smug
You're one of those people that made a 'no seriously the SS controls work fine you guys' youtube videos aren't you >:(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 18, 2012, 03:20:58 AM
Zelda sucks. I'm trying to play OoT right now on 3DS (I was never dumb enough to buy an N64). Considering this is the best game of all time, it's not very good.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 18, 2012, 03:30:36 AM
You should try Alundra. It's one of my favorite Zelda games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 18, 2012, 03:57:09 AM
For a while Ocarina of Time was my favorite because it was kinda the game that got me into video games. I still really love the story and setting (what little they provide) but the more I play of LttP the more I feel it's a better game. The only other game in the series that really stood out to me is Wind Waker, specifically because of its compelling combat. The enemies behave and animate so wonderfully.

I have yet to play Skyward Sword, but I look forward to it after I finish Link to the Past.

EDIT: As for Zelda clones, I still want to give Okami a shot, but the claims of severe padding and tedious gameplay has scared me off. Is it really that bad? Or is it still worth playing? It really seems like Kamiya poured his heart into that game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 18, 2012, 04:18:17 AM
The PS2 version of Okami is really slow. Like really, really slow. I turned it off after 40 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: frod on September 18, 2012, 04:33:37 AM
You should try Alundra. It's one of my favorite Zelda games.

PS1  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 18, 2012, 04:47:01 AM
Play Crusader of Centy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 18, 2012, 05:05:04 AM
It just occurred to me. Oscar, you haven't commented on Skyward Sword! :punch
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 18, 2012, 05:28:32 AM
It just occurred to me. Oscar, you haven't commented on Skyward Sword! :punch

Yeah he did, he commented that he hadn't played it!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on September 18, 2012, 05:34:12 AM
I really enjoyed Darksiders, finished it on Apocalyptic. Not too interested in the sequel.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 18, 2012, 06:09:25 AM
Yeah, I've got Skyward Sword sitting here in front of me, but my console time of late is very limited and it's probably about 50th on my list of stuff I want to play, so, can't really say anything about it now.  That I've been sitting on a Zelda game for almost a year without wanting to play it probably says *something*, I suppose.

Same situation with me. And I pre-ordered the stupid game!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on September 18, 2012, 07:38:28 AM
consider yourselves lucky.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 10:10:57 AM
Yeah, I've got Skyward Sword sitting here in front of me, but my console time of late is very limited and it's probably about 50th on my list of stuff I want to play, so, can't really say anything about it now.  That I've been sitting on a Zelda game for almost a year without wanting to play it probably says *something*, I suppose.

yeah that ur just a hater. :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 18, 2012, 10:13:56 AM
ctrl f Beyond Oasis
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 18, 2012, 10:54:16 AM
If you've slogged your way through all the Zelda games, Okami can't be that bad.

You know how at the beginning of Twilight Princess you have to go through this menial tutorial crap?

Okami is like that.

But for the entire game.

So...nope, nope, nope.

Truth be told, there aren't that many good Zelda clones. Alundra is the only one I can suggest with a straight face.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 18, 2012, 10:59:51 AM
If you've slogged your way through all the Zelda games, Okami can't be that bad.

You know how at the beginning of Twilight Princess you have to go through this menial tutorial crap?
Okami is like that.
But for the entire game.
So...nope, nope, nope.
Truth be told, there aren't that many good Zelda clones. Alundra is the only one I can suggest with a straight face.
God Himu I don't think I've ever disagreed with somebody so hard. Okami's great fun and fuckin beautiful too. How can a Shenmue fan dislike something for being tedious anyway?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 18, 2012, 11:10:23 AM
Airing out books at a taoist temple > being told to search for dogs in town, and then bringing them back to the owner, afterwards she says,"Oh god there are more missing" to which you have to go out in the world map and find even more dogs in order to advance the story. 30 minutes to an hour, wasted on searching for dogs. Mean while, it takes all of five minutes to air out books in Shenmue II.

And that's Okami's problem in a nutshell: plodding, tepid, let's stretch this 15 hour game to a 30-40 hour game. No Zelda has this problem. The idea that if you can rummage through all the Zelda games and should be able to enjoy Okami is false, because Okami only enhances every single flaw Zelda has - with the exception of storytelling.

Again, the only great Zelda clone is Alundra.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 11:46:35 AM
Okami is boooooring. I played for like 5 hours and I don't even think I got to the first real dungeon.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 18, 2012, 11:49:51 AM
Keep in mind, Okami doesn't really have true Zelda-like dungeons with lots of puzzle solving. In the first 20 hours you may encounter only 2 "dungeons".
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 11:54:36 AM
Keep in mind, Okami doesn't really have true Zelda-like dungeons with lots of puzzle solving. In the first 20 hours you may encounter only 2 "dungeons".

WTF? What's the point then?

Oh I forgot, "Japanese whimsy." ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Flannel Boy on September 18, 2012, 12:17:36 PM
I thought Nintendo had a monopoly on that.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 18, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
ctrl f Beyond Oasis
The story of Thor :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow

The story of Thor 2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 18, 2012, 01:53:58 PM
Skyward Sword was a 25 hour game stretched into 35. Not as bad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 18, 2012, 10:05:15 PM
Crusader of Centy is a pretty damned good Zelda clone if we're talking Genesis.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 18, 2012, 11:02:49 PM
Shining Wisdom is fucking terrible, I'd rather play Linkle Liver Story if I was that hard up for a Saturn ARPG.  I still think Crusader of Centy is worth playing, though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 19, 2012, 04:01:49 PM

Tekken producer on Wii U online: 'I don't understand it'

One unanswered question has been lingering in the air since Nintendo’s big coming out party for the Wii U last week: How will the online infrastructure be an improvement over past Nintendo consoles (if at all)? Developers must know, right? Well, apparently not.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 director Katsuhiro Harada didn’t sound like he had confidence in Nintendo’s new online system, during a roundtable interview at Namco Bandai HQ. When asked about how the Wii U's online infrastructure will compare to that offered on 360/PS3, Harada responded:

"Not quite sure at this point. I don't fully understand it. We’re still working with Nintendo to find out about their network."

With a US release of November 18, it's hard to believe this response. Harada emphasized that the netcode will be as solid as those of competing systems, but it's still a mystery how players will connect and play online. He also wouldn't confirm whether the Wii U exclusive modes will be playable online.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2012, 04:05:20 PM
Not a good sign. Getting the same bad vibrations I got before it was announced that the first online Wii game wouldn't until 8 months after launch, and that it was Pokemon Battle Revolution.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 19, 2012, 04:11:01 PM

Tekken producer on Wii U online: 'I don't understand it'

One unanswered question has been lingering in the air since Nintendo’s big coming out party for the Wii U last week: How will the online infrastructure be an improvement over past Nintendo consoles (if at all)? Developers must know, right? Well, apparently not.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 director Katsuhiro Harada didn’t sound like he had confidence in Nintendo’s new online system, during a roundtable interview at Namco Bandai HQ. When asked about how the Wii U's online infrastructure will compare to that offered on 360/PS3, Harada responded:

"Not quite sure at this point. I don't fully understand it. We’re still working with Nintendo to find out about their network."

With a US release of November 18, it's hard to believe this response. Harada emphasized that the netcode will be as solid as those of competing systems, but it's still a mystery how players will connect and play online. He also wouldn't confirm whether the Wii U exclusive modes will be playable online.


Remember when Iwata said Wii U's network was gonna be shit, and Ninterdos were like "Nuh uh, he didn't say it would be shit, he just said it wouldn't be able to compete with Microsoft and Sony, but it'll still be awesome in different ways that I can't explain probably!"?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2012, 04:15:50 PM
TBH the 3DS offers a decent enough baseline if the tighten it up and make the best parts of it (communities, voice chat) system wide.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 19, 2012, 04:26:39 PM
3DS online features are pretty shit, tho.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 19, 2012, 04:29:35 PM
I don't think it's any secret that Nintendo want the wii U to be "Facebook : the games console" - except it's not going to be facebook, it's going to be WhimsyBook or something similar.

where your posts on your on stream get delayed 30 minutes to make sure you aren't putting any cock videos up or any vids from Luigi's Mansion 2 where it looks like Luigi is bumming a table in the gob.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 19, 2012, 04:35:14 PM
Fisher Price Baby's First Social Networking Service
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 19, 2012, 04:44:04 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2012, 04:46:02 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.

Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 19, 2012, 04:47:15 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.


Based on?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 19, 2012, 04:49:21 PM
Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)

And by that I assume you mean leave Facebook-like messages in each other's worlds... possibly with some time delay for approval?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2012, 05:05:38 PM
Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)

And by that I assume you mean leave Facebook-like messages in each other's worlds... possibly with some time delay for approval?

I'd bet nude pics of dcharlie that Ultimate has voice chat and in-game text chat.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 19, 2012, 05:10:06 PM
Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)

And by that I assume you mean leave Facebook-like messages in each other's worlds... possibly with some time delay for approval?

I'd bet nude pics of dcharlie that Ultimate has voice chat and in-game text chat.

Woah woah woah, let's take it one step at a time.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 19, 2012, 05:38:58 PM
I'd bet nude pics of dcharlie that Ultimate has voice chat and in-game text chat.

Was that what he sent you for your birthday?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2012, 06:43:22 PM
I'd bet nude pics of dcharlie that Ultimate has voice chat and in-game text chat.

Was that what he sent you for your birthday?

Nope, I had them from before.  :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 19, 2012, 07:23:42 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.


Based on?

You don't moneyhat monster hunter and dragon quest without an obvious intention of shutting your one competitor down.  They've pretty much doomed the vita, the only thing standing in their way in japan is the ps4, and thats not looking good.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on September 19, 2012, 08:41:58 PM
Yep, I see Nintendo making a good play at drawing away the core crowd from Sony and those low specs will make for an easy transition for devs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 19, 2012, 10:56:59 PM
They have Mon Hun. At launch. They've kind of already won in Japan honestly.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 20, 2012, 04:46:17 AM
I don't think it's any secret that Nintendo want the wii U to be "Facebook : the games console" - except it's not going to be facebook, it's going to be WhimsyBook or something similar.

That would have been an awesome name for Sony's DOA book thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 20, 2012, 07:14:30 AM
Yep, I see Nintendo making a good play at drawing away the core crowd from Sony and those low specs will make for an easy transition for devs.

Not to mention Sony is still in that self-sabotaging mentality.  The recent PS3 revision and how they're handling the Vita...I think they've been fucking things up for so long that it might be difficult to snap out of it for the PS4.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 20, 2012, 02:15:43 PM
Yep, I see Nintendo making a good play at drawing away the core crowd from Sony and those low specs will make for an easy transition for devs.

Not to mention Sony is still in that self-sabotaging mentality.  The recent PS3 revision and how they're handling the Vita...I think they've been fucking things up for so long that it might be difficult to snap out of it for the PS4.

Yea its like they officially dont give a fuck anymore.

Is this some elaborate plan to fuck up Kaz? since its pretty jarring now and getting worse since Nintendo is drinking dat blood in the water.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 20, 2012, 02:47:19 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.

Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)

I'm actually not much of a Monhan fan believe it or not... but I will still be your friend Andrex  :-*
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 20, 2012, 02:51:12 PM
Think I'm gonna preorder a WiiU today. Seems like this is where most of the big Japanese games are going next gen.

Let us play glorious Monster Hunter, together. :)

I'm actually not much of a Monhan fan believe it or not... but I will still be your friend Andrex  :-*

Yay!  :dur
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 20, 2012, 03:36:07 PM

Hater. :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 20, 2012, 05:03:31 PM

*Creepy Old Guy likes this
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 20, 2012, 05:05:13 PM
What's really funny is that if Monster Hunter games were on Sony platforms, Andrex would be "why aren't they coming to Nintendo, makes so much more sense blah blah blah"

He would never buy another system to play them, because he's a console warrior fucktard.  Keep fucking that chicken, Andy.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I actually agree that MH games make more sense on Nintendo systems, but the larger point remains that Andrex is a moron
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 20, 2012, 05:31:15 PM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 20, 2012, 05:43:53 PM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 21, 2012, 12:06:44 AM
No one knows what that means Andy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 21, 2012, 12:08:11 AM
No one knows what that means Andy.

And no one ever will.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 12:47:25 AM
Your losses. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 21, 2012, 12:53:26 AM
I'm sure the other 13 people using it will cope without us.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 12:55:47 AM
We will. :maf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 12:59:04 AM
yellow card : Andrex - you are overusing the rolleye smiley.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 21, 2012, 01:20:30 AM



wouldn't be surprised if this ends up like google wave  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 01:44:53 AM
Deal with it. ::)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 21, 2012, 02:59:17 AM

The playable version of the game on the Tokyo Game Show floor is not up to the performance levels of past Dynasty Warriors games in terms of frame rate and number of enemies on screen, and is shown up considerably by Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires, the PS3 exclusive also playable on publisher Tecmo Koei's stand.

Akihiro Suzuki, producer of the Dynasty Warriors franchise, admitted this was the case when quizzed by Eurogamer, and pointed to the Wii U's CPU by way of explanation.

"One of the weaknesses of the Wii U compared to PS3 and Xbox 360 is the CPU power is a little bit less," he said. "So for games in the Warriors series, including Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi, when you have a lot of enemies coming at you at once, the performance tends to be affected because of the CPU.

"Dealing with that is a challenge."

The exact specifications of the CPU, including clock speed, remain undisclosed for now, but developers, including those Eurogamer spoke to for an investigation into the power of the Wii U, have confirmed it's slower than the CPU inside both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 03:10:12 AM
CPU is weak, rest is better, we've known this. ::)

Edit- In the interview he was positive overall, Eurogrammr ftl.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 21, 2012, 03:13:34 AM
Xbox 316 says I just dropped your frame rate
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 03:21:31 AM
xbox 324, deal with it :miyamoto

No reason to bring the PS3 into this. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 21, 2012, 04:28:18 AM
Now the questions is how much stronger the GPU is in the WiiU and how can devs re-enginner games to take advantage of it.  Makes sense now.  I guess this si the price of backwards compatibility.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 21, 2012, 04:51:08 AM
Some jerkoff on B3D and then gaf posted this:

From what I've read of the specs, that particular GPU absolutely destroys Xenos/RSX. Though I'm doubtful it'll be in the Wii-U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 04:54:39 AM
Now the questions is how much stronger the GPU is in the WiiU and how can devs re-enginner games to take advantage of it.  Makes sense now.  I guess this si the price of backwards compatibility.

Since it supports GPGPU, I wonder how hard it would be to offload tasks the CPU is traditionally used for to the GPU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 21, 2012, 07:05:02 AM
Damn, it's kinda scary how closely Wii U resembles the Wii when compared with current gen. consoles at the time.

Wii = Double RAM of Xbox
Wii-U = Double RAM of Xbox360

Wii = CPU weaker than Xbox's CPU
Wii-U = CPU weaker than Xbox 360's CPU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on September 21, 2012, 07:32:23 AM
For some reason Nintendo always seems to have at least one thing in their systems that's going to annoy if not keep away developers. I assume the CPU will be good enough for ports from the 360, but if you really want to encourage developers to do them why put so easily avoidable stones in their paths?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Beezy on September 21, 2012, 07:54:03 AM



wouldn't be surprised if this ends up like google wave  :lol
I doubt it since they seem to be forcing it into everything they can.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 21, 2012, 08:23:55 AM
For some reason Nintendo always seems to have at least one thing in their systems that's going to annoy if not keep away developers. I assume the CPU will be good enough for ports from the 360, but if you really want to encourage developers to do them why put so easily avoidable stones in their paths?

Regardless of what their PR says, at the end of the day, Nintendo designs their hardware for Nintendo software in mind.  Developers are just going to have to take it or leave it.

Hopefully Nintendo tries to build some decent relationship with the indie community or else it is going to be Wii-quality third party wares after 2013.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 21, 2012, 08:48:40 AM
xbox 324, deal with it :miyamoto

Xbox 316 says I just dropped your frame rate

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 21, 2012, 08:59:05 AM
For some reason Nintendo always seems to have at least one thing in their systems that's going to annoy if not keep away developers. I assume the CPU will be good enough for ports from the 360, but if you really want to encourage developers to do them why put so easily avoidable stones in their paths?

As T EXP said, they don't really give that much of a shit about third-party developers. Nintendo systems are tailored for Nintendo games, and whatever they want to do with them at that particular time. As for third-party devs, it's "We'll work with you (some), but here's what ya get." MS and Sony (to a lesser extent) have fewer "blockbuster" self-published franchises and depend a lot more on third-parties to push sales, so they're way more open to suggestions from the big publishers and devs when designing their systems.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 21, 2012, 10:06:01 AM
Nintendo managed to mimic 360 pretty well,if we go by the public data.

They have one big problem though--expensive touch screen controller.It may turn out to be something totally pointless(like 3D in 3DS--not system seller) or hot new must have thing--time will tell.
One thing is for sure,it will forever balloon WiiU price.

Cheap,reliable,profitable might be a problem if the market says meh...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 10:09:27 AM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.

Bolded for emphasis.

What are you implying?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 21, 2012, 10:11:14 AM
So to recap:

-The largest amount of HDD space available is 32GB.
-Japanese developers "don't understand" how the Nintendo network service works and there may be major issues with online gaming.
-The Wii U CPU is slower than the almost six year old PS3 and almost seven year old 360.
-There are no 1080P games.
-The biggest title for the system is a port of a 3DS game.

Sounds like a winner!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 21, 2012, 10:17:46 AM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.

Bolded for emphasis.

What are you implying?

That you like Monster Hunter games only because they're on Nintendo systems.  This isn't fucking rocket science, kid.  Just own up to being a console warrior fucktard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 21, 2012, 10:21:59 AM
Sounds like a wiinner!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 10:40:15 AM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.

Bolded for emphasis.

What are you implying?

That you like Monster Hunter games only because they're on Nintendo systems.  This isn't fucking rocket science, kid.  Just own up to being a console warrior fucktard.

Well duh, that's what I said. Have you been ignoring my posts on this page? ::)

Edit- Actually to clarify, I checked them out because they came to Nintendo systems. I don't like them for that reason; if I did, I probably would have never bought Tri based on the demo. I genuinely like the game itself.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 21, 2012, 11:02:47 AM
So to recap:

-The largest amount of HDD space available is 32GB.
-Japanese developers "don't understand" how the Nintendo network service works and there may be major issues with online gaming.
-The Wii U CPU is slower than the almost six year old PS3 and almost seven year old 360.
-There are no 1080P games.
-The biggest title for the system is a port of a 3DS game.

Sounds like a winner!

Er the largest HDD space is 3 TB with an external drive.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 11:36:58 AM
Aren't you also really big into Bayonetta now?

Into Bayonetta itself? Nope. But I'm a Platinum fan, and have been since they formed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 21, 2012, 11:51:06 AM
Andrex, the next question will be which Platinum games you have played. I suspect your answer will be slightly dodgy and the wolves will descend upon your wounded corpse
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 21, 2012, 11:53:57 AM
I wouldn't mind being into some Bayonetta cosplayer:

(not really NSFW but a big pic)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 21, 2012, 11:55:02 AM
Andrex, the next question will be which Platinum games you have played. I suspect your answer will be slightly dodgy and the wolves will descend upon your wounded corpse

Mad World.  Maybe Infinite Space.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 21, 2012, 12:20:36 PM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.

Bolded for emphasis.

What are you implying?

That you like Monster Hunter games only because they're on Nintendo systems.  This isn't fucking rocket science, kid.  Just own up to being a console warrior fucktard.

Well duh, that's what I said. Have you been ignoring my posts on this page? ::)

Edit- Actually to clarify, I checked them out because they came to Nintendo systems. I don't like them for that reason; if I did, I probably would have never bought Tri based on the demo. I genuinely like the game itself.

If you weren't a console warrior, you'd buy a PS2 and play Kingdom Hearts instead of port begging for a WiiU version of KH 1.5 HD Remix.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 12:41:16 PM

If you weren't a console warrior, you'd buy a PS2 and play Kingdom Hearts instead of port begging for a WiiU version of KH 1.5 HD Remix.

Ah ha! I did buy KH, KH2, and CoM for PS2!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Just not for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 21, 2012, 12:43:51 PM
I may be a moron, but I also like MonHun now. The two may or may not be related, but there ya go.

Actually if MH still wasn't on Nintendo I would probably just ignore it (like before Tri), unless it started to bomb for some reason.

Bolded for emphasis.

What are you implying?

That you like Monster Hunter games only because they're on Nintendo systems.  This isn't fucking rocket science, kid.  Just own up to being a console warrior fucktard.

Well duh, that's what I said. Have you been ignoring my posts on this page? ::)

Edit- Actually to clarify, I checked them out because they came to Nintendo systems. I don't like them for that reason; if I did, I probably would have never bought Tri based on the demo. I genuinely like the game itself.

If you weren't a console warrior, you'd buy a PS2 and play Kingdom Hearts instead of port begging for a WiiU version of KH 1.5 HD Remix.

Andrex can get a copy of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for $20 on Amazon and play it on PCSX2 or with a good PS2 + 8 MB memory card from a reliable seller for just a few dollars more than a Wii U game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 21, 2012, 12:51:52 PM
Nintendo managed to mimic 360 pretty well,if we go by the public data.

They have one big problem though--expensive touch screen controller.It may turn out to be something totally pointless(like 3D in 3DS--not system seller) or hot new must have thing--time will tell.
One thing is for sure,it will forever balloon WiiU price.

Cheap,reliable,profitable might be a problem if the market says meh...

they'll ditch that tablet and start packing in the Wii60 controller in a flat second
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 21, 2012, 01:33:20 PM
Aren't you also really big into Bayonetta now?

Into Bayonetta itself? Nope. But I'm a Platinum fan, and have been since they formed.

Andrex, the next question will be which Platinum games you have played. I suspect your answer will be slightly dodgy and the wolves will descend upon your wounded corpse

Seriously...hasn't Andrex never owned a PS3 and 360?  Mad World on Wii really ain't that great due to the controls.  Thankfully Anarchy Reigns is 1000 times better.  So even if Bayonetta 2 ends up as ass, at least Bayonetta is playable in a GOOD game.  :p
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 21, 2012, 01:34:07 PM
Aren't you also really big into Bayonetta now?

Into Bayonetta itself? Nope. But I'm a Platinum fan, and have been since they formed.

Andrex, the next question will be which Platinum games you have played. I suspect your answer will be slightly dodgy and the wolves will descend upon your wounded corpse

Seriously...hasn't Andrex never owned a PS3 and 360?  Mad World on Wii really ain't that great due to the controls.  Thankfully Anarchy Reigns is 1000 times better.

I don't think he's ever owned a non-Nintendo system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 21, 2012, 03:00:31 PM
I wouldn't mind being into some Bayonetta cosplayer:

(not really NSFW but a big pic)
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 03:13:58 PM
"Owned" is a strong word...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on September 21, 2012, 03:52:47 PM
"Owned" is a strong word...

I take it your lack of a proper response means that you haven't played anything from Platinum Games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 03:54:06 PM
No no, I have. I was responding to the other consoles thing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 21, 2012, 04:39:25 PM
I agree. Despite all the ribbing and the fact we all have preferences or lack of preferences, none of us here are really console warriors. About every person in this thread has owned a ps3, 360, AND a wii and those that haven't (Gundam) really don't care about the other consoles enough to damage for the console they own. The Bore is the wrong place to take console warrior stuff, Andy. That's for gaf.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 04:43:16 PM
I love MadWorld, but lets be honest here Andrex. Did you ever actually try out, want to play or even cared about Bayonetta before 2 became Wii U exclusive.

I've never even see you mention the game until that announcement.

I actually didn't like MadWorld and was sort of sad that Kamiya's game went to the other platforms. I have fond memories of the original DMC at my friends house, although I don't think we ever beat it.

I was also hyped as hell for Vanquish. Mikami became one of my favorite devs after RE4.

I agree. Despite all the ribbing and the fact we all have preferences or lack of preferences, none of us here are really console warriors. About every person in this thread has owned a ps3, 360, AND a wii. The Bore is the wrong place to take console warrior stuff, Andy. That's for gaf.

Who says I'm console warrioring?

There is literally nothing for me to gain from posting here other than people constantly bashing me for the types of games I like and second-guessing my motivations because of console preference.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 21, 2012, 04:44:51 PM
Toughen up! How often do you think I have to deal with a Shenmue hate fest?! My tastes don't align with everyone else's but I make my case, they do (or don't) respect that, and we leave it at that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 04:47:46 PM
Obviously I am, as I'm still posting here.

It doesn't really get to me, because I find it a quiet irony when people get mad over what games I play just like the fanboys they constantly lambast.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on September 21, 2012, 04:53:47 PM
Toughen up! How often do you think I have to deal with a Shenmue hate fest?!

Not often enough.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 21, 2012, 04:59:01 PM
Himu doesnt take it very well. Look at the JGR thread of him flabbing his arms around.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 05:00:26 PM
Some comments I made about Bayonetta and Vanquish:

" could you not get Bayonetta after those commercials. Damn. Even I wanted to buy it after those." -July 22, 2010

"In Mikami I trust. Hoping for a PC version. :(" -October 19, 2010

"Just watched GT's [Vanquish] review. I have no doubt that if I owned this game it would easily make it to my top 5 favorite games of all time." -October 19, 2010
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 21, 2012, 05:06:15 PM
I'm sad you didn't get a chance to play one of your top 5 games of all time because of your nintendo loyalty
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 05:07:56 PM
Less loyalty these days and more pragmatism. I don't have time to play much games these days (that's why Nintendo consoles are a perfect fit for me! hyukhyukhyuk) Didn't even have a 3DS until a few weeks ago.

Of the five Wii games I've bought this year, I have beaten exactly zero.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on September 21, 2012, 05:52:08 PM
What bothers me more than Andrex's aggravating coyness is everyone else's desire to convert him.  I'm sure he's poked at games on his android things and computer and who gives a fuck if he doesn't wind up on your ex bawx friends list at some point. *spits*

Me?  I'm poor.  I generally don't buy multiple consoles ever since I learned my lesson with cube/ps2/gba/psp and stick to what I like, ie nintendo stuff with the occassional bone thrown my way otherwise.  Because believe it or not I don't need 10 engrossing experiences a year validated by the gaming collective as necessary for life affirming purposes.  2-3 replayable games does the trick and I save a bunch of money that would be wasted on a festering backlog otherwise. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Timber on September 21, 2012, 06:58:38 PM
How the hell are you guys still doing this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on September 21, 2012, 06:59:14 PM

This thing's a goddamned trainwreck.  :-\
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 21, 2012, 07:02:53 PM

I actually didn't like MadWorld and was sort of sad that Kamiya's game went to the other platforms. I have fond memories of the original DMC at my friends house, although I don't think we ever beat it.

I was also hyped as hell for Vanquish. Mikami became one of my favorite devs after RE4.

After RE4, eh?

It did came out on wii
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 21, 2012, 08:12:19 PM
-There are no 1080P games.

Link? I missed this!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 08:22:57 PM
So... did we actually get a list of what Platinum games Andrex has actually played?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 08:33:47 PM
So... did we actually get a list of what Platinum games Andrex has actually played?

Does it matter? No.

Who had played Platinum's games before MadWorld and Bayonetta? No one. Yet people were still hyped for those.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 08:37:31 PM
Who had played Platinum's games before MadWorld and Bayonetta? No one. Yet people were still hyped for those.

case in point - Madworld was awful. Meaning that hype can be vastly misplaced if you don't bother to actually play the games.

So - you're hype for Bayonetta 2 is based on hype for the vids you saw of it back in 2010?

(yes, of course it matters)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 21, 2012, 08:39:43 PM
So... did we actually get a list of what Platinum games Andrex has actually played?

Does it matter? No.

sounds like the nthings mad
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 08:45:05 PM
Who had played Platinum's games before MadWorld and Bayonetta? No one. Yet people were still hyped for those.

case in point - Madworld was awful. Meaning that hype can be vastly misplaced if you don't bother to actually play the games.

So - you're hype for Bayonetta 2 is based on hype for the vids you saw of it back in 2010?

(yes, of course it matters)

I'm hyped for Bayonetta 2 based on its pedigree, the people behind it, and the word of mouth and reviews of its predecessor.

Same as the first game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 09:07:52 PM
Same as the first game.

so you were hyped for Bayonetta (but didn't play it) , so hyped for Vanquish it would have been a top 5 game of yours (but didn't play it)

why not buy a cheap X360 and find out how they are -first- before spunking $300+ on a Wii U whilst you wait XX months for Bayonetta 2?

Did you bother playing MadWorld?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 21, 2012, 09:10:44 PM
i did, back when i had a wii(s)

it was 30 mins of "hey this isn't too bad" followed by the realization that those same 30 mins would be repeated for the next 4-6 hours
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 09:13:30 PM
so you were hyped for Bayonetta (but didn't play it) , so hyped for Vanquish it would have been a top 5 game of yours (but didn't play it)

why not buy a cheap X360 and find out how they are -first- before spunking $300+ on a Wii U whilst you wait XX months for Bayonetta 2?

Because by getting a Wii U I can play two brand-new Platinum games, as well as new Nintendo games.

Did you bother playing MadWorld?

I beat MadWorld.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 09:15:44 PM
Because by getting a Wii U I can play two brand-new Platinum games, as well as new Nintendo games

They are ALL NEW to you if you didn't play the X360/PS3 games - if you bought an X360 and played Bayo/Vanq they'd be as fresh as they were.

I beat MadWorld.

and it didn't temper your hype in any way?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 10:18:45 PM
It's on my list. Things are always on my list...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 11:06:18 PM
i think it would be pretty disingenuous to say andrex is the only person around here who spins for consoles/companies he likes

No one on here would be dumb enough to be a fan of a company and not play the games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 21, 2012, 11:10:25 PM
That's the thing, though.  I would suggest that he's not a fan of the company or even the games... as much as he's a fan of the fact that that company is putting out games on a Nintendo console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 11:19:31 PM
No, I really am a fan of Monster Hunter. It spits in the face of the kinds of games I hate seeing infect the industry and has genuinely fun, addictive arcade-like gameplay.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 21, 2012, 11:29:11 PM
Just think, if you weren't so busy being a dick sucking fanthing, you could have been enjoying that gameplay you supposedly admire so much for years now!  Unless, of course, it's somehow LESS CLEAN on a non-Nintendo system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 11:33:54 PM
No, I really am a fan of Monster Hunter. It spits in the face of the kinds of games I hate seeing infect the industry and has genuinely fun, addictive arcade-like gameplay.

Monster Hunter               
Monster Hunter Freedom   
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Tri <--- interest starts

I mean, you can become a fan of monster hunter whenever you damn well please, but there's a seeming pattern starting to develop here.

I mean, you can take solice in the fact that it's not just you - with all these amazing third party games, i've already seen a ton of brandnew nthing Mass Effect and Assassin Creed fans.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 21, 2012, 11:38:37 PM
If I really hated Nintendo as much as I claimed, I would have never bought REmake, RE0, or RE4 on cube.  I would have said "oh well" and stopped giving them money for Fire Emblem (and fucking systems to play it on) years ago.  I would have written off Zelda and Mario games as too immature and mascot-y for my "sophisticated" tastes to justify not buying them.

But I'm not really that guy.  Because I actually like GAMES, man.  I think the point everyone (totally just speaking for myself here... Oscar may disagree with me but I think DC would tend to agree) is trying to make to your obtuse ass is that we don't think you do.  You like self-identifying as a Nintendo Gamer, whatever that is. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on September 21, 2012, 11:39:35 PM
How many fans of old-school FF around here dropped the thirty bucks for Dimensions, I wonder?

This nicca did :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 21, 2012, 11:42:07 PM
Liking a company is pointless, liking games is the only thing that matters.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 21, 2012, 11:42:35 PM
Liking a company is pointless, liking games is the only thing that matters.

Says the guy who always shills for Valve lololololololol :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 11:42:39 PM
How many fans of old-school FF around here dropped the thirty bucks for Dimensions, I wonder?

but that's not the situation here - what Andrex is saying that these games were utterly amazing and he was a huge fan but didn't get to play them, but huzzah! now he can finally enjoy the awesome.

A similar situation would be being a huge fan of FF not bothering playing FF at all until the X360 version of FF11/FF13.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 21, 2012, 11:51:02 PM
Simple question, then, Andy: If Monster Hunter Tri had been the only MH game to grace Nintendo platforms, would you have followed the series to a non-Nintendo platform?  Because if not, I find your claim a bit dubious.

I haven't followed any games I'm a fan of if they've gone to other consoles. MH wouldn't be special in that regard but it is one of my favorite games, currently.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 21, 2012, 11:54:19 PM
So - ultimately - you admire/like/would enjoy other games on other consoles, but you're not interested in owning a machine that runs them + Nintendo titles. Right?

(i don't think that's particularly controversial, but just... odd given the type of games you seem to like seem to be the type that would appear outside Nintendo (at least until the Wii U))

If you're all "fuck yeah, FF4/5/6 are fucking metal as fuck", and you haven't bought Dimensions, the last question to ask would be "Would you have bought Dimensions if it showed up on 3DS/XBLA/Vita/ PSN/WiiWare/Steam?". 

but who is in the group calling out Andrex? the equivalent for me would be Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting and, yeah, i bought it (and it's awful)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 21, 2012, 11:58:43 PM
Simple question, then, Andy: If Monster Hunter Tri had been the only MH game to grace Nintendo platforms, would you have followed the series to a non-Nintendo platform?  Because if not, I find your claim a bit dubious.

I haven't followed any games I'm a fan of if they've gone to other consoles. MH wouldn't be special in that regard but it is one of my favorite games, currently.

So, your devotion to your precious 'tendo outweighs any enjoyment you might derive from those games.

In other words, you are who we thought you were.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 21, 2012, 11:59:28 PM
Right dcharlie, but that's not what I said, is it?  And even then, I don't know if that's true.  I've seen some people here dodge games in series and/or from companies they like simply because they were on handhelds or smartphones. 

How many fans of old-school FF around here dropped the thirty bucks for Dimensions, I wonder?  How many people who loved Dragon Quest 8 passed on Dragon Quest 9?

Like I said, Andy is more obvious than most, but Himu's claim up above that no one else around here is like that is poop.  There are lots of people around here like that, they're just less honest with themselves about it.

edit: and yeah, I'd say Creepy is on the button here.  He's not an actual fan of Platinum, or Monster Hunter, really.  He's a fan of Nintendo and happens to enjoy those games when/if they occur on the hardware of the company he shills for.  It's going to be interesting how many Bayonetta "fans" put their money where their mouth is and buy a WiiU to play Bayo 2.  I'd argue quite a few of them will prove to be no different than Andy.

I don't like cellphone games but I would totally buy Dimensions if it came out on Android (in the US). No way am I buying an Apple phone for one game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 22, 2012, 12:06:45 AM
Nintards have a long established history of only playing third party titles that are exclusive to Nintendo machines.  What Andrex is saying isn't new or surprising at all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 22, 2012, 12:08:45 AM
Nintards have a long established history of only playing third party titles that are exclusive to Nintendo machines.  What Andrex is saying isn't new or surprising at all.

Shh, I'm busy over here trying to make him feel like less of a person for acting that way!

Seriously though, pronounced tribal identities are nothing new.  I view ninthings along the same lines as the ZOMG RON PAUL IS A FUCKING MIRACLE crowd that show up every 4 years to complain about how if we would just listen to Dr. Paul about FREEDOM LIBERTY N' CONSTITUTION that everything would magically fix itself.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 22, 2012, 12:11:55 AM
Even at the height of my Nintardism, I still had [in order] a Genesis, a PS1, a Dreamcast, a PS2, an Xbox, a PSP, and an Xbox360...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 12:40:21 AM
What it really comes down to is my priorities in games. I favor playing Nintendo games over completely new experiences, so my default is buying a Nintendo system as that's the only one their games are on. There's something to be said for familiarity. This isn't an unknown concept for the games industry, new IP's are seen as serious risks by everyone: publishers are afraid to spend money to fund them, and consumers are either ignorant of them until word of mouth hits or they actively avoid them, trying to stay in their personal safe zones.

Since I'm already buying a system per generation, I tend to stick with only that one for the generation for a variety of reasons. In the past, I haven't been able to get other systems because my family is generally not well-to-do. Instead of blowing $350 on a new system to even be able to access the few games I want for it, I'd rather reinvest that money in the system I already have. That $350 equals about 6 Wii games, or Wiimotes, etc. There are only about 6 or 7 PS3 or 360 games I want to play. For me, the cost-benefit analysis doesn't really work out.

More often these days, another issue is time, as I've brought up more than a few times. It's the reason I didn't own a 3DS until a few weeks ago. I've bought five Wii games this year and haven't beaten any of them. One I haven't even booted up (Fragile), three others I've barely put an hour or two into (Xenoblade, S&P, and Rock Band 3), and the last I struggle to find time to play even when I want to (Monster Hunter), mostly because it requires around an hour time investment minimum each time I want to jump in. Gaming isn't the only type of content I'm into these days; TV shows, movies, comics, and ebooks are all vying for my time. I'm too young to have found a good balance for all of this, and I'm constantly seeking a good way to divvy up my time.

For these reasons, I'm single-console only. I almost bought a PS2 in the middle of this generation, but that was about the time HD remakes and digital ports started to hit so I decided to wait in a price reduction of the current HD twins. As for why I don't buy a PS2 for $50 and go wild with $3-10 games, I apply the same concept to systems I have access to without the upfront cost. There's a lot of Virtual Console classics I have yet to play.

I believe there's a distinction to be made between being a fan of a certain first-party and being a console warrior; I would classify myself in the former group. I like Nintendo games, so I buy Nintendo consoles first. I don't buy other systems, because that time and money could be invested in the system I already have since I'm already being satiated with more content than I'll ever get to play.

As for third party games, there are some like Monster Hunter I'm a really big fan of. The console itself has nothing to do with it. I was excited for Resident Evil 5 since I loved 4, and thought I would eventually play it someday. I've been paying attention to RE6 for that reason, too.

You can say I'm not a "real gamer" since I don't buy all the consoles and invest 100 hours a week into the medium, but for me right now, it's just a light hobby, and I know what kind of games I like. That's all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 22, 2012, 12:47:29 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 12:55:14 AM
So - ultimately - you admire/like/would enjoy other games on other consoles, but you're not interested in owning a machine that runs them + Nintendo titles. Right?

(i don't think that's particularly controversial, but just... odd given the type of games you seem to like seem to be the type that would appear outside Nintendo (at least until the Wii U))

What type of games do you think I like?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 22, 2012, 01:18:16 AM
What type of games do you think I like?

well... in this thread you clearly love Bayonetta and Vanquish (which would be one of your top 5 games), throw in Monster Hunter and...

well... action games?

But i'll be honest ; i think you tailor what you like to Nintendo. *shrug*

For these reasons, I'm single-console only

 no - you are single-NINTENDO console only - all your explaination all conveniently bring up timing problems or whatever that just happens to bring you to Nintendo. You didn't buy a ps2 because of the HD era about to start.... and then bought a Wii #baffletonUnited.
And again - you don't play games, no time, no balance, you've waited in the past for price drops you probably never cared about, but day 1 on Wii U. There's no point playing the "bu bu Platimum games ? big fan" when you've played the one Nintendo game - it just looks weird.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 01:34:17 AM
well... in this thread you clearly love Bayonetta and Vanquish (which would be one of your top 5 games), throw in Monster Hunter and...

well... action games?

But i'll be honest ; i think you tailor what you like to Nintendo. *shrug*

I'm a fan of action games, yeah. Not a big enough fan to blow ~$500 on a new console plus those two games, but a fan nonetheless.

As for tailoring my tastes, I don't think that's true, but if it was I guess I wouldn't have picked up on it. I didn't suddenly love turn based RPGs because of Paper Mario, for instance (Pokemon has always been an exception.) My general dislike of FPS's didn't go away after Metroid Prime 3. I only like Smash because it's the opposite of most other fighters; I dug TatsuCap but I had to force myself to like it.

Platformers are unabashedly my favorite genre. Nintendo has treated me well with them this generation. There are fantastic platformers on other systems, but many of them have been ported (I have Braid, Super Meat Boy, Sonic Generations, and others via Steam.)

There are a lot of Nintendo games I dislike or even hate. And the ones that I love -- I could write a five page essay criticizing aspects of each of them, compared to other games in their series. I don't put on distinguished mentally-challenged fellow goggles every time I boot up a Nintendo game that makes me see stars and candy and Shiggy's warm embrace, I'm probably more critical than most people when it comes to them.

no - you are single-NINTENDO console only - all your explaination all conveniently bring up timing problems or whatever that just happens to bring you to Nintendo. You didn't buy a ps2 because of the HD era about to start.... and then bought a Wii #baffletonUnited.
And again - you don't play games, no time, no balance, you've waited in the past for price drops you probably never cared about, but day 1 on Wii U. There's no point playing the "bu bu Platimum games ? big fan" when you've played the one Nintendo game - it just looks weird.

We could go in circles all day about this. I'm buying a Wii U because it's a new generation of Nintendo games. If I bought a 360 now, it'd set a Wii U purchase back a few years, and to me that's unacceptable since I'd miss out on most of the content I really want to play.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 01:43:54 AM
Of course, this whole explanation rests on the premise that Andrex loves Nintendo's games so much that they are by far his first priority when choosing a console, and the premise alone kind of entails admitting he is ghey for teh Nintendork.

Right, I don't think that's off base. I take issue with people that call me a console warrior though, because I don't think I am. I don't make a habit out of calling people out for not liking Nintendo. I correct people when I think they're misinformed, but people here are so quick to jump on Nintendo they usually don't get their facts straight anyways.

I like their first party games though. They're familiar to me, they're nostalgic. I take a lesser risk of not enjoying a Nintendo game versus another publisher's, unless it's similarly a series I'm already a fan of (like, oh, Monster Hunter.)

Oh, and Andy: Platinum's games were such sales failasaurus rexes that you could easily get a 360 and both games for under $250.  $500 is a cray-cray estimate.

Really wish they had been on PC.

Japan coders. :maf :'( :japancry

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'd also hoped my complete embrace of PC as a gaming platform would have disqualified me as a console warrior anyways.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 22, 2012, 01:47:48 AM
Oh, and Andy: Platinum's games were such sales failasaurus rexes that you could easily get a 360 and both games for under $250.  $500 is a cray-cray estimate.

If you went the used route, you could get an Xbox360 [250 GB] plus Vanquish and Bayonetta for right about $200 from Amazon, once shipping is added on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 22, 2012, 01:55:31 AM
Oh, and Andy: Platinum's games were such sales failasaurus rexes that you could easily get a 360 and both games for under $250.  $500 is a cray-cray estimate.

This is kind of what makes me go all smh over it... I will freely admit to not being able to justify the price of multiple consoles and a gaming pc at launch... so I just sort of sit back and wait as a given console builds up titles that I can get for cheaper later and price drops mount.  Then, boom- you can make a simple $400ish purchase and get months of entertainment.

If I really wanted to be a dick, I could poke all sorts of holes in Andy's long drawn out argument, but I'm sleepy and don't really give too much of a fuck.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 22, 2012, 01:56:44 AM
Oh, and for $350 you get an Xbox360, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Skyrim, Ninja Gaiden II, Dragon's Dogma, Darksiders 1 and 2, Dark Souls, and Nier. Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 22, 2012, 02:02:41 AM
Like, I'm not gonna lie.  I will buy a Wii U at some point.  I'm not Van Cruncheon tho, so it won't be anywhere NEAR launch.  A couple years down the road when it's pretty much just a 1st party Nintendo box and has accumulated a nice handful of titles I'm interested in. $200 would probably be the sweet spot as far as price point goes.

If the new Zelda looks awesome and I have it confirmed by reputable sources, all bets are off.   :-\  SO WEAK IN THE FACE OF GOOD ZARUDA
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 02:09:26 AM
Oh, and for $350 you get an Xbox360, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Skyrim, Ninja Gaiden II, Dragon's Dogma, Darksiders 1 and 2, Dark Souls, and Nier. Just sayin'.

The only non-Platinum game on that list I'm interested in is Dark Souls.

Platinum actually makes their games for PC first, more or less.  Which is one of the reasons why the 360 version of Bayo was beautiful and the PS3 version was a screaming wreck.  They just don't release them on PC, but I wouldn't let hope die on that front either, at least with regards to their non-Nintendo published work.

Yeah, I just read their interview on The Verge and now I have hope for PC versions, if it isn't Nintendo published. Especially since they need to make as many sales as possible and it'd be suicide to just ignore a platform with so little necessary to "port" to. But if all their future games are Nintendo published I'm set anyways.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 22, 2012, 02:18:45 AM
Dragon's Dogma is basically Monster Hunter but with a bigger world and less busy work, Ninja Gaiden II is a stylish action game, Darksiders 1 and 2 are basically Zelda by another name, and Nier is weird action game with a good story.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 03:03:20 AM
Dragon's Dogma is basically Monster Hunter but with a bigger world and less busy work, Ninja Gaiden II is a stylish action game, Darksiders 1 and 2 are basically Zelda by another name, and Nier is weird action game with a good story.

DD seems to shy away from the arcadey aspect of MH I like, NG2 just looks mindless, I'm amenable to Darksiders but the GT review of 2 put me off it (with the gameplay footage, not the review itself), and Nier seems too weird for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 22, 2012, 04:30:34 AM
Hmm, so I should pass on Darksiders II? I decided to get F1, Borderlands 2, One Piece Pirate warriors and Tekken Tag II instead this month, but still intended on picking it up cheap in November/December
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 22, 2012, 06:53:55 AM
i've already seen a ton of brandnew nthing Mass Effect and Assassin Creed fans.

the more the merrier

versus articles will be fun to watch/participate

lazy devs,use the gpgpu,use ram,anti-nintendo conspiracy...ohh
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 22, 2012, 07:32:23 AM
I was a Wii only gamer for about eight months.  I barely played any games and I bought it at the peak of the Wii software-wise (December 2007 to July 2008).  I was able to sell it at a profit too.  Even with the little gaming time I had, I still got really bored at what the Wii had to offer.

These days, due to the disposable income I have, I may just buy all of the consoles and handhelds (except Vita since the writing is on the wall with that turkey) to not miss out on anything I want to play.  I'm not anti-Nintendo as I am anti-Nintard as they are being really obnoxious right now.  Fortunately once the PS4 gets shown off, Sfags will be more than happy to compete for "Most Obnoxious Fanboy."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: The Sceneman on September 22, 2012, 08:40:00 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 22, 2012, 09:09:28 AM
Honestly, if I had to suggest any system right now to someone who hasn't owned either of the HD consoles, I'd probably suggest the ps3 (not the one coming out).

360 is the better hardware, but PS3 is the better value - You get a nice Blu Ray player if you've never owned one, and free online MP (plus access to HD Netflix, etc.). Spend the $50 a year you would have spent for XBL on PS+, and you get a nice rotating selection of "free" full PS3 games (plus minis and PS1 games, discounts on digital purchases, etc.).

That said, I wouldn't really recommend anyone buy either of the HD consoles at this point in time at their current price points.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 22, 2012, 09:19:04 AM
I do agree that PS3 provides a better value over 360 if you don't have a Blu Ray player.  It is also capable of 3D Blu Rays and games so for the few of us who have 3D TVs, it works pretty well.  Even on the games front, there's a lot to play at this point, even if the 360 has more games worth playing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 22, 2012, 09:30:26 AM
Yeah, in terms of 3rd party exclusives, X360 still has a lot of the Cave shooters and a few other games of that ilk, but the bulk of the exclusives were back in the early days.

Some games still run better on X360, but now the number of games on parity on the PS3 (and a couple that are better) are massively increased over the clusterfuck that was the early PS3.

Then there's the first parties - i've just fallen out with X360s games. Gears 2 provided some great moments in multiplayer (horde mode) but i've only just started playing GoW3 and... yeah... i don't care. Halo 4? Don't care. Forza? Don't care. I don't what it is - i know the games are likely at -least- good but i'm burnt out on all those series. PS3 has it's series too of course - Uncharted for instance, but recently i've just felt more inclined to play PS3 exclusives. Plus in the future i think Sony has more first party stuff coming and a few, ahem, rumoured large name console third party exclusives.

Add in the Bluray player and - yeah - if someone was looking to get a HD machine i'd say PS3 over X360 (-depending- on online gaming in relation to what your friends play, and whether Bayonetta is the reason to get one... in that case, get an X360)

You can't really go wrong with either - both have insane libraries.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on September 22, 2012, 09:55:04 AM
Next gen I will definitely go with WiiU (for Bayo 2 and the new Monolith game, plus I'm a big fan of Mario), and then who knows? Probably a PS4 for whatever niche Japanese games it gets (and I guess whatever mainstream AAAAAA western games it gets, since I highly doubt there will be much in the way of western MS exclusives outside of Halo/Gears/Forza which I don't like anyways), probably not a Durango since I don't think MS is gonna moneyhat Japanese developers again... Vita I might get on a firesale, or if it has a PSP-style second wind at some point. Probably not a gaming PC either, as the PC games I tend to enjoy are practically playable on Pentium II's for chrissakes.

This gen I owned all the consoles, but that happens when you have a good job and live at home and minimum expenses. Now that I've moved out, and have barely any time/money, I'll be a bit choosier.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 22, 2012, 10:07:53 AM
This gen I owned all the consoles, but that happens when you have a good job and live at home and minimum expenses. Now that I've moved out, and have barely any time/money, I'll be a bit choosier.

once i hit 2013, we'll have two kids with one at school in Japan (- $$$$$$ per year) so the wife has kindly suggested slowing down on the games front. Wii U clearance is granted but under the notion that i don't go fucking stupid like at previous launches and buy every piece of shit going. (AKA the "no Mahjong Fight Club" chat)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 22, 2012, 04:25:24 PM
uh oh, dilemma for andrex: (

do you love kamiya for choo-choo-choosing the wiiU, or do you hate him for his views on android?

I can't tell if that statement was positive or negative.

If it was negative it doesn't really matter, he most likely had a bad experience with a bad Android phone. Do they even sell the Nexus in Japan?

Honestly, if I had to suggest any system right now to someone who hasn't owned either of the HD consoles, I'd probably suggest the ps3 (not the one coming out).

360 is the better hardware, but PS3 is the better value - You get a nice Blu Ray player if you've never owned one, and free online MP (plus access to HD Netflix, etc.). Spend the $50 a year you would have spent for XBL on PS+, and you get a nice rotating selection of "free" full PS3 games (plus minis and PS1 games, discounts on digital purchases, etc.).

That said, I wouldn't really recommend anyone buy either of the HD consoles at this point in time at their current price points.

I'm fairly sure I'll get a PS3, it has House of the Dead 4 now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: huckleberry on September 22, 2012, 05:42:39 PM
yeah my wife is suggesting that we slow down with the vidya as well.  i have a tweenage son and a nine year old daughter so wii u and pc it is from here on in. throw in my daughters 3ds and ios games and that is more than we will ever need.

we bought a wii a month ago from craigslist for almost nothing and have been enjoying the hell out of that back catalog.....the wii u should make a pretty decent family machine at least.  i can always go to the pc for moar powa.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 22, 2012, 06:01:27 PM
Fortunately for me, I have a fairly decent pc that I won't HAVE to upgrade for at least another year probably, and a love for timesink arpg lootfests that require only an initial investment for hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of gaming.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: T-Short on September 22, 2012, 06:04:44 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 22, 2012, 11:42:40 PM
What it really comes down to is my priorities in games. I favor playing Nintendo games over completely new experiences, so my default is buying a Nintendo system as that's the only one their games are on. There's something to be said for familiarity. This isn't an unknown concept for the games industry, new IP's are seen as serious risks by everyone: publishers are afraid to spend money to fund them, and consumers are either ignorant of them until word of mouth hits or they actively avoid them, trying to stay in their personal safe zones.

Since I'm already buying a system per generation, I tend to stick with only that one for the generation for a variety of reasons. In the past, I haven't been able to get other systems because my family is generally not well-to-do. Instead of blowing $350 on a new system to even be able to access the few games I want for it, I'd rather reinvest that money in the system I already have. That $350 equals about 6 Wii games, or Wiimotes, etc. There are only about 6 or 7 PS3 or 360 games I want to play. For me, the cost-benefit analysis doesn't really work out.

More often these days, another issue is time, as I've brought up more than a few times. It's the reason I didn't own a 3DS until a few weeks ago. I've bought five Wii games this year and haven't beaten any of them. One I haven't even booted up (Fragile), three others I've barely put an hour or two into (Xenoblade, S&P, and Rock Band 3), and the last I struggle to find time to play even when I want to (Monster Hunter), mostly because it requires around an hour time investment minimum each time I want to jump in. Gaming isn't the only type of content I'm into these days; TV shows, movies, comics, and ebooks are all vying for my time. I'm too young to have found a good balance for all of this, and I'm constantly seeking a good way to divvy up my time.

For these reasons, I'm single-console only. I almost bought a PS2 in the middle of this generation, but that was about the time HD remakes and digital ports started to hit so I decided to wait in a price reduction of the current HD twins. As for why I don't buy a PS2 for $50 and go wild with $3-10 games, I apply the same concept to systems I have access to without the upfront cost. There's a lot of Virtual Console classics I have yet to play.

I believe there's a distinction to be made between being a fan of a certain first-party and being a console warrior; I would classify myself in the former group. I like Nintendo games, so I buy Nintendo consoles first. I don't buy other systems, because that time and money could be invested in the system I already have since I'm already being satiated with more content than I'll ever get to play.

As for third party games, there are some like Monster Hunter I'm a really big fan of. The console itself has nothing to do with it. I was excited for Resident Evil 5 since I loved 4, and thought I would eventually play it someday. I've been paying attention to RE6 for that reason, too.

You can say I'm not a "real gamer" since I don't buy all the consoles and invest 100 hours a week into the medium, but for me right now, it's just a light hobby, and I know what kind of games I like. That's all.

Holy Mental gymnastics Batman.

All i see here are fucking excuses just because you don't want to buy a system or systems that's not Nintendo. And you wonder why people keeping shitting on you and say you are a fanboy?.

You should be playing games and not companies man.

As for the current consoles i'm lucky i got some good deals when i got my PS3/360 because waiting for my price to appear would be fucking annoying due to these current prices :-\

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 22, 2012, 11:52:43 PM
Dragon's Dogma is basically Monster Hunter but with a bigger world and less busy work, Ninja Gaiden II is a stylish action game, Darksiders 1 and 2 are basically Zelda by another name, and Nier is weird action game with a good story.

DD seems to shy away from the arcadey aspect of MH I like, NG2 just looks mindless, I'm amenable to Darksiders but the GT review of 2 put me off it (with the gameplay footage, not the review itself), and Nier seems too weird for me.

oh my god kill me
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 22, 2012, 11:59:01 PM
Dragon's Dogma is basically Monster Hunter but with a bigger world and less busy work, Ninja Gaiden II is a stylish action game, Darksiders 1 and 2 are basically Zelda by another name, and Nier is weird action game with a good story.

DD seems to shy away from the arcadey aspect of MH I like, NG2 just looks mindless, I'm amenable to Darksiders but the GT review of 2 put me off it (with the gameplay footage, not the review itself), and Nier seems too weird for me.

oh my god kill me

saw that too but i think the massive mindfuck caused me to reject ever seeing it the first time  :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 23, 2012, 12:02:08 AM
to be fair to andrex the wii u version is based off the gimped pansy ass PS3 version and not the OG BLOOD EVERYWHERE, 100 deaths achievement, holy shit he just cut that werewolf in half, 5 frames per seconds on staircase epic battle 360 version.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 23, 2012, 12:24:06 AM
 :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 23, 2012, 12:43:34 AM
I waited too long to preorder and now all the close GS aren't taking orders anymore. I wasn't going to purchase it on launch day either way, since the money is tight and I've sworn off buying systems day 1, but the high demand is scaring me. I hope we're not seriously in for Wii's repeat.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on September 23, 2012, 02:02:42 AM
Dunno why Andrex bothered with that wall of text

Look son, I suck MS cocks daily and I am proud of it

Was that hard to say? Just admit you love Iwata's cock and be at peace
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 23, 2012, 02:06:25 AM
Whoa, what's going on in this thread? And why does Oscar keeps defending and speaking on Andy's behalf? He's never done that for me. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 23, 2012, 02:35:59 AM
Dunno why Andrex bothered with that wall of text

Look son, I suck MS cocks daily and I am proud of it

Was that hard to say? Just admit you love Iwata's cock and be at peace

...that's kind of what my post boils down to anyways.

I like first party Nintendo games. That's why I buy their systems. Not much else to it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 23, 2012, 02:37:26 AM
MCD is an inspiration to us all
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 23, 2012, 04:19:07 AM

Probably skinned to hell. Poor Japan.

Edit- It's stock, don't know what toke the dude's on then. Can't wait for him to try maps on the new iPhone and find that half of Japan is missing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 23, 2012, 05:19:52 AM
Shaka acts tough but he's really a precious flower that needs protecting. :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 23, 2012, 06:27:44 AM
I waited too long to preorder and now all the close GS aren't taking orders anymore. I wasn't going to purchase it on launch day either way, since the money is tight and I've sworn off buying systems day 1, but the high demand is scaring me. I hope we're not seriously in for Wii's repeat.
Nah, it's just a shiny new home console launch and we haven't had one of those in an exceptionally long time. It will probably be nightmarish to find one for the first month+ because it's launching right before holiday season and all.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 23, 2012, 08:05:09 AM
The Wii U will probably have a good holiday season, it will be February on that will be the test.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on September 23, 2012, 09:26:44 AM
Platinum actually makes their games for PC first, more or less.  Which is one of the reasons why the 360 version of Bayo was beautiful and the PS3 version was a screaming wreck.  They just don't release them on PC, but I wouldn't let hope die on that front either, at least with regards to their non-Nintendo published work.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2012, 03:08:45 AM
The Wii U will probably have a good holiday season, it will be February on that will be the test.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 24, 2012, 03:48:44 AM
bork pls.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2012, 03:53:25 AM
Credits to GAF!EmCee.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on September 24, 2012, 04:11:19 AM
Region locked confirmed
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 24, 2012, 04:28:14 AM
Will have to wait till the thing is hacked then, a large % of my gaming consists of imports. Speaking of, been having a hard time finding a reasonable priced copy of Wangan Midnight for PS3 :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 24, 2012, 04:42:56 AM
Was never really a doubt, was about 90% sure it would be the case but I guess I didn't want to comment on it till it became fact. I cant reasonably game with a region locked non hacked Nintendo console. Even the differences between NoA and NoE are unbearable, to not even touch the situation between NoJ and the west.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 24, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
Region Lock was pretty much expected
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 24, 2012, 11:25:36 AM
Region-free is a huge selling point for me, but I expect all systems to be region-locked until we find out otherwise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2012, 09:20:56 PM

I might get to play Vanquish and Bayonetta after all!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 24, 2012, 09:43:08 PM
Vanquish and Bayonetta on PC :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2012, 09:59:37 PM
Or 3DS. :drool

But mostly PC. :drool :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 24, 2012, 10:11:26 PM
lol at bayo or vanquish on 3ds
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 25, 2012, 05:42:26 AM


There may be some truth to the E6760 GPU from AMD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on September 25, 2012, 06:41:26 AM
The only important sentence is "this modification means that its specifications may differ greatly from retail GPUs". Let's judge the graphical output instead of theoretical numbers that don't mean anything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 25, 2012, 07:53:21 AM
that's an awesome rondo hatton gif
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 26, 2012, 12:28:42 AM
try e4690, wii u's been taped since well before it got iterated into the e6760
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on September 26, 2012, 01:22:21 AM
You guys need to realize that Nintendo didn't just walk down to the shop and pick up some of these cards and slap them in the box. They had their own more skilled engineers probably take multiple passes over the layout of the chip to remove bottlenecks, increase the design performance and add in more advanced technology features. Ninty understands that you can't just throw whatever in a box and get away with it, you have to take care and make sure that the technology is being used properly to produce elegant and artful game-play not just throw pixels around the screen with uncaring brute force.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 26, 2012, 01:37:10 AM
You guys need to realize that Nintendo didn't just walk down to the shop and pick up some of these cards and slap them in the box. They had their own more skilled engineers probably take multiple passes over the layout of the chip to remove bottlenecks, increase the design performance and add in more advanced technology features. Ninty understands that you can't just throw whatever in a box and get away with it, you have to take care and make sure that the technology is being used properly to produce elegant and artful game-play not just throw pixels around the screen with uncaring brute force.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on September 26, 2012, 02:43:12 AM
try e4690, wii u's been taped since well before it got iterated into the e6760

Thats a 2009 card, Iwata apparently said the GPGPU was a 2011 card but i cant find the links to where iwata said it just find people in forums saying it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 26, 2012, 08:16:48 AM
You guys need to realize that Nintendo didn't just walk down to the shop and pick up some of these cards and slap them in the box. They had their own more skilled engineers probably take multiple passes over the layout of the chip to remove bottlenecks, increase the design performance and add in more advanced technology features. Ninty understands that you can't just throw whatever in a box and get away with it, you have to take care and make sure that the technology is being used properly to produce elegant and artful game-play not just throw pixels around the screen with uncaring brute force.

Nintendo will take an Athlon 64 cpu to places you never thought possible. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 10:23:20 AM
try e4690, wii u's been taped since well before it got iterated into the e6760

Thats a 2009 card, Iwata apparently said the GPGPU was a 2011 card but i cant find the links to where iwata said it just find people in forums saying it.

He just said it was GPGPU, didn't mention any dates unless I'm missing something.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2012, 11:40:12 AM
From GAF:

Apparently Retro showed off their Wii U magic to Epic Games and got them to reconsider bringing Unreal Engine 4 to the system.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 26, 2012, 11:40:32 AM
So PC, 360 and PS3 are getting Mass Effect Trilogy (all three games) in November, but the WiiU is only getting ME3?

Cause that makes sense.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2012, 11:40:43 AM
You guys need to realize that Nintendo didn't just walk down to the shop and pick up some of these cards and slap them in the box. They had their own more skilled engineers probably take multiple passes over the layout of the chip to remove bottlenecks, increase the design performance and add in more advanced technology features. Ninty understands that you can't just throw whatever in a box and get away with it, you have to take care and make sure that the technology is being used properly to produce elegant and artful game-play not just throw pixels around the screen with uncaring brute force.

Nintendo will take an Athlon 64 cpu to places you never thought possible. :bow2 2021
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 12:02:43 PM
So PC, 360 and PS3 are getting Mass Effect Trilogy (all three games) in November, but the WiiU is only getting ME3?

Cause that makes sense.

That really makes no sense. Even more than the PS3, the Wii U needs a get-up-to-speed collection since it's missing both of the first two games...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 26, 2012, 12:26:37 PM
ME1 is coming to ps3? holy shit, haha. took six years.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 26, 2012, 12:40:16 PM
ME1 is coming to ps3? holy shit, haha. took six years.

Yep. Microsoft must have sold the rights to EA or something.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on September 26, 2012, 12:41:49 PM
Huh. Good move.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2012, 12:42:53 PM
So PC, 360 and PS3 are getting Mass Effect Trilogy (all three games) in November, but the WiiU is only getting ME3?

Cause that makes sense.

That really makes no sense. Even more than the PS3, the Wii U needs a get-up-to-speed collection since it's missing both of the first two games...

Cost of making a YouTube digest movie <<<<<<<<<<<< Porting ME1+2 to Weeoo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on September 26, 2012, 01:39:14 PM
So PC, 360 and PS3 are getting Mass Effect Trilogy (all three games) in November, but the WiiU is only getting ME3?

Cause that makes sense.

That really makes no sense. Even more than the PS3, the Wii U needs a get-up-to-speed collection since it's missing both of the first two games...

Maybe if Nintendo payed some $$$  to EA...

I don't think EA is investing a lot into this---PS3 version is coming at "some later date"(just one old game to port)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2012, 01:45:16 PM
You also have to ask "How much am I going to make from a port of a very complex 5-year-old game on launch hardware with a comparatively small audience that likely isn't even interested in this genre to begin with"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 01:59:23 PM
Launch day games:

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Skylanders Giants
Transformers Prime
Wipeout 3

Disney Interactive
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Electronic Arts
EA Sports FIFA Soccer 13

Namco Bandai
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition

New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Nintendo Land
SiNG Party

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Tecmo Koei
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

Darksiders II

Assassin's Creed III
ESPN Sports Connection
Just Dance 4
Rabbids Land
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013

Warner Bros.
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Game Party Champions
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2012, 02:42:18 PM
Man that's a sweet Xbox 360 lineup

Oh wait
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 26, 2012, 02:54:42 PM
Oh god, apart from that NSMB copy paste edition, thats totally a PS3/360 lineup.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on September 26, 2012, 02:59:44 PM
Oh god, apart from that NSMB copy paste edition, thats totally a PS3/360 lineup.
Ports and shitty minigame shit! :hyper
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 26, 2012, 03:42:16 PM
You have to remember, Andrex and the other hxc Nintendo whimsy herd haven't played 90% of the franchises on that list so it's like a whole new world to them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 04:18:58 PM
I don't see how it's much different from, say, "OMFG GREATEST LAUNCH LINUP EVER" Vita's launch list.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 26, 2012, 04:22:23 PM
ME1 is coming to ps3? holy shit, haha. took six years.

Yep. Microsoft must have sold the rights to EA or something.

A "trilogy bundles" could be their way of sidestepping the exclusivity clause.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 26, 2012, 04:25:20 PM
I don't see how it's much different from, say, "OMFG GREATEST LAUNCH LINUP EVER" Vita's launch list.

None of those games were playable on a handheld before. You can play loads of Wii U's launch titles on another console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 04:26:56 PM
None of those games were playable on a handheld before.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 26, 2012, 04:48:01 PM
When is Mario Kart HD coming?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 26, 2012, 04:55:18 PM
None of those games were playable on a handheld before.


Yeah, I forgot Ben 10: Galactic Racing was on 3DS before.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 26, 2012, 04:55:58 PM
When is Mario Kart HD coming?

Before Mario Party HD but after Mario Sportstravaganza HD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 04:57:42 PM
When is Mario Kart HD coming?

Before Mario Party HD but after Mario Sportstravaganza HD.

Actually, I'd say switch those around.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 26, 2012, 05:00:00 PM
When is Mario Kart HD coming?

Before Mario Party HD but after Mario Sportstravaganza HD.

Actually, I'd say switch those around.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on September 26, 2012, 05:06:24 PM
I wonder how many mini game comps Nintendo will release on Wii U. You've got Nintendoland, Game & Wario, and I'm sure we'll get Wii Sports U, Mario Party U, and Wii Party U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 26, 2012, 05:07:41 PM
Don't forget Mario Wii U Party and Princess Peach's Slumber Party Wii U HD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 26, 2012, 08:29:35 PM
Launch day games:

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Skylanders Giants
Transformers Prime
Wipeout 3

Disney Interactive
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Electronic Arts
EA Sports FIFA Soccer 13

Namco Bandai
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition

New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Nintendo Land
SiNG Party

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Tecmo Koei
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

Darksiders II

Assassin's Creed III
ESPN Sports Connection
Just Dance 4
Rabbids Land
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013

Warner Bros.
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Game Party Champions
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition

Mass Effect 3 isn't launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 08:42:25 PM
Launch window.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on September 26, 2012, 10:00:47 PM
So the ME trilogy comes out November 6th. And they can't even get ME at launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 26, 2012, 11:00:43 PM
And MH3U. As soon as one of those games gets released I'll buy one.

I don't hate Mario and co., but they rarely make me run out to buy a Nintendo system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2012, 11:07:28 PM
Omg Shaka's a hunter? :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on September 26, 2012, 11:22:11 PM
I normally avoid this thread since I have no interest in the Wii U but the launch title thing just struck me as too funny. I was browsing GAF and so many people were like OMG BEST LAUNCH EVER!

The launch titles outside of a couple rehashed Nintendo titles is the exact same one every other platform has this fall.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Diunx on September 27, 2012, 01:26:58 AM
Truly the beginning of a new generation.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on September 27, 2012, 01:31:16 AM

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

God damn EA
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on September 27, 2012, 02:28:02 AM
EA and Capcom should merge and become the ultimate force in gaming
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 05, 2012, 11:00:17 AM
Got to play one today. Controller does feel nice, it's not heavy and it is very comfortable.

NSMB - I enjoyed it and it nice to see Mario in HD but nothing ground breaking unless you count being able to cling to blocks. It looks pretty decent on the smaller screen too but the multiplayer mode is useless.
ZombiU - Some interesting ideas but there's not much going on. It seems like there's always some screen effect going on that distracts you from the fact it doesn't look very good. Controls are fine, the live inventory and the scanning function are nice uses of the second screen for a launch game.
AssCreed3 - Seemed to have some serious frame rate troubles at times, otherwise indistinguishable from the PS3/360 versions. The current/wind dispay on the second screen is a decent attempt but doesn't really add anything.
Rayman - Was probably the most fun I had with any of the Wii U games, but I don't see how it would be interesting single player. Most of the game pad stuff was gimmicky but at least they were trying something different. Also used the "pro controller" for this and I know everyone has said but the the buttons under the analogue stick is beyond stupid.
Sonic Racing - Ran at about 20fps for some reason, looked decidedly worse than the other HD versions. The second screen was a map with some 1/4 screen videos if something happened. Apparently it supports full play off the gamepad but it wasn't available
Batman - is Batman
Darksiders 2 - is Darksiders 2
Nintendo Land - lol

Came away with no real change in interest for the machine, if I didn't have a 360 or PS3 already I'd be more impressed by it. Nothing you didn't already know.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 05, 2012, 11:29:57 AM
preordered - boooom
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 05, 2012, 12:56:11 PM
Also used the "pro controller" for this and I know everyone has said but the the buttons under the analogue stick is beyond stupid.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 01:13:03 PM
MonHan sugoi desu ne.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 05, 2012, 01:15:20 PM
MonHan sugoi desu ne.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 01:28:57 PM
preordered - boooom

How many? :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 05, 2012, 02:13:11 PM
MonHan sugoi desu ne.

mods help
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 02:38:40 PM
Srsly though "MonHan" annoys me. I keep reading it like MonHam or ManHands.

I think MonHun's fine. Honestly it just rolls of my mind-tongue better than MH.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 05, 2012, 02:40:51 PM
MonHun is equally shitty... really any "cutesy" contraction is awful
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 05, 2012, 02:44:41 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 05, 2012, 02:53:40 PM
Andrex's first article got published at IGN!

Why? Because no-one does it better. No-one has ever done it better. Nintendo makes mistakes, few companies in gaming have made more dumb-moves than Nintendo, but it also innovates stronger, harder and faster than any other hardware manufacturer.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 05, 2012, 03:03:22 PM
Quote from: IGN
Why? Because no-one does it better. No-one has ever done it better. Nintendo makes mistakes, few companies in gaming have made more dumb-moves than Nintendo, but it also innovates stronger, harder and faster than any other hardware manufacturer.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 05, 2012, 03:25:14 PM
Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best

I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me
It tried to hide from your DS Light
But like heaven above me
The company that loved me
Is keepin' all my digital games safe tonight

And nobody does it better
But I never wish someone could
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good?

The way that you hold me
Whenever you hold me
There's some kind of whimsy inside you
That keeps me from runnin'
But just keep it comin'
How'd you learn to do the things you do?

Oh, and nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, baby, darlin', you're the best
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 05, 2012, 04:50:33 PM
Oh, and nobody listen to haters
Makes no sense to use the best
Nobody does that half-arsing as good as you
Baby, baby, darlin', you're sugoi desu

incredible ! :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 05, 2012, 05:08:59 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 05, 2012, 07:51:35 PM
MonHan sugoi desu ne.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 05, 2012, 08:17:05 PM
preordered - boooom

Just as I predicted on twitter!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 09:47:56 PM
Srsly though "MonHan" annoys me. I keep reading it like MonHam or ManHands.

I think MonHun's fine. Honestly it just rolls of my mind-tongue better than MH.

'MonHan' is the way Japanese people refer to it, because initialisms don't work well in Japanese (MH would be E-mu-e-chi-i, which is longer than saying mo-n-ha-n and a lot less clear).  'MonHun' is what try-hard English gamers call it, most of them not realizing that 'Mon-hun' means 'monster shit' in Japanese, which might actually be an appropriate description for Capcom's latest efforts, but certainly wouldn't be used by any Japanese fan of the series.

Who cares about the Japanese? It makes more sense to say MonHun in English. The only try-hards are those that call it MonHan in English to try and fit in with the hardcore Japanese crowd.

MonHan is the same as Medarot for me. Just looks absurdly stupid if anyone in English uses it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 05, 2012, 09:53:47 PM
Or you could just say "Monster Hunter" and not be an annoying knob.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 10:15:28 PM
I use MH and MonHun interchangeably. Just as I said before when I think up a sentence for a post, MonHun is what my mind goes to and it sounds better. This is the first time I've seen anyone anywhere accuse those of using MonHun in English as being a tryhard. You guys are hating to hate.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 10:37:57 PM
I've brought up its silliness before, even on GAF once, if I remember right.

Look, right off the bat, using another language's short-form when your own language's short-form is more efficient is stupid.  There's no question here that's the larger sin compared to the hun/han nonsense.  That is the aspect that is trying too hard.  Why are you using a Japanese short-form at all?  It makes no sense in English.

The second layer of the cake is that you're not only unnecessarily using foreign slang, you're using it incorrectly, and in a way that makes you look goofy (the whole hun = shit thing).  It's fine if you don't know and are making a silly mistake, but once you've been told about it, continuing to do it the wrong way is purposeful ignorance, which is probably one of the worst things in the world aside from buying a Windows 7 phone in October 2012.

For me it has nothing to do with the Japanese. MonHun sounds better in my head than MH. So that's what I usually use.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 05, 2012, 10:38:21 PM
MonHan is the same as Medarot for me. Just looks absurdly stupid if anyone in English uses it.

The reason Medarot is used in place of Medabots is to signify a difference between stuff that's released in the west (Medabots) and that which is Japan-only (Medarot). There's a distinction in the names that saves me some time so I don't have to say game xyz is Japan-only. It's the reason why people call Monster Hunter Portable 3rd that instead of Monster Hunter Freedom 3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 05, 2012, 10:55:34 PM
I had to put Andrex on ignore.  It's just too much for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on October 05, 2012, 11:07:31 PM
Just use MH, its 2 two letters for fuck sakes.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 05, 2012, 11:26:24 PM
Gameinformer interviews random people about the WiiU:

What i got out of the vid:
It seems while the Wii has been sold to a lot of non gamers, the lack on new content put the thing into the closet.  Wii sports definitely was the killer app anyone who says different are fools.  FOOLS.  Also people dont knwo much abotu the wiiU.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 05, 2012, 11:26:58 PM
>Implying Monster Hunter is relevant to shorten its name
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 05, 2012, 11:38:30 PM
Or you could just say "Monster Hunter" and not be an annoying knob.

This, but it has become increasingly clearer that "annoying knob" is Andy's default setting, really.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2012, 11:47:09 PM
MonHan is the same as Medarot for me. Just looks absurdly stupid if anyone in English uses it.

The reason Medarot is used in place of Medabots is to signify a difference between stuff that's released in the west (Medabots) and that which is Japan-only (Medarot). There's a distinction in the names that saves me some time so I don't have to say game xyz is Japan-only. It's the reason why people call Monster Hunter Portable 3rd that instead of Monster Hunter Freedom 3.

Eh it's still dumb. I doubt people used "Pocket Monsters Nobunaga" when nobody was sure if it was to be released. It's a series already established in the west, should use the western franchise name. You notice your example didn't change the series name, just the game subtitle.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 12:27:40 AM
I want to be a blowhard. How do I become that?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 12:28:46 AM
Also if me saying MonHun actually annoys you, I uh, don't know what to say, except you should probably chill out a little.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 01:06:45 AM
Not you, Lager, Dcharles, Creepy Old dude, etc.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 06, 2012, 01:11:02 AM
MonHan is the same as Medarot for me. Just looks absurdly stupid if anyone in English uses it.

The reason Medarot is used in place of Medabots is to signify a difference between stuff that's released in the west (Medabots) and that which is Japan-only (Medarot). There's a distinction in the names that saves me some time so I don't have to say game xyz is Japan-only. It's the reason why people call Monster Hunter Portable 3rd that instead of Monster Hunter Freedom 3.

Eh it's still dumb. I doubt people used "Pocket Monsters Nobunaga" when nobody was sure if it was to be released. It's a series already established in the west, should use the western franchise name. You notice your example didn't change the series name, just the game subtitle.

This is a very weaboo conversation, so much so that I'm kind of ashamed to have written this reply:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Pokemon is a name that has also been adopted in Japan alongside Pocket Monsters. When you say Pokemon there's no confusion about what you're talking about. It's the defacto name for that franchise in the west because pretty much everything Pocket Monsters has been released as Pokemon. That's not the case with this little robot franchise. The name "Medabots" has never been used in Japan, in fact "Medarot" written as such in English has appeared in the Japanese releases of the games, anime, and manga. As the franchise's localization record has been so poor there are 3 games released as "Medabots" in comparison to the 15+ that have only been released as "Medarot". This can lead to some confusion. If I were to say I was playing the first Medabots title that could refer to the first game released in the series, or the first game released in the west. Those are two very different games, one is an RPG and the other a fighter. If I were to say I was playing the first Medarot game there's no confusion over what I'm talking about.

As I said before, I don't refer to anything that has been released in English with the Japanese title. You do use "MonHun" or "MonHan" to refer to stuff that has been/is being released in English. Capcom's not helping with that shit though, since IIRC they used that moniker for one of the cat spinoffs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 01:30:29 AM
For me it doesn't come down to English/Japanese. Aside from MH having a bigger fanbase in Japan and thus the usage was more, I didn't know that they had exclusive total ownership of calling it "MonH_n."

I call it MonHun cause I like concatenations. PokeMon, MonHun. Tsukasa, mecasa.

Also, didntreadlol.jpg at the spoiler block.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 06, 2012, 02:09:22 AM
: /

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 06, 2012, 02:10:54 AM
what is it creepy old guy would say here

keep chicking that fucken, boys

Something something nintendo sucks something something
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 06, 2012, 02:20:53 AM
Forgot to mention this about Red ZombiU - you have to slide down to use the inventory, and slide up to close it. You drag items around. All of this has a level of lag anyone who has used a non-Nintendo touch screen device since 2007 would find infuriating.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 02:21:12 AM
Andrex's first article got published at IGN!

Why? Because no-one does it better. No-one has ever done it better. Nintendo makes mistakes, few companies in gaming have made more dumb-moves than Nintendo, but it also innovates stronger, harder and faster than any other hardware manufacturer.


I resent this.

I think I'm a much better writer than whoever wrote that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 06, 2012, 03:01:03 AM
I resent this.

oh? did they reject the first draft?

Not you, Lager, Dcharles, Creepy Old dude, etc.

Andrex - this is the internet - i don't care what anyone thinks or says, it's just one big arsehole playground.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2012, 03:22:05 AM
Such a playground that you had to delete your old account for "reasons." ;)

Also I could write a better first draft than what they published right now, at 3am in the morning.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 06, 2012, 03:37:23 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 06, 2012, 03:50:09 AM
Forgot to mention this about Red ZombiU - you have to slide down to use the inventory, and slide up to close it. You drag items around. All of this has a level of lag anyone who has used a non-Nintendo touch screen device since 2007 would find infuriating.

Please extrapolate.  I dont see the big deal atm.

EDIT:  I mean are you annoyed that they dotn have a button instead for the inventory?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 06, 2012, 04:17:34 AM
Such a playground that you had to delete your old account for "reasons"

this point isn't related to your other point. Yes, it is a playground, yes i deleted my account for real life reasons #shrug

If you think and of those are to do with being annoyed by you then go for it, i don't care.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 06, 2012, 06:12:28 AM
Forgot to mention this about Red ZombiU - you have to slide down to use the inventory, and slide up to close it. You drag items around. All of this has a level of lag anyone who has used a non-Nintendo touch screen device since 2007 would find infuriating.

Please extrapolate.  I dont see the big deal atm.

EDIT:  I mean are you annoyed that they dotn have a button instead for the inventory?

The idea is fine but the touch screen is so unresponsive and slow that it's useless.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 06, 2012, 06:24:58 AM
The idea is fine but the touch screen is so unresponsive and slow that it's useless.

I've seen it work in demos, maybe they had kinks in it in the past?  Even the 3ds touch screen was quite responsive so i dunno.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on October 06, 2012, 06:38:36 AM
The DS and 3ds touch screens are like the opposite of responsive especially after the invention of the smart phone
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 06, 2012, 07:13:57 AM
The idea is fine but the touch screen is so unresponsive and slow that it's useless.

I've seen it work in demos, maybe they had kinks in it in the past?  Even the 3ds touch screen was quite responsive so i dunno.

Could be just ZombiU related as I only played Rayman on the pro controller.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 06, 2012, 07:58:49 AM
The DS and 3ds touch screens are like the opposite of responsive especially after the invention of the smart phone

Not until recently.  Only AFAIK the Nokia Lumia 920 can detect a pen.  And i have never had a problem with the 3ds or ds touchscreen.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on October 06, 2012, 08:52:34 AM
It's cool that you are satisfied with shit, but the rest of the world has moved on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 06, 2012, 09:51:43 AM
all the local stores have preorders still available.

lol - this might be bomba
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 06, 2012, 11:03:54 AM
Such a playground that you had to delete your old account for "reasons"

this point isn't related to your other point. Yes, it is a playground, yes i deleted my account for real life reasons #shrug

If you think and of those are to do with being annoyed by you then go for it, i don't care.



:bow Father Ted :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 06, 2012, 11:05:42 AM
I just realized I got my first achievement in 2006, I really can't get excited for 2006 graphics anymore.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 07, 2012, 04:22:45 PM
I'm from the commonwealth, you can never take away my arse. You guys got well into it I see lol. I say MonHun because it's what everyone I play with say. I'd be a rather abrasive prick if I forced them all to go by the full name instead of what is comfortable to them. A slight conformity to keep my hunting pals happy, however I dont mind using the full name on bore since I've already bent over regarding this. Whats one more dick?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 07, 2012, 07:38:03 PM
Re: use of MonHan or whatever.

When talking to Jonnyram or whoever i think i just drop using anything other than the number/letter for that iteration, given that "monster Hunter" is partly redundant.

I mean - if i said "Should we play 3rdP?" - other than a possible kinky sex game, i'd assume most english speaking gamers -here- would know what i am talking about. Same with 3G , 2G. I guess when MH4 comes out i'll be typing MH4 and saying "Monster Hunter 4". I won't personally be using MonHan4.

The wife calls it MonHan but then she's half japanese and lives in Japan.

Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 07, 2012, 09:18:46 PM
The wife calls it MonHan but then she's half japanese and lives in Japan.

Totally unrelated: Your wife is only half Japanese? What's the other half?
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 07, 2012, 09:58:50 PM
Su-su-sugoi :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 08, 2012, 02:05:42 AM
Totally unrelated: Your wife is only half Japanese? What's the other half?


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 08, 2012, 03:58:06 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 08, 2012, 05:27:42 AM
and a gamer - with a knowledge that would shame most and a collection that dwarfs most too.

But unfortunately motherhood has somewhat taken it's toll on her spare time.

Today however we played quite a bit of EDF Vita. So hot, so so hot.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 08, 2012, 08:51:35 AM

Japaguese women. :drool
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on October 08, 2012, 01:22:10 PM
Such a playground that you had to delete your old account for "reasons"

this point isn't related to your other point. Yes, it is a playground, yes i deleted my account for real life reasons #shrug

If you think and of those are to do with being annoyed by you then go for it, i don't care.



:bow Father Ted :bow2

:heart Muckhole :heart
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 08, 2012, 08:54:46 PM
So some female rep says that the WiiU is 19x more powerful thasn the ps3.  ROFL.  Jesus christ.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 08, 2012, 10:35:43 PM
Rayman Legends delayed until Q1. Why buy one at launch now?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 08, 2012, 10:36:13 PM
So some female rep says that the WiiU is 19x more powerful thasn the ps3.  ROFL.  Jesus christ.

fits in with the nthing fantasy that keeps coming up with the word "imagine..."

Nthings : Well, she's maybe right. IMAGINE if it really is as powerful as next gen and next gen is really expensive but also SOny/MS are cost considerate yet for some reason put the machine out at $499 with it being around or on par with the Wii U!

Yes - that's right - sony/MS can't afford a next gen machine so they put out a shitty machine at a huge inflated price. I don't think the Nintendo model of deliberately ripping off their ill informed fanbase would work for them to be honest.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 08, 2012, 10:44:03 PM
Rayman Legends delayed until Q1. Why buy one at launch now?

Probably delayed until they can get the PS3/360/PC/Vita version ready.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 08, 2012, 10:50:45 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how single player would work.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 08, 2012, 10:57:32 PM
:lol no wonder they were only demoing it with 3+ players last week.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2012, 11:06:31 PM
Rayman Legends delayed until Q1. Why buy one at launch now?

Cause the superior platformer/series/multiplayer experience is still for launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 08, 2012, 11:54:05 PM
No, you have direct control over Rayman in the iOS game (though he runs forward on his own).  This one, you don't control Rayman at all.  He's A.I. controlled.  You use the tablet controller to draw platforms and activate switches and fans and all that fun shit.  :-\
oh god, wtf is this shit :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2012, 11:57:58 PM
No, you have direct control over Rayman in the iOS game (though he runs forward on his own).  This one, you don't control Rayman at all.  He's A.I. controlled.  You use the tablet controller to draw platforms and activate switches and fans and all that fun shit.  :-\
oh god, wtf is this shit :yuck

The Ancel Touch™
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2012, 11:59:05 PM
Wait, are you serious? There's no way to actually play as Rayman?


Wii U sounds worse and worse everyday.

You can play as Rayman in single-player normally for about 2/3 of the game. Otherwise, yeah. Gotta bust out that GamePad yo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 09, 2012, 12:05:35 AM
More like an anti-fan. Never really liked Ancel and his pompous frenchy face. :maf

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 09, 2012, 03:37:32 PM
Not a fan of the implication that yoshi touch and go wasn't a fun pseudo platformer, make a great eshop game actually.  Am a fan of the Ancel bashing,  :yuck Beyond Good and Evil
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 09, 2012, 05:06:47 PM
:bow EmCee :bow2

:piss Ancel :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 10, 2012, 05:12:48 PM
I agreeeeeeeeee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on October 10, 2012, 06:56:05 PM

"Experience Mario like never before... in full 1080p HD, only on the Wii U console!"

 :o :o :o
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 10, 2012, 06:58:13 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2012, 09:32:08 PM


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 11, 2012, 12:51:44 AM
:nfsw that shit andy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 11, 2012, 12:53:29 AM
What it's just some banana juice. ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 11, 2012, 02:47:17 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 11, 2012, 05:09:05 AM
Wii U's superior heat reduction is gonna make NSMB U so much more fun that the earlier games!
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 11, 2012, 05:46:53 AM
This is it people: the future is here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on October 11, 2012, 09:51:11 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 11, 2012, 10:24:30 AM
I ended up preordering the premium pack, just in case I decide I want it later and there's a shortage or something.  Some questions for those who've been keeping up:

has anything been said about how you transfer Wii data to the Wii U (VC games and locked saves like Smash Bros Brawl)?

can you play Wii/VC games on the controller? I heard about a "Wii mode," whatever that is.

does everything just use standard bluetooth connections like the Wii remote? that pro controller could be great for PC games if it works.  And does the pro controller have rumble and analog shoulder buttons?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on October 11, 2012, 10:46:36 AM
I heard they ditched BT for cheaper 2.4ghz stuff so it can catch interference from wireless phones and routers.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 11, 2012, 03:39:25 PM
my wife is portuguese too
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 11, 2012, 05:20:29 PM
my wife is portuguese too


bro fists!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Positive Touch on October 11, 2012, 05:41:34 PM
im part portuguese too will you guys marry me
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 12, 2012, 07:19:33 AM
you can be the middle patty in our Big Mac-bang
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on October 12, 2012, 07:42:55 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on October 12, 2012, 08:12:18 AM
Knew it was a typo.

:piss Nintendo :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 12, 2012, 09:14:36 AM
But it's still in 1080w.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on October 12, 2012, 09:17:15 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 12, 2012, 09:46:20 AM
It's 480p! That's technically HD, guys!!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 12, 2012, 10:28:45 AM
It's 480p! That's technically HD, guys!!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 12, 2012, 12:18:58 PM
Technically it's 720p + 480p since it's doing stuff on the TV and controller screen.  Smaller hit than 1080p (or 720p 3D).  But it's...something something.

I wonder if there's going to be a thing where some games suffer/benefit from playing with two/one screen.  There are a few PS3/360 games that run smoother at a lower resolution.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 12, 2012, 12:31:17 PM
Technically it's 720p + 480p since it's doing stuff on the TV and controller screen.  Smaller hit than 1080p (or 720p 3D).  But it's...something something.

I wonder if there's going to be a thing where some games suffer/benefit from playing with two/one screen.  There are a few PS3/360 games that run smoother at a lower resolution.

Almost definitely.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 13, 2012, 12:57:39 AM
my wife is portuguese too


bro fists!

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 13, 2012, 01:25:14 AM


1080p dreams crushed everywhere this week

Nintendo fans have no doubt been excited about Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops II making its way onto the Nintendo Wii U next month (Nov. 18 to be exact).

However, after the publisher had previously stated that the game could run at 60fps and at 1080p, gamers have been asking the question as to whether or not that 1080p is native or if the console will upconvert it.

Today, Activision confirmed to us via email that “The game is not natively 1080p”, which of course means that it’s the Wii U that will be able to upconvert it, since the system supports the format.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on October 13, 2012, 05:11:16 AM


1080p dreams crushed everywhere this week

Nintendo fans have no doubt been excited about Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops II making its way onto the Nintendo Wii U next month (Nov. 18 to be exact).

However, after the publisher had previously stated that the game could run at 60fps and at 1080p, gamers have been asking the question as to whether or not that 1080p is native or if the console will upconvert it.

Today, Activision confirmed to us via email that “The game is not natively 1080p”, which of course means that it’s the Wii U that will be able to upconvert it, since the system supports the format.

i really hope they didn't believe it was native.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 13, 2012, 05:22:34 AM
I was reading elsewhere that 720p is higher than every game on the 360/PS3.

Besides, most people can't even tell the difference, their HDTV probably is only 720p or plugged in with component or will scale it up. I'm sure there's a limit to how many pixels the human eye can see anyway, you know how you can't see over 24 fps which leaves everything above it looking fake?

And with all the extra shaders and tech you don't want to waste it on 1080p when you can put out something that looks fantastic at less.

Plus, it's not like you can easily just scale games up, you can't just flip a switch or change a number and render a game at a higher resolution. Those are tons of development resources that will be wasted on making all these extra pixels instead of fine tuning the gameplay. I think Nintendo understands which one is going to get more people to actually PLAY the games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 13, 2012, 06:20:24 AM
I was reading elsewhere that 720p is higher than every game on the 360/PS3.
Stop visiting ninthing infested sites.Large majority of PS360 games are 720p native.

Besides, most people can't even tell the difference, their HDTV probably is only 720p or plugged in with component or will scale it up. I'm sure there's a limit to how many pixels the human eye can see anyway, you know how you can't see over 24 fps which leaves everything above it looking fake?

And with all the extra shaders and tech you don't want to waste it on 1080p when you can put out something that looks fantastic at less.
Simply put,you suck.

Plus, it's not like you can easily just scale games up, you can't just flip a switch or change a number and render a game at a higher resolution.
Of course you can(if you have enough VRAM),changing the res is the easiest thing to do these days.The problem is that framerate will drop.

Those are tons of development resources that will be wasted on making all these extra pixels instead of fine tuning the gameplay. I think Nintendo understands which one is going to get more people to actually PLAY the games.
Not touching this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on October 13, 2012, 07:57:21 AM
Those are tons of development resources that will be wasted on making all these extra pixels instead of fine tuning the gameplay. I think Nintendo understands which one is going to get more people to actually PLAY the games.

Fine tuning the gameplay? Nintendo must've missed the memo when developing the Wii.

The majority of Wii games control like utter shit.

Ugly graphics and shitty controls: Nintendo
Sure, a lot of people play Nintendo's games. But the majority of people have very low standards. It's the same with McDonnalds.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 13, 2012, 08:01:57 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 13, 2012, 08:02:49 AM
The reality -surely- has to be dawning in on Nthings now about where the power of the Wii U sits?

The "Imagine if it's as powerful as the next gen" "It'll be getting downports because it's so powerful" and other fantastic flights of fantasy are surely now a bunch of blood stained feathers on the ground... surely?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 13, 2012, 09:14:22 AM
epic work from benji on this page. maxy annihilated
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 13, 2012, 12:04:25 PM
Look, Nintendo clearly did vast research and realized that optimizing existing hardware so that it could best serve superior gameplay purposes AND fit in a rational form factor was the best course of action rather than just throwing as many complex parts as they could quickly get their hands on in a jumble until they filled up something the size of a VCR. And I certainly trust their studied engineers over some random forum boobs on what will actually deliver the most sophisticated gameplay possible.

And really, if you want to actually be objective about the WiiU you have to realize that few of these games shown and talked about were actually built for the ground up on the WiiU let alone around its amazing capabilities. A lot of them are ports and you can't just take something built for the 360, shove it onto another platform and get it running better without months of serious hard work to optimize it to the new hardware. This simply isn't possible.

The real test will be when Nintendo gets their hands on the hardware and starts applying their unmatched knowledge to revolutionize gameplay. Not when Activision and THQ and Rocksteady and so on just port over old outdated boring tech and game design. Maybe those companies won't go out and apply themselves to the new paradigms Nintendo is presenting once they can escape the shackles of last gen. But that's not a slight on what Nintendo has designed here. It's just confirmation about what we should already know about their imaginations.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 13, 2012, 12:11:36 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on October 13, 2012, 01:33:50 PM
The WiiU was outdated in 2005. Have fun playing Ps360 ports until the new Playstation and Xbox arrive.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 13, 2012, 03:07:24 PM
The WiiU was outdated in 2005. Have fun playing Ps360 ports until the new Playstation and Xbox arrive.

I will.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
:bow On my PC. :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 13, 2012, 05:19:59 PM
the Wollan picture needs updated to show the Wii U mobile driving around and around the "Next gen, you made it!" empty campsite before parking up
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 13, 2012, 05:29:50 PM
The WiiU was outdated in 2005. Have fun playing Ps360 ports until the new Playstation and Xbox arrive.

Don't forget Vita ports!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 13, 2012, 07:12:26 PM
You make a good point actually Andrex :

Previous tech bracket : 3DS, Wii, Xbox, PS2, GC, PSP
current tech bracket : X360, PS3, Wii U, Vita

the Vita and Wii U add two extra potential streams for companies who don't want to shift off current tech - so maybe the Wii U can help the Vita? I mean - if you're a 3rd party you might as well port across to Vita then you can have a chance of hitting at least two platforms where you games aren't going to sell rather than just one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 13, 2012, 07:17:15 PM
Finally, a use for the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 13, 2012, 07:21:50 PM
wow, that gaf wii u spec thread is DELUSIONAL
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 13, 2012, 07:30:48 PM
i can already see a few people shifting over to the "Nintendo has brought innovation rather than just bringing over MORE PIXELS"

... the punchline to all this is so hilariously funny that even THAT argument is going to get tossed out of the window as well.

Heartbrake truck coming to Nintendo town - i would be jumping straight to : "Well, Nintendo 1st party games are the best games ever" as my prime pro-Nintendo argument.

Also - i love the "you have to give the Wii U -two years- for it to show it's potential over the X360/PS3" crowd.
hooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit.

Iwata : Last gen starts when we say it does.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on October 13, 2012, 07:33:16 PM
wow, that gaf wii u spec thread is DELUSIONAL

Do you have any info on how powerful the CPU's supposed to be?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 13, 2012, 07:43:14 PM
yes? it's a downclocked iteration of the power7 with a castrated cache and 3 or 4 cores (i think one's disabled). it's a "celeron" take on the ppc. it's refined versus the 360 cpu (same arch), but is slightly more than half the clocks. supposedly the embedded bus supports broadway instructions but i got a) no idea how that works, and b) no idea how someone that isn't nintendo or ibm would know that. it sounds garbage relative to modern cpus.

more annoying are the gpgpu fantasies. PRETTY sure the gpu is an embedded radeon (e4670 or something) DESIGNED for low power graphic devices. it's not gonna do general ANYTHING. nintendo's requirements are a) low power draw; b) bulk price; and c) heat emission. actual processing power falls somewhere between buttplug attachments and unicorn fart noises in their engineering priority list.

altogether, for PRACTICAL consideration, it's a 360+. it'll do 360 games with a full 720p frame buffer and better textures, and with better quality shader effects. it'll eventually have the best versions of the remaining 360/ps3 port opportunities. you know, what pc gamers got back in 2007.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on October 13, 2012, 07:49:26 PM
u jelly, drinky? :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 13, 2012, 07:55:43 PM
oh no, i know what next gen holds :teehee

i have such sights to show you
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on October 13, 2012, 07:57:18 PM
I really don't see what's so innovative about the WiiU.
The original Wii had motion controls - albeit very shitty ones. But still, it was newish and refreshing. Our moms and grandparents really loved it, before they dumped it in their closet.

But the WiiU being innovative?
And don't mention the tablet as being something that's innovative btw. You'll only embarrass yourself.

The only innovative thing about the WiiU are the new lame excuses coming from the ntards. Their delusions are always a sight to behold.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 13, 2012, 07:57:37 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Oblivion on October 13, 2012, 07:58:45 PM
oh no, i know what next gen holds :teehee

i have such sights to show you


So I guess all those rumors of Wii-U being 5-6X more powerful than a 360 were bunk.  :'( Real shame, though at least it has double the RAM, which I guess is...something?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 13, 2012, 08:26:23 PM
Just think of all the exciting new content and new worlds and experiences they can fit into all that RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on October 13, 2012, 08:43:44 PM
Yes, Nintendo could finally release a NSMB game with decent backgrounds thanks to all that RAM. I'm sure those backgrounds are the main reason why the game couldn't be 1080p. They look sooo gooodd
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 13, 2012, 09:59:47 PM
Meh the last 2 pages of this thread are distinguished mentally-challenged.  For me Nintendo own monolithsoft, I need the wiiu for their game alone.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 13, 2012, 10:08:21 PM
Meh the last 2 pages of this thread are distinguished mentally-challenged.  For me Nintendo own monolithsoft, I need the wiiu for their game alone.


"Wii U fanboys on GAF are sooo delusional OMG. :omg"

"Water is soooo wet OMG. :omg"

Who cares?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Barry Egan on October 14, 2012, 12:50:43 PM
It matters because deflating the fantasies of people who have a motivated interest in deceiving themselves is the secondary pleasure of the internet, after pornography.  Duh. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: headwalk on October 14, 2012, 01:05:54 PM
it's a cute irony that game consoles, original pushers of bleeding edge computer tech in the home, are now the only high end tech purchase which enthusiasts make without any knowledge of specs.

nintendo should sell cars. fuck your max torque.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 14, 2012, 01:18:51 PM

"Wii U fanboys on GAF are sooo delusional OMG. :omg"

"Water is soooo wet OMG. :omg"

Who cares?
Exactly. I was trying to tell these guys and they don't believe the basic facts, they're all LOOK AT THE PIXEL SHADERS. Nobody who was buying the Wii or Guitar Hero or the DS were caring about any of that tech crap. They wanted solid and innovative gameplay.

Nintendo was out there at the forefront bringing in all these people who didn't care about video games but loved Wii Sports and all the other active gaming visions. Now, they're pivoting and giving the hardcore something that matches what they know. It's the best of both worlds. They deliver the innovative gameplay on one hand, and also supply fantastic modern tech at a budget price on the other.

Yet all these dopes can do is whine that it's not good enough when it's better than anything that exists currently. It's a fucking joke when not only the tech but the gameplay bring the Nintendo know-how instead of the Sony budget-busting auteur or Microsoft corporate vomit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 14, 2012, 08:15:48 PM




* - with a 30 minute delay.

30 minutes pass
30 minutes pass
transmissions end. Game time clock update : +0.00
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 14, 2012, 08:24:46 PM
Yeah but nobody does it better than Nintendo.  Nobody.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 14, 2012, 09:04:19 PM
2007 - FPS no longer terribly uncreative genre for Sonyers
2012 - FPS no longer terribly uncreative genre for Ntards
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 14, 2012, 09:24:40 PM




* - with a 30 minute delay.

30 minutes pass
30 minutes pass
transmissions end. Game time clock update : +0.00

You assume COD will be online.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 14, 2012, 10:08:55 PM
2007 - FPS no longer terribly uncreative genre for Sonyers
2012 - FPS no longer terribly uncreative genre for Ntards

Metroid Prime?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 14, 2012, 10:18:51 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 14, 2012, 10:21:36 PM

So creative it invented a new genre, apparently!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 14, 2012, 10:25:44 PM
Geist :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 14, 2012, 10:26:34 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 14, 2012, 11:27:23 PM
fwiw, I think it's cool third parties aren't abandoning the pointer controls for the WiiU version.  And that local multiplayer thing (one on the TV, one on the pad) is swell.

I'm not all that interested in these multiplatform games since most come to PC these days.  The kinds of stuff I'd buy are a Virtua Cop collection or Silent Scope or other arcade game ports.  Ghost Squad is one of the best Wii games, and the most I've used my Move was for HotD4.

Not so much this:


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Maybe a little bit for $5
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 15, 2012, 12:40:41 AM
I want to know what Scamco was smoking when they decided to make TANK! TANK! TANK! (All caps and exclamation marks required) a retail release.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 15, 2012, 12:55:11 AM
Why not? That's one of the more interesting-looking launch titles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 15, 2012, 01:03:05 AM
Why not? That's one of the more interesting-looking launch titles.

faint praise
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 15, 2012, 04:29:03 AM
X720/PS4 : Diminishing returns, lol
Wii U : OMFG 2% better! #brofist

Is basically where we are headed

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 15, 2012, 07:33:09 AM
Don't forget Wii U lead versions with 720/PS4 up-ports
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 15, 2012, 07:40:56 AM
and Wii U lead versions for X360/PS4 with port downs for those lesser consoles. That's DEFINITELY going to happen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 15, 2012, 08:12:24 AM
I could see that being true for a handful of exceptions. Having a secondary touchscreen is awesome in games like Professor Layton, Inazuma Eleven and Etrian Odyssey. I doubt any of them will make it to the Wii U though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Third on October 15, 2012, 08:16:55 AM
I don't get the wiitab praise. I'm sure it'll be great for mini games. But it looks really gimmicky and distracting in other games.

Remote gameplay sounds nice though. But not many games will use it, I think.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 15, 2012, 08:27:03 AM
Oh, I agree with you when it comes to those games Borys.

Remote play doesn't appeal to me at all. The PS3 has had it for years (for some titles) and I've only tried it once. If someone is hogging the TV then I can play games on another system or pick up a book.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 15, 2012, 08:55:55 AM
I don't get the wiitab praise.

Who's praising it? Ninfans. Who's it released by? Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on October 15, 2012, 10:02:16 AM
X720/PS4 : Diminishing returns, lol
Wii U : OMFG 2% better! #brofist

Is basically where we are headed

 :lol :lol
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 15, 2012, 10:35:32 AM
X720/PS4 : Diminishing returns, lol
Wii U : OMFG 2% better! #brofist

Is basically where we are headed

Haha, so true.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: headwalk on October 15, 2012, 10:49:12 AM
I want to know what Scamco was smoking when they decided to make TANK! TANK! TANK! (All caps and exclamation marks required) a retail release.

it's a reference to their ceo's comments regarding the wiiu's prospects when he was delivered a spec sheet.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 15, 2012, 12:23:10 PM
Remote play, per se, is awesome for every single game out there - for those short bursts when you do not feel like turning the TV on.

But it alone is not enough in order to pick the same game on the Wii U over a picture perfect (1080p, 60fps, AA, texture mods etc.) PC version. Nor is the added, superficial WiiTab crap that more than often will end like the DS 2nd screen usage ie. being relegated to Inventory and Map screen.

Zombie U has some clever Wii U tab usage but it looks like it will feel tiring and annoying after 40 minutes of play.

Remote play is cool.  I want the community to get the pad working on PC.  It has more value as an accessory, to me.  I wouldn't pay more for worse versions of the same game just to use the feature.

If anyone has a Vita (...) and PS3, one or two games were updated with the newer remote play system.  I tried Shadow of the Colossus and it's a pretty big improvement over the PSP's remote play.  Games are actually playable now.  It (presumably) can't compare with Wii U, since the image quality isn't great and there's still a bit of lag, but it's neat to try and get a feel for it.

For dual screen games I just want something with complicated controls like Chou Soujuu Mecha MG or an Infinite Space where all the gameplay is on the pad and your TV serves as the ship's viewscreen.  So far there's nothing interesting done for single player games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 15, 2012, 01:31:08 PM
There is no lag on WiiU pad play.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 15, 2012, 08:48:12 PM
So people at neogaf are comparing the 6670 to the 4870 and they found it to be about 25% weaker than the 4870.  Sounds about right for porting the game from the 360.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 15, 2012, 08:50:17 PM
honest question: how does the modified 6670 run with the wattage that the wii U will have available?

At the moment, i expect Wii U to produce results about inline with my MBP2010 model.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 15, 2012, 09:05:45 PM
I assume that the 6670 uses about 100 watts because 1 6670 requires 400 watt power supply and 2 in crossfire mode requires 500 watt power supply.  Since the GPU is embedded next to the cpu it needs less i assume.  Its been a while since i have looked at these kinds of things.  Also if it uses the 28 nm tech it will uses even less.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 16, 2012, 01:00:22 AM
the e6670 versus the e4690? it's definitely an embedded part. i have it on pretty good authority that it's STILL an e4690 (which wasn't far off from my off-the-cuff 4670m prediction, go me!) but that could have changed just because all the e4690 fab lines are now e6670 ones? ultimately, fuck if i know. i don't pay much attention to low-end gpus.

the e4870 was for general engineering prototyping kits ONLY (not wii u kits, lab prototyping kits for modeling environments). i don't think it EVER got much of a production run, and if i recall correctly, it was 2/3rds the perf of the e4690? memory is hazy, since the presentation was eons ago

i suppose an e6670 is plausible, but geez, the embedded parts are even soggier than the equivalent mobility solutions

edit: - -slides 16-18. e4870 *is* more powerful the e4690, duh (sometimes the numbering is suspect, i blame intel for making me question model numbering schemes), but man i remember being kinda confused by the amd rep in general. it probably didn't help that NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT EMBEDDED PARTS
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 16, 2012, 01:08:58 AM
in short, the wii u continues nintendo's established trend of shitty behind-the-times hardware and at this point we're just quibbling over the per-turd peanut count
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 16, 2012, 03:15:08 AM
I really dont know why Nintendo even try for the high end *cough* market it is kind of stupid imo.  They can but it isnt their business model style.  So they are going for a high end market with shitty hardware and shitty business model.  Recipe for disaster.  Nintendo should re aim the same market as the wii, kids and peopel who dont like consoles.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 16, 2012, 03:29:15 AM
I don't think they are going for the high end market. I mean - strategically - this has nothing to do with hitting the "high end", only a segment of the fans think they are.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 16, 2012, 03:53:37 AM
Then there is no problem then and they shouldnt try to get ports of games.  They should embrace new software for their console.  Who the hell woudl buy the system for ports?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 16, 2012, 04:01:49 AM
Who the hell woudl buy the system for ports?
People who only play games on Nintendo systems?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on October 16, 2012, 04:04:55 AM
Who the hell woudl buy the system for ports?
People who only play games on Nintendo systems?

people who only play nintendo systems dont buy third party software anyway.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 16, 2012, 04:15:25 AM
I don't think that's true. Take a look at Andrex and his newfound love for Monster Hunter. He was also interested in the worst version of Metal Gear Solid 3.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 16, 2012, 07:03:55 AM
if marco's that guy who used to have a teddy ruxpin avatar, he's a fucking moron.  i would advise not reading anything he writes lest your brain melt.

He's the guy who wrote the Steve Jobs x Nintendo fan fiction after the Nintendo E3 bust. He's also pretty crazy thinking Lord Nintendo can do no wrong, and that the Wii U's success is not only guaranteed, it'll also push 3DS sales to another level.


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 16, 2012, 07:09:57 AM
I think everyone should be on the same page. The Wii was distinctly different until Kinect.

Every semi-attractive female I know liked Guitar Hero and various Wii things. These two setups were epic to have during that period. A small couple are people who played SNES/Genesis games, like one who really loves Donkey Kong Country way too much (hates 2 but loves 3...WTF), but most of the rest maybe played Duck Hunt or Tetris or Bejeweled or some Mario. My 80 year old grandmother never played a video game in her life, barely understood the concept, but enjoyed Wii Bowling because hey, it's like at the alley back in the day when we let loose after the sock hop, but on my TV! Anecdotes, of course.**

Who wants the Wii U, except for people who think it's an iPad like Wii add-on? You're not going to get that this time. Especially with what they have shown*.

And you know there's no chance the Kinect next gen isn't part of the 720 or Durango or whatever it is. At least as a bundle. The Wii U bundles aren't even coming with Wiimotes* (since you need motion plus from now on) are they?!?

*Without a new and innovative Wii Sports, who wants this at launch? I know I know, with the name and shit people will just think it's a new Wii game. And that's the point.

**EDIT: To add to this, my mother enjoyed Wii Sports for what it was, but only just in the last six months discovered Wii Sports Resort with the swordfighting game (maybe she'll play the rest someday) when I got some wiimotionpluses through that FlingSmash giveaway from Best Buy, along with when I was home for a bit seeing Mario Kart Wii (she used to love playing Super Mario Kart two decades ago and this was her first return to the franchise since). Couldn't get it to work online with their wifi, though I'm sorta afraid to make it work...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 16, 2012, 07:41:20 AM
And you know there's no chance the Kinect next gen isn't part of the 720

it's not. Sorry.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 16, 2012, 07:44:30 AM
I'm pretty sure society will collapse without more Dance Central. At least we know who to blame.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 16, 2012, 08:05:50 AM
I can't tell how to take benji's posts in this thread now.

I've said it before, and I'll reiterate it now: this system has no meaningful market past the Nintendo faithful.  I'm betting it tops out at 20-30 mill WW, same as Gamecube and N64.

I think they've got 6-12 months to make hay while the sun shines, but once the new consoles are out they're SOL outside of the market you mention. They'll get some early adopters on board because it's the first new console in six years, out just before Xmas, and here it's relatively well priced compared to competition. I think the real killer is going to be what helped the Wii - word of mouth.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 16, 2012, 08:23:16 AM
I can't tell how to take benji's posts in this thread now.
I was just mostly rewording GAF posts the other day or extrapolating to what they'll say next. Thread has just been too anti-Nintendo. It's like people are forgetting these are the folks who made Zelda and Metroid and Wii Sports and Wii Party. They aren't going to abandon the real gamer.

I think there's posts a while back where I'm agreeing with Oscar and crew that I just don't know who wants this. If they know it's not a Wii add-on.  And based on this page, we're still all in agreement about this.

Also, I had just assumed there would be a Kinect bundle + "hardcore" bundle for next Xbawk. But apparently not?

Nintendo just needs to deliver the innovative gameplay we expect. Who cares about graphics?

The best games of the year are FTL and Thirty Flights of Loving, I think the Wii U could handle them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 09:27:54 AM
I've said it before, and I'll reiterate it now: this system has no meaningful market past the Nintendo faithful.  I'm betting it tops out at 20-30 mill WW, same as Gamecube and N64.

Seeing as how this generation will probably last even LONGER than the current one (because it will be the LAST) I actually see it capable of selling 40-50 million units.  That is not a compliment.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 10:02:45 AM
I can't tell how to take benji's posts in this thread now.

I was gonna post the same thing. :lol

I've said it before, and I'll reiterate it now: this system has no meaningful market past the Nintendo faithful.  I'm betting it tops out at 20-30 mill WW, same as Gamecube and N64.

Seeing as how this generation will probably last even LONGER than the current one (because it will be the LAST) I actually see it capable of selling 40-50 million units.  That is not a compliment.

That is what I'm predicting.

Edit- The sales, not the other junk.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 10:49:53 AM
There's no feasible way this thing sells 40-50 million in a normal 5 year console lifespan.  None.  Zero.  I will legally change my name to Tom Nook's Bitch if it does.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on October 16, 2012, 11:20:08 AM
i agree with COG that this'll be the longest generation for hardware, but i also think it'll be the shortest generation for retail "on store shelves" games

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 11:23:09 AM
Maybe (HOPEFULLY) for 720/PSquad, but the weeeeeoooooo won't have the necessary hardware to support dl'ing games.  (oh wait, we were talking about ACTUAL NEXT GEN stuff.  my bad :smug)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on October 16, 2012, 11:41:52 AM
Maybe (HOPEFULLY) for 720/PSquad, but the weeeeeoooooo won't have the necessary hardware to support dl'ing games.  (oh wait, we were talking about ACTUAL NEXT GEN stuff.  my bad :smug)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 16, 2012, 11:58:40 AM
i agree with COG that this'll be the longest generation for hardware, but i also think it'll be the shortest generation for retail "on store shelves" games

I expect game sizes to balloon a lot next gen.Don't be surprised if you see multiple 50 GB blu-ray discs games.

They will mysteriously shrink for DD services though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 12:01:38 PM
Maybe (HOPEFULLY) for 720/PSquad, but the weeeeeoooooo won't have the necessary hardware to support dl'ing games.  (oh wait, we were talking about ACTUAL NEXT GEN stuff.  my bad :smug)

 :dizzy You can DL full games from day one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 12:27:50 PM
Maybe (HOPEFULLY) for 720/PSquad, but the weeeeeoooooo won't have the necessary hardware to support dl'ing games.  (oh wait, we were talking about ACTUAL NEXT GEN stuff.  my bad :smug)

 :dizzy You can DL full games from day one.

And store them on what, fuckbreath?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 16, 2012, 12:30:15 PM
And store them on what, fuckbreath?
Aren't you supposed to be able to use any USB 2.0 external HDD?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 12:31:09 PM
And store them on what, fuckbreath?
Aren't you supposed to be able to use any USB 2.0 external HDD?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 12:47:14 PM
And store them on what, fuckbreath?
Aren't you supposed to be able to use any USB 2.0 external HDD?

And SD cards.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 16, 2012, 12:59:18 PM
SD cards are fine for smaller games, but for full retail releases you'll probably need several hundred GB.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 16, 2012, 01:08:10 PM

I expect game sizes to balloon a lot next gen.Don't be surprised if you see multiple 50 GB blu-ray discs games.

They will mysteriously shrink for DD services though.

It would be interesting to see what game would even fill a 50 gig disk, unless we're talking uncompressed everything.  Makes me wonder if these companies won't just learn from PC and release multiple files for digital copies.  Games like Skyrim, Crysis 2, and Sleeping Dogs have addition downloads for high texture packs.  Some are close to 4 gigs.  Still, Skyrim's base is only like ~6 gigs because it reuses a lot.

I think some games on the PSN are 10 to 14 gigs.  Biggest I've seen on PC are Max Payne 3 or Rage at around 30 gigs.  Rage is kinda sloppy at that, so if they included better textures it would be much bigger.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 01:16:54 PM
SD cards are fine for smaller games, but for full retail releases you'll probably need several hundred GB.

3DS supports cards up to 128 GB (unofficially.) Although I've heard that might not be optimal for Wii U since the games could be over the filesystem limits.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 16, 2012, 01:17:52 PM
I can't tell how to take benji's posts in this thread now.
I was just mostly rewording GAF posts the other day or extrapolating to what they'll say next. Thread has just been too anti-Nintendo. It's like people are forgetting these are the folks who made Zelda and Metroid and Wii Sports and Wii Party. They aren't going to abandon the real gamer.

I think there's posts a while back where I'm agreeing with Oscar and crew that I just don't know who wants this. If they know it's not a Wii add-on.  And based on this page, we're still all in agreement about this.

Also, I had just assumed there would be a Kinect bundle + "hardcore" bundle for next Xbawk. But apparently not?

Nintendo just needs to deliver the innovative gameplay we expect. Who cares about graphics?

The best games of the year are FTL and Thirty Flights of Loving, I think the Wii U could handle them.

Yeah, honestly I found nearly all of the games I liked this gen weren't really anything to write home about in the technical graphics department (art style notwithstanding). Mirror's Edge maybe? And Xenoblade was a technical showpiece even though it was hampered by being on the Wii. So the lack of high tech in Nintendo's systems never really bothered me too much. I don't think WiiU will be a failure by any means (if the NYCC lines to play were anything to go by) but I doubt it will have the lightning-in-a-bottle appeal the original did. Sure I'll like it better than the next thing from MS though :P

I'm the kind of person who will go out and buy a top-of-the-line computer and use it to play games like FTL, Noitu Love 2, and glorified RPGmaker games though :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 16, 2012, 02:38:24 PM
After buying my townhouse "rich" is hardly what you can describe me as. :P Especially after my garage door opener, washing machine and car fusebox all decided to die in the same week.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 16, 2012, 03:40:02 PM
After buying my townhouse "rich" is hardly what you can describe me as. :P Especially after my garage door opener, washing machine and car fusebox all decided to die in the same week.

Welcome to homeownership.

The other week we had to have our massive tree trimmed, had to call a plumber to clear a blockage in the lines going out to the sewer and I had to fix our fridge.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 16, 2012, 03:43:25 PM
I'd call a tree falling on my house more than just a first world problem.  ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 16, 2012, 04:05:18 PM
I'd call a tree falling on my house more than just a first world problem.  ;)

If you lived in Poland, you probably wouldn't have a house, college boy!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 16, 2012, 04:15:18 PM
And you know there's no chance the Kinect next gen isn't part of the 720

it's not. Sorry.

uh, what?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 04:20:45 PM
Source battle!!! :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 16, 2012, 04:52:12 PM
Snarky comments will only make them stronger and more ferocious.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 04:58:22 PM
Nobody finds it funny that two of the "insiders" of the boards have sources directly contradicting eachother? Just me? That's OK. I'll keep smarming about it. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 16, 2012, 04:59:19 PM
I'd call a tree falling on my house more than just a first world problem.  ;)

If you lived in Poland, you probably wouldn't have a house, college boy!

If you lived in Poland, that tree probably WAS your house.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 16, 2012, 05:02:30 PM
Nobody finds it funny that two of the "insiders" of the boards have sources directly contradicting eachother? Just me? That's OK. I'll keep smarming about it. :teehee

We find it funny, but not in the same way that you find it funny.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 05:06:12 PM
I think.... it's pretty funny.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 16, 2012, 05:16:31 PM
DCharlie might have missed my further statement about it being a bundle. Or he thought I meant the Kinect would be the focus.

That's why I clarified about there possibly being a Kinect bundle and "hardcore" bundle. Like we've had the gimped 360 and the useful ones.

I have zero insider information. Or all the insider information. I report. You decide.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 05:17:42 PM
I trust your sources Benji. :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 16, 2012, 05:24:07 PM
I'll warrant that nobody one The Bore knows more about what goes on behind the scenes in the games industry than Prole and DCharlie. Andrex certainly doesn't.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 05:29:11 PM
I'll warrant that nobody one The Bore knows more about what goes on behind the scenes in the games industry than Prole and DCharlie. Andrex certainly doesn't.

:lol That's the whole point. They know so much, and yet apparently, one of them doesn't. :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: benjipwns on October 16, 2012, 05:29:38 PM
I'll warrant that nobody one The Bore knows more about what goes on behind the scenes in the games industry than Prole and DCharlie. Andrex certainly doesn't.
Do you mean about things regarding gaming itself? Because I've seen some pictures...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 05:34:06 PM
Someone mad. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 16, 2012, 06:20:34 PM
Borys you can't kill yourself, your family can't afford the coffin. :'( Impromptu cremation it is then.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 16, 2012, 09:57:27 PM
I know stuff, man. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 16, 2012, 10:15:23 PM
in this case, i am both cocktease and cocksauce!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 16, 2012, 10:23:39 PM
I like to pretend being a MS insider

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 16, 2012, 10:45:35 PM
I can't imagine they're gonna stick a kinect in every 720 box.  There will be a pack-in though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 17, 2012, 12:44:17 AM
sorry - i missed all the fun drama. Awww.

To clarify, i don't believe that Next Gen Kinect is going to be bundled with every machine, was what i was getting at.

Who was upset? Oh Andrex? Ah never mind.  :-*

And yeah - there's people who know WAAAAAAAAAY more than the minute amounts of stuff i get to hear about. I'm just more of a d1ck than those people.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 01:53:54 AM
How in the world do you get "upset" from my posts? :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 17, 2012, 01:56:10 AM
You're more transparent than you think
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 17, 2012, 02:11:31 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 17, 2012, 02:17:14 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 02:19:33 AM
You're more transparent than you think

What does that mean? ???
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 17, 2012, 03:04:01 AM
I think I said before I have sources at some video game companies, we speak very often heck I've been friends with some of them since I was 5. I usually try to steer convo away from video games though, it's kinda awkward for me since I have been friends with most since before vidya D:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 17, 2012, 03:07:35 AM
I'm a regular participant on a podcast heard by literally tens of people that also features a soon to be jailed (for crimes against good taste and humanity... you know, listening to Tool) MSFT employee.

...I know absolutely nothing however and try to keep it that way.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 17, 2012, 03:28:02 AM
It's way safer for friendships to just try and keep the topic of conversation away from gaming
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 17, 2012, 03:40:45 AM
the big thing i learned about 5-6 years ago is knowing about all the "SECRUTE!" stuff is ultimately boring

PLUS - things are constantly in flux, there's stuff that happens, then unhappens, then happens again, or changes.

See: Halo DS for instance and the fallout from that whole thing.

I don't move in the same circles anymore so i hear less and less and in some cases have actively asked to NOT be told. I like the hobby from the perspective of a gamer, though that is sadly becoming less and less active (which is why i'm at a "SELL EVERYTHING!" state again)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on October 17, 2012, 07:16:06 AM
I can't imagine they're gonna stick a kinect in every 720 box.  There will be a pack-in though.

Why? It's just like Wiis sensor bar except more expensive. Offload all processing to the console it's just a camera and IR projector/sensor. I have no sources but always seemed likely to me that kinect will be included with 720 considering how well it did, it got MS the title of having the fastest selling consumer electronics device ever after all. Then again, that could be a reason to not include it to charge more as an accessory to people who want it, wouldn't be surprised if you'll be able to use the old Kinect too since the tech there's pretty decent and mainly limited on 360 by the lack of processing  available. I guess, giving it more thought, it seems like a toss up depending on where MS predict to make more money and looking at 360 they like to have pretty stripped back SKUs. Kinect seems bogus by all accounts to me, some of the most frustrating gaming I've experienced this gen. The idea a camera+sensor is the input of the future for games no matter how good the tech is, is laughable
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 17, 2012, 08:51:21 AM
I can't imagine they're gonna stick a kinect in every 720 box.  There will be a pack-in though.

I could see 2 tiers - a regular, barebones one and a kinect one with a bigger HD and more shit. Never really got into Kinect much, tried playing Child of Eden on it and just wasn't feeling it...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on October 17, 2012, 10:52:01 AM
Oh yeah, I remember hearing some rumblings about Halo on the DS. That sounds like a sweet idea, especially if Bungie was involved. Too bad it never came to light.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 17, 2012, 11:16:17 AM
Maybe that would raise the bundle price above the mainstream consumer threshold?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 17, 2012, 11:31:14 AM
Apparently $599 was too expensive, so I guess maybe $499 is the limit for a high-end console. With a Kinect 2.0 included that means the core system would be approximately $349-399.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 11:32:04 AM
IMO $500 is the threshold.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 17, 2012, 11:45:38 AM
I heard that Andrex literally has binders full of sources.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 17, 2012, 12:22:38 PM
$400 is the threshold, and that's pushing it tbh.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 12:30:11 PM
$400 is the threshold, and that's pushing it tbh.

$400 is much better than 500+, yeah.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 17, 2012, 12:52:48 PM
I like the hobby from the perspective of a gamer, though that is sadly becoming less and less active (which is why i'm at a "SELL EVERYTHING!" state again)

But you're going to buy like every release for the Wii U!   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 17, 2012, 02:00:22 PM
It's way safer for friendships to just try and keep the topic of conversation away from gaming

None of my friends are hardcore gamers and I'm pretty happy about that. Videogame convos in real life is just cripplingly cringe worthy. Why do you think I spend a lot of time on forums?

Same here. I've got friends who play L4D on Steam, but we never talk about it and I don't talk about my gaming with them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 17, 2012, 02:16:30 PM
You guys have it easy.  Video games are at least a somewhat socially acceptable hobby.  Try still playing magic the gathering.  :fbm
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 17, 2012, 02:29:41 PM
It's way safer for friendships to just try and keep the topic of conversation away from gaming

None of my friends are hardcore gamers and I'm pretty happy about that. Videogame convos in real life is just cripplingly cringe worthy. Why do you think I spend a lot of time on forums?

Same here. I've got friends who play L4D on Steam, but we never talk about it and I don't talk about my gaming with them.

Yep. If there's ever a chat about videogames, its either about whatever just came out or a "what's this?", "What are you supposed to do?", etc. when they see me playing something I haven't played before.

I'm a 22 year old college student, most of my friends conversations involve booze, pussy and college drama.

I'm a 31 year old married guy. Most of my friends conversations involve marriage, sports, beer, politics and movies.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 02:36:17 PM
You guys have it easy.  Video games are at least a somewhat socially acceptable hobby.  Try still playing magic the gathering.  :fbm

Try playing Yugioh. :fbm (I don't anymore but still get the urge every so often.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 17, 2012, 03:22:48 PM
It's mostly sports and beer. Political conversations can get really ugly thanks to my conservative buddy. Marriage/relationship stuff comes up from time to time, but we don't sit around and complain about our significant others or anything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 17, 2012, 03:35:31 PM
Depends on the people I'm talking to... lately it's been homeownership, women, sports, beer... and with one friend its politics amd crazy conspiracy theories (the Paul fan).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 17, 2012, 03:42:07 PM
You guys have it easy.  Video games are at least a somewhat socially acceptable hobby.  Try still playing magic the gathering.  :fbm

Try playing Yugioh. :fbm (I don't anymore but still get the urge every so often.)

Come on bro.  Have some standards.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 17, 2012, 04:14:25 PM
It's mostly sports and beer. Political conversations can get really ugly thanks to my conservative buddy. Marriage/relationship stuff comes up from time to time, but we don't sit around and complain about our significant others or anything.



Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 17, 2012, 04:32:02 PM
You guys have it easy.  Video games are at least a somewhat socially acceptable hobby.  Try still playing magic the gathering.  :fbm

Try playing Yugioh. :fbm (I don't anymore but still get the urge every so often.)

Come on bro.  Have some standards.

I've resisted the urge for so long I don't think I'll start up, plus I'm cutting down on clutter and cards are some of the worst clutter. "Should I keep this card or get rid of it? It's super common and kind of dented in the corner, but I might need it for a set some day... :-\"

I'd probably just play the knockoff Flash version. Then I could hide my shame in secret.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 17, 2012, 04:54:34 PM
That's the way it should be. All the happy good couples I know aren't what sitcoms would have you believe.

And I see how far off topic this got, so weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooo trololololol

We also rag on each other about our fantasy football league. Brew beer together, play board games, go hiking, watch awesome 80s movies, etc.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on October 17, 2012, 06:03:48 PM
Is this a GAF post or are you serious Borys?

Because the WiiU being the new base standard would mean that there is no new standard, but the traditional business model of most third parties relies - for better or worse - on the wow factor of new hardware & better graphics. The WiiU doesn't offer what they need to give their business a new push.

And why would WiiU owners buy 360/ps3 ports, when they can get them for cheaper hardware except for some Nintards that suddenly get interesting in games after they appear on the hardware of their manufacturer of choice? I mean the sales for current games are bad enough as it is, why should this get better, just because of the controller?

Like Oscar said, the WiiU has only the Nintendo faithful as target audience right know (hey, better than the Vita, it has no target audience at all) and unless they come up with some kind of curveball like Wii Sports, it will be lucky to sell around N64 levels.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 17, 2012, 06:14:33 PM

I'm a 31 year old married guy. Most of my friends conversations involve marriage, sports, beer, politics and movies.

So that's what I have to look forward to 9 years from now, eh? Assuming some poor unfortunate woman would make the conscious decision to marry me.

wait until you start reaching 40 - then you'll be talking about all the sex you aren't having, how the kids are doing, moaning about <tiny insignificant things at length>, moaning about the generations below you, work moaning, and , possibly, passing on the best new porn websites

Because the WiiU being the new base standard would mean that there is no new standard, but the traditional business model of most third parties relies - for better or worse - on the wow factor of new hardware & better graphics. The WiiU doesn't offer what they need to give their business a new push.

the CPU might come back to bite them in the arse a bit as well - the whole point was that X360->WiiU ports were going to be a doddle, if effort starts coming into it then you might see either "oh, that'll do" ports or people frankly not botter.

Also - why are Nthings selective with using historical cases? Next Mario etc is going to sell at Wii levels.... why not GC levels? I mean - now I am doing the same as them, but the point is that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

That said, i think the Wii U is going to do well regardless. Not Wii levels, but it'll get through.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Fifstar on October 17, 2012, 06:49:20 PM
Next Mario etc is going to sell at Wii levels.... why not GC levels? I mean - now I am doing the same as them, but the point is that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

I wonder if Nintendo is turning their ips into 'red ocean' zone. It feels like they rely on less and less ips with more games in a shorter timespan. I'm not sure myself if this true, they probably have some new ips that I just don't care much about. Their trumpcard of last gen, 2D Mario, definetly seems overdone at this point though. Given how they released 4 games in relative short order, their strongly similar asthetics and how they rely on the nostalgia factor (an itch that should be more than fixed by now), I can't imagine those repeating the sales of this gen.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 17, 2012, 07:17:09 PM
I think gc level sales for mario aren't going to happen again because let's face it... sunshine was just off.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 17, 2012, 07:34:39 PM
I think gc level sales for mario aren't going to happen again because let's face it... sunshine was just off.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 17, 2012, 09:02:16 PM
wait until you start reaching 40 - then you'll be talking about all the sex you aren't having, how the kids are doing, moaning about <tiny insignificant things at length>, moaning about the generations below you, work moaning, and , possibly, passing on the best new porn websites

This is what I pretty much talk about now (30 years old), aside from the part about the kids...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 17, 2012, 09:20:42 PM
wait until you start reaching 40 - then you'll be talking about all the sex you aren't having, how the kids are doing, moaning about <tiny insignificant things at length>, moaning about the generations below you, work moaning, and , possibly, passing on the best new porn websites

This is what I pretty much talk about now (30 years old), aside from the part about the kids...

Same for me, but in between everything I have to hear "so when are you getting married" from our married friends. Fucking infuriating, feel like not doing it out of spite sometimes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 17, 2012, 10:23:42 PM
Only one of my friends plays games these days and it has been the same game since 2003.  He only plays Tiger Woods 2004 on his PS2.  None of my other friends play games.  At work, the average age of my coworkers is about 55 and they will think less of me if I talk about video games.  Forums is pretty much it and my gaming is a secret life.  Honestly, I'd rather admit to downloading porn and then jerking off to it than playing a video game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 17, 2012, 10:52:54 PM
Only one of my friends plays games these days and it has been the same game since 2003.  He only plays Tiger Woods 2004 on his PS2.  None of my other friends play games.  At work, the average age of my coworkers is about 55 and they will think less of me if I talk about video games.  Forums is pretty much it and my gaming is a secret life.  Honestly, I'd rather admit to downloading porn and then jerking off to it than playing a video game.

IIRC, you work at an engineering firm? I'm surprised then, since I'm in the defense/aerospace field and work with people mainly in their 50's all the way up to their 80's... and quite a few of them are a bit familiar with games since they generally are interested in new technology/gadgetry.

I don't really cover up the fact that I play video games. The only problem is, because people know I like games they think I am interested in EVERY game and I give a fuck about their level 80 paladin in WoW, when my taste in games is rather "focused". I do wear game-themed (and music-themed) tshirts. I've gotten phone #s (not from your geek chick or raver chick, but from your typical generic Billy Joel-listnin', beach-goin', Yankee-watchin', Napper Tandy's-hangin' LI girl) wearing these shirts:




My best friend is a huge gamer who loves fighting games and oldskool games, a few others used to be into WoW a while back and occasionally I'll run into some acquaintances who are into some pretty surprising game series. The one kid who I work with who hasn't played games since the NES era and is mostly into sports and girl-chasing told me how much he loved Dragon Warrior back in the day. Was pretty shocked when I told him there were 9 more games in the series and that it's one of the most famous game series in Japan :P Or another kid I met at my friend's Super Bowl party, he got drunk and was talking with me about the Ultima series.

Of course, my friends and I all talk about porn and they all know about my love of the bush...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 17, 2012, 10:58:48 PM
All my friends play vidya.

Probably why I am still a virgin.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 18, 2012, 03:59:13 PM

Makes me want to buy one even more.  It's more exotic.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on October 18, 2012, 06:39:32 PM
GC is the high water mark for post SNES Nintendo so power to them if this is going to resemble that (I know we're only talking sales at this point but still GC :bow2).

And uh, I dislike talking about vidya in certain contexts. Basically if I'm hanging with people who don't play games I don't talk about em, pretty much all girls. Once a girl asked me about good iPhone games and I recommended Sword and Sworcery and I got laughed at then told 'that's why I love you, you're such a nerd' but no, she has never spoken about games to me again or played Sword and Sorcery :maf Should've recommended some casual junk like Cover Orange.  I never hide it though, it's not even embarrassing. Nearly every dude I know, even the older execs at work like playing games to some extent.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 18, 2012, 08:19:09 PM
just to add a reverse : visited wife in hospital yesterday - a chunk of the time was taking up with how sh1t i am for having an armour rating that's not in the 8-900 range in EDF3 on the Vita.

Dissed by wife on gaming... again. :/
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 18, 2012, 10:27:39 PM

Wii U will support voice chat, but not as a universal, system-based feature. Nintendo has instead opted to allow developers to include the feature on a game-by-game basis. In a strange move, however, the GamePad's built-in mic will apparently not be the default source for voice chat.The publisher revealed that gamers will likely have to turn to third-party options to find headsets with built-in mics, and then plug those accessories into the Pad itself. Here is the company's statement:

"Wii U will have in-game chat functionality for select games, including, but not limited to, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Assassin’s Creed III and Mass Effect 3. This feature will be supported by licensed stereo headsets that plug directly into the headphone port of the Game Pad.  Licensed headsets are available from Turtle Beach and TRITTON."

Things get more confusing from here. Though the GamePad has a plug to support headsets, the Pro controller does not. That immediately cuts off the option of plugging in a headset for voice chat. It appears gamers wishing to use voice chat with the Pro controller will need to plug their third party hardware into the GamePad while playing a game supporting the voice feature.

:derp :derp :derp
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 18, 2012, 10:31:33 PM
The blind leading the blind.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Stoney Mason on October 18, 2012, 11:16:40 PM
It's a minor thing in the grand scheme but a perfect example of them not getting the hardcore audience they claim they want to win back with the Wii U.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on October 19, 2012, 12:08:53 AM
They sure do want you to have every accessory strewn across your couch all the time, don't they
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 19, 2012, 12:40:08 AM
I can only draw two conclusions from this:
1) This is scientific proof that distinguished mentally-challenged is contagious.
2) Nintendo needs to stop letting in the special kids in the tour groups.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 19, 2012, 12:42:31 AM
yeah, it's a bit of a mess with the peripherals.  There are a lot of neat and unfocused ideas happening with the system.  Things don't work how you think they'd work.

This voice thing doesn't bother me since I rarely play multiplayer and don't bother talking when I do.  Things like how you can only use Wii controllers to play Wii games are annoying.  Supposedly there's a Wii ecosystem that's for Wii and Virtual Console games.

The other disappointing thing I read is that not every game supports tablet play.  I don't mean Wii and Virtual Console games can't be played on it (they can't) but that it's a feature devs have the option of excluding in Wii U games.  It's not a system wide thing.  Actually, it's not bad if a developer wants to make a game using the two controllers in a creative away, but it's directly conflicting with the other selling point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 19, 2012, 02:07:03 AM
this is all starting to go directly against what made the Wii a success : it was all so simple and straightforward....

now it's a mash of "well, this doesn't quite work, and this controller works with this game, you might need this one for that game, the pad works like this -sometimes- but not all, etc"

for regular gamers it'll be fine but the first sign of even remotely complicated gubbins and casuals will just glaze over and leave it alone.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 19, 2012, 02:55:58 AM
At this rate I'll buy Prole's old Wii U in 2018
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 19, 2012, 03:03:10 AM
I wish the Pro controller didn't exist.

If I am buying the Wii U, it's for the unique controller and Nintendo games in HD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 19, 2012, 03:13:16 AM
At this rate I'll buy one of Prole's old Wii U's in 2013

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 19, 2012, 03:44:57 AM
Only one of my friends plays games these days and it has been the same game since 2003.  He only plays Tiger Woods 2004 on his PS2.  None of my other friends play games.  At work, the average age of my coworkers is about 55 and they will think less of me if I talk about video games.  Forums is pretty much it and my gaming is a secret life.  Honestly, I'd rather admit to downloading porn and then jerking off to it than playing a video game.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 19, 2012, 03:53:30 AM
GC is the high water mark for post SNES Nintendo so power to them if this is going to resemble that (I know we're only talking sales at this point but still GC :bow2).

You and me, we can be friends, yes?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 19, 2012, 11:32:36 AM
GC is the high water mark for post SNES Nintendo so power to them if this is going to resemble that (I know we're only talking sales at this point but still GC :bow2).

The Gamecube was very underrated. I loved that thing.

I bought a GC around the time Resident Evil 4 came out. It really is a great little system. It doesn't have the gigantic library of the PS2, but there is a solid set of titles worth playing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on October 19, 2012, 11:38:36 AM
I definitely prefer the GC's games to the Xbox's, even if I feel that Nintendo's internal development was at its absolute weakest during that era (excluding Melee).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 19, 2012, 12:03:08 PM
Gamecube was just decent but GBA was awesome.  Good era for them overall.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 19, 2012, 12:07:01 PM
Gamecube has the best Gundam game ever made, so I'll never get rid of mine.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 19, 2012, 12:36:06 PM

Wii U will support voice chat, but not as a universal, system-based feature. Nintendo has instead opted to allow developers to include the feature on a game-by-game basis. In a strange move, however, the GamePad's built-in mic will apparently not be the default source for voice chat.The publisher revealed that gamers will likely have to turn to third-party options to find headsets with built-in mics, and then plug those accessories into the Pad itself. Here is the company's statement:

"Wii U will have in-game chat functionality for select games, including, but not limited to, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Assassin’s Creed III and Mass Effect 3. This feature will be supported by licensed stereo headsets that plug directly into the headphone port of the Game Pad.  Licensed headsets are available from Turtle Beach and TRITTON."

Things get more confusing from here. Though the GamePad has a plug to support headsets, the Pro controller does not. That immediately cuts off the option of plugging in a headset for voice chat. It appears gamers wishing to use voice chat with the Pro controller will need to plug their third party hardware into the GamePad while playing a game supporting the voice feature.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 19, 2012, 12:39:49 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Raban on October 19, 2012, 01:41:25 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 19, 2012, 01:48:38 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on October 20, 2012, 05:26:27 PM
GC is the high water mark for post SNES Nintendo so power to them if this is going to resemble that (I know we're only talking sales at this point but still GC :bow2).

The Gamecube was very underrated. I loved that thing.

I bought a GC around the time Resident Evil 4 came out. It really is a great little system. It doesn't have the gigantic library of the PS2, but there is a solid set of titles worth playing.

Great for multiplayer which does not include shooting someone.

Had some great gaming memories with friends during those days
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 20, 2012, 05:49:39 PM
Most Nintendo systems are great buys about 3-4 years into the system's lifespan- you get a built in library of pretty good games without having to suffer through the dog days of waiting for something worth playing to come out, AND everything is cheaper.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 20, 2012, 06:20:24 PM
Kung Pow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any Wii U game announced so far
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 22, 2012, 07:16:03 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 22, 2012, 07:32:58 PM
well that's it, that convinced me to buy a wii u
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 22, 2012, 07:41:56 PM
That's just great

get in line (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 22, 2012, 08:24:45 PM
That's just great

get in line (

Get out of the way Moon Landing, Mankind's true greatest achievement coming through here! :bow
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 23, 2012, 12:34:07 AM
Why cant Nintendo just act normal? They are like that nerd who is too nerdy to fit in with regular nerds.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 23, 2012, 01:15:05 AM
Because Japan. And whimsy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on October 23, 2012, 07:45:34 PM
Why cant Nintendo just act normal? They are like that nerd who is too nerdy to fit in with regular nerds.

They act how they act because they make a fuckton of money acting that way, and pretty much every time they've made even slight attempts to act like the other nerds, they've made less money/lost money.  Understanding Nintendo gets a lot simpler if you rub your eyes and realize they are in it for the money and are better at achieving that than any other game company ever.
100% truth right here. Still wish they'd be up for losing a bit to make me a new F Zero and a 2D Metroid though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 23, 2012, 07:52:59 PM
Why cant Nintendo just act normal? They are like that nerd who is too nerdy to fit in with regular nerds.

They act how they act because they make a fuckton of money acting that way, and pretty much every time they've made even slight attempts to act like the other nerds, they've made less money/lost money.  Understanding Nintendo gets a lot simpler if you rub your eyes and realize they are in it for the money and are better at achieving that than any other game company ever.

I'm fine with Nintendo making a ton of money, I'm also fine taking my own money somewhere else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 23, 2012, 10:01:11 PM
Yup, Even if the Wii U has a disasterous turnout, Nintendo will still make cash - a "disaster" for Nintendo does nowhere near the damage a "disaster" for MS or Sony would do.

I'm curious however how , if it all, the Ipad Mini now factors into the "BUT ITS THE ULTIMATE XMAS PRESENT" angle - seems Wii U just became the gift you give people you hate or, at best, don't love enough to go find an Ipad Mini.

(or of course the ultimate gift for Nthings - aka : LETS ALL BACK TO GC LEVELS , BU BU BU LOOK AT DEM PROBITS! IWATAMCDUCKINAMONEYPIT!)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 23, 2012, 10:05:56 PM
DCharles is getting less and less cogent the closer we get to the Wii U's launch. I fear by that time he may have devolved to rolling his buttocks across the keyboard and hitting "Post" (more so than he already does.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 23, 2012, 10:15:03 PM
That's fine.  I'm not asking if you're fine with it, I'm just answering every "WHY DOES(N'T) NINTENDO DO THIS THING THAT THE OTHER COMPANIES DOES(N'T) DO" question ever.  The answer is always "It's more safely profitable".  Always.

I realize that I did quote your post, but my post was more of a general statement about Nintendo and how people freak out over what they do than actually a reply to what you were saying.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 23, 2012, 10:22:10 PM
Okay, I'll be sure to remember that, DAD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 23, 2012, 10:27:30 PM
I'm planning on going to queue up for my Wii U but when they offer me it i'm going to say in a loud voice "I SAID I WANTED A NEXT GEN SYSTEM!" then tip over the pokemon shelving and strop out, possibly buying the latest C grade Vita title.

I'm lying of course, i'm not picking up my Wii U.

(My post isn't THAT incoherent - half of it actually makes sense. The quip about profit cheering fucktards? Bang on the fucking money, daug. The thing with Nitnendo fans is it's like them going to Vegas and cheering for the House!)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 23, 2012, 10:34:19 PM
Yes well, that's fanboys for you. Haven't you learned about them by now? ;)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 23, 2012, 11:03:34 PM
Yes well, that's fanboys for you. Haven't you learned about them by now?

me knowing about them doesn't make them any less of a target for sharp stick pokey.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 23, 2012, 11:07:14 PM
speaking of them, are they still asking for a Kamiya helmed Star Fox game?

I've seen it mention a couple times and it always confuses me because: a) the star fox series has more bad games than good games.  b) bayonetta's space harrier homage.  c) bayoentta's space harrier homage.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 23, 2012, 11:10:34 PM
That's fine.  I'm not asking if you're fine with it, I'm just answering every "WHY DOES(N'T) NINTENDO DO THIS THING THAT THE OTHER COMPANIES DOES(N'T) DO" question ever. 

p. sure oscar is fishing for someone to post this
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 24, 2012, 12:11:45 AM
Kamiya certainly could do a better job of Star Fox than Nintendo has these past 15-ish years, but really, what they should do is just pair Cuthbert and the dudes who made KI.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 12:16:55 AM
i've never been a big fan of starfox. honestly i'd wish nintendo to get sega to make a new starfox.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 12:31:38 AM
Beggars can't be choosers, amigo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 24, 2012, 12:58:03 AM
Sega should stick to F-Zero as far as Nintendo games go.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 12:58:18 AM
I want a new panzer so bad. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 12:59:08 AM
Sega should stick to F-Zero as far as Nintendo games go.

sega has been making rail shooters for close to 30 years. they have more credentials to take up starfox than kamiya platinum games team.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 24, 2012, 12:59:22 AM
I wouldn't mind a new panzer... not happening sadly.  Still more realistic than say, a new Shenmue though. :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 01:00:11 AM
I don't want a new Shenmue, so that troll is falling on deaf ears. I want a new Panzer more than a new Shenmue.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 24, 2012, 02:23:48 AM
Oh I know it won't happen, doesn't mean I don't think it would happen though. And I only played a little GX, but it was goood.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 24, 2012, 02:44:40 AM
speaking of them, are they still asking for a Kamiya helmed Star Fox game?

I've seen it mention a couple times and it always confuses me because: a) the star fox series has more bad games than good games.  b) bayonetta's space harrier homage.  c) bayoentta's space harrier homage.

The Kamiya fixation is getting funny. You can tell his portfolio hits a spot for those posers that all the whimsy in the world never tickled, and they're finally admitting it.

Better late than never, I guess.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 24, 2012, 03:56:57 AM
Bayonetta 2 has proven, if nothing else, that console warz are srs bsns.  Kamiya's done this dance before, of course, but because Twitter didn't exist back then, he didn't have to bear the full brunt of how distinguished mentally-challenged English gamers are about this stuff.

RE2/DMC era, sony guys: holy fuck this guy's games are so hot when is the next one sama-sama! nintendo fans: meh

VJ era, sony guys: meh, looks like a crappy baby DMC, nintendo guys: OMFG BBQ BEST GAME EVER KAMIYA RULES

Okami era, sony guys: holy shit this is better than zelda, kamiya rules, nintendo guys: craaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppy zellllllllllllldaaaaaaaaaaaaa copyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bayonetta era, sony guys: fuck yeah, true successor to DMC up in here, xbox guys: erm, it runs like shit on yo-, nintendo guys: SHE LOOKS LIKE AN UGLY TRANSVESTITE GIRAFFE, I WOULD BE EMBARRASSED TO PLAY SO-CALLED "MACHOOR" GAMES LIKE THAT

Bayonetta 2 era, sony guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, xbox guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, nintendo guys: well i always rather liked kamiya anyway, tut tut

That is true, however Bayo 2 on a Nintendo console marks the first time of a software/hardware "misalignment"; It's hardcore game in theme and gameplay on a Nintendo console, without a Sony/XBox counterpart. It's much more serious than VJ and Ookamii appearing on a Sony console. That's what's causing the glitch in the Matrix. The fabric of reality was weak as is, but this, this ripped a huge gash.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 24, 2012, 04:01:58 AM
I'd rather they get SEGA to make a new Panzer Dragoon.

That's what I'm talking about.  There are better series to support.  Kid Icarus and Sin and Punishment 1&2 are both great recent-ish rail shooter series from Nintendo.  Maybe Star Fox is is a popular brand that sells well and people are attached to the animals that fly the spaceships.  Encouraging Kamiya to make a Star Fox is like begging Mikami to make a Killzone game or something.  It's a waste of talent.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 24, 2012, 04:04:14 AM
I'd rather they get SEGA to make a new Panzer Dragoon.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 24, 2012, 04:11:32 AM
Bayonetta 2 has proven, if nothing else, that console warz are srs bsns.  Kamiya's done this dance before, of course, but because Twitter didn't exist back then, he didn't have to bear the full brunt of how distinguished mentally-challenged English gamers are about this stuff.

RE2/DMC era, sony guys: holy fuck this guy's games are so hot when is the next one sama-sama! nintendo fans: meh

VJ era, sony guys: meh, looks like a crappy baby DMC, nintendo guys: OMFG BBQ BEST GAME EVER KAMIYA RULES

Okami era, sony guys: holy shit this is better than zelda, kamiya rules, nintendo guys: craaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppy zellllllllllllldaaaaaaaaaaaaa copyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bayonetta era, sony guys: fuck yeah, true successor to DMC up in here, xbox guys: erm, it runs like shit on yo-, nintendo guys: SHE LOOKS LIKE AN UGLY TRANSVESTITE GIRAFFE, I WOULD BE EMBARRASSED TO PLAY SO-CALLED "MACHOOR" GAMES LIKE THAT

Bayonetta 2 era, sony guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, xbox guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, nintendo guys: well i always rather liked kamiya anyway, tut tut

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 24, 2012, 09:41:32 AM
"We're glad that we were able to make Assassin's Creed III on the Wii U run just as well as it does on six-seven year old hardware!"

While it might seem disheartening that a game on a new platform is apparently so similar to its cross-platform counterparts, Mr Hutchinson sees it as a good thing.

"It is exactly the same game that's on the other platforms. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's been a long time since I've shipped a game on more than three platforms where you could say it's all the same. It's not like some radically diminished version, so that's exciting."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 24, 2012, 09:53:10 AM
It's exactly the same BUT with the iPadU which makes it the superior version. :bow Nintendo Excellence :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 24, 2012, 10:04:37 AM
Bayonetta 2 has proven, if nothing else, that console warz are srs bsns.  Kamiya's done this dance before, of course, but because Twitter didn't exist back then, he didn't have to bear the full brunt of how distinguished mentally-challenged English gamers are about this stuff.

RE2/DMC era, sony guys: holy fuck this guy's games are so hot when is the next one sama-sama! nintendo fans: meh

VJ era, sony guys: meh, looks like a crappy baby DMC, nintendo guys: OMFG BBQ BEST GAME EVER KAMIYA RULES

Okami era, sony guys: holy shit this is better than zelda, kamiya rules, nintendo guys: craaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppy zellllllllllllldaaaaaaaaaaaaa copyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bayonetta era, sony guys: fuck yeah, true successor to DMC up in here, xbox guys: erm, it runs like shit on yo-, nintendo guys: SHE LOOKS LIKE AN UGLY TRANSVESTITE GIRAFFE, I WOULD BE EMBARRASSED TO PLAY SO-CALLED "MACHOOR" GAMES LIKE THAT

Bayonetta 2 era, sony guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, xbox guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, nintendo guys: well i always rather liked kamiya anyway, tut tut


Kamiya's a true heartbreaker.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archie4208 on October 24, 2012, 10:43:07 AM
It's exactly the same BUT with the iPadU which makes it the superior version. :bow Nintendo Excellence :bow2

I hope there is a large American flag on my game pad at all times.   :usacry
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 24, 2012, 11:02:36 AM
Quote from: Ubisoft
"It's not like some radically diminished version, so that's exciting."

:lol :lol :lol

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 24, 2012, 03:08:47 PM

Annual sales of Nintendo’s flagship 3DS handheld player, introduced last year, will be 17.5 million units, 5.4 percent lower than previously estimated, the company said in a statement today. Nintendo also lowered its forecast for 3DS software sales 4.1 percent and said it will sell its new Wii U model at a loss.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 24, 2012, 06:33:33 PM
like some radically diminished version, so that's exciting."

it's not radically diminished = it's diminished.

The returns for these Wii U games.... diminishing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 25, 2012, 12:21:10 PM
Wii U Tekken Tag Tournament 2 digital download size revealed:


16.7 GB.   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 25, 2012, 12:24:17 PM
But how many blocks does it take up??
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 25, 2012, 12:27:08 PM
I'd rather download 16.7 GB than have a gimped version.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 25, 2012, 12:28:50 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 25, 2012, 12:35:16 PM
Wonder if the retail version will have an install option...and if so, how much space will it take up?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 25, 2012, 12:37:09 PM
I'd rather download 16.7 GB than have a gimped version.

16.7 GB for these AMAZING EXTRAS:


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 25, 2012, 12:39:56 PM
How big is the HDD in the WiiU?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bork on October 25, 2012, 12:43:07 PM
How big is the HDD in the WiiU?

Basic Set: 8GB
Deluxe Set: 32GB

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 25, 2012, 12:47:09 PM
With Nintendo, every pack is the Tard Pack.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 25, 2012, 12:51:15 PM
Is Nintendo even allowing devs to use that flash memory for games(cache,installs)?

Could be just for storage purposes
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 25, 2012, 01:30:40 PM
How big is the HDD in the WiiU?

Basic Set: 8GB
Deluxe Set: 32GB



at first i was like, 16 gigs? So? Then I saw this post and remembered Wii U only goes up to 16 gigs :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 25, 2012, 02:11:26 PM
You can buy a terabyte drive for like fifty bucks.  This is like the one thing they are doing right.  Actually - better than anybody else.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 25, 2012, 02:13:45 PM
doesn't change the fact that you can empty out half the hd space with one game download is any less hilarious.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 25, 2012, 02:19:00 PM
It kind of does
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 25, 2012, 02:19:14 PM
With Nintendo, every pack is the Tard Pack.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 25, 2012, 02:37:06 PM
You can buy a terabyte drive for like fifty bucks.

So the actual cost of a Wii U in any sort of truly usable form for downloadable is, give or take, about $50 or so?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 25, 2012, 02:41:36 PM
yep, which goes to show how over priced the thing is.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 25, 2012, 02:47:58 PM
You can buy a terabyte drive for like fifty bucks.

So the actual cost of a Wii U in any sort of truly usable form for downloadable is, give or take, about $50 or so?
Give or take, yeah.  It's the same as 360/ps3/vita only with a too-expensive base unit instead of the overpriced storage.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Purple Filth on October 25, 2012, 05:07:18 PM
Bayonetta 2 has proven, if nothing else, that console warz are srs bsns.  Kamiya's done this dance before, of course, but because Twitter didn't exist back then, he didn't have to bear the full brunt of how distinguished mentally-challenged English gamers are about this stuff.

RE2/DMC era, sony guys: holy fuck this guy's games are so hot when is the next one sama-sama! nintendo fans: meh

VJ era, sony guys: meh, looks like a crappy baby DMC, nintendo guys: OMFG BBQ BEST GAME EVER KAMIYA RULES

Okami era, sony guys: holy shit this is better than zelda, kamiya rules, nintendo guys: craaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppy zellllllllllllldaaaaaaaaaaaaa copyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bayonetta era, sony guys: fuck yeah, true successor to DMC up in here, xbox guys: erm, it runs like shit on yo-, nintendo guys: SHE LOOKS LIKE AN UGLY TRANSVESTITE GIRAFFE, I WOULD BE EMBARRASSED TO PLAY SO-CALLED "MACHOOR" GAMES LIKE THAT

Bayonetta 2 era, sony guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, xbox guys: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE KAMIYA DIE, nintendo guys: well i always rather liked kamiya anyway, tut tut

So much truth in this post
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on October 25, 2012, 05:54:05 PM
You can buy a terabyte drive for like fifty bucks.  This is like the one thing they are doing right.  Actually - better than anybody else.

Nah the triple still does it best allowing you to chuck in any generic 2.5" drive. Direct SATA connection >>>> USB 2.0 (doesn't even support 3 :lol)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 25, 2012, 09:25:29 PM
I didn't know they had weeooo stations set up at stores, but, uh, they do.  I saw one at best buy and played Rayman Legends.  Two surprising things: 1) the controller is pretty great.  2) the system is HUGE.  It's probably smaller than the other systems (maybe not the new uggo PS3) but the dimensions are abnormal.

If the controller had a more rounded bottom it would be as comfortable as a 360 pad. No issues with the buttons under the right stick.  Shoulder buttons were surprising since you can t-rex grip it and it isn't awkward (it is a bit on the 360, ps3, and wii cc pro controllers).  Screen was responsive enough just using my finger.  Thing is really light, too; easy and sturdy to use with one hand.  Oh, and the shoulder buttons are buttons and not analog triggers (I don't know if this was still up in the air); they feel exactly like the B button on the Wii remote.

Don't know if it's the resolution or streaming tech or just the game but the video quality on the controller screen was pretty bad.  Just looked homely compared to Rayman Origins on the Vita.  The game itself just seemed like more Rayman Origins.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 26, 2012, 01:41:23 AM
The Vita has 35% more pixels per inch which isn't that much different. I think it has more to do with the touchscreen surface that removes some of the clarity and contrast from the image. The effect is easy to spot if you compare the top and bottom halves of a NDS/3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 26, 2012, 07:43:11 AM
How big is the HDD in the WiiU?

Basic Set: 8GB
Deluxe Set: 32GB



Oh maaaaaaan, gold right here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 26, 2012, 06:08:50 PM
It's great that you can attach a hard drive to the machine and whilst this isn't quite up there with the Vita memory card farce this is just goes against the whole thing with the wii :

Everything you needed in any reasonable capacity was there in the box - it was super noob friendly

The Wii U is turning into the complete opposite of what Nintendo stand for.

A choice of unit at launch where there's a significant difference
A choice where one includes Nintendo Plus one where it doesn't
Games that support some controllers not others
Download and install games* - but you need to go and find a hard drive over a certain limit (i assume Nintendo aren't going to put out their own branded ones to help noobies)

I'm pretty sure the machine will do fine, but i think it's going to do much worse than nthings expect.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 26, 2012, 09:45:00 PM
These two points don't matter:

A choice where one includes Nintendo Plus one where it doesn't
Games that support some controllers not others

Nintendo Plus isn't anything most people will care about. It's a discount program for digital games and that's it. Most sales will probably be via retail, so this is completely a moot point.

Controller support is also a non-factor since it's the exact same situation as the Wii. All games will support the GamePad and some will optionally support alternate controllers. Pretty much like any console ever.

Hell with the Wii it was actually worse, you couldn't play some systems on VC without a GC or Classic controller, even if you had the Nunchuk "from the box." That isn't the case with Wii U. GamePad supports everything because it has everything (meaning all inputs possible, with the exception of analog triggers which most games don't need.)

Also PS3 and 360 proved nobody gives a care about split SKUs. I'd also venture to bet Nintendo will keep it to these two for a long long time, unlike Sony and MS which kept introducing new variations and revisions.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 27, 2012, 07:44:22 AM
Nintendo fucked up because they lose money on $300-$350 2005-2007 era tech.They will be in a world of hurt if market reacts the same way like it did to 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 27, 2012, 07:50:37 AM
Come on they can't be losing money on WiiU despite what they say.

If they are losing money thats laughable cause you can build a more powerful SKU with off the shelf PC components for 350, not even thinking of the huge bulk discounts they are getting.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on October 27, 2012, 08:39:29 AM
I doubt Iwata would lie to shareholders.

Maybe all those components cost a lot more at launch than people think...unless you deliver something that has like 3-12 months average lifetime--like MS did with launch 360 models.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 27, 2012, 09:40:14 AM
You got a point with the shareholder stuff, its baffling though. Must be that controller tab.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 27, 2012, 09:49:01 AM
Shouldn't the Wiipad's guts be quite similar to what's in their handhelds? Additions like a near field communications sensor isn't very expensive. What is it using to transmit the video stream?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on October 27, 2012, 02:38:08 PM
It's mostly custom tech, right?  If they were using off the shelf components they might not be selling it at a loss, but even the wii had specifically made chips and whatnot that meant they weren't even making that much profit per unit as people had previously assumed ( I don't even think they made over 50 per unit early on).
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: bachikarn on October 27, 2012, 03:15:15 PM
You got a point with the shareholder stuff, its baffling though. Must be that controller tab.

The Wii U is still pretty small. Just because performance is bad,  it still costs money to miniaturize it. Most people don't really give a shit that it's smaller, but Nintendo does. Probably important for the Japanese market.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 27, 2012, 03:48:05 PM
Is there any truth behind the rumor about getting GC games on a VC eventually? mmmm....wind waker....
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 27, 2012, 03:50:11 PM
Is there any truth behind the rumor about getting GC games on a VC eventually? mmmm....wind waker....

It's only a rumor because it seems like a logical progression, but no one knows. I think Reggie said they're not opposed to it but who knows if he knows anything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 27, 2012, 03:53:59 PM
Is there any truth behind the rumor about getting GC games on a VC eventually? mmmm....wind waker....

Nintendo will probably sell HD collections of those few Gamecube/Wii games.  Why make $10 $20 when you can make $40 $60!

Besides, some games need to be reworked.  Games like Mario Sunshine used the analog shoulder buttons that the Wii U lacks.  Maybe you manually set the water pressure on the touch screen, like how Splinter Cell on PC uses the scroll wheel to adjust movement speed.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 27, 2012, 04:14:23 PM
Whenever someone talks about "Miiverse" I cringe. What a horrible name for an online network.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 27, 2012, 07:13:10 PM
It's a Nintendo console. Nintendo peeps are hyped and everyone else isn't. Not really breaking the mold there.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 27, 2012, 07:20:02 PM
It's a Nintendo console. Nintendo peeps are hyped and everyone else isn't. Not really breaking the mold there.

Not really.  I know you're 12 and all but there was considerable hype around the Wii, Game Cube, and Nintendo 64 had huge amounts of hype.

This is the most tepid reaction to a Nintendo console or handheld I've seen since the mid 90s.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 27, 2012, 07:24:44 PM
Wasn't the only other console like that the Game Cube? Wii was hyped cause of the supposed "revolution", N64 was coming off of the Super Nintendo and had 3D Mario and Zelda behind it, the SNES and NES are self explanatory.

It's been a while but I seem to recall a lot of hype over the Gamecube, especially since Nintendo waited so long after Sony to release. It was like night/day difference between N64 and GC and I remember people were especially pumped after Rogue Squadron pics were released.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 27, 2012, 09:24:05 PM
Wasn't the only other console like that the Game Cube? Wii was hyped cause of the supposed "revolution", N64 was coming off of the Super Nintendo and had 3D Mario and Zelda behind it, the SNES and NES are self explanatory.

I remember people saying that those who thought the Wii was a revolution were casualtards/fanthings. (
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 27, 2012, 09:33:45 PM
Gamecube was coming off of the N64.  I'm one of those heinous dudes who really liked that system, but I don't think Nintendo was the console to get anymore.  I remember more hype for the Wii because there were stronger game announcements and the potential of the new controller.

Wii U's tepid reaction is probably from Nintendo's weird way of announcing games these days.  Wii launched in 2006, but Nintendo showed far off games like Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Brawl, etc. 

Wii U's future is: Pikmin 3 in 2013 and a Smash Bros we haven't seen yet.  But like with the 3DS and Mario 3D Land, they might announce a game and release it in half a year.  So the perception is that it doesn't have a future.  Or the gimmick isn't as interesting this time around.  Or after the Wii remote and Kinect, people are more cautious of gimmicks in general.  Or people are colder on Nintendo's franchises; there was a lot more excitement for Twilight Princess than Skyward Sword.

I dunno.  I'm kinda looking forward to it.  What's interesting is that Sony and Microsoft haven't bothered teasing their next gen systems to give people a reason to hold off on a new purchase.  I feel like this is the first time that's happened.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 27, 2012, 10:50:41 PM
I think they want people to see the Wii U as part of last gen and not as part of the next gen - plus the X360 and PS3 aren't going to stop selling anytime soon.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 27, 2012, 11:07:02 PM
Wii was a pretty big deal.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 27, 2012, 11:17:06 PM
Wii U's tepid reaction is probably from Nintendo's weird way of announcing games these days.  Wii launched in 2006, but Nintendo showed far off games like Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Brawl, etc. 

I can see that, yeah. We have less to wait for but that just makes the future a bigger question mark.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 06:52:11 AM
GameCube was underrated but I still feel Wii had the better library, both first and third party wise.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 07:21:14 AM
It depends on what kinds of games you liked, of course. But in the areas I cared about Wii was better.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 28, 2012, 04:54:44 PM
Wii has a better first party library than GameCube but GC actually got, you know, third party games and given not everyone can handle whimsy all the time I'd siding with the Cube.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 28, 2012, 05:07:58 PM
Wii has a better first party library than GameCube

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 05:09:03 PM
Wii has a better first party library than GameCube but GC actually got, you know, third party games and given not everyone can handle whimsy all the time I'd siding with the Cube.

If you mean lame PS2 ports, sure, GameCube had third party support. Wii got more original/exclusive third party efforts though.

Wii has a better first party library than GameCube


It's the truth.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 28, 2012, 05:15:47 PM
 :-\ I know, I just have a soft spot for the Cube.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 28, 2012, 05:32:27 PM
If you mean lame PS2 ports, sure, GameCube had third party support. Wii got more original/exclusive third party efforts though.

Yes, original third party content like Spyborgs and The Munchables.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 28, 2012, 05:42:06 PM
Sunshine > Galaxy.

Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword.

Metroid Prime > Other M.

Melee > Brawl.

Double Dash > Mario Kart Wii.

Jungle Beat > DKCR

F-Zero GX > ???

Pikmin 1&2 > ???

Eternal Darkness > ???

Super Monkey Ball 1&2 > ???

Viewtiful Joe > ???

Killer 7 = NMH1&2

Resident Evil 4 > all.

I also enjoyed other not so loved Game Cube games like Star Fox: Dinosaur Planet. So I guess I'm just weird.

 :-* How YOU doin'
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 05:48:10 PM
If you mean lame PS2 ports, sure, GameCube had third party support. Wii got more original/exclusive third party efforts though.

Yes, original third party content like Spyborgs and The Munchables.

More like Overkill, TatsuCap, MH, and Silent Hill.

I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist LISTWARS(tm)

Sunshine > Galaxy.

:lol :lol Not only is this wrong but Wii had TWO Galaxies/3D Marios. :bow2 AND a fantastic 2D one on top of those. :bow2 :bow2

Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword.

Better version is a Wii game anyways. So we're choosing between two Wii games.

Metroid Prime > Other M.

Prime 3+Trilogy+Other M > two Prime games.

Melee > Brawl.


Double Dash > Mario Kart Wii.

Hahahaha. :lol :lol I'm seriously laughing.

Jungle Beat > DKCR

Down to preference but DKCR is more of a traditional platformer, and a fantastic one at that. If you don't like DKCR you're just hating to hate (although that sums up your position on Wii and Wii U pretty well.)

F-Zero GX > ???

Pikmin 1&2 > ???

Eternal Darkness > ???

Super Monkey Ball 1&2 > ???

Viewtiful Joe > ???

Killer 7 = NMH1&2

Resident Evil 4 > all.

Xenoblade > ???

Two Kirby games > ???

Wario Land >> ???

NSMB Wii > ???

Sin & Punishment > ???

Two HotD games > ???

A Silent Hill game > ???

MH > ???

RE4 Wii > RE4 with crappy dual analog controls and no Ada content

I also enjoyed other not so loved Game Cube games like Star Fox: Dinosaur Planet. So I guess I'm just weird.

Uh you got that right. SMS and Double Dash over SMG1/2 and MKWii. :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Himu on October 28, 2012, 06:14:33 PM
Killer 7 makes both No More Heroes its bitch.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 28, 2012, 06:17:38 PM
Mario Kart: Double-Dash!! 8-player LAN mode, holla!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 07:02:00 PM
Melee was just a lot more fun for me, Brawl was just melle again just slower with a tacked on story mode and it wasn't half as replayable.

I liked Brawl cause it had better and more stages and characters. It was a bit slower but I liked how instead of everyone staying on the ground for the most part like Melee, combat was in general more aerial in Brawl.

Mario Kart Wii is by far the worst mario kart game out there, jesus doghumping christ its awful. Double Dash is underrated in my opinion, its a good game that gets too much hate seeing as it came out after the best console game in the series( :bow mario kart 64 :bow2)

MK Wii is the second best in the series (haven't played MK7.) Fantastic, addicting online which was supported with events years after release, and bikes and tricks were far better gimmicks than the dual-racers in DD. Better collection of stages in MK Wii too.

I love DKCR, I just prefer jungle beat for how different it was(ironic considering how the Wii was supposed to change the way we play and shit)

Also ironically the Wii version of JB added in traditional controls, thankfully.

You mean two bad Kirby games

Return to Dreamland is some classic Kirby goodness yo.

You mean the most boring Wario Land game ever.

True but it was still a solid 2D platformer, more than the GC ever had.

You mean a remake.

:lol Shattered Memories is a remake of SH1? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht....

I think Moster Hunter is awful.

Well, your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.

MKWii is an average game dude, Double Dash is at least above average. With SMS I know I'm in the minority but I don't really care. Also Ypu should try not to post up ports next time, you'd be surprised how thinner the game content will look like for the wii.

I think your opinion on Wii/GameCube can be summed up as "contrarian for the sake of it." If GC had the sales of Wii and vice versa I'm 90% sure you'd be hating on the GC just as hard.

"Underrated" this and "overrated" that...

BRB, taking a shower while contemplating suicide cause of this pathetic ninfaggotry I delved in.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 07:10:53 PM
Y'all been hitting that nostalgia toke just a little too hard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 28, 2012, 07:35:24 PM
List wars between the Gamecube and the Wii.  These fuckin' guys.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on October 28, 2012, 07:36:33 PM
Galaxy was a lot better than Sunshine, come on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 28, 2012, 07:49:44 PM
Galaxy was a lot better than Sunshine, come on.

Internet contrarians, can't live with em, can't strangle them with your bare hands over the web.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 28, 2012, 07:52:48 PM
List wars between the Gamecube and the Wii.  These fuckin' guys.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 28, 2012, 10:48:41 PM
I really didn't mind the gamecube because it's high points were high.

If, however, i was a Gamecube only player at that time i'd have been throwing myself under the nearest train.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on October 28, 2012, 11:02:45 PM
gamecube's 16-bit output really dampened my enthusiasm for it. i consider it on par with the ps2's "jaggies"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 29, 2012, 01:37:16 AM
I really didn't mind the gamecube because it's high points were high.

If, however, i was a Gamecube only player at that time i'd have been throwing myself under the nearest train.

Definitely the dark days of Nintendo...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on October 29, 2012, 01:58:18 AM
Lol if you've been happy solely with any Nintendo home console since SNES you're either very casual or a massive pathetic shill
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 29, 2012, 02:12:18 AM

Poor Iwata wants to make games but he's locked up in the executive ivory tower. :(

Arino all :uguu over Iwata's hands.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Momo on October 29, 2012, 07:28:51 AM
Whats going on here?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 29, 2012, 08:59:17 AM
Whats going on here?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 29, 2012, 10:30:31 AM
So - those Monster Hunter Wii U bundles that totally sold out are now back in stock for preorder at a fair few places, premium sets/basics still available.

Either Japan is getting a trillion launch units or this really is "no one cares, yet" - i've never seen a high profile machine not sell out it's preorders - i had to fecking queue to get a Wii preorder on first day of preorders for godsake.

So now i have two machines preordered (i did have three, but the amazon one can go) - i doubt i'm picking any of them up to be honest, but at least i have some options.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 29, 2012, 11:10:02 AM
They should ship some of those Wii U's stateside, all the major retail chains are sold out of preorders. :fbm
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 29, 2012, 11:51:36 AM
So - those Monster Hunter Wii U bundles that totally sold out are now back in stock for preorder at a fair few places, premium sets/basics still available.

Either Japan is getting a trillion launch units or this really is "no one cares, yet" - i've never seen a high profile machine not sell out it's preorders - i had to fecking queue to get a Wii preorder on first day of preorders for godsake.

So now i have two machines preordered (i did have three, but the amazon one can go) - i doubt i'm picking any of them up to be honest, but at least i have some options.

Wii was sold out for months in Holland, I worked in a comp store back then and it was madness.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 29, 2012, 12:00:56 PM
Really? I thought it was only in the US. Consoles are always easy to find here. I guess it's because we pay a premium price.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: naff on October 30, 2012, 01:54:31 AM
Wii sold in pretty small quantities initially tho right? Lack of supply (engineered for effect?) and massive demand = being out of stock for ages. I've got a premium bundle pre ordered. Nobody here's claiming to be out of preorders yet afaik
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 30, 2012, 02:20:59 AM
I honestly find it difficult to believe that we have a full on sell out in US and Europe on preorders and not in Japan. It just seems completely unrealistic unless the numbers are incredibly low outside of Japan.

i know : "<place> is NINTENDO LAND!!" but as i keep seeing "But Wii U has Dragon Quest, a new mario and Monster Hunter at launch! Game over! All the big japanese titles..."

so something isn't right somewhere along the line.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on October 30, 2012, 02:27:05 AM
At my local store it's only the Zombie U bundle that has sold out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 30, 2012, 03:02:04 AM
All I hear about the US stock is how limited it'll be.  Whether all those orders are people looking to rip off (man)children or legit, who is to say.  Maybe they'll get got like with the PS3.

Launch lineup is stacked with popular games (already released on other consoles--and Mario), so that might help.  Unless fiends have kicked that habit.  I'm assuming the 3ds one is selling like hot pancakes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 30, 2012, 03:05:26 AM
I'll pick one up in about a year, for $100.00 :smug
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 30, 2012, 05:51:34 AM
I'll pick one up in about a year, for $100.00 :smug

So confident! But are you ballsy enough to put your money where your mouth is and short some Nintendo stock :P
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 30, 2012, 05:54:47 AM
I'll pick one up in about a year, for $100.00 :smug

So confident! But are you ballsy enough to put your money where your mouth is and short some Nintendo stock :P

I don't want to be homeless :teehee
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 30, 2012, 05:56:49 AM
I'll pick one up in about a year, for $100.00 :smug

So confident! But are you ballsy enough to put your money where your mouth is and short some Nintendo stock :P

I don't want to be homeless :teehee

Never bet against Nintendo's shiniest new thing for the unwashed masses, eh?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 30, 2012, 06:00:17 AM
I'll pick one up in about a year, for $100.00 :smug

So confident! But are you ballsy enough to put your money where your mouth is and short some Nintendo stock :P

I don't want to be homeless :teehee

Never bet against Nintendo's shiniest new thing for the unwashed masses, eh?

The unwashed masses know not what they do!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 30, 2012, 06:03:56 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on October 30, 2012, 01:58:26 PM
I honestly find it difficult to believe that we have a full on sell out in US and Europe on preorders and not in Japan. It just seems completely unrealistic unless the numbers are incredibly low outside of Japan.

i know : "<place> is NINTENDO LAND!!" but as i keep seeing "But Wii U has Dragon Quest, a new mario and Monster Hunter at launch! Game over! All the big japanese titles..."

so something isn't right somewhere along the line.

Well, yeah. Nintendo fans are vastly over valuing the importance of MHTriG HD. Even the seemingly reasonable ones like Schuelma (sp?) on GAF have some unreasonable expectations on how it sends a signal that Wii U is a serious home for this series. It's a port of a handheld game that itself is an enhanced port of a Wii game. Combined, those 2 releases on 3DS and Wii have sold like 2.5 million in Japan. MHP3rd HD, which is a game that has a lot of content never seen on a home console sold like 450k on PS3 off a PSP release that did 4.5 million. The fact that Capcom has now put the main MH series on handhelds implies to me there's probably not going to be an MH specifically designed for Wii U. It's going to get MH4 HD, and then MH4G HD.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 30, 2012, 05:28:54 PM
"When the Deluxe Digital Promotion website launches in December, participants can see the points they've earned and receive codes for Nintendo eShop credit by signing in with their Nintendo Network ID and password." (

Get a $5+ eShop credit with every full price retail game you buy, if you go black.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 30, 2012, 07:56:31 PM
I honestly find it difficult to believe that we have a full on sell out in US and Europe on preorders and not in Japan. It just seems completely unrealistic unless the numbers are incredibly low outside of Japan.

i know : "<place> is NINTENDO LAND!!" but as i keep seeing "But Wii U has Dragon Quest, a new mario and Monster Hunter at launch! Game over! All the big japanese titles..."

so something isn't right somewhere along the line.

Limited quantities
First new console since 2007
Nintendo fans

Not completely surprised by a sell out on day one.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on October 30, 2012, 08:19:12 PM
"When the Deluxe Digital Promotion website launches in December, participants can see the points they've earned and receive codes for Nintendo eShop credit by signing in with their Nintendo Network ID and password." (

Get a $5+ eShop credit with every full price retail game you buy, if you go black.

Pretty smarmy way of handling it, but nice if it applies to virtual console/download games.  Steam and Sony just take 10%+ off the cost instead of giving that 10% back as promo credit.  Or maybe that's only with Plus users on the PS3? Anyway, I've seen people treat promotional credit like "$60 + $20 credit = I paid $40 for this game!" So it gets people into the whole cycle if they go that route.

what's a "Nintendo Network ID"? are there finally accounts?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 30, 2012, 08:43:31 PM
As far as we know, yes. We don't know much of the details except that you have an ID and a password. Whether the ID is alphanumeric or just numeric, and whether Nintendo will allow multiple systems to use the same account (useful for all those "but my Wii dun broke!" doomsday scenarios the Ninhater brigade likes to tell themselves at night to make them feel better about shitting on Nintendo's digital efforts) remains to be seen.

And yes, these points can be used for anything on the eShop (Virtual Console, original software, full game downloads), and that apparently extends to 3DS as well. Probably the whole point of the Nintendo ID, actually: linking your Wii U and 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 30, 2012, 11:01:00 PM
Not completely surprised by a sell out on day one.

so why not Japan?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on October 30, 2012, 11:10:51 PM
Whoops missed that bit   :-[

Less interest in home consoles, higher interest in portables?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 30, 2012, 11:56:58 PM
I preordered 2 Wii U tard+ packs without a problem today :smug (one for myself, one for a family member)

Didn't Andrex say that preorders were sold out everywhere?  That doesn't seem to be the case at all in my experience.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 31, 2012, 12:06:47 AM
Where did you preorder from? I only tried GS, and they were sold out on the first day. Right now they have a long "YEAH RIGHT" waiting list.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 31, 2012, 12:55:52 AM
Less interest in home consoles, higher interest in portables?

pretty much my take - given the games coming for the 3DS i think the Wii U is going to crash horribly and the 3DS is going to go absolutely nuts over the xmas/new year.

Money is tigher for everyone, you can a BRAND NEW 3DS for 14800 yen (XL!) in Tsutaya these days - that's compared to the 24,800 tard pack and the library on the 3DS is insanity from a Japanese perspective. It ALREADY HAS monster Hunter 3G on it and given most people play socially anyways, the internet piece is only of note to a small subsegment and it seems the whole of Japan stopped carring about graphics years ago. Then we have Mario - i guess that will be the drawer - but hey - 3DS has those as well. Dragon Quest X? Looks like the Wii U version massively fell short - i can't see Japanese caring that they can play it in HD.

When you start breaking it down - for all the "Wii U - it's got what Japanese crave!" - i don't think it actually does. The 3DS is the king. I'd suggest next xmas is the time the Wii U will start getting some push - but i see a tough year ahead.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 31, 2012, 12:57:44 AM
I preordered 2 Wii U tard+ packs without a problem today :smug (one for myself, one for a family member)

Didn't Andrex say that preorders were sold out everywhere?  That doesn't seem to be the case at all in my experience.

From where? I'm still looking.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 31, 2012, 09:37:04 AM
Looks like Wii U is good for something after all:
You can jump on the blue Yoshi's bubbles, effectively making it that Bubble Bobble sidescroller I always wanted.  :meeble :mario :meeble :mario :meeble :mario :meeble :mario :meeble
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 31, 2012, 12:41:41 PM
Does it have Netflix?

That could be a system seller for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on October 31, 2012, 12:43:36 PM
Wii has Netflix so I guess yes?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 31, 2012, 12:45:32 PM
But now in HD.

Nintendo is stepping up their game!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Tasty on October 31, 2012, 12:59:07 PM
It's also getting YouTube I think. Although the original report was vague on if it was Wii and 3DS or Wii U and 3DS.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 31, 2012, 02:42:28 PM
making it that Bubble Bobble sidescroller i always wanted

I always thought of Liquid Kids as a Bubble Bobble side scroller, though the mechanics only bear mild similarities. It's probably more in common with NZS

... please ignore.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on October 31, 2012, 05:38:12 PM
LK is the Bubble Bobble sidescroller if all you had is the water bubbles and you threw them at your feet because platypuses can't blow bubbles.  It is pretty great though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on November 01, 2012, 01:16:56 PM

why u is the controller and it's for kids right?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 01, 2012, 01:23:59 PM
That's ridiculously bad.

The whole thing comes off looking like an accessory rather than a whole new console.  :lol

It's the same problem they've had since they showed this thing off last year.  Confusing message.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on November 01, 2012, 01:26:06 PM
Nintendo certainly knows its audience and they are very good in getting money out of their parents.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on November 01, 2012, 01:39:51 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 01, 2012, 01:45:19 PM
Nintendo: Our drops are Rated E for Everyone.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on November 01, 2012, 01:45:33 PM
Nintendrones are getting even more unruly than usual thanks to people rightfully calling this ad poop at what it's trying to do. It's aimed at the casuals who probably don't know what the Wii U is, but the ad assumes they do. The die-hards saying the 2 seconds of an off centre Wii U deck at the end will clearly tell them it's a new console is a joke given how similar it looks to the Wii.

There are still people who think the 3DS is a DS with 3D, and their first Wii U ad doesn't clear up that confusion. That said, I have to believe NoA has a more straight forward ad in the wings.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 01, 2012, 01:47:07 PM

Mario is eating molly and FREAKING OUT SO HARD MAN
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on November 01, 2012, 01:50:31 PM
for reference, here's the UK commercial where they spend the length explaining why it's not the same shit.  Literally starts with "A BRAND NEW CONSOLE."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on November 01, 2012, 01:52:15 PM
That's some weak ass DUB. pre order cancelled
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 01, 2012, 02:21:02 PM
Nintendrones are getting even more unruly than usual thanks to people rightfully calling this ad poop at what it's trying to do. It's aimed at the casuals who probably don't know what the Wii U is, but the ad assumes they do. The die-hards saying the 2 seconds of an off centre Wii U deck at the end will clearly tell them it's a new console is a joke given how similar it looks to the Wii.

There are still people who think the 3DS is a DS with 3D, and their first Wii U ad doesn't clear up that confusion. That said, I have to believe NoA has a more straight forward ad in the wings.

Eh, I'd be more worried about the branding if they were selling the controller as a standalone device at launch. As it stands, even old biddies who are buying the new toy for little Jimmy for Christmas will have to realize that it's a new system whether they understand the situation or not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on November 01, 2012, 03:02:39 PM
Very true, but conversely people thinking it's just a controller may make them dismiss the platform entirely.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 03:25:14 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 01, 2012, 03:27:51 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.

something something Nintendo fan something
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 03:31:36 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.

something something Nintendo fan something

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on November 01, 2012, 03:36:59 PM
have you ever met this kid named andrex?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 01, 2012, 03:39:30 PM
so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Eh, in all honesty, it's really not that weird. I mean, it's weird if we're talking about people on message boards like GAF who seem to live, eat, and breathe gaming but stay exclusive to one platform, but I actually know several people in real life who like video games, but aren't diehard fans. And among them, there's like 3 people that I can personally think of that for whatever reason just stick with Nintendo. They like Mario and Zelda and (insert random other title here), and they play whatever else interests them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 03:39:33 PM
hes a fanboy. but he hasnt said anything stupid like that that im aware of.

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Eh, in all honesty, it's really not that weird. I mean, it's weird if we're talking about people on message boards like GAF who seem to live, eat, and breathe gaming but stay exclusive to one platform, but actually know several people in real life who like video games, but aren't diehard fans. And among them, there's like 3 people that I can personally think of that for whatever reason just stick with Nintendo. They like Mario and Zelda and whatever else, and they play whatever else interests them.

so then why would someone like that garner interest in a series that theyve ignored up until now?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on November 01, 2012, 03:40:35 PM
More as he has never owned a non nintendo machine. Isn't that what you were referring to?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 01, 2012, 03:40:42 PM
hes a fanboy. but he hasnt said anything stupid like that that im aware of.

Are you not aware of him becoming the biggest Monster Hunter fan ever after it came out on the Wii?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 03:42:35 PM
More as he has never owned a non nintendo machine. Isn't that what you were referring to?

youre joking right? hes actually admitted this?

hes a fanboy. but he hasnt said anything stupid like that that im aware of.

Are you not aware of him becoming the biggest Monster Hunter fan ever after it came out on the Wii?

but hes played the portable series though, hasnt he?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 01, 2012, 03:42:45 PM
so then why would someone like that garner interest in a series that theyve ignored up until now?

Because now they can play it on the machine that they own.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 03:48:18 PM
so then why would someone like that garner interest in a series that theyve ignored up until now?

Because now they can play it on the machine that they own.

its not like it would be too much of an effort to have played any of them before now. most computers can emulate the psx, and that has tekken 3 on it. it just seems odd to do something like that. it would be like someone saying that they are finally gonna play final fantasy 7-9 or tactics because they are coming out on the 3ds. if you havent played them by now, why do you even care?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 01, 2012, 03:53:44 PM
its not like it would be too much of an effort to have played any of them before now. most computers can emulate the psx, and that has tekken 3 on it. it just seems odd to do something like that. it would be like someone saying that they are finally gonna play final fantasy 7-9 or tactics because they are coming out on the 3ds. if you havent played them by now, why do you even care?

Well, again, I think it depends on what audience you're talking about. The core gaming audience that is in the know about all this crap, or people that just like games. For instance, a couple of the friends I have that I mentioned earlier? They compute on crappy laptops and don't have controllers for their computer. They wouldn't waste more than ten minutes on trying to get ePSXe up and running before they said fuck it. I get this type; they value convenience.

Now, if we segue back to the hardcore audience, then I'll join you in derisive laughter because I assume we're focusing our attention on the crowd that is excited about Tekken Tag after ~15 years of thinking that Smash Bros. was the only important fighting series.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: parallax on November 01, 2012, 04:02:36 PM
its not like it would be too much of an effort to have played any of them before now. most computers can emulate the psx, and that has tekken 3 on it. it just seems odd to do something like that. it would be like someone saying that they are finally gonna play final fantasy 7-9 or tactics because they are coming out on the 3ds. if you havent played them by now, why do you even care?

Well, again, I think it depends on what audience you're talking about. The core gaming audience that is in the know about all this crap, or people that just like games. For instance, a couple of the friends I have that I mentioned earlier? They compute on crappy laptops and don't have controllers for their computer. They wouldn't waste more than ten minutes on trying to get ePSXe up and running before they said fuck it. I get this type; they value convenience.

Now, if we segue back to the hardcore audience, then I'll join you in derisive laughter because I assume we're focusing our attention on the crowd that is excited about Tekken Tag after ~15 years of thinking that Smash Bros. was the only important fighting series.

yeah, core gamers are one thing, im not gonna stress that at all knowing people like that, but people that are in the know and do shit like this? they sound fucking ridiculous.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 01, 2012, 04:16:39 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.

something something Nintendo fan something

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Sales charts for the first three years, after than their DS's.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Takao on November 01, 2012, 05:54:22 PM
hes a fanboy. but he hasnt said anything stupid like that that im aware of.

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Eh, in all honesty, it's really not that weird. I mean, it's weird if we're talking about people on message boards like GAF who seem to live, eat, and breathe gaming but stay exclusive to one platform, but actually know several people in real life who like video games, but aren't diehard fans. And among them, there's like 3 people that I can personally think of that for whatever reason just stick with Nintendo. They like Mario and Zelda and whatever else, and they play whatever else interests them.

so then why would someone like that garner interest in a series that theyve ignored up until now?


Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 01, 2012, 06:30:56 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.

something something Nintendo fan something

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Virtual Console stuff from systems I never got to play (tg16), wiiware, first party, third party in 2009 and 2010 was pretty good.  I've played enough tekken on ps1 and the occassional arcade trip to know its not my thing though.  Looking forward to Assassin's Creed and Criterion NFS though.... and Batman  :-[
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 01, 2012, 06:33:30 PM
so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Eh, in all honesty, it's really not that weird. I mean, it's weird if we're talking about people on message boards like GAF who seem to live, eat, and breathe gaming but stay exclusive to one platform, but I actually know several people in real life who like video games, but aren't diehard fans. And among them, there's like 3 people that I can personally think of that for whatever reason just stick with Nintendo. They like Mario and Zelda and (insert random other title here), and they play whatever else interests them.

This is a pretty good perspective too.  It also comes down to money and having gone through a period where I tried to own multiple systems from different competitors I know its usually not financially feasible to own more than one main console.  Hell my 3ds feels like dead weight sometimes.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 01, 2012, 10:01:37 PM
but hes played the portable series though, hasnt he?

he'll play it on a portable for the first time when it comes out on the Nintendo 3DS handheld console.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on November 01, 2012, 10:36:40 PM
am i the only one shocked at the "this is my first time playing XXX" comments when it gets released on the wii u? i mean, people have never played a tekken game before now, and are jumping in right now? why? if ive avoided a series for a decade, im not gonna jump in because its on a new system.

something something Nintendo fan something

so nintendo fans stay seclusively inside a nintendo balloon? how fucking miserable would that be? i mean, what did they play for the majority of the wiis lifespan?

Mario Kart.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 02, 2012, 12:38:05 AM
hes a fanboy. but he hasnt said anything stupid like that that im aware of.

I guess you weren't there when he decided he was a Kamiya who is really looking forward to Bayonetta 2 despite never playing the first one.

and that Vanquish would have definitely been one of his top 5 favourite games ever - you know - if he'd ever owned/played it.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 02, 2012, 01:23:17 AM
These are the definitive versions though!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 02, 2012, 05:58:16 AM
And Batman Arkham City is totally going to be the game of the year guys.

what? Again?

For only $60 you can appreciate what everyone else can pick up for $9.99 (includes touching - worse graphics*)

* i should either trade mark this or buy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 02, 2012, 07:55:14 AM
What's the better deal here:

1) Batman Arkham City on a Nintendo console for $60


2) Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition + Arkham City + All Arkham City DLC on Steam for $25 during the Steam Summer Sale 2012?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 02, 2012, 08:15:38 AM
Scratch all that - i should get

(I just snagged - lots of potential there)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on November 02, 2012, 10:25:29 AM
You all joke about Batman and late ports, but going forward the Wii U should get the best versions of multiplatform games*

*For a year, until next gen arrives.  Ignoring PC as a platform.  Excluding GTA5, Metal Gear Rising, Anarchy Reigns, and any other multiplatform console exclusives unannounced for Wii U.

I'm being somewhat sincere.  There are a few great games that haven't come to PC (Japanese games and Red Dead Redemption).  If there was a great looking game coming out only for consoles, I'd pickup the Wii U version unless something went horribly wrong.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on November 02, 2012, 10:58:17 AM
Why would you exclude the PC? Arguing about minuscule differences between the console versions makes little sense if there is a vastly superior version.

Slightly off-topic: Why isn't there a PC port of Red Dead Redemption?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on November 02, 2012, 11:18:19 AM
that's the joke  :shh

and because Rockstar didn't want to, I guess.  I don't think they have commented on it, but their track record with PC games this gen hasn't been great.  GTA4 PC was a complete mess at launch.  LA Noire is notoriously bad still.  But Max Payne 3 is supposed to be good!  GTA5 on PC is still up in the air.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 02, 2012, 02:54:00 PM
There is legit reasons for not wanting to play games on the pc... In my case I won't be able to get a wii u until next year, so hopefully some of the lollateports will be heavily discounted by that point.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 02, 2012, 03:22:57 PM
There is legit reasons for not wanting to play games on the pc... In my case I won't be able to get a wii u until next year, so hopefully some of the lollateports will be heavily discounted by that point.

They've made so many strides into making PC gaming easy that it is mind boggling to hear quotes like these.  You can just plug in an HDMI cable from your laptop/desktop to your TV, bust out a wireless 360 PC controller, and you're good to go.  Even medium settings will still be much better than anything you're ever going to see on the Wii U.  Best of all, you can get great games for prices much lower than even the usual console gaming depreciation.  I was able to get all of the Rocksteady Batman content for less than half of the price of the Arkham City Wii U game.

Now I understand none of that will involve a device with a "Nintendo" logo on it so I see your conundrum.  It just seems to me that the chasm between the ease, quality and convenience of PC gaming vs. the restrictions of console gaming has never been wider.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: SantaC on November 02, 2012, 03:25:31 PM
wii u doesnt really interest right now. NSMBU is not enough for me to buy one at launch. Get a few good rpgs and I am onboard.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 02, 2012, 03:26:16 PM
I love the PC as a platform and game almost exclusively on it. However, I do understand that consoles will almost always offer less of a barrier to entry in both convenience and cost. I'll advise anyone who will listen that building a gaming rig isn't as big of a hassle as one might think, but I still realize that if you're just the type that says "what's the easiest/cheapest way to play Call of Duty on my TV?", I can't in good faith really make a strong pitch that PC is the way to go.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 02, 2012, 07:09:26 PM
why build a gaming rig? buy an alienware fx-51, shove it under your teevee. it's a high-spec steam console for $599.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on November 02, 2012, 07:11:03 PM
Yeah, the Alienware is sexy but Dell isn't showing any support. They should be pushing it further with new models and shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on November 02, 2012, 09:19:39 PM
I love the PC as a platform and game almost exclusively on it. However, I do understand that consoles will almost always offer less of a barrier to entry in both convenience and cost. I'll advise anyone who will listen that building a gaming rig isn't as big of a hassle as one might think, but I still realize that if you're just the type that says "what's the easiest/cheapest way to play Call of Duty on my TV?", I can't in good faith really make a strong pitch that PC is the way to go.

I agree.  I don't think most normal people care.  I don't think the eighty billion people who buy Call of Duty yearly care or even notice the sub-HD resolution or whatever.  In the context of gaf/forums, we're talking about enthusiasts who drone on about meager differences between 2nd and 3rd (and now 4th) place.  And I'm strictly talking tech here.  If your community plays on the 360, that's the better place to play whatever multiplayer game.  Problem is that people aren't comfortable leaving it at that, and in trying to find it's the most best and definitivist version fall on some dumb arguments.  Again, stuff most normal people don't care about.

And a question related to Wii U and PC gaming:  Any word on how Wii U controllers connect to the system yet? The Pro controller looks great for 2D games/emulation.  Wii and PS3 just connect with bluetooth.  360 pad requires the dongle.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 02, 2012, 09:46:14 PM
I tried one of these for a couple of minutes at Gamestop today. I liked the way the controller felt, balanced and not too big. The only game I demoed with it was Rayman, so I could fiddle with the touch stuff. Worked fine, no perceptible lag. Screen looks okay, hard to tell really since this demo unit was right in front of the window. They're not showing off much with the system other than videos, place was half full and there didn't seem to be much interest in it. Looks a lot like a Wii demo station from a few feet away, right down to the Wii controllers hanging off of it.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: tiesto on November 02, 2012, 10:35:39 PM

why u is the controller and it's for kids right?

 :yuck :yuck :yuck moombathon  :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 03, 2012, 01:32:13 AM
That's a pretty weak ad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 03, 2012, 03:01:21 AM
I can't even begin to fathom this thing selling gangbusters, but Nintendo is real good at ensuring lightning hitting twice, thrice, maybe even four times in a row
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 03, 2012, 04:03:24 AM
By the way, is the iPad 4 confirmed as more powerful than Weeoo yet
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on November 03, 2012, 06:35:53 AM
By the way, is the iPad 4 confirmed as more powerful than Weeoo yet

This is in question?   :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 03, 2012, 07:55:56 AM
But guyzzz - MS and Sony have gone really low on their specs - there's really not much difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xinfinity

spoiler (click to show/hide)
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 03, 2012, 08:45:54 AM
All games will be up ports from Wii U anyway, you're not gaining anything from them besides some higher textures.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 03, 2012, 08:19:56 PM
All games will be up ports from Wii U anyway, you're not gaining anything from them besides some higher textures.

indeed - but that amazing non trivial jump from PS3/X360 to Wii U is AMAZING whilst the jump from Wii U to Orbis/Nexus is pointless and pretty much the definition of diminishing returns.

(i really can't wait to see the reactions from Nthings when the bombs go off)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 03, 2012, 08:33:21 PM
All games will be up ports from Wii U anyway, you're not gaining anything from them besides some higher textures.

indeed - but that amazing non trivial jump from PS3/X360 to Wii U is AMAZING whilst the jump from Wii U to Orbis/Nexus is pointless and pretty much the definition of diminishing returns.

(i really can't wait to see the reactions from Nthings when the bombs go off)

Are you sure about that?  On the contrary, I think it is going to be completely boring.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on November 03, 2012, 09:03:02 PM
It will be the same leap or less as the last gen.  I am buying a Nintendo console for the games not the graphics. Where else can you get a monolith soft game?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 03, 2012, 11:06:50 PM
All games will be up ports from Wii U anyway, you're not gaining anything from them besides some higher textures.

indeed - but that amazing non trivial jump from PS3/X360 to Wii U is AMAZING whilst the jump from Wii U to Orbis/Nexus is pointless and pretty much the definition of diminishing returns.

(i really can't wait to see the reactions from Nthings when the bombs go off)

Are you sure about that?  On the contrary, I think it is going to be completely boring.

it will be exactly like Damien's response - just shouted louder.

"No one cares about better graphics, except when comparing last gen third party multiplatform titles that has a wii U entry - then it is critical"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Damian79 on November 04, 2012, 01:55:19 AM
I care about graphics, but that isnt why you buy a Nintendo console for.  You buy it for the exclusives you cant get anywhere else.  I might however get darksiders 2 on the WiiU because i find the controls crappy, maybe if they mapped some moves on the touch screen then maybe it iwll be playable for me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 04, 2012, 11:34:50 AM
The saddest thing about people buying Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games is that they are basicly buying it for games and genres and series that havent developed anything since the N64. Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart. The big Nintendo games.

Other consoles are so much more dynamic, sure you still got your Tekken, but in 15 years its just another title. Whats hot and fresh keeps changing all the time. New fads come and go, new titles, ideas, mechanisms. The biggest change in games these past 6 years hasnt been waggle but the xp mechanism COD made big. Its everywhere now in every genre. Another shift is the online focus and coop.

Far from being the self proclaimed innovator Nintendo lags behind the industry.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 04, 2012, 01:19:42 PM
But guyzzz - MS and Sony have gone really low on their specs - there's really not much difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xinfinity

spoiler (click to show/hide)
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

that's really their latest spin? omg

Latest? That's like the same spin they've been using since the Wii launch "There won't be that much of a difference, diminishing returns, blah blah blah..."
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Trent Dole on November 04, 2012, 02:15:37 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Owl-faced Wizard on November 04, 2012, 04:52:14 PM
The saddest thing about people buying Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games is that they are basicly buying it for games and genres and series that havent developed anything since the N64. Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart. The big Nintendo games.

Other consoles are so much more dynamic, sure you still got your Tekken, but in 15 years its just another title. Whats hot and fresh keeps changing all the time. New fads come and go, new titles, ideas, mechanisms. The biggest change in games these past 6 years hasnt been waggle but the xp mechanism COD made big. Its everywhere now in every genre. Another shift is the online focus and coop.

Far from being the self proclaimed innovator Nintendo lags behind the industry.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 04, 2012, 05:02:43 PM

That's Andrex in the bottom right corner, right?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 04, 2012, 05:24:52 PM
Don't you mean top right?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on November 05, 2012, 02:53:06 AM
It begins,were is Andrex?

GamesMaster magazine wiiu launch special(previews,reviews of console/games)
Nintendo Land

- “…Luigi’s Haunted Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day and Mario Chase offer up some of the most innovative, raucous and party-fueling fun we’ve ever had with a console”
- Plaza is filled with all things Nintendo
- There’s menu music for each attraction that bleeps out in NES chimes
- Monita, the floating computer, guides you around the park’s features
- Spend winnings on pachinko-esque coin game
- Win a jukebox, day/night cycle button, and more
- Miis from your console and other consoles through the Internet
- Attraction mode: set up a Nintendo Land party; choose a time limit and player count and then head to a points-based tournament of mini-games
- Multiplayer games are fun, but GamesMaster says the single-player ones are sometimes forgettable
- A few games highlight “some seemingly inherent problems”
- Ex: Takamaru’s Ninja Challenge – “constant screen misalignment”
- GamesMaster says GamePad/TV crossover usually works best when done in tandem
- “As a discerning gamer, you may not find all that Nintendo Land has to offer to your liking, but should you fork out for a Wii U, you owe it to your family, to your friends and to everyone else you know, to bag a copy of this to go with it.”
- Graphics: 90%
- Gameplay: 86%
- Accessibility: 95%
- Lifespan: 82%
- Innovation: 92%
- Overall: 86%
- “An essential purchase for party lovers that whets the Nintendo appetite. Bring friends.”

New Super Mario Bros. U

- May look the same, but there are some “incredible tweaks”
- GamesMaster feels it’s easier than NSMB Wii
- Took under seven hours to complete
- More to the game outside of the main campaign
- Most of the innovation is saved for the final levels
- “Without wishing to spoil anything, we were surprised, excited, and twinkly-eyed during an excellent finale. It’s almost as if Nintendo suddenly realised that they were in fact working with a Wii U, with a game-changing GamePad and everything.”
- Hopes Nintendo will “build on this solid, if not mind-blowing, foundation.”
- Graphics: 82%
- Gameplay: 85%
- Accessibility: 90%
- Lifespan: 80%
- Innovation: 75%
- Overall: 82%
- “A great excuse for families to gather round the TV, and an enticing glimpse of Mario’s HD future.”

Plenty of scans here

direct link for the scans(enlarge and go right)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on November 05, 2012, 03:01:45 AM
So Nintendo Land is actually better than the latest 2D Mario platformer?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 05, 2012, 03:37:44 AM
do regular wii controllers work on this bucket or do you need to buy 4 Wiimote+ to enjoy the asymetrical future ?

(japan doesnt get teh sensor etc in the Wii U - does the US?)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on November 05, 2012, 03:44:52 AM
I don't know about the US, but a sensor bar is included here in Europe. It's supposedly "fully backwards compatible with the Wii and it supports all controllers from the Wii Remote Plus to the Wii Balance Board".

For some reason I'm tempted to buy one even though none of the launch games interest me.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: maxy on November 05, 2012, 06:49:12 AM
Nice scoop maxy :) Are you excited for the Wii U launch? :D I mean, finally, something is happening in the console space and all be told Wii U is a 360+ so the best hardware out of 360/ PS3/ Wii U.

Nah,I find it very hard to be excited for anything these days.WiiU launch is pretty meh,it's almost like Nintendo is launching some Wii iteration.Lack of big third publishers new/existing IP sequels is totally killing my interest.

Something Mario,some Ubisoft game and a bunch of 360 ports.Replace WiiU with Infinity,Mario with some MS IP...that would be totaly meh :yuck

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 05, 2012, 12:07:15 PM
the fuck is an 82%?   :lol

:piss 100 point scales  :piss2

can't say i'm hyped for any of the launch games.  I'm curious about a few, but that's not enough to buy the thing.  I will definitely buy one to play Bayonetta 2 though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: archnemesis on November 05, 2012, 12:13:13 PM
At the moment I'm only interested in Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online and Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII. Buying one at launch would be stupid of me.
Title: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on November 05, 2012, 12:23:35 PM
I'll prob get one at under 200 unless something crazy happens
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 05, 2012, 12:51:57 PM
Honestly, just due to lack of interest in any other electronic gadgets or anything substantial for myself for the holidays, I'm tempted to pick one up. However, I'm an oddball in my launch window purchases in that I will probably only follow through if I can procure one without a preorder and the quantity is limited. Meaning, I don't care enough to lock myself into a purchase before launch. But also -- in the event that this thing tanks everywhere outside of Gamestop where they act as though they're sold out through next year -- I'm not going to get one just to get one if it's clear that availability is going to be no concern whatsoever.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: cool breeze on November 05, 2012, 12:55:25 PM
Has Nintendo said anything about how you transfer virtual console/wiiware games to the Wii U? iirc, the DS/3DS way wipes your old system.  Last I checked Nintendo hadn't said much of anything about how anything works and this thing is coming out in two weeks.

sort of related, but has anyone tried one of those Wii to HDMI converters? I'm not expecting it to upscale Wii.  I just want to replace the component input with HDMI, unless it introduces heinous lag and artifacts or w/e.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on November 05, 2012, 02:50:39 PM
Gentlemen, brace yourself, next-gen starts this month :tophat

:lol I forgot what thread I was in had to look before I got the joke.  I was hoping for a 720/ps4 announcement. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Madrun Badrun on November 05, 2012, 02:51:48 PM
Has Nintendo said anything about how you transfer virtual console/wiiware games to the Wii U? iirc, the DS/3DS way wipes your old system.  Last I checked Nintendo hadn't said much of anything about how anything works and this thing is coming out in two weeks.

sort of related, but has anyone tried one of those Wii to HDMI converters? I'm not expecting it to upscale Wii.  I just want to replace the component input with HDMI, unless it introduces heinous lag and artifacts or w/e.

They transfer.  Won't be ready for launch though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 05, 2012, 05:17:41 PM
supports all controllers from the Wii Remote Plus

from the Wii Remote Plus right? that seems to be what is being said in Japan too - so new controllers required for me - i only have 1 wiimote plus.

38k MH pack + 5000 yen to get the bar + cheap controller/nunchuck + 2x 3800yen for 2 more wiimotes + 5800 NSMBU + 5800 Nintendoland

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 05, 2012, 05:38:46 PM
Where's Andrex? Seems like he disappeared.

Camping outside Wal-Mart.

You're gonna feel pretty bad when it turns out he's dead. :(
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Huff on November 05, 2012, 06:00:23 PM
He's just waiting for some glorious moment to return with sales news of the wiiu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 05, 2012, 06:21:33 PM
He's participating in National Novel Writing Month, I believe.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 05, 2012, 06:26:02 PM
- GamesMaster feels it’s easier than NSMB Wii

That's disappointing.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: demi on November 05, 2012, 06:47:23 PM
Nice scoop maxy :) Are you excited for the Wii U launch? :D I mean, finally, something is happening in the console space and all be told Wii U is a 360+ so the best hardware out of 360/ PS3/ Wii U.

What exactly is "happening"?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 05, 2012, 08:28:52 PM
Nice scoop maxy :) Are you excited for the Wii U launch? :D I mean, finally, something is happening in the console space and all be told Wii U is a 360+ so the best hardware out of 360/ PS3/ Wii U.

What exactly is "happening"?

360 re-launch with a new pad accessory.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 05, 2012, 10:38:49 PM
I bet prole has ordered 3 Wii U Smackdowns
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 05, 2012, 10:48:32 PM
He's participating in National Novel Writing Month, I believe.

Quote from: Andrex' new novel
"Oh, Pikachu," moaned Ash Ketchum as his Pokeymon's coarse tongue stroked his distended hairless ballsack. "I...choose...YOU!"

He shuddered as he nutted a pokeball's worth of baby gravy all over the yellow rodent.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu shook the heavy drizzle of cum from his fur. "Pika-pika!"

But Ash wasn't finished! "Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: pilonv1 on November 06, 2012, 12:46:21 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: D3RANG3D on November 06, 2012, 02:29:22 AM
He's participating in National Novel Writing Month, I believe.

Quote from: Andrex' new novel
"Oh, Pikachu," moaned Ash Ketchum as his Pokeymon's coarse tongue stroked his distended hairless ballsack. "I...choose...YOU!"

He shuddered as he nutted a pokeball's worth of baby gravy all over the yellow rodent.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu shook the heavy drizzle of cum from his fur. "Pika-pika!"

But Ash wasn't finished! "Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: MCD on November 06, 2012, 02:52:03 AM
"Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"

 :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 06, 2012, 12:56:54 PM
These commercials tell me: "This console is not for you, this is for children and people who watch Disney XD programming"

(I had to look up both "Jessie" and "Kickin It")
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 06, 2012, 12:58:48 PM
He's participating in National Novel Writing Month, I believe.

Quote from: Andrex' new novel
"Oh, Pikachu," moaned Ash Ketchum as his Pokeymon's coarse tongue stroked his distended hairless ballsack. "I...choose...YOU!"

He shuddered as he nutted a pokeball's worth of baby gravy all over the yellow rodent.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu shook the heavy drizzle of cum from his fur. "Pika-pika!"

But Ash wasn't finished! "Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"

Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 06, 2012, 12:59:42 PM
"Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"

 :rofl :rofl :rofl

Oh my god  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 06, 2012, 01:40:15 PM
I laughed, but then it hit me; Prole either had to search for erotic Pokemon fanfiction or....write it himself.  :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 06, 2012, 01:41:37 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 07, 2012, 06:07:15 AM
This Nintendo Direct is just Iwata unboxing a Wii U. With gloves on.

:lol @ the size of the power brick
Title: Re: Weeooooooo (Whimsy Wii U Thread)
Post by: Brehvolution on November 07, 2012, 11:01:00 AM
He's participating in National Novel Writing Month, I believe.

Quote from: Andrex' new novel
"Oh, Pikachu," moaned Ash Ketchum as his Pokeymon's coarse tongue stroked his distended hairless ballsack. "I...choose...YOU!"

He shuddered as he nutted a pokeball's worth of baby gravy all over the yellow rodent.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu shook the heavy drizzle of cum from his fur. "Pika-pika!"

But Ash wasn't finished! "Now, Pikachu, thundershock my asshole!"

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 07, 2012, 11:24:50 AM
so glad i opened this thread again   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: cool breeze on November 07, 2012, 12:15:11 PM
This Nintendo Direct is just Iwata unboxing a Wii U. With gloves on.

:lol @ the size of the power brick

from what I've read about it:

-Nintendo Network ID is the account system.  Purchases and stats are tied to the account.
-Transfer Wii saves/games to Wii U via SD card (???)
-Tablet charger only charges; separate stand for when you want to use it (???)
-Online software (e-shop, party thing) is in a day one firmware update (???)
-Interface spreads between the tablet and TV.  One has the warawara thing; the other has a 3DS looking interface.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 07, 2012, 12:23:51 PM
that actually looks fun

$20 fun, but still
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: maxy on November 07, 2012, 01:28:47 PM
It begins(for real)

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: parallax on November 07, 2012, 03:27:59 PM
does andrex still post here? i havent seen him in a while.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: cool breeze on November 07, 2012, 03:38:48 PM

The process for transferring data from a Wii to a Wii U is outlined in the console's instruction manual, which Polygon received today alongside a review unit of Nintendo's new hardware.

The process is somewhat similar to the transfer process between Nintendo's handheld devices, but requires a couple of extra steps. First, users must insert an SD card into the Wii U to initiate the process using the console's Wii System Transfer application. After starting the process, the user must put the same SD card into their Wii, and download another transfer application from the Wii Shop Channel. That app will move data over to the card, which must be put back into the Wii U, at which point the Wii data is moved to the console, and deleted from the card altogether.


Hopefully going forward Nintendo won't rely on this ghetto method anymore.

Other information:

-NSMB Wii U won't support the Wii U's 360 controller.  Wii remote or tablet (waggle is mapped to the shoulder button here).
-Tablet lasts 3-5 hours; 2+ hour charge time.  360 controller supposedly lasts 80 hours.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 07, 2012, 03:54:25 PM
3 hours is terrible for your main controller, and you can't even connect it to your system to charge, you have to plug it into a wall outlet. So ghetto.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Brehvolution on November 07, 2012, 04:10:53 PM
That sounds like a lot of work to get my bowling high score moved over.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: cool breeze on November 07, 2012, 04:32:09 PM
3 hours is terrible for your main controller, and you can't even connect it to your system to charge, you have to plug it into a wall outlet. So ghetto.

From the looks of things the battery is super tiny.  Tablets usually use the space to stuff in a bigger battery.  Nintendo might've used a small battery to keep the weight down...realistically, to keep the cost down.  On the bright side, it is replaceable.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 07, 2012, 05:35:44 PM
Why isn't there a gif of Iwata skyping Reggie and drawing all over him?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 07, 2012, 05:49:41 PM

NG3 launch trailer. 

Looks like old stages and enemies will be reused...possibly for missions?   Gonna have to get some people who actually know about action gaming to give the verdict before giving this a thought.

Still, I get a "backtracking" feel from this again.  NG2 to NGS2 = "smaller fights are back!" NG3 to NG3:RE = "dismemberment is back!"  (NG4 to NGS4 = "Steel on Bone is back!")   

I don't think the reversed changes in NGS2 worked out well at all for that game's structure and level design.  But consider NG3 is basically open-arena-to-open-arena, they have a chance to make the combat really shine.   However, Hayashi has yet to come out with a nicely balanced NG game.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: bork on November 07, 2012, 06:12:34 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 07, 2012, 09:29:14 PM


Did you go out of your way to secure this super relevant gamefaqs poll data?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 08, 2012, 12:31:17 AM
do we have a teardown of the hardware yet? i got 100 bucks riding on this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 08, 2012, 12:51:53 AM
I for one cannot wait to get a parts list for this dirty mofo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [10 days till US Launch]
Post by: Momo on November 08, 2012, 01:24:50 AM
2 x 486s (DX version, Nintendo doesnt skimp), 4 x 64k simms, 16 colour video card with max resolution of 240 x 180 and 3 x 20MB HDDs.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [10 days till US Launch]
Post by: maxy on November 08, 2012, 01:35:32 AM
No teardowns yet,just some official mb shots.

After launch,I guess.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [10 days till US Launch]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 08, 2012, 06:41:55 AM

this is all MS, Sony, jealous game fans, fanboy haters, the biased gaming press, Dorito popes fault.


Nintendo have done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 08, 2012, 08:09:28 AM
3 hours is terrible for your main controller, and you can't even connect it to your system to charge, you have to plug it into a wall outlet. So ghetto.

Obviously you are kidding here.

I mean you can't play with your controller hooked up to the console ?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Takao on November 08, 2012, 08:04:22 PM
do we have a teardown of the hardware yet? i got 100 bucks riding on this.

As in you're estimating it costs $100 to make? lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [10 days till US Launch]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 08, 2012, 08:31:10 PM
Don't fall of your chair here - but i've a promise to the wife that i WILL NOT buy a Wii U - i've got some severely critical other real life stuff going on where we need every yen.

So - no troll warning up front - i will NOT be picking up my preorder for reasons that have NOTHING TO DO with the machine itself.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 08, 2012, 08:35:19 PM
3 hours is terrible for your main controller, and you can't even connect it to your system to charge, you have to plug it into a wall outlet. So ghetto.

Obviously you are kidding here.

I mean you can't play with your controller hooked up to the console ?


It has its own ac adapter...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [10 days till US Launch]
Post by: Momo on November 08, 2012, 09:09:37 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 08, 2012, 10:34:21 PM
It begins(for real)

:lol @ sidetalking at about 9 minutes
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [9 days till US Launch]
Post by: MCD on November 09, 2012, 03:37:44 AM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [9 days till US Launch]
Post by: mjemirzian on November 09, 2012, 05:51:20 AM
There are two games for this system already that I'd like to get - Bayonetta and a future Fire Emblem (unless they abandon the series, which is unlikely). If I do buy one of these I'll be buying a Japanese system not a NA one.

Don't make the Nintendo fanboys cry too hard. Their self worth is riding on the sales of Nintendo products, remember.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [11 days till US Launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 09, 2012, 07:21:13 AM
3 hours is terrible for your main controller, and you can't even connect it to your system to charge, you have to plug it into a wall outlet. So ghetto.

Obviously you are kidding here.

I mean you can't play with your controller hooked up to the console ?


It has its own ac adapter...

Would be cool if it came with 24 AA batteries.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [9 days till US Launch]
Post by: Diunx on November 09, 2012, 11:49:13 AM
Tank! Tank! Tank! looks like a gamecube game.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [8 days till US Launch]
Post by: maxy on November 10, 2012, 11:55:15 PM
Stolen from gaf

Let me just re-translate that stuff so as to not cause confusion. This all comes from the JP Wii U site's Q&A section:

Q. Can download software saved to USB media be played on another Wii U?
A. No. Download software can only be used on 1 Wii U per 1 USB media.

Q. Where is software that I purchased a download for saved to?
A. Internal memory or USB media. Download software can't be saved to the SD card.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [1 wiik till Wiipocalypse!]
Post by: naff on November 11, 2012, 09:26:57 PM
Tank! Tank! Tank! looks pretty fun as a multiplayer title. So far only thing I got pre-ordered is NSMB U... I was writing this thing off, but tbh I been so new console starved I'm pretty excited. Realised I've never been this long without getting a new console since I was ten.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 12, 2012, 05:17:42 AM
thank GOD - i cant think of anything worse than system wide ANYTHING
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 05:22:56 AM
I don't care about an overall score, but I hope it will still be easy to compare your achievements with other players for each game.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: chronovore on November 12, 2012, 09:04:17 AM
Dear LazyBore,

Does the Wii U use HDMI, and is there any backward compatibility with original Wii titles?

I have a friend who wants to buy one and ditch his Wii, and was surprised that I know nearly dick-all about the Wii U.

Señor Chronovoro
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 12, 2012, 09:10:46 AM
Yes, and yes. They even include an HDMI cable in the box. It does not upscale Wii games, and you cannot use the new tablet or pro controllers on Wii games.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 09:13:47 AM
In Europe they will sell a Wii U Additional Remote Set that contains a Wiimote+, a Nunchuk, and a sensor bar. The new Wii U sensor bar isn't compatible with Wiimotes. Why? Because Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 09:15:17 AM
Oh, I also have a question. If I haven't played any recent 2D Mario game, should I get the new Wii U game or one of the older ones?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [1 wiik till Wiipocalypse!]
Post by: bork on November 12, 2012, 09:33:54 AM
Next-gen starts in one week, dudes.

R U E?

Nope.  Wii U is DOOMEDEDED:

I have posted this in other threads, so figure will post it here as well. I have been in the retail business for over 20 years at a major national retail chain. I have been part of every launch since the NES/Sega Master System. Outside of the Vita/3DS, the Wii U has ben the least hyped home console that I have seen in all these years. Regardless of the pre-sales that were extremly limited and we all know the hardcore/ebayers were going to snap those up anyways, the general consumer, the mom & dad's that come into the store, the kids that come in, there is no talk of the Wii U.

For every other home console launch, there was massive amounts of hype surrounding the upcoming system. From people asking about, people clamoring about which games will be made, people talking about how amazing the new games look in video's etc. This thing has little hype and probably one of the lowest I have seen.

Some have suggested that this is being done intentionally because Nintendo is aware that there is a lack of hardware that will be available, some can point to the lack of Nintendo's media department pushing the new system because of this. While I am personally excited for the new system, based on my experience this will be the least hyped/least attended launch system in a very long time.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: bork on November 12, 2012, 09:39:16 AM
Yes, and yes. They even include an HDMI cable in the box. It does not upscale Wii games, and you cannot use the new tablet or pro controllers on Wii games.

Not only does it not upscale Wii games, but you have to download and run the "Wii Channel" to bring up an emulated(?) version of the Wii's own menus/channel system to run games in glorious 480i/480p.

In Europe they will sell a Wii U Additional Remote Set that contains a Wiimote+, a Nunchuk, and a sensor bar. The new Wii U sensor bar isn't compatible with Wiimotes. Why? Because Nintendo.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 12, 2012, 09:40:02 AM
Reading the gaf thread and most threads on the internet about games for the past few years, this picture is no longer super hilarious, but completely true:


i guess it's still hilarious if you don't hunt achievements
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 12, 2012, 09:43:50 AM
Next-gen starts in one week, dudes.

R U E?

Nope.  Wii U is DOOMEDEDED:

I have posted this in other threads, so figure will post it here as well. I have been in the retail business for over 20 years at a major national retail chain. I have been part of every launch since the NES/Sega Master System. Outside of the Vita/3DS, the Wii U has ben the least hyped home console that I have seen in all these years. Regardless of the pre-sales that were extremly limited and we all know the hardcore/ebayers were going to snap those up anyways, the general consumer, the mom & dad's that come into the store, the kids that come in, there is no talk of the Wii U.

For every other home console launch, there was massive amounts of hype surrounding the upcoming system. From people asking about, people clamoring about which games will be made, people talking about how amazing the new games look in video's etc. This thing has little hype and probably one of the lowest I have seen.

Some have suggested that this is being done intentionally because Nintendo is aware that there is a lack of hardware that will be available, some can point to the lack of Nintendo's media department pushing the new system because of this. While I am personally excited for the new system, based on my experience this will be the least hyped/least attended launch system in a very long time.


Blame Nintendo for that,outside of Bayonetta 2 very little is known about system future.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 12, 2012, 09:47:56 AM
It's mostly hubris, I think. They're still in that line of thinking where they assume all they have to do is release a new system, spread their hands, and go TA-DA! and all the major news networks will do their marketing for them.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 12, 2012, 09:48:49 AM
Blame Nintendo for that,outside of Bayonetta 2 very little is known about system future.

3D Mario game, Metroid game, shitty 3D Zelda game, Animal Crossing, Pokemon spinoff, Fire Emblem, and a whole lot of 360/PS3 ports.

It's mostly hubris, I think. They're still in that line of thinking where they assume all they have to do is release a new system, spread their hands, and go TA-DA! and all the major news networks will do their marketing for them.

this.   Japan seems to be pretty out of it when it comes to PR.  I blame the fall of Japanese games on this.  Then when they stopped selling because lack of publicity and such, they thought it was because of their development style, so they started making shittier versions of western games. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 12, 2012, 09:49:06 AM
In Europe they will sell a Wii U Additional Remote Set that contains a Wiimote+, a Nunchuk, and a sensor bar. The new Wii U sensor bar isn't compatible with Wiimotes. Why? Because Nintendo.


I thought you only needed a sensor bar for playing Wii games, and that all Wii U games used the uPad. Do you need a sensor bar for the uPad? Do some WiiU games use the wiimote too? I don't know what's real and what's not anymore.  :derp
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 12, 2012, 10:05:32 AM
Blame Nintendo for that,outside of Bayonetta 2 very little is known about system future.

3D Mario game, Metroid game, shitty 3D Zelda game, Animal Crossing, Pokemon spinoff, Fire Emblem, and a whole lot of 360/PS3 ports.

Yeah but those are assumptions based on previous Nintendo systems.They are correct but consumers these days expect to see something to get excited(game announcement,cg,target render,whatever).

This launch feels like Nintendo is launching something because they have to,not because they want to.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: bork on November 12, 2012, 10:18:53 AM
This launch feels like Nintendo is launching something because they have to,not because they want to.

So just like the last launch?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 12, 2012, 10:26:36 AM
Last time they had a lightning in bottle and I'm pretty sure that at some point prior to launch they actually realized that.

This time,hmm...
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: bork on November 12, 2012, 10:46:58 AM
Last time they re-released the Game Cube with a new look and controller.  They had Wii Sports.

This time they're re-releasing the Xbox 360 with a new look and controller.  And their killer app 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 12, 2012, 10:55:31 AM
Wii Sports was a killer app though, something new that captured the imagination of many people around the world. I'm not arguening its merits just saying.

Nintendoland is just another party game. Nothing new.  No causal is gonna drop 300 to play this.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 12, 2012, 11:22:48 AM
Wii Sports was a killer app though, something new that captured the imagination of many people around the world. I'm not arguening its merits just saying.

Nintendoland is just another party game. Nothing new.  No causal is gonna drop 300 to play this.

I'm confused as to what i even NEED to play Nintendoland at this point!

Assuming the "fun" of it all is playing 5 players (1 Wii U pad and 4 -others-)

it's the "others" bit i am totally lost on : my assumption was i'd use my old sensor bar + wiimotes, but now it's looking like that might not work and i need the new sensor bar or -at least- 4 Wiimote+ ?

I mean - doesn't this mean that the killer Asym gaming experience is $300+$50 bar pack+3x$30 wii motes = $440 = fuck right off for most people?
Of course you don't have to buy everything in one go and all that but... this just looks like a disaster. Again - in Japan - preorders available everywhere and the "super limited MHU bundles" ? Available everywhere....

Enjoying the reaction to no cheevs. The whole thing is going to be based around social interaction with the Miiverse - i know, let's not have a cheev system! Waa waaa... "bu bu bu who cares about cheevs?" "bu bu wont someone think of the developers!" <--- particularly like this one as it has shades of the Sony No Rumble Excuse Squad.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 12, 2012, 11:23:18 AM
Yes, and yes. They even include an HDMI cable in the box. It does not upscale Wii games, and you cannot use the new tablet or pro controllers on Wii games.

Not only does it not upscale Wii games, but you have to download and run the "Wii Channel" to bring up an emulated(?) version of the Wii's own menus/channel system to run games in glorious 480i/480p.

In Europe they will sell a Wii U Additional Remote Set that contains a Wiimote+, a Nunchuk, and a sensor bar. The new Wii U sensor bar isn't compatible with Wiimotes. Why? Because Nintendo.


What the fuck

I have never hated a console before
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 12, 2012, 11:39:13 AM
How is the new Wii U sensor bar not compatible with regular Wiimotes? That doesn't make any sense at all to me, since all the sensor bar does is shine a couple of lights.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 12, 2012, 11:44:09 AM
The bar MUST be compatible with the old wiimotes. There is no way it isn't.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 12, 2012, 11:55:58 AM
yeah, the only thing in the bar is two IR bulbs right? The whole thing works from the controller side.

It seems more likely that the Wii U doesn't support standard Wiimotes in order to force Wiimote+ usage rather than the bar being an issue...

if not, then the Wii U is doing something very dodgy: it's able to detect -which- bar you are using and it's cross checking with what controller you are using and deciding to say "not supported" - which seems incredibly unlikely.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
It seems like it's the sensor bar that isn't compatible is the one on the GamePad. That makes more sense.

Can the Sensor Bar built into the Wii U GamePad be used instead of a standard Sensor Bar?

It cannot. The Sensor Bar in the GamePad is for use only in software specifically built to make use of it, of which there are none as of December 8th, 2012 (launch date in Japan).

Why would they include an additional sensor bar in the set below?

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 12, 2012, 12:10:55 PM
Basic Set in the EU doesn't come with a sensor bar, apparently.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 12:14:11 PM
Fucking cheapskates. First, no AC adapter with the 3DS and now this. Not everyone in Europe is a devoted Nintendo fan that buys all of their products.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 12, 2012, 12:47:24 PM
Fucking cheapskates. First, no AC adapter with the 3DS and now this. Not everyone in Europe is a devoted Nintendo fan that buys all of their products.

3DS doesn't come with a charger? How do you charge it?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 12, 2012, 12:51:32 PM
3DS doesn't come with a charger? How do you charge it?
You can't unless you buy an AC adapter for it (it being the 3DSXL version). Nintendo assumed everyone already owned an original 3DS, a DSi XL, or a DSi. The slightly older DS Lite model, which I own, uses another type of charger. In Japan it also wasn't included.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: cool breeze on November 12, 2012, 12:57:26 PM
Dear LazyBore,

Does the Wii U use HDMI, and is there any backward compatibility with original Wii titles?

I have a friend who wants to buy one and ditch his Wii, and was surprised that I know nearly dick-all about the Wii U.

Señor Chronovoro

There's a mode in which the Wii U functionally becomes a Wii.  Thing is that this Wii Mode environment is completely separate from the Wii U environment.  480p output, different currency between Wii's online store and Wii U's, interface, and so on.

This is a picture of it:

On the plus side, someone might be able to exploit this and add homebrew to the system.

Oh, and if your friend wants to move his Wii stuff to the Wii U, he has to hold off on selling the Wii.  The transfer process requires both systems and an SD card.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 12, 2012, 02:30:39 PM
I hate this thing
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 12, 2012, 03:19:03 PM
3DS doesn't come with a charger? How do you charge it?
You can't unless you buy an AC adapter for it (it being the 3DSXL version). Nintendo assumed everyone already owned an original 3DS, a DSi XL, or a DSi. The slightly older DS Lite model, which I own, uses another type of charger. In Japan it also wasn't included.

what the fuck?   

That's 32X levels of fuckery (32X didn't display unless you bought a separate cable.)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 12, 2012, 05:06:54 PM
Well, I guess Andy hung himself.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 12, 2012, 05:07:54 PM
It seems more likely that the Wii U doesn't support standard Wiimotes in order to force Wiimote+ usage rather than the bar being an issue...

Sounds like it, maybe they don't want to support any original Wii dirtpersons who haven't bought any Wii products since 2009.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 12, 2012, 11:53:53 PM

we're off to a good start
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 13, 2012, 12:46:56 AM
All the games you secretly wanted to play this gen, just worse - oh... plus some shitty mario game - and Bingo controller : The Console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Momo on November 13, 2012, 01:04:11 AM
Well, I guess Andy hung himself.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Man I love this gif
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: naff on November 13, 2012, 04:44:39 AM
Finally came to my senses. Pre-order cancelled. Definitely interested in a bunch of titles for this thing but I'll be grabbing it later
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 13, 2012, 04:57:22 AM
I've already ordered multiple things from different retailers. It's too late to back out now.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pickle on November 13, 2012, 05:36:16 AM
Well, I guess Andy hung himself.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Man I love this gif

What kind of person gives their baby pierced ears?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 13, 2012, 05:41:20 AM
Finally came to my senses. Pre-order cancelled. Definitely interested in a bunch of titles for this thing but I'll be grabbing it later

You *will* go to a Best Buy on Sunday and buy one.

Succumb to the hype.

No Best Buy in our region Borys
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Oblivion on November 13, 2012, 06:02:46 AM
Yes, and yes. They even include an HDMI cable in the box. It does not upscale Wii games, and you cannot use the new tablet or pro controllers on Wii games.

Not only does it not upscale Wii games, but you have to download and run the "Wii Channel" to bring up an emulated(?) version of the Wii's own menus/channel system to run games in glorious 480i/480p.

What the FUCK?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 13, 2012, 06:54:52 AM
Upscaling geometry isn't trivial. Your TV will upscale the 480p signal to fit the native resolution.

The poor compatibility of controllers is lame though.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 13, 2012, 07:48:20 AM
Few more days unit Nintendo fans get hit by reality hammer,woohoo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2012, 10:52:22 AM
Few more days unit Nintendo fans get hit by reality hammer,woohoo

Nah, that's gonna take a year or two. Probably not until after the 720/PS4 come out, if then (if ever). This Sunday, it's all gonna be :bow NEW THING :bow2

I expect Borys will be in here regaling us with tales of how awesome Nintendoland is.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: MCD on November 13, 2012, 01:04:03 PM
Dolphin isn't really that stable, son.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: demi on November 13, 2012, 01:05:32 PM
I am not buying Wii U. Why buy it when Wii U games will run on Dolphin soon and look 10x better anyway?

Who are you trying to convince? We know you are a greasy pirate.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 13, 2012, 01:13:20 PM
IGN's NG3: Razor's Edge review:


I give this review a 4.2/10.6:
- completely noncommittal review
- the reviewer says nothing about game balance except "it's harder." 
- Does not actually get into the fighting engine mechanics at all because he's afraid of alienating Average Joe Bestbuy, even though those mechanics make or break the game for people whether they know it or not
- basically just describes what's in the game and seems to like it better than the PS3/360 release. 

+ Does mention that the graphics would've been called out even 7 years ago at the 360's launch
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: cool breeze on November 13, 2012, 01:32:27 PM
Finally came to my senses. Pre-order cancelled. Definitely interested in a bunch of titles for this thing but I'll be grabbing it later

yeah, I'm probably going to cancel my order.  The two reasons I buy hardware are potential and whether can replace/enhance an existing device;  basically why I bought a 3DS/360 and Vita/PS3.  But Wii U doesn't really have a future, and it's worse when it comes to Wii games  :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 13, 2012, 01:35:26 PM
IGN's NG3: Razor's Edge review:


I give this review a 4.2/10.6:
- completely noncommittal review
- the reviewer says nothing about game balance except "it's harder." 
- Does not actually get into the fighting engine mechanics at all because he's afraid of alienating Average Joe Bestbuy, even though those mechanics make or break the game for people whether they know it or not
- basically just describes what's in the game and seems to like it better than the PS3/360 release. 

+ Does mention that the graphics would've been called out even 7 years ago at the 360's launch

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 13, 2012, 01:44:27 PM
The writer of that article is a fucking prophetic genius   :lol :lol :lol

Here'a pretty good in-depth review of NG3 that gives it a 5.5:

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: bork on November 13, 2012, 01:47:28 PM
Why did anyone expect Razor's Edge to be good after NG3 turned out to be shit?   ???  I think DOA5 turned out OK, but post-Itagaki Team Ninja needs to hand off Ninja Gaiden to someone else.

But hey!  Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper adds Rachel and Momoji in addition to Ryu Hayabusa and Ayane.  Get your Gaiden on in that game instead... 30 FPS on Wii U versus 60 FPS on PS3 and 360.   :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 13, 2012, 01:56:06 PM
Why did anyone expect Razor's Edge to be good after NG3 turned out to be shit?   ???  I think DOA5 turned out OK, but post-Itagaki Team Ninja needs to hand off Ninja Gaiden to someone else.

But hey!  Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper adds Rachel and Momoji in addition to Ryu Hayabusa and Ayane.  Get your Gaiden on in that game instead... 30 FPS on Wii U versus 60 FPS on PS3 and 360.   :lol

wasn't really expecting it to be good, but I can't say I wasn't curious about how they'd attempt to fix up the game.  As most people predicted, they just can't fix this up. 

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 13, 2012, 04:15:33 PM
The writer of that article is a fucking prophetic genius   :lol :lol :lol

Amiga Power is still the greatest gaming publication ever produced
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2012, 05:37:49 PM
LOL, why would someone buy fucking Madden of all things? :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 13, 2012, 05:39:51 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 13, 2012, 05:55:57 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Purple Filth on November 13, 2012, 06:02:38 PM

we're off to a good start

that can't be real  :o

NG3 was a steaming pile of grade A horseshit and its even worse now? LOL
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 13, 2012, 06:26:04 PM

we're off to a good start

that can't be real  :o

NG3 was a steaming pile of grade A horseshit and its even worse now? LOL

It's not worse though, IGN gave it a 7.6!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 13, 2012, 06:30:23 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: cool breeze on November 13, 2012, 06:56:23 PM
Ignoring how the Wii U version of Madden is supposedly a mess, I could see sports game benefiting from the screen.  Drawing plays and management rigmarole.  More or less what Microsoft has shown off with smart glass.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 13, 2012, 07:25:07 PM

we're off to a good start

that can't be real  :o

NG3 was a steaming pile of grade A horseshit and its even worse now? LOL

from reviews, it sounds like that tweet is wrong.  Arthur Gies sacrificing a Japanese game to show that he's a serious journalist. 

The GAF thread is full of denial about NG3.  beautiful.  I hope they all buy it day 1 for $60. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [5 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: naff on November 13, 2012, 07:43:40 PM
Finally came to my senses. Pre-order cancelled. Definitely interested in a bunch of titles for this thing but I'll be grabbing it later

You *will* go to a Best Buy on Sunday and buy one.

Succumb to the hype.

Christmas hols coming up. If it was winter here I'd maybe change my mind again, but it's going to be the height of summer here, I just got confused because the weather has sucked here and all the babes are hibernating but the last weeks been (relatively) amazing which set my priorities straight
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Damian79 on November 13, 2012, 07:57:30 PM
Nintendo Wii U Will Sell Out, Sell Faster Than Wii
The Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo had a smash hit on its hands when it released the Wii game console back in 2006. Now it’s getting ready to release a long-awaited followup, and analysts say the new hardware will sell even faster.

A research report published Monday by IHS Screen Digest predicts that the new Nintendo Wii U console will sell 3.5 million units worldwide between its November 18th release and the end of December 2012. That’s 12% more than the 3.1 million Wii consoles Nintendo moved during a similar sales period in 2006.

“Pent-up demand from Nintendo evangelists, many of which were introduced to the console market through the success of the Wii, is predicted to drive this explosive start,” according to the report.

IHS says Wii U’s will fly off the shelves so quickly that there will be supply shortages over the holiday shopping season, and many consumers will have to wait until after the new year until they can find the console in stores.

Nintendo investors shouldn’t get too excited, though: IHS forecasts that after the stellar start, Wii U sales will slow, and the new console will only reach around 70% of the Wii’s sales volume in the first four years after release. The Wii moved 75.9 million units during that period, while IHS forecasts Wii U sales around 53.2 million units.

“This time around, Wii U’s pure innovation, coupled with a limited volume of high-quality Nintendo software, will not be enough to drive the ongoing sales momentum we witnessed with the Wii console, especially at a higher price point,” said Piers Harding-Rolls, senior principal analyst and head of games at IHS, in a statement. “Long-term success depends on ongoing consumer engagement delivered through the constant release of high-quality content from both first and third parties, a competitive non-games entertainment proposition and a sound digital and online strategy to go along with such innovation. Nintendo is still some way short of delivering a comprehensive engagement-led value proposition at the launch of the Wii U.”

The Wii U will be released in two configurations: A $299.99 basic set; which contains the console (with 8 GB of memory), cables, and the touch-screen Wii U gamepad, all in white; or a $349.99 deluxe set, all in black, which also comes with a stand for the console, a charging cradle for the game pad, and a copy of the new game NintendoLand.

The family-friendly, motion-sensitive Wii is far and away the leader of the current console generation, with nearly 100 million units sold worldwide –about thirty million more than either of its competitors, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s PlayStation 3.

Microsoft and Sony are expected to announce their new video game consoles sometime in 2013. When those devices hit the market, they are likely to take a huge bite out of Wii U sales as well.

I think that Nintendopes will be happy with that.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Trent Dole on November 13, 2012, 08:07:49 PM
It's going to sell more when there's no must have title right away or on the immediate horizon for the masses, sure.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Damian79 on November 13, 2012, 08:10:05 PM
It's going to sell more when there's no must have title right away or on the immediate horizon for the masses, sure.

Nintnedo land will sell to kids, so will Mario Bros U.  Thats enough for it to sell out.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Oblivion on November 13, 2012, 10:01:26 PM

The lighting comparison starting at 00:37 is  :wtf
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2012, 10:20:53 PM
The faithful are out in full force.
Overall, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is the DEFINITIVE version... especially using the graphical power and unique playability of the Wii U.
TonyKanameKuran 7 hours ago 17

"Unique playability" = "tap a touchscreen"
"graphical power" = "looks like a 360 launch title"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 13, 2012, 10:55:06 PM
The faithful are out in full force.
Overall, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is the DEFINITIVE version... especially using the graphical power and unique playability of the Wii U.
TonyKanameKuran 7 hours ago 17

"Unique playability" = "tap a touchscreen"
"graphical power" = "looks like a 360 launch title"

Definitive = minor improvements that still don't help it become an acceptable game, from the sound of things.  but hey, it's better than NG3 beta.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: bork on November 13, 2012, 11:00:47 PM
Shouldn't this be more...impressive?  Not seeing a huge difference here.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Oblivion on November 13, 2012, 11:09:57 PM
NSMB assets.  :yuck :yuck :yuck

The biggest differences I've noticed when I played it at E3 were 1) significantly nicer looking backgrounds (which in this case isn't dependent on tech, lol Nintendo), 2) no ugly ass jaggies which plagued all the previous NSMB games and 3) animation is a LOT smoother and of course the higher resolutions gives it a significantly cleaner look.

Other than that, it doesn't seem to be pushing any major, noticeable fancy effects or anything.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2012, 11:19:43 PM
NSMB still looks ugly as sin, no matter how you look at it. That stuff may have passed muster on the DS, but how can you look at something like Rayman Origins and still think NSMB looks okay in 2012.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Oblivion on November 13, 2012, 11:26:07 PM
I wouldn't go so far as to say it's ugly but it's definitely mediocre. Nintendo could do much, much better.

I get that the "New" series is disgustingly lucrative for Nintendo (both the DS and Wii version are nearing 30 million units iirc. SMB3 did 18 mil and SMW did 20, just for comparison), but they could have just keep the "New" moniker but create brand new assets, and change the physics while they're at it, and I doubt the average casual Mario fan would give a shit.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2012, 11:28:35 PM
I just hate the CG looking character designs.  :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 13, 2012, 11:38:43 PM
There's no point in NSMB looking like that when Nintendo has already made a 2D sidescroller that looks like this:

Come on.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 14, 2012, 12:00:07 AM
Shouldn't this be more...impressive?  Not seeing a huge difference here.

If I was doing this I'd have switched the labels and seen if anyone would notice. They look the same to me mostly
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 14, 2012, 12:01:01 AM
there was a time when nintendo stopped making 2D mario sidescrollers.  now they won't fucking stop.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 14, 2012, 12:05:30 AM
Shouldn't this be more...impressive?  Not seeing a huge difference here.

If I was doing this I'd have switched the labels and seen if anyone would notice. They look the same to me mostly

3) animation is a LOT smoother and of course the higher resolutions gives it a significantly cleaner look.

That was the main thing I noticed when I played it last month. But then part of me was just excited for a new Mario game in HD :-\
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: cool breeze on November 14, 2012, 12:48:10 AM
yeah, problem has never been the tech.  It's the characterless style they're using, except the backgrounds are slightly more spiffy than before.  It's one of the few things it's hard to knock Nintendo for.  First game sold like forty billion copies and Nintendo's in the business of being a business.  And the Wii one was really great.  It's not total schlock series, is what I'm saying; just unambitious and lazy.  All other 2D Nintendo platforms on the Wii have more charm than it, but I don't think any are more fun to play.  Would certainly be nice if the effort of a Donkey Kong Returns or Kirby was put into the series.

anyway, two other things:

Supposedly the battery compartment is physically larger than the battery included.  Whether Nintendo's cheaping out or worried about the weight, who's to say.  On the bright side, there's a good chance you can buy a larger battery to get past the 3 hour estimated playtime.

This is the interface:


Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: MrSingh on November 14, 2012, 01:34:13 AM
Should I be ashamed of myself that I don't have a Wii U pre-order?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Oblivion on November 14, 2012, 01:44:38 AM
Should I be ashamed of myself that I don't have a Wii U pre-order?


I don't think you seem to understand where you are exactly, boy.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 14, 2012, 04:07:02 AM
Is this thing really sold out in US and Europe?

No point in advertising when your system will be sold out till April 2013*

*unnamed ninthing
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 14, 2012, 04:09:38 AM
That might be the case for the US and the UK. It's nowhere near sold out in Sweden.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 14, 2012, 04:39:00 AM
I plan to spend my Wii U launch day playing Dishonored, Halo 4, and TTT2 while ignoring the Internet. I'll likely take in the luls a week later after the dust has settled.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: maxy on November 14, 2012, 07:19:32 AM

Originally Posted by cvxfreak:
Parental Controls

- Nintendo realizes that some parents may fear that their children may use the Wii U's internet functionality without permission. Wii U has Parental Controls.
- Can restrict content based on user age, CERO (Japan ESRB) rating, internet functionality, internet browser, e-Shop spending, Miiverse functionality, friend registrations, videos, data management, internet settings
- Wii U keyboard input can save user input habits and predictive input in a specific database that depends on the game and user. Wii U does not save input data that you don't want other users to know into the database.
- Miiverse settings can be turned on/off depending on the save profiles per game.

USB Data Storage

- 8GB = 7.2GB, 32GB = 29GB in terms of actual save data. Wii U uses around 4.2GB when using the system for the first time.
- NSMBU is ~2GB, Nintendo Land is ~3.2GB. So, both won't fit into the Basic set at the same time.

- Wii U lets you put data onto a connected USB media drive.
- One USB drive at a time only.
- Cannot disconnect the external drive while plugged into the Wii U and receiving power.
- You can use general drives.
- In terms of powering the HDD while connecting to the Wii U, if you do not use a Y Cable Type drive (2 USB cables), then Nintendo cannot guarantee it will work properly.
- Nintendo can guarantee functionality if the HDD plugs into a power outlet.
- No games on USB Flash Memory due to games not running properly all the time (whatever this means...)
- Wii U will read up to 2TB only for external hard drives
- In Data Management, you must format the connected media drive. Note that this means you cannot use the drive with a PC.
- You can move data from internal Wii U storage to external USB media in Data Management and vice versa. Data on both internal and external media will appear in the menu.
- At launch, only 1 USB hard drive can be connected, but through a future update, more than 1 will be possible and you will be able to move data between them freely.
- SD Cards can hold PC data, Wii Virtual Console, Wii Ware, and Wii save data, but cannot be used to save Wii U game save data.

Backwards Compatibility

- Wii games, Virtual Console, Wii Ware stuff cannot be played using the GamePad screen, but only on the TV in Wii Mode
- Iwata: "We understand that there are people who were looking forward to playing Wii games, Virtual Console games, and so forth on the GamePad, but unfortunately we cannot accommodate those users' expectations."
- There are plans for a Wii U Virtual Console that WILL be compatible with the Wii U GamePad. Please look forward to it in the future.

Nintendo Network Premium

- For Premium Set buyers only
- Point service
- Make Nintendo Network ID, then login to find and user the service
- After logging in, you can see the points you have earned
- Buy with download card or download number
- Earn 10% back on purchases
- Earn back purchase points in ¥500 increments
- Points earned can be used with Wii U/3DS e-Shop, Wii Shopping Channel, DSi Shop

Buy Nintendo,Buy Premium
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 14, 2012, 07:41:42 AM
That might be the case for the US and the UK. It's nowhere near sold out in Sweden.

On the internets they are but I suspect a lot of them are scalpers that want to flip them on eBay and Craigslist.  Gamestop will be probably be sold out of them for probably the same reason.

On the other hand, I was able to go to two shitty run down local Toys R Us' and preorder two of the tard plus packs without hassle.

I think the Wii U is going to sell out here in the US but is going to drop like a rock after January once rainchecks have been fulfilled.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: archnemesis on November 14, 2012, 07:46:04 AM
I have the same feeling. It will sell well initially, but the casual crowd isn't going to jump in anytime soon. I can't imagine any of my friends, who got a Wii for Wii Sports and Guitar Hero, buying another console unless it's something completely different from what we've seen before.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [<100 hours till Apocawiipse]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 14, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
Shouldn't this be more...impressive?  Not seeing a huge difference here.

So other than the fact that it isn't a huge leap graphically, it's also essentially the same game?

Well its no longer blurry I guess on HD tv's. But yeah they could have made it a real 2D mario, something with the gorgeous style of Rayman instead of relying on this super cheap and clean look they used on Wii.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 14, 2012, 05:26:31 PM
- Iwata: "We understand that there are people who were looking forward to playing Wii games, Virtual Console games, and so forth on the GamePad, but unfortunately we cannot accommodate those users' expectations."
- There are plans for a Wii U Virtual Console that WILL be compatible with the Wii U GamePad. Please look forward to it in the future.

Iwata: "You will buy LTTP and SMW for the 5th time"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 14, 2012, 06:00:02 PM
as much as they go for the blue ocean, there seems to be nothing simple about the transition from Wii to WiiU.  I don't understand which controllers can be used for what, which marketplace will have what games, or how shit transfers from one system to another. 

Apparently nothing about the Wii was designed with the next system in mind.  There's no unity between various accounts for handhelds or the Wii or the WiiU apparently.  Aside from the Club Nintendo account, which is nothing more than a game/system registration incentive. 

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 05:09:25 AM
I dont understand how they cannot accomodate such basic shit as playing 25 year old roms on the gamepad.

Truly a company run by monkeys.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 15, 2012, 06:43:28 AM
I dont understand how they cannot accomodate such basic shit as playing 25 year old roms on the gamepad.

Truly a company run by monkeys.

It isn't that they can't, the issue is that they won't.

Nintendo is extremely lazy.  They're just not giving much of a shit at a time where they really need to.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 07:40:01 AM
Being able to play all this shit on the couch could actually be a system seller, if you could play EVERYTHING on the couch or tv.

WiiU should have had full tablet funcionality, browsing, apps etc. Plus controls, plus being able to play all games on it. That would have been something casuals could have related too.

but nooooooooooooooooooo
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 15, 2012, 09:56:31 AM
I dont understand how they cannot accomodate such basic shit as playing 25 year old roms on the gamepad.

Truly a company run by monkeys.

It isn't that they can't, the issue is that they won't.

Nintendo is extremely lazy.  They're just not giving much of a shit at a time where they really need to.

Not lazy.  Just cheap as fuck. 
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 15, 2012, 09:59:58 AM
Fucks Given About the Consumer by Nintendo: 0

It's like the old Henry Ford quote about the customer being able to get a Model T in any color they want, as long as the color they want is black.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: maxy on November 15, 2012, 10:00:21 AM
Sunday launch means midnight Saturday,right?

If so Europeans will have whole Sunday to read/see funny stuff.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 10:02:28 AM
Being able to play all this shit on the couch could actually be a system seller, if you could play EVERYTHING on the couch or tv.

WiiU should have had full tablet funcionality, browsing, apps etc. Plus controls, plus being able to play all games on it. That would have been something casuals could have related too.

but nooooooooooooooooooo

Wii U should have just been a (gaming) tablet that could also be hooked up to a TV.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: maxy on November 15, 2012, 10:24:35 AM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 10:33:09 AM
Being able to play all this shit on the couch could actually be a system seller, if you could play EVERYTHING on the couch or tv.

WiiU should have had full tablet funcionality, browsing, apps etc. Plus controls, plus being able to play all games on it. That would have been something casuals could have related too.

but nooooooooooooooooooo

Wii U should have just been a (gaming) tablet that could also be hooked up to a TV.

Fuck yes, that would have been gold and could have replaced 3DS too. It would have been a perfect console.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 15, 2012, 12:58:32 PM
Wait, is the Wii U tablet controller usable as a controller for legacy Wii games in the first place? Can it be mapped as a classic controller?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: archnemesis on November 15, 2012, 01:13:55 PM
Wait, is the Wii U tablet controller usable as a controller for legacy Wii games in the first place? Can it be mapped as a classic controller?
No, and no. At least not with the current firmware.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 15, 2012, 01:22:04 PM
Wait, is the Wii U tablet controller usable as a controller for legacy Wii games in the first place? Can it be mapped as a classic controller?
No, and no. At least not with the current firmware.

Holy shit  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 15, 2012, 02:33:41 PM
Yes, if you want to play games on your Wii U, you'll need:

- uPad
- Nintendo 360 Controller
- Wiimote
- Nunchuck
- Classic Controller
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 15, 2012, 02:34:58 PM
Yes, if you want to play games on your Wii U, you'll need:

- uPad
- Nintendo 360 Controller
- Wiimote
- Nunchuck
- Classic Controller

"No self-respect required!"
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 02:37:59 PM

Nintendo Land was supposed to be the Wii Sports of the console: a showcase title that converted gamers and non-gamers alike to the Wii U experience. Instead, Nintendo Land is this generation's Wii Play: a shallow collection of mini-games bundled with Nintendo hardware--and promptly forgotten.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 15, 2012, 02:38:36 PM
In other words, exactly what we thought it was.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 15, 2012, 02:41:54 PM
People identify with bowling
People do not identify with Popomaru's Ninja Castle
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 02:41:58 PM

Nintendo Land was supposed to be the Wii Sports of the console: a showcase title that converted gamers and non-gamers alike to the Wii U experience. Instead, Nintendo Land is this generation's Wii Play: a shallow collection of mini-games bundled with Nintendo hardware--and promptly forgotten.

:bow :bow2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 02:42:05 PM
In other words, exactly what we thought it was.

My friend is ultra-hyped for the Wii U...for Nintendoland.  The meltdown is going to be glorious.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cascade on November 15, 2012, 02:42:43 PM
 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 02:43:28 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 02:45:16 PM

Is that on GAF yet?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 15, 2012, 02:46:50 PM

Is that on GAF yet?

Yeah, it came from this thread:
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 15, 2012, 03:04:53 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 15, 2012, 03:15:59 PM
Quote from: iceatcs;44370333
I think Sony should go for same power level as Wii U, or slight bit faster.
That will give MS the odd out if they still stick with 12 to 16 cores CPU plan. We have see the major odd out in the past of the gens and all has difficult time.

From GAF  :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: tiesto on November 15, 2012, 03:16:42 PM
People identify with bowling
People do not identify with Popomaru's Ninja Castle

As both a polack and weeaboo I identify with both! :uguu
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 03:22:07 PM

Is that on GAF yet?

Yeah, it came from this thread:

That thread is awesome.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Fifstar on November 15, 2012, 03:23:21 PM
That New Mario Bros U cover gif is among the weakest in that thread
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: bork on November 15, 2012, 03:23:55 PM

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Damian79 on November 15, 2012, 08:23:48 PM
One of the biggest problems with Nintendo's original Wii was its low software tie ratio. Nintendo may have expanded its audience far beyond a typical video game console owner with demographic barrier-destroying games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit, but the problem was, a lot of those customers never bothered to buy more games.

It's too early to tell whether that situation is going to change with the Wii U, but at the very least, things are looking good prior to this Sunday's launch.

GameStop reports that it's currently sitting on 1.2 million preorders for Wii U games on top of the 500,000 consoles it was allocated (all of which were almost immediately reserved when they went up for preorder back in September).

That's a tie ratio of 2.4 games for every console, which the company says is more than double what it saw leading up to the launch of the original Wii.

This is certainly attributable to a much stronger third-party lineup this time around. The company says preorders were led by (in no particular order, we imagine) Ubisoft's Zombie U and Assassin's Creed 3, Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Warner Bros.' Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros. U.

By comparison, the original Wii's strongest launch title (not including the packed-in Wii Sports) was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Third-party support included titles like Rayman: Raving Rabbids and Red Steel.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: pilonv1 on November 15, 2012, 09:30:55 PM

IGN – 8.7 (Great)

Nintendo Land is a brilliant show of what Nintendo’s new console and tablet controller are capable of, and has far more depth and content then you’d expect from a mini-game collection. The attractions are ridiculously fun and offer plenty of variety, whether you’re flying solo or entertaining a group.

Throw in high scores to best, gold trophies to earn, stamp achievements to collect and tons of Plaza decorations to unlock, and what you’ve got is an experience that must not be missed, and probably the best show of Wii U available at launch.

Pretty sad indictment of software then
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Oblivion on November 15, 2012, 10:15:32 PM
Ugh, even more insulting than the reused art assets, NSMBU has several tracks that are DIRECTLY RIPPED from NSMB: Wii.  :yuck

:piss Nintendo :piss2
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 15, 2012, 10:29:09 PM
like several music tracks?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Trent Dole on November 15, 2012, 10:35:19 PM
Bah, baaah~
Hey it's the second even more newer superer marioer bros-er game this year, corners need to be cut!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Oblivion on November 15, 2012, 10:41:36 PM
At LEAST 4 themes have been reused without any (noticeable anyway) modifications whatsoever.

-The main overworld theme
-The underground level theme
-The forest level theme
-The main castle theme
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Damian79 on November 15, 2012, 10:47:49 PM
Who cares, 2 marios are for kids.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [OP Updated; 4 days till launch]
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 15, 2012, 11:28:02 PM
is it just me or does no one give a shit about this system? Going by Facebook, conversations at school/work, etc it feels completely different from the inescapable hype the Wii got during its launch month
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [3 days to go!]
Post by: maxy on November 16, 2012, 01:42:22 AM
Apparently a whole army of underground Nintendo dweebs will surface on Sunday.

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [3 days to go!]
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 16, 2012, 02:43:04 AM
Basically, this is going to be a regular console/nintendo console launch.  Only real gamer dorks and ninthings give a shit; the lightning in a bottle casual crowd that loved them some wii sports for six months or whatever are going to give this a miss.  It will be sold out for a month or two; after that you should be able to get one.  In six months, there will be a price cut, right around when the specs for the actual next gen systems leak and systems are gathering dust in stores.  In a year and a half, it will be confirmed as the bomb we all thought it would be.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [3 days to go!]
Post by: maxy on November 16, 2012, 03:08:01 AM
Without question, it has a few issues. This version of ME3 seems a lot less visually stable than, say, the Xbox 360 version -- the frame rate is choppier, the animation seems rougher. The audio suffers, too; while the music and sound effects have come over fine, all the dialogue has a hollow, echoing quality to it. The GamePad's analog sticks aren't as comfortable as the 360's, and the placement of the face buttons relative to the right stick made me continually miss the melee and reload buttons. My headshot ratio has dropped precipitously. It's tragic.

Now, the Wii U Controller Pro rectifies some of these control issues -- it's pretty much a 360 controller, and it works great. But the problem there is that you lose the GamePad features if you use the Pro, and the GamePad is actually used pretty well here. By default, it serves as a quick skill-select menu or live map display (yes, just like a DS game), and the developers have added some neat details -- for instance, during the prologue sequence, the map display breaks up and distorts momentarily whenever a Reaver in the distance fires an energy blast. There was some actual thought put into this port, which is always nice to see.

The real advantage to the GamePad, however, is the fact that the game looks much better on its smaller screen. I don't know if it's the flaws being obscured by the pad's screen when they're shown more clearly on the higher-performance LCD of an HDTV, or if it's simply a benefit of the pad's lower resolution requiring the system to render fewer polygons, but the game plays noticeably smoother on the GamePad screen. The stiffness of the characters doesn't come across as readily, and the compactness of the visuals makes the environments seem far more beautiful and detailed.

Another trade-off: The Wii U version comes with all the collector's edition exclusive content on-disc already (though not high-end DLC like Leviathan), but much of the subtlety of the game is lost due to the lack of support for Mass Effect 1 and 2 save files. The game kicks off with a 20-minute digital comic that allows you to make key choices to shape the plot, just like the PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2, but the most interesting moments in ME3 came as outcomes of smaller choices that aren't included in this prologue. So while you'll still shape the outcome of, say, Tali's major plot arc, you'll never know the pleasure of helping Conrad Verner find true happiness.

budget cpu/gpu  :gloomy
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Tasty on November 16, 2012, 02:27:18 PM
Dunno if I can get one Sunday. Didn't get a preorder.

Guess I could cruise Craigslist.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: maxy on November 16, 2012, 02:36:18 PM
someone from gaf has got it,hehehe

Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 02:48:50 PM
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 16, 2012, 02:49:39 PM
Will it blend?
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 05:29:53 PM
As Nintendo themselves noted earlier today, the system update required to deal with DLC will be added in December. Thus, the Wii U, as of this time, does not support DLC.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 05:42:21 PM
Someone got one and is on the way to our office to try this thing out. Oh boy!
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 16, 2012, 06:15:25 PM
As Nintendo themselves noted earlier today, the system update required to deal with DLC will be added in December. Thus, the Wii U, as of this time, does not support DLC.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

What on God's green earth? It's fucking 2012, how is that not something that can be done at launch?

Because Nintendo.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 16, 2012, 06:37:56 PM
As Nintendo themselves noted earlier today, the system update required to deal with DLC will be added in December. Thus, the Wii U, as of this time, does not support DLC.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

What on God's green earth? It's fucking 2012, how is that not something that can be done at launch?

Please understand.
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [Wii Us out in the wild already!!!]
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 16, 2012, 06:41:20 PM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 06:49:01 PM

live stream of WiiU.

No MP3 or photo viewing :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 16, 2012, 07:00:21 PM
:lol what?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:10:15 PM
i laughed at that. took like 10 mins to sync both up :lol
Title: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 16, 2012, 07:13:35 PM
Dunno if I can get one Sunday. Didn't get a preorder.

Guess I could cruise Craigslist.

I thought you had 3 pre orders?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:14:40 PM
To pair the Wii tablet we had to enter a four symbol code  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 16, 2012, 07:15:35 PM
I'm confused by this Gametrailers thing - they're getting excited about existing Wii and 3DS functions. the hell...

so now the Wii U is maybe for people who ignored the X360/PS3/Wii/DS and 3DS!  ;)
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 16, 2012, 07:17:26 PM

live stream of WiiU.

No MP3 or photo viewing :lol

Thats after that firmware update? LOL

Giantbomb's livestream should be fucking hilarious.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 16, 2012, 07:23:24 PM
WiiU is more like .8x Gen, good Lord.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:24:01 PM
these grafix are horrendous
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:28:06 PM
My team is playing Nintendo Land now. The whimsy...I don't think I can take it
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:30:27 PM
I like how Nintendo Land doesn't just avoid using union voice actors, but doesn't use human voice actors period  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 16, 2012, 07:31:01 PM
Dunno if I can get one Sunday. Didn't get a preorder.

Guess I could cruise Craigslist.

I thought you had 3 pre orders?

No I planned to buy three.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:41:55 PM
They keep making us put the controllers on a flat surface before the minigames to recalibrate

The whimsy robot won't shut up either
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:42:50 PM
wtf why does it have to calibrate

sounds horrible

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:43:10 PM
have you guys tried sticking in a hacked wii sd card and booting up the wii emulator?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:44:17 PM
Haven't got one, I'll let someone else take that chance
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:47:31 PM
Whimsybot will not shut up, we're trying to play all the minigames and she keeps popping up shoving stuff down our throats
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:49:28 PM
 :lol :lol :lol apparently the trigers are click buttons, not analog and no resistance so racing games are impossible  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:50:15 PM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 07:51:34 PM
ZombieU has a embargo until 9 AM on sunday morning  :lol :lol :lol

games jouranlism is such a fucking joke
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 07:56:17 PM
I just checked, the triggers are digital. No racing games for U
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 08:06:43 PM
Battery's dead.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 08:23:38 PM
Charged it up and the guys started playing Mario Bros U. I went to the bathroom and pooped while using the pad to help them. The future is now
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 08:30:06 PM
Why does it take 16 seconds to go from the main menu to the System Settings?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 16, 2012, 08:30:10 PM
it's hard being a nintendo fan lately  :(
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 16, 2012, 08:33:05 PM
Wii U can rely on the tap-tap-tap method or crib Gran Turismo's second stick throttle.  It's not the same thing, but I play GTA4 on my keyboard with WASD controls just fine.  Still a strange omission.  The original Classic Controller still had analog shoulder buttons, but they were gone in the Classic Controller Pro, which made it incompatible with a couple games.

What was even the first game to use triggers for acceleration? I wanna say Metropolis Street Racer was the first I played.  I remember finding the scheme confusing as late as when GTA3 came out on the Xbox.  Nowadays it's damn near necessary since you're using the face buttons/analog sticks at the same time.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 16, 2012, 08:38:40 PM
Sounds like i need to get some popcorn right now  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 16, 2012, 09:02:11 PM
"You can shit with it!"

They should put that on the box.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 16, 2012, 09:20:07 PM
no it has digital
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 16, 2012, 09:44:02 PM
It is absolutely embarrassing that Nintendo can't be bothered to include BASIC CONSOLE FUNCTIONALITY that has been the standard in other consoles for TEN YEARS. What an absolute mess of a system.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 16, 2012, 10:05:13 PM
Dreaming in digital.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 16, 2012, 10:38:19 PM
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. WAIT.

Nintendo Land is a separate GAME?  :o
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 10:42:35 PM
Yep it's a shitty minigame collection, enjoy, at least it's free and it runs at 60fps
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 16, 2012, 10:48:16 PM

For some strange reason I thought it came with the system. And not as a pack-in, I mean like it actually came installed ON the system.

Even funnier considering I "played" it at E3. :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 10:53:41 PM
Oops looks like the Netflix Amazon and Hulu apps that appear on the main screen won't work until a patch in December

Making consoles is hard
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 16, 2012, 10:55:08 PM
It's only "free" if you buy the Deluxe Pack. If you buy the Tard Pack, you get to pay $60 for it.  :yuck
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 16, 2012, 10:58:46 PM
$60? :rofl

Related, Monster Hunter 3 comparison pics from 3DS and Wii-U:
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 16, 2012, 11:14:52 PM
So should I craigslist this bitch or open it up come sunday morning? The wii is going on 3 years of dust gathering.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 16, 2012, 11:16:54 PM
Related, Monster Hunter 3 comparison pics from 3DS and Wii-U:

Next-gen powah.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 16, 2012, 11:17:38 PM
It's the shameless launch pricing  :-\

You also have Monster Hunter at $60 for an HD remaster (typically these are $20).  Old 360/PS3 games at $60.  And it wasn't too long ago that iOS grade games like Steel Diver were sold as $40 3DS games; or Ubisoft porting literal iOS games to Vita selling for $40.

It's hard to fault them for taking advantage of potential customers, but even Microsoft discounts its Kinect shit.
Title: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 16, 2012, 11:17:40 PM
Film you taking a sledgehammer to it and YouTube it.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 16, 2012, 11:23:26 PM
So should I craigslist this bitch or open it up come sunday morning? The wii is going on 3 years of dust gathering.

Craigslist the shit out of this. Trust me. After two hours I was like "I AM SO FINISHED WITH THIS FOREVER"
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 16, 2012, 11:26:58 PM
So should I craigslist this bitch or open it up come sunday morning? The wii is going on 3 years of dust gathering.

I'll pay you MSRP + shipping + $20.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 16, 2012, 11:30:12 PM
Why is nobody showing some real games like Ass Creed 3 or Black Ops 2 ?

Nintendo land  :yuck
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 16, 2012, 11:52:25 PM
Sorry Andrew I don't sell to friends, cause that would just be wrong.  :P

I'm gonna wait it out and see how the market goes for the console. I should have gotten both preordered cause most people will not be willing to pay more for the premium package one. Gamestop isn't having a midnight which sucks.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 16, 2012, 11:55:11 PM
OK so give it to me.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 16, 2012, 11:57:08 PM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 17, 2012, 12:01:53 AM
So should I craigslist this bitch or open it up come sunday morning? The wii is going on 3 years of dust gathering.

I'm having this same conflict.  Y'all be speaking like it's low stock so I haven't outright canceled my preorder.  But I'm not eager to use it until, uh, 2013 or whenever Wonderful 101 comes out.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 17, 2012, 12:13:29 AM
So should I craigslist this bitch or open it up come sunday morning? The wii is going on 3 years of dust gathering.

I'm having this same conflict.  Y'all be speaking like it's low stock so I haven't outright canceled my preorder.  But I'm not eager to use it until, uh, 2013 or whenever Wonderful 101 comes out.

Hold onto the preorder the target preorder cards were going for $200-300 and that's not including the consoles cost. I think we could see a massive demand in the weeks leading up to christmas. So much so It might pay for a console down the road for free.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 12:45:46 AM
After playing the thing for an hour I was like "well I guess this is okay for $250" and my boss was like "Erm actually it was $350" and I nearly had an anyeurysm. If you drop that kind of bank on day one you are insane. Unless you're Prole.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 12:52:03 AM
Buy the last book Shel Silverstein wrote before he died
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 17, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
Haha, oh man.  I'm gonna need a cigarette after reading this.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 12:55:56 AM
I'm sure the launch lineup will be more than delightful for anyone who managed to skip the last six to seven years of Hollywood gaming
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:09:47 AM
I'm sure the launch lineup will be more than delightful for anyone who managed to skip the last six to seven years of Hollywood gaming

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 01:47:08 AM
For 350 dollars (more if you buy an external hd, so let's assume 450 in total, not to mention games) you can buy a 360 slim plus some of the best games of this generation (Orange Box, Portal 2, Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Saints Row 2, Super Street Fighter AE, a few XBLA cards for XBLA games, Warriors Orochi 3) and still have enough for a happy ending at a Chinese massage parlor. This is without mentioning the :rock library of the original Xbox, most of whoms best games are backwards compatible.

Gamers who place emphasis on companies are weird, and Nintendo Wii only fans are even weirder.

Enjoy your almost decade old innovation. Tools.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 17, 2012, 01:48:27 AM
look who's back
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 01:49:59 AM
Anyone who is excited for Ninja Gaiden 3 Wii U is an idiot. You could pay less for a 360 and get the superior Ninja Gaiden 2 OG VERSION for less than Phoenix Dark has to pay Craigslist sluts to cum on their panties. And that's WITHOUT vd.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 01:53:01 AM

Does Ninja Gaiden 3 have a cutscene of Ryu Hayabusa cutting a werewolf in half?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 17, 2012, 01:55:15 AM
look who's back

that didn't take long  :lol

did anyone win the bet.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 01:57:58 AM
The bet was that if I come back I post cock pics.

Guess what i'm doing with my phone now?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 01:58:31 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:59:31 AM
Devil's Third being Nintendo published probably has more of a chance than Bayo 2 did, honestly.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 02:01:05 AM
No it doesn't, Itagaki doesn't even have a Nintendo fanbase. Stop talking about shit you don't understand. It's like listening to a virgin talk about how great sex is.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 02:06:51 AM
A night with a hooker costs less than a Wii U. I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Other things cheaper than Wii U and more preferable:

- buying booze and getting fucked up
- combining said booze with painkillers and going to the doc, under Obamacare
- sending a tweet to Obama thanking him for Obamacare saving your life
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Damian79 on November 17, 2012, 02:14:18 AM
You know teh wii u seems more like the rpg console of choice(despite framerate issues on me3).  I never really liked triggers because i only play rpgs.  So i will eventually get one.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 02:21:40 AM
Remember when people said that about wii? "Wii is the number one console in terms of sales. It will have all the jrpgs."

Remember when that happened?

Hell, we extend that even further. Remember when people said that about ps3? Because OH, it's the hd console lead in Japan, so of course it'll have all the jrpgs! Remember when people said that about 360? OH, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia, game over ps3! Then nothing. Meanwhile, there are maybe 5 worthwhile jrpgs this entire console generation.

Buying a console for hopes and what "seems" to be true is stupid. Buy only for what it is, what it represents, or what games are coming to its shores. Never buy a console based around hope. The Wii should have taught you that, sir, if you were anything like me.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 02:38:04 AM
No it doesn't, Itagaki doesn't even have a Nintendo fanbase. Stop talking about shit you don't understand. It's like listening to a virgin talk about how great sex is.

OK, I'd like you to explain how Devil's Third is less likely than a game that was already dead and buried.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 02:43:58 AM
Because Bayo 2 was a one in a million chance with low probability, and Devil's Third being wii u exclusive is an already low probable statistic. Because Bayo 2 is being published by Nintendo, doesn't raise Devil's Third wii u exclusivity in any way; it's still so low that it's pointless to even consider it. It's like saying just because Colorado and Washington passed weed legalization, it immediately means weed will be legal in all 50 states within the end of the year. It's not happening, despite such a low statistical and historical occurrence taking place.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 03:25:16 AM
Because Bayo 2 was a one in a million chance with low probability, and Devil's Third being wii u exclusive is an already low probable statistic. Because Bayo 2 is being published by Nintendo, doesn't raise Devil's Third wii u exclusivity in any way; it's still so low that it's pointless to even consider it. It's like saying just because Colorado and Washington passed weed legalization, it immediately means weed will be legal in all 50 states within the end of the year. It's not happening, despite such a low statistical and historical occurrence taking place.

I never said it was likely, just comparably more likely than Bayo 2 was.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Damian79 on November 17, 2012, 04:12:13 AM
Remember when people said that about wii? "Wii is the number one console in terms of sales. It will have all the jrpgs."

Remember when that happened?

Hell, we extend that even further. Remember when people said that about ps3? Because OH, it's the hd console lead in Japan, so of course it'll have all the jrpgs! Remember when people said that about 360? OH, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia, game over ps3! Then nothing. Meanwhile, there are maybe 5 worthwhile jrpgs this entire console generation.

Buying a console for hopes and what "seems" to be true is stupid. Buy only for what it is, what it represents, or what games are coming to its shores. Never buy a console based around hope. The Wii should have taught you that, sir, if you were anything like me.

Er I loved Last story and Xenoblade chronicles more than any other rpgs last gen.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 04:41:27 AM

The Wii U version also offers excellent graphics and motion controls, but exhibits some slowdown at times..

Is there any PS360/WiiU launch game that runs better on WiiU?

Not likely.

I guess Black Ops 2 is the last line of defense,Treyarch was pretty good with the Wii.

btw, apparently Gamespot gave 4.5 to ZombiU

leaked through Xbox Live App,lol

None of this will matter much for the platform,though
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 05:11:04 AM
Huh, sounds like ZOMBU is the Wii U equivalent of Red Steel
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 05:42:52 AM

video review

some gameplay form vg247

pay attention to 1:01

Combat looks a little bit boring tbh,look at 4.00+
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: naff on November 17, 2012, 06:29:01 AM
How so? Zombu looks neat anyway, will b among the first lot of games I pick up when i eventually get a Weeoo
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 06:41:59 AM
Bunch of Zombies stuck behind some fence and you hit and run them with a cricket bat.

And apparently the whole game is centered around the same thing.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: naff on November 17, 2012, 06:44:37 AM
I guess. That was a pretty specific situation, certainly looks like it's janky though but it wouldn't be survival horror if it wasn't!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 17, 2012, 08:15:36 AM
the reaction to the trigger news is hilarious


Grow a fucking brain and a pair of balls , you mindless cocksucking sheeplets.

Never mind, something for Nintendo to add with the Wii3 - then it can be the new hotness we enjoyed in 2006.

theres some top level drones going on about how they HATE analog triggers - fucking cocklords.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 17, 2012, 08:21:06 AM
though to properly address the thread :

Wii U lacks of analog triggers a really big deal for you too?

no - because this is the least of Flintstendo's problem - half expecting the longer case is to host a mini hamster peddling cogs to power this complete fucking dungball of a machine.

I can see why Andrex is buying three - so he can at least claim that "Wii U is as powerful at least as the X360*"

* - if you buy three and pretend it all adds up.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 17, 2012, 08:22:52 AM
I'm glad that at least the semi-active Nintards are here to take their beatings...

I can see a lot of :smug Nintards say "well, why are all the preorders sold out and there are long lines if the wii u sucks so much" like major consoles don't always sell out in the first holiday season and that there aren't scalpers out there hoping to flip a $350 tard pack plus Wii U into a $600 Craigslist deal.  Shit, even the Failstation 3, which sold less than 100,000 units within months of launch in the pre-recession US, sold out its first Christmas.  I also have to LOL at the DLC and the digital trigger stuff.  Can these losers ever get the balls to question their lord and god Nintendo just once?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 17, 2012, 08:23:53 AM
can everyone now understand why the fuckers who bullshitted gaf for 18 months about the machine being some secret beast BAILED THE FUCK OUT with a few weeks to go? OH YEAH I HAVE STUFF TO DO AND SHIT OH PLEASE ENJOY!

Fucking riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 17, 2012, 08:27:32 AM
GAF mods should have banned these "industry insiders" after Johnny Nightfraud.  I suppose the powers that be may have just snickered at how gullible the GAF masses are for falling for total bullshit but naive 12 year olds like Andrex fell for it hook, line, and sinker.  I'd be pissed if I were them.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 17, 2012, 08:45:07 AM
can everyone now understand why the fuckers who bullshitted gaf for 18 months about the machine being some secret beast BAILED THE FUCK OUT with a few weeks to go? OH YEAH I HAVE STUFF TO DO AND SHIT OH PLEASE ENJOY!

Fucking riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Really? Link?

Quote from: Pineconn;44433606
Not at all. Digital > analog in most scenarios.

Wonder if this person has ever driven a car or turned on a tap.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 17, 2012, 08:48:32 AM
GAF mods should have banned these "industry insiders" after Johnny Nightfraud.  I suppose the powers that be may have just snickered at how gullible the GAF masses are for falling for total bullshit but naive 12 year olds like Andrex fell for it hook, line, and sinker.  I'd be pissed if I were them.

It's just wishful thinking - but jesus - the people filling them will bullshit make the list for "BEST POSTER ON GAF!" .......... fucking hell.

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 08:54:08 AM
Really? Link?

Search gaf :P

They literally just stopped posting(on internet forums) due to some higher cause.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 17, 2012, 08:54:54 AM
can everyone now understand why the fuckers who bullshitted gaf for 18 months about the machine being some secret beast BAILED THE FUCK OUT with a few weeks to go? OH YEAH I HAVE STUFF TO DO AND SHIT OH PLEASE ENJOY!

Fucking riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Really? Link?

will have to dig - i know their parting shot was that theres an exclusive RE6 for Wii U coming. :/

But yeah - people have been fed shit. I'm just curious as how Nintendo managed to find companies to put together a machine that's bordering on 2013 that is spluttering to below 2005 X360 performance levels. I mean - to be that shit takes skill

I can see the 3DS play book opening and being fanned open : WELL LAST TIME .... we ripped off our loyal fans KNOWINGLY , and we later admitted it, but let's do it ALL OVER AGAIN this time and once the real next gen starts we can dump the price to $180 or so and then we can play the filthy poor angle! OH GOD I'M A GNENIUMS!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 17, 2012, 08:59:34 AM
Also these review NDA's (CANT TALK ABOUT MARIO PAST WORLD 5) are hilarious.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 08:59:37 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:08:39 AM
Nah,Bore plays a lots of Nintendo games,trust me.

I think the most of us would like Nintendo to finally move on and light up some real(not casual) fire under M$ and Sony ass.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 17, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are proof that Nintendo can kick ass if they want to.

The fact that they refuse to and go for the LCD every time is entertaining, especially as they scour for new lows.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 09:19:27 AM
I play plenty of games on Nintendo systems too. If by systems you mean DS and 3DS.

Yeah, I don't know what to think about the Wii U. It seems like they had to release it early for the holiday season before all its features were ready.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 17, 2012, 09:43:12 AM
for $350, you can buy either a PS3 or 360 bundle this black friday (which will include at least 2 good games for either system) and still have $150 left in your pocket even if you stop right there

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:48:16 AM
Yeah but there is not much fun in that.Smell of new hardware :drool

Shame that it doesn't have something that would make people go... wow,this is next gen

Maybe next year
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 17, 2012, 09:55:39 AM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 17, 2012, 10:37:19 AM
I must have missed something, WiiU doesn't have analog triggers?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 17, 2012, 10:44:37 AM
I must have missed something, WiiU doesn't have analog triggers?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 10:45:24 AM
Nope, and I'm not sure why it's surprising. Does any Nintendo system use analog buttons? I doubt I'll use the system for any racing games, so it's not a problem for me.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 17, 2012, 11:07:33 AM
the reaction to the trigger news is hilarious


Grow a fucking brain and a pair of balls , you mindless cocksucking sheeplets.

Never mind, something for Nintendo to add with the Wii3 - then it can be the new hotness we enjoyed in 2006.

theres some top level drones going on about how they HATE analog triggers - fucking cocklords.

Omitting analog triggers is worse than no rumble, but not nearly as bad as the wii u would've been with sliders instead of sticks.  And people were defending the sliders...until Nintendo changed them.

I don't think it's disastrous or anything since most multiplatform games play fine on PC; racing games are fine on Vita too.  It just should've been included to maintain parity with the other systems.  This late after the competition, you shouldn't be sacrificing functionality to play a game on the Wii U.

and the early zombiu murmurings  :-\ Game looked interesting in that I Am Alive low rent experiment way, bumped to full price 'cause launch.

Nope, and I'm not sure why it's surprising. Does any Nintendo system use analog buttons? I doubt I'll use the system for any racing games, so it's not a problem for me.

Analog shoulder buttons were pretty integral to the Gamecube; arguably the gimmick of that system.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 11:19:39 AM
I thought digital triggers were confirmed ages ago  ???

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 11:29:02 AM
I'm confused at how many peripherals you need to play games on this thing, how many of them are included in the box. The tablet seems like a risky tradeoff for console power.

Don't most of you guys wait a while to get a new console? I waited 2-3 years to buy a 360 and PS3.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 12:13:27 PM
I love playing new systems during the launch window. It's only at this time that the hardware is somewhat impressive compared to PC standards and you don't have a large backlog of games to pick up for the system. There are also moments that simply aren't available for people who arrive later. For instance, the early days of the PS3 was a lot of fun with multiplayer matches in Resistance: Fall of Fan, Warhawk, and Metal Gear Online.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 17, 2012, 12:32:44 PM
I like messing with new hardware.  I'm also remarkably stupid and don't learn from my mistakes.  Getting a launch PS3 and 3DS were definitely mistakes and I'm bordering on making another one tomorrow.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 17, 2012, 12:45:36 PM
Remember when people said that about wii? "Wii is the number one console in terms of sales. It will have all the jrpgs."

Remember when that happened?

Hell, we extend that even further. Remember when people said that about ps3? Because OH, it's the hd console lead in Japan, so of course it'll have all the jrpgs! Remember when people said that about 360? OH, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia, game over ps3! Then nothing. Meanwhile, there are maybe 5 worthwhile jrpgs this entire console generation.

Buying a console for hopes and what "seems" to be true is stupid. Buy only for what it is, what it represents, or what games are coming to its shores. Never buy a console based around hope. The Wii should have taught you that, sir, if you were anything like me.

Yeah last gen really hurt my bank account with all the different RPGs split across a million systems. Hopefully this gen they will all stick to 3DS or PS4 or something.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 12:54:53 PM
I don't think Microsoft are going to purchase any more Japanese RPG exclusives, but you might still need a Vita for Ys and Legend of Heroes.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:01:57 PM
Huh, sounds like ZOMBU is the Wii U equivalent of Red Steel

I figured this would be the case and I'm glad I was right about it, but sad it didn't turn out to be a good game.

Edit- :lol You guys are sure riled up.

I might be able to get one from Best Buy today, they said that even though they "maxed" on preorders they have received quite a few more than that. :)
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 01:05:08 PM
I expected it to at least do some fun and gimmicky stuff with the tablet, but it seems that even that is fairly limited and basic.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:06:33 PM
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are proof that Nintendo can kick ass if they want to.

Both Galaxy games are vastly overrated. Especially 2.

SMB3 and Super Mario 64 were far better, especially SMB3. The way some people talk about the Galaxy games is as if it's the most amazing shit ever when it's not.

SMB3 is pretty good but it isn't the best, and Mario 64 hasn't aged perfectly. SMG1/2 beat them handily. Sorry if reviews and whatnot tainted your outlook on the Galaxy games and nostalgia is clouding your judgment, but they really are better. Really, I think only Yoshi's Island comes close to them.

I thought digital triggers were confirmed ages ago  ???

If it's an excuse to hate on Nintendo, you can bet it will be brought up over and over again like it's new news.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Raban on November 17, 2012, 01:10:09 PM
As long as Mario 64 is the only game in the franchise you can do a Richter-ass sliding kick attack, it will never be trumped by another Mario game. Get out of here with this notion of "aging". It looks like blocky shit and always did, but the mechanics and controls don't get better than Mario 64 (given that you have a tight analog stick on your controller).
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 01:18:50 PM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 17, 2012, 01:19:50 PM
Andy, I'm just curious why you think all of these jank ass design choices are acceptable.  Other than, you know, "because Nintendo"

I agree with you about SMG 1/2.  Ruzbeh is an autistic lunatic, pay him no mind.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:23:10 PM
As long as Mario 64 is the only game in the franchise you can do a Richter-ass sliding kick attack, it will never be trumped by another Mario game. Get out of here with this notion of "aging". It looks like blocky shit and always did, but the mechanics and controls don't get better than Mario 64 (given that you have a tight analog stick on your controller).

The level design was sparse and empty for the most part. Playing it today, much of the game feels needlessly padded. It also had a less useful and more annoying hub than Galaxy 1, and that's usually listed as a detraction for that game.

Andy, I'm just curious why you think all of these jank ass design choices are acceptable.  Other than, you know, "because Nintendo"

I agree with you about SMG 1/2.  Ruzbeh is an autistic lunatic, pay him no mind.

Which design choices? Digital triggers will eventually be annoying, sure. I just know for me I don't play many racing games, in fact the most I was annoyed with analog triggers was in Brawl and even then it was hardly worth noting.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 17, 2012, 01:38:58 PM
Mario 64/Sunshine and the Galaxy games are really different, especially Galaxy 2.  I can see preferring them if you're into exploring levels and figuring out the obtuse objectives.  There's also a bit of revisionism about Mario 64 after the speed runs became popular.  Some people forget the context of its release; both the good and bad of it.  And 3D Land is closest a 3D Mario felt like a 2D Mario.

And I wouldn't say Mario 64 has good controls, but I liked how much control it gave you over Mario.  Galaxy and 3D Land dial it down to the essentials.  Mario 64 let you do useless moves like the spin kick.  There's a charm to early 3D games when they were still figuring out.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 01:44:11 PM
Mario 64/Sunshine and the Galaxy games are really different, especially Galaxy 2.  I can see preferring them if you're into exploring levels and figuring out the obtuse objectives.  There's also a bit of revisionism about Mario 64 after the speed runs became popular.  Some people forget the context of its release; both the good and bad of it.  And 3D Land is closest a 3D Mario felt like a 2D Mario.

And I wouldn't say Mario 64 has good controls, but I liked how much control it gave you over Mario.  Galaxy and 3D Land dial it down to the essentials.  Mario 64 let you do useless moves like the spin kick.  There's a charm to early 3D games when they were still figuring out.

Yeah, it's definitely a great game, I just think Galaxy soundly beats it.

Anyways what time should I head out to BB? They have more stock than reserves, so after the reserves are doled out it's first-come-first serve. They're doing a midnight release... I was thinking, 6...? Would that be too late? Too early?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 03:48:19 PM
Heading to BB around 6. If there's no line I'll get dinner or something, if there is one I guess I'll quickly get something to eat...
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 17, 2012, 03:51:38 PM
Heading to BB around 6. If there's no line I'll get dinner or something, if there is one I guess I'll quickly get something to eat...

So basically the same thing?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 04:09:40 PM
Yeah I dunno... I don't want to wait in line hungry... hm, guess I'll eat before I go.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 17, 2012, 04:12:43 PM
why would next gen start today if the thing is only a little bit stronger than the current gen?   Even then the RAM is mostly used for streaming. 

People are just lining up for a current gen system and when they figure this out, they will be heavily disappointed. 
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 17, 2012, 04:36:59 PM
Which design choices?

How about not having a unified Nintendo account?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 17, 2012, 04:55:08 PM
i wouldnt stay in line for this console. Will wait to 2013 before I buy one.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 05:10:40 PM
Which design choices?

How about not having a unified Nintendo account?

But it does? Nintendo Network ID or whatever. Even coming to 3DS... eventually.

Unless you mean Wii mode, and having looked into some low level things when I was homebrewing my Wii, it does seem like the Wii mode is about the extent of what they could do, same as GameCube backwards-compatibility but nobody used the GameCube's OS for anything.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 17, 2012, 05:17:14 PM
I mean doing things like this:

And not letting you playing digital versions of 3DS/DS games on the tablet.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 17, 2012, 05:31:39 PM
GR, Nintendo is more and more behind in the online department, they aren't bridging the gap contrary to what Nintendo fans think, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Even something as user unfriendly as PSN has better integration across systems then Nintendo will have in the next 5/10 years. But when compared to what MS is doing now with W8 it's just mad how far behind Nintendo is.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 05:36:29 PM
What kind of new system integration is Microsoft introducing with Windows 8?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 17, 2012, 05:43:51 PM
Bringing XBL to all platforms there are, phones, tablets, pc's, it all works together now. Also Smartglass.

This stuff is 10 years removed from where Nintendo is now.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 17, 2012, 05:45:35 PM
How is that different from the previous Games for Windows Live?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 17, 2012, 05:59:55 PM
How is that different from the previous Games for Windows Live?
It's built in. Everyone can access it right from the start and there is no need for bloated software that never gets updated.

My only problem with W8 Xbox functionality is how it will be just arcade games/mobile games. So all previous Games for Windows Live games won't work or be compatible in the future.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 17, 2012, 06:20:37 PM
Yeah it's not perfect yet, but MS shows that they have vision™ now for this, and one that is very tuned to our times, something Nintendo totally lacks.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 17, 2012, 06:27:39 PM
Both Sony and MS have issues of their own but Nintendo need to start before they worry about said issues.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 17, 2012, 06:31:18 PM
Wait, Wii-U is $350?


Fucking seriously?!

 :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Re: Weeooooooo - Whimsy Wii U Thread. [6 days till Apocawiipse]
Post by: chronovore on November 17, 2012, 06:42:16 PM
Dear LazyBore,

Does the Wii U use HDMI, and is there any backward compatibility with original Wii titles?

I have a friend who wants to buy one and ditch his Wii, and was surprised that I know nearly dick-all about the Wii U.

Señor Chronovoro
Yes, and yes. They even include an HDMI cable in the box. It does not upscale Wii games, and you cannot use the new tablet or pro controllers on Wii games.

I was late in checking the thread. Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: originalz on November 17, 2012, 07:11:07 PM

This is such a great video.

"What games do you want to see on the WiiU?"

"Monster Hunter!"  "Metroid!"  "Zelda!"

Good job guys, requesting games that are either confirmed or guaranteed to come out.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 07:17:48 PM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 07:22:43 PM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 07:24:11 PM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 07:26:38 PM
nintendo fans are so butthurt over the zombieu review  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 07:27:13 PM
I have a feeling reviewers like games that are simple and easy cause their jobs suck and are kinda sick of videogames and don't want to dedicate the time it takes to 'get' a game.

:lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 07:33:48 PM

Wtf am I looking at here
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 07:36:39 PM
the innovative Wii U Gamepads usage during a "puzzle" in Zombie U where you have to hit the touch pad that clearly isn't responsive
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 17, 2012, 07:36:55 PM


Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 17, 2012, 07:38:17 PM
I mean doing things like this:

And not letting you playing digital versions of 3DS/DS games on the tablet.
You want 3DS games playable... on Wii U?

It's nice to want things.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 17, 2012, 07:39:13 PM

Wtf am I looking at here

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 07:42:56 PM
:bow Cool video game ZOMBU :bow2
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 07:45:31 PM
System update is live!

40 minutes and not even half,guy has 35Mbps download
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 17, 2012, 07:53:45 PM

If it's a fucktarded decision by Nintendo, you can bet it will be brought up over and over again because it's hilarious.

ftfy, insert MS or Sony if it makes you feel better, because we do the same with them
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 17, 2012, 07:54:53 PM
System update is live!

40 minutes and not even half,guy has 35Mbps download

we have to be patient, the one nintendo server in japan is getting a beating tonight.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 08:00:33 PM
Just imagine the blazing transfer speeds everyone will be getting when they update their Weeoos tomorrow

Beep beep

Making consoles is hard
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 17, 2012, 08:09:07 PM
I mean doing things like this:

And not letting you playing digital versions of 3DS/DS games on the tablet.
You want 3DS games playable... on Wii U?

It's nice to want things.

I'm talking about something like on PSN, where there are games that you can buy once and then play on the PS3 and the Vita.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 17, 2012, 08:12:55 PM
I can't believe people are getting perma banned from twitch for streaming a console and games they already own. What kinda bullshit is that?

it's all jared's fault.  Him and fishstix play good cop/bad cop with the community :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 08:28:19 PM
I have a feeling reviewers like games that are simple and easy cause their jobs suck and are kinda sick of videogames and don't want to dedicate the time it takes to 'get' a game.
I've done some reviews for and sometimes you get games in genres thrown at you that you've never even thought of playing before. With tight deadlines there's no time to put 300 hours into a game and master it. That's just how it works.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 08:29:42 PM
that was a post by a nintendrone on neogaf
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 08:31:06 PM
Does that mean I've been trolled? ???
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 17, 2012, 08:31:50 PM
we are the ones who have been trolled this day
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 08:33:28 PM
Vita had a better launch library lol- and that was the VITA
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 17, 2012, 08:40:35 PM
can't wait for the giantbomb stream tomorrow
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 17, 2012, 08:44:27 PM
>> Giant Bomb
>> Wii U
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 17, 2012, 08:54:31 PM
>> Giant Bomb
>> Wii U

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 08:58:07 PM
OS is slow as fuck
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 17, 2012, 09:00:23 PM
15 seconds to load the system settings  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 09:03:04 PM
>> Giant Bomb
>> Wii U

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 17, 2012, 09:03:36 PM
15 seconds to load the system settings  :lol

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:04:10 PM
Streaming dude is registering/creating user IDs like crazy

Wario64 bye bye


Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:07:57 PM
"Can't believe you are taking the usernames... people like you are the reason Nintendo used friend codes."
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
Streaming dude is registering/creating user IDs like crazy

Wario64 bye bye



the hits keep comin!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 17, 2012, 09:26:16 PM
Streaming dude is registering/creating user IDs like crazy

Wario64 bye bye



Masterful troll oh my god
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:30:26 PM
He spared him



Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 17, 2012, 09:33:04 PM
where are yal getting these photos from?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 17, 2012, 09:33:10 PM
wait... you can create as many mii's as you want and give them all names and nobody else can use those names?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 17, 2012, 09:38:07 PM
where are yal getting these photos from?

wait... you can create as many mii's as you want and give them all names and nobody else can use those names?


I think you can register max 12 users per system,not sure how it works exactly.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 17, 2012, 10:10:16 PM
Nintendo Land looks like sweaty ballsack, why am I watching this?? :(
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 17, 2012, 11:25:12 PM
its ok cause nintendo is doing all this stuff no one has done before*

*this is all stuff people have done before, and better- n-fans lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 17, 2012, 11:30:45 PM
Vita had a better launch library lol- and that was the VITA

its pretty sad that a comparision like this comes up, goddamn.

15 seconds to load the system settings  :lol


Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 17, 2012, 11:38:34 PM
It's unfortunate but it looks like the holiday deadline forced them to release the system with a half baked firmware.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 17, 2012, 11:42:45 PM
It's unfortunate but it looks like the holiday deadline forced them to release the system with a half baked firmware.

Sounds like Sony with in game XMB...

And it looks like the best thing to do right now is spam with the community stuff.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 12:01:45 AM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:08:54 AM


Barkham up the wrong tree

At least for one year, a Nintendo system now stands on equal footing with other leading consoles, and Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition exists to hammer that point home. One of the most critically acclaimed action titles on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3, Arkham City is now available on the Wii U, and it looks right at home.

That's all it needed to do, really. What it didn't need was GamePad-specific features shoehorned into itself with no benefit granted to the end user. Sadly, it seems not even the Dark Knight can resist the lure of tech demo chicanery.
The Armored Edition gets its name from new combat suits worn by both Batman and Catwoman, suits that build kinetic energy as either playable protagonist successfully lands attacks on the mooks of Gotham. When the energy icon is full, tapping it on the touchscreen grants the player faster reflexes and extra attack power to finish fights more quickly.

It's strange that this feature was not only added, but had the game named after it, since it really isn't a unique or interesting addition. It's not a bad addition, but I can't say I'm grateful for it either. It's just there, and tapping the icon to get a bit of a boost is no different from pretty much any action game with any sort of special power meter. I'm confused as to why this is seen as such a big deal, but at the very least, I can say that it's inoffensive.

The other new changes, however, are a bit less subtle and much less welcome as far as this reviewer's concerned. Outside of general gameplay and combat, Armored Edition makes heavy use of the GamePad's touchscreen to the point of saturation. All in-game menu items, from map usage to leveling up to selecting gadgets, are done on the GamePad itself, and much of it feels like an unnecessary hassle. Leveling up Batman's gear is particularly irritating, as you now have to swipe your way through unresponsive rows of tiny icons and unintuitive screens. Unlike with my previous playthroughs of the game, I've found myself not immediately going into the WayneTech menu to upgrade, because I simply can't be bothered to fiddle with the menus.

Gadgets themselves also insist on using the touchscreen, with the biggest offender being the hacking device. Whereas before, you'd rotated the analog sticks (or press keyboard keys) to solve puzzles, you now have to open up a whole new hacking minigame where you trace your finger on the touchscreen to find the right hotspot while avoiding a red line that intermittently sweeps past. I used to like how quick and efficient hacking was in Arkham City, bypassing the flow-breakage of dreary door-opening minigames found in other titles, but Armored Edition has spoiled that.

Another issue is the gyroscope being used to aim Batarangs and the Batclaw. You can use the right stick to aim, but the gyroscope still registers and can throw the reticule off slightly. The remote Batarangs are also controlled via the GamePad screen, and again can be steered using motion or stick input, with similar conflicts. These issues are tiny, never really getting too much in the way, but they help hammer home just how much was changed simply for the sake of change, regardless of whether or not it improved the game.

:bow NEXT-GEN :bow2
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 12:10:46 AM
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition fails to ruin what still is an admirable game, but there's no skipping around the issue of elements being forced in and serving only to render it inferior, making previously simple functions more complicated than they should be and dragging down the game's pace. While still a very good game at its core, this is not as good as the original, purer release. There's no shame in a Wii U title that doesn't shoehorn Wii U features into itself, and if the game would be better off without them, I'd really rather that be the route taken.


edit: beaten
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 18, 2012, 12:12:18 AM

Is this Black Excellence?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 12:13:04 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 12:13:09 AM
IGN didn't even review it, just added this to their original review :lol

For those who played through Batman: Arkham City in 2011, the Armored Edition doesn't offer much in the way of incentives -- by and large, this is the same top-notch action/adventure game Rocksteady released last year. The new BAT mode gives you an additional combat option, but it's both unoriginal and ineffective. You'll charge a meter, activate BAT mode, and become mildly stronger in a fight. The inclusion of the Harley Quinn's Revenge expansion, Robin and Nightwing's challenge rooms, and character skins goes a long way to lengthen the experience, but the Wii U Game Pad functionality is clearly a consequence of launch-title experimentation. Arkham City looks and plays just as excellent as always on the Game Pad screen, but when it's used for touch-screen weapon selection, or as an in-game gadget, the Game Pad is just awkward. Moving the real-world object to look for in-game objects is a chore, and better left to the analog sticks. Glancing at the Game Pad to see your sonar radar is the best usage, really, but even then it's unexciting and not as helpful as simply absorbing yourself in the game proper.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:13:26 AM
Not even Sandy could stop Triforce from camping out for (almost) a month to get his Wii U "first!"
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 12:16:46 AM
He's not even the first, so he failed his quest.

Also ZombiU reviews are embargoed until 12pm EDT. Now, would a company do this for a good game? I wonder...

There's already some out aren't there?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:17:20 AM
He's the official "first" person to get one...from Reggie himself.  Dude is crazy and this is not the first Ninty system he's done this for.

There are also ZombiU reviews already up.  Gamespot gave it a FANTASTIC 4.5/10!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:18:34 AM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 12:19:51 AM
System reviews are up
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:20:01 AM

That's when I bite.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:29:36 AM

The Verge review is up.  Video review also in the link.  They were not impressed.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:33:50 AM
System reviews are up

Holy shit at the awful responsiveness of the touch screen. I knew that single-point resistive screen was a terrible idea. The big selling point of their system and they fuck it up by going cheap.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:34:49 AM

That's when I bite.

Why?   Why even bother?

I like the Gamepad idea, but it doesn't look like they did a very good job with it...and even the positive reviews complain about problems with the touch screen and three hour battery life (which means it fails at being used as a TV "remote").   I just see this system being another dust-magnet once the actual next-gen starts.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2012, 12:38:37 AM

That's when I bite.

When there's 3 games I want to play, I'll steal my nephew's for a week or two, gamefly the games and then be done with it.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:44:24 AM
By the time it hits 150 there might be enough of a cheap back catalog to get some enjoyment out of it.

Also, I was joking earlier on when I said there'd be a Game Pad + coming, but after seeing how awful the touch screen is (in every single video I have seen people are stabbing at it several times to get it to register simple input), I am certain of it. Game Pad + with capacitive touch, larger battery, etc. by the end of 2014, I'd lay money on it.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 12:46:32 AM
Guessing I'll have one of these in ~9 hours.  Figure I'll pay someone to kick me in the balls before I come home.  Maybe get lunch at Arby's.  Round out the day by buying some THQ stock.  In for the full experience.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 18, 2012, 12:46:35 AM
I want to change my 5 year sales prediction to 7 million.

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 12:50:07 AM
yikes zombiu  (:-\)

yikes at reviewers calling the wii u ports of old 360/PS3 games inferior

yikes at day one patch for super mario bros

yikes at the day one firmware upgrade weighing in at 5 gigs

edit: yikes at bricking the wii u if you lose power during the firmware upgrade
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:50:28 AM
Guessing I'll have one of these in ~9 hours.  Figure I'll pay someone to kick me in the balls before I come home.  Maybe get lunch at Arby's.  Round out the day by buying some THQ stock.  In for the full experience.

flip that shit on ebay and use the profit to buy THQ assets instead
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:50:33 AM

LOL.  Why would you unplug anything during a system update?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:52:14 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:52:43 AM

 :geoff :geoff :geoff
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 12:52:58 AM
Analogue triggers too. And it will also play the roms that the current one can't.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:53:48 AM
So how much usable space does that leave the 8GB owners? :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 12:54:13 AM
yikes zombiu  (:-\)

yikes at reviewers calling the wii u ports of old 360/PS3 games inferior

yikes at day one patch for super mario bros

yikes at the day one firmware upgrade weighing in at 5 gigs

edit: yikes at bricking the wii u if you lose power during the firmware upgrade

wait WAT?

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 12:54:25 AM
Wait a minute...doesn't the basic set console only have 8GB of memory?  And the first update alone is 5GB?   :lol

EDIT: Missed Eel's post!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 12:55:11 AM

Got mine!

There were 40+ people in the line at Best Buy tonight. They had 29 Deluxe systems and 14 Basic ones by our count, which might not be completely accurate. They had one black Pro Controller and like 10 white ones, first dude in line got it. (I was number four.) :gloomy So I'll just wait, I don't think I need it for any games in the immediate future, especially with Wii U VC being a big question mark right now.




Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 18, 2012, 12:55:22 AM
i guess i haven't been following the Wii U enough to realize that they are still pushing waggle.  I'm going to flip mine and be done with Nintendo forever....i don't have the patience for these fuckers.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 12:56:15 AM
"Please connect external hard drive unit with at least 6GB free space to proceed with Wii U Firmware Update 1.02"
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 12:56:26 AM

That's when I bite.

Surprised you still wanna buy it, but I agree. At that point it'll be tolerable.

I do really wanna play NSMBU though. And none of my friends are gonna buy a Wii-U any time soon to use at their place.  :'(
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 12:58:12 AM

 :geoff :geoff :geoff


 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

whoever buys the 8gb is even more of a fucking distinguished mentally-challenged fellow
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 18, 2012, 01:00:23 AM
this thing is such a cluster fuck
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 01:03:27 AM
In that Verge review it says that games can't be run from external storage. Is that true? That sounds incorrect. If it is true, then what's the point of even hooking up an external HDD?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 01:04:19 AM
Nintendo removed this message for "Violent Content"

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 01:04:32 AM
In that Verge review it says that games can't be run from external storage. Is that true? That sounds incorrect. If it is true, then what's the point of even hooking up an external HDD?

It's wrong, Green Man is right
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 01:04:35 AM
In that Verge review it says that games can't be run from external storage. Is that true? That sounds incorrect. If it is true, then what's the point of even hooking up an external HDD?

I think they can't run from SD cards.

They cannot.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 01:05:07 AM
Nintendo removed this message for "Violent Content"

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 01:06:01 AM
Quote from: Medalion;44464108
That's no patch... it's a Space Station!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 01:06:07 AM
Yeah, I can see that, too confusing with the varying transfer speeds of different cards. Surely they'll let you run games off an external HDD, though. I used to run PC games off one all the time.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 01:07:15 AM
I refuse to believe that size is real holy shit.

In that Verge review it says that games can't be run from external storage. Is that true? That sounds incorrect. If it is true, then what's the point of even hooking up an external HDD?

Apparently HDDs can work (max 2TB) and usb flash drives but SD cards are a no, plus the HDD can only be used with the WiiU after its added (format is need to revert it to a PC drive).
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 01:07:48 AM
Ah, I see. Fair enough.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 01:09:50 AM
The download size is real but it deletes itself afterwards.  It's not unlike how you need double the size of an app free to install it on iOS.  You need 5 gigs free to download and install it, but afterwards it's gone...until the update.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 01:14:39 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 01:15:59 AM
Now the defense force are claiming the size is 1gb something lol due to speedtest calulations LOL

I assume the subsequent ones won't be as big (1 or 5)...
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 02:21:22 AM
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two does nothing to improve itself over its predecessor, repeating old ideas while refusing to fix problems that are glaringly obvious to even the least tasteful of dolts. Anything added in the sequel has been done so to the its overall detriment -- the voice acting grates, the musical pretensions are vapid, and the cooperative schtick is corny, strained, and a total intrusion for solo play that slows progress, causes trouble, and does not bloody work.

At least Epic Mickey felt fresh enough that some of its faults could be overlooked by the more forgiving of players. The Power of Two has no such charm to hide behind. It's a gormless, chafing, unquestionably horrid little waste of time. Only the hardcore Disney obsessive need look into this one, and I don't advice they look too deeply.

2/10 (360 verison tested, but one of the Wii U launch titles)
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 02:34:13 AM
:drudge :drudge :drudge

Wii Teardown
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 02:44:42 AM
:drudge :drudge :drudge

Wii Teardown

Are they revealing the specs?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 02:46:33 AM
omg this system deserves to bomb :rofl
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 02:49:44 AM
:drudge :drudge :drudge

Wii Teardown

Are they revealing the specs?

Only just got the optical drive off.

edit: They're going to do the gamepad after the console :hyper
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 02:59:13 AM
That is a tiny ass fan

edit: holy shit stream went down just as they removed the PCB
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 03:02:29 AM
Nevermind, their thing crashed. Will be back up soon.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:05:13 AM
Update has crashed twice on me but it resumes from where it left off when you restart it, so that's nice at least. It's also going a bit faster than the dude who first livestreamed it whatever, seems like it should be done for me after about 50-60 minutes, and I have kinda crappy internet.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 03:05:37 AM

Alternate teardown stream
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 03:05:46 AM
Odd that Panasonic is making the drive and the disc tech. I thought they were a dead company.

Edit: As a cost-cutting measure, wouldn't it be funny if Nintendo was having users seed the update after they downloaded it?
Not surprising, really.

Panasonic made that Gamecube DVD console plus who will Nintendo go with? Sony drives? No chance. Toshiba drives = Samsung and I doubt Nintendo gonna use some Korean tech.

It's all about dat national pride, son.

Panasonic and Pioneer are the only ones that I can think of right now that fits that pride and since Panasonic worked with Nintendo before, they continued with them here.

I think the Gamecube discs were custom mini dvds made by Panasonic as well.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 03:09:56 AM
Thermal Tape on the heatsink
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 03:11:45 AM
It's a gimped 360, guys.

No need to watch the stream to figure that out.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 03:27:39 AM
its raining Wii U Quicklooks on Giantbomb right now
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 03:30:17 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 03:35:00 AM
i was just gonna post those.

Lol at the hanging one (more likely a texture loading problem but still)  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 03:45:24 AM
I missed the important part of the live teardown. What did they say about the CPU and the GPU?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:45:34 AM
No suprise at the zombie u embargo, ubisoft has always been a french crappy lying shit company. The game is ass, it is hilarious to see gaf defend that game  :lol

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:47:14 AM
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Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2012, 03:52:49 AM
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 03:55:32 AM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:59:33 AM
Welcome to 2005 tech nintendo
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 04:03:52 AM
I missed the important part of the live teardown. What did they say about the CPU and the GPU?

Nothing really.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 04:06:40 AM
Seems Wii-U's memory is DDR3 type RAM and is about 25% slower than the RAM in the 360.

:piss Nintendo :piss2
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 04:09:10 AM


Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 04:14:11 AM
Nothing wrong with DDR3,if system has decent amount of edram
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:16:31 AM
Kinda late on this, but man oh man that Verge review. :lol

"Nintendo should change the button layout they've been using since 1990 because... uh, Microsoft is better. So there!!"

"Wii U isn't the 360.


Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 04:17:48 AM
edram should be insanely fast though
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 04:19:13 AM
Nothing wrong with DDR3,if system has decent amount of edram

Supposedly it's 32 MB.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 04:22:24 AM
Wait it seems this is the system RAM, not the video RAM.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Watch it be even worse. :lol

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 04:26:39 AM
Same thing in this case(just like 360)

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 04:32:18 AM
Cheap ass fuckers using Wii sound effects for this console, and HD version of 3DS OS.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:35:46 AM
Gaf already defending the shitty specs
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cascade on November 18, 2012, 04:39:59 AM
Wii U uses 2GB of DDR3 memory at 17GB/s. That's slower than both the 360 and the PS3 which is notorious for causing problems due to it's low bandwidth. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol How on Earth do Nintendo do it? They've managed to create something slower than a 7 year old console.

Here's a comparison to PS3/360 bandwidth numbers:

360: 22.4 GB/s + eDRAM for framebuffer
PS3: 25.6 GB/s main memory BW + 22.4 GB/s graphics memory BW, no eDRAM

GTX 680: 192.2 GB/s
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 04:44:00 AM
I'm about to go to sleep, but I can't wait to see what discoveries have been made by the time I wake up
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 04:44:30 AM
So you're saying wii u is ill equipped to play games made next gen and Nintendo will be, again, another generation behind?  :o

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 05:01:44 AM
:rofl at the ram, you cannot make this stuff up

"Can't believe you are taking the usernames... people like you are the reason Nintendo used friend codes."

Is this an actual quote or are you just making funny stuff up?  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 05:03:37 AM
No,that was posted on chat.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 05:05:32 AM
I can't decide what will be more entertaining, reading the GAF meltdown, or playing some SWTOR.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 18, 2012, 05:06:03 AM
Gaf already defending the shitty specs

shouldn't they be more concerned about berating the several "insiders" who've been actively lying to them for the past year or so? that said, as they were all sucking their shlongs because they were offering hope that this was anything but Kwik Save : the Console - i guess this is like waking up in the morning after a night with a $300 hooker who turned out to be a fucking shaved goose
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 05:09:01 AM
Good news

ust a few random notes, seems like Wii U has a nice internal scaler like Xbox 360, NSMBU upscaled to 1080p as did the Wii mode, RE4 WE looked pretty good. Obviously not native, but a nice feature if your HDTV likes 1080p sources like mine does :)

360 gpu is doing the scaling btw,360 has no extra scaler
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:11:21 AM
I don't think that will do any difference for me. My TV can upscale a 480p signal and it's not like the internal Wii U scaler is enhancing the image or anything.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 05:31:37 AM
Can I get a link to the GAF Nintendo defence force?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:38:55 AM
No, it's also the most powerful system that plays Nintendo first-party titles. That will be enough for many.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 05:43:04 AM
Just out of curiosity,what Nintendo first party titles are scheduled for let's say next 6 months?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 05:47:13 AM
Pikmin, err uhhh Pikmin?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:49:17 AM
These are developed internally:
• New Super Mario Bros. U
• Nintendo Land
• Pikmin 3
• Wii Fit U

These will likely remain exclusive since they're published by Nintendo:
• Bayonetta 2
• Game & Wario
• Lego City Undercover
• Sing Party
• The Wonderful 101

I'm sure they can put out a rehashed Mario Kart with upscaled graphics using the same old assets if they need to push sales.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 18, 2012, 05:52:48 AM
Well, i guess the good news out of all this is that maybe devs can do Wii U / Vita games and hit two similarly powerful and similiarly bombing platforms at the same time.

Oh wait - Vita has multitouch - i guess they can map stuff to buttons and shit on the  Wii Maxipad.

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 05:53:47 AM
Haha they prob got some track editor they made for the cube version and have been using for the last 10 years  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 05:54:58 AM
Good news

ust a few random notes, seems like Wii U has a nice internal scaler like Xbox 360, NSMBU upscaled to 1080p as did the Wii mode, RE4 WE looked pretty good. Obviously not native, but a nice feature if your HDTV likes 1080p sources like mine does :)

360 gpu is doing the scaling btw,360 has no extra scaler

I thought it wasn't upscaling Wii games?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 06:00:35 AM
Dunno,he could be wrong.

Who knows,but 360 is upscaling xbox games,my monitor is not reporting change in input resolution when xbox games are played.

Easy to check though--insert Wii game and see what TV does
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 18, 2012, 06:07:06 AM
Xbox 324 confirmed

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 06:51:29 AM

This scene is actually pre-rendered on PS360.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 06:52:07 AM
I don't think that will do any difference for me. My TV can upscale a 480p signal and it's not like the internal Wii U scaler is enhancing the image or anything.
Some TVs have shitty scalers so having your console do the upscaling can be a plus in some cases.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 06:53:09 AM
This scene is actually pre-rendered on PS360.

so wii-u is way more powerful then?
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 07:14:23 AM
wii was one generation behind while wii u will soon be two generations behind  :lol
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 08:39:59 AM
ya know, i think i've seen that game before. or at least a game that looks very similar
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 08:47:20 AM
oh nintendo
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 09:00:17 AM
whoever composed the music for NSMB Wii and NSMB Wii in HD needs to be dragged out to the back bludgeoned
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 09:22:26 AM

That's when I bite.

When there's 3 games I want to play, I'll steal my nephew's for a week or two, gamefly the games and then be done with it.


That was exactly what I did with the Mario games on the wii.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 09:24:24 AM
so if you're playing 4 player in Mario U you have to play with the wiimotes and cant use the new controller?

that sounds crazy. maybe i'm not understanding tho

edit: ok so the gamepad is just used for creating blocks and stuff. that's crazy stupid.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 09:30:46 AM
Nintendo's nextgen.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 09:41:25 AM
the specs and screens make it sound like a lot inferior current gen ports are inbound.   

this is basically Wii all over again, but this time the controller is not nearly as intriguing and is just a knee jerk reaction to the market.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 09:44:05 AM

Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 09:46:09 AM
Brilliant, that covers the RAM costs.   
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 18, 2012, 10:07:08 AM
Can we change the thread title to last gen starts today? :teehee
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 10:41:59 AM
 :lol I like that suggestion!
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 10:57:08 AM

Looks very clean but the framerate is kind of sloppy. You can see stuttering especially when turning around.

It's cool that the wii pointer controls aren't going away but yikes at the commentary.  Wii version sounds like third world gaming.  Killcams are a revelation.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 11:20:12 AM
Look for third-party devs to ignore touchscreen stuff with the quickness (well, moreso than they were going to in the first place)

Beyond everything else, that's still the biggest cockup here: the one hardware feature the system has over every other console on the market doesn't work correctly.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 18, 2012, 11:31:45 AM
People still expect consoles to be $299-399 at launch despite inflation. Nintendo also has to deal with the Yen exchange rate. Quality tends to suffer as a result.

Like most of you I'll probably borrow or rent this system, play the handful of games worth playing on it, and be done with it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 11:33:37 AM
I checked one store and they didn't even have it set up for display. I dont know if that means it sold out, or they're just hiding inventory for black friday.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 11:33:59 AM

if you were wondering why it has a 3 hour battery life
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 18, 2012, 11:37:57 AM
We were over in Bellevue this morning and stopped by the Walmart to pick up a few things and they seemed to have plenty of Wii Us.  I thought it was supposed to be hard to get one of these things? I was nearly tempted to get one just because it was there but then I looked at what games are out for it.........pass.

Doesn't seem like there's nearly the hype for this as there was for the Wii.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 18, 2012, 11:40:02 AM

Looks very clean but the framerate is kind of sloppy. You can see stuttering especially when turning around.

It's cool that the wii pointer controls aren't going away but yikes at the commentary.  Wii version sounds like third world gaming.  Killcams are a revelation.
"The Wii had bad graphics, but now with WiiU we can play HD just like everyone else on 360!!" thats some stockholm syndrome bullshit. You could have bought a 360 like 7 years ago you massive, massive tool :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Vertigo on November 18, 2012, 11:46:13 AM
Just been taking in the impressions and the videos of this thing and man how must early adopters feel? Even the Nintards know this thing is not ready for prime time yet. Where is the standout launch game that says 'must buy'.

I liked the Wii despite it never truly fulfilling it's potential, but this just looks like a real mess. A botched Xbox 360 copy cat machine. Not even the Nintendo exclusives feel like any effort has gone into them.

I smell a quickish price cut on this machine ala the 3DS.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 11:53:48 AM
Completed ZombieU 100%, now I'm about halfway through NSMBU.

Holy ****ing ****, I've never been more impressed with a system in my 30+ years of gaming. This is the first time I've been able to game in HD (never touched any Sony or Microsoft crap), and My God the graphics are amazing. I did break down a little bit when I finally got to see Mario in full HD. We've come a long way since the NES days.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 12:00:17 PM
can't tell if troll.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 12:03:37 PM

i almost went to get one but then i learned it's $350 not $250. wtf
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 12:03:51 PM
5/10 from game informer. Yay
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 12:05:16 PM
seems to be selling for ~$430+ online

I have one sitting here.  Thinking I should sell it or something.  Could buy one of those neo geo portables instead.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 12:06:37 PM
wiiu deluxe and 2 games are in stock on
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 12:11:53 PM
zombie bomb 6.5 from IGN  :lol :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: parallax on November 18, 2012, 12:14:48 PM
Completed ZombieU 100%, now I'm about halfway through NSMBU.

Holy ****ing ****, I've never been more impressed with a system in my 30+ years of gaming. This is the first time I've been able to game in HD (never touched any Sony or Microsoft crap), and My God the graphics are amazing. I did break down a little bit when I finally got to see Mario in full HD. We've come a long way since the NES days.

damn bro, until that game in hd line, you almost had me.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 12:15:59 PM
meh NSMBU is the only game i would want right now, so it is not worth lining up for a Wii U just yet. I'll wait for GDC or something.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 18, 2012, 12:16:19 PM
Is anyone here actually buying one today?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 12:17:23 PM

if you were wondering why it has a 3 hour battery life
Can it be replaced, I wonder.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 12:18:05 PM
zombie bomb 6.5 from IGN  :lol :lol


Maybe it is really a game you must "get" like Day Z for example but the amount of vile, blind defense ninfags show when talking about its reviews should be a warning sign to everyone.

The difference is Day Z was actuallyy really fun and clever ruined by a shitty base game in ARMA2. ZombieU is not fun or clever and is just a shitty base game in ZombiU.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 12:19:13 PM
zombie bomb 6.5 from IGN  :lol :lol


Maybe it is really a game you must "get" like Day Z for example but the amount of vile, blind defense ninfags show when talking about its reviews should be a warning sign to everyone.

yeah I cant believe that GAF buys the ubisoft shit once again. Did the ninfags learn nothing from Red Steel? Ubisoft are the masters of hyping their own crap as AAA titles.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 12:19:51 PM
Is anyone here actually buying one today?

I would have if I saw one on a shelf, but as it is I'll wait for the initial hype to flicker away, and probably get one come Tax Season.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 12:23:56 PM
Zombiu got a 9 from Eurogamer.  Gaijin gamers scored it low because it's not call of duty.  Eurogamer is the only trustworthy review site.  Better than Dark Souls and DayZ combined!!!   :munch

Is anyone here actually buying one today?

I have one right now unopened.  I don't know if I'm keeping it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 12:27:26 PM
So the line up is:

- Third party pap we played half a year ago
- Mario
- Third party pap that isn't worth a ball sniff

And if you have no online access:

- No Wii
- No eShop
- No "anything" since online is a huge factor this time

When does Pikmin come out again? lol...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 12:43:41 PM
No, the third party pap came out a year ago
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 12:55:57 PM
Do you need to updated it before using the system?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 01:01:18 PM
Of course not. You can just choose to not connect it to the internet. They wouldn't be allowed to sell systems that didn't work out of the box.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 01:02:56 PM


Can someone explain to me exactly what this is
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 01:03:30 PM
Some game in the near future will come with the latest update. No need to worry.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 01:05:08 PM
this console could be a huge bomb for nintendo.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 01:07:09 PM


Can someone explain to me exactly what this is

If you try to make a account taht is under the age of 18 for Nintendo Online you have to pay them $.50
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2012, 01:08:28 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 01:09:40 PM
Consider Nintendo's target audience and remember that for every two children that want to purchase from the eshop they get an extra buck.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 01:13:14 PM
The mario game looks really good, the question is how long you gotta wait for another AAA game to come out. 6 months? A year?

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 01:13:15 PM
I'm celebrating my Weeoo launch day by playing Dishonored, drinking good ass coffee, and listening to the crackles of a roaring fire in the fireplace, whilst giggling at this thread. Perfect Sunday
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2012, 01:14:55 PM
I'm grinding Infernal Machines in Diablo 3 and drinking it the fail.  Feels good, man.  Feels good.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 01:15:24 PM
I liked Nintendo better when they were last place sales wise and made good games and consoles.

It's so god damn appalling that the company can have first place, have games that sell 15 million copies yet they can't produce a single game with some production values, even for the release of the succesor of their most successful home console in 15 years.

Bloody WiiU should come out with a 50 million dollar version of Zelda.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 18, 2012, 01:16:07 PM
Playing BLOPS2 and people are LOLing that Wii people are wowed at the Killcam.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 01:16:50 PM
I liked Nintendo better when they were last place sales wise and made good games and consoles.

It's so god damn appalling that the company can have first place, have games that sell 15 million copies yet they can't produce a single game with some production values, even for the release of their most successful home console in 15 years.

Bloody WiiU should come out with a 50 million dollar version of Zelda.

I sort of agree. The gamecube was deemed a failure, yet it had tons of quality games worth playing. Times changed man...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 18, 2012, 01:18:41 PM
I'm celebrating my Weeoo launch day by playing Dishonored, drinking good ass coffee, and listening to the crackles of a roaring fire in the fireplace, whilst giggling at this thread. Perfect Sunday

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 18, 2012, 01:34:32 PM
Gonna honor late to the party day with some craft beer and RE6 on the PS3.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 01:35:17 PM
Just hope wii u bombs - and it will - and nintendo will be last place in both the handheld and console market.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 01:37:10 PM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 01:38:45 PM
Wii U isn't gonna bomb. It's the next big thing.

Watch the others totally copy the gamepad next year's E3.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 01:40:14 PM
Wii U isn't gonna bomb. It's the next big thing.

Watch the others totally copy the gamepad next year's E3.

meh it has maybe 1/10 of the hype the original Wii had. Probably the least hyped nintendo console.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 01:41:51 PM
my problem with the wiiu is that there isn't any interesting clever software at launch. even the wii had some titles that seemed like novelty but where cool because of the new technology. The gamecube had Super Monkey Ball also. This has...ZombiU? And nothing else. Just boring tripe.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Freyj on November 18, 2012, 01:44:02 PM
Wii U isn't gonna bomb. It's the next big thing.

Watch the others totally copy the gamepad next year's E3.

meh it has maybe 1/10 of the hype the original Wii had. Probably the least hyped nintendo console.

It still kind of baffles me that it's even a thing and that it released today.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 18, 2012, 01:44:16 PM
Celebrating this day by playing Counter Strike and drinking a bottle of 1999 Merlot I randomly found hidden away.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 01:46:15 PM
When I saw it in stores the system looked huge, but it's not bad.  Like 75% the size of a launch 360.  It's also better at attracting dust than the launch PS3.  Don't mean that as a joke; it's just the cheapish glossy plastic or something that's doing it.

The TV remote functionality is really basic.  It's just input, volume, and channel.  People were playing this up to be like a universal remote.  At least a Wide to 4:3 button would've been helpful.
Right now it's updating.  I take back the bad things I've said about the PS3's download speeds.

Um, the gamepad controls all feel good.  Nintendo is hit or miss about this stuff, but the D-pad are quality.  For some reason the gamepad cradle has wheels on the inside.  You can slide it out the side if you're too lazy to lift it straight up (???).

uh, it's quiet.  No component/composite cable included; only HDMI (but it seems to use the same cable as the Wii).  No ethernet port.  Same sensor bar as before but no bar stand that came with the Wii.


...I've made a huge mistake
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 01:46:17 PM
Wii U isn't gonna bomb. It's the next big thing.

Watch the others totally copy the gamepad next year's E3.

Don't get me wrong. The idea of wii u is money. But the actual system is half assed. You think consumers who all use smart phones and tablets and touch devices are not going to think wii u is shit and that they have better alternatives?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 01:50:25 PM
Wii U isn't gonna bomb. It's the next big thing.

Watch the others totally copy the gamepad next year's E3.

Don't get me wrong. The idea of wii u is money. But the actual system is half assed. You think consumers who all use smart phones and tablets and touch devices are not going to think wii u is shit and that they have better alternatives?

this is a good point. The wii launched before smartphones cames to the market so people weren't spoiled with the same kind of gadgets that are available today.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 01:50:32 PM
Not to mention Nintendo is ready starting to create brand fatigue. I wonder how well Mario will sell? He is their only major player now and they are coasting on his icon.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 01:52:01 PM
When I saw it in stores the system looked huge, but it's not bad.  Like 75% the size of a launch 360.  It's also better at attracting dust than the launch PS3.  Don't mean that as a joke; it's just the cheapish glossy plastic or something that's doing it.

The TV remote functionality is really basic.  It's just input, volume, and channel.  People were playing this up to be like a universal remote.  At least a Wide to 4:3 button would've been helpful.
Right now it's updating.  I take back the bad things I've said about the PS3's download speeds.

Um, the gamepad controls all feel good.  Nintendo is hit or miss about this stuff, but the D-pad are quality.  For some reason the gamepad cradle has wheels on the inside.  You can slide it out the side if you're too lazy to lift it straight up (???).

uh, it's quiet.  No component/composite cable included; only HDMI (but it seems to use the same cable as the Wii).  No ethernet port.  Same sensor bar as before but no bar stand that came with the Wii.


...I've made a huge mistake

I wouldn't be able to resist either  :)

After update insert some Wii game to see if the system is upscaling or not.

If you have Wii games of course
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 02:04:00 PM
Not to mention Nintendo is ready starting to create brand fatigue. I wonder how well Mario will sell? He is their only major player now and they are coasting on his icon.

yeah new marios released since the DS:

Mario Galaxy
Mario Galaxy 2
Mario 3D land

So 8 new Mario games since 2005, that's more then one per year. Talk about getting milked.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 02:05:44 PM
Thats not even including shit like paper mario, mario and luigi, mario sports games, princess peach game. that brand has flown
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 02:13:17 PM
Can anyone confirm/deny a sales degradation in regards to mario?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 02:16:33 PM

GB streaming WiiU launch stuff

all day.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 02:19:52 PM
this is already more fun than the WiiU itself.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 02:31:46 PM
now the vita is even losing in shit forum thread posts

:piss sony :piss2
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 02:34:18 PM
Playing SWTOR on pc. Probably cost more to develop then WiiU and it shows.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 02:43:19 PM
This live stream is hysterical. They can't even fucking connect the thing to the wifi.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 02:45:06 PM
This live stream is hysterical. They can't even fucking connect the thing to the wifi.

does it support wireless N? Probably a dumb question when it comes to Nintendo.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 18, 2012, 02:49:08 PM
Today, I play games from the days Nintendo was good.  Wii U is just ugh, coming from a still-nintendo fan.  3DS even turned out to be a pretty good system despite all its flaws but this...yikes.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 02:50:15 PM
Went to play NSMBU, there was an update... Day 1 system update for a Mario game. Truly we're living in the future now. On the other hand, using the web browser while the game is suspended is silky smooth and will come in handy for tips and stuff.

Mario actually looks pretty good, the style is still the plasticky junk but it's very clean, very good IQ.

Also the system said I got a "friend request." :o :hyper

CPU - slower than 360
RAM - slower than 360
GPU - ???

Any news on the GPU side?

This is the first I've heard of RAM speed being a talking point of all things. Wii U has double what the 360 has, quadruple if you count the other half for system stuff that will probably be freed up to devs over time.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 02:52:04 PM
Went to play NSMBU, there was an update... Day 1 system update for a Mario game. Truly we're living in the future now. On the other hand, using the web browser while the game is suspended is silky smooth and will come in handy for tips and stuff.

Mario actually looks pretty good, the style is still the plasticky junk but it's very clean, very good IQ.

Also the system said I got a "friend request." :o :hyper

CPU - slower than 360
RAM - slower than 360
GPU - ???

Any news on the GPU side?

This is the first I've heard of RAM speed being a talking point of all things. Wii U has double what the 360 has, quadruple if you count the other half for system stuff that will probably be freed up to devs over time.

I dont think system OS ram can be freed up though.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 18, 2012, 02:52:42 PM
Gave the display model a try at my local ebgames. Chose the Rayman demo (not many other demos to choose from). The touchscreen/main screen thing felt pretty jarring. It feels like something that's designed for co-op or 2 players, one to use the touch screen and one to control something on the main screen. Definitely not worth a buy to me (although I asked and they were sold out/all preorders allocated).
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 02:55:19 PM
navigating around the interface is really slow

I take back the bad things I've said about the new playstation store.  This is slower.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:00:30 PM
Man this Mario game is pretty darn good. :)

Are you ignoring the numbers posted earlier in this thread that it is indeed weaker than a console released in 2005?

CPU is weaker (known for a while) and RAM is slower (although I've never heard that brought up before in SPEC WARS until now), otherwise...?

I dont system OS ram can be freed up though.

Might be with system updates.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 03:01:36 PM
That's right, you're buying potential
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 18, 2012, 03:02:03 PM

Are you ignoring the numbers posted earlier in this thread that it is indeed weaker than a console released in 2005?

These type of comparisons are stupid because they have different architectures. The xbox had a 32 bit processor while N64 had a 64 bit one. That didn't mean shit.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 03:02:57 PM


Prole comment needed
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 03:04:49 PM


Prole comment needed

These type of comparisons are stupid because they have different architectures. The xbox had a 32 bit processor while N64 had a 64 bit one. That didn't mean shit.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 03:09:12 PM
This live stream is hysterical. They can't even fucking connect the thing to the wifi.

Three laptops one desktop and at least 6 nerds to connect the Weeeeooo to wifi, smh.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:09:59 PM
anyone know how fast the GPU is compared to 360 and PS3? If it is slower then it is the final nail in the hardware coffin.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 03:10:09 PM
Quote from: Strife91;44482386
Now I can finally experience how Wii would have been if Nintendo would have made it equally powerful as its competitors.

It begins.
Title: Re: Next-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 03:11:23 PM

Are you ignoring the numbers posted earlier in this thread that it is indeed weaker than a console released in 2005?

These type of comparisons are stupid because they have different architectures. The xbox had a 32 bit processor while N64 had a 64 bit one. That didn't mean shit.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 03:14:00 PM
I'm just in awe tha people are excited over these ports of Batman, AC3, BLOPS, Mass Effect... etc

Really? Is this just some launch window syndrome?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 18, 2012, 03:15:40 PM
Andrex never played any of these games, demi.

Such is the life of a ninthing.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 03:16:23 PM
The Giant Bomb guys are now stuck downloading the slowest day one patch ever for BLOPS2.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 18, 2012, 03:18:41 PM
 :lol :lol

What a great day
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:19:14 PM
Wii Port indeed.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 03:22:27 PM
its cool guyz cause Nintendo lulz
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:26:20 PM
how is this thing $350? And GAF are saying that they're selling at a loss. That cant be right. It looks bulky and hideous compared to any tablet today.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:30:44 PM
:bow Praise Miyamoto, the actually-useful-but-annoying-cuz-its-waggle spin move and pick up item mechanic are mapped to Zr/l. :bow2

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 03:32:45 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:32:59 PM
I'm just in awe tha people are excited over these ports of Batman, AC3, BLOPS, Mass Effect... etc

Really? Is this just some launch window syndrome?

Did you miss the Vita lauch/announcement of P4 Golden as Vita's savior?

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 03:36:22 PM
To be fair to Andrex, most of those people have already PLAYED persona 4 as it was on the Ps2. But that doesn't mean vita is MORE laugh worthy than Wii U. They're about the same but for different reasons.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 03:36:46 PM
From gaf

I start to think that Nintendo did a good job with introducing only DDR3 ram type.

 When you have only 1GB ram for games you won't use high quality assets like high res textures so Ram speed don't matter that much.

 If case was different like it would have 2GB or more for very high quality assets high speed ram would be crucial to system.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 03:37:14 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 03:38:23 PM
Wireless range is pretty short.  Can't cover an entire one bed room apartment.  Starts skipping at the bathroom.

edit: yeah, no problem connecting to wi-fi on my end. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 18, 2012, 03:38:40 PM
I'm just in awe tha people are excited over these ports of Batman, AC3, BLOPS, Mass Effect... etc

Really? Is this just some launch window syndrome?

Did you miss the Vita lauch/announcement of P4 Golden as Vita's savior?

Posted from my Wii U.

You're right, the WiiU and Vita are in roughly the same position.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 03:39:45 PM
Vita has better games though.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2012, 03:41:14 PM
LOL, Wii U was in stock everywhere I went today, not one fuck was being given. Gamecube launch all over again. La bombu.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 03:43:52 PM
289 people playing Black Ops 2 WiiU online?

WAT  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 03:44:08 PM
watching giant bomb stream, blops2 sure looks ugly
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 18, 2012, 03:44:20 PM
WTF is going on. I have everything physically set up but when I got the point of syncing my game pad with the system, this test screen appeared on the game pad screen.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 03:44:32 PM
I'm just in awe tha people are excited over these ports of Batman, AC3, BLOPS, Mass Effect... etc

Really? Is this just some launch window syndrome?

LWS is the leading cause of Elebits purchases of our generation
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 03:49:57 PM

 :nsfw What the fuck is wrong with these people (
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 03:50:30 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.

Day 1 is for figuring out what the actual flaws and strengths of a system are, so yes, each criticism is accounted for.   

I know, it must be difficult to deal with after buying into Nintendo + press hype for 2 years.  but every system by any company must go through it. 

Hence the popular phrase "day 1 beta tester."
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 03:52:38 PM

 :nsfw What the fuck is wrong with these people (
Come on. That's a lot more fun than most pickup pictures. At least he put some effort into it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 03:58:53 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2012, 04:02:37 PM
Israel >> Nintendo
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 18, 2012, 04:03:32 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.

You were banned because you called Nintendo fans "people"? ???
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 04:03:45 PM
Im sure Nintendo has more drones then Israel.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 04:03:50 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.

Thread link plz
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 04:05:27 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.

You were banned because you called Nintendo fans "people"? ???

"not people, nintendo fans" is a quote, I was correcting someone who refereed to them as people.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: parallax on November 18, 2012, 04:06:37 PM
WTF is going on. I have everything physically set up but when I got the point of syncing my game pad with the system, this test screen appeared on the game pad screen.


For nintendos sake that better not be exploitable
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 04:07:05 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.

Thread link plz
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 04:07:48 PM
for our sake, lets hope it is! 

as for the multi billion dollar corporation, well, it's the only way they'll learn to not cheap out on everything.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 04:13:04 PM
If it does get hacked, nothing will come of it. There's nothing to steal on the thing. You want to steal Batman again? Darksiders? lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:13:06 PM

lol I thought that insulting Israel was going to be the reason for my banning this year.

Thread link plz

are all mods on gaf nintendo fanboys now?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:13:13 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.

Day 1 is for figuring out what the actual flaws and strengths of a system are, so yes, each criticism is accounted for.   

I know, it must be difficult to deal with after buying into Nintendo + press hype for 2 years.  but every system by any company must go through it. 

Hence the popular phrase "day 1 beta tester."

I've been pretty damn nonhyped for the Wii U ever since it was announced. There's a difference between not being hyped and looking for any reason you can to hate. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: parallax on November 18, 2012, 04:14:55 PM
Non hyped? What about monster hunter?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:15:33 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.

Let's get real for a second. You're never gonna admit to any of the system's flaws, even if they secretly bug the shit out of you, and you're gonna offer up excuses every time someone else brings them up. Because you're not a normal consumer, you're an unpaid apologist/cheerleader for corporations you're a fan of. See also: Android.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 04:16:15 PM
What about your long standing love of Bayonetta?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 04:16:28 PM
Why does all Nintendo OS stuff look like Playskool designed it?

to get the kids, and grandparents
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:16:33 PM
so what game is there to look forward to other than Mario? Ports and shovelware for another year?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:17:27 PM
Non hyped? What about monster hunter?

Talking about the system itself. Of course I'm hyped for MH, actually that may be the only game I'm hyped for at the moment, now that I have Mario.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:19:02 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.

Let's get real for a second. You're never gonna admit to any of the system's flaws, even if they secretly bug the shit out of you, and you're gonna offer up excuses every time someone else brings them up. Because you're not a normal consumer, you're an unpaid apologist/cheerleader for corporations you're a fan of. See also: Android.

I've been pretty open in admitting the CPU's slowness and how the launch lineup isn't for everyone. You see what you want to see.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 04:19:27 PM
So... you're typing that "posted from my Wii U" on purpose right?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 04:19:29 PM
The Wii U Eshopware is pretty quick.  I mean, the layout is a mess, but it's just about the only time you can press a button and see something happen without waiting 10+ seconds.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:19:35 PM
is that annoying "posted from my wii u" going to show up everytime you post now  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:20:42 PM
No, I see what you post. From your Wii U.

Posted from Reality.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 04:21:01 PM
god I hope hes not typing that every time- cause thats fuckin zealotry at work
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:22:51 PM
hay guys this is posted from my pc
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:23:17 PM
demi, word filter "Wii U" to "Underpowered Hugbox"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 04:23:49 PM
But signatures are only automated in emails, not for forum posts. At least I hope he's using some sort of copy/paste function.

Does the Wii U have a copy/paste function...?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 04:24:55 PM
Andrex my gf is asking if you are typing it out.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 04:25:37 PM
andrex is the worst.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 04:28:05 PM
Watching the Giantbomb stream: holy shit loading times
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 04:28:21 PM
everything is so slow  :S

I'm not even comparing it to non-Nintendo devices.  Checking notifications is quicker on my 3DS than this.  Is there like a memory leak or something?

They're equally slow to me. More annoying on 3DS where waiting is more noticeable.

Also are you guys actually using the Giant Bomb WiFi thing as an indictment of the system? :lol Mine connected to WiFi fine, come on. Grasping at straws now.

Posted from my Wii U.

Day 1 is for figuring out what the actual flaws and strengths of a system are, so yes, each criticism is accounted for.   

I know, it must be difficult to deal with after buying into Nintendo + press hype for 2 years.  but every system by any company must go through it. 

Hence the popular phrase "day 1 beta tester."

I've been pretty damn nonhyped for the Wii U ever since it was announced. There's a difference between not being hyped and looking for any reason you can to hate. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Posted from my Wii U.

if you ever use the phrase "you guys are just trying to hate it" on a forum, you're perceiving the internet incorrectly and are way too emotionally invested in the subject matter.  Maybe some people are "just trying to hate," but others are just skeptical or critical, which is a perfectly legitimate stance to take on an expensive piece of equipment, whose flaws would never in a million years be revealed by a manufacturer before launch.   The point is, stop accusing people of having the worst intentions because you really don't know what they're thinking.  This is why we make fun of fanboys so much...they can't fucking handle it and seem like their self-esteem rides on what others think of the product they bought. 

And people on thebore have always had a sardonic sense of humor about these things, so I'm not sure what you're expecting from the WiiU thread here.  That's like the best part of the bore.

I really don't care who or what makes my hardware and software.  And I'm over the "DAY 1 HYPE HYPE HYPE" culture of the hobby.  So here we are, seeing what the WiiU can and can't do. 

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 18, 2012, 04:29:03 PM
I can't believe how slow the OS is.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:31:40 PM
Some of the problems will probably get smoothed out to an acceptable level of usability over time. After all, in comparison this is Nintendo's dial-up CompuServe to everyone else's fiber optic network.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:31:43 PM
I can't believe how slow the OS is.

1GB of RAM for the OS and it looks like it runs on 1MB of RAM. Nintendo engineers stuck in the 90s confirmed.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:35:02 PM
god I hope hes not typing that every time- cause thats fuckin zealotry at work

Copy/paste is actually handled pretty well, dedicated button, no long pressing crap. Highlighting is also just tap and drag, and to scroll in the text field, there's a soft d-pad. Actually a far superior web posting experience than either of my Android devices.

Stylus is also so much better for clicking links, and the whole thing is super smooth. Plus it's nice to just pop in here between levels quickly.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 04:36:35 PM
I assume the Android device actually has a usable space bar, though
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:38:00 PM
dat responsive resistive
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:38:45 PM
I assume the Android device actually has a usable space bar, though

Any keyboard is going to need some adjustment. Only thing throwing me off is autocomplete doesn't insert spaces after a word like Android.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:40:26 PM
dat responsive resistive

It actually is.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 04:43:10 PM
Hey you should be playing some games instead of posting here, you've got about 6-7 years' worth of Hollywood gaming to catch up on
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 18, 2012, 04:44:11 PM
Sho Nuff scores a knock out.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 04:44:36 PM
the ninthing changes his tune. 

Posted from my gaming PC.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 04:44:41 PM
So all those videos I've seen of people stabbing at the screen several times to get it to register a simple input are...?

Here, let me help you out with a few starter excuses:

"Lazy devs aren't calibrating the screen correctly."

"Once everyone grows their fingernails out these complaints will stop."

"They're doing that on purpose to make the Game Pad look bad."
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:46:37 PM
So all those videos I've seen of people stabbing at the screen several times to get it to register a simple input are...?

Here, let me help you out with a few starter excuses:

"Lazy devs aren't calibrating the screen correctly."

"Once everyone grows their fingernails out these complaints will stop."

"They're doing that on purpose to make the Game Pad look bad."

No idea, but it's definitely been super responsive for this web browsing.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 04:47:24 PM
Hey you should be playing some games instead of posting here, you've got about 6-7 years' worth of Hollywood gaming to catch up on

Posting here between levels cuz the Wii U is cool like that.

Posted from my Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 04:49:18 PM
nintendo will benefit from getting lazy 3rd party ps3/360 ports on Wii U for another year, but what happens when Ps4 and next xbox comes out? It will be like wii all over again. Imagine BABIEZ and super shitty games as 3rd party support will dominate when the tech is obsolete once again. In Other words you can probably count the games worth owing in the following years:

2012 - mario
2013 - smash bros
2014 - zelda, mario kart
2015 - metroid

as dry as the shitty wii library

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 04:50:11 PM
in-game forum posting.   next gen is here.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 04:53:29 PM
SantaC, Nintendo fans don't care about third parties or exotic hardware luxuries. They only care about money, and Nintendo games. At least one of those is guaranteed with the Wii U.

Posted from my PlayStation®Vita.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 04:56:15 PM

i guess this is the part where they take the highest price possible on ebay and say its selling for that much, instead of checking completed listings  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 04:59:40 PM
I wouldn't be able to resist either  :)

After update insert some Wii game to see if the system is upscaling or not.

If you have Wii games of course

I installed most of my games to my Wii hard drive, and I still had NSMB Wii in my room.  I could compare both at the same time and I can't tell a difference.

Two weak things:
-if you have a 1080p TV the game will have black bars surrounding it until you adjust the screen setting.

-No 4:3 mode.  Wii has a 4:3 resolution (640x480) stretched by your TV for widescreen in games.  Some games looked better when you just ran them in 4:3 with black bars.  Wario Land Shake was one of them.  Personally, I don't think it's a big deal.

One decent thing:
-You can copy over save without doing the dumb transfer process.  Well, except locked saves like Smash Bros.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 04:59:49 PM
Posted from my Xbox 360
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:02:39 PM
Two weak things:
-if you have a 1080p TV the game will have black bars surrounding it until you adjust the screen setting.
This depends on your TV brand and model. There is no standard for how to treat overscan.

-No 4:3 mode.  Wii has a 4:3 resolution (640x480) stretched by your TV for widescreen in games.  Some games looked better when you just ran them in 4:3 with black bars.  Wario Land Shake was one of them.  Personally, I don't think it's a big deal.
I can force a 4:3 image on my TV by changing the display settings even if the console is outputting a stretched image.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 05:03:12 PM
If I dropped half a grand for this thing today I'd actually fucking play it instead of posting.

demi please turn "Posted from my Wii U" into "fuck my ass hard"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 05:07:05 PM
-No 4:3 mode.  Wii has a 4:3 resolution (640x480) stretched by your TV for widescreen in games.  Some games looked better when you just ran them in 4:3 with black bars.  Wario Land Shake was one of them.  Personally, I don't think it's a big deal.
I can force a 4:3 image on my TV by changing the display settings even if the console is outputting a stretched image.

That's not how it works.  Using Wario Land as an example again, if your Wii is set to 16:9 in the menu, the game will output a squashed 4:3 image that your TV will stretch to look right.  If your Wii was set to 4:3, it would be a normal 4:3 image.

It's not like on the PS2/Gamecube where widescreen is an option in the game.

And maybe it depends on the Wii U display settings.  I dunno.  Wii Mode is a wii with a lot of the options taken away.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 05:07:25 PM
no one is talking about it , but what is the GPU in Wii U?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:08:39 PM
no one is talking about it , but what is the GPU in Wii U?
It's a custom GPU with unknown performance. You will have to wait for a developer to leak information or someone to run it through an x-ray if you want any more details.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 18, 2012, 05:12:14 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 05:29:03 PM
The WiiU is suggesting they take a break
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2012, 05:29:15 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 05:31:55 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 05:38:03 PM
Lol @ Unable to connect to server
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 05:38:59 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 05:41:34 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 05:43:31 PM
:lol Demi.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 05:44:38 PM
It's nice the Wii U lets you multitask when the loadtimes are shit.

NSMBU doesn't have long load times. :wtf
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 05:45:02 PM
I didnt change anything, man.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 05:46:37 PM
I didnt change anything, man.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 05:49:16 PM
for anyone following this shit on gaf, has anyone attempted to use the 360 controller on PC? supposedly that's just bluetooth.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 05:51:16 PM
If you bought a Wii U today you are a Wii U Ambassador, mark my words :lol

It's like I'm in an exclusive club and none of you are invited.  :ninja Best club ever.

I could go for 10 free GameCube VC games, yeah.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 05:52:01 PM
That is fairly funny. :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 05:52:37 PM
I bought a Vita last week and I still made it into the ambassador club. 

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 18, 2012, 05:53:41 PM
for anyone following this shit on gaf, has anyone attempted to use the 360 controller on PC? supposedly that's just bluetooth.

using a 360 on dolphin...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 05:54:01 PM
If you bought a Wii U today you are a Wii U Ambassador, mark my words :lol

It's like I'm in an exclusive club and none of you are invited.  :ninja Best club ever.

I could go for 10 free GameCube VC games, yeah.

Your choice of 10 digital Game & Watch classics.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 05:54:22 PM
--Donkey Kong Jr. Math
--Sunday Funday
--Bio Force Ape
--Clu Clu Land
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 05:56:37 PM
 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

at least it wont be as fucking obnoxious
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 06:01:35 PM
That is fairly funny. :lol

What happened? Is your Wii U broke? Did it drop the internet connection? Why aren't you posting from it anymore? :rofl

Eating dinner.

Posted from my PC.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 06:02:59 PM
More like 10 NES roms.

3DS duders got 10 GBA games that no one else can get (still!) GC for ambassadors only wouldn't be outlandish.

The Wii U pad doesn't work from the kitchen anymore :lol ?

Huh? No I just don't want my greasy fingers near the touch screen and I wanted to watch some YouTube vids.

Speaking of, WTF at YouTube not working yet. :maf And Amazon Prime and Netflix. Lame.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 06:08:52 PM
If you're eating a sandwich you should make sure it's on whole WII-eat bread
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 06:08:53 PM
a neat touch is how there's an LED telling you if there's a disc in the system.

The Wii U pad doesn't work from the kitchen anymore :lol ?

Designed with Japanese-sized homes in mind :japancry

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 06:10:17 PM
If you're eating a sandwich you should make sure it's on whole WII-eat bread

That was so bad I laughed. :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 06:11:48 PM
When do you guys think the port begging will begin? I say 6 months from now when even ninthings can't deny the lack of actual games on the thing.

posted from my Blackberry Curve 8520
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 18, 2012, 06:15:41 PM
Vita is selling poorly, but I think it's a nice piece of hardware and it has some decent portable games. Also the Vita OS isn't a disaster zone.

Wii U seems like it was rushed out the door.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 06:15:59 PM
demi, word filter "Wii U" to "Underpowered Hugbox"

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 06:20:57 PM
When do you guys think the port begging will begin? I say 6 months from now when even ninthings can't deny the lack of actual games on the thing.

posted from my Blackberry Curve 8520

the port begging started long ago though.

Check all those "why is this not on WiiU" posts
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 06:24:13 PM
well, it definitely isn't selling out. the fred meyer (a kroger joint) still had like 50 units unsold this afternoon. :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 06:25:00 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 06:27:13 PM
jesus the performance on Batman is real unfortunate.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 18, 2012, 06:27:24 PM
The one of my two jobs that sells game-y stuff got 4 in, we had 5 preorders.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 06:30:44 PM
well, it definitely isn't selling out. the fred meyer (a kroger joint) still had like 51 50 units unsold this afternoon. :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 06:31:48 PM
When your console runs UE3 worse than PS3 you know you fucked up.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 06:32:45 PM
well, it definitely isn't selling out. the fred meyer (a kroger joint) still had like 51 50 units unsold this afternoon. :lol

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 06:33:05 PM
it's for my daughter! for xmas!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:33:37 PM
you didn't!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 06:34:19 PM
Oh Prole you DIDN'T
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:34:47 PM
it's for my daughter! for xmas!

Okay, you're absolved.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 06:35:04 PM
it's for my daughter! for xmas!

Posted from my Wii U
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:35:37 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 06:36:22 PM
The worst part is that we have to wait for Xmas for the resulting hilarity :(
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 06:37:26 PM
well, it definitely isn't selling out. the fred meyer (a kroger joint) still had like 51 50 units unsold this afternoon. :lol



but you have a excuse
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 06:38:31 PM
it's for my daughter! for xmas!

Posted from my Wii U

annihilated :-(

seriously, it went in the closet when we got back, so no impressions. we were there doing some xmas shopping, and they had a whole stack of the basics and maybe 10-12 deluxes in the back. sian was all SUPER MARIO U!!!!!! and so i slipped back in after we left and i nabbed one. stil, SHAME ON ME.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:44:56 PM
Christmas Eve for you is gonna be action-packed with staring at an update screen for several hours
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 18, 2012, 06:45:28 PM
so the Nintendo ID is tied to the console?  :lol

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 06:45:39 PM

Can I Log Into My Nintendo Network Account on a Different Console?

-No, you cannot. A Nintendo Network Account can only be used on the console where it was created. In the future, you will be able to use your Nintendo Network Account with future Nintendo consoles and other devices, such as PC's.

-Currently, the Wii U supports up to 12 individual Nintendo Network ID's per console, which enables each member of the family to have his or her own unique identity on the system.

Context: the Giantbomb guys tied a bunch of their accounts to the office WiiU and they are FUCKED
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 06:46:01 PM
Ryan Davis is so fucking hot.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 06:47:44 PM
You cannot log in to your Nintendo account on another console
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 06:48:23 PM

Can I Log Into My Nintendo Network Account on a Different Console?

-No, you cannot. A Nintendo Network Account can only be used on the console where it was created. In the future, you will be able to use your Nintendo Network Account with future Nintendo consoles and other devices, such as PC's.

-Currently, the Wii U supports up to 12 individual Nintendo Network ID's per console, which enables each member of the family to have his or her own unique identity on the system.

Context: the Giantbomb guys tied a bunch of their accounts to the office WiiU and they are FUCKED


Patrick even had faith and thought you might have been able to change it until Brad mentinoned that bombshell.

I guess you gotta call Nintendo for now (if it ever changes)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:49:01 PM
man, they still don't get the concept of user accounts
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 06:49:35 PM
When do you guys think the port begging will begin? I say 6 months from now when even ninthings can't deny the lack of actual games on the thing.

posted from my Blackberry Curve 8520

the port begging started long ago though.

Check all those "why is this not on WiiU" posts

I should have been more specific, I'm talking more about retro port begging like "Konami should release MGS4 on WiiU, where are the WiiU version of the other mass effect games?, if square was any smart they would release ff13 in weeeoo!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 06:51:04 PM
prole does great things for his baby girl. you could learn a thing or two from his andrex-chan
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:51:48 PM
For a company which likes to present itself as a manufacturer of easy to use hardware and software, they sure do weave a complicated web of hoop-jumping bullshit.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 06:52:18 PM
I cannot believe how terrible this shit is. What is the market for this product?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 06:54:08 PM
The giant bomb guys raging at nintendo was awesome :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:54:44 PM
no-no, that's a good thing, nintendo's just teaching you to be happy with what you have

it's a valuable life lesson
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 06:55:02 PM
Nintendo being Nintendo

Will this Giant Bomb thing be available later?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 06:55:58 PM
hey, i don't gotta buy the brat anything else! merry xmas, honey! here's some long download times!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 06:56:02 PM
time to bring back that old Borecast staple feature "Indefensible!" for a special Christmas edition
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 06:56:11 PM

Will this Giant Bomb thing be available later?

they will archive it. probably split up into quicklooks for non-premiums and the entire thing for premiums
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 06:56:39 PM
Wara Wara
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 06:58:17 PM

Will this Giant Bomb thing be available later?

they will archive it. probably split up into quicklooks for non-premiums and the entire thing for premiums

Awesome, at work now and can't view it but would love a good Nintendo rage session
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2012, 07:01:26 PM
time to bring back that old Borecast staple feature "Indefensible!" for a special Christmas edition

Oh yes.  Oh, YES.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 07:09:32 PM
Drinky-san, can I have your Wii-U after your done with it?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 18, 2012, 07:10:51 PM
Arkham City:

-7/10 from EGM "New glitches and unnecessary gimmicks make this a worse version than its predecessors."
-7/10 from Destructoid "took things that already worked perfectly and shook them until they cracked. Not shattered completely, but undoubtedly broken, just a little bit"

Tank! Tank! Tank!:

-4.5/10 from Destructoid "there's nothing more upsetting than a game that believes, if it's wacky enough, it can get away with being crap."


-6.3/10 from IGN "there are so many better zombie games out there that ZombiU really doesn’t demand anyone’s attention."
-5/10 from Game Informer "the sum of these parts is a horrifying Frankenstein’s Monster"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:12:32 PM
by all accounts, disastrous launch.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 07:13:44 PM
Ryan Davis is so fucking hot.

Look at that giant ball of fat chugging down cokes! drink some water fatso!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 07:17:08 PM
shut up
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 07:17:14 PM
Arkham City:

-7/10 from EGM "New glitches and unnecessary gimmicks make this a worse version than its predecessors."
-7/10 from Destructoid "took things that already worked perfectly and shook them until they cracked. Not shattered completely, but undoubtedly broken, just a little bit"

I guess Reggie was right. It's not the same game (
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 07:17:25 PM
I got back home and wanted to try nintendo land.  Yikes! wait 15 minutes for it to download and install an update


but you have a excuse

 :fbm  I gotta adopt a kid or something.  The shame is too great.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:18:07 PM
Ever wanted to see what it's like on the other side of the Miiverse?




Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 07:21:09 PM
why isnt he deleting everything right now?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 07:21:43 PM
it's for my daughter! for xmas!

Posted from my Wii U

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 07:22:23 PM
Oh. My. God.  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:23:11 PM
If they give you the option to store your credit card information, for the love of god hit "no"

they don't know what the fuck they're doing
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 07:24:42 PM
If one person on GAF found it on DAY ONE, I have the feeling that other people are going to

So that's the Miiverse debug menu AND the Gamepad debug menu both on the same day...jeez
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 07:25:48 PM
If they give you the option to store your credit card information, for the love of god hit "no"

To make a child's account, you have to pay $0.50 cents with a credit card.

Nintendo: "Our records show that there is nobody under the age of 18 playing our new console. We've successfully broke back into the hardcore demographic. Congratulations are in order."
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 07:26:13 PM
Ever wanted to see what it's like on the other side of the Miiverse?




oh ffs!! :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 07:26:42 PM
man, they still don't get the concept of user accounts

I've been uneasy about Wii U accounts since Nintendo started talking about them. The emphasis was obviously on local accounts, so I thought that's all we would get when everyone was like "awesome, Nintendo accounts!"

Nintendo Network IDs are actually a bonus and this isn't the worst case scenario for me. But I was pretty pessimistic about the whole thing from the start.

Obviously they should let you use your account on other systems, even if you have to use a website or something to "link" and "unlink" them so they ensure you're not hooking a bunch up for piracy. Maybe we'll get there eventually. Until then, this definitely blows.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 07:27:20 PM
What a great launch, nintendo does it again!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:27:23 PM
If they give you the option to store your credit card information, for the love of god hit "no"

To make a child's account, you have to pay $0.50 cents with a credit card.

Your identity is already theft. 

If one person on GAF found it on DAY ONE, I have the feeling that other people are going to

So that's the Miiverse debug menu AND the Gamepad debug menu both on the same day...jeez

The WiiU is undergoing Mass...Destruction OOOHH YEAH DUH NUH DUH DUH DUH NUH DUH DUH 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 07:27:42 PM
Ever wanted to see what it's like on the other side of the Miiverse?




 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 18, 2012, 07:28:48 PM
hey, i don't gotta buy the brat anything else! merry xmas, honey! here's some long download times!

You are so getting shit tonight at dinner.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 07:29:55 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:34:29 PM
He made himself an admin.


This is pretty fucking funny
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:37:35 PM

HA!  I knew it wasn't a genuine black guy singing that song.  I can't believe they put a "black guy" filter on his voice...japan u so crazy

If I were the OP of that thread, I'd say fuck it to ever having a Nintendo account again and just try to cause mass destruction.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 07:38:58 PM
It blows my fucking mind that anyone could access that kind of admin panel via fucking RELEASE HARDWARE
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 07:39:48 PM
Besides giving access to their entire system to some random gaffer, the network account being tied to the machine is the dumbest move so far. so fucking stupid
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:40:20 PM
I picked one up- I couldnt miss out on the web browsing capabilities- also Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper get
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 07:40:56 PM
This is amazing
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:43:37 PM
I had to ask specifically for Orochi Warriors 3- all they had on display was Mario n ZombiiU and mass defect 3 and batman
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 07:43:51 PM
It blows my fucking mind that anyone could access that kind of admin panel via fucking RELEASE HARDWARE

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:44:47 PM

WTF   :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 07:46:15 PM
I think even Lous C.K. would approve of the term hilarious being use in regards to this launch :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 07:46:51 PM
I wish the Giant Bomb guys would start talking about this. Why isn't Kotaku going crazy with this story.

I sent the info over to brad in the GB chat. someone should tweet the info to them as well.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 07:47:51 PM
Oh man, I wish someone malicious would get a hold of this... the laughter
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:49:24 PM
Just TO MY CREDIT- bought entirely with trade in credit; so im not a complete loon- but im close
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 07:50:08 PM

WTF   :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:50:58 PM -- SICK BURN
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:51:27 PM

He can read messages.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:51:46 PM
Just TO MY CREDIT- bought entirely with trade in credit; so im not a complete loon- but im close

Did you trade in only bad games?

Games I had finished and bad games yeah- a lot of stuff I was hold onto 'just cause' - those days are really over; im not gonna play half that shit again ever
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 07:54:11 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:55:00 PM
Good news will be confirmed for those who are wanting a new Yoshi console game in about five minutes.

Edit: and possibly Metal Gear Solid.


If this isn't some kind of hoax, this is fucking insane
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 18, 2012, 07:55:21 PM

This is the greatest thing ever
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 07:56:00 PM
Oh Nintendo haha
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 18, 2012, 07:57:11 PM
Nintendo will have learned their lesson from this: never attempt online again.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 07:57:49 PM
I fell sorry for the camera man in the giant bomb stream, all these hours just standing there.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:57:53 PM
:drudge Andrex, are you okay?  :drudge

He's fine. 

Posted from Andrex's WiiU. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 07:58:05 PM
Good news will be confirmed for those who are wanting a new Yoshi console game in about five minutes.

Edit: and possibly Metal Gear Solid.


If this isn't some kind of hoax, this is fucking insane

:lol Nintendo stuff can actually leak now! Just like MS Partnernet or whatever.

Next Gen(tm)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 07:58:32 PM
man, they still don't get the concept of user accounts

I've been uneasy about Wii U accounts since Nintendo started talking about them. The emphasis was obviously on local accounts, so I thought that's all we would get when everyone was like "awesome, Nintendo accounts!"

Nintendo Network IDs are actually a bonus and this isn't the worst case scenario for me. But I was pretty pessimistic about the whole thing from the start.

Obviously they should let you use your account on other systems, even if you have to use a website or something to "link" and "unlink" them so they ensure you're not hooking a bunch up for piracy. Maybe we'll get there eventually. Until then, this definitely blows.

Owning the stuff you buy is not a bonus. Nintendo does not need to reinvent the wheel on this, just look at XBox
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 07:58:41 PM
Good news will be confirmed for those who are wanting a new Yoshi console game in about five minutes.

Edit: and possibly Metal Gear Solid.


If this isn't some kind of hoax, this is fucking insane

what is "ahhhhh"?

Metal Gear and Yoshi suck.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 07:59:55 PM

We're officially through the looking glass, people
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 08:00:04 PM
Shut up demi.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 08:00:13 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 08:00:54 PM
okay, i'm gonna take a step back and admit there's a chance this is fake. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 08:01:01 PM

If this is a hoax it's one of the best I've ever seen. The Japaneseyness of the debug UI is dead on.

Also I think the guy is technically doing something illegal
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 18, 2012, 08:01:08 PM
Yoshi's Land?  What the hell is that?

I'm not sure if anything good has ended in "Land" since the original Gameboy so it's probably nothing to get excited about.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 18, 2012, 08:01:20 PM
I picked up my two tard+ packs from Toys R Us.  Both of the locations had plenty of Wii Us on the shelf.  Due to that fact, I was able to shed the two piece of shit games that I had to preorder (Scribblenauts, Batman) for each tard pack.  I picked up some items at Walmart at 5 PM and saw that there were some there too.  Holy shit, you guys weren't exaggerating.  This thing pretty much flopped right out of the gate.  I'd hate to be the scalpers who thought they were going to get $800-1000 for this piece of shit :lol

I haven't taken it out of the box yet.  I might get around to it for the upcoming four day weekend.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 08:02:28 PM
Seems weird that Soul Hackers is there. That's a 3DS remake.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 08:02:46 PM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 08:03:02 PM
Seems weird that Soul Hackers is there. That's a 3DS remake.

That might explain Metal Gear Solid and "resident evils"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 08:05:28 PM
Yoshi's Land?  What the hell is that?

I'm not sure if anything good has ended in "Land" since the original Gameboy so it's probably nothing to get excited about.

SM3DL, lame-o.

Seems weird that Soul Hackers is there. That's a 3DS remake.

That's what I was thinking. No MGS Wii U for now. :/
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 18, 2012, 08:05:53 PM
I think they are just topic filters, but that star...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 18, 2012, 08:07:23 PM

SM3DL, lame-o.

Oh, you're right.

Still, it's a strange name for a console game and makes me think it will be something other than a big new platformer.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 08:08:37 PM
This can't be real.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 08:10:26 PM
This can't be real.


It's looking like some weird test forum thing. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 08:10:32 PM

SM3DL, lame-o.

Oh, you're right.

Still, it's a strange name for a console game.

No doubt.

Probably a play on Yoshi's Island though. Yoshi Land... Yoshi's Island... eh.

It's also probable it's just a fake name in the system to test things. 3DS games being on there (Soul Hackers) doesn't really mean anything is confirmed, unfortunately. :-\
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 08:11:27 PM
this dude is going to be getting fed dick pudding in prison by the end of the year.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 18, 2012, 08:12:04 PM
oh man
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 18, 2012, 08:14:01 PM
lol @ all the ntards advising him to stop
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 08:14:10 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 08:16:25 PM
So who's going to give them their credit card details now?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 08:19:09 PM
Pool's closed.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 08:21:12 PM
I'm calling fake, dude only revealed how he did it after it was supposedly shut down.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 08:22:50 PM
lol ME3 runs like shit looks like (GB stream)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 08:24:17 PM
ok so it looks like the real-time cutscenes have blah framerate- the gameplay sections are fine- so wtfever that is about
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2012, 08:24:31 PM
lol ME3 runs like shit looks like (GB stream)

nah it looks good.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 08:25:26 PM
lol ME3 runs like shit looks like (GB stream)

on one of the giant bombcasts they were talking about how ea made a big deal out of supporting the wii u at the e3 announcement, and after that you heard nothing, and how the launch support has been half-assed

they were speculating some behind the scenes dustup between nintendo and ea, maybe involving the online stuff
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 08:29:27 PM
and now they're freaking out about that weird unicode text

oh well, it was fun.  wonder if he faked it somehow.  that would be pretty elaborate.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 08:30:32 PM
I never saw the game run on 360 so all I remember is silky smooth PC performance
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 08:33:13 PM
apparently that miiverse thing is fixed now

but yikes
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 18, 2012, 08:33:24 PM
time to bring back that old Borecast staple feature "Indefensible!" for a special Christmas edition

Oh yes.  Oh, YES.

we are TOTALLY doing this on the next sp.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 18, 2012, 08:33:59 PM
I'm calling fake, dude only revealed how he did it after it was supposedly shut down.

You honestly think he crafted a bunch of photoshops within a hour or so?

Make photoshops before hand? As I said, pretty suspect he didn't say how he accessed this until it was supposedly disabled.

Even if it is legit, outside of Yoshi I imagine it's all just virtual console/3DS stuff.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 18, 2012, 08:50:35 PM
I'm calling fake, dude only revealed how he did it after it was supposedly shut down.

You honestly think he crafted a bunch of photoshops within a hour or so?

Make photoshops before hand? As I said, pretty suspect he didn't say how he accessed this until it was supposedly disabled.

Even if it is legit, outside of Yoshi I imagine it's all just virtual console/3DS stuff.

This is what the fans are now saying he did.

Should be interesting to see if this was a fake or not
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 08:51:23 PM
lol, that wasn't a fake dudes
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 08:53:51 PM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 09:02:24 PM
Now they're playing Epic Mickey 2 and when they throw paint the frame rate TANKS

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 09:03:59 PM
wiiu :lol :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 09:04:04 PM
ME, NG3, Batman, BLOPS2, Epic Mickey 2

so is it the the developers or the hardware that is the problem
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 09:04:53 PM
jeff should be in a boy band with that hair cut
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 09:10:52 PM
they look defeated after playing this pos system
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 18, 2012, 09:12:54 PM
well, this sucks.  I think people were pretty happy on wii launch day.  or at least occupied with Zelda. 

it sounds rushed and the tablet sounds more like reaction than innovation. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 09:15:14 PM
I love the way the stream ended. They started Nintendo Land and after a never-ending load they got this screen

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 09:19:37 PM
the beauty of the live stream
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 18, 2012, 09:31:08 PM
I'm pretty happy with the 3DS - i'll wait until this thing gets ambass'ed and some games that i care about. The best game coming to it is also on the 3DS.

I just know Nintendo are going to be dicks and stick Advance Wars on it and force my hand :(
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 18, 2012, 09:36:29 PM
I'm pretty happy with the 3DS - i'll wait until this thing gets ambass'ed and some games that i care about. The best game coming to it is also on the 3DS.

I just know Nintendo are going to be dicks and stick Advance Wars on it and force my hand :(
Local multiplayer Advance Wars with multiple tablets would be an ideal experience for me.  That's not going to happen, though, so I see nothing that an Advance Wars would gain from being made for this instead of the 3DS.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 18, 2012, 09:37:33 PM
I'm pretty happy with the 3DS - i'll wait until this thing gets ambass'ed and some games that i care about. The best game coming to it is also on the 3DS.

I just know Nintendo are going to be dicks and stick Advance Wars on it and force my hand :(

Pikmin 3DS? :drool
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 18, 2012, 09:40:56 PM
Yeah, setting up today, this thing really doesn't seem like it was ready for prime time with either in concept or in the sense of its infrastructure.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 09:43:37 PM
Oh god, they put Hatena in charge of the online infrastructure  :lol

Hatena = Crappy Japanese internet networking company that just happens to be in Kyoto too!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2012, 09:46:32 PM
Just gonna put this here:
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 09:46:43 PM
I love the way the stream ended. They started Nintendo Land and after a never-ending load they got this screen


Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 18, 2012, 09:47:42 PM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2012, 09:49:09 PM
The only benchmark the Wii U has a higher number in.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 18, 2012, 09:50:24 PM
I think you're forgetting the Virgin Attach Rate ratio Joe
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 09:53:38 PM
WELL ALL OF THAT ASIDE- Omega Force brought me a Warriors launch title- just like it did with 3DS. WiiU redeemed
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 09:55:30 PM

WO3 goty
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 10:05:32 PM
real talk:  don't buy this.  Not even if you're loose with cash.  There's potential but at this point (or until 2013, really) it has no redeeming qualities.  Going back to the Wii via Wii Mode was a radical difference in usability.  Things don't work, and those that do work slowly.  It's unfinished.  And not unfinished as in missing features like 3DS or Vita.

That said, parts of Nintendo Land are surprisingly fun.  The Zelda mini-game is the best part of Wii Sports Resort with a cool cardboard/patchwork spin on Zelda themes.  Metroid game is like Link's Crossbow Training.  Fzero game is decent fun.  There's a bunch of games and bunch of levels/models for each.  It's better than Nintendo's other shovelware-y software like Wii Sports Resort and Pilotwings 3DS.

The shuriken throwing game is an example of why the resistive screen sucks for swiping motions.  There's even a message that pops up to say "if you're having trouble, use the stylus!"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 18, 2012, 10:15:22 PM
from gaf
On the Giant Bomb stream, they also pointed out that game saves aren't restricted to the signed-in account, so Nintendo Land's single save and NSMBU's three saves are all you get on the console, even if you have the full twelve users. It seems like the only point to the account is to give each person their own friend list.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 10:17:36 PM
from gaf
On the Giant Bomb stream, they also pointed out that game saves aren't restricted to the signed-in account, so Nintendo Land's single save and NSMBU's three saves are all you get on the console, even if you have the full twelve users. It seems like the only point to the account is to give each person their own friend list.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 10:20:38 PM
Nintendo essentially the grandparents of the console world setting up their first home wireless network.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 10:25:02 PM

There are actually three components on this single package, made in at least two different microprocessor fabs. The multicore PowerPC based CPU is the smaller of the two larger chips. This die is made on IBM's 45nm SOI process. The RV7xx derived GPU is the biggest die on the package, and I'm presuming it was made on a 40nm process. I'm assuming the very tiny die in the corner is actually some off-chip memory. Both the CPU and GPU in the Wii U are supposed to have some eDRAM, although the bulk of it is likely dedicated for the GPU.

If we assume a 40nm process for the GPU, then we're looking at something a bit larger than the RV740. The Wii U does boast backwards compatibility with games made for the original Wii, which is made possible thanks to a shared ISA with the original PowerPC based Wii.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 10:25:51 PM
real talk:  don't buy this.  Not even if you're loose with cash.  There's potential but at this point (or until 2013, really) it has no redeeming qualities.  Going back to the Wii via Wii Mode was a radical difference in usability.  Things don't work, and those that do work slowly.  It's unfinished.  And not unfinished as in missing features like 3DS or Vita.

That said, parts of Nintendo Land are surprisingly fun.  The Zelda mini-game is the best part of Wii Sports Resort with a cool cardboard/patchwork spin on Zelda themes.  Metroid game is like Link's Crossbow Training.  Fzero game is decent fun.  There's a bunch of games and bunch of levels/models for each.  It's better than Nintendo's other shovelware-y software like Wii Sports Resort and Pilotwings 3DS.

The shuriken throwing game is an example of why the resistive screen sucks for swiping motions.  There's even a message that pops up to say "if you're having trouble, use the stylus!"

You're playing Nintendoland? Alone? :wtf

Mario is really good, better than the DS and 3DS ones definitely. Squirrel suit feels like a downgrade over the propeller suit but maybe I just need to adjust to it.

And again, can't be reiterated enough. :bow Buttons for picking things up and the mid-air twirl. :bow2

The overworld doesn't really add anything, but it makes the game feel a lot more "complete." If that makes sense.

Music is the trademark awfulness of the NSMB series but some tracks are decent at least, probably the best soundtrack of the New games even if that's not saying much.

Damn shame this doesn't have online. Seriously, it's an epic failure on Nintendo's part. Would definitely have gotten a LOT more buzz if it was online. Oh well.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 10:27:40 PM
The console has the buzz of a vibrator in an asshole
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 10:28:17 PM
Expecting Online from Nintendo is kinda crazy- if anything the worst part of this launch is the fact that they got so ambitious with the online and, in most ways that matter, are failing at it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 10:34:52 PM
Expecting Online from Nintendo is kinda crazy- if anything the worst part of this launch is the fact that they got so ambitious with the online and, in most ways that matter, are failing at it.

Yeah. It's disappointing, but not unexpected. Which is sort of even more disappointing.

That said, Miiverse is actually neat and I'd be surprised if others don't copy some of it with their next consoles. Basically in-game Twitter. It doesn't sound useful, but it's oddly compelling. Hard to tell if it will stay active, or I'll stay active on it, but considering it's the only way to take screenshots atm I probably will. Hopefully when they do the Miiverse website or whatever, it's easy to extract the pics.

It definitely needs a "cross-post to Twitter" option, though. But that might be coming. Nintendo's actually sort of figured out patches now, so what we get now isn't the end of it like the Wii (which basically had the same OS it had since launch, barring downloads-on-SD-cards functionality.)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Oblivion on November 18, 2012, 10:35:40 PM
Wow, the bandwidth for the RAM is even lower than it was yesterday: 12.8 gig/s.

That's roughly half of the PS360.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archie4208 on November 18, 2012, 10:38:01 PM
Just gonna put this here:

Steam would blow Iwata's mind.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 10:43:19 PM
Why would Sony or Microsoft copy it when they can just build the real thing into their systems? They aren't stupid like Nintendo.

While a lot of it is like Twitter, there's some other stuff like communities. I dunno, it just feels a lot more integrated than Twitter could be, but I might be wrong.

Also Twitter and third parties aren't really getting along lately.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 18, 2012, 10:55:04 PM
xbox has had twitter for like a year and a half
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 11:00:30 PM
yeah, just about every big release used to have some kind of "post to facebook/twitter" feature, but they seem to have slowed down once they realized that in actuality people hate seeing that stuff shitting up their newsfeeds
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 18, 2012, 11:02:17 PM
Spotted this 'anonymous developer' post on slashdot.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 18, 2012, 11:02:54 PM
ahahaha i remember that twitter shit on uncharted 2
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2012, 11:08:45 PM
yeah, just about every big release used to have some kind of "post to facebook/twitter" feature, but they seem to have slowed down once they realized that in actuality people hate seeing that stuff shitting up their newsfeeds

I think that's why Miiverse works. You go to it expecting only game content.

Game verticals, yo.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2012, 11:12:39 PM
i think all that stuff is fine as long as the default setting is "off,"  which i would personally leave there forever

don't wanna hear about your marios, son
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 18, 2012, 11:30:27 PM
real talk:  don't buy this.  Not even if you're loose with cash.  There's potential but at this point (or until 2013, really) it has no redeeming qualities.  Going back to the Wii via Wii Mode was a radical difference in usability.  Things don't work, and those that do work slowly.  It's unfinished.  And not unfinished as in missing features like 3DS or Vita.

That said, parts of Nintendo Land are surprisingly fun.  The Zelda mini-game is the best part of Wii Sports Resort with a cool cardboard/patchwork spin on Zelda themes.  Metroid game is like Link's Crossbow Training.  Fzero game is decent fun.  There's a bunch of games and bunch of levels/models for each.  It's better than Nintendo's other shovelware-y software like Wii Sports Resort and Pilotwings 3DS.

The shuriken throwing game is an example of why the resistive screen sucks for swiping motions.  There's even a message that pops up to say "if you're having trouble, use the stylus!"

You're playing Nintendoland? Alone? :wtf

It's not what you think it is.

Most of the games are single player only (something like six to eight mini-game).  Three are single player/co-op.  I think two or three are actually multiplayer/Pac-Man VS thing.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 18, 2012, 11:33:22 PM
Saw about 6 people camping out at Sam's Club. Young dudes playing their 3DS mainly
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
GB talking about the sight of people who waited hours and then running into people who picked it up within minutes some other places = GOLD
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 18, 2012, 11:42:41 PM

WO3 goty

I'm wondering how it is myself, but we already know that the Wii U version goes at half the framerate of the PS3/360 versions ( :lol) and has some added characters.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 18, 2012, 11:43:37 PM
Spotted this 'anonymous developer' post on slashdot.

Speaking as a developer who's worked on the PS3, the Xbox 360 and the WiiU. The CPU on the WiiU has some nice things on it. But its not as powerful as the Xbox360 chip. I think N went to IBM and asked them: 'What's cheap to put on the chip?' and IBM said 'Well we have this sh*t that no-one wants.' and N said 'we'll take it.'

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 11:50:10 PM

WO3 goty

I'm wondering how it is myself, but we already know that the Wii U version goes at half the framerate of the PS3/360 versions ( :lol) and has some added characters.

Yeah that about sums if up- they output whats on the screen to the controller, framerate is WAT...they phoned this one in. On the plus side- something other than Mario that's a decent game I spose. NINTENDO APOLOGIZMSMSMSMS
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 18, 2012, 11:53:44 PM
and by output whats on the screen- there isnt eventouch- its just straight up video to the controller lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Flannel Boy on November 19, 2012, 12:01:36 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: The Sceneman on November 19, 2012, 12:07:34 AM
what am I missing in that picture
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: The Sceneman on November 19, 2012, 12:12:45 AM
they are probably gonna sell a bigger battery to use all that space or something.

I have never been so un-enthused about a console launch.

ZombU does actually look like fun survival jank
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 19, 2012, 12:14:28 AM
1500 mEh
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trurl on November 19, 2012, 12:20:02 AM
they are probably gonna sell a bigger battery to use all that space or something.

The left side does have notches that look built to take a horizontally aligned battery.  Kind of a lame thing to do. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 19, 2012, 12:25:54 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2012, 12:26:34 AM
Yeah that about sums if up- they output whats on the screen to the controller, framerate is WAT...they phoned this one in. On the plus side- something other than Mario that's a decent game I spose. NINTENDO APOLOGIZMSMSMSMS

Did you get the black wii with nintendo land? Honestly, it's pretty fun.  A couple of the single player games are iphone-ish runner games, but fun nonetheless.  The Donkey Kong one is like a mix between Trials HD and Heavy Rain.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 19, 2012, 12:26:57 AM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 19, 2012, 12:27:37 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 19, 2012, 12:28:18 AM
Yeah that about sums if up- they output whats on the screen to the controller, framerate is WAT...they phoned this one in. On the plus side- something other than Mario that's a decent game I spose. NINTENDO APOLOGIZMSMSMSMS

Did you get the black wii with nintendo land? Honestly, it's pretty fun.  A couple of the single player games are iphone-ish runner games, but fun nonetheless.  The Donkey Kong one is like a mix between Trials HD and Heavy Rain.

Yeah I havent put it in yet, played some Orochi 3, NSMB, tried out BC for Wii games - which is lame they could have done more to make that awesome
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 12:29:58 AM
wii u owners are lucky to have 2012's goty

:rock :rock :rock
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 12:52:35 AM
Interesting,if true

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 12:54:28 AM
LOL got a 502 Bad Gateway error on Miiverse.

Wow, all these apps... are these just rendered web views? I guess that might make sense, Miiverse is basically Twitter after all...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2012, 01:04:21 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 19, 2012, 01:04:33 AM
welcome to Nintendohater club , Andrex - it's nice and clear up here - no shitty air to suck in
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 19, 2012, 01:05:52 AM
I am actually excited to buy one and play whatever I missed on the Wii.

This is sooo Vita. Buying systems on launch release just for the backward compatibility.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2012, 01:07:06 AM

anyone else experience these freezes?

Happened on the giantbomb stream (allegedly).  It happened to me; had to unplug the system. According to the log I've only played with the system for ~2 hour, though it might not add the hour or two of updating.

Interesting,if true


Don't know if there's correlation between power consumption and noise, but the Wii U is dead silent.  There's only a slight high pitch squeal when running games.  I think the Wii's drive made more noise.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 19, 2012, 01:33:43 AM
videos of the livestream should be up soon if they arent already somewhere. they did like a 7 hour livestream
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Freyj on November 19, 2012, 01:35:55 AM
The giant bomb guys raging at nintendo was awesome :rofl


It's at 4:44 of the live stream, when they realize that each Nintendo ID is tied indefinitely to the Wii U on which it was created.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 19, 2012, 01:59:07 AM
Wow, that is beyond stupid.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2012, 02:02:30 AM
Yeah that rage rant was hilarious. "NINTENDO, FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 02:06:22 AM
"Guys, every launch has hardware and software issues, this is all perfectly normal launch stuff." 

Except....the vita.

:bow vita :bow2

such a smooth launch that nobody noticed
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 19, 2012, 02:09:15 AM
I guess they shipped it incomplete because they wanted to have it in stores before Thanksgiving. Hopefully they will have addressed most of the basic software issues before the Japanese launch.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 02:13:45 AM
Don't know if there's correlation between power consumption and noise, but the Wii U is dead silent.  There's only a slight high pitch squeal when running games.  I think the Wii's drive made more noise.

Playing NSMBU from the eShop, there is like, absolutely no noise. I think if I put my ear up to it I might just barely here something. There's the empty-disc-initialization noise when the system starts, but otherwise, dead silent.

Then again NSMBU probably isn't very taxing, but all the taxing games on Wii made the disc drive dry-heave... hopefully I never have to hear anything like that since I'm going eShop-only.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 02:36:35 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 02:37:28 AM
Wii Fit 2 wasn't even called Wii Fit 2, troll fails.

Also, I would totally not say ZombiU 2 is an inevitability.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2012, 02:55:37 AM
Nuh uh, they're going to totally call it that and put Bono on the cover, Reggie told me
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 19, 2012, 03:18:53 AM
So my question still stands shall I open this thing or not?  :-\

The missus wants to open it really badly but she just can't bring herself to opening it.

I ended up picking up an awesome deal today at Toysrus. I ended up paying $45 bucks for both Sega Allstar Racing and Scribblenauts Unlimited, thank you dumb employee. Also picked up ZombiU and of course Super Mario U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2012, 03:21:20 AM
So my question still stands shall I open this thing or not?  :-\

The missus wants to open it really badly but she just can't bring herself to opening it.

I ended up picking up an awesome deal today at Toysrus. I ended up paying $45 bucks for both Sega Allstar Racing and Scribblenauts Unlimited, thank you dumb employee. Also picked up ZombiU and of course Super Mario U.

Flip it. Get scrilla. Buy games you won't have to find an excuse to like.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 03:24:08 AM
If you already have the games what's stopping you?

I guess you could cut your losses but you'd probably not make your money back unless you find someone really dumb or desperate.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 19, 2012, 03:24:58 AM
How much extra would you make if you sold it? I doubt it's worth the effort.

Open it up and enjoy some Nintendo Land with your wife instead.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 19, 2012, 03:30:53 AM
The box is open! I heard laughing coming from somewhere, I think it was Reggie and co.

Resale in our area (Bay Area) is awful, the flippers aren't even getting $450 for it.

Time to enjoy some nintendo for like 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 03:36:11 AM
Resale in our area (Bay Area) is awful, the flippers aren't even getting $450 for it.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 06:18:58 AM
2GB DDR3 connected via 12.8 GB/s interface,amazing.1 GB taken for OS,massive load times

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 07:16:59 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 19, 2012, 07:44:50 AM

I had an issue right at the beginning after updating and rebooting where nothing seemed to be happening. So, against my better judgement, I said "fuck it" and unplugged it and plugged it back in. Then, after being asked to create a Nintendo ID, there was a point where it just kind of hung on that generic white screen with moving silhouettes or whatever where it seemed to be trying to load the menu, but there was no progress circle in the bottom right, so after five minutes I once again unplugged it and plugged it in. After that, though, everything seemed fine? We'll see.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 19, 2012, 08:27:25 AM
I know it's been said before, but I really can't figure out how this thing could have ended up worse then PS360 yet cost more.

I will enjoy this trainwreck.

Just gonna put this here:

Wow so NOW they admit they have just given up on online. Amazing.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 19, 2012, 08:33:49 AM
I buy every Nintendo console, but I wait 4-5 years after it's been out. I never feel ripped off and I always have a ton of games to play. The only Nintendo system I ever bought at launch was the original NES. Even that was a shitty first year until Zelda/Metroid came out.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 19, 2012, 08:38:34 AM
I know it's been said before, but I really can't figure out how this thing could have ended up worse then PS360 yet cost more.

I will enjoy this trainwreck.

Just gonna put this here:

Wow so NOW they admit they have just given up on online. Amazing.

Wow indeed- maybe I won't end up buying this system at all down the road. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 19, 2012, 08:40:57 AM
The strange thing is Iwata says they are too far behind, but the real reason is that they don't want unified accounts because then they can't resell you the same games again and again and prevent you from selling consoles or whatever.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 08:51:20 AM
If you eject the disc while playing a game you get this

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 19, 2012, 08:53:52 AM
Every time?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 08:56:21 AM
Looks that way.

I guess programmers didn't have the time
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Stoney Mason on November 19, 2012, 09:01:29 AM
All that stuff while shitty doesn't really bother me. I expect nintendo to not get online and fuck it up. I expect them to be cheap bastards and skimp on the hardware. That stuff is consistent for them.

It's still a larger problem for me that I'm beyond playing new versions of super Mario bros, mariokart, and even the better stuff like Zelda.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 19, 2012, 09:22:46 AM

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 09:39:37 AM

oh wiiu, i wish i had another day to sit around and laugh

Wii Fit 2 wasn't even called Wii Fit 2, troll fails.

Also, I would totally not say ZombiU 2 is an inevitability.

of course you responded to that pic like that, humorless console warrior
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: naff on November 19, 2012, 09:43:10 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 09:48:00 AM
Kosma :bow2

DF WiiU review(interesting stuff)

The good news is that Nintendo's debut HD offering features a standard HDMI connection, meaning compatibility with virtually any high-definition display made in the last six years. Better still is the fact that the company isn't selling us short in terms of connectivity: yes, no trips to Poundland are required here, because an HDMI cable is included in the box.

Adding to the good news is that Nintendo hasn't encrypted the digital output of the Wii U. There's no HDCP implementation, meaning that you can connect the Wii U to older DVI monitors with no support for the nigh-on useless digital encryption system. Probably of more relevance is that you can easily record video directly from HDMI using devices such as the Elgato Game Capture HD and the Hauppauge HD PVR 2 if you're looking to share gameplay on YouTube.

Nintendo appears to have taken a leaf out of Microsoft's book in terms of how various screen resolutions are dealt with. All of the games we've tested to date appear to operate at native 720p, but just like Xbox 360 the console outputs at any resolution you select, upscaling - or indeed downscaling - to your preferred video format. We'd have liked a 1366x768 option for native output for "HD ready" panels, but the available options are fine overall.

However, there is some unwelcome news - specifically that the HDMI output is locked to limited-range RGB only, with footage from all games we've captured thus far revealing absolutely no information in the 0-16 or 235-255 areas. Many digital displays - PC monitors in particular - don't operate correctly with limited-range RGB, giving washed out colours principally defined by blacks being more grey-like in nature. This is something Nintendo really needs to address as a matter of urgency - it's the most basic of omissions, something that Sony and Microsoft resolved to everyone's satisfaction many, many years ago.

Bizarrely, for a console launching when digital video standards are established and mature, many users may well find that they get a more vibrant picture by using the legacy component outputs.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 09:48:11 AM

Seriously though, I'd like to see a $349 build that is capable of outperforming the Wii U.
Throw in a tablet of equivalent resolution to the Wii U tablet to make things fair. a $339 PC, pick up a palm pilot at goodwill for $10.  done.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 19, 2012, 09:59:23 AM
The giant bomb guys raging at nintendo was awesome :rofl


It's at 4:44 of the live stream, when they realize that each Nintendo ID is tied indefinitely to the Wii U on which it was created.

Seriously? They still haven't learned their lesson? Oh my god...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 19, 2012, 10:00:37 AM
For the people wondering if that Miiverse backdoor thing was real Eurogamer confirms it was after talking to Nintendo. Plus they also say the contents were a mockup to shut up the people asking about those games.

Nintendo has admitted the area existed and termed it a "mock-up menu" of content. The area was quickly removed when the user began posting screenshots and information to NeoGAF.

"It has come to our attention that some people were able to access a mock up menu on Miiverse following the launch of Wii U in the US," Nintendo told GamesIndustry International. "Please note that this was only a mock up menu and has now been removed and is not accessible."

So apologize to the poster Takao
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 19, 2012, 10:19:08 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 10:25:46 AM

Man, that Verge review is so right and validates the hate I feel for an inanimate object.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 10:28:09 AM
i wouldn't trust the Verge or Polygon on anything non-microsoft. 

Seems like a lot of people forgot about the "Sponsored by Internet Explorer" thing at the end of the Polygon: We Feel Emotions documentary. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 19, 2012, 10:31:32 AM



As far as online goes, they'd have been much better off letting someone else with a proven history  handle building their infrastructure. I bet EA was chomping at the bit, you just know they've been wanting to stick their dicks in running a console online service. I know everyone kind of slags them (deservedly, most of the time), but Origin runs fine and has excellent download speeds. Valve might have done something with them, although I guess Wii U wouldn't have come out until 2015 in that case.

Anyway, if you know you don't have the chops to do something, hire someone who does and save yourself a bunch of fixit work covering your own fuckups further down the line. That's just basic business sense.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 19, 2012, 10:57:05 AM

Seriously though, I'd like to see a $349 build that is capable of outperforming the Wii U.
Throw in a tablet of equivalent resolution to the Wii U tablet to make things fair. a $339 PC, pick up a palm pilot at goodwill for $10.  done.

Xbox 360 4GB
Kindle Fire 7" with Smartglass app

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 19, 2012, 11:04:29 AM



As far as online goes, they'd have been much better off letting someone else with a proven history  handle building their infrastructure. I bet EA was chomping at the bit, you just know they've been wanting to stick their dicks in running a console online service. I know everyone kind of slags them (deservedly, most of the time), but Origin runs fine and has excellent download speeds. Valve might have done something with them, although I guess Wii U wouldn't have come out until 2015 in that case.

Anyway, if you know you don't have the chops to do something, hire someone who does and save yourself a bunch of fixit work covering your own fuckups further down the line. That's just basic business sense.

I still have a feeling this is a major reason EA is basically doing jack shit for Wii U after that big speech their CEO did at E3.

Sounds like EA desired to do just as the bold indicates and it fell through with Nintendo, hence tepid as shit support with shit Madden, FIFA, Mass Effect 3 when the 360 and PS3 got the Mass Effect Collection (hell PS3 will fucking have the first game) and apperantly the ports perform kinda shitty also  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 11:10:46 AM
EA boss was pretty naive if he thought Nintendo would give EA control(even partial) over WiiU internet space.

Nintendo giving up control...never

Why would they pair with the likes of Valve too?
So that Valve can quickly discount some Mario game to $10,game that Nintendo would be selling at full price for many years...not gonna happen
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Vertigo on November 19, 2012, 11:11:01 AM



As far as online goes, they'd have been much better off letting someone else with a proven history  handle building their infrastructure. I bet EA was chomping at the bit, you just know they've been wanting to stick their dicks in running a console online service. I know everyone kind of slags them (deservedly, most of the time), but Origin runs fine and has excellent download speeds. Valve might have done something with them, although I guess Wii U wouldn't have come out until 2015 in that case.

Anyway, if you know you don't have the chops to do something, hire someone who does and save yourself a bunch of fixit work covering your own fuckups further down the line. That's just basic business sense.

Seems Nintendo turned them down judging by EA's less than excited relationship with Nintendo since that E3 2012 were they were best buddies and EA was salivating at the thought of running that service.

They couldn't have given less fucks about their launch games for this thing. A reskinned FIFA 2012 ,ME3 with no significant improvements.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 19, 2012, 11:15:40 AM

Xbox 360 250GB Black Friday Holiday Bundle with Forza and Skyrim $200
Lenovo A2107 7" ICS 8GB Tablet $149
= $350

OR, if you are willing to go a bit nutty and spend an extra $50

PS3 160GB Black Friday Bundle with Uncharted 1/2 pack $200
PS Vita Black Friday Bundle with Assassin's Creed Revelations + 4GB memcard $200
= $400

either one of those gets you more storage space and more games
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 19, 2012, 11:28:53 AM
EA boss was pretty naive if he thought Nintendo would give EA control(even partial) over WiiU internet space.

Nintendo giving up control...never

Why would they pair with the likes of Valve too?
So that Valve can quickly discount some Mario game to $10,game that Nintendo would be selling at full price for many years...not gonna happen

Sony let Valve link a version of Steam with Portal 2, and that worked out pretty well for them

of course they wouldn't just slap steam on it, i'm just talking about hiring a proven company to build a solid framework, not a separate company taking over the entire operation

that need for absolute control and halfassing things themselves is what's gonna keep bringing you the jank for the next...however long the wii u lifespan is

basically, in that article the dude is telling you wii u online sucks, will continue to suck, and you're just gonna have to deal if you want your pikmins
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 19, 2012, 11:29:46 AM
Just wait until the next gen of consoles roll out with "HD" ports of games like Skyrim and ME3 (by HD I mean they look and run more like their PC counterparts). Wii U might feel a little left out.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 11:35:10 AM
But no whimsy.

You get Nintendo's non-union Mexican equivalents on Sony's machines.  Sony Brawl-Stars, LBP Kart Racing, etc. 

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 11:46:49 AM

Okami HD.   except that arguably meets or beats many games in the Zelda series, unlike Sony's first party knock offs.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 19, 2012, 11:46:51 AM
3D Dot Heroes
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 11:47:27 AM
3D Dot Heroes

there you go.  you've got a 3D zelda game and a 2D one :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 11:49:13 AM
EA boss was pretty naive if he thought Nintendo would give EA control(even partial) over WiiU internet space.

Nintendo giving up control...never

Why would they pair with the likes of Valve too?
So that Valve can quickly discount some Mario game to $10,game that Nintendo would be selling at full price for many years...not gonna happen

Sony let Valve link a version of Steam with Portal 2, and that worked out pretty well for them

of course they wouldn't just slap steam on it, i'm just talking about hiring a proven company to build a solid framework, not a separate company taking over the entire operation

that need for absolute control and halfassing things themselves is what's gonna keep bringing you the jank for the next...however long the wii u lifespan is

basically, in that article the dude is telling you wii u online sucks, will continue to suck, and you're just gonna have to deal if you want your pikmins

That is the way of Nintendo.

I think Oscar(sometime in the past) explained it nicely,average Nintendo buyer buys like 10 games per system lifetime and large majority of those games are Nintendo games.

Third party?
More money is always welcome but whatever.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
EA can still include Origin support in their Wii U games, Nintendo's made a big deal of "linking your Nintendo Network ID with third party services, with your consent." That's more than XBL and PSN allow so I don't know why EA would be butthurt over it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Stoney Mason on November 19, 2012, 12:04:03 PM
They don't care about online beause the people who buy their machines don't care about it or haven't demonstrated they care because they keep buying them as is. Why invest in it if your audience is satisfied with split screen and Pokemon.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 19, 2012, 12:05:32 PM
I don't think that stance is gonna serve them very well this time around.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on November 19, 2012, 12:11:12 PM
:bow Game drama.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 12:16:33 PM
It's going to be fun watching Andrex break and finally join the PC elite.

??? I've been buying Steam games for years. Been PC/Nintendo for the majority of last gen.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 19, 2012, 12:27:25 PM
EA can still include Origin support in their Wii U games, Nintendo's made a big deal of "linking your Nintendo Network ID with third party services, with your consent." That's more than XBL and PSN allow so I don't know why EA would be butthurt over it.
Huh? My PS3 account is linked to both Origin and Steam and my live account is linked to Origin ???
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 12:32:11 PM
Then why have you avoided Batman and such when they are much cheaper on Steam?

Dunno, hoping it would be a good port and my PC is kinda crappy. Can barely run Sonic Generations, been meaning to upgrade it forever.

EA can still include Origin support in their Wii U games, Nintendo's made a big deal of "linking your Nintendo Network ID with third party services, with your consent." That's more than XBL and PSN allow so I don't know why EA would be butthurt over it.
Huh? My PS3 account is linked to both Origin and Steam and my live account is linked to Origin ???

What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 19, 2012, 12:35:18 PM
Just wait until the next gen of consoles roll out with "HD" ports of games like Skyrim and ME3 (by HD I mean they look and run more like their PC counterparts). Wii U might feel a little left out.

Eh, honestly, the actual launch should be proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you're looking for a one-stop shop for AAA multi-platform stuff, look elsewhere. At best, it's got a year or two to get it's act together to be considered the best in the biz for console ports, but even that seems pretty iffy.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 19, 2012, 12:39:28 PM
Then why have you avoided Batman and such when they are much cheaper on Steam?

Dunno, hoping it would be a good port and my PC is kinda crappy. Can barely run Sonic Generations, been meaning to upgrade it forever.

:lol :lol :lol

Son, you aren't really pc gaming then
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 12:39:56 PM
What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?

hey look, goal posts moving in a nintendo thread
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 19, 2012, 12:46:21 PM
Then why have you avoided Batman and such when they are much cheaper on Steam?

Dunno, hoping it would be a good port and my PC is kinda crappy. Can barely run Sonic Generations, been meaning to upgrade it forever.

EA can still include Origin support in their Wii U games, Nintendo's made a big deal of "linking your Nintendo Network ID with third party services, with your consent." That's more than XBL and PSN allow so I don't know why EA would be butthurt over it.
Huh? My PS3 account is linked to both Origin and Steam and my live account is linked to Origin ???

What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?
Dat Linux power.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 12:49:46 PM
The only way for Nintendo to change is to people stop buying their products but unfortunately new kids are born each year.

For lots of them NSMBU will be the first foray into land of gaming.

In short,blame parents not Nintendo.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Contra on November 19, 2012, 12:58:39 PM
So how shitty is this thing?  I haven't been paying that much attention, but from what I've heard there's a lot of problems. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2012, 01:04:47 PM
It's an HD console for children who don't care about optical out and HDMI black levels. It's not FOR you.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 19, 2012, 01:06:09 PM
So how shitty is this thing?  I haven't been paying that much attention, but from what I've heard there's a lot of problems.

Eh, it depends a lot on what you're expecting. If you had any expectations of this thing being a serious contender in that it would be a lot better than the PS3/360 and have a fighting chance at getting software designed for high-end PCs and the next Microsoft and Sony platforms, then it's pretty clear that this thing is a joke. If you're expectations are more tempered, then it's kind of up in the air.

There's been a lot of problems and concerns regarding the OS. There have been locks, freezes, network errors, big day 1 patches, and disappointment at the way Network IDs are handled. But, on the other hand, the tablet is kind of nifty for what it is, and you'll get Nintendo games in pseudo-high def which is a noticeable improvement over 480p. The stuff that is there mostly works even if there are long load times.

So, yeah. What do you want from your Nintendo console?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 01:11:34 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Flannel Boy on November 19, 2012, 01:13:25 PM
So how shitty is this thing?  I haven't been paying that much attention, but from what I've heard there's a lot of problems.
The console has so many flaws--slow RAM (much slower than the PS3's or 360's), slow OS, weak CPU, crappy region lock, locked ID to a single console, and a tiny, weak battery--that I'm pretty sure Drinky designed it to troll the fuck out of Nintendo fans.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 19, 2012, 01:28:52 PM
What's wrong with the black levels?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Contra on November 19, 2012, 01:31:00 PM
Battery life problems?  Oy, I can't be bothered to plug shit in that often.  Pass.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2012, 01:32:54 PM
The NDF on GAF is getting pretty terrible, comparing 360/PS3 ports to Vita as justification for why Wii U's ports don't suck. Vita isn't the generation successor to PS3/360 like Wii U is supposed to be. It's also a handheld.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 19, 2012, 01:33:20 PM
I kinda want it because it ultimatly would provide what I want (and expect) from a Nintendo console - the ability to play Nintendo games. And it being downward compatible would mean I would get to play two generations of Nintendo games as I never owned or even played the Wii. On the other it seems to be so poorly designed that it's almost too embarrasing to purchase it.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 19, 2012, 01:34:40 PM
What's wrong with the black levels?

However, there is some unwelcome news - specifically that the HDMI output is locked to limited-range RGB only, with footage from all games we've captured thus far revealing absolutely no information in the 0-16 or 235-255 areas. Many digital displays - PC monitors in particular - don't operate correctly with limited-range RGB, giving washed out colours principally defined by blacks being more grey-like in nature. This is something Nintendo really needs to address as a matter of urgency - it's the most basic of omissions, something that Sony and Microsoft resolved to everyone's satisfaction many, many years ago.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 01:39:17 PM
Nintendo simply doesn't care about the kind of person that would hook this up to a monitor, to take advantage of extended black levels.   

The NDF on GAF is getting pretty terrible, comparing 360/PS3 ports to Vita as justification for why Wii U's ports don't suck. Vita isn't the generation successor to PS3/360 like Wii U is supposed to be. It's also a handheld.

it's also running ports better than the WiiU.  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 19, 2012, 01:40:52 PM
That's another non-issue for me since I'll hook it up to a plasma TV, but it's of course nice to have options. I'm basically getting one for the same reasons as Fifstar listed. BC with HDMI out. If they release any good Wii U exclusive then that's a welcome bonus.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2012, 01:45:42 PM
So how shitty is this thing?  I haven't been paying that much attention, but from what I've heard there's a lot of problems.
The console has so many flaws--slow RAM (much slower than the PS3's or 360's), slow OS, weak CPU, crappy region lock, locked ID to a single console, and a tiny, weak battery--that I'm pretty sure Drinky designed it to troll the fuck out of Nintendo fans.

also, it feels like early adopters are beta testing.  although, technically it might be alpha since none of the video services are working yet.  opening netflix or tveee gives you a "we're not finished yet.  please understand." message.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 19, 2012, 01:57:32 PM
I'll gotta admit that yesterday, even when everything coming out about the Wii U was turning to absolute shit, I was almost ready to drive all the way back to Bellevue and pick up one of the Wii Us I saw earlier.  I guess the allure of a new console launch, which I haven't felt since the PS3 came out, was getting the better of me.  But then the absolute deal breaker was when I found out about the accounts being locked to the console itself with no way to transfer.  That's just un-fucking-acceptable.  No way should that happen in 2012.  What if it breaks?!?!  Why even have an account in the first place??!?!?

No one should be buying this thing until Nintendo gets their shit together and gets with the program.  Fuck 'em.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eric P on November 19, 2012, 02:03:36 PM
hey, i don't gotta buy the brat anything else! merry xmas, honey! here's some long download times!

this is probably the Father Geek equivalent of being one of those mothers on Toddlers and Tiaras.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 02:11:00 PM
Then why have you avoided Batman and such when they are much cheaper on Steam?

Dunno, hoping it would be a good port and my PC is kinda crappy. Can barely run Sonic Generations, been meaning to upgrade it forever.

:lol :lol :lol

Son, you aren't really pc gaming then

I get the indie stuff. :gloomy

What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?

hey look, goal posts moving in a nintendo thread

What goalposts? :lol It's an honest question.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 02:12:07 PM
Dat Linux power.

Actually it's :piss Windows :piss2 7
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2012, 02:17:09 PM
They don't care about online beause the people who buy their machines don't care about it or haven't demonstrated they care because they keep buying them as is. Why invest in it if your audience is satisfied with split screen and Pokemon.

fwiw, there are neat aspects to the online thing.  I lost a ways into the Donkey Kong mini-game and on the stats screen you can see drawings and comments from other players who died at that same spot.  That's sort of the Dark Souls thing.  It's really just contextualizing Nintendo's own twitter-esque thing, but it's something new and unique.  But at the same time it lacks what has been standard on the other consoles (there's still a distance between Sony and Microsoft) and it's all in Nintendo's sheltered ecosystem.  Among the three, it's like Microsoft is ahead, Sony is catching up, and Nintendo is just starting.

What I really want out of a next gen online system is more stuff like the SSX/Trials friend list ghosts/asynchronous competition thing.  I don't know how they could do it as a system wide feature, but I hope someone figures it out.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 02:39:46 PM
Then why have you avoided Batman and such when they are much cheaper on Steam?

Dunno, hoping it would be a good port and my PC is kinda crappy. Can barely run Sonic Generations, been meaning to upgrade it forever.

:lol :lol :lol

Son, you aren't really pc gaming then

I get the indie stuff. :gloomy

What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?

hey look, goal posts moving in a nintendo thread

What goalposts? :lol It's an honest question.

You said you can't link PS3/360 accounts to Origin/Steam, that Nintendo allows this but the other companies don't-- the original goalposts

EA can still include Origin support in their Wii U games, Nintendo's made a big deal of "linking your Nintendo Network ID with third party services, with your consent." That's more than XBL and PSN allow so I don't know why EA would be butthurt over it.
Huh? My PS3 account is linked to both Origin and Steam and my live account is linked to Origin ???

What does that functionally do though? Are the game servers Origin based or PSN-based?

Then backpedal after finding out that you can and put an extra requirement of it needing to do something and that the servers have to be in a particular place-- the new goalposts.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 02:40:54 PM
Yeah, I don't get his point. Every EA game has you log into EA's servers for your origin info on console. ???
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 02:42:21 PM
Yeah, I don't get his point. Every EA game has you log into EA's servers for your origin info on console. ???

oh right, forgot about that-- the consoles do use EA's servers,  which is how EA pulls online support from games.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 02:43:56 PM
Once you log into EA's servers, the console saves your info (iirc) so that the next time you use an EA game, it will automatically log you in and shit. Did this for FIFA, FIFA Street, SSX, and more.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 02:52:10 PM
Then backpedal after finding out that you can and put an extra requirement of it needing to do something and that the servers have to be in a particular place-- the new goalposts.

I didn't know they allowed that, which makes it more confusing. What exactly did EA want? To host every single online Wii U game on their servers? :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 02:56:05 PM
Then backpedal after finding out that you can and put an extra requirement of it needing to do something and that the servers have to be in a particular place-- the new goalposts.

I didn't know they allowed that, which makes it more confusing. What exactly did EA want? To host every single online Wii U game on their servers? :lol

who knows, being EA, they have leverage and are probably trying to work out some deal.   
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 19, 2012, 02:59:01 PM
Then backpedal after finding out that you can and put an extra requirement of it needing to do something and that the servers have to be in a particular place-- the new goalposts.

I didn't know they allowed that, which makes it more confusing. What exactly did EA want? To host every single online Wii U game on their servers? :lol

Well their own, yes.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 19, 2012, 03:09:05 PM
So how shitty is this thing?  I haven't been paying that much attention, but from what I've heard there's a lot of problems.
The console has so many flaws--slow RAM (much slower than the PS3's or 360's), slow OS, weak CPU, crappy region lock, locked ID to a single console, and a tiny, weak battery--that I'm pretty sure Drinky designed it to troll the fuck out of Nintendo fans.

pretty much the worst Nintendo console ever. I want my Virtual Boy back.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 03:09:33 PM
I hope U all Wii U gamers are not excited for the following:

Anarchy Reigns
Metal gear Rising
God of War Ascension
Tales of Xillia
Beyond: Two Souls
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Gears of War: Judgement
The Last of Us

Cause U ain't seeing that shit on Ur system!

To be fair to Wii U gamers, neither will anyone else due to being ps3 exclusives.

Oh, Metal Gear Rising. Yeah, they'll probably see that.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 19, 2012, 03:10:24 PM
Only interesting game on that list is probably vaporware.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 19, 2012, 03:13:24 PM
I think Borys's list is mocking Nintendo fans that cite Nintendo games as the sole reason for why it's better than the other consoles?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 03:13:41 PM
What is Beyond: Two Souls? Sounds like Sony exclusive. See? Sony working dat magic.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 19, 2012, 03:28:03 PM
I might been a stone cold business man, but atleast my Nintendo consoles were always up to the latest tech

I on the other hand make tons of money while I run the popular Nintendo franchises to the ground. I also take big pride in recycling 10 year old tech as brand new
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 19, 2012, 03:30:40 PM
What is Beyond: Two Souls? Sounds like Sony exclusive. See? Sony working dat magic.

That game with Ellen Page made by the Heavy Rain guys.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 19, 2012, 03:32:16 PM
I hope U all Wii U gamers are not excited for the following:

Anarchy Reigns
Metal gear Rising
God of War Ascension
Tales of Xillia
Beyond: Two Souls
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Gears of War: Judgement
The Last of Us

Cause U ain't seeing that shit on Ur system!

I don't think anyone is going to be seeing those on any system.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 19, 2012, 03:40:30 PM

Anyone else find difficult to maintain interest in PS360 due to the WiiU launch?

 :lol  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 19, 2012, 03:41:15 PM

Anyone else find difficult to maintain interest in PS360 due to the WiiU launch?

 :lol  :lol

Quote from: LQX;44522179
Only U.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 19, 2012, 03:48:48 PM

Anyone else find difficult to maintain interest in PS360 due to the WiiU launch?

 :lol  :lol

That thread is hilarious, since pretty much everyone has said No.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 19, 2012, 04:20:48 PM

Anyone else find difficult to maintain interest in PS360 due to the WiiU launch?

 :lol  :lol

That thread is hilarious, since pretty much everyone has said No.

Um, WiiU is more powerful than current gen and will get PS4/720 ports

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 19, 2012, 06:35:47 PM
I Love Mondays for Giantbomb is up, near the last few minutes (12:10) Patrick gives some details on him calling Nintendo asking for his NNID to be switched over to a new console:

Turns out Nintendo customer service can't switch over NNIDs to a new console, it is completely locked, and they're looking into what they can do but are not optimistic that anything can be done.

So much for calling Nintendo.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 06:45:21 PM
11 pages of "no"  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 19, 2012, 06:52:10 PM
I don't know how to add people but my name on this thing is Bzchan
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 07:23:09 PM
I Love Mondays for Giantbomb is up, near the last few minutes (12:10) Patrick gives some details on him calling Nintendo asking for his NNID to be switched over to a new console:

Turns out Nintendo customer service can't switch over NNIDs to a new console, it is completely locked, and they're looking into what they can do but are not optimistic that anything can be done.

So much for calling Nintendo.


I am legit pissed now. What the fuck. Wii U deserves to bomb as hard as the 3DS did initially until it slaps Nintendo in the damn face and puts them in panic mode like with 3DS.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 19, 2012, 07:38:38 PM
Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 19, 2012, 07:43:21 PM
i'll be happy to do your divorce paperwork  ::)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 19, 2012, 07:48:14 PM
Hmmm... so, don't buy anything off of the eShop. Saves me the trouble of looking out for external harddrive deals.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 19, 2012, 07:53:22 PM
lolol, andrex is stuck with that console now. broken console = no more digital games to transfer

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 19, 2012, 08:11:06 PM
Fuck Nintendo.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 19, 2012, 08:14:31 PM
The best part is that Nintendo is the cheapest and laziest of the three so you better get used to it.

First they will ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, then they will make PR statements downplaying the flaws, and then they will slowly start fixing it quietly through patches.  This is going to be a process that will take months into years.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2012, 08:24:42 PM
The best part is that Nintendo is the cheapest and laziest of the three so you better get used to it.

First they will ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, then they will make PR statements downplaying the flaws, and then they will slowly start fixing it quietly through patches.  This is going to be a process that will take months into years.

That's exactly why I'm so pissed off.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: The Sceneman on November 19, 2012, 08:39:55 PM
I Love Mondays for Giantbomb is up, near the last few minutes (12:10) Patrick gives some details on him calling Nintendo asking for his NNID to be switched over to a new console:

Turns out Nintendo customer service can't switch over NNIDs to a new console, it is completely locked, and they're looking into what they can do but are not optimistic that anything can be done.

So much for calling Nintendo.


I am legit pissed now. What the fuck. Wii U deserves to bomb as hard as the 3DS did initially until it slaps Nintendo in the damn face and puts them in panic mode like with 3DS.

Yes. Let the hate consume you.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 19, 2012, 08:55:07 PM
They've still got the Japan and Euro launches to come.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2012, 09:32:46 PM
Japan has Monster Hunter HD-port-of-a-port and Dragon Quest MMO at launch, I think.  That, and different standards, probably bode better for Nintendo in Japan.

anyway, I read that the wireless tech has more trouble with walls than distance or something.  Back of the tablet has a screw hole and clips and I'm wondering if that's for an antennae accessory.  I'd like something like that, since the range is pretty poor for me.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 09:41:14 PM
A dragon quest mmo that is already out on wii, that most people already own, yes.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 19, 2012, 10:11:43 PM
So this is bad

Your saves are not saved per user. Which means if you have two people playing a game they both use up the save spots of the game. So if a game only has 3 and 2 of you are playing that there is only one additional save slot. WTF!!!!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 19, 2012, 10:13:58 PM
yeah i posted that earlier.

nintendoland only has 1 save slot. same with zombiu. :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 19, 2012, 10:17:45 PM
This ain't even funny. I could understand if it were say 2006 possibly, but its 2012 wtf is wrong with this company?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 19, 2012, 10:33:35 PM
A dragon quest mmo that is already out on wii, that most people already own, yes.

and a HD up port of Monster Hunter that everyone plays with -together- and not online.

The Wii U might well end up getting a REAL DQ game and a REAL Monster Hunter game but the constant repeating of ITS GOT DRAGON QUEST AND MONSTER HUNTER! is lolsome
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2012, 10:40:27 PM
I'm not even sure we can say Wii U will get a real Monster Hunter. If it was, why would Capcom kill off the MH Portable series, and instead bring the numeric entries to 3DS? It seems like their plan is to make 3DS games, and port them to consoles now.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 10:50:10 PM
A dragon quest mmo that is already out on wii, that most people already own, yes.

and a HD up port of Monster Hunter that everyone plays with -together- and not online.

The Wii U might well end up getting a REAL DQ game and a REAL Monster Hunter game but the constant repeating of ITS GOT DRAGON QUEST AND MONSTER HUNTER! is lolsome

Wii U will get Dragon Quest only if the system is the top dog, and right now that's looking like 3ds. I'm not sure about ios in Japan, what is the likelihood of DQ11 on ios? The mistake people make is thinking that the system that gets DQ is the winner; it is the opposite - DQ goes to the system that won. Right now that's looking like either another Wii sequel or a sequel for 3ds or ios.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 19, 2012, 10:53:03 PM
just watched a commercial for batman wiiu. "the definitive version" :lol :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 19, 2012, 10:56:36 PM
just watched a commercial for batman wiiu. "the definitive version" :lol :lol

Yeah, I saw that during MNF. Was waiting for them to say "Only on WiiU."
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2012, 10:57:20 PM
I'm surprised there are even commercials for a late port ...
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2012, 11:10:33 PM
I'm surprised there are even commercials for a late port ...

Never seen GTA pc version commercials? :wtf
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 19, 2012, 11:40:55 PM
Didn't even know limited save slots were still used lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2012, 11:41:41 PM
I'm surprised there are even commercials for a late port ...

Never seen GTA pc version commercials? :wtf

True. But this is a Batman game, on Wii U no less.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 20, 2012, 12:03:55 AM
The best part is that Nintendo is the cheapest and laziest of the three so you better get used to it.
"Nintendo" is a corporation(s), not a person. What makes you sure Nintendo employees are "lazy" rather than any other number of speculative reasons? And why exactly is this "the best part"?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 12:04:31 AM
raise your hand if you didn't think this was gonna be a rolling clusterfuck

all the sad faces are distracting me from my hand-counting
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 20, 2012, 12:10:08 AM
When you take corners and shortcuts to make hardware you will be considered lazy. No right stick on 3ds, the entirety of wii and wii u debacle. Despite coming out 5 years after, not a single wii game looks better than most original Xbox games, another Mario? Oh big whoop, my pants are quivering with excitement! In what world ISN'T Nintendo, as a corporation, one that embraces half measures, outdated tech in pursuit of the mighty Yen? In the real world all of these traits might not constitute the label "lazy", hubris maybe, but they sure as fuck don't equate to quality.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: The Sceneman on November 20, 2012, 12:11:56 AM
This ain't even funny. I could understand if it were say 2006 possibly, but its 2012 wtf is wrong with this company?

Oh it's funny alright :smug
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 12:12:40 AM
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper is technically meh compared to the other versions- but OMG GREAT GAME OVERCOMES STILL FUN AND AWESOME!!!!!1111

oh, one cool thing is you can use the gamepad screen instead of split screen 2 player- that's neat
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 12:18:13 AM
someone try to friend me- NID is cooters..I think; this shits confusing
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 20, 2012, 12:19:30 AM
The best part is that Nintendo is the cheapest and laziest of the three so you better get used to it.
"Nintendo" is a corporation(s), not a person.

And corporations have defining cultures. Nintendo's corporate culture is slow moving and sluggish. (
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 12:22:59 AM
someone try to friend me- NID is cooters..I think; this shits confusing

:lol you win at usernames for the foreseeable future
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 12:29:54 AM
someone try to friend me- NID is cooters..I think; this shits confusing

I tried but it doesn't work for shit, this is so damn confusing.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 12:31:10 AM
I thought at least they'd have some sort of account system set up

I mean...I have no idea how they'd patch that kind of shit in later, it seems kinda fucked from the get-go
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 12:34:48 AM
its kinda a nightmare- you have to be able to like see their profile to friend them but how do you do that? what screen?! ahhhhh!!!!!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 12:45:03 AM
its kinda a nightmare- you have to be able to like see their profile to friend them but how do you do that? what screen?! ahhhhh!!!!!

Let me know when you figure it out. I'm starting to regret my purchase.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 12:45:29 AM
the Donkey Kong game would be totally awesome if you weren't so fragile and the 9th (out of 10) checkpoints wasn't a pain in the ass.

Sparky from Illinois said it best: "level nine is wack, yo!"

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 12:51:48 AM
G - whats your ID?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 01:04:09 AM
I thought at least they'd have some sort of account system set up

I mean...I have no idea how they'd patch that kind of shit in later, it seems kinda fucked from the get-go

They have an account system. It takes an alphanumeric username, a password, an email, and other stuff.

It's just not used digital content.

So, it's not completely FUBARed and might be patched, but it's still completely unacceptable for release hardware.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 01:27:40 AM
G - whats your ID?

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:29:36 AM
Yeah that doesnt resolve in the ID search- wtf - sure thats right? I can find myself in search- you can get to search through the user menu in miiverse
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:32:01 AM
yeah, I think g gave me his display name
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 01:37:39 AM
So far this has been the most unstable system I've owned in terms of crashing/freezing.  Three hard freezes and I've barely used it.

This is in a well ventilated area too.  Back in college I kept my 360 (and power brick) in a closed drawer for a couple months and it took until 4 years for it to die.

edit: I'll add some people if I figure it out.  I want the Warawara® to show some quality musou game icons.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:39:56 AM
I havent had any crashes or lock ups yet- but the OS is baffling and more work than it needs to be; im investigating the Sonic All Stars Racing 2 WiiU release- if performance isnt meh compared to 360 i'll probably grab it for WiiU in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 01:42:34 AM
Nintendo ID: Bzchan
Display name: Garrett

I have been unsuccessful with adding anyone.

Allstars Transformed is great on WiiU
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 01:43:52 AM
the green people icon was flashing so I clicked it and I see a bunch of messages of people complaining about the freezing

It might just be Nintendo Land.  Or the system is only showing me Nintendo Land cuz it's the only game I have right now.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:44:53 AM
Also god damn that 100 character limit on community posts- wtf- thats less than a TWEET

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 01:49:29 AM
better than the two word ones within games that you can post.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 01:50:55 AM
So wait there's four (five counting Prole's purportedly-unplayed system) of us U-ers here? :O

Add me, I'm Andrex, hi, nice to meet ya.

PRO TIP: A person only gets notified you added them as a friend if you use the Miiverse search, not if you directly add them from Friends List. #NINTENDO

So far this has been the most unstable system I've owned in terms of crashing/freezing.  Three hard freezes and I've barely used it.

This is in a well ventilated area too.  Back in college I kept my 360 (and power brick) in a closed drawer for a couple months and it took until 4 years for it to die.

edit: I'll add some people if I figure it out.  I want the Warawara® to show some quality musou game icons.

Seems Nintendoland locks like crazy. Haven't had a single lock in NSMBU, browser, or Miiverse.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:52:05 AM
I havent put in Nintendoland at all yet so yeah- prolly isolated to that title.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 01:55:54 AM
PRO TIP: A person only gets notified you added them as a friend if you use the Miiverse search, not if you directly add them from Friends List. #NINTENDO

i'm legit confused.  I sent two people a friend request.  I'll send them again, I guess.

and wtf a team ninja mii (yasuda? who?) is pimping ninja gaiden next to the icon. where's the dennis dyack mii telling me to buy xmen legends u?

edit: hayashi is there too.

oh, it tells you how many people bought these games (and registered, I guess).  only 67 people are playing game party champions  :'(
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 01:59:42 AM
There's some neat ideas here- the home screen with all of the mii's the ability to zoom in and see their latest community updates is cool and does a better job of creating that kind of living community thing; too bad GOOD IDEAS are being murdered by fuckin WEIRD ASS implementations
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 20, 2012, 02:02:04 AM
Has anyone encountered a bunch of dicks in the public area or whatever?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 02:04:33 AM
yo Andrex how do I take a game picture?

On iPhone, Vita, and my Nexus it's a combo of buttons.  Is it the same here?

Has anyone encountered a bunch of dicks in the public area or whatever?

no  :(

I saw a guy pooping in a toilet, but nothing vulgar.  And I saw "XBOX IS DEAD."
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 02:10:58 AM
it keeps saying I have to complete the initial setup to use my friends list and make friends- wtffffffffffffffffffff is it talking about; ive looked everywhere
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 20, 2012, 02:11:32 AM
Maf you need to setup your friends list, to do that press the home button and it should be the orange box to the right. Once you do that you will be able to send and receive friend invites.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 02:13:10 AM
ah ok thanks
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 02:15:44 AM
OK! I've got a friend! that's enough o THAT crazy shit for tonight- gotta go to bed.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 20, 2012, 02:22:25 AM
this is confusing  :S

will other miis show up in my warawara? will my midget sean hannity show up in others?!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 02:31:22 AM
yo Andrex how do I take a game picture?

On iPhone, Vita, and my Nexus it's a combo of buttons.  Is it the same here?

Press Home in-game when you want to take one, go to Miiverse, go to the community for your game (or any community I guess), make a new post, attach the screenshot to the post.

Screenshots are not exportable outside Miiverse at this time. Miiverse website is allegedly in the works.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 20, 2012, 02:46:32 AM

Yup, I am buying a Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 03:11:25 AM
Keep in mind upscaling isn't upresing.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 03:13:37 AM
Not surprised,power of ATI GPU :bow2
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 20, 2012, 03:20:18 AM
Keep in mind upscaling isn't upresing.
Still better than muddy blurry vaseline filtered piss wii outputs.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 20, 2012, 03:29:48 AM
It's still going to be a blurry mess. For most people it will make little difference whether it's your TV or the console that does the upscaling. The digital signal is an improvement though.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 03:32:39 AM
Now I can finally sell my Gamecube component cables

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 20, 2012, 03:44:35 AM
Some games like Mario Galaxy still unplayable mess.

All these emulators suck because they only utilize a single fucking core.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 20, 2012, 03:48:18 AM
And you never know when these companies will drop BC support.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 03:57:09 AM
Nice teardown
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 20, 2012, 06:29:25 AM

Yup, I am buying a Wii U.

So the Wuu upscales to 180p eh? Fucking Wuutards don't even have a clue what the term means.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on November 20, 2012, 06:50:54 AM
I Love Mondays for Giantbomb is up, near the last few minutes (12:10) Patrick gives some details on him calling Nintendo asking for his NNID to be switched over to a new console:

Turns out Nintendo customer service can't switch over NNIDs to a new console, it is completely locked, and they're looking into what they can do but are not optimistic that anything can be done.

So much for calling Nintendo.


Patrick needs to stop calling fucking everything a roguelike.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 20, 2012, 06:56:53 AM
Some games like Mario Galaxy still unplayable mess.

All these emulators suck because they only utilize a single fucking core.

Yep.  Even with a 3.4 GHz Core i7 and a 3 GB GTX 580, Dolphin still gave me quite a bit of trouble for the games I wanted to play even after fiddling around with ways to optimize the performance.

I mean, it can still make a lot of advances but sometimes it isn't worth the headache, considering it's the Wii and all.  The Wii looks like blurry shit on my TV so looks like Wii U BC it is!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Akala on November 20, 2012, 07:44:03 AM
Not reading the thread, I suggest renaming gaming side tablet control gaming fan club if it hasn't been suggested already.

If it has, seconded, thirded, etc.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 20, 2012, 08:45:33 AM

Kotaku started the story, twitter had some extra numbers (below)

Wii U: 512 multiplayer, 42 zombies.
Steam: 64,015 peak multiplayer. 1,868 zombies current. 9.716 peak zombies.
PS3: 570,000 multiplayer. 115,000 zombies.
360: 641,000 multiplayer. 800,000 on launch day.

There are more people playing BLOPS Declassified on Vita.   :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 20, 2012, 08:51:14 AM
I doubt the port of BLOPS to WiiU will even break even.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 20, 2012, 09:05:34 AM
someone try to friend me- NID is cooters..I think; this shits confusing

they're gonna ban you for that name! 

Or at least somehow get into your WiiU and delete the glorified .txt document that is your Nintendo ID

Also, "well, that didn't take long":

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 09:13:52 AM

Kotaku started the story, twitter had some extra numbers (below)

Wii U: 512 multiplayer, 42 zombies.
Steam: 64,015 peak multiplayer. 1,868 zombies current. 9.716 peak zombies.
PS3: 570,000 multiplayer. 115,000 zombies.
360: 641,000 multiplayer. 800,000 on launch day.

There are more people playing BLOPS Declassified on Vita.   :lol

You are not that dumb to compare Wii U's install base to Vita's one. Wii U is 3 days old, Vita is 10 months old.

Well,I think it's quite possible that WiiU LTD>Vita LTD in US.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 20, 2012, 09:55:51 AM
Iconoclast or someone set this guy straight on what "intercept" was in Ninja Gaiden 1:

NG misinformation bugs the shit out of me :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 09:55:59 AM
Declassified is also a game that's been universally labeled as BAD
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 09:56:54 AM
someone try to friend me- NID is cooters..I think; this shits confusing

they're gonna ban you for that name! 

Or at least somehow get into your WiiU and delete the glorified .txt document that is your Nintendo ID

Also, "well, that didn't take long":

Well my display name is Ryan- so i'll prolly be ok
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 09:57:54 AM
Also hey, that touch pad kinda sucks for typing stuff out. DONT GO TOO FASTTTTT! OH NOESSS!!!! Maybe that's why there's a 100 character limit on community posts- keep you from spending too much time typing something out.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 10:41:00 AM
Not reading the thread, I suggest renaming gaming side tablet control gaming fan club if it hasn't been suggested already.

If it has, seconded, thirded, etc.

Nah,we should rename it Nintendo Land gaming fan club.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 20, 2012, 11:58:04 AM
"Drink the Tablet Kool-Aid: OU YA!"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 12:14:34 PM
Chief technical officer, Oles Shishkovtsov, explains why Metro’s sequel won’t be appearing.

“[The] Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU,” explained Shishkovtsov. “We had an early look at it, we thought we could probably do it, but in terms of the impact we would make on the overall quality of the game – potentially to its detriment – we just figured it wasn’t worth pursuing at this time. It’s something we might return to. I really couldn’t make any promises, though.”

Despite Nintendo’s console offering Metro: Last Light new experiences to its players with it dual screens, when asked Shishkovtsov was adamant that the Wii U would ever seen Metro: Last Light when asked directly.

“We had an initial look at the Wii U, but given the size of the team and compared to where we were last time, just developing for the Playstation 3 is a significant addition.”

This launch is certainly fun to watch.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 12:20:20 PM
Over the years, how many times do you suppose we'll be seeing "It's just not powerful enough to run it, sorry" quotes translated into  "_____ Not Coming to Wii U, Lazy Devs Are Lazy" threads by Nintendo fans?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 20, 2012, 12:23:09 PM
Over the years, how many times do you suppose we'll be seeing "It's just not powerful enough to run it, sorry" quotes translated into  "_____ Not Coming to Wii U, Lazy Devs Are Lazy" threads by Nintendo fans?

Probably not so much once the next Playstation and Xbox systems are released.  Then it's just going to be Nintendo fans foaming at the mouth over the 1-2 Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Smash etc releases that come out every year and the few decent third party Wii U-only titles that come out...pretty much a repeat of the Wii.  And the Game Cube before that.  And the N64 before that.

Look at all the people who didn't give a shit about Bayonetta who are getting hard-ons over the sequel being on Wii U.

I know it was certainly past due for a new Nintendo system, but I don't understand why they didn't make something much-more powerful or even waited to see what Sony and MS do.  They're clearly going to win Japan but the rest of the world doesn't give a shit about Monster Hunter rehashes and Dragon Quest online ports.  Where is the Wii U's "Wii Sports?"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 12:29:49 PM
I think as long as the WiiU is on the market,even today at the end of this gen there are plenty of people that cry lazy lazy worthless devs when PS3 something is not up to 360.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 12:32:51 PM
Also, "well, that didn't take long":

Sweet fucking lord, that thread.

you dull porker, anything done in the company of others is entertaining. that you chose to squander your halfwit family's free time playing this shitty dissonant fugue of corporate cynicism instead of, i dunno, making fucking pinterest crafts or trying to trick your youngest into drinking beer or whatever you gobsmacked yokels do, makes you utterly persecutable in your complete immorality. i hope your next box of twinkies is full of aids.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 20, 2012, 12:34:26 PM
Over the years, how many times do you suppose we'll be seeing "It's just not powerful enough to run it, sorry" quotes translated into  "_____ Not Coming to Wii U, Lazy Devs Are Lazy" threads by Nintendo fans?


They're already doing it over at GAF in that thread about Metro's developer's comments about the Wii U CPU.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 20, 2012, 12:36:46 PM
Nintendo fans really don't care. It's just something they say on message boards to engage in system wars discussions and to pass the time until the next wave of games in 10 months.

 All they really want are mascot games, sparkles, rounded edges and bright colors.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 12:38:23 PM
oh, i think at least some of them care, you can't fake the kind of alex jones conspiracy stuff which rolls so naturally off their tongues
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 12:40:09 PM
The horrible BD load times + lack of a large cache to store your game data is really going to hurt this thing. There's no room to put install data on the tard pack version.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 20, 2012, 12:47:46 PM
Oh wow, I didn't even know this has a BD in it... thought Nintendo would go with DVDs again. Still, this sounds like a disaster but I do see myself getting one, not like I have any other interesting game-related things to buy (lol vita).
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 20, 2012, 12:51:27 PM
Tard pack reserves like 4GB for OS purposes.

If nothing from that is reserved for system cache... :yuck

Oh wow, I didn't even know this has a BD in it... thought Nintendo would go with DVDs again. Still, this sounds like a disaster but I do see myself getting one, not like I have any other interesting game-related things to buy (lol vita).

25 GB discs,no blu-ray or dvd playback
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 20, 2012, 12:53:33 PM
25 GB discs,no blu-ray or dvd playback

AGAIN, Nintendo?   :lol  Wouldn't having blu-ray and DVD video playback on the tablet screen have been a nice feature?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 20, 2012, 12:55:08 PM
Nintendo: Paying for licenses?! Never!!
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 01:03:48 PM
Remember, this is the company who removed MP3 playback from the Wii because they didn't want to pay licensing fees
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 20, 2012, 01:03:49 PM
25 GB discs,no blu-ray or dvd playback

AGAIN, Nintendo?   :lol  Wouldn't having blu-ray and DVD video playback on the tablet screen have been a nice feature?

Nice features cost money, bro.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 20, 2012, 01:05:46 PM
The WiiU will last that long simply due to boasting unequivocal domination of Japan.
And the strength of Nintendo IPs.
Any and all Western third-parties could drop support for the system tomorrow and Nintendo could still coast along with their first-party efforts and Japanese third-party interests (both exclusive and otherwise).
#1 in Japan and #3 everywhere else (#2 if Sony continues to struggle financially) isn't such a bad deal. Nintendo will still be making mad profits. And that doesn't even factor in their domination of the portable space.

Frankly, it's a GOOD thing the WiiU is so underpowered. Guarantees more support from the Japanese development community that way.[/u]


Fucking. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 01:06:39 PM
To be fair, having the disc drive spinning a bunch could cause it to fail. It's a solved problem but Nintendo goes for reliability and cheapness over nice features.

Sometimes it works out.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 01:07:42 PM
focus on what's important as a consumer and gamer

mad profits
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 20, 2012, 01:09:11 PM
Any and all Western third-parties could drop support for the system tomorrow and Nintendo could still coast along with their first-party efforts and Japanese third-party interests (both exclusive and otherwise).

>>Implies this hasn't already happened.

EA support is lol, Ubisoft released AssCreed 3 and Red Steel 3, but where's Far Cry 3? (on the 360/PS3/PC, of course)
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 20, 2012, 01:26:40 PM
The stuff about one game save can be fixed with future games, correct?

Alas the hardware fuck ups are here to stay
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 20, 2012, 01:37:36 PM
To be fair, having the disc drive spinning a bunch could cause it to fail. It's a solved problem but Nintendo goes for reliability and cheapness over nice features.

Sometimes it works out.


disc drives are not that fragile.  they'd have nothing more than a normal failure rate. 

It wasn't a decision in your best interest, it was a decision in their best interest. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: D3RANG3D on November 20, 2012, 02:02:58 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 20, 2012, 02:15:25 PM
the last two days have been amazing

:bow drinky :bow2
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 02:49:56 PM
To be fair, having the disc drive spinning a bunch could cause it to fail. It's a solved problem but Nintendo goes for reliability and cheapness over nice features.

Sometimes it works out.


disc drives are not that fragile.  they'd have nothing more than a normal failure rate. 

It wasn't a decision in your best interest, it was a decision in their best interest.

My Wii's disc drive busted twice. Second time I never bothered to fix it. Normal failure rate is probably unacceptable to Nintendo.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 20, 2012, 02:50:37 PM
Lazy Devs Are Lazy" threads by Nintendo fans?
Pretend mind reading is a video game forum staple along with presenting opinions as facts. So expect to see about as much as usual.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 20, 2012, 02:54:10 PM


Look what Wii U hath wrought.  :'( :'( :'(

Just came here to post that. :lol

I want nothing to do with this godforsaken fanbase anymore, I want off. Someone let me off!

:bow WII U :bow2
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 20, 2012, 03:07:10 PM


Look what Wii U hath wrought.  :'( :'( :'(

Just came here to post that. :lol

I want nothing to do with this godforsaken fanbase anymore, I want off. Someone let me off!

:bow WII U :bow2

Drinky  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 20, 2012, 03:17:02 PM
ZombiU already looks better than Metro 2033, so this doesn't bug me too much.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Bebpo on November 20, 2012, 03:34:56 PM
I completely forgot this came out.  Is the thing selling? 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 20, 2012, 03:35:15 PM
ZombiU already looks better than Metro 2033, so this doesn't bug me too much.


nintendo fanbase is really the worst on the internet. Way worse than Apple, and thats quite an achievement.

The Wii U could been a turd in a toilet by Reggie and it still would be the greatest system by nin fans.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 20, 2012, 04:04:11 PM
didnt they also remove the component output on gamecube later in its life?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 04:05:56 PM
Remember, this is the company who removed MP3 playback from the Wii because they didn't want to pay licensing fees

What? :rofl (
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 20, 2012, 04:12:38 PM
For all the things that Nintendo's been on the leading edge of, there's just as many things that they're so incredibly far behind on. Nothing new here.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 20, 2012, 04:15:12 PM
For all the things that Nintendo's been on the leading edge of, there's just as many things that they're so incredibly far behind on. Nothing new here.

too bad they stopped wowing us with the actual games.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 20, 2012, 05:05:07 PM
Has anyone encountered a bunch of dicks in the public area or whatever?

Closest is this



PSA: All Stars Racing Transformed Has Game-Ending Bug

What can you say about launch day games? They’re usually the sloppiest, trashiest bits of data to hit a system if they’re not from a first party developer. It’s unfortunate that this is so with All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U. It seems a bug has been reported that essentially makes the game unplayable.

Those starting off the tour mode in single player find themselves at an impasse on the first boost challenge stage when the checkpoints you must pass through to extend time fail to load, essentially making the level on all difficulties unbeatable. There’s no getting around the stage either, leaving Wii U owners high and dry on the game.

This seems to affect all Wii U consoles that downloaded the update patch for the game upon boot up. Deleting the update data causes the system to redownload it upon booting up the game, and taking it offline will cause the system to complain at you to get an Internet connection to play the game.

If you’re deciding still which version to get, we highly advise staying away from the Wii U port until further notice. Hopefully Sumo Digital and Sega are on top of this and working up another patch, but such a gross oversight on a release game is reprehensible and lazy. Come on, Sega, this isn’t 2006 anymore.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 20, 2012, 05:08:29 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 20, 2012, 08:04:25 PM

at this point in time X360's across the nation were freezing all the time and after a week or so we started seeing RROD's! THATS WAY WORSE

it's not like Wii U's are freezing all the time or an.... oh.... wait....

i'll give it 1-2 weeks, and then we'll see the same hardware issues.

This thing is a clusterf0ck of epic proportions and it's going to Vitaton total.

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 20, 2012, 08:22:19 PM
it doesnt have the VitaDie virus.  thats the sad part, itll sell.

but yeah, i havent seen gaf this nuts in a long time. 
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 08:49:32 PM
blargh thanks for the heads up on Sonic Racing- was looking to buy that for WiiU :/
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 20, 2012, 08:51:05 PM
The big issue for the Wii U , at least in Japan, is the 3DS.

The 3DS is a beast. The Wii U ? um... not so much.

I expect Wii U to splutter out the gates here and then splutter on for a year or so and then Nintendo will probably force everyone into buying the machine with a couple of titles like Advance Wars U, Metroid U, Yoshi's Island U etc....

and of course - a hefty price cut a few months before X8 and PS:Orb
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 20, 2012, 09:03:33 PM
Level of competition was different in 06/07 when RROD was at it's peak. People wanted 360s, no one wants a Wii U when there's 4000 other devices they can play games/watch netflix on.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 20, 2012, 09:03:35 PM
Played with the WiiU at Best Buy and the only Demo they had going was Rayman which seemingly doesn't even use the controller screen for anything interesting... just level selection. Good jon, Nintendo. I've never been so unexcited about anything since forever. I've been thinking about getting it just to play the backlog of Wii games but even then I'm all meh.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 20, 2012, 09:07:55 PM
Gamepad is only used in Rayman in that Nintendo sanctioned co-op way where the players using controllers are deemed to dumb to play a platformer themselves and need an extra person to finger waggle blocks/items/enemies for them.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 09:11:12 PM

Euthanize everyone in this video.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 20, 2012, 09:17:24 PM
Gamepad is only used in Rayman in that Nintendo sanctioned co-op way where the players using controllers are deemed to dumb to play a platformer themselves and need an extra person to finger waggle blocks/items/enemies for them.

Oh man that's awful. Relegating the gamepad to purely co-op functions is hilari-bad in that it sort of makes the solo gamer feel like the odd man out with what is supposed to be cool gamepad functions. I guess if they designed the game around the pad being used for co-op and solo mechanics the branching in design would be pretty large to handle but still as a demo it just felt a little same old and didn't differentiate itself from the PS3 and 360. Something like ZombieU should be a playable demo.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 09:20:40 PM
well its like the second screen on the 3DS- rarely used in any meaningful way except in weird ass multi-user edge cases.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 20, 2012, 09:33:18 PM
Here it is in video.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 20, 2012, 09:45:11 PM

Euthanize everyone in this video.

"Everything you'd want in a connected system we have"

Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 10:08:43 PM
except none of your fucking nintendo accounts link together god damnit nintendo you need the ecosystem to extend BEYOND the device
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 20, 2012, 10:19:35 PM
"unless, you know, you want to be connected"
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2012, 10:24:41 PM

Euthanize everyone in this video.

"Everything you'd want in a connected system we have"


Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 10:32:37 PM
Its good to know that even your goodwill can be broken with enough stupidity, Andrex
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 20, 2012, 10:42:15 PM
I have little doubt that after a feeble, half assed attempt to fix these problems, Andrex will come crawling back, refusing to acknowledge this brief period of treasonous behavior.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 20, 2012, 10:48:05 PM
To be fair there are a few things the WiiU does that I like and think are just plain good ideas- and i've tried to say as much, cause these days I like the advancement of the industry, but damn.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 20, 2012, 10:50:44 PM
Fuck the gamepad shit I want to go balls deep into escapism. Give me the option to use Oculus Rift with Durango 720 and Fallout 4. This is something I will poopsock with.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 20, 2012, 10:53:12 PM
To be fair there are a few things the WiiU does that I like and think are just plain good ideas- and i've tried to say as much, cause these days I like the advancement of the industry, but damn.

While they can't fix the hardware, Nintendo will eventually fix the numerous software issues.  It will just take way more time than it should.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 20, 2012, 11:29:31 PM
Why didn't they call this Wii DS?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 20, 2012, 11:53:32 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 21, 2012, 12:40:48 AM
Why didn't they call this Wii DS?

Because saying "Wii Dis" sounds fucking stupid.

What does Wii U sound like like?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2012, 12:57:32 AM
Wii DoS

Dual of Screen

Dos = Two

Same online as MS-DOS.

It could work.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 21, 2012, 01:20:42 AM
To be fair there are a few things the WiiU does that I like and think are just plain good ideas- and i've tried to say as much, cause these days I like the advancement of the industry, but damn.

In short, you're a supporter of gamer excellence, but Nintendo is not?
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 02:26:29 AM
Q: This will be the first Nintendo game machine that the company's going to be selling at a loss at launch. How does that change the business model for Nintendo?

A: The business model doesn't change dramatically, in that as soon as we get the consumer to buy one piece of software, then that entire transaction becomes profit positive.

In the end, the business model is still to drive the install base of hardware, and then to drive a strong tie ratio with all of the other software and experiences for the consumer. And if we're able to do that, then we will create significant profit for the company.
Title: Re: Last-gen starts today. The official WII U thread!
Post by: Damian79 on November 21, 2012, 02:50:47 AM
Sadly that applies to me.  I will buy a wii u when they release a monolith soft rpg(hopefully it iwll be a Xenoblade Chronicles or Baten Kaitos sequel.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 21, 2012, 05:41:22 AM
Day 3:

Caved and bought CoD Blops 2, I was hoping to be player 43 online. Unfortunately my gamepad is now broken, it is stuck on and wont turn off. Took out the battery and re synced the controller. It's dead now!

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 05:44:04 AM

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 05:53:27 AM
(hopefully it iwll be a Xenoblade Chronicles

I've seen several hardcore nthings go from concern troll over how next gen is going to bankrupt all and sundry -straight- into saying they can't wait for a huge budget Monolith game that's going to sell... um... 20k? 30k?

Fine they are now an internal 2nd party studio or whatever but the whole "bu bu won't SOMEONE think of the costs?!" is hollow at best and downright laughable the rest of the time.

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Damian79 on November 21, 2012, 07:44:22 AM
(hopefully it iwll be a Xenoblade Chronicles

I've seen several hardcore nthings go from concern troll over how next gen is going to bankrupt all and sundry -straight- into saying they can't wait for a huge budget Monolith game that's going to sell... um... 20k? 30k?

Fine they are now an internal 2nd party studio or whatever but the whole "bu bu won't SOMEONE think of the costs?!" is hollow at best and downright laughable the rest of the time.

True that. 
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 21, 2012, 07:53:51 AM
Even Nintendo hasn't got a big budget game on the Wii AND Wii U.

Why would Monolith make one?

I think even games like Zelda have smaller budgets then let's say, Darksiders.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 21, 2012, 07:58:21 AM
Pictures from ads...


Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 21, 2012, 08:09:17 AM
Those are actually quite good and I can imagine that the expanded casual audience would enjoy this type of asymmetrical local multiplayer. The problem is the most of them aren't willing to pay the high initial cost. A Wii U with four Wiimotes is quite expensive.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 08:17:05 AM
I've not read it but apparently there's a big 2ch thread where the general feeling is "if you actually want to enjoy the Wii U then the actual -real- cost is heading towards 60,000" according to the wife

i assume , given that price, that they're saying 32k for the machine, 5k for an extra controller pack with bar, then 10k or so for the other 3 waggle motes, 5k for a pro controller,  6k/5k/5k for Nintendoland, MH, and Mario ... ?

I have now actually cancelled all preorders - all papers destroyed, all digital options deleted. I could still get one on the day but it does look like gaming herpes right now.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 21, 2012, 08:26:45 AM
You might as well wait a while and keep your wife happy.

I'm guessing it would be a bit less for more most households since they probably already own at least two old Wiimotes. Also, the Pro Controller isn't really necessary if you own other consoles.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 21, 2012, 08:32:47 AM

ok, now this shit has gone too far:

it's not like 2D mario games had particularly great, varied scores anyways.

i think it's better than SMW.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 09:35:07 AM
Top 10 Miiverse communities

1. Nintendoland- 28,509
2. NSMB U- 24,970
3. ZombiU- 11,511
4. CoD: BO2- 6,066
5. AC3- 3,282
6. Scribblenauts- 3,049
7. Sonic Racing- 2,812
8. Batman: AC- 2,437
9. Ninja Gaiden 3- 1,931
10. Epic Mickey 2- 1,044
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 09:48:17 AM
Poor Orochi Warriors- i'll be your communiity member any day
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 09:49:23 AM
I've not read it but apparently there's a big 2ch thread where the general feeling is "if you actually want to enjoy the Wii U then the actual -real- cost is heading towards 60,000" according to the wife

i assume , given that price, that they're saying 32k for the machine, 5k for an extra controller pack with bar, then 10k or so for the other 3 waggle motes, 5k for a pro controller,  6k/5k/5k for Nintendoland, MH, and Mario ... ?

I have now actually cancelled all preorders - all papers destroyed, all digital options deleted. I could still get one on the day but it does look like gaming herpes right now.

That doesnt include the cost of hiring "friends" to play multiplayer mario with you. Really- at our age- WHAT ARE THE FUCKING CHANCES we know TWO people who still wanna play mario with someone?
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 09:50:26 AM
First WiiU vs 360 vs PS3 DF face-off

Mass Effect 3



Although in some areas PS3>WiiU
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 21, 2012, 09:51:02 AM
Just spent 50 minutes with Nintendo on the phone. My gamepad doesn't want to connect with the wiiU still. I have to wait to be contacted back by a specialist sometime today.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 09:53:58 AM
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 21, 2012, 09:56:22 AM
Well at least my console hasn't taken on a life of its own and deleted profiles or something crazy like that. I hope this is an easy fix, I'm gonna run out for a pro controller cause it has all of the buttons on it. Maybe then I can play games.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 10:02:41 AM
No,but i think that order will be mostly correct.

COD will probably outsell ZombiU,i think

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 10:06:51 AM
From everything I heard Darksiders II is a great port- but its not even on the list among games with various crash bugs and poor performance :*(

Also more people should buy Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper like I did cause that is the right choice
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 21, 2012, 10:30:09 AM
Has anyone done the Wii to Wii U transfer process? I'm still confused about it.  Does it delete everything off your Wii?

Can we extrapolate sales numbers based on this data? Or not.

I think to get on that list you need to:

-Download the big update
-Sign up for Nintendo Network
-Setup Miiverse
-Post or in some way interact with the community

And each step is optional.

And these late ports being inferior on the Wii U is legitimately surprising.  iirc there were cases where PS3 versions of old 360 games (Fight Night, Oblivion) were improved. 
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 10:52:06 AM

Dice dev pouring some oil on WiiU CPU fire,were are all those fucking industry insiders now?
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 21, 2012, 11:46:53 AM
Nintendo fans are exceeding all my expectations! this launch is awesome :rofl
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 21, 2012, 11:49:57 AM
Forecast for day 3-- more incoming shitstorms:

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 21, 2012, 11:50:07 AM
First WiiU vs 360 vs PS3 DF face-off

Mass Effect 3



Although in some areas PS3>WiiU

why are we arguing about this when we all play ME3 on PC? ??? second place is first loser
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2012, 11:51:06 AM
Top 10 Miiverse communities

1. Nintendoland- 28,509
2. NSMB U- 24,970
3. ZombiU- 11,511
4. CoD: BO2- 6,066
5. AC3- 3,282
6. Scribblenauts- 3,049
7. Sonic Racing- 2,812
8. Batman: AC- 2,437
9. Ninja Gaiden 3- 1,931
10. Epic Mickey 2- 1,044

I think this data will come in very handy in determining eShop sales. Not canonical or anything, but the formula should be something like (Community Count) - (Retail Sales) = eShop Sales
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 12:13:51 PM
First WiiU vs 360 vs PS3 DF face-off

Mass Effect 3



Although in some areas PS3>WiiU

why are we arguing about this when we all play ME3 on PC? ??? second place is first loser

I don't see any arguing here at all,everything seems crystal clear.

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 21, 2012, 12:36:26 PM
I've not read it but apparently there's a big 2ch thread where the general feeling is "if you actually want to enjoy the Wii U then the actual -real- cost is heading towards 60,000" according to the wife

i assume , given that price, that they're saying 32k for the machine, 5k for an extra controller pack with bar, then 10k or so for the other 3 waggle motes, 5k for a pro controller,  6k/5k/5k for Nintendoland, MH, and Mario ... ?

I have now actually cancelled all preorders - all papers destroyed, all digital options deleted. I could still get one on the day but it does look like gaming herpes right now.

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


The Wii U is truly a massive fuck-up if our beloved XFE, the launch console king, isn't even bothering with it!
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2012, 12:43:12 PM

So yeah, Miiverse is pretty nice. It's not a worthwhile replacement for actual online, but it could be a good supplement. I think the reason something closed off and focused like this works, whereas just posting to Twitter in-game doesn't, is that it's, well... focused. It has a point, and that point is game status updates. It reminds me a lot of Backloggery. Kind of pointless, but oddly compelling because of how focused it is.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 21, 2012, 12:55:24 PM
ShockingAlberto :rofl

What did he do?

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 21, 2012, 01:23:19 PM
Battlefield 3 Wii U Touch 'n' Stab Edition, 8-player maps, lazy devs
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 01:44:57 PM

So yeah, Miiverse is pretty nice. It's not a worthwhile replacement for actual online, but it could be a good supplement. I think the reason something closed off and focused like this works, whereas just posting to Twitter in-game doesn't, is that it's, well... focused. It has a point, and that point is game status updates. It reminds me a lot of Backloggery. Kind of pointless, but oddly compelling because of how focused it is.

I actually like how the miiverse is surfaced at the home screen- the miiverse itself kind of 'meets an expectation' for me in terms of both form and function- but the home screen with the way you can browse the dynamic collection of Miis/Users in the community and see their latest community posts via Miiverse- THAT is a good idea.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 21, 2012, 02:26:12 PM
I think it's a great idea that's handled poorly, or clumsily, unintuitive, sloppily, and other words.  In some ways Steam does the same thing, but Miiverse contextualizes your pictures/messages better.

I feel the same way about the controller.  I like the tablet controller idea enough that I'd want other companies to copy it; mainly to do it proper this time.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2012, 02:45:04 PM

So yeah, Miiverse is pretty nice. It's not a worthwhile replacement for actual online, but it could be a good supplement. I think the reason something closed off and focused like this works, whereas just posting to Twitter in-game doesn't, is that it's, well... focused. It has a point, and that point is game status updates. It reminds me a lot of Backloggery. Kind of pointless, but oddly compelling because of how focused it is.

I actually like how the miiverse is surfaced at the home screen- the miiverse itself kind of 'meets an expectation' for me in terms of both form and function- but the home screen with the way you can browse the dynamic collection of Miis/Users in the community and see their latest community posts via Miiverse- THAT is a good idea.

That's interesting, I don't really care for Wara Wara that much, seems pretty useless. Maybe I just need to play more games and get more friends, but eh. I like the implementation in NSMBU even if it's 100% superfluous, but there you have much better context for the messages.

I'm not one to cruise the trending topics on Twitter so maybe that's the issue.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 21, 2012, 03:08:01 PM
gaf is apparently better at tech than the developer on Metro. Atleast that is what the ninfags think.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 21, 2012, 03:09:23 PM
gaf is apparently better at tech than the developer on Metro. Atleast that is what the ninfags think.

That thread... it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell who is and isn't trolling.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 03:11:13 PM

So yeah, Miiverse is pretty nice. It's not a worthwhile replacement for actual online, but it could be a good supplement. I think the reason something closed off and focused like this works, whereas just posting to Twitter in-game doesn't, is that it's, well... focused. It has a point, and that point is game status updates. It reminds me a lot of Backloggery. Kind of pointless, but oddly compelling because of how focused it is.

I actually like how the miiverse is surfaced at the home screen- the miiverse itself kind of 'meets an expectation' for me in terms of both form and function- but the home screen with the way you can browse the dynamic collection of Miis/Users in the community and see their latest community posts via Miiverse- THAT is a good idea.

That's interesting, I don't really care for Wara Wara that much, seems pretty useless. Maybe I just need to play more games and get more friends, but eh. I like the implementation in NSMBU even if it's 100% superfluous, but there you have much better context for the messages.

I'm not one to cruise the trending topics on Twitter so maybe that's the issue.

Is that what the mii home screen thing is called? I like it mostly because it creates atmosphere- you instantly feel connected to these other profiles at boot up- instead of that experience starting with the miiverse app- now whether or not its actually USEFUL beyond that is up for debate this early on. The future of gaming is dependent on community, even if I dont appreciate that fact, but objectively I can see how this is a move in the right direction for a hobby that in a few years may no longer be "mine".
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 21, 2012, 03:56:54 PM
gaf is apparently better at tech than the developer on Metro. Atleast that is what the ninfags think.

That thread... it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell who is and isn't trolling.

They jumped the shark a long time ago over there.  All the jokey joke trolling is just fucking annoying now.

I want my ninthings going HAM, but I like it real.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 21, 2012, 05:09:40 PM
gaf is apparently better at tech than the developer on Metro. Atleast that is what the ninfags think.

That thread... it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell who is and isn't trolling.

We've reached the troll event horizon, where real posts and troll posts are all being pulled together into a indistinguishable singularity.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 05:31:23 PM
I seen a few comments around that i -think- are serious that people still expect the Wii U to get "cutdown versions of Orbis/X8 games"


As per a friend : the CPU would not be out of place in a cell phone.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 21, 2012, 05:53:09 PM
I seen a few comments around that i -think- are serious that people still expect the Wii U to get "cutdown versions of Orbis/X8 games"


As per a friend : the CPU would not be out of place in a cell phone.

There was that hilarious chart going around showing "how powerful!" the Wii U CPU was that showed it was ALMOST THREE TIMES AS POWERFUL as an iPhone 5  :o
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 21, 2012, 06:17:06 PM
Imagine how fast it could run Letterpress then :hyper
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 21, 2012, 08:29:53 PM
COD is sub-hd on WiiU

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 08:54:30 PM
COD is sub-hd on WiiU

i thought it was going to be 1080/60fps gaming.

where ARE bgassassins posts about what a beast the Wii U is? lol

Then again - maybe he meant The Ab-lol-minimal Slowman (AKA Scratchcrotch)

look at Ubisoft for example, they love the Wii U.

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 21, 2012, 09:06:55 PM
640p at 28fps from my toilet!  It's like living on the holodeck.

Stopped over at Target and had another chance to buy one of these things.  There were quite a few too.  Black ones. 

What the fuck is going on here?  Why are these so easy to find?  This is the softest launch I've seen in years.

Again, I almost bought one just because but pulled back because of the whole account locked to a single system nonsense.  I can't really pull the trigger until that mess gets sorted out.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 09:10:34 PM
640p at 28fps

lol - really?

Wii U? Wii Gave U a Phone in a console shell - more like

Aside from brightness/saturation differences, the Wii U version looks better than both the PS3 and 360 in most of those comparisons.

it doesn't but hey... brightness and saturation are only minor things right? I assume this also includes contrast, black levels, whitelevels as well seen as it's all excused because of the Wii U's RGB limit lol

Also, have people noticed the numbers going steadily up since Sunday or not?

658 people right now

let me just <pushes people out of way> get through this <pushes people out of way> massive crowd ....
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 21, 2012, 09:14:38 PM
Apparently its not out in Japan yet? American Beta Test Program- AMBASSADOOOORRRRRRRRRRRR
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 21, 2012, 09:18:20 PM
Apparently its not out in Japan yet?

yup yup - wii U out on Dec 8th - thanks for finding all the problems with it.

The extra weeks give Japan Nintendo time to iron out all the stuff that works and make them ass backwards for the JPN market. I'm sure they're patching friend codes back in and only allowing online infra communication via morse code
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 21, 2012, 09:27:51 PM
Japan launching after Europe is crazy. Imagine saying that 7 years ago.

Just reading that Wii U surround sound post, jesus christ this thing is a fuck up

* The Wii U does not support DPII, DD or DTS.

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 21, 2012, 10:24:36 PM
How can that be? Didn't GameCube have Pro Logic II?

Link for that and the CoD res shit?
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 21, 2012, 10:54:15 PM

TL;DR Nintendo is too cheap to pay Dolby licencing fees or include optical out
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 21, 2012, 10:54:53 PM
Is Xmas an important shopping holiday for Japan? That would explain why they rushed it out in NA with unfinished firmware while waiting a bit for Japan's launch.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 21, 2012, 10:58:38 PM
Is Xmas an important shopping holiday for Japan? That would explain why they rushed it out in NA with unfinished firmware while waiting a bit for Japan's launch.

It's no Easter
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 12:58:08 AM
Apparently its not out in Japan yet?

yup yup - wii U out on Dec 8th - thanks for finding all the problems with it.

The extra weeks give Japan Nintendo time to iron out all the stuff that works and make them ass backwards for the JPN market. I'm sure they're patching friend codes back in and only allowing online infra communication via morse code

Wouldn't put it past that bunch of incompetent monkey coders.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 22, 2012, 01:00:23 AM
ALL Of this aside, ive been playing a fair bit of mario and orochi warriors- also have 30+ friends from GB community
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: headwalk on November 22, 2012, 01:39:33 AM
has anyone else entertained the possibility that the wii u project is a conspiracy helmed by andrex and his wretched ilk to give legitimacy to their long repressed desires to abandon the drifting sullen hulk that is nintendo and claw back an ounce of self respect?

i bet they've been pushing this direction for years in club nintendo conference calls, like taking a shit in grandma's bed in the middle of the night just for the excuse to send her off to the retirement pound.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 01:55:38 AM
The reality is far more boring.

Nintendo has poo'd the bed themselves and need to be put in the old retirement home like Atari and Sega before them. Not even decades of built up goodwill from mindless fanthing drones can insulate them from the ire resulting from the monumental mess that is the Wii U.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 22, 2012, 02:10:24 AM
I'm not sure what's worse. A fanboy playing defense, or a fanboy having a lovers' quarrel.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 02:26:30 AM
I'm not sure what's worse. A fanboy playing defense, or a fanboy having a lovers' quarrel.

What's worse? You.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 22, 2012, 02:46:51 AM
No DD support? Jesus Christ. You must be kidding me. No wonder they didn't support Optical.

Cheap turd system is a cheap turd.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 03:28:29 AM
Why didn't Nintendo just make a 250 gaming tablet that can stream to the tv?

That shit would have been flying of the shelves with how popular tablets are, and Nintendo's rep with parents and the popularity of tablets?

This is how it would go:
mommy mommy I want an ipad. yes yes johny here have this Wii Pad.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 22, 2012, 03:30:38 AM
Because RIP $40 3DS, and $60 Wii U games.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 03:45:03 AM
I can't believe people still have hope for the Wii U's power. If it had power it would have a showcase title like 360/PS3 at launch.

Because RIP $40 3DS, and $60 Wii U games.

If they don't adapt a bit it will be rip Nintendo.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 22, 2012, 04:43:23 AM
Make sure you turn off your background downloads, since they can evidently make your games' already not-so-stellar performance even worse

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 05:50:43 AM
Make sure you turn off your background downloads, since they can evidently make your games' already not-so-stellar performance even worse


hahahahahahahhahahaahahahaa how is this not done automatic
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 22, 2012, 06:21:03 AM
No DD support? Jesus Christ. You must be kidding me. No wonder they didn't support Optical.

Cheap turd system is a cheap turd.

"Everything you'd want in a connected system we have"
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 22, 2012, 06:40:22 AM
I think this device got shoehorned with tablet gamepad at some point.

And then it was

oh shit oh shit this will cost too much,oh shit

cut cut cut cut cut
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 22, 2012, 07:50:25 AM
I sold off my Wii U black tard pack to a coworker for $450 yesterday.  I never wound up opening the thing but I have my still sealed copies of NSMBU and Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper with me.  I'm still going to get a Wii U but I had the chance to make $100 (well, $80 something if you include tax) and I bit.  I still have a sizable 3DS, Steam, PS1/PS2/PS3 backlogs to clear.  The Wii U can wait.  I might even hold it until Nintendo hits the panic button and drops the black tard pack to below $300 when they see Durango and PS4 handily beating them in specs yet has an SKU of $300 or $350.  Nintendo needs to get their online shit together and I don't give a shit about the Wii U enough to fight through the numerous problems that are plaguing it.  I hope for their sake that they get their shit together fast.  Nintendo needs this year gap to make serious inroads against the much stronger competition.

I think this device got shoehorned with tablet gamepad at some point.

And then it was

oh shit oh shit this will cost too much,oh shit

cut cut cut cut cut

I'm guessing Nintendo read the tea leaves back in 2009 that tablet gaming was going to be a huge force and needs to be the centerpiece in their new system (since Apple done snatched the blue ocean away from them) but in the typical Nintendo fashion did a half assed job, thinking that the Nintendo brand alone is enough to compensate for the many compromises and feature cuts that wouldn't be considered acceptable otherwise.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 22, 2012, 08:33:50 AM
Apparently its not out in Japan yet?

yup yup - wii U out on Dec 8th - thanks for finding all the problems with it.

The extra weeks give Japan Nintendo time to iron out all the stuff that works and make them ass backwards for the JPN market. I'm sure they're patching friend codes back in and only allowing online infra communication via morse code

Nintendo still has time to increase the CPU speed via a firmware update, no worries.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: archie4208 on November 22, 2012, 08:45:55 AM
Looks like Nintendo has ample supply of the hottest holiday item.  :bow2
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 22, 2012, 08:52:24 AM
It's incredibly easy to find one.  After all the trouble people went through to get a Wii, PS3, and 360 around their respective launch, being able to walk into a store and pick up a WiiU without even looking is a little surreal.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 22, 2012, 08:58:05 AM
did they actually ship more WiiUs than Wiis or is it just not selling as well or both?
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 22, 2012, 09:04:33 AM
this is important because my self-esteem rides on the sales of this console.  if reggie's not happy, i'm suicidal.   :-\
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 22, 2012, 09:27:04 AM
I think this device got shoehorned with tablet gamepad at some point.

And then it was

oh shit oh shit this will cost too much,oh shit

cut cut cut cut cut

Well, Nintendo is done competing in the tech arms race, so it's unlikely that they were ever cooking up a powerhouse that got compromised by the GamePad. But, obviously, a platform needs a hook, moreso than just the first party software they mostly rely on. For Wii, it was the motion controls, and that worked like gangbusters. Back when this thing was in R&D and the iPad was being announced/catching on, some sort of tablet controller just probably happened to be their best idea at a "gamechanger" that could provide the cohesive vision for differentiating this thing from whatever Sony and Microsoft would cook up.

Now, I'm not as down on this thing as a lot of people here, and actually like the GamePad. Unfortunately for Nintendo, though, I really only see it as kind of neat. There's certainly not anything at launch or even on the horizon that really sells what this puppy can do. But, let's be honest, I don't think that such a concept even exists. The asynchronous gameplay (and note that I feel like this is just becoming a stupid buzzword) possibilities -- like the pad itself -- merely seem to me as having the potential to be kind of neat. I don't think there's a myriad of gameplay possibilities that the competition can't hope to replicate.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 22, 2012, 09:36:29 AM
I'm not sure what's worse. A fanboy playing defense, or a fanboy having a lovers' quarrel.

What's worse? You.
Why so mad? You've got people saying "andrex and his wretched ilk" and you target a post that doesn't even name you? Get your priorities straight.  :-\
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 10:47:57 AM
Whats the deal with asynchroneuos multi gameplay. Imho its kind of lame.

I play fifa, cod, swtor. What else is there?
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 22, 2012, 10:49:15 AM
The only reason why there is "asynchronous gameplay" is because Wii U technology is too shitty to run four tablets at once.  Fact.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 10:51:39 AM
Hahah I wanted to reply with FACT. But you beat me  :lol
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 22, 2012, 12:29:30 PM
Nintendo still has time to increase the CPU speed via a firmware update, no worries.

I saw that and nearly gave myself a hernia laughing. I hear that the dev kit update unlocks PS4/X720 port ability too - so despite the fact the Wii U is struggling with current gen games it'll have games with hardly noticable differences to next gen, some minor cut backs maybe because DERPADERPADERPDERP WAA AAAAAH.

Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 22, 2012, 12:35:53 PM
firmware updates can do anything, man. believe
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 12:45:45 PM

Called it.
Title: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 22, 2012, 12:52:09 PM
Imagine how bad games will run if they used more than one tablet
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 22, 2012, 12:54:40 PM
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 22, 2012, 01:20:24 PM
Whats the deal with asynchroneuos multi gameplay. Imho its kind of lame.

I play fifa, cod, swtor. What else is there?

Asynchronous multiplayer isn't a Wii U thing (I think you mean asymmetrical?).  It's more of an iphone thing, really.  Stuff like words with friends or field runners (old PSP advance wars style game).  Competition isn't happening in real time.  You take a turn, and the other guy has however long to make his, and so on.  You can have dozens of matches going on at the same time.  This reminds me that I should probably check out my frozen synapse games are going.

Asymmetrical multiplayer is great but Nintendo and theirs annexed the term to mean "Pac Man VS."  It's weird since even old Nintendo games like Mario Party were all about it.  And a bunch of other games like L4D, Gears, Natural Selection, Halo 4, Splinter Cell, Rock Band, and so on.

All it really means is that the game is inherently unbalanced because the different players do different things.  So, in Fifa or CoD, you have equal teams competing.  If you had a team of footballers trying to score against a group of soldiers defending the goal with guns, I think that would qualify. (If that all makes sense)
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 22, 2012, 01:21:17 PM
Nintendo still has time to increase the CPU speed via a firmware update, no worries.

I saw that and nearly gave myself a hernia laughing.
I suppose it is theoretically possible that the CPU is underclocked and a firmware update could raise it. Although an increase in CPU running speed on such a low ventilation system probably runs the risk of hardware failure.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 22, 2012, 01:28:20 PM
Yeah, I meant asymmetrical above.
Title: Re: Last-gen maybe after series of patches - parity in 2014? official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 22, 2012, 01:28:30 PM
Whats the deal with asynchroneuos multi gameplay. Imho its kind of lame.

I play fifa, cod, swtor. What else is there?

Asynchronous multiplayer isn't a Wii U thing (I think you mean asymmetrical?).  It's more of an iphone thing, really.  Stuff like words with friends or field runners (old PSP advance wars style game).  Competition isn't happening in real time.  You take a turn, and the other guy has however long to make his, and so on.  You can have dozens of matches going on at the same time.  This reminds me that I should probably check out my frozen synapse games are going.

Asymmetrical multiplayer is great but Nintendo and theirs annexed the term to mean "Pac Man VS."  It's weird since even old Nintendo games like Mario Party were all about it.  And a bunch of other games like L4D, Gears, Natural Selection, Halo 4, Splinter Cell, Rock Band, and so on.

All it really means is that the game is inherently unbalanced because the different players do different things.  So, in Fifa or CoD, you have equal teams competing.  If you had a team of footballers trying to score against a group of soldiers defending the goal with guns, I think that would qualify. (If that all makes sense)

When I think of asymmetrical gameplay I think of the latter, for me the former is just normal mp since its on an even keel. I don't really like that.

When did they hijack this name?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 22, 2012, 01:29:37 PM
Sony restricted PSP developers to 222Mhz for a couple years.  I think the first god of war was the first time they let developers use the 333Mhz.  Granted, that was because the higher clockspeed beat down the already poor battery life.

Don't doubt firmware upgrades :wag

Wii U to rival Watson supercomputer after the 2.40 upgrade.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 22, 2012, 01:48:29 PM
Is there even an ounce of proof that Wii U's CPU is underclocked? :rofl

the possibility that Nintendo couldn't find an old enough CPU to mass produce, so they just bought the cheapest available and underclocked them.   this saves 3 degrees of heat, meaning the fan size could be reduced by 6%, saving pennies on each console manufactured. 
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 22, 2012, 01:52:58 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 22, 2012, 02:17:14 PM
Is there even an ounce of proof that Wii U's CPU is underclocked? :rofl

You know that the CPU is bad when Nintendo is trying their best hiding the specs even with the console out on the market. It's pathetic that they dont dare to release the specs on a paper. They even did it with the Wii.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 03:53:06 PM
>"Asymmetrical gameplay is awesome!"

>forces everyone in multiplayer NSMBU to use Wiimotes
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 03:55:10 PM
"What about those great new, comfortable Pro Controllers?" you may ask.


"Well one player can still use the GamePad right?"

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 22, 2012, 04:08:28 PM
Wait the XFE is not getting a WiiU?  :o

plus did prole win that 100 bet  :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 22, 2012, 04:15:20 PM
Going to a Thanksgiving dinner where the host just got a Wii U and asked us to bring extra Wii controllers. I haven't the heart to tell her that they won't work without a MotionPlus attachment :(
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 22, 2012, 04:16:13 PM
lmao are you serious
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 22, 2012, 04:19:27 PM
That's what I was told, I guess we're going to find out!
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 22, 2012, 04:26:38 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: naff on November 22, 2012, 04:35:25 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.

Seriously?! Wow  :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 22, 2012, 04:44:00 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.

Jesus fucking Christ. Is this a widely known thing?

I am sure the Nintendo fanbase at gaf will spin that into something positive.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 22, 2012, 04:47:19 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.

are you fucking kidding? what is the difference?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 22, 2012, 04:51:05 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.

Oh my god  :lol

Does Mario work without the Motion Plus? I imagine that's what we'd be playing.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 05:04:56 PM
Ahahhahahaha this thread keeps delivering.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 22, 2012, 05:05:42 PM
I'm pretty sure the Wii U will only sync with a MotionPlus controller, the regular remote with the attachment probably doesn't send the right ID and is too dumb to know it is Plus enabled

Shit console
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 22, 2012, 05:09:16 PM
At this rate, there should be a picture of the weeeeeeooooo in the dictionary for the "clusterfuck" entry
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 22, 2012, 05:12:09 PM
Yes it really is that bad folks. And its not like nintendo told anyone that this would be an issue. Thankfully toysrus had flingsmash for 25 which includes the new plus controller.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 05:17:52 PM
Between the 3ds, vita, and now weeoooo I think you have to be bonkers to buy any system at launch now. 3ds got a major revision in only a year, vita is crippling along, and weeeooo is a clusterfuck.

I may get the new PlayStation or Xbox on day one depending on their media capabilities. It really depends and I have to see them first.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: naff on November 22, 2012, 05:27:35 PM
Launch Sony stuff is always pretty good. Their problem is software not hardware. Still rockin my launch triple
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 05:29:54 PM
Honestly I just want a new blu ray player. Here's hoping the new xbox delivers on that front. :drool
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 22, 2012, 05:35:20 PM
Hmm , it seems a lot of folks are setting themselves up a heaping plate of crow again.   That said, I think its only guarranteed to do well this holiday, going into next year is a toss up and comes down to how receptive the consumers are to the software, which I'm less than optimistic about because its all like 60 bucks a piece.  Seriously, what the hell at Scribblenaughts being 60 bucks.

I'll have to wait till my tax return but I'm looking forward to sonic does karting, zombies by ubisoft, newer super mario bros, and blops 2.  Thing I'm most sad about atm is the virtual console situation, as in it doesn't really exist on the wii u shop in any shape of form :fbm
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 05:41:19 PM
I'm pretty sure the Wii U will only sync with a MotionPlus controller, the regular remote with the attachment probably doesn't send the right ID and is too dumb to know it is Plus enabled

Shit console

Wrong, synced with my launch Whiimote fine last night. Pretty sure M+ isn't needed for Mario.

Nintendo made a big deal of all Wii accessories working, you'd have to be really thick to think otherwise.

Nintardland probably needs it of course, but who cares about that pap.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 22, 2012, 05:51:33 PM
Some games will work but nintendoland requires the motion plus. And it has to be the actual motion plus controller, not a regular controller plus attachment.

yeah, I had a chance to try out multiplayer wii u stuff today and it seems like everything is on motion plus now.  The IR aiming is for calibration* but the actual game seems to do what Skyward Sword did and rely on the gyro and motion sensors to aim.  It's like playstation move without accurate spatial tracking and the rave ball.  don't know if this is the case for other games that support pointer aiming (uh, black ops and epic mickey?).

*having to calibrate multiple controllers and then recalibrate when they drift  :yuck

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 22, 2012, 05:51:43 PM
Yea, only an idiot would believe a half assed thing about a half assed console
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 22, 2012, 05:55:49 PM
Looks like Nintendo has ample supply of the hottest holiday item.  :bow2

Nintendo has opened a pop-up experience store in the Sydney CBD as part of a national road tour to demonstrate the gaming brand’s new Wii U console system. The store, which is located beneath Myer on George Street, features a number of consoles for consumers to play with as well as a stage area to try out some interactive dance-gaming.


This journalist visited the Sydney store at lunchtime on a Tuesday and, while the shopfront might get busier on a weekend, it looked like the loneliest pop-up store in Christendom. This may be due to its out of-the-way location – it can be found two levels below street level, next to a food court, without a great deal of foot traffic from passers-by.

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 06:02:33 PM
Yea, only an idiot would believe a half assed thing about a half assed console

Nintendo commonly lies by omission and intentially misleads, but they don't straight up lie about a banner feature. It's like saying, "Nintendo is half assing the Wii U, so they probably took the screen out of the controller."
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 22, 2012, 06:02:42 PM
Hmm , it seems a lot of folks are setting themselves up a heaping plate of crow again.

Who, people who thought this was gonna be anything other than a colossal failure?  Sure.  Those people are fucktards, I agree.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 06:25:57 PM
This thing is going to bomb.

Emceee lets have an avatar bet. Whoever loses.has to have girliest avatar imaginable.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 22, 2012, 06:44:43 PM
Yea, only an idiot would believe a half assed thing about a half assed console

Nintendo commonly lies by omission and intentially misleads, but they don't straight up lie about a banner feature. It's like saying, "Nintendo is half assing the Wii U, so they probably took the screen out of the controller."

fuck you
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 07:36:46 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 22, 2012, 08:22:17 PM
Comeon, lay off him, he's had a very emotional last couple of days. :'(
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 22, 2012, 09:41:19 PM
who the fuck is this mirzian guy and why is he intent on lapping up nintendo's balls
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 22, 2012, 09:44:00 PM
Been fucking around with it. Touchscreen is horrible, seems on-par with this $10 touchscreen MP3 player I got from a grandparent. ZombiU seems okay but would get stupidly boring after a few hours.

Colors looked really washed out, looked it up and HDMI output is locked to limited-range RGB which I guess is the issue. Great!

Use Component cables till they sort it out.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 22, 2012, 09:48:04 PM

Is there HDMI Full/Normal range option or the like in his TV? Maybe it will sort it out.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2012, 11:08:36 PM
Yeah first thing I noticed when I started Mario was how non-vivid everything was, what makes it worse is the GamePad screen looks vivid enough. I switched my TV to warm color mode, which is more a band-aid than anything.

Knew Nintendo would mess something up when they finally switched off those cables they've been using since the SNES.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 23, 2012, 02:07:41 AM
So yeah, half the games in Nintendo Land simply refused to work without a MotionPlus, though legacy Wii controllers DID work on the ghost game. Most of our Wii U time was spent waiting for updates or playing Little Inferno while recovering from our smoked turkey coma  :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 23, 2012, 02:08:38 AM

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 23, 2012, 02:47:03 AM
You know which games this gen impressed me the most visually? Mario Galaxy 1/2. Their not HD yet they were glorious when i first saw them running on my TV. That unmatched artstyle pared with rock solid 60fps was just amazing. And it ran on the Wii!

But hey, continue complaining. Continue making fun of Nintendo. Heck you propably try to anger me by making fun of this very post. I don´t care. If you feel like its approrpiate to act live a 12 year old on a message board, go ahead. I won´t stop you or continue to argue with you!

Oh and you know what? I get the Wii U in 7 days and i will have a frickin awesome time with it. Even if it is obviously not up to "hardcore gamer" standards.

Thanks to Miiverse, eShop an amazing browser and all the videoapps anf of course Nintendos games paired with what Wii U supporters deliver, Wii U will find its audience. Will they sell nearly 100 million like with the Wii? Unlikely, but no matter how much they sell, Nintendo will walk away with a nice profit!

So in conclusion, Wii Us "lack"of hardwarepower is not the huge issue people make it out to be. If you don´t like Wii U for its "weak" hardware, thats fine but PLEASE stop ruining every Wii U thread.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 23, 2012, 02:54:28 AM
I had an aneurism reading that.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 23, 2012, 03:06:44 AM


On its way to cert, will have an official release date very soon!
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 23, 2012, 03:50:18 AM
Then we popped in Hitman and murdered people in hilarious ways :rock

Poor Wii U
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 23, 2012, 03:57:25 AM
It wouldn't surprise me at all if party games like became super popular.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on November 23, 2012, 04:01:11 AM
This thing is going to bomb.

Emceee lets have an avatar bet. Whoever loses.has to have girliest avatar imaginable.

I barely post here anymore, because you all just suck the fun out of everything that isn't esoteric yet somehow dull.  It would be pointless.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 23, 2012, 04:07:39 AM
It wouldn't surprise me at all if party games like became super popular.

is that a green turd humanoid
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 23, 2012, 04:08:30 AM
It's too cheap to bomb this holiday season. Given how wrong I was about the Wii, it's hard to be too confident about long term predictions of doom...but I really think this thing will be selling at an average pace by the spring of 2013.

You can't just launch a system with no games, I thought they learned that with initially disastrous 3DS fiasco. I think the WiiU could definitely rebound from its (likely) spring problems, but by the time it gets its feet the actual next gen will have started...
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 23, 2012, 04:19:11 AM
since when is 300-350 "cheap" for a new console? That is not cheap.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 23, 2012, 04:22:54 AM
Thinking about it today, the console itself is actually the worst part about the Wii U.

If it was JUST an ARM tablet with a HDMI dongle or something, do you know how much hype this thing would have? Goddamn. An actual tablet with real gaming controls, damn. Considering something like 80% of people never take their iPads out of their house anyways, it could be pretty damn compelling as something you don't need to be embarrassed about in public, but with the right design it could be public-acceptable too. And since all the guts are in the GamePad, poor graphics (compared to consoles, but good compared to mobile) would be more easily forgiven, and it would have like 4 times the battery life.

Only problem is it might cut into the 3DS that way. Honestly, if Wii U bombs, Nintendo should look into integrating their handheld and home console systems. Either that, or somehow duplicate Apple's iPhone/iPad dichotomy and synergy.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 23, 2012, 04:32:07 AM
If you want an impressive audiovisual experience then $300 is rather cheap. It's difficult to get high quality graphics for less than that. If that's too much you can always pick up a PS2 or something.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 23, 2012, 04:44:05 AM
If you want an impressive audiovisual experience then $300 is rather cheap. It's difficult to get high quality graphics for less than that. If that's too much you can always pick up a PS2 or something.

Exactly, it's within that acceptable price range for consoles. Whereas the next Xbox and PS will certainly be out of that range, thus allowing Nintendo a narrow opening. Still, those console will be built to last for quite awhile/break even eventually. Whereas the WiiU will be outdated in what, two years?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 23, 2012, 04:46:45 AM
who the fuck is this mirzian guy and why is he intent on lapping up nintendo's balls
Guess he's just a lover not a hater kind of guy that doesn't really get the tone of this board. I don't think hes a nintard, he runs some tactic game blog.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 23, 2012, 05:08:29 AM
Whereas the WiiU will be outdated in what, two years?
It's already outdated.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 23, 2012, 05:36:38 AM
Nintendo will be fine as long as they churn out few Mario games,few Zelda games,Pikmin,Metroid,etc

Right now WiiU is little too expensive for their primary market--young kids(parents),$200($250) seems to be the right spot these days.
I think Nintendo will be there within 2 years,even without panic button use.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 23, 2012, 05:45:25 AM
It's too cheap to bomb this holiday season. Given how wrong I was about the Wii, it's hard to be too confident about long term predictions of doom...but I really think this thing will be selling at an average pace by the spring of 2013.

You can't just launch a system with no games, I thought they learned that with initially disastrous 3DS fiasco. I think the WiiU could definitely rebound from its (likely) spring problems, but by the time it gets its feet the actual next gen will have started...

I'm confident that the Wii U will do well this holiday season.  All of those units we saw on the shelf were probably sold out in the Black Friday rush.  It will continue that way until mid January when the last rainchecks and people on a list who wanted one now have one.  Then therein lies the true test of viability.

The best way to determine how things are going now is to check the prices for flipped Wii U black tard packs.  $430 for a black tard pack is a sign that you can find one easily enough.  Considering the fact that you paid tax on that shit (an additional $20-30 expense so now we're up to $370-380), combine that with eBay fees, and then the distinguished mentally-challenged fellow tax of dealing with shitty buyers who will try to pull some bullshit to score a discount or a free Wii U, etc.  That amount hardly seems worth the effort.  Now if I look around and I see them going for $700, then I could see it being a system in high demand.  Back in the 2006 and 2007 holiday season, a Wii would go for about $800+  When I got one after waiting a little bit in line, the temptation of making about $450 in profit off of this thing was very strong but I had to play Mario Galaxy.

Nintendo needs this year lead badly.  If they keep stumbling over themselves to fix problems that should have been solved before launch, they'll ruin their window of opportunity.  Microsoft and to a far lesser extent Sony have good, if not great online systems that will be out in full force.  Yet I think Nintendo is arrogant enough to think that they can go their own way on this thing, which is why I suspect it is going to take a long ass time before these issues get fixed if they ever do.  They will assume their hardcore faithful will get one for the new Mario, Zelda, etc. games that come out.  That they would rather try to score a blue ocean hit than work overtime to fix the countless issues.  Hey, it worked for the 3DS.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 23, 2012, 06:52:57 AM


On its way to cert, will have an official release date very soon!
Gonna buy it on all three platforms. :rock
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 23, 2012, 11:02:51 AM
Thinking about it today, the console itself is actually the worst part about the Wii U.

If it was JUST an ARM tablet with a HDMI dongle or something, do you know how much hype this thing would have? Goddamn. An actual tablet with real gaming controls,

you mean the vita? yeah, that's doin' well :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 23, 2012, 12:11:56 PM
You know which games this gen impressed me the most visually? Mario Galaxy 1/2.

best looking last last last gen game this last last gen - by far. In the whole Xbox, Ps2, Wii bracket - it's right near the top of the chain.

As long as we ignore Double Steal, Double Steal 2, Riddick, Panzer, Phantom, and about 50 other games, i'd say there's little quarrel from anyone about it being the best looking game of two gens ago.

Like wise - in a years time, i suspect that a game on the Wii U will easily be one of the best looking games of last gen as well (as long as we ignore maybe 50 to 100 last gen games).

That's Nintendo power !
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 23, 2012, 10:22:50 PM
Thinking about it today, the console itself is actually the worst part about the Wii U.

If it was JUST an ARM tablet with a HDMI dongle or something, do you know how much hype this thing would have? Goddamn. An actual tablet with real gaming controls,

you mean the vita? yeah, that's doin' well :lol
:gloomy :gloomy :gloomy
I want a Vita way more than I want this thing
:gloomy :gloomy :gloomy
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: headwalk on November 23, 2012, 10:41:20 PM
why is it that those who would benefit most from nintendo going third party are those most most violently opposed to it?

though it has been interesting to see ntardos extend an olive branch to pc gaming on gaf, as if they are somehow natural allies; only illustrating the crippling stockholm syndrome  and  mandate of shitty, redundant hardware that nintendo lords over their captives.

they'd all be better off if nintendo's new console was just a $300 usb identifier.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 23, 2012, 10:53:45 PM
Thinking about it today, the console itself is actually the worst part about the Wii U.

If it was JUST an ARM tablet with a HDMI dongle or something, do you know how much hype this thing would have? Goddamn. An actual tablet with real gaming controls,

you mean the vita? yeah, that's doin' well :lol

Not a tablet. More of a phablet or smartphone.

In my dream scenario Wii U is basically the Nexus 7 with the GamePad form factor. It would actually be HD then too, not FWVGA like it is now (or qHD like the Vita is.)

Edit- Also, if anyone could have made the Vita a success, or more successful than it is (not saying much), it's Nintendo. They clearly get the kinds of games suited for handhelds, but also throw out some console-like games every once in a while (their N64 ports stand out and each has probably sold more than almost every Vita game ever has or ever will.)
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 23, 2012, 11:33:43 PM
I already think the screen is a bit too big for the gamepad...somewhat because of how bulky and toy-ish the build is.

A vita with a grip feels like normal console controller.  Slightly bigger with full size analogs/buttons and it would feel like using a normal controller, only with a screen.  Wii U pad is more comfortable than I would've thought but going back to a 360 pad, or even dualshock, is noticeably more comfortable.

And while I haven't used it, that s-pen (?) tech that allows accurate stylus drawing would be a good addition.  Capacitive is way better but I see that people like to doodle in miiverse, so stylus/resistive has some worth, I guess.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 23, 2012, 11:35:55 PM
This turd needs to be euthanized:

Quote from: Apophis2036;44678952
NSMB U, Nintendo Land, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Wonderful 101, Wario Ware, Rayman Legends, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate are all EXCLUSIVES in the first 4.5 months of the launch window.

Bayonetta 2 later in 2013.

Already rumours of RE6, NFS MW, Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, and Watch Dogs multi platforms aswell.

Yeah you are right, WiiU has no games in 2013... Muppet.

Rumors of substandard ports of games that you can get on ancient $200 consoles; stop the fucking presses, I guess.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 24, 2012, 01:24:31 AM
I already think the screen is a bit too big for the gamepad...somewhat because of how bulky and toy-ish the build is.

A vita with a grip feels like normal console controller.  Slightly bigger with full size analogs/buttons and it would feel like using a normal controller, only with a screen.  Wii U pad is more comfortable than I would've thought but going back to a 360 pad, or even dualshock, is noticeably more comfortable.

And while I haven't used it, that s-pen (?) tech that allows accurate stylus drawing would be a good addition.  Capacitive is way better but I see that people like to doodle in miiverse, so stylus/resistive has some worth, I guess.

I don't think Vita's screen is big enough to handle the types of mechanics being crammed into Wii U games. Like, Draw Something was best when on a tablet with a capacitive stylus, and that's the angle Nintendo is half-ass going for on Wii U. I don't know, I think as big as Vita's screen is for portable gaming, it's still clearly a portable gaming screen and no matter what Sony says, I don't think it's as suited to console-like gaming as a tablet screen would be.

That said, it might be a nonissue anyways since my dream Wii U has a dongle that can just plug into a TV and then you'd get the big screen console experience. But I'd be less excited about a standalone Wii U device if it was Vita size rather than tablet-size. Maybe it's because portables have had good (integrated hardware) game controls for forever, whereas tablets don't have any whatsoever right now.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 24, 2012, 05:06:14 AM
Eh, I don't know if I think going full on tablet would have been the way to go. Not just because it would compete with the 3DS, but just because it puts them too firmly into a market that's over-saturated and they're not prepared to fight in. I don't honestly think that a real gaming tablet is as cool as it sounds on paper.

Honestly, I get what Nintendo was going for here. And given that, I think it kind of had to be the way that it is. They have no interest in making a product that would be in competition with the iPad, but they wanted something akin to that interface. The Wii U is a pragmatic compromise. I just think they've faltered in two key areas:

1.) They haven't really sold the GamePad as a legitimate gamechanger. It's neat, but is it really evident in regards to what sets it apart from the other options in terms of appearing integral to Wii U games?
2.) To keep the price low and relatively profitable (it's profitable with one game purchase), they once again cut corners when the system should have been at least marginally more powerful than the existing consoles on the market.

Ideally for Nintendo, they would have launched with a more substantive title than a mini-game collection that tied together the tablet interface, and for the next year or so, it would have the go-to platform for the best third party ports that would also hopefully have a cool GamePad feature or two. But, here we are.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 24, 2012, 05:14:49 AM
It would be competing with the iPad, but that's not a death sentence (see Kindle Fire, Nexus line, Surface, etc.) It's a hot space and contentionally the future of personal computing (as in, consumption/non-content-generational.)

I just think, Nintendo would be able to compete in that space since the Wii U would offer a "twist." "Buy the Wii U if you want a tablet, but enjoy real gaming." Maybe that's a smaller selling point than I imagine, but who knows, no one's tried it, and it gets me a hell of a lot more excited to think about than I ever got from Wii U's announcement to today.

It's not a solution to Nintendo's current implementation, but an alternate one. I don't think your "should haves" are off base. They've done a poor job showing why the tablet/asymmetrical stuff is worth a brand new console, and the specs are just a complete let-down from every single definable angle (except for maybe the streaming tech and the amount of RAM.)
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 24, 2012, 05:34:31 AM
I doubt Nintendo are capable of creating a product that can compete against all-purpose tablets in terms of specs and user interface. It would more likely end up in the same category of failed experiments as Nokia's N-Gage and Sony's Xperia Play.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 24, 2012, 05:39:24 AM
Considering how the industry is turning out and how things are trending, I wouldn't be totally surprised to see the next Nintendo device be a convergence between their consoles and handhelds in the form of a tablet.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 24, 2012, 05:42:16 AM
The current generation of home consoles has sold 20% more than the previous one. I'm not sure where all this doom and gloom is coming from.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 24, 2012, 05:51:51 AM
The current generation of home consoles has sold 20% more than the previous one. I'm not sure where all this doom and gloom is coming from.

Current generation is also longer than 20% of the previous one, no duh. Last gen was 5/6 years, this one is 7/8. That's 25-30% longer.

This generation is gonna be ugly, it's not going to match the last one and that'll be a first. It's like capitalism which sort of demands everyone to have a job, and then the machines make 99% of jobs go away. The system only works because it expects certain things, and one of those things is a healthy amount of growth. Stagnation is bad enough, but a contraction... gonna be a slaughterhouse.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 24, 2012, 05:58:43 AM
It's not like the products are pulled off the market once a new console is introduced (well, maybe in Xbox's case). The PS2 is still selling.

At the moment neither smartphones or tablets are a good replacement for traditional console gaming. Sure you have a large market, but people simply aren't willing to pay $40-60 for games on their mobile devices.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 24, 2012, 06:13:36 AM
It's not like the products are pulled off the market once a new console is introduced (well, maybe in Xbox's case). The PS2 is still selling.

Software isn't though, and that's the point. New systems revitalize software sales, and software sales make the industry go 'round.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 24, 2012, 06:22:15 AM
...and you won't find those software sales on tablets anytime soon. I suggest people wait for Microsoft and Sony to launch their next-gen consoles before they dismiss the concept of video game consoles. You also have 50 million Steam users that might help make up for the low initial next-gen install base.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 24, 2012, 09:12:32 AM
Sorry but the idea that the home console/pc market is being impacted by mobiles is a bit crazy. The handheld market sure, but the home console market is really different.

People that buy 10 million copies of Fifa, Madden, COD etc. each year won't switch to tablets and mobiles. Grandma or soccermom that bought a DS for Brain Training, yes, these people are gone to mobiles. But that's a very different market.

The only one really losing here is Nintendo, Sony and MS already tap into a different demographic. So for them even if next gen would see a contraction (which it prob won't) that contraction would come from Nintendo's piece of the pie.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 24, 2012, 09:17:29 AM
All in all I think this is the worst launch since Saturn, and I got that shortly after launch  :)

Then again I'd put the Saturn launch above WiiU cause it got games like Virtua Fighter, Daytona and Panzer Dragoon. And while Daytona was a horrible letterboxed port, and Virtua Fighter wasn't the best either they were both kick ass AAA titles that brought the arcade to my room and were for the time pretty damn impressive coming from 16 bit shit (if you didn't look at to shin den and ridge racer graphic wise). Saturn had a certain WOW factor of seeing 3D and Sega arcade games at home.

WiiU doesn't offer ANYTHING like that. The only WOW is "WOW ive seen better looking games 7 years ago (KAMEO)"
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 24, 2012, 09:28:16 AM
Customers would probably been amazed by New Super Mario Bros. U if it wasn't for NSMB, NSMBW, and NSMB2.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 24, 2012, 09:41:56 AM
A Vita with a PS1 attached to it
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 24, 2012, 10:25:51 AM
Customers would probably been amazed by New Super Mario Bros. U if it wasn't for NSMB, NSMBW, and NSMB2.

Not to mention the superior 3D Land last year on 3DS.  Never thought I'd see the day when people didn't care about a new Mario game at a system launch, but NSMB has turned into the equivalent of Namco's Ridge Racer as they continue to rehash the same game over and over again.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 24, 2012, 11:49:24 AM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 24, 2012, 11:56:56 AM
:rofl WiiU worse then PS3

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 24, 2012, 12:13:39 PM
Quote from: Purexed;44690724
Maybe I'm not as sensitive to frame rate inconsistencies as you are, but I'm gong off my own eye test. The image quality increase outstrips any frame drops that may be going on. Who knows, as I play more, I may see what you're talking about more clearly.

It may have been scientifically proven that the earth revolves around the sun, but I'll trust my own senses.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 24, 2012, 12:44:21 PM
A good entry port. If this is the starting point for Wii U ports, then the console shows a lot of promise.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 24, 2012, 12:47:25 PM

Two Wiis duct-taped together.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 24, 2012, 01:36:39 PM
I learned that the 360 pad uses bluetooth and can connect to PCs, but there aren't any drivers for it yet.  Should be a nice comfy couch controller for 'retro' games/emulation.

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 24, 2012, 01:38:35 PM
I really like the Pro controller. Going to try it out right now with Tekken Tag 2.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 24, 2012, 03:53:21 PM
iirc most of the ports, save maybe Darksiders II, run kinda shit. Even Orochi Warriors 3 runs shitty in spots- but I love that game so it can do no wrong goty
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 24, 2012, 05:08:33 PM
A good entry port. If this is the starting point for Wii U ports, then the console shows a lot of promise.

Yall, this is not maxy's post but random GAF nidiot's.

filthy lies  >:(

I typed(copy-pasted) it myself.

This launch is certainly fun(even though I kinda expected this to happen).I wonder what Iwata(Andrex) plan B will look like,

Super Wii Ambassadors,price cut,FF7 remake :omg ?

I have to admit,I was pretty stunned by Bayonetta 2 so I expect unexpected.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 24, 2012, 05:10:11 PM
I thought SE didn't want to remake FF7 on last gen hardware.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 24, 2012, 05:43:15 PM
let them have a FF7 remake.  it's going to suck shit through a twisty straw. 

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 24, 2012, 06:56:14 PM
Playing Wii U TTT2 players using a Wii Pad while you're using a Pro controller doesn't feel fair.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 24, 2012, 08:27:37 PM
VII remake? Am i missing something?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 24, 2012, 08:28:28 PM
Got home today from going out shopping to find a box from nintendo. Inside was a carton to ship back our gamepad. The carton was shipped over night and the shipping to them is overnight. It also included a $50 eshop card and SiNG Party.

YAY!!! /sarcasm
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 24, 2012, 10:36:34 PM
VII remake? Am i missing something?
Perpetual unconfirmed rumor/Fanboy and girl wishful thinking.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 24, 2012, 10:59:18 PM
If an FF7 remake had to be made, the 3DS is probably the system to do it on now that the PSP is winding down.

A full HD remake would cost a lot of money and would take forever.  It took Square over half a decade to make FFXIII.  A game in size and scope of an FF7 would take them 7-8 years and probably would cost $100 million at least.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 24, 2012, 11:18:05 PM
3DS? Thanks, but I'll stick with the PS1 version.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 24, 2012, 11:20:56 PM
For those that need some extra Wii Motion Plus controller for super cheap.

$15 wii motion (
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 25, 2012, 12:20:50 AM
Customers would probably been amazed by New Super Mario Bros. U if it wasn't for NSMB, NSMBW, and NSMB2.

It's just the handheld games, and even then, just NSMB2. I've been saying it since their release dates were announced. They're too damn close together.

I remember NSMBW having quite a bit of hype and U pales in comparison to that excitement, even being tied to a new system launch. NSMB2 is really the moment I, and probably many others went, "OK, this is super milking rehash territory." Not that NSMB2 was bad but it was just... bland. And it regressed the series in so many ways.

U is actually a very good game (might be my favorite NSMB game) but considering I just beat 2 a few months ago it just doesn't feel fresh, and these games need to feel fresh if they're to sell 30 mil or whatever insane amount the first two sold (that the later two will probably never reach.)
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Akala on November 25, 2012, 12:36:05 AM
honestly kinda surprised these can still be found online.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 25, 2012, 12:44:06 AM
I really like the Pro controller. Going to try it out right now with Tekken Tag 2.

Still need to buy one. Hopefully I can pick a black one up Monday.

Still super pissed it can't be used WHATSOEVER with NSMBU.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 25, 2012, 12:55:44 AM
figured I'd get the black opinion on WiiU

will be watching this over the next few days
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 01:11:48 AM
figured I'd get the black opinion on WiiU

will be watching this over the next few days

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 25, 2012, 01:21:15 AM
figured I'd get the black opinion on WiiU

will be watching this over the next few days

i really need to add coli threads to my read list  :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 25, 2012, 04:49:15 AM

please watch

Reggie COD comment  :rofl
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 25, 2012, 05:13:38 AM
"Do you remember the Wii?"


Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 25, 2012, 05:39:08 AM
Big Comeback....


"Reggie McFly ! If we get the Wii U up to 8.8 Gigaflops and if we get struck by lightning we might be able to make it back to 2006!"
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 25, 2012, 06:51:09 AM
Could Reggie/Nintendo be sued over the COD comment?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Vertigo on November 25, 2012, 08:01:54 AM
That was a good interview. Some actual tough questions. The specs talk must have been a dagger in Reggies heart. He wasn't expecting that. :lol 
Title: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 25, 2012, 08:10:38 AM
The specs still are not out yet...they must really suck :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 09:41:51 AM
Could Reggie/Nintendo be sued over the COD comment?

He would basically have to say the 360 version will make your house catch on fire and die to be legally actionable.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 25, 2012, 09:47:38 AM

this should save you guys some time
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 09:59:20 AM
oh wow, this was on top.  This is (I'm an expert) level:

Bore off! 

i say, bore on, my brethren
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 25, 2012, 10:56:22 AM
That was a good interview. Some actual tough questions. The specs talk must have been a dagger in Reggies heart. He wasn't expecting that. :lol

If CNN didn't come at him like the fanboy/trolls on GAF and elsewhere, he might have worded things a bit differently...just maybe.

All those talking points came straight from forum posts.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 25, 2012, 10:56:46 AM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 25, 2012, 11:13:55 AM
Could Reggie/Nintendo be sued over the COD comment?

I have no idea why gaf like this bullshitter.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 25, 2012, 11:14:07 AM
Sooo... we seriously don't have specs yet?  Wtf?  A tech site hasn't ripped this fucker apart?  I mean, it's not like there's a shortage of them or anything.  :smug
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 25, 2012, 11:15:39 AM
Sooo... we seriously don't have specs yet?  Wtf?  A tech site hasn't ripped this fucker apart?  I mean, it's not like there's a shortage of them or anything.  :smug

I dont get this either. Developer should known the specs for months now since they must had devkits.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 11:25:22 AM
neogaf quibbling over the honesty and openness of a guy doing PR for his company on CNN ::) 

they don't seem to understand that people speaking on behalf of corporations can't say anything negative ever, unless it's about something that hurt sales or hurt the customers so badly that they need to address (3DS price, PSN outages.)  And even then, there needs to be a positive twist.   
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: BlueTsunami on November 25, 2012, 11:34:27 AM
Even if the WiiU is another lightning in a bottle I'll have enjoyed seeing Nintendo fans flay about fighting trolls, learned individuals and industry experts on all fronts.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 25, 2012, 11:43:45 AM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 25, 2012, 11:48:05 AM

:rofl :rofl :rofl

*righ click, save as*

Andrex, you can expect to see this approximately 5 million times in the future
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 25, 2012, 12:14:49 PM
I went low in the Japan sales prediction thread and upset one or two folk because NINTENDOJESUSRAPTOR.

People calling 1m Wii U sales in Japan might be in for a shock. I'd be stunned if they even ship that many
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 25, 2012, 12:16:42 PM
It was very telling when even Reggie could only say stocks are low in the US, meaning they haven't sold out.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 25, 2012, 01:04:04 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 25, 2012, 01:35:48 PM
well,ninthings have gone ballistic

I've been playing call of duty on wii u and I think it does look better.
Care to grab pics from DF's comparison shots the support how it looks better?
if you need to scrutinize a bunch of comparison shots to be tell the difference between the two it means they're pretty much the same.

the end
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 25, 2012, 01:40:40 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 25, 2012, 01:55:29 PM
This whole console has just been one big giant troll hasn't it? It's a troll for the hardcore gamers that were once nintendo console owners burned by the Wii console. Thinking nintendo has learned its way's and is finally ready to compete in the console market again. And its a troll to those that owned a wii and think this is the next big thing. Its a joke of a console in reality though.

I've had mine for a week and looks whats already happened. A busted gamepad that can't be easily replaced and a console that doesn't work without the gamepad. You can't use the console without it from the sounds. I wanted to get a pro controller but have yet to find a black one. I heard that might at least allow me to play while I'm without the gamepad. We are in 2012 not 2006, none of the games have even impressed me compared to games that are on consoles that came out more than 5 years ago!

I'll give them some credit for doing some things right, I think its fantastic to be able to swap stuff to the controller so you can play your games without bothering others in your household. And the social ecosystem they've created is something of a revolutionary concept. I thought it wouldn't work out, but it does and surprisingly well.

It's everything else that's a giant fuck you to gamers like myself though. It's under powered even by standards created 6 years ago. It's got some major UI issues that need resolving and quickly. And it needs some no bullshit PR from the face of nintendo, to set out on recovering from what I'd call their disastrous pr.

When was the last time you remember a new console being available in store's a week after launch without much of an issue to get them? The past 3-4 console cycles have had me waiting in lines over night damn near catching pneumonia to get consoles. This might be due to how our culture has changed to a more technological society. Where we have the production capacity for such items due to the Iphones and other consoles. But still it doesn't bode well for the console.

Also the lack of support from developers just throwing their ports onto the console is sickening. Do you think Activision is gonna patch the issues in CoD BlOps2? Are THQ gonna spend money on fixing Darksiders 2? Nope they won't cause they don't have to, they just threw their game on the system to see if it could make money. And when they realize that they don't turn a profit, they won't support the console. Same problem that has plagued nintendo for the past two console cycles. They've segregated themselves from the pack, and they don't see it as a problem. But it is, cause people want to play those games. I don't want to just play nintendo games on the console. There's a lot of value in the features that they've done right with the console. Too bad the maker of the console doesn't see that and is treating it just like the Wii.

Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.

Ask me if I'll but another nintendo console? The answer will be a resounding NO.

Love G a console gamer who started with a N64 and loved his GC.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 02:07:52 PM
It was very telling when even Reggie could only say stocks are low in the US, meaning they haven't sold out.

yeah but that just means they provided more consoles and it doesn't mean the console lacks interest maybe people are very interested and it sold better than the wii and there are so many consoles that it didn't sell out and as long as the general public knows that firmware updates will fix everything than that should be okay and i've been doing my part by informing people of this at my best buy, they look at me strangely but i'm just countering the fanboys online who talk bad about it and and adn and and *hyperventilating*
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 25, 2012, 02:19:23 PM
Gamecube <3
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 25, 2012, 02:22:01 PM
I still like the Wii U.  It got me about $80.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 25, 2012, 02:29:06 PM
Gamecube <3

I got mad love for that fucker!

I brought it out to play some F-zero and FFCC a few weeks ago. So much goodness there.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 02:38:16 PM
Gamecube <3

Real talk. :bow2
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 25, 2012, 02:38:36 PM
oh wow, this was on top.  This is (I'm an expert) level:

Bore off! 

i say, bore on, my brethren
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 02:41:04 PM
take a break from the drama for this wonderful fanfic interlude:

I had my buddy over at my house the other day and he said he was really excited to be playing a Nintendo console and that he was happy because everywhere he had been they had sold out. My friend played Zombi U with me and said that they were the best graphics he had ever seen on a console, much better than Uncharted 2 on his PS3, he said. My friend said that it was probably because Ubisoft made use of GPGPU. We played for about 3 hours and then the gamepad died, to which my friend mentioned was a very honorable thing for Nintendo to do so that people wouldn't play for too long. We plugged the gamepad back in and my friend said that the distance of the cord was not that bad, and then we started using the Wii U's browser to watch YouTube videos and read SmashBros fanfics. My friend said that he could feel that the Wii U's browser was at least 50 HTML5 points higher than his 360's.

When he finally left, my friend told me that he was very impressed by the Wii U and that he thought it was going to make lots of money for Iwata-san and that he was very envious of me. I went to my room and jacked off into my Pikachu N64's cartridge slot like I do every night, and then went to bed with my framed photograph of Miyamoto-sama clutched tightly in hand.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 02:45:36 PM
Fake. You can tell because he said the Wii U was sold out everywhere.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 25, 2012, 03:48:51 PM
Gamecube <3

resident evil Remake, ToS, Baten Kaitos 1&2, skies of arcardia Legends, zelda ww, mario sunshine, metroid prime, the good paper mario, ikaruga, re4, killer7 etc

Yep, so much more enjoyable than Wii library of games.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 25, 2012, 03:52:01 PM
Someone make bore on our new motto
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 25, 2012, 04:03:38 PM

C'est incroyable
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 25, 2012, 04:06:26 PM
Fake. You can tell because he said the Wii U was sold out everywhere.

I saw Deluxe systems on Black Friday and just saw four basic sets on the shelf now.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 25, 2012, 04:18:46 PM
Gamecube is cock punchingly good, last non-portable Nintendo console I bought :punch
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 25, 2012, 04:25:20 PM
Gamecube was the last console that Yamaguchi launched. With him as President they were always up there with the best tech (well except for the original gameboy). Nintendo really went cheapskates when Iwata took over.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 25, 2012, 04:32:12 PM
:bow Gamecube

:bow When Nintendo was third place
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 25, 2012, 04:34:23 PM
Game Cube was fuckin' great.  Played mine all the time.  It made up for the shitty N64 and I thought that N64's lack of good third party support/lack of good games was just limited to that POS.  Then the Game Cube "died" early and nothing going for it after 2004 and the Wii also had pretty much nothing going for it apart from 1-2 Nintendo games a year during the last couple of years.  Even "exclusive" games like Samurai Warriors 3 ended up on other consoles.   :lol

I went low in the Japan sales prediction thread and upset one or two folk because NINTENDOJESUSRAPTOR.

People calling 1m Wii U sales in Japan might be in for a shock. I'd be stunned if they even ship that many

But won't it sell that much just because of crazy ass Monster Hunter sales alone?
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 25, 2012, 04:35:32 PM
:bow Gamecube

:bow When Nintendo was third place


Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 25, 2012, 04:48:57 PM
Game Cube was fuckin' great.  Played mine all the time.  It made up for the shitty N64 and I thought that N64's lack of good third party support/lack of good games was just limited to that POS.  Then the Game Cube "died" early and nothing going for it after 2004 and the Wii also had pretty much nothing going for it apart from 1-2 Nintendo games a year during the last couple of years.  Even "exclusive" games like Samurai Warriors 3 ended up on other consoles.   :lol

I went low in the Japan sales prediction thread and upset one or two folk because NINTENDOJESUSRAPTOR.

People calling 1m Wii U sales in Japan might be in for a shock. I'd be stunned if they even ship that many

But won't it sell that much just because of crazy ass Monster Hunter sales alone?

Well, my intention was to go 480k for hardware - but whilst juggling sick child looks like i went 280k - lol , but anyways, I'll go with that anyways lol

That said - NO - Mh3rd HD sold 400k units - and that's a HD version of a MH that sold 4 times 3G - plus the other dead give away? The limited number MH bundles? Still available in most places

I'm pretty much down to thinking either Nintendo shipped 2 million units to Japan or they dun fugged up.
The 3ds XL is the big problem as well - I expect people to be jumping on that instead

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 25, 2012, 05:09:23 PM
Gamecube has some nice things going for it, like the competitive hardware at a great price or a controller that while unusual almost melted in my hands. But games wise it's Nintendo's weakest machine especially considering how bad Sunshine or how short WW was. R4, F-Zero, Metroid Prime, Twilight Princess and Paper Mario 2 were great to fantastic games but outside of those there's barely anything worth playing undless you enjoy second rate ports. Overall bad enough for me to skip the Wii.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 25, 2012, 05:11:21 PM
Im gonna buy Funky Barn- Jeff Gerstmann's crazy livestream has convinced me that if the WiiU experience is gonna be rough- im gonna make it SO rough
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 25, 2012, 05:27:02 PM
Does anyone have a clue as to why the discs are rounded on the side?

This is actually kind of interested all things considered about how badly the system performs with most of its hardware. This proprietary disc made by Toshiba (most likely a HD-DVD) has rounded edges. Not so it could be kid friendly, but rather so the disc's don't bounce and wear when the console is put on its side. That's damn smart as fuck.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 25, 2012, 05:46:43 PM
Gamestop around the corner had Wii U consoles in stock late yesterday when I went in there. Dunno if it was just the basic ones, or if they had deluxe bundles available as well, I just overheard some older lady asking the register jockey. She did ask if you can use the tablet controller on the regular Wii, and that poor bastard's tone when answering sounded like he'd already been asked that a thousand times :lol

I get the feeling the Wii U was a pretty hard sell on Black Friday, with all those pallets of $200 360 and PS3 bundles around.

My favorite part of that CNN interview was when Reggie said "We're replenishing rapidly." So rapidly, as a matter of fact, that it'll seem like the same five or six Wii U boxes sitting on the shelf every time you go in the store!
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 05:55:20 PM
:bow Gamecube

:bow When Nintendo was third place



OMG, I remember that song, I don't think I've heard it in like 10 years. :lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 25, 2012, 06:21:21 PM
Batman Arkham City GOTY is $7.50 on steam today.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 25, 2012, 06:25:12 PM
I get the feeling the Wii U was a pretty hard sell on Black Friday, with all those pallets of $200 360 and PS3 bundles around.



Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 25, 2012, 06:27:43 PM
:bow Gamecube

:bow When Nintendo was third place



OMG, I remember that song, I don't think I've heard it in like 10 years. :lol

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 25, 2012, 06:41:37 PM
We were playing Tank Tank Tank

Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 25, 2012, 06:53:53 PM
:bow Gamecube

:bow When Nintendo was third place



OMG, I remember that song, I don't think I've heard it in like 10 years. :lol

:rofl how had I not heard this??
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 25, 2012, 07:29:31 PM
Does anyone have a clue as to why the discs are rounded on the side?

Its so when over exited fans stick them in their ass and pretend to be sexy disk
cleaning then N wont get sued for the ensuing anal botching.

Real reason: low cost "luxury" play with low cost to think N give a shit after short changing everyone to the tune of: Current Gen * 0.8 = your lot
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 25, 2012, 07:58:02 PM
The last good nintendo console was the Snes, real talk.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 08:04:33 PM
I got out my Gamecube today, but I couldn't find the component cable and they're over $100 on ebay. I want to cry now.  :gloomy It'd be cheaper to rebuy an old Wii to play GC in 480p than a component cable.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 25, 2012, 08:19:38 PM
I'm so angry at video games!!! :maf
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 25, 2012, 08:43:00 PM
I cant imagine having that level of emotion towards a hobby lol
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 25, 2012, 08:47:01 PM
I got out my Gamecube today, but I couldn't find the component cable and they're over $100 on ebay. I want to cry now.  :gloomy It'd be cheaper to rebuy an old Wii to play GC in 480p than a component cable.

The Wii component output is supposed to be of lesser quality than the gamecube one.  Image is blurrier and stuff on the Wii.  Gamecube wins again :bow2

The last good nintendo console was the Snes, real talk.

Agreed.  It's that high water mark fans (err, "fans" as in people who had reasons for liking the company; not the devoted) wish they'd get back to.  Same with Sony and PS2, I suppose. 

I mean, if we're only talking about consoles.  GBA was awesome.  DS was awesome (it has so many good games that its hardware flaws didn't matter much).  3DS is kinda trash.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 25, 2012, 08:54:59 PM

:rofl :rofl :rofl

*righ click, save as*

Andrex, you can expect to see this approximately 5 million times in the future

Cool, I'll use it on GAF too.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 25, 2012, 09:13:55 PM
I cant imagine having that level of emotion towards a hobby lol
It looks like he also microwaved a Vita. Equal opportunity console destroyer.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 25, 2012, 09:40:20 PM
Dovetastic is just one of those YouTube channels with a "thing" -- he probably gives zero shits about Vita or WiiU... he gets dat youtube paper while you guys flap your dolphin limbs
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 25, 2012, 09:41:19 PM
Anyway Gamecube is so good. I'm still getting games for it.

Unfortunately I'm up to the more "pricey" games like Wind Waker, Zelda Collection, etc... so I haven't been so hard on about collecting.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: chronovore on November 25, 2012, 09:50:16 PM
GameCube was awesome. Played mine plenty, and am sad that the controller has become finicky. If my Wii controller became finicky, it would be the excuse I want to throw the thing away.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 25, 2012, 10:39:14 PM
Gamecube had some good games.  I bought one like 3 years ago, and played the shit out of everything worth playing on it for about 2 months or so.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 25, 2012, 10:41:18 PM
I came to the Gamecube right around the time RE4 came out, but I thought it was pretty great. The controller was odd, but it was totally serviceable.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 25, 2012, 10:49:52 PM
The Gamecube was only the console to have a handle. :bow
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 25, 2012, 11:06:54 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 25, 2012, 11:07:40 PM
Also, gamecube was solid imo
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 25, 2012, 11:08:43 PM
:bow ( :bow2
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 25, 2012, 11:16:36 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on November 25, 2012, 11:27:55 PM
gamecube was the last system i think that i had in the "special" years between like 8 and 15 where theyre the best things u play. i still hold the GC launch dearly like Super MOnkey Ball and brawl
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 25, 2012, 11:28:07 PM

You see me now a veteran of a thousand Melee wars...
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 11:31:38 PM
the reggie thread is still going strong. 

anyone who saw that who isn't on gaf already forgot about it by now and didn't care in the first place.  these console warriors have zero self-awareness.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 25, 2012, 11:35:05 PM
that's 100% genuine Wobedraggled grime - or, as I like to call it, "Wobegrime."
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 25, 2012, 11:37:14 PM
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 25, 2012, 11:42:20 PM
Censored for "bush" i'm sure
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 25, 2012, 11:52:31 PM
Like most Nintendo systems, getting a cube at the end (or later) of it's lifespan is a great value proposition.  You get it at a cheap price, and there are a bunch of quality games to play at cheap prices. 

Actually owning a Nintendo system at launch or soon after is a fool's choice.  You'll find yourself saying stuff like, "It's ok, one release every quarter is enough- I should really be focusing on stuff other than games anyway" to try and convince yourself you didn't make a stupid decision.

Well, you made a stupid decision.  Try and learn from it is all I can tell you.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 26, 2012, 12:03:25 AM
I know I'm alone but boy I enjoyed Billy Hatcher
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 26, 2012, 12:04:19 AM
I had a lot of fun with the Gamecube, although I was also frustrated by the lack of games at many points. Still, I had fun with all the major multilayer games thanks to having three brothers - we played Smash, Double Dash, X-Men Legends, etc nonstop. I also had fun with RE4, Wind Waker, Freedom Fighters, etc
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 26, 2012, 12:05:47 AM
I know I'm alone but boy I enjoyed Billy Hatcher

You are not alone- I still have my copy
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: G The Resurrected on November 26, 2012, 12:13:44 AM
I know I'm alone but boy I enjoyed Billy Hatcher

You are not alone- I still have my copy

Add me to that list, absolutely loved the concept.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 26, 2012, 12:46:58 AM
Fwiw, GameCube games held a lot of their resale value. I just dumped all mine and made about 250 dollars. Games like ToS and Fire Emblem fetched 40 dollars each. All the mario/Zelda games went for around 25-30. My biggest disappointment was Baten kaitos which one went for 10 bux. Not bad considering I bought them all used to begin with.
Title: Re: Not even a Wii with a GC taped to it - Wait for FIRMWARE! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 26, 2012, 12:51:58 AM
A minor quibble with the wii u: when the battery gets to the last bar, a bright red led turns on, and when it gets lower, the red led flashes on and off.  Considering the short battery life, it can get annoying. 

I came to the Gamecube right around the time RE4 came out, but I thought it was pretty great. The controller was odd, but it was totally serviceable.

I really like the gamecube controller for certain games.  One of the reasons I didn't transfer my Wii stuff to the Wii U is no gamecube port.  It's just not great with all games because of the c-nub right stick, button layout, crummy d-pad, and its lack of buttons (relative to the PS2/Xbox)

I remember people calling it small/cramped.  Both it and the original xbox controller are comfortable for me.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 26, 2012, 07:18:35 AM
I liked the Gamecube for what it was.  I played the shit out of Paper Mario 2, which is probably my favorite game for that system.  In the end, it didn't have a proper Dynasty Warriors game on it and I was a poor college student so I sold it off.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 07:56:40 AM
No one mentioned Super Monkey Ball? That game was really mad good on Cube. I don't remember playing too much of other games on it. Wind Waker was ok, but a bit disappointing, I think it's the last time I finished a Zelda. I liked Eternal Darkness.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 26, 2012, 10:06:34 AM
I liked the Gamecube better than the N64 but it was definitely the weakest time for Nintendo's first party development. Mario and Zelda were both really weak on the platform, and I never cared about the Metroid Prime series. But GC actually had a few decent RPGs which puts it far above the N64 and some decent 3rd party titles. And of course Melee...
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 26, 2012, 11:06:18 AM
I think it was Andrex complaining about this earlier, but it sounds like the reason the 360 controller doesn't work in NSMBU is that it doesn't have motion sensing stuff in it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 26, 2012, 11:20:10 AM
that thing is $50, and they couldn't throw a gyro in it? smh
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 26, 2012, 11:22:32 AM
they were copying the 360 controller; not the PS3 controller.

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 26, 2012, 11:25:51 AM
still, you'd think with how much their bullshit is based on motion, they'd toss a sensor in there

i don't understand why they feel the need to make every single thing about their systems an awkward pain in the ass
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 26, 2012, 11:35:18 AM
I think it was Andrex complaining about this earlier, but it sounds like the reason the 360 controller doesn't work in NSMBU is that it doesn't have motion sensing stuff in it.

That's possible, but that just seems really, really lazy. The GamePad already allows for simply pressing a shoulder button in lieu of shaking it (both work), so it makes no sense to not allow the same option on the new controller.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 11:49:34 AM
I think it was Andrex complaining about this earlier, but it sounds like the reason the 360 controller doesn't work in NSMBU is that it doesn't have motion sensing stuff in it.

There's literally only one level in the game that requires motion controls. :-\ Uses the same garbage "tilt the controller to tilt the platform!" gimmick that was pretty awful in NSMB Wii (made even more cumbersome by the GamePad's huge size.) I think they realized it was trash but decided to include it for just one level anyways to screw over Protroller hopefuls.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 11:50:43 AM
that thing is $50, and they couldn't throw a gyro in it? smh

Seriously, wtf.
Title: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: ManaByte on November 26, 2012, 01:15:11 PM
Only 400k sold. Ouch.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 01:24:07 PM
I like this new disillusioned Andrex.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 01:25:09 PM
Only 400k sold. Ouch.

Really?  :lol Whats your source?

Oh man if the 360 will outsell it this month I will love to see the spin on that!
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 26, 2012, 01:28:43 PM
That was first week sales in the US.

It'd be shocked if PS3, and 360 didn't outsell it in the US this month.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 26, 2012, 01:28:58 PM
Only 400k sold. Ouch.

Really?  :lol Whats your source?

Oh man if the 360 will outsell it this month I will love to see the spin on that!

Check sales thread
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 26, 2012, 01:33:06 PM
Really?  :lol Whats your source?

Oh man if the 360 will outsell it this month I will love to see the spin on that!

Not to defend this POS, but that wouldn't be too surprising. It's more useful to compare Wuu's first week with 360's first week.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 26, 2012, 01:36:28 PM
Only 400k sold. Ouch.

*masturbates furiously*
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archie4208 on November 26, 2012, 01:42:42 PM
WOW you haters.. The Wii U sold out.. That's good regardless of how you want to spin it.. The Wii U launch was a huge success in America. Europe is next so we will see how it fairs in Sony Land..

Initial estimates were they would sell out and that's great. Especially since the Wii at sub 100.00 did 300,000.. a 300-350 console sold very well.

Just stop trying to bash the Wii U at every turn we get it some of you don't like it fine.. Who really cares.. Your choices in consoles don't need to be defended...

Lets see if the Wii-U can maintain a good sales pace in the next few weeks however..
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 01:52:22 PM
I guess 400k for a week is ok, but its launch time AND thanksgiving no?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 26, 2012, 01:52:35 PM
Who really cares.. Your choices in consoles don't need to be defended...

:spin *irony overload*  :spin
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 01:59:21 PM
Low sales are already being attributed to people wanting the Deluxe SKU.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 26, 2012, 02:24:12 PM
Who really cares.. Your choices in consoles don't need to be defended...

:spin *irony overload*  :spin
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 26, 2012, 02:35:36 PM
Apparently he got banned for that post. :lol
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 02:38:12 PM
WOW you haters.. The Wii U sold out.. That's good regardless of how you want to spin it.. The Wii U launch was a huge success in America. Europe is next so we will see how it fairs in Sony Land..

Initial estimates were they would sell out and that's great. Especially since the Wii at sub 100.00 did 300,000.. a 300-350 console sold very well.

Just stop trying to bash the Wii U at every turn we get it some of you don't like it fine.. Who really cares.. Your choices in consoles don't need to be defended...

Lets see if the Wii-U can maintain a good sales pace in the next few weeks however..

Goddamn dorfdad, most embarrassng fanboy on GAF since forever. Worse than Huelen and AceBandage put together (and I didn't mind them.)

Edit- Oh man he was banned for that? Maybe I can read a Wii U thread now without wanting to cut myself! :bow GAF mods :bow2
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 26, 2012, 02:47:52 PM
Who really cares.. Your choices in consoles don't need to be defended...

:spin *irony overload*  :spin

The tip-off was the dorfdad exclusive double-period. For when a sentence is so awesome, one period alone isn't enough to end it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 26, 2012, 02:55:33 PM
I'm really hoping that the 3DS picks up in sales in the US, since I really want some of those awesome awesome games that Japan is keeping from us...
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Barry Egan on November 26, 2012, 02:55:43 PM
NYTimes is tweeting me saying these numbers are really good.  Can someone give me the real talk?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 03:01:09 PM
NYTimes is tweeting me saying these numbers are really good.  Can someone give me the real talk?

DS and Wii are fantastic considering they cost like $5 to make and are pure profit for Nintendo.

Wii U is middling and the fact that Reggie said it's "virtually sold out and they're repleneshing stock quickly" is troubling since it obviously means it's not selling out in most places. The numbers themselves are around standard for a console launch, but if there are still boxes on shelves then sales will evaporate as demand easily catches up with supply.

3DS is fricking terrible and approaching Vita levels of bombness. Well not nearly quite that bad, but it's down from last year when everyone believed it still had a lot of room to grow.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 26, 2012, 03:05:17 PM
NYTimes is tweeting me saying these numbers are really good.  Can someone give me the real talk?

There are more knowledgeable sales people than me that might be able to offer more insight, but personally, my read is that things are pretty much that it's right in the median between good and bad right now. On the one hand -- relative to some other launches -- the actual numbers it's moving seem to be pretty decent. On the flipside, however, this does not appear to be supply constrained like some other consoles were.

So, basically, I don't think this thing is performing as badly as some pictures of 20 Wii Us on a random store shelf might indicate, but it's also not the hot, hard to find toy this year. Supply seems better than usual, but it's really not that supply is that good.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Trent Dole on November 26, 2012, 03:17:05 PM
I'm really hoping that the 3DS picks up in sales in the US, since I really want some of those awesome awesome games that Japan is keeping from us...
The problem with that is the same one that kept Xenoblade from coming over here forever...
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 03:30:58 PM
I'm really hoping that the 3DS picks up in sales in the US, since I really want some of those awesome awesome games that Japan is keeping from us...
The problem with that is the same one that kept Xenoblade from coming over here forever...

*not actually forever
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 26, 2012, 03:53:15 PM
They should port Xenoblade to the 3DS.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 03:54:49 PM
They should port Xenoblade to the 3DS.

I said this a while ago. Makes perfect sense. Wring some more sales out of it, and I'm sure now that people actually know it's awesome it should do well right out of the gate.

Well, better than originally. And if Nintendo doesn't want to deal with retail just throw it up on the NA eShop. That should be their approach to all "iffy" Japanesey games, basically the Guild 01 route (even if that did have some differences.)

And unlike the Wii, the 3DS is in the middle of its lifecycle as opposed to the end.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 26, 2012, 03:56:31 PM
They should port NSMBU to the DS
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 04:00:45 PM
They should port NSMBU to the DS

They should port it to the Wii U and remove the lame ass motion controls and add in Protroller support.

A better idea would be a NSMB Wii/U collection. With online.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 26, 2012, 04:04:03 PM
A better idea would be a "New" Super Mario Bros. game that actually has new graphics, music, and game play features.

Hey, here's a crazy idea: How about a new (2D) Mario with new worlds and enemies?  Insane, I know.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 04:11:20 PM
A better idea would be a "New" Super Mario Bros. game that actually has new graphics, music, and game play features.

Hey, here's a crazy idea: How about a new (2D) Mario with new worlds and enemies?  Insane, I know.

Now you're just being unreasonable. Why do that when they can fart out the same assets and it'll sell millions?

And I'll keep buying cause the level designs are pretty good. :'( Well for the console ones anyways.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 26, 2012, 04:13:05 PM
Cool beans about the 3DS price drop.  I was just about to order 2 of them for the kids for Christmas.  Now I'll just wait 'til next week.

Not even gonna bother with the Wii U.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 26, 2012, 04:27:41 PM
A better idea would be a "New" Super Mario Bros. game that actually has new graphics, music, and game play features.

Hey, here's a crazy idea: How about a new (2D) Mario with new worlds and enemies?  Insane, I know.

Now you're just being unreasonable. Why do that when they can fart out the same assets and it'll sell millions?*

And I'll keep buying cause the level designs are pretty good. :'( Well for the console ones anyways.

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 26, 2012, 04:36:54 PM
they should outsource SMB to Ninja Theory to make a dark, gritty, mature™ reboot.  Instead of "BAH" the music will say "FUCK"
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 04:37:10 PM
New series has sold almost exactly 59 million copies.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 26, 2012, 05:21:23 PM
Instead of banning him, they should just unban me and give me license to troll for a week.  Never happen, but STILL.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 26, 2012, 06:35:11 PM
original Wii sold 600k in 8 days :violin
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 09:31:08 PM
original Wii sold 600k in 8 days :violin

In all of the Americas. Something closer to 476k in just the US for the month.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 26, 2012, 09:43:11 PM
I'm really hoping that the 3DS picks up in sales in the US, since I really want some of those awesome awesome games that Japan is keeping from us...

I don't care whether or not it's successful but I hope Nintendo's support of it is poor.  Mostly ports, b-team work, smaller download games, and pokemon for the fiends.

I'd rather Nintendo focus its remaining games talent on the Wii U.  3DS is still in that PS2-era it's coddled for over a decade now.  Lowered expectations and all, but Nintendo games in the 360-era :hyper
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 26, 2012, 09:49:36 PM
Only 400k sold. Ouch.

holy fucking shit

someone give first week sales of wii, ps3, and 360
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 09:52:46 PM
It's definitely going to be interesting to see how Nintendo copes with HD development. It's hit a lot of Japanese devs hard, and while I don't think they'll be too worse off, they probably won't hit their amount of Wii output. Which will definitely depress some people.

Anyways I feel like I should jump into some AAA HD gaming for the first time and can't choose between Darksiders 2 and AssCreed 3. NG3 is poo, ME3 is apparently poo, Epic Mickey is poo, not much of an FPSer so Blops is out, waiting for ZombiU to drop in price, and Sonic has a gamestopping bug. I'd probably choose Batman but it's a poo port and not on the eShop.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 26, 2012, 10:04:21 PM
Anyways I feel like I should jump into some AAA HD gaming for the first time and can't choose between Darksiders 2 and AssCreed 3. NG3 is poo, ME3 is apparently poo

ME3 is way better than AC3 or DS2. Only the end of ME3 is poo, the rest is god-tier. Although you'll never be able to play ME 1 or 2...
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 26, 2012, 10:17:39 PM
you're a moron for going all digital
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 26, 2012, 10:54:05 PM
Yeah the other thing about ME3 was I didn't play the first two so the story would seem pretty pointless.

you're a moron for going all digital

Definitely but it's my lifestyle choice so (

Speaking of I haven't opened Ninthingland yet and I was wondering if I should sell it. I was gonna use Thanksgiving as an excuse to bust it out with the fam but they just wanted to play Mario. The Nthings on GAF says it's surprisingly good but I'm wary of their opinions because they're morons.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 26, 2012, 11:07:58 PM
DS2 ports apparently really solid yah

ALSO wtf didnt they do a full trilogy release for WiiU LAMMMMMMMMEEEE I woulda bought that
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on November 26, 2012, 11:09:07 PM
i heard the port of ds2 had some gamebreaking bugs?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 26, 2012, 11:10:56 PM
really? jesus- reviews didnt point that out, but I wouldnt be shocked- i'm not seeing a lot of mention of them on the actual WiiU communities though- so I dunno who to believe. You know what doesnt have gamebreaking bugs? Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper- sure framerate problems WAT and weird pop in but NO GAME BREAKING! Also new characters. Also Musou
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 12:08:55 AM
Get DS2 and still get Mass Effect 3. AC3 is still good but a real mess too.

Think I'll get DS2 then and wait for price drops/trilogy releases of the others.

DS2 ports apparently really solid yah

ALSO wtf didnt they do a full trilogy release for WiiU LAMMMMMMMMEEEE I woulda bought that

Yeah seriously WTF.

i heard the port of ds2 had some gamebreaking bugs?

Only heard that about Sonic racing.

Posted from my goddamn Wii U.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 27, 2012, 12:31:41 AM
Sony is getting the full trilogy. Wonder if some deal was struck or they just didn't wanna port two more games.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 01:24:42 AM
Goddamn fucking shitty ass Nintendo and their fucking shitty ass transfer tool.

This = Me (


I thought I didn't have any goodwill left for this rotting corpse of company but they just had to wiggle the knife into my back.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 27, 2012, 01:30:11 AM


Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 27, 2012, 01:32:10 AM
Just gonna put this here...

you're a moron for going all digital
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 27, 2012, 01:49:18 AM
NSMB seems fun.  Still prefer playing it with the Wii remote.  It's one of the few games that waggle didn't bother me and felt natural (hated similar uses in donkey kong, though).  Also because when I play with the tablet I end up looking at the tablet instead of my TV.

Kinda weird that you can't just turn off the tablet.  It automatically goes into 'boost mode' (?).  Initially I was thinking playing on the tablet would combine boost mode and regular play.  There are a few times in levels where you can tell it needs a 'boost' or that baby yoshi to reach.

I like that the flying gear in this game isn't broken like the propeller suit.  The gliding one is fair, and the baby yoshi acts like the flying gear but limits your moveset since you're carrying it.

and miiverse is kinda awesome.  I added everyone I knew to it, except Andrex won't accept my invite  :'(
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 01:52:57 AM
To get me out of rage mode I bought Switch Force HD, seems like a good platformer and the price seems really good ($10.) The art is great although the style of the characters and background clash horribly.

Backgrounds are something I want in the eventual (yes, EVENTUAL, BELIEVE) Mega Man X remake while the characters are ripped from Flash or something. Gameplay also seems like, a gimmick Mario Galaxy 2 used for like two levels stretched into a "whole" game (although based on the level unlocks, it seems pretty short. 30-ish 1 minute levels?)

Just gonna put this here...

you're a moron for going all digital

Problem isn't digital, it's Nintendo.

It's always Nintendo.



I usually have sympathy for the poor coders that have to cowtoe to obnoxious feature seekers (since I oftentimes am one*) but this is fucking basic fucking shit. Goddamn. Fuck. Shit. Ass. Douche. Borys.

*Not at my place of work, on my personal sites. My work is awesome. <3
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: headwalk on November 27, 2012, 02:00:52 AM
DS2 ports apparently really solid yah

ALSO wtf didnt they do a full trilogy release for WiiU LAMMMMMMMMEEEE I woulda bought that

you can always ask your dad if you can borrow the big computer to play them on. you can get through each one in a weekend.

just keep your grubby mitts of out those family_holiday folders.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 27, 2012, 02:16:47 AM
Yeah the other thing about ME3 was I didn't play the first two so the story would seem pretty pointless.

you're a moron for going all digital

Definitely but it's my lifestyle choice so (

Speaking of I haven't opened Ninthingland yet and I was wondering if I should sell it. I was gonna use Thanksgiving as an excuse to bust it out with the fam but they just wanted to play Mario. The Nthings on GAF says it's surprisingly good but I'm wary of their opinions because they're morons.

Goddamn fucking shitty ass Nintendo and their fucking shitty ass transfer tool.

This = Me (


I thought I didn't have any goodwill left for this rotting corpse of company but they just had to wiggle the knife into my back.

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 27, 2012, 02:51:20 AM
hardcore nthings are fucking annoying

"I can say now i have no interest in next gen at all already because i know that the next 6-8 years of gaming will be nothing but the same old shit of COD and COD and COD and stuff like that.... meanwhile, I'm loving NSMBU! I can't wait for Mario Kart 8 either!"

not a hint of fucking irony either.

P.s. Other than the one indie pc game i put on there for street cred, all my other games of the year nominations are on Nintendo platforms.

I mean - i know there's different tastes but as i said of someone else years ago - a lot of these folks walk into games not on their favourite platform with that "a dog just pissed in my mouth" face. The decission is already made - and if you are writting off entire generations of hardware based on "sigh, well - i just know it's going to suck" then - fuck me ... did gaming teach you fucking nothing?!?

And what makes it even more difficult to stomach is the people regurgitating this nonsense SHOULD KNOW BETTER. This isn't basement trolls, these are people i respect. And it pains me that a lot of them seem to be losing their shit completely because NEW NINTENDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!

Like the full fucking moon to the Cockless Mongster
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 02:57:49 AM
Name some names you coward. ::)
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 27, 2012, 03:08:30 AM
Name some names you coward.

i'll send you the names via the Wii U when i buy one in 20nevertynever
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 27, 2012, 03:11:19 AM
Not surprising,almost every WiiU purchase pic had either NSMBU or NintendoLand.No wonder that COD is limping with few hundred people online.

And they will patiently wait until Nintendo shits out MK8 or whatever.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 03:16:20 AM
It's definitely going to be interesting to see how Nintendo copes with HD development. It's hit a lot of Japanese devs hard, and while I don't think they'll be too worse off, they probably won't hit their amount of Wii output. Which will definitely depress some people.

Anyways I feel like I should jump into some AAA HD gaming for the first time and can't choose between Darksiders 2 and AssCreed 3. NG3 is poo, ME3 is apparently poo, Epic Mickey is poo, not much of an FPSer so Blops is out, waiting for ZombiU to drop in price, and Sonic has a gamestopping bug. I'd probably choose Batman but it's a poo port and not on the eShop.

Uhh... who told you ME3 is shit? Bitter Ninfags? ME3 is awesome, easily BEST game out of the all you listed inlcuding 4.5/10 Zombie U.

Every one of my friends who played it? And I'm the only Nthing in the group. A lot of them outright hated the story, not even talking about the ending which goes without saying. It didn't have enough scifi stuff of ME1 and not enough shootery stuff of ME2.

^ second hand accounts, of course, I don't really care about that crap, I'm more worried about jumping into the third game of a franchise that made a big deal out of cross-game save data
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 27, 2012, 03:27:58 AM
Your friends suck then.
ME3 is a really good game,it just didn't end the way people wanted.

Also get Batman,crappy port or not that game is great fun.

I'm more worried about jumping into the third game of a franchise that made a big deal out of cross-game save data
Don't believe everything you hear on internet.Mass Effect cross-game save data is just a nice fan sevice,nothing more.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 03:31:24 AM
OK, I have my eye on ME3 then. The gameplay isn't something I normally play but it's not something I don't like either. Will wait for price drop.

Batman will be mine when it hits the eShop. Otherwise, WB has lost a sale.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 27, 2012, 03:36:35 AM
You should play the superior Mass Effect games first. Unfortunately you can't run them through Wine.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 27, 2012, 03:42:24 AM
> Friends

> Imaginary friends
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 27, 2012, 04:18:37 AM
i am going digital for 3ds games. any bad stories on that front?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 27, 2012, 04:22:18 AM
They're still tied to your physical machine instead of an account. If it breaks you need to send the system back to Nintendo or the games are lost forever. So far I've only bought Pushmo for my 3DS. The eShop is a bit slow, but otherwise I had no problem with it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 27, 2012, 05:21:51 AM
the Wii Mini

loool fucking hell.

Just what no one asked for!
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 27, 2012, 05:29:08 AM
It's a bit late since people already stopped caring about the Wii. A year or two ago it would have made more sense. Overall I think it's a good idea for console manufacturers to make new smaller iterations just to decrease the cost.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 27, 2012, 05:31:27 AM
IF this thing was apple tv sized with a small portable bar etc - then fine - but it's still just a smaller shit box.

People calling $99 - watch as batshit Iwata and co slap a $179 price tag on it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 27, 2012, 05:48:41 AM
Release new console with tablet using old console branding

Release redesigned old console 3 weeks later with similar name to best selling tablet redesign

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 27, 2012, 08:35:17 AM
How much smaller can they make it, really?  It still has to fit a disc inside, and have room for all the ports.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 27, 2012, 08:45:01 AM
Easy, remove all the ports (third parties did most of the work on that years ago)
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 27, 2012, 08:47:10 AM
No wifi, eliminating the possibility that someone might actually be tempted to buy something from the eShop.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 27, 2012, 09:25:16 AM
I wonder how much they save by cutting wi-fi, a buck maybe?
Title: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 27, 2012, 09:27:01 AM
Every dollar adds up, joe. Worth it even if it only saved them 10 cents. Since when do kids play games on the Internet anyway
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 27, 2012, 12:51:13 PM
IF this thing was apple tv sized with a small portable bar etc - then fine - but it's still just a smaller shit box.

People calling $99 - watch as batshit Iwata and co slap a $179 price tag on it.

$99? Gross.

Fucking hit $50 so I can play Ghost Squad again, Nintendo.


at least it looks okay.

This weekend I went to my friend's house and I was like "Shit I kind of want a Wii so I can finally play Ghost Squad" and he was like "SHIT B I GOT THAT GAME RIGHT HERE" and I was like "OH FUUUUUUUCK" and we ate a pizza and drank Rolling Rock and shot terrorists. :rock
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 27, 2012, 01:37:02 PM

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 27, 2012, 01:44:18 PM
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 27, 2012, 02:02:28 PM
Best Wii game. :bow2
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 27, 2012, 02:04:10 PM
I only played House of the Dead Overkill as far as wii lightgun games go. Lightgun games aren't as fun without a partner though.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: SantaC on November 27, 2012, 02:46:43 PM
$99 for a gimped console with no support anymore.   :lol

$49 would been fair, but i still wouldnt buy it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 27, 2012, 03:10:11 PM
I only played House of the Dead Overkill as far as wii lightgun games go. Lightgun games aren't as fun without a partner though.

Ghost Squad was fuckin' awesome because it offered 4P simultaneous play in the party mode.  :rock
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 27, 2012, 03:29:54 PM
I only played House of the Dead Overkill as far as wii lightgun games go. Lightgun games aren't as fun without a partner though.

Ghost Squad was fuckin' awesome because it offered 4P simultaneous play in the party mode.  :rock


:bow Sega light gun games :bow2
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 27, 2012, 03:54:01 PM
:bow Sega arcade games :bow2

Sega now  :-\ :( :'(

At least Sumo Digital is keeping their arcade spirit alive with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 27, 2012, 04:04:36 PM
Sega still has some arcade games they need to release on consoles.  I want a Virtua Cop Collection for PS3+Move and Wii U (and 360 using that Cabella lightgun or something).

Namco, Konami, Capcom, et al.  should be milking this shit too.  Throw up Police 24/7 (aka 911) 1&2, Resident Evil Dead Aim, Time Crisis Collection, Point Blank Collection, and all that stuff.  Silent Scope games are iffy when you drop the gimmick but Wii U is a decent approximation the arcade experience.

And I can't believe Die Hard Arcade, or any of the Deka games, haven't been put on XBLA/PSN yet.

on the bright side, arcade emulation is chugging along.  Model 2 is quite good and a couple Model 3 games work with graphical glitches.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 27, 2012, 04:12:49 PM
Virtua Cop for life fools.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 27, 2012, 04:31:40 PM
I guess this Yoshi's Land for Wii U might be real.  It was on that leaked miiverse topic menu last week, supposedly announcing during a December 10th event.  Now two Canadian shops have different descriptions:

Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you've never seen him before: in glorious high definition. Enjoy dual-screen control thanks to the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while you'll also be able to experience full integration with Nintendo's MiiVerse service.
Join everyone's favourite dinosaur in his first big starring role on Nintendo Wii U - Yoshi's Land. Utilise the power of the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad to enjoy dual-screen fun in this epic adventure with stunning HD graphics and connectivity with the MiiVerse.

emphasis on dual-screen/touchscreen  :-\
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 27, 2012, 04:43:29 PM
Are the HD graphics "glorious" or "stunning"? ???

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Or "antiquated"?  ;)
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 27, 2012, 05:01:30 PM
I guess this Yoshi's Land for Wii U might be real.  It was on that leaked miiverse topic menu last week, supposedly announcing during a December 10th event.  Now two Canadian shops have different descriptions:

Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you've never seen him before: in glorious high definition. Enjoy dual-screen control thanks to the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while you'll also be able to experience full integration with Nintendo's MiiVerse service.
Join everyone's favourite dinosaur in his first big starring role on Nintendo Wii U - Yoshi's Land. Utilise the power of the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad to enjoy dual-screen fun in this epic adventure with stunning HD graphics and connectivity with the MiiVerse.

emphasis on dual-screen/touchscreen  :-\

The Miiverse connectivity makes me :-\ even more
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 27, 2012, 05:13:34 PM
Virtua Cop for life fools.

It is BULLSHIT that Virtua Cop 3 never got a port. I NEVER got to play this, which is extra fuckin weird because I lived in Japan for 10 years
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 27, 2012, 05:21:44 PM
I guess this Yoshi's Land for Wii U might be real.  It was on that leaked miiverse topic menu last week, supposedly announcing during a December 10th event.  Now two Canadian shops have different descriptions:

Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you've never seen him before: in glorious high definition. Enjoy dual-screen control thanks to the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while you'll also be able to experience full integration with Nintendo's MiiVerse service.
Join everyone's favourite dinosaur in his first big starring role on Nintendo Wii U - Yoshi's Land. Utilise the power of the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad to enjoy dual-screen fun in this epic adventure with stunning HD graphics and connectivity with the MiiVerse.

emphasis on dual-screen/touchscreen  :-\

Probably another baby difficulty Yoshi game. If this is a true successor to Yoshi's Island, I might have to actually buy a Wii U.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 27, 2012, 05:34:07 PM
Yoshi's Island DS was not baby easy

They should have called this console Wii DS
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 05:40:02 PM
Are the HD graphics "glorious" or "stunning"? ???

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Or "antiquated"?  ;)

I could see them going the MSF HD route with it. Basically YI concept art in HD. Yum.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Fifstar on November 27, 2012, 06:01:31 PM
Probably another baby difficulty Yoshi game. If this is a true successor to Yoshi's Island, I might have to actually buy a Wii U.

As opposed to the baby difficulty nintendo games we've been getting since Galaxy?

Well, Yoshi's Story was baby baby difficulty, easier than the current average Nintendo title. Not only easy but very simple.

It's not like the original Yoshi's Island was a difficult game, apart from the bonus missions.

Not really counting Yoshi's Island DS, as that was more of a b-level map pack than a sequel
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 27, 2012, 06:13:10 PM
Virtua Cop and Point Blank for life. Did wii get point blank
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 27, 2012, 06:47:54 PM
I imagine they're just going to recycle Yoshi's Island DS assets for this new Yoshi game for the Wii U.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 27, 2012, 07:29:30 PM
I imagine they're just going to recycle Yoshi's Island DS assets for this new Yoshi game for the Wii U.

and make Artoon do it
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 27, 2012, 07:46:22 PM
Are the HD graphics "glorious" or "stunning"? ???

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Or "antiquated"?  ;)

I could see them going the MSF HD route with it. Basically YI concept art in HD. Yum.

Yeah or they could have a bunch of shitty poorly modeled CG, wonder which one they'll go with
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 27, 2012, 08:03:57 PM
Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you've never seen him before: in glorious high definition (that's that thing we told you didn't matter for 8 years - please update your opinion to "of critical importance to my penile excitement!!!!)". Choke on dual-screen control thanks to the stupid decission to look at the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while also trying to game on the TV. Yup, we're out of ideas - the DS workes with two screens so we thought "Hey, maybe we can do this in the home?" You'll never guess what the big draw of the Wii U2 is?! Yup.... 3D BITCHAASSS!!! Also connect to Nintendo's MiiVerse service for highly censored time delayed comments on why this game is so so so 3/5 awesome! P.S. we have outsourced this to some Japanese team you've never heard of - 90% of you will jizz over who it is despite having never heard of them, the other 10% will realise it's some budget Tose-like offshoot. The hilarious reveal is that it's a company made up of the ashes of Artoon! "ACTUALLY, Flingsmash was pretty good!!!" lol - you suckasses !

yeah, i think that's probably about right.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 27, 2012, 08:38:53 PM
Are the HD graphics "glorious" or "stunning"? ???

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Or "antiquated"?  ;)

I could see them going the MSF HD route with it. Basically YI concept art in HD. Yum.

Yeah or they could have a bunch of shitty poorly modeled CG, wonder which one they'll go with

Rumor a few E3s ago was Good Feel was doing a Wii Yoshi platformer. Considering Wario Land Shake, the graphics likely won't be the main issue with this game.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 27, 2012, 09:22:21 PM
Well its been so long since a proper yoshi game so yeah- not like there's a recent one to pick at visuals about
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 27, 2012, 09:45:28 PM
I've had just about enough of this Artoon bashing :maf
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 27, 2012, 09:46:45 PM
Im having about as much fun with my WiiU as my Wii so par for the course I spose.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 27, 2012, 11:13:40 PM
So, the tablet battery life is really bad.  According to the daily log thing it lasted 3 hours with power saving on, level 3 brightness, and a period where I turned the screen off while playing with the remote.

and even though it looks kinda fake since the mock-up picture is just the wii u 360 controller mixed up a bit (those second set of start/select wtf?), this controller is advertised to work as a wii remote.  Possibility it can work with virtual console and wii remote only games.


Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 27, 2012, 11:23:18 PM
So, the tablet battery life is really bad.  According to the daily log thing it lasted 3 hours with power saving on, level 3 brightness, and a period where I turned the screen off while playing with the remote.

and even though it looks kinda fake since the mock-up picture is just the wii u 360 controller mixed up a bit (those second set of start/select wtf?), this controller is advertised to work as a wii remote.  Possibility it can work with virtual console and wii remote only games.

I'm guessing that's just a Wii Classic Controller with some Wiimote stuff jammed into it. I'm not sure how it would work otherwise, since it's my understanding that only Wii controllers work with Wii games (although you can use Wiimotes with Wii U stuff). I could be wrong though. Either way it seems kinda sketchy, like the crap peripherals that 3rd party makers used to try to trick you into buying back in the 80/90's.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: tiesto on November 27, 2012, 11:33:50 PM
Virtua Cop for life fools.

It is BULLSHIT that Virtua Cop 3 never got a port. I NEVER got to play this, which is extra fuckin weird because I lived in Japan for 10 years

There used to be one at my local Dave and Busters (not sure if it's still there), I'd check D&B in your area... it's definitely one of the better lightgun shooters I've played, and I'm shocked it never got a port either, especially considering Ghost Squad got a Wii port of all things. VC1 for Saturn though, dat music!!!
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 27, 2012, 11:41:56 PM
So, the tablet battery life is really bad.  According to the daily log thing it lasted 3 hours with power saving on, level 3 brightness, and a period where I turned the screen off while playing with the remote.

and even though it looks kinda fake since the mock-up picture is just the wii u 360 controller mixed up a bit (those second set of start/select wtf?), this controller is advertised to work as a wii remote.  Possibility it can work with virtual console and wii remote only games.

I'm guessing that's just a Wii Classic Controller with some Wiimote stuff jammed into it. I'm not sure how it would work otherwise, since it's my understanding that only Wii controllers work with Wii games (although you can use Wiimotes with Wii U stuff). I could be wrong though. Either way it seems kinda sketchy, like the crap peripherals that 3rd party makers used to try to trick you into buying back in the 80/90's.

yeah, it shouldn't be that difficult to do, but this doesn't seem like it's a real product.  Logitech sells a line of PC controllers that let you switch between direct input and xinput.  Similar concept should work here.  That's ignoring software solutions like Dolphin or how you could use the classic controller for unsupported games in a hacked console.

The whole controller situation is confusing.

Like, Dolphin figured this out years ago. Wii U can't just be like "yo, Wii mode, just pretend this 360 controller is plugged into your expansion port"?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 28, 2012, 06:15:41 AM
NSMBU is getting pretty pretty pretty great. At the Star Road, level 2 was a total pain but in a good way. Stage wouldn't be out of place in Lost Levels.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Rahxephon91 on November 29, 2012, 12:48:42 AM
Are you really missing out on anything if you get the non deluxe version? Does anyone think space is going to be a big deal on this system?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 01:10:15 AM
Yes, it will become a problem almost immediately. About half of the space in the basic version is used for storing the operating system. The other half will be filled by updates in no time. I can understand getting it if you want a white console, otherwise it's just bad value.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 01:13:44 AM
If you're using an external HDD (which I imagine most hardcorez will be), then it won't be an issue. Aside from storage, all you're missing out on is 10% off on downloadable games until December 2014, and free Nintendoland. Neither are really dealbreakers if you can't cough up $50 and/or have your heart set on white.

Yes, it will become a problem almost immediately. About half of the space in the basic version is used for storing the operating system. The other half will be filled by updates in no time. I can understand getting it if you want a white console, otherwise it's just bad value.

Once installed, updates don't really take up that much space. But you do need to watch the storage to make sure you can download them in the first place, of course.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 29, 2012, 01:18:37 AM
I honestly dont plan on buying any WiiU games digital if they arent the smaller digital only releases. The WiiU just isnt equipped to support it out of the box so fuck it- discs for me. On the plus side, prolly not A LOT of discs AMIRITE?!? *sob*. I think I heard somewhere that the next FotNS game was confirmed for WiiU tho so thats cool beans- glad there's some support there. Still not sure if i'll grab that one cause I like achievements- they add a lot to how much I enjoy a game- for whatever thats worth
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 01:20:33 AM
I heard Wii U games using the disc drive are like constantly streaming, sounds pretty lame. Texture popin probably won't be as big an issue on DLed games.

Still debating whether to pop Ninthingland in or sell it wrapped.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Rahxephon91 on November 29, 2012, 01:30:30 AM
Yes, I forgot about updates and the like.

I'm not someone who buys a lot of DLC or digital games at all. My PS3 for example, only uses it's space because of mandatory installs.

But really the only reason I'm entertaining the idea of buying the Wii one is because yeah I could save some money, but I guess it's better to just wait and get the better one. I'm not dying to buy the WiiU, but if I had some spare Holiday money I would think about it.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 01:36:08 AM
If you're not going to download anything whatsoever (except required stuff), yeah, you should be fine.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Rahxephon91 on November 29, 2012, 01:41:56 AM
Is it possible to upgrade space? If so then how?
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 01:50:36 AM
If you're low on funds you might as well wait for a price drop. There are no must-plays for the system yet.

You can't upgrade the internal memory, but you can use SD cards and an external HDD. Unless you have a stack of drives laying around this will be almost as expensive as buying the premium bundle.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 02:02:57 AM
You can't use SD cards for anything outside Wii mode.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 02:06:16 AM
I thought you could use a USB adapter to trick the system into thinking it's a external HDD. That might be a cheaper alternative than dedicating a real hard drive.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 02:10:28 AM
I thought you could use a USB adapter to trick the system into thinking it's a external HDD. That might be a cheaper alternative than dedicating a real hard drive.

Ah, that could definitely be a possibility. I have one of those USB adapters and an SD card around here, I should give it a shot...
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 02:16:43 AM
Personally I only plan to buy smaller eShop games like Nano Assault Neo and maybe Chasing Aurora so 32 GB should be enough to last me a while.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 02:27:35 AM
In other news, the European launch is a bit weird. The premium model is almost completely sold out in advance, but the basic model seems to be available for pre-order everywhere. The strange thing is that the release date is all over the place. A lot of stores have changed the date to next week instead of this Friday, and a few places still have mid-January dates. Hopefully I'll get mine tomorrow.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 07:37:55 AM

Wii U codenames worth knowing: system Cafe, CPU Espresso, GPU/SoC/etc. Latte, ARM secure processor Starbuck (we made that one up).

1.243125GHz, exactly. 3 PowerPC 750 type cores (similar to Wii's Broadway, but more cache). GPU core at 549.999755MHz.

we're calling the WiiU security processor the Starbuck (vs. Starlet on Wii). And it seems to be about equally vulnerable, too

1.2GHz budget CPU :gloomy

@digitalfoundry sorry, I'd rather not talk about how I got that yet. It doesn't involve leaks, it involves Wii U hacks ;)

Nintendo :gloomy
Title: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 08:02:53 AM
I literally am looking for popcorn to consume while I monitor the GAF thread.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 29, 2012, 08:13:40 AM
Does this mean the CPU is super old or what?

I literally am looking for popcorn to consume while I monitor the GAF thread.

Please share the best/worst it has to offer Shaka.
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 08:22:57 AM
 :lol I wonder if Van Cruncheon gets his $100 today

Honestly, that's terrible, they should have known better
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 08:28:22 AM
Poor Bayonetta 2  :'(
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 08:28:34 AM

Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 08:30:00 AM

it's okay, guys

they will unlock it like sony did with psp
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 29, 2012, 08:31:07 AM
ITT: people that don't understand clock speed isn't as an important factor in modern cpu/gpu architecture

I expected speeds right around this ballpark, with ooe and the chunk of edram it should still serve up some great looking software down the line.

Just cool to have the number so we don't have to speculate anymore
Title: Re: A bunch of tape with some tape taped to it! official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 08:34:38 AM
BF3 Wii U, 4-player online, Frostbite engine downgraded to "Pretty Chilly" engine
Title: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 08:38:41 AM
ITT: people that don't understand clock speed isn't as an important factor in modern cpu/gpu architecture

I expected speeds right around this ballpark, with ooe and the chunk of edram it should still serve up some great looking software down the line.

Just cool to have the number so we don't have to speculate anymore

Cool copy/paste, bro.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 29, 2012, 08:39:01 AM
Haven't you heard? Devs are only going to be making mobile games in the future. Wii U is future proof.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 29, 2012, 08:40:10 AM
ouya will probably get more next gen ports than this
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 29, 2012, 08:40:20 AM
ITT: people that don't understand clock speed isn't as an important factor in modern cpu/gpu architecture

I expected speeds right around this ballpark, with ooe and the chunk of edram it should still serve up some great looking software down the line.

Just cool to have the number so we don't have to speculate anymore

Cool copy/paste, bro.

You are just jealous cause i'm in on the whimsy.
Title: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 08:40:24 AM

I love Haunted, Nthing alignment and all. :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 08:41:04 AM
ouya will probably get more next gen ports than this

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: huckleberry on November 29, 2012, 08:47:04 AM
That Haunted post has to be a troll.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 08:53:42 AM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 08:58:42 AM
Wii U = Wii with a Pentium 4 taped to it
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 09:07:24 AM
That Haunted post has to be a troll.


Yes, Haunted and I have been having a good time trolling Wii U threads lately.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = 1.24GHz, lawlz... official WII U thread!
Post by: Brehvolution on November 29, 2012, 09:15:31 AM

Classic movie
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 29, 2012, 09:43:11 AM
Title: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 09:45:24 AM
Yes, which explains why it's so efficient.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 29, 2012, 09:50:29 AM

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 09:54:49 AM
I'm surprised Nintendo even sprang for the luxury of a CPU, all you need is a GPGPU and DAT EDRAM and it's next gen up in herrrrrrr!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 09:57:08 AM

Classic movie

I must've watched that a dozen times on HBO way back when
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 29, 2012, 10:00:43 AM
I gotta say the spin Nintards came up with now:

"well if it is indeed that slow CPU (gimme the receipts!) then Wii U is an amazing piece of tech if it can run Batman, ME3, AC3 looking 95% as good as the PS360 versions despite having CPU 66% slower! Dat GPGPU!"

So, I guess the devs weren't that lazy after all. :smug
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 10:03:55 AM
They've been given but a brief reprieve from that horseshit

They'll be right back to being labeled lazy in less than a month
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 29, 2012, 10:07:54 AM
Wasn't the Wii processor just an over clocked gamecube processor? So this thing is like literally three gamecubes taped together?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 29, 2012, 10:08:53 AM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 10:40:05 AM
Fifa 13 demo is up for EU users.10 tries only
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 11:02:18 AM
I love Nintendo- it's awesome that they have done all of this for our amusement!   :)
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 11:03:17 AM
Shin'en strikes again.

"The CPU and GPU are a good match. As said before, today’s hardware has bottlenecks with memory throughput when you don’t care about your coding style and data layout. This is true for any hardware and can’t be only cured by throwing more megahertz and cores on it. Fortunately Nintendo made very wise choices for cache layout, ram latency and ram size to work against these pitfalls. Also Nintendo took care that other components like the Wii U GamePad screen streaming, or the built-in camera don’t put a burden on the CPU or GPU."

You hear that? Stop focusing on Mhz. Focus on the architecture.

dude is such a nintendo cocksucker its hilarious

Fifa 13 demo is up for EU users.10 tries only


new tweets

Hector Martin ‏@marcan42
The Espresso is an out of order design with a much shorter pipeline. It should win big on IPC on most code, but it has weak SIMD.

Hector Martin ‏@marcan42
It's worth noting that Espresso is *not* comparable clock per clock to a Xenon or a Cell. Think P4 vs. P3-derived Core series.

Hector Martin ‏@marcan42
No hardware threads. One per core. No new SIMD, just paired singles. But it's a saner core than the P4esque stuff in 360/PS3.

sound like its gonna get the ps3 defense (its different but "awesome", even though most games still don't beat its competitor performance wise)

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 11:12:12 AM
Let's summarize this hilarity so far:


spoiler (click to show/hide)


Wii U


ZombiU is a game trapped in the wrong genre. The run-and-gun multiplayer modes emphasise the game's competent shooting mechanics and ability to create interesting enemy encounters. However those two aspects of play are de-emphasised in the game proper, replaced with a bare minimum of story, and some simple puzzles. ZombiU could have been an enjoyable action game, but instead it is a poor entry in the survival horror genre.


Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

David Lynch

Wii U's tech specs aren't as impressive as initially thought and 4A Games won't be bringing Metro: Last Light to Nintendo's new console.

Published on Nov 20, 2012

Nintendo’s Wii U is out in the US and with reports coming in that its struggling in a number of areas, many are claiming its third party games aren’t quite up to the visual standard of their Xbox 360 and PS3 cousins.

That the Wii U struggles to render games (that run perfectly on the Xbox 360 and the PS3) is a worrying trend for Nintendo. In fact, some games currently scheduled for release on the 360, PS3 and PC won’t be heading to the Wii U at all because of the differences in processing power.

One of these titles will be 4 A Games’ Metro: Last Light. Chief technical officer, Oles Shishkovtsov, explains why Metro’s sequel won’t be appearing.

“[The] Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU,” explained Shishkovtsov. “We had an early look at it, we thought we could probably do it, but in terms of the impact we would make on the overall quality of the game – potentially to its detriment – we just figured it wasn’t worth pursuing at this time. It’s something we might return to. I really couldn’t make any promises, though.”

Despite Nintendo’s console offering Metro: Last Light new experiences to its players with it dual screens, when asked Shishkovtsov was adamant that the Wii U would ever seen Metro: Last Light when asked directly.

“We had an initial look at the Wii U, but given the size of the team and compared to where we were last time, just developing for the Playstation 3 is a significant addition.”

-Wii U sold 400,000 units during its first week.
-The Wii sold 600,000+ units during the same time frame.


I just checked the internal data for our Black Friday numbers* and wanted to let you know that over the Holiday weekend:

Xbox 360 sold more than 750,000 consoles in the U.S. alone –exceeding internal forecasts.
Three month Xbox LIVE Gold Subscription sales increased more than 50 percent compared to last year’s Black Friday week.
We saw incredible activity on Xbox over the weekend. For example, on Sunday alone we had more than 14 million people on Xbox LIVE across the world, racking up more than 72 million hours of use in just one day.
Compared to 2011, we’ve seen a 43 percent increase in U.S. entertainment application hours logged on Xbox LIVE during the week of Black Friday.

* Sunday, Nov. 18 – Friday, Nov. 23


Kotaku started the story, twitter had some extra numbers (below)

Wii U: 512 multiplayer, 42 zombies.
Steam: 64,015 peak multiplayer. 1,868 zombies current. 9.716 peak zombies.
PS3: 570,000 multiplayer. 115,000 zombies.
360: 641,000 multiplayer. 800,000 on launch day.




Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: MrAngryFace on November 29, 2012, 11:18:07 AM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 11:29:47 AM

Isn't this a CG cutscene on 360 while being actually rendered on Wii U?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 11:35:23 AM
They're both CG cutscenes. Why would a full motion video have jagged shadows?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 11:44:31 AM
I dunno lol.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 11:45:20 AM
sound like its gonna get the ps3 defense (its different but "awesome", even though most games still don't beat its competitor performance wise)

"Different but awesome" is the 21st century version of "separate but equal". Wii U owners to be reclassified as 3/5ths of a person.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 12:02:40 PM
They're both CG cutscenes. Why would a full motion video have jagged shadows?
Low res shadow map?

Not sure why they used it

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 12:08:12 PM
I suppose it's possible they used crappy settings to make the transition between real-time and pre-recorded graphics less jarring.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 29, 2012, 12:14:26 PM
Ok nerds so does this mean it will definitely struggle with next gen ports in the long term?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on November 29, 2012, 12:15:06 PM
It's already struggling.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 29, 2012, 12:16:02 PM
You mean current gen ports? Yes, it will struggle with most of them. There might be ways to get games to run decently on the system, but most developers aren't going to be bothered with such a small install base.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 12:45:31 PM
It's gonna be like every other Nintendo console since the N64- Nintendo titles like Mario and Zelda still sell tons of units, you get a couple of good third party Japanese-developed games, and apart from those it's gonna be a dust magnet most of the time.

But this time I see Nintendo either re-releasing an improved version of the console (with more HDD space, for example) and/or an improved controller with a better touch screen, resolution, and battery life.

And the N-thing hype cycle will begin anew.

Despite all that, you just know this system is going to dominate in Japan with its Monster Hunter 3DS port-up and Dragon Quest X Wii port-up lololololol, etc. etc.

This is the first console since the Jaguar and 3D0 that I don't see myself owning.  Even with at least one game I'm really interested in on the horizon in Bayonetta 2.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 12:49:06 PM
This thread is the gift that keeps on giving
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 29, 2012, 12:52:57 PM (

The problem Nintendo has is their market aims. It seems to be a conscious choice.

To the enthusiast gamer, everything that's not as powerful as current technology allows is "gimped". It's a bit like an auto enthusiast who rails that a mass market consumer minivan is a piece of crap because somewhere in the world, there are Ferraris. It's true that the minivan is no Ferrari, so the enthusiast has a point - but he's also missing the point that the minivan's job is not to be a Ferrari. And in some ways, it's better... like cargo capacity, fuel efficiency, etc.

It's hard for me even with this news to see the Wii U's hardware as "Nintendo cheeps out on j00 suckers". Because Nintendo's goal was not to make a $500 console that was way more powerful than PS360 plus included an iPad. Again, their self-chosen path and problem is that they deal with the mass market. A $300 console (the base model) sounds like their absolute upper limit for MSRP, to not scare away the authentic mainstream audience. Within that price, their concept for the system included an expensive to develop, and not cheap to produce touch screen / motion sensing interface device.

Nintendo doesn't seem to have "gimped" on anything within the price range they had to remain within, considering the total components that make up the system. If the Xbox 360 had ha a cheaper CPU, it could have had more ram, for example. But there were specific priorities and they were followed. Wii U was designed with specific priorities and this is what we got.

The joke with the FUD being spread is that you still have ports like ACIII at launch, made in a rush, that effectively look and run about like the PS3 version of the same game. If people stopped and thought for a moment, they'd see that clearly, something in Nintendo's design strategy for the console is working. Otherwise that game would not exist on Wii U and if it did, never with that kind of port parity.

Edit: I would add that the most questionable thing in the entire matter IMO is Nintendo's very obvious entreaties to 3rd parties about Wii U being friendly towards them from a development and power standpoint. Obviously, working on the console involves some major strategic shifts and while that doesn't mean the hardware is bad, it probably does make Nintendo's official PR line sound like damage control. But then we have all those months and months of some 3rd parties saying the hardware is great, some griping it sucks, etc etc. Opinions, woohah!

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 01:06:12 PM
So, in other words: (

I just can't accept that the Wii U sucks


Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 01:08:03 PM
Alternate TL;DR version: Nintendo said 1.24ghz is good enough, so it must be. *slurp, slurp*
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 29, 2012, 01:10:28 PM
It's hard to believe people defend the pricepoint considering what they are getting tech wise.

It's like they lost track of reality.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 01:10:55 PM


Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 01:15:23 PM
It will be a though year for Nintendo headquarters if this thing doesn't sell well,especially in the West.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 01:16:23 PM
It will be a though year for Nintendo headquarters if this thing doesn't sell well,especially in the West.


They can always go back to making playing cards!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 01:22:52 PM
It will be a though year for Nintendo headquarters if this thing doesn't sell well,especially in the West.


They can always go back to making playing cards!

Or finally make those love hotels rumored so long ago  :lol

now i'll wait for 200 and less on the deluxe before jumping in since god knows there wont be any game that will make me wanna buy one earlier than that.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 01:24:02 PM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 01:28:07 PM
It will be a though year for Nintendo headquarters if this thing doesn't sell well,especially in the West.


They can always go back to making playing cards!

The cards are half the size of regular playing cards, but they only cost $20 a pack, what more do you expect!?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Timber on November 29, 2012, 01:31:56 PM (

Dude is such a fucking muppet  :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 01:41:59 PM

Developers love low clock speeds because it forces them to be more creative, resulting in better games. Because that's totally what happened on the Wii, oh man all those GOTYs coming out weekly, we were just drowning in them!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bachikarn on November 29, 2012, 01:46:31 PM
What's so stupid is Nintendo could have a more powerful machine at the same price point and profit margin, but they force a low power consumption and sizing requirement. I guess they do that because it's preferable in Japan, but console gaming is like dead in Japan. Why design it for that market?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 29, 2012, 01:47:12 PM

Developers love low clock speeds because it forces them to be more creative, resulting in better games. Because that's totally what happened on the Wii, oh man all those GOTYs coming out weekly, we were just drowning in them!

I always love the posts decrying that hardware doesn't matter in a thread devoted to talking about hardware.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Momo on November 29, 2012, 01:48:06 PM
Shaka, pass the popcorn :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 01:48:47 PM

Developers love low clock speeds because it forces them to be more creative, resulting in better games. Because that's totally what happened on the Wii, oh man all those GOTYs coming out weekly, we were just drowning in them!

Quote from: HAL_Laboratory;44885409
It will be, but that wasn't my point. My point was, world-class developers don't care about specs. It's about what they can do with the hardware. They don't whine and cry about a lack of "power", they just make something badass.

He's right.  They will do this- on another console.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cascade on November 29, 2012, 01:50:51 PM
 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
This guy can't be serious, please tell me it isn't possible to be this out of touch with reality:
The Wii U's online system right now has account names, friend requests, a digital distribution platform, YouTube, etc. Unless you like paying double the cost of your console so that you can download games onto your friend's hardware, I'd say they have a better platform than Microsoft. (
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 29, 2012, 01:52:45 PM
Quote from: Freezie KO;44885908
The Wii U's online system right now has account names, friend requests, a digital distribution platform, YouTube, etc.  Unless you like paying double the cost of your console so that you can download games onto your friend's hardware, I'd say they have a better platform than Microsoft.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 01:53:23 PM
What's so stupid is Nintendo could have a more powerful machine at the same price point and profit margin, but they force a low power consumption and sizing requirement. I guess they do that because it's preferable in Japan, but console gaming is like dead in Japan. Why design it for that market?

I don't think they did(Wii sold much more in the West than in Japan).
Tablets are pretty popular in the West,so maybe they thought this was the next big thing.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 01:58:19 PM
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
This guy can't be serious, please tell me it isn't possible to be this out of touch with reality:
The Wii U's online system right now has account names, friend requests, a digital distribution platform, YouTube, etc. Unless you like paying double the cost of your console so that you can download games onto your friend's hardware, I'd say they have a better platform than Microsoft. (

What a dumb thing to say.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 01:59:13 PM
Lore weighs in.

We're experiencing flat out shameful, incompetent design. Decade-old hardware in a primarily $350 box is not necessary or even particularly beneficial in order to secure an aggressive profit margin, and having power trade-offs with the 360/PS3 architectures ensures bad press and unhappy port-buyers from the beginning, when upgraded current gen ports were very much part of the launch strategy. Fils-Aime has to run laughably dishonest damage control on a daily basis as part of this catastrophic failure to produce a technologically viable system -- again, at such a premium price point.

No worries, though. I'm sure soccer moms worldwide, with their iPads and Nexus 7s sitting on the coffee table, will be enthralled by the unique selling point of a living room tethered, two hour battery life, PDA-era resistive touch screen tablet controller.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 02:00:42 PM
This may be the biggest meltdown I have ever witnessed
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 02:03:52 PM
We all know that there is nothing that hurts ninthings more than sales.All of this will be nothing if WiiU hardware and software start underperforming.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 02:09:52 PM
Lore weighs in.

We're experiencing flat out shameful, incompetent design. Decade-old hardware in a primarily $350 box is not necessary or even particularly beneficial in order to secure an aggressive profit margin, and having power trade-offs with the 360/PS3 architectures ensures bad press and unhappy port-buyers from the beginning, when upgraded current gen ports were very much part of the launch strategy. Fils-Aime has to run laughably dishonest damage control on a daily basis as part of this catastrophic failure to produce a technologically viable system -- again, at such a premium price point.

No worries, though. I'm sure soccer moms worldwide, with their iPads and Nexus 7s sitting on the coffee table, will be enthralled by the unique selling point of a living room tethered, two hour battery life, PDA-era resistive touch screen tablet controller.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 29, 2012, 02:19:20 PM
We all know that there is nothing that hurts ninthings more than sales.All of this will be nothing if WiiU hardware and software start underperforming.

realistically the focus will shift to sales in Japan, since those are the only ones that matter (à la PSP)
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 29, 2012, 02:21:59 PM
We all know that there is nothing that hurts ninthings more than sales.All of this will be nothing if WiiU hardware and software start underperforming.

realistically the focus will shift to sales in Japan, since those are the only ones that matter (à la PSP)

Given Nintendo region locks everything now if Wii U is successful in Japan, but not the west the amount of crying over localizations not happening will be beautiful.

I'll probably be crying and laughing since if this thing is enough of a success in Japan there's bound to be some stuff I want to play. : /
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 03:37:32 PM
damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 03:44:24 PM
We all know that there is nothing that hurts ninthings more than sales.All of this will be nothing if WiiU hardware and software start underperforming.

maxy knows whats up

There is no architecture old enough (try Commodore 64) Nintards won't champion as long as the sales are impressive.

Well I mean what else are they gonna do with no new games to play?   ???
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 04:05:05 PM
damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol

I have a feeling he's gonna be banned pretty soon if he keeps it up. "All my friends at Retro are totally stoked for Wii U! Trust me! Trust them! Disclaimer: Retro is a first party Nintendo studio."
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 29, 2012, 04:06:59 PM
I have a feeling he's gonna be banned pretty soon if he keeps it up. "All my friends at Retro are totally stoked for Wii U! Trust me! Trust them! Disclaimer: Retro is a first party Nintendo studio."

And oddly, he has segued from that to seemingly focusing on how graphics aren't everything. It's getting to the point where I don't even understand what people are arguing anymore.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 29, 2012, 04:08:13 PM
Quote from: Oblivion;4310993
Zelda looks gorgeous. **** the haters. Especially that fight shot with that knight. And the master sword in the forest. GotfM!!!

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 04:11:38 PM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 04:16:34 PM
At least they can still play Ghost Squad
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 04:19:29 PM
Ghost Squad always reminds me of Ninja Squad.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 04:20:48 PM
damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol

Not anymore. :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 04:24:01 PM
Fuck, Ninja Squad is red hot
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 04:24:38 PM
I'd play a Ninja Squad lightgun game
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 04:28:23 PM
damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol

Not anymore. :lol


Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 04:31:51 PM
Evilore personally stepped in and chopped him down for his "I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE, YOU'RE THE CRAZY ONES!" post.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 04:32:20 PM

I can't believe I never picked up the port of this sick ass game
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 04:36:12 PM

I can't believe I never picked up the port of this sick ass game

Looks rad but pretty slow for a lightgun game. How does it work? You don't use a gun attachment at the 'cade, do you?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 04:40:38 PM
I had Ninja Assault, but I liked Vampire Night better.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 29, 2012, 04:43:10 PM
Called it.

Evilore personally stepped in and chopped him down for his "I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE, YOU'RE THE CRAZY ONES!" post.

Link? Thread is hard to keep up with.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 04:44:06 PM
damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol

I have a feeling he's gonna be banned pretty soon if he keeps it up. "All my friends at Retro are totally stoked for Wii U! Trust me! Trust them! Disclaimer: Retro is a first party Nintendo studio."

yea because we all know they will bite the hand that feeds them  ::), dude is distinguished mentally-challenged.

damn HAL is working overtime in that GAF thread  :lol :lol :lol :lol

Not anymore. :lol


Andrex was on the money.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 29, 2012, 04:49:06 PM
yea because we all know they will bite the hand that feeds them  ::), dude is distinguished mentally-challenged.

To be entirely fair, he's citing off the record conversation had over beers and gaming, so I can buy that an employee would genuinely be excited about what they're working on if that's what they're saying in that context. However, what I found baffling about this was that this was completely inconsequential insider information to tease. HAL wasn't even asserting that he had seen anything himself that he just wasn't allowed to talk about. "I can't talk about it, but I've seen it and I think some people are going to be surprised" is insider info that -- accurate or not -- is actually worth throwing out. "My buddy who's working on it tells me that it's great" is completely worthless info, especially when offered authoritatively.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 04:50:25 PM
Called it.

Evilore personally stepped in and chopped him down for his "I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE, YOU'RE THE CRAZY ONES!" post.

Link? Thread is hard to keep up with.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 05:03:27 PM
yea because we all know they will bite the hand that feeds them  ::), dude is distinguished mentally-challenged.

To be entirely fair, he's citing off the record conversation had over beers and gaming, so I can buy that an employee would genuinely be excited about what they're working on if that's what they're saying in that context. However, what I found baffling about this was that this was completely inconsequential insider information to tease. HAL wasn't even asserting that he had seen anything himself that he just wasn't allowed to talk about. "I can't talk about it, but I've seen it and I think some people are going to be surprised" is insider info that -- accurate or not -- is actually worth throwing out. "My buddy who's working on it tells me that it's great" is completely worthless info, especially when offered authoritatively.

I still don't believe they would want to say anything bad but i will agree about him apparently not seeing it, going on heresay that its good and passing that as "insider" info was fucking stupid.

An maybe its just me but does the Lore comment sound like he's permed?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 29, 2012, 05:06:25 PM
nintendo  :'(

will buy for zelda tho
Title: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 05:48:46 PM
Damn. That HAL_Lab went down in flames.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 29, 2012, 05:51:36 PM
Now things are just getting goofy:

He can tell from the pixels and from seeing some polygons in his days.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 29, 2012, 05:52:48 PM
No worries, though. I'm sure soccer moms worldwide, with their iPads and Nexus 7s sitting on the coffee table, will be enthralled by the unique selling point of a living room tethered, two hour battery life, PDA-era resistive touch screen tablet controller.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 05:54:17 PM
But the zelda demo's impressive mostly by the lighting and reflective materials as well as textures. 3d gaming is about more than polygons. ??? And with an underpowered gpu/cpu, doing a game that looks like that zelda demo is impossible - literally - with those specs.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on November 29, 2012, 06:04:01 PM
Now things are just getting goofy:

He can tell from the pixels and from seeing some polygons in his days.

That shit is awesome! JordanN and his amazing polygon counting powers!   :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Contra on November 29, 2012, 06:07:22 PM
Someone should tell him that characters have more polys than flat levels.  Or not.  Probably funnier if not.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 29, 2012, 06:09:51 PM
that jordan dude is embarrassing
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 06:12:53 PM
Holy shit he's like Nick Rox but he can count polygons instead of cut animation frames from Capcom Saturn ports
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: duckman2000 on November 29, 2012, 06:15:06 PM
So, the Wii was underpowered...


I and MANY other people were pretty wowed by stuff like Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade, Red Steel 2, Monster Hunter Tri, Last Story, and Skyward Sword.

The Wii put out some pretty incredible visuals in relation to the hardware it was on.

I expect the same to be the case with Wii U.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 29, 2012, 06:35:20 PM
Setting the bar low
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 29, 2012, 06:43:34 PM
I still think the tablet controller is a great idea

spoiler (click to show/hide)
when someone comes along and does it properly, without pinching pennies until lincoln screams

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 29, 2012, 06:44:02 PM
Ghost Squad always reminds me of Ninja Squad.

You want ninjas in your Ghost Squad?

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 06:45:29 PM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 06:49:01 PM
Ghost Squad always reminds me of Ninja Squad.

You want ninjas in your Ghost Squad?


Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 06:51:59 PM
Did you guys know you can do this?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 06:58:02 PM
Holy shit I didn't know you could do this. CRAZYTOWN
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 29, 2012, 07:00:45 PM
:bow WII :bow2
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 29, 2012, 07:07:09 PM
Holy shit he's like Nick Rox but he can count polygons instead of cut animation frames from Capcom Saturn ports


Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 29, 2012, 07:24:00 PM
Did you guys know you can do this?

yeah, I tried this out a few months back.  Doesn't work great if you expect it to replicate the lightgun.  Fine as a pointer.

I looked up other ways to play modern lightgun games like the ems topgun and stuff.  Those sound a bit better but some still use IR, which has issues replicating the lightgun feel (based on Wii and Guncon 3 use).  That's including the 3 to 5-point calibrations some games allow.

Move does the best job at emulating the lightgun feel, but it's limited by implementation (HotD3+4 are excellent; Time Crisis is bad) and last I checked no PC drivers.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 07:27:49 PM
is see you guys already posted that polygon counting shit  :lol

that jordan dude is embarrassing

pretty much.

Dude kept pushing that the zelda demo can't be done on current consoles just because Nintendo PR said it can't :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Purple Filth on November 29, 2012, 07:58:46 PM
Apparently, according to a link further up, bgassassin suggested they actually switched the core type after the first kit, not just clockspeed. That the core was originally something more xenon like with mt per core etc. But I don't know if that's true or not.

Yea that's not true. Was more or less same CPU whole time. Only  real CPU change was the clock speed was raised 25%  between I believe Cat-Dev V3 and V4.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 29, 2012, 08:01:03 PM
Euro launch

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 29, 2012, 08:07:03 PM
Oh shit! Europeans get to get in on the fun. ROUND 2
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 29, 2012, 08:07:49 PM
The Wii put out some pretty incredible visuals in relation to the hardware it was on.

I swear before the end of this gen someone will post that they prefer lower polygon models, that they prefer lower shader quality, that dithering is brilliant, and that they prefer low res texturing because it "i dunno, it looks more real"


Seriously, each firm has their screaming fanboys but Nintendo fans are the only ones that treat Nintendo like an overbearing mother figure. Love you mom, thanks for letting me stay up till 8pm! <3 <3
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 29, 2012, 08:09:51 PM
Euro launch


* Howard likes this post.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 29, 2012, 08:13:52 PM
Oh shit! Europeans get to get in on the fun. ROUND 2

Australia was last night, Euro today. More fun!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 29, 2012, 08:25:59 PM
didn't the UK have 'record breaking preorder levels' ?

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 29, 2012, 08:43:51 PM
I don't understand what exactly is so funny or "hilarious" about the Wii U's faults. I never got the whole derisive laughter thing. Anyone care to explain?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 29, 2012, 08:44:21 PM
Anyone care to explain?

Title: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 29, 2012, 09:09:40 PM
I don't understand what exactly is so funny or "hilarious" about the Wii U's faults. I never got the whole derisive laughter thing. Anyone care to explain?

Manchildren squirming as they attempt to damage-control is funny. See: HAL_Laboratory's meltdown.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 29, 2012, 09:45:07 PM
Euro launch


The que numbers will triple once Nintendo fans get off work :bow
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 29, 2012, 10:41:13 PM
Euro launch


The que numbers will triple once Nintendo fans get out of school :bow

This was too easy.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 29, 2012, 10:49:12 PM
Euro launch


The que numbers will triple once Nintendo fans get out of kindergarten :bow

This was too easy.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: pilonv1 on November 29, 2012, 11:10:06 PM
Sounds like the Australian units are getting hard locks too. Need to unplug at the wall to get it to clear.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 30, 2012, 12:20:20 AM
I'm starting to think we need a Wii U thread and a Wii U Ridicule thread.

Mario U is actually great so far.  Same old game but the levels are quality and it can look nice at times.  Has some of that Mario Galaxy sheen and isn't quite so flat and charisma vacuumious like the Wii game.

Other than the music, all that's 'bad' about the game are the coin placements.  I've gotten all in the first four worlds and most of them are behind a fake wall.  You know, the completely innocuous looking walls that you can walk through.  It means two things:

1) If you want the coins, sometimes you gotta just rub up against walls.  The levels are well designed in general, but it doesn't have those suspicious looking areas where you feel the coins could be. 

2)  It's not skill based.  I may be misremembering how it was in NSMB Wii, but between Galaxy 2 and 3D Land, some of the bonus coins were fun to get.  They weren't just "hidden" to be found.  Sometimes they were in plain sight and getting to them was the challenge.  The coins in NSMBU are just pretty lazy so far.

And this isn't a positive or negative, but the 'seamless' world ain't like Super Mario World's.  It's more like Mario 3 with the worlds connected.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 30, 2012, 12:45:00 AM
I don't understand what exactly is so funny or "hilarious" about the Wii U's faults. I never got the whole derisive laughter thing. Anyone care to explain?

if you have to ask, you'll never know
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: demi on November 30, 2012, 12:49:47 AM
I don't understand what exactly is so funny or "hilarious" about the Wii U's faults. I never got the whole derisive laughter thing. Anyone care to explain?

Because it's not the same game. It's not the same game, Geoff. Geoff! It's not the same game.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 30, 2012, 01:23:50 AM

Keep in mind that this is purely a demonstration at this stage. Depending on how things progress and what direction development takes, we may or may not release something like this in this form. Please don’t ask for release dates. We’d rather spend time investigating the new system than putting together a release that may or may not end up being the Right Way to do things in the future ;).

Please ignore the blue blinks. The monitor kind of sucks at syncing to component video sometimes. I would’ve used HDMI, but the Wii U cannot output analog audio simultaneously with HDMI (at least not for the Wii U menu part), and I cannot capture HDMI audio.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 01:51:34 AM
I consider myself fairly high skilled with platformers, especially Mario ones. I find Lost Levels enjoyable and can clear almost any Mario level.

However, the skill challenges are downright brutal. Time trials, coin runs, 1up marathons... and I haven't even gotten to the Boost Rush ones, which basically force you to use this setup:


(That's a developer of the game, setting mandatory platforms down with the GamePad while he navigates the level with the Wiimote in order to beat it. This game needs the "For Super Players... ONLY" subtitle.)

Sixfortyfive on GAF is a much more skilled platform player than me and these challenges almost damn near broke him. I've barely scratched the surface and I'm already pulling my hair out. These are way harder than 95% of Lost Levels already.

Mario U is actually great so far.  Same old game but the levels are quality and it can look nice at times.  Has some of that Mario Galaxy sheen and isn't quite so flat and charisma vacuumious like the Wii game.

It's not terrible looking. The backgrounds are nice and it's finally, finally nice not to have my eyes cut open with jaggies.

Other than the music, all that's 'bad' about the game are the coin placements.  I've gotten all in the first four worlds and most of them are behind a fake wall.  You know, the completely innocuous looking walls that you can walk through.  It means two things:

1) If you want the coins, sometimes you gotta just rub up against walls.  The levels are well designed in general, but it doesn't have those suspicious looking areas where you feel the coins could be. 

2)  It's not skill based.  I may be misremembering how it was in NSMB Wii, but between Galaxy 2 and 3D Land, some of the bonus coins were fun to get.  They weren't just "hidden" to be found.  Sometimes they were in plain sight and getting to them was the challenge.  The coins in NSMBU are just pretty lazy so far.

The coins in NSMB U are a lot better than Wii. I may be misremembering myself but like 80% of those were "hidden wall tee hee!" ones. I was really annoyed with that aspect of the original.

Comparatively, U's coins have far less hidden walls coins, and those that do are usually somewhat clever at least.

And this isn't a positive or negative, but the 'seamless' world ain't like Super Mario World's.  It's more like Mario 3 with the worlds connected.

The theme's are the same recycled junk from SMB3 but the structure is pretty much World to a tee, with a bigger emphasis on "1:1" secret paths and not secret paths that lead to otherwise completely-sealed off areas (see Butter Bridge, the lower right of Donut Plains, half of Forest of Illusion, etc.) In general I think this might be a little better gameplay-wise since you get more content without combing through secrets. Whimsy-wise World probably has the edge, although I will say I always did like World's multiple secret exits in some levels. Made you think you were completely done after finding the first one, but nope, more secrets to be found!

I also give an easy victory to the Ghost Houses of World. U's are better than most of the New series' but still not as clever as the originals.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 30, 2012, 02:38:50 AM
I don't understand what exactly is so funny or "hilarious" about the Wii U's faults. I never got the whole derisive laughter thing. Anyone care to explain?

Don't worry you will see the same hilarity for PS4/720.

Latest Sony patent

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: duckman2000 on November 30, 2012, 04:48:38 AM
The two-part controller was pretty much the best thing about the Wii so I hope both Sony and MS do something like that.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: mjemirzian on November 30, 2012, 05:29:53 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. And that's the strangest PS controller I've ever seen. That wiimote-tablet setup looks uncomfortable. How did they let him get away with designing a control scheme around that?

My thoughts on the Wii U are still that I might get one for Bayonetta 2 and Fire Emblem, assuming they're any good.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 30, 2012, 07:11:35 AM
Wow at those Wii U specs.

I'm going to be a total Nintard and say that they don't matter too much.  My reasoning is that third party ports were going to dry up once the real next gen consoles come out anyway.  We also already knew that it was an Xbox 324 at best and the fact that Nintendo refused to release the specifications meant that they were shittier than expected.  So no real surprises here.  The only people fooled were the types of people who lapped up the "industry insider" bullshit without questioning it and I'm not going to weep for manchildren who thought ShockingAlberto of all people knew what the fuck he was talking about.  I still think industry insiders should be banned unless they can prove to the mods/admins that they have credible evidence.  Most Nintendo fans on GAF aren't the shiniest pennies in the fountain and I hate people who generally get suckered in like that.

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 30, 2012, 08:19:48 AM
Stupid thing is Nintendo could have made the systme  powerfull for the same money. But they rather go the small/power saving route NOBODY cares about.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Don Flamenco on November 30, 2012, 08:23:08 AM


ok, trolling aside, that's just plain bad.  objectively so. 
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 30, 2012, 09:23:35 AM
Apparently Wii U servers in Europe are crashing and giving error codes when people try to dl the big update.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: archie4208 on November 30, 2012, 09:58:32 AM
Must be due to the overwhelming popularity.  :bow2
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: archnemesis on November 30, 2012, 10:03:27 AM
Bleh! I clearly picked the wrong store to pre-order it from. No Wii U for me this week.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 30, 2012, 10:14:34 AM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 30, 2012, 10:25:29 AM
Did someone feel they wanted to show off that mess of shit?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 30, 2012, 10:28:22 AM
4 360's  :rofl

You know I'd buy the WiiU just cause it's the first new thing in 6 years, but then there is totally no incentive since it's 7 year old tech. This is really bad. Even if it was only half way between this and next gen they could have sold me one...


Kosma got a nice tan 8)

Man I wouldnt line up for this shit I thought you would stop burning me B  :'(
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 30, 2012, 10:30:13 AM
I thought that was European Triforce Johnson.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 30, 2012, 10:31:00 AM
Btw why is the guy in the background holding Mario's nose?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 30, 2012, 10:33:45 AM
I thought that was European Triforce Johnson.

I thought the same thing!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 30, 2012, 10:36:29 AM
Btw why is the guy in the background holding Mario's nose?

he's just giving mario a little bump to keep his energy up
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Takao on November 30, 2012, 11:19:54 AM
4 360's  :rofl

At least 5, there's one just barely visible to the right of the MW3 Special Edition. You can tell because of the air holes.

Why would someone need that many? They all RROD and this person's a collector of console corpses?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 30, 2012, 11:34:06 AM
I haven't seen framerates that bad since I tried to play Perfect Dark without the RAM upgrade!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 30, 2012, 11:38:36 AM
I haven't seen framerates that bad since I tried to play Perfect Dark without the RAM upgrade!

Oh yeah, well multiplayer runs fine!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: maxy on November 30, 2012, 11:43:52 AM
No AI to burden whimsy cpu.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on November 30, 2012, 11:47:00 AM
No AI to burden whimsy cpu.

No other players, either.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Huff on November 30, 2012, 12:45:48 PM
No AI to burden whimsy cpu.

No other players, either.

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: ToxicAdam on November 30, 2012, 12:46:18 PM
It seems more realistic to how war would be . They say in times of great distress, time seems to slow down. Wii U is just emulating that experience.


lazy devs

Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 30, 2012, 12:47:58 PM
It's more cinematic, dontcha know.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: bork on November 30, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
It's the Nintendo® difference.™  Now you're playing with power!™
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 30, 2012, 12:57:00 PM


ok, trolling aside, that's just plain bad.  objectively so.

I think you're meant to play with a friend.  One person 'boosting' on the pad; the other playing the game normally.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on November 30, 2012, 01:00:53 PM
I dunno, I don't think they thought it through
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on November 30, 2012, 01:17:23 PM
I can check later but I'm pretty sure they're designated as multiplayer modes.  People are playing it alone because they have no one to play it with, and/or feel the need to complete everything since there's nothing else to play.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Diunx on November 30, 2012, 01:23:13 PM


(That's a developer of the game, setting mandatory platforms down with the GamePad while he navigates the level with the Wiimote in order to beat it. This game needs the "For Super Players... ONLY" subtitle.)

That's distinguished mentally-challenged.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 02:31:51 PM


ok, trolling aside, that's just plain bad.  objectively so.

I think you're meant to play with a friend.  One person 'boosting' on the pad; the other playing the game normally.

This is correct.

If you want to do it solo, you better have some hairs on your chest and buckle up.

AFAIK it only accounts for like 10 of the 60 (completely optional) challenge missions.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: DCharlieJP on November 30, 2012, 04:02:34 PM
Guys : COD - less arseholes on line and those that are online only play one game type and they aren't very good at it! Plus if you've got fat hands the WiiUPad is a great controller for you ! Plus - you'll not notice the worse graphics anyways -and-you can play from your bed so you never need to winch yourself out of your Wanking Charriot!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 30, 2012, 05:02:38 PM
I like how that dude bolded everything but the part that was most critical :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Steve Contra on November 30, 2012, 05:21:17 PM (
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 05:45:31 PM
His tag. :lol
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 30, 2012, 05:52:53 PM
Played Wii U today.

I'm impressed with the ergonomics and geometry of the controller. The touch screen kind of sucks, but the thing is very comfortable. I thought it would feel weird being a tablet and a controller in one, but it ended up being fairly smaller than I expected, and more importantly, very fun to hold. The analog sticks are VERY good but the placing of the face buttons below the right stick is more awkward than I expected it to be, which is to say, extremely so. I demo'd Rayman so I didn't get to see how the right stick placement handles 3d games. Not bad. Now to put this idea on an actually decent system.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 07:35:27 PM
You played a 2D platformer with the left analog stick? ???
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 30, 2012, 08:13:07 PM
So what.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 08:57:22 PM
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 30, 2012, 09:48:12 PM
I was trying to see how the controller felt. Don't care about playing a d-pad especially since you don't exactly need reflexes to play ray man. I beat mm9 and bionic commando rearmed with the 360 stick suck my cheeseburger dick
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 11:17:36 PM
And I thought I was a glutton for punishment.

Anyways, yeah, GamePad's pretty good and the d-pad is an actually usable position (probably because the buttons it's lined up with on the other side HAVE to be), which is a nice change from all other post-N64 Nintendo systems (GC, Wii, 3DS) where it feels like the d-pad is third-class citizen. (3DS XL makes it a little better though.)

I'm curious on anyone's thoughts on Mario's challenge levels. These things are killing my soul.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 30, 2012, 11:27:50 PM
Andy, most side scrollers only require you going left or right. It's not like Rayman is Mega fucking Man X, where you're dashing every 5 seconds and need to place accurate shots. You're just going left and right; an analog stick is all you need. In any case, Nintendo d-pads have all been the same since the Nintendo DS Lite, and when trying a new system I wanted to get a feel of the controller, which was through the analog sticks (most games do not utilize d-pad).

The d-pad IS Much better than past Nintendo d-pads, but mostly due to its size.  If I'm right, its size has been greatly increased.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on November 30, 2012, 11:57:22 PM
In any case, Nintendo d-pads have all been the same since the Nintendo DS Lite... The d-pad IS Much better than past Nintendo d-pads

??? :P

Wiimote, CC, and DS Lite all shared the same-ish d-pad. However, the CC Pro introduced a much better d-pad which is currently in use on the GamePad (I think it's very, very slightly larger as well.) I haven't had much experience with the OG 3DS, but the XL uses what is essentially the CC Pro's d-pad except clickier and smaller.

There's very slight variations, but there is a division between last-gen Nintendo d-pads and current gen. themoreyouknow.jpg
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on November 30, 2012, 11:58:45 PM
It really is the same d-pad. The big difference is the SIZE. But the shape and ergonomics of the d-pad are literally the same. But when it comes to d-pad size, size is everything. A small d-pad like ds lite's is considerably worse than wii u's, which is about the same size as the Dual Shock 3's.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on December 01, 2012, 12:01:43 AM
The DS Lite's d-pad is pretty different from the CC Pro's/GamePad's dude. It's not that it's just bigger. The new d-pad is squishier, more rounded on the edges (much more comfortable even without taking size into account), and much more accurate in general (diagonals were always a literal pain on the DS Lite.)
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on December 01, 2012, 12:05:27 AM
Either way, it's about time Nintendo made a d-pad that isn't shit!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: cool breeze on December 01, 2012, 12:26:33 AM
They use the shape but they're rarely the same.  Probably the only ones that feel the same are Gameboy SP and original DS.   Like, the original Classic Controller d-pad was pretty bad, but the Classic Controller Pro has a great d-pad.  Both appear identical.  Same with DSi to DSi XL.  And size never really mattered to me.  Best ever is the Saturn d-pad, which is pretty large.  But Nintendo's best is still the Gameboy Micro, and Sony's best is the Vita.  Those two are relatively tiny.

Anyway, Wii U Gamepad has a fine d-pad.  Face button location is a bit uncomfortable since I'm not used to it yet.  I have no reason to get used to it when I'm playing Mario with the Wii remote.  Tablet is comfortable for what it is.  Going back to the 360 controller, or hell, even the PS3 controller, you remember how much more comfortable those are.

And again the gamepad went from charged to dead in 3 hours (separate sessions over a few days without charging; level 3 brightness and power saving on).  While I can't imagine a time I'll be playing for 3 hours straight, it's still a shame.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: MCD on December 01, 2012, 01:24:01 AM
I 200/200 Super Meat Boy with 360 analog sticks.

Andrex, please.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: parallax on December 01, 2012, 01:59:00 AM
Wii U end of first mission of Black Ops 2:

Xbox 360 end of same mission:

Dat GPGPU.... dat eDRAM.

Holy shit. Looking  at the first vid, you would think the slow motion was intentional. Damn. Did Treyarch put as much effort into this as they do their ps3 versions, or is this hardware related?
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on December 01, 2012, 02:27:03 AM
Yeah, some of these challenge modes are just wtf. I just read the Iwata Asks and apparently, Japanese Club Nintendo testers were like, "wow this is pretty hard" while American testers were like "uh guys, the game is broken, no way you can do some of these." :lol

Anyways GAFer Sixfortyfive uploaded his gold medal runs of all of them, watch if you don't care about level spoilers and/or have some time to waste:

Replays make it look soooo much easier. Even mine do.

(The fact that the game HAS a replay feature for challenge levels was a nice surprise, shame they can't be shared from what I can tell. #Nintendo)

Andrex I hope you've played enough 2D sidescrollers other than Mario to make that statement, cause if not SMH.

I've been working my way through them. I have Meat Boy on Steam but haven't played it yet. I'm sure it's nice and fun and difficult.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Himu on December 01, 2012, 02:57:27 AM
Holy fuck why doesn't nsmb2 have level design like that? :maf
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on December 01, 2012, 03:10:32 AM
Cause it was made by interns.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 01, 2012, 03:22:37 AM
The no-coin challenges are funny because they force you to go against years of ingrained gamer urges. Those coins are RIGHT THERE, begging you to take them!
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Beezy on December 01, 2012, 10:38:21 AM
I 200/200 Super Meat Boy with 360 analog sticks.

Andrex, please.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 01, 2012, 11:54:31 AM
Looks like is selling some Wii Us with a game and a shitty wii remote:  I stumbled across it by accident and both versions are in stock so who knows how long this offer has been going on.

I bit.  I got a Wii U black and NSMBU.  I'll probably pitch the third party remote.
Title: Re: Wii U CPU = Wii CPU with AMD Duron taped to it, lawlz - official WII U thread!
Post by: Tasty on December 01, 2012, 04:30:41 PM
The no-coin challenges are funny because they force you to go against years of ingrained gamer urges. Those coins are RIGHT THERE, begging you to take them!

Not only do you have to ignore them, you can't even accidentally hit them if you want gold. So coins are as good as "death" in those instances because even accidentally running into one, or hitting ANY block (which always have one), means you have to start the level over (if you want gold, most no-coins can be "beaten" with up to five coins.)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: BlueTsunami on December 01, 2012, 06:27:52 PM
So WiiU users are trying to say that next gen consoles will be working with discreet GPU's? That death cry.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Huff on December 01, 2012, 08:36:37 PM
Despite all the shittalking, I kinda want to play NSMBU.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 01, 2012, 08:49:30 PM
It's a very good Mario game, and has one of the best difficulty curves in the series.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 01, 2012, 10:09:43 PM
Despite all the shittalking, I kinda want to play NSMBU.

basically - it's NSMBU and Monster Hunter and the other games can go piss on a brick

Title: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 01, 2012, 10:49:14 PM
Marcan tweeted that a birdie told him Durango's clock speed issue around 1.6 GHz and ninthings are like "it's payback bitches" and tech-challenged xbots and Sony ponies are like "we'll yeah? Yo momma is so fat her ass is so big and her smell is not really good!"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Huff on December 01, 2012, 10:50:31 PM
Despite all the shittalking, I kinda want to play NSMBU.

basically - it's NSMBU and Monster Hunter and the other games can go piss on a brick

:piss Monster Hunter :piss2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Momo on December 01, 2012, 10:53:22 PM
Monster Hunter is amazing
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 01, 2012, 11:17:08 PM
Giantbomb's  WiiU did a hard lock when they were doing a quicklook for Funky Barn.

what the hell is wrong with that OS?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 02, 2012, 12:05:39 AM
Giantbomb's  WiiU did a hard lock when they were doing a quicklook for Funky Barn.

what the hell is wrong with that OS?

Yeah I saw that too. That hardware is a trainwreck
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 02, 2012, 12:26:09 AM
Wii U prices for the black units dropped about $40 down to $390 on Amazon from resellers.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 12:26:50 AM
Giantbomb's  WiiU did a hard lock when they were doing a quicklook for Funky Barn.

what the hell is wrong with that OS?

Seems like a game thing.

NSMBU: No hard locks for me and others
Nintendoland: Tons of hard locks according to GAF
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 02, 2012, 12:37:01 AM
Giantbomb's  WiiU did a hard lock when they were doing a quicklook for Funky Barn.

what the hell is wrong with that OS?

Seems like a game thing.

NSMBU: No hard locks for me and others
Nintendoland: Tons of hard locks according to GAF

NSMBU hard locked on the GB wii u stream so i dont think that "its a game thing" holds much water
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 12:50:50 AM
Might partially be a game thing then.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 02, 2012, 01:31:46 AM
Might partially be a game thing then.

just can't see nintendo having their own game shipped with something like they but hey...

if there is one thing the WiiU does that is intriguing its the ablilty to do handwriting as a method to write messages.

And while the potential for dick pics and that other shit is high, im really digging the art some of those people are drawing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 02, 2012, 01:55:08 AM
According to the Wii U log I've played NSMB for ~6 hours (including Miiverse, and however it tracks it) over the past two weeks and haven't had a lock up with it.  Nintendo Land locked up three or four times in less time.  That's just my experience with it.  Maybe it doesn't affect NSMB since it's far less demanding than other games.

I tried out the challenge modes and it's fun but there are some bogus ideas.  Everything is slow and it's not the loading times.  What makes VVVVVV, Super Meat Boy, Hotline Miami, Rayman Origins, and modern challenging games fun is how quickly you can go from failing to trying again without losing the rhythm.  For some reason every you fail, or succeed at a lower grade, there's all this junk to slow you down from trying again.  Worse is actually succeeding, since you have to sit through the "hooray for you" pose at the end.  And worse than that is when you do a little better, because you sit through a longer screen, and another save screen after that.   

It's totally sounding like nitpicking out of context.  When you're in it, that buffer time between attempts gets annoying.  Talented people at Nintendo can make these great games in their bubble, but there are people outside of it doing some cool stuff and it's worth learning a thing or two or three or a lot of things.  Options menus would blow their minds.

And I randomly discovered what 99 lives unlocks.  I think the Wii game was hat-less Mario.  Here, boost mode is gimped by reducing block sizes to a tiny dot.  Just in terms of surface area, it's maybe 1/25th what it is before, and disappears after one step.  That's something.

Oh, and hey, the game is pretty great if you're not burned out on NSMB games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 02:59:40 AM
It could be a bit faster, yeah. I don't think it's a massive deal though. More of a nice to have.

Anyways, got the first fourteen gold time trial medals (except for one silver one.) The last 6 are pretty crazy, especially the last three. Maybe I'll do some coin or special ones while I psyche myself up for them.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 05:59:15 AM
23/80 gold challenge medals (14/20 time trials, haven't worked my way through most of the others yet.) Phew. That underwater torpedo one did some serious damage on my thumbs. You have to hang back a bit in order for the level to adjust the torpedo patterns just right to let you get gold. :-\ Bad design there I think.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: demi on December 02, 2012, 12:16:15 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 02, 2012, 02:13:05 PM
Is that Andrex opening his WiiU? :teehee

I'm beginning to see lots of "concerned people" talking about WiiU (non)sellout...hmm

Next few months will be interesting.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 02, 2012, 04:01:12 PM
so after a week of no WiiU I decided to find out what was taking so long with getting a new gamepad sent out to us. It seems that the gamepad is linked to the specific WiiU console and at this time you can only have one paired with the WiiU. So now I have to send the damn console in as well. There is no way to unlink the two once they are paired. We better not loose anything on the fucking console, so help me god I was looking forward to some FUNKY BARN!

WTF NINTENDO!!! Seriously this is some stupid fucking shit!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 02, 2012, 04:03:06 PM
Wow, Nintendo keeps surprising me. And not in a good way.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 02, 2012, 04:15:36 PM
I'm sure Nintendo will fix that once they start selling standalone gamepads.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 02, 2012, 04:17:44 PM
I'm sure Nintendo will fix that once they start selling standalone gamepads.

I don't think that's gonna happen. This shit might as well be call the Nintendo virtualboy 2.0. And don't get me wrong, there are things I love about this console. But the fact is that its just broken for me for whatever reason.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 02, 2012, 06:50:01 PM
So apparently WiiU doesnt support DLC for games currently.

Yeah you read that right.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 02, 2012, 07:08:32 PM
So apparently WiiU doesnt support DLC for games currently.

Yeah you read that right.

Yeah, they're gonna fix that in the patch that makes Netflix and Hulu work.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 02, 2012, 07:14:38 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 02, 2012, 07:43:52 PM
so after a week of no WiiU I decided to find out what was taking so long with getting a new gamepad sent out to us. It seems that the gamepad is linked to the specific WiiU console and at this time you can only have one paired with the WiiU. So now I have to send the damn console in as well. There is no way to unlink the two once they are paired. We better not loose anything on the fucking console, so help me god I was looking forward to some FUNKY BARN!

WTF NINTENDO!!! Seriously this is some stupid fucking shit!

Wait, you can't unpair a gamepad?

You must be shitting me
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: MrAngryFace on December 02, 2012, 07:45:33 PM
Why would you BREAK UP SUCH A HOLY UNION?!?!?!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 02, 2012, 08:07:37 PM
so after a week of no WiiU I decided to find out what was taking so long with getting a new gamepad sent out to us. It seems that the gamepad is linked to the specific WiiU console and at this time you can only have one paired with the WiiU. So now I have to send the damn console in as well. There is no way to unlink the two once they are paired. We better not loose anything on the fucking console, so help me god I was looking forward to some FUNKY BARN!

WTF NINTENDO!!! Seriously this is some stupid fucking shit!

Wait, you can't unpair a gamepad?

You must be shitting me

It's a unique pairing matching four symbols between the tablet and tv.  That means something!

edit:  Rayman Legends is coming out in February.  I thought it was a launch game and no one was talking about it  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 09:00:38 PM
So apparently WiiU doesnt support DLC for games currently.

Yeah you read that right.

Yeah, they're gonna fix that in the patch that makes Netflix and Hulu work.

Netflix and Hulu have been working for like a week lol.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 02, 2012, 09:03:36 PM
You'll have plenty to watch while you wait for DLC
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 09:10:55 PM
Well it'll probably be out soon anyways. Nintendo said they want to do NSMBU DLC, and while the way you get to NSMB2's DLC is fricking stupid, it uses the eShop "checkout" screen in-game which is more advanced than I thought Nintendo was capable of (basically 1:1 with in-app payments on Android), so... if they build on that it should be fine.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 02, 2012, 09:37:44 PM
Nintendo: Hopefully building on in app purchases on Android
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 10:14:10 PM
It's a fairly advanced setup and outside of what I'd consider Nintendo's technological comfort zone, but it's Nintendo so time to blind hate I guess.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 02, 2012, 10:17:34 PM
I can't get over how stupid "un-yeah" is.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 02, 2012, 10:17:58 PM
It's a fairly advanced setup and outside of what I'd consider Nintendo's technological comfort zone, but it's Nintendo so time to blind hate I guess.

It isn't blind hate per se, Nintendo has a track record of baffling ass backwards contravences when it comes to anything online, tied to system accounts etc, now tied tablet controllers to consoles lol.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 02, 2012, 10:34:03 PM
It's a fairly advanced setup and outside of what I'd consider Nintendo's technological comfort zone, but it's Nintendo so time to blind hate I guess.

I certainly don't expect Nintendo to properly execute 7-year-old established standards
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 02, 2012, 10:53:44 PM
It's almost parody how you can follow every comment with "Nintendo'll patch it," and I mean, it's Nintendo, so who knows, but most of these egregious OS issues can be fixed.  Then again, most of these problems shouldn't exist to begin with seeing as how Nintendo had years examining the successes and blunders of Sony and Microsoft.  Just saying that Criticism isn't blind hate.  Everyone's saying "Hey, Nintendo can do better" and people defend it with "NO, IT CAN'T! IT'S GOOD ENOUGH." 

That's what's always weird about the fiends on forums or wherever.  Thinking back to how the PS3 was when I first got it.  Playing God of War 2 and having the fucking sixaxis lock up and Kratos runs off the edge.  People were defending that shit and the lack of rumble.  People rightfully gave Sony shit and they budged and released the Dual Shock 3 and no one's gonna be like "Oh, a broken controller adds an unexpected challenge to the experiment" cmon.  Everyone's happy when this stuff is fixed.

Anyway, all other things being equal, I am liking the Wii U a whole lot more than the 3DS, and it's more interesting than the Wii as an idea.  I'm not regretting it like I do with the 3DS or did with the PS3.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: demi on December 02, 2012, 10:57:15 PM
What is regreftful with 3DS?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 02, 2012, 11:31:02 PM
I don't understand it myself.  For some reason I'm fine with the Vita and Wii U but don't like the 3DS.  It has some games I really like, and certainly better original stuff than Vita and Wii U.  I just don't like using the hardware, and I regret it.  No real logical rationale.

well, maybe it's because there are new possibilities with the Wii U.  Nintendo managed to do some exciting stuff on the Wii, within its own bubble.  3DS is more Gamecube/Wii stuff, and we're not seeing creative games like on the DS.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 02, 2012, 11:33:15 PM
I'd be in total agreement if you're still rocking your fat 3DS. I felt the same about it.

But if you're talking about the XL, you're on your own.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 02, 2012, 11:45:30 PM
Talking about the original.  I'm in no rush to get another 3DS.  When it drops in price and gets better color choices, that's when I'll probably get one.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 11:56:22 PM
It's a fairly advanced setup and outside of what I'd consider Nintendo's technological comfort zone, but it's Nintendo so time to blind hate I guess.

I certainly don't expect Nintendo to properly execute 7-year-old established standards

Android and iPhone didn't have IAP until years after their first versions. *shrugs* I guess I'm not allowed to be impressed by something if someone else has done it before.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 02, 2012, 11:56:43 PM
Talking about the original.  I'm in no rush to get another 3DS.  When it drops in price and gets better color choices, that's when I'll probably get one.

That's understandable.

The fat was indeed oddly unsatisfying. And real issues such as the short battery life, scratching screens, subpar BC IQ, and not to mention overall ugliness of the device only exacerbated that. It literally took me months to complete some of my launch games because of how turned off I was. However with the XL not only fixed most of those issues but it just feels, again, "oddly" right. The only remaining glaring issue, which will never be fixed this generation, is the embarrassingly low resolution on that giant screen. And also I agree that it needs a better color selection.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2012, 11:57:18 PM
Just saying that Criticism isn't blind hate.  Everyone's saying "Hey, Nintendo can do better" and people defend it with "NO, IT CAN'T! IT'S GOOD ENOUGH." 

*AV's post wasn't criticism, it was mocking Nintendo for doing something right, which I don't get.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 03, 2012, 12:00:33 AM
I guess I'm not allowed to be impressed by something if someone else has done it before.

Of course not. Being LLLTTP yet still impressed by standards is always embarrassing. See: Oblivion (
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 03, 2012, 12:18:09 AM
Well, I was impressed when Android added it even when iOS had gotten it already. And I thought it was cool when iOS added it.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 03, 2012, 12:23:10 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 03, 2012, 12:37:18 AM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 03, 2012, 08:17:19 AM
Just saying that Criticism isn't blind hate.  Everyone's saying "Hey, Nintendo can do better" and people defend it with "NO, IT CAN'T! IT'S GOOD ENOUGH." 

*AV's post wasn't criticism, it was mocking Nintendo for doing something right, which I don't get.

No, I was mocking you for defending an arcane setup with wishful thinking about what Nintendo maybe might do later, especially since what you think they maybe might should do is emulate a purchasing model that is near-universally loathed and is available on a second-tier app market from an OS that is literally given away for free. And not, you know, the XBox 360.

BTW - the DLC in NSMB2 was in no way fine. Setting aside that it was way more expensive than typical IAP purchases I've seen on Android or iOS, I had to enable some feature I barely knew about and then put my console on standby for two days (plugged in of course) to even make it available.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 03, 2012, 08:56:48 AM

Android and iPhone didn't have IAP until years after their first versions. *shrugs* I guess I'm not allowed to be impressed by something if someone else has done it before.

I know this a response to a specific quip - but I've noticed a lot of nthings go back to something older to compare the wiiu's woes with. The 8-4 boys did it a lot in the latest cast: well, x360 did this wrong, ps3 did this wrong, so Nintendo are fine

Why not compare WiiU with Vita? IAP, online store, OS cross game functions ... It's. no good pointing at other companies woes in the past. The icing on the cake is the predictions of future woes for x720, like somehow they'll forget the two gens of online/gaming OS experience and just fuck everything up

The wiiU feature setis getting compared to the X360/ps3 -now- because that's the market reality - and when the x720/ps4 come along that reality will get a whole lot harsher if Nintendo are still dragging their feet
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 03, 2012, 09:16:42 AM
Guys, be easy on Nintendo. This is the same company that launched a "networked" device in 2011 without any form of download store until 3 months later.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 03, 2012, 09:26:00 AM
Look guys, nobody does it better than Nintendo. Nobody.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 03, 2012, 10:12:43 AM
No, I was mocking you for defending an arcane setup with wishful thinking about what Nintendo maybe might do later, especially since what you think they maybe might should do is emulate a purchasing model that is near-universally loathed and is available on a second-tier app market from an OS that is literally given away for free. And not, you know, the XBox 360.

I wasn't defending anything, just saying a reality. DLC support will likely be out soon and will likely look like it does in NSMB2, which is a good thing.

BTW - the DLC in NSMB2 was in no way fine. Setting aside that it was way more expensive than typical IAP purchases I've seen on Android or iOS, I had to enable some feature I barely knew about and then put my console on standby for two days (plugged in of course) to even make it available.

I addressed that in my post.

Android and iPhone didn't have IAP until years after their first versions. *shrugs* I guess I'm not allowed to be impressed by something if someone else has done it before.

I know this a response to a specific quip - but I've noticed a lot of nthings go back to something older to compare the wiiu's woes with. The 8-4 boys did it a lot in the latest cast: well, x360 did this wrong, ps3 did this wrong, so Nintendo are fine

Why not compare WiiU with Vita? IAP, online store, OS cross game functions ... It's. no good pointing at other companies woes in the past. The icing on the cake is the predictions of future woes for x720, like somehow they'll forget the two gens of online/gaming OS experience and just fuck everything up

The wiiU feature setis getting compared to the X360/ps3 -now- because that's the market reality - and when the x720/ps4 come along that reality will get a whole lot harsher if Nintendo are still dragging their feet

It's fine to compare Nintendo to contemporaries since that's what you should do in trying to make an informed purchase. However, dumping on them when they get something right isn't very productive either.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 03, 2012, 08:10:11 PM
I found this interview sort of humanizes reggie for me:

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 04, 2012, 01:52:04 AM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 04, 2012, 02:10:16 AM
I think that's pretty cool.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 04, 2012, 02:44:05 AM
maybe his gardener game will be first person
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 04, 2012, 03:06:59 AM
What would you think if you found Miyamoto online on Blops 2?

I'd be surprised since Miyamoto himself has admitted to not playing many games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Momo on December 04, 2012, 03:09:26 AM
What would you think if you found Miyamoto online on Blops 2?
I'd think "easy kill"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 04, 2012, 03:34:51 AM

1k milestone reached

WiiU :bow
Europe   :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 04, 2012, 09:05:00 AM

"revolutionary social networking"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 04, 2012, 09:06:58 AM
maybe his gardener game will be first person

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 04, 2012, 09:11:47 AM

"revolutionary social networking"

people should get together and make a mockery out of it by posting stuff like "Everything is wonderful! I love you all! Please don't delete me!" over and over.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 04, 2012, 09:26:03 AM

"revolutionary social networking"

people should get together and make a mockery out of it by posting stuff like "Everything is wonderful! I love you all! Please don't delete me!" over and over.

I don't think that'll fit within the character limit!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Brehvolution on December 04, 2012, 09:50:32 AM
I'd like to point out something that keeps getting overlooked
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 04, 2012, 11:48:51 AM
NSFW Penis Frenzy is going to be the name of my new band.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 04, 2012, 12:22:32 PM
I am amazed at how slow the giant update is downloading.  I frequently get download rates of 48 Mbits per second and after 10 minutes, it's hardly done anything.  I can see why people initially thought this update is 5 GB.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 04, 2012, 12:27:07 PM
Thank these guys


Professional Internet networking solutions. Plus they are local to Kyoto, so that's GREAT for Nintendo. They only have one cable modem though, so you might want to wait until 3am to try again
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on December 04, 2012, 12:59:24 PM
Thank these guys


Professional Internet networking solutions. Plus they are local to Kyoto, so that's GREAT for Nintendo. They only have one cable modem though, so you might want to wait until 3am to try again

Why are downloads so slow in the U.S.? Is it because they... "hate NA"?

The answer was in front of us all along.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 04, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
Pearl Harbour.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 04, 2012, 01:56:58 PM
Haters gonna hatena.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 04, 2012, 02:08:03 PM
Thank these guys


Professional Internet networking solutions. Plus they are local to Kyoto, so that's GREAT for Nintendo. They only have one cable modem though, so you might want to wait until 3am to try again

Now i see why EA turned the tables  :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 04, 2012, 02:14:36 PM
Nothing inspires confidence like a corporate logo that has a question mark in it.

'We might figure it out?'

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archie4208 on December 04, 2012, 02:22:41 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 04, 2012, 02:27:33 PM
What is that, Best Buy?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Brehvolution on December 04, 2012, 02:32:15 PM
Thank these guys


Professional Internet networking solutions. Plus they are local to Kyoto, so that's GREAT for Nintendo. They only have one cable modem though, so you might want to wait until 3am to try again

Why are downloads so slow in the U.S.? Is it because they... "hate NA"?

The answer was in front of us all along.

You can't make this stuff up.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 04, 2012, 02:37:41 PM
Nothing inspires confidence like a corporate logo that has a question mark in it.

'We might figure it out?'

Please understand.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 04, 2012, 02:58:32 PM
Thank these guys


Professional Internet networking solutions. Plus they are local to Kyoto, so that's GREAT for Nintendo. They only have one cable modem though, so you might want to wait until 3am to try again

Why are downloads so slow in the U.S.? Is it because they... "hate NA"?

The answer was in front of us all along.


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 04, 2012, 05:42:16 PM
I spent the better part of this afternoon messing around with the Wii U.

- Errors everywhere.  I received an error message for trying to go on the eShop.  I received an error when trying to set up my Mii.  I thought maybe the confirmation code was wrong but after receiving another e-mail I guess it isn't the code.  It seems like for even the most basic shit that Nintendo wants us to do, it isn't able to do.  It isn't an influx of new accounts (because you can get a Wii U pretty much everywhere, even online like so I hope Nintendo gets that shit fixed real quick like.

- The OS is slow.  It takes several seconds to see a logo on the screen and then it has a "Please wait" message following it.  WTF?  This shit should be zipping around given how simple it is.

- The TV remote set up seems interesting if useless to me.  I don't mind juggling a lot of remotes so this feature isn't for me but still, not bad.

- Netflix and Amazon Video redeemed my experience.  I really like the switch from the TV to the gamepad.  I was watching Miami Vice on Netflix, needed to take a shit, hit the button to stream it to the pad, and it worked great.  For as slow as the OS operates, the streaming switch was instantaneous.  The image and sound quality aren't half bad.  I guess if I need to watch something while shitting, there you go.  It's a nice feature and does demonstrate the potential of the Wii U.

- Every program I open up needs an update of some kind.  Seems odd and I owned a PS3.

- I do like the time log feature.  I like the steam time clock.  I want to know exactly how long I played a game and there is no reason why this feature isn't common at this point.

- Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper is still good.  It looks pretty much on par with the PS3 version.  I love this game so I don't mind the double dip.  I'd triple dip if that shit came out on Steam.

- No way in hell am I going to play Nintendoland.  Ever.

- NSMBU taps into the SMW nostalgia but in that unambitious way associated with NSMB games.  A lot of Nintards are overrating this game because it isn't totally incompetent but nothing really jumps out at me as if this game is a classic.  I loved SMW but after 30 minutes of NSMBU, I was ready to play something else.  Conversely, when I got Galaxy, I was like "holy shit, this is amazing game" and spent hours on end playing through it once I put it in the Wii.  NSMBU might get better over time but this is a thoroughly B-level Nintendo effort here.  Not a shock of course.

- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 isn't bad.  I'm not a serious fighting game player so it scratches the itch.  I played a lot of TTT on the PS2 so I needed to get this game.  I do like it quite a bit.  Not sure how much I'm going to play of it though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 04, 2012, 05:48:37 PM
Yeah, they've got to fix this OS. Good God is it terribly slow.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 04, 2012, 08:44:55 PM
Latest update lists Version 2.1.0 U as improving stability and minor interface adjustments.

Size: 593mb

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 04, 2012, 08:48:10 PM
Latest update lists Version 2.1.0 U as improving stability and minor interface adjustments.

Size: 593mb


 :lol :lol :lol :lol

i hope this makes the OS faster...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 04, 2012, 09:00:50 PM
few more updates and they'll have to leave the basic set behind

Just knock them all offline and call it the Wii U Mini.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 04, 2012, 09:11:17 PM
Quote from: kinggroin;45073417
Eshop still slow.

Miiverse still slow.

Slow OS is slow.

System never crashed for me so whatever.


maybe the hard locks then?

Just found a problem... after the update... It can't read my HD.. ugh

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 05, 2012, 02:30:56 AM
Seems like it is targeting hard locks according to Reddit (lol Reddit of course.)

few more updates and they'll have to leave the basic set behind

Installed updates don't take up that much more space. You know, with the whole installation step and everything.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 05:52:19 AM
stolen from gaf

NCL has announced a presentation by Satoru Iwata today, Dec. 5th at 8 pm in Japan, covering the Wii U launch in 3 days.

When does the Japanese presentation in my time zone? Click this link for worldwide times.

Where can I watch it? Right here:

I will be providing live translations here in the OP and on my Twitter feed, @Cheesemeister3k.

NOA has announced a Nintendo Direct for Dec. 5th at 12 pm EST.
NOE will be holding a Nintendo Direct presentation on Dec. 5th at 5 pm GMT, simultaneous with NOA, both covering Wii U and 3DS software for the remainder of the year and into 2013.

When do the western presentations start in my time zone? Click this link for worldwide times.

Where can I watch the NOA presentation? Right here:

Where can I watch the NOE presentation? Right here:

Japan stuff starts in few minutes
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 05, 2012, 06:45:05 AM
They are showing that you can use the gamepad for google street view


I wish I was making this up
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 06:58:30 AM
20:42 Display the screen on the TV at the same time, as well. Google Maps on Wii U will go up around the end of January, and will be free through the end of March. Free download for a limited time, will become a pay download afterward.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 05, 2012, 07:03:48 AM
My Wii U finally shipped! Hopefully I'll have time to use it this weekend.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 05, 2012, 07:26:28 AM
20:42 Display the screen on the TV at the same time, as well. Google Maps on Wii U will go up around the end of January, and will be free through the end of March. Free download for a limited time, will become a pay download afterward.

the fuck  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Fifstar on December 05, 2012, 07:26:50 AM
You're gonna have to pay for google maps???
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 05, 2012, 07:34:38 AM
Nintendo is probably having you download everything over again. Instead of just patching select files.

With their technology wizardry that seems plausible.

You're gonna have to pay for google maps???

Nintendo is the kind of company that will not support DLC in 2012, but they will make you pay for a free service like Google Maps. U got a problem with that?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 05, 2012, 07:50:25 AM
You can access it directly from the browser. Why would anyone pay for it? Or maybe more importantly, why would anyone use a Wii U as an all-purpose computer?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 05, 2012, 09:39:47 AM
20:42 Display the screen on the TV at the same time, as well. Google Maps on Wii U will go up around the end of January, and will be free through the end of March. Free download for a limited time, will become a pay download afterward.

OH FUCK, I better buy a WiiU now so I don't miss out on this hot deal. 

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 05, 2012, 10:23:53 AM
Google Maps is free on Vita fyi.  Nintendo cheap as fuck.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 05, 2012, 10:38:38 AM
Didn't they charge for the browser at first on the Wii?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 05, 2012, 10:45:43 AM
few more updates and they'll have to leave the basic set behind

Just knock them all offline and call it the Wii U Mini.

:bow Joe :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 11:51:24 AM
UK/US Nintendo Direct starting in 10 minutes

4th December 2012 – Nintendo of Europe has announced a new edition of Nintendo Direct for tomorrow, 5th December, set to focus on games coming to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in the remainder of 2012 and the first months of 2013.

The newly announced Nintendo Direct presentation will be streamed from the Nintendo Direct website on 5 th December from 5pm GMT and will be hosted by Nintendo of Europe President Satoru Shibata.

For further details:
Nintendo Direct website
Nintendo Direct on Ustream
Wii U website
Nintendo 3DS XL website
Nintendo 3DS Guided Tour
Wii U (UK) on Facebook
Nintendo of Europe on Twitter
Nintendo UK on Twitter
Nintendo UK on YouTube
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 05, 2012, 12:03:25 PM
Lego City-Secret Wii U killer app?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 05, 2012, 12:04:40 PM
Oh Lego Iwata *closes tab*
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 12:05:37 PM
US link
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:07:20 PM
20:42 Display the screen on the TV at the same time, as well. Google Maps on Wii U will go up around the end of January, and will be free through the end of March. Free download for a limited time, will become a pay download afterward.

Reality <---------------------------------------------> Nintendo
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:09:04 PM
Why are they showing Gamecube games on this stream
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 05, 2012, 12:13:09 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 05, 2012, 12:13:22 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 05, 2012, 12:14:13 PM
At least they didn't make Google Maps for ambassadors only, I guess. #progress
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:15:02 PM
Join a gym, fatties
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 12:17:52 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:18:30 PM
Here's Panorama View for free (
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 12:19:14 PM
google map

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:21:25 PM
"Panorama View will show you scenes that you don't see so commonly in normal life. Such as people buying Wii Us"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 12:21:48 PM
nice helmet
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:21:56 PM
Cory has stalker eyes
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
Um, he knows that Android has had the gyroscopic Street View right
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 05, 2012, 12:28:17 PM
Borys :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:28:51 PM
Tokyo Crash Mobs

Get the fuck out
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 05, 2012, 12:29:21 PM
Fire Emblem!

Wii U saved 4 realz now, dawgz.

Isn't that a 3DS game?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 05, 2012, 12:30:22 PM
Reggie looks terrifying!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:30:25 PM
I loved all that original IP they showed
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 05, 2012, 12:30:56 PM
something for your body

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:31:10 PM
something for your MIND
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 05, 2012, 12:33:48 PM
So the post launch drought legacy continues.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 12:34:59 PM
Enjoy not playing Wii U games Q1 and Q2 of next year, I'll be catching up on my backlog of sweet PC gaming swag from :bow Amazon Tony :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 05, 2012, 12:36:27 PM
So the post launch drought legacy continues.

It's a Nintendo console, so more like post-SNES drought.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Huff on December 05, 2012, 01:12:00 PM
so did this nin direct tell us anything besides you can now have a paid version of google maps?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 05, 2012, 01:12:16 PM
HarmoKnight bitches, gonna put all you Theatrashers in your places. :miyamoto

Didn't they charge for the browser at first on the Wii?

No, then yes, then no.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 05, 2012, 01:19:43 PM
Need a replacement Wii U controller?  FUCK OFF AND BUY A NEW WII U!

I know, this story is absurd, I'm swearing at my bad luck.
I purchased a WiiU (EU) on launch day last week from gamestop, the black deluxe set (Premium Pack in Italy).

This morning some STUPID thieves entered my home and stole my portable PC, my 3DS and ONLY the GamePad with its cradle! They didn't even know what it was!

Any suggestion on what I could do? I contacted Nintendo but the only thing they told me has been "the GamePad alone is still not for sale". WTF? So I won't be able to play some games until the pad will be on sale since they can't be played without it? (like some Nintendoland games).

I'm totally distressed and don't know what I could do.
NeoGAF I summon thee ç_ç

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 05, 2012, 01:23:34 PM
Should have protected his nintendo products better.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 05, 2012, 01:26:12 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 05, 2012, 01:45:17 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

That seems to be the case as of now. Are they actually going to sell GamePads at retail at some point? Who knows. But previously it was thought that they would. And if that's the case, clearly they will have to come up with a way to decouple GamePads.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 05, 2012, 02:10:57 PM
Will third parties be allowed to manufacture/sell them? Has that ever been addressed?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 05, 2012, 02:16:59 PM
Great way to upsell insurance at gameshops though...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 05, 2012, 02:28:31 PM
Will third parties be allowed to manufacture/sell them? Has that ever been addressed?

If they are, it'll probably be worse than whatever Microsoft wrangled wireless controllers with the 360, so they just won't bother.

That said, I'd be interested in a smaller controller with a smaller screen, 360 button placement, and better battery life and wireless range.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 05, 2012, 03:01:48 PM
Nintendo needs to focus on profit margins here.  They just can't be handing out gamepads willy nilly.

I played around with the Wii U some more and I like the gamepad streaming functionality.  I just turn off the TV and play Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper on the gamepad with no problems and no noticeable lag to speak of.  I suspect this is how I would prefer to play Wii U games in the future if such functionality is available.

Anyway, I'm RichManley is people want to add me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 05, 2012, 03:24:16 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

That seems to be the case as of now. Are they actually going to sell GamePads at retail at some point? Who knows. But previously it was thought that they would. And if that's the case, clearly they will have to come up with a way to decouple GamePads.

Wouldn't selling the gamepads at retail cause confusion among consumers?  I can see people buying one with the intention of using it as a second controller...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 05, 2012, 03:25:52 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

That seems to be the case as of now. Are they actually going to sell GamePads at retail at some point? Who knows. But previously it was thought that they would. And if that's the case, clearly they will have to come up with a way to decouple GamePads.

Wouldn't selling the gamepads at retail cause confusion among consumers?  I can see people buying one with the intention of using it as a second controller...

I think eventually it's supposed to work and that games might come out that support two pads. However, right now, it either doesn't work yet and will need an update, or it's poorly documented.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 05, 2012, 03:30:58 PM
what a mess holy jeez
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 05, 2012, 03:38:19 PM
where is my wario ware 3ds
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 05, 2012, 04:22:55 PM
Is there a new firmware update? Shit just started downloading, it's taken 45 minutes so far

What a turd
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Fifstar on December 05, 2012, 04:28:55 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

That seems to be the case as of now. Are they actually going to sell GamePads at retail at some point? Who knows. But previously it was thought that they would. And if that's the case, clearly they will have to come up with a way to decouple GamePads.

Wouldn't selling the gamepads at retail cause confusion among consumers?  I can see people buying one with the intention of using it as a second controller...

That's actually a good point, given how many people seem to believe the Wii U is just an accessory for the Wii. Obviously it's their fault for not communciating/branding the WiiU better, but now that they are in this situation I can see how they would wait to sell the pad until people know that Wii U is actually a new console.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 05, 2012, 04:48:17 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

Buy a new console and oh, by the way, all of your digital games are gone now since they're impossible to transfer.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 05, 2012, 04:58:26 PM
Is there a new firmware update? Shit just started downloading, it's taken 45 minutes so far

What a turd

more likely the one that was posted earilier
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 05, 2012, 05:01:53 PM
So if you break your pad you need to buy a new console?

Buy a new console and oh, by the way, all of your digital games are gone now since they're impossible to transfer.

your saves as well, even if they were moved to a USB stick
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 05, 2012, 05:26:55 PM
I get the feeling that the real reason why gamepads aren't being sold or games that use two gamepads aren't out yet is because the performances of software that utilizes two gamepads will be absolutely embarrassing.  I think we better get used to "asynchronous gameplay" for the Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Contra on December 05, 2012, 06:26:51 PM
How did Nintendo ever imagine a children's toy where the main controller ie THE FUCKING POINT OF THE THING can only be used by one person is beyond me.  I think me and my brother would have murdered each other if they bought us that.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 05, 2012, 08:46:01 PM
Nintendo and pricing software according to their value is no so good. $40 Steel Diver everyone.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 05, 2012, 08:47:10 PM
Nintendo and pricing software according to their value is no so good. $40 Steel Diver everyone.

Their first party ds games are that much, we are talking launch/launch window titles...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 05, 2012, 10:28:30 PM
Man Nintendo is shit now

GTA3 and Vice City are on iOS
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 06, 2012, 12:34:24 AM
Need a replacement Wii U controller?  FUCK OFF AND BUY A NEW WII U!

I know, this story is absurd, I'm swearing at my bad luck.
I purchased a WiiU (EU) on launch day last week from gamestop, the black deluxe set (Premium Pack in Italy).

This morning some STUPID thieves entered my home and stole my portable PC, my 3DS and ONLY the GamePad with its cradle! They didn't even know what it was!

Any suggestion on what I could do? I contacted Nintendo but the only thing they told me has been "the GamePad alone is still not for sale". WTF? So I won't be able to play some games until the pad will be on sale since they can't be played without it? (like some Nintendoland games).

I'm totally distressed and don't know what I could do.
NeoGAF I summon thee ç_ç

There is a similar thread on gamefaq,although dude claims he lost it.Nintendo response is "we can't do anything,please wait"

I'm pretty sure that there are some laws in Europe that prohibit selling shit without service/secured replacement parts.I mean what if some gamepad is irreparably broken,people have young kids,dogs,etc...

Please wait
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 06, 2012, 01:17:23 AM
Please understand.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 06, 2012, 01:25:47 AM
It still hasn't launched in Japan, but yes it's at least the biggest launch failure since the Vita.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 06, 2012, 04:41:12 AM
Need a replacement Wii U controller?  FUCK OFF AND BUY A NEW WII U!

I know, this story is absurd, I'm swearing at my bad luck.
I purchased a WiiU (EU) on launch day last week from gamestop, the black deluxe set (Premium Pack in Italy).

This morning some STUPID thieves entered my home and stole my portable PC, my 3DS and ONLY the GamePad with its cradle! They didn't even know what it was!

Any suggestion on what I could do? I contacted Nintendo but the only thing they told me has been "the GamePad alone is still not for sale". WTF? So I won't be able to play some games until the pad will be on sale since they can't be played without it? (like some Nintendoland games).

I'm totally distressed and don't know what I could do.
NeoGAF I summon thee ç_ç

I've been posting whats happened to me and its a terrible shame what Nintendo has done to rectify the situation. At first it seemed like they would be helpful and even offered me a few free gifts. But now that I'm asking questions they seemed to have changed their tune. I've been asking them about the saves/usernames/content on my WiiU and their answer is simple... They will provide me with a new WiiU if they do not believe they can restore the console. But what of the content that's the real issue. They are dodging my questions left and right. And as a consumer I feel completely cheated of a product I payed money for.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 06, 2012, 05:13:11 AM
Ok that is cool.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: naff on December 06, 2012, 06:49:35 AM
I don't get it. Is it the wannabe gangsta bandana or the shitty console he's using instead of a laptop like a normal person?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 06, 2012, 07:07:39 AM
The console needs a handle. :smug
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 08:34:57 AM
*do not attempt in a major metropolitan area in the U.S.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 06, 2012, 10:19:23 AM
I don't get it. Is it the wannabe gangsta bandana or the shitty console he's using instead of a laptop like a normal person?

Yeah this is very stupid.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 06, 2012, 10:38:58 AM
Eh, I'm of the opinion that the flexible compromise between big screen gaming and real portability is very cool feature of the console. Being able to play stuff like that on the train is pretty cool. Where I'm down on it is that I don't think that that particular flexibility justifies all the compromises made in designing the machine, as this type of functionality doesn't extend beyond being nifty into the realm of meaningfully defining it. Use cases like this are cool, but nothing about it screams "Will the next Xbox and PS4 have a GamePad like device? No? Then I'm sticking with my Wii U, thank you very much."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Momo on December 06, 2012, 10:50:51 AM
What a nerd
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 06, 2012, 11:19:30 AM
Eh, I'm of the opinion that the flexible compromise between big screen gaming and real portability is very cool feature of the console. Being able to play stuff like that on the train is pretty cool. Where I'm down on it is that I don't think that that particular flexibility justifies all the compromises made in designing the machine, as this type of functionality doesn't extend beyond being nifty into the realm of meaningfully defining it. Use cases like this are cool, but nothing about it screams "Will the next Xbox and PS4 have a GamePad like device? No? Then I'm sticking with my Wii U, thank you very much."

It would only be cool if you could play EVERY game on the pad and a nice range, also through WiFI if you go too far.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 06, 2012, 11:21:29 AM
Eh, I'm of the opinion that the flexible compromise between big screen gaming and real portability is very cool feature of the console. Being able to play stuff like that on the train is pretty cool. Where I'm down on it is that I don't think that that particular flexibility justifies all the compromises made in designing the machine, as this type of functionality doesn't extend beyond being nifty into the realm of meaningfully defining it. Use cases like this are cool, but nothing about it screams "Will the next Xbox and PS4 have a GamePad like device? No? Then I'm sticking with my Wii U, thank you very much."

It would only be cool if you could play EVERY game on the pad and a nice range, also through WiFI if you go too far.

That would certainly be pretty cool, yes. But the existing functionality is cool in and of itself. It isn't, however, a system-seller in my book, which is what Nintendo needed it to be given that -- like the Wii before it -- they put all their eggs in the "new way to play" basket.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 06, 2012, 12:56:00 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 06, 2012, 01:00:42 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 06, 2012, 01:18:35 PM
What is that from? :lol

Also, is that guy a military otaku?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 06, 2012, 01:19:27 PM
Tekken Tag Tournament WEEEEOOOOO Edition
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 01:37:06 PM
What is that from? :lol

Also, is that guy a military otaku?

actually, yes...he totally is a military otaku.   Is that guy part of a Japanese niche that loves western games?   Beeawoos?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 06, 2012, 01:48:37 PM
He's like kojima then. how much is that a niche though? it seems most of the prominent japanese devs fit under that umbrella.

I thought the camo outfit was a giveaway, but the call of duty made it even more obvious. does he not have a 360? Poor guy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 04:36:12 PM
He prob has a 360 at home and bought the WiiU so he could play BLOPS2 on the go.   The new rage is gonna be bringing WiiUs everywhere.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 06, 2012, 05:21:38 PM
Post launch drought? Why I never.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 05:58:28 PM
"Psh, stupid Japanese people.  Pocky and seaweed are vastly inferior to the sophisticated Doritos and Mountain Dew in the U.S.  I need to get the fuck out of this shit hole."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: tiesto on December 06, 2012, 05:58:59 PM
I have a ton of GS gift certificates and I got a call from there telling me they have WiiU in stock and asking me if I want one. So, what the hell? As soon as I get off work I'm going home to get my gift cards then going and picking one up. Getting NSMBU, and gonna d/l the fireplace game made by the World of Goo guys. Anything else I should get?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 06, 2012, 06:07:46 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 06, 2012, 06:23:29 PM
"Psh, stupid Japanese people.  Pocky and seaweed are vastly inferior to the sophisticated Doritos and Mountain Dew in the U.S.  I need to get the fuck out of this shit hole."

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 06, 2012, 06:44:39 PM
Lego City Undercover will be the only $400 game I ever own
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 06, 2012, 07:32:34 PM
Yeah there's no real reason to get a Wii U at this time unless you _have_ to play NSMBU.

Nintendo is going to drop this turkey in price anywhere from $50-100 in the next several months.  There probably isn't going to be a whole lot coming out for it either in the first few months of next year, nothing that can't wait anyway.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 06, 2012, 07:53:09 PM
Yeah there's no real reason to get a Wii U at this time unless you _have_ to play NSMBU.

Umm... I think you're forgetting about a little something I like to call Nintendo Land.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 06, 2012, 07:53:46 PM
there probably isn't going to be a whole lot coming for it, period

third parties just don't seem all that interested, and i'll bet the ones that have expressed interest are looking at those launch game sales and going "Uhhhhh, yeeeeeahhh, about that Wii U...yeah..."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 06, 2012, 07:58:27 PM
there probably isn't going to be a whole lot coming for it, period

third parties just don't seem all that interested, and i'll bet the ones that have expressed interest are looking at those launch game sales and going "Uhhhhh, yeeeeeahhh, about that Wii U...yeah..."

So basically it will be like the Wii then.

It still was a shock to see games like Arkham City or Darksiders 2 at launch.  Nintards who whine about lack of third party support better look at these sales and understand why third parties are going to run away from this thing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 06, 2012, 08:47:36 PM
It's nice that the system downloads updates in the background.  It's not so nice that the update procedure is longer than both downloading and installing an update on the PS3.  I can't believe I'm talking about PS3 updates in a positive light.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Huff on December 06, 2012, 08:50:05 PM
Yeah there's no real reason to get a Wii U at this time unless you _have_ to play NSMBU.

Nintendo is going to drop this turkey in price anywhere from $50-100 in the next several months.  There probably isn't going to be a whole lot coming out for it either in the first few months of next year, nothing that can't wait anyway.

and theres nothing coming anytime soon either. similar to the garbage 3ds launch. too bad the ambassador price is still going to be too high for me to pick it up in 6 mos
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 06, 2012, 09:37:26 PM
So basically it will be like the Wii then.

It still was a shock to see games like Arkham City or Darksiders 2 at launch.  Nintards who whine about lack of third party support better look at these sales and understand why third parties are going to run away from this thing.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy unfortunately. No reason for most gamers to get those games when they've been out for a while and can be bought cheaper used/on Steam/etc. Doesn't help most of the ports are jank.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: tiesto on December 06, 2012, 09:55:57 PM
A brain, moran

Why get on board this flaming wreck?  It's going to get price dropped hard.

There's literally nothing else for me to get with the $300 worth of gift cards. Well, I could get a Vita... lol. Wish people last year would've given me money towards a grill or something instead of GS cards, but I guess people still think I actually like video games.

I mean, I'm gonna need one eventually for the Monolith game
spoiler (click to show/hide)
provided ape-man Wedgie doesn't fuck us over again
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 06, 2012, 09:56:51 PM
save them for durango.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 10:14:43 PM
A brain, moran

Why get on board this flaming wreck?  It's going to get price dropped hard.

There's literally nothing else for me to get with the $300 worth of gift cards. Well, I could get a Vita... lol. Wish people last year would've given me money towards a grill or something instead of GS cards, but I guess people still think I actually like video games.

I mean, I'm gonna need one eventually for the Monolith game
spoiler (click to show/hide)
provided ape-man Wedgie doesn't fuck us over again

The Vita would be the better option! 

it's gonna take the world by storm 2013

save them for durango.

also a good call.  Make them your 2013 game fund.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 06, 2012, 10:22:50 PM
 :lol at that post.  They're really losing it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 06, 2012, 10:31:55 PM
"easy ports"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 06, 2012, 10:32:56 PM
"games look bad coz late dev kits"

Nintendo is incredibly smart. I own an iPad 3, Xbox 360, PS3, and a laptop. I went from a hardcore iPAD nut to realizing very quickly that most of the things that I love to do on my iPad, I can now do on my Wii U Gamepad.

So this person can use their untethered Wii U Gamepad on public transport?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 06, 2012, 10:33:41 PM
quote for the next page

NINTENDO is going to be the last one laughing. I'm no analyst and I'm purely speculating. However, I think that Nintendo really has a long term plan, at least in the next three years, that's going to surprise everyone.

1. Wii household penetration is 96 million.
Look at that number for a second. Never mind that moms and grandmas only bought one game, and that the hardcore have tossed the system in their closets. That 96 million is an audience that Nintendo actually STILL has, and growing when you consider how cheap the wii has become, and will continue to get. When you add in stuff like the canadian 100.00 wii w/o wifi (surely, they're going to expand that), and one acknowledges that the price will drop even more, you have a situation where, theoretically, anybody who wants a fitness and casual party machine can have one. Nintendo already has the capability to do what Microsoft is TRYING to do next generation with their rumored two-sku casual/hardcore system. The box is already in people's homes. All Ninty needs to do is supply a stream of creative casual software for that base, and they will NEVER need another system again. And, if they do...

2. The Wii U. It doesn't need much to succeed.
Of the 96 million people that own a wii, 4 million are actual hardcore gamers. This number can be surmised by the amount of Zeldas and Mario Galaxies sold. Specifically Zelda. That number says that there are 4 million dedicated playing gamers on the Wii Console. Those are the hardcore gamers that stuck with Nintendo.

Now, factor in people like me. I left Nintendo at Gamecube. I've always loved Nintendo, but refused to stay with them in the SD era with their steadfast stance on the wii mote control scheme. That's where I drew the line. Essentially, the Wii U is the HD Wii with a control that I can actually use, with the addition of the controls of the wii - now improved - with Motion Plus. So what does that mean exactly? I get to play all of the good stuff - should I choose to go backwards - with all of the teething out of the way with any growing platform. So my reward in 2012? A Nintendo system with the parity of current gen consoles, and the added bonus of fantastic Nintendo experiences that I ignored for the last 6 years.

If you go under the assumption that Nintendo is not interested in being a hardcore gamer's PRIMARY console, this opens up some very interesting avenues. Should Nintendo get even TEN percent of SONY and XBOX owners to pick up the Wii U as a SECONDARY console, you start to see something very interesting....

a. 4 Million gamers are currently WITH Nintendo as evidenced by Zelda sales.
b. 5-10 million (10% of 50 million) over 4 years pick up Wii U as a secondary system. (50 mill MS owners, 50 mill PS3 owners, 10% = 5-10 mill).

Potentially, over the next 4 years, Wii begins to have a very quiet foothold. Not including the casuals that might upgrade within the next 4 years - which we could conservatively estimate at 1 million), Wii U probable install base by 2015-2016 is an additional 10 million households. Again, this is JUST for the hardcore. Never mind the atomic bomb sitting in 96 million people's closets already, which can be capitalized on at any time as an entertainment APPLIANCE.

I suspect that Pachter may be very wrong here. 10 million hardcore people (conservatively) is a VERY attractive audience to 3rd parties. Why? Consider...

3. Easy Ports.
Looking at the Wii Launch on the surface, and the gut reaction to the hardware breakdowns is that Wii U was a disaster. The CPU - on paper - bottlenecks performance. The system isn't going to be worth anything once the next gen consoles come out. Etc, etc.

Now, let's look at what ACTUALLY happened. As wonky as Arkham City looked, or as glitchy as (insert game) was, the reality is that Nintendo didn't give anybody final Dev kits until the very last second. Basically, these launch games are actually minor miracles. Or, to be certain, DIRECT ports without a shitload of time for optimization on the WiiU.

Let's REALLY consider that for a second. Given time and resources, I think most developers could get nearly anything to run as good as anything on the current gen hardware competitors. I said in another post that it was unlikely, but that's before I did some research. Put plainly, ANYTHING on the current gen systems can very likely run WELL on the WiiU with enough time and tweaking. The games that we see at launch are actually a testament to the power of the system and it's ease of development. Those games run like this and are this 'solid' without being given real TLC time. Imagine what happens when a developer is given that time?

So now the regular line of thinking on GAF is, so what? The Next Gen is right around he corner! That, and my argument goes...

4. Are we REALLY that ready for next gen?
You guys watch the same shows that I do. Bonus Round. GTTV. You read Kotaku. You laugh at the 'analyst' stories. However, one thing is VERY obvious: These games aren't cheap to make. Period. So I'm looking at Star Wars 1313 and Watch Dogs going, MAN, these games LOOK amazing, right? We're talking YEAR ONE PS4 and X720 games looking that good. Easy.

But I think that everyone reading GAF knows that once our inner graphics lust subsides, that core game has to shine through. At this rate, the next generation is looking like a LOT more Call of Duty, Halo, and insert big AAA franchise. I'm saying, "that's totally cool! There's totally a place for that!" However, when you listen to the devs talk, you'll hear a lot about 'freemium models' and IAPs, DLC, and better Xbox Live infrastructure. Sure, some of them do talk about better animations and voice acting, but mostly, over the past year, we've heard a LOT about making micro-transactions and cloud gaming better in the next generation. Frankly, even if the graphics are 5x more powerful on the next consoles, it won't be enough to KEEP gamers. It certainly won't be enough to win over a ton of new ones?

We've reached the law of diminishing returns when it comes to graphics. It was very easy to justify going from SD to HD, even to casuals. The experience of playing, say, Madden is that much more improved - dramatically visually - from PS2 to PS3. The jump in the next gen? Probably not so much. At least not at the cost that the consumer is willing to pay.

I'm reading Pachter's quote above, and he's right. From a business perspective, COD *should* be monetizing the multiplayer. That's kind of my point. If you're looking at the next generation from a completely business perspective - and with the cost of gaming and the financial investment that it takes to create a new game these days - these monetary factors take the utmost importance. This is why all you're hearing about next gen is improvements on backend stuff. Will there be a jump in graphics? Of course. Will it matter ultimately? Not with these studios dying or being absorbed left and right. That's not what I personally want the gaming future to be, ie, a series of micro-transactions...

Which brings me to the graphics engines.

5. That Unreal 4 Engine.
Go big or go home, right? What's so sweet about it is that, like the UNITY engine, the engine is made to be easy to use. Of the upcoming engines, this is supposedly the easiest to use, and is scaleable by platform. I'm no dev, so I'm only going by what the press says.

The idea, according to Epic, was to bring some of the development costs down. Ideally, a creator, even a 3D artist theoretically, can make a competent game fairly quickly utilizing UE4. At least that's the sales pitch.

Unless these various next-gen engines are incredibly easy to use, these development costs are going to continue to be through the roof. And to what end? As we look at the games that have impressed us at this point in the cycle, ART has stood out more than engine performance. Do we want graphically powerful games? Sure. But would, say SKYRIM be THAT much better with better tech, or could the game go on for two more years with well rounded DLC that builds on the existing world they've created? Walking Dead and Journey, two of this year's VGA GOTY games aren't technological powerhouses, but story or art driven experiences that have unique visual styles. Even Dishonored, which isn't pushing the most advanced engine in the world stands out for it's gameplay and artistic choices.

In fact, I'll go out on a limb as saying that we've not seen NEARLY the end of what this generation can do with regards to new gaming experiences. Rockstar and Bethesda has gone on record as saying that they're TOTALLY FINE with this generation. With the current installed user base, I have a hard time believing that any amount of PR, marketing, or graphic bump will convince anyone to shell out the, what? 400.00 for ANY new next gen console? At least not in the numbers of success we've seen in THIS generation.
Not without some sort of technological experience enhancing evolution. Something like...

6. Oculus Rift.
There's a reason that half the industry lost their shit when they experienced the OR. It's a way to experience games in a way that has been dreamed about for years. Since many of us where children. Screw 3D gaming and screw Holograms. OR allows you to experience new AND OLD games in an entirely new way if it actually works.

OR is the type of thing that would grab the casuals AND the hardcore, which is why I think we've seen it in the development docs of the Microsoft leaks, and why VR has been hinted at with the next Playstation. Problem is, Kinect, while interesting, doesn't QUITE work, and MOVE never caught on. Then, a funny thing happened while i was playing my WiiU...

7. Nintendo Might be closer to VR than anybody else.
Once you listen to Carmak talk about latency and speed, then you see the Wii U gamepad, you realize that Nintendo has actually licked it. They've got the foundation for it right there in their Wii U. Essentially, isn't the Oculus Rift just TWO gamepads screens stuck to a head mounted unit? the motion control with the gamepad is damn near 1:1, and incredibly impressive. What would happen if Ninty sold some type of game enhancing add-on - and for the sake of argument, we'll call it a Virtual Boy 2 - and changed the way we experience EXISTING games? Now, things like Skyrim, Doom, hell, ANY existing game becomes a lot more interesting, and, NOW POSSIBLE on the WiiU.

However, even with that possibility, i still don't think that's Nintendo's real secret weapon.

8. The E-store and comfortable social gaming.
Nintendo is incredibly smart. I own an iPad 3, Xbox 360, PS3, and a laptop. I went from a hardcore iPAD nut to realizing very quickly that most of the things that I love to do on my iPad, I can now do on my Wii U Gamepad. Even Web browsing. It can't be said enough how comfortable web-browsing is with the Gamepad. More, when I'm playing NSMBU, I actually play it - prefer it, actually - on the gamepad. Sure, I wish that it had that crisp iPAD resolution, but the Gamepad is more comfortable, has analog sticks that work beautifully, and has actually made me question when/if more indie devs from steam and iOS will begin to make games for Nintendo with the ability to set their own price.

While iOS/mobile devs are trying desperately to keep their games noticed and monetized with bottom barrel prices and iAP trickery, some of those games will actually work better on the gamepad fetching higher prices. $10.00 for just about ANY indie game seems like a fair starting price, wouldn't you say? Nintendo seems to think so. It's like they're setting a minimum for quality again, and they've secretly given the portability of the iPAD with a home console. You can't actually appreciate it until you've tried using the gamepad to play the games. It's a thing of beauty, and Nintendo knows that this is something that the competitors can't do. Perhaps Sony with some kind of VITA/PS3 combination, but it will take effort and will be an afterthought. With the WiiU, this attack was planned.

9. First Party Ace.
The real reason (I suspect) that Nintendo didn't put out the Wii HD sooner is because they couldn't. They physically COULDN'T. They don't have large dev teams. They don't have the resources. They do what they do EXTREMELY well, which is make excellent games. This is their Ace in the hole. Didn't we just read a report this week about how despite MS Xbox success, it isn't enough to hold MS? Or, that Sony is struggling because of the weight of their OTHER divisions outside of gaming? The competition has always had more money to throw at their pet projects than Nintendo. Now, we're starting to see as we go into the next gen that despite Xbox and Playstation's varying levels of success, ultimately, they were simply side projects of larger corporations.

Gaming is ALL Nintendo does. They don't over-extend. They watch, wait, and execute. This is so obvious with the WiiU. I have no clue what RETRO is working on, but I promise that the their hinted engine will really WOW people with regards to what the system can do. Iwata has said as much. The slow trickle of first gen mega-hits will be impressive, I think, but will require an incredible patience from the fans. This is why that ease of porting from 3rd parties is so important. However, the real gem comes from the indie devs and Miyamoto's secret first party master class at Nintendo.

The announcement was a quiet one, but while Nintendo Japan restructured into a single location pulling vets from Square and a number of other Japanese powerhouses to make first party games, Miyamoto pretty much becomes headmaster of developing talent.

Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

Nintendo knows that they cannot put out 5 HUGE games a year. Their announcement of working with studios to create the larger games was like a light in the dark. Japan has talked about real east-west development, and Nintendo is actually making that happen.

The gamepad and e-store is Ninty's biggest weapon that nobody saw coming.

While Sony and MS plan out their goliath machines for 2013 or 2014, the wiiU might be exactly what enough people might want as a secondary console such that with the above outlined strategy, it potentially becomes people's ONLY console within 2-3 years.

That's my guess.

It's nice to see that Nintendo still has very passionate fans.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 06, 2012, 10:35:22 PM
and so imaginative!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 10:35:52 PM
is that that weird malstrom guy?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 06, 2012, 10:38:14 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 06, 2012, 10:40:27 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Momo on December 06, 2012, 10:40:37 PM
holy shit :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 06, 2012, 10:58:46 PM
now that I've actually skimmed some of it....

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 06, 2012, 11:37:03 PM
that took me way too long to realize it wasn't Oscars post. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 06, 2012, 11:41:10 PM
that took me way too long to realize it wasn't Oscars post.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archie4208 on December 06, 2012, 11:47:03 PM
NINTENDO is going to be the last one laughing. I'm no analyst and I'm purely speculating. However, I think that Nintendo really has a long term plan, at least in the next three years, that's going to surprise everyone.

1. Wii household penetration is 96 million.
Look at that number for a second. Never mind that moms and grandmas only bought one game, and that the hardcore have tossed the system in their closets. That 96 million is an audience that Nintendo actually STILL has, and growing when you consider how cheap the wii has become, and will continue to get. When you add in stuff like the canadian 100.00 wii w/o wifi (surely, they're going to expand that), and one acknowledges that the price will drop even more, you have a situation where, theoretically, anybody who wants a fitness and casual party machine can have one. Nintendo already has the capability to do what Microsoft is TRYING to do next generation with their rumored two-sku casual/hardcore system. The box is already in people's homes. All Ninty needs to do is supply a stream of creative casual software for that base, and they will NEVER need another system again. And, if they do...

2. The Wii U. It doesn't need much to succeed.
Of the 96 million people that own a wii, 4 million are actual hardcore gamers. This number can be surmised by the amount of Zeldas and Mario Galaxies sold. Specifically Zelda. That number says that there are 4 million dedicated playing gamers on the Wii Console. Those are the hardcore gamers that stuck with Nintendo.

Now, factor in people like me. I left Nintendo at Gamecube. I've always loved Nintendo, but refused to stay with them in the SD era with their steadfast stance on the wii mote control scheme. That's where I drew the line. Essentially, the Wii U is the HD Wii with a control that I can actually use, with the addition of the controls of the wii - now improved - with Motion Plus. So what does that mean exactly? I get to play all of the good stuff - should I choose to go backwards - with all of the teething out of the way with any growing platform. So my reward in 2012? A Nintendo system with the parity of current gen consoles, and the added bonus of fantastic Nintendo experiences that I ignored for the last 6 years.

If you go under the assumption that Nintendo is not interested in being a hardcore gamer's PRIMARY console, this opens up some very interesting avenues. Should Nintendo get even TEN percent of SONY and XBOX owners to pick up the Wii U as a SECONDARY console, you start to see something very interesting....

a. 4 Million gamers are currently WITH Nintendo as evidenced by Zelda sales.
b. 5-10 million (10% of 50 million) over 4 years pick up Wii U as a secondary system. (50 mill MS owners, 50 mill PS3 owners, 10% = 5-10 mill).

Potentially, over the next 4 years, Wii begins to have a very quiet foothold. Not including the casuals that might upgrade within the next 4 years - which we could conservatively estimate at 1 million), Wii U probable install base by 2015-2016 is an additional 10 million households. Again, this is JUST for the hardcore. Never mind the atomic bomb sitting in 96 million people's closets already, which can be capitalized on at any time as an entertainment APPLIANCE.

I suspect that Pachter may be very wrong here. 10 million hardcore people (conservatively) is a VERY attractive audience to 3rd parties. Why? Consider...

3. Easy Ports.
Looking at the Wii Launch on the surface, and the gut reaction to the hardware breakdowns is that Wii U was a disaster. The CPU - on paper - bottlenecks performance. The system isn't going to be worth anything once the next gen consoles come out. Etc, etc.

Now, let's look at what ACTUALLY happened. As wonky as Arkham City looked, or as glitchy as (insert game) was, the reality is that Nintendo didn't give anybody final Dev kits until the very last second. Basically, these launch games are actually minor miracles. Or, to be certain, DIRECT ports without a shitload of time for optimization on the WiiU.

Let's REALLY consider that for a second. Given time and resources, I think most developers could get nearly anything to run as good as anything on the current gen hardware competitors. I said in another post that it was unlikely, but that's before I did some research. Put plainly, ANYTHING on the current gen systems can very likely run WELL on the WiiU with enough time and tweaking. The games that we see at launch are actually a testament to the power of the system and it's ease of development. Those games run like this and are this 'solid' without being given real TLC time. Imagine what happens when a developer is given that time?

So now the regular line of thinking on GAF is, so what? The Next Gen is right around he corner! That, and my argument goes...

4. Are we REALLY that ready for next gen?
You guys watch the same shows that I do. Bonus Round. GTTV. You read Kotaku. You laugh at the 'analyst' stories. However, one thing is VERY obvious: These games aren't cheap to make. Period. So I'm looking at Star Wars 1313 and Watch Dogs going, MAN, these games LOOK amazing, right? We're talking YEAR ONE PS4 and X720 games looking that good. Easy.

But I think that everyone reading GAF knows that once our inner graphics lust subsides, that core game has to shine through. At this rate, the next generation is looking like a LOT more Call of Duty, Halo, and insert big AAA franchise. I'm saying, "that's totally cool! There's totally a place for that!" However, when you listen to the devs talk, you'll hear a lot about 'freemium models' and IAPs, DLC, and better Xbox Live infrastructure. Sure, some of them do talk about better animations and voice acting, but mostly, over the past year, we've heard a LOT about making micro-transactions and cloud gaming better in the next generation. Frankly, even if the graphics are 5x more powerful on the next consoles, it won't be enough to KEEP gamers. It certainly won't be enough to win over a ton of new ones?

We've reached the law of diminishing returns when it comes to graphics. It was very easy to justify going from SD to HD, even to casuals. The experience of playing, say, Madden is that much more improved - dramatically visually - from PS2 to PS3. The jump in the next gen? Probably not so much. At least not at the cost that the consumer is willing to pay.

I'm reading Pachter's quote above, and he's right. From a business perspective, COD *should* be monetizing the multiplayer. That's kind of my point. If you're looking at the next generation from a completely business perspective - and with the cost of gaming and the financial investment that it takes to create a new game these days - these monetary factors take the utmost importance. This is why all you're hearing about next gen is improvements on backend stuff. Will there be a jump in graphics? Of course. Will it matter ultimately? Not with these studios dying or being absorbed left and right. That's not what I personally want the gaming future to be, ie, a series of micro-transactions...

Which brings me to the graphics engines.

5. That Unreal 4 Engine.
Go big or go home, right? What's so sweet about it is that, like the UNITY engine, the engine is made to be easy to use. Of the upcoming engines, this is supposedly the easiest to use, and is scaleable by platform. I'm no dev, so I'm only going by what the press says.

The idea, according to Epic, was to bring some of the development costs down. Ideally, a creator, even a 3D artist theoretically, can make a competent game fairly quickly utilizing UE4. At least that's the sales pitch.

Unless these various next-gen engines are incredibly easy to use, these development costs are going to continue to be through the roof. And to what end? As we look at the games that have impressed us at this point in the cycle, ART has stood out more than engine performance. Do we want graphically powerful games? Sure. But would, say SKYRIM be THAT much better with better tech, or could the game go on for two more years with well rounded DLC that builds on the existing world they've created? Walking Dead and Journey, two of this year's VGA GOTY games aren't technological powerhouses, but story or art driven experiences that have unique visual styles. Even Dishonored, which isn't pushing the most advanced engine in the world stands out for it's gameplay and artistic choices.

In fact, I'll go out on a limb as saying that we've not seen NEARLY the end of what this generation can do with regards to new gaming experiences. Rockstar and Bethesda has gone on record as saying that they're TOTALLY FINE with this generation. With the current installed user base, I have a hard time believing that any amount of PR, marketing, or graphic bump will convince anyone to shell out the, what? 400.00 for ANY new next gen console? At least not in the numbers of success we've seen in THIS generation.
Not without some sort of technological experience enhancing evolution. Something like...

6. Oculus Rift.
There's a reason that half the industry lost their shit when they experienced the OR. It's a way to experience games in a way that has been dreamed about for years. Since many of us where children. Screw 3D gaming and screw Holograms. OR allows you to experience new AND OLD games in an entirely new way if it actually works.

OR is the type of thing that would grab the casuals AND the hardcore, which is why I think we've seen it in the development docs of the Microsoft leaks, and why VR has been hinted at with the next Playstation. Problem is, Kinect, while interesting, doesn't QUITE work, and MOVE never caught on. Then, a funny thing happened while i was playing my WiiU...

7. Nintendo Might be closer to VR than anybody else.
Once you listen to Carmak talk about latency and speed, then you see the Wii U gamepad, you realize that Nintendo has actually licked it. They've got the foundation for it right there in their Wii U. Essentially, isn't the Oculus Rift just TWO gamepads screens stuck to a head mounted unit? the motion control with the gamepad is damn near 1:1, and incredibly impressive. What would happen if Ninty sold some type of game enhancing add-on - and for the sake of argument, we'll call it a Virtual Boy 2 - and changed the way we experience EXISTING games? Now, things like Skyrim, Doom, hell, ANY existing game becomes a lot more interesting, and, NOW POSSIBLE on the WiiU.

However, even with that possibility, i still don't think that's Nintendo's real secret weapon.

8. The E-store and comfortable social gaming.
Nintendo is incredibly smart. I own an iPad 3, Xbox 360, PS3, and a laptop. I went from a hardcore iPAD nut to realizing very quickly that most of the things that I love to do on my iPad, I can now do on my Wii U Gamepad. Even Web browsing. It can't be said enough how comfortable web-browsing is with the Gamepad. More, when I'm playing NSMBU, I actually play it - prefer it, actually - on the gamepad. Sure, I wish that it had that crisp iPAD resolution, but the Gamepad is more comfortable, has analog sticks that work beautifully, and has actually made me question when/if more indie devs from steam and iOS will begin to make games for Nintendo with the ability to set their own price.

While iOS/mobile devs are trying desperately to keep their games noticed and monetized with bottom barrel prices and iAP trickery, some of those games will actually work better on the gamepad fetching higher prices. $10.00 for just about ANY indie game seems like a fair starting price, wouldn't you say? Nintendo seems to think so. It's like they're setting a minimum for quality again, and they've secretly given the portability of the iPAD with a home console. You can't actually appreciate it until you've tried using the gamepad to play the games. It's a thing of beauty, and Nintendo knows that this is something that the competitors can't do. Perhaps Sony with some kind of VITA/PS3 combination, but it will take effort and will be an afterthought. With the WiiU, this attack was planned.

9. First Party Ace.
The real reason (I suspect) that Nintendo didn't put out the Wii HD sooner is because they couldn't. They physically COULDN'T. They don't have large dev teams. They don't have the resources. They do what they do EXTREMELY well, which is make excellent games. This is their Ace in the hole. Didn't we just read a report this week about how despite MS Xbox success, it isn't enough to hold MS? Or, that Sony is struggling because of the weight of their OTHER divisions outside of gaming? The competition has always had more money to throw at their pet projects than Nintendo. Now, we're starting to see as we go into the next gen that despite Xbox and Playstation's varying levels of success, ultimately, they were simply side projects of larger corporations.

Gaming is ALL Nintendo does. They don't over-extend. They watch, wait, and execute. This is so obvious with the WiiU. I have no clue what RETRO is working on, but I promise that the their hinted engine will really WOW people with regards to what the system can do. Iwata has said as much. The slow trickle of first gen mega-hits will be impressive, I think, but will require an incredible patience from the fans. This is why that ease of porting from 3rd parties is so important. However, the real gem comes from the indie devs and Miyamoto's secret first party master class at Nintendo.

The announcement was a quiet one, but while Nintendo Japan restructured into a single location pulling vets from Square and a number of other Japanese powerhouses to make first party games, Miyamoto pretty much becomes headmaster of developing talent.

Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

Nintendo knows that they cannot put out 5 HUGE games a year. Their announcement of working with studios to create the larger games was like a light in the dark. Japan has talked about real east-west development, and Nintendo is actually making that happen.

The gamepad and e-store is Ninty's biggest weapon that nobody saw coming.

While Sony and MS plan out their goliath machines for 2013 or 2014, the wiiU might be exactly what enough people might want as a secondary console such that with the above outlined strategy, it potentially becomes people's ONLY console within 2-3 years.

That's my guess.

They don't own this audience. As past trends have demonstrated, the video game consumer is incredibly fickle. Case in point, NES (61M) -> SNES (51M) -> N64 (32M)

Systems cannot sell on brand alone.

This is wishful thinking at best. The WiiU 'needs' a lot to be successful! Also, with regards to the dedicated 'Nintendo' fanbase we can assume that is approximately 18M-23m based on the sales of the gamecube and their flaigship franchises. Beyond this audience, you encounter the new type of consumer that Nintendo attracted with their 'new-gen' type experiences they offered.

The WiiU is going to considerably 'specced' out by the PS4 and Xbox 720 much like its predecessor the Wii. If anything, the third party support may be considerably less impressive than the Wii depending on the market penetration over the next 18 months.

I wouldn't say easy 'ports' and considering the potential disparity between the successors of the Xbox and PlayStation. You may see another generation of poor third party support due to Nintendos hardware choice.

The WiiU is $350, the same can apply to the WiiU. Does anyone really want to spend on a WiiU when the PS3/X360 offers the experiences that they already want? And in some respect, it offers a superior experience due to the superior online infratructure that these consoles offer. I would go even further to say, that if the WiiU fails, it will primarily driven by Nintendos mishandling of online gaming.

VR Gaming from Nintendo? I'll comment if they move in that direction but based on what they're offering now, its worrying and the signs of a company that is finding it difficult to compete in an increasingly more connected environment.

1st Party = they will retain a good fanbase and remain fairly profitable.

The WiiU pad: The appeal of this falls considerably as the race to the bottom with 7" tablets continue.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 12:00:42 AM
4. Are we REALLY that ready for next gen?

if by WE he means Ntards, clearly the answer is NO.

Fucking hell. We've had 7 years of this, just because nthings are dipping their toes in now doesn't make it all new and fresh.

I think you're forgetting about a little something I like to call Nintendo Land.

both Nintendo Land and NSMBU are so unforgettable that Famitsu forgot to review them. Every other game covered - except these two. Machine out tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 12:17:50 AM

I was worried for a sec when I was reading that post, Oscar
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 07, 2012, 01:04:11 AM
i thought oscar was quoting some ninthing gaffer :'(

edit: oh, he WAS. wow, am i doubleplus distinguished mentally-challenged today?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 01:40:12 AM
Nintendo Might be closer to VR than anybody else.

ooooooooooooooh, is that right?  :smug

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 01:43:20 AM
i thought oscar was quoting some ninthing gaffer :'(

edit: oh, he WAS. wow, am i doubleplus distinguished mentally-challenged today?

More liek everyday
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Positive Touch on December 07, 2012, 02:11:45 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 02:42:29 AM
The reaction appears to be :

Looks like the Wii U is bombing....

... more bad news for Sony and MS!

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Positive Touch on December 07, 2012, 07:56:45 AM
there is no hope for sony and microsoft (unless they offer up a product that isnt shit)!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Brehvolution on December 07, 2012, 09:58:31 AM

While Sony and MS plan out their goliath machines for 2013 or 2014, the wiiU might be exactly what enough people might want as a secondary console such that with the above outlined strategy, it potentially becomes people's ONLY console within 2-3 years.

That's my guess.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 07, 2012, 10:00:29 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 07, 2012, 11:50:04 AM

The European Nintendo Wii U eShop has restricted content during the daytime, it has been revealed, such that users cannot access 18+ rated content in the online store before 11pm each day.

Attempting to view trailers or screenshots for a game like ZombiU during the day results in a message noting, "You cannot view this content. The times during which this content can be viewed have been restricted."

18+ rated content cannot be purchased or downloaded during the day either. This message still appears even if a user has parental controls turned off.

As noted by a user on NeoGAF, a Nintendo Italy representative explained that 18+ content is restricted between the hours of 11pm and 3am as "an additional precaution to make sure that minors cannot access content which is inappropriate for their age."

"Nintendo has always aimed to offer gameplay experiences suited to all age groups, observing carefully all the relevant regulations regarding content access that are present in the various European countries," continued the Nintendo rep. Gamasutra has contacted Nintendo for further comment on the move.

The restrictions are similar to others seen in certain European countries like Germany, where some online purchases rated 18+ cannot be bought until after the watershed.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 07, 2012, 11:53:09 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 07, 2012, 11:56:07 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 07, 2012, 12:01:20 PM
WiiU has created a new gaming classification: mid-gen

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 12:03:14 PM
Do I have to get my copy of ZombiU from behind the counter now or do I just hit up the shady guy in the alley?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 07, 2012, 12:03:50 PM

Eurogamer has just tested this and it appears to be true. We were unable to access Assassin's Creed 3 information or buy ZombiU digitally.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 12:16:57 PM
This is going to tank M rated games even harder. Good job, NoE.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 12:19:10 PM
LOL @ Ntards rushing to defend this bullshit. "Bubububu Germany and law of the land and Nintendo didn't have a choice!"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 07, 2012, 12:38:33 PM
This is going to tank M rated games even harder. Good job, NoE.

Wait... you cannot BUY M-rated content during the day? I *could* understand banning screens and videos but banning users from buying content?

As seen here:

18+ rated content cannot be purchased or downloaded during the day either.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on December 07, 2012, 12:55:43 PM
seems like a clever ploy to drive gamers to E-rated Nintendo games
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 12:57:29 PM
seems like a clever ploy to drive gamers to E-rated Nintendo games

Seems like a clever ploy to lose marketshare and gain a whole ton of bad press.

I'd accuse Sony of getting someone to infiltrate NoE, but that would presume that Sony is actually competent.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 07, 2012, 01:02:31 PM
Nintendo's trying to save money by shutting down servers when people are awake.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 01:02:33 PM
so lets get this right....

adult content not available until whenever
posts moderated


"it's like living in NAZI GERMANY!"

seriously - this is why Nintendo are fucking belly fluff right now - just get rid. We don't need these tired fucking old scrote ideas telling people how to and WHEN to use their own fucking content. Absolutely fucking appalling and anyone defending these shit for brain cock suckers is , frankly, a cunt.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 07, 2012, 01:05:47 PM
Besides, shouldn't shit like passwords and such cover all this well enough?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 07, 2012, 01:11:33 PM
Besides, shouldn't shit like passwords and such cover all this well enough?

You'd think so. The Wii U even has parental controls built in, but turning them off seems to have no effect on this "feature."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 07, 2012, 01:18:47 PM
what a disaster

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 01:23:25 PM
oh - and huge congrats to Nintendo for managing to keep overheating failure prone demo units out of consumers hands. Today is launch day - NOT ONE demo unit. Fucking amazing.

Perhaps they were restricting content until 11pm or something?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 01:33:48 PM

also - not posted this elsewhere - but i'm 95% sure that all the preorders were pulled on thursday last week.

Everywhere had preorders, and suddenly by friday they were gone. DJ Mizuhara and a few others in Osaka and Kyoto saw the same thing: Huge abundance of preorders for the consoles on the thursday - all gone on friday.

Now - a Japanese analyst has claimed (will find source from SMBC) that Nintendo are going to ship 400k tops this year in Japan, most likely around 300k which if turns out true is good news for my uneditied 280k prediction.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 01:36:07 PM
seriously - this is why Nintendo are fucking belly fluff right now - just get rid. We don't need these tired fucking old scrote ideas telling people how to and WHEN to use their own fucking content. Absolutely fucking appalling and anyone defending these shit for brain cock suckers is , frankly, a cunt.

Real talk: I don't think I'd lose anything if Nintendo went under right now. I'm more than content with what they offered before and can't be bothered to care about whichever possibly great but most likely shitty retread of old nintendo games released every 3-5 years. And judging by the people who still buy em, only around 5 million people out of the 100+ million would give a shit if Zelda isn't coming out anymore.

Seriously. I've chosen to ignore the Wii U and now I feel like my decision was validated, I'm also not going to be bothered by the newest Zelda or Metroid even if they turn out to be amazing. I've lost interest, as I'm sure many before me have.


Are they ever going to top Mario Kart SNES ? No
Are they ever going to top Super Metroid? No
Are they ever going to top Pilotwings ? No
Are they ever going to top Yoshis Island ? No
Are they ever going to top SMW ? No
Are they ever going to top Mario Tennis 64? No
Are they ever going to top Zelda:OOT? No

etc etc
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 02:09:46 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have a friend that left a good paying job to go work at Nintendo for less just recently, way to board a sinking ship  :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 07, 2012, 02:14:10 PM
They should just shitcan Iwata at this point.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 07, 2012, 02:14:15 PM
I finally picked up my premium bundle. This is the first Nintendo home console I own since the SNES.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 02:20:26 PM
seriously - this is why Nintendo are fucking belly fluff right now - just get rid. We don't need these tired fucking old scrote ideas telling people how to and WHEN to use their own fucking content. Absolutely fucking appalling and anyone defending these shit for brain cock suckers is , frankly, a cunt.

Real talk: I don't think I'd lose anything if Nintendo went under right now. I'm more than content with what they offered before and can't be bothered to care about whichever possibly great but most likely shitty retread of old nintendo games released every 3-5 years. And judging by the people who still buy em, only around 5 million people out of the 100+ million would give a shit if Zelda isn't coming out anymore.

Seriously. I've chosen to ignore the Wii U and now I feel like my decision was validated, I'm also not going to be bothered by the newest Zelda or Metroid even if they turn out to be amazing. I've lost interest, as I'm sure many before me have.

I strangely feel the same way. I don't care if I don't play another Mario ever again. Mario Galaxy was that good. I don't care if I play another Zelda again. LttP and Majora are that good.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: demi on December 07, 2012, 02:25:41 PM
"How U Will Play Next"

"On OUR terms you little FUCKER"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 02:30:09 PM
Its not bad that Nintendo wants to do its own thing, its just they are very half assed about it and delivered a shit product.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 07, 2012, 02:31:42 PM
so lets get this right....

adult content not available until whenever
posts moderated


"it's like living in NAZI GERMANY!"

seriously - this is why Nintendo are fucking belly fluff right now - just get rid. We don't need these tired fucking old scrote ideas telling people how to and WHEN to use their own fucking content. Absolutely fucking appalling and anyone defending these shit for brain cock suckers is , frankly, a cunt.

:bow XFE :bow2

Real talk: I don't think I'd lose anything if Nintendo went under right now. I'm more than content with what they offered before and can't be bothered to care about whichever possibly great but most likely shitty retread of old nintendo games released every 3-5 years. And judging by the people who still buy em, only around 5 million people out of the 100+ million would give a shit if Zelda isn't coming out anymore.

Seriously. I've chosen to ignore the Wii U and now I feel like my decision was validated, I'm also not going to be bothered by the newest Zelda or Metroid even if they turn out to be amazing. I've lost interest, as I'm sure many before me have.

The incentives to focus on polish don't really seem to be there anymore, with Super Mario Galaxy being the only exception from last generation.  I really could not believe how unpolished Skyward Sword was, for instance (not compared to other dev houses, but in comparison to other entries in the series it was extremely threadbare).  The idea that todays Nintendo will ever surpass or even match the level of craft they used to put in to their games seems very unlikely, so there isn't very much to get hyped about. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 02:36:59 PM
Dude, the last Mario game I played before 3ds land was Galaxy 2. I may not think Galaxy 2 is better than 1, but it's like, totally the next best thing to me. And 3ds Land is boring the SHIT out of me. Unpolished, and not nearly as tight all around. I'm on world 6 and the other day I said out loud,"why bother?" and turned my system off.

For me there are three Nintendo series worth caring about: Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, and Wario Ware.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 02:38:38 PM
You used to measure Nintendo products against other industry games, now you only measure them against previous instalments at best.

I haven't even played galaxy or SS or NSMB cause I stopped caring last gen, last Nintendo game I tried was TP and that just did it for me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 07, 2012, 02:39:19 PM
Nintendo doesn't put in the effort because they finally realized that they don't have to. Their fans will lap up barely-changed sequels/ports and casual games they wouldn't touch otherwise as long as they've got that Nintendo logo on the box.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 02:40:19 PM
It's a shame you haven't played Galaxy. I suggest every person who has ever liked Mario to play that game. It is easily game of the generation for me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 02:42:43 PM
I sold the Wii before it came out. I kind of want to play it, but I wont buy a wii for it. Maybe on day there will be an HD remake on iphone10.

@GR: Yeah. I wonder where the money went though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 07, 2012, 02:52:15 PM
@GR: Yeah. I wonder where the money went though.

No idea. The hope [or at least, the wish] was that that big money Nintendo was making on cheap games [Brain Training, Nintendo Dogs, Wii Sports, ect.] would get funneled into making more big games and on titles that were a bit riskier/unique. Nope. Instead, Nintendo apparently decided to just sit on those profits instead and make LESS big games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 07, 2012, 02:54:01 PM
Dude, the last Mario game I played before 3ds land was Galaxy 2. I may not think Galaxy 2 is better than 1, but it's like, totally the next best thing to me. And 3ds Land is boring the SHIT out of me. Unpolished, and not nearly as tight all around. I'm on world 6 and the other day I said out loud,"why bother?" and turned my system off.

For me there are three Nintendo series worth caring about: Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, and Wario Ware.

yea, I meant both Galaxy games serve as an example of Nintendo bringing their A game, but the incentives for them to continue putting out games of that calibre grow smaller and smaller.  My personal preference would have been for them to preserve Zeldas legacy rather than Marios, but what can you do.  :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 07, 2012, 02:58:53 PM
Honestly, I could live without Nintendo making hardware and they could too. They're the only first party I can see thriving as a third party publisher without slashing a bunch of their studios. If Sony were to drop making hardware, the studios that would be closed ... oh dear.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 07, 2012, 03:06:00 PM
If I buy a Wii U maybe I can write it off on my taxes as a charitable donation
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 07, 2012, 03:12:55 PM
So wait instead of adding a age gate or some similar bullshit (they could have tethered it to the age from the mii on the system?) like fucking everyone else they ban the entire thing and everyone is affected?

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 07, 2012, 03:15:53 PM
If only we'd waited a few days to record that episode of the Cruncheons...  :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 03:15:58 PM
Surely there must be someone at Nintendo HQ that sees they are eroding their legacy and without it there won't be much left. If they play the casual cheapskates game for too long some other toy will come along and they will be gone.

At least Sega went out in style.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 04:11:55 PM

Are they ever going to top Mario Kart SNES ? No
Are they ever going to top Super Metroid? No
Are they ever going to top Pilotwings ? No
Are they ever going to top Yoshis Island ? No
Are they ever going to top SMW ? No
Are they ever going to top Mario Tennis 64? No
Are they ever going to top Zelda:OOT? No

etc etc

:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 04:32:33 PM
Dead serious man,  we all are
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 04:50:01 PM
As serious as Nintendo is about locking your eShop content to one system.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Contra on December 07, 2012, 04:56:51 PM
Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

I just read that awesome post.  Awesome.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: etiolate on December 07, 2012, 04:58:30 PM
dcharlie is a sega refuge, no need to concern yourself andrex
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Positive Touch on December 07, 2012, 04:59:31 PM
:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.

says the kid who doesnt even fully appreciate nintendos golden-era games
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 07, 2012, 05:04:37 PM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cascade on December 07, 2012, 05:09:10 PM
Max Wii U sales time

max sales time:

nsmbu: 243k
zombi u (not half of red steel's first month): 50k
scribblenauts (less than zombi u): 50k
cod9 (less than scribblenauts): 50k
just dance (less than cod9): 50k
nland (less than just dance): 50k
five games between nintendo land and the 10k mark: 250k
17 games at less than 10k: 17k

total: 760k

so keep in mind that this is probably the absolute best case scenario. real numbers are much lower. (

17 games at less than 10K and Zombi U which had like 10x the effort Red Steel had put into it and it only managed half the number even with Wii U selling a lot more than Wii did in its first month.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 07, 2012, 05:13:14 PM
In a note to investors, Longbow Research's James Hardiman shed some additional light on the numbers, calling specific attention to the performance of Wii U software sales. While the original Wii saw two games sold for every console in its opening month on shelves in 2006, the Wii U posted a comparatively paltry 1.2 games sold per system. Hardiman chalked that up to either the inclusion of NintendoLand in Wii U Deluxe bundles providing a compelling enough experience that players didn't feel the need for another game, or the higher prices for the Wii U ($299 for the Basic system, $349 for the Deluxe) left consumers without the spare funds for software.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Contra on December 07, 2012, 05:18:25 PM
There's probably a bit of the "I'm going to be a Ebay millionaire" thing going on, given how crazy the Wii launch was once it sold out.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 07, 2012, 05:31:49 PM
Max Wii U sales time

max sales time:

nsmbu: 243k
zombi u (not half of red steel's first month): 50k
scribblenauts (less than zombi u): 50k
cod9 (less than scribblenauts): 50k
just dance (less than cod9): 50k
nland (less than just dance): 50k
five games between nintendo land and the 10k mark: 250k
17 games at less than 10k: 17k

total: 760k

so keep in mind that this is probably the absolute best case scenario. real numbers are much lower. (

17 games at less than 10K and Zombi U which had like 10x the effort Red Steel had put into it and it only managed half the number even with Wii U selling a lot more than Wii did in its first month.

I'm guessing Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper sold about two copies: one for me and one for some other poor bastard
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 07, 2012, 05:33:59 PM
Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

I just read that awesome post.  Awesome.

really?  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 05:37:25 PM
Four 3rd Party games in the Top 5.

:bow Wii U is a 3rd Party Powerhouse :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Takao on December 07, 2012, 05:43:58 PM
There's probably a bit of the "I'm going to be a Ebay millionaire" thing going on, given how crazy the Wii launch was once it sold out.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 07, 2012, 05:45:58 PM
To be fair Wii Sports was included in sales numbers no?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 05:52:22 PM
:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.

says the kid who doesnt even fully appreciate nintendos golden-era games

Define fully appreciate. I love SMB1, Lost Levels, 3, World, LttP, Kirby, Kid Icarus... about the only franchise I've never really cared for is Metroid.

But to say they haven't topped themselves since then in any area is fanboy stupidity that wouldn't be out of place for a Ninthing on GAF if it was, say, Sony's early games. You people are becoming the very same kind of brainless, hateful drones you mock and claim to despise.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 05:58:43 PM
:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.

says the kid who doesnt even fully appreciate nintendos golden-era games

Define fully appreciate. I love SMB1, Lost Levels, 3, World, LttP, Kirby, Kid Icarus... about the only franchise I've never really cared for is Metroid.

But to say they haven't topped themselves since then in any area is fanboy stupidity that wouldn't be out of place for a Ninthing on GAF if it was, say, Sony's early games. You people are becoming the very same kind of brainless, hateful drones you mock and claim to despise.

His post is pretty bad. It is definitely fueled by nostalgia. But the overall point is sound, Nintendo's name, aside from Mario Galaxy 1/2/NSMB wii, in recent years, is not associated with quality any longer.

That said, they made this so, who can fully hate them?

I know i can't.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 06:01:31 PM
Animal Crossing

confession time - i bought the new one on 3DS :O

I played about 2 hours maybe? Why did i buy it ? i have absolutely no idea at all. Fortunately i was able to sell it back at nigh on the same price i bought it due to the insanely low stocks.

What the FUCK was i thinking?!? It's still the same old fucking sludge fest. I cannot for the life of me fathom the appeal. It actually is "Shit i should be doing in real life - the game".

Hell, friends started tweeting confusing shit like

"Tidied up my room and bought some new furniture. Place looks swank. <pic>" - fucking animal crossing shot
"out at the club at 2am - incredible <pic>" - a picture in the club, in animal crossing, at 2am
etc etc

As for #GOTY hash tagging this utter "Sylvanian Family lets-play-dress-up-Barbie-home wallpaper and tidy-em-up" shit fest? Jesus will punish you.

dcharlie is a sega refuge, no need to concern yourself andrex

You both know it's true. Actually, i've no idea if you know it's true , Et. Andrex ? Doesn't even know the joys.

And will be interesting to see the queues for Wii U around now - it's nearly opening time.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 06:09:27 PM
. Around 50 people in line at Yodobashi in Akiba

with 1 hour to go :O

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 06:17:23 PM
Animal Crossing

confession time - i bought the new one on 3DS :O

I played about 2 hours maybe? Why did i buy it ? i have absolutely no idea at all. Fortunately i was able to sell it back at nigh on the same price i bought it due to the insanely low stocks.

What the FUCK was i thinking?!? It's still the same old fucking sludge fest. I cannot for the life of me fathom the appeal. It actually is "Shit i should be doing in real life - the game".

Hell, friends started tweeting confusing shit like

"Tidied up my room and bought some new furniture. Place looks swank. <pic>" - fucking animal crossing shot
"out at the club at 2am - incredible <pic>" - a picture in the club, in animal crossing, at 2am
etc etc

As for #GOTY hash tagging this utter "Sylvanian Family lets-play-dress-up-Barbie-home wallpaper and tidy-em-up" shit fest? Jesus will punish you.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 06:19:13 PM
You know what Nintendo released as a $50, AAA holiday title? Wii Music.

'nuff said.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 07, 2012, 06:23:54 PM
:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.

says the kid who doesnt even fully appreciate nintendos golden-era games

You have to remember, he's a dumb fucker
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Contra on December 07, 2012, 06:38:46 PM
Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

I just read that awesome post.  Awesome.

really?  :lol
It's the -san that kills it for me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 07, 2012, 06:40:53 PM
Expect Miyamoto-san and the brightest from Nintendo to release a stream of small Game-pad friendly e-store titles, of a speed and quality the likes of which Nintendo has never done before. Essentially the e-store will be the Apple Store, but with more quality. Tons of indie games, tons of First party nintendo smaller games, and if we're lucky, some HD re-releases of GC and Wii classics.

I just read that awesome post.  Awesome.

really?  :lol
It's the -san that kills it for me.

link plz
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 07, 2012, 06:41:48 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 06:53:12 PM
just like that massive catalogue of those by gone NES/SNES/N64 classics we were definitely going to get on the Wii, DS, 3DS....

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 07, 2012, 07:02:57 PM
Gaming is ALL Nintendo does. They don't over-extend. They watch, wait, and execute. This is so obvious with the WiiU. I have no clue what RETRO is working on, but I promise that the their hinted engine will really WOW people with regards to what the system can do. Iwata has said as much. The slow trickle of first gen mega-hits will be impressive, I think, but will require an incredible patience from the fans. This is why that ease of porting from 3rd parties is so important. However, the real gem comes from the indie devs and Miyamoto's secret first party master class at Nintendo.

:lol I missed this the first time I read that post

:bow secret first party master class :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 07, 2012, 07:09:47 PM

oh its from that post  :lol, tl:dr

well Sony is finally stepping up with a web version of the PS store/movies, etc (though its just an SCEE thing right now)!/en-gb/home/games

lets go nintendo, lets go.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2012, 07:56:41 PM
Rayman is out on February 26, demo is next Thursday. ( I'm a platformer hoe so I'm still interested even with the stupid dumb Murphy BS. Hopefully it's not as bad as we fear.

Then MH in March, and although I probably won't buy it, Pikmin in "Q3" (likely April I'd say.) Not really a long post-launch drought, although there will probably be a massive summer one after that. Hopefully some same-day ports fill in some gaps and aren't total jank.

:rofl Can't tell if you're being serious.

says the kid who doesnt even fully appreciate nintendos golden-era games

You have to remember, he's a dumb fucker

You sound cranky old man.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 07, 2012, 08:11:54 PM
now that I think about it, I haven't beaten a single 3D 1st party nintendo game.   Started and stopped many, but I usually get bored part of the way through--- OOT, TP, Galaxy namely
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 07, 2012, 09:32:23 PM
Me, either. I look at all the games on my Steam library and feel a bit guilty for owning all that stuff I'll likely never even get around to installing. On the other hand, I enjoy the games I do play a lot more nowadays.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 07, 2012, 09:46:22 PM
I probably won't buy it, Pikmin in "Q3" (likely April I'd say.) Not really a long post-launch drough

so a game you won't buy out of a sea of, currently, nothing will signals a "not really a long post-launch drough(t)" ?

WiiU games currently set for Jan launch in Japan : 0

It's the Vita Console.

"Are they ever going to top X?" is a pretty dumb way to dismiss something. 

I'm not sure it is as the wider point is that they've lost touch with what made the classics so great and, in some cases, completely abandoned perfectly sellable franchises

The problem is they set the bar across the board in a number of areas and as generations have moved on they've slipped under or abandoned "popular"* franchises.

I don't have time at all for gaming anymore,

this is the crux of it basically - my normal day is : up at 6, housework, sit with son whilst breakfasting, get ready, walk to work, work, come home, pick up son, feed son, play with son/see wife, bed at 8 with son -or- bed on own, wife with son... but after a long day and it's sleep or gaming? Sleep every time

At the moment, it's obviously : up at 5:40, make breakfast, have breakfast with son, shower son, get son ready for school, handover son to mother in law, housework, get ready, walk to work, work, come home, pick up son, cook for son, feed son, play with son, sleep with son at 8.

The inevitable conclusion happens : why the fuck do i need a WiiU or a X720 or a PS4 at launch? I simply don't. I have no time. And unless Chromehounds 2 appears somehow then i can't see me jumping on anything until we have both our kids independently doing their own sh1t.

So - see console gaming in 6-7 years?

(watch as i buy a Wii U by thursday)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: TakingBackSunday on December 07, 2012, 09:47:16 PM
christ nintendo needs to shitcan iwata and miyamoto
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 07, 2012, 10:11:01 PM
I mostly bought the Wii U because I wanted to be a multiconsole owner at the beginning of the generation.  I've never done this before ever since I never had the disposable income to pull that off.  Now that I do, I'm doing it, if only just to say that I did it.  It's why I bought the 3DS and Vita as well.

Of course, I have maybe 10 hours at the most to play games per week.  Either I'm going to have a huge backlog or I need to start sleeping 4 hours a night just to remain caught up.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 07, 2012, 10:13:25 PM
christ nintendo needs to shitcan iwata and miyamoto

miyamoto is no longer head of ead
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 07, 2012, 10:16:32 PM
Iwata definitely needs to step down.  Reggie too if possible.  Maybe Pizza Hut will take him back.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2012, 10:27:58 PM
He could bring back the Bigfoot Pizza and everyone would be happy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Barry Egan on December 07, 2012, 11:11:33 PM
Reggie probably has nothing to do with what a clusterfuck this is.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 07, 2012, 11:14:34 PM
MEGATON:   Dark Souls II not coming to WiiU
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 07, 2012, 11:19:10 PM
Reggie probably has nothing to do with what a clusterfuck this is.

But do you agree that he should focus his attention on bringing back the Bigfoot pizza?

What else did he spearhead? The New Yorker?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: tiesto on December 08, 2012, 01:38:48 AM
Mario - seems good so far, challenge seems to be ramping up quicker than the last DS game, which is good. Only up to world 2 though.

Tekken - fucking great. I haven't really followed the series since its PS1 heyday but the character roster is impressive, as are the number of stages in the game (any game that has a "Poland" stage is cool). Also Snoop Dogg stage is amazing. My friend is a huge 2D fighting game fan but loses interest quickly with 3D fighters (he didn't care for VF6 for instance) but we played this for hours today.

Nintendoland - about 99% absolute wack. Its just one giant tech demo for the different capabilities of the pad. Not unlike WiiSports, but at least WiiSports had the bowling game which was had a bit of staying power. The Yoshi fruit cart game is the absolute nadir, I could see how the Luigi's Mansion ghost chase could be fun with a few people as you sneak up on them and shit (I only played with one other person), Balloon Fight is OK. Mario chase and the Zelda game are shitty, as is the octopus dancing game. The best game (and this isn't saying much) is the ninja shooting game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 08, 2012, 01:45:52 AM
I heard there was a second big update. Any idea what it does?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 08, 2012, 02:07:51 AM
I heard there was a second big update. Any idea what it does?

that firmware supposedly lessened the freezes.

some claimed the OS was sped up a bit but it seems to be very minute or even a fucking placebo.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 02:24:39 AM
Why would they get rid of Iwata? I'm not particularly offended by him to be honest and he (if it was indeed "him" alone, which is unlikely) had a strong hand in steering Nintendo back to profits.

The Wii U has -yet- to truly fail, bravado aside, and if it does get that "new shine boost start" and establishes itself then he's done -yet another- job.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2012, 02:42:57 AM
I like Iwata as a CEO because he comes from a development background. I think it would be a massive step back if his successor wasn't similarly a game developer at one point.

Kinda just wish Nintendo would buy itself back and go private, but that'll never happen. If the board thinks Iwata's screwed up they can axe him anytime and put in some moron who has nothing to do with games, or a plant from another company like Elop/Nokia.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 08, 2012, 02:58:19 AM
They should get out of the hardware business.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 08, 2012, 02:59:34 AM
They should get out of the hardware business.

After my experience I'm inclined to agree with you.

They should be making software, and not hardware.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2012, 03:04:40 AM
They should get out of the hardware business.

Nah, they just need to hire people who actually get hardware and networking. Preferably from the west, and preferably from silicon valley. They should poach the hell out of some people.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 08, 2012, 03:17:45 AM
Unyeah :lol

Still gets me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2012, 03:22:10 AM
You do realize that there is literally no benefit to Nintendo still being in the hardware business, right?

Define benefit. What's the benefit for Sony? Losing another couple billion dollars?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Himu on December 08, 2012, 04:06:37 AM
That is my plan as well but I am going to give the next gen consoles a shot to wow me. I kinda want the next box because for the majority of this generation, aside for about the year I switched to ps3, 360 has been my go to console this generation and that's where most of my dd game purchases that aren't steam are. I'd like those to carry over to the next box at least. That, and an entertainment machine (which 360 is great at).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2012, 04:57:13 AM
In terms of benefits to gamers I don't think saying less competition is the way to go either, necessarily. I mean, would we have gotten a two screen handheld from any other company? Probably not. We could go back and forth over what that contributed or didn't to gaming as a whole, but a not insignificant amount of games benefited from it, and it didn't take anything away from the rest.

Nintendo catches a lot of crap (rightly so) for focusing on hardware gimmicks over hardware strength but I do feel it would be pretty terrible if it was just Sony and Microsoft copying each other to the point where you can barely tell their hardware apart for all it adds.

Who knows, there still might be something out there to add to game systems like analog sticks, rumble, and dual screens, and if there is, do you think MS or Sony are going to risk trying it out? Probably not.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 05:51:09 AM
o you think MS or Sony are going to risk trying it out? Probably not.

both will put out new gimmicks this gen.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2012, 06:49:21 AM
* "new" gimmicks nintendo beta'd for them that they'll do properly

Yeah basically.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Diunx on December 08, 2012, 08:31:17 AM
I just realized, If I were an Euro weeeoooo owner and still had the same job I have now, I would only have two hours to download mature content for my games.

:bow Nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 08, 2012, 09:36:39 AM
This is no blood in MK on SNES all over again. Glad i had a mega drive. God I miss Sega.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: cool breeze on December 08, 2012, 11:32:24 AM
* "new" gimmicks nintendo beta'd for them that they'll do properly

That's my favorite part about the Move and Kinect.  Move replicated and improved upon the Wii remote from a capabilities standpoint.  Kinect took how people were using the Wii and improved on that experience, instead of one-upping the Wii remote.

Doesn't account for NSMB's popularity, but looking at sales for the 3DS and Wii U games, maybe Microsoft realized the audience were only momentarily enchanted by it, and the real drive was looking dumb in front of the TV.

and people don't give Microsoft (or old-Sony) enough credit sometimes.  Putting a mic jack in the 360 controller is probably why people talk in online games, compared to the PS3's ghost servers.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 08, 2012, 12:18:27 PM
Latest developments(sales,big third party games avoiding WiiU like a plague) have made Nintendo fans pretty upset.
WiiU fit,WiiU Sports are now officially on the chalkboard.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 08, 2012, 12:32:02 PM
Wii Fit U up our ass
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 08, 2012, 01:00:24 PM
that video is cringe-inducing
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 08, 2012, 01:05:28 PM
I just realized, If I were an Euro weeeoooo owner and still had the same job I have now, I would only have two hours to download mature content for my games.

:bow Nintendo :bow2

i wonder if the download would disconnect if it wasn't finshed before the content is blocked again  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 08, 2012, 01:07:02 PM

"Your filthy content will resume downloading at a decent hour."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 08, 2012, 01:15:55 PM
The WII-U has landed at home once again. FedEx dropped it off a few minutes ago. I'm not home though so I don't know if its my console or what. We shall see though when I get back home.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 01:43:30 PM
* "new" gimmicks nintendo beta'd for them that they'll do properly

I think MS and Sony see the pad thing as a minor gimmick they can shoehorn in with crap like smartglass. So no, i wouldn't expect the usual route of improving on what Nintendo are offering (especially as there's nothing worth copying this time)

sorry, "i wouldn't" = "you shouldn't"

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: MCD on December 08, 2012, 02:01:00 PM
Played with a Wii U yesterday...

Controller is the only next gen thing about it but the battery IS BAD BAD BAD. I will grab one once they sort out the OS bugs and when someone make a bigger battery (not that stupid Nyko addon).

Controller is great to hold. Ergonomic and very light despite how it looks and it turning into a handheld is phenomenal. I totally want MS/Sony to make a copycat and add more features and a better battery. And at least with MS/Sony we don't need to buy a classic controller.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 02:06:56 PM
I just wonder if Nintendo are going to release a Pro Controller Pad + at some point ? lol.

And , being the arseholes they are, STILL won't allow you to unpair the original one! lol

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 08, 2012, 02:17:09 PM
I totally want MS/Sony to make a copycat and add more features and a better battery. And at least with MS/Sony we don't need to buy a classic controller.

The last thing MS needs is an expensive controller in the box.I have no objections against separately sold shit though(Xbox Surface yay).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 08, 2012, 02:42:15 PM
Just popped into Best Buy.  The store was packed.  There were a large amount of Wii U 8GB and 32GB units just sitting there.  Everyone was looking at PS3 and 360 games and they only had a few of those consoles left.  I can't even remember the last time a new major console (not portable) release was not selling right out like this.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 03:11:29 PM
Sounds like units still available here too- Even Amazon not sold out.

As per prior posts - SMBC analyst claimed 300k-400k shipment for Japan holidays only.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 08, 2012, 03:25:55 PM
Either Nintendo is pumping tons of units into US or Wii = double-edged sword.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 08, 2012, 03:26:57 PM
stolen from GAF

WiiU cracked? (marcan gave cryptic info during his spec talk earlier but...) and no i'm not talking the homebrew Wii stuff working on Wii U


Hector Martin‏@marcan42

 Pro tip: 40 character hex strings are usually SHA1 hashes, not encryption keys.

so no key yet but progress?

very interesting
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 08, 2012, 11:33:55 PM
Japantimes :

"It was a good start," Nintendo spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa said of Saturday's debut in Japan, adding that the product has sold out in the United States.

"We'd like to keep this momentum next year," he said.

Minagawa said Nintendo expects the Wii U to draw brisk demand throughout Japan, based on the number of advance orders.

The Kyoto-based company plans to sell 5.5 million consoles and 24 million games by the end of next March.

"The sales of the Wii U seem favorable so far," said Etsuko Tamura, an analyst at Mizuho Investors Securities Co., adding that the company may face a supply shortage.

Supply shortage.... hmmm. I'm still curious why all the preorders vanished overnight across japan last thursday! Perhaps that was the deadline for final unit orders and stores decided to say "fuck it" and didn't want to take on a bulk of extra stock (?)

Again - preorders were out since September - they didn't sell out preorders which is , basically, unheard of (unless you believe everyone waited to the thursday before the launch and all simultaneously went out and got preorders right there and then).

This is going to be fascinating to watch - this could be a complete and utter train wreck of a launch.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 08, 2012, 11:47:25 PM
they keep lying about sell outs in the U.S. :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 09, 2012, 12:47:30 AM
I think given theyre doing the same now in Japan when it seems its not the case that they're in "keep repeating, hope it sticks - if we keep repeating it people will buy into it"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 09, 2012, 06:30:34 AM
Maybe when they say stocks are low they are talking bout the Nikkei you eejits.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 09, 2012, 11:51:17 AM
No WiiU posters for Xmas :( Bomba.


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: MrAngryFace on December 09, 2012, 11:52:27 AM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 09, 2012, 01:11:29 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Let me know when and where you die. So I can bash your skull in and take your goodies!  :D DIAMONDS!!!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 09, 2012, 01:31:09 PM
Just wait -- 2 weeks before xmas there will surely be a rush and all Weeoo product will be SOLD OUT
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 09, 2012, 04:15:22 PM
another Digital Foundry comparison: Darksiders 2

And so another Wii U launch title arrives that doesn't quite hold its own against the existing PS3 and 360 versions. After the fairly impressive work done on the Wii U port of Assassin's Creed 3, we can't help but feel a little disappointed with Vigil Games' efforts here. The removal of light shafts and environmental detail doesn't overly harm the game considering that the core artwork is a close match in other areas, but the sharp drops in performance are hard to ignore when the low frame-rate has a noticeable impact on the feel of the controls, making them heavier and less responsive.

In terms of the Wii U-specific features, the added touch-screen controls do prove useful, making navigation of the cumbersome menus a breeze compared to using the standard controller on the other platforms, although we could do without having certain moves being mapped to the GamePad's motion sensing functions. In addition, with the poorer performance and reduced visual quality, it also means that there's little reason to pick up the Wii U version at full price when the PS3 and 360 versions can be purchased new for as little as £20 online (though obviously the DLC packs are not included).

In the final analysis, the PS3 version remains the most impressive version of the game with higher-quality textures in places and superior performance, followed by the 360 release, while the Wii U sits in last place. While short on platform-specific enhancements, the PC version is the one to play if you have the necessary horsepower to sustain higher resolutions and frame-rates. Regardless of its issues, Darksiders 2 is still worth picking up on Wii U if you don't have access to any of the other platforms: the game itself is large and rewarding to play, and the narrative nicely complements the original Darksiders with a concurrently running story that expands on the events of the first game. As a final recommendation though, we'd perhaps hold fire on a Wii U purchase until it comes down in price.

IIRC this was the game devs were boasting on how they got it running quick and should be the best console version  :P
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on December 09, 2012, 04:18:47 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Sonic kart got fixed on the wii u, although the online is apparently barren.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 09, 2012, 05:14:21 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Sonic kart got fixed on the wii u, although the online is apparently barren.

Damn, the 50 people who bought it on Wii U won't be able to play now.   :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 09, 2012, 05:37:49 PM
But what about Funky Farm!?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on December 09, 2012, 06:03:34 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Sonic kart got fixed on the wii u, although the online is apparently barren.

Damn, the 50 people who bought it on Wii U won't be able to play now.   :'(

They can play all they want, its just got a low population atm. Can you read?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: bork on December 09, 2012, 06:20:29 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Sonic kart got fixed on the wii u, although the online is apparently barren.

Damn, the 50 people who bought it on Wii U won't be able to play now.   :'(

They can play all they want, its just got a low population atm. Can you read?

I cannot; I thought you said "broken."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 09, 2012, 06:27:54 PM
Picked up ZombiU- ended up getting Sonic All Stars Transformed for 360 to play it safe.

Sonic kart got fixed on the wii u, although the online is apparently barren.

The patch finally got pushed to US? Last I heard it was only in Euroland.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 10, 2012, 02:51:18 AM
I'm no gaming expert - or maybe I am, hence why I only play PC titles  :smug - but here's my question for you folks. The Wii had a software shortage for a couple years to put it lightly. The 3DS launched with next to nothing before Nintendo threw out some various halfass, spiced up stuff like Mario Kart and NSMB.

So...what the fuck have Nintendo's developers been doing for the last 3 years? I honestly assumed they had a bunch of shit planned early for the WiiU, given the software drought the Wii had. Yet it launched with...a spiced up Wii port of NSMB and Nintendo Land, which, if games were vinyl singles, would have been the b-side of WiiPlay 6 years ago.

Is the plan just to release a couple Mario titles, a couple Zelda titles, one Metroid, one Mario Kart, one Animal Crossing...and then use the profits to build a slightly weaker version of the competition's console for the next generation?

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 10, 2012, 02:55:21 AM
HD development is hard,please understand.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 10, 2012, 03:08:39 AM
I'm no gaming expert - or maybe I am, hence why I only play PC titles  :smug - but here's my question for you folks. The Wii had a software shortage for a couple years to put it lightly. The 3DS launched with next to nothing before Nintendo threw out some various halfass, spiced up stuff like Mario Kart and NSMB.

So...what the fuck have Nintendo's developers been doing for the last 3 years? I honestly assumed they had a bunch of shit planned early for the WiiU, given the software drought the Wii had. Yet it launched with...a spiced up Wii port of NSMB and Nintendo Land, which, if games were vinyl singles, would have been the b-side of WiiPlay 6 years ago.

Is the plan just to release a couple Mario titles, a couple Zelda titles, one Metroid, one Mario Kart, one Animal Crossing...and then use the profits to build a slightly weaker version of the competition's console for the next generation?

I think the "plan" is to publish a frackton of Japanese third party games and outsource as much development as possible (like OoT 3D and Smash) while they adjust to HD development, which will probably take a while.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 10, 2012, 03:46:37 AM
If that plan leads to more stuff like Bayonetta then I'm good. I would like to see Nintendo throw it's money around to other developers to fill out it's publishing work. I mean if that's what you're talking about.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: maxy on December 10, 2012, 04:01:05 AM
Console looked undercooked at E3,launched undercooked so it would not surprise me that software is seriously lagging behind too.
I guess they were spinning in their office chairs thinking Wii sold well,WiiU will too.

Wait for E3.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 10, 2012, 04:13:57 AM
If that plan leads to more stuff like Bayonetta then I'm good. I would like to see Nintendo throw it's money around to other developers to fill out it's publishing work. I mean if that's what you're talking about.

Stuff like that yeah, although Bayo is a special case since they're funding development too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: mjemirzian on December 10, 2012, 05:17:14 AM
Well I've decided this boxing day I'm getting a
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: mjemirzian on December 10, 2012, 05:59:05 AM
Wow, never realized they had that much first party development.

From a business/Nintendo-centric perspective, do you think their choices for the Wii U are going to pan out? Not minding the forum wars going on over the system.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Third on December 10, 2012, 08:32:49 AM

Even I didn't expect it to bomb so hard  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Brehvolution on December 10, 2012, 09:18:14 AM
NSD: Last game: Can't Decide What to Eat?

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 10, 2012, 09:47:09 AM
Nintendo: "Europe store time limits on mature content are because of German law."

but then this gaffer provides statutory citations to prove this is bullshit (the law is about television and the time frames don't actually match up):

and also, german law does not apply to all of europe.  it almost did once, but then the world stopped them from doing that.  So, this move is clearly an expression of NoJ's secret wishes to revive the Axis of WW2 and that's why you shouldn't buy a WiiU.  After all, why would Nintendo put their EU headquarters in Germany?  Think about it.  WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: archnemesis on December 10, 2012, 09:49:02 AM
It's just Nintendo being overprotective again. They should just hide all the stupid behind parental controls instead.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Tasty on December 10, 2012, 10:38:30 AM
This is sweet karma for those jerks getting Xeno first and bragging about it for months.

So why does it look like they have a drought ahead when they should have lots?  Part of it is localization shit (NoA doesn't release a lot of the titles NoJ does)

:wag It's NCL, Oscar-kun.

part of it is that Nintendo announces things like a month before they release unless it's the big cannons.  I don't doubt there's going to be a post-launch drought on the WiiU, but it's hardly unique in that respect.  Not many consoles hit the ground running and keep running, especially in this day and age where system launches are worldwide.  Nintendo's probably going to have a lot to talk about soon enough.  I wouldn't hold my breath for any third party action, though.  Money is tight enough in this industry without throwing it away at what is obviously a waste of time and money.

Like I said, third party wise the most interesting games are probably going to be Nintendo published and/or funded. It's win-win-lose; Nintendo gets HD games to fill out their catalog quickly, third parties get cash to offset development, but Nintendo loses a bit of money.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Third on December 10, 2012, 02:37:37 PM
I have absolutely no interest in the PS4 or X720 after getting the Wii U. Great job to Nintendo for improving upon the Wii in every way people wanted.

We know the PS4 will have a painful controller and the 720 will be a watered down PC with a yearly online fee.


 :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: parallax on December 10, 2012, 06:19:06 PM
I have absolutely no interest in the PS4 or X720 after getting the Wii U. Great job to Nintendo for improving upon the Wii in every way people wanted.

We know the PS4 will have a painful controller and the 720 will be a watered down PC with a yearly online fee.


 :rofl :rofl :rofl

so the first is complacent with current gen hardware, and the second is a time traveler. nintendo fans are amazing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: benjipwns on December 11, 2012, 01:09:28 AM

Just wait until they unlock the rest of the watts before you all condemn Nintendo and their engineers.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 11, 2012, 01:15:51 AM
It's not about the watts it's how you USE them!! Derpy Derp Derp
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 11, 2012, 01:27:37 AM
are watts the new gpgpu
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: benjipwns on December 11, 2012, 01:34:18 AM
Just think, Nintendo is MATCHING the 360 and PS3 despite lazy developers who don't understand the complexity of the hardware and only had a few weeks to port the games. When Nintendo ups the power on the hardware once they decide the third party developers are experienced enough to handle it they will be pushing some amazing visuals especially when you account for how progressive and easy to work with the design is. And that's to not even mention what someone like Retro or Monolith Soft is going to pull off.  :o

And it will still probably even use less power than whatever loud and simple derivative PCs in a box that Microsoft tries to shove down everyones throats.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 11, 2012, 01:36:53 AM

K-kool NintenBros waiting for launch
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Oblivion on December 11, 2012, 08:05:32 AM
So Digital Foundry did one of their little graphics comparison articles, this time on Trine 2, and their verdict is that the Wii-U version looks the best of the bunch (well, minus PC). Am I taking crazy pills here or something, cause the Wii-U screens look (relatively) horrible imo:

There seems to be less geometry, lower res textures and shittier lighting.  ???
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 11, 2012, 08:53:46 AM

Just wait until they unlock the rest of the watts before you all condemn Nintendo and their engineers.

The "w" actually stands for Whimsies, of course Netflix and FIFA don't have very many, but when NSMBU is running, it's outputting at least 1000w!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 11, 2012, 12:17:40 PM
So Digital Foundry did one of their little graphics comparison articles, this time on Trine 2, and their verdict is that the Wii-U version looks the best of the bunch (well, minus PC). Am I taking crazy pills here or something, cause the Wii-U screens look (relatively) horrible imo:

There seems to be less geometry, lower res textures and shittier lighting.  ???

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 11, 2012, 09:07:08 PM

Pissed off Japanese woman pointing out the retardedness of load times. Japan is unamused
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 11, 2012, 09:12:21 PM
According to GAF, less than 30 seconds for menu to load is really fast, quit being so entitled.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 11, 2012, 09:14:19 PM
According to GAF, less than 30 seconds for menu to load is really fast, quit being so entitled.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 11, 2012, 09:20:58 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: pilonv1 on December 11, 2012, 09:21:29 PM
Plenty of time to make a sandwitch

oh wait wrong defense force
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 11, 2012, 09:23:35 PM

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on December 11, 2012, 10:52:10 PM
So should I trade in my C64 1541 for this?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2012, 12:22:05 AM
Wait for Epyx to release the Fast Load cartridge :rock
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Stoney Mason on December 12, 2012, 12:43:45 AM

Pissed off Japanese woman pointing out the retardedness of load times. Japan is unamused

That is insane. Please tell me that is atypical.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 12, 2012, 01:28:30 AM

Pissed off Japanese woman pointing out the retardedness of load times. Japan is unamused

Youtube's CC translation: "Sudden death was an unconventional province thought rode downtown."

Sums up the Wii U perfectly.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Himu on December 12, 2012, 01:33:45 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Trent Dole on December 12, 2012, 01:38:46 AM
I'll take it 8)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2012, 01:40:24 AM
She's saying exactly what you think she is. "What is this shit? Why is this so slow? Is it the OS? Is it the lack of RAM? I don't get this. It's just taking insanely long. This is nuts."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 12, 2012, 03:49:31 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 04:15:04 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 04:42:24 AM
hopefully he broke the dc trend and didn't buy *every* game.

i bet he'll be balls-deep in monster hunter later tonight.  or sleeping.  probably sleeping.

Can't it be both?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: maxy on December 12, 2012, 06:13:34 AM
He can troll it better  now.

DC trolling = dropping truth bombs
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 12, 2012, 07:12:39 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

 :piss :japancry :gbcry :japancry :piss2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Positive Touch on December 12, 2012, 07:46:46 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

son, you need a support group
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Oblivion on December 12, 2012, 08:47:50 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

I can't help but be reminded of the time I was walking into a 7-11 that happened to have two hobos out front having a conversation where one said to the other: "Hey man, you keep sucking dick and people are gonna start thinking you're gay."

I feel it's a rather apt metaphor to describe DC's purchasing habits.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Brehvolution on December 12, 2012, 09:42:25 AM
It's not your fault, XFE. If the system was sold out, you wouldn't have that problem.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: tiesto on December 12, 2012, 09:53:23 AM
Yeah, the load times in the OS suck (I haven't d/led the update yet due to not having internet at my place anymore), and the battery life is pitiful. Still enjoying Mario and Tekken though and I'm sure it'll all be worth it once we (hopefully, fuck you Reggie) get the Monolith game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 12, 2012, 10:29:03 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 12, 2012, 11:10:02 AM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 ya'll.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 12, 2012, 11:19:19 AM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

My god, you're the Ted Haggard of console gaming.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 12, 2012, 11:28:47 AM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 ya'll.

to be fair, who bought Nintendo Land in anticipation of playing online  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 11:39:13 AM
Lack of online in Mario cuts much deeper.

The game would have way more hype if it was online and NSMB2 didn't come out.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: maxy on December 12, 2012, 12:44:18 PM
Next year will be soo fun
Most of Early 2013’s Biggest Games Seem to Be Skipping Wii U

Over the last couple of days, we've been checking in on the Wii U status of several major multiplatform games, all of which are slated for the first half of 2013. Nintendo has promised that the Wii U will have a broader array of games than the Wii did and won't neglect the hardcore gamer crowd. But very few of the top multiplatform games for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are slated for Wii U.

Aliens: Colonial Marines
Release Date: February 12 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "Yes, ACM is coming to Wii U," a rep from Sega confirmed. We have not announced a specific date yet, just that it launches before the end of Nintendo's launch window (aka March 31, 2013)."

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
Release Date: March 26, 2013 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "No plans," according to a rep for EA.

BioShock Infinite
Release Date: March 26, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? The game's creative director just told Destructoid that "nothing is brewing right now," so highly unlikely.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
Release Date: 2013 (Not sure if early or late, to be honest) (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "We can't confirm any info on the Wii U at this time," says a rep for Konami. (Whatever that means.)

Crysis 3
Release Date: February 13, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "No plans," according to a rep for EA.

Dead Island Riptide
Release Date: April 23, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "No plans," according to a rep for Deep Silver.

Dead Space 3
Release Date: February 5, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "No plans," according to a rep for EA.

Release Date: January 15, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? All we could get was a rep for Capcom reiterating that the game is "confirmed" for the above platforms.

Release Date: March 2013 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "No plans," according to a rep for EA.

Grand Theft Auto V
Release Date: Spring 2013 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? Nothing announced. Seems unlikely, but here's a glimmer of hope, if you're the unusually optimistic sort.

Injustice: Gods Among Us
Release Date: April 2013 (Xbox 360, PS3)
Coming to Wii U? Yes!

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Release Date: February 19, 2013 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? We asked the game's producer, Yuji Korekado, at an event in Los Angeles last week. Here's the transcript:

Kotaku: Do you have plans to bring Revengeance to Wii U?
Korekado: No.
Kotaku: Why not?
Korekado: We really developed the game based on these two consoles [PS3, 360] and the Wii U, we think, is unique in a way that the controller is innovative and the entire console's pretty much not hand-in-hand with the consoles that we're making it for now. So if we were going to make it for the Wii U we'd have to start from zero again and really design something for that console, so we could say 100% that it was a good game for this console.
Kotaku: Could Wii U run the Revengeance engine?
Korekado: I haven't really tried it, so I'm not quite sure.

Metro Last Light
Release Date: March 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? Not bloody likely.

Remember Me
Release Date: May 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? In August, Capcom's U.S. senior VP Christian Svensson said the idea of bringing it to the Wii U was "explored" but didn't synch up well with the developers' schedules.

South Park: The Stick of Truth
Release Date: Early 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "THQ hasn't announced plans for a Wii U version of the game and is focusing attention on the current versions," a THQ rep told us.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Release Date: Spring 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? "The decision to bring a game to the Wii U will be made on a case-by-case basis," a Ubisoft rep told us. "We don't have any details to share at the moment."

Tomb Raider
Release Date: March 5, 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? A Square Enix rep says: "the announced platforms for Tomb Raider = X360, PS3, PC. No Wii U."

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Purple Filth on December 12, 2012, 12:48:23 PM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.


could'nt hold out huh and you have no "defense" like Drinky either
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 12:50:31 PM
Lack of online in Mario cuts much deeper.

The game would have way more hype if it was online and NSMB2 didn't come out.

But don't you recall Andrex that Nintendo apologists all agreed that some undefined quality of the New Super Mario games makes it impossible for them to work online. It can't be done.

Now, I know you're tempted to find a list of games from other developers that are comparable that all have perfectly competent online modes, but just rest assured that you're wrong. The magic of multiplayer New Super Mario Bros. just can't be transferred over the interwebs without an unacceptable loss of whimsy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 12, 2012, 01:16:45 PM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

I knew you wouldn't let us down  :-*
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 01:18:53 PM
>Army of Two

Uh, lol? The most anticipated game this side of Kane and Lynch 3!


They haven't even said anything in over 1.5 years since very publicly announcing he Vita version/port/spinoff. Not surprised.


Vague answer gives me some hope. Still want to play the first.


Looks pretty awesome. Should really just be Batman: The Fightan Gaem


Lol already the "the controller is so unique and special we CAN'T just port it over" BS we heard a million times with the Wii. Just have the balls to say why you're not really doing it.

>Splinter Cell

Huh I didn't even know a new one was announced.

But don't you recall Andrex that Nintendo apologists all agreed that some undefined quality of the New Super Mario games makes it impossible for them to work online. It can't be done.

The excuse back then, which I never really bought, was that the Wii didn't have enough CPU to handle all four characters plus internet connectivity/lag-workarounds. Considering the Wii U's poor CPU, this still might be the case but it's much harder to swallow considering the system is being pushed as "next gen." AFAIK there's no official reason why NSMBU doesn't have online.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 12, 2012, 01:19:27 PM
Mario doesnt have onlinw either? Im not even suprised anymore.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 01:21:13 PM
The excuse back then, which I never really bought, was that the Wii didn't have enough CPU to handle all four characters plus internet connectivity/lag-workarounds. Considering the Wii U's poor CPU, this still might be the case but it's much harder to swallow considering the system is being pushed as "next gen." AFAIK there's no official reason why NSMBU doesn't have online.

I was more referring to the popular argument some were making that seemed to insist that lag compensation techniques employed in other genres just won't work for something as fast paced as a Mario platformer.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 01:23:16 PM
The excuse back then, which I never really bought, was that the Wii didn't have enough CPU to handle all four characters plus internet connectivity/lag-workarounds. Considering the Wii U's poor CPU, this still might be the case but it's much harder to swallow considering the system is being pushed as "next gen." AFAIK there's no official reason why NSMBU doesn't have online.

I was more referring to the popular argument some were making that seemed to insist that lag compensation techniques employed in other genres just won't work for something as fast paced as a Mario platformer.

That was a popular argument? Those people should have been punched in the face.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 01:24:59 PM
That was a popular argument? Those people should have been punched in the face.

Yes. Similarly, several people argued that Pikmin just won't work online when it was announced that it wouldn't have online connectivity either.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 01:27:30 PM
For instance, here's a quote from Kaijima made today:
As well, unlike say, a four player 2D Mario game, the games in Nintendoland COULD be engineered to work with online as well as local play. But I think regardless of the team's focus and intent, that would be a very large, complex project for something that has so many rather different multiplayer experiences in one package.

He seems to believe that it just wouldn't work at all.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 01:36:05 PM
I'm reminded of a Zero Punctuation quote.

"Maybe if anyone defends this on a forum, they automatically get added to the government depopulation list because their minds are clearly deviant and must be purged."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 01:44:07 PM
I'm reminded of a Zero Punctuation quote.

"Maybe if anyone defends this on a forum, they automatically get added to the government depopulation list because their minds are clearly deviant and must be purged."

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ninthings would become extinct :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on December 12, 2012, 01:47:05 PM
For instance, here's a quote from Kaijima made today:
As well, unlike say, a four player 2D Mario game, the games in Nintendoland COULD be engineered to work with online as well as local play. But I think regardless of the team's focus and intent, that would be a very large, complex project for something that has so many rather different multiplayer experiences in one package.

He seems to believe that it just wouldn't work at all.

you'd have to code a different packet system for each genre, the networking overhead would just be insane. please understand
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 12, 2012, 02:26:21 PM
DC hasn't posted since confirming his weeeeeoooo purchase... did it kill him?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: cool breeze on December 12, 2012, 02:28:25 PM
his wii u is downloading the update.  we'll hear his impressions by saturday, depending on his internet speed.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: maxy on December 12, 2012, 02:30:29 PM

It doesn't really matter what those games are,it's bloody obvious that third party is avoiding WiiU like a plague.I've always wondered what would happen to Wii if it didn't have motion controls,I guess we will find out now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Diunx on December 12, 2012, 02:31:04 PM
DC hasn't posted since confirming his weeeeeoooo purchase... did it kill him?

Probably balls deep in nintendo land.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 12, 2012, 02:33:32 PM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: cool breeze on December 12, 2012, 02:34:27 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: MrAngryFace on December 12, 2012, 02:35:33 PM
I was a launch owner- I have NSMBU, Nintendo Land, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, and ZombiU

Add me FRIEND: NID - Cooters (may be case sensitive and actually 'cooters')
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 12, 2012, 02:48:46 PM
DC hasn't posted since confirming his weeeeeoooo purchase... did it kill him?

Probably balls deep in nintendo land. waiting hours and hours for the system to update.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2012, 03:00:31 PM

Dying here
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 12, 2012, 03:15:40 PM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 2006 2004 ya'll.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 12, 2012, 03:21:52 PM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 2006 2004 ya'll.


Hey, it's just a return to that good ol' hardcore arcade nintendo!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 03:42:52 PM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 2006 2004 ya'll.


Hey, it's just a return to that good ol' hardcore arcade nintendo!

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 12, 2012, 03:44:47 PM
Like Donkey Kong and all those other classic Nintendo arcade Donkey Kong.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 12, 2012, 03:48:34 PM
Hey now...Punch-Out!!  Popeye!  Mario Bros.!  Donkey Kong Jr.! 

And nothing on the Wii U is anywhere near as good as those games were.   :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 04:01:45 PM
Hey now...Punch-Out!!  Popeye!  Mario Bros.!  Donkey Kong Jr.! 

And nothing on the Wii U is anywhere near as good as those games were.   :'(

Nonsense! Most of those games are available on the Virtual Console. And wouldn't it be great to use the GamePad to play those classics? Of course it would! Too bad you can't.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 12, 2012, 04:13:49 PM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 04:34:13 PM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2012, 04:37:29 PM
I bet when you change the language it's re-flashing the firmware
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 04:41:16 PM
Reminds me of the Sonic 2006 LP.

"Every area is a finite state machine!"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: cool breeze on December 12, 2012, 05:03:09 PM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 2006 2004 ya'll.


Hey, it's just a return to that good ol' hardcore arcade nintendo!

Nintendo's history is whatever it needs to be to make the current Nintendo sound good.

Nintendo's next console stomps on your face with steel-toe boots.  It's been Nintendo's philosophy since the hanafuda cards.  And dcharlie will still buy it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Smooth Groove on December 12, 2012, 05:17:52 PM


needs more watts
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 05:27:06 PM
So apperently Nintendoland doesn't even feauture online games.

2012 2006 2004 ya'll.


Hey, it's just a return to that good ol' hardcore arcade nintendo!

Nintendo's history is whatever it needs to be to make the current Nintendo sound good.

Nintendo's next console stomps on your face with steel-toe boots.  It's been Nintendo's philosophy since the hanafuda cards.  And dcharlie/prole will still buy it.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Purple Filth on December 12, 2012, 05:32:06 PM


you have got to be fucking kidding me  :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Contra on December 12, 2012, 05:36:09 PM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

My god, you're the Ted Haggard of console gaming.
Please change DCharlie's tag to "The Ted Haggard of Console Gaming"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 12, 2012, 05:39:24 PM
DCharlie  :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2012, 05:48:20 PM
DC we need to have a little talk, your mother and I are so very disappointed with you
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 12, 2012, 05:58:51 PM
DC we need to have a little talk, your mother and I are so very disappointed with you

I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

My god, you're the Ted Haggard of console gaming.
Please change DCharlie's tag to "The Ted Haggard of Console Gaming"

I'm changing it to "The Merle Haggard of Console Gaming".

Mama tried, mama tried DCharlie.  :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: pilonv1 on December 12, 2012, 06:07:00 PM
I am now a shamed WiiU owner.

May i die up a rats cunt.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 12, 2012, 08:48:42 PM
Nintendo has explained why it decided not to include online multiplayer in Wii U launch title Nintendo Land.

Developers wanted to encourage players to interact in the real world, with the virtual theme park's attractions specifically designed for players sitting next to each other.

"Nintendo Land's multiplayer attractions work because of the communication shared between the people playing them," Nintendo Land producer Katsuya Eguchi told Famitsu (via Polygon). "They were set up from the start to be something people in the same room could enjoy."

Nintendo: We have long software droughts to encourage children to go outside.
Nintendo: We make sure our systems don't have a wide variety of third party games to save you money.
Nintendo: We have under-powered systems and ugly games to show humanity that superficial looks are not what's important.
Nintendo: We reuse assets and music in New Super Mario Brothers to encourage recycling.
Nintendo: We don't use voice acting in an effort to promote literacy.
Nintendo: We do indefensible shit all the time just to improve the debating skills of our fans.
Nintendo: We say stupid shit to make malek can stop reading labour law cases. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 09:11:04 PM
WiiU apparently has a top shelf web browser :shh

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 12, 2012, 09:14:11 PM
Sorry gents - i had the Son back after my illness , so i was in bed asleep by 8pm

Wii U - updates were all done and dusted in 20 minutes, not sure what the fuss was about!

Two hard locks so far, both in Youtube (lol)

Only played NintendoLand with son - he loves it , i thought it was okay.

So far - it's better than i gave it credit for i guess. Miiverse is legitimately quite nice, but no BLOW ME AWAY experiences as of yet.

I guess i'll try Monster Hunter tonight.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 12, 2012, 09:15:57 PM
So far - it's better than i gave it credit for i guess. Miiverse is legitimately quite nice, but no BLOW ME AWAY experiences as of yet.

Wait for E3.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 12, 2012, 09:21:28 PM
Sorry gents - i had the Son back after my illness , so i was in bed asleep by 8pm

Wii U - updates were all done and dusted in 20 minutes, not sure what the fuss was about!

Two hard locks so far, both in Youtube (lol)

Only played NintendoLand with son - he loves it , i thought it was okay.

So far - it's better than i gave it credit for i guess. Miiverse is legitimately quite nice, but no BLOW ME AWAY experiences as of yet.

I guess i'll try Monster Hunter tonight.

My Wii U has yet to hard lock at all and I've used a lot of the features quite a bit.  Then again I heard Nintendoland is the main culprit of locking and it will never go into my Wii U ever so ymmv.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 10:09:05 PM
Miiverse is indeed quite nice.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: pilonv1 on December 12, 2012, 10:40:29 PM
Someone explain what's so great about Miiverse, all I see is people talking about it but not why it's any good
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: benjipwns on December 12, 2012, 10:46:00 PM
This will get fixed.

Nintendo seem to be deliberately adopting an Ikea model of releasing things broken and fixing them as it goes along. I say deliberately because Nintendo are control freaks and never seem to do things by mistake. They might make odd choices but there is always a strategy.

In this case they have released their last two consoles (wiiU and 3ds) pretty much broken at launch, this goes against almost everything that we've learnt about Nintendo before -- that they usually provide extremely hardware and software.

So, one of two things are happening. There is a serious problem at Nintendo or they are experimenting -- Other people release broken products, so if Apple get away with it why can't we?

From the way Nintendo publicised the machine, I think they want the WiiU to be a 'grower'. They want word of mouth. The machine is geared towards social behaviour after all.

There is some psychological evidence that says that when you build something, when you are stressed about something, when you are forced to wait, you bond with it more when it eventually works. This is the case with almost every work of art -- some people are turned off by this, but it's exactly how something like Jazz music works, the mental effort (and sometimes pain) that is required, pays off in the long run. Demon Souls works in exactly the same way.

Now, I think this is a pretty strange strategy but I do think it could be justified. And I'm not saying that this IS what they're doing but it could certainly be part of it. They could also have been forced into this decision by time constraints, but I highly doubt they would release a console in this state without knowing that it can be fixed. They would never take a gamble like this without a solid strategy, that's just not what Nintendo do.

Personally, despite the slowness, I think it's a great console OS, mainly because the path from grabbing the gamepad and getting straight into a game has been streamlined. On top of the portability, features like being able to pause the game, watch a video, then go back into the game are useful. As long as the ports from other machines maintain this quality I will be getting them on the WiiU for this reason.

And yes I know that many people here scream 'those ports are shit'. But they're not, They're just not. They're slightly different, much like PS3 versions.
That the console isn't more powerful is a disappointment, but it doesn't matter. The advantages that the gamepad has over the others, not just the screen, but the comfort and accuracy of the sticks (BLOPS) just makes it better for gaming in my opinion, not by miles, but easily enough to sway me.

This is a launch and I doubt we will see many of these problems in a few months, once everyone has got to grips with the machine. And that includes Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 12, 2012, 10:49:19 PM
This will get fixed.

Nintendo seem to be deliberately adopting an Ikea model of releasing things broken and fixing them as it goes along. I say deliberately because Nintendo are control freaks and never seem to do things by mistake. They might make odd choices but there is always a strategy.

In this case they have released their last two consoles (wiiU and 3ds) pretty much broken at launch, this goes against almost everything that we've learnt about Nintendo before -- that they usually provide extremely hardware and software.

So, one of two things are happening. There is a serious problem at Nintendo or they are experimenting -- Other people release broken products, so if Apple get away with it why can't we?

From the way Nintendo publicised the machine, I think they want the WiiU to be a 'grower'. They want word of mouth. The machine is geared towards social behaviour after all.

There is some psychological evidence that says that when you build something, when you are stressed about something, when you are forced to wait, you bond with it more when it eventually works. This is the case with almost every work of art -- some people are turned off by this, but it's exactly how something like Jazz music works, the mental effort (and sometimes pain) that is required, pays off in the long run. Demon Souls works in exactly the same way.

Now, I think this is a pretty strange strategy but I do think it could be justified. And I'm not saying that this IS what they're doing but it could certainly be part of it. They could also have been forced into this decision by time constraints, but I highly doubt they would release a console in this state without knowing that it can be fixed. They would never take a gamble like this without a solid strategy, that's just not what Nintendo do.

Personally, despite the slowness, I think it's a great console OS, mainly because the path from grabbing the gamepad and getting straight into a game has been streamlined. On top of the portability, features like being able to pause the game, watch a video, then go back into the game are useful. As long as the ports from other machines maintain this quality I will be getting them on the WiiU for this reason.

And yes I know that many people here scream 'those ports are shit'. But they're not, They're just not. They're slightly different, much like PS3 versions.
That the console isn't more powerful is a disappointment, but it doesn't matter. The advantages that the gamepad has over the others, not just the screen, but the comfort and accuracy of the sticks (BLOPS) just makes it better for gaming in my opinion, not by miles, but easily enough to sway me.

This is a launch and I doubt we will see many of these problems in a few months, once everyone has got to grips with the machine. And that includes Nintendo.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 10:50:03 PM
Someone explain what's so great about Miiverse, all I see is people talking about it but not why it's any good

It's a semi-neat Twitter-like interface that some games hook into nicely.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2012, 10:50:40 PM
Someone explain what's so great about Miiverse, all I see is people talking about it but not why it's any good

I dunno, it's just nice I guess. The art posts are good/amazing-for-the-medium and it's cool seeing the progress your chums are making in various games, and also bragging about how far you've gotten and getting some Yeahs and comments. It's just a good positive feedback loop.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: cool breeze on December 12, 2012, 10:51:04 PM
Someone explain what's so great about Miiverse, all I see is people talking about it but not why it's any good

It's like Twitter comments in Steam communities but contextualized and with drawing.

And at least for the Nintendo games (Nintendo Land and Mario) it integrates messages into the levels.  So, you'll see message balloons saying "third coin is hard" or a drawing of mario angry or some shit over that level.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 12, 2012, 10:55:55 PM
It's also worth noting that some of the communities are entertaining. My personal favorite right now is that Rayman Rabbids game community (I don't even know what it's called). All the posts are just Willem Dafoe references for some reason. I assume there's some story there, but I don't care. It's just dumb and good for a cheap laugh.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Purple Filth on December 12, 2012, 11:04:18 PM
Someone explain what's so great about Miiverse, all I see is people talking about it but not why it's any good

i like it due to the option for handwriting/drawings and some of those drawings look cool imo
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: pilonv1 on December 12, 2012, 11:15:10 PM
Thanks, thought I might be missing something.

This is the case with almost every work of art

Saw this from WorstGAFPosts on twitter, loved it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 01:52:31 AM
US eShop updates today:

- Rayman demo
- Sonic racin' demo
- Batman full game

Probably some other stuff to be revealed in a PR later today. Nabbing the demos and might get Batman.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 13, 2012, 02:51:11 AM
So far - it's better than i gave it credit for i guess. Miiverse is legitimately quite nice, but no BLOW ME AWAY experiences as of yet.

Wait for E3.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: cool breeze on December 13, 2012, 04:12:24 AM
I tried out the demos out of curiosity.  Rayman is fun in a different way than Origins.  Of the three levels only one was a normal platformer and even that felt different.

In Sonic Racing they moved controls from the bottom buttons on the 360 pad to the top buttons on the Wii U.  Makes sense to compensate for the unusual button placement.  The other interesting part of that game is how bad it looked when playing on the gamepad.  Does it stream at a lower bitrate for certain games?

Also, calling the primary shoulder buttons ZR/ZL and the secondary ones L/R is weird.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2012, 04:22:03 AM

this is the best mega64
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 13, 2012, 07:04:50 AM
Man, reading the last few pages of the Wii U launch thread over at GAF, and I see that there's a new Wii U superfan amongst the ranks, and his name is DCharlie.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 13, 2012, 08:01:09 AM
DC charlie is just mad trolling prob
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 13, 2012, 08:36:38 AM
DCharlie seems to be really high on the karaoke app-thing and playing Nintendoland with his son.  Has he tried any games yet?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Barry Egan on December 13, 2012, 08:44:12 AM
The X-fag Emporer is dead, and Wii have killed him.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 09:57:14 AM

what are you doing



Otherwise DC will leave The Bore like Andrex and magus.

I'm here to help the new converts, he'll be fine.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2012, 10:42:52 AM
Man, reading the last few pages of the Wii U launch thread over at GAF, and I see that there's a new Wii U superfan amongst the ranks, and his name is DCharlie.

mods help
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 13, 2012, 10:48:47 AM
Look at him! He's now in there doing damage control for Nintendo!

AKA : Launch period is a launch period.

I've had the utter reverse for the second time with a Nintendo machine (3ds) - went in expecting MEH, came away more than happy with what i got.

That said - i'm not in this for the ports from X360/PS3 - i have those machines so they aren't of importance and unless a port -outclasses- the X360/PS3 significantly i'll likely stay on those machines for my 3rd party titles.

But hey - things are a bit sluggish and could be better, some of the UI choices are a bit lacking, but what is there that works well is -very- good. Miiverse is -oustanding- in its simplicity and usability, Nintendoland is way more fun than it has any right to be, everything is pick-up-and-play able.

However, WiiU is in for a rough 4-5 months or so waiting for titles to come (especially here in Japan where we already have MH) and i BET we get to "Vita/3DS" levels of DOOOOM during those times. It's a launch - people just need to relax.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 13, 2012, 10:52:39 AM
ew, disgusting

i have a wii u and play with my brat and she can't get me to touch nintendoland again
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: bork on December 13, 2012, 10:54:34 AM
It's not DCharlie.

Someone hacked his account.

That's the only explanation. 

Right?  RIGHT?! 

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 13, 2012, 10:56:31 AM
ew, disgusting

i have a wii u and play with my brat and she can't get me to touch nintendoland again

This thread beckons you.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: maxy on December 13, 2012, 11:04:22 AM
End is near :violin
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 13, 2012, 11:33:19 AM
I love when gamers justify a console purchase by saying they can watch movies on it.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 13, 2012, 11:36:49 AM
good god, parents are delusional. i swear, your kid could bring home a dog turd and ask to keep it as a pet and when he/she looks at you with that excited look you go "oh, whatever, awwww."

outside of the fact that the controller is surprisingly ergonomic, the wii u is a bad machine and dcharlie should feel bad.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2012, 11:42:23 AM
I love when gamers justify a console purchase by saying they can watch movies on it.

I bought a Roku a few months ago. Cost me about $50 and I can watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Crunchyroll. So yeah, that justification is pretty flimsy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 13, 2012, 11:44:04 AM
I bought a Roku a few months ago. Cost me about $50 and I can watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Crunchyroll. So yeah, that justification is pretty flimsy.

Can I play Nintendo Land on a Roku box?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 13, 2012, 11:45:00 AM
I bought a Roku a few months ago. Cost me about $50 and I can watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Crunchyroll. So yeah, that justification is pretty flimsy.

Can I play Nintendo Land on a Roku box?

You can play angry birds and muffin knight.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Which are better "games" than nintendo land. :shh
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 13, 2012, 11:51:01 AM
I bought a Roku a few months ago. Cost me about $50 and I can watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Crunchyroll. So yeah, that justification is pretty flimsy.

Can I play Nintendo Land on a Roku box?
No. Advantage Roku.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Purple Filth on December 13, 2012, 12:05:04 PM
Look at him! He's now in there doing damage control for Nintendo!

AKA : Launch period is a launch period.

I've had the utter reverse for the second time with a Nintendo machine (3ds) - went in expecting MEH, came away more than happy with what i got.

That said - i'm not in this for the ports from X360/PS3 - i have those machines so they aren't of importance and unless a port -outclasses- the X360/PS3 significantly i'll likely stay on those machines for my 3rd party titles.

But hey - things are a bit sluggish and could be better, some of the UI choices are a bit lacking, but what is there that works well is -very- good. Miiverse is -oustanding- in its simplicity and usability, Nintendoland is way more fun than it has any right to be, everything is pick-up-and-play able.

However, WiiU is in for a rough 4-5 months or so waiting for titles to come (especially here in Japan where we already have MH) and i BET we get to "Vita/3DS" levels of DOOOOM during those times. It's a launch - people just need to relax.

*pours 40*
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 13, 2012, 12:07:36 PM
i found the "some of the UI choices are a bit lacking" and "miiverse is outstanding" bits as particularly quality trolls
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 13, 2012, 12:08:37 PM
What's next; is demi gonna buy a Vita and tell us that the lineup really isn't all that bad?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 12:55:53 PM
I love when gamers justify a console purchase by saying they can watch movies on it.

AKA "the PS3 defense."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 13, 2012, 02:05:56 PM
I bought a Roku a few months ago. Cost me about $50 and I can watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Crunchyroll. So yeah, that justification is pretty flimsy.

Can I play Nintendo Land on a Roku box?
No. Advantage Roku.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 13, 2012, 02:38:10 PM
I love when gamers justify a console purchase by saying they can watch movies on it.

AKA "the PS3 defense."

You have some irrational hatred of Sony don't you?

In other news, the sky is blue.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 13, 2012, 03:12:04 PM
Ps3 made sense as a BR player back in 2006 but ninturds dont understand the concept of being cutting edge tech
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 03:12:43 PM
I love when gamers justify a console purchase by saying they can watch movies on it.

AKA "the PS3 defense."

You have some irrational hatred of Sony don't you?

You don't understand jokes do you? ::)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 13, 2012, 03:43:47 PM
We were downloading a demo and then the machine hard locked. The OS told us the download in progress was corrupted and we had to manually delete the file and start the process over again.

Nintendo is very good at this type of thing
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 13, 2012, 03:44:36 PM
Actually, I was referring to PS3 owners also. It was a common thing they would say during the first year when there was absolutely nothing to play.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 04:55:28 PM
I really wish Atari didn't have a patent on minigames during load screens.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 13, 2012, 05:01:04 PM
I really wish Atari didn't have a patent on minigames during load screens.

Huh? Namco has done that before with Ridge Racer games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 13, 2012, 05:02:19 PM
I thought it was Namco that had that patent. I remember playing Galaga while Tekken 1 loaded.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 13, 2012, 05:02:36 PM
I really wish Atari didn't have a patent on minigames during load screens.

Huh? Namco has done that before with Ridge Racer games.

I remember some linux distros would also let you play games during installation.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 13, 2012, 05:12:34 PM
good god, parents are delusional. i swear, your kid could bring home a dog turd and ask to keep it as a pet and when he/she looks at you with that excited look you go "oh, whatever, awwww."

outside of the fact that the controller is surprisingly ergonomic, the wii u is a bad machine and dcharlie should feel bad.

Hehe, tis true. I have played about 15 minutes of anything whilst the kids screwed around with it.

If you look at what I said - it's better than I expected - I'm not saying it's anything other than being more fun than I expected and will fit in as a nice end-of-this-gen time killer

I don't feel bad - I will feel better if I can actually play some MH though
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 05:43:03 PM
I really wish Atari didn't have a patent on minigames during load screens.

Huh? Namco has done that before with Ridge Racer games.

Maybe it was Namco. Whoever did the DBZ games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 13, 2012, 06:17:27 PM
Weird - the Zx spectrum had games during loading in 1980s - with 3-5 minute tape load times they were a godsend. Think Joe Blade 2 was the first
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 13, 2012, 06:29:04 PM
We just played Rayman, it was really nice looking and boring
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Third on December 13, 2012, 06:37:31 PM
Can the WiiU play movie DVD's?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2012, 06:39:38 PM
Can the WiiU play movie DVD's?

Of course not.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 13, 2012, 06:41:53 PM
Can the WiiU play movie DVD's?


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Fifstar on December 13, 2012, 06:43:18 PM
We just played Rayman, it was really nice looking and boring

Just like Origins then. Games are for weeaboo graphic freaks.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: TakingBackSunday on December 13, 2012, 06:50:56 PM
can we call all wiiu nintards

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 13, 2012, 07:06:37 PM
Whenever i hear "WiiYouuuu" inwant to sing Erasure songs

Oooh wiiiuuu , do we not sail on the ship of fools
Oooh wiiiuuu, why is love so precious and so cruel?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 13, 2012, 07:19:00 PM
weeaboos would never talk up a frenchy effort in a genre Japan is known for :wag

Nay sir tis the westaboos that are to blame for rayman

specifically, euroboos
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2012, 07:32:25 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 13, 2012, 08:22:20 PM
Rayman Origins > New Super Mario Bros. U
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 13, 2012, 08:34:29 PM
Take that back! :maf
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 13, 2012, 08:47:47 PM
I'd say the first level of Rayman has more unique assets than all of New SMB U
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 13, 2012, 09:11:02 PM
Rayman Origins > New Super Mario Bros. U


Close this thread, it's peaked out. :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 13, 2012, 09:12:31 PM

holy shit  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 13, 2012, 09:34:12 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 13, 2012, 11:31:52 PM
Rayman Origins > New Super Mario Bros. U


Rayman Origins > New Super Mario Bros. U


:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 14, 2012, 01:21:58 AM
Rayman Origins > New Super Mario Bros. U


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 14, 2012, 01:22:25 AM
in his defense, i like rayman origins loads better than nsmb u
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Fifstar on December 14, 2012, 02:36:48 AM
I've only played the first 4 worlds of Origins and only beat NSMBW on an emu but so fargameplay wise Mario is loads better gameplay wise then Origins. Rayman is basically a JumpnRun on rails, there is no interaction between the elements in the levels whatsoever, nothing has feel or weight to it and the levels regurgitate the same simple ideas over and over again. It's presentations is great and I will probably return to it because of that, but overall it's the Donkey Kong Country (1) of this generation (although at least Donkey Kong had a great feel for weight to it).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 14, 2012, 03:18:47 AM
Rayman Origins is better than NSMBU: better graphics, better music, better/tighter level design, better in-level challenges, and is generally a fresh take on 2D platformers.  The only thing that NSMBU has over Rayman Origins is that the Nintendo logo is slapped on it, which is a pretty big deal to some people, but no, Origins is a much better game and I really liked NSMBU.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 03:47:39 AM
I've only played the first 4 worlds of Origins and only beat NSMBW on an emu but so fargameplay wise Mario is loads better gameplay wise then Origins. Rayman is basically a JumpnRun on rails, there is no interaction between the elements in the levels whatsoever, nothing has feel or weight to it and the levels regurgitate the same simple ideas over and over again. It's presentations is great and I will probably return to it because of that, but overall it's the Donkey Kong Country (1) of this generation (although at least Donkey Kong had a great feel for weight to it).


What did I call the French version of whimsy? "Charm?"  :yuck
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 04:09:44 AM
I've only played the first 4 worlds of Origins and only beat NSMBW on an emu but so fargameplay wise Mario is loads better gameplay wise then Origins. Rayman is basically a JumpnRun on rails, there is no interaction between the elements in the levels whatsoever, nothing has feel or weight to it and the levels regurgitate the same simple ideas over and over again. It's presentations is great and I will probably return to it because of that, but overall it's the Donkey Kong Country (1) of this generation (although at least Donkey Kong had a great feel for weight to it).


What did I call the French version of whimsy? "Charm?"


Oscar was just building on what I started.

Ouimsy is definitely the better term tho.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 05:15:28 AM
Origins? I thought we were talking about the Legends demo.

I will concede that Legends will probably be worse than Origins considering all the murphy jank and licensed music levels.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 14, 2012, 06:53:43 AM
i played a wii u today. it didn't strike me beforehand how completely jarring it is to keep having to switch my focus between two screens of complete different sizes at different distances. it's really quite a terrible idea. i feel like my dead grandma trying to type an email.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 14, 2012, 08:09:18 AM
DCharlie :violin

Well some posters who are really on Nintendo's cock in the MC thread are giving him shit so i guess not all hope is lost yet.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: tiesto on December 14, 2012, 09:56:54 AM
The WiiU Rayman demo wasn't that bad, I think that's the only Rayman I have ever played though. That's different from Origins right?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Wii U Japan launch sales can't beat Vita sales
Post by: naff on December 14, 2012, 10:18:30 AM
Origins? I thought we were talking about the Legends demo.

I will concede that Legends will probably be worse than Origins considering all the murphy jank and licensed music levels.

Huh wha? OH right you guys were talking about THAT game, the one that was mentioned 24 times this page. I thought you were talking about the one nobody else was talking about
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 12:38:45 PM
The WiiU Rayman demo wasn't that bad, I think that's the only Rayman I have ever played though. That's different from Origins right?

They look pretty similar and considering the one year turnaround time I'd be surprised if they played vastly differently too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 14, 2012, 12:40:16 PM
Can't believe ntards are calling this Rayman a systemseller.

Origins sold like 12 copies
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 14, 2012, 12:51:15 PM
Can't believe ntards are calling this Rayman a systemseller.

Origins sold like 12 copies

Wii U owners are already starved for new games?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 12:55:38 PM
Can't believe ntards are calling this Rayman a systemseller.

Origins sold like 12 copies

I think it's more of a revenge thing considering how Origins was held up as "NSMB Wii but not a retread!!! Plus HIGH DEFINITION ouimsy!!" Now the sequel is exclusively on a Nintendo system so Nfans are probably hoping there's some schadenfraude from the Origins lovers/NSMBW bashers.

Personally I was warming up to getting to play it until the Murphy crap was announced, then my hype went stone cold. I'll still probably get it eventually because lol drought and I like platformers but it's not a system reaffirmer anymore.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 14, 2012, 01:14:50 PM
"murphy crap?"   ???
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 14, 2012, 01:58:34 PM
Second-screen finger-flailing
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 14, 2012, 02:19:26 PM
Yeah, you don't control Rayman, you control the little floaty guy with touchscreen actions.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 14, 2012, 02:53:43 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 14, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
You can play as Rayman in multiplayer, but single player? LOL NOPE, get ready for some red hot, touchscreen Murphy action!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 14, 2012, 03:15:44 PM
You can play as Rayman in multiplayer, but single player? LOL NOPE, get ready for some red hot, touchscreen Murphy action!

*for up to half the game

How much is spent as Murphy is unknown, hoping reviews will be the guide there.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: cool breeze on December 14, 2012, 03:27:32 PM
Demo had three types of levels.  One was traditional, the other was the touch screen business, and the last was practically a rhythm game (closest comparison in Origins were those tooth chasing levels).

What stood out more is how different the traditional level was structured compared to Origins.  Origins smartly combined classic and modern platforming design for levels.  Legends is one long level that checkpoints you at spots, and your goal is to break cages.  It doesn't seem to have the multiple challenges from Origins.  But it's a demo, so who knows how well it represents the final game.

And demo play limits are back! Rayman is 30 plays and Sonic is 15.  3DS demos are as low as 3 plays.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 15, 2012, 11:03:26 AM
it's a shame this thread got closed after drinky dropped the megaton:
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 15, 2012, 11:04:55 AM
it's a shame this thread got closed after drinky dropped the megaton:

That's lame :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: ManaByte on December 15, 2012, 11:52:19 AM
I haven't tried it on the PS3, but the Hulu Plus app on the Wii U is really good. Better than the shitty Apple TV one. It'll play episodes of tv seasons continuously, where on the Apple TV app it stops after every episode.

Netflix app is good too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 15, 2012, 12:07:54 PM
Yeah, i think i have a post akin to Drinky's in an old thread which was basically "Yeah, who wants to play a console experience on a handled? Oh... you lot apparently... but only if you can't leave the house with it"

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 15, 2012, 12:10:45 PM
drinky dropped the megaton

Yeah,what is up with that?
There is a total lack of various nindrones going bu bu bu nobody wants to play console games on a handheld.
Isn't that 3DS DQ7 shit that they all drool about  essentially a console game on a handheld?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 15, 2012, 12:41:52 PM
i dunno man.   as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i take a look at my vita and's not selling well
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 15, 2012, 01:32:34 PM
This stupid picture made me laugh more than it had a right to :lol

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 15, 2012, 02:10:23 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 15, 2012, 02:11:04 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 15, 2012, 04:18:09 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Total annihilation
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 15, 2012, 04:36:09 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Diunx on December 15, 2012, 05:39:06 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 15, 2012, 07:51:15 PM
i kinda like the idea of off-screen play. it's neat. having a central server stream high performance games to a tethered handheld device. neato. i probably wouldn't use it, being the desktop conservative that i am, but i appreciate the idea.

the thing is, the wii u isn't high performance. it's close to what you'd expect from a typical tablet or devoted handheld device, rendering itself desperately redundant.

if off-screen is the revelatory raison d'etre for the tablet, why include it in the standard package? it's clearly not essential if its sole purpose is going to be mirroring the primary feed. why not make a console out of parts you didn't have to salvage from goodwill refuse and sell the tablet as an accessory?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 15, 2012, 08:32:03 PM
I use the off-screen feature all the time.  I guess you might as well take advantage of the few decent features the Wii U has.  It's why I like to use the TV remote function on it as well.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 15, 2012, 10:05:33 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

:lol kapow!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 15, 2012, 11:11:48 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 15, 2012, 11:19:05 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 15, 2012, 11:55:10 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 12:06:21 AM
This Rayman Legends demo "borrows" so much from NSMB Wii/U and DKCR it's almost shameless.

:dur Ancel :dur
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Diunx on December 16, 2012, 08:42:59 AM
I heard you have to jump from platform to platform with bottomless pits in between.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 16, 2012, 11:07:36 AM
I heard you have to jump from platform to platform with bottomless pits in between.

Holy shit creative bankruptcy
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: tiesto on December 16, 2012, 11:22:17 AM
I'm a bit too addicted to drawing stupid-ass pics in the miiverse.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: treythemovie on December 16, 2012, 12:07:20 PM
While I loved Origins, I've been suspicious of Rayman Legends from the get go since I don't trust Ubisoft. The whole situation reeks of another replay of what happened to Rayman Raving Rabbids: a really cool hyped up idea that everyone wants that ultimately gets cut down to some stupid mini-game collection/touch-pad bullshit in order to make it by launch. At least this time they're giving it a few more months of development time.

Also, I haven't heard Ancel talk about it for a long time, which makes me suspicious that he has moved on to another project and that we're all being punked again.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 16, 2012, 12:15:59 PM
Legends doesn't interest me in the least once I found out it wasn't going to be much like Origins.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 05:57:12 PM
Knocking foreground objects like flowers for extra collectables = DKCR
Three collectable things per level, rating you how you did on it = NSMB DS
Bubbling = NSMB Wii even though Ancel denies ( it
Other stuff I forgot about

About the only thing different is control wise, run is assigned to a shoulder button instead of also being the attack button like in DKCR. Otherwise the levels and mechanics are pretty similar. Except for the awful Murphy stuff which is 100% Ancel and even worse than I imagined.

But I guess people can't see past the ouimsical graphics. I shouldn't be surprised.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 16, 2012, 06:28:44 PM
Knocking foreground objects like flowers for extra collectables = DKCR
Three collectable things per level, rating you how you did on it = NSMB DS
Bubbling = NSMB Wii even though Ancel denies ( it
Or...Yoshi's Island?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Himu on December 16, 2012, 06:31:19 PM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: archie4208 on December 16, 2012, 07:17:12 PM
Knocking foreground objects like flowers for extra collectables = DKCR
Three collectable things per level, rating you how you did on it = NSMB DS
Bubbling = NSMB Wii even though Ancel denies ( it
Or...Yoshi's Island?

He's too young to remember that game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: pilonv1 on December 16, 2012, 07:31:57 PM
I'd like to see Andrex play Boshy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 16, 2012, 07:43:34 PM
knocking objects for items and collecting a certain number of an item are some generic gameplay mechanics for a platformer.   I know I've seen something like bubbling before too.  I don't think any of that originated in Wii and DS games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 16, 2012, 08:07:17 PM
Not to mention Super Mario World having Yoshi Coins for you to collect. Have you even played a game older than 5 years old, Andrex?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 08:47:16 PM
Not to mention Super Mario World having Yoshi Coins for you to collect. Have you even played a game older than 5 years old, Andrex?

:lol Yoshi coins are pretty different. I mean, most obviously they're not tallied at the end of the levels, they're not "persistent" across level replaying, and the game doesn't tell you how many of them you've gotten in a level from the world map. They're basically useful for getting an extra 1up, not for measuring any kind of skill or level completion. For starters.

Yoshi's Island is included in this obviously, but I was focusing on contemporary games. The original Rayman 2D platformers could have riffed on Yoshi's Island for tallying things at the end of levels too but they didn't, so it was pretty obvious to me it was a modern influence. In fact, Legends seems more influenced by NSMBW/DKCR than the original Rayman (can't comment on the sequels.)

You people can be pretty thick sometimes. ::)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 16, 2012, 08:58:18 PM
The original Rayman 2D platformers could have riffed on Yoshi's Island for tallying things at the end of levels too but they didn't
Probably because they came out at almost exactly the same time. Within weeks of each other.

Rayman 2 does "score" you at the end of the level for the stuff you've collected. But it's hardly the only 3D or 2D platformer from that era alone to do that. Spyro, Crash, etc. all do.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 16, 2012, 09:09:31 PM
Not to mention Super Mario World having Yoshi Coins for you to collect. Have you even played a game older than 5 years old, Andrex?

:lol Yoshi coins are pretty different. I mean, most obviously they're not tallied at the end of the levels, they're not "persistent" across level replaying, and the game doesn't tell you how many of them you've gotten in a level from the world map. They're basically useful for getting an extra 1up, not for measuring any kind of skill or level completion. For starters.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
GBA edition only, still collecting stuff in platforming games is a million years old.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Diunx on December 16, 2012, 09:22:59 PM
You are an idiot Andrex
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 09:23:43 PM
I see Andrex activated his Ninthing passive aggressive "you guys just don't get it" crap when backed into a corner. Dude just admit it, you didn't get into 2D platformers until Nintendo started focusing on them again with the Wii.

:lol I see you're doing your "ignore what I've actually said and just bash my fan-thing status" when backed into a corner.

And no, haha, it's absolutely laughable to say I didn't care about 2D platformers until the Wii. In fact it was all I did during the N64 and GC days was replay old platformers since those consoles barely had any.

The Wii was part of and contributed to a 2D platformer renaissance so I had more to play, sure, but that isn't the same thing.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
GBA edition only, still collecting stuff in platforming games is a million years old.

Haha, the GBA edition, sure. Collecting stuff isn't what I was focusing on, more like scoring you at the end for your skill. If we're just gonna say "LOL ANDREX SAID NSMBW STARTED COLLECTABLES" then I'm sure we could just bring up coins in Mario 1 or something from Pitfall.

In any case focusing on that bulletpoint is pretty weak. My point was that Legends is clearly influenced by DKCR/NSBMW. Which isn't a bad thing, I enjoyed the demo. But it's kind of funny how, whether Origins was also influenced or not, Rayman is falling into the same mechanics and milkage that people were decrying the New Mario series for when Origins came out.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 09:26:27 PM
andy, you're being a dope.  don't make *me* prove it, it'll be a lot more thorough and a lot less pleasant than these fellows.

obviously rayman isn't entirely free of the influence of newer games like dkcr and more importantly nsmb (the business guys wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't push major successes in the genre in ancel's nose on a near-hourly basis), but some of the things you're pointing at are genre conventions (probably originally set by nintendo games, but far older ones).  i think you don't give enough credit to ancel, which is rare because usually people are giving the guy far too much credit.  i don't think he's cribbing outrageously and it's odd to poke at him every chance you get when it doesn't seem to bug you that everyone else is doing it, including nintendo's own junior designers.

I think people are taking what I said and skewing it to make it sound like something I didn't say. And I like nibbling on Ancel because some people (coughWrathcough) have put him on a pedestal while simultaneously spitting on Nintendo's games for things that Ancel is also copying. Whether it's light or heavy copying is up to interpretation; they stand out to me more because almost all I play is platformers.

And I don't give a free pass to Nintendo's platformers either. NSMB DS and 2 are both pretty hefty disappointments all things considered, although 2 wasn't as bad. And there's more examples, I liked Wario Land Shake a lot initially but the level design just doesn't hold up at all. But the console New games are great, and I think it's pretty dumb they're derided.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 16, 2012, 09:30:23 PM
In any case focusing on that bulletpoint is pretty weak.
Well, it wasn't just that single bulletpoint. It was all three of the examples you gave, which you attributed to three separate recent games, are also basically all in Yoshi's Island. 40 year old Ancel doesn't need to look at Wii games to get his influence, 23 year old Ancel could have already been influenced back when he played Yoshi's Island. The new games could have just convinced him or confirmed it's still a viable mechanic.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 09:36:34 PM
In any case focusing on that bulletpoint is pretty weak.
Well, it wasn't just that single bulletpoint. It was all three of the examples you gave, which you attributed to three separate recent games, are also basically all in Yoshi's Island. 40 year old Ancel doesn't need to look at Wii games to get his influence, 23 year old Ancel could have already been influenced back when he played Yoshi's Island. The new games could have just convinced him or confirmed it's still a viable mechanic.
I think Rayman's "end of level grading" is far more clearly linked to Yoshi's Island (which I *think* was the first well-known game to use it) than to anything newer.  Rayman 1 didn't use it, but Rayman 1 came out about three weeks after YI, and, rather tellingly, Rayman 2 *did* use it, and it's been in every Rayman platformer ever since. 

Honestly I think the only real suspicious thing in Origins/Legends is the bubbling.  There's no way that happened free of NSMB Wii's influence, I don't care what Ancel says.

I guess I can agree with this.

I really need to replay Yoshi's Island.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 09:39:43 PM
What corner?

Exactly, what corner?

Ok cool, then you would know that you're being an idiot when listing side scrolling tropes as something uniquely Nintendo in 2012.

Uniquely? No. I'm half sure the bubbling mechanic was probably done before in some obscure indie game no one's ever heard of. I was making the case for influence, and considering the two games I keep bringing up have sold more than 30 mil combined, it isn't hard to say they're difficult to ignore.

I wonder what you call what happens at the end of the level. You know when it collects points as your score taking how many coins you collected plus how much time it took to complete the level.

The early Sonic games kind of fall out of this because it's difficult to go back and replay the same levels to improve your score. It's more the total package.

You didn't say influence, you implied it was stolen and ripped off. And no, new music, updated visuals and new areas and aesthetics is something that the New Mario series doesn't do but Rayman does. While the New Mario gameplay is solid, it never gets updated or "evolves", which is the main problem some of us have with the series.

In other words, ouimsy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 09:46:05 PM
I never put Ancel on a pedestal. The only 2D game of his that I played was Rayman Origins and yes I loved it. I just wanted to call you out on your shit when the three examples you gave were weak and you used recent examples that are hardly the first, and unsurprisingly they were Nintendo games.

I never said they were the first, I said they were probably what influenced Ancel. Which may or may not be the case now that I've remembered Yoshi's Island.

I never really care about who invented what and where tropes and cliches came from as long as the execution is good. And from that stand point I'll take Origins over the New Mario series any day.

Did I ever say anyone shouldn't enjoy a game if it cribs from something else? ::) I don't care about who took what from whom either, like I said, the demo was fun (Murphy bits aside.) But there is absolutely nothing wrong with the execution of the New series aside from the mostly-superfluous audiovisual elements.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 16, 2012, 09:47:29 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 16, 2012, 09:48:56 PM

It's not like there's anything remotely interesting coming out for the Wii U for a while.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 16, 2012, 09:56:13 PM
from a non-cynical p.o.v., Nintendo pioneered so much in the genre, it's basically impossible to make a game without using something from a Nintendo game.  And even intentionally doing so isn't bad--it's called influence or not fixing what isn't broken.  As long as it's just basic stuff and the rest of the game-- physics, levels, enemies - are unique. 

Same thing happens in fighters.  You can't make a fighting game without borrowing something Capcom did with SF2 or something Sega did with VF.  Even the original SF2 "rip off" artists SNK have pioneered stuff, which Capcom has borrowed (and plot twist: the SF1 director was making all the fighting games at SNK that people were saying ripped off SF2. lolllllz.) 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: cool breeze on December 16, 2012, 10:19:09 PM
Naughty Dog flat out admitted that Jak and Daxter was their attempt at making Mario 64.  It turned out great.  In a lot of ways Jak and Daxter's world design what I'd want from a Wii U 3D Mario game. 

The "who done it first" thing is kinda daft.

You know you're having a discussion with gamers when there are, like, two excellent games in a relatively under-served genre, and instead of enjoying both, they are pitted against each other in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH

settled in a round of unreal tournament! fuck that limp quake 3 shit. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2012, 10:37:01 PM
Will read Oscar's essay later. :o

You know you're having a discussion with gamers when there are, like, two excellent games in a relatively under-served genre, and instead of enjoying both, they are pitted against each other in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH

Haha, I am enjoying both. But like Wrath said when someone picks another side it's hard for me to not start dissing one. Maybe I need a girlfriend too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 16, 2012, 11:49:30 PM
Christ why aren't you guys arguing about a good game instead
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 12:50:21 AM
So I ALSO played the Sanic racin' demo (DLed at the same time as Rayman.)  And I can't believe they ripped off the whole "transforming modes" thing from Mario Kart 7, do these Japanese devs have any pride whatsoever?

LOL just kidding. I think it only came with one level but it was really fun. And apparently they patched all the brokenness like a week ago, so I might just get it if the online is any good.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 17, 2012, 01:30:10 AM
Pretty glad my favorite platformer is obscure enough so I never have to argue with fanthings about it

EDIT: I've just realized that if Konami somehow magically made a sequel to it, it would be a smash bros clone :-\
Platformer isn't really the best description for it, more like "side-scrolling mascot game" but a sub genre of platformers none the less. (I dunno .. can anyone here offer up a better genre for this game or should I just call it a medley game?)

The game is Wai Wai World 2 (I'm sure some of you know it but for those who do not)

It features Rikkuru(TwinBee - Dr. Cinnamon), Goemon, Contra guy(Bill), Fuma, Pentaro from Parodius, Simon Belmont, Bio Miracle Upa (<3), Twin Bee, Vic from Gradius, Frogger and such.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 02:32:20 AM
EDIT: I've just realized that if Konami somehow magically made a sequel to it, it would be a smash bros clone :-\

So you mean a Kirby clone?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 17, 2012, 02:51:06 AM
EDIT: I've just realized that if Konami somehow magically made a sequel to it, it would be a smash bros clone :-\

So you mean a Kirby clone?
They did make some shitty cellphone Wai Wai game a few years back :(

I'm not a big fan of the Wai Wai games.  I think they're both worse than every game the characters are pulled from.  Nice fan service, though.
The gradius and twin bee levels are very well done imo, the rest I agree but it's nice to have so many of my favs in one package.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 03:31:06 AM
Slow platformers aren't necessarily bad, I don't get that complaint sometimes.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 17, 2012, 03:31:32 AM
Not all levels have auto-scroll, here is one you can play at your own pace. If you mean movement/no running slow then yeah it is
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: pilonv1 on December 17, 2012, 04:10:23 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 17, 2012, 06:39:00 AM
guess what I'm saying here is that in this particular case, I don't think the nintards are being deliberate hypocrites so much as they're being inarticulate morons.

it's the same with anything - there's two branches to it.

What you say is absolutely true - the issue is you have a slim population of people who chop and change what they say based on the "attack points" against the rival machine. The PSP got the exact same bullshit - ports and games on that were mocked where as the DS ports were not due to some weird cut off line where certain ports were acceptable and others were not.

But yes, i get that the general statement of "No one wants to play console games on a handheld" is largely true for most the population -
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 07:55:59 AM
New UK chart is out

23 (22) PS3 Book Of Spells (Sony Computer Ent.)
34 (__) PS3 Littlebigplanet Karting (Sony Computer Ent.)
35 (27) WiiU Nintendo Land (Nintendo)

Yes, NintendoLand is the only U sofware on the whole list.

What a disaster

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 08:32:56 AM
Selling better than NintendoLand and NsmbU

Can we finally burry this NSMB copy+paste franchise?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 17, 2012, 09:34:02 AM
NL and WB are bundled with the hardware btw
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 09:56:55 AM
Selling better than NintendoLand and NsmbU

Can we finally burry this NSMB copy+paste franchise?

As long as they keep making good ones, no.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 10:13:31 AM
Selling better than NintendoLand and NsmbU

Can we finally burry this NSMB copy+paste franchise?

As long as they keep making good ones, no.

Copy&paste graphics and music since 2006.

Nintendo has become so lazy. They deserve this bombing.
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 17, 2012, 10:22:11 AM
I'm sure it will accumulate some ungodly total number of sales in the next few years.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 10:43:30 AM
Selling better than NintendoLand and NsmbU

Can we finally burry this NSMB copy+paste franchise?

As long as they keep making good ones, no.

Copy&paste graphics and music since 2006.

Nintendo has become so lazy. They deserve this bombing.

Game's still great.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 17, 2012, 10:48:21 AM
Rayman and NSMB are both embarrassing compared to the new hotness (


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 10:49:38 AM
Selling better than NintendoLand and NsmbU

Can we finally burry this NSMB copy+paste franchise?

As long as they keep making good ones, no.

Copy&paste graphics and music since 2006.

Nintendo has become so lazy. They deserve this bombing.

Game's still great.

Sorry, I have higher standards.

That's why I also stopped playing Pokemon games after the GBA iterations.

Jewtendo's copy&paste policy goes too far for me.  8)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 11:06:37 AM
Your loss.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 17, 2012, 11:19:17 AM
Wonderbook is so much cooler then NSMBU, especially if you are 8, the target audience of both games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 17, 2012, 11:45:07 AM
I prefer the recent Giana Sisters over Rayman and (what little I have played) of NSMBWii
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 17, 2012, 11:48:10 AM
I'm sure it will accumulate some ungodly total number of sales in the next few years.

Yeah,assuming that WiiU will be few years on the market. :D

The more I look at this shit the more I'm convinced that console(gaming) market has fundamentally changed.Forget about PS360,those things are running on fumes,pushed by the past.

Launch a console,have some games,post launch drought,spin in an office chair for a year...that shit is not working anymore
The problem is that hardware sales go into total shit mode very very quickly(people are not waiting) and then you have two big problems:

1.Hardware turns into dust collector = huge effort into getting users excited again
2.Costs of manufacturing,distribution,etc are not going down as planned because you sell like shit

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Diunx on December 17, 2012, 12:04:16 PM
Your loss.

Not really, if anything he stopped too late.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 17, 2012, 12:46:21 PM
The wii is bombing so hard the in the UK, I didn't expect this big of a blood bath. You would have thought they could ride that Wii wave a bit at least.
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Huff on December 17, 2012, 12:48:36 PM
Same thing happened to the 3DS at launch
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2012, 01:03:29 PM
I prefer the recent Giana Sisters over Rayman and (what little I have played) of NSMBWii

You are such a hipster platformer fan. :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 17, 2012, 01:04:05 PM
The last two pages are the eqialivent of a Black Eyed Peas fan arguing they are the most innovative rap group ever. "A singer with multiple rappers, no one has done this before!"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 17, 2012, 01:11:01 PM
I just noticed that someone set up a Wii U in the break room at work.  It's going completely ignored here, too.   :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 17, 2012, 01:15:24 PM
I prefer the recent Giana Sisters over Rayman and (what little I have played) of NSMBWii

You are such a hipster platformer fan. :lol
Apart from Sonic the Hedgehog games, pretty much yeah I've always liked stuff that wasnt particularly popular =P
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 01:15:38 PM
Bu bu bu it Nintendo is doing a soft launch.

*ignoring the fact that the console was released worldwide, just in time for the holiday period. Had large shipments- WiiU's rotting on the shelves everywhere

It's just a gigantic flop so far, deal with it.  8)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 17, 2012, 01:32:08 PM
I'm sure it will accumulate some ungodly total number of sales in the next few years.

Yeah,assuming that WiiU will be few years on the market. :D

The more I look at this shit the more I'm convinced that console(gaming) market has fundamentally changed.Forget about PS360,those things are running on fumes,pushed by the past.

Launch a console,have some games,post launch drought,spin in an office chair for a year...that shit is not working anymore
The problem is that hardware sales go into total shit mode very very quickly(people are not waiting) and then you have two big problems:

1.Hardware turns into dust collector = huge effort into getting users excited again
2.Costs of manufacturing,distribution,etc are not going down as planned because you sell like shit

How is it that Apple is selling 20M of new iteration of the same fucking iPhone/ iPad each year then? They must have discovered some sales technique unknown to Sony/ Nintendo/ MS then. How do you explain that?

Good mobile phone(can't really be without one these days) +status symbol+subscription+multimedia tablet +" a name"
Mob mentality,hard to stop once you get the ball rolling
Oh look I have Iphone5... 

Until you hit the steel wall

Not to mention that Apple devices have no kids toy stigma
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 17, 2012, 01:32:15 PM
Hahahhahha are you Second on Gaf?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 17, 2012, 01:35:12 PM
No,my last post on gaf was like 4 years ago.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 17, 2012, 01:50:28 PM
Hahahhahha are you Second on Gaf?

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 17, 2012, 04:29:19 PM
Weeoo is the place 2 go for rocking online play (

If I were the person who worked on the online component of this game I'd be having a very unhappy christmas
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 17, 2012, 05:31:47 PM
Weeoo is the place 2 go for rocking online play (

If I were the person who worked on the online component of this game I'd be having a very unhappy christmas

It might depend on how much effort was placed as that could lessen the dissapointment tbh.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 17, 2012, 05:49:25 PM
Weeoo is the place 2 go for rocking online play (

If I were the person who worked on the online component of this game I'd be having a very unhappy christmas

I don't know. I don't work in video game development, but with the kinds of stuff I do, I kind of like the idea of a sense of finality in being able to worry less about bugs and optimization. Maybe I phoned in the netcode and there's bugs and suboptimal performance in many places. If the title was popular, I might have to fix that shit. But as it stands, I'd probably be able to close the book on that chapter as the boss isn't going to want my salary wasted supporting a title in order to ensure that 40 people have a grand ol' time.

Again, though, I don't work in games development. So, for all I know, that assumption may strike you as borderline distinguished mentally-challenged. In which case, disregard.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 17, 2012, 08:51:45 PM
Hahahhahha are you Second on Gaf?

Yeah, Third is the guy that spent years spinning the PS3 like hell on GAF.

...Third is Evilore?  GET HIM.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 17, 2012, 09:53:22 PM
after a year elevating themselves above forsaken vita types through prospective sales numbers, i feel like nintendo fans have suddenly been thrown in the same cell and forced to share a toothbrush. the difference being that vitites are now hardened to the environment of perpetual mockery while the waif like nintendo holdout had always kept the jaws of ridicule at bay with an iron hide of marketplace success. now they are stripped naked, shivering and alone, with all their nightmares closing in on them.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 17, 2012, 10:04:59 PM
And no lube in sight
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 17, 2012, 10:11:49 PM
after a year elevating themselves above forsaken vita types through prospective sales numbers, i feel like nintendo fans have suddenly been thrown in the same cell and forced to share a toothbrush. the difference being that vitites are now hardened to the environment of perpetual mockery while the waif like nintendo holdout had always kept the jaws of ridicule at bay with an iron hide of marketplace success. now they are stripped naked, shivering and alone, with all their nightmares closing in on them

what makes it so so sweet is most of the VITA LOL has come from Nthings. Still - Vita/WiiU can console themselves with the fact that they are roughly the same power wise so they are likely to get cross platform games coming to both so they can help each other out of this Sarlak style shit pit.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 18, 2012, 12:26:09 AM
Black Ops: Declassified sold more than a bunch of WiiU games....WAT?

after a year elevating themselves above forsaken vita types through prospective sales numbers, i feel like nintendo fans have suddenly been thrown in the same cell and forced to share a toothbrush. the difference being that vitites are now hardened to the environment of perpetual mockery while the waif like nintendo holdout had always kept the jaws of ridicule at bay with an iron hide of marketplace success. now they are stripped naked, shivering and alone, with all their nightmares closing in on them.


still hoping for Vita like japan numbers to seal it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2012, 02:04:21 AM
Apple should now be public gaming enemy #1.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 18, 2012, 02:09:21 AM
Apple should now be public gaming enemy #1.

unless they really fuck with the upcoming consoles i doubt most would give a shit.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 18, 2012, 02:49:56 AM
Apple should now be public gaming enemy #1.

They don't produce content, who gives a shit... oh, sensitive nerdlingers threatened by Apples coming dominance and Nintendo's coming irrelevance.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2012, 03:11:58 AM
Apple should now be public gaming enemy #1.

They don't produce content, who gives a shit... oh, sensitive nerdlingers threatened by Apples coming dominance and Nintendo's coming irrelevance.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 18, 2012, 04:23:27 AM
Bu bu bu it Nintendo is doing a soft launch.

i love that i said this months ago from the TK launch run in, got slagged off for it and now the figures are rolling in everywhere else ITS A SOFT LAUNCH!

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 18, 2012, 06:21:00 AM
Well, Nintendo only wants to sell 5.5mln units by april next year. (

Definitely a soft launch!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have a feeling that they won't even reach 2mln

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Poor Andrex
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2012, 07:45:06 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 18, 2012, 07:48:17 AM
Probably about the Gamepad and how it recallibrated their gaming habits.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: ManaByte on December 18, 2012, 08:17:19 AM
Played Arkham City last night. It's been a year since I played the PS3 version, but the Wii U version doesn't look any worse when you're playing it. But then, I'm not obsessively counting pixels and pausing it as textures load in either. The armor stuff is really like an easy mode.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 18, 2012, 08:27:17 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

:drudge MEGATON :drudge

It has to suck to be a Nintard these days.  There was all this talk about the first year of the Wii U getting PS3/360 ports but it looks like it isn't even getting that.  What small chance there is of getting these titles are going to vanish once the Durango comes out.

At least Nintards these days will know exactly why third parties aren't bothering with the Wii U instead of the Wii days where it was kicking ass sales wise but nothing good was coming out from third parties.  I hope Nintendo has a lot of great games coming out in the next 12-18 months because they need them desperately.  The sales are only going to slump further throughout 2013.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 18, 2012, 08:29:48 AM
Probably about the Gamepad and how it recallibrated their gaming habits.


There's a thread for that!

Yeah, I know  8)

It's funny how they love to play console games on a portable device all of a sudden, and yet they trash the PSP and Vita for doing the same thing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 18, 2012, 09:06:45 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

"Wait until E3"
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 18, 2012, 09:16:39 AM
A 2006 meme fits perfectly on 2006 hardware.

Mmmm, I wanna make out with this post.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2012, 09:34:39 AM
An underperforming Nintendo system usually lasts closer to four years than six.

Well, Nintendo only wants to sell 5.5mln units by april next year. (

Definitely a soft launch!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have a feeling that they won't even reach 2mln

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Poor Andrex

Poor Andrex? You definitely haven't been keeping up with things.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 18, 2012, 09:52:03 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

"Wait until E3"

I miss "Wait until Spaceworld."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2012, 10:17:28 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

"Wait until E3"

I miss "Wait until Spaceworld."

I remember going to Spaceworld for the first time and being like "Oh god this is a show for children, someone should really tell those guys on GAF"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 18, 2012, 11:08:38 AM
Nintendo should really focus on a new IP centered around online gameplay.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2012, 11:09:17 AM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

:drudge MEGATON :drudge

:bow Never forget Megaton, Thursdayton etc. :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 18, 2012, 11:23:49 AM
Nintendo should really focus on a new IP centered around online gameplay.

They have an existing IP in Metroid which would translate well to that type of play. Metroid online could straight up be their Halo, but they obviously don't give a fuck about such things.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 18, 2012, 11:29:25 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2012, 11:30:55 AM
Nintendo should really focus on a new IP centered around online gameplay.

They have an existing IP in Metroid which would translate well to that type of play. Metroid online could straight up be their Halo, but they obviously don't give a fuck about such things.

Halo Metroid (Hunters) was already rejected by basically everyone. Although I guess that was more Quake-ish. It just goes against why others like the series.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 18, 2012, 11:32:39 AM
Well, that was pretty bare-bones, wasn't it? I'm talking about something with expansive MP maps, co-op campaigns, etc. I know I'm in the minority, but when I had a Wii I really enjoyed the Prime games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2012, 11:43:40 AM
The single player was bare bones but the online was great for DS at the time, which is basically why it was rejected. People like Metroid for the single player.

I agree that Nintendo needs a new online franchise, in addition to big online pushes for Smash and Kart.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 18, 2012, 11:44:12 AM
Well, that was pretty bare-bones, wasn't it? I'm talking about something with expansive MP maps, co-op campaigns, etc. I know I'm in the minority, but when I had a Wii I really enjoyed the Prime games.

The only challenge I think they have with Metroid primarily rests in all the compromises made to the design of the Prime games to deemphasize the importance of twitch-shooting mechanics in favor of exploration. I remember the move to first person being one that had a lot of Metroid fans up in arms, and it shows in how it plays that they really didn't want to make the game a shooter in the traditional sense.

That's not to say that Metroid couldn't make for a decent multiplayer game. However, the series is firmly rooted in focusing on single player, so I don't know if it's really that much of a no-brainer.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 18, 2012, 12:48:53 PM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: cool breeze on December 18, 2012, 01:04:12 PM
As whack as it is, Star Fox is probably a better series to build a multiplayer game around.  Assault on gamecube had pretty fun multiplayer.  It was sort of like a dense version of those star wars battlefront games.

The map stuff from command (DS game) could also work as an asynchronous multiplayer mode.  It could tie into miiverse somehow.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2012, 01:43:42 PM
As whack as it is, Star Fox is probably a better series to build a multiplayer game around.  Assault on gamecube had pretty fun multiplayer.  It was sort of like a dense version of those star wars battlefront games.

The map stuff from command (DS game) could also work as an asynchronous multiplayer mode.  It could tie into miiverse somehow.

Yes but that would actually require effort :(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 18, 2012, 03:50:28 PM
At least during the Wii era Ninthings could hold on to the fact the Wii was outselling PS3 and 360 (not combined ofc which they didn't understand) and surely the games would follow soon. If not now they on the successor.

Now with the WiiU there is no games and no sales. What will Nin fans talk about for the next 6 years?

what did they talk about during the gamecube era?  net profit?  secret zelda games?  who knows.

"Wait until E3"

I miss "Wait until Spaceworld."

I remember going to Spaceworld for the first time and being like "Oh god this is a show for children, someone should really tell those guys on GAF"

I queued for 45 minutes to play Mario Kart 4 player on the GBA - the winner got a prize. It was me vs 3 kids under the age of 10, girlfriend had the same. DOUBLE WINNERS!!!! NO Mercy, here on the streets, a gamer confronts you, he is the enemy - an enemy deserves no mercy.

And yeah - Spaceworld was basically one huge giant nursery.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 18, 2012, 04:05:34 PM
Wii or WiiU??? (

Biggest brand confusion ever.  :lol
Such a clusterfuck.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Poor Andrex
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 18, 2012, 04:11:51 PM
So that's the new Nintendo tactic? Just get people to pinch all your units out of warehouses and then say "well, it was in a warehouse and now it's not so it's a sale!"

(or another desperate staged effort to get the Wii U into the news.... which has once again backfired)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 18, 2012, 05:17:54 PM
It's neither you idiots, it's the new gameboy-- Portable Wii.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2012, 05:23:24 PM
Lol @ that theft

They've got their hands on hot consoles that they won't be able to move!

Also I'm assuming the serial numbers are known, so the second someone attaches one of the stolen boxes to the internet....
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 18, 2012, 05:26:17 PM
Lol @ that theft

They've got their hands on hot consoles

I thought they stole WiiU's?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2012, 05:28:05 PM
"Hot" as in stolen, not "popular"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 18, 2012, 05:29:12 PM
or "hot" as in "we sure worked up a sweat unloading all these shitty worthless consoles"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 18, 2012, 05:35:06 PM
"Hot" as in stolen, not "popular"

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 18, 2012, 05:36:42 PM
The crooks should break down the man hours spent conceiving and executing this heist and figure out how much they made per hour after they sell these HAWT NEW CONSOLES BRO.  Probably would have made better bank by hanging out in front of a home depot and offering to do yard work.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 18, 2012, 05:37:05 PM
They'll probably just sit on them until Nintendo unlocks the secret CPU payload.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: pilonv1 on December 18, 2012, 06:15:43 PM
They'll probably just sit on them until Nintendo unlocks the secret CPU payload.

dat overclock
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 18, 2012, 06:22:46 PM
you have to remember guys that all these games were made with an early dev kit build and the new dev kit builds add more whimsycles to the CPWoo
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 18, 2012, 06:30:44 PM
not sure why this guy just posted two pictures from the Wii:
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 18, 2012, 08:01:07 PM
that's the same dude who wrote this:

which led to this classic exchange:
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 18, 2012, 08:04:40 PM
fail0verflow is on the case

And just to make it clear, this is from a WiiU, not a PC

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2012, 08:36:46 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 18, 2012, 09:03:38 PM
not sure why this guy just posted two pictures from the Wii:

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on December 18, 2012, 10:27:01 PM
So that's the new Nintendo tactic? Just get people to pinch all your units out of warehouses and then say "well, it was in a warehouse and now it's not so it's a sale!"

shipped not sold
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 18, 2012, 11:10:47 PM
that's the same dude who wrote this:

which led to this classic exchange:

ah yes, the polygon whisperer.
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 19, 2012, 12:25:19 AM
That should have been his tag lol.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Barry Egan on December 19, 2012, 05:26:00 AM
"I know from seeing quite a few polygons in my day"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 19, 2012, 05:55:34 AM
I can count brain cells from wank posts. I dunno - i've seen a lot in my time. I'm an expert.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 19, 2012, 08:34:45 AM
that's the same dude who wrote this:

which led to this classic exchange:

ah yes, the polygon whisperer.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: mjemirzian on December 19, 2012, 08:50:52 AM
Can't these N fanboys do something like.. I dunno.. play and enjoy video games? Do they own stock in Nintendo or something?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 19, 2012, 09:23:03 AM
Can't these N fanboys do something like.. I dunno.. play and enjoy video games? Do they own stock in Nintendo or something?

Some of them do actually.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: cool breeze on December 19, 2012, 12:22:36 PM
Can't these N fanboys do something like.. I dunno.. play and enjoy video games? Do they own stock in Nintendo or something?

People be insecure about opinions and stuff.  Sometimes I think they post to reassure themselves rather than to convince others.

Really, look at any controversial review score.  Uncharted 3, Zelda TP, et al.  It's crazy how people care more about the perception than the game/console itself.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 19, 2012, 01:21:08 PM
Germany Top 100:

Week 50

Week 48>49>50

09>22>31 New Super Mario Bros. U
65>NA>NA ZombiU
70>NA>NA Assassin's Creed III
74>NA>NA Nintendo Land

 WiiU games flopping out of the top 100 already :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 19, 2012, 02:47:36 PM

Useful info:

6.2 inch touch screen (854 x 480)
Regular button layout on the edges
1.3 megapixel front-facing camera with mic
Stereo speakers
NFC and Bluetooth
Stylus support
Compatible with the Nintendo 3DS as a controller
Wii U GamePad - White
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 19, 2012, 03:32:36 PM

Useful info:

6.2 inch touch screen (854 x 480)
Regular button layout on the edges
1.3 megapixel front-facing camera with mic
Stereo speakers
NFC and Bluetooth
Stylus support
Compatible with the Nintendo 3DS as a controller
Wii U GamePad - White

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 19, 2012, 03:35:19 PM
I have no idea who or why but 140k or so more Wii U's sold in Japan.

The thing is almost anonymous - i dread to think what would have happened if Nintendo had actually bothered to advertise and push this this thing.

(300k+ 3DS's sold this week too - Japan loves the taste of shit, confirmed! ;) Animal Fucking Crossing. Fuck me.)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 19, 2012, 03:53:39 PM
looks like a new firmware will arrive with OS loading improvements

should be interesting to see how faster it becomes
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Brehvolution on December 19, 2012, 04:13:22 PM
Probably the CPU clock speed patch.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 19, 2012, 04:19:54 PM
It's going to take years of constant improvements to get the OS to usable levels, don't get your hopes up. Hell, it took Google how many years to get Android to a good-looking and performing state? And they actually care about that stuff.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 19, 2012, 08:18:43 PM
I have no idea who or why but 140k or so more Wii U's sold in Japan.

The thing is almost anonymous - i dread to think what would have happened if Nintendo had actually bothered to advertise and push this this thing.

(300k+ 3DS's sold this week too - Japan loves the taste of shit, confirmed! ;) Animal Fucking Crossing. Fuck me.)

Nintendo is lucky they had MH for the WiiU. And DQX is going to be released there soon.

Those two franchises will sell hardware. No matter what.

Europe and NA....that's going to be a tougher battle.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 20, 2012, 01:18:39 AM
Iwata did not specify a date for improving Wii U system performance. The Wii DQX update is coming to Japan in late Dec. Engadget must have conflated the two.
Hmzl I watched this nintendo direct on my Wii U and didn't think Iwata said anything about a patch? He only acknowledged the complaints about load times and update times at the start and promised that they take these seriously and will work to improve them. Nothing about at a ETA of a patch.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 20, 2012, 01:37:54 AM
Iwata did not specify a date for improving Wii U system performance. The Wii DQX update is coming to Japan in late Dec. Engadget must have conflated the two.
Hmzl I watched this nintendo direct on my Wii U and didn't think Iwata said anything about a patch? He only acknowledged the complaints about load times and update times at the start and promised that they take these seriously and will work to improve them. Nothing about at a ETA of a patch.

this is what i get due to not knowing Japanese and leaving it to "games journalism".  :'(

I guess people can laugh at WiiU some more then
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 20, 2012, 12:53:25 PM
Wii U's first (US) eShop sale:

Trine 2 is $16 until January 7th.
Chasing Aurora is $7.49 until January 3rd.
Little Inferno is $10 until January 4th.

Definitely getting Trine 2 now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: tiesto on December 20, 2012, 01:34:08 PM
I am pretty curious about Little Inferno, I'll bite for $10. What's up with the no VC on the store though? Is there even gonna be a VC on WiiU? That (along with Xenoblade and Sin and Punishment 2) was the best thing about the original Wii.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 20, 2012, 01:35:23 PM
Wii U's first (US) eShop sale:

Trine 2 is $16 until January 7th.
Chasing Aurora is $7.49 until January 3rd.
Little Inferno is $10 until January 4th.

Definitely getting Trine 2 now.

Trine 2 20% off? Whoa nelly. That's almost as sweet as the deal I got for five dollars on Steam months ago.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 20, 2012, 01:38:05 PM
I have no idea who or why but 140k or so more Wii U's sold in Japan.

The thing is almost anonymous - i dread to think what would have happened if Nintendo had actually bothered to advertise and push this this thing.

(300k+ 3DS's sold this week too - Japan loves the taste of shit, confirmed! ;) Animal Fucking Crossing. Fuck me.)

Nintendo is lucky they had MH for the WiiU. And DQX is going to be released there soon.

Those two franchises will sell hardware. No matter what.

Europe and NA....that's going to be a tougher battle.

people need to stop making the mistake that MH HD and MMO DQ have anywhere near the same pull as an exclusive mainline game in those two series. They don't. They're both fantastic bonus games, but this isn't like WiiU has an exclusive MH and DQ game in the mainline of those series.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 20, 2012, 01:39:41 PM
I am pretty curious about Little Inferno, I'll bite for $10. What's up with the no VC on the store though? Is there even gonna be a VC on WiiU? That (along with Xenoblade and Sin and Punishment 2) was the best thing about the original Wii.

No one knows. It's really annoying.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 20, 2012, 09:14:51 PM
For some reason, my Wii U can hardly stay connected to a WiFi connection.

Why did I buy this piece of shit again?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: MCD on December 20, 2012, 09:36:52 PM
My friend brought his Wii U to my place and it refused to connect to my network.

Maybe we are just lucky.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 20, 2012, 09:54:13 PM
It's going to take years of constant improvements to get the OS to usable levels, don't get your hopes up. Hell, it took Google how many years to get Android to a good-looking and performing state? And they actually care about that stuff.
Android is a lot more complex and works on a butt ton of hardware. A better comparison would be Blackberry OS, which to my knowledge is still a piece of shit today but looks promising going into the next iteration
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 21, 2012, 06:49:42 AM
Yeah it requested that I re-enter my WiFi password four times now in the past week.  The OS hung up on me once to try to find a connection, the type of hang up that required me pulling the plug at the socket.

Devices that run off of my WiFi without any problems: TV, laptop, desktop, printer, 3DSXL, Vita, iPhone
Devices that run off of my WiFi with problems: Wii U

All contacts with Nintendo result in a "please understand" type answer.

You know, without WiFi, I can't really get into Netflix or Amazon Video, the only thing I use the Wii U for now.  Without it, it kind of just turns into a shiny useless brick underneath my TV. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 21, 2012, 08:26:26 PM

this company is distinguished mentally-challenged
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 21, 2012, 08:31:00 PM
Yeah it requested that I re-enter my WiFi password four times now in the past week.  The OS hung up on me once to try to find a connection, the type of hang up that required me pulling the plug at the socket.

Devices that run off of my WiFi without any problems: TV, laptop, desktop, printer, 3DSXL, Vita, iPhone
Devices that run off of my WiFi with problems: Wii U

All contacts with Nintendo result in a "please understand" type answer.

You know, without WiFi, I can't really get into Netflix or Amazon Video, the only thing I use the Wii U for now.  Without it, it kind of just turns into a shiny useless brick underneath my TV.

Thats so weird.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 21, 2012, 08:38:10 PM
Honestly, if it's for your kids, that's pretty good advice.  Sadly the people that are likely to see that tweet are highly unlikely to be the type that would need to be told that.  Cuz if you're following Nintendo's twitter, odds are you aren't allowed within 100 metres of children.

did you just out wario64 as a pedo :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 21, 2012, 08:49:45 PM
Honestly, if it's for your kids, that's pretty good advice.  Sadly the people that are likely to see that tweet are highly unlikely to be the type that would need to be told that.  Cuz if you're following Nintendo's twitter, odds are you aren't allowed within 100 metres of children.

:o :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 21, 2012, 09:13:52 PM
it really is a red u on the wii mini box.

no way is this level of brand confusion unintentional. nintendo probably crunched some numbers on how many of those pieces of junk actually get returned when the buyer's spawn rejects them on xmas day and decided to play the spread.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: demi on December 22, 2012, 12:40:02 AM

this company is distinguished mentally-challenged

Is there another tweet that says "Send the kids off to grandma's cause update can take up to 3 hours" ?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Momo on December 22, 2012, 12:58:17 AM
Pro-tip: Down buy someone a fucking WiiU unless you hate them :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 22, 2012, 04:00:01 AM
No, DO NOT OPEN the box before giving Wii U as a christmas present. People can handle that install time, getting what's practically a second hand / used console is a much, much, MUCH worse alternative. I don't think I would even accept that gift. I know for sure wouldn't be able to enjoy it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 22, 2012, 05:17:41 AM
No, DO NOT OPEN the box before giving Wii U as a christmas present. People can handle that install time, getting what's practically a second hand / used console is a much, much, MUCH worse alternative. I don't think I would even accept that gift. I know for sure wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

lol - yeah, it's not the budget cpu, the shite memory, the shitty games line up, the arse quality ports, the shitty OS, the god awful update situation that's going to ruin the experience...

... it's thoughtful parents who do the dogshit installs for you ahead of time.

Fucking manchild, look at the state you're in.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 22, 2012, 05:38:44 AM
What about the new console smell huh, that would be gone too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Bildi on December 22, 2012, 07:06:22 AM
That tweet is amazing.
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 22, 2012, 07:18:08 AM
actually, you may have a point there.  without taking a giant huff-full of factory fresh painted plastic, the wiiU might be very hard to enjoy.

You can't recognize all the whimsical nuances without huffing that paint.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 22, 2012, 09:02:28 AM
No, DO NOT OPEN the box before giving Wii U as a christmas present. People can handle that install time, getting what's practically a second hand / used console is a much, much, MUCH worse alternative. I don't think I would even accept that gift. I know for sure wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

yeah, that's dumb as shit

when we gave the boys the ps3 last year i opened that shit up the day before, installed all updates, put my psn id on there and loaded them up with some games i'd already bought

even put an animated merry christmas snowman background on there

they had a great christmas because they didn't have to spend half the day doing all that themselves
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Barry Egan on December 22, 2012, 09:11:09 AM
just a reminder that that poster is at least in his late 20s.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: mjemirzian on December 22, 2012, 09:36:18 AM
That's about as good as "buy a second job to afford our console".

At least they have the 3DS to fall back on.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 22, 2012, 09:43:09 AM
When I got my N64 for Christmas when I was 11, my parents set it up and had it ready to play.  Even had the Mario 64 cartridge in the system.  Do you think I gave a flying fuck that it was taken out of the box?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 22, 2012, 09:45:54 AM
ah, good point about updating it for the kids. 

Kids haven't developed a package fetish yet.  It will be a few more years until they're posting long winded rants on forums about the asshole cashier at gamestop opened his new game, then refused to go over corporate's head and sell it at a used price. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 22, 2012, 10:11:13 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  If I were a kid I'd be jumping off the walls to wake up to a brand new system all hooked up and ready to go. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 22, 2012, 10:26:14 AM
No bigger disappointment then hooking something up and then having to wait another hour for updates, all the little kid buzz would be gone :_(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 22, 2012, 11:53:47 AM
No bigger disappointment then hooking something up and then having to wait another hour for updates, all the little kid buzz would be gone :_(

at least it delays the more fundamental disappointment of playing the thing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Positive Touch on December 22, 2012, 12:17:30 PM
When I got my N64 for Christmas when I was 11, my parents set it up and had it ready to play.  Even had the Mario 64 cartridge in the system.  Do you think I gave a flying fuck that it was taken out of the box?

my parents did the same thing with my snes for my birthday. "hey son, come over here! you gotta check out what's on t.v.!" they had mario world up and running with both controllers plugged in, ready for me and my brothers to play. this was after my dad hyped up the game to me for weeks - "they got a bullet bill that's as big as a fourth of the screen!"

...scuse me guys, i got something in my eye :mario
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 22, 2012, 02:03:21 PM
No, DO NOT OPEN the box before giving Wii U as a christmas present. People can handle that install time, getting what's practically a second hand / used console is a much, much, MUCH worse alternative. I don't think I would even accept that gift. I know for sure wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

I gotta quote this again. Normally this kind of thing doesn't bother me, but this legit pissed me off.  What a selfish, entitled thing to say.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Diunx on December 22, 2012, 03:01:23 PM
That's one os the saddest things I have read on gaf, imagine what kind of fucked up life that guy lives.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 22, 2012, 03:04:05 PM
My prediction is that this Xmas will be Weeooo CHAOS as the update servers in Japan are hammered into oblivion
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Himu on December 22, 2012, 03:08:09 PM
No, DO NOT OPEN the box before giving Wii U as a christmas present. People can handle that install time, getting what's practically a second hand / used console is a much, much, MUCH worse alternative. I don't think I would even accept that gift. I know for sure wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

not a more fitting name than BoyShine for someone who seems to be the target audience of the Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 22, 2012, 03:12:35 PM
Fuck, if someone spent over a $50 on me, I wouldn't care if it was open or used at all.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: bork on December 22, 2012, 04:56:38 PM
Yeah Eel, I agree.  It's pretty pathetic.  I wonder if that guy would be mad if someone bought him a bicycle or fitness equipment.  "YOU SET THIS BASKETBALL HOOP UP AND PUT IN THE GROUND ALREADY SO I CAN USE IT RIGHT AWAY?!!?"   :maf

I bought a new car earlier this year- I guess I should have bitched out the dealer for not having it wrapped up with bows and shit.

When I got my N64 for Christmas when I was 11, my parents set it up and had it ready to play.  Even had the Mario 64 cartridge in the system.  Do you think I gave a flying fuck that it was taken out of the box?

my parents did the same thing with my snes for my birthday. "hey son, come over here! you gotta check out what's on t.v.!" they had mario world up and running with both controllers plugged in, ready for me and my brothers to play. this was after my dad hyped up the game to me for weeks - "they got a bullet bill that's as big as a fourth of the screen!"

...scuse me guys, i got something in my eye :mario

So was your dad playing the system while you guys weren't around/sleeping in the weeks leading up to your birthday?   :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Positive Touch on December 22, 2012, 07:43:52 PM
lol no. think he had just seen some pics in a magazine or something.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 22, 2012, 08:34:59 PM
Fucking awesome parents.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 22, 2012, 08:39:56 PM
Internet still has some connectivity problems.  One time it will pretend like I can't get a connection.  Then I turn it off and restart it and everything is fine ???

Anyway, I decided to play some NSMBU.  I got all of the secret exits unlocked (with the hidden levels completed with all star coins collected) and about half of the star coins (finished the first three worlds) with about 9:43 on the clock.  So my guess is that this game is maybe about 15 hours in length. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 22, 2012, 11:42:26 PM
PRO-TIP: Get your kids a real console, or an iPad.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: MCD on December 23, 2012, 12:32:23 AM
There is a huge Wii u connectivity issue thread on GAF. Can't seem to search GAF on my phone at the moment so look for it, The Experiment.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 23, 2012, 06:59:02 AM
The Mustachioed Man had this knack for putting new games in our collection without me and my brothers realizing. Sometimes I'd wake up and look through either my Genesis or Snes games(I was that kid) I'll find the new Sonic, Castlevania, Mario or whatever there. And just to make it interesting sometimes he'd leave the games somewhere he knows i'll look.

Good memories.

lol - yeah, my parents hid R-type for the Atari ST in the fridge so i'd find it when i went to get something to drink.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 23, 2012, 09:41:44 AM
My dad bought me a Timex 2048 for Christmass once.

Fucking awesome.

heh, "bought".
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 23, 2012, 10:07:38 AM
I got NES games put in different size boxes or packaging.  I think it was more to discourage me from scratching a hole in the wrapping to see what game it is than to surprise me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 23, 2012, 10:25:20 AM
I got NES games put in different size boxes or packaging.  I think it was more to discourage me from scratching a hole in the wrapping to see what game it is than to surprise me.

sometimes i entertain the possibility of inducing a stroke in order to suffer the kind of brain damage whereby the mere sight of a zelda cart could send me in to a month long anticipation frenzy.

i guess we can't all be as fortunate as andrex.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 23, 2012, 10:43:09 AM
i think the only time i got a huge first party game was SMB2, which I had played a lot at a friend's house before christmas.  On hanukkah, my parents would just hand me the gifts.  (we celebrated both, but I'd usually get, like socks or notebook paper for hanukkah.)   That happened a lot-- some friend would get the big release on release day and I'd get to play them enough to not want to waste a Christmas slot on them.  Zelda 2, Castlevania 2, Double Dragon 1+2, etc.

I'd usually ask for weird third party games without having played them first, because they'd look cool in Nintendo Power.  Or I'd ask for them, then rent them when they popped up at Blockbuster, and pass judgment beforehand-- Battletoads was one of those.  I tried rescinding my wish list at the last minute on that one but it didn't work.  Bad Dudes was kind of a let down, after seeing screenshots of guys beating up ninjas.  Super Dodge Ball was awesome--had already played it, but wanted to own a copy.  Final Fantasy 1 was prob the most excited I was for a NES game, but I think I got that for a birthday.  I got Xenophobe one year...ugh. I figured out in 10 minutes that game was ass. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Van Cruncheon on December 23, 2012, 11:05:20 AM
you know what MY parents got me for x-mas? CLOTHES and LUGGAGE. videogames were considered a waste of time, especially when i could be outside throwing rocks or waving sticks or masturbating coyotes or whatever it is kids are supposed to do in the filthy out of doors
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 23, 2012, 12:33:34 PM
Same here.

 I had the most resistant parents when it came to video games, if there were no verifiable benefits they won't buy consoles or games. The last system my dad bought me was an MSX back in the late 80s along with a dozen of educational software... And the original Pacman, because he loved playing it in the Arcades.

Ever since then it was my uncles and aunts who provided me with a steady stream of video game gifts, much to the dismay of parents ("but sister, these things will rot his mind!") -- until I started saving up and bought my first system, the PSX.

Growing up, I remember video games being blamed for every bad thing I exhibited: low grades? VGs. Forgetfulness? VGs. Fever? VGs. Just about anything really could be pinned VGs. Looking back, I'm kind of fond of how they treated the matter, and wish they have stuck to their guns. God knows how much time, money, and attention I've wasted ever since those days (mostly as a reaction to their suppression obviously, but still... :violin).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 23, 2012, 12:42:41 PM
My mom bought the games, my dad took them away and made me do manual labor just about any time he saw me playing them.  weird times. 
Title: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 23, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
You mean good times. Think of all the pussy you'd be drowning if you took labor work more seriously than video games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 23, 2012, 01:06:23 PM
My parents weren't big game buyers... I usually saved all of my allowance up for games, then lawn mowing money, then eventually paychecks when I turned 16 and started working.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 23, 2012, 01:09:33 PM
You mean good times. Think of all the pussy you'd be drowning if you took labor work more seriously than video games.

i worked on a farm for a couple years...and for a few years before that, outdoor sports were my main hobby.   Since I had developed a work ethic, a moral compass, and a desire to do good things in the world, I spent those years with like 3 long-term girls...but now that I understand that people spend their years being assholes up until the marriage/kids hard stop in life, I feel the government owes several hundred pussies in back pay!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Huff on December 23, 2012, 01:17:12 PM
My parent's didn't mind buying VG or my brothers and I playing them as long as we were well rounded with playing on middleschool/highschool sports teams, staying on the academic honor roll, spending time with friends. I was usually so busy that videogames were mostly a christmas/summer break activity.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: tiesto on December 23, 2012, 01:19:19 PM
I got games for birthdays, Christmas, and good report cards... also got a paltry allowance that I'd save up to buy games (I remember buying Wizards and Warriors after saving up for a while). Was pretty lucky as a kid /spoiled white boy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 23, 2012, 01:32:23 PM
I wasn't allowed to play video games until the weekend and even then, just a couple of hours a day.  The only exceptions were that if we were snowed in and we shoveled our way out waiting for the county plow (I lived in the country).  Then and only then could I play SMB3 for 6-8 hours a day.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Lucretius on December 25, 2012, 03:22:25 PM
I bought my boyfriend a black Wii U for Xmas.  I updated the software on it last week and went ahead and made a Mii of him while I was at it.

Glad I updated last week.  Seems like the servers are getting bombarded this Xmas day.  We've been trying to download Trine 2 all morning and keep getting download errors.  I can't imagine trying to do the giant software update today.

Anyway, we're having fun with NSMBU and Nintendo Land.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 25, 2012, 03:39:58 PM
Nintendo land top Wii U selling game in UK in 40th place, but don't worry guys - the UK is "irrelevant" and "declining"  (and not, say, the biggest video game market in Europe) :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 25, 2012, 03:49:37 PM
Nintendo Land isn't selling well, huh? I guess that must mean that the videogame industry is irrevelent and in decline. :smug
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 25, 2012, 04:22:40 PM
that's the top selling game -and- that includes the bundled copies.  8)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 25, 2012, 05:02:03 PM
stolen from GAF

wait, what  ???
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 25, 2012, 05:17:03 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 25, 2012, 05:44:51 PM
That's like, beyond worst case scenario. :lol

That also required extra work. Why would a company as lazy as Nintendo go through all that trouble.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 25, 2012, 05:45:27 PM
What how I don't why
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 25, 2012, 05:53:27 PM
They region locked the pads to stop the decline-aids to spread from UK to other regions.

Nintendo is being generous here they should have country locked it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Himu on December 25, 2012, 06:29:15 PM
When I got my Sega genesis my dad already had it hooked up and ready to go. ??? What kid would care about this?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 25, 2012, 08:08:46 PM
Another episode of "Iwata is actually a bit of a cunt(Tm)" :

Iwata : Guys, did you get everything ready for launch?!
Plebs : Yes master, we have region locked the fuck out of everything, we've let publishers know that we will not tolerate English in Japanese games so ZombiU has NO ENGLISH at all, and whilst COD has multilanguage games on X360/PS3, WiiU -only- has a japanese dub. And we have implemented region lock on just about everything we could.
Iwata : Thank FUCK - i was worried something might have slipped through
Plebs : Sir , we didn't quite get the upgrade thing working and the estore in Japan is a disgrace
Iwata : lol - like i give a fuck lol. The important stuff that pisses in gamers gas tank is sorted - the rest is just servicing these cunts. Let them eat fucking cake. Wankers.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 25, 2012, 08:45:24 PM
can't implement a unified account system, can't implement a consistent marketplace shared by all their consoles, but good thing those game pads are region locked.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 25, 2012, 08:56:54 PM
I suspect they region locked it because they want to make it as difficult as possible to get a second gamepad or have the possibility of playing with a second gamepad entertained until Nintendo is good and ready.  They want to push this asynchronous gameplay bullshit to hide the fact that two gamepads would likely drag performances down to sub Wii levels.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 25, 2012, 09:24:14 PM
It's like every week we find something new and distinguished mentally-challenged about the console
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 25, 2012, 09:53:59 PM
The next revelation will be that Nintendo didn't actually use metal and plastic to make the console, but crushed garbage.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Don Flamenco on December 25, 2012, 10:49:36 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 25, 2012, 11:07:57 PM
Meanwhile in reality, the iTunes App Store went down once but handled everything else after about a minute when I tried again
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: SantaC on December 27, 2012, 05:36:43 PM
ok I guess I'll look like a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow now, but I ordered a wii u online since the basic pack was on sale here in sweden and was 80 dollars cheaper until the 31st of december. A too good of a deal to pass up on even if the system looks meh at this point.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 27, 2012, 05:50:47 PM
ok I guess I'll look like a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow now, but I ordered a wii u online since the basic pack was on sale here in sweden and was 80 dollars cheaper until the 31st of december. A too good of a deal to pass up on even if the system looks meh at this point.

There's nothing distinguished mentally-challenged about owning a Wii U. Plenty of respectable people own one. I own one!

And I know that that's an invitation to make a wisecrack about me, but I implore you not to. My ego is very fragile and I can't take it. Let me consider myself respectable, and we'll all just go about our day.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 27, 2012, 05:51:09 PM
Why why whyyyy

What will you play on it?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 27, 2012, 05:58:55 PM
Why why whyyyy

What will you play on it?

I hear Wii U system update provides hours of enjoyment
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 27, 2012, 06:00:05 PM
Why why whyyyy

What will you play on it?

You just don't know what your missing. Clearly, you haven't seen the Miiverse community for Funky Barn. Or the Willem Dafoe drawings in the Raving Rabbids community.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Himu on December 27, 2012, 06:00:13 PM
Let's play Mario's tenth game in 6 years !

*is excited for dynasty warriors 8 ignoring the irony*
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 27, 2012, 06:02:06 PM
*is excited for dynasty warriors 8 ignoring the irony*

I was going to make a Sims joke, but that works as well I guess.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Powerslave on December 27, 2012, 06:05:32 PM
Super Wii would have been a great name. Too bad I don't give a shit about Nintendo since forever anymore.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: SantaC on December 27, 2012, 06:07:25 PM
Why why whyyyy

What will you play on it?

I dont know, I havent bought a game yet, lol.

I guess it will be Mario AGAIN. I am sick of Mario, but it is either that or Zombie U, and zombie U is made by UBICRAP, no thanks.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: SantaC on December 27, 2012, 06:35:45 PM
like a battered wife

I never learn.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 27, 2012, 06:59:29 PM
So you bought a console for a game youre sick off, battered wife indeed!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: SantaC on December 27, 2012, 07:19:43 PM
So you bought a console for a game youre sick off, battered wife indeed!

yeah only because of the good deal. Got it for 200 bucks + free shipping.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Positive Touch on December 27, 2012, 07:22:58 PM
its not a "good deal" when you buy a p.o.s. that you'll barely even use dude
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 27, 2012, 07:32:16 PM
Why why whyyyy

What will you play on it?

I hear Wii U system update provides hours of enjoyment

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 27, 2012, 08:23:04 PM
I'm actually thinking I'll get ZombiU soon, seems like a very interesting game even if it does get stale halfway in. Seems like a decent horror-ish title.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 27, 2012, 08:32:05 PM
I kind of regret my Wii U purchase.

Yeah, you're playing the latest unambitious (and it is painfully unambitious) NSMB title but the main beef I have with it is that it doesn't do the few things it does well.  I still have shitloads of connection errors and found a way around that basically just involves opening and closing the program I want to use until it works.  It took me a good seven open-close-reopen attempts until I could get Netflix working.  Good jon.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: headwalk on December 27, 2012, 11:48:02 PM
when i see people straining to justify buying a wii u based on a handful of mediocre $60 titles, i want to take that $60 and send them an aid package of a dozen superior games from the steam sale.

i cannot imagine how barren and blinkered your gaming horizon must be for things like zombiu to even appear on your radar at that price.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2012, 12:06:17 AM
when i see people straining to justify buying a wii u based on a handful of mediocre $60 titles, i want to take that $60 and send them an aid package of a dozen superior games from the steam sale.

i cannot imagine how barren and blinkered your gaming horizon must be for things like zombiu to even appear on your radar at that price.

People bought RE6 apparently. *shrug*
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: benjipwns on December 28, 2012, 01:00:23 AM
Courtesy of that worst gaf post twitter:

And he knows better, making a big deal about something totally not important, isn't particularly healthy since it spreads false information and dilutes the internet and others may take the unnecessary bait, so I had to act accordingly.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Purple Filth on December 28, 2012, 01:25:23 AM
Courtesy of that worst gaf post twitter:

And he knows better, making a big deal about something totally not important, isn't particularly healthy since it spreads false information and dilutes the internet and others may take the unnecessary bait, so I had to act accordingly.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 28, 2012, 01:39:41 AM
Jesus Christ.  It would sever those fuckers right if I were unbanned and given free reign, even if just for a day...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 28, 2012, 01:39:46 AM
Nfans would be jizzing in the streets if ZombiU was as good as RE6.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
Nfans would be jizzing in the streets if ZombiU was as good as RE6.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2012, 03:56:47 AM
I just think from the sound of it ZombiU does some interesting things you don't normally get in a "playing it safe AAA HD" game. Kinda like Demon's Soul. Building up a char the whole game, only to lose it and have to kill the zombie of your last char to get it back or lose it permanently is some brutal stuff.

Naturally though the game can't just coast on that, it needs interesting environments and scenarios, and the controls and gunplay/cricketplay has to "feel" good. It sounds like those parts are whats rougher but it's a launch game.

Naturally though people will just chock me up being interested in it to ntardism even though I was right there in the GAF review thread raking the hopefuls over the coals with the best of them.

And I never said I'd buy it at $60. In fact, it seems unlikely now that Batman's on the eShop and I have a couple 3DS/Wii games still to go through. I should be set until MH in March and after I'm done with that ZU should be a more appropriate price, hopefully.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 28, 2012, 05:48:30 AM
Andrex is such a lameo fan - how could you not buy an exclusive game at launch , regardless of $60.

Sounds like pussy talk

Also - spoiler- MH port is shitty - the next person who says "it's a constant 60fps" gets a cock in the gob. Try "it's sometimes around 30 fps and the rest of the time it's having an eppy trying to decide what the fuck it's doing"

It's a 3DS up port - and the Wii U goes FUCKING MENTAL trying to handle it.

Pro tip - fuck the Wii U version right off - get the 3DS version. It's way more impressive per platform
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2012, 05:50:51 AM
Does it have online? No.

I can live with drops if the drops all stay about 30fps. And 1080p even with 3DS graphics is slightly more than a nice to have.

Getting both. Hoping Capcom doesn't bend me over a dung bomb and price both versions at full price separately.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 28, 2012, 06:14:29 AM
I guess i keep forgetting that people need to play online outside of Japan so that's a good point.

And Capcom - if they have any sense - will offer a download token with the Wii U version...

... but they won't because CAPCOM/NINTENDO!

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Eric P on December 28, 2012, 06:45:11 AM
The Mustachioed Man had this knack for putting new games in our collection without me and my brothers realizing. Sometimes I'd wake up and look through either my Genesis or Snes games(I was that kid) I'll find the new Sonic, Castlevania, Mario or whatever there. And just to make it interesting sometimes he'd leave the games somewhere he knows i'll look.

Good memories.

ha ha.  i do that with the GF and records and  movies.  she'll be going through her collection and say"wait, when did i buy this?  did you buy this for me?"
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 28, 2012, 11:44:51 AM
I can live with drops if the drops all stay about 30fps.
38fps average, 32fps min, 47fps max.  Evidently it's the same as the 3DS version.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: archnemesis on December 28, 2012, 11:51:23 AM
Why even bother making a 60 FPS version if 38 is the average? They should've capped it at 30 instead.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 28, 2012, 11:57:00 AM
Why even bother making a 60 FPS version if 38 is the average? They should've capped it at 30 instead.
It might be due to being a direct 3DS port.  It also has lower geometry than the Wii original.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 28, 2012, 02:55:15 PM
Nfans would be jizzing in the streets if ZombiU was as good as RE6.


I haven't played either one, just stating facts.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 28, 2012, 03:15:32 PM
Which one of you is 99% over at GAF?

He's dealing reality checks to ntards from left to right.

I love it  8)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 28, 2012, 03:21:30 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: SantaC on December 28, 2012, 03:48:56 PM
so any wii u games coming in 2013?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: maxy on December 28, 2012, 03:51:17 PM
Personally, I'm still going with the intentional soft launch theory.
I've seen less than 10 Wii U commercials all year - far less frequent than the Layton 3DS / "get a free game with a 3DS XL" commercials. There has to be a reason for that.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Third on December 28, 2012, 03:56:21 PM



By the way

From the Gametrailer awards:

Best WiiU game:
Assassin's Creed III
CoD: Black Ops II
Mass Effect 3
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Sonic & Allstars Racing Transformed

inferior ports>>>NSMBU + Zombie U :lol

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2012, 10:05:04 PM
so any wii u games coming in 2013?

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Pikmnin, MH, Bayo, DQ, Wonderful 101.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: treythemovie on December 28, 2012, 10:13:46 PM
So I got a Wii U. Not sure why. Haven't even bothered to take it out of its box yet. Probably should get around to that...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Trent Dole on December 29, 2012, 04:17:01 AM
Pikmin, MH, Bayo, DQ, Wonderful 101.
Hm, have we seen any video footage of Bayo yet? I suppose it could make late 2013.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 29, 2012, 05:13:31 AM
I'm buying one as soon as I get back to the US, I have a list of Wii games that I've skipped since 2007 so I feel my purchase is more justifiable than others, so my question is: how good is the BC on this thing, and is it only possible with Wiimotes? Also are there WiiU branded remotes and if so how much do they cost?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 29, 2012, 05:27:55 AM
so any wii u games coming in 2013?

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Pikmnin, MH, Bayo, DQ, Wonderful 101.

Thats a truly disastrous lineup.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of DCharlie... vadernoooooooooooooooooo.jpg
Post by: Damian79 on December 29, 2012, 05:32:10 AM
Pikmnin, MH, Bayo, DQ, Wonderful 101.

Oh shit i will have ot buy a WiiU for DQ.  Fuckign wii dyign on me.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 29, 2012, 05:33:09 AM
Was a western release confirmed for DQ?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on December 29, 2012, 05:46:21 AM
No, I don't think it has been confirmed yet. I'm fairly sure it's coming though.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Huff on December 29, 2012, 08:33:33 AM
DQ MMO isn't coming
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: headwalk on December 29, 2012, 09:03:36 AM
I'm buying one as soon as I get back to the US, I have a list of Wii games that I've skipped since 2007 so I feel my purchase is more justifiable than others, so my question is: how good is the BC on this thing, and is it only possible with Wiimotes? Also are there WiiU branded remotes and if so how much do they cost?

there are much better ways to play wii games than on a nintendo console.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on December 29, 2012, 09:14:11 AM
Getting games to run perfectly on an emulator usually requires some work. I got a Wii U primarily for playing Wii games and it has been working great so far.

The new rebranded wiimotes are maybe 10% more expensive around here, so I decided to pick up a regular black wiimote+ and a nunchuk instead.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Diunx on December 29, 2012, 09:41:19 AM
Do people really care about a DQ mmo?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on December 29, 2012, 09:52:15 AM
I care. Especially if there isn't a subscription fee involved.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 29, 2012, 09:52:23 AM
Since this is basically following FFXI footsteps and not, say, MHTri's in terms of structure/design, I have a feeling it will remain subscription based. After all, unlike Tri there isn't an SP campaign. There's a small chance it might end up being B2P, but with how badly SE's needs that revenue I doubt it.

DQ MMO isn't coming

don't tell the people translating it

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 29, 2012, 10:47:18 AM
Ive translated a canned game :(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 29, 2012, 11:00:48 AM
I'm buying one as soon as I get back to the US, I have a list of Wii games that I've skipped since 2007 so I feel my purchase is more justifiable than others, so my question is: how good is the BC on this thing, and is it only possible with Wiimotes? Also are there WiiU branded remotes and if so how much do they cost?
BC works great and Wii games actually look a bit better thanks to the higher quality signal from HDMI.  The only annoying thing about Wii backcompat is that it literally boots a "Wii mode".  Like Wii channel interface, only Wii controllers work, you have the shitty ancient Wii Shop and you're limited to a separate 512MB flash pad/SD card fridge.

The Wii U branded Wiimotes are identical except they moved the synch button from under the battery cover to outside it.  They're the same MSRP, but you can probably find better deals on the old models.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Momo on December 29, 2012, 11:26:48 AM
DQMMO isnt coming to Wii right? WiiU only? (in the queens territories)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 29, 2012, 11:32:04 AM
DQ MMO isn't coming

don't tell the people translating it
Do they happen to also be translating DQ7 3DS?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 29, 2012, 11:41:23 AM
Ive translated a canned game :(

Me too, the game was mercy killed though
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 29, 2012, 12:09:24 PM
How much did you translate?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 29, 2012, 02:00:58 PM
Lol it was completely finished
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on December 29, 2012, 02:05:08 PM
DQ MMO isn't coming

don't tell the people translating it
Do they happen to also be translating DQ7 3DS?

DQ7 will come man. I'm not even an insider guy. It will come.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 29, 2012, 09:14:20 PM
I figured DQX was coming because:

A) What else has Square got to release?

B) They translated FF14, lol.

C) It's kind of in that MH3U position of being a "premiere" Wii U showcase title, in spite of both series' lack of Western cache. Nintendo probably wants it to come out more than Square.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 30, 2012, 02:17:48 AM
Will they drop the monthly fee for DQX outside Japan?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: treythemovie on December 30, 2012, 02:20:30 AM
DQX will come overseas because Wada promised his shareholders that MMOs would become one of Square Enix's big revenue bringers and focuses and its hard to make that promise and then proceed to not release half of your mmo offerings worldwide.

Also I've opened up my WiiU finally and its a pretty awesome set-top box. Really enjoying that feature. Too bad it doesn't have a blu-ray player.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 30, 2012, 02:29:07 AM
Will they drop the monthly fee for DQX outside Japan?

Tri didn't have a fee, but it wasn't an MMO. Then again, most MMO's drop the fee after a few months anyways.

I'd ask if FF14 still has a fee, but isn't that game F2P since they realized it was absolute crap with the plan to charge when it "got back on track"? Is that still the plan?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 30, 2012, 02:36:22 AM
FF14 is subscription only and will continue to be with the new reboot

Until nobody plays THAT, either
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 30, 2012, 03:59:05 AM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 30, 2012, 04:38:54 AM


Reading through that thread a little, though I know it's not really surprising, I still continue to be baffled sometimes at the absolute insistence by some to not be able to make simple concessions and turn what should be a straightforward assessment into a tedious exercise in the spin zone. Here's Black Ops II -- probably the most successful franchise of the last generation -- clearly not performing terribly well on the Wii U. I guess it's possible that Activision's expectations were so low that they might be happy with those numbers, but I doubt it. My guess is that their reaction is "well, this is selling like crap; let's not waste too much time with the Wii U."

And yet, there are people in that thread that just seem incapable of accepting that. "No, no, no. Let me try to make some half-assed comparison to another platform or something historical to demonstrate that this isn't all that bad."
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 30, 2012, 05:19:02 AM
The entire thread is one person's delayed twitch-reaction to the Kotaku report.

I can think of a few valid arguments that can excuse the poor performance, such as the small install base and absence of demographic, but all of them would require the admission of the game not doing so well, and simply not attaching to hardware sales. However, as you pointed out, the refusal to concede to such simple facts and attempts to spin those numbers into something GOOD or PROMISING is indeed baffling. It's almost as if vocalizing these spins on a public forum would somehow affect the implications BLOPS2's performance will have on series' future on Wii U.

COD on the Wii U will continue to lag behind the other versions, the only thing people should worry about is whether the install base can cross the threshold of online activity that insures anyone to easily connect to matches on any mode.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 30, 2012, 05:56:29 AM
The Wii games did well despite being completely non-advertised hell there was a year Activision wouldn't even confirm a Wii version until like a week before it came out. I doubt we have to worry about CoD selling on anything.

Anyways I'm officially petitioning bork to make a NNID sticky. Please understand.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 30, 2012, 06:04:01 AM
I'm aware they did "well" but how well are we talking here? Certainly not as well as the PS360, which is apparently all that matters to people embroiled in sales-age and next-gen wars.

All I know is that the Wii numbers were just as unadvertised as the games themselves, but that could partially be attributed to Activision not wanting to divert attention away from their poster child (or versions, in this case).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: pilonv1 on December 30, 2012, 06:22:02 AM
Lol it was completely finished

How was Shenmue 3 then? :teehee
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 30, 2012, 06:37:40 AM
I found DQX to be at least "fun" feeling when I played it but it's got that "quirky Japanese" thang going on along with "about 7 years behind" - if this gets released as is in the west it will get laughed at
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 30, 2012, 06:48:39 AM
I found DQX to be at least "fun" feeling when I played it but it's got that "quirky Japanese" thang going on along with "about 7 years behind" - if this gets released as is in the west it will get laughed at

So, it's a Dragon Quest game then?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on December 30, 2012, 09:52:22 AM
The next big things are MOBAs and F2P Facebook/iOS games. I'm not really sure what Activision plan to do. Most of their classic franchises are milked dry. Maybe they'll acquire some new companies.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 30, 2012, 10:05:51 AM
Call of Duty MOBAs
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on December 30, 2012, 10:09:06 AM
It would sell twice as much as Halo Wars!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archie4208 on December 30, 2012, 10:14:45 AM
The next big things are MOBAs and F2P Facebook/iOS games. I'm not really sure what Activision plan to do. Most of their classic franchises are milked dry. Maybe they'll acquire some new companies.

Blizzard can always make a game based on that popular Warcraft 3 mod Defense of the Ancients.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 30, 2012, 10:41:30 AM
I'm aware they did "well" but how well are we talking here? Certainly not as well as the PS360, which is apparently all that matters to people embroiled in sales-age and next-gen wars.

All I know is that the Wii numbers were just as unadvertised as the games themselves, but that could partially be attributed to Activision not wanting to divert attention away from their poster child (or versions, in this case).

I'm away from my numbers right now but off the top of my head the best selling CoD on Wii cracked a million in NA and the others all sold several hundred thousand each.  Like the DS versions, they sold enormously well for what they were.  This year's WiiU CoD (and Vita CoD) will never come within a sniff of those numbers.  I'm sure that won't stop Activision from giving the WiiU at least one more go, however.

CoD as a brand is showing signs of slowing down, though, which leaves me wondering what the next big thing will be.

So you said before that Black Ops Declassfied did better than the WiiU version so how much did it really do then?

I'm curious to see how many people were basically suckered into getting that game (i know the hubub/bullshit with the actual numbers so some > or < with a constant would suffice)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 30, 2012, 10:52:08 AM
Call of Duty MOBAs

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 30, 2012, 10:52:57 AM
The next big things are MOBAs and F2P Facebook/iOS games. I'm not really sure what Activision plan to do. Most of their classic franchises are milked dry. Maybe they'll acquire some new companies.

Blizzard can always make a game based on that popular Warcraft 3 mod Defense of the Ancients.

They are for SC2.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 30, 2012, 11:16:56 AM
The next big things are MOBAs and F2P Facebook/iOS games. I'm not really sure what Activision plan to do. Most of their classic franchises are milked dry. Maybe they'll acquire some new companies.

Blizzard can always make a game based on that popular Warcraft 3 mod Defense of the Ancients.

They are for SC2.

still can't believe Blizzard didn't lock up that shit long ago.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 30, 2012, 11:29:28 AM
I hope there won't be a "next big thing" next-gen that would skew the landscape of game development towards one type yet again. I mean, the industry won't be around for much longer, might well go out on a good note.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: tiesto on December 30, 2012, 11:32:12 AM
Ive translated a canned game :(

Me too, the game was mercy killed though

OK this has me really curious. SaGa 2 DS? Blood of Bahamut? LOL I know you can't talk about it of course but it's fun to think about.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 30, 2012, 12:22:07 PM
Well, I'll play DQVII and try DQX, but being honest I'd still rather get Pirate Slime. :[

I'm aware they did "well" but how well are we talking here? Certainly not as well as the PS360, which is apparently all that matters to people embroiled in sales-age and next-gen wars.

All I know is that the Wii numbers were just as unadvertised as the games themselves, but that could partially be attributed to Activision not wanting to divert attention away from their poster child (or versions, in this case).

I'm away from my numbers right now but off the top of my head the best selling CoD on Wii cracked a million in NA and the others all sold several hundred thousand each.  Like the DS versions, they sold enormously well for what they were.  This year's WiiU CoD (and Vita CoD) will never come within a sniff of those numbers.  I'm sure that won't stop Activision from giving the WiiU at least one more go, however.

CoD as a brand is showing signs of slowing down, though, which leaves me wondering what the next big thing will be.
Ninthing response, but never say never.  COD3 PS3 had a similarly terribad launch (24k in 2 weeks vs 23k in 1 week on Wii U) and that game went on to be a million seller.  The situations aren't totally comparable, but launch games often manage to crawl to decent figures, even on systems that shit the bed early on.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on December 30, 2012, 02:31:01 PM
Ive translated a canned game :(

Me too, the game was mercy killed though

OK this has me really curious. SaGa 2 DS? Blood of Bahamut? LOL I know you can't talk about it of course but it's fun to think about.

lol, neither of those. Blood of Bahamut and SaGa 2 DS already have fan translations out anyway.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 30, 2012, 02:44:35 PM
Ninthing response, but never say never.  COD3 PS3 had a similarly terribad launch (24k in 2 weeks vs 23k in 1 week on Wii U) and that game went on to be a million seller.  The situations aren't totally comparable, but launch games often manage to crawl to decent figures, even on systems that shit the bed early on.

Do you have a pro Nintendo spin for every scenario?

BTW that example is a pretty good spin. You are dem smartie ninfag.
Hell yes I do!  I'm not Nintendo's Takao for nothing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Phoenix Dark on December 30, 2012, 03:03:39 PM
The next big things are MOBAs and F2P Facebook/iOS games. I'm not really sure what Activision plan to do. Most of their classic franchises are milked dry. Maybe they'll acquire some new companies.

Blizzard can always make a game based on that popular Warcraft 3 mod Defense of the Ancients.

They are for SC2.

It's going to be a seperate game featuring multiple Blizz characters as heroes (Arthas, Queen of Blades, Diablo, etc). Overall SC2's popularity has shrunk due to moba titles; right now they're dominating in Korea, some SC2 pros have switched over, and it's looking bleak for Blizzard there. In the US, LoL and DOTA2 tournaments often double the viewer total of SC2 tournaments, and the player base is higher.

I think Blizzard really fucked up with SC2 in the long run, planning two expensive expansions and doing very little to appeal to casual players (in part due to B Net 2.0 sucking). Dunno if mobas can work on consoles, but they are clearly dominating PCs.

It would be interesting to see Nintendo create a moba with their characters.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 30, 2012, 06:53:17 PM
Ninthing response, but never say never.  COD3 PS3 had a similarly terribad launch (24k in 2 weeks vs 23k in 1 week on Wii U) and that game went on to be a million seller.  The situations aren't totally comparable, but launch games often manage to crawl to decent figures, even on systems that shit the bed early on.

Do you have a pro Nintendo spin for every scenario?

BTW that example is a pretty good spin. You are dem smartie ninfag.
Hell yes I do!  I'm not Nintendo's Takao for nothing.

I always thought that meant you were dumb and over-emotional... :P
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 31, 2012, 07:26:56 AM
I always thought that meant you were dumb and over-emotional... :P

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 31, 2012, 11:00:47 AM
It would be interesting to see Nintendo create a moba with their characters.

Nintendo doesn't even do RPGs let alone RTS.

Fire Emblem?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 31, 2012, 12:38:40 PM
Oh Andy, does the presence of a Superior Ninthing threaten u that much? :3

Well, I'll play DQVII and try DQX, but being honest I'd still rather get Pirate Slime. :[

Ninthing response, but never say never.  COD3 PS3 had a similarly terribad launch (24k in 2 weeks vs 23k in 1 week on Wii U) and that game went on to be a million seller.  The situations aren't totally comparable, but launch games often manage to crawl to decent figures, even on systems that shit the bed early on.

I was away from my numbers, but something about this didn't sound right, and I was correct.  Call of Duty 3 PS3 didn't sell anywhere near even half a million.  Funnily enough, the PS3 version of CoD3 barely sold 1/3 of the Wii version of CoD3.  If the WiiU CoD BlOps2 legs out like the PS3 CoD3, it will end up selling less than the worst selling Wii CoD.
Huh, I could've sworm being told COD3 eventually became a million seller (both on PS3 and Wii).  Maybe it was worldwide or something then.

Wii COD3 did 48k 1st week comparably.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on December 31, 2012, 01:19:17 PM
It would be interesting to see Nintendo create a moba with their characters.

Nintendo doesn't even do RPGs let alone RTS.

Fire Emblem?

Pikmin was a creative approach to RTS games from back when Nintendo tried to be creative.  Pikmin 2 even had a fun multiplayer mode, though it was limited to local play.

Pikmin 3 could evolved Pikmin 2's multiplayer, add new modes, some moba/dota inspired, more than two players, online, leagues integrated with miiverse or something, etc...nah, probably too hard.  Nintendo already said no online.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 31, 2012, 01:29:48 PM
Chances of Nintendo making something semi ambitious as Pikmin again: 0%
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: lunchwithyuzo on December 31, 2012, 01:30:34 PM
It's insane Nintendo's still going with the "no online, local multi only" thing.  I mean okay, it made sense on Gamecube, they could still sort of justify it on Wii, but wtf?  Even imperfect online play in Nintendo Land, NSMBU and Pikmin 3 would've been preferable to nothing at all, and would go a whole lot farther with the western core base Nintendo suppossedly wants to court.

I hope Platinum can get past them to get it in Wonderful 101.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 31, 2012, 04:03:33 PM
Oh Andy, does the presence of a Superior Ninthing threaten u that much? :3

Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 31, 2012, 04:22:12 PM
Did they release the much hyped December update that was supposed to speed up the OS? Because Dec is over.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 31, 2012, 04:36:20 PM
Was a mistranslation, that update was only mentioned in passing. I think the Dec update was just for stability fixes.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 31, 2012, 04:47:02 PM
Did they release the much hyped December update that was supposed to speed up the OS? Because Dec is over.

it was translation error as iwata just mentioned in passing that they are aware of the slow OS. No update was given

Was a mistranslation, that update was only mentioned in passing. I think the Dec update was just for stability fixes.

It was some patch for Dragon Quest X in Japan.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 31, 2012, 04:47:36 PM
Was a mistranslation, that update was only mentioned in passing. I think the Dec update was just for stability fixes.

Did they mistranslate the timing or the existence of an update that'll address the problem? Either way, what a shame. I was really hoping they'd fix it before I buy one.

Edit: :\

Edit2: I hope the update that will unlock the CPU's 3rd core and overclock the clock speed will address this.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on December 31, 2012, 04:49:52 PM
Did they mistranslate the timing or the existence of an update that'll address the problem? Either way, what a shame. I was really hoping they'd fix it before I buy one.

yea i posted it here when the article broke only to see that these "games journalists" earning the quotations marks over their profession  :-\

sorry about that
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 31, 2012, 04:52:43 PM
Was a mistranslation, that update was only mentioned in passing. I think the Dec update was just for stability fixes.

Did they mistranslate the timing or the existence of an update that'll address the problem? Either way, what a shame. I was really hoping they'd fix it before I buy one.

Edit: :\

Edit2: I hope the update that will unlock the CPU's 3rd core and overclock the clock speed will address this.

They mistranslated the part where Iwata cared about the OS being slow. He actually did something whimsical with a banana instead of responding to your peon concerns.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 31, 2012, 06:57:37 PM

However, there's a good chance we'll never see as something as ambitious from Miyamoto ever again. Dude wants to make smaller games now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 31, 2012, 07:04:18 PM

However, there's a good chance we'll never see as something as ambitious from Miyamoto ever again. Dude wants to make smaller games now.

I think we're all forgetting about a little gem called Wii Music.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on December 31, 2012, 07:05:19 PM
Wii Music was ambitious in its attempt to not be a game while being a game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 31, 2012, 07:08:12 PM
It took a lot of balls to release that game. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 01, 2013, 09:47:08 AM
Miyamoto is shit these days. His visions for zelda is backwards compared to the 80s and 90s. Now he wants 10 hour tutorials, on rails handholding, empty overworld and linear dungeons. He must think the youth today is so stupid that they cant solve the simplest puzzle by themselves.

Also his partner in crime, Aonuma is no better. He is basically Miyamotos lapdog and do whatever he says.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on January 01, 2013, 12:04:33 PM
Has eurogamer or whoever done any analysis on the tablet battery life?

Maybe about two weeks ago I fully charged it and put it away.  Earlier when I tried turning it on to mess with the tv thing, the battery was completely dead.  I'm assuming it's always 'on' since turning on the wii u turns on the controller and they have to communicate somehow.  Or maybe it's just the battery. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Phoenix Dark on January 01, 2013, 05:58:18 PM
It took a lot of balls to release that game.

Nah, just a lot of hubris. The music game shit was huge at the time too, there was definitely room to do something interesting, get some popular musicians involved, etc. Instead they made the stupidest thing imaginable
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 01, 2013, 06:03:11 PM
It took a lot of balls to release that game.

Nah, just a lot of hubris. The music game shit was huge at the time too, there was definitely room to do something interesting, get some popular musicians involved, etc. Instead they made the stupidest thing imaginable
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 01, 2013, 06:06:39 PM
I'm not sure what's worse:

--releasing that...thing...with public domain music
--that releasing that...thing...with public domain music was actually a good idea because anything more specific may have put it into a niche/cut into sales
--that that...thing...sold so well
--that people claimed to enjoy it

it doesn't even make much sense as a game, it's just cacophony.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 01, 2013, 06:08:34 PM
Chances of Nintendo making something semi ambitious as Pikmin again: 0%

Nah, that's bull.  They make stuff as ambitious or more than Pikmin all the time.

I guess it all depends on how "ambitious" you think Pikmin is/was :teehee
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 01, 2013, 06:09:48 PM
My nicca we agree again
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 01, 2013, 07:17:48 PM
Some random Miiverse pics from gaf which I find adorable:









I send some of these to my 3ds friends and they never send one back. Nintendo online sucks.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 02, 2013, 02:28:47 AM
Chances of Nintendo making something semi ambitious as Pikmin again: 0%

Nah, that's bull.  They make stuff as ambitious or more than Pikmin all the time.

I guess it all depends on how "ambitious" you think Pikmin is/was :teehee

By console industry standards, I think it was reasonably ambitious, but not especially so.  New IP plus a genre with little in the way of prior success on consoles matched with an atypical setting and style for that genre, backed with a full budget.  If we're talking about big boy publishers, I think all of that together counts as ambitious.  It certainly wasn't safe or lazy.

But hey, I know some of you guys have special rules just for Nintendo, and it's virtually impossible to have any positive discussion about the company and/or their products here as a result.

Thats unfair, I think Mario Galaxy is generally accepted as one of the best games of the gen here no?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 02, 2013, 02:36:19 AM
Mario Galaxy is probably a perfect game to me. It is a 10/10 game. But ambitious it is not. It is just literally the perfection of the 3d platformer genre going as far as the genre can aspire, but it's in no way ambitious.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 02, 2013, 02:38:19 AM
Ambition and innovation are overrated, give me a fun game that I enjoy playing instead.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 02, 2013, 02:42:59 AM
Yup. But to be fair, Galaxy IS kind of innovative to a point.

When you have an ice level, a fire level, ;etc all within the same stage due to the Galaxy stage system, you can pull off some nifty tricks and not adhere to established rules. When the setting is that of outer space and unknown planets, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

And that's why I think the next console 3d Mario will probably be a disappointment in comparison to Galaxy 1/2. The Galaxy games are probably over and I doubt that they'll tackle space as a setting again for Mario. After space, what else can Mario do? Nintendo blew their fucking load with those games.

I mean look at this shit
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 02:56:54 AM
I think it's useful to define "ambition," we could be talking about length of development, budget, design, graphics, the whole package, or any other criteria.

I don't really think you can say Galaxy is not ambitious. You can say it "perfects" 3D platforming, whatever that means, but achieving perfection (or attempting to achieve it) is about the most ambitious thing anyone can do.

As for the future of 3D Mario, it's likely going to be an evolution of 3D Land. They're getting the perfect level design and innovative gameplay mechanics/level gimmicks down to a formula at this point. 3D Land's problems, I feel, are the result of a much smaller budget and development timetable than either of the Galaxy games. But I think it's reasonable to say that the next console Mario will be back in the Mushroom Kingdom, just with space levels that will remind people of Galaxy superficially (whereas all the levels and mechanics will be evolutions of those found in Galaxy anyways.)

But who knows, they could surprise us.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 02, 2013, 06:11:10 AM
Speaking of Pikmin

Miyamoto admitted that he didn't entirely agree with the decision to make the game less stressful for the player with Pikmin 2 which dropped the time limits that were placed on the player in the original GameCube title.

Asked if his team had to make some important decisions about the direction of Pikmin before they started development, Miyamoto said: "That's actually something that all the staff members had to debate over when we were discussing what kind of direction we should take for Pikmin 3. First of all by looking at Pikmin 1 we noticed that it wasn't a very easy game for people to play, and from time to time they had to feel some stress.

"Our main aim in Pikmin 2 was to get rid of any stress as much as possible, so that it would be very user-friendly. Well, I myself couldn't agree with that direction perfectly. That kind of nature of Pikmin 1 was exactly what I wanted to reproduce and I was actually intentionally doing so, so that Pikmin 1 could be a strategic game."

Miyamoto said that he wanted to get back to basics with Pikmin 3: "When we started creating Pikmin 3 I gathered the main members who worked on Pikmin 2 and talked about how I thought it was important to get back to the basics of Pikmin 1. Or I should say that half of my job at that time wasn't just to talk, but rather to persuade them to understand what I intended to do and to agree to my idea."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 02, 2013, 08:30:53 AM

Thats unfair, I think Mario Galaxy is generally accepted as one of the best games of the gen here no?

a black friend, you say?  well that changes everything

 :lol Touche

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 01:26:35 PM
so got my Wii U today. The blue light is blinking and i am not getting any TV signal. So am I fucked?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on January 02, 2013, 01:56:10 PM
Did you plug in the HDMI cable? Most of the configuration is done with the tablet. Is that also dead?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 02, 2013, 01:57:04 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 02, 2013, 02:04:21 PM
Lazy gamers, expecting their console to work out of the box.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 02:11:17 PM
Did you plug in the HDMI cable? Most of the configuration is done with the tablet. Is that also dead?

yes of course I did. I have read around on forums and my unit is defective. Fucking piece of crap Nintendo shit hardware. Not only is it overpriced by 200 dollars, but the horseshit is broken too.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 02:20:31 PM
Fucking piece of crap Nintendo shit hardware. Not only is it overpriced by 200 dollars, but the horseshit is broken too.

As utterly shit the Wii U is, you can't really blame the system unless you have evidence this shit is widespread. This can happen to any piece of electronics. Send it back to Nintendo.

Seems pretty damn common to me.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 02:21:24 PM
First I've heard of it, and I'm on the cutting pulse of all things Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 02, 2013, 02:26:25 PM
I've heard of a few instances. I'm honestly not sure if there's cause for concern or not, as I have no idea how widespread it is.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on January 02, 2013, 02:31:29 PM
The only widespread issue I've heard about is the hard freezes, but I thought that was mostly fixed in a patch.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 02:31:43 PM
I've heard of a few instances. I'm honestly not sure if there's cause for concern or not, as I have no idea how widespread it is.

googled blue light of death and a lot of people seem to get faulty launch batches. I should had read up on this before getting one.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: MCD on January 02, 2013, 02:51:42 PM
No secret reset display code or something?

Can you try an AV cable instead of HDMI?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 02:58:19 PM
SantaC, breh, did you check everything twice? Try putting the Wii U unit into a freezer for 5 minutes - it sometimes help with the electronics (saved me an nVidia GPU once).

yeah I even hooked it up to my 2nd tv...nothing. I plugged in the HDMI and AC adapter and pressed power on button. I shouldnt be doing anything else I assume?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 03:24:02 PM
already packed it down

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 02, 2013, 03:28:59 PM
nice w
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 03:54:19 PM
nice w

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 04:01:55 PM
>Miyamoto: "I didn't like that Pikmin 2 was easier than the first, so I make Pikmin 3 like 1."
>Super Guide
>NSMBU challenge mode

>Wrath: "Nintendo am makin everything 2 easy" :derp
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on January 02, 2013, 04:04:29 PM
I liked Pikmin 1's tighter campaign. Pikmin 2 had a lot but I also didn't feel as compelled to really finish it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 04:20:47 PM
I think you need to replay Galaxy 2, NSMB Wii, and play NSMBU. I found DKCR easier than SMG2 on the whole. Shake It was Good-Feel, who made the similarly easy Epic Yarn but you can't impugne every actual Nintendo studio for that.

Nintendo's games are the hardest they've been since around the SNES, maybe even before, mostly thanks to the Super Guide. It's a non-valid non-complaint.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Phoenix Dark on January 02, 2013, 04:49:34 PM
nice w
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 02, 2013, 04:55:48 PM
Maybe you find them easier cause youve been playing the same goddamn games for 20 years now.

For someone like andrex that only started playing games last gen this is different as for him its all new.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 02, 2013, 05:04:40 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 02, 2013, 06:34:41 PM
 :lol @ NSMBU being difficult
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 02, 2013, 07:23:22 PM
:lol @ NSMBU being difficult

It has the best difficulty curve of any 2D Mario. Also:
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 02, 2013, 09:20:48 PM
First I've heard of it, and I'm on the cutting pulse of all things Nintendo.

Slitting your wrists at bad Nintendo sales figures doesn't count.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on January 03, 2013, 01:43:57 PM
Is there some reason that the Wii U Pro Controller only seems to be sold at Gamestop?  Amazon and Newegg used to list it.  My Newegg order is in limbo where it's still preordered but they claim it's discontinued.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 03, 2013, 10:17:17 PM
gaf used wiiu buyer

whoever owned the console before me purchased multiple games, meaning all the games he purchased are available to redownload for free....This is with a new account btw I setup as well. Games are clearly linked to Console itself. Advice to those buying a second hand WiiU's...check all the games on the might be in for some "free" games!

 :D :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 03, 2013, 11:07:48 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 03, 2013, 11:33:02 PM
I had that happen with a 3DS!   or was it a DSi?  I forget.  i got some free games cause it wasn't completely formatted. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 03, 2013, 11:39:10 PM
I can't wait to buy Andrex's old Wii U!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 04, 2013, 06:58:54 AM
:bow Nintendo :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Diunx on January 04, 2013, 10:12:25 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on January 04, 2013, 11:32:09 AM
It's ok, it increases its resale value ;)

/3DS Ambassadors
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on January 04, 2013, 11:50:46 AM
gaf used wiiu buyer

whoever owned the console before me purchased multiple games, meaning all the games he purchased are available to redownload for free....This is with a new account btw I setup as well. Games are clearly linked to Console itself. Advice to those buying a second hand WiiU's...check all the games on the might be in for some "free" games!

 :D :lol

 really? really :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: DCharlieJP on January 04, 2013, 12:49:26 PM
did anyone at Nintendo even discuss the ins and outs of all this? Just sounds like one huge fuck up
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 04, 2013, 12:56:45 PM
Eh, if you're selling a console, do a factory reset. Should be standard practice by now.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Huff on January 04, 2013, 01:16:38 PM
I think that was it though, the console had been reset
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 04, 2013, 01:18:39 PM
Eh, if you're selling a console, do a factory reset. Should be standard practice by now.

The customer is always wrong. (TM) Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 04, 2013, 01:41:14 PM
I think that was it though, the console had been reset

No he just set up a new local account, and was surprised by the expected functionality of local games being available to all local users.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on January 04, 2013, 02:04:03 PM
I once bought a used Dreamcast with a copy of Phantasy Star Online still in it.  No one at electronics boutique bothered opening the lid.

And I don't see why you'd reset the Wii U and lose everything.  At least this way someone benefits from your silly decision to buy stuff from the wareshop.  It's not as if you decide to buy a Wii U again in the future your account will retain those purchases.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: bork on January 04, 2013, 02:05:23 PM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on January 04, 2013, 02:13:10 PM
Eh, if you're selling a console, do a factory reset. Should be standard practice by now.

And when you're buying a console, you should update it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 04, 2013, 02:44:09 PM
Only if you care about that online hullabaloo. Personally, I think it's a fad.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 04, 2013, 04:47:51 PM
I called Nintendo and complained about my "blue light of death"

turns out the guy in the phone pretended to never heard of the issue before  :lol

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 04, 2013, 06:47:01 PM
Yeah, they do that.  Had Sony reps play dumb with me on drive failures on PS1s and PS2s and an MS rep play dumb with me on my first RRoD, too.

There's a reason they do that.  You win a no-prize if you're clever enough to figure out why.

it's funny though. I never had a console die on me before when I bought it. Even my old NES from 1987 is still running.

NES > Wii U

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: benjipwns on January 04, 2013, 08:45:36 PM
The systems just cater to different tastes. PS360 appeals mainly to people who like acting out violence and interacting with a visually impressive visual novella, and Wii (U) appeals mainly to people who like intense gameplay with classic arcade levels of challenge and player input.

There is no competition, really. They are practically different types of media.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 04, 2013, 08:47:36 PM
The systems just cater to different tastes. PS360 appeals mainly to people who like acting out violence and interacting with a visually impressive visual novella, and Wii (U) appeals mainly to people who like intense gameplay with classic arcade levels of challenge and player input.

There is no competition, really. They are practically different types of media.

You can get both those things on PC. :smug
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 04, 2013, 08:49:46 PM
Yeah, they do that.  Had Sony reps play dumb with me on drive failures on PS1s and PS2s and an MS rep play dumb with me on my first RRoD, too.

There's a reason they do that.  You win a no-prize if you're clever enough to figure out why.

i'm guessing either to prevent a possibly legally significant admission that their shit sucks (if they tell everyone they know about the problem, those people might become a class and sue) or because they might try to weasel out of fixing it somehow?
The systems just cater to different tastes. PS360 appeals mainly to people who like acting out violence and interacting with a visually impressive visual novella, and Wii (U) appeals mainly to people who like intense gameplay with classic arcade levels of challenge and player input.

There is no competition, really. They are practically different types of media.

:rofl   is this guy serious or a clever troll
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 04, 2013, 09:03:19 PM
ah, yes, the classic arcade days, i remember them well, the happy hours i spent at the mall scraping my fingernail across a tiny screen to fling the power pellets into pac-man's mouth
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 04, 2013, 10:05:19 PM
Remember jamming on Turkey in the Straw in the arcades with your buddies after school? Good times.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archie4208 on January 04, 2013, 10:34:59 PM
The systems just cater to different tastes. PS360 appeals mainly to people who like acting out violence and interacting with a visually impressive visual novella, and Wii (U) appeals mainly to people who like intense gameplay with classic arcade levels of challenge and player input.

There is no competition, really. They are practically different types of media.

PS360 - Hollywood gaming
Wii U - Bollywood gaming

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 04, 2013, 11:00:05 PM
PS360 = Hollywood Gaming
Wii U = 3am Paid Programming
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: benjipwns on January 04, 2013, 11:03:58 PM
Wii U = 3am Paid Programming
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 04, 2013, 11:49:07 PM
Ahhh yes, the classic player input archetypes of touch screens and wand waggle.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 12:31:19 AM
It has the best difficulty curve of any 2D Mario. Also:

Guess which console this is on?

Also see:

I guess nintendo kiddies have forgotten that "hard" doesn't mean standing on a slowly moving platform for several seconds avoiding coins.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on January 05, 2013, 02:06:05 AM
We already established that Wii is Bollywood Gaming. Wii U is Dollywood Gaming.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: tiesto on January 05, 2013, 02:20:42 AM
It has the best difficulty curve of any 2D Mario. Also:

Guess which console this is on?

Also see:

I guess nintendo kiddies have forgotten that "hard" doesn't mean standing on a slowly moving platform for several seconds avoiding coins.

Was reading your article and found a good portion of it interesting but strongly disagree with your notion that the turn-based RPG genre is "casual" - I don't think a Farmville/Wiisports person would be able to handle SMT Nocturne or the original Phantasy Star titles. Not to mention the huge timesink required for many of them, and the fact that grinding/savescumming isn't always a solution (due to certain RPGs having level caps and most having limited save points).
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 02:44:00 AM
You're right, it's a very cheeky definition of casual that turns most RPGs status as 'hardcore' on their head. Nocturne bucks that trend by being not only grindy but difficult on top of that. And I read about the satan fight in DDS2.. good grief.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on January 05, 2013, 02:47:43 AM
In most turn-based RPGs you can easily adjust the difficulty yourself with your equipment or by avoiding to grind. For instance the final boss battle in the first Digital Devil Saga game was extremely difficult for me since I was severely underleved for it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 05:24:08 AM
uh oh, andrex has activated one of mjmermaid's strongest aspie points

What is he talking about?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 06:48:24 AM
Oh I thought there was more to it. He just doesn't know what difficulty actually is.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 05, 2013, 07:05:47 AM
Andrex,please open new thread about game difficulty.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 07:14:36 AM
It's not something worth arguing over and I'm kind of spent from the NDA thing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 05, 2013, 08:29:10 AM
For me its difficult to believe you prefer Nintendo consoles and games, now thats hard.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 05, 2013, 08:45:34 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 11:41:59 AM
go read the link to his site that he posted.  he's got a very specific and narrow view of what constitutes difficulty
No, I didn't define "difficulty" in that article. I defined some guidelines for games on the list. And if that's aspie then so is every game designer who's ever had to think about such things.

Oh I thought there was more to it. He just doesn't know what difficulty actually is.
Using "actually" to pretend your opinion is a fact. Pretty common fallacy.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 12:35:05 PM
I'm not going to debate English semantics, and I stand by my statement of NSMBU's difficulty curve relative to past entries. That's why I was perplexed by your interjection. Didn't actually seem related to what I said, just a way for you to spread around the blog link your undoubtedly proud of.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 01:01:21 PM
Didn't actually seem related to what I said, just a way for you to spread around the blog link your undoubtedly proud of.
Presumptive strawmanning, more "actually". No surprise that the local Nintendo fanboy is logically bankrupt.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 01:05:59 PM
Goddamn I like mj.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: demi on January 05, 2013, 01:19:18 PM
MJ is pretty strict on his views on difficulty, but I don't think he's wrong either. Just how he prefers to play his games.

If it helps, that video Andrex posted is pretty laughable for difficulty. Oooh no don't get the coins! :eek:
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 01:27:18 PM
Didn't actually seem related to what I said, just a way for you to spread around the blog link your undoubtedly proud of.
Presumptive strawmanning, more "actually". No surprise that the local Nintendo fanboy is logically bankrupt.

What am I strawmanning? :lol

And "didn't seem" is supposed to be taken to mean it's my subjective viewpoint. I was inquiring you to point out specifics. "Actually" doesn't always mean I'm making an objective observation.

Care to respond to my actual post? How does that blog post or anything you responded to my post with relate to what I said about NSMBU's difficulty curve relative to the rest of the series?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 05, 2013, 01:43:58 PM
I think the Nintendo rep I talked to the other day was Andrex.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 05:17:27 PM
I was replying to the platforming video he posted. Nothing to do with 'curves'.

The silly thing is I didn't even attempt to define "difficulty" in that article. It's a list of hard games, none of which are on the Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 05:30:26 PM
dislike your action platformer game list mj. there are far more harder platformers than...yoshi's island. or...klonoa 2.

your list also doesn't include obvious games like starcraft.

This was on  your site:

"No traditional RPG has a useful scoring/ranking systems that penalizes grinding or poor play"

In FFX-2 if you kill 10 enemies of a specific type in a location, that type is forever 'oversouled'. Kill 10 bombs in a dungeon? all bombs are now oversouled. Oversouled enemies are more powerful, have more punch. This includes bosses, so if the boss of that dungeon is a bomb, you fight a harder boss. Now FFX-2 isn't really challenging, but saying that there are not systems in rpgs that don't discourage grinding would be false. In X-2 particular, there is a 100 floor dungeon, and by the end of it, about every enemy type will be oversoul'd.

I also fail to see how rpgs aren't hard while platformers are. Platformers are just memorization and (occasionally) reflex. Just like how rpgs are mostly puzzle solving skills.

Have you ever played Baldur's Gate II? You cannot grind in that game, but if you go to a location out of order you will probably be butt raped and strategy will be your only solace.

More than that, many games allow you to grind that aren't unique to rpgs. If you want to, you can grind DMC3 and get fully leveled up weapons and skillset by grinding out red orbs.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Huff on January 05, 2013, 05:38:37 PM
he did mention multiplayer games like starcraft, but this wasn't a list about them, single player games online if i recall
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 05, 2013, 05:38:50 PM
Rpgs dont need the level of memorization and timing that platformers do, in rpgs you have fixed patterns where good platformers are build about then idea of first getting you in a flow and then screwing that up.

Its arbitrary to say whats harder as one person might find timing button presses harder while another might find it harder to micro manage inventories and plan a battle.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 05:41:19 PM
In breath of fire:dragon quarter you have x amount of time to beat the game. You cannot grind because every enemy encounter is unique, much like a strategy game. If the timer elapses, the game is over. Saves are limited to coins, and coins are rare (think typewriters in resident evil). certain abilities such as dragon powers increase dragon counter time, giving you less time to continue the game. You are tasked with balancing efficiency with strategy to maximize time saving efforts in order to beat the game.

It is an rpg.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 05, 2013, 05:43:32 PM
That still sounds like minmaxing rpg stuff though.

Either this or that.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 05:44:28 PM
It's not minmaxing.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 05, 2013, 05:47:52 PM
I know thats the wrong term for this, i just mean if you boil it down it sounds like any other rpg choice. Thats ok but its a different type of skillset being addressed.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 05:52:18 PM
It's not simple. Resources are limited, you have to plan carefully and not use your shit all the time, if you save a lot you will run out of save coins, you cannot grind. Dragon Quarter is no cakewalk.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 05:56:11 PM
Also, Wii U does have a challenging game.


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 06:22:25 PM
Tell me about my human qualities

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on January 05, 2013, 07:05:33 PM
go read the link to his site that he posted.  he's got a very specific and narrow view of what constitutes difficulty
No, I didn't define "difficulty" in that article. I defined some guidelines for games on the list. And if that's aspie then so is every game designer who's ever had to think about such things.

What's aspie about your guidelines for difficulty is how specific and stringent they are.  The metrics you use to talk about difficulty seem to be there to boost the games you like while dismissing the games you don't.  Moreover, you'll brook no quarrel with your system.  It's very much the kind of self-focused behavior consistent with Asperger's.  So is the idea that you're trying to Gotcha me on the definition thing.  No, strictly speaking you did not define difficulty at the link, but your personal definition is quite clear even from reading that one page.

You're obviously a very smart guy.  You also very obviously have issues with interpersonal communication.  Don't let it get you down, tiger.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

I see 2013 is off to a fine start  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 05, 2013, 07:50:37 PM
Look, you're a robot and have no personality. It's no big thing; we all have issues. For instance, I'm too honest.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 05, 2013, 07:58:59 PM
You have a personality; it's just very cold and repulsive. I'm afraid you're going to kill us all.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 05, 2013, 07:59:14 PM
I can't decide if this thread is getting even worse than the wii U, or better than the SNES
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 05, 2013, 08:13:07 PM
You cant kill a roach but you kill here all the time, were lower then roaches??? REALLY?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 05, 2013, 09:37:53 PM
You have a personality; it's just very cold and repulsive. I'm afraid you're going to kill us all.

Haha, I can't even bring myself to kill a cockroach.  Don't worry, fella. 

But hey, you spent a little while in Winnipeg.  I spent most of my life there or near there.  Maybe that explains my prickly nature somewhat.

You merely adopted Winnipeg. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see light until I was a young man. At that point it was completely blinding.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 05, 2013, 09:50:03 PM
What guidelines or metrics? "boost games I like"? It's not a list of games I like. You make a false accusation then back it up with undefined assumptions. Do you have an argument or just assumptions and e-psych insults? Your wannabe e-psychology is very insulting, rude, and wrong. You rag on my "human qualities" while being an asshole completely unprovoked.

"Moreover, you'll brook no quarrel with your system." - Not true at all. However, it is difficult to have a conversation with people who can't tell the difference between opinions and facts, make false accusations and assumptions, or start up with the insults and wannabe e-psychology, etc.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 09:59:36 PM
I was replying to the platforming video he posted. Nothing to do with 'curves'.

Oh, well I was talking about difficulty curves. Maybe that's why I was confused when you barreled in and started talking about something not that related.

As for the video it's probably up there with the hardest levels officially made in a Mario game. It kind of doesn't count when talking purely about the single player modes, since it's in a separate mode, but I still think it's interesting Nintendo is capable of making a level like that. I never said "THIS IS THE HARDEST LEVEL OF ANY GAME EVER", I was clearly talking within the Mario series. In that sense, only Lost Levels ever really comes close to what's demonstrated in that video.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: benjipwns on January 05, 2013, 10:24:43 PM
That doesn't seem to be all that much harder or different in design from a lot of the airships in Mario 3 for example. (Then there's World 8.)

All that level says to me is be patient. There's hardly any enemies and even the jumping flames are not in your face. Aspects of the Lost Levels and occasionally other Mario levels (often ones that auto-scroll) sometimes seem to be saying "too bad lol" when the various elements line up wrong.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: headwalk on January 05, 2013, 10:33:04 PM
Ehn, don't worry about it, mj.  I like your writing, I don't like your personality that comes across in your writing, and you're not incorrect in your assumption that I'm a rude asshole.  I'm just a random Internet guy, and of little consequence.

more of this. levity is all well and good, but sometimes i just want fireworks.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 10:56:27 PM
That doesn't seem to be all that much harder or different in design from a lot of the airships in Mario 3 for example. (Then there's World 8.)

All that level says to me is be patient. There's hardly any enemies and even the jumping flames are not in your face. Aspects of the Lost Levels and occasionally other Mario levels (often ones that auto-scroll) sometimes seem to be saying "too bad lol" when the various elements line up wrong.

It's a different experience from the SMB3 airships when playing it, but it's hard for me to quantify why that is. Maybe it's because although self-regulated, you really can't get even one coin. Aside from that, dodging coins on the moving platforms, around enemies, the donut holes making it impossible to stand still, the giant spike balls you have to rush in front of, the constant fireballs coming out of the lava, etc. all enhance the difficulty at a level above those airship levels.

I agree that LL depends a little too much on luck and getting things to line up right, like those damn annoying koopas you need to jump on to get over a bottomless pit. If those don't line up for you, which they don't for seemingly random reasons on occasion, then you're pretty much screwed. But when I referenced it I was more talking about levels like the one where you have the wind blowing you and you have to use the spring to land on 1x1 platforms or die. That's a far more similar feeling to NSMBU's more difficult challenges than SMB3's airships, I feel.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Positive Touch on January 05, 2013, 11:22:50 PM
the true mario hell level
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 05, 2013, 11:24:50 PM
the true mario hell level

Even harder in the original version.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2013, 11:30:44 PM
the true mario hell level

fuck this game
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Positive Touch on January 05, 2013, 11:38:03 PM
think i used 50 continues getting thru that p.o.s.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 06, 2013, 07:26:47 AM
the true mario hell level

fuck this game

a Mario game with a challenge :omg
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 06, 2013, 11:42:01 AM
Well since my Wii U is at repair at Nintendo, should I get NSMBU? I heard mixed things about that game. Right now I only have Nintendoland.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 06, 2013, 11:49:24 AM
That level looks hard as hell, did you guys play super meat boy?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread. Unyeah.
Post by: Cascade on January 06, 2013, 12:23:39 PM
Surely there must be someone at Nintendo HQ that sees they are eroding their legacy and without it there won't be much left. If they play the casual cheapskates game for too long some other toy will come along and they will be gone.

At least Sega went out in style.
The thing about Nintendo, and this has always been true - always - is that they aren't "cheap" so much as they don't overspend where they feel it's counter productive.

The enthusiast game fan, in a sense, wants as much as possible, all the time. Always the highest possible production values, etc. However, this may be irrelevant to the mainstream and the average game customer. The average person, despite some stereotypes that enthusiasts like to build up, doesn't accept pure crap. Certain qualities will turn the mainstream off a product. But they're not really in it for seeing "the art" pushed to the extreme for the sake of it.

This is why COD remains popular even though enthusiasts scoff at the series and try to frame it in the worst possible light; because it does pay attention to nailing certain fundamentals that the mainstream player base desires.

Nintendo uses "production values" where they think they're warranted and can make a nice experience. 3D Mario gets big production values, I strongly suspect, not just because it's 3D. Rather, 3D Mario is about a tactile playground that requires a sophisticated 3D engine with great performance to fully realize in a game play sense. Because the tech is already there, it allows Nintendo's typically strong art department to throw in a lot of nice stuff without focusing on graphics only for the sake of graphics and no other practical benefit. 3D Zelda games also get higher production values in order to render a fantasy world the player is meant to explore in detail, and to create a mood for it. Metroid Prime games had larger budgets to render a dense Metroid world in 3D, etc, and so forth.

Back in the day, Nintendo spend very little on the "production value" side of games like Super Mario World. Only Yoshi's Island was a game where they went all out technologically, because the visual theme both invited it, and required a lot of detail, splashy graphics, and animation to fully realize. The NSMB series seems to have been treated like Mario World; basic visuals, focused on clarity over everything else, nothing to turn off or weird out the mainstream customer. (How people so easily forget that back in the 90s, Yoshi's Island was mocked and trolled hard by gamers and even Nintendo fans for its childish babby graphics. Who wants to play a video game made of crayons? It's the Wind Waker effect.)

To me the biggest real annoyance with NSMB, I would agree, is music reuse - though some of this comes down to taste. People don't complain when the same SMB3 theme is used for the tenth time in a Mario platformer, because they worship that soundtrack. By comparison, NSMB gets nearly pathological hate because everyone got together and decided to insist "bah bah" is the worst thing ever in a game, so they will not treat these tracks as "classics" we should hear over and over.

Ironically, I think the new primary level theme in NSMB U is actually quite nice, and possibly the best piece of music in the NSMB series. The new overworld musics are also very good. I do wonder if Nintendo reused so much of the music due to branding, and preserving what the average person expects to hear from a NSMB title. Again - we don't bitch and gripe when we hear Nintendo music we approve of for the Nth time in a new game. Then it's "a proper preservation of the classics" ;)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 06, 2013, 01:28:58 PM
If SMW was just SMB3 regurgitated again I think it would have gotten the same complaints that 'bah bah' does
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 06, 2013, 02:18:35 PM
Well since my Wii U is at repair at Nintendo, should I get NSMBU? I heard mixed things about that game. Right now I only have Nintendoland.

It's better than Nintendoland, if that's what you're asking.
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Huff on January 06, 2013, 02:28:38 PM
Santa, why would you not buy the only good game on the system?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archnemesis on January 06, 2013, 02:29:38 PM
The game is alright. I took a break when I reached world 4, but I'll get back to it eventually.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 06, 2013, 05:31:17 PM
Santa, why would you not buy the only good game on the system?

Last I heard his Wii U does not work.

thats right sent it to nintendo. No idea how long it will take to get it back.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 06, 2013, 05:36:58 PM
Santa, why would you not buy the only good game on the system?

Last I heard his Wii U does not work.

thats right sent it to nintendo. No idea how long it will take to get it back.

Till next-gen.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 06, 2013, 05:44:34 PM
Sorry cascade im on my phone cant reply to that! Fair post though.

That level looks hard as hell, did you guys play super meat boy?

The main difference is that one of those games is aimed at 10% of video game players while the other is aimed at everyone and their grandma. 

Though having played both all the way through, I will say that while Meat has higher moments of difficulty, it rarely demands the same level of continuous skill/luck as SMB2 does at times.  It also doesn't kick you back to beginning of the game if you run through a meager amount of lives.

I pretty much live for fuckhard action/platform games.  SMB2 has my respect in terms of challenge.  There are many harder games, but it's definitely hard enough that most gamers would not finish it before giving up, and that's crazy for a Mario game.  Maybe you should try it before dismissing it?  I know that's asking a lot of you.

Uhm are you asking me to play super mario bros 2?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 06, 2013, 05:55:14 PM
Though having played both all the way through, I will say that while Meat has higher moments of difficulty, it rarely demands the same level of continuous skill/luck as SMB2 does at times.  It also doesn't kick you back to beginning of the game if you run through a meager amount of lives.

Neither does SMB2j if you hold select or start (I forget which) on the game over screen. Just sends you to the start of the world. Which in World 8 is almost as bad as starting the whole fricking thing over again, but still.

I forget how but All Stars version babbyfied this somehow.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archie4208 on January 06, 2013, 06:07:26 PM
Super Meat Boy isn't that hard if you're persistent.  Most levels can be completed in less than a minute, you have infinite lives and the game quickly respawns you at the beginning of the level.

SMB2j is probably harder considering all the points Oscar raised a few posts back.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 06, 2013, 06:33:16 PM
speaking of tough 8-bit games. I could never beat the original batman for NES. I made it to the joker and died.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 06, 2013, 06:36:53 PM
The fact you have limited lives doesnt make it harder just more annoying to replay the same level. Its more "grindy", super meat boy distills the experience to what its about.

Btw i never finished meat boy or any mario platformer I think. Unless mario 64 counts :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 06, 2013, 06:38:45 PM
I was thinking about that today as I played Super Mario 3d Land. Lives are such an outdated concept in 2012 with the exception of a few games. In Mario, I got a game over. I don't have as many 1ups as Experiment. All it did was put me at the beginning of the world, with all my progress saved, and I had to retry the level I died on again.

Shit is redundant.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 06, 2013, 06:40:26 PM
Though having played both all the way through, I will say that while Meat has higher moments of difficulty, it rarely demands the same level of continuous skill/luck as SMB2 does at times.  It also doesn't kick you back to beginning of the game if you run through a meager amount of lives.

Neither does SMB2j if you hold select or start (I forget which) on the game over screen. Just sends you to the start of the world. Which in World 8 is almost as bad as starting the whole fricking thing over again, but still.

I forget how but All Stars version babbyfied this somehow.

I don't factor cheat codes into a game's difficulty, generally, but yes, there is a continue cheat that lets you start from the beginning of the world you died on.  All-Stars lets you save level by level.

I wouldn't consider that a cheat, more of an easter egg.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 06, 2013, 06:53:21 PM
I enjoyed reading that explanation.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 06, 2013, 07:16:38 PM
Eh... I guess. I still think it feels different though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on January 06, 2013, 09:55:04 PM
it's like the famous konami easter egg
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 06, 2013, 10:02:11 PM
The word you're looking for is execution. Being able to perform a series of inputs without making a mistake. Pretty common term in fighting games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Purple Filth on January 07, 2013, 01:22:55 PM

Such a great partnership EA is having with Nintendo so far  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 07, 2013, 01:38:00 PM

Such a great partnership EA is having with Nintendo so far  :lol

Is it because:

A) Lazy devs don't want to port their games to the Wii U
B) Lazy pubs are too afraid to compete with Nintendo games
C) Lazy retailers aren't pushing the Wii U on customers hard enough
D) Lazy casual gamers don't buy enough MATOOR 3rd party games

You have 5 seconds to answer.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: bork on January 07, 2013, 01:44:28 PM

Such a great partnership EA is having with Nintendo so far  :lol
2013's biggest releases all seem to be overlooking the Wii U, with DmC: Devil May Cry, Dead Space 3, and BioShock Infinite all sticking to what they know. Do they feel the Wii U is only good for "gimmicky" games, or do they feel the system's not successful enough? It's doubtful anybody in the industry will confess the real reason.

Either way, it's feeling like a real waste to those who enjoy the console, and it doesn't look good.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 07, 2013, 01:51:05 PM
1. It's a new system architecture that has to be learned
2. Sony and Microsoft have new systems coming out in less than a year [which will also have to be learned]
3. Wii U software isn't selling
4. Wii U hardware isn't selling

There's virtually no short-term benefit [since the games won't sell] and there's no long-term benefit [because games like that will sell better on next-generation systems]. Given limited resources and a tepid market, it's far better to take that money and put it towards getting games on those upcoming systems instead.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 07, 2013, 01:57:43 PM
Well this news has certainly upset quite a few people around internet.

Why do we need Crysis anyway?
Crysis should stick to PC
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: MCD on January 07, 2013, 01:59:21 PM
Let's be honest, Crysis is a benchmark tool, not a game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 07, 2013, 02:02:31 PM
Let's be honest, Crysis is a benchmark tool, not a game.

it's a pretty awesome game...well Crysis 1 is.  but i'm not sure why wiiu owners are suddenly interested in it.   Did anyone think it was coming to wiiu?
Title: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Huff on January 07, 2013, 02:04:04 PM
all 3rd party games are coming to the wiiu. they just can't say because of NDA
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archie4208 on January 07, 2013, 02:08:42 PM
The Crysis games are better than people give them credit for.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Himu on January 07, 2013, 02:14:18 PM
all 3rd party games are coming to the wiiu. they just can't say because of NDA

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on January 07, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
Crysis 2 was actually pretty good. Can't say I'm really excited for 3 since it looks like a cash grab of engine reuse, but it will probably be at least decent. Either way its a loss for the Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 07, 2013, 02:27:58 PM
all 3rd party games are coming to the wiiu. they just can't say because of NDA

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 07, 2013, 02:31:48 PM
all 3rd party games are coming to the wiiu. they just can't say because of NDA


Is what I would say if I took myself too seriously. :P
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: mjemirzian on January 07, 2013, 02:45:33 PM
The Official WII U thread of lazy devs and heroic hard working devs tragically under NDAs

Some of the stuff I wrote that is up on that blog is pretty outdated. Believe it or not I've changed how I think about things, and you can even see on this thread that I'm willing to concede points that people have brought up. I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off with old rants I forgot I'd written and no longer agree with.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 07, 2013, 02:47:58 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 07, 2013, 03:00:45 PM
all 3rd party games are coming to the wiiu. they just can't say because of NDA

hopefully they'll get revealed after Nintendo unlocks the hidden secret power in the processor.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Brehvolution on January 07, 2013, 03:15:54 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 07, 2013, 03:21:10 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 07, 2013, 03:43:46 PM
Well this news has certainly upset quite a few people around internet.

Why do we need Crysis anyway?
Crysis should stick to PC

You xfag have no right to joke about Crytek :maf

And yes Crytek should stick to the PC. We would get real Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 then, miles ahead of PS360 titles.

Certainly I do FF sfeggit.Played the first one on PC back in 2007.

I own Crysis1,2 on XBL.

btw,Crysis 2 is a much better game than tech demo called Crysis.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: benjipwns on January 07, 2013, 04:00:08 PM
The real story here is that Nintendo was trying to protect us from EA's price-gouging and unfair business practices:
8 months before E3 and many months after this is what it was like between EA and Nintendo. Nintendo noticed that many people commended EA's online system and netcode they did for their Wii games (Madden, Medal of Honor, ect) so they asked them if they could work on contract to help build the core online ecosystem for their next gen console. EA provide a ton of consoling to Nintendo, such as how to make low-latency net code, username account systems, social networks and more. While other companies did provide input as well, EA made sure to provide the most input and support for the Wii U's R&D.

As an reward, EA received development kits even before Ubisoft, Valve or Tecmo Koei. Many of EA's studios were interested, especially Bioware who have been wanting to put their own games on a Nintendo system for ages and finally had the technical ability to do it with a Mass Effect Trilogy port and Dragon Age 3 on slate for the system.

Here comes the problem. At a meeting in Kyoto, a month or so after Peter Moore visited them, Nintendo of Japan showed EA their new Nintendo Network and Miiverse online system for Wii U. They wanted to congratulate them helping them with the support and paid them for their counseling.

This is where reportedly EA according to my friends who were at the meeting the core executives at EA got greedy. They then offered this deal to Nintendo where EA could go further with the online system adding smartphone/tablet functionality, communities, Facebook and Twitter interactions and more. Better netcode and something that would truly rival X-Box Live and PSN.

The catch? Nintendo would have to make the Nintendo Network for Wii U officially part of Origin and run Origin's interface and netcode. Ergo, Nintendo Network would be an Origin-exclusive network.

Nintendo actually did debate for a minute if they should accept EA's deal, but they quickly decided (and put their foot down) that there was WAY more harm than good doing this. Even though Nintendo Network can link to Origin and it's servers, having the core network running on Origin would provide quality control issues. For example, if EA wanted to sell some low end DLC for $50 each when realistically consumers would buy it only for $5, EA could do this without Nintendo having any say since it was their network and not Nintendo's. Also, if a rival company let's say Activision wanted to put Modern Warfare 4 on Wii U, EA could give Activison the WORST netcode and support resources while putting all their back into Battlefield 4, thus making a rival look worse than EA"s products.

These unfair business possibilities and consumer complaints on Origin for PC made Nintendo reject EA's offering for Origin and instead opted to keep the platform open to it's own internal network and able to link/patch in other networks such as Steam and uPlay.

This, like the PSN vs. Capcom incident that caused MH4 to jump ship, destroyed any momentum that Nintendo had with EA for Wii U. While EA still likes Wii U and will support it, from what I understand unless the launch titles or future titles sell way beyond expectations, EA will simply "throw Wii U bones" by putting some multiplatform games without giving them any real budgets. This means we are going to get low quality in terms of budget and manpower ports of various EA games with no soul behind them and thus the original agreement of ME3, FIFA and Madden are gimped and the developers have only that small budget to work with.

Ironically, the good thing that came out of this is that other 3rd parties praised Nintendo. This especially pleased Ubisoft, who was head over heels with the system to begin with and this move further solidified their partnership with the Big N. In a way, Nintendo lost EA and gained the entire good side of Ubisoft instead.

This also gave props to Valve, who also loves the system and since they are hard at work for 5 games in the next three years next year they will show off games for Wii U, starting with a multiplat Left 4 Dead prequel announcement for Q1/Q2 2013.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 07, 2013, 04:08:55 PM
Should be easy to disprove that entire post, we just have to wait and see if a L4D prequel is announced for Wii U in the next few months.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 07, 2013, 04:23:54 PM
The real news here is that Valve is working on 5 games.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 07, 2013, 04:30:22 PM
The real news here is that Valve is working on 5 games.

Gotta have something on the Steam Box, it runs Linux you know.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: SantaC on January 07, 2013, 04:30:56 PM
speaking of tough 8-bit games. I could never beat the original batman for NES. I made it to the joker and died.

That gun of his is brutal, but if you can dodge it, he leaves huge openings.  I was able to do it when I was a kid, and it felt like such a big victory at that time. When I went back for a replay a couple years ago, he wasn't too bad at all.  I bet you could beat him without much trouble now, Santa.

well yeah I was probably around 8 or 9 at the time, so I would probably be able to beat it right now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 07, 2013, 04:50:06 PM
Always wondered why Valve never ported the L4D series over to PS3. They got pretty chummy with Sony during the Portal 2 release, and it probably would have sold pretty well.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: cool breeze on January 07, 2013, 05:04:50 PM
The real news here is that Valve is working on 5 games.

ricochet 2, alien swarm 2, the rumored space sim game, day of the defeat global offensive, and DOTA2 (technically it hasn't been released yet)

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 07, 2013, 05:21:18 PM
Hasnt that space sim game been canned?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: archie4208 on January 07, 2013, 05:53:24 PM
Hasnt that space sim game been canned?

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Tasty on January 07, 2013, 09:51:27 PM
I demand more venom from you Oscar. :wag You're not wearing the disenfranchised old curmudgeon hat very scintillatingly.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 07, 2013, 10:06:00 PM
Wait, Oscar is being apologetic? What happened to you, man, what happened. :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 07, 2013, 10:17:26 PM
Gettin' old.

But...what? That doesn't make sense! Aren't people supposed to get even more bitter and curmudgeonly as they age? Or...are you, like, Brad Pitt in that one movie where he already really old when he born and he got younger as he aged? Is that what's happening, Oscar?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: maxy on January 08, 2013, 08:54:34 AM
@CastlevaniaLOS Will the Wii U get some LOS 2 love? # Pleasesayyes

@danielwayne - Sorry to disappoint you but no chance.

Good thing that nobody cares about CastlevaniaLOS 2

lazy something

had to post this awesome gif,just in the case of need

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: DCharlieJP on January 08, 2013, 10:01:08 AM
You know what sets off my bullshitometer?

Quotes akin to "so my friends were in a meeting of the top executives of company A and company B discussing top level company strategy.... in Kyoto"

Maybe I'm all jaded but unless their friends are top executives it seems extremely unlikely - lol, not like there aren't other give always in that mass of text
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Tasty on January 08, 2013, 10:07:32 AM
Well I can confirm it's true since I read Iwata's internal blog.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of lazy devs, lazy pubs and lazy retailers.
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 08, 2013, 10:59:45 AM

Good thing that nobody cares about CastlevaniaLOS 2

They do now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: maxy on January 08, 2013, 11:01:11 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: maxy on January 08, 2013, 11:26:34 AM
He doesn't care.He is waiting for Nintendo to activate plan B.

B as Badass
Title: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2013, 11:35:16 AM
I never played a single Lego game. What exactly am I missing? Is the Lego coat skin-deep or does it go deeper in the design?
Title: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2013, 11:36:50 AM
Now copy/paste that post in the Vita thread and ask if Takao is ok, Borys. lol.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Momo on January 08, 2013, 11:48:13 AM
That other Lego game you posted a video to looked fucking great
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Tasty on January 08, 2013, 11:53:57 AM
DC > Marvel.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 08, 2013, 12:02:32 PM
DC > Marvel.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Momo on January 08, 2013, 12:19:11 PM
It's not even close, DC annihilates Marvel
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Tasty on January 08, 2013, 12:23:05 PM
It's not even close, DC annihilates Marvel

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: mjemirzian on January 08, 2013, 12:24:18 PM
Thanks Oscar. Sorry again.

Those Lego games are way more fun and playable than they have any right to be.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Rahxephon91 on January 08, 2013, 12:32:00 PM
Hey a marvel lego game. Finally a lego game I could care about. Hope the X-men get some love in this Avengers world.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 08, 2013, 12:33:06 PM
I never played a single Lego game. What exactly am I missing? Is the Lego coat skin-deep or does it go deeper in the design?

I think the appeal was you can play them with your kids. I downloaded a demo once.

Lego Undercover Wii U looks like an adult game though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: hampster on January 08, 2013, 12:44:25 PM
Now copy/paste that post in the Vita thread and ask if Takao is ok, Borys. lol.

No one cares about the Lego games on Vita because they're always the dumb 3DS ones and not the superior console ones
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: bork on January 08, 2013, 12:58:44 PM


Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U , Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, PC.


Black Widow looks like a fat Kirstie Alley. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Huff on January 08, 2013, 01:21:25 PM
Now copy/paste that post in the Vita thread and ask if Takao is ok, Borys. lol.

I think he saw the recent influx of ninthings and ran away scared
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: SantaC on January 08, 2013, 01:49:29 PM
nintendo said theyre sending back my wii u tomorrow. No idea what has been done, but i bet the stupid idiots fired it up with composite cables and saw it working. It's the HDMI connection that is broken.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 08, 2013, 02:17:14 PM
Oh boy, another Lego game. I hope it has some barely entertaining platforming, a million characters I don't care about unlocking and a dozen cutscenes where one hero is the butt of all the jokes.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Third on January 08, 2013, 02:50:57 PM
People still play the Lego games?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Steve Contra on January 08, 2013, 03:05:26 PM
Yes, most of them are called "children" You've probably seen some at some point. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on January 08, 2013, 03:19:51 PM
Yes, most of them are called "children" You've probably seen some at some point.

oh, you mean Nintendo fans
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: archie4208 on January 08, 2013, 03:47:43 PM
Yes, most of them are called "children" You've probably seen some at some point.

oh, you mean Nintendo fans

He said "children", not "manchildren". 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 08, 2013, 05:11:36 PM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: maxy on January 08, 2013, 05:16:51 PM
In short,3D sucks.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: archnemesis on January 08, 2013, 05:17:01 PM
That doesn't surprise me at all. 3DS is an awful name for a new system, especially when it has almost the same appearance as the DSL and the market is filled with 3D TVs.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 08, 2013, 05:20:23 PM
not to mention 4 previous DS models/systems, which were all the same system.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: archnemesis on January 08, 2013, 05:38:16 PM
Yep, if there were any games for the Wii U it would have similar complaints.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 08, 2013, 05:47:11 PM
"mr. iwata, our focus tests show that people are confusing the WiiU with the original Wii."

"The name stays.  How can we fight the brand confusion?"

"Our research shows that the cheapest way would be to not release any games at all for it, cutting the problem off at the head." 

"Perfect! Lets go with that.  You guys are geniuses.  Wal-Mart brand cokes on me tonight." 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 08, 2013, 05:53:20 PM
Normally id say these people are stupid but between DS, DS Lite, DS XL, DSi and 3DS id get confused too if I was a normal person thats picking up a gift.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 08, 2013, 06:34:12 PM
People still play the Lego games?

Yeah, kids love them, and their parents can play with them, too.  Not much appeal there for a single adult hardcore gamer, though.

it won't light up my man cave?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 08, 2013, 06:41:20 PM
i heard lego batman 2 was quite good and strays a bit from the formula
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: pilonv1 on January 08, 2013, 06:58:58 PM
Sounds just like the Harry Potter one, except there's a lot of stuff and hidden characters in the main world. Still need to play the second one.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 08, 2013, 08:42:20 PM
Yep, if there were any games for the Wii U it would have similar complaints.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: cool breeze on January 09, 2013, 02:01:50 PM
nyko is releasing an internal battery that nearly triples the battery life of the tablet

nintendo was kind enough to give them the space to work with  :heart
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of 2013 3rd Party Titles behind NDAs
Post by: SantaC on January 09, 2013, 03:14:06 PM
nyko is releasing an internal battery that nearly triples the battery life of the tablet

nintendo was kind enough to give them the space to work with  :heart

how kind of them releasing a shitty stock battery.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Damian79 on January 10, 2013, 03:11:40 AM
You know i am wondering if Nintendo is willing to refund all the Wii U's because fo their collossal failure on all fronts?  I mean 3 gig patch... really?  There is a limit for everyone.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 10, 2013, 08:53:10 AM
See, at least Activision isn't lazy.  Get with it, devs.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 10, 2013, 09:06:25 AM

Are these Wii U screens? Because, real talk, the soft lighting cast on the character looks very natural.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 10, 2013, 09:09:35 AM
The Walking Dead FPS from Activision


It's like he's saying "Me and you. Rape dumpster. Now."
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 10, 2013, 09:18:46 AM
The Walking Dead FPS from Activision


It's like he's saying "Me and you. Rape dumpster. Now."

It's not technically rape if I willingly lead the way~
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Brehvolution on January 10, 2013, 10:02:13 AM
Watch it outsell ZombiU 10:1.

They'd have to sell 1 Zombieoooooo first.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 10, 2013, 11:15:28 AM
Nobody who was stupid enough to buy a WiiU deserves a refund.  Put your hand in the fire, you deserve to get burned.  Maybe it'll teach you something.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: bork on January 10, 2013, 11:21:24 AM
Can someone make a "deal with it" .gif from this?

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: headwalk on January 10, 2013, 04:14:29 PM

you can trust nintendo to stop predator uncles from grooming innocent children by exposing them to the filth of miiverse.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 11, 2013, 01:11:16 AM
ZombiU demo is on the eshop/wiiuware.

Seems like an interesting game.  It's one of those games where the controls feel obtuse by design.  Three zombies were chasing me and I threw a flare, then wanted to get out my grenade to blast them at once.  Switch to touch screen to open backpack inventory, tap grenade hoping to equip it, and it gives me a description of the grenade.  Had to drag the grade from my backpack to my handheld inventory, then switch to the grenade once I've left that menu, then prep to the grenade, and finally throw it--at this point the zombies all just went their separates ways and I ended up wasting the grenade.   It made the situation tense, so mission accomplished? What felt unintentionally crummy was when the tablet would drop my swipe/drag motions.

And a slight quirk with having the right stick up top is that my view goes downward when I only wanted to turn.  I guess over a decade of muscle memory does that.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 11, 2013, 05:37:36 AM
This is so stupid, this makes the WiiU look more like a new sku of regular Wii then anything.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 11, 2013, 06:36:17 AM
This is so stupid, this makes the WiiU look more like a new sku of regular Wii then anything.
The differences are both clear and obvious.
Colors    Black    Black
CPU    IBM PowerPC CPU    IBM Power®-based multi-core processor
Graphics Processing Unit    ATI/AMD GPU    AMD Radeon™-based High Definition GPU
Storage    internal flash memory, internal flash memory
Plays Wii games    •    •
Plays downloadable games    •    •
Uses Wii accessories    •    •
Can browse the Internet    •    •
Approx. 1.75 inches high, 6 inches wide  Approx. 1.8 inches high, 6.75 inches wide

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 11, 2013, 06:40:56 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 11, 2013, 08:53:43 AM

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 11, 2013, 05:33:17 PM
got my wii u working. fired up nintendo land, and it was pretty decent. Some really terrible minigames along with good ones.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 11, 2013, 05:34:59 PM
Battle Quest is pretty fun if you have someone to play with.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 11, 2013, 05:38:17 PM
Battle Quest is pretty fun if you have someone to play with.

that mario chase one was just hide and seek. boooooring.

luigis mansion was pretty fun.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 11, 2013, 05:47:31 PM
It's a really cheap tech demo, but I actually had fun playing Mario Chase. Small things, like adding a livestream portrait of the person being chased made it memorable. None of the minigames I've tried in Nintendo Land are actually good, but it does a fairly good job of showing what the system is capable of.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 11, 2013, 05:51:14 PM
we need some new software for this one.

Sometimes I think that Nintendo dont have the resources to support a handheld and a console at the same time. It seems one of them is always going to be very dry.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 11, 2013, 06:00:49 PM
we need some new software for this one.

Sometimes I think that Nintendo dont have the resources to support a handheld and a console at the same time. It seems one of them is always going to be very dry.

Lol they're not Sony. They do both better than anyone can.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Huff on January 11, 2013, 07:05:08 PM
I've said it before, but I think Nintendo is going to struggle with HD like so many Japanese devs and that's why the output has been subpar so far
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 11, 2013, 07:11:26 PM
I've said it before, but I think Nintendo is going to struggle with HD like so many Japanese devs and that's why the output has been subpar so far

This is certainly the case, but they're also leaning on other devs to help out. Namco, Grezzo, etc.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 03:15:20 PM
battle quest refuses to start. Says point the controller to the TV. Nothing.

shitty software/hardware is shitty.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 12, 2013, 03:33:56 PM
Battle Quest? ???
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 12, 2013, 03:41:19 PM
Battle Quest? ???

Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest, part of the CULTURAL PHENOMENON Nintendoland; ffs Andrex, play a Nintendo game every once in a while.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 03:43:33 PM
Battle Quest? ???

Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest, part of the CULTURAL PHENOMENON Nintendoland; ffs Andrex, play a Nintendo game every once in a while.

his wii u is a lie confirmed!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: headwalk on January 12, 2013, 03:45:44 PM
I've said it before, but I think Nintendo is going to struggle with HD like so many Japanese devs and that's why the output has been subpar so far

This is certainly the case, but they're also leaning on other devs to help out. Namco, Grezzo, etc.

i've no doubt namco will be champing at the bit for another penny pinching subsidy after ttt2's wiiu performance.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 12, 2013, 03:55:37 PM
battle quest refuses to start. Says point the controller to the TV. Nothing.

shitty software/hardware is shitty.

wait your WiiU is still fucked?  ???

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 03:59:48 PM
battle quest refuses to start. Says point the controller to the TV. Nothing.

shitty software/hardware is shitty.

wait your WiiU is still fucked?  ???

nope i got it fixed. It actually took a week after i sent it to nintendo,
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 12, 2013, 04:33:36 PM
Do you have a wiimote plugged in? That's the controller you're supposed to point at the TV.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 05:53:41 PM
Do you have a wiimote plugged in? That's the controller you're supposed to point at the TV.

i got the wiipad and my fiance the wiimote.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 12, 2013, 06:50:13 PM
Battle Quest? ???

Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest, part of the CULTURAL PHENOMENON Nintendoland; ffs Andrex, play a Nintendo game every once in a while.

Oh lol, my Nintendoland is still in plastic wrap. Haven't been motivated to open it, plus DIGITAL ONLY FUTURE SUCKAS.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 06:50:27 PM
Is it one of those games that needs a motionplus wiimote?

yes, but it has motion+.

turns out that the single player on the wiipad is just fine. Something is up with our wiimote in that game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 12, 2013, 06:56:34 PM
Have you tried moving the sensor? I have mine at the bottom of the TV and it's quite easy to block the signal with your knees if your curled up in the couch.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 12, 2013, 06:58:46 PM
Have you tried moving the sensor? I have mine at the bottom of the TV and it's quite easy to block the signal with your knees if your curled up in the couch.

uh i checked the sensor bar and it turns out that it wasn't completely plugged in. FACEPALM.

finally works now.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 12, 2013, 08:18:26 PM
Did you have the HDMI cable plugged all the way in before, Santa?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 12, 2013, 09:05:19 PM
Did you have the HDMI cable plugged all the way in before, Santa?

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 13, 2013, 04:26:01 AM
Did you have the HDMI cable plugged all the way in before, Santa?

yes nintendo switched my model. They didnt reveal what the problem was though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 13, 2013, 08:55:03 AM
Steel Diver U

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 13, 2013, 09:16:30 AM
looks like the blimp control room you have to bust up in Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 13, 2013, 11:19:34 AM
if i was to go get a WiiU today what games would i have to get to have a unique and fun experience
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archie4208 on January 13, 2013, 12:02:25 PM
if i was to go get a WiiU today what games would i have to get to have a unique and fun experience

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MCD on January 13, 2013, 12:03:57 PM
It's totally Zwei by Shinji Mikami.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 13, 2013, 12:08:19 PM
if i was to go get a WiiU today what games would i have to get to have a unique and fun experience


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 13, 2013, 02:24:18 PM
wow the delay in the menus are just horrible. Not even Andrex can defend that shit.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 13, 2013, 02:35:02 PM
just gives you time to consider your choices, man
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: headwalk on January 13, 2013, 02:37:58 PM
just gives you time to consider your choices, man

i don't think you want nintendo fans spending too much time considering choices. hospitals are clogged up as they are.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 13, 2013, 02:38:54 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 13, 2013, 02:40:00 PM
i get so bored sometimes i debate ong etting a wiiu usually i talk myself out of it but i can feel it coming :fbm
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 13, 2013, 02:46:04 PM
wait a few months, price drop imminent
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 13, 2013, 03:09:47 PM
wow the delay in the menus are just horrible. Not even Andrex can defend that shit.

I never have. :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 13, 2013, 03:15:42 PM
wow the delay in the menus are just horrible. Not even Andrex can defend that shit.

I never have. :lol

But I thought people said that they did get better after system update. Not seeing it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 13, 2013, 03:23:24 PM
If they said that they didn't know what they were talking about.

Maybe they got confused from that botched translation news report about a December update supposedly coming to fix the speed issues, but in reality it was two patches: one in December for DQX and one "in the works, maybe" for the speed improvements.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 13, 2013, 05:09:59 PM
Thanks for reminding me of Sadness brah   :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: duckman2000 on January 13, 2013, 06:04:35 PM
Thanks for reminding me of Sadness brah   :lol

Yeah, weren't you part of that? Being polish and whatnot.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 13, 2013, 06:12:48 PM
The funniest thing about Sadness is that the project resulted in exactly as many finished games as Team ICO's work this gen.

That's not fair, Oscar. Nibris actually released one game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 13, 2013, 06:13:50 PM
The funniest thing about Sadness is that the project resulted in exactly as many finished games as Team ICO's work this gen.

That's not fair, Oscar. Nibris actually released one game.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 13, 2013, 06:16:25 PM
The funniest thing about Sadness is that the project resulted in exactly as many finished games as Team ICO's work this gen.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on January 15, 2013, 01:18:50 PM
I'm kinda like Methodis.  I came across a basic Wii U going for $200 and I'm almost tempted to just buy it because I'm bored out of my mind but I can't for the life of me figure out what exactly I'd play on the thing.  There's literally nothing out there that interests me. 

Still..... $200.  I might as well just get it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 15, 2013, 01:23:42 PM
I'm kinda like Methodis.

why would you ever say this
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 15, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
he forgot the rest of the sentence

i'm kind of like methodis; cute, handsome, attractive
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on January 15, 2013, 01:59:09 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: hampster on January 16, 2013, 12:07:53 PM
New WiiU game announced :hyper

XSEED just announced Pandora's Tower for NA, backwards compatible with WiiU's everywhere :smug
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MCD on January 16, 2013, 09:25:54 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 17, 2013, 01:08:14 AM
The Wii to Wii U transfer procedure is needlessly complicated.  Now it's telling me I'll need to redownload pretty much every virtual console game because they were on the SD card.  Why can't you just take them from the SD card  :S It downloads on the old Wii system, meaning you can't queue up downloads and go do something.

And apparently I forfeited my Lost Winds game because the only two options are: do this and lose it, or don't do it and keep it.  I got it on my iphone for free one time (and the sequel that I haven't bothered with) so w/e!

The news that Nintendo might let you play VR games on the gamepad convinced me to do it.  who am I kidding.  Nintendo will make people buy them again.

edit:  unless I'm mistaken the SD card slot is only on this thing for the Wii mode.  I wanted to back up my saves and the only two options are internal and external hard drives.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: benjipwns on January 17, 2013, 06:26:33 PM

Is anyone release surprised by this?

Nintendo have been known to be build efficient consoles. The Gamecube imho was one of the best engineered consoles of all time. On paper it was clearly inferior to the Xbox, yet in the real world the two consoles were far more evenly matched.

The Gamecube featured eDRAM, something we've seen the Xbox 360, Wii, and now Wii U feature. Its IBM PPC Gekko CPU featured double the cache of the Xbox's Intel CPU, and from all accounts despite being clocked almost half that of the Xbox's CPU it was superior in many ways. Its memory was arguarbly the best of that generation with its 1T-SRAM providing high bandwidth and low latency. The Gamecube still had less RAM then the Xbox, but due to its higher bandwidth and lower latency along with some fantastic texture compression tech from ATi the Gamecube was if anything superior in this regard. The Cube's bus configuration betwen memory, GPU, CPU, was incredibly efficient.

I'm not at all surprised to hear that in the real world the Wii U's memory bandwidth is not an issue. The CPU has as significantly larger amount of cache vs the Xbox 360 and PS3, and it also features a very short pipeline and out of order which should help prevent stalls. The MCM likely has allowed for a significantly higher bus speed between the CPU and GPU vs the HD Twins. The 32 megabytes of eDRAM on the GPU is of course a big help, so too the increased register count for the GPU iteself. No doubt like other Nintendo consoles AMD have provided some efficient texture compression** and other related hardware features to again reduce bandwidth and data sizes. Then there's the MEM1 pool which by all accounts has significantly lower latenacy then the Xbox 360 and PS3's, is also bidirectional, and with double the amount of physical memory available developers should again be able to significantly reduce memory I/O.

As per the OPs post, in the real world the Xbox 360's memory is not capable of 22 gigabytes per second or anywhere near that. The Xbox 360's bus maxes out at around 10 gigabytes per second each way, and it's bandwidth is even lower then 10 gigabytes per second when factor in over heads and stalls. The Xbox 360 also has less then 512 megabytes of RAM available to games, from memory its around 468 megabytes. This is in comparison to the Wii U's 1024 megabytes which is available to developers. A lot more memory swapping and I/O would need to occur on the Xbox 360 to over come its smaller memory capacity, where as with the Wii U developers can reduce memory reads and writes as they can store significnatly more data at a time.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 17, 2013, 08:00:31 PM


Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 17, 2013, 08:04:40 PM
Just wait for the firmware update where they increase the bandwidth :drool
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: mjemirzian on January 17, 2013, 08:50:31 PM
If you dip your Wii U in liquid nitrogen the CPU will run faster. ;)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 17, 2013, 09:34:16 PM
its literally the PS3 defense then?  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Brehvolution on January 17, 2013, 09:41:19 PM



Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: maxy on January 22, 2013, 09:09:55 AM
Iwata reveals new games for Wii U in a new Nintendo Direct EU at 15:00 (Amsterdam time) on January the 23th.


[岩田]こんばんは、任天堂の岩田です。明日23日水曜日の23時より、「Wii U Direct Nintendo Games 2013.1.23」を録画放映します。#NintendoDirectJP

Nintendo :bow2

Japanese tweet clarifies it'll be talking about first party games/services for Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MCD on January 22, 2013, 09:21:05 AM
My god, the Nintendo fans at GAF are HUNGRY.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 22, 2013, 09:23:40 AM
I predict Halo DS ported up to Wi U Pad
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MCD on January 22, 2013, 09:25:26 AM
At least port it to your dead Windows Phone first WTF MS
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 22, 2013, 09:45:14 AM
Excite !

spoiler (click to show/hide)
bikes u
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 09:46:39 AM
It's weird the UK branch is usually first to announce these things, it's becoming somewhat annoying.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Vertigo on January 22, 2013, 10:19:21 AM
So I take it this will be a game with western appeal?

Or is it because the Wii U is doing particularly pathetic in the UK that they get to announce something.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 10:44:15 AM
Usually these ND's are simultaneous in the three major regions. NoA is just predictably late to announce theirs, as usual.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 22, 2013, 11:27:37 AM
Oh man are you guys excited for wednesdayton?

This bring back memories of every nintendo console.

Draught, underwhelmaton, draught, zelda, draught, mario kart, draught, draught, draught, draught, new console.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 11:30:01 AM
Oh man are you guys excited for wednesdayton?

This bring back memories of every nintendo console.

Draught, underwhelmaton, draught, zelda, draught, mario kart, draught, draught, draught, draught, new console.

Don't forget Smash.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 11:30:36 AM
Resident Evil: Revelations

Japanese tweet clarifies it'll be talking about first party games/services for Wii U.

Lol. Unless... Nintendo bought Capcom! ZOMG
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 22, 2013, 11:31:43 AM
It'd be awesome if Sony had one of these for the Vita right about now....

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 11:35:20 AM
Weren't they gonna do another Vita Game Heaven but actually make it good? What happened with that?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 12:15:43 PM
NA Direct is gonna be at 9am EST/6am PST tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 22, 2013, 12:36:01 PM
Youre laughing now about RE revelations but in sure they will mention it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 12:43:02 PM
They probably will mention it, but it won't be close to the focus of the presentation.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 02:27:56 PM
Lol, no.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 22, 2013, 02:40:07 PM
in recent years nintendo has been good about announcing games (relatively) close to release.  time from pokemon announcement to release is something like 10 months.  about the same for pikmin 3 and wonderful 101.

so it's hard to be surprised by anything except Zelda, assuming it's not handed off to another studio, or Smash, if only because Kid Icarus (relatively) recent.  back with the wii brawl was first shown something like three years before it came out. 

retro and the galaxy 1 peoples should be 'free', right?

realistically, wii fit u or that not-wario ware game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 22, 2013, 02:45:07 PM
I've been saying since before last E3 that it's likely Retro's game will be at E3 2013.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: maxy on January 22, 2013, 04:31:15 PM
My god, the Nintendo fans at GAF are HUNGRY.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 22, 2013, 04:35:25 PM
My god, the Nintendo fans at GAF are HUNGRY.

A few of them are in the THQ thread also  :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: pilonv1 on January 22, 2013, 10:35:39 PM

I don't care what anyone says, this would make me buy a Wii U if I had some spare monies
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 22, 2013, 10:41:25 PM
no joke, it looks like an alright game.  not that I'd buy it or anything.  really reminds me simpsons hit and run. 
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 22, 2013, 10:43:24 PM
Just wait for it to get ported to the Vita.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: pilonv1 on January 22, 2013, 10:47:49 PM
Common sense tells me it's a short timed exclusive, but I'm also impatient.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 23, 2013, 03:05:16 AM
I bet it would sell a million if it was Lego Mario.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 23, 2013, 07:37:02 AM
You know what I mean Oscar  :maf
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 07:35:45 PM
I still wanna play Red Dead. Is that on Steam yet?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 23, 2013, 07:36:43 PM
I still wanna play Red Dead. Is that on Steam yet?

It's not on PC at all.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 07:52:52 PM
That's lame.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: benjipwns on January 23, 2013, 08:26:36 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 23, 2013, 08:32:18 PM
I bet it'll sell a million anyway.  Lego games on Wii outsold most games on any platform.

You don't think the lack of a license will have much of a detrimental effect?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 23, 2013, 08:35:23 PM
That's lame.

I'm sure they would if they could have, they certainly knew there was a lot (a LOT) of interest in a PC version. I think the reason they didn't is that the console game is so patchworked together it would have been  almost impossible to port. They certainly won't make the mistake of not having a PC version of the sequel, though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 23, 2013, 08:36:21 PM
X looks pretty good.

Today while I was waiting for my carryout food to get ready, I swung by a Gamestop and almost picked one up. As soon as I reached the counter I realized how little I knew about what accessories to get... So as someone who doesn't have a Wii but wants to play Wii games, is it necessary to pick up either the remote U, pro controller U, or both? Are they back compatible with Wii games? I just need the bare minimum to play what I missed. Also, does anyone want to sell their Wii games? The prices I saw were :lol

Where's this bargain bin I keep hearing about?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 08:37:51 PM

Someone plz caption this "Hater's gonna hate."
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 23, 2013, 08:39:34 PM
Someone please sell me their copy of Xenoblade 1
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 23, 2013, 08:40:32 PM
Someone please sell me their copy of Xenoblade 1

lol same
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 08:40:40 PM
So as someone who doesn't have a Wii but wants to play Wii games, is it necessary to pick up either the remote U


pro controller U, or both?


Are they back compatible with Wii games? I just need the bare minimum to play what I missed.

Pro Controller isn't BC. Wiimote+ and Nunchuk are. Get a set of those and you should be set.

Also, does anyone want to sell their Wii games? The prices I saw were :lol

Maybe. What are you looking for?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 23, 2013, 08:41:21 PM
X looks pretty good.

Today while I was waiting for my carryout food to get ready, I swung by a Gamestop and almost picked one up. As soon as I reached the counter I realized how little I knew about what accessories to get... So as someone who doesn't have a Wii but wants to play Wii games, is it necessary to pick up either the remote U, pro controller U, or both? Are they back compatible with Wii games? I just need the bare minimum to play what I missed. Also, does anyone want to sell their Wii games? The prices I saw were :lol

Where's this TheBlackStallion is hysterical I keep hearing about?

You're going to need a Wii Mote (preferably a Motion Plus) and a nunchuck at the very least.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 08:44:06 PM
That's lame.

Didn't you say you had a PS3 or something? just get it on that. It's my Game of The Generation and for good reason.

I said I wanted a PS3. It isn't complete jank in that version like Skyrim though is it?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 23, 2013, 08:49:20 PM
Maybe. What are you looking for?

SMG1, SMG2, Xenoblade, Skyward Sword, Sin & Punishment, Bit.Trip Complete, Trauma Team, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, The Last Story, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Little King's Story... if anyone feels like parting with any of these for a reasonable price, please let me know.

Pro Controller isn't BC. Wiimote+ and Nunchuk are. Get a set of those and you should be set.

You're going to need a Wii Mote (preferably a Motion Plus) and a nunchuck at the very least.

Gotcha, thanks.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 23, 2013, 08:55:00 PM

Someone plz caption this "Hater's gonna hate."

the new killzone 2 gif

speaking of accessories, I have a boxed wii u pro controller sitting in my closet.  There's no real reason to open it yet  :-\ (I got it at a discount, that's why)

Really hope someone makes drivers for PC or some homebrew hack to use it on the Wii with CC Pro games.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 23, 2013, 08:56:50 PM
Wrath: Are you and the games currently in the US?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 23, 2013, 08:57:50 PM
Having played both the 360 and PS3 versions of RDR, the PS3 version is noticeably lesser - colors are washed out, texture pop-in is bad, some framerate probs here and there - but it's still a great looking game.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 09:01:19 PM
SMG1, SMG2, Xenoblade, Skyward Sword, Sin & Punishment, Bit.Trip Complete, Trauma Team, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, The Last Story, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Little King's Story... if anyone feels like parting with any of these for a reasonable price, please let me know.

Hmm don't think I wanna part with any of those that I do have, sorry Shaka. <3

EDIT: Andrex why don't you just buy an XBox 360? Its cheaper and has the better ports of third party games.

Does the 360 have HotD Overkill? No? Then sit down and shut up. <3
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 09:03:07 PM

Someone plz caption this "Hater's gonna hate."

the new killzone 2 gif

speaking of accessories, I have a boxed wii u pro controller sitting in my closet.  There's no real reason to open it yet  :-\ (I got it at a discount, that's why)

Really hope someone makes drivers for PC or some homebrew hack to use it on the Wii with CC Pro games.

I keep really, really wanting to buy a Protroller but yeah there's no reason to... I thought I'd use it for MH but now I'm thinking the GamePad will be preferable anyways. :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 23, 2013, 09:05:18 PM
Does the 360 have HotD Overkill? No? Then sit down and shut up. <3

I don't know if you can buy PSN games on a website like with 360, but HotD Overkill is on sale right now.  $10 (or $5 with PS Plus).

If you really plan on getting a PS3 or PS4 (assuming it supports PS3 games), might be getting it for cheap.  Though, this is the second time it's been on sale.  Or if your friends have ps3, you can create an account and buy it that way.  PS3 future tech lets you transfer accounts and game purchases to other systems  :teehee
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 23, 2013, 09:06:37 PM
Can we get to the next page so my iPad doesn't have to scroll past all these stupid gifs
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 23, 2013, 09:06:52 PM
Also someone sell me Xenoblade 1
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 23, 2013, 09:10:39 PM
As an alternative, Shaka, I have the following:

Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Punch Out, Brawl, Skyward Sword, Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3, Pikmin 2, Super Paper Mario, and... that's about it I think for good stuff. I'm not really looking to sell anything because I have a kid that might be interested in some of this crap down the road, but if you just want to borrow something for a bit, you just say the word.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 23, 2013, 09:15:40 PM
The X announcement at least reminded me that I haven't finished Xenoblade yet, gotta get back in there for some REYN TIME.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 23, 2013, 09:18:18 PM
As an alternative, Shaka, I have the following:

Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Punch Out, Brawl, Skyward Sword, Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3, Pikmin 2, Super Paper Mario, and... that's about it I think for good stuff. I'm not really looking to sell anything because I have a kid that might be interested in some of this crap down the road, but if you just want to borrow something for a bit, you just say the word.

Holy shit STL Bore :bow

As soon as I get the system, I'll get in touch with you.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Van Cruncheon on January 23, 2013, 10:53:46 PM
Having played both the 360 and PS3 versions of RDR, the PS3 version is noticeably lesser - colors are washed out, texture pop-in is bad, some framerate probs here and there - but it's still a great looking game.

it's missing a lot of lighting effects, too

:piss rsx budget gpu :piss2

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 23, 2013, 11:02:05 PM
Why can't I have my goddamn cake and eat it too. :'(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Van Cruncheon on January 24, 2013, 02:27:30 AM
buy a 360, pudrick. the kinect is all kindsa ghastly whimsy to tickle your hairless little sack.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 24, 2013, 09:11:15 AM
Well, we all knew this was gonna happen. N-fans are seeing their first HD games, and they're creaming their Mario underroos.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 24, 2013, 10:09:47 AM

:bow Huff :bow2
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 24, 2013, 12:05:03 PM
How wonderful for them to have such low expectations.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Diunx on January 24, 2013, 02:24:29 PM
Quote from: Remij;46836689
LMAO Phosphor... I've got a top of the line PC and this game looks better than most every MMO I've seen, and puts other 'console' open world games to shame.


That whole thread :smh

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 24, 2013, 02:28:47 PM
Also Pikim 3 looks like garbage. 2001-era ATI demos graphics, yuck.

pikmin is a snoozefest anyway. I bought the original game when it came out and it sucked ass.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Diunx on January 24, 2013, 02:40:17 PM
Yeah the love for pikmin and animal crossing is truly baffling.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Mr. Gundam on January 24, 2013, 02:40:52 PM
Yeah the love for pikmin and animal crossing is truly baffling.

Stockholm Syndrome?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 24, 2013, 03:20:58 PM

that misleadingly named 'trial campaign' for Wii U Virtual Console is really just a sale for Wii U early adopters (suckers).  You can just score some of the virtual console games are much lower prices.  So, normally Super Metroid is $10 or something, but in May it'll be $.30. 

It's cheaper to buy any of these games than it is to transfer your existing purchases.  That speaks to how scummy Nintendo's approach to Wii U VC is.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 24, 2013, 04:42:31 PM
Yeah the love for pikmin and animal crossing is truly baffling.

Stockholm Syndrome?

Householm Syndrome
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 05:39:41 PM
Alright. I'm buying one in a couple of hours. I've never played NSMB Wii, so should I go with NSMB U or Zombi U? The other game is going to be Tekken :punch
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 24, 2013, 05:48:34 PM
There's a ZombiU demo.  Probably worth playing that first.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 24, 2013, 05:53:53 PM
Alright. I'm buying one in a couple of hours. I've never played NSMB Wii, so should I go with NSMB U or Zombi U? The other game is going to be Tekken :punch

It depends on what you're looking for. New Super Mario Bros. is solid New Super Mario Bros. gameplay. If you're looking for more of that formula, then it's a solid title. If you've played the portable ones and aren't necessarily eager to return, it's more of that. ZombiU is very polarizing. Some love it, some hate it. Personally? It's a game I admire, but not one I particularly had a lot of fun with. But I only played for a few hours. If I had more free time, I'd definitely love to go back to it, but it's not something that really grabbed me.

As for Tekken, look for me as -- you guessed it -- SteveYoungblood. I'd say we should play later, but you've got updates to get through.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 07:13:57 PM
Yeah, ended up picking NSMB U, the mall GS didn't have Tekken, I'll pick it later.

One question I have about NSMB, for local MP can the player controlling the pad use it to control a character rather than placing block? I only picked one remote and I'd rather use both to control characters.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 24, 2013, 07:17:06 PM
Yeah, ended up picking NSMB U, the mall GS didn't have Tekken, I'll pick it later.

One question I have about NSMB, for local MP can the player controlling the pad use it to control a character rather than placing block? I only picked one remote and I'd rather use both to control characters.

No. Wiimotes only in multiplayer mode. GamePad can only be used in Boost mode. Yes, that's very dumb, I agree.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 07:20:55 PM
... Fuck.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 24, 2013, 07:20:55 PM
you'll have have some questions as a new wii u owner.  know that most will be met with a "no" or "yes, but..."
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 07:22:00 PM
Yeah, I haven't owned a Wii as well since 2008, so I'll technically be new to lots of Nintendo's console practices.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Positive Touch on January 24, 2013, 07:53:26 PM
... Fuck.

i know someone who has some extra wiimotes and hasnt played NSMB yet :-*
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 08:00:47 PM
Do you have the Motion Plus Wiimote? Because I swear I was going to ask you if we can Christen it together.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 08:03:19 PM
What A surprise, it's not agreeing with my router. If only I was more of a Ninthing, I could have gotten one of those special systems that don't cause you any trouble.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 24, 2013, 08:03:42 PM
Do you have the Motion Plus Wiimote? Because I swear I was going to ask you if we can Christen it together.

You don't need Motion Pluses for Mario. You just need them for certain things like the shitty Zelda game in NintendoLand.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 08:05:21 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Positive Touch on January 24, 2013, 08:05:46 PM
Do you have the Motion Plus Wiimote? Because I swear I was going to ask you if we can Christen it together.

no i do not. havent bought a wii game since mario galaxy
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 24, 2013, 08:12:11 PM
What A surprise, it's not agreeing with my router. If only I was more of a Ninthing, I could have gotten one of those special systems that don't cause you any trouble.

Hey! I don't think of myself as much of a Ninthing and my system didn't have any trouble connecting to my router!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 08:14:27 PM
Since I'm a n00b I just googled this solution and it worked:

If it's a silly workaround that somehow raises other issues, would someone let me know? (For instance, the DNS servers)

Now it's time to update.

no i do not. havent bought a wii game since mario galaxy

That's aight.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 08:16:29 PM
It failed to update lol.

Fuck this I'll come back to it later.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 24, 2013, 09:38:58 PM
Welcome to the Wii U online experience :lol

I've given up the hope that I can just open up Netflix or Amazon Video and just expect it to work the first time.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 24, 2013, 10:06:28 PM
Alright. I'm buying one in a couple of hours. I've never played NSMB Wii, so should I go with NSMB U or Zombi U? The other game is going to be Tekken :punch

NSMBU is the only truly great title for the system.

Get the ZombiU demo and see if it's your speed.

ALSO! Give me your NNID. :heart
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 24, 2013, 10:15:39 PM
Alright. I'm buying one in a couple of hours. I've never played NSMB Wii, so should I go with NSMB U or Zombi U? The other game is going to be Tekken :punch

NSMBU is the only truly great title for the system.

Get the ZombiU demo and see if it's your speed.

ALSO! Give me your NNID. :heart

Exclusive, sure. If you didn't already buy on another platform, I'd say both Tekken and Sonic Racing are rock solid, though.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 24, 2013, 10:28:11 PM
Yeah, the Sonic Racen demo is pretty awesome. Heard it got a patch last month too that fixed all the broken stuff.

I think Rayman is coming out soon but I'm waiting on impressions for that one.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 24, 2013, 10:45:32 PM
oh, right, there's a third person here with an NNID!

an oddity of the sonic racing demo was the weird control lag.  don't know if it's been measured or anything but neither the 360 nor the Vita demo felt laggy (and the Vita version performs poorly).

and nintendo land is pretty fun for a pack in game.  it's better than wii sports resort, play, or any of that schlock nintendo released on the wii.  hard to compare to wii sports since that was a product of its time.  back in the past world of 2006 people were down to flail around and approximate real activities.  think people got tired of it, or tired of doing it with a remote in their hands.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 24, 2013, 11:44:58 PM
Boy this update doesn't mess around. In the meantime, I have a question about my TV...

The default settings show this menu left aligned (the inner frame is touching the TV's bezel).


When I played around with the TV settings I was able to scale it back to this (more space on the left, but still not centered).


My question is, is this how it normally looks on your setups (not-centered)? If so, which image is it closer to?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 24, 2013, 11:51:06 PM
I believe the bottom image is correct.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 12:55:16 AM
Good. Other minor questions: Is that power up sound normal lol? And did anyone bother with screen protectors?

About to create my NNID. Hold on to you butts!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 01:11:45 AM
What power up sound? The disc drive?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 01:15:14 AM
Yeah, is it supposed to make those three loud noises? No discs were inside.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 01:26:11 AM
Mine isn't particularly loud, although I heard some GAFers have really loud ones for some reason. Mine hasn't had a disc in it either.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 01:29:52 AM
OK, I feel like I'm gonna continue asking silly nitpicky questions, so can you link me to the most active GAF thread where these kind of questions are welcomed?

Edit: Oh, and you guys should add me: Jinfash
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 02:39:04 AM
Some of the things I find slightly annoying so far...

- No way of turning off the display of the gamepad when it's not needed (unless I'm missing something.
- Instances when both the game pad and TV are displaying the same video feed and sound.
- Artifacts in when stream content on the gamepad.
- Some of the apps aren't native apps, but rather webapps (Miiverse, eShope, etc).
- Slow OS, but that's a given by now.
- Switching between the TV and gamepad will take more time to get used to. It's not as simple as the DS/3DS, the constant need of cues is indicative of that.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 02:41:01 AM
Mine is quiet with or without a disc in it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 02:44:41 AM
Some of the things I find slightly annoying so far...

- No way of turning off the display of the gamepad when it's not needed (unless I'm missing something.
It turns off by itself when you for instance boot up a Wii game.
- Instances when both the game pad and TV are displaying the same video feed and sound.
There is a volume slider on the gamepad. You can turn it off.
- Some of the apps aren't native apps, but rather webapps (Miiverse, eShope, etc).
Yes, this is lazy as fuck.
- Slow OS, but that's a given by now.
This is my biggest gripe with the system along with no account system and region locking.
- Switching between the TV and gamepad will take more time to get used to. It's not as simple as the DS/3DS, the constant need of cues is indicative of that.
Yep, that's an inherent flaw of the system. Have you played Nintendo Land yet? The Space Channel 5 minigame make pretty good use of switching between the two screens.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Himu on January 25, 2013, 02:47:46 AM
shaka you have too much money
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 03:20:23 AM
You can turn off the GamePad screen by going into the GamePad settings, however any input whatsoever will reactivate it so it's pretty useless.

I don't mind that some of the things are webapps, some of them are faster than the native apps and Nintendo promises they'll be updated more often too (like the upcoming Miiverse update that makes it easier to selection Mii emotions.)
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 03:25:02 AM
Does adding friends involve two users adding each other, or did Nintendo know better this time around?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 03:33:43 AM
If you search and add them in Miiverse it sends them a notification; if you just add them via the friends list app, it doesn't.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 03:39:36 AM
Do these notifications reach me outside Miiverse through spotpass or do I have to go into Miiverse to view them?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 03:46:18 AM
I believe they'll show up in both Miiverse and wherever notifications usually come up.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 03:53:24 AM
Okay, I sent out a few requests through Miiverse, lets see how this goes.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 04:02:54 AM
Send one to me as well. I could use more Wii U friends. My NNID is the same as my username on this board.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 04:28:48 AM
Already did.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 04:35:11 AM
Sweet! I picked up two extra wiimotes this week so I could try to brute force my way through Battle Quest. If we all flail our arms around in panic at the same time we might be able to beat a few more stages.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 04:39:05 AM
NintendoLand has online MP? If so I had no idea lol.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 04:41:33 AM
No, of course not. It's a Nintendo product. When I said 'we', I meant I was going to play it with my real-life friends.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: headwalk on January 25, 2013, 06:48:00 AM
i think about you buying extra peripherals just so your friends will play nintendoland with you and my heart hurts.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: archnemesis on January 25, 2013, 06:51:53 AM
I'm just trying to give the Wii U an honest chance. If asymmetrical gameplay is its thing then you need to be at least three people to experience it the way it was intended.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: headwalk on January 25, 2013, 07:14:38 AM
I'm just trying to give the Wii U an honest chance. If asymmetrical gameplay is its thing then you need to be at least three people to experience it the way it was intended.

asymmetrical gameplay has been here for generations. ask anyone who got a console bundle as a kid which came with a third party controller.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 12:59:57 PM
Day 2 impressions:

- This thing is not half bad... I'm rather pleased with how the games look so far. Maybe it has more to do with finally playing Nintendo titles in HD, which feels odd (I'm rocking a non-dolphin capable rig like a peasant).

- Also, the OS isn't that bad, slowness aside. The home menu and available apps are decent and multitaskable. Miiverse's implementation is decent as well. I must have had really low expectations for all of this to impress me.

- The touchscreen, while resistive, is surprisingly responsive to finger touches. I haven't tested any gestures (such as dragging stuff) but so far it's better than I expected.

- Tried playing from the bathroom and bedroom, and both worked without any noticeable lag, so that's a plus.

Now for the not so positive impressions...

- The gamepad is *not* "holy shit most comfortable thing I held in my hand since my uncle's dick" (It's ergonomically sound, or as sound as it could be with the size of the pad). Neither is it as light as people made it sound, especially when I consider the size of that battery. But "it could have been worse" I guess? (A.K.A. The Ninthing motto)

- The gamepad's screen is also lacking in quality. The colors are, as I predicted, washed out compared to my TV. And the compression/pixilation is noticeable. Basically it's not as good as some claimed. I'm sure it has something to do with costs and latency, but there are a few technologically illiterate ninthings I'd like to slap over this.

- The two screens displaying the same content simultaneously is still not clicking with me (Nintendo Land/NSMB U). I would have appreciated asymmetrical content at all times with a button (virtual or physical) to switch to off-TV whenever it's needed. The current setup is awkward and counterproductive. I hope developers smarten up with time, because as of right now and judging by some implementations, it feels like they're as confused by it as myself.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: bork on January 25, 2013, 01:06:00 PM
What is it that made you decide to buy one now, Shaka?

And why buy Tekken again when you haven't played the PS3 version?  Both you and Momo.  Time to end that Bore WTF team we had.   :maf
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 01:15:36 PM
What is it that made you decide to buy one now, Shaka?

It's a combination of wanting to play some Wii titles + being hyped for MH* + having spare money that was burning a hole in my pocket.

Buying it was always a question of "when" not "if." So I thought I should better get it now while the price is high...

* (Though I just realized it won't be released 'till March)

And why buy Tekken again when you haven't played the PS3 version?  Both you and Momo.  Time to end that Bore WTF team we had.   :maf

I played the PS3 version after fixing my PS3, lots, honest. :( It's just that I took it with me when I went to see my family over the holidays and forgot to pack it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 01:35:48 PM
Shaka gonna play MH3U with me? :uguu
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 02:38:02 PM
i bought a wiiu today  :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 25, 2013, 02:39:28 PM
i bought a wiiu today  :-\

ya blew it
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 02:40:30 PM
i went in to buy ni no kuni and instead bought a wii u and maridio im so dum
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 25, 2013, 02:48:51 PM
i bought a wiiu today  :-\

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: bork on January 25, 2013, 02:51:10 PM
i went in to buy ni no kuni and instead bought a wii u and maridio im so dum

Pics or it didn't happen!
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 02:59:47 PM
What's your NNID.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 03:15:10 PM

ill update my NNID when I get it all set up; we should start a google doc of names tho :)

also :piss my tv isnt supported so i cant control volume :piss and it didnt seem like you could select a receiver box
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 25, 2013, 03:24:48 PM
Made a thread just for you Methodis. (

And also Shaka.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 03:25:15 PM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Raban on January 25, 2013, 03:47:28 PM
i bought a wiiu today  :-\

kill yourself
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 03:49:40 PM
we can still hate nintendo i also own a 3ds worst purcahse ever until I feel later today once this POS updates
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Raban on January 25, 2013, 03:55:39 PM
I don't know what to think anymore :fbm
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 25, 2013, 05:29:10 PM
dis thang is still fukkin updatin
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Positive Touch on January 25, 2013, 10:18:17 PM
miiverse is 4chan for kids
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 25, 2013, 10:50:41 PM
I bought balloon trip to try out virtual console because I'm stupid.  Decent improvement over regular wii virtual console.  Just needs some video settings for over/underscan and filters (to disable them).  Save states is a nice additions that's in some of the 3DS games as well.

A feature virtual console has that should be universal is turning 'off' the tablet screen.  It's not 'off' meaning the screen is off, but it displays a black image, which is less distracting.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 25, 2013, 11:43:08 PM
miiverse is 4chan for kids

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2013, 12:01:45 AM
I bought balloon trip to try out virtual console because I'm stupid.  Decent improvement over regular wii virtual console.  Just needs some video settings for over/underscan and filters (to disable them).  Save states is a nice additions that's in some of the 3DS games as well.

A feature virtual console has that should be universal is turning 'off' the tablet screen.  It's not 'off' meaning the screen is off, but it displays a black image, which is less distracting.

Agreed. I'd actually like a screen off/sleep mode too, GamePad would last like twice as long in games that just mirror the display if they did that.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 26, 2013, 01:47:36 AM
Yup, mirroring content is not useful at all.

Also this is bull shit...

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2013, 01:55:40 AM
Lol what did you expect?
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 26, 2013, 02:04:43 AM
I was under the impression this was murrica, not nazi Japan. I also this had it not been for the "S" it would have gone unnoticed.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2013, 02:09:58 AM
Nah, it'd have been deleted anyways.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Diunx on January 26, 2013, 08:04:00 AM
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 26, 2013, 09:03:04 AM
A child might have seen the word "tit" and been scarred for life.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 26, 2013, 09:14:13 AM
Is europe still under that bullshit where you can't buy the mature games until a certain time period late in the night
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2013, 11:54:12 AM
 :drudge                             :drudge                                                       :drudge   
Emergency Maintenance

From Monday, January 28, 2013 11:00 PM
- Tuesday, January 29, 2013 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Affected Services:

Nintendo DS

Network Services

Pokémon Black Version
Pokémon White Version
Pokémon Black Version 2
Pokémon White Version 2

From Monday, January 28, 2013 5:00 PM
- Monday, January 28, 2013 6:00 PM Pacific Time

Affected Services:

Wii U

Match Making, Ranking, etc.

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

From Monday, January 28, 2013 12:00 PM
- Monday, January 28, 2013 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Affected Services:

Wii U

Nintendo eShop

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo eShop


Wii Shopping Channel

Nintendo DS

Nintendo DSi Shop

*During the emergency maintenance, parts of the affected services
may be intermittently unavailable.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 26, 2013, 11:56:35 AM
what's the emergency?  must be something bad to have all this stuff down...
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: maxy on January 26, 2013, 11:58:46 AM
Methodis bought WiiU,what else
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Diunx on January 26, 2013, 12:41:34 PM
Maybe they are upping the Tflops?
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 26, 2013, 12:43:46 PM
Maybe they need to recharge their servers with AA batteries.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 26, 2013, 01:35:38 PM
The ever so generous Positive Touch came over last night and lent me a remote+nunchuck, Prime 3, Twilight Princess, and SMG. :heart

We played some Nintendo Land (wasn't as awful I first thought), and sucked at NSMB U.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2013, 02:31:39 PM
Methodis bought WiiU,what else

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 26, 2013, 02:48:36 PM
Methodis bought WiiU,what else

i laffed
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 26, 2013, 03:15:20 PM
i bought a wiiu today  :-\

Fucking mancunians
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 26, 2013, 06:23:20 PM
pretty damn impressed with my wii u. Maybe I am becoming a nintendo fan again.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 26, 2013, 06:26:23 PM
Whats impressive about it compared to what the other consoles offer?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 26, 2013, 07:06:25 PM
Whats impressive about it compared to what the other consoles offer?

the game pad. It works in our bedroom, so basically it is a more powerful handheld than anything on the market if you use it like that. It's  hard to go back to 3DS. Obviously it has limited range around the house though.

Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 26, 2013, 09:02:57 PM
i died like 13 times on the desert world boss stage fukkin game is hard
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Himu on January 26, 2013, 09:15:50 PM
Methodis bought WiiU,what else

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 26, 2013, 11:35:39 PM
i died like 13 times on the desert world boss stage fukkin game is hard

Lol, don't try any of the World 9 levels then. Let alone the challenges.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Positive Touch on January 27, 2013, 12:26:04 AM
playing two player and not killing the other guy is hard
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 27, 2013, 12:39:26 AM
I just finished Mass Effect III, I should have gotten the Wii U version so I could play it in my bed...and invite Miranda with me between the sheets :uguu
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 27, 2013, 09:49:53 AM
 :o brb buying me3 :uguu
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 27, 2013, 10:53:58 AM
I kind of need a box under my tv for dvd/br/netflix etc (my fiancee wants this)

Can i stream dvds/br to the pad? Does wii u support mkv files? Hows the netflix ap?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 27, 2013, 11:05:22 AM
no , no, its like the ps3 app

I dont think theres even a media player on the wiiu
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Momo on January 27, 2013, 12:31:32 PM
What is it that made you decide to buy one now, Shaka?

And why buy Tekken again when you haven't played the PS3 version?  Both you and Momo.  Time to end that Bore WTF team we had.   :maf
I kinda bought too many games at that time. But I did take my Nina up to like 16th DAN
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 27, 2013, 12:48:10 PM
Netflix on Wii U is a derpier version of the PS3 version, which is the best one out there.

I wonder whose great idea it was to provide absolutely no continuity feature between TV episodes.  Also gotta love the moments where you finish a season 4 episode of a TV show and the menu takes you to season 1 episode 1.  Dumb dumb dumb.  Even dumber is the fact that just about every other version of Netflix offers this feature.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: SantaC on January 27, 2013, 01:20:47 PM
^why did you get a wii u anyway.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Van Cruncheon on January 27, 2013, 01:33:23 PM
money, impulse control issues

poors wouldn't unnerstand. :-(
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 27, 2013, 01:45:44 PM
The Shame Cube is looking pretty full these days.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Purple Filth on January 27, 2013, 03:52:43 PM
money, impulse control issues

poors wouldn't unnerstand. :-(

first world problems?
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 27, 2013, 04:34:52 PM
Netflix on Wii U is a derpier version of the PS3 version, which is the best one out there.

I wonder whose great idea it was to provide absolutely no continuity feature between TV episodes.  Also gotta love the moments where you finish a season 4 episode of a TV show and the menu takes you to season 1 episode 1.  Dumb dumb dumb.  Even dumber is the fact that just about every other version of Netflix offers this feature.

I haven't tried the netflix app, but I wanted to comment about Hulu's app: I was hoping that with the better resources and improved HTML5 support the app would be vastly smoother than the PS3 app, but it chugs when navigating just the same.
Title: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 27, 2013, 04:41:18 PM
I'm starting to enjoy the system even more, but biggest gripes remain as the subpar colors/IQ of the gamepad and merely mirroring content on the second screen.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2013, 06:47:19 PM
I can't decide whether to play Xeno on my Wii (ripped to hard drive) or to move the save over to my Wii U and play it there. Can anyone say if the upgrade to HDMI/upscaling is worth anything?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2013, 06:48:46 PM
I'm starting to enjoy the system even more, but biggest gripes remain as the subpar colors/IQ of the gamepad and merely mirroring content on the second screen.

GamePad's screen was actually more vibrant than my TV, lol. I had to change my TV settings to "Warm" because it was annoying me having it washed out so much.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2013, 06:50:20 PM
Netflix on Wii U is a derpier version of the PS3 version, which is the best one out there.

I wonder whose great idea it was to provide absolutely no continuity feature between TV episodes.  Also gotta love the moments where you finish a season 4 episode of a TV show and the menu takes you to season 1 episode 1.  Dumb dumb dumb.  Even dumber is the fact that just about every other version of Netflix offers this feature.

I haven't tried the netflix app, but I wanted to comment about Hulu's app: I was hoping that with the better resources and improved HTML5 support the app would be vastly smoother than the PS3 app, but it chugs when navigating just the same.

Haven't tried Hulu but Amazon Video is easily the worst of the other three (YouTube and Netflix.) Chugs SO much, ugly colors, and navigation makes no sense.

I wish the "left nav bar" thingy like in Miiverse and eShop was accessible via a standard API or something, but I suspect it's hardcoded HTML and CSS for each app. :-\
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 27, 2013, 07:07:15 PM
is this thing hackable yet? is Wii bc hackable?
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2013, 07:24:44 PM
There's been some success in exploiting Wii mode, but nothing's installable yet because the IOS is locked or something (custom IOS's is how arbitrary code was able to be installed, like HBC.) I'm sure they'll crack it somewhat soon.

As for the Wii U itself, it'll probably be a while. 3DS still isn't cracked yet AFAIK, and it's almost two years old.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: cool breeze on January 27, 2013, 07:25:12 PM
I can't decide whether to play Xeno on my Wii (ripped to hard drive) or to move the save over to my Wii U and play it there. Can anyone say if the upgrade to HDMI/upscaling is worth anything?

Depends on your TV.  If it's bad, it'll look better on Wii U.  If it's decent to good, it won't be worth it.  Wii Wii is better than Wii U Wii for me.

is this thing hackable yet? is Wii bc hackable?

I believe so.  Only the Wii sandbox, like how PSP is open on the Vita.  Haven't read too much into it.
Title: Re: The Official WII U thread of Next-Gen Hate Squad
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2013, 07:26:39 PM
I can't decide whether to play Xeno on my Wii (ripped to hard drive) or to move the save over to my Wii U and play it there. Can anyone say if the upgrade to HDMI/upscaling is worth anything?

Depends on your TV.  If it's bad, it'll look better on Wii U.  If it's decent to good, it won't be worth it.  Wii Wii is better than Wii U Wii for me.

That doesn't really help me out, haha. I guess I'll just keep playing it on Wii since I went through the trouble of installing it and moving over saves is a small pain.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Diunx on January 28, 2013, 12:52:15 PM

Developer Crystal Dynamics isn't planning to release the new Tomb Raider on the Wii U because of the console's unconventional design. In an interview with True Gaming, creative director Noah Hughes explained that the studio tailored Tomb Raider to deliver the optimal experience for Playstation 3, Xbox, and PC users. However, because "the Wii U often asks you to do something unique based on a unique interface," Crystal Dynamics didn't want to port the game without adapting the experience to fit the console. Likely referencing the Wii U's tablet-like controller, Hughes added "that's something as a gamer I love, but it's something you don't want to do half-heartedly as a developer." While the early days of the Wii U featured a number of high-profile multiplatform games like Assassin's Creed 3 and Mass Effect 3, it will be interesting to see whether Crystal Dynamics' decision to forgo developing Tomb Raider for the system will signal a change in that regard.

Lazy devs.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 28, 2013, 12:54:56 PM
Judging by the killer sales of ME3 and AC3 they're clearly missing out
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: maxy on January 28, 2013, 01:11:46 PM
I saw some rumor today...Deus Ex:HR is being ported to WiiU
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 01:22:22 PM
Wow, what a crushing loss for the Wii U.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 28, 2013, 01:41:11 PM
Handy game journalist starter sentence for any future Wii U third party news:

Developer _______  isn't planning to release the new ______ on the Wii U because of the console's ___________.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 28, 2013, 01:50:12 PM
Handy game journalist starter sentence for any future Wii U third party news:

Developer _______  isn't planning to release the new ______ on the Wii U because of the console's ___________.

It's like Mad Libs!

Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.
Title: The official WII U thread
Post by: Huff on January 28, 2013, 01:59:21 PM
Wow, what a crushing loss for the Wii U.

yeah the less 3rd party games the better

Title: The official WII U thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 28, 2013, 02:02:43 PM
Wow, what a crushing loss for the Wii U.

yeah the less 3rd party games the better

To Nintards, unless a third party title is exclusive to a Nintendo platform, they don't care about it.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 02:11:06 PM
Wow, what a crushing loss for the Wii U.

yeah the less 3rd party games the better

To Nintards, unless a third party title is exclusive to a Nintendo platform, they don't care about it.

This isn't true, unfortunately the sales of third party games paint a different picture.

Seems Nintendo fans talk one way and buy another.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 28, 2013, 02:19:53 PM
can't wait to see ninthings cry so hard when tomb raider gets 10s  :lol :lol :lol :lol

fuk am i a ninthing now  :'(
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 28, 2013, 02:24:27 PM
Wow, what a crushing loss for the Wii U.

yeah the less 3rd party games the better

They'll get the last laugh when these studios close and we can point to the lack of Wii U ports as the culprit.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 28, 2013, 02:26:45 PM
always the victims, its never their fault
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 02:45:57 PM
Andrex should pick up Deus Ex: Human Revolution if it does get ported, one of my favorite games ever.

I will.

I think I have the original on Steam I need to beat first, though.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 28, 2013, 02:53:44 PM
I really hope they sell DX: HR for $60 on the Wii U, because that would be humorous to me.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: maxy on January 28, 2013, 02:55:12 PM
Worth every penny.

Game is great,boss fights are shit though but who cares.Have like 6 playthroughs.Next gen Deux EX please please please :-*
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 28, 2013, 03:08:29 PM
Worth every penny.

Game is great,boss fights are shit though but who cares.Have like 6 playthroughs.Next gen Deux EX please please please :-*

Eidos Montreal's next game is likely to be Thief 4.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: maxy on January 28, 2013, 03:17:07 PM
No objections.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: cool breeze on January 28, 2013, 03:20:16 PM
Thief 4 is a different team, iirc.  And some part of Eidos Montreal is working on Tomb Raider's multiplayer.

DXHR could take advantage of the tablet better than most ports.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 28, 2013, 04:18:36 PM
Omg bunch of fake ass bitches here again getting excited for another port they could have played ages ago if they really cared.

It only needed that nintendo seal of quality huh buttmunchers.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 28, 2013, 04:44:24 PM
That's the least exciting port ever.   How about releasing a console that gets games on time?

Am I supposed to get excited when DmC is ported to the WiiU?
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Trent Dole on January 28, 2013, 04:50:53 PM
It's like Mad Libs!
Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.
Oh man the Bore should pool its talents together to form the dev Sphinctersoft! You guys could all pound out some shitty iOS game in a month or something. :lol
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Steve Contra on January 28, 2013, 05:06:43 PM
Oh man the Bore should pool its talents together to form the dev Sphinctersoft! You guys could all pound out some shitty iOS game in a month or something. :lol
We'll pound out something all right :hump
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 28, 2013, 05:09:33 PM
That's the least exciting port ever.   How about releasing a console that gets games on time?

Am I supposed to get excited when DmC is ported to the WiiU?

The first rule of nintendo club is not to tell anyone you like the game before it gets ported.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 28, 2013, 05:46:34 PM
wake me up when the thing gets Bullet Witch
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 09:53:41 PM

And the final piece falls into place.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 09:59:53 PM
I guess it would depend more on Sega being in dire straits than Nintendo suddenly coming to the conclusion they should buy them.

I mean, Sega has basically had to drop everything but Sonic and Football Manager to avoid being THQ'd. That can't mean the company is completely healthy. And I imagine Nintendo would be first on their list of suiters.

It's almost definitely a bum rumor, but it's fun to think about.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 28, 2013, 10:01:06 PM
fuck nintendo if they get sega and kill footie manager
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Trent Dole on January 28, 2013, 10:03:28 PM
Yeah there's no way Sega's selling themselves to Ninty, they're doing ok nowadays money wise and N's blazing through their warchest due to all their new stuff bombing.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 10:15:36 PM
Keep in mind Sega's division is the only thing still losing Sammy money. Who knows if or when they'd decide to pull the plug.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 28, 2013, 10:18:08 PM
Handy game journalist starter sentence for any future Wii U third party news:

Developer _______  isn't planning to release the new ______ on the Wii U because of the console's ___________.

It's like Mad Libs!

Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.
It's like Mad Libs!
Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.

Oh man the Bore should pool its talents together to form the dev Sphinctersoft! You guys could all pound out some shitty iOS game in a month or something. :lol

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 28, 2013, 10:18:37 PM
Total War franchise makes money
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 10:19:59 PM
I guess it would depend more on Sega being in dire straits than Nintendo suddenly coming to the conclusion they should buy them.

I mean, Sega has basically had to drop everything but Sonic and Football Manager to avoid being THQ'd. That can't mean the company is completely healthy. And I imagine Nintendo would be first on their list of suiters.

It's almost definitely a bum rumor, but it's fun to think about.

uhh.  You don't have much of an understanding of the situation at all.  SEGA, or what we think of as SEGA, are essentially three divisions of a very large company called SEGA Sammy Holdings.  Those four divisions are Pachinko/Pachislot (Sammy), Amusement Machines (SEGA's arcade game arm), Amusement Facilities (Club SEGA game centers, primarily), and Consumer Business (SEGA's home games arm).  The first three divisions are profitable, with the pachinko and amusement facilities divisions in particular making quite a lot of money.  The only part of the company losing money is the consumer business, and it doesn't lose enough to make the company on the whole anywhere near non-profitable.  Since the merger, there was/is/probably never will be any risk of SEGA being "THQ'd". 

Now, I wouldn't rule out that SEGA Sammy might want to divest themselves of the Consumer Business division provided they can't turn things around in a reasonable amount of time, but that is by no means a decision they would make lightly.  The IP people are associating with the consumer business division is permeated throughout their other products/divisions, and separating it out/removing it would be a big, expensive job, and weaken the branding of those divisions.  This being the case, it's far more likely SEGA Sammy would simply shut down the consumer business division than sell it off. 

Nintendo would basically have to buy out the entire company, and I can't imagine they would be willing to pay what that would cost.

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 28, 2013, 10:48:17 PM
You can't agree to someone who is annihilating you
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 28, 2013, 11:19:27 PM
You can't agree to someone who is annihilating you

The inability to have one's thinking changed is exactly why most online arguments are worthless. I don't really care about being right, I care about the truth, and Oscar knows much more than I do.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 28, 2013, 11:29:56 PM
That'd be "I stand corrected"
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 29, 2013, 12:02:02 AM
I thought it was implied.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Momo on January 29, 2013, 12:41:43 AM
I cant believe people still think SEGA is in financial trouble.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: The Sceneman on January 29, 2013, 12:51:15 AM
Handy game journalist starter sentence for any future Wii U third party news:

Developer _______  isn't planning to release the new ______ on the Wii U because of the console's ___________.

It's like Mad Libs!

Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.
It's like Mad Libs!
Developer Sphinctersoft  isn't planning to release the new Fartmaster on the Wii U because of the console's butt.

Oh man the Bore should pool its talents together to form the dev Sphinctersoft! You guys could all pound out some shitty iOS game in a month or something. :lol


fucking hell :rofl

I could design a game based around toilets and shit, no sweat

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 29, 2013, 02:58:35 AM
You can't agree to someone who is annihilating you

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on January 29, 2013, 03:22:28 AM
surely if nintendo were interested in making those kinds of purchases, they'd have bought hudson?
I never considered this, but that made too much sense to not happen.  Hudson was damn near Nintendo exclusive near the end anyway and was cozy with them for developing Mario Party.

Shit, I wish that had happened rather then Konami pulling the plug.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 29, 2013, 03:33:37 AM
You can't agree to someone who is annihilating you

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on January 29, 2013, 03:50:03 AM
If Nintendo keep bombing how long until MS try to buy Nintendo again ?  8)

I mean - if we are talking about the absorbing of struggling has-been companies and all that.....
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Damian79 on January 29, 2013, 03:56:05 AM
You speak as if MS doesnt have the money to buy Nintendo.  It is whether the arrogant Japanese will sell it to them.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 29, 2013, 08:00:57 AM
and they're close to peaking
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 29, 2013, 08:01:48 AM
Ms is struggling?

For the fiscal year in total, Microsoft recorded $73.72 billion in revenue, with operating income at $21.76 billion

Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: mjemirzian on January 29, 2013, 12:07:18 PM
Wii U might be the first console I don't end up buying ever.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Momo on January 29, 2013, 12:14:40 PM
If Nintendo keep bombing how long until MS try to buy Nintendo again ?  8)

I mean - if we are talking about the absorbing of struggling has-been companies and all that.....

i'm not so sure a list containing struggling has-been companies wouldn't have MS's name on it as well.  really, the only non-loser non-has-been company in gaming anymore is apple.
Google too. They have been (directly) way better to gamers than Apple with joypad support on android and making gaming a thing on the chrome store.
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Tasty on January 29, 2013, 12:19:06 PM
If Nintendo keep bombing how long until MS try to buy Nintendo again ?  8)

I mean - if we are talking about the absorbing of struggling has-been companies and all that.....

i'm not so sure a list containing struggling has-been companies wouldn't have MS's name on it as well.  really, the only non-loser non-has-been company in gaming anymore is apple.
Google too. They have been (directly) way better to gamers than Apple with joypad support on android and making gaming a thing on the chrome store.

:bow Momo. :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 29, 2013, 12:43:14 PM
Sphinctersoft's first game should be a neogaf account dungeon crawler.  You have to navigate forums and post smackdowns, but there's danger of going into threads that are too dumb for you to handle and idiots swamp you till you get banned.  Then you just generate another account.  In between threads, you can choose to go back to The Bore neogaf thread to "save your progress" by telling everyone of your account exploits.  You also heal and learn techniques by reading the thread.  Since it levels you up and helps you, you have to buy pages of the Bore GAF thread through Demi's amazon store with jew gold you get from a fake webcam you set up for your "female account." The more fans you get on gaf, the more you send to the female account, where they spend money to see a "female gaffer" strip.  You get prostitutes off the street as your "female account" and you get better looking ones as you get more fans, which makes people give up more money.   

After each thread or couple of threads, there's a moderator showdown which is basically a boss battle.  In fact, the game has a level select where you can go into a particular moderator's randomly generated set of threads.  Each moderator will give a Metal Gear Solid style speech when you beat them.  Obviously, the last boss is Evilore.  The ending: you have so much money that you can buy gaf.  There's a scene where the protagonist busts into Evilore's house and looks at the GAF servers in a giant, mile wide underground facility.  You go up to the main frame and plug in a flash card.  It begins a program that deletes all of GAF and makes redirect to a flash Himuro Plinko game.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 29, 2013, 12:47:17 PM
To better reflect reality, if you get defeated (permabanned) by a boss (moderator) and your charisma is high enough, you should be able to attempt a saving throw and be resurrected (unbanned) with all your experience and loot (posts) intact.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 12:48:00 PM
if you get defeated at level 1 you get a personal invite here from drinky
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: tiesto on January 29, 2013, 12:49:50 PM
I could design a game based around toilets and shit, no sweat

Release Party Quest 2 first!!  8)

Don: I'd totally play that game! We gotta make it happen with RPG maker or something :P
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Raban on January 29, 2013, 12:56:46 PM
Sphinctersoft's first game should be a neogaf account dungeon crawler.  You have to navigate forums and post smackdowns, but there's danger of going into threads that are too dumb for you to handle and idiots swamp you till you get banned.  Then you just generate another account.  In between threads, you can choose to go back to The Bore neogaf thread to "save your progress" by telling everyone of your account exploits.  You also heal and learn techniques by reading the thread.  Since it levels you up and helps you, you have to buy pages of the Bore GAF thread through Demi's amazon store with jew gold you get from a fake webcam you set up for your "female account." The more fans you get on gaf, the more you send to the female account, where they spend money to see a "female gaffer" strip.  You get prostitutes off the street as your "female account" and you get better looking ones as you get more fans, which makes people give up more money.   

After each thread or couple of threads, there's a moderator showdown which is basically a boss battle.  In fact, the game has a level select where you can go into a particular moderator's randomly generated set of threads.  Each moderator will give a Metal Gear Solid style speech when you beat them.  Obviously, the last boss is Evilore.  The ending: you have so much money that you can buy gaf.  There's a scene where the protagonist busts into Evilore's house and looks at the GAF servers in a giant, mile wide underground facility.  You go up to the main frame and plug in a flash card.  It begins a program that deletes all of GAF and makes redirect to a flash Himuro Plinko game.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Himu on January 29, 2013, 12:59:26 PM
What in the fuck is going on. Where's the WEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO talk?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 01:10:04 PM
day 3 and i woke up saying "why did I buy a wii u?":

i just literally dont understand why i / anyone would buy it if you have played a ps3 or 360. theres nothing unique about it. the controller has nothing amazing on it. its just so...bleh.

i m a idiot :(
Title: Re: The official WII U thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 29, 2013, 01:10:23 PM
Sphinctersoft's first game should be a neogaf account dungeon crawler.  You have to navigate forums and post smackdowns, but there's danger of going into threads that are too dumb for you to handle and idiots swamp you till you get banned.  Then you just generate another account.  In between threads, you can choose to go back to The Bore neogaf thread to "save your progress" by telling everyone of your account exploits.  You also heal and learn techniques by reading the thread.  Since it levels you up and helps you, you have to buy pages of the Bore GAF thread through Demi's amazon store with jew gold you get from a fake webcam you set up for your "female account." The more fans you get on gaf, the more you send to the female account, where they spend money to see a "female gaffer" strip.  You get prostitutes off the street as your "female account" and you get better looking ones as you get more fans, which makes people give up more money.   

After each thread or couple of threads, there's a moderator showdown which is basically a boss battle.  In fact, the game has a level select where you can go into a particular moderator's randomly generated set of threads.  Each moderator will give a Metal Gear Solid style speech when you beat them.  Obviously, the last boss is Evilore.  The ending: you have so much money that you can buy gaf.  There's a scene where the protagonist busts into Evilore's house and looks at the GAF servers in a giant, mile wide underground facility.  You go up to the main frame and plug in a flash card.  It begins a program that deletes all of GAF and makes redirect to a flash Himuro Plinko game.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 29, 2013, 01:13:35 PM
day 3 and i woke up saying "why did I buy a wii u?":

i just literally dont understand why i / anyone would buy it if you have played a ps3 or 360. theres nothing unique about it. the controller has nothing amazing on it. its just so...bleh.

i m a idiot :(

it's still early.  Sell it for as high as you can get and chalk the difference up to a "rental tax."  The price you paid minus what you get for the system + games = how much it cost to rent the WiiU for a few days and find out that it's ass.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 01:15:55 PM
thats actually a good idea. thanks.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Raban on January 29, 2013, 01:16:25 PM
day 3 and i woke up saying "why did I buy a wii u?":

i just literally dont understand why i / anyone would buy it if you have played a ps3 or 360. theres nothing unique about it. the controller has nothing amazing on it. its just so...bleh.

i m a idiot :(

I'll buy it for $0.99.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 29, 2013, 01:16:44 PM
That's sounds like a good solution. You can rebuy it in 4 years and still "make a profit" on what you lost now.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 01:16:54 PM
no tanks.

get it?

its a pun
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 29, 2013, 01:17:57 PM
and with the money you get, you should buy a Vita + memory card + games.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 01:21:06 PM
I won a vita  :-\

and a 3ds  :-\
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 29, 2013, 01:28:05 PM
I know, but for NPD.  Sony really needs your help, more now than ever.  It's a war out there.  iOS is steamrolling the entire gaming industry like a child trampling an ant hill.  Nintendo is ahead but they too are feeling the suffering from Apple's grip.  Sony is in its darkest moment, Methodis.  The gaming industry has given you years of entertainment.  Give back and buy a Vita, for +1 NPD.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on January 29, 2013, 01:30:10 PM
honestly i wouldnt mind not playin another vidja again  :-\
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: pilonv1 on January 31, 2013, 12:07:37 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 31, 2013, 12:18:38 AM
$250 by June
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 12:21:20 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???

GamePad is expensive, yo.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 31, 2013, 12:34:07 AM
It's not easy finding Palm Treo touchscreens to reconfigure into the GamePad controller
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: pilonv1 on January 31, 2013, 01:03:07 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???

GamePad is expensive, yo.

tech is shitty, yo
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 01:20:34 AM
Nah, yo.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 02:02:47 AM
Or the Jaguar, lol.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: treythemovie on January 31, 2013, 03:46:07 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???
Nintendo's stubborn and makes everything proprietary
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 10:47:35 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???
Nintendo's stubborn and makes everything proprietary

Like their memory cards... oh.

And their hard drives... oh.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 31, 2013, 10:59:59 AM
From the Nintendo results briefing

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame
wiiu value proposition not delivered enough to consumers, am selling below cost and not planning to discount further

How is this thing selling below cost? ???
Nintendo's stubborn and makes everything proprietary

Like their memory cards... oh.

And their hard drives... oh.

ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 11:53:30 AM
ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?

You're right, no other consoles use custom parts. What is Nintendo thinking?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 31, 2013, 12:19:23 PM
ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?

You're right, no other consoles use custom parts. What is Nintendo thinking?

So I guess if custom parts aren't the problem, it must just be that Nintendo is shit at making hardware.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 31, 2013, 12:39:40 PM
Joe wins.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2013, 12:59:45 PM
ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?

You're right, no other consoles use custom parts. What is Nintendo thinking?

So I guess if custom parts aren't the problem, it must just be that Nintendo is shit at making hardware.

Agreed, they don't have the manufacturing muscle of Sony and Microsoft.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: treythemovie on January 31, 2013, 01:19:14 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on January 31, 2013, 01:26:09 PM
ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?

You're right, no other consoles use custom parts. What is Nintendo thinking?

So I guess if custom parts aren't the problem, it must just be that Nintendo is shit at making hardware.

Agreed, they don't have the manufacturing muscle of Sony and Microsoft.

They've been in the console business longer than both.  The fact that they're losing money is weird because they use cheap parts and older tech.  That should be saving them cash...
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 31, 2013, 02:04:23 PM
Yeah this reeks of total mismanagement.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 31, 2013, 03:05:19 PM
ok, now what about all the other parts the system is made up of?

You're right, no other consoles use custom parts. What is Nintendo thinking?

So I guess if custom parts aren't the problem, it must just be that Nintendo is shit at making hardware.

Agreed, they don't have the manufacturing muscle of Sony and Microsoft.

Microsoft has long been known as a manufacturing juggernaut
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on January 31, 2013, 04:08:54 PM
Wii U bomba-de-bombo, bomb bomb wii u, etc. etc.

Basic Set - $244.97
Deluxe Set - $299.97

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on January 31, 2013, 04:19:02 PM
Wii U bomba-de-bombo, bomb bomb wii u, etc. etc.

Basic Set - $244.97
Deluxe Set - $299.97

It would still need games coming out in the near future that interest me.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 31, 2013, 04:30:39 PM

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on January 31, 2013, 04:32:24 PM
I don't get it.  ???

WiiU can't go outside and play games?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on January 31, 2013, 04:37:22 PM
Wii U bomba-de-bombo, bomb bomb wii u, etc. etc.

Basic Set - $244.97
Deluxe Set - $299.97

It would still need games coming out in the near future that interest me.

Yup.  But if someone dumped the basic set for $200 I might bite.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Trent Dole on January 31, 2013, 10:27:00 PM
$250 and $300 are what the system should be selling for honestly.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on January 31, 2013, 11:41:44 PM
I don't get it.  ???

WiiU can't go outside and play games?

You know how in TV dramas whenever a couple breaks up there's always a scene where one of them stares out of a window at the rain while a sad song plays? That's what I got out of it.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 01, 2013, 09:00:15 AM
I bought a Wii U :omg Nintendoland's music is AMAZING and I love the gamepad but everything else is :-\ I'm not a fan of the OS, it took me ~5 minutes to find the download management menu (why is the home menu different than the bottom bar of the main menu ???) and is there really no option to turn off the gamepad's screen without turning the system off? I started downloading a few demos before bed and the gamepad's screen never shut off (only dims) and I couldn't find a menu option for it.
My kid really likes it so far which is good. I wonder why there isn't a nintendogs for the Wii U. Personally, all I wanted is a system that lets me play console games on a small screen in front of my TV and so far the Wii U seems perfect for that. I think I'm going to grab Darksiders 2 and check out Kotowari's monster hunter guide and podcast to see if I can't get into the series by the time it releases. I never got into Monster Hunter on the PSP but I really liked God Eater Burst so I'll give it another chance

The eShop really could be better organized, I think the 3DS's store is much better. I could only find 4 demos, is that all it has at the moment?

So far I'm happy with it. Not so happy that before I could finish downloading the update Sony starts teasing the PS4 and I see Costco had it for $50 off :'(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 01, 2013, 09:36:40 AM
Another one has fallen...

Bore is more and more looking like a WiiU heaven,Nintendo should be notified. 
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 01, 2013, 09:39:51 AM
I don't get it, why would you guys buy this? there are no fucking games!
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 01, 2013, 09:47:45 AM
Another one has fallen...

Anyway, my PS3 died and rather than buying a new one I decided to try something different, plus my kid loves Miis. I think her mind was blown when she saw the new Mii plaza and a full Nintendoland

Also, Miiverse is creepy. I go on it for the first time and I'm greeted with low-cut-dress zelda pictures and rage faces...
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 01, 2013, 09:50:28 AM
But I thought you guys hated Nintendo? :smug
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 01, 2013, 10:21:16 AM

the day the forum title lost its irony 

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 01, 2013, 10:29:31 AM
I don't normally miss a chance to disagree with diunx, but I'm also pretty surprised how many boreans are buying in on this turkey.

then again, vita also has fairly high ownership here, so maybe it's just that everyone is flush with cash and doesn't give a fuck.

Vita has a good game library, albeit one filled with a lot of ports.  Wii U has multiplatform third party releases that most of us here already have or played on another system/PC.  Take those away and there's not much to choose from.  That's certainly what's stopped me from buying one.  Dunno what the draw is for Bores buying the system now though. 
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 01, 2013, 10:42:09 AM
Personally, all I wanted is a system that lets me play console games on a small screen in front of my TV and so far the Wii U seems perfect for that.

I have a 22" monitor next to my TV that I can play PS3/360 games on while the TV is in use.  Cost me like $150.  Problem solved.  But no playing console games in bed or on the crapper. 
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 01, 2013, 10:46:01 AM
The eShop really could be better organized, I think the 3DS's store is much better. I could only find 4 demos, is that all it has at the moment?

Really? I think the Wii U eShop is laid out a ton better. The 3DS one is still confusing to me. Like for instance, why does the search icon change the filters, and why can you only search from the start page? I also don't find any rhyme or reason to what's in the middle row of the start page and what's in the bottom. The aesthetics are also hideous, while on the Wii U it's much more tolerable.

:bow Wii U also has a dedicated indie section. :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 01, 2013, 10:52:01 AM
The 3DS e-shop is borderline incomprehensible.  why aren't there any meta categories?  that's, like, the first thing you make.  :lol   

put a simple menu with these options: 3DS Full games, 3DS Demos, 3DS digital games, Virtual Console-- and sub-categories in each.  also, non-game headings for Video, trailers, etc.  I just took 10 seconds and came up with a better design.

I should be able to touch a button and get a navigable list...that's functionality.  Instead, the 3DS gives you a smattering of shit, along with a bunch of oddly-curated video content.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 01, 2013, 10:55:21 AM
I don't normally miss a chance to disagree with diunx, but I'm also pretty surprised how many boreans are buying in on this turkey.

then again, vita also has fairly high ownership here, so maybe it's just that everyone is flush with cash and doesn't give a fuck.
I give a fuck enough to wait until it's cheap/the os is better/the games I want are actually out.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 01, 2013, 10:56:32 AM
The 3DS e-shop is borderline incomprehensible.  why aren't there any meta categories?  that's, like, the first thing you make.  :lol   

put a simple menu with these options: 3DS Full games, 3DS Demos, 3DS digital games, Virtual Console-- and sub-categories in each.  also, non-game headings for Video, trailers, etc.  I just took 10 seconds and came up with a better design.

I should be able to touch a button and get a navigable list...that's functionality.  Instead, the 3DS gives you a smattering of shit, along with a bunch of oddly-curated video content.

please understand
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 01, 2013, 11:01:45 AM
The 3DS e-shop is borderline incomprehensible.  why aren't there any meta categories?  that's, like, the first thing you make.  :lol   

put a simple menu with these options: 3DS Full games, 3DS Demos, 3DS digital games, Virtual Console-- and sub-categories in each.  also, non-game headings for Video, trailers, etc.  I just took 10 seconds and came up with a better design.

I should be able to touch a button and get a navigable list...that's functionality.  Instead, the 3DS gives you a smattering of shit, along with a bunch of oddly-curated video content.

Don't get me wrong, the 3DS store is bad - I just think the Wii U's store is worse. On the 3DS I can at least scroll over and find the New Demos or New Releases catagories. I scroll down to demos on the Wii U and 4 are listed... but there is no demos catagory or see all option (that I could find at least). Are those the featured demos? Is that the full list? Plus I hate how all the handheld stuff is lumped in. Can I even buy 3DS games on the Wii U? I brought over my 3DS Mii and club nintendo account but it didn't bring over my 3DS wallet which has like $7 in it or something
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 01, 2013, 11:08:36 AM
The 3DS e-shop is borderline incomprehensible.  why aren't there any meta categories?  that's, like, the first thing you make.  :lol   

put a simple menu with these options: 3DS Full games, 3DS Demos, 3DS digital games, Virtual Console-- and sub-categories in each.  also, non-game headings for Video, trailers, etc.  I just took 10 seconds and came up with a better design.

I should be able to touch a button and get a navigable list...that's functionality.  Instead, the 3DS gives you a smattering of shit, along with a bunch of oddly-curated video content.

Don't get me wrong, the 3DS store is bad - I just think the Wii U's store is worse. On the 3DS I can at least scroll over and find the New Demos or New Releases catagories. I scroll down to demos on the Wii U and 4 are listed... but there is no demos catagory or see all option (that I could find at least). Are those the featured demos? Is that the full list? Plus I hate how all the handheld stuff is lumped in. Can I even buy 3DS games on the Wii U? I brought over my 3DS Mii and club nintendo account but it didn't bring over my 3DS wallet which has like $7 in it or something

no because in Nintendo's mind, it's 1998 in your mind and you're just so impressed by the internet that you have no standards.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 01, 2013, 12:24:01 PM

W101 60fps trailer. Looks nice.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: ManaByte on February 01, 2013, 04:48:56 PM
I finally played Nintendoland (have really just been playing Mario, Tekken, and Batman since I got the system) and Metroid Blast is awesome.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 01, 2013, 04:53:22 PM
Hidden gem no doubt
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 01, 2013, 08:08:14 PM
I don't normally miss a chance to disagree with diunx, but I'm also pretty surprised how many boreans are buying in on this turkey.

then again, vita also has fairly high ownership here, so maybe it's just that everyone is flush with cash and doesn't give a fuck.

I'm flush with cash and sitting on $900 in bonus bucks from my company that I could redeem towards anything and I refuse to buy this piece of shit. I'd sooner buy a Vita.

The 3DS e-shop is borderline incomprehensible.  why aren't there any meta categories?  that's, like, the first thing you make.  :lol   

put a simple menu with these options: 3DS Full games, 3DS Demos, 3DS digital games, Virtual Console-- and sub-categories in each.  also, non-game headings for Video, trailers, etc.  I just took 10 seconds and came up with a better design.

I should be able to touch a button and get a navigable list...that's functionality.  Instead, the 3DS gives you a smattering of shit, along with a bunch of oddly-curated video content.

I don't get this either. Also if you want DLC for a game you need to go to it from within that game, after downloading some weird ass secret update that only comes through when on standby.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 01, 2013, 09:13:37 PM
the wiiu shop is horrid too. its like impossible to find new releases / demos / wii u games that are downloadbale
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 01, 2013, 09:23:57 PM
I don't normally miss a chance to disagree with diunx, but I'm also pretty surprised how many boreans are buying in on this turkey.

then again, vita also has fairly high ownership here, so maybe it's just that everyone is flush with cash and doesn't give a fuck.

The Drinky Crow Rule of Electronics: the more you talk shit about an electronic device, the more likely you are to own it.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 01, 2013, 09:25:16 PM
the wiiu shop is horrid too. its like impossible to find new releases / demos / wii u games that are downloadbale

It's difficult but at least the homepage is split up into understandable sections, not a bunch of icons all barfed onto two lines with no rhyme or reason.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 01, 2013, 09:37:39 PM
Oh god I've forgotten how much of a pain in the ass Nintendo's parental controls are. 50¢ charge, email confirmations, pin numbers... If anyone ask my kid is 30 :-\
Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 01, 2013, 09:53:29 PM
I have to say, Nintendo Land kinda caught me off guard. It's definitely a better pack-in than Wii Sports in terms of value and depth, the only area where it falls short is succinctly explaining and selling the concept of Wii U as good as Wii Sports did. Seeing some of my casual friends try to wrap their minds around it was funny.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on February 02, 2013, 02:11:23 AM
shaka, i am disappoint. nintendo land is gaming aids, and you're sellin' it up like some kinda bug catcher >:(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 02, 2013, 03:08:58 AM
I think what shaka is saying that he went in thinking it would be a beer poop sandwich but when he took a bite Nintendoland only turned out to be hamster dung balls.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 02, 2013, 07:05:31 AM
I have yet to even put Nintendoland in my Wii U and never plan on doing so either.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 02, 2013, 07:31:39 AM
I want some more gaming AIDS. Donkey Kong Crash AIDS, Metroid Battle AIDS and Animal Crossing Sweet AIDS are all kind of fun. As is Chasey Mario AIDS and Luigi's ManAIDS. Some gaming AIDS in nintendoland reminds me of some 1980s gaminh AIDS like Pacman, and some of more modern physics gameplay based AIDS like Trials HD...

In other news, BLOPS2 WiiU is only $30:

It's actually pretty good if you like these games.. Prestige in bed or while having a poo, take a friend online without having to use split screen etc.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: mjemirzian on February 02, 2013, 08:44:21 AM
I'd rather have a Vita. At least that has a better chance of gaining traction in Japan to replace the PSP, and I don't mind importing.

Also region lock sux.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: ManaByte on February 02, 2013, 08:48:41 AM
I want some more gaming AIDS. Donkey Kong Crash AIDS, Metroid Battle AIDS and Animal Crossing Sweet AIDS are all kind of fun. As is Chasey Mario AIDS and Luigi's ManAIDS. Some gaming AIDS in nintendoland reminds me of some 1980s gaminh AIDS like Pacman, and some of more modern physics gameplay based AIDS like Trials HD...

In other news, BLOPS2 WiiU is only $30:

It's actually pretty good if you like these games.. Prestige in bed or while having a poo, take a friend online without having to use split screen etc.

I was holding off on CoD because of no DLC, but yea the gamepad option is worth $30. Better than paying $50 for the shit Vita version.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 02, 2013, 08:52:36 AM
Q. Isnt the WiiU architecture too much focused on the GPU?
Miyamoto : For High End graphics there is a hurdle, since we have to reeducate our people. The development itself hasnt changed but we are recruiting specialists that can become core members in each specialized area. External Developers are used to shader techniques and we are collaborating a lot with external companies nowadays so we have a very good development structure.

Iwata: Every gaming hardware has its specialities. There is a timing of hit and miss before the functions can be used fully. We were not able to provide development kits that get out all the power of wiiu until mid of last year. With other gaming consoles firms had 6 to 7 years to experiment but our console has a different balance so it is easy to see who has adapted and who hasnt. However this is something time will heal so we are not too worried.
Takeda : WiiU is a machine that has a lot of performance compared to its power consumption. The GPU is definately more pronounced than the CPU . There are people saying that the CPU is weak but that is not true. It is a trendl that the cash memory is whats getting biggrr with CPUs not the processing power. i do not think at the CPu is underpowered. Its just a design where the memory is more stressed.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 02, 2013, 09:05:02 AM
I just hope they haven't outsourced whimsy development.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cascade on February 02, 2013, 10:31:25 AM
shaka, i am disappoint. nintendo land is gaming aids, and you're sellin' it up like some kinda bug catcher >:(
There's never been anything crappy or bottomfeeder about Nintendo's expanded audience IP like Miis and Wii-themed world games. Wii Sports Resort is really an incredibly well made production.

Those games offend the sensibility of some fans, and so are recontextualized as trash. Hurt feelings don't a fact make, however.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 02, 2013, 11:18:41 AM
Wii Play was a seminal classic
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 02, 2013, 11:28:16 AM
shaka, i am disappoint. nintendo land is gaming aids, and you're sellin' it up like some kinda bug catcher >:(
There's never been anything crappy or bottomfeeder about Nintendo's expanded audience IP like Miis and Wii-themed world games. Wii Sports Resort is really an incredibly well made production.

Those games offend the sensibility of some fans, and so are recontextualized as trash. Hurt feelings don't a fact make, however.

Ready the dumpster
Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 02, 2013, 11:47:47 AM
shaka, i am disappoint. nintendo land is gaming aids, and you're sellin' it up like some kinda bug catcher >:(

It's AIDS at its core alright, but one that is at least transmitted via a diseased ladyboy, curled up in a dumpster... same one where we picked up that dirty needle that was Wii Sports. The game is a step up, but not by any means amazing or worth picking up at retail, imo.

 I give Nintendo credit for trying to give some of the games a bit of depth and sense of progression.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on February 02, 2013, 09:43:33 PM
the mii aesthetic is the very definition of diluted, for-the-masses sanitized garbage
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cascade on February 03, 2013, 05:31:37 AM
I don't get it, why would you guys buy this? there are no fucking games!
This kind of reasoning is really crazy.

Nintendo wants to make what people want. They're a company. They want to make money. If you think Apple just "makes what they want, fuck everyone else", that's crazy too. Apple wants to make money, that's what they want. What Apple doesn't care about are the particulars of a certain audience of technology power users who deride their products for focusing on things that aren't important the the Ur Nerds. Apple is VERY conscious about making what their audience wants to see, or as best they estimate what it wants to see. Nintendo, frankly, is in the same position.

Nintendo pisses off hardcore gamers, huge nerds, and huge geeks, because Nintendo doesn't cater every detail of their image just to those people - the people who feel that they "own" gaming, because they are its number 1 fans. You saw this six years ago when hardcore gamers and geeks got pissed royally off at the Wii, and remain pissed off to this day, because it wasn't aimed strictly at themselves. "The Casuals" became a new curseword for all that was wrong in the Green and Good land of video games.

Nintendo isn't arrogant. They have gotten knocked around quite a lot, and it's bloody obvious they're responding to it. Fantasies about their continued "arrogance" and not caring about anyone, including developers, goes straight against what actual developers have said and are saying about their current experiences with Nintendo. With the 3DS, I think it would be most accurate to say Nintendo was overconfident. Overconfidence and arrogance are not always the same thing. They had too much confidence in 3rd party software at launch. Confidence in the direction the pop culture market had seemed to be going when the 3DS was revealed.

When it was clear things were going wrong, they didn't arrogantly blame everything on people "Just not getting it" or on developers (even though developers did toss the usual shovelware on 3DS at launch, and Nintendo could have blamed that). They cut the price, gave early adopters free shit, and reorganized development resources with lighting speed to get major first party games out the door by the first Christmas. And Iwata took a pay cut.

As far as Wii U goes, what I'd suspect is that the complexity of the product and its supporting services are straining them, and besides the fact that the mainstream doesn't care about all the same things the hardcore do, they are in much the same situation as the 3DS: struggling to get everything in order and ready even up until, and past, launch. In Wii U's case, they just seem to have more of it a little more ready - Miiverse at launch, E-Shop at launch, etc. And yes, if there's one thing that objectively sucks, it's Nintendo of America's marketing. That has little to do with "arrogance" and more incompetence and a seeming inability to get any bead on the American market.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: pilonv1 on February 03, 2013, 06:18:49 AM
the mii aesthetic is the very definition of diluted, for-the-masses sanitized garbage

My god-daughter uses her 3DS more for making Mii's than playing games. She thinks it's hilarious when they fall asleep.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 03, 2013, 09:23:34 AM
I don't get it, why would you guys buy this? there are no fucking games!
This kind of reasoning is really crazy.

Nintendo wants to make what people want. They're a company. They want to make money. If you think Apple just "makes what they want, fuck everyone else", that's crazy too. Apple wants to make money, that's what they want. What Apple doesn't care about are the particulars of a certain audience of technology power users who deride their products for focusing on things that aren't important the the Ur Nerds. Apple is VERY conscious about making what their audience wants to see, or as best they estimate what it wants to see. Nintendo, frankly, is in the same position.

Nintendo pisses off hardcore gamers, huge nerds, and huge geeks, because Nintendo doesn't cater every detail of their image just to those people - the people who feel that they "own" gaming, because they are its number 1 fans. You saw this six years ago when hardcore gamers and geeks got pissed royally off at the Wii, and remain pissed off to this day, because it wasn't aimed strictly at themselves. "The Casuals" became a new curseword for all that was wrong in the Green and Good land of video games.

Nintendo isn't arrogant. They have gotten knocked around quite a lot, and it's bloody obvious they're responding to it. Fantasies about their continued "arrogance" and not caring about anyone, including developers, goes straight against what actual developers have said and are saying about their current experiences with Nintendo. With the 3DS, I think it would be most accurate to say Nintendo was overconfident. Overconfidence and arrogance are not always the same thing. They had too much confidence in 3rd party software at launch. Confidence in the direction the pop culture market had seemed to be going when the 3DS was revealed.

When it was clear things were going wrong, they didn't arrogantly blame everything on people "Just not getting it" or on developers (even though developers did toss the usual shovelware on 3DS at launch, and Nintendo could have blamed that). They cut the price, gave early adopters free shit, and reorganized development resources with lighting speed to get major first party games out the door by the first Christmas. And Iwata took a pay cut.

As far as Wii U goes, what I'd suspect is that the complexity of the product and its supporting services are straining them, and besides the fact that the mainstream doesn't care about all the same things the hardcore do, they are in much the same situation as the 3DS: struggling to get everything in order and ready even up until, and past, launch. In Wii U's case, they just seem to have more of it a little more ready - Miiverse at launch, E-Shop at launch, etc. And yes, if there's one thing that objectively sucks, it's Nintendo of America's marketing. That has little to do with "arrogance" and more incompetence and a seeming inability to get any bead on the American market.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 03, 2013, 10:06:23 AM
I like how I can read two sentences of a wall of text like that and know instantly that it's a Kaijima post without having read the original at GAF.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 03, 2013, 10:14:28 AM
I don't get it, why would you guys buy this? there are no fucking games!
This kind of reasoning is really crazy.

Nintendo wants to make what people want. They're a company. They want to make money. If you think Apple just "makes what they want, fuck everyone else", that's crazy too. Apple wants to make money, that's what they want. What Apple doesn't care about are the particulars of a certain audience of technology power users who deride their products for focusing on things that aren't important the the Ur Nerds. Apple is VERY conscious about making what their audience wants to see, or as best they estimate what it wants to see. Nintendo, frankly, is in the same position.

Nintendo pisses off hardcore gamers, huge nerds, and huge geeks, because Nintendo doesn't cater every detail of their image just to those people - the people who feel that they "own" gaming, because they are its number 1 fans. You saw this six years ago when hardcore gamers and geeks got pissed royally off at the Wii, and remain pissed off to this day, because it wasn't aimed strictly at themselves. "The Casuals" became a new curseword for all that was wrong in the Green and Good land of video games.

Nintendo isn't arrogant. They have gotten knocked around quite a lot, and it's bloody obvious they're responding to it. Fantasies about their continued "arrogance" and not caring about anyone, including developers, goes straight against what actual developers have said and are saying about their current experiences with Nintendo. With the 3DS, I think it would be most accurate to say Nintendo was overconfident. Overconfidence and arrogance are not always the same thing. They had too much confidence in 3rd party software at launch. Confidence in the direction the pop culture market had seemed to be going when the 3DS was revealed.

When it was clear things were going wrong, they didn't arrogantly blame everything on people "Just not getting it" or on developers (even though developers did toss the usual shovelware on 3DS at launch, and Nintendo could have blamed that). They cut the price, gave early adopters free shit, and reorganized development resources with lighting speed to get major first party games out the door by the first Christmas. And Iwata took a pay cut.

As far as Wii U goes, what I'd suspect is that the complexity of the product and its supporting services are straining them, and besides the fact that the mainstream doesn't care about all the same things the hardcore do, they are in much the same situation as the 3DS: struggling to get everything in order and ready even up until, and past, launch. In Wii U's case, they just seem to have more of it a little more ready - Miiverse at launch, E-Shop at launch, etc. And yes, if there's one thing that objectively sucks, it's Nintendo of America's marketing. That has little to do with "arrogance" and more incompetence and a seeming inability to get any bead on the American market.

am i the only who reads these kinds of posts like the poster is cutting an angry promo?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 03, 2013, 12:29:18 PM
I actually played a Wii U game last night!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Balloon Fight.  30 cents for Famicom/NES games is a great idea.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 03, 2013, 12:33:34 PM
am i the only who reads these kinds of posts like the poster is cutting an angry promo?

I read posts like that as if they're an Alex Jones rant.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on February 03, 2013, 01:25:19 PM
the mii aesthetic is the very definition of diluted, for-the-masses sanitized garbage

My god-daughter uses her 3DS more for making Mii's than playing games. She thinks it's hilarious when they fall asleep.

my daughter just runs around in the hub world of nintendo land looking at miis. she despises all the mini-games save yoshi's fruit cart.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 03, 2013, 02:00:01 PM
I actually played a Wii U game last night!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Balloon Fight.  30 cents for Famicom/NES games is a great idea.

Travel Mode is the shit.  Still better than most games coming out today.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 03, 2013, 04:01:37 PM
the mii aesthetic is the very definition of diluted, for-the-masses sanitized garbage

I like their look in Nintendoland. The wooden doll aesthetic they have going on gives them some character IMO

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 03, 2013, 04:28:24 PM

Miiverse was updated but since it's just a site there's nothing to download and install. From GAF:

- improved loadtimes
- jump to top-arrow
- sort by favorite communitys (starred ones)
- sort communitys for most yeah'ed posts
- games available on eshop now have a direct link to it.
- "other communitys"-button. unused for now.

The load times look so much better. :bow2 Bring on Miiverse for smartphones.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Positive Touch on February 03, 2013, 04:33:47 PM
would be useless since most children dont have smartphones
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 03, 2013, 04:40:51 PM
And it def wouldnt be android if at all.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 03, 2013, 04:49:21 PM
And it def wouldnt be android if at all.

Iwata demo'd it on an Android phone. :lol

But it was the website version so it's cross-platform. I doubt they'd only have an iPhone version of the native one considering how big Android is in Japan.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 03, 2013, 05:44:03 PM

Miiverse was updated but since it's just a site there's nothing to download and install. From GAF:

- improved loadtimes
- jump to top-arrow
- sort by favorite communitys (starred ones)
- sort communitys for most yeah'ed posts
- games available on eshop now have a direct link to it.
- "other communitys"-button. unused for now.

The load times look so much better. :bow2 Bring on Miiverse for smartphones.

Wait... the load time were improved ???

Those other items were in when I tried it out and I though the load times were terrible. It's hard to believe they were worse at some point :rofl
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Tasty on February 03, 2013, 06:10:27 PM
You tried it today?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 04, 2013, 06:46:29 PM
Spoiler that shit plz or something.  Anyway i have been looking at the nintendo direct, so they will be showing at E3:

Wii Fit U
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101
Bayonetta 2
Smash Bros U screen
Mario Galaxy U
Mario Kart U
Wii Party U
Yoshis Island U
Windwaker HD
Retro's game

Thats a lot of games.

EDIT:  Added Retros game.

EDIT 2 fixed errors.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: ManaByte on February 04, 2013, 06:59:30 PM
They'll also show Retro's game.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 04, 2013, 07:07:41 PM
They'll also show Retro's game.

Mario Kart 8?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Trent Dole on February 04, 2013, 07:32:18 PM
Mario Kart Galaxy U
Mario Karty U
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 04, 2013, 07:34:33 PM
Thansk for that for some reason i didnt see the "kart" for Mario galaxy.  :S
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 04, 2013, 07:36:33 PM
"U" is the worst Nintendo title theme yet.  Even "DS" sounds better in a title.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Trent Dole on February 04, 2013, 07:37:14 PM
aw but I was really looking forward to 'karty' and 'galaxy cart' from that list. DISAPPOINTMENTON
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 04, 2013, 07:38:41 PM
"U" is the worst Nintendo title theme yet.  Even "DS" sounds better in a title.

Well its better than Wii game 13.  It shows they are milking the franchise.  But they are placehoder names atm.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 04, 2013, 07:40:42 PM
aw but I was really looking forward to 'karty' and 'galaxy cart' from that list. DISAPPOINTMENTON

You are right, Mario Kart Galaxy would have been awesome.  At the end of the track part you fly off to another planet and continue there.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 04, 2013, 07:52:04 PM
Mario Karty :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 05, 2013, 10:01:40 AM
DF analysis,nothing new,good troll(click) bait though

There is one "interesting" thing though
leaks tend to derive from development kit and SDK documentation and, as we understand it, this crucial information simply wasn't available in Nintendo's papers, with developers essentially left to their own devices to figure out the performance level of the hardware.

translating is hard,please understand
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 05, 2013, 10:42:11 AM
With the Sony/Microsoft and Nintendo specs out there now, the trolling can start in earnest
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 05, 2013, 10:50:05 AM
gaf thread is history
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 05, 2013, 10:53:48 AM
The true console wars start here.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 05, 2013, 10:58:28 AM

Iwata: Please understand. HD is hard :-\
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: archie4208 on February 05, 2013, 11:00:11 AM
DF analysis,nothing new,good troll(click) bait though

There is one "interesting" thing though
leaks tend to derive from development kit and SDK documentation and, as we understand it, this crucial information simply wasn't available in Nintendo's papers, with developers essentially left to their own devices to figure out the performance level of the hardware.

translating is hard,please understand

That sounds like lazy devs who can't be bothered to figure things out on their own.  :wag
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 05, 2013, 11:07:07 AM
gaf thread is history

That gaf thread is cray cray laden, I love it
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 05, 2013, 11:20:21 AM
Man, and some of you guys were doubting how strong the system wars would be...all it takes is one little Digital Foundry article and millions of years of social progress are lost for all of humanity.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 05, 2013, 12:43:01 PM
What REALLY rustles my jimmies are the distinguished mentally-challenged fellows who say Wii U is not next-gen but is next-gen at the same time according to some weird-ass Nintendo logic.

"Not next-gen hardware but next-gen console" something like that.


:bow next-gen controls :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 05, 2013, 01:17:56 PM
Can't wait till PS4/ 720 hits and not a single 3rd party dev gives a shit about Wii U anymore.

I don't think you need to wait for PS4/720 for that to happen.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: SantaC on February 06, 2013, 04:42:04 AM
Can't wait till PS4/ 720 hits and not a single 3rd party dev gives a shit about Wii U anymore.

they already dont give a shit
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 04:45:43 AM
m4670 = lazy ati
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 06, 2013, 04:49:31 AM
What REALLY rustles my jimmies are the distinguished mentally-challenged fellows who say Wii U is not next-gen but is next-gen at the same time according to some weird-ass Nintendo logic.

"Not next-gen hardware but next-gen console" something like that.


Its because it is a next gen kids console.  Like the wii before it.  I dont see the problem.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 06, 2013, 04:49:47 AM
Nintendo's in-house development teams are only now coming to terms with what it takes to create software in high definition, and we can expect future release to be more visually advanced that what has already come, president Satoru Iwata has told investors.

"I may add that each game console has its own unique qualities, and developers must go through a trial and error phase to acquire the knack of taking full advantage of them," said Iwata. "This time does not come until a final version of the hardware and development tools for the version have been made available and then a base for software development has been established.

"For Wii U, such a time finally came in the latter half of last year. In this sense, we could not avoid the trial and error stage to create games which take full advantage of the hardware. I think that this is true for third-party software developers as well as Nintendo's. The home consoles of other companies are six or seven years old and software developers have sufficiently studied them and know how to take full advantage of them well. As Wii U is new to them, some developers have already acquired the knack and made good use of its features and others have not.

"You might see this gap among the games that are currently available. However, we are not much concerned about this problem because time will eventually solve it. Actually, we believe that our in-house development teams have almost reached the next stage."

Iwata added that "it is not true that we are deadlocked with a lot of trouble in our development. Otherwise, we could not aim for 100 billion yen or more in operating profit for the next fiscal year".

Shigeru Miyamoto added: "We already went through this initial learning phase and are now tackling how to take full advantage of high-definition graphics. In this sense, retraining our developers used to be a great hurdle."

The Mario creator also revealed that Nintendo's inexperience with high definition development is one of the reasons the platform holder has chosen to partner with external studios more versed in the art.

"The other point is that many of our third-party software developers have been dedicated to technologies like shaders. As Wii U is designed to bring out their real strengths, there have recently been more cases where we develop something with their help," said Miyamoto. "It has been more convenient for us to work together with them because they have been able to more smoothly utilize their know-how for development for Wii U."

next stage :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 05:50:15 AM
If only anyone could explain to me why the low power consumption is so important to Nintendo. Why spend all this money on making something small. We arent talking an eco friendly car here.

They could still make a have decent box with some normal off the shelf parts if they wanted without being 7 years behind in power.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 06, 2013, 06:02:22 AM
It is so that it can be had as a secondary console in Japanese homes.  Japanese homes are small.  I think.

P.S  Eco friendly cars save a lot of money.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 06, 2013, 06:07:15 AM
What REALLY rustles my jimmies are the distinguished mentally-challenged fellows who say Wii U is not next-gen but is next-gen at the same time according to some weird-ass Nintendo logic.

"Not next-gen hardware but next-gen console" something like that.


it's next gen, then PSFourbis and 720 are the gen after.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 06, 2013, 06:11:46 AM
If only anyone could explain to me why the low power consumption is so important to Nintendo. Why spend all this money on making something small. We arent talking an eco friendly car here.

They could still make a have decent box with some normal off the shelf parts if they wanted without being 7 years behind in power.

I guess they decided that having us save $2 or so on our power bill every month is worth creating a junk console.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 06, 2013, 06:23:43 AM
If only anyone could explain to me why the low power consumption is so important to Nintendo. Why spend all this money on making something small. We arent talking an eco friendly car here.

They could still make a have decent box with some normal off the shelf parts if they wanted without being 7 years behind in power.

low power consumption=low heat output=no expensive complex cooling systems needed=smaller box=smaller power supply=cheap,low failure rate system

People like small electronics
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 06, 2013, 06:33:09 AM
If only anyone could explain to me why the low power consumption is so important to Nintendo. Why spend all this money on making something small. We arent talking an eco friendly car here.

They could still make a have decent box with some normal off the shelf parts if they wanted without being 7 years behind in power.

I think small and quiet *does* matter to some people - wives, parents, people sensitive to whirring fans. I prefer small consoles myself. GC, PSOne, PSTwo and Wii are all nice compact designs in my eyes. They're unobtrusive, squeeze into any entertainment center, and they're even easier to throw in a bag and take with you.

I can't imagine the first iterations of nextbox and PS4 looking elegant at all, so its size will probably look nice in retrospect... that thread on GAF where people were gushing over a thin Sony blu-ray player design and suggesting the next PS4 was going to look like that? That's definitely not going to happen. They could well come up with something nice, but looking at suggested specs it will probably be big. Even if it has components at 28nm.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 06:41:18 AM
Yes small is nice, yes electricity costs money. But lets not be kidding ourselves here this saves us a few dollars at best. This is an entertainment device, has ANYONE here ever not purchased some console cause of its power consumption?

It's not like buying a eco car that will actually save the enviroment and you thousands of bucks over its life.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 06:59:12 AM
I paid 400 euro for the last two months. That's 540 dollars.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
There is no gas bill here cause there is no gas, so everything is ELECTRICAL
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 07:03:20 AM
Plus according to this Japan is just a bit more expensive then EU, and thats an EU average with Eastern Europe too.

Ireland is actually more expensive then Japans prices  :-[

(28.36 usd/kwh = Ireland)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 07:05:10 AM
So I dunno Oscar...

Maybe i'm right this time?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 06, 2013, 07:16:56 AM
i'd also add that since fukushima, electricity costs a bloody arm and a leg in japan

my last two months electricity bills have both been over $300 for a two bedroom apartment

holy shit.  I wonder how much it would cost to live in a place like Tokyo Towers at a time like this in Japan.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 06, 2013, 07:19:03 AM
They probably do have some focus testing evidence or something that certain demographics (older people and females) prefer smaller, neater electronics... I mean, why come up with that 3xDVD cases idea for the Wii otherwise?

But that said, I think they meet such size targets as a convenient bonus of their general strategy really. Throughout the generation there will never be a point where they're unable to have the smallest, cheapest console -- and with the price difference, nobody will really expect the U to do what the other consoles do anyway. Their strategy affords them that potential freedom / movement. Freedom from certain expectations, and freedom to wage price war. If you build consoles for cutting edge, you can probably find yourself in a loss leading price war, or not able to cut prices at all instead. I think they're just banking on people being skint for years to come, and hoping they're seen as the value buy.

EA and others rejecting their approach might be really damaging for them, but I think that remains to be seen. I pretty much expect that they'll all coexist just fine TBH.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 07:39:57 AM
Yeah, I have $300 in gas bills on top of my $700 electricity bill.

Anyway, what matters is the Japanese mindset on it.  Even before March 11, low energy consumption was a major selling feature on electronics here.  After?  Stores turn off their automatic doors for most of the day, vending machines turn of their cooling systems at night, and people do everything they can to cut down on usage.  It's an extremely valued feature for Japanese, which likely explains why Nintendo, a Japan-focused company that has proven more stubbornly Japanese than most, emphasizes it so strongly.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong and we should go with your theory, which is probably that Nintendo are poopyheads or something.

Also I should add that this is the winter bill and I have like 15 square metres or more of windows.

Really sucks that Japan is still dealing with Fukushima, but they should really look into alternatives for nuclear energy cause sooner rather then later there will be a huge quake that will REALLY fuck things up.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 06, 2013, 07:54:03 AM
That sucks.  My gas and electric bill is about $80 total.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 08:02:33 AM
My electricity bill is $40 :o Hell my whole monthly bill for rent + land phone + internet + cellphone + electricity + gas for 2 cars is $400 :o

:bow 3rd world country :bow2

Are you fucking kidding me?

My bill is 5/6 times that. :'(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 06, 2013, 09:04:19 AM
i want to see some of those affordable polish titties :drool
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Brehvolution on February 06, 2013, 09:18:34 AM
I pay more to rent the pipes in the ground than the actual gas being used out of them. :piss
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 06, 2013, 09:56:32 AM
I live in the 3rd world and have one of the highest electricity and gas costs in the world :fbm
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 06, 2013, 10:02:29 AM
Don't worry Diunx, at least you don't have any appliances that use electricity or gas.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Forgive me my New Guinea brother   :-[
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 06, 2013, 10:29:09 AM
Can't wait till PS4/ 720 hits and not a single 3rd party dev gives a shit about Wii U anymore.

I don't think you need to wait for PS4/720 for that to happen.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: ManaByte on February 06, 2013, 11:10:00 AM
$30 for electric, $18 for gas. 'Merica.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 06, 2013, 11:58:43 AM
$30 for electric, $18 for gas. 'Merica.

Where do you live again?  That's pretty damn low.

Don't have gas appliances in my place but usually pay between $80-$100 a month for the electric bill.  $50-$60 water bill.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: tiesto on February 06, 2013, 12:09:36 PM
My electric is usually pretty low ~30 or so a month, gas ranges from 20-120 depending on the weather.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 06, 2013, 12:32:32 PM
Georgia Power  >:(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 07, 2013, 07:04:41 AM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 09:10:02 AM
Why are they even photoshopping Reggie there? :lol He is no competition for Sony. Poor Reggie.

Do you consider the lawyer competition for the T-Rex?  I think it's pretty apt, personally.

A lawyer could conceivably have superior arms and appendages with more dexterity than a t-rex (superior reach and manipulation) and a lawyer almost certainly has a less primitive level of intelligence and powers of market analysis to boot. A human can use weapons and drop bombs...

Wait, what are we talking about again?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: demi on February 07, 2013, 11:33:43 AM
lol, Rayman Legends no longer Wii U. At least I can play it if I enjoy Origins - still havent played that
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 07, 2013, 11:34:07 AM
why did i buy this pos  :-\
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 07, 2013, 11:41:32 AM
lol, Rayman Legends no longer Wii U. At least I can play it if I enjoy Origins - still havent played that

 :lol  This game had some Wii fans saying it was only possible on the Wii U.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 11:43:40 AM
lol, Rayman Legends no longer Wii U. At least I can play it if I enjoy Origins - still havent played that

 :lol  This game had some Wii fans saying it was only possible on the Wii U.

Oh, are the PS3 and 360 going to get asymmetrical, 5-player multiplayer bork? Are they!? Didn't think so.

 :bow Wii U :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 07, 2013, 11:44:32 AM
lol, Rayman Legends no longer Wii U. At least I can play it if I enjoy Origins - still havent played that

 :lol  This game had some Wii fans saying it was only possible on the Wii U.

Oh, are the PS3 and 360 going to get asymmetrical, 5-player multiplayer bork? Are they!? Didn't think so.

 :bow Wii U :bow2

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 07, 2013, 11:51:19 AM
The Bore Maths :

x = VitaHype - WiiUHype

Does x = 0 now then?

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 11:55:35 AM
Everyone needs to write letters to Ubisoft.

Let them know that they just made the biggest mistake of their professional lives. Let them know that we've all had Rayman pre-ordered for months and now we're going to cancel them because of this. Porting the game is one thing, but delaying it another 7 months because of the port is absolutely unacceptable.

I've never felt so betrayed by a publisher before. This is a terrible business decision through and through. But we need to make it clear to them that the reason this is now going to flop on Wii U is because of their own shady business practices.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 07, 2013, 11:55:43 AM
A delay isn't bad, I'll just play the demo... oh fuck limited demos :'(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 12:04:46 PM
btw,where is Andrex?

Hates us again?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: archie4208 on February 07, 2013, 12:11:31 PM
Everyone needs to write letters to Ubisoft.

Let them know that they just made the biggest mistake of their professional lives. Let them know that we've all had Rayman pre-ordered for months and now we're going to cancel them because of this. Porting the game is one thing, but delaying it another 7 months because of the port is absolutely unacceptable.

I've never felt so betrayed by a publisher before. This is a terrible business decision through and through. But we need to make it clear to them that the reason this is now going to flop on Wii U is because of their own shady business practices.

Link to pasta.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 12:14:08 PM
Everyone needs to write letters to Ubisoft.

Let them know that they just made the biggest mistake of their professional lives. Let them know that we've all had Rayman pre-ordered for months and now we're going to cancel them because of this. Porting the game is one thing, but delaying it another 7 months because of the port is absolutely unacceptable.

I've never felt so betrayed by a publisher before. This is a terrible business decision through and through. But we need to make it clear to them that the reason this is now going to flop on Wii U is because of their own shady business practices.

Link to pasta.

board is getting hot
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 07, 2013, 12:21:30 PM
Between this, the Sony event later this month and the January & February NPDs I can't wait for my ambassador games :P
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 12:24:14 PM
So WiiU loses another "exclusive"?  :lol

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 12:36:08 PM
Everyone needs to write letters to Ubisoft.

Let them know that they just made the biggest mistake of their professional lives. Let them know that we've all had Rayman pre-ordered for months and now we're going to cancel them because of this. Porting the game is one thing, but delaying it another 7 months because of the port is absolutely unacceptable.

I've never felt so betrayed by a publisher before. This is a terrible business decision through and through. But we need to make it clear to them that the reason this is now going to flop on Wii U is because of their own shady business practices.


yes, making a game exponentially more widely available for the cost of porting it is "bad business."  Even shitty, low budget licensed games are ported to everything from the current top system to the atari 2600-powered screens that they have built into airplane seats.   Third party exclusives are pretty damn rare these are built to be ported.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 12:43:29 PM
Shitty software sales do that,see Vita :teehee
Imagine what is happening to unannounced stuff right now...
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 07, 2013, 12:46:55 PM
Shitty software sales do that,see Vita :teehee
Imagine what is happening to unannounced stuff right now...

spoiler - a load of WiiU stuff got "indefinitely delayed" months before the machine launch.  I'm not joking. :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 07, 2013, 12:57:31 PM
Maybe he bought an X360 and his Wii U choked him out?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 12:59:12 PM
Shitty software sales do that,see Vita :teehee
Imagine what is happening to unannounced stuff right now...

spoiler - a load of WiiU stuff got "indefinitely delayed" months before the machine launch.  I'm not joking. :lol

Wait until E3,Nintendo ninjas NDA  :lol

I almost feel bad for people that believed in that,almost.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 01:10:53 PM
I can't blame Ubi for wanting to give the game a broader audience, but the game was reportedly complete at the last delay...

In one felt swoop they are turning off everyone with a Wii U and they are going to get sales raped by GTA V, not to mention the hype buildup for the new consoles. If they delay it later, we're just entering Duke Nukem territory and critics will be primed to tear it apart.

They could have done this smarter / better.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 07, 2013, 01:34:17 PM
:rofl nintendo :rofl
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 07, 2013, 01:52:37 PM
Nintendo needs new games RIGHT NOW. Not in a few months, not "maybe starting next year", but RIGHT NOW. That they could bungle this launch so badly, with all the warning signs out there, just boggles my mind. If anyone even remembers that the Wii U exist, aside from a few hardcores, by the end of this year, I will be surprised [barring some miraculous comeback spurred on by a massive software push from Nintendo].
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 07, 2013, 02:48:05 PM
Jesus I played that demo and assumed Rayman was -out-
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Huff on February 07, 2013, 03:00:18 PM
Shitty software sales do that,see Vita :teehee
Imagine what is happening to unannounced stuff right now...

spoiler - a load of WiiU stuff got "indefinitely delayed" months before the machine launch.  I'm not joking. :lol

Quit teasing! Fuck your NDA and let me know what was cancelled! Or you are lying

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: ManaByte on February 07, 2013, 03:00:22 PM
Nintendo needs new games RIGHT NOW. Not in a few months, not "maybe starting next year", but RIGHT NOW. That they could bungle this launch so badly, with all the warning signs out there, just boggles my mind. If anyone even remembers that the Wii U exist, aside from a few hardcores, by the end of this year, I will be surprised [barring some miraculous comeback spurred on by a massive software push from Nintendo].

No new games until the 2nd launch in March.

Please understand.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 03:02:41 PM
oh, they think they're going to get that fall video game season money.  Too bad nobody has bought like the last 10 Rayman games, regardless if they were brilliant like Origins.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Huff on February 07, 2013, 03:05:12 PM
No!! No fucking way, No!!

This is fucking bullshit! Absolute, grade-A fucking bullshit!! I've had this game pre-ordered since September of last year, thinking it was going to be a launch title and they pull this bullshit?! No. Fucking no. This game is ready to go on Wii U. It's done. It's pretty much ready to ship. They can't lie about that.

This game was my game of E3 last year. It was the #1 reason I bought a Nintendo Wii U in the first Goddamn place. Now they're gonna fuck over their customers by announcing a delay 3 weeks before it was gonna launch? Fuck that, I'm writing letters and so should you.

Write to Nintendo. Let them know how important a title this is NOT to be delayed again. Let them know you may just trade in your system if this game does not come out on it's expected date.

Write to Ubisoft. Let them know how much you've been waiting and wanting to play this game. Tell them that they're fucking over their fanbase by delaying this game just to appease to the dudebro crowd. Tell them if they go along with this, you will NOT buy a new copy and wait until you can get it used because if they do this, they won't see a god damn dime of my money.

This is NOT the news I needed to wake up to right now. God damn you Ubisoft.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 03:06:00 PM
No!! No fucking way, No!!

This is fucking bullshit! Absolute, grade-A fucking bullshit!! I've had this game pre-ordered since September of last year, thinking it was going to be a launch title and they pull this bullshit?! No. Fucking no. This game is ready to go on Wii U. It's done. It's pretty much ready to ship. They can't lie about that.

This game was my game of E3 last year. It was the #1 reason I bought a Nintendo Wii U in the first Goddamn place. Now they're gonna fuck over their customers by announcing a delay 3 weeks before it was gonna launch? Fuck that, I'm writing letters and so should you.

Write to Nintendo. Let them know how important a title this is NOT to be delayed again. Let them know you may just trade in your system if this game does not come out on it's expected date.

Write to Ubisoft. Let them know how much you've been waiting and wanting to play this game. Tell them that they're fucking over their fanbase by delaying this game just to appease to the dudebro crowd. Tell them if they go along with this, you will NOT buy a new copy and wait until you can get it used because if they do this, they won't see a god damn dime of my money.

This is NOT the news I needed to wake up to right now. God damn you Ubisoft.

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 03:06:37 PM
oh, they think they're going to get that fall video game season money.  Too bad nobody has bought like the last 10 Rayman games, regardless if they were brilliant like Origins.

Everyone will be preparing their undies for GTA V and saving pennies towards the new consoles which are going to be announced imminently.. There'll probably be more fall titles announced by other publishers on all platforms by E3 too. If it bombs how can anyone argue its not a bomb of their own making?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: cool breeze on February 07, 2013, 03:08:31 PM
Nintendo needs new games RIGHT NOW. Not in a few months, not "maybe starting next year", but RIGHT NOW. That they could bungle this launch so badly, with all the warning signs out there, just boggles my mind. If anyone even remembers that the Wii U exist, aside from a few hardcores, by the end of this year, I will be surprised [barring some miraculous comeback spurred on by a massive software push from Nintendo].

No games = no power usage.  Wii U is the greenest console ever made.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Huff on February 07, 2013, 03:09:49 PM
oh, they think they're going to get that fall video game season money.  Too bad nobody has bought like the last 10 Rayman games, regardless if they were brilliant like Origins.

Everyone will be preparing their undies for GTA V and saving pennies towards the new consoles which are going to be announced imminently.. There'll probably be more fall titles announced by other publishers on all platforms by E3 too. If it bombs how can anyone argue its not a bomb of their own making?

WiiU owners should still buy it. Not like they have any other games (GTA) to look forward to
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
oh, they think they're going to get that fall video game season money.  Too bad nobody has bought like the last 10 Rayman games, regardless if they were brilliant like Origins.

Everyone will be preparing their undies for GTA V and saving pennies towards the new consoles which are going to be announced imminently.. There'll probably be more fall titles announced by other publishers on all platforms by E3 too. If it bombs how can anyone argue its not a bomb of their own making?

WiiU owners should still buy it. Not like they have any other games (GTA) to look forward to

I'll still buy it, I was looking forward to buying it in three weeks, but I won't need much temptation in the fall to overlook it for something else. Really don't understand what they get out of making the launch window for all SKUs that much riskier.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 03:27:59 PM
The underlying story is that the WiiU pad must have been an expendable part of the game.  Why make one game for one company with a dev team who is capable of making a version that can be ported to all 3 systems in roughly the same amount of time and for not too much more money?   All they did was exponentially multiply the market for this game.   They probably did this because their predictions indicated it would bomb on the WiiU.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 07, 2013, 03:38:26 PM
No!! No fucking way, No!!

This is fucking bullshit! Absolute, grade-A fucking bullshit!! I've had this game pre-ordered since September of last year, thinking it was going to be a launch title and they pull this bullshit?! No. Fucking no. This game is ready to go on Wii U. It's done. It's pretty much ready to ship. They can't lie about that.

This game was my game of E3 last year. It was the #1 reason I bought a Nintendo Wii U in the first Goddamn place. Now they're gonna fuck over their customers by announcing a delay 3 weeks before it was gonna launch? Fuck that, I'm writing letters and so should you.

Write to Nintendo. Let them know how important a title this is NOT to be delayed again. Let them know you may just trade in your system if this game does not come out on it's expected date.

Write to Ubisoft. Let them know how much you've been waiting and wanting to play this game. Tell them that they're fucking over their fanbase by delaying this game just to appease to the dudebro crowd. Tell them if they go along with this, you will NOT buy a new copy and wait until you can get it used because if they do this, they won't see a god damn dime of my money.

This is NOT the news I needed to wake up to right now. God damn you Ubisoft.

Is this taken from gaf?
Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 07, 2013, 03:44:03 PM
Link please.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 03:46:13 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 03:47:01 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 07, 2013, 03:56:28 PM

That Sonic avatar has some serious swag :pimp
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 07, 2013, 04:00:33 PM
Amazing thread, cant believe so many people butt hurt over a rayman game  :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 04:02:11 PM
Amazing thread, cant believe so many people butt hurt over a rayman game  :lol

Or a convenient way for them to get out of buying a game and then bitching when third party support dries up.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 04:06:35 PM
Quote from: Drinky Crow;47438470
will buy the up-port to ps3

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 04:08:17 PM
Shitty software sales do that,see Vita :teehee
Imagine what is happening to unannounced stuff right now...

spoiler - a load of WiiU stuff got "indefinitely delayed" months before the machine launch.  I'm not joking. :lol

Wait until E3,Nintendo ninjas NDA  :lol

I almost feel bad for people that believed in that,almost.

Yea that one always gets a chuckle out of me.  :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 04:09:21 PM
Reggie said games were coming, and I believe him you guys.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on February 07, 2013, 04:18:49 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 04:21:36 PM

Pretty much.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: cool breeze on February 07, 2013, 04:23:43 PM
supposedly people are taking out their anger in miiverse and nintendo moderators are deleting the comments

rodeo of sad
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Father_Brain on February 07, 2013, 04:25:58 PM
in fairness, the outrage seems to be stemming more from the seven-month delay for the Wii U version than from the multiplatform announcement.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 04:28:14 PM
More tears, feel free to post elsewhere -- particularly like the penis ubisoft logo that was swiftly removed from Miiverse:


Huge image of FB feed:
spoiler (click to show/hide)


More miiverse images here:

including this one:

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 07, 2013, 04:39:34 PM
Ok boys. Time to stop taking crap from Nintendo/Ubisoft about this deal.

You and many others bought a Wii U with the idea that Rayman Legends would be an exclusive to the system. Rayman Legends has been marketed this way before and during the sale of the Wii U. That it would be exclusive to the Wii U. And, because it was going to be exclusive, you and many other purchased a Wii U only for this reason.

In our opinion, this is a violation of anti-trade laws, so, a class-action suit is in the midst of being filed. If you would like to be part of this, simply sign here with "I wish to be part of this suit". If we get at least 50 persons into this, we will point you in the direction of a special website soon where you could be part of a class-action suit against Ubisoft/Nintendo or both.

Beware of those who come onto this thread and claim, "You can't sue them, there is no case, etc." There is a clearly a case here as we have many marketing materials that demonstrate Rayman Legends as a Wii U exclusive. The delay is one thing (and will perhaps be part of the suit). The Wii U exclusivity promise, and now being available on all platforms, is an outrage.

Sign here if you are a Wii U owner and if you would like to be part of this suit.

gamefaqs has gone ballistic  :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 04:40:07 PM
What's with all the GTAV stuff? Isn't that one not coming to the WiiU?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 04:45:46 PM
What's with all the GTAV stuff? Isn't that one not coming to the WiiU?

They're suggesting that it's a dumb move to wait for the PS3/360 to release when those versions will theoretically get steamrolled by big releases like GTA. Meanwhile, the Wii U has owners starved for a good game right now, so, the suggestion is that the delay is a boneheaded move on all fronts.

And I can see some reasoning to support that. Honestly, this is a surprising move at this stage in the game. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall when it was communicated to Nintendo that this game was being delayed and is no longer exclusive, because it's almost impossible not to see that as anything but a slap in the face at this point. As someone who liked Origins but is not terribly invested in the Rayman franchise, I'm just sitting back and laughing at this whole situation.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 04:48:52 PM
What's with all the GTAV stuff? Isn't that one not coming to the WiiU?

They're suggesting that it's a dumb move to wait for the PS3/360 to release when those versions will theoretically get steamrolled by big releases like GTA. Meanwhile, the Wii U has owners starved for a good game right now, so, the suggestion is that the delay is a boneheaded move on all fronts.

And honestly, I can see some reasoning to support that. Honestly, this is a surprising move at this stage in the game. I'd have love to be a fly on the wall when it was communicated to Nintendo that this game was being delayed and is no longer exclusive, because it's almost impossible not to see that as anything but a slap in the face at this point. As someone who liked Origins but is not terribly invested in the Rayman franchise, I'm just sitting back and laughing.


losing exclusivity more likely stung but for it to be delayed for so long is like adding a ton of salt to the wound especially since the game was apparently delayed before.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 04:54:18 PM
I agree it totally sucks. However, you'd think Nintendo fans would be used to get crapped on by third-parties by now.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 07, 2013, 05:01:11 PM
That GAF thread has more views than people who will actually buy a Rayman game
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 07, 2013, 05:02:45 PM
That GAF thread has more views than people who will actually buy a Rayman game

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 05:05:09 PM
I agree it totally sucks. However, you'd think Nintendo fans would be used to get crapped on by third-parties by now.

Battered wives?

That GAF thread has more views than people who will actually buy a Rayman game


Not surprised about the multiplat.  That was in the cards no matter what.  The delay is a little odd, but given how WiiU software is selling, it's not a hard case to make.

Shame Wonderful 101/Bayo 2 aren't normal 3rd party exclusives.

I think everywhere would implode if those games somehow jumped ship  :lol :lol

But their abnormality is what stops that.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 07, 2013, 05:05:44 PM
I agree it totally sucks. However, you'd think Nintendo fans would be used to get crapped on by third-parties by now.

Battered wives?

They don't complain, though. They take it and act like it's a good thing.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 07, 2013, 05:07:42 PM
Zombie U is next I hope. Gimme dat PS3 version, Ubi.

yeah, being as this is the only wii u game i am interested in right now, i'd like to see it

dunno how they'd pull off the "scanning" stuff with the controller, though
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 07, 2013, 05:08:58 PM
Zombie U is next I hope. Gimme dat PS3 version, Ubi.

yeah, being as this is the only wii u game i am interested in right now, i'd like to see it

dunno how they'd pull off the "scanning" stuff with the controller, though

Eh, I think it'd be fine. All the GamePad stuff is kind of clunky and annoying in my mind anyway.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 07, 2013, 05:14:34 PM
vita cross-play? :hyper

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 07, 2013, 05:58:12 PM
Zombie U is next I hope. Gimme dat PS3 version, Ubi.

yeah, being as this is the only wii u game i am interested in right now, i'd like to see it

dunno how they'd pull off the "scanning" stuff with the controller, though

Eh, I think it'd be fine. All the GamePad stuff is kind of clunky and annoying in my mind anyway.

It could easily be done, but I guess they'd have to bring the Bug Out Bag on to the TV as an overlay, maybe make it small -- wouldn't have quite the same feel as on Wii U where you're messing with you're inventory but giving cursory glances to the TV to make sure nothing is about to attack you... they had quite a few scripted attacks triggered by rifling through trash cans or picking up items that played off that idea. Same with the scanner really, they'd have to make the radar a HUD item, and just change the TV view when you were using the scanner... I don't think they'll bother TBH. Maybe for a sequel, or something else that uses the assets.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 06:53:05 PM

Monster Hunter series producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, shared the information with Gamereactor in a recent interview. This means that American players will not be able to play online with European players, and neither one will be able to play with Japanese players either. Capcom have since confirmed the news on their forums.


Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: mjemirzian on February 07, 2013, 07:18:00 PM
Hey guys great news, Rayman Legends is coming to more platforms so more gamers can enjoy it! :)

Wait.. what's going on in this thread? :( oh god
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 07, 2013, 07:48:28 PM
I agree it totally sucks. However, you'd think Nintendo fans would be used to get crapped on by third-parties by now.

Battered wives?

They don't complain, though. They take it and act like it's a good thing.

things wont change then  :P

stolen from GAF

Translated post from a member of the dev team apparently

I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.

If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.

For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.

Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty

that fucking sucks
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: etiolate on February 07, 2013, 07:49:32 PM
Doesn't this hurt its Wii U sales and overall sales? People care about Rayman right now, but I get the feeling it will get lost in the major holiday releases.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: naff on February 07, 2013, 08:07:43 PM
Either way it was going to be lost, and do they really want the support of a few vocal ninfags? Still haven't finished Origins myself, hard to explain why but I just find playing it boring despite how awesome it looks and the gameplay being solid. I often feel this way about Ubi games.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 08:11:08 PM
it sounds like someone ran some numbers -- releasing the game now vs. the fall -- and found that any lost WiiU numbers would probably be overcome by 360/PS3 numbers.   and for some other reason, releasing WiiU now and porting later may not have been as profitable as all 3 at once.

seems like if you work for a major publisher on major titles and that shit will happen, eh?  I hope he still gets his vacation and that they got someone else to crunch the ports!
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on February 07, 2013, 08:18:42 PM
boo hoo, your game was delayed

try crunching for a game that's never released

(or announced)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 07, 2013, 08:36:56 PM

Howard was right, white tears ARE delicious!
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on February 07, 2013, 08:37:44 PM

Howard was right, white tears ARE delicious!

ain't nobody whiter than a ninthing

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: demi on February 07, 2013, 08:49:20 PM
Hey guys great news, Rayman Legends is coming to more platforms so more gamers can enjoy it! :)

Wait.. what's going on in this thread? :( oh god

Nobody is going to buy this game. They didn't buy the first one.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 07, 2013, 09:20:49 PM
Nintards better get used to it, although I doubt many developers are going to make the mistake of making anything Wii U exclusive.  Shit, the Wii U is struggling to get much if any PS3/360 ports.

It's going to be a long, harsh, and cold winter for Nintards.  They can't keep playing Monster Hunter 3 forever.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Raban on February 07, 2013, 09:57:53 PM

MiiVerse really is the best thing about WiiU right now. Didn't Nintendo say something about bringing that service to mobile in some way? If that actually happens, I will never need a WiiU.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: etiolate on February 07, 2013, 10:01:32 PM
I wonder if UBI knows of some sort of price drop possibility. I do really feel they won't make up the sales they lose on Wii U by releasing on all three platforms in the middle of a software release rush. Like Activision with Skylanders, I imagine they are concerned with the adoption rate of Wii U among kids. There's two things that would increase that and one of those is a price drop to make it more affordable as a kid's gift. The other is another Christmas, but obviously that's not happening by September.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 07, 2013, 10:43:38 PM
I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decision taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don’t pick on the game.

If you’re pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we’ve been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc…) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn’t finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we’re being told it’s not going to be released? I couldn’t believe it.

For practical matters, you’ll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we’ve spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn’t needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.

Even then I’m firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that’s making it doesn’t deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 07, 2013, 10:56:26 PM
In light of the recent events involving Rayman Legends, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

3rd party publishers are getting away with murder. On-disc DLC, enforcing an anti-used game agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and delaying a finished product despite people who may have bought a console for that "exclusive" title.


Console makers, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping their customers happy to maintain marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their business against the practices of their licensees when they only work to hurt the industry as a whole? Gamers are already bitter and twisted against the industry at large, and that industry includes the console makers. The only choices console makers should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Rayman Legends as an example. Ubisoft obviously has seen Nintendo as a way to grow their revenue stream with casual titles on Wii and the original content and ports it brought to WiiU. Customers who really like Rayman and bought a WiiU because it was advertised as an exclusivehave been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for the massive delay. Why shouldn't Nintendo be able to step in and defend its consumers in this regard by issuing sanctions against Ubisoft content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking their license agreements?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 07, 2013, 11:04:04 PM
Why should they not be allowed to defend their business against the practices of their licensees when they only work to hurt the industry as a whole? Gamers are already bitter and twisted against the industry at large, and that industry includes the console makers. The only choices console makers should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

Oh man, they taste so good. :lol

"Ubisoft is damaging the entire gaming industry by delaying the sequel to a game that sold 50k units, MODS HALP!"
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: mjemirzian on February 07, 2013, 11:26:15 PM
I don't think anyone here is complaining about a WiiU game going multiplat.  You must have gotten your tabs mixed up with GAF.  Or took people's GAF reposts straight.
I was joking around too with that post. ;)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 11:37:55 PM
In light of the recent events involving Rayman Legends, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

3rd party publishers are getting away with murder. On-disc DLC, enforcing an anti-used game agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and delaying a finished product despite people who may have bought a console for that "exclusive" title.


Console makers, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping their customers happy to maintain marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their business against the practices of their licensees when they only work to hurt the industry as a whole? Gamers are already bitter and twisted against the industry at large, and that industry includes the console makers. The only choices console makers should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Rayman Legends as an example. Ubisoft obviously has seen Nintendo as a way to grow their revenue stream with casual titles on Wii and the original content and ports it brought to WiiU. Customers who really like Rayman and bought a WiiU because it was advertised as an exclusivehave been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for the massive delay. Why shouldn't Nintendo be able to step in and defend its consumers in this regard by issuing sanctions against Ubisoft content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking their license agreements?

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 07, 2013, 11:40:21 PM
So let's use Rayman Legends as an example. Ubisoft obviously has seen Nintendo as a way to grow their revenue stream with casual titles on Wii and the original content and ports it brought to WiiU. Customers who really like Rayman and bought a WiiU because it was advertised as an exclusivehave been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for the massive delay. Why shouldn't Nintendo be able to step in and defend its consumers in this regard by issuing sanctions against Ubisoft content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking their license agreements?

lol - because, you know, games companies when they tie up games for exclusivity NEVER have get out clauses! And nothing gets other 3rd parties in to the fold than being SANCTIONED! Fuck me.

Most likely this was a "If WiiU machine levels are not at X million, then we reserve the right to go multiplatform" and given how great the other Ubi games didn't do, then i have no idea why even people working at Ubi are complaining. This is protecting THEIR jobs. Okay - you worked hard for 6 months - here's a medal - but ultimately if the upper management saw that this thing was potentially heading into the BOMBOLATOMBOLA then they did absolutely the right thing to trigger any get out clauses that they had in place.

Fanboys and Devs a like seem to think that companies are run by Fanboys and they -aren't-. If they were they'd all be bankrupt rather than just a large slew of them.

If Nthings want to blame anyone they should blame their "OH WOW! BOW AT NINTENDO!" fanbase who failed to pick up 3rd party games in any significant way and instead are sitting around playing another fucking Mario game and Nintendoland. Prize fucking turnips to them all.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 07, 2013, 11:42:34 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 08, 2013, 01:15:16 AM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 08, 2013, 01:18:39 AM
I gotta admit, I'm enjoying Kaz' gif when used passive-aggressively way more than I should.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Trent Dole on February 08, 2013, 01:21:08 AM
All the Kaz gifs are so stupid. Execs aren't cool and they aren't your friends, Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: cool breeze on February 08, 2013, 01:23:06 AM
it's like the Move of memes

and it's disturbing that most depict him murdering the competition, literally.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 08, 2013, 01:25:09 AM
All the Kaz gifs are so stupid. Execs aren't cool and they aren't your friends, Jesus Christ.
Big picture, first time Sony stumbles (and they will) every one of these gifs will be thrown back at their creators to salt the wounds.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Purple Filth on February 08, 2013, 01:55:02 AM
it's like the Move of memes

and it's disturbing that most depict him murdering the competition, literally.

thats when it got funny tbh since you could see the level slowly rising
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 02:10:54 AM
w/e that one i posted is good, haterz
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 02:19:21 AM
Wait until Sony announces Killzone 4(Feb.event?),then you will see gifs.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 08, 2013, 02:42:31 AM
All the Kaz gifs are so stupid. Execs aren't cool and they aren't your friends, Jesus Christ.

Yeah, this is seriously fucking weird
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 08, 2013, 03:07:58 AM
I was going to ask if all this started with Reggie. (Or Peter Moore?) But then I seem to remember some kind of small Tom Kalinske cult way back. (Maybe Oscar still has the jumpsuit?)
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: pilonv1 on February 08, 2013, 03:12:55 AM
All the Kaz gifs are so stupid. Execs aren't cool and they aren't your friends, Jesus Christ.

There's still two weeks till the event and at least 7 months till launch. It's only going to get worse
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 08, 2013, 03:39:30 AM
One story about Yamauchi I do love is when he yelled at those Coleco execs over Donkey Kong:
Yamauchi entered the room abruptly and, without addressing anyone, stood at the end of the table. He became, as one of those present put it, "unglued."
He began with a breathy, high-pitched tirade in a Marlon Brando monotone and quickly became loud and abusive. With a piercing cry, he swung his arm in an arc in front of him, shooting his outstretched index finger toward [Coleco president Arnold] Greenberg.
Yamauchi's diatribe, all in Japanese, completely stunned everyone in the room, with the possible exception of the Arakawas. Howard Lincoln says, "It scared the hell out of me."
When Greenberg turned to Arakawa for help, he was met with a cold stare. By the time Yamauchi wound down, no one in the room said a word.
The translator finally began to speak. "Mr. Yamauchi is very upset," the man said
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 08, 2013, 03:43:57 AM
The gifs are funny, the tears are funny. Everything is funny if you don't take it seriously bitchz
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 08, 2013, 06:11:33 AM
one of my students is a 73 year old man who started studying english from scratch when he was 64

stop being lazy

Isnt english easier to learn to an adequete level than Japanese.  I heard that learning Japanese entry level is hard but gets easier later.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 08, 2013, 06:47:58 AM
Japanese doesn't seem very hard since its not a tonal language like fooking Chinese and there is no shit like grammar I think.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 08:11:24 AM
Yeah Borys is lazy,I know some 70 something  people that have degrees in Nuclear physics and they still learn new shit every day.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 08, 2013, 08:37:35 AM
personally, i think learning to speak english is a lot more difficult than learning to speak japanese.  the reading/writing is the hard bit, but when it comes down to the actual spoken language, english is big fat mutt language full of holes, inconsistent rules, and even when you find some solid rules, the reasoning behind them is completely esoteric.  japanese is actually a very structured, consistent language.  there's no weird shit like gendered nouns or confusingly applied articles, and it only has two irregular verbs.  probably the only confusing thing about it is the way counters work, and that's pretty easily learned in a week or three.

So youre saying I wasnt far off for once?

I remember some manager complaining how it's possible the japanese translators work twice as fast and don't make spelling mistakes  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Ignorant motherfucker
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 08, 2013, 09:40:05 AM
ZombiU bundle is coming Feb 17 for $390:

Also known as the "haha fuck you hampster you can't return shit because your account is tied to the hardware" bundle

Not even a week before a better deal comes along :gloomy
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 08, 2013, 10:02:41 AM
personally, i think learning to speak english is a lot more difficult than learning to speak japanese.

Yup, and that goes for a number of other languages.  English is so fucked up.   :lol
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: tiesto on February 08, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
All the Kaz gifs are so stupid. Execs aren't cool and they aren't your friends, Jesus Christ.

I'll be honest I think Kaz is pretty hot.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 10:39:03 AM
ZombiU bundle is coming Feb 17 for $390:

Also known as the "haha fuck you hampster you can't return shit because your account is tied to the hardware" bundle

Not even a week before a better deal comes along :gloomy

a day after UbiBetrayal-gate? 

Nintendo should pull this bundle and administer sanctions to Ubisoft for abusing their privilege to make games for the WiiU. 
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 08, 2013, 11:35:58 AM
personally, i think learning to speak english is a lot more difficult than learning to speak japanese.  the reading/writing is the hard bit, but when it comes down to the actual spoken language, english is big fat mutt language full of holes, inconsistent rules, and even when you find some solid rules, the reasoning behind them is completely esoteric.  japanese is actually a very structured, consistent language.  there's no weird shit like gendered nouns or confusingly applied articles, and it only has two irregular verbs.  probably the only confusing thing about it is the way counters work, and that's pretty easily learned in a week or three.

Yep yep. Japanese is very consistent and phonetic. Learning kanji is typically what kills people (like me).

English has so many crazy non-rules and the slang is enough to give an immigrant learning the language an aneurysm.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 08, 2013, 12:35:03 PM
I love the NeoGAF threads claiming that Yves Guillemot is going to TAKE THE FALL when Rayman does poor sales numbers

Tee hee
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: demi on February 08, 2013, 12:40:07 PM
I rather like the Kaz GIFs... is there a thread with more? I've been sharing em with my bud. We're loling.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 12:42:39 PM
I rather like the Kaz GIFs... is there a thread with more? I've been sharing em with my bud. We're loling.

Start from the back
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 08, 2013, 12:54:57 PM
Sonic Racing Transformers:

PS3: 1280x720
360: 1152x544
Wii U: 1024x576


Lazy devs :wag
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 12:55:41 PM
This thread too,


Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 08, 2013, 12:57:52 PM
Sonic Racing Transformers:

PS3: 1280x720
360: 1152x544
Wii U: 1024x576


Maybe it runs at 240fps.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: fistfulofmetal on February 08, 2013, 01:02:30 PM

this gif.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Brehvolution on February 08, 2013, 01:29:00 PM

Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 08, 2013, 01:34:41 PM

this gif.

Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 08, 2013, 01:39:43 PM
GAF has been weird since the the Rayman thing happened... The exclusivity of every Wii U game is being questioned (Lego City, Bayonetta 2, W101, etc). It's kinda sad.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Huff on February 08, 2013, 01:50:58 PM
Title: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 08, 2013, 01:54:41 PM
When they're so masterfully done, they do indeed look creepy...

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 08, 2013, 02:11:03 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Brehvolution on February 08, 2013, 02:15:08 PM
Wait! People bought the wii u for Rayman?! :rofl if true
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on February 08, 2013, 02:21:09 PM
This thread too,


Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 08, 2013, 02:39:13 PM
The gifs are amazing :rofl
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on February 08, 2013, 02:44:09 PM
the only gif thats funny is the football girl one

this entire gif collection just makes me hate gaf even more
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: huckleberry on February 08, 2013, 02:52:26 PM
They are just having fun man...some of those are really good.  I would take any of the gifs in that thread over the entirety of the ntard gif collection in the last 6 years.

Look at it this way - If Sony falls flat on their faces again the gifs will be all that much funnier.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 08, 2013, 03:09:51 PM
ZombiU bundle is coming Feb 17 for $390:

Also known as the "haha fuck you hampster you can't return shit because your account is tied to the hardware" bundle

Not even a week before a better deal comes along :gloomy

a day after UbiBetrayal-gate? 

Nintendo should pull this bundle and administer sanctions to Ubisoft for abusing their privilege to make games for the WiiU.
Not enough. Nintendo should get Japan to push for UN sanctions against France.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 08, 2013, 03:11:44 PM


Holy fuck
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 03:17:41 PM
ZombiU bundle is coming Feb 17 for $390:

Also known as the "haha fuck you hampster you can't return shit because your account is tied to the hardware" bundle

Not even a week before a better deal comes along :gloomy

a day after UbiBetrayal-gate? 

Nintendo should pull this bundle and administer sanctions to Ubisoft for abusing their privilege to make games for the WiiU.
Not enough. Nintendo should get Japan to push for UN sanctions against France.

Is this enough?

Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.

We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 08, 2013, 03:18:40 PM
You all laughed at the crying Nintendo fanboys but Ubi finally caved

Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.

We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.

New demo :rock
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 08, 2013, 03:18:49 PM
Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Momo on February 08, 2013, 03:20:11 PM
When they're so masterfully done, they do indeed look creepy...
For me the best are the ones that look like they are made by 5 year olds :lol

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 03:20:56 PM
Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

Yes,he got hissy again.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 08, 2013, 03:21:44 PM
Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

I hope he comes back for Monster Hunter. I need him to show me the ropes. Won't you help me Andrex-kun :uguu
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 08, 2013, 03:22:33 PM
These are creepy. (
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: bork on February 08, 2013, 03:31:44 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 08, 2013, 03:52:49 PM
These are creepy. (


Only ninthings would be upset over something as delicate as this.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 04:01:09 PM
I love the NeoGAF threads claiming that Yves Guillemot is going to TAKE THE FALL when Rayman does poor sales numbers

Tee hee

everyone know NPD is nothing.  Honor, loyalty, fairness, and honesty-- if you work in the game industry and break one of these, you're blackballed for life.  As far as I'm concerned, any money that gets to Ubisoft for Rayman Legends is dirty money.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 04:04:47 PM
WiiU may be questionable, but these Kaz gifs are next gen.  We're at early South Park level now.   Exec worship is extremely weird, but i think there's value in just having a jagged, almost Yakuza-looking middle-aged Japanese man's mug put on some classic gifs for the hell of it.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 08, 2013, 04:13:15 PM
You all laughed at the crying Nintendo fanboys but Ubi finally caved

Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.

We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.

New demo :rock

An exclusive demo..? Lol.

Not even going to come close to doing any sort of damage limitation for this PR disaster. You really couldn't make it up.

The only thing that's going to repair the damage done is releasing the game before September...and I can't see that happening.

I reckon they could be looking at around 100,000 less sales across several IPs if people really are going to boycott Ubisoft's software from now on. :Oo
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: cool breeze on February 08, 2013, 04:18:37 PM
i read on gaf that nintendo can release a $50 usb dongle to inject more graphics into the wii u

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 08, 2013, 04:19:11 PM
Is this really a disaster? How many people outside of "THE INTERNET" even care?

Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

Yes,he got hissy again.

What about this time?

He's still lurking, just not posting.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 04:22:01 PM
So now the dev team has to crunch to get a new WiiU demo out as quickly as possible.  :lol 

The fans said "yes, our game is more important than your time with your family, weird french guy who i don't know" 
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: maxy on February 08, 2013, 04:23:29 PM
Is this really a disaster? How many people outside of "THE INTERNET" even care?

Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

Yes,he got hissy again.

What about this time?

He's still lurking, just not posting.

Something in next gen thread,didn't pay much attention.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 08, 2013, 04:34:08 PM
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 08, 2013, 04:38:37 PM
Fucking Andrex kid. Start posting again you loser.

These past few days have been hard on him, with the Wii U sales figures and UbiTrayal. Just give him some time.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 08, 2013, 05:30:35 PM
I think long term the Wii U won't be able to keep up with Sony / MS next offerings.

In a perfect world, this is what they should do:

Unveil a Super Wii U at E3 2014 or other big trade show

Super Wii U

Release late 2014 / maybe late 2015

Fully Backwards compatible with Wii U

Specs comparable / superior to next gen Sony / MS systems

Sell for ~$250 with no Gamepad - ~$299 with Gamepad

Launch with Zelda and/or Smash Bros and/or Mario 3d

Wii HD  :hyper
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: hampster on February 08, 2013, 06:13:17 PM
Quote from: Mario;47483897
At DICE, nobody has been talking about the new Wii U projects they have started, only the Wii U projects that have just been cancelled.

Platform is in serious trouble. (http://"")

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 08, 2013, 06:51:36 PM
Quote from: Mario;47483897
At DICE, nobody has been talking about the new Wii U projects they have started, only the Wii U projects that have just been cancelled.

Platform is in serious trouble. (

Come on people. It's just after a launch. A launch that bested the 360 and PS3 launches no less.

Sure, it's not amazing and could be much better, but people are less likely to buy a new system at this time. Plus, as it's a new console, and not an established one, of course software sales are going to be down. People are more likely to purchase a game for a console they have than a new console, afterall.

Contrary to belief here, and across the internet, launches are never blazes of glory, selling dozens of millions of games and units in the first few months.

Nintendo has a plan and has shown part of it. It'll turn around.

On a sidenote, it's ridiculous that developers complain about lack of sales and decide to help cure this by canning games. It's the same with the Vita and 3DS (back when the 3DS was in this exact situation).

We'll see a similar pattern at the end of the year, of that I can guarantee
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 08, 2013, 07:35:05 PM
i read on gaf that nintendo can release a $50 usb dongle to inject more graphics into the wii u

:bow Firmware Updates :bow2
:bow USB Dongles :bow2
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 08, 2013, 08:07:58 PM
Is this really a disaster? How many people outside of "THE INTERNET" even care?

Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

Yes,he got hissy again.

What about this time?

He's still lurking, just not posting.

He got annoyed because he can't comment on anything, no matter if its related or not, without certain people rather consistently throwing his words back at him through a Nintendo filter. 

Like I said to him in that thread, that's his fault to an extent for playing it up, and that's also just how the Bore rolls.  But he felt the level of conversation towards him was pretty much shit these days, so that's probably why he isn't posting.

I don't blame him, to be honest (the only reason people want him around right at this moment is to give him a whipping over the misfortunes of a system he's been pretty down on since buying), and I can respect that he's not asking the Bore to change the way magoose did.  Don't like it, leave it.  And so, for now at least, he has.

He'd been getting better lately, actually. Dude was actually beginning to question Nintendo instead of just blindly accepting anything they offered up or said.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 08, 2013, 09:31:41 PM
Is this really a disaster? How many people outside of "THE INTERNET" even care?

Did Andrex abandon us again? Curious what he thinks about this.

Yes,he got hissy again.

What about this time?

He's still lurking, just not posting.

He got annoyed because he can't comment on anything, no matter if its related or not, without certain people rather consistently throwing his words back at him through a Nintendo filter. 

Like I said to him in that thread, that's his fault to an extent for playing it up, and that's also just how the Bore rolls.  But he felt the level of conversation towards him was pretty much shit these days, so that's probably why he isn't posting.

I don't blame him, to be honest (the only reason people want him around right at this moment is to give him a whipping over the misfortunes of a system he's been pretty down on since buying), and I can respect that he's not asking the Bore to change the way magoose did.  Don't like it, leave it.  And so, for now at least, he has.

He'd been getting better lately, actually. Dude was actually beginning to question Nintendo instead of just blindly accepting anything they offered up or said.

I disagree.  He still had the "If it isn't Nintendo exclusive, it isn't worth a shit" mentality that rustles my jimmies the most about Nintards.  He could turn a corner but that seems doubtful.

On the other hand, he actually finished Himuro Plinko, which he didn't get enough credit for.  I still play it from time to time when I open Chrome up.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 08, 2013, 09:47:38 PM
The Plinko needs to be updated with a few dozen more options.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 08, 2013, 10:15:16 PM
Sad to see that Andrex is not around - I felt he was turning a corner on the whole Nintendo thing and , at least with me, he aimed some stuff back. I like him, he'll be missed
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 08, 2013, 10:18:43 PM
i suspect he'll be back.  he's probably just taking a break.  haven't really asked him about it, though.

Of course he will be back.  He was lurking here no more than 15 minutes ago.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 08, 2013, 11:20:32 PM
I'm with Oscar, Andrex was right to leave, or at least take a break.

Quote from: Mario;47483897
At DICE, nobody has been talking about the new Wii U projects they have started, only the Wii U projects that have just been cancelled.

Platform is in serious trouble. (

Come on people. It's just after a launch. A launch that bested the 360 and PS3 launches no less.

Sure, it's not amazing and could be much better, but people are less likely to buy a new system at this time. Plus, as it's a new console, and not an established one, of course software sales are going to be down. People are more likely to purchase a game for a console they have than a new console, afterall.

Contrary to belief here, and across the internet, launches are never blazes of glory, selling dozens of millions of games and units in the first few months.

Nintendo has a plan and has shown part of it. It'll turn around.

On a sidenote, it's ridiculous that developers complain about lack of sales and decide to help cure this by canning games. It's the same with the Vita and 3DS (back when the 3DS was in this exact situation).

We'll see a similar pattern at the end of the year, of that I can guarantee

Actually I'm pretty sure people are more likely to buy games when they first get a console.

It is funny to see posts like these with people saying "nothing wrong, but don't worry they are turning it around, but nothing is wrong"
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: treythemovie on February 08, 2013, 11:20:47 PM
Andrex, nooooooooooooooooooo  :'(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Diunx on February 09, 2013, 12:23:39 AM
Maybe he should stop being one.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 09, 2013, 12:50:09 AM
I missed the whole finale - where did it occur?

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: mjemirzian on February 09, 2013, 02:16:19 AM
Maybe he should make a thread declaring himself no longer a fanboy.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: benjipwns on February 09, 2013, 03:03:52 AM
In light of the recent events involving Andrex, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

Various posters are getting away with murder. Making bad threads, buying WiiU's, posting with a certain agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and leaving for other forums despite people who may have signed up here just to see their posts.

Mods, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping the community happy to maintain The Bore's marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their forum against the practices of their posters when they only work to hurt the community as a whole? Posters are already bitter and twisted against the community at large, and that community includes the administrators. The only choices admins and mods should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Andrex as an example. He obviously has seen The Bore as a way to grow his internet prescience with the original content and posts he brought to The Bore. Posters who really like Andrex and signed up for The Bore because he was posting here have been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for him still posting on GAF. Why shouldn't mods be able to step in and defend their community in this regard by issuing sanctions against Andrex-related content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking his posting abilities?
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 09, 2013, 03:08:49 AM
In light of the recent events involving Andrex, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

Various posters are getting away with murder. Making bad threads, buying WiiU's, posting with a certain agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and leaving for other forums despite people who may have signed up here just to see their posts.

Mods, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping the community happy to maintain The Bore's marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their forum against the practices of their posters when they only work to hurt the community as a whole? Posters are already bitter and twisted against the community at large, and that community includes the administrators. The only choices admins and mods should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Andrex as an example. He obviously has seen The Bore as a way to grow his internet prescience with the original content and posts he brought to The Bore. Posters who really like Andrex and signed up for The Bore because he was posting here have been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for him still posting on GAF. Why shouldn't mods be able to step in and defend their community in this regard by issuing sanctions against Andrex-related content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking his posting abilities?

This is the most distinguished mentally-challenged thing i have read all day.  It isnt like you paid money to get in here.
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Damian79 on February 09, 2013, 03:49:58 AM
I think it is kind of sad that posters here brush off his comments with "blah blah nintendo nerd", even if he is one you should always evaluate each post on its own merit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of bawling Andrex
Post by: maxy on February 09, 2013, 06:33:39 AM
Rayman,WiiU savior  :lol
If somebody told me this a year ago I would point him to the nearest loony bin.

Why are Nfans emailing only Ubi?What about Nintendo,they have sold them $350 paperweight.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of bawling Andrex
Post by: Momo on February 09, 2013, 06:37:04 AM
I really despise you all for running magoose off and will likely kill you all while vulnerable on the shitter playing WiiU in the near future
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 09, 2013, 07:15:03 AM
In light of the recent events involving Andrex, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

Various posters are getting away with murder. Making bad threads, buying WiiU's, posting with a certain agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and leaving for other forums despite people who may have signed up here just to see their posts.

Mods, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping the community happy to maintain The Bore's marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their forum against the practices of their posters when they only work to hurt the community as a whole? Posters are already bitter and twisted against the community at large, and that community includes the administrators. The only choices admins and mods should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Andrex as an example. He obviously has seen The Bore as a way to grow his internet prescience with the original content and posts he brought to The Bore. Posters who really like Andrex and signed up for The Bore because he was posting here have been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for him still posting on GAF. Why shouldn't mods be able to step in and defend their community in this regard by issuing sanctions against Andrex-related content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking his posting abilities?

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 07:17:20 AM
it was the next gen thread.  we were talking about CoD or something and he said "i think cod will lose relevance next gen like gta did this gen" or something like that, and a couple people jumped on him to defend gta, and a couple people jumped on him with unrelated "u just mad gta dint cum 2 nintendo" stuff.

it was pretty stupid stuff.

If youre gonna blame me for andy leaving ill leave too   :'(
Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 07:28:35 AM
In light of the recent events involving Andrex, combined with a nagging thought I've had, I present this to you.

Various posters are getting away with murder. Making bad threads, buying WiiU's, posting with a certain agenda and, most recently of course, canceling exclusivity and leaving for other forums despite people who may have signed up here just to see their posts.

Mods, on the other hand, have one concern above all others: keeping the community happy to maintain The Bore's marketshare. Why should they not be allowed to defend their forum against the practices of their posters when they only work to hurt the community as a whole? Posters are already bitter and twisted against the community at large, and that community includes the administrators. The only choices admins and mods should be taken to task for is their own, not someone else's.

So let's use Andrex as an example. He obviously has seen The Bore as a way to grow his internet prescience with the original content and posts he brought to The Bore. Posters who really like Andrex and signed up for The Bore because he was posting here have been cheated twice, once for the lost exclusive and again for him still posting on GAF. Why shouldn't mods be able to step in and defend their community in this regard by issuing sanctions against Andrex-related content in the future or, as a major extreme, revoking his posting abilities?


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 09, 2013, 07:38:50 AM
borestitiution is uncomfortably close to prostitution and probably accurate considering the cock pic ring that is demi's inbox
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 09, 2013, 10:22:29 AM
borestitiution is uncomfortably close to prostitution and probably accurate considering the cock pic ring that is demi's inbox

the words are interchangeable in context.  only a true borean will be able to discern. 

spoiler (click to show/hide)
it always means prostitution

spoiler (click to show/hide)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
what ever happened to tauntaun? 

Title: Re: The official WII UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 09, 2013, 11:53:49 AM
it was the next gen thread.  we were talking about CoD or something and he said "i think cod will lose relevance next gen like gta did this gen" or something like that, and a couple people jumped on him to defend gta, and a couple people jumped on him with unrelated "u just mad gta dint cum 2 nintendo" stuff.

it was pretty stupid stuff.

If youre gonna blame me for andy leaving ill leave too   :'(

nah, it's not just you.  triumph is probably worse, pound for pound.  but whatever.  that's triumph, and that's you.  nobody should have to censor themselves for the sake of another person's feels at the bore.  it goes against the second amendment of the borestitution.

I don't think I'm honestly that bad about giving him non-Nintendo related shit.  Of course, I may be forgetting something, but whatever.  I would never give him (or anyone) shit if they were just honest about shit.  Just outright say "I only really like Nintendo games and will only buy their systems, even if that means I'll potentially miss games that I might otherwise like.  Brand loyalty is more important to me than enjoying my hobby."  After the initial "ha ha!" of that, I'd pretty much leave him alone, because I'd have to give kudos for being honest.

lager's pretty much consistently an idiot, though.  Sorry boo :(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 09, 2013, 12:18:48 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 09, 2013, 12:23:34 PM
I left him alone for the most part after our little slapfight a while back. Everyone's got their bag, his just happens to be Nintendo. He mostly stopped doing what had been getting on my nerves, which was dragging Nintendo arguments into unrelated threads. Not that I hate Nintendo, it was just annoying having to scroll past a bunch of that shit to get back to the thread topic. I got no beef with him, he's always welcome here as far as I am concerned.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Van Cruncheon on February 09, 2013, 12:42:39 PM
i ain't gonna miss him any more than i miss the other idiot posters with contrarian agendas we've run off. what did he contribute other than an idle opportunity to countertroll of a boring saturday morning?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 12:43:38 PM
Andy is a nice dude but his opinions on Nintendo stuff are crazy.

I still get shit here for stuff from years ago.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 09, 2013, 12:45:01 PM
the penis stuff is just jealousy, if i had a wang the size of yours i'd use that shit like a rope and lasso me some mad pussy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 01:18:20 PM
Ok lets talk about Wii U games again then  :miyamoto :shaq
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 02:05:47 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Purple Filth on February 09, 2013, 02:43:53 PM
What games?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cascade on February 09, 2013, 03:41:06 PM
What games?
I know, I just love Nintendo, and it gets hard hearing people shit over the company you love and which makes you so happy. It sounds ridiculous, they just want my money at the end of the day. But they make me so happy and I can feel the passion and love crafted into most of their games. It sounds stupid, weird and dumb but, when feeling depressed and sad, turning on a Nintendo game always lightens my day. maybe I'm just too emotional :(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 09, 2013, 04:00:20 PM
Yeah Kotaku but
Jon is an enthusiastic Nintendo fan. He buys all of Nintendo's systems. He buys many, many Nintendo games. But he's gotten himself into a jam that he says has cost him access to more than $400 worth of downloadable games he's purchased from Nintendo over the several years.

How does one lose access to $400 worth of games?
Unfortunately for Jon, who asked that I not use his last name but who was hoping some coverage might wake Nintendo up about this issue, it doesn't seem to be that hard. It's partially a result of Nintendo's strict policies about downloadable games—policies that differ from other industry leaders such as Apple's, and don't seem set to change any time soon.

For several years, Jon used to download lots of old Virtual Console games to his Wii. He bought a bunch of Wii eShop games, too. Recently, with the enthusiasm any Nintendo fan has for a new Nintendo machine, he bought a Wii U. He set up a Nintendo ID on the system, transferred his Wii games to that Wii U and then discovered that he'd bought a lemon.

"My Wii U console would flash its red power light when I tried to turn it on," he told me in an e-mail. "I let it go for days, and kept trying. It just was not a reliable system."

At that point, what Jon should have done was contacted Nintendo. He didn't. He did something that seemed like a perfectly natural reflex: he took his Wii U back to the store he bought it from and swapped it for a new one. Problem solved? Not at all. He'd just created his new problem.

He took the new Wii U home and discovered he couldn't set up the same Nintendo ID he'd used on the first system. He had to make a new ID. Then, he said, he found out that he couldn't get those $400+ worth of games onto his new Wii U. They were locked to the broken one... the one he didn't have anymore. As far as Nintendo's online infrastructure was concerned, he wasn't the Jon of old. He was new, and he didn't have a right to those games.

Jon was frustrated, because, of course, he did have a right to those games. He'd paid for them. He'd transferred them to a Wii U. So what if his new Network ID didn't have a record of his purchases? He knew that Nintendo did have a record that he'd bought the games. They were registered on a page linked to his official Club Nintendo ID (a different ID that isn't tied to the Wii U). Jon shared that list with me, and you can see it below. Games he paid to download on his Wii—games now lost to him—have red boxes next to them:

The Club Nintendo webpage seemed to show that Jon was a diehard Nintendo fan. He hoped Nintendo's customer service department would agree and help him out. Jon e-mailed them. They said they were "sorry to hear about the issues you've experienced with your first Wii U console" but that " since you traded your Wii U console for another one at a retailer, we will need to speak to you directly to get all of the details and work out the best solution." This couldn't be resolved with a quick e-mail. He picked up his phone.

"I called Nintendo and spent weeks talking to them about the problem," Jon said. "The lady, who helped me, was one of the nicest ladies, and was incredibly sweet to me. She wanted to help me, so I sent in my receipt to prove which systems I did the exchange for. After weeks of her reviewing everything, they gave me $200.00 of credit on the Wii U marketplace."

The problem with the $200 offer from Nintendo wasn't just that it was half of what Jon had spent. It's that the Wii U online shop is a different digital store than the Wii online shop. They use different online wallets. Both can be accessed via a Wii, but only one—the Wii shop—sells the games Jon had already paid for and wanted to have access to again. That $200 of Wii U shop credit couldn't buy any of the $400 worth of games he'd bought.

You'd think that being short $400 worth of games might put Jon off from Nintendo, but remember that bit about him being a Nintendo fan? He can't quite give Nintendo up.

"I still think they are an amazing company, and will still purchase retail copies of their games," he told me. "I will be a little more hesitant about downloading games through the Wii U, but I still play both the Wii U and 3DS."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 09, 2013, 04:07:29 PM
lazy Jon
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Purple Filth on February 09, 2013, 04:07:59 PM
i assume these are still verbatim GAF posts?.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 09, 2013, 04:10:33 PM
However what makes me mad is the double standard at play. The PS3 has issues it's first year and companies kept on pushing forward and giving it games. The Wii U while having trouble compared to the Wii but still doing better then most other consoles of the past has some stumbles companies start jumping ship as soon as possible. Just like the 3DS you know there are titles coming that will move hardware as they've always done. How is that acceptable?

This will never be called out either by the gaming media either because they're the same way with their coverage too.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 09, 2013, 04:15:21 PM
His full name was Jon Andrex.


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 09, 2013, 04:22:15 PM
However what makes me mad is the double standard at play. The PS3 has issues it's first year and companies kept on pushing forward and giving it games. The Wii U while having trouble compared to the Wii but still doing better then most other consoles of the past has some stumbles companies start jumping ship as soon as possible. Just like the 3DS you know there are titles coming that will move hardware as they've always done. How is that acceptable?

This will never be called out either by the gaming media either because they're the same way with their coverage too.

The PS3 was granted leniency due to the strength of the PS2 and third party sales. The Wii didn't have the same track record with third parties, so why do you expect them to be lenient with the WiiU? It's all about history.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Fifstar on February 09, 2013, 04:27:23 PM
GAF repost
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 09, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
actually, mine is straight plagiarism
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 09, 2013, 04:45:05 PM
Link to the original post so I can respond to it?  :)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Fifstar on February 09, 2013, 04:50:13 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 09, 2013, 04:51:16 PM
i ain't gonna miss him any more than i miss the other idiot posters with contrarian agendas we've run off. what did he contribute other than an idle opportunity to countertroll of a boring saturday morning?


As I said earlier, this is The Bore.  You have got to learn to take a punch or two.  I've taken my share.  However this is the second time he's done this and it went down pretty much the exact same way.  If this is going to be a pattern, he's better off posting somewhere else.

Ok lets talk about Wii U games again then  :miyamoto :shaq

Balloon Fight isn't bad.

Remember when Nintards were laughing at the Vita and it's increasingly drying up library?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 09, 2013, 04:52:56 PM
I wrote Nintendo a letter about their current situation.

Dear Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime,

I can see that you are in trouble and thought I would help you, if you will listen? I have only owned Nintendo consoles since the SNES and feel I have an excellent insight into where your troubles lie.

You're hardware is always excellent, although I WAS expecting an updated Wii U Remote and wireless Nunchuck with Wii U, which I hope you intend to bring to Wii U eventually. Hardware is not the problem.

Hardware is only ever going to be loved if it has a wealth and breadth of software available for it. This is the reason the NES and SNES were so loved, they had ALL the best games from every developer, not just Nintendo, made for it and felt like a DVD player in that respect. Just like a DVD player you had the freedom to play what ever type of content you wanted on it, it was all available to you. This has not been the case for any of your home consoles since the N64.

The reason why Nintendo has struggled since that time is because they have failed to produce consoles that have garnered that level of support. It is that level of support that enriches a platform with value. The less support, across the board, in all genres, the lover the appeal and the lover the perceived value of that console.

This is the problem that Wii U is having, no one is buying it because they simply do not trust Nintendo anymore to garner the highest amount of third party support and no third parties are making games for it because they think no one will buy them. It is Nintendo's full responsibility to change this!

Where Nintendo managed to just barely survive this situation in the past was when they, themselves, supplemented this lack of third party support. Goldeneye on the N64 is a good example of this. "Goldeneye" created the illusion that the N64 had a breadth of game genres when in fact it did not. "Rogue Squadron" was another example of this and so was "ExciteTruck". These "realistic" western style games fill gaping holes in the consoles library and prevent the console from being a complete failure.

Another reason I feel Nintendo had more success with the NES and SNES was that they embraced the west with those consoles more. Nintendo of America had more power in those days because Nintendo of Japan was not as arrogant. I feel that Nintendo of Japan is very insular today and does not understand the gaming needs of the west as much as they think they do. This is why they continually get caught by surprise. Nintendo of America needs to be given more power and responsibility for ensuring all the main western franchises such as "GTA 5" take pride of place on Nintendo consoles and for developing first party games in the same vein as those. I feel that Nintendo is very aggressively controlled from Japan and it needs to expand into the west to a point where at least 50% of it's first party software is made in the west, by western development houses like Retro Studios, Monster Game and the late Factor 5. Further more, do not squander the efforts of these wester development houses on more Japanese centric games like "Donkey Kong" and "Pilot Wings", have them always work on mature western style games to plug the gaps in your consoles game libraries.

I trust that this email will find it's way to Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime where it may be able to do some good. Sometimes I feel that Nintendo's stubbornness, while often it's greatest strength, can also be it's undoing.

Faithfully Yours,




Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your feedback regarding the Nintendo company, and for the many years you have spent gaming with us. I can certainly understand your thoughts on this matter and want you to know how much we appreciate you sending them in. I also want to assure you that your comments will be added to our records for consumer feedback and made available for other departments at the company to use as they see fit.


Shanna Zak
Nintendo of America, Inc.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 09, 2013, 05:01:40 PM
Iwata: *laughs*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 09, 2013, 05:10:59 PM
this is so stupid, Nintendo is almost if not planning to not releasing any significant 1st party titles for now so 3rd parties can have their space and grow since they always whine that they can´t compete with 1st party titles, now.....they do jack squat and either delay or cancel said game(s) for months which in the meantime some 1st party titles will be out and their games will be but, the blame is on you...I believe Nintendo is very capable on getting back on track when they launch all their 1st party games, so 3rd parties, you missed your chance.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Purple Filth on February 09, 2013, 05:13:12 PM
this is so stupid, Nintendo is almost if not planning to not releasing any significant 1st party titles for now so 3rd parties can have their space and grow since they always whine that they can´t compete with 1st party titles, now.....they do jack squat and either delay or cancel said game(s) for months which in the meantime some 1st party titles will be out and their games will be but, the blame is on you...I believe Nintendo is very capable on getting back on track when they launch all their 1st party games, so 3rd parties, you missed your chance.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 09, 2013, 05:19:30 PM
There are also plenty of people in the U Play Miiverse community saying that they're boycotting all Ubisoft games over this, let alone just Rayman Legends. Ubisoft could end up losing hundreds of thousands of dollars/pounds/euros over this.

The shareholders must be getting upset over this bad publicity, and it's only going to get worse.

Miiverse appears to be a good way of showing Ubisoft our displeasure just as effectively as email correspondence, although it's always better to use both!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 09, 2013, 05:21:22 PM
I wrote Nintendo a letter about their current situation.

Dear Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime,

I can see that you are in trouble and thought I would help you, if you will listen? I have only owned Nintendo consoles since the SNES and feel I have an excellent insight into where your troubles lie.

You're hardware is always excellent, although I WAS expecting an updated Wii U Remote and wireless Nunchuck with Wii U, which I hope you intend to bring to Wii U eventually. Hardware is not the problem.

Hardware is only ever going to be loved if it has a wealth and breadth of software available for it. This is the reason the NES and SNES were so loved, they had ALL the best games from every developer, not just Nintendo, made for it and felt like a DVD player in that respect. Just like a DVD player you had the freedom to play what ever type of content you wanted on it, it was all available to you. This has not been the case for any of your home consoles since the N64.

The reason why Nintendo has struggled since that time is because they have failed to produce consoles that have garnered that level of support. It is that level of support that enriches a platform with value. The less support, across the board, in all genres, the lover the appeal and the lover the perceived value of that console.

This is the problem that Wii U is having, no one is buying it because they simply do not trust Nintendo anymore to garner the highest amount of third party support and no third parties are making games for it because they think no one will buy them. It is Nintendo's full responsibility to change this!

Where Nintendo managed to just barely survive this situation in the past was when they, themselves, supplemented this lack of third party support. Goldeneye on the N64 is a good example of this. "Goldeneye" created the illusion that the N64 had a breadth of game genres when in fact it did not. "Rogue Squadron" was another example of this and so was "ExciteTruck". These "realistic" western style games fill gaping holes in the consoles library and prevent the console from being a complete failure.

Another reason I feel Nintendo had more success with the NES and SNES was that they embraced the west with those consoles more. Nintendo of America had more power in those days because Nintendo of Japan was not as arrogant. I feel that Nintendo of Japan is very insular today and does not understand the gaming needs of the west as much as they think they do. This is why they continually get caught by surprise. Nintendo of America needs to be given more power and responsibility for ensuring all the main western franchises such as "GTA 5" take pride of place on Nintendo consoles and for developing first party games in the same vein as those. I feel that Nintendo is very aggressively controlled from Japan and it needs to expand into the west to a point where at least 50% of it's first party software is made in the west, by western development houses like Retro Studios, Monster Game and the late Factor 5. Further more, do not squander the efforts of these wester development houses on more Japanese centric games like "Donkey Kong" and "Pilot Wings", have them always work on mature western style games to plug the gaps in your consoles game libraries.

I trust that this email will find it's way to Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime where it may be able to do some good. Sometimes I feel that Nintendo's stubbornness, while often it's greatest strength, can also be it's undoing.

Faithfully Yours,




Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your feedback regarding the Nintendo company, and for the many years you have spent gaming with us. I can certainly understand your thoughts on this matter and want you to know how much we appreciate you sending them in. I also want to assure you that your comments will be added to our records for consumer feedback and made available for other departments at the company to use as they see fit.


Shanna Zak
Nintendo of America, Inc.

To the people who posted only bitter comments about what I wrote I say this:

As you mature you may one day realise that you're desperate need to elevate yourself over other members of an online message board represented a deeper insecurity about who you are and your status in society and that the time you have spent lording yourself over people who are just trying to converse could have better spent pursuing more meaningful life goals.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 05:35:18 PM
lazy Jon

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: mjemirzian on February 09, 2013, 06:32:51 PM
Nintendo fanboys melting down at light speed. That's what they get for irrationally hitching their self worth and identity to a video game console.

This entire thread is a gold mine:
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: benjipwns on February 09, 2013, 06:48:27 PM
I like the posts in that DICE thread bashing Battlefield or EA in general.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 07:04:49 PM
People talking about diminishing returns again, swear to god this is what the wii people said last gen.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 09, 2013, 07:30:52 PM
What do you mean they were right for 4/5 years?

Wii games looked like ass on a hdtv from day 1 compared to stuff on the 360/ps3.

I agree that at some point diminishing returns might be a thing but were not there by a long shot and wont be for a while. The gap was so huge i sold my wii cause i couldnt play games like that. Just looking at zelda literally hurt my eyes.

I also agree that devs need to work harder now and this impacting the industry, but theres nothing we can do about it.

The pixar analogy is only partially right since these are highly stylized cartoons for kids. People do go to the cinema to see spectacles with great effects (avatar).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 09, 2013, 07:41:25 PM
Nintendo fanboys melting down at light speed. That's what they get for irrationally hitching their self worth and identity to a video game console.

This entire thread is a gold mine:

Dunno why you're all acting like this unusual for brand new consoles. Oh wait I do, cos its Nintendoomed. Do you guys really think youre gonna have none of this news for the other new consoles? I bet there's gonna be news of a ton of games being held back on the ps360 if not being on both ps360 and new consoles looking identical.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 09, 2013, 08:11:45 PM
"I still think they are an amazing company"

jesus christ, people like this deserve to get taken
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 09, 2013, 08:23:28 PM
I am not going to click on that gaf thread link, my blood pressure is already riding high today because of work and half a pot of coffee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 09, 2013, 09:42:42 PM
Thread title: Wii U Plan B- selling console at $199 w/o gamepad?

Chacranajxy's Response: Plan B is the abortion pill, isn't it?

:bow :bow :bow

In other news I've had my Wii U for a week now and still like it. Today I sold my old Wii and bought a $50 eShop card with the proceeds.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 09, 2013, 09:52:07 PM
I say do it(when games arrive).Make $199 sku with pro and sell gamepad separately.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 10, 2013, 08:34:35 AM
Holy shit, someone did an ms paint of that x.gif :rofl :rofl


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Diunx on February 10, 2013, 08:39:23 AM
If I were a publisher I wouldn't touch this turd with himumu's 10 ft bbc.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Diunx on February 10, 2013, 09:40:41 AM
lol ninwarts are arguing that X is not possible on ps360 because the map is much bigger than Skyrim or GTA 4 and for that they need more ram like the WEEEOOOO :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 10, 2013, 09:51:23 AM
in the same way that The Vatican don't know how sex/condoms work, Nthings have no idea how games/tech work.

Seems like only a few months ago Rayman Origins wasn't possible either. Ah well.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 10, 2013, 12:34:26 PM
Trying to download Ken's Rage 2, which is 12 GB.  I can download a similar sized game on Steam in about 40-45 minutes.

In an hour, it has only downloaded 4% of the file.  The Wii U's downloads make the PS3 download speeds screaming fast by comparison.

Reason 34983249234908 why the Wii U is a piece of shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 10, 2013, 01:12:18 PM
I say do it(when games arrive).Make $199 sku with pro and sell gamepad separately.

If Nintendo is struggling now they are going to get absolutely steamrolled if they try going head to head with the flood of cheap android consoles / tv boxes that are coming. They should just aim for ~$250 and hope there is a market between the more expensive consoles/PCs and cheap android consoles. Even then this might be where a linux steambox comes in

Nintendo should just focus on squeezing all the money they can out of the people willing to buy their stuff. Pump out HD collections at a rate that makes Sony blush and rip off PS+ and start a subscription service assuming they can get unified accounts across the Wii U and 3DS. I'd drop $60 a year for some new virtual console and eShop games each month
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 10, 2013, 01:52:02 PM
Subscription stuff is not a bad idea but they would have to sort their account transfer stuff first.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Rahxephon91 on February 11, 2013, 04:03:54 AM
You know what should be ported to the Wii U? Ni No Kuni.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Rahxephon91 on February 11, 2013, 05:02:49 AM
Yeah probably impossible, but I was just thinking as I was playing. Obviously you could have the book on the tablet, but also things like being able to just chose the spells from the tablet while on the field, and you could do some Nintendo Dogs thing with your monsters on the tablet as well.

I don't know, just could have been cool.

Do you think Level 5 well do anymore PS3 games? Are they done working with Sony?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on February 11, 2013, 08:54:55 AM
White Knight Chronicles was a huge underperformer too.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: bork on February 11, 2013, 10:44:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mario:

At DICE, nobody has been talking about the new Wii U projects they have started, only the Wii U projects that have just been cancelled.

Platform is in serious trouble.

Publishers and developers from the US, UK, France, Germany, and Australia mainly.

Pubs and devs never recoiled from PS3 like they seem to be with Wii U (though this is anecdotal). There was always the confidence that the numbers would get there over time with PS3. I'm not sensing that with Wii U.

I had a data point yesterday at lunch with a high budget Wii U game that was hoping to sell "millions" over time. It only managed "tens of thousands".
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 11, 2013, 11:02:47 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 11, 2013, 11:20:01 AM
I wonder what that game is,ZombiU sold a lot more.ME3,AC3,Batman,COD?But those games are ports and ports certainly don't need millions to make money.COD games did pretty well on Wii though,so maybe it's a case of high expectations.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 11, 2013, 11:25:33 AM
Jesus, was it shigeru miyamoto complaing about NSMB Wii or something?   

I can't think of a single game in that line up that should've been expecting "millions" unless "over time" means 10 years and "sell" means "give away"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 11, 2013, 11:35:47 AM
It's either Batman or AC3.

Batman is an old port and Ubisoft said that their WiiU ports are about 1 million Euro.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 11, 2013, 11:50:35 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 11, 2013, 11:52:53 AM
The quote could be for any game which I guess is the point :-\

Weak launch all around. I think the Trine 2 people might have been the only ones to come out an say they are happy with sales
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: The Sceneman on February 11, 2013, 09:01:38 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm mainly in Nintendo for handhelds and first party titles. 3rd party disappoints me too much these days.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: benjipwns on February 11, 2013, 11:09:24 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm mainly in Nintendo for handhelds and first party titles. 3rd party disappoints me too much these days.
Just picked up a Nintendo 64?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: pilonv1 on February 11, 2013, 11:41:43 PM
It's Scribblenauts, I'm quite certain.

Not high budget, but surely expected to sell a million or more, only sold tens of thousands, and Mario likely had lunch with Jackson.  Jackson, being the boss at 5th Cell, would know very well both expectations and actual sales.

The delay of the European launch certainly didn't help him.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: archie4208 on February 11, 2013, 11:45:27 PM
I paid $7.50 for the PC version of Scribblenauts.  I think I paid too much.  The first 3-4 hours were awesome, then you figure out that the game doesn't do anything different from the beginning so you stop caring.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: pilonv1 on February 11, 2013, 11:45:46 PM
I haven't even installed mine.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 12, 2013, 01:23:32 AM
There is not much of a chance I will buy scribblenauts, I find the game annoying. I can see how it would be expected to sell well on the WiiU though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 12, 2013, 09:51:20 AM
The Rayman development team is part of the new Rayman social movement! Change is coming my bore friends. The day Ubisoft caves to our demands is almost upon us!


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 12, 2013, 10:00:07 AM
The Rayman development team is part of the new Rayman social movement! Change is coming my bore friends. The day Ubisoft caves to our demands is almost upon us!



That dude to the left of the sign is tiny!

I am growing a sliver of hope that I may be able to play this before Summer hits after all!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 12, 2013, 11:57:52 AM
There is not much of a chance I will buy scribblenauts, I find the game annoying. I can see how it would be expected to sell well on the WiiU though.

Yeah, it's not hard to see someone thinking it would.  First game sold over 2 million, second sold over a million, the iOS game has sold over 2 million, no idea about the PC version.  With the addition of Nintendo's characters and co-marketing, they were probably hoping for a pretty big result.  But then again, it's not high budget.

Looking at the list of sales, the only other candidates I think could qualify would be AssCrud 2, Blops 2, maybe Epic Mickey 2?  Not Ninja Gaiden 3 because it says "tens of thousands" and to use "tenS" would not accurate describe NG3's sales.  Also as it was overheard at DICE, there's not a high chance it's a Japanese developer - DICE uses an advanced satellite laser system to pick off any Japanese people who come near the premises.

I would say COD. Even factoring in its a bit late its the first time this franchise really hit a Nintendo console (not a downport a year later). You would think (if you didn't know Nintendo fans) that peeps would go crazy for the biggest franchise this gen.
Title: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Huff on February 12, 2013, 12:06:25 PM
Probably not the smartest move in this shithole of an industry
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 12, 2013, 12:19:07 PM
CoD3 was a Wii launch title. I think every CoD game has arrived on time for Wii
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 12, 2013, 12:27:51 PM
Probably not the smartest move in this shithole of an industry

Yeah um, how is this not the kind of thing that would get you instantly fired at any company?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 12, 2013, 12:30:50 PM
Cause France/EU ain't America and people have the right to protest.

You know people here don't get fired from Mickey D when they want to join a trade union.

CoD3 was a Wii launch title. I think every CoD game has arrived on time for Wii

Really? But you know what Im getting at, this is finally the same game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 12, 2013, 12:53:30 PM
Cause France/EU ain't America and people have the right to protest.

You know people here don't get fired from Mickey D when they want to join a trade union.

I don't see why this form of "protesting" must be tolerated by an employer when it doesn't involve working conditions, employment rights, or whistle blowing. This is implicit insubordination and is likely to hurt the public image of Ubi. Loyalty and fidelity* are at the heart of an employment contract.**

*At least in common law countries.
**I'd assume many workers in the industry would be considered independent contractors, thus having fewer rights.   
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 12, 2013, 01:44:07 PM
EDIT: On second thought, I dont actually plan to discuss this rayman topic past a few snide comments, so i'll spare you guys my drive by.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 12, 2013, 01:50:29 PM
The heads of Ubi likely saved a ton of jobs by going multiplatform and, if part of that meant the WiiU has to suffer?  Then yeah - they took the right choice.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 13, 2013, 12:46:52 AM
The devs have made it very apparent they don't appreciate all their crunch time being made pointless by delaying the game for 7 months.  I see a pattern for those who think they should be reprimanded.  I really need to stop reading the internet, I was doing such a good job for a few months.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Raban on February 13, 2013, 02:41:49 AM
The devs have made it very apparent they don't appreciate all their crunch time being made pointless by delaying the game for 7 months.  I see a pattern for those who think they should be reprimanded.  I really need to stop reading the internet, I was doing such a good job for a few months.

It's so addicting, right?! Christ. Why isn't there internet forum rehab?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 13, 2013, 02:46:10 AM
The devs have made it very apparent they don't appreciate all their crunch time being made pointless by delaying the game for 7 months.  I see a pattern for those who think they should be reprimanded.  I really need to stop reading the internet, I was doing such a good job for a few months.

Welcome to the industry! You get fucked on a regular basis. Also, these guys have probably been moved onto their next project so it's not like they would have been working on that game for seven more months. That's not how schedules work.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 13, 2013, 03:41:31 AM
Cause France/EU ain't America and people have the right to protest.

You know people here don't get fired from Mickey D when they want to join a trade union.

I don't see why this form of "protesting" must be tolerated by an employer when it doesn't involve working conditions, employment rights, or whistle blowing. This is implicit insubordination and is likely to hurt the public image of Ubi. Loyalty and fidelity* are at the heart of an employment contract.**

*At least in common law countries.
**I'd assume many workers in the industry would be considered independent contractors, thus having fewer rights.

They are holding up a sign about a work related situation. Chances of them getting axed over this in France:  0%

Historically, it is the most strike-happy country in Europe, losing on average 132 days per 1,000 workers due to strikes between 2005 and 2009.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 13, 2013, 05:25:26 AM
I don't think the multiplatform release is the part of the choice that's pissed off the devs.

I understand that but it's clear the move to multi and the abandonment of exclusivity are related. There's also possibly been upper level back and forth between companies about what was going to happen - it's not ideal but thats how it goes
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 13, 2013, 05:49:41 AM
Its funny reading gobshites like Pie and Beans at GAF trying to say that the picture was purely a fan thing and that the devs aren't interested in being seen to support it... if that were the case, why would they risk that perception and stand and pose with the picture? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand they're at the very least, sympathetic.

As for the people saying they should be sacked... can we fire said posters into the sun or put them inside Dorner's burning Cabin?
Title: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Huff on February 13, 2013, 07:27:52 AM
I'm just surprised they showed their displeasure in such a public manner. Doesn't seem that bright to me.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 13, 2013, 07:34:15 AM
Guys again, this is Europe.

It may not be bright for their future prospects at the company (thats over) but they won't get sacked for it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 13, 2013, 07:49:03 AM
Publicly embarrassing your bosses if you still intend to work there is like pissing into the sky and letting the drops fall down on your face.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Momo on February 13, 2013, 08:06:02 AM
WiiU games - unlikely
Rayman game - unlikely

By your powers combined, I am captain hobo!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: treythemovie on February 13, 2013, 09:04:00 AM
Who the hell is going to fire him? His boss is Xavier Poix, the managing director of Ubisoft France. Aka the "anonymous" Ubisoft "developer" who had the original "the devs hate the delay too, guys!" post:

I'm pretty sure Ancel is going to be fine if the managing director of Ubisoft France is in on this too. In fact, I would guess this was done on purpose as part of the attempt to stem the backlash going on. Hence why the "protest message" is "Support Ubisoft Montpellier" and not "boycott Ubisoft".
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 13, 2013, 09:08:47 AM
"Support Ubisoft Montpellier" and not "boycott Ubisoft".

Icon trey please
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 13, 2013, 09:17:46 AM
Valentine's Day Nintendo Direct incoming:


Oh Nintendo, you shouldn't have  :-*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Fifstar on February 13, 2013, 09:18:20 AM
I'll support Ubisoft if they add a PC port  :P
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 13, 2013, 09:25:44 AM
As for the people saying they should be sacked... can we fire said posters into the sun or put them inside Dorner's burning Cabin?

If you're referring to me, I certainly don't think they should be fired--in fact, such mild act, at least in Canada, would not legally support just-cause dismissal. That being said, Ubi should be free to reprimand its employees.

They are holding up a sign about a work related situation. Chances of them getting axed over this in France:  0%

Just because it's work-related doesn't mean employees are or should be automatically protected. A sign that said "Our Bosses are Cuntrags"--obviously not something resembling the sign used--is work-related. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 13, 2013, 10:26:40 AM
As for the people saying they should be sacked... can we fire said posters into the sun or put them inside Dorner's burning Cabin?

If you're referring to me, I certainly don't think they should be fired--in fact, such mild act, at least in Canada, would not legally support just-cause dismissal. That being said, Ubi should be free to reprimand its employees.

More referring to people who'd said such at GAF really. Part of me thinks they may have actually sought some permission to go out and do it. They distance themselves from the decision by standing by the sign... the publisher might not mind taking the flack, this creates sympathy for the developer, which might actually be what they all want. I doubt it will, but it would be nice if a grassroots complaint / movement actually accomplished something!

I'm liking the sound of the NFS:MW port -- played it already, but the texture boost and extra stuff might be worth it. I'll certainly be checking out the demo. I also think that Tank Tank Tank! free to play news was good as well. TTTank and Zen Pinball are exactly the kind of games I don't consciously drop money on - but I might play them F2P and get sucked into paying for vehicles/modes/tables etc.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: tiesto on February 13, 2013, 10:31:46 AM
Valentine's Day Nintendo Direct incoming:


Oh Nintendo, you shouldn't have  :-*

Show some more of X and I'll instantly forget that I'm forever alone with no girlfriend this V-day.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 13, 2013, 12:54:10 PM
Valentine's Day Nintendo Direct incoming:


Oh Nintendo, you shouldn't have  :-*

A Nintendo Direct and NPDs? Should be a fun day in gaming news.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 13, 2013, 01:02:32 PM
there is literally nothing ot play on this piece of garbagte. it just sits there this fukkin sucks
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 13, 2013, 01:05:11 PM
there is literally nothing ot play on this piece of garbagte. it just sits there this fukkin sucks
The wii u saves power through efficiency and through droughts of games.  It's not Nintendo's fault that you don't care about the environment as much as it does. :bow :link :mario :stfu :mario :link  :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Diunx on February 13, 2013, 01:59:58 PM
Use it to stream Sony's coference next week methodis.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: hampster on February 13, 2013, 02:03:52 PM
there is literally nothing ot play on this piece of garbagte. it just sits there this fukkin sucks

tank tank tank is going f2p and you want more?

gamers are never satisfied >:(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: maxy on February 13, 2013, 05:12:56 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 13, 2013, 07:01:31 PM

Words and shit here too:

Actually sounds really nice. Not just the visuals, but the way it supports all the various control options, has miiverse integration for billboards and auto log, and you can hotswitch or view the map/objectives on the screen... I probably won't use father and son mode (or girlfriend mode) but that's a nice addition too. It sucks that its so late, but its nice of Criterion to realise that if you arrive late, you bring the goods
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 13, 2013, 07:28:29 PM
"Shit game anyways, so no loss" > "Since it's touted as the definitive version, maybe they're fixing it" > "Oh, this development update sounds really promising, I'm *glad* it was delayed" > "Thank you PS360 users for beta testing" > "Sure the game is crap, but something about playing it while you're taking an actual crap makes it worthwhile."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 13, 2013, 08:01:31 PM
The definitive version of Aliens: CM (Wii U version of course) has been delayed indifinitely.

Poor Nintendo, can't catch a break with the 3rd party pubs.

Not confirmed, the story comes from titter / hearsay and SEGA won't comment... I wouldn't be surprised though. Watching the demo comparison video in the other thread is disappointing... I played the multiplayer game at EuroGamer on PC and really enjoyed it, I was looking forward to the game Randy Pitchford did so well marketing on the Wii U, but looking at the pure deception on show in the demo comparison, this isn't as great a loss as I would have feared

It'd be nice if it was given an update to iron out flaws, something interminably late Wii U third party releases might afford, but I suspect SEGA will cut their losses here

If I could choose between U getting this game someday or Rayman getting released before September, I'd choose the latter every time. I will get neither *grumble*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 13, 2013, 08:13:05 PM
there is literally nothing ot play on this piece of garbagte. it just sits there this fukkin sucks

You bought it well past the point where we all knew the score.  Tis birth or faith that wronged you.
I spit up all over my laptop.  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of CUM BACK TO THE BORE, Andy!
Post by: Raban on February 13, 2013, 11:28:04 PM
there is literally nothing ot play on this piece of garbagte. it just sits there this fukkin sucks

You bought it well past the point where we all knew the score.  Tis birth or faith that wronged you.

I really hate the posts that say what should or shouldn't be in the newsfeed, but holy shit :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 14, 2013, 02:27:06 AM
"Shit game anyways, so no loss" > "Since it's touted as the definitive version, maybe they're fixing it" > "Oh, this development update sounds really promising, I'm *glad* it was delayed" > "Thank you PS360 users for beta testing" > "Sure the game is crap, but something about playing it while you're taking an actual crap makes it worthwhile."

It's not the same content, it's not the same game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: maxy on February 14, 2013, 02:32:29 AM
there just to lazy to program for gamepad just like i doubt we will get battlefield 4. lazy pieces of **** devs.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 14, 2013, 06:01:52 AM

Is this the high tech equivalent of Gahiggidy's Gamecube Basement?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
No, because the Wii U isn't high tech  ;)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Damian79 on February 14, 2013, 08:27:07 AM
SEGA says it hasn’t cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U
February 14th, 2013 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments »
SEGA has denied speculation that Aliens: Colonial Marines has been cancelled on Wii U.

A rumor surfaced last night that Aliens had been “postponed indefinitely” on Nintendo’s console. But a SEGA UK representative says this isn’t so:

“It’s not true. We haven’t announced the release date for it yet but that’s it.”

Aliens: Colonial Marines remains on track for a release before the end of March on Wii U.

Fuck, wish they cancelled it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: maxy on February 14, 2013, 08:58:22 AM
Nintendo direct,3DS related
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: cool breeze on February 14, 2013, 09:25:09 AM
Wii U announcement is Luigi DLC for NSMBU.  The levels looked new, supposedly altered version of the entire game (?)

and, uh, they'll make a Zelda Miiverse community so people can talk about Zelda games before any come out.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 14, 2013, 10:09:11 AM
SEGA says it hasn’t cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U
February 14th, 2013 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments »
SEGA has denied speculation that Aliens: Colonial Marines has been cancelled on Wii U.

A rumor surfaced last night that Aliens had been “postponed indefinitely” on Nintendo’s console. But a SEGA UK representative says this isn’t so:

“It’s not true. We haven’t announced the release date for it yet but that’s it.”

Aliens: Colonial Marines remains on track for a release before the end of March on Wii U.

Fuck, wish they cancelled it.

Maybe SEGA will make them finish it and make it good

Not likely though. Miiverse should be fun for this one.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 14, 2013, 12:50:56 PM
Wii U announcement is Luigi DLC for NSMBU.  The levels looked new, supposedly altered version of the entire game (?)

and, uh, they'll make a Zelda Miiverse community so people can talk about Zelda games before any come out.

That's great! Finally, a place on the Internet where people can talk about Zelda
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: hampster on February 14, 2013, 01:05:09 PM
Wii U announcement is Luigi DLC for NSMBU.  The levels looked new, supposedly altered version of the entire game (?)

and, uh, they'll make a Zelda Miiverse community so people can talk about Zelda games before any come out.

If Luigi doesn't have a unqiue jump I'll whine about it on Miiverse and sign a petition for Nintendo to change it! You hear me Nintendo!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 14, 2013, 01:44:32 PM
Wii U announcement is Luigi DLC for NSMBU.  The levels looked new, supposedly altered version of the entire game (?)

and, uh, they'll make a Zelda Miiverse community so people can talk about Zelda games before any come out.

That's great! Finally, a place on the Internet where people can talk about Zelda

Some might even say that Nintendo deserves vociferous laudations for this achievement.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: magus on February 14, 2013, 07:22:36 PM


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: magus on February 14, 2013, 07:43:44 PM
nah,i just wanted to do a proper bloody mary apparition
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: maxy on February 14, 2013, 07:55:48 PM
He is back  :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 14, 2013, 07:56:44 PM
Magus is back :yuck

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Bebpo on February 14, 2013, 08:12:44 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: hampster on February 14, 2013, 08:20:29 PM


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on February 14, 2013, 08:37:46 PM
55k for January?  OMG  :lol

This thing is DOA
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 14, 2013, 08:39:42 PM
Man... I don't even want to troll this shit anymore.  I'm not into necrophilia.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Raban on February 14, 2013, 08:39:57 PM



Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 14, 2013, 09:21:00 PM
The Wii U hard locked on me twice: once yesterday and once today.  I had to turn the power strip off and on to get it to shut down.

I can't even get worked up over this console.  I'd call the Wii U shit but that's like calling the sky blue or the Pope Catholic at this point.  Outside of die hard Nintards, nobody thinks this POS is any good.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 14, 2013, 10:54:17 PM
What did Dreamcast do in its first January?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 07:52:53 AM

Man... I don't even want to troll this shit anymore.  I'm not into necrophilia.

:bow :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: ToxicAdam on February 15, 2013, 08:28:23 AM
Hopefully the WiiU can outsell the Ouya. :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 08:51:41 AM
Plus Nintendo actually still made good games in the GCN era, although the decline was already setting in.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 15, 2013, 09:11:58 AM
OK so i'm sitting here reading the GAF thread and i'm baffled that some think Nintendo franchises will save it. The Gamecube had an installment in every big Nintendo franchise come out and be touted as the GCN savoir only for it to still finish last.

I mean I wish Nintendo support the Wii U like they did the Gamecube, the GCN library is severely underrated and awesome.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 15, 2013, 09:19:51 AM
OK so i'm sitting here reading the GAF thread and i'm baffled that some think Nintendo franchises will save it. The Gamecube had an installment in every big Nintendo franchise come out and be touted as the GCN savoir only for it to still finish last.

I mean I wish Nintendo support the Wii U like they did the Gamecube, the GCN library is severely underrated and awesome.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: maxy on February 15, 2013, 09:24:25 AM
That picture is a pretty good representation.Those small tug boats are pretty powerful.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 15, 2013, 09:38:56 AM
That picture is a pretty good representation.Those small tug boats are pretty powerful.

Except in this case, they're struggling to pull the burned out husk of the Wii U back to port because, baby, this cruise is OVER.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 15, 2013, 10:04:03 AM
Also everyone with a Wii U is sleeping in their own shit.

BTW Mario and Zelda sucked on GCN, it was all their side franchises that were awesome (and third party exclusives). There are no third party exclusives anymore and Nintendo has killed off all its side franchises.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 10:21:47 AM
HMS rational sails again.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: tiesto on February 15, 2013, 10:25:44 AM
If the WiiU needed to be sacrificed to bring about the glorious return of our savior Magus, it was all worth it.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: bork on February 15, 2013, 10:39:59 AM
Also everyone with a Wii U is sleeping in their own shit.

BTW Mario and Zelda sucked on GCN, it was all their side franchises that were awesome (and third party exclusives). There are no third party exclusives anymore and Nintendo has killed off all its side franchises.

Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101 :smug

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Which nobody is gonna buy.  Poor Platinum.   :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 15, 2013, 11:11:06 AM
HMS rational sails again.

You like Mario Sunshine? You enjoyed the Triforce hunt and deleted Jabu Jabu dungeon?

Or do you mean that we are gonna get a high budget Metroid and F-Zero, and exclusive Resident Evil on Wii U?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 15, 2013, 11:12:38 AM
probably the best title update yet :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on February 15, 2013, 12:01:04 PM
probably the best title update yet :lol

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: ToxicAdam on February 15, 2013, 12:47:37 PM

You like Mario Sunshine? You enjoyed the Triforce hunt and deleted Jabu Jabu dungeon?

Mario Sunshine is a very good game and WW is the best 3D Zelda.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 01:16:42 PM
HMS rational sails again.

You like Mario Sunshine? You enjoyed the Triforce hunt and deleted Jabu Jabu dungeon?

Or do you mean that we are gonna get a high budget Metroid and F-Zero, and exclusive Resident Evil on Wii U?

I agree with you 100%

Gcn was already the nintendo main franchise decline.

I could barely finish zelda and sunshine was a no no.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 15, 2013, 01:17:39 PM
He agrees with you, Visc.  If you don't know Lager has a hate-boner for Nintendo, you must be farther along on that whole "miserably dying up your own ass" thing than I'd guessed.

I have a hate boner for Nintendo at the moment but I still like GCN, isn't he in that boat as well? See the last few posts for people overrating SMS and WW.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 01:20:45 PM
He agrees with you, Visc.  If you don't know Lager has a hate-boner for Nintendo, you must be farther along on that whole "miserably dying up your own ass" thing than I'd guessed.

Youre right Oscar, thing is ill never say never but me and nintendos offerings dont match anymore.

You could say ive changed, true, but its mostly nintendo thats stuck making games like its n64 I think.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 01:22:52 PM
If ninty comes up with some awesome games ill be all aboard again, but considering how things have been going down im not holding my breath.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: Mr. Gundam on February 15, 2013, 01:28:15 PM
HMS rational sails again.

You enjoyed the Triforce hunt and deleted Jabu Jabu dungeon?

I thought Wind Waker was awesome, even though the Triforce hunt was a pain in the butt.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: bork on February 15, 2013, 01:28:23 PM
If ninty comes up with some awesome games ill be all aboard again, but considering how things have been going down im not holding my breath.

What's there to change?  Even the staunchest of haters on this board alone have ended up with a Wii U and/or 3DS despite all the negativity.   :P
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 15, 2013, 01:29:06 PM
I think the Year of Luigi is going to change a lot of hearts and minds
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 15, 2013, 01:30:08 PM
Im sorry but im pretty sure im the staunchest hater.

Whats there to change is new ips.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: bork on February 15, 2013, 01:31:16 PM
I think the Year of Luigi is going to change a lot of hearts and minds

We need a or   :P
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Snuflupagulus on February 15, 2013, 01:40:06 PM
Wii U sales

November:  :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper
December:  :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin
   January:  :-X

Where  :teehee is ~50,000. Roughly.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 15, 2013, 05:03:43 PM
Will Wii U even crack 40,000 in February?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of 55k: warning
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 15, 2013, 05:16:52 PM
OK so i'm sitting here reading the GAF thread and i'm baffled that some think Nintendo franchises will save it. The Gamecube had an installment in every big Nintendo franchise come out and be touted as the GCN savoir only for it to still finish last.

I mean I wish Nintendo support the Wii U like they did the Gamecube, the GCN library is severely underrated and awesome.

Precisely. Although, I do think Mario Kart has the potential to pull in more than a few punters -- the last couple of iterations (DS, Wii and 7) have done crazy numbers - like COD or GTA style crazy.

I'm actually expecting that as a response to one of the console reveals, or perhaps after both of them, they will announce a new Wii Sports title or something. Early demo reels seemed to show them working on those sort of games, I doubt that they ceased work on that stuff. If they do release something like that, it has to be something new and it has to be something good... it can't just be a new coat of HD paint. If its good, I think a lot of people could get curious and want to try it. Wii Fit's original sales and Wii Fit Plus are going to put a dent in their ability to sell Wii Fit U imo. I'd like to see them work in 3DS connectivity to go alongside that silly pedometer gadget, they could maybe then have a companion app on 3DS. Ideally though, they are working on new games we don't know of yet -- casual AND hardcore -- stuff to reel out at E3.

What the system needs more than any of that though is a price cut or generous bundle. £299 is ridiculous. They can look like a really attractive buy if they have good games hitting the market, a much better price and if the new consoles come out exceeding £400 all in. Those are some big ifs. They have given the impression so far of a company resting on their laurels and in complete shock at how badly they've stumbled out of the gates... what they need to show us between now and E3 is that actually they're a sleeping giant with some unexpected surprises and tactical nouse.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 15, 2013, 05:20:00 PM
NSMB has always done crazy numbers in the past but NSMBU didn't do shit.  There's no guarantee that Mario Kart 8 is going to turn things around.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 15, 2013, 05:35:06 PM
NSMB has always done crazy numbers in the past but NSMBU didn't do shit.  There's no guarantee that Mario Kart 8 is going to turn things around.

NSMBU might not be selling systems but its near as damn it a sure-thing that a great majority of the userbase will probably buy it over the console's lifetime. Having the 'tried and true' Nintendo franchises like Mario Kart release will have a cumulative effect in helping the userbase, but I think you're right - the relationship is two-way, they need a strong userbase again if they want to hit those sort of numbers.

They need to have had the ideas no-ones really expecting. Basically, we need to know what they're still holding close to their chest. What they consider the next killer app. What Retro have been making etc. It's dire now, but I think it won't be until the end of the Summer, after E3 and after a chance to right the ship, before we'll know the true prognosis for this thing. If we get to PS4 or nu-Xbox launch and they're still floundering about dumbfounded as to why nobody bought into it, then so be it, but somehow I think they probably have a few more cards to play.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 15, 2013, 06:09:52 PM
This sale on Bit.Trip.Saga on 3DS is revolutionary!   Has a company ever put a digital download game on sale for cheap?  And for such a new game too-- it only came out 2 years ago.   Surely Iwata and Reggie are geniuses, they really know how to print money!  Go Ninty!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 15, 2013, 06:12:44 PM
This sale on Bit.Trip.Saga on 3DS is revolutionary!   Has a company ever put a digital download game on sale for cheap?  And for such a new game too-- it only came out 2 years ago.   Surely Iwata and Reggie are geniuses, they really know how to print money!  Go Ninty!

Sounds like he'd have an aneurysm if he discovered Steam
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 15, 2013, 07:37:09 PM
Some of these Nintards are starting to activate Poe's Law, which is scary.

Poe's Law: "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."
So, without context, ironic expressions will be interpreted literally and literal expressions will be interpreted ironically. Well, this really needed to be named after someone.  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 15, 2013, 07:53:06 PM
Some of these Nintards are starting to activate Poe's Law, which is scary.

Poe's Law: "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."
So, without context, ironic expressions will be interpreted literally and literal expressions will be interpreted ironically. Well, this really needed to be named after someone.  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

what's the wink supposed to mean   :interracial
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Aliens: Colonial Marines postponed indefinitely :'(
Post by: Himu on February 15, 2013, 09:15:48 PM



Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 15, 2013, 09:18:53 PM
Link to original post please! :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Himu on February 15, 2013, 09:20:36 PM
:rofl @ thread title
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: benjipwns on February 16, 2013, 05:25:58 AM
- A price drop. I'd like to see at minimum, a $100 price drop to $199 & $249. I don't know how low they can go, but the lower the better.
- Debut a slew of games that show off the attributes of the system.
- A new emphasis on digital distribution and a complete re-working of their account management and developer regulations.
- Focus on non-gaming apps like Skype and Nintendo TVii to appeal to casuals.
- Completely remarket the device as something that can stream all their video needs as well as play games.

---If they want to really get crazy----

- Keep the price the same and completely reboot the system as a Super Wii U. This would be drastic and be akin to releasing Kinnect for Xbox 360.
- Release two new peripherals for the Wii U and make standard from now on in every box - Wii motion plus and a nun-chuck, a headset with IR sensors (similar to the one that comes with Xbox 360) and a new sensor bar for the headtracking.
- Bundle the new headset and sensor bar in with a their flagship game at no extra cost as way of compensation to early adopters.
- Announce new third party support (a lot will be ports) of games that will be out by Christmas to support this.
- This idea is to give the Wii U a new hook. I don't feel as it currently stands that the gamepad alone is enough of a selling feature to draw customers to the Wii U. Perhaps headtracking could be and it's something that could be done relatively cheaply.
Come on Nintendo, why can't you think of this stuff and get it done already?!?

Realistic things they can do (because I don't think a $100 price cut is realistic, and they can't magic software that doesn't exist out of the aether)

- Give out devkits to interested indie developers with some sort of track record, drop the 'no bedroom programmers' restrictions, and run some sort of 'next 90 days we'll take no cuts on sales' type promotion, or offer some sort of 'no cut for us until you hit $20,000 revenue' deal or whatever.
Small indies are incredibly agile in getting things done, and anyone who's made previous titles should be able to get a WiiU port up and running very quickly.
Let them set their own price.
This isn't a replacement for the AAA development that isn't ready, but a burst of indie developments will not only do wonders for pushing DD, but its also likely to explore genuine 'can't do anywhere else' mechanics of the controller and iterate through what does and doesnt work a lot faster than nintendos own R&D can, or any publishers would be willing to.

- Get the VC up and running ASAP, and spend some time porting over existing WiiWare titles.
Make some strategic partnerships for some really interesting VC titles or platforms to be added; eg Saturn, Neo-Geo, CPS1/CPS2, Dreamcast, Amiga.
Just announcing these are coming will get some interest.

- Use Club Nintendo as an account system. Let existing Wii owners know registering their WiiU will transfer all of their purchases over.
Set the migration tool up as a webpage in the club nintendo account area, rather than as a 'double sided' app, to avoid the online issues people have been having.

- Make Nintendoland a free download for all current WiiU owners, for the next 90 days (or whatever; make it time limited so people feel theres a timed incentive to purchase, and existing Nintendoland owners don't feel completely screwed as they know they can still trade it in in a few months)

- Figure out whoever your target audience for the WiiU is, and sponsor something that demographics watches somewhere cheap (like a syfy show or whatever).
Or if you really want to piss on the other 'media box' consoles, make a deal with amazon or netflix for time limited free content to all wiiu owners (eg "for the next month all WiiU owners have free netflix / amazon prime video on demand / whatever)

- Tie up one single studio with a 'graphics whore' mentality to literally just make one showpiece game and get a demo out of it. Doesn't matter if the game ends up shit, they just need to have something pretty to definitively put paid to the 'on par with ps360' myth.
Shit, even just hiring some german demo scene folks to make a linger in shadows type experience would help with that.

Nintendo knows they need to differentiate themselves from MS and Sony.
They can't moneyhat developers as effectively, and they don't have the cronyism of journalists willing to go to bat for them.

The harder MS and Sony fight for homogenity beyween their boxes, the more opportunity Nintendo have to grab the interest of people who like the quirky and fantastical in gaming, not the shank a dude in the neck with a shiv in afghanistan crowd.
They need to double down on that.

If they offer a space that welcomes unique experiences, studios will want to go there.

I like how this part is buried in the middle:
- Figure out whoever your target audience for the WiiU is

Real talk:

1. Make partnerships with smaller studios to deliver HD remasters of some classic Nintendo games. Wind Waker is a start, but they should focus primarily on games that can be turned around within the next 6-9 months or so.

- Examples: F-Zero GX, Excitebike 64, Wave Race...

2. Offer these games for cheap on the eShop. I'm talking $9.99 or less. Offer a free download of these games to early adopters.

3. Include free download codes in new Wii U purchases. This encourages new buyers to go onto the eShop.

4. Completely revamp the marketing into a series of ads that display ONE feature of the Wii U each. One commercial is about Off-screen play in a family. Another is about TVii. Another is about touchscreen games. Etc.

The idea is to boost content on the Wii U as quickly as possible with as few resources as possible.
Exactly, people want Excitebike 64 HD for $10.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: benjipwns on February 16, 2013, 05:27:04 AM
- Marketing should be over the top ridiculous. Kevin Butler meets Old Spice Guy. "Ladies, you may have a Wii to workout with but your Mii can't see mine if it's not with U. Buy a Wii U, it works with all of your Wii peripherals and comes with a fancy touch screen controller that helps keep track of those fab abs of yours. And your husband can play his games on the controller, while you watch your reality TV shows. Or you can just watch videos of me working out while your husband watches whatever sport he's into. Whichever you prefer." ...being said from an attractive man with no shirt in a sexy voice might help some. What's Clooney up to these days?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 05:48:13 AM
I like his ideas.

Tie up one single studio with a 'graphics whore' mentality to literally just make one showpiece game and get a demo out of it. Doesn't matter if the game ends up shit, they just need to have something pretty to definitively put paid to the 'on par with ps360' myth.
Shit, even just hiring some german demo scene folks to make a linger in shadows type experience would help with that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 16, 2013, 07:09:45 AM
If gaffers ran the world, we'd still be looking for the wheel
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: mjemirzian on February 16, 2013, 07:18:30 AM
Just wait, they're going to announce the CPU unlock firmware at E3 and blow everyone away. 8)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 16, 2013, 07:59:04 AM
If gaffers ran the world, we'd still be looking for the wheel

If gaffers ran the world, the round wheel couldn't be invented because it would hurt the guy who invented the square wheel's feelings.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on February 16, 2013, 08:29:04 AM
But if the inventor had taken my advice and made his square wheel the right color in the first place there would be no need for the round wheel

actually I kinda want a Wii U :( and a Vita :(
at least if they truly bomb their library highlights will be nicely finite, which I find comforting these days
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 16, 2013, 08:32:25 AM
the bore wonders why they're even attempting to make wheels when they clearly lack the brain capacity, then the bore flies off with mind-controlled jet packs that cook tacos to eat when you land.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 16, 2013, 09:51:08 AM
Wii U  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Barry Egan on February 16, 2013, 10:05:24 AM
Real fans don't mind because the Wii U failing is actually a boon to the systems whimsy quotient.  Being the underdog is super kawaii ^_^;.  This is Nintendo's way of looking out for the fans who know what matters and not succumbing to the financial reality based tedium of adult life.  The WiiU might just eclipse the Virtual Boy as Nintendos most whimsical (read: never played or purchased) console ever! 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 16, 2013, 11:07:41 AM
Wii U law: Consumers are more likely to reject a system the more expensive its controller is, whether expense is measured by money, system resources, or learning curve.
The Vita and Wii U Law: Consumers will reject something resembling either a smart phone or tablet when its neither.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: thisismyusername on February 16, 2013, 12:38:45 PM
Thread title.  :lol

Anyway, it seems pretty telling that the Vita AND WiiU are both selling dismally, but the Vita had a small boost before the nose-dive for the same amount of time the WiiU's been on the market, yeah?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 01:32:43 PM
Welcome to the new paradigm, bitches. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 16, 2013, 01:40:55 PM
Welcome to the new paradigm, bitches.

is it "good video games" yet?  or are we still floundering in industry identity and marketability crisis?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 01:48:57 PM
The latter, coupled with so many options for people's leisure time that there are diminishing returns across the board, which means that the companies that adjust to the new reality soon enough will be the "winners".  And by "winning" I mean "getting to continue to exist"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 04:04:35 PM
What happened with Gametrailers and Sony lately ?
Playstation meeting Dos and Don'ts

5 Ways Sony Can win Next-Gen

Top 5 Playstation Moments

20 Games We Want Revealed for PS4 Part 1 and 2

I never seen so much pure hype content for one console announcement. not for any Xbox not for any Playstation and certainly not for any Nintendo console. What happened here?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Trent Dole on February 16, 2013, 04:07:58 PM
Hmm, perhaps they got some sort of timed exclusivity deal for PS4 trailers and such in exchange for pre-reveal hype? Or maybe they've just got a crazy fanboy or three on staff.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 04:10:37 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Third on February 16, 2013, 04:37:41 PM
Lol, he's just making fun of that suiciding ntard over at neogaf

The wiiu flopping harder than the vita and dreamcast has made some ntards really paranoia
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 04:38:25 PM
I like chicken soup.

damn you Third,no more chickens
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 04:42:00 PM
It's ok,boiling water is ready.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 04:57:40 PM
I'm gonna say 42k.  Which, due to the 4 week month and no releases, will seriously be pointed to by some as a sign of "momentum"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 16, 2013, 05:05:47 PM
February usually sees a hardware bump,just sayin'.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 16, 2013, 05:09:05 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 16, 2013, 05:10:31 PM
I'm gonna say 42k.  Which, due to the 4 week month and no releases, will seriously be pointed to by some as a sign of "momentum"

I suggest studying up on the Romney campaign to see how to effectively cite "momentum" in spite of reality.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 16, 2013, 05:21:28 PM
I feel like chiming in with 28.8k now, but with the complete understanding that going to that well again isn't as effective.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 16, 2013, 05:28:29 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 16, 2013, 05:56:00 PM
44k for February
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archie4208 on February 16, 2013, 06:02:59 PM

The Nintendo Direct announcements will spur sales.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 16, 2013, 06:25:35 PM
:lol and the news of this thing being a bigger bomba than the dreamcast, ps3, and GC all combined will hurt sales

It'll probably be behind PS360 in month four unless they do something special, but at the moment:


With the Gamecube and the original Xbox enjoying better starts than the PS2, it goes to show you how much this may or may not mean in future...

I think a lot of people who have one are quite satisfied with it, or will be providing it gets good games. But you're right, the chatter in the media and amongst those who don't have it is terrible. They need to do something or its ejector seat time for somebody.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: bachikarn on February 16, 2013, 06:32:53 PM
The graph really doesn't take into account what the demand is. Wii and PS2 would have sold more if there were enough units available. I think the x360 was supply constrained in the beginning too, but I might be wrong on that one.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 16, 2013, 06:34:49 PM
Interesting with the 360. That did launch with the whole 'ill buy it when halo comes out /shrug' thing hanging over it, but i forgot how it wasnt doing so hot for a while

The 360 was damn near impossible to find for the first several months.  I had to import a Japanese 360 (which there were plenty of).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 16, 2013, 06:44:38 PM
The graph really doesn't take into account what the demand is. Wii and PS2 would have sold more if there were enough units available. I think the x360 was supply constrained in the beginning too, but I might be wrong on that one.

You're right. Initial shipments sold out in NA and Europe - in Europe the initial shipment was 300,000 and then really only trickled in after that, so it was tricky to get initially... It will have had a slower Summer obviously, like any machine

360 actually got a price drop and new bundles at the 10 month mark ($30 on the core, $50 on the premium) -- which would be like Wii U getting a price drop in August

What's going to be interesting for Wii U is if there's any latent demand that can be unlocked with a price drop, or new software... demand may be hard to generate with either. We'll see I guess..
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on February 16, 2013, 07:46:06 PM

start a thread and a pool, I'll put $5 down
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 16, 2013, 08:13:05 PM
Interesting with the 360. That did launch with the whole 'ill buy it when halo comes out /shrug' thing hanging over it, but i forgot how it wasnt doing so hot for a while

I remember lines in front of BestBuy for 4 months
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: headwalk on February 16, 2013, 08:14:23 PM
The graph really doesn't take into account what the demand is. Wii and PS2 would have sold more if there were enough units available. I think the x360 was supply constrained in the beginning too, but I might be wrong on that one.

You're right. Initial shipments sold out in NA and Europe - in Europe the initial shipment was 300,000 and then really only trickled in after that, so it was tricky to get initially... It will have had a slower Summer obviously, like any machine

360 actually got a price drop and new bundles at the 10 month mark ($30 on the core, $50 on the premium) -- which would be like Wii U getting a price drop in August

What's going to be interesting for Wii U is if there's any latent demand that can be unlocked with a price drop, or new software... demand may be hard to generate with either. We'll see I guess..

there is zero demand for the console that is the wii u, it's a technological relic anchored around a feature nobody asked for. the hope is that nintendo can hold enough of their IPs to ransom in order to strongarm people into buying a device they neither want nor need.

it will always be a terrible console.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 16, 2013, 08:34:38 PM
i miss andrex
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 09:10:22 PM
there is zero demand for the console that is the wii u, it's a technological relic anchored around a feature nobody asked for. the hope is that nintendo can hold enough of their IPs to ransom in order to strongarm people into buying a device they neither want nor need.

it will always be a terrible console.

After all it isnt the lack of support for the thing from devs thats the issue.  ::)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 09:18:50 PM
there is zero demand for the console that is the wii u, it's a technological relic anchored around a feature nobody asked for. the hope is that nintendo can hold enough of their IPs to ransom in order to strongarm people into buying a device they neither want nor need.

it will always be a terrible console.

After all it isnt the lack of support for the thing from devs thats the issue.  ::)

I'd say you're deluding yourself if you think that's the entire issue, but really you're a nintendo fan so you're obviously already deluding yourself to some extent
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 09:28:47 PM
No its not but it isnded the main issue.  0 games were released that month.  That is abysmal, anyone seeing that will see warning signs.  Not to mention port cancellations, delays etc.  On the other hand aswell people dont buy Nintendo consoles for third party games, there werent really many blockbuster must have titles at launch even GC had like 3 iirc.  Wii U had NSMB U and Nintnedo Land and of those 2 Nintendo land is seen as the better of the 2.  What rubbish.  It isnt the hardware that is the problem it is the software and price of the console.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 09:30:21 PM
Can you blame devs?  If I were looking at WiiU software sales and saw stuff like CoD and AssCrud selling literally 1% of what they sold on other systems, I'd be pretty fucking gunshy too.

Lack of dev support is a symptom, not the source.

I meant inhouse devs.  No one buys a nintendo console for third party games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 16, 2013, 10:20:10 PM
No one buys a nintendo console after 2009
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 10:20:51 PM
No its not but it isnded the main issue.  0 games were released that month.  That is abysmal, anyone seeing that will see warning signs.  Not to mention port cancellations, delays etc.  On the other hand aswell people dont buy Nintendo consoles for third party games, there werent really many blockbuster must have titles at launch even GC had like 3 iirc.  Wii U had NSMB U and Nintnedo Land and of those 2 Nintendo land is seen as the better of the 2.  What rubbish.  It isnt the hardware that is the problem it is the software and price of the console.

Also the fact that the console is an answer to a question no one asked

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 16, 2013, 10:23:45 PM
I think there is a lot of demand for resistive touchscreen anus tablets. The Palm Centro had it right all along
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 16, 2013, 10:27:00 PM
No its not but it isnded the main issue.  0 games were released that month.  That is abysmal, anyone seeing that will see warning signs.  Not to mention port cancellations, delays etc.  On the other hand aswell people dont buy Nintendo consoles for third party games, there werent really many blockbuster must have titles at launch even GC had like 3 iirc.  Wii U had NSMB U and Nintnedo Land and of those 2 Nintendo land is seen as the better of the 2.  What rubbish.  It isnt the hardware that is the problem it is the software and price of the console.

Until they figure out a way to effectively market the GamePad, I'd say the hardware is a problem as well. Software is arguably more important, but generally it's useful for the platform to have some sort of unique hook to make it attractive. The GamePad was supposed to be that hook, but either it didn't pan out like they'd hoped, or they've just failed spectacularly on the marketing department.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 10:37:52 PM
Really, everything about the weeeeeeoooooooooooooo has been like an AP class in advanced failure, from conception, introduction, marketing, you name it.  I think they could have done better by paying hobos to shit in boxes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 16, 2013, 10:39:46 PM
The name is a problem too, just like 3DS. Who can keep track of what is a new product and what is just a revised model or add on gimmick.

DS Lite

Which is the one I'm supposed to be excited for?

Wii Fit
Wii MotionPlus
Wii U

Oh ok whatever
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 10:50:46 PM
Also the fact that the console is an answer to a question no one asked

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Because there arent many good Nintendo games on it.

Until they figure out a way to effectively market the GamePad, I'd say the hardware is a problem as well. Software is arguably more important, but generally it's useful for the platform to have some sort of unique hook to make it attractive. The GamePad was supposed to be that hook, but either it didn't pan out like they'd hoped, or they've just failed spectacularly on the marketing department.

I dont think the gamepad is a problem at all.  The problem is that the Nintendo games they made look exactly like the wii ones.  NSMB U looks like a wii game.  So does nintendo land to an extent.  So people think that it is just an hd versions of the wii if even that with the gamepad gimmick.  People think that they are paying $350 for the gamepad addon.

You guys have to consider that it isnt the gamers that buy a Nintendo console.  It is mostly kids and manchildren.  Man children ok, but for kids these things are ought by their parents.  They dont knwo much about the Wii U, hence why the Wii is out selling it i think.  Oscar can you confirm or no that the wii is out selling the wii u?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 16, 2013, 10:51:59 PM
Well, if you want this to be a less successful gamecube, I guess that's the attitude to have.  I don't understand it, but then again I've never accused Nintendo fans of being intelligent.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 10:54:42 PM
Nintendo struck gold with the wii.  The Wii U cannot and will not sell to the same demographic as the wii.  Wii fit U will definitely sell less than the wii fit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Purple Filth on February 16, 2013, 10:55:06 PM
Really, everything about the weeeeeeoooooooooooooo has been like an AP class in advanced failure, from conception, introduction, marketing, you name it.  I think they could have done better by paying hobos to shit in boxes.

Oscar wasn't kidding when he said they were using the early PS3 playbook  :lol

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 16, 2013, 11:06:41 PM

start a thread and a pool, I'll put $5 down

worst prediction gets lepered for a month
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 16, 2013, 11:17:16 PM
PD, the only bad predictions are zero and anything over 56k.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 11:19:37 PM
Isnt the actual number 57k?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 16, 2013, 11:35:25 PM
Is it up to 57k now? Momentum!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 11:38:29 PM

According to cnet apparently.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 16, 2013, 11:41:37 PM
Did they post wii sales in the npd for January or did htey skip it?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 17, 2013, 12:17:00 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 17, 2013, 01:01:43 AM
100k < Wii < 150k and more closer to 100k

yeah the wii U was outsold by the wii yet again.  Thanks oscar fo rthe cream sugar hint.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Sho Nuff on February 17, 2013, 03:12:55 AM

I am absolutely adoring the butthurt replies on GAF
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 17, 2013, 04:35:33 AM

Eh... Mario games are quality.
Reactions are pure gold.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 17, 2013, 07:19:18 AM
Nintendo's software shits on Sony's from a great height.

.... for captive audience manchobs

also - i DO want to add one comment adding to what is said on the last page:

Pikmin - it really is fucking garbage as a game.

bu bu bu....

Pikmin got a PERFECT score from Gaming-Age (paleoGAF) back in 2001.

Oh well there is a mark of quality!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MCD on February 17, 2013, 07:33:31 AM
Holy fuck lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 17, 2013, 09:12:29 AM
Pikmin - it really is fucking garbage as a game.

How so?  It isnt my kind of game but it seemed like a good game to me.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 17, 2013, 10:48:00 AM
Okay, "garbage" is harsh - but the gameplay from the previous two just bored me to tears - two way more than one, but hey.

''Oh, Yay, Another Studio Closure.''

I'm sure the Wii U is going to save 3rd parties with it's 1000 units per third party game sales holocausts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 17, 2013, 04:47:55 PM
So does Nintendo need a hypothetical mariokart/smash/wildcard trifecta in combination with a pricedrop this holiday season to even get within earshot of the 100bn figure Iwata was leveraging his career on? Pokemon and Animal Crossing might help the 3ds, but I'm not seeing any #gamechangers on the wii u.  It'll be interesting to see how wii fit u fares.

One thing I can say is that software pricing is kinda ridiculous, its no surprise their demographic isn't going to be investing in a console with no marguee games that establish an identity for the thing when everything is 60 bucks across the board (god bless sega for pricing sonickart for 40 though, my first purchase).

Its a neat system from the time I've spent with it, methinks they need to tap in to the warchest and do the american thing of subsidizing relevant support.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 17, 2013, 04:55:52 PM
I just think the console has more inherent problems than "lack of software support" to dig out of it's hole.  Couple that with decreasing demand for handhelds due to phone/tablet gaming and yeah, looking like Iwata falls on his sword considering his earlier statements.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: treythemovie on February 17, 2013, 05:01:35 PM
So does Nintendo need a hypothetical mariokart/smash/wildcard trifecta in combination with a pricedrop this holiday season to even get within earshot of the 100bn figure Iwata was leveraging his career on? Pokemon and Animal Crossing might help the 3ds, but I'm not seeing any #gamechangers on the wii u.  It'll be interesting to see how wii fit u fares.

One thing I can say is that software pricing is kinda ridiculous, its no surprise their demographic isn't going to be investing in a console with no marguee games that establish an identity for the thing when everything is 60 bucks across the board (god bless sega for pricing sonickart for 40 though, my first purchase).

Its a neat system from the time I've spent with it, methinks they need to tap in to the warchest and do the american thing of subsidizing relevant support.

A Wii U price drop would ruin the 100bn goal since they would then start losing huge amounts of money on it.

Its an attainable goal (even Gamecube Nintendo achieved it) but it relies upon the 3DS taking off and the WiiU staying afloat without a pricedrop. If they have to save the Wii U like they did the 3DS, Iwata is in deep trouble.

Honestly, I wouldn't be horribly surprised if they sacrificed the thing and allowed it to become another gamecube. I don't think a pricedrop is the Wii U's #1 problem, currently (PS3 circa 2007 this is not).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 17, 2013, 05:04:28 PM
Also, I'm standing by my assertion that calling it anything other than Wii 2 was a huge branding mistake. I still hate saying the name whereas I kinda liked "Wii".
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 17, 2013, 05:04:48 PM
If either the Durango or Orbis launches with a decent configuration at $399, who the fuck is going to spend in the same ballpark for a gimped console with no games on it?  A price drop would be almost required at that point, right?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: headwalk on February 17, 2013, 05:05:03 PM
So does Nintendo need a hypothetical mariokart/smash/wildcard trifecta in combination with a pricedrop this holiday season to even get within earshot of the 100bn figure Iwata was leveraging his career on? Pokemon and Animal Crossing might help the 3ds, but I'm not seeing any #gamechangers on the wii u.  It'll be interesting to see how wii fit u fares.

One thing I can say is that software pricing is kinda ridiculous, its no surprise their demographic isn't going to be investing in a console with no marguee games that establish an identity for the thing when everything is 60 bucks across the board (god bless sega for pricing sonickart for 40 though, my first purchase).

Its a neat system from the time I've spent with it, methinks they need to tap in to the warchest and do the american thing of subsidizing relevant support.

i feel like at this point, IP affiliation with the wii u brand does more harm to the IP than it would do good for the wii u.

NSMB has been reduced from a its status of world destroying sales goliath to k-mart edutainment CD-ROM tree fodder within the space of about two months.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 17, 2013, 05:05:16 PM
Also, I'm standing by my assertion that calling it anything other than Wii 2 was a huge branding mistake. I still hate saying the name whereas I kinda liked "Wii".

Clearly your devotion to Saint Whimsy is lacking
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 17, 2013, 05:12:31 PM
So does Nintendo need a hypothetical mariokart/smash/wildcard trifecta in combination with a pricedrop this holiday season to even get within earshot of the 100bn figure Iwata was leveraging his career on? Pokemon and Animal Crossing might help the 3ds, but I'm not seeing any #gamechangers on the wii u.  It'll be interesting to see how wii fit u fares.

One thing I can say is that software pricing is kinda ridiculous, its no surprise their demographic isn't going to be investing in a console with no marguee games that establish an identity for the thing when everything is 60 bucks across the board (god bless sega for pricing sonickart for 40 though, my first purchase).

Its a neat system from the time I've spent with it, methinks they need to tap in to the warchest and do the american thing of subsidizing relevant support.

i feel like at this point, IP affiliation with the wii u brand does more harm to the IP than it would do good for the wii u.

NSMB has been reduced from a its status of world destroying sales goliath to k-mart edutainment CD-ROM tree fodder within the space of about two months.

Nah, see the 3ds entry is doing alright, so I think the WiiU version WAS spaced far too close to that release to be effective.
If either the Durango or Orbis launches with a decent configuration at $399, who the fuck is going to spend in the same ballpark for a gimped console with no games on it?  A price drop would be almost required at that point, right?

And this is erroneous thinking too, as I think average consumer doesn't know much about hardware architecture for it to factor into their bias. However, as the Wii U lacks a breakout ip (I was calling Nintendoland being a semi dud when it was revealed for being too catering to an insular fanbase to catch on) they'll suffer as long as they play the metoo game. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: treythemovie on February 17, 2013, 05:17:55 PM
I think Nintendo was expecting the tablet controller to draw interest far more than it did, just like they expected the 3DS's 3D to sustain interest for longer than its launch window. Nintendo has found itself caught in a fickle consumer world where yesterday's hotness is boring as fuck by the time Nintendo gets around to it. While the Wii had motion controls and the PS4/NeXbox have the default "next gen graphics", the Wii U is left with pretty much nothing.

Now Iwata keeps claiming that Nintendo's fall games will be the one's to provide the new gameplay experiences to draw attention to the Wii U. And for their own sake, he better be right. Cuz the Wii U can't just ride on "off tv play" being the only interesting thing about the system.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 17, 2013, 06:17:47 PM
Nintendo most likely assumed that being the first console with a tablet was enough, much like thinking that a handheld with 3D capability was enough.  That and they launched with a NSMB title, a series that sells ungodly amounts of units.  They probably also knew that they would have to drop the price from $350 before the PS4/Durango launches but knew they could get in several million to buy at that price point.

Everything about the Wii U seems like a mixture of cynicism and "you should be happy we're here" type of mentality.  It backfired.  I doubt the public would go for a Super Wii U in 2014 or 2015.  Nintendo is stuck with this albatross around their neck until at least late 2016.

I don't think Nintendo is going to be all that aggressive either.  They're going to release their 3D Mario, their Zelda, their Mario Kart, etc.  Then if it doesn't take, they'll pull a Gamecube and leave it to fend for itself.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 17, 2013, 06:19:08 PM
Also, I'm standing by my assertion that calling it anything other than Wii 2 was a huge branding mistake. I still hate saying the name whereas I kinda liked "Wii".

Like a cop car, weeoo weeoo.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 17, 2013, 06:36:50 PM
I'd bet money right now the WiiU Fit will fail; that ship has sailed. Casual people bought the Wii because it was completely new, I really don't see how Nintendo can possibly strike lightning again with an inferior new product; inferior in terms of the interest and "must have" factor. There is no buzz for this console among gamers or non-gamers, meaning WiiU Fit would likely have no audience; Ntards sure as hell aren't buying it, and their moms are too busy with Kindles and iPads now.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 17, 2013, 07:05:09 PM
Nintendo's trying desperately to target two demographics [casual gamers and hardcore gamers] that have long since abandoned them, though the latter longer ago than the former. Casual gamers want smartphones and touchpads they can take anywhere with them and $2 games that they can pick up and play in about five seconds. Hardcore gamers want hardcore games and a competent online infrastructure. Nintendo's got this weird system that's trying to straddle the line and pull in both with halfhearted efforts, instead they will pull in neither.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: treythemovie on February 17, 2013, 07:24:19 PM
Nintendo's long term goal was probably to market to the inbetween demographic: what we use to call casual gamers in the PS2 era. However this demographic is rather price fixated and currently ambivalent towards gaming, so they aren't the type to buy into a $350 Wii U with no games. A $200 Wii U with the right games might have some success with them, but I can't see Nintendo cutting price enough to reach them.

I'm curious what's going to happen with that demographic actually. They're the type that I imagine could still be swayed away from tablet/iphone gaming (for those that went there) if the right product came along. Microsoft had some minimal success courting them, and they're pretty much the only ones who cared about the Wii and DS for a long while now. But they aren't the type to care about the next generation and Sony seems to have fucked up their stated attempt to go after them with a cheaper PS3. Perhaps Nintendo will get lucky and finally catch them with the 3DS  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 17, 2013, 08:16:11 PM
Wii U was pretty much Hubris: The Console™

too bad, i think the tablet controller had a lot of potential had they not cheaped out on it so much
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 17, 2013, 08:30:02 PM
well, i'm just getting the hubris vibe from the whole "let's just shit out a bunch of uprezzed clones of our popular stuff, and name a launch game after our company" deal

but yeah, Kutaragi's "get a second job, dirtpeople, $599dealwithit" is a more clear-cut case of hubris

split the difference? 50% dumb, 50% sniffing their own buttholes?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: etiolate on February 17, 2013, 08:31:42 PM
Yeah, the Wii U seems like the product of Nintendo living inside whatever bubble they have created. The system looked like it had no purpose for existing once details started coming. I understood the Wii and the market being there for it at the time(and really, it had been there for a long time). But the Wii U wasn't really supplying anything new or filling any vacancy.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 17, 2013, 09:16:09 PM
i can live with that, eel.

Nintendo, bringing people together.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 17, 2013, 10:13:54 PM
The best part was after the lukewarm reception of the Wii U at E3 2011, Nintendo just decided to go ahead with it anyway.  Who the fuck thought that only having one tablet controller per console was a good idea?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 18, 2013, 12:19:21 AM
Who the fuck thought that only having one tablet controller per console was a good idea?
R and D Dude: There's another problem--we can only get one tablet working with the console. Even if we could get another working, it would be extremely expensive for consumers.
Iwata: That's no problem; we'll create a "pro" controller without tablet functions. And, in certain situations, a second player can use a wiimote, wiimote with nunchuck, wimote plus, wii wheel, wii classic controller, or wii board. 
R and D Dude: Wouldn't consumers become confused or angry that they're forced to use a controller missing the system's unique functions.
Iwata: Please understand.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 18, 2013, 11:09:14 AM
They are implementing two tablet play, the counterpoint being that it looks like the one genre that would greatly benefit from that- sports games- isn't going to exist on the WiiU this year as per EA's cold should shoulder.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Momo on February 18, 2013, 11:17:03 AM
Two tablet play would be good for like battleship too
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 18, 2013, 11:28:30 AM
maybe they saw their new "blue ocean" fans as people who would stick around and pay attention to the next Nintendo console release. 

don't forget what Iwata said at E3 2012: "We're bigger than Apple."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 18, 2013, 11:34:18 AM
The controller situation contradicts the casual friendly goal IMO. People already don't know what the system does, plus there are three complrtely different controllers you can use for it which adds even more confusion. No wonder developers are dismissing it.

Nintendo knew they had a small window of time, they certainly knew the PS4 was likely coming out in 4Q 2013. Their focus should have been to throw out as much content as possible to win over consumers and reassure third parties. We wouldn't be having this conversation if Nintendo simply copied Live (and made it free), and released a couple games people actually wanted (launches need racing games, why not F-Zero). Hell they could have introduced their game market service with a bang: a Nintendo moba with a cast of free characters plus some you have to buy for cheap. Bam.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 18, 2013, 11:37:19 AM
I have no interest whatsoever in mobas, but I think the concept would lend great to a Japanese company coming in and streamlining it, Nintendo especially with all their IPs.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 18, 2013, 11:57:23 AM
Isn't EA giving the Dreamcast the cold shoulder one of the major reasons the Dreamcast lost to the PS2? We got the awesome 2K series of sports games out of that, but no Madden was a major issue if I remember. And so is no Fifa, not sure if the Dreamcast had Winning Elever or not, and I loved Virtua Striker but that isn't going to sell a lot.

The Dreamcast actually did pretty decently in terms of HW sales - they managed to hit 10m before anyone else, at a pace that in retrospect - was arguably better traction than the Xbox or Gamecube had -- but they just didn't have the money to sustain it. Nor did they have a userbase to a point where analysts and devs would be happy when PS2 arrived.

EA didn't help matters, but the real problems started on Saturn. Sony completely butt-raped them at the original PlayStation's E3 unveiling -- nobody was expecting Sony to price them into oblivion. They'd already sustained losses on endeavours like 32X. With Saturn things just want from bad to worse. EA decided to play hardball on license fees because they saw SEGA were in a weak position. They claimed they they'd made huge losses on Saturn due to early discontinuation and reportedly demanded they be given a 5 year license where they were the only sports-game licensee on the Dreamcast. ie. Nobody else would be allowed to make sports games on the machine. Not 2K, not SEGA's own teams, nobody. SEGA offered them lower royalty fees but Larry Probst at EA didn't wanna play ball. With waning interest in the face of PS2s ridiculous Toy Story / Jack Into the Matrix / DVD hype machine, they cut the price to half that of PS2. They'd already bled all sorts of money on SegaNet when they did that too. Sadly, they were just a little too far ahead of the game on that one. With no broadband penetration they were trying to run it like an ISP. Costly. Anyway, they couldn't even eat a loss of less than 200 million at that stage, and they knew Microsoft were coming in. When you look at the losses Sony and Microsoft were prepared to take this generation (between 2 and 5 BILLION) - they probably made the right call... I suspect Okawa's health may have played a part in CSKs decision to get out of SEGA as well, Okawa died shortly after they discontinued in North America. I wonder how different things would have been if they'd sold to someone with decent management and some capital to burn?

EAs behaviour with SEGA is one reason I can believe the rumours about EA trying to forcibly persuade Nintendo to use Origin. That wouldn't surprise me at all.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 18, 2013, 12:42:44 PM
Seriously Nintendo dropped the ball with their online/market.  A cheap Nintendo moba (Nintendo Legends or some shit), a 2D Zelda, maybe get a multiplayer Contra or new Techmo Bowl type game, multiplayer Pac Man etc. Give people an oppurtunity to make impulsive cheap purchases and they'll do it every time.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 18, 2013, 12:52:20 PM
Nintendo doesn't really believe in counter-programming, so you won't see a Nintendo MOBA ever. 

Anyway, I've  being playing NSMBu, and although i was starting to feel like all the cruddy jaded nerds who feel I've been down this road before, I started enjoying myself a lot by world 2.   It continually amazes me how this team can keep coming up with awesome level concepts containing creative gimmicks and just great layouts all around.  Helps that its decently challenging.  No I will probably never get a game over, but I die enough.

The powerup balance is still in good force too (unless this p-acorn I haven't used yet breaks things).  I expected stuff like the baby yoshis and the squirrel suit to be easy mode, but they've been hard to keep and have some drawbacks.  The baby yoshis for instance remove your ability to use powers and wallkick while being held.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 18, 2013, 01:01:33 PM
The problem with a Nintendo Moba would be that it would appeal to Nintendo fans only again. It wouldn't make people buy a Nintendo console.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eric P on February 18, 2013, 02:31:58 PM
any bets on next month? i'm gonna say 40k

inna the grim future of war, there is only
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 18, 2013, 04:06:12 PM
Seriously Nintendo dropped the ball with their online/market.  A cheap Nintendo moba (Nintendo Legends or some shit), a 2D Zelda, maybe get a multiplayer Contra or new Techmo Bowl type game, multiplayer Pac Man etc. Give people an oppurtunity to make impulsive cheap purchases and they'll do it every time.

Wii U needed to be $199
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: treythemovie on February 18, 2013, 04:37:15 PM
The wii U not getting Madden is weird. Really weird. Madden is usually spammed out to every systems under the sun. Hell, Madden 12 went to the PSP and PS2 even. So for Madden 14 to be only on the PS3 and Xbox (no iOS, no Wii, no next gen systems for now), its just really weird. EA was already cutting back on their SKUs but now they must be doubling down on that. They obviously expect the industry to further contract (rather than expand) but I'm not sure where they're going to divert their development resources to since they already have a huge presence on iOS.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Huff on February 18, 2013, 04:38:49 PM
The wii U not getting Madden is weird. Really weird. Madden is usually spammed out to every systems under the sun. Hell, Madden 12 went to the PSP and PS2 even. So for Madden 14 to be only on the PS3 and Xbox (no iOS, no Wii, no next gen systems for now), its just really weird. EA was already cutting back on their SKUs but now they must be doubling down on that. They obviously expect the industry to further contract (rather than expand) but I'm not sure where they're going to divert their development resources to since they already have a huge presence on iOS.

I think it was rumored that they didn't have enough time to shit out a port this year, but expect future iterations (well maybe not if sales continue like as)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: treythemovie on February 18, 2013, 04:46:19 PM
The wii U not getting Madden is weird. Really weird. Madden is usually spammed out to every systems under the sun. Hell, Madden 12 went to the PSP and PS2 even. So for Madden 14 to be only on the PS3 and Xbox (no iOS, no Wii, no next gen systems for now), its just really weird. EA was already cutting back on their SKUs but now they must be doubling down on that. They obviously expect the industry to further contract (rather than expand) but I'm not sure where they're going to divert their development resources to since they already have a huge presence on iOS.

I think it was rumored that they didn't have enough time to shit out a port this year, but expect future iterations (well maybe not if sales continue like as)
I'm sure EA Tiburon is busy as hell trying to make their engine work for next gen so that they're not stuck the whole gen with a shit engine and games again. But usually EA would farm out the Wii U/iOS/everything else versions to contract developers, just like they did this whole generation for the Wii/everything else.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 18, 2013, 04:56:45 PM
Having the playbook or whatever on the gamepad is actually something that makes sense and would be borderline, you know, useful or whatever. 

EA not touching the weeeeeooooooooooooooooo speaks volumes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 18, 2013, 05:33:10 PM
Having the playbook or whatever on the gamepad is actually something that makes sense and would be borderline, you know, useful or whatever. 

EA not touching the weeeeeooooooooooooooooo speaks volumes.

To be fair people said the same thing about the DS ("you can draw your own plays!") and never amounted to anything. EA is probably looking at the WiiU's weak online player base and wondering what's the point in wasting money (right now). The next Madden will certainly be on the system
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 18, 2013, 05:45:50 PM
Having the playbook or whatever on the gamepad is actually something that makes sense and would be borderline, you know, useful or whatever. 

EA not touching the weeeeeooooooooooooooooo speaks volumes.

To be fair people said the same thing about the DS ("you can draw your own plays!") and never amounted to anything. EA is probably looking at the WiiU's weak online player base and wondering what's the point in wasting money (right now). The next Madden will certainly be on the system

Yeah, but no one wants to play dogcrap looking sub-N64 Madden on the DS. At least with the Wii U it would be on par with the 360/PS3 version.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 18, 2013, 07:55:47 PM
The wii U not getting Madden is weird. Really weird. Madden is usually spammed out to every systems under the sun. Hell, Madden 12 went to the PSP and PS2 even. So for Madden 14 to be only on the PS3 and Xbox (no iOS, no Wii, no next gen systems for now), its just really weird. EA was already cutting back on their SKUs but now they must be doubling down on that. They obviously expect the industry to further contract (rather than expand) but I'm not sure where they're going to divert their development resources to since they already have a huge presence on iOS.

I think it was rumored that they didn't have enough time to shit out a port this year, but expect future iterations (well maybe not if sales continue like as)

Apparently this came from some junior member on GAF who was speaking for EA in a non official way.  Even if s/he did work for EA though, without substantial support coming from multiple parties it puts the console in  a hypothetical situation where it claws its away along and by next August EA decides the userbase isn't there. 

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 19, 2013, 03:57:40 AM
Rayman Challenge Mode coming to Wii U in April. Online leaderboards, up to five players and an exclusive mode - oh and its free

This is actually kind of awesome. The right response from Ubi. I'm placated anyway!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 19, 2013, 06:29:28 AM
Ha, the videos addressing Wii U concerns, but at 1:20 you clearly see an Xbox "RT" button logo -- it's not even the Wii U version!

Still they didn't have to do anything  really. Its kind of nice to be getting this 4 months ahead of the actual game and for free. 1-5 players with leaderboards and ghosts - it actually looks quite cool!

edit: some in this thread would question you wanting to buy a Wii U, but if you want to buy one and you're in the UK - you can get the Wii U Premium Pack + Nintendo Land for £202 - sign up at Zavvi and use code ZV16870409 -- if it doesn't work, it's still cheaper than normal at £224.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 19, 2013, 09:57:48 AM
Seriously Nintendo dropped the ball with their online/market.  A cheap Nintendo moba (Nintendo Legends or some shit), a 2D Zelda, maybe get a multiplayer Contra or new Techmo Bowl type game, multiplayer Pac Man etc. Give people an oppurtunity to make impulsive cheap purchases and they'll do it every time.

I would throw a good F2P MMO in there as well. My kid spends more time playing F2P MMOs than Nintendo stuff these days despite having a WiiU and 3DS. And so far hasn't spent any money (but they do want some Wizard 101 quest for $10).

Free on the PC you own or $300 for a console. Poor Nintendo, they are screwed  :gloomy

Rayman Challenge Mode coming to Wii U in April. Online leaderboards, up to five players and an exclusive mode - oh and its free

This is actually kind of awesome. The right response from Ubi. I'm placated anyway!

This is nice because a few challenge levels for free is about all the Rayman I want anyway
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archie4208 on February 19, 2013, 11:05:17 AM
A F2P Nintendota makes too much sense.  Which means it'll never happen.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: bork on February 19, 2013, 02:50:32 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 19, 2013, 03:39:44 PM
I can almost taste the whimsy. :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 19, 2013, 03:49:54 PM
Iwata : "W-What are you doing?!"

Senile old goat : ".... sucking you off?"

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: mjemirzian on February 19, 2013, 04:05:46 PM
What's the point of having Iwata stand there in those presentations like an awkward cardboard cutout?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 19, 2013, 04:18:36 PM
What's the point of having Iwata stand there in those presentations like an awkward cardboard cutout?

Apparently gamers like pitch-men/corporate executives these days, I don't know.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 19, 2013, 04:27:49 PM
What's the point of having Iwata stand there in those presentations like an awkward cardboard cutout?

Apparently gamers like pitch-men/corporate executives these days, I don't know.

Well, I could tell you why I'd want to see Kaz stand around there giving the presentation :drool
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: pilonv1 on February 19, 2013, 04:40:52 PM
He's in a suit but he's wearing a Luigi hat :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 19, 2013, 04:45:22 PM
He's in a suit but he's wearing a Luigi hat :rofl

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 19, 2013, 05:00:50 PM
that gif alienates me more than anything. Nintendo thinks its funny but it's really pedantic and insulting
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 19, 2013, 05:09:30 PM
that gif alienates me more than anything. Nintendo thinks its funny but it's really pedantic and insulting

Did you mean to say pedantic? To engage in pedantry is to pretentiously, pompously or overtly display knowledge or strict adherence to details or rules. Me saying this to you is pedantic. 

Why do you find it insulting?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 19, 2013, 05:14:41 PM
because it's them trying to feel like they're cool and down to earth when they're not. it's not funny or cute or anything. to anyone who isn't a mouthbreathing nintendo fan it's lame and stupid, same with Miyamotor coming out on stage with a zelda sword. it's just trying hard.

and I did mean pedantic. THey're being pedantic to nintendo fans pretending they care about htem.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 19, 2013, 05:20:00 PM
because it's them trying to feel like they're cool and down to earth when they're not.

Isn't that pretty much a great description of them all though? Iwata, Reggie, Mattrick, Tretton, Kaz Hirai -- PR things are awful. I kind of get it though. I feel as though Nintendo became a little too aware of meme potential following the early Reggie days... stuff like that non-specific action figure thing, Iwata holding bananas and this poltergust skit- all seem like deliberate attempts to make more. In one sense, I'm uncomfortable about that -- they're not there to make jokes -- but I don't see any great harm in it TBH.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 19, 2013, 06:07:23 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 19, 2013, 07:19:33 PM
Entire Yama Direct :
"You want a new F Zero game?................ Suck my dick"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 19, 2013, 07:29:38 PM
Those videos are made for ten year old Japanese children.  I'm not sure why people go memetastic over them, nor why people here are so wounded by them.

Because the people who go memetastic over them at heart want to be 10 year old Japanese children

spoiler (click to show/hide)
or fuck one

And because that's offensive.  We didn't drop two atom bombs on Japan to have our citizens fetishize lame dipshittery!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 19, 2013, 09:16:50 PM
I am kinda pumped for Luigi's Mansion 2 tho, real talk.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 19, 2013, 09:18:33 PM
You take that real talk back.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 19, 2013, 09:20:16 PM
:bow Luigi's Mansion :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 19, 2013, 09:24:24 PM
Luigi's Mansion was a solid launch title, people just complained endlessly about it because it wasn't a Mario platformer. Get that noise outta here.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 19, 2013, 11:35:00 PM
Mario Tennis/Golf/Kart were all half assed on Cube and better on GBA. SMS and WW sucked. All the other games rocked. MP2 sucked too and also LM ya
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 19, 2013, 11:36:15 PM
EDIT: I'll probably catch a ton of shit for this, but I enjoyed the wii line up from launch up till Brawl which was my first real disappointment with the system other than Galaxy not blowing me away like it did others. The only difference was I downright hated Brawl.

The Wii had a good number of decent games in the first 18 months or so, but Nintendo finally realized that they could shove out cheap junk and people would still buy it in droves. Third parties realized the same thing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 20, 2013, 12:38:58 AM
Double Dash was awesome, fuck you Numbers Man. Having three brothers to play it with :bow
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 20, 2013, 03:41:25 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 20, 2013, 05:37:09 AM
Yamauchi Nintendo direct would have been amazing... Just him standing at the entrance to a fucking pagoda or something with a translator on hand. Edited like one of the Dharma videos from Lost...

Ten minute rant in Japanese, translator bows and speaks in English
"R-oo pee gee games are for sweaty man-chiduren with ass-sperguress. Fuck you all"

Better than please understand!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 20, 2013, 06:18:54 AM
Editor of the UK Official Nintendo Magazine
Nintendo are releasing the US version of F-Zero on Wii U Virtual Console - bowing to fan pressure over Hertzgate?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 20, 2013, 07:43:01 AM


All that meta discussion, and no one discussing the topic. I thought Evilore was gonna put a stop to all that?  :wag
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on February 20, 2013, 08:15:42 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 20, 2013, 08:32:32 AM


All that meta discussion, and no one discussing the topic. I thought Evilore was gonna put a stop to all that?  :wag

absolute waste of "Troll"

i wonder how long he was sitting on that
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: The Sceneman on February 20, 2013, 08:53:13 AM

I've already upgraded my computer a couple years ago, perfectly ready for Next Gen multiplats that don't come to Wii U.

"a couple years ago" :rofl

keep dreaming shithead
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 20, 2013, 09:22:59 AM
Monster Hunter demo tomorrow :hyper

Time to remember why I never bought monster hunter on the PSP after that demo :-\

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 20, 2013, 09:46:19 AM

I've already upgraded my computer a couple years ago, perfectly ready for Next Gen multiplats that don't come to Wii U.

"a couple years ago" :rofl

keep dreaming shithead

Haha, Crysis 3 is already gonna crush nuts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: cool breeze on February 20, 2013, 11:38:40 AM
Double Dash was awesome, fuck you Numbers Man. Having three brothers to play it with :bow

double dash is the best mario kart multiplayer for sure.

Sometimes I wonder how different my experience would've been if I were younger for the Wii's time.  It's hard to wrangle other olds to play local multiplayer.  And N64 and Gamecube (especially) without multiplayer  :yuck 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 20, 2013, 11:46:19 AM
Many a tears will be shed tonight by butthurt Ninfags after seeing real-time PS4 demos and studios on board......... I hope they stocked up on Luigi-branded handkerchiefs!

Here's a genuine prediction Borys, from me to you, because I love you:

Search your feelings. You know this is how it plays out.
The days of PlayStation being a giant in gaming are over.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 20, 2013, 01:08:18 PM
Many a tears will be shed tonight by butthurt Ninfags after seeing real-time PS4 demos and studios on board......... I hope they stocked up on Luigi-branded handkerchiefs!

Why should they cry? I'm sure they'll play all the high quality graphics games shown today in 2020 on the WiiV
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 20, 2013, 01:36:03 PM
Many a tears will be shed tonight by butthurt Ninfags after seeing real-time PS4 demos and studios on board......... I hope they stocked up on Luigi-branded handkerchiefs!

:bow ( :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on February 20, 2013, 01:46:34 PM
Luigi's Mansion was fucking great.  Loved the sound design especially -- music, ambience, stuff like that.

Fuck those Boos though
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 20, 2013, 01:49:23 PM
It wasn't bad, but in retrospect it was hardly amazing. Lets be honest here, as Oscar said compared to other Nintendo launch games this one is one of the worst. I'd say that Wii Sport was a better launch game, it def played it way more then Luigi.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 20, 2013, 01:52:39 PM
Many a tears will be shed tonight by butthurt Ninfags after seeing real-time PS4 demos and studios on board......... I hope they stocked up on Luigi-branded handkerchiefs!

You think Sony can top the Year of Luigi?

:bow #YearofLuigi :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: TakingBackSunday on February 20, 2013, 02:22:44 PM
It wasn't bad, but in retrospect it was hardly amazing. Lets be honest here, as Oscar said compared to other Nintendo launch games this one is one of the worst. I'd say that Wii Sport was a better launch game, it def played it way more then Luigi.

Not disagreeing with you there.  I just have pretty fond memories of the game.  Loved the unique character-ghosts, how each encounter was different and depended on your surroundings, etc.  Just a very well-designed, fun game.

Would've liked a proper Mario launch game though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: bork on February 20, 2013, 02:49:15 PM
Many a tears will be shed tonight by butthurt Ninfags after seeing real-time PS4 demos and studios on board......... I hope they stocked up on Luigi-branded handkerchiefs!

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 20, 2013, 03:00:15 PM
How many Nintards are going to get PTSD after the brutal savagery of just pure annihilation and total evisceration that they're going to receive in a few hours?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 20, 2013, 03:10:37 PM
How many Nintards are going to get PTSD after the brutal savagery of just pure annihilation and total evisceration that they're going to receive in a few hours?

None. The Sony maggots are going to have post-Natal depression though... Geddit? Natal / kinect crap is gonna be all up in this Sony shit

I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics people perform trying to say what they show is somehow unprecedented or good.. Gonna be delicious!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 20, 2013, 03:14:36 PM
How many Nintards are going to get PTSD after the brutal savagery of just pure annihilation and total evisceration that they're going to receive in a few hours?

Those who don’t succumb tonight will surely be done in by the February NPDs and all the GDC news in two weeks
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 20, 2013, 03:37:04 PM
That's funny, cus in my circle of coworkers/other irl people its mostly xbox guys and a smattering of mmo/rts players.  I think people are in for a rude surprise to assume that wii u faltering=sony success.  On the current trajectory I only see the next xbox having a chance  ... but i feel like they could screw it up come to think of it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 20, 2013, 03:40:07 PM
That's funny, cus in my circle of coworkers/other irl people its mostly xbox guys and a smattering of mmo/rts players.  I think people are in for a rude surprise to assume that wii u faltering=sony success.  On the current trajectory I only see the next xbox having a chance  ... but i feel like they could screw it up come to think of it

The pre-emptive butthurt has already begun and Sony hasn't even announced anything yet. :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: cool breeze on February 20, 2013, 03:41:53 PM
(Un)fortunately, you can't predict what will happen from what is.  Sony learned that the hard way with the ps3.  Nintendo is learning that with the wii u.

Though we don't know what microsoft is up to, they've done a better job in hooking people into the Xbox brand with all the gamer points and stuff.  I believe Microsoft has a better shot of keeping its audience compared to the other companies.  But we'll see.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 20, 2013, 03:48:46 PM
When all is said and done ps3 will have beat wii and xbox this gen so I dunno what the smugness is all about from those camps.

3 gens number 1 ( although 3rd one is just semantics).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 20, 2013, 04:15:35 PM
It will beat wii?  I dunno.

Wii is at 100 million and ps3 is at 70 million i believe.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 20, 2013, 08:22:15 PM
After that show i am gonna get a Wii U after E3.
Title: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Huff on February 20, 2013, 08:23:12 PM
You were always going to end up with a wiiU
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 20, 2013, 08:24:48 PM
You were always going to end up with a wiiU

Well yeah since they have monolith soft.  But i was gonna buy a ps4 before it though, now i am not.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 20, 2013, 08:34:40 PM
Watch Dog was just confirmed by the devs as coming to the Wii U,
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 20, 2013, 08:41:01 PM
Watch Dog was just confirmed by the devs as coming to the Wii U,

Ubi is releasing that on everything, wouldn't be surprised if a iOS version popped up sometime.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 20, 2013, 08:59:36 PM
After that show i am gonna get a Wii U after E3.

it's your money, but I don't get how a vague conference would influence your purchasing decision at all.   

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 20, 2013, 09:04:21 PM
After that show i am gonna get a Wii U after E3.

it's your money, but I don't get how a vague conference would influence your purchasing decision at all.

It influenced me so much that I just ordered four more Wii Us.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: cool breeze on February 20, 2013, 09:17:01 PM
Watch Dog was just confirmed by the devs as coming to the Wii U,

as well as Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.  No doubt it'll be on Durango too.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Shaka Khan on February 20, 2013, 09:31:07 PM
Watch Dog was just confirmed by the devs as coming to the Wii U,

as well as Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.  No doubt it'll be on Durango too.

Aye, but that's Ubi. I wonder how many pubs will afford to do that going forward. I mean PS360 makes sense initially considering their install bases, but the Wii U? If things don't turn around expect epic snubbing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 20, 2013, 09:33:40 PM
it's your money, but I don't get how a vague conference would influence your purchasing decision at all.

Had no rpgs shown.  For the WiiU i am looking forward to X and SMT vs FE.  I thoguth that they would have shown something decent from SE or Bethesda but they didnt.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Huff on February 20, 2013, 09:40:50 PM
it's your money, but I don't get how a vague conference would influence your purchasing decision at all.

Had no rpgs shown.  For the WiiU i am looking forward to X and SMT vs FE.  I thoguth that they would have shown something decent from SE or Bethesda but they didnt.

Not sure if you actually believed that or just doing some weird kind of trolling
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 20, 2013, 09:44:21 PM
believed that or just doing some weird kind of trolling

Yeah i did.  Bethesda was hiring for their new game for next gen consoles a while back so if it isnt for ps4 it will be atleast for the durango.  And SE has had their hand in thier asses for a long time.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 21, 2013, 07:09:35 AM
Bethesda's next game will be PS4/Durango/PC. Launch day RPGs aren't really a thing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 21, 2013, 07:49:36 AM

 This is what I imagined in my mind in bed last night.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 21, 2013, 07:57:34 AM
Bethesda's next game will be PS4/Durango/PC. Launch day RPGs aren't really a thing.

Wasn't Oblivion a launch game?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 21, 2013, 08:16:42 AM
Sure, but that's a PC game. That's easier than trying to get Square-Enix to launch a console game on a system with no install base.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 21, 2013, 08:37:21 AM
Poor X.gif :'(

It had a good run but its time to let the big boys hype their games :violin
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 21, 2013, 09:47:55 AM
Don't worry, hampster, I'm sure the Nbandits will do an excellent job of convincing themselves that X still looks better than PS4/Durango games and that graphics totally don't matter X is more fun anyways.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 21, 2013, 10:17:19 AM
I prefer Eel's "ninfungi" to "nbandits"

I'll do my best to put the fun in ninfungi, Borys
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MCD on February 21, 2013, 10:24:22 AM
X looks better.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 21, 2013, 10:47:18 AM
For my taste, X certainly looks more interesting than anything shown for PS4 as of now...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Diunx on February 21, 2013, 10:49:03 AM
I prefer Eel's "ninfungi" to "nbandits"

How about my "Ninwarts"?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 21, 2013, 10:49:26 AM
pretty unfair to compare the two.  Regulation graphics judging requires 90x90 size gifs.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 21, 2013, 10:50:25 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 21, 2013, 10:55:46 AM
For my taste, X certainly looks more interesting than anything shown for PS4 as of now...

Better then Deep Throat?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 21, 2013, 11:19:11 AM
I prefer Eel's "ninfungi" to "nbandits"

I'll do my best to put the fun in ninfungi, Borys

Endure just a little bit more radiohead, please. This is the typical Welcum to The Bore, Nintard! Boot Camp you are being put through. Last Nintard - Andrex, you may recognize him from GAF - broke up and ran away crying.

After you get enough punches and blows the tune of this place will change :-* you will see.

keep in mind, it's an E3 year, so the mileage will be rung out of this ninmutant
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 23, 2013, 08:48:03 AM
 :drudge I actually played a Wii U game last night :drudge

F-Zero for 30 cents.  To bitch about Nintendo, the 30th anniversary thing for Famicom seems extremely underwhelming.  To have a page like this: and your offer is games like Yoshi and Balloon Fight seems strange to me.  Oh well, for 30 cents, I spent a lot more money on a lot worse.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 23, 2013, 09:12:04 AM
I prefer Eel's "ninfungi" to "nbandits"


I don't recall ever using that term

It is funny, though
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: SantaC on February 23, 2013, 09:47:34 AM
borys screw wii u right not and play ni no kuni.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 24, 2013, 04:54:56 PM
Same as before. I'll use mine for Wii games and the occasional Wii U exclusive. The next one is probably The Wonderful 101 which has been delayed until later this year. I don't expect it before late summer.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on February 24, 2013, 07:21:41 PM
How are The Bore Wii U owners feeling after the Sony presser? Just curious.

No one here who bought a Wii U had any illusions that it was somehow going to be the hot thing to own next generation.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Damian79 on February 24, 2013, 07:22:56 PM
I dont have a Wii U, not buyign a system unless it has an rpg on it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 24, 2013, 09:56:50 PM
How are The Bore Wii U owners feeling after the Sony presser? Just curious.

"i bought a WiiU for Nintendo games, none of which will appear on the PS4"
"the graphics don't look that much different from CoD WiiU"
"why would I, its features are a rip off of Wii stuff lol"
"lol moar FPS gamez"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 25, 2013, 10:12:41 AM
Unless its taboo to discuss what we're actually playing, I'ma talk about a few things.

-The framerate in Sonic Kart is all over the goddamn place in later tracks, especially anything with large amounts of water.  The Skies of Arcadia track in particular has lots of lakes dotting its landscape and it feels like I'm stuck in the low 20s for 75 percent of the time.  I hear this isn't an exclusive problem, which  makes me think all skus could've benefitted from an uglier game that actually ran like an arcade racer.  Still, I kinda dig it for being like a sega smash bros thing, <3 crazy taxi.

-Zombi U is really great at freaking me out.  Tense, methodical, punishing, yet fair.  There was a point I thought I was safe to kill a horde from a high point, my character lunges from the high ground for a kill animation, gets stuck in the mosh pit, and I'm fighting for my life against 4 of them in a space way too small for comfort.  Superb atmosphere and scenarios.  Its gamepad integration is the best proof of concept for the wii u so far.  Although the character models are disappointing, the attention to detail in this rendition of London is meticulous.  I think the lighting is done particularly well too, but then again I don't  have the best frame of reference here.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 25, 2013, 10:20:24 AM
I played Balloon Fight and Google Maps last week. Neither were particularly fun. I also made a portrait in Tank! Tank! Tank! before discovering that the single player campaign was behind a paywall.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 25, 2013, 10:38:22 AM
I dont have a Wii U, not buyign a system unless it has an rpg on it.

You people still exist?

Whaddaya mean "we people"  ???
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: DCharlieJP on February 25, 2013, 10:39:40 AM
For nintendo fan naming i will throw Ninchobs and Itwatas into the ring
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on February 25, 2013, 12:08:42 PM
I played Balloon Fight and Google Maps last week. Neither were particularly fun. I also made a portrait in Tank! Tank! Tank! before discovering that the single player campaign was behind a paywall.

What bothered me about balloon fight was the grating sound effects, it made me think of that scene in princess bride where she goes overboard in the waters of the screeching eels 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'.  Fzero is a better deal for sure, although its my first time playing it and feels like it was probably a tech demo in its heyday.

Little Inferno is surprisingly captivating.  It emulates that feeling of unwisely blowing through all your hard earned money on crap you'll never need in real life, therefore being a pretentious statement on capitalism, yet fun still.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 25, 2013, 12:10:14 PM
Yeah, I'm definitely getting F-Zero the next time I boot up the machine. I really liked it back in the days although I suspect it hasn't aged that well.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 25, 2013, 12:16:52 PM
I played Balloon Fight and Google Maps last week. Neither were particularly fun. I also made a portrait in Tank! Tank! Tank! before discovering that the single player campaign was behind a paywall.

What bothered me about balloon fight was the grating sound effects, it made me think of that scene in princess bride where she goes overboard in the waters of the screeching eels 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'.  Fzero is a better deal for sure, although its my first time playing it and feels like it was probably a tech demo in its heyday.

Little Inferno is surprisingly captivating.  It emulates that feeling of unwisely blowing through all your hard earned money on crap you'll never need in real life, therefore being a pretentious statement on capitalism, yet fun still.

Yeah, artsy-fartsy nongames tend to be hit-or-miss with me but I'm really enjoying Little Inferno. I have 25 more combos to get and then I'm done. Short but great, very atmospheric in freezing-ass NY.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 25, 2013, 12:19:22 PM
I played Balloon Fight and Google Maps last week. Neither were particularly fun. I also made a portrait in Tank! Tank! Tank! before discovering that the single player campaign was behind a paywall.

seriously?  dang. 

i thought this game looked like it could be a fun arcade type game...which gets eaten alive these days by reviewers/gamers.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on February 25, 2013, 12:48:38 PM
That was the free downloadable version. You can download it from the eShop. The disc version includes everything as far as I know.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 26, 2013, 03:15:57 PM

today I called Nintendo to order a replacement. I had read online that replacement gamepads were around $80. This apparently is incorrect. The amount Nintendo is billing my card is $150+ shipping.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 26, 2013, 03:30:01 PM
150 for a controller is very blue ocean casual friendly

this basicly means the chances of using two of those things in a game are 0 in any meaningful mainstream way
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 26, 2013, 03:48:38 PM
Good thing controllers never break or wear out.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 26, 2013, 03:50:18 PM
Nintendo has a solution: no games. Can't wear out when you don't use it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: mjemirzian on February 26, 2013, 04:01:34 PM
So their much vaunted tablet gamepad turned out to be an albatross. That's what happens when you bet big on gimmicks.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 26, 2013, 04:03:07 PM
I can't believe such a poor screen cost that much :rofl

Thankfully the old DSi and 3DS seemed to hold up fine. Hopefully the gamepad doesn't crap out on my anytime soon
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 26, 2013, 07:26:32 PM
"console rot" indeed
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 26, 2013, 07:26:39 PM
Wii Mini might be worth buying, kind of like the top loading NES.  10 years from now it might be worth 2-3x what you paid for it if you didn't take it out of the box.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on February 26, 2013, 08:04:16 PM
My GameStop employee friend said his manager always asks confused potential WiiU purchases if they just want a 360/Kindle instead, and 4 out of 5 times they buy the 360  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: pilonv1 on February 26, 2013, 09:20:48 PM
:lol Master Manager Troll :bow2

just Manager
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Don Flamenco on February 26, 2013, 09:31:04 PM
Wii Mini might be worth buying, kind of like the top loading NES.  10 years from now it might be worth 2-3x what you paid for it if you didn't take it out of the box.

in that case, wait for clearance.   the old systems are always clearanced out before they can sell off the stock.  Got a platinum gamecube for $25 at toys r us.  Wish I'd have saved it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Steve Youngblood on February 26, 2013, 09:43:08 PM
:lol Master Manager Troll :bow2

just Manager

I love that bit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 27, 2013, 06:41:52 AM

today I called Nintendo to order a replacement. I had read online that replacement gamepads were around $80. This apparently is incorrect. The amount Nintendo is billing my card is $150+ shipping.

That's a ridiculous price, there's no way it costs them that - its a broadcom chip and some controller bits, but that said...

how much of a simpering weakling do you have to be to let your airline lose all your shit and then NOT make them pay for EVERYTHING? Also, I don't know how it is in the US but travel insurance in Europe is cheap and covers lost luggage. Why is he even trying to get a new one like that?

Wii Mini would look neat to me, if it actually had online components etc. If you're a collector, it'd be a cool curiosity to own, like the Panasonic Q or something. I suppose I could see why you'd buy it if you were a cruel, Luddite parent that didn't want to see your children play new modern games or play on the Internet.

I decided to download Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition and Tekken Tag 2 yesterday, and I am pleasantly surprised by both.

Arkham City: AE was torn to shreds on GAF and by Eurogamer's Digital Foundry guys, but having played it -- its probably the best console version of the game. I'm not just saying that as a Ninthing: if you were a fan of the game and you see it knocking around cheap (it was 23 quid on ShopTo recently), you might really enjoy it again on Wii U. It's a game that everyone's already played, and you're probably going to be busy in March playing Tomb Raider and other new games, but believe me - its a better port than people have let on.

This is not a half arsed port by any measure. It's definitely better than the 360 version. You could really only argue the PS3 version is better if you somehow experience the slowdowns that I've not really experienced yet, because the interface improvements are all reasonably good. The cutscenes are PS3 quality, so that alone puts it over the 360 ver. I don't know when I'll ever learn to just not listen to what the Internet says. So fuckin' nitpicky.

I've not played too much of TT2 just yet, but I can tell its going to be fun online.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 06:51:13 AM
no offense to your friend, but clerks like that are pretty frigging annoying

"hi i'd like to buy x"

"are you sure you don't want to buy y instead?"

fucking just ring it up, register biscuit.  you're paid near-minimum wage for a reason.

Its actually their job to inform customers.

I wouldnt let people buy a WiiU either.

Basing your opinion of a person on the salary they earn is really one of the shittiest things you can do.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 08:24:11 AM
Oscar, I worked in a computer story in Uni and as a bartender, my current role also includes sales.

This is not working at the register in a supermarket, your job as a salesperson is to make sure the client buys the right product, for you and for them.

You have a real cold approach to this stuff.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 08:30:11 AM

Reaction to Borys.

Lager, I worked at GameStop.  It's not like a computer store.  At all.  It's closer to McDonalds than anything.

There's Gamestops here too.

I sold PC/laptops/modems. I guess thats different then selling games. I'd also never listen to a game store employee.

Now I sell pictures of naked women :drool
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on February 27, 2013, 08:33:54 AM
Having worked in retail, most people just want to get what they want to get and then GTFO.  Your job as a cashier is to facilitate that in the most convenient possible way to the customer.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: hampster on February 27, 2013, 08:40:02 AM

:bow Amazon Tony :bow2

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 27, 2013, 08:49:32 AM
I managed several GameStops.  Guess who happens to be right and who happens to be talking about shit he has no idea about again?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 08:52:57 AM
 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 27, 2013, 09:13:58 AM
I managed several GameStops.  Guess who happens to be right and who happens to be talking about shit he has no idea about again?

Oscar owned.  :skip
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 27, 2013, 09:24:08 AM
You'd think that a gamespot manager would be jumping for joy over the chance to get rid of some Wii U inventory. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 10:01:11 AM
I managed several GameStops.  Guess who happens to be right and who happens to be talking about shit he has no idea about again?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on February 27, 2013, 10:17:22 AM
I don't go into Gamestop a lot nowadays, but when I do I shut all that stuff down pretty quick. I know they're just doing their job, so I'm not mean about it, I just let them know before they even launch into their spiel that I'm not interested in any extraneous shit. Just the shit that's in my hands, please.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 27, 2013, 10:42:59 AM
At least polacks are purebloods, unlike Candaiuhms  :yuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Flannel Boy on February 27, 2013, 01:21:06 PM
Not that it matters, but both my parents were born and raised in Poland. Though, I do have running through my veins poutine sauce and maple syrup.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Brehvolution on February 27, 2013, 01:34:36 PM
My only annoyance with GS is at checkout when the dude will say, "you only have 58 days left on your edge card and we can renew that today."
 I'm like  :rudy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 27, 2013, 01:40:21 PM
try going into a gamestop as a black person. i go in to buy fukkin need for speed most wanted the honkey is like "hey did you know call of duty black ops is out now" im like wat dis brother think all we do is shoot people  :kobeyuck im like "ya im ok dude stay cool" and then hes like "oh and nba 2k13 just came out"  :birdman
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: cool breeze on February 27, 2013, 01:41:20 PM
I've only had one bad experience at Gamestop when I bought a used Gundam PS2 game for $2 and the guy kept selling me on program to save 10% on my purchase.  Best Buy is worse.  No one goes to Best Buy so the employee to customer ratio is 4:1.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Diunx on February 27, 2013, 01:46:06 PM
"no mucho ingles sorry" no more employees pushing shitty cards and magazines.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 27, 2013, 01:46:56 PM
i thought its "no hablo ingles sorry"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Diunx on February 27, 2013, 01:52:59 PM
that's for mexicans and cubans.

when I go into a store in the states and a black individual is behind the counter he gets the token latino worker as soon as he noticed my accent, whites on the other hand try to speak to me in shitty spanish.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 27, 2013, 01:54:38 PM
just do croation or something no one fukkin speaks cro
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on February 27, 2013, 02:11:15 PM
I just say "no thanks" that usually works too.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: tiesto on February 27, 2013, 02:43:33 PM
The other day I was at Gamestop and the guy kept on talking to me about Destiny for a good 10 minutes, I said to him "I'm not really into western games sorry." and then proceeded to reserve Etrian Odyssey IV from him :uguu
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on February 27, 2013, 02:55:43 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 27, 2013, 03:19:10 PM
I managed several GameStops.  Guess who happens to be right and who happens to be talking about shit he has no idea about again?

Oscar owned.  :skip

I see what you did there.   :smugbiden

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And no
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on March 02, 2013, 05:54:40 AM

GamesBeat: Is the Wii U from Nintendo even on your radar as far as making games?

Yerli:  We did have Crysis 3 running on the Wii U. We were very close to launching it. But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that.Since we as a company couldn’t launch on the Wii U ourselves — we don’t have a publishing license — Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die.

Seriously fuck EA, I hope orbango completely flop (worse than vita level) just so they come crawling back to Nintendo and then I hope Nintendo tell them to go fuck themselves with a very big stick
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: archnemesis on March 02, 2013, 06:00:41 AM
How about not posting GAF quotes?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on March 02, 2013, 06:07:22 AM

This machine smells like a new Dreamcast(without games).Nintendo execs must be scared.

I bet Crysis 3 was among bunch of games DC talked about(canceled before WiiU launch).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 02, 2013, 07:31:55 AM
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised things are looking this poorly for them. I thought for sure they'd get some decent stuff at least in the year before the new-gen consoles launch. I agree with Oscar, at this point they should begin considering dropping the console albatross and focusing on their handheld line. They could make a 7-inch tablet with a decent screen and Ouya guts that snaps into a pack-in controller cradle like the Wii U gamepad, maybe fold an Amazon-style curated Android app store into the e-Shop while still continuing to publish exclusives, and probably be a lot better off.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: maxy on March 02, 2013, 09:39:04 AM
I'm surprised how badly Nintendo misjudged the market,especially their core market.WiiU pushed that market into stand by "wait and see" mode.Those people are still playing and buying games but the money goes somewhere else.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: mjemirzian on March 02, 2013, 11:08:39 AM
Why is it Nintendo has so much problem with OS and firmware? Couldn't hire anyone experienced enough?

3DS OS isn't too bad.. Wii U seems like a disaster.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 02, 2013, 01:19:24 PM
Lol Ntards bragging about Crysis 3 running on the WiiU
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on March 02, 2013, 01:21:16 PM
Lol Ntards bragging about Crysis 3 running on the WiiU

unreleased ports still count

+1 Nintendo
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Human Snorenado on March 02, 2013, 01:21:57 PM
The level of anticipation I have for February's Wii U numbers is a gross, unnatural thing.  I'm gonna need a cigarette after they're released, probably.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on March 02, 2013, 01:33:16 PM
25k or bust
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: cool breeze on March 02, 2013, 01:42:55 PM
I'm surprised how badly Nintendo misjudged the market,especially their core market.WiiU pushed that market into stand by "wait and see" mode.Those people are still playing and buying games but the money goes somewhere else.

What I don't get is why Nintendo is doing a poor job supporting the Wii U.  Some people believe that Nintendo has all these franchise games it hasn't announced yet.  I'm sure that's true to an extent, but at some point you need to reassure owners and anyone interested that the system has a future.  Off the top of my head, these are all the Nintendo games shown:

March to end of 2013:
-Pikmin 3
-Wonderful 101
-Lego City
-Wind Waker HD

2014 and later:
-Bayonetta 2

I think Ubisoft is releasing more Wii U content this year than Nintendo.  So, I wonder if Nintendo can't support two 'powerful' platforms, or is struggling with 360-level hardware, or something else.  And even if Nintendo is ready at E3, it's probably not the best timing with Microsoft, Sony, and third parties showing off next gen gaming.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 02, 2013, 01:50:41 PM
Nintendo is struggling cause they never expanded their studios.

But seeing what they are offering now it seems weird they are struggling cause nothing that they have shown demands more effort/ resources then Gamecube games so far.

Maybe they are working hard on big Zelda with actual 360 assets and shit and it has them bogged down, but this really isn't super impressive. With how formulaic Zelda is they could outsource that shit to China with some cliffnotes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 02, 2013, 02:25:22 PM
My prediction for US Wii U February sales:

NPD: 37,000
Walscuse Adjusted: 298,000

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 02, 2013, 02:34:42 PM
We should start a pool: the person who is the farthest off has to buy a Steam game for the person who was the closest to predicting the right number
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 02, 2013, 02:38:20 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 02, 2013, 02:40:43 PM

Just 39.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Feb NPD Predictions
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 02, 2013, 02:54:10 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Feb NPD Predictions
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 02, 2013, 03:08:20 PM
sub 50k would be hilarious, when is npd due?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of January NPD (55k warning)
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on March 02, 2013, 03:09:49 PM
We should start a pool: the person who is the farthest off has to buy a Steam game for the person who was the closest to predicting the right number

Good idea. (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Feb NPD Predictions
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 02, 2013, 03:16:03 PM
I was at Gamestop today just looking and it was very weird to see the WiiU being the most expensive console by a mile.

You can get a PS3 for 189 for Christ sake, no way a parent would pick up a WiiU then for their kid.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on March 02, 2013, 06:13:34 PM
Consoles are still very expensive compared to PS2/Xbox/Gamecube at this point.  But yes, Wii U is more expensive and you get less for that money.  You don't even get a Wii remote in the $350 box and it's an important part of the system.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 02, 2013, 09:10:21 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 02, 2013, 09:19:06 PM
Consoles are still very expensive compared to PS2/Xbox/Gamecube at this point.  But yes, Wii U is more expensive and you get less for that money.  You don't even get a Wii remote in the $350 box and it's an important part of the system.

Gotta have something to ask for next Christmas.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 03, 2013, 01:21:15 PM
Consoles are still very expensive compared to PS2/Xbox/Gamecube at this point.  But yes, Wii U is more expensive and you get less for that money.  You don't even get a Wii remote in the $350 box and it's an important part of the system.

Agreed. Some might liken packaging a Wiimote U as other consoles adding a second controller, but the two methods (pad/remote) are extremely different and serve different purposes. I mean, to play co-op in NSMB U (i.e. the non-shitty MP mode) you need *two* remotes, zero tablet.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 04, 2013, 06:08:38 AM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Rahxephon91 on March 04, 2013, 06:16:37 AM
Deus Ex could be awesome on the WiiU thanks to the pad. Hack into the cameras and see what they see. I don't know, lots of options.

Square should port XIII. Have the entire datalog on the pad. Hell, have the dialogue pop up on there in real time with every term used being clickable so that it takes you to the log about it. It's just genius.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 04, 2013, 08:56:58 AM
yeah, i've said it before on here, but for a lot of nintendo faithful wanting to have the same third party games as ps3/360 is just wanting to have a discussion point rather than an actual desire to buy and play them

you can look no further than black ops, for years i've read various complaints about not getting the full COD experience -  then when it's there, no one buys it

can't complain about not getting games when you aren't buying any (oh but they will complain)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on March 04, 2013, 10:19:03 AM
It's gotta be painful to all those who complained that the wii wasn't getting ports of all the 3rd party games and then seeing the same thing happen to Nintendo's HD console.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 04, 2013, 12:15:00 PM
It's gotta be painful to all those who complained that the wii wasn't getting ports of all the 3rd party games and then seeing the same thing happen to Nintendo's HD console.

But here's the thing: Nintendo fans wouldn't even buy the ports that the Wii U actually did get!

And that's why it's not getting anymore.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 04, 2013, 12:38:53 PM
The thing is, it's too early for these bad sales to have scared off ports this fast. Something before hand before the WiiU launched had to have triggered devs into saying "Nope, not getting a port, not worth it".
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 04, 2013, 12:47:59 PM
The thing is, it's too early for these bad sales to have scared off ports this fast. Something before hand before the WiiU launched had to have triggered devs into saying "Nope, not getting a port, not worth it".

Yeah, a little something called "It's a Nintendo console." A few developers were willing to take a little risk and bring out some ports at launch. Those ports sold like freeze dried elephant dung. Now, the Wii U isn't getting anymore ports.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on March 04, 2013, 08:44:08 PM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013

cue 1000000 "I (didn't) ask for this" jokes
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 05, 2013, 08:58:02 AM
The thing is, it's too early for these bad sales to have scared off ports this fast. Something before hand before the WiiU launched had to have triggered devs into saying "Nope, not getting a port, not worth it".

Yup - As i said previously - several companies canned games before the Wii U even launched. Wii U Price tag + spec + not quite as easy to port to as thought + next gen = not bothering?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 05, 2013, 09:01:57 AM
Doesn't help that they wanted to (or have to) get $60 out of games that are several years old, either.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 05, 2013, 01:40:18 PM
Doesn't help that they wanted to (or have to) get $60 out of games that are several years old, either.

That looks and runs the same if not worse.

The controller's implementation in most of them has been basic at best too, so it's not like there's a worthwhile bonus there either.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 05, 2013, 02:06:15 PM
Doesn't help that they wanted to (or have to) get $60 out of games that are several years old, either.

The controller's implementation in most of them has been basic at best too, so it's not like there's a worthwhile bonus there either.

To no one's surprise, of course.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 05, 2013, 03:55:05 PM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013

cue 1000000 "I (didn't) ask for this" jokes

More like FFW to the future and "I didn't buy this"

Let's charge full price for a game that's like $20 now

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Steve Youngblood on March 05, 2013, 04:06:08 PM
Doesn't help that they wanted to (or have to) get $60 out of games that are several years old, either.

Deus Ex is going to be a completely fresh experience with an always visible map on the second screen.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on March 05, 2013, 04:21:07 PM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013

cue 1000000 "I (didn't) ask for this" jokes

More like FFW to the future and "I didn't buy this"

Let's charge full price for a game that's like $20 now


$20? It's hit $5 ($7.50 for GOTY) multiple times in the past several months.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on March 05, 2013, 04:36:53 PM
So Human Revolution bundled with the DLC and some smallish new gameplay device?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Steve Youngblood on March 05, 2013, 04:37:54 PM
Thankfully, I already have my Wii U, so I'm ready.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on March 05, 2013, 04:38:34 PM
60 bucks and 2 years late......


The WiiU is like watching a bum starve to death.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 05, 2013, 04:41:51 PM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013

cue 1000000 "I (didn't) ask for this" jokes

More like FFW to the future and "I didn't buy this"

Let's charge full price for a game that's like $20 now


$20? It's hit $5 ($7.50 for GOTY) multiple times in the past several months.
You mean you wouldn't pay $50 for a WiiU GAME OF THE YEAR* superior version w/exclusive mini games?!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Steve Youngblood on March 05, 2013, 04:57:08 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 05, 2013, 07:55:48 PM
60 bucks and 2 years late......


The WiiU is like watching a bum starve to death.

Excuse me sir, I believe craplet is the preferred nomenclature.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on March 05, 2013, 09:54:40 PM


Version    MODIFIED
Publisher    SQUARE ENIX
Production Company    NOT SHOWN
Date of Classification    1 March 2013

cue 1000000 "I (didn't) ask for this" jokes

More like FFW to the future and "I didn't buy this"

Let's charge full price for a game that's like $20 now


$20? It's hit $5 ($7.50 for GOTY) multiple times in the past several months.

I think it was $5 last week on GMG
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: benjipwns on March 08, 2013, 06:51:43 AM

Nintendo's stock shooting up, must be something in the works.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 08, 2013, 07:05:52 AM
Nintendo is buying Sega Sammy,obviously.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 08, 2013, 07:13:06 AM
Maybe they are just buying back stock now its cheap.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on March 08, 2013, 07:27:12 AM
Nintendo is buying Sega Sammy,obviously.

That'd probably look more like this:


Gaffots are saying its something to do with the Yen or some shit. Which is a shame. I want new announcements.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: benjipwns on March 08, 2013, 07:33:01 AM
Miyamoto did give an interview recently so that could also be a cause.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 08, 2013, 08:15:37 AM
Console fanboys: The only people who obsessively watch stocks despite probably not owning any.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 08, 2013, 10:43:20 AM
I heard that King Kullen was considering buying them out, inflating the stock price
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 08, 2013, 12:28:29 PM
When do we get NPD numbers?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 08, 2013, 12:38:39 PM
next week
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: tiesto on March 08, 2013, 02:27:22 PM
I heard that King Kullen was considering buying them out, inflating the stock price

My first ever job. *nostalgia*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 09, 2013, 06:06:51 AM

Lego City Undercover - 5

Is that normal for Lego games?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on March 09, 2013, 06:26:55 AM
They gave Lego Indiana Jones a 6. I've never played any of them, but they look really bland and boring. Non-game Lego blocks are cool though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 09, 2013, 11:50:05 AM
Seems like a good game for kids

loading times seem to suck though
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 09, 2013, 12:10:57 PM

Lego City Undercover - 5

Is that normal for Lego games?

But GAF was telling me that game was the Wii savior
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 09, 2013, 12:13:05 PM
Gaf says lots of things.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on March 11, 2013, 09:00:23 AM
A Lego Blacktron game would have saved the Wii U
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 11, 2013, 12:45:36 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 11, 2013, 02:09:04 PM
Lol nintendo is tumbling into oblivion
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 11, 2013, 02:25:55 PM
Yeah, it's not like they've ever made an animated series about one of their mascot characters before...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 11, 2013, 02:30:49 PM
I dont think Pokemon and Mario should be in the same sentence as. Pikimin.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 11, 2013, 07:43:49 PM
Or Animal Crossing.  Or F-Zero.  Or Fire Emblem. 

Lager continues to cruise under the bar no matter how far I lower it.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Raban on March 11, 2013, 10:28:07 PM
Or Animal Crossing.  Or F-Zero.  Or Fire Emblem. 

Lager continues to cruise under the bar no matter how far I lower it.

so kawaii~ :uguu
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 14, 2013, 04:17:22 AM
Amazon UK dropped  WiiU price by £50,both models.

I doubt it's a permanent drop,probably just that retailer thing that has been going for some time now.But who knows...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on March 14, 2013, 04:24:50 AM
could Drakengard 3 be the game Square Enix is gonna announce for the Wii U at PAX?

because that inevitable slice of warmed over mediocrity could possibly be even more hilarious then Deus Ex: Way Too Late to Matter.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 05:19:27 AM
Or Animal Crossing.  Or F-Zero.  Or Fire Emblem. 

Lager continues to cruise under the bar no matter how far I lower it.

I can raise that bar with my penis if I wished.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 05:50:15 AM
I'm not writing a thesis, just posting about games and shit brah!

Your story of you harping on my stupidity is getting pretty boring oscar.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 07:15:24 AM
I don't see how I am being stupid, maybe I just don't care enough to do research for everything I say about games, I post from my gut cause it's a hobby not a matter of life or death. I really don't mind when I'm proven wrong either.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 08:04:52 AM
But you always do my research and reply with it  :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Momo on March 14, 2013, 08:07:52 AM
Oscar you're enabling him!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 08:33:56 AM
I thought having Oscar do all the work was smart  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 14, 2013, 09:20:45 AM
A what?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Momo on March 14, 2013, 09:31:34 AM
quiet momo, i'm trying to do an aesop here
I'll just Aristotle this entire conversation then  :shh
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 14, 2013, 12:36:43 PM
In Wii U gaming news, is anyone going to get Monster Hunter on the 19th?  I'm going to get it, never played a MH game before so should I get a Pro controller for this game?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on March 14, 2013, 09:16:51 PM
WiiU release schedule:

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 14, 2013, 09:20:16 PM
wow, that's pretty dire
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on March 14, 2013, 09:21:33 PM
wait for some nintendo directs
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Steve Youngblood on March 14, 2013, 09:22:08 PM
Don't count out The Croods: Prehistoric Party!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 14, 2013, 09:22:34 PM
the only nintendo direct i am seeing is the nintendo wii u directly going into the shitter, haha
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 14, 2013, 09:24:10 PM
i can see them ditching that gamepad and selling it separately, packing in a pro controller, dropping the price, and calling it a day
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Huff on March 14, 2013, 09:28:38 PM
Don't count out The Croods: Prehistoric Party!

next best game after funky barn
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Steve Youngblood on March 14, 2013, 09:34:07 PM
Don't count out The Croods: Prehistoric Party!

next best game after funky barn

Shut up! You're gonna jinx it!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on March 14, 2013, 09:35:39 PM
will we see a Super 3DS adapter?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 14, 2013, 09:36:02 PM
WiiU release schedule:


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Huff on March 14, 2013, 09:40:44 PM
Don't count out The Croods: Prehistoric Party!

next best game after funky barn

Shut up! You're gonna jinx it!

not even wiiu exclusive. pass
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 14, 2013, 09:42:30 PM
ain't no party like a croods party
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 14, 2013, 09:44:22 PM
the only nintendo direct i am seeing is the nintendo wii u directly going into the shitter, haha

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 14, 2013, 10:07:31 PM
wii u savior:
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 14, 2013, 10:26:22 PM
WiiU release schedule:


Third parties are extremely tight lipped due to draconian NDAs.  I've seen some shit being shown off behind the scenes that will blow the PS4 away :wtf2

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 14, 2013, 10:30:45 PM
good news

Oh, yes, 3 more passed 100k.


LTD of course
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 14, 2013, 11:15:14 PM
the only nintendo direct i am seeing is the nintendo wii u directly going into the shitter, haha
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on March 15, 2013, 08:37:17 AM

The digital version of Lego City Undercover requires you to have an external hard drive for your Wii U, Nintendo has cautioned.

The publisher has warned those wishing to download the title from the Wii U eShop.

"An external hard drive is required to download this software," a notice on the game's official site reads. "Visit for information about storage options."

Reports suggest the open-world adventure weighs in at a hefty 22GB - we're checking with Nintendo now to make sure.

Basic 8GB Wii U consoles have just 3GB free space after installing system software and creating a user profile, Nintendo revealed last year.

Premium 32GB Wii U consoles get 25GB of usable space - suggesting that you should just about be able to squeeze Lego City Undercover on. That's bearing in mind you've got no other software or apps downloaded.

Nintendo doesn't make a distinction between the two models, simply stating that Wii U owners in general will need an external hard drive.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 15, 2013, 08:45:29 AM
WiiU release schedule:


Third parties are extremely tight lipped due to draconian NDAs.  I've seen some shit being shown off behind the scenes that will blow the PS4 away :wtf2

10/10 for that emoticon

The digital version of Lego City Undercover requires you to have an external hard drive for your Wii U, Nintendo has cautioned.

The publisher has warned those wishing to download the title from the Wii U eShop.

"An external hard drive is required to download this software," a notice on the game's official site reads. "Visit for information about storage options."

Reports suggest the open-world adventure weighs in at a hefty 22GB - we're checking with Nintendo now to make sure.

Basic 8GB Wii U consoles have just 3GB free space after installing system software and creating a user profile, Nintendo revealed last year.

Premium 32GB Wii U consoles get 25GB of usable space - suggesting that you should just about be able to squeeze Lego City Undercover on. That's bearing in mind you've got no other software or apps downloaded.

Nintendo doesn't make a distinction between the two models, simply stating that Wii U owners in general will need an external hard drive.


So even the Premium is a tard pack?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 15, 2013, 09:24:34 AM

The digital version of Lego City Undercover requires you to have an external hard drive for your Wii U, Nintendo has cautioned.

The publisher has warned those wishing to download the title from the Wii U eShop.

"An external hard drive is required to download this software," a notice on the game's official site reads. "Visit for information about storage options."

Reports suggest the open-world adventure weighs in at a hefty 22GB - we're checking with Nintendo now to make sure.

Basic 8GB Wii U consoles have just 3GB free space after installing system software and creating a user profile, Nintendo revealed last year.

Premium 32GB Wii U consoles get 25GB of usable space - suggesting that you should just about be able to squeeze Lego City Undercover on. That's bearing in mind you've got no other software or apps downloaded.

Nintendo doesn't make a distinction between the two models, simply stating that Wii U owners in general will need an external hard drive.


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on March 15, 2013, 09:34:49 AM
Just feel lucky that you don't have to use an official nintendo licensed external 60gb hard drive for $100.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 15, 2013, 09:35:40 AM
At least MS Premium was actually Premium at launch.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Huff on March 15, 2013, 12:00:16 PM
Official wiiU thread of not getting the next great sequel in the saints row franchise, either
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 15, 2013, 12:08:34 PM
I got a feeling the WiiU ain't gonna be getting much of anything.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 15, 2013, 12:12:54 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 15, 2013, 12:21:59 PM
Gamecube-era sales + Wii-era power gap =   :kobeyuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 15, 2013, 01:46:18 PM

The digital version of Lego City Undercover requires you to have an external hard drive for your Wii U, Nintendo has cautioned.

The publisher has warned those wishing to download the title from the Wii U eShop.

"An external hard drive is required to download this software," a notice on the game's official site reads. "Visit for information about storage options."

Reports suggest the open-world adventure weighs in at a hefty 22GB - we're checking with Nintendo now to make sure.

Basic 8GB Wii U consoles have just 3GB free space after installing system software and creating a user profile, Nintendo revealed last year.

Premium 32GB Wii U consoles get 25GB of usable space - suggesting that you should just about be able to squeeze Lego City Undercover on. That's bearing in mind you've got no other software or apps downloaded.

Nintendo doesn't make a distinction between the two models, simply stating that Wii U owners in general will need an external hard drive.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 15, 2013, 01:48:45 PM
why did I buy this stupid fucking system
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 15, 2013, 01:53:52 PM

Holliday remembered that video call. "We were developing something in secret, like we usually do working with Nintendo," he said."There was a conference call very similar to this one where it was kind of announced to us that we would stop working on what we were currently doing and start—they even added a little drum roll—to work on Luigi's Mansion."

He clarified that, yes, Kensuke Tanabe, the long-time Nintendo producer who also worked with the Japanese company's in-house Texas-based studio on their Metroid and Donkey Kong games, did some rapid hand-tapping on the table. "Tanabe-san is a funny guy, and he was trying to get me excited for this bad news," Holliday joked.

But Luigi comes with rules. It turns out that Nintendo characters often do. One rule for Luigi for the new game? Luigi wasn't allowed to jump. In Super Mario Bros., that's fine. In a Luigi's Mansion? It was not permitted.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on March 15, 2013, 01:54:22 PM
why did I buy this stupid fucking system

Because it's by far the best Netflix player! The remote is so big you never lose it

Unlike my dumb roku remote which always disappears :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 15, 2013, 03:01:39 PM
How much did they really save on costs by packing that meager 32GB drive? I mean we're in the high-capacity disks/BR era for god's sake.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 15, 2013, 03:12:13 PM
Shaka i thought the 32gb isnt a drive but just an sd card or something, prob more expensive then a 80gb hdd.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 15, 2013, 03:15:02 PM
Ohh, is it flash? I really can't remember the last time I read anything on this thing's guts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 15, 2013, 03:16:33 PM
How much did they really save on costs by packing that meager 32GB drive? I mean we're in the high-capacity disks/BR era for god's sake.


See that small orange thing(bottom left corner)?

That is WiiU storage device.Yellow things represent main memory.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on March 15, 2013, 03:30:37 PM
yeP, flash storage.  Superior definitive storage  :munch

At least you can use standard usb hard drives for the wii u.  So does 360, I think, and PS3 lets you use any laptop hard drive, but this is progressive and frankly brave for Nintendo.  It took years for the Wii to get SD card storage.  Wasn't it Reggie who made the fridge comment?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 15, 2013, 03:33:25 PM
yeP, flash storage.  Superior definitive storage  :munch

At least you can use standard usb hard drives for the wii u.  So does 360, I think, and PS3 lets you use any laptop hard drive, but this is progressive and frankly brave for Nintendo.  It took years for the Wii to get SD card storage.  Wasn't it Reggie who made the fridge comment?

But now the fridge only holds one piece of food.  :dayum
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 16, 2013, 04:38:38 AM
Now that we have a couple new months of data I figured I'd ask again: if you were given Iwata's job today, for the next 12 months, what would you do about the WiiU. Let us assume you can't sell Nintendo or begin production on a new console.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 16, 2013, 04:47:21 AM
Make games?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 16, 2013, 05:31:09 AM
From the Saints Row IV GAF thread

Well if no Wii U, it's a no buy from me on anything. Not going to support devs not willing to support Wii U.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

At first i kinda felt bad for the Wii U but now i'm hoping this continues.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Momo on March 16, 2013, 06:45:25 AM
Now that we have a couple new months of data I figured I'd ask again: if you were given Iwata's job today, for the next 12 months, what would you do about the WiiU. Let us assume you can't sell Nintendo or begin production on a new console.

Use WiiU as a giant training exercise to get my devs up to par in creating a modern OS and network infrastructure + getting used to HD workflows. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 08:46:31 AM
What has been said above +

-plan $199 WiiU but not announce anything until Rango/PS4 prices are known
-price cut+games+marketing blitz starts in August and goes on until new year
-GTA5 day and date would be nice,marketing deal to pimp WiiU version too--plan would be to increase WiiU awareness not to make money on GTA5 ,lots of people seem to be unaware of WiiU existence.Probably way too late if not done already so whatever.

After that focus on pleasing the core audience with as much games as possible.Popular Gamecube games HD "remakes" to fill the gaps(use third party devs for that) + new WiiU games here or there.
The goal would be to stay as much relevant as possible.Dust collector two times in a row=disaster,nobody will buy new system at launch unless it's some miracle like Wii.

Work on a new system and listen carefully what your audience wants.New system in 2016/17.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on March 16, 2013, 08:54:59 AM
Why would anyone buy GTA5 for Wii U? People who are interested in the series likely already own a 360/PS3.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 09:02:41 AM
Why would anyone buy GTA5 for Wii U? People who are interested in the series likely already own a 360/PS3.
Read the whole thing.

GTA5 = pure marketing

GTA5 WiiU trailer = millions of views

WiiU launch trailer

check amount of views
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on March 16, 2013, 09:08:01 AM
Still, why would customers pay $260 instead of $60 for their GTA fix? With your proposal Nintendo would just waste loads of cash and the return wouldn't be impressive. They're better off releasing Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, and Zelda remakes. They need exclusives that appeal to their audience, not more ports of last-gen games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 09:35:22 AM
I don't think it would sell either.I'm just saying it might be smart to plaster your name on something popular,you have to market your system anyway.I would not spend much on it,just some reasonable amount of money that would otherwise go into WiiU marketing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 10:09:30 AM
I would beg on my knees :-*

Anyway,that train is long gone.

It would be interesting to see how much it would sell compared to COD.I think COD purchase is now fully determined by friends,WiiU never had any chance.GTA on the other hand is mostly SP game.

Activision and EA might be surprised when they see COD(insert number)/BF4 next gen sales.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 16, 2013, 11:45:17 AM
Although a port of GTAV might make things a little more tolerable for game-starved wii-u owners, it isn't isn't going to sell one extra wii u. Gamers who want GTAV already have a 360, PS4, or a decent PC.

Nintendo is going to have to pay third parties to make exclusives games for the WII U that it just doesn't develop, as it seems to have already started doing (see: Lego City or Bayonetta 2).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 16, 2013, 12:24:08 PM
I agree with Oscar. Just focus on making games for the faithful and weather the storm till the next console.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 12:34:50 PM
Although a port of GTAV might make things a little more tolerable for game-starved wii-u owners, it isn't isn't going to sell one extra wii u. Gamers who want GTAV already have a 360, PS4, or a decent PC.

Nintendo is going to have to pay third parties to make exclusives games for the WII U that it just doesn't develop, as it seems to have already started doing (see: Lego City or Bayonetta 2).

already started =long time ago,before sales results

The question is,should they even bother now?
If the answer is yes,what type of third party games should they pay for?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 16, 2013, 12:45:56 PM
The question is,should they even bother now?
If the answer is yes,what type of third party games should they pay for?
If the answer to the first question is no, they should pull the plug on the system right now. They should bother if they want GameCube sales instead of Saturn sales.
Anything and everything that isn't a platformer, party game, or mini-game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 16, 2013, 01:10:17 PM
The question is,should they even bother now?
If the answer is yes,what type of third party games should they pay for?
If the answer to the first question is no, they should pull the plug on the system right now. They should bother if they want GameCube sales instead of Saturn sales.
Anything and everything that isn't a platformer, party game, or mini-game.

That's easy to say but WiiU third party sales are among the worst ever.When games like COD and Ass Creed are nothing more than microscopic blip on a chart,what to do then?

I have a feeling that Bayonetta 2 will be among the biggest bombs ever,Platinum  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on March 16, 2013, 01:29:04 PM
Yeah Bayonetta 2 is gonna bomb, I dont see the market on a kids console like the WiiU.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 16, 2013, 03:35:30 PM
Good points all around, although I don't think GTA would matter on this console. I would focus on some Gamecube HD ports for the spring/summer while doing everything possible to get a new Mario Kart out for November, paired with a price cut/new bundle. And of course whatever Retro is working on needs to come out this year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on March 16, 2013, 03:36:38 PM
Yeah, its been pretty apparent that third parties aren't going to be a factor as they have removed themselves from the equation for understandably practical reasons.  If I'm not mistaken, sony kind of had to lubricate the ps3'sinitial prospects by subsidizing development costs for multi-plats.  Now is the time to to use that hefty warchest Nintendo built up last gen and fast track content.  They really can't afford to fuck around at this point... and in spite of what people want, Iwata stepping down kind of scares me, because I could see a CEO replacing him who would start to incorporate that tacky micro transaction/f2p shit that's truly despicable.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 16, 2013, 03:40:28 PM
and don't make the same idiot mistakes.

I know we (bore and errbody with a blog) have bitched about this console for god knows how long, so it's always easy to lose focus on the root of the problem(s). So can you succinctly express where the biggest, almost irrecoverable mistakes took place here in their strategy?

Is it: positioning, timing, hardware, selling point, marketing, pricing, software scheduling, software variety, 3rd party developer policies/relations, poor read of the market, poor read of demographics, or purely external industry factors?

And what could have been the (absolute minimum) adjustment(s) that would have mitigated them?

It's always a mixture of a bunch of things, but there has to be a couple of glaring ones for this round.

Edit: But feel free to skip either question if you think you've already answered them. I probably should posted *after* reading everything posted lol.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 16, 2013, 03:42:37 PM
Imo the tablet screwed them over more than anything else, because it's an integral part of the system and they can't axe it for a quick price drop. As far as I know, they are still selling the system at a loss.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2013, 09:07:53 PM
As I've said a few times, the most fundamental mistake they made was to not satisfactorily answer the questions "Who is this for?", "Is that a large enough audience to sustain us?", and "Can we effectively sell to that audience?"

Sometimes a product with good answers to those three doesn't succeed, but a product without good answers almost certainly will fail.  I get the feeling even Nintendo knew they had weak answers here.  Everyone else seems to have seen it.

So when is Iwata going to hand in his resignation?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 16, 2013, 09:14:32 PM
He's been a pretty good president historically, but the wii u is just such a massive shitburger.  Dude should just take a creative position somewhere.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2013, 09:15:42 PM
The end of the next fiscal year, if we trust his words.

So he has another year to dig them further into the hole :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2013, 09:50:39 PM
Yeah, but he's at least working with a stacked deck on the 3DS side of things.

Isn't the 3DS doing good in Japan, but barely holding on in the west?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I pop into the media create threads and see it selling 50-70k weekly, but don't know how well it sells in the west.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2013, 10:02:29 PM
More referring to the next fiscal year including new mainline Pokemon releases, a new Mario and Luigi (last one sold like 5 million+ WW), DKCR 3DS, plus Monster Hunter 4, Shin Megami Tensei 4, Ace Attorney 5, and others holding up things on the third party end.  Even if the markets outside Japan behave as they have, it's still going to be a much stronger year financially for Nintendo than the last.

Not good enough, I think, but he hedged his bets well.

Yeah that's a legit line up, can't argue with that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Diunx on March 16, 2013, 11:20:51 PM
I don't believe there is any saving for the Wiiu it may get some gamecube level numbers if Nintendo is lucky, they just released the console too early, the OS wasn't ready, the online infrastructure wasn't ready, the console is hilariously underpowered, and by the time the first wave of heavy hitters come out next gen will be here with their shinny graphics.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 16, 2013, 11:37:26 PM
Maybe they should have also asked themselves "do we have an escape route in case our pricey gimmick flops?"

3DS seems to have succeeded despite the 3D feature, not because of it.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Huff on March 17, 2013, 12:04:31 AM
Have good tablets taken off in Japan?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 17, 2013, 12:32:00 AM
Maybe it's not too late for them to cut the tablet and sell a "WiiU lite" with a price cut. Along with Wii Sports 3 or something? Just forget Nintendoland existed.. lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 17, 2013, 02:40:27 AM
I could see Nintendo going all out this E3 with lots of games to try to tap into the blue ocean again and a solid library of core games.

Then if it doesn't take, they'll just dump it Gamecube-style and just pin their hopes on the 3DS and its successor.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 17, 2013, 04:15:18 AM
I look forward to WiiU Fit bombing. That market moved on years ago but Nintendo doesn't realize it.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 02:15:23 AM
Not that we need more confirmation but some German mag journo recently played WiiU Deus Ex at some event in US.Not much info,just that some things are different.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 19, 2013, 03:26:41 AM
Did they remove the awful boss battles?

On second thought, Wii U owners should suffer more so leave them in.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on March 19, 2013, 03:32:36 AM
I heard a rumour that there might be a Wii U game released this week, surely that's not true?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 03:33:43 AM
Did they remove the awful boss battles?

On second thought, Wii U owners should suffer more so leave them in.

Dunno,this "info" is just few seconds long.People moaned about them so I guess some tweaks are possible.

I heard a rumour that there might be a Wii U game released this week, surely that's not true?

Clicks on gamefaq
North America
03/19   Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U
The Croods: Prehistoric Party!
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

03/20 Need for Speed: Most Wanted U

03/22   Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion ...
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 19, 2013, 04:40:15 AM
I wonder how wii u saviour mon hun will sell.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on March 19, 2013, 04:50:10 AM
Who says that Mon Hun is Wii U's saviour?  It has never sold that well on consoles.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 19, 2013, 04:52:53 AM
seeing a lot of "this is my first Monster Hunter game!" which, once i stop being a salty asscrack and realise people are digging it, makes me a little jealous as i'm more than a touched burnt out on the MH3/3rd rung.

A lot of the issues will go unnoticed but hey - sod it - monster hunter sales leads to more monster hunter and the outside chance we'll one day get a MH that looks like Deep Down.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 19, 2013, 04:57:46 AM
Well 3DS seems more logical given its roots, but there is also no online play so you really limit yourself to only playing with friends.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 05:42:03 AM

$50 May 7, 2013

Ultimate Deus Ex: Human Revolution experience : take advantage of a multitude of improvements, features and additional content that bring this already critically-acclaimed adventure towhole new levels

Tap into the Wii U?s GamePad true potential: Adam Jensen?s newest augmentation, the Neural Hub, offers an immersive and empowering experience, right at the tips of your fingers

Absolute fusion of action and role-play: A unique combination of action-packed close-quarter takedowns and intense shooting, offering a vast array of augmentations and upgrades for the many weapons at your disposal

Multi-solution structure: Choose how to accomplish each mission using combat, hacking, stealth or social mode to create a customized experience to suit any gaming style

Diverse customization: Engage in combat and challenges utilizing deep, specialized character augmentations and weapon upgrades

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 19, 2013, 05:43:46 AM
He clearly never asked for this.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 05:47:12 AM
I'm intrigued by aditional content and improvements,hopefully we get them later as DLC...would buy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 19, 2013, 05:48:03 AM
I just wanted a sequel.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Crysis 3 not being on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 05:49:31 AM
You will get one,patience.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Fifstar on March 19, 2013, 07:19:38 AM
What about NfS? Decline of racing genre in general and the obliviousness of Nintendo's audience to racing games that are not cartoon racers might make that another huge bomb.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 19, 2013, 08:30:28 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 19, 2013, 08:35:37 AM
That's the big problem, and one I didn't take into account back when I thought Wii U would get a healthy amount of ports before the new systems come out. I didn't consider that any ports they did get would come out at $50-60 instead of the $20 the games are selling for on other systems/PC.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 19, 2013, 08:46:45 AM
These ports are for the Nintendo hardcore that don't buy games on other systmes/don't own them.

Unfortunately these are the same people that don't buy games that aren't from Nintendo.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 19, 2013, 08:53:16 AM
Maybe they should add playable Nintendo characters to all ports. This one would sell and break tropes if Samus was a playable character.

Maybe Link can star in the November 2013 $50 Skyrim port
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 19, 2013, 08:55:07 AM
I think you are right, Retro should just reskin the whole game as Metroid and be done with it.

This could work for any game really and work out well for Nintendo.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MCD on March 19, 2013, 09:12:09 AM
I just wanted a sequel.

I'm sure you don't want a sequel from the rescue squad doing the WiiU port, though.  Wait til Thiefy's done, then you'll get your proper sequel.

In other news, this may be a frontrunner for potentially lowest selling Wii U port ever.

Same team? Will buy Thief for damn sure then.

Eidos has seriously become my favorite developer this Gen.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: hampster on March 19, 2013, 09:33:16 AM
$50 :rofl

I still need to play it. I bought it on amazon for with the DLC along with like 4 other SE games in a $10 bundle
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 19, 2013, 09:50:21 AM
We should do a Deus Ex U dead pool. Put me down for 153 copies!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 19, 2013, 01:45:06 PM
From PR:
Need for Speed Most Wanted U is available now in North America for $59.99 and will be in stores March 21 in Europe for €69.99.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 19, 2013, 02:05:33 PM
That's the big problem, and one I didn't take into account back when I thought Wii U would get a healthy amount of ports before the new systems come out. I didn't consider that any ports they did get would come out at $50-60 instead of the $20 the games are selling for on other systems/PC.

Yes.  I expected $30-$40 range for late ports.  Not that I'm against taking advantage of nintendo only people, but there are limits.  That said, Monster Hunter is a port/HD version of a Wii game from 2009 and will sell for $60.  Wouldn't be surprised if Wind Waker port/remake/HD version will retail for $60.  Nintendo and Wii U exclusives will likely take advantage as much as others.

Very curious to see what's different about this deus ex port.  Ideally the additional content, if any, will be DLC.  Otherwise I like the game so much that I'd be willing to pick up the Wii U version when it drops to $10.  Also just a strange game to port over.  Tomb Raider is a more recent title that seems to be selling better.  You might assume it's prepping the Wii U audience for the next Deus Ex, but considering Eidos is the first publisher to go all in with a next gen only game, it would be strange for the next unannounced Deus Ex to be a PS3/360/Wii U game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 19, 2013, 02:44:36 PM
69 euro for need for speed daaaayuuuummm EA going for that despo ninty fan dollar
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 19, 2013, 05:17:19 PM
srsly is this the fastest a console from the Big Three has ever cratered
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Polari on March 19, 2013, 05:23:06 PM
srsly is this the fastest a console from the Big Three has ever cratered

Um... Virtual Boy? I can't think of anything else on this scale. I'm kind of bummed though because at least if Nintendo had released a good game for it I would have a reason to pick one up when they're on eBay for $100 early next year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 19, 2013, 05:24:31 PM
srsly is this the fastest a console from the Big Three has ever cratered

Only Sega has come this close, but:

Even the Dreamcast managed to hang on for about a year.
Even the Saturn was popular in Japan.
Even the Master System was popular in Europe/Brazil.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MCD on March 19, 2013, 05:26:00 PM
They will release good games eventually (X, Insert Mario Title here, Zelda...etc) but by then you can find it for dirt cheap so there is no need to even hit eBay.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Polari on March 19, 2013, 05:27:10 PM
I seem to recall Dreamcast actually starting off pretty well and Master System at least won New Zealand. :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: mjemirzian on March 19, 2013, 08:24:40 PM
Is it feasible for them to sell a tablet-less Wii U Lite at a price drop, or are there too many Wii U games that can't function without the tablet? Knowing Nintendo you probably can't even run the OS without the tablet.

At this rate I wouldn't be surprised to see Monster Hunter back on Sony consoles.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 19, 2013, 08:35:29 PM
Maybe they can come out with a Wii U Lite that uses VMUs instead of the tablet.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 19, 2013, 09:32:34 PM
Got both 3DS and Wii U versions of Monster Hunter 3.  Going to play it this weekend.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 20, 2013, 09:25:35 AM

-Each of the game's three boss fights have had their map layouts reworked to provide players with alternative potential strategies. New hacking challenges are available to players who focus on hacking, and stealth options are available to those who focus on stealth. You can now kill the bosses without firing a single bullet

-On Wii U the energy system has been made more forgiving by allowing for two energy cells to recharge by default on all but the hardest difficulty. This should mean players use Jensen's augmentation powers more freely.--So now, on Wii U, you can use the GamePad to see enemy health, armour type (heavy, medium or light) and loot. The idea is this will let players plan their moves better; by checking loot you'll be able to identify a target who is carrying a pocket secretary, which may contain the code for a locked door you're after, or decide not to go into a room because it's packed with heavies with loads of hit points.

-You can also use the GamePad to navigate the menus, to display the map, the augmentation system, the inventory and all the rest. "All the systems are now linked to the Neural Hub," Dugas continues. "All your maps, your inventory, your augmentation menu, your mission log, are now systems in Adam Jensen.

-There are swipe controls, too. One new feature, called grenade throwback, allows Jensen to equip a proximity detector that alerts him to a nearby grenade. So, if an enemy chucks a grenade at you, the GamePad will vibrate, and you can swipe the touch-screen to pick it up and lob it back.

-You can also use the touch-screen for the hacking mini-game, using your fingers to progress, and to punch in codes. Meanwhile, for weapons that have a scope, such as the sniper rifle, you can use your telly to centre on your target, then enter a precision mode using the touch-screen, which displays the cross-hair.

-Included in this "ultimate package" is all of the DLC, but it has been retrofitted to slot seamlessly into the main game. The Missing Link DLC is now included in the main story rather than separated out, and the pre-order bonus mission to rescue Tong's son is popped in, too.

-There's Half-Life 2-style director's commentary, what amounts to some eight hours of chat from Eidos Montreal developers. Icons dotted around the world can activate this voice over, and you're free to continue playing as you listen.

You now kill 3 bosses without firing a bullet.

On Wii U the energy system has been made more forgiving by allowing for two energy cells to recharge by default on all but the hardest difficulty. This should mean players use Jensen's augmentation powers more freely.

want want want

Eidos Montreal was keen to improve the graphics for the Wii U version, too. The visuals seen in The Missing Link DLC had more of an impact, Dugas says, than those in the main game, because the developers were more comfortable with their tools when they came to create them. And so, The Missing Link benefited from work done to the game's shaders, which had the knock on effect of making environmental reflections on textures were better. And the lighting system was revamped to be based on an interpretation of a formula used by real world architects during the building planning stage to simulate how light will bounce around an environment. All the visual effects seen in The Missing Link were applied to the main game for the Director's Cut.

"It's much sharper," Dugas says. "There are more nuances between the light and dark places."

You might also notice a new fog system that, according to Pedneault, "makes the atmosphere really stand out". Shadows that were choppy have been smoothed, Dugas says. "It makes a big difference."

Pedneault insists these improvements wouldn't be possible on Xbox 360 simply because there's not enough disc space available. Neither, Dugas says, would the anti-aliasing, which wasn't present in the other console versions but is in the Wii U version.

"It's more powerful on the Wii U," Dugas says. "Even some of the graphics that were improved already on the 360 for The Missing Link, we were able to go a little bit farther with the Wii U, just because of the hardware. In terms of the shadows, which are smoothed out, it's much different than the Xbox version."

WiiU :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: hampster on March 20, 2013, 09:48:55 AM
It's not even funny at this point. This is as dead as a console gets.

Its not even the fun kind of dead like the Vita where its full of indie game ports and lots of :uguu

Its just sad :'(

I still like my Wii U though, I use it everyday. Just not for games. I use it for Netflix/Amazon/Youtube/Web Browsing now. When is the spring update? Can't wait for this thing to get improved although I don't have much faith that it will be a big improvement
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 20, 2013, 10:51:46 AM
Deus Ex port seems legit.  Changing up boss fights, incorporating DLC expansion into the story*, Riddick/Valve-style commentary, adding in Missing Link visual enhancements to the main game, etc. all sound nice.  Again, would rather have it at DLC for PC version, but I can see myself buying this when it's cheap and slumming it.

Tablet use is novel, too.  You stay 'in-game' and hack on the tablet (  Plus the typical map and other ui elements on there.  Swipe to throw back grenades is dumb.

*this will be interesting to see since (Missing Link DLC spoiler)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
the entire conceit is that Jensen is stripped of his powers; there's even an achievement for finishing it without augments.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 20, 2013, 10:52:49 AM
Now release these updates for the PC version, Eidos!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: tiesto on March 20, 2013, 11:06:09 AM
And I just picked up the Augmented Edition for 360 (that I naturally haven't played yet)... should I just wait for this one and be one of the 13 people who actually buy it?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MCD on March 20, 2013, 02:04:42 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 20, 2013, 02:24:41 PM
I don't think people understand how the industry works, especially now:

- It is hard to get funding
- It is hard to keep your people employed and fed
- If someone comes to you and says "Can you make X? We will give you money," you don't say "YOUR PLATFORM SUCKS NO WAY," you say "Yes, this will let my people continue to eat"
- Then everyone hates you and you have to deal with it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MCD on March 20, 2013, 02:27:01 PM
I am glad Windows Phone was able to at least let your people eat.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: mjemirzian on March 20, 2013, 03:14:23 PM
Don't worry, when Nintendo goes 3rd party they'll port Bayo 2 to PS4!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 20, 2013, 03:18:29 PM
Don't worry, when Nintendo goes 3rd party they'll port Bayo 2 to PS4!

I am sure when the exclusivity period of six months ends you'll be playing that shit on your 360 and PS3
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: magus on March 21, 2013, 12:30:13 PM
frankly the bayonetta 2 announcement annoyed me for a number of reasons

1) the whole argument it generated behind it is incredibly fucking stupid,at least i can understand the reason people being pissed off at the exclusivity (who now have to cough like 300$ bucks to play the game when they could have waited for it to go in the bargain bin and pay 30$) but the other side ("BUBUBUBUBU THERE WOULDN'T BE BAYONETTA 2 OTHERWISE") has no reason to exist other than console warrioring why? because...

2) there is no reason to have a sequel to bayonetta,there is no plot hook,all character are stereotypical action pap and there is no unique gimmick to the game (unless you want to count witch time i guess?) that you could rework into something else,with all the talent they have,they could have made anything! they could have made a game about the black baron,give him a bunch of pimp powers,called it "whore and grease" and it'd be the same without all the extra drama added to it

3) bayonetta 2 will now become the new resident evil 4,the holy grail of console warrioring everybody will held high everytime anybody says the wii u is a piece of poop "HABEMUS BAYONETTAM!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 21, 2013, 12:34:44 PM
the plotwist is platinum hasn't made a good game since bayonetta 1, they are on a downward spiral, theres a extremely good chance of Bayo2 being the next Project N 03
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: archie4208 on March 21, 2013, 12:34:48 PM
I am glad Windows Phone was able to at least let your people eat.


The Steam release will let them eat steak dinners.  :drool
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 21, 2013, 12:35:32 PM

Nintendo UK has pledged to meet with retailers worried about the performance of its Wii U games console.

Growing dissatisfaction towards the new hardware has seen retailers Amazon, Asda, ShopTo and GameStop slash £50 off its price. But even that has failed to stimulate sales.

“We have taken the decision to reduce the price of the Basic Wii U to test the market and assess the impact of a price change for a short period of time,” ShopTo purchasing director James Rowson told MCV. “This has resulted in a smaller than desired increase in sales at this stage.”

Meanwhile, some chains have told MCV that it will be ‘looking at’ the amount of shelf space it gives to Nintendo platforms.

“Currently Nintendo has not lost space, but their mix of sales is down,” says a top buyer at one of the UK’s biggest games retailers. “We are looking to reduce slightly but must admit their silence on strategy is deafening at the moment. They’ve got to do something otherwise it is GameCube all over again.”

Nintendo has told MCV that it has a plan to stimulate Wii U’s performance in the UK. And that it will meet all its retail partners in the coming weeks to reveal its strategy.

“We’ll be speaking to our retailers directly over the next few weeks to take them through our plans for building Wii U momentum over the course of 2013,” said a Nintendo spokesperson. “We have a strong and broad line-up of software launching this year and we look forward to updating – and exciting – our partners over the coming weeks.”

Wii U has suffered from a poor release schedule since debut. This week marks the first new software from Nintendo for the platform since January. Releases include LEGO City and Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: hampster on March 21, 2013, 12:44:31 PM
I figured we were past "GameCube all over again" as the worst case scenario and into Virtual Boy's domain by now

We’ll be speaking to our retailers directly over the next few weeks to take them through our plans for building Wii U momentum over the course of 2013

Ambassador Program :drool
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: hampster on March 21, 2013, 12:51:51 PM
Nah, we're already past VB.  this is shaping up to be more like Saturn.

Well as long as it ends up better than the 32X the Wii U won't be the worst purchase I ever made

Star Wars Arcade :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 21, 2013, 12:52:48 PM
199 Premium would be an ok deal, esp if they made it play blu rays and dvd's.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Trent Dole on March 21, 2013, 01:05:38 PM
199 Premium would be an ok deal, esp if they made it play blu rays and dvd's.
Yeah, 199 for the nontard slightly less tarded pack and a couple worthwhile games would make me jump in.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Powerslave on March 21, 2013, 04:45:37 PM
What I'm fearing the most with this is Wii U taking off and becoming another Wii/DS/3DS. It's annoying how Nintendo keep making comebacks. I thought 3DS would get what was coming to it with its 3D gimmick and look at it now, on the way of beating the DS.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 21, 2013, 04:53:34 PM
Nah, we're already past VB.  this is shaping up to be more like Saturn.

I'm assuming it won't be as much of an import darling, if at all.

Yes, I meant only in WW sales.  Otherwise, this is, I dunno, not VB bad but not PC-Engine/Saturn good, either.  3DO-esque maybe?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Trent Dole on March 21, 2013, 06:57:33 PM
What I'm fearing the most with this is Wii U taking off and becoming another Wii/DS/3DS. It's annoying how Nintendo keep making comebacks. I thought 3DS would get what was coming to it with its 3D gimmick and look at it now, on the way of beating the DS.
I kind of doubt that in the states at least.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 21, 2013, 09:32:30 PM
I'd like a comeback/success in the sense that it becomes a sustainable platform for Nintendo games.  At the end of the day I'm more interesting in what Nintendo can do on an xbox 360 than a psp.  But I also don't want it to be a player in the next gen rodeo and draw attention from third parties.  The 'low end' for next gen game should be the PS4 or the next Xbox; no anchors to this 360-era.  I want the best of both worlds  :'(

save us, Dyack  :cancry
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: ManaByte on March 22, 2013, 11:48:29 AM
The problem with the Wii U was that there was a four month period with NO new games out.

That's fixed now with Monster Hunter, Lego CITY, and some ports. But at least there's something new to play on the system now.

Most likely will pick up Monster Hunter in a few hours.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 22, 2013, 02:19:45 PM
Yea but a lack of games is at the top of the list. If Nintendo launched with multiple first party titles over the first three months we wouldn't be having this conversation. I dunno what the console's long term viability is but a strong 4mo launch period would have capitalized on the window between now and the PS4 launch.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 22, 2013, 02:57:34 PM
We would then laugh about crappy third party sales/lack of casual audience.

Nintendo can't win this round.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Mr. Gundam on March 22, 2013, 03:08:40 PM
The problem with the Wii U was that there was a four month period with NO new games out.

That's fixed now with Monster Hunter, Lego CITY, and some ports. But at least there's something new to play on the system now.

Most likely will pick up Monster Hunter in a few hours.

After this little spurt of releases, how long is the next gaming drought?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Damian79 on March 22, 2013, 09:22:59 PM
HMV UK is selling Wii U for 199 pounds.   For the deluxe version with Zombie U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 22, 2013, 09:33:24 PM
Yea but a lack of games is at the top of the list. If Nintendo launched with multiple first party titles over the first three months we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's one thing that really gets me. How did Nintendo think they were going to be able to sell this thing with no huge titles at launch and then absolutely nothing at all for MONTHS?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Purple Filth on March 22, 2013, 09:51:54 PM
Yea but a lack of games is at the top of the list. If Nintendo launched with multiple first party titles over the first three months we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's one thing that really gets me. How did Nintendo think they were going to be able to sell this thing with no huge titles at launch and then absolutely nothing at all for MONTHS?

That Wii name son.

Same like how Sony thought about the Playstation name for the PS3  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: magus on March 22, 2013, 10:04:27 PM
Yea but a lack of games is at the top of the list. If Nintendo launched with multiple first party titles over the first three months we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's one thing that really gets me. How did Nintendo think they were going to be able to sell this thing with no huge titles at launch and then absolutely nothing at all for MONTHS?

well they launched new super mario bros u and nintendoland... isn't that the sort of stuff that sold big on the wii anyway? i doubt the console would have had a bigger success if it launched with galaxy 3 or something like that no?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 22, 2013, 10:09:27 PM
no, but having a game called Wii Sports 2 on it would've helped it alot for the casuals.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 22, 2013, 11:27:26 PM
I don't even know what Nintendo does anymore. I saw several reviews saying that Luigi's Mansion 2 is the best 3DS game yet, and they didn't even make it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 22, 2013, 11:36:46 PM
hey, maybe it'll get bioshock infinahahahaha
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 23, 2013, 12:32:59 AM
actually, i don't know if they had any illusions about it after the tepid reception to it at e3.  but they really didn't have any choice.  the games weren't ready, and delaying the system launch to be anywhere near proper next-gen systems would have been disastrous as well.

yea but is it that hard to throw out some HD port of a Wii game for quick bux?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 23, 2013, 12:35:01 AM
I don't even know what Nintendo does anymore. I saw several reviews saying that Luigi's Mansion 2 is the best 3DS game yet, and they didn't even make it.

Seems like a good idea for Nintendo to grow other/western studios.  If you look at next level's output (luigi mansion 2 dev) by Nintendo and non-Nintendo games, there's something Nintendo must be doing right with them.  And arguably the most exciting Wii U game is whatever Retro's doing. 

and there was that thing about how NSMB2 3DS was handled by interns/the next generation of nintendo japan...we all know how that turned out.  Leave luck to Canadians and Texans.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 23, 2013, 12:39:13 AM
actually, i don't know if they had any illusions about it after the tepid reception to it at e3.  but they really didn't have any choice.  the games weren't ready, and delaying the system launch to be anywhere near proper next-gen systems would have been disastrous as well.

yea but is it that hard to throw out some HD port of a Wii game for quick bux?

Nintendo if I remember correctly was trying to get help from 3rd party devs because they cannot into HD. :japancry
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 23, 2013, 12:40:47 AM
They're probably having trouble with the town.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 23, 2013, 12:47:55 AM
unrelated question about the Wii: does anyone know if there was an agreement to keep Castlevania and Contra Rebirth on the Wii? always wondered why Konami never brought them to XBLA/PSN/Steam.  3DS or Wii U would also be a better place for them.  I can't imagine games on Wiiware sold well and those two in particular feel wasted.

That blaster master game, too, but I haven't played that to know if it requires wii specific controls. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 23, 2013, 12:52:47 AM
actually, i don't know if they had any illusions about it after the tepid reception to it at e3.  but they really didn't have any choice.  the games weren't ready, and delaying the system launch to be anywhere near proper next-gen systems would have been disastrous as well.

yea but is it that hard to throw out some HD port of a Wii game for quick bux?

Nintendo if I remember correctly was trying to get help from 3rd party devs because they cannot into HD. :japancry

well I got nothin' brehs
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 23, 2013, 12:57:51 AM
A friend and I got hella drunk and were wading through the Miiverse, mostly for horrible games like Jeopardy and Walking Dead. It was so sad that it bordered on hysterical.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 23, 2013, 01:20:20 AM
A friend and I got hella drunk and were wading through the Miiverse, mostly for horrible games like Jeopardy and Walking Dead. It was so sad that it bordered on hysterical.

I could see how someone could legitimately buy Walking Dead if they were fans of the show/comic/other game and weren't paying attention, but Jeopardy? Come on, brehs, have a little self respect.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 23, 2013, 03:57:28 AM
It all just reeks of such sad desperation. Almost every game, regardless of quality, has a bunch of people asking is this game any good?, and people responding "I THINK IT'S NOT PERFECT BUT FUN"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cascade on March 23, 2013, 05:41:08 AM
They're probably having trouble with the town.
I really don't think their management is idiotic. More that everything that's ever gone wrong for Nintendo is coming to a head. Their decisions with the N64, a culture of conservation of resources and conservatism. The game market changing around them. Heck the burden of having a reputation as being so successful in terms of banking money - I wonder if part of their problem is that the shareholders (who don't give a shit what they make or how they do it) expect Nintendo to always make a great return on thrifty expenditures.

They never operated like, say, Sony. So suddenly behaving the way a gaming public demands (sell premium technology at a big loss just to get it in people's hands, etc), would seem like reckless insanity and unjustifiable to people Iwata has to explain himself to. Especially when companies like Sony themselves are not doing so great with that strategy.

Iwata: "We have decided it is prudent to invest in inroads to the 'core' audience that once associated Nintendo with leading support for software publishers. To this end, our new console employs very advanced technology required to achieve parity in multiplatform software support from contemporary publishers."

Shareholders: "We have recently sold our stock in Sony because such behavior alarms us! Such companies are performing poorly. How can you justify this wasteful product that will post great losses on every unit sold? I have seen many people recently on streets using mobile phones to manipulate computer software. Why are you not developing mobile phone computer software?"

Iwata: "..." LASERS WARM UP

Miyamoto: "Now you done fucked up."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 23, 2013, 11:07:09 AM
I really don't think their management is idiotic

I point you in the direction of them buying a shit ton of land and starting to build new offices there with the sole purpose of next gen dev....

.... They are still putting the buildings up.

So they're looking at 2-3 years lag on getting anything out on Wii U.

Also - Iwata could have went to investors and explained that the reason that the Wii "tail" was so weak was because the low technology spend at the start meant that they could not attract 3rd parties , could not get ports and were unable to keep pace with the competition so this time a more aggressive spend initially would help prepare them for the future.

It didn't have to cost an arm and a leg either to get them to a point where they could have slotted in as the "least powerful next gen machine" - basically hitting that lowest common denominator point meaning that having the Wii U as the base dev machine might have been an option. But no - they went with xbox361 and now it's exploded in their face.

Their management has tried to pull the Wii trick twice - they got away with it with the 3ds (at a huge cost) but the WiiU isn't going to be so lucky
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 23, 2013, 01:33:37 PM
It's almost like Nintendo didn't care about consumer shift to HD electronics,game development shift to shaders,hd development...
HD development,you say?We'll care about that when the time comes.

"We did it with Wii,we can do it again...Weeeooooo"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 23, 2013, 01:41:37 PM
Rewind a second.

Why would you be getting hella drunk with someone and going on the Wii U? That's like the most boring shit you could do.

We had to drink in order to deal with the janky-ass shit that is CO-OP MONSTER HUNTER
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 23, 2013, 02:39:18 PM
It's almost like Nintendo didn't care about consumer shift to HD electronics,game development shift to shaders,hd development...
HD development,you say?We'll care about that when the time comes.

"We did it with Wii,we can do it again...Weeeooooo"

:piss shaders :piss2
:piss post processing :piss2

:bow 60 watt power usage and small format :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 23, 2013, 04:34:00 PM
Rewind a second.

Why would you be getting hella drunk with someone and going on the Wii U? That's like the most boring shit you could do.

We had to drink in order to deal with the janky-ass shit that is CO-OP MONSTER HUNTER

As much as I love the series it's the same damned game as it was in 2002.

They are never going to evolve it off the ps2 base - ever.

"Bu bu bu bu guess which monster from the ps2 games is back in Mh4?!? Woooooooo" :/
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Purple Filth on March 23, 2013, 05:50:52 PM
Rewind a second.

Why would you be getting hella drunk with someone and going on the Wii U? That's like the most boring shit you could do.

We had to drink in order to deal with the janky-ass shit that is CO-OP MONSTER HUNTER

As much as I love the series it's the same damned game as it was in 2002.

They are never going to evolve it off the ps2 base - ever.

"Bu bu bu bu guess which monster from the ps2 games is back in Mh4?!? Woooooooo" :/

well it makes a shit ton now and i assume the ROI is really fucking high given the PS2 level stuff it uses.  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: maxy on March 24, 2013, 06:01:21 AM

So the developers held focus groups and searched out some of the chief complaints about the PS3, PC and Xbox 360 versions of the game. Once they determined what some of the most common, significant negative reactions were to that game they set about coming up with fixes.

"There was a lot of frustration with boss fights," he said. "We had a lot of criticism that the boss battles didn't match the multipath flow of the rest of the game.

"Now we have a way for each boss to be defeated without a single bullet. You still have to work at it, but it gives the players options."

The game was lengthened by incorporating both Deus Ex's DLC mission The Missing Link and the pre-order bonus mission.

"It not just that you can choose Human Revolution or The Missing Link," he said. "It's part of the game as a chapter. It flows smoothly into the story line. It's integrated more into the storyline."

The content hits about two-thirds of the way into the game and forces players to respec Adam using all of the Praxis earned so far. That tweaking of the character's augmentations and abilities doesn't revert when the now integrated Missing Link content ends; players simply continue with the game with Adam as he is.

The game also includes the ability to replay through the game after you have completed it without having to reset Adam. That way, Pedneault said, a player can eventually unlock all of the augmentations and make a "perfect" Adam.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Positive Touch on March 24, 2013, 10:45:25 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 24, 2013, 11:53:10 AM
They're probably having trouble with the town.
I really don't think their management is idiotic. More that everything that's ever gone wrong for Nintendo is coming to a head. Their decisions with the N64, a culture of conservation of resources and conservatism. The game market changing around them. Heck the burden of having a reputation as being so successful in terms of banking money - I wonder if part of their problem is that the shareholders (who don't give a shit what they make or how they do it) expect Nintendo to always make a great return on thrifty expenditures.

They never operated like, say, Sony. So suddenly behaving the way a gaming public demands (sell premium technology at a big loss just to get it in people's hands, etc), would seem like reckless insanity and unjustifiable to people Iwata has to explain himself to. Especially when companies like Sony themselves are not doing so great with that strategy.

Iwata: "We have decided it is prudent to invest in inroads to the 'core' audience that once associated Nintendo with leading support for software publishers. To this end, our new console employs very advanced technology required to achieve parity in multiplatform software support from contemporary publishers."

Shareholders: "We have recently sold our stock in Sony because such behavior alarms us! Such companies are performing poorly. How can you justify this wasteful product that will post great losses on every unit sold? I have seen many people recently on streets using mobile phones to manipulate computer software. Why are you not developing mobile phone computer software?"

Iwata: "..." LASERS WARM UP

Miyamoto: "Now you done fucked up."

When do you expect them to start selling premium technology? Because that still hasn't happened.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: ManaByte on March 24, 2013, 01:49:43 PM
I've played my Wii U more this weekend than at launch thanks to LEGO City.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: cool breeze on March 24, 2013, 02:21:54 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 24, 2013, 02:24:21 PM
Why, Wii U?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: demi on March 24, 2013, 03:39:35 PM
Why didnt they tell us we couldnt use the Wii U pad on our Wii. I feel so stupid!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 24, 2013, 03:43:27 PM
 :drudge I actually played a Wii U game last night :drudge

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Patrick Klepek recommended having some kind of FAQ with you when playing so I had my laptop by me.  I agree, most Nintards who will play this game for the very first time (or haven't played it since Tri on the Wii) will find the learning curve pretty steep.  I don't think this game is meant to be the first MH game to ever play so keep that in mind.  The game seems solid enough but I haven't played any other version so I don't know whether it is better or worse than other installments.  I own the 3DS version as well but I have not done any save transferring yet so I'll see how that goes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Powerslave on March 24, 2013, 04:13:51 PM
Why U
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Diunx on March 24, 2013, 04:23:05 PM
Awesome avatar PS.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Powerslave on March 24, 2013, 04:42:16 PM
thanks bro
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 24, 2013, 04:45:32 PM
Terrible, but necessary to distinguish the Wii U from the Wii.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: magus on March 24, 2013, 06:27:22 PM
:drudge I actually played a Wii U game last night :drudge

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Patrick Klepek recommended having some kind of FAQ with you when playing so I had my laptop by me.  I agree, most Nintards who will play this game for the very first time (or haven't played it since Tri on the Wii) will find the learning curve pretty steep.  I don't think this game is meant to be the first MH game to ever play so keep that in mind.  The game seems solid enough but I haven't played any other version so I don't know whether it is better or worse than other installments.  I own the 3DS version as well but I have not done any save transferring yet so I'll see how that goes.

you know ultimate it's just tri with more monsters right? why would people that played tri have trouble with ultimate? ???
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: demi on March 24, 2013, 06:58:21 PM
Because nobody bought Tri ;)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Momo on March 24, 2013, 07:17:06 PM
I did :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Himu on March 24, 2013, 07:27:11 PM
Exp underrates Nintendo fans. They are so game starved and replay thirty year old games that by the time they get a new challenge.going fame (mm9) they dig in. By comparison xtards.and sfags aren't up to snuff.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 24, 2013, 10:50:00 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 25, 2013, 12:33:25 AM
Whoever said the Wii U remote can't be used to for BC is a lying bitch. :maf
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: ManaByte on March 25, 2013, 12:59:52 PM
LEGO City is so damn good. It keeps getting better.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2013, 02:14:33 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2013, 02:50:06 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2013, 04:02:24 AM
What is Fez?

Seems like he is being controversial for the sake of marketing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: maxy on March 26, 2013, 04:04:17 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: archnemesis on March 26, 2013, 04:12:02 AM
What is Fez?
Artsy indie platformer. Seems pretty fun and I'm really happy we finally got a PC port.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2013, 04:13:27 AM
Just did.  His controversial opinion worked.  :(  Anyway I dont know if i like the game or not.  Reminds me a bit of Zelda 1 where you use the candle on bushes systematically to find secrets but doing so is a necessity for Fez.  Still would never play it though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: hampster on March 26, 2013, 08:32:51 AM
that said, at this point i'm starting to get suspicious.  last time he made a big controversial fuss, it was just before Fez 360 released.  he then went silent for almost a year, and only started talking (and kicking up controversy) again recently.  coincidentally, Fez PC is releasing soon.


Guess it worked, now I know Fez is coming :-\ I wonder if its worth playing now even though I know it has a big secret from all the giantbomb's coverage
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: Cascade on March 26, 2013, 04:56:53 PM
Quote from:  Cascade
I really don't think their management is idiotic. More that everything that's ever gone wrong for Nintendo is coming to a head. Their decisions with the N64, a culture of conservation of resources and conservatism. The game market changing around them. Heck the burden of having a reputation as being so successful in terms of banking money - I wonder if part of their problem is that the shareholders (who don't give a shit what they make or how they do it) expect Nintendo to always make a great return on thrifty expenditures.

They never operated like, say, Sony. So suddenly behaving the way a gaming public demands (sell premium technology at a big loss just to get it in people's hands, etc), would seem like reckless insanity and unjustifiable to people Iwata has to explain himself to. Especially when companies like Sony themselves are not doing so great with that strategy.

Iwata: "We have decided it is prudent to invest in inroads to the 'core' audience that once associated Nintendo with leading support for software publishers. To this end, our new console employs very advanced technology required to achieve parity in multiplatform software support from contemporary publishers."

Shareholders: "We have recently sold our stock in Sony because such behavior alarms us! Such companies are performing poorly. How can you justify this wasteful product that will post great losses on every unit sold? I have seen many people recently on streets using mobile phones to manipulate computer software. Why are you not developing mobile phone computer software?"

Iwata: "..." LASERS WARM UP

Miyamoto: "Now you done fucked up."

I point you in the direction of them buying a shit ton of land and starting to build new offices there with the sole purpose of next gen dev....

.... They are still putting the buildings up.

So they're looking at 2-3 years lag on getting anything out on Wii U.

Also - Iwata could have went to investors and explained that the reason that the Wii "tail" was so weak was because the low technology spend at the start meant that they could not attract 3rd parties , could not get ports and were unable to keep pace with the competition so this time a more aggressive spend initially would help prepare them for the future.

It didn't have to cost an arm and a leg either to get them to a point where they could have slotted in as the "least powerful next gen machine" - basically hitting that lowest common denominator point meaning that having the Wii U as the base dev machine might have been an option. But no - they went with xbox361 and now it's exploded in their face.

Their management has tried to pull the Wii trick twice - they got away with it with the 3ds (at a huge cost) but the WiiU isn't going to be so lucky
In which dimension do you live, guys?
Nintendo stopped to push the hardware when doing so was meaningless from a playability point of view.
I mean, just NAME a game on Xbox 360 or PS3 that, except for the graphical advantage, wouldn't be possible on the Wii.

The DC/PS2/GC/Xbox generation set a level of performance enough to allow every kind of imaginable game to run on them. Shadow of the Colossus was impossible on a Nintendo 64, it's concept simply couldn't be achieved with Nintendo 64 hardware, but neither PS3 or Xbox360 has shown anything that couldn't be achievable on a Wii conceptually speaking.

Now on this upcoming generation of games (WiiU/Durango/PS4) we will see a smaller step than the one we saw on the PS2/GC/Xbox era to the PS3/360 era, and WiiU (which is a 2012 era hardware in terms of technology) will be closer to PS4/Durango that the Wii ever was to the PS3/360. It seems more and more evident that Nintendo has chosen the intelligent path.

Technology is not a gameplay limiter anymore, now what limits playability is the interface, and this is were Nintendo has been focusing this two last generation. The WiiU pad with it's integrated screen has more possibilities from a gameplay pow than the 8GB of RAM the PS4/Durango will have.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 26, 2013, 05:53:46 PM
Gaf repost? Not sure.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Purple Filth on March 26, 2013, 06:20:20 PM
Gaf repost? Not sure.

Same here.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 26, 2013, 06:30:39 PM
Gaf repost? Not sure.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of I never asked for this
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 26, 2013, 08:07:12 PM
Quote from:  Cascade
I really don't think their management is idiotic. More that everything that's ever gone wrong for Nintendo is coming to a head. Their decisions with the N64, a culture of conservation of resources and conservatism. The game market changing around them. Heck the burden of having a reputation as being so successful in terms of banking money - I wonder if part of their problem is that the shareholders (who don't give a shit what they make or how they do it) expect Nintendo to always make a great return on thrifty expenditures.

They never operated like, say, Sony. So suddenly behaving the way a gaming public demands (sell premium technology at a big loss just to get it in people's hands, etc), would seem like reckless insanity and unjustifiable to people Iwata has to explain himself to. Especially when companies like Sony themselves are not doing so great with that strategy.

Iwata: "We have decided it is prudent to invest in inroads to the 'core' audience that once associated Nintendo with leading support for software publishers. To this end, our new console employs very advanced technology required to achieve parity in multiplatform software support from contemporary publishers."

Shareholders: "We have recently sold our stock in Sony because such behavior alarms us! Such companies are performing poorly. How can you justify this wasteful product that will post great losses on every unit sold? I have seen many people recently on streets using mobile phones to manipulate computer software. Why are you not developing mobile phone computer software?"

Iwata: "..." LASERS WARM UP

Miyamoto: "Now you done fucked up."

I point you in the direction of them buying a shit ton of land and starting to build new offices there with the sole purpose of next gen dev....

.... They are still putting the buildings up.

So they're looking at 2-3 years lag on getting anything out on Wii U.

Also - Iwata could have went to investors and explained that the reason that the Wii "tail" was so weak was because the low technology spend at the start meant that they could not attract 3rd parties , could not get ports and were unable to keep pace with the competition so this time a more aggressive spend initially would help prepare them for the future.

It didn't have to cost an arm and a leg either to get them to a point where they could have slotted in as the "least powerful next gen machine" - basically hitting that lowest common denominator point meaning that having the Wii U as the base dev machine might have been an option. But no - they went with xbox361 and now it's exploded in their face.

Their management has tried to pull the Wii trick twice - they got away with it with the 3ds (at a huge cost) but the WiiU isn't going to be so lucky
In which dimension do you live, guys?
Nintendo stopped to push the hardware when doing so was meaningless from a playability point of view.
I mean, just NAME a game on Xbox 360 or PS3 that, except for the graphical advantage, wouldn't be possible on the Wii.

The DC/PS2/GC/Xbox generation set a level of performance enough to allow every kind of imaginable game to run on them. Shadow of the Colossus was impossible on a Nintendo 64, it's concept simply couldn't be achieved with Nintendo 64 hardware, but neither PS3 or Xbox360 has shown anything that couldn't be achievable on a Wii conceptually speaking.

Now on this upcoming generation of games (WiiU/Durango/PS4) we will see a smaller step than the one we saw on the PS2/GC/Xbox era to the PS3/360 era, and WiiU (which is a 2012 era hardware in terms of technology) will be closer to PS4/Durango that the Wii ever was to the PS3/360. It seems more and more evident that Nintendo has chosen the intelligent path.

Technology is not a gameplay limiter anymore, now what limits playability is the interface, and this is were Nintendo has been focusing this two last generation. The WiiU pad with it's integrated screen has more possibilities from a gameplay pow than the 8GB of RAM the PS4/Durango will have.

GAF repost of forever.

Also the best games on the Wii (xenoblade, sin and punishment 2, Mario Galaxy 1/2, Geometry Wars Galaxies) are all possible on any other platform - outside Wii Sports very few games of any note were rendered impossible on other platforms.

This "smaller step" thing is going to come crashing down on Nthings heads in such an horrific way. God help them when they realise the gap between next gen and WiiU is Infact much more pronounced than last gen to wii.

And if they don't think tech is a limiting factor in gameplay? Then they have no fucking clue what they are talking about and their opinion is invalid

X360/ps3 games not possible on the wii outside of graphical changes - I love the idea that a more capable CPU, faster and more expansive ram, larger storage mediums and more complete online systems - not forgetting stronger gpus themselves can -only- add graphical items only. And if that's the case - what does the wiiU offer over the wii then other than graphics? The pad alone?? Then he'll... Welcome to FuckedCompanyVille ... Population: Nintendo
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2013, 08:22:11 PM
GAF repost of forever.

Also the best games on the Wii (xenoblade, sin and punishment 2, Mario Galaxy 1/2, Geometry Wars Galaxies) are all possible on any other platform - outside Wii Sports very few games of any note were rendered impossible on other platforms.

This "smaller step" thing is going to come crashing down on Nthings heads in such an horrific way. God help them when they realise the gap between next gen and WiiU is Infact much more pronounced than last gen to wii.

And if they don't think tech is a limiting factor in gameplay? Then they have no fucking clue what they are talking about and their opinion is invalid

X360/ps3 games not possible on the wii outside of graphical changes - I love the idea that a more capable CPU, faster and more expansive ram, larger storage mediums and more complete online systems - not forgetting stronger gpus themselves can -only- add graphical items only. And if that's the case - what does the wiiU offer over the wii then other than graphics? The pad alone?? Then he'll... Welcome to FuckedCompanyVille ... Population: Nintendo

Except no one will ever make a game with the scope of Xenoblade on any other console(excluding mmos on pc of course).  It is possible to make a game like that however.

As for Wii U offering something better in terms of gameplay than the Wii, it is probably true that the Wii U cant offer anything better than the Wii GAMEPLAY WISE.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2013, 08:39:15 PM
I think the problem is that devs focus on using the power to make make pretty games rather than more complex games.   Also devs imagination is rather lacking too(I cant think of anything useful either).  Just imo of course.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 26, 2013, 09:35:16 PM
Except no one will ever make a game with the scope of Xenoblade

except of course on Nintendo platfiorms right - where there's a special magic that makes it happen!

I think the problem is that devs focus on using the power to make make pretty games rather than more complex games.

there were a ton of more complex games this gen than last gen.... wasn't there?

Nintendo ain't exactly the only resident of FuckedVille by any means.

of course, but in that argument where the gamepad is the defining "winning" factor then, yeah, they're building the foundations and hoping everyone else is equally as fucked. Sony and MS are likely in for a rough ride, but the WiiU is going to get absolutely shredded - pad or not.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 26, 2013, 10:25:43 PM

Dat improvement.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's still too slow :troll
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 26, 2013, 10:32:31 PM
except of course on Nintendo platfiorms right - where there's a special magic that makes it happen!

It isnt Nintendo only, Kickstarter does it too.  It is because devs are limited that they are forced to differentiate their game and because publishers want tried and true games(AKA they suck).  It is unfortunate but that seems to be the case.

there were a ton of more complex games this gen than last gen.... wasn't there?
Ton?  More like very few.  I cant really think of any really complex games that pushes the cpus to their boundaries just purely on complexity other than Civilization games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 27, 2013, 01:21:52 AM
Ton?  More like very few.  I cant really think of any really complex games that pushes the cpus to their boundaries just purely on complexity other than Civilization games.

as an example - almost all sports games are more complex than their previous gen cousins, you'll see differences in The Show, Fifa, PBS, etc between this and last gen. AI complexity is WAY up for a start.

There's a lot going on that people brush off as "just graphical details"

It isnt Nintendo only, Kickstarter does it too

well, the point was that these apparent complex games that will never get made are being made on WiiU (X for instance - because blah blah blah next gen bankrupts teams blah blah WiiU dev somehow is imune blah blah). The idea that no one is going to make complex games on next gen machines as well is, frankly, bollocks. Not arguing that there's a huge risk element to that sort of project, but someone -somewhere- will do it.
Whether a JAPANESE firm will take a punt? It's less likely but -hey- i wouldn't bet against it -never- happening for the whole of next gen.
and because publishers want tried and true games

i think you'll see this different at the start of next gen - there'll be tried and tested games, but i think a lot of companies have figured out that new IPs are best thrown out at the start of a machines life cycle.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: maxy on March 27, 2013, 02:04:37 AM
GTA4 for instance is a technical monster under the hood.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Why, Wii U?
Post by: Damian79 on March 27, 2013, 03:47:02 AM
as an example - almost all sports games are more complex than their previous gen cousins, you'll see differences in The Show, Fifa, PBS, etc between this and last gen. AI complexity is WAY up for a start.

There's a lot going on that people brush off as "just graphical details"

I guess i never saw that since i dont play sports games.  Can you give me instances where the ai has improved?

well, the point was that these apparent complex games that will never get made are being made on WiiU (X for instance - because blah blah blah next gen bankrupts teams blah blah WiiU dev somehow is imune blah blah). The idea that no one is going to make complex games on next gen machines as well is, frankly, bollocks. Not arguing that there's a huge risk element to that sort of project, but someone -somewhere- will do it.
Whether a JAPANESE firm will take a punt? It's less likely but -hey- i wouldn't bet against it -never- happening for the whole of next gen.

We'll see.  I was even surprised to see a Xenoblade sequel infact.

i think you'll see this different at the start of next gen - there'll be tried and tested games, but i think a lot of companies have figured out that new IPs are best thrown out at the start of a machines life cycle.

I hope so but i am not holding my breath.  Inventive games are dead in the future i think.  The big devs/publishers wont make them.  It will be the indies that do and they will do it on a lower budget with lesser graphics however i bet there will be more inventive games originate in Kickstarter alone than all of the next gen games combined.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 27, 2013, 03:51:30 AM
No BF4?
What a disaster.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on March 27, 2013, 03:58:37 AM
Yeah BF3 is one of the more cpu intensive games on the market it seems according to anandtech.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 27, 2013, 04:03:08 AM
I'm talking about thread title...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 27, 2013, 08:19:03 AM
Yeah BF3 is one of the more cpu intensive games on the market it seems according to anandtech.

If only they had been more innovative...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 27, 2013, 08:49:05 AM
Another reason why Wii U will go the way of GCN at best.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Cascade on March 27, 2013, 09:38:14 AM
No BF4?
What a disaster.
Not seeing this as a bad thing; EA destroys everything they touch. Q4 will be a busy period on Wii U with Watch Dogs, AC4, Mario Kart, Zelda, etc. This game would get a far better chance in a director's cut version in Q2 2014 anyway.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: ManaByte on March 27, 2013, 11:08:11 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 27, 2013, 11:13:21 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 27, 2013, 04:02:43 PM
Holy shit that's how slow WiiU was?  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: hampster on March 27, 2013, 04:29:17 PM
Why aren't Wii U games in Redbox yet >:(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 27, 2013, 04:34:08 PM
Oh my god why would Nintendo make that kind of video

It's like "Good news everyone! We suck less now"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 27, 2013, 04:34:29 PM
It isn't even available yet so it still sucks that much
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 27, 2013, 04:41:10 PM
Oh my god why would Nintendo make that kind of video

It's like "Good news everyone! We suck less now"

I like how in the old version it has a "Please Wait" spinny icon at the end, like "Bitch, the fuck you think I been doing??!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 28, 2013, 02:53:38 AM
to add to the no BF4 WiiU fire

Patrick Bach: The biggest problem we have right now is we don't want to back down from what we see as our low spec machines. We right now don't have support for the Wii U in the Frostbite engine. The reason for that is it takes development time. What should we focus on to create the best possible Battlefield experience? We are now focused on PC and the current-gen platforms, and then there might be other platforms in the future that we can't talk about...

Patrick Bach: We could probably make a Wii U game in theory. But to make the most out of the Wii U, that's a different game because of the different peripherals. We want to utilise all the power of each console.

Are you saying it's not about the power of the Wii U itself, rather, it's about the controller?

Patrick Bach: It's everything. We could potentially make a Battlefield port for the Vita. But what would that game be? Is it something we could scale down from what you saw in the gameplay video, or would it have to be a complete redesign of the whole game?

It's about, where do you put your focus? And the Wii U is not a part of our focus right now.

Well nfans can get some consolation since he mentioned Vita is in the same boat  :P
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no Battlefield 4 for the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 28, 2013, 03:47:09 AM
Next Mass Effect,Dragon Age also run on Frostbite 3.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 28, 2013, 04:42:06 AM
Nintendo fans:
BF4 sucks anyway
COD :bow2

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: archie4208 on March 28, 2013, 04:48:50 AM
Nintendo fans:
BF4 sucks anyway
COD :bow2

What happens when MW4 doesn't come to Wii U?  ???
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 28, 2013, 05:01:59 AM
Nintendo fans:
BF4 sucks anyway
COD :bow2

What happens when MW4 doesn't come to Wii U?  ???
Never cared about shooters anyway?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 28, 2013, 07:08:20 AM
I'm still waiting for Bayonetta 2. Once that is released I'll see what the state of the system is. Maybe a price drop by that time.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 28, 2013, 08:21:38 AM
Wii U would be worth it at 199 maaaaaaaaybe if it had a BR player. At 149 or less with a dvd player. 99 as is now.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 28, 2013, 08:32:04 AM
Right now the Wii U is a bad deal at any price.  The only reason I keep it around is a reminder of what happens when I have more money than sense.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on March 28, 2013, 09:04:56 AM

Miiverse panel at GDC. Unprecedented 3rd party support :teehee

That said the new features sound nice (in a about time sort of way)

Players will be able to send and receive comments in-game.
Players will be able to see 'Yeahs' in-game.
They can follow users, and see who users are following in-game.
Users will be able to launch games from Miiverse Posts
Launch buttons on Miiverse posts can contain program arguments, so it will be possible to boot directly to a certain level or menu in a game
Can work with online datastore for additional functionality
Mizuki posited the potential application of level editing and sharing via Miiverse;
envisions a game where users bring the game to life (sounds very LBP)
User Sub-Communities (like Mario Kart 7's) are coming to Miiverse
Can be used to organise and hold tournaments
First game to use them is Wii Fit U
Nintendo is canvassing developers for anything else they'd like to see in the API

Oops, I see it was posted in the GDC thread. Maxy is too fast with the news

:bow Maxy
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Diunx on March 28, 2013, 11:44:53 AM
wow that is quite sad.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 28, 2013, 02:39:55 PM
There will be Maddens and CoDs on WiiU, come on. But that's about it
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 28, 2013, 04:45:33 PM
There will be Maddens and CoDs on WiiU, come on. But that's about it

Frostbite 3 has been in the works since 2011 - roundabouts the time DICE polished off Battlefield 3, which senior development director Carl Almgren describes as "the perfect test bed for Frostbite 2". Frostbite has become EA's most-adopted engine software, with over 10 game teams making use of the tech, and DICE has designed the follow-up to reflect their needs and suggestions.

The engine is apparently much easier to work with, thanks to a redesigned interface which allows for easy, top-level adjustments of or additions to playable code - hence the buzzphrase, "What You See Is What You Play". Designers are also able to make changes to console and PC versions of a game simultaneously, which could ensure more consistency between platforms.

Palpable benefits of Frostbite 3 include a dramatically higher level of texture detail, more complicated lighting and shadowing, and more in the way of environment deformation. The engine has also allowed DICE to overhaul Battlefield's animation systems, drawing on those of FIFA, NHL and the Fight Night series.

Better hope those 10 teams are just a few groups with multiple teams in them  :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 28, 2013, 05:10:51 PM
Won't they be using Frostbite 2 for 360/PS3 ports though? There will be a 360 version of Madden next year, I see no reason why there wouldn't be a WiiU version using the same engine.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 28, 2013, 05:38:16 PM
Won't they be using Frostbite 2 for 360/PS3 ports though? There will be a 360 version of Madden next year, I see no reason why there wouldn't be a WiiU version using the same engine.

I think BF will use Frostbite 3 on 360/PS3 as well.

Also Madden has its own engine which could still be in play or maybe scrapped for Frostbite 3 (it has the animation data from that engine in FB3 also).

As said hope that 10 teams dont mean that they are jumping and leaving everything else behind
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 28, 2013, 05:43:47 PM
They'll make special versions for Wii U don't worry!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 28, 2013, 05:55:22 PM
They'll make special versions for Wii U don't worry!!!!!!!!

Specially up-ported from the Vita!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 28, 2013, 07:55:19 PM
It wouldn't be a stretch to predict a handheld-only Nintendo in the next couple years.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on March 29, 2013, 02:38:45 AM
I think I know were everybody is

Some Harmonix dude
Loud Microsoft developer party is loud, but Suda51 is here and that makes everything better.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on March 29, 2013, 02:25:09 PM
Quote from:
I figured I'd ask straight-out, so during the Q&A with Rein, I did. "Will UE4 run on the Wii U?"

"Hahaha no." Rein said, with expert comedic timing. The room erupted with laughter. As the laughs died down, Rein continued: "I mean, sorry, it's not really a correct answer. We're not… we have Unreal Engine 3 for the Wii U. Right? And Unreal Engine 3 is powering all kinds of amazing games, still lots of games are being made with Unreal Engine 3. We announced today about a new Unreal Engine 3 license. Unreal Engine 3 doesn't disappear because of Unreal Engine 4. But our goal for Unreal Engine 4 console-wise is next-gen consoles. That's really what our energies are focused on. If you want to make a Wii U game, we have Unreal Engine 3, and it's powering some of the best games on the Wii U already.

"Nothing controversial, guys," he jokingly chided.


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 29, 2013, 02:36:52 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 29, 2013, 02:42:15 PM
OMG sick diss
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of no BF4, no Mass Effect 4 and no Dragon Age 3 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on March 29, 2013, 02:43:06 PM
Quote from:
I figured I'd ask straight-out, so during the Q&A with Rein, I did. "Will UE4 run on the Wii U?"

"Hahaha no." Rein said, with expert comedic timing. The room erupted with laughter. As the laughs died down, Rein continued: "I mean, sorry, it's not really a correct answer. We're not… we have Unreal Engine 3 for the Wii U. Right? And Unreal Engine 3 is powering all kinds of amazing games, still lots of games are being made with Unreal Engine 3. We announced today about a new Unreal Engine 3 license. Unreal Engine 3 doesn't disappear because of Unreal Engine 4. But our goal for Unreal Engine 4 console-wise is next-gen consoles. That's really what our energies are focused on. If you want to make a Wii U game, we have Unreal Engine 3, and it's powering some of the best games on the Wii U already.

"Nothing controversial, guys," he jokingly chided.


Yea saw this and was like  :jada

Even though we knew this from before it was still bogging seeing it from the horses mouth in such a fashion and Kotaku going in for the jugular
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 29, 2013, 02:50:13 PM
omg :lol

I thought the "" in the title was just a paraphrased version of some PR word salad, but hahahaha no, he actually said that. :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 02:53:36 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on March 29, 2013, 03:07:27 PM
Literally laughed at :lol

Poor Nintendo :-\
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 29, 2013, 03:22:29 PM

That thread started off kinda slow, but now that the Ntards have worked up the courage to enter the fray, it's starting to heat up!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: bork on March 29, 2013, 03:24:33 PM
I don't own a Wii U, but there's no doubt that it's been the most entertaining console of this generation!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 03:29:46 PM

That thread started off kinda slow, but now that the Ntards have worked up the courage to enter the fray, it's starting to heat up!

What's even more funny is Nintenyearolds that think anything is going to turn that shit heap around. :mindblown
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Purple Filth on March 29, 2013, 03:32:49 PM
response from the GAF thread

Does the next Mario or Zelda run on Unreal Engine 4?

Oh wait.

Mark Rein is a cock and the manbabies that hang off his nuts aren't worth my time.

 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 29, 2013, 03:40:18 PM
This reminds me of when all the third parties were dropping support for Dreamcast en masse

The only difference is, Dreamcast had good games so you could feel kind of annoyed about it
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archie4208 on March 29, 2013, 03:41:41 PM
Keep laughing it up, chums. Mark Rein has 5 more years, tops. And this has nothing to do with Nintendo either way.

Way to presume I'm salty (or at least way to presume why I'm salty) though.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Rufus on March 29, 2013, 03:45:01 PM
I'm waiting for another iteration of my favourite childhood franchises, you manbabies.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 03:46:40 PM
I'm waiting for another iteration of my favourite childhood franchises, you manbabies.

Yay another mario...

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: cool breeze on March 29, 2013, 03:50:53 PM
This reminds me of when all the third parties were dropping support for Dreamcast en masse

The only difference is, Dreamcast had good games so you could feel kind of annoyed about it

that, and Sega actually supported the Dreamcast.

Can't really blame third parties when Lego City is the only Nintendo published game in the first half of 2013, and the other big releases this year are Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: bork on March 29, 2013, 03:58:36 PM

I already played that game for the N64.  Enough with the rehashes already, Nintendo.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 04:11:05 PM

I already played that game for the N64.  Enough with the rehashes already, Nintendo.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Himu on March 29, 2013, 04:17:39 PM

I already played that game for the N64.  Enough with the rehashes already, Nintendo.


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 29, 2013, 04:19:18 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 04:20:18 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Purple Filth on March 29, 2013, 04:21:50 PM
Professionalism. Game developers don't have it.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 29, 2013, 04:24:39 PM
Professionalism. Game developers don't have it.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 29, 2013, 04:52:32 PM
Professionalism. Game developers don't have it.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 29, 2013, 05:09:38 PM
I don't own a Wii U, but there's no doubt that it's been the most entertaining console of the last generation!


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: BlueTsunami on March 29, 2013, 05:14:54 PM
The total misfire if this console has been absolutely beautiful. All the nin-tatertots are either sulking it still in denial.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Human Snorenado on March 29, 2013, 05:25:56 PM

How perfect?  SO PERFECT.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Mr. Gundam on March 29, 2013, 05:27:36 PM
When the WiiU was announced, my criticism was that it would be a slightly-more-powerful-than-PS3/360-stopgap system that would be decimated by the PS4/Durango.

Turns out it's really no more powerful than the PS3/360 and is already getting decimated by them. Huh.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 29, 2013, 05:46:30 PM
I wish I could dig up timetokill's post of the prevailing attitude of Western developers towards Nintendo. A small slice of it: when he said that Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the best game of all time, a perfectly legitimate opinion, he was mocked.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: benjipwns on March 29, 2013, 06:16:00 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 06:16:04 PM
Why would you even ask that question?  Is Kotaku distinguished mentally-challenged?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Rufus on March 29, 2013, 06:19:54 PM
To get a good reaction and post about it. Kirk Hamilton is good peoples.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 06:37:18 PM
Wait they are using this(UE4) on mobile phones now?  Then it isnt a bad question to ask my bad.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 29, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
This thing has worse support then Wii, really a crazy disaster.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 29, 2013, 07:15:12 PM
Why would you even ask that question?  Is Kotaku distinguished mentally-challenged?

For the sheer entertainment value it would bring
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 29, 2013, 07:26:25 PM

Has this been (re)posted in that thread yet? :lol

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 29, 2013, 07:32:08 PM
They also believe that Lego game won't get ported :teehee
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 07:54:57 PM
You can tell the Nintards are disappointed by this news, which baffles me, as it indicates they held a hope that UE4 would run on current gen hardware like WiiU.

UE4 runs on mobiles though.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on March 29, 2013, 08:03:08 PM
yeah, and id bet my galaxy note 2 is about as powerful as a wiiu if not more than
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 08:12:28 PM
It is unmodified.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 29, 2013, 08:16:41 PM
How much anguish would we see if Nintendo started developing for iOS and Android?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on March 29, 2013, 08:17:14 PM
Unreal Engine on mobiles = camera in one direction only
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 29, 2013, 08:39:06 PM
UE4 good enough for smartphones and tablets, not good enough for Wii U?  :-[
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on March 29, 2013, 08:42:18 PM
If you scale it down to Wii U levels, you might as well just use UE3.5.

Mobile is different, I guess since you UE4 effects can be limited to one area or direction thus can be used effectively. There could also be mobile benefits like...better battery? I'm just making shit up never mind. 
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: magus on March 29, 2013, 08:58:18 PM
why we aren't talking about the new wario game?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
it actualy looks like all the other one :shh

edit: actualy i take back what i said,the rest of the game looks more boring than standard warioware :(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 08:58:59 PM
It is unmodified.

I hate doing this, but do you have a link about this?  I'm pretty good at Google-Fu and all I found was a quote from last year saying it would be scalable to mobiles, which certainly doesn't mean it would run unmodified.

Isnt that what it means, that is what i base it off?  Scalable means that you run it unmodified but change it within the the interface to do whatever you want?  Modified is when you change it outside?  I am confused with the terminology.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 09:02:55 PM
Hmm it appears it will run on mobiles but not current gen.  So i guess it was still a stupid question to ask.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 29, 2013, 09:32:46 PM
Because it isn't UE4.  UE3.5 is the acknowledgement that the Wii U is never going to touch the PS4/Durango* and will be stuck with 360 era tech for the next several years, to the point where the 360 will be over a decade old.

No worries though, once they make Mario Galaxy 3, they can say that it matches with anything out there on the PS4/Durango and that UE4 is just a joke anyway.

* - Everyone but Nintendo fans know this
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Purple Filth on March 29, 2013, 09:35:56 PM
Damn they are really hanging on this "unprofessional/how dare he" stuff

holy shit  :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 29, 2013, 09:39:23 PM
Just another kick to the gut while the Wii U/Nintendo is down.  I think some Nintards are going to get PTSD from this whole experience.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 29, 2013, 10:05:37 PM
Some of them are more scared of the audience's "eruption" of laughter, which gives a clearer perspective of where some of these developers stand on the issue as well.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 29, 2013, 10:07:17 PM
why we aren't talking about the new wario game?

edit: actualy i take back what i said,the rest of the game looks more boring than standard warioware :(

That looks boring as shit. Warioware was like 5 seconds, BAM BAM BAM. I'm watching him playing that stupid Arrow game and it's dragging on and on, and that's just the first one. :zzz
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 29, 2013, 10:09:47 PM
Only Nintards bother with the whole thing.  Nintendo mainly caters for kids though, until they stop doing that they will never cater to hardcore with a decent machine.  This is because catering to the kids market requires a low cost entry fee.   Which they failed at currently.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on March 29, 2013, 10:11:07 PM
Not only that, but now they have multiple screen explaining how each minigame is played? :wtf
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Purple Filth on March 29, 2013, 11:31:13 PM
Well, I mean, it *is* unprofessional, and in a different way from wearing a silly hat/holding bananas, but there's no point getting upset about it.  It's not like this is a new turn for Rein or the games industry in general.  The most socially inept people on the planet create a huge industry, this is what you get.  I think the real reason they're freaking out is that Rein speaking this frankly makes it pretty clear he feels he has absolutely nothing to lose ever from pissing off Nintendo, which has scary ramifications for Nintards.

Nothing is wrong with calling out but it just looks petty since they are more outraged at him speaking out at their precious company (and the audience's reaction) than a overall behavior they don't like. If it was another company they wouldn't bat a fucking eye (instead be replaced by another bunch).

And its not like he declared not working with them at all,  they have another engine that has been powering stuff and improved for some time now that can be used.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Raban on March 29, 2013, 11:31:54 PM
gamers have idiotic double standards, news at 11
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 30, 2013, 12:28:33 AM
When the next gen market crashes due to high dev costs I'm sure Epic will be begging Nintendo to adopt UE5.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 30, 2013, 12:31:41 AM
When the next gen market crashes due to high dev costs I'm sure Epic will be begging Nintendo to adopt UE5.

:lol  I dunno.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 30, 2013, 01:36:28 AM
I guess what I'm getting at is this.  UE4 is meant for hardware far more powerful than the WiiU.  Probably, they could modify/scale it down to run on the WiiU, but the tech gap would mean games meant for the main targeted spec wouldn't port easily or at all, so the only real benefit is having an engine to license that works well on the tech in question.  If there were no engine available for that purpose, depending on the size of the audience, it might be of some benefit to create a custom version (as they did with UE3 and mobiles), or it might not (I can't see them doing a custom version of UE3 for Vita, for example, even though it doesn't run UE3 stock terribly well, because the audience isn't there to support it).  I think in the WiiU's case, it certainly wouldn't be worth it to make a custom version of UE for the platform.  Luckily, Epic has an engine well-suited to the specs of the WiiU.  It's well-documented, very familiar to developers, and relatively inexpensive. 

I mean, I think Rein kind of answered the WiiU's situation in his reply, even if he did it with a certain level of contempt.  Epic has a solution for WiiU - it's UE3.5.  Why would they spend any additional effort trying to shoehorn UE4 onto current gen hardware when they have a perfectly good engine available that requires no fussing around?
Did anyone manage to read this without their eyes glazing over?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on March 30, 2013, 01:47:16 AM
all of us, i think
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 30, 2013, 04:54:37 AM
Would third-parties have been better off if the Wii didn't exist or failed miserably? Yes, because out of the 80 million Wii owners, at least some would buy a 360 or PS3 instead, and third-party games perform much better on these platforms.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 30, 2013, 05:15:21 AM
Er those 80 million wii owners wouldnt buy a ps3 or 360 instead if the wii didnt exist.  Wii is a kids console catered to that demographic.  Same with the WiiU but they failed miserably at the pricing.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 30, 2013, 05:19:14 AM
That's what I said. Wii owners bought few third-party games while 360/PS3 owners did. Therefore it would be better for 3rd parties if there were fewer Wii owners and more HD console owners.

The same goes for Wii U. Supporting Wii simply isn't worthwhile for third-parties. If it fails and people flock to PS4/Nextbox then that's even better.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archnemesis on March 30, 2013, 07:13:27 AM
Haven't we been through this before? Third-party games sold better on the Wii than on 360/PS3. You just need to adapt the genre for the audience.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on March 30, 2013, 07:42:37 AM
It was a gaf repost
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archnemesis on March 30, 2013, 07:45:59 AM
Well, stop reposting stupid shit.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 30, 2013, 07:56:41 AM
These days I assume anything remotely positive about Nintendo and the Wii U that is posted on here to be a GAF repost.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 30, 2013, 11:39:39 AM
During the presentation the day before, another journalist asked if Unreal Engine 4 would work on Nintendo's Wii U -- a console that straddles the line between next-gen and the current one in terms of horsepower. "Hahahaha, no," he responded, which sent a wave of laughter through the room of journalists.

But that's not technically true, he admitted the next day, walking back his gaffe. "You heard the stupid gaffe yesterday about the Wii U," he said. "If someone wants to take Unreal Engine 4 and ship a game on Wii U, they can! If they wanna ship an Unreal Engine 4 game on Xbox 360, they could make it happen." While that game might not look as pretty as it would on a "true" next-gen console, the new engine is scalable to a variety of platforms, including mobile.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 30, 2013, 12:07:16 PM
Haha, "if they want to", no one's gonna want to. They'll just use UE3.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 30, 2013, 12:21:31 PM
I bet Nintendo fans are serving out crow now lmao
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 30, 2013, 12:34:17 PM
Engine=developer tools,content creation pipeline

Bioshock runs on modified UE2 and yet the first thing you see is UE3 logo.I think that will happen next gen too.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 30, 2013, 03:08:23 PM
A few weeks ago I went to Gamestop (huge mistake) to pick up Lego City Undercover. The two idiots behind the counter (both wearing Gears of War t-shirts, ugh) start snickering about the game and one of them says "Even my 5 year old nephew is too old for this game". I just ignore them, figuring I won't be back anyway, so screw them.

Fast-forward to earlier this week when I go to Target to pick up Luigi's Mansion 2 and a new Pikachu 3DS. The guy who rings me up asks if I want a gift receipt. I tell him no, it's for me, so I don't need one, His response? "Seriously? You're actually going to use this?" I'm already fed up, but I try to remain cool. I tell him that I'm a big Pokemon fan and that the system is right up my alley. He literally laughs in my face.

I think I'm just going to stick to online ordering now, because I'm tired of being ridiculed for supporting Nintendo. I even went back to Target and told the manager that this guy was very rude, but it seems like no one gave a ****.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archie4208 on March 30, 2013, 03:12:43 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Raban on March 30, 2013, 03:13:33 PM
I think I'm just going to stick to online ordering now, because I'm tired of being ridiculed for supporting Nintendo. I even went back to Target and told the manager that this guy was very rude, but it seems like no one gave a ****.

I figure this is a GAF post, but even Nintendo itself ridicules anyone who supports Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 30, 2013, 03:15:02 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Raban on March 30, 2013, 03:33:50 PM
Oh really? Suddenly I'm much more impressed by the grammar in that post.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on March 30, 2013, 03:50:57 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 30, 2013, 04:53:51 PM
Best post
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 30, 2013, 05:00:16 PM
i didnt even know lego city was out
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 30, 2013, 05:04:56 PM
Let me elaborate on the list I made earlier.

1. We know that Nintendo funded the localization

There is an abundance of NOA + NOE localization staff in the credits


Client: Nintendo
Brief: FIGS, Dut, Dan, Rus, Port language production

In addition to recording the English version of LEGO City: Undercover, Side were commissioned by Nintendo to cast, direct and record all the foreign versions.

The localised versions have met with excellent reviews for the voice work across all territories.

2. We know that Nintendo is funding the worldwide distribution and marketing

LEGO City Undercover   Nintendo   WUP-APLE-USA   03/18/13   US   E10+
LEGO City Undercover   Nintendo   WUP-APLP-EUR   03/28/13   EU   7+
LEGO City Undercover   Nintendo   WUP-APLP-AUS   03/28/13   AU   PG
LEGO City Undercover   Nintendo    TBA   JP   A


3. We know that at least several producers from Nintendo oversaw the development of the game

* MASAKAZU MIYAZAKI from Nintendo oversaw LEGO City Undercover development

* AZUSA TAJIMA from Nintendo oversaw LEGO City Undercover development

* SHINYA TAKAHASHI from Nintendo oversaw LEGO City Undercover development and finances

4. We know that Nintendo has "planned the game" with Tt Fusion

TODD BUECHELE from Nintendo coordinated the LEGO City Undercover project with Tt Fusion

TIM BECHTEL were the executives from Nintendo of America involved in meetings and planning with Tt Fusion and LEGO.

TIM SYMONS were the executives from Nintendo of Europe involved in meetings and planning with Tt Fusion and LEGO.

SATORU IWATA was the chief executive who approved the goahead for Nintendo's involvement in this project.

5. We know that Nintendo passed the game through a rigorous internal testing process

* 15 Testers from Nintendo were involved in debugging and testing the game

* NOA Product Testing Technicians also contributed their support

* Around 12 Nintendo employees, including famous ones like KENSUKE TANABE, KOJI KONDO, and TSUYOSHI WATANABE contributed support to this project

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 30, 2013, 05:12:42 PM
I am sooooooo glad I gave this game another chance. It just made me laugh the HARDEST I have laughed in a long time. The Starsky and Hutch parody where the guy jumps on the car to slide across to get to the passenger side, but gets stuck halfway and wiggles his legs LOL

Nintendo fans are literal children
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 30, 2013, 05:38:32 PM
Actually Nintendo fans love being ridiculed and oppressed, it justifies their existence. The most potent mix is a bible thumping Ntard. They jizz their pants if you frown in their general direction.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: pilonv1 on March 30, 2013, 07:17:46 PM
As the only Wii U game I've been interested in I was excited to play Lego City Undercover. It's really not any different to the other Lego games, and its certainly charming in a simple and inoffensive way. What is offensive are the load times, which I think range from 1-2 minutes. And if you're entering a building/level then it's another minute.

The scanning with the pad is a bit interesting but nothing that couldn't be done with a controller. If I had a Wii U I would pick it up straight away but I'd never buy one just to get it.  Nothing you didn't already know.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on March 30, 2013, 07:28:28 PM
I even went back to Target and told the manager that this guy was very rude
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 07:28:46 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 30, 2013, 07:50:25 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 07:57:25 PM
I am in favour of all purchases of games being met with shame and disdain at the register.  Adults buying vidya should be treated like adults buying action figures or superhero comics.  There should be no dignity in it whatsoever.

But what if you get accosted by a mouth breather that is not the clerk?

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 08:00:59 PM
Murder them and bathe in their blood.  Then have a shower.

I would need a shower by just being near them.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 30, 2013, 09:13:08 PM


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 09:13:53 PM



Paging Joe make it happen!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Eel O'Brian on March 30, 2013, 09:17:28 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 09:17:57 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 30, 2013, 09:23:19 PM



Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archie4208 on March 30, 2013, 09:24:59 PM
I am in favour of all purchases of games being met with shame and disdain at the register.  Adults buying vidya should be treated like adults buying action figures or superhero comics.  There should be no dignity in it whatsoever.

And that's why I buy digitally.  I can be a manchild and buy games in my underwear.  :smug
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 30, 2013, 10:08:40 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Brehvolution on March 30, 2013, 10:15:35 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 30, 2013, 11:23:22 PM
A few weeks ago I went to Gamestop (huge mistake) to pick up Lego City Undercover. The two idiots behind the counter (both wearing Gears of War t-shirts, ugh) start snickering about the game and one of them says "Even my 5 year old nephew is too old for this game". I just ignore them, figuring I won't be back anyway, so screw them.

Basing my opinion of how generally good they are at things beyond their job description is asshole-ish but pretty well-founded in reality.  I don't want to hear the McDonalds guy's unsolicited opinion on what I should have for lunch, and I certainly don't want to hear the Gamestop sperglord's unsolicited opinion on what fucking vidya I should be playing. 

Shut up, ring up the purchase, have angry sex with your bodypillow later while you curse my name.  That's your present lot in life, Gamestop biscuit.

Wahh those mean ol' gamestop employees questioning my purchases, making suggestions, and asking if I want an extended warranty! How dare they place a human being that I must socially interact with between me and my video games!  ::)
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Himu on March 30, 2013, 11:25:35 PM
What have they do.e to wario ware?!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Human Snorenado on March 30, 2013, 11:25:41 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 11:26:04 PM
Wahh those mean ol' gamestop employees questioning my purchases, making suggestions, and asking if I want an extended warranty! How dare they place a human being that I must socially interact with between me and my video games!  ::)

Missing the point entirely, how many times have you gotten, proselytized at when buying a game or console, or fell victim to the video game store review of insert item is shit?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Himu on March 30, 2013, 11:26:25 PM
(  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge (  :drudge

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 30, 2013, 11:27:39 PM
Wahh those mean ol' gamestop employees questioning my purchases, making suggestions, and asking if I want an extended warranty! How dare they place a human being that I must socially interact with between me and my video games!  ::)

Missing the point entirely, how many times have you gotten, proselytized at when buying a game or console, or fell victim to the video game store review of insert item is shit?
You interact with them like a normal human being? Ok, that might be difficult for some gamers, but maybe they can just practice in front of a mirror or something.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 11:29:49 PM
Wahh those mean ol' gamestop employees questioning my purchases, making suggestions, and asking if I want an extended warranty! How dare they place a human being that I must socially interact with between me and my video games!  ::)

Missing the point entirely, how many times have you gotten, proselytized at when buying a game or console, or fell victim to the video game store review of insert item is shit?
You interact with them like a normal human being? Ok, that might be difficult for some gamers, but maybe they can just practice in front of a mirror or something.

That works in theory, but it's not them trying to sell you something that their boss is forcing them too, it's 9/10 fanboy drivel.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 30, 2013, 11:38:24 PM
I can't imagine what it must be like to be a person that harbors a bitter IRL resentment against Gamestop employees for engaging them in conversation or letting out a laugh or two.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 30, 2013, 11:39:43 PM
I can't imagine what it must be like to be a person that harbors a bitter IRL resentment against Gamestop employees for engaging them in conversation or letting out a laugh or two.

This implies I consider fanthings people.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 31, 2013, 12:00:12 AM
I bought the collectors edition of WoW:MoP.  WORST DECISION I MADE IN MY LIFE.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on March 31, 2013, 04:47:09 AM
I think that Nintendo will have a chance next gen.  Or the gen after.


The xbox was stronger than pc graphics cards when it came out.  The Xbox 360 and PS3 were equal.  And now the ps4 is 3 times weaker.  According to nvidia.

Eventually consoles will get similar results with lower prices.  I got GFLOP numbers but they seem to be full of shit.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 31, 2013, 05:04:21 AM
The singularity is here, the Nintendo jokes are writing themselves at this point
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 31, 2013, 06:48:59 AM
I sympathize with the Nintards.  If I buy a game, I want to get it done with as little bullshit as possible.  I don't really need some failure-at-life trying to tell me that what I'm buying sucks.

Of course this is a moot point since I just order off of Amazon anyway.  Fuck Gamestop.
Title: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 31, 2013, 07:21:36 AM
The media create thread is getting increasingly painful to read, some of the most ardent ninthings are questioning their faith. The fanbase is in disarray.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 31, 2013, 08:42:43 AM
Whilst my numbers predictions were off base in the Mac thread for WiiU , the analysis that the WiiU was not a hyped product in Japan was not.
 Where is Laguna's god now? (In Kyoto...)

Still no demo units because Nintendo
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Momo on March 31, 2013, 08:55:44 AM
Where is that wii-mbulance from? reminds me of Fireballs car in Sabre rider.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Purple Filth on March 31, 2013, 08:58:05 AM
The media create thread is getting increasingly painful to read, some of the most ardent ninthings are questioning their faith. The fanbase is in disarray.

And it looks like Laguna has fully returned   :-X

Such a garbage poster.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 31, 2013, 10:32:15 AM
Nintendo Tears: Making them Rein.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on March 31, 2013, 10:51:46 AM
I sympathize with the Nintards.  If I buy a game, I want to get it done with as little bullshit as possible.  I don't really need some failure-at-life trying to tell me that what I'm buying sucks.

Of course this is a moot point since I just order off of Amazon anyway.  Fuck Gamestop.

I'm just surprised cause in my history of buying stuff nobody ever laughed in my face or said "seriously? that thing" and I've bought some questionable stuff over the years. I seriously don't know if I buy that story, but I don't care enough to call bullshit either.

I get it most of the time from my local GS as I only really buy PS3 games and they're like "you know the Xbox 360 version is the best one..."

And since I bought Ni No Kuni there, it shows up when they scan my GS card and every time they ask "so how was that Ni No Kuni game? It looked too kiddie for me..."
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on March 31, 2013, 10:54:43 AM

"You heard the stupid gaffe yesterday about the Wii U," he said. "If someone wants to take Unreal Engine 4 and ship a game on Wii U, they can! If they wanna ship an Unreal Engine 4 game on Xbox 360, they could make it happen." While that game might not look as pretty as it would on a "true" next-gen console, the new engine is scalable to a variety of platforms, including mobile.
Title: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 31, 2013, 04:43:26 PM
Yeah, I've never had any of these issues with either GS or any other retailer here or back home, and I've played some pretty embarrassing crap over the years. Probably because I'm 6.3, don't wear MLP shirts, is able to control my drool and breathing in public, and can beat the shit out of their asses. *flex*
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on March 31, 2013, 04:56:52 PM
Stop flexing. :-[  :-*
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 31, 2013, 09:38:24 PM
Yeah, I've never had any of these issues with either GS or any other retailer here or back home, and I've played some pretty embarrassing crap over the years. Probably because I'm 6.3, don't wear MLP shirts, is able to control my drool and breathing in public, and can beat the shit out of their asses. *flex*

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on March 31, 2013, 09:44:41 PM
can say that most of the annoying comments i get at gamestop are ones that assume i dont know shit about what im buying

:bow looking too good for videogames :bow2
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 31, 2013, 09:55:04 PM
I never got any comments but I made sure to keep it polite but obvious that I'm just looking to buy something and GTFO.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 31, 2013, 10:16:45 PM
I didn't realize people had such strong feelings about gamestop employees. Don't be ashamed about what you enjoy.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 31, 2013, 10:18:33 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 31, 2013, 10:19:49 PM
In other news, Wii U is a sales disaster without Rein's help
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 31, 2013, 10:49:00 PM
I didn't realize people had such strong feelings about gamestop employees. Don't be ashamed about what you enjoy.

Gamestop employee confirmed.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 31, 2013, 11:23:47 PM
I've never experienced the "shameful" eye contact and "derisive" laughter that involves buying Pokemon and Underage Uguu Quest. Probably because I don't buy or play such games. It seems to me most GS employees are normal people trying to strike up a conversation or show some interest in what you're buying.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 31, 2013, 11:32:10 PM
I've never experienced the "shameful" eye contact and "derisive" laughter that involves buying Pokemon and Underage Uguu Quest. Probably because I don't buy or play such games. It seems to me most GS employees are normal people trying to strike up a conversation or show some interest in what you're buying.

>GS Employees

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: tiesto on March 31, 2013, 11:39:41 PM
I got a big "WTF" when I bought Blood on the Sand (I got the last laugh, game was pretty decent) but that was the only time a GS rep commented negatively on my purchase. Never had a GS rep talk me out of a game, and the only time I witnessed that happening was a few years ago, one tried talking a woman out of buying Sonic 2006 for her kid.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 31, 2013, 11:47:33 PM
It isn't just gamestop, it was also a problem at gamecrazy.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 31, 2013, 11:47:50 PM
While that game might not look as pretty as it would on a "true" next-gen console...

lol, this just reads like he's backing up over the WiiU jaywalker he just hit in his monster truck.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on March 31, 2013, 11:48:24 PM
Maybe he was just going "WTF" at a game with 50 cent in it? Imo unless someone is saying "wow you're a X for buying this game" or "wow this game looks like it's for children/manbabies/creepy pedos", you might just be misinterpreting them.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 31, 2013, 11:53:41 PM
I think people who try to talk people out of crappy game purchases have their heart in the right place, but one person's trash is another person's treasure, so it can backfire badly.

yeah, i bought the PAL version of Akai Katana (because it was a couple of quid) and the guy behind the counter gritted his teeth, pulled a frown and simply said "A 2D Shooter? Your kids aren't going to like this..." :/ I don't think it was a genuine dick statement it was most likely coming from a helpful place and that's how i took it because i'm not a pantwetting milksop (.... well, not all the time)

a further problem for GS staff (and similar staff at large gamestores) is that they are often quite happy to , on the one hand, talk you out of buying a legit complete piece of shit, but when the NEW HOT LATEST piece of shit comes out not only are they foisting it on you with preorders, but they'll still promote it when they -know- it's a turd. For a recent example - see : Aliens CM. Was in several stores where they had people dressed as Marines and the female staff member dressed as Ripley. There's NO WAY you can pull the ".... do you really want Aliens:CM? Don't you have an internet connection at home? Can't you read?" chat at that point. So yeah - unless it's across the board consumer focused loving then i'm inclined to not take these people too seriously though with some notable exceptions.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 01, 2013, 03:14:23 AM
Man Mark Rein needs to stop backpedaling and go for the kill on those twitter losers
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: treythemovie on April 01, 2013, 05:40:31 AM
Man Mark Rein needs to stop backpedaling and go for the kill on those twitter losers
It was a stupid thing to say. Not because it upsets Nintendo or the fanboys, or because it wasn't true (it is). It was stupid because it casts a bad light on the UE3 games already being made for the WiiU. Additionally, it makes it even more unlikely that some developer will be crazy enough to try to scale down UE4 to the WiiU. Hence Mark Rein backpedaling to save face.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on April 01, 2013, 05:54:08 PM
@Nintex_nl: EA's strategy according to Peter Moore does not include Wii U(or 3DS for that matter), yikes.

I got out just in time
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 01, 2013, 10:53:01 PM
Ninthings in a nutshell these days:


UE4? I think you meant Unity.


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 01, 2013, 10:54:48 PM
But did you post that on GAF?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 01, 2013, 10:58:49 PM
Not yet, but I think somebody else should. Preferebly here:
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 02, 2013, 12:46:30 AM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 02, 2013, 02:06:03 AM
You are my favorite. Always been.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on April 02, 2013, 06:58:04 AM
By the time Bayonetta 2 is released I should be able to get a used Wii U for like $150.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 02, 2013, 07:02:02 AM
I was thinking the same thing but deus ex human revolution is tempting me.
Title: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Huff on April 02, 2013, 07:26:01 AM
Definite version brah
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 02, 2013, 10:38:39 AM
Man, that GAF UE4 thread just continues to go down the rabbit hole of crazy. Someone actually posted this:
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: bachikarn on April 02, 2013, 10:43:42 AM
What the he'll is unity?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 02, 2013, 10:44:48 AM
WiiU last hope.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 02, 2013, 10:47:48 AM
I was thinking the same thing but deus ex human revolution is tempting me.

Why not play it on your all mighty PC that you're sticking to?

Already played it on my pc completed it 100%.  But there is additions to the Wii U version that i am interested in.  The idea that you could do the boss fights without firing a single bullet is something that i applaud and should have been in the original game. I want to buy it to show that this is what i want.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 02, 2013, 10:50:41 AM
By the time Bayonetta 2 is released I should be able to get a used Wii U for like $150.
I remember when I got a GameCube with Wind Waker and Metroid Prime for $119 CDN (back when it wasn't at parity with the US dollar).
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 02, 2013, 11:05:04 AM
What the he'll is unity?

GDC 2013
Moon language but tons of slides
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 02, 2013, 01:42:33 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on April 02, 2013, 01:54:28 PM
Unity is the engine that a lot of iOS/Android devs use:

They recently struck a deal with Sony (and now Nintendo) to easily output your stuff to either system.

The core engine is free, and the premium version really isn't that expensive which is what makes it popular with indies.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: tiesto on April 02, 2013, 02:01:55 PM
Maybe he was just going "WTF" at a game with 50 cent in it? Imo unless someone is saying "wow you're a X for buying this game" or "wow this game looks like it's for children/manbabies/creepy pedos", you might just be misinterpreting them.

No, he was like "why in the hell would anyone buy this game???". I didn't get any question whatsoever with the other game I picked up at the same time (Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2)
Title: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 02, 2013, 03:15:30 PM

Smh desperate ninthings.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 02, 2013, 03:29:23 PM
Et tu, Amazon?

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 02, 2013, 03:34:01 PM
Amazon: "You sure you wanna do this, breh? There's still time to back out."
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 02, 2013, 03:48:20 PM
I'd like to think that this is Amazon Tony's doing somehow.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on April 02, 2013, 03:50:57 PM
PC, PS3, 360 versions of Deus Ex won't get the reworked boss fights:

Pedneault said the team is not currently planning to institute any changes made for the Director's Cut into the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC versions of the game.

Apparently it's the best looking version too:

Pedneault was cagey about details and wouldn't get into specifics, but said that the Wii U hardware allowed the team to feature a new lighting system, improved fog, improved shadows, and antialiasing.

“Right now, this is the best-looking Deus Ex,” Pedneault said. “It's even sharper than the PC version.” While the game does look noticeably nicer than it did on 360 and PS3, I couldn't compare it to a high-end PC, and when I pressed Pendeault to be specific about performance differences, he would only say that the team has worked on adjusting the game's engine, and that the Wii U hardware “helped” with that task.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 02, 2013, 03:52:39 PM
PC, PS3, 360 versions of Deus Ex won't get the reworked boss fights:

Pedneault said the team is not currently planning to institute any changes made for the Director's Cut into the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC versions of the game.

Apparently it's the best looking version too:

Pedneault was cagey about details and wouldn't get into specifics, but said that the Wii U hardware allowed the team to feature a new lighting system, improved fog, improved shadows, and antialiasing.

“Right now, this is the best-looking Deus Ex,” Pedneault said. “It's even sharper than the PC version.” While the game does look noticeably nicer than it did on 360 and PS3, I couldn't compare it to a high-end PC, and when I pressed Pendeault to be specific about performance differences, he would only say that the team has worked on adjusting the game's engine, and that the Wii U hardware “helped” with that task.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Himu on April 02, 2013, 03:57:09 PM
Wii u? Best looking version?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 02, 2013, 04:14:26 PM
I ain't mad. I haven't finished the play through I started years ago. If these claims are indeed true and the differences are substantial, might as well pick it up... At bomba price.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 02, 2013, 04:18:36 PM
If these claims are indeed true and the differences are substantial, might as well pick it up... At bomba price.

And let's be honest here, that's exactly what it's going to do. Just like every other major third party port on the Wii U.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: cool breeze on April 02, 2013, 04:18:49 PM
He's trying to sell a product.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 02, 2013, 04:20:33 PM
The Injustice: Gods Among Us demo is out today/tomorrow on PSN/XBL but I don't see any mention of a Wii U demo :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 02, 2013, 04:36:03 PM
So ... EA are butthurt over not getting their online system on the glorious WiiU online megascape - pulled their shitty support that Nthings don't want now anyways so they are walking away from literally hundreds of dollars in profit there.

And now Epic buttburt because of the Nintendo deal with Unity? As far as I know Unity is a better engine than UE4 anyways and , again, think of both the 3rd party WiiU development companies that Epic could have sold their engine to. They have stupidly walked away from at least 2 to 3 hundred $ there

I think it's just jealousy of nintendos amazing success that these companies deliberately spite Nintendos extremely low spec machines sold at huge mark ups.

Shame gamers seem to be butthurt and walking away too. :(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 02, 2013, 05:14:27 PM
Obviously we're mad jelly of their superior versions of Deus Ex HR and Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on April 02, 2013, 05:26:34 PM
PC, PS3, 360 versions of Deus Ex won't get the reworked boss fights:

Pedneault said the team is not currently planning to institute any changes made for the Director's Cut into the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC versions of the game.

Apparently it's the best looking version too:

Pedneault was cagey about details and wouldn't get into specifics, but said that the Wii U hardware allowed the team to feature a new lighting system, improved fog, improved shadows, and antialiasing.

“Right now, this is the best-looking Deus Ex,” Pedneault said. “It's even sharper than the PC version.” While the game does look noticeably nicer than it did on 360 and PS3, I couldn't compare it to a high-end PC, and when I pressed Pendeault to be specific about performance differences, he would only say that the team has worked on adjusting the game's engine, and that the Wii U hardware “helped” with that task.


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 02, 2013, 05:56:18 PM
Obviously we're mad jelly of their superior versions of Deus Ex HR and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Aliens: Colonial Marines got cancelled i think.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on April 02, 2013, 06:05:59 PM
Obviously we're mad jelly of their superior versions of Deus Ex HR and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Aliens: Colonial Marines got cancelled i think.

Mercy kill (for Wii U owners)
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 02, 2013, 07:17:37 PM
Obviously we're mad jelly of their superior versions of Deus Ex HR and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Aliens: Colonial Marines got cancelled i think.

That's why it's the superior version.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 03, 2013, 09:01:11 AM

About Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut

Praised for its in-game art and cinema-quality storyline, Deus Ex: Human Revolution has garnered critical acclaim from the media and consumers alike since its original release in August 2011. In Deus Ex: Human Revolution , the year is 2027– a time of great innovation in neuroprosthetics, but also a time of chaos, conspiracy, and social divide. Adam Jensen, a man cybernetically augmented against his own choice, finds himself in the middle of a mysterious, global plot to which he holds the key. By offering players vastly different ways to play, Deus Ex: Human Revolution challenges the foundation of gaming and provides an immersive experience where every choice has a lasting consequence.

Coming in 2014, the Director’s Cut features include visual improvements, overhauled boss fights, reinforced combat mechanics and much more making it the ultimate Human Revolution experience.

Total Game Immersion

• You ARE Adam Jensen. The GamePad is Jensen's Neural Hub, one of his implanted augmentations and possibly his most powerful tool.

• The 'in-game' menus are now toolkits; they feel like part of the game flow and one of Adam Jensen’s augmentations.

• Tongs’s Rescue mission and the entire Missing Link chapter have been integrated seamlessly into the narrative flow of the Director’s Cut.

• Original pre-order and other bonus weapons are now at Jensen’s disposal.

Original Game Mechanics utilizing the GamePad

• Hacking is now at his best on the GamePad. Use the speed and precision of your fingers to hack on the GamePad while the world remains visible on your primary screen.

• The 'sniper scope' feature allows any weapon with a scope to use both the GamePad and primary screen for a two-step, precision sniping.

• The Toolkits are now all easily displayed and accessible on the GamePad.

• The Radar is now featured on the touch screen and is a hybrid of the original radar and the 2D Map. Opening the 2D Map Toolkit allows players to draw hints, paths and notes that will remain on the radar.

• The Quick Inventory is now displayed on the GamePad touch screen, leaving the primary screen clear.

• Looting shows detailed descriptions about the items and doesn't require players to access extra menus to see the content.

New Features

• Grenade Throw-Back: Grenades near Jensen appear on the GamePad, the player can then swipe the grenade icon to throw the grenade back.

• New Augmentation 'Tactical Pattern-Recognition System': Display Jensen's view through the GamePad touch screen. Moving the GamePad around will move Jensen's view in the same way, using the gyroscope. The NPC closest to Jensen's center point of view (reticle) will have an extra information panel appearing over his head, giving precious information like the items carried, total health, armor type and state (unconscious, dead, normal). Jensen can still move and shoot while the T.P-R.S is active.

• Infologs: Information packages that can contain detailed screenshots, voice recordings, drawing and typed notes all together. Infologs can be toggled as a physical beacon in-game to be played automatically when standing on it. Infologs can be shared through the Miiverse to your friends, which let them view your content in-game, without breaking the immersion.

• New Game +: Lengthen the game with the New Game Plus; keeping Jensen's augmentations on replay.

• GamePad Mode: Ability to play on the GamePad (No TV needed).

Fan Features

• Director's commentaries: For the hardcore Deus Ex fans, approximately 8 hours of director’s commentary that reveals secrets and background info on the creation and production of Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut.

• Strategy Guide: A strategy guide is available for the complete game including both the Missing Link and Tong’s Rescue mission. The strategy guide is implemented in-game and can be accessed through the Neural Hub at any time.

• Achievements system: Original game achievements, The Missing Link achievements and new achievements are available!

• A 'Making Of' Video: The “Making Of” video of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, approximately 45min.

• Left-Handed control mapping: For a total of 4 control layout variations

• Languages: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish are available in both voice and subtitles. Choose to play the game with audio in one language but keep the subtitles on another.

New Boss Fights

• Boss fights have been entirely redesigned: New map layout and new gameplay mechanics that support the game's main pillars - hacking, stealth, combat. Also feature AI, damage & health tweaks for the best boss fights possible.

• It’s now possible to defeat bosses without the need to fire a single bullet.

Technical & Other Improvements

• Rebalanced energy system: Able to use more augmentations with more energy cell recharging. Makes the game more enjoyable and accessible on lower difficulty levels.

• Improved visuals: With a better lighting system, fog and smoother shadows; all visual improvements from The Missing Link have been applied through the whole game. And with anti-aliasing, this is the best looking Deus Ex available.

• AI tweaked for consistency
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 03, 2013, 09:13:08 AM
Missed the most important thing

Coming in 2014, the Director’s Cut

could be a typo

 :rofl :rofl :rofl



Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 03, 2013, 09:27:02 AM
In 2014, if the Wii U is still alive.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 03, 2013, 09:46:31 AM
This has the potential to literally make tens of thousands of dollars!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on April 03, 2013, 09:52:48 AM
I don't see the word "exclusive", so good chance we'll see it on other systems.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 03, 2013, 10:01:44 AM

Crisis averted.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: ManaByte on April 03, 2013, 10:01:47 AM
I don't see the word "exclusive", so good chance we'll see it on other systems.

Pedneault said the team is not currently planning to institute any changes made for the Director's Cut into the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC versions of the game.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 03, 2013, 10:08:22 AM
"Not currently planning"
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on April 03, 2013, 10:18:36 AM
well im sure some modders are if eidos aint
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 03, 2013, 06:35:14 PM
It isnt that which is the issue for me.  It is the fact that if this game doesnt do well on the wii U, it will be an excuse for Eidos/SquareEnix to say "hey people never really cared about this shit we put in here in the first place so we dont put i tin the next games". I hope I am wrong though.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 03, 2013, 06:36:22 PM
It isnt that which is the issue for me.  It is the fact that if this game doesnt do well on the wii U, it will be an excuse for Eidos/SquareEnix to say "hey people never really cared about this shit we put in here in the first place so we dont put i tin the next games". I hope I am wrong though.

If they're expecting any kind of sales on the Wii U at all, then they're a bunch of fools.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 03, 2013, 07:46:45 PM
I don't see the word "exclusive", so good chance we'll see it on other systems.

Pedneault said the team is not currently planning to institute any changes made for the Director's Cut into the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC versions of the game.

That seems to rule out a patch, not a rerelease
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 03, 2013, 09:06:54 PM

Why no video game nerd deserves to climb a corporate ladder.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 03, 2013, 09:25:40 PM
It also illustrates how deeply hurt some of these Ninthings actually are by the lack of horsepower and third party support, which undermines the obstinate attitudes they usually show.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 03, 2013, 09:48:31 PM
That seems to rule out a patch, not a rerelease

If there is a re-release i dont need to buy a wii U.  :)
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 03, 2013, 10:15:21 PM
Something about being "finally Iwata" made me laugh out loud kinda hard
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 03, 2013, 10:17:32 PM

This game needs to hurry up
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on April 04, 2013, 06:53:22 PM
can we put a little blue "U" icon next to the usernames of the wii u owners on this form? i feel like they should be forced to carry a mark of shame
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Raban on April 05, 2013, 12:32:31 AM
can we put a little blue "U" icon next to the usernames of the wii u owners on this form? i feel like they should be forced to carry a mark of shame

please do this
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: treythemovie on April 05, 2013, 12:48:44 AM
can we put a little blue "U" icon next to the usernames of the wii u owners on this form? i feel like they should be forced to carry a mark of shame
Isn't owning a Wii U punishment enough?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 05, 2013, 05:51:19 AM
can we put a little blue "U" icon next to the usernames of the wii u owners on this form? i feel like they should be forced to carry a mark of shame

That would be a whole lotta U icons next to Proles name. :troll
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 05, 2013, 07:57:17 AM

This game needs to hurry up

I have it on my phone. It's also out on 3ds.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 05, 2013, 10:05:58 AM
can we put a little blue "U" icon next to the usernames of the wii u owners on this form? i feel like they should be forced to carry a mark of shame

The Scarlet Letter, an indelible brand for all those who would make their bed in the house of Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 05, 2013, 07:53:41 PM

Please understand.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 05, 2013, 07:55:26 PM
"Toad (a recurring Mario franchise character) does make some appearances. Maybe I'm not supposed to say that. (laughs) It's going to be very fun when Toad appears."

Ha ha! Yes it will be fun! Very fun!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 05, 2013, 09:30:16 PM

Please understand.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 05, 2013, 09:52:02 PM
The drought will be over soon!
- Nintendo 1996 on the N64
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 05, 2013, 09:55:26 PM
"Toad (a recurring Mario franchise character) does make some appearances. Maybe I'm not supposed to say that. (laughs) It's going to be very fun when Toad appears."

Ha ha! Yes it will be fun! Very fun!

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 05, 2013, 10:00:51 PM
"Toad (a recurring Mario franchise character) does make some appearances. Maybe I'm not supposed to say that. (laughs) It's going to be very fun when Toad appears."

Ha ha! Yes it will be fun! Very fun!


Maybe Toad will save Mario  :miyamoto
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 05, 2013, 10:55:00 PM

Free dev kits, the desperation!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 07, 2013, 11:09:01 AM
This E3 has the potential to be the most epic ever.

MS--online required,deal with it
Sony--indie indie,core core,look at all those juicy Vita,plz
Nintendo--give us a chance,weeooooo....plz
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 07, 2013, 11:12:40 AM
This E3 has the potential to be the most epic ever.

MS--online required,deal with it
Sony--indie indie,core core,look at all those juicy Vita,plz
Nintendo--give us a chance,weeooooo....plz
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 07, 2013, 11:23:46 AM
Not much optimism...
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 07, 2013, 11:27:23 AM
Not much optimism...

There is some overly optimistic in that thread individuals though.

Insert one game is all I need.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 07, 2013, 07:43:40 PM
I'm sure Nintendo will bust out a new Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda but it will be completely overshadowed by the Durango/PS4.  Nintards will play up how good Mario Galaxy 3 looks to deaf ears.

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 07, 2013, 07:51:21 PM
I'm sure Nintendo will bust out a new Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda but it will be completely overshadowed by the Durango/PS4.  Nintards will play up how good Mario Galaxy 3 looks to deaf ears.

Eh?  Kids will still buy those games.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 07, 2013, 08:01:30 PM
Or will they buy the newest mobile gadget/mobile game in town instead?

Sure, these games will sell but they ain't a phoenix down, you know.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 07, 2013, 09:03:22 PM
?   Didnt Mario games sell more than Pheonix Wright games last gen?
Title: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Huff on April 07, 2013, 09:14:19 PM
Phoenix down - revives the dead

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 07, 2013, 09:15:19 PM
Phoenix down - revives the dead


Oh...   OHHHHHHH?  :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on April 07, 2013, 09:18:51 PM
?   Didnt Mario games sell more than Pheonix Wright games last gen?

reported for a disgusting lack of knowledge of videogame history
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Diunx on April 07, 2013, 09:50:20 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 07, 2013, 09:54:30 PM
Dont know why I straight away assumed it was a typo and it didnt sink in.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 08, 2013, 07:55:39 AM
According to Dutch research (1000 participants) 33% of 1 year olds play on tablets/phones. When looking at 3 year old this percentage is 50%.

The percentage of households with tablets rose from 35% to 67% in a year in the Netherlands.

Numbers seem craaazy. I doubt these people will buy consoles for their kids if these are happy on these devices already.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 08, 2013, 08:08:51 AM
True that but i dunno.  How many kids have those things to themselves?  They must be fairly rich to have those?

I googled that and cant find anything.  Got a link?  Im not doubting you or anything but those numbers need like a link lol.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 08, 2013, 09:16:19 AM
33% of 1 year olds  :comeon
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Huff on April 08, 2013, 09:30:24 AM
I've seen my cousins play with ipads, they are surprising apt with using it being under 2.

We have pictures of my younger brother playing Mario 64 at around 18 months.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 08, 2013, 09:33:31 AM
Anytime infants and touch interfaces are mentioned together it feels like some stupid attempt to prove touch is more natural and therefore superior. How about we stop making products for infants and senile old men and start making products for middle aged tech enthusiastic who post on gaming forums

:bow The Vita :bow2

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Powerslave on April 08, 2013, 09:40:05 AM
Not much optimism...

There is some overly optimistic in that thread individuals though.

Insert one game is all I need.


hey where did you get that avatar of yours?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 08, 2013, 12:09:25 PM
True that but i dunno.  How many kids have those things to themselves?  They must be fairly rich to have those?

I googled that and cant find anything.  Got a link?  Im not doubting you or anything but those numbers need like a link lol.

This for the Netherlands ofc, one of the richest countries in the world.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Fifstar on April 09, 2013, 02:52:06 AM
True that but i dunno.  How many kids have those things to themselves?  They must be fairly rich to have those?

I googled that and cant find anything.  Got a link?  Im not doubting you or anything but those numbers need like a link lol.

I don't understand dutch, but I very much doubt that the number refers to the kids 'owning/having the devices to themselves' it just means their parents give their smartphones and tablets to the kids. Happens pretty naturally with those things always laying around so I don't think that number is that surprising.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 09, 2013, 02:56:54 AM
Yeah it's not the kids tablets etc.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 09, 2013, 06:49:11 AM
The Wii U saved me from having to buy a tablet so it has that going for it.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 09, 2013, 07:31:18 AM
I think you've been cheated, the Wii U doesnt have most of the functionality of even a basic tablet.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 09, 2013, 08:05:50 AM
I'm pretty sure he was sarcastic.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 09, 2013, 08:09:19 AM
I hope.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 09, 2013, 09:16:20 AM
That was a GAF reference, although I'm pretty sure the guy that originally said it was serious.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 09, 2013, 09:28:13 AM
I don't own a tablet and I find myself treating the Wii U like one a lot. The browser is pretty good so I find myself sitting down and using it to going online over my PC. The unfortunate side effect is now I want a real tablet :'( The Wii U introduced me to a product I did even know I wanted. Stupid Wii U >:(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Steve Youngblood on April 09, 2013, 09:46:55 AM
I didn't own a tablet before (I've gotten one since), but for some reason I never really embraced the GamePad as a tablet-like device. Once in a blue moon I'd use it as a web browser, but generally it's main utility for me was Off-TV play for games.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Powerslave on April 09, 2013, 10:45:42 AM
isn't the gamepad's resolution like 200x150 tho  :mynicca
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 09, 2013, 11:51:26 AM
Man browsing the internet on the Wiipad must be like mobile phone internet 10 years ago on the DS.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 09, 2013, 12:26:07 PM
Maybe but you needed to buy a 30 euro cart to be able to use it.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 09, 2013, 06:15:54 PM
The Wii U saved me from having to buy a tablet so it has that going for it.

Front runner for craziest GAF post of the year.  :whew
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: cool breeze on April 09, 2013, 06:29:20 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 09, 2013, 06:31:08 PM
Nintendo Wii-powered death robots! I should have known!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 09, 2013, 06:53:39 PM
I'm posting this from my Wii U :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 09, 2013, 08:19:51 PM
I'm posting this from my Wii U :'(

U are already dead.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 09, 2013, 10:00:18 PM
The Wii U saved me from having to buy a tablet so it has that going for it

.... i think cyanide is still mainly in tablet form so i'm not sure how these people are being saved? (
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 09, 2013, 10:23:34 PM



Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Positive Touch on April 09, 2013, 10:25:28 PM
 :lol heres what some games might look like if they came out for this fucking system
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 09, 2013, 10:33:40 PM
The fucking thread title is literally "Wii U Make Believe Cover Art Thread"... New low :dead
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 09, 2013, 10:42:59 PM
and of those "PLEASE COME OUT!" games 4 of them are ports (i let Pokemon slide as that's clearly just "some sort of pokemon game")

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 09, 2013, 10:47:51 PM

Pretty cool talk about Nintendo at the end.   yeah Nintendo can never rebound but they can still get to that 30-50 million mark with the wii u imo.

Why doesnt the youtube thing work with my link.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 09, 2013, 10:51:58 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 09, 2013, 11:03:13 PM
Yeah thats the one.  When i try to use the youtube thing it says invalid link?  Hmm.  Do i need a space at the end?
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 09, 2013, 11:04:49 PM
You probably omitted a letter or something.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 09, 2013, 11:06:14 PM
Mine had httpS.  I guess https links dont work.  :)
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 09, 2013, 11:35:47 PM



I never get tired of that gif. :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on April 10, 2013, 05:17:04 AM
The Wii U saved me from having to buy a tablet so it has that going for it

.... i think cyanide is still mainly in tablet form so i'm not sure how these people are being saved? [/img]
Saved from the horror of watching Nintendo go third party.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 10, 2013, 08:40:48 AM
A guy in front of me on the bus today had pikachu headphones but I didn't get a streetpass

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 10, 2013, 08:59:01 AM
Hey guys, rendering team lead from Epic here.

Fully dynamic lighting and precomputed lighting are just two tools in our UE4 toolbox. We have games being made like Fortnite that are using fully dynamic lighting, no lighting build times, and the game has full flexibility to change what it desires at runtime. In the case of Fortnite, this is used to great effect with building and harvesting of resources. We don't yet have a solution for dynamic GI in the fully dynamic lighting path, this is something we hope to address in the future.

On the other hand, using precomputed lighting where you don't need dynamicness frees up a lot of processing power. The infiltrator demo that we released at GDC leverages this heavily. In short: we would have had to scale down Infiltrator massively without precomputing some of the lighting. There are over 1000 lights in some of the scenes, and about half of those cast shadows. Dynamic shadows have a huge cost on graphics hardware, but precomputed shadows are very cheap. Our general purpose reflection method (Reflection Environment) also relies on pre-captured probes. By having the general purpose reflection method be cost efficient, we were able to spend the extra GPU time on Screen Space Reflections, which provides extra detail where it is available (due to screenspace limitations). (watch in HD)
Now there are some workflow costs to precomputed lighting (creating lightmap UVs, build time), and this is something we hope to improve significantly in the future.

Precomputed lighting is also really useful for scaling down, to low end PC, 60fps, mobile, etc.

In summary: UE4 supports multiple tiers of lighting options, and games can use what suits them best. Fully dynamic lighting provides maximum interactivity, editor workflow and game design flexibility, precomputed lighting provides maximum quality and performance.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll do my best to answer them.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Vertigo on April 10, 2013, 09:37:56 AM
Nintendo of America has confirmed that Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell Blacklist will be released on Wii U in August, alongside several other forthcoming thirdparty titles.

Blacklist will be released for Nintendo’s home console on August 20th in the US, August 22nd in EMEA territories and August 23rd in the UK.

Disney’s Planes is a Nintendo platform exclusive, and will tie into the forthcoming film. It will arrive on Wii, Wii U, 3DS and DS in August, with Disney Infinity also confirmed for release in the same month for Wii U, Wii and 3DS.

Alongside Blacklist, Nintendo confirmed that Ubisoft will also release a new demo for Rayman Legends, intended to showcase its online challenge mode in April.

Other Wii U releases include Warner’s Injustice: Gods Among Us (April),
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Spring),
Resident Evil: Revelations (May 21st),
Fast & Furious: Showdown (May)
Sniper Elite V2 (May).

They join Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which was confirmed for Wii U last month.

Nintendo also confirmed that DuckTales Remastered, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Spin the Bottle and the delightfully-titled Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails will be released on Wii U through eShop.

This is what it must be like to have to beg for food. You'll take anything going.

Seeing the Gaf Ninty hivemind turnaround on Ubi being traitors for their Rayman betrayalton is a sight to behold. Is this what having no quality games to play months at a time does to the human spirit?

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 10, 2013, 09:52:50 AM
Ubi is playing smart here.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 10, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Will buy a Wii U for Scram Kitty
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Vertigo on April 10, 2013, 10:14:50 AM
Ubi is playing smart here.

Ubi always plays smart by supporting everything.

That way they never lose.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Huff on April 10, 2013, 10:51:44 AM
Or always lose
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 10, 2013, 11:44:17 PM
Quote from: AMD Graphics Architect
AMD also provides the graphics horsepower behind the Wii U, a fact Gustafson was quick to point out when asked about his feelings on the PlayStation 4 and the fact that it’s the only true next-generation console that’s been revealed so far. “Of course there is the Wii U too

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 11, 2013, 08:58:43 AM
Quote from: AMD Graphics Architect
AMD also provides the graphics horsepower behind the Wii U, a fact Gustafson was quick to point out when asked about his feelings on the PlayStation 4 and the fact that it’s the only true next-generation console that’s been revealed so far. “Of course there is the Wii U too


Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 15, 2013, 04:06:54 AM

poor WiiU :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 15, 2013, 04:50:18 AM
Meh 30 million is ok for Nintendo at this point.  Nintendo takes too much time to learn imo.  They should be pricing things towards kids not adults.  That is their biggest issue.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 15, 2013, 05:36:20 AM
Going from 100 million to 30 million is not OK,not in this stupid business.

Btw,70 million difference is not the point here.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 15, 2013, 06:52:24 AM
Going from 100 million to 30 million is not OK,not in this stupid business.

Btw,70 million difference is not the point here.

I said that "at this point".  They fucked up royally from marketing to pricign to actually pumping out games.  They failed on all fronts to recover to get to 30 million is a great feat at this point.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 15, 2013, 09:43:49 AM
Let me be the second to congratulate them on their recovery
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on April 15, 2013, 02:09:35 PM
Wii U: It's not dead yet. :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 15, 2013, 03:07:51 PM
Kind of odd that an analyst would pull numbers out his ass with little to base them on lol. I agree that the Xbox could change the game by being a true trojan horse console, but I'd have to know more about it before being confident. Remember the PS3 was supposed to be a trojan horse and didn't pan out. And considering MS in general has fucked up nearly every major product they've released over the last decade, should anyone be giving them the benefit of the doubt here?

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: cool breeze on April 15, 2013, 03:39:12 PM
His reasoning is Wii+360+PS3 = total combined console sales.  That number won't change for the upcoming consoles (???) with Microsoft and Sony taking up a much larger share than Nintendo this time around.

I don't think the Wii audience will jump on the PS4 or Xbox 3.  They're mostly gone.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 15, 2013, 03:40:42 PM
Who cares about that,Gerstmann said something very interesting...

Nasty times ahead  :phil
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Trent Dole on April 15, 2013, 05:52:20 PM
His reasoning is Wii+360+PS3 = total combined console sales.  That number won't change for the upcoming consoles (???) with Microsoft and Sony taking up a much larger share than Nintendo this time around.

I don't think the Wii audience will jump on the PS4 or Xbox 3.  They're mostly gone.
Hahahaha, um, pachy, NO. Wii buyers have their phones for shit quality games now and they cost one dollar instead of fifty. They're not coming back, as you say.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 15, 2013, 07:36:01 PM
It's hard to see any console selling 85m this gen IMO, unless someone hits the jackpot with some type of cable deal.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Brehvolution on April 15, 2013, 09:58:59 PM
I'll probably get the PS4 and 720 anyways so whatevs.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 15, 2013, 10:15:32 PM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X

New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart

Just getting it established here.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 15, 2013, 10:17:24 PM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X

New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart

Just getting it established here.

You forgot E3.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 15, 2013, 10:18:58 PM
Zelda and Mario arent system sellers anymore.  But Mario kart will sell systems i think.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: pilonv1 on April 15, 2013, 11:14:56 PM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X

New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart

Just getting it established here.

You forgot E3.

And Spaceworld
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 16, 2013, 12:19:54 AM
( believe (
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 16, 2013, 12:47:53 AM

Nintendo sold 55,000 Wii in March

85,000 Wiis
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 16, 2013, 12:49:56 AM
Wii or Wii Us?!

Edit: omg I just saw the thread.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 16, 2013, 12:52:49 AM
:lol  Thats terrible.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 16, 2013, 12:54:39 AM
55,000 Wii in March

85,000 Wiis

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 16, 2013, 12:56:53 AM

Nintendo sold 55,000 Wii in March

85,000 Wiis

Don't believe Pachter's lies.
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: pilonv1 on April 16, 2013, 01:21:54 AM
Must be lies, everyone knew Lego City Undercover was a system seller
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 16, 2013, 01:49:21 AM
Oops sorry. 55000 Weeoos
85000 Wiis

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 16, 2013, 06:23:39 AM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X
Lego City Undercover

Panic Nintendo is Best Nintendo
New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 16, 2013, 10:34:06 AM
Don't forget to add next week's investor meeting to the list!
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: archie4208 on April 16, 2013, 11:18:22 AM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X
Lego City Undercover

Panic Nintendo is Best Nintendo
New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart

Bayonetta 2
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Brehvolution on April 16, 2013, 11:23:21 AM
Wait for:

WiiU 2
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 16, 2013, 12:03:25 PM
Wait for:

Nintendo goes 3rd party
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Powerslave on April 16, 2013, 01:48:59 PM
Wait for:

Wii PU

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Please Understand
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: hampster on April 16, 2013, 10:28:49 PM
The first Wii U update is next week :hyper :hyper :hyper

Loading on par with 6 year old systems :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 17, 2013, 02:32:30 AM

:drudge PARTY TIME IT'S PARTY TIME :drudge
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: MCD on April 17, 2013, 03:47:22 AM

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: Damian79 on April 17, 2013, 03:53:07 AM
Wait for:

New Super Mario Bros U
Monster Hunter 3
Dragon Quest X
Lego City Undercover

Wii U update.
Panic Nintendo is Best Nintendo
New 3D Mario
New Zelda
New Mario Kart
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 17, 2013, 08:01:33 AM
With the Wii U sales being so awful, this is obviously disasterous news for Sony and MS. (
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: pilonv1 on April 17, 2013, 08:01:59 AM
No Fifa
Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: maxy on April 17, 2013, 08:19:00 AM
this will be fun

Title: Re: The Wii U thread of "UE4 on the Wii U?" Mark Rein, VP of Epic: "Hahahahaha, no"
Post by: mjemirzian on April 17, 2013, 08:25:28 AM
Reading about Wii U is more fun than playing on it. :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: demi on April 17, 2013, 10:26:27 AM
Earthbound wii U is saved
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on April 17, 2013, 10:28:36 AM
Earthbound wii U is saved

the reaction on GAF is  :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 10:31:38 AM
that's why Nintendo hasn't released an Earthbound title in the U.S. since the first one.  They were like "damn, everybody is in love with this game and it sold millions, we should save this for when we are in panic mode."  It's not because the game wasn't popular enough to release a new one.  What?  You think some cold-hearted business team runs Nintendo?   Games industry runs on emotions and honor.

edit: oh wow, it's not even a new game, just the VC release...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on April 17, 2013, 10:35:27 AM
Bravely Default will get a English 2014

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 10:37:03 AM
LTTP 2 for the 3DS.  okay, now that is legit interesting.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on April 17, 2013, 10:42:29 AM
LTTP 2 for the 3DS.  okay, now that is legit interesting.

Yea Even though its "hurr hurr another Zelda game" I gave a pause due to the name.

Apparently Bravely Default is 2013 in EU
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: magus on April 17, 2013, 10:45:01 AM
Bravely Default will get a English 2014


ahahahahah when you said in 2014 i tought you were being ironic! :lol

LTTP 2 for the 3DS.  okay, now that is legit interesting.

oh god no i don't want see nfags go in full asperger mode :(
there's also a new yoshi island game apparently
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 10:46:53 AM
Yoshi's Island doesn't need another sequel.  just replay the old one over and over, it doesn't get old.  plus the DS one sucked
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on April 17, 2013, 11:00:08 AM
Wii U Virtual Console will launch shortly after the update and will feature Ice Climber, Excitebike, Xevious, River City Ransom, Super Mario World, Mario's Super Picross, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Super Ghosts, Solomon's Key, Mega Man 3, Kirby Super Super Deluxe.

What a pathetic lineup. Not even Gamecube or 64 games
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: tiesto on April 17, 2013, 11:03:15 AM
Wii U Virtual Console will launch shortly after the update and will feature Ice Climber, Excitebike, Xevious, River City Ransom, Super Mario World, Mario's Super Picross, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Super Ghosts, Solomon's Key, Mega Man 3, Kirby Super Super Deluxe.

What a pathetic lineup. Not even Gamecube or 64 games

What Fire Emblem? A fully-translated version of the original Famicom one? That would be kinda neat if they did something like that...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: magus on April 17, 2013, 11:25:33 AM
that's why Nintendo hasn't released an Earthbound title in the U.S. since the first one.  They were like "damn, everybody is in love with this game and it sold millions, we should save this for when we are in panic mode."  It's not because the game wasn't popular enough to release a new one.  What?  You think some cold-hearted business team runs Nintendo?   Games industry runs on emotions and honor.

edit: oh wow, it's not even a new game, just the VC release...

Given the legal minefield the game presents, it's pretty miraculous they're getting it up on the VC.  And of course it's not a new one.  Itoi said it's done.  Given they're basically manifestations of his personal experiences, that's that.

isn't there just a bunch of random beatles reference? (hur dur yellow submarine) couldn't they just edit that out?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: demi on April 17, 2013, 11:29:02 AM
Wii U Virtual Console will launch shortly after the update and will feature Ice Climber, Excitebike, Xevious, River City Ransom, Super Mario World, Mario's Super Picross, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Super Ghosts, Solomon's Key, Mega Man 3, Kirby Super Super Deluxe.

What a pathetic lineup. Not even Gamecube or 64 games

What Fire Emblem? A fully-translated version of the original Famicom one? That would be kinda neat if they did something like that...

Pretty sure it's Japanese VC, dont know why Fire Emblem is listed.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 17, 2013, 11:32:34 AM
No fifa?

WiiU is now really really really beyond saving in Europe. Deathkiss.

Even as a kids console it wont work since kids need to play fifa.

It wont even do gcn numbers here now.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Brehvolution on April 17, 2013, 12:06:22 PM
No fifa? They really missed on opportunity with the new controller by laying it on the floor and doing kicking motions over it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 17, 2013, 12:17:18 PM
No fifa? They really missed on opportunity with the new controller by laying it on the floor and doing kicking motions over it.

Or just putting your Wii U on the floor and kicking it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on April 17, 2013, 12:19:56 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 17, 2013, 12:26:22 PM
Nintendo should have even moneyhatted ea for fifa when things went sour, this is suicide. No kid will ask for a wiiu if fifa isnt in the shop ffs.

I cant imagine what must have went down for it to come to this.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 17, 2013, 12:26:41 PM
Okay, so who here is Androx? :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 12:46:37 PM
that's why Nintendo hasn't released an Earthbound title in the U.S. since the first one.  They were like "damn, everybody is in love with this game and it sold millions, we should save this for when we are in panic mode."  It's not because the game wasn't popular enough to release a new one.  What?  You think some cold-hearted business team runs Nintendo?   Games industry runs on emotions and honor.

edit: oh wow, it's not even a new game, just the VC release...

Given the legal minefield the game presents, it's pretty miraculous they're getting it up on the VC.  And of course it's not a new one.  Itoi said it's done.  Given they're basically manifestations of his personal experiences, that's that.

this stuff?

that's just nintendo being super conservative.   even the stuff that author thinks is too similar (the changeling, tequila, welcome to the machine, Lucy in the sky reprise) is very debatable (i say this as a ex-musician and law student who has taken a music licensing law class.)   The author doesn't seem to know what a sample is vs a musical reference/quote.  The author also doesn't know the law behind this at all, so I'm not sure why he's writing like these are actual legal issues that will end up in lawsuits and that there's no other way to handle them.  If he did know the law, this article would be about the cost of sampling and clearance and it wouldn't be that sympathetic to Nintendo.   Pretty much stopped believing in his credibility at the phrase "our lawsuit happy society" ::)   This is just a fan boy article and here's why.

It's not a minefield.  Worst case scenario, they'd need some clearance for these tracks.  But corporate lawyers are scared of everything, so they probably told Nintendo they'd need licensing clearance on a bunch of it.  If Nintendo decided that that was too expensive, then the game is indeed not all that popular because licensing is negotiable and also usually priced to allow you to still sell your product and be profitable, or else nobody would license anything, ever.  Music licensing is a business too, which the author doesn't know, which is why he's taking pity on poor, little Nintendo.   Nintendo just didn't want to pay because they didn't think it was worth it...assuming this stuff is even direct enough to require it. Small time musicians pay licensing fees, why couldn't big time Nintendo do it for a digital release of a game?  b/c they're cheap as fuck and don't feel Earthbound is popular enough to warrant it.  More on point, average movies pay licensing fees on multiple tracks for the full songs and are still commercially viable.  Sample clearance would not even be as pricy as that.

and that is closer to the truth than worries about being sued.   The only reason they'd worry about being sued is if they didn't intend to get clearance.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on April 17, 2013, 12:57:57 PM
Why are the biggest fans the most willing to bash developers for not localizing games?  :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on April 17, 2013, 12:59:57 PM
I'd love to know what exactly went on between EA showing up at the WiiU reveal/announcement talking about an unprecedented partnership and now.

the Wii U was released
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 17, 2013, 01:01:11 PM
Don, lots of things you want to license have things called minimum prices. You can bet your ass this includes Beatles stuff. If Nintendo cant pony up the minimum prices the music guys wont drop the price, they simply will say no.

Your approach is true if this would be your local band or the prices are not too far off, beatles really wont go for that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 17, 2013, 01:14:26 PM
And also that Nintendo is a bag of cunts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on April 17, 2013, 01:19:54 PM
And also that Nintendo is a bag of cunts.
Especially NoA, yes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 01:35:58 PM
wait, i'm a tard too and got caught up in his use of "sampling" then proceeded from there.   

These aren't samples because they're not direct chunks of songs.  At best, it's a cover song.   but even then, it's a cover of notes that are not even necessarily from the songs, but that's getting into my probably shit ass legal opinion.

this guy says it's $300k per song to use full beatles songs with a Mechanical license (right to cover the song) and Sync license (they'd need the Sync since it's a song+picture combo)

here's something a bit more reputable, $250k for a direct song sample in Mad Men:

If $300k is a mandatory minimum for a track and Nintendo really feels they'd have to get licenses for all the tracks, then yeah, cost prohibitive (for Earthbound.) 

BUT they're releasing the game now!  We'll see what they ended up doing.  damn, i'm actually kind of interested to see the solution.   Maybe they just newer, braver lawyers.   I really don't think there's a huge legal dilemma with this stuff.  They're light references to songs inside larger, complex compositions for the most part. 

Or maybe Reggie and Iwata valiantly swung on a rope through a window to the Nintendo legal dept and declared "You legal guys have no hearts!  We're releasing this for the fans, lawsuits be damned!  If the Beatles don't understand what it's like to take care of fans, then that's their problem!!"  ::)

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 17, 2013, 02:17:48 PM
I bet Nintendo is so out of touch that they totally forget that stuff is in there
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 02:20:38 PM
If they went through, rewrote/rerecorded music, recolored the yellow submarine, etc. and did all the programming/development to get it to work, I'd be legitimately impressed that they actually put effort into something (to cover their ass, but hey, its a sign of effort.)   

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on April 17, 2013, 02:28:00 PM
Why are the biggest fans the most willing to bash developers for not localizing games?  :-\
Because those are the only ones who care enough about it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on April 17, 2013, 03:10:37 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 17, 2013, 03:24:24 PM
that's a whole lot of non-transferable, not-account-attached games.   If they keep it up, they might just assist in creating some new law about digital downloads and consumer deception.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on April 17, 2013, 03:47:02 PM
So nothing new was announced for WiiU... heh.

Makes me wonder what Nintendo is really thinking.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on April 17, 2013, 04:23:53 PM
Who the fuck is Androx  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: bork on April 17, 2013, 04:28:34 PM
So nothing new was announced for WiiU... heh.

Makes me wonder what Nintendo is really thinking.



But they've got to get some sales out of the new Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda games.

And I guess that's enough for Nintendo fans.  People are losing their shit over Earthbound coming to the VC.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on April 17, 2013, 04:47:16 PM
kids were begging for earthbound on virtual console for the past 6 years.  talking about ninghetto life.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Mr. Gundam on April 17, 2013, 05:07:54 PM
Internet people are losing their shit over Earthbound VC. I don't see that convincing anyone to buy a Wii U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on April 17, 2013, 05:13:14 PM
No, but it might push me to turn on the unit I already own.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: magus on April 17, 2013, 05:17:29 PM
Internet people are losing their shit over Earthbound VC. I don't see that convincing anyone to buy a Wii U.

i don't get it,go to an emulation site,download it and play it on an emu,you don't even have to pay for a 250$ paperweight to do so
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on April 17, 2013, 05:23:43 PM
You could use that argument for most games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on April 17, 2013, 06:21:51 PM
You guys are missing the point. 

This means Nintendo CARES!  ABOUT YOU!    :rejoice
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 17, 2013, 06:49:11 PM
So nothing new was announced for WiiU... heh.

Makes me wonder what Nintendo is really thinking.

wait for E3!

You'd think they would have thrown out at least one bone by now. I realize it makes sense to hold off the big guns (Zelda, SSB, 3D Mario) for E3 but they can't reveal a Mario Kart just as a "hey guys don't worry, we got this" move? Or F-Zero or something like that?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Diunx on April 18, 2013, 01:23:40 AM
Magus knows whats up.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 18, 2013, 01:41:41 AM
Internet people are losing their shit over Earthbound VC. I don't see that convincing anyone to buy a Wii U.

i don't get it,go to an emulation site,download it and play it on an emu,you don't even have to pay for a 250$ paperweight to do so

Better yet-- a copy of Earthbound runs $200 (why) and a good condition SNES can be had for $30-$50 depending where you get it.   Beat Earthbound, sell for $200 (why), spend $200 on awesome SNES games, be happy.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on April 18, 2013, 02:02:19 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 21, 2013, 10:33:48 PM
New ads:


Actual Wii U owners. :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: bachikarn on April 21, 2013, 11:04:18 PM
"Family compensated for participation"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 21, 2013, 11:06:22 PM
"Family compensated for participation"


Like every Wii U owner should be.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 21, 2013, 11:08:41 PM
With that thing's line-up, there's not gonna be much compensation for participation going on  :smugbiden
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 21, 2013, 11:13:53 PM
I already plan on photoshopping the avatar of every ninthing who fucks up. Can't wait.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: archie4208 on April 21, 2013, 11:16:36 PM
Can't access your downloadable games?  Just file a police report! (   :mindblown
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 21, 2013, 11:40:41 PM

These motherfuckers are sick creepy fucks...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 21, 2013, 11:51:30 PM
Please understand
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 22, 2013, 03:04:04 AM
Nobody should really be buying digital games on any Nintendo platform
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 22, 2013, 08:47:18 AM

These motherfuckers are sick creepy fucks...

SHE should file a police report!

wtf is he thinking  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on April 22, 2013, 10:57:57 AM
so the vita is easier to port / develop for than the wii u. :lol nintenfail
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on April 22, 2013, 11:05:20 AM
I bought Kirby for 30¢ and only 30¢. No stupid minimum purchases :bow Nintendo :bow2

I bought Burn the Rope on PSN two weeks ago because I had money in my wallet and I'm weak :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on April 22, 2013, 12:35:24 PM
Emily Rogers: Good E3 for Wii U, owning both Wii U and 3DS beneficial in the future.

CVG article

There are still some issues with the handheld market, of course, from the fairly poor third-party support to the questions hanging over Sony's PS Vita. But Nintendo has once again proven that it understands its own market much better than the doubters have.

Which brings me to the Wii U. Regulars at CVG might be aware that I talk down the console's chances in the most definitive language possible whenever asked. Well, from the things I'm hearing, there's a chance I'll soon be added to the reject bin of crazy talking twitter twonks pretty soon.

Hopefully, if we obtain further details from our sources, we'll be in a position to explain more to you soon. But, for now, put it this way: In the past two years there have been moments of disquiet regarding the 3DS and - like an instant magic trick - Nintendo has put an end to this with sudden reveals of significant games that went on to become star performers at Christmas.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 22, 2013, 12:39:50 PM
I think I am the only one understanding Nintendos digital approach on 3DS.

With the recent outrages about Nintendo's approach to Digital Distribution, I think I should point out what I assume is their reasoning behind all this.

1) Nintendo sees digital downloads the same way as a physical cartridge.
You buy one, you only have one. You can not split it in two and play it on two machines at the same time. If you lose it, it is gone (it always baffles me when people say that they won't go digital because of fear of losing their stuff, if the cartridge is gone you lose the game the same way).

which leads to

2) They need to keep things simple and as "offline" as possible.
Nintendos main platform is their handheld-device, that's where they sell most and make the most revenue. BUT: Portable consoles are a lot less online than their home-counterparts, simply because many people don't have internet when they leave their house.

Which brings the problem of DRM to the table.

Sony allows digital games to be played on 2 home-devices and 2 portable devices, which especially in the case of the PSP/PSV might actually mark a loss for them, because one copy of the game could satisfy the needs of two users without any negative effects. Their reasoning is most likely that they rather lose one software-sale and hope to bolster their userbase, which is viable strategy in a market where you're not the leader.

Microsoft doesn't have a portable console. They actually only allow one (!) console to play digital games without an internet connection and if you want to to change which console is offline-capable you have to go through a special process on the site (which you can only do once per year I remember?). Although their case is rather irrelevant to Nintendo, since it's a home-console, so if you have online-connectivity to download games it is very likely you have online further down the road.


Just imagine there is an account-system for the 3DS, you buy 15 games, your friend comes over and wants you to copy your games, you log into your account on his device, download the games, it is all his to play, like new. Nintendo has no way to deactivate the games from your/his 3DS without forcing online-verification (which everbody would hate to see on the next Xbox, a system most of you would keep online all the time anyway)

People need to remember two very important key-points in this discussion:
- Don't bring home-console guidelines to a portable gaming system!
- You cannot spell "Account-system" without some sort of "Online-Authentication". And currently "Online-Authentication" doesn't properly mix with "Portable console" (yet).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: hampster on April 22, 2013, 12:52:40 PM
Seems the true god of Nintards is Emily Rogers.

Emily Rogers: Good E3 for Wii U, owning both Wii U and 3DS beneficial in the future.


Let us worship at her alter :bow :bow
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: ManaByte on April 22, 2013, 01:00:40 PM
Was Emily Rogers the one who was caught being on Square's payroll?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Rufus on April 22, 2013, 01:45:13 PM
No, that was Lauren Wainwright (sic?). Emily Rogers is just a ninthing with a voice.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Hitler Stole My Potato on April 23, 2013, 06:49:24 PM
Wii U's Virtual Console launch lineup:

Balloon Fight
Donkey Kong Jr
Ice Climber
Kirby's Adventure
Super Mario World



Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 23, 2013, 08:43:30 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 23, 2013, 09:31:23 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

You're an earnest query.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: magus on April 23, 2013, 09:34:49 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

You're an earnest queer.

fixed :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 23, 2013, 09:44:43 PM
. . .
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on April 23, 2013, 11:11:30 PM
Hey man Balloon Fight was one of my most played Wii games! :hyper
But six NES games and two SNES and that's all for launch is balls. Doing the stupid drip feed release schedule again I see. :yuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on April 23, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

that Bloomberg thread is full of "but but sony lost a lot of money" defenses  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 23, 2013, 11:44:28 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

that Bloomberg thread is full of "but but sony lost a lot of money" defenses  :lol

The same people who once argued "Nintendo can't take a massive risk with an HD system, they don't have billions to waste like Sony/MS!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 23, 2013, 11:51:06 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

Is there any earnest query about the WiiU that isn't a trolling avenue?

"Hey guys, when's Nintendo gonna release that 2nd pad?"  :smug

"I wonder if we'll see a new 3D Mario at E3." :smug

"Where's all the 3rd party support for the Wii U?" :smug

"Where's all the 1st party support for the Wii U?" :smug

"What are the NPD numbers gonna be like for the Wii U this month?" :smug

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 23, 2013, 11:54:47 PM
Admit it, Shaka, you were serving up some blatant concern trolling and now you're salty that you got called out.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 24, 2013, 01:31:51 AM
Well I *am* a concerned Wii U owner. And my left eyebrow is just naturally higher.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: pilonv1 on April 24, 2013, 03:13:14 AM
345k shipped globally this quarter according to Nintendo  :holeup
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 24, 2013, 03:35:04 AM
Oh shaka I totally forgot you can only have one pad hooked up. That remains the most hilarious thing for a company always so focussed on local multi and playing with the family  :lol

Even Sony and MS wouldnt do such a thing, I don't understand how this passed any meeting.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: maxy on April 24, 2013, 05:09:46 AM

Led Nintendo of America Since 2002

REDMOND, Wash., April 24, 2013 – Nintendo Co., Ltd. (NCL) today announced a planned promotion for Tatsumi Kimishima, current chairman and CEO of Nintendo of America (NOA) and a director of its parent Nintendo Co., Ltd. Subject to shareholder approval, he will become NCL managing director, and transfer from NOA in Redmond, Wash., to NCL headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. In his new position, he will assume the roles of general manager of Corporate Analysis and Administration, and general manager of the General Affairs Division. These titles are currently held by Yoshihiro Mori and Masaharu Matsumoto respectively, both of whom are retiring. Kimishima will assume his new duties in Kyoto later this summer.

Kimishima was named to his current position at NOA in 2006. He first joined Nintendo in Japan in 2000, and was subsequently named president of Pokémon USA in 2001, before moving on to become president of the Nintendo of America subsidiary in 2002. Previously, he spent 27 years at Sanwa Bank of Japan, with multiple postings in North America and Central America.

Many of his current responsibilities, including the CEO title, will be assumed by Global President Satoru Iwata. The move will support the company’s unified global strategy, allow streamlined decision making and enhance Nintendo's organizational agility in the current competitive environment. Reggie Fils-Aime will continue in his role as president and COO of NOA, reporting to Iwata.

Other changes announced to Nintendo’s global board of directors can be found at
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: MCD on April 24, 2013, 06:27:37 AM
He couldn't even manage one position in his home town.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: treythemovie on April 24, 2013, 06:31:55 AM
Iwata racist confirmed. Rather take the title for himself than give a black man a chance at CEO  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 24, 2013, 08:59:07 AM
No, seriously, what the heck is going on here?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 24, 2013, 09:03:03 AM
Iwata's consolidating his power base and getting ready to promote all his enemies to new jobs at Nintendo of Siberia.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 24, 2013, 09:39:46 AM
Jobs for the boys, but change all the same.

Tatsumi Kimishima is quietly downgraded from being CEO of NOA to leader of some analysis division, consoled by an important role on the board. Hopefully Iwata is personally stepping in to drop some HR bombs cos his arse is on the line during the next financial year.

He's probably like "why are these guys still selling shit we've stopped making games for? how the fuck did I share a stage with the US' largest publisher in 2011, and now they won't pick up Reggie's calls? Golfham if you want something done properly do it yourself. Fucking :usacry arseholes"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: bachikarn on April 24, 2013, 10:10:54 AM
Damn, I though Reggie was CEO of NOA. What's the difference between President and CEO?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 24, 2013, 10:13:55 AM
What's the difference between President and CEO?

President is second in command to the CEO.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 24, 2013, 12:23:35 PM
This is fucking nuts. But Iwata can chill out with me once he moves to Seattle. We can go cougar hunting on Friday nights at Lincoln Square.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 24, 2013, 02:32:24 PM
So Nintendo announced today that a Mario Kart Wii U is coming soon.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: MCD on April 24, 2013, 02:34:07 PM
So Nintendo announced today that a Mario Kart Wii U is coming soon.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: bork on April 24, 2013, 02:46:42 PM
But Nintendo already announced Mario Kart before.   ???

I guess they're gonna quickly convert the 3DS Mario Kart to Wii U with better textures and HD or something.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Purple Filth on April 24, 2013, 02:48:54 PM
So Nintendo announced today that a Mario Kart Wii U is coming soon.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: magus on April 24, 2013, 03:23:54 PM
So Nintendo announced today that a Mario Kart Wii U is coming soon.


today? didn't they announce it like last e3?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 24, 2013, 04:34:57 PM
I wonder if he's going to live here in WA or if he'll be bouncing back and forth to Kyoto. Ugh what a life
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: thisismyusername on April 24, 2013, 05:47:04 PM
I wonder if he's going to live here in WA or if he'll be bouncing back and forth to Kyoto. Ugh what a life

Why can't he telecommute? The only thing he has to do is basically unfuck NoA's misfortunes by traveling to California for EA/Activision courting, France for Ubisoft, etc. , tell Reggie "you do this and this and this" and sit back and watch
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Nintendo go down the drain.

Nintendo raise from the ashes like a phoenix, obviously.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: mjemirzian on April 24, 2013, 06:00:40 PM
Well, that 3DS Zelda game looks pretty neat. :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 24, 2013, 06:59:37 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 24, 2013, 07:03:07 PM
So...Mr "online is a fad/HD graphics don't matter/mature games r dumb" Iwata is now in charge of NoA? Good luck with that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 24, 2013, 07:09:41 PM
That's a direct quote?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of no BF4, GTA5, SR4, MGS5 and FIFA14 on the Wii U
Post by: Don Flamenco on April 24, 2013, 07:17:31 PM
The fans are going cray, yo. I created a GAF thread asking about the prospects of the 2nd pad and whether people still cared, and shortly got a PM asking if I was "earnest in my query" or just creating more trolling avenues. I mean, it's true that's it's a little bit of A and a little bit of B, but the feels are running high if we've reached this stage.

"creating more trolling avenues" sounds like some fun version of SimCity

I'll admit I wondered why you made that thread, cause there still isn't anything to buy a second pad for  :lol

So Nintendo announced today that a Mario Kart Wii U is coming soon.


wow, what next?  mario golf, tennis, party, is missing 2?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Purple Filth on April 24, 2013, 08:01:10 PM
Now, to address a few of the comments in this thread: People can say what they will about 'botched' launches; I disagree. The 3DS's main problems were that it launched without a Mario game, and that the DS still had life in its tail end. Of course, a price cut CAN help, but that wasn't the primary reason for its turnaround. I believe that when Nintendo said they had learned lessons from the 3DS, they meant in terms of having more games available in the launch window for the Wii U - they delivered on that side, THEN launching with a Mario game. They would have hoped for better continued support from other parties, but collectively (not all), those parties didn't step up to the plate and they failed the Wii U, Wii U owners and Nintendo fans. If you remember E3 2011, NSMBU was there in raw form as NSMBMii (I hate that this game gets called a 'lazy' effort by some when it has some of the tightest level design in all side-scrolling Mario games, and had been in development for quite a while). At E3 2012, Reggie said that many fans want a Mario game at launch (His words were "You've Gotta launch with Mario", or something among those lines). So, he revealed what you now know as NSMBU - 3D Mario isn't here YET, because moving into HD game development hasn't been an easy or smooth transition, and they want it to be something very special. I'll keep mentioning the point about the transition, because the Internet hasn't allowed for that fact. To my mind, they addressed what they believed to be the main concerns.

 The launch was fine. He had no control over Rayman Legends being delayed, Crysis 3 and Aliens: Colonial Marines being discarded or other titles not announced for the Wii U - Had those events not happened earlier in 2013, any talk of 'droughts' would have been far less pronounced. Pikmin 3 is an unfortunate delay, but I would rather they made the best game they can. Given that all but one of those events, if that, were beyond his control, my verdict is that he delivers. The Vita's troubles would support suggestions that this isn't a Nintendo problem; They, as well as Sony and Microsoft are presented with very different challenges.

 To write the Wii U off now is downright dumb and extremely bizarre, ESPECIALLY when it hasn't really played its hand of cards - Currently, It has no 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wii U Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Wii Fit U, Wii U Sports, Wii U Party, Brain Training, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Nintendo Dogs & Cats, Pikmin 3, Kirby, F-Zero, Starfox, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, SMT VS Fire Emblem, Retro or Monolith Games or Smash Bros.

 You know what else? He took a pay cut after the 3DS launch time, and he ensured that not one person was laid off. People mock him for saying "Please Understand", but I see a good man, a gentleman, a compassionate man - It reflects badly on the gaming community and society in general when someone can be on the receiving end of a personality attack for having manners, for being polite. People mock him when he apologises - Unlike others, he hasn't shat on his products for a year (**Glares at the Vita...**), he was sympathetic towards early complaints about the loading times (that can't be said for 'things break' with the Red Rings Of Death), and he hasn't told people to get a second job to afford their consoles which haemorrhaged money for some years - He doesn't hide, and in apologising when events haven't ran the desired course, I like that he carries himself in a more human manner, and that he has been accountable.

 Nobody ever gets everything right in business all the time, wherever they are, but most of the calls he's made were right. Truthfully, he's one of the best things ever to happen to Nintendo. Two other points; the first is that they are publishing Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (an SE game) for European and North American shores - So, between trying to make Wii U and 3DS games, they are also using resources to prevent another Xenoblade Chronicles/Pandora's Tower/The Last Story affair. It's not clear to what extent this affects a company of their size and its schedule, but I would imagine that multiple factors start to add up - This is one of the reasons why the ongoing expansions are imperative. The second is that Masahiro Sakurai, the man behind Smash Bros. has been injured, so there are setbacks with regard to game development. But they are all trying, and I have every confidence that they will continue to be brilliant.

 Clearly, Iwata has a vision for Nintendo, and considering that he's played a critical role in their biggest success stories to date, it is right and proper that he's given every chance to realise that vision. I feel that ultimately, they'll be all the better off for it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: hampster on April 24, 2013, 08:03:10 PM

Quote from: Gonzo The Great
Good idea, it's only fair that we compare the Virtual Console lineup six months after the launch of each console. Don't forget, the Wii and Wii were both released on November 18th.

Wii U Virtual Console

Balloon Fight
Donkey Kong Jr.
Ice Climber
Kirby's Adventure
Punch-Out!! (April 26th, 2013)

Super Mario World (April 26th, 2013)

Total number of games: 8

Wii Virtual Console

Donkey Kong
Mario bros.
Solomon's Key
The Legend of Zelda
Wario's Woods
Donkey Kong Jr.
Ice Hockey
Super Mario bros.
Urban Champion
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure
The Legend of Kage
Elevator Action
Tecmo Bowl
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Castlevania (April 30th, 2007)

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
Super Castlevania IV
R-Type III: The Third Lightning
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
Gradius III
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (April 30th, 2007)

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Star Fox 64 (April 2nd, 2007)

Sega Genesis:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Altered Beast
Ecco the Dolphin
Golden Axe
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Gunstar Heroes
Space Harrier II
ToeJam & Earl
Bonanza bros.
Comix Zone
Gain Ground
Streets of Rage
Bio-Hazard Battle
Sword of Vermilion
Sonic Spinball
Beyond Oasis
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Virtua Fighter 2
Wonder Boy in Monster World (April 23rd, 2007)

Bomberman '93
Bonk's Adventure
Super Star Soldier
Victory Run
Alien Crush
Military Madness
Dungeon Explorer
Soldier Blade
Moto Roader
New Adventure Island
Chew Man Fu
Double Dungeons
Dragon's Curse
Bravo Man
Bonk's Revenge
Battle Load Runner
Shockman (April 30th, 2007)

Total number of games: 84

Both lists are based on the North American release schedule.

:dead :dead :dead
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 24, 2013, 08:24:54 PM
And of course, surprise!, people are defending Nintendo in that thread. costs a lot of money to dump ROMs onto the gamepad and they don't want to dilute the marketplace by having too many games available at once!  :dizzy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 24, 2013, 08:28:26 PM
Everything about the Wii U is about Nintendo trying to do as little as possible.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 24, 2013, 08:41:40 PM
Everything about the Wii U is about Nintendo trying to do as little as possible.

Please understand a little.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 24, 2013, 09:13:52 PM
onto the gamepad and they don't want to dilute the marketplace by having too many games available at once!

i find this incredible - only thing they have to do to spur games sales is a "This weeks focus !" section where they pull out 3 ROMS and do indepth looks at them, the history of the games, a bit more texture to it all and fans will fall over themselves.... especially if you do a "buy all three and get them for the price of two" - meaning you can bundle in semi-turd games with two better titles.... Sort of like the Toxic Debt equivalent of ROMS.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: pilonv1 on April 24, 2013, 10:35:53 PM
So Nintendo is basically skipping E3? They must think it's better to be forgotten than compared to their competitors.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Huff on April 24, 2013, 11:08:04 PM
Even Nintendo knows they're fucked. So why bother
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: treythemovie on April 24, 2013, 11:42:38 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: pilonv1 on April 25, 2013, 12:44:05 AM

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said Wii U has “lost momentum” due to the company’s first-party release schedule.

“Wii U has lost momentum due to the release pace of first-party titles which has not lived up to consumers’ expectations,” said Iwata during Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. “Starting with Pikmin 3 scheduled for release in the upcoming July, however, we will intensively launch our key titles to give sales momentum to the platform.

“Some have the misunderstanding that Wii U is just Wii with a pad for games, and others even consider Wii U GamePad as a peripheral device connectable to Wii. We feel deeply responsible for not having tried hard enough to have consumers understand the product.”

According to Iwata, the system does not yet have its Wii Sports—a game in which people “immediately comprehended its product value.”

Iwata continued, “Wii U has lost momentum due to the release pace of first-party titles which has not lived up to consumers’ expectations.

Please understand
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 25, 2013, 01:05:00 AM
Just wait until July, guys! Then it's GAME ON!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Diunx on April 25, 2013, 01:10:06 AM
>Implaying it ever had momentum.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: DCharlieJP on April 25, 2013, 02:48:41 AM
Why is Pikmin 3 being held up as, well, anything? I mean - fine - a new Pikmin game but i'm pretty sure the great unwashed don't give a hoot.

Rough times ahead. I suspect a relaunch juuuust before PS4 time.

Also - mentioned elsewhere - lot of places have the base unit at sub 20k second hand - i wonder if N will have to bite the bullet and go down to 19800 to try and revive this beached walrus?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: MCD on April 25, 2013, 02:58:35 AM

Iwata second day as NA CEO.

Can't stop this train baby.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 25, 2013, 03:07:34 AM
Even Nintendo fans don't care about Pikmin. Sure there's a vocal minority who herald it because they have nothing else to look forward to, but overall it's not a system seller nor have they shown a single bit of it that looks interesting. It's probably been virtually done for months but no one is there to tell Miyamoto to stop changing the button mapping around.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 25, 2013, 03:53:44 AM
Hey PD man I read somewhere that someone is excited about Pikmin and that it will provide a boost to sales!

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 25, 2013, 03:59:19 AM
Can't wait for some Ntard to post a Pikmin multiplayer meetup thread. Put your address in google maps, see who's closest to you, and PM driving directions for some friendly couch gaming between friends.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 25, 2013, 04:01:14 AM
Don't forget to bring a WiiU compatible WiiMote. (Do Wiimotes work with the WiiU?)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 25, 2013, 06:49:31 AM

no need for a whole hour when you are going to only shows 3 games :spin
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 25, 2013, 07:27:27 AM


(  :-*

Some of my Miiverse stuff:



My favourite stuff by other people:
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 25, 2013, 07:30:03 AM
I wonder... what's the next title that will save Nintendo after Pikmin 3 doesn't do it?  This reminds me of that one E3 where Reggie tried to convince the media that Animal Crossing was a title for hardcore gamers.  Uh huh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 25, 2013, 07:50:25 AM
I wonder... what's the next title that will save Nintendo after Pikmin 3 doesn't do it?  This reminds me of that one E3 where Reggie tried to convince the media that Animal Crossing was a title for hardcore gamers.  Uh huh.

Wii Fit U

Then Mario Kart/ Mario.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: bork on April 25, 2013, 08:11:48 AM

no need for a whole hour when you are going to only shows 3 games :spin

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 25, 2013, 08:19:59 AM
I wonder... what's the next title that will save Nintendo after Pikmin 3 doesn't do it?  This reminds me of that one E3 where Reggie tried to convince the media that Animal Crossing was a title for hardcore gamers.  Uh huh.

Reggie and Nintendo certainly chat a lot of shit when trying to convince reporters they have relevant hardcore games (outside of the usual trifecta)... but I don't think anyone with half a brain seriously believes that Pikmin 3 is going to save the console. That's the difference between this and the entire chalkboard of games meme for the PlayStation 3.

I'm a bit concerned about what they're saying about E3. I know they're going to show some awesome stuff from EAD and Retro, and probably have some great surprises, but shying away from the traditional stage presentation format in favour of more private meetings and online broadcasts might hurt them. If its because they don't want to stick rigidly to a conference time and date, and then have to struggle to respond to what Sony and Microsoft announce, then great -- they can still be announcing things on the very last day of E3 if they want... it'd keep things interesting. However, if its just some vague new strategy where they think giving press some alone time will help, I think they'll get a rude awakening. The western mainstream press are about as interested as EA. They'll have to have something special to catch any attention that week.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 25, 2013, 09:29:17 AM
I don't see how smaller events trump having the spotlight entirely on you during a live 90 minute conference. It'll skip the whole "here's a business presentation about how we did last year" part that everyone hates, but it also means they won't be having some third party CEO come on stage and praise the console either. I guess a new Zelda will trend on twitter regardless but it's still an odd choice.

I get the impression they're mainly focusing on their fan base, the Ntards who haven't bought this pos yet because of a lack of Zelda/Mario/Metroid.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 25, 2013, 09:31:54 AM

no need for a whole hour when you are going to only shows 3 games :spin


In all honesty, if Nintendo can showcase there own material with Nintendo Directs throughout the year then suddenly the idea of having a big E3 showcase seems daft.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
the post above is not mine :teehee

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 25, 2013, 09:39:37 AM
It looks like Nintendo is giving up.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: Steve Youngblood on April 25, 2013, 09:45:10 AM
“Wii U has lost momentum due to the release pace of first-party titles which has not lived up to consumers’ expectations,” said Iwata during Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. “Starting with Pikmin 3 scheduled for release in the upcoming July, however, we will intensively launch our key titles to give sales momentum to the platform.

I actually like Pikmin, so I don't really feel compelled to take a cheap shot at it. But that is an odd sentiment to me. What's after Pikmin? Because unless there's a simultaneous price drop or other major marketing effort, I don't think Pikmin is the title needed to turn the tide, here.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 25, 2013, 09:48:35 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of... Iwata being now the CEO of Nintendo of America
Post by: magus on April 25, 2013, 09:54:31 AM
“Wii U has lost momentum due to the release pace of first-party titles which has not lived up to consumers’ expectations,” said Iwata during Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. “Starting with Pikmin 3 scheduled for release in the upcoming July, however, we will intensively launch our key titles to give sales momentum to the platform.

I actually like Pikmin, so I don't really feel compelled to take a cheap shot at it. But that is an odd sentiment to me. What's after Pikmin? Because unless there's a simultaneous price drop or other major marketing effort, I don't think Pikmin is the title needed to turn the tide, here.

eh they probably will do fine after they release yet another animal crossing and yet another mario kart
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: The Sceneman on April 25, 2013, 10:04:11 AM
I would buy a WiiU for Pikmin 3
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: demi on April 25, 2013, 10:05:26 AM
I AM buying a wiiU for pikmin 3. Just not when Pikmin 3 comes out.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Vertigo on April 25, 2013, 10:09:14 AM
So there will be no E3 on stage presentation by Nintendo this year?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 25, 2013, 10:38:25 AM

no need for a whole hour when you are going to only shows 3 games :spin

That's really fucking bad.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 25, 2013, 10:42:43 AM
It looks like Nintendo is giving up.

Seems like it. No one watches Nintendo Direct outside of Nintendo fans. And if the plan is to focus on playable demos, why not have a big ass conference where Reggie can say "btw, this demo of Zelda: Rift of Time will be available to download and play on your WiiU immediately after this conference."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 25, 2013, 10:45:28 AM
Maybe the next major announcement concerning Nintendo will come from Tim Cook
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 25, 2013, 11:43:14 AM
Some days I like to imagine that deep in the heart of Nintendo HQ there is a laboratory full of failed experimental paraphernalia.  One of these experiments is a a large metal pole which, though the genius of Miyamoto, self-maintains a temperature no less than -20C.  Like any frozen metal pole, it exerts a evil power over the weak-willed; many Nintendo engineers have fallen to this malicious entity.  But it has been foretold that someday a hero will arise, destined to destroy the pole and free the tongues of these poor souls, forever restoring Nintendo to glory.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 25, 2013, 11:45:14 AM
It looks like Nintendo is giving up.

Seems like it. No one watches Nintendo Direct outside of Nintendo fans. And if the plan is to focus on playable demos, why not have a big ass conference where Reggie can say "btw, this demo of Zelda: Rift of Time will be available to download and play on your WiiU immediately after this conference."

And who watches E3 conferences?

Nintendo found a way to speak directly to their customer base without allowing any critics to dilute the message.  They don't speak to their shareholders with the E3 conference.  The general public's attention is best grabbed with a separate event like what Sony and MS have done/are doing. 

I'm shocked E3 has shambled on, to be honest.  Thought the industry had finally figured things out a few years back, but no, here we are, everyone's losing assloads of money and still blowing tons of cash putting on a little pageant where they have to share attention with everyone else.

Not sure if that's a GAF, quote, but I agree. After each Nintendo Direct, GAF goes nuts for an entire week.


Also not sure if that's Miyamoto or an confused Japanese lesbian.

Which reminds me, in Nintendo v. Comerica (CDN Fed Court 1991?), Miyamoto claimed that the Game Genie violated his moral rights (these are rights to the integrity of an author's work, even if there has been no actual copyright violation). Interlocutory injunction NOT granted.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: archie4208 on April 25, 2013, 11:57:02 AM
I agree with Oscar.  E3 is usually interesting (mostly due to forum hyperbole and meltdowns), but it is somewhat of a relic of the past where direct contact to fans and customers via Youtube, Twitter, Leddit and forums wasn't as prominent.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 25, 2013, 12:10:17 PM
I think it is vastly more likely that Nintendo has nothing to show as opposed to them finally becoming modern. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 25, 2013, 12:19:24 PM
Water is wet.

Nintendo is fucked.

The core of their problem is that they completely missed the online train.COD,Battlefield,GTA,etc etc demographics is not even considering Nintendo console.
How can Nintendo drag some online addict away from PC,xbox,playstation?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: cool breeze on April 25, 2013, 12:22:04 PM
Disappointing.  Nintendo's conferences tend to be the dumbest and funniest ones.  Microsoft's slickly produced nothing and Sony's fumbling bloated mess need better make up for Nintendo's absence.

also, Rayman damage control app is coming out today.  a game! a game!

I think it is vastly more likely that Nintendo has nothing to show as opposed to them finally becoming modern.

Nintendo has nothing to show that could compete with the other two.  I don't doubt Nintendo will have a semi-respectable lineup between the 3DS and Wii U, but realistically there's no software announcement that'll get mainstream and enthusiast press to pay more attention to it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 25, 2013, 12:23:47 PM
I agree with Oscar, even if it may be a gaf repost.

That said Nintendo prob doesnt have much to show either.

Not doing e3 old school style wont impact them on the consumer they are chasing but it may further alienate the hardcore gamer (as if they still have a chance of luring those in)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 25, 2013, 01:06:26 PM
Remember when gaftards were like "Nintendo is gonna knock it outta the park at E3 this year cuz Panic Mode Nintendo yall!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 25, 2013, 03:28:30 PM

Panic mode Nintendo is hiding in small rooms cowering in the corner with their hands over their heads.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 25, 2013, 04:55:55 PM
Yes, another Wii U thread - but this one is optimistic!

Like many of you, I brought my Wii U on launch day. Again like many of you, I've been disappointed with the lack of games to actually play on it. EA have now pulled out, and third party support is looking bare.

But hey, I brought the thing for Nintendo games. And if that's all they have left to fall back on, they should totally unveil all their hard hitters at E3. No excuses.

I'm optimistic. I can pretty much predict on these being a show:

- Mario 3D game
- Retro's new project
- A hint of the new Zelda
- X
- Mario Kart
- Smash Bros
- Wind Waker HD.

And that alone would be enough for me. Anyone else?

From every annual E3 keynote speech, Reggie always manages to dedicate 15-20 minutes on the sales of the Nintendo console (last year we heard about the millions of Wii units sold) and the handheld units sold.

Since the Wii U still hasn't performed as expected (this is not a Wii U hating thread), should we expect Reggie to still boast and brag about Nintendo's fiscal accomplishments, or will he pull a fast one on us and actually just talk about the hardware and games? I'd be pretty stoked for approximately 1 hour 10 min worth of Nintendo awesomeness.

Or am I being too optimistic? Keep in mind that I still don't remember much from last E3, so someone please correct me on anything I misstated.

There will be a ton of press on Sony and Microsoft who will most likely make announcements and/or show the PS4(Orbis) and Xbox 720(Durango).

We know Nintendo is working on it's "big guns" like Zelda, most likely a new Metroid and will be showing off a new Yoshi and Mario for the WiiU at E3.

They will still no doubt be eclipsed by the hype from Sony and MS and their respective "next gen" systems.

While I do think WiiU will have a killer line up of games for E3 it won't be enough imo.

What do you think Nintendo could announce/show off that would combat Sony and Microsoft at E3?

Mine would be the announcement that Nintendo is developing mobile games. It's something many people have been clamoring for and I think there's plenty of room for Nintendo to enter that market while still supporting their home dedicated consoles.

I could see Nintendo doing some really cool stuff with mobile gaming and tying it into Miiverse and the WiiU.

For example, a mobile pokemon game that allows you to battle players online and capture rare monsters(not found on the WiiU version) and then transfer those to your WiiU pokemon game?

An Animal Crossing game compatible between WiiU, 3DS and mobile game owners?

Just a couple quick examples.

What would be yours?

my first thread on neogaf (so im learning to walk) be nice

my guess is that nintendo will say little as possible about the 3ds because its speaking for itself ,

e3 for nintendo must be a wii u blowout all i can think of now is maybe mini e3 for 3ds that night

so wii u games

retro project
mario 3d u
mario kart u
zelda ww
maybe a tiny glimpse of smash brothers
yoshi yarn
pikmin 3
the wonderful 101
wii fit u
batman (they should snag that demo for live on stage)
rayman origins (they should snag that demo for live on stage)
assasins cred (same snag that demo for live on stage)
watch dogs (they should snag that demo for live on stage)
that X wii u game (demo on stage)
bayoneta 2

Do you believe Nintendo has a chance to distinguish itself from Sony/MS this E3, by showing a good library of exclusive games for Wii U that will be available till early 2014, and increases its head start until second wave of next generation games hit?

Agreeing that it is games that sell hardware and looking at what PS4 has in plate coming this holiday, I do not expect it to sell even more than PS3, considering that it doesn't have built-in BC with PS3 games: Most of the exclusive they showed for PS4 are from franchises/studios that historically don't sell well[KZ, Infamous, etc.], and almost all the other games they showed are multiplatforms on HD consoles, and also, will be available on PC where people already have high end graphics.

This may be a bit better for Microsoft, as they may be able to produce few tech demos for Halo or Gears of war; but that will be it and those games won't be ready anytime soon either, noting that until recently, most 1st party studios of both MS and Sony have been/are busy with making games for PS3/360. I suspect the plethora of tech demos they showed [SE's footage being the most obvious one] shows this.

It also showed one truth, that some people were so adamant in rejecting: graphically, we won't notice another jump as we did from the last generation to this generation.

[btw, one interesting thing, is that how they didn't show the console, yet just the name is enough to prevent a confusion whether it's a new console or not; from a marketing point, I still don't understand why Nintendo named Wii U, Wii U! Specially that they showed the Gamepad so much...]

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 25, 2013, 07:42:22 PM
Within a week of Iwata becoming CEO of Nintendo America this shit happens. Ship him back to Japan
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 25, 2013, 08:33:48 PM
Update is out.

Version 3.0.0 U available via wireless Internet connection includes the following improvements:

New Features:

A standby function to download and install software while the system is powered off
Software purchased from the Nintendo eShop will automatically install in the background once the download is complete
Holding down the B Button while the Wii U logo is displayed during startup will load the Wii Menu *¹
Changes to System Settings:

An option to transfer and/or copy between two USB storage devices in "Data Management"
To facilitate this feature, you will now be able to connect two USB storage devices to a single Wii U console*²
The ability to select multiple software titles when transferring, copying, or deleting data in "Data Management"
The option to adjust screen size is now available under "TV" *³
"Auto Power-Down" has been renamed "Power Settings"
Options for the standby function are located within this menu
Changes to Miiverse:

Added support for the Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller, and Classic Controller
Handwritten posts will now also display on the TV screen during creation
"Undo" and "Redo" buttons are now available when creating a handwritten post
Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to Nintendo eShop:

Software downloaded from the Nintendo eShop will include released updates and will no longer need to be updated after installation
Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to the Internet Browser:

Added support for the Wii Remote and Wii U Pro Controller
Added the option to change search engines when performing a keyword search
Added the option to return to the start page from the bookmark menu
Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to Download Management:

Added the option to change the priority of downloads
Improvements to system stability and usability:

Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Purple Filth on April 25, 2013, 08:49:49 PM
Iwata doing dat overtime
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 25, 2013, 09:51:10 PM
Iwata doing dat overtime

Iwata coded that update to the metal.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 25, 2013, 11:43:59 PM
Those are some bold predictions.  A new Mario Kart?  A new Zelda?  Wow!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Purple Filth on April 26, 2013, 12:38:47 AM
Iwata doing dat overtime

Iwata coded that update to the metal.

I guess the Clock Speed upgrade is good to go now.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Diunx on April 26, 2013, 01:10:06 AM
Is panic nintendo responsible for the gamecube or the wii? either way panic nintendo seems to suck.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Damian79 on April 26, 2013, 01:43:51 AM
Those are some bold predictions.  A new Mario Kart?  A new Zelda?  Wow!

Werent those already announced?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: cool breeze on April 26, 2013, 02:21:44 AM
Rayman app is not what I thought it'd be.  One part of it is the same demo from months ago, only with iOS-style incentives to complete them.  The other is daily and weekly challenges that are basically iOS-style runner games played with the touch screen.  The two currencies are purple tokens earned by winning trophies and yellow bugs/coins; purple tokens unlock 'hard' challenges, yellow things unlock new characters and costumes.  It's pretty fun for a free advertisement app thing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 26, 2013, 03:17:46 AM
I have a theory that Nintendo makes these droughts to make their mediocre games seem better.

Eddie Murphy talks about it here
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 26, 2013, 04:06:21 AM
Oh come Grouchy you know what I mean. When I say something like that you know I'm taking the mickey.

Nintendo games are refined after 20 years of making the same game, OOT, Mario Kart, SSBM.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: bork on April 26, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
...the fuck?



Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Brehvolution on April 26, 2013, 01:58:14 PM
Yeah wtf, b? :comeon

That being said... weeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 26, 2013, 02:05:28 PM
Pkimentum has got Borys shook.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 26, 2013, 02:27:47 PM
The Wii U is basically a train wreck in slow motion, but the really cool part is that you can zoom in on the train wreck and watch all the individual bolts popping out and the metal twisting and the look in everyone's face as they realize that this isn't going to end well
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 26, 2013, 02:37:28 PM
The Wii U is basically a train wreck in slow motion, but the really cool part is that you can zoom in on the train wreck and watch all the individual bolts popping out and the metal twisting and the look in everyone's face as they realize that this isn't going to end well

Do you use Wii U Panorama View? Oh wait, resolution of the pad isn't good enough to see the individual bolts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 26, 2013, 03:05:33 PM
Man, car crashes filmed in 360 degrees would be awesome. They should mount a camera on one of those crash test dummies and just send a car flying into a wall, the dummy flying out of the window. Pretend its a safety awareness thing. I'd buy that!

Maybe they could put one on a helicopter or tank in Afghanistan or something too

Play some of that chintsy happy go lucky nintendomusic over brutal images of tribal shepherd and goat death
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 26, 2013, 03:53:10 PM

Oscar is right that E3 isn't what it used to be, and both MS and Sony are doing (or already have in Sony's case) their own big events. But if that's your argument I would simply ask why doesn't Nintendo do something like that right now? Relaunch the system with a big, live media event. Reveal your big guns, announce partnerships, demo upcoming games, etc. And then use E3 to demo all your playable stuff for the media - and fans, by putting as many playable demos as possible on the WiiU marketplace for download.

Right now they're just doing a closed doors presentation of "please understand" for retailers, and some early demo play for the media. That's pretty "meh" to me.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Stoney Mason on April 26, 2013, 05:53:10 PM
E3 isn't the big deal it use to be. The critics and tastemakers in the media don't have the influence they once had so getting anointed as something special from E3 isn't such a big deal anymore. All you have to do is look at the yearly "winners" and "losers" threads from forum types and they don't have any correlation to the real world when it comes to anything. So Nintendo skipping out on the pomp and circumstance and ego trip isn't that big a deal whether they are doing that out of realization or fear. (probably a mix of the two)

That being said until about a month or two ago I had never ever heard the phrase "Nintendo Direct" so the nintendo fanboys raving about those things being important is just as over the top.

If I was god of Nintendo personally I wouldn't even do an E3. I mean you have to because retailers are there but I would do the bare minimum which is what it seems like they are doing. Instead I would do a once a year Nintendo World thing for North America/Japan. Essentially turn it into a Blizzcon. Pack it with fans. Do it away from E3 so you aren't splitting focus and attention among two other mega corporations. Forgot Nintendo Direct. Save that shit for one big pop once a year.

I think E3 has become a circus for fanboys and the hardcore. If you are going to go the route Nintendo is currently going, then go full on instead of these half way steps.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 26, 2013, 06:15:01 PM
That being said until about a month or two ago I had never ever heard the phrase "Nintendo Direct"

Stoney, have you seen Satoru Iwata deliver the latest "Year of Luigi" Nintendo Direct?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Stoney Mason on April 26, 2013, 06:19:38 PM
That being said until about a month or two ago I had never ever heard the phrase "Nintendo Direct"

Stoney, have you seen Satoru Iwata deliver the latest "Year of Luigi" Nintendo Direct?


So fucking true. I mean maybe these things are a big deal in Japan or something where the culture is different but I was shocked to go on GAF to see them making such a big deal about something that is so relatively speaking a minor thing. I mean I like videos about upcoming software as much as the next dude but these people are talking about this shit like its Moses coming down the mountain with the ten commandments.
Title: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Verdigris Murder on April 26, 2013, 06:47:10 PM
The Wii U is basically a train wreck in slow motion, but the really cool part is that you can zoom in on the train wreck and watch all the individual bolts popping out and the metal twisting and the look in everyone's face as they realize that this isn't going to end well
This is an excellent post.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 26, 2013, 06:47:37 PM
I thought Malek was bullshitting about the Year of Luigi thing and turns out it's true.  I guess that explains why there were a lot of dumbasses on GAF with Luigi hats on their avatars.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 26, 2013, 06:50:56 PM
but guys it's LUIGIIIIIII

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 26, 2013, 06:51:33 PM
Dude, there were at least two Year of Luigi Nintendo Directs--months apart.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 26, 2013, 06:53:53 PM
but guys it's LUIGIIIIIII

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: demi on April 26, 2013, 07:33:20 PM
Luigis Mansion is awesome. fekkits
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: MCD on April 26, 2013, 07:36:22 PM
Someone Luigifi demi's avatar.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 26, 2013, 09:07:59 PM
The ray man challenges thing is pretty cool. At least, it should be, for an hour or so every day. Once you get as fast or as good at a challenge as you're going to get you just revert back to being angry at ubisoft for a delay to a finished game. I do anyway. Definitely buying the full game though, this is slick and charming as fuck.

In other news some chump at NOE has the job of turning on the virtual console switch on a Saturday. I'll be lying in for hours then driving to see waterfalls and shit, and take actual sunlight in through my eyeballs and skin.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Raban on April 26, 2013, 09:21:46 PM
Luigis Mansion is awesome. fekkits
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 26, 2013, 09:22:40 PM
Luigis Mansion is awesome. fekkits

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: mjemirzian on April 26, 2013, 10:09:19 PM
People getting angry over sales and console wars would be happier if they just enjoyed games. Not saying anyone here in particular, just in general on gaming forums.

The internet + cost cutting is making E3 increasingly irrelevant, yup.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 27, 2013, 02:27:35 AM

Hundreds of new developers (read: dudes in basements) are developing games for the WiiU right this second, and EA's gonna be sorry!

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Himu on April 27, 2013, 02:44:11 AM
The Mii's on that miiverse site are SO CUTE!!!!!! I've never seen such cute miis. Way better than avatars or what's on wii and 3ds.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 27, 2013, 02:45:31 AM
Finally, Iwata is aware of the fact that many people hold the belief that Wii U is underpowered, and feels they need to work on remedying such misunderstandings. Not only that, but he knows that there are some third parties that are actively supporting Wii U, while others aren't even giving it a second glance. He wants to fix this by creating a situation in which third parties not currently actively supporting Wii U will regret that decision once third parties that did support it start to produce hits on the system.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 27, 2013, 02:50:59 AM
Iwata will make you please understand, whether you want to or not.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Great Rumbler on April 27, 2013, 03:02:11 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 03:42:05 AM
You know things are uber dire when the big boss says companies will regret not supporting your platform.

Its a real passive agressive non arguement.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 27, 2013, 03:45:10 AM
You know things are uber dire when the big boss says companies will regret not supporting your platform.

Its a real passive agressive non arguement.

Yeah, he's basically saying that indie devs are gonna save the Wii U, which is some Vita-level bullshit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 03:54:11 AM
I wonder which one will sell better in the end.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 27, 2013, 09:40:49 AM
With regard to third parties that are shunning the console, it's only really EA that has been an abhoration. Nintendo have lost other friends in the prior generation, like THQ, but other than EA - third party support is much as I would have expected. What would be worrying for them is if either Ubisoft or Activision decided to follow EAs lead.

He can do a good job by ensuring they don't. And if he wants to be really vindictive, he can partner with such third parties and help fund campaigns timed to take attention away from EA releases. EA just laid off 10% of their workforce, its not unthinkable that strategies by multiple parties could hurt them further.

They seem to have decent relations with Warner Bros and Disney, I think they should make sure that stays the same too as I think they're going to be huge players in future. They are probably the only companies that can truly vie for power with EA, Ubi, Activision etc.

I'll be interested to see how squeenix splits their business this generation. I can see them making decisions that will make or break them.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 27, 2013, 09:51:46 AM
The Vita is dead and I suspect any PS4 connectivity will eventually go away after 2014.  The Wii U has an outside chance of doing well.

Dude, there were at least two Year of Luigi Nintendo Directs--months apart.

I don't really watch the Nintendo Directs and I actively avoid any discussion from them unless it is new game announcements.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 27, 2013, 09:54:42 AM
Looks like Nintendo is going the way of Sega.They have tons more $$$ to burn though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 10:05:02 AM
Radiohead, without ea and their sportsrange Nintendo is fucked mainstream speaking. No one else has these kind of titles.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: MCD on April 27, 2013, 10:08:18 AM
Luigis Mansion is awesome. fekkits
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 27, 2013, 10:22:08 AM
Radiohead, without ea and their sportsrange Nintendo is fucked mainstream speaking. No one else has these kind of titles.

I'm not so sure. Did Madden Wii or FIFA Wii contribute meaningfully to either EA or Nintendo's coffers?

To some extent, I can't blame EA for shunning. They had some early valiant efforts on the Wii, stuff like Boom Blox etc. But by that same token, towards the end they weren't making the same effort as the PES team. FIFA13 on Wii U seemed a laxidaisical effort. And yet, their NFS:MW port is excellent... so my reading of it is basically that they're not going to throw money at anything that won't work.

Even as a Wii U owner I consider it likely that I'd be buying EA sports games on another console. If they made special effort on Wii U SKUs I'd consider them, but I honestly don't think myself, EA or Nintendo will be too affected if they don't...

What would suck about continued shunnage would be if EA has more gems like Mirrors Edge or Deadspace. Cyberpunk perhaps? This pad would be awesome for Sim City / Sims, Theme Park / Hospital type games too :(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: ManaByte on April 27, 2013, 10:32:23 AM
Every Nintendo Direct is like a mini-E3 in terms of reveals and it costs Nintendo about 50 cents to make.

Why spend millions on a big flash press conference when they reveal everything in the Directs?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 27, 2013, 10:40:35 AM
Every Nintendo Direct is like a mini-E3 in terms of reveals and it costs Nintendo about 50 cents to make.

Why spend millions on a big flash press conference when they reveal everything in the Directs?

do they really spend millions on a big flash press conference? i mean why they can't just have a sort of 2 hour longs nintendo direct thing when e3 comes around? being told that "we are going to cut down on e3" just smells sort of fishy like they have nothing to show,like they could go "we won't be at e3 but we will have an event where we show X,Y and Z" and i wouldn't bat an eyelid

it's even more stupid when you think sony and microsoft are going to shown new console,they should show some balls and finaly show up some stuff like smash bros (which i hoped to see last-last year e3 and last-year e3 too) instead of saying they are cutting back
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: ManaByte on April 27, 2013, 10:44:32 AM
Every Nintendo Direct is like a mini-E3 in terms of reveals and it costs Nintendo about 50 cents to make.

Why spend millions on a big flash press conference when they reveal everything in the Directs?

do they really spend millions on a big flash press conference? i mean why they can't just have a sort of 2 hour longs nintendo direct thing when e3 comes around? being told that "we are going to cut down on e3" just smells sort of fishy like they have nothing to show,like they could go "we won't be at e3 but we will have an event where we show X,Y and Z"

it's even more stupid when you think sony and microsoft are going to shown new console

They already said they're doing Directs, and:
As you've already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you'll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven't before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we're hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 27, 2013, 10:47:58 AM
Radiohead, without ea and their sportsrange Nintendo is fucked mainstream speaking. No one else has these kind of titles.

I'm not so sure. Did Madden Wii or FIFA Wii contribute meaningfully to either EA or Nintendo's coffers?

To some extent, I can't blame EA for shunning. They had some early valiant efforts on the Wii, stuff like Boom Blox etc. But by that same token, towards the end they weren't making the same effort as the PES team. FIFA13 on Wii U seemed a laxidaisical effort. And yet, their NFS:MW port is excellent... so my reading of it is basically that they're not going to throw money at anything that won't work.

Even as a Wii U owner I consider it likely that I'd be buying EA sports games on another console. If they made special effort on Wii U SKUs I'd consider them, but I honestly don't think myself, EA or Nintendo will be too affected if they don't...

What would suck about continued shunnage would be if EA has more gems like Mirrors Edge or Deadspace. Cyberpunk perhaps? This pad would be awesome for Sim City / Sims, Theme Park / Hospital type games too :(

Wii got by on Wii Sports and Wii Play and other horse shit, if Nintendo wants to follow through with Wii U as a more hardcore device they absolutely 100% need EA. Also EA makes more than just sports games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 27, 2013, 10:49:06 AM
Every Nintendo Direct is like a mini-E3 in terms of reveals and it costs Nintendo about 50 cents to make.

Why spend millions on a big flash press conference when they reveal everything in the Directs?

do they really spend millions on a big flash press conference? i mean why they can't just have a sort of 2 hour longs nintendo direct thing when e3 comes around? being told that "we are going to cut down on e3" just smells sort of fishy like they have nothing to show,like they could go "we won't be at e3 but we will have an event where we show X,Y and Z"

it's even more stupid when you think sony and microsoft are going to shown new console

They already said they're doing Directs, and:
As you've already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you'll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven't before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we're hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.

yeah but that super nebolous and shifty and doesn't really tell me other than "no e3 but wait for spaceworld nintendo direct!" this stupid shit about announcement of announcements need to stop
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: ManaByte on April 27, 2013, 10:49:42 AM
Radiohead, without ea and their sportsrange Nintendo is fucked mainstream speaking. No one else has these kind of titles.

I'm not so sure. Did Madden Wii or FIFA Wii contribute meaningfully to either EA or Nintendo's coffers?

To some extent, I can't blame EA for shunning. They had some early valiant efforts on the Wii, stuff like Boom Blox etc. But by that same token, towards the end they weren't making the same effort as the PES team. FIFA13 on Wii U seemed a laxidaisical effort. And yet, their NFS:MW port is excellent... so my reading of it is basically that they're not going to throw money at anything that won't work.

Even as a Wii U owner I consider it likely that I'd be buying EA sports games on another console. If they made special effort on Wii U SKUs I'd consider them, but I honestly don't think myself, EA or Nintendo will be too affected if they don't...

What would suck about continued shunnage would be if EA has more gems like Mirrors Edge or Deadspace. Cyberpunk perhaps? This pad would be awesome for Sim City / Sims, Theme Park / Hospital type games too :(

Wii got by on Wii Sports and Wii Play and other horse shit, if Nintendo wants to follow through with Wii U as a more hardcore device they absolutely 100% need EA. Also EA makes more than just sports games.

EA is nowhere near as important to a console's success as they were when they fucked the Dreamcast. Now they're the worst company in the world, two years running!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 11:06:23 AM
They are still very important though, not having the yearly sportsgames means that the odd 25/30 million people that buy madden/fifa/woods whatever every year prob wont get a wiiu as a main console. That is a big segment of the market. Plus these arent all hardcore or casual gamers, every kind of gamer buys these titles.

If youre into sports games and youre looking to buy a new console and there is one without the sports games... Deal breaker for most people. And its not like these titles can be replaced, these are the titles in the genre.

This isnt even factoring in that they make so much more then sport games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 27, 2013, 11:09:38 AM
Battlefield has not peaked
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 11:11:38 AM
Yeah battlefield is getting bigger and bigger, 4 will do more then 3 no doubt.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 11:16:16 AM
Correct me if im wrong Oscar but Fifa and Madden are the biggest games around, theyve been selling millions each year since the mid/early 90's.

Having them doesnt guarantee success or sales, but not having them... Bad bad bad

Maybe the problem is sports games arent popular with forum types so people act dismissive or something?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 11:38:26 AM
I mean that each year they sell millions, for the past 20 years. There is nothing quite like it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 27, 2013, 12:00:31 PM
Maybe the problem is sports games arent popular with forum types so people act dismissive or something?

I'm not dismissive but I enjoyed the last two iterations of FIFA on Xbox 360 despite being favourable towards Nintendo consoles. I still think they're big and important games, but I don't think the Nintendo audience has been the bread and butter of those franchises for over a generation.

More important for Nintendo's ambitions would be something like Battlefield, but that has a very strong competitor on the Activision side and it'll be interesting to see if those games remain the biggest thing there is or if they give way to some other big new thing like GoldenEye-likes and Halo before them. I watched the B4 presentation and just saw the same old scripted bombast (single player anyway). Where is the gameplay putting power to use?

Ultimately, I think EA probably see Wii U as something people will mostly own in addition to something else, and believe the people who want to own only a Wii U and nothing else are of a different demographic to that targeted by their core brands. I think if they see a trend or something that'll work on the console, they'll use it, but they don't seem interested in risk. Two consoles are less risky than one for their bigger investments. Personally I'd say three or more (porting anywhere that might be viable) is probably less risky than two, but with the layoffs and restructuring I think they're going to have a very narrow, particular focus.

And maybe there's a more political angle behind the scenes, who knows, but I'm getting off point: EA sports is massive, I just question how massive its been on Nintendo platforms of late. I'd need to see numbers.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 27, 2013, 01:39:05 PM
WiiU will start selling somewhat thanks to Mario something but I don't see those people buying third party games.

EA or not,who cares...that plain is long gone
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Third on April 27, 2013, 02:36:42 PM
I've bought two WiiU's for my family for xmas, and they put their units already in the closet.  :lol

What a disaster. The Wii lasted at least two years before It was neglected by everyone.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 27, 2013, 03:03:08 PM
I've bought two WiiU's for my family for xmas, and they put their units already in the closet.  :lol

What a disaster. The Wii lasted at least two years before It was neglected by everyone.

What do you work as?

Unless I can think of something thoughtful, my family get socks, smellies and alcohol, and they have to like it or lump it!

I work with a free girls (typo, I wish! I meant a few) who were getting their children multiple iPads this year... Why aren't parents laughing in kids stupid little faces instead of making these lavish purchases? Is this one of those - you need yo be a parent yo understand - things? Or am I a tight ass?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Third on April 27, 2013, 03:11:14 PM
I'm a freelance accountant since 2007. It pays well, so yeah...

But I bought those U's for my little cousins. Not for my own household. Not interested in the Wii U yet.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 27, 2013, 03:28:39 PM
Fair play man. If my job were paying well I'd probably be doing similar... I've just realised asking like that was really nosey of me BTW. Sorry about that!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Third on April 27, 2013, 04:09:08 PM
Fair play man. If my job were paying well I'd probably be doing similar... I've just realised asking like that was really nosey of me BTW. Sorry about that!

No biggie, man. I get that question a lot after I tell people on gaming forums that I have three Ps3's in my house

But I'm defnitely not rich, lol. Just earn enough to make a good living, don't have kids and pirate a lot to save more money (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on April 27, 2013, 04:39:07 PM
When you say 3 you mean 3 PS3s or 2 WiiUs and 1 PS3?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 27, 2013, 05:06:38 PM
:bow Buying shit for family if you have the cash :bow2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Third on April 27, 2013, 05:30:11 PM
When you say 3 you mean 3 PS3s or 2 WiiUs and 1 PS3?

I own three Ps3's for myself. I gave away my X360 and Wii.
The two WiiU's I've bought were for the family.

I always buy lots of stuff for the family, Premium Lager. Seeing them happy makes me happy  8)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Diunx on April 28, 2013, 09:40:31 AM
Fair play man. If my job were paying well I'd probably be doing similar... I've just realised asking like that was really nosey of me BTW. Sorry about that!

There's also the lower wage representation in here scrapping to get by to the next month eating leftovers from the city dumpsters: Diunx.

Once my crack selling business takes off well see who's the one eating leftovers!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Flannel Boy on April 28, 2013, 09:53:03 AM
No money in crack; everyone's solid.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: maxy on April 28, 2013, 04:16:02 PM

About four or five days ago, I hinted at the idea of Wii U VC games being playable on 3DS, and 3DS VC games being playable on Wii U. It sounds amazing, but it’s not that simple. And I question whether anyone can actually call it “cross play” since you’re basically rebuying your games.

Not every VC game will allow this.

A VC game would have to release on both Wii U VC and 3DS VC for this to work.

You have to pay a discount price to transfer a Wii U VC game to 3DS. It would be just like how you pay a discount price to play a Wii VC game on Wii U.

On another note: Some people have asked me if this means games will be linked to an account. I don’t think these two things are related. Linking one piece of hardware to another piece of hardware doesn’t require an account. If you can send your Miis from your 3DS to your Wii U, then I don’t see why it would be difficult to do the same with certain VC games. Especially since Nintendo had a feature on the original Wii where you could download DS demos to your DSi.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 28, 2013, 07:56:08 PM
The Wii U and 3DS VCs are both bullshit, so now you can have twice the bullshit for one low bullshit price!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Diunx on April 28, 2013, 10:05:39 PM
Wait you can't do that already? smh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 28, 2013, 10:32:29 PM
Wait you can't do that already? smh.

Please understand.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 29, 2013, 02:22:44 AM
Nintendo providing half assed solutions for something every android and ios user expects already.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: MCD on April 29, 2013, 05:24:47 AM
They will sweet their way with some PS+ plan.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: cool breeze on April 29, 2013, 12:23:03 PM
I hope Sony doesn't pull this shit when they get PS3/PSP stuff up on PS4, but having to pay again for PS1 stuff on their smartphone platform tells me not to be hopeful.

I'm sure Vita PS1 support came after that PS Mobile nonsense and it works with existing PS1 content.  Plus, I think PS Mobile games you buy on android work on Vita, but that might be a different storefront than PSN/SEN/whatever.  Those PS1 games on android seem like halfway between gouging and miscommunication between Sony divisions, and are the exception.  What I imagine happening with the PS4 is that you can only play PS1/PS2 games purchased from PSN, like how the PS2 support is on PS3.

I really like the idea behind virtual console and want it to grow, but resetting the library for each console is confusing.  If it launched with Gamecube games, if that's even possible, it might've been exciting again.  Then again, one of the big Wii U releases this year is a Wind Waker remake/port.  Sony probably made money off the HD collections than simply putting games up on PSN.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Sho Nuff on April 29, 2013, 12:32:05 PM
Nintendo providing half assed solutions for something every android and ios user expects already.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: MCD on April 30, 2013, 09:05:00 AM
Yes, its real - we have now completely reversed the WiiU drive authentification, disk encryption, file system, and everything else needed for this next generation K3y. Stay tuned for updates!

The gift that keeps on giving.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: magus on April 30, 2013, 09:10:32 AM
Yes, its real - we have now completely reversed the WiiU drive authentification, disk encryption, file system, and everything else needed for this next generation K3y. Stay tuned for updates!

The gift that keeps on giving.

the fact that the wii u might get hacked before the 3ds is really really sad

It's such a shame that the WiiU will have to deal with this idiocy if this chip is true, people will just buy the system but won't purchase games, Nintendo sell more systems but the software developers and game developers lose out, and if this keeps happening what funding will there be left for games? People will just keep seeing the same over and over again and we get fewer amazing games.

is there a number that is fewer than 0? wii u getting -1 games? :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: hampster on April 30, 2013, 09:26:30 AM
I think my Wii U is running worse after the update :'( I've had two hard locks since (I can't remember any before). Plus everything runs about the same. Maybe Miiverse loads faster but netflix, amazon, and games are all just as slow as they ever were >:( (the things I actually use the wii u for)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 30, 2013, 05:17:53 PM
I think my Wii U is running worse after the update :'( I've had two hard locks since (I can't remember any before). Plus everything runs about the same. Maybe Miiverse loads faster but netflix, amazon, and games are all just as slow as they ever were >:( (the things I actually use the wii u for)

I've got this inkling feeling there's defective hardware out there.. just when they think they've seen the last of the bad press, it'll probably come out! Something isn't right with your Wii U if you haven't noticed horrendous 25 second game closures / load times go down to 3-6 seconds. The banner image screens are up for a much lower span of time too... shame it can't improve Lego City's in game loading, or as you've already noticed, in-software performance of other apps. A lot of those are probably down to the shitty ways the apps deal with network loading / load failures. I'm personally feeling its appreciably snippier... it should have been this way at launch. Hopefully they improve it further.

I hope they squash the piracy hack tbh. Completely block it out in future mandatory updates and maybe future versions of the hardware. No good comes of cheapskates getting a free ride in the long run. Love how there are mods on GAF rubbing their hands over 'region free' like there's anything that's not out in any region worth importing... this doesn't appear to enable 'homebrew' in any way at all, yet look at the level of interest. I couldn't have said this there, but I suspect everyone in those threads just wants free games. Some of them will be pirating games on USB like every other cunt did on the Wii if they can. Which is great for them at the time, but it'll negatively affect the already shitty eco system for software.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 30, 2013, 10:11:23 PM
Nintendo already has the biggest deterrent in place: no games to really pirate.

I think my Wii U is running worse after the update :'( I've had two hard locks since (I can't remember any before). Plus everything runs about the same. Maybe Miiverse loads faster but netflix, amazon, and games are all just as slow as they ever were >:( (the things I actually use the wii u for)

Netflix and Amazon Video lock up all the time now to where I have to turn off/turn on the power strip.  It reminds me of the early days of Wii U ownership where a nicca couldn't just lie down and watch a movie without some bullshit getting in the way.  Wii U ownership is always one step forward, two steps back.  Shit, sometimes you don't even get the step forward.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: tiesto on April 30, 2013, 11:11:32 PM
Friends were over and wanted to watch Billy Joel videos on WiiU  :'(

:piss Long Island :piss2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: maxy on May 01, 2013, 01:57:04 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Raban on May 01, 2013, 02:25:20 AM
I was about to take a picture of the exact same thing when I got the message
:bow Wii
:piss WiiU
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 01, 2013, 02:40:17 AM
Friends were over and wanted to watch Billy Joel videos on WiiU  :'(

:piss Long Island :piss2

And you don't wanna leave to get a new job :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Rufus on May 01, 2013, 02:49:41 AM
It feels good to see marketing desperately trying to pick up the pieces.

And you don't wanna leave to get a new job :teehee
The devil you know...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 01, 2013, 11:34:56 AM
Friends were over and wanted to watch Billy Joel videos on WiiU  :'(

:piss Long Island :piss2
you could have been on one of those WiiU commercials. "The graphics are impressive, and you can watch Billy Joel videos on it too!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: tiesto on May 01, 2013, 11:41:53 AM
Friends were over and wanted to watch Billy Joel videos on WiiU  :'(

:piss Long Island :piss2

And you don't wanna leave to get a new job :teehee

If I went to Florida, I'd be keeping the same job... I do want to stay on the island because like Rufus says, "the devil you know"... I'm so used to all the island's craziness and idiosyncrasies.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: bork on May 01, 2013, 12:16:56 PM
Nothing else to talk about; might as well make OTs for Super Nintendo ROMs!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Diunx on May 01, 2013, 12:38:46 PM
lol at "be sure not to post spoilers!" :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 01, 2013, 02:01:55 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
lol nintendo
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 01, 2013, 04:43:45 PM
Not sure if this was posted or not:

As everybody else has said, 7 years late to HD and they somehow failed to predict what ever major publisher/developer has been warning about. The situation is really bad, 3rd parties are shunning the system and first party games are getting stalled. Great, just great.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: MCD on May 01, 2013, 04:59:48 PM
We don't need anything we have RETRO
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 01, 2013, 05:02:32 PM
Not sure if this was posted or not:

As everybody else has said, 7 years late to HD and they somehow failed to predict what ever major publisher/developer has been warning about. The situation is really bad, 3rd parties are shunning the system and first party games are getting stalled. Great, just great.

Will the clown show never end?
Title: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 01, 2013, 05:06:20 PM
I really don't know. I mean going by their hirings and building expansions, they're trying, but it's nowhere near enough. Which makes you wonder just how ill-prepared they were going in.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 01, 2013, 05:09:05 PM
Nintendo can't even go 3rd party anymore when the bottom falls out, they wouldn't know how to make games for the Rango or PS4. They'd have to go straight to smartphones.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: MCD on May 01, 2013, 05:13:10 PM
At this rate, the next Mario game will be running on Unreal Engine 2.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 01, 2013, 05:16:50 PM
Heavily modified UE2, thank you very much.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: MCD on May 01, 2013, 05:19:35 PM
Please Understand.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 01, 2013, 05:22:07 PM
Please Understaff.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 01, 2013, 05:41:50 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 01, 2013, 05:44:28 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 01, 2013, 07:04:32 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Polari on May 01, 2013, 07:21:16 PM
Down to £149 basic/£199 premium at Asda here in the UK lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: pilonv1 on May 01, 2013, 07:56:29 PM

Someone put a mario cap on this guy and give him some overalls
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: mjemirzian on May 01, 2013, 08:59:33 PM
What's going to happen first? 3rd party or mobile/handheld only?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 01, 2013, 09:19:50 PM
I don't think they'll ever go 3rd party.  Probably just get out of the console business, although it will take longer than people think or I would like.  Handheld only will probably always be viable for them as even if they stop making hardware, parents will need shit to give their kids to shut them up for a couple of hours, and even nintendo stuff on iOS devices will accomplish that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 12:25:19 AM
The official statement from EA Sports is below: "We will not be releasing a Wii U version of Madden NFL in 2013. However, we have a strong partnership with Nintendo and will continue to evaluate opportunities for delivering additional Madden NFL products for Nintendo fans in the future."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: tiesto on May 02, 2013, 12:29:00 AM
Just give me a handheld with HDMI out to a TV and I'm fine.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 02, 2013, 12:53:15 AM
So, if the wii u HAS been haxored... does that mean it's potential library has just EXPLODED in size???/nintendofan
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 01:12:40 AM
Maybe Nintendo hacked the WiiU. Desperate Nintendo=best Nintendo
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 01:41:49 AM
I read on GAF that Pikmin doesnt have online multiplayer, just offline.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: mjemirzian on May 02, 2013, 05:55:39 AM
As far as I know, the Wii U is still "that console Bayonetta 2 is coming to at some point".

I don't even play first party Nintendo games anymore aside from the Fire Emblem series, and I disliked FE: Awakening. I'm not sure I'd bother with a Wii U for a new FE if it's going to be like Awakening.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 06:18:25 AM
First Madden game to miss a Nintendo console since 1991.

Good jon, Nintendo.

Also no fifa.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: pilonv1 on May 02, 2013, 08:00:47 AM
At this point it will be easier to say what support Nintendo does have than the stuff it doesn't.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 02, 2013, 08:03:43 AM
At this point it will be easier to say what support Nintendo does have than the stuff it doesn't.

This is the wii u's only support left:

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 02, 2013, 08:04:42 AM
At this point it will be easier to say what support Nintendo does have than the stuff it doesn't.

According to Iwata, they have the support of hundreds of thousands of Unity devs in developing nations.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 02, 2013, 08:14:32 AM
It's pretty shocking how quickly the system has fallen into irrelevance. It's not even six months old.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: pilonv1 on May 02, 2013, 08:32:24 AM
There's no games in Australia for 2 months. And we've had something like 4 so far this year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 02, 2013, 09:09:40 AM
Are there any good meltdowns on GAF yet?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 09:13:10 AM
Xbox 360 had Oblivion pretty early, and DoA4; then Ghost Recon in spring 2006 iirc. Not a bad launch window and we know it successfully took advantage of its window as the only next gen console on the market. I had thought that was Nintendo's plan: get three or four big games out within 4 months and start hyping the next big thing; didn't MS preview Gears pretty early, to Game Informer?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Brehvolution on May 02, 2013, 09:13:56 AM
:ufup (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: maxy on May 02, 2013, 11:30:43 AM
Xbox 360 had Oblivion pretty early, and DoA4; then Ghost Recon in spring 2006 iirc. Not a bad launch window and we know it successfully took advantage of its window as the only next gen console on the market. I had thought that was Nintendo's plan: get three or four big games out within 4 months and start hyping the next big thing; didn't MS preview Gears pretty early, to Game Informer?

Bought those two like two months before I even had the damn thing.

Oblivion was March 2006.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 11:37:50 AM
Yea, within the launch window. What does the WiiU have since launch, going into May? Nothing outside of NSMB
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: maxy on May 02, 2013, 12:02:30 PM
What does the WiiU have in May?

Ask Andrex.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: archnemesis on May 02, 2013, 12:12:17 PM
You have some ports.

• Sniper Elite V2
• LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
• Fast & Furious: Showdown
• Resident Evil Revelations
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Diunx on May 02, 2013, 12:27:21 PM
This is pathetic how the fuck can a company release a console in this state? 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: MCD on May 02, 2013, 12:47:21 PM
This is pathetic how the fuck can a company release a console in this state? 

Ask Andrex.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Momo on May 02, 2013, 12:59:16 PM
This is pathetic how the fuck can a company release a console in this state? 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: hampster on May 02, 2013, 01:04:17 PM
At this point it will be easier to say what support Nintendo does have than the stuff it doesn't.

This is the wii u's only support left:


The time when you only saw only one set of supports is when I carried the Wii U
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 01:18:34 PM
So basicly the Wii U has none of the big 3rd party releases that are coming this year.

No COD, Gta, fifa, madden, battlefield.

Even doing the gamecube 25 million seems a strech like this.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Trent Dole on May 02, 2013, 01:29:44 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 01:37:36 PM
Ps2 is still getting fifa 2014  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 01:39:25 PM
Nfans are delusional. You can laugh at Madden's "roster update" all you want (while buying your yearly Mario/Zelda/etc "gimmick update" titles of course) but it's an important title. How do you sell a console that doesn't have Madden, CoD, etc in 2013? Likewise in Europe, a console without Fifa? You need those titles to increase your user base, and appeal to potential adopters.

No real online infrastructure, no major third party games, no consistent game release schedule. The WiiU is like a burger joint that doesn't sell fries or cheeseburgers.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 01:51:07 PM
According figures on gaf Vita sold more games in q1 then wiiu in the uk.

3ds is outselling vita software 3:1 despite selling wau more.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 02, 2013, 02:56:33 PM
this is all looking very dreamcast, except without the impending shut down of the company...Nintendo can weather a total failure of a system because they've been cheap as fuck with everything else.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 02, 2013, 02:59:19 PM
And the dc was ahead of its time, not 7 years behind ;)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 02, 2013, 03:01:09 PM
this is true.   maybe they'll realize they got lucky with the Wii.   who am i kidding, they'll just get out of home consoles altogether.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 02, 2013, 03:19:19 PM
Tank Tank Tank is now free

Weeoo saved
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: archnemesis on May 02, 2013, 03:43:42 PM
Is the DLC also free or are you talking about the same old free trial version?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: magus on May 02, 2013, 04:15:22 PM
So basicly the Wii U has none of the big 3rd party releases that are coming this year.

No COD, Gta, fifa, madden, battlefield.

Even doing the gamecube 25 million seems a strech like this.

i don't get you guys,i tought you bought a nintendo console to play nintendo games and the odd japanese game here and there that somehow ends on the console...
not to play the sort of games that are anywhere else so....

and if you want to put this in a "this is going to bomb so much perspective" i don't think madden and the like would have done much,because they are on everything else
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 02, 2013, 04:21:03 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 02, 2013, 06:08:14 PM
Nfans are delusional. You can laugh at Madden's "roster update" all you want (while buying your yearly Mario/Zelda/etc "gimmick update" titles of course) but it's an important title. How do you sell a console that doesn't have Madden, CoD, etc in 2013? Likewise in Europe, a console without Fifa? You need those titles to increase your user base, and appeal to potential adopters.

No real online infrastructure, no major third party games, no consistent game release schedule. The WiiU is like a burger joint that doesn't sell fries or cheeseburgers.

Wii U owners will be too busy playing Pikmin 3 to worry about Madden :smug

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 02, 2013, 06:20:54 PM
Just wait for that amazing WiiU affirming game that uses all the unique machines functions - imagine how amazing Pokemom is going to be when you get to collect all the NFC figures!

(Coupled with a price cull to 19800 yen this would save the WiiU single handedly)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 02, 2013, 06:27:43 PM
Nfans are delusional. You can laugh at Madden's "roster update" all you want (while buying your yearly Mario/Zelda/etc "gimmick update" titles of course) but it's an important title. How do you sell a console that doesn't have Madden, CoD, etc in 2013? Likewise in Europe, a console without Fifa? You need those titles to increase your user base, and appeal to potential adopters.

Nobody bought big into these franchises on the Wii, and that was Nintendo's most successful ever console. I'm not surprised they're not coming. It's bad they're not an option for Nintendo owners, but I was never going to buy them on this console - I was always going to buy EAs shiny new version with actual investment on Xbox720 or something. That's what I expected of these staggered consoles, my Wii U will be for Nintendo games and whatever good stuff other people make for it.

According figures on gaf Vita sold more games in q1 then wiiu in the uk.

3ds is outselling vita software 3:1 despite selling wau more.

Q1 Software 2013
Vita = 115k, Wii U = 105k, Wii = 434k, PS3 = 1824k, 360 = 2617k

Vita's been on sale a lot longer than the Wii U, 10k more in software sales - considering the reasonable shelf space in some stores - is nothing great to write home about. They're both doing as terribly as each other, quite frankly. PS360 both have a 20m userbase advantage in Europe, UK will be a significant proportion of that too. As long as games are still coming out for PS360, they are going to cannibalise the new generation machines too... especially if its true Microsoft are preparing a 3rd iteration of the Xbox 360. Also, if you're looking at those figures and think Nintendo should be selling more software, you have to ask yourself whether the hardware is out there to achieve that. It's not. Nintendo have only shipped <4m Wii Us worldwide and don't actually seem to want to advertise the thing or pro-actively sell it themselves in supermarkets just yet. It's like they've written off the first 9 months of this thing as an open beta or something.

Where we're not at yet, and probably won't get to, is some kind of system discontinuing disaster - which is where GAF - in all its melodramatic glory is starting to peg it. Sony will truck on with the Vita, and Nintendo will relaunch the Wii U. Largely because they have to, as its where they're going to sell their games for the next 4/5 years. All threads on GAF on this matter, and anyone who implies they are not even going to attempt remedial action, will look distinguished mentally-challenged in less than 6 months. Especially distinguished mentally-challenged when Nintendo actually respond to the E3 reveals and finally show some exciting games. 90% of the panicked industry analytics will suddenly turns into dumb hype trains and render all console war topics about 500% more nauseatingly stupid.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Nintendo have fucked up a console launch and have strained relationships with third parties (as ever). But that said: naval gazing about huge industry giants and their prospects seems like something forums like these love to engage in, despite being so utterly shit at it. Nobody predicted half of the development studio closures that occurred this gen. Nobody predicted the DS would do well. Nobody initially thought the Wii would do well. People still think kinect was a bad idea. People made stupid memes about the PS3 price, and it having no games, and it ended up having one of the best libraries this gen and earning a very respectable userbase. They have the gall to mock Pachter. I have never seen anyone over there (or over here for that matter) be right about anything that isn't a self deprecating jab at their own sex appeal or addiction to masturbation. They should armchair analyse less, and play with or talk about videogames more.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 02, 2013, 06:44:45 PM
No worries, Nintendo will keep pumping out more Mario games until the Wii U kickstarts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 02, 2013, 06:45:12 PM
Can we please stop repeating the lie that the Wii was a successful console?  It was a fad.  A fad, a fad, a fucking fad.  Non gamers bought it for Wii sports and then forgot it existed six months later.  A successful console has legs and doesn't die 3 years into it's life cycle.  Jerk off to those sales charts all you want, if it was such a fucking success then why isn't the sequel doing gangbusters?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Wii U is now HAXX0R3D
Post by: cool breeze on May 02, 2013, 06:49:32 PM
Just give me a handheld with HDMI out to a TV and I'm fine.

Yeah, basically a vita with tv out and a WPU.

It is kind of funny to see Nintendo run into the same problems as other companies did years ago.  Not just underestimating hd production cycle, but how its developers' picture of next gen is BLOOM.  Like the point of reference is oblivion and halo 3.  There are smart people at Nintendo; someone must have been keeping up with the industry outside the bubble.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: mjemirzian on May 02, 2013, 07:38:22 PM
if it was such a fucking success then why isn't the sequel doing gangbusters?
Androx liked this. :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 02, 2013, 07:48:42 PM
Can we please stop repeating the lie that the Wii was a successful console?  It was a fad.  A fad, a fad, a fucking fad.  Non gamers bought it for Wii sports and then forgot it existed six months later.  A successful console has legs and doesn't die 3 years into it's life cycle.  Jerk off to those sales charts all you want, if it was such a fucking success then why isn't the sequel doing gangbusters?

Most Wii owners I knew would bring it out for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties, that was it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 02, 2013, 08:02:32 PM
friends had a follow-up?  interesting
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 02, 2013, 08:05:03 PM
friends had a follow-up?  interesting

Joey  :yuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: pilonv1 on May 02, 2013, 09:12:46 PM
friends had a follow-up?  interesting

Joey  :yuck

Sounds like the Wii U owners

"Everythings gonna be alright, you wanna be alright you gotta walk tall"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 02, 2013, 09:39:09 PM
It's so fun being able to finally link to Ninthings' spergfits (

Edit: crap, you have to sign in to view.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Brehvolution on May 02, 2013, 09:42:52 PM
This is better Joey
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Trent Dole on May 02, 2013, 10:38:52 PM
If that wasn't a copypasta I demand you end yourself for the good of humanity. Jesus.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 02, 2013, 11:47:58 PM
Don't worry, for him nintendo's prolonged demise is actually worse than death.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Diunx on May 03, 2013, 01:25:29 AM
Has anyone here actually read from top to bottom one of radiohead's novellas?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: maxy on May 03, 2013, 10:02:23 AM

Nintendo is internally lining up a string of high profile releases for the second half of 2013 as part of a major new bid to recover from Wii U's stuttering start.

A number of blockbuster Wii U games will be released from summer until the end of the year, one of which is a new 3D Mario title. Although CVG is not yet able to confirm what the others will be, a new Mario Kart will debut in playable form at E3.

The marketing campaign will commence at the Los Angeles event (although some claim sooner), where the 3D Mario game will also be playable on the show floor. The title will be released before October, pending development delays.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: magus on May 03, 2013, 10:09:57 AM
After the recent reveal of a WiiU mod by team WiiKey, old time scene release group 'Venom' have released the first WiiU game dump:


The game weighs in at a hefty 23GB (23823.40 MB)

You can see the release NFO here:

It looks like the scene is gearing up towards full on pirating of the WiiU.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Diunx on May 03, 2013, 12:40:36 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Trent Dole on May 03, 2013, 01:08:44 PM
Yeah can't wait to leave my comp on a for a week+ in order to torrent/play a shitty licensed game for 'free'. :hyper
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: magus on May 03, 2013, 01:27:08 PM
Yeah can't wait to leave my comp on a for a week+ in order to torrent/play a shitty licensed game for 'free'. :hyper

new super mario bros wii version is only 360 MB big so i don't see the problem :teehee

spoiler (click to show/hide)
i wonder if the wii u version reach at least the single giga :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 03, 2013, 02:40:01 PM
23gb or 2gb with 21gb of garbage data
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 03, 2013, 05:39:29 PM
Even for a pirate the wiiu aint worth it atm.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 03, 2013, 07:00:37 PM
Guys, I just received a hot tip about a new game that's part of the Wii U revival later this year!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: magus on May 03, 2013, 07:17:03 PM
Guys, I just received some a hot tip about a new game that's part of the Wii U revival later this year!

spoiler (click to show/hide)


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Steve Contra on May 03, 2013, 07:23:57 PM
Guys, I just received some a hot tip about a new game that's part of the Wii U revival later this year!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Pfffft that's just vaporware.  The real deal was announced today:

spoiler (click to show/hide) (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 03, 2013, 08:03:27 PM

Mental. People are so good at this it makes it almost pointless trying to compete!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 04, 2013, 01:58:40 AM
Its all about beating people from your friendslist. Does the game have a friendslist leaderboard? Does the wiiu have a friendslist?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: archnemesis on May 04, 2013, 01:59:22 AM
Yes to the second question.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 04, 2013, 10:06:36 AM
Guys, I just received a hot tip about a new game that's part of the Wii U revival later this year!

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Should we buy Sadness on principle?

This post was inspired by the letest trailer: Sadness trailer

It gives you a good idea of things to expect from this game.

Sadness is an upcoming video game releasing in ?? that looks to be perhaps unfairly overlooked by most of us in the gaming community. Why is it being overlooked? Well, maybe because its too different. But I think that's the reason we need to support it. We need to let developers know that it is safe to explore new ideas, and push the norms. Even if this game is a 7/10, if we support it, it will allow them to try again, and maybe next time we get a 10/10 game instead of a game trying to be another "dudebro shooter", or just another shooter. Publishers may be be in favor of more female leads.

Unique environment/setting, unique time period, unique fashion, etc...

The main character:
Female, with an uncommon ethnicity(in gaming) it seems, and amazing character design.


 NPCs also have interesting design:


The narrative of this game is different as well, its interesting. It mainly has to do with sadness, and how sadness have become one of the last and most intimate things that people have given up to social media. Sadness can be shared, stolen, and manipulated.

It ties in with a gameplay mechanic that "allows players to use Sadness' powers and alter parts of people's sadness in real-time gameplay. This will change characters' complete perspective on their self-image and the people around them, which can have grave consequences..." This mechanic is useful for solving puzzles, combat situations, and story moments.

The game's combat involves using sadness to fight, akin to the Batman Arkham games. The difference is that you can customize strings of combos suited to the moves you want. And you get some special powers too, along with moves unlocked as you progress. The game also has some environment exploration, similar to what you see in an Uncharted game.

I'm not asking you guys to buy the game on principle alone, but I think it holds enough merits and potential as well that your purchase won't be waste.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 04, 2013, 10:57:28 AM
Someone posted that back then?

I think those kind of people think that pikmin 3 and w101 will turn the tide this year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 04, 2013, 11:22:40 AM
Someone posted that back then?

I think those kind of people think that pikmin 3 and w101 will turn the tide this year.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 04, 2013, 11:34:52 AM
Someone posted that back then?

I think those kind of people think that pikmin 3 and w101 will turn the tide this year.


I'd buy Remember Me on principle...but only when it drops to $5 on Steam.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 04, 2013, 01:55:33 PM
The principle being buying for 5 euro  :o
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: mjemirzian on May 04, 2013, 02:20:27 PM
I cringe whenever Wonderful 101 is mentioned, not because it's going to be a bad game, but because it will bomb and Platinum Games will be facing yet another loss.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 04, 2013, 02:31:39 PM
I cringe whenever Wonderful 101 is mentioned, not because it's going to be a bad game, but because it will bomb and Platinum Games will be facing yet another loss.

i think a lot of people took Kamiya's tweet about it being short to mean it only has an hour worth of content, rather than it being a time/score attack game.   :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 04, 2013, 03:05:55 PM
It really doesn't matter.  The game could have 20 hours of gameplay and it will still sell the same X amount of copies, which are the people who are gonna buy it regardless.  And no, X will not be enough to make a positive difference in Platinum's future outlook.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 04, 2013, 03:50:35 PM
It really doesn't matter.  The game could have 20 hours of gameplay and it will still sell the same X amount of copies, which are the people who are gonna buy it regardless.  And no, X will not be enough to make a positive difference in Platinum's future outlook.

this is true.   
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 04, 2013, 08:18:50 PM
It really doesn't matter.  The game could have 20 hours of gameplay and it will still sell the same 1,000 copies, which are the people who are gonna buy it regardless.  And no, 1,000 will not be enough to make a positive difference in Platinum's future outlook.

I filled in your X's!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 05, 2013, 12:51:06 AM (

NoA gets a new head of human resources, GAF investigates and discovers a deep, dark secret

spoiler (click to show/hide)
That secret: GAF is creepy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 05, 2013, 12:59:16 AM
I think this is a great move by Nintendo and could really help them increase sales of the Wii U throughout this year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: pilonv1 on May 05, 2013, 02:57:10 AM
Little do you know that VP of HR is usually an influential decision maker on approval of first party titles
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 05, 2013, 02:58:32 AM
That thread is so insane I can't even finish this se
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: pilonv1 on May 05, 2013, 03:07:44 AM
Terrible choice. NoA is a marketing company essentially, and with Nintendo's direct-to-customer focus now, an HR person that specializes in retail is a horrible idea

Nintendo should have hired someone who had experience recruiting people for digital platforms like iTunes, Kindle, or even eCommerce more generally

Hiring and retaining people who have experience in digital platforms, understanding the kind of work environment they want, is a different thing than hiring and retaining people from retail/services sector

First hire under Iwata as CEO is a terrible one... Only way I see this working out is if she is well-connected around the Seattle Executive community and has excellent working relationships with recruiters and has run transformational performance management programs that are going to address NoA's internal issues in terms of promoting and retaining talent

The danger is she makes up for her lack of competence by pushing for pay increases and trying to build a consumer tech culture internally and pusing hiring into Silicon Valley model which could end up killing Nintendo

At the very least Nintendo could have hired a VP of HR from Lego or Disney, or even promoted someone internally with potential...

EDIT: I think picking up someone from Netflix'es HR group would have been a wise move - my only guess is that Nintendo couldn't attract the real players in the digital distribution and content space without paying an arm and a leg
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 05, 2013, 03:28:06 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 05, 2013, 06:36:56 AM
That thread blew me away.  I guess that is what happens when something completely uninteresting happens yet Nintards felt compelled to talk about it anyway.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Diunx on May 05, 2013, 10:24:16 AM
Are they serious?? Human RESOURCES?

Referring to someone as resources is
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 05, 2013, 10:35:01 AM
Little do you know that VP of HR is usually an influential decision maker on approval of first party titles

Nintendo of America will obviously have some personnel at E3, so it will be Robyn's job to make sure all of them are handling their assignments correctly in terms of welfare, equality etc. Also, with the amount of information that's going to be handled by the different departments of NOA at E3, she is probably going to interact with a lot of people and make sure she is acquainted with the head of respective department in how they operate during large events as E3.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 05, 2013, 11:20:22 AM
i took a business class at my community college once and have read over 5000 hours of neogaf and i just have to say, I don't agree with nintendo's decision at all.   There's clearly a conflict of interest here and don't say I didn't warn ya when the mushrooms turn into frappucinos
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of EA's unprecedented support: NO MADDEN
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 05, 2013, 12:24:14 PM
Are they serious?? Human RESOURCES?

Referring to someone as resources is

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 05, 2013, 12:36:35 PM
Updated title to reflect current situation.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: mjemirzian on May 05, 2013, 12:54:57 PM
Panic Nintendo is.. :o
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Diunx on May 05, 2013, 01:13:29 PM
So finally a black character in Smash?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 05, 2013, 04:41:00 PM
That thread basically just further reinforces just how detached from reality a certain set of people are.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 05, 2013, 08:43:28 PM
Andrex come back the Bore needs you
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on May 05, 2013, 09:39:50 PM
Hey, I have relationships with many recruiters in Seattle, or at least my voicemail does; maybe they should have hired me (or my voicemail)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on May 05, 2013, 10:44:57 PM
I actually agree re: HR terminology (intrinsic to capitalism in general?)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 05, 2013, 10:48:56 PM
It's a GAF repost of a (joke?) character on GAF.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Damian79 on May 05, 2013, 10:49:54 PM
What the fuck else would you call it?  SMH
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Rufus on May 05, 2013, 11:29:53 PM
What the fuck else would you call it?  SMH
There are plenty of alternative terms. It's just that this one stuck.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 06, 2013, 04:28:00 AM
It used to be called Personnel management, which sounds way better then HR. HR sounds like something from a dystopian future that is already here.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Damian79 on May 06, 2013, 05:09:22 AM
Hmm, yeah that does sound better.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Rufus on May 06, 2013, 05:41:41 AM
We'll get back to fixating on Nintendo's failures and their embarrassingly desperate fans in no time, don't worry.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: pilonv1 on May 06, 2013, 06:07:47 AM

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut is still slated for release on Wii U soon, but it will not be coming out on May 7 as originally reported.

A Square Enix representative confirmed to us that the game's release date is currently unconfirmed and is not May 7. Retailers were the main reason the early May launch seemed likely, as Square Enix has consistently labeled the game's release as 2013, and nothing more detailed than that. Check out our impressions from PAX East 2013 for details on the changes made in the Director's Cut, which will be exclusive to Wii U.

For those keeping score, Injustice: Gods Among Us was the only Wii U retail release in April, meaning that from March 20 to May 20, only one new Wii U game will have been launched in stores.

I hope this new VP of HR sorts this out
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 06, 2013, 09:14:17 AM

Maybe Nintendo can sell boxes with codes for vc titles in them. That way it will seem like the wii u has games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 06, 2013, 12:46:00 PM
tune in next week as the bore discusses other timely issues such as the oj simpson trial and whether or not flannel shirts tied around the waist will ever go out of style

All while discussing Nintendo products
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 06, 2013, 01:06:54 PM
It used to be called Personnel management, which sounds way better then HR. HR sounds like something from a dystopian future that is already here.

Personnel management sounds purely administrative, while human resources sounds broader and more policy oriented, focusing on how employees and contractors can be best utilized--as a resource--to the benefit of the company.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 06, 2013, 01:50:02 PM
flannel is back in style, but people wear it buttoned-up.   the next step is the unbuttoned with cool t-shirt flannel and after that, it'll migrate down to the waist.   :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 06, 2013, 02:13:10 PM
Flan it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: MCD on May 06, 2013, 06:45:12 PM

Let your bodies remain ready.

Before the E3 show floor opens, Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will host a presentation to the media prior to E3.

Previously, Nintendo had announced that it would not be holding its regular, worldwide-focused pre-E3 press conference, instead hosting two smaller presentations, and using the expo to focus on upcoming software for North America. Despite this, Nintendo still plans on letting everyone know exactly what games are going to be on the show floor.

Nintendo will be holding the presentation on Tuesday morning, before the floor will be open up for all. After the presentation is concluded, the press members will be able to try the new software before everybody else. It is unsure at the time of writing if the presentation will be viewable for the public as well.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 06, 2013, 06:46:37 PM
i hope reggie gets a stress boner on stage
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 06, 2013, 06:54:33 PM
Is Robyn going on before or after Reggie?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 06, 2013, 08:29:09 PM

So much salt

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: cool breeze on May 06, 2013, 08:33:02 PM
Is Robyn going on before or after Reggie?

she'll interrupt Reggie mid-sentence to showcase dominance and win favor with the herd.  but loses it when she phrases "we're about making games" as a question.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 06, 2013, 09:30:05 PM

So much salt


Salty or not, lies deserve to be called out. They have an FB3 game running on PS360, they didn't abandon Wii U development because of infeasibility, there are financial or political realities in play. Probably both. I really wish we had a vgleaks (wikileaks type service) so we could learn about the full EA/Nintendo relationship breakdown... I've no doubt we'll hear about it all in a few more years, but it sucks we have to wait.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 06, 2013, 10:11:53 PM
Whom will you believe: the creators of Yoshi, Mario, and Link or the "Worst Company In America" two years running.  :smug
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: hampster on May 06, 2013, 11:51:51 PM
I was bored so I went onto the eShop and a new game called Kung Fu Rabbit is out for $5. I haven't heard of it before - damn nintendo fans on gaf can't even properly promote the few games the Wii U is getting >:(

I watched a youtube review and it seems fun. I'll jump in
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 07, 2013, 12:01:31 AM
they didn't abandon Wii U development because of infeasibility, there are financial or political realities in play

it's some of column A and some of column B, but ultimately ALL of Column Nintendo-done-fucked-it-all-up-no-one-else-to-blame
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 07, 2013, 12:40:15 AM
I was bored so I went onto the eShop and a new game called Kung Fu Rabbit is out for $5. I haven't heard of it before - damn nintendo fans on gaf can't even properly promote the few games the Wii U is getting >:(

I watched a youtube review and it seems fun. I'll jump in

seems pricy for an iOS game

which I'm guessing it was based on the title alone.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 07, 2013, 01:08:54 AM
Maybe the "Tests with not too promising results" were the first month of Wii U software sales
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 07, 2013, 07:08:22 AM
Maybe the "Tests with not too promising results" were the first month of Wii U software sales

Not follow-up tests were conducted because of a lack of data.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 07, 2013, 01:00:11 PM
I was bored so I went onto the eShop and a new game called Kung Fu Rabbit is out for $5. I haven't heard of it before - damn nintendo fans on gaf can't even properly promote the few games the Wii U is getting >:(

I watched a youtube review and it seems fun. I'll jump in

seems pricy for an iOS game

which I'm guessing it was based on the title alone.

Bingo, it's 2.69 on iOS.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 07, 2013, 06:05:59 PM
CNN Money: "Nintendo sux, breh." (

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: hampster on May 08, 2013, 01:12:32 PM
seems pricy for an iOS game

which I'm guessing it was based on the title alone.

Bingo, it's 2.69 on iOS.

:bow button tax :bow2

The game is such a mobile game too. It just oozes that design philosophy

The game is not really good or bad, just completely unremarkable. It doesn't even have music
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 09, 2013, 05:07:22 AM

Standard Miiverse post. Wasting so much time on a simple question you could have typed and gotten a reply for in 5 minutes. But noooooooooooooooo, we have to go FULL WHIMSiiTARD UP IN THIS BITCH!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: mjemirzian on May 09, 2013, 06:03:56 AM
Or in the case of Wii U, pretending how much one really, really loves Lego Undercover and Unity engine indie games and posting about it incessantly on gaf.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: cool breeze on May 09, 2013, 06:24:31 AM

Standard Miiverse post. Wasting so much time on a simple question you could have typed and gotten a reply for in 5 minutes. But noooooooooooooooo, we have to go FULL WHIMSiiTARD UP IN THIS BITCH!

We'll see how long it lasts (wii vote lol, swapnote) but it gave the kids a sense of community.  Or it's trying to juice a rock by pretending it justifies the cost.  I think it's a solid idea handled reasonably well.

I mean, HOME.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Damian79 on May 09, 2013, 06:58:26 AM
That is definitely not a kid that drew that.  The art is too good.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: MCD on May 09, 2013, 08:22:17 AM
Some kids can draw better than that, actually.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 09, 2013, 05:17:40 PM

Standard Miiverse post. Wasting so much time on a simple question you could have typed and gotten a reply for in 5 minutes. But noooooooooooooooo, we have to go FULL WHIMSiiTARD UP IN THIS BITCH!

We'll see how long it lasts (wii vote lol, swapnote) but it gave the kids a sense of community.  Or it's trying to juice a rock by pretending it justifies the cost.  I think it's a solid idea handled reasonably well.

I mean, HOME.

Don't get me wrong; I like Miiverse and I occasionally enjoy looking at some of drawing these bored people do, but drawing to ask a pressing question is kind of counterintuitive. It sorta defeats the purpose of resorting to Miiverse to ask something when you're in a pinch.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Tasty on May 09, 2013, 09:33:59 PM
That's not really an active question, though. Might be something he just threw onto there while doing other things, expecting to come back later to read the different answers. Most MH resources are kinda bad for determining the best places to mine things.

The real awfulness of the drawing is that he used an AC character to represent himself, that's like wearing a Mii mask of yourself to a gaming convention.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 09, 2013, 09:46:41 PM
Andy is posting again!? Finally, our long winter is at an end. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Raban on May 09, 2013, 10:44:41 PM
ban andrex
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Trent Dole on May 09, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
Andy-kun! :rejoice
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: MCD on May 09, 2013, 10:55:12 PM
Andy, please buy a Surface Pro.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Himu on May 09, 2013, 10:56:49 PM
Shaka, admit you. YOu made that miiverse post during MonHun3U playing didn't you?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: cool breeze on May 10, 2013, 03:30:41 AM
Quote from: Shaka Khan link=topic=36618.msg1684162#msg1684162 date
Don't get me wrong; I like Miiverse and I occasionally enjoy looking at some of drawing these bored people do, but drawing to ask a pressing question is kind of counterintuitive. It sorta defeats the purpose of resorting to Miiverse to ask something when you're in a pinch.

Oh, I agree.  I'm just saying that people interacting on that level makes it sort of a success in a system defined by failures.  Ergo, HOME.  People don't interact that way on home, despite the promotion from Sony.  Remember that one E3 where jack tretton introduced himself inside if home? it was so tragic. 

Or maybe there is a small home community that's as cloying as mii twitter, dancing until the bitter end.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Robyn Corr hired to lead dev team on SMASH BROS 4
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 10, 2013, 04:35:45 AM
Andy is back for Round 2.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 10, 2013, 07:45:48 AM

Nintendo’s latest Wii U firmware update has boosted the console’s GPU and CPU speed, according to a new rumour.

The rumour comes from a poster on TV Tropes who hasn’t cited any sort of source or provided any evidence, so please do treat this as rumour for now.

Their post reads:

CPU: IBM PowerPC 7xx-based tri-core processor “Espresso” clocked at 1.24 GHz before the 3.0.0 update, 3.24 GHz after the 3.0.0 update. This is an evolution to the Broadway chip used in the Wii, is 64 bit and uses Power6 technote When IBM has said that Nintendo has licensed the Power7 tech from IBM, Nintendo is not using it for the Wii U, explaining its backwards compatibility.

GPU: AMD Radeon High Definition processor codenamed “Latte” with an eDRAM cache built onto the die clocked at 550 MHz before the 3.0.0 update, 800 MHz after the 3.0.0 update.

So following the 3.0.0 update, it is claimed that both the CPU and GPU have seen a clock speed increase.

And all of you doubted the fact that Nintendo could just patch in better hardware :smug
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 10, 2013, 07:52:08 AM
Equivalent of going from full turd to wet fart.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 10, 2013, 07:54:51 AM
 :piss Andrex
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 10, 2013, 08:23:49 AM
    The rumour comes from a poster on TV Tropes who hasn’t cited any sort of source or provided any evidence, so please do treat this as rumour for now.

"Technical Trickery Troll," is a trope typically used around the launch of new consoles.  Marked by its air of expertise,  Technical Trickery Troll uses fabricated specifications and complex sounding terms to lure in forumites who don't know any better, blogs or news sites who are having a slow news day, and every Nintendo fan pre- and sometimes post-launch of new Nintendo hardware.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 10, 2013, 08:57:29 AM
a poster on TV Tropes

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 10, 2013, 09:10:33 AM
no home console is getting a random 2.0ghz bump via firmware update.  we'd know about the insane, overpowered cooling system meant to support this update by now. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 10, 2013, 09:28:21 AM
holy shit the rumor is true!  I just downloaded the update, then this happened

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 10, 2013, 09:48:14 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 10, 2013, 09:53:36 AM
:bow Andrex :bow2

I signed up for the Hulu Plus trial and the app on the Wii U is one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used. It truly is atrocious

Also, Super Mario World is good :heart I played it as a kid, but only at friend's houses since I was a Sega fan (and always will be :gloomy). This is the first time I've owned it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 10, 2013, 10:39:03 AM
also, throttling a home console doesn't really make any sense.  with handhelds at least there's a plausible explanation in the form of battery savings.

Nintendo doesn't make sense when they built the Wii U to be this low power console either when they could have packed way more punch for that price so who knows. They are obsessed with form factor and power usage.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 10, 2013, 11:08:28 AM
:bow Andrex :bow2

I signed up for the Hulu Plus trial and the app on the Wii U is one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used. It truly is atrocious

Also, Super Mario World is good :heart I played it as a kid, but only at friend's houses since I was a Sega fan (and always will be :gloomy). This is the first time I've owned it

Amazon Video and Netflix on Wii U are considerably worse than what you can find on PS3, 360, PC, etc.  I do not understand why the Wii U versions of these programs are considerably worse.  Did Nintendo mandate that they have to be shittier than the PS3 or 360 versions of this software?  I don't know.

Also Super Mario World is the best game for the Wii U at the moment.  A shame that a game released in 1991 is going for $7.99 but if you've never played it, now's the time.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 10, 2013, 12:46:35 PM

Amazon Video and Netflix on Wii U are considerably worse than what you can find on PS3, 360, PC, etc.  I do not understand why the Wii U versions of these programs are considerably worse. 

All the apps on the Wii U are bad but Hulu is a special kind of awful. Its almost impressive
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 10, 2013, 12:50:20 PM
Andy is back for Round 2.


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: thisismyusername on May 10, 2013, 06:36:31 PM
Andy-kun...  :uguu

Tell me: How do you feel watching your fellow Nintendo fans go full-distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. Do you really want to associate with those people and have people view you as one of them?  :-\

Also I'm sorry for your loss. Papa Nintendo went a long time ago and people are just late to the funeral like usual. :(

And who the fuck are you? (;u=39436)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 11, 2013, 02:32:16 PM

more crying over semantic horseshit due to Ted Price's (CEO of Insomniac) comment  :lol  :lol

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 11, 2013, 02:59:25 PM

more crying over semantic horseshit due to Ted Price's (CEO of Insomniac) comment  :lol  :lol

Fuse: the only thing that will sell as poorly as the Wii U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 13, 2013, 08:47:25 PM
RE:Rev demo is up in Europe. Carefully worded my miiverse post on this image:


If I remember rightly, Jill's dialogue when she sees the white goo for the first time is quite amusing
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 14, 2013, 03:24:34 PM

Originally Posted by EA:
One of our most exciting current projects is called Frostbite Go, a mobile division empowering EA game developers with Frostbite’s proven excellent workflows and features to bring true Frostbite experiences to all major mobile platforms.

Originally Posted by EA:
Used exclusively by EA teams and studios, our workflows and runtimes are highly configurable and cover all aspects of development including Audio, Animation, Cinematics, Scripting, Artificial Intelligence, Physics, Destruction, Rendering, Visual Effects, and more. Frostbite games are currently in development for current and future platforms including mobile devices.


Runtime in Frostbite supports a highly scalable model in order to appeal to the diverse array of platforms available on today’s market. Efficiency in both our runtime memory and runtime performance are both key factors to enabling code and data systems to deploy content to diverse targets from XBOX360 and PlayStation 4 to iOS and Android.

Originally Posted by EA:
Frostbite Stockholm hosts six of our development sub-groups; Audio, Core Systems, Mobile (Frostbite Go), Physics, Production Systems and Rendering.


Frostbite Vancouver drives our technology forward with a focus on industry leading animation and cinematics.

Frostbite U?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 14, 2013, 03:30:14 PM
Tee hee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 14, 2013, 05:58:13 PM
Ahead of this week's NPD report, Pachter released to GameSpot sister site CNET sales estimates of 55,000 units in the US for the month, down 19 percent compared to March. The original Wii again outperformed its successor, selling 75,000 units during the period, Pachter said.

Concerning competitors Microsoft and Sony, Pachter's data today shows that the Xbox 360 was again the market leader, selling 205,000 units in the month. The PlayStation 3 moved 165,000 units in the period, according to Pachter.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 14, 2013, 06:06:59 PM
At this rate wii u will end up under gcn or something.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 14, 2013, 06:07:48 PM
55,000 American units  :clap
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 14, 2013, 06:14:08 PM
anyone remember what was released in the second half of the year for GC? Seems like it stabilized at a decent level by May.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 14, 2013, 06:17:18 PM
Its already 350/400k behind the gcn daaamn, and thats in the us where the gcn did ok. If its that much behind the gcn in europe then :0
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 14, 2013, 07:49:49 PM
Oh shit, Gamecube is gaining!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 14, 2013, 08:26:46 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 14, 2013, 09:12:29 PM
anyone remember what was released in the second half of the year for GC? Seems like it stabilized at a decent level by May.

Resident Evil Remake came out on April 30th.

The Nintards on GAF were hilarious then.  Most of them were watching the top 10 daily Japan sales charts (which had no sales numbers).  So every day, Doshin the Giant or Animal Crossing was there.  So Nintards were hyped that Doshin was going to sell 100,000 copies that week.  Then it turns out it sold maybe 12,000 at most for that week.  Their hopes would be continually raised and then dashed for weeks on end until MEGATON.  During that time, they were forcing themselves to enjoy Eternal Darkness because what the fuck else was out on the Gamecube.  I think Penny Arcade made a comic about the Gamecube lid being stuck because Smash Bros. was always in it.

Good times.  Although the Nintards then weren't anywhere near as angry and childish as the Nintards of now.

Edit: Here's the comic

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 14, 2013, 09:44:13 PM
That was one of my favourite PA's when I used to read it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 14, 2013, 10:39:46 PM
mine too; prolly because it was one of the only funny ones
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 15, 2013, 12:46:27 AM
The frostbite go thread at gaf is beatiful.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 15, 2013, 01:07:29 AM
I was a GC exclusive kid, shit was sad brehs. In hindsight I played a lot of great games but at the time it felt like being a red headed stepchild compared to all my friends having PS2s.

I used to haunt the used game section of Gamestop looking for something, anything
"new." That's how I stumbled across Freedom Fighters :rock
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 01:30:46 AM
Super Metroid for $0.30, bitches. :rock

I'll finally play this classic, and hopefully hate it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Smooth Groove on May 15, 2013, 01:32:53 AM
I bought a bunch of GC games but it got less than 10% of my playing time

GC wasn't bad, it's just that usually there was something better on PC, Xbox, PS2

Kinda sad because the hardware was good for its time

GC had fast loading, clean graphics and a comfortable controller that worked great for exclusives

Aside from DVD capability, it was close to the Xbox as top hardware of that gen

Resident Evil Remake came out on April 30th.

The Nintards on GAF were hilarious then.  Most of them were watching the top 10 daily Japan sales charts (which had no sales numbers).  So every day, Doshin the Giant or Animal Crossing was there.  So Nintards were hyped that Doshin was going to sell 100,000 copies that week.  Then it turns out it sold maybe 12,000 at most for that week.  Their hopes would be continually raised and then dashed for weeks on end until MEGATON.  During that time, they were forcing themselves to enjoy Eternal Darkness because what the fuck else was out on the Gamecube.  I think Penny Arcade made a comic about the Gamecube lid being stuck because Smash Bros. was always in it.

Good times.  Although the Nintards then weren't anywhere near as angry and childish as the Nintards of now.

I bought both Remake and Eternal Darkness upon release.  They are also 2 out of 4-5 GC games that I played to completion so I guess the hype did work a little. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on May 15, 2013, 02:13:54 AM
Super Metroid for $0.30, bitches. :rock

I'll finally play this classic, and hopefully hate it.
Well, it was a really, really, good execution of a certain formula that arguably has since been done better so I guess I'll forgive you if you don't love it. I played that game so many times as a bored high schooler who hated life.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 02:33:04 AM
Nah, I won't go in with the intent to hate it. But I've been putting it off for so long, and I just want to finally experience it, so that when people talk about that high bar it set for the formula, I know for sure how high. I'm not gonna lie, I have astronomical expectation thanks to decades of hype.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Rufus on May 15, 2013, 03:36:36 AM
Yeah, I loved that game start to finish. The concept of playing in so many different eras, starting as a Roman Centurion, in Latin no less, was pretty damn great.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 15, 2013, 03:41:19 AM
they were forcing themselves to enjoy Eternal Darkness because what the fuck else was out on the Gamecube. 

Hey there your hatred for Denis Dyack aside, Eternal Darkness is a good game. I still enjoy it enough to go back to it every so often.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 15, 2013, 08:59:45 AM
Super Metroid was a cool platformer. I also liked Yoshi's Island.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 15, 2013, 10:53:14 AM
I don't think I've met someone who doesn't like Super Metroid.  If Shaka ends up liking it, I'd recommend Zero Mission for the GBA.  I like both about the same.  Then go to Fusion, if you want more, but it's not on the same level as those two.

And on Eternal Darkness, there's a lot I like about it; sanity effects and and different characters/era.  But actually playing it ruins all that.

Also, "Kirby's Air Ride takes 60 hours to get good."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 15, 2013, 11:58:37 AM
Super Metroid was great (and I second the Zero Mission recommendation), but Castlevania SoTN did it better.  And on the GBA, Aria Of Sorrow > Zero Mission.

I've never been able to finish Fusion.  Have it on GBA and 3DS, but just cannot get too far into it before I lose interest.  I never finished Metroid II, either- got lost at one point and was never able to figure out where to go.  Hated how so many areas looked exactly the same in that game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 15, 2013, 12:20:16 PM
Metroid II was a pain in the butt when you got down to the last 3 or 4 Metroids.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 15, 2013, 12:27:24 PM
the $130 "maybe we'll allow two on a system in the future" WiiU pad is a controller with a wi-fi chip.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 15, 2013, 12:38:01 PM
the $130 "maybe we'll allow two on a system in the future" WiiU pad is a controller with a wi-fi chip.

Haha, that sounds pretty shitty. Does this mean China can start making Android tablets that will link to your PC running DolphinWiiU?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 15, 2013, 12:40:51 PM
maybe they can just clone them 100% like they do with DS lites!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 02:00:59 PM
Super Metroid purchased with pocket change. Can't wait to try it tonight.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 02:03:49 PM
I have to admit, as shitty as most of Nintendo's efforts on the DD front are, these aggressive Day-1 sales are amazing. I would never have bought anything from their service otherwise.

Edit: Wait, I lied. I bought Super Mario World. :lol :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 15, 2013, 02:33:36 PM
Sweet, I never got that far into Super Metroid.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 03:13:39 PM
I need to get used to jumping in this game. I had a hard time jumping over the
spoiler (click to show/hide)
that was holding the
spoiler (click to show/hide)
morph bomb.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on May 15, 2013, 03:19:44 PM
PROTIP: If you are pressing a direction before you jump, you'll go further horizontally but have slightly less air control. If you jump without any directional input, you'll go straight up and have an easier time directing your descent.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Contra on May 15, 2013, 03:20:48 PM
they were forcing themselves to enjoy Eternal Darkness because what the fuck else was out on the Gamecube. 

Hey there your hatred for Denis Dyack aside, Eternal Darkness is a good game. I still enjoy it enough to go back to it every so often.
You know what, I'm sorry.  This post won't stand, even as a troll.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 15, 2013, 03:31:46 PM
Eternal Darkness was like Nights. A boring, repetitive exclusive to a failing system that was latched onto by fanboys for some reason.

guess who owned both consoles exclusively :fbm
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 15, 2013, 03:36:39 PM
Nights was much better then Eternal Darkness.

Eternal Darkness had a great setting etc, but mediocre gameplay. Nights was the opposite*

*based on Xmas Nights demo.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 15, 2013, 07:58:04 PM
Super Metroid for $0.30, bitches. :rock

I'll finally play this classic, and hopefully hate it.

i swear if you hate this game we will have no choice but to fight. if you hate the king of open-world action games then you must relinquish your gamer card and take up a more boring and consideralby more embarrassing hobby.

Super Metroid was great (and I second the Zero Mission recommendation), but Castlevania SoTN did it better.  And on the GBA, Aria Of Sorrow > Zero Mission.

i love the shit out of those castlevanias and they have so much quality in them but im gonna have to disagree with you here. the real majesty of metroid (zero especially) is that the map design is damn near flawless. the games have great exploration while allowing you to explore at your own pace, and if youre the type who likes to challenge yourself they set the standard for speedrunning, both with barebones runs and 100% completions. (some) igavanias have these great qualities, but they feel much less fluid.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 08:07:54 PM
Super Metroid for $0.30, bitches. :rock

I'll finally play this classic, and hopefully hate it.

i swear if you hate this game we will have no choice but to fight. if you hate the king of open-world action games then you must relinquish your gamer card and take up a more boring and consideralby more embarrassing hobby.

Sewing my Animu pillows and MLP plushies as I type this.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 15, 2013, 08:28:18 PM
I only played it for 15 minutes, and my very first impression was dominated by the unexpected jump physics and hitboxes. I keep expecting the game to control and flow like an IGAvania, so I'll need more time to adjust on that front.

Also, IGAvanias get ragged on all the time for brain dead level design, so I'm expecting a LOT out of this game. And while I appreciate the music and atmosphere it's not much of a looker, especially compared to something like SotN.

I'm telling you, having impossibly high expectations and zero nostalgia might stand in the way. Still sewing btw...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 15, 2013, 10:19:37 PM
Sewing my Animu pillows and MLP plushies as I type this.

hell yeah lemme grab my crocheting kit and ill be right over
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 15, 2013, 10:21:34 PM
Sho Nuff approves of 2D metroid games. THey're pretty fucken good
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 15, 2013, 10:24:23 PM
its not about level design like you might expect where you finish playing a section and go "WOW THAT WAS SO EPIC;" its more about how the game pushes you along a path without feeling like its forcing you, and at the same it gives you a lot of freedom to find secrets and shortcuts. and if you havent played any metroid before (it sounds like you havent?), then you should know that another huge attraction to the series is exploiting the games' mechanics to sequence break. this is the series that kinda made that into a thing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 15, 2013, 10:24:55 PM
Sho Nuff approves of 2D metroid games. THey're pretty fucken good

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 16, 2013, 01:23:27 AM
I had no idea pressing B makes Samus run faster. So when I reached an apparently infamous bridge and asked on Miiverse, some bitch ass ninthing (who's probably a brony too) noob-trolled me. Fuck you. :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 16, 2013, 08:58:25 AM
next time you play something from before 2005, check the controls screen:


it's okay, at least you aren't this guy:

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on May 16, 2013, 09:07:36 AM
I had no idea pressing B makes Samus run faster. So when I reached an apparently infamous bridge and asked on Miiverse, some bitch ass ninthing (who's probably a brony too) noob-trolled me. Fuck you. :lol

the first time i played super metroid i actualy had the same problem :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 16, 2013, 09:14:52 AM
Fuck, I really want a proper Zero Mission remake of Metroid 2.

I do too just to have a new 2D Metroid, but what's required to fix it would make it unrecognizable as Metroid 2.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 16, 2013, 09:26:37 AM
I can't think of what bridge that is. I hold B in every Nintendo game lol.

Super Metroid > Aria > SOTN
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on May 16, 2013, 09:43:49 AM
I can't think of what bridge that is. I hold B in every Nintendo game lol.

there is a bridge with disappearing platform on it,if you just walk trough it normaly you just fall and get stuck so you have to run to cross it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 16, 2013, 10:00:52 AM
Oh I remember that lol, with the cactus guys under it I think.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 16, 2013, 10:46:30 AM
Nintendo Direct Tomorrow - May 17th

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 10:58:20 AM
I love the shit out of Symphony, but Super Metroid is better.  Symphony throws more quantity into the mix, but the quality of it all is very uneven compared to Super Metroid. 

For me, I go Super Metroid, Symphony, Zero Mission, Aria, then the rest of both series as you like so long as Harmony of Dissonance and Metroid 2 are at the bottom.

Fuck, I really want a proper Zero Mission remake of Metroid 2.

whenever i visit japan, let me buy you beer.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 10:58:36 AM
Nintendo Direct Tomorrow - May 17th



I can't think of what bridge that is. I hold B in every Nintendo game lol.

Super Metroid > Aria > SOTN


Can't fault this ranking but mine is

Zero Mission > Super Metroid > Aria = SOTN

:bow the best gba games

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 16, 2013, 11:02:56 AM
that is just the best
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 11:04:52 AM

Replaying this game over and over in freshman year in college :noah On my nes gba sp. :noah
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 16, 2013, 11:07:07 AM
Zero Mission is fun to play but it is so damn hand-holdy.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 11:07:43 AM
No it isn't. It suggests where to go but the sequence breaking is the best in the series.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 16, 2013, 11:10:16 AM
do you guys find sequence break stuff on your own or look it up?   I don't think I've found glitchy stuff in a game, ever :(    except abusable mechanics/AI in action games, but that's a lot simpler than a sequence break or zip.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 11:11:44 AM
A big part of the draw of Zero Mission is that the sequence breaking is out in the open at the very beginning of the game because it says HERE IS FINAL BOSS, GET TO IT. You can go the standard way, with the game guiding you where to go, or use creativity, which the game supplies you with ample ammo to do so.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: tiesto on May 16, 2013, 11:13:36 AM
I know a lot of people love it, but I didn't particularly care for the Zero Mission epilogue. The rest of the game is pretty awesome though. Being a veteran of the original, I breezed through it pretty easily, so I like Super Metroid (which has more in the way of content) much better. Fusion was decent too, although a bit too linear.

I've only played a bit of Metroid 2 on my cousin's GB, but never played it all the way through. I expected a Zero Mission type remake of the game for the longest time but once again Nintendo disappoints :P Never played Other M, and don't particularly care for the Primes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 16, 2013, 11:15:19 AM
In regards to difficulty, I actually find Super and Zero Mission about on par with each other. Though, to be fair, I never beat Metroid nes because it's a piece of shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 16, 2013, 12:19:00 PM
Nintendo Direct Tomorrow - May 17th

:lol :lol :lol

Pikmin 3, system seller!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 16, 2013, 12:21:55 PM
I enjoyed the GBA Metroids more than Super Metroid.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 16, 2013, 05:25:23 PM (

EA isn't making anything for Weeoo

It's okay we don't need them anyway
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 16, 2013, 05:27:06 PM
Wii don't have any games for U. Please understand.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archie4208 on May 16, 2013, 05:27:08 PM
Who cares about sports rehashes when we have new Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Pokemon games.  :smug
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 16, 2013, 05:36:59 PM
iwata said companies like EA will regret not supporting the wii u once they see others* succeed on the platform

*ubisoft and

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 16, 2013, 05:43:02 PM
Even Skullgirls dev won't support the Wii U.

Wii U need all rehashes of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash and god knows what else to save it.

Even the Zune got more love than this baby turd.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 16, 2013, 06:18:42 PM
Wii U is basically another Dreamcast although I doubt we'll get anything as good as Skies of Arcadia or Crazy Taxi with this turkey.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on May 16, 2013, 06:37:14 PM
And on Eternal Darkness, there's a lot I like about it; sanity effects and and different characters/era.  But actually playing it ruins all that.

I agree: actually playing Eternal Darkness ruins Eternal Darkness.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on May 16, 2013, 06:39:22 PM
SotN > Super Metroid > Aria >>>>>>>>>>> Zero Mission

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 16, 2013, 06:55:51 PM
I'm having fun with Super Metroid, it's a good game... but I have to admit that I'm still a little bit disappointed by some of its aspects. I don't know if something is wrong with me or why it's not clicking as much as I was hoping. :'(

I mean, I acknowledge the game's feats, from the freedom, to the secrets, all the way to sequence breaking as Positive put it. However, I'm still not satisfied with how Samus controls, especially her weapons. The enemies have been blah so far, boring in both design and behavior. The levels are still not stimulating from both a visual and a design standpoint, not to mention being too cramped (though one might argue the claustrophobic nature is intentional).

It probably comes down to my expectations, not for being too high or low, but being in the wrong category. The game is known for speedruns, so I'm sure with enough time and practice things *will* click and the experience will flow so much better and smoother.

In the meantime though, my appreciation for SotN have grown tremendously now that I'm able to discern what it copied and what brought* to the table.

*Using "brought" loosely here, since it heavily borrowed from previous CV games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 16, 2013, 07:20:16 PM (

EA isn't making anything for Weeoo

It's okay we don't need them anyway
EA has showed twice as much support for the Wii U than Nintendo.

Mass Effect 3: Special Edition
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U
FIFA Soccer 13
Madden NFL 13

New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 16, 2013, 07:48:50 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 16, 2013, 08:24:36 PM
I'm having fun with Super Metroid, it's a good game... but I have to admit that I'm still a little bit disappointed by some of its aspects. I don't know what's wrong with me or why it's not clicking as much as I was hoping. :'(

I mean, I acknowledge the game's feats, from the freedom, the secrets, all the way to sequence breaking as Positive put it. However, I'm still not satisfied with how Samus controls, especially weapons. The enemies have been blah so far, boring in both design and behavior. The levels are still not stimulating from both a visual and a design standpoint, not to mention too cramped (though one might argue the claustrophobic nature is intentional).

It probably comes down to my expectations, not how high or low, but being in the wrong category. The game is known for speedruns, so I'm sure with enough time and practice things *will* click and the experience will flow so much better and smoother.

In the meantime though, appreciation for SotN have grown tremendously now that I'm able to discern what it copied and what brought* to the table.

*Using "brought" loosely here, since it heavily borrowed from previous CV games.

The game is VERY open to how you want to tackle it.  It also does an incredible job of awarding curiosity and experimentation.  The realisation kicks in just how porous the already nonlinear level design is.  So much so that with enough wit you can ...

you know what?  Look up bomb jumping, shinespark techniques, and the walljump mechanic.  Ive been improvising on this playthrough using those techniques and feeling like the smartest dweeb alive.

As for the controls, theyre cludgy.  Tap the gamepad screen and open the customization menu.  I suggest
zr-point down
r- point up
zl- run
a- jump
x- shoot

everything else the same.  Much easier to dash into jumps while charging the cannon.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 16, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
They don't need EA with that sweet Youtube ad revenue coming in
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 16, 2013, 08:46:16 PM

Again, I feel like I'm still looking at the game from the wrong angle, wanting more from the wrong pools when I should be changing my approach. I also have a feeling that it's gonna be one of those games where the entirety of my first playthrough will be spent (re)adjusting expectations, with the payoff and enjoyment coming in the second run.

But I agree that I should try to remap my controls. I have to be careful this time not to cancel the run button though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 17, 2013, 12:04:46 AM
EA has showed twice as much support for the Wii U than Nintendo.

Mass Effect 3: Special Edition
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U
FIFA Soccer 13
Madden NFL 13

New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land

What fifa and madden?  I thought they werent making those for the wii u.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 17, 2013, 12:26:47 AM
those were already released.

not that anyone noticed.

They should have replaced Mark Sanchez with Mario in Madden U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 17, 2013, 12:36:29 AM
those were already released.

not that anyone noticed.

They should have replaced Mark Sanchez with Mario in Madden U.

Would have both improved the and the the team.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 04:26:27 AM
I take back what I've said about Super Metroid. This game is incredible. :noah

Need sleep... yet can't stop playing. :noah
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 06:20:27 AM


Got to the Maridia tube before shutting it off yesterday. Still an awesome game. That thread on GAF about people not knowing how to morph ball is great/funny... but I think a lot of people forget what it was like to be a kid. I couldn't always breeze through this game knowing it like the back of my hand, there was a time when it was new to me- and I didn't have Miiverse around to show me up for it...

I had to be told about the tube IIRC... I remember getting help with entering Dark World dungeon 2 in Link to the Past, and one of the light/dark world puzzles that involved using the magic mirror in a specific place... that's another game easily breezed through when you know what to do

While people are rightly praising its design in that thread, there are things that have only in recent years started to feel dated to me -- like the wall jumping mechanics: newer games have retroactively made wall jumping feel crap, it makes me wish the shinespark and screw attack came earlier in the game.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 09:38:04 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on May 17, 2013, 09:56:44 AM
that nintendo direct thingie is happening in like 5 minutes,man i hate them... everytime they shows up a bunch of rehashes and then nintendo fans act like jesus just resurrected again every single time
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 17, 2013, 09:58:06 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 17, 2013, 10:00:41 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 10:04:40 AM
Wii generation
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 10:08:01 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 17, 2013, 10:10:31 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?

Sonic is Nintendo exclusive! Yeah, you heard it right! Remember when Sonic and Mario were mortal enemies? Well now Nintendo has it locked up!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on May 17, 2013, 10:11:28 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?

EA has dropped the Wii U and has no titles in development for it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 10:13:57 AM
I can't tell if you guys are serious

or are gaf servers that bad?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 10:14:13 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?

Wasn't there a Nintendo Direct happening today?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on May 17, 2013, 10:17:17 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?

Wasn't there a Nintendo Direct happening today?

it's happening right now
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 10:19:22 AM
Remodeled Mario Sunshine village in Mario & Sonic, didn't Wind Waker run on a modified version of the Super Mario Sunshine engine? Wouldn't be surprised if they put SMS on the eShop looking at that... seems weird they would recreate those assets otherwise
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 17, 2013, 10:23:04 AM
The Lost World: Sonic is the crossover I've always dreamed of :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 17, 2013, 10:31:53 AM
Best Buy is now the Nintendo retailer of choice
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 10:32:10 AM
gaf dead

what was the announcement?

Wasn't there a Nintendo Direct happening today?

it's happening right now

might explain it
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 10:32:14 AM
what was reggie talking about with best buy? i had my audio off.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 10:32:55 AM
Best Buy is now the Nintendo retailer of choice

two sinking ships.  perfect  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 10:33:10 AM
Best Buy is now the Nintendo retailer of choice

time to go swoop up those Toys R Us exclusive games...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 10:34:02 AM
Best Buy is now the Nintendo retailer of choice

two sinking ships.  perfect  :lol

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 17, 2013, 10:34:13 AM

Which one of those is Shaka? :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 10:34:38 AM
what was reggie talking about with best buy? i had my audio off.

Read that some E3 demos are playable at best buy...instead of downloadable like Microsoft circa 2006
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 10:35:58 AM
i thought they were gonna talk about 3DS?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 10:36:41 AM
Damn a decent amount of people are viewing this thread

i thought they were gonna talk about 3DS?

IIRC it was a WiiU one focusing on first party games and the summer lineup or some shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 17, 2013, 10:37:46 AM
E3 demos at Best Buy for Wii U, "over 100 locations"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 17, 2013, 10:38:39 AM
I'm just going to skip going to e3 and just visit the Best Buy near my hotel

edit: wait sonic is exclusive to Nintendo? :rofl
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 17, 2013, 10:39:03 AM
Donkey Kong 3DS looks pretty good. They put some effort into the new levels. 30 FPS is the only bad thing about it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on May 17, 2013, 10:39:38 AM
so basicaly...

New Super Mario Bros DLC on June (also avaiable as retail for 10$ more)
Nothing in july
Pikmin 3 in August
The Wonderful 101 in September

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 17, 2013, 10:41:28 AM
I'm just going to skip going to e3 and just visit the Best Buy near my hotel

edit: wait sonic is exclusive to Nintendo? :rofl

The new game is.  Another Colors situation.

Is that all? Shouldn't have trusted the MCV headline I saw on twitter then
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 10:41:35 AM
To be fair, sonic generations was very decent!

Also, nice that lungi dlc is stand alone retail, sort of.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 17, 2013, 10:42:58 AM
So instead of offering the demos for download during E3 like every ninwart was fantasizing about they are gonna be at best buy? lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 10:43:42 AM
They don't care about the people who actually bought the thing. The Best Buy is a better solution since they need sales extremely bad.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 17, 2013, 10:44:54 AM
I'm assuming they will do both but then again this is nintendo...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 10:44:59 AM
I supported your fucking games on my Genesis, on my Dreamcast, on my PS2 and now on my PS3. And now you're gonna kick me in the balls by slowly turning Sonic into a Nintendo IP. Well, thanks, SEGA.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 10:53:10 AM
I'm confused.  Sonic isn't exclusive; this sonic world game is, right?  Similar to those two or three crummy exclusive wii sonic games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 17, 2013, 10:54:17 AM
I'm just going to skip going to e3 and just visit the Best Buy near my hotel

edit: wait sonic is exclusive to Nintendo? :rofl

The new game is.  Another Colors situation.

I really wasn't paying very close attention at all since I'm at work and was distracted at the time, but the implication I got was that the entire Sonic franchise was on lockdown to Nintendo. If that's wrong, then my bad. Personally? I don't care either way.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 10:55:17 AM
I'm confused.  Sonic isn't exclusive; this sonic world game is, right?  Similar to those two or three crummy exclusive wii sonic games.

Every menu screen played that song IIRC. Black Knight was similar.
Sonic Colors was pretty awesome though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Father_Brain on May 17, 2013, 10:57:56 AM
I'm confused.  Sonic isn't exclusive; this sonic world game is, right?  Similar to those two or three crummy exclusive wii sonic games.

Who knows. They probably do have another Sonic platformer in development for PS4/Durango/PS3/360 (though Sonic tends to sell best on Nintendo platforms), but that may be a 2014 release.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 17, 2013, 11:01:18 AM
Why? Nintendo probably gave then a pretty penny and I doubt they are gonna invest that much into this thing anyway.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 11:02:42 AM
It sounded like Nintendo have some partnership with Sega regarding Sonic for a period of time to me. Not surprised that I was wrong, though.

So Nintendo is not really involved, its just an exclusive? Fine. Another game that's probably going to suck and on the shittiest system possible. Sega are idiots for this.


two sinking ships.  perfect  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 17, 2013, 11:05:17 AM
EDIT: Sonic Colours is SEVERELY overrated by furfags. It was a 6/10 at best when all is said and done.

So you're saying it's the best Sonic game since the Genesis?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 11:10:44 AM
Yahoo / AP's entertainment reporter are saying Sonic exclusivity is a three game deal:

Sega says it will exclusively release the next three games starring the popular blue critter on Nintendo platforms. The first title will be called "Sonic Lost World" and is set for release on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS later this year.


Confirmed. Eurogamer suggesting it includes Mario & Sonic olympics in the deal, but that still leaves one unannounced game. The press release says:

The new agreement will make Nintendo consoles the number one destination for Sonic gaming over the next three titles with more details of the individual games being revealed in the coming weeks.

"Sonic the Hedgehog has proven incredibly successful on Nintendo platforms and we are pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with Nintendo," said John Cheng, President & COO, SEGA of America. "As we initiate this new exclusive partnership with the next three titles we believe that Wii U(TM) and Nintendo 3DS(TM) are ideal platforms to showcase the evolution of the Sonic brand."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 17, 2013, 11:17:22 AM
Port of Yakuza 1/2 HD

I, uh, I have no idea what anyone involved is thinking

I loved the GAF comments about "So it's a Wii U exclusive?".
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 17, 2013, 11:22:05 AM
What the hell is the point of buying exclusive Sonic content from a business perspective? Sonic games traditionally sell better on Nintendo systems. So Nintendo is overspending for something that will sell well on their system regardless, and Sega is limiting their sales to one console. It doesn't make sense for either party. The parents who buy Sonic shit buy it on the cheapest system - ie Nintendo systems.

I thought Nintendo was going to tease or show something to distract from the sales numbers, without spoiling their E3/ND plans. Guess not LOL, even Ntards aren't spinning this at GAF
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 17, 2013, 11:33:40 AM
No Fifa 14 for U
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 11:44:35 AM
No Fifa 14 for U

This was implied by EA having NO games whatsoever in development for Wii U, but who would have been able to get excited for FIFA 14 U anyway?

FIFA 13 on Wii U was a fork in development from the point of FIFA 12, it didn't have any of the added features, the improved physics and ball control, Ultimate Team etc. It was an extremely flawed SKU, and EAs spokesperson says "the commercial results were disappointing" -- no shit! They might have gotten away with it if they weren't so open about it -- in this article by MCV (, they refer to the Wii U game as "Version 1" and the PS360 game as "version 2". You can find many other articles like that - they weren't hiding it. Weeks before Wii U launched, we knew that FIFA would be shite. Try the same tactics on the Durango SKU vs PS4 and see what happens. EAs exploitation of FIFA on the original Wii was even worse -- the Wii version of FIFA 13 was LITERALLY FIFA 12 with a roster update. Literally.

Nintendo have sucked balls at launching this console, and frankly they deserve to lose support, but Eurogamer really should have called that guy out on his expectations for FIFA 13, and called out EA generally

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 17, 2013, 11:46:41 AM
If only EA had spent MORE money developing FIFA 13 on Wii U, then
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 17, 2013, 11:50:40 AM
So when does Andrex get a Kazuma Kiryu avatar?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 17, 2013, 11:50:49 AM
Here is more from UK retail(not surprising if you pay attention to the charts)
But EA has pulled out of the Wii U because sales of both hardware and software are dreadful. We're not officially allowed to report sales numbers from Chart Track in the UK but everyone in the publishing business can see them quite clearly. There's no need for pretence. When you can get to number one in the Wii U charts by selling less than 1000 units it's no longer a tragedy, it's an actual farce.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 17, 2013, 11:51:07 AM
What the hell is the point of buying exclusive Sonic content from a business perspective? Sonic games traditionally sell better on Nintendo systems. So Nintendo is overspending for something that will sell well on their system regardless, and Sega is limiting their sales to one console. It doesn't make sense for either party. The parents who buy Sonic shit buy it on the cheapest system - ie Nintendo systems.

I thought Nintendo was going to tease or show something to distract from the sales numbers, without spoiling their E3/ND plans. Guess not LOL, even Ntards aren't spinning this at GAF

There's also today's announcement that Sega is handing publishing duties of Sonic the Hedgehog over to Nintendo, like Sonic the Hedgehog still means something to the games player. It doesn't, it's a tired old mascot who jumped the shark when Sega painted him black and gave him a gun. This deal is Sega begrudgingly admitting it can no longer market and sell kids games, and its last hope in a world of Moshi Monsters and Angry Birds is Nintendo. And if Nintendo can't sell another company's mascot, well, Sega is now prioritizing PC gaming anyway.

Brutal :(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 12:01:10 PM

The article paints a broad brush thick with hyperbole, so much so I am tempted to think of it as click-bait, but the situation in the UK really IS that bad. The author goes to some pains in the editorial to paint it as an apocalyptic scenario, but revisit that idea in four weeks and I think you'll find it premature. We know too little of what's really coming for Wii U, and we know too little of what will be available in the fall for the new consoles and how much it will all cost. There will be opportunity and risks abound this Christmas.

I do think "death by apathy" is a great phrase though... it has the potential to describe the next round of industry casualties perfectly
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 12:08:56 PM
What the hell is the point of buying exclusive Sonic content from a business perspective? Sonic games traditionally sell better on Nintendo systems. So Nintendo is overspending for something that will sell well on their system regardless, and Sega is limiting their sales to one console. It doesn't make sense for either party. The parents who buy Sonic shit buy it on the cheapest system - ie Nintendo systems.

I thought Nintendo was going to tease or show something to distract from the sales numbers, without spoiling their E3/ND plans. Guess not LOL, even Ntards aren't spinning this at GAF

There's also today's announcement that Sega is handing publishing duties of Sonic the Hedgehog over to Nintendo, like Sonic the Hedgehog still means something to the games player. It doesn't, it's a tired old mascot who jumped the shark when Sega painted him black and gave him a gun. This deal is Sega begrudgingly admitting it can no longer market and sell kids games, and its last hope in a world of Moshi Monsters and Angry Birds is Nintendo. And if Nintendo can't sell another company's mascot, well, Sega is now prioritizing PC gaming anyway.

Brutal :(

What the fuck was Sega thinking with Shadow  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 12:16:21 PM
New Sonic for WiiU/3DS

Port of Yakuza 1/2 HD

I, uh, I have no idea what anyone involved is thinking

Sony loses another...ps2...exclusive
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 12:19:40 PM
After this Nintendo Direct WiiU will do 35k next month.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 17, 2013, 12:46:53 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 17, 2013, 01:43:11 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 17, 2013, 02:08:29 PM
Yakuza 1+2 HD remakes WHAT




edit: Gaf sez

"And those game still are miles ahead of 90% of what you see released today

All over my fucking face YES"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 17, 2013, 02:54:46 PM
Yakuza 1+2 HD remakes WHAT




edit: Gaf sez

"And those game still are miles ahead of 90% of what you see released today

All over my fucking face YES"

The Nintendo fan responses are entertaining. They bitched endlessly about getting old ports on the WiiU, but this apparently is awesome, and it's probably Japan-only.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on May 17, 2013, 04:04:50 PM
EA Senior Software Engineer: "WiiU is crap"

The WiiU is crap.   Less powerful than an XBOX360.  Poor online/store.  Weird tablet.  Nintendo are walking dead at this point.

Nintendo are still operating like it's 1990.   They should have "done a Sega" and offered Mario/Zelda as PS4/Durango exclusives.

It is an utterly intentional decision to focus our resources on markets which actually matter ... like mobile, and Gen4.

One more :-). Nintendo platforms have always been very poor revenue-wise for third parties.  Only Mario and Zelda make money.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 17, 2013, 04:07:25 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Brehvolution on May 17, 2013, 04:18:11 PM
*Said in Eel's 'Always goes down smooth' nintendo fanboy voice*

"Well, I'll never buy another game EA again!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 17, 2013, 04:20:21 PM
You guys would side with America's worst company, two year's running.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 17, 2013, 04:22:19 PM

. . .
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 17, 2013, 04:25:17 PM

. . .

Nice WiiFit headband there. I wonder if that game's ever gotten any use.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 17, 2013, 04:25:55 PM
I guess this has to be done

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Rufus on May 17, 2013, 04:26:05 PM
Looks like Nintendo needs its very own project rainfall, huh?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 17, 2013, 04:37:01 PM


Maybe they can boycott by not buying -- oh wait
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 17, 2013, 04:39:02 PM

. . .

Nice WiiFit headband there. I wonder if that game's ever gotten any use.
Probably. He sure looks like he sweats a lot.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 04:39:06 PM
Don't know if posted but it seems "Nintendo Direct", "Sonic", Pikmin 3", "Wii U" were all trending on twitter.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 17, 2013, 04:39:15 PM
I hope that EA guy gets a promotion.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Huff on May 17, 2013, 04:51:00 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 04:51:56 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 04:52:15 PM
Fucking huff  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Huff on May 17, 2013, 04:54:30 PM
one of the funnier photoshops i've seen in a while
Title: Re: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 05:00:18 PM

. . .

Nice WiiFit headband there. I wonder if that game's ever gotten any use.

I was about to post this:

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 17, 2013, 06:18:57 PM
A fat neckbeard with a Luigi doll.  I'm sure EA is sobbing into their pillows tonight knowing that this schlub gave them the finger.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 17, 2013, 06:28:24 PM
He is exactly the crowd ea doesnt sell to
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 07:13:24 PM

. . .

arrested development, but not the funny show, it's the sad kind that you might feel a bit bad for making fun of.  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archie4208 on May 17, 2013, 07:17:48 PM

. . .
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 17, 2013, 07:22:00 PM
The tweet about third parties is incorrect (and kind of odd given Zumba Fitness was one of EA's most profitable console games this gen), I disagree that Nintendo should have gone third party, the other two tweets are a true dat.

But the real story here is that another person working in the tech industry is going to get his ass fired for not knowing how social media works.  I have no idea how this keeps happening.

I can't see him getting fired. The tweets are gone, and what he was saying was essentially mirroring the company line really... well, the non-public one

It'd be interesting if the guys who broke the tweet story caught any flack themselves though...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 07:45:04 PM
Is there a trailer for the new sonic? If it is good I'll get it for 3ds
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Verdigris Murder on May 17, 2013, 07:46:19 PM
Basically the wiiu is a misstep for Nintendo, but as a recent owner of a 3ds purchased on eBay, and the fact that you actually have to send your second hand 3ds back to Nintendos Europe HQ because you can't remember the secret password, and then it gives you a code. Which makes you call Nintendos hotline, which is ok as they don't sound Indian.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Verdigris Murder on May 17, 2013, 07:49:11 PM
Nintendo are still UTTERLY clueless when it comes to ease of use online. Which is fucking bizarre. J-people are a clued up populace with small apartments.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 17, 2013, 08:00:58 PM
SotN > Super Metroid > Aria >>>>>>>>>>> Zero Mission

 :heh eternal dirtbag status confirmed
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 17, 2013, 08:06:30 PM
Metroid 2
spoiler (click to show/hide)
is the secret best Metroid. :smug

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 08:29:34 PM
I wish I had a legit way of playing Aria again. Right now I'm on a Metroidvania high so much that I ordered Order of Ecclesia. It's the only DS IGAvania I pirated, and was lazy enough to hack halfway through to avoid grinding. It's time to give it real chance.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:30:01 PM
What the fuck. I just watched the entire nintendo direct to see the new sonic game and all I got was Mario and sonic at the Olympics? What gives? Did I miss something?

Yakuza for wii u? Fuck that. If I see Andrex with a Kiryu avatar I may snap. To support a series from day one and it to continuously bomb and then it gets ported over to another system and NOW you're interested? Why does that anger me? Fucking feels about video games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 17, 2013, 08:30:25 PM
havent played metroid 2 since it came out but all i remember is going "FUCK IM BACK HERE AGAIN" about 10000 times

well that and the last boss took 100 rockets to kill, had one attack, and you couldnt pause during the fight
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:31:18 PM
I wish I had a legit way of playing Aria again. Right now I'm on a Metroidvania high so much that I ordered Order of Ecclesia. It's the only DS IGAvania I pirated, and was lazy enough to hack halfway through to avoid grinding. It's time to give it real chance.

Ecclesia isn't Metroidvania. It is Igavania but nothing like Metroid. The game you want is Dawn of Sorrow which is weaker than Aria but still constitutes being metroidvania.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 17, 2013, 08:31:55 PM
I wish I had a legit way of playing Aria again. Right now I'm on a Metroidvania high so much that I ordered Order of Ecclesia. It's the only DS IGAvania I pirated, and was lazy enough to hack halfway through to avoid grinding. It's time to give it real chance.

if you got a gameboy i could dig out my old copy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:32:22 PM
havent played metroid 2 since it came out but all i remember is going "FUCK IM BACK HERE AGAIN" about 10000 times

I played it on my friends game boy and said the SAME THING and I was a Metroid vet at that point.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 17, 2013, 08:34:08 PM
Himuro is unintentionaly lying, get Portrait of Ruin and put up with deh animu to appreciate the best ds vania.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 08:37:52 PM
I bought Dawn and Portrait day 1 and went through them a couple of times. Eccelsia remains as the one I played half heartedly.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 17, 2013, 08:39:15 PM
The tweet about third parties is incorrect (and kind of odd given Zumba Fitness was one of EA's most profitable console games this gen), I disagree that Nintendo should have gone third party, the other two tweets are a true dat.

But the real story here is that another person working in the tech industry is going to get his ass fired for not knowing how social media works.  I have no idea how this keeps happening.

I can't see him getting fired. The tweets are gone, and what he was saying was essentially mirroring the company line really... well, the non-public one

It'd be interesting if the guys who broke the tweet story caught any flack themselves though...


Its the fucking internet dude
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 08:40:17 PM
I wish I had a legit way of playing Aria again. Right now I'm on a Metroidvania high so much that I ordered Order of Ecclesia. It's the only DS IGAvania I pirated, and was lazy enough to hack halfway through to avoid grinding. It's time to give it real chance.

You might like OoE if you haven't played other Castlevania games  :-\

I'm going to hate myself for making a list, but in my opinion, SotN > Aria > Portrait > Dawn > Circle > replaying any of the previous five > OoE > Harmony

edit: oh, you have played other Castlevania games.... umm, have fun  :heart
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 08:43:19 PM
Circle of the Moon. I always forget that one existed.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
I think Dawn sucks. I only played it once. Only thing I liked was Julius mode. And yes Portrait is the best ds Vania but I'm not sure if it is a Metroidvania. It has been a while.

I think Aria > SotN > Circle > Portrait

Don't bother with the rest.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 17, 2013, 08:46:06 PM
Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo and Chronicles are so good. Like, super great. Symphony of the Night ruined everything. :'(

:piss IGAvania :piss2
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 17, 2013, 08:49:53 PM
Circle of the Moon. I always forget that one existed.

ever play it on the original GBA? you needed two lamps behind you to see what was happening.  I've always assumed that's why Harmony is a neon nightmare.

Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo and Chronicles are so good. Like, super great. Symphony of the Night ruined everything. :'(

:piss IGAvania :piss2

off topic, but you should check out Castlevania Rebirth on the Wii.  It's the last old style Castlevania made.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 17, 2013, 08:51:45 PM
Circle of the Moon. I always forget that one existed.

Never forget.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 08:53:02 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: iconoclast on May 17, 2013, 08:55:08 PM
Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo and Chronicles are so good. Like, super great. Symphony of the Night ruined everything. :'(

:piss IGAvania :piss2

+ Bloodlines. But yeah, OoE is probably my favorite Igavania because it's the least Metroid-like. The rest of the ones I played were decent enough though, except for Portrait of Ruin which I hated.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 17, 2013, 08:56:19 PM
Circle of the Moon. I always forget that one existed.

ever play it on the original GBA? you needed two lamps behind you to see what was happening.  I've always assumed that's why Harmony is a neon nightmare.

Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo and Chronicles are so good. Like, super great. Symphony of the Night ruined everything. :'(

:piss IGAvania :piss2

off topic, but you should check out Castlevania Rebirth on the Wii.  It's the last old style Castlevania made.

This requires owning Nintendo hardware. :yuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:58:27 PM
Seriously brehs it is possible to like og vania and metroidvania. 1, 3, 4, Rondo, bloodlines, and chronicle are my shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 08:58:43 PM
This reminds me that I haven't continued playing Dracula X Chronicle's version of Rondo of Blood.

Which brings me to another question: Dialog alterations aside, was the SotN that was packaged with that game worse than the ROM dump available on PSN? I own both, but tried neither.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 08:59:18 PM
Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo and Chronicles are so good. Like, super great. Symphony of the Night ruined everything. :'(

:piss IGAvania :piss2

+ Bloodlines. But yeah, OoE is probably my favorite Igavania because it's the least Metroid-like. The rest of the ones I played were decent enough though, except for Portrait of Ruin which I hated.

But the level design and platforming are way worse than old CV.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 09:01:26 PM
This reminds me that I haven't continued playing Dracula X Chronicle's version of Rondo of Blood.

Which brings me to another question: Dialog alterations aside, was the SotN that was packaged with that game worse than the ROM dump available on PSN? I own both, but tried neither.

DXC sotn is the best version of sotn. It has the Saturn upgrades (new areas, Maria, music) on top of better graphics which was downgraded on Saturn. I don't like the 3d version of Rondo but the original is included so who cares.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 09:01:46 PM
Circle of Moon became a non-issue when you got a job and bought the SP.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 09:03:20 PM
Seriously. You niccas better bought the sp.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 17, 2013, 09:06:53 PM
Seriously. You distinguished black fellows better bought the sp.

I had the superior micro.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 09:08:11 PM
This reminds me that I haven't continued playing Dracula X Chronicle's version of Rondo of Blood.

Which brings me to another question: Dialog alterations aside, was the SotN that was packaged with that game worse than the ROM dump available on PSN? I own both, but tried neither.

DXC sotn is the best version of sotn. It has the Saturn upgrades (new areas, Maria, music) on top of better graphics which was downgraded on Saturn. I don't like the 3d version of Rondo but the original is included so who cares.

FFFFFFFUUUUUUU. I had no fucking idea. Fuck me. Playing those extras was childhood dream.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 17, 2013, 09:16:47 PM
Circle of Moon became a non-issue when you got a job and bought the SP.

Bought an SP Day 1. :rock The SP was the real GBA, original GBA was beta hardware. :yuck
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 17, 2013, 09:20:25 PM
Awww, bummer. Well, for those who *did* play the Saturn version, were they substantial and good enough to be missed?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 17, 2013, 09:22:41 PM
Seriously. You distinguished black fellows better bought the sp.

I had the superior micro.

Superior lmao.

Can't hear you over my SUPERIOR AGS-101. Pink.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 17, 2013, 09:26:30 PM
Awww, bummer. Well, for those who *did* play the Saturn version, were they substantial and good enough to be missed?

fuck no aside from the running shoes which were godly. all other new items were shit, the summons that werent in the us ps1 release were shit, and the new areas sucked. one was a boring prison that with two rooms, and the other was a more interesting garden with wacky enemies and a weak new boss but the music in it was so bad it made your head hurt. maria was cool but shes in the dxc version. dunno how her new version plays tho. also the saturn had more loading, more slowdown, uglier graphics, and crappier sound.

it wasnt the worst thing in the world, but it was subpar and not worth pining over.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 09:28:23 PM
What the fuck. I just watched the entire nintendo direct to see the new sonic game and all I got was Mario and sonic at the Olympics? What gives? Did I miss something?

Yakuza for wii u? Fuck that. If I see Andrex with a Kiryu avatar I may snap. To support a series from day one and it to continuously bomb and then it gets ported over to another system and NOW you're interested? Why does that anger me? Fucking feels about video games.

That series you abandoned after two games?  Yeah, you don't get to have feels about lack of support for RGG, my friend.

I was HOPING you'd call me on that.

Now I feel loved. :heartbeat
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 09:30:32 PM
:obama at Oscar real talk about dxc. Fuck I heard it had new areas.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 17, 2013, 09:31:02 PM
Seriously. You distinguished black fellows better bought the sp.

I had the superior micro.

Superior lmao.

Can't hear you over my SUPERIOR AGS-101. Pink.

GBA SP Unpeople just don't know. :heh
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 09:50:04 PM
I still love dxc. Play it Shaka. That umd was in my PSP for so long. Great game. I don't remember anything about the familiars though. Can you divulge, Oscar? And why is someone just telling me now that the dxc version doesn't have Saturn areas and enemies when I swear I went through entire areas I had never seen before in the psx version? I remeber people swearing it did have new content beyond Maria.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 17, 2013, 10:05:03 PM
the familiars were a fairy that acted just like the other fairy except it would sing if you sat down while having a certain item equiped, and a demon that acted just like the other demon except it had some goofy scrunched-up face and a squeaky voice
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 17, 2013, 10:20:48 PM
I don't blame anyone who prefers the original because of its dub.

I swear the wolf familar was fucked in DCX but maybe I'm crazy.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 17, 2013, 10:30:46 PM
Shaka, play DXC- it's worth it for the original Dracula X and you're not missing out on any of the awful, cheesy voice acting from the original version.

And why is someone just telling me now that the dxc version doesn't have Saturn areas and enemies when I swear I went through entire areas I had never seen before in the psx version? I remeber people swearing it did have new content beyond Maria.

It was pretty common knowledge that the extra areas and content from the Saturn version wasn't included in the PSP port, because Iga didn't work on it and refused to have anything to do with it, as Oscar already mentioned.   IIRC this was mentioned in interviews when the PSP game came out.

I have the Saturn version and agree that it's not worth bothering with, due to the awful performance issues.  Just check out the content and listen to the (awesome) music on Youtube.  IIRC there's also new music for Maria...jazzy remixes of older CV themes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: thisismyusername on May 17, 2013, 10:34:11 PM
Both of them are alright, but yeah I agree with Oscar: Maria in DXC isn't worth the time.

I think the new translation edges out for me slightly even with the stupid voice-work. I prefer non-Engrish translations, personally.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 17, 2013, 10:43:06 PM
SOTN DXC version looks like asssszzz.  stupid "smoothing."   How can anyone with two eyes think that shit looks better?!   I don't get how that crap makes it into so many Japanese games...even in the fucking PS1 emulator on PS3/PSP/Vita!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 17, 2013, 10:56:05 PM
The tweet about third parties is incorrect (and kind of odd given Zumba Fitness was one of EA's most profitable console games this gen), I disagree that Nintendo should have gone third party, the other two tweets are a true dat.

But the real story here is that another person working in the tech industry is going to get his ass fired for not knowing how social media works.  I have no idea how this keeps happening.

I can't see him getting fired. The tweets are gone, and what he was saying was essentially mirroring the company line really... well, the non-public one

It'd be interesting if the guys who broke the tweet story caught any flack themselves though...

I'd be very, very surprised if he did not get fired.  If it seems like a person is speaking for the company, whether intentionally or not, and does not have permission to do so will almost always result in a shitcanning for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on May 17, 2013, 11:01:28 PM
^^Yeah I generally heard that the new dub and translation wasn't particularly better.
Don't know how EA man thought that was a good idea on the heels of that canned MS duder. Is everyone in the games/tech industry an autistic distinguished mentally-challenged fellow or what ???
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 12:21:25 AM
Radioheadrule83 on Miiverse:


spoiler (click to show/hide)

Come on breh. :lol
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 12:26:18 AM
The Miiverse Fifa hub is actually brimming with angry Mexicans. Yeesh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 18, 2013, 12:27:48 AM
so radiohead really has no life outside of videogame boards :ohhh
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 18, 2013, 12:48:48 AM
i entered that post ID into origin and got free games
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 18, 2013, 12:51:11 AM
You went full nintard, man. Never go full nintard.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 12:54:43 AM
i entered that post ID into origin and got free games

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 18, 2013, 01:57:41 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 18, 2013, 03:03:46 AM
Nintendo fans have totally lost it.But this is just the beginning,the real fallout will come after holiday Mario,etc etc fail to produce desired results.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 18, 2013, 04:37:50 AM
Those radiohead posts and that Eddie gif are great stuff, thank you baby.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 18, 2013, 04:52:15 AM
Radioheadrule83 on Miiverse:


spoiler (click to show/hide)

Come on breh. :lol


can't believe he was really that fucking pathetic
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 18, 2013, 05:13:24 AM
Ubi still loves U

When approached by GamesIndustry International about whether the company may reevaluate its stance on devoting resources to a struggling platform, a spokesperson told us, "As with any new console, it takes some time to grow an established base. Ubisoft has a varied and high-quality line-up for Wii U, with more big titles on the way including Rayman Legends, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Splinter Cell Blacklist. We're confident that this will help in continuing to attract gamers to the Wii U system and that Nintendo will take steps to ensure that the Wii U is successful in the market."
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 18, 2013, 05:31:07 AM

Some good stuff lately
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 18, 2013, 05:39:06 AM

gif was sad bro
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 18, 2013, 06:06:52 AM

gif was sad bro

Sad but true  :(

The real question is what that means for future Nintendo consoles.Iwata really fucked up...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 18, 2013, 08:12:28 AM
well, at least one thing that will never be console exclusive is fanboy tears (

good luck with that, furfags

STOP Exclusive Partnership with Nintendo

Sonic fans who are not interested in have WiiU will miss at least 3 games!.
We respect your decision but we want you to please give us in the future Sonic Games for all plataforms!

[Your name]

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 18, 2013, 09:03:34 AM

Some good stuff lately

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cascade on May 18, 2013, 09:10:18 AM
Radioheadrule34 has to be one of the most disgusting Ninthings that's ever existed. Even something like AceBandage would probably never post that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 18, 2013, 09:14:23 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 09:28:49 AM
wowoowowowowow @ that radiohead shit.  that's getting saved and will be posted every single time he makes a post in the future, what a little bitch.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 18, 2013, 09:33:07 AM
new super luigi u? god damn this new series is being wrung. Hope Waluigi is in it and does some proper thieving cunt shit like you know he can if only nintendo would let him stop playing tennis n shit for a moment.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cascade on May 18, 2013, 09:37:52 AM
wowoowowowowow @ that radiohead shit.  that's getting saved and will be posted every single time he makes a post in the future, what a little bitch.
What's even sadder is that he suicided his GAF account on some moral crusade absolutely no one cared and instantly forgot about about thinking that he'd made a new home for himself here and now he'll be constantly be reminded about his little meltdown over another corporation saying mean things to his favourite one everytime he posts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 18, 2013, 09:54:44 AM
Those radiohead posts are disgraceful.  He's better off leaving because nobody is going to take him seriously now (not that people did before...) and people are going to remind him every time.

new super luigi u? god damn this new series is being wrung. Hope Waluigi is in it and does some proper thieving cunt shit like you know he can if only nintendo would let him stop playing tennis n shit for a moment.

I'll be buying it.  I have the (unfounded) feeling that Nintendo is actually going to vary the extremely stale NSMB format a bit.  If I'm wrong, oh well.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 18, 2013, 10:39:38 AM
Im happy about radiohead cause now andrex can catch a break from me.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 10:58:24 AM


I figured I'd try and start some public miiverse dissent akin to the Ubisoft backlash after the Rayman delay. I only care to the extent that this console I own might miss some cool games,  to me its worth bitching a little about because of that... Even if it has no effect.

Life goes on gents, unfortunately you've allowed yourself the illusion that things like this have any significant meaning to me outside of times when I find myself bored.

I'm not sure why you think I would want to hide those posts, some of you horrendous shitfags waste way more time on vidya drama bullshit than me

Come at me quegs!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 11:01:08 AM
The "I don't really care anyway" card.  Your multi paragraph posting history and a lifetime of being a butthurt ninthing say otherwise, breh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 18, 2013, 11:09:03 AM
yeah you aint gonna convince us you dont care when you spend hours a day (some of them as an amateur artist, even) arguing otherwise. you get mad over videogame company business decisions; grown people with real shit going on in their lives get mad about actual shit they have to deal with. please, go out in the world and stop being so sad
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cascade on May 18, 2013, 11:09:10 AM
Oh wow, did that put down feel good Tom?

Of course such 'delusional posts' weren't needed, but maybe some people here are so wrapped up in their own myopia they don't actually realise you could have been doing it for lols.

Did you need to take time out of your day here? Why so serious?

Maybe the forum is such a tiresome shit hole to read because YOU are a petulant baby yourself. It's infectious and it trickles down on the rest of us.

Enjoy your miiverse 'fame' while it lasts, maybe you should sell up before you drive your 'fans' away.

You've been on GAF since before 2004 under a couple of names and yet you're still just as bad: I'm out, the Bore is no fun to actually take part in with you in it, too many cunts.

Bye to everyone actually nice, people like Himu, hope your transition goes well etc. Do stay in touch. Everyone else: have fun having pointless back and forths with reaction fishing idiots and caring more about arguments than games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 18, 2013, 11:10:27 AM
well, at least one thing that will never be console exclusive is fanboy tears (

good luck with that, furfags


You know what i'm now with Oscar on this.

Let this shit burn to the fucking ground so I can see the tears
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 11:12:02 AM
The "I don't really care anyway" card.  Your multi paragraph posting history and a lifetime of being a butthurt ninthing say otherwise, breh.

Being able to type more than a simpletons' cursory putdown, or create a strawman = butthurt

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 11:16:22 AM


I figured I'd try and start some public miiverse dissent akin to the Ubisoft backlash after the Rayman delay. I only care to the extent that this console I own might miss some cool games,  to me its worth bitching a little about because of that... Even if it has no effect.

Life goes on gents, unfortunately you've allowed yourself the illusion that things like this have any significant meaning to me outside of times when I find myself bored.

I'm not sure why you think I would want to hide those posts, some of you horrendous shitfags waste way more time on vidya drama bullshit than me

Come at me quegs!
Oh wow, did that put down feel good Tom?

Of course such 'dilusional posts' weren't needed, but maybe some people here are so wrapped up in their own myopia they don't actually realise you could have been doing it for lols.

Did you need to take time out of your day here? Why so serious?

Maybe the forum is such a tiresome shit hole to read because YOU are a petulant baby yourself. It's infectious and it trickles down on the rest of us.

Enjoy your miiverse 'fame' while it lasts, maybe you should sell up before you drive your 'fans' away.

You've been on GAF since before 2004 under a couple of names and yet you're still just as bad: I'm out, the Bore is no fun to actually take part in with you in it, too many cunts.

Bye to everyone actually nice, people like Himu, hope your transition goes well etc. Do stay in touch. Everyone else: have fun having pointless back and forths with reaction fishing idiots and caring more about arguments than games.

 :lol Touche
That WAS a meltdown. I don't take back much of anything I said there though.
I have actually got to drop my tablet and go out now, we can resume this in an hour or so, don't take too much advantage of my absence  :-*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 18, 2013, 11:30:15 AM
come on guys,that can happen to anyone
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 11:32:20 AM
The "I don't really care anyway" card.  Your multi paragraph posting history and a lifetime of being a butthurt ninthing say otherwise, breh.

Being able to type more than a simpletons' cursory putdown, or create a strawman = butthurt


This may come as a shock to you, but most normal people put the time and effort into things that they deserve.  Probably a true revelation to someone who plays console warrior for Nintendo, but yeah.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 18, 2013, 11:36:15 AM
Glad to see radiohead's rampant nfaggotry getting the spotlight here, I think people didn't realice how much a sad fanboy he is because no one actually read his novellas.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 18, 2013, 12:01:59 PM
Fanboys are annoying but I haven't seen that poster in particular attacking anyone unprovoked. Is outrage at the outrage the best kind of outrage?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 18, 2013, 12:07:44 PM
caring more about arguments than games.

... We cover games?

At the end of the day - doing stuff like posting about EA is a pretty odd way to kill time when bored. See this wouldnt have happened if Nintendo released compelling software
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 12:12:23 PM
Fanboys are annoying but I haven't seen that poster in particular attacking anyone unprovoked. Is outrage at the outrage the best kind of outrage?

Being a wanker is worse than being combative
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 18, 2013, 12:19:09 PM
I figured I'd try and start some public miiverse dissent akin to the Ubisoft backlash after the Rayman delay. I only care to the extent that this console I own might miss some cool games,  to me its worth bitching a little about because of that... Even if it has no effect.

Your anger should be directed at Nintendo for trying to sell a 16 gig Wii U tard-pack for the same price as a Xbox 360 with a 250 GB hard drive, two free games (such as Forza 4 and Skyrim), a headset, and access to a giant library of games. Nintendo's only selling points over the 360 or PS3 are the gimmick controller and Nintendo-developed games. The gimmick is a failure and the two Nintendo-developed games aren't system movers.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 12:25:29 PM
Y'all are a bunch of vicious cunts. I had no idea I was handing you knives.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 18, 2013, 12:30:07 PM
Y'all are a bunch of vicious cunts. I had no idea I was handing you knives.
I believe you, Gaius Cassius.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 12:34:40 PM
Being a wanker is worse than being combative
This hurts my feelings, but I could have been born a combative wanker, so I guess I could be worse.

I figured I'd try and start some public miiverse dissent akin to the Ubisoft backlash after the Rayman delay. I only care to the extent that this console I own might miss some cool games,  to me its worth bitching a little about because of that... Even if it has no effect.

Your anger should be directed at Nintendo for trying to sell a 16 gig Wii U tard-pack for the same price as a Xbox 360 with a 250 GB hard drive, two free games (such as Forza 4 and Skyrim), a headset, and access to a giant library of games. Nintendo's only selling points over the 360 or PS3 are the gimmick controller and Nintendo-developed games. The gimmick is a failure and the two Nintendo-developed games aren't system movers.

It's worse than you think, it's an 8GB tard pack. I don't disagree its not good value for most people, I just think there are industry politics as motive helping to drive EAs decision re: Nintendo. They were the same over Dreamcast, even before it was clear it had failed; they abused their power to tilt the balance of power and damage consumer choice.

Y'all are a bunch of vicious cunts. I had no idea I was handing you knives.

Meanie sword swallowers, the lot of them  :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 18, 2013, 12:38:47 PM
The industry politics is that the system and its software sell like shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 18, 2013, 12:45:49 PM
They were the same over Dreamcast, even before it was clear it had failed; they abused their power to tilt the balance of power and damage consumer choice.

this is some sad shit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 18, 2013, 12:50:08 PM
there's probably some level of politics behind it, sure

maybe not as much as some would like to think, but i do find it odd they have absolutely nothing planned, not even pissaway downloadable stuff
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 12:52:09 PM
They were the same over Dreamcast, even before it was clear it had failed; they abused their power to tilt the balance of power and damage consumer choice.

this is some sad shit.

It's the truth. As I recall, Probst asked SEGA for favourable loyalties first, and later threatened them with withdrawal if they continued their own sports games. Its a business decision with understandable profiteering rationale behind it, but it was a move designed to exploit SEGAs vulnerability, one that contributed to diminished choice in software and hardware for consumers... particularly SEGA owners. The tactics were ugly then, and they still are today.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 01:29:06 PM
So, what exactly was EA trying to extract from Nintendo?  Nintendo doesn't have ANYTHING in direct competition with EA's dudebro stable of franchises.  Please, enlighten us.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 18, 2013, 01:37:57 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 18, 2013, 01:41:13 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

My guess is it has to do with one of two things: A) EA getting a better look at the closer to completion weeeeeeooooooooooo and realizing what a cluseterfuck it was or more likely B) wanting to be given the reins for Nintendo's online shit and getting slapped down in the end after some initial favorable overtures. 

Those are really the only two things that make sense.  And Nintendo is the fuck up in either situation, but I'm sure dear old rhr will explain otherwise.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 18, 2013, 01:48:42 PM
I hear Origin is almost not terrible these days.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 18, 2013, 01:51:59 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

Well, I suspect it went something like this:

- Nintendo (known for being difficult to work with) was pissing off EA to the point where the "unprecedented partnership" was under a lot of strain
- EA had some analysts look at whether the "unprecedented partnership" was worth it in spite of all of the bullshit
- Analysts concluded that the Wii U was going to be a failure and wasn't going to make enough money for EA to make it worth it
- EA wraps up and ships out what is almost finished, cancels the rest, and moves on
- Dozens of fat neckbeards swear off EA for good
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 18, 2013, 02:05:14 PM
it can be understandable it you get upset because you put money into a system and it doesnt end up having many games to play, but the solution is to save up some money and buy a different system. if instead you get mad and throw hissy fits on the internet talking like a publisher is the equivalent to a friend that keeps backing out of plans you make together, then you need to step back and realize you are a FUCKING LOSER who needs to get some perspective on life.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on May 18, 2013, 03:04:37 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

My guess is it has to do with one of two things: A) EA getting a better look at the closer to completion weeeeeeooooooooooo and realizing what a cluseterfuck it was or more likely B) wanting to be given the reins for Nintendo's online shit and getting slapped down in the end after some initial favorable overtures. 

Those are really the only two things that make sense.  And Nintendo is the fuck up in either situation, but I'm sure dear old rhr will explain otherwise.

A. seems way more plausible. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 18, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
Wow people.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 18, 2013, 03:38:18 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

My guess is it has to do with one of two things: A) EA getting a better look at the closer to completion weeeeeeooooooooooo and realizing what a cluseterfuck it was or more likely B) wanting to be given the reins for Nintendo's online shit and getting slapped down in the end after some initial favorable overtures. 

Those are really the only two things that make sense.  And Nintendo is the fuck up in either situation, but I'm sure dear old rhr will explain otherwise.

A. seems way more plausible. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I say its a mix of both imo  as I still think EA offered some online help and Ninty snubbed it for something more in their favor (the company who does the WiiU online stuff is located in the same area as Nintendo iirc)

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 05:47:04 PM

That's not a plushie btw, it's an abnormal skins growth.

Y'all are a bunch of vicious cunts. I had no idea I was handing you knives.

come now

you had *some* idea

Sure, 'twas to poke fun lol. Though I had no idea he rustled everyone's jimmies in a way only Nintendobooger did.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 18, 2013, 06:08:40 PM
It's worse than you think, it's an 8GB tard pack. I don't disagree its not good value for most people, I just think there are industry politics as motive helping to drive EAs decision re: Nintendo. They were the same over Dreamcast, even before it was clear it had failed; they abused their power to tilt the balance of power and damage consumer choice.

industry politics? The issue is releasing a machine in the last gen bracket , asking for ports then not matching up the cpu spec making what was touted as quick-ports-for-easy cash a more risky endevour than it shpuld have been.

Dont go throwing this politics shit around - this is all on Nintendo. As much as i think the WiiU is an assbackwards machine they at least had the right idea regarding getting some support - however they have clearly fucked that up at a hardware and pricing level. This is ALL on Nintendo - had the machine been good enough with compelling software that reached a wider market then none of this would have happened. EA and co do not owe Sony, MS and Nintendo a living.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 18, 2013, 06:33:07 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

Honestly, I think it's a lot simpler than that. With EA having their own set of problems, evidenced by decreasing their console output 70% and only keeping the safest bets (in their opinion) while shifting focus to mobiles. Not to mention having to deal with investors after disappointing financials caused by their console output missing targets, and prepping to Pluto their CEO. They did some market research and took a serious look at it.

I'm sure that even before the Wii U launched, it was easy to conclude that their demographic (for the games they decided to stick with) was just not there. And with them playing it really safe, they predicted poor ROI. As Oscar stated, their foray into the Wii market netted them success in the casual space. And with them moving that output wholly to smartphones/tablets (with good results), it was even easier for them to decide on the fate of their Wii U portfolio.

People keep saying "well that doesn't explain why they phoned in Fifa and Madden! They could have at least avoided porting the 2012 games!" But I think that's indicative of how early the picture was clear to them.

I'm not going to deny the possibility of some politics behind it, but it's nowhere as significant as these babbies think. It's mostly business. Nintendo had close to 18 months to stimulate interest one way or the other, starting with the "unprecedented partnership" E3, but they couldn't. A company with EA's problems thought it wasn't worth the risk, and certainly not for the sake of honoring a stupid phrase that the kids won't drop lol. I'm sure the execs are looking at the recent HW and SW numbers and thinking boy did we dodge a bullet there!

P.S. I think the story about the Origin deal that fell through, the one with the telenovela tone that circulated reddit, is a crock of shit. But that's just me.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 18, 2013, 07:05:28 PM
My gut feeling is that something happened between "unprecedented partnership" and now to create a strain, but that aside, awful software sales services perfectly well as the reason today if one apples Occam's Razor to the situation. As fun as it is to speculate about what drama may have unfolded, it's entirely unnecessary when piss poor software and hardware sales figures provide all the explanation one needs.

Honestly, I think it's a lot simpler than that. With EA having their own set of problems, evidenced by decreasing their console output 70% and only keeping the safest bets (in their opinion) while shifting focus to mobiles. Not to mention having to deal with investors after disappointing financials caused by their console output missing targets, and prepping to Pluto their CEO. They did some market research and took a serious look at it.

I'm sure that even before the Wii U launched, it was easy to conclude that their demographic (for the games they decided to stick with) is just not there. And with them playing it really safe, they predicted poor ROI. As Oscar stated, their foray into the Wii market netted them success in the casual space. And with them moving that output wholly to smartphones/tablets (with good results), it was even easier for them to decide on the fate of their Wii U portfolio.

People keep saying "well that doesn't explain why they phoned in Fifa and Madden! They could have at least avoided porting the 2012 games!" But I think that's indicative of how early the picture was clear to them.

I'm not going to deny the possibility of some politics behind it, but it's nowhere as significant as these babbies think. It's mostly business. Nintendo had close to 18 months to stimulate interest one way or the other, starting with the "unprecedented partnership" E3, but they couldn't. A company with EA's problems thought it wasn't worth the risk, and certainly not enough to honor a stupid phrase that the kids won't drop lol. I'm sure the execs are looking at the recent HW and SW numbers and thinking boy did we dodge a bullet there!

P.S. I think the story about the Origin deal that fell through, the one with the telenovela tone that circulated reddit is a crock of shit. But that's just me.

That is entirely reasonable.

I do think the 'unprecedented relationship' moment (having Ritecello on stage and all that), was indicative of some burgeoning partnership. We knew full well what the machine was at the time, we'd seen the tech demos, and some of those became final games. I'm sure EA were under no illusions when they were trotting out people like Peter Moore, shortly after he was made COO, to say things like this (, essentially saying the machine's power didn't matter and it was going to be much better than the Wii. The tonal shift from that to, well, DICE saying their engines can't be done, and EA sports engineers calling the machine 'shit' and 'crap' -- well, I think its understandable people think something has happened there.

When I say I think there may have been some behind-the-scenes politics, I also mean problems in bargaining. Maybe an Origin deal went sour, maybe it didn't. But I can definitely believe that after the initial tranche of releases, and poor results generally for Nintendo, EA could see that Nintendo were in a vulnerable position. I can believe they would have tried to bargain for a better deal on royalties, or some other concession that Nintendo wouldn't be prepared to give (because it would be slippery slopesville to concessions for Activision and Ubisoft etc too)...

Actiblizz and Ubi's continued support (or at least temporary silence) WOULD be conveniently explained if it transpired they knew about EA trying to curry favour and too much control on the platform... but you're right, its a little too telenovela and too convenient. There will no doubt be some good business rationale behind their decisions, considering their problems, but the blanket decision? No ports whatsoever? Suggesting Frostbite 2/3 can't be done, with internally conflicting news of Cryengine running, then making Frostbite Mobile? Not even putting out games that are going to Vita, despite the Gamepad potentially making it a very cheap port-buddy? It smacks of a strategic choice to me. I think they are either making good on a threat, or they do actually want to see Nintendo do a SEGA. I can't see it being the latter, as a third party Nintendo would almost certainly become a major threat to someone like EA.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 18, 2013, 07:15:05 PM
Oh wow, did that put down feel good Tom?

Of course such 'delusional posts' weren't needed, but maybe some people here are so wrapped up in their own myopia they don't actually realise you could have been doing it for lols.

Did you need to take time out of your day here? Why so serious?

Maybe the forum is such a tiresome shit hole to read because YOU are a petulant baby yourself. It's infectious and it trickles down on the rest of us.

Enjoy your miiverse 'fame' while it lasts, maybe you should sell up before you drive your 'fans' away.

You've been on GAF since before 2004 under a couple of names and yet you're still just as bad: I'm out, the Bore is no fun to actually take part in with you in it, too many cunts.

Bye to everyone actually nice, people like Himu, hope your transition goes well etc. Do stay in touch. Everyone else: have fun having pointless back and forths with reaction fishing idiots and caring more about arguments than games.

I cannot believe that the most hilarious post of last page was not the weepy Wii U community image spam
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 18, 2013, 07:17:42 PM
It smacks of a strategic choice to me. I think they are either making good on a threat, or they do actually want to see Nintendo do a SEGA. I can't see it being the latter, as a third party Nintendo would almost certainly become a major threat to someone like EA.


(I have just spent a good few minutes with a "what the fucking fuck?!" face on thinking of what to type in response to this and the best i can come up with is : seek help)

Not even putting out games that are going to Vita

The Vita got the same treatment : nfs (paid for) , fifa missing features and just a roster update, oh i guess we got a shitty version of Madden and thats it...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 18, 2013, 07:25:57 PM
Sony are tying ps4 and vita dev together as they did with psp and ps3 - mystery solved (this is t entirely true - PMed)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 18, 2013, 07:36:47 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 18, 2013, 08:10:13 PM
My Wii U plans haven't changed - pick up Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, and maybe the next Fire Emblem if it's any good. At that point I can prob. get one for $150 used.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 18, 2013, 08:14:57 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 18, 2013, 08:28:50 PM
You really think Sony's in a position to make those kinds of demands this time?  And if so, where are the Vita games from Bethesda and Rockstar?

I don't know why people have a hard time buying EA doing something like this.  Yeah, it sounds like silly TV drama, but again - EA does this shit fairly often.

Yeah, "unprecedented partnership" sounds a lot to me like there was at least some form of unannounced deal on the table. Whether it was the online stuff or something else entirely, it was probably in the very early "we're just talking" stage. At some point EA decided they were spinning wheels and wasting their time, and coinciding with that deal falling apart came the realization that Wii U was going to lay an egg which had an uncanny resemblance to a turd. And then they decided it wasn't worth their time/energy/money in any capacity. I can see both of these situations being the case.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 19, 2013, 12:52:29 AM
To me, the problem with a theory based solely on sales and no politics is that EA still has Vita stuff coming out.  Software sales on Vita are just as bad as WiiU, and the machine's prospects are equally dim.

The poor sales explanation carries us most of the way, but there's still a logic gap that needs to be filled with something.  And as Radiohead correctly pointed out, it's not as though has historically clean hands as far as politics goes.  That shit with the Dreamcast is just one of at least a dozen known instances of EA trying to leverage their clout for favourable terms, and one of at least a few known instances where when they didn't get their way, they took their ball and went home.

I agree to a degree, but I still think people are hung up on that bully image of DC era EA. I have no doubt in my mind that, just like any major business, they've bargained to make their investment in the platform look more attractive. And let's face it, the Wii U with its disruptive tech, timing, and questionable target market was always going to be the riskiest choice between all three. The point I'm driving at is that EA is no longer the same EA from 10-12 years ago, and you know this more than I do. Out of all the major publishers, it's the one that's struggling the most cultivate a sustainable income source on consoles, because unlike the others it failed to launch new cash cows.

I go back to their signs of their growing pains in the past two years: weak financials, mega bomba mmo, fired CEO, considerably downsized console output, less risks, etc. And you know what, maybe a couple of business deal with Nintendo that went sour contributed in some way, but I wouldn't put it above the slight nudge that pushed it over the edge.

As for the Vita situation, I agree in how odd it is, however they're banking big on the PS4 just as they did with the PS3, so we know there's at least room for strike conciliatory deals, especially if they're cheap and shoddy*.

* (with the exception of NFS, which Criterion did a great job with, then again they did an excellent job with the Wii U version)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: StealthFan on May 19, 2013, 04:33:51 AM
When the PS4/720 are getting launch games this fall, Nintendo fans will still be talking about how great Lego City is. They'll mention it in all the GOTY threads, shit they'll mention it in every thread they can. They'll talk about how they spent less money on something that is more. They'll take about the purity of games and fun. Whimsy will be at an all time high. The smell of desperation has never been as both delicious and potent as it is now and it's just ramping up.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 19, 2013, 06:24:46 AM
I think whatever EA(and others) are doing will be a lot more clear after Rango reveal.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 19, 2013, 06:32:49 AM
Are you expecting Origin to be an integral part of the system?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 19, 2013, 06:34:31 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 19, 2013, 07:59:34 AM
Neither am I. They're just going for the platforms where their audience is going to be. The people who're playing Battlefield, Mass Effect, Need for Speed and the EA sports games are more likely to pick up a 720/PS4 than a Wii U. Is the fitness and exercise genre dead or do you guys expect more of those? I don't have the numbers, but I think they were quite successful this gen. Maybe they'll put out more of those in the unlikely event that Wii U Fit becomes a smash hit.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 19, 2013, 08:12:11 AM
Fitness fads fade quickly. After Wii Fit and shit there was Zumba, now there's prob some new fad.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Father_Brain on May 19, 2013, 10:29:52 AM
To me, the problem with a theory based solely on sales and no politics is that EA still has Vita stuff coming out.  Software sales on Vita are just as bad as WiiU, and the machine's prospects are equally dim.

The poor sales explanation carries us most of the way, but there's still a logic gap that needs to be filled with something.  And as Radiohead correctly pointed out, it's not as though has historically clean hands as far as politics goes.  That shit with the Dreamcast is just one of at least a dozen known instances of EA trying to leverage their clout for favourable terms, and one of at least a few known instances where when they didn't get their way, they took their ball and went home.

Does EA have anything at all coming for Vita, besides FIFA?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Father_Brain on May 19, 2013, 10:32:19 AM
To me, the problem with a theory based solely on sales and no politics is that EA still has Vita stuff coming out.  Software sales on Vita are just as bad as WiiU, and the machine's prospects are equally dim.

The poor sales explanation carries us most of the way, but there's still a logic gap that needs to be filled with something.  And as Radiohead correctly pointed out, it's not as though has historically clean hands as far as politics goes.  That shit with the Dreamcast is just one of at least a dozen known instances of EA trying to leverage their clout for favourable terms, and one of at least a few known instances where when they didn't get their way, they took their ball and went home.

Does EA have anything at all coming for Vita, besides FIFA?

Also, Zumba Fitness is Majesco. Perhaps you're thinking EA Sports Active?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 19, 2013, 10:42:26 AM
No, they don't have any announced Vita games. A few weeks ago there was a rumor about FIFA 14, but that's it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 19, 2013, 11:04:35 AM
the only fitness game I liked was Daisy Fuentes x Jillian Michaels: Scissor Pals

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: tiesto on May 19, 2013, 11:30:59 AM

If I played it, I'm sure this would be my favorite fitness game.
:drool Anja Rubik :drool
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 19, 2013, 12:50:41 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 19, 2013, 12:52:33 PM
You can tell Ubisoft's WiiU reconfirmation boils down to "hey guys please buy Rayman!" Everything else will bomb.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Father_Brain on May 19, 2013, 01:28:29 PM
officially announced?  I suppose not, but they're definitely doing a couple of entirely unexciting things.

Huh, wouldn't have expected even that.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 19, 2013, 02:43:18 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

So glad we kicked that Arab fruit out of here!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 19, 2013, 03:31:30 PM
Quote from:
As part of our on-going push to ensure Nintendo content is shared across social media channels in an appropriate and safe way, we became a YouTube partner and as such in February 2013 we registered our copyright content in the YouTube database. For most fan videos this will not result in any changes, however, for those videos featuring Nintendo-owned content, such as images or audio of a certain length, adverts will now appear at the beginning, next to or at the end of the clips. We continually want our fans to enjoy sharing Nintendo content on YouTube, and that is why, unlike other entertainment companies, we have chosen not to block people using our intellectual property.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 19, 2013, 04:04:34 PM
finally played around with one of these at gamestop today

I think the controller is awesome.  a bit cheaper feeling than I thought it would be.  dicked around with mario, which was mario.

I'll probably get this thing when it price drops and sees a new 3d mario.  It'll be my nintendo games console, as per usual.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 19, 2013, 04:42:21 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

I swear these nintards are getting too desperate with the blatant knee jerk reactions to the deluge of negative news.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Father_Brain on May 19, 2013, 06:14:16 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

So glad we kicked that Arab fruit out of here!

Uh, I hope there's a joke here I'm missing.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 19, 2013, 06:44:22 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

So glad we kicked that Arab fruit out of here!

Uh, I hope there's a joke here I'm missing.

There isn't.  You have a problem with that?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on May 19, 2013, 06:56:37 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

So glad we kicked that Arab fruit out of here!

Uh, I hope there's a joke here I'm missing.

Maybe you should report me, I've been a bad boy and the mods need to punish me :hump
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 19, 2013, 06:58:01 PM
Hey guys, you should check out this Nintard jackass:

So glad we kicked that Arab fruit out of here!

Uh, I hope there's a joke here I'm missing.

Maybe you should report me, I've been a bad boy and the mods need to punish me :hump
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 20, 2013, 12:58:54 AM
Lets just all calm down and use the report button so that we may continue politely discussing the WiiU. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 20, 2013, 01:09:17 AM
Lets just all calm down and use the report button so that we may continue politely discussing the WiiU.


I got two words for you pal:  You're going on my ignore list! 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 20, 2013, 01:59:26 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 20, 2013, 02:50:45 AM
The only thing right about that picture is that Nintendo have a fat turkey
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 20, 2013, 03:56:33 AM
That picture fails to portray that Sony/MS users where having fine caviar, while nintendo users where playing cheap genetically modified shovelchicken.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 20, 2013, 08:51:46 AM
That picture would be more accurate today if all three were starving.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: StealthFan on May 20, 2013, 08:51:56 AM
Halo 3 and Mass Effect for 360. Plus COD4 for the twins.

That picture would be more accurate today if all three were starving.

PS3 has two big exclusives (one if you hate Quantum Dream) this year. It's the only current gen console that is still worth a shit in regards to the future. Someones gotta eat next gen. It isn't going to be Nintendo though.

Looking back, 2008 must've been painful for Nintendo fans that weren't in denial. The twins were flush with titles (not exclusive) and the Wii's offerings were downright paltry.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 20, 2013, 10:14:10 AM
Ouya is the shady guy selling snake oil in the town square
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 20, 2013, 08:21:20 PM
I just completed Super Metroid. My god that ending sequence. :aah What an amazing experience.

I still think the game is slightly rough in a few, but I do agree now that it's the most successful out every game that tried the formula.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 20, 2013, 10:29:04 PM
Haha, perfect timing!

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 20, 2013, 10:35:25 PM
Ew re-wrapped
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 20, 2013, 10:41:48 PM
Huh?! How so?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 20, 2013, 10:49:54 PM
Quote from: Godslay
I had never seen this before...

Super Metroid powered by google maps? (http://"")

Looks like it works for all the 2d Metroids.

:bow :bow :bow
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 20, 2013, 10:57:41 PM
:krs i still remember every damn room

damn that is some powerful nostalgia. one of my favorite series of all time
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 20, 2013, 11:19:03 PM
looks like regular DS shrinkwrap to me.   

guess you'll find out when you open it! 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 20, 2013, 11:20:55 PM
Everything seems intact, clean and smells brand new.

I love me some Super Metroid, but guttamn if IGAvanias don't control/flow like butter, no to mention sound and looks so...:aah

I feel right at home.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 08:30:43 AM
Miiverse is not just for embarrassing yourself with EA hatred...


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on May 21, 2013, 03:41:50 PM
Huh?! How so?

Looks like the guy works at Gamestop and used their shrikwrap machine to reseal it.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 21, 2013, 03:49:54 PM
Well, I bought it for $20, everything is intact, looks and smells new. So :yeshrug
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 21, 2013, 03:53:51 PM
some DS games have that factory Y-fold stuff, others have the cheap shrinkwrap.  I used to get complaints on ebay when I'd sell unopened DS games, but I'd have them check other new copies to see that it's the same. 

I'm guessing new copies of OOE at this point are on their 10th printing and use the cheap stuff. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 21, 2013, 04:00:19 PM
if you care about the plastic wrapper on your video games you are a lost cause.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 21, 2013, 04:26:32 PM
if you care about the plastic wrapper on your video games you are a lost cause.

i once had a canadian guy buy 3 copies of sealed Metal Gear Solid 2 black labeled for $60 a piece, just in hopes of getting one with a perfectly centered security label on top.   He bought one, asked if I had more and had me comparing my last two.  I said I couldn't quite tell which one was more centered.  so he bought both :lol 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 21, 2013, 04:32:25 PM
you should have put a little dot on the side of the plastic with a magic marker.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 21, 2013, 05:19:23 PM
Considering how badly the other 2 went i am feeling really confident of Nintendo doing well in the holidays, Iwatas job is safe imo.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 05:43:16 PM
Considering how badly the other 2 went i am feeling really confident of Nintendo doing well in the holidays, Iwatas job is safe imo.

If things stayed as they are, they'd probably still get butt-raped... other consoles have FIFA, GTA etc. - but providing E3 brings good game announcements and the price is sensible by Christmas, they MAY have a chance. I am as bewildered by Microsoft's launch conduct so far as I have been by Nintendo's. The TV shit is gonna be great to use, but I never expected such a huge emphasis on it at Xbox One's first reveal.

I'm not their biggest fan, so I hate to say this - but provided Sony don't bend over and shove a studded dildo covered in razor wire up their arse, and avoid a $599 situation -- their hype machine could see them do best easily this holiday.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 21, 2013, 05:56:27 PM
you should have put a little dot on the side of the plastic with a magic marker.

i was a little worried he'd return them based on some dust getting under the cellophane.  nope, totally happy.  ???

if only there were more like him...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 21, 2013, 06:26:21 PM
looks like regular DS shrinkwrap to me.   

guess you'll find out when you open it!

Nah. All fresh games are Y-Folded for virginity.

That looks like a re-seal in Shaka's pic.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 21, 2013, 06:39:48 PM
That link is dead and I've gotten pre-ordered new release DS games from gamestop with that crap shrink wrap.   I'm pretty sure a Dawn of Sorrow print run even has it. 

this thread confirms it varies:

oh well, he's happy and there weren't pubes in his box.   also, people fake Y-fold these days anyway, which sucks. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 07:51:49 PM

Not FIFA, and not Madden... maybe more Need for Speed? Star Wars?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: treythemovie on May 21, 2013, 08:11:25 PM
Sims 4 console port? Sounds like the type of game I'd port to Nintendo if I was forced to.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 08:17:40 PM
Are these more acceptable than my EA doodles, bore?


Please keep in mind I do not have a backlog and am too skint to buy anything else atm... this is all I haves  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on May 21, 2013, 08:35:12 PM
Kill yourself.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: thisismyusername on May 21, 2013, 08:37:36 PM
Kill yourself.

I like this version of you, Andy. Let's fuck.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 08:41:52 PM
Andy, if I killed myself I would no longer be able to type 'shut up you fucking fa​ggot'

Like drawing on the whimsy-verse, that is something I find enjoyable. So no.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: demi on May 21, 2013, 08:57:55 PM
Kill yourself.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 21, 2013, 09:02:28 PM
Kill yourself.

This post is rated M for mature, and available only on Xbox One and PS4
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 21, 2013, 09:07:34 PM
andy's transition to the dark side is almost complete

There is still good in him
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: thisismyusername on May 21, 2013, 10:30:51 PM
andy's transition to the dark side is almost complete

There is still good in him

Not for long. Bend over Andy, here comes the choo-choo. :hump
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 21, 2013, 10:31:33 PM
dark andrex rises
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on May 22, 2013, 02:00:39 AM
Holy shit, someone rewrote Andrex's character sheet
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 22, 2013, 02:08:37 AM
andy's transition to the dark side is almost complete

There is still good in him
But where's the whimsy?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: treythemovie on May 22, 2013, 04:49:06 AM
dark andrex rises
Does that mean androx is now the light side one?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on May 22, 2013, 09:35:50 AM
that was always the case :bow androx
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 22, 2013, 09:42:16 AM
andy's transition to the dark side is almost complete

There is still good in him
But where's the whimsy?


Whimsy?   Let me tell you about whimsy *BANG*
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 22, 2013, 02:46:18 PM
provided Sony don't bend over and shove a studded dildo covered in razor wire up their arse, and avoid a $599 situation -- their hype machine could see them do best easily this holiday.

I don't think Sony is in the clear yet. Actually they're nowhere close. Remember, they're the same company who trickled a series of good news and showings for the Vita until we were hit by the memory cards' shocker, lack of major titles/support from pubs (in the vein of the PSP/3DS), and loss of MH's exclusivity less than 6 weeks before launch back in 2011. In this scenario, the price, used games policy, propriety accessories/add-ons, and premium online service (that could include MP) are all possible pitfalls to fuckery!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Contra on May 22, 2013, 03:46:53 PM
The thinking that because one console is failing another one has o succeed is amazing.  We're probably looking at a situation where none of them succeed.  It's going to be glorious.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 22, 2013, 04:17:42 PM
Exactly. Everyone is still under the impression the market will be having the same cap, with shares up for grabs. Everything is up in the air, really.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 22, 2013, 04:31:35 PM
typical gaf/internet bullshit where one suddenly becomes totally awesome because the other one totally sucks

this is why critical thinking skills are more important to teach from a young age than STEM-related things
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Contra on May 22, 2013, 04:40:08 PM
Yes, we need less STEM in schools so people can more successfully argue consoles on the internet.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 22, 2013, 04:48:01 PM
Yes, we need less STEM in schools so people can more successfully argue consoles on the internet.


just quoting for posterity
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 22, 2013, 04:50:23 PM
typical gaf/internet bullshit where one suddenly becomes totally awesome because the other one totally sucks

this is why critical thinking skills are more important to teach from a young age than STEM-related things

I don't think one suddenly went up because one suddenly went down, necessarily. I think it's a matter of people with a vested interest already having these headlines written. The hypothetical Wii U recovery path has been understood for some time: price drop with big releases, and pray that neither the PS4 or Xbox One set the world on fire. Honestly, I never thought that this was some sort of impossible scenario save for the fact that I think it conveniently ignores one aspect, which is just how fucking terrible the Wii U is performing right now.

But that aside, I think Nintendo fans are conveniently ignoring the recent NPD and Media Creat sales figures and setting their sights on the PS4 and XB1 both being overpriced disappointments all the while awaiting Iwata, Miyamoto, and Reggie to demonstrate the best hour of video game PR ever in the form of E3 Nintendo Direct. List your top 5 favorite video games ever (preferably Nintendo owned IPs). Because guess what? Nintendo's got 'em and they're all releasing this year! Boom!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 22, 2013, 05:01:57 PM
The thinking that because one console is failing another one has o succeed is amazing.  We're probably looking at a situation where none of them succeed.  It's going to be glorious.

Many will be called in the coming years, and few will be chosen worthy.  Those that survive the coming madness will have only won the right to be eaten first by Cthulhu.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 22, 2013, 09:18:10 PM
I am /)(\ close to getting rid of my Wii U.

Looks like there was a software update this morning (or that is when I had it download).  Now my Wii U struggles to find a WiFi signal, even though it has recognized it for months, and every other device that can pick up on WiFi can read it just fine.  When it does pick it up, I can't seem to load Netflix worth a shit.

This is pissing me off.  The past couple of updates seem to have made the Wii U less and less stable.  Now it is back to the shitty first few weeks I had it where it was a roll of the dice to see if I can get Netflix up and running.  All I want to do after a long day's work is flop on the couch and watch an episode of Law and Order SVU.  Is this too much to ask?  Apparently the answer in the eyes of Nintendo is "yes."  Maybe the Xbox One reveal was so shitty that Nintendo felt confident they could fuck around with the Wii U stability again.  I wouldn't put it past them.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 22, 2013, 09:27:04 PM
maybe inceasing the clocks on the CPU has done that.  Try resincing maybe?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 22, 2013, 10:58:33 PM
maybe inceasing the clocks on the CPU has done that.

:lol :derp
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 22, 2013, 11:10:05 PM
Honestly i have no idea.  Why would the update make working things unstable?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on May 23, 2013, 12:29:09 AM
Honestly i have no idea

can a mod change damian's username to this?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 23, 2013, 12:51:41 AM
Why would the update make working things unstable?
It wouldn't when the console was plagued by WiFi "instability" since day 1.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 23, 2013, 01:35:30 AM
Yep, I also had issues getting my Wii U working with my WiFi network.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 23, 2013, 01:46:31 AM
I've never had WiFi issues, but I have just noticed that Netflix no longer seems to work. The Amazon app has also crashed a couple of times since the last update, but works most of the time.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2013, 01:48:48 AM
Kill yourself.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 23, 2013, 01:49:29 AM
Why are you using the Wii U's apps instead of the other alternatives? Is the user interface better?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 23, 2013, 03:24:57 AM
:bow Andrex :bow2

I'm actually warming to the future prospects of the WiiU as my son forces me to play more and more of NintendoLand.

I can see enough of Nintentech in Pikmin Adventure to be at least satisfied that the 3D Mario game is going to be pretty enough.

though yeah - the rash of "see? WiiU doesn't look so bad now does it?" posts/tweets are completely stupid. A bad reveal for one console doesn't solve a competing units woes in an hour.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 23, 2013, 04:40:20 AM
This might also be ensuring my reverse-Midas skills are put to constructive use.

I hate the vita too and I hope no more games get announced for it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 23, 2013, 05:57:26 AM
You can't deliberately reverse jinx something
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 23, 2013, 09:44:35 AM
Why are you using the Wii U's apps instead of the other alternatives? Is the user interface better?

I like controlling my tv with the gamepad and the pad is so big I never loose it. Unlike my tv or roku remotes which I can never find :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archie4208 on May 23, 2013, 09:49:41 AM
does it count as a dcharlie kiss of death if the body is already cold?

I think it would be necrophilia.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 23, 2013, 09:52:12 AM
Why are you using the Wii U's apps instead of the other alternatives? Is the user interface better?

Because it's the one that's plugged in at the moment. That's really the answer. Sometimes the PS3 is moved to a different TV. Or sometimes I just don't feel like switching out HDMI cables because I'm that lazy and the Wii U was the last system I played a game on. That's it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 23, 2013, 10:26:21 AM
A new Need for Speed game was announced for every console and PC except the Wii U.  I thought the news of EA pulling support was a joke or exaggeration  :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 23, 2013, 11:30:12 AM
Nintendo's Wii U E3 showing / Nintendo Direct is on June 11 (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, and Sony are on the 10th)

Smash Bros, new 3D Mario, and Mario Kart are supposed to be shown, plus other unannounced games.

3DS is getting a separate one, probably.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 23, 2013, 11:34:05 AM
All of that shit is gonna be shown and be what... six months off AT BEST.

It's too late by that point.  The only people who are going to continue to support Wii U are the ones who were always gonna support it no matter what: ninthings and people with more money than sense.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 23, 2013, 11:41:40 AM
I am one of those with mroe money than sense.  however it will be a while before i buy a new ps4 or xbox one.  Here is hoping for a price drop before i buy it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 23, 2013, 11:43:38 AM
I still think their best bet is a new model w/o tablet for $199 and Wii U Sports bundled or something.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 23, 2013, 12:04:15 PM
"We'll have a direct before E3" = 5 hours before the convention center opens :P
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 23, 2013, 12:10:31 PM
theres gonna be a few in the next couple weeks before that one, as well
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 23, 2013, 12:22:34 PM
oh, ok.  The two places I read it presented it as "the next nintendo direct is on June 11th;" inferring that there would be none between that last yakuza hd one and the E3 one.

and the games shown could be out by the fall.  I think the current lineup is:

august- pikmin 3
september- wonderful 101
october- wind waker hd

even if nintendo believes one game per month is OK, there's room for A video game in november.  unless that sonic game is it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on May 23, 2013, 02:11:47 PM
It's too late by that point.  The only people who are going to continue to support Wii U are the ones who were always gonna support it no matter what: ninthings and people with more money than sense.
Don't forget Platinum Games fanboys. (although honestly I'm not paying more than $199 for a Wii U)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 23, 2013, 08:22:34 PM

That 700% jump  :whoo

The comeback starts now (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Contra on May 23, 2013, 09:30:37 PM
people with more money than sense.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 23, 2013, 09:34:24 PM
Honestly i have no idea.  Why would the update make working things unstable?

How the hell would I know?  My Wii U had a lot of problems picking up WiFi signals in the first few weeks of owning it.  Then a software update stabilized it and for 3-4 months, it was fine.  Now it is shitty again.  Again, every other device that can pick up the WiFi signal can without problem.  The problem is the Wii U.

Why are you using the Wii U's apps instead of the other alternatives? Is the user interface better?

Mostly to get some kind of use out of the thing.

All of that shit is gonna be shown and be what... six months off AT BEST.

It's too late by that point.  The only people who are going to continue to support Wii U are the ones who were always gonna support it no matter what: ninthings and people with more money than sense.

A lot of Nintards have a false sense of confidence after the Xbox One unveiling, as if the sub 40k sales of the Wii U last month in the US somehow never happened.

Of course they forget that even though the Xbox One looks inferior to the PlayStation 4 (as of now), it is still way beyond the Wii U.  The Wii U struggles with current gen multiplatform titles.  It is going to be in shovelware hell once the next generation arrives.  Don't worry though, Mario will save everything (of course, let's ignore that NSMBU, a polished entry in a series that probably has sold 60 million copies at this point, even exists).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on May 23, 2013, 09:42:35 PM
This is pissing me off.  The past couple of updates seem to have made the Wii U less and less stable.  Now it is back to the shitty first few weeks I had it where it was a roll of the dice to see if I can get Netflix up and running.  All I want to do after a long day's work is flop on the couch and watch an episode of Law and Order SVU.  Is this too much to ask?  Apparently the answer in the eyes of Nintendo is "yes."  Maybe the Xbox One reveal was so shitty that Nintendo felt confident they could fuck around with the Wii U stability again.  I wouldn't put it past them.

I don't know if this will help you, but I did have some distinguished mentally-challenged symptoms in a couple of apps before I noticed this...

I downloaded the Wii Street U thing, to see if it would be any more interesting or better than Street View on my Nexus 7 or phone (it's not really, aside from walking paths they did inside Japanese stores n' shit)... anyway, the app would just NOT work for me at all. It would freeze and fuck up and hang the whole machine. Nobody on Miiverse seemed to be having the same problem. Anyway, I added manual DNS settings to my connection settings (googles are and and magically it worked after that. The app needs a patch so it doesn't fucking hang when it can't resolve a host. Stupid.

As for Netflix? I had a problem where it wasn't loading the content menu at all. It kept giving me errors and seemingly timeouts with no explanation at all n(and it looked like a connectivity problem - this could be what you're experiencing). My solution? I logged in to Netflix from my tablet and signed out all devices. I also deleted the save data for Netflix via the Wii U. Haven't had any problems since. To sign all devices out:

How to log out of the Netflix apps across all devices;
- Go to the Netflix website on your pc/mac
- Click on the "My Account" link in the top right of the page.
- Under the "Your Streaming Plan" Click "Manage Devices and computers"
- Click the "Disconnect Devices button" - this will disconnect all of your devices (except iPhone and iPad) and you will have to sign in again on each device.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on May 23, 2013, 09:49:08 PM
Thanks.  I'll try it out and see how it goes.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 24, 2013, 02:14:13 AM
MS marketing sells more consoles than Nintendo or Sony.

Perhaps due to the negative reception of the Xbox One, Wii U sales have seen a huge sales increase on Amazon UK.

Prior to Microsoft’s announcement, the Wii U was slumping at the 390th position. It has since climbed to the 40th position with an 875 percent increase.

Are the boost in Wii U sales related to the Xbox One? I’m not ready to draw any conclusions, but the significant increase is certainly interesting.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on May 24, 2013, 02:50:39 AM
It isnt going to sell that much more but it is funny none the less.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 24, 2013, 08:42:26 AM
I saw someone say "After the terrible X1 presentation and the -price cut- , WiiU sales have went up on Amazon"

yeah - people who were GOING to buy an X1 now aren't and are, instead, going to buy a Wii U.

I'm guessing the short term price cut was 99% of it?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 24, 2013, 08:44:54 AM
I'm guessing the short term price cut was 99% of it?

(8/1)*100 = 800%
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 24, 2013, 10:08:34 AM
I saw someone say "After the terrible X1 presentation and the -price cut- , WiiU sales have went up on Amazon"

yeah - people who were GOING to buy an X1 now aren't and are, instead, going to buy a Wii U.

I'm guessing the short term price cut was 99% of it?

yeah, who the hell watches a presentation on a new console, then gets so emotional and pissed off that they buy the competitor's product just on principle or some shit?   

besides a few hardcore gaftards. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on May 24, 2013, 12:25:27 PM
I saw someone say "After the terrible X1 presentation and the -price cut- , WiiU sales have went up on Amazon"

yeah - people who were GOING to buy an X1 now aren't and are, instead, going to buy a Wii U.

I'm guessing the short term price cut was 99% of it?

yeah, who the hell watches a presentation on a new console, then gets so emotional and pissed off that they buy the competitor's product just on principle or some shit?   

besides a few hardcore gaftards.

In theory, it's not an altogether implausible idea. The notion behind it is that there might be some people interested in the Wii U, but didn't want to commit just yet because the competitive products may blow it out of the water and have them kicking themselves for not waiting. So, Microsoft delivers an underwhelming conference, potential Wii U buyer surmises "yeah, no way I'm buying this stupid media device that doesn't allow for used games," and pulls the trigger on that Wii U they'd been eyeing for a while.

In strictly those terms, I can see it as plausible. Where it gets stupid is that the theory is being postulated as probable based only on one indicator -- and a poor one at that. Further, with E3 so close -- if you've waited this long to eye up all the products -- you might as well wait and see what's in store. Finally, you might want to wait for some more reputable points of data before concluding that the Wii U momentum is starting already. This is particularly true when there's another perfectly reasonable explanation for the sales spike: a price cut.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 24, 2013, 02:08:20 PM
Im more likely to buy wii u now over x1 too.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on May 24, 2013, 02:11:57 PM
wow, amazon rankings, those are certainly valid predictors

was always funny seeing its relevance switching based on the well being of their system of choice  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Lovingsteam on May 27, 2013, 12:08:16 AM
Hey folks =D
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 27, 2013, 12:53:46 AM
Sup, fellow Steam fan.  8)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Lovingsteam on May 27, 2013, 01:03:02 AM
Hey man ;)

I know I'm new here but perhaps you could think
Up a nice Nintendo based tag for me lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 27, 2013, 01:20:11 AM
You can make your own once you hit 2000 points, but in the meantime, feel free to have this one.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Lovingsteam on May 27, 2013, 01:25:35 AM
I love it lol!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on May 27, 2013, 02:44:44 AM
welcome aboard Cloving

More Lakers fans :gloomy
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Lovingsteam on May 27, 2013, 02:54:13 AM
welcome aboard Cloving

More Lakers fans :gloomy

Hey brosef. Can never have too many Lakers fans.
Any Ninten GAF regulars here?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 27, 2013, 03:01:23 AM
Any Ninten GAF regulars here?
No, not really. There are a few Nintendo fans but they're not active.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Lovingsteam on May 27, 2013, 03:05:23 AM
Any Ninten GAF regulars here?
No, not really. There are a few Nintendo fans but they're not active.

Well that's no fun. I was looking forward being able to troll some diehards :( I guess I'll be forced to just discuss Nintendo Wii U games I'm looking forward to.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 27, 2013, 04:58:07 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 27, 2013, 05:11:54 AM
Wait till E3,Nintendo is bound to show something worthy of trolling  :drool

I feel like there is a lot of pent up anger inside Nintendo lovers,bound to explode at some point.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 27, 2013, 02:28:08 PM
You guys should play the long con pretending to be even handed discussion more if you want to have fanboys to troll.  I'd probably visit more often and like, argue with effort and PASSION, if I felt like everyone wasn't purposefully obtuse around here most of the time.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 27, 2013, 02:37:12 PM
Count me in with those disliking purposeful obtuseness.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 27, 2013, 03:15:08 PM
I prefer bipolar posting.

seriously, there are only five posters on this forum with a Wii U, like 1/3rd of the community.  and I think there's crossover between Wii U and Vita owners.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 27, 2013, 03:36:18 PM
You guys should play the long con pretending to be even handed discussion more if you want to have fanboys to troll.  I'd probably visit more often and like, argue with effort and PASSION, if I felt like everyone wasn't purposefully obtuse around here most of the time.

Well, there's definitely some obtuseness going on, but it's usually on your end.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 27, 2013, 03:39:05 PM
Count me in with those disliking purposeful obtuseness.

Some of us are accidentally obtuse.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Momo on May 27, 2013, 05:28:26 PM
I accidentally bought a Vita
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archie4208 on May 27, 2013, 09:15:42 PM

Andrex brings up some good points.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on May 27, 2013, 09:19:15 PM
that video is eleven minutes and forty-one seconds long. WHY.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: brob on May 27, 2013, 09:25:50 PM
sounds like his parents argue a lot in front of him.  :(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on May 27, 2013, 10:11:37 PM
trolling without anyone around to troll is just regular shit talking.  this is just the wiiu shit talk thread.  Notice 3DS threads are just fine, cause that system has a future. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 27, 2013, 10:28:46 PM
that video is eleven minutes and forty-one seconds long. WHY.

Well, it's not like he's got games to be playing on his Wii U in lieu of posting videos
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 28, 2013, 12:11:18 AM
Out of curiosity I just checked and I have 75 hours logged on my Wii U for May (not counting my kid's account) :-[ Of course its all netflix/amazon/hulu but still. I wonder if that makes me the top nintard here :(

Between that and my kid's skylanders addiction I've been using the Wii U much more than the PS3 it replaced so I can't hate too much. Bring on E3 :)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 28, 2013, 12:24:03 AM
That kid seems like the worst thing ever but I guarantee you his dad is the Big Bad
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 28, 2013, 01:17:47 PM

Looks very decent! Graphics aren't as good as Sonic Generations, but that might mean they're shooting for a better frame rate, which is good given how Generations ran on consoles.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 28, 2013, 01:20:00 PM
I always wanted a sequel to Sonic 3D Blast
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 28, 2013, 01:30:02 PM
I played Super Metroid for 8.5 hours and then I spent some time updating the OS. Shaka probably logged a lot of hours judging from my friends feed.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Snuflupagulus on May 28, 2013, 02:32:26 PM
Fuck it.

Bought a Wii U. Bought the Lego game.

Err...  :bow Lego City Undercover :bow2

It's, umm, good. Yeah, quite enjoying it. Funny dialog sprinkled throughout. OCDing the Lego "coins." Why you gotta reappear? Ugh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on May 28, 2013, 04:12:25 PM
Fuck it.

Bought a Wii U. Bought the Lego game.

Err...  :bow Lego City Undercover :bow2

It's, umm, good. Yeah, quite enjoying it. Funny dialog sprinkled throughout. OCDing the Lego "coins." Why you gotta reappear? Ugh.

Best Lego game ever. The super builds are awesome.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 28, 2013, 04:26:25 PM
trolling without anyone around to troll is just regular shit talking.  this is just the wiiu shit talk thread.  Notice 3DS threads are just fine, cause that system has a future.

No, the software sales are anemic on 3ds, and really we won't know much about its future until Pokemon has come out.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on May 28, 2013, 06:58:00 PM
I was referring to your musings actually, if I'm not mistaken you have expressed concern for 3ds software sales in both Europe and America.  Disclaimer: Not saying the WiiU is going to turn around from its catastrophic irrelevance out the gate.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on May 29, 2013, 12:42:49 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 29, 2013, 12:48:26 AM
Dreams of superior multiplatforms by default :fbm
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on May 29, 2013, 08:47:27 AM
Seems like my Wii U is nearing the end. I had to restart the dumb thing 3 times before it would turn on and it kept dropping the wifi every ~5 minutes last night :fbm
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Momo on May 30, 2013, 01:33:47 AM
32GB premium package WiiU + Nintendoland = $100 in a 'clearance sale' 'while stock last' here today. People are all like YOU GOTTA GO FAST MAN I'm like 'It's a fucking WiiU I'll stroll into the shop 5 minutes from closing and pick up one of the 100 still on the shelves' :lol

In other news, I may get a WiiU today.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on May 30, 2013, 02:06:44 AM
Nintendo Land is still the best game I've played for the system. It's basically just a collection of half-assed tech demos, but some are surprisingly fun to play in a group.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 30, 2013, 03:07:06 AM
My top 2 Wii U pick are a 3DS game and a SNES game. :fbm
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 30, 2013, 04:23:33 AM
I'm more excited by the Nyko Gamepad battery than any actual Wii U games.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 30, 2013, 08:42:30 AM
32GB premium package WiiU + Nintendoland = $100 in a 'clearance sale' 'while stock last' here today. People are all like YOU GOTTA GO FAST MAN I'm like 'It's a fucking WiiU I'll stroll into the shop 5 minutes from closing and pick up one of the 100 still on the shelves' :lol

In other news, I may get a WiiU today.

Where is this?  I'd pick up one for a hundred bucks.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 30, 2013, 09:42:12 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 30, 2013, 11:06:06 AM
My top 2 Wii U pick are a 3DS game and a SNES game. :fbm

to be fair, you put Super Metroid on anything and it's bound to be one of the top games.

Other than NES/SNES games for 30 cents, I haven't bought a Wii U game since launch (NSMBU).  Unless games are announced for summer, that's 8 or 9 months of nothing, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo has the best exclusive line up this fall.  I mean, it kind of has to.
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 30, 2013, 11:24:44 AM
I'm more excited by the Nyko Gamepad battery than any actual Wii U games.

I just got mine yesterday. :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on May 30, 2013, 11:28:59 AM
32GB premium package WiiU + Nintendoland = $100 in a 'clearance sale' 'while stock last' here today. People are all like YOU GOTTA GO FAST MAN I'm like 'It's a fucking WiiU I'll stroll into the shop 5 minutes from closing and pick up one of the 100 still on the shelves' :lol

In other news, I may get a WiiU today.
Take a pic or you'll be branded a liar in addition to a weird anime loving foreigner with shit taste.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 30, 2013, 11:50:28 AM
I'll probably be buying one of these next week  :-\

goddamn this ninfaggery of mine
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 30, 2013, 12:26:31 PM

Is this for realises?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 30, 2013, 12:35:38 PM
I'll probably be buying one of these next week  :-\

goddamn this ninfaggery of mine

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 30, 2013, 12:42:32 PM
prepping for the eventual mario/zelda/smash trio.

It's my nintendo box
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on May 30, 2013, 12:44:08 PM
So why not wait until those games are actually out in 20142015 before buying one?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 30, 2013, 12:44:54 PM
hey I never said it was a smart decision
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 30, 2013, 12:45:16 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
also I have some gift cards and gamestop credit
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on May 30, 2013, 12:45:44 PM
at least you're waiting a week for the eventual price drop
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Momo on May 30, 2013, 12:54:42 PM
Where is this?  I'd pick up one for a hundred bucks.
Take a pic or you'll be branded a liar in addition to a weird anime loving foreigner with shit taste.
he's from seeth eefreeka, so it's probably a bit of a walk

Sorry boys, Oscar is right, the frequent flier miles on this one is beyond you. Local Souf Efrikahn thing only ( WiiU sales here have been spectacularly pathetic.

As predicted a friend of mine strolled over to the shop during his lunch hour and grabbed one of the many consoles in store. (Apparently this store only had fucking 25 units but there was still a rack left over :rofl)

I didnt go since I had some crazy busy day at work, but may pick up the scraps tomorrow (after I call the store to confirm one is left)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 30, 2013, 02:02:18 PM
I'm more excited by the Nyko Gamepad battery than any actual Wii U games.

I just got mine yesterday. :-[
I will buy one of those as soon as I see a new 3D Mario or Zelda game announced.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on May 30, 2013, 05:37:44 PM
Well the Nyko battery is a piece of shit. Avoid.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on May 30, 2013, 08:50:05 PM
Well that escalated quickly.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 04, 2013, 12:11:46 PM
Well the Nyko battery is a piece of shit. Avoid.

Nintendo is releasing a larger battery in late July that extends battery life by 2 to 3 hours.  Smaller and possibly more expensive than the Nyko one, but it should be more reliable.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 04, 2013, 02:21:45 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
also I have some gift cards and gamestop credit

None of those things expire.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on June 04, 2013, 03:09:33 PM
007 Legends is down to $18 and I like Bond games, even the bad ones. Hmm...

Mutant Mudds is out on June 13 for $10
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 04, 2013, 03:18:56 PM
I have it on my phone thanks

I think it was free on iOS for a while.

$10 on a $350 platform?  :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on June 04, 2013, 03:41:57 PM
Wii U booth outside of Disneyland :lol


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 04, 2013, 04:11:40 PM
This is Wii U.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 04, 2013, 06:41:03 PM
I walked past that booth while playing Angry Birds on my iPhone. What's a Wii U again? :-[
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 04, 2013, 06:53:41 PM
Got an email, company-wide all WiiU are being recalled.

Finally Nintendo gets it that no one wanted that pos.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 04, 2013, 07:07:06 PM
MM was a good deal on 3DS, dunno if MMDX will be worth $10 but I guess I'll double dip since I literally haven't turned my Wii U on in two months.

Got an email, company-wide all WiiU are being recalled.

Finally Nintendo gets it that no one wanted that pos.

Just the basic model, I believe.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 04, 2013, 07:09:29 PM
Silly Andy, I'm just having fun after my ass got destroyed by English Grammar final exam. :(

Welcome back BTW.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 04, 2013, 07:16:16 PM
You're still in college? Lmao.

Oh and thanks. It's nice to have a thread to myself. I knew Borys could never stop being a loyal lapdog.  8)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 04, 2013, 07:22:27 PM
Work + college.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on June 04, 2013, 07:56:19 PM

1. It's just the 8GB tard pack.
2. They've already announced a 32GB white model (in Japan). They'll probably announce that at E3 for the US.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 04, 2013, 08:18:18 PM
I'd also expect a price cut, might be only $50 though.

Still, $300 single-version Wii U isn't... that terrible of a deal, going into the holidays.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on June 04, 2013, 08:21:08 PM
$300 32GB Wii U with Nintendoland isn't bad. Maybe throw in 1 Wiimote with it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 04, 2013, 08:22:10 PM
200 without game or 250 with a game that's not shit aka not nintendo land.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 04, 2013, 08:34:04 PM
200 without game or 250 with a game that's not shit aka not nintendo land.

Probably not gonna happen lol. Who knows, maybe they'll bundle one of the New Super ____ Bros. games with it now that there's two of them. Dunno how NSMBU is selling but it's probably tracking the worst in the series so far. (70% of my StreetPasses are from NSMB2. :-\ )
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 04, 2013, 08:47:24 PM
I don't want a Wii U packaged with a Wii remote.  Nothing that would encourage developers to use it.  The patch that enables the Luigi DLC inside NSMBU also adds 360 controller support.  Even Nintendo's wising up.  Wii remote should be sealed away until Ghost Squad HD or Sin and Punishment 3.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 04, 2013, 09:08:12 PM
 after the prices are announced for the Xbone and PSGDDR5, assuming they're around $399, the price of the 32 gig wii u will be slashed to $249.

Believe: 66,666
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 04, 2013, 09:30:58 PM
200 without game or 250 with a game that's not shit aka not nintendo land.

If something's going to be packed-in, Nintendo Land would be the best choice.  It's not something I think anyone should buy for full price, but it is a pretty good demonstration of what the pad can do, and it's something fun for families who buy the thing as a Christmas present without any other games.  I think $250 with NintendoLand would be, I dunno, a good-ish offer?  I don't know that it would help much in terms of making the WiiU big, but it would at least chart us back into Gamecube waters saleswise, probably.

Well the PS3 and Xbox360 are cheaper and have games, so that's what I was getting at.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 04, 2013, 10:19:14 PM
hunh.  if that's what you were trying to get at, you kind of suck at getting at your points.  you should probably take a class or something.

The Wii U is a tough sale as is in being expensive especially when the 360/PS3 are out and cheaper and has games the pad being a dud also doesn't help, so at this point we are just beating a dead horse, maybe I should have explained it better in the first place, but meh I am lazy.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Sho Nuff on June 05, 2013, 02:51:36 AM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 05, 2013, 02:55:43 AM
Oui Yoo?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 05, 2013, 03:01:05 AM
I have it on my phone thanks

I think it was free on iOS for a while.

$10 on a $350 platform?  :lol

The iPhone version is the worst version.  Mutant Mudds is pretty hard and even as someone fairly acceptant of touch controlled platformers, it really doesn't turn out well with Mudds.  Yeah, game was free/99 cents, but if you can't even get through half the game, it's not worth much.

I have it on 3DS and iPhone.  Not really down with buying the game again, even if it's a deluxe version.  I guess, like the 3DS version was at the time it was released, it's a nice enough game for people without much else to play.

Yeah its not easy, but I get bored with this kind of game within an hour anyway. Also Im pretty sure you can hook a controller to android devices.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 05, 2013, 07:13:26 AM
I have it on my phone thanks

I think it was free on iOS for a while.

$10 on a $350 platform?  :lol

The iPhone version is the worst version.  Mutant Mudds is pretty hard and even as someone fairly acceptant of touch controlled platformers, it really doesn't turn out well with Mudds.  Yeah, game was free/99 cents, but if you can't even get through half the game, it's not worth much.

I have it on 3DS and iPhone.  Not really down with buying the game again, even if it's a deluxe version.  I guess, like the 3DS version was at the time it was released, it's a nice enough game for people without much else to play.

Yeah its not easy, but I get bored with this kind of game within an hour anyway. Also Im pretty sure you can hook a controller to android devices.

USB OTG cable +

You used to be able to connect Wii controllers, DS3 and 360 controllers via bluetooth, which was awesome, but updates to Android screwed it up.

You can still use the DS3 and 360 controller via USB OTG cable, and with a PC Wireless Adaptor kit for 360 controllers, and the above app, you can also use wireless 360 controllers. Some games just work automagically, like the GTA games, but for anything that doesn't work right away you can use USB/BT Joystick Center to make them work. Works amazing on tablets like Nexus 7, it's great for emulators. It's a bit of a messy looking setup though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 05, 2013, 11:20:32 AM
Wait, Luigi U adds Protroller support? :bow DLC of the forever. :bow2 Nintendo actually getting with it.

Now if they could also throw the CPP some bones... :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 05, 2013, 11:51:03 AM
Wait, Luigi U adds Protroller support? :bow DLC of the forever. :bow2 Nintendo actually getting with it.

Now if they could also throw the CPP some bones... :-\

Which is amazing. I was absolutely convinced by jackasses on GAF that this simply couldn't be done because of two levels that needed the gyro tilt arguing that any alterations to remove that sequence or substitute button presses for motion controls there were the demands of entitled idiots who don't understand good game design. What kind of asshole expects their Nintendo controller to work with their Nintendo game when clearly accommodating it would present a minor nuisance for 1/500th of the game.

See also: I'm glad there's no online in Mario because any amount of lag would ruin what is otherwise a flawless masterpiece of multiplayer gaming.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 05, 2013, 11:55:29 AM
TBH the tilt level thing actually sounded like a reasonable excuse on some level, but what pissed me off about it is that it was literally in two levels in the entire game. As if Nintendo put them in just so they could make that excuse of not supporting the Pro controller.

Glad they came to their sense though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 05, 2013, 12:05:10 PM
TBH the tilt level thing actually sounded like a reasonable excuse on some level, but what pissed me off about it is that it was literally in two levels in the entire game. As if Nintendo put them in just so they could make that excuse of not supporting the Pro controller.

Glad they came to their sense though.

It always sounded like lazy bullshit to me. It's a barely used mechanic, and even if it's not ideal, some combination of dual analog and/or utilizing the shoulder buttons would allow for that sequence to work. If the whole game centered around tilting platforms, I'd buy it. But as is, it was just nonsense that I can't believe idiotic fans defended.

There were a few titles last gen where I was actually impressed that Nintendo accommodated practically every controller combination under the sun. Games like Brawl and Mario Kart come to mind, where they allowed WiiMote, WiiMote +Nunchuck, WiiMote + Classic Controller, and Gamecube controllers as possibilities. It was appreciated that they made it as easy as possible to facilitate multiplayer with everyone's preferred controller interface. But with New Super Mario? No. Fuck you. WiiMotes or bust.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 05, 2013, 12:12:23 PM
People figured it out in Dolphin years ago.  You can play nearly every Wii game using a 360 pad, including Skyward Sword and Metroid Other M.  Or in the case of DKC Returns, use a cheat code to play with the classic controller on the Wii itself.  A lack of options is the most aggravating part of Nintendo games.  See: Kid Icarus 3DS.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 05, 2013, 11:27:47 PM
TBH the tilt level thing actually sounded like a reasonable excuse on some level, but what pissed me off about it is that it was literally in two levels in the entire game. As if Nintendo put them in just so they could make that excuse of not supporting the Pro controller.

Glad they came to their sense though.

It always sounded like lazy bullshit to me. It's a barely used mechanic, and even if it's not ideal, some combination of dual analog and/or utilizing the shoulder buttons would allow for that sequence to work. If the whole game centered around tilting platforms, I'd buy it. But as is, it was just nonsense that I can't believe idiotic fans defended.

There were a few titles last gen where I was actually impressed that Nintendo accommodated practically every controller combination under the sun. Games like Brawl and Mario Kart come to mind, where they allowed WiiMote, WiiMote +Nunchuck, WiiMote + Classic Controller, and Gamecube controllers as possibilities. It was appreciated that they made it as easy as possible to facilitate multiplayer with everyone's preferred controller interface. But with New Super Mario? No. Fuck you. WiiMotes or bust.

The dumbest part is that you have to use the tablet for single player, but then if you don't want to be stuck as the tap-the-screen-guy in multiplayer then you cannot use it at all.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 06, 2013, 12:30:03 AM
You can use the wiimote for single player.  Hell, a few days ago I realized you can map snes virtual console games to the wiimote.  Actually works out pretty well for MMX, although I can't dash walljump now.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on June 06, 2013, 11:30:42 AM

Enough of smash idiots. Fuck off. … RT @Cruz9488: Bayonetta in Smash Bros 4?

:bow Kamiya :bow2

and from now on, nintendo fans will hate anything and everything he does and says
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 06, 2013, 11:58:50 AM

Enough of smash idiots. Fuck off. … RT @Cruz9488: Bayonetta in Smash Bros 4?

:bow Kamiya :bow2

and from now on, nintendo fans will hate anything and everything he does and says

Not likely - he's amazing! It's like he hates almost everybody who tweets him, yet he compulsively replies to all of them

I'd love to hear how people feel about his Twitter life / addiction inside PG and Nintendo
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 06, 2013, 01:59:50 PM
I don't know what his real thoughts are, but his tweets are generating tasty tears.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: ManaByte on June 06, 2013, 02:15:03 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: pilonv1 on June 06, 2013, 09:59:03 PM
No Wii U version - 2K Sports will not publish NBA 2K14 for Wii U. "We are not doing a Wii U version this year," Argent said. "The decision was made internally that our resources would be best put toward making a really amazing current-generation and next generation game, and we did not want to take resources away from making a great experience on those platforms.

So Wii U is neither current gen or next gen
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 06, 2013, 10:56:32 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 07, 2013, 02:25:29 AM
Quote from: Sakurai
I have an announcement. During the Nintendo Direct to be broadcast from 11PM on the night of June 11th, the first trailer of the new entry in the 'Super Smash Bros." series will be broadcast. For the first time, simultaneously across the world! Do not miss it.

I'm worried about the 3DS version being a strain on development and the two versions having different rosters ("Sonic for Wii U, Snake for 3DS!") but otherwise this should be good. People's hype will be tempered by Brawl (which I'm in the minority of loving) which should lead to a less-unbearable lead up to launch.

Hopefully, anyways.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 07, 2013, 02:49:40 AM
I liked Brawl, too.  I understand being disappointed, but personally, I can't really compare it to Melee.  Even back in 2008 it was impossible to recreate the environment that made Melee what it was for me and my friends.  What little I played of Brawl was fun.

My concern with this Wii U one is that it'll be more of the same and become "another one."  The hypothetical version of Smash Bros Wii U that's Brawl with better graphics and more content is not something I'd want.  Maybe if the entire game is rejiggered around online play, or there's a neat gimmick to the single player (RPG-ish like Tobal, kumite with costumes/items).

And I want the 3DS one to be a 3D arena fighter, Power Stone or Gundam vs Gundam style.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 07, 2013, 02:53:13 AM
Hey Andrex, I love Brawl too. Would you ever want to play online sometime?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 07, 2013, 02:58:29 AM
Hey Andrex, I love Brawl too. Would you ever want to play online sometime?

The new one, sure, if they don't butcher Luigi.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 07, 2013, 03:00:23 AM
New one? You mean on WiiU?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 07, 2013, 03:07:32 AM
I'd play the Wii U one with you, Andrex, but you never accepted my friend invite  :-\

spoiler (click to show/hide)
or I sent it incorrectly.  It's confusing.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 07, 2013, 03:14:34 AM
Haven't turned on my Wii U in forever so I dunno, it might be there.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 07, 2013, 04:25:13 AM
I'd play the Wii U one with you, Andrex, but you never accepted my friend invite  :-\

spoiler (click to show/hide)
or I sent it incorrectly.  It's confusing.

Are we even friends yet? What's your ID?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 07, 2013, 06:05:47 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 07, 2013, 07:04:29 AM
I'm thinking of getting a Wii U soon, depends on what E3 brings. Hoping for new model, price cut, and more excuses to buy the thing besides Platinum Games.

$350 for the decent model is pretty steep
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 07, 2013, 11:48:17 AM
I'd play the Wii U one with you, Andrex, but you never accepted my friend invite  :-\

spoiler (click to show/hide)
or I sent it incorrectly.  It's confusing.

Are we even friends yet? What's your ID?

I think so? I know I've seen you in that miiverse feed before, but I might just be following you.  Next time I turn on my Wii U I'll check what my ID is; all I remember is trying to make it as lame as possible.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 07, 2013, 03:14:30 PM
Friend requests expire after a month.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 08, 2013, 05:11:39 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 08, 2013, 05:30:29 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 08, 2013, 08:30:50 PM
Aww man. I'd give my left testicle to be in such illustrious company. To be that close to someone in that awesome a Luigi costume? I don't know what those other guys in that picture did or who they slept with to be so lucky, but I'm jealous.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Barry Egan on June 08, 2013, 09:00:12 PM
I hope that when I'm way past my prime, I'm just as unashamed of my adult diaper as Luigi is. 
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 08, 2013, 09:01:45 PM
Are they abducting Asians there
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 08, 2013, 09:33:05 PM
Revenge of The Nerds 7 casting call?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
But which one would be new gen Booger?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
They will just get the real Booger to do it since where else is that nicca going to get work.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 08, 2013, 10:08:38 PM

It's ok to call in a drone strike on US soil just this once, Obama.  For great justice.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 08, 2013, 10:13:59 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 08, 2013, 10:15:28 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on June 08, 2013, 10:42:15 PM
:dead :dead :dead
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:00:07 AM
First Yuji Naka, now Miyamoto  :'(

Yuji's a nice guy if you aren't working with/for him.  Miyamoto's a big spoiled brat.  He's been treated like God his whole life, to predictable effect.

Who was it here or on GAF that saw Miyamoto in like an English pub or something and sat down and chatted with him and he was the coolest dude ever?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:02:00 AM
Also fuck you Oscar, I'll throw anyone else from Nintendo under the bus but Miyamoto has fucking earned his keep. This isn't like fucking Stan Lee or Inafune where they were bringing the actual guys making the stuff coffee but then took all the credit years later, the guy legitimately has a fantastic intuition for fun game design and put Nintendo on the fucking map.

(in before Wii Music)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:12:29 AM
But the restaurant story...

I dunno maybe he is a dick, but not to people he doesn't know well. In that case then I don't see why you'd be smacking down Wrath.

I'm also curious to know how you came to this unmovable conclusion. People who worked for him? I can easily see him telling a bunch of interns their ideas are shit (just like he routinely does to the gaijins Nintendo owns, and admits to doing in Iwata Asks.)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on June 09, 2013, 01:15:39 AM
Also fuck you Oscar, I'll throw anyone else from Nintendo under the bus but Miyamoto has fucking earned his keep. This isn't like fucking Stan Lee or Inafune where they were bringing the actual guys making the stuff coffee but then took all the credit years later, the guy legitimately has a fantastic intuition for fun game design and put Nintendo on the fucking map.

(in before Wii Music)

Oh please! you ninwarts wish Miyamoto was half the man Stan Lee is!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:22:54 AM
I give Stan Lee 50% of the credit for the comics he said he made single-handedly and by most accounts that's a generous amount.

I give him 100% credit for being a hilarious old white dude, though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:41:22 AM
Again, fuck you Oscar.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: TakingBackSunday on June 09, 2013, 01:41:40 AM
any sort of person in ANY industry who has his throne sniffed is usually a prick – that doesn't mean they aren't (or weren't) talented and hugely influential.

in other words; who fucking cares either way
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 01:46:22 AM
First Yuji Naka, now Miyamoto  :'(

Yuji's a nice guy if you aren't working with/for him.  Miyamoto's a big spoiled brat.  He's been treated like God his whole life, to predictable effect.

Maybe that why Yuji Naka makes shit games now.  But back to Miyamoto, what exactly makes you think he isnt a nice person outside of work?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:49:35 AM
Hey guys Ken Levine is a closet pedo but I can't say how I know this

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 01:54:29 AM
Oh well now that Damian is asking I guess I'll reveal how I know.

Did you come to the revelations by putting pieces together or some info from a trusted friend or something?  Can we alteast ask you that?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:55:04 AM
I read an interview where Naka was talking about some of the programming tricks he had to pull in the gen games and my jaw was on the floor. (A similar moment happened with Iwata and Kirby during an Iwata Asks.)

Then Naka started talking about how cool he thought Shadow was and I was just like  :snoop
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 01:57:49 AM
Oh god, I've stuck a fork in the sacred cow.  Grow up, guys.  Your heroes are all assholes like every other successful person.

Well thats a given somewhat.  But i think they are all like that at work.  However most of them do a Jekyll and Hyde switch outside of work.  I mean if Miyamoto decided to pull the same shit he does outside of work it would be very well known.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 02:14:47 AM
So you never actually met him in person?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 02:22:54 AM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 09, 2013, 02:26:10 AM
So you never actually met him in person?

Once.  He was in a shitty mood from the moron before me though, so I don't hold it against him.

Was it Andrex trying to get a sealed copy of Doki Doki Panic autographed?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 02:31:45 AM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.

I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on June 09, 2013, 02:36:58 AM
Hey guys Ken Levine is a closet pedo but I can't say how I know this


speaking of spoiled brats...
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 09, 2013, 02:38:59 AM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.

I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.

"X is a jerk" is always an opinion.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 02:42:46 AM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.

I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.

"X is a jerk" is always an opinion.

That's a circular and pointless argument.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 02:50:48 AM
Oscar told me in real life that his post was fact but I can't tell you how I know this

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 02:51:29 AM
Can we go back to the Nintendo hating now?  That last half page was  :yuck

EDIT:  Let it go Andrex, unless you want to disappear again.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 02:57:15 AM
Ah hem. Yes, I think I have some composure.

How much is Wii U gonna suck during E3 guys?

I wanna hope for a new IP but I know I'll be let down. :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 09, 2013, 02:59:39 AM
They'll reannounce the games that were originally meant for spring.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 03:02:44 AM
I have a feeling they wont be showing "X" from Monolithsoft, I really hope I am wrong in that regard.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 03:07:14 AM
I have a feeling they wont be showing "X" from Monolithsoft, I really hope I am wrong in that regard.

I think one of the Monolith dudes said they will be showing it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 09, 2013, 03:08:27 AM
I don't think it's anywhere near done. I' expecting them to show footage from Pikmin, Smash Brothers, the Zelda remake and then announce Mario Kart, 3D Mario and whatever Retro Studios is working on.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 03:11:42 AM
They had enough four months ago for a fairly meaty trailer showing all gameplay, I'm sure they could cut together a more story-focused one. I don't think it will be out until 2014 but the fact they showed gameplay at a lesser ND makes me think they'll have it in some form for their big E3 one. I wish I could find that quote though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 09, 2013, 03:12:27 AM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.

I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.

"X is a jerk" is always an opinion.

That's a circular and pointless argument.
Wait, what?
Facts are true or false; opinions are justified or unjustified.
X is a jerk is neither true nor false. Oscar thinks x is a jerk is true or false. Whether Oscar is justified in his belief has nothing to do with my point.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 09, 2013, 04:30:20 AM
Oscar told me in real life that his post was fact but I can't tell you how I know this

I don't understand why this is such a problem for you. What reason does Oscar have for lying (other than rustling your jimmies because you take the bait every time)? I'm not against giving Oscar some shit every once in a while, the plate ought to be passed to everyone, but when you deliver your criticisms this sloppily, it just makes you seem like an obnoxious child.

Oh, and this?
[I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.
because a sad, old splinter board of an even sadder, diseased one is totally the place one expects to find "facts" being "peddled" ::)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 09, 2013, 04:32:24 AM
Let it go.  You are too late to the party.  Its over.  Back to the Nintendo hate.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 04:57:43 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 09, 2013, 05:54:27 AM
Andrex do you think you will still post here after e3?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 06:48:27 AM
Andrex back to his shitty old self again. Get lost from this forum for another 6 months, maybe it will do you good. And no I won't make another "PLEASE COME BACK!" thread. You had your chance, punk. :pacspit

If only we could run you off for six months.  I could use a pole-free posting environment.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 09, 2013, 09:02:18 AM
Miyamoto secretly funds Hezbollah
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 09, 2013, 09:28:23 AM
It's OK, Andy. I pm Drinky all the time for Ballmer's cock but get no reply.

I wish to be the little insider
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 10:31:31 AM
Andrex back to his shitty old self again. Get lost from this forum for another 6 months, maybe it will do you good. And no I won't make another "PLEASE COME BACK!" thread. You had your chance, punk. :pacspit

Nicca please, you're so tsun tsun for my dick that if I slapped you in the face with it you'd be crawling back for sloppy seconds. :pacspit
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 12:25:06 PM
I believe tsun tsun is the colloquialism for tsundere, Oscar-san.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 09, 2013, 12:25:38 PM
tsun tsun means aloof or indifferent.  this is a fact.

you want dere dere.  this is my opinion.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 09, 2013, 01:02:13 PM
I believe tsun tsun is the colloquialism for tsundere, Oscar-san.
tsk tsk, here you go again, pretending that you know things you actually don't. Here, lemme Google that for you. (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 09, 2013, 01:10:30 PM
God, you suck so bad, Andrex.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:20:44 PM
God, you suck so bad Andrex.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:21:48 PM
I believe tsun tsun is the colloquialism for tsundere, Oscar-san.
tsk tsk, here you go again, pretending that you know things you actually don't. Here, lemme Google that for you. (

I said "I believe." I was wrong about this one, props to Oscar san. Who would have thought someone living in Japan would know more than a weeaboo?  :heh
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 09, 2013, 01:22:18 PM
Clearly not you.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:23:48 PM
Clearly not you.

Truly my greatest shame yet. :fbm
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 09, 2013, 01:24:14 PM
This thread is an embarrassment to the usually high-caliber discussions of pertinent issues that The Bore is known for.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 09, 2013, 01:27:33 PM
Lock this thread, leper Andrex, ban Japan.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 01:32:15 PM
Andrex is always gonna be that yappy, high strung little dog that follows Oscar's bull mastiff around.  Usually the mastiff tolerates the other dog's antics, but every once in a while he has to smack him down so the little guy knows his place.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:34:08 PM
Lock this thread, leper Andrex, ban Japan.

Execute Wii U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Raban on June 09, 2013, 01:39:09 PM
Andrex is always gonna be that yappy, high strung little dog that follows Oscar's bull mastiff around.  Usually the mastiff tolerates the other dog's antics, but every once in a while he has to smack him down so the little guy knows his place.

Funny you mention this, because that's how I've always seen the two of them. In fact... I quickly sketched this last night to try and get myself to fall asleep
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Barry Egan on June 09, 2013, 01:41:56 PM
Icon Raban
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 09, 2013, 01:42:41 PM
Someone's trying to be sman.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 09, 2013, 02:59:23 PM

If only we could run you off for six months.  I could use a pole-free posting environment.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 09, 2013, 03:06:48 PM
Is it just me or is Andy's ass shaped like the Wii U pad?

 I hope he's got a protector on 'cause Oscar's old stylus is all jagged and rough.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 03:21:56 PM

If only we could run you off for six months.  I could use a pole-free posting environment.


You're Canadian.  I'm talking about natives.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 09, 2013, 03:25:21 PM
You fucking inconsiderate douche. They're called Indians.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 09, 2013, 03:28:49 PM
Creepy you're trying too hard
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 03:49:51 PM
You fucking inconsiderate douche. They're called Indians.

Aren't native Canadians Inuits or some shit?  :yeshrug
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 09, 2013, 04:02:48 PM
Creepy you're trying too hard

Hasn't that always been, like, the bore's motto?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 04:04:12 PM
Icon Raban.

Leper Andrex.

Send Triumph to Poland.

Just shoot me if that's what you're gonna do
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 09, 2013, 05:09:33 PM

You fucking inconsiderate douche. They're called Indians.

The Metis and Inuit hate your guts.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 09, 2013, 06:52:09 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on June 09, 2013, 07:17:28 PM
Why does that matter?  You can make a judgement based on multiple sources.

I would not consider that a correctly informed judgment, certainly not one to peddle as fact on message boards.

"X is a jerk" is always an opinion.
Unless you're talking about Billy Corgan. :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 07:26:05 PM
Fuck Billy Corgan. If I was allowed to steal someones talent and accomplishments completely to ruin them I would choose him without a moment's hesitation.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on June 09, 2013, 07:26:43 PM
Hey now, Melon Collie's a really good record! Corgan's still one of the biggest cunts ever though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 09, 2013, 07:27:09 PM
He's moderately talented. Come on.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 09, 2013, 07:27:21 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Trent Dole on June 09, 2013, 07:31:14 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Purple Filth on June 10, 2013, 01:16:07 AM
So much salt in here  :lol :lol
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 10, 2013, 01:19:39 AM
So much salt in here  :lol :lol

All according to keikaku*.

* consult Oscar-san for an accurate translation
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 10, 2013, 01:24:46 AM
Does it frustrate you knowing there is someone here with INSIDER info, Andy?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 10, 2013, 01:28:36 AM
Does it frustrate you knowing there is someone here with INSIDER info, Andy?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 10, 2013, 01:40:51 AM
You can talk to me, Andy. It's OK.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 10, 2013, 01:45:17 AM
Oscar hurts me sometimes, but I know he doesn't mean it. :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 10, 2013, 01:57:35 AM
Oscar hurts me sometimes, but I know he doesn't mean it. :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Himu on June 10, 2013, 02:05:59 AM
I just masturbated to that pic raban drew of Oscar be cause it is the closest I will ever get after he CALLED MY CARROTS HOT DOGS
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 10, 2013, 02:16:34 AM
Oscar hurts me sometimes, but I know he doesn't mean it. :'(

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 10, 2013, 08:41:19 AM
Nintendo “making a big move” for indies, says Capybara
Nintendo is pulling out all the stops to bring independent games to the Wii U, according to Nathan Vella of Super Time Force, Sword & Sworcery and Critter Crunch developer Capybara Games.

“I’ve seen personally, first-hand, Nintendo making a big move to try and get smaller, unique, independent games on Wii U downloadable,” Vella told VG247.

“They have a really great team there; Dan Edelman who runs that division is one of the raddest dudes in video games, and I would say easily one of the most respected people by the independent community.

“Nintendo is reaching out and trying to do something. They’re playing catch up, obviously, and that’s a hard spot to be in when it comes to getting the new stuff, but they’re really putting in.”

For example, Vella said, there’s IGF Award winner Little Inferno, which first launched for Wii U before heading to other platforms.

Interesting strategy for next gen, they cant get the big third party devs onboard so they go after the indies.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on June 10, 2013, 09:17:23 AM
I'll be in a work meeting during tomorrow's E3 Direct :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Damian79 on June 10, 2013, 10:06:17 AM
Vita has indie games?  I thought they went the b tier devs route with the vita.  Both pretty fail ideas though.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 11, 2013, 04:30:22 AM
Still hoping for a new model, price cut, and reasons to buy besides "Bayonetta 2".

Even if Wii U is fucked I'm still looking forward to 3DS.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 13, 2013, 11:34:05 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bachikarn on June 13, 2013, 11:34:47 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 13, 2013, 11:51:13 PM
Post E3 2013: No price drop, Bayonetta 2 looks like a masher, and no compelling game announcements.

Guess I'll stick to 3DS for another year or three.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 14, 2013, 10:52:42 AM
Here comes the Bayo 2 armchair critics a year before the game is even out.

"I didn't even want it anyways! So take THAT Nintendo! :maf"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 14, 2013, 11:21:12 AM
Here comes the Bayo 2 armchair critics a year before the game is even out.

"I didn't even want it anyways! So take THAT Nintendo! :maf"

At least we fucking knew it existed before it became a weeeeeooooooo exclusive, fuckstick
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 14, 2013, 11:39:57 AM
Agree with triumph here

Sorry triumph for this consensus
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 14, 2013, 12:19:28 PM
This is like that part in Pulp Fiction where the dude is hiding in the back room, runs out and unloads his gun at Sam and Travolta only to discover that he didn't hit shit and then gets gunned down like a little bitch.  I'll leave it to the observer to figure out who is who.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 14, 2013, 01:18:31 PM
I'm sorry, that "masher" comment was just based on the trailer footage. I went and poked around for some demo footage from the show floor and it seems to play a lot more like the Bayonetta we know and love.

Maybe the trailer footage is just some powered up mode where her moves get all crazy. Didn't mean to offend anyone.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 14, 2013, 01:22:01 PM
"I didn't even want it until it became a Nintendo game!"
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 14, 2013, 01:27:33 PM

And Ninthings question why people refer to them as kiddies and manchildren... Here are the false gods you celebrate, heathens. Now suck my dick!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 14, 2013, 01:35:30 PM

And Ninthings question why people refer to them as kiddies and manchildren... Here are the false gods you celebrate, heathens. Now suck my dick!

Jesus tap dancing Christ, what the fuck is this?

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on June 14, 2013, 01:37:38 PM

Nintendo going after children market,shocking news!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 14, 2013, 02:28:58 PM

And Ninthings question why people refer to them as kiddies and manchildren... Here are the false gods you celebrate, heathens. Now suck my dick!

Jesus tap dancing Christ, what the fuck is this?


Nyan Super Meowio Bros.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 14, 2013, 02:44:17 PM
Nyan Super Meowio Bros.

If I had any pride left as an owner of the Wii U, it's now gone.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 14, 2013, 03:40:41 PM
I kind of want a Wii U because it doesn't have so many good games.  (
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Rufus on June 14, 2013, 03:46:26 PM
That bargaining is just delicious.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 14, 2013, 03:47:42 PM
That bargaining is just delicious.

Gonna use it once X1 bombs.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 14, 2013, 04:18:58 PM
I kind of want a Wii U because it doesn't have so many good games.  (

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Diunx on June 14, 2013, 04:31:19 PM
Saw that nintendo exec thread but was to embarrased to even click on it, smh.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 14, 2013, 04:32:51 PM
I see where he is coming from. I'm probably going to play my Wii U less than my 3DS, Vita, PS4, and PC, but still I'll have time to play all the worthwhile exclusives.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on June 14, 2013, 05:28:24 PM
Nintendo execs are about 75% on their way to becoming their own fetish category
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 14, 2013, 05:30:27 PM
Next Nintendo console will launch with Execland
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 14, 2013, 10:23:10 PM
If Zelda Wii U is like Skyrim I will violently kill at least three people, punch a baby then jump of London Bridge while shooting myself in the face repeatedly.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 14, 2013, 10:27:05 PM
man i really don't care about skyrim, but i find myself hoping that's exactly the direction nintendo goes with zelda for some reason

The tears alone would be worth it. :drool

ruh roh

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I take it that's why this notion was brought up?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 14, 2013, 10:34:19 PM
I hate stuff like this, this cunt somehow equates skyrim's freedom and open world nature with Zelda 1,

Somehow forgetting that LOZ was a few dozen tile based 2d screens, while skyrim is a barren boring wasteland that feels like razor edged cocks being torturously spunky fucked and penetrated beneath your fingernails whenever you can't fast-travel and that the tombs, quests and dungeons are full of identikit enemies that encourage laborious grinding and boring weapon/armour augmentation/tweaking. I fucking hate that shit. Boring to play, ten times more boring to watch.

The only thing I'd maybe be OK with is the huge array of NPC characters. The way factions and characters remember the good and bad shit you do to them.

Other than that, I'd rather Aonuma personally bum rape me than go this route.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 14, 2013, 10:38:20 PM
I hate stuff like this, this cunt somehow equates skyrim's freedom and open world nature with Zelda 1,

Somehow forgetting that LOZ was a few dozen tile based 2d screens, while skyrim is a barren boring wasteland that feels like razor edged cocks being torturously spunky fucked and penetrated beneath your fingernails whenever you can't fast-travel and that the tombs, quests and dungeons are full of identikit enemies that encourage laborious grinding and boring weapon/armour augmentation/tweaking. I fucking hate that shit. Boring to play, ten times more boring to watch.

The only thing I'd maybe be OK with is the huge array of NPC characters. The way factions and characters remember the good and bad shit you do to them.

Other than that, I'd rather Aonuma personally bum rape me than go this route.

So it will be like TP. :teehee
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 14, 2013, 10:39:54 PM
Zelda could certainly stand to be more open after the overly handholdy Skyward Sword, which is one of the few areas I do hope Aonuma is paying attention to things about. I doubt he's actually played Skyrim however, so there probably isn't much worth in worrying over Zelda becoming a Skyrim clone.

Personally I hope they integrate more MHy aspects, as SS started to. Would really freshen the core gameplay up.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 14, 2013, 10:40:39 PM
I hate stuff like this, this cunt somehow equates skyrim's freedom and open world nature with Zelda 1,

Somehow forgetting that LOZ was a few dozen tile based 2d screens, while skyrim is a barren boring wasteland that feels like razor edged cocks being torturously spunky fucked and penetrated beneath your fingernails whenever you can't fast-travel and that the tombs, quests and dungeons are full of identikit enemies that encourage laborious grinding and boring weapon/armour augmentation/tweaking. I fucking hate that shit. Boring to play, ten times more boring to watch.

The only thing I'd maybe be OK with is the huge array of NPC characters. The way factions and characters remember the good and bad shit you do to them.

Other than that, I'd rather Aonuma personally bum rape me than go this route.

You have shitty taste and are, generally speaking, dumber than what comes out of my dog's ass.

Just thought we should clear that up.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 14, 2013, 10:49:52 PM
I hate stuff like this, this cunt somehow equates skyrim's freedom and open world nature with Zelda 1,

Somehow forgetting that LOZ was a few dozen tile based 2d screens, while skyrim is a barren boring wasteland that feels like razor edged cocks being torturously spunky fucked and penetrated beneath your fingernails whenever you can't fast-travel and that the tombs, quests and dungeons are full of identikit enemies that encourage laborious grinding and boring weapon/armour augmentation/tweaking. I fucking hate that shit. Boring to play, ten times more boring to watch.

The only thing I'd maybe be OK with is the huge array of NPC characters. The way factions and characters remember the good and bad shit you do to them.

Other than that, I'd rather Aonuma personally bum rape me than go this route.

So it will be like TP. :teehee

hey.  hey.  he could be talking about any 3D zelda here, man.

I wouldn't disagree, none of them are a patch on LTTP, OOS/OOA or LA.

either CoG's dog does sentient shits or the joke is I'm not.. I've had more fun breaking limbs than walking around Skyrim, sorry
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 14, 2013, 10:53:24 PM
Being bored in Skyrim was more enjoyable than " having fun" in Skyward Sword.

For a bunch of wankers that like to wax on about games as Very Important Things to them, ninthings sure do have a difficult time appreciating immersive storytellling.

Fortunately for you, there's a My Little Pony mod for Skyrim if you need to whimsy it up a bit to enjoy it.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 14, 2013, 11:01:37 PM
Somehow I don't think stuff like LOTR would have been welcomed as immersive storytelling if the 3 hrs of each instalment fixated upon legolas or some other twat fixating upon his collection of gold, animal pelts and array of magical axes, let alone if he'd spent his days doing the bidding of a bunch of demanding villagers

Skyward sword was shitty in parts too. Spirit tear bollocks and collectathons.

Games used to be fun, not fuckin' work
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 14, 2013, 11:06:58 PM
I hate stuff like this, this cunt somehow equates skyrim's freedom and open world nature with Zelda 1,

Somehow forgetting that LOZ was a few dozen tile based 2d screens, while skyrim is a barren boring wasteland that feels like razor edged cocks being torturously spunky fucked and penetrated beneath your fingernails whenever you can't fast-travel and that the tombs, quests and dungeons are full of identikit enemies that encourage laborious grinding and boring weapon/armour augmentation/tweaking. I fucking hate that shit. Boring to play, ten times more boring to watch.

The only thing I'd maybe be OK with is the huge array of NPC characters. The way factions and characters remember the good and bad shit you do to them.

Other than that, I'd rather Aonuma personally bum rape me than go this route.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 14, 2013, 11:09:57 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 14, 2013, 11:24:31 PM
I think I'll main AC dude. As hyped as I was for Mega Man, AC dude's moveset looks awesome. And dat smile as he's mercilessly killing everyone... sogood.gif
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: mjemirzian on June 15, 2013, 10:12:02 AM
Watched the full E3 demo of Bayonetta 2 here (

So once Bayo hits Umbran Climax mode most of her attacks are 360 degree arcs with huge range, just like in the trailer. She easily wipes out large numbers of popcorn enemies with little resistance. It seems pretty OP honestly, popcorn enemies can't even get close to her.

They might handle umbran climax on harder difficulties by upping enemy hitstun resistance, or replacing the popcorn enemies with stronger ones. Overall it looks pretty good. Hopefully there's more balance with the accessories and less glitches.

Still only interested in Bayo 2, Wonderful 101, and maybe Donkey Kong.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Great Rumbler on June 15, 2013, 11:07:23 AM
Nintendo could learn a lot from Bethesda. :jawalrus
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 15, 2013, 11:11:02 AM
Nintendo could learn a lot from Bethesda. :jawalrus

By making their games bloated and bug ridden ???
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: magus on June 15, 2013, 11:30:44 AM
Nintendo could learn a lot from Bethesda. :jawalrus

By making their games bloated and bug ridden ???

already done
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 15, 2013, 11:44:54 AM
If Zelda is open world and doesn't hold my hand, has real puzzles and a fresh new world enemies etc. I will have to pickup a Wii U.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: MCD on June 15, 2013, 04:15:30 PM
The touchscreen features seen in the Director's Cut version developed for the Wii U version will translate to Microsoft's SmartGlass app and the PlayStation Vita.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2013, 03:47:32 AM
Ugh what games are coming to the Wii U? Is it worth it at 199 (basic)?

I'm so tempted.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 16, 2013, 03:54:39 AM
I currently own:
• New Super Mario Bros. U
• Nintendo Land
• Tank! Tank! Tank! (F2P version)
• ZombiU

Games I might pick up this year:
• The Wonderful 101
• The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
• Wii Fit U
• Wii Party U

And these are the big games for next year:
• Bayonetta 2
• Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online [might not get localized]
• Mario Kart 8
• Project X
• Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem [might not get localized]
• Super Mario 3D World
• Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 16, 2013, 03:56:38 AM
Wii Fit and Party over Mario 3DW and Pikmin 3? :comeon
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 16, 2013, 03:59:29 AM
I already have two Overlord games I need to play and 3D World is next year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2013, 04:01:00 AM
Mario Kart isn't coming this year?
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 16, 2013, 04:02:24 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 16, 2013, 04:05:44 AM
Maaaaaaaaaan. Super Mario 3D world? Anything big?

199 is such a tempting price.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 16, 2013, 04:10:09 AM
W101, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country, Zelda WW HD and Mario 3DW are the most notable releases for the rest of the year. Unless you're silly enough to count Fit and Party as notable.

Personally I'm only gonna pick two of those. Prolly W101 and Mario, assuming they end up being good.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 04:24:05 AM
The big end year Weeoo games for me are going to be DKC Fruity Surprise and Wind Waker: HD Boogaloo.

Mario 3D World will be a nice bonus, I had a lot of fun with 3D Land, and even NSMBU, but the multiplayer stuff will be lost on me now that I live on my own and NINTENDO IS STILL IN THE FUCKING STONE AGE REGARDING MARIO AND ONLINE.

I was gonna get Do Sex DX but I'll probably just wait for my new PC and do a Steam sale next year.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 04:25:50 AM
Freshly pulled from ass predictions:

• Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online [might not get localized]

15% chance of localization

• Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem [might not get localized]

80% chance of localization
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: maxy on June 16, 2013, 04:26:58 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 04:27:09 AM
Games I might pick up this year:
• Wii Fit U
• Wii Party U

 :ufup Leper plz.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 16, 2013, 04:29:01 AM
I still haven't played the Wii versions and I want to see what all the fuss is about.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 04:30:39 AM
I still haven't played the Wii versions and I want to see what all the fuss is about.

Neither has anyone with taste and you don't see them stamping down the doors to buy the Wii U versions.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: archnemesis on June 16, 2013, 04:33:31 AM
Woo! Yay for us.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 04:33:46 AM
DQ10 is at least coming in Europe.

Oh is that so? Add 50% to my above prediction.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 16, 2013, 08:35:08 AM
Is DQ7 a lost cause for the US?
Title: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 16, 2013, 08:56:21 AM
DQX can stay in Japan for all I care. I've yet to play a single MMO and I won't start now. Now DQ7? That needed to announced for the west yesterday.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: cool breeze on June 16, 2013, 11:56:52 AM
W101, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country, Zelda WW HD and Mario 3DW are the most notable releases for the rest of the year. Unless you're silly enough to count Fit and Party as notable.

Personally I'm only gonna pick two of those. Prolly W101 and Mario, assuming they end up being good.

There's that Sonic Galaxy game, if, uh, you want a Sonic game.

Only Wii U game I might be sold on is Wonderful 101.  Zelda WW is wait for price drop.  Mario 3D World is wait and see what people say about it.

Normally I'd buy them but Fall is too crowded.  GTAV is the same week as W101.  Zelda LBTW is around the same time as WW.  Mario 3D World is December, after next gen begins.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on June 16, 2013, 07:44:15 PM
Wii party is for people with irl friends who don't play much games.  Wii Fit is more about gaining balance control and posture.  I did enjoy its yoga routines.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 16, 2013, 08:01:22 PM
Wii party is for people with irl friends who don't play much games.  Wii Fit is more about gaining balance control and posture.  I did enjoy its yoga routines.

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 17, 2013, 07:34:40 AM
I know these things are futile and almost never work, and its unlikely people here give a sht, but it'd be cool if you guys could help me get more interest in convincing Nintendo to get with the times re: online multiplayer in the new Mario game:

Feel free to copy and tweet this if feeling lazy:
Make 3D World an ONLINE world. #Online3dWorld @Nintendo @NintendoUK @NintendoAmerica @NintendoEurope

or of course type your own thing and be as blunt and harsh towards them as you like. They should do it. It'd make the game about 500% more replayable.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Positive Touch on June 17, 2013, 07:40:07 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 17, 2013, 07:40:37 AM

lol in this instance better mean Leave-it-to Oscar mi'Lord

Isn't it dumb that this likely fun multiplayer game will be gimped through squandered potential? Plus who has real life friends in this day and age?  :'(
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 17, 2013, 08:34:14 AM
It's dumb, yes, but this is a decision made by the dudes in Japan.  You'd have better odds petitioning Megan Fox for a blowjob.

I'm an eternal optimist. if TMNT flops I might do that as well!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on June 17, 2013, 08:55:17 AM
Educate yourself ( radioheadrule. Mario fans claim it is impossible
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 17, 2013, 11:58:29 AM

CoDogs coming to Wii U.

Looks like the early days of Wii again. :bow Activision :piss EA
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on June 17, 2013, 03:59:23 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 17, 2013, 04:47:45 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Eel O'Brian on June 17, 2013, 05:30:12 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 17, 2013, 05:35:20 PM
Good job Don
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 17, 2013, 06:23:12 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 17, 2013, 06:38:57 PM

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 17, 2013, 06:55:34 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: hampster on June 18, 2013, 10:07:11 AM
"That's probably in the next-gen bin, but we're not actually talking about Wii U yet. 'Cause we want to keep it mysterious," he told GameSpot on stage at E3.

When we asked him about whether Call of Duty is coming to Wii U, however, he remarked, "Ha! You know that's funny, because I don't even know the answer to that. I swear to God, I don't. I was trying to say in the interview [that] I really don't know and I'm not supposed to talk about it. I'm not supposed to talk about the fact that I don't know."


Anyway Black Ops II is down to ~$30 these days. I might pick it soon. I'm just worried anyone left will be better than me from playing for months. But they would have been better than me on day 1 anyway :-\
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Rufus on June 18, 2013, 10:30:57 AM
If you play any other shooter right now you can hang with just a bit of adjustment time. At least that's what I've found. You don't need to play for very long to unlock OP weapons either (though I did like the FAL a lot).
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 19, 2013, 11:24:12 AM


Edit- Deleted. Here's what it was:


Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Don Flamenco on June 19, 2013, 11:25:13 AM
what was it? they deleted it!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 19, 2013, 11:25:32 AM
See edit. They linked to this:

Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 19, 2013, 11:27:29 AM
Intern not realising which account he was signed in to or something!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 19, 2013, 11:28:27 AM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 19, 2013, 11:51:29 AM

Double the Club Ninthing points if you buy Luigi U on eShop (it's also $10 cheaper and comes out two months before the retail version.) Nintendo pushing digital sales pretty hard.

Might get it soon now instead of putting it off like I was gonna.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 19, 2013, 12:08:56 PM
Shame they're not offering bonus NN Premium points instead. Lower digital price is good, and only right, but it limits us to a gain of 199 points (~$2 / £2 worth) on the DDP promotion. I'm definitely going to pick it up, another 80+ levels for £20 is alright.
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on June 19, 2013, 12:23:27 PM
But if you buy it on the E-Shop, you're not gonna have any free space left on your Wii U!
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Tasty on June 19, 2013, 12:26:24 PM
But if you buy it on the E-Shop, you're not gonna have any free space left on your Wii U!

what else is there to download anyways? hyuk hyuk hyuk
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: bork on June 19, 2013, 12:26:57 PM
Title: Re: The official Wii U thread of Andrex sighting
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 19, 2013, 12:38:17 PM
See edit. They linked to this:


But how do the possums fit into this?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U Can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on June 19, 2013, 12:57:53 PM
Wii U OT | More posts then games
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 19, 2013, 01:01:43 PM
How about this?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Don Flamenco on June 19, 2013, 01:06:18 PM
Ha!  What fucking idiots!

Everyone knows bronies don't exercise.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 21, 2013, 11:17:22 AM
NSMBU/Luigi U is AWESOME with the Pro Controller.

Nintendo needs to drop the Gamepad, pack in the Pro Controller and maybe a Wiimote (and patch EVERY game to use it) and then sell the system for $250.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on June 21, 2013, 11:27:26 AM
So, what's different about the Luigi game?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 21, 2013, 11:31:05 AM
So, what's different about the Luigi game?

It's like NSMBU: The Lost Levels, but with Luigi.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on June 21, 2013, 11:36:47 AM
Sort of a remix of the last game then. I guess I might pick it up if I ever find it in a bargain bin.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 21, 2013, 11:37:50 AM
Sort of a remix of the last game then. I guess I might pick it up if I ever find it in a bargain bin.

If you have NSMBU it's only $20, which is worth it.

From what I can tell it uses the same map, but the levels are different and built to Luigi's ability to jump higher.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 21, 2013, 11:40:18 AM
Deffo picking up a Protroller now. Should make MH3U better to play too.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on June 21, 2013, 11:47:52 AM
I still haven't gotten past world 4 in NSMBWiiU so I might as well wait before I pick up any more Mario platformers.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 21, 2013, 11:39:23 PM
Third party developers will rethink not making Wii U versions of games,  after Nintendo releases Mario 3d Worlds and DKC and sets the charts on fire.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Just like NSMBU did rite?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 22, 2013, 09:58:43 AM

Mario 3d world follows the game and wario shit..
Looks good, Reggie seems like an asshole to play with
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 22, 2013, 10:08:55 AM
Again they're focusing on the dumb Gamepad.

They need to replace it with the Pro Controller.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: bachikarn on June 22, 2013, 10:11:25 AM
"The big innovation with this game is that there is a cat suit"
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 22, 2013, 10:52:10 AM
"The big innovation with this game is that there is a cat suit"

I think half the audience thought they were talking about sexy latex until one of them actually got it

Surely he knows how dumb that sounded!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on June 22, 2013, 11:01:11 AM
I though the games looked fun.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 22, 2013, 02:35:59 PM
Started getting into Luigi U.  This game gets pretty crazy right off the bat.  Might be the thing that actually makes me want to play another NSMB game again someday.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on June 22, 2013, 02:37:20 PM
I though the games looked fun.

10.000 post? there are more post in this thread than wii u sold montly :gladbron
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 24, 2013, 04:56:08 AM
Due to silly behaviour at stag dos and London Comic Con recently, I'm pretty skint at the moment and can't afford to do too much, and I'm also riddled with some kind of summer snot AIDS. So this weekend I spent nearly 17 hours playing videogames that I've already played. Nope, not talking about New Super Luigi -- can't afford that, and I'm probably not going to buy it (unless I hear it's awesome)...

I've played Arkham City's story to completion on 360 and OnLive already, and I already thought that the Arkham games were among my very favourites of the PS360 generation. In fact, aside from some of Nintendo's GBA SNES ports, this game qualifies as the only time I've ever double or triple dipped on a game. Over Saturday and Sunday I spent 15 hours and 16 minutes playing the Wii U version. Story mode done, harley's revenge done, just the Riddler Challenge medals and a few balloons to pop and I'm still only 71% done. What other games have that kind of value? It's fuckin insane. I can't wait for Arkham Origins and Blackgate!


it's an underrated port too. Unlocked frame rate is a bit bizarre and was the cause of review complaints that might have put people off... it dips a little in the biggest fights, but not always and not horribly or detrimentally so. It actually exceeds 60fps in some indoor circumstances, looking like you're playing in fast forward - Benny hill style. Its like running ZSNES with FPS-lock turned off. Having played some other third party games I have a good bit of respect for how WB Montreal handled it and got it out for launch actually -- all the gamepad stuff is nice. If you see this cheap and feel like revisiting, do it.

Also picked up Mighty Switch Force 2 (3DS) and some of the Mega Man games recently, Mega Man 2 was kicking my ass, but I think I've found a correct-ish sort of order... come this Friday (pay day) I can finally dive into the Last of Us!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 24, 2013, 05:38:48 AM
It wasn't a normal weekend for me... My Saturday sesh went on til 4am Sunday, so there's overlap there, and then about another 6 hours the following night. If I did this all the time, my arse would be covered in bed sores or something. I'm kind of glad I never got into WOW or anything..

Btw, just seen this video:

He was fooled into adding a WWE game that's not coming, Watch_Dogs footage is more than likely next-gen / PC footage and COD Ghosts isn't confirmed yet -- but overall, a good reel. Some of the indie stuff interests me way more than the latter retail stuff.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 24, 2013, 10:13:35 AM
I think the only time I've played a game for 11 hours a day is the week after a new Pokemon comes out.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 10:14:52 AM
I think the only time I've played a game for 11 hours a day is the week after a new Pokemon comes out.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Rufus on June 24, 2013, 10:21:43 AM
I don't think I ever broke double digits, but I've come close a lot of times. :fbm
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 10:24:40 AM
I can't imagine I've put that much time into gaming in a row since I started to have serious responsibilities in life... so it was probably forever ago, and probably a Phantasy Star game.  (OG series, not PSO, which sucks donkey balls)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 24, 2013, 10:27:46 AM
Back when I was a teenager, I used to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3 online. I don't know if I ever clocked 11 hours in a day, but if I did, it would have been playing that.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 24, 2013, 10:54:41 AM
Yeah I don't know if I ever actually hit 11 but if I did it was with Pokemans. :heart
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 24, 2013, 10:58:49 AM
I've never played a game for more than eight hours in a single day. Hell, I usually get bored after an hour.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on June 24, 2013, 11:06:26 AM
I think the longest I played a game in a day was Uncharted 2, all 10 hours of it, because I had exams starting up the following day and I wanted to get it 'out of the way' (terrible mindset and reasoning).  I didn't truly embrace it in all its Kane-ship until ~2011 when I replayed it over two weeks.  It starts to feel like work when you play too much a day.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 24, 2013, 11:16:14 AM
8 hours was my max. It happened twice, and both times I was playing MH games. :gloomy
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 11:20:52 AM
I remember GAF bitching about the graphics in Arkham City compared to the PS360 version, but the WiiU one is running in 1080 and hits 60fps in some spots. The PS360 versions don't do that.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Rufus on June 24, 2013, 11:37:36 AM
Huh? Looks pretty much the same with sometimes better framerate, but at the cost of responsiveness when it tanks, no mention of 1080 or 60fps anywhere:
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Trent Dole on June 24, 2013, 11:38:06 AM
I can't imagine I've put that much time into gaming in a row since I started to have serious responsibilities in life... so it was probably forever ago, and probably a Phantasy Star game.  (OG series, not PSO, which sucks donkey balls)
You sucks donkey balls. :maf
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 24, 2013, 11:43:24 AM
8 hours was my max. It happened twice, and both times I was playing MH games. :gloomy


I don't know if I've ever done an 8 hour MH session but during some weekends after MH3U came out I probably clocked 5-6 hours total during the day.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 11:46:02 AM
I can't imagine I've put that much time into gaming in a row since I started to have serious responsibilities in life... so it was probably forever ago, and probably a Phantasy Star game.  (OG series, not PSO, which sucks donkey balls)
You sucks donkey balls. :maf

If you wanna play an arpg, play a good one, which necessarily exempts anything Sega's ever done.   :shaq
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 11:47:10 AM
Huh? Looks pretty much the same with sometimes better framerate, but at the cost of responsiveness when it tanks, no mention of 1080 or 60fps anywhere:

It hits 60fps indoors.

All WiiU games run at 1080p. Digital Foundry is such a MS loving fansite they don't check unless it makes the Xbox look good. I just put my copy in the system to confirm, and it stays at 1080p (PS3/360 games switch the TV to 720p):
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Rufus on June 24, 2013, 12:04:48 PM
It hits 60fps indoors.

All WiiU games run at 1080p. Digital Foundry is such a MS loving fansite they don't check unless it makes the Xbox look good. I just put my copy in the system to confirm, and it stays at 1080p (PS3/360 games switch the TV to 720p):
Pretty sure it's just upscaling, not rendering at that resolution (pretty sure you have to specifically tell the 360 to output at 1080). Think of DF what you will, but they're not going to make a mistake like that without getting ripped to shreds.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 24, 2013, 12:04:59 PM
The FXAA and moments of increased framerate look really nice in Batman. Considering that its got a very good separate gamepad UI, and often shows separate views for the Batarangs etc -- and that it has its own audio feed for enemy chatter and comms with Oracle etc. it's more than passable. I think they should have tried to lock the framerate though. The experience is probably like playing on a PC that's not quite packing the punch to hit the default 62 frames per second lock specified in the config file, and instead hovering variably around 30. Contrary to the Digital Foundry article, I never really noticed problems with responsiveness... and as it's an absorbing game I never noticed the Frame Rate inconsistencies much, but they are there in small doses. Overall, I'm left with plenty of trust in WB Montreal for Origins, and I can't wait to see what Rocksteady do next..

Talking play-length, I think the worst I've ever been was during the releases of FFVII-IX. I lost interest in JRPGs after that. Before I got heavily into consoles I used to play games like Ultima and Myst which ate up a lot of time too. Point and clicks like Under a Killing Moon, Blade Runner, DOTT, Sam & Max etc too. I remember getting Ocarina of Time the same Christmas that my mate bought Final Fantasy VII, I smashed OOT with ease, then borrowed FFVII and didn't give it back to my friend for about a week. I was playing it solidly -- stupid long sessions -- and dying to get home from school / college to play it. At the time it seemed unreal, ridiculously awesome... and now I don't really care for them.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 12:07:13 PM
It hits 60fps indoors.

All WiiU games run at 1080p. Digital Foundry is such a MS loving fansite they don't check unless it makes the Xbox look good. I just put my copy in the system to confirm, and it stays at 1080p (PS3/360 games switch the TV to 720p):
Pretty sure it's just upscaling, not rendering at that resolution (pretty sure you have to specifically tell the 360 to output at 1080). Think of DF what you will, but they're not going to make a mistake like that without getting ripped to shreds.

Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.

Every WiiU game outputs at 1080p. There's no 1080p/720p switching like with the PS360.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 24, 2013, 12:12:20 PM
The output might be a 1080p signal but that's not to say the rendering resolution is 1080p necessarily... I think Rufus is saying it's scaled to 1080p after rendering. To play devils advocate here, DF are the sort to engage in pixel counting shenanigans, they probably do have it right. But for all I know, maybe you do! It doesn't matter to me -- I've not actually checked myself to see what resolution my TV says the games are outputting.. I think it's a good looking title through and through, and probably one of the best value games you can buy on the system.

That DF article and Reggie's transparent and embarrassing "It's not the same content" bullshit really did a lot to damage the prospects of the port IMO. I imagine people who worked on it are pissed off by what dumb PR / forums / media did to it.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Rufus on June 24, 2013, 12:19:31 PM
I think Rufus is saying it's scaled to 1080p after rendering.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 24, 2013, 12:23:11 PM
I can't imagine I've put that much time into gaming in a row since I started to have serious responsibilities in life... so it was probably forever ago, and probably a Phantasy Star game.  (OG series, not PSO, which sucks donkey balls)

I can barely play more than an hour at a time these days, but I put ~25 hours into Shenmue over 3 days back in 2000. :shh
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 24, 2013, 12:23:34 PM
Clearly you people need to play more civ.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: bork on June 24, 2013, 12:33:49 PM
Huh? Looks pretty much the same with sometimes better framerate, but at the cost of responsiveness when it tanks, no mention of 1080 or 60fps anywhere:

It hits 60fps indoors.

All WiiU games run at 1080p. Digital Foundry is such a MS loving fansite they don't check unless it makes the Xbox look good. I just put my copy in the system to confirm, and it stays at 1080p (PS3/360 games switch the TV to 720p):

It's too bad that everything else about the game seems to be worse.



Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 24, 2013, 12:43:35 PM
Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.


360 dashboard is always rendered at 720p(native).360 output is whatever you set in settings(via gpu upscaling).PS3 is a different matter because its internal gpu scaler is broken in one dimension(must be done with software).

Modern 1080p TV output is always 1080p,no matter what you stick in it.

As for WiiU


Assassin’s Creed 3 = 1280x720 (post-AA)
Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition = 1280x720 (FXAA)
Carl on Duty: Black Ops 2 = 880x720 (2xAA)
Darksiders 2 = 1152x640 (post-AA)
Mass Effect 3: Conrad Edition = 1280x720 (FXAA)
Monster Hunter 3G HD = 1920x1080 (no AA)
Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012) = 1280x704 (post-AA)
New Super Mario Bros. U = 1280x720 (no AA on world map, post-AA in-game)
Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge = dynamic up to 1280x720 (dynamic 2xAA)
Rayman: Legends = 1920x1080 (no AA)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed = 1024x576 (post-AA)
ZombiU = 1280x720 (post-AA)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 01:42:12 PM
Why the fuck does Super Mario 3d World not have online play?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on June 24, 2013, 01:49:34 PM
It's a Nintendo game.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 01:51:03 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 01:54:01 PM
Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.


360 dashboard is always rendered at 720p(native).360 output is whatever you set in settings(via gpu upscaling).PS3 is a different matter because its internal gpu scaler is broken in one dimension(must be done with software).

Modern 1080p TV output is always 1080p,no matter what you stick in it.

I have a 55" LED Bravia. When you play a 360 or PS3 game, it switches to 720; even if you have the system set to output to 1080p. Again, the dashboard will output 1080p, but the actual games output 720p.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 24, 2013, 01:55:17 PM
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed = 1024x576 (post-AA)

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 02:03:58 PM
It's a Nintendo game.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 24, 2013, 02:07:39 PM
Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.


360 dashboard is always rendered at 720p(native).360 output is whatever you set in settings(via gpu upscaling).PS3 is a different matter because its internal gpu scaler is broken in one dimension(must be done with software).

Modern 1080p TV output is always 1080p,no matter what you stick in it.

I have a 55" LED Bravia. When you play a 360 or PS3 game, it switches to 720; even if you have the system set to output to 1080p. Again, the dashboard will output 1080p, but the actual games output 720p.

Are you playing games that support 1080p?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 02:10:23 PM
Catsuit Peach is SO CUTE though. Why Nintendo?! ONLINE PLAY, PLEASE! :snoop
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 02:13:45 PM
Jesus Christ, I just watched this vid with cat suit Toad, and he is fucking adorable.

How in the fuck does Nintendo do it?!!?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 24, 2013, 02:22:54 PM
Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.


360 dashboard is always rendered at 720p(native).360 output is whatever you set in settings(via gpu upscaling).PS3 is a different matter because its internal gpu scaler is broken in one dimension(must be done with software).

Modern 1080p TV output is always 1080p,no matter what you stick in it.

I have a 55" LED Bravia. When you play a 360 or PS3 game, it switches to 720; even if you have the system set to output to 1080p. Again, the dashboard will output 1080p, but the actual games output 720p.
HDMI or component?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 02:37:04 PM
Jesus Christ, I just watched this vid with cat suit Toad, and he is fucking adorable.

How in the fuck does Nintendo do it?!!?

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 02:55:55 PM
Even if you tell the 360, and PS3, to output at 1080p; it'll only output the dash/XMB at that resolution. The TV will still display the games at 720p.


360 dashboard is always rendered at 720p(native).360 output is whatever you set in settings(via gpu upscaling).PS3 is a different matter because its internal gpu scaler is broken in one dimension(must be done with software).

Modern 1080p TV output is always 1080p,no matter what you stick in it.

I have a 55" LED Bravia. When you play a 360 or PS3 game, it switches to 720; even if you have the system set to output to 1080p. Again, the dashboard will output 1080p, but the actual games output 720p.
HDMI or component?

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 24, 2013, 03:43:31 PM
Sounds like your TV doesn't like Xbox 1080p signal.Some TVs have that problem.

Set it to 720p and let TV do the rest,dashboard is 720p native anyway.PS3 on the other hand supports 1080p native xmb.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: ManaByte on June 24, 2013, 03:50:25 PM
Sounds like your TV doesn't like Xbox 1080p signal.Some TVs have that problem.

Set it to 720p and let TV do the rest,dashboard is 720p native anyway.PS3 on the other hand supports 1080p native xmb.

I'm not talking about the dashboard. I was talking about the games. They run in 720p, not 1080.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 24, 2013, 03:57:03 PM
Most of the games are 720p native,you are not losing much.Your TV will do 720p-->1080p upscaling.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 24, 2013, 06:01:52 PM
Shut the fuck up already
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 24, 2013, 07:41:37 PM
I've probably played Pokemon for 10 hours before. Outside of that I know I played WoW for that much in a day; not 10 hours straight, but 10 hours spread around.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 09:55:55 PM
Jesus Christ, I just watched this vid with cat suit Toad, and he is fucking adorable.

How in the fuck does Nintendo do it?!!?


I seriously cannot help it. Cat suit is so cute!

THis gaffer agrees with me

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 10:05:25 PM
Between 3d World, NSMBU, and Monster Hunter I just don't know anymore! I'm so confused! No, I do not want a Wii U. I DON'T WANT A WII U.

I want a wii u. :(

BUt since 3d World doesn't have online play I won't GET a wii u. :smug lost a sell, assholes. :maf
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 24, 2013, 10:06:14 PM
I seriously cannot help it. Cat suit is so cute!

THis gaffer agrees with me

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 24, 2013, 10:06:39 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Huff on June 24, 2013, 10:22:50 PM
Jesus Christ, I just watched this vid with cat suit Toad, and he is fucking adorable.

How in the fuck does Nintendo do it?!!?


I seriously cannot help it. Cat suit is so cute!

THis gaffer agrees with me
:trash :banplz :trash
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 24, 2013, 10:53:03 PM
Jesus Christ, I just watched this vid with cat suit Toad, and he is fucking adorable.

How in the fuck does Nintendo do it?!!?


I seriously cannot help it. Cat suit is so cute!

THis gaffer agrees with me

Seriously, that should be a bannable phrase
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on June 24, 2013, 11:21:55 PM
What is worse is is that it isnt even a woman who said that.  It is some gaffer dude who thinks he understands women.   :lol
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 24, 2013, 11:23:52 PM
Sign you don't understand women: You think they're capable of being understood.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 25, 2013, 12:25:38 AM
What is worse is is that it isnt even a woman who said that.  It is some gaffer dude who thinks he understands women.   :lol

:lol yup
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Your Stalker on June 25, 2013, 12:50:24 AM
Since when did anyone care what women really think anyway ???
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 25, 2013, 12:54:22 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Phoenix Dark on June 25, 2013, 02:16:32 AM
I'm confused, why do you want online for 3D World?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on June 25, 2013, 02:39:58 AM
I'm confused, why do you want online for 3D World?

Its 1-4 player.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 25, 2013, 02:49:00 AM
I'm confused, why do you want online for 3D World?

it's a game with multi as a huge focal point.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 25, 2013, 02:53:26 AM
But it's impossible without the power of the cloud.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 25, 2013, 02:59:00 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 25, 2013, 03:34:48 AM
I wish people were haranguing Nintendo to make the game online, which they COULD do, rather than begging them to go region free, which we all know won't happen. They're retailer/distributor protectionist in the extreme.

Their older fans don't have whimsy gatherings anymore, its time to fuckin sort it out. Online or shitstorm.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 25, 2013, 03:37:57 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 25, 2013, 04:42:20 AM
If people in Japan moaned about it,would they do something?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on June 25, 2013, 04:56:50 AM
Cant they patch it like they do the OS?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on June 25, 2013, 11:40:32 AM
People should be asking for a proper account system.  It's wild that there isn't one in place.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 25, 2013, 12:05:24 PM
People should be asking for a proper account system.  It's wild that there isn't one in place.

I have been.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: mjemirzian on June 25, 2013, 12:31:09 PM
Will there ever be a Japanese only Wii U game worth buying a JP system for? I doubt it.

Even 3DS hasn't had much (or anything) worth importing a JP system for.
Title: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Huff on June 25, 2013, 01:09:29 PM
There arnt enough games for Nintendo to be picky about making them region specific
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 25, 2013, 06:33:29 PM
Will there ever be a Japanese only Wii U game worth buying a JP system for? I doubt it.

Even 3DS hasn't had much (or anything) worth importing a JP system for.

They'll probably get a table scraps Super Robot Wars game at some point.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on June 25, 2013, 07:00:44 PM
Will there ever be a Japanese only Wii U game worth buying a JP system for? I doubt it.

Even 3DS hasn't had much (or anything) worth importing a JP system for.

agreed, although you could argue localizations efforts have improved.  For example, Umihara Kawase 3DS is coming out in America; I had to import older games in that series.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 25, 2013, 08:04:31 PM
Whelp, I'm done with the Wii U.

Now my Wii U won't recognize internet at all.  Keep in mind that every other device in my apartment (PC, laptop, TV, 3DS, Vita, and iPhone) can pick up my Wifi signal just fine.  It's the fucking Wii U, which is located closer to the Wifi than the TV.  I wanted to watch some Arrested Development and couldn't.  I did all kinds of things (re-entered information, unplugged it from the wall, turn off-turn on quickly, etc.) I was all "You know what, fuck this shit."  I called up a cousin of mine who has a young family who lives in the middle of nowhere if they want it.  They graciously said yes.  So this weekend, I'm going to drop it off.  Granted there are some mature games like Monster Hunter but they can throw those away if they want to.

It was just a Netflix box anyway, which my TV, PC, and laptop can handle just fine.

December 2012 - June 25, 2013

I would say it was fun but it wasn't.  It was a symbol of how I have more money than sense and I hope that I'm more fiscally responsible in the future.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 25, 2013, 09:31:38 PM
Whelp, I'm done with the Wii U.

Now my Wii U won't recognize internet at all.  Keep in mind that every other device in my apartment (PC, laptop, TV, 3DS, Vita, and iPhone) can pick up my Wifi signal just fine.  It's the fucking Wii U, which is located closer to the Wifi than the TV.  I wanted to watch some Arrested Development and couldn't.  I did all kinds of things (re-entered information, unplugged it from the wall, turn off-turn on quickly, etc.) I was all "You know what, fuck this shit."  I called up a cousin of mine who has a young family who lives in the middle of nowhere if they want it.  They graciously said yes.  So this weekend, I'm going to drop it off.  Granted there are some mature games like Monster Hunter but they can throw those away if they want to.

It was just a Netflix box anyway, which my TV, PC, and laptop can handle just fine.

December 2012 - June 25, 2013

I would say it was fun but it wasn't.  It was a symbol of how I have more money than sense and I hope that I'm more fiscally responsible in the future.

Best birthday present ever
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on June 26, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

Sakurai on the level of customization in the game…

You can still manage the appearance of items, but you cannot disable the damage caused by the stages. If we propose such an option, it might as well be PlayStation all-stars!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on June 26, 2013, 06:30:58 AM
Whelp, I'm done with the Wii U.

Now my Wii U won't recognize internet at all.  Keep in mind that every other device in my apartment (PC, laptop, TV, 3DS, Vita, and iPhone) can pick up my Wifi signal just fine.  It's the fucking Wii U, which is located closer to the Wifi than the TV.  I wanted to watch some Arrested Development and couldn't.  I did all kinds of things (re-entered information, unplugged it from the wall, turn off-turn on quickly, etc.) I was all "You know what, fuck this shit."  I called up a cousin of mine who has a young family who lives in the middle of nowhere if they want it.  They graciously said yes.  So this weekend, I'm going to drop it off.  Granted there are some mature games like Monster Hunter but they can throw those away if they want to.

It was just a Netflix box anyway, which my TV, PC, and laptop can handle just fine.

December 2012 - June 25, 2013

I would say it was fun but it wasn't.  It was a symbol of how I have more money than sense and I hope that I'm more fiscally responsible in the future.

i'm not sure if this is going to help but the DS and the wii have trouble picking wi-fi signal unless your router is set on either channel 1 or 11

You could try going into your router settings and change the channel it's using.  Nintendo recommends using either 1 or 11.  Typically, the routers will use 6 by default, so if your router is set to channel 6, and you have a neighbor whose router is set to channel 6, they could be interfering with each other.

try to do that?

oh also apparently there is some pikmin 3 stream in 30 minutes going on in case anybody cares
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on June 26, 2013, 06:35:56 AM
That's interesting. I just changed to channel 11. Let's see if this will improve it.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 26, 2013, 09:04:10 AM
It's perfectly possibly his Wii U has a busted broadcom chip or something. If he's unhappy with it, he might as well give it to family, but if it were me I'd be giving Nintendo shit on the phone until they sent me a machine that worked.

Having said all that, he mentioned issues around Netflix ---- I had problems logging into Netflix after the last update, problems I couldn't understand for the life of me. It was like it just couldn't contact the service. I uninstalled the app, deleted the save data, and redownloaded. I also logged out all devices from Netflix by going to the website on my computer, and the My Account page. When I signed in on the Wii U again, it worked, and its worked fine ever since.

It sounds like he's already ruled out firewall issues by putting it in the DMZ, and tried things like setting up a static IP, and manual DNS entries... you should only really need to do that when you've got a crazy router firewall (sometimes school/college firewalls), or if your ISP's own DNS isn't resolving Akamai's servers or something (in which case you would probably have similar issues on PSN) -- but I do know that stuff has worked for people.

A good idea if you're having wireless trouble is to download an app called InSSIDer on your phone or tablet. It will show you which wireless networks are operating on which channel bands -- it'll show a bracket that overlaps a few channels, and as you watch you might see some of them change dynamically. Basically, the middle of each bracket is the channel that said network(s) is operating on. Dim or faded brackets are weak enough that they are unlikely to cause you problems. There's also a spectrum analyser that will show signals on the relevant RF spectrum -- which is useful, because you can see how turning on a cordless phone or microwave (for example) affects the wireless environment. Basically, it can help you pick a channel that is relatively interference free.

There are PC, iPhone and Android apps:
Interference identification guide:

If you STILL have trouble getting basic internet access, having ruled out something like that, something is obviously wrong with your machine - that you paid good money for. It's a phone call.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: demi on June 26, 2013, 11:39:30 AM
The eShop menu on 3DS is awesome.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on June 26, 2013, 11:43:03 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 26, 2013, 11:47:48 AM


seriously the best thing about wii/3ds is the menu music. fucking :rejoice
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on June 28, 2013, 09:27:07 AM

As first posted in January, Iwata mentioned his "commitment" to a business profit goal of ¥100 billion (US$ 1.1 billion) by the end of the next business year ending in March, 2014. When asked how he would take responsibility if Nintendo did not meet this mark, Iwata replied, "I ask that you understand my use of the word 'commitment.'"

Some in the Japanese media took Iwata's language to mean he would step down should Nintendo fail to reach the magic number.

At a recent investor's meeting, Iwata was asked directly if he would quit if Nintendo doesn't meet his previously stated target. So, will he?

"I don't recall saying I'd resign," Iwata replied. According to Nikkan Sports, the Nintendo honcho went on to say that the game maker should put tremendous effort into achieving its goal and not think about failure. Sounds like Iwata plans on sticking around!

Please understand.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on June 28, 2013, 09:41:01 AM
He does deserve some time IMO. Casual game explosion, both Mario Galaxy games, improved approach to online, improved approach to indies, day and date midnight digital releases, a Nintendo social network, unifying of portable and home console R&D teams (for the generation after this)... he's done a lot that Yamauchi probably would have sneered at
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: bachikarn on June 28, 2013, 09:44:47 AM
He also released the Wii U, a product that isn't targeted to anyone.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 28, 2013, 09:53:17 AM
Sounds to me like he wants to bring nintendo down with him.  :heh

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Where is the reanimated corpse of Yamauchi to lay the pimp hand down? :shaq
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Fifstar on June 28, 2013, 12:13:08 PM
He also released the Wii U, a product that isn't targeted to anyone.

+ the complete failure to ready Nintendo's development teams for HD gaming even though they had 8 years for it and a ton of money to invest. Given how bad their third party relationships are, especially in the core games business he could have thought about building some new teams as well.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 28, 2013, 12:17:46 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Fifstar on June 28, 2013, 04:20:43 PM
Yeah, that's what I had in mind when I wrote that he should have built up some new teams. Although I guess that traditionally the type games that don't compete with Nintendo's ip also generally don't sell well on Nintendo's platforms. Unlikely to change just because those games are funded/developed by Nintendo. While there are Nintards that buy games just because Nintendo develops them, the larger audience that consists of families is unlikely to suddenly buy into 'mature', sports or online focused games just because there's another publisher's name on the box.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Contra on June 28, 2013, 04:25:10 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 28, 2013, 04:26:08 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.

Bayo 2?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 28, 2013, 04:50:32 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on June 28, 2013, 04:51:39 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 28, 2013, 05:01:17 PM

Nintendo bought Ubisoft? :o
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 28, 2013, 05:25:45 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.

Bayo 2?
You do know what do would rarely means, right?

And did they invest a single penny in Platinum?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 28, 2013, 06:10:59 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.

Bayo 2?
You do know what do would rarely means, right?

And did they invest a single penny in Platinum?

Define invest.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on June 28, 2013, 06:29:12 PM

I obviously meant some sort of equity investment. But, fuck it, use investment in the broadest fucking sense and what I said is still true.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on June 28, 2013, 07:26:41 PM
Well, they're paying for the development of two games Platinum is making. Money without which Platinum would most likely be teetering on the brink of closure (are they even making any other games?)

I would call that an investment of some kind.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on June 28, 2013, 07:49:41 PM
He does deserve some time IMO. Casual game explosion, both Mario Galaxy games, improved approach to online, improved approach to indies, day and date midnight digital releases, a Nintendo social network, unifying of portable and home console R&D teams (for the generation after this)... he's done a lot that Yamauchi probably would have sneered at

I don't know, the Wii U is selling at or below Vita levels and Iwata's solution in the next few months is a sequel to a game nobody really asked for (Pikmin 3), Celda HD, and Mario 3D World currently slated to be released the month after the true next generation consoles are released.

This is piss poor management on his part, plain and simple.  He may not want to leave just yet but if he wants to flush his company down the shitter, by all means give him as much time as he needs.  Shouldn't take too long.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 28, 2013, 08:23:37 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Where is the reanimated corpse of Yamauchi to lay the pimp hand down? :shaq

Yamauchi-sama is still alive you fucking dumbfucking piece of shit.

Iwata deserves all the criticism in the world IMO. Wii U is simply shit beyond shit.

It was a joke you DSM4 case study.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 28, 2013, 08:27:01 PM
DSM4 case study :heh

It was a shitty joke then.

Forgive this piece of shit's insolence, Yamauchi-sama :bow

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 29, 2013, 12:16:22 PM
Should be interesting.  I wonder if either can break 100k in NA.

something something eshop purchases something something

this sorely needs updating

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Raban on June 29, 2013, 12:19:15 PM
Really? I always felt that .gif was timeless
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on June 29, 2013, 12:20:34 PM
I love how Gahiggidy plays on non-Nintendo consoles now.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on June 29, 2013, 02:38:10 PM
One thing I don't understand is why Nintendo has rarely invested in developers that make games that don't compete with Nintendo's existing IPs.

I think that's why retro working on donkey kong is so disappointing.  At the end of the year you have sonic, mario, donkey kong, rayman, and that new luigi bros thing.  The other two notable releases, pikmin 3 and wonderful 101, look pretty similar on the surface.  Not that any of these games will be bad, but none are particularly exciting or fresh experiences.  It reminds me of Sony/PS3 a few years back where all its games were shooters.

And again, this applies to the Wii U; 3DS has a great and diverse lineup.  Maybe it is just Nintendo struggling with next gen.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on June 30, 2013, 08:43:03 PM
Complaint Denied: Nintendo loses dispute over domain name

In February, Nintendo of America filed a cybersquatting complaint against the owner of with the World Intellectual Property Organization, in what seemed like a slam dunk case for the video game company.

A decision in WIPO Case Number D2013-0322 was posted to WIPO’s website Saturday and Nintendo has lost.

The domain, which matches the name of Nintendo’s latest video game console the “Wii U”, will stay with its current owner.

Now, if the company wants to own, it may have to write a big check in order to acquire it. to become the official domain?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: bachikarn on June 30, 2013, 10:23:31 PM
another reason to just virtual boy it
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Yeti on June 30, 2013, 10:44:44 PM
How on earth did they lose that case?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 30, 2013, 10:56:33 PM
How on earth did they lose that case?

Turns out Phoenix Wright isn't such an ace attorney after all
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 01, 2013, 10:11:53 PM
I would say that both variety and popularity are important. Again, I understand the point that Donkey Kong Country Returns was Retro's most successful title. I'm not sure what the most recent LTD figure is for it, but I know it's sold at least 4 million, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it's probably around ~5 million, if not a little more. I'll happily correct this if someone has a better figure, but for now, I'll go with 5 million. That's a strong sales number.

So, why does anyone think going a different route might -- and I stress MIGHT -- have been a better play (whether we're talking about Metroid or something else)? I think the reason is because the system already launched with New Super Mario Bros. U, the sequel to a game that sold nearly 28 million copies. For fans of 2D platformers, another Donkey Kong Country game from Retro is great, and I'm legitimately happy for those of you out there that are thrilled that it's getting a sequel. But for those out there that thought that Retro's mystery project was going to be something different -- that it might have had a chance at really affecting the sales needle -- it feels like a missed opportunity.

You don't have to agree. You don't even have to care whether or not it's a legitimate system seller. It's perfectly fine to be thrilled that it's a game that will most likely be great and will perform well. However, my position in regards to reading sentiments that Donkey Kong is the obvious choice with no downside is to squint uncomfortably a bit and reluctantly argue that -- at this point in the Wii U's lifecycle -- they really could have used something different. Whether the current team at Retro could have handled a big title along the lines of a Metroid-type game, I think the Wii U could have used a title like that that Retro has historically proved capable of producing.

Alas, the situation is what it is. Donkey Kong will surely be a great game, and for those that care about sales figures, we'll just have to wait a while and see how the November figures shape up.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 01, 2013, 10:39:05 PM
It's perhaps a little on the long side, but it's not some embarrassingly one-sided rant. I mean, feel free to have a laugh at that post if you must, Andy. But I'm not sure what the end game is here. It was supposed to be a nuanced take of both sides of that silly issue. If I looked stupid, then enjoy the laugh I suppose. 
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 01, 2013, 10:45:41 PM
Like I needed your permission. ;)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Barry Egan on July 02, 2013, 12:52:26 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 02, 2013, 02:20:49 PM
How on earth did they lose that case?

It was my first case. Leave me alone.

I used my evilbore favorites: "PROOF?!," "It is because it is," and "that was tortful."
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 02, 2013, 04:25:24 PM
I would say that both variety and popularity are important. Again, I understand the point that Donkey Kong Country Returns was Retro's most successful title. I'm not sure what the most recent LTD figure is for it, but I know it's sold at least 4 million, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it's probably around ~5 million, if not a little more. I'll happily correct this if someone has a better figure, but for now, I'll go with 5 million. That's a strong sales number.

So, why does anyone think going a different route might -- and I stress MIGHT -- have been a better play (whether we're talking about Metroid or something else)? I think the reason is because the system already launched with New Super Mario Bros. U, the sequel to a game that sold nearly 28 million copies. For fans of 2D platformers, another Donkey Kong Country game from Retro is great, and I'm legitimately happy for those of you out there that are thrilled that it's getting a sequel. But for those out there that thought that Retro's mystery project was going to be something different -- that it might have had a chance at really affecting the sales needle -- it feels like a missed opportunity.

You don't have to agree. You don't even have to care whether or not it's a legitimate system seller. It's perfectly fine to be thrilled that it's a game that will most likely be great and will perform well. However, my position in regards to reading sentiments that Donkey Kong is the obvious choice with no downside is to squint uncomfortably a bit and reluctantly argue that -- at this point in the Wii U's lifecycle -- they really could have used something different. Whether the current team at Retro could have handled a big title along the lines of a Metroid-type game, I think the Wii U could have used a title like that that Retro has historically proved capable of producing.

Alas, the situation is what it is. Donkey Kong will surely be a great game, and for those that care about sales figures, we'll just have to wait a while and see how the November figures shape up.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 02, 2013, 04:27:34 PM
Everyone else is doing summer sales. Come on Nintendo! 30¢ vc games don't count
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Trent Dole on July 03, 2013, 12:13:03 AM
Well since everyone else's started doing them now Ninty'll start having them next next gen.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 03, 2013, 01:05:28 PM



Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 03, 2013, 01:08:45 PM




the gif seems to get stuck after "try these great games"

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Diunx on July 03, 2013, 01:12:43 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 03, 2013, 01:31:10 PM




Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 03, 2013, 01:44:18 PM

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on July 03, 2013, 01:49:15 PM

Nintendo needs to make money by keeping prices high.

Since most of their games are first party, why should they?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 04, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Surprised this has no replies / hasn't been reported

I wish I could believe this VC release meant a new Pilotwings was likely. I wouldn't even care if it was a bit like the 3ds game.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 05, 2013, 05:19:30 AM

Someone tell Kamiya his game won't sell even after marketing it to death.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 05, 2013, 06:26:41 AM
I ain't getting trolled by Kamiya. Nope.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 05, 2013, 06:55:01 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: bork on July 08, 2013, 12:38:40 PM
Iwata on third party games:

"There were so many games released by third party publishers for Wii U during the launch period, but most of them were converted from other platforms and therefore could not enjoy brisk sales," explained Iwata.

"As a result, some software developers have become pessimistic about Wii U. However, the time will come when some third-party games for Wii U and for other platforms are released at the same time this year. It is important to have given much momentum to Wii U around that period.

"If the number of consumers who prefer the Wii U version’s unique entertainment value, such as the ability to play games only with the Wii U GamePad (while the rest of the family is watching TV), increases to a certain extent where third-party publishers notice unexpected hit Wii U titles from other publishers and realize this system’s business potential, its momentum will be improved.

"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others. By giving sales momentum to Wii U through our first-party software in the short run and seeing success from third-party software within this year, we would like to dramatically change the situation of Wii U next year and beyond."

Developers on third party games:

Yves Guillemot, Chairman and CEO of Ubisoft, is typically one of the biggest proponents of new systems, but betting big on the Wii U didn't work out well for the company. ZombiU, one of the most popular launch titles for the system with players, was not profitable, he says. Not even close. As such, he says, there are no plans (or even desire) for a sequel.

It was, in fact, because of that game's performance that Ubisoft decided to make Rayman Legends a multiplatform game.

For EA, at least, it's the system's lack of a rich multiplayer environment that's one of the big concerns - especially for sports titles. (That's part of the reason Madden won't appear on the system this year.)

"The lack of online engagement that we see on Wii U [is troubling]," says Moore. "It's so integral to what we do. They're so small it's hardly worth running the servers. It seems like a box that's out of sync with the future of EA - which is one that gives a real social feel to our games. The Wii U feels like an offline experience right now."

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: nudemacusers on July 08, 2013, 01:14:13 PM
Poor Nintendo, even consumers are conspiring to see them fall.  :'(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 08, 2013, 01:16:35 PM
Lazy consumers just don't understand the amazing value proposition the Wii U is offering them.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 08, 2013, 01:19:31 PM
Lazy consumers just don't understand the amazing value proposition the Wii U is offering them.

This post is so good, lol.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on July 08, 2013, 03:19:50 PM
at what point does nintendo just give up on the wii u?

I don't know how the 3DS is selling to know if it's strong enough to make up for the Wii U.  GBA was out only 3 or 4 years until the DS released; although there was that third pillar stuff and the gameboy micro came out after the DS.  What are the chances nintendo releases a new handheld in say early 2015 that's comparable to the wii u and solely focus on that? port wii u games over there, twilight princess-style.
Title: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 08, 2013, 03:59:08 PM
at what point does nintendo just give up on the wii u?

I don't know how the 3DS is selling to know if it's strong enough to make up for the Wii U.  GBA was out only 3 or 4 years until the DS released; although there was that third pillar stuff and the gameboy micro came out after the DS.  What are the chances nintendo releases a new handheld in say early 2015 that's comparable to the wii u and solely focus on that? port wii u games over there, twilight princess-style.

They will probably leave it to fend for itself after 2014. 
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 08, 2013, 08:19:55 PM

time for nintendo to get things back on track :jawalrus
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: maxy on July 09, 2013, 04:57:01 AM
roughly 1.1MM units NA in 9 months and has one Mario game with a 70% attach rate... and the next highest game, regardless of publisher, is 150k.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 09, 2013, 04:57:41 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 09, 2013, 07:58:39 AM
Well Vita deserves to do better then the Wii U.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 11:58:37 AM
Filthy plebes not wanting a dedicated MH3U machine. :rejoice
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 09, 2013, 12:17:48 PM
Filthy plebes not wanting a dedicated MH3U machine. :rejoice

Coming from the guy who didn't even care about MH until it was on a Nintendo system.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 12:23:28 PM
Just me and most of the rest of the million-ish western Tri buyers. :rejoice
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 09, 2013, 12:24:27 PM
Recovering filthy pleb who didn't want a dedicated MH machine with a Sony logo on it
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 09, 2013, 12:51:44 PM
A million western tri buyers?


The Wii U hasn't even cracked two million in the EU and the US and you say Tri on Wii U sold a million?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 09, 2013, 01:11:40 PM
A million western tri buyers?


The Wii U hasn't even cracked two million in the EU and the US and you say Tri on Wii U sold a million?

Tri was on the Wii.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 09, 2013, 01:16:47 PM
Oh yeah, that sold a MILLION?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 01:25:00 PM
It's probably above 900k.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 07:17:02 PM
You finally got solid Euro numbers?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 07:29:54 PM
Filthy Euro plebs. I bet it was all the Poles pirating the game.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: thisismyusername on July 09, 2013, 07:47:20 PM
I hate telling kids that santa ain't real

Who are you kidding? You totally love doing that.

Filthy Euro plebs. I bet it was all the Poles pirating the game.

Or Europe not really caring about Monster Hunter... again.

Or did it sell out on PSP when I didn't notice?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 09, 2013, 08:00:29 PM
Filthy Euro plebs. I bet it was all the Poles pirating the game.

No, no. Stick to your guns, Andy. If you add up the Chartz numbers for North America and Europe, you are right at 900K. Your move, Segata.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 08:04:56 PM
I was going off of Oscar's previous statements. Not my fault I don't have a network of secret sources.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 09, 2013, 08:13:13 PM
Nintendo of America pulling Smash from EVO is hilarious and sad. I almost feel bad for some gaffers who are just now realizing that despite their loyalty, fandom, and donations to breast cancer research that Nintendo doesn't give a shit about them

Not that it really matters, they'll probably backpedal on this in a few days like the did with the youtube stuff
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 09, 2013, 09:11:23 PM
Filthy Euro plebs. I bet it was all the Poles pirating the game.

ROFL.  Nintards are the plebs.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2013, 10:56:47 PM
Filthy Euro plebs. I bet it was all the Poles pirating the game.

ROFL.  Nintards are the plebs.

Western Sonytards are the plebs, letting MH bomb like that. It was up to Nintards to save the series. :bow2
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 10, 2013, 11:08:25 AM
I don't know if any Bore Wii U owners are in the UK but some deals

ACIII - £13 at GAME
Injustice: Gods Among Us - £19 at GAME
Arkham City: Armored Edition - £15 at GAME

Cheaper than some of the supermarkets. 360/PS3/Vita games also getting discounts as part of that sale...

CeX (preowned) have ZombiU and NintendoLand at £12 too if you don't already have those. Mass Effect 3 is the same price too.

Those first three games are priced as new, when they're still all full price on the ridiculous eShop. I almost bought Injustice the other night, but didn't out of principle when I learned how cheap it was in shops.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 10, 2013, 06:30:00 PM
Nintendo fans never change

Here is one thinking Bayo 1 will get surprise Wii U port


One of those months, that's every month
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 10, 2013, 09:18:48 PM
"one of those slow months" :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 11, 2013, 06:05:17 AM
When it comes to some discussions, I find fellow Nintendo fans (including some of my own older posts), and some Nintendo detractors equally embarrassing. The EVO thread on GAF is a fucking mess... people arguing about how legal teams should operate and how you should approach companies and blah blah blahhh... what a waste of time!

AzaK in the new system update thread is hilarious

Until Nintendo get their heads out of their arses, and wash off some of the thickly spread arrogance that coats every single aspect of their decision making, I hope they suffer utter and complete failure to the point of relegation to nothing more than a freak-show no-one takes seriously anymore. They won't of course. They will double down on their franchises, churn out cheap cash-ins, and trickle out VC games while the eShop is barren to try and keep their fans just hanging on enough for their next franchise. Meanwhile those who wanted more than a Mario and Zelda machine are screwed.

Disclaimer: I am not only a gamer and Wii U owner, but a Nintendo investor and I am fucking pissed off no matter what hat I have on.

buy low, sell lower!

Speaking for myself, the bitching about this delay is because it's on top of no fucking games. No games is far more important of course, but even when they have next to no god damn games for their new console in about 9 months, they can't get the eShop running, only trickle out VC games and have to release their first update 5 months after release and their next one 4 months after that.

They just need to send me a dev kit and access to their source repository and I'll fix their damned OS myself.


it's reaching a critical point for Nintendo. With the polarisation of AAAAAAAAA or indy, and the emergence of a massive number of casual gamers who are happy with bite-sized 99c games, Nintendo is becoming more marginalised. They don't easily cater to third parties and their AAAAAAA desires (Bigger, faster, stronger) and they don't have a great track record with indies

No longer triple A. Septuple A and nonuple A games!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: mjemirzian on July 11, 2013, 09:49:08 AM
N's game dev, OS dev, and network dev are all a generation behind.

The tablet is an expensive flop that's hindering price cuts.

It's going to take years for them to dig out of that situation and turn the Wii U around. At least they have money to burn, but the shareholders can't be happy.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 14, 2013, 09:22:17 AM
japanese version of pikmin 3 is out,there is even the ending already on youtube :lol

(not the ending video)

anybody going to pick it? you know you bought that thing for other reason than showing you have more money than sense

spoiler (click to show/hide)
do we have somebody who owns a japanese wii u in the first place?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Raban on July 14, 2013, 12:20:30 PM
anybody going to pick it? you know you bought that thing for other reason than showing you have more money than sense
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cascade on July 15, 2013, 01:18:02 PM
 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Wii U sells 179K Software Units over 6 Months in the UK
 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Alright, this thing is done, dusted, finished. It's being outsold by the Vita. The VITA!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 15, 2013, 01:26:11 PM
But what about the Nintendo family! Oh wait, that's still terrible. What I meant was...OMG DIGITAL SALES!
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on July 15, 2013, 01:49:38 PM

are we at Secret Wii U Game yet?

edit: haha there actually is a secret new miyamoto franchise  :lol
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 15, 2013, 01:55:40 PM
anybody going to pick it? you know you bought that thing for other reason than showing you have more money than sense

i swear for once the pun was unintended :lol
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cascade on July 15, 2013, 02:56:53 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 15, 2013, 04:06:35 PM


Broken link, duder.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on July 15, 2013, 04:08:37 PM
It works fine for me.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Yeti on July 15, 2013, 05:37:00 PM
weird, both images have different things in the bottom right corner. One says "Megaman in Smash", the other says "Secret Miyamoto" Game and "Monolithsoft X"
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cascade on July 15, 2013, 05:37:58 PM
Mine is the updated version. They're both by the same gaffer.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on July 16, 2013, 01:43:48 PM
Wii U Pro controller is half off on Best Buy ($25).  White only.  Nintendo is phasing out the white Wii U stuff?

apparently you can use it on your PC via bluetooth if you're like most people who don't own wii u
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 17, 2013, 08:03:49 PM

The difference between this and the PS3 chalkboard, apart from the lack of originality - is that the PS3 chalkboard was full of things that Sony fanboys actually said on forums and actually believed.
Conversely, I would describe the Nintendo-fan masses (since around February and the Rayman / Pikmin delays) as meandering somewhere between quietly hopeful and ultra pessimistic.

With Smash Bros and Mario Kart being way off in 2014, I don't think anyone is expecting a huge uptick in sales. Nintendo's best hope is for software on other platforms to see delays, and for a price cut to put a $100-150 gulf between them and the other options this Christmas... but even then, they'll still need software to sell systems. I think its a great system myself, I feel like I've honestly had a very good experience -- just at too high a price. Ubisoft saying they'll wait "through Christmas" and look at the platform again, should be ringing alarm bells in Kyoto. They don't have anything seismic enough to guarantee the kind of increase in sales that third parties are going to want to see IMO. Unless there's some surprise or marketing strategy in the works we're not aware of.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2013, 08:55:21 PM
In fairness to the Sony fanboys, there was actually hope and potential in the PS3.

The Wii U is so far gone that even starting a post with "Things will pick up for Wii U-" and the poster would be laughed out of the thread.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 17, 2013, 10:24:17 PM
God my Wii U was being a fuckwit today. It lost the wifi several times, hulu kept locking up... Poor thing must have realized tomorrow is NPD day :'(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on July 18, 2013, 12:45:13 AM
I suppose you could try changing WiFi channel or DNS server. I'm having trouble with both my Wii U and my PS3 when I'm using a wireless connection. Maybe they're placed to close to each other or something.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: nudemacusers on July 18, 2013, 01:16:17 AM
God my Wii U was being a fuckwit today. It lost the wifi several times, hulu kept locking up... Poor thing must have realized tomorrow is NPD day :'(
could it be... heat related?

sorry  :'(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 18, 2013, 01:25:29 AM
God my Wii U was being a fuckwit today. It lost the wifi several times, hulu kept locking up... Poor thing must have realized tomorrow is NPD day :'(
could it be... heat related?

sorry  :'(

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 18, 2013, 01:26:35 AM
Remember when Nintendo shit was actually engineered to be bulletproof?

About five minutes in this gets really interesting, he has no idea how the N64 works as a game system but he totally goes into industrial design / component analysis. Yes his voice is squeaky but it's pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: nudemacusers on July 18, 2013, 01:50:20 AM
Remember when Nintendo shit was actually engineered to be bulletproof?

About five minutes in this gets really interesting, he has no idea how the N64 works as a game system but he totally goes into industrial design / component analysis. Yes his voice is squeaky but it's pretty awesome.
that was actually a cool engineering nerd-out. I'm watching his other videos right now.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 18, 2013, 07:00:08 AM
The Wii U is finished.  Nintendo has not been able to prove why buying it is worthwhile during the year or so that they badly need to establish momentum.  I think having a game that would really utilize the tablet would have been a great idea but the Wii U is such a weak piece of shit that having a great tablet game means being single player only.  So the tablet ends up being an albatross around the Wii U's neck instead of its strongest feature.

One of my favorite excuses about the Wii U (besides the heat wave excuse, that's pretty good) is that the marketing is so bad and that once Nintendo figures out who it should be aimed/marketed towards, everything will magically lock into place.  Nintendo's target market for the Wii U was the blue ocean Wii customers who are too busy playing iOS (and to a lesser extent, Android) games to even notice the Wii U exists. 

It's done.  Finished.  The chalkboard sucks because even many Nintards admit it is in very dire straits.  Only the most zealous of Nintard thinks there is still a chance.  If I were a Nintard, I'd just forget about it doing well and just play the few good games that will come out on the system.  It's what I did when I was a Segafag during the Dreamcast days.  Nope, there won't be a wiiuprintmoney.gif and you'll be the whipping boy of the console wars but the sooner you realize this, the better.

God my Wii U was being a fuckwit today. It lost the wifi several times, hulu kept locking up... Poor thing must have realized tomorrow is NPD day :'(

That was how the Wii U was for me.  I gave it away to a relative who did not hook it up to the internet.  They've been pretty happy with it.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 18, 2013, 07:34:36 AM
It's the latest media create thread on GAF
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 18, 2013, 07:48:27 AM
The blaming is going upwards.

Lazy dudebro's, lazy devs, lazy weather

Next step is blaming god.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 18, 2013, 09:54:30 AM
The blaming is going upwards.

Lazy dudebro's, lazy devs, lazy weather

Next step is blaming god.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
God is a sony fanboy >:(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 18, 2013, 10:01:25 AM
Wtf happened in June '99 to put DC in sub 700 numbers? AFAIK dolphin was still vapour, and PS2 wasn't properly shown until the following year
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: mjemirzian on July 18, 2013, 10:04:00 AM
Just wait till next E3! N will finally announce their real next gen games, OS update that fixes all load times and wi-fi issues, tons of third party support, and a price drop to $199.99!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 18, 2013, 10:19:55 AM
Code: [Select]
DREAMCAST WII U                   
1/4/1999 28,830 1/7/2013 21,489
1/11/1999 27,439 1/14/2013 16,635
1/18/1999 22,788 1/21/2013 12,335
1/25/1999 37,249 1/28/2013 11,714
2/1/1999 20,327 2/4/2013 11,092
2/8/1999 15,160 2/11/2013 10,167
2/15/1999 2WEEK1 2/18/2013 9,495
2/22/1999 22,797 2/25/2013 9,528 (19,203 2WEEK1)
3/1/1999 13,362 3/4/2013 9,089
3/8/1999 9,232 3/11/2013 8,567
3/15/1999 8,952 3/18/2013 10,172
3/22/1999 16,657 3/25/2013 21,502
3/29/1999 14,675 4/1/2013 14,413
4/5/1999 13,348 4/8/2013 10,147
4/12/1999 6,747 4/15/2013 8,047
4/19/1999 2WEEK1 4/22/2013 8,058
4/26/1999 14,882 4/29/2013 10,573 (18,631 2WEEK1)
5/3/1999 7,392 5/6/2013 6,744
5/10/1999 4,458 5/13/2013 6,058
5/17/1999 3,344 5/20/2013 5,536
5/24/1999 4,743 5/27/2013 5,669
5/31/1999 2,567 6/3/2013 4,549
6/7/1999 676 6/10/2013 5,031
6/14/1999 479 6/17/2013 4,236
6/21/1999 45,058 6/24/2013 5,846
6/28/1999 25,249 7/1/2013 6,380
7/5/1999 20,741 7/8/2013 20,728

TOTAL (from this chart)
DREAMCAST - 387,152
WII U - 273,800

Thats so sad for the Dreamcast if you look at the software it had, should be selling so much better. Sega just lost all mainstream cred by then after Sega CD, 32X and Saturn.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 18, 2013, 11:02:13 AM
wii u saved
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 18, 2013, 11:03:20 AM
Thats so sad for the Dreamcast if you look at the software it had, should be selling so much better. Sega just lost all mainstream cred by then after Sega CD, 32X and Saturn.

IIRC they were at or around 10 million before it was properly discontinued, and GC/Xbox weren't properly off the mark yet either. If they'd been a little wiser with money in the years before... who knows.

To answer my own question about what happened to DC sales in June of '99, maybe some of this had something to do with it...
Bill Gates' first public interview on the DirectX box came later in '99, too. Sony didn't show PS2 until the following year, but Toy Story hyperbole had begun, and the next year we had Saddam stockpiling PS2s -
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 18, 2013, 11:14:17 AM
wii u saved

:lol Nintendo is sure good at builing that hype. A new direct was just posted on youtube too. Such good marketing :teehee

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 18, 2013, 11:56:17 AM
You know Nintendo's desperate when they stop giving a damn about possible legal quagmires of a 20 year old game.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: cool breeze on July 18, 2013, 12:20:48 PM
It's done.  Finished.  The chalkboard sucks because even many Nintards admit it is in very dire straits.  Only the most zealous of Nintard thinks there is still a chance.  If I were a Nintard, I'd just forget about it doing well and just play the few good games that will come out on the system.  It's what I did when I was a Segafag during the Dreamcast days.  Nope, there won't be a wiiuprintmoney.gif and you'll be the whipping boy of the console wars but the sooner you realize this, the better.

I think that's why the wii u is a mess.  Sega's output on the dreamcast was ridiculous; tons of original quality games.  Nintendo's output on the wii u, what little there is, is so lazy and safe.  Wonderful 101 might be the only game that looks inspired.  So it's kinda sad to see Nintendo be so uncreative and desperate.  Wii U won't really have a legacy.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 18, 2013, 01:58:42 PM
So it's kinda sad to see Nintendo be so uncreative and desperate.  Wii U won't really have a legacy.

C'mon now, its legacy will probably be how Nintendo chooses to approach hardware launches from now on... Which might be a good thing.

Also, it can only be without a software legacy if you assume they're just going to do 3DS retreads for the next 3/4 years. Retro aren't just making Donkey Kong, EAD aren't just doing 3D World and Wind Waker... There'll be good games coming out of Nintendo internally, of that I'm in no doubt.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 18, 2013, 04:31:39 PM
So it's kinda sad to see Nintendo be so uncreative and desperate.  Wii U won't really have a legacy.

C'mon now, its legacy will probably be how Nintendo chooses to approach hardware launches from now on... Which might be a good thing.

Also, it can only be without a software legacy if you assume they're just going to do 3DS retreads for the next 3/4 years. Retro aren't just making Donkey Kong, EAD aren't just doing 3D World and Wind Waker... There'll be good games coming out of Nintendo internally, of that I'm in no doubt.

The Wii U won't be actively supported by Nintendo for 3 or 4 more years.

Also what basis is there in saying that Retro is able to produce 2 games at once? Have they ever done so? They had to outsource a Metroid game when they were making DKCR.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 18, 2013, 04:40:05 PM
Radiohead really, how old are you? This is the worst Nintendo piece of hardware bar Virtual Boy.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 18, 2013, 06:35:57 PM
30 years old. Worst performing, maybe. Functionally, it's the best Nintendo system yet. Obviously. It's better than the N64, the GameCube and the Wii. I would take this machine over any Yamauchi era Nintendo console barre SNES. It's only missing games and software/service improvements that can help justify the price of entry. Competition is making it harder for them to get those games, and for their own games to carry the same weight, but it'll be the most affordable console still receiving new games beyond 2013/14 and that will ensure it has some hope of carving a place for itself, however small. It's still very early days, and despite the dire prognosis, I don't think Nintendo have put a single finger in their pocket to try and turn it around yet. They're being very austere and just getting on with making games... Time will tell on whether they're any good and whether they will eventually realise marketing is important, but their pedigree, even through the Wii generation, suggests their own games will be awesome.

I don't believe Retro have been working on DKCTF alone. Whether they've only had another project in pre production or if its actually underway. Given DKCR's popularity, I think they see the new DK game as being a cost-effective project to buy time for something bigger budget, in the same way that NSMBU was. Their hirings over the last few years have suggested Nintendo still see them as a large budget dev team IMO. Retro in the West, Monolith in the East.. Both have leant a hand in internal titles while working on their own and both are big enough to plan and produce big titles. I might be wrong, but I just don't think we've seen all they're up to.

I'm pretty happy about the Pikmin / W101 deal in Europe. I was going to get W101 anyway, but that 30% discount means I'll definitely get Pikmin too.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on July 18, 2013, 11:34:48 PM
I haven't heard of that deal. What are the details?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 19, 2013, 02:06:51 PM
I haven't heard of that deal. What are the details?

Well those still wary of buying digitally on Nintendo's eshops won't like it because I don't think they can benefit...

But basically, download Pikmin 3 before September 21st and you'll get 30% off the price of W101 on the eShop as well. If it works like the similar deals and discounts on smaller download titles (like VC games, sales on aurora / little inferno etc) premium console users should still get 10% back in credit for the full, undiscounted-prices - on both games too.

Pikmin 3 is confirmed as £39.99 on the eShop, assuming W101 is the same price, you'll get W101 for £27.99 - and get 798 points back total in cashback (£7.98's worth). Effectively you're getting both games for £60.
In Euros the deal would be Pikmin for €49.99, W101 would be €34.99, with 998 points back in cashback (2 points off £10 store credit). Effectively both games for ~€74.

In reality, if you're a savvy shopper you can get a similar deal by pre-ordering the physical games with Amazon (they're both around £31 to preorder at the moment)... but you won't have the convenience of downloading both at midnight, or avoiding having to pop a disc in. I'll be buying digital, but I know some people love their manuals n' that.. 
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: archnemesis on July 19, 2013, 02:41:50 PM
Yeah, my price limit for downloadable games on Nintendo's service is very low.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 01:26:40 AM

The tears would be amazing. :aah
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 01:51:18 AM

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 01:52:24 AM

The tears would be amazing. :aah


I cannot fucking wait for Atlus to reveal they're not going to be bought out by ANY hardware company. God I hate fantards.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 01:53:25 AM
The fact that the article actually says "Ninty" at one point kind of invalidated the entire thing before I even finished reading, but it was a fun thought exercise.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 01:55:31 AM
Why do people want Nintendo to buy a company whose legacy is based around mature rated games featuring the occult, summoning demons, blood stained cities, horror, adult oriented themes?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 02:14:33 AM
Because it would complement their existing stable of games? People always complain about them putting out the "same damn thing" (see: Wrath and others' whining stupidity regarding DKCR2's announcement.)

Also it would be a nice sister series to FE, which Nintendo have actually (somehow) managed to turn around in the west. That might be attractive to Atlus (well, we know it is, since they're working on a FE crossover game.)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 02:16:31 AM
I said nothing of SMT, I was speaking of Atlus' games in general which includes games like Catherine. Nintendo would never publish Catherine.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Shaka Khan on July 21, 2013, 02:18:41 AM
I will be fucking pissed if any platform manufacturer snatch them up. I want their creative direction to continue where it's headed, I want their games to go wherever they make sense for Atlus and their fans (be it consoles or handhelds), and I want them to work as much as possible according to their own schedule and timetable. They're not big or strong enough to maintain that if they get absorbed by either Nintendo *or* Sony. The fact that some people want it to happen, mainly due to some childish mentality or schadenfreude, makes me want to strangle kittens.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 02:23:31 AM
Pretty much.

Especially if people are like "haha wouldn't that be hilarious for crocodile tears" or whatever.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 02:31:28 AM
I said nothing of SMT, I was speaking of Atlus' games in general which includes games like Catherine. Nintendo would never publish Catherine.

They're publishing Bayo 2 and published Ninja Gaiden 3 Weeoo in the US, lol.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 02:35:13 AM
I said nothing of SMT, I was speaking of Atlus' games in general which includes games like Catherine. Nintendo would never publish Catherine.

They're publishing Bayo 2 and published Ninja Gaiden 3 Weeoo in the US, lol.

Bayonetta 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 are a whole different bag of chips. They're cartoony in their violence. Catherine is about a 30-somethings and the pressures of marriage and sexual promiscuity in the modern age. Publishing an action game is something Nintendo has been known for; publishing an adult targeted game with highly suggestive subject matter isn't.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 02:35:26 AM
I mean, dude even pondered the reasoning for the FE/SMT $30 promo *immediately* before talking about SMTxFE and didn't seem to connect the dots on that.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 02:36:55 AM
I said nothing of SMT, I was speaking of Atlus' games in general which includes games like Catherine. Nintendo would never publish Catherine.

They're publishing Bayo 2 and published Ninja Gaiden 3 Weeoo in the US, lol.

Bayonetta 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 are a whole different bag of chips. They're cartoony in their violence. Catherine is about a 30-somethings and the pressures of marriage and sexual promiscuity in the modern age. Publishing an action game is something Nintendo has been known for; publishing an adult targeted game with highly suggestive subject matter isn't.

Bayo isn't highly suggestive? Lol.

I wouldn't presume to say what a desperate Nintendo would or wouldn't publish.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 02:44:53 AM
Bayo is suggestive, but it's a light suggestion. Catherine is full on, and goes beyond suggestion.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 03:33:44 AM
You know i would have said the same thing about Bayonetta and then they went to publish it.  The original sold kind of poorly didnt it?  So Catherine i slike beyond that, it sold worse didnt it?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Shaka Khan on July 21, 2013, 03:38:50 AM
I said nothing of SMT, I was speaking of Atlus' games in general which includes games like Catherine. Nintendo would never publish Catherine.

They're publishing Bayo 2 and published Ninja Gaiden 3 Weeoo in the US, lol.

Bayonetta 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 are a whole different bag of chips. They're cartoony in their violence. Catherine is about a 30-somethings and the pressures of marriage and sexual promiscuity in the modern age. Publishing an action game is something Nintendo has been known for; publishing an adult targeted game with highly suggestive subject matter isn't.

I disagree with this. Bayo and NG are indeed uncharismatic of Nintendo's general market, so I wouldn't downplay their targets or how "mature" they are. But the announcement of both games don't signify to me a major shift for Nintendo as much as a thrown bone to satisfy a subset of their fans and detractors. So far, the initiative doesn't feel genuine or convincing enough to become a mainstay direction. It almost feels like one of those half assed 3rd party experiments conducted on Nintendo consoles, ones that eventually end up failing and get held as evidence of a nonexistent audience. Since NG bombed (as did everything else on the weeoo) and Bayo2's prospects aren't so peachy, I'm convinced Nintendo will throw their hands in the hands in the air and say "Well, we gave it a shot!" and go back to cranking marios.

I'm not even sure how serious they were about Bayo2, could be a necessary evil from the W101 agreement for all I know.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 21, 2013, 03:42:42 AM
I fully believe Bayo 2 is only getting made because Kamiya and Sakurai are friends.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 03:54:19 AM
You know i would have said the same thing about Bayonetta and then they went to publish it.  The original sold kind of poorly didnt it?  So Catherine i slike beyond that, it sold worse didnt it?

I'm talking about content. Bayo's content is comical at best.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 04:43:03 AM
But it is a game that no one would expect Nintendo to publish.  The themes are very Atlus-y too.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 05:00:33 AM
But it is a game that no one would expect Nintendo to publish.  The themes are very Atlus-y too.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Shaka Khan on July 21, 2013, 05:04:44 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 21, 2013, 05:16:40 AM
Persona 4 Theater.mp3
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 21, 2013, 05:42:58 AM
Why are you guys even bothering to engage Fandrex and Damian?  Fandrex doesn't even know what sort of non-handheld games Atlus makes- if it's not on a Nintendo system, it just doesn't exist.  And Damian has consistently proven himself to be a slightly more literate, Nintendo leaning version of Magoose.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 21, 2013, 07:26:50 AM
Why are you guys even bothering to engage Fandrex and Damian?  Fandrex doesn't even know what sort of non-handheld games Atlus makes- if it's not on a Nintendo system, it just doesn't exist.  And Damian has consistently proven himself to be a slightly more literate, Nintendo leaning version of Magoose.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 07:44:40 AM
wut.  Its themes aren't Atlus-like at all.

Kill angels and God isnt Atlus-y?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 21, 2013, 08:26:13 AM
Why are you guys even bothering to engage Fandrex and Damian?  Fandrex doesn't even know what sort of non-handheld games Atlus makes- if it's not on a Nintendo system, it just doesn't exist.  And Damian has consistently proven himself to be a slightly more literate, Nintendo leaning version of Magoose.



Act like a buffoon, ya gonna get treated like a buffoon.  I'm not here to give everybody a piece of candy and a gold star.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 21, 2013, 08:57:34 AM
Nintendo is too cheap to pony up the money to buy Fatlus anyway unless they can scoop them up for pennies on the dollar, especially when they're losing money.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 21, 2013, 09:39:04 AM
Yeah, I imagine if you were a Wii U (or Nintendo only) gamer you'd fantasize about actually getting games to come to the Wii U.

Instead we'll have to hear embarrassing overcompensation about how Pikmin 3 next month is going to be more than enough.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 10:39:02 AM
If that's all it takes to be Atlus-y, half of the fucking Japanese games industry is Atlus-y.

Bayonetta is almost exactly like Devil May Cry in theme, except with the camp cranked way up.  THERE'S PROBABLY A REASON FOR THAT.

Well it is a common theme amongst their games.   And i dont really think there are that many games like that if you exclude Atlus.  I mean sure there is Xenosaga and xenoblade chronicles if you consider that killing God, but what else is there?  I mean sure there are a lot of games that you kill angels in but killing God is like a step further.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Sausage on July 21, 2013, 01:22:15 PM
I've been watching wii u game trailers for the past hour on youtube. The games all look really fun,  but it's like 70% platformers and the system is still too damn expensive.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: MCD on July 21, 2013, 01:30:40 PM
Sausage, I love your avatar.

Very homo.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 21, 2013, 03:03:26 PM
Why are you guys even bothering to engage Fandrex and Damian?  Fandrex doesn't even know what sort of non-handheld games Atlus makes- if it's not on a Nintendo system, it just doesn't exist.  And Damian has consistently proven himself to be a slightly more literate, Nintendo leaning version of Magoose.



Act like a buffoon, ya gonna get treated like a buffoon.  I'm not here to give everybody a piece of candy and a gold star.

it's not like i would accept candy from a creepy old guy :kobeyuck
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 21, 2013, 03:32:27 PM
wut.  Its themes aren't Atlus-like at all.

Kill angels and God isnt Atlus-y?

If that's all it takes to be Atlus-y, half of the fucking Japanese games industry is Atlus-y.

Bayonetta is almost exactly like Devil May Cry in theme, except with the camp cranked way up.  THERE'S PROBABLY A REASON FOR THAT.

God of War is very Atlus-y.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Polari on July 21, 2013, 06:24:25 PM
Thats so sad for the Dreamcast if you look at the software it had, should be selling so much better. Sega just lost all mainstream cred by then after Sega CD, 32X and Saturn.

Software was kind of fucked where Western markets were concerned though. There wasn't much Western third party support, and without EA it was always gonna be an uphill battle.

Even Sega weren't Nintendo levels of incompetence though. That's a special breed.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 08:01:39 PM
Killing god is the story of 50% of JRPGs ever.

Really?  I can count them only on one hand aside from Atlus games.  I must have missed heaps of JRPG's  :(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 08:09:31 PM

Best list i could find.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: nudemacusers on July 21, 2013, 08:20:57 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 21, 2013, 08:25:21 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 08:28:47 PM
someone hand me an evoker. I mean, a gun. Put it to MY HEAD.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Rufus on July 21, 2013, 08:37:42 PM
Best list i could find.
Link it instead, it's bound to have better formatting.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 09:16:10 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 09:32:05 PM
True.  Atlus's killing God and angels is somewhat unique.  Atlus uses the Christian God in its games so does Bayo even though it is a warped form of Him.  The only other game i know that does this is arguably Breath of Fire 2.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 21, 2013, 09:38:31 PM
i think you guys are missing the original point which was "would nintendo buy atlus?" sure why not,they seems to have an habit of picking hobo developers and striking non-sense deals (see yakuza 1&2 port for a recent example)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 21, 2013, 09:46:42 PM
Way too much discussion going on in the Wii U thread.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 09:51:32 PM
Don't worry, we're not talking about the WiiU.

thank god
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 10:41:37 PM
Nah, lots of games use a warped form of YHWH.  You are right that one way Atlus's approach is unique is that they actually don't obfuscate his identity.  SMT2 straight up calls him YHWH.  But I'd argue that's one of the more superficial ways Atlus is different.

The biggest difference is that Atlus, for how much it Pokemon-izes various religions, actually has something to say about religion and morality besides "RELIGION CAN BE CORRUPTED, DON'T TRUST THE GODS, DERP".  Generally, the three main alignments in SMT games all have good reasons backing them.  No particular side is really painted as the bad guys or the good guys.  There's a lot of nuance, and that's because at the end of the day, SMT is really about morality, religion, and humanity first and foremost.  Whereas something like Bayonetta just uses religion as interesting character design curtains for a straight-forward action game.

Bayonetta is a "mature" game, but that is entirely independent of its religious themes.  SMT games (and most of Atlus's games) are "mature" and a lot of that is owing to the themes found in them.

Good point.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 10:50:44 PM
Nah, lots of games use a warped form of YHWH.  You are right that one way Atlus's approach is unique is that they actually don't obfuscate his identity.  SMT2 straight up calls him YHWH.  But I'd argue that's one of the more superficial ways Atlus is different.

The biggest difference is that Atlus, for how much it Pokemon-izes various religions, actually has something to say about religion and morality besides "RELIGION CAN BE CORRUPTED, DON'T TRUST THE GODS, DERP".  Generally, the three main alignments in SMT games all have good reasons backing them.  No particular side is really painted as the bad guys or the good guys.  There's a lot of nuance, and that's because at the end of the day, SMT is really about morality, religion, and humanity first and foremost.  Whereas something like Bayonetta just uses religion as interesting character design curtains for a straight-forward action game.

Bayonetta is a "mature" game, but that is entirely independent of its religious themes.  SMT games (and most of Atlus's games) are "mature" and a lot of that is owing to the themes found in them.

Good point.

What do you mean, good point? I said that much on the last page. You decided to bring up Gods and compare SMT to Bayonetta.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 21, 2013, 10:59:02 PM
Well i guess i didnt understand what you said on the issue.  You didnt extrapolate.  I think Oscar is saying that the matureness of Atlus RPG's comes from religious themes and the way they are presented, Bayo while has a similar concept of religion its main themes comes from elsewhere.  I guess that even though the games have a similar concept of the religion the themes may not be relevent in regards to religion.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 21, 2013, 11:03:45 PM
He said their other games as well. I mentioned Catherine. Catherine is very light on religion. It is about sexual promiscuity, cheating, ADULT PROBLEMS, alcohol trivia, the stress of marriage, men who don't learn to or have a refusal to grow up, commitment and what that means. It is a very adult game, that resonates with many adult gamers; it has content that very, very few games actively try to seek, in light of very real problems in the world (lack of births in Japan, young couples marrying later in life, adult adolescence). Catherine is a fucking anomaly in the gaming industry.

And you're bringing up religion.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 12:00:14 AM
I never said that they were the same but it would be Nintendo's next step.  You dont find Nintendo publishing Bayo 2 odd?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 22, 2013, 12:11:58 AM
Sometimes I wonder if Damian is my alt and I've got some kind of fucked up Tyler Durden thing going on.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 22, 2013, 12:13:53 AM
I never said that they were the same but it would be Nintendo's next step.  You dont find Nintendo publishing Bayo 2 odd?

Aside from the initial shock? No.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 12:27:07 AM
Aside from the initial shock? No.

So basically Bayo 2 was a necessary evil of the marvelous(is that the name?) 101 thing?
Title: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Shaka Khan on July 22, 2013, 12:28:39 AM
Nah, lots of games use a warped form of YHWH.  You are right that one way Atlus's approach is unique is that they actually don't obfuscate his identity.  SMT2 straight up calls him YHWH.  But I'd argue that's one of the more superficial ways Atlus is different.

The biggest difference is that Atlus, for how much it Pokemon-izes various religions, actually has something to say about religion and morality besides "RELIGION CAN BE CORRUPTED, DON'T TRUST THE GODS, DERP".  Generally, the three main alignments in SMT games all have good reasons backing them.  No particular side is really painted as the bad guys or the good guys.  There's a lot of nuance, and that's because at the end of the day, SMT is really about morality, religion, and humanity first and foremost.  Whereas something like Bayonetta just uses religion as interesting character design curtains for a straight-forward action game.

Bayonetta is a "mature" game, but that is entirely independent of its religious themes.  SMT games (and most of Atlus's games) are "mature" and a lot of that is owing to the themes found in them.

I love this post so much I wanna marry it and bear its children.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 22, 2013, 12:48:18 AM
Aside from the initial shock? No.

So basically Bayo 2 was a necessary evil of the marvelous(is that the name?) 101 thing?

how is bayonetta worse than famicom detective club?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 01:27:34 AM
how is bayonetta worse than famicom detective club?

I dont follow i am talking about that superhero game that platinum are making for the Wii U.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 22, 2013, 01:33:18 AM
I just got my $25 Protroller courtesy of Best Buy and Wario64's Twitter and this thing is sex in the hand. Triggers are a little squishy but it isn't nearly as cramped as it looks in photos.

Also, small thing to be happy about, but I'm glad Nintendo ditched that shitty fucking cut-supreme plastic they had on all the early Wii accessories and just rolls with cardboard now.

Nintendo, saving the Earf one unbought Wii U accessory at a time. :usacry
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Himu on July 22, 2013, 01:33:50 AM
the original premise was one arguing about content. You are shocked Nintendo would publish a game with Bayo's content; they have published worse.

I"m just confused now. I'm going to go look at naked men on the internet and go to sleep.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 01:47:39 AM
the original premise was one arguing about content. You are shocked Nintendo would publish a game with Bayo's content; they have published worse.

I"m just confused now. I'm going to go look at naked men on the internet and go to sleep.

Oh i see.  Nintendo have changed since then.  Nintendo used to MAKE hardcore gaming content now they just make games for the masses mainly.  Before it used to be like 50/50, now it is like 10/90.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Positive Touch on July 22, 2013, 07:44:55 AM
sweet mother of god just stop. please please please just stop talking FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 22, 2013, 08:51:01 AM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 22, 2013, 10:11:34 AM
It's almost like any time Damian enters a thread, this is the end result! 

Two options exist:

1) he's really that dumb and obtuse
2) he's an Einstein level troll

I'm just gonna defer to Occam's razor here...
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 10:57:23 AM
Part of being a good troll is not knowing you are trolling.  I'll leave you with that.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 22, 2013, 11:09:32 AM
Part of being a good troll is not knowing you are trolling.  I'll leave you with that.

You not knowing that you're trolling, or the people reading your posts not knowing that you're trolling?
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: demi on July 22, 2013, 11:10:39 AM
Part of being a good troll is not knowing you are trolling.  I'll leave you with that.

"it exists because it does"
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Damian79 on July 22, 2013, 11:11:00 AM
Me not knowing.  Because if you dont know you are trolling they wont either.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 22, 2013, 11:19:03 AM
There is no spoon.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 22, 2013, 11:34:06 AM

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 22, 2013, 06:19:39 PM

Free $10 Wii U eShop credit when you add $100+ to your account. ($5 if you add $50+)
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 22, 2013, 11:06:30 PM
Free shaft in ass with insertion of glans in ass
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 22, 2013, 11:10:40 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: magus on July 23, 2013, 11:01:14 AM

i remember the times where an 8.8 would have caused some pretty good rage :fbm
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: demi on July 23, 2013, 11:18:12 AM

Free $10 Wii U eShop credit when you add $100+ to your account. ($5 if you add $50+)

Lol, this is probably the worst deal ever.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: hampster on July 23, 2013, 11:30:16 AM
It starts looking okay if you stack this deal, the digital deluxe promotion, that Pikmin 3 thing, and what ever else nintendo is running.

But I'd trade it all for 3DS cross-play/cross-buy on virtual console games :'(
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 23, 2013, 11:07:46 PM

Free $10 Wii U eShop credit when you add $100+ to your account. ($5 if you add $50+)

Think of all of the great games you will be able to buy with $110 on the Wii U eShop such as
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 23, 2013, 11:13:53 PM
Well I could get EarthBound I suppose, been missing that one. And Luigi U DLC.

Then I could save the rest for WW HD and DKC Orange Creamsicle.

Shame I'm pretty broke atm.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Polari on July 24, 2013, 01:26:13 PM
Well I could get EarthBound I suppose, been missing that one. And Luigi U DLC.

Then I could save the rest for WW HD and DKC Orange Creamsicle.

Shame I'm pretty broke atm.

If you think $10 free when you spend $100 on Nintendo credit is a good deal it's hardly surprising you're broke. :derp
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 24, 2013, 03:51:12 PM
Well I could get EarthBound I suppose, been missing that one. And Luigi U DLC.

Then I could save the rest for WW HD and DKC Orange Creamsicle.

Shame I'm pretty broke atm.

If you think $10 free when you spend $100 on Nintendo credit is a good deal it's hardly surprising you're broke. :derp

If you were gonna spend $100 anyways it's a free $10, how is that not a good deal. :derp
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Polari on July 24, 2013, 03:57:59 PM
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 24, 2013, 05:33:46 PM
Polari Andrex bought a 399 machine with no games  ???
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 24, 2013, 05:47:35 PM
It was $350 and MH3U was on the horizon. :wag

Speaking of, played a little last night to break in my new Pro Controller, and wow, it's fantastic. Possibly the best controller Nintendo's made... slight edge to the GameCube, maybe.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 24, 2013, 05:51:11 PM
But mh3 was on the cube already
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 24, 2013, 05:58:14 PM
Not with passable online and HD grafix. :rejoice
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 24, 2013, 06:04:02 PM
It was $350 and MH3U was on the horizon. :wag

Speaking of, played a little last night to break in my new Pro Controller, and wow, it's fantastic. Possibly the best controller Nintendo's made... slight edge to the GameCube, maybe.

No. I won't hear this. I love the GameCube controller. But the Pro Controller is all right.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 24, 2013, 06:08:34 PM
I meant the GC controller is probably slightly better to hold. But the Pro is wireless and feels great in the hand too. It also has non-weird shoulder buttons and clicky sticks (but not analog triggers...) D-pad and second stick are also both way better.

I dunno, in terms of feel I don't think anything will beat the Cube controller, but the Pro's probably made up of better parts.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Trent Dole on July 24, 2013, 06:39:32 PM
Wavebird, nicca. :bow2
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 24, 2013, 06:41:41 PM
The wavebird was sweet.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The GC controller was trash for anything that wasn't made by Nintendo. :patel
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 25, 2013, 01:00:45 AM
Wavebird, nicca. :bow2

A bit too light and no rumble, otherwise :rejoice

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also inhereted the other derpy GC things, like the no second shoulder button, bad d-pad, and bad c-stick.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Trent Dole on July 25, 2013, 05:23:38 AM
Yeah the lack of rumble was a shit but other than that the thing was godly. Doesn't help the regular GC controllers case that its chord was waay too short.
Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 25, 2013, 12:13:01 PM
Wavebird, nicca. :bow2

A bit too light and no rumble, otherwise :rejoice

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also inhereted the other derpy GC things, like the no second shoulder button, bad d-pad, and bad c-stick.

At least it was the standard controller for the console and the games were built around it. Nintendo doesn't even know how you're supposed to play Wii U games or with what.

Title: Re: Wii U |OT| U can have a price cut when you pry it from our cold, dead hands
Post by: Tasty on July 25, 2013, 12:20:26 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 25, 2013, 02:20:02 PM
Angry Birds?  Finally a game with a real best selling pedigree comes to the Weeeooooooooooooooo

I expect an Andrex thread about the simple joys of Angry Birds any minute now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Tasty on July 25, 2013, 02:21:35 PM
I hate Angry Birds. :lol

Well, more I find it boring. Lol.

CoDogs is exciting though.  :xbone
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 25, 2013, 02:40:35 PM
Guys, Weeeoooo's got some of the hottest franchises in entertainment! Like Netflix and Youtube!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 25, 2013, 03:11:13 PM
And people said I was mad to get a Wii U so early before the big games were announced. Well, my Wii U is already acquired and paid for and I'm all ready for Wipeout!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: chronovore on July 25, 2013, 06:38:38 PM
When did Activision get the rights to WipeOut?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: magus on July 25, 2013, 06:41:44 PM
When did Activision get the rights to WipeOut?

it's not wipeout the racing game,it's wipeout the tv shows that rip off takeshi's castle

this one
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Trent Dole on July 25, 2013, 06:41:48 PM
Uh, I'm pretty sure it's the TV show Wipeout and not the racing one you guys are thinking of.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 25, 2013, 07:03:17 PM
Funny how the biggest Angry Birds haters are *ALWAYS* ninspergs (not talking about Andy boy here). Can't deal with the fact that dem birds are this kids generation's Mario.

Really?  I find the biggest angry birds haters are the hardcore gamers, who usually back one of the proper consoles.  Gamers in general seem pretty annoyed at its popularity, though. Even iOS gamers.

So, not Nintendo gamers then.   :jawalrus
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Steve Youngblood on July 25, 2013, 08:06:29 PM
When did Activision get the rights to WipeOut?

it's not wipeout the racing game,it's wipeout the tv shows that rip off takeshi's castle

this one

How presumptuous of you. No, this is precisely the Wipeout I was thinking of.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 26, 2013, 05:58:05 AM
Wii classic or Wii classic pro for PC emulators? I want to buy one with mayflash adapter but can't decide between the two.

Maybe go for the club Nintendo snes controller?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: archnemesis on July 26, 2013, 06:23:57 AM
Why not use a 360 controller?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 26, 2013, 06:29:55 AM
Dpad placement.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: archnemesis on July 26, 2013, 06:48:42 AM
Then I would use a DualShock 3 instead. I haven't spent much time with the Wii gamepads, but my first impression wasn't that positive.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 26, 2013, 06:58:30 AM
ewww DS3

Currently looking at SNES Club Nintendo controller.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Rufus on July 26, 2013, 08:44:48 AM
It's fine if you only want to play 2D games, but you'll miss those extra shoulder buttons and analogue sticks should you want to emulate PS, PS2, GC/Wii, etc.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 26, 2013, 09:36:38 AM
I have a 360 controller for those. Snes Wii is just for casual Mega Man X gaming on my PC and some other games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 26, 2013, 10:07:14 AM
And I bought it! :)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Tasty on July 26, 2013, 10:32:34 AM
Wii classic or Wii classic pro for PC emulators? I want to buy one with mayflash adapter but can't decide between the two.

Maybe go for the club Nintendo snes controller?

Wii U Pro Controller (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 28, 2013, 11:26:31 AM
Pikmin 3 looks good

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich on July 28, 2013, 11:46:59 AM
Wii classic or Wii classic pro for PC emulators? I want to buy one with mayflash adapter but can't decide between the two.

Maybe go for the club Nintendo snes controller?

Wii U Pro Controller (

I picked up one of these last weekend. I was really surprised at how comfortable its whole setup was overall.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: MCD on July 28, 2013, 05:03:20 PM
Pikmin 3 looks good
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Tasty on July 28, 2013, 10:11:34 PM
Gotta give it to them, Pikmin 3 looked pretty damn rough at first but they've really tightened it up.

Wii classic or Wii classic pro for PC emulators? I want to buy one with mayflash adapter but can't decide between the two.

Maybe go for the club Nintendo snes controller?

Wii U Pro Controller (

I picked up one of these last weekend. I was really surprised at how comfortable its whole setup was overall.

Yeah, same. Really thought it would feel cramped because of the buttons but it's really good. Put down two mons in MH last night with it and I don't know if I can go back. Gonna be a blast going through Luigi U with it.

Plus DAT 80 HOUR BATTERY LIFE :rejoice

:piss GamePad 2.5 hour battery :piss2

I remember I had to plug the damn thing in during an extended online MH session. NEVER AGAIN.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: thisismyusername on July 29, 2013, 10:35:52 AM
ASDA (UK supermarket/Walmart?) is dropping the Wii U (

:violin Andrex.

How long until Iwata is (rightly) fired?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
More like how long until other retailers follow suit?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Cascade on July 29, 2013, 10:42:50 AM
ASDA (UK supermarket/Walmart?) is dropping the Wii U (

:violin Andrex.

How long until Iwata is (rightly) fired?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
More like how long until other retailers follow suit?
Yep, ASDA is Walmart UK and the second biggest supermarket in the UK. How long will it be til Walmart US drops the Wii U? Is Walmart US a bigger games retailer than Gamestop?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Tasty on July 29, 2013, 11:19:19 AM
Walmart would drop Vita before Wii U, and they won't do either before this holiday.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 29, 2013, 11:37:16 AM
To be fair, ASDA were never heavily supporting the Wii U to begin with. The stock they have kept for the last 6 months has been paltry, and I've never actually seen a Wii U hardware unit in any UK supermarket aside from launch month. This is not to absolve Nintendo of blame for handling what should be a very important market very badly though.

I bought my original Wii in an ASDA store in Liverpool back in 2006 and there were queues. Not massive ones, but midnight queues all the same. They were sold out in local game stores, and it was literally the only way I could get a launch day unit. The shelves were well stocked with hardware from all three manufacturers and the shelves had plenty of accessories and games.

Customers in supermarkets are not your average customer that visits a GAME store. You get parents and children going in to do their weekly food shop, regularly exposed to your brand and advertising. GTA V is heavily advertised in all of the supermarkets I go in, because basically, Rockstar is smart.

UK supermarkets have changed since 2006. Big time. There is very little hardware actually stocked, and a lot of DVDs, Blu-Rays and games. With regards to Nintendo, its a joke, and its been like this for months... even 3DS stock is ridiculously poor. I'm not sure the folks back at NOE HQ in Germany (Shibata and co) actually realise what a shitty situation UK shops are in with regard to stocks of Nintendo product...

Here's Xbox 360... PS3 has similar shelf space:


and here's Wii AND Wii U. I've highlighted the amazing quota allocated to Wii U.


Their presence in the likes of GAME is small, but its probably normal-ish for a new console that doesn't have a lot of games. This on the other hand, is unacceptable. Between this and non-existent advertising, it's amazing people know it exists here at all.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: thisismyusername on July 29, 2013, 11:46:16 AM
ASDA (UK supermarket/Walmart?) is dropping the Wii U (

:violin Andrex.

How long until Iwata is (rightly) fired?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
More like how long until other retailers follow suit?
Yep, ASDA is Walmart UK and the second biggest supermarket in the UK. How long will it be til Walmart US drops the Wii U? Is Walmart US a bigger games retailer than Gamestop?

For Call of Duty? Maybe. For niche titles and hardware? It's a toss-up.

Walmart would drop Vita before Wii U, and they won't do either before this holiday.

And yet that's missing the point: UK "Wal-mart" has dropped Wii U. The Vita is still in there (but being dropped in some stores according to GAF). That's huge. That's not to say you're entirely wrong, because you're not. But the fact is if Wii U doesn't sell in the US any better (read: above 10K and getting toward the 50K that the PS4/X-box is surely going to do way more of in the follow launch months) I can see it happening in the US in October to attempt to clear stock during the holidays or sometime during that to make way for PS4/X-box.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 29, 2013, 11:58:39 AM

Walmart would drop Vita before Wii U, and they won't do either before this holiday.

And yet that's missing the point: UK "Wal-mart" has dropped Wii U. The Vita is still in there (but being dropped in some stores according to GAF). That's huge. That's not to say you're entirely wrong, because you're not. But the fact is if Wii U doesn't sell in the US any better (read: above 10K and getting toward the 50K that the PS4/X-box is surely going to do way more of in the follow launch months) I can see it happening in the US in October to attempt to clear stock during the holidays or sometime during that to make way for PS4/X-box.


CVG are exaggerating the importance of the move for hits. Its possible that Nintendo has actively encouraged recent sale clearances, they reportedly discussed a new Wii U strategy for the latter half of this year at a UK retailers meeting sometime in March/April ( and we're hearing rumblings that new SKUs (WW etc) are on the way. Wouldn't surprise me if the July 31 investors Q&A brings news of price cuts and SKUs.

Shelf space for Wii U has been like the above image in my local store since the beginning of the year, and ASDA Direct (the asda website) are continuing to sell the products. As I say, I've not seen a single piece of Wii U hardware on sale in any ASDA store since launch, and come to it - I've not seen many Vita, 360 or PS3 units either. Sainsburys and the like have stocked more HW, and they're not quite the giant that ASDA are.

Its bad, and something they should seek to remedy ASAP, but its nowhere near as bad as when Dixons group (PC World, Currys and Dixons) fully discontinued the Gamecube.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 29, 2013, 11:59:07 AM

and here's Wii AND Wii U. I've highlighted the amazing quota allocated to Wii U.


I don't see the problem with that allocation; that's like one-half of wii-u's library on display.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 29, 2013, 12:08:51 PM
its totally lost in among the Wii stuff though... can you imagine if PS4 and Xbone launched with no in store displays, and a few games were just shoved in some 60cm x 60cm space alongside PS3 and Xbox 360 games? It wouldn't happen!

I can't imagine they're still shifting a heap of Wii software. Nintendo should do a Wii stock buyback (or swap) to keep that shelf space for increased prominence for Wii U. That or they should send their retail reps out to ensure the branding separation is better. ASDA do the same shit with Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS. It would make more sense to have Nintendo DS and Wii stuff together, a separator, and then Wii U and 3DS stuff together. There's no way Lego Batman 2 for Wii should be sitting under the Wii U banner like that when there's an actual Wii U version to be sold. Wii games like ABBA, Disney's Cars, and Lego Harry Potter should be giving way to the likes of Sonic Racing Transformed and Sing It... or fuck, maybe some kind of cardboard ad that explains the system

it's Nintendo UK's fault for allowing this to happen, they really are shit. I don't even know if they're a real company subsidiary or if that's just a cover name for big ben / codestorm like it used to be... either way, they should all be fired
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Cascade on July 31, 2013, 04:04:41 AM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Wii U Shipped 160k Units Worldwide Between April and June 2013
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

90k from Japan
60k from North America
10k from Other

Nintendo still haven't altered their forecast of shipping 9 million more units between now and the end of the year.

This thing is officially dead. It's gone past the point of no return and is no longer viable on the market no matter what they do. It's only a matter of a few months until pretty much every store except GAME/Gamestation has completely dropped this thing in Europe, ASDA was just the first drop in the flood.

Let's try to see you spin this Radiohead.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 04:07:17 AM
10k for Europe  :lol

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Sho Nuff on July 31, 2013, 04:22:08 AM
I can't watch this
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Wipeout™: Create & Crash announcement!
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 31, 2013, 04:40:30 AM
Christmas doesn't come in July, does it?  For me it does.

:piss Nintendo :piss2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archie4208 on July 31, 2013, 05:48:48 AM
Wait for China to drop their console ban. 
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: treythemovie on July 31, 2013, 05:53:54 AM
I'd say the Wii U's dead in Europe but it was never alive there to begin with.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on July 31, 2013, 06:31:19 AM
Three months?


:umad :sabu :pacspit
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Huff on July 31, 2013, 07:00:51 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 07:01:19 AM
PS3 has always shipped above 1 million except for one quarter of 700,000. This is over 4 times worse than PS3‘s worst quarter.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 31, 2013, 07:04:18 AM
Nintendo is fucked.  Their model of "shit hardware with gimmick sold at a premium price" is dead in the water.

The problem is that Nintendo is so far behind that I don't think they will ever really catch up without investing a lot of money.  The Wii and DS smash successes brought in lots of money in the short term but irreparably fucked them in the long term.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 07:28:59 AM
Nintendo is fucked.  Their model of "shit hardware with gimmick sold at a premium price" is dead in the water.

The problem is that Nintendo is so far behind that I don't think they will ever really catch up without investing a lot of money.  The Wii and DS smash successes brought in lots of money in the short term but irreparably fucked them in the long term.

Nintendo couldn't even catch up if they spent a lot of money.

The things Sony and MS are doing took years to develop, years of vision and know how. Sure Nintendo could splurge 250 million on some company to set things up for them but... it won't change how they work from the inside.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 07:38:50 AM
They had 3-4 chances to catch up and give "gamers" what they wanted. Like I said when Oscar said "but that isn't appeasing the board," it would've probably led to some sales if they actually had put in an attempt at a competent online system to get cheapasses that can't care about graphics too strongly to move to their console along with courting third parties to make that move a little more enticing. But they didn't. And that's why no one is buying the damn thing. Basically:

Nintendo is fucked.  Their model of "shit hardware with gimmick sold at a premium price" is dead in the water.

Exactly, and they didn't even attempt to move into "next-gen" or even "current gen" with online systems that actually would be worthwhile to use. They're still stuck in the same "friend code" ghetto until they actually make a unified account system and other things/match X-box Live and Playstation Network.

Joe CallofDuty isn't going to buy a system where he can't insure his friends list can carry across to a replacement system. And why should he? Let's ignore the shitty graphics and price-point. Why should anyone buy the Wii U with the current OS and feature set/set-backs it has?

And this is why the board needs to fire Iwata. He made no attempt at trying to copy Sony/Microsoft except a limp-wristed attempt to try to get some stupid people on board while throwing a new gimmick on board to try strike lighting twice... but... unfortunately for him it didn't work.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on July 31, 2013, 07:39:15 AM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 07:44:18 AM
Maybe they can just recall the whole thing and focus on handhelds.

Although they should make a 199 Nintendo phone to be relevant there too in 5 years.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 07:54:55 AM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Wii U Shipped 160k Units Worldwide Between April and June 2013
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

90k from Japan
60k from North America
10k from Other

Nintendo still haven't altered their forecast of shipping 9 million more units between now and the end of the year.

This thing is officially dead. It's gone past the point of no return and is no longer viable on the market no matter what they do. It's only a matter of a few months until pretty much every store except GAME/Gamestation has completely dropped this thing in Europe, ASDA was just the first drop in the flood.

Let's try to see you spin this Radiohead.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 31, 2013, 07:58:56 AM
I doubt Nintendo would survive from handheld sales alone.

If they ever make a Wii U successor, they should just go the budget route.  Have a budget box that goes for $125-175 that is essentially a Roku that plays Nintendo games.  Ditch the stupid gimmicks, just make good games.  They can keep expanding on the Miiverse and someday it may be worth a shit.  I think this is Nintendo's only way to go since they don't have the infrastructure in place to ever compete with Sony and Microsoft again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 07:58:58 AM
Uuuh guys thes numbers are before Nintendo released Earthbound on VC, just wait untill post-Earthbound numbers come in.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 07:59:48 AM
I doubt Nintendo would survive from handheld sales alone.

If they ever make a Wii U successor, they should just go the budget route.  Have a budget box that goes for $125-175 that is essentially a Roku that plays Nintendo games.  Ditch the stupid gimmicks, just make good games.  They can keep expanding on the Miiverse and someday it may be worth a shit.  I think this is Nintendo's only way to go since they don't have the infrastructure in place to ever compete with Sony and Microsoft again.

they should make a 169 handheld that can also be hooked up to the tv and display 1080p.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 08:09:50 AM
Where's radiohead, Andrex and marc^o^ spin.

Putting Andy there is a bit disingenuous. Andy's at least admitted and accepted it's a failure. I think the Bore finally broke his Nintendo spirit and he's starting to come around to Iwata being a shitty CEO and the like.

But let's play a game: Andy, radiohead, Marc: Why did you buy a Wii U knowing what you knew at launch? Hard mode: Don't say "FOR THE NINTENDO GAMEZ STOOPID!" because that'd just be proving the point that no one but Nintendo's insane fanbase wants the system.

Uuuh guys thes numbers are before Nintendo released Earthbound on VC, just wait untill post-Earthbound numbers come in.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on July 31, 2013, 08:20:51 AM
I'm a proud not-owner of a Wii U. 8)

N should have been busting ass to modernize their OS, online, and game development for next gen instead of coasting on the Wii. Now they're paying for it.

Shareholders must be banging the table for 3rd party by now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 31, 2013, 08:25:36 AM
marc^o^'s spin:

Quote from: derp derp derp
That's right, just before the console is ready to shine.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 08:39:24 AM
Light travels faster than sound, thats why WiiU might appear bright until you hear it die.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on July 31, 2013, 09:02:46 AM
Where's radiohead, Andrex and marc^o^ spin.

Putting Andy there is a bit disingenuous. Andy's at least admitted and accepted it's a failure. I think the Bore finally broke his Nintendo spirit and he's starting to come around to Iwata being a shitty CEO and the like.

But let's play a game: Andy, radiohead, Marc: Why did you buy a Wii U knowing what you knew at launch? Hard mode: Don't say "FOR THE NINTENDO GAMEZ STOOPID!" because that'd just be proving the point that no one but Nintendo's insane fanbase wants the system.

Uuuh guys thes numbers are before Nintendo released Earthbound on VC, just wait untill post-Earthbound numbers come in.


:yeshrug You can still have fun with a failed system. I enjoyed my 32X at the time, love the vita and enjoy the Wii U. The Wii U is a complete disaster for Nintendo but I'm not a shareholder

That said when I bought the Wii U I thought they would push the virtual console much more aggressively. Knowing the sorry state it is in now I would have passed. The Wii U is the first nintendo console I've owned and put any real time into. I bought a used gamecube for $30 at one point but only played Mario Sunshine. I had a Wii but only my kid played it (I played a bunch of NES, SNES & 64 at friend's houses when I was younger). I was looking forward to playing the back catalog but they aren't bothering to put most of it up

Plus I have the kid defense. My kid likes nintendo, what can you do :'(
Title: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on July 31, 2013, 09:35:45 AM
marc^o^'s spin:

Quote from: derp derp derp
That's right, just before the console is ready to shine.


What makes you mad, the idea someone believes Wii U is about to shine with great games coming + miiverse and the OS matching the promised vision?

That is something to be happy about, a good starting point to give people reasons to own that GamePad.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 09:53:56 AM
In the GAF thread, I'm seeing "Bububu no games came out during those three months, wait until Pikmin!!"  :'(

Wii U is dead :miyamoto
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: fistfulofmetal on July 31, 2013, 10:20:52 AM
i'll bite for 150

maybe 179
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 10:33:10 AM
But for how much will you swallow?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 10:59:25 AM
But let's play a game: Andy, radiohead, Marc: Why did you buy a Wii U knowing what you knew at launch? Hard mode: Don't say "FOR THE NINTENDO GAMEZ STOOPID!" because that'd just be proving the point that no one but Nintendo's insane fanbase wants the system.

It was actually for a Capcom game. The 360 ports were actually kind of a plus as well, before I decided to get a PS3.

I know some of you guys couldn't wait to pull out your icalledit.gif's but even people who believed the system would do badly probably didn't expect it to do this badly.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 11:00:52 AM
:yeshrug You can still have fun with a failed system. I enjoyed my 32X at the time, love the vita and enjoy the Wii U. The Wii U is a complete disaster for Nintendo but I'm not a shareholder

That said when I bought the Wii U I thought they would push the virtual console much more aggressively. Knowing the sorry state it is in now I would have passed. The Wii U is the first nintendo console I've owned and put any real time into. I bought a used gamecube for $30 at one point but only played Mario Sunshine. I had a Wii but only my kid played it (I played a bunch of NES, SNES & 64 at friend's houses when I was younger). I was looking forward to playing the back catalog but they aren't bothering to put most of it up

Plus I have the kid defense. My kid likes nintendo, what can you do :'(

Yeah, the way they've handled VC has been fucking atrocious. They deserve poor sales because of that (note: I don't actually think VC affects sales, I'm just glad karma's lined up in this instance.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 11:07:15 AM
Not even worth it for $99:

- no 3D Mario game
- no new Zelda
- no new Metroid
- no new F-Zero
- no X.gif yet


Choppy Batman, Call of Duty, Pikmin 2.5 and 3DS Mario game uprezzed.

No thanks. Get your fucking grip together Iwata, Reggie and co.

- MH3U
- DKC Chocolate Swirl
- X
- Bayo 2

- Deus Ex DX
- AssCreed 4
- Wind Waka Waka HD
- Arkhammy Origins

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 31, 2013, 11:07:24 AM
They need to ease out of the Wii U business and start making plans to launch something like this with the quickness:



Do a hybrid Android/Proprietary OS (like Amazon does with their Kindles) to sell curated Android Apps and exclusive Nintendo games, ship it with a HDMI receiver dongle (like Chromecast/Airplay) for home/TV use, call it a day
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 11:12:31 AM
I definitely think a N7-size tablet with gaming controls on the sides, with a wireless HDMI dongle for the TV, would have been the best direction for the Wii U. But that would have eaten into the 3DS and that's the only thing Nintendo sort of maybe has going for them right now. There were also probably a few people inside Nintendo who wanted to make HD games (even if the rest of the company has been dragging its heels.)

If Nintendo (hardware making-Nintendo) lasts through the Wii U I kinda do hope they reconcile their two product lines. Having a single platform makes a lot of things easier.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 31, 2013, 11:19:59 AM
I surely thought they'd have one or two honeymoon years of 360/PS3 ports before the new systems crowded them out. I was entirely off the mark there.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on July 31, 2013, 11:48:17 AM
I definitely think a N7-size tablet with gaming controls on the sides, with a wireless HDMI dongle for the TV, would have been the best direction for the Wii U. But that would have eaten into the 3DS and that's the only thing Nintendo sort of maybe has going for them right now. There were also probably a few people inside Nintendo who wanted to make HD games (even if the rest of the company has been dragging its heels.)

If Nintendo (hardware making-Nintendo) lasts through the Wii U I kinda do hope they reconcile their two product lines. Having a single platform makes a lot of things easier.

They were kind of unfortunate with timing in the sense that mobile graphics are really only hitting the heights required now. If the 3DS was failing more definitively I think next year something like the Ouya with a Tegra 5 @ $129 and then a handheld possessing the same guts @ $199 would make sense. No more splitting development resources, and the graphics would be good enough for the kind of Nintendo games that sell well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on July 31, 2013, 11:49:48 AM
I surely thought they'd have one or two honeymoon years of 360/PS3 ports before the new systems crowded them out. I was entirely off the mark there.

Nintendo made the poor assumption that 3rd parties were healthy when in reality they are in deeper shit than Nintendo. Even if they wanted to port to or make games for the Wii U I doubt they have the resources for it. Between cross-gen games and the pc they are already supporting 5 systems with some games (plus all the quriks each system has like kinect, smartglass, vita, etc). I'm sure that adds up

I figured the Wii U would do okay in Japan so even when it flopped in NA I would have some nice localized titles to play. Should have listen to Oscar :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 12:09:34 PM
:yeshrug You can still have fun with a failed system. I enjoyed my 32X at the time, love the vita and enjoy the Wii U. The Wii U is a complete disaster for Nintendo but I'm not a shareholder

That said when I bought the Wii U I thought they would push the virtual console much more aggressively. Knowing the sorry state it is in now I would have passed. The Wii U is the first nintendo console I've owned and put any real time into. I bought a used gamecube for $30 at one point but only played Mario Sunshine. I had a Wii but only my kid played it (I played a bunch of NES, SNES & 64 at friend's houses when I was younger). I was looking forward to playing the back catalog but they aren't bothering to put most of it up

Plus I have the kid defense. My kid likes nintendo, what can you do :'(

Oh, I'm not saying you can't have fun with dead systems. After all, I own a Vita. But what I'm getting at is all signs pointed to Nintendo bombing the system with everything they released in the run up to launch. What I want to know is why did you full-steam choo-choo the hype-train is leaving the station! it?

As for your kid: If your kid had any taste, he'd be playing a Microsoft console </Bore> If your kid had any taste, he'd be playing a Sony console </Me before E3 and the PS4 info started to roll in>

If your kid had any taste, he'd be building a PC and playing games there </Bore and I combined?>

@Andy: But you could play MH on Wii already.  ??? Once you've played one, you've played them all.  ???

spoiler (click to show/hide)
:trollface  :teehee :heartbeat :hump
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on July 31, 2013, 12:14:59 PM
If your kid had any taste, he'd be building a PC and playing games there </Bore and I combined?>

I don't think my kid has played anything besides Minecraft (pc) since I bought it 4 months ago. Poor Wii U :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 31, 2013, 12:16:15 PM
Doesn't this just mean Nintendo will save money on shipping costs? MS and Sony will spend a fortune shipping units this holiday season only to sell out/lose sales, whereas there are already millions of WiiUs available for sale. Nintendo could blow everyone away this holiday season.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 12:22:11 PM
@Andy: But you could play MH on Wii already.  ??? Once you've played one, you've played them all.  ???


spoiler (click to show/hide)
:trollface  :teehee :heartbeat :hump

 :wtf  :wag  :shh
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 31, 2013, 12:28:18 PM
I just hope when all is said and done, that I can get this pretty terrible system for really cheap. Just so I can play Bayo 2 and X. Like no more then $100 cheap is what I want.

Maybe some desperate gamer will sell his/her.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on July 31, 2013, 12:29:38 PM
EAs lack of support does have some foundation in caution/austerity, they're looking at their engine investments and where to exploit those, and they're watching more and more of their revenue come through IOS etc.

That Nintendo could sit on numbers coming in - that are THIS BAD - for an entire quarter... and not do anything about it? That says to me that they're trying to be austere themselves. Maybe spent marketing dollars or price cuts now would have meant no Q1 profit, which 3DS and more favourable exchange rates have managed to give them. And a fact of this is, you can't ship more consoles to retailers who already have excess stock. 10k new shipments over three months in the whole of Europe? How is Nintendo Grossostheim in Germany not in fucking flames of panic?

For me, the big miscalculations are not so much the gamepad (which I love), the price or the drought from January until now -- but

Part of me is wondering if they're actually also caught in some nexus of ill fortune that is related to their demographic too.

The NES faithful like myself will have started playing from around the early 80s and 90s. When PlayStation came along, Sony were ideally placed to capture an audience entering their teens and twenties by offering something different / 'cooler' and more specifically targeted to that age group. Kids and teens who opted for Gamecube and Wii in recent years are that bit older now, and perhaps have more spending power than before, spending more time with smart devices. Gamers of the NES generation are now turning 30-40, and that's quite a significant age for people beginning to settle down and start families of their own. Budgets being what they are (in this economy), people are having to find money for umpteen devices in their lives now -- handhelds, smartphones, tablets, home consoles, gadgets for the car etc. I think there are more options now (more competition) than ever before, so part of me really thinks $350 and $299 (a price escalation) was a serious mistake. The bro-gamer is sitting here thinking Nintendo should have went and done something MORE expensive, but I actually think they should have focussed even harder on being cheap, affordable and unique.

I bought this system because I knew it would have good games and experiences. For me, it's already delivered on that. I've thoroughly enjoyed NSMB, ZombiU, Lego City, and Pikmin so far - as well as lots of other games like Batman AC:AE (I've triple dipped on Arkham City on different platforms and its good), Sonic Racing Transformed, eShop titles like Mighty Switch Force, Bit Trip Runner 2, The Cave etc. Miiverse is excellent and always improving.

What it DOES lack is that exciting sizzle reel of the future... a proper glimpse at what their best teams are cooking up for it, a proper look at HD Metroid and Zelda. Some idea of what they'll do for the next Wii Sports. Nintendo don't seem to have understood that their silence and bi-monthly Nintendo Directs are counter intuitive to hype. They do not exist in a vacuum. There are still good titles coming out for PS3 and 360, and we have just seen plenty of exciting titles shown for the next gen systems too. If Nintendo weren't ready with games (and that seems to have been the case) then they should have taken a leaf from Sony's book and put together some achievable CG.

It should have some games with better use of the gamepad. Why are there no console games that are a bit more like Ace Attorney, Ouendan, Art Academy etc? One of the most dumb-founding things about this console is that there were loads of great ideas on the original Nintendo DS, and few if any of them have been iterated or improved upon on the superior 3DS and Wii U. Maybe some of those experiences are coming, but it just seems like poor management / planning to me.

In a sense, its probably good that it has only sold 3m+ WW, because if it does pick up and they start marketing it, new buyers won't have experienced this 6 month drought or the early OS problems.

I absolutely expect -

If none of those things come and they just carry on, on this present course, thinking that Mario 3D World or other games will come along and gradually lift their fortunes, then they are as good as admitting defeat.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 12:39:22 PM
oh jesus radiohead
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on July 31, 2013, 12:41:50 PM
Price Drop would be awesome, even though I plan on buying one end of the year
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 12:42:33 PM
Def the best thing out of this is that I might be able to buy one for 100 euro soon with some of the good exclusives.

Doesn't this just mean Nintendo will save money on shipping costs? MS and Sony will spend a fortune shipping units this holiday season only to sell out/lose sales, whereas there are already millions of WiiUs available for sale. Nintendo could blow everyone away this holiday season.

20/10 for this repost
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 12:49:17 PM
Price Drop would be awesome, even though I plan on buying one end of the year

Just wait for the clearance blowout, Virtual Boy-style.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 12:50:45 PM
  • Real improvements in the OS

Let's talk this seriously: How would they do that with the older systems in the wild. Are they going to recall the older systems?

Because unless they overhaul the entire OS, it's not going to happen. And the OS right now (unless it's changed, correct me Andy?) eats up harddrive space for updates. You'd be getting a 8 gig or so OS rewrite that would take up the entire harddrive of the basics (if any) sold right now. I can't see that happening but if Nintendo went full panic re-writing the entire OS and online systems and getting devs on board, I could see some good happening but not any increase in sales upticks because who is going to get a Wii U over a PS4/X-box?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on July 31, 2013, 12:54:15 PM
Price Drop would be awesome, even though I plan on buying one end of the year

Just wait for the clearance blowout, Virtual Boy-style.

I can see this happening, 10 years down the road. Prices jacked up.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 31, 2013, 12:57:47 PM
Radiohead guy,

I also grew up with Nintendo in the 80s and 90s, but at some point in the late 90s/early 00s, they stopped appealing to me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on July 31, 2013, 01:15:35 PM
at this point, the best thing Nintendo could put on the Wii U would be a smothering pillow
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 31, 2013, 01:33:40 PM
at this point, the best thing Nintendo could put on the Wii U would be a smothering pillow

:dead x infinity
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Contra on July 31, 2013, 01:34:58 PM
So Nintendo muddles through 2013, fires Iwata and Reggie 1st quarter 2014, announce some new strategy mid 2014, kill off the WiiU 1st quarter 2015, and exit the console market completely?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on July 31, 2013, 01:41:05 PM
Killing the Wii U won't solve any of the underlying issues that let them make a Wii U in the first place. Nintendo needs to live with this failure until they learn their lesson, and that will take years
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 01:42:49 PM
They still have their venerable first party line up. They'll survive and thrive. That said, I don't expect the third party support to improve.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 01:43:21 PM

Your perception is that anyone who tries to explain why the Wii U has less support (or worse ports) is siding with the company (WB) over the consumer. We heard the same argument from early PS3 owners who got shitty ports. And it's true. It'd be great if all customers got the best of everything, and it feels unfair if you're in a position where you can't get the best of everything. You're not wrong.

 My perception is that anyone who bought a Wii U expecting third party support to be good was siding with the company (Nintendo) over the consumer (themselves). Yes, in some ideal Nirvana world you could buy one piece of hardware for a cheap price and it'd have all the great points of all past hardware and the best first-party support ever and the best third-party support ever. But in the real world, there is obvious information available to everyone before purchase, and if they choose to ignore it, there's going to be a degree of caveat emptor. And then there's going to be obvious consequences. If you lock yourself into any particular hardware route, you're going to get advantages and you're going to get disadvantages. And yes you hope that people work to minimize the disadvantages, but in the real world mostly the best strategy is just to make the smart purchase decision to begin with and not get caught up in potential or hype.

 The first clue is Nintendo's history with third parties. The second clue is the Wii U's positioning as a whole in terms of power and where it fits with next gen and the selling point as off-TV/gamepad. The third clue is that almost all launch buyers of anything electronic get burned in some previously unexpected way for them. The fourth clue would have been that Nintendo didn't promote best of breed online services (no accounts, no achievements, no emphasis on leaderboards, not using online features in their own titles, no real push on DLC, no season passes, no F2P/microtransactions, no DLC from the store only in-game, no one-click purchase conversion for demos, etc). The fifth clue would have been Wii U sales dropoff after Christmas. Note that I'm not reiterating this stuff to argue if these things are good or anything like that. And I'm not saying Nintendo hasn't made strides in some regards. I'm only arguing it to say that it's pretty evident that this was going to happen.

 So now we're at the following point:
 - Most companies don't support the Wii U as much as they support other platforms, current and future. This is going to manifest itself in games not being released. And yeah, you can complain that they're skipping the Wii U or boycott the company or talk about the concerted third-party effort to bring down Nintendo. Or, like everyone happily playing all these great games, you could buy the game somewhere else. And when the new consoles launch, all bets are off. It's possible the Wii U will be left behind entirely, it's possible it won't.

 - Most companies are not going to make the effort to build ground-up online services to compensate for Nintendo's approach. This is going to manifest itself in later DLC or no DLC, fewer new features, fewer online-centric experiences. And yes, this is a vicious cycle, so it will result in fewer people buying the software, a worse ecosystem later, and less effort. You can easily complain that this is unfair and boycott the game over the missing feature. Or, like everyone happily playing all these great games, you could buy the game somewhere else.

 - Most companies are not going to make the effort to optimize their tech or make their Wii U version better than the PS360 version in terms of performance. I'm not going to wade into the power debate. Maybe the Wii U is SUPER BEEFY OMG A TANK SO POWERFUL. Maybe it's yadda yadda ducttape. But regardless of how well games could run on it, they largely are going to run no better and look no better than their PS360 counterparts. And you could complain that you're getting a worse performing version, how dare they not take advantage of the additional Wii U power, or you could choose to buy the version with the best performance.

 In all three cases, I guess you could stick to a principled argument that the situation is wrong and unfair... or you could be happy by making a better purchasing decision. This is the exact same thing I would have said to PS3 owners circa 2007. Not because I'm siding against them, because they're siding against themselves by making their software decisions based on their hardware decisions rather than the other way around. Hardware on its own does nothing. It enables software. So if all your complaints are about the breadth, depth, quality, etc of software, it means you bought the wrong hardware. And if getting the best version of third-party games is important, buying the Wii U was buying the wrong hardware. Maybe it shouldn't be the case, maybe the Gamepad is amazing and the console is superpowered, but it is the case. Now that you know that, you have the information, and the purchasing power is in your hands.

 Personally I own a Wii U. I liked Nintendoland. I thought ZombiU had some promise. I like Game and Wario, especially with a large group of people. Playing VC on my front deck on a summer evening is great. And yeah, I got Sonic Racing Transformed for it--probably not the best decision considering how poor off-screen play looks, performance, and the overall superior quality of the PC version (to say nothing of a more active online population, achievements, etc). But mostly it's on me. I bought the hardware knowing full well what was going to happen. And when I buy software, I generally do my best to choose the actual best version or to recognize that if I deliberately don't, it's on me.

 The Wii U is a sales failure. And it's a software sales failure. And its hardware design isn't congruent with other platforms. That's a crummy hand being dealt to developers and publishers. Crummier still is the fact that if they bail, it'll just be worse in the future. So some of them are trying to stick through it. Some more than others. Good for them. But if they change their mind and bail or if the products can't end up being as good or as good a value as those offered elsewhere, it doesn't surprise me in the least. Maybe Nintendo will turn the ship around. It's not an argument I want to have. Maybe all this is fair, maybe it's not. The point is it was predictable, and it's certainly predictable today, so there's a guaranteed way to not be negatively impacted by it if only you choose that option.

 It sucks for people who can only afford one console or don't want a second one. For those people, it's important to be even more skeptical when making your hardware purchase decision. If your stance is "I can only afford one console, but I have to buy it day one", that's a self-defeating stance. Also, those people always going to miss out on something the same way that a non-Wii U owner is going to miss out on Miiverse and Nintendo games. If you are a single console owner, it's important to adopt a sort of resigned contentment with what you have rather than looking at the universe of what you don't. For most gamers, I think owning multiple consoles would be a benefit--and can even save money if you spread out the purchases and buy games when they reach a budget pricepoint rather than going for new releases.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 01:44:51 PM
The Wii U has one big problem, and it's that it has no games. People aren't ignoring it because it's Nintendo, they're ignoring it because there's nothing to play. The Dreamcast didn't sell because it HAD games, but the games were games no one cared about.

As long as big games like Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, etc. come out, people will jump on board. The general market doesn't care that it's been out a year, they care that there is no new Mario. NSMBU came out right after NSMB2 which I think killed interest quite a bit.

The 3DS was dead, too.

I just think it's too early to conclude anything either way. If this fall passes and it's still selling 50K units a month, yeah, it's dead. Let Nintendo to TRY something first.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 01:47:19 PM
I think the price is the biggest issue right now. Short of WiiSports Electric Boogaloo, few casuals AND hardcores will pay $350 for current-gen graphics and poor online, no matter the killer app. The breaking point for that is about $100-150 lower.

For instance, I still think the 3DS would be doing piss poor right now, even with the library it has, if it was still $250.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 31, 2013, 01:54:13 PM
at this point, the best thing Nintendo could put on the Wii U would be a smothering pillow

It would still take 40 minutes for the OS to update that it suffocated to death.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Contra on July 31, 2013, 01:59:26 PM
Nah the biggest issue with the WiiU is the fact that it's a confusing system with a dumb gimmick that no one wants.  There isn't any fixing that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on July 31, 2013, 02:02:05 PM
finally using the wii u 360 controller, first impression is that it's pretty nice.  I got that PC adapter because ~$20 is worth not messing with bluetooth and joytokey or w/e.  Strange thing is that under xinput it maps Xbox letters to Nintendo letters exactly (A = A instead of A = B) and it's better that way since reaching the left most button is bit awkward and my thumb naturally rests on the right most button.  I do wish it had a regular 360 layout or even a dual shock layout, but regardless, it's the best wireless 'classic controller' I can think of for PC (under direct input).

and a thought while using the wii u the other day: it's inconvenient to use.  Nintendo used to be all about instant gameplay, no load times, etc.  Wii U is the opposite of both that and what the PS4, XBO, and most devices, really, are striving for.  Long updates, slow downloads, long load times in and out of games, and stuff like that.  Wii U isn't much worse than the PS3, but that's not something to be proud of.  And like the tablet doesn't hold a charge.  If you don't charge it for a week and suddenly want to play _____, the battery is dead.  Either you leave it in the cradle all the time or plan hours in advance to charge it.  Probably it's in a standby mode ready to communicate with the Wii U system, slowly draining the battery.  That all and the online woes are what make the system feel older than the graphics or w/e.

also, I learned Wind Waker HD is selling for $60, which kinda shows the contempt Nintendo must have for its fans.  So, Wonderful 101 might be the only Wii U game I'm getting this year....well released this year, because it's positioned against GTAV.  Although in 2014 there are three Wii U games I want to buy  :hyper
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on July 31, 2013, 02:02:30 PM
The Wii U has one big problem, and it's that it has no games. People aren't ignoring it because it's Nintendo, they're ignoring it because there's nothing to play. The Dreamcast didn't sell because it HAD games, but the games were games no one cared about.

As long as big games like Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, etc. come out, people will jump on board. The general market doesn't care that it's been out a year, they care that there is no new Mario. NSMBU came out right after NSMB2 which I think killed interest quite a bit.

The 3DS was dead, too.

I just think it's too early to conclude anything either way. If this fall passes and it's still selling 50K units a month, yeah, it's dead. Let Nintendo to TRY something first.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 31, 2013, 02:05:04 PM
I'm so happy Joe didn't really post that  :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archnemesis on July 31, 2013, 02:05:36 PM
I think the price is the biggest issue right now. Short of WiiSports Electric Boogaloo, few casuals AND hardcores will pay $350 for current-gen graphics and poor online, no matter the killer app. The breaking point for that is about $100-150 lower.

For instance, I still think the 3DS would be doing piss poor right now, even with the library it has, if it was still $250.
Lowering the price now isn't going to make a difference. They need to release compelling software first. Once they've released Mario Kart, Wii Fit U, and Smash Brothers then a $100 price drop might make more of an impact.

And as Steve Contra mentioned above, they also need to release a game promoting their new gimmick. The tablet doesn't add much to the system as it is now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 31, 2013, 02:06:57 PM
Nah the biggest issue with the WiiU is the fact that it's a confusing system with a dumb gimmick that no one wants.  There isn't any fixing that.

From now until the holidays is the time to see if Nintendo can turn it around. Jumping the gun can make you seem really clever or really dumb. Patience is a virtue, as they say. Let Nintendo attempt to fix their mistakes, and if it still sucks, then we can let it rest in peace.

I have a Wii U, and I really like it. I want it to do well, because its just different. Assymetric multiplayer has brought me so much fun, and people who haven't played games since the genesis and SNES were jumping right in and having a ball. I want to see the visuals pushed, but I also want to see solid gameplay and new ways to be immersed in a game.

I like the gamepad too. I like the way it has traditional controls plus a lot of bells and whistles. They don't all have to be used, but it makes things like Netflix and browsing the net so much easier than before. I used to have my laptop hooked up to my TV with an airmouse so that I could watch multimedia from the web. Now I don't have to. Its far easier to do all that with my Wii U. It also can be used in neat ways in games. Off-tv play is also fun to do. Playing Super Metroid whilst watching the TV is great.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Contra on July 31, 2013, 02:11:13 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on July 31, 2013, 02:13:38 PM
Lowering the price now isn't going to make a difference. They need to release compelling software first. Once they've released Mario Kart, Wii Fit U, and Smash Brothers then a $100 price drop might make more of an impact.

And as Steve Contra mentioned above, they also need to release a game promoting their new gimmick. The tablet doesn't add much to the system as it is now.

yeah, either using the tablet or the better-than-gamecube hardware.  X is the only Wii U game that has ambitions beyond a better looking gamecube game, and with the 3DS being a portable gamecube, you pit Smash Bros Wii U against Smash Bros 3DS, one on a $350 lemon and the other on a $130 or $200 healthy system that you might already own.  Admittedly that's terrible comparison since Smash Bros is all about local multiplayer but hopefully the idea came across.
Title: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 31, 2013, 02:15:06 PM
They definitely need to cut that price. As it stands right now, for just $50 more you can pre-order a next generation home console with a 500 GB hard drive. That will have more games available at and during launch than their current entire library.  Wii U especially looks like a booger next to that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on July 31, 2013, 02:21:54 PM

Dress up the spergs in fancy clothes all you want stump, it won't make them good posters
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: bork on July 31, 2013, 02:36:15 PM
Batman Arkham Origins will have multiplayer on every console except for the Wii U.  Why?

"MP will be available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC," a Warner Bros. spokesperson told Eurogamer. "The team is focusing development efforts on platforms with the largest MP audience."

Title: If THAT dark day came and Nintendo exited the hardware business... #1
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 31, 2013, 02:48:34 PM
...and Nintendo decided to call it quits on the hardware front, what do you think the professional gaming communities reaction would be (developers, media, competitors)? Also do you think it would hurt the industry or would the gaming world move on without skipping a beat?

With Atari and Sega going third party, Nintendo is the last pure gaming company left making hardware. They single handedly saved the video game industry! They have innovated in so many ways that have changed gaming forever. From hardware innovations (gameboy, wiimote, etc.) to classic software (mario, zelda, etc.), the Nintendo legacy is undeniable. I fully believe Nintendo will come out of this smelling like sakura but the recent earnings reports got me to thinking.

My biggest concern would be gaming innovation becoming stagnant. All MS and Sony care about is beefy stats and multimedia. That's all good and dandy but things like gamepads, rumble, motion, analog, portables, etc were Nintendo innovations and I'd hate to think that those type of innovations we use every day would stop happening if Nintendo left the market.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 31, 2013, 03:15:02 PM
I really wonder how different things would be if it was given the obvious "Wii 2" name instead of the confusing WiiU. They had to have tested both names...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 31, 2013, 04:28:07 PM
Any other thoughts?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: nudemacusers on July 31, 2013, 04:42:56 PM
AND the Wii U is being sold in a record heat wave.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 31, 2013, 04:50:06 PM
Think about it:

- day one PS4 sales will be higher than Wii U's LTD
- day one Xbone sales will be higher than Wii U's LTD
- day one PS4+Xbone install base will be 2x Wii U's install base at the moment

That means on day ONE there is no incentive for 3rd parties to create Wii U exclusive games because of "larger install base". And they will not be able to create multiplats targetting the Wii U because of Wii U's lack of power.


Dunno about day one, but within a month? Sure, I can buy that. That's insane. Nintendo had a relatively good window of time to install a base for the WiiU, form some relationships/trust with developers, and ultimately prepare for the arrival of the next generation. A successful console would have guaranteed continued 360/PS3 port support for instance, plus even some exclusive titles here or there. They didn't seem to expect Wii-type success, but the original sales projections would have been quite profitable and achieved the goal of getting their foot into the door, so to speak.

Now the PS4 is poised to sell like gangbusters, the XB1 will do well, and the WiiU can't even produce Gamecube numbers. The few 360/PS3 ports it'll get will be gimped (no multiplayer, no achievements, etc). Game over man, game over.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on July 31, 2013, 05:00:47 PM
Now the PS4 is poised to sell like gangbusters

Let's not get carried away.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on July 31, 2013, 05:48:52 PM
Title: Re: If THAT dark day came and Nintendo exited the hardware business... #1
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 09:01:11 PM
...and Nintendo decided to call it quits on the hardware front, what do you think the professional gaming communities reaction would be (developers, media, competitors)?


Seriously. Third parties wouldn't care (and probably would dance a jig) and the world at large wouldn't care besides the hardcore Nintendo fans ( :Andrex ).

Well, okay... maybe Sega would care since that's the only place their shit sells now a days unless it's an optimized PC port.
Title: Re: If THAT dark day came and Nintendo exited the hardware business... #1
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 31, 2013, 09:05:59 PM
...and Nintendo decided to call it quits on the hardware front, what do you think the professional gaming communities reaction would be (developers, media, competitors)?


Seriously. Third parties wouldn't care (and probably would dance a jig) and the world at large wouldn't care besides the hardcore Nintendo fans ( :Andrex ).

Well, okay... maybe Sega would care since that's the only place their shit sells now a days unless it's an optimized PC port.


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It's a GAF repost.
Title: Re: If THAT dark day came and Nintendo exited the hardware business... #1
Post by: thisismyusername on July 31, 2013, 09:32:43 PM
...and Nintendo decided to call it quits on the hardware front, what do you think the professional gaming communities reaction would be (developers, media, competitors)?


Seriously. Third parties wouldn't care (and probably would dance a jig) and the world at large wouldn't care besides the hardcore Nintendo fans ( :Andrex ).

Well, okay... maybe Sega would care since that's the only place their shit sells now a days unless it's an optimized PC port.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's a GAF repost.


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I know. I just wanted to post.  :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: chronovore on July 31, 2013, 11:51:13 PM
Why is this thread so popular

I don't think there's ever been such an incongruency between the popularity of a console and the amount of discussion of that console on interweb forums...

Everyone loves rubbernecking at the scene of an accident. The more horrific, the more gawking.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Diunx on August 01, 2013, 09:11:22 AM
Wish I could like that post from my phone.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: SantaC on August 01, 2013, 10:06:14 AM
I wouldnt care if Nintendo goes 3rd party one day.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 01, 2013, 10:06:54 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cascade on August 01, 2013, 10:57:27 AM
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Morrisons (4th largest UK supermarket) drop Wii U
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

In other news, the £100 price drop by ASDA and Amazon didn't do anything finally proving that the console itself is simply undesirable and that a pricecut won't do anything:
Meanwhile, when Asda cut the price of Wii U by £100 three weeks ago, this resulted in just 250 extra console sales compared with the week previously. Amazon followed suit the following week, which caused a further 667 console sales. This shows that the price cut did have an impact, but we’re hardly talking big increases here.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 01, 2013, 11:17:04 AM
Morrisons probably just depleted their original shipment and don't want any more. I've a sneaking feeling MCV and CVG are ringing around supermarkets to see if they're on sale purely because they want a story.

Here's a list of other places you can't buy a Wii U: The Co-operative, Costcutter, Farmfoods, Iceland, Londis, Marks & Spencer. I strongly suspect that Sainsburys and Tesco (who DO have consumer entertainment stuff) will have next to no stock as well.

For perspective though -- 250 consoles a week would be better than whatever its actually been selling when not on sale. That's 1000 consoles a month in one chain. Remember, they only shipped 10k in the whole of Europe over THREE months. It sounds small but it actually supports the argument for a price cut to £199 or below when the games arrive.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archnemesis on August 01, 2013, 11:21:43 AM
It sounds small because it is small. I'm not expecting a price cut anytime soon. Maybe in time for next holiday season.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cascade on August 01, 2013, 12:23:48 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Brehvolution on August 01, 2013, 12:51:23 PM
Why do supermarkets sell video games to begin with? Does supermarket mean something different over there?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 01, 2013, 01:00:38 PM
Why do supermarkets sell video games to begin with? Does supermarket mean something different over there?

They sound like Target / Walmart. Both of which sell groceries these days
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 01, 2013, 01:15:05 PM
I have a gut feeling that I've never shared before because I was afraid it'll get get everyone laughing at me, but here goes: I'm one of *those* people who, regardless of all the terrible recent developments and numbers, feel that this system will take a turn for the better starting with the holiday season (marked by a price-cut) and ending with the release of MK8. From there it'll continue putting out relatively healthy number which will culminate in LTD sales higher than the GC's.

I know, it sounds really crazy in light of what we know, but I'm putting it out there just in case. Marc^o^ will have the last laugh guys, ya'll just wait!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 01, 2013, 01:21:29 PM
I have a gut feeling that I've never shared before because I was afraid it'll get get everyone laughing at me, but here goes: I'm one of *those* people who, regardless of all the terrible recent developments and numbers, feel that this system will take a turn for the better starting with the holiday season (marked by a price-cut) and ending with the release of MK8. From there it'll continue putting out relatively healthy number which will culminate in LTD sales higher than the GC's.

I know, it sounds really crazy in light of what we know, but I'm putting it out there just in case. Marc^o^ will have the last laugh guys, ya'll just wait!

I think it just depends on how you define "healthy." Honestly, I don't completely write off the chances of this getting to around the Gamecube numbers or slightly better, but I'm pretty down on its prospects in terms of actually sustaining good numbers. I don't know what's going to happen over the holidays, but my guess is that -- barring inventory mishaps with the new platforms -- my suspicion is that the Wii U will likely get crushed in the NPDs every month starting in January that isn't the month that Mario Kart releases in. But we'll see.

On the other hand, I don't expect it to continue to languish posting the abysmal numbers it has this year.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 01, 2013, 01:36:47 PM
"Healthy" in terms of today's climate would be somewhere between the 360 and PS3 numbers and with consistency, but definitely less than the 3DS. The push will be relying on the timing and size of the price-cut, and whether it's coinciding with the biggest holiday release or not (which is arguably 3D World). As for the possibility of it being crushed by the next console, it can't be ruled out of course. But again, I'm one of *those* who believe that while both next-gen systems will perform (relatively) well in the long run, they'll "enjoy" one of those slowest and worrisome post-launch periods in the recent history. You guys better be prepared for some really smug ninthings in 2014.

My gut has spoken.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 01, 2013, 02:48:00 PM
"Healthy" in terms of today's climate would be somewhere between the 360 and PS3 numbers and with consistency, but definitely less than the 3DS. The push will be relying on the timing and size of the price-cut, and whether it's coinciding with the biggest holiday release or not (which is arguably 3D World). As for the possibility of it being crushed by the next console, it can't be ruled out of course. But again, I'm one of *those* who believe that while both next-gen systems will perform (relatively) well in the long run, they'll "enjoy" one of those slowest and worrisome post-launch periods in the recent history. You guys better be prepared for some really smug ninthings in 2014.

My gut has spoken.

I'm at a loss to choose which emoticon properly evokes my reaction to the bolded.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 01, 2013, 03:11:07 PM
I dunno shaka about wiiu doing ps360 numbers.

But i do think the uptake of next gen will be slow. Wouldnt be suprised at 150/200k numbers for a long time.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 01, 2013, 03:12:00 PM
"Healthy" in terms of today's climate would be somewhere between the 360 and PS3 numbers and with consistency, but definitely less than the 3DS. The push will be relying on the timing and size of the price-cut, and whether it's coinciding with the biggest holiday release or not (which is arguably 3D World). As for the possibility of it being crushed by the next console, it can't be ruled out of course. But again, I'm one of *those* who believe that while both next-gen systems will perform (relatively) well in the long run, they'll "enjoy" one of those slowest and worrisome post-launch periods in the recent history. You guys better be prepared for some really smug ninthings in 2014.

My gut has spoken.

I'm at a loss to choose which emoticon properly evokes my reaction to the bolded.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 01, 2013, 03:55:55 PM
Any other thoughts?

Yeah, Nintendo sucks.

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Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: etiolate on August 01, 2013, 05:40:26 PM
The system never served any purpose in existing. The design, the two screens, the behind in tech approach, were all ideas that looked bad to begin with. You already knew developers would be lazy with a second touch screen from your DS. You already knew it would be hard to get 3rd party support and ports if you were behind in tech.

The Wii U and Other M make me feel like there's a huge editorial voice that should be at Nintendo but is clearly not. Someone that says "this doesn't work". Even the Gamecube made sense. It lost the PR battle, but I understood the point. It was a dedicated gaming console, no other frills. It was easier to develop for and brought in 3rd parties. It didn't succeed like the Wii, but it made sense on some level. The Wii U never made sense.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: tiesto on August 01, 2013, 10:52:23 PM
Why do supermarkets sell video games to begin with? Does supermarket mean something different over there?

The local ShopRite has a glass case with a few late PS2 (a bunch of copies of FFXII and like NBA live 2007 and a lot of Greatest Hits games) and some early PS3/360 games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on August 03, 2013, 03:14:33 AM
I feel bad for PlatinumGames, sending two (probably) good games out to die on a dead system. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on August 03, 2013, 07:15:08 AM
I feel bad for PlatinumGames, sending two (probably) good games out to die on a dead system. :'(

It's okay, they have Konami to tie an anchor to.

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And since Konami itself is an anchor, they'll probably become "that Metal Gear Raiden" studio.

Speaking of which when is the PC port? I've been waiting here for 60FPS Armstrong. :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Flannel Boy on August 03, 2013, 08:23:27 AM
I feel bad for PlatinumGames, sending two (probably) good games out to die on a dead system. :'(

It's a nice change of pace from sending games out to die on fully healthy systems.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 03, 2013, 10:00:09 AM
Pikmin 3 pics from my play through

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I'd played the first pikmin but not 2, which before this I know fans generally regarded as the better of the two. This is a lot of fun though. I'm playing on remote and nunchuk with the gamepad on its stand on a table in front of me.. When you're playing like that, the gamepad is a tactical console to direct your forces around when split up on the map. It works quite well,this'd be a really good function to replicate in full on RTS games, and there's no reason you couldn't do that on smart glass actually

I've just gotten the blue pikmin and
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Louie has stolen all my hard earned fruit. If I'm not allowed to kill him, I will be disappoint.

Also picked up cloudberry kingdom, also available on steam and other platforms..


Surprisingly addictive, and interesting how it makes you find yourself 'flowing' through some insane looking levels. The process for generating the levels must be really fuckin' smart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sausage on August 03, 2013, 12:38:58 PM
I really hope Nintendo doesn't kill this thing :(

I want to be able to pick one up someday.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on August 05, 2013, 01:17:41 PM
You guys better be prepared for some really smug ninthings in 2014.

Ninthings are going to be smug because the new systems are selling poorly but still not quite as poorly as their own white elephant?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 05, 2013, 07:41:31 PM
I honestly think that Iwata's grand plan is a huge price cull just before Xballrog and PSeidon come to eat the Weww alive.


To which no one gives a flying fig.

It's on life support in Japan - a lot of places aren't even stocking the new games and everything else is on clearance. Injustice? Lol F1 Racers? lol Lego? pfff

This is Medialand - this is a pretty well placed yet smallish store, but this is pretty typical for how the WiiU sections look in a whole host of Akihabara stores :


This is the biggest flop since.... well... even the Vita looks like a spring chicken in comparison. At least the Vita is getting store space and promotion.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 05, 2013, 07:46:26 PM
Well, I got my Wii U back after just a couple of weeks.

The person who I gave it to gave his kids (4, 6, and 9) only one option for gaming: the Wii U or the iPad.  Apparently the answer was unanimously the iPad.  So rather than sell it off (because who would buy it amirite), I just got it back.

I decided I will hang on to it.  Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World will probably be worth playing so I'll just stash it away in the closet for now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 05, 2013, 08:10:58 PM
I honestly think that Iwata's grand plan is a huge price cull just before Xballrog and PSeidon come to eat the Weww alive.


To which no one gives a flying fig.

It's on life support in Japan - a lot of places aren't even stocking the new games and everything else is on clearance. Injustice? Lol F1 Racers? lol Lego? pfff

This is Medialand - this is a pretty well placed yet smallish store, but this is pretty typical for how the WiiU sections look in a whole host of Akihabara stores :


This is the biggest flop since.... well... even the Vita looks like a spring chicken in comparison. At least the Vita is getting store space and promotion.
you non-wiiliever :wag
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Huff on August 05, 2013, 10:48:03 PM
Well, I got my Wii U back after just a couple of weeks.

The person who I gave it to gave his kids (4, 6, and 9) only one option for gaming: the Wii U or the iPad.  Apparently the answer was unanimously the iPad.  So rather than sell it off (because who would buy it amirite), I just got it back.

I decided I will hang on to it.  Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World will probably be worth playing so I'll just stash it away in the closet for now.

seems kinda a weird option to give your kids but whatev
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 05, 2013, 10:55:58 PM
you non-wiiliever :wag

...Nintendo to offer $500 cash for every Wii U purchase?   :ohhh
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 05, 2013, 11:43:46 PM
Well, I got my Wii U back after just a couple of weeks.

The person who I gave it to gave his kids (4, 6, and 9) only one option for gaming: the Wii U or the iPad.  Apparently the answer was unanimously the iPad.  So rather than sell it off (because who would buy it amirite), I just got it back.

I decided I will hang on to it.  Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World will probably be worth playing so I'll just stash it away in the closet for now.

seems kinda a weird option to give your kids but whatev

Not for me.  When growing up, I was allowed only one console.  For example, when I got my N64, it was implied that we'd get rid of the NES.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: chronovore on August 06, 2013, 02:38:04 AM
That's weird, too.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 06, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
Nintendo Direct August 7th (

Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow I become an ambassador :)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 06, 2013, 10:20:07 AM
Tomorrow Nintendo announces they are switching all Wii U projects to 3DS.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 06, 2013, 10:44:03 AM
Aside from anything gamey, I'd actually like them to shit or get off the pot with Nintendo TVii in Europe. No reason it couldn't have the UK on demand services and the likes of Sky Go, but I suspect its lower than low on their priority list

Wind Waker should have orchestrated music btw. I've been listening to my bootleg of the Symphony of the Godesses tour and after Skyward Sword, I really don't think I can go back. The score DESERVES it.

I hope they announce something that really shocks and interests me, but I suspect they won't... probably an update on Wii Fit U and more imminent stuff like W101 etc.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: bork on August 06, 2013, 12:24:53 PM
Well, I got my Wii U back after just a couple of weeks.

The person who I gave it to gave his kids (4, 6, and 9) only one option for gaming: the Wii U or the iPad.  Apparently the answer was unanimously the iPad.  So rather than sell it off (because who would buy it amirite), I just got it back.

I decided I will hang on to it.  Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World will probably be worth playing so I'll just stash it away in the closet for now.

seems kinda a weird option to give your kids but whatev

Not for me.  When growing up, I was allowed only one console.  For example, when I got my N64, it was implied that we'd get rid of the NES.
That's weird, too.

My parents were like that, too, at least with consoles- we also had Gameboys.  When we got a Super Nintendo, the NES was sold off shortly after.  I wanted to keep them both, but my brother at that point just cared about Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat and didn't give a shit.  So our NES with 50+ games was sold off for a ridiculously-low price to one of those game trader place that advertised in the back of gaming magazines.    :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Flannel Boy on August 06, 2013, 01:22:37 PM
Nintendo Direct August 7th (

Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow I become an ambassador :)
For everyone else, a $100 official reduction plus a free copy of Urban Champion.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 07, 2013, 10:48:26 AM
You think your expectations can't get any lower for these directs and then Nintendo announces Luigi is in Smash Brothers

Got to keep digging... Also, I'm not an ambassador :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 07, 2013, 10:50:28 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: fistfulofmetal on August 07, 2013, 10:55:10 AM
200 bucks is close to impulse buy.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: bork on August 07, 2013, 11:09:24 AM
200 bucks is close to impulse buy.

Still too much.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 07, 2013, 11:16:55 AM
You think your expectations can't get any lower for these directs and then Nintendo announces Luigi is in Smash Brothers

Got to keep digging... Also, I'm not an ambassador :'(

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 07, 2013, 11:27:30 AM
You think your expectations can't get any lower for these directs and then Nintendo announces Luigi is in Smash Brothers

Got to keep digging... Also, I'm not an ambassador :'(

nintendo fans -> (

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2013, 11:52:29 AM
Monster Hunter Frontier G...


On the one hand, MH.  :jawalrus

On the other, horrible microtransactions and 10x worse grinding. :holeup

I still want it and MHO to come here just cause to try it out.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 07, 2013, 11:53:50 AM
I thought Luigi was always in Smash Bros
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 07, 2013, 11:59:08 AM
I thought Luigi was always in Smash Bros

Yeah, but what if this time he wasn't? Well he is!  :whew
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 07, 2013, 12:09:12 PM
I thought Luigi was always in Smash Bros

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Flannel Boy on August 07, 2013, 12:11:27 PM
Capcom confirms that the next Street Fighter will include Ryu.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 07, 2013, 12:23:58 PM
who cares about luigi.  mode 7 nostalgia pilotwings stage in smash bros :heart


this is the first and most interesting part of the new smash bros so far
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 07, 2013, 12:47:02 PM
I thought Luigi was always in Smash Bros


A new game to relieve Wii U's summer drought: count the polygons on Luigi's nose
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 07, 2013, 01:16:39 PM
who cares about luigi.  mode 7 nostalgia pilotwings stage in smash bros :heart


this is the first and most interesting part of the new smash bros so far

How about just make fuking pilotwings Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2013, 01:25:53 PM
How much did Pilotwings 3DS sell?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 07, 2013, 01:36:53 PM
I got it for $10 and felt like I overpaid
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 07, 2013, 01:49:02 PM
How much did Pilotwings 3DS sell?

That wasn't even a real pilotwings
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 07, 2013, 01:53:24 PM
yeah, they recycled the island/plane mode from wii sports resort and expanded on it.  fwiw, at its core it's a fun game, but definitely a ripoff as a product.

I imagine a proper pilotwings revival being like burnout paradise.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2013, 01:57:05 PM
I'd rather have a good Star Fox.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 07, 2013, 02:05:02 PM
try sin and punishment 2 on wii

my fondness for the pilotwings series is that it's in a genre of its own.  only other game like them is sky odyssey on ps2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: maxy on August 07, 2013, 04:35:28 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 08, 2013, 12:27:40 AM
I was up this morning and didn't have to go into work early, so I wound up watching the Nintendo Direct; I also read the GAF thread. I'm sorry, I can't understand how anyone could get hyped over this shit. Most of the time was spent showing Rayman Legends and other titles we know about. A Luigi picture from Smash Bros....that's about it for the WiiU. Oh, Wind Waker.

Seriously? They can't wait for next E3, they need to give people a reason to buy this thing ASAP
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: pilonv1 on August 08, 2013, 12:58:55 AM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 08, 2013, 03:38:22 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 08, 2013, 03:54:41 AM

The flashing battery indicator is what tips it over the edge, tho
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rahxephon91 on August 08, 2013, 01:47:49 PM
Oh so the Nintendo Direct already happened? I woke up and was looking for any news on it and didn't see anything. Lugi is in Smash? That's all they got? Nintendo sucks.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 09, 2013, 10:35:48 AM
Wonderful 101 demo is coming out later today in Japan and Europe.  No America.

NoA:  :borys

edit: Yes America.  Today or tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on August 09, 2013, 07:21:18 PM
I watched the Wonderful 101 direct trailer and I'm not sure what to make of it. The trailers are confusing at first glance and don't have an obvious hook. They have to go to pains to explain what's going on screen. That's going to turn off a lot of potential customers right there. It's a very risky move to make but I get the feeling Kamiya doesn't give a crap how popular it is.

As for my opinion, I like the gameplay potential the tablet offers, and it will probably be innovative and in depth with lots of mechanics and scoring to geek out over. There won't be a game that plays quite like it, which is both good and bad. Unfortunately the audience that will dig (or even understand) W101 is very limited.

tl;dr - bomba full speed ahead
Title: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Huff on August 09, 2013, 07:57:34 PM
So mj you buying it?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on August 09, 2013, 08:02:43 PM
Probably not. I still don't own a Wii U, and won't until I can get one for cheap with a bunch of games.

Bayo 2 still looks allright.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 09, 2013, 10:19:26 PM
Wonderful 101 demo is great.  Confusing when you start but soon you grasp the conventional aspects of it and you 'get it.'  Short of it is that it's an action game where your team size represents your power.

I think it would be better without or a reworked line drawing mechanic.  As it is, your two options are: draw on the touch screen (faster, more annoying) or right analog stick (slower, less precise; think okami).  At first you think it's just for switching weapons and it's not too bad.  Later it teaches you to draw the symbols and use X as a secondary attack, so you're doing it mid-attack to say slash at one enemy and use a 360 shot to drive other enemies back.  Length of the line is important too as it changes the size/power of the weapon; small L shape gets you a hand gun, large L gets you to the SNES super scope that shoots rockets.  Actually, it could've played quite well with the Wii remote pointer setup since you'd never take your hands off the controls.  I'm probably making it sound worse than it.  It's something that could be better more than something that hurts the game.  also QTEs.  why, Kamiya.  at least they're not as bad or random as bayonetta's.

And the game has the option to put the secondary screen in a tiny window in the bottom right.  Seems like you can play it entirely with a wii u pro controller (360 pad), or entirely on the gamepad (tablet).  I wonder if off-tv play ultimate won out over secondary screen gaming as the wii u's main attraction.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 09, 2013, 10:26:23 PM
I'll get a Wii U when there's a new Zeruda, maybe. I dunno.  System is so shitty.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Trent Dole on August 09, 2013, 10:32:56 PM
$200 for deluxe edition max. I don't even consider Zelda part of the equation for or against getting a Wii U. I'm sure it'll happen and ultimately be disappointing but I'll be a foolish nostalgiafag and give it a try anyway.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 09, 2013, 10:46:42 PM
apparently there is a zelda wind waker bundle coming this year, so there's that.  and at least wait until nintendo is decent enough to include the larger battery.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 09, 2013, 10:50:36 PM
>paying more $100.00 for a weeeoooooo :heh :sabu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: fistfulofmetal on August 09, 2013, 11:16:55 PM
One way or another I'll have a Wii U for Bayo 2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 12:38:13 AM
the Nintendo Direct was utterly awful - i keep think that they've -surely- got some ace up their sleeve - but alas , all they keep pulling out are more turds

Also - from that article

"Even if the Wii U doesn't pick up, Nintendo could weather a failure. It could weather several."

lol - no. They can survive multiple single disasters -maybe- if spread over time - but they cannot (and most companies would not ) survive back to back balfailure as it would taint the pot.
As great as the DS and Wii were - the 3DS (to a small extent outside Jpn) and the WiiU - everywhere- are possibly setting the stage.

The big problem they have is that they are, with the wiiU, back to appealing entirely to Nintendo fans - and that base is dwindling. All Nintendo had to do was either have the big hitters ready to go in the first year -or- have a machine powerful enough or cheap enough to install them as the base next-gen machine. Instead they have extended an already dying current gen and , to add insult, brought utterly nothing to the table.

I like Iwata, don't get me wrong, but everything about the WiiU's message in the Japanese literature is exactly what they railed against from the previous gen : People can't tell the difference between Last gen and Current gen they screamed! It's the same old games! But here... now we have WiiU - here's a screen shot of Mario running through a bad 480i connection with artifacts everywhere and here's the WiiU game that looks almost exactly the same but now in hires! And yes - tired of the same old games! Here's another Mario, Pikmin -again- , Smash, Mario Kart, etc. Oh - we are giving you a novel new thing called touch control pads! bet you never had anything like this huh? etc etc.

Iwata was on point during the Wii - but the WiiU is a complete misread of the market. Not that Sony and MS are going to do much better but at least they are bringing a power angle to console poors rather than X360.1 and Hires Nintendo Games

Alas - Iwata will be gone before the end of the financial year - and , for maximum comedy, i would like Kutaragi to head them up so the next Nintendo machine is a beast and suddenly Nintendo fans have to do the full about-face on how important power is to them. c****
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Damian79 on August 10, 2013, 03:12:56 AM
Not that Sony and MS are going to do much better but at least they are bringing a power angle to console poors rather than X360.

Doubt that.  MS and Sony have seen from the Wii that graphics isnt everything.  It is a big difference from when the original Xbox was released with them actually being ahead of pc's or atleast thats what Nvidia says.

This is the 4 jaguar core kabini from amd, it is quite weak compared to pcs today.

1.84 tflops is not much by todays standards, the amd radeon 7970(desktop) is 3.8 tflops and the geforce gtx 780 is 4 tflops.

However devs will get more out of the graphic cards because of the nature of consoles with them releasing one every 6 years these days.

Back to Nintendo.  I really dont have any real solutions for Nintendo.  They most definetely would have benefit from a 250 dollar console instead of a 350 dollar console, without the next gen DC controller they got now.  They were stupid to think that would actually bring back all the gamers of the Wii, definitely not going to happen.  The reason why it fails to do so is because the controls are more complicated than the wii controller.  They should have made a Wii controller redux with less buttons as standard with optional pro controller support.  They look at the Wii U controller and think "fuck that".
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: pilonv1 on August 10, 2013, 04:17:20 AM
Alas - Iwata will be gone before the end of the financial year - and , for maximum comedy, i would like Kutaragi to head them up so the next Nintendo machine is a beast and suddenly Nintendo fans have to do the full about-face on how important power is to them. c****

this would be hilariously awesome
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 07:48:27 AM
Doubt that.  MS and Sony have seen from the Wii that graphics isnt everything.  It is a big difference from when the original Xbox was released with them actually being ahead of pc's or atleast thats what Nvidia says.

the point being that there's at least a noticable hardware jump between PS3 -> PS4 and X360 -> X1. From PS3/x360 -> WiiU there's very little if anything to distinguish it. Whilst people will look and say "ah diminishing returns" there's still going to be an appreciable difference between true next gen and X360/PS3/WiiU. Enthusiast and even mid/high PCs will trump PS4/X1 raw spec wise -easily- from the outset, but there'll still be gains from architecture, baseline targets, games targeted OS etc that the consoles will get in that : PS4/X1 games will look obviously better than what we've had this gen where as WiiU games will not.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 10, 2013, 07:57:37 AM
Nintendo should just release a new Wii U model that takes out the gamepad, includes a pro controller, 128 GB of internal storage, and is sold for no more than $249.  Sell the gamepad separately for $129.

Also they should fire Iwata.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 08:40:51 AM
well, i suspect they'll just slash the cost of the WiiU -full stop- at the end of the year - $199 or bust - and time it with Mario Kart.

I still refuse to believe they are losing money on this hardware - i think that's all "value add" noise.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: maxy on August 10, 2013, 09:12:26 AM
Doubt that.  MS and Sony have seen from the Wii that graphics isnt everything.  It is a big difference from when the original Xbox was released with them actually being ahead of pc's or atleast thats what Nvidia says.

I'm not even remotely pleased with XB1/PS4 specs but they are 8x-10x more powerful than PS360.That is standard generational leap.

WiiU on the other hand looks like 360 with more memory.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 10, 2013, 09:36:32 AM
More Wii U hating:

- The factory that makes Wii U's eDRAM is going to shut down in 2-3 years.  If the Wii U even survives 3 years, it will be a miracle. 

- Miyamoto says he has no idea what to do with F-Zero:

"I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game," Miyamoto said. "I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."

This is something that is old but I didn't see get posted here.  This is funny because NSMB is extremely stale.  Nintendo barely has the motivation to make anything that isn't Mario these days.

- Nintendo Australia is in deep shit:

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 09:49:42 AM
re: F-Zero - then take the easy way out - up port the awesome GC game to 3DS and add some tracks and punt it out the door.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 10, 2013, 09:54:01 AM

What a load of shit, that fucker is so senile at this point

"We here at Nintendo will only introduce new chapters in our storied franchises when we have new gameplay innovations to add to them!" 

Senile. 100% fucking senile.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 09:56:37 AM
We here at Nintendo will only introduce new chapters in our storied franchises when we have new gameplay innovations to add to them!" 

so that's why there's absolutely no games then!

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Damian79 on August 10, 2013, 11:46:47 AM
Doubt that.  MS and Sony have seen from the Wii that graphics isnt everything.  It is a big difference from when the original Xbox was released with them actually being ahead of pc's or atleast thats what Nvidia says.

I'm not even remotely pleased with XB1/PS4 specs but they are 8x-10x more powerful than PS360.That is standard generational leap.

WiiU on the other hand looks like 360 with more memory.

Wii U IS like a 360 with more memory.  It is a bitch to dev for too.  Think what a crappy 3x GC cpu is, just for the sake for backwards compatibility.

And the ps360 is not 8/10 times weaker than the xb1/ps4.  It is more like 4-6 times.  Still a good leap though.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
360  240 GFLOPS GPU
PS3  400 GFLOPS GPU(according to Sony)

PS4   1.84 TFLOP GPU
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 10, 2013, 11:57:48 AM
Nintendo should just release a new Wii U model that takes out the gamepad, includes a pro controller, 128 GB of internal storage, and is sold for no more than $249.  Sell the gamepad separately for $129.

Also they should fire Iwata.

In the past when this was suggested, I wasn't convinced it could work.  Post-E3 it doesn't seem like nintendo cares about the potential for second screen gameplay going forward.  Almost every Nintendo game can be played with a classic controller or Wii remote and the gamepad is a minor addition (e.g., giant horn for Mario Kart).  I'm not saying nintendo should, but it could if it wanted to.  Really it's only screwing third parties and it's not like they can abandon the wii u again.

It's strange that Nintendo isn't even trying to make a case for it.  Although to be fair, when you think back to the best Wii games, most didn't need motion controls.  But I guess those motion control games are what sold.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 10, 2013, 12:20:55 PM
but what about off TV gaming? That's a killer feature... or is it any more?

can someone contact the Iwatamothership for me so i know how to feel about this stuff please?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 10, 2013, 02:45:07 PM
But guise Nintendo makes the best and most mature games in the industry, and not the try hard to edgy games that 3rd party devs try to.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: treythemovie on August 10, 2013, 03:04:59 PM
The WiiU's obviously doomed in Europe and probably the same in Japan. In America it might be salvageable if they can get the kid market, and by salvageable I mean Gamecube level of sales. Nintendo's still viewed as the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" and I always see kids flocking around the thing in stores. But the problem is, $350 is WAY too expensive to tap into that market. I'm not sure what is keeping the WiiU so expensive to make, though I imagine its mostly an accounting thing since they probably haven't even mass produced much from the initial allotment. Either way, they need to lower the price to hit that audience and I think NoA knows this on some level, only NoJ calls the shots so...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Trent Dole on August 10, 2013, 03:10:41 PM
Even with a lower price, the fuck are you going to play on it? Lego GTA and Pikmin aren't system sellers. Go with a cut around the launch of a title that's actually successful like Mario is Racing a Kart and sales will pick up a tick.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 11, 2013, 04:29:19 AM
W101 is confusing. It's like, I don't even know what the fuck genre it is.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 11, 2013, 04:30:46 AM
It's a Kamiya's game. Meaning it's an action game at it's core but disguising itself as something different.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rahxephon91 on August 11, 2013, 02:24:21 PM
The WiiU's obviously doomed in Europe and probably the same in Japan. In America it might be salvageable if they can get the kid market, and by salvageable I mean Gamecube level of sales. Nintendo's still viewed as the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" and I always see kids flocking around the thing in stores. But the problem is, $350 is WAY too expensive to tap into that market. I'm not sure what is keeping the WiiU so expensive to make, though I imagine its mostly an accounting thing since they probably haven't even mass produced much from the initial allotment. Either way, they need to lower the price to hit that audience and I think NoA knows this on some level, only NoJ calls the shots so...
Are they that to parents anymore? I'm under the impression that the 3DS has done meh here and well that's the first thing I think parents would buy a kid.

My point is that in this day and age with phones, tablets, and browser games there's cheaper things to use to shut up your kid. Things that don't require you to spend $40 on a single game. I don't think kids need Nintendo for that and by the time they get older and want to actually play beyond just a time waster they probably want Xbox.

I bought my niece a DS and the thing received no use compared to my sister's phone and ipad from. My two nieces were content with playing that ipad game were the dude runs while I guess an aztec temple falls apart or something. Hell, my younger nice is content with playing Monster High browser games. The Pokemon game I bought them didn't keep their attention and it cost me more then $20. I think they are basically just playing the demo of that running game or the demo of angry birds.

And even besides that, right now I don't see much must have kids games on the Wii U. I mean the Wii shipped with the best "shut the hell up and play this kids" game. What does the Wii U have that tops Wii Sports?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sausage on August 11, 2013, 02:48:48 PM
The WiiU's obviously doomed in Europe and probably the same in Japan. In America it might be salvageable if they can get the kid market, and by salvageable I mean Gamecube level of sales. Nintendo's still viewed as the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" and I always see kids flocking around the thing in stores. But the problem is, $350 is WAY too expensive to tap into that market. I'm not sure what is keeping the WiiU so expensive to make, though I imagine its mostly an accounting thing since they probably haven't even mass produced much from the initial allotment. Either way, they need to lower the price to hit that audience and I think NoA knows this on some level, only NoJ calls the shots so...
Are they that to parents anymore? I'm under the impression that the 3DS has done meh here and well that's the first thing I think parents would buy a kid.

My point is that in this day and age with phones, tablets, and browser games there's cheaper things to use to shut up your kid. Things that don't require you to spend $40 on a single game. I don't think kids need Nintendo for that and by the time they get older and want to actually play beyond just a time waster they probably want Xbox.

I bought my niece a DS and the thing revived no use compared to my sisters phone and ipad from her. My two nieces were content with playing that ipad game were the dude runs while I guess an aztec temple falls apart or something. Hell, my younger nice is content with playing Monster High browser games. The Pokemon game I bought them didn't keep their attention and it cost me more then $20. I think there are basically just playing the demo of that running game or the demo of angry birds.

And even besides that, right now I don't see much must have kids games on the Wii U. I mean the Wii shipped with the best "shut the hell up and play this kids" game. What does the Wii U have that tops Wii Sports?

That's temple run. It's fun, but it gets boring after like an hour.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Momo on August 11, 2013, 03:17:31 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 11, 2013, 04:00:03 PM
The WiiU's obviously doomed in Europe and probably the same in Japan. In America it might be salvageable if they can get the kid market, and by salvageable I mean Gamecube level of sales. Nintendo's still viewed as the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" and I always see kids flocking around the thing in stores. But the problem is, $350 is WAY too expensive to tap into that market. I'm not sure what is keeping the WiiU so expensive to make, though I imagine its mostly an accounting thing since they probably haven't even mass produced much from the initial allotment. Either way, they need to lower the price to hit that audience and I think NoA knows this on some level, only NoJ calls the shots so...
Are they that to parents anymore? I'm under the impression that the 3DS has done meh here and well that's the first thing I think parents would buy a kid.

My point is that in this day and age with phones, tablets, and browser games there's cheaper things to use to shut up your kid. Things that don't require you to spend $40 on a single game. I don't think kids need Nintendo for that and by the time they get older and want to actually play beyond just a time waster they probably want Xbox.

I bought my niece a DS and the thing revived no use compared to my sisters phone and ipad from her. My two nieces were content with playing that ipad game were the dude runs while I guess an aztec temple falls apart or something. Hell, my younger nice is content with playing Monster High browser games. The Pokemon game I bought them didn't keep their attention and it cost me more then $20. I think there are basically just playing the demo of that running game or the demo of angry birds.

And even besides that, right now I don't see much must have kids games on the Wii U. I mean the Wii shipped with the best "shut the hell up and play this kids" game. What does the Wii U have that tops Wii Sports?

That's temple run. It's fun, but it gets boring after like an hour.

Sure, to some. Not to kids.
Title: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 11, 2013, 07:09:21 PM
Himu, watch this:
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 11, 2013, 07:49:25 PM
Does W101 have an eShop demo? If not, why.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 11, 2013, 08:16:12 PM
Ummm, it does. That's what some people here and on GAF are discussing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Oblivion on August 11, 2013, 09:26:09 PM
I would be totally fine with Nintendo ditching the game pad. It's a needless waste of power.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 11, 2013, 10:45:26 PM
Ummm, it does. That's what some people here and on GAF are discussing.

Oh. That makes sense.

I kinda avoid the main GAF forums.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 11, 2013, 10:46:32 PM
The demo is really good and satisfying. It definitely sold me on the game, so you should check it out.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on August 11, 2013, 11:07:13 PM
yeah - game is a day one purchase now - demo is very solid indeed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 11, 2013, 11:08:37 PM
The WiiU's obviously doomed in Europe and probably the same in Japan. In America it might be salvageable if they can get the kid market, and by salvageable I mean Gamecube level of sales. Nintendo's still viewed as the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" and I always see kids flocking around the thing in stores. But the problem is, $350 is WAY too expensive to tap into that market. I'm not sure what is keeping the WiiU so expensive to make, though I imagine its mostly an accounting thing since they probably haven't even mass produced much from the initial allotment. Either way, they need to lower the price to hit that audience and I think NoA knows this on some level, only NoJ calls the shots so...

Here's the thing though: the "thing you get your kids to shut them up" is now an iPhone, iPad, etc with 99 cent games. To make matters worse, many kids also enjoy playing CoD, which means they'll gravitate towards the Xbox or PS depending on how many of their friends have a particular system. These kids are no longer Mario obsessed, they have moved on.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 12, 2013, 06:53:27 AM
everytime i go to the beach,i always see a kid or two with a DS and some mario or pokemon game in it so i'm not really sure that's true

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 12, 2013, 07:09:27 AM
Nintendo no doubt still holds some sway with kids but it's not like what it was.

Which is a good thing because if Nintendo is going to survive, they're going to have to do more than Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon to survive.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Damian79 on August 12, 2013, 09:49:50 AM
“If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U. The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there.”

“I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles.”


I give up Iwata needs to be fired.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 12, 2013, 09:50:49 AM
Hahaha, people aren't buying the basic version because it's literally WORTHLESS [get it?].
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2013, 10:07:37 AM
People aren't buying the Tard Pack, therefore the Wii U is a roaring success. QED
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 12, 2013, 10:18:56 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: fistfulofmetal on August 12, 2013, 10:24:54 AM
the basic seems like the only version to get. why do i need a big hard drive for a wii u? you expect me to buy digital games on my nintendo system? with their fucking awful drm? the only thing i'd ever get is virtual console stuff and that's all small. basic edition all the way.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archnemesis on August 12, 2013, 10:35:07 AM
You need quite a lot of space for the OS and it's also nice to be able to download demos.

Edit: The HDD requirement for the PC version of Dragon Quest X is 7 GB. With the premium SKU you don't need to plug in an extra USB drive. (I assume)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Fifstar on August 12, 2013, 11:47:22 AM
the basic seems like the only version to get. why do i need a big hard drive for a wii u? you expect me to buy digital games on my nintendo system? with their fucking awful drm? the only thing i'd ever get is virtual console stuff and that's all small. basic edition all the way.

My thoughts as well. And even if you're going digital, you'll need an external hard drive anyway, because the space on the premium pack is still too small to install all the games anyway.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Trent Dole on August 12, 2013, 12:14:09 PM
“If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U. The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there.”

“I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles.”


I give up Iwata needs to be fired.
Haha shut the fuck up Iwata.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: nudemacusers on August 12, 2013, 12:16:47 PM
I still can't believe nintendo gives you a whopping 32 gigs of disk space for the low low price of $350

edit: there is a ps3 500 gig gta5 bundle coming september 17th. for $270. jesus.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 12, 2013, 12:33:49 PM
“If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U. The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there.”

“I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles.”


I give up Iwata needs to be fired.

What in the fuck Iwata

That doesn't make any sense

Go home, you're drunk
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 12, 2013, 02:08:39 PM
Makes no sense, it only shows that the basic is even worse value.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Contra on August 12, 2013, 02:18:42 PM
If that shows anything it's that the price should be even higher.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Phoenix Dark on August 12, 2013, 02:30:07 PM
“If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U. The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there.”

“I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles.”


I give up Iwata needs to be fired.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 12, 2013, 03:17:58 PM

"Just stepped off the "L" train at the Clark and Lake station and hit my head! Ow! Classic Luigi! #LuigiAndMe"

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol  HILARIOUS NINTENDO IS AT ITS BEST

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: ToxicAdam on August 12, 2013, 03:21:13 PM
Iwata is right though. The problem is the software and not the price of the hardware.

Dropping the price on the Basic won't mean shit to overall sales and you will only lose more profit to people that are planning to buy it for their kids this holiday season anyways.

But they can't come out and say that.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2013, 03:48:20 PM

"Just stepped off the "L" train at the Clark and Lake station and hit my head! Ow! Classic Luigi! #LuigiAndMe"

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol  HILARIOUS NINTENDO IS AT ITS BEST


Wii U saved. :bow2
Title: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 12, 2013, 05:16:16 PM
Because of the software library problems the majority of people picking up the system nowadays are core fans and others with low self-worth. They're the type who'd look at both offerings and realize how fucking stupid it is to forego the option with extra HD and free game.

The moms and dads who usually care more about price, and therefore picked up the Wii last generation aren't being targeted yet via games and promotions.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2013, 05:57:11 PM
Because of the software library problems the majority of people picking up the system nowadays are core fans and others with low self-worth.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 12, 2013, 06:59:06 PM

Mama mia, the Chicago buildings are tall! Now I know how Mario must feel. (It's funny because he's shorter than me
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: magus on August 12, 2013, 07:16:14 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 12, 2013, 07:57:19 PM
Is that for real? :rofl
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 12, 2013, 07:57:24 PM
ah yes sadness indeed

there is much sadness in the world slurp slurp
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 12, 2013, 08:07:09 PM
The Xbox controller team also experimented with doing something similar to what Nintendo did with the Wii U GamePad, but nixed it. "We did put screens on our controllers," he said. "These are the two things that came out... the gaming screen is essentially your television screen. If you have a small alternate screen which can't by definition be high-rez or super bright because of the battery requirements—it would drain the battery much faster than you wanted to—there would have to be compromises. If you had this screen that is on your controller and this big TV in front of you, your eyes are going down to your controller and back up and down and back up and during a shooter or other core gameplay scenario that is just not something you want to be doing. So it just didn't have the user impact that we desired."
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Flannel Boy on August 12, 2013, 08:58:41 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: pilonv1 on August 12, 2013, 11:10:57 PM
Some quality nfan level spin from Iwata. I will miss him when he's gone
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 13, 2013, 04:51:26 AM
W101 looks really mediocre.

Safe to say on PS3 or 360 it would have been a 20 euro digital release only it seems.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 13, 2013, 08:03:48 AM
No way is that real. No way! :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 13, 2013, 08:46:39 AM
Oh, it's real.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on August 13, 2013, 09:22:23 AM
Holy shit. Andy, show us on the Mario doll where he touched you.  :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on August 13, 2013, 10:11:19 AM
God, that's embarrassing. It's not even true. Nintendo's games don't grow up with you so that they can taint your younger siblings. That's the whole idea.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 13, 2013, 11:28:33 AM
Someone photoshop that gif of Gerstmann shaking his head into that kid's eyes.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 13, 2013, 11:42:58 AM
that kid needs to pluck :gurl
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 13, 2013, 12:03:52 PM
It's not even true. Nintendo's games don't grow up with you so that they can taint your younger siblings. That's the whole idea.

in the context of the actual report it makes more sense -
it's set aside some images of 8bit mushrooms and marios merged with their modern 3D counterparts - like this:






The designer went a bit too far with the photo of the kid / reflection in the eyes though.

I've been playing the system quite a lot this week - got back into NFS:MW U, playing Pikmin 3, enjoyed the W101 demo and Art Academy thing... I know quite a few of you don't have one or want one, but you guys manage to talk an awful lot in the Wii U thread without actually talking about anything that's playable on it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 13, 2013, 12:29:40 PM

10 second walk from work.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 13, 2013, 01:21:22 PM

please tell me this is not official because the graphic design is so terrible
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 13, 2013, 01:25:30 PM
It's a financial report, what are you expecting?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Contra on August 13, 2013, 01:33:51 PM
Even for a financial report that's embarassing
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 13, 2013, 01:37:04 PM
ANdrex, they took ms paint, did a google image search and ctrl v'd those images on that canvas

for a financial report

it lacks professionalism
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 13, 2013, 01:56:20 PM
Copy and Pasting is how Nintendo has been making games for the past decade.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 13, 2013, 02:47:16 PM
ANdrex, they took ms paint, did a google image search and ctrl v'd those images on that canvas

for a financial report

it lacks professionalism

OK Ally McBeal.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 13, 2013, 02:48:00 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 13, 2013, 03:09:32 PM
Copy and Pasting is how Nintendo has been making games for the past decade.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 13, 2013, 03:46:25 PM
That Nintendo ad... There's no fucking way that's real, no fucking way
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 13, 2013, 03:51:06 PM
That Nintendo ad... There's no fucking way that's real, no fucking way

It isn't an ad, lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Yeti on August 13, 2013, 10:25:14 PM

please tell me this is not official because the graphic design is so terrible

Reminds me of Windows 8.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 14, 2013, 12:34:18 PM
I downloaded Art Academy with credit from the digital deluxe promotion... then I remembered I can't draw worth shit :'( Should have save the money for Ducktales

I'm looking forward to when the lessons come out though
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: bork on August 14, 2013, 03:48:34 PM
Copy and Pasting is how Nintendo has been making games for the past decade.

 :clap :clap
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on August 15, 2013, 06:56:15 AM
Yakuza 1+2 HD sold 1878 copies first week in Japan. :noah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archnemesis on August 15, 2013, 07:04:42 AM
Actually, it sold less than that and it's not very surprising. Fans of the series already own the PS2 or PS3 version and it's not a franchise that's appealing to the traditional Nintendo audience.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on August 15, 2013, 07:11:20 AM
Actually, it sold less than that and it's not very surprising. Fans of the series already own the PS2 or PS3 version and it's not a franchise that's appealing to the traditional Nintendo audience.

Please understand.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 15, 2013, 08:01:21 AM
I'm not even sure why third parties even bother at all with the Wii U.  I know for the most part they aren't bothering but I can't imagine even token ports are making anyone any money.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: archnemesis on August 15, 2013, 08:10:52 AM
Late ports aren't going to sell at all and the same goes for simultaneous launches with missing online features. Soon they won't even have anything to port when all the third-party developers move on to the next generation. Their best bet is third-party exclusives that take advantage of the unique hardware, but they can't expect third-parties to come up with innovative ideas to use the gamepad. They need a first-party smash hit to lead the way and rehashing the same old games isn't the way to do it. Asymmetric gameplay can be great in larger groups and there could be a market for more games like Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 15, 2013, 08:50:49 AM
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party.

I'm just going to pretend like this isn't a real game, even though I know it almost certainly is.  :noah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 15, 2013, 09:00:27 AM
How depressing must it be to port something and then sell 1800 copies...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: thisismyusername on August 15, 2013, 10:35:33 AM
Actually, it sold less than that and it's not very surprising. Fans of the series already own the PS2 or PS3 version and it's not a franchise that's appealing to the traditional Nintendo audience.

Real talk.

Who was this port for? Seriously? It's like Sega moving Val Chron off PS3 to PSP: What the fuck are you doing? At least the PSP move made some sense for Japan. Wee-ooo is DEAD everywhere. Why would you port something to a dead system?  :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 15, 2013, 10:43:07 AM
Would have sold better on X360, in japan even.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 15, 2013, 10:54:31 AM
Would have sold better on the Vita.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 15, 2013, 12:14:21 PM
How depressing must it be to port something and then sell 1800 copies...

happens a lot these days, and not just on the wiiU either.  and not just with ports, either.  this industry is kind of fucked.

Thats crazy. Esp since so many companies think they are playing it safe by just copying what others do.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 15, 2013, 12:36:03 PM
How depressing must it be to port something and then sell 1800 copies...

happens a lot these days, and not just on the wiiU either.  and not just with ports, either.  this industry is kind of fucked.

Thats crazy. Esp since so many companies think they are playing it safe by just copying what others do.

or in Nintendo's case, copying what Nintendo does
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on August 15, 2013, 07:32:19 PM
At least porting between PS4/X1/PC will be easier this time around. It might be more palatable to sell 1800 copies at $60 if it only takes 2 employees a month's work to do the port.

Of course Wii U is excepted from that port party. Sorry.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 15, 2013, 08:10:01 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 15, 2013, 10:45:32 PM
:bow :heart Keroppi :heart :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 15, 2013, 11:01:56 PM
:bow 3rd Parties :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Himu on August 15, 2013, 11:11:08 PM
:bow :heart Keroppi :heart :bow2

isn't he adorable :heartbeat
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: pilonv1 on August 15, 2013, 11:27:18 PM
Nintendo Network too, great news
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 21, 2013, 10:56:23 AM

Oh dun goofed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 21, 2013, 11:09:30 AM

Oh dun goofed.

Well, there goes 4.9 Million sales.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on August 21, 2013, 11:15:00 AM
But now they're not bound to Nintendo when they want to po-... Ehehehehe. Oh, I don't want to see them go.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 22, 2013, 04:46:13 AM
Wonderful 101 is out in Europe tonight (midnight on eShop) -- gonna pick it up along with Splinter Cell Blacklist

Why on earth is the US release three weeks after? Does the US get something in its place?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Huff on August 22, 2013, 10:12:29 AM
Nintendo thought competing with GTA 5 would be the best shot for one of there games to do well
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 22, 2013, 10:35:39 AM
some might spin it as acute counterprogramming..

It's bad, yeah.  If Wonderful 101 came out this week, I'd buy it no question.  As it is, either GTAV PC is announce for this year, or I'll probably cave and pick that up instead.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Trent Dole on August 22, 2013, 11:54:58 AM
Pikmin 3 was held up a bit in the US vs. the EU release too wasn't it? Dunno why they're staggering shit out like that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 22, 2013, 01:07:26 PM
Pikmin 3 was held up a bit in the US vs. the EU release too wasn't it? Dunno why they're staggering shit out like that.

Gotta spread out them two games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 22, 2013, 01:24:46 PM
play earthbound
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 22, 2013, 01:32:56 PM
Guys im pretty sure nintendo knows what they are doing
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Damian79 on August 22, 2013, 02:01:41 PM
Speaking of earthbound.  A fanmade sequel.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 22, 2013, 03:50:33 PM
Did they ripoff the Wikileaks logo?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Great Rumbler on August 22, 2013, 04:38:58 PM
Looks better than any of the real Mother games. :jawalrus
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 23, 2013, 04:40:58 PM
that rumor of a $349 Wind Waker bundle might be true

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 23, 2013, 04:42:07 PM
Yeah, perfect bundle to jump in.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 23, 2013, 04:43:56 PM
the interesting part is that there won't be a price drop, if the rumor is to be believed
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 23, 2013, 04:44:58 PM
Still $50 less than the competition!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 23, 2013, 04:55:06 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 23, 2013, 06:10:21 PM
349 bundle with one of the worst zelda games thats over 10 years old ;(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 23, 2013, 06:50:15 PM
Does anyone at Nintendo know how to cut a damn trailer anymore?

Even still I was really surprised by how the graphics looked in it. Haven't been paying attention much to the game since the bloom city initial shots.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 23, 2013, 08:09:14 PM
I like how they repeat everything

"Select Hero Mode from the main screen!"

- shows Hero Mode being selected from the main screen

"In Hero Mode, you take double damage and hearts aren't replenished!"

- shows screen explaining that you take double damage and hearts aren't replenished
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 23, 2013, 08:10:47 PM
Might cop that Zelda WiiU bundle. So rare. :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 23, 2013, 08:24:47 PM
I like how they repeat everything

"Select Hero Mode from the main screen!"

- shows Hero Mode being selected from the main screen

"In Hero Mode, you take double damage and hearts aren't replenished!"

- shows screen explaining that you take double damage and hearts aren't replenished

They showed two screens of taking double damage, as if we thought they were bullshitting us the first time.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: nudemacusers on August 23, 2013, 08:24:57 PM
I'm really glad they showed an enemy taking one heart vs half a heart of health. I really did not understand what 'enemies do double damage' meant until they showed a side by side comparison.

edit: goddamnit :P
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 23, 2013, 09:24:19 PM
349 bundle with one of the worst zelda games thats over 10 years old ;(

I actually quite liked Wind Waker in spite of its flaws. If I had more free time, I'd probably be completely on board for playing the HD remake. That said, I'm completely baffled by anyone that thinks this is a significant release. It's a game that didn't set the charts on fire over ten years ago. Granted, I think time has been kind to it, but I don't think it's been that kind.

Assuming it didn't cost that much to remake, I think it's a smart play on their part. But I really hope that a Wind Waker bundle isn't the best value proposition they have lined up for the fall.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 23, 2013, 10:15:25 PM
Yeah, perfect bundle to jump in.

I'll wait for the Mario Galaxy 3 $150 bundle.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on August 23, 2013, 10:44:11 PM
My takeaway on this remake is Nintendo cutting their teeth on HD development. HD ports are usually a safe bet for that kind of work.

Will prob. sell ok as well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 23, 2013, 11:03:06 PM
Oscar: Mario 3D World unfortunately won't release until December.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 23, 2013, 11:31:12 PM
I'll buy this game just because I never played the original.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 24, 2013, 01:09:20 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 24, 2013, 01:10:32 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 28, 2013, 11:33:49 AM
Wii U Price Drops $50 Effective September 20, now $300, Basic phased out:
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: fistfulofmetal on August 28, 2013, 11:37:08 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on August 28, 2013, 11:39:43 AM
Probably couldn't drop it below the price of the deluxe, so they just axed it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 28, 2013, 11:41:38 AM
The Wind Waker bundle will debut at the same price as the basic Wii U set, despite the fact that it contains 32GB of internal memory and digital versions of both Wind Waker and Hyrule Historia.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on August 28, 2013, 11:42:17 AM
Alright, now that just doesn't make any sense to me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 28, 2013, 11:43:32 AM
New release dates:

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on August 28, 2013, 11:44:45 AM
Only on WiiU. Also these 2 DS (huh? huh?) games. And what the shit is with that stand-in cover there? It's like they expect everyone to know what it is.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: MCD on August 28, 2013, 11:45:14 AM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 28, 2013, 11:51:54 AM

They should put this on TV now. Its distinguished mentally-challenged how awesome I find the prospect of owning that figure.

Also, I am SO SO DISAPPOINTED that this game won't have a re-orchestrated soundtrack. The fact they're doing a special Symphony of the Goddesses thing in Seattle for this game just rubs salt in the wounds.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 28, 2013, 12:10:36 PM
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww its a digital download. NO THANKS
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 28, 2013, 12:15:47 PM
so what is the difference between the wind waker pack and the Wii U delux?  HDD size and thats it?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 28, 2013, 12:17:48 PM
Didn't clock the price differences of the HW bundles...

Comes with a game (and awesome Hyrule Historia in the US) for £100 less than a PS4 with no games, ~£140 less than a PS4 with one game and ~£200 less than some bundles I'm seeing with extra controllers etc.

It'll be between £50-100 more expensive than the PS360 high end models (500gb) etc, but probably about on par with bundling we'll see with GTA V etc.

Its still gonna get assfucked to kingdom-come in the US and the UK, but the price change is a move in the right direction. It'd be nice to announce things that evoke a proper future for the console (2014/15 games) and maybe market it properly.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 28, 2013, 12:18:26 PM
Nothing is different. It just comes with a digital download for Wind Waker, frilly gamepad design, and a digital download for Hyrule Hystoria
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: davepoobond on August 28, 2013, 12:21:09 PM
lol that gamepad looks atrocious.

also, i feel like its weird that they're making a console pack-in box for an HD remaster.  they didn't have a "new game" that was better to put in or something.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 28, 2013, 12:21:48 PM
so what is the difference between the wind waker pack and the Wii U delux?  HDD size and thats it?

Both have the same 32GB I believe, probably both eligible for the 10% digital purchase rebates, the zelda pack comes with Hyrule Historia in the US

edit: digital download of Hyrule Historia? WTF... okay, thats stupid
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 28, 2013, 12:24:32 PM
hm, might as well just get the WW bundle then.  I don't care if I have the gay little triforce frills on the controller, I'm already embarrassing myself by buying a Wii U to begin with, why not a little extra feggitry.  won't hurt.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2013, 12:32:32 PM

They should have done it a long time ago. Basic made absolutely no sense.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 28, 2013, 12:33:56 PM

They should put this on TV now. Its distinguished mentally-challenged how awesome I find the prospect of owning that figure.

Also, I am SO SO DISAPPOINTED that this game won't have a re-orchestrated soundtrack. The fact they're doing a special Symphony of the Goddesses thing in Seattle for this game just rubs salt in the wounds.

Pisses me off -- not bothering with orchestration -- recording a game in Eastern Europe with an orchestra is incredibly cheap and the results are fantastic. Dragon Quest 8 did such a fucking amazing job at it too
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 28, 2013, 12:46:06 PM
Good news everyone

The Wonderful 101 sold like gangbusters in Japan, about 6000 people are having the best time playing it right now

It's on track to becoming a HUGE HIT in America
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on August 28, 2013, 12:46:45 PM
Nintendo of America's ability to shit on W101 continues to impress. Delayed demo, delayed release, releasing 5 days before Zelda :lol

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: cool breeze on August 28, 2013, 01:06:19 PM
9/20 is only the digital download of Zelda.  Retail date is October 6.  The LE/Ganon figure is a Gamestop thing for $55.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 28, 2013, 04:12:45 PM


Pre-ordering after work, and I dont even own a WiiU yet
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 28, 2013, 04:20:28 PM
10 months later I think I'm going to pick up the WW bundles for my sisters. :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on August 28, 2013, 08:04:01 PM
“It’s all about the games. The competitive systems have announced their launch lineups. I’m allowed to say ‘Meh,’” Fils-Aime said. “I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong. In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup."

Tee hee
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 28, 2013, 08:12:04 PM
“It’s all about the games. The competitive systems have announced their launch lineups. I’m allowed to say ‘Meh,’” Fils-Aime said. “I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong. In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup."

Tee hee

My body is meh-dy.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: bork on August 28, 2013, 08:22:17 PM
Isn't the PS4 going to launch with downloadable free to play games like Warframe and Blacklight?

“It’s all about the games. The competitive systems have announced their launch lineups. I’m allowed to say ‘Meh,’” Fils-Aime said. “I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong. In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup."

Tee hee

What gets crossed off the list next?  :hyper
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Polari on August 28, 2013, 08:26:15 PM
“It’s all about the games. The competitive systems have announced their launch lineups. I’m allowed to say ‘Meh,’” Fils-Aime said. “I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong. In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup."

Eh, I can understand in principle. The problem is it appeals to a very specific audience. At least the Gamecube had some decent third party support as well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 28, 2013, 08:58:06 PM
Since Nintendo disabled their gimmick with the 2DS, when will Nintendo finally break down and ditch the gamepad in favor of a pro controller?

Isn't the PS4 going to launch with downloadable free to play games like Warframe and Blacklight?

“It’s all about the games. The competitive systems have announced their launch lineups. I’m allowed to say ‘Meh,’” Fils-Aime said. “I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong. In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup."

Tee hee

What gets crossed off the list next?  :hyper

I doubt too many people bought Pikmin 3.  However they could be that starved for new content.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 29, 2013, 09:03:00 AM
I'm okay with it if Nintendo want to project confidence in their games, and their partners games -- there ARE great games available and coming out -- but given their shit sales and shit marketing, and poor third party confidence, they haven't earned the right to be arrogant and dismissive of the competition... They haven't given PS360 owners much of a reason to feel much other than 'meh' for the better part of a year.

He's pre-emptively embarrassing himself ahead of the true embarrassment (November NPDs) and needs to work hard and shut the fuck up til the company is in a position to trash talk again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 29, 2013, 09:24:59 AM
I dunno I think Nintendo still might do "ok" in November/December.

I mean it's not gonna be 2008 numbers, but it won't be as pronounced bad as now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 29, 2013, 09:30:17 AM
Oscar, will we see Mario on PS4 this gen?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 09:55:37 AM
i don't think they're going to move much, at least until mario is out in december, and even then, nah.  the ps4 and the one are going to soak up any possible hype.

Mario is November, and the WW bundle might do not-bad.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 29, 2013, 10:03:13 AM

“I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong."


“I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong."


“I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong."


“I look at our lineup of titles and I feel good about our lineup. We’ve got Zelda. We’ve got Mario. We’ve got Donkey Kong."

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 10:35:42 AM
November 22, same day as LttP2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 12:10:24 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 29, 2013, 12:25:24 PM

i don't think they're going to move much, at least until mario is out in december, and even then, nah.  the ps4 and the one are going to soak up any possible hype.

Mario is November, and the WW bundle might do not-bad.

no one who is presently unconvinced is going to be swayed by tossing an HD version of a lower tier (saleswise) zelda game into the box.

as for Mario, someone here told me it was Dec.  get your bloody stories straight.

That was me, and it was December. They switched Mario and Donkey Kong around with yesterday's announcements, which was obviously a good move on their part.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 01:05:55 PM
:wag Get your shit together Steve.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 29, 2013, 01:15:30 PM
I might cop that Zelda bundle, and just sell off the digital code for the much superior physical version.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 01:17:17 PM
I might cop that Zelda bundle, and just sell off the digital code for the much superior physical version.

It's probably preinstalled. :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 29, 2013, 01:20:48 PM
I might cop that Zelda bundle, and just sell off the digital code for the much superior physical version.

It's probably preinstalled. :bow2

Yeah, that's how it worked with my Mario Kart 3DS XL bundle.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on August 29, 2013, 01:21:15 PM


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on August 29, 2013, 01:22:29 PM
I might cop that Zelda bundle, and just sell off the digital code for the much superior physical version.

It's probably preinstalled. :bow2

That makes the decision easier then. Will wait for Black Friday
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on August 29, 2013, 02:26:06 PM
I'm sure one of the PR bits said it comes with a code. Much easier for them to throw a code in a box than actually pre-flash a load of premium systems.

Just read that Sakurai has said this of Oculus Rift:

"I experienced the 'Oculus Rift' VR goggles. You'd have to experience it for yourself to understand, so I won't say much here, but I'm certain it'll be a hit in the near future. This, too, is a difference in [the nature of] media"

"Having a difference between consoles based on unique features is more fun." Sakurai remarks. "Rather than having technology converge as it becomes more advanced, I'd rather have things broaden and spread out for a market with many stimulating choices."

I understand that Sakurai is more independent of Nintendo than he used to be, but it'd be great if that thinking extended elsewhere in the company. Oculus VR have already said they're willing to license out the tech... I would buy the peripheral in a heartbeat.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 29, 2013, 02:30:57 PM
sounds great, Nintendo has lots of experience with technology you have to experience for yourself to understand :teehee

please understand :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: AdmiralViscen on August 29, 2013, 04:03:41 PM
I'm tempted to buy that Wind Waker statue bundle and NSLU after seeing what happened with pricing on Xenoblade and Metroid Prime Trilogy
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 29, 2013, 06:13:35 PM
In other news Kamiya wants to become a Nintendo second party dev. :shaq
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 29, 2013, 06:46:08 PM
Just Kamiya himself or Platinum too? Might put the kibosh on that whole "Xbone Platinum exclusive" thing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 29, 2013, 06:49:03 PM
Just Kamiya himself or Platinum too? Might put the kibosh on that whole "Xbone Platinum exclusive" thing.

I think both.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Huff on August 30, 2013, 12:04:33 AM
I still wonder who folds first. platinum or atlus
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2013, 03:36:54 AM
Reality is Nintendo are incapable of making games that deviate from their established franchises, mechanics, and development style.

Nintendo are not a technical game developer, their games are very basic and simplistic in this regard.

Physics and AI, non existant in Nintendo games.
Voice acting, again non existant
 Online multiplayer, again next to non existant
 For the few online games they've made, netcode has always been appauling.
All their games feature simplistic cartoony art styles and graphics. Which are far easier and less complex then more realistic visual styles and graphics. Heck how bloody basic is the texturing in Nintendo games for crying out loud.

Nintendo can't make games that can match the visual fidelity and graphical complexity of their competition. Both in part due to the limited performannce and dated architecture of the Wii U, and because they have so little experience in HD game devleopment. Lets not forget its only now that Nintendo are learning about programmable shaders, moving away from fix function, the Wii U is their first home console with multi threaded abilities. Even then the tech is old, dated, and of low performance

If Nintendo even tried to make a western teen/adult themed game they wouldn't be able to hide how incompetent and unskilled they are, nor how crap and munted the Wii U is. We'd be able to directly compare them to the best in the industry at these respective game types and they would get smashed.

That's why Nintendo stick with Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2013, 04:52:13 AM
That was a GAF post though

But I do think Nintendo lacks the know how
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2013, 10:18:10 AM
i think they do to an extent, but they could easily buy the know-how if they wanted.  but yeah, they're obviously sticking to what sells.  and ol' donkey kong, who's only been with the company during the good times, doesn't know how bad it can get, even with the ol' mainstays.  he's used to crapping stuff out and it selling a couple million.

also, a crappy gaf post is nigh-indistinguishable from one of your posts.

I knew it was a GAF post, it had too much punctuation for Lager.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2013, 10:51:56 AM
Andrex displaying that beaten spouse syndrome again.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2013, 11:05:10 AM
What are you talking about?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on August 30, 2013, 11:18:22 AM
Sucking up to your tormentor, by trying to pick on a third party.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on August 30, 2013, 12:10:13 PM
Oscar is more like a predatory uncle than an abusive spouse.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 02, 2013, 04:47:36 AM
Didn't leave the house all weekend





Feel slightly sick today.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on September 02, 2013, 05:17:36 AM
Just found out about the launch Wii U "big boy" bundle at gamestop.

I'll never buy a Wii U now, ever. :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Tasty on September 02, 2013, 05:24:57 AM
Just found out about the launch Wii U "big boy" bundle at gamestop.

I'll never buy a Wii U now, ever. :-\

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 02, 2013, 09:00:54 PM
Someone asked him in an interview if he would like it if Platinum became a Nintendo second party, and he said sure.  If someone asked him if he'd like it if Platinum became a Sony or Microsoft second party, he would say the same, I'm quite certain.  People need to stop reading so much out of Kamiya's answers to questions.

Yes, the basic question really is : "Would you like the ultimate protection and security second party gives for you and your team which produces critically favoured games that sell at levels that puts your entire operation in danger from Nintendo (or Sony or MS) ?"

I'm sure the reality of the situation is pretty clear to Kamiya.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Damian79 on September 03, 2013, 05:50:08 AM
The time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long past. The box is out. You have to do what Sony and Microsoft have been doing with us for a long time and it’s not that every time we met with them we got all the answers we wanted. But they involved us very early on, and talking to folks like Bethesda and Gearbox, they say ‘here’s what we’re doing, here’s what we’re planning, here’s how we think it’s going to work’ to hear what we thought – from our tech guys and from an experience standpoint.

You have to spend an unbelievable amount of time upfront doing that. If you’re just going sort off deciding ‘we’re going to make a box and this is how it works and you should make games for it.’ Well, no. No is my answer, I’m going to focus on other ones that better support what it is we’re trying to do. So you’ve gotta spend more time trying to reach out to those folks before you even make the box, when you’re still designing and thinking about how it’s going to work

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 03, 2013, 07:44:02 AM
One of the many excuses Nintendo fans like to give is that third parties aren't giving Nintendo a fair chance.  I agree that Nintendo fans are going to ignore this or find some statement that proves that Bethesda are mean old doody heads.  At this point, unless Nintendo is cutting them a check, I don't know why third parties are even bothering to spend any money on Wii U development at all.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 03, 2013, 09:25:46 AM
Are they known douchebags? At least on the PC front, I've always been under the impression they're a fairly open company with good support. They always provide nice mod tools for their Fallout and ES games. I remember listening to a podcast Todd Howard was on back when Oblivion came out, and they were taking calls. People were really reaming them about the bugs and glitches, and I remember being pretty impressed with how openly he answered everything and didn't dodge a single criticism. Is the situation different on consoles?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 03, 2013, 09:39:21 AM
Are they known douchebags? At least on the PC front, I've always been under the impression they're a fairly open company with good support. They always provide nice mod tools for their Fallout and ES games. I remember listening to a podcast Todd Howard was on back when Oblivion came out, and they were taking calls. People were really reaming them about the bugs and glitches, and I remember being pretty impressed with how openly he answered everything and didn't dodge a single criticism. Is the situation different on consoles?

Sonytards hate them because their PS3 ports are doodoo.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Eel O'Brian on September 03, 2013, 10:29:08 AM
Ah, I see. I've only played their games on PC or 360. The only one that ever gave me any real probs was New Vegas until they fixed it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Rufus on September 03, 2013, 11:07:54 AM
Every PS3 game they've released has been released with a game-breaking memory leak that they're fully aware of.  Each time they lie prior to release and say they fixed it this time.  Then they send out the 360 version for reviews and apologize after for the shitty condition of the port.  Every time.
Even Oblivion? They had an outside company port that I believe.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: demi on September 03, 2013, 11:11:07 AM
Ah, I see. I've only played their games on PC or 360. The only one that ever gave me any real probs was New Vegas until they fixed it.

That was Obsidian tho, not Bethesda
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 03, 2013, 11:20:26 AM
Can't even begin to imagine that what they're working on would even run on the WiiU anyway.

It's a fair jab, and definitely something Nintendo needs to pull their heads out of their arses on.  That said, I'd sooner have someone closer to Nintendo say this.  Bethesda has never really supported Nintendo, probably they wouldn't have even if Nintendo had done what they asked, and they're among the biggest douchebags in a very douchebaggy industry.  It's very easy for Nintendo *and* their fans to ignore what they're saying as a result.

I'm perfectly happy with the way Dan Adelman and his team handle indie devs right now, they've made good approaches and been very open -- but that's not enough for bigger third parties.

What Bethesda-dude says is true -- if you're not moneyhatting, then you need to be doing what third parties want and making it easy for them.

Nintendo haven't really done what a lot of them wanted, and the quirks of their platforms just look like added costs to business bods. That doesn't bother me, but to compensate for that - there should be a team, similar to Dan Adelman's Business Development team -- or perhaps existing as a dedicated part of it -- that scouts the industry closely and keeps an eye on things that are going to be big, things that their own fans want, and things that are worth paying for.

Allowing games like the hyped Tomb Raider reboot to release on PS360 without a Wii U port was a mistake. Allowing GTA V to release without a port was a mistake. A lack of big announcements and subsequent cancellations has fed into what was always going to be a negative perception and lack of hype concerning third parties on the console.

I get the feeling Nintendo only have the resources, energy or focus to get a few games at a time. They talked big on GTA for a while, and got themselves Chinatown Wars. They were buddy buddy with EA until they got super interested in having Call of Duty.. they mentioned that a lot in interviews between 2011/12, and I suspect that they do view COD as a title that they need to have. It wouldn't surprise me if the recent delay in announcing Ghosts for Wii U was actually as a result of negotiations between Nintendo and Activision. I think Nintendo have done themselves suitable deals for Lego City / Sonic, but letting Rayman exclusivity slip was another mistake. Ubisoft were right to take the game elsewhere, and I'm happier more people can play the game, but if I were a Nintendo employee -- I'd be disappointed they let that one go. Right now, they seem to have better relationships with smaller developers, whereas they used to have reasonably decent relationships with the likes of Capcom. That's something I'd like to see them rebalance.

If you can't attract third parties into sharing the dollar fodder with your platform, incentivise it with money and royalty cuts for marquee titles. Incentivising software development is more important now than it would be in a year or two down the line.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: hampster on September 03, 2013, 12:01:29 PM
I completely missed that Castle of Illusion HD isn't coming to Wii U and the Genesis version isn't coming to the virtual console >:(

Oh well, steam it is
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: maxy on September 08, 2013, 07:42:46 AM,96455,14560241,350_konsol_w_9_miesiecy__Dlaczego_Nintendo_nie_istnieje.html?bo=1




Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 08, 2013, 07:45:14 AM
Polygamia also notes that twice as many people purchase a PS3 or 360………in just 3 days, as opposed to nine months. In 12 months, the PS3 and 360 will sale around 100k units. These are very drastic figures when you put it into perspective.


Boy, Nintendo sure did use that one year head start effectively, didn't they?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 08, 2013, 07:50:27 AM
Those 350 people are having a lot fun, though!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: brob on September 08, 2013, 09:59:24 AM
Has Nintendo ever had a hold on any of the CIS countries? Can anyone at NoE pin Poland on a map?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of 160k Wii Us moved WORLDWIDE in 3 months #dead
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 08, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 16, 2013, 04:54:37 AM
Heads up yall CACs. B2G1 deal will be run at Targets next week.

I guess the only 2 Wii U games worth buying are Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101.

The free one worth it should be one of those, I guess?:

LEGO GTA/ Zombie U/ Super Luigi U

Note that Wind Waker HD gets released after this deal ends.

Rayman, Pikmin 3 and W101 are the best of those games.

I just beat the first chunk of Rayman Legends singleplayer last night, but still have the
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8-bit music levels
to do and stuff. It makes me think of Yves Guillemot saying Ubisoft wanted to aspire to Nintendo quality and people on GAF laughing at him... compared to modern 2D Mario games, its a whole league above them in terms of flash and mechanics. Sonic should be taking its cues from these Rayman games, not 3D mario games.

I tried out Toki Tori 2+ over the weekend as well, its surprisingly challenging and on sale at the moment on eShop. Amazing how many different things you can do with only 2 buttons.

Brings my library to 49. 15 full size games, 11 of those digitally bought, 12 additional eshop games, 6 NES games, 5 SNES games. 530 hours clocked in Activity Log. Definitely been playing it more recently... I imagine the next week or two is going to be spent glued to the 360 thanks to GTA V, but there are a few other things to enjoy between now and Christmas. I know everyone loves 3DS, but the games that excited me on that are behind me now, outside of ALBW and Sega's 3D Classics I can't think of anything coming out that I actually want. I much prefer the prospects of playing new things on this... I really hope MH4 gets a Wii U port.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 16, 2013, 05:20:47 AM
Are you really counting NES/ SNES games?

Anything I spent time and money on. Its 27 if we're counting strictly Wii U software. Still not too bad, considering there's not a single game among them I don't like. There's only about 9 or 10 of those that I could have bought on other consoles (in one or two cases I did actually double dip), but I concede - I could have gotten quite a lot of them on PC. I'm only posting details at all to illustrate that I'm fairly happy with the thing... I'd be happier with the first year if it'd had an Excite Truck or someting... if they'd laid out a proper vision of the future of their franchises instead of copying the 3DS playbook. But I'm finally starting to feel some value.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 16, 2013, 08:38:06 AM
Are you really counting NES/ SNES games?

Anything I spent time and money on. Its 27 if we're counting strictly Wii U software. Still not too bad, considering there's not a single game among them I don't like. There's only about 9 or 10 of those that I could have bought on other consoles (in one or two cases I did actually double dip), but I concede - I could have gotten quite a lot of them on PC. I'm only posting details at all to illustrate that I'm fairly happy with the thing... I'd be happier with the first year if it'd had an Excite Truck or someting... if they'd laid out a proper vision of the future of their franchises instead of copying the 3DS playbook. But I'm finally starting to feel some value.

Well, someone's easy to please.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2013, 01:26:10 PM
I own three pieces of Wii U software: NSMBU, MH3U, and MSF HD. Nintendoland sits unopened on my shelf and I plan on selling it so I don't count it.

I've been meaning to get NSLU (mostly cause I have a Pro Controller now), and of course I'm getting WW HD when I get back to Boston in a week. After that it's pretty much waiting for Mario 3D World (eh) and DKC Fruity Banana (:hyper.) Edit- Oh yeah and Sonic as well.

I'd probably have bought more if you jerks hadn't made me cave and get AC New Leaf. That game's dominated my entire summer and likely most of my fall until Pokemon Y.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: archnemesis on September 16, 2013, 01:48:48 PM
Have you played NintendoLand, Andrex? It's by far the best game on the system, IMO.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 16, 2013, 01:51:39 PM
Nope and I have no real incentive to.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: archnemesis on September 16, 2013, 01:57:15 PM
Well, if you ever find yourself in a larger group of friends or family then it's the perfect social game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: cool breeze on September 16, 2013, 02:50:11 PM
I have Nintendo Land and those $.30 virtual console games.  I'll be back to 2 Wii U games by the end of the year (-1 NSMBU, +1 Wind Waker LE). 

to be fair, if not for GTAV I would've bought Wonderful 101 yesterday, and 2014 is looking solid.  2014's games look like the first fully developed Wii U games instead of these Wii+ rush jobs.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: PigSpeakers on September 17, 2013, 10:20:48 PM
What about all those sisters you bought Wii Us for?

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Are they hot?

And are they single?

Getting a WiiU on Friday. I went halfsies with my brother for the Zeruda bundle for his birthday, but he's not even going to be here to play it since he's already left for school. PAX is what finally sold me. I played the new DK, Mario, and Pikmin and figured "why not? this bundle is a decent deal."
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: AdmiralViscen on September 17, 2013, 11:14:24 PM
distinguished mentally-challenged fellow
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: PigSpeakers on September 18, 2013, 12:42:34 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: cool breeze on September 18, 2013, 01:04:45 PM
Some people compared the sailing speed of the original Wind Waker to the new HD version.  Takes about a 1/3rd of the time it used to and the wind changes direction automatically.  Fewer triforce charts, down to only three.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 18, 2013, 03:02:20 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Yeti on September 18, 2013, 09:34:16 PM
Some people compared the sailing speed of the original Wind Waker to the new HD version.  Takes about a 1/3rd of the time it used to and the wind changes direction automatically.  Fewer triforce charts, down to only three.

Sounds a lot less tedious
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 19, 2013, 12:12:39 PM
Monster Hunter Ultimate on sale until 9/22 (Wii U = $29.99, 3DS = $19.99) (

To hunt or not to hunt ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2013, 04:48:32 PM
Monster Hunter Ultimate on sale until 9/22 (Wii U = $29.99, 3DS = $19.99) (

To hunt or not to hunt ???

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Trent Dole on September 19, 2013, 09:14:40 PM
Yeah, man, get your hunt on if you have either of those machines. I tried playing Tri but couldn't really stand the shiite res visuals on a HD set.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 19, 2013, 10:01:29 PM
Go for it. I might cop the 3DS version myself.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2013, 10:39:58 PM
Go for it. I might cop the 3DS version myself.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 20, 2013, 05:26:29 AM
I'm absolutely fucking skint at the moment or I'd be getting on MH3 myself... as the offer expires in a couple of days I might have to put a fuel/mileage claim in work or something

Picked up one of those Elgato game capture thingies.

Me as a Zombie, ZombiU
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rayman Legends: Grannies World Tour, 8 Bit Edition (spoilers)
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyone want to join me on Wii Chat sometime so we can draw penises on each other?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Damian79 on September 26, 2013, 03:36:54 AM
“I thank Miyamoto for that, but he’s falling down on the job. And for the past five years that job has been taken over by a dead guy from Cupertino. We’ve asked for too much time, too much skill, and too much money, sometimes all at once. Customers today… are generally looking for a single fabric of play. They want their game where they want it, when they want it, and at a price they can defend to other people.”

-Richard Hilleman from EA.

This is delicious i wonder how GAF is taking this.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Sho Nuff on September 26, 2013, 04:17:26 AM
That right there is a fantastic quote
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 26, 2013, 12:22:16 PM
I don't have a problem with the gateway-gaming idea he's positing per se, but with "dead guy from cupertino" he couldn't have sounded more ignorant and douchebaggy

Also, what he's essentially espousing are short, easy, cheap games. Not something I'm entirely sure EA are actually making themselves -- on the one hand you have things like FIFA free to play on mobiles, on the other you have their ridiculous full price legacy editions. They've got a handful of mobile games cashing in on a few franchises (real racing, simpsons, sims etc) and then the huge bulk of what they're investing in is AAA Frostbite 3 games. They're saying one thing and doing a lot of other things IMO. So really, I read quotes like that and just think 'bollocks'. And I've no idea what he means by 'single fabric of play'.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 12:37:32 PM
“I thank Miyamoto for that, but he’s falling down on the job. And for the past five years that job has been taken over by a dead guy from Cupertino. We’ve asked for too much time, too much skill, and too much money, sometimes all at once. Customers today… are generally looking for a single fabric of play. They want their game where they want it, when they want it, and at a price they can defend to other people.”

-Richard Hilleman from EA.

This is delicious i wonder how GAF is taking this.

Judging by Twitter, very badly.

It's a good ol' case of painful truth, though.  The whole quote is.  Not just the part sliced out to make Nintards have a conniption.

You follow other Ninthings on Twitter? I feel so betrayed. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: MCD on September 26, 2013, 05:45:54 PM

Speculation but Donkey Kong could be delayed to next year.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 07:19:07 PM
So I'm the only one you follow with your IRL Twitter? :uguu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 26, 2013, 07:45:02 PM
How well behaved is Cheesemeister on Twitter? He strikes me as awfully - proper? Unless it's about PC and gender roles.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 07:46:43 PM

So I'm the only one you follow with your IRL Twitter? :uguu

Well, I think I follow Cheesemeister, Vooks, and Reno on there, too.  But sure, you're the specialest.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 08:11:25 PM
You don't ever mute me do you Oscar-dono? :uguu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 09:13:43 PM
:lol OK I have to follow him now. If you're making that big a deal out of it... :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 26, 2013, 09:29:58 PM
I can't ever recall reading a Cheesemeister joke on twitter :-\ He went a little crazy with region locking after the Persona Arena thing. I mean I'm against region locking too but wow. I almost unfollowed him at that point but eventually he put himself back together and moved most of that to another twitter account.

Speaking of Cheesy, where the fuck is my post TGS episode of RedSunGamer ??? I demand answers DCharlie :maf Is DJ in the hospital again :'( Guess everyone is too busy with MH4 and the new kiseki game to podcast :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 26, 2013, 10:09:34 PM
I can't ever recall reading a Cheesemeister joke on twitter :-\ He went a little crazy with region locking after the Persona Arena thing. I mean I'm against region locking too but wow. I almost unfollowed him at that point but eventually he put himself back together and moved most of that to another twitter account.

Speaking of Cheesy, where the fuck is my post TGS episode of RedSunGamer ??? I demand answers DCharlie :maf Is DJ in the hospital again :'( Guess everyone is too busy with MH4 and the new kiseki game to podcast :(

he only goes for the lowest hanging fruit.  typically if he can make obvious puns involving nintendo games or back to the future, that's what he'll go for.  and yeah, the region-locking thing was annoying.  he has a tendency to special fellow out on things like that, but it's easy enough to filter out.

as for RSG, i think miz wanted to record the other night, but everyone's too busy playing MH4/Kiseki/FF14 as you guessed.  and dc is probably pretty busy with his new jerb.

Red Sun Gamer, Warning a Huge Podcast, The Nichiest Podcast Ever... all my podcasts are abandoning me. Am I really doomed to listen to nothing but 8-4 Play from now on :tocry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 10:18:25 PM

So I'm the only one you follow with your IRL Twitter? :uguu

Well, I think I follow Cheesemeister, Vooks, and Reno on there, too.  But sure, you're the specialest.


spoiler (click to show/hide)

i wasn't aware you still wanted to be classified as a nintard, wrath.

Once a Nintard, always a Nintard.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 26, 2013, 10:19:06 PM
all podcasts die sooner or later.

but rsg isn't dead by any means.  i have a feeling it will go dc-less more often now, but the podcast probably won't die until miz gives it up, and i can't see that happening with so much exciting sony news he'd like to share.

wahp sadly died with nick's desire to live

Most depressing twitter account I follow :'(  I hope he tells his story in-depth one day
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 10:41:12 PM
all podcasts die sooner or later.

but rsg isn't dead by any means.  i have a feeling it will go dc-less more often now, but the podcast probably won't die until miz gives it up, and i can't see that happening with so much exciting sony news he'd like to share.

wahp sadly died with nick's desire to live

Most depressing twitter account I follow :'(  I hope he tells his story in-depth one day

i'm guessing his hollywood personality rubbed one of the japanese higher-ups the wrong way and he got the boot, and jp is probably the one who had to deliver the boot.  but that's just my guess from the various twitter acocunts.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 26, 2013, 10:46:52 PM

Quote from:  Nick Rox
I wish I still worked at Platinum. I knew the people, the culture. Now I am nothing. I’m a stupid weeaboo stuck in limbo. (

Some of his twitter posts almost read like old Gamefan articles.


He works at Platinum Games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 10:47:36 PM

Most depressing twitter account I follow :'(  I hope he tells his story in-depth one day

i'm guessing his hollywood personality rubbed one of the japanese higher-ups the wrong way and he got the boot, and jp is probably the one who had to deliver the boot.  but that's just my guess from the various twitter acocunts.


ehn, it'd be like trying to catch you up on wrestling storylines, andy.  if you haven't been following the platinum/nick/jp/shidoshi/etc saga from the beginning, you're probably better off not bothering.

But knowledge is better than ignorance. :-\

Also I only recently (~8-12 months ago) found out Shidoshi was a person outside the somewhat... combative personality that's always in threads about trans/gaming issues. :mindblown
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 10:57:08 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Huff on September 26, 2013, 10:58:57 PM
dudes been posting semi suicidal thoughts for a while now about his exit from the industry. had to defollow him months ago

surprised this is still going on
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 26, 2013, 11:03:02 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Check out Twitter.  I didn't know what was going on, but a quick glance gave me a pretty good idea.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 26, 2013, 11:10:20 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Nick Rox (used to write for gamefan) was fired/let go from Platinum Games and is super depressed about it (this also forced him to leave Japan and come back to the US). He was also on a podcast I liked which is dead mostly because he is too depressed to record it.

My impression was the long work hours and isolation in Japan made him depressed which caused him to screw up at work somehow. Even before he was left he seemed pretty unhappy

Hopefully he works through his issues and comes to terms with what happened
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2013, 11:15:07 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Nick Rox (used to write for gamefan) was fired/let go from Platinum Games and is super depressed about it (this also forced him to leave Japan and come back to the US). He was also on a podcast I liked which is dead mostly because he is too depressed to record it.

My impression was the long work hours and isolation in Japan made him depressed which caused him to screw up at work somehow. Even before he was left he seemed pretty unhappy

Hopefully he works through his issues and comes to terms with what happened

Thanks. I gathered the first part through this thread/Twitter (I do try to research this stuff before asking, guys.)

So he was a translator? And the tweet linked earlier makes me skeptical he was unhappy at Platinum, dude talks like his life revolved around it. Oscar's theory makes more sense.

Where does Shidoshi work into this, aside from also being from GameFan?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Huff on September 26, 2013, 11:16:20 PM
Shouldn't have been a furry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 26, 2013, 11:16:38 PM
I too liked WAHP and wondered what the heck happened.  I almost thought about unsubscribing since he came out as a furry but looks like I didn't need to.

I really want to get into RSG since I want to listen to a Japan game themed podcast but I can only listen to about 15 minutes at a time.  Maybe it is the accents, I don't know.  Sorry DC :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 26, 2013, 11:21:35 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Nick Rox (used to write for gamefan) was fired/let go from Platinum Games and is super depressed about it (this also forced him to leave Japan and come back to the US). He was also on a podcast I liked which is dead mostly because he is too depressed to record it.

My impression was the long work hours and isolation in Japan made him depressed which caused him to screw up at work somehow. Even before he was left he seemed pretty unhappy

Hopefully he works through his issues and comes to terms with what happened

Thanks. I gathered the first part through this thread/Twitter (I do try to research this stuff before asking, guys.)

So he was a translator? And the tweet linked earlier makes me skeptical he was unhappy at Platinum, dude talks like his life revolved around it. Oscar's theory makes more sense.

Where does Shidoshi work into this, aside from also being from GameFan?

He also seems to indicate that he got no credit for his work on The Wonderful 101 and is bitter about it.  I kept checking his tweets until I hit one saying something like "time to go to the local Gamestop up the street and apply for day to day work."  That seemed incredibly depressing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 26, 2013, 11:23:25 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Nick Rox (used to write for gamefan) was fired/let go from Platinum Games and is super depressed about it (this also forced him to leave Japan and come back to the US). He was also on a podcast I liked which is dead mostly because he is too depressed to record it.

My impression was the long work hours and isolation in Japan made him depressed which caused him to screw up at work somehow. Even before he was left he seemed pretty unhappy

Hopefully he works through his issues and comes to terms with what happened

Thanks. I gathered the first part through this thread/Twitter (I do try to research this stuff before asking, guys.)

So he was a translator? And the tweet linked earlier makes me skeptical he was unhappy at Platinum, dude talks like his life revolved around it. Oscar's theory makes more sense.

Where does Shidoshi work into this, aside from also being from GameFan?

Shidoshi is just the co-host of the podcast I mentioned (WAHP). He also kinda passive-aggressively mentions on twitter every once in awhile Nick is the reason the podcast is done (just things like "Well *I'm* ready to record," etc...)

Thinking back on the podcast episodes recorded while he was still employed he seemed super stressed. I'm sure now he regrets it but I wouldn't be surprised if depression/stress made him snap at someone. Either way its not really that important or interesting but I do hope he gets better. In part because I'm selfish and want more podcasts but also because it sucks to see anyone so broken after loosing their dream job
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 26, 2013, 11:25:42 PM
First I get made fun of for not knowing stuff.

Then you guys don't tell me stuff.

I'm fucked either way. :'(

Nick Rox (used to write for gamefan) was fired/let go from Platinum Games and is super depressed about it (this also forced him to leave Japan and come back to the US). He was also on a podcast I liked which is dead mostly because he is too depressed to record it.

My impression was the long work hours and isolation in Japan made him depressed which caused him to screw up at work somehow. Even before he was left he seemed pretty unhappy

Hopefully he works through his issues and comes to terms with what happened

Thanks. I gathered the first part through this thread/Twitter (I do try to research this stuff before asking, guys.)

So he was a translator? And the tweet linked earlier makes me skeptical he was unhappy at Platinum, dude talks like his life revolved around it. Oscar's theory makes more sense.

Where does Shidoshi work into this, aside from also being from GameFan?

He also seems to indicate that he got no credit for his work on The Wonderful 101 and is bitter about it.  I kept checking his tweets until I hit one saying something like "time to go to the local Gamestop up the street and apply for day to day work."  That seemed incredibly depressing.

Maybe he has too much pride (although being a furry negates that lol) but I figured he could have his parents pull strings and get him a job at some NYC music wank rag if he is considering working at Gamestop instead.

Also shidoshi made a couple posts here and stopped a couple years ago.  He should come back.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 12:02:15 AM
He also seems to indicate that he got no credit for his work on The Wonderful 101 and is bitter about it.  I kept checking his tweets until I hit one saying something like "time to go to the local Gamestop up the street and apply for day to day work."  That seemed incredibly depressing.


He must have been fired recently? If he did W101's translation. Damn that sucks.

I'm going through old GAF threads and I can easily see why he thought he was a roxstar (lol ok sorry) but seriously, pages and pages of worship for this guy. I don't get it, didn't he just write articles for some obscure Euro mag?  :wtf

Shidoshi is just the co-host of the podcast I mentioned (WAHP). He also kinda passive-aggressively mentions on twitter every once in awhile Nick is the reason the podcast is done (just things like "Well *I'm* ready to record," etc...)

Thinking back on the podcast episodes recorded while he was still employed he seemed super stressed. I'm sure now he regrets it but I wouldn't be surprised if depression/stress made him snap at someone. Either way its not really that important or interesting but I do hope he gets better. In part because I'm selfish and want more podcasts but also because it sucks to see anyone so broken after loosing their dream job

Yeah sounds pretty crappy. So you think he just wasn't prepared for the long hours in Japan? Hmm, Japan should try to fix that. But I guess it's cultural. *shrugs*

But I'm just a lazy American weeaboo, what right do I have to judge. :usacry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 27, 2013, 12:09:39 AM
He wrote for Gamefan, which was a magazine that ran until 2000 if I recall correctly.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the history and have several hours to burn/waste, check out this thread:

A lot of the stories there will show why (warranted or not) people seem to lose their shit over Nick Rox.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 12:16:47 AM
He wrote for Gamefan, which was a magazine that ran until 2000 if I recall correctly.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the history and have several hours to burn/waste, check out this thread:

A lot of the stories there will show why (warranted or not) people seem to lose their shit over Nick Rox.

Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 27, 2013, 12:26:38 AM
Also to note that his parents were these people:

With that kind of pedigree, you'd figure he would be writing crappy articles for Spin or Rolling Stone, not being a furry and contemplating working for a Gamestop.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 27, 2013, 07:50:15 AM
Maybe he has too much pride (although being a furry negates that lol)
Well, his 'fursona' is a Lion, so...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 27, 2013, 08:17:12 AM
There was some "drama" back in the Gamefan days, too- "The shadows are not blue" (Giving a lower score to the Saturn Street Fighter Alpha because of this -and it wasn't even true-) and "Monkey Boy Rox" (Admission that he reviewed Lunar II without having finished it -I think it got out that he played like halfway- and getting called out by Victor Ireland for it) immediately come to mind.   :lol

You don't know about Gamefan, Andrex?  Are you in your early 20s?  That was the 'hardcore' gaming magazine for a time in the mid 90s.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 27, 2013, 08:25:12 AM
He is "Aokage" on GAF, aka Blue Shadow. His tag alludes to it, too.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 27, 2013, 09:08:15 AM
Shidoshi is just the co-host of the podcast I mentioned (WAHP). He also kinda passive-aggressively mentions on twitter every once in awhile Nick is the reason the podcast is done (just things like "Well *I'm* ready to record," etc...)

Thinking back on the podcast episodes recorded while he was still employed he seemed super stressed. I'm sure now he regrets it but I wouldn't be surprised if depression/stress made him snap at someone. Either way its not really that important or interesting but I do hope he gets better. In part because I'm selfish and want more podcasts but also because it sucks to see anyone so broken after loosing their dream job

Yeah sounds pretty crappy. So you think he just wasn't prepared for the long hours in Japan? Hmm, Japan should try to fix that. But I guess it's cultural. *shrugs*

But I'm just a lazy American weeaboo, what right do I have to judge. :usacry

Long work hours but also maybe a feeling of isolation. No matter how good is Japanese is I'm sure it was hard to connect with people and if you're working all the time you can't socialize with other expats. Plus I've heard a lot about journalists having a tough time going from writing to development. One day you're the big fish in the small pond and the next you're starting over. All the old GFW Radio guys have talked about it

Of course this is all speculation based on what I remember from old WAHP episodes. I'm probably completely off base
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 27, 2013, 09:19:49 AM
Shidoshi is just the co-host of the podcast I mentioned (WAHP). He also kinda passive-aggressively mentions on twitter every once in awhile Nick is the reason the podcast is done (just things like "Well *I'm* ready to record," etc...)

Thinking back on the podcast episodes recorded while he was still employed he seemed super stressed. I'm sure now he regrets it but I wouldn't be surprised if depression/stress made him snap at someone. Either way its not really that important or interesting but I do hope he gets better. In part because I'm selfish and want more podcasts but also because it sucks to see anyone so broken after loosing their dream job

Yeah sounds pretty crappy. So you think he just wasn't prepared for the long hours in Japan? Hmm, Japan should try to fix that. But I guess it's cultural. *shrugs*

But I'm just a lazy American weeaboo, what right do I have to judge. :usacry

Long work hours but also maybe a feeling of isolation. No matter how good is Japanese is I'm sure it was hard to connect with people and if you're working all the time you can't socialize with other expats. Plus I've heard a lot about journalists having a tough time going from writing to development. One day you're the big fish in the small pond and the next you're starting over. All the old GFW Radio guys have talked about it

Of course this is all speculation based on what I remember from old WAHP episodes. I'm probably completely off base

Those type of working conditions should have been expected though, especially if you're claiming that you fully understand the culture.   :dizzy  Wasn't he living over there before Platinum Games anyway?  That's kind of weird if so.  I mean, I've been around people who couldn't handle living abroad, but they would always bail after just a few weeks.  Maybe it was just the job.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 27, 2013, 09:34:47 AM
When he was still there he used to complain about the hours every time he was on, so it was probably a major factor. Coming home just to take a quick shower and then fall into bed doesn't sound great no matter where you are.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: bork on September 27, 2013, 11:02:11 AM
When he was still there he used to complain about the hours every time he was on, so it was probably a major factor. Coming home just to take a quick shower and then fall into bed doesn't sound great no matter where you are.

Welcome to video game development and a lot of jobs in Japan?  It really shouldn't have been a surprise to him, of all people.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 27, 2013, 11:05:06 AM
I guess he went into it with a lot of optimism.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 11:42:15 AM
You don't know about Gamefan, Andrex?  Are you in your early 20s?  That was the 'hardcore' gaming magazine for a time in the mid 90s.

Basically. But wasn't GameFan Euro-only?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Rufus on September 27, 2013, 11:58:29 AM
No, it was NA only.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 12:07:06 PM
I'm really out of the loop then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: thisismyusername on September 27, 2013, 02:55:53 PM
You don't know about Gamefan, Andrex?  Are you in your early 20s?  That was the 'hardcore' gaming magazine for a time in the mid 90s.

Basically. But wasn't GameFan Euro-only?

 :'( Andrex making me feel old. It wasn't that long ago that GameFAN and GamePro were still around as a kinda-"fanzine" gamejouranlist thing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: hampster on September 27, 2013, 03:54:52 PM
I stopped paying attention to gaming mags after Sega Visions died  :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 04:24:13 PM
All I remember was EGM, GamePro, and Ninty Power.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Tasty on September 27, 2013, 07:16:22 PM
I was an EGM guy cause I liked their features, Hsu and Chan and Seanbaby.

I only knew about EGM during the Mielke era and I didn't like it much then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on September 27, 2013, 08:54:53 PM
for a brief window (Dreamcast era only I guess) Gamefan had a pretty damn awesome website too, they were producing an absurd amount of good articles and enthusiast material.  I frigging loved Gamefan.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: benjipwns on September 27, 2013, 11:36:57 PM
I'm forever grateful for GameFan introducing me to Gunstar Heroes. One of the few games that actually entirely 100% lived up to their breathless hype.

I enjoyed when you could tell in the reviews that they realized they had given out too many 95-98 scores to games that month and started handing out 11s and stuff to boost the better games towards or over 100. And also picking out who was writing as two reviewers. And how the "articles" on the games would vary from like ten pages of endless praising or listing of everything in the game to one page with like a paragraph that barely described what the game was even about. But always every page was covered at least 60% in screenshots.

I also liked their rumor pages and trying to figure out which were semi-realistic and what was completely made up and insane to fill the pages. I had a friend who absolutely believed everything written in that section. This is probably part of why he bought a Jaguar and wondered where Street Fighter 3 and Mortal Kombat 3 were at in the "launch window."
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Damian79 on September 28, 2013, 04:11:19 AM
You just watch, they will make a come back.  :p
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Damian79 on September 28, 2013, 04:31:54 AM
To be fair it isnt just upscaled.  If it was it would have cost $40.  :p
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Positive Touch on September 28, 2013, 10:47:28 AM
I'm forever grateful for GameFan introducing me to Gunstar Heroes. One of the few games that actually entirely 100% lived up to their breathless hype.

I enjoyed when you could tell in the reviews that they realized they had given out too many 95-98 scores to games that month and started handing out 11s and stuff to boost the better games towards or over 100. And also picking out who was writing as two reviewers. And how the "articles" on the games would vary from like ten pages of endless praising or listing of everything in the game to one page with like a paragraph that barely described what the game was even about. But always every page was covered at least 60% in screenshots.

I also liked their rumor pages and trying to figure out which were semi-realistic and what was completely made up and insane to fill the pages. I had a friend who absolutely believed everything written in that section. This is probably part of why he bought a Jaguar and wondered where Street Fighter 3 and Mortal Kombat 3 were at in the "launch window."

 :lol you just described why i couldnt stand that rag
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of B2G1 Wii U games @ Target on 22-28.09
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on September 28, 2013, 11:17:35 AM
wahp sadly died with nick's desire to live

it is the most depressing Twitter account :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 28, 2013, 01:41:11 PM
Gamefan alums are suffering?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Steve Contra on September 28, 2013, 02:58:36 PM
Fuck, Drinky vs. Gamefan alums was probably the best part of neogaf ever.  He can still rustle their jimmies years and years after.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 28, 2013, 05:22:29 PM
I will never fucking understand the gamefan love, and I was around as a consumer back then.  "Ooh, they're so earnest about games!"  Yeah, earnestly, buttfuckingly stupid.  There's something that really needs to be said for shutting up and doing your job like, you know, a fucking job:  it's a great thing.

Then there's the whole "Halverson is a shady druggy" thing, but hey- he's so earnest about games!  That's so great!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 28, 2013, 07:14:35 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 28, 2013, 10:24:29 PM
but rsg isn't dead by any means.  i have a feeling it will go dc-less more often now

RSG has quite a large pool of people who earnestly play Japanese games - to be honest, i'm not really that big of a "japanese gamer" - i play whatever from whatever country it happens to be from so i won't particularly drop XXX hours into , say, Sen no Kiseki so i often feel my opinion is somewhat invalid.

plus - life stuff - i have two kids and a wife , i also have a new job that has a huge array of opportunities for me : my Japanese is passable (or at least - i could get through Japanese interviews and secure jobs at a few places in Japanese - this does NOT make my Japanese great - it makes my -spoken- japanese MEH-to-okay) and the new job has me in a role where i have talk, listen, read, write Japanese constantly and about stocks, shares etc - so i am having to study constantly  : this is a good thing. But unfortunately putting aside time to spend on RSG means less time hitting the books - and right now the priority is the Job/Japanese. But i will go back because i like the people and i like that it's largely unpretentious (well... when i'm not on at least! ;) )

As for the grasshopper stuff - yeah.... 50 ft barge pole - not touching it.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Raban on September 28, 2013, 11:17:13 PM
this is like saying you'll never understand street sharks.
:bow street sharks
:bow jawesome
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Damian79 on September 29, 2013, 12:05:00 AM
I forgot who started the whole shen long myth.  Does anyone remember?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: tiesto on September 29, 2013, 02:29:14 AM
I will never fucking understand the gamefan love, and I was around as a consumer back then.  "Ooh, they're so earnest about games!"  Yeah, earnestly, buttfuckingly stupid.  There's something that really needs to be said for shutting up and doing your job like, you know, a fucking job:  it's a great thing.

Then there's the whole "Halverson is a shady druggy" thing, but hey- he's so earnest about games!  That's so great!

High-quality screen captures (when their competitors were taking shitty blurry camera shots), the best Japanese/import game coverage. The drug-addled reviews were just a bonus. It's easy to see why people loved Gamefan. But between them and the huge 400+ page EGMs, that was the golden age of the gaming press.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Van Cruncheon on September 29, 2013, 10:17:35 AM
i think what's disturbing that even as spazzy, incoherent teenaged goons, nick and casey were still more credible as game reviewers than their 30-something mulleted boss -- a boss who, having no useful cognitive capacity of his own, badly aped them.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Great Rumbler on September 29, 2013, 10:28:52 AM
I forgot who started the whole shen long myth.  Does anyone remember?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on September 30, 2013, 12:09:03 PM
I love how the April Fools Joke info was written on the bottom of the same page  :lol  And I love how Capcom totally took the Sheng Long design and used it for Ken in SSF2 and Street Fighter Alpha.


After they did it again with Street Fighter III: New Generation, I was playing a game and a guy asks if he can play me, saying "are you sure?  I got to and beat Sheng Long!"  He lost pretty quickly.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on September 30, 2013, 12:10:59 PM
Fuck, Drinky vs. Gamefan alums was probably the best part of neogaf ever.  He can still rustle their jimmies years and years after.

I don't remember this.   :(  Is that thread still available?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on September 30, 2013, 12:47:54 PM
lol, dave

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 30, 2013, 07:14:59 PM
Fuck, Drinky vs. Gamefan alums was probably the best part of neogaf ever.  He can still rustle their jimmies years and years after.

I don't remember this.   :(  Is that thread still available?

The closest thing I found was this:
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on September 30, 2013, 07:31:32 PM
Forget these has been gaming rags

Possible Wii U update tomorrow :drool Finally a fix for youtube's freezing :omg
Plus another Direct :teehee
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on September 30, 2013, 07:36:10 PM
i think what's disturbing that even as spazzy, incoherent teenaged goons, nick and casey were still more credible as game reviewers than their 30-something mulleted boss -- a boss who, having no useful cognitive capacity of his own, badly aped them.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Positive Touch on September 30, 2013, 07:52:08 PM
holy shit lol :nsfw :nsfw :nsfw

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Purple Filth on September 30, 2013, 09:46:45 PM
Forget these has been gaming rags

Possible Wii U update tomorrow :drool Finally a fix for youtube's freezing :omg
Plus another Direct :teehee

Apparently you can do Off-tv play for wii games but you still need the Wiimotes  :sabu


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on September 30, 2013, 09:50:57 PM
Most useless feature goes to.................
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 30, 2013, 09:56:06 PM
Now I finally have a use for my third hand!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on September 30, 2013, 10:08:49 PM
Reason for the gamepad's sensor bar and packed in stands finally revealed I guess... I hope they can patch in some control mapping for classic controller games or something. I might actually get some use out of the feature when my nephew comes to visit, but yeah, I doubt many people will.

Updated myself, the nicer things are:

- friends list seems to cache the first time you load it after updating, and loads very very quickly now.
- miiverse and eshop both load a lot quicker too, game loading I'm not sure - would need to compare against prev. video captures.
- web browser already had cut and paste for URL and Search functions, but now you can do it all over any page. Works across tabs.
- web browser also allows you to upload a screenshot to an image host or imageboard/forum that allows it, and now reads PDFs too

Tested the browser image uploading out, and its actually going to be more useful than Miiverse for getting screencaps. Looks like proper framebuffer uploads, much higher resolution than the standard Miiverse captures (which I assume they cap for storage reasons). Edit: seems the captures max at 720p even if you play a 1080p game, still nicer than what was already there though.

Still hope there's more to come in this afternoon's Direct, and that they intend on addressing complaints re: accounts etc.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Mr. Gundam on September 30, 2013, 10:21:08 PM
Does the new firmware have games? No? Oh, right.

Carry on.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Raban on September 30, 2013, 10:40:51 PM
holy shit lol :nsfw :nsfw :nsfw

spoiler (click to show/hide)
very jealous of this woman. what I wouldn't give to feel the wet, mucousy embrace of an octopus groping my loins :drool
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on September 30, 2013, 11:17:54 PM
are downloadable wii games going to be the new f-shnizzle in the direct then?

All 5 releases will be staggered over 2014 to 2017
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 12:10:41 AM
720p screenshots sound pretty good.

Guess I'll finally turn my Weeoo on and buy WW HD. I don't think I've turned it on since I got my Chromecast, lol. Before that it was Nextflix U.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 12:10:56 AM
Gamecube games are ripe for HD remakes - path of least effort !


I completely forgot that i bought this - it was sort of like a sympathy snog.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 12:21:23 AM
i'm pretty sure the path of least effort is dumping the roms/isos onto the shop, as nintendo have nicely demonstrated over the past several years

not sure if sarcastic or not ;)

they started well back in the Wii days, but i guess now they just can't be bothered dragging them files over to the Sales/VC/Downloads/secure/roms folder on the eshop server?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: benjipwns on October 01, 2013, 12:24:50 AM
I remember when it was "awesome" that they were doing improved rendering output and control settings for the N64 games and multiple control options for other games.  :lol

We've come so far in eight years.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 12:29:16 AM
To be fair, the VC emulators are pretty damn faithful.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 12:55:30 AM
and they certainly did a lot of no-work rom dumping over the last several years, more than anyone else, but if you've got a better example, i give the floor to you, sir.

Sony ?

Certainly in terms of games dumped , but not in terms of breadth of platforms.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 01:05:27 AM
Yeah there are limits, like the Wii SNES VC was never able to do Yoshi's Island cause of the custom chip (supposedly), but in the end it had better and more accurate timing/sounds/colors than decades-old emus like BSNES, ZNES, SNES9x, etc. I mean it certainly helps that Nintendo knows how they built their own systems, but it's still pretty impressive IMO.

Although it kinda sucks cause it even emulates the slowdown right, lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: benjipwns on October 01, 2013, 01:10:39 AM
I think Higan being written primarily by one guy, and just as old as the VC emulator, is more impressive than the company that made the original hardware making a near cycle-accurate emulator.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 01:33:55 AM
Yeah there are limits, like the Wii SNES VC was never able to do Yoshi's Island cause of the custom chip (supposedly), but in the end it had better and more accurate timing/sounds/colors than decades-old emus like BSNES, ZNES, SNES9x, etc. I mean it certainly helps that Nintendo knows how they built their own systems, but it's still pretty impressive IMO.

Although it kinda sucks cause it even emulates the slowdown right, lol.

The reason why the Wii SNES VC "can't" do FX chip games is because Nintendo doesn't want to pay the licensing costs.

Fucking really? Fuck. Who owns the licenses? And why? How? Ugh.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: benjipwns on October 01, 2013, 01:35:39 AM
I would assume they'd have to pay Argonaut, they're the designers of the SuperFX chips.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 01:47:33 AM
there are about 200 ps1 classic


we're nearly at 700 Ps1 classics (at least on JPN)

forgive the Wiki link but here we go :

all this said - the best retro rom dumps are the Sega 3DS ones - good lord, they're incredible.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 02:10:13 AM
you guys with jp nintendo systems feast like kings.

on the WiiU it's been a trickle of next to nowt :/

I at least indulged myself on the Wii - well, until my Wii accidentally fell over and accidentally hacked itself
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 01, 2013, 02:55:12 AM
Yeah there are limits, like the Wii SNES VC was never able to do Yoshi's Island cause of the custom chip (supposedly), but in the end it had better and more accurate timing/sounds/colors than decades-old emus like BSNES, ZNES, SNES9x, etc. I mean it certainly helps that Nintendo knows how they built their own systems, but it's still pretty impressive IMO.

Although it kinda sucks cause it even emulates the slowdown right, lol.

BSNES is far more accurate than virtual console (I believe modern versions of snes9x are as good as VC).

I really like the idea behind VC, Sony's PS1/PS2 legacy games, and Xbox Originals (is this around anymore?).  I just wish Nintendo weren't so greedy or incompetent (or both) and handled it better.  None of this buying the same game for three different platforms BS.  Sony's service is better* but the library can't compare.

*It'll be really lame if the PS4 can't play PS1 and PS2 games.  PS3 game gaikai streaming is understandable.  Wrangling all legacy support that way? fuck that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 01, 2013, 03:02:09 AM
Did the update improve speed/menu loading?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on October 01, 2013, 03:46:29 AM
Maybe if you update the Wii U to a PS4/Xbone
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 04:42:40 AM
well yeah but who owns a wiiU, you'd have to be a diehard nintard or a fool with too much money and oh i've done it again

well, if you're a protroll like me you've got to do your research, hands-on style!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Huff on October 01, 2013, 10:15:08 AM
best nintendo direct ever

HD games are hard
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on October 01, 2013, 10:29:32 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 01, 2013, 11:07:52 AM




3DS got the bulk of good shit (Dual Destinies demo), and DKCTF being delayed is shitty, but that Mario is looking good and Pikmin 3 DLC will be bought

Nintendo's European president on the karaoke (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Mr. Gundam on October 01, 2013, 11:11:56 AM

They clearly know their demographic.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 11:21:06 AM
Donkey Kong was delayed? :what

Fuck this system.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 01, 2013, 11:23:09 AM
Donkey Kong was delayed? :what

Fuck this system.

They say it needs more development time, but I sincerely doubt it. I played it at Eurogamer and it seems way polished already... my guess is they don't want it getting butt-ravaged at release by the likes of COD, their own pokemon games and the twin console releases. A demo would have at least been nice to fill the gap.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 01, 2013, 11:24:28 AM
So is there a TLDR of this? I missed it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Raban on October 01, 2013, 11:24:59 AM
Link Between Worlds looks hot. Day 1.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 11:31:56 AM
Donkey Kong was delayed? :what

Fuck this system.

They say it needs more development time, but I sincerely doubt it. I played it at Eurogamer and it seems way polished already... my guess is they don't want it getting butt-ravaged at release by the likes of COD, their own pokemon games and the twin console releases. A demo would have at least been nice to fill the gap.

Maybe they still need to finish the content for it, or want to add more content.

Although, I do guess it coming out in Jan/Feb would be better than having nothing to play those months. =/

Link Between Worlds looks hot. Day 1.

The "any dungeon in any order" thing sounds like pure fanservice but it still sounds like a fresh take on things.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 01, 2013, 11:36:56 AM
even Ubisoft gave Wii U owners a consolation prize when Rayman was delayed!

yeah, it's probably to get it out of the way of bigger releases.  Mario 3D World at least has the Mario name.  Game looks somewhat interesting now compared to E3; less 3D Land-in-HD-ish.  It's coming out the same day as Zelda 3DS (which is looking great) and a few days after I'm getting the PS4.  So, I don't see buying it at that time, but it looks 'good enough' that I'll want to play it eventually.

The "any dungeon in any order" thing sounds like pure fanservice but it still sounds like a fresh take on things.

I didn't understand if you could play dungeons in order to get items for free, or if the loop is: get money-> rent/buy item -> 'unlock' dungeon with item.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: magus on October 01, 2013, 11:48:33 AM
So is there a TLDR of this? I missed it.

they announced a new kirby game for 3DS that looks all colorfull but will be boring as fuck to play like every other kirby game on earth
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 01, 2013, 11:52:22 AM
I didn't understand if you could play dungeons in order to get items for free, or if the loop is: get money-> rent/buy item -> 'unlock' dungeon with item.

As they were discussing it, I wondered to myself if it would be good or annoying if they let you into dungeons part way before it hit home with you that you needed to go rent an item to progress. They could artificially lengthen the game that way, and it would probably be fun for speed-runners who like to figure out optimal orders etc, but I think that would annoy a lot of people. It'd be cool if there were more than one way to skin a cat... like, if you could enter and complete dungeons in a number of different ways using different methods, or for different rewards.

As with Mario, seeing more new content really livens it up, I can't wait for both
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Huff on October 01, 2013, 01:47:03 PM
john harker hinting more delays are coming. what is left to delay?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 01, 2013, 02:22:59 PM
Iwata's resignation.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 02:44:54 PM
Iwata's resignation.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 08:56:10 PM
Monster Hunter 4 ?

pff, i've been trolling that thing way better than you and i haven't so much as touched one!

Trolling is a long game - taking the low hanging fruit trolls make it too easy.

And, to be honest, the WiiU is pretty much self trolling at the moment .
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 09:19:23 PM
ah, i thought it was already announced - i guess Mario Kart but... that would hurt surely?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Takao on October 01, 2013, 09:54:02 PM
It's all apart of Iwata's master plan to relaunch the Wii U in spring 2014. They've discontinued the Wii to alleviate consumer confusion on store shelves. They'll actually release games that calendar year, and there will be a remodel so it looks even less like a Wii with the added bonus of saving even more pennies.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 01, 2013, 10:05:26 PM
I don't think the relaunch will be some big event, but the system is already in a stronger position it was than when it launched. I mean, you might liken it to lipstick on a pig, but the firmware update, (sparse) lineup, and pricecut/basic-culling are something, at least. Enough to stand up to the competition? Probably not. But at least it's actually usable now thanks to OS improvements, and has a couple decent games (MH3U, WW HD, soon Mario, DK, Bayo, and third party ports like Watch Dogs, AssCreed 4, Arkham Origins, etc.) to play.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 01, 2013, 10:17:16 PM
But at least it's actually usable now thanks to OS improvements, and has a couple decent games (MH3U, WW HD, soon Mario, DK, Bayo, and third party ports like Watch Dogs, AssCreed 4, Arkham Origins, etc.) to play.

i think the issue is that the wider public haven't bought in and i'm not sure they will at this point as hype for next gen starts : "Soon" Mario, DK, Bayo needed to hit sooner and 3rd party ports ? That might back fire unfortunately as it may just further highlight that WiiU is mired in last gen.

If you have a wiiU already then it's all steps in the right direction but i fear that the WiiU's head start on the Next Gen machines has been largely squandered - mainly due to horrific planning/"next gen is hard" miscalculations
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 01, 2013, 10:21:21 PM
What is a Nintendo
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 01, 2013, 11:17:43 PM
What is a Nintendo

A miserable pile of non-games
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 01, 2013, 11:44:08 PM
The idea of a relaunch seems funny and unlikely.  They cite 3D World and Mario Kart 8, pretending that NSMBU, a game following two wildly successful games whose software sales total up to 50-60 million copies, does not exist.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on October 02, 2013, 12:42:16 PM
What is a Nintendo


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: mjemirzian on October 02, 2013, 01:04:41 PM
Remove tablet, relaunch at $200 with Wii U sports and Mario Kart bundled or something.

Can't be any worse than what they're doing now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on October 02, 2013, 10:59:06 PM
God, the wii u is actually devolving >:(  Youtube no longer works in the browser, i keep getting a "device is not supported" error message :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Diunx on October 02, 2013, 11:26:57 PM
lol so my blackberry is now more advanced than the weeeoooo?  :heh
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 03, 2013, 12:46:52 AM
Youtube no longer works in the browser, i keep getting a "device is not supported" error message

perfect timing! Now there's a huge backlog of games i can do without the distraction!

thanks again Nintendo!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 03, 2013, 12:50:48 AM
lol so my blackberry is now more advanced than the weeeoooo?  :heh

Can your Blackberry play Mario? :smug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 03, 2013, 01:02:41 AM
lol so my blackberry is now more advanced than the weeeoooo?  :heh

Can your Blackberry play Mario? :smug

BerryNES exists so.... yes?  :-*
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Diunx on October 03, 2013, 11:43:41 AM
lol so my blackberry is now more advanced than the weeeoooo?  :heh

Can your Blackberry play Mario? :smug

Yeah and pokemon blue.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 03, 2013, 11:48:38 AM
Andrex in a real fix here...

he's probably looking up "what is a NES?!" on his Chromebook and , as a result, it's probably trying to throw itself under a train
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 03, 2013, 01:33:16 PM
lol so my blackberry is now more advanced than the weeeoooo?  :heh

Can your Blackberry play Mario? :smug

BerryNES exists so.... yes?  :-*

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 03, 2013, 02:14:32 PM
Nobody got the reference. :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 03, 2013, 08:21:36 PM
A shitty Wario64 tweet?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 03, 2013, 10:11:28 PM
I guess I'm just disappointed you guys think I'm more earnest about Nintardism than I actually am. :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 04, 2013, 10:49:28 AM
Lol, that wasn't... nevermind.

Anyways, SHO!! (

Nintendo have plans to bring the MonoGame Framework to Wii U, Siliconera has learned. MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework, and has been used in the development of games like Bastion, Fez and Skulls of the Shogun.

Like Unity, the goal of the MonoGame Framework is to enable developers to efficiently create cross-platform games while re-using code. Monogame currently supports iOS, Android, Windows (with both DirectX and OpenGL solutions), Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Phone 8, PlayStation Mobile and Ouya.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 04, 2013, 11:39:36 AM
WiiU has mono. Seems about right.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 04, 2013, 12:12:57 PM
mono = one
game = game

spoiler (click to show/hide)
stolen shamelessly from GAF/the Simpsons.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 04, 2013, 11:10:10 PM
Lol, that wasn't... nevermind.

Anyways, SHO!! (

Nintendo have plans to bring the MonoGame Framework to Wii U, Siliconera has learned. MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework, and has been used in the development of games like Bastion, Fez and Skulls of the Shogun.

Like Unity, the goal of the MonoGame Framework is to enable developers to efficiently create cross-platform games while re-using code. Monogame currently supports iOS, Android, Windows (with both DirectX and OpenGL solutions), Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Phone 8, PlayStation Mobile and Ouya.


Sorry guys, no plans at the moment.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2013, 12:31:41 AM
As long as Linux support is on the way I can deal. :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 05, 2013, 10:18:36 AM
As long as Linux support is on the way I can deal. :bow2

I'd send you a free code for the Steam version if you really want to play it that bad, it's sure to run on any Windows PC from the past seven or eight years
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2013, 04:36:52 PM

I promised I'd buy this and I will. I forgot about it when I got my last paycheck but I'll buy it now. :heart


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2013, 04:58:10 PM
Wind Waker is lovely, by the way. 10 year old memories flooding back. Feels good.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 05, 2013, 05:18:08 PM
Fucking kids. *spits*
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Purple Filth on October 05, 2013, 05:29:15 PM

I promised I'd buy this and I will. I forgot about it when I got my last paycheck but I'll buy it now. :heart



how are you gonna play it?   :shaq
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 05, 2013, 05:45:24 PM
how are you gonna play it?   :shaq
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 05, 2013, 06:10:42 PM
Sho said it should run fine on 7-8 year old PC's so that's what I'm going to throw at it. :P

If it doesn't work out I'll just wait for the Linux version. <3
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 05, 2013, 06:22:43 PM
how are you gonna play it?   :shaq

I totally fell for that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Diunx on October 05, 2013, 08:56:18 PM
As long as Linux support is on the way I can deal. :bow2

I'd send you a free code for the Steam version if you really want to play it that bad, it's sure to run on any Windows PC from the past seven or eight years

I'll take it!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 05, 2013, 09:05:16 PM
Picked up Wind Waker GameStop Edition... now I just need a WiiU. Hopefully Black Friday has some deals.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Diunx on October 06, 2013, 08:55:55 AM
sho nuff, you start giving this dominican't handouts, you'll never get rid of him.

Third world needs help bro.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 06, 2013, 04:33:40 PM

I promised I'd buy this and I will. I forgot about it when I got my last paycheck but I'll buy it now. :heart



Oh Jesus, son you crazy

(Realizes I can eat tonight because of this)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2013, 05:01:41 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 06, 2013, 06:47:44 PM
NO SADFACE, people who buy our game at full price are our most favorite people in the world
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 06, 2013, 06:53:21 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 07, 2013, 12:21:47 AM
NO SADFACE, people who buy our game at full price are our most favorite people in the world
Till you stab them in the back!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 07, 2013, 12:27:54 AM
Would you have preferred we released an identical version with no new features on Steam? Or are you referring to.... GALAK Z

spoiler (click to show/hide)
which will be 100% compatible with Windows 8
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 07, 2013, 12:35:53 AM
It's not the same, dammit!

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 07, 2013, 12:43:43 AM

(i'm stoked for galak-z... on MAH PC)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on October 07, 2013, 12:53:31 AM
Is this your way of telling me you'd really like a Linux version
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 02:13:47 AM
Strategy games are kinda eh for me (but the presentation/graphics/mechanics in Skulls are great, of course) but I'm so fucking hot for Galak-Z. :lawd
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 07, 2013, 06:32:16 AM
Wind Waker is lovely, by the way. 10 year old memories flooding back. Feels good.

I've blown through a lot of the game over the weekend, and I feel like it's the last Zelda that Nintendo made without any kind of compromise. They were doing what they really wanted to do in this game. It's a shame that it was cut short in development, and even more of a shame that the job wasn't finished or expanded upon in this remake. Edit: I do like the control changes a lot... I love that the pictobox related stuff isn't a pain in the arse now (from getting the deluxe camera to sharing the figuring pictures through tingle bottles etc). and of course the Triforce stuff is much less shitty now.

Twilight Princess is probably a better game, but I think they compromised from the outset to appease OOT fans and win some whoops and hollars at E3. Skyward Sword is more of a return to them doing what they want, but there is still an awkward compromise there...

I hope that in returning to Link to the Past and Wind Waker, before making the true Wii U game, the staff now have a feel for how confidently prior teams used to shake things up and how timeless a game can be when real colour, care, animation and love is put in. The Zelda team need their Mario Galaxy... something brave, like Wind Waker was at the time. It wasn't appreciated back then, but I think being a little bolder with the new game would go down well now.

Then again, having shown this already, maybe history would repeat itself and they'd just piss everyone off


Some screens (embedded below) from my Gdrive folder:

spoiler (click to show/hide)









I don't know how I ever missed the Skulls of the Shogun thread on GAF and here, I've only just seen them... I do try and support these things. What nets you more money Sho Nuff - xbla or steam? Is Xbox one of those deals where you only get paid per x-thousand units or is that just a silly Nintendo thing?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 07, 2013, 08:05:35 AM
Time in the oven, and spent working on the actual heart of the game, is as important or more important than the actual aesthetic... it's probably a good thing that Wind Waker HD is buying them some time, but I suspect with the way Wii U sales are going, they'll be rushing the next one out too. I hope not.

There are some craven returns I understand -- like OOT/TP, SMB3/3DLand, LTTP/ALBW, Wii Sports Club etc. but I do hope from next year we start seeing more surprises. I think it turned out to be a fake, but I'd be disappointed with a Dark Moon HD port, unless the quality was really good and it was still farmed out. I wouldn't want to be paying full whack for it either. I played the Wave Race clone in Kinect Sports Rivals at Euro Gamer and despite having to stand like I was riding an invisible Segway, it made me realise how much I'm currently missing a Wave Race, 1080, Excite Truck, F-Zero etc... not just racing games, but just having some lesser loved franchises around generally. I get kind of bummed out that there's nothing like that, but Iwata keeps greenlighting new Kirby games - for what I suspect are sentimental reasons. There were a few good indie games at EG - scram kitty, qube and others were all fun, but there's no hot exclusive there. I do think they're missing the input of friendly parties that died last gen. Rare, Factor 5, Silicon Knights type stuff. I read the cancelled Day of the Tentacle and X-Wing news with dismay. Not that the former was necessarily coming to Nintendo platforms, but still..

In other random stream-of-consciousness news, I finally played Kung Foot in Rayman Legends with other people this weekend. They need to release it as a standalone experience for £2 or something. Its fucking hilarious fun
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 07, 2013, 08:47:53 AM
Windwaker was brave, but it was also where Zelda games really started going into the john by skimping on polish/development time.

Twilight Princess was a craven return to OoT but had a lot more polish than WW and it makes a far better game as a result.  Skyward is interesting because it's another sniveling return, but this time to the not-well-liked WW, right down to not giving it enough time in the oven.  In hindsight there's no way it wasn't going to be the worst-selling main installment.

Dat polish.

Game was empty, barren snoozefest. But the later dungeons made me forget its flaws.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 07, 2013, 08:54:01 AM
Triforce hunt wasn't a glitch! we swear!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 10:41:44 AM
Twilight Princess is definitely the best 3D Zelda (well, traditional Zelda if you like Majora's setup.) I love WW but 80% of the time playing all I can think is "I want an HD remaster of TP now."

The amount of content in that game was staggering. I'm still in awe of how they were able to put so much in. :lawd
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 11:53:43 AM
Twilight Princess :rejoice

I have a 120 hour save file and I still have like 5% completion left to go. So good.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 11:58:26 AM
Twilight Princess is probably a better game, but I think they compromised from the outset to appease OOT fans and win some whoops and hollars at E3. Skyward Sword is more of a return to them doing what they want, but there is still an awkward compromise there...

SS felt to me like they were kind of out of ideas.

"Let's make ANOTHER prequel showing the origins of Hyrule!" Did we really need to see this? Things work better when they stay mysterious. I mean it's good for fanfic writers but not as much for the series I think.

"Crap, what kind of art style should we have?" "Let's take the cel shading of WW and the proportions of TP and smash 'em together."

I like a lot of the gameplay enhancements in that game though. More loot-y than I expected and I liked it. (Along with standard enemies actually requiring a half second of thought to kill.)

What I disliked most about it was the lack of content. Felt like 1/3 of the game TP was, and that's being generous.

I hope that in returning to Link to the Past and Wind Waker, before making the true Wii U game, the staff now have a feel for how confidently prior teams used to shake things up and how timeless a game can be when real colour, care, animation and love is put in. The Zelda team need their Mario Galaxy... something brave, like Wind Waker was at the time. It wasn't appreciated back then, but I think being a little bolder with the new game would go down well now.

LttP2 looks uninspired. I said it. The original was my favorite game for a long long time but the new one looks... bland. I want it to be good but billing yourself as a sequel to the best 2D Zelda is not a good way to avoid high expectations.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 07, 2013, 12:44:24 PM
skyward sword would've been better with less content, imo.  can't imagine people liked fighting the same boss multiple times, or that swimming part, etc.  I think people are mostly past the "longer = betterer" train of thought. 

I think a problem with Zelda games nowadays is that they don't respect the player.  I get that these games are for children, but when you distill and dumb down everything to the point where the core appeal is hazy at best, you lose what made these games special in the first place.

and I don't think of LTTP2 as LTTP...2.  It looks somewhere between LTTP and Four Swords; more arcade-y than regular 2D Zeldas.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 01:18:17 PM
skyward sword would've been better with less content, imo.  can't imagine people liked fighting the same boss multiple times

That's the opposite of the content I meant. That's recycled content, which is more filler than "content." Same with the Tadtones. Filler. Arbitrarily drawing out the playtime because they couldn't pack as much original content into the same span of time but insisted on having a certain game length.

Content is having 9 (and a half, Cave of Ordeals represent) sublime, long, involved dungeons with different fantastic bosses for each one. Content is having an array of sidequests that range in time to complete (golden bug quest), or are just fun minigames (fishing.)

Also, the sky in SS was way more barren than the field in TP. TP's field wasn't actually very barren at all, IMO. But it takes a while for you to get the right items to explore it and by then people have already decided it's completely empty. (Of course, also at that point you can teleport between places anyways I guess. But the field does reward exploration past a certain point.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 07, 2013, 01:33:49 PM
unfortunately most rewards in twilight princess were rupees, and either you couldn't carry them or had nothing to spend them on.  but in general I agree.

agreed on skyward sword's sky.  no day/night cycle was strange (limited by tech?).
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 07, 2013, 01:54:59 PM
Yeah, the ruppee thing was super lame. Should have gotten some awesome powerups for most of the stuff instead.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 08, 2013, 08:11:37 AM
Twilight Princess is probably a better game, but I think they compromised from the outset to appease OOT fans and win some whoops and hollars at E3. Skyward Sword is more of a return to them doing what they want, but there is still an awkward compromise there...

SS felt to me like they were kind of out of ideas.

"Let's make ANOTHER prequel showing the origins of Hyrule!" Did we really need to see this? Things work better when they stay mysterious. I mean it's good for fanfic writers but not as much for the series I think.

"Crap, what kind of art style should we have?" "Let's take the cel shading of WW and the proportions of TP and smash 'em together."

I like a lot of the gameplay enhancements in that game though. More loot-y than I expected and I liked it. (Along with standard enemies actually requiring a half second of thought to kill.)

What I disliked most about it was the lack of content. Felt like 1/3 of the game TP was, and that's being generous.

The origin story felt like a response to 'timeline' discussion to me... an awkward attempt to make sense of the fact that similar legends featuring similar characters keep being retold. The whole thing with Demise, Goddess Hylia and the curse on Zelda and Link's bloodlines made enough sense -- but I agree, it never really needed to make sense. It didn't matter.

As a 25th anniversary game, Skyward Sword had a LOT of fan-service, and I'm one of the people who really enjoyed the motion controls. I'm not missing them in going back to Wind Waker, but I think it would be a step back to not have directional attacks and appropriate defensive positions from enemies in the next game.

You mentioned the sky being barren, but I think as opposed to land, seas and skies are meant to be vast and largely empty. It might have been weird to have just crammed everything together in the sky... What I would have liked them to do, is more closely link the three main areas they cycled between in Hyrule itself. I enjoyed the way they had items, shortcuts and new things to discover each time the game required you to revisit an area. In that respect, it felt closer to the old 2D overworlds than they have ever really achieved -- but the hub-like function of the sky worked against the game to break up that illusion. Maybe with better hardware and much more RAM, they could go with a similar approach and make the game feel more connected & 'open world'.

I hope that in returning to Link to the Past and Wind Waker, before making the true Wii U game, the staff now have a feel for how confidently prior teams used to shake things up and how timeless a game can be when real colour, care, animation and love is put in. The Zelda team need their Mario Galaxy... something brave, like Wind Waker was at the time. It wasn't appreciated back then, but I think being a little bolder with the new game would go down well now.

LttP2 looks uninspired. I said it. The original was my favorite game for a long long time but the new one looks... bland. I want it to be good but billing yourself as a sequel to the best 2D Zelda is not a good way to avoid high expectations.

I'm unsure about it. I finally played the same demo the press have been playing for months, but in 3D, and I love what's going on with the vertical level design and visual depth -- but I also think it looks kind of ugly. Nowhere near as ugly as the DS games, obviously...

The new footage in the Nintendo Direct did give me some hope. While the new item rental system could be crap, it could equally make things more interesting. I was glad to see there are new character and enemy designs now in addition to old ones. They have the old royal guards, the same octoroks, characters like Sahasrahla returning -- but they have Hilda, the Zora Queen, Ravio, Dampe the gravekeeper, Irene the witch, and (what looks like) Impa based off the old artwork... so hopefully, although the light world overworld looks exactly the same as LTTP, there are plenty of new faces and things to do.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2013, 12:27:23 PM
I agree with Wrath.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2013, 12:51:40 PM
Plenty of Zelda spergs have wrong opinions though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 08, 2013, 01:09:22 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Raban on October 09, 2013, 03:32:09 AM
:bow Link to the Past
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: DCharlieJP on October 09, 2013, 03:33:23 AM
I want to go back to SSword - it's on my to do list but i know it's probably too late to be realistically possible
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 09, 2013, 07:06:17 AM
Some of the best moments in this game recall Link to the Past - like this one (spoilers obviously) (

Don't know if any of you guys have a Japanese Wii U, but the Sonic Lost World demo is up on the eShop there now. 3DS demo too.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 09, 2013, 08:54:02 PM

Desperate Nintendo. :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2013, 01:58:35 AM
So I never let the cut content in WW annoy me, mostly because I never noticed it my first playthrough (<insert age joke here>.) But now it's kinda all I can think about. I was reading that it's likely there was going to be a much longer path to Ganon's castle in Hyrule and I can't stop obsessing over how amazing that would have been. Just omg. I can't get it out of my head. I always thought it was dumb he put his castle literally right next to Hyrule Castle so it makes sense.

But yeah, even if it was just a linear road, it still would have been amazing going through parts of old Hyrule in the run up to take on Ganon. Can't get it out of my head. What a shame.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2013, 02:37:49 AM
I'm more upset it wasn't a day one thing, or it was and devs were too lazy (:teehee) Like, Sonic Racing would have been cool with PC crossplay.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Purple Filth on October 10, 2013, 04:32:32 AM
hmm if i'm gonna play wind waker i might just play this new version
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 10, 2013, 06:57:14 AM
You know that doesn't matter unless it's PC, XBone or PS4 right? No one gets a Wii U for online and sure as shit not for games people regularly play online on other consoles.

Surely any amalgamation of online population is a good thing for the longevity of any game that goes that route. Even if its only small indie games that also appear on PC and mobile, it means you can have more people playing online together than you would have had otherwise. It's not a policy that should be dismissed, I'd like to see the other two allow it as well. I know it was only score sharing, but I wonder what the peak population playing candy crush across all platforms via mobile and facebook was like vs your average online console game..

It would empower publishers like Activision and EA if they did this across the next gen platforms, they could have nice populations even while the userbase is still relatively small. I can't help but think it'd help the less popular titles too. Splinter Cell Blacklist has sold like crap everywhere, and its a good game, it could have done with an online population boost to help spread the word.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 10, 2013, 07:22:30 AM

Desperate Nintendo. :rejoice

The 5 WiiU Call of Duty: Ghosts players are gonna have some new friends!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Phoenix Dark on October 10, 2013, 09:26:13 AM
Was WW generally expected to bomb? I know it's a remake but I'd imagine many kids haven't played it before, making it new to them.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 10, 2013, 10:31:47 AM
Was WW generally expected to bomb? I know it's a remake but I'd imagine many kids haven't played it before, making it new to them.

The original sold something like 3.6m initially, eventually skirting along to about 4.5m -- which is better than Skyward Sword but worse than Twilight Princess. That *was* on a userbase a 1/5 the size of the Wii, so it can probably be considered a good performer, however there are currently more copies of Gamecube WW than there are Wii Us in the wild, and no matter what improvements you make - its a game that people have played before. If even a fifth of the current userbase bought it in the coming few weeks (as on Gamecube) - that would only be around 700k worldwide.

I suspect it could be falling quite short of that... for a 'big' game that encourages Miiverse participation (tingle bottles, pictobox sharing), and has been out a week, it only has 39300+ participants on the European side. Obviously that's not a great metric, but for a Zelda game I expected a little better.

It charted better than I expected it to in the UK, even though it came third behind heavily falling FIFA and GTA releases, but NPD will be a better bellwether
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2013, 11:04:53 AM
I still say there's something fishy about that 4.5m number.  Final NPD tally plus final Famitsu tally totals up to just under 3 mill.  Did it really do 1.5 million in EU?

Dat Irish music influence
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Trent Dole on October 10, 2013, 12:51:17 PM
Yeah the Celtic-y jams in WW were pretty cool. Between this thread and watching the GB quick look I kind of want to play it again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2013, 12:56:49 PM
It's good but I'm already like halfway through it after only 3-4 sessions... Didn't remember it being very short, I guess I should hold off on dungeons and explore a lot more (although I have been doing a good bit of exploring.) Then again, I'll probably drop it like a rock once Pokemans hits tomorrow night...

The whimzy is off the charts, though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Takao on October 10, 2013, 05:13:41 PM
Looks great!

Sadly I have no incentives to re-play the game again (it is quite long). I've beaten all mainline DQ games (1-9) and really, really, really do not like the idea of replaying those games again from scratch.

Oscar, your insight on where DQ11 will end up? 3DS is a lock, no?

this post, much like dq11 will be, is not exclusive to one place.

sqenix jumping on that hd up port stuff huh
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 10, 2013, 08:57:08 PM
Yeah the Celtic-y jams in WW were pretty cool. Between this thread and watching the GB quick look I kind of want to play it again.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 13, 2013, 02:01:12 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Rufus on October 13, 2013, 03:22:39 PM
Nintendo marketing will never live this down.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Yulwei on October 16, 2013, 10:49:40 AM
<3.5k bump

next week is freefall.

please look forward to it
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 16, 2013, 11:37:22 AM
I really don't get why they announced the new Japan bundles so far in advance. Was it to absolutely put people off buying anything else Nintendo-oriented during Pokemon week or something?

Yes, it'd probably sell like crap anyway, but there is no way any right minded individual would buy a Japanese Wii U now with the knowledge of the bundles coming. I expect as bad as sub 2k next week. Two or three games, remote plus, and 30 day karaoke subscription for a couple thousand yen difference to the current premium pack (which is like what, a tenner?), or... buy one now and get none of that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on October 16, 2013, 10:43:37 PM
Wii U Has More Next-Gen 1080p 60fps Games Than Xbox One, PS4 (

The Wii U has confirmed games to run native 1920x1080p at 60 frames per second: Super Smash Bros. U, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and Rayman Legends. So we have about six next-gen games running 1080p at 60fps for the Wii U, and even if you want to knock off Wind Waker HD as a remake and a game that's not a real next-gen title, that's fine. We still have a nice cache of games on the Wii U that are native 1080p to prove its case.

On the other side of the coin, we look at a list of games running 1080p and/or 60fps for the Xbox One and PS4 and things slim down drastically, almost to the point of non-existence.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 16, 2013, 11:18:45 PM
1 released, 0 with release dates :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 16, 2013, 11:38:38 PM
I bought one of those WW bundles last Saturday.

...I actually really enjoy the OS on this thing  :-[

But holy fuck do downloads take forever.  That first update...took 2 hours.  Fucking hell.

Wind Waker HD is much better than I thought it would be.  I think the game looks fantastic especially running on a high res display.  Only thing is that some shadows look a bit pixelated.  But I think the lighting and models are an improvement for sure.

Just downloaded the demo for Wonderful whatever the fuck, gonna try it tonight.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 16, 2013, 11:40:38 PM
sadly smash bros and rayman are the only true ones, and the dude lists four games and then says six, so maybe numbers aren't his/her thing  :-\

But holy fuck do downloads take forever.  That first update...took 2 hours.  Fucking hell.

there's a setting to download games while the system is off/standby (like the 360).  doesn't work for updates, but it help for everything else.  I don't believe it's on by default.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Bebpo on October 17, 2013, 02:32:12 AM
There is no way Bayo2 is 1080p lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Damian79 on October 17, 2013, 02:48:08 AM
AAAAND that is why it is hard to trust sites these days.  Too much bullshit

PS: It is 6 if you count MH3U and Windwaker Wii U.  But those dont really count nor does Bayonetta 2 which is clearly not 1080p.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 17, 2013, 10:03:46 AM
But holy fuck do downloads take forever.  That first update...took 2 hours.  Fucking hell.

The first big update is a bit of a monster / slow download...

Bit of advice though - this is for PSN as well, not just for Wii U:

If you're using static IP with custom DNS, such as Google DNS or Open DNS -- which I know a LOT of people on gaming forums seem to be recommending -- be sure to consider this:

Google say they try and resolve you through local-ish servers (ie. in the UK you should be getting to Akamai via something in Europe at worst) but the best way to be sure your DLs come from a local Akamai server would be to use localised DNS services, such as those provided by your ISP. At launch this was a problem for me, because Virgin Media's DNS didn't seem to be aware of nintendo net's existence, so I *did* use Google DNS for a while. However, I can now use auto-DNS or my ISP DNS with no problem. I have my primary DNS server set to my ISP, and google as my secondary. I have no download speed issues that bother me at the moment.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 21, 2013, 04:51:38 PM
wind waker is selling me on this second screen baloney.  having the maps and items all there in real time is really nice.  not as frivolous as I thought, and I actually missed it when I briefly switched to the pro controller.  if smartglass and w/e sony and pc use are similar, I can see playing with a tablet nearby.

and the swift sail makes wind waker so much better.  it should've been the default sail.  going from the regular sail to the swift sail is like the nos scenes in the fast and the furious.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 21, 2013, 04:58:47 PM
Still haven't gotten that sale. It really should be available by default.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on October 21, 2013, 05:22:09 PM
I thought it was available in the

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Windfall auction house pretty early on?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on October 21, 2013, 06:24:23 PM
Which of my wii u owning euro-bore brethren preordered and is playing Sonic: Lost World ??? I want to know if the nights pre-order levels are worth it.

Game looks alright and I haven't played a sonic game since 3D Blast on my Genesis. About time I gave new sonic a shot. That said if the pre-order levels are shit I might just hold off until its cheaper
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 22, 2013, 08:02:35 AM
Which of my wii u owning euro-bore brethren preordered and is playing Sonic: Lost World ??? I want to know if the nights pre-order levels are worth it.

Game looks alright and I haven't played a sonic game since 3D Blast on my Genesis. About time I gave new sonic a shot. That said if the pre-order levels are shit I might just hold off until its cheaper

I'm paid on Saturday and was planning on picking up Lost World (deadly six edition is still available without preorder on Shopto), and I'm getting CoD Ghosts / Arkham Origins the week after. If you haven't heard back from anyone by then, I'll update with some impressions
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 22, 2013, 10:24:19 AM
Still busy with Pokemon, might not even buy a Wii U game for the rest of the year now that DK Swirly Banana's been delayed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 22, 2013, 06:39:49 PM
missing out on mario 3d world?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 22, 2013, 09:43:34 PM

Pokemon comes first. If it had online it'd be day one though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: hampster on October 22, 2013, 11:08:09 PM
missing out on mario 3d world?


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Shaka Khan on October 22, 2013, 11:22:24 PM
This game looks ridiculously good. Like swan-song good, or going out with a bang-good.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 22, 2013, 11:25:36 PM
if you would have shown 11 year old me this game...I'd be splooging

I'm still very very impressed with what I see
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on October 22, 2013, 11:32:46 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bachikarn on October 23, 2013, 12:13:02 AM
It looks good except for the furry cat shit
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 23, 2013, 02:43:32 AM
Charles Martinet screeching "Meow!!" :kobeyuck
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 23, 2013, 08:53:57 AM
New WiiU deluxe set, replaces the current one. Now you get NSMBU + NSLU on a single disc

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: MCD on October 23, 2013, 09:02:38 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 23, 2013, 09:06:51 AM
^^ Not a bad deal considering you get the 10% rebate on digital, probably get the same Wii Fit U trial as everyone else, and Wii Sports Club starts on Nov 7 too. Not so good if you hate Mario I guess...

Just saw this on GAF

£9.49 for ZombiU

It's probably in my top 5/6 games from the last year, better than plenty of shit that people like. It feels genuinely new for an FPS style game, the setting is great, and perma-death / losing all your gear makes you want to actually not die.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 23, 2013, 09:08:40 AM
I dont think any game should make you want to die. Lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 23, 2013, 11:55:49 AM
It might actually be better and MORE FUN than the vastly overrated Galaxy games.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 23, 2013, 01:17:05 PM
New WiiU deluxe set, replaces the current one. Now you get NSMBU + NSLU on a single disc


Is that actually on a disc and not a download code like wind waker?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 23, 2013, 01:18:04 PM
It's on disc - this bundle so far is the only way you can get this in one go - otherwise you have to buy NSBU and NSLU seperately.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 23, 2013, 01:45:53 PM
I might buy that lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on October 23, 2013, 01:55:05 PM
I'm sold on 3D World.  Not getting anything for PS4, and I have some long flights December I'll save for Zelda for.

Still kinda bummed it's 3D Land-style with better graphics instead of doing something ambitious with the relatively new hardware.  There's always next time. 
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on October 26, 2013, 03:31:32 PM
Why the Wii U is the best next-gen choice this Christmas. (

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on October 26, 2013, 04:04:38 PM
> next gen

At any rate, the second year of a Nintendo console is usually the best so it isn't a surprise that the Wii U will be hitting its stride from now and throughout 2014.  Usually their output peters out from there, which in the case of the Wii, wasn't too bad but now might be disastrous.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Cascade on October 26, 2013, 04:11:23 PM
Why the Wii U is the best next-gen choice this Christmas. (

Wii U is next gen?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 26, 2013, 04:20:15 PM
Buying a WiiU aint a bad choice if you've nver owned a Wii - I think Wii had a decent library now. Being able to play them on WiiU is a plus.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: magus on October 26, 2013, 04:25:23 PM


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Cascade on October 26, 2013, 04:28:35 PM
Buying a WiiU aint a bad choice if you've nver owned a Wii - I think Wii had a decent library now. Being able to play them on WiiU is a plus.
I'm struggling to see why you'd pick one up now rather than in 2 or 3 years time for $99 and after most of its worthwhile first party games are out. At $300 it's simply not even close to being worth the money. It's not like it even has any worthwhile online games so you're not missing out by playing these games a few years later.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on October 26, 2013, 04:32:40 PM
Cuz I want one now? Enjoy your wait, dude. :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 26, 2013, 07:10:52 PM
Having fun with this feature in Deus Ex Human Revolution DC... I think they intended it for leaving hints and tips for other players, but I've been abusing it with bad audio from my phone
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 26, 2013, 09:49:20 PM
Buying a WiiU aint a bad choice if you've nver owned a Wii - I think Wii had a decent library now. Being able to play them on WiiU is a plus.
I'm struggling to see why you'd pick one up now rather than in 2 or 3 years time for $99 and after most of its worthwhile first party games are out. At $300 it's simply not even close to being worth the money. It's not like it even has any worthwhile online games so you're not missing out by playing these games a few years later.

If I bought a Wii U I would be guaranteed to buy NSMBU and NSLU, making this basically $225, which is a good price for a quasi-360.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: mjemirzian on October 27, 2013, 08:09:01 AM
I'm pretty confident you'll be able to get a Wii U for $200 on sale this holiday, just based on retailer desperation.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on October 28, 2013, 10:27:14 AM
Another silly Deus Ex video:

Discounts on the Euro eShop starting this Thursday, some are only a week long.

Trine 2: Director's Cut - €6.79 / £5.49 until 14th November
Assassin's Creed III - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November (ahead of Euro Assassin's Creed IV release on Nov 22)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November
ZombiU - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November
Resident Evil Revelations - €29.99 / £23.99 until 14th November
Rabbids Land - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November
Sports Connection - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 - €14.99 / £11.99 until 7th November

Kinda wish Injustice was discounted, or that RE: Revelations was discounted more heavily (that's barely a discount at all really). Some other prices are okay though - AC3 and ZombiU are worth it.

Wii Fit U month free trial etc starts this Friday, and Wii Sports Club is out next Thursday. Before that, the delayed Batman Arkham Origins PC/Wii U release (why did Warner Bros do that?), and COD etc.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: AdmiralViscen on November 01, 2013, 03:23:18 PM
Add me to the list of chumps
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: tiesto on November 01, 2013, 06:31:05 PM
What's the word about Lost World? Generations was awesome, is this good or typical shitty Sonic?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 02, 2013, 04:27:47 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 02, 2013, 05:22:44 PM
Don't worry, millions upon millions of units will be sold when Mario 3D World comes out.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on November 02, 2013, 06:39:12 PM
Was just at Best Buy looking around.  This is one of the bigger stores in the city and I couldn't even find the Nintendo stuff at first- they have basically shoved everything to the side in favor of huge Xbone and PS4 sections, with some newer 360 and PS3 stuff nearby.  Wii U was pushed to a tiny corner in the back, mixed with Wii games, and there were no displays for anything.  It was pretty sad.

What's the word about Lost World? Generations was awesome, is this good or typical shitty Sonic?

Seen it marked as "shitty," but some are saying that the 3DS version by Dimps ain't bad.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 02, 2013, 09:33:28 PM
Sorry kiddos, the Weeoo party is over
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on November 02, 2013, 09:38:13 PM
Don't worry, millions upon millions of units will be sold when Mario 3D World comes out.

Shouldn't have delayed DK Chocolatey Blast.  :snoop
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 03, 2013, 08:21:51 AM
I had my first experience of frustration as a result of Nintendo's complete ineptitude in the UK market on Friday. GAME is one of the few shops in the UK still giving the Wii U its own advertising and shelf space - I went in to try and get the Wii U Fit Meter and to get Black Flag (I'm a suckerrr) and I found out that not only do GAME and their website not have stock of the meter, but they also didn't even realise the game was out. "It's not out until December" - it is digitally, I downloaded it this morning, the metre is out today. "Really? We've not been sent anything"

I went in after work just before they were closing and these little Irish twats started abusing the staff because they turned off the 360 demo machine.

I ended up walking out with Darksiders II (which I own on 360) and Mass Erect 3, preowned, super cheap. Its nice having Darksiders II for gamepad only play - graphics are much nicer than the 360 version in places but its got some puke inducing tearing and slowdown when you use the TV in certain sections... Did they change the way the Tome works in game for the Wii U version or was it patched when THQ / Vigil went south? I got a shit load of powerful items from it as soon as I reached the Forge Lands. I was grateful really as I didn't want to particularly grind and pick up loot during this play through
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on November 03, 2013, 08:41:14 AM
Not buying off eShop? :ufup
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 05, 2013, 07:00:04 AM
Not really Wii U related, but if you liked Lego City - you might like this Lego City Advent Calendar

Actual lego gifts instead of chocolate

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: demi on November 05, 2013, 07:50:25 PM
Here's a free code for... something, on Wii


Dont know if it works, or is expired. Does anyone own a Wii and dare to take the offer???? Spoooooky
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 05, 2013, 08:45:21 PM
I took a shot, but some other enterprising fellow must have gotten to your goodies first.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: maxy on November 07, 2013, 06:03:13 AM
WiiU GPU specs(according to bgassassin).

160 ALUs, 8 TMUs, 8 ROPs

Must be cheap.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 07, 2013, 11:52:16 AM
WiiU GPU specs(according to bgassassin).

160 ALUs, 8 TMUs, 8 ROPs

Must be cheap.

Unless I missed something to the contrary (possible) - we've known for a while that the GPU is some kind of customised E6760 (embedded AMD chipset). That had 480 ALUs, 3x the texture units bgassassin is describing there and 8 ROPs. He probably knows better than any of us, but it initially looks odd knowing the e6760 fork was apparently confirmed last year. Maybe without being hamstrung on a PC mobo, having to cater to variable RAM configs and PCI-E etc, and with the added eDRAM -- I guess its perfectly plausible they made efficiencies in the weaker direction. The E6760 at ~35w benched better than a 4850 at much higher wattage, which had something like 800 ALUs. Worth mentioning that this info doesn't really say much about clockspeeds either. I doubt the component was cheap sadly. Making the HW throw output to the gamepad at such low latency probably wasn't all that easy...

I still think its the CPU that has been the most disappointing and damaging to the console and its launch year. They probably only stuck with an evolution of their GC/Wii chips for backwards compatability... has there really been any benefit of that? It contributed to so much bad press and quite a few early shitty ports. If they learn to weather this generation, jettisoning their recent PPC-lineage should be the very first thing in the design document next time around!

On another note --
anyone downloaded Wii Sports Club yet?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 11, 2013, 03:59:09 AM
So uh, apparently the PS4 version of COD Ghosts outsold the Wii U version in the UK. It's kind of like a dead person getting elected as a senator or something
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 11, 2013, 05:15:28 AM
Or an unborn fetus winning the special Olympics.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 11, 2013, 05:19:22 AM
The PS4 version of COD Ghosts actually outsold Assassins Creed 4 and Battlefield 4 on PS3 too. On Wii U its just another multiplat game, on PS4 its literally one of the only titles worth having... it's probably the top pre-ordered title for it.

GAME in the UK are using COD as a promo tool for PS4 and Xbox One, they have a lot of floorspace dedicated to those versions of the game. Contrastingly, when I picked up COD Ghosts for Wii U last Tuesday -- it didn't have any shop floor shelf space at all. I had to ask for it because it was kept behind the counter (on view, but behind the counter). I doubt Activision will be too surprised by the discrepancy, but PC and Wii U have accounted for <1% of COD Ghosts sales, which according to the MCV thread are already (all platforms totalled) way down on Black Ops II... so I'd guess they won't exactly be thrilled.

Ghosts' game population is looking better than BO2 after only a few days though, it seemed to take BO2 to take months to achieve a couple of thousands and people only seemed to play TDM... people are actually playing the other modes now. If it can keep adding some more people over christmas, it should be a healthier multiplayer than BO2 Wii U was. I seem to have ten people on my friends list (gaffers mostly) who are playing it at any one time too, which is nice.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: cool breeze on November 11, 2013, 09:04:48 AM
Or an unborn fetus winning the special Olympics.

this analogy is too real..I need to sit down
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: Tasty on November 11, 2013, 10:20:55 AM
Or an unborn fetus winning the special Olympics.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 11, 2013, 01:19:16 PM
Indies :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 11, 2013, 01:25:08 PM
Indies :rejoice

Wait, are you saying that's all Weeoo has left
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: magus on November 11, 2013, 01:28:41 PM
it's the wiiuta defense
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of... I got nothing
Post by: bork on November 11, 2013, 01:30:30 PM
Ghosts' game population is looking better than BO2 after only a few days though, it seemed to take BO2 to take months to achieve a couple of thousands and people only seemed to play TDM... people are actually playing the other modes now. If it can keep adding some more people over christmas, it should be a healthier multiplayer than BO2 Wii U was. I seem to have ten people on my friends list (gaffers mostly) who are playing it at any one time too, which is nice.

Wow, that's better than my PS3 friends list- no one is playing Ghosts, but people are still on BLOPS2!   :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 11, 2013, 01:35:27 PM
Indies :rejoice

Wait, are you saying that's all Weeoo has left

Indies and Nintendo :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: maxy on November 11, 2013, 01:38:52 PM
PS4 version sold about 25k,that makes WiiU bellow 10k.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 11, 2013, 01:44:49 PM
it's the wiiuta defense

Don't forget all them eShop sales. :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: demi on November 11, 2013, 01:45:45 PM
I dont even need third parties. I have X :jesus
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 11, 2013, 01:50:38 PM
Does the weeoooauuu even really have indie support doe

Nintendo is indie now.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: cool breeze on November 11, 2013, 01:56:34 PM
Does the weeoooauuu even really have indie support doe

a couple kickstarters have wii u stretch goals.  and there's a ~unity~ deal where nintendo pays for the license, something along those lines.  Microsoft announced the XB1 has a similar deal.

:bow unity :bow2
:piss frostbite, ue4, id tech 5, cryengine3 :piss2
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 11, 2013, 03:01:09 PM
don't even curr, super mario 3d world looks :aah
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Huff on November 11, 2013, 03:21:25 PM
andy, name some good indie games coming to wiiu
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 11, 2013, 03:55:29 PM
don't even curr, super mario 3d world looks :aah

MarioBox :aah

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 11, 2013, 04:01:05 PM
andy, name some good indie games coming to wiiu

Umm, uhhh... did Cloudberry whatever come out? Umm, and Amikrog. Wait, Shovel Knight! That one looks good.

Oh, Shadow of the Eternals!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Rufus on November 11, 2013, 05:53:33 PM
Oh, Shadow of the Eternals!
What, they found a schmuck to give them money after all?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Diunx on November 11, 2013, 07:51:22 PM
This is too sad to even laugh.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Diunx on November 11, 2013, 07:52:47 PM
No it isn't! :neogaf
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: hampster on November 12, 2013, 12:20:10 AM
I'm sure some Nintendo fan on gaf could list off the 30 or whatever indie games announced for the wii u. I just hope they start coming out soon. I picked up Cloudberry Kingdom tonight because I was in the mood to use my wii u more and its impressive how little comes out on a weekly bases. Anyway in terms of upcoming indies I'm pretty excited for Unepic. Its already on steam but it seems like it would work well on the gamepad so I'll hold out for now. I might just grab it during the winter sales though.

In other news I suck at Sonic :'( I ran out of lives in Lost World by the third stage which is really annoying because after you die it kicks you back to the main menu and it takes a minute or two to get back to the stage. I ended up playing the first level several times to keep grabbing an easy 1up  :(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 12, 2013, 01:21:15 AM
I'm sure some Nintendo fan on gaf could list off the 30 or whatever indie games announced for the wii u. I just hope they start coming out soon. I picked up Cloudberry Kingdom tonight because I was in the mood to use my wii u more and its impressive how little comes out on a weekly bases. Anyway in terms of upcoming indies I'm pretty excited for Unepic. Its already on steam but it seems like it would work well on the gamepad so I'll hold out for now. I might just grab it during the winter sales though.

In other news I suck at Sonic :'( I ran out of lives in Lost World by the third stage which is really annoying because after you die it kicks you back to the main menu and it takes a minute or two to get back to the stage. I ended up playing the first level several times to keep grabbing an easy 1up  :(

You should have preordered on Amazon ( for 25 extra lives.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 12, 2013, 06:31:15 PM
I bought a Wii U.  :neogaf
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: MCD on November 12, 2013, 06:33:21 PM
Only 10 days for Mario. Should be enough to update the OS in time!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 12, 2013, 06:38:59 PM
I paid $200 for a barely-used Deluxe set with Nintendoland. Target's having B2G1 so I'll pick up Zelda & Luigi U for about $55-60 total (get W101 or Pikmin 3 as third game, flip).

$200 console, $30 games ... I'm happy to own a Wii U if I can pay what it's worth.  :jawalrus

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Extremely real talk: since I have a great gaming PC, Mario 3D World looks 10x better than anything coming out this fall for PS4/Xbone.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: cool breeze on November 12, 2013, 06:54:24 PM
post your nintendo name, we can play mario 3d world online when it hits...oh

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 12, 2013, 07:06:50 PM
post your nintendo name, we can play mario 3d world online when it hits...oh

Lol I read this like that YouTube video.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 12, 2013, 07:45:52 PM
I'm pretty sure 3DWorld is going to be my GOTY. Going by the videos, the amount of variety and work pumped into it took me by surprise.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 12, 2013, 07:47:53 PM
I'm pretty sure 3DWorld is going to be my GOTY. Going by the videos, the amount of variety and work and pumped into it took me by surprise.

I loved Mario 3D Land (a lot, I think it's severely underrated despite its great reception) but 3D World looks WOW. SO NEXT LEVEL. MANY MARIOS.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 12, 2013, 08:56:22 PM
I'm still :larry on it. Galaxy has spoiled me way too much. :'( And I loved 3D Land but I dunno. Just not feeling it. Will probably end up being pleasantly surprised.

Still pissed DK Banana Blitz was delayed.

I'm also kinda :larry on Pokemon Y. MH3U might be my GOTY and that's a port of a three year old Wii game. :-\
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: hampster on November 12, 2013, 09:08:12 PM
Mario 3D World is definitely going to be the first $60 title I've bought on day one since... I don't know. Its been awhile. Maybe the original FFXIII

post your nintendo name, we can play mario 3d world online when it hits...oh

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 13, 2013, 01:34:24 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: cool breeze on November 13, 2013, 01:46:18 PM
I'm pretty sure 3DWorld is going to be my GOTY. Going by the videos, the amount of variety and work pumped into it took me by surprise.

I can see either 3D World or Zelda LBW being mine.  Gonna walk into gamestop on xbone day and pick up my tacky gold 3DS XL and cat mario :win

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 13, 2013, 02:46:00 PM
LBW looks horrific. :kobeyuck
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 13, 2013, 03:48:59 PM
I saw a boss that looked like Blind in one of the commercials and that pretty much said to me they'd rather piggyback off LttP nostalgia than come up with something new and worthy of the legacy. Farting out a sequel in true New Super Mario Bros. fashion (Wii/U excluded.)

On top of that it has poopy graphics.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 13, 2013, 04:02:48 PM
There's a lot of things I can stomach but LttP is different.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 13, 2013, 06:05:34 PM
Wii U sales fell by over half to 17,737 from 38,802 last week in Japan.  I guess that second wind Nintards were predicting didn't pan out.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 13, 2013, 06:09:29 PM
>thinks newest zelda looks redundant and piggybacking off of nostalgia


> continues to buy and shill pokemon every year

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Rufus on November 13, 2013, 06:10:14 PM
That was CPR at best and even then it won't matter because the heart has already stopped.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Third on November 13, 2013, 06:10:36 PM
I wonder how many Wii U projects will be turned into 3DS games now that the console is officially dead.

Mario 3D Land should've stayed a 3DS game.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Tasty on November 13, 2013, 06:32:14 PM
>thinks newest zelda looks redundant and piggybacking off of nostalgia


> continues to buy and shill pokemon every year


Few Pokemon games rely on nostalgia to sell. Black/White certainly didn't. But I didn't expect an ad hominem to be very thought through. :smug
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 13, 2013, 10:10:59 PM


Microphone and Touchscreen Gaming, tho.  :gurl
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 13, 2013, 10:13:14 PM
It's the closest ninthings will ever get to blowing Mario and co.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Damian79 on November 13, 2013, 10:17:20 PM
>thinks newest zelda looks redundant and piggybacking off of nostalgia


> continues to buy and shill pokemon every year


I am not going to but Zelda, I am sick of the Zelda series but this is good.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: bachikarn on November 13, 2013, 10:25:59 PM
argh, I want to play the new Mario but really don't want to buy a Wuu
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Bebpo on November 13, 2013, 10:59:30 PM
Good thing it'll still be there along with not much else next year $100 less after a redesign ;)
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Damian79 on November 13, 2013, 11:16:36 PM
Good thing it'll still be there along with not much else next year $100 less after a redesign ;)

It does desperately need a redesign doesnt it?  I dunno why on Earth they thought having a console looking exactly the same as its predecessor be a good idea.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 14, 2013, 07:30:24 AM
argh, I want to play the new Mario but really don't want to buy a Wuu

Just wait for the urge to pass.  Furthermore, the Dolphin will probably start emulating Wii U games soon enough.  You could probably play 3D World on Dolphin in 2015-2016.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Rufus on November 14, 2013, 08:26:00 AM
Good thing it'll still be there along with not much else next year $100 less after a redesign ;)

It does desperately need a redesign doesnt it?  I dunno why on Earth they thought having a console looking exactly the same as its predecessor be a good idea.
Calling it Wii U and repping the tablet controller first did more damage. So many people thought and maybe still think that it's just an accessory.

But what damned it most was that the Wii was a fad after all. The new market they found doesn't care about hardware updates and the tablet didn't fit what they were using the Wii for in the first place, i.e. get-together same screen gaming and Wii Fit.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: mjemirzian on November 14, 2013, 08:42:02 AM
Yeah they really screwed themselves with the tablet. I can see one of several things happening.

1. Giving up on consoles altogether and going all handheld, with optional video out.
2. Trying to get AMD to design them a SoC so they can join the console party.
3. Price drop to $200, get rid of the tablet, and bundle Wii Fit U and mario or something.
4. Nintendo on smartphones.

If I can get a Wii U during holiday sales for $200 I might go for it.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: Bebpo on November 14, 2013, 01:14:54 PM
Yeah, $200 is my breaking point for Wii U.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: maxy on November 15, 2013, 07:14:51 AM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 15, 2013, 07:56:19 AM
Yeah they really screwed themselves with the tablet. I can see one of several things happening.

1. Giving up on consoles altogether and going all handheld, with optional video out.
2. Trying to get AMD to design them a SoC so they can join the console party. (next console yes)
3. Price drop to $200, get rid of the tablet, and bundle Wii Fit U and mario or something.
4. Nintendo on smartphones.

If I can get a Wii U during holiday sales for $200 I might go for it.

Ready your TLDR;s

I try not to opine too much on the future of Nintendo, as being an obvious enthusiast you just get written off, but I don't see any of that stuff happening. If only because they'll resist those kind of moves to the end.

For me:

Personally, I think the only reason the console isn't cheap at the moment is because they stuck with an evolution of the Gamecube / Wii architecture. The gamepad is a dumb terminal with speakers and a screen, and I doubt it costs all that much -- the clever software trickery that keeps the latency low and the artifacting to a minimum is a one-off payment. You can't save the money on that R&D by axing it now.

They stayed with familiar tech for BC -- which I don't think many people actually care about. You can see their rationale - 100 million Wiis, 880 million Wii games, a metric fuck tonne of plastic remotes, balance boards and wheels etc. Why make the controllers compatible and not the games? It makes sense - but they're essentially making IBM work on updating an old line instead of pumping out a variation of something that they currently already produce in large quantities. That costs money. Their GPU choice was to compensate for that by adding something that would do general purpose processing on the GPU as well, and they through in a separate DSP for audio and the wireless streams. Unfortunately, their desire to stay small, quiet, cool and super-low-watt has means that what they've put in is basically an evolution of one of AMD's embedded components. That's the reason early games and ports haven't easily breezed past PS360 games. Again, you can see the rationale -- the original Wii was also small, quiet and unobtrusive. I just don't think many people care about size or the fact its 35w... even Japan doesn't seem to care.

Next generation, with a digital market taking over, they need to ditch hardware BC... unless of course, its really cheap to do. It hamstrings the rest of the hardware, and the reward is just not great enough. Hence Microsoft and Sony not bothering with it.
Actually owning a Wii U, I don't have a problem with Nintendo's own games, the gamepad itself, or even the power of the system -- but I recognise its not attractive to others yet. I see no reason that it can't be an attractive companion system. The absolute priority has to be to bring the price down as fast as possible, while continuing to pump out games. Wii U needs some of the first party love 3DS has been getting. There's a 10/10 brand new Zelda game coming out on the 3DS next week, and we have no idea when we can expect similar on Wii U. Everything we've been given so far is overly-familiar, we need to start seeing some more unique stuff.

I was in the Pachter 20m-is-a-dream thread on GAF recently, and I saw some guy say PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS (in caps, just like that) repeatedly. I think that possibly works both ways. Wii's past success couldn't be banked on, but I don't think you can say with certainty, that its going to continue being a total failure. Wii U is trending below Gamecube at the moment, but unlike Gamecube, its firmware upgradeable, has a much better online system, a lot of good software yet to come, and potential for a proper co-existence with 3DS.

Speaking of that, I've always thought that one of Nintendo's biggest hurdles has been that their Gameboy / DS customers are not necessarily their home console customers. You can have one and not the other, and be perfectly happy. Even right on this page I am seeing someone say that they wished 3D World was a 3DS title. Good. That's the kind of frustration they need to cause more often. If they can get 3DS owners to play similar but far better games on Wii U, they will win some people over IMO. GC never really leveraged GBA, because they had to sell you cables or the Gameboy Player. With Miiverse and NNIDs effectively merging their online eco-systems, they have a true mechanism through which to monitor and market for the first time. I expect to see Sony bundling the Vita in with PS4 at some point in the coming years, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo start doing similar - perhaps offering discounts for people who buy one or the other.

That's the kind of thing I'd be doing anyway. But Nintendo will probably release Donkey Kongs Heart Rhythm Scanner or something.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Himu on November 15, 2013, 08:43:29 AM
Thought 3d World looked amazing since reveal. Really wanna play it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 15, 2013, 11:14:47 AM
ITT: Radiohead continues to care way, way too much
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Tasty on November 15, 2013, 12:11:48 PM
ITT: Radiohead continues to care way, way too much


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 15, 2013, 12:15:50 PM
I stand by everything I drew in all that time I will never get back
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 15, 2013, 12:16:30 PM
:what :what :what :what :what :what :what
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 15, 2013, 02:10:05 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Steve Contra on November 15, 2013, 02:38:50 PM
:what :what :what :what :what :what :what
:what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what :what
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: MCD on November 15, 2013, 02:47:05 PM
Yeah they really screwed themselves with the tablet. I can see one of several things happening.

1. Giving up on consoles altogether and going all handheld, with optional video out.
2. Trying to get AMD to design them a SoC so they can join the console party. (next console yes)
3. Price drop to $200, get rid of the tablet, and bundle Wii Fit U and mario or something.
4. Nintendo on smartphones.

If I can get a Wii U during holiday sales for $200 I might go for it.

Ready your TLDR;s

I try not to opine too much on the future of Nintendo, as being an obvious enthusiast you just get written off, but I don't see any of that stuff happening. If only because they'll resist those kind of moves to the end.

For me:
  • Start planning the next console, abandon current architecture and backwards comatability completely
    - learn from Sony here, and do whatever is efficient and cost effective. Keep shooting for the cheaper family-friendly end of the market.
    They have united the handheld and home console R&D teams in Japan, so it sounds like this might actually happen.
  • Drop the price again whenever possible.
  • FIX relations with their distributors and retail. Call of Duty ghosts behind the counter and not on the shop floor with other versions, UK supermarkets withdrawing shelf space, modest promotion in Game-dedicated outlets. They need to pump money here hard. They've got a deal for the holidays with Tesco in the UK, and that's the kind of thing they need to do everywhere. If they don't act, they will lose retail altogether. It's going to cost them money, but they need to do it.
  • Drive synergy with 3DS. Create benefits for owning both. Market Wii U content on 3DS more and vice versa, exploit the new 3DS Miiverse update. Now that they're merging wallets and NNIDs, they need to reconsider cross-buy and how Virtual Console ownership works.
  • Consider 'companion' apps on Smartphones. They've already released a pokedex, stuff like that really can't harm anyone and can help market systems and software. Its ugly to have unlockables in games tied to companion apps, but they could create benefits that go both ways. If that kind of thing was successful, there's no reason they couldn't do a Google and start partnering on hardware with the likes of Acer, Samsung or HTC etc. They're already sort of working with Acer through iGware.

Personally, I think the only reason the console isn't cheap at the moment is because they stuck with an evolution of the Gamecube / Wii architecture. The gamepad is a dumb terminal with speakers and a screen, and I doubt it costs all that much -- the clever software trickery that keeps the latency low and the artifacting to a minimum is a one-off payment. You can't save the money on that R&D by axing it now.

They stayed with familiar tech for BC -- which I don't think many people actually care about. You can see their rationale - 100 million Wiis, 880 million Wii games, a metric fuck tonne of plastic remotes, balance boards and wheels etc. Why make the controllers compatible and not the games? It makes sense - but they're essentially making IBM work on updating an old line instead of pumping out a variation of something that they currently already produce in large quantities. That costs money. Their GPU choice was to compensate for that by adding something that would do general purpose processing on the GPU as well, and they through in a separate DSP for audio and the wireless streams. Unfortunately, their desire to stay small, quiet, cool and super-low-watt has means that what they've put in is basically an evolution of one of AMD's embedded components. That's the reason early games and ports haven't easily breezed past PS360 games. Again, you can see the rationale -- the original Wii was also small, quiet and unobtrusive. I just don't think many people care about size or the fact its 35w... even Japan doesn't seem to care.

Next generation, with a digital market taking over, they need to ditch hardware BC... unless of course, its really cheap to do. It hamstrings the rest of the hardware, and the reward is just not great enough. Hence Microsoft and Sony not bothering with it.
Actually owning a Wii U, I don't have a problem with Nintendo's own games, the gamepad itself, or even the power of the system -- but I recognise its not attractive to others yet. I see no reason that it can't be an attractive companion system. The absolute priority has to be to bring the price down as fast as possible, while continuing to pump out games. Wii U needs some of the first party love 3DS has been getting. There's a 10/10 brand new Zelda game coming out on the 3DS next week, and we have no idea when we can expect similar on Wii U. Everything we've been given so far is overly-familiar, we need to start seeing some more unique stuff.

I was in the Pachter 20m-is-a-dream thread on GAF recently, and I saw some guy say PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS (in caps, just like that) repeatedly. I think that possibly works both ways. Wii's past success couldn't be banked on, but I don't think you can say with certainty, that its going to continue being a total failure. Wii U is trending below Gamecube at the moment, but unlike Gamecube, its firmware upgradeable, has a much better online system, a lot of good software yet to come, and potential for a proper co-existence with 3DS.

Speaking of that, I've always thought that one of Nintendo's biggest hurdles has been that their Gameboy / DS customers are not necessarily their home console customers. You can have one and not the other, and be perfectly happy. Even right on this page I am seeing someone say that they wished 3D World was a 3DS title. Good. That's the kind of frustration they need to cause more often. If they can get 3DS owners to play similar but far better games on Wii U, they will win some people over IMO. GC never really leveraged GBA, because they had to sell you cables or the Gameboy Player. With Miiverse and NNIDs effectively merging their online eco-systems, they have a true mechanism through which to monitor and market for the first time. I expect to see Sony bundling the Vita in with PS4 at some point in the coming years, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo start doing similar - perhaps offering discounts for people who buy one or the other.

That's the kind of thing I'd be doing anyway. But Nintendo will probably release Donkey Kongs Heart Rhythm Scanner or something.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 15, 2013, 03:01:04 PM
TLDR. do they fuck or not
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Steve Contra on November 15, 2013, 03:04:57 PM
TLDR. do they fuck or not
Radiohead and Nintendo?  The answer is yes. :goty2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Barry Egan on November 16, 2013, 09:23:05 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 16, 2013, 09:28:52 AM


Add :crackhead plz
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 16, 2013, 09:31:32 AM
@ Borys' chart:

radiohead be staning for a system getting DECIMATED by the DC's lifetime performance

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 16, 2013, 09:50:46 AM
Wait for Easter.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread of COD:Ghosts selling more on non-existent PS4 than Wii U #dead
Post by: maxy on November 16, 2013, 11:24:32 PM


I think both of you are barking up the wrong tree.

In order to fix something you need to identify the problem first,right?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: fizzel on November 16, 2013, 11:55:12 PM


Blimey, I knew it was up shit creek but holy cow.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Baiano19 on November 17, 2013, 12:03:02 PM
Is that worldwide Borys?

Good Lord, with the PS4 and XBONE launch, I doubt the year-end peak will be significant. Its almost as dead as the virtual boy now...

The worst part is that I bough it a couple of weeks ago...

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 02:19:11 AM


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: Rufus on November 18, 2013, 03:03:02 AM
How can they be so fucking backwards?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of $199 Watch
Post by: hampster on November 18, 2013, 03:23:42 AM
Exodust, time to make a Wii U birthday thread :o

1 year old. 1 year strong :punch
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: demi on November 18, 2013, 06:09:58 AM
Gonna pick me one up ths weekend. Looking for a NSMBU+NSLU bundle.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2013, 06:15:26 AM
Gonna pick me one up ths weekend. Looking for a NSMBU+NSLU bundle.

Good luck, the New Super Mario/Luigi bundle is sold-out around here. It's almost like people are buying them or something.  :wtf
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: demi on November 18, 2013, 06:19:32 AM
I wouldnt doubt retailers are holding inventory for BF.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2013, 06:34:16 AM
A more likely scenario.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Eel O'Brian on November 18, 2013, 10:07:18 AM
I wouldnt doubt retailers are holding inventory for BF.

Yeah, I've been noticing that on a lot of things the past few days. Best Buy's store stock will show "in stock" one day, then "unavailable" the next, and it's all stuff from their BF ad.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 10:13:10 AM

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Wii U
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2013, 10:36:01 AM
Wii U

I think this one more accurately represents the Wii U:

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: magus on November 18, 2013, 10:38:57 AM
judging by radiohead wall of text maybe you mean this one


this one works pretty well too!

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 10:40:32 AM
Wii U

I think this one more accurately represents the Wii U:


Wii U *was* born though. It just... didn't make it that far. So my comic is more accurate.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2013, 12:47:35 PM
Born distinguished mentally-challenged and died within months... better to have not been born at all.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 01:04:32 PM
Born distinguished mentally-challenged and died within months... better to have not been born at all.


The system is redeemed if only by MH3U. :rejoice

such online

so controls

much contents

wow :lawd
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 18, 2013, 03:16:39 PM

Happy birthday... (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Steve Contra on November 18, 2013, 03:18:33 PM

Happy birthday... (
That comic is pretty apt for the Wii U since it appears there is only 1 more year piece to slide over.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: fistfulofmetal on November 18, 2013, 03:19:13 PM
That comic is pretty apt for the Wii U since it appears there is only 1 more year piece to slide over.

congratulations on identifying the joke.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 03:19:17 PM
:lol Shaka did you Photoshop that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 18, 2013, 03:27:16 PM

"Wii U, you look like you're ready to take on the world!"
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on November 18, 2013, 03:31:54 PM
All joking aside, I've been enjoying my Wii U. I got the Deluxe for $200 (+ free Wind Waker HD from a friend) and at that price, it feels a bit expensive but not unbelievable. Mario 3D World this Friday is gonna be pretty great.

$300 is crazy but $200 + good pack-in is acceptable.

The tablet controller is kinda stupid however.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Human Snorenado on November 18, 2013, 03:32:53 PM
:lol Shaka did you Photoshop that.


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 03:47:49 PM
All joking aside, I've been enjoying my Wii U. I got the Deluxe for $200 (+ free Wind Waker HD from a friend) and at that price, it feels a bit expensive but not unbelievable. Mario 3D World this Friday is gonna be pretty great.

$300 is crazy but $200 + good pack-in is acceptable.

The tablet controller is kinda stupid however.

The Pro Controller is sooooooooo good though. 60 hour battery life, powerful rumble, great sticks and ergonomics... :drool

That + NSMBU/NSLU/MH3U/WW = it's like Nintendo never focused on gimmicks in the first place. :lawd Can't wait to play Smash with it, lawd.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Shaka Khan on November 18, 2013, 03:53:20 PM
I don't turn mine as much as I should (that goes for all consoles, honestly) but I have a list of games I'm waiting to get cheap. So it's not like there's absolutely nothing worth playing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: hampster on November 18, 2013, 03:56:02 PM
I don't know what you all are going on about. The Wii U has already lasted longer than my 32X did

Can't ask for more than than
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 18, 2013, 04:33:34 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Mr. Gundam on November 18, 2013, 04:35:16 PM
I don't know what you all are going on about. The Wii U has already lasted longer than my 32X did

Can't ask for more than than

Whatever. The 32X had the greatest line up of games ever, people just wouldn't give it a chance. Star Wars Arcade, Virtua Racing, CHAOTIX!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I got a 32X for Christmas when it came out. I wanted it badly.  :( :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 18, 2013, 04:38:55 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 18, 2013, 04:40:47 PM
I don't know what you all are going on about. The Wii U has already lasted longer than my 32X did

Can't ask for more than than

Whatever. The 32X had the greatest line up of games ever, people just wouldn't give it a chance. Star Wars Arcade, Virtua Racing, CHAOTIX!

Still home to the only hummingbird based shooter in existence.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2013, 12:59:14 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Sho Nuff on November 19, 2013, 05:01:10 AM
Wait, now they're positioning it as an upgrade?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: hampster on November 19, 2013, 09:05:42 AM
I don't know what you all are going on about. The Wii U has already lasted longer than my 32X did

Can't ask for more than than

Whatever. The 32X had the greatest line up of games ever, people just wouldn't give it a chance. Star Wars Arcade, Virtua Racing, CHAOTIX!

Still home to the only hummingbird based shooter in existence.

I'd stan for Kolibri so hard it would make Andrex and MCD blush  :noah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 19, 2013, 12:07:22 PM
Wait, now they're positioning it as an upgrade?


Doesn't make sense at all. Given Nintendo's aping of Apple a few years ago you'd think they would have realized sequels to your product are the way to go. Wii 2. Boom, easy to understand.

WiiU seems like an upgrade, meaning you end up with people buying WiiU games for their Wii.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 12:41:16 PM
Played some more WW last night. :rejoice

My running thought while playing is still "Man a TP HD would be the best thing ever." :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Rufus on November 19, 2013, 12:53:48 PM
It would need a re-texture to look presentable.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 01:16:56 PM
WW HD used the original dev textures (the final game then scaled them down) so TP HD would likely do the same. But TBH the only textures that need work are the ground/overworld ones. The rest of the game holds up really well, especially the character models.







I mean it's not current gen but it could stand proudly next to WW HD.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Takao on November 19, 2013, 01:22:05 PM
"The rest of the game holds up really well, especially the character models."

Yet your first example is an ogre that would really need redone texture work.  :comeon
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Raban on November 19, 2013, 01:25:11 PM
those pics :noah
Twilight Princess :bow2
Wind Waker :piss2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 01:25:20 PM
"The rest of the game holds up really well, especially the character models."

Yet your first example is an ogre that would really need redone texture work.  :comeon

He could use some touching up, yeah. In his case though the overall character model is still pretty good, and higher poly than one would expect.

those pics :noah
Twilight Princess :bow2
Wind Waker :piss2

Have my babies Raban.  :tauntaun

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Although I have been enjoying WW. It feels a lot more insubstantial than I remember tho.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Rufus on November 19, 2013, 01:28:32 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Although I have been enjoying WW. It feels a lot more insubstantial than I remember tho.
Yeah, as much as I like the game, a vast ocean isn't exactly exciting. They took Hyrule field and expanded it tenfold. The two cut dungeons hurt it more though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: hampster on November 19, 2013, 01:32:50 PM
This is Mario like you’ve never seen him before, and unlike so many of his next-gen rivals, he nips along at an effortless 60fps. If the true measure of new hardware’s worth is how stark the difference is between it and what came before, then this is the most next-gen game that 2013 has yet produced.

Edge: 9/10 (

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 01:36:05 PM
:lol Oh man, I can already tell that quote's gonna get a lot of use on GAF.

Still :larry on the game though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of
Post by: cool breeze on November 19, 2013, 01:36:53 PM
yeah, most of the reverence for Wind Waker feels like it's for its presentation, which is pretty amazing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2013, 02:21:17 PM
Another goty contender. Nintendo on a roll. Best year of Nintendo in a longggg time. Easy the developer/publisher of the year. 3ds is :lawd  but it is good Wii U got Nintendo love.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 02:40:07 PM

Fire Emblem Awakening
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pikmin 3
New Super Luigi U
Zelda: Wind Waker HD
Pokemon X/Y
Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Super Mario 3D World




The Wonderful 101
Lego City Undercover
Sonic Lost World

Huh, that's actually not a bad year of output. It's actually pretty good. :larry

X, Smash Weeooo/3DS, Mario Kart 8, Bayo 2, Donkey Kong Ballistic Banana next year, not bad either. :larry They don't seem to have much for 3DS next year tho.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2013, 02:43:05 PM
Like with ds, it seems Nintendo is shifting support from portables to the main console now.

I also don't see that output as "pretty good". That is GREAT and very consistent.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 02:47:15 PM
It would only be great if DK Chocolate Cacophony had actually come out. ( But even to my jaded ninthing heart that's really good.

I'm nervous about 3DS because it doesn't have the third party support the DS did, especially abroad. Where the hell is DQ7r, Squeenjizz?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Steve Contra on November 19, 2013, 02:57:39 PM
SM3DW gets perfect scores.

LMAO @ Knack
Still on Knack, huh?  Keep fighting the good fight.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 19, 2013, 02:59:34 PM
I think 3ds will pick up in third party now that MonHun 4 is out
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 19, 2013, 03:08:31 PM
I think 3ds will pick up in third party now that MonHun 4 is out

I really want that to come out before summer next year. Anything past that would be ridiculous especially with fucking Pokemon having a worldwide launch.

Although I don't know if I'll play it as much as 3U even if it is better without a console version. :larry My gametime was pretty evenly split between 3DS and Wii U on Ultimate.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: mjemirzian on November 19, 2013, 10:19:11 PM
60 fps shots fired. Probably won't stop most devs aiming for 30 fps with prettier effects, though. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Smooth Groove on November 19, 2013, 10:25:55 PM
Mario needs 60fps since it's all about speed and timing.

Wii U is a beast!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on November 19, 2013, 11:01:41 PM
Nintards were claiming Super Mario Galaxy looked better than the PS3 and 360 games out at the time.  Not surprised six years later they're trying to pull that kind of laughable shit again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 19, 2013, 11:04:09 PM
This mario game sure looks like mario
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: tiesto on November 19, 2013, 11:05:29 PM
You've conquered every Mario game... You think you've mastered all there is to know about Mario? Well you better think again!

So hyped for Friday... 3D Land was fucking great and what I've played @ Pottery Barn was awesome.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: MCD on November 20, 2013, 07:36:24 AM

Japan bore. Who was this?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: bork on November 20, 2013, 08:53:12 AM
what I've played @ Pottery Barn was awesome.

WTF, that wasn't a joke?  They really did have kiosks there?  :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 20, 2013, 10:15:55 AM
Pottery Barn :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 20, 2013, 11:41:21 AM
Obviously Nintendo knows their fans will be forcefully brought there by there mothers so they'll have a captive audience.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Lovingsteam on November 20, 2013, 03:49:28 PM
Why am I seriously thinking about picking up the Zelda XL bundle? I don't even like the art style of ALBW. Ugh. Screw Nintendo for making me want this.

BTW, is thegreatmightypoo a troll? Not even the king of Nintentards can be that big of a fanboy.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: tiesto on November 21, 2013, 12:27:26 AM
what I've played @ Pottery Barn was awesome.

WTF, that wasn't a joke?  They really did have kiosks there?  :lol

Yeah but only at some malls. The Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington had one and I was in the area so I figured, 'why not'.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 21, 2013, 01:47:52 AM
Nintards were claiming Super Mario Galaxy looked better than the PS3 and 360 games out at the time.  Not surprised six years later they're trying to pull that kind of laughable shit again.

Argue that it doesn't. :yeshrug

I think it has more personality than any next gen game so far. The lighting is impeccable. Aesthetically, it is easily the best looking next gen game, and aesthetics is the only thing that ever matters in this type of argument unless you're someone who equates realism as great graphics.

I mean, looking at your post.

Then looking at this image:


And then looking at this:


I know which one I prefer and it's the one with colors in it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 02:08:19 AM
Himu's the only one with enough courage on this heartless forum to try the whimsee argument and I respect you for that.  :american
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: mjemirzian on November 21, 2013, 03:10:02 AM
Well if you like 60 fps games and platformers Wii U has you covered.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 03:14:37 AM
Well if you like 60 fps games and platformers Wii U has you covered.

And 1080p up-ports (WW/MH.) :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 21, 2013, 06:25:16 AM
Don't know why I hadn't seen this before!

the fresh prince / rap / vidya mashup thread on GAF has some amazing videos in... Biggy vs Thomas the Tank is incredible!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: hampster on November 21, 2013, 11:01:26 AM
Last gen the graphics comparisons between the Wii and PS3/360 were silly, but now? I don't know, HD has been kind to mario

I'll let them have this one, if only to save themselves the embarassment of trotting out more X.gifs
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 21, 2013, 11:05:12 AM
Having an artistic background and appreciation for visual aesthetic  = having aspergers?


It has already been made clear that Andrex and I are among the most visual people on the forum due to our professions so it makes sense.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: TakingBackSunday on November 21, 2013, 11:36:57 AM
"I am among the most visual people on the forum."

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 21, 2013, 11:39:59 AM
Contrasting something that looks colourful and fun with a screen of something that looks generic and shitty doesn't necessarily = the whimsy defence

Nintendo games tend to be built with ludologically sound foundations... they start with an accessible, fun gameplay premise and either slap well known characters on top, or try and create one. They are made to 'look' as fun and inviting as they are to play. Many games are commonly built from a different starting point. They have gameplay in mind - but a lot of narratology too. With genres like FPS, they need to please an army of knowledgeable fetishists or have some kind of online bait to lure you in. The whole focus is on the tech, a marketable premise, telling stories - or some combination of the three. Art can take a back seat to spectacle, fun can take a back seat to bombast. It's the gaming world's clash of civilisations. Unlike the IRL clash of civilisations, where all religions are distinguished mentally-challenged and often incompatible, there's no reason ordinary people can't just enjoy good entertainment no matter what form it comes in.

TLDR? Mario looks great, sounds fun. End of.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 11:43:55 AM
Having an artistic background and appreciation for visual aesthetic  = having aspergers?


It has already been made clear that Andrex and I are among the most visual people on the forum due to our professions so it makes sense.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Rahxephon91 on November 21, 2013, 12:11:27 PM
You two are definitly something.

Mario looks good. Too bad it's Mario.

BF4 looks great, way to chose a terrible picture to prove a point. The thing is even though its obviously not a cartoony game, BF does many things that make it have an asthetic unlike other realistic try hard games. The use of grain, lightning, ect. BF 3 and 4 look astheticly pleasing not just because of the sheer power of thier graphics.

I don't have a carrer in this so ignore me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 12:13:43 PM
Sure guys, you go ahead and keep on keeping on


Don't lie, you want in on the loving. :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: magus on November 21, 2013, 12:55:25 PM
i know how to make both parties happy :hitler

there you go :sabu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 21, 2013, 01:25:56 PM
Having an artistic background and appreciation for visual aesthetic  = having aspergers?


It has already been made clear that Andrex and I are among the most visual people on the forum due to our professions so it makes sense.

I paint(DON'T JUDGE ME) so no. The new Mario looks great but that doesn't invalidate the existence of "realistic" graphics. Using "it's colorful!!" as a reason to justify buying inferior hardware, let alone calling people "non-visual" for preferring more powerful hardware, is a strange claim to make.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm using "apostrophes"

1. I haven't bought a Wii U.
2. I am not going to buy a Wii U.
3. Wii U is way less powerful than both new consoles.
4. The claim is not that BF4 is ugly - it isn't.
5. The claim is that Mario 3d World is the best looking HD title on recent systems. To me it is. This isn't Wii vs Ps360. So fighting the idea people think Mario looks better is distinguished mentally-challenged.

This is HD vs HD. And Mario 3d World looks beautiful. I'm not impressed with any ps4 or xbone titles visually aside from Ryse. And we know all about that game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 01:30:26 PM

Too late. :ufup
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: Himu on November 21, 2013, 01:36:43 PM
Why would anyone judge that you paint? :what
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Himu on November 21, 2013, 01:44:46 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on November 21, 2013, 01:50:37 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Smooth Groove on November 21, 2013, 07:27:11 PM
Mario looks great but I dunno why you would compare it to BF4.  BF4 with colorful pastel colors would look just as dumb as Mario in a dark, greyish world.

It's not like there aren't already HD games like Knack for a more valid comparison to be made. 

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: thisismyusername on November 21, 2013, 08:17:01 PM
Mario looks great but I dunno why you would compare it to BF4.  BF4 with colorful pastel colors would look just as dumb as Mario in a dark, greyish world.

It's not like there aren't already HD games like Knack for a more valid comparison to be made.

Ding ding. Two different art-styles/art-directions. It's stupid to compare "realistic" directions with "whimsy" (sorry, Andy) art-directions.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 22, 2013, 07:40:57 PM
Question because I'm going a bit nuts and doing all my xmas shopping right now:

Ok, so I got NSMB U, Luigi U, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, W101.  Any other Wii U games worth playing?  Demi listed Zombi U in his "want to get" and I see it's only $22 at Amazon right now.  Is that a legit, good game?

Next up, do all Wii controllers work with Wii U?  I lent out my Wii along with a Classic Controller Pro and Wiimotes.  Should I grab that stuff back.  I know the Wiimotes work but what about the CC Pro?

Third, Donkey Kong Country Returns is probably the only Wii game worth playing that I never got around to buying/playing.  Should I pick it up since Wii U is bc for $22 or should I get the 3DS port for $27.  60fps->30fps sounds pretty shitty for a 2d platformer, but I hear the 3DS one has better controls because the Wii one has stupid motion crap and 3DS one has extra levels.

Also on the 3DS topic, pretty much the only 3DS noteable game I don't own is Luigi's Mansion 3DS, is that worth getting or is it a tech demo?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Smooth Groove on November 22, 2013, 07:48:10 PM
I remember reading somewhere that Wii U pro controller only works for Wii U games so you might wanna get back the Wii classic controller for BC.

Are you planning on getting the Wii U pro controller?   It looks nice but the price is sickening. 
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 22, 2013, 07:54:48 PM
Yeah it looks nice, but it's a ripoff.

So the Wii U CC Pro only works on Wii U games.  But does the Wii CC Pro work on Wii + Wii U games?

And are there even any Wii U games you'd rather have a CC Pro than the Wiipad or a Wiimote?  Since the Wiipad has 2 analogs and stuff and a few games need the screen, it seems like it'd be fine for 3d games?  The main problem with Wiimote + Nunchuck was always camera control and stuff for games like Xenoblade.  Probably don't need a CC Pro until X or Bayo2 since W101 needs the tablet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: MCD on November 22, 2013, 09:09:07 PM
Wii U can only support one Gamepad so I'd rather let my family and friends play with the Pro controller instead of a Wiimote.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Joe Molotov on November 22, 2013, 09:09:50 PM
Next up, do all Wii controllers work with Wii U?  I lent out my Wii along with a Classic Controller Pro and Wiimotes.  Should I grab that stuff back.  I know the Wiimotes work but what about the CC Pro?

Some games use the Gamepad only, some games let you use the Wiimotes, some games let you use the CC Pro, some games let you use the Wii U Pro Controller, it's a grab bag. You have to check the back of the box to see what controllers you're allowed to use.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Smooth Groove on November 22, 2013, 09:11:05 PM
Wii U can only support one Gamepad so I'd rather let my family and friends play with the Pro controller instead of a Wiimote.

Can you use two Wiimotes or two Pro controllers simultaneously?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 22, 2013, 09:11:56 PM
Next up, do all Wii controllers work with Wii U?  I lent out my Wii along with a Classic Controller Pro and Wiimotes.  Should I grab that stuff back.  I know the Wiimotes work but what about the CC Pro?

Some games use the Gamepad only, some games let you use the Wiimotes, some games let you use the CC Pro, some games let you use the Wii U Pro Controller, it's a grab bag. You have to check the back of the box to see what controllers you're allowed to use.

Sounds like Nintendo.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Smooth Groove on November 22, 2013, 09:14:28 PM
It shouldn't be that hard to get a new controller working with BC titles

Sony got the Dual Shock 3 to work with PS2 titles
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: MCD on November 22, 2013, 09:15:23 PM
Wii U can only support one Gamepad so I'd rather let my family and friends play with the Pro controller instead of a Wiimote.

Can you use two Wiimotes or two Pro controllers simultaneously?
Dunno. I'm planning to buy it in a week with Mario but I won't have that many controllers to check anyway.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on November 22, 2013, 10:47:38 PM
Question because I'm going a bit nuts and doing all my xmas shopping right now:

Ok, so I got NSMB U, Luigi U, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, W101.  Any other Wii U games worth playing?  Demi listed Zombi U in his "want to get" and I see it's only $22 at Amazon right now.  Is that a legit, good game?


Also on the 3DS topic, pretty much the only 3DS noteable game I don't own is Luigi's Mansion 3DS, is that worth getting or is it a tech demo?

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Also, yes, Luigi's definitely worth getting.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 23, 2013, 02:07:12 AM
Wii U doesn't have a wired internet connection just like Wii doesn't.  Guess I won't be doing any online gaming on it since my wifi is spotty!  Glad Sony & MS still have actual ethernet ports.  Tried to system update when first booting it but it failed 5 mins into downloading the update.  Luckily Mario 3D World has the latest firmware.  Still taking foreeeever to update the system >_<

Question because I'm going a bit nuts and doing all my xmas shopping right now:

Ok, so I got NSMB U, Luigi U, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, W101.  Any other Wii U games worth playing?  Demi listed Zombi U in his "want to get" and I see it's only $22 at Amazon right now.  Is that a legit, good game?


Also on the 3DS topic, pretty much the only 3DS noteable game I don't own is Luigi's Mansion 3DS, is that worth getting or is it a tech demo?

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Also, yes, Luigi's definitely worth getting.

I tried playing MH a few times.  Never got into it.  Too grindy and hated the controls.  Plus I don't like playing games that involve other human beings most of the time.  Not for me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 23, 2013, 02:23:24 AM
And apparently it's NOT the latest firmware!  Because it won't let me make a Nintendo ID and says I need to update to latest system update before I can do that!

90 mins later and still not able to play a game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 23, 2013, 02:50:04 AM
Still updating.  Even the PS3 didn't take an hour to download an update and install it...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: radioheadrule83 on November 23, 2013, 04:29:01 AM
Bebpo - there are unofficial and official LAN adaptors for Ethernet if your WiFi is spotty

It's too late to do now but did you try to skip the download process and stick a game in btw? I suspect games still have the firmwares on disc. Maybe Mario comes with the latest?

Re: the cc pro vs the Wii U pro controller, one important plus for the latter is that it has clickable sticks etc. The full range of buttons. I find I only really use it when I play multiplayer COD or something. I'd use it a lot more if they find a way to patch in BC.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Bebpo on November 23, 2013, 05:19:25 AM
Mario doesn't come with the latest update.  But eventually was able to download the whole update though it took like 40 mins and then another 20 to install.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Takao on November 23, 2013, 10:53:33 AM
If that whole Bayonetta 1 port to Wii U thing works, I wonder what Nintendo fans will blame when it comes out and sells 4000 copies.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on November 23, 2013, 01:20:27 PM
If that whole Bayonetta 1 port to Wii U thing works, I wonder what Nintendo fans will blame when it comes out and sells 4000 copies.

I don't think anyone would expect it to sell well, Nintendo included. It might even just be digital only (and then nobody except them would have sales data to complain about, hohohoho.)

If it was retail I'd wonder if people would blame the Weeoo/Nintendo fans for "not buying another great game!!" when Platinum games always bomb, lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: MCD on November 23, 2013, 01:53:04 PM
If that whole Bayonetta 1 port to Wii U thing works, I wonder what Nintendo fans will blame when it comes out and sells 4000 copies.
It should be digital only.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 02, 2013, 11:07:14 AM

That just means the PS4 is the new home for casual Wii Bowling gamers now that Nintendo has gone back to focusing on hard core gamers. How many of those 250k PS4 will be collecting dust in a few months along with the single copy of Knack or Just Dance 2014 that was bought for it?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 02, 2013, 11:21:20 AM
Is this the greatest single ass raping in video game sales history?

Mario sonned by Knack :neogaf

Knack was in a bundle, also that doesn't count digital sales from the eShop. :wag
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: hampster on December 02, 2013, 11:21:43 AM
Enough grave dancing guys :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 02, 2013, 11:23:57 AM
Also Mario came out on the same day as Zelda, so it split the sales for people that like to savor one sublime video game experience at a time.

And it was snowing during the Wii U launch, but it was unseasonably warm when the PS4 released.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Flannel Boy on December 02, 2013, 11:34:22 AM
Knack over a real platform. Soccer over an actual sport. Warm beer over cold beer.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: demi on December 02, 2013, 11:43:33 AM
I watched the nintendo direct I missed on the tablet last night. I rather like the tablet. I prop it up on the cradle, like a mantlepiece.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on December 02, 2013, 11:48:12 AM
lego marvel ps4 outsold mario 3d world   :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2013, 11:50:31 AM
Im kinda sad Andrex has given up on his ninfaggetry a little, because this board could really use a wii u defender right now

:tocry 3rd party Nintendo tho?

BrandNew is still here.

We need someone like maxy or MCD or Methodis but for Nintendo. BrandNew and I are basically Olivio to their fattening thick anal butter.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: maxy on December 02, 2013, 11:55:10 AM
Im kinda sad Andrex has given up on his ninfaggetry a little, because this board could really use a wii u defender right now

:tocry 3rd party Nintendo tho?

He has not given up anything.

I bet he is burning like crazy inside...Sony is his real nemesis
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2013, 12:01:06 PM
Burning inside me so much I might just do something crazy like... buy a PS3 (eventually.)

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2013, 12:37:23 PM
He would. But I'd probably let him because damn that fucker needed to get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiid somehow.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Trent Dole on December 02, 2013, 02:22:55 PM
Im kinda sad Andrex has given up on his ninfaggetry a little, because this board could really use a wii u defender right now

:tocry 3rd party Nintendo tho?

BrandNew is still here.

We need someone like maxy or MCD or Methodis but for Nintendo. BrandNew and I are basically Olivio to their fattening thick anal butter.
Uh, Radioheadrule is a pretty insufferable nintard too. :-*
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: magus on December 02, 2013, 02:32:29 PM
when the wii was still a thing i often visited this nintendo blog for news and it was directed by the most awful ninthing ever and every thanksgiving he would put this pic up of nintendo eating all the turkey while poor sony and microsoft starved with their empty plate

wonder if he put it up this year,maybe the turkey is now replaced with tons of salt? :sabu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Purple Filth on December 02, 2013, 02:35:59 PM
damn  :holeup
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Cascade on December 02, 2013, 02:36:54 PM
Im kinda sad Andrex has given up on his ninfaggetry a little, because this board could really use a wii u defender right now

:tocry 3rd party Nintendo tho?

BrandNew is still here.

We need someone like maxy or MCD or Methodis but for Nintendo. BrandNew and I are basically Olivio to their fattening thick anal butter.
Uh, Radioheadrule is a pretty insufferable nintard too. :-*
Never forget:


Probably the most embarrasing moment in Bore history when this was uncovered. I'm still getting second hand cringe just posting this image.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2013, 02:40:49 PM
I cringe but it's a schadencringe.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Positive Touch on December 02, 2013, 02:58:54 PM
this is what happens when you dont have real problems in your life
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Himu on December 02, 2013, 03:09:57 PM
It's actually the opposite. All humans have problems in their lives; this is what happens when you have very real problems in your life. I hope you're doing okay Radio, you have a really good sense of humor looking at your Vine.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 02, 2013, 04:25:05 PM
Smiles and Cries shoulda be renamed Cries and Cries.

I laffed. :tocry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: mjemirzian on December 02, 2013, 06:16:18 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: thisismyusername on December 02, 2013, 06:26:07 PM
He would. But I'd probably let him because damn that fucker needed to get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiid somehow.

You're saying this as if you've solved that. :gurl
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Himu on December 02, 2013, 06:27:38 PM
That cat goomba. :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Tasty on December 02, 2013, 07:11:36 PM
He would. But I'd probably let him because damn that fucker needed to get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiid somehow.

You're saying this as if you've solved that. :gurl

I mean, I certainly think giving a BJ to Eric Schmidt solved it. But I guess it's up for interpretation.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Purple Filth on December 02, 2013, 11:10:30 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 03, 2013, 10:44:04 AM
It's actually the opposite. All humans have problems in their lives; this is what happens when you have very real problems in your life. I hope you're doing okay Radio, you have a really good sense of humor looking at your Vine.

That's really nice of you to say  :-[. I don't wanna give too much of a window in to my life and inner-nintard, but
spoiler (click to show/hide)
its fair to say my social life and mental state has been all kinds of wonky due to cumulative things that aren't really related to my persona on message boards: relationship problems, debt, taking redundancy, being forced to move back in with the parents at 30. Vidya is an odd thing to care about in that context, so I don't really understand some of my reactions like that either -- I kind of like that they gave people a laugh / cringe though. Stress is brain debilitating I guess...

Shits looking up at the moment, all that shit is a bad memory, I don't really have time to worry about more frivolous stuff. Still enjoying my games, and even observing console warz, just expending my own energy in slightly healthier ways... Been seeing a personal trainer at the gym for a wee while now (I'd never been to one before this year), and I'm feeling good. Been doing HIIT, weights, circuits and rowing. I kind of see the running, weights and rowing as a bit of a game / competition themselves actually..

On topic - Nintendo deserve this. Mario losing to Knack isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world -- I'd give Knack a try myself, and Nintendo need the kind of wake up call that tells them that throwing Mario at a problem isn't enough.

I am starting to wonder if word is actually getting back to Japan about how bad things are in the UK. From what I can tell, its worse here than it is in other parts of Europe and certainly worse than the US. It's now worse than the Gamecube was here. Even when you had Argos and Dixons pulling space on Gamecube (which was about 2 or 3 years in, not one year in), you would still have dedicated game shops and larger supermarkets carrying Nintendo stuff. It is as though nobody at Nintendo UK has walked into a GAME, Tesco, Sainsburys or Asda lately. Like they just don't know. Either that, or they are really going to shit with their relationships in distribution and retail. IF Rubin isn't already right about industry irrelevance generally, he's certainly at risk of it becoming right. I don't want to see Nintendo go the way of SEGA, but they don't seem to be doing an awful lot of good at avoiding that scenario. They could do a lot more. I will watch their Spike VGX appearance with great interest, but very little optimism. They'll probably show something we've already seen, or try and sell Pokken Fighters to a totally disinterested audience.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: hampster on December 03, 2013, 03:38:08 PM
Nintendo announcement at the Spike VGAs is looking more and more like Cranky Kong in DK which was already leaked by amazon :ufup
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 03, 2013, 04:36:34 PM
Nintendo announcement at the Spike VGAs is looking more and more like Cranky Kong in DK which was already leaked by amazon :ufup

I hope that's why they delayed it three months.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of Andrex and Himu- the most visual people on the Bore
Post by: Purple Filth on December 03, 2013, 04:57:13 PM
Nintendo announcement at the Spike VGAs is looking more and more like Cranky Kong in DK which was already leaked by amazon :ufup

I would laugh so fucking hard if this happened
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of #Regginator at VGX
Post by: Damian79 on December 03, 2013, 08:22:12 PM
I am guessing its not.  Rather a new smash character the dude from nintendo's boxing game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of #Regginator at VGX
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 04, 2013, 03:56:02 AM
Is it happening during the awards thing? If it's something stupid I hope they get laughed at or booed. They need to show something good.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of #Regginator at VGX
Post by: MCD on December 04, 2013, 03:57:56 AM
We've got a new IP to show you at VGX very soon.
It's called sadness.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of #Regginator at VGX
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 04, 2013, 06:02:39 AM
Oh god, it's going to suck isn't it. Reggie will slap his hand at Geoff while trying to pass off Donkey Kong Snr or Miis as revolutionary
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of SM3DW=GOTY
Post by: chronovore on December 04, 2013, 06:52:38 AM

Japan bore. Who was this?

I dunno. Haven't you heard that reporting secrets in Japan is illegal as of yesterday?
Title: Re: Painting
Post by: chronovore on December 04, 2013, 06:53:51 AM
Cause it's feggity and I suck at it.

I suck at it too!

Let's suck together!

...wait, that came out wrong.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 04, 2013, 12:28:41 PM
Mario losing to Knack isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world

However, i can tell you know that anyone suggesting this would happen -before- Mario 3D came out would have been laughed at by most.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 05, 2013, 10:35:16 AM
Considering getting my kid a Wii U for Christmas hmmm
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 05, 2013, 10:39:32 AM
Considering getting my kid a Wii U for Christmas hmmm

Be one of those special fellow dads that forces your kids to play NES games first, so they can have a proper appreciation for the medium before they're allowed to play new games.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: bork on December 05, 2013, 10:42:41 AM
Mario losing to Knack isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world

However, i can tell you know that anyone suggesting this would happen -before- Mario 3D came out would have been laughed at by most.

Sorry, missed this- did Knack actually sell more copies than 3D World? 
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 05, 2013, 10:44:42 AM
Considering getting my kid a Wii U for Christmas hmmm

Be one of those special fellow dads that forces your kids to play NES games first, so they can have a proper appreciation for the medium before they're allowed to play new games.

I already let him have my old NES in his room :lol (he has a 3ds and 360 to play tho)
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: archnemesis on December 05, 2013, 10:45:34 AM
Mario losing to Knack isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world

However, i can tell you know that anyone suggesting this would happen -before- Mario 3D came out would have been laughed at by most.

Sorry, missed this- did Knack actually sell more copies than 3D World?
Yes, but it was bundled together with a system that's sold out until February in Europe.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 05, 2013, 10:55:03 AM
Is there like a buying guide I could read for this thing somewhere? I'm confused what controllers and shit I need because Nintendo loves to sell extra crap.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: hampster on December 05, 2013, 11:07:29 AM
Considering getting my kid a Wii U for Christmas hmmm

So they can play Mario? What year is it, 1990?

Get them something that plays Minecraft
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 05, 2013, 11:51:33 AM
He plays minecraft on the Mac. Anyway, turns out he wants Tekno the robotic dog way more than Wii U :teehee
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: demi on December 05, 2013, 11:54:40 AM
Is there like a buying guide I could read for this thing somewhere? I'm confused what controllers and shit I need because Nintendo loves to sell extra crap.

What's there to know?

- You get a WiiU Pad with all units
- You can use Wii controllers to play Wii games, and multiplayer WiiU games (NSMBU, NintendoLand... etc)
- You can buy an extra WiiU Pro Controller that looks eerily like a X360 controller
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Tasty on December 05, 2013, 12:09:13 PM
Wii U pro controller might be the most well rounded controller Nintendo's ever made. It feels amazing to hold, the rumble is absurdly powerful, and it lasts 80 fucking hours on a single charge. Gotdamn.

Best $25 I ever spent thanks to that BB deal a few months ago.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 05, 2013, 02:30:44 PM
Wii U pro controller might be the most well rounded controller Nintendo's ever made. It feels amazing to hold, the rumble is absurdly powerful, and it lasts 80 fucking hours on a single charge. Gotdamn.

Best $25 I ever spent thanks to that BB deal a few months ago.

It's a damn shame it's optional and the gamepad thingy is required.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: hampster on December 05, 2013, 03:20:37 PM
I need a pro controller. Playing Mario with the nunchuck as the second player :( :yuck  It reminds me why I never did anything with the Wii despite owning one
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Tasty on December 05, 2013, 04:27:32 PM
Wii U pro controller might be the most well rounded controller Nintendo's ever made. It feels amazing to hold, the rumble is absurdly powerful, and it lasts 80 fucking hours on a single charge. Gotdamn.

Best $25 I ever spent thanks to that BB deal a few months ago.

It's a damn shame it's optional and the gamepad thingy is required.

Support is pretty great tho.

- NSMBU/Luigi U
- Wind Waker
- Mario World
- MH3U
- Basically all the third party ports, except Arkham City and Deus Ex stupidly enough
- Probably some other games, don't know
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Tasty on December 07, 2013, 12:50:48 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 07, 2013, 01:47:10 PM
:bow VGX fanfix :bow2
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 08, 2013, 09:20:23 AM
Haha, I used to watch that show.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 12, 2013, 01:55:41 AM
I just got a second-hand Wii U

The process of setting up my NNID is nothing short of moronic. "Please enter your NNID name." "Now your password." "Now enter the email address the NNID name is attached to." WHAT?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 12, 2013, 04:03:06 AM
Don't you have access to all the games purchased on this Wii U  by the previous owner now or something b?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 12, 2013, 05:40:48 AM
I just got a second-hand Wii U

The process of setting up my NNID is nothing short of moronic. "Please enter your NNID name." "Now your password." "Now enter the email address the NNID name is attached to." WHAT?

You get a confirmation email at your email address and use it for password recovery if you ever forget your NNID password, that's why they want it. They ask the same on 3DS, and if you try to log in with an existing ID and the email doesn't match I assume it doesn't let you or something.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Tasty on December 12, 2013, 11:27:07 AM
Don't you have access to all the games purchased on this Wii U  by the previous owner now or something b?

Not if the previous owner did a factory reset (which I also think GameStop does if they don't.)

All the games they bought are then lost to the ether.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: hampster on December 12, 2013, 04:24:20 PM
Link to the Past (virtual console) came out in Europe but not America :stahp

Wii U deserves everything it gets tonight when the NPDs come out >:(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 12, 2013, 04:32:24 PM
Speaking of that, what time does the apocalypse start?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 12, 2013, 04:35:34 PM
Speaking of that, what time does the apocalypse start?

About 10 seconds before GAF goes down for scheduled maintenance.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: magus on December 12, 2013, 06:18:38 PM
Speaking of that, what time does the apocalypse start?

About 10 seconds before GAF goes down for scheduled maintenance.

but gaf has already gone down! (now it's back up again and my joke is ruined >:()
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 13, 2013, 02:45:51 AM
So far about 80% of my Weeoo experience has been firmware updates and installing things

I have made a terrible mistake
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 13, 2013, 03:49:13 AM
So far about 80% of my Weeoo experience has been firmware updates and installing things

I have made a terrible mistake

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 13, 2013, 07:28:12 AM
When I re-U'd (:fbm ), the updates weren't as bad as when I got it at launch.  Those update download times were unbearable.  The Wii U also seems a lot more stable this time around and I've been able to consistently connect to the internet, which was a luxury a few months ago.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 13, 2013, 08:38:48 AM
I don't think the WiiU could be doing any worse.

It seems that Nintendo not only didn't build ANY brand loyalty with the Wii but actually lost some. This is really unprecedented. It's almost impossible to come off the back of being number one, to being number last and in a worse shape then ever. Truly a historic fuck up.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 13, 2013, 08:45:29 AM
That is because the Wii was a fad that ended in 2009-2010 and Nintendo didn't do shit to try to win them back.  They essentially pissed away 80 million or so potential customers.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 13, 2013, 09:12:28 AM
It could definitely be doing worse. If SM3DW hadn't released, if it hadn't had Pikmin and W101 over the summer, we'd essentially have an expensive, bland, 2D Platformer machine that even people like me wouldn't really like. As it is, it actually has some good content now, just not the kind of stuff that makes mainstream joe or casual sally spunk their pounds and dollars up the wall.

Its squashed between the cheap and still-performing 360/PS3 and the new gen launch at the moment, and too pricey to be considered an alternative to contract-subsidised smart devices. It obviously needs a price adjustment in time with good content if they want to stimulate sales. It needs the same kind of concerted push that 3DS has been enjoying this calendar year. Without it I don't see how anyone has expected good performance out of it TBH. I expected it to struggle even more than it did in November. I think it'll have a marginally better December, but not by much.

They shouldn't be looking at Gamecube or Dreamcast comparisons and resigning themselves to a parabolic curve of early death though. I see plenty of people saying they effectively want to 'want' one. That they'll jump in when its cheap etc. They should be looking at the example of the 3DS specifically, and the PS3 - on how to stimulate sales after a relative PR and marketing disaster. Sony's PR this last year has been masterful. I don't know which is worse -- Microsoft's fumbling of a perfect opportunity to gain ground, or Nintendo's complete inaction in the face of disaster... If they bring their A-game from Monolith, Retro, EAD's Zelda team etc. next year, and those along with Mario Kart don't effect some sort of improvement, then they maybe need to start thinking about how the fuck they can ever hope to sell a successor. If they don't repair relations with retail and the media, I'm not really sure they can.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Fifstar on December 13, 2013, 09:31:00 AM
There wasn't much if anything they could do to keep their casual customers, but it seems like their low power approach for 2 generations and maybe the milking of some franchises (like the NSMB series) cost them some of the Nintendo faithful and the core gamer audience.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 13, 2013, 10:51:45 AM
I'm going to suggest there isn't much they could have done to keep those people, considering where they ended up.

To most people, the Wii was just another "hot item" in a long line of "hot items." After no longer entertaining them, the Wii ended up in the closet next to their juicer, Nordictrack, Furby, Macarena CD and set of TaeBo tapes.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: bachikarn on December 13, 2013, 12:12:07 PM
I'm going to suggest there isn't much they could have done to keep those people, considering where they ended up.

I remember reading that the Kinect people originally pitched the idea to Nintendo, but they thought the technology wasn't ready yet. The company then went off to MS. If instead, they invested in the company and based Wii 2 on it, I think they could have kept up the momentum of the Wii.

It's also interesting to note that the guy who originally came up with the Wii Remote tech first pitched the ideas to Sony and MS, but they passed. Nintendo made the same mistake with the Kinect guy IMO.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 13, 2013, 04:03:35 PM
Yeah, that Kinect is really paying off in spades for MS.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: bachikarn on December 13, 2013, 04:46:47 PM
Better than the gamepad
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread- Subtitles are for next-gen.
Post by: T-Short on December 15, 2013, 02:47:40 PM
easily got 100+ deaths on the last SM3DW stage now, this is straight up asshole mario shit
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 16, 2013, 09:47:28 AM
Should have been a NES Zapper.   :heh
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 16, 2013, 10:30:11 AM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2013, 11:02:52 AM
What kind of devilry is that? Inline spoilers?  :ohhh
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 16, 2013, 11:03:57 AM
He's using the table code. Remember tables? They're back!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 16, 2013, 11:11:19 AM
I wanted to make the Wii and U line up with the drop down spoiler boxes, but not even the infinite power of tables could make that happen. :(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2013, 11:20:04 AM
He's using the table code. Remember tables? They're back!

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Purple Filth on December 16, 2013, 03:22:41 PM
He's using the table code. Remember tables? They're back!


Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 16, 2013, 03:27:22 PM
It's all about flexbox ( now, bitches. :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 17, 2013, 05:44:04 PM
New Nintendo direct.

3 p.m CET

According to the Big N, Wii U and 3DS titles due out by spring 2014 will be showcased. That likely means we’ll be seeing more of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Kirby Triple Deluxe, and more.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 17, 2013, 05:47:26 PM
You constantly call them "Big N." You're not "yawning", motherfucker. I can smell the stench of your wet panties all the way from here.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 17, 2013, 05:48:14 PM
New Nintendo direct.

3 p.m CET

According to the Big N, Wii U and 3DS titles due out by spring 2014 will be showcased. That likely means we’ll be seeing more of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Kirby Triple Deluxe, and more.


What's not to be excited about?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 17, 2013, 06:14:32 PM
You constantly call them "Big N." You're not "yawning", motherfucker. I can smell the stench of your wet panties all the way from here.

It was a copy and paste dumbass.  And i never call them "big N".
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 17, 2013, 06:15:25 PM
What's not to be excited about?

No RPG for me it seems anyway.  :(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: cool breeze on December 17, 2013, 06:24:14 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2013, 06:53:26 PM
What's not to be excited about?

No RPG for me it seems anyway.  :(

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 17, 2013, 06:55:52 PM
What's not to be excited about?

No RPG for me it seems anyway.  :(

Your assbergers would kick in and you would not like the game, anyway.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 17, 2013, 07:26:32 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 17, 2013, 10:30:21 PM
Won't be Zelda stuffs for a while, two just came out.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: cool breeze on December 17, 2013, 11:15:15 PM
bet on odama 2
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 18, 2013, 03:16:49 AM
Won't be Zelda stuffs for a while, two just came out.

I think that was meant to be satire.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2013, 04:23:47 AM
Cranky Kong in Mario Kart
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2013, 04:23:58 AM
Cranky Kong in Smash
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2013, 04:53:39 AM
Cranky Reggie in Mario Kong: Prime Waker
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2013, 09:53:34 AM
Lol I'll east crow, but what a swerve haha.

- Dr. Luigi (Wii U)
- Free Yoshi DLC for Sonic Lost Works (Wii U)
- NES Remix
- Bravely Default demo in January
- Rosalina in Smash
- Free Celebi if you sign up for Pokémon Bank by October
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 18, 2013, 09:53:43 AM
- Zelda Musou
- Chibi Robo 3DS
- Yoshi New Island (not to be confused with Yoshi Yarn... or Yoshi Island 2 DS... or... i dunno)
- Bravely Default IAP
- NES Remix (rom hacks)
- Dr. Luigi
- Cranky Kong Freeze
- Smash (Rosalina/Luma)
- Mario Kart 8 sizzle reel
- Luigi statue on Club Nintendo
- Sonic Lost World DLC featuring nintendo worlds (Yoshi, Zelda.....etc)
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: magus on December 18, 2013, 09:55:50 AM
- Chibi Robo 3DS

as in coming to an understandable language? :o
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 18, 2013, 09:57:24 AM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: magus on December 18, 2013, 09:59:03 AM


- Smash (Rosalina/Luma)

seeing rosalina in smash is depressing,back when brawl was a thing every new character announced was a freaking event because they were character that people gave a fuck about like wario or king dedede and now it's all like all the C-Tier stuff they created during their wii year
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 18, 2013, 10:22:23 AM
So Nintendo has given up on the Wii U?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 18, 2013, 10:26:41 AM
I think they're going to go the 3DS route and  try to bludgeon you with 80-85 grade level games until your wallet concedes.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 18, 2013, 10:29:49 AM
It's sad that thats what it'll take to get some Nintendo fans playing other games, but maybe it'll switch a few on to the Dynasty Warriors / Musou series generally. Its been a good marketing ploy in the past (SCII) and a not so good one (Tekken Tag 2 nintendo stuff). It looks alright to me.

Mostly happy that I'll be able to play Golf online later tonight. Dr Luigi and NES Remix will probably be fun -- I'm not against them churning out a few titles like that to fill gaps. I saw that they both have miiverse functionality -- are there leaderboards too? Mario Kart looks good graphically, but I'm hoping as we get nearer Spring they announce some new things about the gameplay -- Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed has raised the bar, and I want them to meet it.

You're not going to get any big character announcements or a big Zelda / Metroid level reveal during one of these things. Not unless it falls around some other event like E3. I'm not sure its safe to try and coast to such an event, they probably need to announce new partnerships / games sooner. Hopefully there's a good set of announcements to accompany the bad news of the January shareholders meeting.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: magus on December 18, 2013, 10:32:53 AM
You're not going to get any big character announcements

yeah it takes something like VGA for an announcement like cranky kong
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: thisismyusername on December 18, 2013, 11:04:40 AM
and a not so good one (Tekken Tag 2 nintendo stuff).

Didn't have Zelda, which is why Nintenyearolds didn't buy it. While Soul Calibur 2 did and when it didn't get a Nintendo port for 2:HD they whined about the lack of Zelda.

So, yes: "If that's what it takes to get people to try third party titles" I guess Nintendo needs to whore Link out everywhere.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 18, 2013, 11:07:50 AM
and a not so good one (Tekken Tag 2 nintendo stuff).

Didn't have Zelda, which is why Nintenyearolds didn't buy it. While Soul Calibur 2 did and when it didn't get a Nintendo port for 2:HD they whined about the lack of Zelda.

So, yes: "If that's what it takes to get people to try third party titles" I guess Nintendo needs to whore Link out everywhere.

Tag 2 Wii U had Zelda stuff in it.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2013, 11:14:56 AM
and a not so good one (Tekken Tag 2 nintendo stuff).

Didn't have Zelda, which is why Nintenyearolds didn't buy it. While Soul Calibur 2 did and when it didn't get a Nintendo port for 2:HD they whined about the lack of Zelda.

So, yes: "If that's what it takes to get people to try third party titles" I guess Nintendo needs to whore Link out everywhere.

Tag 2 Wii U had Zelda stuff in it.

Mario stuff too.

Tecmo and Nintendo are BFFs for some reason.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: treythemovie on December 18, 2013, 11:23:32 AM
Jesus christ. I know it's a japan studio but are 2006 level graphics really too much to ask for
Pretty sure Koei still thinks everything is the PS2
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: TakingBackSunday on December 18, 2013, 11:28:44 AM
dynasty warriors  :yuck

however, smash is looking good
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 11:51:45 AM
dynasty warriors  :yuck

 :punch :punch :punch

Although they have done this before.  Link and Samus were in Dynasty Warriors Vs.:
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: cool breeze on December 18, 2013, 11:56:43 AM
and a not so good one (Tekken Tag 2 nintendo stuff).

Didn't have Zelda, which is why Nintenyearolds didn't buy it. While Soul Calibur 2 did and when it didn't get a Nintendo port for 2:HD they whined about the lack of Zelda.

So, yes: "If that's what it takes to get people to try third party titles" I guess Nintendo needs to whore Link out everywhere.

shame EA isn't making Wii U games

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: hampster on December 18, 2013, 12:04:22 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Sho Nuff on December 18, 2013, 12:11:23 PM
Holy shit, I totally forgot that happened
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 12:14:11 PM


Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 18, 2013, 12:28:02 PM


Poor ol' Detective Chimp, got his spot usurped by Cranky Kong.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Raban on December 18, 2013, 12:58:52 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 18, 2013, 01:19:39 PM
Wow, desperate Nintendo is getting kinda stupid.

AssCreed 6 U to be set in Hyrule, confirmed.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 18, 2013, 01:22:44 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 18, 2013, 01:24:05 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Rufus on December 18, 2013, 01:27:20 PM
Possibly the most human-looking NPC in that game.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 18, 2013, 01:27:47 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........

-Wind Waker Link
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: cool breeze on December 18, 2013, 01:31:32 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........

-Wind Waker Link

-Twilight Princess Link
-Toon Link
-Ocarina of Time Link
-Child Link
-Zelda 2 Link
-Link to the Past Link (pink hair)
-Train Conductor Link
-Skyward Sword Link
-CDi Link
-Zelda Cartoon Link
-Dark Link
-Blue Tunic Link
-Red Tunic Link
-Minish Cap Link
-Zora Link
-Goron Link
-Deku Link
-Wolf Link

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: fistfulofmetal on December 18, 2013, 01:32:47 PM
-Cranky Kong
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: octopushover on December 18, 2013, 01:36:07 PM
Nintendo obviously just discovered Depth of Field based on how thickly they're putting it all over the place.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 01:36:53 PM

Hyrule Warriors (Wii U, 2014)


Dynasty Warriors 8 (PS3, 2013)

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 18, 2013, 01:38:42 PM
Wow, desperate Nintendo is getting kinda stupid.

AssCreed 6 U to be set in Hyrule, confirmed.

:sabu wii u having assassins creed 6 is wishful thinking.

The minute I hit post I realized the absurdity of it. :neogaf
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 01:40:24 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 18, 2013, 01:44:42 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........

-Wind Waker Link

Snot-nosed kid

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Hor
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2013, 02:02:34 PM
Typical fucking nintendo sticking their 2/3 chars into every fucking game.

What a sham
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 03:12:50 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Yeti on December 18, 2013, 03:21:32 PM
I like Link's dapper blue scarf :himu
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 18, 2013, 03:36:54 PM
If it is an entire DW game based on Hyrule, who else are you gonna play as?

- Link
- Sheik
- Uh..........



Make room for a real man, Link.  :drool
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Yeti on December 18, 2013, 03:39:47 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Raban on December 18, 2013, 03:43:29 PM
That's one fucked-up looking photoshop, but it still looks better than the actual game.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 18, 2013, 03:48:01 PM
X is being remade as zelda prob
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 03:52:52 PM
I like Link's dapper blue scarf :himu

because musou
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 03:53:05 PM

 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Yeti on December 18, 2013, 04:24:06 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I had to use the "Blur" filter on the Cranky Kong elements to make them match the picture better.  :-\
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 18, 2013, 04:24:58 PM
I'd buy it.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Brehvolution on December 18, 2013, 05:00:34 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I had to use the "Blur" filter on the Cranky Kong elements to make them match the picture better.  :-\
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 18, 2013, 06:11:12 PM
Anyone else notice that Link's face stays creepily static throughout that video?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Takao on December 18, 2013, 06:55:32 PM
Anyone else notice that Link's face stays creepily static throughout that video?

Link also looks more feminine than usual.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 07:16:01 PM
Cant get over how bad this game looks. Its like a Morrowind mod :holeup is all Musou trash this ugly?

None of them are visual masterpieces, but it's understandable given the large amount of enemies on screen and all the shit that's usually going on.

Hell, here's Dynasty Warriors 8 for PS4.  It's nothing mind-blowing.


  But other more recent musou games definitely look better than this Zelda game does.  Plus for Koei's first attempt at porting a musou to Wii U -Warriors Orochi 2 Hyper- they had to cut out some detail and lower the framerate.  Maybe they lowered the detail levels even more to get a better framerate.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 18, 2013, 07:17:00 PM
Something else that was pointed out- musou games are usually filled with character dialogue.  Is Link going to talk?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Bebpo on December 18, 2013, 10:05:52 PM
Yeah, I wonder how story-based it'll be.  I'd totally be done for a fleshed out story mode telling some crazy Hyrule crossover story where all the Links meet and fight Ganon & Crew.

Graphically I'll give it a pass because the cartoony style looks great imo.  If it plays well like Gundam Musou 3 or the good DW/SW/Orochi games, I'm actually going to pick this up.  Hopefully it plays better than OP Musou & FoTNS musou which are a bit shallow.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: The Sceneman on December 19, 2013, 03:06:03 AM
I dont get all this Cranky Kong stuff. What did I miss?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: benjipwns on December 19, 2013, 03:12:30 AM
Only the biggest announcement in gaming history. But don't worry, you'll find out when you pick up Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze on February 21st.

Only on Nintendo. PLAY IT LOUD.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: brob on December 19, 2013, 05:52:01 AM
Something else that was pointed out- musou games are usually filled with character dialogue.  Is Link going to talk?

Link always rolls with a fairy that has mouth diarrhea. Maybe his talking sword makes a return as well....
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on December 19, 2013, 05:57:21 AM
I dont get all this Cranky Kong stuff. What did I miss?

Cranky Kong being playable was the "big announcement" at the VGX.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 19, 2013, 05:59:07 AM
Dialogue will make this the Other M of Zelda games, I'm looking forward to how bad it is. I think the game will be fun though..

NES Remix is awesome. They should do a Gameboy Remix for 3DS or something.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 19, 2013, 07:56:39 AM
Zelda is a huge franchise (ummm....)
Musou games do huge numbers



Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: bork on December 19, 2013, 09:04:06 AM
Dialogue will make this the Other M of Zelda games, I'm looking forward to how bad it is. I think the game will be fun though..

NES Remix is awesome. They should do a Gameboy Remix for 3DS or something.

Unless they do something to completely deviate from the musou formula, this game is not going to be another "Other M".  But it is kinda funny that Tecmo-Koei is responsible for both games. 
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Takao on December 19, 2013, 10:07:59 PM
i told you link looks more feminine than usual
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 19, 2013, 10:26:46 PM
Screw you, you can't tell me what to believe, Taco!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cascade on December 20, 2013, 06:16:14 AM (

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Dark Souls 2 producer when asked about the Wii U:

Asked whether From Software and Namco ever considered a Wii U port, Miyazoe bluntly replies: “No.” When asked why, he explodes with laughter. “Wii U never came up, and we never doubted that (decision) either,” he says. “It was more of a company decision, so I wasn’t the one that decided this, but I think the audience for the Wii U is a lot different from the audience for Dark Souls.”
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Link to Wii U part in video interview with producer: (
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: radioheadrule83 on December 20, 2013, 06:27:06 AM
The best / worst reaction is when they laugh :lol From Software are probably right with their analysis of the overall audience. I'd buy Wii U Dark Souls myself and I think there's a gap in the Nintendo market for something with that freedom and difficulty - but I was always expecting to get DSII on another platform.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: MCD on December 21, 2013, 03:59:53 AM

Wii U GamePad extended battery now available in the US.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 21, 2013, 09:42:52 AM
Getting that ASAP. I'm still waiting for good deals on Pro controllers.

I feel like I've asked this before, but do Pro Controllers function as Classic controllers for Wii mode/games?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 21, 2013, 09:55:47 AM
Nope, which is why I haven't bought any and I won't be transferring my Wii stuff onto the Wii U
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 21, 2013, 10:21:58 AM
Nope, which is why I haven't bought any and I won't be transferring my Wii stuff onto the Wii U

The Nintendo Difference: Please Understand!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 21, 2013, 10:31:50 AM
Fuck. I wanna play Xenoblade during the break and the Wiimote controls sucks Andrex balls. I guess I'm gonna try a good deal on both, possibly dingy used one.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 21, 2013, 10:41:36 AM
You dont use waggle with Xenoblade. You should be fine.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 21, 2013, 10:53:20 AM
Buy a Wii Classic Controller Pro, Shaka.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Positive Touch on December 21, 2013, 01:22:01 PM
Fuck. I wanna play Xenoblade during the break and the Wiimote controls sucks Andrex balls. I guess I'm gonna try a good deal on both, possibly dingy used one.

if you need to borrow a wiimote ive got a few laying around
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 21, 2013, 03:21:48 PM
Fuck. I wanna play Xenoblade during the break and the Wiimote controls sucks Andrex balls. I guess I'm gonna try a good deal on both, possibly dingy used one.

How do you not have a Classic Controller?

Also Best Buy's had the white Pro Controller at half off ($20) a couple times this year, that's how I got mine.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Himu on December 21, 2013, 03:45:22 PM
I am not supporting Hyrule Warriors.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 21, 2013, 03:55:35 PM
I am not supporting Hyrule Warriors.

Me neither.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 21, 2013, 04:03:32 PM
I will.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: MCD on December 21, 2013, 04:04:53 PM
>Implying the Wii U won't be cancelled by then.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Cascade on December 21, 2013, 04:31:09 PM
>Implying the Wii U won't be cancelled by then.
I don't know about that. If Iwata isn't forced out by the shareholders, I could really see him riding the Wii U bomb to 2016.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Trent Dole on December 21, 2013, 07:10:07 PM
Great now I'm envisioning Iwata riding a Weeeooo in a strangelovian fashion.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Steve Youngblood on December 21, 2013, 09:22:38 PM
Fuck. I wanna play Xenoblade during the break and the Wiimote controls sucks Andrex balls. I guess I'm gonna try a good deal on both, possibly dingy used one.

How do you not have a Classic Controller?

Also Best Buy's had the white Pro Controller at half off ($20) a couple times this year, that's how I got mine.

The Pro controller isn't going to help him play Xenoblade.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 21, 2013, 09:30:41 PM
Both controllers have pros and cons with Xenoblade if I remember. I just don't remember what they were. Either way, I only played with the Wii mote/nunchuck and did'nt really have a problem.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 21, 2013, 11:00:09 PM
Fuck. I wanna play Xenoblade during the break and the Wiimote controls sucks Andrex balls. I guess I'm gonna try a good deal on both, possibly dingy used one.

How do you not have a Classic Controller?

Also Best Buy's had the white Pro Controller at half off ($20) a couple times this year, that's how I got mine.

The Pro controller isn't going to help him play Xenoblade.

No duh. I'm just talking if he wants one in general.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on December 21, 2013, 11:22:22 PM
>Implying the Wii U won't be cancelled by then.
I don't know about that. If Iwata isn't forced out by the shareholders, I could really see him riding the Wii U bomb to 2016.

Nintendo will let it ride until 2016-2017 anyway.  What they will do is do what they did to the Gamecube after 2003 when Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, and a $99 price point did jack shit for them.  While Nintendo didn't cancel the Gamecube, it was basically B/C level crapola (except for the awesome Paper Mario game) here and there.  The upside is that the Gamecube could theoretically thrive because it got multiplatform efforts since the power was comparable to PS2 and Xbox.  They won't have that luxury so they will either cut bait and let the system fend for itself, be stuck pumping out more Mario games (the likely scenario in my mind) to keep the sales from crashing and burning, or we might see some interesting attempts by Nintendo to try to bring in gamers (the least likely scenario).
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 21, 2013, 11:49:47 PM
maybe we will get Mario in NBA 2k
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 22, 2013, 12:47:02 AM
I'm curious why Nintendo does not tell me to take a break every 15 minutes like on 3DS. Instead, I am asked to post on Miiverse every time I finish a level.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: mjemirzian on December 22, 2013, 01:52:24 PM
I guess I'll pick up a Wii U whenever Bayo 2 drops next year.

Expecting another platinum bomba, although not as bad as W101. :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 23, 2013, 12:14:11 PM
Wonderful 101 is $30 at Target (bring cash) and GameStop right now.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 23, 2013, 12:38:34 PM
Buy a Wii Classic Controller Pro, Shaka.

Has anyone ever tried generic/3rd Party Classic Pros? They're like a few bux on ebay. If they're going to hold up for one I'll pull the trigger.

Wonderful 101 is $30 at Target (bring cash) and GameStop right now.

Buying this if Amazon price-matches.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: MCD on December 23, 2013, 12:39:34 PM
Wonderful 101 is $30 at Target (bring cash) and GameStop right now.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: tiesto on December 23, 2013, 01:19:13 PM
Wonderful 101 is $30 at Target (bring cash) and GameStop right now.

I was just about to buy this yesterday night for $60, thank god I held out. Will pick up!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: MCD on December 23, 2013, 05:19:44 PM

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 23, 2013, 08:29:24 PM
Nintendo got that special fellow audience on lockdown. What's to stop them from releasing hardcore porno and hentai on the Wii U and winning the console war overnight?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: maxy on December 24, 2013, 12:24:25 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 24, 2013, 01:09:06 PM
So I bought Nintendoland for $20. Seems $19 too much.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 24, 2013, 04:29:04 PM
The Wonderful 101 $30 (
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 25, 2013, 02:04:42 PM

Now if only I can score 3D World for the same price, my xmas shopping would be over.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 25, 2013, 11:37:58 PM
So I bought Nintendoland for $20. Seems $19 too much.

it took months but i grew to quite like nintendoland - i am serious as well.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 25, 2013, 11:42:30 PM
So I bought Nintendoland for $20. Seems $19 too much.

it took months but i grew to quite like nintendoland - i am serious as well.


Then again I haven't even taken mine out of the shrink wrap yet lol.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 26, 2013, 12:02:28 AM
So I bought Nintendoland for $20. Seems $19 too much.

it took months but i grew to quite like nintendoland - i am serious as well.


Then again I haven't even taken mine out of the shrink wrap yet lol.

son made me play Crash Course over and over and over - i went through the full gamut of emotions

But in the end i started to like it - maybe out of a need to survive the madness!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 26, 2013, 12:52:15 AM
Nintenstockholm Syndrome claims another victim. :aah
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 26, 2013, 01:42:25 AM
Please tell me he at least likes NSMBU better.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Damian79 on December 26, 2013, 06:06:17 AM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: magus on December 26, 2013, 06:16:51 AM
Not a Yakuza fan I take it?

Besides, we've all had questionable games we liked/loved when we were kids.

he likes the choroQ/road trip games, animal crossing, pokemon, wii music/play/sports/party, nintendoland, chibi robo, minecraft, world of tanks, mario (2D games ONLY), setting up chain explosions in GTA games, and the old pinball machine Taxi.  he occasionally shows interest in better games but after he plays 2-3 mins of them he gives up.  he hates hard games, has no interest in non-pokemon rpgs, and dislikes fighting games.

like, if you made a venn diagram of our tastes in games it would be all the games he likes on one side, all the games i like on another, and a tiny sliver called super mario bros. in the middle.


liking choro q :bow
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 26, 2013, 07:46:56 AM
after playing it for a while yesterday i can report that it's fuck-awful

shared that opinion, but eventually i had to admit that i wasn't having the awful time i was saying i was.

That said - the eldest son has moved onto Mario 3D Land - he's out of the numbered levels now, 139 or so stars. He's pretty good at it.
Lego City he's dumped about 30 hours into as well.

The WiiU is basically "his" machine - he got Rayman Legends and Disney Infinity for xmas .... never going to play them - not until Mario and Lego are done.

My dad, along with my mother, were the ones who got me into this hobby in the first place.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2013, 08:41:48 AM
Bought my kids the Wii U.

Pikman 3
Both the 2D Mario games (packed in)
Disney Infinity

I'm not sure about Infinity. It looks like one of those games that you dick around with for 10-15 hours and then never touch again. My wife wanted to buy it for them, because she has that Disney hard-on.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Rufus on December 26, 2013, 10:54:56 AM
Oscar, what is his reaction to Creepers in Minecraft? Or does he avoid adventure mode because of them?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Eel O'Brian on December 26, 2013, 11:05:25 AM
My Dad would play a few 2600 games. He loved River Raid.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: magus on December 26, 2013, 11:12:17 AM
yeah my dad played a lot with the commodore 64,this was one of his favourite game
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 26, 2013, 11:36:50 AM
Whoa, judging by this thread Wii U sales are (still) soaring!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Positive Touch on December 26, 2013, 11:37:20 AM
My Dad would play a few 2600 games. He loved River Raid.

my dad got me into videogames when he bought a colecovision. i would always ask to watch him play because he was much better at the games when i was. he was the first one of us to beat bowser in mario, too. seeing that that game had 32 levels instead of 4 like i had originally thought blew my tiny brain, and i think that was when i officially transitioned from casual to obsessed.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: tiesto on December 26, 2013, 11:52:10 AM
My dad played the Zelda series and the early Tomb Raider games. Would love to have gotten to co-op Guardian of Light with him  :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: demi on December 26, 2013, 11:57:08 AM
Bought my kids the Wii U.

Pikman 3
Both the 2D Mario games (packed in)
Disney Infinity

I'm not sure about Infinity. It looks like one of those games that you dick around with for 10-15 hours and then never touch again. My wife wanted to buy it for them, because she has that Disney hard-on.

How old are they? Pikmin might be way too advanced for them. Should have got Mario World instead.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 26, 2013, 12:07:58 PM
Mario World is full priced and low on stock errwhere. :noah

Sounds like I have to drop a $60 on this mofo.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2013, 12:11:04 PM
How old are they? Pikmin might be way too advanced for them. Should have got Mario World instead.

They are both 8. The one was able to play through Pikman on the Gamecube (with some walkthrough helps), is it about the same in difficulty?

I was thinking about jumping on that Wonderful 101 sale, but it looks too hard for them.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on December 26, 2013, 01:00:21 PM
Mario World is full priced and low on stock errwhere. :noah

Sounds like I have to drop a $60 on this mofo.

Mario is not dropping anytime soon. Use a gift card of some sort, or wait for a B1G1 deal. TRU has B1G1 40% off right now.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: Tasty on December 26, 2013, 01:16:18 PM
heh, my mother hated games, still does.  you can't play a video game in her line of sight or she goes postal.  my dad didn't hate me playing them, but he didn't have any interest in them apart from the idea that he could ground me off them for months at a time to get me to do things.  my dad tried to get me interested in his hobbies: aviation, astronomy, and such, but the only thing that really stuck was his interest in computers and star trek.  and man those were totes valuable to my social life THANKS DAD.

Do we have the same dad? Except his hobbies were mostly sports things.

My mom used to play tons of arcade games, Donkey Kong was her favorite, but she deliberately chooses not to play anymore. I know she could do it if she did, but she says they're too complicated these days. Couldn't even get her to play WiiSports. :fbm

Oddly my father's dad was a huge game-player. It was his SNES that got me into Nintendo, and he played Alpha Centauri and Masters of Orion as well. I figure this came after my dad was grown though.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: DCharlieJP on December 26, 2013, 04:38:35 PM
my mother is an -extremely- good Tetris player. Her other big games are Arkanoid series, Tapper, etc.

my dad was really into bike racing games - so he would clear things like C64 Super Cycle, the story mode on Megadrive Super Hang On, Road Rash series etc.
But mainly i remember playing things like Galaxians, Phoenix, Moon Cresta, Defender etc at the local pub with him.

They both sort of fell off playing games around playstation though, think 16-bit was their limit.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 26, 2013, 08:49:42 PM
My dad never really got into games... he played some early shareware shit like Wolfenstein but mostly just didn't give a shit. He never had a problem with me having game systems in the house, though.

My mother never played games until the past five years or so... she's really gotten into playing Animal Crossings and Harvest Moons. So, basically the worst shit ever made.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Positive Touch on December 26, 2013, 10:00:40 PM
my mom really loves old pc adventure games. we used to pay them together sometimes. she'd always find the most random bargain-bin games like woodriff and the scnibble and some weird hippie game that used some kind of pulse rate sensors.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: fistfulofmetal on December 26, 2013, 10:02:40 PM
My dad was pretty boss at Final Doom on the PSX
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: MoxManiac on December 27, 2013, 07:46:07 PM
I just bought at Wii U  :o
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 27, 2013, 07:49:54 PM
I'm playing W101 right now.

Such whimsy.

Much Kamiya.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 27, 2013, 08:48:44 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - If Wii U was a Horse
Post by: EmCeeGrammar on December 27, 2013, 09:21:51 PM
Not a Yakuza fan I take it?

Besides, we've all had questionable games we liked/loved when we were kids.

he likes the choroQ/road trip games, animal crossing, pokemon, wii music/play/sports/party, nintendoland, chibi robo, minecraft, world of tanks, mario (2D games ONLY), setting up chain explosions in GTA games, and the old pinball machine Taxi.  he occasionally shows interest in better games but after he plays 2-3 mins of them he gives up.  he hates hard games, has no interest in non-pokemon rpgs, and dislikes fighting games.

like, if you made a venn diagram of our tastes in games it would be all the games he likes on one side, all the games i like on another, and a tiny sliver called super mario bros. in the middle.


Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Oblivion on December 27, 2013, 11:34:15 PM

What the hell?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on December 28, 2013, 12:47:25 AM

What the hell?

Unfortunately, that's the best part of Sonic Lost World by a pretty wide margin. This game is crap, not that anyone's surprised I'm sure, but even by the standards of Sonic Generation this is a big step back.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on December 30, 2013, 10:42:53 AM

RIP Nintendo
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 30, 2013, 11:36:05 AM
Wonder if he will take a trade? I have a few N64 carts laying around ...

Played some Mario 3D World this week with mah kids. Game is pretty damn easy thus far (World 3-3). At least it's manageable in multiplayer mode. Not an exercise in frustration like the NSMB games are.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on December 30, 2013, 08:46:42 PM
Wonderful 101 is fantastic, and it's definitely a Kamiya game through and through, but boy if it didn't have its share of issues that a lot have glossed over (then again they're the same crowd who believe Kid Icarus was flawless). You can tell it needed a to cook a couple more months in the oven and that it was made by someone with ADHD.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2014, 07:19:38 PM
I finished W101 (fun game, full whimsy and bugs) and now I've moved onto WW HD with short bursts of 3DW in between. I hate to sound like a ninthing, but I'm pretty much in gaming bliss right now. Haven't enjoyed myself like this in a while.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Positive Touch on January 08, 2014, 07:39:23 PM
hate to put shaka on front street like this, but when he brought his weeoo over the other day he spent a good 10 minutes adjusting my tv's picture settings to "improve the picture quality." he's almost fully transitioned now
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2014, 07:46:55 PM

Colors and contrast were off. Lay off, breh. Though what really bugged me that day was the gamepad fucking dying on us, then not being able to play some games, like W101. It doesn't support a regular USB charger, nor the nearly similar 3DS charger. I really saw the huge drawback of this system's setup— requiring 4 different cords for it to function is just rediculous.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 08, 2014, 08:35:43 PM
I finished W101 (fun game, full whimsy and bugs) and now I've moved onto WW HD with short bursts of 3DW in between. I hate to sound like a ninthing, but I'm pretty much in gaming bliss right now. Haven't enjoyed myself like this in a while.

Shaka, you dick, did you decline my friend request? I swear I thought I sent you one, but you're not on my friend list. The only person I ever see online is Steve watching Netflix. :lol
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on January 08, 2014, 09:13:32 PM
Add me, my love. I have been playing Luigi U.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2014, 09:58:12 PM
Joe, I swear I didn't! This mofo let's requests expire after 30 day. You must have sent it when it was in my closet. :(

Edit: Accepted!
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 08, 2014, 10:01:34 PM
I also learned that Shaka gets aggy when you're sandbagging in a game and not paying attention :hitler

Also, when you rough my toys around a bit. Positive was like "I'll through thing brick here and that brick there", and I was like "brehhhhhhhh" :noah
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 08, 2014, 10:24:44 PM
Joe, I swear I didn't! This mofo let's requests expire after 30 day. You must have sent it when it was in my closet. :(

Edit: Accepted!

Who would have ever thought we'd be worrying about friend requests expiring on a Nintendo console? Oh Nintendo, you've come a long way, baby!  :clap
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Tasty on January 08, 2014, 11:22:57 PM

Colors and contrast were off. Lay off, breh. Though what really bugged me that day was the gamepad fucking dying on us, then not being able to play some games, like W101. It doesn't support a regular USB charger, nor the nearly similar 3DS charger. I really saw the huge drawback of this system's setup— requiring 4 different cords for it to function is just rediculous.

Pro Controller 80 hours + Mini USB charging :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Tasty on January 08, 2014, 11:23:27 PM
Add me, my love. I have been playing Luigi U.

I just 100%'d that last night, good game. Pro Controller support was heavenly.

R button to twirl instead of that stupid waggle shake. :lawd
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on January 09, 2014, 12:20:22 AM
Er... you can press R to twirl on the gamepad too?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 09, 2014, 01:40:48 AM
Playing games off-TV on the GamePad.  :lawd

So what if it's 480p? Good enough for Wii, good enough for me.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 09, 2014, 05:54:58 AM
Wonderful 101 is fantastic, and it's definitely a Kamiya game through and through, but boy if it didn't have its share of issues that a lot have glossed over (then again they're the same crowd who believe Kid Icarus was flawless). You can tell it needed a to cook a couple more months in the oven and that it was made by someone with ADHD.

I feel as though all it needed was a better tutorial at the opening - and maybe a better demo that more thoroughly taught people. I think maybe they should have released a demo that led up to a tweaked Ohrowchee battle (001-C) -- its a good varied battle with on rails shooter, twin headed boss battle and free-falling climax that uses a few of the different formations. It looks and feels cool to play when you know what you're doing - so maybe something like that with a few tutorial prompts would have made a better demo.

I'm okay with all the formation drawing and stuff - the thing I think makes it feel a bit janky at times is the drawing a rainbow-circle-thing to recruit new heroes or make something happen in the level. Sometimes the camera / touchscreen relationship feels a bit fucked up there..

Genuinely good game though, really love the daft little Viewtiful-Joe-esque scenes and skits and the arcadey beatemup feel of it all

edit: GIF thievery

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 09, 2014, 09:25:20 AM
Playing games off-TV on the GamePad.  :lawd

So what if it's 480p? Good enough for Wii, good enough for me.

It is great, but it's a shame you can't wander away too far. I get about 30 feet away and it turns into a slideshow.

I'm sure we will get an Official Nintendo Signal Repeater (MSRP 89.99) in the coming years.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Tasty on January 09, 2014, 09:40:05 AM
Er... you can press R to twirl on the gamepad too?

Lol of course, I just meant in general it's a great improvement with Luigi U.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on January 09, 2014, 09:48:54 AM
I was immediately turned off of the Luigi physics and the 100 second timer - but then you realise every level is almost 20 seconds long at most.

I got the 5 star on Mario, going to do the same for Luigi. Not going to bother with Challenges - though some are stupidly difficult. The Super Plays are some TAS level work, from the bonus videos shown.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 09, 2014, 10:41:21 AM
Wonderful 101 is fantastic, and it's definitely a Kamiya game through and through, but boy if it didn't have its share of issues that a lot have glossed over (then again they're the same crowd who believe Kid Icarus was flawless). You can tell it needed a to cook a couple more months in the oven and that it was made by someone with ADHD.

I feel as though all it needed was a better tutorial at the opening - and maybe a better demo that more thoroughly taught people. I think maybe they should have released a demo that led up to a tweaked Ohrowchee battle (001-C) -- its a good varied battle with on rails shooter, twin headed boss battle and free-falling climax that uses a few of the different formations. It looks and feels cool to play when you know what you're doing - so maybe something like that with a few tutorial prompts would have made a better demo.

I'm okay with all the formation drawing and stuff - the thing I think makes it feel a bit janky at times is the drawing a rainbow-circle-thing to recruit new heroes or make something happen in the level. Sometimes the camera / touchscreen relationship feels a bit fucked up there..

Genuinely good game though, really love the daft little Viewtiful-Joe-esque scenes and skits and the arcadey beatemup feel of it all

I ended up enjoying a lot myself, but mostly because it cost $30. There were a lot of frustrating moments that had little to do with how I played, as I was able to get the hang of things surprisingly quickly. Regular drawing became a breeze when I started doing directly with thumb on the touchpad. Some of the issues I encountered:

- Framerate being closer variable/unlocked-30 rather than a solid 60. This is what makes wish it had more time for optimization.
- An awkward camera angle that prioritizes the tilt-shift effect rather than an optimum, and full view of the field
- Said camera makes crowd-controlling waves of enemies unnecessarily frustrating, especially when start lunging at you from outside the wide-camera view. AI can be annoying in the wrong conditions.
- Said camera obscures perspective and with poor implementation of shadows can lead to frustrating platforming and item collecting (sometimes I'd be jumping trying to get some batteries only to realize I'm nowhere close)
- Many bugs and glitches were encountered, especially when facing bosses with a large team. For example getting stuck in the environment and having randomly redraw something to get out, teammates getting stuck or float around objects randomly, randomly ascending after a simple jump till I'm outside of view then falling to my death, getting stuck in larger enemies/bosses and missing button prompts. There are a few other issues, but they weren't severe enough to warrant a mention.
- While the drawing mechanics become a second nature down the road I was bored to tears after the first few brain-dead dumb QTE-esque drawing moments against bosses. There's a criminal amount of them. Did I mention how dumb they were after a while? It almost feels like I spent 40% of my time in every operation doing them, when the main draws should have been kept focused on actual levels where you have full control of your team and boss battles. It fucks up the pacing, IMO.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Tasty on January 09, 2014, 10:53:52 AM
I was immediately turned off of the Luigi physics and the 100 second timer - but then you realise every level is almost 20 seconds long at most.

I got the 5 star on Mario, going to do the same for Luigi. Not going to bother with Challenges - though some are stupidly difficult. The Super Plays are some TAS level work, from the bonus videos shown.

I'm basically 22 gold medals from 100%ing the challenge mode, keep meaning to go back to it. Easily the best part of the entire New series IMO.

Don't Touch Anything is a massive pain in the ass. :-\
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Diunx on January 09, 2014, 11:32:51 AM
So my fake nephew told me he got a Wii for Christmas, I asked him what happened to the old one and he told me "no I got the one with the controller that lets you play new wii games" :dead
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: bork on January 09, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
Playing games off-TV on the GamePad.  :lawd

So what if it's 480p? Good enough for Wii, good enough for me.

It is great, but it's a shame you can't wander away too far. I get about 30 feet away and it turns into a slideshow.

I'm sure we will get an Official Nintendo Signal Repeater (MSRP 89.99) in the coming years.

You don't have this problem when you use the Vita for PS4 remote play.  :smug

spoiler (click to show/hide)
You also don't have much to play and everything is stuck at 30 FPS.   :'(
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Phoenix Dark on January 10, 2014, 10:17:26 PM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 11, 2014, 12:00:49 AM

that isn't real

how can that be real
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 11, 2014, 12:06:02 AM
Looks like a game ulillillia would play.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Damian79 on January 11, 2014, 03:11:06 AM

I kinda want this game on the wii u.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 11, 2014, 09:55:05 AM
Looks like a game ulillillia would play.

Haha, I was gonna say, that looks like some Bubsy 3D level shit.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: demi on January 11, 2014, 08:56:26 PM
5* Mario U and Luigi U - playing Zombi U now
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 11, 2014, 09:33:43 PM
I didn't play it last year on PS3 and I don't have a vita so I kind of missed out on Knytt Underground... I realised I had £5 in premium points so decided to buy it yesterday and promptly spent 12+ hours in one sitting playing it.


Not really sure what the story was supposed to be about... Kinda felt like it was trying to be clever.. loads of blabbery commentary on attitudes to religion, and characters getting mixed up about human artifacts and calling themselves internets and stuff... I just mashed A a lot and tried not to care too much when the writing was bad. Oh, my fairy is a lesbian and pines after someone in a monastery? Thats cool I guess. Edit: on reflection, I think it tried to tell personal relatable stories in a very abstract world, which is maybe something admirable to try, I just think it could have done with an editor to make it more lean, cut out unnecessary swearing etc. I really liked the weird and imaginative vibe to things and thankfully, anything bad comes on top of what is a very satisfying exploration game with some very attractive scenery. I'll probably buy nicklas' next game so.. mission accomplished?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Tasty on January 11, 2014, 09:54:05 PM
5* Mario U and Luigi U - playing Zombi U now

How is it?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Yeti on January 13, 2014, 01:48:30 AM
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 13, 2014, 02:56:59 AM

Now that the game was up and running on the console we could start developing features that would use the new controllers and make our game stand out on the platform. But soon after starting this we ran into some issues that the (minimal) documentation didn't cover, so we asked questions of our local Nintendo support team. They didn't know the answers so they said they would check with the developers in Japan and we waited for a reply. And we waited. And we waited.

After about a week of chasing we heard back from the support team that they had received an answer from Japan, which they emailed to us. The reply was in the form of a few sentences of very broken English that didn't really answer the question that we had asked in the first place. So we went back to them asking for clarification, which took another week or so to come back. After the second delay we asked why it was taking to long for replies to come back from Japan, were they very busy? The local support team said no, it's just that any questions had to be sent off for translation into Japanese, then sent to the developers, who replied and then the replies were translated back to English and sent back to us. With timezone differences and the delay in translating, this usually took a week !




If they hadn't caught lightning with a bottle with the fucking Wii, these assholes would be extinct already. Ohmahgerd, the next five years or so are going to be so fucking delicious.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Sho Nuff on January 13, 2014, 02:57:00 AM
I like how they didn't know how xbox Live worked
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 13, 2014, 02:58:49 AM
I'm just now getting to the online gaming part, and I'm sure I'll have to break for a post-coital cigarette.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 13, 2014, 03:00:34 AM
Please Understand, Grouch.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 13, 2014, 03:04:56 AM
omfg @ the online shit

no words


It's like my mom runs this company

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 13, 2014, 06:47:44 AM
This is worse then I thought.

I thought Nintendo just didn't care to compete in that area, but they don't even know what is out there even it seems.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 13, 2014, 06:48:22 AM
The translation stuff is horrendous -- people working at Nintendo Großostheim have to be multilingual, but the guys doing the actual development don't? There should at least be an intermediary translation team in place during the formative phase / console transition that are there to help iron out these documentation and hardware bug problems

The Xbox Live / PSN comment is probably being misread. Third parties are saying "make <this thing> work like Xbox Live" and Nintendo are saying "we're not Microsoft and we're not a partner, we don't work on their consoles ourselves, so that's not a specific enough request.". ie. they don't know exactly how the other sides implement their features, third parties need to tell them in more granular detail what they need. I don't think that's unreasonable.

Anyone can play a console and know what it does for the end user, I'm sure plenty of people at Nintendo own the other consoles. They know what the games are and what the services do. What is provided for developers and specifically how it is provided and documented, is another matter.

This quote from Criterion illustrates that they didn't have documentation ready at launch but had it together for when they were eventually putting out the game:

"The difference with Wii U was that when we first started out, getting the graphics and GPU to run at an acceptable frame-rate was a real struggle. The hardware was always there, it was always capable. Nintendo gave us a lot of support - support which helps people who are doing cross-platform development actually get the GPU running to the kind of rate we've got it at now. We benefited by not quite being there for launch - we got a lot of that support that wasn't there at day one... the tools, everything."

Essentially, they rushed to be a year ahead of everyone else, tarnished the reputation of their development environment in the process and had to make hardware sacrifices to keep backwards compatability and keep costs down. None of which has really been of benefit to them, or is appreciated by anyone.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on January 13, 2014, 07:57:17 AM
The translation stuff is horrendous -- people working at Nintendo Großostheim have to be multilingual, but the guys doing the actual development don't? There should at least be an intermediary translation team in place during the formative phase / console transition that are there to help iron out these documentation and hardware bug problems

Frankfurt Am Mein is the European translation and testing HQ so yes people there do speak multiple languages. But this is not a requirement for engineers in Japan obviously.

The team in Frankfurt is really not kept in the loop about things until almost the last moment (from a friend that works there) and I'm sure they don't translate any of the documentation for this stuff. Just pure games.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Damian79 on January 13, 2014, 08:31:10 AM
This stuff has been knwon for a while now.  Even Iwata has said the networking sucked in his "directs" and the CPU has always sucked.  The situation is better now according to devs working on it now in terms of tools though.

Most of the main complaints pointed at in the article from the dev is aimed at pre-retail release SDK problems. I can safely say that the post release SDK kit given to developers now do not contain any of the listed problems and being an early on developer on any new hardware will pose challenges to those unfamiliar. Programming and coding is most of the time trial-and-error.  Wii U game development takes the same amount of work and attention as a Xbox 360 or PS3 game development. They've done their process of making their API understandable and useful to seasoned programmers. Wii U development = any other game console development time.
-Christopher F Arnold @Kurisuellegarde
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 13, 2014, 10:00:31 AM
At some point in this conversation we were informed that it was no good referencing Live and PSN as nobody in Nintendo's development teams used those systems (!) so could we provide more detailed explanations for tchem.

:sabu :sabu :sabu

You can't call this anything but arrogance.

Stupidity works too.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 13, 2014, 10:04:13 AM
Or "predictable".
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: thisismyusername on January 13, 2014, 11:27:15 AM
I like how they didn't know how xbox Live worked

Seriously, where has Nintendo been for the past decade?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: Raban on January 13, 2014, 11:28:30 AM
I like how they didn't know how xbox Live worked

Seriously, where has Nintendo been for the past decade?
Stuck a mile up their own ass?
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Yulwei on January 13, 2014, 11:39:46 AM
So is 3D World as easy as I've been hearing it is? I greatly look forward to playing it whenever I get a Wii U, but I'm kind worried about the apparent lack of difficulty.

I enjoyed NSMB but the game was way too fucking easy.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 13, 2014, 11:49:34 AM
3D World is even easier than NSMB.

The levels (seem) shorter and they shower you in power ups. The only time I really died is when I would get too aggressive in jumping or in a few of those boards where the screen slowly moves (forcing you forward).

It's still very well done and fun. Multiplayer works much better, too.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Raban on January 13, 2014, 11:56:34 AM
Nintendo games aren't about depth or difficulty, they're about clever design. This is not news.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 13, 2014, 12:00:15 PM
I'm still early in the game and so far it is indeed a cakewalk, but I'm hoping for secret worlds akin to 3D Land that'll up the ante. Is there anything like that here?

(I remember Hyoushi calling the challenge in later levels BS, so here's hoping)

I'm still bitter about the lack of online because the MP is so well done and so much fun.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 13, 2014, 12:10:21 PM
So is 3D World as easy as I've been hearing it is? I greatly look forward to playing it whenever I get a Wii U, but I'm kind worried about the apparent lack of difficulty.

I enjoyed NSMB but the game was way too fucking easy.

Worlds 1-3 are super easy - like tutorial-level easy, but there are a fair few good levels peppered in among them
spoiler (click to show/hide)
the first plessie level, super mario kart level, various castles and boss levels etc.
- from World 4 it really starts to get creative, and I'd say its challenging from the final couple of standard worlds... after which of course, there are three more, two of those featuring mostly remix levels (think the comet challenges in Mario Galaxy - 100 seconds, variants on themes etc). Its only really 'hard' if you're trying to get to Champions Road (the final final level when you've got all the green stars, topped every flagpole and got all the stamps). Some levels are quite clever at making one or more of those things tricky. I've had it a while and I'm only now just finishing all that.

Stills don't do the game justice, but I did capture a lot on my play through - and they're here (spoilers obviously):

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Yulwei on January 13, 2014, 12:13:55 PM
I see, thanks. Still looking forward to it. The level design does look a lot more creative than NSMB's so that should help.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 13, 2014, 12:39:43 PM
Nintendo games aren't about depth or difficulty, they're about clever design. This is not news.

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Raban on January 13, 2014, 12:52:47 PM
Haha, that's not praise. Nintendo has said many times that they're in the business of making games the coddle the player and make them feel smart without asking the player to actually do anything challenging.

We like to think old school Nintendo wasn't like this but it's easy to forget that manuals were once a significant part of a home game experience and Nintendo basically printed strategy guides in their instruction booklets. Strategy guides that they can now afford to just stick into the game itself.

Hopefully this analogy isn't too random, but I think it's like the differenece between a word problem in algebra and a geometry equation. One of them has everything written for you, all you do is line up the pieces correctly. The other requires you to do all the work and even explain how you got there. Nintendo is definitely the former.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - don't call it a comeback
Post by: cool breeze on January 13, 2014, 01:32:23 PM
I like how they didn't know how xbox Live worked

they disassembled a 360, couldn't find it and gave up
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Tasty on January 13, 2014, 02:52:50 PM
3D World is even easier than NSMB.

The levels (seem) shorter and they shower you in power ups. The only time I really died is when I would get too aggressive in jumping or in a few of those boards where the screen slowly moves (forcing you forward).

It's still very well done and fun. Multiplayer works much better, too.

Multiplayer is a pile of doodoo. The camera is zoomed in way too much and it's too easy for a character to run ahead and take the camera with him.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: ToxicAdam on January 13, 2014, 04:31:34 PM
I didn't say it's flawless, just better than NSMB.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Tasty on January 13, 2014, 06:19:26 PM
It's worse. At least in NSMB you have to use waggle or a shoulder button to pick someone up. In 3D World it's the same dang button as run. It's impossible not to pick someone up at least once per level unless you try not to.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 13, 2014, 06:21:17 PM
Multi mario in both games sucks. Fuck multiplayer mario. I cant play with filthy ass casuals. Fuck off.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: T-Short on January 14, 2014, 05:30:17 AM
I'm still early in the game and so far it is indeed a cakewalk, but I'm hoping for secret worlds akin to 3D Land that'll up the ante. Is there anything like that here?

(I remember Hyoushi calling the challenge in later levels BS, so here's hoping)

I'm still bitter about the lack of online because the MP is so well done and so much fun.

Naw, it's not BS, but the final level is pretty hard, hehe. I had like 200+ deaths on it easily before clearing it (even with the cheatiest chara, Peach). I'd say they managed to make a harder final level than The Perfect Run in SMG2, star 242.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Tasty on January 17, 2014, 12:41:53 AM

"We tried to make it possible to join your own Mii with TW100 as a hero,” Kamiya tweeted. “We hope we can do it in TW102.”

Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Tasty on January 20, 2014, 12:06:17 PM

This is what I made Himuro Plinko ( with.

Himu Plinko U incoming? :rejoice
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: SantaC on January 20, 2014, 05:53:53 PM
3D World is probably the first main mario game I haven't bought yet. My motivation to play Mario games is an all-time low.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 21, 2014, 10:17:15 AM
can we have these emotes


From Japanese Super Mario Kart apparently
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 21, 2014, 11:15:04 AM
Zombi U is "ok" - it's super easy though, I am confused how people actually die in this game. There are no difficulties beyond "Normal" and "Survival" - Survival being that once you die, you start all over. Normal is basically, when you die, you get a new character and continue onward.

For $10 it wasn't a bad buy, though.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: archnemesis on January 21, 2014, 11:16:44 AM
I died a few times because of the narrow FOV and the awkward controls.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 21, 2014, 11:59:20 AM
Zombi U is "ok" - it's super easy though, I am confused how people actually die in this game. There are no difficulties beyond "Normal" and "Survival" - Survival being that once you die, you start all over. Normal is basically, when you die, you get a new character and continue onward.

For $10 it wasn't a bad buy, though.

If you're patient you can survive most encounters by playing cautious and keeping a good distance until you know what you're facing, but some segments definitely pose more of a threat: the moor land type area outside of the sewers, the assault outside the palace where you man the minigun, the escape from buckingham palace sewers later in the game... Once you've got the upgraded prepper pad and can start taking virucide from dead zombies, that's a bit like having always-on radar and an extra life, but if you've got more than three or four zombies in a closed off area, and some are armoured, its definitely possible to accidentally let them have the jump on you. A few scripted moments and placements of exploding zombies definitely seemed intentionally designed to kill your character unfairly actually... I wouldn't have tried Survival before playing and getting to know the game first.

I think its a really really good game. A sequel would make me insanely happy. Its one of only maybe one or two games on Wii U where I think its a real shame people aren't playing it much, and an even bigger shame that people without the console can't play it. It was nice to play some sort of FPS game that was semi-exploratory, and based around survival... as opposed to being some god-mode jingoistic fancy-looking set-piece bullet fest..
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 21, 2014, 12:50:58 PM
I think you're definitely fluffing it up. The game clearly wasnt meant to rush things, so how do you get surprised? The only things that happen is when a zombie MAGICALLY appears in a vent or something. Otherwise there is plenty of room to do a choke point and just plonk them endlessly with the bat.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Kevtones on January 23, 2014, 02:38:51 AM
ZombiU wins on promise, I think. Totally functional game that deserves a sequel for the ideas there.

Found the interplay between the GamePad and main screen really potent. Buzz-word I'd use is synergy, but I think it applies.

Personally felt a great deal of tension while I was playing (soberless). Silly conjecture says that had it been on PS4/XB1 grade hardware it would've been a fucking beast.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 23, 2014, 11:19:26 AM
I finished it last night - lost my character on a screwup involving using the bat on an "explosive" enemy. Was pissed, lol.

The rest of the game involved running a lot since they seem to throw a lot of zombies your way. I dont really understand the Prepper though and his story.

I was disappointed there wasnt really a traditional final boss - all you do is reach the final area and... the game ends.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: bork on January 23, 2014, 12:27:12 PM
Nintendo doing whatever it takes to make that money.

Note- translated site.

The BEWSD (Belgian Early Warning System on Drugs) warns of a drug called Nintendo, and then it is not about the hardware manufacturer and game developer, but an ecstasy pill that firm gaining popularity but it can be deadly. Soon Namely the pill contains a very high amount of MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, which, for example, an average 14-year-old girl can be fatal.

The new pills are probably massively imported from China via the Modus Vivendi project discovered in the surroundings of Brussels. Modus Vivendi allows drug users to anonymously bring their drugs in and to check its quality. In this way one tries to minimize the risks. Somewhat In Flanders, such a project does not exist.

As stated the pills in question are popular, which is due to their strong performance and popular names. Thus, not only for Nintendo warned, but also for Mitsubishi, Superman, Li-lon and Butterfly. The pills often contain the logo of Nintendo, where the company probably is not happy about, and the same goes for the other pills, so that may be confused with a candy.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: demi on January 23, 2014, 01:14:41 PM
GameFly sent me Sonic Lost World. Feel the disappointment
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 23, 2014, 02:24:22 PM
GameFly sent me Sonic Lost World. Feel the disappointment

Make sure you download the free Yoshi's Island level, it's easily the best part of that shit pile.
Title: Re: The Wii U Thread - Nintendo confirms that it doesn't know Xbox Live/ PSN Exists
Post by: Kevtones on January 24, 2014, 12:30:55 AM
I finished it last night - lost my character on a screwup involving using the bat on an "explosive" enemy. Was pissed, lol.

The rest of the game involved running a lot since they seem to throw a lot of zombies your way. I dont really understand the Prepper though and his story.

I was disappointed there wasnt really a traditional final boss - all you do is reach the final area and... the game ends.

The finale is pretty weak. I felt the end-game coming, then fucked up and got killed only for the game to show me the ending screen. There's some dubious trigger point I had passed, apparently.

Yeah, the story was nonsense. There's even some mid-game decision I never really understood. Came off as 'who do you want to piss off for whatever reason'. Eh.

Still, for such an obviously rushed game, it came together pretty well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on January 24, 2014, 06:51:04 AM
I thought Watch_Dogs had been canceled months ago. The 360 or PS3 versions are probably better anyway so the target audience must be tiny.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Bildi on January 24, 2014, 08:04:48 AM
I'm just to pick up one of these dead consoles.  :hyper

Too bad about Watch Dogs, it'd be the nail in the coffin if the coffin weren't already loaded with nails.

Watch Dogs seems kind of boring anyway, but I think I'm about the only one with that opinion.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: duckman2000 on January 24, 2014, 08:26:57 AM
I'd buy one right now if I wasn't so sure that it would be a lot cheaper real soon.  :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Bildi on January 24, 2014, 09:43:09 AM
I think surely it'll dump in price too, but it's a birthday gift (that I'll end up paying for) so it's cool. I'm getting the Mario and Luigi bundle which I think it's pretty good value regardless. :)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 24, 2014, 07:00:26 PM
Looks like British retailers are /)(\ close to dumping their Wii U stocks so maybe just wait a few weeks more to get a clearance priced Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 27, 2014, 07:31:48 PM
I lasted 3 levels. Sonic is wretched. Holy shit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2014, 07:39:09 PM
How can it be so bad? WoM for it is awful. Isn't it just Generations+, and wasn't Generations considered good?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 27, 2014, 07:45:34 PM
Generations is sooooooooooooooooooo better than this. I already stuffed it back in the envelope.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 27, 2014, 07:47:00 PM
I told myself, I could continue playing this. Or put in Zelda HD or Pikmin 3 instead. Not a hard choice.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 27, 2014, 08:09:57 PM
I have more fun driving in circles in Dead Rising 3 farming zombie kills.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 27, 2014, 08:10:18 PM
Sonic: Lost World feels more like a shitty rip-off of New Super Mario World then anything else. B-dashing in my sonic game. :neogaf
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 27, 2014, 09:26:23 PM
How can it be so bad? WoM for it is awful. Isn't it just Generations+, and wasn't Generations considered good?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 27, 2014, 10:39:14 PM
I really enjoyed generations. It's just stupefying that he can't have even cursory knowledge of one of his consoles 6 exclusive games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: tiesto on January 28, 2014, 06:30:42 PM
Generations was awesome outside of the horrible boss fight. Best Sonic game since the Genesis era.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: bork on January 28, 2014, 09:03:56 PM
I do have to bring up is how the Wii U GamePad is used. ( If you are playing on the television, the touchscreen will have nothing displayed on it and it stays blank the entire time. There are no options to quickly select levels or see simple information displayed. If you are going for off-TV play, it is the same deal as nothing will be displayed on the television. It is not the worst thing ever, but it made me want to use the GamePad less and that can't be what Nintendo and Retro Studios wanted.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 28, 2014, 09:08:02 PM
That's a good thing. It bugs the living shit out of me when the gamepad does nothing but regurgitate info, or a video, or even audio. Waste of juice.

Sonic did this. It would pop up a (?) icon, and I'm like... what the fuck is that? Turns out you have to look down at the gamepad and press the icon. I'm playin a fuckin Sonic game, tell me right there.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Trent Dole on January 28, 2014, 10:38:45 PM
Tropical Freeze sounds more like a Taco Bell exclusive Mountain Dew flavor than a video game to me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 28, 2014, 10:42:48 PM
That's a good thing. It bugs the living shit out of me when the gamepad does nothing but regurgitate info, or a video, or even audio. Waste of juice.

Sonic did this. It would pop up a (?) icon, and I'm like... what the fuck is that? Turns out you have to look down at the gamepad and press the icon. I'm playin a fuckin Sonic game, tell me right there.

In Rayman, after you beat levels you scratch off lotto tickets on the bottom screen. Ok, fine, whatever. But every once in a while, you will be scratching and it will not register your touch. Then you look at the TV and it says "Look at your tablet! Press A to continue" and you can't go back to scratching until you hit A. What the fuck
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 28, 2014, 11:30:17 PM
Tropical Freeze sounds more like a Taco Bell exclusive Mountain Dew flavor than a video game to me.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: SpeedStats on January 29, 2014, 07:02:41 PM
How can it be so bad? WoM for it is awful. Isn't it just Generations+, and wasn't Generations considered good?
Nope. Different engine (so not Hedgehog Engine), semi-different sound direction, and took more notes from Galaxy than Generations.

Problem is they tried to do too fucking much and ruined the entire concept by trying to make a game for Mario fans that had 0 identity of its own. Sonic has a button to run? Sonic has to move around blocky Mario-like/Donkey Kong-like areas that aren't conducive to how the character moves? Why?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on January 29, 2014, 11:04:15 PM
Nintendo is apparently planning on putting Nintendo DS games on WiiU.


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Rufus on January 29, 2014, 11:22:16 PM
Desperately trying to justify the tablet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 30, 2014, 12:49:16 AM
Link to the Past will be released on the Weeoo tomorrow. I'm so glad I nabbed the Club Reward version for Wii.

Paying $8 for a ROM. :sabu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs for U, Wii U
Post by: Human Snorenado on January 30, 2014, 01:13:56 AM
Link to the Past will be released on the Weeoo tomorrow. I'm so glad I nabbed the Club Reward version for Wii.

Paying $8 for a ROM. :sabu

*lovingly strokes his folder titled "romzRus"*
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on January 31, 2014, 05:11:47 AM
It isn't definite Watch Dogs is cancelled (yet)

I have Origins, but I don't have the season pass. Remember when EA said one of their reasons for bailing was the low activity figures online? I'd bet you anything the numbers for people who buy DLC is even lower.

I wouldn't have bought Wii U Pacman Museum, and I've bought all sorts of stuff for this thing, so they probably made the right choice there. The 3DS cancellation is bizarre though
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 31, 2014, 08:50:49 AM
I would have bought that on 3DS. Oh well
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 31, 2014, 12:14:32 PM
like, they sold 700k copies of namco museum on the PSP in america

Holy shit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Purple Filth on January 31, 2014, 05:04:00 PM
like, they sold 700k copies of namco museum on the PSP in america

the PSP

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: SantaC on January 31, 2014, 06:43:07 PM
how much did Pacman vs sell  :neogaf

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 31, 2014, 09:08:00 PM
Pac-Man World 2 (Player's Choice Edition). Yep, I bought it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: MCD on February 01, 2014, 09:20:45 AM

Please wait.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Takao on February 01, 2014, 05:54:38 PM
Bandai probably looked at how the recent Pac-Man platformer on 3DS sold, as well as that earlier 3DS collection.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Lovingsteam on February 01, 2014, 10:44:30 PM
Man it sucks that after all of my Nintendo trolling on GAF I can't even parade in the "I told you so's". So funny seeing the Nintendo defenders losing faith.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Bildi on February 03, 2014, 06:15:46 PM
Picked up a WiiU and am enjoying it so far.  ZombiU is surprisingly great although I've only played an hour.   I am really enjoying using the second screen which is a lot more than I can say about waggle.

NSMBU is pretty good, but some greater variety in locations like 3D World would have been nice.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Human Snorenado on February 07, 2014, 02:32:08 PM
The Skylanders Wii U bundle is on sale for $249 through GameStop for a limited time.

I'm not sure who this information helps, but there it is.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: bork on February 10, 2014, 11:34:05 AM
8GB  :lol

I used to think I'd get a Wii U when they got down to $150 or so (clearance), but at this point I don't know if I'd even bother.  I can get Smash on 3DS, don't care enough about Mario Kart for it matter, and can live without 3D World, Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors...

...and I don't think there's anything else on the system I have any interest in.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on February 10, 2014, 07:51:01 PM
x?  Or did you not like the trailers?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on February 12, 2014, 07:16:36 PM
They are going to show X at the Nintendo Direct tommorrow apparently.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on February 12, 2014, 07:19:06 PM
Brian Davis from Next Level Games tweeted about tomorrow's Nintendo Direct - hopefully they're showing a NLG Wii U project. Luigis Mansion 2 was awesome, as have been most games they've done for Nintendo recently actually...

Edit: someone reminded me of this actually, -- maybe there was something in that after all? I'd be okay with it, but they need new games more.

It'd be nice if we hear from Monster Games as well. I think we might finally see FAST Racing Neo or something and Soraya Saga has GAF thinking there may be some X stuff. Soraya also retweeted the November direct and I can't remember what was shown there... Might have been its-fucking-nothing.gif
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 12, 2014, 09:09:01 PM
Mario Strikers X Zelda
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Yulwei on February 12, 2014, 09:27:34 PM
I'm guessing Fire Emblem x SMT isn't going to be shown tomorrow, but hopefully they say something about it.. just a quick "it's not canceled" would be nice. I'm a big fan of SMT so this crossover has me very interested.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 12, 2014, 09:28:52 PM
Donkey Kong X F-Zero
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on February 13, 2014, 05:39:26 PM
gameboy advance virtual console in april
nes remix 2
mario kart in may
smash bros later this year, little mac is a new character
no release date or name for X
bayonetta 2 later this year

that's about it
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 13, 2014, 06:25:22 PM
Any specifics on NES Remix? I'm not watching that shit
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on February 23, 2014, 01:38:13 AM
Anybody pick up DK? I was about to buy it but it said I needed to clean my fridge so I'm putting it off.


:drudge eShop cards (also works on 3DS) are 20% off at Best Buy today only and you can order online :drudge

Spent $120 and got $150-worth of cards. :mynicca No sales tax either and free shipping, pretty damn sweet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 23, 2014, 05:31:24 AM
You would spend $120 on Nintendo's digital download service?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on February 23, 2014, 05:47:08 AM
DKC is $50, and I'm sure I could find some 3DS games to spend the rest on.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 23, 2014, 05:49:20 AM
Ill pick a Wii U at the end of its life for 99, some nice platformers on it already.

How long do you think Ill have to wait?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on February 23, 2014, 05:51:24 AM
I don't think it will hit €99. Retailers aren't stocking that many and unless Nintendo is sitting on millions of already manufactured consoles there is no reason to sell them as a loss.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on February 23, 2014, 06:38:35 AM
Well second hand :P
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: a slime appears on February 23, 2014, 09:44:25 AM
Anybody pick up DK? I was about to buy it but it said I needed to clean my fridge so I'm putting it off.


:drudge eShop cards (also works on 3DS) are 20% off at Best Buy today only and you can order online :drudge

Spent $120 and got $150-worth of cards. :mynicca No sales tax either and free shipping, pretty damn sweet.

Thanks for the update, I need a card.

I played a bit of DK and I really like it! I mean it's the SAME OL SHIT you played before, except y'know more. Watchagunnado.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Fifstar on February 23, 2014, 01:37:59 PM
There aren't that many polished platformers out there, so nothing bad about it, no? Kinda want a wiiu because I want to play a proper jump n run.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: magus on February 23, 2014, 02:31:33 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: a slime appears on February 23, 2014, 05:28:49 PM
There aren't that many polished platformers out there, so nothing bad about it, no? Kinda want a wiiu because I want to play a proper jump n run.

Same game as DKCR but I'd say I'm liking this more due to the more varied playable support characters. Game also feels tougher but that might be in my head and I'm not far enough to really say if this is harder than it's predecessor. Graphically I think it looks solid due to simply how clean it all looks and 60 fps, albeit a must for this genre, is fantastic. I can't think of any negatives off the top of my head other than it really is "more of the same" but that's what I expected and I'm not disappointed.

If you liked DKCR and would happily play a safe sequel (I know I did) then by all means pick this up. I wouldn't buy a Wii U for it though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on February 23, 2014, 05:35:11 PM
I would buy a WiiU for it, so you can get your pussy nice and wet for X and Bayo2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: a slime appears on February 23, 2014, 07:50:54 PM
Who is this guy, why hasn't anyone banned him yet?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 02, 2014, 03:20:38 PM
For all three of us who bought DKCTF, whatcha think?

To me it's definitely the best game on the Wii U.  3D World was good stupid fun but I never found the level designs to be all that great, looking back.  Fun romp but not the best plat forming.  This game is really well designed in that department.

And I know it's the latest ninfag circle jerk, but Wise's soundtrack is truly wonderful.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Fifstar on March 02, 2014, 04:12:51 PM
There aren't that many polished platformers out there, so nothing bad about it, no? Kinda want a wiiu because I want to play a proper jump n run.

Same game as DKCR but I'd say I'm liking this more due to the more varied playable support characters. Game also feels tougher but that might be in my head and I'm not far enough to really say if this is harder than it's predecessor. Graphically I think it looks solid due to simply how clean it all looks and 60 fps, albeit a must for this genre, is fantastic. I can't think of any negatives off the top of my head other than it really is "more of the same" but that's what I expected and I'm not disappointed.

If you liked DKCR and would happily play a safe sequel (I know I did) then by all means pick this up. I wouldn't buy a Wii U for it though.

Well, I didn't own a Wii, so I could play those platformers as well. Don't have the money right now though plus there's no really attractive bundle for it right now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 02, 2014, 04:19:31 PM
I need a new hard drive before I download it. =/ Not cleaning out my fridge.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 02, 2014, 07:52:45 PM
I need a new hard drive before I download it. =/ Not cleaning out my fridge.

oh just go buy it, ya special fellow

Exodust, I'd say it's more or less the same difficulty.  The K stages are way harder to me in this game though, as compared to the last.  You will have 99 lives pretty early into the game, and I'd say I lose two or three per stage.  Mostly my fault, not the games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: DCharlieJP on March 02, 2014, 10:46:36 PM
For all three of us who bought DKCTF

i bought it...

... still in it's plastic.


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 02, 2014, 10:48:53 PM
I thought about buying it.

But I haven't.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 03, 2014, 01:19:19 AM
I thought about buying it.

But I haven't.
Wii U in a nutshell.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 03, 2014, 09:55:11 AM
Ordered a 2 TB hard drive that should be here on Wed, then I can get my DK on.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 03, 2014, 12:46:35 PM
graphics are wonderful in this game, too.  for a wii uguu game
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: mjemirzian on March 03, 2014, 01:03:07 PM
I got a Wii U basic for $200 on sale, along with donkey kong and wonderful 101 (price already dropped to $30). It took over an hour just to download the newest firmware, and good lord even the simplest menu options take seconds to load up. I don't even want to know how bad it was when the console just launched. The controller is just "wtf" no matter how many times I look at it.

I only played a few minutes of W101, but it seems like Kamiya getting a bit too self indulgent. Especially with the player represented by a dozen little people and the shape drawing. I'm sure I'll get into it but I see why it's offputting to newbies and casuals.

Tropical Freeze is just like DCKR, looks and plays great too.

The only other game I'm looking forward to is Bayonetta 2, but I'm still pretty hype for it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on March 05, 2014, 11:09:08 AM
I got a Wii U basic for $200 on sale, along with donkey kong and wonderful 101 (price already dropped to $30). It took over an hour just to download the newest firmware, and good lord even the simplest menu options take seconds to load up. I don't even want to know how bad it was when the console just launched. The controller is just "wtf" no matter how many times I look at it.

I only played a few minutes of W101, but it seems like Kamiya getting a bit too self indulgent. Especially with the player represented by a dozen little people and the shape drawing. I'm sure I'll get into it but I see why it's offputting to newbies and casuals.

Tropical Freeze is just like DCKR, looks and plays great too.

The only other game I'm looking forward to is Bayonetta 2, but I'm still pretty hype for it.

Stick with W101 until you fight the first major boss -- I think the opening is pretty terrible in terms of actually teaching you the game, it clicks the more you play it. There's still some jank about it in places, but its to be expected I think from something so manic and insane

I'd check out ZombiU if you can -- you can probably get it for $10 or less and its one of the best experiences on the platform.

If you're into drawing download Art Academy Sketchpad.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
couple of sketches I've done on it:

Things properly good people have done:

Rayman Legends is probably the best platformer outside of 3D World and Donkey Kong on the system. The murphy levels are better on Wii U and Vita and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Toki Tori 2+ is genuinely good if anyone's not played it
spoiler (click to show/hide)

NES Remix teaches you to play old NES games, some of which you thought were turd, changes them up, and challenges you to be good at them. Quite a nice idea... not for everyone, granted.
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Its an old game so you might not be interested but the Deus Ex Human Revolution directors cut port is nicely done on Wii U, good if you want to play Off TV, has miiverse picture/audio messages and stuff.
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Picked up Donkey Kong at the weekend (along with an Xbone) despite not being all that excited for it. It looks surprisingly awesome, really like the fur...


...and the music is god tier. Love the Snowmads theme! Not far in yet, so can't speak much about difficulty or gameplay
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Fifstar on March 05, 2014, 02:22:08 PM
DOes Toki Tori 2 get better`Played it for a bit and thought it was kinda boring. I'd have preferred it if it was a 1 room puzzle game like the first one.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: benjipwns on March 05, 2014, 02:25:53 PM
I haven't gotten beyond an hour in it because I was getting bored, ran into a puzzle that was entirely timing based (or seemed so), so I gave up and haven't gone back. Maybe I was expecting something different or more complex.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on March 05, 2014, 03:16:55 PM
Puzzles still all involve stamping, whistling and climb/drop platforming.. it's not one-room stuff, but you can safely assume when you encounter a checkpoint emblem that you've encountered a puzzle, and stay in that area (using the respawn chirp) until you're able to progress and find the next one.

I don't recall anything time based, but there are a couple of puzzles where you have to plan things: for example using a wall bug and a frog to lure a bird away, so he won't snatch you until you want him to. Or.. stomping near an aggressive creature so he'll run through long grass, cutting it all away so when you next guide a wall bug or frog through birds will see them and carry them to the next platform. There were occasions where the game needs you to do something you might not think of at first... Like killing a wall bug so it respawns back where it came from, to be used again or used as a distraction... deliberately provoking bats to kill things so you don't immediately get killed yourself... Other stuff is more conventional environmental puzzle stuff. Putting things through portals where they won't die. Having fireflies follow you for dark caves etc.

I was really impressed by the variety of puzzle solution considering toki tori only has stomp and whistle for moves. It's really creative. The lack of a tutorial or guiding hand probably hurts it for some people.. You just kinda progress however you can, learning new chirps, finding the hidden frogs to complete the game, but it never expressly tells you that.

I can see why people would find it boring, it's very laid back, but it's satisfying to actually beat
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 05, 2014, 05:50:52 PM
Got my 2 TB hard drive hooked up and formatted, $25 in free digital deluxe points, and $150 worth of eShop cards I bought for $120... time to get my Frozen Swirly on :noah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Damian79 on March 05, 2014, 08:56:03 PM

Wasnt sure where to post this.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 05, 2014, 10:28:14 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 07, 2014, 12:37:38 AM
Anyone know if I can take a Wii U system across state lines and leave the GamePad at home? Will it let me boot up and play a game?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: archnemesis on March 07, 2014, 12:46:02 AM
It should be easy to test before you leave home. Just move the gamepad out of range and see what happens when you try to start the game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 07, 2014, 01:15:43 AM
That's what I did just now, and it didn't complain whatsoever. :bow Nintendo :bow2

Two less things to pack (the GamePad and its cable.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: MCD on March 07, 2014, 06:18:25 AM
If only Nintendo did the same.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 07, 2014, 10:54:38 AM
A redesigned console as small as the Wii minus a GamePad and plus a Protroller for $250... there are worse things they could do. :larry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: TakingBackSunday on March 07, 2014, 05:25:22 PM
A redesigned console as small as the Wii minus a GamePad and plus a Protroller for $250... there are worse things they could do. :larry

There are, and they'll do it!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 08, 2014, 01:07:15 PM
DK Tropical Freeze is pretty underwhelming unfortunately.  I shoulda picked up Rayman Legends instead.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: demi on March 08, 2014, 01:10:34 PM
RayMan Legends is pretty cool - on Xbox One of course. Buy it so I can beat you in challenges for the achievement.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Human Snorenado on March 08, 2014, 03:01:12 PM
DK Tropical Freeze is pretty underwhelming unfortunately.  I shoulda picked up Rayman Legends instead.

I don't know what you're talking about, all of these avowed ninthings have been gushing over it

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 08, 2014, 03:11:49 PM
DK is pretty hard right off the bat, haven't played enough to say whether it's god-tier yet but the music easily is.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 08, 2014, 04:09:43 PM
Donkey Kong sucks when it's not DK in arcades or DK94
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: radioheadrule83 on March 10, 2014, 10:48:32 AM
DK Tropical Freeze is pretty underwhelming unfortunately.  I shoulda picked up Rayman Legends instead.

Where are you up to in it?

I've had it for over a week but I've been busy so I've only played it about three times. I've enjoyed it though!.. I'm on World 3 at the moment and in some respects its quite similar to Rayman. The minecart/log-flume stuff feels a bit like the music runner levels, and the rocket-barrel stuff is just mental. I was pissing away lives on some levels pretty early on. The difficulty is at a good level.

Some of my favourite levels so far..

World 2-4 Sawmill Thrill

World 2-6 Wing Ding

World 2-B Rodent Ruckus

World 3-1 Grassland Grove

World 3-3 Frantic Fields -- enters a hurricane at 1:27
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Tasty on March 10, 2014, 12:36:45 PM
I've found out that DK isn't balanced for multiplayer at all. Lots of little things that make playing with two players almost impossible unless you pick 2P up multiple times during the level. Like, there's a barrel that fires and self-destructs automatically as soon as one player jumps into it, leaving the other player to get chewed up by the oncoming razor blades. Or the bonus stages with barrels that waste 5 seconds every time the players fall into different barrels. Not to mention that just in general because of how hard it is having two players compounds the issues.

Thankfully they don't bump into each other like NSMB.

There's also been a lot of collectables I can't jump high enough to get as DK but Trixie has no problem. Pretty annoying.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: AdmiralViscen on March 10, 2014, 06:13:59 PM
I bought the original to play co op with my wife and it was worthless.

Liked the Giantbomb QL where one dude dies, then the balloon thing falls through to the bottom of the screen so he loses a second life, then the remaining dude falls off the ledge and loses two more lives even though the first guy didn't even respawn yet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on March 10, 2014, 06:31:29 PM
I'm at World 5.  I don't think it is a bad game but it isn't an exceptional game either.  The metacritic score of 82 for this game is pretty apt; it's a B- platformer.  Which isn't a bad thing and I'm glad they sold it at $50 instead of $60.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: cool breeze on March 11, 2014, 02:34:14 PM
I started playing Wonderful 101 and it's a bummer so far.  I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for two reasons: kaimya, and the demo started you with more abilities/upgrades and I remember enjoying it.  But shit, the cutscenes, qtes, constant interruptions, random stuff popping up on screen with no context in the menus, etc etc make a terrible first impression.  Used to be that these games didn't dick you around before the action.  but then again Kamiya made Okami...

And the fixed camera seems real bad.  Enemies will attack you from off screen and there's no indicator that it's happening.  In the first level there are these tank enemies with two basic telegraph and strike moves, but you can't see them telegraph those moves off screen.  The only way to move the camera is to run to that part of the arena, but then you're leaving other enemies on the other side of the arena to blindside you  >:(

On the plus side, I'm not having real control issues since switching to the 360 controller.  Still seems like you need the tablet nearby for certain actions.  An example is for the quick items you use with the d-pap, the hud icon is on the tablet screen.  Another is how going into buildings switches the view to the tablet.  And while you can hit select to switch screens or make it picture-in-picture, you can't interact with that second screen without the tablet. 

really hope it's just a shaky start
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on March 21, 2014, 03:00:32 PM
wonderful 101 gets better and ends up alright but stays a bummer.  really disappointing to see kamiya make a game more about style than gameplay.

at least the story and style is entertaining enough.  it's super sentai crossed with gurren lagann.  and the core combat is fun, even if it's simplistic compared to other action games.  but the level and encounter designs are kinda lazy/bad.  you'll end up fighting a pair of giant metal turtles over and over and since the combat feels more puzzle-y, you're basically going through the motions each time.  at least the boss fights are fun...when you're allowed to fight the bosses. 

the big problem is that it's constantly making you play different mini-games.  if anyone remembers those bad parts of bayonetta, the motorcycle and shit-space harrier parts, that's all throughout wonderful 101.  it wouldn't be so bad if the mini-games weren't around the quality of those levels in bayonetta.  and the qtes, long cutscenes, etc never let up. it's game that keeps distracting you from playing the fun part, and the fun part isn't great on its own. 

and it has some rough technical problems.  load times are terrible.  there are loading times to enter and exit loading screens.  it's literally: black loading screen > 'training area' loading screen (this one is long) > black loading screen.  frame rate doesn't hold at 60 and there are sections of the game that crash the frame rate, like a reoccurring (long) boss battle where it's constantly choppy and slow.  that tends to be annoying in most games but here it affects the line drawing and it's downright frustrating when the difference between sword, whip, and hammer are slight curves.  and there's the bad camera, controls, and occasionally glitchiness makes it feel strangely unpolished at times.

anyway, the Wii U Pro Controller is amazing.  I had the controller since wii u launch, and started to use it often ~9 months ago when a pc dongle came out, and after all this time it dropped to 1 bar and the charge light turned on.  and a few hours later it's still going.  80 hour battery life :bow2 wimpy ~3 hour wii u tablet and ~10 hour dualshock 4 :piss2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Fifstar on March 21, 2014, 03:47:08 PM
Would the WiiU Pro make a good substitute for a 360 pad (pc use)? I had a 360 pad before and wanted to buy one, but I'm a bit reluctant cause I play 2d games and emulators quite a bit and the 360 pad is shite. What kind of dongle is that? Can't imagine Nintendo making a pc dongle  ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 21, 2014, 03:51:00 PM
Just get a Bluetooth dongle and install GlovePie (I think.) Should work fine.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 21, 2014, 03:51:44 PM
anyway, the Wii U Pro Controller is amazing.  I had the controller since wii u launch, and started to use it often ~9 months ago when a pc dongle came out, and after all this time it dropped to 1 bar and the charge light turned on.  and a few hours later it's still going.  80 hour battery life :bow2 wimpy ~3 hour wii u tablet and ~10 hour dualshock 4 :piss2

Another brother has seen the light. :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on March 21, 2014, 04:04:54 PM
Would the WiiU Pro make a good substitute for a 360 pad (pc use)? I had a 360 pad before and wanted to buy one, but I'm a bit reluctant cause I play 2d games and emulators quite a bit and the 360 pad is shite. What kind of dongle is that? Can't imagine Nintendo making a pc dongle  ???
Just get a Bluetooth dongle and install GlovePie (I think.) Should work fine.

yeah, some people use bluetooth with it.  I got the dongle because my desktop doesn't have bluetooth and I like the simplicity of it.  The dongle made by a company called "mayflash" and has a nifty switch that lets you change between xinput (360) and directinput (better for emulators).

downside for using it as a 360 pad are its lack of analog triggers (mainly a problem for driving games).  as an emulator controller it's great because you have four shoulder buttons; not springy triggers or clicky bumpers.  another adjustment would be the right stick/button switched position.  it takes some time to get used to but I'm not having problems with it anymore.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on March 22, 2014, 12:59:09 AM
I started playing Wonderful 101 and it's a bummer so far.  I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for two reasons: kaimya, and the demo started you with more abilities/upgrades and I remember enjoying it.  But shit, the cutscenes, qtes, constant interruptions, random stuff popping up on screen with no context in the menus, etc etc make a terrible first impression.  Used to be that these games didn't dick you around before the action.  but then again Kamiya made Okami...

And the fixed camera seems real bad.  Enemies will attack you from off screen and there's no indicator that it's happening.  In the first level there are these tank enemies with two basic telegraph and strike moves, but you can't see them telegraph those moves off screen.  The only way to move the camera is to run to that part of the arena, but then you're leaving other enemies on the other side of the arena to blindside you  >:(

On the plus side, I'm not having real control issues since switching to the 360 controller.  Still seems like you need the tablet nearby for certain actions.  An example is for the quick items you use with the d-pap, the hud icon is on the tablet screen.  Another is how going into buildings switches the view to the tablet.  And while you can hit select to switch screens or make it picture-in-picture, you can't interact with that second screen without the tablet. 

really hope it's just a shaky start
wonderful 101 gets better and ends up alright but stays a bummer.  really disappointing to see kamiya make a game more about style than gameplay.

at least the story and style is entertaining enough.  it's super sentai crossed with gurren lagann.  and the core combat is fun, even if it's simplistic compared to other action games.  but the level and encounter designs are kinda lazy/bad.  you'll end up fighting a pair of giant metal turtles over and over and since the combat feels more puzzle-y, you're basically going through the motions each time.  at least the boss fights are fun...when you're allowed to fight the bosses. 

the big problem is that it's constantly making you play different mini-games.  if anyone remembers those bad parts of bayonetta, the motorcycle and shit-space harrier parts, that's all throughout wonderful 101.  it wouldn't be so bad if the mini-games weren't around the quality of those levels in bayonetta.  and the qtes, long cutscenes, etc never let up. it's game that keeps distracting you from playing the fun part, and the fun part isn't great on its own. 

and it has some rough technical problems.  load times are terrible.  there are loading times to enter and exit loading screens.  it's literally: black loading screen > 'training area' loading screen (this one is long) > black loading screen.  frame rate doesn't hold at 60 and there are sections of the game that crash the frame rate, like a reoccurring (long) boss battle where it's constantly choppy and slow.  that tends to be annoying in most games but here it affects the line drawing and it's downright frustrating when the difference between sword, whip, and hammer are slight curves.  and there's the bad camera, controls, and occasionally glitchiness makes it feel strangely unpolished at times.

anyway, the Wii U Pro Controller is amazing.  I had the controller since wii u launch, and started to use it often ~9 months ago when a pc dongle came out, and after all this time it dropped to 1 bar and the charge light turned on.  and a few hours later it's still going.  80 hour battery life :bow2 wimpy ~3 hour wii u tablet and ~10 hour dualshock 4 :piss2

These posts give me life. Someone finally agreeing on the shortcomings and how it impacts the game overall quality. Over at GAF, everyone is spamming the GOTF label, that I thought I was the crazy one.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: benjipwns on March 22, 2014, 01:36:24 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 22, 2014, 01:41:47 PM
First one :comeon

Second one is right on the money. VC is a crock of shit. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on March 23, 2014, 09:51:56 AM
Nintendo had a presence at GDC which they used to push their Web Developer Framework and Unity support hard at the show. Too bad no one gave a shit and their booth and presentations were largely empty save for a couple of confused students and maybe a journalist or two. :-\

OK maybe I'm exaggerating but they had cool stuff to show and everyone working the booth was an Engineer that could answer any and all questions. I mean expected but unlike the slammed Sony booth it was really nice being able to talk shop without constant interruptions or a crowd.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread of no Watch_Dogs, Pac-Man, Batman DLC for U, Wii U
Post by: Phoenix Dark on March 23, 2014, 10:09:25 AM
Anyone know if I can take a Wii U system across state lines and leave the GamePad at home? Will it let me boot up and play a game?
Ask your mom.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 23, 2014, 12:25:34 PM
Wow, good one. I can see why it took you three weeks to come up with it. ::)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on March 26, 2014, 10:12:11 AM
WiiU Saved, $8 GBA ROMs for all

REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nintendo is planning to make April a month to remember for fans of classic games with weekly Virtual Console releases featuring renowned entries in many of the company's most beloved franchises. From April 3 through April 24, select Game Boy Advance titles will launch in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U each week. In addition to off-TV play, these games feature Restore Points that save progress during game play, and Miiverse functionality. Top-selling NES game Super Mario Bros. 3 also launches for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS on April 17. Considered by many to be one of the best games ever made, the title makes for a great way to enjoy the Easter holiday weekend and beyond.
Key upcoming Virtual Console releases in April include:
April 3:
 Advance Wars (Wii U, $7.99): Command air, ground and naval forces in strategic turn-based battles to drive back the vibrant armies of several scheming generals. Order troops carefully, then watch as tanks obliterate enemies and jets go head-to-head in midair dogfights. Can you fend off an army of elite strategists? It's your move.
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Wii U, $7.99): Leap and level up as Mario and Luigi simultaneously in their first role-playing adventure as a team of Bros. When an evil witch replaces Princess Peach's voice with explosives, the Bros. must venture beyond the Mushroom Kingdom to save her. Control each bro separately or together, then team up to unleash Bros. Attacks on Fawful's fan-favorite face.
Metroid Fusion (Wii U, $7.99): Your mission: Eradicate the X parasites and the mutants they infect. Power up with the Fusion Suit to annihilate your enemies in this action-packed side-scroller set on an isolated research station. Along the way, you'll find game-changing items like the Space Jump as you lose yourself in the blissful solitude of this eerily engrossing adventure.
April 10:
 Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (Wii U, $6.99): When the going gets tough, Kirby gets cloning. Call in colorful clone reinforcements to aid Kirby in blasting, bashing and smashing his foes. With a new menace at his side, Dark Meta Knight is corrupting the sprawling, mazelike Mirror Kingdom. Join the famous pink puffball on an adventure to save the land in this classic platformer.
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (Wii U, $6.99): Get ready for video games done Wario-style. In the game that started the WarioWare, Inc. empire, Wario has a plan to get rich quick. Skate, jump, scare and shoot your way through more than 200 frantic, rapid-fire microgames of every type, from retro classics to sports games to sci-fi shooters that anyone can pick up and play.
April 17
 Super Mario Bros. 3 (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, $4.99): Jump, swim and fly through one of the greatest and most beloved Super Mario Bros. games of all time. In this timeless NES classic, you'll battle through over 70 baddie-infested courses and face off against the infamous Koopalings. Bowser and the Koopalings are causing chaos yet again, but this time, they're going beyond the Mushroom Kingdom and into seven neighboring worlds. Lucky for the brothers, they have more power-ups than ever before. Fly above the action with the Super Leaf, swim faster as Frog Mario or turn into stone and drop onto enemies as Tanooki Mario. You can even choose your path on the map to reach the end of the World. There, you'll have to pass massive Airships filled with cannons and fire traps to reach a showdown with one of the Koopalings.
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Wii U, $6.99): Get your adrenaline pumping and race plasma-powered machines till your knuckles turn white. Boost down some of the most dangerous tracks in the universe and strive for victory at all costs, even if it means ramming your opponents off the road. Revel in your accomplishments and climb the Grand Prix standings to unlock tracks and vehicles.
Golden Sun (Wii U, $7.99): Marvel at your own awesome power while protecting the world as it crumbles around you. Wield mighty weapons and use your mind to bend reality with magical Psynergy in the premiere installment of this epic RPG series. To aid you on your quest, seek out the omnipotent creatures known as Djinn - but beware: You must defeat them to harness their power.
April 24
 Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (Wii U, $7.99): Yoshi is back, baby, and he's ready to romp through a crayon-colored world where enemies are everywhere. Prepare to flutter jump and toss eggs to protect young Mario from the evil Magikoopa, Kamek. To save the day, Yoshi and his pals will have to morph into vehicles and even EAT their enemies to turn them into eggs. Umm ... yum?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 26, 2014, 10:28:43 AM
WiiU Saved, $8 GBA ROMs for all

Except 3DS owners. :neogaf
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on March 26, 2014, 11:15:35 AM
what's the point of selling you the shitty gba port of yoshi's island when they are already selling you yoshi's island other than reminding us all that nintendo shame knows no bound?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2014, 11:28:45 AM
It annoys the fuck out of me that they keep putting that garbage ass GBA version of Yoshi's Island up instead of the original. Go fuck yourselves Nintendo.

Totally copping that Metroid Fusion though.  :whew
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on March 26, 2014, 11:50:04 AM
It's all been downhill for Nintendo since the Super FX chip.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on March 26, 2014, 12:13:26 PM

what's the point of selling you the shitty gba port of yoshi's island when they are already selling you yoshi's island other than reminding us all that nintendo shame knows no bound?

That's the thing, 'goose.  They *aren't* already selling the proper version.  That version has never been released on VC since Super FX2 emulation is just too hard for Nintendo, apparently.


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Sho Nuff on March 26, 2014, 12:36:35 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2014, 12:49:18 PM

Mario Kart 8 looks super hot at least.

Honestly buying a Weeooo after that comes out isn't such a terrible thing to do. Wind Waika, Donkey Kong, MH, those two Mario platformers, and MK8 ain't so bad. 360/PS3 ports were an option too, like Arkham Origins, but I guess you'd probably buy those on 360 or PS3 given the choice. System's only $300 for the good version now, too.

Now, if you bought it at launch, you're a moron, but that's never not been the case. (I include myself in that.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on March 26, 2014, 02:08:20 PM
this is real

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on March 26, 2014, 02:40:46 PM
i can't wait for kirby zone,pokemon zone,donkey kong zone and wii fit zone

no f-zero zone because it clearly doesn't fit sonic deep lore

spoiler (click to show/hide)
alternative joke: i didn't know link was one of sonic shitty friend
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2014, 02:43:49 PM
Haven't we been here before?

ALSO that's totally inaccurate. Skyloft-Link was way before Hyrule Castle was built. :maf

But for reals this DLC is tempting. How much is Lost World now? $20? Might bite if so.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on March 26, 2014, 06:42:01 PM
Tasty no! Don't buy a latter day Sonic.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 26, 2014, 11:20:59 PM
Tasty no! Don't buy a latter day Sonic.

or a former day one either, for that matter

It's so demonic, friends :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on March 29, 2014, 02:27:50 PM
Does anyone know if Liberty or Death! is on any virtual console on any nintendope system
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on March 30, 2014, 09:10:09 AM
Danky Kang Tropical Blaze 420 for $40 (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on March 31, 2014, 02:21:36 PM

Maybe Google IS buying Nintendo.  :leon
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Brehvolution on April 01, 2014, 01:40:10 PM

Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda.
— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1, 2014

Frostbite will power #HalfLife3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.
— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1, 2014

Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our 'netcode'. Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU.
— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1, 2014

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 01, 2014, 01:57:27 PM
I laughed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on April 01, 2014, 03:22:43 PM

Frostbite will power #HalfLife3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.
— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1, 2014

Is the idea that half life 3 getting released the joke here?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rufus on April 01, 2014, 03:30:17 PM
One of three.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on April 01, 2014, 05:50:53 PM
some people getting riled up over aprils fools against wii u. (kotaku)  ::)

if anything wii u needs more negative press for being the most barren console I ever owned.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on April 02, 2014, 03:50:56 AM
Not that WiiU hasn't earned it, but should DICE be chucking stones about tech stuff right now?  Isn't Battlefield 4 *still* broken?

Frostbite team isnt part of DICE anymore.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on April 02, 2014, 05:26:33 AM
well, okay, same question applies.  i just don't know that those guys should be tossing stones considering the level up of fuck-up that's occurred with that release.  frostbite engine doesn't seem to be running properly on *anything*, never mind the wiiU.

fb is fine. It was DICE devs screwing up BF4.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: hampster on April 02, 2014, 01:41:00 PM
WiiU Saved, $8 GBA ROMs for all

When does the DS virtual console start?

Anyway, how is Golden Sun ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 02, 2014, 01:55:28 PM
WiiU Saved, $8 GBA ROMs for all

When does the DS virtual console start?

Anyway, how is Golden Sun ???

i remember sort of liking it the first time i went through it but i would count it more on the novelty of "FIRST GBA RPG'S!" than the actual game considering the mention about the awfull pacing, super dry combat system and generic storyline all hold true ( there is also a few gimmick that kinda make it sort of like lufia like using spells to solve in-field puzzle's and lot of equipment to fuck around with and the ability to change which spell character can cast by switching the summon they have... the summon also looks pretty cool for a 2001 portable game

even if you do get it, the game ends in a cliffhanger and can't really be finished unless you play the sequel too which is exactly the same game except with a different party, in fact you can't even get the best summon in the sequel if you don't get all of the summons in the previous game (the two game are linked by a code so you can just uses a code that has everything unlocked if you don't want to bother)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rahxephon91 on April 02, 2014, 02:19:58 PM
Is it just dice? Seems like every game using Frostbite tech has kind of been buggy and/meh.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 05, 2014, 12:22:37 AM




This is going to be my fucking summer obsession.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on April 05, 2014, 01:14:19 AM
WiiU Saved, $8 GBA ROMs for all

When does the DS virtual console start?

Anyway, how is Golden Sun ???

A lot of people seem to love the game but I thought it was just "OK". The story wasn't interesting and full of tons of meandering dialogue, some dungeon designs with the puzzle aspect were neat but not on the level of Lufia 2 or the better Wild Arms games. And the soundtrack is typical Sakuraba so you probably already know where you stand on that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 05, 2014, 08:21:19 AM
Dont bother playing, it ends on a cliff hanger, and the second game a) isnt confirmed and b) probably wont be released for at least 7 years
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 07, 2014, 07:46:42 AM
Play Metroid Fusion instead of (or as well as) Golden Sun, its fucking incredible.

I hadn't 100%'d it before the weekend, the map isn't as nice and non-linear as Zero Mission or Super Metroid but its a good tough game. Some of the shinespark runs you can do in the game are awesome. It was interesting playing it again and reading all of that Samus inner-monologue... the warning signs for Other M were there in 2002. I really hope a good writer and someone with voice-work-sense oversees the next Metroid game if people really have to talk... the thought of them doing dialogue as bad as Other M again, or doing that to Zelda  :gun Fusion is the best VC game there is available atm IMO. The in-emulator manuals on these GBA games is a really nice touch, you can even view them while you continue playing.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

















How many non-retro tracks have we seen? That's a feckin remake of a SNES track. I wish I could time travel and show myself that in 1992. Really hope they nail the online modes and that battle mode makes a good return.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 07, 2014, 08:49:20 AM
Maybe I'm crazy but Mario Kart 8 looks really good. Obviously it's nowhere near the graphical quality or complexity of PS4/ONE games but Nintendo really knows how to fully embrace an art style and make it absolutely shine.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on April 07, 2014, 09:20:44 AM
It was Retro that made the engine dude.  If it was made by a Japanese company it would look like SSBU.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 07, 2014, 09:58:44 AM
:bow Westaboos win again :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 07, 2014, 10:30:19 AM
I feel like they overdid it with the water on the track
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rufus on April 07, 2014, 01:02:17 PM
I feel like they overdid it with the water on the track
Yea, it looks too realistic in that environment. Remind me of the water in 3D Dot Game Heroes. Or when people add fanc water shaders to Minecraft.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on April 07, 2014, 03:19:52 PM
it looks like Mario Kart again. Wake me up when they actually try something new with the series.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 07, 2014, 03:24:36 PM
it looks like Mario Kart again. Wake me up when they actually try something new with the series.

And thus was born the legend of sleeping beauty
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: hampster on April 07, 2014, 05:57:43 PM
What exactly would you like to see them add?

I only play racers with story modes like Crash Team Racing or Need for Speed
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Takao on April 07, 2014, 05:59:18 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the way Mario Kart 8 looks. I feel like the environmental effects, and overall track design look too realistic for the cartoony character models.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 07, 2014, 06:04:04 PM
there is a smash bros direct tomorrow, wanna bet what pointless character they introduce? all of the new character introduced more or less comes from wii games so my bet is between cranky kong and iwata's mii
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on April 07, 2014, 06:23:42 PM

it looks like Mario Kart again. Wake me up when they actually try something new with the series.

Like what?  It's a racing game, there's not a lot of room for innovation.  They added the underwater/gliding stuff last time, along with some new power-ups.  I'm sure they have a couple of new things this time, too, but at the end of the day, it's a racing game, and within that genre, I'd say the Mario Kart series has actually been a bit bold about changing things up.

I get "I'm sick of Mario Kart", but not "I want Mario Kart, but with more changes".  What exactly would you like to see them add?

-I like to see more focus and skill on taking short cuts (like you could with the feather in the first game)
-I like to see an overhaul with the powerups a bit. Let me guess blueshell is still in this? You know that annoying fucking shit that punish racers for being in the lead. It's been in the series forever now.
-I also like narrower tracks, usually it is wide like an ocean.
-Some shorter tracks like baby park. It's the only supershort track in the series. I hate when the laps drag forever.
-I dunno, I got Mario Kart 7 for 3DS and that was kinda underwhelming. I am probably burnt out thus the ridiculous complaint.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on April 07, 2014, 06:45:17 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the way Mario Kart 8 looks. I feel like the environmental effects, and overall track design look too realistic for the cartoony character models.

I like that about it.  It looks like figurines racing.  It's what Smash Bros should look like seeing as how it's actually about figurines fighting.  The game is impressive for the hardware considering it runs at 720p, 60fps, and it look like that, especially compared to the Sonic or Modnation/LBP kart racers. 

as for what changes to make with the series, look at diddy kong racing, crash team racing, or either sonic kart racer.  not saying it needs to make those changes.  the mario kart series does well using its same formula since 92.

and while I'm bummed that nintendo is embracing its new hardware by making the same old games with better graphics, the last mario kart I spent time with was mario kart ds about 8 or 9 years ago.  I might be interested in getting mario kart 8.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 07, 2014, 06:46:47 PM
Super Mario World VC on Club Nintendo - 200 coins
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 07, 2014, 08:41:12 PM

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the way Mario Kart 8 looks. I feel like the environmental effects, and overall track design look too realistic for the cartoony character models.

I like that about it.  It looks like figurines racing.  It's what Smash Bros should look like seeing as how it's actually about figurines fighting.  The game is impressive for the hardware considering it runs at 720p, 60fps, and it look like that, especially compared to the Sonic or Modnation/LBP kart racers. 

as for what changes to make with the series, look at diddy kong racing, crash team racing, or either sonic kart racer.  not saying it needs to make those changes.  the mario kart series does well using its same formula since 92.

and while I'm bummed that nintendo is embracing its new hardware by making the same old games with better graphics, the last mario kart I spent time with was mario kart ds about 8 or 9 years ago.  I might be interested in getting mario kart 8.

What exactly about those other kart racers should we be looking at?  A more robust single player mode?  That I agree with. 

Apart from that, the only thing I can really see is a different driving model (like Sonic's Outrun-based style), but that would be pretty weird and truly change for the sole purpose of change.  They've already nicked the flying thing from DKR, and All-Stars Transformed nicked flying/water from MK7.

It's all just one big incestuous gangbang anyways. :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 08, 2014, 08:23:00 AM
All I want from a modern Kart Racer is a decent single-player campaign. I'd be ok with what they did for Mario Kart DS for example.

Also if you guys desperate for MK8 and haven't tried Sonic & Racing Transformed do so IMMEDIATELY.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 08, 2014, 09:49:58 AM
I would be stoked if the MK team were aware of the competition from Sumo's Sonic Racers... Racing Transformed is incredible value as a single player game with unlockables; it kept it more interesting than previous Mario Kart titles have, where you're just unlocking characters, karts and parts every few cups. In S&SASRT, it felt like every new move on the map could be a new stage or a twist on an existing stage. The multiplayer online wasn't as simple to get into nor as fun as Mario Kart though. The perfect Mario Kart for me would add Sonic Racing style map twists and challenges, but go for insane value on the online multiplayer races and battle modes as well. I'd be happy with a traditional Mario Kart offering given its coming soon and it looks as great as it does, as long as there's the promise of a little free DLC and stuff down the line too.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 10:49:05 AM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the way Mario Kart 8 looks. I feel like the environmental effects, and overall track design look too realistic for the cartoony character models.

You're crazy, it still looks hella cartoony to me. Look at Sonic All Stars, that's even more "realistic."  MK8 looks like what I had imagined a full HD Mario Galaxy to look like...

The only things super realistic about it are the lighting and the water reflection.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 11:06:16 AM
Confession time: 80%+ of my Mario Kart usage has always been in Balloon Battle.

Love that mode.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rufus on April 08, 2014, 12:59:32 PM
Yeah, me and my cousin played that mode exclusively on the SNES. Fun times.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 01:12:33 PM

...but... I already bought it...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Yeti on April 08, 2014, 01:14:45 PM
Yeah, me and my cousin played that mode exclusively on the SNES. Fun times.


Getting the feather on this stage and then just hiding in one of the ponds.  :lawd
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 01:18:28 PM
Yeah honestly the handling was so weird in racing mode that my entire family just played the original for balloon battle. The stages seemed a little creepily huge and empty with just two players and no CPU's, though. Still fun.

I probably clocked 50+ hours in MKDS just balloon battling CPU's over and over. Fuck that was fun.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 08, 2014, 01:23:38 PM

...but... I already bought it...

So... trade it or sell it? Want to give me a deal?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on April 08, 2014, 01:25:31 PM
I loved balloon battles in mario kart 64.  block fort :bow2 unlimited drifting on big donut :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 01:28:12 PM

...but... I already bought it...

So... trade it or sell it? Want to give me a deal?

Dunno what I'm gonna do with it, lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 08, 2014, 01:29:21 PM
Well when you mull over this very important decision, let me know.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 01:33:48 PM
Are tugjobs on the table? :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 08, 2014, 06:04:38 PM
3DS version of smash bros out in summer, wii u version on winter

not even nintendo believes in the wii u :lol

EDIT: oh god there is a "FINAL DESTINATION ONLY" mode, in fact every stage has a final destination mode that make the stage flat and remove all of the hazard, i'm not making this shit up

no items, fox only, final destination is finaly an official mode

EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 08, 2014, 06:24:36 PM
Smash bro is so crap :/

I never understood what people like about it
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 08, 2014, 06:38:08 PM
WiiU doomed. Mario Kart and Smash Bros, what a powerhouse.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 08, 2014, 06:40:42 PM
Kind of shocked that they kneecapped the Wii U version of Smash. I figured they'd delay the 3DS version a few weeks, Titanfall style.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on April 08, 2014, 06:41:23 PM
New Smash reveals are :zzz - Greninja and Charizard as new charas? Who gives a shit... Aside from Little Mac I've been pretty disappointed with the new roster so far.

Also the 3DS has more interesting stages than the WiiU so far. :bow BALLOON FIGHT STAGE :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 08, 2014, 06:42:35 PM
3DS has a unique multiplayer mode where the character go around a metroidvania like stage for 5 minutes beating baddie's from nintendo games like goomba's, zelda stalfos, megaman mettaurs and pikmin bulborb's to collect power up for the eventual on stage fight

3DS real version confirmed

New Smash reveals are :zzz - Greninja and Charizard as new charas? Who gives a shit... Aside from Little Mac I've been pretty disappointed with the new roster so far.

Also the 3DS has more interesting stages than the WiiU so far. :bow BALLOON FIGHT STAGE :bow2

i guess they revealed charizard because since "no switching" is now a thing, there is no more pokemon trainer (which also means squirtle and ivysaur are probably getting ditched forever) greninja is cool as "there is now a videogame ninja" point of view but yeah it's not exactly the most exciting character ever...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Huff on April 08, 2014, 06:44:04 PM
If the 3ds game was easier to make and is done, no reason to not send it out. WiiU version is going to tank regardless. Maybe some suckers end up double dipping because of the separation. Adding some exclusive WiiU character after the 3ds game is out wouldn't be a bad idea
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on April 08, 2014, 06:45:46 PM
3ds version plz
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 08, 2014, 06:50:44 PM

video for those that want to see the whole thing
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Vizzys on April 08, 2014, 07:13:13 PM
capcom should just sell megaman to nintendo
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Takao on April 08, 2014, 08:08:45 PM
Mega Man's special move is pretty neat. rip zero (I guess they only wanted blue bombers)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 08:34:12 PM
EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's


That's distinguished mentally-challenged.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 08:34:59 PM
3DS has a unique multiplayer mode where the character go around a metroidvania like stage for 5 minutes beating baddie's from nintendo games like goomba's, zelda stalfos, megaman mettaurs and pikmin bulborb's to collect power up for the eventual on stage fight

Sounds like more of the same Subspace Emissary / Melee campaign mode, AKA absolute dog shit. No thanks. 3DS can keep that barf.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 08, 2014, 08:38:33 PM
EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's


That's distinguished mentally-challenged.

Sounds like Melee remains the king. Move along, nothing to see here.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 08:39:34 PM
Also, fuck yeah Geninja. Best Gen 6 starter. :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on April 08, 2014, 08:53:05 PM
EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's


That's distinguished mentally-challenged.
Seriously? I've wanted Sheik and ZSS to be their own characters for so long.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 08, 2014, 08:53:51 PM
Get excited for shitty mascot party fighter 13, brehs.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on April 08, 2014, 09:00:45 PM
Wow, the WiiU release schedule must be pretty bad for The Bore to be talking about this shit.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:05:27 PM
Get excited for shitty mascot party fighter 13, brehs.

Get excited for fun party games, brehs. ohwait
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 08, 2014, 09:06:16 PM
Wow, the WiiU release schedule must be pretty bad for The Bore to be talking about this shit.

The WiiU sort of reminds me of the Grateful Dead. Every once in a while I catch people talking about them like they're still a thing, and I don't have the heart to remind them that they're not a thing anymore.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 08, 2014, 09:07:04 PM
Get excited for shitty mascot party fighter 13, brehs.

Get excited for fun party games, brehs. ohwait

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:16:34 PM
Be in denial about games that bring out your inner child, brehs.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on April 08, 2014, 09:17:00 PM
Wow, the WiiU release schedule must be pretty bad for The Bore to be talking about this shit.

Between this, Bayonetta 2, SMT vs. FE and X, I'm more hyped for the WiiU's library than either of the other 2 platforms...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:19:30 PM
Also I'm imagining playing Smash Weeoo with the Pro Controller...


I usually played with the Wiimote and Chuk in Brawl which was pretty damn comfy but the rumble just wasn't the same. :-\ Now I can be fully wireless with powerful rumble. :aah

Please let online not be barf. :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on April 08, 2014, 09:42:23 PM
3DS version of smash bros out in summer, wii u version on winter

not even nintendo believes in the wii u :lol

EDIT: oh god there is a "FINAL DESTINATION ONLY" mode, in fact every stage has a final destination mode that make the stage flat and remove all of the hazard, i'm not making this shit up

no items, fox only, final destination is finaly an official mode

EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's

Final destination IS the competitive scene in smash bros melee.  This is a good sign that Sakurai considers these people relevant.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:51:51 PM
Lol it was a "problem" with Brawl but now it's almost comical how much hold Pokemon has on Smash.

Gen 1: Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff (presumably)
Gen 2: :'(
Gen 3: Who gives a shit
Gen 4: Lucario
Gen 5: :'( (assloads of Pokeballs though, looks like)
Gen 6: Greninja

Thing is every new generation introduces more than a couple Pokemon that'd be awesome for Smash, which is about 15000% more characters than Nintendo otherwise introduces per a console generation.

Smash 5 will probably have half the roster be Pokemon and it'll be glorious. :aah

Wavebird or gtfo

No rumble? For Smash Bros.? Gtfo.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:55:56 PM
3DS version of smash bros out in summer, wii u version on winter

not even nintendo believes in the wii u :lol

EDIT: oh god there is a "FINAL DESTINATION ONLY" mode, in fact every stage has a final destination mode that make the stage flat and remove all of the hazard, i'm not making this shit up

no items, fox only, final destination is finaly an official mode

EDIT 2: no more transformation moves, so sheik and zero suit samus are now their own character's

Final destination IS the competitive scene in smash bros melee.  This is a good sign that Sakurai considers these people relevant.

I figured when Bamco  took over development they'd be able to smack some sense into Sakurai about a number of competitive issues. Wouldn't surprise me if Final Destination Mode was their idea. I also have a lot more faith in the balancing of characters and whatnot with them handling things.

I mean, I've never played Tekken, but it's presumably more balanced than Brawl or Melee were, which both had about three viable characters in the competitive scene. (And in fact, even in the non-competitive scene, Metaknight could get you punched in the eye when playing with friends.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 08, 2014, 09:56:41 PM
Be in denial about games that bring out your inner child, brehs.

Bitch please, one of us actually grew up when these games were coming out.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 09:59:06 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on April 08, 2014, 10:00:30 PM
Final Destination only mode.  :bow2

Smash is now #esports
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on April 08, 2014, 10:20:00 PM
man sakurai really isn't interested in the competitive aspect of smash bros.  at least he's throwing those people a bone.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2014, 10:31:15 PM
Like I said, it was probably Bamco's idea.

Smash 4 is looking like an "Ultimate" or "Super" release of Brawl, to use Capcom terminology. I have a feeling people are going to be pretty disappointed at release but two years from now people (non-Melee nostalgists) will probably agree it's the most balanced, content-full, and fun all-around.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 08, 2014, 10:42:11 PM
Lol it was a "problem" with Brawl but now it's almost comical how much hold Pokemon has on Smash.

Gen 1: Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff (presumably)
Gen 2: :'(
Gen 3: Who gives a shit
Gen 4: Lucario
Gen 5: :'( (assloads of Pokeballs though, looks like)
Gen 6: Greninja

Thing is every new generation introduces more than a couple Pokemon that'd be awesome for Smash, which is about 15000% more characters than Nintendo otherwise introduces per a console generation.

Smash 5 will probably have half the roster be Pokemon and it'll be glorious. :aah

Wavebird or gtfo

No rumble? For Smash Bros.? Gtfo.

Smash 5 will have Master Chief and Nathan Drake
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on April 09, 2014, 02:59:20 AM
Lol it was a "problem" with Brawl but now it's almost comical how much hold Pokemon has on Smash.

Gen 1: Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff (presumably)
Gen 2: :'(
Gen 3: Who gives a shit
Gen 4: Lucario
Gen 5: :'( (assloads of Pokeballs though, looks like)
Gen 6: Greninja

Thing is every new generation introduces more than a couple Pokemon that'd be awesome for Smash, which is about 15000% more characters than Nintendo otherwise introduces per a console generation.

Smash 5 will probably have half the roster be Pokemon and it'll be glorious. :aah

Wavebird or gtfo

No rumble? For Smash Bros.? Gtfo.

Smash 5 will have Master Chief and Nathan Drake

On the same console iphone.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 09, 2014, 04:48:30 AM
The Direct was a bit weird... sort of semi-self-aware weird though, thanks to Sakurai. Like the way he pretended Zero Suit Samus wasn't in it at all for a minute, teased Ridley, made a visual joke about Waluigi only being an Assist Trophy... I don't think the For Fun vs For Glory stuff went over like they would have intended though. Its like they caused a deliberate WTF by saying For Glory mode is only Final Destination, but then went LOL don't worry, there are lots of other themed final destination style stages... just a strange announcement style. Sets you off on a negative train of thought then doesn't really bring you fully back around. It would have been better to just show all the flat stages.

I fucking suck at these games usually. I think the 3DS game might be the last 3DS game I buy (unless Majora or something), so I'll give that a go and see if I get any good... that'll probably inform my decision on the Wii U version, which looks a metric-shit-ton better, IMO. They seem to have improved some characters' edge recovery moves, I liked the way little Mac is balanced to be a better ground fighter, and I also liked the Dr Wily's castle stage with the yellow devil thing. The game needs more ideas like that... the Ridley boss distraction on the Metroid stage sounds like it could be similarly cool
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 09, 2014, 07:24:03 AM
if they wanted to cather to the more competitive crowd they should have talked more about tiers, the slow character like bowser usualy sucks a lot while the faster one (like metaknight) are on a tier of their own

if they showed how they intend to fix this (or heck, even mention something like post releases patches like capcom does all the time) it would have been much better, what they did instead was kinda winking their eye's at the tournament scene in the most ridiculous way possible
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: The Sceneman on April 09, 2014, 07:36:39 AM
"Tournament scene"
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 10:05:28 AM
Considering Weeeoo, they need all the help they can get. It'll be a long time, if ever, for Smash 4 to hit 5 mil (and they probably know it, hence two versions.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on April 09, 2014, 10:49:57 AM
My only real complaint about the Direct is that I feel like both For Fun and For Glory mode seem needlessly limited. I understand the emphasis on Final Destination, but I don't feel like the competitive mode has to be limited to that one stage. Moving on to For Fun, stuff like "Smash Only" (i.e. no stock lives) really sticks out. Just seems lame all around.

But after Brawl, I'd probably just be happy with an online mode that works at all. God that netcode was such a bag of shit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 01:01:33 PM
That Smash Direct was hype.  And it's coming out on 3DS first, so I won't be tempted to buy a Wii U for it. 
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 03:38:52 PM
The people pretending they're excited for the 3DS version is just like, really? :gurl

Fighters on handhelds. :heh

This is like getting excited for City Folk when New Leaf is three months away. Certain series are best on console or on handheld. I mean, it's easy justifying not buying a Wii U as it is, so going "meh console Smash doesn't excite me much but OH MAN HANDHELD SMASH GIMME SUMMA DAT" is ::) worthy.

(MH is the rare franchise that's excellent and deserves play on both.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on April 09, 2014, 03:52:16 PM
all I want out of smash bros on wii u is melee+good online (netcode and features).  halo 2 came out 10 years ago.  someone send a copy to sakurai.

also a kumite mode would be cool now that they're introducing custom move sets.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 03:56:55 PM
I own a 3DS, not a Wii U. It's not that hard to see why I'd get the handheld version instead.

Sure but all this rationalizing (from some people) of "oh well it has this mode like shitty Subspace Emissary, 3DS version = best CONFIRMED" is a little ridiculous. If you're getting the 3DS version cause you only have a 3DS, cool. But let's not try to pretend it's comparable to the main Smash experience.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 09, 2014, 04:06:54 PM
the main Smash experience.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 04:15:44 PM
It seems like that's what they're trying to do, though. And that exclusive mode sounds nothing like Subspace Emissary(man that name is still terrible). It just sounds like a new mode to add variety to multiplayer.

5 minutes in a mode that has you wandering around with the exact same physics that aren't suitable for platforming and beating on endless braindead generic/"themed" enemies? Sounds like SSE to me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 04:34:24 PM
My entire point is the dickwaving over the 3DS supposedly having a "leg up" on the Wii U version by having an extra mode is that it's undone by the mode being shitty. Both versions having shitty SSE modes would only further my point.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 09, 2014, 05:18:50 PM
Smash has always been a litmus test for me. You like it, you're 'tarded.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on April 09, 2014, 05:30:12 PM
My entire point is the dickwaving over the 3DS supposedly having a "leg up" on the Wii U version by having an extra mode is that it's undone by the mode being shitty. Both versions having shitty SSE modes would only further my point.

i said that as a joke but that the version that's getting released first is the one that's on the succesfull console is a fact

though i'm sure a nintendo fan would just says that the true version need more polish :sabu

to think that both game still don't have a proper name, just SMASH BROS FOR WII U :snoop

Smash has always been a litmus test for me. You like it, you're 'tarded.

it's a fun,good chaotic game, like power stone, people just hate on it because it's a flagship for spergfans...

... which is a good reason as any if you ask me :hitler
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 05:47:26 PM
Yeah, no subtitle is pretty damn lame.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 09, 2014, 06:09:09 PM
I'll buy both versions, unlock all the shit, then probably never play them again because all my Smash Bros moved away/got married/etc. Maybe the online will be playable.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 07:13:31 PM
Online for MH doesn't have the same requirements as online for a fighter, and you know it.

Also, that barebones Street Fighter 4 port was hot for all of 12 minutes before everyone realized it was only hyped as a launch window game and remembered handheld fighters are lame as hell.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on April 09, 2014, 08:06:38 PM
This strikes me as one of those things like RPGs where you have extremely limited and/or narrow experience with the topic.

or women
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: benjipwns on April 09, 2014, 08:39:33 PM
the great ports of Street Fighter games on Nintendo handhelds. 
If only GBA Street Fighter Alpha 3 had had World Tour mode.  :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 10:07:09 PM
The people pretending they're excited for the 3DS version is just like, really? :gurl

Fighters on handhelds. :heh

This is like getting excited for City Folk when New Leaf is three months away. Certain series are best on console or on handheld. I mean, it's easy justifying not buying a Wii U as it is, so going "meh console Smash doesn't excite me much but OH MAN HANDHELD SMASH GIMME SUMMA DAT" is ::) worthy.

(MH is the rare franchise that's excellent and deserves play on both.)

That's one of the more ignorant comments I've seen posted here in a while.  There's been plenty of great portable fighting games going all the way back to the Gameboy days -Takara absolutely nailed the game play with World Heroes 2 Jet back then- never mind the Neo-Geo Pocket Color and its amazing fighters like SNK Vs. Capcom Match Of The Millennium.  Port quality only continued to improve with later hardware and nowadays you get portable versions of games that play exactly the same as the console versions and allow you to do cross-play. 

Also, that barebones Street Fighter 4 port was hot for all of 12 minutes before everyone realized it was only hyped as a launch window game and remembered handheld fighters are lame as hell.


Did you even play that game?  Who the fuck would call SSF4 3D Edition "barebones?"   :lol  That port had all of the content from SSF4, all of its DLC (at the time) included, online play, and added modes/features that took advantage of what the 3DS hardware offered...from 3D, to one-cart multiplayer, to street pass battles.   The Lite Mode control scheme was completely broken, but Capcom was smart enough to allow that to be filtered out when playing online.  I still load it up every now and then, and people are still playing it despite how dated it is now.  It was a great port.  Don't talk about shit you clearly don't know anything about.

the great ports of Street Fighter games on Nintendo handhelds. 
If only GBA Street Fighter Alpha 3 had had World Tour mode.  :fbm

man that port was wizard magic.  WIZARDRY I SAY.

I couldn't believe how good a job Crawfish Interactive did (Crawfish!) after their shitty SFA1 GBC port.  One of the devs said that they could have made it pretty much perfect, had Capcom allowed them to use a bigger cart size.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: benjipwns on April 09, 2014, 10:10:12 PM
I played way too much Samurai Showdown and World Heroes 2 Jet on my GameBoy one summer.  :punch

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And NBA Jam TE :-[
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purple Filth on April 09, 2014, 10:14:03 PM
The people pretending they're excited for the 3DS version is just like, really? :gurl

Fighters on handhelds. :heh

This is like getting excited for City Folk when New Leaf is three months away. Certain series are best on console or on handheld. I mean, it's easy justifying not buying a Wii U as it is, so going "meh console Smash doesn't excite me much but OH MAN HANDHELD SMASH GIMME SUMMA DAT" is ::) worthy.

(MH is the rare franchise that's excellent and deserves play on both.)

That's one of the more ignorant comments I've seen posted here in a while.  There's been plenty of great portable fighting games going all the way back to the Gameboy days -Takara absolutely nailed the game play with World Heroes 2 Jet back then- never mind the Neo-Geo Pocket Color and its amazing fighters like SNK Vs. Capcom Match Of The Millennium.  Port quality only continued to improve with later hardware and nowadays you get portable versions of games that play exactly the same as the console versions and allow you to do cross-play. 

Also, that barebones Street Fighter 4 port was hot for all of 12 minutes before everyone realized it was only hyped as a launch window game and remembered handheld fighters are lame as hell.


Did you even play that game?  Who the fuck would call SSF4 3D Edition "barebones?"   :lol  That port had all of the content from SSF4, all of its DLC (at the time) included, online play, and added modes/features that took advantage of what the 3DS hardware offered...from 3D, to one-cart multiplayer, to street pass battles.   The Lite Mode control scheme was completely broken, but Capcom was smart enough to allow that to be filtered out when playing online.  I still load it up every now and then people are still playing it.  It was a great port.  Don't talk about shit you clearly don't know anything about.

the great ports of Street Fighter games on Nintendo handhelds. 
If only GBA Street Fighter Alpha 3 had had World Tour mode.  :fbm

man that port was wizard magic.  WIZARDRY I SAY.

I couldn't believe how good a job Crawfish Interactive did (Crawfish!) after their shitty SFA1 GBC port.  One of the devs said that they could have made it pretty much perfect, had Capcom allowed them to use a bigger cart size.

Andrex spewing shit out of his ass? shocking  :beli

Fighting games on handhelds are alright (loved playing Guilty Gear Accent Core on my PSP and i have Blazblue also).

I hear Street Fighter X Tekken for Vita wasn't bad either, just the series itself lost all of the steam it built up earlier
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 10:16:20 PM
I played too much Samurai Showdown and World Heroes 2 Jet on my GameBoy one summer.  :punch

Shodown played like total shit on there, but I loved it anyway.  Those extra characters!  Takara got pretty good at making GB fighters after Jet, with more detailed sprites and better animation.  The best version of Toshinden was the Gameboy version...they turned it into a pretty decent 2D fighter.  Real Bout Fatal Fury Special even had the '3D' line-sway system intact.   :o  I played those games so much, right up until the Neo Pocket came out...imported the original B/W system and KOF R-1 blew me away.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: benjipwns on April 09, 2014, 10:21:28 PM
Redrawing the sprites in SS to be like little kids or whatever was smart. I like to think they left in some of the slowdown on all the special moves because it made things seem more epic.

Secret best part was discovering that on all but like the highest difficulty you could pretty much just mash A and B together with timing between the frames due to the slowdown and win easily as Earthquake because his attack would hit from all the way across the screen.  :lol

Certainly played more of that than the SNES version.

Mortal Kombat 2 on the GB was surprisingly good too after whatever that was they put out under the name of the first game. (Which may still be the worst game I've ever beaten.) I mean, for an early Mortal Kombat game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 10:23:04 PM

Andrex spewing shit out of his ass? shocking  :beli


Fighting games on handhelds are alright (loved playing Guilty Gear Accent Core on my PSP and i have Blazblue also).

Ah, yeah- the Arc fighters all played great on portables (still have GGX Advance Edition for GBA...didn't look the best, but it had everything intact!) and BlazBlue on Vita is pretty much perfect.  IIRC the upcoming Chrono Phantasma port is gonna have cross-play with PS3.

[quute]I hear Street Fighter X Tekken wasn't bad either[/quote]

It's my favorite version of the game- all the content is there (the "DLC" characters were even included for free...the only non rip-off version released!), the game play is great, there's an exclusive endless battle ("burst kumite") mode, and it has cross-play with the PS3 version.  You can even use the Vita version as a controller for the PS3 version (Marvel has this feature, too) and they added some wacky AR crap; similar to SSF4 on 3DS, Capcom crammed in extra stuff taking advantage of all the Vita's features.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purple Filth on April 09, 2014, 10:23:15 PM
Whoops i forgot Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max as well.

Andrex spewing shit out of his ass? shocking  :beli


Fighting games on handhelds are alright (loved playing Guilty Gear Accent Core on my PSP and i have Blazblue also).

Ah, yeah- the Arc fighters all played great on portables (still have GGX Advance Edition for GBA...didn't look the best, but it had everything intact!) and BlazBlue on Vita is pretty much perfect.  IIRC the upcoming Chrono Phantasma port is gonna have cross-play with PS3.

I actually own the Vita version but never got to play it due to space issues at the time and now with Chrono Phantasma coming it might be for nothing.  :-\

I hear Street Fighter X Tekken wasn't bad either

It's my favorite version of the game- all the content is there (the "DLC" characters were even included for free...the only non rip-off version released!), the game play is great, there's an exclusive endless battle ("burst kumite") mode, and it has cross-play with the PS3 version.  You can even use the Vita version as a controller for the PS3 version (Marvel has this feature, too) and they added some wacky AR crap; similar to SSF4 on 3DS, Capcom crammed in extra stuff taking advantage of all the Vita's features.

I got it from PS+ so i might try it out, especially since i now have enough space in the fridge  :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 10:29:25 PM
Yep, I'll take my lumps on this one. Never cared for fighters, really.

From an outsider perspective, the hype is always with the console versions though. Handheld fighting games are held in high esteem if they manage to somehow not fuck something up in the transition. Never seen a AAA handheld-only fighter.

People excited for Smash 3DS is just odd for me. Smash wouldn't be the franchise it is today if it had started on a handheld.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on April 09, 2014, 10:45:52 PM
Well, obviously, yeah. Tech wasn't there back then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 10:54:41 PM
Well, obviously, yeah. Tech wasn't there back then.

Tech still isn't there IMO. Smash 3DS looks like shit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 09, 2014, 11:05:44 PM
Brawl was barely a fighting game.  It was mostly a collect-a-thon for people on the autism spectrum to spend countless hours ogling figurines and listening to retro soundclips.

If Smash Brothers 4 is more of the same, then I don't see why they can't recreate that on the 3DS.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 11:07:52 PM
Well, obviously, yeah. Tech wasn't there back then.

Tech still isn't there IMO. Smash 3DS looks like shit.


Yeah, look at that shit.   
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2014, 11:09:34 PM
Glad you agree. :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 11:12:51 PM
Yep, I'll take my lumps on this one. Never cared for fighters, really.

Then why would you even say what you said?   :dizzy

From an outsider perspective, the hype is always with the console versions though. Handheld fighting games are held in high esteem if they manage to somehow not fuck something up in the transition. Never seen a AAA handheld-only fighter.

Handheld-only?  That's easy:


People want to play portable versions of fighters for practice/competition on the go.  It's really only something that started with the likes of amazing ports like Tekken 5DR on the PSP in 2005.

People excited for Smash 3DS is just odd for me. Smash wouldn't be the franchise it is today if it had started on a handheld.

Yeah, because games that start on portables never get popular.  Remember that Pokemon game?  LOL that shit never had a chance. 
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on April 09, 2014, 11:13:37 PM
Glad you agree. :yeshrug

Do you not own a 3DS?  Because trying to not justify getting one would at least make some sense. 

EDIT: You're on my 3DS friends list, so no free pass for you there.   :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on April 09, 2014, 11:28:32 PM
Andrex, just stop.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purple Filth on April 10, 2014, 12:21:49 AM
Yep, I'll take my lumps on this one. Never cared for fighters, really.

Then why would you even say what you said?   :dizzy

From an outsider perspective, the hype is always with the console versions though. Handheld fighting games are held in high esteem if they manage to somehow not fuck something up in the transition. Never seen a AAA handheld-only fighter.

Handheld-only?  That's easy:


People want to play portable versions of fighters for practice/competition on the go.  It's really only something that started with the likes of amazing ports like Tekken 5DR on the PSP in 2005.

People excited for Smash 3DS is just odd for me. Smash wouldn't be the franchise it is today if it had started on a handheld.

Yeah, because games that start on portables never get popular.  Remember that Pokemon game?  LOL that shit never had a chance.

Damn i forgot about tekken 5 DR  :lawd

Also while MH never started on a portable it did fucking explode there. (holy shit @ that ether  :whew)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on April 10, 2014, 12:25:54 AM
Well, obviously, yeah. Tech wasn't there back then.

Tech still isn't there IMO. Smash 3DS looks like shit.

Well, it's not a fighting game. So. :jawalrus
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Vizzys on April 10, 2014, 12:53:38 AM
fun things are fun
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 10, 2014, 01:18:12 AM
Then why would you even say what you said?   :dizzy

I was arguing. Things like that tend to happen to me. It's a tragic character flaw that needs to be called out now and then.

Yeah, because games that start on portables never get popular.  Remember that Pokemon game?  LOL that shit never had a chance.

Well, that's kind of my point. Certain kinds of games just seem like they're made for console or handheld and feel weird when jumping to the other side.

People getting excited for Smash 3DS are the same as people that got excited for Pokemon Battle Revolution, in my eyes. I mean, if you're a mega-fan of the series that buys all the games, then by all means...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Raban on April 10, 2014, 01:24:25 AM
bork this reminds me, we should play a fighting game again sometime. Promise I won't rage quit :-* I've really wanted someone to spar with in VF5FS if you're into that~
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on April 10, 2014, 01:26:44 AM
Certain kinds of games just seem like they're made for console or handheld and feel weird when jumping to the other side.
Not fighters. You'd know that if you were a fan of the genre, but instead of listening to those who have been playing them on handhelds since the NeoGeo Pocket days, you continue to talk out of your ass.

Also, Smash is more of a "party game" then a fighter. It'll be just fine on a handheld just like all the other Nintendo franchises that started on consoles and moved to handhelds.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 10, 2014, 01:56:36 AM
Probably. Still feels like an appetizer compared to the meal to me. :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on April 10, 2014, 01:59:22 AM
The lack of acknowledgement of how world heroes 2 jet was on the original GB in this thread is appalling.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 15, 2014, 07:52:56 PM
I now own every WiiU game worth buying/playing until Bayo 2. Prove me wrong:

- Zelda HD
- Pikmin 3
- NSMBU/LuigiU
- Wonderful 101
- DKC Freezie Pops
- Mario 3D
- ZombiU
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 15, 2014, 08:36:27 PM
No Nintendo Land? Get the fuck outta here.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 15, 2014, 10:11:37 PM
Nintendo Land is shit. That list is comprehensive if you have Rayman on another platform and exclude NES Remix for being digital only
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 15, 2014, 10:31:09 PM
I now own every WiiU game worth buying/playing until Bayo 2. Prove me wrong:

- Zelda HD
- Pikmin 3
- NSMBU/LuigiU
- Wonderful 101
- DKC Freezie Pops
- Mario 3D
- ZombiU


Better than about half the games you listed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 15, 2014, 10:34:17 PM
I guess this list is comprehensive, maybe E3 will give us a Bayo 2 date.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 16, 2014, 11:02:33 AM
I still don't see NintendoLand, bro.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sonic Transformed is pretty dope, best version is Wii U. Another good one is Deus Ex Director's Cut which is best on Wii U as well. I think I also have Scribblenauts Unlimited which I enjoyed but it's more of the same.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on April 26, 2014, 08:32:18 AM

It's pretty clear Nintendo doesn't get it and never will get it, especially with Iwata in charge.  Meanwhile I've seen a shitload of advertisements for Mario Kart 8 in stores.  So when Mario Kart 8 inevitably sells less than people think it will, the advertising excuse isn't going to work here.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 26, 2014, 09:34:41 AM
I don't think I'll ever understand the close-minded corporate culture of not allowing your regional subsidiaries call the shots in their own country. Especially in light of highly visible successes like Sega and Sony who've dominated in the US because they had Americans callings the shots here. While I believe Iwata and his board of directors at Nintendo are brilliant Japanese businessmen but it's abundantly clear that their expertise ends at the Japanese border and they routinely fail to understand the US game market or the societal expectations for success in this country.

I know it's a bit silly to type all that because of a gag order on Dan Adelman (who've I had several meetings with) but the situation is pretty reflective of Nintendo's attitude. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he's literally the guy responsible for the eShop's global success and anyone who's had business dealings with him love working with him. He's exactly the type of public figure Nintendo needs right now.

In other news NES Remix 2 is pretty great!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 26, 2014, 09:36:37 AM
How many unlockable games are there? I just got Zelda 2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bachikarn on April 26, 2014, 10:18:45 AM
Didn't Nintendo of America use to have more autonomy when Yamauchi's son in law ran it? I remember they did make some attempts to cater to the west before. Then Iwata got the CEO job and the NOA prez retired cos he was pissed. Should have gone with him.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Takao on April 26, 2014, 12:23:03 PM
Remember when Nintendo published sports games that didn't star plumbers?

Man, remember when there were sports games from companies outside of EA?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 28, 2014, 11:15:51 AM
Regarding the gamasutra article, the author allows himself to reach a lot of conclusions from not being granted a 30 minute interview. I'm in agreement with him that Nintendo would do better to be more open and welcoming, but he's not entitled to their time. I imagine they're busy as fuck trying to do things behind the scenes, and trying not to completely die on their arse. Nintendo are staffed by approx 5100 people. Microsoft, by comparison, have 93000 people at their disposal, Sony with over 140000, over 2000 just in SCE's UK companies alone. Nintendo undoubtedly have a smaller PR operation than the other two, and that is probably part of why they find it difficult to compete and be heard.

In other news NES Remix 2 is pretty great!

It is... Did the first game upload replays to Miiverse or is that new in this one? In the first game I was getting three stars or rainbow stars and considering that good enough, but now I actually want to get the best time I possibly can because I know other people might watch my clips. I've even watched a couple of other peoples videos and stolen their techniques to improve my own times or beat theirs... definitely a nice addition!

I've fully rainbow ranked the first set of remix stages and all of the Metroid stages so far... I think I actively hate Kirby, but some of the challenges he's in are annoyingly addictive to try and beat. I'd never played Warios Woods before, being such a late NES game, and its pretty decent. The game is also seriously making me think Adventure of Link doesn't totally suck... I apparently just didn't know how to do things in it. SNES Remix needs to happen!

How many unlockable games are there? I just got Zelda 2

There are 12 total
spoiler (click to show/hide)
  • Dr. Mario
  • Ice Hockey
  • Kid Icarus
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Mario Open Golf
  • Metroid
  • Punch-Out!!
  • Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Wario's Woods
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 28, 2014, 11:21:07 AM
I'll wait for a sale (lol) on NES Remix.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 29, 2014, 11:53:27 AM

To commemorate this occasion, Nintendo is inviting 16 highly skilled Super Smash Bros. players to the NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles to compete in a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament.

So a Smash tourney with "highly skilled" players is a good sign for Smash's competitive viability (:teehee), I think. Bamco coming on board to smack the stupid out of Sakurai (no tripping) looks like it's paying off.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 30, 2014, 08:51:48 AM
If you buy Mario Kart 8, you get a free game:

Register Mario Kart 8 at Club Nintendo between May 30th and July 31st and receive a free digital download code of the following:

 - Pikmin 3
 - New Super Mario Bros. U
 - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
 - Wii Party U
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on April 30, 2014, 08:53:37 AM
I'll take Pikmin 3, thx.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 30, 2014, 08:57:21 AM
In less good news -- Super Mario is dead


Actor Bob Hoskins, who was best known for roles in The Long Good Friday and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, has died of pneumonia at the age of 71.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on April 30, 2014, 09:02:46 AM
How big is the download size for Pikmin?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: radioheadrule83 on April 30, 2014, 09:04:09 AM
How big is the download size for Pikmin?

its about 4.5GB after the DLC update I think. just under 4GB vanilla..
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on April 30, 2014, 09:58:30 AM
If you buy Mario Kart 8, you get a free game:

Register Mario Kart 8 at Club Nintendo between May 30th and July 31st and receive a free digital download code of the following:

 - Pikmin 3
 - New Super Mario Bros. U
 - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
 - Wii Party U


Can't decide between Wind Waker HD (own a sealed collector's edition 'cause I'm a fucking idiot) or Wii Party U (because I own all the other games).
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on April 30, 2014, 10:31:48 AM
I already have the only two good games in that list and I'm not interested in Pikmin.

First world problems. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on April 30, 2014, 10:37:15 AM
Getting Pikmen fo sho. :obama
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archnemesis on April 30, 2014, 10:37:20 AM
The selection from the European store was ~12 games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on April 30, 2014, 10:39:01 AM
yeah well fuck you
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 01, 2014, 08:31:00 AM
New Wii U exclusive coming out this year! Who said we had to wait for E3 for the news?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's Stealth Inc. 2. ( You can probably still play it as a free PS+ on your PS4, PS3, or Vita. I guess this is good?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archnemesis on May 01, 2014, 09:00:08 AM
I can't imagine it being exclusive for more than three months. The first game was decent although I got bored with it after an hour or two.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 07, 2014, 03:27:23 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2014, 03:34:45 PM


In other news Wario Land 4 will hit the Wii U VC tomorrow. :rock
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 07, 2014, 03:46:18 PM


In other news Wario Land 4 will hit the Wii U VC tomorrow. :rock

Where the Virtual Boy?  :teehee
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2014, 03:46:39 PM
I don't understand.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on May 07, 2014, 03:50:03 PM
Jesus 3ds versus GBA numbers :rofl

DS :bow :bow :bow

Fave Nintendo system, well deserved.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 07, 2014, 04:01:33 PM
Where the Virtual Boy?  :teehee

Let's zoom in on that. Okay, now enhance it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2014, 04:10:55 PM
VB sold 700k so it would be 1 or 2 pixels high at most.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 07, 2014, 04:22:01 PM


In other news Wario Land 4 will hit the Wii U VC tomorrow. :rock

Ignoring the obvious Wii outlier, Nintendo consoles really do sell much less then the prior.

I wish Nintendo would separate the GameBoy numbers though. Everyone knows the GBC didn't do that well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 07, 2014, 05:00:33 PM
I wanted to ask if Nintendo would erase wii u from future reports like they did with the vb, but this is the end of the line as far as hardware nintendo goes
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 07, 2014, 05:10:25 PM
I wanted to ask if Nintendo would erase wii u from future reports like they did with the vb, but this is the end of the line as far as hardware nintendo goes


You're right, I didn't even notice that was omitted and I've got one on my desk!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 07, 2014, 05:16:52 PM
Someone please tell me again that the Wii wasn't a fad. Pleeeeeease. I need the lulz.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 07, 2014, 05:29:24 PM
Nintendo also released the top 10 games per system ( Here are the top 3 per platform.

Wii U
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
Notice a common trend? Mario Kart is usually in the top 3 for nearly every platform it releases on (GBA is the exception). The game missing the fiscal year hurt Nintendo quite a bit, but I still think it will do incredibly well and push systems.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on May 07, 2014, 05:31:31 PM
I wanted to ask if Nintendo would erase wii u from future reports like they did with the vb, but this is the end of the line as far as hardware nintendo goes


You're right, I didn't even notice that was omitted and I've got one on my desk!

You got a vb? Sweet.

How is it?

Ive only seen one irl once, last year
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 07, 2014, 05:38:41 PM
I wanted to ask if Nintendo would erase wii u from future reports like they did with the vb, but this is the end of the line as far as hardware nintendo goes


You're right, I didn't even notice that was omitted and I've got one on my desk!

You got a vb? Sweet.

How is it?

Ive only seen one irl once, last year

Well the tldr version is that it sucks and there's no games for it.

But I like games like Wario Land, Teleroboxer, Mario Clash, Red Alarm, and Galactic Pinball. Although those games aren't anything special and their GB cousins are superior but it's cool playing on some weirdly obscure 3D handheld desk system. Unfortunately the system is poorly built, easily prone to breaking, and collectors have made it difficult completing a full game library thanks to Jack Bros. and other weird Japanese-only titles being absurdly expensive
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 07, 2014, 05:45:14 PM
I wanted to ask if Nintendo would erase wii u from future reports like they did with the vb, but this is the end of the line as far as hardware nintendo goes


You're right, I didn't even notice that was omitted and I've got one on my desk!

You got a vb? Sweet.

How is it?

Ive only seen one irl once, last year

Would you let me fuck your fiance for a Virtual Boy?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2014, 05:47:02 PM
Pokemon absolutely killing it still. The gap between it and #2 is just ridiculous.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 12, 2014, 01:02:12 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 12, 2014, 01:05:42 PM
Might be time to give Super Metroid another shot. Gotta beat Fusion first though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 12, 2014, 01:36:09 PM
When it says Wii/Wii U does that mean it's available in both stores, or that you have to play it in compatibility mode?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 12, 2014, 01:48:45 PM
It's a Wii game that you can play in Wii Mode on the Wii U, which is lame.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 15, 2014, 10:05:44 AM

Motherfuckin LOLO on this bitch
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 15, 2014, 10:07:18 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MoxManiac on May 16, 2014, 12:18:23 AM
It's a Wii game that you can play in Wii Mode on the Wii U, which is lame.

You can pay $1.50 to "upgrade" it to the Wii U version.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 17, 2014, 04:05:49 PM
I bought a Wii U today.   :-[  My birthday is tomorrow and I got enough cash from the family to cover most of it.  Already got the new Vita, so figured why the hell not?

Got the NSMB U/Luigi U bundle along with 3D World, Wonderful 101, and Tekken.  Will get Mario Kart at the end of the month too.  No Andrex, I don't want that Monster Hunter garbage.

Time to hook up this piece of shit and see how it is up close!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 17, 2014, 06:13:57 PM
If you wanted to make sure I never come over and hang out when I move back to Atlanta next week, you could have just said so.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 17, 2014, 07:15:22 PM
I bought a Wii U today.   :-[  My birthday is tomorrow and I got enough cash from the family to cover most of it.  Already got the new Vita, so figured why the hell not?

Got the NSMB U/Luigi U bundle along with 3D World, Wonderful 101, and Tekken.  Will get Mario Kart at the end of the month too.  No Andrex, I don't want that Monster Hunter garbage.

Time to hook up this piece of shit and see how it is up close!

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 17, 2014, 07:36:44 PM
If you wanted to make sure I never come over and hang out when I move back to Atlanta next week, you could have just said so.


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 18, 2014, 04:30:53 PM
Impressions after a day of playing around:

The hardware: Nice and compact, although the PS3 superslim is still smaller. Runs pretty quietly. System updates are still ridiculously slow. Props to Nintendo for including everything you'd need in the box (vertical stand pieces, controller cradle, etc.), jeers to them not including an ethernet port (just like the Wii was missing).

The controller: Feels cheap and bulky, and cramped my fingers a bit when playing certain games. While the controller is light, it's still heavy enough that you begin to feel the weight and some discomfort after an extended amount of play time. The back triggers are in a good spot, but the LR button placement feels awkward, much like L/R buttons on the 3DS/XL do to me.

Off-TV play: Looks noticeably "SD" when playing. It's fantastic having games run at the same framerates (compared to PS4 remote play going at 30 FPS), but I think the picture looks better on Vita (2000, post PS4 1.70 FW update). There's also the issue of Off-TV play range being on the shorter side, whereas remote play can be done anywhere there's a wi-fi connection available. That said, this is not an issue for me since I live in small apartment, and it was pretty cool playing 3D World and Tekken -online- at 60 FPS with no technical issues in the bedroom.

Super Mario 3D World: It's an updated 3D Land, which is a good thing. Creative level design and fun game play. Not a system seller, but very, very good. Probably the best-looking game on the system, too. Looks pretty "next-gen" for a Mario title.

New Super Mario Bros./Luigi U: Only played a little bit of this. 3D World seems to be the better game. Seems to be pretty good -much better than NSMB2 was- but continues to feel like a NSMB1 recyclefest. Need to play a lot more though.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Compares favorably to the PS3 and 360 versions (and appears to be running in 1080P compared to the other versions' 720P), but has longer load times and is missing the custom soundtrack feature. The extra Nintendo outfits and Mushroom Battle mode are stupid, but fun additions. Didn't try Tekken Ball but it's pretty much the same as the old TK3 PS1 version.

The Wonderful 101: Another awesome Platinum game that nobody cared about. You control one of the many superheroes and can command the others to assist you/form giant weapons/tools to use to beat the bad guys. The game's super deformed characters remind of Viewtiful Joe and there was a Bayonetta reference in the beginning of the game. Good stuff.

Mighty Switch Force: It's the 3DS version, with redone HD. Pretty much the same game but with additional levels added. I saw that Mighty Switch Force 2 was on the E-Shop, but it did not get the HD treatment and is just a straight port from 3DS. WTF, Wayforward?

Basically nothing I really expected to be any different from everything that I've read/seen.  3D World, Mario Kart, Smash, and Bayonetta 2 are the primary reasons why I decided to buy this and I expect to end up with a fairly small game library (well, for me, anyway).
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 18, 2014, 04:35:48 PM
Is NES Remix worth checking out?  That's pretty much the only other game out of interest to me.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: brob on May 18, 2014, 04:37:06 PM
Does Tekken Tag 2 still have to load when you rematch offline? It's one of the biggest gripes I have with the PS3 version (though it's still not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things).
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 18, 2014, 04:40:23 PM
Does Tekken Tag 2 still have to load when you rematch offline? It's one of the biggest gripes I have with the PS3 version (though it's still not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things).

Don't have a second controller to check (unless a Wii mote would work?), but I would assume so since it loads when you rematch online.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 18, 2014, 07:53:04 PM
bork get a Protroller and MH3U :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on May 18, 2014, 08:26:02 PM
Is NES Remix worth checking out?  That's pretty much the only other game out of interest to me.

Do you like retro gaming (especially from the "black box" era of the NES)?
Did you like Retro Game Challenge for the DS?

That should tell you what you need to know... also you and I have the exact same WiiU library (aside from me owning the 2 NES Remixes) :P
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 20, 2014, 01:33:57 PM
CoD BLOPS II multi, at least, is comparable to the PS3/360 versions.  Played smoothly and was awesome on the game pad screen.  There was only around 700 people playing it though.   :lol  Most of the modes had no players.  Fine since I just play TDM anyway.

Definitely going to have to get a battery extender.  The controller's battery life just sucks.  And going back to the Vita 2000, which is lighter and much more comfortable, makes the Wii U controller feel like a clunky old Game Gear, especially with the matching battery life. 

Was wrong about the controller's range- even in my small apartment, there are rooms/areas where the connection is lost. 

bork get a Protroller and MH3U :aah


Got the NSMB U/Luigi U bundle along with 3D World, Wonderful 101, and Tekken.  Will get Mario Kart at the end of the month too.  No Andrex, I don't want that Monster Hunter garbage.


Is NES Remix worth checking out?  That's pretty much the only other game out of interest to me.

Do you like retro gaming (especially from the "black box" era of the NES)?
Did you like Retro Game Challenge for the DS?

That should tell you what you need to know... also you and I have the exact same WiiU library (aside from me owning the 2 NES Remixes) :P

These are mini-games, right?  You can't actually play the full games?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 20, 2014, 02:06:29 PM
Miss out on one of the few great games for the Nintendo system you bought cause you suck at games, brehs
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on May 20, 2014, 06:49:28 PM
Bork - nope, they're all minigames (usually anywhere from 30 secs to 1:30 in length)... there are a lot of minigames and to get all golds takes probably about 10 hours on each game, all rainbows considerably more time. NES Remix 2 contains a full mirrored version of SMB1 starring Luigi though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 20, 2014, 10:34:03 PM
Miss out on one of the few great games for the Nintendo system you bought cause you suck at games, brehs

Already have the superior Toukiden, RO Ace, and Soul Sacrifice Delta brah.  Dayum brah no MonHun brah shit's too slow and clunky brah.

Bork - nope, they're all minigames (usually anywhere from 30 secs to 1:30 in length)... there are a lot of minigames and to get all golds takes probably about 10 hours on each game, all rainbows considerably more time. NES Remix 2 contains a full mirrored version of SMB1 starring Luigi though.

Hmm...I could see myself playing some of those games and never touching others then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on May 21, 2014, 08:58:55 AM
Hmm...I could see myself playing some of those games and never touching others then.

Unfortunately there's an unlock system in place where you need to get a certain amount of stars (the classic three star rating system for clearing a challenge) in order to unlock additional games. When you beat a challenge you're awarded anywhere from 1 to 3 stars. For example, in NES REMIX 1 you need to collect 130 stars across all challenges to unlock Wrecking Crew. The same applies to NES Remix 2 but you're unlocking way-the-fuck-better games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 29, 2014, 02:12:08 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 29, 2014, 02:17:39 PM
Is that real?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 29, 2014, 02:22:03 PM
Bahahaha, thats hilarious.

@chubby hubby, yes it's real
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rufus on May 29, 2014, 02:26:46 PM
Bahahaha, thats hilarious.

@chubby hubby, yes it's real

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 29, 2014, 02:31:36 PM
Gamecube will never die  :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 29, 2014, 02:34:52 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on May 29, 2014, 02:50:44 PM

Nintendo is officially #ESPORTS.   :obama
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on May 29, 2014, 02:50:56 PM
Is that real?


Nintendo is officially #ESPORTS.   :obama

i hope dorito pope is one of the secret characters!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on May 29, 2014, 05:29:23 PM

Nintendo is officially #ESPORTS.   :obama

Etiolate to quit gaming!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on May 29, 2014, 05:36:26 PM
i would buy a wii u to emulate gc but is that picturee of mario in a chrysler real
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on May 29, 2014, 05:37:50 PM

is dis real

MOD EDIT ABUSE: Reduced the size of that picture, dammit methodis.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 29, 2014, 06:08:24 PM
why would that possibly be real, methodis
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on May 29, 2014, 06:12:35 PM
2 posts up was mario driving a chrysler  ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rufus on May 29, 2014, 06:19:46 PM
2 posts up was mario driving a chrysler  ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on May 29, 2014, 06:20:10 PM
2 posts up was mario driving a chrysler  ???

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MyNameIsMethodis on May 29, 2014, 08:59:18 PM
serious question where do they park those mercedez benz
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 29, 2014, 09:01:13 PM
Hmmm - so far it's okay

the microstutter is -really- annoying if you are anal to notice that sort of thing.

Online is implemented in a way only Nintendo could manage - it's a step in the right direction i guess in some ways but... yeah....

Mario is Mario in Mario Kart in.... Mario Kart (some stuff is now shittier) - would be my review
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 29, 2014, 09:09:36 PM
Sounds like a solid 8.5, thanks for the review.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: DCharlieJP on May 29, 2014, 09:12:10 PM
Sounds like a solid 8.5, thanks for the review.

ya - probably about right - mario kart is mario kart - some of the changes are annoying as tits, and it all feels a bit barebones, and the online is slightly backwards - but it's still Mario Kart and , online, it's still going to be decent enough.

But not a pant wetter of an entry.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on May 29, 2014, 09:52:27 PM
Does that GameCube adapter work in Wii Compatibility mode, or Virtual Console, or for Mario Kart? Or just Smash? I would totally buy that, and I'd transfer my Wii licenses too.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on May 29, 2014, 10:01:00 PM
it would be downright goofy of Nintendo not to have some further functionality for that sort of thing beyond one game.

Gamecube Virtual Console incoming?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on May 29, 2014, 10:10:52 PM
U act like Nintendo never does one-off things and then ignores it forever.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 29, 2014, 10:14:57 PM
Sounds like a solid 8.5, thanks for the review.

ya - probably about right - mario kart is mario kart - some of the changes are annoying as tits, and it all feels a bit barebones, and the online is slightly backwards - but it's still Mario Kart and , online, it's still going to be decent enough.

But not a pant wetter of an entry.

Please tell me balloon battle doesn't suck. :(

Also I have to imagine the 59fps thing will get patched eventually. (Yes, Nintendo does patches now.) You don't get so close to the series' 60fps standard and then just ignore something like that. Seems they might have been rushed at the last second or something.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on May 30, 2014, 06:16:37 AM
2 posts up was mario driving a chrysler  ???

here's the difference:

people in japan buy and drive mercedes cars

froot loops do not exist in japan

check your privilege.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 30, 2014, 11:10:35 AM
Mario Kart is always good.  Double Dash was the exception for me (hated it).  I'm looking forward to playing it.  It may be the eighth release (10th counting those two arcade games), but since they just release one of these games per system, it doesn't feel like overkill.   I can see how people would get excited for it.

Whether or not the game compares to Sonic Transformed will be a different story.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on May 30, 2014, 11:23:30 AM
They released a third Arcade GP game last summer, based on Mario Kart 7. It played pretty nice but the cost is so steep, you only get one race per "go."
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on May 30, 2014, 11:32:12 AM
They released a third Arcade GP game last summer, based on Mario Kart 7. It played pretty nice but the cost is so steep, you only get one race per "go."

Huh, Mario Kart Arcade GP DX.  Had no idea.  Wonder why they never released home versions of these games?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MCD on June 02, 2014, 01:52:10 PM


Iwata is staying.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 02:05:10 PM
Holy shit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on June 02, 2014, 02:17:13 PM


Iwata is staying.

ahahahahahah i like how half of that thread is "bubububu polygon said it would be the worst mario kart selling ever, polygon owned!!1!"

the thing is on the most bombtastic nintendo console ever, for that to not happen there is either a mysterious mario kart title that sold nothing or someone believe that miracle can happen if they pray to miyamoto-sama enough

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 02:36:31 PM
I was expecting it to do maybe 400k in its first month WW so to see it tripling that in only two days is, well... Don't know what to say. It has a decent chance of outdoing Super Circuit if Nintendo sticks with the Wii U for long enough.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Gundam on June 02, 2014, 03:56:20 PM
I think this just goes to show that people still love Mario Kart.

The WiiU on it's own?  :larry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 02, 2014, 03:59:08 PM
Could Mario Kart 8 be the Wii U's Nintendogs?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on June 02, 2014, 04:10:32 PM
I think this just goes to show that people still love Mario Kart.

The WiiU on it's own?  :larry

Right. Mind you, this is a great showing for Mario Kart. But before people bust open the champagne bottles and Iwata stands in front of a Mission Accomplished banner on an aircraft carrier, I'd like to see a month or three of hardware sales data. The fact that this game -- which includes a free game included with every purchase -- is selling well to the existing userbase comprised of people that have actually purchased this console isn't all that surprising. Again, I'm not trying to undermine its opening weekend success. But I think it's premature to think that this represents some sort of turnaround for the Wii U just yet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on June 02, 2014, 04:19:19 PM
Yeah, 6 million some odd people have Weeeeeooooooos. The fact that 1/5 of them bought Mario Kart on the first weekend isn't really surprising. Zelda will probably do similar numbers it's opening weekend/week. Will they spur hardware sales, and will they have legs are the questions people should be asking.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 04:26:10 PM
I think this just goes to show that people still love Mario Kart.

The WiiU on it's own?  :larry

What an amazing insight
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 02, 2014, 04:33:39 PM
Could Mario Kart 8 be the Wii U's Nintendo Dogs?

Feel free to start a thread with this title at GAF, btw.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 05:18:15 PM
I hope you're using "shit" in place of "stuff" and not to denote any kind of quality, Oscar. :wag

Weegi U is legit :aah
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on June 02, 2014, 05:59:23 PM
Odds of a price drop announcement at E3?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 06:29:43 PM

They're finally breaking even on it I think, but they don't want to take anymore losses. That said, sales are in the shitter, so we'll see if MK turns that around.

If not, 90% chance of a price drop by Sept.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 02, 2014, 06:50:18 PM
They are not breaking even on it
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on June 02, 2014, 08:11:47 PM
In their shareholder report they said losses on hardware would be diminished (not erased), but only because most of the inventory they are forecasting to sell this fiscal year is already manufactured and sitting on shelves and in warehouses.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 08:29:21 PM
Actually I'll drop my estimation down to 5%. Nintendo doesn't do price drops or new revisions at E3.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bachikarn on June 02, 2014, 09:07:08 PM
How the hell is the Wii U still losing money on each console sold but the PS4 is making a profit?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on June 02, 2014, 09:28:26 PM
Updating my WiiU with the new "quick start" menu
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 09:37:08 PM
Updating my WiiU with the new "quick start" menu

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 02, 2014, 09:38:19 PM
I won a $45 Amazon gift card from GAF last week, and couldn't think of a better way to spend it than on MK8.

So after paying a mere $15, I effectively own:
- MK8
- Pikmin 3 (free game promotion)
- Earthbound (Wii U digital deluxe promo, thanks to Pikmin 3 being eligible)

Pretty good deal 8)


New update w/ quick start feature has been rolled out. Updating myself right now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 09:40:43 PM
? ? ?

I never heard about an update, oooh.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on June 02, 2014, 09:46:35 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on June 02, 2014, 09:47:20 PM
You have to wait... it seems to have to "generate" the quick menu.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 02, 2014, 09:49:11 PM

That is indeed pretty quick!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on June 05, 2014, 12:09:08 PM
Yo, I'm gonna be legit pissed if there's no Picross announcement for Wii U at E3.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: hampster on June 25, 2014, 03:47:53 PM
I finally bought a Pro Controller. God this thing is fantastic :o How easy is it to hook up to the PC? I might need to make this my main controller from now on :heart

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on June 25, 2014, 03:56:56 PM
I finally bought a Pro Controller. God this thing is fantastic :o How easy is it to hook up to the PC? I might need to make this my main controller from now on :heart


Haven't tried it but give this a shot:

Or this adapter:

It really is the best controller Nintendo's ever made. :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on June 25, 2014, 04:28:59 PM
That is some insanely high praise right there Andy considering that the Snes 'trollers are pretty much still the standard most are emulating to this day.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2014, 12:48:23 AM
Used this MK8 tool to figure out the best setup for Speed and Mini-Turbos, and daaaammmn if it didn't deliver.

First race with it in 150cc:


I was scared of trying to finish 150cc before (bad memories of MK Wii's constant rubber band BS) but I think I'll make it through just fine, now.

This build (Comet + Roller) isn't as nice to handle on turns as my previous one (Mr. Scooty + Wood Wheels), but as long as I'm careful it doesn't matter. And I can pull off mini turbos much quicker now.

The tool recommended Metal Mario or Bowser, but I'm never changing from Luigi. Ever. Maybe if I ever decide to do Time Trials...

Anyone up for a tourney this weekend? I was also thinking of a permanent Gforum tourney (as a pseudo lobby), but I'm not sure what gain that would be (I've just seen other places do it.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 09, 2014, 01:34:50 AM
Why is the eShop down on the one day I want to actually use it?  :beli
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2014, 01:52:38 AM
Because you touch yourself at night.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 09, 2014, 01:57:19 AM
Seems pretty inconvenient.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 09, 2014, 05:04:01 AM
I am glad I got my Wii U premium for 200 quid thanks to a pricing error at Amazon.

It is finally paying off with all these great games coming out  :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on July 09, 2014, 12:20:50 PM
Anyone up for a tourney this weekend? I was also thinking of a permanent Gforum tourney (as a pseudo lobby), but I'm not sure what gain that would be (I've just seen other places do it.)

I might be.  I haven't messed with the tournament stuff yet.  seems like you need codes for lobbies?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 09, 2014, 12:23:23 PM
I started Wind Waker HD... again. Well, by again I mean I turned my WiiU back on again. I'm only at Dragon Roost Cavern.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2014, 12:33:42 PM
I started Wind Waker HD... again. Well, by again I mean I turned my WiiU back on again. I'm only at Dragon Roost Cavern.

How weaksauce.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2014, 12:34:00 PM
Anyone up for a tourney this weekend? I was also thinking of a permanent Gforum tourney (as a pseudo lobby), but I'm not sure what gain that would be (I've just seen other places do it.)

I might be.  I haven't messed with the tournament stuff yet.  seems like you need codes for lobbies?

Ya. I'll figure it all out.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 09, 2014, 12:41:14 PM
Child, I beat Wind Waker before you even knew it existed.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 09, 2014, 12:49:32 PM
Child, I beat Wind Waker before you even knew it existed.

Sister, I was hyping Wind Waker while you were jerking it to Zangief.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on July 10, 2014, 11:17:35 PM
Shovel Knight is pretty fun!

I mean it's easy and simple but whatever, I'm enjoying it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 11, 2014, 11:29:51 AM
New Smash character being revealed Monday at 7am PST / 10am EST. They're streaming it and everything.

Must be pretty big. Any bets? I'm thinking it might finally be the Chorus Kids.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Kinda want it to be Snake just because losing such a high visibility character weakens the franchise a bit.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 11, 2014, 11:47:17 AM

Retweeted by the Xenoblade *script writer. It's gotta be Shulk.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 11, 2014, 11:56:57 AM
Shulk would make sense. All his moves will be Monado _____________
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 11, 2014, 04:27:45 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 13, 2014, 04:41:31 PM
Beat WWHD on Hero Mode... playing Pikmin 3 now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 10:04:50 AM


(Male/Female) Robin!


...Captain Falcon!

Gematsu (the "leak" Magoose was so adamant about earlier) was wrong! (I figured.)

Four Fire Emblem characters in total, now. :whew

Really glad to see Lucinda in over Chrom.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 14, 2014, 10:08:51 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 10:09:12 AM
Robin looks really interesting to play.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 10:16:09 AM
Chrom is just in a final smash, it seems. Not on the website as a newcomer, and in the trailer he didn't get his own "Chrom joins the fight!" intro.

Back down to four.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 14, 2014, 11:51:47 AM
 Looks like Lucina has so far only showed off Marth moves, so she barely qualifies as a character.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on July 14, 2014, 12:01:11 PM
Gematsu (the "leak" Magoose was so adamant about earlier) was wrong! (I figured.)

eh i'm sorry i still believe it because this wouldn't be the first time that a smash bros related leak turns out to be real


beside i'd be amazing if the leak turn out to be fake because the idea of shulk being in smash is :kobeyuck
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 14, 2014, 12:16:28 PM
Shulk would have been a better pick than Fire Emblem Waifu Edition.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 12:16:47 PM
I'm just glad because it means we don't know how many new characters are left. We were expecting only three more (Shulk, Chrom, Chorus Kids), but now who knows? We just got two more (Robin, Lucina) and despite it getting "close to the bottom of the pile" for new reveals there's probably at least two or three more. So we're objectively getting more new characters now, and that's awesome.





Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on July 14, 2014, 12:24:21 PM
Shulk would have been a better pick than Fire Emblem Waifu Edition.

yeah having four fire emblem character in the game seems like overkill, especialy if it turns out one of them is just a clone of marth... i'd really like to see more f-zero character, the series has a shitload of characters and they are all more interessing than "blue haired dude/chick with a sword"
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on July 14, 2014, 12:24:35 PM
Fire Emblem X Pokemon
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 14, 2014, 04:03:00 PM
Probably  :goty2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 04:12:18 PM
No word yet. :goty
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 05:31:25 PM

Smash Sistanistas :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 14, 2014, 05:34:29 PM
Can't wait for the rule34
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 05:52:59 PM
Can't wait for the rule34

Is it rule 34 if it's official?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 14, 2014, 06:10:50 PM
Nintendo knows their target audience well  :P
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SpeedStats on July 14, 2014, 06:56:23 PM
Shulk would have been a better pick than Fire Emblem Waifu Edition.

Why go for lower when you can have Dunban or someone else instead?  Shulk kinda sucks in comparison, but I guess main character and all that.

Eh, I haven't touched a Smash Bros since 64 and that was several years ago.  Probably not going to start now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on July 14, 2014, 07:37:18 PM
Personally I'm waiting for the rule 63 :drool

*googles rule 63*

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 07:39:33 PM
Nintendo knows their target audience well  :P

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 07:41:04 PM
No new Metroid Characters  :oreilly

Metroid =  :trash
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on July 14, 2014, 07:46:48 PM
:trash :trash
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Positive Touch on July 14, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
Metroid =  :trash

no words to accurately describe my hatred right now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 09:20:58 PM
Metroid =  :trash

no words to accurately describe my hatred right now

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 14, 2014, 09:24:05 PM
is that the boss of face shrine
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 09:29:50 PM
It's Nanika, wish granting demon child.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 14, 2014, 09:32:49 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 14, 2014, 09:35:43 PM
We're here, we're queer, :miyamoto
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 15, 2014, 07:35:28 AM
How do you not know about Hunter x Hunter?  :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 15, 2014, 10:10:38 AM
They're announcing all the smashu brothers in corocoro next month brehs (Tasty Meat)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 10:41:26 AM
He's an adult.

Him calling someone a feg makes me believe differently.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 10:52:15 AM
Yeah, whoever heard of an old person being intolerant?

I thought we were talking about intellectual immaturity.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 11:25:23 AM
Oh. Well, you know I'm an adult, and I know about HxH.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 15, 2014, 11:57:08 AM
I think the key point is that you weren't one when Hunter x Hunter was flying high.  There's a legit generation gap in play here.  I only know it cuz I'm a teacher in its country of origin.

Wise cac teaching the azns the western ways  ;)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 12:05:33 PM
I think the key point is that you weren't one when Hunter x Hunter was flying high.  There's a legit generation gap in play here.  I only know it cuz I'm a teacher in its country of origin.

I have no context but it seems fairly popular at the moment, the new anime has a lot of fans and wasn't splintered into OVA hell like the original was. I suppose there might have been more interest in the series when Togashi was more consistent about his output.

Also, saying there's a generation gap means more adults than kids should know about it anyways, right? Your original post doesn't make much sense.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 12:17:39 PM
I suppose. I'm not sure it's a very on-point remark, however. Substandard compared to your usual put downs.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 15, 2014, 12:18:49 PM
why cant you watch Naruto instead?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 12:21:36 PM
why cant you watch Naruto instead?

I have, off and on, but got burnt out. It's not as bad as Bleach but it shares some of the same bloated-shonen problems. HxH manages to avoid almost all of them, though.

A better question would be why I don't watch One Piece.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 15, 2014, 02:58:51 PM
Wow this is some conversation

P.S. I support gay rights
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 15, 2014, 03:19:33 PM

What anime is this from, if you think you're so smart?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 04:28:56 PM
Wow this is some conversation

P.S. I support gay rights

:pacspit Bigot.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on July 15, 2014, 08:47:19 PM
Why cant you all watch "attack on titan" like all everybody else...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 15, 2014, 09:11:06 PM
why cant you watch Naruto instead?
A better question would be why I don't watch One Piece.

The best question would be, "When will you ever be tolerable?" and Jesus, I'm just not sure there's an answer to that
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 09:11:24 PM
Why cant you all watch "attack on titan" like all everybody else...

Attack on Titan is the same old garbage anime tropes presented in a bloodier/"more mature" package. The amount of pointless screaming and yelling on the show rivals One Piece, and Eren is the typical shonen hero with asspull powers to a tee. I was excited to watch it, but I should have known better than to let AnimeGAF hype me on something.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on July 15, 2014, 09:36:01 PM
Attack on Titan is the same old garbage anime tropes presented in a bloodier/"more mature" package. The amount of pointless screaming and yelling on the show rivals One Piece, and Eren is the typical shonen hero with asspull powers to a tee. I was excited to watch it, but I should have known better than to let AnimeGAF hype me on something.

You have no clue.  It is classed a shonen because you know it is a shonen?  Yet you watch stuff like hunter x hunter like those tropes dont mean a thing.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on July 15, 2014, 10:31:12 PM
LeapFrog announced their new gaming console ( coming out at the end of this year for $150. Featuring physical cartridges in addition to an online store, the LeapTV features motion controls, a camera that tracks players, and a configurable controller for smaller hands.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2014, 10:33:24 PM
Attack on Titan is the same old garbage anime tropes presented in a bloodier/"more mature" package. The amount of pointless screaming and yelling on the show rivals One Piece, and Eren is the typical shonen hero with asspull powers to a tee. I was excited to watch it, but I should have known better than to let AnimeGAF hype me on something.

You have no clue.  It is classed a shonen because you know it is a shonen?  Yet you watch stuff like hunter x hunter like those tropes dont mean a thing.

HxH plays with expectations and the characters aren't annoying as fuck. The tr-tr-tr-triple combo of Eren, Armin, and whats-her-face make me want to punch my TV.

"Guys, this is a totally serious apocalyptic scenario. OMG THAT GIRL'S EATING A POTATO SO RANDOM L O L."

Horrible, braindead characters, full of manufactured drama that isn't fit to lick the crumbs off Hunter x Hunter's table. Attack on Titan is the Walking Dead (TV show) of anime.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 15, 2014, 10:41:59 PM
all anime is shit.  all of it.

I watch anime all the time, and I wouldn't even argue with this.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on July 15, 2014, 11:03:42 PM

HxH plays with expectations and the characters aren't annoying as fuck. The tr-tr-tr-triple combo of Eren, Armin, and whats-her-face make me want to punch my TV.

"Guys, this is a totally serious apocalyptic scenario. OMG THAT GIRL'S EATING A POTATO SO RANDOM L O L."

Horrible, braindead characters, full of manufactured drama that isn't fit to lick the crumbs off Hunter x Hunter's table. Attack on Titan is the Walking Dead (TV show) of anime.

You do realise that it is called "comic relief", it is there because no one can watch it be serious for that long and HXH does it too.  And I am done with this.  This argument is distinguished mentally-challenged.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 16, 2014, 12:19:56 AM

HxH plays with expectations and the characters aren't annoying as fuck. The tr-tr-tr-triple combo of Eren, Armin, and whats-her-face make me want to punch my TV.

"Guys, this is a totally serious apocalyptic scenario. OMG THAT GIRL'S EATING A POTATO SO RANDOM L O L."

Horrible, braindead characters, full of manufactured drama that isn't fit to lick the crumbs off Hunter x Hunter's table. Attack on Titan is the Walking Dead (TV show) of anime.

You do realise that it is called "comic relief", it is there because no one can watch it be serious for that long and HXH does it too.  And I am done with this.  This argument is distinguished mentally-challenged.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 16, 2014, 01:32:02 AM
The point of my post was that AoT is the same as any other anime. It doesn't match the hype at all.

Then again, herpa derpa doo on me for buying into anime fan hype in the first place.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 16, 2014, 01:41:48 AM
Ninja Scroll was pretty cool. That hunchback motherfucker had a beehive in his hump.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 16, 2014, 02:18:38 AM
I liked Ghost in the Shell, too.

But yeah, all anime is bad. It's not a problem if someone just casually watches anime, as in, "oh this is just a thing I do," but nope, everyone who does is all UGUU SEMPAI, I AM OTAKU LULZ and you just want to beat them with a blunt object until what's left of them can be classified as a liquid rather than a solid.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on July 16, 2014, 02:37:38 AM
I almost got into anime as a kid, bought Akira, 3x3 Eyes... but then shit was expensive and hard to get and I just skipped it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on July 16, 2014, 03:01:07 AM
fucking nerds
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Squiddy on July 16, 2014, 05:37:51 AM
Oh, I was talking about the HxH manga.
Who the fuck watches anime?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SpeedStats on July 16, 2014, 07:20:20 AM
How many people who own a Wii U or 3DS also own Super Mario Bros. in some capacity, anyway?  Seems like an oddball choice.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 16, 2014, 07:52:50 AM
I'm pretty sure all these VC games were available to buy on CN at one point too. Lol.

Oh dear.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 16, 2014, 09:56:10 AM
well, the club nintendo platinum/gold rewards are up, and you can tell money is tight at the big N, cuz they're all digital.

You can choose ONE of the following.

Plat Only:

Game&Wario (WiiU)
NES Remix (WiiU)
Earthbound (WiiU)
Dr. Luigi (WiiU)
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)
Fluidity: Spin Cycle (3DS)
Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS)
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (3DS)

Plat & Gold:

Ice Climber (WiiU)
Kid Icarus (WiiU)
Super Mario Bros. (WiiU)
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (WiiU)
Donkey Kong 3 (3DS)
Wario Land 2 (3DS)
Metroid (3DS)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (3DS)

buy hundreds of dollars of software for a free copy of ice climber or dr. luigi, brehs


I was just on the site last night too going "Is this the night?! :gladbron"

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 16, 2014, 10:04:31 AM
Dillon's Rolling Western is a PLAT reward, yet it was a 200 coin reward a couple months ago. LULZ

Plat Only:

Game&Wario (WiiU) crap
NES Remix (WiiU) contender
Earthbound (WiiU) own it
Dr. Luigi (WiiU) crap
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS) own it
Fluidity: Spin Cycle (3DS) will be a repeat CN reward
Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS) own it; bought on CN
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (3DS) will be a repeat CN reward

Plat & Gold:

Ice Climber (WiiU) no; will be CN repeat reward
Kid Icarus (WiiU) no; own 3D Classics anyway (bought on CN no less)
Super Mario Bros. (WiiU) no; will be CN repeat reward
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (WiiU) no; will be CN repeat reward
Donkey Kong 3 (3DS) will be CN repeat reward
Wario Land 2 (3DS) will be CN repeat reward
Metroid (3DS) will be CN repeat reward
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (3DS) will be CN repeat reward
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 16, 2014, 10:26:06 AM
DKCR and NES Remix feel like the only worthwhile ones of the bunch.

I only have gold status though, so I get stuck with the crap VC games that I mostly own already.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 16, 2014, 10:36:28 AM
I'll buy WL2 or SML2 from you
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 16, 2014, 10:50:35 AM
How much?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 16, 2014, 03:40:43 PM
well, the club nintendo platinum/gold rewards are up, and you can tell money is tight at the big N, cuz they're all digital.

You can choose ONE of the following.

Plat Only:

Game&Wario (WiiU)
NES Remix (WiiU)
Earthbound (WiiU)
Dr. Luigi (WiiU)
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)
Fluidity: Spin Cycle (3DS)
Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS)
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (3DS)

Plat & Gold:

Ice Climber (WiiU)
Kid Icarus (WiiU)
Super Mario Bros. (WiiU)
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (WiiU)
Donkey Kong 3 (3DS)
Wario Land 2 (3DS)
Metroid (3DS)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (3DS)

buy hundreds of dollars of software for a free copy of ice climber or dr. luigi, brehs

I don't see how someone could get to platinum status without already owning at least half of this shit.

Getting Earthbound, I already have it on SNES though and the battery still works too

Club Nintendo crashed :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on July 16, 2014, 03:48:21 PM
did andrex hate on one piece earlier in this thread because I'ma have to cut someone...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 16, 2014, 08:39:08 PM
Haha, how shitty. I guess I'll get Earthbound, but oy vey.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on July 16, 2014, 11:27:27 PM
Joke's on me for thinking they couldn't do worse than a pin collection.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 17, 2014, 12:34:00 AM
How much?

Give u a couple bucks. Lol. They're only worth $4 on eShop.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 12:53:47 AM
How much?

Give u a couple bucks. Lol. They're only worth $4 on eShop.

How bout we trade DL codes? I could go for some Earthbound.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on July 17, 2014, 01:05:37 AM
How about you suck my nuts. What kind of trade is that. I already got NES Remix
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 01:22:25 AM
Well OK then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 01:30:43 AM

Fatal Frame V: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden announced. September 27 release in Japan. Over/under on this coming out here?

I mean, if Spirit Camera can make it over...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 02:27:32 AM
The story I heard is that 4 was supposed to come over but it was broken and Tecmo wouldn't fix it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 03:06:57 AM
That reminds me, how did Spirit Camera do? I think I remember expecting it to sell 30k-40k.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 17, 2014, 10:44:12 AM
Ah. OK then. :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Takao on July 17, 2014, 07:07:54 PM
Is this going to be Fatal Frame's fourth strike, or was Spirit Camera ball #1?

Maybe it's just me, but I think announcing a retail game two months before it comes out is dumb. I know Nintendo has done similar things in the past, but I'm not sure how that worked out for them.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 20, 2014, 01:53:23 AM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on July 20, 2014, 03:16:03 AM
Wait that's the same day as Pokemon (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on July 20, 2014, 06:21:44 AM
Wait that's the same day as Pokemon (

A conflict many of us surely deal with.

Speak for yourselves, childrens
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 02, 2014, 07:24:56 PM
Finished Pikmin 3. Last "boss" was annoying. Definitely not as good as the first two. Rock Pikmin severely underused, if not worthless. Same with Flying Pikmin.

Playing Wonderful 101. Lots to digest here... yikes. Hopefully Bayo doesnt requre this much needess complexity.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on August 02, 2014, 07:41:03 PM
with time and upgrades eventually combat will click and become really fun.  and then you'll realize wonderful 101 is like 40% minigames and 10% QTEs.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 02, 2014, 08:19:20 PM
Game fucking sucks
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 02, 2014, 08:30:15 PM
Why is it so unnecessary to draw these symbols? Jesus fucking christ just let me sort through them with L/R
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 02, 2014, 08:43:57 PM
No lie, I'd buy Wonderful 101 if there was a Pro Controller patch. But that's probably impossible. :lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 02, 2014, 08:50:46 PM
The "dodge" feature is locked behind the shop. WHAT
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 05, 2014, 11:13:49 AM
That is not sounding good.   :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 05, 2014, 11:23:31 AM
I'm glad this is on WiiU since I wont pull my hair out going for achievements.

It has the same system as Bayo, so you can cheese the game by re-loading, to ensure you get high ranks.

There are "bottlecaps" you can unlock, which are essentially achievements, but the problem is - you can unlock them out of the blue, but when you actually go to the screen itself, it tells you absolutely nothing on how you unlocked it. It might as well be a piece of clipart.

Theres a bunch of collectables in this game as well. Figurines, bottlecaps, "Platinum Coins" - so there is lot of replayability. It even has Alfheim Portals - I'm sorry, I mean Kahkoo Regah portals.

There are upgrades that are absolutely mandatory to alleviate issues, specifically the one that makes "drawing" quicker - and by quicker - it's almost instantaneous. It's like you have to grind just to unlock IAP to fix the game. Prices are astronomical for items in this game as well.

The game also explains absolutely nothing about actual gameplay. I suppose this is the argument where "we should figure it out ourselves" but I feel some of the stuff is pretty fucking basic enough to be given a nudge. I even glossed the in-game manual through the WiiU, and even that was sparse and lacking details.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on August 05, 2014, 12:07:34 PM
Yaaasss demi yaaasss

Expose this fraud!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on August 05, 2014, 12:11:32 PM
Sounds like :trash

But I heard the game was good? ???
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 05, 2014, 12:24:37 PM
Kamiya has a habit of making divisive games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 05, 2014, 12:26:14 PM
I dunno, Bayo was like, almost perfect. Hopefully none of this game slimes its way into Bayo 2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 05, 2014, 12:47:18 PM
Sounds like :trash

But I heard the game was good? ???

i watched this video (yeah it's long,i know i know) and it looked like something i would enjoy

it seems the main problem is that to switch weapon you have to draw symbols on the wii u pad, which sounds gimmick and stupid but the reviewer goes on about the advantage of such a system (for example it let you dictate the size of the weapons,and it add another extra element to the game since if an enemy interrupt your drawing line, the combination won't work so you have to be carefull about how you draw things) if you don't want to draw on the wii u pad, you should have the option to create the shape with the analog stick but i'm not sure if it works better or worse or what...

oh also not only you need to buy the dodge move but you also need to buy the counter move, from what i understand some enemies can only be defeated with the counter move, sounds like a pretty bad oversight!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on August 05, 2014, 01:16:10 PM
Kamiya has a habit of making divisive games.

except for maybe okami, his games before wonderful 101 are really highly regarded.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on August 05, 2014, 01:21:32 PM
Kamiya has a habit of making divisive games.

What? Aside from Okami and W101 his games are not divisive.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on August 05, 2014, 05:21:05 PM
Indeed. Double jump and stuff were in unlocked in DMC in shops. You even bought new MOVES in the shop. The same is true for Okami and Bayo.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on August 05, 2014, 08:21:22 PM
No lie, I'd buy Wonderful 101 if there was a Pro Controller patch. But that's probably impossible. :lol

Forgive me if I'm mistaken as I didn't put a lot of time into 101, but I don't know why it's be impossible. The game is playable in off TV mode, and the only touch control stuff I remember is the drawing stuff which could be accomplished via the right analog anyway. The only thing that remains is the minimal motion control stuff to look around in certain confined, indoor areas. But I think tweaking those to work with other options hardly constitutes an impossible challenge.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on August 05, 2014, 08:38:13 PM
Dan Adelman updated his LinkedIn a few days ago indicating that he's left Nintendo and it's being reported on so I can talk about it, lol. Good for him but Nintendo is pretty fucked in regards to indie development since he was the main guy there who actually gave a shit. The best part about it is that Nintendo's gag order is no longer in effect so now he's back to becoming a voice in the indie scene. His hilarious tweet ( is a sad reminder of how fucking backwards Nintendo is sometimes. It's unfortunate that NoA (and by proxy all of Nintendo) has to suffer because NCL is run by team of elderly morons.

While I can't go into details but I've worked with NoA in the past and have gotten to know a few longtime employees there. NoA is sadly utterly controlled by NCL and things have gotten way worse in the past two years. Ever since the Wii U launched NCL has been reigning in processes thinking only they know how to sell the thing. While they are still actively hiring for a lot of positions I think a lot of people are getting tired of how things are going.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 05, 2014, 08:54:35 PM
NCL - the norwegian cruise line? ???


sounds like a better slogan than one that nintendo would come up with
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on August 05, 2014, 08:56:57 PM

It's how Nintendo of Japan is referred to when you're dealing with the several subsidiaries. NCL = Nintendo Company Limited. When you're publishing a game on a Nintendo platform and you're dealing with EFIGS or just lot-check you often deal with all three branches, NoA, NoE, and NCL. So that's where the term usage comes from. I think they also refer to themselves as NCL on fiscal reports but I'm not sure.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on August 05, 2014, 09:58:48 PM
No lie, I'd buy Wonderful 101 if there was a Pro Controller patch. But that's probably impossible. :lol

Forgive me if I'm mistaken as I didn't put a lot of time into 101, but I don't know why it's be impossible. The game is playable in off TV mode, and the only touch control stuff I remember is the drawing stuff which could be accomplished via the right analog anyway. The only thing that remains is the minimal motion control stuff to look around in certain confined, indoor areas. But I think tweaking those to work with other options hardly constitutes an impossible challenge.

a good chunk of the minigames are about using both screens.  you can play it on your TV picture-in-picture style, but that small window ends up covering screen areas you need to see.  so it's not really thought out.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 05, 2014, 10:23:22 PM
New Mario Kart 8 DLC makes the game 1 billion times better. (

Hits Japan on August 27 with the Mercedes-Benz DLC (who cares.) International release unconfirmed but I can't think they'll hold back these features for long:




(Now they just need to add some arenas for Battle Mode.)

Edit- Why the fuck isn't :hyper working? :mindblown
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 07, 2014, 04:21:12 PM
 :hyper works fine for me. 


I just realized I haven't played my Wii since the week Mario Kart 8 came out.  Shit's gathering dust already.   :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2014, 04:46:20 PM
Weird it was just that post, and I didn't have "Don't use smileys" checked either...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 07, 2014, 04:49:32 PM
It had to do with how you had your UL set up... there might be a specific reason though.

I replaced the * with li and it worked
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2014, 04:51:48 PM
Closing li tags is necessary? Lame.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 07, 2014, 04:52:51 PM
I think it was you wrapping it in LIST

This works

Code: [Select]


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 07, 2014, 05:00:28 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 07, 2014, 05:23:14 PM
You just need to :miyamoto
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Nintendosbooger on August 08, 2014, 02:56:06 PM
Been playing Mario Kart online, and the competition is crazy. These are the assholes with no jobs, no families, no future whipping my ass continuously because I'm too busy to put more than 2 hours of Mario kart time in a day.

My GF is playing it as well, but she refuses to adapt. Plays like a 5 year year old and gets pissed whenever she's last place.

Looking forward to Smash Bros.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 08, 2014, 08:54:00 PM
I really do not like Wonderful 101. Such a shit game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: iconoclast on August 09, 2014, 04:30:15 PM
I've been playing TW101 a lot over the last couple of weeks as well and I just recently completed it 100% (ie. got all 101 achievements). The game can be really annoying to play when you're starting out because your character is so underpowered. You don't have any special attacks like the stinger, launcher, or the spin attack, and you have to buy basic functions like dodging, blocking, and Witch Time from the shop. The game is padded to hell and back with all of the leveling up, purchasable items, collectibles (all of which are valuable) and unlockable abilities, but it is great once you grind through all of that shit.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 09, 2014, 05:15:06 PM
I dont think this game could have any more horrendous camera angles.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on August 10, 2014, 01:52:17 AM
Been playing Mario Kart online, and the competition is crazy. These are the assholes with no jobs, no families, no future whipping my ass continuously because I'm too busy to put more than 2 hours of Mario kart time in a day.

My GF is playing it as well, but she refuses to adapt. Plays like a 5 year year old and gets pissed whenever she's last place.

Looking forward to Smash Bros.

Yeah I suck at Mario Kart online as well.  I did pretty well on the Wii version but I suspect that is because the Wii version sold more copies so there were more casuals playing it, which meant I was more likely to get paired up with them.  Here it's the hardcore players that have likely sunk 1000+ hours into the game at this point.  I can't compete and don't feel the need to build up my skills so oh well.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on August 10, 2014, 04:09:17 PM
I really do not like Wonderful 101. Such a shit game.

<- Bought him that game as a gift.

Next time I'll spend my money on someone who appreciates it. :'(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on August 10, 2014, 05:22:29 PM
w101 is horribad. it's like someone made colorectal fasciitis into a game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Eel O'Brian on August 10, 2014, 09:38:39 PM
Is this thing $99 yet
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 11, 2014, 12:40:19 PM
No it's like 250 or 300 still! :maf
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 11, 2014, 12:44:51 PM
Used basic models are $230 at Gamestop.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 11, 2014, 12:45:56 PM
Still too high. Also used/refurbed = broken.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 11, 2014, 01:01:59 PM
Nah, I've had good experiences.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 11, 2014, 06:03:58 PM
Ain't doin' more than $200. It's basically last-gen tech and PS3s and 360s cost $200 now. :P
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 11, 2014, 08:24:21 PM
wow zelda musou is out in japan this week? CAN YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no, because it's a wii u game, a zelda game and a musou game all in a single package, :zzz :zzz :zzz
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on August 11, 2014, 09:10:43 PM
I wanna play it :shrugs
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on August 12, 2014, 03:11:08 AM
Isnt that the most wanted game in Japan at the moment?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Damian79 on August 12, 2014, 04:14:31 AM
1. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 949 votes
2. [PS3] Persona 5 – 800 votes
3. [WIU] Hyrule Warriors – 603 votes
4. [PS4] Final Fantasy XV – 488 votes
5. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 444 votes
6. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 432 votes
7. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts III – 419 votes
8. [PS3] Tales of Zestiria – 401 votes
9. [3DS] Bravely Second – 305 votes
10. [PS4] The Evil Within – 297 votes
11. [PSV] Toukiden Extreme – 289 votes
12. [PSV] Bullet Girls – 262 votes
13. [WIU] Bayonetta 2 – 246 votes
14. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 244 votes
15. [PS3] Shining Resonance – 222 votes
16. [PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – 207 votes
17. [3DS] Forbidden Magna – 201 votes
18. [PS3] The Evil Within – 195 votes
19. [PS3] The Last Remnant – 183 votes
20. [3DS] Final Fantasy Explorers – 180 votes
21. [PS3] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II – 174 votes
 22. [PS4] Omega Quintet – 146 votes
23. [PS4] Bloodborne – 138 votes
24. [PSV] Phantasy Star Nova – 126 votes
25. [PS3] Ni-Oh – 119 votes
26. [PS3] Persona 4 Arena Ultimax – 104 votes
27. [PS4] Destiny – 103 votes
28. [PS3] Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix – 95 votes
29. [PSV] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II – 94 votes
30. [PS3] The Last Guardian – 93 votes


Apparently not.  Persona V and MH4U beat it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2014, 08:09:29 AM
Can't believe it's beating out Bullet Girls. What part of the Japan game is this?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Yeti on August 12, 2014, 11:14:33 AM
The Last Guardian is on that list, wasn't that cancelled?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2014, 11:21:39 AM
The Last Guardian is on that list, wasn't that cancelled?

Only when they pry it from Ueda's cold, dead hands.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 12, 2014, 11:23:18 AM
Isn't Team ICO cold and dead?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 12, 2014, 11:25:47 AM
Isn't Team ICO cold and dead?

Yeah, but no one's bothered to pry Last Guardian out yet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on August 12, 2014, 11:27:03 AM
Isn't Team ICO cold and dead?

Yeah, but no one's bothered to pry Last Guardian out yet.

I'm not sure there's actually anything to pry out. Vapor doesn't linger.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 12, 2014, 02:33:53 PM
wow zelda musou is out in japan this week? CAN YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no, because it's a wii u game, a zelda game and a musou game all in a single package, :zzz :zzz :zzz

Do not fuck with musou, Magus.  You have been warned.   :punch
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 12, 2014, 05:51:54 PM
Japan fucking loves them some Musou, Hyrule Warriors will do just fine over there.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on August 14, 2014, 08:53:52 PM
w101 is horribad. it's like someone made colorectal fasciitis into a game.

Nope. You're thinking of Anarchy Reigns which is an interactive version of campylobacteriosis.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 16, 2014, 08:54:55 PM
i had a chance to try the wii u this evening, a friend of mine let me try the demo of wonderfull 101 and some stages of super mario 3D world, i liked the demo of W101 but to be honest i found myself taking a lot of hits because there is so much shit happening on the screen AND everything is so small that it's easy to miss stuff AND all of this happens while you are trying to figure how to draw shapes and figure the control AND you lose all your attack power as soon as your team gets hit because they fly away and then you have to recover them

super mario 3D world looked super unimpressing,we only played 2 stages, the first and the last... to be honest i was impressed to see that the last stage was actualy difficulty but at the same time kinda annoyed that it was based on galaxy, even if i understand trying to have an impressions of the game by playing just 2 stages is ridiculous somehow playing the game put my minds at ease in a "well i guess i'm not really missing much" kind of state
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 17, 2014, 11:55:42 PM
Finished W101........ thats all i gotta say

Flipped a coin, and playing 3D World now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 19, 2014, 08:57:43 AM
w101 is horribad. it's like someone made colorectal fasciitis into a game.

Nope. You're thinking of Anarchy Reigns which is an interactive version of campylobacteriosis.

I liked that game a lot.  Multiplayer versus was fucked up but the co-op stuff was fun.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on August 19, 2014, 10:41:44 PM
What are the best wii u games? What should I know about owning a wii u? What's the cheapest way I can get a wii u? How is wii emulation? Are there any free games on wii u? That are good? Is there a cheap way to play xenoblade? Is anyone willing to let me borrow it or something?

Japan fucking loves them some Musou, Hyrule Warriors will do just fine over there.

Actually, musou doesn't sell that well these days, and it's pretty niche even in Japan, the only recent exception being One piece musou's.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 20, 2014, 12:19:31 PM
Huh, I thought I'd seen some of the games in the upper reaches/top of the charts their first weeks of release. :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 20, 2014, 12:39:30 PM
I forgot to mention that my amazing Wonderful 101 review would not be possible without the generousity of my good brother-like friend Slime. He may not approve of my life choices, but I am always grateful that he hasn't shipped me off to Makeb yet. 10 years strong, bb <3

What are the best wii u games? What should I know about owning a wii u? What's the cheapest way I can get a wii u? How is wii emulation? Are there any free games on wii u? That are good? Is there a cheap way to play xenoblade? Is anyone willing to let me borrow it or something?

Japan fucking loves them some Musou, Hyrule Warriors will do just fine over there.

Actually, musou doesn't sell that well these days, and it's pretty niche even in Japan, the only recent exception being One piece musou's.

What are the best WiiU games?

- DKC Tropical Freeze
- MK8
- Mario 3D World
- Hyrule Warriors
- Wonderful 101
- Pikmin 3
- ZombiU
- Wind Waker HD

Releasing soon:

- Kirby Rainbow Curse
- Yoshi Yarn Yanker
- Bayo 2
- Captain Toad
- SMT x FE (maybe. if it comes out. ever.)
- Zelda WiiU

What should I know about owning a wiiu?

That you are only buying it for Nintendo games, everyone jumped the fuck out. You can play Wii games. You need Wii controllers to play Wii games. You cant play Gamecube games. Nintendo's online is still garbage. No account system. Don't buy digital. If it breaks, you're fucked. If it's stolen, you're fucked.

What's the cheapest way to get a wiiu?

Suck dick. Look on CraigsList. Buy refurb unit for $200 from Nintendo online store. Wait for Black Friday.

How is Wii emulation?

It's not emulation on WiiU. Unless you mean Dolphin, then it's decent.

Are there free games on WiiU?

Not really. Demos.

Is there a cheap way to play Xenoblade?

Suck dick. Look online. Trade.

Is anyone willing to let me borrow it or something?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on August 20, 2014, 02:45:31 PM

Posting this here just because I like the word "arse".
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 20, 2014, 03:12:23 PM
Over the Bon festival period, Japanese retailer Tsutaya recorded Wii U software sales four times that of the same time in 2013

so they sold four copies of hyrule warriors? :smug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Howard Alan Treesong on August 20, 2014, 04:07:33 PM
"soon to be coming" disqualifies P5 and "console" disqualifies MH4U, so I'm still rappin' COOL!

Yeah, I gave up on waiting for Persona 5 and am selling my PS3. Either it'll come out for PS4/Vita or I'll play it on PSNow streaming or I'll buy a PS3 again or I won't play Persona 5.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 20, 2014, 04:18:10 PM
Over the Bon festival period, Japanese retailer Tsutaya recorded Wii U software sales four times that of the same time in 2013

so they sold four copies of hyrule warriors? :smug

Magus, I told you not to fuck with the musou.  :punch  :wag  :punch
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: magus on August 20, 2014, 04:34:46 PM
Over the Bon festival period, Japanese retailer Tsutaya recorded Wii U software sales four times that of the same time in 2013

so they sold four copies of hyrule warriors? :smug

Magus, I told you not to fuck with the musou.  :punch  :wag  :punch

well, it's their fault for making a wii u game, :goty
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Himu on August 20, 2014, 07:21:48 PM
Huh, I thought I'd seen some of the games in the upper reaches/top of the charts their first weeks of release. :yeshrug

Well, media create doesn't mean much these days nor does getting to the top.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on August 20, 2014, 10:14:54 PM
I forgot to mention that my amazing Wonderful 101 review would not be possible without the generousity of my good brother-like friend Slime. He may not approve of my life choices, but I am always grateful that he hasn't shipped me off to Makeb yet. 10 years strong, bb <3


Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on September 01, 2014, 10:25:11 AM
Forgot that Nintendo's Digital Deluxe Promotion existed and checked in on it after like a year. Turns out I had $20 of free credit waiting for me!

Looks like the free games Nintendo was handing out this year (for MK8 and Platinum Status) also counted towards this so anyone in this program and redeemed Wind Waker HD got at least a free $5 for the Wii U and 3DS eShop.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on September 04, 2014, 11:34:27 AM
Time to jerk off to some Bayo 2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 04, 2014, 02:31:43 PM
:bow Strong Female Characters :bow2 #INeedFeminismBecause
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: hampster on September 05, 2014, 12:00:29 AM
Not a fan of my Wii U's light blinking to make sure I know about nintendo's latest ad >:(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on September 05, 2014, 12:06:42 AM
Disable that shit, then
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 05, 2014, 09:00:52 PM
Not a fan of my Wii U's light blinking to make sure I know about nintendo's latest ad >:(

Oh, so that's what that is then.

I haven't turned the Wii U on in three months.  Can't be assed to disable the blinking light.  Maybe when Hyrule Warriors comes out I will turn on the Wii U again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on September 10, 2014, 02:32:26 PM
(fatal frame)

probably not coming to america  :usacry
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 10, 2014, 03:25:00 PM
So this'll be the third Fatal Frame game we haven't gotten, right?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on September 24, 2014, 01:57:16 PM
Fatal Frame will also have Ayane as a playable character.

Bayonetta 2 came out in Japan last week and sold...38,828 copies.   :-\   Not surprised.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on September 24, 2014, 02:11:14 PM
So this'll be the third Fatal Frame game we haven't gotten, right?
yeah but the even less likely to come out here 3DS non-game (Spirit Camera) did, and the Wii U needs for every game possible to come out worldwide.  So I'm actually a bit optimistic about Fatal Frame coming out in America, eventually.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Take My Breh Away on September 24, 2014, 06:33:02 PM
Fatal Frame will also have Ayane as a playable character.

Bayonetta 2 came out in Japan last week and sold...38,828 copies.   :-\   Not surprised.

Can't wait till it doesn't sell in the US either.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

More chances of getting the Day 1 SE with Bayo 1 in Europe though :rejoice

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: I'm a Puppy! on September 24, 2014, 09:18:34 PM
Hey, question. If you play a Wii game on the Wii U can you just do tablet play? Or TV only?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on September 24, 2014, 09:23:12 PM
You can do tablet play, but it doesnt work with the gamepad. You have to use Wiimote, lol.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on September 24, 2014, 09:24:47 PM
you can but none of the wii u controls work.  so you gotta use a wii remote.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: I'm a Puppy! on September 24, 2014, 09:39:21 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 24, 2014, 10:16:18 PM
Ya, it's dumb.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: nachobro on September 25, 2014, 01:39:19 PM
Bayonetta :mouf
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on September 26, 2014, 08:53:00 AM
Picking up Hyrule Warriors today. :hyper
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on September 26, 2014, 10:17:15 AM
Let me know how it plays, especially if you're very familiar the Musou series. Last musou game I played was Samurai Warriors (first, I think) and loved it. Never felt like picking more, though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on September 26, 2014, 10:19:09 AM
I'm gonna pick it up too. Have $30 on a Target card still. Been listening to some of the tunes here.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: I'm a Puppy! on September 26, 2014, 10:55:58 AM
I'd be more interested in Hyrule Warriors if I hadn't just played the hell out of that One Piece game like 2 months ago. Not quite in the mood to do it again.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on October 12, 2014, 02:23:42 AM (

Oh my god, Kamiya.

Got the demo downloaded and will be checking it out tomorrow. Should be good stuff. Dunno if I can buy the game this month, but November definitely.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on October 13, 2014, 08:57:17 AM
Hyrule is the best Musou game I've played. It's a ton of fun and the Zelda window dressing really does add to the Musou gameplay.

This is a better game than Skyward Sword.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on October 13, 2014, 09:16:14 AM
Hyrule is the best Musou game I've played. It's a ton of fun and the Zelda window dressing really does add to the Musou gameplay.

Agreed on that last part, but I like Samurai Warriors 4 more than this.

This is a better game than Skyward Sword.

I can believe it!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on October 13, 2014, 10:44:45 AM
My experience with Musou is like 2 games and a handful of demos, lol.

This game is super good though!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 13, 2014, 10:48:16 AM
Slime and I have played enough Musou games to know Hyrule Warriors is the best. We're veterans of the genre.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 13, 2014, 01:34:09 PM
If any of you in the US are thinking about selling your Wii U anytime soon, let me know. :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cheddahz on October 13, 2014, 03:13:29 PM
Bayonetta 2 is scoring quite well, can't wait to finally play it soon!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 13, 2014, 03:26:36 PM
Is there any photos of how the US packaging is? How did they handle Bayo 1?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cheddahz on October 13, 2014, 03:29:52 PM
The United Kingdom gets this pretty cool first print edition:


I think all we're getting is a standard case with two discs in it
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on October 13, 2014, 06:55:08 PM
Bayo 1 is just a download code in NA.:(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 13, 2014, 07:22:51 PM
This is on the Bayo 2 site. What is your source, Trent?

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 13, 2014, 07:27:31 PM
Gonna end up buying a Wii U mainly for Bayonetta 2. No regrets!

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 13, 2014, 08:42:34 PM
It better not be a download. Ain't nobody got room on their Wii U to download Bayonetta.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on October 13, 2014, 08:48:37 PM
Gonna end up buying a Wii U mainly for Bayonetta 2. No regrets!

gaf hucksters keep recommending the $200 refurbished wii u on nintendo's site.  that's an option if you want it cheap and early.  if you wait a month or so, it'll drop and/or get some bundles for the holidays.  and if bayonetta 2 is like wonderful 101, it'll drop to the ~$20-30 range by then.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 13, 2014, 09:12:47 PM
I plan on getting the refurb and I might wait until Black Friday, but I'm still gonna preorder Bay 2.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 14, 2014, 09:01:57 AM
Just get one on Black Friday. There will be a gift card deal of some kind. Nobody's rushing out to buy these things.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on October 14, 2014, 03:27:55 PM
Could have sworn I saw it was dl only in na, huh. Happy to be wrong if I am.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cheddahz on October 14, 2014, 04:26:27 PM
Just get one on Black Friday. There will be a gift card deal of some kind. Nobody's rushing out to buy these things.
Pretty much

If you're only getting one for Bayonetta 2, then yeah, I would just hold off for a few weeks (cause it's not like the game is going to be sold out anywhere)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 20, 2014, 10:05:20 AM
Why havent you bought a WiiU yet for Bayonetta 2?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 20, 2014, 10:08:12 AM
Free Amiibo w/ Smash Bros WiiU @ TRU
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 20, 2014, 10:13:43 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cheddahz on October 20, 2014, 12:27:41 PM
I'm ready for Bayonetta 2 (I've sadly used all of the play trials on the demo) and I actually don't have work Friday, so I'm just going to crack out on the game all day!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 20, 2014, 03:09:13 PM
I've been picking at NES Remix, since I got it as the Platinum reward. It's quite nice little package. Most of the games are pretty shit, but I suppose I can deal. I'm considering picking up the second one. I might just get it through eShop since I got the first one there.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on October 20, 2014, 08:58:20 PM
The second one has better games, but way fewer challenges that are also way easier.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 20, 2014, 11:31:53 PM
Wtf does an amiibo do?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 20, 2014, 11:51:12 PM
Wtf does an amiibo do?

Pussy magnet.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ZephyrFate on October 21, 2014, 12:17:36 AM
since I have no $$ for a WiiU, I've been watching an English playthrough on Youtube. Bayonetta 2 is definitely the best action game ever made. Holy shit it's awesome.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: cool breeze on October 21, 2014, 01:51:55 AM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ZephyrFate on October 21, 2014, 02:01:36 AM
Apparently in the Japanese version, if you beat it on highest difficulty, you unlock English language and subtitles. So there's already a full-length walkthrough of the game in English up on Youtube.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 21, 2014, 09:24:53 AM
Wtf does an amiibo do?

Serious answer: Amiibos are cute little Skylanders toys that you can use with future Nintendo games. Examples are Smash Bros, Captain Toad... maybe others.

For Smash Bros, you can use them to "level up" and get stronger, and you can actually fight your Amiibo, or have it fight your other Amiibos, or your friends, and see how they fight.

You shouldnt care, but if youre buying Smash WiiU, why not? There's a free one right there.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 23, 2014, 07:54:08 PM

Lol 3DS version. Hope you enjoyed your paid demo. And everyone got in arms over Konami....
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bachikarn on October 23, 2014, 08:26:56 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ZephyrFate on October 23, 2014, 08:32:32 PM
Wii U won the holidays with 8 player matches in SSB. I don't know why anyone would expect the Wii U version to NOT be the superior version.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 23, 2014, 08:36:57 PM

Too much to list, tbh. Definitely watch it all when you have time.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 23, 2014, 08:44:03 PM
Today is the last day for the Ganondorlf DLC for Hyrule Warriors if you havent registered it as well
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 23, 2014, 09:56:08 PM
Smash tour looks like a lot of fun
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 24, 2014, 01:17:41 PM

You guys think there will be much better deals than this on Black Friday? Tempted to jump on it.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 24, 2014, 01:24:53 PM
No, if you want a deal now, hop on that. Black Friday deals will be gift cards.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Beezy on October 24, 2014, 01:50:34 PM
Thanks demi.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Positive Touch on October 24, 2014, 10:30:39 PM
I hate everyone who is playing this right now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on October 25, 2014, 10:01:49 AM
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on October 25, 2014, 02:25:07 PM
Smash is still 1080p/60fps in 8-player mode. :rejoice

Bowser Jr. is still the best newcomer and looks amazing in HD. :rejoice

Can't wait to play it with a proper controller. :rejoice

Fucking free Mewtwo DLC for those of us in the both-version master race. :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on October 25, 2014, 04:24:45 PM
The reaction of everyone to the 8 player thing just proves what I've been saying for years- this is a party game, not a fighting game. So much chaos and unpredictability is not what fighting games are about.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on October 25, 2014, 04:39:09 PM
That's why Smash is great, it satisfies all ends of the spectrum. Smash Wii U is implementing 8-player, yes, but it also has Omega (Final Destination) forms for all stages and it's the first game in the series to implement a Hit Point option (like normal fighting games have.)


Smash 4 also has less unpredictability than previous games in the series; Olimar's Pikmin always spring up in a certain order, tripping has been removed, etc.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on October 25, 2014, 05:35:09 PM
That's why Smash is great, it satisfies all ends of the spectrum. Smash Wii U is implementing 8-player, yes, but it also has Omega (Final Destination) forms for all stages and it's the first game in the series to implement a Hit Point option (like normal fighting games have.)

Androx pls, Melee and Brawl both had Stamina Mode.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on October 25, 2014, 05:52:56 PM
Androx put on blast. Lul
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on October 25, 2014, 06:00:01 PM

Fond Melee memories never included much other than normal Smash matches (mostly stock matches) and Adventure mode, lol.

In any case I don't think the party/fighting game distinction matters much, except by nerds trying to use it to feel better than other nerds. I have fun playing Smash with my friends and family, pros make bank playing Smash at EVO. Everyone wins.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on October 25, 2014, 06:05:48 PM
as I said, that Smash tour party game looks great.  excited for that the most, honestly
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on October 25, 2014, 06:24:43 PM
as I said, that Smash tour party game looks great.  excited for that the most, honestly

Looks like something I'll play once and forget about. It's 4-player only too (if you don't have 4 people it assigns CPU's to the extra slots.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on December 08, 2014, 10:39:05 AM
Picked up Captain Toad over the weekend and played through Book 1, which is the first 18 or so levels.  This is an enhanced version of the Captain Toad minigame levels from Super Mario 3D World.  The stages are larger and more creative and there's enemies that will rush at you and try to kill you.  You can't jump, so you have to either run or toss a vegetable at them if plants are nearby.  You can fall off ledges to stomp enemies, though, plus if you touch enemies on the Wii U controller screen, you can freeze them in place and let Toad run by.  Levels are mostly action-puzzle based and have been pretty easy for the most part.

You maneuver Toad through levels to get to the star at the end, but also can pick up three gems hidden throughout the levels.  You have to get gems to proceed to later stages and also to play bonus levels.  In addition to the gems, every level also has a secondary objective that does not reveal itself until you clear the stage.  This might just be collecting a certain amount of coins or getting a hidden 1up or golden mushroom, or it might be something a little more challenging like completing a level with manually-controlled moving platforms in a certain number of turns, or getting through a level without being seen by Shy Guys.  (Yes, stealth levels.  In an action-puzzle game.)  There's even boss levels and fights, which play very well.

If you have save data from Super Mario 3D World, you can also unlock and play through entire levels from that game as Toad.  I've played two so far and they were kind of boring.  Unlike the main game, these levels aren't tailored to Toad's movements and all you do is walk through them, collecting coins and avoiding a few enemies.  Feels very tacked-on without any kind of puzzle elements present.

The controls are very simple and work well.  You generally just move/run and pick up items in levels, but occasionally you will need to use the Wii U gamepad's features to move blocks, turn switches, aim cannons, or move platforms via the mic.  I found myself generally just playing this game on the gamepad screen and ignoring the TV because of it.  One annoying thing about the controls is that gyro-aiming can be used and cannot be turned off, leading to the camera being inadvertently moved when you don't want it to be.

Overall I'm glad I picked this up, but the game still feels very much like a mini-game and might have been better-suited as a $20 downloadable title instead of a $40 retail release.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 08, 2014, 12:10:13 PM
GameStop has WiiU adapters - ships 12/15, online only
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on December 08, 2014, 03:13:45 PM

One former Nintendo employee told Re/code he had heard the GamePad described as a “Fisher-Price iPad.”
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: kick51 on December 08, 2014, 03:40:29 PM
fisher price would spend the extra pennies on a screen that isn't illegibly low res
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on December 08, 2014, 09:16:31 PM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on December 20, 2014, 01:44:55 AM

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on December 20, 2014, 08:31:27 AM
Several of those games are out of print lol
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: tiesto on December 20, 2014, 11:13:06 AM
Cool to see them acknowledging niche games like PQ and VLR though...
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 25, 2014, 12:42:48 AM
New Wii U owner here  :rejoice

Console is smaller than I thought it would be  :leon

TV mode is pretty neat  :whoo

Doing the initial system update now  :beli
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 25, 2014, 02:15:24 PM
The initial system boot wasn't that bad. I expected something horrible. It took an hour, my god...

I also expected the system to be super slow after that one GAF thread. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems pretty quick, if not just a bit messy for an os. I don't know where a lot of things are and what not. Either way apps and everything loaded pretty quick. Netflix was pretty good. Bayonetta 2 is awesome and Mario Kart is going over well with the kids.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 25, 2014, 02:48:54 PM
XBL and PSN are getting fingerblasted right now. You know what works? WiiU :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 25, 2014, 03:06:50 PM
also, if you have a Deluxe model, be sure to check the DDP promotion for any last minute codes you can redeem. it ends at the end of the month.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 25, 2014, 04:14:44 PM
The initial system boot wasn't that bad. I expected something horrible. It took an hour, my god...

I also expected the system to be super slow after that one GAF thread. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems pretty quick, if not just a bit messy for an os. I don't know where a lot of things are and what not. Either way apps and everything loaded pretty quick. Netflix was pretty good. Bayonetta 2 is awesome and Mario Kart is going over well with the kids.

It took me about an hour too...I was ready for the worst after some horror stories

NSMBU is fun as hell
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Supermanisdead on December 25, 2014, 05:04:29 PM
welcome new wii u nerds. get bayonetta
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 25, 2014, 05:16:00 PM
welcome new wii u nerds. get bayonetta

Got it breh

Wont play it till tomorrow though, gonna eat dinner and watch Gone Girl and The Equalizer with family
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on December 25, 2014, 08:37:49 PM
The initial system boot wasn't that bad. I expected something horrible. It took an hour, my god...

I also expected the system to be super slow after that one GAF thread. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems pretty quick, if not just a bit messy for an os. I don't know where a lot of things are and what not. Either way apps and everything loaded pretty quick. Netflix was pretty good. Bayonetta 2 is awesome and Mario Kart is going over well with the kids.

It took me about an hour too...I was ready for the worst after some horror stories

NSMBU is fun as hell

NSMBU was a lot of fun (mostly in multiplayer, for me.) NSLU is a fantastic expansion (but mostly for single-player, I feel.)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 25, 2014, 11:51:05 PM
Pikmin 3 demo  :lawd

Packed with content but I heard the whole game was short I think? Might be cheap now anyway
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on December 26, 2014, 01:04:52 AM
lol no.  The game is out of print and you're either going to pay $75 for a disc or $60 for a download.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on December 26, 2014, 01:46:54 AM

Weeb it up!
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: kick51 on December 26, 2014, 08:56:14 AM
lol no.  The game is out of print and you're either going to pay $75 for a disc or $60 for a download.

this system is gonna win some award for most under-printed games.   
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 11:28:29 AM
lol no.  The game is out of print and you're either going to pay $75 for a disc or $60 for a download.

Good. The power of Nintendo resale :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 26, 2014, 11:49:16 AM
lol no.  The game is out of print and you're either going to pay $75 for a disc or $60 for a download.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2014, 01:11:48 PM

Good. The power of Nintendo resale :rejoice

Just sold my Zelda: Spirit Tracks for 45 dollars :rejoice

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 01:22:00 PM
Where did you pull that off? Quick look on ebay shows it for $20
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2014, 02:08:18 PM
Where did you pull that off? Quick look on ebay shows it for $20

Ebay. I'd post proof, but I don't want crazy people stalking me.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 02:08:53 PM
PM it then, pussy
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2014, 02:30:24 PM
PM sent. I'm guessing the time of year helped (week before christmas), as people are scrambling to get gifts.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 26, 2014, 02:51:49 PM
I do think the controller situation is shitty on the WiiU. I bought two pro controllers to have some for my nieces, of course we can't use them on Just Dance(duh really) or Nintendo Land(which is stupid, they have dpads). So to have 4 players on Nintendoland stuff I need to buy 3 wii motes which of course may also neeed the nunchunks. That's what 40 x 3=120 plus 3 times what $20 for the nunchunk? @60? So 180 to play 4 player Nintendoland even though I already spent $100 on other controllers that I can't be used only because Nintendo didn't feel like adding that ability.

That kind of sucks
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 26, 2014, 02:53:59 PM
Please Understand.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2014, 02:57:11 PM
Sucks for new adopters. But I was fortunate to have a shitload of those controllers/nunchucks still from the Wii. So, in a sense, I saved a lot of money that way (versus a typical generation transition).

The other kick in the dick you may not realize about Nintendoland is you will ALSO need the Wii Motion+ to play some of the mini-games fully.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 02:58:01 PM
Selling $20 GCN adapters for $80+ markup :rejoice

GCN component cables that go for $200+ :rejoice
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Human Snorenado on December 26, 2014, 03:04:40 PM
Sucks for new adopters. But I was fortunate to have a shitload of those controllers/nunchucks still from the Wii. So, in a sense, I saved a lot of money that way (versus a typical generation transition).

The other kick in the dick you may not realize about Nintendoland is you will ALSO need the Wii Motion+ to play some of the mini-games fully.

The other OTHER kick in the dick you may not realize about Nintendoland is that you'll be playing Nintendoland.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 26, 2014, 03:07:51 PM
It kind of reminds me of Wii Sports. Really fun the first time you play it with 3 other people ... then .. not so much.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: kick51 on December 26, 2014, 03:25:40 PM
It kind of reminds me of Wii Sports. Really fun the first time you play it with 3 other people ... then .. not so much.

then it's fun again when you look on ebay and holy shit, it's selling for $100.  then you call up nintendo and ask how you can get a replacement disc because yours got scratched and they sell it to your for $10.  Then you flip that one on ebay for another $100.  Then you buy them used at gamestop for $10.  and so on until you can afford a gaming PC.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ZephyrFate on December 26, 2014, 04:28:05 PM
who tf would buy wii sports for $100
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 26, 2014, 04:45:15 PM
Seeing Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 in action


DKC: TF looks pretty great too despite some resolution thing I heard pre-release

Slowly relearning Smash since I havent played since 64

Just put in Bayonetta to see if the gamepad was at all needed...wont get into that until I'm good and ready

Speaking of, the gamepad is kinda useless. Out of everything I've played, the only game that actually took advantage of the touch screen was the Pikmin 3 demo. I can work with the size of it but even so, it still feels bulky and I have big enough hands for it. Battery life is  :trash but who didn't see that coming. Thank goodness I bought the pro controller.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 05:03:37 PM
Battery life can be fixed with this little guy:
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on December 26, 2014, 05:05:52 PM
Battery life can be fixed with this little guy:

 :leon Looks easy enough to install
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 05:29:31 PM
Get NES Remix tho

I'm about to walk to the cornoer store so I can buy the 2nd pack since the first one was so awesome
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on December 26, 2014, 06:06:02 PM
Ok Ijust came back and I bought NES Remix 2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Supermanisdead on December 26, 2014, 08:30:12 PM

Good. The power of Nintendo resale :rejoice

Just sold my Zelda: Spirit Tracks for 45 dollars :rejoice

hope ur happy with that pittance in exchange for a top tier zelda (
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Rahxephon91 on December 27, 2014, 04:08:47 AM
Any other WiiU games I should look into for an 8 and 6 year old kid? Co op preferred. We have Mario Kart, Just Dance, and Lego Marvel.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on December 27, 2014, 10:43:18 AM
Any other WiiU games I should look into for an 8 and 6 year old kid? Co op preferred. We have Mario Kart, Just Dance, and Lego Marvel.

NSMB U and 3D World have co-op play for up to four players.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 28, 2014, 01:24:00 AM
3D World is a very good co-op experience, NSMB is too frustrating for younger kids.

Smash is a great choice also.

There's always Skylanders too. If you want to go down that rabbit hole.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on December 31, 2014, 11:44:11 AM
I guess unsurprisingly the Wii U had the best system exclusives this year. Wish Nintendo could work with more third parties to broaden their franchises to make up for a lack of third party support though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on December 31, 2014, 01:52:49 PM
I guess unsurprisingly the Wii U had the best system exclusives this year.

I feel like this is more because of how shitty the line-ups were on the Xbone and PS4 for this year, more than anything.  So few actual exclusive games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on December 31, 2014, 02:18:30 PM
I guess unsurprisingly the Wii U had the best system exclusives this year. Wish Nintendo could work with more third parties to broaden their franchises to make up for a lack of third party support though.

PC + Wii U =  :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on January 01, 2015, 12:39:25 PM
I guess unsurprisingly the Wii U had the best system exclusives this year.

I feel like this is more because of how shitty the line-ups were on the Xbone and PS4 for this year, more than anything.  So few actual exclusive games.

Yeah, that's still crazy to me. Microsoft has a huge stable of great IP and Sony was drumming the indie-dev drum back in 2013 before the launch of their new consoles. You'd think they would have something to show for it this year.

Still, Nintendo is in full-on desperation mode so they've been scrambling to fill in the gaps. Hopefully more of that stuff starts to show this year.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Van Cruncheon on January 02, 2015, 09:13:41 PM
I guess unsurprisingly the PS3 had the best system exclusives this year. Wish Nintendo could work with more third parties to broaden their franchises to make up for a lack of third party support though.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: a slime appears on January 03, 2015, 10:07:41 AM
I guess unsurprisingly the PS3 had the best system exclusives this year. Wish Nintendo could work with more third parties to broaden their franchises to make up for a lack of third party support though.


Honestly speaking; I can't think of many PS3 games I bought this year aside from the Black Friday dumpbin, let alone exclusives.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: SantaC on January 05, 2015, 11:51:18 AM
wii u is still shit. dont let the rehashes fool you.

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 05, 2015, 12:35:13 PM
I guess unsurprisingly the PS3 had the best system exclusives this year. Wish Nintendo could work with more third parties to broaden their franchises to make up for a lack of third party support though.


Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f 2 and Tears to Tiara II, hard to argue with that.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on January 11, 2015, 01:23:34 PM
I was shocked to see that Pikmin 3 went for almost $100 on Amazon.  So I wound up getting Bayonetta 2, NES Remix, and Captain Toad on the premise that it might be out of print later.  Seems crazy that it would be out of print.

Not surprised to see Wonderful 101 down at half price, it's been a while since I felt burned on buying a video game.

The initial system boot wasn't that bad. I expected something horrible. It took an hour, my god...

I also expected the system to be super slow after that one GAF thread. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems pretty quick, if not just a bit messy for an os. I don't know where a lot of things are and what not. Either way apps and everything loaded pretty quick. Netflix was pretty good. Bayonetta 2 is awesome and Mario Kart is going over well with the kids.

For the 2012 holiday, it was pretty brutal.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 11, 2015, 04:27:35 PM
And they only released a demo for it a few months ago. I guess they want to drive digital downloads. Which is great since their consoles have no memory and there is no account ownership.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purple Filth on January 11, 2015, 05:27:07 PM
I was shocked to see that Pikmin 3 went for almost $100 on Amazon.  So I wound up getting Bayonetta 2, NES Remix, and Captain Toad on the premise that it might be out of print later.  Seems crazy that it would be out of print.

Not surprised to see Wonderful 101 down at half price, it's been a while since I felt burned on buying a video game.

The initial system boot wasn't that bad. I expected something horrible. It took an hour, my god...

I also expected the system to be super slow after that one GAF thread. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems pretty quick, if not just a bit messy for an os. I don't know where a lot of things are and what not. Either way apps and everything loaded pretty quick. Netflix was pretty good. Bayonetta 2 is awesome and Mario Kart is going over well with the kids.

For the 2012 holiday, it was pretty brutal.

Also they fixed the early slowness of the OS too with the later updates
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on January 11, 2015, 06:10:13 PM
niccas be MAAAAAD, you snooze you lose. Pikmin :bow
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 11, 2015, 07:27:02 PM
I got the digital verison of Pikmin 3 for free through some promotion. Can't remember which now. Deluxe Promotion, perhaps?
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on January 11, 2015, 07:30:15 PM
I got the digital verison of Pikmin 3 for free through some promotion. Can't remember which now. Deluxe Promotion, perhaps?

Mario Kart 8
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Shaka Khan on January 11, 2015, 07:40:04 PM
Yup! that's the one.

God, they had so many promotions recently that I lost track.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 11, 2015, 08:03:42 PM
I got the digital verison of Pikmin 3 for free through some promotion. Can't remember which now. Deluxe Promotion, perhaps?

So did I. I'd rather have the disc though.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on January 12, 2015, 05:02:06 PM
I'm thinking about getting Captain Toad.

After playing some levels in 3D World, the game is harmless enough and its $40....can't hurt  :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on January 12, 2015, 05:17:22 PM
I bought it yesterday because I don't want to pay $100 a year from now.

Fucking Nintendo.  :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 12, 2015, 05:20:47 PM
And they only released a demo for it a few months ago. I guess they want to drive digital downloads. Which is great since their consoles have no memory and there is no account ownership.

As much as I can readily admit that they have poor groundwork to encourage people to adopt digital purchases, I'm personally glad that I just went ahead and bought an external hard drive for the Wii U so that I can avoid worrying about physical SKU availability.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Supermanisdead on January 12, 2015, 05:27:24 PM
I'm thinking about getting Captain Toad.

After playing some levels in 3D World, the game is harmless enough and its $40....can't hurt  :yeshrug

its like a 4 hour game and its ez as hell
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 12, 2015, 06:21:34 PM
yeah I already traded it back in  :lol

That and Kid Icarus will both get you 20 bucks each at Gamestop just FYI
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on January 12, 2015, 06:26:26 PM
It's going for $95 on Amazon
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: TakingBackSunday on January 12, 2015, 06:26:56 PM

massive L
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on January 12, 2015, 08:33:45 PM

Go donate plasma instead
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Mr. Nobody on January 13, 2015, 01:08:41 AM
Well damn.

Definitely buying Xenoblade Chronicles X on release date though. Looks interesting and I just know it'll go out of print like the first game. I might even buy 2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on January 24, 2015, 11:45:43 AM
Holy shit I found a copy of Pikmin 3 at Walmart.

:bow Killing mom and pop businesses for the sake of profit :bow2
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on January 24, 2015, 04:23:34 PM
my cat chewed through my tablet charge cable.  Wii U still usable with Pro controller, but my game selection just got halved.

which means she's used it more then I have for the last two weeks.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Cheddahz on January 25, 2015, 06:36:21 PM
Picked up a copy of ZombiU today (was pretty cheap at Best Buy). I can't wait to not buy a Wii U game for a while now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 26, 2015, 04:36:30 PM
Holy shit I found a copy of Pikmin 3 at Walmart.

:bow Killing mom and pop businesses for the sake of profit :bow2

I just checked Amazon after reading this post and they're going for $100 there. I didn't realize Pikmin 3 was rare. I just saw like ten copies of it at Target the other night.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Positive Touch on January 26, 2015, 04:44:40 PM
.....which Target
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Steve Youngblood on January 26, 2015, 04:50:01 PM
.....which Target

Remember that I'm on the Illinois side, so this was the Fairview Heights/Swansea one. They were just sitting off to the side over by the PC games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on January 26, 2015, 04:55:38 PM
Amazon is for stupid people. Its not exactly high price or anything. Average $60 still.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Flannel Boy on January 26, 2015, 11:11:48 PM
my cat chewed through my tablet charge cable. 
Solution: never buy a cat and never buy a Wii U.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: MCD on February 01, 2015, 04:38:14 PM
finally bought a wii u.

what I bought:

wii u with Mario 3d digital preinstalled

Mario kart

super smash bros

4x smash gamecube controllers with gamecube adapter

wii u gamepad extended battery

1x wii u pro controller. I will probably buy 2x more because I can't play with the family with the gamecube controllers. stupid Nintendo.

and i'm using this to charge the wii u gamepad:

so far so good. only need bayonetta now though I don't like platinum's games combo-fested gameplay but can't be picky with wii u library now.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: kick51 on February 01, 2015, 06:21:04 PM
also out of print and climbing in price: Tank Tank Tank :lol

fuck the stock market and 401k, buy some wii u games and put them under your mattress
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on February 16, 2015, 04:38:23 PM
Anyone getting Kirby and the Rainbow Curse?  Canvas Curse was one of my favorite DS games and the claymation style in this version is so cute.  :uguu

I hear it's only like 5 hours long, and a few more hours if you 100%, but it's a Kirby game so that's expected.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
At least it has more gameplay than The Order :^)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on February 16, 2015, 05:01:19 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 16, 2015, 06:37:51 PM
Hell yea
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: T-Short on February 17, 2015, 04:13:17 PM
Playing a lot of Stealth Inc 2 right now. It's made by Curve, and I loooooved Hydroventure/Fluidity on the Wii eShop, didn't get to play Stealth Bastard though. Game rox, super tight design and nice controls. Also some pretty neat speedrun mechanics, with moderated leaderboards that I'm now obsessively climbing up. About halfway in right now, really impressed. RECOMMENDED/10
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on February 20, 2015, 02:05:57 PM
Kirby is the cutest game ever.  I feel like my teeth are going to fall out from all the sugary sweetness.

It's fun too.  The main path on levels is easy, but there are treasure chests to get for going out of your way (like every Nintendo game ever, but hey it's still good design)
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: AdmiralViscen on February 20, 2015, 02:30:10 PM
Kirby is GOTY
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on February 20, 2015, 02:36:54 PM
Will probably pick it up at some point.  I never played Canvas Curse but this looks fun.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on August 12, 2015, 12:27:22 PM
You have to wait a full day after X amount of use to unlock more edit tools/assets?  So it would take over a week to get everything.  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?  Nintendo gonna Nintendo.

Hope you can just unlock shit by changing the date.  :dizzy
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 12, 2015, 12:39:24 PM
I wanna buy Lego Undercover due to it being a one-off lego game unlike the other games.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on August 12, 2015, 07:46:00 PM
You have to wait a full day after X amount of use to unlock more edit tools/assets?  So it would take over a week to get everything.  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?  Nintendo gonna Nintendo.

Hope you can just unlock shit by changing the date.  :dizzy
Yep, 9 days to get to play with everything apparently. :miyamoto
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: chronovore on August 12, 2015, 10:48:37 PM
I wanna buy Lego Undercover due to it being a one-off lego game unlike the other games.
Someone described it as GTA Lego City, and I almost bought a Wii U just to try it.  :-\
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: chronovore on August 12, 2015, 11:04:31 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: qq more on August 12, 2015, 11:30:49 PM
I can maybe understand unlocking parts, but it is really dumb that it is restricted by days...  :-\ Seriously.

The rest of the game looks really awesome though. The noise maker has some interesting potential  :lol

Will probably pick it up at some point.  I never played Canvas Curse but this looks fun.
I know I'm late to this but Canvas Curse is a must-have for the DS. It's easily my favorite Kirby spinoff game.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: pilonv1 on August 13, 2015, 05:01:08 AM
I wanna buy Lego Undercover due to it being a one-off lego game unlike the other games.
Someone described it as GTA Lego City, and I almost bought a Wii U just to try it.  :-\

That's basically what it is. Sadly it's out of print around here :(
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on August 13, 2015, 02:18:46 PM
its actually pretty good. PG-rated GTA is about right, with some actually rather strong comedy writing. Its a bit lacking in polish (bad load times, a bit of jank) but otherwise its really solid.

Hey, we still don't have a confirmed physical release for Fatal Frame, right? That's kinda nuts. I'll buy it instantaneously upon such a thing occurring.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on August 13, 2015, 02:31:33 PM
Its about $30 on ebay, and I dont really see it going down since its OOP and on a nintendo platform.
Title: Re: Wii U
Post by: Cerveza mas fina on September 23, 2015, 08:46:14 AM
Can't wait to see Zelda HD when they put some gameplay,open world,AI,player control in.

Any time now
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: bork on September 23, 2015, 02:52:52 PM
Well, that was worth a bump.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Joe Molotov on September 23, 2015, 03:48:08 PM
I may play a game on the Wii U today. Not sure, I'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: nachobro on September 23, 2015, 04:21:10 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on September 23, 2015, 04:32:31 PM
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: chronovore on September 23, 2015, 06:44:31 PM
We're almost certain to get one for christmas this year.  :-\

On the upside, I'll be able to play the GTA Lego City thing.

On the downside, I'll be buying Splatoon after its online community has moved on... wait, there's no other online game for Wii-U. Players will still be playing Splatoon.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purrp Skirrp on September 23, 2015, 08:59:40 PM
Ima stan for Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, and Mario Kart 8.

I like Wii U a hell of a lot better than the Wii and its waggle.

3rd party support is nonexistent, but what did people expect buying a Nintendo console.

Will buy again for Zelda :doge

Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2015, 01:18:35 AM

SS may have been a mixed bag but this song gets my engine revved for the next Zelda every time. :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: demi on September 24, 2015, 08:11:13 AM
Ima stan for Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, and Mario Kart 8.

I like Wii U a hell of a lot better than the Wii and its waggle.

3rd party support is nonexistent, but what did people expect buying a Nintendo console.

Will buy again for Zelda :doge

Wii library takes a huge dump on this tbh.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purrp Skirrp on September 24, 2015, 09:37:45 PM
Can't really deny that :obama

Wii has a huge library I'm just getting into. I just hate the Wiimote and most of its implementation.

Like I wish Galaxy controlled like SM3DW, or had GameCube controller support.

Wii > Wii U, but fuck the Wiimote.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on September 24, 2015, 11:25:40 PM
Galaxy is like the most inoffensive use of the Wiimote ever, lol. The only slight problem is the wave race levels.

Star Bits :aah

Galaxy 2 does have the Fluzzard stuff which is total shit though, I suppose.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Purrp Skirrp on September 25, 2015, 01:11:07 PM
Waggling for a spin attack :gurl

Wave race levels :comeon

Star bits requiring an on screen cursor where the Wiimote has to be pointed at the screen at all times :beli
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on September 25, 2015, 02:51:35 PM
Star Bits are optional and if you think pointing at the screen means anything other than resting the Wiimote on your lap as you play, you're a dumby.

Spin attack is a logical addition to the moveset and its implementation makes sense :yeshrug
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: archie4208 on September 25, 2015, 07:52:08 PM
Galaxy 2 felt like an expansion pack to me.  It was good, but it didn't have the initial wow effect of Galaxy 1 (almost certainly because it was first).  I didn't even bother to get all the green stars.  :fbm
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on September 25, 2015, 08:01:02 PM
Galaxy was my game of the generation last time.  Everything about that game blew me away.  They nailed the formula of what a 3D Mario should be.  The 3D Land/World games fall way short of the Galaxy games.  I'm still holding out for a Galaxy 3 but I know it isn't going to happen.
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Tasty on September 26, 2015, 03:43:50 AM


Yup, my game of forever. :heart
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: Trent Dole on September 26, 2015, 04:23:22 PM
An acceptable choice for sure. I almost wanna get my Wii set up and stomp through it again, but I still haven't even played 2 yet. :-[
Title: Re: The Official Wii U Thread
Post by: HyperZoneWasAwesome on September 27, 2015, 01:48:23 AM
as much shite as Nintendo gets (and deserves), I do gotta give it to them on this. I really can't think of a 3D platformer that I've ever enjoyed more than Galaxy 1. The level design is just so ridiculously good.

Its such a damn shame, they're really the only guys on the market pumping major resources into run and jump games anymore (occasional Sonic tragedy aside), if the Wii U library succeeds at anything, its sure as shit has got the most and best such games available on it right now.